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2/11/2017 Bank Negara Kijang Emas Scholarship CollegeLAH


Bank Negara Kijang Emas Scholarship

March 3, 2015March 4, 2015

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Hello everyone! Im Alicia, currently reading Law in the University of Cambridge. I was the rst
undergraduate student to receive the Kang Emas scholarship from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM),
and Ill be sharing my experiences with you today.

First, a li le bit about BNM and the scholarship itself! Its the Malaysian central bank, and is
dedicated to promoting sustainable growth in Malaysia. They strongly believe in developing human
capital, and BNMs Scholarship Programme aims at nurturing young talent. I was blessed enough
to receive the Kang Emas scholarship, which is a full scholarship. Students who are awarded this
particular scholarship are not bonded to BNM, and are called to contribute back to Malaysia 1/3
2/11/2017 Bank Negara Kijang Emas Scholarship CollegeLAH

particular scholarship are not bonded to BNM, and are called to contribute back to Malaysia
instead. Post-SPM students who receive this also have the option to select any course in any top
university. BNM also oers their scholars the opportunity to participate in internships, usually
during the summer. The details of the internships depend on the particular department, but all oer
great opportunities to learn.

Securing the scholarship

My application experience was a li le dierent, as I originally applied for the normal undergraduate
scholarship, but was subsequently awarded the Kang Emas scholarship. So, I will focus instead on
the general content rather than the format of my assessment. If you would like to read about the
usual procedures, you can read some of the other articles on CollegeLAH by BNM scholars
(h ps://

During my interview, I was generally asked about my interest in my course (Law), and how I plan
to cope with studying in the United Kingdom. At this stage, it is crucial to demonstrate a keep
interest in your subject, as they want students who are passionate and who really love their subject.

Among the interesting questions I was asked was whether I think it is true that some people are
simply born smarter than others. My response was that we cant control the circumstances that we
are born into. Some may come into families that are be er suited to expose them to the world at an
early age, thus making them smarter, but it is up to us to make the best of what we are given.

I was also asked questions like how I handle criticism. To this, I responded that I view it objectively,
and absolutely welcome it if it comes with good reason. I related this to my homework (my A Level
subjects were very essay-based) to say how I use criticism to improve the quality of my work.

Intellectually, if you are still studying when you apply, you should denitely pay extra a ention to
your revision, and think not just about how to score in the exam, but the additional skills they
provide you with as a whole (Literature, for example, hones in on analytical skills). They may very
well ask what your favorite subject in college (or secondary school) is, and you should be prepared
to answer this question. Read through any essays you may have submi ed with your application,
and reect on some of your major extra-curricular activities, determining what qualities you have
gained from them. For example, how has participating in debate helped you grow? Is it relevant to
your chosen course? Has it made your more eloquent and condent? Try to put a value to
everything (relevant!) that you have done, and dont just state the obvious.

In terms of your state of mind, try not to think too much. Whilst you denitely should prepare as
much as you can, dont stress yourself out. There is only so much that you can do, and they wont
expect you to know everything anyway. Remember that there is such a thing as over-preparing!
Whilst you should have the general gist of your points, dont memorise and reproduce your answers
be as natural as you can, and show your sincerity. Once your application process is over, put it
aside, and focus on what you have at hand. Dont agonise over any mistakes you may have made
(unless you know how you can improve and still have upcoming assessments). Last but certainly
not least, pray very hard, and leave the rest to God!

Applying for this scholarship and receiving it has denitely aected me greatly. The application 2/3
2/11/2017 Bank Negara Kijang Emas Scholarship CollegeLAH

Applying for this scholarship and receiving it has denitely aected me greatly. The application
process itself taught me a lot, and I value what I learned from my interview panel during the time I
spent with them too. I also got to make friends with my fellow applicants, who are all brilliant in
their own right, and I hope we get to meet again in the future.

Receiving the Kang Emas scholarship has opened my eyes to see that it is possible, and that
working hard really does pay o. It has been an invaluable experience, and I am truly grateful for
this opportunity.

(h ps://

Alicia Loh is a Bank Negara Kang Emas scholar who will be reading Law in the University of
Cambridge. She gives all glory to God. She can usually be found with a book and lots of pink, and
blogs at h p:// (h p://, where she writes important things
about life (such as her furry babys rst time walking on grass). She also has an online shop called
Openquote Designs (h p:// selling printables.

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Posted in: Scholarships Application | Tagged: Bank Negara, Scholarships


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