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平成 22年 度 学部編入学試験問題



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I.次 の 英 文 を読 ん で 、 以 下 の設 間 に答 え よ。 (56点 )

hsisth true■ ory ofa family■om the Himdayas Asl,m wasthe clever son ofa v■ lage chJ
He was a boy ln tt time before rOads■ ere was■ o■ ing wong wtt lilfe in■ e mountauls.■
procceded as tt always had.h ttDs― erp bOys ied tt sheep and goats to hiま paStures while tte
women made yoghun and cheese.In the fall,boys took ttns making yak*walk in circles around a

pole,on top ofdle newly harvested wlle江 (A)こ れは、その植物 の食 べ られ る部分 を食 べ られな

い部分か ら分けるのに役 立った。MOughoutぬ elong Ⅷ 鴫 families and livestock competed for

tlle warlnest spot near dle flre.This was life.It was how every boy in his village could expect to

spend his days.ButAslaln's fa■ er had d』 b巴 nt dreams for his son.

h tt late spring,when tt woF"ご 搬 Wea■ eF had嗜 ∝賦 but搬 VeF Still ran fast wi■

glacial mdち Aslaln's father woke him up before th fntliま t and t01d him to prepare to leave儀

vi age.鳳 am couldn't httine what he he saw tht his fatl■ er ha_d packed his luggage

fOr h軋 Wappingablockofbdsheepcheescintoablmdleofcldies,he begtt to cry.

7hy do I
QueStiOmg his father's win was not a1lowed,but Aslalln challenged him anyway.`¬
have to go?"he said,mingtO his mo■ er for support.By the light ofthe guttering on lamp,As10m
was shocked to see ttat she,too,was cゥ ■ng.

“You're 80 電 tO school,''his fa■ er said.

Aslallll walked down the mountalnside wiぬ his fa■ er for詢 ゛
o days Like every viⅡ age boyp he

had I〕 alned」 輛a narrow mountam patts hat clung to the bare cli日 ヽides like ivy tendrils to stone

wans,but h had“ ver been so far■ om home Down hel・ o h earth was sanむ and i∝ 00m m蝋
(B)From tts distance he could see■ at his fanliliar mountah was one ofmanv.
men tt tra ended ttthe bank ofthe er9 AslaIL'S father hung a leather pouch conta― g twO

g01d30 S around his son's neck on a cord.`ヽ ハ破Kxl you get into town,you will fnd a school.Give

the principalthese cons to pay for your education"

`henwilll colne home?"Aslam asked,trying to control his trembling lips.

“You'1l know vぬ 鳴 "his father sttd.He L ated sⅨ goat bladders**and lashed■ en togner
into a traditional rtt used to ford a ver when ttran too deep to cross on foot.η ヾow hold on tight,''

he said.

Aslaln couldn't swlnl ``1乃 仕Юn iny father put me in the water l couldn't control rnyselfand l c ed.

He was a strong man,and proud,but as l floated away down■ es、 I saw he had tears in his eyes,


Aslam clung to the goat bladder ra■ as ale river sucked him急 )m htt father's sight.He bobbed

over rapids,sobbing openly now alat n。 。

ne was watching,shiverlng ill the waterゝ 」aCial chill.

俎 ∝ a passage ofblurred terror that mut have taken ten minutes orれ りhours,Aslam noticed he
was moving more slowly as the ver widened.(C)He Saw some people on the fal・ bank and kicked

toward m tooa■aid oflosinttthe raft to use his arlns.

ツh old man ished me outofthe waterand wapped me h a wann yak― har blanket,P'Aslam sttd.
``I was stnl shivering and crying and he asked me wlly l had crossed ie nv%so ltold him of my

father's msmctlons.'
こ`Don'tbe ttdd,''山 o old man collnseled Aslam.``You're a brave boy to come so far from home.

One tt you'I be honored by everyone when you rem.''Hc stuttd two wrmHed bms mt。
Asiam's hand and accompanied him dowllthe path towards the town,until he could hand him ( Fto
anomer elden
h alisね shioL Asiam alld his story traveled down dle loweF FiVer Vallqメ He was passed■om
hand to hand,and each man who accompanied him made a small contrlbution toward his education

“People were so kind tttl was very enco田 り 速 "Agam remembers.“ And soon l was molled in a
goverlment sch∞ l in"、 嗅 and smdying as hard as l was able"

Students in tte bllsding toⅧ ,the largest semernent Aslaln had ever seen,were cosrnopolitan by

comparison.They teased Aslamあ out s appearance.“ I wore yak‐ ま h shoes and wodm clothes

and dlthe smdents had fme unifoms,"Aslanl says.Tcachers,taktt pi場 poded血歯 money and
purchased a white shirt,maroon swe瀬,and black tousers for Aslam so he could blend iln wi■ dE
omer boyS.He wore tte milfom every day and clcaned tt as well as he could at night.And a■ er ie
flrst year of school,when he waked back up the river valley to vislt his famitt he madc(D)壁

impresslon ie old lnanwho plucked him out Ofthe river had predicted.

h1976,after Aslam 3Faduated at aF top Ofhis class,he was ofFered a post 血 搬 30VeFnment

But he decided to rettm to ms village,and aner his fa■ er died he was elected village chief``I had

seen how people live down dle ver and i was my duty to work to improve the quality oflife in my

llage,"Aslaln says.■ athe has done,by sec― g ttds for roads and for schods.

Mor∞ v鴫 AsI〔m set a precedent fol・ his neighbors ttou3hOut th vaHey:he is dle fll・ st man to

have insisted hat his daunter receive an education.`■ t ist when l began to attend scllool,"his

da曜 彙ttt Says,`hany people in my llage told me a gH has■ o busi“ ss dott such a■ ing Ъ ey

s盛 軋 `You will end up working h he fleld,lk3 au womenl so why flll your l■ ead wi血 [機

foolも bttss found h books?'But l knew how much my father valued educati";so ltried to shut my

mind to dle talk and l persisted widl my studies."

Asiam's dauま ter is now a hiま sch001 Smdent h to■ vn,由ndy力 鴨 physics,alnon3 0mer su可 ectS.

Her rou"Ю 誠ion was not as dangerous as her fa■ er's,but h hr owlll Way she has blazed a mil

ju"as dramttc“ (E)She is tlle flrst qirl in dl ofie vallev to have been師 狙 ted tte vilege Ofan
)'Aslaln says yttdly.``And■
education、 ow,allぬ eg」 s h me valley 10ok llp to h∝ "
`Tcople's minds are besttШ g tO change,"Aslaln's da理 魚ter sayS.`Now w・ hen l remm to my

village,I sce all dle famnies sending aler girls to school.And iey tell me,¬ 石
e were mistaken Yo■ l

were 3htto read so many books and brave to study so far hm llome.You're bringng honor to dle

r she can tlaster dirlcuL new 可∝ヽ like physics,she says(DI苺 ノas/can/fa7/her 7
柚 ducation4She/take/o8o/― tS] idea■y to medical school.`■ 'd like to become a doctor

and goto workwhereverl amneedet"she says.Thisis tt bgacy ofone man's decidon to send his
SOFl dOWna■ igid streat dtting to a goat bladder rat.

*yakヤ ク(ウ シ科 の哺乳類。荷役 用、内用、乳用 として利用 され る)

**bla_dders膀 眺

下線部(→ を英訳せよ。

I‐ 2. 下線部o)を 和訳せよ。

1-3. 下線部(C)を 和訳せ よ。

4  ´

下線部の の内容を日本語で説明せよ。

下線部(動 を和訳せよ。

I-6. 角カッコoの 中の語句を並べ替 えて次の意味の英語 になるようにせよ。

「彼女は、教育によつて行けるところまで行きたいと思つてい る」

Ⅱ.次 の英 文 は 、紀元 1世 紀 に主 な活 動 を した ローマ の 哲 学者 の 著作 の一 部 を英
訳 した もの で あ る。 この英文 を読 んで 、以下 の設 間 に答 え よ。 (44点 )

I calmot possiЫ y agTec血 江qlud is necessary for s載 け Here l am wial noise gOh3 0n」 l about

me l havelo健 ζ
ings right over a public bamouse*Now inlagme to yollrself every khd of sound I

must heari tt slap of a hand g ing a llllassage,someone picking a flght,a■ ief caught stealing,

people who leap mto tt pool witt a tremendous splash■ en think of tte vanous gttes ofthe man

Sell魂 drinks,詢 3 one sellhg sausages,and the odler sellitt pastries,cach(ibublicizintt his wares

ぬ a distinc」 ve cry of his own.Voices,Iぬ ink,are more hclhed to(11)由 Stract vou ttan generaI
noise;noise lllerely fllls your ears,battemt away at them wllile voices actua■ y catchyour attentiorL

``You must be made of i(L''you may sayp“ or else hard ofhearilng ifyolr mind is marected by

all this■ Oisc around youl''Butl swear αりI nO mOre notlcc all this roar ofndse■ an l do dr solmd

of waves or fallin,water.Among th)dlings"hch clatter and clang all arolnd me wimout

distracting me at dllinclude tt carnages hwing by h the neet,缶 carpenter who works in搬
sallle block,a man in ttc neigiborhood who saws,and ths fellow ming horns and iutes and
emittng blasts instead ofmusic l st11l flnd intemittentnoise more iritatng alan a continuous one.

But by no、 I have so s"eled myser against(助 au theseぬ ings ttat l can even〔 ン型t里 血a
man c誠lmg outherowing rhmtO his oarsmen.For l force my mind to become self― absorbed and
not to let outside mings distract it.■ ere can be utter chaos outside so long as iere is■ o colnIIlodon

inside,so long as fear and desre are notin cmttict so 10ng as mearmess and extravagance are■ ot at

odds and harassng each odlen For(C)W 此も 血e2ood of havin2 silence throunout the
neinhborh00d ifOne's emotiollls are l■ moil?
There L no such ming as`,aCeLl silhess"except where reason has lulled■ to rest.Night does

■ot remo■ re our wome■ it brings them to tte suface.All tt g es us is a change of almetles.For

even vttm people are asleep they have dreams as troubled as ther days.The only hle serenlty is鵬

one which representsぬ e■ ee devdopment of a solnd m d.Look at dle man whose quest for sieep

demands absolute quiet in hs spaclous house.To prevent any sound■ om dLtLlrbLtt his ears,
everyone preseⅣ es total silellce alld tbse who come anywhere near him walk on tip‐ toc.Natral

enOuま ,he tOsses■ om sidc to sidc,瑠、 to snatch some■ 1剣 slecp in bemeen spells of ictt屯
and complams ofh 鴫 heal・ d solmds when he neverlleal‐ d■elll at all.And wllat do you suppose is

畿 reason?His mind isin a fement.It is ttis which needsわ be set at peace(D)聰 ゞ is SOInetimes

far iom res制 .

■ o persondity thttjllmps atthe sollnd ofa vdce∝ chance noises h generd is an mttable one
and one that has yet to attain ulward〔 v)detachnent.It has an dement oflllneasiness in鷺 .Yoll may

be sllre,tllen,that you are at last`luned to resぜ 'wllen noise never reaChes you and when voices

ncwr shtt you out ofyollrsclt Whettr mey be(v_。 rhWiting orjllst anollsensc ofempty

sound ali round you.

“This is all very well,” you may say, “but isn’t it sometimes a lot simpler just to keep away from
the noise?” I concede that, and in fact it is the reason why I shall shortly be moving elsewhere. What
I wanted was to give myself a test and some practice. (E)これほど簡単な解決法があるときに、ど

*a public bathhouse 公衆浴場(古代ローマでは、社交と娯楽の場として多くの人々が利用


II-1. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

II-2. 下線部(B)all these thingsが指すもののうち、二つを日本語で挙げよ。

II-3. 下線部(C)を和訳せよ。

II-4. 下線部(D)で述べていることはどのようなときにおきるのか。日本語で説明せよ。

II-5. 下線部(E)を英訳せよ。

II-6. 下線部(i)~(v)の意味にもっとも近いものはどれか。それぞれの記号を記せ。

(i) publicizing
(イ)advertizing (ロ)decorating (ハ)filling (ニ)interfering
(ii) distract you
(イ)break your concentration (ロ)organize your thoughts
(ハ)remove your uneasiness (ニ)vitalize your feelings
(iii) put up with
(イ)assault (ロ)denounce (ハ)resist (ニ)tolerate
(iv) detachment
(イ)delight (ロ)excitement (ハ)indifference (ニ)vigor
(v) menacing
(イ)confusing (ロ)intimidating (ハ)satisfying (ニ)seducing


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