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Concerning Chinaman Will Lee Baker formerly known as Vince Weiguang Li

Darcy John Bouchard

10 February 2017

On 18 January 2013, I sent out dozens of letters to politicians and journalists regarding
the Criminal Code Review Board of Manitobas Order with respect to the conditions
of Mr. Vince Lis detention at Selkirk Mental Health Centre. In June 2010, the Review
Board made an order that allowed Mr. Li to leave the locked forensic ward...: Minister of
Justice Andrew Swan, Attorney General, replied on 13 February 2013, concerning the
accused having been found unfit to stand trial and not criminally responsible by reason of
mental disorder.

My response was: "O... how silly of me! I must be insane to doubt you rich and powerful
people. If you want to take your god-damned cannibal chink for a walk and show it off
downtown... who am I to complain. Like I said, I must be insane."

On 10 February 2017, I wrote Manitoba Criminal Code Review Board Chairperson

John D. Stefaniuk [ ] concerning Chinaman Will Lee Baker formerly
known as Vince Weiguang Li and said the following:

I think that you are nothing less than a giant cockroach that should be sprayed
with poison and suffer a horrible lingering death.

To say that I hate you would be kind considering exactly what I think of you.

You are, in short, deserving to have been sitting in poor Tim McLean's seat next to
this gadom cannibal Chinaman...

How is this case any different than that of Issei Sagawa, who murdered and
cannibalized Rene Hartevelt, a trusting Dutch girl living in Paris. After his
release, he became a minor celebrity in Japan and made a living through the
public's interest in his crime.

Furthermore, its just disgusting that this horrid swine be free - much less able to
"visit" China... whilest most of us real Canadians are struggling with putting food
on the table and paying our ever-increasing utilities and taxes.

I hope for nothing but the worst for you in life... as much pain and suffering as
humanly possible. I pray that you die in agony and burn in hell forever - because
that's exactly where you belong.

At 4:24 pm on the same day, John D. Stefaniuk responded, saying: "I am sure the
RCMP will be interested in any more threatening email messages that you choose to

This really goat my goat - how dare this creep justify his criminal lunacy. He is nothing
less than a traitor to our nation and money-grubbing criminal of the basest order. Nothing
in my message was threatening to life or limb... his response was a weak-willed threat,
though. So, at 6:58 pm, on the same day, I replied thus: " Right... threatening..." - and
included a link to this following image:

Big Jim McBob (Flaherty) and Billy Sol Hurok (Candy) host another special edition of Farm Film Report.

So... I reckon that I will now be put on a terrorist watch list or something... and this horrid
cannibal will walk about freely on the same city streets as poor Tim McLean's family and

I ask you... where is the justice in this?

Darcy John Bouchard


Chinaman Will Lee Baker formerly known as Vince Weiguang Li, who was found not
criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing poor unsuspecting Tim McLean
(age 22) on a Greyhound bus in 2008, has been granted an absolute discharge. The
Manitoba Criminal Code Review Board ordered the discharge on Friday, saying Li,
now known as Will Lee Baker, does not pose a significant safety threat. Baker was found
to have been suffering from untreated schizophrenia when he stabbed, beheaded and
partially cannibalized Tim McLean.

McLean's mother, Carol de Delley, a vocal critic of Canada's not criminally responsible
laws and who believes Baker should remain in custody for life, posted to Facebook
on Friday that she has nothing to say about his discharge. "I have no comment today. I
have no words," de Delley wrote.

Baker was found not criminally responsible in 2009 and spent seven years in treatment at
the Selkirk Mental Health Centre before being allowed to move to Winnipeg, where he
was treated at Health Sciences Centre. Last year, he was permitted to move into
independent living, but he had to abide by certain rules, which included taking
medications and attending counseling appointments.

Bakers doctor, Jeffrey Waldman, told the board earlier this week that he is confident
Baker will remain on his medication and will continue to work with his treatment team if
released. Waldman testified that Baker knows its the medication that keeps his illness at
bay. In a written decision, the review board said it is of the opinion that the weight of
evidence does not substantiate that Mr. Baker poses a significant threat to the safety of
the public.

Waldman said Baker plans to visit his native China if released but would live in
Winnipeg for the next two to three years. He is on the waiting list for a post-secondary
training program and plans on establishing a career in the city.

Baker sat next to the 22-year-old McLean on the bus after the young man smiled at him
and asked how he was doing. Baker said he heard the voice of God telling him to kill the
young carnival worker or die immediately. He repeatedly stabbed McLean while the
young man fought for his life. As passengers fled the bus, Baker continued stabbing and
mutilating the body before he was arrested.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 1999 that a review board must order an absolute
discharge if a person doesnt pose a significant threat to public safety. The ruling added
there must be clear evidence of a significant risk to the public for the review board to
continue imposing conditions after a person is found not criminally responsible.
The following link is the paper presented to the public by the Manitoba Criminal Code
Review Board to justify their insane conclusions.

Manitoba Criminal Code Review Board

Board Members

John D. Stefaniuk

These other cockroaches have hidden email addresses - and choose to

remain otherwise anonymous.

Dr. Maralyn MacKay
Peggy Dillon
Dr. Thomas Thompson
Dr. Stanley Yaren
Dr. Samia Barakat

Karen Wittman (Alternate Chairperson)

Ken Mandzuik (Alternate Chairperson)
Jamie Jurczak (Alternate Chairperson)
Elissa Neville (Alternate Chairperson)

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