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Sophie Amundsen, a fourteen years old girl sitting in middle school when school
is suddenly getting a mysterious letter at his front door that read the question
"Who are you?" That makes Sophie was astonished as he asks who sent this letter
to him. Thoughtfully ponder the letter Sophie again found an envelope containing
a piece of paper in his room containing strange questions about routines
keseharianya makes him stunned. Had thought about that letter sent to him was
misdirected, but clearly beyond the letters written her name -Sophie Amunsend-
convince him that this is indeed the letter is addressed to him, it is exactly what
makes the instinct to investigate detective Sophie appears, who sent a letter and
what the purpose of the letter is addressed to him.
When Sophie left the house checking the mailbox there were a few white
envelope that one of the envelopes clearly written with his full name, Sophie then
tore the envelope says "Where does the world?" The trivia questions made Sophie
think of where the origin of the world? Where it comes from the world ?, Sophie
realized that man will not live forever in the world, mnusia will die and if there
will be kehidupa again after in the world? This is a question that makes Sophie
appalled. Sophie went back to his house and took a biscuit tin which is located on
top of the cupboard of his room to be used to save these mysterious letters. While
contemplating the mysterious letters, she walked out of the house toward his
asylum, namely a hedge twenty years had not been mowed so it looks dense limits
between his yard with a jungle. Therein Sophie found a hole that is only fit for one
person believed that Sophie is safe and no one can find him.
Last hour school bell rang, Sophie ran home, hoping the mysterious letter came
again, yeah. Sophie expectations fulfilled, he found a large envelope in her
mailbox. Sophie was very happy then ran into the rumanya to undress and plan to
read the letter in the most comfortable place in the world of his asylum. This is the
beginning of Sophie got a history lesson of Philosophy, Sophie tore the envelope
and then read the contents of the letter titled "Is Philosophy?" Of the letter Sophie
knows what philosophy, explained that to be a philosopher was first performed is
curiosity. Yes indeed, many puzzles that can be solved with curiosity, as well as
watch the magic, we are often fooled by the magician with tricks that made us
astonished, but if we just shut up and watch those attractions which we can only
guess amazed - sheer wonder, curiosity is the key to find out how the magician did
it, with the patient and the patient always find out we will get the answer to how
the magician fools of us with his tricks.
Day by day Sophie gets a letter that gave him no-man's history lesson Philosophy,
taste keingintahuanya encourages Sophie to reply to the letter, but there was only
confusion and questions in his mind that he should address this letter. As a result
of these replies Sophie put the letter in his mailbox, hoping the mysterious host
will pick it up. Semenejak events this mysterious letter, Sophie looks strange in
the eyes of his mother, Sophie often alone while reading a letter in his room and
sometimes not at home when her mother are in need of its support.
Sophie expectation that a letter he wrote received a reply finally bearing fruit,
Sophie now felt joy because he knows how to get a reply from the master
philosopher. The more the history of philosophy lesson Sophie grew to the point
that when there is a task of the Philosophy Sophie do it neatly and correctly makes
him get an A.
After school, Sophie used to spend his time in his asylum while reading the
mysterious letters. When Sophie entered he was surprised because there was an
envelope with his name on the corner of the letter a little wet and splattered sort of
sweets and sugar, Sophie felt spied upon by the master philosopher because he
knew where the hiding place of Sophie. As I read the letter Sophie heard a snort of
a wolf approached, Sophie felt frightened and plans to run, the longer the sound is
closer to Sophie, plans Sophie to run away from his asylum is not so because of
what he saw was not a wolf in a creepy but sweet dog , Sophie continued her
dismay, the dog brought the letter and look at the corner of the letter was found
written, with brave Sophie took it from the dog's mouth. Sophie started to wake
who put the letter in persembunyianya when he first came in, this is where the
master philosopher discovered how to send a letter to Sophie. The letter brought
the dog was indeed telling them how the dog works, by just putting sweets or
sugar then the dog was going to find the source of sweets was carrying a letter, it
is like the postman who delivers mail to the address designated, which contrasted
just that deliver this are animals, dogs.
Curiosity Sophie to meet host philosopher mebuahkan idea, while Sophie was in
the hideout Sophie put a few grains of sweets and sugar with a mean dog master
philosophers will come, yes prediction Sophie true, Sophie then put the letter in
the mouth of the dog then followed where to carrying mail that. By passing the
dense forest until the sun during the day can not penetrate, the dog drove into a
lake large enough, the lake looks calm, it looks a little raft was on the lake side
and an old shack on the edge of the lake. Sophie bravely cross the lake using the
raft toward an old hut which he believes is a house master philosopher actively
writing the history of philosophy. Arriving at the end of the lake, Sophie finally
dared go to the old shack that, in the old shack that there are some envelope the
plan sent to him, shortly Sophie heard sura men approached the hut, terrified
Sophie ran out of the hut while carrying some letters which plans will be sent for
On the way back to the house, Sophie felt wrong for stealing mail and who stole it
surely will be recognized by the host philosophers because who else if not Sophie.
Concerns true Sophie, Sophie gets a letter from the host philosophers containing
disapointed for having dared enter his house and stole some of the letters that
should not time yet sent to Sophie. In the letter the master philosopher to say that
at this time he moved home and tell his address to Sophie Amundsen.

But the incident left Sophie often met master philosopher, it is answered
penasaranya who want to meet and listen to the history of philosophy lecture
without having correspondence again. Knowledge of the history of philosophy
Sophie increasingly rising, from Socrates, Aristotle, the Enlightenment, Hegel,
Marx to Freud had Sophie swallowed exhausted.
a lot of science that Sophie can of themes are good at this (Mr. Philosopher), "The
Most Wise Are People Who Know That He Do not Know" that the words of
Socrates the philosopher whose influence in Europe at zamanya, a philosopher
who gave birth to the disciples genius of sorts Plato and Aristotle were very
Sophie prefer.

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