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he feeding of companion birds has become a

T true art form with as many theories and

practices suggested as there are those feed-
ing birds. This feeding art has evolved out
of necessity brought about by a lack of valid scientific

information on the nutritional needs of these birds.
Most current nutritional beliefs stem from years of
trial and error feeding practices that are perceived
as successful for the individual. A number of these
practices have gradually been passed on, modified
and eventually accepted as status quo by avicultur-
ists. Their endorsement has come through the reali-
zation of certain improvements over previous feeding
standards (such as the addition of fruits and vegeta-
bles to an all-seed diet), with the conclusion being
that this small degree of improvement represents an
end. These feeding practices may be deeply instilled
in the bird enthusiasts anthropomorphic views (ie,
humanizing the pet and perceiving all of its needs NUTRITION
through the eyes of the owner). There is often a belief
that nothing can be too good for the bird, and it is
provided with an incredible variety of often not-so-
nutritious foods. Theory in companion bird nutrition
has also been inundated with self-proclaimed ex-
perts, trying to achieve personal gain or recognition
through their emphatic and frequently unsupported
recommendations of certain feeding programs.
Randal N. Brue
As aviculture has advanced over the past decade
through the efforts of truly dedicated aviculturists,
sound feeding practices that are based on the eating
habits of long-lived birds or on sustained reproduc-
tive successes have begun to emerge. Although most
of this information is still anecdotal, there appear to
be valid principles to support many of these prac-
tices. Some of these dietary theories are based on
what a particular species of bird is perceived to eat in
the wild. Placing too much emphasis on this rationale
can be deleterious. There is only a moderate under-
standing of what free-ranging birds eat, partly be-
cause their diets vary widely with the seasons. The
majority of companion and aviary birds are consid-
ered opportunistic omnivores; that is, they will eat a
large number of the foods that are available to them
at any specific time. In most cases, this includes a
wide array of vegetative material and a variety of
animal products, as well as the consumption of soil
and mineral deposits. Even a relatively accurate
analysis of 90% of a birds intake may not be truly
reflective of the total nutrient profile of the diet,

because items consumed in trace amounts are diffi- Poultry Adaptations

cult to quantitate and can have a significant impact
on the birds overall nutritional status. Additionally, Current nutrient recommendations for companion
most free-ranging birds do not live to their full ge- birds are derived from an extrapolation of the nutri-
netic potential. This is due not only to predation and tional requirements for commercial poultry, the ap-
disease exposure, but also to the frequency of malnu- plication of general nutritional principles that are
trition caused by seasonally insufficient supplies of fairly constant among all vertebrates, an evaluation
nutrient-adequate foods. of ornithological information (eating habits in free-
ranging birds, the role of ecological niches, any
known anatomic or physiologic differences) and in-
Nutritional Research Potential formation that has been generated through the years
The science of feeding companion birds has lagged of trial and error feeding, which has resulted in
behind that of most other pet species, due largely to certain species-specific or family-specific feeding
historic perception that the diets available were not practices. The culmination of this multifaceted ap-
nutrient-deficient. The lack of financial incentives for proach has resulted in a general estimation of the
either university or industry to employ nutritionists nutrient needs for companion birds that can be
to study these species, and the expense and difficulty shown to be successful in growth studies and long-
of studying nutrient requirements in a variety of term feeding trials. It does not, however, determine
species and metabolic conditions have further de- the specific requirement of an individual nutrient or
layed avian nutritional research. necessarily produce a diet that is totally optimized. It
also fails to elucidate any species-specific problems,
It has been only in the last decade that nominal but rather attempts to compensate for them.
research has begun on the nutritional needs of com-
panion bird species, and it will take several decades To optimize health, longevity and production of com-
to establish a partially accurate picture. Fortunately, panion bird species, a great deal of nutritional re-
however, general nutritional principles apply to search will be required. It is doubtful that the nutri-
nearly all vertebrates, with a few notable exceptions. tional needs of either the Psittaciformes or
Additionally, the most studied living species from a Passeriformes, not to mention of a specific individual
nutritional standpoint has been the domestic species, will ever be fully known. Even today, after
chicken. Although they are obviously not identical to almost a century of research in chickens and rats, the
each other in all ways, the domestic chicken does entire nutritional picture has not been completely
share similar physiologic parameters with popular elucidated for these species. There are substantial
companion Psittaciformes and Passeriformes. The data on the nutrient requirements for the growing
greatest difference among these species is the fact animal, but there are still many questions as to the
that Galliformes are precocial (the neonate is mobile requirements for optimal reproduction, optimal
and generally self-sufficient at only a few hours of health and maximal longevity. The latter tends to be
age). In addition, domestic poultry have been geneti- of little concern in any commercial species, but does
cally selected and modified over the course of several have eminent importance for companion animals.
hundred generations of domestication to thrive on The knowledge base of canine and feline pet nutrition
commercially produced diets. Nonetheless, domestic is well over 50 years ahead of its companion bird
poultry provide a starting point for the study of com- counterpart. Although research in this area involves
panion bird nutrition. It is at this point that the only two species and is strongly supported by univer-
anecdotal nutritional information that pervades sities and hundreds of competitive manufacturers,
aviculture becomes of great significance. Subtle dif- the science of canine and feline nutrition is still
ferences among the species have become obvious, as rather limited and is rapidly evolving.
several species on a dietary regime will perform ade-
quately, while another species on the same diet will Role of Nutrition in Bird Health
do poorly. These observations suggest that species-
specific nutritional requirements exist, but because Nutrition itself is a critical link between the manage-
many species of a genus or family perform similarly on ment practices provided for a bird and the birds good
a certain diet, it can be assumed that the variations health. Figure 3.1 illustrates a simple building block
in nutritional requirements are minor. approach to the final goal of bird health. The founda-
tion of the entire pyramid is the genetic background
of the individual, which is largely responsible for the


Although not a nutrient per se, water is essential to
the body for cooling and for the maintenance of intra-
cellular and extracellular fluids. It is the medium in
which digestion and absorption take place, nutrients
are transported to cells and metabolic waste products
FIG 3.1 Factors contributing to bird health.
are removed.

nutrient needs. It can also predispose the individual The quality of water provided to companion birds
to health problems and may even have implications should be of utmost concern to both the client and the
for management techniques. Pet owners, nutrition- veterinarian. Water and soft foods (foods containing
ists and veterinarians seldom have any impact on high moisture content over 20%) are frequently im-
genetic background because it is predetermined at plicated in exposures to high concentrations of bacte-
conception. The breeder, however, can impact this ria. An open water container that becomes contami-
area through selection of breeding stock. Regrettably nated with fecal material or food will promote rapid
(especially in larger birds), the genetically poorer bacterial proliferation. In water containing added
individual is frequently kept for breeding. These in- vitamins, there can be a 100-fold increase in the
dividuals may be physically, emotionally or behavior- bacterial count in 24 hours. Changing the water and
ally abnormal and are abandoned as companion birds rinsing the container will obviously decrease the bac-
and relegated to breeding. This is a counterproduc- terial load, but an active biofilm remains on the
tive process, because the breeder may unknowingly container walls unless it is disinfected or washed
be selecting for undesirable traits. The selection of thoroughly. Contamination in the water container, in
certain unusual traits or the practice of heavy breed- addition to the aqueous medium and compatible en-
ing within a very small gene pool will ultimately vironmental temperatures, provide all the require-
accentuate both desirable and undesirable charac- ments for microorganisms to thrive. Likewise, high-
teristics represented in the original genotype. This moisture foods such as egg foods, nestling foods,
has created considerable problems in budgerigars, cooked foods, sprouts, fruits and vegetables provide
cockatiels, canaries and finches. excellent growth media for microorganisms. At warm
environmental temperatures, these types of foods
Without good, sound management techniques (see can become contaminated in as little as four hours.
Chapter 2), an otherwise genetically strong and nu-
tritionally sound bird will not maintain its good Water intake will be greatly influenced by the type of
health. Finally, a properly balanced diet and a profes- diet provided. Most birds can derive the majority of
sionally administered health care program must be their water requirement from foodstuffs when the
provided to ensure the long-term health of a bird. diet consists primarily of fruits, vegetables or moist
foods. Processed diets tend to increase the birds
Just as providing complete, thorough veterinary care water intake over that typical for a seed diet because
is impossible without proper training, so is the for- they generally are dry, lower in fat and tend to have
mulation of a properly balanced, complete diet. The overall higher nutrient levels. Slightly moister feces
formulation, development and production of a diet is are often observed in birds on a formulated diet.
surprisingly complex due to the large number of
nutrient interactions, the differing bioavailabilities
of nutrients from different ingredients and the diffi-
culty of procuring and administering micronutrients
into the diet. A well formulated, properly balanced
diet represents a precise combination of over 40 nu-
trients, sometimes provided by just as many different

TABLE 3.1 The Effect of Dietary Energy Level

on Intake and Proper Nutrient Density
Nutrient Interrelationships Diet A Diet B
Approx. 4% Fat Approx. 22% Fat
Energy Content, kcal/kg 3,015 4,020

There exists a vast array of interrelationships be- Intake, grams 30.0 22.5
tween the different nutrients. Ideally, these must all Energy Intake, kcal 90.5 90.5
be evaluated to protect against nutrient imbalances Protein Content, % 15.0 20.0
and interferences, and to ensure that the proper Protein Intake, g 4.5 4.5
amounts of nutrients are being both consumed and Calcium Content, % 0.5 0.7
absorbed by the bird. One of the most frequent mis- Calcium Intake, g 0.15 0.15
interpretations is to judge the nutrient adequacy of a
diet strictly on the total amount of a nutrient in the ergy values of these two diets, the daily intake of
food. It is critical to go beyond this quantitative protein and calcium is identical with respect to the
approach and evaluate both the quality of the nutri- energy content of the diet. Consumption of 30 grams
ent and the animals actual intake of the nutrient. By and 22.5 grams of diets A and B, respectively, both
evaluating the intake level and the quality (bioavail- provide 90.5 kilocalories to the bird. This example
ability), the total body uptake can be determined. A illustrates how some seemingly dramatic differences
simplistic example of nutrient intake miscalculation in nutrient levels can actually give very similar re-
is the baby bird being hand-fed recommended vol- sults in the animal.
umes of a well balanced, high-nutrient diet that is
prepared excessively dilute. In this situation, the Mineral Interrelationships
nutrient uptake is insufficient to support growth.
There are a vast number of different mineral interre-
lationships, with every mineral affected by at least
The Effective Energy Content of Food one other. The most critical in companion bird nutri-
It is important that the individual nutrient levels be tion, and in most species, is the relation between
balanced with respect to the energy content of the calcium and phosphorous. For proper growth, bone
food, because the food intake by the animal is largely maintenance and health, a ratio of calcium to avail-
dependent on the total caloric density of that food. In able phosphorous should be 1.5:1 to 2:1. In these
the case of very low caloric density foods, the gastro- proportions, both minerals are most effectively ab-
intestinal tract capacity can become a limiting factor sorbed in the gastrointestinal tract as well as meta-
for adequate caloric intake. Conversely, if the dietary bolized within the body. The widest tolerable range of
caloric density is extremely high, the appropriate calcium to phosphorous ratio should be considered to
feedback systems that regulate satiety may not have be 0.8:1 to a maximum of 3.0:1 (3.3:1 produces rickets
time to respond before the caloric needs are exceeded, and leg abnormalities) Additionally, excess levels of
resulting in overconsumption. calcium can precipitate deficiencies of magnesium,
iron, iodine, zinc and manganese if these are only
Energy content of the diet, or specifically fat content, marginally supplied.
also has an influence on the rate of food passage
through the system. As the fat content of a diet Vitamin Interrelationships
increases, the rate of passage is slowed. This not only
has an effect on the bird by prolonging satiety, but The most obvious example of vitamin interrelation-
also improves digestibility of most nutrients in the ship is the effect of the absorption of fat-soluble
food by increasing the length of exposure to digestive vitamins, in which an excess of one would decrease
enzymes and the time for absorption. This improved the absorption of the others due to competition for
absorption, however, is generally not very dramatic. binding sites in the intestinal mucosa. For this rea-
An example of this relationship is given in Table 3.1. son, it is necessary that all the fat-soluble vitamins
This shows how some moderate increases in dietary be balanced with respect to one another to assure
protein and rather small increases in dietary calcium proper absorption of them all.
are required to balance the daily intake levels be-
tween a low and a very high fat diet. Although there There is also an interrelationship in the metabolism
is a substantial difference in the metabolizable en- of folic acid and choline (and the amino acid, me-

thionine) as they relate to the metabolism of single picolinic acid carboxylase, which catalyzes the break-
carbon units (ie, methyl groups). This metabolic role down of the immediate precursor of niacin. This en-
is also dependent on vitamin B12 as part of the en- zyme activity is species-dependent, affecting the ani-
zyme system. mals potential use of tryptophan to satisfy the niacin
requirement. Additionally, several of the reactions in
Vitamin and Mineral Interactions the bioconversion require riboflavin and pyridoxine-
dependent enzyme systems. Protein, energy and hor-
Although there are many cases of interactions be- monal status also play roles in this series of reac-
tween vitamins and minerals, certainly the most tions.
significant metabolically is the relationship of cal-
cium, phosphorus and vitamin D3. It is obligatory for Choline is an example of a vitamin that can directly
adequate vitamin D3 to be available for the proper spare the requirement of an amino acid, namely
absorption of both of these minerals to take place. methionine. This occurs through its ability to act as
Inadequate vitamin D3 levels in the body can cause a methyl donor in a fashion similar to methionine,
calcium deficiency symptoms in an otherwise cal- thereby limiting the specific role that methionine
cium-adequate diet. Conversely, excess levels of die- would serve if an otherwise insufficient level of
tary vitamin D3 can produce hypercalcification even methyl donors existed.
in a diet normally considered to be marginally suffi-
cient in calcium. Nutrient Antagonists (Anti-nutritional Factors)
The other critical vitamin/mineral interaction is that There are a number of nutrient antagonists that can
between vitamin E and selenium, in which their be present in foodstuffs. Many of these are natural
biologic functions are essentially the same, but occur compounds within the food, some of which can be
in different parts of the cell (lipid-based and aqueous, tolerated in limited amounts. Others can be treated
respectively). Even though they act in different parts commercially to minimize their impact on the ani-
of the cellular structure, a generous supply of one mal. Some compounds, most notably mycotoxins (the
tends to spare a marginal supply of the other by toxic metabolic byproducts of molds) can be produced
quickly scavenging the additional free radicals that when field or storage conditions are less than ideal.
are produced (because of the lack of one nutrient) as
they migrate throughout the cell structure, coming Enzyme Inhibitors
into contact with both the aqueous and lipid phases Enzyme inhibitors are present in a large variety of
of the cell. foods, and most can be largely inactivated by thor-
ough cooking. The largest group of enzyme inhibitors
Another example of a mineral and vitamin interrela- are the protease inhibitors, which inhibit the diges-
tionship is the increased absorption of iron in the tive enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin and others.
presence of ascorbic acid. Fortunately, these inhibitors are thermosensitive
and readily inactivated by cooking. Ingestion of a diet
Amino Acid/Vitamin Interactions high in active inhibitors results in poor protein diges-
tion and pancreatic hypertrophy, stimulated by the
In addition to several of the vitamins direct roles in direct inactivation of digestive enzymes or the effect
enzyme systems that are involved in protein synthe- of limited bioavailability of methionine (decreasing
sis and metabolism, there are also interactions be- the synthesis of digestive enzymes).35 Protease in-
tween amino acids and vitamins that may have an hibitors are present to some degree in all plants, with
effect on the absolute requirements of each other. significant levels found in all of the legumes (mature
beans), barley, beets, buckwheat, corn, lettuce, oats,
The most notable interrelationship between a vita- peas, peanuts, potatoes, rice, rye, sweet potatoes,
min and an amino acid is the relationship of niacin turnips and wheat. Potatoes are extremely high, with
and tryptophan. In fact, a significant portion of the a large percentage (15%) of protein comprised of
niacin requirement can be spared by an excess of inhibitors.
tryptophan in the diet over what is required for
necessary protein biosynthesis. This bioconversion is Tannins, found in a variety of plant sources, can bind
most efficient when levels of both niacin and trypto- protein, inhibit digestive enzymes and reduce the
phan are low in the diet. The ultimate efficiency of bioavailability of iron and vitamin B12. At high levels,
this conversion is determined by the liver enzyme, they can cause liver and epithelium damage. These

polyphenolic compounds found in most plants are Natural Plant Toxins

associated with an astringent taste and cause the Although not nutrient antagonists as such, lectins or
normal browning on fruits and vegetables when they phytohemagglutinins can cause kidney, liver and
are cut or bruised. Tannins are found at high levels heart damage, destruction of gastrointestinal epithe-
in acorns, carrots, rape seed, milo, grape seeds, tea, lium, red blood cell agglutination and cell mitosis
coffee, chocolate, bananas, grapes and raisins, let- interference. These compounds occur in legumes, es-
tuce, spinach, rhubarb and onions. pecially the castor bean and black bean, and in lower
levels in other plant seeds.
Some of the other enzyme inhibitors include amylase
inhibitor in beans, wheat, rye and sorghum; plasmin When saponins are consumed in high amounts, diar-
inhibitor (inhibiting blood clotting) in some beans; rhea and vomiting can occur. They are found in soy-
kallikrein inhibitor in potato (decreases antibody for- beans, alfalfa, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, potatoes,
mation); and cholinesterase inhibitors in asparagus, apples and eggplant.
broccoli, carrots, cabbage, celery, radishes, pumpkin,
raspberries, oranges, peppers, strawberries, toma- There are several foods that have goitrogenic proper-
toes, turnips, apples, eggplant and especially potatoes. ties that could cause symptoms mistaken for iodine
deficiency, or that could exacerbate a marginally io-
Mineral Antagonists dine-deficient diet. Goitrogens are contained in soy-
Oxalate (oxalic acid) is an organic acid that effi- bean, peanuts, pine nuts and the entire brassica
ciently binds calcium and other trace minerals, mak- family (turnips, rutabaga, broccoli, brussel sprouts,
ing them unavailable to the animal. The highest cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kolrabbi and mustard).
levels of oxalate is found in tea, spinach and rhubarb, They are also found to a lesser degree in carrots,
with lower levels found in peas, beets and beet peaches, pears, radishes, strawberries and millet.
greens, lettuce, turnips, carrots and berries. Poten- Low-protein diets increase the effects of goitrogens
tially toxic levels are found in the leaves of rhubarb (anti-thyroid effects).
and the common house plant, diffenbachia. High lev-
els of oxalates can cause vomiting, diarrhea, poor Other natural toxins or nutrient antagonists present
blood clotting and convulsions. Lower levels can re- in foods include gossypol, cyanogenic glycosides, pho-
sult in decreased growth, poor bone mineralization tosensitizers and a variety of alkaloids and phenolic
and kidney stones. compounds. The significance of these compounds in
most species is questionable. Many have shown bene-
Phytate or phytic acid is a complex of phosphoric acid ficial effects in the body when provided at low
and sugar, and is very effective at chelating minerals amounts, but at higher amounts they may be toxic or
such as zinc, iron and calcium, resulting in an un- carcinogenic. Low exposure to these items should
available complex. Phytates are most commonly never be considered to be dangerous, but the inclu-
found in nuts, legumes, cereal grains (germ and sion of any of them at high amounts in the diet,
bran) and, in lesser quantities, in green beans, car- particularly in the raw form, should be avoided.
rots, broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes and berries.
Vitamin Antagonists Mycotoxins are compounds that are produced under
Thiaminase is a naturally occurring enzyme that certain conditions as metabolic by-products of molds.
destroys thiamine. Thiaminase is most often associ- There have been nearly 100 mycotoxins identified
ated with raw fish, but it can also be found in a since their initial recognition in the 1960s. They
number of fruits and vegetables such as beets, brussel possess varying degrees of toxicity, some of which are
sprouts, red cabbage and berries, some organ meats carcinogenic. Mycotoxins are not associated with all
and as a product of certain microorganisms that can molds, nor are they always produced by mycotoxin-
inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. producing species. The difficulty with mycotoxins is
that they are totally undetectable by sight, smell and
A compound found in flax seed (and therefore linseed taste. Any product that is known to be moldy should
meal) acts as an antagonist to pyridoxine (vitamin not be fed due to the possibility of mycotoxins, as well
B6). This compound apparently is an amino acid-type as nutrient degradation and decreased palatability.
compound that forms an unavailable complex with Toxins, sources and pathology are shown in Table 3.2.

TABLE 3.2 Sources of Exposure and Pathology Related to Mycotoxin Ingestion treated crops. Plant damage such as
drought, stress and insect damage
Common Feed
Agent Pathology
will increase the incidence of mold
Sources penetration into the seed and the
Aflatoxins Corn, peanuts, Aspergillus flavus Liver damage possibility of mycotoxin production.
cottonseed A. parasiticus Hepatomegaly
After inoculation, warm and humid
Kidney damage conditions help promote the mold
Ochratoxin Corn, barley, A. ochraceus Kidney and liver damage growth and toxin development. Un-
oats, wheat Penicilliumviridicatum Hemorrhaging fortunately, mycotoxins are very sta-
Zearalenone Corn, wheat Fusarium roseum Production of estrogen-like ble to heat and typical processing
F. graminearum compounds methods.
Trichothecenes Corn, wheat, F. tricinctum Oral inflammation and lesions
(T2 toxin) barley, oats, F. roseum Neural disturbances Some of the mycotoxins (trichothe-
forages F. graminearum Immunosuppression
Hemorrhaging cene or T2 toxin) are among the most
Vomatoxin Corn, sorghum, F. roseum Gastrointestinal inflammation potent protein synthesis inhibitors
(2-deoxynivalenol) wheat F. graminearum Vomiting known. It has also been found that T2
Ergot Rye, barley, Claviceps purpurea Tissue death toxin reduces the plasma level of vi-
wheat, oats Kidney and liver damage tamin E by affecting micelle forma-
tion in the gastrointestinal tract.11
Mycotoxins can have a broad range of effects on the Similarly, aflatoxin increases the dietary require-
body ranging from a toxic dose with mortality in two ment for vitamin D3 and lowers the vitamin A stores
to three days to chronic exposure of moderate levels in the liver. In addition, many of the mycotoxins,
where decreased disease resistance is encountered particularly aflatoxin, the trichothecenes (T2 toxin)
along with lesions in the liver, kidneys, nervous sys- and ochratoxin, have metabolic effects in the body
tem, reproductive system and integument. Carcino- that impair the defense mechanisms.32,33
genic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects may also be
exhibited. The type of effect and response is related
to the exposure level and duration.

Mycotoxins are some of the most carcinogenic com-

pounds known, with chronic exposure of levels in
Methods for Determining
parts-per-billion causing cellular transformation. Nutrient Requirements
Species differ considerably as to their susceptibility,
with ducklings being among the most susceptible.
The LD50 ranges from 0.5 mg/kg (duckling) to 60
mg/kg (mouse).13 Growth Requirements
There are a number of approaches for determining
Aflatoxin levels in food must be controlled by good the requirement of a specific nutrient in a bird. The
harvesting, handling and storage procedures. Pea- simplest and probably most effective way is to exam-
nuts and corn are considered to be the human popu- ine the nutrients influence on growth. Diets that are
lations largest source of aflatoxin. The United States identical in all aspects, except the experimental nu-
Food and Drug Administration does not allow any trient, are provided to groups of experimental birds.
peanuts to be used in human food products with By feeding specific diets (each of which contains an
levels greater than 20 parts per billion of aflatoxin. incrementally larger level of the test nutrient),
This is also the level used by the livestock industry growth and other parameters are measured. The
as the safe, allowable level in grain products. Certain point at which no further statistically significant
crops, depending on the climatic conditions during increase in growth is observed would be considered to
the growing season and at harvest (peanuts, hay, be the requirement of that particular nutrient in that
corn, wheat), may be considered the most common particular diet, under those specific experimental
sources of aflatoxin. conditions. If this result is consistently reproducible,
Mycotoxin contamination usually occurs when fun- it can be considered valid. This method is relatively
gus is able to penetrate a seed hull or protective accurate, and a single study can be performed rather
coating and reach the kernel. Because molds are quickly. This experimental design is most often used
ubiquitous, spores will always be present on un- to evaluate nutrient requirements for growth, but it

may also be used to evaluate a nutrients influence on Estimation of Nutrient Requirements

egg production, antibody production and bone strength.
There is a severe need to set dietary guidelines to
Because growth is the period in which most nutrients serve as a reference point that can be used as a
are required at their highest levels, this type of study standard for testing. Safe guidelines are needed to
can establish the upper end of the suggested nutrient help aviculturists and companion bird owners who
range. The use of these levels for adults would cer- choose to feed a widely varied diet, to guide the
tainly provide a level far greater than the true meta- commercial food manufacturers in producing diets
bolic need but, in most cases, these would still be that can assure longevity and good health, and to
within the safe range. The determination of the re- help veterinarians assess a patients diet and educate
quirements for adults is very difficult, complex and the client in proper feeding methods. Because of the
in many cases impractical. Additionally, the differing extreme difficulty in accurately determining the re-
requirements for each separate strain within a spe- quirement of all nutrients, even for a single species,
cies is often different. Because of this, the accepted documented studies and specific requirements will
practice in humans has been to establish a minimum not be available for decades, if ever. It is therefore
daily allowance, which is designed to meet or exceed necessary to derive these nutrient recommendations
the estimated requirement of 97.5% of the entire from other species that are better understood. Ex-
population, or approximately two standard devia- trapolation from known species, if done wisely, can
tions above the mean. This approach compensates for provide a reasonable starting point from which to
the great degree of biological variability within the base diets and efficacy studies. With subsequent
entire species, as well as bioavailability in foods, evaluation of this derived nutrient profile and long-
variability of absorption efficiency, health status, en- term monitoring to assess overall nutrient status,
vironmental conditions and genetic background. recommendations or allowances can be generated for
(Editors note: The correlation of growth rate and a particular genus, species or strain that may be
health has not been established for companion birds.) unique with regard to dietary requirement, digestive
efficiency or other physiologic differences. This meth-
Evaluating Nutrient Status odology does not look at minimums but rather at
The nutrient status of an individual is most easily nutrient levels that would attempt to optimize all
accessed by carefully evaluating the adequacy of the experimental parameters by providing more gener-
diet provided. Considering the current feeding prac- ous nutrient allowances. Table 3.3 lists the possible
tices of many bird owners, it is likely that basic minimum requirements (an extrapolation from poul-
deficiencies can be discovered with very little effort. try species) and the dietary recommendations for
If simple dietary evaluation is not possible, or seems companion bird species.7
inconclusive, further testing is possible (however,
somewhat difficult and inconclusive). The only prac-
Nutrient Needs During Different Life Stages
tical method for further testing is through serum or
plasma samples. These samples are ideally taken Embryonic
after a fast to reduce the presence of nutrients that An egg produced by a hen fed a nutrient-adequate
were recently absorbed from a meal. Additionally, the diet is normally a rich source of the essential amino
circulating levels of many nutrients are tightly con- acids, energy, linoleic acid and all of the required
trolled, and, therefore, only show levels outside the vitamins and minerals for normal cell division,
normal range when body stores are severely depleted growth and maturation. If a hen is fed a nutrient-
or exceeded. The matter is further complicated by the deficient diet that will allow production, embryo de-
lack of reliable normal ranges (or in some cases, no velopment may progress, but will be abnormally af-
information at all) and the high cost of certain nutri- fected. This most often is observed as early embry-
ent assays. Many laboratories, however, are onic death, usually with the formation of a blood ring
equipped to run plasma retinal or carotene levels (for after approximately three days of development (vita-
vitamin A), plasma alkaline phosphatase (an indica- min A deficiency), losses immediately prior to hatch
tor of vitamin D status), prothrombin time or clotting due to an embryo with insufficient strength to com-
time (indicator of vitamin K status), serum calcium, plete the hatching process (riboflavin, biotin, folic
phosphorous, electrolytes, trace minerals (although acid and vitamin B12 deficiencies) or embryonic mal-
they may inaccurately reflect status) and parameters formation (zinc and manganese deficiencies).
for the evaluation of lipids and proteins.

TABLE 3.3 Recommended Nutrient Allowances Growth

for Companion Bird Diets7,29 Shortly before hatch, the embryo absorbs the remain-
These allowances can be used as general dietary guidelines for most psittacines ing portion of the yolk sac into its abdominal cavity.
and the commonly kept passerines. Species differences do occur, but have not At hatch, the absorbed yolk sac serves as a temporary
been listed due to insufficient research. The anticipated minimum requirement
(as extrapolated from other species) is included for comparison. These values energy reservoir. This may be adequate to supply the
do not compensate for nutrient bioavailability, genetic variability and other conditions. chick with nutrients for the first one to three days,
depending on the species. As the chicks digestive
Anticipated Recommended system becomes fully functional, the period of rapid
Nutrient Minimum Allowance for
Requirement Maintenance1
growth begins. Due to the high metabolic rate and
the rapid division and growth of cells, the amino acid,
Protein, % 10.00 12.00*
energy, linoleic acid, vitamin and mineral require-
Fat, % 4.00*
ments are at the highest point of the animals normal
Energy, kcal/kg 3000.00
life. Furthermore, if brooding temperatures are not
sufficient, there is a further increase in the energy
Vitamin A, IU/kg 2500.00 5000.00*
demand to maintain adequate body temperature.
Vitamin D3, IU/kg 500.00 1000.00* The requirement for amino acids are further in-
Vitamin E, IU/kg 15.00 20.00* creased during the period of feather development.
Vitamin K, ppm 0.80 1.00 These feathers, which are comprised of more than
Thiamine, ppm 2.00 5.00 90% protein (on a dry matter basis), can approach up
Riboflavin, ppm 4.00 10.00 to 10% of the total body weight in the young bird.
Niacin, ppm 40.00 75.00
Pyridoxine, ppm 4.00 10.00 Under normal situations, the absolute nutrient re-
Pantothenic acid, ppm 12.00 15.00 quirements decrease throughout the growth phase,
Biotin, ppm 0.15 0.20 since the level of growth proportional to body weight
Folic acid, ppm 1.00 2.00 declines with age. If optimal nutrient levels are not
Vitamin B12, ppb 5.00 10.00 present at an earlier growth phase, but are present
Choline, ppm 750.00 1000.00* in excess of requirement towards the end of the grow-
Vitamin C No requirements demonstrated* ing cycle, the bird will display compensatory growth
(compensating for an earlier lack of normal growth).
Compensatory growth is characterized by both the
Calcium, % 0.30 0.50*
flattening and extension of the normal growth curve,
Phosphorus (available), % 0.15 0.25*
with the end result of a chick that reaches normal
Phosphorus (total) approx., 0.30 0.40*
% adult weight, but requires a longer time to do so. This
Sodium, % 0.10 0.15 is often observed when a baby is fed a nutritionally
Chlorine, % 0.10 0.15 marginal diet (see Chapter 30). As the chick advances
Potassium, % 0.30 0.40
through the growth period, at some point the once
Magnesium, ppm 500.00 600.00
marginal diet becomes adequate and eventually may
Manganese, ppm 60.00 75.00
even provide a generous proportion of nutrients rela-
tive to the requirement at that time. The compensa-
Iron, ppm 60.00 80.00
tory growth phase is generally marked by a tempo-
Zinc, ppm 40.00 50.00
rary increase in feed efficiency and rate of gain when
Copper, ppm 6.00 8.00
compared to normal chicks of the same age.
Iodine, ppm 0.30 0.30
Selenium, ppm 0.10 0.10 Maintenance
AMINO ACIDS Requirements for the maintenance of an adult bird
Lysine, % 0.45 0.60 are the lowest for the entire life cycle. The birds
Methionine, % 0.20 0.25 greatest need at this time is to provide adequate
Tryptophan, % 0.10 0.12 energy to maintain body temperature, metabolic
Arginine, % 0.50 0.60 functions and the appropriate activity level. Protein
Threonine, % 0.35 0.40 requirement is minimized, because the primary need
Other essential amino acids are sufficient in common diets. is for the replacement of dead cells or of amino acids
used in various metabolic systems (ie, enzymes).
1. The recommended allowances will support normal maintenance of companion
birds and have been demonstrated to be adequate during long-term feeding. Similarly, the need for vitamins and minerals is to
These levels, however, may not be sufficient for optimized health under varying replace those that were lost through metabolic proc-
conditions and will not be adequate for breeding and growth, which may require
higher levels of certain nutrients.
* Increased levels are suggested for growth/breeding diets due primarily to high
requirements for adequate chick growth as opposed to increased demands for
low-level breeding.

esses. In nearly all cases, these needs are consider- means of dietary management. This will allow for
ably lower than for the growth period (or any other adequate chick growth and satisfactory levels of all
stage of production) due to the lower rate of cell nutrients for egg production. Calcium can be quickly
formation and overall metabolic rate. Any increase in repleted without the risk of over-supplementing by
activity level, ambient temperature outside of the providing an egg production diet during the breed-
thermoneutral zone, molting and the exposure to any ing season. Feeding for optimal chick growth not only
type of stress will alter the minimum nutrient levels decreases the duration in the nest of parent-raised
required for maintenance. chicks, but also promotes rapid recycling of the hen
(repletion of body stores and physiologic preparation
Breeding for returning to nest).
The increased requirements by the hen for breeding
can be divided into two general categories: those Geriatric Nutrition
required for egg production and those required for To date, there has been no research on the nutritional
maximum hatchability of the embryo. On a dry mat- needs of geriatric psittacine birds. This is due largely
ter basis, the egg (without the shell) consists of ap- to the relative scarcity of geriatric birds in aviculture
proximately 45% fat and 50% protein. Additionally, or as companion animals. Because of the historically
the shell, which comprises approximately 10% of the poor diets offered to these birds and their subsequent
total egg weight, is approximately 94% calcium car- shortened life-span, the mean population age of com-
bonate (38% calcium). These three constituents rep- panion birds is low with respect to the potential. As
resent the largest increase in nutrient needs in order the husbandry and veterinary care of these species
for the hen to produce eggs. Because birds generally continue to improve, proper geriatric nutrition will
eat to meet their energy demands, increasing the become a concern. Based primarily on geriatric re-
energy content of the diet is not generally necessary. search (in humans, rats, dogs and cats), it can be
The diet does, however, require higher levels of pro- assumed that the geriatric bird should be provided
tein, particularly of the sulfur amino acids (eg, me- with a highly digestible diet that maintains proper
thionine) and lysine. Calcium levels in the diet weight while providing slightly reduced levels of pro-
should be increased to minimize the decalcification of teins, phosphorous and sodium, and levels of other
the bone and to prevent the formation of soft egg vitamins and minerals similar to those received ear-
shells. Other nutrients that improve egg production lier in life. Slight increases in vitamins A, E, B12,
(in poultry) when present at levels higher than the thiamine, pyridoxine, zinc, linoleic acid and lysine
minimum maintenance requirement are vitamins A, may be helpful to overcome some of the metabolic and
B12, riboflavin and zinc. Vitamin D3 levels slightly digestive changes accompanying old age.
over the requirement will tend to improve egg shell
characteristics, with larger amounts having no addi- Stress
tional benefits.19 To maximize hatchability of the em- Companion and aviary birds are possibly subjected to
bryo, increased levels of vitamin E, riboflavin, pan- more stresses than any other animals maintained in
tothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, pyridoxine, zinc, iron, captivity. Stresses are both psychological and physi-
copper and manganese are required over what is cal. Whether the bird is imported from the wild or is
adequate for egg production. one of the most domesticated species, captivity al-
ters its innate behaviors. The caretaker is often
Much of the reason for dramatically increasing the viewed as a threat, and the natural social interac-
nutritional plane of a breeding birds diet is to pro- tions (flocking, mate selection) are inhibited. Crowd-
vide adequate dietary components for the chick to be ing, handling, exposure to unusual pathogens, un-
fed. Psittacine and passerine birds are relatively low sanitary conditions and malnutrition may all be
egg producers and their increased demand for nutri- considered stress factors. Stresses tend to be cumu-
ents required for egg production is transient. With lative, and a single stress often has very little clinical
adequate body stores through proper daily feeding, a effect on the bird. However, when one or more addi-
diet designed specifically for egg production is not tional stress is applied, the bird may be weakened to
necessary (such as a diet that will meet the immedi- the point of clinical illness or death. Stress in young
ate need for calcium during the days of production). birds results in a decrease in weight gain and, if left
Instead, a moderately high plane of nutrition that uncorrected, weight loss and morbidity may occur.
will optimize body stores, allow ready repletion of
depleted stores and provide adequate nutrition for The bodys response to stress is the flight or fight
chick growth is probably the simplest and safest syndrome, and the immediate response is to mobilize

and produce glucose for the increased energy need.

After carbohydrate stores are depleted (within ap- TABLE 3.4 Changes in Need for Nutrients
proximately 24 hours), protein and fat stores are During Periods of Debilitation
broken down, with the breakdown of skeletal muscle Vitamin C The debilitated animal may not be able to adequately
supplying amino acids for gluconeogenesis. The synthesize enough vitamin C, especially in the case
changes in metabolism also affect the normal meta- of hepatic damage. Increased vitamin C in other
species exposed to a number of different types of
bolism or levels of vitamin A, C, calcium, zinc, iron, stresses has shown to improve production and health
copper and magnesium. Attempts to restore these criteria.
nutrients through special dietary modifications are Vitamin D In diseases affecting the liver and kidneys, the en-
probably futile. Instead, adequate diets should be zymes required to produce the metabolically active
provided to ensure the normal presence of sufficient form of vitamin D3 will be impaired. In these situations,
body stores, which will also allow for satisfactory or in the case of a marginally deficient animal, it may
be beneficial to provide vitamin D3 therapy.
repletion of stress-depleted stores.44
Vitamin K For animals that have undergone extensive antibiotic
Disease therapy and are being maintained on an unsupple-
mented or marginally supplemented diet, it may be
There has been very little research done on the spe- necessary to provide vitamin K because of its de-
cific effects of diseases on the requirement and meta- creased synthesis by normal intestinal flora.
bolism of each nutrient, and how these might affect Vitamin B In the case of an anorectic animal, it may be beneficial
the total requirement of individual birds. As the body complex to supply additional B vitamins, especially thiamine.
enters the disease state, it rapidly begins to conserve Other water-soluble vitamins such as riboflavin, pyri-
doxine and folic acid are particularly important in
nutrients in order to maintain needed functions. The protein and energy metabolism; therefore, these vita-
most critical nutrient for the body to maintain during mins have increased importance in the disease state.
illness is water (see Chapter 15).
Zinc In a nutritionally compromised animal, zinc will im-
prove healing and is an important component in pro-
Secondly, the necessary energy supplies to the body tein synthesis; therefore, zinc is necessary for the
must be maintained. Because of the increased meta- maintenance of the immune system and phagocytic
bolic rate during illness, there is a higher energy activity.
need. In humans, it has been found that the basal
energy requirement will be exceeded by 50-120%,
depending on the severity of the stress response. There is a lack of consistent studies in the literature
Although much of this energy demand still falls indicating increased vitamin or mineral require-
within the normal maintenance requirement, it is ments in the debilitated animal. Supplying nutrients
critical to maintain or exceed the typical energy in- at recommended levels is probably sufficient in most
take, which can be provided via carbohydrates, fats cases; an increase in certain vitamins and minerals
or protein. may be prudent, however (Table 3.4).

Dietary protein is the third most critical component

to be provided to the debilitated patient. With the
increased metabolic rate, there is a subsequent in-
crease in body protein turnover, much of which is
recycled by the body and not lost. Because this deg-
radation and resynthesis is not completely efficient, Nutritional Knowledge
an increase in metabolic rate results in an increased
amino acid requirement. There is also increased de-
mand for amino acids because of the need for addi-
tional immune components and tissue repair. With- Protein Needs
out adequate amino acid intake, labile protein stores There have been few scientific studies conducted to
(plasma, liver, muscle) are degraded for the process investigate the nutritional needs of companion and
of gluconeogenesis. There may also be a decreased aviary birds. Most of the beliefs on nutrition stem
efficiency in the utilization of proteins, thereby fur- from observations in clinical and avicultural settings.
ther increasing the needs and importance of an ade- Two of the best scientifically conducted studies that
quate protein diet. The exceptions to increasing the have been published investigated the total protein
protein in the diet are during the acute phase of liver requirement and lysine requirement of the growing
or renal disease. cockatiel. Chicks performed best and reached the

weaning stage earliest on a 20% crude protein diet. many have been substantiated by repeated reports in
Those fed a 10% or 15% crude protein diet grew a variety of situations. It is difficult, however, to
considerably slower, with stunting and slightly in- distinguish between the actual increased require-
creased mortality occurring in the group fed 10% ment of a nutrient in a specific species and species-
protein. On 5% crude protein diets, chicks were se- specific differences in the manifestation of clinical
verely stunted, with subsequent mortality. Those fed deficiency signs. That is, on a marginal diet, one
a 25% crude protein diet performed similarly to the species may not display overt deficiency signs, while
20% group, but developed behavioral problems another on the same diet (same nutrient intake)
marked by meal refusal and increased aggressive- could possible show distinct clinical changes. In a
ness. Those provided with a 35% protein diet dis- clinical situation, the overall adequacy of the diet
played slight growth depression and further in- should be evaluated before additional supplementa-
creased signs of aggression.21,40,41 tion is suggested for the species (Table 3.5).

Lysine Needs Vitamin Differences

The requirements for lysine were estimated by pro- It has been suggested that several species may have
viding purified diets that were equal in all respects increased needs for vitamin A over most other com-
except lysine levels. In two experimental trials, diets monly kept species. Those most frequently seen to
supplying 0.1, 0.4, 1.0 or 2.0% lysine and 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, respond to higher levels are Eclectus Parrots, con-
0.8 or 1.2% lysine were provided. Cockatiel chicks ures20 and certain Amazon parrots, most notably the
showed the best growth responses when given diets Blue-fronted Amazon. The increased need for vita-
in the range of 0.8 to 1.2% lysine. At lower levels, min A in Amazon species is often linked to increased
growth was proportionately depressed, displaying a immunity against viral disease (poxvirus). This could
typical nutrient-to-growth-response curve. The two well be an example of the variation in needs to maxi-
lowest levels of dietary lysine resulted in little mize specific metabolic functions. Generally, the
growth and high mortality. Performance on the 2% amount of a nutrient required to maximize a produc-
lysine diet was slightly poorer than the 1% diet, most tion parameter (such as growth or egg production) is
likely due to the creation of a marginal amino acid often not sufficient to maximize immune response or
imbalance at the higher level. Unlike poultry species, other parameters. Limited research on vitamin A
which exhibit feather depigmentation (the formation requirements indicates a need of 7,000 IU/kg feed in
of feathers lacking melanin pigment) during a lysine budgerigars. Clinically, a level equivalent to 5000 to
deficiency, all cockatiels, even those on the most se- 10,000 IU per kg in the diet has proven successful in
verely deficient diet, had normal feather pigmenta- preventing deficiency symptoms.15
tion. This suggests a metabolic difference between
poultry and altricial birds (at least the cockatiel).38,39 Certain neonatal macaw species, especially the Blue
and Gold Macaw and Hyacinth Macaw, seem more
Energy prone to the development of hypervitaminosis D3
Energy requirements have been estimated in a vari- than other psittacine chicks. When a cross section of
ety of companion bird species. The approximate daily large psittacine babies was fed a moderately high
metabolizable energy (ME) needs for budgerigars level of vitamin D3 (2500 International Chick Units
appear to be between 12 and 16 kilocalories (kcal) per [ICU]/kg dry mix; 1.0% Ca), Blue and Gold Macaws
day in a normal maintenance situation.7,17,47 Canar- were the only species to develop mild signs of hyper-
ies require approximately 12 kcal/day7,24 if main- vitaminosis D3, characterized by enlarged kidneys
tained at 70F. A 350 g Amazon parrot would require and mild, early calcification of the renal tubules.5
an intake of 100 kcal/day, and a 1000 g macaw would Similar findings have been reported on a hand-feed-
require 220 kcal/day. Temperatures above or below ing diet containing between 1000 and 4000 ICU/kg
70F would result in lower or higher needs, respec- (the range due to the variable addition of vitamin
tively.9 supplementation), which resulted in crop stasis, in-
creased serum uric acid levels and the presence of
articular gout and regurgitation after feeding. Radio-
Current Beliefs on Nutrient Requirements
graphically, the kidneys were found to be enlarged,
Based on avicultural and clinical observations, there with areas of calcification in the kidneys and proven-
have been a number of hypotheses developed regard- triculus. Subsequent necropsy showed widespread
ing species-specific differences in nutrient require- soft tissue calcinosis.46 In both reports, other species
ments. These have not been scientifically tested, but fed similarly on the same diets were not affected.

valid because incidence of the syndrome has not been

TABLE 3.5 Potential Toxic Effects of Nutrients reported on a nutritionally adequate diet. This bleed-
ing syndrome has also been alleviated by calcium
(20-100 times required)43 (2 times required) supplementation and a generally improved diet, em-
Weight loss Increased mortality pirically verifying the importance of calcium status
Decreased food intake Decreased use of vitamin B6
Swelling/crusting eyelids for blood clotting and suggesting that the syndrome
Inflammation of mouth (2.5% of diet)45,48
is not dependent on vitamin K alone.37
Inflammation of nares Nephrosis
Decreased bone strength Visceral gout Minerals
Dermatitis Renal gout
Hepatopathy Hypercalcemia
Cockatiels have been noted to be particularly sensi-
Hemorrhaging Hypophosphotemia tive to high calcium or high calcium and vitamin D3
VITAMIN D Decreased food intake levels in the diet. Adult diets containing over 1%
(4-10 times required) MAGNESIUM calcium, particularly when accompanied by generous
Increased calcium (20 times required)
absorption Decreased growth
levels of vitamin D3 (over 2000 ICU/kg dry diet) have
Increased bone resorption Decreased egg production been found to be excessive in long-term feeding stud-
Decreased PTH
Decreased egg quality ies.2 Normal egg production criteria have been satis-
Mineralization of soft tissues MANGANESE fied at dietary calcium levels as low as 0.3 and
Nephrocalcinosis (20-50 times required) 0.35%.6,41
Polyuria Iron deficiencies
VITAMIN E SELENIUM Research in adult poultry has indicated that normal
(100 times required) (50 times required)
Decreased growth Decreased weight gain bone mineralization, plasma calcium and alkaline
Anemia Weight loss phosphatase levels can be maintained at below 0.05%
Increased prothrombin time (100 times required) calcium in the diet.28,42 This is supported by a similar
Decreased bone Decreased egg weight
mineralization Decreased hatchability
observation in cockatiels,41 and is consistent with
Decreased liver Dermatitis dietary levels of unsupplemented seeds, which have
storage of vitamin A (Severe excesses) sustained birds for decades, although poorly. Levels
VITAMIN K (Menadione) Blind staggers for optimal health would seem to be considerably
(1000 times required) Pulmonary
High mortality congestion/edema
Anemia Liver cirrhosis
Hyperbilirubinemia Energy
Toxicity unlikely (50 times required) Large macaws, particularly the Hyacinth, appear to
Thiamine (rapidly excreted Decreased growth
by kidneys) perform better on a higher fat diet than other species.
Riboflavin (rapidy excreted Accumulates in liver This does not seem surprising considering the pre-
by kidneys) Death dominance of oil-based foods in the native diet of
Pantothenic acid
Folic acid ZINC some of these species. An increase of approximately
Cyanocobalamin (10-20 times required) 25% fats over that adequate for other species has
Vitamin C Gastroenteritis
Decreased food intake been found to be necessary to support maximum
NIACIN Anemia growth.8
(10 times required) Decreased bone
Flushing - vasodilation mineralization
Pruritus A number of species are more prone to obesity than
Gastroenteritis others. This can be a result of lower metabolic needs
PYRIDOXINE (ie, more energy efficient), better energy absorption,
(50 times required) lower energy expenditures (ie, more sedentary in
Decreased egg production
Infertility nature) or poor satiety biofeedback to the hypothala-
mus (overeating). Rose-breasted Cockatoos (galahs)
See text for toxic effects associated with excesses of phosphorus,
potassium, sodium, chloride, iron and iodine.
and budgerigars are very prone to obesity and are
probably examples of birds with slightly lower energy
requirements. Amazon parrots frequently become
High levels of vitamin D3 frequently result in the obese due to their sedentary behaviors. In all birds,
occurrence of gout.18 the likelihood of becoming overweight is increased as
the bird ages and its metabolic rate decreases. Reduc-
It has also been suggested that conures have a higher ing the caloric density of the diet or limiting intake
requirement for vitamin K, due to the bleeding disor- (by reducing food quantity or feeding duration) and
der often seen in this species. This theory may not be

encouraging additional activities are essential in

these cases.

Differences in Nutrient Metabolism

and Requirements Based on Evolutionary Diversion
There is no generic companion bird with respect to
nutritional requirements. It is highly likely that
there will be distinct species differences verified as
the base of nutritional knowledge of companion birds
increases. Based on the ecological diversity in which
species have evolved, differences can be expected. For
instance, budgerigars, cockatiels and a number of the
grass parakeets and finches range into the vast, arid
interior of Australia. These birds are expected to
have developed biological adaptations allowing them
to conserve both nutrients and water for existence in
this sparse habitat. The sensitivity of cockatiels to
calcium and vitamin D3 levels that apparently have
no negative impacts on other psittacines may be an
example of such an adaptation. In the wild, these
birds exist on a diet composed primarily of seeds,50 which tend
to be only a moderate source of many nutrients. FIG 3.2 A well formulated, properly balanced diet represents a
precise combination of over 40 nutrients, sometimes provided by
Conversely, psittacines of the neotropics tend to con- just as many different ingredients.
sume a wide variety of foodstuffs, including an abun-
dance of fresh vegetative matter, providing a less
seasonally dependent, higher plane of nutrition. Fiber and moisture are required to be listed as maxi-
Birds in this environment have not had the need to mum amounts in the product, because both are tra-
develop any nutrient-conserving mechanisms, and ditionally considered of little nutritional importance
may, therefore, have somewhat higher needs. and can, at higher levels, create quality problems.
Manufacturers will often list the highest possible
value that might occur in order to avoid violations,
Nutritional Labeling of Commercial Products
unless of course there is a negative consumer impres-
Commercial labeling is frequently misunderstood, sion associated with the high value, in which case the
particularly with respect to the guaranteed analysis. manufacturer will guarantee a value with a nar-
All pet foods are required by law to list levels of crude rower margin of safety.
protein, crude fat, crude fiber and moisture. These
are not precise numbers, but rather guarantees of Other nutrient guarantees are optional, except when
either the minimum or maximum amounts contained the product specifically states that it is supplemented
in the product. Protein and fat are listed as mini- with certain nutrients (or category of nutrients), in
mums, because they are of specific nutritional value which case those nutrients must be guaranteed. This
and are among the most expensive components of law exists to ensure that all nutrient supplements
food. The food should not contain less than the guar- are adequately labeled and the consumer is protected
anteed level, but may contain any amount in excess and informed about the product that they are buying.
of this minimum. In a processed food, these levels are In the case of products that claim vitamin-enriched
generally close to the guarantee because of the sig- or other similar statements, those nutrients must be
nificant added cost in oversupplying these nutrients. guaranteed so that a knowledgeable consumer can
differentiate among the class of products (eg, diet,
The protein guarantee is analytically quantitative, supplement, concentrate). In general, regulatory of-
being determined from the amount of nitrogen in the ficials discourage the guaranteeing of vitamins, min-
product (usually calculated as % crude protein = % erals and amino acids due the difficulty of ensuring
nitrogen x 6.25). It provides no estimation of protein compliance. Unless a product expiration date is listed
quality (ie, the products amino acid profile). Indeed, on the package, the guarantees are stated for the life
non-protein nitrogenous sources will be reflected in of the product. Due to normal loss of vitamin potency,
the crude protein value. a product that is not sold quickly may eventually fall

below the levels guaranteed. These nutrients often

are expensive to analyze; therefore, regulatory offi- TABLE 3.6 Control of Product Oxidation
cials are limited in the extent to which they can verify 1. Environmental control - Lowering the product temperature to
product compliance. decrease the rate of oxidation (refrigerating), or modifying the
atmosphere to remove the available oxygen (packing in nitro-
Complete nutrient listings may encourage the pur- gen), minimizes the amount of oxidation.
chase of a product with unnecessarily high nutrient 2. Rapid product use - Oxidation is minimized by using the
levels. Because of the typical philosophy that more product as quickly as possible after the ingredients are mixed
and processed. This is particularly critical with a complete,
is better, number comparison between products will processed food that does not contain antioxidants, because
often result in the decision to purchase the product the presence of trace minerals acts as a catalyst for the
with the highest level. This may be particularly dan- oxidation process.
gerous, especially in light of the relative lack of infor- 3. The use of antioxidants - Either natural or chemical antioxi-
mation regarding companion bird diets. Because of dants can be used. Natural antioxidants such as vitamin E
(and other tocopherols) and vitamin C tend to have a limited
the lack of reference values, incorrect decisions can antioxidant life and do not give the product the length of
be expected to be the norm and should not be encour- protection that is possible with chemical antioxidants. Chemi-
aged by listing numbers that may be relatively cal antioxidants (ethoxyquin, BHT, BHA) provide the longest
period of protection. There are no scientific studies detailing
meaningless. the effects of any preservatives on the long-term health of
companion birds.
Ingredient Statement
Chemical antioxidants are assumed to be safer than the
Companies are required to list the ingredients con- carcinogenic compounds that are known to be produced
tained in the food in their order of dominance, (eg, in through oxidative rancidity.
order from highest to lowest concentrations). This
order is very difficult to police and is essentially left
This type of ingredient selection can make the prod-
to the manufacturer to, in good faith, provide accu-
uct, through the labeling, more consumer-appealing.
rate information to the consumer. While still main-
taining accuracy in labeling, manufacturers may opt Antioxidants
for labeling techniques that become vague or hide
Some form of protection against product oxidation is
ingredients that have poor consumer perception. In-
essential to maintain nutritional adequacy of the
stead of listing each ingredient by its full, approved
product, to ensure a high level of palatability and to
term, collective terms can be used to group similar
prevent the formation of oxidative by-products, some
products together under an umbrella term. There-
of which are carcinogenic. Oxidation of formulated
fore, the collective term grain products, can be used
diets can be minimized through a number of tech-
to describe the products total content of cereal grains
niques (Table 3.6).
(corn, wheat, oats, barley), regardless of its form
(whole, ground, heat processed). Likewise, the term
animal protein products can be used to reflect a Grit
wide variety of ingredients such as meat meal, blood
Grit is not required in the normal, healthy psittacine
meal, dried milk, hydrolyzed feathers or fish residue.
or passerine bird. Grit, defined as a granular, dense,
If the manufacturer chooses this method of terminol-
insoluble mineral material (generally granite or
ogy, all major ingredients must be listed in the collec-
quartz) is required in birds that consume whole,
tive manner. This gives manufacturers the opportu-
intact seeds. Examples of birds that require grit are
nity to make major changes within general
pigeons, doves, free-ranging gallinaceous species and
ingredient categories in order to take advantage of
Struthioniformes. These species naturally eat whole
least-cost formulation.
grains as a varying portion of their diet. Because of
Multiple ingredients serving the same functional the inert nature of the fibrous coating of many seeds
purpose are sometimes used so that each ingredient (particularly corn, peas), digestive enzymes are rela-
can be listed in a lower position on the ingredient tively ineffective against them. Grit in the ventricu-
statement. For example, corn syrup, honey, sugar, lus acts to grind the whole seeds, thereby providing
dextrose or fructose could all be used as sources for a substrate on which the digestive enzymes can act.
natural sweeteners and could be combined in a prod- Psittacine and passerine birds normally remove this
uct to make an individual ingredient appear very low fibrous hull, allowing the ingested portion to be eas-
on the ingredient listing, while maintaining a very ily acted upon by the digestive enzymes. It is likely,
high level of the functional compound (ie, sugars). however, that in the case of a bird with a pancreatic

dysfunction or other problems involving the physical

digestion of food, grit could provide a benefit by
enhancing the surface area for digestive enzymes to Essential Nutrients and
act. There have been numerous examples of birds not
having grit for 15 to 20 years and still not showing Their Biological Functions
any signs of decreased performance or poor digestion.
Amazon parrots that did not receive grit for over five
years still maintained high digestibility of ingested
sunflower seeds, showing the unimportance of grit in Essential nutrients are those that are required to
the healthy bird.1 There have been numerous reports properly drive biochemical reactions within the body.
of birds, especially with health problems and de- These nutrients may be required as a specific energy
praved appetites, consuming copious quantities of source, as structural components or as factors and
grit and developing crop or gastrointestinal impac- cofactors in specific biochemical reactions or proc-
tions. Considering the small chance of benefit and esses (Table 3.7).
the potential risk, ad libitum feeding of grit should be
avoided. Energy
The total amount of energy, or the gross energy con-
Food Selection tained within the feed, is broken into several frag-
Psittacines, in particular, have individual prefer- ments as it is metabolized in the body. During the
ences for foods based on previous experience (or process of digestion, potential energy sources are lost
habit), food placement (position in the cage), particle through the feces, urine and urates. What remains is
size, fat content, texture, shape, color and taste. the metabolizable energy (ME), or what is available
These preferences can be strong, and most clients for the bodys metabolic processes. A portion of the
encourage them by providing what the bird is most ME is lost as heat (the heat increment). The remain-
likely to readily eat. Some owners even interpret ing energy (net energy value of the food) is available
these avid habits as an addiction to a certain food for maintenance of the bird. Any energy that remains
(often sunflower seeds or peanuts) because the bird after satisfying the basic maintenance requirements
refuses to eat anything else by its own volition. This is available for production activities such as growth
type of limited feeding pattern can result in severe of body mass and feathers, deposition of fat, produc-
nutrient deficiencies if the selected food is not nutri- tion of eggs and for exercise.
ent-complete and balanced. This is especially likely The bird derives energy from proteins, fats and car-
if the poor eating habits are left unchecked for an bohydrates in the diet. Of these, protein is the least
extended length of time. It must be emphasized that efficient source of energy, because the body must
these preferences are individualized, especially in deaminate the amino acid, excrete the nitrogen as
the larger psittacines, with some individuals having uric acid and then use the remaining carbon skeleton
very distinct preferences. This can be illustrated by for glucose or fat synthesis. The average gross energy
the choice of food based on color. Some individuals of protein is 5.65 kilocalories/gram. After the losses
have no color preferences whatsoever, while others through deamination and subsequent metabolic re-
have distinct biases for certain colors (eg, red, yellow, actions, protein yields a net of 4.1 kcal/g.
brown).3 Birds must be trained to eat new foods. This
is best accomplished by providing limited portions, or Carbohydrates are the most important energy source
meals, to encourage consumption of everything of- for the body because they are the only energy form
fered, as opposed to a virtual ad libitum feeding that the brain can use. Of the carbohydrate family,
program where the bird can reach satiety by eating energy is derived from starches (digestible polysac-
only one or two of its favorite ingredients. Providing charides), disaccharides (sucrose, maltose) and the
a large variety of foods immediately pre- and post- simple sugars or monosaccharides (glucose, fructose,
weaning is a very effective way to develop good eat- mannose, galactose). Lactose, the disaccharide con-
ing habits that will tend to persist throughout life. tained in milk, is a very poor energy source for avian
This will result in a healthier, less finicky companion species because of an inefficient supply of lactase in
bird. birds to hydrolyze lactose into its components of
glucose and galactose. Carbohydrates are efficiently
metabolized with an ME value of 4 kcal/g.
TABLE 3.7 Relative Nutrient Content of Commonly Used Food Sources4,30


(Over 20 times requirement) (Over 2 times requirement) (1/2 - 2 times requirement)
Vitamin A Fish liver oil Greens (spinach, Dried milk Egg Fish meal Peanuts
Liver parsley, kale, Cheese Corn
Alfalfa meal dandelion,
Carrots turnip greens)
Sweet potato Red peppers
Vitamin D3 Fish liver oil Fish oil Eggs (especially yolk) Dried milk
Liver (depending
on levels fed)
Vitamin E Safflower oil Sunflower oil All vegetable oils Soybeans Cereal grains Fish products
Alfalfa meal Wheat germ meal Dried milk
Sunflower seeds Corn gluten meal
Safflower seeds and germ
Vitamin K Parsley Spinach Lettuce Turnip greens
Cabbage Cauliflower Broccoli Milk
Brussel sprouts Carrots Eggs
Liver Fish meal
Thiamine Dried brewers yeast Wheat germ meal Peas and beans Soybean meal Fish meal
Rice bran Dried whey Eggs Liver
Sunflower seeds Wheat Alfalfa meal Most whole grains
Soybeans Oats Dried milk Potatoes
Wheat middlings Peanuts
Corn germ (and Millet
by-products) Carrots
Riboflavin Brewers yeast Eggs Millet Wheat
Dried whey Fish and fish Peas Corn
Dried milk by-products Beans
Wheat germ Alfalfa meal
Pyridoxine Brewers yeast Sunflower and Flax Buckwheat
(B6) Eggs safflower Millet Wheat
Whey Peas Milo Other whole
Liver Soy products grains
Alfalfa meal Alfalfa meal
Black strap Wheat germ
molasses Fish by-products
Niacin Yeast products Meat & fish Peanuts Wheat
Sunflower seeds by-products Corn by-products Barley
Wheat germ Corn
Alfalfa meal
Pantothenic Royal jelly Yeast products Alfalfa meal Peas Oats
Acid Eggs Peanuts Millet Corn
Whey and Sunflower and Wheat Other whole
dried milk safflower seeds grains
Liver Wheat germ meal
Folic Acid Yeast products Wheat germ Beans Other whole
Alfalfa Liver Wheat grains
Soybeans Oats Beets
Peanuts Spinach
Biotin Safflower Alfalfa meal Barley Flax
Liver Milo Beans Wheat
Eggs Oats
Molasses Peas
Dried milk and Peanuts
whey Corn gluten meal
Soybean products
B12 Fish and meat by-products Eggs Yeast products
Dried milk
Choline Fish and meat Wheat germ Alfalfa meal Peas
by-products Sunflower and Most whole grains Eggs
Yeast products safflower seeds Beans
Rape seed Soybean products
Dried whey Peanuts
TABLE 3.7 Relative Nutrient Content of Commonly Used Food Sources (cont.)4,30


(Over 20 times requirement (Over 2 times requirement) (1/2 - 2 times requirement)
Calcium Calcium carbonate Bone meal Fish and meat Alfalfa meal Dried milk Oil-type seeds
(incl. cuttle- Dicalcium meals Whey Cheese Most nuts
bone, egg shell) phosphate Kelp
Phosphorous Dicalcium Bone meal Fish and meat Peanuts Corn gluten meal Egg
phosphate meals Pumpkin seeds Cereal grains
Brewers yeast Most oil seeds
Dried whey Nuts
Wheat germ meal
Magnesium Kelp Nuts
Bone meal Alfalfa meal
Sunflower, Brewers yeast
safflower and Wheat germ meal
other oilseeds
Sodium Salt Bone meal Dried whey and Dried parsley Dried leafy Alfalfa meal
milk Fish meal vegetables Eggs
Dried carrots
Chlorine Salt Molasses Alfalfa meal Egg Broccoli
Meat and fish Dried parsley Green leafy Cereal grains
products Carrot vegetables
Dairy products
Potassium Dried peppers Bananas Nuts Oil-type seeds
Whey Brewers yeast Dried fruits and Cereal grains
Dried carrot Oil seed products vegetables
Alfalfa meal Legumes
Molasses Oil seeds
Soybean products Wheat germ meal
Dried apricots
Manganese Dicalcium Calcium carbonate Hemp seed Oat products
phosphate Wheat germ meal Wheat products Nuts
Soy products
Iron Bone meal Dried parsley Alfalfa meal Most cereal grains Oil-type seeds
Fish and meat Dried whey (especially Nuts
meals Soybean meal millet, barley, Dried carrots
Calcium carbonate Brewers yeast oats, canary
Corn gluten meal grass seed)
Copper Dried whey Oil seeds Fish and meat Alfalfa meal
Molasses Corn gluten meal products Cereal grains
Brewers yeast Nuts Peas
Zinc Fish and meat Wheat middlings Oil-seed products Wheat
meals Bone meal Soybean meal Oats
Wheat germ meal Nuts Corn gluten meal
Iodine Dried whey Fish and meat Molasses Egg Brewers yeast
meals Cheese
Selenium Fish meal Brewers yeast Wheat germ meal Cheese Cereal grains
Corn gluten meal Rice Egg (depending
Wheat middlings Dried parsley and Soybean meal on soil)
Oil seeds spinach
Alfalfa meal Oats
Lysine Fish and meat Brewers yeast Oil-type seeds Nuts
meals Wheat germ meal (especially Oats
Soybean meal Peas sunflower and Canary grass
Dried parsley and Dried whey safflower) seed
spinach Corn gluten meal Barley
Alfalfa meal Buckwheat
Methionine Corn gluten meal Canary grass Oil seeds Nuts
Fish and meat seed Millet Wheat, oats,
meals Sunflower Peas barley & other
Brewers yeast Wheat germ meal Alfalfa meal cereal grains
Soybean meal Dried whey

Carbohydrates also form the fiber fraction of the diet, the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids in
broadly classified as undigestible carbohydrate. This the diet, other dietary constituents and the intestinal
fraction consists mainly of cellulose, which is essen- microflora. Generally, oleic and linoleic acids are the
tially undigested because of the birds lack of the most efficiently absorbed by the bird. This occurs
enzyme cellulase. Also included are the hemicellu- because of the ease with which these fatty acids form
loses and lignin, all of which are poorly digested. mixed micelles with the bile salts, thereby improving
These fibrous agents generally minimize the absorp- their digestion by pancreatic lipase. In this manner,
tive space in the gastrointestinal tract. The hemicel- they will also enhance the absorption of other less
lulose, psyllium, is an exception, as it acts to increase efficiently absorbed fatty acids when they are present
absorption. The required dietary fiber intake of vary- together.
ing species of companion breeds is undetermined.
The essential fatty acids are used as structural com-
Dietary fat is not only an important source of energy ponents in the cell with particular importance in the
but it is the primary storage form of energy in the cell membranes. They are also precursors of pro-
body. The ME in fat is concentrated with a value of 9 staglandins.
kcal/g, 2.25 times greater than that of either carbo-
hydrates or protein. Fat is also easily absorbed into Based on the general requirements for most other
the body via the gastrointestinal tract, with its di- species, it can be safely predicted that the linoleic
gestibility being dependent on the fatty acid compo- acid requirement for companion and aviary birds is
sition. 1.0 to 1.5% of the diet. In seed-based diets, this would
rarely fall short, but in a processed, low-fat diet there
could be a marginal deficiency.
Essential Fatty Acids

Animals and birds have no requirement for fat per se, Amino Acids and Protein
but they do have a requirement for the individual
fatty acids that make up fat. Fatty acids are charac- Amino acids are the building blocks of the protein
terized based on their length (ie, the number of carb- chain. The type of protein synthesized depends on the
on atoms contained in the chain), the degree of satu- complex genetic process of transcription and transla-
ration (the number of double bonds in the chain, tion between the DNA and RNA of the body. A specific
commonly referred to as saturated, unsaturated or protein is created by the shaping of the polypeptide
polyunsaturated) and the location of the initial dou- chain into its unique three-dimensional structure
ble bond. based on interactions between the individual amino
acids of the chain.
The primary essential fatty acid for animals and
birds is linoleic acid. This compound cannot be syn- The protein chain can contain up to 22 different
thesized in the body so it must be provided through amino acids. Of these, ten cannot be manufactured
the diet. Arachidonic acid is sometimes considered to by the body, so they must be routinely provided by the
be an essential fatty acid; however, it can be synthe- diet (essential amino acids). They are lysine, ar-
sized from linoleic acid. ginine, histidine (basic amino acids), methionine
(sulfur-containing), tryptophan (heterocyclic),
The predominant fatty acid compounds in bird tis- threonine, leucine, isoleucine, valine (aliphatic) and
sues are oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid. phenylalanine (aromatic). Three other amino acids
Body fat composition will be somewhat influenced by (cystine, hydroxylysine and tyrosine) are formed
dietary fatty acid content because of the absorption through modification of an essential amino acid
and subsequent deposition of some intact fatty acids. (methionine, lysine and phenylalanine, respectively).
Common vegetable oils are generally high in linoleic These are not considered essential per se, but they
acid (eg, corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oil = 50%; may affect the total amount of the essential amino
sunflower oil = 60%; safflower oil = 75%). Tropical acid required, depending on their level in the diet.
oils, such as coconut oil, contain substantial amounts There are nine additional amino acids that are nutri-
of medium chain fatty acids, and are therefore poorer tionally nonessential because they are manufactured
sources of linoleic acid. from other compounds in the body.

Absorption of these fatty acids varies depending on The quality of a protein is determined by two primary
the type, the form (free or as part of a triglyceride), factors. The first is the balance of amino acids within

that protein. To be optimally utilized, the protein After a protein source is consumed, it is initially
should have an amino acid profile similar to that of processed by the combination of pepsin and hydro-
the animals body. If this occurs, each individual chloric acid secreted by the glandular stomach
amino acid will be present in approximately the right (proventriculus). The resultant polypeptide chains
proportion that the body needs with no major ex- are then further degraded by a series of enzymes
cesses or deficiencies of any one amino acid. This from the pancreas (trypsin, chymotrypsin, car-
profile is achieved only in a few foods, most notably boxypeptidases), aminopeptidases and finally dipep-
in eggs and in milk. It seems obvious that these two tidases. The individual amino acids that result from
protein sources would fit the profile of the body, this series of enzymatic hydrolyses are then absorbed
because they provide the only source of food during in the small intestine, predominantly in the jejunum,
early periods of rapid growth. although all sections of the small intestine are in-
volved in absorption.
Very few ingredients have an amino acid profile that
approaches ideal; therefore, it is preferable to choose
individual ingredients for the diet that complement Vitamins
each others amino acid profile. With proper selection, The vitamins are chemically unique but share simi-
the ingredients work together in a synergistic man- lar metabolic roles and modes of action and are there-
ner to enhance the overall performance of the mixed fore grouped together.
diet. By dividing the percentage of a specific amino
acid in the protein of an ingredient by the percentage Generally, vitamins are defined as natural food com-
of that amino acid in an ideal protein, an evaluation ponents that are present in minute quantities, are
of the degree of amino acid adequacy can be deter- organic in nature and are essential for normal meta-
mined. Doing this to all the essential amino acids for bolism and health. They will cause specific, charac-
an ingredient will determine the limiting amino acid, teristic deficiency symptoms when they are severely
or that essential amino acid that is present in the limited in the diet. Metabolism will generally be
lowest proportion of ideal. This amino acid will have affected to a degree proportional to the level of the
to be supplemented by either adding an ingredient deficiency; therefore, in the case of mild deficiency,
that is particularly high in this amino acid or by the symptoms are usually vague and nonspecific,
supplying the specific amino acid in a purified form. such as poor performance or compromised health.
Similarly, this kind of evaluation can be performed Vitamins are generally not synthesized by the body
on the entire diet to determine the adequacy of the in amounts sufficient to meet the physiologic require-
amino acid profile. These values would be reflected in ment.
the amino acid requirement of the animal at its
particular stage of life. Vitamins are now subcategorized into two general
groups based on their solubility characteristics. The
The second criteria that affects protein quality is the fat-soluble vitamins are comprised of vitamins A, D,
availability of the amino acids within the foodstuff. E and K. The water-soluble vitamins include thia-
Certain ingredients have structural characteristics mine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin,
or contain chemical compounds that will decrease the pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid, biotin (vi-
bioavailability of an amino acid. A typical example of tamin H), folic acid (vitamin M), vitamin B12 (cyano-
this would be the interaction between lysine and cobalamin), choline and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
dietary simple sugars resulting in a chemical com- Other vitamin compounds that are generally not
plex that makes lysine unavailable to the animal. considered to be required by higher animals include
Another example would be the trypsin and chy- lipoic acid (occurs widely in natural foodstuffs), inosi-
motrypsin inhibitors in unprocessed soybeans that tol (synthesized by higher animals and widely dis-
prevent normal proteolytic activity of these digestive tributed in most foodstuffs), and para-aminobenzoic
enzymes, thereby decreasing digestibility. The spe- acid (required by microorganism for the synthesis of
cific structure of an amino acid chain can also render folic acid).
a protein undigestible. This occurs due to secondary
and tertiary structural characteristics preventing Vitamin A
the enzymatic hydrolysis of the amino acid chain in Vitamin A occurs in several forms: retinol (alcohol),
the body. An example of this is the extremely poor retinal (aldehyde) and retinoic acid, all having differ-
digestibility of keratin and the other fibrous proteins. ent metabolic activity. Plants do not contain active
vitamin A, but instead contain vitamin precursors.

These exist in the form of carotenoid plant pigments, daily requirement for extended periods of time. Prob-
with the carotenes being the most important of the ably an excess of 1000 times requirement would be
pro-vitamin A compounds. In the avian species stud- necessary to induce an acute intoxication. Carote-
ied, beta carotene is the most active of the carotenoid noids in the diet do not contribute to potential vita-
compounds, yielding the equivalent of 1667 interna- min A toxicity, because they are not converted to
tional units (IU) of vitamin A activity per milligram. retinol unless there is a metabolic need for vitamin
The sum of the vitamin A content (expressed in reti- A. At excessive levels, they may result in a temporary
nol equivalents or IU) and the contribution from yellow pigmentation of the skin and fat.
carotene represents the total vitamin A activity of the
food. Vitamin D
There are two predominant forms of vitamin D: ergo-
The most well understood function of vitamin A is its calciferol (vitamin D2), a plant derivative, and chole-
role in vision, but the most impactful action of vita- calciferol (vitamin D3), produced exclusively in the
min A in avian medicine is its effect on the growth birds body. In all of the birds studied, vitamin D3 is
and differentiation of epithelial tissues, with defi- considered to be 30 to 40 times more potent then
ciencies resulting in keratinization of the tissue. It is vitamin D2 as a source of vitamin D activity. There-
in this function that vitamin A is obligatory for nor- fore, plant sources of vitamin D are essentially disre-
mal disease resistance because it is required for the garded when providing vitamin D to birds. Vitamin
maintenance of adequate mucous membranes and for D3 levels are quantified in International Chick Units
the normal functioning of secretory tissues (eg, the (ICU) as a way to differentiate it from vitamin D2 or
adrenal glands for the production of corticosteroids). total vitamin D. Unlike most other vitamins, the
active form of vitamin D3 can be synthesized in the
Vitamin A is also required for normal mucopolysac-
body by the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the
charide formation and apparently affects the stabil-
skin and sebaceous secretions by irradiating with
ity of cell membranes and of the subcellular mem-
ultraviolet rays. Early studies in poultry showed that
branes (such as the mitochondria and lysosomes). A
sufficient Vitamin D3 could be formed to prevent
major metabolic function of vitamin A may be the
rickets in growing chickens and maximize growth
maintenance of the structural integrity and the nor-
with 11 to 45 minutes of sunshine (not filtered by
mal permeability of the cell membrane. Vitamin A
glass) each day.22
also functions in the proper growth of bones and in
the maintenance of normal reproduction.34 The cholecalciferol formed in the skin is then trans-
ported by the blood to the liver, where it is hydroxy-
It is generally accepted that vitamin A improves the lated by a liver microsomal enzyme (to a lesser ex-
immune function of the body; however, its mode of tent, the reaction may also occur in avian kidneys).
action has not been totally elucidated. Vitamin A This new compound is then transported to the kid-
apparently acts by the increased production and dif- ney, where it is again hydroxylated to the metabo-
ferentiation of immune related cells, while the ca- lically active form. When the renal levels of calcium
rotenoids possibly improve the activity of lympho- and phosphorus are normal and parathyroid hor-
cytes. Obviously, this function is also significantly mone (PTH) is being secreted, an inactive form is
influenced by the importance of vitamin A in main- produced. Unlike other vitamins, the active metabo-
taining healthy mucosal membranes. lite actually acts as a hormone in the body being
The liver will typically contain over 90% of the total transported to the intestines, bones and other target
body stores of vitamin A with the preferential storage organs where it exerts its role in the metabolism of
form being retinyl palmitate. Additional supplies are calcium and phosphorus (see Chapter 23).
also contained in the kidneys, lungs, adrenals and The most important physiologic role of vitamin D is
blood. As vitamin A is required by the body, it is the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus levels in
mobilized from the liver by the hydrolysis of the the body. There is also evidence that the active form
retinyl esters to free retinol by the enzyme retinyl has additional roles, eg, induction of cell differentia-
ester hydrolase. tion and immune system regulation.12,36
Vitamin A is usually considered safe up to approxi-
The active metabolite also acts in the body in a
mately ten times the requirement in monogastrics
manner similar to a steroid hormone, acting on a
(including poultry). Experimentally, vitamin A toxici-
specific receptor protein in the target organ. The
ties have been achieved by feeding over 100 times the

vitamin D receptor is located in the nucleus of the dase (GSHp) is probably the most important of these
intestinal mucosal epithelial cells. metalloenzymes because of its integral relationship
with vitamin E. This selenium-containing enzyme is
Hypervitaminosis D3 very active in the destruction of peroxides before they
In a prolonged feeding study with cockatiels on a diet cause membrane damage. Because of their similar
containing 1.0% Ca, 0.5% P and 4000 ICU vitamin D3 activity, selenium and vitamin E tend to have a
(18% crude protein and 3150 kcal/kg), high egg pro- sparing effect on each other. Exudative diathesis, the
duction for approximately one year was followed by a condition observed in poultry, generally appears only
rapid decline in reproductive performance, concur- when both selenium and vitamin E are limited in the
rent with the onset of polyuria in all birds. Most had diet. Additionally, sulfur-containing amino acids can
signs of anorexia and lethargy, with some exhibiting exhibit a similar sparing effect on vitamin E because
signs of diarrhea or lameness. Radiographs indicated they are precursors of GSHp.
the presence of nephrocalcinosis. These signs were
exacerbated with the onset of subsequent reproduc- Vitamin E has been suggested to be active in several
tion. Several females were lost, with necropsies other metabolic systems: 1) cellular respiration; 2)
showing extensive soft tissue mineralization, espe- normal phosphorylation reactions (eg, ATP metabo-
cially of the kidneys. The onset of reproduction and lism); 3) cofactor in the synthesis of ascorbic acid; and
subsequent increasing hormonal activity (presence 4) sulfur amino acid metabolism.43 There is also con-
of prolactin) and related increases in calcium uptake siderable evidence in poultry that levels higher than
in females were found to enhance the problem. Males those required for optimum growth can increase im-
were affected to a much lesser extent, with all clinical munity, as evidenced by decreased mortality after
signs disappearing after the birds were removed challenge of treated birds by E. coli.27 This protective
from the experimental diet.2 effect occurs by increasing phagocytosis and antibody
production as well as stimulating the activity of
Vitamin E macrophages and lymphocytes.
Vitamin E is a compound of plant origin with eight
active forms derived from four tocopherols and four Vitamin E is absorbed through passive diffusion and
tocotrienols. The compound of the greatest biologic is dependent upon normal lipid digestion requiring
importance in the avian species is alpha-tocopherol. proper micelle formation and the presence of bile
Vitamin E is essentially a biologic antioxidant that salts and pancreatic juices. Any malabsorption syn-
functions at the intercellular and intracellular level drome will decrease uptake. Vitamin E is absorbed
by preventing the oxidation of saturated lipid com- predominantly as a free alcohol in the small intes-
pounds in the cell, thereby maintaining membrane tine. Vitamin E enters the portal circulation in asso-
integrity. ciation with chylomicra, but is readily transferred to
plasma lipoproteins for transportation to the liver.
Free radicals, the highly reactive breakdown prod- Initial storage occurs in the liver, being released
ucts from reactions such as the oxidation of polyun- primarily in the high density lipoproteins, and to a
saturated fatty acids to fatty hydroperoxides, can be lesser degree, the low density lipoproteins and very
extremely damaging to the cell. Free radicals occur low density lipoproteins. Liver and plasma stores of
in the body through normal oxidative metabolism, vitamin E are the most readily accessible to the body
cytochrome activity and from stimulated phagocytes. in times of need. Vitamin E stores of the body tend to
These free radicals can then attack the polyunsatu- be relatively stable and may not be effective in pre-
rated fatty acids of membranes, creating additional venting a vitamin E deficiency from occurring. It
radicals, producing a chain reaction that can con- appears that lipolysis of fatty stores may be required
tinue until all of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in for vitamin E to be released.
the membrane are oxidized. Vitamin E acts to scav-
enge these radicals, thereby preventing the initiation Vitamin E is abundant in plant materials (particu-
as well as interrupting propagation of peroxidation. larly those high in oil) and in plant leaves. In cereal
grains, vitamin E is concentrated in the germ. Alfalfa
Working in conjunction with vitamin E are several leaves are a particularly high source of vitamin E.
metalloenzymes, which block the initiation of peroxi-
dation in the aqueous phase of the cell. These en- Vitamin K
zymes incorporate manganese, zinc, copper, iron and Vitamin K actually represents a large number of
selenium as active components. Glutathione peroxi- related compounds that possess widely varying de-

grees of anti-hemorrhagic characteristics, all being the intestine and prevents thiamine phosphoryla-
forms of the compound naphthoquinone. Vitamin K tion.26 Another well known compound is thiaminase,
comes from three sources: 1) green plants (phyloqui- a thiamine-splitting enzyme contained in some raw
nones - K1 series), 2) bacteria (menaquinones - K2 fish and produced by certain types of bacteria. Other
series) and 3) synthetic forms (menadione - K3). The thiamine antagonists include caffeic acids, chloro-
microbial synthesis of vitamin K2 is significant in genic acid and tannic acid, (often found in deeply
most species. It is generally difficult to produce a pigmented fruits and vegetables such as blueberries
vitamin K deficiency without the use of germ-free or beets as well as coffee and tea). These compounds
animals, the use of antibiotics to kill intestinal flora react with thiamine to prevent its absorption. Sul-
or the prevention of coprophagy (the ingestion of fites, a frequently used food preservative, can also
excreta). destroy thiamine under certain conditions.

Natural vitamin K compounds require the presence Thiamine is readily available from natural sources
of dietary fats and bile salts for proper absorption when normal amounts of gastric hydrochloric acid
from the gastrointestinal tract; therefore, altered are present. Thiamine is absorbed both by an active
micelle formation (eg, decreased pancreatic and transport system and at high luminal concentra-
biliary function) will impair the normal absorption of tions, by passive diffusion. After absorption, thia-
vitamin K. Menadione salts are fairly water-soluble mine is transported via the portal vein to the liver,
so they are less reliant on micelle incorporation. predominantly bound to serum albumin. Thiamine is
Absorption of the K2 and K3 forms occurs by passive not stored for any length of time in the body. It is
diffusion throughout the intestines and also in the excreted primarily through the urine and in lesser
colon, while K1 is absorbed via an active transport amounts through the feces. About 80% of thiamine in
process in the proximal small intestine. Vitamin K the body is present as thiamine pyrophosphate. The
then enters the portal circulation and, in association remaining fraction exists as the triphosphate, mono-
with a chylomicron, is transported to the liver. Gen- phosphate and free forms.
erally, vitamin K is stored only briefly in the liver
before it is released into the body and transported to Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
all tissues via lipoproteins. It is believed that me- In foods, riboflavin is generally bound to proteins in
nadione is well absorbed but poorly retained, while the form of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) or flavin
phylloquinone is rather poorly absorbed but retained adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Riboflavin contained in
much longer in the body. Vitamin K absorption has plant materials is generally less available than from
been observed to range from 10 to 70%, depending on animal sources because of decreased digestibility of
the form of vitamin. the flavin complexes in plants.

A number of plasma clotting factors (eg, prothrom- In the gastrointestinal tract, the phosphorylated
bin) are dependent on vitamin K for their synthesis. forms of riboflavin are hydrolyzed. The free ribofla-
This occurs by activating inactive protein precursors vin enters the mucosal cells via an active transport
that occur through the action of an enzyme; this is system in the proximal small intestine. In the intes-
found predominantly in the liver, but also in lung, tinal mucosa, riboflavin is rapidly phosphorylated,
spleen, kidney, bone and skin. The bone also contains producing FMN. Both free riboflavin and FMN then
a vitamin K-dependent protein (osteocalcin), which enter the portal circulation, predominantly bound to
acts in the regulation of calcium phosphate incorpo- plasma albumin (and to a lesser degree to globulins
ration into bone. and fibrinogen). These compounds are then trans-
ported to the liver and other tissues, where riboflavin
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) enters the cell in the free form.
Thiamine is fairly common in food sources, but gen-
erally at only low concentrations. In plants, thiamine Very little riboflavin is stored in the body; the highest
exists as the free vitamin, while in animal tissue it is concentrations are found in the liver, kidney and
present in its phosphorylated form, thiamine pyro- heart. Unlike other tissues, the egg contains pre-
phosphate. Several compounds in nature possess dominantly free riboflavin. Laying chickens have
anti-thiamine activity, many of which exhibit com- been found to have specific riboflavin-binding pro-
petitive inhibition with thiamine based on their teins in the plasma. These are produced in the liver
structural similarities. An example of this is am- under the influence of estrogen and are believed to be
prolium, which inhibits thiamine absorption from involved in the transovarian passage of free riboflavin.

Riboflavin as part of the coenzymes FMN or FAD Large amounts of vitamin B6 in foods are bound to
(flavoproteins) act in a large number of enzyme com- proteins or complexes, some of which have very low
plexes that are responsible for essential reactions in bioavailability. After digestion to free the vitamin
the utilization of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. from these protein complexes, vitamin B6 is absorbed
The flavoprotein enzyme complexes often contain a by passive diffusion throughout the entire small in-
metal ion (eg, iron, molybdenum, copper) and func- testine and is transported to the liver. The various
tion to help regulate cellular metabolism, the meta- forms are then converted and phosphorylated to the
bolism of carbohydrates, the breakdown of amino predominate tissue form, pyridoxal phosphate,
acids, the formation of uric acid, the formation of which requires both niacin (as NADP) and riboflavin
ascorbic acid, fatty acid biosynthesis and degrada- (as FMN) for the enzyme systems. Pyridoxal phos-
tion, oxidation of various substrates in drug metabo- phate and lesser amounts of pyridoxal are found in
lism and other functions. the circulation associated with plasma albumin and
erythrocyte hemoglobin. Minimal amounts of the vi-
Riboflavin toxicity is very unlikely due to the fact tamin are stored in the body, primarily as pyridoxal
that it is rapidly excreted, and when fed at high phosphate and secondarily as pyridoxamine phos-
levels, the transport system across the gastrointesti- phate. Storage occurs predominately in the liver,
nal mucosa becomes saturated, thereby limiting the brain, kidney, spleen and muscle.
amount absorbed.
The metabolically active form of vitamin B6, pyri-
Niacin doxal phosphate, is involved in a number of enzyme
Niacin exists in two major forms, nicotinic acid and systems as a coenzyme. It is required in essentially
nicotinamide. Niacin is widely distributed in foods, all major areas of amino acid utilization, the synthe-
but that found in plants has low bioavailability. It is sis of niacin from tryptophan and in the formation of
also not uniformly distributed within the feedstuff so antibodies. It is required in the decarboxylation of
milling often removes the fraction with the highest glutamic acid to form gamma-aminobutyric acid
content. Therefore, in diet formulation, the natural (GABA), the lack of which has been shown to cause
content of niacin in plant materials is generally ig- seizures. A deficiency of pyridoxine creates a defi-
nored. Bioavailability in animal products tends to be ciency of many other important metabolites and hor-
very high. Niacin can also be synthesized from the mones such as serotonin and histamine. Evidence
essential amino acid tryptophan; however, the amino also suggests that it may play a role as a modulator
acids preferential use is for protein synthesis, so only of steroid hormone receptors.
tryptophan in excess of the animals needs will be
available for bioconversion to niacin. Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic acid is a structural component of coen-
Plants generally contain protein-bound nicotinic acid zyme A (CoA). Pantothenic acid is present in feeds in
while animal sources are present as NAD and NADP. both the bound form (predominantly CoA) and free
These forms are digested by the body, releasing ni- forms. During the digestive process, the free form is
cotinamide that is then absorbed by diffusion. The liberated prior to absorption. Pantothenic acid is
greatest concentrations of niacin compounds are in then absorbed via a saturable transport system and
the liver, but no true storage occurs. at high levels, simple diffusion also occurs. The free
form is then carried via the plasma to the rest of the
The coenzymes NAD and NADP are important com-
body. Tissues convert pantothenic acid to coenzyme A
ponents in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabo-
(predominantly), with the greatest concentrations
lism, being especially important in the energy-yield-
found in the liver, adrenals, kidneys and brain. The
ing reactions of the body. These functions are critical
majority of the pantothenic acid in the blood is found
to the generation of energy for the body as well as for
as CoA in the erythrocytes. CoA is one of the most
normal tissue integrity, especially of the skin, ali-
critical coenzymes in tissue metabolism, forming the
mentary tract and the nervous system.
compound acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA acts as the entry
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) point into the citric acid cycle for carbohydrate meta-
bolism, a point of entry for amino acid degradation
Vitamin B6 refers to the group of three compounds:
and as an essential component in fatty acid biosyn-
pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal phosphate.
thesis and degradation, the synthesis of triglycerides
Pyridoxal is the form predominantly found in plants,
and phospholipids, as well as in the formation of
the other two are found mainly in animal tissues.

compounds such as acetylcholine, mucopolysaccha- impaired cellular division and an alteration of pro-
rides, cholesterol, steroid hormones and many more. tein synthesis. This is particularly noticeable in the
young growing animal. Additionally, due to impaired
Biotin cell mitosis in a deficient bird, females do not physi-
Biotin is widely distributed in foods but generally at ologically prepare for breeding, as noted by a lack of
low concentrations. A relatively large portion of natu- oviduct hypertrophy in the presence of estrogen. Fur-
rally occurring biotin is present in a protein-bound ther, there is an effect on normal red blood cell matu-
form with varying degrees of biological availability. ration, resulting in the characteristic macrocytic ane-
There is evidence that suggests that the synthesis of mia. Similarly, deficiencies result in immune system
biotin by intestinal microflora is important in an impairment due to the effects on cell replication and
animal. Microbial-derived biotin would be manufac- protein synthesis. Folic acid is involved in the forma-
tured and absorbed in the large intestine. tion of uric acid, so there is an increased requirement
when high-protein diets are provided. Folic acid is
Intestinal proteases help free the bound biotin prior required for the production of white blood cells and a
to absorption. Free biotin is then absorbed, appar- severe deficiency can reduce immunologic response
ently both by facilitated and simple transport sys- through decreased WBCs or reticuloendothelial cells.
tems. It is carried to the tissue through the plasma,
possibly in conjunction with a biotin-binding protein In some species, a deficiency of zinc has been found
(identified in both yolk and plasma of laying chick- to impair the utilization of dietary sources of folic
ens). The largest concentrations of biotin in the body acid. A zinc deficiency decreases the absorption of
are found in the liver; however, this storage site folic acid because of impaired activity of the mucosal
seems to be poorly mobilized during times of biotin enzyme that creates an absorbable form of folic acid.
deprivation. Enzyme inhibitors are present in a number of foods
such as cabbage, oranges, beans and peas (in the seed
Biotin is an active part of four different carboxylase coat) and brewers yeast. These inhibitors are gener-
enzymes in the body, and is responsible for the fixa- ally destroyed by processing since they are heat-
tion of carbon dioxide (carboxylation). These en- labile. Sulfa drugs (eg, sulfanilamide) may increase
zymes have important functions in the metabolism of the requirement of folic acid since they will compete
energy, glucose, lipids and some of the amino acids. with structurally similar PABA in the bacterial syn-
thesis of folic acid.
Folic Acid (Folacin)
Folic acid is the compound pteroylmonoglutamic Vitamin C and iron may improve the bioavailability
acid. Additionally, there is a large group of modified of folates in food.
folic acid compounds, referred to collectively as fo-
lates. At one time, PABA was believed to be essential Vitamin B12
in the diets of vertebrates, but it has since been Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin is a product of bacte-
determined that if the requirement for folic acid is rial biosynthesis and therefore must be obtained by
met, PABA provides no additional benefit. consuming a bacterial source or animal tissues that
accumulate the vitamin. The only exceptions are a
Folates are generally widely distributed in foods and few plants, such as peas, beans, spirulina and kelp,
are present as the polyglutamic derivatives of folic that may be able to synthesize minute amounts of
acid. These are converted by hydrolysis to free folic this vitamin, although this accumulation is likely
acid and absorbed by both an active transport system due to their close symbiotic association with bacteria.
and passive diffusion in the duodenum and jejunum.
The absorption process is only moderately efficient Naturally occurring vitamin B12 occurs in the coen-
(<50%). zyme form bound to protein. This complex is broken,
primarily through the normal action of pepsin and
Folic acids primary metabolic role is in the transfer trypsin. Free vitamin B12 is absorbed by the intesti-
of single-carbon moieties in a wide variety of reac- nal tract via an efficient active transport system
tions. This function is particularly important in involving a vitamin B12 specific-binding protein. At
amino acid metabolism, in the bioconversion of very high levels, simple diffusion occurs throughout
amino acids and in the biosynthesis of nucleotides. the small intestine.
Because of folic acids requirement in the synthesis of Most of the vitamin B12 in the body is found in the
three of the four nucleic acids, a deficiency results in liver with secondary stores in the muscle. Lesser

amounts (but high concentrations) are contained in Choline has four general metabolic functions: 1) As a
the pituitary gland, kidney, heart, spleen and brain. component of phospholipids, choline is an essential
Vitamin B12 is stored efficiently, with a long biological part of the cell membrane and is required for main-
half-life (approximately one year in humans). taining cell integrity; 2) Choline is required for matu-
ration of the cartilage matrix of bone; 3) Choline is
Vitamin B12 is a critical component of a large number involved in fat metabolism of the liver by promoting
of metabolic pathways. It interacts with several other fatty acid transport and utilization, and is therefore
nutrients such as folic acid, pantothenic acid, choline necessary to prevent hepatic lipidosis in the normal
and methionine. Similar to folic acid, most of the bird; 4) Choline is acetylated to form the neurotrans-
metabolic reactions of vitamin B12 involve single mitter acetylcholine.
carbon units and are very important in the synthesis
of nucleic acids and protein as well as carbohydrates Because of their interrelated functions, the require-
and fats. ment for choline is dependent upon the levels of folic
acid and vitamin B12 available to the animal. Excess
Like folic acid deficiencies, vitamin B12 deficiencies protein increases the choline requirement, as do di-
result in an impairment of protein synthesis causing ets high in fat. Dietary levels of choline chloride (the
failure or delay of normal cell division. This affects normal supplemental form) should not exceed twice
growth rate and feed intake, may result in nervous the requirement.
disorders and poor feathering, perosis, anemia, ven-
tricular erosion and fat accumulation in the heart, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
liver and kidneys. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can also Vitamin C has not been demonstrated to be a re-
create a folic acid deficiency. quired nutrient for any of the avian species, except
for a few highly evolved, largely frugivorous species
Some research indicates that vitamin B12 absorption (Willow Ptarmigan and Red-vented Bulbul).10 Vita-
is decreased in the presence of protein, iron or vita- min C is easily manufactured in birds with the en-
min B6 deficiencies or by dietary tannic acids.23 zyme L-gulonolactone oxidase. This enzyme works
Choline on a substrate generated from glucose producing an
intermediate that is then converted to L-ascorbic
Natural sources of choline are widely distributed and
acid. This process occurs in the liver in most passer-
occur primarily in the form of phosphatidylcholine
ine species, and in the kidneys of psittacines and
(lecithin). It is also present as free choline, acetyl-
other older phylogenetic orders of birds. Biosynthesis
choline and in other phospholipids, such as sphin-
of ascorbic acid can be inhibited by deficiencies of
vitamin A, E and biotin.
Phosphatidylcholine is readily hydrolyzed in the in-
Vitamin C occurs in the forms of ascorbic acid and
testinal lumen and is absorbed by the mucosa via
dehydroascorbic acid, with both forms having similar
both active transport and passive diffusion, depend-
biological activity. Vitamin C is found in the highest
ing on luminal concentrations. Of the free choline
concentration in fruits, vegetables (but not seeds)
that is ingested, up to two-thirds may be metabolized
and organ meats (particularly the liver and kidney).
by intestinal microorganisms. The remainder is ab-
sorbed intact. Choline is found in all tissues as a part Dietary sources of vitamin C are absorbed by passive
of the membrane phospholipids, with the greatest diffusion in those species that do not have a specific
concentrations in organs such as the brain, liver and dietary requirement. Absorption appears to be rela-
kidney (as phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelins). tively high when fed at normal levels. Decreased
absorption occurs as the physiologic dose is exceeded.
Choline can be synthesized in the body but in the
The highest concentrations of vitamin C are found in
avian species tested to date, it cannot be synthesized
the pituitary and the adrenal glands followed by the
at high enough levels to meet the needs of the young
liver, spleen, brain and pancreas. Vitamin C also
bird. It appears that with age, the synthetic abilities
tends to accumulate around healing wound sites. The
improve, thereby meeting most of the bodys needs.
metabolic functions of vitamin C are related to its
This is especially true when choline-sparing com-
ability to act in oxidation and reduction reactions. Its
pounds such as methionine, betaine and myo-inositol
best understood role is in the synthesis of collagen,
are present in the diet. Dietary sulfates can also have
where it is involved in the hydroxylation of procol-
a sparing effect on choline by helping to spare
lagen residues. Collagen, the major component of skin

and connective tissue and also the single most abun- bicarbonates) function to maintain homeostasis in
dant protein in the body, is critical for proper cell the body (acid/base balance and proper osmotic pres-
structure and integrity. In species requiring vitamin sures). The required trace minerals are magnesium,
C in their diet, the breakdown of this function pro- manganese, zinc, iron, copper, iodine, selenium and,
duces the classic deficiency symptoms (scurvy, capil- in certain situations, cobalt and molybdenum. These
lary fragility, gum and bone alterations and poor trace elements have their primary function as parts
healing). of enzymes, hormones or as enzyme activators. Addi-
tionally, in purified diets, there have been beneficial
Vitamin C is also an excellent antioxidant, acting to effects achieved by the addition of some of the other
neutralize free radicals that are produced in the body. trace elements such as fluoride, nickel, silicone, tin,
Ascorbic acid can also regenerate vitamin E (the vanadium and chromium. These benefits have usu-
active lipid antioxidant). ally been seen only in sterile conditions with extreme
environmental controls. At this time, they should not
Based on their scientific orders, evolutionary status
be considered as dietary essentials because of a lack
and limited testing, psittacine and passerine birds
of conclusive evidence regarding their essentiality
appear to have no requirement for vitamin C. In
and the poor understanding of their metabolic function.
other species with no specific requirement (eg, do-
mestic poultry), there have been documented bene- As the normal digestion process breaks food into its
fits of providing a dietary source of vitamin C to birds components, the minerals are liberated, and the cat-
at certain stages of life or under certain conditions. ionic elements are converted to chloride salts in the
Stressful conditions that have been shown to im- presence of gastric hydrochloric acid. Once in the
prove with supplemental vitamin C are: 1) dietary intestinal tract, they are able to easily dissociate and
deficiencies of energy, protein, vitamin E, selenium be absorbed. There is also considerable complexing
or iron; 2) high production or high growth rates (the with other minerals or chelating agents. An example
newly hatched chick has a slower rate of ascorbic acid of this is the calcium and phosphorus precipitate that
synthesis); 3) management stresses, eg, handling, is formed by excess levels of these minerals while in
insecure environment, transportation, crowding; 4) the alkaline conditions of the small intestine. This
extreme temperature variations from normal; 5) complex can then adsorb manganese or zinc, causing
health stresses: fever and infection reduce blood excretion of the trace mineral, and subsequently, an
ascorbic acid and diseases with liver involvement increased requirement.
decrease synthesis while increasing overall require-
ment for ascorbic acid.25 Supplemental ascorbic acid Mineral (particularly trace mineral) concentrations
has been shown to increase total sperm production in of foodstuffs are largely dependent on the original
turkeys14 and improve broiler fertility and hatchabil- mineral source. Concentrations in plant products are
ity, due to decreased early embryonic mortality.31 dictated by the soil mineral content, while those of
animal products are dependent on the diet con-
Considering the normal stresses that companion and sumed.
aviary birds experience, it seems reasonable that a
supplemental source of vitamin C may be of some Calcium
benefit during certain situations. This may be even Calcium is the predominant mineral in the body
more important considering that many birds lack (approximately 1.5% of body weight) with primarily
proper diet and health care. Fresh food sources skeletal system containment. Calcium is also con-
should be considered as the most important way to tained in the body fluids, where it plays an essential
supplement the diet because of the vitamins general role in blood coagulation and membrane permeabil-
instability in manufactured products. ity, and maintains normal excitability of the heart,
muscles and nerves. Several enzyme systems are
Minerals also activated by calcium. Ionic calcium (Ca++) is the
physiologically active form. Low Ca++ concentra-
Minerals are essentially classified in one of two tions result in a decrease in electrical resistance and
groups: macro minerals and trace or micro minerals. an increase in membrane permeability (to sodium
The macro minerals can be classified based on their and potassium) of nerve tissue, which causes hyper-
use in the body. Calcium and phosphorus act primar- excitability of neural and muscle tissue and can re-
ily in the bodys skeletal structure, while sodium, sult in spontaneous fiber discharge.
potassium and chlorine (along with phosphates and

Calcium absorption occurs predominantly in the up- vitamins, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, iodine,
per small intestine by an active transport system zinc and manganese. Where there are marginal in-
involving a calcium-binding protein. This is regu- takes of one or more of these nutrients, increased
lated by the active metabolite of vitamin D3 in re- calcium intake can induce a deficiency state.
sponse to low plasma calcium levels. A lesser amount
of absorption also occurs in the lower small intestines Phosphorus
through passive diffusion. High-protein diets and In addition to being an important bone constituent,
acidification of the intestines aid calcium absorption. phosphorus is also a component of proteins, carbohy-
Compounds such as phytate (in cereal grains), ox- drates and lipid complexes that perform vital func-
alates (in spinach, rhubarb and related vegetation) tions in the body. Phosphorus has a wider range of
and phosphates will decrease absorption of calcium biological functions than probably any other element.
due to the formation of complexes. Similarly, high
intestinal concentrations of free fatty acids (from Phosphorus is widely distributed in nature, occur-
very high-fat diets or because of impairment in fat ring as phosphates, orthophosphoric acid salts and
digestion) will result in the formation of insoluble organophosphates. Absorption of phosphorus in the
calcium soaps. Once absorbed, calcium is carried by orthophosphate form takes place primarily in the
the plasma as ionized calcium, protein-bound cal- duodenum, with efficiency of adsorption being de-
cium and a small amount of chelated calcium pendent on the metabolic requirement and affected
(chelated with citrate and phosphate). Regulation of by a number of factors such as its source, calcium:phos-
calcium metabolism involves parathyroid hormone, phorus ratio, intestinal pH and dietary levels of vita-
calcitonin and vitamin D3 (see Chapter 23). min D, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and
fat. Once absorbed, it is readily incorporated into
The calcium content of dried, fat-free bone is approxi- bone and other tissues, with bone acting as the me-
mately one-third of the total weight, predominantly tabolic reservoir. Like calcium, circulating levels are
present in the form of calcium phosphate, with lesser regulated by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin,
amounts of calcium carbonate. In egg shells, calcium with plasma levels being inversely related to plasma
carbonate is the structural compound. For main- calcium levels. Excretion of excess amounts of phos-
tenance of proper bone tissue, the calcium to avail- phorus takes place primarily through the kidneys.
able phosphorus ratio should be approximately 2 to
1. A range of 0.5:1 to 2.5:1 can be tolerated. The In plant sources, phosphorus is often complexed with
further this ratio deviates from the ideal level, the phytin, making it unavailable to all monogastric ani-
more critical proper vitamin D3 levels become. Vita- mals because of their lack of the enzyme phytase.
min D3 is essential to regulate absorption and meta- When the diet consists predominantly of high-phytin
bolism of calcium and phosphorus, especially when foods, phytase-producing microorganisms may colo-
dietary levels are unbalanced. During growth of most nize the gastrointestinal tract and provide a modest
species, ratios of approximately 1:1 are required to improvement in the phosphorus availability. This is
support adequate growth, 1.5:1 to maintain normal low, however, because the amount of phytate hydroly-
serum calcium and phosphate and alkaline phos- sis is limited by the rapid transit time through the
phatase values, and 2:1 to achieve maximum bone avian gut, with poor absorption of the liberated phos-
density. High egg-producing hens (poultry) may be phorus due to hydrolysis occurring primarily in the
provided with dietary ratios in excess of 10:1 in order distal portion of the tract. As a general rule, phospho-
to support daily shell production. This must not be rus from animal products or inorganic supplements
confused with the significantly lower needs of a hen is almost completely available, while that from plant
(most companion birds) that produces a periodic sources is generally considered to be approximately
clutch of eggs. This ratio is based on the amount of 30% available. These typical values can be used to
phosphorus available to the bird, not the total phos- generate an estimation of the available phosphorus
phorus content of the diet. As much as 70% of the in the diet.
phosphorus in certain ingredients can be present in When kept within the range of acceptable cal-
a form that is unavailable to the bird. Therefore, an cium:phosphorus ratios, moderately higher phospho-
estimation of the diets available phosphorus is es- rus does not create a significant problem. Amounts of
sential in order to balance these two minerals. phosphorus outside these acceptable ratios, however,
Levels of over 1.0% calcium in the diet have been will cause decreased performance and will interfere
observed to decrease the utilization of proteins, fats, with the absorption of calcium from the gastrointes-

tinal tract. Additionally, high serum phosphorus lev- Potassium is absorbed predominately in the upper
els can induce nutritional secondary hyperparathy- small intestine by passive diffusion, although ab-
roidism by suppressing serum calcium, resulting in sorption occurs to a lesser extent throughout the
stimulation of the parathyroid. In some species, in- entire intestinal tract. Excess potassium is excreted
creased excretion results in the development of through the kidneys under the influence of sodium
urolithiasis. It is estimated that the level of available and aldosterone levels. Severe stress can create hy-
phosphorus, when balanced with calcium and vita- pokalemia because of an increase in renal potassium
min D, can be supplied at approximately two times excretion caused by elevated plasma proteins. This
the requirement without adverse effects. Amounts hypokalemia can be extended during the adaptation
greater than this level have resulted in increased to the stress as potassium stores are replenished in
mortality in a number of species. the muscle and liver.

Magnesium The minimum requirement of potassium is influ-

Most of the bodys magnesium is present in the bone, enced by the dietary levels of sodium, total chlorides,
complexed with calcium and phosphorus. In the body the energy content of the food and possibly the pro-
fluids, the majority of magnesium is found in the tein content.
blood cells, whereas calcium is predominantly asso-
Potassium toxicity is not likely due to the capacity of
ciated with the plasma. Magnesium (like potassium)
the unimpaired kidney to excrete large concentra-
is found at the highest concentrations in soft tissue
tions of the mineral. Excesses of three times the
cells (intercellularly) such as liver, striated muscle,
required amount have presented no problems in
kidney and brain. In these tissues, magnesium
avian species.
serves as an activator for many of the enzymes in-
volved in phosphate transfer and metabolism. Sodium
Magnesium is absorbed in a manner similar to cal- Sodium is the primary cation of the extracellular
cium and phosphorus, with the efficiency of absorp- fluid, and is predominantly responsible for the regu-
tion dependent on the concentration in the gastroin- lation of the bodys acid-base equilibrium by associat-
testinal tract. With low levels, absorption tends to be ing with either chloride or bicarbonate. Sodium is
very efficient, with decreasing efficiency as levels critical in the maintenance of the proper osmotic
become higher. Most of this mineral appears to be pressure in the body, protecting against excessive
absorbed in the small intestine. Levels of calcium fluid losses. It is also involved in the transmission of
and phosphorus in a diet affect the magnesium re- nerve impulses, the permeability of cells and acts to
quirement, with high levels of either of the former inhibit mitochondrial enzyme systems that are oth-
tending to increase the requirement of the latter. erwise activated by the intercellular ions, potassium
(K+) or magnesium (Mg++).
Magnesium generally functions in enzyme systems
by catalyzing the reaction through the formation of a Sodium salts are readily and efficiently absorbed by
metal-enzyme complex, where the magnesium ion is the body (primarily in the ileum), and can be effi-
loosely associated with the enzyme. ciently conserved when the dietary supply is limited.
Excess sodium, on the other hand, can be efficiently
Potassium excreted through the kidneys by an increase in water
Potassium is widely distributed in most foods, mak- consumption. Sodium retention is regulated by the
ing deficiencies unlikely in adult animals. Unlike adrenal hormone, aldosterone, which maintains
sodium, potassium is located primarily intracellu- proper plasma sodium levels and regulates sodium
larly, and is found at the highest levels in muscle, excretion.
erythrocytes, brain and liver. Potassium is the pri-
mary intracellular cation, affecting acid-base bal- Depending on the species, bone will contain between
ance and osmotic pressure. It is also involved in 25 and 50% of the total body sodium, which is bound
protein biosynthesis, cellular uptake of amino acids to the inorganic matrix of the bone. The rest of the
and as a cofactor in a number of enzyme systems. In sodium is predominantly found in the extracellular
the extracellular fluids, potassium reduces muscle fluid of the body, with highest concentrations in
contractility and induces relaxation, therefore hav- plasma, nervous tissue and muscle tissue. Nearly all
ing the opposite effect of calcium. the species investigated show a sodium plasma con-
tent of 3.3 to 3.4 g/l. Total body sodium content is
similar in all animals, ranging from 0.11 to 0.13%.

The body has a specific mechanism for concentrating anced cations) can result in cartilage anomalies in
sodium in the extracellular fluid while concentrating chicks. Correction of the acid-base balance alleviates
potassium in the intracellular fluid. This high con- this symptom.
centration gradient is maintained by the sodium-po-
tassium/ATPase pump system. This system trans- Essential Trace Minerals
ports Na+ out of the cell, while transporting K+ in.
This is an energy-requiring process that uses intra- Iron
cellular ATP as an energy source. Intracellular so- The functions of iron in the body are almost entirely
dium activates the enzyme system, which uses Mg++ related to the cellular respiration processes. In the
as a cofactor. body, iron exists as heme iron (which is chelated with
a porphyrin group) and non-heme iron (which is
In the presence of chronic renal disease, especially
found bound to proteins). Iron is present in the body
when the animal is in acidosis, sodium levels are
at approximately 50 to 100 parts per million.
depleted because of poor tubular resorption and the
use of sodium for the buffering of acids. Both renal Iron is unique in that body reserves are conserved
disease and diarrhea may cause sodium depletion. and recycled very efficiently with negligible excre-
This will often be followed by a rapid loss in weight tion. The primary method of iron depletion is through
due to dehydration. bleeding. Any iron found in the feces is generally a
result of unabsorbed iron from the diet. Because the
Moderate increases in dietary sodium are relatively
body has no normal pathway for the excretion of
nontoxic providing adequate (low sodium) water is
excess iron, intestinal absorption is carefully control-
provided for renal excretion. Levels of five to ten
led to prevent accumulation. Under normal situ-
times the requirement can be provided before there
ations, the absorption of iron from the gastrointesti-
is a decrease in growth and loss of appetite in a young
nal tract is poor, however, if the body becomes
bird. At all stages of life, there will be a considerable
marginally deficient, the absorption is improved un-
increase in water intake resulting in looser drop-
til the situation is corrected.
pings. Higher levels of sodium intake result in poor
feathering, polydipsia, polyuria, nervousness, Normally, heme iron (from animal sources) is consid-
edema, dehydration and mortality. ered to be approximately 20-25% available to the
animal, while nonheme, vegetative sources are usu-
ally less than 5% available. Additionally, the non-
Chlorine, metabolically active as the chloride ion, is heme iron present in most foods is in the ferric form
closely associated to sodium in foods, in the body and (Fe+++), which is poorly absorbed. This can be present
in metabolic processes, and both will be excreted either as the free ferric ion or loosely associated with
under the same conditions. Chloride is also essential an organic compound. In order for proper absorption
in maintaining the bodys acid-base balance, osmotic to take place, ferric iron must be reduced to the
pressure and water balance. It is a component of the ferrous state (Fe++). In the ferrous form, iron becomes
hydrochloric acid that is produced by the body as a more soluble and therefore absorption is improved.
primary gastric secretion. In the body, chloride is This can be accomplished by any reducing compound
concentrated in spinal fluid and blood. in the food, with ascorbic acid being one of the more
efficient agents. Proteins also enhance absorption,
It is critical to evaluate the overall dietary sodium,
probably by forming soluble amino acids chelated
chlorine and potassium levels together. In the diet
with the iron. Additionally, absorption may be im-
there must be a balance of the total sodium and
proved by dietary organic acids (eg, citrate, lactate),
potassium content with the total chloride and sulfate
fructose and vitamin E, as well as by diets low in
content in order to maintain the proper acid-base
phosphorus. Normal gastric secretion is necessary to
balance in the blood. This becomes particularly im-
solubilize iron and increase its availability. Total iron
portant with the addition of relatively high levels of
absorption from a variety of mixed diets has been
dietary supplements that are complexed with one of
observed to range from 2 to 20% across a number of
these ions (such as high levels of choline chloride or
species. The deficient state can increase these effi-
lysine hydrochloride), especially when the chloride or
ciencies by over three-fold.
sulfate form increases the acidity of the diet.
In the normal, healthy animal there should be no
Toxicity of chloride alone is seldom a problem, but
toxicity symptoms from moderate excesses of dietary
excess dietary chloride (in conjunction with unbal-

iron because of the efficient controls the body has wheat, may also bind zinc from other dietary sources.
over iron absorption and metabolism. Excess iron can Additionally, zinc requirements are increased with
reduce performance, however, by creating interac- added calcium in the diet.
tions with a number of nutrients. Examples of this
would be reducing phosphorous absorption through Manganese
the formation of an insoluble iron phosphate com- Manganese is present in most plant sources at mod-
pound or the adsorption of vitamins or other trace erate to poor levels. Compounding the problem of
minerals, preventing absorption into the body. marginal levels is its relatively poor availability. The
Chronically high iron intake can result in elevated formation of chelates appears necessary for the
blood levels, increased tissue concentrations (espe- proper absorption of manganese, which occurs
cially of the liver and spleen) and the eventual devel- throughout the intestinal tract. Bile salts are impor-
opment of hemosiderosis and possibly hemochroma- tant in the absorption, excretion and reabsorption of
tosis (skin pigment changes). Liver damage and this mineral. Recycling appears to occur several
sometimes pancreatic fibrosis occur in this condition, times before the mineral is finally excreted in the
which in other species is most often due to a genetic feces. In addition to the constantly recycling pool in
anomaly (extremely efficient absorption). Iron stor- the intestines, the primary storage sites for manga-
age diseases have been predominantly seen in my- nese are bone, kidney and liver. High concentrations
nahs and toucans, possibly being caused by a combi- are also seen in the pituitary and pineal glands. At
nation of genetic and dietary factors.16,49 the cellular level, the mitochondrion is the principal
site for manganese uptake. With high dietary in-
Copper takes, the skin and feathers will accumulate large
The copper content in the bodies of most species is quantities of this element.
approximately two parts per million. The largest
concentrations are in the liver. Copper is a compo- Manganese has several functions in the body. It is
nent of several proteins, enzymes and certain natu- essential for normal bone structure, being required
ral pigments. It is required for hemoglobin synthesis, for the formation of the organic bone matrix through
proper collagen (bone), elastin and keratin formation involvement in the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate
and maintenance of the nervous system. (at two separate points in its synthesis).

Copper is well distributed in normal feedstuffs, so Iodine

the likelihood of a copper deficiency on a mixed, Iodines sole metabolic function is for the biosynthe-
practical diet is not great. Availability can be affected sis of the thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormone func-
by the chemical form as well as the copper status of tions to control the rate of energy metabolism in cells.
the animal, with more efficient absorption occurring In this way it influences growth and tissue differen-
when the animal is deficient or when the dietary tiation or maturation, with resultant effects on other
concentration is low. endocrine glands, neuromuscular function, skin and
tissue development and nutrient metabolism.
Zinc is critical to the animal for growth, reproduction Iodine is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal
and normal longevity because of its involvement in tract in the reduced iodide state. Iodide is trans-
tissue repair and wound healing. It functions in a ported by loose attachments to plasma proteins. A
number of reactions in protein and carbohydrate large portion of the ingested iodide is excreted by the
metabolism, cell division and mucopolysaccharide kidney, while the remaining amounts are taken up
formation. It also functions in the mobilization of primarily by the thyroid gland. Small amounts can
vitamin A from the liver. Zinc is required in a large also be found in the salivary glands, stomach and
variety of enzymes, either as an enzyme activator or other locations. The iodide uptake by the thyroid is
as a component of certain metalloenzymes. stimulated by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
produced by the pituitary (see Chapter 23).
Zinc is widely distributed in foodstuffs, but generally
is not present in adequate supply to fill the needs of Moderate increases in dietary iodine do not present
the young or producing animal. In plant sources, a problem because of the efficient excretion process
phytate can actively bind with inherent zinc, produc- in the body. Prolonged intake of high dietary levels of
ing varying degrees of zinc availability. Some high- iodine causes reduced iodine uptake by the thyroid
phytate ingredients, such as wheat bran or buck- with antithyroidal or goitrogenic effects. Levels of

about 1000 times requirement are required before serves to protect membrane lipids and other cellular
effects on growth, egg production or hatchability are constituents by preventing oxidative damage by neu-
seen in poultry. tralizing any hydrogen peroxide and fatty acid hy-
droperoxides that are formed in the body.
To a greater degree than other trace minerals, sele- Vitamin E and selenium are interdependent, each
nium content in foods is largely dependent upon the having the ability to spare the other. Selenium is
soil selenium content in which they were grown. important to the vitamin E status by preserving
Fortunately, some of the most productive agricul- pancreatic integrity, maintaining normal fat diges-
tural states (for livestock foods) are in regions with tion, micelle formation and vitamin E absorption.
adequate-to-high selenium soils (namely, the Great Selenium, as a part of glutathione peroxidase, de-
Plain states). stroys peroxides and prevents them from attacking
the polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes.
Because the consumption of accumulator plants by This reduces the amount of vitamin E that is re-
grazing animals caused blind staggers and death quired to maintain the integrity of these membranes.
within a few days, this mineral was originally consid- Finally, selenium helps retain vitamin E in the blood
ered to be only toxic. Its essentiality was not recog- plasma.
nized until 1957, when it was accidentally found to
prevent liver necrosis in rats and exudative diathesis Conversely, vitamin E spares selenium by helping to
in chicks when studies were being conducted to de- prevent selenium loss from the body through its own
termine minimum toxic intake levels. antioxidant properties. By limiting the chain reac-
tion destruction of membrane lipids, vitamin E mini-
The absorption of selenium is dependent upon its mizes the production of hydroperoxides, which would
chemical form. The bioavailability of selenium in later require glutathione peroxidase to neutralize.
most plant products ranges from 60 to 90%, while in
animal products it is less than 25%. Of the different It is through these methods of sparing one another
chemical forms of selenium, selenite has the highest that selenium and vitamin E work together in the
availability followed by selenomethionine, selenide prevention of exudative diathesis. This disease is
and lastly, elemental selenium. The efficiency of ab- characterized by generalized edema (first appearing
sorption is also dependent upon the levels in the diet, on the breast, wing and neck) due to abnormal capil-
with absorption higher during a deficiency situation. lary permeability, resulting in the leaking and accu-
Once absorbed, selenium is carried in association mulation of fluid. This is accompanied by decreased
with plasma proteins and transported to all tissues. growth, leg weakness and mortality. Exudative
Although selenium is distributed throughout the diathesis has not been shown to occur except when
body, it is found in the highest concentration in the both vitamin E and selenium are deficient.
kidneys, pancreas, pituitary and liver. Other then
The protection of lipid membranes from exposure to
the enzymatic form, there are no stores of selenium,
free radicals is not only important for the cell mem-
making the selenium pool quite labile.
brane, but also for the membranes of the mitochon-
Seleniums metabolically active form is as a compo- dria and microsomes. Because these act to both fuel
nent of glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme is lo- and protect the cell, it is necessary for adequate
cated in the aqueous phase of the cell and is respon- vitamin E and selenium to be present for the cell to
sible for oxidizing reduced glutathione, allowing it to maintain its defense mechanisms.
act as a biological antioxidant. Reduced glutathione

References and Suggested Readings

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