Overview of South Korea and Its Tax System Corporate Income Tax in South Korea Vietnam in Comparison With South Korea and Recommendations

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Taxation is a system of raising money to finance government.

All governments
require payments of moneytaxesfrom people. Without taxes to fund its activities,
government could not exist. In addition to using taxation to raise money, governments
may raise or lower taxes to achieve social and economic objectives, or to achieve
political popularity with certain groups. Taxation can redistribute a societys wealth by
imposing a heavier tax burden on one group in order to fund services for another. Also,
some economists consider taxation an important tool for maintaining the stability of a
countrys economy.

Throughout history, people have debated the amount and kinds of taxes that a
government should impose, as well as how it should distribute the burden of those taxes
across society. Our research aims to provide readers a profound look into on one of the
main types of taxes Corporate Income Tax (CIT) in South Korea, from which we infer
valuable recommendations for Vietnam.

Besides the Introduction and Conclusion, it is comprised of three parts as the


Overview of South Korea and Its Tax System

Corporate Income Tax in South Korea
Vietnam in Comparison with South Korea and Recommendations

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