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Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

ENG 115
Final Examination
Fall, 2013

105 Stanley

Thursday, December 19, 2013

3:00 pm 6:00 pm

This is a closed book examination; no equation sheets are allowed. No calculators



Please answer Questions 1-5. For Questions 2-5 you only need answer to answer (a) or
(b). You should mark your selections by putting a box around the question letter. The
time that you should invest in each question is indicated in parentheses. The total time is
180 minutes.

Put your name on each page as the separate questions will be graded individually. It is
not necessary to write your Cal ID number on any page.
You must use pencil. Neat handwriting is essential, especially when drawing diagrams.
Messy handwriting will not be tolerated and will be assumed incorrect if illegible.
It may be necessary to write small to fit derivations in the space allowed: write concisely.

Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

Question 1: Please define the following, including all terms contained therein (60
1. Define a reversible process in terms of the causative and opposing forces.


2. Define the First Law of Thermodynamics and carefully explain the meanings of
all symbols contained therein.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

3. Write the Debye-Hukel limiting law, define and explain the terms. From which
first principle of electrostatics does this law arise? What approximation does
Debye-Hukel make? What correction does Davies include? Write the Davies
equation. What correction does Pitzer include?


4. Illustrate (draw) and describe a sodium ion in water. Comment on any 3D effects
if you cannot draw them. What is the hydration number? Describe the movement
of the ion through water.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

5. Define what is meant by a regular solution.


6. Define what is meant by Eutectic Reaction and draw a schematic of such a

reaction on a binary A-B phase diagram. Carefully label your diagram.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

7. Explain how one would calculate the composition of a ternary system at a given
point from the ternary phase diagram.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

8. Starting with the definition of chemical potential, derive the change in Gibbs
energy of a mixture in terms of the composition and then derive the change of the
entropy of mixing.


9. State the Van der Waal equation of state and carefully define all terms contained
therein. How does this equation predict the critical point for a real gas?


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

10. Draw a phase diagram for a system that exhibits a miscibility gap and label
carefully all regions of the diagram. Explain the origin of the phase diagram in
terms of the variation of the Gibbs energy of mixing with temperature.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

Question 2: Please answer a) or b) (30 minutes)

a) Using heat transfer across a boundary and the definition of entropy, demonstrate
that the Second Law of Thermodynamics predicts that the entropy of the system
plus the surroundings must increase for irreversible heat transfer but remains
constant for reversible heat transfer. Using this expression, define the change in
the Gibbs energy of the system. What is meant by reversible heat transfer?


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

b) Write down the expression for the change in Gibbs energy for the reaction aA +
bB = cC + dD in terms of the change in standard Gibbs Energy of the reaction and
the reaction quotient. State the condition for equilibrium and define the possible
standard states for gases, solution, liquid mixtures, and solids. Explain how the
equation leads to the construction of an Ellingham diagram.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

Question 3: Please answer a) or b) (30 minutes)

a) Using the Gibbs-Duhem equation and knowing the activity vs. composition behavior
of one component, show how you would estimate the activity of the second component in
a binary mixture. Define the alpha coefficient and explain how that avoids a
computational problem that arises upon the integration of the Gibbs-Duhem equation.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

b) Sketch a ternary phase diagram for A-B-C, in which the binary systems along each
side (A-B, B-C, C-A) all display eutectic reactions. Carefully label the regions. Choose
any point in the diagram and explain how you would calculate the composition of the
system at that point.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

Question 4: Please answer a) or b) (30 minutes)

a) Describe Faradays Paradox. What was his hypothesis to explain the phenomenon?
On the plot below, label the regions in terms of their thermodynamic states (immunity,
stable passivity, meta-stable passivity, corrosion). Make sure you carefully identify the
only region that is unequivocally corrosion.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

b) State the Nernst equation for the half-cell reaction aA + nH+ + ze- = bB + cH2O and
show how this equation may be used to construct Pourbaix (potential-pH) diagrams for
water and aluminum (include at least two equilibrium line examples). Carefully explain
the use of Pourbaixs magic formula for interpreting the diagrams.


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

Question 5: Please answer a) or b) (30 minutes)

a) Sketch the phase diagram for water and using the Gibbs phase rule indicate the number
of degrees of freedom along all boundaries, within each phase, and at the triple point and
the critical point of water. What is meant by a degree of freedom and why can the
triple point be used as the same temperature standard on Earth and on Mars. Why can a
person skate on ice?


Engineering Thermodynamics E115 Name:

b) Show how Carnot derived the ideal efficiency of a heat engine. What are the losses in
a real heat engine that render the actual efficiency to be less than the ideal value?
Explain why the ideal efficiencies of the following heat engines lie in the order; Internal
gasoline/combustion engine < Internal diesel/combustion engine < Gas turbine.



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