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A computer required hardware to perform its function.

And the hardware need

software to make it run. Without software, hardware would be useless and
without hardware, software can not be used. Brain is like the hardware and mind
is like the software. But in reality, the difference between brain mind are more
complicated than software and hardware.

The difference between brain and mind

In our culture we sometimes use the words brain and mind interchangeably even
though they really do refer to separate, although often overlapping, concepts.
The brain is an organ but the mind isn't. The brain is the physical place where
the mind resides. It is a vessel in which the electronic impulses that create
thought are contained. With the brain you coordinate your moves, your
organism, your activities and transmit impulses. But you use the mind to think.
You can muse at what happened, what is scheduled and what maybe will

The mind is the manifestations of thought, perception, emotion, determination,

memory and imagination that takes place within the brain. Mind is often used to
refer especially to the thought processes of reason. The mind is the awareness of
consciousness we know, the ability to control what we do, and know what we are
doing and why. It is the ability to understand. Animal are able to interpret their
environments, but not understand them. whereas human are able to understand
what happens around them, even if not the scientific reasoning for it, and
therefore adapt.

The mind made humans capable to solve complex logical problem which
differentiates us than other living beings. Logic makes us understand that things
are not as what they seem. Our ability to analyze situations makes it possible to
develop solutions to problems and lead us toward practical solutions. We may
not be able to see in the ultraviolet range, but we may design instruments to do
so. We may not be able to see atoms, but we can design experiments that
enable us to know their properties. Each stage of scientific advancement has
usually been made by trying to reach a logical conclusion consistent with our
observations. We no longer believe in demons as the cause of disease. We now
believe in viruses, bacteria, genetic defects, and environmental pollution as the
real causes of disease. Our irrational and unfounded "superstitions" have given
way to "knowledge"
We all know what our brain is, right? It is that three pounds of convoluted mass
of gray and white matter in our heads serving to control and coordinate mental
and physical actions.

OK. Now, define the mind. Not as easy, eh?! You may be surprised to find that
there is no single, agreed upon definition of the mind. The psychiatric, mental
health and medical professions each have their own functional definitions.
Equally surprising to me is that, by default, a healthy mind is generally thought
of as one with the absence of any symptoms of mental illness. Really? I would
hope it can get better than that.

Dr. Daniel Siegel, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA school of Medicine, co-

director of the UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center, executive director
of the Mindsight Institute and author of several books, teaches the concept of the
Triangle of Well-Being to depict optimal mental health. He developed this into
the field of study which has become known as interpersonal neurobiology.
Interpersonal neurobiology weaves together research from many disparate fields
to form a framework of mental health based on the commonalities.

He coined the term mindsight to describe the human capacity to perceive the
mind of the self and others. On his website, Siegel writes:

It is a powerful lens through which we can understand our inner lives with more
clarity, integrate the brain, and enhance our relationships with others. Mindsight
is a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings of our
own minds. It helps us get ourselves off of the autopilot of ingrained behaviors
and habitual responses. It lets us name and tame the emotions we are
experiencing, rather than being overwhelmed by them.

It is a common belief that the mind is the activity of the brain. He proposes that
this is only one part of it. On the Triangle of Well-Being, each point of the triangle
is an essential component to mental health. One point is the physical brain and
nervous system which are the mechanisms by which energy and information flow
throughout our beings. Our senses take in information from the environment.
These become electrical signals which travel through the nervous system to the
brain which, then, gives them meaning and responds by releasing
neurochemicals and dispatching electrical signals which, in turn, regulate the
body, control movement and influence emotions.
A second point on the Triangle of Well-Being is relationships which are the means
by which information and energy are shared. An integral part of the mind is
comprised of the relational process of energy and information flowing between
and among people. This happens through the spoken or written word. In person,
this also happens through eye contact, facial expression, body language, posture
and gesture. In his book, Mindsight: The New Science of Personal
Transformation, he writes:

Our minds are created within relationships including the one that we have with
ourselves Each of us has a unique mind: unique thoughts, feelings,
perceptions, memories, beliefs, and attitudes, and a unique set of regulatory
patterns. These patterns shape the flow of energy and information inside us, and
we share them with other minds.

The third point on the triangle is the mind which is the process that regulates this
flow of information and energy. In Mindsight, he writes:

Consider the act of driving. To drive or regulate a car, you must both be aware
of its motion and its position in space and also be able to influence how it moves.
If you have your hands on the wheel but your eyes are shut (or focused on your
text message), you can make the car move, but you are not driving it because
driving it means regulating the cars movement, its flow across time. If you
have your eyes open but youre sitting in the backseat, you can monitor the
movement of the car (and make comments, like one particular relative I know),
but you cant actually modify its motion yourself. (No matter how hard you try.

The mind observes and monitors the flow of energy and information across time
while modifying it by giving it characteristics and patterns.

Because of neuroplasticity, which is the capacity of the brain to create new

neural connections and grow new neurons in response to thoughts and
experience, each point on the triangle influences the others, and the flow of
energy and information along this triangle goes in all directions. The mind can
change the structure of the brain and relationships. The brain can change the
structure of the mind and relationships. Relationships can change the mind and
the brain.
Mindsight integrates the different parts of the system to cultivate well-being or
mental health. On his website, Siegel explains that:

The ultimate outcome of integration is harmony. The absence of integration leads

to chaos and rigiditya finding that enables us to re-envision our understanding
of mental disorders and how we can work together in the fields of mental health,
education, and other disciplines, to create a healthier, more integrated world.

We all can develop mindsight through mindfulness practices. Developing

mindsight, on a personal level, can lead to a better functioning brain, a healthier
mind, and a happier, more vibrant, fulfilling life with enriched, more satisfying
relationships. Mental health practitioners, educators, and parents can take
advantage of this information to promote more compassionate, kind, resilient,
emotionally intelligent, and mentally healthy individuals.

Mind vs Brain

Mind is related to brain. Most people do not find any difference between the two
words mind and brain. Most scientists and thinkers believe that the brain and the
mind are one and cannot be separated. Most of the time these two words are
used interchangeably. While brain is considered to be a physical thing, mind is
considered to be mental.

The brain is composed of nerve cells and blood vessels whereas the mind is not
like that. While the brain has a definite shape, the mind does not have one. We
can see and touch the brain whereas it is not possible to do this with the mind.

As the brain is made up of several materials, it can be studied. On the other

hand, it is hard to conduct studies on the mind as it is not made up of any

The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like
that. It is in the brain that all the functions and activities take place. The brain,
which is the centre of the nervous system, coordinates the movements, thoughts
and feelings. But these are put forth or felt through the mind. We all use the
mind to think, feel and respond. The Mind refers to a persons understanding of
things and also his conscience. Mind also refers to a persons thought process.

The brain has a definite place in the head. But with regard to mind, it is only
supposed to be in the brain. The brain may be affected with diseases and can be
diagnosed whereas mind does not have such complications.


Most of the scientists and thinkers believe that brain and mind are one and
cannot be separated.

While brain is considered to be a physical thing, the mind is considered to be


Brain is made up of nerve cells and blood vessels whereas mind is not like that.

While brain has a definite shape, mind does not have one.

We can see and touch the brain whereas it is not possible with mind.

The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like

The brain, which is the centre of the nervous system, coordinates the
movements, thoughts and feelings. The mind refers to a persons understanding
of things and also his conscience. Mind also refers to a persons thought process.

The Brain has a definite place in the head, but with regard to mind, it is only
supposed to be in the brain.

Read more: Difference Between Mind and Brain | Difference Between

Brain: It is the organ as a whole

Mind is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception,

thinking, judgment, and memorya characteristic of humans that almost
certainly also applies to other organisms
In the psychological aspect the mind is composed of

The Conscious Mind: The conscious mind is logical. It has the ability to think,
think abstractly,reason, criticize, analyze, judge, choose, select, discriminate,
plan, inventand compose, use hindsight and foresight. It uses both deductive
andinductive reasoning. The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind

Your conscious mind, for the most part, filters the impact of input to the
subconscious mind. Everything gets into the subconscious mind, but the
conscious mind can influence the effect, or power, it has over the subconscious

The subconscious: The subconscious mind, conversely, is not logical; it is the

feeling is the source of love, hatred, anguish, fear, jealousy, sadness, anger,
joy,desire, etc. When you say, I feel... the source of the feeling is the
subconscious mind. Think of an extreme example, such as rage. A person
expressing deep rage exhibits strong emotion, superior strength, is highly
illogical, and has poor (conscious) recollection of his or her carrying on afterward.
Brain Is something you can define. Hippocampus, frontal lobes, cerebellum so
on and so forth. Studies are going on to understamd the impulses created in our
brain for any action we do so that a pure replica could be developed.

But mind is something which cannot be physically described. Beautiful mind.

Emotions, fear, confidence, peace, love are attributes of mind or as far as we
have assumed. Though we cannot find the mind in thr anatomy of a human body
we have apprehended it to be the governing authority of a person.

3.1k Views View Upvotes

Guruprasad Siddalingappa

Guruprasad Siddalingappa, Simple fellow with Humble thoughts

Written Jun 29, 2016

Mind is the nonphysical concept that explains our conscious and unconscious
existence. We digest food, fight disease, grow, heal etc.. all happen without
conscious effort by appropriate commands. It is a great coordination by our
system. Brain is largely used but organs also behave as if they are on their own
bit of local intelligence.
It is too complex to perceive and comprehend.

Something like Software working in a computer.


Divya Singh

Divya Singh, studied at Delhi Public School

Written Feb 7, 2015

Most of the scientists and thinkers believe that brain and mind are one and
cannot be separated.

While brain is considered to be a physical thing, the mind is considered to be


Brain is made up of nerve cells and blood vessels whereas mind is not like that.

While brain has a definite shape, mind does not have one.

We can see and touch the brain whereas it is not possible with mind.

The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like

The brain, which is the centre of the nervous system, coordinates the
movements, thoughts and feelings. The mind refers to a persons understanding
of things and also his conscience. Mind also refers to a persons thought process.

The Brain has a definite place in the head, but with regard to mind, it is only
supposed to be in the brain.

Read more: Difference Between Mind and Brain | Difference Between | Mind vs

1.7k Views View Upvotes



Written Feb 23, 2015

Rightly said in the other answer Brain is the physical body part and the mind is
the software that processes the signals that we receive from our sensory organs (
nose , eyes , ears , tongue and touch ). The antivirus software that tries to keep
the mind in control is the spirit.


Abhinav Nagaraj

Abhinav Nagaraj

Written Jun 29, 2016

Brain is the biological term. Mind is the psychological term. Eventhough people
use the two words like they mean the same. They mean very different things.
The brain is like the hardware and the mind is like the software. The brain is
referred to the physical organ but the mind is not. Brain coordinates our limbs
and our daily functions but the mind is where all the thinking takes place where
we feel stuff. Eventhough scientifically the brain does all these functions of the
mind. We can that mind the abstract word for brain.

445 Views View Upvotes

Ganesh Nale

Ganesh Nale, Noble Prize Winners After My Death

Written Nov 10

Mind vs Brain

Mind is related to brain. Most people do not find any difference between the two
words mind and brain. Most scientists and thinkers believe that the brain and the
mind are one and cannot be separated. Most of the time these two words are
used interchangeably. While brain is considered to be a physical thing, mind is
considered to be mental.

The brain is composed of nerve cells and blood vessels whereas the mind is not
like that. While the brain has a definite shape, the mind does not have one. We
can see and touch the brain whereas it is not possible to do this with the mind.

As the brain is made up of several materials, it can be studied. On the other

hand, it is hard to conduct studies on the mind as it is not made up of any

The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like
that. It is in the brain that all the functions and activities take place. The brain,
which is the centre of the nervous system, coordinates the movements, thoughts
and feelings. But these are put forth or felt through the mind. We all use the
mind to think, feel and respond. The Mind refers to a persons understanding of
things and also his conscience. Mind also refers to a persons thought process.

The brain has a definite place in the head. But with regard to mind, it is only
supposed to be in the brain. The brain may be affected with diseases and can be
diagnosed whereas mind does not have such complications.


Most of the scientists and thinkers believe that brain and mind are one and
cannot be separated.

While brain is considered to be a physical thing, the mind is considered to be


Brain is made up of nerve cells and blood vessels whereas mind is not like that.

While brain has a definite shape, mind does not have one.

We can see and touch the brain whereas it is not possible with mind.

The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like

The brain, which is the centre of the nervous system, coordinates the
movements, thoughts and feelings. The mind refers to a persons understanding
of things and also his conscience. Mind also refers to a persons thought process.

The Brain has a definite place in the head, but with regard to mind, it is only
supposed to be in the brain.


Pranjul Yadav

Pranjul Yadav, Enquiring about absolute truth

Written Feb 25, 2015

The difference between mind and brain is same as that of a physical element and
a subtle element. (Or sthool and sukshma in sanskrit).
Brain is the physical organ that is located on top of head. It collects data from
various sources (sense organs) and then analyzes it, processes it in various

Mind on other hand is a non physical part of body. We cannot sense it by using
any sense organs. It does the job of thinking, feeling and understanding. A
person who can control his/her mind can conquer anything, can do impossible
deeds. Brain on other hand is a dead lump of matter.

Mind has the job of exploring. It is restless, always trying to find a better object
of satisfaction. It either shows us the glorious/bitter future or the past and thus
engages us in mental world, thus stopping us to live in present. Thus mind can
act as an enemy. While on other hand if we could control our mind, it can act as
our best friend, enabling us to act wonderfully.

To explain this concept to your child, you can give his the example of a car and a
driver. The car has all the necessary machinery to take us from one point to
other, but without a driver it is useless. Similarly brain is just like a car and mind
the driver. Living entity is the soul, who is either the boss sitting at the back seat
and enjoying the journey (if the driver is in his control) or is sitting helplessly
watching his uncomfortable journey in horror.

1.5k Views View Upvotes

Robert Grubh

Robert Grubh, Author:

Written Jun 29, 2016

Human beings are formed of an earthly body and a soul that is eternal. Mind is a
major component of Soul.

Mind works through the brain to make decisions and to command the body to
execute the decisions. In other words, the decision-making process takes place
within the brain, which then sends the decisions as electric impulses to various
parts of the body through the motor nerves.

In making any particular decision, the mind takes into consideration various
inputs that are continuously received from the body, the emotions, the intellect,
and the free will that has recourse to the Conscience. Reflex actions are not
included in this discussion.

Mind, emotions, intellect and free will are intricately interwoven into the body
(brain) in order for us to undertake life on earth, which is subject to the influence
of the elements of the earth and the physical laws. All these constitute an
interactive whole, which is hard to take apart as long as the body is alive.
We humans are different from other living things that populate the earth. While
we have all the survival instincts, reflexes and some of the emotion-related
behaviours of animals, we also have several distinct features that set us apart
from animals. Human beings are formed of an earthly body and a soul that is

The body, which is made out of earthly elements (also called dust), is the
perishable component of a human being. It has been perfectly designed for this
world where it is subject to the influence of physical laws. Many other living
beings, too, share a great deal of our anatomical and physiological
characteristics because they, too, have to face the same earthly elements and
physical laws. However, the human body, with its unique brain, anatomical
intricacies and physical and physiological capabilities, stands apart from the rest
of the creations.

The soul comprises the mind, emotions, intellect, free will and conscience. The
soul is the non-perishable component of a human being unlike the body, which is
perishable. The mind works through the brain, which makes decisions, and
commands the body to execute the decisions. In other words, the decision-
making process takes place in the brain, which then sends the decisions as
electric impulses to various parts of the body through the motor nerves. In
making any particular decision, the mind takes into consideration various inputs
that are continuously received from the body, the emotions, the intellect, and the
free will that has recourse to the conscience. Reflex actions are not included in
this discussion.

The mind, emotions, intellect and free will are intricately interwoven into the
body in order for us to undertake life on earth. All these constitute an interactive
whole, which is hard to take apart as long as the body is alive. Click this page of
our website to read more on soul.

The distinct features of humans

The distinct features, which make human beings stand out as different from, and
superior to, the rest of the living things on earth are:
A Conscience, which is the moral touchstone that helps us to distinguish what is
morally right from what is morally wrong.

An Intellect that can put together several factors and facts, and make decisions
and conclusions based on rational analysis of these materials.

A Free Will to make morally right or wrong choices after taking inputs from

What about certain animals such as apes, dogs, elephants and whales? Dont
they show abundant evidence of emotions and also intelligence and capability to
make conscious decisions? They of course do. However, the three attributes
listed above take humans to a different plane altogether. Coopersmiths
discussion on Animals and Free Will is highly thought-provoking.

There is yet another interesting thing about humans as a unique being. Those
who have read the Tarzan stories may believe that the leopard considers humans
as its prey and stalks them. It is far from the truth. The higher land predators
such as the lion, tiger and the leopard, do not consider humans as their natural
prey. Rather, they avoid humans. Man-eaters are rare and unnatural as you may
be aware of. I have found walking in deep jungles inhabited by leopards and
tigers or lions much safer than walking alone on certain stretches of city roads
and lonely beaches.

No wonder it is specifically mentioned in the book of Genesis that human beings

are created in the image of God; which means we humans have the personality
of God.

Please visit the following pages of this website for further information on body,
soul and mind (where mind has been treated separately for convenience)

As discussed elsewhere in this website, human beings are made up of a physical

body and a soul; and that the soul comprises mind, emotions, intellect, free will
and conscience. The components of soul are intricately interwoven into the body
in order to facilitate life on earth, which (life) is subject to the elements of the
earth and the physical laws. The body and soul, being an interactive whole, are
hard to take apart as long as the body is alive.
Difference between Soul and Spirit

Spirit is a word that is often used vaguely to mean many things such as the
physical life, soul, conscience, emotions and apparitions. In order to be precise in
our thoughts we also need to be precise in defining the word spirit. (The use of
this word for non-living things such as vapour or alcohol is not discussed here)

Spirit is different from soul. Spirits are of two types, the Spirit of God and Evil

The free will, which is exercised through the mind, can opt either to invite the
Spirit of God to indwell in us (the soul) or to yield to the evil temptations of the
world, thereby allowing the Evil Spirit to rush in (uninvited) and rule over us (our

In death, our earthly body perishes, but soul does not. The soul, which is
powered by mind, lives on, and will receive just reward in heaven for the
persons conduct during his or her physical life on earth. The reward will be joyful
for those who have invited the Spirit of God to indwell in them and have acted
upon Gods promptings.

The human soul, though eternal, can relate to God and to Gods kingdom only
when renewed by the Spirit of God. For this purpose, we must seek and find
eternal life with God when we (soul) are still in our physical body with our mental
faculties intact. As Paul wrote, we are the temple of God because God has said, I
will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My
people. Take a close look at this diagram below.

The child at birth comes with an innocent mind; but it also possesses an inbuilt
(on the Mother Board for the computer savvy) free will that can choose to
yield, or not, to bad influences (temptations), resisting the promptings of the
conscience. Ability to exercise this free will becomes prominent sometime
between the preschool and grade school period of the child. You may also
examine these scripture references, which go with this diagram. Our life on earth
is a wonderful gift and an awesome responsibility. We can either squander it or
use the way intended by our Maker.

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