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Organic Synthesis is the combining of simple structures through chemical processes to form new

products. (Meriam Webster) In 1828, Wohlers synthesize urea from ammonium isocyanate. This
synthesis disproved the vis vitalis (vital force) theory which states that a substance that is produced by a
living oragnism can only be synthesized through intervention of vital force. This first organic synthesis made
a mark in history generalizing that all organic compounds are susceptible to synthesis in the laboratory.
(Sheldon, 2010)
The next huge step for organic synthesis was in 1856. William Perkin accidentally manufactured the
organic dye which was regarded as the first industrial organic synthesis. Now, Organic synthesis is widely
used for the creation of pharmaceutical medicines. One example of this is Acetylsalicylic acid or
commonly known as aspirin is a fever reducer and pain killer medicine.
In the old days people used to powder or chew willow bark in order to attain the same effect. In
1829, A Pharmacist named Leroux identified that the substance present in the willow tree was salicin.
Salicin was a substance that is easily converted to salicylic acid after intake but it also gives off side
effects such as stomach and mucous membrane irritation. In 1897, Huffman, a German Scientist in
search of a medicine that would help his father who suffers from stomach pain every time he intakes
salicin, was credited to be the first to synthesize the acetylsalicylic acid from salicylic acid. Later on,
Heinrich Dreser, a top chemist, along with Friedrich Bayer and Co., gave acetylsalicylic acid the
common name aspirin and was the first to sell it to the market. (Bellis,2009)

Aspirin was derived from the esterified compound of salicylic acid. It is made by reacting
salicylic acid with acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst that would cause the conversion of the
phenol group to the ester.(find author aspirin experiment 8) The reaction is as follows:

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