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Space Exploration


15PH20015 - Karan Pratap Singh

14MT10024 - Mridul Ajit Kothari
15IE3FP08 - Nilabh Kumar

A space exploration game that starts at Mercury the first planet in the solar system and
moves progressively to different planets. There will be levels, each level having a start
position and a destination that the player needs to reach in order to complete the
particular level.
This game is aimed at school children ( ages 6-15 ) and it will help them learn about the
solar system and how a spacecraft behaves under the influence of gravitational forces.
Its primary aim is to show in an interactive manner, the effects of gravity on space
objects and how nothing is static in space.

Level Descriptions
1. Hi. Welcome to A Space Adventure. The target of this game is to avoid planetary
objects and reach your space station before your fuel runs out. Arrow keys control
your spacecraft and the fuel bar is in the top left corner. Your journey starts near
Mercury, the first planet in our Solar System.
2. Level 1 was easy. Level 2 will be harder. The space station will also be affected by
gravity from now, and so your destination is not a static object. You now have to
travel around Venus, the second planet in our Solar System to reach the next
space station.
3. Congratulations you completed level 2. Now in level 3, the difficulties increase as
you finally reach Earth and have to stay clear of both the Earth and the Moon.
Remember that the Moon exerts its own gravitational force.
4. Wow you safely crossed Earth! Our next destination will be Mars, the Red Planet.
Mars has two satellites, Phobos and Deimos. Navigate carefully and reach your
destination safely.

Technical Description

I. Spacecraft
Spacecraft object fetches a list of planets and satellites and then calculates and
applies a force based on distance, direction and masses. Thrust force for user
control and amount fuel are also set in the attached script. The game restarts
when the fuel runs out or if you collide with a planet or satellite. The spacecraft
leaves a trail behind it similar to a meteor.

II. Planets & Satellites

All objects that exert a gravitational force have the gravity tag. This tag is used to
fetch planets and satellites in the spacecraft script.

III. Level Changes

We have created a separate scene for each level as well as for the level

IV. Destination
The destination is a simple game object and we trigger a scene change when the
spacecraft reaches the destination.

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