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Internal Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)

factors e.g., strengths in management, e.g., weaknesses in areas shown in

operations, finance, marketing, the strengths box.
research and development,
- Insufficient number of manpower
(licensed engineers, etc.)
- Good Governance - Insufficient resources (equipment,
- Headed by an ASEAN Engineer vehicles, PPEs, etc.)
External - Presence in the social media for - Lack of Trainings (Safety, Value
the information dissemination of Engineering, Quality Management,
city projects Etc.)
- Young and Talented engineers in - Low compensation and benefits
the department compared to private sector
- Experienced and skilled - Lack of storage for bookkeeping
employees and records management
- Linkages to national government - Acquired BIM software not fully
agencies and good relationship utilized
with NGOs

Opportunities (O) SO strategy: Maxi-Maxi WO strategy: Mini-Maxi

(consider risks also) e.g., current and Potentially the most successful e.g., development strategy to
future economic conditions; political strategy, utilizing the organizations overcome weaknesses in order to take
and social changes; new products, strengths to take advantage of advantage of opportunities.
services, and technology. opportunities.
- Streamlining of Engineering Office
- Adoption of CCA-DRR in and construction of new
Engineering Projects - Allowing young engineers to organizational structure
- Green Building Code manage and evaluate - Employment of additional
- Implementation of BP 344 in infrastructure projects of the city manpower (licensed engineers,
infrastructure projects - Conduct Focus Group Discussion etc.)
- Recognition of the City Govt as an with DPWH for the IRR of Green - Trainings for BIM Integration (w/
ISO-Certified LGU Building Code Architects Office)
- Rise in number of infrastructure
projects - Provision of storage room for
- Emergence of Building Information bookkeeping and records
Modelling (BIM) in construction management

Threats (T) ST strategy: Maxi-Mini WT strategy: Mini-Mini

e.g., energy shortage, competition, Use of strengths to cope with threats e.g., retrenchment, liquidation, or
and areas similar to those shown in or to avoid with threats. joint venture to minimize both
the opportunities box above. weaknesses and threats.
- Strict monitoring and evaluation - Provision of benefits and promotion
- Non-adherence of contractors to of projects to encourage employees to stay in the
project plans city government.
- Better opportunities for engineers
in private companies

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