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Unit 3

2 Marks Questions

1. What is meant by labour welfare? May/June 2016, Nov/Dec 2013

Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees

and is provided over and above the wages.

The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms.

2. Define Training

Training is learning that is provided in order to improve performance on the present job.

The purpose of any training program is to deliver results. People must be more effective

after the training than they were before.

3. What is training and development?

Training and Development is the field which is concerned with organizational activity aimed

at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings.

4. Write any four statutory elements for the welfare of the labours? May/June 2016,

Nov/Dec 2013

1. Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water should be


2. First aid appliances: First aid appliances are to be provided and should be readily

3. Canteen facilities: Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the employer so as to

provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees.

4. Rest rooms: Adequate numbers of restrooms are provided to the workers with

provisions of water supply, wash basins, toilets, bathrooms, etc.

5. What is meant by Fringe benefits?

An employment benefit given in addition to one's wages or salary. An additional

advantage, or benefit provided by an employer to supplement an employee's regular pay, such

as a pension, company car, lunch vouchers, subsidised canteens, paid holidays etc.

6. State four training schemes adopted in labour welfare?

Crafts men training Programme

Advanced vocational training system
Foremans Training
Apprenticeship Training
Part time training for industrial workers
Vocational Training for women

7. What Is the benefit of education

Orientation in trade union training

Make the workers aware of their rights and duties
Education of workers plays a role in rapid socio economic growth
Educating the workers under the workers education system

8. What are the objectives of labour welfare measures? Nov/Dec 2012, Nov/Dec 2014

To build stable labour force and to reduce the labour turnover

To provide better life and health to the workers

To win over employees loyalty and increase their moral
To make recruitment more effective.
9. Write some voluntary welfare measures in India. Nov/Dec 2014

Employees referral scheme

10. How does education and training play a role in labour welfare?

Builds strong labour union

Removes illiteracy
Reduces absenteeism and migration
Improves efficiency of the workers
Builds employees moral.

11. Mention some objectives of CBWE. Nov/Dec 2011

To empower the workerssense of belongingness

Develop capacity of workers
Develop leadership from among the rank and file of workers
Develop strong, united and more responsible trade unions

12. List the functions of CBWE.

1. Administration of the workers education scheme at all levels

2. Establishment of regional centres in places of industrial importance on the pattern

of the Central Board

3. Training of education officers and worker teachers
4. Preparation of study material in the form of pamphets, book, charts

13. Brief on the functions of DGET.

Frame overall policies, norms, standards for vocational training

Diversify, update and expand training facilities
Organize and conduct specialised training and research
Implement, regulate and increase the scope of training of apprentices
14. List the various state labour welfare funds. Nov/Dec 2012

Bombay labour welfare fund

Gujarat labour welfare fund
Karnataka labour welfare fund
Assam Tea Plantation Labour welfare fund
Kerala Toddy Workers Labour welfare fund

15. Mention the various schemes/ objectives under the labour welfare fund. Nov/Dec


Public health and sanitation

Social security
Educational facilities
Water supply

16. Mention the various theories of labour welfare.

1. Policing theory:
2. Religious theory:
3. Philanthropic theory:
4. Trusteeship theory:
5. Placating theory:
6. Public Relation theory:
7. Functional theory:
8. Social theory:

17. Mention some agencies of labour welfare activities.

Trade Unions.

18. List 4 principles of labour welfare. Nov/Dec 2011, Nov/Dec 2014

Principles of adequacy of wages:

Principles of social liability of industry:
Principles of efficiency:
Principles of increase in personality:

19. Mention some needs for labour welfare.

Lack of strong labour union movement:

Problem of absenteeism and migration:
Low level of health and nutrition:

20. Mention the scope of labour welfare.

Conditions of work environment

Workers health services
Labour welfare programmes

21. Mention some features in Mines Act, 1952.

Shelters for taking food and rest, if 50 or more workers are employed
First aid boxes and first-aid rooms, if 150 or more workers are employed
Canteen, if employing 250 or more workers
A creche, if employing 50 or more females

22. Mention some features of Motor transport Act of 1961.

First aid equipment in each transport vehicle

Medical facilites at the operating and halting centres
Canteen, if employing 100 or more workers
Comfortable, clean, ventilated and well-lighted rest rooms at every place

23. Why is labour welfare activities important /benefits ? Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2014

High employee retention

Improve productivity and efficiency
Better focus on job
Preserve physical and mental health
Improve the standard of living

24. Mention some features of Plantation labour Act, 1951.

1. A Canteen, if 150 or more workers are employed

2. Creche, if 50 or more women workers are employed

3. Recreational facilities for workers and their children

4. Educational arrangements in the estate if there are 25 or more children of workers,

between the age of 6 and 12

25. Mention some features of Factories Act, 1948.

Washing facilities for male and female workers

Facilities for storing and drying clothes
Facilities for occassional rest for workers who work in standing position
First aid1 for every 150 workers and ambulance facility if there >= 500 workers

16 Marks Questions
1. Explain the objectives, scope and needs of voluntary welfare measures? Also explain

the concept of labour welfare in any country. Pg. No. 70,71. May/June 2016,
2. List the various education and training schemes which are available in India. Pg. No.

83,84,85., 86 Nov/Dec 2015, May/June 2016

3. Explain the different statutory welfare measures available for the welfare of the

labourers in India. Pg. No. 76,77. Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2011, Nov/Dec 2014
5. State the different voluntary welfare measures and explain the situations that lead to

voluntary welfare measures? Pg. No. 75,76. May/June 2016, Nov/Dec 2013,
6. Describe the various sources of agency for welfare funds in detail? Pg. No. 78,79.
7. Elaborate on the functions of labour welfare officer. What are the qualifications of

labour welfare officer? How do they prevent conflict? Pg. No. 81, 82 , 83. Nov/Dec

2011, Nov/Dec 2012

8. Explain about the various training programmes offered under CBWE schemes. Pg.

No. 86, 87. Nov/Dec 2013, Nov/Dec 2014

9. Elaborate on CBWE and its functions , objectives. Pg. No. 85,86,87
10. Brief on the various schemes and employment functions of DGET. Pg. No. 89, 90.

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