Frame Hypothesis H H There Is A Significant Difference in There Mean Speed

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Sum 3

Step: 1
Frame Hypothesis
H 0 = 1 = 2 = 3
H1 = There is a significant difference in there
mean speed

Step: 2
The appropriate test statistic is F-test
calculated from anova.

Step: 3

Step: 4
Finding out degree of freedom
Df1 = 3-1=2
(Total sample size) Df2 = 15-3=12
Anova: Single

Cou Averag Varian
Groups nt Sum e ce
A1 5 160 32 26.5
A2 5 185 37 17.5
A3 5 135 27 6

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 0.0077 3.8852
Groups 250 2 125 7.5 07 94
Within 16.666
Groups 200 12 67

Total 450 14

In this report F critical value is less than F
statistical value and therefore F statistical
value is fall in rejected region, null
hypothesis is false.

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