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Lactation Cookies

oh saya sgt suka cookies! famous amos, coffe FB friend, Mei Hooi share this
recipe in her FB...rasa nak cuba, tp kat sini takda jual flaxseed n brewer yeast...nanti pi
penang kena cari...diorg ckp kat section organic kat carefour atau mana2 organic shop...

bila belek2 ingredients dia, mmg kebanyakannya boleh boost up our milk production...tak
sabar nak try..dah lama tak baking! sian oven ku :(

sapa2 dah try update la sedap ke tak, berkesan tak nak boost up BM...komen2 dr FB
ramai yg ckp sedap dan berkesan! dlm gambar nampak yummy kann??

MH also blogged about this in her entry here

Picture from Diary Of A First Child

Oatmeal Chocolate Chips Lactation Cookies
Ingredients :-
- 1 cup of butter or margarine
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 cup of brown sugar
- 4 tablespoons of water
- 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal (no substitution)
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla
- 2 cups of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2-4 tablespoons of brewers yeast (no substitution)
- 3 cups of oats (not those instant oats)
- 1 cup chocolate chips
Preparation :-
- Preheat oven to 350
- Mix the flaxseed meal and water and set it aside for 3 - 5 minutes
- Beat the butter, sugar and brown sugar well
- Add eggs and mix well
- Stir flaxseed mix into butter mix and add vanilla
- Beat until well blended
- Sift together the flour, brewers yeast, baking soda and salt
- Add dry ingredients to the butter mix
- Stir in oats and chocolate chips
- Scoop or drop by teaspoonfuls onto a non stick baking sheet, or one
lined with baking paper
- Bake for 8 - 12 minutes
- Let it set for a couple minutes before remove from tray

Total serving size :

- Around 4 - 6 dozen of cookies depending how big you scoop or drop
the cookies.

Recommended "dose" :
- 4 cookies a day

Storage :
- Cookies can be store in the freezer

Note :
- Flaxseed seed and brewers yeast is suppose to be a main ingredients
on this recipe that helps to boost the breastmilk supply and it cannot
be substitute with others.
- But as I read more about this recipe, I actually found there is others
who have substitute some or part of ingredient in this recipe to
something else and yet it still give them the same "boosting" effect.
- To add on, the lactation cookies recipe above is not really that
healthy with the amount of the sugar and brown sugar used.
- This is another reason why some change this recipe here and there a
bit to make it "healthier".
- The other reason as to why part of the ingredient is changed is
because there are some people who are unable to get a constant
supply of that particular ingredient at the place where they stayed.
(ie : brewers yeast).
The Other Options On The Ingredients ~ Said to be healthier by
(Below is some of the option that have been tried by others. Am just
compiling these from HERE and some from elsewhere)

1. To changed the white flour to whole wheat flour (some changed it to

1/2 wheat flour and 1/2 oat flour).

2. To add fenugreek to the basic recipe.

3. Use only 1/4 cup of white sugar, 1/4 cup of brown sugar and add 2
tablespoon of molasses.

4. Some didn't use sugar or brown sugar at all and replace it with 2 - 4
tablespoon of molasses.

5. Replace the chocolate chip to raisin, almonds, walnuts, cashews,

macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, spirulina, sesame seeds or any of
these combination. (Depending on what is the taste that you like).

6. Add ginger if the nursing mama have a slow letdown (this is not
recommended for those who have significant blood loss after birth as
ginger is a natural blood thinner).

7. Replace the brewers yeast with 7 opened capsules of fenugreek and

add 1 cup of dried cranberries.

8. Use only 1/2 cup of butter and substitute the other 1/2 with apple

9. Some use coconut oil in place of the butter.

10. For those who are allergic to oats can either make the cookies
without the oats or simply substitute the oats with baby food rice
cereal and add some raisin into it

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