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Reference Manual

SOFTEK Services Ltd. S-FRAME Software, LLC

#275 - 13500 Maycrest Way #282, 800 Village Walk
Richmond, B.C. Guilford, CT 06437
V6V 2N8

Phone: 1-604-273-7737 Phone: 1-203-421-4800

Fax: 1-604-273-7731

Copyright by Softek Services Ltd. 2011


This software documentation is copyright 2011 by Softek Services Ltd.
(Richmond, Canada). All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,

stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer
language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, optical,
chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Softek
Services Ltd.

Considerable time, effort, and expense has gone into the development and
documentation of S-CONCRETE for Windows. It has been thoroughly
tested. However, in using the product (including manuals), the user
understands and accepts that no warranty on the accuracy or reliability of the
product is expressed or implied by the developers or distributors. Users must
understand the assumptions used in the product, know its limitations, and
verify their own results.

Softek Services Ltd. disclaims all warranties with regard to the software
contained on diskette or in printed form, including all warranties of
merchantability and fitness; and any stated or expressed warranties are in
lieu of all obligations or liabilities of Softek Services Ltd. for damages,
including, but not limited to special, indirect or consequential damages arising
out of or in connection with the performance of the software.

Microsoft, MS, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks, and Windows is a
trademark of Microsoft Corporation. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of
AutoDesk Inc.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 1

1.1 Features ........................................................................................ 1
1.2 Your S-CONCRETE Package....................................................... 2
1.3 Software and Hardware Requirements ......................................... 3
1.4 Register for Annual Maintenance .................................................. 3
1.5 Technical Support ......................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2 GETTING STARTED ................................................ 5

2.1 Menu Bar....................................................................................... 6
2.2 Tool Bars ....................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Horizontal Tool Bar .................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Vertical Tool Bar ...................................................................... 10
2.3 Status Levels and Utilization ....................................................... 10
2.3.1 Utilization ................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 Status Levels ........................................................................... 11
2.4 Visual Editor and Drawing Window ............................................. 12
2.5 Quick Start .................................................................................. 13
2.5.1 New Section ............................................................................ 13
2.5.2 Input Data ................................................................................ 14
2.5.3 Automated Design or Analyze / Code Check .......................... 14
2.5.4 Review Results ........................................................................ 15

CHAPTER 3 FILE MENU ......................................................... 17

3.1 New, Open, Save, Save As, Exit................................................. 17
3.2 Print Setup, Print, Print Preview .................................................. 18
3.3 Import Loads (via TIM File) ......................................................... 18
3.4 Export to DXF File ....................................................................... 19
3.5 Export to WORD/TEDDS Document .......................................... 21

CHAPTER 4 EDIT MENU ......................................................... 25

4.1 Section ........................................................................................ 25
4.1.1 All Sections .............................................................................. 25
4.1.2 Beams ..................................................................................... 29
4.1.3 Columns .................................................................................. 30
4.1.4 Walls........................................................................................ 34
4.2 Reinforcing .................................................................................. 38
4.2.1 Beams ..................................................................................... 39
4.2.2 Columns .................................................................................. 42

4.2.3 Walls (Zone Reinforcing) ......................................................... 45

4.2.4 Walls (Panel Reinforcing) ........................................................ 50
4.3 Loads (Sectional or Panel for Walls) ........................................... 52
4.4 Custom Bars ................................................................................ 57

CHAPTER 5 VIEW MENU ........................................................ 59

5.1 Zoom In/Out/Extents, Reset Drawing .......................................... 59
5.2 Zoom Window.............................................................................. 60
5.3 Display Options ............................................................................ 61

CHAPTER 6 RUN MENU ......................................................... 63

6.1 Design Constraints ...................................................................... 63
6.1.1 Beam Design Constraints ........................................................ 63
6.1.2 Column Design Constraints ..................................................... 65
6.1.3 Wall Design Constraints........................................................... 67
6.2 Automated Design ....................................................................... 69
6.2.1 "Step" vs "Auto" ........................................................................ 69
6.2.2 "Before" and "After" Parameters .............................................. 70
6.3 Analyze / Code Check ................................................................. 70

CHAPTER 7 RESULTS MENU .................................................. 73

7.1 Results Report ............................................................................. 73
7.1.1 Results Report Editor ............................................................... 75
7.1.2 Report Data for Beams ............................................................ 77
7.1.3 Report Data for Columns ......................................................... 84
7.1.4 Report Data for Walls .............................................................. 89
7.2 N vs M Diagrams ......................................................................... 98
7.2.1 N vs M Diagram Options .......................................................... 99
7.2.2 Axial Load and Moment Utilization ......................................... 103
7.2.3 Failure Envelope .................................................................... 104

CHAPTER 8 SETTINGS MENU ............................................... 107

8.1 Increments ................................................................................. 107
8.2 Colors ........................................................................................ 108
8.3 Preferences ............................................................................... 110

CHAPTER 9 HELP MENU ..................................................... 111

9.1 Contents .................................................................................... 111
9.2 Index .......................................................................................... 111
9.3 Reference Manual ..................................................................... 113
9.4 View Tutorial .............................................................................. 113
9.5 About S-CONCRETE ................................................................ 113

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................... 115

INDEX ................................................................................... 119

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

S-CONCRETE for Windows is a stand-alone product that investigates,

designs, and graphically details reinforced concrete beam, column, and wall
sections. Using the Visual Editor feature, you can change the size of the
section and reinforcing configuration with a click of a mouse button. Using
the Automated Design feature, S-CONCRETE can generate section sizes
and find a suitable reinforcing configuration with minimal input. The design
and detailing will conform to various building codes and industry standards.
The following building standards are supported: CSA-A23.3 2004 & 1994
(Canadian), ACI 318 2005, 2002, & 1999 (American), UBC 1997 (American),
BS 8110: 1997 & 1985 (British), and CP65: 1999 (Singapore).

S-CONCRETE supports shear and torsion design in accordance with various

building standards. For those who are familiar with the Canadian Standard,
S-CONCRETE also supports both the "Simplified and the General" method
of shear and torsion design as defined in the CSA Standard A23.3. The
General" method, in turn, is based on the Modified Compression Field
Theory (MCFT). The MCFT is an attempt to capture the essential features of
the behavior of cracked reinforced concrete subjected to shear - a complex

1.1 Features
ACI 318-05, ACI 318-02, and ACI 318-99 (American Standards), UBC
1997 (American Code), CSA-A23.3-04 & CSA-A23.3-94 (Canadian
Standards), BS 8110:1997 and 1985 (British Standards), and CP65: 1999
(Singapore Standard).

T-Beams, L-Beams (Spandrel Beams), Slab Bands, Rectangular Beams.

Multiple layers of bars and up to two types of bars per layer. Any number
of stirrup/link legs can be specified.

Rectangular Columns and Circular Columns with or without rectangular

and circular holes. Multiple layers of bars. Rectangular or circular
ties/links or spiral reinforcing. Composite Columns reinforced with I-
beams (ACI, UBC, and CSA only).

I-Shape, C-Shape (H-Shape), T-Shape, L-Shape shear wall sections.

Complex zone reinforcing in one, two, or three directions. Multiple layers
2 Chapter 1 Introduction

of bars within zones. Panel reinforcing with one or two curtains of


Superb Visual Editor support. Click or drag items on the screen to

change dimensions, modify reinforcing configurations, change material
properties. Improved Visual Editor in terms of more active hot-spots
and improved control over the contents displayed in the main screen.

S-CONCRETE supports sections subjected to axial load with biaxial

bending and biaxial shear forces. Axial load and moment interaction
diagrams are generated for any resultant bending moment applied at any
angle (true biaxial bending no interaction formulas) for beams,
columns, and walls.

Automated Design and Detailing capabilities. Let S-CONCRETE

generate section sizes and determine a suitable reinforcing configuration.
Improved automated design for beams, columns, and walls taking into
consideration compression reinforcement for greater efficiency in beams
and walls. Supporting multiple layers of bars in columns allow for more
compact and efficient columns.

Results displayed numerically and graphically for quick and easy

evaluation of members. Drawings and axial load and moment interaction
diagrams can be included in the numerical results.

For beams and columns, shear and torsion support for all standards
including both the Simplified and General Method of shear & torsion
design as defined in CSA-A23.3. For wall sections including I-Shapes, T-
Shapes, and L-Shapes, torsion is evaluated and checked against the limit
for torsion to be neglected. For C-Shapes, torsion is resolved into shear
forces applied to the flanges and the panels/flanges are evaluated
separately for shear resistance.

Export results/drawings to Microsoft Word, TEDDS, and AutoCAD.

1.2 Your S-CONCRETE Package

Your S-CONCRETE package will typically include the following:

CD-ROM with Installation Instructions

License agreement
Chapter 1 Introduction 3

Software registration form

S-CONCRETE Reference Manual (if applicable)

Hardware security device or key (if applicable)

1.3 Software and Hardware Requirements

The following hardware configuration is the recommended minimum required
to use S-CONCRETE for Windows:

Personal computer with a Pentium IV 2.0 GHz or better microprocessor

512 MB of RAM or greater

Microsoft Windows XP SP2, or newer

Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later (optional but recommended) to view

this Reference Manual in PDF format

Fast hard disk (7200 rpm) with at least 200 MB of free disk space

Graphics card and monitor that supports 1024x768 minimum resolution

at 16bit Color or better

Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device

Color Printer (optional but recommended)

1.4 Register for Annual Maintenance

If you register your product for annual maintenance, you will receive technical
assistance via fax and telephone at no additional cost. S-CONCRETE users
receive assistance from a staff of technical experts who have extensive
experience in structural engineering and engineering mechanics. Our
technical support line is (604) 273-7737. S-CONCRETE users with annual
maintenance receive all the updates with enhancements and new features at
no additional cost. The updates are usually minor revisions between major
new releases. Upon request as a registered user, you will also receive
4 Chapter 1 Introduction

advanced information about upcoming new features on current products and

detailed information on new products.

1.5 Technical Support

For technical support, please contact the sales and technical support center
in your region. A list of regional sales and technical support centers can be
found on our website ( or simply email us at support@s-
Chapter 2 Getting Started 5

Chapter 2 Getting Started

Before using S-CONCRETE, you are expected to be familiar with the basics
of Microsoft Windows. S-CONCRETE uses the mouse for graphical
operations and for selecting menus and commands in the same way as many
other Windows applications. When executed, S-CONCRETE appears on the
screen with a Menu Bar, Vertical and Horizontal Tool Bars, and a Drawing
Window, as indicated in Figure 1.

Figure 1, User Interface

6 Chapter 2 Getting Started

2.1 Menu Bar

Every drop-down menu has commands. The mouse offers the simplest way
to use the menus. To choose a menu item, point the mouse to the title of the
menu and click with the left mouse button to open the menu. Drag the
mouse pointer to the command you want and click with the left mouse button.
You can also use the keyboard to select commands by pressing the ALT
button together with the "trigger letter". The trigger letter is underlined.

When you choose a command that is not followed by ellipses (), the
command is performed immediately. When commands with ellipses are
selected, a dialog box appears prompting you for more information. Use the
dialog box to enter additional information. Commands that are currently
unavailable are dimmed.

2.2 Tool Bars

2.2.1 Horizontal Tool Bar

The Tool Bar provides buttons for quick access to commonly used menu
commands. Clicking a button is equivalent to choosing a command. These
buttons are associated with "Tool Tips". When you point to a button and
pause, the name of the tool will appear. See List of Tools below for a
description of each tool.

The Tool Bar also displays the Overall Status, Shear and Torsion Utilization,
and Axial Load and Moment (N vs M) Utilization. For more information on
Status Levels and Utilizations, refer to Chapter 2.3.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 7

The Tool Bar also contains other information which are described below:

Section Type: This label displays the current section selected in the vertical
tool bar (see below).

Section Name: This text box can be used to enter or edit the name of the

Job #: This text box can be used to enter or edit the job number for
the section.

Visual Editor If checked, you can use the Visual Editor to alter the section
(dimensions, reinforcing, and material properties). You may
want to uncheck this box when youre almost done to prevent
accidental changes.

List of Tools

File Menu
New Create a New Section. This new section also
becomes your default section every time you start
Open Open an S-CONCRETE file (SCO), B-SECT file
(BSE), C-SECT file (CSE), or W-SECT file (WSE).
If you open a B/C/W-SECT file, you will need to
save it as an S-CONCRETE file (SCO) when done.
Save As Save the current section as a different file.
Print Print the main drawing (send directly to printer).
Print Preview Preview the output to printer.
Export File To create a DXF file that contains the main drawing
(DXF) (AutoCAD Release 14 compatible).
Add to Add the main drawing to the document list for
Document WORD/TEDDS export and add to the list of
pictures for Results Report.
Export to Create a WORD or TEDDS document using the list
WORD/TEDDS of items generated each time you click the "Add to
Document Document" button.
8 Chapter 2 Getting Started

View Menu
Zoom In To magnify the drawing or "Zoom In". To change
the zoom percentage, see Settings Preferences
(Chapter 8.3).
Zoom Out To reduce the drawing or "Zoom Out".
Zoom Extents To view the entire drawing or "Zoom Extents".
Reset Drawing To reset the drawing including text information box
Zoom Window To view a particular region or window. When
activated, the mouse pointer becomes a cross-hair.
Click and hold to define the upper left corner of the
window. Drag the window to define the lower left
corner and release.

Edit Menu
Section To edit the section parameters including building
standard, bar type, units, material properties,
dimensions, hole size for columns, clear cover,
effective section properties, and slenderness
effects if applicable.
Reinforcing To edit section reinforcing including bar sizes,
tie/stirrup/link bar size and spacing, tie/stirrup/link
configurations, number of bars, splice type if
applicable, zone and panel reinforcing for walls.
Loads To enter factored sectional loads and panel loads
(for walls) including axial loads, torsion, shear
forces, bending moments and slenderness
Custom Bars To enter or edit custom bar properties bar
designation, bar diameters, and bar cross-sectional
areas. These bars are only effective if you select
Custom for the bar type in Edit Section.

Settings Menu
Increments To set the increments that will be used in the
Automated Design Process and in the Visual
Chapter 2 Getting Started 9

Colors To change the color scheme used in the main

window, N vs M diagrams, and for status levels.
Preferences To enter Preferences including users name,
company name, fonts, code check automatically,
use of steel tables, and zoom percentage.

Run Menu
Design To set various design conditions and constraints for
Constraints "Automated Design".
Automated To perform automated design for the section. S-
Design CONCRETE will make changes if and where
required to make the section more efficient and
acceptable according to the chosen building
Analyze / Code To perform code checking. This command will
Check generate N vs M diagrams and Results Report.
This tool will only be active if the Code Check
Automatically box is unchecked in Settings
Preferences (Chapter 8.3).

Results Menu (active only after Analyze / Code Checking)

Results Report To display numerical results of the code checking
process. Pictures can be added to the Report
(click Add to Document button).
N vs M To generate and display the Axial Load and
Diagram Moment Interaction Diagram.

Help Menu
Help To display Help Topics.
10 Chapter 2 Getting Started

2.2.2 Vertical Tool Bar

2.3 Status Levels and Utilization

S-CONCRETE performs numerous checks on a given section. Every check
is assigned a status. Strength checks are also assigned a utilization.

2.3.1 Utilization
S-CONCRETE computes two types of strength utilizations: (1) shear and
torsion utilization and (2) axial load and moment (N vs M) utilization.
Typically, utilization equals to the applied force or moment divided by the
capacity of the section. However, for shear and torsion, special conditions
apply depending on the building standard chosen.

V Mu
e.g. Utilization = u or
Vr Mr
Chapter 2 Getting Started 11

For every load case, S-CONCRETE will generate shear/torsion and N vs M

utilizations. The greatest utilization computed is stored and displayed in the
main drawing (in the tool bar). This will give you a quick assessment and
overview of the section in terms of strength. Utilizations are also given a
status. See below for Status Levels.

2.3.2 Status Levels

The Overall Status is the worst status detected out of all the checks that were
performed. This overall status gives you a quick evaluation and a general
overview of the section. There are five status levels that can be assigned,
from best to worst: Not Applicable, Acceptable, Warning, Borderline, and

Not Applicable Assigned to checks that do not apply to the member.

Acceptable Assigned to checks that meet code requirements or
strength utilizations that are less than a user defined upper
limit "Max".
Utilization =u < Max Acceptable

Warning Assigned to checks that do not meet code requirements

but are not serious enough to be considered
"unacceptable". These checks usually require additional
information or some discretion from the engineer. You
may or may not have to make changes to the beam before
this check is considered "acceptable".
Borderline Assigned to strength utilizations that are equal to or
exceed a user defined upper limit "Max" by less than or
equal to 5%.
Max Utilization = u Max + 0.05 Borderline

Unacceptable Assigned to checks that do not meet code requirements

and serious enough to be considered "unacceptable" to
most engineers. It is also assigned to strength utilizations
that exceed a user defined upper limit "Max" by more than
Utilization = u > Max + 0.05 Unacceptable
12 Chapter 2 Getting Started

2.4 Visual Editor and Drawing Window

The drawing window is the region below the horizontal tool bar. Here you will
find a detailed drawing showing the section dimensions, reinforcing
configuration, material properties, section properties, and code check results
(if applicable). The section is drawn to scale and complete in every detail.

S-CONCRETE supports an interactive design and detailing feature known as

the Visual Editor. With this feature, you can change the size of the section by
simply dragging the outline of the section. You can also change the
reinforcing configuration by clicking the appropriate text (or "hot spot") with
the left or right mouse button. The Visual Editor is described in Figure 2 for
an L-Beam.

Figure 2, Visual Editor

Not all the text in every information window is an active hot-spot. The
majority of the text is there to display information for reference purposes only.
Some text are active hot-spots where you can change the value with a click
Chapter 2 Getting Started 13

of a mouse button. Figure 2 Illustrates an L-Beam but hot-spots are more

or less treated the same way for other section types.

If you drag the outline of the section, S-CONCRETE will change the
dimension in increments, specified in Settings Increments' (Chapter 8).
Similarly, if you click a "hot spot" to change the bar spacing or material
property, S-CONCRETE will change the bar spacing or material property in
pre-determined increments.

Click the "hot spot" with the left mouse button to increase a dimension or
property, add a bar, or decrease the bar spacing. Click the "hot spot" with the
right mouse button to decrease a dimension or property, subtract a bar, or
increase the bar spacing.

2.5 Quick Start

The following steps will help you become familiar with the essential tools in
creating, editing, and reviewing a section in S-CONCRETE.

2.5.1 New Section

The first step is to create a new section. Select New under the File Menu or
click the New Section tool in the toolbar. The following window will appear
(Figure 3).

Figure 3, New Section

14 Chapter 2 Getting Started

Make the choices that best describes the new section and click the Ok
button. S-CONCRETE will generate a new section with the appropriate
parameters initialized. It will also assign default material properties, section
dimensions, and reinforcing configurations. This new section also becomes
your default section every time you start S-CONCRETE.

2.5.2 Input Data

The next step is to change or edit the section dimensions, material
properties, and reinforcing configurations. The suggested steps and
associated tools are indicated below. A brief description of each step is also

Step Tool Description

1 To edit the section parameters including building standard,
bar type, units, material properties, dimensions, hole size
or composite steel shape for columns, clear cover,
effective section properties, and slenderness effects if
2 To edit section reinforcing including bar sizes,
tie/stirrup/link bar size and spacing, tie/stirrup/link
configurations, number of bars, splice type if applicable,
zone and panel reinforcing for walls.
3 To enter factored sectional loads or panel loads (for walls)
including axial loads, torsion, shear forces, bending
moments and slenderness parameters.

Note: The Visual Editor (Chapter 2.4) can also be used to adjust the
section parameters including dimensions, reinforcing, and material

2.5.3 Automated Design or Analyze / Code Check

Upon completing the "Input Data", the next step is to perform "Automated
Design" or "Analysis / Code Check" (if not already executed). Automated
Design may change the section dimensions, reinforcing configuration, and/or
material properties to make the section Acceptable. Analysis / Code
Check does not make changes to the section parameters when executed.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 15

Normally, S-CONCRETE performs an Analysis / Code Check every time

you change a parameter unless you have switched this option off in Settings
Preferences (Chapter 8.3). If the Analysis / Code Check option is turned
off, you will need to perform this task before reviewing the results.

Click the appropriate button on the tool bar to complete the project, for
Automated Design or for Analysis / Code Check if applicable. When
completed, you can review the results. "Design Constraints" can be
changed first before executing "Automated Design" to guide/control the
design process.

2.5.4 Review Results

After the analysis / code checking process or automated design, you can
review the results. Numerical results are displayed in "Results Report" .
Pictures can also be added to the Report. You can view axial load and
moment interaction diagrams and add these diagrams to the Report.
The main drawing can also be added to the Report.

When pictures are added to the Report, you can change the location of these
pictures within the Report. You can also perform a Print Preview before
sending the Report to the printer. The Report displays numerous checks and
intermediate values for some of these checks. You can hide some of these
checks to reduce the size of the Report by unchecking the appropriate box at
the top of the Report. You can also hide specific lines in the Report. See
Figure 4 for a sample Report.
16 Chapter 2 Getting Started

Figure 4, Results Report

Chapter 3 File Menu 17

Chapter 3 File Menu

File menu commands are located on the menu bar under the key word "File".
The corresponding drop-down menu is indicated below. Some of these
commands can also be found on the tool bar.

3.1 New, Open, Save, Save As, Exit

Tool Menu Item Description
New Create a New Section. This new section also
becomes your default section every time you start
Open Open an S-CONCRETE file (SCO), B-SECT file
(BSE), C-SECT file (CSE), or W-SECT file (WSE).
If you open a B/C/W-SECT file, you will need to
save it as an S-CONCRETE file (SCO) when
Save Save the current Section to a file.
Save As Save the current Section as a different file.
Exit Terminate the program.
18 Chapter 3 File Menu

3.2 Print Setup, Print, Print Preview

Tool Menu Item Description
Print Setup Change the current Print Setup (Figure 5).
Print Print the Drawing (send the picture directly to the
printer). The fonts that you select for the screen
must be supported by the printer. To change the
font, see Settings Preferences (Chapter 8.3).
Print Preview Preview the output to printer.

Figure 5, Print Setup

3.3 Import Loads (via TIM File)

S-CONCRETE can import load cases and load combinations from other
structural analysis software like S-FRAME and P-FRAME (products of Softek
Services Ltd.). This is accomplished through TIM files. S-FRAME and P-
Chapter 3 File Menu 19

FRAME can generate TIM files. The procedure outlined below should be
followed if you plan to use TIM files.

Step Description
1 Create a preliminary section for investigative purposes
including section type, section size, reinforcing configuration,
material properties, etc. Enter a few load cases if you wish
(optional). These load cases will be overwritten if the TIM file is
imported successfully.
2 From the File Menu, choose Import and specify a valid TIM
filename. If no errors are found, S-CONCRETE will populate the
loads spreadsheet and perform a code check.

Up to 20,000 load cases can be imported. If the TIM file

contains more than 20,000 load cases, you will need to break up
the TIM file manually or generate separate TIM files using S-

Note: The bending moments, shear and axial forces, and

torsional moments stored in the TIM file must be in the
same units as the load cases expected in the loads
spreadsheet. For certain section types, weak axis
bending and torsional moments may be ignored.
3 Perform automated design or make changes to the section
manually and code check again (if not performed automatically).
4 Review the results. If the section is inadequate, make changes
where necessary manually and code check again (if not
performed automatically).

3.4 Export to DXF File

Click this button on the tool bar to execute the command.

S-CONCRETE can export the main drawing to drafting software (like

AutoCAD) in the form of a DXF file. The drawing stored in this DXF file will
be similar to the one displayed in the drawing window. When S-CONCRETE
generates a DXF file, it will always generate the entire drawing even when
20 Chapter 3 File Menu

"zoomed into" a particular region. Furthermore, it will try to use the same
scale as the one depicted on the screen including text size.

You have a number of options when you generate a DXF file and these are
described below. For more information on the use of "layers", please refer to
the reference manual of your drafting software. See Figure 6 for a sample
set of layers and color assignments.

Figure 6, Export to DXF File

Layer Definitions and Layer Name

Various layers are defined for your drawing depending on the section type.
The Layer Name must be in upper case and every layer name must be
Chapter 3 File Menu 21

unique. The colors assigned for each layer can be changed in Settings
Colors (Chapter 8.2).

DXF Shading

You have the option to "apply" shading in the drawing when the DXF file is
generated. If you want shading, check the "DXF Shading" box.

DXF File (Button)

After assigning layer names, you are ready to generate the DXF file. Click
the button labeled "DXF File" to create the file. You will be prompted to enter
a filename.

Reset Button

To reset the layer names, click the "Reset" button. S-CONCRETE will re-
assign the layer names to default values.

Drafting Software

To import the DXF file into your drafting software, you should first create a
new drawing and then import the drawing into the application with a "DXFin"
command. The application will then prompt you for a filename with a default
extension of DXF. Enter the filename and the drawing should appear on the
screen. If you import the DXF file into an existing drawing, the layers defined
in the DXF file will be ignored and the scale of the drawing stored in the DXF
file may not match the existing drawing. S-CONCRETE supports AutoCAD
Release 14 and later.

3.5 Export to WORD/TEDDS Document

Click this button to Export to WORD/TEDDS Document.
Click this button to "Add to Document".

This command is used to create a Microsoft WORD/TEDDS document using

the list of items generated each time you click the "Add to Document" button.
You have a number of options when you create a document and these are
described below. See Figure 7 for a sample dialog box.
22 Chapter 3 File Menu

Figure 7, Export to WORD/TEDDS Document

Document Item List

In the "Document Item List" tab, you can edit the list of document items.
Document items are created when you click the "Add to Document" tool at
one of three locations: (1) main drawing, (2) N vs M Diagram, and (3) Results
Report. When you click the "Add to Document" button, S-CONCRETE will
prompt you for a description. These descriptions can also be changed in the
"Document Item List" tab by double clicking the appropriate cell.

There are two types of document items that can be generated picture or
table/text (numerical results). Section drawings and axial load and moment
diagrams are pictures, or more specifically bitmaps, and results report are
numerical tables. When you add an item to the document list, it is a
"snapshot" of the current configuration (picture or table/text). Pictures or
tables/text that are already on the list will not be updated as new document
items are added. You can always change the order of the document list by
clicking the appropriate arrow button (or "move" buttons). The maximum
number of items that can be included in a single document is 25.
Chapter 3 File Menu 23

When your document list is finalized, you can create a WORD/TEDDS

document by clicking the appropriate button with the same name. Depending
on the "AutoSave Frequency" discussed below, WORD/TEDDS may prompt
you for a filename.

Move, Delete Item, Clear All Buttons

The active row (or cursor location) is indicated in the spreadsheet in reverse
type. To move the cursor to a different location using a mouse, simply click
on another row. In Figure 7, the cursor location is on item number 2.

To move the contents of the active row up/down by one, click the up/down
arrow button, respectively. To delete the contents of the active row, click the
"Delete" button. To clear the contents of the document list, click the "Clear
All" button.

Styles Tab

See Figure 8 for a sample dialog box on document styles. When S-

CONCRETE creates a new document, it will insert the items on the list into
the document in the same order as it appears on the list. Two styles are
used to generate text in the document one style for headings and the other
for the rest of the document (default style). Paragraph style names are case
sensitive and may include spaces (e.g. Heading 2). Any style name specified
here should precisely match those in the default document. When exporting
to WORD/TEDDS, you can specify a template for the new document. Use
the browse button to locate and specify a template file (*.DOT). S-
CONCRETE is shipped with a default template called WORD.DOT which you
can modify. This file is located in the application directory.
24 Chapter 3 File Menu

Figure 8, Document Styles

The "AutoSave Frequency" determines how often the document is saved

automatically. The fewer number of lines you enter, the more frequent the
saves and the longer it will take to create the document. The default value is
2000 lines. Depending on the size of the document and the value of
"AutoSave Frequency", WORD or TEDDS may issue a warning that the
document is relatively large and prompt you for a filename for the document.

Click the "Reset" button to change all the style parameters to default values.
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 25

Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Edit menu commands are located on the menu bar under the key word "Edit".
The corresponding drop-down menu is indicated below.

These commands are also located on the Tool Bar:

4.1 Section
This command is used to edit section parameters including building standard,
bar type, units, material properties, dimensions, hole size or steel shape for
columns, clear cover, effective section properties, and slenderness effects if
applicable. Some parameters apply to all types of sections and other
parameters apply to specific section types. These are described below.

4.1.1 All Sections

26 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Parameter Options Description

Units Metric SI Units (e.g. mm, kNm, MPa)
US / Imperial US Units (e.g. in, kip ft, ksi, psi)

Code ACI 1999 ACI 318-99 (American)

ACI 2002 ACI 318-02 (American)
ACI 2005 ACI 318-05 (American)
BS8110 1985 BS8110: Parts 1 to 3: 1985 (British)
BS8110 1997 BS8110: Parts 1 to 3: 1997 (British)
CP65 1999 CP65: Parts 1 & 2: 1999 (Singapore)
CSA 1994 CSA-A23.1-94 & CSA-A23.3-94 (Canadian)
CSA 2004 CSA-A23.1-04 & CSA-A23.3-04 (Canadian)
UBC 1997 Uniform Building Code 1997 (American)

Bar Type American American Bars (e.g. #5)

British British Bars (e.g. T16)
Canadian Canadian Bars (e.g. 15M)
Custom Custom Bar Sizes (Chapter 4.4)
Korean Korean Bars (e.g. D16)
Singapore Singaporean Bars (e.g. Y16)

Max 0.5 Max 1.25 Maximum Utilization Permitted for strength

Utilization checks (Chapter 2.3)

Shear Simplified Clause 11.3 of CSA-A23.3-94

Method Clause of CSA-A23.3-04
General Clause 11.4 of CSA-A23.3-94
Clause of CSA-A23.3-04
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 27

Effective Section Properties

Effective section properties are defined as a fraction of the gross section

properties. This includes: moment of inertia (Ig), cross-sectional area (Ag),
shear area (Ashear), and torsional constant (Jg or Cg). These section
properties are computed and displayed for reference purposes. Typically,
effective section properties are used to create the structural analysis model
that will generate bending moments, torsion, shear and axial forces.
Software like P-FRAME or S-FRAME (products of Softek Services Ltd.) will
ask you to enter such properties for various members.

For braced frames, according to the commentary for Clause 8.6.1 of ACI 318,
it is common practice to assign gross EI values for all members or, to use
half the gross EI for beams and the gross EI for columns. For unbraced
frames, a different set of effective section properties should be used for both
beams and columns (see Clause 10.11.1 of ACI 318 or Clause 10.14.1 of

For beams, S-CONCRETE gives you the option to ignore the flange when
computing the centroid and moment of inertia in the strong direction, Ig (y-y).
Check the box if you wish to ignore the flange for such calculations. If you
choose to ignore the flange, S-CONCRETE will still take into consideration
the flange for moment capacity calculations. However, the location of the
centroid will be that of a rectangular section which, in turn, affects the location
of the applied axial load (if any).
28 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Material Properties

Material properties can be assigned for various elements in the cross-section

including concrete strength (fc or fcu), steel strength for primary and
secondary reinforcement (fy), strength for steel shape in composite columns
(Fy), concrete density (Wc or Dc), steel density (Ws or Ds), Poissons Ratio
(default of = 0.2), Nominal Maximum Size Aggregate (hagg), Elastic
Modulus of Steel (Es), Elastic Modulus of Concrete (Ec), and Shear Modulus
of Concrete (Gc). If you click the button labeled Estimate (Es, Ec, Gc), the
elastic modulus of concrete (Ec) and steel (Es) and the shear modulus of
concrete (Gc) will be computed based on the values assigned to the concrete
strength, concrete density, Poissons ratio and the building standard or code
selected. The shear modulus will be estimated using the following equation.

Gc =
2 (1 + )

For more information on the values assigned to Ec and Es, see Material
Properties topics in the Help Menu.

Quick Calc (N vs M)

S-CONCRETE takes two approaches when generating axial load and

moment interaction diagrams (a) direct integration or quick calc method,
(b) elemental method. The direct integration method is based on first
principles where the stress block and associated forces is determined by way
of integrating the stress over the section area directly. It is a relatively fast
and accurate method. The elemental method is based on slicing the
section into numerous rectangles and integrating the stress over these
elemental areas to get the forces and moments. This method is generally
slower and less accurate but reliable as a secondary check for the first
method. To use the Quick Calc method, check the appropriate box in the
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 29

4.1.2 Beams

Figure 9, Edit Section (Beams)


You can enter or modify the section dimensions numerically. The diagram on
the right side of the screen (Figure 9) illustrates the variable location in the
section. It is also possible to edit the section dimensions graphically using
the Visual Editor (Chapter 2.4).

Clear Cover

Clear cover is the concrete cover to the stirrup or link.

30 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Code Check

By default, S-CONCRETE will perform bar spacing checks and crack control
checks. If for some reason you do not want these checks to be performed,
you can switch off these checks by checking the appropriate box.


For ACI, UBC, and CSA Standards only, you can specify interior or exterior
exposure for the section. This has implications on the crack control check (if

4.1.3 Columns

You can enter or modify the section dimensions numerically. The diagram on
the right side of the screen (Figure 10) illustrates the variable location in the
section. It is also possible to edit the section dimensions graphically using
the Visual Editor (Chapter 2.4).

Clear Cover (Outer and Inner)

Outer Clear cover is the concrete cover to the tie or link measured from the
outermost perimeter of the section. If a hole is specified, the Inner Clear
Cover is the concrete cover that should be provided to the main reinforcing
bars measured from the perimeter of the hole. If S-CONCRETE determines
that insufficient inside cover is provided to a vertical bar, that bar will be
rendered ineffective for axial load and moment capacity calculations. The
main drawing will also indicate which bars are ineffective (Figure 11).
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 31

Figure 10, Edit Section (Columns)


For CSA, ACI, and UBC Standards only, S-CONCRETE can make
adjustments to the axial load and moment interaction diagrams to account for
steel ratios less than 1%. If you do not check this box, the lower limit for steel
ratios is 1% or a warning is issued. Otherwise, if you check this box, the
lower limit for steel ratios goes down to 0.5% and the interaction diagram is
conservatively adjusted according to the building standard.
32 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

For British and Singapore Standards only, you can specify an upper limit for
the axial load capacity, Nu (max) based on Clause or Clause
You can also choose neither clause and specify none for Nu (max).

Figure 11, Ineffective Bars in a Column

Minimum Moments

If you select Yes to apply minimum moments, S-CONCRETE will compute

the minimum moments according to the specified building standard and apply
it in the direction of the applied moment (if required). If No, S-CONCRETE
will not compute or apply minimum moments whatsoever.

If you specify an applied moment of zero (i.e. M = 0), S-CONCRETE will

neither assign a minimum moment nor attempt to magnify the moment. The
program will only apply slenderness effects and assign minimum moments to
load cases with an applied moment greater than zero (i.e. |M| > 0). For
biaxial bending, it will apply the minimum moment in the direction of the larger
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 33

Hole Parameters

In S-CONCRETE, you have the option to add a rectangular or circular hole in

the column. You will need to specify the dimensions of the hole. The hole
size cannot exceed one half of the column dimension which is a practical
upper limit. The hole size is also checked to see if it meets the specified
building standard.

Structural Steel Shape

In S-CONCRETE, you have the option create a composite column by adding

a steel shape (I-beams only). If you choose to add a steel shape, you will not
be able to add a hole. Check the box labeled Include Steel Shape to add a
steel shape into your section. Check the box labeled Add to Shear
Resistance if you wish to add the shear capacity of the steel shape to the
shear resistance provided by the concrete. The orientation of the steel shape
can be changed by selecting I Configuration or H Configuration. If you
choose to use steel tables, you can pick a table from our database CISC,
AISC, British, European, Australian, Japanese, etc. After selecting a table,
you would pick a section from that table using the list box containing the
names of the sections. The section dimensions will be displayed below.

To create a custom steel shape, uncheck the box labeled Use Steel Tables if
available (Composite Columns) in Settings Preferences, Chapter 8.3. In this
case, you will be able to specify the exact dimensions of the steel shape (d, b,
w, t) and assign a name to the steel shape.

Slenderness Effects

You have the choice to apply slenderness effects or moment magnification

(P-Delta) between the ends of a "braced" column. If "Yes", S-CONCRETE
will magnify the moments entered in Edit Loads (Chapter 4.3) in each
principal direction using the appropriate effective length and stiffness. If "No",
the program will assume the moments entered already include slenderness
effects. See also Moment Magnification topics in the Help Menu. S-
CONCRETE assumes that slenderness effects (P-Delta) caused by lateral
drift are already included in the moments entered in the spreadsheet (e.g.
columns in sway frames).

k or Beta is the effective length factor applied to the unsupported length

"Lu" or "Lo" for bending about the y-y or z-z axis. The effective length (kLu
34 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

or Le) is used to compute the magnified moments (slenderness effects). See

also Moment Magnification topics in the Help Menu.

For columns, BetaD is the ratio of the maximum factored axial sustained
load to the maximum factored axial load (d = 0.6 conservative). This
parameter is used to estimate the effective stiffness (EI) in computing
slenderness effects (ACI, UBC, CSA codes only). See also Moment
Magnification topics in the Help Menu.

4.1.4 Walls

Figure 12, Edit Section (Walls)


You can enter or modify the section dimensions numerically. The diagram
next to the dimensions in Figure 12 illustrates the variable location in the
section. It is also possible to edit the section dimensions graphically using
the Visual Editor (Chapter 2.4).
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 35

Clear Cover (Wall and Zone Reinforcing)

For wall or panel reinforcing with two curtains of reinforcing, the clear cover
specified here is the clear concrete cover provided to the outermost
reinforcing bar (horizontal or vertical whichever is placed outside).

Clear cover for zone reinforcing typically refers to the clear concrete cover
provided for the zone ties or links (if specified).

Orientation and Check Boxes (I-Shapes)

For wall sections, it is possible to change the orientation. There are four
orientation angles: 0, 90, 180, and 270. The orientation angle is
measured counter-clockwise and illustrated in Figure 13 for an I-Shape.

Figure 13, Wall Orientation

Changing the orientation does not change the direction of the Y and Z axes.
Section properties are computed with respect to the Y and Z axes and takes
into account the orientation.

For I-Shapes, you can work with rectangular shapes only by checking the
appropriate box. You can also make the I-Shape symmetric in terms of
dimensions and reinforcing by checking the appropriate box. For non-
36 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

seismic regions, you can also code check the wall using the Empirical Design
Method as outlined in the building standard (CSA, UBC, or ACI only) by
checking the appropriate box. See also Empirical Design Method topics in
the Help Menu.

Slenderness Effects

You have the choice to apply slenderness effects or moment magnification

(P-Delta) between the ends of a "braced" wall. If "Yes", S-CONCRETE will
magnify the moments entered in Edit Sectional Loads (Chapter 4.3) in each
principal direction using the appropriate effective length and stiffness. If "No",
the program will assume the moments entered already include slenderness
effects. S-CONCRETE assumes that slenderness effects (P-Delta) caused
by lateral drift are already included in the moments entered in the
spreadsheet (e.g. columns in sway frames). Moment Magnification is not
applied for panel loads.

k or Beta is the effective length factor applied to the unsupported length

"Lu" or "Lo" for bending about the y-y or z-z axis. The effective length (kLu
or Le) is used to compute the magnified moments (slenderness effects).

"EI" is the effective stiffness to be used for slenderness effects calculations

(for ACI, UBC, CSA codes only). It is computed as a fraction of the gross
moment of inertia (Ig) times the elastic modulus of concrete (Ec). You would
enter the fraction (conservatively taken as 0.25). See also Moment
Magnification topics in the Help Menu.

Seismic Parameters

CSA 1994 and CSA 2004

hw Overall Height of the wall (e.g. from ground floor to roof)
R (1994) Force Modification Factor (Ductility Related)
Rd (2004) = 3.5, ductile flexural wall or partially ductile coupled wall
= 2.0, wall with nominal ductility
= 1.5, other types of concrete walls not defined above
= 1.0, other types of walls not defined above
Plastic Hinge = Yes, the wall section is located in a plastic hinge region
= No, the wall section is not located in a plastic hinge region
Duct. Cut-Off 0% to 75% of Mf/Mr, Default = 25%
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 37

Ductility Requirement Cut-Off Limit. The program will

evaluate ductility requirements for load cases that have Mf/Mr
greater than the value specified here. This feature is
introduced to filter out load cases that are not at ultimate
from a flexural point of view.
Overstrength The program has defined two types of overstrength factors
Factors (w) nominal and probable. Nominal overstrength factors are
based on the nominal strength while probable overstrength
factors are based on the probable strength.

Nominal Overstrength Factors are used to evaluate ductility

requirements for R 2. For R = 2, they are also used to
magnify seismic shear forces for bending about y-y or z-z
axis. For R > 2, Probable Overstrength Factors are used to
magnify seismic shear forces for bending about y-y or z-z
axis. The program can estimate the overstrength factors
for bending in both directions or in one direction. It assumes
the wall is cantilevered in the direction considered and that
the section is at the base of the wall.
Ro (2004) Force Modification Factor (Overstrength Related)
Df (2004) Deflection at the top of the wall due to the effects of factored
loads for bending about the y-y or z-z axis.
Coupled no, about y-y & z-z, about y-y only, or about z-z only
(2004) To properly assess the inelastic rotational demands of the
wall, the program needs to know if the wall is coupled and, if
so, in which direction(s).

UBC 1997
hw Overall Height of the wall (e.g. from ground floor to roof)
Region Zone 0, 1, 2A, 2B (low or moderate risk seismic zone)
Zone 3 or 4 (high risk seismic zone, Chapter 1921 of UBC)
Nmax 0.05 or 0.10 Agfc Clause 1921.6.6.4
Limit for Boundary Zone Detailing Requirements
Phi (shear) 0.6 or 0.85, strength reduction factor for shear
Clause 1909.3.4.1
Boundary Force (Clause 1921.6.6.4) or
38 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Element Strain Analysis Method (Clause 1921.6.6.5)


ACI 1999 (low risk seismic zone only), ACI 2002 and ACI 2005
hw Overall Height of the wall (e.g. from ground floor to roof)
Region / Risk Low risk seismic zone
Moderate risk seismic zone
High risk seismic zone
Phi (shear) 0.6 or 0.85 (1999)
0.6 or 0.75 (2002 or 2005)
strength reduction factor for shear (Clause 9.3.4)
Boundary Stress Method (Clause or
Element Displacement Method (Clause
du / hw du = design displacement
hw = overall height of the wall (see above)
for bending about the y-y or z-z axis.
Duct. Cut-Off 0% to 75% of Mu/Mn, Default = 25%
Ductility Requirement Cut-Off Limit. For the Displacement
Method, the program will evaluate ductility requirements for
load cases that have Mu/Mn greater than the value specified
here. This feature is introduced to filter out load cases that
are not at ultimate from a flexural point of view.

See also Ductility Requirements topics in the Help Menu.

4.2 Reinforcing
This command is used to edit reinforcing parameters including primary and
secondary bar sizes and spacing, tie/stirrup/link configurations, number of
bars, splice type if applicable, zone and panel reinforcing for walls. These are
described below for each section type.
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 39

4.2.1 Beams

Figure 14, Edit Reinforcing (Beams)

Top and Bottom Bars

Up to five layers of bars can be specified for the top and/or bottom bars. Two
sets of bars can also be specified for each layer of bars. The first set is
typically placed on the outside and the second set on the inside. If there is
insufficient room to place both sets of bars within the outermost stirrup/link
legs, some or all of the second set of bars is placed outside of the stirrup/link
legs. Each set of bars can be a different bar size. You have the option to
show the 2 set of bars by checking the appropriate box. You also have
the option to make every bar the same bar size by checking the appropriate
box. S-CONCRETE will automatically place bars in a reasonable manner
taking into account the number of stirrup/link legs, location of stirrup/link legs,
st nd
number of bars (1 and 2 set), beam width, and clear spacing requirements.

Clear spacing (dz) between layers of bars can be specified or computed if

applicable. Check the box labeled Compute (dz) if you want the spacing
computed based on the building standard selected. For CSA Standard only,
you can also specify the bar coating Normal or Epoxy Coated. This
information is used to evaluate crack control parameters.
40 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Stirrups / Links

Stirrup/link bar size and spacing can be specified here including hook angle.
If you wish to add stirrups/links to the section, you will need to check the
Apply box. If you want the stirrups/links to be closed, check the box labeled
Closed; otherwise, the configuration will be open stirrups/links. You can
specify as many stirrup/legs as you wish and as low as one stirrup/link leg. A
possible configuration with one stirrup/link leg is illustrated in Figure 15 for a
concrete joist.

When four (4) stirrup/link legs are specified, you have the option to specify
two sets of stirrups/links (Double Set) of the same configuration or two sets of
stirrups/links of different configuration. This is illustrated in Figure 16. Check
the box labeled Double Set if you wish to specify two sets of the same
configuration. The Double Set may be appropriate for small beams and, if
closed, all four legs of stirrups/links will be effective to resist shear and
torsion as opposed to the other configuration where only the exterior legs are
effective to resist torsion.

Figure 15, Concrete Joist (One Stirrup/Link Leg)

Chapter 4 Edit Menu 41

Figure 16, Double Set Stirrups/Links

Face Steel

Face steel or skin steel can be specified here including bar size and spacing.
If you wish to add face steel to the section, you will need to check the Apply
box. If you want the face steel applied to each face of the section (Figure
16), check the box labeled Each Face; otherwise, S-CONCRETE will insert
the face steel at the centre-line of the section only (Figure 15). If you want to
include face steel in the axial load and moment interaction diagram
calculations, check the box labeled N vs M.

Scale Check Box

In Figure 14 below the Help button, there is a check box labeled Scale
(stirrups or links). If checked, the stirrup/link thickness will be drawn to scale
in the main drawing; otherwise, it will be drawn using one pixel width to
represent the stirrup/link bar size.
42 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

4.2.2 Columns

Figure 17, Edit Reinforcing (Columns - Rectangular Ties/Links)

Vertical Bars

In this part of the window, you can specify the splice type. For a visual
representation of these splice types, see Figure 18. Tangential and radial
splices are lap splices that are applicable to columns subjected to
compression or tension. For bearing splices, the loads are transmitted
directly from bar to bar in end bearing, so it is applicable to columns
subjected to compression only. A mechanical splice may be a tension
coupler or a similar device that is capable of transmitting tension and
compression. To meet bar spacing requirements in a given section, the
bearing or mechanical splice would allow the greatest number of vertical bars
as compared to a tangential splice (least number of vertical bars allowed).

For rectangular tie/link configurations (Figure 17), you can specify one bar
size for all of the vertical bars. You will also need to specify the number of
bars in each direction (Ny and Nz) and the number of layers. Figure 19
Illustrates a relatively large column with two layers of bars. There is an upper
limit to the number of layers before the column is saturated with vertical
bars. If you specify a higher number, S-CONCRETE automatically resets the
number of layers to this upper limit.
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 43

Figure 18, Splice Types

Figure 19, Rectangular Ties/Links with Multiple Layers of Vertical Bars

44 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

For circular tie/link configurations (Figure 20) or spiral configurations, you can
specify up to two layers of bars and one bar size for each layer of vertical
bars. The first layer is the outermost layer and the second layer is the next
layer separated by the clear distance, dz, between layers of vertical bars.
You can specify a value for dz, or it can be computed by checking the
appropriate box. You can also specify a different number of bars for each
layer. This is illustrated in Figure 21.

Figure 20, Edit Reinforcing (Columns - Circular Ties/Links)

Horizontal Bars

In this part of the window, you can specify the horizontal bar configuration
rectangular, circular, or spiral. If the configuration is rectangular (Figure 17
and Figure 19), you will need to specify the tie/link bar size and spacing, hook
angle for the ties/links and for single cross-hooks. When diamond
configurations are implemented, you can switch this option off by unchecking
the appropriate box. S-CONCRETE will then use a more conventional tie/link
configuration. Diamond configurations may provide less shear resistance as
compared to the conventional tie/link configuration. If the configuration is
circular (Figure 20 and Figure 21) or spiral, you will need to specify the tie/link
st nd
or spiral bar sizes for the 1 and 2 layer and the spacing or pitch for each
layer. Horizontal bars for each layer of vertical bars can have different bar
sizes and spacing/pitch.
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 45

Figure 21, Circular Ties/Links with 2 Layers of Vertical Bars

Scale Check Box

In Figure 17 and Figure 20 below the Help button, there is a check box
labeled Scale (ties/links or spiral). If checked, the tie/link/spiral thickness
will be drawn to scale in the main drawing; otherwise, it will be drawn using
one pixel width to represent the bar size.

4.2.3 Walls (Zone Reinforcing)

To edit zone reinforcing in wall sections, you will need to click on the tab
labeled Zone Reinforcing at the top of the window (Figure 22).

Zone Parameters

Depending on the zone location in the wall section and the section type, there
are up to three types of zone reinforcing one, two, or three direction zones.
One direction zones are typically located at ends of a single panel. Two
direction zones are typically located at corners where two panels meet.
Three direction zones are typically located at intersections of two panels. Not
all types of zones are made available for a given section; only the ones that
are suitable for the zone location and section type can be selected. For more
information on zone types, see Zone Angles below.
46 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Every zone type can be oriented at a different angle. See below for more
information on Zone Angles. Some zone types located in a specific location
in a wall section cannot be oriented at a particular angle. As a consequence,
certain angles will not be made available for selection purposes.

You can assign a "Zone Label" to a given zone. This label will be used in the
main drawing for reference purposes. You can also assign a splice type for
the zone tangential, radial, bearing, or mechanical (see Figure 18). Vertical
bar size, tie/link bar size and spacing can be assigned to a given zone. You
can also remove the ties/links for a zone by specifying "None" for the tie/link
bar size.

Figure 22, Edit Reinforcing (Walls Zone Reinforcing)

You can specify the clear spacing limit (Scl) between vertical bars. If
exceeded, every vertical bar shall be laterally supported by the corner of a
tie/link or cross hook; otherwise, every corner and alternate vertical bar shall
be laterally supported. By checking the appropriate box, this clear spacing
limit (Scl) can be computed, instead, based on the building code selected.
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 47

Zone reinforcing can be made "active" or "inactive" by checking or

unchecking the appropriate box. When active, zone reinforcing will become
visible in the main drawing and be included in axial load and moment
interaction diagram calculations.

Vertical bars in a given zone are typically placed only along the perimeter in a
given tie/link configuration. S-CONCRETE offers the option to "Fill the zone
with vertical bars (if applicable)" by checking the appropriate box. If checked,
vertical bars will be placed at intermediate locations if the zone supports such
a configuration (normally used in thick panels and/or large zones where many
vertical bars can be utilized effectively). In three direction zones, you have
the option to make these zones symmetrical by checking the box labeled
"Symmetric Zone Reinforcing". For certain wall section types (e.g. T-
Shapes), the three direction zone is always symmetrical.

Zone Angles

As described above, there are three zone reinforcing types one, two, and
three direction zones. Every zone direction type can be oriented at a different
zone angle. The zone angle is measured counter-clockwise with respect to
the horizontal. See below for examples of zone types and angles.

Figure 23, One Direction Zone and Zone Angles

48 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Figure 24, Two Direction Zone and Zone Angles

Figure 25, Three Direction Zone and Zone Angles

Chapter 4 Edit Menu 49

Zone Bars and Spacing

For every zone type, you can assign numbers of bars and bars spacing for
each direction in the zone. Often times a wall panel controls the size of the
zone in a given direction which, in turn, determines the bar spacing.
Sometimes, you have the option to assign the dimensions of the zone and let
S-CONCRETE determine the bar spacing automatically. In Figure 22, there
are up to five sets of bars that can be changed or modified depending on the
zone type. Each bar set has variables that can be changed if applicable and
these are described below.

Variable Description
i Bar Set Number or Index
Ni Number of Bars for Bar i
Si Bar Spacing for Bar i (Computed or Assigned)
Wi Zone Dimension (Wall Thickness or Assigned)
Use Limit (Wi) If checked, S-CONCRETE will use the zone
dimension Wi to determine the bar spacing.

Refer to the figures below for sample sets of zone bars and spacing for all
three zone types at a zone angle of 0 degrees.
50 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Scale Check Box

In Figure 22 below the Help button, there is a check box labeled Scale (horz
bars). If checked, the zone tie/link thickness will be drawn to scale in the
main drawing; otherwise, it will be drawn using one pixel width to represent
the bar size.

4.2.4 Walls (Panel Reinforcing)

To edit panel reinforcing in wall sections, you will need to click on the tab
labeled Panel Reinforcing at the top of the window (Figure 26).

For each panel, you can specify: a panel label to be used in the main
drawing, vertical and horizontal bar sizes and spacing, number of curtains (1
or 2), and standard hooks at the ends of the horizontal bars (straight,
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 51

sideways, or up/down). Sideways hooks are typically used to enclose

vertical bars in zones, which are illustrated below.

Figure 26, Edit Reinforcing (Walls - Panel Reinforcing)

52 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Up/Down hooks are typically used to firmly anchor the horizontal bars into
the zone for seismic purposes. The hook is into-the-plane of the drawing
which is illustrated below.

In Figure 26 below the Help button, there is a check box labeled Scale (horz
bars). If checked, the horizontal bar thickness will be drawn to scale in the
main drawing; otherwise, it will be drawn using one pixel width to represent
the bar size. You can also check the box labeled Vertical Bars Outside to
place vertical bars outside of the horizontal bars as illustrated above for two
curtains of reinforcing. It is also possible to include vertical bars in axial load
and moment (N vs M) interaction diagram calculations by checking the
appropriate box. Otherwise, only zone reinforcing will be included in N vs M
diagram calculations.

4.3 Loads (Sectional or Panel for Walls)

In this window, you can edit/modify the factored loads applied to the section
or individual panels for walls. This information is entered into a spreadsheet
(Figure 27). Figure 27 is a spreadsheet used for columns. It is similar to that
used for other member types like rectangular beams. For walls, you will also
have the option to enter panel loading. Up to 20,000 load cases can be
entered for sectional loading and 20,000 load cases for panel loading.

The contents of the spreadsheet depends on the section type and whether or
not slenderness effects should be computed or not. For T-beams and L-
beams, bending about the strong axis only is permitted plus shear forces,
axial load and torsion (if applicable). For rectangular beams, rectangular
columns, and circular columns, biaxial bending is supported plus shear
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 53

forces, axial load and torsion (if applicable). For walls, biaxial bending is
supported plus shear forces, axial load and torsion (if applicable).

Figure 27, Edit Sectional Loads (for columns)

If the section type is a circular column reinforced with circular ties/links or

spiral and subjected to biaxial bending, S-CONCRETE will treat the load case
as uniaxial bending subjected to a resultant moment and shear as computed

M resultant =
M y2 + M z2 and Vresultant =
Vy2 + Vz2
54 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

Slenderness effects can be computed for columns and walls only. If

slenderness effects are to be computed for the bending moments (see
Chapter 4.1.3 for columns and Chapter 4.1.4 for Walls), you must also enter
a factor, Cm, which relates the actual bending moment diagram to an
equivalent uniform moment diagram. For members with transverse loads
between the member ends, Cm equals to 1.0. See also Moment
Magnification topics in the Help Menu.

Note: 0.4 Cm 1.0, a conservative value for Cm = 1.0

where Single Curvature C=
m 0.6 + 0.4
Double Curvature Cm =
0.6 0.4 0.4
M1 = Smaller Factored End Moment
M2 = Larger Factored End Moment = My or Mz

Command Buttons

The Copy button is used to copy the contents of a block of cells or selected
cells to the clipboard. To define a block of cells or selected cells with the
mouse button, click and drag over an area of cells to be selected and then
click the copy button.

The Paste button is used to paste the contents of the clipboard to an

appropriate location or designated insertion point in the spreadsheet. This
designated insertion point is located by the active cell. Placing data into the
clipboard can be done using the Copy command in S-CONCRETE or other
spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel.

The Clear button is used to clear the spreadsheet. S-CONCRETE will

assign zeros to axial loads, torsion, shear forces, and bending moments. It
will also assign ones to Cm factors for slenderness effects.

Ignore Axial Load

S-CONCRETE gives you the option to ignore axial loads when it assesses
the strength of the section for axial load and moment interaction diagrams
and shear/torsion evaluation. If the box is checked, it will assign zero to all
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 55

the axial loads during strength evaluation processes and ignore the axial
loads entered in the spreadsheet.

Load Type

For walls, you will also need to define the load type - wind, seismic, or other -
for each load case (Figure 28). Only the load cases that are designated as
seismic will be used to evaluate seismic provisions, if applicable. Seismic
shear forces entered here may also be magnified (see below).

Figure 28, Panel Loading (for walls)

Magnify Shears Check Box

For walls in seismic regions using the CSA standard, you will also have the
option to magnify the shear forces sectional and panel. If the box labeled
Magnify Shears is checked (Figure 28), the program will use the
Overstrength Factors specified or estimated in Chapter 4.1.4 (seismic
parameters) to magnify the sectional and panel seismic shear forces.

For CSA-A23.3-04 (Rd 1.5), S-CONCRETE will multiply the seismic shear
forces entered in the spreadsheets with the computed overstrength factor
based on the normal resistance of the section.
i.e. Vf (design) = Vf (data) Vf (data)
56 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

For CSA-A23.3-04 (Rd = 2.0) or CSA-A23.3-94 (R = 2.0), S-CONCRETE will

multiply the seismic shear forces entered in the spreadsheets with the
specified or estimated overstrength factor based on the nominal resistance of
the section with an upper limit of Rd or R placed on the overstrength factor.
i.e. Vf (design) = n Vf (data) Rd Vf (data)

For CSA-A23.3-04 (Rd = 3.5) or CSA-A23.3-94 (R = 3.5), S-CONCRETE will

multiply the seismic shear forces entered in the spreadsheets with the
specified or estimated overstrength factor based on the probable resistance
of the section with an upper limit of Rd or R placed on the overstrength factor.
i.e. Vf (design) = p Vf (data) Rd Vf (data)

Seismic shear force magnification is an attempt to estimate the shear forces

that may be present at ultimate, in accordance with Clauses,, and of CSA-A23.3-04 or Clauses and
of CSA-A23.3-94.

The theory behind this magnification process assumes a simple cantilevered

wall configuration with the section being evaluated at the base. A plastic
hinge is also assumed to be at the base only. If your wall is not of this type of
configuration, it is recommended that you do not magnify the shear forces in
the above manner. You should compute the magnified shear forces yourself
and enter them directly into the spreadsheets. Such configurations require a
more thorough investigation and analysis as opposed to the relatively simple
process indicated above.

Panel Loading (Walls Only)

For C-Shapes, T-Shapes, and L-Shapes, you can also enter panel loads
(Figure 28). An I-Shape is considered as a single panel so panel loading and
sectional loading are identical for I-Shapes. Panel loading is applied to the
individual panels in a given section. Each panel can be subjected to an axial
load, bending moment about the strong axis, and shear force in the strong
direction. When the program code checks, it will treat each panel as
independent entities and assess the axial load and moment capacity and
shear capacity on a panel-by-panel basis (including seismic provisions). See
Results Report (Chapter 7.1) for more information on wall panel results.

For more information on the use of sectional and panel loading, see Wall
Sectional & Panel Loading Discussion topic in the Help Menu.
Chapter 4 Edit Menu 57

4.4 Custom Bars

In this window, you enter custom bar properties bar designation, bar
diameters, and bar cross-sectional areas. If none of the standard bar types
listed in Edit Section (Chapter 4.1.1) suits your needs, select "Custom" for
your bar type and create a set of custom bars here (Figure 29) to be used for
your section.

Figure 29, Edit Custom Bars

You should assign a "Bar Type" to describe your set of custom bars. You
may want to enter a bar delimiter for bar designations (e.g. 2-No 8 where "-"
is the bar delimiter). You can also add a "space before and after" the
delimiter by checking the appropriate box.

When entering bar diameters, you can get S-CONCRETE to compute the
areas by clicking the "Compute Areas" button. Similarly, when entering bar
areas, you can get S-CONCRETE to compute the diameters by clicking the
58 Chapter 4 Edit Menu

"Compute Diameters" button. A "warning" will be issued if the computed area

is not within 15% of the specified area. The computed area is based on the
specified diameter.

You can save/retrieve custom bars by clicking the appropriate button.

Custom bars are saved in files with extension CBR. When retrieving custom
bars, you can read the information from CBR files and SCO files where SCO
files are S-CONCRETE data files. Custom bars that you have created for
other projects can be used again and again. It is also possible to create a
library of custom bars for reference purposes and for use in future projects.
Chapter 5 View Menu 59

Chapter 5 View Menu

View menu commands are located on the menu bar under the key word
"View". The corresponding drop-down menu is indicated below. These
commands are also located on the Tool Bar.

5.1 Zoom In/Out/Extents, Reset Drawing

Tool Name Description
Zoom In To magnify the drawing or "Zoom In". The
drawing is magnified by a user-specified
"Zoom Percentage".
Zoom Out To reduce the drawing or "Zoom Out".
The drawing is reduced by a user-
specified "Zoom Percentage".
Zoom Extents To view the entire drawing or "Zoom
60 Chapter 5 View Menu

Reset Drawing To reset the drawing including text

information box locations.

The "Zoom Percentage" can be changed in Settings Preferences (Chapter

8.3). You can also "zoom" by clicking the Drawing Window with the right
mouse button. A pop-up menu will appear on the screen. You will be able to
"Zoom 1/2x" or "Zoom 2x", centered at the cursor location. This feature will
not function if you right click on a "hot spot".

5.2 Zoom Window

Click this button on the tool bar to Zoom Window.

This command is used to view a particular region (or window). When

activated, the mouse pointer becomes a cross-hair. To define the region or
window, move the cross-hair to an area of interest. Click and hold with the
left mouse button to define the upper left corner of the window. Drag the
window or box to define the bottom right corner of the window (Figure 30) and
release to complete the zoom (Figure 31).

Figure 30, Zoom Window (Before)

Chapter 5 View Menu 61

Figure 31, Zoom Window (After)

5.3 Display Options

Various items can be displayed in the main drawing. You have the option to
toggle on/off any or all of these items for a give section.
62 Chapter 5 View Menu

To toggle on/off an item, choose that item under the View menu until a check
appears beside the item (to toggle the item on) or the check is removed (to
toggle the item off).

Most of the items are displayed in information text boxes located in the main
drawing. You can also close these information text boxes using the Visual
Editor (Chapter 2.4) by clicking on the upper right corner of the window. This
is equivalent to toggling the item off.
Chapter 6 Run Menu 63

Chapter 6 Run Menu

Run menu commands are located on the menu bar under the key word
"Run". The corresponding drop-down menu is indicated below.

These commands are also located on the Tool Bar:

6.1 Design Constraints

In the Design Constraints window (Figure 32 or Figure 33), you can enter or
modify various constraints that will be used in Automated Design (Chapter
6.2). S-CONCRETE will use these constraints in the Automated Design
process if appropriate. These constraints will not be applied elsewhere like in
the Visual Editor. For example, if you check the box labeled "Freeze" next to
beam or column Width (b), you can still change the width of the beam or
column using the Visual Editor (Chapter 2.4) or numerically in Edit Section
(Chapter 4.1). However, S-CONCRETE will not change the width of the
beam or column in the Automated Design process.

6.1.1 Beam Design Constraints

In Figure 32, you will find a typical set of design constraints for beams. Often
times, the beam dimensions may be constrained due to other factors (e.g.
limited head-room or aesthetic reasons) that are beyond the control of the
engineer. In this window, you can set lower and upper limits for the beam
width (b) and depth (h). If S-CONCRETE decides to change the dimensions
of the beam in Automated Design, it will take into consideration the limits you
set here. You can also Freeze the beam dimensions in Automated Design
by checking the appropriate box.
64 Chapter 6 Run Menu

Figure 32, Design Constraints for Beams

You can also set lower and upper limits for the size of the top and bottom
bars, stirrups/links, and face steel. In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE will
take into consideration these limits if it becomes necessary to change the bar
size. Many factors should be considered when you set bar sizes such as bar
availability, development or anchorage length, labor costs to assemble
reinforcing cages, etc. You can also Freeze the size of the currently
selected bar in Automated Design by checking the appropriate box.
Chapter 6 Run Menu 65

In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE will add or subtract reinforcing steel as

required to meet strength and serviceability requirements. It will also take
into consideration the specified Max Clear Spacing between bars. The
lower the value the better it becomes for crack control purposes. This also
helps determine the appropriate bar size for the beam.

You can also set lower and upper limits for the gross amount of longitudinal
steel top bars (As/bh) and bottom bars (As/bh). If the amount of steel is
not within the ranges specified here, S-CONCRETE will adjust the reinforcing
and/or beam dimensions if applicable. The limits specified here are only
guidelines. S-CONCRETE will use these guidelines when and if appropriate
in Automated Design to make the section more efficient.

You can set lower and upper limits for the concrete compressive strength (fcu
or fc), yield strength of steel (fy) for longitudinal bars, and yield strength of
steel (fy) for stirrups/links. These limits may be code related or controlled by
other factors such as material availability. In Automated Design, S-
CONCRETE will take into consideration these limits if and when it finds it
necessary to change material properties. You can also Freeze the current
selected material properties by checking the appropriate box.

In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE will cycle through a number of iterations

to find an acceptable and cost-effective solution. The iteration process will
continue until (1) a solution is found, (2) no more changes are made, or (3)
the maximum number of iterations have been reached. The Max No. of
Iterations can be set here. Typical design scenarios should take less than
20 iterations.

When determining or altering beam dimensions in Automated Design, S-

CONCRETE will use the Optimal b/h Ratio specified here. It will try to make
the beam dimensions fit the ratio entered here. Under normal circumstances,
a cost-effective section can be realized for width to depth ratios between 0.5
and 0.8.

6.1.2 Column Design Constraints

In Figure 33, you will find a typical set of design constraints for columns.
Column dimensions may be constrained due to other factors (e.g. aesthetic
reasons) that are beyond the control of the engineer. In this window, you can
set lower and upper limits for the column width (b) and depth (h). If S-
CONCRETE decides to change the dimensions of the column in Automated
Design, it will take into consideration the limits you set here. You can also
66 Chapter 6 Run Menu

Freeze the column dimensions in Automated Design by checking the

appropriate box.

Figure 33, Design Constraint for Columns

You can also set lower and upper limits for the size of the column ties/links
and vertical bars. In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE will take into
consideration these limits if it becomes necessary to change the bar size.
Many factors should be considered when you set bar sizes such as bar
availability, development or anchorage length, labor costs to assemble
reinforcing cages, etc. You can also Freeze the size of the currently
selected bar in Automated Design by checking the appropriate box. You can
also Freeze the splice type selected for the column.
Chapter 6 Run Menu 67

You can also set lower and upper limits for the steel ratio (As/Ag). If the
amount of steel is not within the ranges specified here, S-CONCRETE will
adjust the reinforcing and/or column dimensions if applicable. The limits
specified here are only guidelines. S-CONCRETE will use these guidelines
when and if appropriate in Automated Design to make the section more

If a structural steel shape is specified creating a composite column, you can

set lower and upper limits on the shape width (b) and depth (d). You can also
freeze the shape dimensions by checking the appropriate box.

You can set lower and upper limits for the concrete compressive strength (fcu
or fc), yield strength of steel (fy) for vertical bars, and yield strength of steel
(fy) for ties/links. These limits may be code related or controlled by other
factors such as material availability. In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE
will take into consideration these limits if and when it finds it necessary to
change material properties. You can also Freeze the current selected
material properties by checking the appropriate box.

In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE will cycle through a number of iterations

to find an acceptable and cost-effective solution. The iteration process will
continue until (1) a solution is found, (2) no more changes are made, or (3)
the maximum number of iterations have been reached. The Max No. of
Iterations can be set here. Typical design scenarios would take less than 20

When determining or altering column dimensions in Automated Design, S-

CONCRETE will use the Optimal b/h Ratio specified here. It will try to make
the column dimensions fit the ratio entered here.

6.1.3 Wall Design Constraints

In Figure 34, you will find a typical set of design constraints for walls including
panel reinforcing, zone reinforcing, wall dimensions, and material properties.

You can set lower and upper limits for the size of the distributed panel and
zone reinforcing bars. In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE will take into
consideration these limits if it becomes necessary to change the bar size.
Many factors should be considered when you set bar sizes such as bar
availability, development or anchorage length, labor costs to assemble
reinforcing cages, etc. You can also Freeze the size of the currently
68 Chapter 6 Run Menu

selected bar in Automated Design by checking the appropriate box. You can
also Freeze the splice type selected for the zone vertical bars.

Figure 34, Design Constraints for Walls

Wall dimensions may be constrained due to other factors (e.g. lateral

deflection limits). In this window, you can set lower and upper limits for the
panel dimensions or zone dimensions in I-Shapes (Li and Ti). If S-
CONCRETE decides to change the dimensions of the wall in Automated
Design, it will take into consideration the limits you set here. You can also
Freeze all wall dimensions in Automated Design by checking the
appropriate box.
Chapter 6 Run Menu 69

You can set lower and upper limits for the concrete compressive strength (fcu
or fc), yield strength of steel (fy) for vertical bars, and yield strength of steel
(fy) for horizontal bars. These limits may be code related or controlled by
other factors such as material availability. In Automated Design, S-
CONCRETE will take into consideration these limits if and when it finds it
necessary to change material properties. You can also Freeze the current
selected material properties by checking the appropriate box.

In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE will cycle through a number of iterations

to find an acceptable and cost-effective solution. The iteration process will
continue until (1) a solution is found, (2) no more changes are made, or (3)
the maximum number of iterations have been reached. The Max No. of
Iterations can be set here. Typical design scenarios would take less than 20

6.2 Automated Design

In this window (Figure 35), S-CONCRETE will attempt to find an acceptable
and cost-effective solution that will meet code requirements for strength and
serviceability. It will adjust the beam or column size and material properties if
necessary. The adjustments made in the Automated Design depends on the
Design Constraints (Chapter 6.1) entered and the Settings Increments
(Chapter 8.1) specified.

6.2.1 "Step" vs "Auto"

You have the option to execute Automated Design one "Step" at a time, or in
an "Automated" manner, where it will iterate until a maximum number of
iterations has been reached, or until no changes are made. You can change
the maximum number of iterations in the Design Constraints window
(Chapter 6.1).

Click the Step button to perform automated design one step at a time. Click
the Auto button to iterate as many times as required. As far as the end
result is concerned, there is no difference between the "Step" option and the
"Auto" option. In other words, if you execute the "Step" option often enough
you will eventually reach the same end result as if you have executed the
"Auto" option.
70 Chapter 6 Run Menu

Figure 35, Automated Design (Beam Example)

6.2.2 "Before" and "After" Parameters

After each iteration, S-CONCRETE will display/update the "Before" and
"After" parameters. It will also display if the parameter was "Unchanged",
"Changed", or "Frozen". On the right, below the Help button, a summary is
displayed indicating the number of iterations and the condition of the section -
Unchanged or Changed - which gives you Automated Design feedback.

6.3 Analyze / Code Check

This command will generate axial load and moment (N vs M) interaction
diagrams and a Results Report. This tool will only be active if the Code
Chapter 6 Run Menu 71

Check Automatically box is unchecked in Settings Preferences (Chapter

8.3). Normally, the Code Check Automatically box would be checked. In
that case, the Analyze / Code Checking process will be performed
automatically every time changes are made to the section parameters
section type, dimensions, reinforcing, and/or material properties.

For slower computers, you may not want to Analyze / Code Check
automatically until the section is fully defined and the load cases are entered
into the spreadsheet. This option allows the user to complete the data
entering process for a new section and then analyzing / code checking the
section at the end only. This sequence may save the user time on a relatively
slow computer.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 73

Chapter 7 Results Menu

Results menu commands are located on the menu bar under the key word
"Results". The corresponding drop-down menu is indicated below.

These commands are also located on the Tool Bar:

7.1 Results Report

This command will display numerical and graphical results in a Report (Figure
36). The Report contains numerous segments depending on the section
type. You have the option to "switch off" many of these segments. To
"switch off" a segment, uncheck the appropriate box at the top of the Report.
The first segment (Summary) and the last segment (List of Messages) cannot
be "switched off". The text or labels at the top of the window (e.g. Properties)
are hyperlinks. When clicked, the appropriate segment is displayed. The
segments are described in more detail later (Chapters 7.1.2 to 7.1.4). It is
also possible to edit the Report (Chapter 7.1.1) where you can add pictures,
change the location of pictures in the Report, hide lines in the Report, and
add page breaks in the Report. See below for a description of the Tool
Buttons available in the Results Report window (Figure 36).

Tool Buttons

Print the Report or send the Report directly to the printer.

Print Preview (see below for more information).
Add to Document (the numerical portion of the Report only) to the
document list in Export to WORD/TEDDS Document (Chapter 3.5).
Export to HTML File which includes pictures and text.
74 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Figure 36, Results Report (Columns)

Print Preview

To preview the Report, click the Print Preview tool (Figure 37). In this
window, you have a few options. To zoom in and out, point to the page with
your mouse and click. Use the scroll bar to view other pages in the Report.
Click the button labeled Normal View to return to the normal window (Figure
Chapter 7 Results Menu 75

Figure 37, Print Preview (Report)

7.1.1 Results Report Editor

To edit the Report, click the button labeled Edit in the Report window
(Figure 36). The following window will appear (Figure 38).

On the left side of the window, you will find the numerical portion of the
Report only and the associated row numbers of each line in the Report. In
76 Chapter 7 Results Menu

this window, you will be able to insert bitmaps into the Report, add page
breaks, and hide rows/lines in the Report.

Figure 38, Results Report Editor

To add bitmaps to the Report, you must first create a list of bitmaps by
clicking the Add to Document button in: (1) the main window (Figure 1) to
add section drawings and/or (2) the N vs M diagram window (Chapter 7.2) to
add axial load and moment interaction diagrams. By default, section
drawings are inserted at the top of the Report and N vs M diagrams are
Chapter 7 Results Menu 77

added to the bottom of the Report. To modify the names given to these
bitmaps or to delete these bitmaps, you will need to execute File Export to
WORD/TEDDS Document (Chapter 3.5).

When inserting bitmaps into the Report, you must: (1) select a bitmap from
the list box, (2) specify the row number where the bitmap will be inserted, (3)
enter an appropriate size (# rows) for the bitmap, (4) select a justification for
the bitmap (center, left, or right), (5) insert a Page Break at the top of the
bitmap (optional) by checking the box labeled Insert Page Break, and (6)
click the button Assign Bitmap Info to insert the bitmap into the Report.

Page Breaks can also be inserted anywhere in the Report. To insert a

Page Break, specify the Row # where you would like to see a page break
and click the button labeled Assign Page Break. The letter P will appear
beside the row number on the left side of the window (Figure 38). To clear all
the page breaks, click the button labeled Clear All Page Breaks. When a
page break is inserted at the same location where a bitmap is inserted, the
page break will be executed at the bottom of the bitmap. To insert a page
break at the top of the bitmap, check the box labeled Insert Page Break for
that bitmap.

You can also hide rows/lines of the Report. Simply specify a range of lines
and click the Assign Hidden Rows button. The letter H will appear beside
the row number on the left side of the window (Figure 38). To clear all hidden
rows, click the button labeled Clear All Hidden Rows.

When done, click the Apply button to close the editor and return to the
Results Report window. To close Results Report all together, click the
Close button. Use Print Preview to check the contents of the Report.

7.1.2 Report Data for Beams

The Report for beams consists of: summary, properties, reinforcing, design
loads, axial load and moment results, shear and torsion results, bar spacing
checks, crack control checks, material property checks, reinforcing bars, and
list of messages. These are described below.


The summary displays the section name, company name, building standards
and design aid references, overall status, shear and torsion (V & T)
78 Chapter 7 Results Menu

utilization, and axial load and moment (N vs M) utilizations for positive and
negative moments if applicable.


Properties include: section dimensions, concrete and steel quantities,

material properties, gross section properties, and effective section properties.
Material properties include: concrete and steel strengths and densities,
Poisson's ratio, maximum aggregate size (hagg), modulus of steel and
concrete, and modulus of rupture (fr). Gross section properties include:
distance to centroid ( z and y ), gross area (Ag), moment of inertia (Ig),
shear area (Ashear), torsional constant (Jg or Cg), and cracking moment
(Mcr) based on Ig and fr. Effective section properties are displayed for your
reference only. These values may be used to create your structural analysis
model in S-FRAME or P-FRAME. See also Chapter 4.1.1.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 79


Reinforcing includes: top and bottom bars, stirrups/links, face steel, clear
cover specified, and for beams not subjected to biaxial bending min/max
areas of steel. See also Min and Max Steel Areas for Beams topics in the
Help Menu.

Design Loads

For beams not subjected to biaxial bending, the design loads represent
bending about the strong axis or y-y axis. For rectangular beams subjected
to biaxial bending, the design loads are displayed which include the biaxial
bending moments but it also displays the resultant moment applied at a
specific angle, theta (measured counter-clockwise with respect to the
horizontal). See Figure 39 for clarification on resultant moment and theta.

Uniaxial Bending
80 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Biaxial Bending

Figure 39, Resultant Moment and Theta

Axial Load and Moment Results

S-CONCRETE will display the governing load case (GLC), status, and
highest utilization detected for axial load and moment. For uniaxial bending,
axial load and moment utilizations are displayed for both negative and
positive moments including the load cases (LC) used for the evaluation. For
biaxial bending, axial load and moment utilizations are displayed for the
resultant bending moment applied at a specific angle Theta subjected to a
factored axial force, Nf, Nu, or N.

Axial utilization is the applied axial force (Nf, Nu, N) divided by the axial load
capacity (Nr, Nn, Nu max) permitted by code. Moment utilization is the
applied moment (Mf, Mu, M) divided by the moment capacity (Mr, Mn, Mu)
evaluated at the applied axial force (Nf, Nu, N). For more information on axial
load and moment utilizations, see Chapter 7.2.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 81

Uniaxial Bending

Biaxial Bending

Shear and Torsion Results

82 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Shear and torsion utilizations are evaluated differently depending on the

governing load case and the applied shear forces and torsion (if applicable).
For more information on utilization computations, see Shear and Torsion
and Slab Band Definition topics in the Help Menu.

Intermediate values are displayed for reference purposes including shear and
torsion parameters. The diameter of the corner bars is also evaluated.
Stirrup/link requirements are also evaluated including stirrup/link spacing.
Maximum shear and torsional stress applied is also evaluated. Longitudinal
steel requirements due to torsion and flexure are evaluated and displayed for
top and bottom bars including face steel if applicable.

Bar Spacing Checks

Clear vertical and horizontal spacing between bars is evaluated when and if
applicable. Clear spacing requirements depend on the building standard.
See also Detailing Requirements topics in the Help Menu.

Crack Control Checks

The top and bottom bar regions are evaluated for crack control requirements
according to the chosen building standard and beam exposure (if applicable).
If the region is subjected to tensile stresses, it will be evaluated accordingly.
Face steel is also evaluated for crack control purposes if applicable.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 83

Intermediate values are displayed for reference purposes. See also

Detailing Requirements topics in the Help Menu.

Material Property Checks

The specified yield strength of steel (fy) must fall within an acceptable range
of values according to the specified building standard. The specified
concrete strength (fc or fcu) and concrete density (W c or Dc) must also fall
within an acceptable range of values. S-CONCRETE will issue a warning if
these material properties are not within an acceptable range of values. See
also Material Properties topics in the Help Menu.

Reinforcing Bars
84 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Reinforcing bar information is displayed for reference purposes. If your bar

type is Custom bars, as defined in Chapter 4.4, S-CONCRETE will also
check the bar properties that were entered. A warning is issued if the
computed cross-sectional area is not within 15% of the specified cross-
sectional area. The computed cross-sectional area is based on the specified
diameter entered in the spreadsheet.

List of Messages

At the end of the Report, S-CONCRETE will display messages that are
associated with status levels greater than acceptable. Every message is
assigned a number so you can link the message to a particular segment in
the Report. Where possible, each message also references a particular
clause or clauses in the appropriate building standard. For a complete list of
messages, refer to the appropriate topic in the Help Menu.

7.1.3 Report Data for Columns

The Report for columns consists of: summary, properties, reinforcing, design
loads, axial load and moment results, shear and torsion results, tie
requirements, vertical bar checks, material property checks, reinforcing bars,
and list of messages. The ones that differ from beams are described below.


The summary displays the section name, company name, building standards
and design aid references, overall status, shear and torsion (V & T)
utilization, and axial load and moment (N vs M) utilization.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 85


Properties include: section dimensions including hole (if applicable), concrete

and steel quantities, material properties, gross section properties, effective
section properties and steel shape properties (if applicable). Material
properties include: concrete and steel strengths and densities, Poisson's
ratio, maximum aggregate size (hagg), modulus of steel and concrete, and
modulus of rupture (fr). Gross section properties include: distance to centroid
( z and y ), gross area (Ag), moment of inertia (Ig), shear area (Ashear), and
torsional constant (Jg or Cg). Effective section properties are displayed for
your reference only. These values may be used to create your structural
analysis model in S-FRAME or P-FRAME. See also Chapter 4.1.1. Steel
shape properties include: the steel strength (Fy), shape area (At), and shape
moments of inertia (It) in each direction.
86 Chapter 7 Results Menu


Reinforcing includes: vertical bars, ties/links, and clear covers (outside and

Design Loads

Parameters associated with slenderness effects are displayed if the program

will be computing the magnified moments. The input loads as entered in the
spreadsheet are displayed for reference purposes. The magnified or
minimum moments are displayed in a table below including slenderness
parameters (Cm) for bending about each principal axis.

It also displays the resultant moment applied at a specific angle, theta

(measured counter-clockwise with respect to the horizontal). See Figure 39
for clarification on resultant moment and theta.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 87

Axial Load and Moment Results

S-CONCRETE will display the governing load case (GLC), status, and
highest utilization detected for axial load and moment. For biaxial bending,
axial and moment utilizations are displayed for the resultant bending moment
applied at a specific angle Theta subjected to a factored axial force, Nf, Nu,
or N.

Axial utilization is the applied axial force (Nf, Nu, N) divided by the axial load
capacity (Nr, Nn, Nu max) permitted by code. Moment utilization is the
applied moment (Mf, Mu, M) divided by the moment capacity (Mr, Mn, Mu)
evaluated at the applied axial force (Nf, Nu, N). For more information on axial
load and moment utilizations, see Chapter 7.2.

Shear and Torsion Results

Shear and torsion utilizations are evaluated differently depending on the

governing load case and the applied shear forces and torsion (if applicable).
See also Shear and Torsion topics in the Help Menu.
88 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Intermediate values are displayed for reference purposes including shear and
torsion parameters. Tie/link spacing is also evaluated based on the
shear/torsion provisions of the code. Maximum shear and torsional stress
applied is also evaluated.

Tie or Spiral Requirements

In this segment of the Report, tie/link spacing is evaluated based on the

tie/link provisions in the code for columns as opposed to the shear/torsion
provisions of the previous segment in the Report. The tie/link diameter is
also evaluated for minimum bar diameter. See also Detailing Requirements
topics in the Help Menu.

If a spiral is specified, spiral requirements will be displayed here, instead,

including minimum spiral volume steel ratio (Rho), minimum spiral diameter,
number of spacers required, minimum and maximum pitch, and core
diameter (D) and area (A). If a second layer of bars is specified, the second
spiral is also evaluated.

Vertical Bar Checks

The total area of steel is evaluated and checked if its within an acceptable
range of values. The splice type is also checked. Clear spacing between
Chapter 7 Results Menu 89

vertical bars is evaluated indirectly based on the maximum allowable number

of bars permitted in each direction (Ny and Nz). The maximum number of
bars permitted is expressed as a fraction (as opposed to a whole number) to
allow for borderline cases. For example, if Ny = 10 but Ny (max) = 9.98, you
may choose to ignore the warning.

The vertical bar diameter is also evaluated for minimum bar diameter. The
minimum number of vertical bars is also evaluated. See also Detailing
Requirements topics in the Help Menu.

Material Property Checks, Reinforcing Bars, List of Messages

See beams for information, Chapter 7.1.2.

7.1.4 Report Data for Walls

The Report for walls consists of: summary, properties, reinforcing
information, design loads, axial load and moment results, shear and torsion
evaluation, panel and zone reinforcing checks, dimension checks, ductility
and anchorage evaluation (seismic provisions), material property checks,
reinforcing bars, and list of messages. The ones that differ from beams are
described below.


The summary displays the section name, company name, building standards
and design aid references, overall status, shear and torsion (V & T) utilization
and axial load and moment (N vs M) utilization.
90 Chapter 7 Results Menu


Properties include: section dimensions, concrete and steel quantities,

material properties, gross section properties, and effective section properties.
Material properties include: concrete and steel strengths and densities,
Poisson's ratio, maximum aggregate size (hagg), modulus of steel and
concrete, and modulus of rupture (fr). Gross section properties include:
distance to centroid ( z and y ), gross area (Ag), moment of inertia (Ig),
shear area (Ashear), and torsional constant (Jg or Cg). Effective section
properties are displayed for your reference only. These values may be used
to create your structural analysis model in S-FRAME or P-FRAME. See also
Chapter 4.1.1.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 91


Reinforcing includes panel information (vertical and horizontal distributed

reinforcing) and zone information (vertical bars with ties/links).

Design Loads
92 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Parameters associated with slenderness effects are displayed if the program

is estimating the magnified moments. Slenderness effects are only applied to
sectional loading. See also Moment Magnification topics in the Help Menu.
The input sectional loads, as entered in the spreadsheet, are also displayed
for reference purposes. The magnified moments and magnified shears (CSA
Only) are displayed in the same table including slenderness parameters (Cm)
for bending about each principal axis. Only shear forces associated with
earthquakes are magnified (if the appropriate box is checked in Edit Loads,
Chapter 4.3). For sectional loads, the resultant moment applied at a specific
angle, theta (measured counter-clockwise with respect to the horizontal) will
also be displayed. See Figure 39 for clarification on resultant moment and

For C-Shapes, T-Shapes, and L-Shapes, panel loading can be entered in

Edit Loads, Chapter 4.3. These loads are duplicated and displayed here for
reference purposes. The design shear forces or magnified shear forces are
also displayed here if applicable.

Axial Load and Moment Results

S-CONCRETE will display the governing load case (GLC) and associated
loading type (sectional or panel loading), status, and highest utilization
detected for axial load and moment. If sectional loading governed the design,
axial load and moment utilizations are displayed for the resultant bending
moment applied at a specific angle Theta subjected to a factored axial
force, Nf, Nu, or N. If panel loading governed the design, the panel number is
also displayed for reference purposes. For CSA 2004 standard, the flange
buckling factor () used to reduce the axial load and moment interaction
diagram is displayed for reference purposes (see Clause of CSA-
A23.3-04). Note that the flange buckling factor is only applicable to sectional
loading not panel loading. See also Dimension Limits for Walls topics in the
Help Menu in particular for CSA-A23.3-04.

Axial utilization is the applied axial force (Nf, Nu, N) divided by the axial load
capacity (Nr, Nn, Nu max) permitted by code. Moment utilization is the
Chapter 7 Results Menu 93

applied moment (Mf, Mu, M) divided by the moment capacity (Mr, Mn, Mu)
evaluated at the applied axial force (Nf, Nu, N). For more information on axial
load and moment utilizations, see Chapter 7.2.

Shear and Torsion Evaluation

For C-Shapes, T-Shapes and L-Shapes, utilization is computed as the

factored shear force (Vf, Vu, V) divided by the shear capacity (Vr, Vu, Vu) for
each panel. For I-Shapes, utilizations (Uy & Uz) for each direction is
combined to give the shear utilization for the section (U = Uy + Uz).

For I-Shapes, T-Shapes, and L-Shapes, a torsion limit is computed for

sectional loading. If the applied torsional moment is greater than this limit, a
warning is issued. For C-Shapes, torsion is resolved into additional shear
forces in the flanges (Vadd = T / Arm). Depending on the direction of the
sectional shear force, this may add or reduce the shear force applied to the
panel. See figure below for clarification. See also Shear and Torsion topics
in the Help Menu
94 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Panel Reinforcing Checks

For every panel in the section, the program checks: number of curtains
required, maximum clear cover (if applicable), vertical and horizontal
distributed steel ratios, vertical and horizontal bar spacing and bar size. See
also Detailing Requirements topics in the Help Menu.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 95

Zone Reinforcing Checks

For every potential zone of reinforcing, the program makes numerous

checks, including: bar spacing, tie/link spacing, splice type, area of zone
steel, and tie/link diameter. If the zone is inactive, the program will evaluate
whether or not the zone is required according to the specified building
standard. If the zone is required and not provided or inadequate, a warning
is issued (see figure below). See also Detailing Requirements topics in the
Help Menu.

Dimension Checks

For every panel in the section, the program will check the minimum and
maximum dimensions (if and where applicable) according to the specified
building standard. See Dimension Limits for Walls topics in the Help Menu.
96 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Ductility Evaluation

Depending on the specified standard and level of ductility required or degree

of seismic risk, the program may evaluate the ductility requirements of the
section. The figure above is a sample for the CSA-A23.3-04 standard with Rd
= 2.0. Sectional and panel load cases are evaluated and compared with the
limits imposed on the section according to the standard. If these limits are
exceeded, special concrete confinement reinforcement is required
(boundary elements).

If the program determines that special detailing is required, for CSA-A23.3-

04, only a warning is issued. The user must assess the zones of reinforcing
for the special concrete confinement reinforcement himself/herself.
However, for UBC 1997, ACI 318-05 & -02, and CSA-A23.3-94, the program
will evaluate the zones of reinforcing for special detailing requirements. For
ACI 318-05 & -02, the program will also determine if non-boundary element
reinforcement is required which is not as stringent as boundary element
reinforcing. This is indicated in the figure below for an I-Shape using ACI
318-05. This includes: minimum zone lengths measured in the Z and Y
Chapter 7 Results Menu 97

directions, maximum tie/link spacing, and maximum tie/link leg spacing. See
also Ductility Requirements topics in the Help Menu.

Anchorage Evaluation

Under certain conditions according to the seismic provisions of the specified

building standard, panel horizontal bars (distributed reinforcing) may need to
be anchored at each end of the bar. Sometimes only a sideways hook is
required. Other times, the ends of the bar need to be anchored in such a
manner to develop the full yield strength (fy) of the bar. This may require up
and down standard hooks. The program will assess the anchorage
98 Chapter 7 Results Menu

requirements and the anchorage provided (see figure above for a sample).
See also Ductility Requirements topics in the Help Menu.

Material Property Checks, Reinforcing Bars, List of Messages

See beams for information, Chapter 7.1.2.

7.2 N vs M Diagrams
In this window (Figure 40 or Figure 41), the axial load and moment interaction
(N vs M) diagram is displayed. For uniaxial bending in T-beams, L-beams,
and Rectangular beams, the N vs M diagram displays both the negative and
positive moment regions on the same plot (Figure 40). For biaxial bending,
the N vs M diagram displays the interaction diagram for the resultant moment
applied at a particular angle, Theta, with respect to the horizontal (Figure 41).

Figure 40, N vs M Diagram (Uniaxial Bending)

Chapter 7 Results Menu 99

Figure 41, N vs M Diagram (Biaxial Bending)

The diagram plot itself and the options available to the user are described
below (Chapter 7.2.1). See Chapter 7.2.2 on axial load and moment
utilization computations. Refer to Chapter 7.2.3 on the failure envelope itself.

7.2.1 N vs M Diagram Options

You have numerous options when the interaction diagram is displayed
(Figure 42). These options apply equally to uniaxial and biaxial bending
diagrams and they are described below.

Additional options are available for walls (C-Shapes, T-Shapes, and L-

Shapes) and these are also described below.
100 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Figure 42, N vs M Diagram Options (Description)

Load Cases and Theta

All load cases that have resultant bending moments applied at an angle
Theta are indicated on the same plot as solid circles (for biaxial bending). If
the diagram contains the governing load case, a dashed line will be drawn
that passes through the governing load case. If the axial load and moment
utilization is acceptable, a large circle will be drawn at the failure envelope.
If it is unacceptable, a large X will be drawn. If it is borderline, both a
circle and an X will be drawn.

For biaxial bending conditions, you can view plots at other angles (Theta) by
selecting the appropriate angle, Theta, in the list box.

Normal, Nominal, and Probable Failure Envelopes

Normal resistance failure envelope is the envelope that would be generated

using material resistance factors (s and c) and strength reduction factors ()
less than one (in accordance with the building standard). Nominal
Chapter 7 Results Menu 101

resistance failure envelope is the envelope that would be generated using

material resistance factors and strength reduction factors equal to one.
Probable resistance failure envelope is the envelope that would be
generated using material resistance factors and strength reduction factors
equal to one plus a steel yield strength 25% greater than the specified yield
strength, to account for strain hardening. To display the Nominal and
Probable failure envelopes, check the appropriate box (Figure 42).

Tools and Zoom Options

Zoom In To magnify the plot or "Zoom In".

Zoom Out To reduce the plot or "Zoom Out".
Zoom Extents To view the entire plot or "Zoom Extents".
Add to Add the plot to the document list for
Document WORD/TEDDS export and add to the list of
pictures for Results Report.

To change the degree of magnification or reduction, enter a different number

(from 1% to 40%) in the text box for zoom percentage.

To Zoom 1/2x or Zoom 2x, right click on the plot at the location where you
want to perform zoom. A pop-up menu will appear with a list of options.
Select the appropriate option Zoom 1/2x or Zoom 2x. S-CONCRETE
will center the plot at the cursor location.

User Defined Marker, Marker Location, and Diagram Values

A user defined marker exists on the diagram to help you locate points in the
plot (Figure 42). To move the marker, left click anywhere on the diagram.
The markers location (N, M) will be displayed on the right side of the window.
Note that compression is negative and tension is positive for axial loads.

To move the marker to a point on the failure envelope, right click on the
diagram near the point of interest on the failure envelope. A pop-up menu
will appear with a list of options. Select the failure envelope Normal,
Nominal, or Probable. S-CONCRETE will then move the marker
horizontally to a point on that failure envelope. The markers location (N, M)
will be displayed on the right side of the window. Other diagram values will
also be displayed: the neutral axis depth (C or X), effective depth to the
tension steel (d), effective area of tension steel (As), and the maximum tensile
102 Chapter 7 Results Menu

steel strain in the section (t). These values may be useful if you wish to
confirm/compute the results by hand at that specific diagram location.


To print the N vs M diagram, click the button labeled Print to send the
drawing directly to the printer. S-CONCRETE will confirm the request before
it sends the diagram to the printer.

Additional Options for Walls (C-Shapes, T-Shapes, and L-Shapes)

Figure 43, N vs M Options for Walls (C-, T-, & L-Shapes)

For C-Shapes, T-Shapes, and L-Shapes, you have additional options (Figure
43). Here, you will need to select the type of N vs M diagram by clicking on
the appropriate tab at the upper left corner: (1) for sectional load cases or (2)
Chapter 7 Results Menu 103

for panel load cases. If you choose sectional load cases, it will look similar to
Figure 42 but for a wall section and the options available are described
above. If you choose panel load cases, it will look similar to Figure 43. The
options available to you are the same as described above but you have one
more option to be able to select the N vs M diagram for a specific panel in
the wall section (using the list box on the right in Figure 43). The N vs M
diagram displayed will be for strong axis bending for an individual panel in the
wall section. This is indicated at the upper right corner of the plot.

For sectional load cases for CSA-A23.3-04, the flange buckling factor () will
be indicated at the upper right corner of the plot. For more information, see
Dimension Limits for Walls topics in the Help Menu for CSA-A23.3-04.

7.2.2 Axial Load and Moment Utilization

For load cases that fall within the failure envelope, axial load and moment
utilization is computed as follows:

American Standards
Mu Nu Nu
=Utilization or ( for N u 0) or ( for N u > 0)
Mu N r max Tr max
whichever is greater

British and Singapore Standards

=Utilization or ( for N 0) or ( for N > 0)
Mu N r max Tr max
whichever is greater

Canadian Standards
Mf Nf Nf
=Utilization or ( for N f 0) or ( for N f > 0)
Mr N r max Tr max
whichever is greater

where Mu, M, Mf = Factored Bending Moment Applied

104 Chapter 7 Results Menu

Mu, Mu, Mr = Moment Capacity or Moment

Resistance evaluated at the applied
axial load Nu, N, Nf

Nu, N, Nf = Factored Axial Load Applied

Nr max = Axial Load Capacity in Compression

Tr max = Axial Load Capacity in Tension
(see Figure 42)

7.2.3 Failure Envelope

The program uses a strain compatibility approach to compute the axial load
and moment capacity of a given section. Plane sections before bending are
assumed to remain plane after bending. Perfect bond is assumed between
the concrete and reinforcing steel. These assumptions lead to a linear
distribution of strains across the section depth. The corresponding stress
distribution is obtained from material stress-strain relationships. The
interaction curves (failure envelopes) are based on an equivalent rectangular
concrete stress block with uniform stress, evaluated at a limiting strain
condition (or crushing strain).

Failure envelope calculations are based on a limiting concrete strain of 0.003

for ACI 318 & UBC and 0.0035 for CSA-A23.3, BS8110, and CP65 building
standards in the extreme compression fiber.

In situations where a section is subjected to a relatively large compressive

load with a bending moment, the neutral axis depth (C or X) will likely be
greater than the section dimension L (measured in the direction of the
bending moment). In this region of the interaction diagram, S-CONCRETE
assumes a straight line from the point at the top of the diagram (Nf = N0) to
the point corresponding to C = L where L is the section dimension. For the
tension region (Nf > 0), S-CONCRETE also assumes a straight line
connecting the point at Nf = 0 to the point at the bottom of the diagram (Nf =
Tr max). For clarification, see Figure 44, Failure Envelope Calculations.
Chapter 7 Results Menu 105

Figure 44, Failure Envelope Calculations

For positive moments in T-Beams and L-Beams, the program takes into
account the effective slab width and slab thickness when it applies the stress
block. Face steel will be included in all moment capacity calculations if
permitted. See Face Steel parameters in Edit Reinforcing for beams
(Chapter 4.2.1).

For positive or negative moments in beams, compression reinforcement shall

be included in all moment capacity calculations if certain conditions are met.
First, compression reinforcement requires "closed" stirrups/links before it can
fully reach yield in compression to prevent buckling. If "open" stirrups/links
are specified, any bar in compression is ignored in moment capacity
calculations. Second, the size and spacing of the stirrups/links must also
meet certain requirements which are outlined below. If such conditions are
106 Chapter 7 Results Menu

not met, the program will ignore bars in compression for moment capacity
calculations. This will also be indicated on the N vs M diagram plot (Figure

Let dbs = Bar Size of Stirrup or Link

db = Longitudinal Bar Size
S = Spacing of Stirrups or Links

ACI 318-05/02/99 (Cl. 7.11.1), UBC 1997 (Cl. 1907.11.1)

Clause dbs 0.375" for #10 or smaller longitudinal bars

Cl. 1907.10.5.1 0.5" for #11 or larger longitudinal bars
Clause S 16 db (smallest bar)
Cl. 1907.10.5.2 48 dbs
b or h, whichever is smaller

BS 8110: 1985 & 1997, CP65: 1999 (Cl. &

Clause dbs 0.25 db (largest bar)

6 mm
Clause S 12 db (smallest bar)

Note: The program assumes the link configuration requirements stipulated in Clause are met when the conditions indicated above are satisfied.

CSA-A23.3-04 and CSA-A23.3-94 (Clause

Clause dbs 0.3 db for 30M or smaller longitudinal bars

11.3 mm for 35M or larger longitudinal bars
Clause S k 16 db (smallest bar)
k 48 dbs
k (b or h, whichever is smaller)

k = 1.0 for fc' 50 MPa

= 0.75 for fc' > 50 MPa
Chapter 8 Settings Menu 107

Chapter 8 Settings Menu

Settings menu commands are located on the menu bar under the key word
"Settings". The corresponding drop-down menu is indicated below.

These commands are also located on the Tool Bar:

8.1 Increments
This command is used to assign the increments that may be used in
Automated Design (Chapter 6.2) and in the Visual Editor (Chapter 2.4). The
increments are described below (Figure 45).

Figure 45, Settings Increments (Beams)

108 Chapter 8 Settings Menu

Dimension Increments

In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE may increase or decrease the section

dimensions. If it does, it will do so in increments specified here for various
beam, column or wall dimensions. In the Visual Editor, as you drag the
section outline, S-CONCRETE will change the section dimension in
increments specified here.

Reinforcing Bar Spacing Increments

In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE may increase or decrease the bar

spacing. If it does, it will do so in increments specified here for certain groups
of reinforcing bars in beam, columns or walls. In the Visual Editor, when you
click certain hot-spots associated with reinforcing bar spacing, S-CONCRETE
will change the bar spacing in increments specified here.

Material Property Increments

In Automated Design, S-CONCRETE may increase or decrease the strength

of the materials. If it does, it will do so in increments specified here for
concrete and/or steel strength. In the Visual Editor, when you click certain
hot-spots associated with the strength of concrete or reinforcing steel, S-
CONCRETE will change the material property in increments specified here.

8.2 Colors
This command is used to change the color scheme used in the main drawing
(Figure 1) and for status levels (Chapter 2.3.2). See figure below for a
sample set of colors for beams (Figure 46).

Status Colors

Every status level (Chapter 2.3.2) can be assigned a different color or the
same color if you wish. Five status levels have been defined: Not Applicable,
Acceptable, Warning, Borderline, and Unacceptable. If you do not like the
current color scheme, click the Reset button to re-assign the default colors.
Chapter 8 Settings Menu 109

Figure 46, Settings Colors (Beams)

Drawing Colors

When S-CONCRETE generates a drawing or axial load and moment

interaction (N vs M) diagram, it uses a set of drawing colors assigned here.
Each color is assigned to a different element in the drawing or plot. For
example, Black is for the Section Outline or Light Red is for the Normal
Envelope in an N vs M plot. It is recommended that you reserve one color
for the Drawing Background and do not assign this color elsewhere;
otherwise, the element that is assigned this color will blend into the
background and become invisible. If you do not like the current color
scheme, click the Reset button to re-assign the default colors.
110 Chapter 8 Settings Menu

8.3 Preferences
This command is used to view or modify Preferences including company
name, users name, company address, phone/fax numbers, and fonts used in
the main drawing and N vs M diagrams.

Figure 47, Settings Preferences

The option to Code Check Automatically is also displayed here. When

checked, S-CONCRETE will code check automatically every time changes
are made to the section. The option to use Steel Tables if available
(Composite Columns) is also displayed. If checked, the program will use the
steel tables when steel shapes are specified in a column. You can also
change the Zoom Percentage here. Click Drawing Font button to change
the font used in the main drawing. Click N vs M Font button to change the
font used in the axial load and moment interaction (N vs M) diagrams. Click
Reset Fonts button to reset these fonts to default values.
Chapter 9 Help Menu 111

Chapter 9 Help Menu

Help menu commands are located on the menu bar under the key word
"Help". The corresponding drop-down menu is indicated below.

9.1 Contents
This command displays the Table of Contents (Figure 48). Each item listed
in this table leads to more information about a particular topic.

9.2 Index
This command leads to an on-line index (Figure 49). Type the first few letters
of the word(s) that you are looking for to activate the searching process of the
index. Click the display button to view the topic.
112 Chapter 9 Help Menu

Figure 48, Table of Contents

Figure 49, Help Index

Chapter 9 Help Menu 113

9.3 Reference Manual

This command will open the Reference Manual in PDF format using Adobe
Acrobat Reader. You will find this file (SC_REFER.PDF) located in the
application path. Use the Reader to search for items in the Reference

Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later must be installed on your system before
this command can be executed. On some computers, you may need to
execute this command twice to view the manual. To install Adobe Acrobat on
your system, insert the installation CD-ROM and click the button labeled
"Install Acrobat Reader" in the CD-browser.

9.4 View Tutorial

This command will execute CAMPLAY.EXE (Camtasia Player by TechSmith
Corporation) and load the video file (SconcOverview.avi). If you use this
player to view the video, you will not need to install the TechSmith Screen
Capture Codec (TSCC). It is recommended that you use the Camtasia
Player. However, if you wish to use another player, you will need to install the
Codec (TSCC).

9.5 About S-CONCRETE

This command gives you information about S-CONCRETE.
Bibliography 115


1. ACI Committee 315, "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement

(ACI 315-92)", American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, 1992.

2. ACI Committee 315, "ACI Detailing Manual 1994", Publication SP-

66(94), American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, 1994.

3. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural

Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary (ACI 318R-05)", American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2004.

4. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural

Concrete (ACI 318-02) and Commentary (ACI 318R-02)", American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2002.

5. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural

Concrete (ACI 318-99) and Commentary (ACI 318R-99)", American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 1999.

6. British Standards Institution, Specification for carbon steel bars for

the reinforcement of concrete (BS 4449: 1988), London, England,

7. British Standards Institution, Methods for specifying concrete,

including ready-mixed concrete (BS 5328: 1991), London, England,

8. British Standards Institution, Structural Use of Concrete (BS 8110:

Part 1: 1997), London, England, 1997.

9. British Standards Institution, Structural Use of Concrete (BS 8110:

Parts 1, 2, and 3: 1985), London, England, 1985.

10. Canadian Portland Cement Association, Concrete Design Handbook,

Second Edition, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1995.
116 Bibliography

11. Canadian Standards Association, "Concrete Materials and Methods of

Concrete Construction (CSA-A23.1-04)", Mississauga, Ontario, 2004.

12. Canadian Standards Association, "Design of Concrete Structures

(CSA-A23.3-04)", Mississauga, Ontario, 2004.

13. Canadian Standards Association, "Concrete Materials and Methods of

Concrete Construction (CSA-A23.1-94)", Rexdale, Ontario, 1994.

14. Canadian Standards Association, "Design of Concrete Structures

(CSA-A23.3-94)", Rexdale, Ontario, 1994.

15. Collins, M.P. and Mitchell, D., Prestressed Concrete Structures,

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1991.

16. Der, Kenneth W., "Automated Design and Investigation of Moment

Resisting Frames", Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, 1994.

17. Der, Kenneth W., Will, George T., and Casoli, George, "Automated
Design and Drafting of Reinforced Concrete Frames", Third Canadian
Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Canadian
Society of Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1996.

18. Fanella, D.A. and Munshi, J.A., Design of Concrete Buildings for
Earthquake & Wind Forces According to the 1997 Uniform Building
Code, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1998.

19. Galambos, Theodore V., Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal
Structures, Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY,

20. Gaylord Jr., Edwin H. and Gaylord, Charles N., Structural

Engineering Handbook, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York,
NY, 1990.

21. Higgins, J.B., and Rogers, B.R., "Designed and Detailed (BS 8110:
1985)", British Cement Association, Crowthorne, Berks, 1992.
Bibliography 117

22. International Conference of Building Officials, Uniform Building Code

1997, Volume 2, Structural Engineering Design Provisions,
Whittier, California, 1997.

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Compression Field Theory", ACI Journal, Vol. 85, No. 3, May/June
Index 119


A Concrete Compressive Strength, 28,

65, 67, 69, 78, 83, 85, 90, 108
Aggregate Size, 78, 85, 90 Concrete Cover, 29, 30, 35
Anchorage, 64, 66, 67, 89, 97, 98 Crack Control, 30, 39, 65, 77, 82
Automated Design, 1, 2, 8, 9, 14, 15, Cracking Moment, 78
19, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, Custom Bars, 8, 26, 57, 58
107, 108
Axial Load, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 22,
27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 41, 47, 52,
53, 54, 55, 56, 70, 76, 77, 78, 80, D
84, 87, 89, 92, 93, 98, 99, 100, Design Constraints, 9, 15, 63, 64, 65,
101, 103, 104, 109, 110 66, 67, 68, 69
Distributed Reinforceing. See Panel
B Distributed Reinforcing, 91, 97
Ductility, 36, 37, 38, 89, 96, 97, 98
Bar Spacing, 13, 30, 42, 49, 77, 82,
94, 95, 108
Beams, 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 27, 29, 33,
39, 40, 52, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 77, E
79, 82, 84, 89, 98, 105, 107, 108, Effective Section Properties, 8, 14,
109 25, 27, 78, 85, 90
Bending Moment, 2, 8, 14, 19, 27, 54, Elastic Modulus, 28, 36, 78, 85, 90
56, 79, 80, 87, 92, 100, 104
Bottom Bars, 39, 64, 65, 79, 82
Buckling, 92, 103, 105
Face Steel, 41, 64, 79, 82, 105
C Failure Envelope, 99, 100, 101, 103,
104, 105
Centroid, 27, 78, 85, 90
Clear Cover, 8, 14, 25, 29, 30, 35, 79,
86, 94
Clear Spacing, 39, 46, 65, 82, 88 H
Closed Stirrup, 40, 105
Code Check, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 30, Hole, 1, 8, 14, 25, 30, 33, 85
36, 56, 70, 71, 110 Hook, 40, 44, 46, 50, 51, 52, 97, 98
Columns, 1, 2, 8, 14, 25, 27, 28, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 42, 44, 52, 53,
54, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 74, 84, 88, I
108, 110
Composite Column, 1, 28, 33, 67, 110 Interaction Diagram. See N vs M
120 Index

L Panel Reinforcing, 2, 8, 14, 35, 38,

50, 51, 67, 94
Link, 1, 8, 14, 29, 30, 35, 38, 39, 40, Poisson's Ratio, 28, 78, 85, 90
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 53, Propable Overstrength. See
64, 65, 66, 67, 79, 82, 84, 86, 88, Overstrength
91, 95, 97, 105, 106
Load Cases, 11, 18, 19, 32, 37, 38,
52, 53, 55, 71, 80, 82, 87, 92, 96,
100, 103 R
Longitudinal Bars, 65, 106 Reinforcement Ratio. See Steel Ratio
Reinforcing Bars, 30, 35, 77, 83, 84,
89, 98, 108
Material Properties, 2, 7, 8, 12, 13,
14, 19, 25, 28, 65, 67, 69, 71, 77, S
78, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90, 98, 108 Sectional Loads, 8, 14, 36, 52, 53, 56,
Modulus of Elasticity. See Elastic 92, 93, 103
Modulus Seismic Shear Force, 37, 55, 56
Modulus of Rupture, 78, 85, 90 Shear, 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 26, 37, 38, 40,
Moment Capacity, 27, 30, 56, 80, 87, 55, 77, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 93
93, 104, 105, 106 Shear Area, 27, 78, 85, 90
Moment Magnification, 33, 34, 36, 54, Shear Force, 2, 8, 14, 19, 27, 37, 38,
92 52, 53, 54, 56, 81, 82, 87, 88, 92,
Moment of Inertia, 27, 36, 78, 85, 90 93
Shear Force Magnification, 37, 55,
56, 92
N Shear Modulus, 28
Shear Reinforcement. See Stirrup,
N vs M Diagram, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, Link
22, 28, 31, 41, 47, 52, 54, 70, 76, Shear Resistance/Capacity, 2, 33, 44,
78, 84, 89, 92, 98, 99, 100, 102, 56, 93
103, 104, 106, 109, 110 Skin Reinforcement. See Face Steel
Nominal Overstrength. See Slenderness, 8, 14, 25, 32, 33, 34,
Overstrength 36, 52, 54, 86, 92
Spiral Reinforcing, 1, 44, 45, 53, 88
Splice, 8, 14, 38, 42, 43, 46, 66, 68,
88, 95
O Steel Ratio, 31, 67, 88, 94
Overstrength, 37, 55, 56 Steel Shape, 14, 25, 28, 33, 67, 85,
Steel Yield Strength, 28, 65, 67, 69,
78, 83, 85, 90, 98, 101, 108
P Stirrup, 1, 8, 14, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41,
64, 65, 79, 82, 105, 106
Panel Loads, 8, 14, 36, 52, 55, 56, Strength Reduction Factor, 37, 38,
92, 96, 103 100, 101
Index 121

Tie, 1, 8, 14, 30, 35, 38, 42, 43, 44, Vertical Bar, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
45, 46, 47, 50, 53, 66, 67, 84, 86, 47, 51, 52, 66, 67, 68, 69, 84, 86,
88, 91, 95, 97 88, 89, 91
Top Bars, 39, 64, 65, 79, 82 Visual Editor, 1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 14, 29,
Torsion, 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 19, 27, 30, 34, 62, 63, 107, 108
40, 52, 53, 54, 55, 77, 81, 82, 84,
87, 88, 89, 93
Torsional Constant, 27, 78, 85, 90
Walls, 1, 2, 8, 14, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
U 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
55, 56, 67, 68, 89, 92, 95, 99, 102,
Utilization, 6, 10, 11, 26, 78, 80, 82, 103, 108
84, 87, 89, 92, 93, 99, 100, 103

Zone Reinforcing, 1, 35, 45, 46, 47,
52, 67, 89, 95

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