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I, Neil Patrick Jumaquio Ramos, Filipino, of legal age, married and
resident of Matandang Balara, Quezon City, under oath hereby deposeth and

That I am the only surviving heir of __Luminardo Ramos, who died

intestate in the City of Quezon on September 9, 2001, without leaving any

That said deceased person at the time of her death left the following

1. A parcel of land known as Lot No. 1008-B-2, particularly described as follows:

A parcel of land known as Lot No. 1008-B-2, of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-
951528, being a portion of Lot 1008-B, as described on plan Psd-541658, situated
in the Barangay of San Antonio, City of Pasig, containing an area of 2,000 Square
Meters, more or less, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-1565158 of the
Registry of Deeds of Pasig City, the exact description of which is indicated on the
face of the aforesaid certificate of title.

That pursuant to the Rules of Court, I, being the only heir of said
decedent, do hereby adjudicate unto myself the above-described properties
by means of this Affidavit of Self-Adjudication and which is filed with the
Office of the Registry of Deeds of Pasig City, with the request that said
adjudication be made effective without judicial proceedings, and that the title
of the above-described properties be cancelled, and that new certificates of
title be issued in my name;

That this Affidavit of Self-Adjudication is published in the Pasig

Chronicle for three (3) consecutive weeks.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my signature this 7th of

February, 2004 at Quezon City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this 7th of February, 2004, in the City
of Quezon, affiant exhibiting his Drivers License #. __N01-100-1100-1_, issued on
______September 23, 2001_, at Manila.

Doc. No. _____:

Page No._____: Notary Public
Book No.______ Until December 31, 2005
Series of 2004. PTR No. 44325127 01-14-04
IBP No. 605510 01-08-04
____ City

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