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Location Topography

Introduction Leeds city centre

easy access to tree leaves
Landuse Site cross sections

This study is focused on the idea for

Food growing educational princi-
development and establishment ples and recomendations that will
Parks and green squares

of the food production

and education within the school
support schools to en-
able and embed food growing in good exposition to the sun
Leeds student medical practise
All Souls Church
secondary roads

every school in practical and af-

grounds joint together with the
fordable ways.
vision about the playgrounds and
their part in the
educational proces. potential places for rainwater
Examination the key principles Broadcasting tower Main road Ceres Division,
secondary enstrance
of designing the natural play- Leeds Met Royal Navy Reserve

grounds and there benefits Leeds Edible Campus Waiting parrents area Student accomodation
and effects on children be-
haviour and development in life.
existing features

site analisys abandone building

Small hill, Slope

Working area (school buildings)

Where are we now ?
We wanted to included at our research, and about the design of the project differ-
shady area
Approximately 1/3 (29.5%) of children in England Enclosed green space Car park
Open green space ent elements. Especially the form of the mandala food garden
aged 2-15 are classed overweight or obese. Potential area
who contain circles form. The circles form allow to connected easily two

16% of boys and Blenheim Primary School places. It allow also to circulate with facility. The circle symbolize the all and the
infinity , the unity and the multiplicity, the full and the perfection.

15% of girls Grey playground

existing features
in this age group are Green playground
The NHS Information Centre, Lifestyle Statistics (2011) We were inhaled about the garden mandala
because he propose a aspect of the mounds culture
Statistics on obesity, physical activiy and diet in Eng-
land. (ecological, and substainable food produc-
tion). Pathss forms are represented by arcs of
Potential area
r nin

Design Plan

The principal aim it was to created a garden who can have the diversity of sectors , developed
about the food production. The opportunities to build this kind of project need to take care to included all
the aspects. To create a landscape setting suitable for school and community, meet education and social needs, pro-

vide a safe, diverse andstimulating environment , accomodate a range of activites, nuild in

flexibility to accomodate change, design buildings and grounds as one entity, managment and use against aesthetic,
fonctional and financial considerations, ensure environment fit.

Why Food Growing ? Yana Georgie & Sacha Gigant

Introducing the Leeds edible
Green place 2 with Tom Bliss
Lancdscape architect- Leeds metropolitan university

Cost benefits
Health impacts schools sustainability network Phase A: Phase B:
Growing vegeta- Renovation house
Educational impacts bles More space grow-
Phase C:
Through the group, Area learning ing area
Renovation house
House chicken

More space grow-
Collect rainning

schools and their communities can turn ing area
Knowledge, skills and

behavioural impacts existing food culture into one that focus- house for the chickens
es on health, sustainability and greenhouse

life-skills, as well as providing opportunities for wider

learning. SCHOOl GROUNDS collect the raining water

What do we want to be? How can we get there? compost collecting

Growing Food = FOOD GROWTH + PLAY enhancing teaching and learning

by creating new facilities and
inspirational learning environments
space requirements

Growing Health
materials and where to get them
providing for the needs of all
children, including those with how to build/create the feature

love to play.
renovation of
SEN and disability who might help
the existing
Children If we introduce one place as a good place, place where they can feel improving how pupils and staff feel
how the new spaces will be used and maintained in the building
Growing fruit and vegetables has had a significant impact on the childrens about their daily workplace
free and comfortable children will automaticly accept it in their curiousity radar as a place where they creating learning opportunities
area learning
understanding of where food originates. Children enjoy can explore. Then they will start appreciating it, because for them this will be their for pupils throughout the process
of change
nurturing and harvesting their produce as well as selling it to parents Exploring Nature
island of fun.
making the school site more
welcoming and accessible for the
cooking it within school.
A orchard
and local community.

Where do we want to be? Mainenance area grow vegetables

By the end of this stage the school

Health and Safety
wanted a vision plan showing:
what it would like to achieve
how the grounds should function
how the spaces would relate to
each other and be used.
Case study:
A whole range of groups, including the children, representing all aspects
of the schools different functions, worked to produce a set of summaries
Outdoor spaces - natural play- Supervision
grounds Berlin, Germany
outlining what they would like to be able to do in their grounds and how the
different spaces would function. Develop a whole-site strategy. Natural Materials

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