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BOOR, particularly of course every political book,
bears the imprint of the time when it was written. This
EVERY is not
just because the chronicle of recorded events
necessarily does not extend beyond that time, and because the
facts and figures reflect the state of current knowledge and
are necessarily always a few months in arrears. If this were a
mere chronicle of events or a reference book, these things
could be rectified. But a book which tries to give a total pic-
ture must either be rewritten every year or remain unaltered,
with the truth that it possessed for the time when it was writ-
ten and the truth which was of somewhat longer duration.
The march of events continues, and with every step both the
past and future look different. Signs of new beginnings which
were present fade away, infirmities heal, new forces and new
combinations of old forces come into play; yesterday's hopes
or anxieties may now be certainties, and promises and threats
that loomed on the horizon may have vanished and passed
into oblivion. It is better to admit in advance that, in spite of
emotions such as hope and anxiety,
all efforts at objectivity,
which can never be completely impartial, played a part in
building up the picture; for the latter is a product, not of an
impartial electronic brain, but of someone who was emotion-
ally involved. There can be no contemporary history without
such emotional involvement. Only the light of events, which
daily transform a bit of open future into the irrevocable past,
can show that the picture was neither a wish phantasy nor a
It is therefore important to date this book.
It was written in the spring and early summer of 1953, and
was substantially finished when the great crisis of the summer
of that year threw all France's internal and external problems
simultaneously into an inextricable tangle and ended in the
"great indecision" of the Government of M. Laniel. While
the book was still in the press it was possible to insert some
summary references to the events of the autumn of that year

TEE ENGLISH-GBEEK LEXICON here presented contains features

which, I trust, will render acceptable both to teachers and to
learners. The vocabulary has been compiled from Attic authors of
the best period. So little composition is attempted nowadays outside
the range of Attic that I have refrained from introducing words and
phrases that belong to other dialects. Moreover, the scope of the
work within the limits I set myself has attained a magnitude that
would render any large increase of vocabulary a burden rather than a
help to the student. The writers from whom I have selected my
material are, as far as prose is concerned, THTJCTDIDES, PLATO,
upon the authority of ^SOHTLTJS, SOPHOCLES, and EURIPIDES, exclud-
ing, however, in each case, the lyrical passages. Comedy is covered
Occasionally words have been incorporated from Homer,
Herodotus, and Aristotle. I have had recourse to these writers, how-
ever, pnly when I could find no equivalent in the best Attic for the
word I wished to translate, and in all such cases I have indicated the
source from which the word is derived.
I have included in the vocabulary a few late Greek renderings of
Latin words such as the names of the Roman magistracies, but have
signified in each case that the word lies outside the sphere of classical
I have not drawn upon Xenophon to any large extent, because
his style is unfortunately vitiated by the admission of many un- Attic
elements, and is therefore not a safe guide for budding composers.
In introducing phrases and sentences from the Greek I have
it best to give chapter and verse for the quotations. Not
only is the context so often essential for defining delicate shades of
meaning, but the constant reference to the best models is the surest
way to success in composition.
It has not been myintention to supply any but the bare outlines,
of grammatical information. Mychief aim has been to suggest ,

ideas and to help in their analysis. I have marked quantities where

no indication is gpven by position or accent, but not in the case of
words used only in prose.
Acknowledgments are due to various works of reference, among
which I may single out for mention, Veitch's Greek Verbs, and, above
and before all, Liddell and Scott.
Mistakes in orthography and accentuation are, I fear, inevitable
in a work of this size but the proofs have been carefully revised, and

I can only hope that the number of errors is not large.

The abbreviations should cause no difficulty. P. before a word
signifies that it has prose authority. V- before a word shows that it
is found in verse. A word with both P. and V. before it may as a rule
be used in any species of composition. Should, however, the name
of an author be placed in brackets after the words, this moans that
its use is limited to that particular writer.
word occurs in Aristophanes, I have indicated its presence in
If a
that author by the letters Ar. before it, but in the case of words occur-
ring frequently in both prose and verse, I have not thought it
necessary to signify that they are found in Aristophanes as well. A
word used often both by Prose and by Verse writers may safely bo
-employed in Comedy. It sometimes happens that a word of proao
associations is found in verse, and that one commonly confined to
poetry is used in prose. In such a case I have put in brackets
after the word a reference to the passage in which it occnrw Thus
on page 158 may be found the following :

Confess. V. trans. P. & V. fydKovelv (Soph. Phil. OHO ; Kur. L

A. 1142 & Frag.).
This means that the word
ofjuokoyetv appears
both in Proso and
Verse, but its use in the latter is restricted to three passages.
I have added a Supplement of Proper Names, including HOTUC of
he Greek equivalents for names famous in Koznan History,


. trans. Verb transitive.
infcraus. Verb intransitive.
oc. Vocative.
Xen. Xonophon.


Piomothoun Vmctus.
Soptem Contra Thobas.


Ach. Aokarnians.
Av. Aves.

jya. Ijysistrata.
Nub. Nubos.
Ale. AlcontiH.
And. Andromaohe.
Itaco. Bacciiae.
Qyol. Cyclops.
an. Kloutra.
Hoc. JTocuba.
Hoi. Helen.
FMural. Horacl* Hcraclidao.
I at. Iiato. H.R IIorculeH Furens.
Proposition. Hipp. Mippolyius.
l.A fphigonia in AuiiH.
L.T. Iphigonia in TauriH.
Mod, IModoa.
Boph. Saph( Or.
SubjimttUvtt. Hhoon.
HUWi. Subnt
Thuc. 'I'huc Wupp.
V. Vi*ftM*. Tro, Troodett,

under Await, v. trans., u Dem 292 " is to be deleted.
Page 56,
Page 70, under Beget, v. trans., and page 614, under Produce, v. trans., road
Page 75, under Besides, prep., instead of P. & V....5x (gon.) road V. Six (gon.)

Page 276, between Ensue and Entail, insert Ensure,
v. trans., see insure .
and V. u
cu8<u Trtpw (dal.).
abashed : P. and V.
Abandon, v. trans. Quit : P. and V. See ashamtfL
KaraAcwwv, <J7roA7r', foAei- Abashed, adj. V.

7TIV, 7TpoAl7TlV, (Plat, bllt Abate, v. trans. P. and V.

rare P.), V. .see r0/<aw. V. intrans.
lielinqnish: P. and V. P. and V. A(o(av, avlei/at, P. cVavtcVat.
Abate from : P. and V. Aw<av (geu.),
Ar. and V. /x0fc<r0ai (gen.), V. Si<i- (IvZeVat
(gen.), Ar. and V.
Leave tra Me ZiircA : P. (gen.), V. jci'l^ai (gen,).
lUld V. Acurcu', JCttTttAfjTreiv, Abatement, subs. P.
rfcTtw (gen.) (Plat.), (Thuc.), V. &i>aKQv<jn<ri5,
ow, Ar. and P. TrpouVae, or mid. , relief from : P. aud V.
(rice ?>, yieM : P. and V. /c8tSwae, (gen.), aTroAAtfyty ?/ (gen.) ; see
fy : P. and V. , cessation.
J bandon (a feeling, Abbreviate, v. tons. P. and V. ow-
; P. and V.
V. TrttZe onex&lf (to a Abbreviated, adj. P. uid V. <nv-
feeling, file.) : P. and V. TO/X.OS.

(dat ).
1 bandon to slavery :
Abbreviation, subs. P. cruvro/ua, ?/

AaW vpoMtu (Dom.

102). (Plat.).
abandoned themselves to their fate: Abdicate, v. trans. P. and V.
V. Trpofaro <r^>as airot's (Thuc. 2, 51). cr^ttt (gen,).
Abandon one's post : P. rafti/ ActVv, Abdomen, subs. Ar. and P. ^
V. TO see belly.

Abandoned, adj. L% or Abduction, aubs, P. and V.

alone and V. tyrj/w. 'lietrayed :
; 1*. or pi, V. aywyij, 7; (-flSHoh., Ag.
V. 7zy>o'8oros. Bane (of character) 1203).
-*--'* -
P. and V. *&>$, aJcrxpos, V. Aberration, subs. P. aud V. ^A^,
>/, V. TrAcfros, 5, P. TaptJLxy, ry ; 806
/Ve, Ar.audV. mad-mas.
HOC Rrwn, Abet, v. trans. Encourage: P. and
Abandonment, subs. P. V, ^TrtK^Aeuct^, Trapa/coAeti/, op/Aav, V.
Betrayal ; P. and V. J. <5rp^tv ; sew) fincvuraye, aid. Ilaw
Abase,,y. Iran*. P.audV. a tiand in ; l\ and V, <rv/A7rpacnm>>,
V, <ru;i^>vrve(i/. J/cr fatlwr Meitfr
Ar. uud V. fcrxwttWv, V, abets his dowjhtar herein : V.

also P. uid V- HtpimtrOat, (Plat.). (Ear,, /ld, 40),

Abasement, HU(>B. 1'*
Abettor, nubn, Sco acMMtory, hdper.
Abeyance, leave in, v. trans. P.
Abash, v. tmnn. anhanwl : P, and V. lay, TrupaAccWv.
Abh Abo

Abhor, v. trans. P. and V. /xio-cir, V. fin.) : P. and V. Suraro's, otcfe TC,

orvyciv, fy$ew9 AT, and V. tvmrrinv, ticavos. Having natural ability :

P. and V. u^9 (Bur., ^>^.).

Abhorrence, subs. P. and Y. /u< J5e a&Ze, v. intrans. : I*, and V
TO, cf}(00$,
T a ^J ^' OTifyoS, TO, Sifmcr^at, !x "' olo'y T ctrat, Ar. and
fjuhnjp,a t TO. Object of abhorrence, V. o-^Veti/.
Stlbs. : V. Ablution, subs. P. aTro'Aowns, >>,
/u<ro?, TO, /ifo-iy/io, TO,
yos, TO, OTvyiy/ia, TO ; see hatred. Ably, adv. Cleverly : P, and V <ro-
Abhorrent, adj. P. and V. ^0)?, PFeZZ : P. and V. ?,
KaTcwrrworros, V. /ucnfro's, Aboard, adv. P. and V. eVt jW>s.
crrvyvos, Ar. and V. ftiroirrucrros
see aboard, put aboard : see embark.

hateful, hated. Aboard, prep. P. and V. tot (gen,).

Abide, v. trans. Wait for: P. andV. Abode, subs. 507^55 ; P. and V.
, Al\ 6, oim)<rt,$, fj } OLKIMO,) TO, Ar. and P.
P. Wpl/Al/tV, P. V7TO/AVtV, V. OIKOX, Y;, Ar. and V. SO/AOS, o, SW/ACA,
(rare P.), A/tyteWw; see
p,\a6pov, TO, ISpa, 7;
TO, soo ;

wait for. Endure: zee endure. V, Of the gods : V.

intrans. P. and V. but rare P.).
(also Plat,
Ar. and P. /a P. Abolish, v. trans. P. and V. f

V. 7TpOCTjULVtV, ,
P. dvtttpctv, Ar. and P.
see wai. Dwell: P. and .

V. otKctv, KaroiKtw, Ar. and V. yatecF ; Abolition, subs. P. icaToXix

see <it0eZ -4&&Ze Sy (decision, terms, Abolition of debts : P. ^peair
etc.) : P. and V. (Plat.).
lp.if.ww (dat.j. 17

Abiding, Lasting : P. /xovt>o9. Abominable, adj. See iiaieful,

&2CW0 : P. and V* /SejScuos, dcr^aX^s, Abominably, adv. See hatefully,
V. /^reSo5. Lasting Long : P. and Abominate, v. trans. Bee hale.
V. xpoi'tos. Abomination, subs. Soe hatred.
Abiding-place, subs. Ar. and V. Object of hatred : V. cy
a, 7), V. &aoTpo^TJ, r; see jw-io*os,
; TO, /xf<n;/xa, TO,
TO, ttTre^^/tei, TO.

Ability, subs. P. and V. . and V.

Cleverness : P. Seworq?, 17- TO, ayog, TO, V,
powers : P, $poVi?o-is, i Have lution.
natural ability for : P. Aboriginal, adj. P. and V.
[*s (aco.) or wpos (ace.)]. Abortion, subs. P.
Abject, adj. P. and V. T& O/ abortion to : V.
things extreme : P, and V. (ace.) (Plat.), P. and V.
Abject poverty: P, /u>pi'a (ace.) (Plat.).
(Plat.), TroXX-J; evScux, 17 (Dem.). Abortive, adj. and V,
adv. P.
Abjuration, subs. TOS, V.
Ar. and P. cfca/Aoo-to, ?/. Benunda- Abortively,
adv. / mln : I*, atui V*
tion: P* dwopp^o-ts, ?;. aXXw9, /xan;v V
Abjure, v. trans. JD0n?/ on oa^7i P.: see iw twtX tutdor n*,,
and V. eo/AviWi (or mid.), Abound, v. intmns. P. V,
viWi. Jffie?K>?^w;e : P. and V irKy&vtw (iilwc Wat. hut mrn
Ar. and V.
Able, adj. Clever : Ar, and P.
flourish. fUmuntl in I ,

P. and V. cnJverog, Sctvosr,

(gon. or clat.), <f*/ui(4<r V,
Having power OT capacity (\\i\h in- (geu. or tkt.) (l*Iat.
Abo Abs
but rare P.), irXyOew (gen.), Ar. and fle'Xciv
(Bur., Or. 487). JBemoan over
V. ftpveiv (gen. or dat). Flow with : a?id afcove : Ar. and P. n-epiytyvco-^ai,
P. and V. etv (dat.). Let the means P. vepicivai.
of life abound : V. 7rpippira> jMw Abreast, adv. In a Zme : P. and V.
(Soph., El. 362). Abounding in : Ifijs, <#)?. Zeep aftreasi o/, v. :

V. <f>\<ov (dat.) ; see n'cfr *n. USe P. and V. errcorftu (dat.), trvveire-
About, prep, of time or place. P. <rOai (dat.).
and V. ircpi (ace.), V. apt (ace.) Abridge, v. trans. P. and V. <

(rare P.). Of time, also P. and V. vetv, crucrreAActv, xoXovciv.

Kara (ace.). About this very time ; Abridged, adj. P. and V.
P. far afrrov TW xpwov. Near : P. see 5/tori.
and V. irpcfe (dat.), eVf (dat.) About Abroad, adv. 074* of doors : P. and
one's Jcnees V. dft^t yowacrt (Eur.,
: V. 2, and V. Atpoun. -Prow
Ate. 947). Concerning : P, and V. aferood : P. and V. e^tfcv, Y, 6ti
wept (ace. or gen.), V. fyupt (gen. or Of vnotion to Ar. and V,

dat.). After verbs expressing anx- Away from home : use

iety, fear, etc. P. and V. Kept (dat.),
adj.,P. and V. IK^/AOS, V. 0upaTos.
d/A<i (dat.), forep (gen.). For the Go or live abroad : P and V, *8^-
sake of ; P. and V,, ei'*a (gen.), ovo-^at (Plat.), Ar. and P.
&d (ace.), x&p (gen.) (Plat.), &rep Lv V. faovcrOai.
t Going or
(gen.), Ar. and V. ovv*a (gon.), CKOTI abroad, subs. P. and V.

(gen.), V. //ca (gen.). P. uTroS^/ita, Cr0


About, adv. Round about, around : abroad (of rumour) : P. and V.

P. and V. 7Tpt (rare P.), *cXo>. SUpXcv&cul see 60 bruited abroad,
Nearly : P. and V. o-x^SoV, o-xeSov under &witf. Owmg to service in
n. With numbers: P. /xoXtorra, &>*, the field and occupation abroad :
or use prep., P. d^t (ace.), P. SMI ras crTpaT^tas Kat TT)V vn-epoptov
(aco,), P. and V. ct? (ace.). A<rxoXtav (Thuc. 8, 72).
rtrc you about $ P. and V. rt Abrogate, v* trans. P, and V. Ka0cu-
Xts ; Be about to : P. and V, petv, Xvciy, Ar. and P. /caraXvctv, P.
p&Xciv (infin.). Bnw^ it about avaipw.
that : see effect. Come about : sec Abrogation, subs. P. /caraXvcrts,
happen. Abrupt, adj. S/ieer, steep; P.
Above, adv. P. and V. Svw, Ar. and Kp^yutvos, KpYHWtoSris, aTroro/Jtos (Plat.),
JP. iirivw. In a former passage (in (Xen.), V, v^^Xo^p-^/xvoy,
a book) : P. &>a>. From see sieejp.
above : P. O/ apeccfe : P.
^Kpt5 ;

and V. vo>0(v), P, KaOfacp0 t &&&

/JpaxvXoyos. Sudden: see sudden.
far, V. fyo'0v (Plat, also but rare Abruptly, adv. Jw jfew words ; P.
I?.), ^^ptfc. ^lioi?e ground, on and V. ^pax^t, P. 8ta ^
earth: P. and V. liw, V. 8v<otf Suddenly : P. and V.
Above, prop, of place. P. and V.
(gen.). Of measure : P. and V. Abruptness, subs. O/ speech ; P.
&rp (ace.) In preference to : P. /3pax^Xoyta, 17. Suddenness ; see
and V. Trpo (gon.), P* fywrpocr0v suddenness,
(gen.) V. irpoVfa (gen.), Wpo* (gon.). Abscess, subs. P. TO (Plat,). ^a,
{Superior to : uso P, and V, Abscond, v. intrans, Bun away :

(go.u.), V. ftrcpTpo? (gen.), Ar. and P.

Aei/i3 bribed : P. xp/fw*TW|/ Ar. and P. see
Above tlw law : r, tiAirpo<r6w Withdraw privity : P-
vofjjw. Not to wish to be above the Absence, su and V.
law ; P,
Abs Abs

and V. &7/wa, 17, P. aTro&^ta, Softer, adj. : P. and V. vfow (Plat.),

Absence of mind: P. and V. Aiyft;, &>/<* (Plat.) ; see temperate.
Absent, adj. P. and V. im&v. From Abstemiously, adv. P. fycpaTote, P.
home : P. and V. licS^/ios, V. and V. o-dMjipoVG* ; see temperately.
polo*. Forgetful : Ar. and P. Abstemiousness, subs. P. yKf> T a >

Aijcr/uov. -B0 absent : P. and V. 17, Ar.

and P. ar<a<t>p6<r6vii y see t ;

oSrai/at, aVoorciTcti/ (Plat.), P. temperance.

nvfac. Se from home : P. and V. Abstinence, subs. Self-restraint : P.

fK&qjjLtlv, Ar. and P. dVooS^/icrv. /# cy/cpctTeia, ^, Al*. and P. 0"<tf^pooni;KJ/ >

i* nothing. Finish your tale I ^ ; see temperance. Abstimnct

was absent in mind : V. o from food : V. aortTta, ;.

Vpaw P. e>cpaTT}s, P. and

o* ^/3ifjvyap oAAoo* (Bur., Abstinent, adj.
LT. 781). V. <m0pw; see ie^^era^.
Absolute, adj\ Entire: P. and V. Abstract, v. traoas. P, and V. fyot-
petv, ^Trc^dtpetv, V. ^7ro<r7rttv ; SCe
S/Wer ; P. etXiKpwfc, cwrAovs, a/cparos. sica?, re??ioa;e.
Supreme in authority : P, and V, Abstract, subs. Swnman/: P. xc-
icvptos. Despotic, adj. : P. and V. <f>a\OLQV, TO.

rupamfcos, P. 8nroTwcos. Arbi- Abstract, adj. Opposed to concrete :

trary : Ar. and P. avroKpartop. P. avro's, e.g. abstract justice : P.
Absolutely, adv. P. and V. mbm, avro TO StAratov, abstract bttCLUtif ; P.
wavreAws, P. 5A<os, Ar. and P. WviJ, avro TO KaAov. 2Vi<3 abstract, con*

iT^o>s. With a negative : P. and ception (of a thing) : P.

V. opxiji'. Despotically : P. Tvpav- to, TO ; see concrete.
yt*a>9, Sccr7roTt/cw5. Taft^n 6^ ^^/; only in the nwnd : P. vo^ro$.
P. avro naff aM. Purely : P. Abstraction, subs. Theft: i\ ami
V. icXoTny, 77. O/ W/?wJ ; V. TrAczvos^
P. airX&s (Arist.). 6. Thought: P. wfopw, v; sec
Absolution, subs. Pardon : P. and t/wught.
V. aruyytajjuri, ^, V. oi/yyvoto, 17. Abstruse, adj. l\ and V.
Purification: P. and V, aS^Ao?, 7T04KtAo5> V. ^wret^<TOv <rt/-
/A09, 8voTV/xapTt>s ; see olwcwt;.
Absolve, v. trans. P. and V. Aj5v, Abstrusely, adv. Ar. and V, Trr-
cieXtf CCP, Ar. and P. &roXt>tv ; /ctX(i>7 ; see
see ocgwi^, purify. Abstruseness, subs. l\ <}<ru<pvn, h
Absorb, v. trans. JDnwAi ; P. and V. (Plat.).
Trfrew. Use up : P. and V. avc&i- Absurd, adj. Ar. and P.
6Vy<*\ I/-
CTICCLV, P. KaravoXto-Kctv, a-rravaXtWcty. and V. /A<Z>po7, cuijdi??; SU fMli$i . t

Mix up: Ar. and P. icara/ayKwat. Strange, odd : l\ and V, &<&<,>

JBe absorbed into : P. <rvyKara/uy- (Bur., ; ra<7.). y?/r/i'eit/otM ; P.iuwl
Kua-^ai e2s (aoo.) (Plat.). J)ra? ; P. V. yeAotoff, Ar. and P. Karay<'Aatrra>\
and V. tWcv. ^Ssor^e^ m
(met.) : Unreasonable : P* <I\uyov.
P. OXO? TTpds (dat.), V. &V&fJLVOg <t? Absurdity, subs, jfrW/y : I*, ami V.
(aoc.). Be aJsorfod! iw (met.) : P. fivota, T/, /Awpttt, t;, I*. <v^t((i ( i), V.
and V. vpocrKtio'Oai (dat.). fwytfia, >/. liidicultttMMM : An wl
Abstain, P. and V. &r-
v. intrans. P. aTOwta, r;. jft iir i//r /li'<//^ o/
v<r^<u, S^rra<rd<u ; see refrain. absurdity; P. fort iriAAJy Awy<.
Abstain from : use verbs given with adv. P. mid V. &;&*,
the gen. ui&stawi /rom /ood : P. Ar. ana P. ^o>/rw5, i*. i*tot>m (Xo*) j
and v . 5crZTtK see fooliMy. IlMteulondy ; {,,
Abstemious, adj. P. and V. <
Abu Ace

Abundance, subs. P. ewopta, 7/, Accelerate, v. trans. P. and V.

via, Ar. and P. Trepiouo-ia,
^, see hasten.
Also with gen. following: P. Accent, subs. Ar. and P.
and V. Tr\rjOo$, TO, V. pdpos, TO, of speaking : P, and
TWOS, o. Way
Abundant, adj. P. and V. TroAifc, V. <wj, fj ; see voice. Mark on
a<0oi/os, Ar. and P. cruxes* dnropos, syllable to show accent : P. 6fuY^s,
V. OTtppvros Rich : V. TrAovo-ios. ^ (Plat,, Orat. 399A). Jla-ye a /or-
Abundantly, adv. P. and V. <i<jf06W 6/gf/i accent v. P. : wv.
(Bur., Frag.), P. Accentuate, v. trans. Met. increase :
Ar. and V. P. and V. <xuavo/. Inflame, em-
Abuse, v. trans. Misuse : P. bitter : P. and V. va

(dat.). Speafc evil of: P. Accept, v. trans. P. and V.

and V. Ka/cois Aeyew,
civ (or mid. with dat,), t, Ar. and P.

oWStgeti' (dat.), P. recede ; P. and V. \ap.fidviv ; sea

^X,acr<f> (els,
ace. 01' receive. Agree to : P. and V.
*caTc, gen.), Vi7pca' (dat.), Ar.
and P. <rvKO<l>cLVTw t V. exce in : P. and V. o-Tpy' (ace.
or dat.), V. enVe^ (ace.), 1J ct'yaTrai' .

Sio*roj(Aiv, KvSa<cr$ai (dat.). (ace. or dat.) (also Ar. absol.). Be-

Abuse, subs. Reproach, insult: P. lieve, trust: P. and V.
,-uid V. v/fyife, ?/, om&>$, TO,
(dat.), Trwrrc&iv (dat.).
P. on/peta, 17, j&Xaor^/Aia, Acceptable, adj. P. and V.
yopia, >/, ftaarKavtOf T;, Ar. and P. dpco-ros, V. ^iXo9, SiifWySrys ; 866
agreeable. If the swne course be
evil : P. and V. acceptable to all : V. d ira<n raMv
Abusive, adj. Ar. and P. Trpcty/A* ttp<rKOVTO>S Xt (Bui'., 7. T.
s, $Aa<r$?7/ju>5, 581).
V. Acceptably, adv. P. and V. ^ScW ;

P. see agreeably.
and V. Ka Acceptance, subs. P. and V. A^is, /.
Abusively, adv. ?. Acceptance of bribes: P. 8/>o8<wct'a, t/.
<amKa>?, P. and V* Access, subs, P. and V. ewroSos, ^,
Abut, v. intrans. Project P. and TrpoV/ftuns, ^, 7Tpo<rj8oXT;, ^, Ar. and
V. -wpofyay ; seo project. Abut OH, P. TrpoVoSo?, P. 2<o8o 5 >/-
T; ? ,
he near P. fao-Sat (gen.). person : P. and V. AroSos, / ; seo
Abysmal, adj. Ar. and V. intercourse. Vixttation, assault :
Abyss, subs, P* and V. x/*"* TO, P. and V. 7rpo<ro\yJ, r/.
V. ^os, TO, x<*^/J8iff, ^, Ar. and P. Karaflo\y, see fit. In acoexit
V. (3W&, 6. Mot. of flrrw/, trouble, of passion : V, os (Soph.,
dc, : uso P, and V. iriX&yoe, TO f0aUf; V.
(Plat,), V. w.
/8<lWos, yw* Aoi?a (Kur., JPluMH.
^.O'frte to such an dbyaa of folly : P. 744).
feTOVTO d^ix^ c pvpW'?. Accessible, adj. P, and V. rf/Ja?
Academy, subs. Ar. and P. ^A/caSiJ- (Plat,), P. (Xen.), V.
ft<to, rj ; see 5C/^0/. P. ^-

Accede, v* intrans. P. and V. <rvy- irp6<roSo$ t P. .

cforpoo^yopo^ J

X<optv, ^Tratmv, o-waivciv (Plat.). see a/able.

3ta6*fe to ; P* and V. Accession, subs. Addition : P. and
Ker<wv<tK (ace.), V, V. irpoa-^w/, 4 Succession: P,and
dat,) ;
idat*)| see aweni, oi/ree. V. ^80x17, 4,
Ace Ace

Accessory, adj. P. and V. O- P. aKoA.ou0iV, irapa/coXoutfeu', P.

KOWUVOS. Accessory to : P. and a"waKo\ov0civ V. /xc^eTTfia-^at, 6/>tap-

"V, o-wotTios (gen.), Kotj/coyds (gen.), 1

Tv with dat,). On a journey :

/teroxos (gen.'),/zTamos(gen.) (Plat.), P. and V. o-u/wropevecrftxt (absol. or
V. irapaiTios (gen.), torcop (gen.), J30 with dat ). Be with : P. and V.
accessory : P. and V. <n5i/eiSei/cu. o-vveLvat, (dat.), truyyiyvea-Oai. (dat).
Accessory, subs. SomeMng added : In music : Ar. uTrooVj/ (dat.). On
P. and V. Trpocrftyjci?, r/. Something a voyage : P. and V. crvjjarXcw (absoL
subordinate : P. and V. Wpcpyov, or dat.). Ow ^a expedition : P.
TO. O/ a person sharing guilt : see (n;(rTpaTTjiv (absol. or dat.).
Accomplice, subs. P. and V. crvr*/;-

Accident, subs. P. and V. yos, o or r), o-uramoffy o or 17, /co4r<wrd^,

<rvjj,<f>opd, r), P. 7Tprra>/m, TO,

6 or ^, oruAA^TTTcop, 6, /xeroxos, o or
TO. In. case o/ accident : P. ^, V. o, o-vvcpytfTt?, ?/.
T/tfi p^^"^ o/ a?i accomplice : V. TO
Accidental, adj. Unintentional : P. crwSp&v XP*'S (JBur-i -d^id. 837).
and V. o^x eKovo~io$, P. aKouonos ; see Accomplish, v. trans. P. and V, aw- '

Accidentally, adv. By chance : P. Stawptio'aretv (or DQld. in ,

and V. Tvxfl, TVX^?, Kara


TVX^". Unintentionally : P. and V. .1, ircpaivew, V. ^avt!'T

ttKovo-tcos ; see unintentionally. TeXe> (rare P.),

Acclaim, v. trans. : P.
Celebrate V, KpCLlWv, CTTtKptttVfitV, P. CTTtTeXctV J

and Y. fyimj'. Shout approval : see complete. Help to accomplish :

Ar. and P. 6opv/3v (absol.). Ap- P. and V. o-u/ATTtpatVciv (T/, T*W),
plaud : P. KpoTiv (absol). Praise : eruyKaTpyaf0-6at (TI, Tivt). Ilarhltj
P. and V. GTraivtiv. accomplished these labuurx : \\
Acclamation, subs. P. and V. 66pv- a0XwV TO)VS' *7TpTXl}s (Soph., T/W.7/,
os, 6. Applmse : Ar. and P. 36). J5e accomplished (of <m,

icpoYos, 6. Praise : P. and V. oracle) : see 6c fuljillfid,

Acclimatise, v. trans. Accustom: Accomplished, adj. Fulfilled K

P. and V. '0v. js,
P. and V. TXtos (rans I*, i,

Accommodate, v. trans. Gratify : (rare P.), V. cKTcXt;?* TcXt-

P. and V. xfipgorAu (dat.). BbW, Met, <;/cer ; Ar. ami I '.

/wwe room /or and V. x

; P t
^" , P. and V. /*or-
(ace.). Accommodate with a Loan : .

P. cuTTopctv (ace. of loan, dat. of Accomplishment, subs. 1\ an<J V.

person). Accommodate oneself to :
^pa^s, 4 V. 5v>7, $ (^Ksch.
P. and V. cixiv (dat.), P. trvyKaQwai 713), End: l\ and V. rt'
(dat.) see T^'eZd.
; rcXcvnf, y/, Wpa?, TO. Skill : P.
Accommodating, adj. P. pc&os, P.
and V. wxep-fc see obliging. ; Accord, subs. P, oft
Accommodation, subs. Lodging : 7; (Plat.). H^tfi owe ocronf ;
P. Kem&iW, ^. Terms ; P.
and V. o/xotJ, P. /Aif 6p/t^ (Xon,), *K
6/AoXoyta, ^. /Ata$ yi/wft?^, diTro /xta^ Qppjs, At*.

Accompaniment, subs. P. and V. P. o^o^v/i<t8ov ; see wuiniwmt

/xeAo5, TO. To ^/ie occowijpawMew< Of one's own accord: ue fttlj.
P. and V. fat (gen.)-
o/ : and V. fociv *
a4r<jrttyy<XTo > P.
Accompany, v. trans. P. and V. ye clvoi. O/ things, without hwrnan
yuZXccr, Ar. and agency : use adj., P. and V-
Ace Ace

s, P. faro TavrojuiaTou. Be in io OWe'

accord : see agree. account, V. P. KaTaAoyi<r0<u (rt,

Accord, v. trans. See grant. Accord TIVI), P. and V. Sva^cpetv (TI, 45

with : P. and V. vvvafiew (dat.), rtva) ; see impute. Take into ac-
crv/x.<^>ptv (dat.), P. cru/x<jba)Viv (dat.), count : P. woXoytf cor^at.
V. 6/Aoppo0av (dat.), Account, v. trans. See consider.
Accordance, subs. See accord. In Understand : P. and V. <ri5vZei/ai ;

accordance with : P. and V. K<Lrd see understand. Account for : P.

(ace.), sometimes e* (gen.). \6yov StSoWi (gen.). Be cause of :
Accordant, adj. P, and V. o-v/^wi/os P. and V. atrios clvat (gen.). Be
(Plat.), <Hh/o)Sos (Plat.), P. satisfactorily accounted for (of
aKoAou0os, V 7rpo<rco8os, (rvvirjyopos. money) : P, Stfcatcos d7ro<cuW0au
According to, prep. P. and Y. Kara Accountable, adj. Lia&Ze ^o give
(am). account : 3P. and V. STTCV^WO?, P.
Accordingly, adv. Therefore : P. woXoyos,
VTratrtos, Ivo^os. 27^6 Ca^5e
and V. o$v, OVKOVV, TOtViJv, Tocyap, o/; P. and V. amos (gen.); see
Totyapouv, Ar. and V. vvv (enclitic), liable.
Ar. and P. " "
Toiyaproi ; see therefore. Accountant, subs. P. #0wo$, 6,
Act accords Aoyicmjs, 6.

Account-book, subs. Ar. and P.

Accost, v. trans. P. and V. ypa/jt/AaTtOK, TO, ypa/fiara, rd.
yopvctv, TTpocrctTrctv (2nd aor.), V. Accoutre, v. trans. P. and V.
avSav, TrpocravSai/, Trpocrc^cDvav, Trpocr- o^etv, < (Plat,), P. KaroL
tfrOeyyecrOat, tvv&rtiV) Arm : P. and V. 6?rXtfav,
wpocrcw/^Vetv, .

wpo<r^yoptv 5 seo address. (Plat.) ; see flfress. \%w

Account, subs. Narrative: P. and Accoutrement, subs. P. and V.
V. Aoyos, 6, /AV^OS, o. ffi-ue aw cn<wj, 7), oroXiJ, 7} (Plat.), V. (ray?/,
acc0?w o/ o/wj*^ career : P. TOU ^Stbu ^, Ar. and P. oTrAW, see dress.
r; ;

Aoyoi/ SiSoi'tti,
Report, description : Accredited, adj. Be accredited as
P. tt7rayy<Aia, T/. Faitie, considera- consul v. P. wpo&vcrv. t

tion : P. and V. A(>yo?, 6. Make no bassador : Ar. and P. wp

account of : P. Trepl ov8Vos TI Accretion , subs. P. and V. -Trp
(aco.), V. o^Sa/Aou rtOcwu (ace.). O/r /

no OCCOW74i : V, avaptS/xrjTOs, wap Accrue, v. intrans. P. and V.

oi/S^V. 2? o/no account : V. ovSa/xoi
ct'tt4. Ztortt ^o account : P, and V. Accumulate, v. trans. P. and V.
Xpfjcrfat, (dat.). On account of : P.
and V. 82t (ace.), ivKtt (gen.), x and V. VCM/, P. cruwctv. V. iutraiis. :

(^on.) (Plat.), Ar. and V, oui P. and V, crvAAeyecr&u, a0po%<r0u.

feon*)* <TI (gen), V, u/xa (gen.). Accumulation, subs. Heap : Ar.
JtecJconing ; E
and V. Aoyo^, 6, Ar. and V. 0<o/Aos, o, Ar. and P. o-wpo?,
and P. Aoyioy/ufc, & Cast accounts : o (Xen.) ; seo heap. Quantity : P.
P, n&Vttt ifffaow; (Dom. 304). J and V. 7rAJ0o$, TO.
Aat?e^ mentioned wen a fraction of Accuracy, subs. P. d*p/ia, ij-
the sins standing to their account : Trw^: P. and V. 4X^cea, ^; see
P. o#8i TroAAocrrov /A<pos *pi7/ca roiv truth. Correctness : Ar. and P.
<Jp0<m7$, r/, V. v5/xc'prcia, &.
Ar* and Accurate, adj.
accounts : P. and
P. $$vva, ^, or pi. J9<5'/?*a?wf one's True : P. and V. JX^Afo
accounts : P. Xoyov <l7ratrcci/. J9e accurate : P.
ritfr account : P. accurate : V*
Ace Acq

Accurately, adv. P. and V. Ache, subs. P. and V. r/,

Truly : P. and V. &\rj8S>s, iv, >/, , TO,
Know accurately : P. and V. dfcpZ- and V. 5Xyos, TO', a^os, TO' ; see pain.
ow (ace.) (Plat.). Ache, v. intrans. P. and V. a
Accursed, adj. Under a curse : P. ,
V. a
^yjsi en-apaTos, V. apaios, Ar. and Achieve, v. trans. Win for oneself:
P. AXfrqauK Abominable : P. and
. P. and V, KTcu
V. Karapdros, /uapos, Ar. and V. o-^at, oc<pe<r0ai, cvpicrKtvQai,
Ar. and
V. V. <^pi' (also Plat, but rare P.) f

evptWctv, V. KOIU&IV ; see w/w. 1 7 1

ITTVOTOS, Ar. and P. 0ois 6y labour : V. 7rort^, */>;(#(>.

Osofucrrjs see cursed.
; Accomplish: see accomplish.
Accusation, Subs. P. Kanryopta, ^, Achievement, subs. Aciptifiitwn :
P. and V. atria, ^, P. and V. Ki^o-ts, r}. jfy tot : P. ami
KanrjyopvifjLOL, TO,
V. ^rucA^/ia,
atrta/xa, TO, eyjcAij/za, TO,
V. ay<6j'(o-/w., TO.

LegraZ and V. Sun?, ^. Acid, adj. P.
mi* : P. aiJorr/po's, Ar. and P.
Malicious accusation : Ar. and P.
Acidity, subs. P. av<m?ptm;s, >/.
v. trans. P. and V. Acknowledge, trans. v.Confess ;
(TWOS, n), amacrftxi (TWO*, P. and V. o/xoXoyciv (only thnui
irama<T0at (nva, T>09), ey*a- times in V.), P. wpocroftoXo^?!' fltn ;

(w4 TI), Ar. and P. twiKaXclv confess. Admit as genuine : l\

L, Prosecute : P. and V.
rt). 6ftoXoytr. Reco(j?iise, receive: \\
Ar. and P, ypdtyco-flai,. c/bitt
Swo/cetv, and V. &XcrOai., 7r/x>fr8t^rrdat. Jr.
in accusing : P. o-uyjca-nryopetv (TWOS, knowledge (favours, ate.), repay :
TIVI, or Ttvos, /xTa TIVOS). Accuse P. and V. ttTro^oi'at Oc'/ )U ')-
maliciously : Ar. and P. vvKofavrelv. Acknowledgment, subs,
Accused, The (judicially), subs. P. sion : P. 6/xo/Xoyta, //. //<*/ //;//,

and V. 6 ^ei/ywv. recompense; P. and V. /iot/fr/, /

Accuser, subs. P. and V. Komjyopos, (Plat.).
6, i). Prosecutor; P. and V. 6 Acme, subs. I*, and V.
Siujcw. Malicious accuser : Ar. Met., P. and V.
and P. <rO/co<dVn7s, 6. P. and V. u '/'///

Accustom, v. trans. P. and V. o/ madness : 1*.

c^tv, P. orw^/. accustomed /Lianas. &
to (with infin.) P. and Y. to>0eVai, Acorn, subs.
: P, 7 (Hoxiti-r

r - ,
. and Aristotte),
Accustomed, adj. Customary : P, Acquaint, v. trans. P. and V. iWi-
and V. vo/x-t/^os, inform.
(Dem. 605), P. crw- with (i.) i/tmflf ; P. and V. yr>/'<fn ,

Ar. and P. pav6dviv, (ii.) persons : P. arwl V.

Accustomed to: P. 00/^7^5 (dat.), ',
P. ypfyrOat, (d
Y. ^c!s (gen.). uf :

Ace, subs. Z% and

y. oftiXtw (dat.) T (dat.),
within an ace of defeat : P. Acquaintance, subs.
(ThuC. 4, 129).
Oil J?6 04706 4 (Hat.),
an ac o/ i^ngr M^ ; P.
adj., P. onmjAp
tv (Isoc. otV<To9 ; see friend,
with, experience
' "of
and V.
Acerbity, subs. P. and V. , >}. feen.),
Acq Act

Acquainted with, adj. P. and V. '

ted : P. and V. <^uytv,

l/jt7Tt/30S (gen.), OTIOTT7//JKDI' (g6n.), Ar. and P.
V. ISpis (gen.) ; see versed in.
Acquittal, Sllbs. P.
Knowiiig V. wmop (gen.) (also
. Ar. and P. #7ro<ei;is, 17, P. and V.
Plat, but rare P.). He made him- TO <jl)vy/r.
self acquainted with all he could Acre, subs. Use P. and V. vMOpov,
of the Persian latiyuagc aiid the TO (about a quarter of an
customs of the country : P. 1% Many broad acres shall I leave
llepcriSo? yXcoorcr^s ocra rfBvvaro KOTC- 'IfOU : iro\vir\4Qpovs Sc o-ot yvas Xcn/rca
r(trfcr not r&v e7rm;8u//,ttTa>v riy? vcUnas (Bur., Ale. 687).
(Thuc. 1, 138). Div'ide by acreage : Acreage, subs.
Acquiesce, v. P. and V.
Ar. StcXciv KOTO,
arcpycu', Ar. and P. ^yon-av, V. Acrid, adj. Ar. and P.
aiYciv ; see a#mw/. Acquiesce in : Acrimonious, adj. P. and V. vucp.
P. and V. crWpytti' (ace. or dat,), Acrimoniously, adv. P. and V.
P. dyairai' (aec. or dat.), V. cuj'?i'
(ace.) ; seo endure. Acrimony, subs. P. and V.
Acquiescence, subs. Endurance :
P. minTcpt'a, w. 6 afo : Ar. and P. Acrobat, Be an, v. P. Mpto-rav see

Acquire, v. trans. Win for oneself :
Acropolis, subs. Ar. and P. d/cpo'TroAis,
P. and V. KTttcr0tt(, $epe<r0at, KO- ?;,
V. aKp67rro\L$, 17.
nifaruttii cvpt'trKfcrOatj CK^epecrtfat, Across, prep. Through : P. and V.
Ar, and V. <e/>av (also Plat, but &d (gen,). Over: P. and V. fecp
rare I"*.), tvphntw, V. apwa-Oai (also (gen. and ace.). On the other side
Hat. but nire P.), <o/T<;cr0ai. 06- of : and V. -repay (gen.). Adv.,
P. and V. Tr^ottv. Crosswise : P.
ivetr,P. vt/ruiroiciordat. j $opfMI$6r. At right cmgles : use
Ay/ Labour ; V. KVOI/IV, I
adj., P. cy^apo-to?. Build acroxn
Artjuirt in addition :
(so as to intercept), v. trans. : P.
I** and V. 7rtKTao*#ai, P. 7rpoo"KTtt- TrapoiKoSojuetv.
tr^ttt. jTjfr(jt)
acquire, ; P. <rvy- Act, Subs. P. and V. Trpay^a, TO,
KTirl?at (T/, Ttvt), a-vyKaTa^Ta^^at (, TTpafts, ?/ pyor, TO, Ar. and V.
Tin). Trpayos, TO, V. ^pyfta, TO. Legislative
Acquired, adj., opposed to native, act : P. and V. ^^wrfta, TO', i/^}</o$,
P*and V. oraKTos, *7rra/cT09. P. and V.
Acquirement, nubH. P. and V, /
P. leara-

m^, /. liecciving : P, and V. Aiji Caught in the acf t adj. : P.

>}. fc'ftiM ; P. and V, , V. iTTiXi^rro^.
Acquisition,ub. See acquirement. Act, v. intrans. \
P. and V.
Something acquired : P. and V, 8pav, !

KT^fta, TO. Advantage, gain : P. ;

v, trans. : P. faoKptvccrOou (aeo.),
ana V. Kp8o$ TO,
riyo)nc<rdat (Dem. 418 and 449);
Acquit, v. trans. P. and V. AiW, j
seoalso p/oy. Act part of Antigone :
<!<uVcu, <ro'>eu', Ar. and P. '
P. "AvrtyoKi/K \iiroKpW<rOai. Answer,
v, P aTro^cpOTOKCti' (g6tx) y succeed: P. and V.
(KOH.), <iw<myi><i X<^p'v ; see answer ,

P. Action, subs. Opposed to idleness:

P. and V. ?rpa&9, ; ; see ac^. The
(bravely, etc.) : use tumult of the young are braced for
see bduive* m acquit- action ; V. veW rot r

Act Add

(Eur., Frag.). At law: P. (also Plat, but rare P.),

and Y. 8^07, ^, ay<6v, 6. Bring Exact ; P. and V. dKpt/frfc.
action against : P. ts Actually, adv. Genuinely : P. l>
dyva /ca0i-
<rravat (ace.). Virtue, power
dtvo>9. Truly : P. and V. aX>/5<
drugs, etc.) : V. Stfvacris, ^, *"x^ 5 r>7Tu/i,a>s. Heally : P. and V. or

17. BattZe . P. and V. cpyov, TO. Opposed to nominally : P. and V.

Pi4 ships out of action : P. vaSs lpycj>. Exactly : P. and V. afcpt^&os.
aTrXous iroicitr (Thuc. 7, 34). Sows Actuate, v. trans. Induce :
A0V671 ($W_p$) were put out of action : V. irpOTperrtiv (or mid.),
P. ?TTa TIVCS cwrXoi eya/ovTO (Tbuc. TreiOeiv see 'induce. ',

7, 34). Action, as opposed to Acumen, subs. P. and V.

passivity : P, irpofis, 17.
Actionable, adj. P. WSiKos. ^'(Plat.)!
Active, adj. Swsy : P- and V. oo-x Acute, adj. Dangerous : Av. and P.

Xoff, Y. TroXijTrovos see industrious.


Eager : P. and Y. TrpoOvpos, IVTOVOS, gerous. Extreme : P. and V, &rx-

O-UI/TOVOS; seeeagrer. Of mind: Ar. TO?. Violent : P. o~<o8po$, iV^vpc^.
and P. ofe. Nimble: P. and Y. Quick-witted : P. and V. <rrn/ToV,
eXox^pos (Xen.), Ar. and V. KOV^OS, <ro<o5, Setvos, Ar. and P. ai!^
0oos, Y. Xou/^po's. Energetic : P. <j>p6vl}j.Q$, P. dyxti'ou5. Clever (of
and Y. Sptwrnjpws. .4?t ociwe man things) : P. and V. o-o^fcos, Sctvcfe.

(a good walker) : P. avrjp eufcovos O/ aw angU) accent, etc. ; P. <3V<5.

(Thuc. 2, 97). In active service (of Acutely, adv. Violently : P. im<l V.
ships) : P. i/pyos. J5e on active orc^dSpa, Sctvcos,! . t<r^vp!o^. CwFPPltf ,"

service (of troops) : P. e&crTpaTCvaflai P. and Y. oro<oi$. I^r//, axtrdnwli/ ;

(perl mid. of fi/carpaTeueiv) ; see

take the field, under field. Take Acuten ess, subs. Violence: P. r/r.
active part in, be busy with P.
SpoVTys, 17 (Plat.), Q^/cifc wuA ; *<<
and Y. o/uXtt*' (dat.). Share in : acumen.
P. and V. /coivcDvetv (gen.) ; see Adage, subs. P. ami V. Xoyov, /,
share. Manage : P. and V. Tropoi/ua, T;, 9^T;/A7?, ;, V. aTi'ov, o ; s*^
creiv (acc.). saying. According to llw
Active agent, subs. Ringleader : P. P. TO Xcyo/xei'Oi/.i f

and V. TiyejjLw, o or ^, P. e^yTynJsj Adamant, subs. | P. and V. <^

Actively 5 adv. Eagerly P. and
- :

Nimbly: V. Adamantine, adj. P. and V. ii,vv*

Activity, subs. P. and Adapt, v. trans. P* and Y.

Eagerness :

Y. <r7rouS^, ^, irpoOvfua, r/. ;

iv, tyapiufaw (Xon.),
P. T^ Spacmjpiov. jffase
o/ 'move- Ar. and P. fra/>/Ao(i'. //<*

ment : P. euKoXta, 17 (Plat.), vxcpta, for : P. and V. u/>/iocu' (dai.

^ (Plat.). ,4g% : P. ^Xa^p^s, Trpos, aco.). Adapt oiw&elf tn ; |.
4 (Plat.), V. ^1175, ij. JStirffo : P. and V. trup,<p<rft (Jat,). >

^tXoTTpay/iocrvv?;, 17. Quickness : P. io . P. and V. ?K<tv (dat.) ;

^^nys* 17- Adapted for : I*, and V.

Actor, subs. Ar. and P. ftroKptrjrs, dat or JT/JO?, iMKJ.h J\
o. Pantomime actor : P. /U/AO*, 6. , ace.),
2%ird ra^ actor : P. Tpwuy<ovrnfc, Adaptable y adj. tt&xy to
o. P. fu/x-Tax<tpt<rro?,
Actual, adj. Genuine: P. Add, v, trans. P, and V.
True : P. and V. 4X77%, V.
Add Adj,

Be added : P. and V. a general addressing troops : P.

irapaKeA.afecr&u (dat. or absol.) ; see
calculate : P. and V. exhort. Address oneself to : P,
I added that I had no expectations : and V. Tp7r<rOai (wpos, Iwt, ts,
P. irpocre&'rjKa on o&Sc Trpoo-oWw aCC.), c^0-^at (gen.), vovv irpocrexw
(Dem. 355). (dat.), KaOLcrrao-Qcu. ?s (aco.). Oon-
Adder, subs. See make. P. and V. eircpxevOai (aec.).
Addicted to, adj. Habituated to : servants all addressed their
P. <run}0ip (dat.). Inclined to : P. hands to work : V. Sfuocs ?rpos epyov
TrpoTrenfc (?rpos, aCC.), V. 7rpovo)7r^s t<rav xpas (Eur.,
TTttvrcs JS7^.
(t?, ace.) see inclined.
; Adduce, v. trans. P. and V.
Addition, subs. W7wi -is added : P.
and V. , ry.
.4ci of adding : Adept, subs, and adj. Use P. and
P. 7rp6V0<ris, addition to, V. <f//,Wipos, emcmqiJLwv.
prep. : P. and V. adj.
Trpo's P. and V. oftos,
(dat.). addition, adv.
fr& P. and apK&v; see sufficient.
: Be tKavos,
V. Trpos (rare P.), eri, Ar. and P. adequate, v. P. and V. opxcTv, 4ap-
His exacted seventy drach- /ctv ; see 6e enough, under enough.
mae and a sniM mm
in addition : Adequately, adv. P. and V. dp*ow-
P. S, P. see enough.
rt Trpos (Dem. 611). In Adhere to, v. intrans. Cling to:
compounds, use P. and V. xpo's, P, and V. Xcr0ai (gen.),
e.g. receive in addition ; P. and V. (gen.). Be attached to : P. and V.
Trpoovccurdcu (dat.), Trpocrctvai (dat.),
Additional, adj. Use In addition.
Additional pay : P. Imfopd, ij. and V. ft/xi/tv (dat.).
Additionally, adv. Roe besides. Adherent, subs. Use adj., P. and
Addled, adj. P. foe/Maw (Plat.), Ar. V. <A<*> e&/ov9. 4% : P. and V.
U7ry;v/uos\ Mot., ROO WHlrf. <ru/A/*ax os 'W7?i #.v adherent, v. :
Address, KU!>B. P. and V. TrpoVpwo- P. and V. -rrpocnroictcrflat. Receive
f \ ' c n ' ' *\r
V. as adherent, v. P. and V. Tpoo--
7;, Aoyos, o, L*.
Trpoorp^fctt, TO, :

\ap,/3<Siviv. Be adherent of, v. P. :

Puhlic sj>eech : P. and V. Xoyos, 6, and V. 7rpo<m0eo-0ot (dat.). /?e

P. ttypqyopfa, /.
Address to troops friendly to : P. and V.
btfortt battle: seo exhortation. (dafc.).
Skill: Addresses, Adhesion, subs. Good-will : P. and
courting P.
fopcwma, ?/.
; V. cvvowt, T).
Addition : P. and V.
o/wj* <3kfo2res.S'6K to ; Ar. and Ar. and
&p&ri;'v (ace.) ; see oown5. P. orv/x/xa^wt, 17.

Address, v. trans. 1*. and V. Adhesive, adj. P. y

7rpo<r7rctv (2nd aor.), V Adieu, interj. BeefwrewelL
, Trpoo-avSav, Trpocr- Adjacent, adj. P. and "V.
r. 5/xopo5, Ar. and P. Tr
see neighbouring.
address the goddess Pallas in Adjoin, v. trans. P,
prayer : V, J7T(09 P, and V. 7rp<xricwrflat
iKolpTjv (Soph.
Adjoining, adj.
1868)". 'Adaress (publ&ly) : Ar Adjourn, v. trans. P. and V.
and P. (ace.). O/ t? uWts
Adj Adm
subs. P. and V. Admirably, adv. P. and V.

Adjudge, v. trans. Decide : P. and Admiral, subs, P. and V.

V, Suca^eiv, SiayiyvwcrKeiv, Kpivtw, 6, <rrpaT77yo9, o.

Siatpclv. Assign as P. bri- Admiralty, subs. O/^cc o/ admiral :

judge :

8uc< eiv (TI, TII/I), V. KpivW ; P. lauapxto, 17.

Board of ad-
see assign. miralty : use P. ot d-TToo^roX^s.
P. and V. Admiration, subs. P. and V.
Adjudicate, v. intrans. }Xos,
on: P. and 6. Praise : P. and V. 7r<uros, o.
ffifco&iv. Adjudicate
V. Statpetv (ace.), 8iayiy'a>o7ce' (ace.), Admire, v. trans. P. and V. Qavptx-
8tfea^iv (ace.), Kptvav (ace,). *iv, ^Xovi/, V. eKTrayXctor^at, Ar* and

Adjudication, subs. P. and V. Kpwrk, V. &ya<r0(u (also Plat, but rare I*.).
y, P. 8iayi/o>cri?, ^. Admire (for a thiny) : P. and V.

Adjunct, subs. Addition: P. and OOMJJL^LV (gen.), ^Xovr (gon.)* -W-

V. irpo<r9yKrj, r/. Something second- wire/i iy a ^ a ^J- : P- an ^ ^, TT*/>/-

wry : P. and V. Trapcpyoi/, TO. /?XTTTOS. ^?c admired and honoured:

Adjuration, SUbs. P. rapa/cX^o-is, ^, V. 7Tptj3Xe7r<r0ai rtfjuos.
V. -Trapa/ccXevcr/xa, TO ; see entreaty. Admirer, subs. P. i?XAmfc o. Lover;
Adjuration of the gods : P. P. and V. cpao-njs, o see suitor. ;

Admissible, It is, v. impors. P. and

V. escort, 7rdtp<rT( ? 7ni/>(i,, Trapa/ct/,
V. trans. P. 7rapaK\evt<rOat,, P. <VSXTat, cyx<pci, Ar, and P. ty-
P. and V. irapOLKaXeLv, cTrtcrKTyTnretv ytyvcrat. ;

see entreat. Call on as witness: Admission, subs. Letting in : V.

Ar. and P. cirLfjLapripccr&cu. Call e<Vaya>y)J, ^. TTa// or m
to aid: P. 7ri/Joacr0<u. 07iirawe : P. and V.
Adjust, v. trans. JftJ : P. and V. Confession ; P. 6/u.oXoyt'a, T/,
yijfio, TO.
P. and V. irpoor^eVat. Pwt i?i Admit, v. trans. /^ />/ ; J*. and V.
order : Ar. and P. SiaTW&ai, Ar. ei<ra- ;

and V. icaTatrrcXXeiv. Adjust (a yeiv,

quarrel, etc.) : P. and V. 5 rWeWt
Or ev rWeo-Oai 866 ?7Wl&fi Wjp.
J ciort&ac. Confess : P. antl V. ,

Adjustment, subs. Arrangement :

r. Swi^o-is, ^. J?eco7t<5iZw&iio7t : P. Xoyca/. Accept : P. and V. flex- ,

and V. SioXXayoJ, rj, oriJvaXXayiJ, ^, Admit (ft vhlim,

P. JP. and V.
SiaXtKrts, ^. etc.) :
8xc<r^u, 7r/cm.
Administer, v. trans. P. and V. <r0<tt,P, d7ro8cxc<r0ac* Admit of:
otfcetv, vftetv (Thuc. 8, 70), Ar. and P. frS^xwftn (aco.). 2b admit </
P. StOfc/CCtVj /ITCtYtpt'^O ^Clt, TCllUCUCU/ oxcusc P. Ctnd V* <n/yyro'>/x>/v 4^ta%

7rtTpO7reutv, P. Sta^eipt^ctv. Supply; Admittancef subs. Soo admmwn,

P. and V. P. and V. */*>*,
flrap^civ (or mid.) ; see Admixture, subs.
supply. Administer oath to : P. ij, vvyKpaa-tSt y (Bur.
/ Vo//,), 1 F// // - ,

c^opfcow (ace.). o?^ admixti(,re> pure : P. aiul V.

Administration, subs. P. oW^crt?, .

>7, Staxccpur^, ^7. Those at the head Admonish, v. ti-ans. 1*, ami V. cm -
of the government : P. and V. ot ^
T^Xet, P. 01 rl rots
7rpayyLtao-t. ut,v V. (dat),
Admirable, adj. Excellent : P. and or/ecu'
V. xptivras, $ya66s, onrovSaio?, icaXo's, 6ooi: P. and /y.
t\ and V.
Adm Adv
Admonisher, subs. TeacJier : P. equvp. Ado >n oneself ; Ar. and P.
and V. StSoo-KoXos, 6 or ^. Chasten-
er: P. ,
6. Counsellor :
Adorned, adj. Y.
P. and V. <rv/*/fovXos, o. Adornment, subs. P. and V.
Admonition, subs. P. and V. 6. Ornament : V. tiyoAfux, TO.
v0"is, ^, vovflenjo-is, ry, Personal adornment r. o-w/xa-roy .-

Ar. voi>0<rx, ^. o^/AaTwr/Ao's, o (Plat.). 2%fi art o/

Admonitory, adj. P. personal adornment : P.
Adolescence, subs. P. and V. (Plat.).
ry, wpa, y,
Ar. and P. qXu see Adroit, adj. P. and V. 8vos,
manhood. a0<fe, AT. and P. Sc^td?, V.

Adolescent, adj. Full-grown P. Adroit in : P. and V.

s, V. J5e adolescent : (gen.) ; see versed in.
P. and V. v, V. Adroitly, adv. Cleverly : P. and V.
Adopt, v. trans. Into a family : P. (rodeos-
WeM P. and V. <& .-

7TOiacr#ai, ctcnroicurftu. (5ei adopted: Adroitness, subs. P. and V.

P. ctcnrotctv. C?ei oneself adopted : ^ T X^7> ^> Ar and P. -

P. lauTov cio-Troiciv. Adopt a course P. 8IVOT17S, l).

of act-ion : P. and V. <upeur0<u, P. Adulation, subs. Bee flattery.
Adulatory, adj. See flattering.
P. and V. xwrfot (dat,)- Adult, adj. Full grown: P.
new manners: V./ietf V. /CTX^S.
i/c'ovs (^Esch., P.V. 309). Adulterate, v. traus. P. and V.
Adopted, adj. P. ciWoo^ Corrupt : P. and V*
P. and V. here's (Plat, and Bur., Twc,- P. and V. pj.y-
Frag.). Whoso receives adopted viivai, OTjft/uyviSi'at, ava/uyvui/cu. D(3-
children into his house : V. j2te : P. and V. /itaiVeiv.
Adulterated, adj. P. and V. ^817X05.
<rro (Bur., Adulteration, subs. P.

Adoption, subs. P. aoTroiV*?, *; Corruption ; P. and V.

Choice: P. and V. Adulterer, subs. Ar. and P.

6; see paramour.
Adorable, adj. P. and V. Adulteress, subs. P. /xotxJrpta, ^.
(Plat.),P.pao-T(>(Plat.). Adultery, subs. P. ftoixta, ^. Oom-
P, and V. Trpocr^iXrys. Dear P. tnit adultery, v. : Ar. and P.
and V* ^tXos.
Adoration, subs. Wonhip: P.^pa- Adumbrate, v. trans.
Tretit, ^. Honour; and V. Tfyn;,
P. ^WC.- P. -OTroypa^ea,
V, o-^Sav, TO, Love : P. and V. Adumbration, subs. Sketch in

Adore, V. tranH. Worship L\ &pa- crwaypa^ia, T/, TVTTOS, 6.


vtfiWj, P. and V. crifaw, <r{f3<r6iu, Advance, ^v. trans. Load or


Ar. and V.
/, SCO forward : P. and V.

Low : I*, and V. *Pro7?w)^, /tc^ ow ; 'P. and V.

(gon.) (Plat.); Ar. and V. aWSew, eVMTTrcvScfiv, With non-
(gon,;. porsonal subject : P. 7rpo<pv </V
Vdc Bubs. P. tf- Promote in rank : P. and
Adorer, Worshipper: (ace.).
pcwrcvnfr, o. /Jrt/wr P. and V.
. V, ai&dfvv, flrpOTt/jtov,

(tv^ywv. J5r% ^o greatness : P.

Adorn, v. tran. P. and V. KQO-IAW, Trpoiyeu/. J5ri?^ &> 5WCC65S .* P.
V* aytiXXciv, dcr/cetK, ^aorxetv ; 800 and V. K&TQp0ow> JSrmg forward,
Adv Adv

: P. and V. errayciv, w/xxr- Use : P. and V. x/oijo-ftu (dat).

-7rapYcr0ai. Increase : P. Derive advantage, v. : P. and V.
and V. avgavcw. Lend, adwwice jccpSatveiv ovw/ao-flat.
Scw?e the ad-
money Ar. and P. Bavet&iv.
vantage see benefit.
(benefit) o/, v. :

Advance, v. intrans. P. 7rpopxcr6X Fight at OM advantage : P. IK

Ar. and V. TT/XHCWU, P. and V. wpo- wpw>vros Aywigcotfat (Thuc, 8, 46).
irpoftaivtw. March P. and . It is a great advantage for him to
re',vopevtcrOcu. Improve: P. and be sole master of the wJiole position :
V. irpofCoVrttv, Ar. and P. rt8E8ovcu. TO tvai KLVOV VL OVTOL KVpLOV . . .

Advance against : P. eTrtgcpxecrQat TToXXalirpoXi Pern. 10). tyrants

(dat.). Advance in price : see rzse. have 'no such advantages : P. TO&
Advance, subs. Ar. and P. wpoVoSos, 8c rvpdvvois o^Scv vTrdpx**- rotovrov
17. Improvement : P. &rt5o<ri9, 17. (Isoc. 15, C). TAe borrower has
iodw P. 8avr/Aa, TO. In advance
.- the advantage of ws in everything :
of: P. and V. *rpo' (gen.). Ships P. 6 8avt o/xi/os K wavTt -Trpoe^ct 7;/*air
sent m
advance : P. vijcs TrpoVAoi at. (Dem. 1283). We /iave 7wa?A7/

Knowing Tissaphernes* intentions wafwrai advantages w war : L\

far in advance : P. eia>s /c ^rXeibvos irpos TroXe/xov TroXXa ^vo-t trXeo^cic-

TTJV Tta-cra^cpvovs yv^^v (Thuc. 8, fjfjLiv 7rapxi (Dem, 124).

88). Advances (friendly) : P. advantage is there ? V. Tt 8*

dcpaireta, 17.
.Bffc&e advances to .- Ar. TO irXcov; (Eur., Phoen. 553).
and P. QepaTrevav (ace.). advantage will it be to the
advowees (to an enemy) : P. Xo dead ? P. T* lopTat -Xv T$ yc
7rpo<r^/)iv (dat.), ^dtocwwjfis (o/ a a-jroQavovri ; (Antiphon, 140.)
Zowsr) ; P. Wpacris, fj (Thuc. 6, Advantage, v. trans. See benefit,
56). Advantageous, adj. Profitable. .

Advanced in years, adj. Use P. Ar. and P. Kp8oXos, P. Xv<rwXi/v ;

Troppco rJs ^XiKias, wpo^&e/JXtyic&s rj superlative, use V. KepSwr-ros. bene-

^XiKi'p. .ffis ^/<s & already far ficial : P. and V. <r J/A<opos, <ruyw,-
advanced V. TrpoVw : /xev -589 J&' </>pwv, xp^o-tjoos, 7rpocr^)op05, Ar. and
(Bur., Hipp. 795). P. w^cXt/to?, Ar. and V. <?)^Xr;ori/rf
Advanced-guard, subs. P. V. owyo-t/AOs. S^aSZc ; P. cViK<upo9.
XaKT;, 17,
OL 7rpo<t>v\aKC<s, 5e advantageous, v. 1*. and Y. :

Advanced-post, subs. P. Ar. and P. Xwn-

a-ufjL&pciv, (u^cXe?vf
Ytor/Aa, TO. TeXeti/, V. Xt5v TX-)7 or XtJetv alono;
Advancement, subs. Improvement : see profit.
P. rffloo-ts, ?. I?KJreOSe - P. a Advantageously, adv.
- P. /cepSaXeo)?, XvortTeXowrO)?.
Advantage, subs. (Jam . P. and V. ficidlly ; P. crvfji<l>6pus,
*4>8oy, Tti, X.r)pfjLa, TO.
Benefit ,- P. CU^Xt/ACU9, (rU/A<f)p6vT<t)$. Wftll .* P.
and V. a><e'A.aa, and V. cS, AcaX<o9. ConunicMltj :
^, o^eXo?, TO, o
^, Ar. and V. 6^4X9/10, TO, V. P. and V. trpovpyou.
Aiycris, ^. Superiority : P. -TrXco, Advent, subs, P. a^t^t?, iy, P. ami
4 7r\eovKTy[jLa, TO, To /&g advantage V. -rrapovo-ia, 17.
-of, in favour of: P. and V. TT/OOS Adventitious, adj. P. aud V.
(gen.). Hcvue the advantage, v. : ^Tra/cTOS, ^7rrttKT09, V. dupat9
P. 7Tptco/at, irXcov l^etv. Get the Adventure, subs. hictdc?it ; P. :vnd
advantage of, v. P. TrXeovcKrav : V. <rv/x<^opa, r/, Trrf^o?, m 7iw& /

(gen.), TrXcov <^peo-0(u (gen.), irXor and V.

P. /ftvSwo?, <i ; Bon r/ufc.

^tv Take advwitaye o/, Adventure, v. tntni*. and intrant

v. : P. and V. &n>XavW (gen.). . P. ami V. roA/tftp ; CMJ //f*r*'.

Adv AfF

Put to risk: Ar. and P. Becommend : P. and V.

V. i&pcutiv ; see risk,
Xeo~0at, t
(n, rtvi), Ar. and P.
Adventurer, subs. One who dares : t
(, Ttvt). Advise to do
P. KivSvvevrrjs, 6, ToXjUMf-njs, 6. Im- P and V. (TVIJiBovX.VLV
pudent impostor : use P. and V. (dat. and infin.), Tropatvetv (dat. and
vjSpMmfc, 6. infin.), P. vTTOTCOevOau. (dat. and
Adventurous, adj. P. infin.), V. alveiv (acc. and infin.),
Bold P. and V. roX
.- ?ratt/tv (acc. or dat. and infin.),
Adversary, subs. P. and V. a )3ovXciW (dat. and infin.).
, 6, V. iraXcuorTfo 6, dvnypenjs, 6, Advised, Be, v. Be wise : P. and
or use adj., P. and V.
s, 6,

ios, P. forci/avnos ; see opponent, Advisedly, adv. P. and V. Trpo- &

votas, P. efc Trapaovceuifc, Ar. and P.
Adverse, adj. P. and V. cVt-nyScs ; see intentionally, on pur-
irpovwrri's. Hostile : P. and pose, under purpose. V
capo's. Of wind : P. and V. evawos, Adviser, subs. P. and V. <rv//,j8otAo9,
v. evavrtouftevos.Be contrary (of
wind), V. dimooraTCH'.
V. :
Advocacy, subs, P. crui^yopta, 17*.
Adversely, adj. P. and V. Recommendation ; P. and V irapaC- .

Adversity, subs. P. and V. I. , ,

fy Tratfos, TO, irdQijfML, TO, anjfJL^opd, ^, Advocate, v. trans. Speak on behalf

KCl/COVy TO, V> 7T77jWi(Xj TO, Tn/JfJLOVTJy "fj 9 of a person or thing : P. and V.
<rvV7jyopw (dat.), vT
(Plat.), P. <rvvayopeuo/ (dat.) .

Advert to, v. P. and V. for a person : P. and V.

(737)09, acc.), (dat.), P. (rvvemelv (dat.). Recom-
Advertise, v. trans. Proclaim: P. mend : P. and T.
dvayopVtt>, P. and V. dvewreiv.
Puff : P. /jteyoXi!i/v. Advocate, subs. P. and V. o-v/
Advertisement, subs. Public notice : 6 or ^, or T/, P. Tropdi
o-vv$wcos, 6
lr irp6ppv)<ri$i 7y.
6. Owe w/io rficoTWTiewds : P.
Advice, subs. P. and V. pouAi), 17, yiy-njs,
6. Advocate's fee : Ar.
TropatWcrt?, r/, yvwfMj, 17,
P. <rvfjL/3ovXa, o-unyyoptK^i/, TO.
Ar. and P. oij/A/JovX^, rj. >Edile, subs. P. yopai/6>os, 6 (late).
moi*io)t : P. and V. v Ofadiles, adj. : P. dyopavo/AiKo? (late).
l}, VOV&TV)/W, t TO. I/ 7/OW Aerial, adj. P. and V. ofyxiwos. ffigf/t
O(Z0i00 .* P. &v ^/AOI yp$7<r0 <rv/xj8ot;> tn air ; Ar. and P. /Wupo** Ar. and
(Dom. 659, 322). V. ju.erap<nos.
/. .ffisch., P.K
Advisability, subs. V. TO Afar, adv. JP. and
P. and V. /wwcpA/, P.
jforoOev, Ar. 7i;Xov, Ar. and P. Wppto,

Advisable, adj. Advantageous: P. Ar. and V. airv>0w9 V. wrfpo-o), wpoo-w,

and V. <rv/A<opo$, wpocr<opos, x^^*" 4K<i$ (Thuo. also but rare P.) From .

Ar. and P,
/to?, <J>^cXt/*o5. jfi ^ a/#r : P. iroppajtfev, &7rQ6w> V. TrpdV-
advisable ; soo iZJ
profits, under o)?^ TifXoflcp, Ar. and V. iTrd)^;
soe far. Sent from afar, adj. : V.
Advisably, adv, P-
Affability, subs. P. 17,
Advise, v. trans. P. aad V. <ru/*^ov- ^tXavtfpWTP&ij 07, V. c&^Trcta, 17.
Xfyftv ir&panyw (n, rtw), AflPable, adj. P. and V.
At.and P.
(r^, rtvt),
P. and V*
W wt)* P.
Aff Aff

Affably, adv. P. and V. natural affection : P, ra TT/S

(Plat.), P. <iAav0punr<M. oiVcta (Dem. 1117).

Affair, subs. P. and V. Trpayjuo, TO', Affectionate, adj. P. and V.
XpJJfia, TO, irpa^ts, 17, Ar. and V. en.).

Trpayos, TO, V. XP*05 * J

see a ^ so Loving one's children : Ar. and V.
act. Affairs of state : P. and V. <^t\oTKvos. Loving one's husband :
vpa.yp.aro,. Affairs, property : V. ^tXaywp. Affectionate message :

P. and V. ovo-ta, 9, P. TO. oWa. V.

Affect, v. trans. P. Affectionately, adv. P.
touch :

Kara/cAav, P. and V. aTrreaflai (gen.), P. and V. o<p (Plat.),

V. avOcarrtO'Oai (gen.), Otyydvw (Xen. but rare P.), Tr UGs (Plat.),
(gen.), i/raiW (gen.). Overcome: P. Ar. and P.
and V. fleXyeiv (Plat, but rare P.), Affiance, v. trans. P. and V. c
Tfyyciv (Plat, but rare P.), V. /xaA- (or mid,), eyyuav, erui-oc/ctlfctv, V.
Odcrcreiv, vZ/cai/, Ar. and V. /AoAaoHrav. dp/Ao'&u' see betroth. ;

Dispose : P. oWiflevai. TPWZ 0/ec- Affidavit, subs. Ar. and P. avT^uoo-tu,

fid : P. cS Sia/cei/Avo$, P. and V. 17,
P. Sia>/w>o-ia, 07. Tafce ^m affidavit :
Be affected, moved : P. P. AvTO/xvucrtfat, Stdftvuo-ftx/.
Affinity, subs. Kiiiship: P.criryy<V/,,
and V. KdfjarT<rOai. Influence : P. ^ see kinship. Connection by ;

and V* porn/v l^w (gen.). Change : marriage and V. KiJSos, TO*

: P.
P. and V. fLTct)8aAA./ see change. ; joJSwjua, Connection generally :

Be affected, feel : P. and V. Tr P. and V. Kotvwvia, 17. Similarity ;

Jte similarly affected : P. P. 0/XOIOTT75, ^.
Affirm, v. trans, .-ifiwl: P. icryw/jA-

affected by my accusers I know not : 8u.<rxvpt&(rOa!.. Opposed to

P. o,Tt fiev V/ACL? . . 7r7roV0aT faro
. : P. and V. <t>dvai P, fcara^crat.

TU>V lp.S>v Ka-nTydpwv, ou/c o*8a (Plat., o^ how to affirm or deny

Ap. 17 A). this, my child : V. O$K oTS* &rus ^t?>

Affect, v. trans. Pretend to : Ar. and TOUTO fcal /XT; riwov (Eur., LA.
4$ m
P. TrpoonroitLo-Qai (ace. or gen.), 643). ** opptutitioH, : I*.

ju.era7rotwrtfat (gen.), ttiTfrTrotetor^at and V. ttVTtA.cytv.

(gen.); see pretend. Affirmation, subs. Opposed to /;/'-

Affectation, subs. Pretence : P. (jation : P. ^<rts, r; (Plat.). Oath :

^rpooTro7o*is, 17. and V. O>KO$, o. Affidavit ; Ar,

Over-refinenient : P.
P. and V. Tp^J, ^po'^s, 7 (Plat). and P. dvroj/xoo-m, T/, P. /;. >

Affected, adj. Ar. and P. Affirmative, Answer in the, v. P.

P. and Y. and V.
Pretended : P. TTPOOTTOI^TOS, P. and Affix, v. trans. P. and V,
V. TrXaords (Xen.), V. VOII/TO?.
Affection, subs. P. and V. ^tXta, ^. P. TTpoo-ryXorv, V. Ar,
i<w : P. and V. fpo>s, 6. Desire : and V. irpocrtraervuXtvw ;

ir66os, 6 (Plat, but rare P.), Z/xpos, i

Afflatus, subs. P. *Vw>m, V.
6 (Plat, but rare P.). Goodwill :

P, and V. dSvoio, ^7,

P. Afflict", v. trans. P. amV V.
Parental love ; V. KOKQW, Kiifav
H06 dtttrCM tit:

afflicted : use also P, and V.

one's husband : V.
^>t\av8ptaj *7- vo<rv, V. ttTa<rftu. I? afflicted
Bodily affection P. ?ra0os, TO,
: with, labour under : P. and V*
TO. D-itiease : P. and V. o-*Wx 0r at (flat,), <rtv<ii'rti (dut.) ;
??, vo'oT7/*a, TO. Z7/<3 &OW<?5 O/l see labour under.
Aff Aft

Afflicted, adj. See sorrowful. JZZ, P. and Y.

Mck : P. and V. vo<r&v, Kdfw&v ; see
also maimed, mad. (also Plat, but rare P.) ;
subs. see /oar.
Anything that
causes trouble : P. and V.
KOKOV, Afresh, adv, Jfrowi w beginning:
TO, V. 7n}/xa, TO. Distress : P. and P. and Y. apxvg in? dpX7j s , ^ ^
V. \v7rr}, ?/, TTOI/OS, 6, V. m^a, TO, ; see again.
TrwQos, TO, P. TaXanrcopia, Aft, adv.
ke stern : P.
M'isfortwie: P. and V. Sucr- i/ie V.
7rpat'a, 17, <n;^<opa, r/,W^oy, TO,
TO, P. 5ucrrv;(ui, r; B66 After, prep. Of time, place or de-

misfortune. Disease : P. and V. gree: P. and Y. perd. (ace.). Of

1'00-OS, ?}, VOO-17JLUX, TO.
time P. and Y. fc (gen.), fat (dat.). :

Affluence, subs. P. euTroptV r/, u</>0o- Just after (of time) Ar. and P. iVd :

w'tt, ?/. Biches : P. and Y. TrXow (aoc.). After a twie (interral) :

o, P. U7ropia, 17. J30 in affluence, P. and V. &a xpowv. After dinner :
V. P. and V. irXovrew, P. evirope
: Ar. aTro Sewn/ov. Producing artju-
Affluent, adj. Rich : P. and V. vwnt after argiment: P. Xayoi/
PTrepTrXovTOS (Plat.), V. Xoyov Xfyov (Dem.). 0?tfi a//er '

another : Y. otXXos 8t* aXXoi. In

P. cuTTopos ;
see saarch of: P. and V. fat (ace.).
Abundant : P. and V. a<t>6ovo$, On the day after the myxtenes : P.
r$ uorcpatflt TOJV /xvcrnypiW (Andoc.
Affluently, adv. P. cwrdpws, P. and 15). On t/te day after he was
V. <ty0oVa>s (Eur., Frag.), Ar. and offering sacrifice for victory : P. -rg
V. v<rTpcu $ $ T<A cVtvwcta 0vei> (Plat.,
Afford, v. trans. Supply : P. and S'ywip. 173A). Shortly after this :
V. irapf\ew (or mid.), irapacr P. yuera ravra ov woXX vorTpov
(or raid.), Tropt^ctr (or mid.), cKTropt- (Thuo. 1, 114). Immediately after
fcn/ (or mid.). & wt v
: P. and V. the naval engagetnent at (Jorcyra :
P. eu0 19 ftcra T^I/ ci/ KepKvpq.
to : P. and V. ov^t/cai/os efyu (iniin.). (Thuc. 1, 57). (JBe 7za??ze^) a/ter :
/Jw.// : P. and V. <?>i/to-0ai. P. and Y. fat (gen. or dat.). Be-
Affray, Biibs. V. <ru/xj8oX^
r/, Ar. hind : P. and V. 6W0CK (gen.).
and V. see /rV/At.
o-iivo8os, 7} ; After all : P. and V. Spa., V. <!/><*.
Affright, v. trans, P. und V. faf}v, ifo?w niaa I was after all, (though
\7rX7jfr<Ttv, K<^>o^u% Tfyidcnrccy ; see 1 did not know it) : Ar.
friyhtfin. <lpa (Nub. 1476).
Affright, Hubs. P. and V. 6, After, adv. Of time : P. and V.
T/, Scc/xa, TO, Seo?, TO ;
P. and V. ot iTrttra. P. ot
Affront, v. trans. P. and V. e7rtyiyi/oyu,<voi,
V. ot /wftJorepoi ; see
ir/win/AaKtfcu'* a/V^o-tfai ; see insult. descendants. Of place P. and V. :

Jh affronted : UHO P. and V. iW^/wv, SirwOcv, see behind.

After, conj. P. and V.
Affront, subs. !>, and V. see when,

vft(>i<rfj,a^ TO, ttiictrt, ty, Afternoon, subs. P. and V.

Afoot, adv. 1\ 7T^, or tmo adj., P. r) (Koph., Fray.). Late in tfut
arid V. mfa. afternoon : P. wp
Afraid, adj. P.
see U.IBO cowardly. Jk afraid^ v, :
Afterwards, adv, Thereupon : P.
Aga Agg
and V. etra, &rTa. Later : P. and P. iJAiWmyff, o, P. and V. yXiZ, 6 or
V. VGTT/>01', V. H&Te-
fJicOvCTTCpOV. ^, V. 6/1-5X1^, 6 or ^, <rvi^At^, 6
or 7; ;

itfter : P. and V. aMis, dmvOus, V. see contemporary. Of marriageable

age, adj. P. and V. abates.
: Mar-
Again, adv. and V. a$0ts,
P. riageable age, sabs. Ar and P. :

au0is au, Ar. and V. a*'0is au TraAiv 17.

He died at the age of
(Ar., Nub. 975), afifa TrciXiv (Ar., even : P. e-ny yyoi/a>s 7rra Kl
Pi. 859), jKcfA' a{fo (Ar., Niib. 670), veOave. Be seven y&ars
Ar. and P. ?raAiv av; see afresh. of age: P. eirra er&v etraf,
Again (turning to a fresh point in about fifty years of age : P.
argument, etc.) use Ar. and P. en
717 xpt .TrevnqKOVTa (Dem
Se. Twice as much again : P. Sis Those of the same aye ; P.
Totrouros, V. 8ls rocros see twice ; TT/V avri^v ^AtK/av OITCS (Dem. 477).
Against, prep. P. and V. erf (ace. Vge, v. intrans ttrow old P. and
or dat.), Trpo's (aoc.), ts (ace.). After V. y7/oaorKtv, Ar. and P.
verbs of speaking, deciding, etc. :

P. and V. Kara (gen.). In opposition Aged, adj. P. and V. ye/xuo?, V.

to, contrary to: P. and V. irapd y^patos (rare P.), yjjpaX o*;, Ar. and
(ace.). (Stumble, etc.] against : V. -n-oA-uos (rare P.), Tra V,
P. and V. Trxfe (dat.). (Sin, etc.") see
against : P. and V. cfc (ace.). Over Ageless, adj. P. and V.
against : P. and V. (ace.). Immortal : P. and V. a
Opposite : P. (gen.), see 'immortal.
en.), or use adj., P. and gency, sabs. V. o-uwAAtiy*}, ?;.
V. eVam'os (dat.). They piled a hrough the agency of : P. and V,
bank of earth against the city : P. ace.), Ar. and V. e*<m
^CO/ACL tyovv irpos Try TroAii/ (Thuc. 2, Agent, subs- Helper, atsocialfi : L*.
75). In compounds to express and V. crwcpyds, 6 or
opposition : use P. and V. dvri, 6, KOtvwvos, 6 or ry, P. <ri>vttyri)vtrrr/Js%

e.g. Ifo-fce a stand ayainst : P. 6. State agenl : P. vpo'ciw, o.

and V. av9t<rra.<r6cu (dat.). Steward : P. and V. ra/zm?, .

Agape, adj. Ar. and P. KC^VOK (perf. Hireling: Ar. aud P. fuor
part, of x<"r/ceiv). Astonished : P. P. and V. o
and V. KwrA>7y/jie)/os (perf. part. Aggrandise, v. intrans. P.
pass, of eKTrAiJcrcreiv). V. trans, hwraafie : P. ami
Period of tvme : P. and V.
6. Kww
of life : Ar. and Aggrandisement, subs. I*.
P. ^At/eta, 17, V. aui/, 6. Generation : 17,
TO. JncmtM : I*,

Ar, and P. yVa, 17, V. yoviy, r}, yo/va,

^ ; see generation. Time (ueneraL- Aggrandiser, subs. P. vAcoy(Krt/, .

ly) : P. and V. x/xws, 6. uld age : Aggravate, v. trans. yi^r : P. ami

P. and V. yvjpas, TO ; see under old. V Trapofi/^ctv, V. oAiw HtHJ twt/?r
. ; t

Of wfiat age, adj. (indirect) P. and : Make worse : P. and V.

V. Of siich <m
17X6005. age, adj. :
aiJfctv. Contribute, to : P.
P. and V. (gen.), i*. and V. rrv/t-
Advanced in aye P. :
(gtm, or /s, ace,).
7)7 TTOppti) T7J5 806 Aggravating, adj. P. and V,
under advanced. Be of age, v. P. :

and V. ij/3ttv see come to manhood, Aggravation, subs. Aivjtr

; : 1*. and
under manhood. One of the same
age (contemporary), subs. Ar. and Vexatiownewi : JP. and V.

Agg Agr
^, P. /&xpvn?s, y. Going to further s, 6, P. jaiTjcri?, 17, Tapani}, r;, s

lengths : P. and V. ^rep/SoX?}, 17. V. Tapay/xos, o. Revolution . P.

Is not this wi aggravation of his vea)TpL(rfji6 s,
6 ;see revoZwftoM.
shocking greed ? P. ravr ofy inrep- Factiousness, subs. : P. and V.
/JoXry Sewfjs alcrvpOKCpSaas ; (Dem.
825). Agitator, subs. In politicalsense :

Aggression, subs. P. vXeov^ta^ ^ P. 8i7/Aaya>yos, 6. Bevolutiomst :

7rXeovKT7//Aa, TO. Wrong-doing : P. use P. vewTcpoTrotds.
and V. aSt/cta, ^, etSffcry/xa, TO, TO Ago, Ar. and P. TrpbVcpov.
adv. A
year ago : Ar. and P. irepixri.. Two
P. <t>L\ovLKLa, ?/. years ago : P. irpoiripvan. Long
Aggressive, adj. Exacting : P. ago : P. and V. WXcu, P. CK
Pugnacwm : P. <jta- V. /c
/xa/cpov xpwov.
Agonising, adj. Ar. and P. <

Aggressively, adv. Exactingly : P. v . 3i<i>uvo? ;

see painful.
Pugnac'iously : P. Agony, subs. P. 7Tpo8wa, ^ (Plat.) ;

see pam.
Aggressor, subs. T/te wrong-doer :
Agrarian, adj. Rural : Ai\and P.
P. and V. o iSuct&r. J50 i/ie aggressor, yewpyifcds ;
seo rural. Agrarian
be the first, v. : P, and V. law : P. vd//,o$ K\rjpovxiK6<5, o (late).
v. intrans. : P. and
Agree, Sonj ditto
Aggrieved, Bo, v. Be injured : P. V. Ar. and P. 6ju.oXoy<V,
and V. ttSftcao-ftu, Feel oneself P. crui''OjLW)Xoyfitv 9
Ar. and V. 6/ioppo-
aggrieved : Ar. and P. Sdv. Agree with (a person or thing
P. aA-cTTois <^6', P. and V. s&id) : P. and V. ov^dvat (dat.),
Ar. and P. 5/AoXoyai/ (dat.), P, <ru/m-
Aghast, adj. P. and V. ^o>]/ti/ (dat.), o~wayopV> (dat.), V.
fLtVos, ic7rX<iy4s (perf. and aor. vpocr<$w (dat.), avvawtlv (dat.).
part. pass, of cKTrX^row). Correspond (with) : P. and V.
Agile, adj. P. and V. IXa^pds (Xen.), o'UjUi^cpctVj or pass, (dat.), wutQoJLVGw
Ar. and V. KO?<OS, ft>ds, V.^pd$.
(dat.), crvvrp&xew (uat.), <rup.m7rriy
ility , subs. V. ^^9, fy, cXa^pdTiys, (dat.), P. <ru/A<^(t>va' (dat.), V. o/xoppo-
. (Plat.). Seiv (dat.), crvyico'XXa)? $x* (absol.) ; w

Agitate, v. traus. -Move, sftafce : P. see correspond JHolGv so/iize views *

and V. Ktvctv, orctW. Met., Dtstwb : P. o/jafoeif, P. and V. Ta^ra ^povciv.

P. and V. raptLcrcruv, <rvvr<ip<icr<rtt,v 9 Consent: P. o/ioXoy^, P. and V.
^K7rXr/<r<rav, Spaororcti' (Plat, but rare Etv, crvvatvctv (Plat.), V. cruv-

P.), Ar. and V. o-rpo^ti/ sue <K$- ;

Conscnt to * P. and V. o*v-
ittri. JSatntte : P. and V. cWp^v, stv
(aco.) (Xen.), tmvevew (aoo.),
efatpav (Plat.), tivaTTTtpovi' (Plat.). iivctv (acc. or dat.), orvvYWDcrv
agitated : also P. and (dat.) ; see coTwewi. J/romise ; P.
pcorflot, V, fyOyvai (1st aor. pass. and V. ftiriorxvcto-Sat, iTrayycXXecr^at ;

of aipctv) Agitated : Y. TrcTraA/xcVos

; seo promise. Make <w> agreement :
Keo eusat^fld. ul(]ftaf0 (politwallij) : P. and V. <rv/Aj8ttivtv, orvvr^ccrtfou,
P. V<(i)Tp^tV.
Agitation, subs. Mmwtienf, : I*. <rflat. 4flfrec i?t wi&hwg; and P.
Ktnycris, ij. Mentat agitation : P. V. m;/xj8<nJXecreai (Plat.), and V.
and V* ffarA7;&,
^;, tfdpyjSo?,
6, P. crwdtXctv. <4#7*0e io, accept : P. and
rapa^, 7), V. livrtKUT/crts, 7/ Topay/xds Y. 8xeo ^a r
'r WSixceptfctt ; nee accept*
6, T^pay/wt, TO. D^i7^'6aw?e (J?oM Agree with, suit : P. and V, dpp.o^tv
or otherwise) : P. and V (dat.). Settle with P, and V. ow- ;
Agr Aid

(dat.), oru/xj&uWtv (dat.) ; Ahead, adv. Onwards : P.

see covenant V. -Trpoo-o), In front : P.
Agreeable, adj. Pleading : P. and V. v. Forward: P. and \7
/ySifsj ap<rr<>s, V. <5?A.o; see pleasant, TO -rrpoo-Ocv. Look ahead, take pre-
acceptable. Charming : Ar. and P. cautions : P. and V.
^apices, derrclo?. Agreeable to, ui Anticipate: P. and V.
accordance with : Ar. and P a/co- Ahead of : P. and V.
Xou0os (gen. or dat.), or use P. and (gen.), P. 1/jLTTpoo-^ci' (p;en.).
V. wpos (gen.). Be agreeable to : a/&0fld o/; P. and V. ffttidvcw (ace.),
see please. Trpo<j>Qavcw (aCC.), 7rpo\ajjt,/Bdi'tr (ace. },
Agreeably, adv. Pleasantly : P. and P. irpoKaTaXaLupdrw (ace,); dee also
V. 178609, 3peo7cai/To>s (Plat.); see excel. Be ahead, be in front, v. :

also pleasingly. In afriendly way ; P. Trpofyciv, 7r/>o\a/4j8ai'cn' mot,, :

P. and V. <p.o<poi/o>s (Plat.). Agree- Excel: P. and V. Trpofyar. (in

ably to, ^n accordance with : P. and ahead, advance, v. P. and V. T!-/><>-:

V. Kara (ace.). Agreeably to the law: fiafaew, Trpo^tDpetr.

P. Tots vo/xots dfcoA.ou0a>9 (Dein. Aid, v. trans. P. and V. ri^cAcii*
(ace. and dat.), Vw9E>A,<rr (at*ti.),
Agreed upon, adj. Fixed: P. and eirapKC?r (dat.), eTHKoupcu' (dat.), /^<>7;-
V. ^eti/ (dat.), Ar. and V. <t'n;yeci' (dat.)
Agreement, subs. Assent : P. 6/u>- (also Sen.), Miwyw
(dat.) (also
Aoyt'a, 17. Concord : P. 6/xavota, ^, Xen.), V. Trpotroxj^Xeu' (ace. or dat.),
O-VH^WLO, fj (Plat.). Written bond : (dat.), Trpoo-apAcav (dat.),
P. -ypaiJ.fjMTLov, TO, (rvyypa^T;, ^, (dat.), P. bnfimiOw (clftk).
ypjLya/jcara, Ta. Covenant P. and .' P. and V. dm^crcu* (dat..),
V. <ru/x,)3acris, ^, (rwOrjfJLa^ TO, crui/^ij/cat, (dat.), cjTian/^crctr (clat.J.
at, P. o/toXoyta, ^7. J5y flgrceTWCM^ ; : Ar. and V. cny-wra/wr-
P. CK CTW^JKI/S. /7& agreement with, (dat.), 7rapt<TTrt<rftftf (<ittt,) t V.
adj. P. 6/xoyi/(i)/Aa>y (dat.). 5^ wz-

agreement with, make common cause (dat.), o-uyytyvco-^ifc (clttt,). /'VV///H

with : P. /cotvoXoyewr^at (dat.). o?i /id .s-Wfi o/; L\ and V. <ny//4w?v
Agricultural, adj. Ar. and P. yewp- (dat.). Wor* w7A; P. and V.
ytfcos. rruAXa/x/Javeti/ (dat,), <ny<7r/w<r<r<O'
Agriculturalist, subs. Ar. and P. (dat.), (m/pya' (dat.) V,
(Xcn.) f

cnty*7jwii/ (dat.), trivyKttfM'itv (<lut.) y

Agriculture, subs. P. ycwpyi'a, 17, Ar. o-tWpSei*' (dat.), frri'dfTTOMo* (dill.),
and P. yij* pytio-ta, ^. owcpydfarfat (at)Hol.). Ar, atid P.
Aground, adv. 2taw aground, v. <n*i'aya>yt2[c(r0rxf (( 1 at. ) , A itl {tt it't t rlf ) ;
trans. P. and V. <5/ceAAetv, P. Iwo-
: P, and V. <nyA7rptt*nren' (ftCO.), irvvfywir
KeAXciv, V. iceAAeLv, clo/ccXXetv v. ; (acc.) (Thuc.) V. trvwtrMtn' (tiint. I ;

intrans. : P. <5Ke/\Aeu/, ^TroiceXXetv, V. see share hi. Help fwwttnl ; \\

and V. <r7Tt'(5tn', tV^rjrrr'rtf/r, With
Ague, subs. P. ptyo5, TO. non-personal Hiilijfjcit: I*. vpn^^^
Ah, inter. Exclamation of surprise ck (ace.). :

P. and V. a, lov, Trcwrat, /SSjSai (Eur., Aid, subs. P, and V. <Ar/>A</, #/,

OycZ.), Ar. and V. co Trairaid (Eur.,

Oyci. 153), V. <&>; (also Xen. but rare >/,
P.). Alas / P. and Y. </>&, CN^UH, ry,

tov, Ar. and V- afar, f<u. Cry a/i, TO, ap/frt5, ?},
V. ; V. offiS{ccv, a<aciv, $eD<u (aor. , TO ; H
of <^v^/), 4^
77^3 / see ; P. and V.
Aid Ala

Aider, subs P. and V. V. 0ttA.7Tii/. -4f';


(opinions) : P. and
6 or ^, Ti/A<i>pos, o or ?/, V. diro(t>aL\'cr6an, P.
o (Plat, and Eur., Frag.), P. S/iO?r o^: Ar. and P.
o or >}, Ar. and V. or mid. (ace.).
6, V, jSwySpojuos, 6 or ^, Tlpaopos, 6 Air, subs P. and V. typ, 6 (Plat.),
01' 7;, apeoyo's, 6 Or S66
>; ; o (Plat.). Shy : P. and V. ,

Aiding, adj. See helpuuj. aros, 6. TF7>id ; P. and V. aw/u^K,

Ail, v. intrans. P. and V. 6, ?ri'v/xtt TO, Ar. and V. TTVOT;, t

<i(rdVLV, P. ttpp<DOTU'. a{J/>a, -7 (rare P.), V. a^a, TO'. Tune :

ails' 7/ow? P. and V. TI P. and V. ju.cA.os, TO.

see appearance. H'igh in air : Ar.

Ailing, adj. P. and V. and P. /u.T<opos, Av. and V. /xerup-
Ailment, subs. P. uor&Vem, ?/. (r/05. the open air use adj., ^ .

/W&S : 1*. and V. 7/00-05, 17, ro'cn//*,a, P. and V. uTraiOpLO^ V. at0p<09

TO ; see xickness. (Soph., Fray.) also P. W0pw. ; &
Aim, v. trans. Direct a weapon: Z/iz?e in the o-pen air : P.
V. o/c>0ori', WTTTCII/, t^Di/ctv; see shoot, ev
xaOapy o?/ctK. Take the air y
direct. A mi with an arrow : P. walk : Ar. and P. TrcpiTraTctv. w,^Z
and V. rofavetv. Generally, direct can ties in the air : P. ovtpon-oXe?r.
(to certain point) : P. aud V. Airily, adv. V/
Light-heartedly: Ar,
(c??, ace.). and P. veai/iKO)?.
Aim at, v. trans. With a weapon. ; Airs, subs, (traces : P. and V.
P. and V. oro;(ttrtr0ui (gen.), Tpfc^, ^ (Plat, and Ar.), xXtStf, ^
rt/i arrow : P. and V. ro&vcu' (Plat.). Pw/. ow air^ a?id graces,
ace., rarely ace. alone (Xen.), V. v. P. and V. rpiJ^ai/, Ar. and P. :

also gen.). Tie aimed his arrow at 0pv'7rrar&u. (rive onexelf airs: P.
another: V. oXXu 8* Awt; and V. <xptW0(u (Plat.),
(Bur,//. R984)/ ^im ^ .. ,

^////) : P. and V. cpToxafco-^at (gen. Oat,, Ar. and V. x^Sai/, V. 7ri/tV

(gen. P*~Y WW "'

(gon.) (rare P. and V. I

Airy, adj. R<//* i/ia a^r Ar. and m
V. 7V/<i P. /*T<tfpos, Ar, an<l V.
: P. aud V.
V, /7A or o/ Aa *%oup
rofytyw y TtVtv ^p^wv
Si/Xot Light : P. and V. ^Xa</>po?, jc
r., Or. 1129), flg propones a Lightly moving : Ar. and V.
decree awied atjaimi, an Fleeting : P. and V. Tmp/o'? (Plat.);
'individual: o 8c ^TT* di/Sp see also unsubstantial. Vain : P.
(Dem., 692).
and V. Kvo5, /*iTatos.
a. :V. oVro^o bight-hearted : P. and V.
well, adj.: P. and V* Akin, adj. P. and V. crvwcn
Koiv, ivayKtuos, V. o-uyyovos,
Aim, aubs. Afarfc amwid nt^ : P, and 7?, 6/Aoycv^ (also Plat, but rare
V. 5. P^r/)oa : P. and V,
Spos, 6, /touXcv/Aa, TO, see kindred. Met. of
f'olioy ; P, irpoacpccrt?, ?/.
P. and V. <

Aimless, adj. Fd-m ; P, and V. , P,

f, Kt'0<?, P. Kawlom : Alabaster, subs. Alabaster box ; P.

V, <K (Soph.i clXaj8tt<jTofliJ*c^, 17, Ar.

Aimlessly, advT Atrawhm; P. and Alack, interj. See

V- M}. Alacrity, subs, P. and V.
Air, v. trans. Dry : P. T/.

Ala All

Alarm, v, trans. Arouse : P. and V. Imported, foreign : P. and V. c-a/v-

- 1

Ar. and P. TO'S, 7T6^o"aKTos, V. ^pato^. /^t/./

Frighten : P. and V. barous, adj. : P. and V.

Alien to : P. aXXoTpros (gen.).
TrroeZv (Plat.), Ar. and P Alien, subs. P. and V. ^Vo?, (% fein.
^1^7, i), V. fcti'05, o, emyXi^, Or r;,

Alarm, subs. P. and V. <oj3os, 6, P. 7n/X(i-n75, 6. ^/K'?i resident in

tKTrXiy^ts, fj, Sfit/WL, TO, 8eos, TO, oppcoSia, an adopted city P. and V. /ACTW /><?,

V. Top/3os, TO. Confusion, noise : o or 7). Be an alien: P. and V.
P, Tapa^iJ, 17, P. and V. 0opuos, 6. -dUww act, subs. 1\ :

Signal : Ar. and P. oTy/^iov, TO ; see ZViu; ow rexidvnl

signal. Beacon fires to qive the

P. //,Toi/or T m Banixh
alarm: P. and V. ^pwcTot, ol; see aliens^ v. :Ar. ICV^/XUTUV.
&"W/?Wli. Alienate, v. trans. Tratnxfw : P,
Alarm bell, subs. Use P. and V. aXXorpfouv, aTraXXorptoiv. Mttkfi
Kco6W, 6 or 17.
hostile : P. aXXoT/uovi/, ttiraXXorp(or'r,

Alarming, adj. P. and V, woXe/xovo-tfat (mid.). Set at variance.:

Ar. and P. Stwrroivai.

Alarmingly, adv. P. and V. Alienation, subs, P. &XXor/>/Wf?, /;

Alas, interj. P. and V. <), see hostility.
TTttTrat, toO, Ar. and V. au, it* Cry Alight, v. intraus. Dimtwnt, from
alas : V. ofywo&iv, cua&iv, chariot, etc. Ar. and P. Kara/3alvtvt

(1st aor. of 0vfiv). /or ; P.

^4Zos P. and V. tt-woj&uvsu/, tKJSniiw.
and V. <f>v (gen.), Ar. and V. 01/^01 From a horse, etc. : Ar. and I\

foron.). U (gen.), /caTaySa/Wr, Of a bird, insect, etc. :

Albeit, conj. P. and V. o/<ws, V. P. l&tv. Aliyht on, of a bird, etc. :

fywrds ; see althouyh. P. evi^ctv (dat.), V. 7r/jo<rtfa>''

Alchemist, subs. P. and V. ace.), Ar. tyjccr0<u (dat).
Kevs, 6. Sorcerer : P. and V. o?i, generally : HOG /i/y/^ w.
6, 7ra)Sos, 6, V. ciotSos, 6. Alight, adj. Lighted: V. and V.
Alchemy, subs. P. <ap/Aa*aa, 17. 7//X/XVo5.
Drug P. and V.
^>apju,aKov, TO. Alike, adj. //iAvj : P. and V. />yno"o? ;

Jfa/7'W ar^s : V. fjLayiip.a.ra rd. t see like.

Alcove, Subs. V. /cev^civ, 6, /caJ^o?, Alike, adv. In lihv -manner ; P, uml
TO', and V. /xvx's, 5 (rare P.).
Ar. V. 6)uota, o//otW. Equal In : P. ami
Ale, subs. V. ** *pZ0cuv /x^u, TO'. V. 6/AOtO)5, ?<T(l)5> ^ TOV, P. <7TO T|JJ
Wijie : P. and V. oW, 6, V. tcry;?. Tot/Atlt&r^at the
TO. P. and V. o/xou, S/xw, dftmW, V. o
Alert, adj. P. and V. Ready :
Aliment, subs. l\ and V.
P. and V. CTOI/AOS. Zealous : P. ortTos, o ; see food,
and V. P. and V,
Se 07^ ^
ater^ :
P. 8<a
Alive, adj.
Breathing : and V. /< ws.
v> j^r^w.
l^/, V. cv see oJJiu : see live. Take a///r J/M
watch. prisoner), v. P. t<Dy/>?v (ace.), /&

Alertness, subs.
Quickness : P. a/i'ye io : P, and vovv 7rpo<r*yiu* V
(dat.). .fear zn rntot : P. and V.
a, 17, Caution: P. and vvoti/ or mid.
P. and
All, adj. P. and V. **** V. w,
Alien, adj. V. wpoVa9. TTfeo^: P and V. SAo.
V. ^1W together ; P and V. f
Ar. and P. P. owaTa?
(Plat.)* ^1/^y all : P.
All AH
and V. Spu, V. Zpa. All but : P. Allegiance, subs. ^ a^/4 : P. and 7

and V. oa-ov OUTTW, P. oo-ov ou. V. TTto-Ti?, ^. Obedience P. and :

Nearly Ar. and P. oAfyov. They

: V. Treiflapxt'a, 17. Throw off one's
are all but here : P. oo-ov owo>
allegiance : P. a<i'<TTao-0<u.
7rtt/oert (Thuc.) took one ship,
Allegorical, adj.
T/ifiT/ Represented in
Crew and all : P. P.LO.V (vavv) avrols allegory : P. / woi/otat? ireTrot^cvos
dvSpacrtv cIAov (Thac. 2, 90). The (Plat., .Ztep. 378o). Legendary:
black abyss of Tartarus hides old P. /xu^(o8>7S.
Cronos, allies and all : V. Allegory, subs. P. -un-oVoia, ^. JLe-
^ew<i : P. and V. ju,{3$os, 6.
KpoVov, avrola-L o*u/x,/xa;
Alleviate, v. trans. S^qp ; P. and
(2Bscn., 'P. 7. 219, cf. Bur., V. -n-a^cv. Lighten: P. and V.
705). At all events : P. and VT ye
(enclitic), yovv. P. TO,
One's all (Plat.), V. ifafjLapifav.
Soften: P.
oAa. At awj loay
all, in P. and and V. irpdvvciv. Lull to rest : P.

V. 7ra)s (enclitic), Ar. and P. TH; and V. KO<.IJ.{&.V (Plat.), V. Koi/xav.

(enclitic). JfoJ at a : P. and V. Alleviation, subs. P. and V. SvcwrauAa,
apYwi' o$j p. oyv oA<tfs, Ar. and P. y,
TravAa,^, Trapa^?;, ^ (rare P.),
OV TO TrttpttTTttV, V. OV TO TTttl/. J5^ P. TrapafivOiov, TO, Kovfao-is, % (Thuc.),
no means : P. and V. oflSa^ws, V. <?vcwcoi<^io-t5, ^. Relief, subs. :

P. and V. tti/aTrvoiJ, 17 (Plat.), V.

v/wns : P. and V. Too-wSc ju,aAAov, d/jwrvoij, 17, P. POIOTWVT;, 17.
TOtrot'ro) /jtaAAov. ^IW i/Afi ZfiSS : P. Alley, subs. P. Aavpa, 17 (Hdfc.).
and V. rotrffie rjarcrov. On all Narrow way ; P. and V, O-TCVCDTTO'S,
(jrMwdx : P. and V. iravraxn- Run ^. P^C6 to Walk : P. TreptVaTO?, o
on all fours : V. rp^v x*p<V (Xen.).
(/Each./JSIiiw. 37). It is all over Alliance, subs. Ar. and P,
with : see o?v*r. -4W iw a/I ; see );. Friendship. P. and V. .

everything. It in all one : see one. 7). Traaty ; P. and V. o-rrovSai', at.
Allay, v. trans. Stop : P. and V. Alliance by marriage: P. and V.
"&<! P. and V.ii^r:
ictySos, TO, K^Scux, -ij, KYySevfia, TO.

Plat,), C7rurot>tca' l
V. Marriage : P. and V. 7^05, 6, V.
Ax<>^ TO', or pi., Ac/cTpov, TO, or pL
P. and V. Koi/u'frtv (Plat.). Soften : Defensive alliance ; P. 7ri/Aaxx, 17.
P. and V- TrpaiWv. ^Wa?/ one's Jf^t alliance with : P, and V. cvo-Tror-

<A jrt : see qutnch. So$ (dat. or gen.). In accordance

Allayer, subs. V. Travo-nyp, 6. with the terms of tlu alliance : P.
V. Kara TO crvfJLfMt^iKov (Thuc.).
Allaying, adj. Travcrnfyuos (gen.).
Awiytntj pain : V. Travo-rAvTro?. Allied, adj. P. and V. o-uft/uuxos,
Allegation, subs. Accusation ; P. before fern, words, P. wfijuavfe.
ana V. ain'a, 17, fyKA>//wi, TO, V. 4Wic(Z with : P. and V. &<nrovoo
^TrtVA^fta, TO
; see GLC&wation>. Ex- (gen. or dat.). ^ZWed friends : V.
owie P. and V, 7rpo<tt<ri$, ^, cr/c-JJ^tg,
: awao-Triora! <f>t\oi.. Allied forces :

^, vpwrxw * Assertion : P.
Ar. and P. TO orvftft&x^^'- ^e
and V. o, p^fta, TO. allied, v. P. and V. wpp&x&v.
Allege, v. trans, l/rje a# accusation ; Be with, v. P, and V. :

Ar. and P, aZnao-dat, CTrgre in ea?- <rvfL/xax<tK One

marriage subs. P. and V. :

P. and V. 7rpoi5x<o^at, V. wyirrw.

6, Ar. and V. Kq&fyw 6, V. 9

Assert : P. and V. TO'. Met., Kindred : P. and V,

P. ib* ; see kindred.
All All

Allocate, v. trans. See a<Zo. Allowable, adj. P. o-vyyv</>/jo>is Ar.

Allocation, subs. See allotment. and V. o-vyyi/wcTTos
see lawful, ;

Allot, v. trans. Distribute : P. and right. It in allowable : see it U

V. vip,Lv, irpoave/jLcw, Ar. and P.
Stave'/xetv, P. ajrove/JLGLV, Ka.Tuvfiiv Allowance, subs. t
Pardon- : P. ami
t7n.fjLViv. Appoint : P and V. V. (ruyyvw/xiy, 7;, V- cruyyvoia,
allowance for P. and V. (r

Tacro-/, -rrpooTaorcreiv. As&iyH by

lot : P. and V. /cAr/pour, P. cTrucXf/pouv. cxeu' feon ), V. x^"' (dat.).
jEiaufi allotted to om : P. aud V. i/ii/if/ 'measured
out : V. /Ar/)>;/-f,
K\rjpov(r6aij Aay^ofveti' ; see obtatn TO, P. /x7/>ov, TO (Plat., /iV/;. <5t2lA).
by lot under /oi.
lleC'Gwe an allowance o/, v. I*. ,

Allotment, subs. Distribution: P. fjeTpeio-OuL (acc.), btafjLeT

vo/A7J, ^, Stavo/^rj, 17. Piece of land Alloicance for 'provisions ; I\
allotted: P. *Aijpos 6. W7*a* w
f pccnor, TO. Pa// : P. and V.
allotted, share : P. mid V. /Acpos, Alloy, subs. P.' Kt^Aa'tt, 7}.

TO, V. Aa^os, TO. Land for allot- o//// a//o?/,

adj. P. and V. aic :

ment : Ar. yrj icA'jypov^i/c?/. Alloy, v. trans. P. and V. /

Allotted, adj. Appointed : P. and Corrupt : P. mid V.

.u : P, aud V. /uyriii'fc,
Allottee, subs. Of land: P.
Alloyed, adj. P. and V. K//M//AO*.
Allow, v. trans. All-powerful, adj. P. and V, fcv/uo^
Measure out : P.
and V. /Arp/ Concede : P. and Ar. and V.
V. cruyxopctv. Oo/M* ; P. and V. All-seeing, adj. Ar. and V. irw>?rrjys\
o/xoAoyeiv (rare V.)- OrawJ P. and Allude to, v. il/ttr//* : I > an<l V,
: .

V. StSovat, vfj.w,P. irapaSiSoVai, V. (aoc.). Mention : P. and V. /in/-

ctKti/ ; see grant. Permit (persons) : (rftji'ui (lior. paSH. /^/xi'^rA-ctr) ('JftMl.),
P. and V. fii/, tyffau (dat.), rruyx>- (aor. pass.
pctr (dat.), fAtGiwai (dat.), TrupZcVat (gen. or jrc/n and KIMI.), I*,
(dat.), Trapexciv (dat.), Ar. and P, (acc.) ; wee nwntwn.
iirvrperrtiv (dat.). Allow (put Up liefer to wcertly ; Ar. and I*.

with) things : P. and V. av)((r/)cu. t atn!rrcre<r0at (aoc. or <te

ac<3,), I*. t
e /_, \
Ar, and V. tgiwtxeo-Qat ; see endure. U7r<>(rt)fj.a{.viv (ilCC.J.
Allow to (with intin.): P. and V, Allure, v. trans. P. and V, Wy<n%
eav (acc.), Traptevat (dat.), l<j>Uva.t, e<^eA/cr0<u, iirttririitrOttt. AlltlW />//

(dat.), V. Triipfytw (dat.).

4Wow a /#/,W ws : Ar.and I*, ^f,y*ywy*?r.
person to be injured: Ar. and P, Dellykk : P. and V. rc/izr<fi% /I/////V
irtpiopav or P, TrpoU<r6a.t riven tt8t/cou-
Allurement, suba. P. tVaywy*/, /
children : V. OVK avcerat TCK- #a/ : P. and V. 8cA/>,""TO, C 'tut nit ;
' ^

roiras <JAAous (Eur., -47irf. 711). P. and V.

scms a/zd aWows and V, vSoi
iratSas tKriKVOvpevos X<Wpa Alluring, adj. P. tn
d/AA,t (Eur., /aw, 438). 7rpcraywyo5. WwushitJ ; I*, and \\
Allow for, take into account : P. foro- fff : Ar.and
Aoy^eortfat, V5r<J\oyov,7rotrtfat (gen.).
Allow admit of: P. evSexco-tfou Alluringly, iulv,
(acc.) see admit of.
; Allowed, it
is : P. and V. !<m, Trolpeorn, TTCI/XX, Allusion, subs. Mention : P, and V,
irapetW, irapfyet, P. v"' &?. and,^ /&,&
P eyyiyvcrot, ^o: P.
All Alt

Alluvial deposit, subs. P. V. tt^>tcrTafr0ai (gen.),

r/ (Thuc.
2. 102)
(gen.) (Plat.), &o-Ta<rQai (gen.), V
All-wise, adj. P. and V. (gen.).
Ally, subs. P. and V. Aloofness, subs. Ar. and P. d7r/>a>-
or ?;, t , 6 or 7% P. and V.
6 (Plat.), Ar. and V. Aloud, adv. P. and V. /x,eya, P.
^ o, V. truvao^riaDj?, 6 J

see friend, helper. Introduce as what ymi mean : V. av

(illiM, v, P. eVa-yca-flai (ace.). Take

P. and V. 7rpo<r\dn-
M ^>&)Vt /xeya (Soph., IVi/,/. 574).
at> au (i//.//, v. :
My master prcvyed the contrary,
ftaveiv (ace.) (mid in P.). speakiny not the words aloud : V.
Ally, v. trans. See
Ally one- w/z'/e.
/A09 ffvx^r* ov
'*// (A// wwimaf/d) withP. and V. Aoyous (Bur., EL 808).

*Jrt05 <riWirrcn* (dat.)
866 QOlllWGt. Alphabet, subs. P. and V. >pa/A//,a,

Ally oneself with: Ar. and P. T(X.

m'vtcrracrOai /terri (gon.), P. and V. Already, adv. P. and V. 17817.

(dat.); Also, adv. P. and V. KQ.L And
Almighty, adj. P. and V. Ar. moreover : P. and V. /cat 817, P. mil ,

and V. Tra-yfcpaTTys. &; /cat. -4^ tJie mine time : P. and

Almost, adv. Nearly : Ar. and P. V. tt/itt OjUO?, V. o/x,ois.

is L*. oAtyo" 8tr, /X<K/JO?, P. and Altar, subs. P. and V. /}oi/io9, o, Ar.
V. <r;(&>'. All bnt : P. and V. ocrov and V. &r;(<fy>a, 7/, V. ecrrta, 7), tffyj
v TJ of >
fM*7r<i), L . oow or. //. Cj/'
i7i6 dtor or
Alms, subB. <r/ /7 : P. and V. 8o/>ov, :
V. )8o')/jLw>5. Before the altar : V.
ro; see tjift. .Ufc ./ww; P. and Trpo/3<!)iJio<5. Gnardiwj the altar .

V. yrpwumw. Ar. and V. lortoD^os (also Plat.

Aloft, adv. I*, jind V. <u/w, but rare P.). Altar of xacrijiw .

Ar. and I*. tVavo, V. p&yi V. ^e^i^Xos cVx^m, >/. S/rtW/ A//
/'Vom <r,/-o/i ; P. and V. /./M4 ^//(f'/', V. : V. c7nlj8(D/JUOrrTar<?i'.
\ i nWflcr (Wat, also but
. T/w tt/ifltr
: V. irptfonnw,
(Eur., Ilerad. 79j.

Alter, v. trans. P. and V. /ucmrt0*.Wf f

Alone, adj. I*, and V. /tow?, V.
/io^(fe, iSo/tor//: V.
i', dAXotoiV, a/xt/^cti' (Plat, but
alma : V. rare P.), P* pT<nroiv t /MTOK^V ;

v, trans. : P. and V. sec cluiiiyct. V. intrant P. and

V. /ACTfurrrcbif v P. 7r/>u<rTa<r0<H ; HetJ

U'<t< WCtt : I*. li chanye. Alter owe'* wwd ; P. and

i(n Mi . .
/A/ on
P. /*ri/o*a'. /I //<3/' w/ia4 i,v writ ten :

Alone, adv. J\ and V. P. and V.

Along, prop. P. and V. KWT& (ace.), Alterable, adj. P.

Tit rout/bout,: l\ and V. 8i (gen,), Alteration, nubs. P. and V.
TU (aco,) tot* (ace.) (mre P.). >;, /x6TaXAayy, r; (Plat, an^ ur.,
ft ide
of: P. and V. *-fy>ri (aco. or dat. Vaf/.), ^Tacrrcurts, 7;, P. dAAoiW/s, }.
according as motion or rest IB Altercation, subs. P. and V. fyte, r/ ?
expressed), All alomj ; Ar. and a, 7;, Ar. and P. AvriXoyui, ^ ;
P. Stfc see
Aloof, adv, P. and V. Alternate with, v. Succeed to:
P, ari'l ftia^^trOaL (dat.) ; see
Alt Amb
Alternately, adv. Ar. and P. Amass, v. trans. P. and V. t

P. and V. ?rapaXXa. In siiccession :

P IK SiaSo^s, Kara SiaSo^v. Amateur, subs. Ar. and P. I%IMT>}<S, o.
Alternation, subs. P. and V. a/xot^, Amateurish, adj. P. ?&,omKo's.
i) (Plat.).
Succession : P. and V. Amateurishly, adv. P. toWiMos.
Amatory, adj. P. epam/co's.
Alternative, subs. Choice: P. and Amaze, v. trans. P. and V. Vir/\>y<r-
V. atpeo-is, ^. Way of escape : P. o*v, P. /caTa7rA.7/o-er> S60 J

and V. oVoo-rpo^i}, 17, efoSos, ^, P- BQ amazed : see wondar.

ava<fiopd, ^. Owe o/ i-wo alterna- Amazement, subs. P. and V.
tives : P. and V. Ooirepov rd, /c7rAi7|ts, ^, QdfjLftos, TO
see two alternatives: V. but used in Plat, and Thuc.).
POT? (Eur., Hel. 1090). Amazing, adj. P. and V. ftuv
Although, conj. P. and V. Sctvos, a/Mfoai/os, Ar. and 1*.
TTP (enclitic) (both take the parti- ores, *7rep^>v7;5, V. cKTrayXos.
ciple and are used when subject of Amazingly, adv. P. and V. (

main and subordinate clause are the P. 6avfjLarrrG)$ ap.rj^ov^^ Ar. and 9

same). Even if ; P. and V. t *<*), P. &rep<iKus 6a.vp.&<ri<o<s.

Kt, lav /ca?, fy KO.(, K&V ; see thowjh. Ambassador, subs. P. irfxtrfaurtj*.
Altitude, subs. See height. 6, Ar. and V. Trpecr^iJ?, 6. For pi.
Altogether, adv. P. and V. TTCIJ/TWS, use P. and V. irperr/fas, o/, V.
LVTcXck, Ar. and P. TraviJ, jSoj/AaTa, Ta (Eur., Sty/;/;. 173).
i/ais, P. Kara Travra, oXws, wavra- ambassador, v. Ar. and P. tt :

V. 15 TO Trav, TO Tra/x-n-ar, vap,-
From top to bottom : P. and V. Trpcor^ctv (gen.) (Eur.,
V. KOLT a*pas. Utterly : P. and V. 479). Seni ambaitsitdnrx : Ar, and
P. 7rpc<r/3cv<r0a,i,. fellow-am fat ven-
Always, adv. P. and V. act, Ar. and dor : see under fellow,
V. atv. .For e-yer ; P. and V. at', Amber, subs. Use P. and V. >JA<K-
Sta T\ov5, Ar. and V. <ueV, V. tVai, TpOV, TO.
<raei, etg ro -JTOV xpovov, rov $C atcovos Ambient, adj. V, Tre^Tr;^. '/'//(?

Xpovov, P. ts iravra ^pdi/OK, ts cmb'ient air : use V. otywov TT</><-

Through everything : Ar. and P. Trrvxot, al.
Ambiguity, subs. P. jtantycm, i/,
Am, v. intrans. See be. Ambiguous, adj. P. <Jft^oA9, V.
Amain, adv. P. Kara /cparo?, iravrl
Al\ Kara TO Kaprtpov: see P. and V, oVctyrys, ffiti^Xcw, V.

Amalgamate, v. trans. Mix totjeL/wr: Sucrre/cftapro?, 8iW/>ir<i J Ht*C <*//

P, and V. <rvyKpawvvat, (rv/t/xtyviSvat. scf^re.

JSa^cZ togetJier : P. <rwrTavcu, P. and Ambiguously, adv. p. (rc/0wv, V.
V. o-iWyav. Uw/^e (politically in
one city) : P. crwoi/ct'&tv. V. intrans. Ar, and V*
Use passives of verbs given; also Ambition, subs. P. and V. ^T
P. and V. o*iW/>;(ecr0at, ets ra'firov >/ (Eur.r /*/. 532), TO
(Kur., /./i. 342, #4/5).
Amalgamation, subs. P. and V.
P. OTU/A/UIS, Union purpose : J*. and V,
>/ ;

in a single state : P. o-u^t/ctcr(9, ^

Amanuensis, subs. Ar. and P. Ambitious, adj. P. and V,
ev's, 6. Fond of rule: P. .
X09. Pushing, grasping : P. Amends, subs Eetributlon : P. and
V. rt'o-ts, }, SiVci;, 17,
V. aTrowx, ra
Ambitiously, adv. P. (rare P.), 7ro/r/, 17 or pi. (rare P.).
Graspinyly : P. Remedy : V. a/cos, TO see reinedi/. ;

Amble, v. intrans. Use P. and V. Making good P. dvaX^i/us, V.


ptt%iv (rare V.)- ava^opa, 17. Mafee ar^e^s, v. : P.

Ambrosia, subs. Ar. and P. caK<r9a.i (Plat.), tt/celo^at (Plat.).

amends for : P. and V. ava-

Ambrosial, adj. Use divine. i/ti/
(ace.), aKclo-Qai (aoc.),
Ambuscade, subs. See ambush. (acc.), egiaartiou, (ace.). Pay
Ambush, subs. P. frc'Spa, ^, V. penalty : P. and V. Sfioyi/ or
Xdxos, 6. Lay aw ambush, v. P. :
Ww, eKTtvctv, 8r8ovat ; see-
ev$pU(i/, P. and V, Xox&v. Lie under penalty.
in wribush, v. P. IvcSpeucw, eXXoxav, P. and V.
Amenity, subs. x<*pi*>
P. and V. Xovav. Lie in ambush 17 ; see docility.

for, v. P. &/Opewfw> (ace.), eXXo^av Amerce, v. trans.

: See punish, fine.
(ace.),V. Ao^av (ace.). Watch for: Amiability, subs. P. cu/coXux, T},
P. and V. <vXa<ro-iv (ace.), tyeBpev- -n-paoT^s, 17, ^iXavtfpama, fj, P. and
w (dat.) see lie in wait for, under
; V. cv/x-ei/eia, ^, V. TrpeuMcveta, ^.
wait. Occupy with <m awbibsh, v, Amiable, adj, : P. and V. evuwys,
P. irpoXoxtfcv (ace.). Be caught in Trpaos, <j!>tXavtfpa)7ro5, ^tXo^pwv (Xen.) T
an ambush, v. P* X.ox%o-6a<. We
: Ar. and P. dfeoXos, P. paStos, V.
Lie in ambmh in the Leaves of the
bus/Ms : V. 0<ifWMv XXoxio/Jij/ <o(us Amiably, adv. P. and V. u
(Bur., fiacck. 722). Demosthenes, .), P. UKoXlt)9,

fearing he should be surrminded,

'posts heavy armed troops in ambush Amicable, adj. See friendly.
on (t certain road which ran between Amicably, adv. See in a friendly
banks and was covered with scrub : way, under friendly.
P. o Aty/xoorflci'^s Scura? /AT; KvicXw^ Amid, prep. P, and V. cV (dat.), fr
t^ct ts bftov TWO. KQlXyv /cat Xo^/AoiS^ /A<ra> (gen.). Between : P. and V.
Xtrtt9 (Thuc. 3, 107). &
^Vcrw (gen.), /ncraiii; (gen.), P. 8th
Ameliorate, v. trans. Use P. and V. fji(rov (gen.). Rami amidships : P,
/wtWa Trotcti/ (??w^7<;e better), Ar. c/x^SaXXcti/ nicy (vtjt) (Thuc, 2 A

&rt TO p&rlov Tporay. Improve : P. 91).

and V. 8w>p0oi)v, ^foptfow, Ar. and Amiss, adv. P. and V. K&K&S, o&c
P. rai>op0ovv. opfloi?. In composition, P. and V.
Amenable, adj. Doci/e: P. ?rapa, e.g. Trfydytw, lead amiss.
yos, aV/nos,
V. e&xp/cros; see Take amiss ; P. xaAejr&s <t>ipw
o, obedient to : P, and (aoc.), Ar. and
P. xoA.7r<Wv (dat.),,
V. fafc0ij* (dat.). /^tette : P. and V. Trwcpois ^cpctv (acc.) see be angry. ;

V. ^TrevStwoj, P. vrroSiKOs, iramos, Amiss, adj. P. and V. ^Xavpos.

?voxv. /^ amenable to, allow of: Amity, subs. Bee friendship.
l\ ^'8cxrflttt (accO- Amnesty, subs. P. a$cui,f}> Binding
Amend, v* trans. P. and V. &op0ow>, them by stringent pledges to grant
i&p6ow, Ar. and P. Aravoptfow ; see Ml CMnnesi : P. op/cc5<rarTO m<rrccru
also alter, improve,
Amendment, subs. P. ', 74).
, ro. Improvement; P. Among, prep. P. and V. iv (dat.).
" J
Propose an amendnwit ; P. In presence of : P. and V.
(Dem. (dat.), Ivarrtov (gen.), V.
Amo Ana

(gen.). To the presence of : P. and V. a^oi'<us(Eur., Frarf.). Knvnyh '


V. TTotpa (ace.), ws (ace.). P. and V. 5Ars SS^ (Plat ), .S/i


See among. P. (/cavws see twMttfh.

Amongst, prep. TWS, ;

P. cpurtico?, V. than enough P. and V.

Amorous, adj.
yfytos (Bur., LA. 392).
Amorously, adv. P. IP<DTIKW$. Amputate, v. trans. P. and V. T/AI'M%
Amorousness, subs. P. Ar. and P. (iiroTC/U'cu', V. uTrajUar.
Love P. and V. epeus, 6. Amputation, subs. P. and V. TO/II/,


Amorphous, adj. P. a/xop^os. 7).

Need amjmtatum : V. Tr>//i/.
Amount, subs. Quantity P. and Amulet, subs. P. TreptWTor. TO' SCM :

V. 7rXi}0os, TO. Size P. and V. charm.

/*ey0os, TO. Number P. and V. Amuse, v. trans. Make Itintjh Ar.
: :

apc.0//os, V. uptd/477/x.a, TO.

Sum and P. yA.o)Ttt TTapt^eu' (tltlfc.), \ .

(of money) P. Swa/us, r;.

: The yeXoyra Tt^eVat (dat.). IMitjM P. .'

whole amount P. and V. TO cnJ/xxav.

: and V. Tp?r(r. Amit&e onewlf,
PF/ia$ amount of, kow much, inter- paw the time P. Siayctf, Ar. and
rogative P. and
. V. TTOO-OS indirect P. 6Wpr/3eu'.
AmtiM owrw//' wv///,
P. and V. o-n-oo-os ^os* ^/tc ^ww> oivjr Ar. and P. .

Amount to, v. intrans. Lit., P.

yiyi/o-0ai. Met., Ar. and P, Sifva- Amusement, subs. Lautjhtur : P.
0-60.1. A demand peremptorily made and V. yc'Axns, 6. rimfiuw : P.
on ones neighbours before itx justice and V. TjSovv, 7;. I^attthm : V, and
in tested t be it large or Miiall,
amounts equally to enslavement :
spwuhmj time : and V. ^T/>r/^/.
P. Ti/y <LVTTJV Swarai SovXaxriv 7)
TC 7/. Holida'i/makiwj : P. and V.

fieyurnrj Hal eXa^t'crny SIKOUDCTIS . . .

}. fyMcttwlfl Ar. and P. :

TTpO 8lK77$ TOtS TTcXaS iTTLTCHTCrOp&nQ 7; ; see .s/w/M/0. /*'</;/// n/'

(Thuc. 1, 141). If to yield yrud(}- adj. : P. </>t/\.o^i///'ui'

'ingly and to }/ield quickly a/mcnint (Plat.). jf'V>/w/ of ///,//.//////'/ : P.

to tlw ttame thiny : P. ei TO avro ^tAoy\w$ (Plat.).
oVparut "^oX^ * tt ' Tavi Amusing, adj. P. and V. yt'Aorw.
(Thuc. 8, 46). Amusingly, adv. P. y<W>s\
Amphora, subs. P. and V. Analogous, adj. L//r: P. and V.
6. A mmny-bowl to hold ten am- O/AOtO?, to*OS ; 366 //Vi'rt. ItttlltMtMM /<N
phorae V. Kpwnjp ScKa/x^opos (Bur.,
proportionate tu : P, Xayo^ (jjc*n.). <

Cycl. 388). Holding ten tlimwand Analogously, adv. tiimilarlit : P.

amphorae, adj. Ar. /;pia/x<opo$. :and V. rV/totW. / prtywtiiw : P.
Ample, adj. Large in space : P. and /caTa Xfiyoi'y KttT TO>' ai/roi* Xoyor.
V. ftyas, /Acwcpd^, o'pds. Lcvrye in Analogy, nubs. Jsikiineitx; P. o/^w
quantity : P. and V. /xeyas, TroXiis, T7s, 77. Proportion : P, Adyiv, ,

d^flovos. Enough : P. and V. IKOVOS, rivaXoyt'a, 7} (Plat.). |

<tpK<av, V. IfopKrys, P. Stapes. Afore Analyse, ute. /i*'//v /'/ */*

i/wwi enough : P. and 7. 7Tpr<nfe, nients: P. S*aXmi% Kjttmhw ; P.
Amplification, subs. Filliny in,
completion : P. ttir*pyao-ttt, ?// JB^r- examine,
ayyerat'ion : P. Scowm?, >;. Analysis, nubs* KftuttitMtwu ; P. ;

Amplify, v. trans. Fill in in detail :

Ar. and P. &rpyar0ai. Exag- Anapaests, sub*.

gerate : P. fiya\wti/, P. and V. Ar. A'U7rmw, 01.

Koo-pfw ; see exaggerate. Anarchic, adj. P. and V,

Amply, adv. Abwtdantly : P. and
Ana Ang;

Anarchy, subs. P. and V. wopta, 17, Ancient, adj. P. and V. dpx<uos,

avapxta, 17,
V. TO tkvapxov. AT. and V. TroXaiycviJs, V.
Anathema, See curse.
subs. os. X/07W/ existing : V.
Anathematise, See curse.
v. trans. see o?d. Belonging to
Ancestor, subs. P. and V. -n-poyovos, former titties : P, and V. 6 TroAeu,
o. One's ancestors : P. and V. ol 6 TrpiV, o Trpoor^o'. 2%e ancients :

TroXat, ot 7rpoV0v, P. ot ava)#ev, ol use P. and V. 01 TraXaiot, ot

TTpOTTttTOpcs, V. ot irdpos. ot TrpocrOfv.

Ancestral, adj. P. and V. TrarpSos, Anciently, adv, P. and V.

Trarptos, Ar. and P. TrctTptKos. TTttXat 7TOT6, TO TTptV J

Ancestress, subs. P. and V. Trpo- And, conj. and V. *at, T (encb'tic), R

yovos, fj. V. ffi (rare).
Ancestry, subs. See limaija. Con- Anecdote, subs. P. and V. Xoyos, o,
cretely, use ancestors. p.vOo<S) 6.

Anchor, subs. P. and V. ay/apo, ?/. Anger, subs. P. and V. opy?/, ^

At anchor : P. and V. eV aytfipas. 0V/M9, o, Ar. and V. V> K T o*> x^ <>

linny to aiwhor, v. trans. P. and o, |*vos, TO, V. /iijvis, 17, X^ 05


V. 6p/uciv , see anchor (verb), J?7/ reason of Ares' old anger against
Coim to anchor, v. intrans. P. : Cadmns : V. KoS/tou jraXouJ&v A/oeos
and V. P. Trpocrop^ecrOai
opfJLL&crOat, .
(Euv., Phoen. 934).
Drop anchor : P. ay/npaj> a^ici/at temper : V. ofvAyuo, >/.
(Xen.), V. ay/a'pav /AcftcVat. Lie Quutik to anger : see angry (adj.).
at anchor : P. and V. oppew. Lie Anger, v. trans. P. and V. opytgci*
at anchor opposite : P. <xv0op/tv (Plat.), 7Tttpofovtv, e^aypio^v (Plat.
72icZ<? a one/tor : P. and V. in pass.), dypwDv (Xen. and Ar. in
<>Xi<r0<u. Ridiwj at a-;ks/tor, subs. : pass.), V. o$fi'iv, opyatvtv, ^ijyeiv.
V. subs. Ar. and P. ywia, At
ayKVpovpa, ^ (JEsch., fito&p^). An^le, y.
706). IVfligrA anchor, put out to right angles, adj. P. c^ap :

,sw ; P. and V. &vdyc&9<u, e^avcf- Angle, v. intrans. See fath.

V. I'aw a^op/ur0ae, P. Angler, subs. See fisherman.
Itopjuw see jm O-M^,
I /^ xatf or Angling, subs, ties Jiuhiny.
weighed the ttfaip'ti anchor : V. vaurat Angrily, adv. P. and V.
/x7;pwavro VT^OS rx<8tt (Soph., opyfo Ar. and P. x^*** <>/>-

vt'Xcos, Ar. and V. wpos opy>}v, V. &TT*

Anchor, v. trans. and V. o//u'ti'.

V, intmns. L\ and V. bpiJ.tfa<rQ<u, Angry, adj. P. and V. m/cpos, Ar.
l\ KnOopi^<T&aL, tyapfjufarBat,* An- and P. X^XCTTOS, P. 7rpiopyr;?, ryjytXos,
chor in front of, v. trans. I?. V. {yKoroff. O/ /<w%* : P. and V.

vpoopfuZtw (vavv) 7rp<> (f2;on,. Anchor <rKt^p()7r<)5 see nation. Quick to ;

round, v. intrauH. P* :
anger P. and V. ois, Ar. and P. :

(abaci.). <ije/>ttx<>Ao9,
Ar. and V. O^W/AOS, V.
Anchorage, subs. P. and V. S&ropyos. J^e A to anger v, <///'/! t

o, r'aiVra^/xov, r<>, V. rai'Xe>xo V. o^>cZv (also pass, in Ar.).

ttf. Harbour : P. and V. angry, v, : P. and V, o/>yt^o^ac,
o, Affordhm anchonuje, tulj. V. :
(Plat,, also Ar.), V. opyou-
iwuXoxtt?, tvopfjuK. Afftmlmj bad t
fu/i/tetv, Ar.
and V.
tinclwrtt;!? : V.
Nwopfjiw. lirin<t P. 8tVOV 7TOttV, SctJ'til' TTOt-

rtnuul into ttHrbuMt/G: P. TTC/HO/U/JI- ; see ^^ '/;e^d, under 1?^. 7^e

f<n' (ace.), or with, v. : P. and V.
to anchor, Hubs,
Anchoring, cuminy (dat.), SC/xow^at (dat.),
JK Trpwrunitnns, if.
Ar. and P. ^iXc9r<uVcv (dat.), ttya-
Ang Ann

(dat.), V. oW/Av<uvc' (dat.), V. TTOSWV (LpOpa, TCt, TCVWl', O, MVA

w beautiful ankles : V. cvo-^v^o?.
(dat.), YoXovo*0<u (dat.) ; see
be vexed at, under vex. Be angry Anklets, subs. P. ^Xca, T< (Xen.).
at : also P. oWxcpaiVsiv (ace., dat. Annalist, subs. P. XoyoTroto's, 6, Xo-
or ITTI, dat.), Y^Xerrws <t>epiv (ace. or yoypa^o?, 6.

dat.), V. oW^opctv (dat.), Trt/cpGs Annals, subs. P. and V. Xo'yot, of.

<epen/ (ace.). Angry with his father History : P. o-vyyyoa^r;, ?/.
for the deed of blood : V. TraTp! Annex, v. trans. Ar and P.
Mvivws <f>6vov (Soph., El. 1177). Appropriate: P.
Jbwi w
being angry, v. : P, <rwop- otKtow. Enslave. : P.
yi&crQcu (dat.). Subjugate : P. and
Anguish, subs. P. and V. XiiTn?, 17,
V. Ka/raarTp<f>cr6ai.
oXy^Stov, 17, avfd, 17, aXy^/wt, TO, P, Annexation, subs. P.
raXanropia, ^, /caKOTratfeia, ij,
V. Sv>;, r/.
Enslcwetmnt : P.
M Jti-iS .iju ^ <imn.iMi<m M ~~*jfinf* Ji
: P. K
7j t vnyyuiu, TO, TrTjfAOVi/f 17, TrcVvOv, TO, ^, Subjugation
ot^-us, ^, Ar. and V. S^os, TO, aXyos, Annihilate, v. trans. P. and V. 6W-
TO; ze&pain.
Angular, adj. P. ya>vta>%. XiWi, Ka6ai/>tv, V. Swrrorj', ^r
Animadversion, subs. See blame. set)

Animadvert on, v. See blame. destroy. Wipe out (mot.) : P, and

Animal, subs. P. and V. $ov,
TO. V. oXj(>ii'. Do atrnj/ irft/*; P,
Wild beast : P. and V. 6jp, 6, Ar. andV. a<t>5y%w, Ar. and P. SwXvc/j-.
;and P. OrjpLov, TO, Ar. and V. icvoi- Annihilation, subs. P. and V. <>Xo
SoXoi/, TO, Y. SaKos, TO. Creatwc ^pos, 6, &a<0o/x/, T/, P. ^o'Actci, ?/ ;

generally : P. and V. flpe/u/xa, TO see destruction.

(Plat.). Anniversary, subs. Day : L\ an<l
Animal, adj. E.g., animal (passions) : V. /^fea,si ; P, and V.
^epa, 17.
P. and V. dypi&fys. copny, 17.
Animate, v. trans. Befresh : P. and Annotation, subs. Note : L\ iVo//r*y-
V. avaijtfxtu'- Bring book to life : /3t, TO.
P. ttva^t<t>o-/ccr^at. Encourage: see Announce, v. tnin. J*. and V.

Animate, adj. P. /(>

V. fMl/vx$' animate world : owe within : P. and V. iVuy-

P. TO.
irepl (Plat., Hep. Proclaim : I , and V,
Animated, adj. ; P. and V. o*tv, TTpoetTreti', di'curcti', Ar, and P.
ei/rovos, crwroj/os, SvayopctW, V. JKm/piV(rcir : Sf*t*.

Cheerful (of looks) P. and V. proclaim. Declare ; P. and V.

<<uo/>o's, Cheerful ^, V,
(generally) : ; see
r, Ar. and V,
Animation, subs, P. and V. no'itnce baforrJiand : P, 7r/*yy/Xx
Eagerness P. and V. irpoe^ayyeXXw. IWw w*i// <!////

Cheerful- o?tr arrival? V. T& . . ,

ness : P. and V. eMc/ua, oy (Xen.).

Animosity, subs. See anger, wmity. KM 103).
Animus, suba. See eimity* Envy : adj.; V. K
P. and V. <t>0ovos, 6. //orid tiding tulj. : V.
Anise, subs. Ar. twvQov, TO. Announcement, HU)W. Ar,' atid l\
Ankle, subs. P. and V. <r^5/>oV, TO, i
ayyeXm, ?/,
P. and V. yyA/i, r**'.

Ann Ans
Proclamation : P. and V. Anon, adv. Afterwards : P. and
TO- see tidmys. V ZireiTOL, vcrrepov,V.
Announcer, subs. P. and V. a Immediately : P. and V.
6 or ^. , evOvs, ev^ews, Ar. and P.
Annoy, V. trans. \VWCLV t avloa/j 8a,KViv,

(dat.), Ar. and P. Anonymous, adj.

e'xeu' P. and V. rtrw
ctr or dat.), irpdy,
(dat.), Ar. and V. Kvi'ciy, Another, adj. P. and V. aXXos. O/
V. dxXeti' see distress. Be a/wwyed :
; i^o ; P. and V. crcpos. Another's,
P. and V. A,F'7rt0-0ai, aylacrdat, 8a/cj>- belonging to or o/ another : P. and
cr0ai, axOco-Oai, Ar. and P. dyavaicrctv, V. dXXorptos, V. ^vpatos, e.g. an-
P. ^ttXcTTtos <f>tpiv see 60 vexed, other's prosperity : V. 6 flfyxuos

under mr. Harass in warfare : P. oX/?o? (^Esoh., -4(7. 837). Of another

and V. XuTrciv. country: P. dXXoScwnfe (Xen.), JTJ
Annoyance, subs. P. and V, XAn;, anotJier direction : P. and V. aXXoere,
?/, ttvfa, 7;, Swrxtptut, T), a^Saii', ^ ; Ar. and P. erc/>a>cre. 0^ another
see distress, angerr. Came annoy- kind : P. aXXoto?.
^li anotJier place :
ance, V. P. and V. o'xXov
: see elsewhere. At another time :
(dat.), Ar. aud P. Trpcty/xara P. and V. <SXXoT. Hereafter : P.
(dat.). and V. t<raB04$. 4^ o?ie me . . .

Annoying, adj. P. and V. Xv ai another : P. rorc /^eV TO'TC . . .

/Sftpife, &ytcipos, dXyciyds, fie ; see under time. One (mother ;

&j<rxpifc, oxX^po's ;
see vexatious. P. and V. dXXrJXous (ace. pi.). J?i
Annoy ingly, adv. P. and V. Xv^pS? ; another way : P. and V. oXXws, Ar.
see vexatiously. For tlte purpose and P. oXXiy, ^rcpcos, Ar. and V.
of annomnq : P.' '
Si* dv^Sova (Thuc.

i*0). Answer, subs. P. and V.

Annual, adj. Ar. and P. Mercies, P. ri (Bur., J?V-a/7.). Defence P. :

and V. i'xv<nos, In/mos, V. eretos. dtTToXoyta, r). Oracula/r answer : P.

Annually, adv, P. K&T InavroV, Kara and V, xpyo-fM?, 6, /xayrctor, TO, Ar.
CTOS cKacrrov. and V. /mi/Ti;/Aa, TO see oracle. In ;

Annul, v. trans. P. and V. /ca0<upeTv, answer to, prep. P. and V. TT/JO? :

XiiSetv, P. aKvpov, Trotetv, dratpeti/ see (ace.). Sewd an answer by letter :


P, ^Trto-ToXV foren-m&ei'ai (Thuc. 1,

Anoint, v. trans. Ar. and P. 129). The answer to the letter was
P. ^raXttVv, Ar. V, as follows : P. dyrev^ypaTrro
(Thuo. 1, 129).
Ar. Answer, v. trans. P. and V,
; Ar. and P. v(r0<u (Eur,,Suyp. 516, Bacch.
; Ar. and P. 1272), dyTtXcyctv, dyTC7rty, V. dv-
; Ar. and P. dyra-
(mid.). Anointed with :

Ar. KaTfiLXi7TT05 (dat.), behalf of ((mother) ; Ar.

Anomalous, adj. Strong* : P. and yco-tfai
(ge^O- Of ^^
V. Setwfe, toroiros (Bur., J^r oracle: P. and V. j<W *v
Anomalously, adv. P. and 4w5wcr (a nddZc) : P. and V.
P. ATtflTAK. V. 8tt7rtv; see aoZve. Answer a
Anomalousness, subs. Ar. and P. knock : P. fa-a/covwi' (absol. or dat.
of persA Answer (ctwrges) : P.
Anomaly, subs. Use P. and V. a7roXoy*r<r0at (ffprfs, aoo.) (cf.
r,, -Booofc. Correspond to
TropoXoyo?, 6.
Ans Anv

P. and V. o-waoW (dat.), Antelope, subs. P. and V.

(dat.) see correspond.
; Equal : P $ (Xen.), V. ^o^oXts, ^
and V. ivovvOai (dat.), curov<?6a
' " Frag.). Deer: P. and V.
(dat.). P. and V.
Suit : 6 or 17.

(dat.). Answer for

: see
guarantee Anterior, adj. P. and V. 6
Defend : Ar. v7repaTOKpti/e<r0at ; see irpoTtpos. Anterior to, before: P.
defend. Answer to: see correspond and V. Trpo' (gen.).
to. Besemble : P. and V. Anthem, subs. P. and V. fyii'os, 6.
(dat.), eo/Aotoo-0ai (dat.). Song of 'Victory or thanksgiving :
P. and V. 7Tt0e<r0ai (dat.). P. and V. Tratar, 6 ; see song.
him sail home to answer the charges Antics, subs. Sport : P. and V.
the city biotight against him: P Trai&a, 17. Posturing : P. and V.
cwrorrAciv ts cwroAoyi'ai' a>v T o-^/AaTa, Ta (Eur., Cycl. 221).
(Thuc. 6, 53). V Monkey tricks : Ar. Trt^/ctor/Aot, ot.
intrans. Swceed : P. and V. e Anticipate, v. trans.
i KttTOp- o/. P. and V. *
&OVV (Or KoA.O>? vew, Trpo^^otvctv, P.
<f>p<r9ai. Turn out: P. and V. Perceive beforehand P.
K/3awciv, P. see vr0ai, P. and V.
o%. Expect : P. and V. Trpoo-S'o/cav, cXTrt-
Answerable, adj. See responsible.
Answering, adj. See corresponding. Anticipation, subs. Expectation :

Chant an answering strain : V. P. -Trpoo-SoKto, 17, P. and V.

Trcuava Antidote, subs. P. and V.
Ant, subs. P. and V. /aV>fu?, o. TO, P. dXe^ap/xaxov, TO, V.
Antagonism, subs. Hostility: P. TO ; see
and V. x0pa, 17, Antipathy, subs. P. and V.
Antagonist, subs. P. and V. 07, ^^05, TO'; see dislike, hostility.
yowoTTjs, o, V. TraAawmys, 6, Opposition: P. cramWis, ^. Di6'-
6, avTriperys, 6, or use adj., P, and cor^ ; P. and V. Zpts, ^.
V. cvaim'os, P. v7Ti/avTi'os. Antiquarian research, subs. P.
Zaw; 5^^ : P. dvrtStKos, 6, J?i a (Plat.).
speech : P. avrtXeyan/, o. Antiquated, adj. Obsolete: P. and
Antagonistic, adj. P. and V. AWT/OS, V. dp^atbs, 7raXato$, P. 5u>A.os, ap^at-
P. ^TTcvai/Ttb?. Hostile : P. and V. OT/OOTTOS, Ar. dp^OAKOS.
^flpos see hostile.
j Antique, adj. P. and V.
Antagonistically, adv. P. and V. see ancient.
In a hostile way : P. Antiquity, subs. P. and V. 7
P. dp^
Concretely, 7*6
Antecedent, adj. Prior : P. and V. ancients : P. and V. ol
6 irpoTtpov, Trporepos. Antecedent to, TTflSXai, Ot T

before : P. and V. TT/OO (gen.). Antithesis, subs. P. frr/fans, ?;.

Antecedents, subs. Past hfe: P. Opposition :
TO, ^f^tco/jicva.
Generally : P. TO, ^rary : use adj., P. and V.
TrpownjpyjjLfya (Dem. 314). Antler, subs. P. and V. Kpas, TO'.
Ante-chamber, subs. Fore-court : Antlered, adj. P. and V, /ccpao-^opos
V. Trajoao-Tas, 17, or pi., Sripolv, 6, Ar. (Plat.), V. cffjcepo*. With masc.
and P. TrpoQvpov, TO. subs. : V. Acepcumfs. With fern.
Antediluvian, adj. Old-fashioned : subs. : V. Kcpcwrrifs, Kpo?<ro"a.
Ar. and P. see old-fash- Anvil, subs. V. (Sopb,,
toned. As with a blow upon an
Anx Ape
anvil, swinging his club above his Anything, pron. P. and Y. Tt (en-
toad, he brought it doivn upon the clitic). Any thing soever : Ar. and
child's flaxen head : Y. P. OTIOVV.

Anywhere, adv. P. and Y. wou (en-

TTCUOOS cs gavObv Kapa. (Soph., Frag.). clitic), Ar. and P, my (enclitic).
Anxiety, subs. P. and Y. <j>povrfe, From anywhere : P, and V. 7ro0o/
^, P. dyoDvta, Ar. and Y. ftept/iva,
17, (enclitic). To anywhere: P. and
^, V. avwoia., 4, /jie'Aoyjtia, TO ; see/ear, Y. Trot (enclitic). Anywhere rather
Eagerness : P. and V. -rrpo- than at Thebes : P.
Y. (Lys. 168).
see troubles. Per- Apart, adv. P. and V.
tttrbation : V. Tapayjua, TO, Ta Set apart: P.
P. and Y. cra-o&ov. -4i Zo?i# distances
Anxious, adj. JS7a0er : P. and Y. apart : P. Sta xoXXou. SiamZ apart :
QV/MOS, O/TOVOS, crui/royos. In susense: P. and Y. afao-TacrOaij atrocrTar^lv
P. fcTea>pos. Fearful : P. Tr
Apart from, prep. Without : P. and
and Y. o-/a;0p<iwros, Y. o-ruyvos, <rwo>- "V. xv>fe (gen.), &>eu (gen.), Y.
(gen.), voV^t (gen.) (rare),
Y. K P. Outside tlw
(gen.), &TCP&CV (gen.).
P. and Y. P, and V. !&o (gen.).
scope of :

"PFii/iow^ reckoning : P. and V. ivcv

(Xen.). anxious abotit : P. and (gen.), xV>fe (gen.), Y. fi^& (gen.).

Y. (aOC.), (g en Apartment, subs. - P. ot/cos> .

or prep.), cnrou8a^tv fe^p (gen.), 6, TO, Ar. and V. So>os, 6,

KTJSecrflai (gen.), Y. TrpoKiypatvctv TO, //.e'Xaflpov, TO, or pi., Y.

(gen.), irpoKTqSeo-Oat. (gen.) see /ear ;

areyos, TO; see chamber.
/or. Loofc anxious : Y. o-6/xvov Men's apartments : P. and V. dv-
Spdiv, 6 (Xen., also Ar.), P. dvSpcovms,
Anxiously, adv. Eagerly: P. and 71. Women's apartments : Ar. and
V. (TinwS?, wo^vfwos. Jw /ear ; P. P. ywaiKwvms, P, yuvanccov, 6 *>?,

s, Y. o (Xen.).
Any, adj. P. and V. TIS (enclitic). Apathetic, adj. P. and V.
At any rate : see however. Atavt/y P. and Y. <ipyo's.
twte : P. and Y. TTOTC (enclitic). In J5e apathetic, v.: P.

any case : P. and V. flravny, TravTws. P. and Y. iJcnJxos,

^d c^i^ew of (my country rather P. orutos. Dulled: P. and Y.
than his natwe land: P.
rjs Apathetically, adv. P. and V.
(Lys. 143). /io'i'cos. Calmly : P. and V.
Anyhow, adv. By some ineans ; P. crux^?.
and Y. TTWS (enclitic) Without order Apatny, subs. Idleness : P. and Y.

or arrangement : P. and V. cltf, P. pyto, P. , , ,

Ar. and P.
^vSiyv, ovSen /coV/AO). 2!^ least: P.
^^Ca, ^ V.
and Y. ye (enclitic), yoi-v, y fwjv, TO ycrvxcuov. Inactivity: Ar. and
P. d-Trpayftoo-iJny, ij, P. TO awpayftov.
one, pron. P. and V. TIS (en- Ape 5 subs. Ar. and P. TT^KOS, 6.
clitic). Any one soever: Ar. and Ape, v. trans. See vmitate.
P. oo-tto-ow. Any chance comer : P. Aperture, subs. P. and V. TO.
and Y. 6 Tfyoiv, 6 P. 6 Outlet: P. and Y. IfrSos, ^, Si#b&>r,
&v, Y. 6 r6v. ^. Chasm : P. and V.
Ape App
Perforation : Ar. and P. , ^, V. efyux, TO, aroX/ju)?, 6,
and V. 7rrXo)/Aa, TO ; see dress.
Apex, subs. P. and V. Apparel, v. trans. P. and Y.
see top. 9 V. o-reXXetv (rare P.),
Aphorism, subs. P. and V. 6,
7rapoi/u'a, ty V. aTi/o5, 6. Aplwisms :
Apparent, adj, P. and V. 817X09,
P. and V. Tvca/tai, at. Speflfc in 1/817X05, cvopyifc, ^avcpds, <ra</77S,

aphorisms, v. P. 7rapoi/Awzr0ai
eptfravqs, c/c^anj?, ircpt^ai^s, P. /cara-

(Plat.); see worm. ^av^'s, and P. /caTdSS^Xos.

Apiece, adv. Use P. naff 2/caorw. Assumed, not genwne: P. and Y.
Between two : P. Ka0* e/caTepov. TrXttOTOS (Xen.), P. -TTpOOTTTO^TOS.
Apocryphal, adj. Made up : P. and Seeming: P. and V. Sojcoiv; see
V. irXaoro's (Xen.). Counterfeit:
P. and V. Act^Xos, Ar. and P. *ropa- Apparently, adv. As it seems : P.
5. Legendary: P./wluSiTs; see and V, o>5 Notice. To all seeming :
Y. ws cwcaom, 015 ircifc&rai. Op-
Apologist, subs. Advocate : P. and posed to genuinely : P. and V. Xoyo>,
V. o-wijyopos, 6 or ^. opposed to !py<p.

Apologise, v. intrans. Make defence : Apparition, subs. Phantom : P. and

P. and V. &roXoyr<r0<w (Bur., _5occ7&. V. </)(XCr/^a, TO, L/eO)I/, l8a>Xoi', TO', ,

41). Make excises: Ar. and P. ^dvTowr/ia, TO, V. <nctd, ot/as, 17, 80107- ,

7rpo^ao*i'ecr0a6. Ask pardon: P. and crt5, 17.

V. irapaLTLCT0(U t irapteo-OaL* Appeal to, v. Invoke : P. and V.

Apologue, subs. See fable. /
(acc.), juapTt5p<r0at (acc.),
Apology, subs. Defence : P. diroXoyto, rtv
(acc.), V. dyKaXti/ (or
77, d-n-oXoy^/xa, TO.
Excuse : P. and (acc.), Ar. and V. KoXeti/ (or
V. mid.) (aco.), KiKXtfc-Kciv (acc.), Ar.
and P. tvripapripta-Qai (acc.), P
Apophthegm, See aphorism.
subs. em/3oa(r6(u (acc.), iTriKoXtlv (acc.).

Apostasy, subs. Defection : P. dwro- Call m as witness : P. and V

orao-15, Betrayal: P. and Y. fjuipTDpO'6cLi (acc.), P. eTTiKoXctr

(acc.), and P. i.irifjLa.prvpcr9ai.

Apostate, subs. Traitor : P. and V, (acc.). Conjure: P. and V. ITTLO-K^-
Trpo&my?, 6. Trretv (dat ), iKerweiv (acc.), Ar. and

Apostatise, v. intrans. P. d<rrao-0ai. P. cVt/wxprupeo-^at (acc,). JUaVG

Apostle, subs. Messenger: P. and recourse to : P. and V. Tpenwflat
V. ayyeXos, 6 or 17. 7rpo5 (acc.). Pkase, gratify: P.
Apothecary, subs. Ar. and P. and Y. Tp7ri', ^apt^co^at (dat.).
/AaK07ru>X775, 6 ; see also doctor. Appeal to (another tribunal): P.
Appal, v. trans. P. and V. t^ceVat 15 (acc.). J2b wished for the
crav, <^o^iv, P. KaTaTrX^o-o-ctv ; see future to pay three obols IM he had
appealed to the king : P. TOV Xowrov
Appalling, adj. P. and V, Xpovov l^ovXfro Tptci^SoXor StSovat IW
<jx>pp6$, V. l/^o^o? see terrible. ; &v /SacriXea repi7roa (Thuc. 8,
Apparatus, subs. P. Kcn-ao-*^, ^. 29).
Contrivance : P. and V. wx&rf* r) Appeal, subs. Invocation: P. &/<-
P. rexyrjfjLa TO. Implements : P. and
t icX?7o-&s, ^, V. KtySw, 17. Appeal co
V. opyavo, rd. Tackling : Ar. and the fjoda: P. rttfaor/AoV, 6. JS?i-
P. <TKVYJ, TCt. treaty : P. TrapdicX^o-t?, T), P. and Y.
Apparel, subs. P. and V. jtffo 17,
Tfi, OTOXTJ, ^ (Plrlt.), r;. Exhortation : P. 7rapKX/;fr<5, ry,
App App
ia.^ (Plat.), V. Appease, v. trans. P. and Y. irpan-
TO, P. and V. TrapeuVcors, rf. Appeal vcw, P. TrapafjuvOcLo-Oai, V. wapryyopctr,
(to another tribunal) : P. <ecrts, fj. ^eXyetv (also Plat, but rare P.),
Appeal to, use of : P. and V. xP t/0 > fjt.a.\6uia-<rLv Ax. and P. /jLoAao-o-eiv ;

y (gen.). Appeal to pity : P. and V. see soothe, propitiate. Charm:

OIKTOS, 6. P. and Y. /c^Xctv. Appease one's
Appealing, adj. Suppliant: Y. hunger : use P. and V. ia-BUw.
iKcVtos, t/cnjptos, TrpooTpoVatos (rare Appease ones thirst : use P. and
P.) see suppliant.
V. -n-fi/cu/ ; see quench. Hard to
Appear, v. mtrans. Seem : P. and appease, adj. Ar. Svo-ttdQapros see :

V. <jba'Wo-0ai, P. /caTa<cuvecr#ai. As .

opposed to reality : P. and V. SOKCW. Appeasement, subs. Soothing : P.

As it appears : P. and V, <S>s 2ot/c. /ojAiyo-ts, 17 (Plat.), Trapa.fM0La $ t

Gome into being: P. and V. ffraCvtcrBai, (Plat.). SometMng that soothes :

Ar. and P. aj/a- V. -tfeAjCT^ptO^, TO, /ACtXty/JLO, TO, 0cA.-
yLyi/o-0<u, $vc<rQtu,
<t>av<r6aL. Come into prominence : yrjTpov, TO ; see propitiation.
P. and Y. <aiV0-0ai, K<<uveo-0ai, V. Appeasing, adj. V.
7rpo<t>aLvccr0ai. Appear in court : P.
<x7rai/rai'. .Be ws$Ze : P. and V. <u- Appellation, subs. P. Trpovyyopid, 07,
vecrOaij 6pacr0ai, <avTaeo-0eu (Plat.), Trpoo-p^^ta, TO ; see twiwie.
/c<aiW0ai. Appear above : P. wrep- Append, v. trans. See add, attach.
<j>atv(r6a,L (gen.) (Thuc. 4:, 93). .Be Appendage, subs, P. and V. Trpoo-
visible above : P. and V. -uTrcpe^tv 0^/07, 07. Something secondary : P.
(gen.). Appear before (a judge, and Y. trdptpyov, T<{.
etc.) : P. eio-pxo-0ai (cts or Appertain, v. intrans. See belong.
aco.), cwrayrav Trpos (aco.). Appetite, subs. Desire : P. and V.
Appearance, subs. P. and V. lirWvfua, r). Appetite for food : P.
TO, e?8os, TO, fSe'a, ^, oi/ris, 4 V. and V. -yaor^p, 17. Hunger : P.
i/ris, ^. Shape: P. and V. Trelva, 17. Appetite for, desire for :
j, ^ (Plat.), TUTroff, 6, <i/o-is, ^, P. and Y. eirW^ia., $ (gen.), TTO^OS,
TO. Apparition: P. 6 (gen.) rPlat. but rare P.); see
and V. $0107x0, TO, ewctov, ^, ctSwXov, desire. A slave to one's appetite :

O, <^avra<r/m, TO, V. ovcia, ^7, o^ts, ^, P. yoorpos (Xen.), V. DySvos

ris, ^. Approach : Ar. and P. ^<r<n7fLvos (Eur., Frag.).
s, ^. Presence : P. and V. ing happiness by appetite and base
Arrival: P. a^i^ts, desires : rfj ycurrpl /jLtrpovvTes /cat
. .Ma&e 07^*5 appearance : P. and rots arxnrocs T^V u8at/w>vtav (Dem.
Y. u, cK<t>aivc<r6at (Plat.). 324).
^$pearcwzce, pretence, opposed to Applaud, v. trans. Praise: P. and
reality : P. and V. or^j/jLa, TO, wpd- V. &7r<uvLV, P. eyico))Lu,a^etv 9 Y. atvciv
<rxwjLa, TO. Semblance : P. and V. (also Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and Y.
SoKT^crts, ^, V. So'/oyyuLa, TO. evXoyctv. Clap hands : P. Kporrtiv
people think : P. and \ So^a (absol.) ;
, see clap. Cheer : P.
Under ^Ae appearance of : P. Oopvfiew em fdat.).
Applauder, SUDS. P. CTratven;?, 6.
Jaithful to them and to all appear- Applause, subs. Praise : P. and V.
ancenoless friendly to theSyracusan enmvos, 6, Ar. and P. cuXoyta, 17.
generals : wc/wrovo'iv avSpa or</*icn JJLW Clapping : Ar. and P. /cpdros, 6.
TTitrrov TOLS Sc TCOV Supaicoo-tW orparT;- Cheering : P. and Y. 06pi5/?o9, o.
yois T^ SOK^O-CI ofy Apple, subs. Tree oifruat : Ar. and
<Thuo. 6, 64). P, ft-QXov, TO.
App App

Appliance, subs. : P. Applying and V. e^wrravat. o/ : P.

irpoo'Oeo'ts, 17, Trpoo^opa, ^, P. and aTroScticnJi/at.Appoint by lot: P.
V. TrpocrySoX^, 17. Instntment : P. and V. *\77pow. 50 appointed : P.
and V. Spyavov, TO. Device : P. and V. irpoKi<r6at. Of laws, etc. :

and Y. P7xavi? ^ P. and Y. Ktcr0<u. Appoint before-

Applicable, adj. P. and Y. hand : Y. TTporacrcreiv. It is ap-
pointed (by fate) : P. and Y. clpaprai,
applicable to : see Y. 7Trpomu. Appointed (by fate) :
Application, subs. P. P. and Y. tfuzp/x,ci/os, V.
P. and Y.
, 17, (rare P.). Appointed, fixed : P.
O/ tfifi mind : P. TrpoVe&s, 07 (Plat.). and Y. 7rpOKt/AV05, KiJptOS, P.
Diligence: P. Appointment, subs. Jic^ o
: P. and Y. Karcurrao-is,
17, Bequest : P. and Y. xpa, P. i?igf

at/nyfta, TO, avrqcris, ^. oj^ce : P. and Y. ragis, % see also


Apply, v. trans. Pi to : P. and Y. election.

Apportion, v. trans. P. and V.

, 7rt<f>epw. He applied the 7rpooTfttv, Tdto"0"iv, 7rpoGrrao~or P.
goad to the horses : Y. and P.
a.TTOV[j(.LV, Ar. Stave/x-etv.

(Eur., ffipj9. 1194). Apportionment, subs.

tach : P. and V. irpocrrtOevat.,
Use : P. and Apposite, adj. P. and Y.
Y. xpi7<r0ai (dat.). Nor again cam, Ar. and P.
I apply the dream to my friends :
Y. ou8' <LV (rvvdijfai rovvap eis ^tXous Appositely, adv. P. and V.
IXCD (Eur., I. T. 59). Y. intrans. P. -TrpooTy/ see suitably.
Suit, fit: P. andY.dp^ Appraise, Y. trans. See
KM. In his accmation he spoke those Appreciable, adj. P. an Y.
wordss which now apply to himself: Xoyou.
P. /yopw Kwovs Toi>9 Xoyovs ctwcv Appreciably, adv. Use P. and V.
KOLT (Dem. a&ov Xoyov (see Plat., Ap. 23B). ;

4=16). Be in force : P. and Y. Appreciate, v. trans. Esteem : P.

Apply ones and Y. rlpJay' see value. TJiinJc t

mind to : Ar. and P. Trpo^cti/ (dat.), highly of : P. ircpi TroXXov Trotet^at,

TTpoo-exw TOV vow (dat.), P. and Y. Y.-n-oXAoii/aliow; seejpme. Praise:
vow l^tv (?rpo5, aoo. or dat. without P, and Y. fVatmi/ ; see praise. Pw-
prep.). Apply oneself to : P. and derstand: P. and Y. o-wZeV<u (ace.
Y. fyea-Qat, (gen.), crre<r0ai (gen.), or gen.).
7rpoo7Cr0cu (dat,), foOdarretrOai (gen.), Appreciation, subs. Honour : P.
P. &rm'0o-0<u (dat.). Apply for : and Y. rZ/wJ, ^. Praise : P. and Y.
see seek. Apply to (a person for ratvo9, 6; see^rawe.
help, etc.] : P. and Y. wpoo-cpxco-tfai Apprehend, v. trans. Arrest : P.
(dat. Or ?rp<fe, aCC.), crrepxeo-flai (aCC.). and V. <rv\Xa,jj,j3civi,v 9
Have recourse to : P. and Y. rpc- see armi. Gra5jo 10 j
irco-Qai (^rpoff, aco.), P. KaTa<f>vyW P. and V. Xa/ji/3avLV, Ktt voetv,
(wpds, aec. or ck, aoc.), V. ^7/yav alcrOdveo-QaL, airrecrdcu, (gen.),
(cfe, ace,). o-/cti', P. KaToXa/i)8avn/, tydi

Appoint, v. trans. P. and Y. *a0i- (gen.) ; see grosp. JFfear ; P.

crrdvai or mid., Tcwro-etv, Trpocrrdarcreiv. Y, <^o/?6cr0(u ; see/sor. Anticipate :
Set up : P. and Y. Tt0eV<u, toravat, P. and Y. Trpoo-So/cav, irpoo-ScxccrOou.
irporWlvai or mid, .Fir, Za# &)w?7i : Apprehension, subs. 4rre5i : P.
P. and Y. bpt&iv. Set over: P. t5, 17. Percept'ion: P.andV.
App Apt

Fear : P. and V. |
os, 6. Expectation: P. irpotr-1 P. ot/cto5 see
7rpoa-<^opos, ;

So /aa, Appropriately, adv. P. and V.

Apprehensive, adj. Fearful : P. TJ/i/^erpo)?, P.

Appropriation, subs. P.
Apprehensively, adv. P. 7repi8eo>s. : P. Trpcxnrot^orts, 17.
Apprentice, subs. Ar. and P. Approval, subs. P. and V.
rjfr, 6. 6. TTiife ^owr approval, if it seems

Apprise, v. trans. P. and V. good to you : P. and V. el arol

see inform. Be apprised of: P. Approve, v. P. and V. cVcuvetv,
and V. irvvddvco-OaL (ace. or gen.) yctv, Aj. and P. aycwrav, V. atvelv.

see hear, learn. : P. and V. Se^eo-flat, c'/cS^e-

Approach, v. trans, or absol. P. and v8^eo-flat. Exatmne : Ar.
Y. irpocrepxcorQcu. (arpos, ace., or V. and P. SoKifui&Lv see ;

dat. without prep.), -rrpoo-fiajvciv -4jpprcwe o/ : P. and Y.

(dat.), -TrAiyomfciv (dat.), irpocr/Jtiyvvvai (ace. or dat.), P. dycwrai/ (ace. or
(dat.), brepxea-Oai (dat.), P. irpocrx<- dat.), 7rpo<riW0(u (ace.), V.
peiv (dat.), irpoorfucryciv (wpos, aCC.), (aec.). Praise : P. and V.
Ar. and Y. irpoo-epTrew (dat.), V. (ace.). ^fproa?0 ^seZ/ to ; see^Zeose.
TTcXo^ctv (dat.) (also Xen. but rare e7oiw iw approving : P. (ruvra>eri/
P.), TrXiyo-Mifetr&u (dat.) (ace. or absol.).
(2nd aor. of 7rpocrj8A.a>o7ceM/)
fdat.V Approximate, adj. Nearly hke or
equal : P. TOPO/WHOS, irapaTrXiyo-tos.
c/reXaeiv Or pass. Approximate, v. trans. Make equal :
or dat.),
7ri<rreix U/ (ace.) also absol., V.
; P. and V. to-ow, efurow. ikfafe Z^e ;
7rpo<rcrrix'. Make to approach : P. and V. 6/xoiow, cfojuoiow. V.
V. TreXofccv (aco. and dat.), xpt/-wrr*/ intrans. J5e ??w&dfi equal : P. and

(aoc. and dat.V Approach, apply V. tcravo-Oai, IgiarovvOcu.. Be made

to, a person : P. and V. &rpxe<r6<u like : P. and V. o/Aoiovcrftxi, co/4oi-
(ace.), irpoo-epxccrBai (dat. or Trpos, ovo-fiat. Oowe wear fo : use P. and
aoo.). Approach (with prayers) : V. eyyvs etvat (gen.).
V. nercpxca-Qai (ace.). Approximately, adv. Nearly ; P.
Approach, subs. ^Ar. and P.
- ' -
and V. oycBov see ?iar, nearly. ;

8o 5 t, V.
, Approximation, subs. P. 6/wnoxm, ^.
: P. and Ar. and P. MovrvxcoJv, o.
<?/ approach, access April, subs.
V. c&roSoff, Ar. and Apron, subs. Use P. 8tao>/Aa, ro.

P. P. 2<o8os, ^, wpocr-
Suitable : P. and V. T

Approachable, adj. P. and V. v- P. to manage :

^aros (Plat.), P. 7rpoV/3aro9 ,

P. v/xer
V. -ffpoaTrAaros, cwrpoorowrro?. O/ ty: P. Possessed of good
persons : P. cwpoa-oSos, P. and V. qualifications P. and V.
eurrpocnyyopos. ur., Frag.). Apt to, inclined to :
Approbation, subs. See jprcwse. see inclined.
Appropriate, v. trans. Take as one's Aptitude, subs. Suitability : P.
own : P. oZicctovv, or mid., cnfrerepi- 17. Quickness at learning :

<-o-Oai, aL&o-Oai. Claim as one's P. ij.

own : P. see claim. Aptly, adv. Suitably : P. and V.

Sei aside for any purpose : Ar. and Trpezrovro)?, (
P. KoraTj(0Cr0a/. named after : V. cuXoy<>s
Appropriate, adj. Suitable : P. and (gen.) (-Slseh., S7^p. 252).
Ari Aro

$ Xoyrrw7, P. and V. Armlets, subs. P, ty&ia, Ta (Xen.).


fe, 6. Armorial bearings, device, crest.

Arithmetical, adj. P. Aoyicm/co's, Ar. and V. a^^elov, TO, V. o%ia, TO,
P. subs. P. ^0^17/07, P. and
Arithmetician, subs. Armory, 17,

6, Aoyto-njs, 6. V <TKGVo6iqK7], fy.

Ark, subs. Ar. and V. ayyos, r6, Armour, subs. P. and V. 6VAa, Ta,
a-K&^-ri, y, V. /ri;TOs, TO, ?/.
V. reuxy> Ta, vayy, 17. Breast-plate :
Arm, subs. P. and V, , 6, Ar. P and V. 0d>po& 6. Full suit of
and V. dyKoAai, a", <5A ,
V. armour: Ar. and P. iravo7r\ta, ?/,

6, wiJxus, o. Forearm : P. and Y. V. -3ravTt>x t/a? ? Messed in full

7T77XU5, 6. Ira i&e 0r??as, adv. : V. ay/ca- armowr, adj. V. ?rdVo7rAos. Dressed

0ev. Clasp in the arms : V. #7ray/ca- ^n golden armour, adj. :

Aio-0ai. Come to my arms V. I/cwrc : J?& /wH afWKW, adv. P. Trai/orrAta,

. . . fa* dyKAas (Bur., And. 722). V. o-w iravrevxtq,. Fighting in arm-

JEsap at arm's length, v. trans. met., :
our, subs. P, o^Ao/za^ta, 17.

P. 7TOppO>0V aOTTO^ CT^(U, V. 7Tp6Va)0V Armour-bearer, subs. P. and V.

a<r7rdc<rO<u. Arm of a river: P. &raamo~'n7S, 6 (Xen.), V. i

*pas, TO. .4rra, weapon, subs. P. 6. Esquire : P. and V. fei


and V. oTrAov, TO' (almost always pi.), 6 (Thuc. 3, 17) see esquire. ;

o7rX.urfji.cL, TO (Plat.) ; see weapon. Arm-pit, subs. Ar. /jwurxaA^, r).

Arm, v. trans. P. and V. oTrXl&w, Uwaer i/ifi arm-pit : Ar. and P.
c&irMfav (Plat) Arm oneself with. foro ftoArys (Plat.).
breast -plate : P. bnJ&upaKC&o-Qai Arms, subs. P. and V. oVAxt, Ta, V.
(Xen.). Armed with a breast-plate: Tvj^7, Ta ; see also war. Arms
P. reOwpaKicrftevos. Be armed to stripped from the dead : P. and V.
resist : P. and V. dv6WA/or0<u (dat. (sing, also in V.),
or Trpos, ace.) (Xen.). Armed with Ta, V. Acf^>i3pa, Taj See
a spear : V. coToAwr/Aa/os Sopt (Bur., against, v. P. 6VXa :

Su/pp. 659). -4 well-armed host: (dat.). By force of arms :

V. 6^ KKaOTU,I/OV SoDU (-ffisoh., jEWtt, P. ^y violence : P.
766). and V. arms, v. : P.
Armada, subs. P. and V. ordAos, o, or mid. Take up
vewv aToA.os, 6, V. vavfldrqs o-roAos, 6. v. P. and V. iroAc/xov r,

Armament, subs. Equipment : P. 0-60,1. Under arms : P. and V.

and V. o-Kcuy, 17, crroAi}, 17 (Plat.), oVAots, P. crvv oVAots, V. ^" oVAo(9.
V. cray^, 17, Ar. and P. oVXto-w, 17. Wearing similar arms, adj. P, :

JbrCd : P. Swa/*ts, 17, irapaa-Kewq, % ; 6/XO(TKVOS.

see amy, ^0^. Army, subs. P. and V. rrrparo?, o,
Armed, adj. V. Tux<r<l>6pos, &/o?rAos, TO, crrparoTreSov, TO, P.
P. and V. owrAto-fco'os see under ; i, y, V. (sometimes) $6pv, ro
arm. Armed force : use (Bur., Phoen. 1086). HtXjwdilMm :
Heavy armed, light armed : see P. and V. oroAos, 6 ; see sxpedUwn.
under heavy, light. Well-corned : Aroma, subs. P. and V. oo-u^, ?}, I?.
5i/ e j
Ar. and P. ciWAos (Xen.). croota 17.
Arming, subs. Ar. and P. Aromatic, adj. P. and V, cvcioV.
Ar. and P. irapao-Kevn, (Ar., Around, prep. P. and V. ^pi (ace.
Ach. 190). or dat.), Y. ap</>t (aco. or dat.) (rave
Armistice, subs. P. and V. P.), 7rpt (ace.).
at, Ar. and P. e/cxpi, P. Around, adv. P. and V. /c&cAo>, Wptf

(rare P.). In composition P. and :

Aro Arr

V. -Trcpi.
In distributive sense :
8ux; and P. SictTao-creiv. J.7*w : P. and
e.g., Look around P. and V. Trepi- : V. 6wXt^tv; see arwi. Adorn: P.
hand around: P. and V.
; and V. KO<rfJLw, V. do-Keiv, Igao-Keiv,
ayoAAeiv ; see also dress, equip.
Arouse, v. trans. Awake : P. and Array, subs. P. and V. T< fe, ^, P.
V. eyeipeiv, e^cyeipeiv, Ar. and P. StaTct^i?, 17. CZose array, press : P.
7Tyeipiv, aveycipetv (Xen. ) Kindle, . and Y. <rrt<os, TO. Adornment,
excite (persons or feelings): P. and V. subs. : P. and V. /cooy*os, 6. Dress :
eeyipeiv, cTrotpeH/, /civeZv, Y.
eyetpciv, P. and V. OTKCUTJ, 17, /COO-/AOS, 6, oroAiy,
dyew, opvvvai, Ar. and V. o>7rvpeu/. ^ (Plat.) ; see dms. J^ZZ array,
Eowse : see easc^e. Arouse in (a full armour : Y. sravTcu^, 17, Ar.
person) : P. and Y. /A/3a\A./ (TI' and P. TTCLvoTrXtot, w. jfn full arr&y .

Ttvt), ivrtKreiv (Plat.) ( TH/I), P. P. -n-avoTrAtot, Y. oalv -^avrcu^tlgt, or

c/x-Troteiv (rt T/t), V. tvopvvva.1 (TL use adj., Y. -n-avoTrAos.

TLVL). Arrear, subs. Be in arrear (in pay-

Arraign, v. trans. See accuse. ing the award of tJie court) : P.
Arraignment, subs. See accusation.
Arrange, v. trans. Manage : Ar. and Arrears, subs. P.
P. SiOLKGW, P. and Y. owcctv, ve//,etv, Arrears of tribute : P. <opcov iK^etat,
Y. vfiftav, irop(rijviv ; see administer. aL
Set in order : P. and V. Koo^cZv, Arrest, subs. Apprehenswn: P.
v> <rwrd(To-(.v, Ar. and P. Sia- orJAAiji/ris, ij. Summary arrest : P.
P. 8uLKQcrfj.LVj 8taTacrortv. aTraywyiy, . Liable to arrest: P.
Prepare .* P. and V. -Trapaovceua^iv, dyo>ytjLu>9.
^apTSciv (or mid.) ; see prepare. Arrest, v. trans. 4KPre^e7 : P. ^
Settle : P. and V. Ko&cnravai. JEWp and V. cruMuoLpfidvciv. Arrest sivm-
io arrcmge : P. and V. o-uyKa^torcfvat. marily : P. dTrayctv. Seize : P. and
$eWZe satisfactorily : P. and V. ev V. crwap7raeiv. Check, Stop : P.
or /coXois Ti^ci/tu (or mid.). Miafee and V. jrauW; see o^ecfe. Arrest
af/reewien^ : P. and Y. cru/Aa/eiv, (the attention) : P. and V. Korcxeiv
<Twrti9or6at. We
ca/rvnot arrange how (vow).
far we loish owr empire to extend : Arrival, subs. P. a<its, ^. Presence,
P. OU/C loTtV 17/UV Ttt/Jtt1JOr^a(, IS OO^OV P. and V. Trapovom, ^. -By sea ; ^P-
j3o-vX6fjL6a(Lpxfw (Thuo. 6, 18). /caTawXovs, 6, /caTayajyiy, ^. New-
Arranged, fixed, agreed upon P. comer: P. cTnyXT/ny?, 6, V. tTnyAu?,
and Y. 7rpoKet/ivo5, PTJTOS. 6 or ^.
Arrangement, subs. P. ana V. Arrive, v. intrans. P, and Y. &i-
Viar6ai t etcrd<t/cvetcr$cu. Ar. and V.
97&e?&, bargain P. and Y.
: t/o/eto-^at,V. ftccEvetv, QucvclcrQcu,
07, <rwOfiK<u t o-w^/xa, TO, P. O/A
at, Karaipcw (rare P.). Biflwe arrived :
Aoyta, ^. Le^ owe's friends come to P. and Y. ^v,
tyqMiv (rare P.),
some arrangement legal dis
(in a i&IKcw (Plat.), Trapclvat, Ar. and P.
pute) : TOIS ^SiXots ^tTpci/rat StatTav 7rapaytyvcr^at, Y. -Trpoonyicctv. ^.rm'e
(Dem.). Let our friends opme to &2/ 5ea : P. /caTflMrAetv, P. and V.
some arrangement concerning Jiis Kardyea-BaL. Arrive beforehand ; P.
dispute with me : P. lv TOIS <f>t \oi<s 7rpoa<eveto-0ai. (^m-ue) ai : P.
8(,aScK:acracr^at TO. irpos //, (Dem. 864). and Y. (aoc.), ITT)? (aoc.), also

Arrant, adj. Absolute, complete : P. V. aoc. alone. J.rr*ye ai a con-

see absolute.
cbrXoii?, a/cparos; clusion : P. o-uAAoyc^eo-tfai.
Array, v. trans. Sei owi in order : Arrogance, subs. P. and Y. ^pov^/wx,
P. and V. T<(ra-tv, oT;i^rao-o-tv, Ar. TO', vpts, 17, oyicos, 6, Y. <f>p6vrjcrt^ 17,
Arr As

, P. Article, subs.
inrpv}<t>av(a, TJ, /icyaXau-
P. and V.
Xt'a, fj, wrepoi/ri'a, ^. Xp/^a, TO, Ar. and P. or/cevos, TO.

Arrogant, adj. P. and V. o-e/wo's, Clause in an agreevnent : P. ypa//,/Aa,

os P. wrcpi^avos, ;ttyaXo<pcov, TO (Thuc. 5, 29).

Articulate, adj. Clear : P. and V.

(also Plat.
but rare P.), vi/oyyopos, o-c/x-voaroftos, Articulate, v. trans, or absol. Utter :
Ar. and V. yaupos. Be arrogant: P. and V. <0eyyeo-0<w ; see wter.
P. and Y. <povetv /x,cya, o~//,vi5v0~0at, Articulately, adv. P. and V. o-a
Sirep^poveiv, Ar. ana Y. oy/n)o-0at Artifice, subs. Trick : P. and V.
(also Xen.), Y. cfoyicoucrflai, airdrrj, fj, arTpotfry, ^, o-o^to-/jLa, TO*,

MXdwifM., TO, Y. 17, Ttxyripa,

Arrogantly, adv. P. and V. TO, ^rXo/cat, at ; see irw?&. Contriv-
P. //.eyoXo^poVcos, V. ance: P. and V. y^o-v^ ^, MX&-
TO, o*d<^tcryLta, TO, cvprjjjLa, TO,
Arrogate, v. trans. Claimfor oneself: TO'
(Plat.), Ar. and V. #-
Ar. and P. Trpocnroteicr^at (aoc. or
gen.), P. avTmoMio-Qai (gen.). Artificer, subs. P. and Y. ,
6 ;

Arrow, subs. P. and V. see

orro9, 6 (rare P.), /?eXos, TO (rare Artificial, adj. P.
P.), V. cos, 6, orpaKTOs, ^, -nrepov, TO, rious, pretended : P. Tr
s, at. .Bow? aw<2 arrow : P. see fictitious.
and V. TO&X, TO". oo arc arrow? : Artillery, subs. Enqine of war : P.
P. and V. TofcuW. Shook (a person) and V. /AT7Xav77 ^' ^- TO ; WX^vQt*a '

with an arrow : P. and V. see engine.

Ar. and P. KaYaTo&iW. S7to &T/ Artisan, subs. P. and V. Siy/xtovpyos,
a?z arrow : V. To^evro?, 6, V. xp<wo& o (Soph, and Eur.,
Arrow-head, subs. V. yXwxfe, ^. Frag.), Ar. and P. x
Arsenal (naval), subs. P. and Y. Artist, subs. P. and Y.
V, TO, P. 7TiVlOV, TO. 6, P. TCX^my?, 6, Y. TKTft)V, <>.
subs. P. and V. ovccvo^io;, 17.
: or^is^ (eic.) : use adj.,
P. m
Arson, Subs. r. TTDp/caia, ^. Trcpt (gen. ) or cb (ace.).
Paintw : P.
Art, subs. P. and Y. Te^, 17; see and V. ypafavs, 6, P. ^wypa^os, &
c?-a/i. Eefin&nwnt: P. and Y. J3i s thought the best artist : P.
fjiovcriirf, 17.
WbrA o/ Ar. and oSros etvat Soica Tcxvt/coiTaTOS' (Plat.).
P. 0-KUOS, TO. Y. TeXJ Artistic, adj. P. ^iXoVaXos, ^tXo'-
TO, P. 6/oyacria, ^. SAi TCXVOS, XKIKOS. SMful (of things) :
P. and V. Te P. TCX^KO'S. Accomplished : P. and
?(;fe)^ world of nature and art : P. V. /tovo-wcos see accomplisfied.

TTOLV TO ^VTCVTOV KOL TO O-fCCUttOTW Well wrought : P. and Y.

70/05 (Plat., Rep. 510 A). Producing KoXo's, Y. So/SoXos.
all oris, adj. : V. -TravTc^o?. v. P. , :

Artery, subs. P. dp^pta, 17 (Arist.).

Artistically, adv. Ar. and P.
Artful, adj. P. and Y. Troi/dXos, cos, P. TxvtK<55. Beautifully: P.
s, Sctvos, TTTJ/CVOS (Plat.), Y. and Y. icaXais ; see skilfully.
and Y. al^Xos Artless, adj. P. and V. d^rXovs, P.
(also once in Plat.). see guileless.

Artfully, adv. P. Travovpyws. By Artlessly, adv. P. and Y.

craft : Ar. and V. &>Xo>, Y. o-uv see guilelessly.
Artfulness, subs. P. and V. Artless ness, subs. P. cwrXoV^s, $
yia, Ar. TTUKVOTT;?, 17.
As, adv. Of time, P. and V. or,
Asc Ash

yviKa, V. cSre. Of cause, beca/use : Asceticism, subs. Temperateness :

P. and V. on, P. 86m, V. oft/exa, Ar. and P. o-w^poo-wTy, ^, P. and V.
vr. Sfcwcg ; P. and V. TO cruKfrpov. Crabbedness : Ar. and
0)5, &ri8i7, cTrewrep, Ar. and P. P. Suo-AcoXwi, ^. Sparing : Ar. and
p. O/ comparison : P. and P. <^t$o)A/a, 07.
V. ws, oWcp, ola, Ar. and P. Ka0cE- Ascribe, v. trans. P. and V. am-
TTfp, V. C&OTf, 07TC05, &Tp, OTTOta S66 </>ptv TTpoorWcvat,, Ar. and P. eTra-
,* 9

also Mfce. JT& the way in which:

T/a0epetv, avarW^cu.; see impute.
P. and V. 5, <5o^ep, V, oVc>5. As if: Ash, subs. See 05^. Ash-tree,
P. and V. oxm-cpet. As far as : see subs.: V. /AcA/a, ^ (Soph.,
under /ar. .4$ quickly as possible : lyric passage).
P. and V. <us Ta^iora, oa-ov TdtYterra. Ashamed, adj. V.
^s S007& as : P. and V. o>s Tojicrra, asfearT^d; P. and V.
ri P. CTretSJy Ta^iora, V. &raurx6vc<r6(u, Jrat,Sel<r&ai (Plat.),
era-cos rdxurra. -4s /or, prep. P. : V. aiSelcrQai, /cctTatSeto^ai. I a^
and V. /caret
(aco.), &rf (dat.), cvtKO. ashamed: also P. and V. alSw p
(gen.), Ar. and V. I/cart (gen.), oiWa fyci- Be ashamed before (a person} :
(gen.). As for yowr question: V. P. and V. altrxyvecrOcLt, (ace.), Ka.Ta.i-
o 8* ovv /oo)TaT (^Ssch., P.F. 226). cr)(&vcrQcu (acc.), Ar. and V. /eaT<u-
.4s ii is P. and V. vw, VWL (Eur.,
; Seto-^at (acc.). Be ashamed of: P.
/Swpp. 605, but rare V
; also Ar.). and Y. ataxuveo-0ai (dat. or acc. or
Ascend, v. intrans. Ar. and P. &va- #7T/o, gen.), errawrxdj/co-flai (acc.), V.
flatveiv, V. atLfiawcLv, P. and V. St" alcrxforis e^ tv
(acc.). 5e ashamed
avepxecrOat.. Be lifted up P. and .' to : P. and V. ala^vearOai (infin. or
V. alpea-Oat, Svco tfrepecrOai Be raAsed part.), ejraicr)(uvcr6ai (infin. or part.),
into the aw : Ar. and P.<&pL&- V. atSetcr^ai (infin. or part.).
<r0ai. V. trans. Ar. and P. va/?<u'viv Ashen, adj. O/ ash : V.
7rt (aco.), Ar. Mv8fiabw &rt (ace.). (Horn.). JPaZe: seej?aZe.
Ascendant. In the ascendant : use Ashes, subs. P. and V.
adj., P. KOjOvn-eprepos, V. ferepre/oos. (Bur., Oyd. 641), V. enroot, ^
JBa in iAe ascendant, v. P. and V. : Ashes of the dead: V. o-TroSoV, 17.

fcparetv ; see prevail. Reduce to ashes, v. : Ar. and V.

Ascendency, subs. Superiority in /eaT<u0oA.o9v, KctTaiiSctv, V. /car

power : P. and V. /cpdtros, TO. viv, Ar. cnroStfttV J S68

Leadership : P. -^ycftovta, ^. Iw- reduced to ashes, v. : V.
fluence : P. and V. 8&/a/u5, v- KaTCLvQpaKovo-Qai, avOpaKOvv&ai. He
Ascending (of ground), adj. P. was reduced to ashes : V. c^ci/raXco^
Trpoo-avnys ; see rising. (aor. of <t>$aXov<r6ai) (^Isch., P.F.
Ascent, subs. Going up: P. dvay8ao-t5, 362).
^, l7ravoSo5, ^. Way Up: P. d Ashore, adv. On land : Ar. and P.
/8ao-t5, ^, V. -7rpoo-a//,^acri5, ^.
KCIT& y}v. Ib the land : P. and V.
Ascertain, v. trans. P. and V. Trpos TTJV yfjv. Bring ashore (into
vwcrKfiv, V. irvOc
7rw8dvc<r6at, harbowr), v. trans. Ar. and P. :

Ar. and V. cKmn/tf&ctrftu, Ar. and icaTayeiv. Cast asliore, v. trans. :

P. SbaaruvOavea-Oai ; See ZfiOTTl. P. and V. te&ptiv, V. fy&OW.

: P. and V. Oast ashore, adj. : V. 1^X1^05. Sa
cas^ ashore, v. : P. and V.
Ascetic, adj. Temperate : P. and Be drwen ashore, v. : P.
V. <r<5^po)v. Grabbed: P. and V. ai9at. a$7w>r0 (^a?w2 a person),
Sparing : Ar. and P. v. trans. P. fcfiifiAfyw. Put ashore?

v. intrans P. KarairXclv, P. and V.

Ash Asp

rw .A , , see also touch at. Bun

.. vv (TIVCL, infin.), 8ter0at (Ttvos,
(a boat) ashore, v. trans. : P. and Y. infin.), 7rapatTt<r0at (Ttva, infin.), V.
6/ceAAetv, P. errofceXXetv, Y. KcAAetv, <i?ratTtv (Ttvd, infin.). : Demand P.
c^ojcc'AAetv. Bun ashore, v. intrans. : and V. dftow (infin.), 8t/catoi5v (infin ) ;

P. oiceAAetv, en-OKeAAeiv, Y. efo/ccAAetv. see clawi. Invite : P. and V. /coActv,

Ashy, adj. Pale : P. and Y. <ixp*- Trapa/caActv. Ask back, demand back:
Asidle, adv. Out of the way : P. and P. and Y. oTratTetv. Ask for : P.
V. K7Too\6v. In compounds : ?rapa, and Y. atTetv (aoc.) or mid., oVatTe?v
: P.
cwro, e.g. tfwrTi OSfccfe irapaTperreiv, (aco.), Y. or mid. ^.5
atTetv (ace.)
P. and Y. dVoTpeTretv. Iw a whisper : a favour : P. and Y. 7rapatTcto-0at
see whisper. Speak aside : P. and (Ttva Tt), 7rpo<ratTtv (Ttvd Tt), V.
Y. Aeyctv avrov (to Oneself).
Lay aside, v. : Ar. and P. diroTi0e- /or : V. ^opjyTos ou/c atnyTos (Soph.,
o-0at. Set aside, v. Ar. and P. : O.B. 384). -4sfc /or in return : P.
dVoTii0ecr0at. Beject : P. and Y. dvTaTratTftv (ace.).
dVa>0eIv (or mid.), 7rapu>0eiv (or mid.) Askance, adv.
Loofc askance at :
see reject. Undo, cancel : P. and P. and V. foro/JAeVetv (ace.), Ar. and
Y. KaQatpelv, Avetv ;see cancel. Y. 7rapaySAretv (aoc.), V. zrape/A^Ae-
Stand aside, v. : P. and V. a^tora- jrctv cts (acc.) ; met., P. v<j>opa<r6(u
cr0at, dVooTaVctv (Plat.). Stand (ace.) ; see suspect. Be looked
aside for royalty : V. Tupdwots aska?ice at : V. #7ro/3Ae7ro-0at.
K7ro8ci)v u0taTacro (Bur., Phoen. Askew, adj. P. dTdicrcos.
40). of order: use adj., P.
Ask, v. trans, or absol. .4sfe a gwas- Crooked : P. <ricoAtos.

20? .* P. and V. epwrav (Ttva Tt), Asking, subs. P. amyo-ts, y.

Aslant, adj.
pecr0at (Tiva Tt) (2nd* aor.), dvpo>Tav P. TrAdytos, V. Aoo's.
(TlVa Tt), 7Tep0-0at (TtVtt Tt) (2nd Adv. P. cs TrAdyta. :

aor.), 7rw0av(r0at (TO/OS Tt), Ar. and Asleep, adj.

Use P. and V. /ca0 'S(ov, l

P. cTrcpwTav (nva Tt), Ar. and V, Y. V7TVCJ> VtKO)/4VO9, jB^ asle&p P. .'

Kirvv6dv<r0at (TH/OS Tt), V. wrropctv and V. KS0v86tv, c^Sctv (Plat, but

(Ttva Tt), dvtcrropetv (Ttva Tt), eftoro- rare P., also Ar.), Ar. ana P. Kara-
(TIV< TI), ^epa>Tav (nva), Sap0dVctv ; see sleep. Fall asleep :
(TIVO) (2nd aor.), V. ts wrvov TTwrretv. Jw 0725*5 sZ^ep ;
Tt) ; see inquire. P. ica0* vnvov, P. and V. cv VTTVCJ>,
P. TrpcxrcporaV ovap.
pa>Tav. ^IsA; a##m ; Ar. and Asp, subs. See serpent.
cTraveponrav. uls/f m return :
Aspect, subs. Appearance: P. and
dvTcp<oTav. ulsfe as a reguesi : _ .

and V. atTctv (Ttva Tt), atTt(r0at (nva 97.

Z%e ospfici of affcwrs : P. >v

rt), 7rapaiTi0-(9at (Ttva Tt), wpay/juiTcov KardoTacrts. Look at it

(TIV( Tt), 8eur0at (nvos Tt), 7 f
in this aspect: P. ovcorrctre 58e.
(Ttva Tt), Y. efawetv (Ttva Tt), Shame but one aspect of fear :

(Tt). Entreat: P. and Y. P. fjLOpiov yap atS&s Seov? (Plat.,


(gen.), Ar. Euthyd. 12c).
and P. .civ V. Atir(r(r0ai, dvrta Asperity, subs. O/ temper : P. and
a?tv, Ar. and Y. TrlKp6rrq<s, ^. O/ ^5^0 : P. aucmy-
V. poV^s, ^. Wi% asperity, angrily:
*w return : P. dvrtSet- P. and V. m/cpSs, Ar, and P.
Jom iw asking: P.
to do Asperse, v. trans. See slander.
atTetv (Ttva,
infin.), Aspersion, subs. See slander.
Asp Ass
Aspirant, subs. P. and Y. 6 given, also P. and Y.
One who desires : P.
6 ; aWlOTCMT0at, P. O~UVTpX<lV, O~UppLV.
see also suitor.
Assembled, adj. P. and V. d0poo9.
Aspiration, subs. Hope : P. and Y. The assembled company : P. ot o-u-
lAmfe, $. Desire: P. and V. rt- VOVTC? (Dem.). Assembled in coun-
Oijfua, TJ.
Pious aspiration, castle cil, adj. : Y. o-iWSpos.
w the air P. e^p} ^-
Assembly, subs. Act of collecting :
Aspire, v. intrans. P. and Y. yrv.
: P. and Y. o~vAAoy^, c^poio-ts, ^
Desire : P. and V. ^mJd^^lv ; see People assembled : P. and V. cruA-
desire. Hope : P. and V. Aoyo?, 6, o-iWtos, 17. Crowd : P.
Aspire to: P. and Y. " and Y. o/iZAos, 6, o^Aos, 6, a^poLo-fta,
(acc.), ^TCIV (acc.); see seek. De- TO, 6/x,^yupi5, 17 ;
see crowd. Assem-
sire: P. and Y. brifivptiv bly for a festival : P. and Y. -n-av^-
see desire. Hope for : P. and Y. yfyKs, ^. Popular assembly : Ar.
\7rt^Lv (acc.). and P. tKKXya-ta, y. Hold an as-
Ass, subs. P. and V. sembly : Ar. and P. e/cjeA^cria^en/.
6Vos, 6 or 07,

Pack ass : Ar. KavOuv, 6, icay^Ato?, Assent, v. intrans. P. and Y. <rvy-

6, P. ovos /cavfliJAios, 6. As term of X<0pH', OTJvatvetv (Plat.), ercuvetv, P.
reproach use fool.
Of an ass, o/x-oAoyctv, V. o-uweucv. ^Lssew^ to .'

adj. Ar. ovaos.

: P. and Y. ejrivcvew (acc.), KttTatvctv
Assail, v. trans. See attack. (acc. or dat.), a-uyxwpclv (dat.), onSvat-
Assailable, adj. P. eTa/m^os, eWi- veiv (acc.) (Xen.), P. opoXoyelv (dat.) r
0Tos. JEas# to &e tafeew : P. and 7Tpo<rri6ccrQai (dat.).
Assent, subs. P. 6/ioAoyta, ^.
Assailant, subs. Use P. and Y. 6 Assert, v. trans, or absol. P. and V.
wpoo-jSoAAo)v, or participles of other
verbs meaning to attack. ptc*O"$cLi, oLLfryvpLLccrOotit Assert con
Assassin, subs. P. and V. <ovnfe, ftdently: Y. auxetv (rare P.), elavxetv;
6; see murderer. see swea/r, vow. Assert in opposi-
Assassinate, v. trans. P. and Y. tion : P. and Y. dvrlAeyetv. Assert
<l>ovcviv ; see mwrd&r. (a cZcwTTi, etc.), make good, secure,
Assassination, subs. P. and Y. v. trans. P. /3e/3atow.
: -ks^er^ a
<oVos, 6, Ar, and V. <ov<u', at ; see P. aVTWZXH6O"&U (gen.)^
murder. (gen.), Ar. and P.
Assault, v. trans. See attack. As- ^acc.). Assert oneself,
sault a person: Ar. and P. be bold : P. and Y. ToA//.Sv, tfpcwrv-
Assault, subs. See attack. Assault
and battery: P. oiiaa, ^ Assertion, subs. Statement : P.
For reference to case of assault, see and V. Aoyos, 6, p^fta, TO. Claim :
Dem. 524, 525. P. irpocrrroirjari's, fj. Self-assertion,
Assay, v. trans. Ar. and P. subs. P. and V. ToA/*a, ^, Qpdo-os,:

TO, P. flpacn/rqs, ^. Aggression :

Assay, subs. Ar. and P. /3&ravos, P. -jrAfiovc&'a, ^. Obstinacy : see
rj ;
see trial, test. obstinacy.
subs. See assembly. Assertive, adj. BoZ<Z ; P. and 7.
Assemble, v. trans. P. and V. flpaonus, ToA/i^pcfe. Aggressive : P.
TrAeoi/e/cTiKos ; see also obstinate.
Aeyeiv, onVotyctv, d0poietv,
ew, crvy/coAov, Syetpeiv, P. Assertively. Boldly: P.
V. &Xtfav (rare ; used also' in Aggressively: P. see
Plat., Orat. 409A, in a derivation). also obstinately,
Y. intrans. Use pass, of verbs Assess, v. trans. tribute, etc : ,
Ass Ass

P. Taoxrcty, oWToivarciv j 866 Value. Assimilate, v. trans. P. and V.

Damages (in a
law-suit) : Ar. and OfJLOLOVV, l&fJLOLOVVj
P. <X<o/X.060{)l/, 1TpO<r-
P. rlfj&v. Against oneself : P.
Assimilation, subs. P. 6/w>io)crt5, 17.

Assessment, subs. Fixing of the Assist, v. trans. P. and V. cu^cAerv

: P. ra^t?, ^, 7rpo'crrai9, 17. (ace. or dat.), &ro>< (aoo.), &rap-
: P. crwrair, /cetv
(dat.), erriKOVptiv (dat.), ftoriOew
O. Damages (in a law-suit) : (dat.), Ar. and V. &pijycw (dat.)
Ar. and P. rf^/Aa, TO. Fixing of (also Xen.), ira.pfryeiv (dat.) (also
the damages : P. T^O-IS, ^. Xan.), V. ^Spo/ictv (dat.), dp^ecv
Assessor, subs. Owe wfeo assesses (dat.), 7rpoarapKiv (dat.), wpoo-w^cXctv
damages : P. Tt^nfc, 6. Ora w?&0 (aoo. or dat.),
P. lir^orjOflv (dat.).
/ieZps mA
advice P. and V. criW : Ser-ue: P. and V. vTr^pemv (dat.),
Spo9, 6 or 17, 7rape8po9, 6 or 17, V. vwovpyctv (dat.), $;7n7pTti/ (dat.).
owfla/cos, 6 or 17. Be assessor (to), Stand by : Ar. and V. o-u/Mrapa-
V. : P. irap&pViv (dat.), owStfea^etv crra.TLV (dat.), wapwrrao-0<u (dat.), V,
(absol.), "V. tyrjcrOai (absol ) TrapaoraTCiv (dat.), crvjJLTraipLcrra,a'6a.L

Asseverate, v. intirans. Protest: (dat.), <ruyyiy/cr^at (dat.).

P. and V. paprDpcr6a.L, P. Stcyiap- o/: P. and V. ^6v
TupcarOai ;
866 SWfiflr, 0SSfi?'. (dat.). Fo
TForA? P. and V.
Asseveration, subs. Oafo: P, and (TV\Xafj./3dvLv
V. see assertion.
op/co9, 6 ;
(dat.), o-vi/cpyetv (oat.), V. <ru//,-
Assiduity, subs. Perseverance: P. lv (dat.), o~yy/ca/tvtv (dat.), o~vv-

/caprcpia, ^, /caprep^o-t?, T). Industry : (dat.), o-wK7roi// (dat.),

P. <iXo7ron'a, 17, P. and V. (nrovS^, (absol.), Ar. and P.
T/ Practice : P. fteXeT^, 17. Assist (a work} : .

Assiduous, adj. Persevering: P. P. and V. crufJLTrpacra-ew (ace.), cruv-

and V. AtTrap^s (Plat.), Ar. Spav (aoc.) (Thuc.), V. oiJi/eACTrovctv
Industrious : P. ^tXo?rovo?, (aco.) ; see share in. Help forward:
O/ tilings : see continuous. P. and V. o-TrevSetv, eTrto^rcvSav.
Assiduously, adv. Cont^nuously : With non-personal subject P. ?rpo- :

P. o-wcxws. Industriously : P. <f>pLV 19 (aCC.).

woVeus, P. and V. crirovbrj* Assistance, subs. P. and V. w
Assign, v. trans. P. and V. ^, eVucovpta, 17, Tt/AWpta, 17, P.
7Tpo(rve/, Ar. and P. ^, V. (o^eXTyorfc?, 17, eTrox^eX^/ia, TO,
P. oarovfjLLv cVtvcftetv, K t

Assign by lot : P. and V. TO,

P. irrtKXypow ; see under Zotf, ,TO; see/w^.
, ,

jpoint : P. and V. Tacro-eiv, TrpoorraLcr- Assistant, subs. P. and V. e

<rciv. Everywhere through the 6 or 17, Tt/wopo9, 6 or 17, irap
domain consecrated lands have been 6 (Plat, and Eur., Frag.). Fern.
we: V. Travraov Se V. 7rapao-TaTt9, ty P. fi&q&os, o Or 7),
V. apcoyo9, 6 or ^, /So^Spofjio^, o or r),
1328). ri/xaopos, 6 or 17, Ar. and V. crvftfrapd-
Assignee, subs. One who receives <rra-n?s, 6. Servant : P. and V.
assignment of land : P. KX^poi/xos, 7n7pen79, 6. Partner in work ; P.
6. and V. o-wcpycfe, 6 or ^, o-vXX^Trnop,
Assignment, subs. D'istribution : o, V. OT5vepyaT^9i 6. Fem. cruwp-
P.vo^^Siavo/x^iy. Land assigned: yart9, ^, P. crw ayvvurrqs, 6 See 1

P. A^pos, 6. Store allotted: P.

and V. /AC/JOS,
TO, Y. Xo^os, TO, Assisting, adj. P. and V.
Ass Ass

(TllUC., Plat.), CTriKOVpos, P. Heaping abuse upon his

V. oT?o>6>os. Defending: V. uAe- ill-assorted marriage: "V. TO 6W-
Trdpevvov Xcicrpov evSarov/ACi'os (Sophu,
Associate, adj. P. and V. Trach. 791).
V. o-wreXifc CZEsoh., ^10. 532), Assortment, subs. Arrangement :
Associate, subs. Partner: P. and P. 8ia00-ts, 17, SiaTfltfAS, 17. Batch :
V. *coa/(oi/o9, 6 or ^, o-wepyos, 6 or ^, P. and V. -jrX^os, TO, 5pt^/ids, 6.
crvAA^rTcup, 6, orWofcos, 6 or ^, Ar. Assuage, v. trans. P. and V.
and V. cru^iJyos, 6 or ^ see partner.
check : P. and V.'. c

Companion : P. and V. croupes, 6 :P.andV.-


see friend. One's associates, com- (Plat.), V. & .....

panions : P. and V. ol crwdvres. iv. Lull to rest : P. and V.
One living with another : use adj., v (Plat.), V. KOL/J&V. Assuage
P. and V. CTVVOLKOS (dat.). One one's thirst : use P. and V. vtir&v \

brought up with another : use adj., see quench.

P. and Y. o-vVrpo^o? (dat.). Assuaged, adj. V. 7rro>i/ (Soph.,
Associate, v. trans. Make partner : 0.0. 437). Fern, adj., V. iren-upa
P. KOLVOVV. Alas J for the doom (Soph., Trach. 728).
that associates a just man with his Assume, v. trans. Put on clothes,
more sinful fellows: V. <f>eu rov crwoA- etc. : P. and V. ev^eo-Oat, irepipaX- opviflos /SpOTois Sixaiov av- \.ivt Ar. and P. apj^ifw^vai (or
Bpa Totcrt Bvar<r/3(TTpOLS (JEsch., mid.), V. oLLLdHBd^A-CfrOoLLj tt/i<itOU"
Theb. 597). Associate with oneself ',
O~UCLL, Al' t and Y CLLid>tTLvVO,lf (Of
take as associate : P. and V. irpocr- mid.), &fjari<rxew (or mid.). !Ifo&e
ow oneself: P. and V. avaipcto-^at,
<r&ai, P. 7rpoo-aipr0at. Unite to- irpocrriOecrOcLij u<wrracr0ai, P. di/aXa/x-
gether : P. awtardVat, P. and V. ftdvcw, see undertake. Assuming
o-wSctv ; see umte. Associate (men- the trouble of your rearing ; V. (7*7)
tally) : P. and V. irpofrrtGevat, ; see TravoWovcra -sratSctas OT-Xov (JEsch.,
impute. Associating folly with the !F/ie6. 18). Ss assumes and takes
gods : V. 6 court irpocrOcls dfjiaOtav y/pon himself all these men's tni-
(Eur., Higp. 951). Associate mth t guities : P. Trai/ra dj/a^e^ofievo? Kat
have dealings with : P. and V. <nry- 1$ aVTOV 7T04OUjU,J/OS TO, TOT/T(DV OLfACip-
crvvewat. (dat.), crvvaX- r^fjLard lort (Dem. 352). Pretend :
yfyvecrQat. (dat.),
Xacro-civ (dat.), (rvvip^crQai. (dat.), P. and V. -rrXao-o-iiv, and P.
KOIVOVV&OLL (dat.), KOLVMVtiV (dftt.), irpocnrotetcrtfai. ^L man might assume
ofjfiXew (dat.), irpocro/juXfw (dat.) ;
a fictitious character : P. Swair &v
see dealings. Associate oneself Tts ir\dcra<r6<Li, TOV rpoTrov rov avroO
with P. and V. irpo(rrt0c<r6ai (dat.).
: (Lys. 157). Infer: P. and V. i-

Associated with, adj. P. and V. :

ica^etv, TCKftatpco-^at, see Torra^ea' ;

crvvotKos (dat.), m/er. Assume (hypothetically) : P.

Association, subs. Dealings : P. rt&cvat (or mid.). I wiZZ assume it
to be so : P. 0?Jo-G> yap ourco (Dem.

Political club : Ar. and P. 648). Assume as a principle : P.
SoS, 17, P. O-VOTTCWCS, vjroriO&rdaJL.
Be as-
Associations, memories : P. P. virdpxw, wo/ccwrtfat.
Ttt. assumed : V. VTTOITOS

Assort, P. and V.
v. trans. .iJSc (Eur., -BZ. 1036).
(Eur., Jft-oy.) see arrange, separate,
; Assumed, adj. Pretended: P. *r/>o<r-

Assorted, adj. Of various kinds : TTOO/TOS, P. and V. wAaoros ; see

Ar. and P, wai/roSaTros, P. and V.
Ass Asy

Assuming, Insolent: P. vfipi- Astonishing, adj. P. and V.

's. Ar. and P.
: <rro5, Servos, ct/jW7^avos, Ar. and P.
v. Aggressive : P. 7rA>- Qav/tdcrios, uTTfp^uiys, V. e/cirayAos.
$.' Assuming that, if: P. Astonishingly, adv. P.
and V. ct, <&/ ; see suppose. dju,77;(avo)s,
Ar. and P.
Assumption, subs. Pretence : P. 0av/J.acr{(i>s, P. and V.

01770-15, 77. Insolence, : P, and Astonishment, subs. and V.

:?, T). Meddling : Ar. and P. 0av/jLa TO, ZKIT)(.T}I$, 17, Qdpftos, TO t

zyytwcrtfi^, ^ Supposition : (rare P. but used in Thuc. and

P. iw&ecrw, 77, 0eW, 77. Plat.).
Assurance, subs. Pledge of good Astray, adv. Lead astray: P. and
faith : P. and V. morris, T), irurrov, V. Trdpciyeiv, ?rA.avav, P. aTTOTrXavav.
TO, V. irurTwpaTa., Ta; see warrant. Be lead astray.- also P. -n-apa^c'-
Trust: P. and V. TOTTM?, 77; see peer&u (Pkt.). (?0 O5^a^ : P. and

confidence. Certainty: P. fte/Saio- V. ir\<rO(Li see err. (roiwgr ',

P. and V. do-0oXa, 17. astray, subs. P. and V. vXtirrj, 17. :

Insolence: P. and V. tf/Jpts, 17. Astride, adv. Seated astride on;

Promise : P. and Y. vrroVxco-is, V. ^^5
^rf (gen.), /*/3/3ai (dat.),
Perchwnce to-day will be cm 5e seated astride on : use s^ on.
assurance of mucli good fortune : Astringency, subs. P. av
T) 8 vw MT6>s TroAAoiy vn-dp&L /cvpos
y/jifpa qaX&v (Soph., J57Z* 918)* Astringent, adj. P. and V. m/cpo's,
Assure, v. trans. Make swre or Ar. and P. crrpv<j>vo<s, P.
5ec2W^ : P. ftcfiaiow. Asi Astrologer, subs. Ar.
OUSly : P. loyvpLfccrQai, (rr^s,

<rQcu,. Promise: P. and V. Astronomer, subs. P.

ftereajpoXoyo?, 6. #6 aw
(imperative): P. and V. Mt, P. v. Ar. and P. doTpoi/

aKpififa urBt, Ar. and V. cra<jf>* Iv6i Astronomical, adj. P. .

(also Xen., Oj/r. 5, 2, 32). 5e Astronomy, subs. Ar. and P. dorpo-

assured: P. and V. o-a^ ctSri/at

(Ant. and Xen. but rare P.); see Astute, adj. P. and V.
also learn. , P. 6&j$, Ar. and P.
Assured, adj. Safe: P. and V. _

Astutely, adv. P. and V.

Assuredly, adv. Yes, in answer to see prudently.
a question: P. and V. vtu, va^f, Astuteness, subs. P. and V.
/jAiorra ye, wois yap o# ; Ar. and P. rj;
KOfuSy yc, S/AeA.64, Travv y, V. /cai see cleverness, prudence.
KCLpra, Kal KapTa yc. 4^ a^M/ TCtte ; Asunder, adv. P. and V. x<P^ ^a,
P. and V. y, yow, y 817, dAAxi, P. Si.xrj. Tear asunder : P. and V.
"Aa . . yc. verily : P. and V.
Stare/^eiv, V. 8ia<^ptv, Ar. and V.
Ar. and V. /copra (rare P.), 77 occiti&opciv see tear. !

pra. In oaths or strong asser- Asylum, subs. Place of refuge: P.

tions : P. and V. p-rpr. -JJ

Astern, adv. P. Karh. Trpv/^vav, V. P. dTTo^vy?/, y). Protection, subs. :

P. and V. ^tJAttKrJ, 77. Right of
Astonish, v. trans. P. and V. &- asylum: see sanctiwry. What
TrXtfo-creLV, P. KarcnrXyvcrew ; see strmger will protect my tife, offering
surprise. Be astonished : see an asylum and a home where 1
Bonder. may be safe ? V. T& yrjv iwXov KO!
At Att

SO/AOL'? ^eyyuou5 fei/os I fication P. and Y. Ka6ap/j.6?, o,


pvo-TCu Toufibv Seju-as, (Bur., 3 i

ATJO-IS, see expiation. Conipensa-
17 ;

387). \
tion : Y. arrotva, ra (Plat, but rare
At, prep. Of place: P. and V. eVt j P.), Trow], h or pi. (rare P.), P. and
(dat.), Trpos (dat.), Trapd. (dat.), v V. TtVts,17 (Plat.). Iffl&e atonement :

(dat.). Of time: use P. and V. see aforae. Purify : P. and Y.

dat. or &
and dat. Of price use P. :
Ka.9ajLpw ; see purify.
and V. gen. Against : P. and V. Atrocity, subs.
Cruelty : P. and Y.
rf (aec. or dat.), flyxfe (ace.), fe P. dypior^s, 17.
w/AOTTys, ^, Ifem^Zfi-
(ace.). (Rejoice, be angry, etc,) at :ness : P. Seo/o'-nys, 17 Dreadful act :
P. and V. brt (dat.). P. and Y. roXpfjpjn, rc5, Y. ToA,/xa, 17.
(AfosA;) at ;
P. and V. v/3p%iv (ets, ace.). (Throw Atrocious, adj. Savage: P. and V.
or #ww) at : use gen. .N0 at all :
P. and V. apxty ou, P. ou^ oAws, Ar. m<7 : P. and V. atVxpos. Terrible :
and P. ou TO Trapairav, Y. ou ro irav P. aud Y. Svos.

see under aZZ. At enmity : P. and Atrociously, adv. P. <fyt,ws, <

V. Si' 2x0/o js. -<i hazard: P. and P. and V, '

V. T#X#, P. /cara r^v. ^^ 7&0m0 : Terribly : P. and Y. Sewfo.
P. and V. OIKOI, /car' otfcov, ei/Scw, Y. Atrociousness, subs. See atrocity.
li> SO/AOIS ; see under home. At Atrophy, subs. Wasting away: P.
once : P. and V. i>0vs, ev <t>06r], TI ; see nwnbness.

jrapavTiKa., Ar. and P. Attach, v. trans. Bind : P. and V.

see immedwtely. Scu/, <rui Seti/, V. e/cSctj/. Fasten ; P.
Atheist, subs. Use adj., P. and Y. and Y. dprav,

Atheistical, adj P. and V. (Xen.), Y. ^a^Trrar, Ar, and V.

Athirst, adv. P. and V. 8/rw (Soph., e<MTTe/ see also fasten.
; Met.
Frag.), V. &'i/aos. Be athirst: P. (blame, disgrace, etc.) : P. and V.
and V. Sii^v (Soph., Frag.). , .,

Athlete, subs. P. and V. deXyrfa 6 V. SvaTTTctv, Ar. and P. ,

(Eur., Ale. 1027), P. do-^r^, 6. 7TpiTt0o'at. Attach to oneself, met.

Athletic, adj. P. -^vacm/co's. Ath- of friends, etc. : P. and V.
letic contest : Ar. and P.

ayoiv, P. and V. aywv, o,

V. ^[^ac/i oneself to : P. and V.
6. rttieotiat, (dat.).

Athletics, Subs. P.
yv/^vacrTwoy, 17, Attach to, v. intrans. Belong to : P.
JCoue athletics, v. : P. irpocnqprfjo-OaL (perf . pass. vpocrcLprav)
(irpos, dat.), P. and Y. Trpoorctvai
Athwart, adv. P. cfe ^rXayta, or use (dat.), 'jrpocrytyvecr&u (dat.), irpocrKci-
adj., TrXayios. ^< right angles : P. orOa.i (dat.). Avoiding the discredit
attaching to such 'conduct : P. -nyi/

Atmosphere, subs P. and V. a^p, 6 ;

see temperature. yoiT$ (Dem. 67).

Atone (for), v. P. and V. Bt^v Attached, adj. Friendly, lovmg : P.

(gen.), Sftojj/ rtvLv (gen.), 8)?K^

^K- and Y. <A,ios, euvov?, irpocr^tXiJs.
rS/ctv (gen.), V. Sftojv 7rapextv (absoL), JBe attached to : P. and Y. ^Uelv
Ar. Afkiv (ace.), V. CLTTOTLVCIV (aCC.), (ace.), <rrpytv (ace.).
rtvcw (aoc.). IfaJfce gfood: P. and Attachment, subs. Anything that
V. avoAa/A/mveiv, ttKtcrtfat. s : P. and Y. Seor/wfe, 6, <rw-

Atoning, V. Ko^opo-tos.
6. Affection: P. and V.

Atonement, subs. Expiation, puri- po>5, o ; see love.

Att Att

Attack, v. trans. P. and V. attained to the greatest

jSaXXeiv (dat.), cwrj&iXXcii/ (cts Or irpds, power : P. ot kv St/ccXt^ ?rt TrXetcrTOF
ace.), TrpooTrtTTTcii/ (dat.), ^prjcrav Suva/Acws (Thuc.).
(TTpOS, aCC.), 7T^tV (eTT?, dat.), Attainable, adj, P. KaTaX-yj-nro^.
Xe<r6ai (dat.rarely ace,), Attainder, subs. Loss ofc^v^l rights:
(dat.) (Xen. also Ar.), eT P. and V. &Tt/ua, ^.
(dat. or ace.) (Xen.), V. e<j6op/xav Attainment, subs. Acquirement :
(dat) or pass, (rare P.), P. P. and V. , 17. ^SWZ : P. and
(dat.), e7rpeo-0ai (dat.),
yiyv<rBo.L (dat.), eirnriirriv (dat ),
Ar. Attaint, v. trans. Deprive of civil
and P. eirirWcarOau, (dat.), rights : Ar. and P. O.TL/J.OVV.

(dat.). ^Ztacfc &/ sea Attainted, adj. Deprived of civil

(dat.). March to P. andV.

attack :
rights : P. and V.
cTTtoTparcvctv (dat.). Join in attack- Attemper, v. trans. See temper.
ing : P. owe7rm'0eo-0ai (perd, gen. Suit : see suit.
and dat. of object attacked). JCay Attempt, v. trans. P. and V. emxci-
7&ands 0?z : P. and V. U7nro-0<u (gen.), peti/ (dat.), eyxeiptlv (dat.), airreorOoLL
rtXa/A/3diveo-0eu (gen.). ^iiacA; (wi/i (gen.) ; see undertake. AbsoL : P.
words) : P. and V. eVwrXiJo-o-eiv, P. and V.
7ri;(ip/ (infin.), cyx
KaOaTrrearOaL (gen.), Ar. and P. cy- (mfin.), Trctpav or mid. (infin.).
*io-0(u (dat.) ; see occwse. -Itocfc Attempt, subs. P. and V.
fl Statement: P. dvriXa/x,/?avecr0<u fyXtLprjlia., TO,
P. f.irix*ipv)pja., TO, cirt-
(gen.). 4toc& (o/ sickness or xctp^o-w, ^, 774^0X17, 17. Daring
physical sensations) : P. and V. attempt: P. and V. roXp^pja,, TO,
KwftijvcufJLa, TO, V. ToX/x-a, ^. Prfi-
(dat.), Trpoo-TriTrrcH/ (dat. liminary attempt: P. TrpdVeipa, 17.
(els, ace.). Ofaplague: Miafce aft attempt on (a fortified
P. P. and V. &#-
(dat.), place, etc.} : P. Trctpav or mid.
(ace,). 5fi attacked (by (gen.), airoTTCipav (gen.).
disease, misfortune, etc.) : P. and Attend, v. trans. Accompany : P.
V. cnWxecr0<u (dat.). and Y. eTrecrQat, (dat.), e^errecrflat
Attack, subs. P. and V. (dat.), crvveTrecrOcu (dat.), bjjlXeii'
17, cur/SoXy, 17, P. 7T40m, (dat.), Ar. and P. aKo\ov6ew (dat.),
Trapa/coXou^etv (dat.), P. o"uvaicoXov^tj/
Attack by sea : P. cTrwrXovs, 6. O/ (dat.), V. /x,0e7z:ecrd<u (dat.), 6/xapTcZr
disease, etc. : P. and V. -n-pocrftoXy, (dat.). Escort : P. and V.
P. KaTafioXj, rj. Open to attack : Trecv. W^^ ow : P. and V.
P. 7rifjLa.)(os, eucTTt^cros. (dat.), VTrrfperelv (dat.),
Attain, v. trans. Reach : P. and V. (dat.), fapaTrevtw (aCC,), V. -rrpocnco-
afaKveio-tiat, (els, ace., or V. ace. Xeti/ (dat.). 4towZ (school, etc.) :

alone), tcra</>wcvt<r0<u (cts, ace., or Ar. and P. <omii/ (ts, ace.) . Att&nd
V. ace. alone), Ar. and V. ucmcrflai (school with others) : Ar. and P.
(cts,ace., or ace. alone), V. &KV- (absol.). Bepresent at :
crOai (cfe, aco., or ace. alone) ; see P. and V. Trapctvat (dat. or efe, aco.),
rawfe. Have attained, have reached : Ar. and P. 7Tapayiyi/eo-0cu (dat.).
P. and V. 97*iv (cts, ace., or V. ace.
Woi^ for : see a^oii. -Ai^w^
alone) ; see raw/a. Attain an object: medically : P. and V. fcpaTnnkiv, V.
P. and V. e&KvelcrOai (gen. or ace.), K^Sevctv. ^i^wd ow, be consequent
n/yxavai/ (gen.), e^aTrrecr^ai (gen.), on :P. and V. fao-Oat, (dat.), <rw-
P. l</>LKvcL<r0ai (gen.); see also ac- TrccrOai (dat.), P. dfcoXou^ctv
accomplish, gain. Those Attend on (as a servant on a cMld) :
Att Att

P. and V. TOiSaywycu/ (acc.). At- Attentively, adv. Carefully: P.

tend to, look after : Ar. and P. *MI *>;? j^e^ /zim listeji atten-
m/x,Xeo"0ac (gen.), P. enri/AcXetav, foveZ^ : P. -Trpoo-excov afco-uo-aroj (Dem
jroitiffBcLi (gen.), P. and V. ^povTttv 516).
(gen.), T^fteXetv (acc. or gen.) (Plat.), Attenuated, adj. Ar. and V.
KiqSeo'da.i (gen.), V. wpav X H/ (gen.).
Attend to, pay attention to : Ar. Attenuation, subs. P. XC^TOTJ??, 07.
and P. ?rpoo"Xiv trpoa'^tv Attest, v. trans.
(dat.), 5ear witness to.
TOV vow (dat.), P. and V. vow lx tv P. and V. fjjCLprupew, crufjLfjiapTvpelv,
(fl-pos, acc. or dat.). KfJLapfTVpLV, P. 7TLfJLapTVpeLV. SJlOW,
Attend, absol. Pay attention : P. prove : P. and V. Scucvvvai, &JTQ-
and V. i/Sex "^at Ar- an^ P- wpoo >
- 1

Sci/cvwat, CTrtSctfcvifvat, S^XowJ see

cxctv, TTpoo^xciv TOV vow. .Be present :
?. and V. Trapctvat, Ar. and P. -n-apa- Evidence : Ai*.
Attestation, subs.
and P. /jUXpTupia, 17, V. /wiprupTyjaa, TO.
Attendance, subs. Service : P. Sx- Attic, subs. Ar. and P. vTrepwov, TO.
Kflvia, TI, Ar. and P. fonypco-ta, ^, P. Attire, subs. P. and V. foAfc, ^,
and V. XaTpc^x, ^ (Plat.), tfepoVcta, 7, -^ (Plat.), KoarfjLos, 6 ; see dress.
^ ;
see tendance. Presence, subs. :
Attire, v. trans. Adorn : P. and V.
P. and V. Trapovcria, 17. Attendance KOO'/JL6V, V. do"/crv, la(TKiv, ayaXXctv ;
on children : P. and V. TratSaytoyta, see dress, eg'ttij).
^. Ow- &e sflcfc : P. and V. ^cpaTrcta, Attitude, subs. P. and V. o-x5/^a,
V. TratSaywyta, 17, TrpocreSpta, ^. TO. TFizy o/ standing : P. and V.
Attendance (at a cowse of teaching, :, 17. Way of sitting : V. ISpa,
etc.) : P. crvvovo-ia, 7}. TO. Adopt an attitude
Attendant, subs. P. and V. for. towards, beliave towards, v. P. and :

pT7?9, 6, Sta/covos, 6 or Ar. and P.

TJ, V. -Trpoo-^cpco-^at (dat.). Feel to-
^epa-Trcov, 6, aicoXov^os, 6, V. TrpoV- wards : P. StaKcicrSai (dat. or npos,
TToXos, 6 or ^, oVotcov, 6, o7raSds, 6 or acc.). Opinion: P. and V. Sofa,
Ar. and V. -rrpoTroXos, 6 or Ar

d/x^ftroXos, 6 or ^ see servant, Attitudinise, v. intrans. P.


Attendant on cHldren : P. and V. ^co-Oat., Ar. o^rjp.a.ri^Lv.

TratSaycoyos, 6. Attorney, subs. See lawyer.

Attendant, adj. Pertaining, con- Attract, v. trans. In physical sense :

sequent: P. xofLvos, dicoXou^ P. and V. IXfcetv, V. 7rpoo-^y<r^at

^i^dawi on ; Ar. and P. a/coXov^ (Soph., Frag.). Met. P. and V.
(gen. or dat.) Attendant train : V. <^eXfC0~0<u, eTTtarrao-flai, IXxctv, Trpoar-
oTTurtfdVous Ko>/xo9J 6 (Ear., Hipp. 54) ayea-Bo.1. Delight: P. and V.
Attention, subs. Care : P. eTrt/jieXcta rcpireiv; see delight. A beauty
^, Ar. and P. ^eXeny, ^, V. wpa, rj, that attracts the eyes of men : V.
P. and. V. GTricrrpoifa'f}, TJ, cnrovov}, wpa iTrtorpeTTTOs /Jporots (-ZEsch., . . .

Respectful treatment. 'P.Oeponreiaj Supp. 997).

Pay attention to : see attend to. Attraction, subs. Lit. P. 6X107, 17.
Show attention to : Ar. and P. Met. charm: P. and V. s *J- x^
(acc.). Give me yow Bfl*^ : P. and Y. ScXcap, TO.
P. 7rpoo*exer TOV vo^ v Attractive, adj. P. CTraycoyos, wpoo-

see attend. ay<oyos, <jEoXlcos. Charming: AJ.

Attentive, adj. Careful : P. and V, and P. xapUiS, P. eiUxa
&rt/AX?j5 (Soph., Frag.). Thought- Delightful P. and V. .

ful, considerate: P. dryvco/uov. Attractively, adv. P.

attentive : see attend. and V.
Att Aug
Attributable, adj. The fact that In speech: V. 0paoTJ(rro/xtv, c
they did not all die of hunger loas
mainly attributable to him : P. TO Audaciously, adv. P. ToX^pfis,
and P. Opaa-ew. Impudently: P.
eyeyero (Dem. 469). vppicrTiK&s. Shamelessly: P. and
Attribute, v. trans. P. and V. &/- V. avatSoi?.
(j>piv (ri rwt or cts Tiva), TrpocrriOcvai Audacity,
subs. P. and V. ToX/m, ^,
(TL TLVL), aiTiacrOat, (TIVOS rtva),
&rai- tfpacros, TO, P. flpaoimys, ^. Impu-
Ttacrfiat (TO/OS rtva), Ar. and P. dence P. and V. vj3pis,y. Shame-

7rava<^eptv (n ts rtva), dvariQcvcLL lessness : P. and V. Svoi&ta.

(TL TH/I), V. Audible, adj. P. CIKOVOTOS, V. a/cou-
alriav veju,tv (TIVOS Ttvt).
J.SS&0W P.:and V. a?roStSoVat. ofytos (Soph., Frag.).
Attribute, subs. Sigw: P. and V. Audience, subs. Admittance to a
Oiy/XCtOT/, TO, TCK/JUqplOV, TO, CTVfJL/SoXjOV, hearing : P. and V. cio-oSos, ^.
TO; see st0r&. Peculiar quality: Grant audience : P. Xdyov 8i8di/at,
P. and V. fetov, T<$. Part : P. and V. Xo'yov ^STSoVat (Eur., And. 965).
V. //.epos, TO. I must endeavour to Have an a/ibdience with : see inter-
scvy what is the attribute of each mew. Spectators : P. and V.
divmity : P. a
Imrepos tA.7/x Wi -
Oearat, o, ^ctopot, ol, ot Oeu>fjiVOL.

paTCOV t7TtV (Plat., %Wp. 180E). Hearers : P. aKpoa/rai', ot, Ar. and
You appear unioilling to explain P. ot aKpoa>/jLvoi, P. and V. ol a/cov-
the essential nature of righteousness, OVTCS.
but to state a certain attribute of Audit, subs. Ar. and P. tvOwa, ^,
it : P. KtvoWeueis TTJV p&v ova-Caw (rov or plural.
ocriov) See examine.
ou ^ouAco-^ai S^Xoio-at, TTCL^OS Audit, v. trans.
8c TL irpl aitrov Xeyctv (Plat., Euth. Auditor, subs. Accountant : P. ev-
HA). TPe sfeaW ^n^ all things 6, Xoywmys, 6. Hearer: P.

despised except such as have received fc, 6, or use adj., P. and V.

a share in this attribute (be<wty) : .

P. cvpycrofjiev Trdvra KaLTa<f>povovfJLva Auger, subs. P. and V. rpv-n-avov, TO

Trkfy ova Tavnys TTJS tSeas KCKOLV^KC (Plat, and Eur., Gycl. 461).
(Isoc. 216:0). Aught, pron. See anything. For
Attribution, subs. Assignment: P. aught I know : Ar. oow y ty t8eVat.
Augment, v. trans. P. and V. aufa-
Attrition, subs. P. vctv, a^tv, V. 6<^'XXw/; see increase.
Attune, P. a/>/x,d/ (Plat.) ; Augmentation, subs.
v. trans. P.
see tune. Met. see o^op.
Attuned, adj. P. and V. cn^wvos; Augur, Subs. V. ol^v6p.avri^ o, olto-
see harmonious. Attuned to : met. I/OOTCOTTOS, 6.
P. crvwvoff (dat.), V. oww&fe (dat.), Augur, v. trans. Forebode : P. and
V. p,avTVo-Oai. Signify, portend :
Auburn, adj: P, and V. P. and V. <rrjfjLavw, jxuvuv (Eur.,
JEW. 829), V. 7TpOOT7/Z,aH/tV, 7TpO</>atVtV.
Auction, subs. &ZZ &T/ auction, v. 2%0y tooA? ^e matter the more to
trans : P. dwro/ciypuo-crciv. heart because it seemed to augur iU
Audacious, adj. P. and V. ToX/^po's, for the success of the expedition :
0pao~ife, V. 7ravro\/zos. Shameless : P. TO Trpay/jta /m^oVco? cXa/x/fovov
P. and V. fivatS^. Impudent : P. TOV y^tp ^/cTrXov otcoi/os cSoKti clvat
v^ptorrt/co?. ^iwdZacio^s ^w speech: (Thuc. 6, 27).
V. J5e O subs. 4r
^pao-va-ro/xoff. Augury, o/ augury : P.
P. and V. ToA^Ltav, fyVv, (Plat), V.'

Aug Aut
ra. Practise augury : P. owort^c- P. and Y. Svo-KoAos Frugal : Ar.
crQai(Xen.), V. otwvoovfOTrcti'. Seat and P. (ietocoAos*
of augury : V. 0aicos oieovoovcoW, 6. Austerely, adv. P. rpaxe<u?, Ar. and
Omen : P. and Y. OUDVO'S, 6, Ar. and P. a-K\7jpS)s X&ACT&S. Crabbedly : t

V. 0/nfe, 6, Y. TrrepoV, TO. Frugally : P. P. Suo-AToAcos.

August, P. and Y. credo's see

adj. ;

revered. Magnificent : Ar. and P. Austerity, subs. P. and V.

ju-eyoAoTrpeTnJs, P. and V. Aa^wrpos.
Jtt invocations to goddesses : use aiWoypanys, ^. Orabbedness : Ar.
fern, adj., Ar. and Y. wrna. and P. Sw/coAwx, ^. Frugality:
AugUSt, Subs. P. MTayin/ov, o. Ar. and P. ^eiSwAi'a, ^.
Augustly, adv. P. and V. o-c/mos. Authentic, adj. P. and V. SA^s,
Augustness, subs. Dignity : P. P. oA^^tvos. Trustworthy : P. and
and Y. o-e^vonys, 17. Magnificence : V. -Trorros, ftefiaios, P. d^Mwrwrro?
P. jjLeyaX<yirpcjrUL, ?}. Authenticate, v. trans. P. ftcftauwv.
Aunt, subs. P. T^I'S, 17. Authenticity, subs. Truth ; P. and
Auspices, subs. See augury, omen. V. oAi;0ia, -7. Trustworthiness:
Under favourable auspices : V. #p- P. and V- wicrn,?, ^, rd Trtorov.
viOi ara (Soph., O.-B. 52). Enjoy- Author, subs. Creator: P. and Y.
ing favourable auspices : P. OWDVOIS
^p7/cra/*vos cwo-iots (Xen., Ctyr. S, 3, 6. Doer: P. and Y. -TrpaKrwp, 6,
22). 2%0y leagued themselves to- 6 Spacras, Y. Ipydrrjs, o (also Xen.
gether under the auspices of some but rare P.). Maker : P. ^01-377779,
of the best generals : P. <jwrrai/To 6. One who causes : use adj., P.
. .
fyovres -ffy^fiova^ TOJV irdw orparty-
. and V. omos. Contriver : P. and
y&v (Thuc. 8, 89). Take auspices,
v. P. oiWio-0<u (Xen.), Y.
: : P. and V. rjycfjL&v, 6 or ,

or -^, P. eioTTy^rjys, 6, V.
Auspicious, adj. Of omens P. and : 6.r, O/ a murder: see
V. KoAo?, C7J017/AOS (Plat.), curves, wwraerer* The author of one's
V. Sefios, uju,vi7s, Trpeu/xev^?, Ar. and being : V. 6 yewus &pxirrynr)s (Bur.,
V. arw>s (also Xen. but rare P.). Or. 555); see father. Writer,
Of persons P. and Y. ZAcws (some-
prose-writer : P. <rvyypavs, 6,
times scanned as dissyllable), Aoyoiroios, 6. Ferse-wnter : P.
/ f \L \ A 3 "VT " '

fjitwjs, ^ptAios, Ar. and. V.

7rpo<pcov, Y. Trpeu/xevT/s, Yb^ Wtade Authorisation, subs. P. and Y.
it land) an auspicious battle-
(ow efwom, y ; see authority.
ground for the Greeks to fight in : Authorise, v. trans. Ar. and P.
cTrn-pen-eiv (dat.), P. ^vaiav SiSovai
rots TEAA^cn (Thuc. 2, 74). (dat.) ; see allow.
words ; P. and V. cv- Authorised, adj. Hewing authority :
Uie owspwjiows words ; P. P. and Y. /dJpios (Eur., El 259).
Authoritative, adj. Positive, certain:
words, adj. : Ar. and V. c&^/xo?. P. and V. j&e/toios, mcrros. Per-
Auspiciously, adv. P. and V, cS emptory (of persons) : P. Scowr-wcds.
Of a command: P.
la-xvpfa', see
Seasonably :
efiiccupo)?, P. peremptory. P. and Y.
Possessed of authority:
t5 KoAoV, K see seasonably. P. and Y. icriptos.
KoA^ ;

Austere, adj. P. and Y. rpaxfc, Authoritatively, adv. P.

crfcAi7p<Js, Ar. and P. xoAcrnfc, <rrpi;<^- Positively: P. and V. j
i/os (Xen.), P. oucmypfe. Crabbed : Firmly: P. aj^P^- Expressly:
Aut Ave

P. Stapp^SiTv. Peremptorily: see Autumn, subs. P. ^rotr^pov, TO,

peremptorily. ^Oa/oTT^pov, TO, Ar. and V. oVoipa, ?/.

Authority, subs. Power : P. and V. Autumnal, adj. P. /tcTowwptvo's

Auxiliary, adj. P. and V.
TO, icpaTOS, TO, SwaoTcio, y. Thuc.), P.
Jw- Spcoyos (Plat.,
and V. 8iSva/us,
P. subordinate Of
: P.
fluence :
^. things,
Permission: P. and V. pcrt/cos. Auxiliary troops : P. and
Testimony: Ar. and P. V. iTTlKOVpta, l), P. Ot llTLKOVpOL. Of
17, V. paprvpLov, TO or PI. Con- auxiliary troops : P. CT-IKOVPIKO'S.
cretely, ivitness : P. and V. Avail, v. trans, or absol. P. and V.
6 or 17 Qwote as authority, v. P. <rvfj.<f>ptv (dat.), &<t>c\tLv
: (ace. or
7rapcm0or0at (ace.). .4w authority dat.), cVw^cXctr (aco.
or dat.), ap/cctv
on: P. and V. ^-tcrr^/xwv, 6 or (dat.), ovWvat (ace.). Have power :
6 or ^ (gen.). P. and V. SiW<r0<u, to-^ctv, Ar. and
(gen.), e/x/Tmpos,
M&0 authority, adj. P. and V. : V. o-feW. oneself of: P. ^wi
Saving full authority, adj. Ar. and V. xprjcrQai (dat.), P. cwroxpi}cr0<u

and P. aVTO/CpCLTCOp. (dat.). JBw/07/ /nwte o/ : P. and

%, adj. P. a/cvpo?. Without your V. KapirovtrQai (ace.), S7roXavtv (gen,),

authority: P. ^17 <rrjp^vavr6^ crov V. iiravpio-KCfrOa.!. (gen.).

(Plat., P/wiedo 62o). On one's Avail, subs. Advantage : P. and V.

authority: P. d^' IOUTOU y^ai *p8os, TO ; see advantage. It is of

Z%07/ accused the generals of making no avail : P. ovficv wpoupyov ^ort.
terms without their autJiority : P. O/ w/zai ai-aiZ ^s tt ? P. and V. rt
TOVS o^rpanTyous cTrjTrtao-avTo OTI &/eu TrXeor lo-rt ; Of no avail, useless :

avra>v (Thuc. 2, 70). use adj., P. and V. axp^oro?, dxpo5,

TAe authorities, those in authority: ^vax^eX^s see useless. ;

P. and V. oi cv TcX, TCI /crfpta, P. TCL Available, adj. Ready to hawl : P.

ot 7rt T0t wpay/Aao-t, V. ot and V. 7rpo^fcpo5. He available :
^ej8o)Ts, Ar. and P. ol <ip\ P. and V, T&Trapxcw, P. wrti/at. 7%<J
&w period (of history) was oimtted Zar(7<3 s?^7?w ^afc<3W a^ the sack of lanwi

by all authorities before me : Tots were available for the sold'ier# : P.

wp6 C/XOT) a7rcwrtv e/cXtTre? TOVTO ^v TO Ttt /c T^

X<opto/ (Thuc. 1, 97). 7ra<r0VTa ^TTWV uc.

Autochthonous, adj. P. and V. 8, 36).
Avarice, subs. P. and V.
Autocracy, subs. P. and V. Kp8ex, 7;, ttirA.77^Tta, }, P.
^, Tupams, 17, P. Seo-TroTcca, 17. /Aana, ^, ^tXttpyvpai, r/. (Ircedintm ;

Autocrat, subs. P. and V. P. 7T\OV^ia, rj.

6, TUpCLVVOS, 0, SeO-TTOT^S, 6. Avaricious, adj. P. and V. ahrxpo-
Autocratic, adj. P. and V. KtpBys, ^tX<ipyvpo5, aTrXiya-TOSt P.
Ar. and P. avro/cpdfrcup, P. ^tXoYoiy/AttTos. Greedy; P. 7rA.or

Autocratically, adv. P. Avariciously, adv. P.

Automatic, adj. Self-acting: P. Avaurit, interj. Ar, and V- fypt, V.

and V. CLVTOttttTOS. ?/opots (opt-), Ar. 47pay.
Automatically, adv. P. dwo Tawo- Avenge, v. trans. Persons or things ;
/LtttTOV. P. and V. n/*cDptv (dat. of person,
Autonomous, adj. P. auroVo^os. Be ace. or gen. of thing), Pentomt :
autonomotts : P. aw V. TToivflt^ Xa/Aj8c[v/ (gpn,), Tltinys ;
Autonomy, subs. P. P. and V. ot/oTv or Ttfuoptov Xo/ut*
Ave Avo

(gen.), V. (dat.),
a.L, cKirpacro-eiv, aTrotva (TCI) (acc.). P. and V. //,wrtv
Haie .-

(gen.) ; see take vengeance see hate. Disapprove : P. and V.

for, under vengeance. Avenge one- pepfao-Oai (acc. or dat.). Be wi-
self on : P. and V. rl^ willing to (with infin.) P. and V. :

(ace.), di/TiTZ/xa>pio-0(u (aoo.), ov ftov\.co-0ai, Ar. and P. ouic e^cXctv,

o-Ocu (acc.), Ar. and V. avra/ic Ar. and V. ov 6&civ.
(ace.), V. Aversion, subs. Hostility: P. and
7rou>a<rOai (ace.), Tti/(r0ai

(acc.) ; see toia vengeance on, under V. X^P tt ^ X^0? r<^> Su(Tp,l/ta, 17. J

Ill-ivill: P. and V. SvWoia, 17,

Avenger, subs. P. and V. P. /caicovota, ^. Hatred : P. and V.
6 or 17, V. wou/<T<*>p, 6, TifLciopos, 6 /AIO-OS, TO see hatred. Dislike : P. ;

Or -^OpOS, O 01' ^, TrpCLKTOJp, O. ctyoYa, ^. Save aw aversion to : P.

o/ a father's death : V. and V. fucrelv'y see
Tt/x,a>pds <f>wov (Soph., JEJZ.
14). wiifc aversion : P.
become the avenger of my
(acc. or dat.) ; see dislike.
children's blood: V. T&I/O&S SIKO> Avert, v. trans. P. and V.
OTI)S at/xaTos yci/rjcro/wxt (Eur., JET.J? .
&TTO(rrp^Lv 9 a7ro)0ti/. Ward o
1150). P. and V. a/j,ftvw} aircipycLv ; see
Avenging, adj. P. and V. TI/X,O>/>O'S, loard off. Oh Gods I miy ye avert
V. TTOlffylOS, SilO)<f>6pOS t Tl/A these calamities ; V. <S 0ol yevour&c
Avenging spirit: P. and "V. TwvS' d-TroTpoTTOL KaKtov (Eur.. Phoen.
orcop, o, P. dAi-nJpios, 6 or ^. 586).
Avenue, subs. Grove : P. and V. Averted, adj. Turned away: V.
(2\<ros, TO (Plat.) see grove. Way,

means : P. and V. 7n>po, o. Avenue Averting, Bubs. P. and V,

of escape : P. and V. 080?, 07, &ro-
Averting, adj. Ar. and P.
Aver, v. trans. P. and V. Aeyeiv, Tratos, V. TpOTraios, OTTOTPOTTO?,
</>af<u, </>ao-Kii/ ; see assent, confess. -njptos. Jlver^wgr mZ: Ar.
Average, adj. I/T/ittflr
between two
extremes : P. and V. /xcVos. Moder- Avidity, subs. Eagerness: P. and
ate, not excessive : P. and V. V. anrovSy, ^, irpo&vfjua, ^. Gh'eed:
Customary : P. and V. P. and V. (STrX-^onrta, ^.
subs. Ar. and P. &a-
Average, subs. Middle point : P. \ fj P. cmTqBtvfJva,, TO, "-rrpay- t

TO fjJcrov. On the average, for the ;

most part : P. TO. TroAXa, <L$ em TO
TroXv; see mostly. To strike the Avoid, v. trans. P. and V. <jf>vyv,
average .between the largest and
smallest number of ships : Trpos T&S tt^rraortfat (gen.), ^ft- ,

/Acyurras Kal eXaxwrras vavs TO /xeo (acc. or geu.). Ar. and V.

o-KOTretv (Thuo. 1, 10). (also Xen.), V.
Average, v, trans. Equalise : P. ecv, cK</>vyyctvtv,
^Travtcrowsee equalise.
Shirk: Ar. and

Averse, adj. Hostile: P. and V, see sWrfc. Jfo^ to &e avoided, use
adj.: P. and V. ^VKTOS (Plat.).
<f>pw, see hostile. Unwilling: P ^lt?oW mecfiwgf (a person) * Ar. and
and V. 2ji>v. jBe a^ar^e to (things \ P. &crp&rcor0<u (acc.). Desire to
P. x^t^w? <f>ipw (acc, or dat.), Ar avoid: Y. <t>vfcUw (aoo.).
and P. *y&voKTtv (dat.), P. and V Avoidance of, subs. P. and V.
Avo Awn
(gen.), P- AiroSpoorw, 17
^/& . P. and V. v
(gen.), dTTOKi^o-is, 17 (gen.), V. aAufis, (ace.), a<f>aviLv (ace.).
""7* Away, interj. Ar. and V. Ippe, Y.
Avow, v. trans. See confess, assert. Kppois (opt.), Ar. a?ray. -.i?^^/

Avowal, subs. See confession, as- with labours : V. xat/)(> l/TWI/ ""ovot

sertion. (Bur., JSTJ. 575).

Await, v. trans. P. and V. /Aemv, and V, <o/?', ^*-
Awe, v. trans. P.
pov$xccr6<u t Ar. and P.
&QQ frighten. <#>oy86tv;
a/I/X,I/tl/, Awe, subs. 'Sanctity: P. and V.
/ufiveiv, KoVxr0(U, Trpocr- OTC/AVOTT/S, ^,
Ar. and V. o-^Sas, ro.
(rare P. as Thuc. 6, 4:4 and Reverence : V. aiSoSs, ', o-c^as, TO, P.
Dem. 292), Ar. 7rai^/ju and V. eucre/foa, ?/. J?(jar P. and .-

/or P. and V. TT/pei]' (aco.),

.- V. ^>o/?os, 6, Se'os, TO, <^pf77, T) (Plat.,
So/eai' (aco.), Ar. and P. and Bur., Tro. 1026); see fear.
(ace.), V. /capa&>Kti/ (ace.) (also Object of aioe Ar. and V. o-|8a5, .-

Xen.). TO'. View with awe : P. and V.

Awake, adj. P. and V. eypiyyopos. (rc^eiv (aeo.), o-e^cor^at (aoo.),

Sleepless: P. and V. aypu?n/os, V. and V. crcptfav; see /ear, respeot.

P. and V. &-

Awestruck, Be, v.
use P. and V. Swap (opposed to
oVap, in a foeam). Awful, adj. Fearful: P. and^V.
Awake, v. trans, P. and V. fyef/mp, 864V05, <^0^pOS, ffrplKwB'QS, V, 8uV-
efcyetpeiv, Ar. and P. 7Tytptv, &/- Xt/Ao?, e/x-^oyQos. Majestic : P. and
ycipciv (Xen.). Met., see WOUSQ. V. crepvos.
Lie awake : P. <iypu7n/et!/, Ar. 8ta- Awfully, adv. P. and V.
V. intrans. P. and V. Majestically: P. and V. o-e
AwfulneSS, subs. P. SCW/OTT;?, *;.
Awaken, v. trans. See awake. Majesty : P. and V. CT^UVO'T^S, 7;,
P. and V- rA.

Awakening, subs. P. lyepms, 7). Awhile, adv. jpb/

Met., swprise: P. ira/>aA.oyos, o. a w&tfd, /or ^ while : uso P. W^
Theirs was a rude atoakening : P. and V.
6 TrapaXoyos aurots fteyas T;I/ (Thuc. /Sp&xyv \p6vov.
7, 55). Awkward, Qlwnsy : P. and V.
Award, v. trans. P. and V. 8wc<ii/, <r/cato9, Ar.and P. o[ypot/cos, V.
P. 7rt8i/ii/ ; see assign^ adjudge. a/4iJx" vo$ Uneducated : P. and V.

Award, subs P. and V. /cpfins, 7% a/AOVcro?, afJtiiOrjs, Al*. and P. ftTrat-

P. Siayi/oms, T;. SCUTOS. J&mbarraxsiw/ : P. ami V.
Aware, adj. Knowing: P. and V.j fcopos a/jitfxdvos (rare P.), Ar. and

Be aware of: P. and V. P. x^^ 7r<^*

(ace.), 'cffifro*
(ace.),, Awkwardly, adv. (Utwwilr/ : Ar.
(ace. or gen.) ; soe k\
Learn : P.
V. and rcbusiw/li/ P. and
: V* $7ro/x>?.
(ace. or gen.) see learn. ; ttehace awkwardly: P. and V.
Away, adv. P. and V. aorxT/yLAoi'ctv. /Jc awkwardly plawul :
Far off: Ar. and P. Troppeo, V. j
P. ttTTOpo)? ScaKcurdfU.
Trporrco, 7ropo
see yii&/'.
(i> J?0 away :
j \ Awkwardness, (HurtiHln^x : P.
P. and V. crti/<u. Be from home : and V. OTCCUOTT;?, >/, P. dypoucta, jj,
P. and V. l/cST/uw, Ar. and P. im>- Boorwhness : P. and V. fyuwtrta, >;,
S^/xetv; see 6e ^6 road, under abroad. P. airatSciwna, 7/. KwharnutiMwnt :
Do away with : P. and V. a^rupeu' P. and V. ^TTopta, 7).
(aco.), see rc'move^ abolish. Make Awning, subs. P, (rrfya<r^ 9 ru ; 800
Awr Bac

covering. An awning of cloth: V. AdSAos, P. TroAuAoyos, V. &@vpay\<i)cr-

7TTpu TreTrAan/ (Eur., Ion, 1143). o-os, oTO/ipyos, Ar. AaA^rt/co?.
Awry, adj. P. ovcoAids. Turned Noisy : V. TroAvppo^os, pd^to?.
aivry : V. 8iaorpo<o9. Babe, subs. Ar. and P. -nmoYov, TO',
v. trans. P. and V.
TratSdtptov, TO'. (7/iiZ^ m a? ws ;
TmpaoTTpccjkciv. Met., /aZse, jarmng : and V. vr/Trtos, 6 or T) (Plat., Ant.),
P. and V. TrA^/^^s. V. /fy^os, TO, TVT^OS, 6 or T). 07iiZ^
Awry, adv. P. ek cr/coXta. Falsely, (generally) P. and V. irats, 6 or 17*,

jarringly : P. TrA^^ASs. Ar. and V. TCKVOV, TO (rare P.). <y

Axe, subs. P. and V. WA.CJW, 6 a babe, adj. V. :

(Xen. also Ar.;, a^, ^ (Xen.). Babel, subs. Confused noise: P.

Battle-axe: P. and V. TreAc/cus, 6 and V. 66pvj3os, 6, 6; see
(Xen.). Pick-axe: Ar. and P.
Ar. and V. StfceAAa 77, Baby, subs. See babe.
V. 7;, rii/cos, o, Babyhood, subs. See childhood.
6. Unhewn by the axe, From babyhood : P. IK /u*pou TrcuSa-
adj. : V.
acr/<7rapvo9. (Dem. 1252).
Axiom, subs. Self-evident proposi- Babyish, adj. P. and V.
tion: P. aiG>/Aa, TO (Aris see childish.
Axis, subs. P. TTO'AOS, 6. Baboon, subs. Ar. and P. T 6.

Axle, subs. P. and V. 3,fav o, V. Bacphanal, subs. P. and V.


<ri)pty, ^. Turning in the axle, 6 (Plat.). Fern., P. and V.

adj. : V
ttfoviyAttTos. ^ (Plat.), V. OVL&, 7),
Ay, interj. See yes. To add em- Bacchanalia, subs. P. and V.
phasis : P. and V. 77, Sfjra. at (Plat.), V.

Aye, adv. See always. TO, or pi., TO

Azure, adj. V. *vavos, P. (pi. in Ar.), TcAerai vtot,

(Plat,). Bacchanalian. See Bacchic.

Bacchante, subs. See Bacchanal.
Bacchic, adj. Ar. and V. /Scucxctos,
B /fe/^wtfios, Sos. Bacchic revels,
subs. : see baccJianalia. Indulge
Babble, v. intrans. Talk nonsense : in Bacchic revels : P. and V. PO.K-
P. and V. A^iv, Ar. and P. (Plat,, Jo. 584A), V. /3a*-
Chatter ; P. and V. Bacchic frenzy: V. TO
i/, V. 7ro\voTo/xtv, Ar. ^A/tyvfi-
; see chatter. P. and V.
Bachelor, subs. Use adj.,

Make a no-ke of inanimate things, V.

<2yfyu>s, ^eo? (Plat.),
P. and V. ti/.
Back, subs. P. and V. vGrrov or pi.

Babble, sub's. Nonsense: Ar. and! Of the back: P. and V.

P, At/po?, o, $Aai5px, T), P. (Plat.). Of things P. T& :

TCI. Chatter: Ar. and P. Aa The back legs : P. T& MtrO

Co, >;, V. AoA^/AaTa, -ret, P. (Xen.). At the back, behind, adv. :

r); see chatt&r. Noise: P. and V. ZmcrOev, 67r)fcra>, Ar. and

P. and V. ^rrtyof Q. Meaningless
P. KttTOTTtv, Io7rr0fi', V. oVwrtfe,

toife ; P. and V. ^o<os, 6. In the rear : P. /vartt VWTOV. On


Babbler, subs. Ar. and P, dSoXfoxv horse-back: P/and V. ty* ?mrov.

/>, V. AciAT/fia, TO, ^A^8o>v, 3 or t),
07i one's back, adj. P. and V. ftr- :

Babbling, subs. V. yA<u<r<roAyta, T) no5. Twrw one's back, v. intrans. :

see babble. V. vom^eiv. TAe,V *^"tw5 ^6*

V. irpos ^>vyr)v
Babbling, adj. Talking ; P. and V. 600/55 in flight:

Bac Bad

(Eur., And. 1141). Bind are the backbone of

(a person's) hands behind his back : the land
V. avrovpyos, owrep KOLL :

Ar. and P. OTTWTGJ TO) x*W $v (Ar., fjuovoi <r<#ov<ri yfy (Bur., Or. 920).

Lys. 434, and Dem. 356). Binding Backdoor, subs. P. 7nA&, 17.
his hands behind his back: P. TO> Background, subs. Use P. r <57ri<ra>.
Xp TTcptayaywv cfe T(yi$7rMr0v (Lys. There was one in the background
94). Clasp one's hands behind ready to bid against us ; P.
one's back : P. ru> x ^P *** Tovirfov
o-u/ATrAcW (Thuo. 4, 4). W%
do (Dem. 307).
use P. iKiroS&v
v. trans.
Keep in the back-
7/ozj weep turning your upon ground, :

V. ri /xot 7rpo<ra>7ra) see also hide ; v. intrans.

vairov Troteto-^at ;

ow Supei (Bur., use P. and V. cKvoSwv wrra<r0ai.

739). Backing, subs. Support, favour :
Back, adv. P. and V. 7raA./, P. and V. eui/oia, 17. Backing water :
ts TOVTncrOev, P. ct? TOUTTMTW, V. aij/op- P. di/aKpou(rt9, 17.
pov, or use adj., V. cw/roppos, 7raA.iV- Backward, adj. slow : P. and I,

O-UTOS, V. ovecuos, P.
J.00 : P. and V. irporepov. Come see
back, v. intrans. : P. and V. 1-
P. ciTrpdS^o?, owyppos. I am back-
vepxcor&u ; see return. &ive back, ward in the customs of the Greeks :
v. trans. P. and V. tiroSZScfoai.
Hang back, v. intraus. : P. and V. (Bur., fly. 1246).
JCttTOKV6V, fM\\LV ] S66 /0$i- Backwardly, adv. Without eager-
Ztom 6ocfc, v. trans. P. and ness : P.

V. &iro<rrp<t>Lv ; v. intrans., P. and Backwardness, subs. Dullness : P.

V. faroarrpcfaw or pass., and V. d/jta^ta, >;, P. )3\aK<ia,
or pass. ; see under i'o>0cca, ^. Hesitation,
Back, v. trans. JBocA; ^aier : Ar. back : P. and V. o/cvos, o,
and P. ava.Kpov<rO(u (Vesp. 399), P. Backwards, adv. See &cwfc. Back-
KpovcorQat, Trpvjwav. Favour : P. wards and forwards : V. irdXw TC
and V. uw)tj/ (dat.). Support, Kat TTpoora) (Bur., Hec. 958) ; nee to
confirm: P. jSc^Satovi/. V. intrans. and fro tinder
Go back : P. and V. virotrrpefaw or Bad, adj. Wicked: P. and V. K&
Sack out (of an undertak- Troi^pos, /x,OY^>yp<fe, TOi/oCpyo?, </>auXrj$,
P. and V. &rra<rftu (gen.), (fr\avpo<s,V. TravTOupyos. Utterly
(gen.), _ Book out of what bad P. and V. irdy/caKo$, Ar, and

one has said : P. a |

P. TraAwroVrfpos. Unfortunate: P. (Thuo. 4, 2 and V. Kfx/co?, <5v(rTi5^r;ff, SixrSatM&H'*
Backbite, v. trans. and V. 8ui-l r
(rare V.), Ar. and V.
fid\\iv, P. Ar. and P. !
Spurious: P. and V.
<rv/co0avT', V. .
Ar. and P,

Backbiter, subs. Ar. and P. o-iko- Iwcaj>o6te ; P. and V.

Ar. and P. /xo^^T/po?,
Backbiting, subs. P. and V. varo?. Jn i^d health : BOO %'2.
5, P. jSaoTcavia, ^ V. I^ttriotM : P, and V, &onu/*4ta/>o?,
- P. ^8Xay8po?, Ar. and V.
Backbone, subs. P. and V. <noV8vAos, V. Xv/tavnjpto* ; 800 /WlfJtt-
6. Spww : P. and Y. /5rfx<*, 17 (Plat.), Sorry, mean; 1\ and V,

cr^oVSvXot, ol (Plat.), V. S^avtfa, ^, '?, KOKOS, Ar and P.

vwrtata apOpa, ra. O/ iAe ioc&iow$ . Ar. and V.
P. and V. vortato?. -*1
farmer, otic ftas (/one bad : P.

Bad Bal

(Dem.). Eotten : Ar. and Baggage, subs. Ar. and P.

P. <rcwrpoV. Ta 5 V. o-ayij, 77. Baggage cwiimaU :

Badge, subs, Ar. and V. cn^ctov, P. wro^vytov TO also in pi., TOL o-fceuo-

TO,Y. oT/fwi, TO, 7ri<n7/ia, TO. Sign, <^>opa. Carrying one's own baggage :
token : P. and Y, o^/xetov, TO, TCK- V. avro^opros ouccia o-ayw (-Slsch.,
fiypiovy TO, crvfi/foXov, TO, V. 0^0.675).
Bail, subs. P. and V. lyyfy, ^
Badger, v. trans. See worry. Bailing out : P. e'&yyifyo-is, 17.

Badinage subs. Ar. and P.

} 0?ze w/io groes 6aii : Ar. and P.
TO, Or pi., P. ^\i;acrp)s, 6, cyyvTTTijs, 6. Oj^sr 6ai7 : Ar. and
77 ;
see mockery. P. iyyvaa-Oat. Offer bail for : P.
Badly, adv. P. and V. KcUG Stcyyuav (ace.). Offer bail to a/ppear
Unfortunately : P and V. before the court : P. eeyyvao-0at
SvoriJ^ciis, V. n-ayfcdLKO)?, (Andoc. 7).
P. d-ruxais ! a bad plight P. Bail, V. trans. P. yyt;acr0<u. Bail
<jwropa>s, /Aox$?7pa>9, irov^pajs. out: P. eeyyuav. 5e bailed: P.
jurioitely, adv.: P. and V. Sieyyuaa^ai (pass.),
P. dorvfwdp<D$ (Xen.). J5fi
ojf.- P. tt7ropa>s ; YV
seejpoor. Bailiff, subs. Use Ar. and P.
Badness, subs. Wickedness : P. and
V. /OIK?;, ty, Trovypta, ^, Travovpyia, Bait, subs. P. and V. , TO, Ar.
Ar. and P. tcc
^, P.
Of things (Jad a tempting bait for my mind : V.
P. ta, 17, Trovtjpia., ^, Kai t^w KaOtLcrav Se'Xcap 1

Incompetence(Bur., I.T. 1181).

: P.
and V. P. dSvva/ua,
Bait, v. trans. P. ,

Ar. and P. Ar. and P. x oP T<* H/ j see

Bad-tempered, adj. Worry : P. IX/cciv.
Baffle, v. trans. Escape notice of; Bake, v. trans. Ar. and P.
P. and V. Xav0<W (ace.), V. Tre'crcmv, Ar. and V. cgmrrav (Eur.
.cc.) (also Xen. but rare P.). Cyc/.). O/ pottery, bricks, etc. :
8ausQ to fall (of persons or things) P. <57rrav. J5afc0 &read ; P. and V.

P. and V. ox^XX^v. Baulk of: P. <rZT07rotZv (Xen.). Setting one the

and V. ^v8eiv (aco. of person, gen. task of baking bread : V. irpoarQcl?
of thing), P. tKKpovew of person, oriTorroioV (Eur., Hec. 362).
gen. of thing). Be baffled in : P. to bake bread : P.
and Y. \lstvSccrQcu (gen.), o-<aXXco-0ac (Thuc.).
(gen.), .), a/xap- Baked, adj. P. and Y.
(gen.). baffled: P. and Baker, subs. P. 6 or ^
V. o^<Ur0at (absol.)- o-tTOTroto'9, 6 or 17, Baker's wife :

Baffled, adj. Unsuccessful (of per- Ar. dpTO7T<oXtS, $!

sons) P. :
Bakery, subs. Ar. dproTrwXtov, r6.
Baffling, adj. Hard to unravel : P. Baking, subs. Of bread : Ar. and
and V .
ctau^ifc, 817X05, V. Sfocvperos, P. &proiroda 9 v) (Xen.).
/xjSX^TOs, Balance, subs. Pair of scales : Ar.
see obscure. Baffling and V. TdtXavroi/, r6, onraflftds, 6, P,
description : P, and V. vyov, TO, Ar. and P. rfwrdvy 9 f) j
see scale. Tongue of the balance :
Subs. Ar. Tnypa, 17, o-c/c09, Ar. and P. rpvrdwi, %. Lie in the
.'and V. d<r*o5, 6, tfiiX^eos, (Bur., balance: met., Y. v po?r^ iccurtfot,
P* usdpcrnroSf 6 (Xen*). P. Ktv8wi;<r0<H. -BgmZiferiiww : P.
Bal Ban

icroppoTTia, ^, TO dvrraXov. Surplus : eyeball. Play at ball, v. P. cr$ai- :

P. TO TTCpLOV, TTCplOTKTMl, j). Is the pCfav (Plat.). Ca^c/t a ball: P.

balance of trade so much in otvr cr<atpav /c8XO"^ac (Plat.).
fa/OQUT? TOO-OUTOV a.vT&vjr\ovKTOvnv Ballad, subs. P. en-os, TO see ;

Ka.Ta.Tfiv fywropiav; (Plat., Eutk. 15A). Ballast, subs. Ar. Ip/xa, TO.
Come, strike a balance V. $cp* : ballast : P. dvep/wmo-Tos.
dvr$s yap (Eur., Heracl. 153). Ballot, subs. Foii?^ peWZe or aci o/
Weigh in the balance : P. ei/ uy< voting : P. and V. i^?<os, ^. Fo^-ww/:
torravat. P. Bid\f/'n<f)L(rL^9 vj9 v if/Tf]<f)OV ^optt, iy..

Balance, v. trans. !F<3^/4 : Ar. and T/te secrecy of the ballot: P. TO

P. lorai/ai. Met., put one thing as KpvfiSyv ^^T0cu (Dem. 415).
a set off against another: P. Ballot, Y. intrans. P. and V. ''^
and V. dvrm0a/<u (ace. and gen,),
V. drao-77/coT;i/ (dat. or gen.), P. P.
dvTiTacro-o-0ai (mid.) (ace. and wpds, Ballot-box, subs. Ar. and P.
aco.); see counterbalance. Balance 6 ; see %r%.
'in the mind, examine: P. and V. Balm, subs. Ointment: P. and V.
o-KOTretv; see examine. Balance /x,i5pov,
TO. Met., anything that
accounts : P. StoXoyt&o-ftxi. .Mi&fee soothes : P. irapafwOiov, TO', V. SKOS,
egW# : P. dvrwraXov Ka.0ujTa.vai ; TO, P. and V. <f>(ipjj,aKOV9 TO, ?a/^a, TO,
see counterbalance. V. intrans. fao-tj, 7).

Balmy, adj. Fragrant: P. and V.

accounts balance : P. &v Ka.0a.pcu cMfys. So/*.- Ar. and P. p*Aife,
oicrtv at ^</>ot
(Dem. 303). Ar. and V. /*aX0a*o's.
Balanced, adj. Equally balanced: Balsam, subs. P. and V. /Arfpov, TO.
P. and V. tcroppOTTOs, P. dvrwraXos. Ban, subs. P. and V. tfpa, ^, V.
Met., moderate : P. and V. fteVptos. KaTcvy/iciTa, Ta see e?rse. ;

Self-restrained : P. and V. o-uxfrpw. Ban, v. trans. P. and V. brapa,<r6a.t,

Balancing, adj. Compensating for ; (dat.), Ar. and P. KarapaarOat, (dat.) ;

P. drrtppoTTOs (gen.), dj^rt'oTatf/Ltos see cwrse. Forbid; Ar. and P.

(dat.) (Plat.), V. dmorafytos (gen.). aTTttyopeuav, P. and V. &7rLViv\
Balancing, subs. O/ account books: QQQ forbid.
P. 8xXoyto*/xos, 6. Band, subs. P. and V. 8e<r/Aos, 6. V.
Bald, adj. P. and V. ^SXcwcpo's (Eur., 5^a, TO'. For thehead : P. and V.
CfycZ.227). Met., swzyZe : P. and 0-T0aVOS, 6, OT/A/Att, TO (Plat, l)Ut
V. P. i/fiAos.

CLTrXoT;? , rare P.), V. arc'^09, TO, ttv^/xa, TO,

Baldrick, subs. P. and V. ^wv*7, ij, TO, P. Tatvui,
V. ^oxrr^p, Ar. and V.
6, ^a, TO. i?- : Ar. and V. ^tr/xi,
Bale, subs. Bundle: Ar. and P. ; P. and V. <i/i;, r;, V.
<o/m'ov ; see burden. o, Ar. and V. <tywi, TO'. Twittted
Bale put, v. tons. P. bands of thongs : V. T

Baling out tlw ship: V. (rrpo^'Se? (Eur., .-Inrfr. 718).

itpywi/ mo'? (Eur., ^ro. 686). lection of people : P. and V. o/xl\
Baleful, adj. Harmful: P. o, cruAAoyos, 6, criWci(rt9 r} T
yS^pos, Ar. and V. drypos, V. 6 (rare P.), oroXo?, o, Xx
Xi)/xai/TT;pio$, P. and V. KUKO'S 17, fy-M/yBpts, 17, TTtti^y^pt^ /*

Balefully, adv. P. and V. of revellers : P. and V. 98kws, S

Balk, v. trans. see &<wZ&, &o#fo. V. KO)/AOS, o. /A<w2 o/ avldiam : P.
Ball, subs.

JPfer playing with: P. and V. rci^, ^ Xox<*, &- WW

/a^v/e band: V, woAA^ x<*/>*
and V- ^c;/cXo5, o. O/ ^ eye ; soe Band, v. trans. Unite togtflwr: l\
Ban Ban
and V. vvvdytw, P. oiu/icrrai/ac. V. (gen.). Banish with atwth&r .- V.
intrans. P. and V. crWpx<r0<u, AT. (Ttva Ttvt). -Be
and P. (jwtdTTao-^at. use also P. and V.
Bandage, subs. V. rcXafjwv, 5, Ar. V. &7roi/ov<r6(Lt
Xa/jwraSiov, TO, 60<wa, ra. bawisJied with another : P. and V.
Bandage, v. trans. Bind : P. and V. ew (absol. or dat.).
We $7&aZZ /widJ wwrny with their Banished, adj. P. and V. ^S
woutids st'ill bandaged: P. P. V.
crofjiv iro XXous ert Tpau/Aara
(Xen., 07/r. 5, 2, 32).
/xei/ous Banishment, subs. Driving out :
Bandit, subs. P. and V. Xi/cmys, 6 ;
P. eKjSoX-)}, ^, IXcun,?, -jy.
Exile : P.
see robber. and V. <^rjyij, ^. Public banish-
Bandy, adj. P. jgXawnfe (Xen.). ment : V. <i5yi) S^/xiJXaTos. Banish-
Bandy, v. trans. Bandy words : V. ment for life : P. det<jf>uyta, i) see ;

Xoyovs Words o/ re-

proach were bandied about: V. Bank, subs. O/ a n'ver : P. and V.
Xoyoi .
eppo0ow Jcaicoi (Soph.,
. .
oY&y, ^ (Xen.). Mmind : P. and
J.w. 259). Why do I thus bandy V. ox<fy, ij (Xen.), Ar. and V. 3x0os,
words with you ? V. ri ravra crots 6 see mound. Bank of earth ; P.
<fyuXXa>/Aat Xoyois; (Bur., Hipp. and V. xfy"1 T(* P- X^ s ^

e 2^ *
971). Bandy about, keep talking arrive at the banks of the Enneus :
of : V. tti/a <rro/j,a ^( tv ev^aretcr^at ;3
P. d^t/cvovvrat TT! TOV trorapjov rov
see circulate. 'EpcvcoV (Thuc. 7, 82). 2%e ^yra-
Bane, subs. Poison: P. and V. cusans lining the other bank of the
^ap/m/cov, TO, V. tos, 6. Gause of river : P. cis TO, 7ri Qtirepa ToG TTOTajJuov
mischief: P. and V. fca*ov, TO, V. -TrapaoTcivTCS ot SvpaKOO-tot (Thuc. 7,
8f;X?7/*a, ro, TrJJ/Aa, TO. Concretely, 84). P^acc ^o de^os-^ money: P.
o/ a person : P. and V. Xv/Aewv, 6, TpaTTc^a, ^. For references to &dwz&-
V. 7nJ/*a, TO, df-ny, ^, Xv//,a, TO, Ar. m^, see Dem. 1236 et seqq. Hav-
and P. 8\0pos, o see ; ing one bank of oars, adj. P. :

Baneful, adj. P. ?Xa/3epo's, P. and V. /XOVO'K/>OTOS (Xen.). Saving two

banks of 007-5 : P. Si'/cpoTos (Xen.).
Xvypos, Ar. and "V. A ship with three banks of oars :
Bang, subs. 7?^ow : P. and V. Ar. and P.
Norn : P. and V. 6, Ar, Bank, v. trans.
Bank up : P. xp
and V. TniT&xo?, 6, /crifTro 6 (rare P.); Ycowuvai, TTpocr^oOv, P. and V.
see wise. Banked up with earth : Y. XWOTOS.
Bang, v. trans. Strike P. and V. Piling up tlie banked clouds : V.
/cpovW* V. intrans. Make loiid TTV/CVOV v^>o5 (Eur., Frag.)*
noise : P. and V. tv,and V. Banker, subs. P.
Ar. ,
6. B^
a banker, V. P. :

Bangles, subs. P. ^Xta, ra (Xen.) Bankrupt, Be, V. P. &vaovcevdiecr0<u>

Banish, v. trans. Drive into exile : TWV OVTWV (Dem. 981)*
P. and V. {Xavpct?, AxrcXawetv, 6a?iferwjp : P.
<OV 6Wa>v (Dem.
959). bankrupt in money: P.
fetv, P. $OLK%W, vrrepo- aTrcipijKfvai. (Dem. 30).
Ar. and V.
Y. et., ;d utterly bmkrut even
Met. (gd^ rwZ o/ a feeling, as our fortunes $
etc.), P and V. farpjeff icnrep at (Bur., EL
(aco), 602).
Ban Bar

Banned, adj. Accursed : P. and V. ^ : V.

/c&TapaTOS, /uapos, c^ctyio-ros, V. Spai- Ar. S/cfe, ^, P. and V. /c6rpov, TO.
09 ; see cursed. JETorse : see
Banner, subs. P. OWSLOV, TO (Xen.). Barbarian, subs. Use adj., P. and
Banquet, subs. P. and V. V. jSapjSapo?.
(Plat,), 6otvy, r) (Plat.), P. and V.
Barbaric, adj.
(Plat.), P. ioTUuro, 07. P. )8apy8aptKo5, V.

Banquet, v. trans. P. and V. Barbarism, subs. Uiwmlised state :

vo>x ^ (
Eur Oycl. 346), V. 8 P. dTratSeuo-ta, 17. Savoc/eness : P.
0oivav V. intrans. Use pass. of 17,
P and V. w/Acmys, 7;.

verbs given. Banquet on Ar. and Barbarity, subs.

Savageness: P.
P. icrriaLtrQai (ac<5.), P. ayptOTr;s, >;, P. and V. W^IOTT;?, T; ;
(acc.) (Xen.), V. e/c6W5o-0ai (acc.), see cruelty.
Ooivaa-Qai (aco.), Ar. and V. SacVvcr^at Barbarous, adj, Strange, foreign:
(aco,). P. and V. /?ap#ttpo9, oSmos, P.
Banqueter, subs. P. 8aiTv>oi>, 6 ^ap/SapiKo's, V. KttpjQdvos. Savage :
(Plat.), V. SaiTaXcu's, 6, 6oivdp, 6. P. and V. ypios, W/AOS ; see savage.
Banquet! ng-hal I, subs. P. and V. Become barbarous, v. P. and V, :

crva-crtruov, TO, P. #0X09, T). <iypio9or0<u (Xen. also Ar.). Neither

Banter, v. trans. P. Ipevxn^w (aoc. Greece nor barbarous land: oiV
or dat.) (Plat.), P. and V. xat'&tv 'BXX&5 OTJT ayXwo-o-os (Soph., rmc/i.
Trpos (acc.) see mock.
; 1060). Barbarous in speech: P,
Banter, subs. P. xXeuacr/ios, o, P. and ayi/wo-Tos yXGo-o-av. Half-bar barons ,
V. TraiSta, ^ ; see mockery. adj.: V. /uo/3ap/2a/>os.
Bantling, subs. P. and V. Ope^a, barbarous speech, v. P. :

TO (Plat.) see child, young.


Bar, subs. For fastening : P. and Barbarously, adv. Savagely: P.

V. /*oxXos, o, Ar. and V. /cXrJ0pa, rd. <O/AU? see cruelly. ;

Bail round a chariot : V. #VTU, 7). Barbed, adj. Ar. and V* o^uWo/xo?,
Law-court : Ar. and 'P. Swcarrnypiov, V. XoyxcoTo?. Met., &/^ffr : P, and
TO'. O/ tf&e bar, judicial, adj. Ar. V. m/cpos, V. TeQ

and P. Swcwwcos. Bar (uncoimd) Barber, subs. P.

gold: P. xpvarbs ctmy/AOs, 6, Across Barber's shop, subs. Ar. and P.
a harbour : P. eOy/Aa, TO. ;li i/ie KOVpLOV, TO.
WOW^/t O/ a river : V, 7rpo(rxwA.a, TO\ Bard, subs. P. and V. f>a\lfM<$, o
Hindrance : P. /ca5Xv/xa, TO, Staicai- (Plat.), <jMc, 6 (Plat.), V. forffo, 6,
X.V/JLOL, TO, TO, o/avTto>/ca, TO. 6, Poet: P. and V.
Be a 6ar <o : P. elwu (gen.), o (Eur., Fray.), V. /unwo-

P. and V. l/wroS&v (dat.), ^/x- TTOtOS, O.

3ro8o>v yfyvecrQai (dat.). Bare, adj. Uncovered: P. aud V.

Bar, v. trans. Fasten : P. and V. yu/wos, ^ZXos. O/ country bar& of

n-o^X^ti/, Ar. and wjetation, etc, : P. i/rtXo?. Ewptt/:
P. P-w^ 6^r across ; Ar. P. and V. /cevo?, lpQ/*t>?, P. fttftjecro?.
P. and V. Bare of : P. and V. yu/xwfc (on.),
P. dwo<j&pao'<rav, t/jL<t>pa.<r-
: P. and V. KcoXvetv,
Prevent (^en.). jMare; P. ^1X09. ftardy
6v ; see
prevent. sufficient: P. and V.
Shut out : P. and ,V. rtiro^W, ^/c- /z^^ Zivic/t to a /#0 ?iord,
/cX^Jctv. Except ; P. and V. l&ipetv. ^ bare outline: P. /w*pa
Barb, subs. P. and V. woioW, 6 auTtt TUi'ttyKO/M-a (Dem.
(Xen.). jffooi: P. ay/ctcrrpcw/, TO. Scanty, insufficient: 1\ and V*
Bar Bar

1/8075, oTroVtos. Bare (unsupported over victims in sacrifice : V. -jrpo-

statement) : P. Xoyos. Laying
i/rtXos Xurot, at, Ar. 6Xat, au Barley cake :
their sides on the bare ground V. . Ar. and P. /xaa, y (Plat).
doTpcorco TrcSi) TrXevpas Tt0o/Tes (Bur., subs. P. airoOyKy, y.
H.F. 52). Sarque, subs See boat.
Bare, v. trans. P. and V. yv/woih/, V. Barrack, subs. Use P. and V. <rrpa-
yviwbv Tt0cVat. Ojjf clothes : P. TdVcSov, TO (lit., Camp), P. TO. OTrXa
and V. Ar. and P. (place of arms).
Empty or (generally) : P. and
Sarrel, subs. P. and V. , 6,
V. KO/OW, epTyjaovv, &pv}fu>vvj Ar. andAr. and P. ayyctov, TO.
V. ttTToi/rZXoOv, P. i/r(Aovv ; see -MW- Barren, adj. Desolate: P. and V.
pv5/xo9.Bare of trees : P. i^iAos.
Barefaced, adj. Open : P. and V. O/ kw^ ; P. and Y. SKapTros. O/
<aVepr)'s, c/^avifc. Impudent : P. females: P. and V oVo/cos (Plat.).
and V. oVatSws. V. ^yovos (also Plat., met.),
Barefooted, adj. V. i^Xferovs, dVap- , oretpos, Ar. and P.
(Eur., Frag.), Ar. and P. (Plat,), Childless: P. and
V. dWs. Afafe barren, trans. :
Bare-headed, adj. P. P. and V. efa/A^Xow. 7a-w*, barren
Barely, adv. With difficulty : P. of result: P. dVpcwcros, P. and V.
and V. /zoAtg, ^oyts, Ar. and P. SV^VUTOS. Empty : P. and V. /-Ldt-
XuXeTrSs. Insufficiently: P. Taios, Ki/os see vawi.
; Barren of :
Bareness, subs. Destitution : P. P. and V. ep^/Aos (gen.), /cvos (gen.).
and V. cp^/ua, .
Insufficiency : P. #>2/re w bcwren of honours : V.
and V. oTrdVts, ^, P. 2v8ia, .
Upo, 8 x*P ros ayXaio-fittTCov (Eur.,
Bargain, v. trans. Make a covenant : 7Z.
P. and V. o"Uft)Satvtv, o-wrt00"0ai, Barrenness, subs. Desolation: P.
P. ~ ojnoXoyetv. Traffic: P. fywropev- and V. p7;/ua, ^. O/ females : P.
,i, Ar. and
V. IpjroXav ; see a<op/'a, ^, oXtyoyovta, ^, V. ^icapirta, ^.

JHi&nZ to bargain with : P. Childlessness: P. and V. (wraiSta,

^. Cursed with barrenness (of Icmd) :
Bargain, subs. Covenant : P. and V. a/cap7T(os ^^ap/jLvo? (Soph.., 0.37.
254), Uselessness : P.
TO, P. o/AoXoyt'a, r/. Purchase: P,
and V. <woj, ^, ^TroXiJ, ^ (Xen., aiicl Barricade, subs. P. and V.
Eur., Oyoi. 254:), V. fywroX^a, TO TO ; see ba/rrier.
(Eur., 6 j/<5Z. 137). At a bargain, Barricade, v. trans. P. and V.
cheaply : P. VTXoi9 (Xea.).
Barge, subs. See boat. P. ^^pacrcrccv, <i7ro<#)pacro-tv, Ar. and
BarR, subs* Of a tree : P. ^Xoio's, 6 P. KaYa/cX'ca/. Tfi'i/i a waW : P.
(Xon,). Jj?oc&^: P. and V, -rrXoiov,
TO' ; see boat. Of a dog : P. and V, Barrier, subs. P. and V.
o, P. /cXayyr}, r) (Xen.) r6, P. Trpo^oXiJ,
s, o (Xen.), V. SXay/m, TO. Mnders : P. /cwXv/xa,
Bark,*V. intrans. O/ a <2or/ : P. and TO, ^/ATrdSta'/Aa, TO,
V. tkoLKrelv, Ar. 'and P. /cXa^ TO. J5o a barrier to, v. P. :

(Xen.). Bark at : Ar. and P elvat (gen.), P. and Y. 4/t-

ftXaKTCtv (aco.). etvat (dat.), ^/trroS^v ytyvccrOaL

Barley, subs. P. and 7. /cpt0r;, (dat.). Borr^r (a^a^n^O : P. and

Barley meal: Ar. and P. X<t7 V. -Trp^XTy/xa, T^ (gen.), P. Trpo/JoXiy,
r6t or pL Barl&y meal for sprinkling ij (gen-) ; see defence. Barriers
Bar Bas

against crime: P. l/^pdy/iaTa P. and V. i/reuSifc.

duapTWuarcov (XSOC. 148A). P. oXoyos.
Barrister, subs. P. and V. Baselessly, adv. Falsely: P. and
V. ^fcuSois. Unreasonably : P. dXo-
Barrow, subs. Tomb : Ar. and P.
(Typo., P. and V. Ta<^os, 6, Ar. Baselessness, subs.
TO, Unreasonable-
and V. TUfjLftos, o, V. YW/AO., TO (rare ness : P. dXoyta, 17.
P.). Ga/ini : V. KoXtui/Tj Basely, adv. P. and V.
loy/eo>//,aTa, Ta. KCWCO)?, TTOI^pfis, ttyWO)S.
Barter, v. trans. and V.
P. basely: P. and V. *
(or mid.), dvToXXdWav (or mid.), Vulgarly: P. fopriKfa. Siwnbly :

SiaXXdWeiv. Take in exchange :

P. and V. yucraXa/Aj&avco' ; see also Baseness, subs. P. and V.
y, sell. Barter one's life : V, 17, /caicry, ^,
Ar. and P. icaKi'a,
0^pta, ?;,
P. Kcuco-n;?, T/. O/ 6/rf/J,
Barter, subs. P. dXXayy/, ^, V. etc. : P. TaTravoTTys, y/,
P. 'and V.
R / e /"O1-.J. \
ouo-yVta, r; (Jrlat.). '

Base, subs. Loioest part : P. and V. Bashful, adj. P.

(Plat.), /?a0pov, TO (Xen.), JLUOV (.X.611.^.

(Plat.), P. 2Sa<os, ro. Bashfully, adv. P. alo

Foundation : P. OejjL&toi, ot, TO. atS^/xovois (Xen.).
/caT>0v, P. and V. TTV^V, o, V. Bashfulness, subs. P. and V. aI8<is,

/Mfco, 17. O/ a hill ; P.

(Xen.). Of a triangle: Basin, subs. Ar. and P. dyyttor, TO,
^. Base o/ operations : Ar. and V. #yyos, TO', V. rwxos, ro.
P. and V.
, r/,
.op^Ti7ptoi/,To. Jfbrti/y
Basin of rock: V. Kpcmjp, 6 (Soph. t

(as a base against an enemy), v. 0.0. 1593).

intrans. P. ITTIT^X^^-
Making " Basis, subs. Foundation P. and V. :

Naupaotus their base ; P. fa, 6. Truth : P. and V. 5X?/-

e'/c NauTraKTou (Thuc. 2, 69). ^.
., Starting point : P. axul V*
against a place P. ^iriTctyirr/Mfc, 6
17, ^. Assumption (in reason-
(dat. or /caTa, gen.). iwj), P. VTrofacris, 17. -5fl OStiimctt

Base, Secure, confirm : P.

v. trans. as a basis : P. faQKeto-Qat., V. vTrctrat.
/?/3aiow. Statements based on no Bask, v. intrans. Jtei, 6 'WZrt : l\
foundation of truth : P. &r' dX^etas and V. ^iJva^tv. Lie : P. and V.
ou$/ua? tlpyjAeva (Dem. 230).
Base, adj. Morally: P. and V Basket, subs. P. and V. /cavotV, TO,
aurv/xfe, KaKOSj Tray/caKcs, Ar. and P. Ar. fc&ftfof fi,
Tapo-o's, o, ,

<avXo9, ftoxftypo?, /ca/covpyos,

Ar. and P. ciyi/v?fc. Meaw (o/ &w (also Xen.). Large basket: Ar.
ro?^, ec.) : P. and V.
</>cw)Ao?, KOKO?, Ar. and P. ^ycw^s, <rico5, 6. Making basket : P. Kt'p
V. SytwYrro's, Ar. and V. Svrryci/^ ; 6 (Plat.).
see o&swe. Degrading: P. and Bass, adj. P. and V. fiapif?.
V. Ttwmvos, Svct^co?. Vulgar, Ar. Bastard, adj. P. and V. v<5&>$, V,
and P. ^opn/cds, iyopatbs, O/ i/odaycvi??. Met,, spurious : P. and
iMii&u : P. and V. /a$&?X09, Ar. and V. P. v<S0os. j-I bastard'*
portion : Ar. T& Yj^J/wtTa Ta vofttut
Base-born, adj. See 6ose. (Av. 1056).
Baseless, adj. F<^m, emjrfy : P. and Bastion, subs. P. Trpo/Aaxcw, o (Xoii.);
V. pdraws, Kvos, P. Sta/cevos. see bulwark.
Bat Bay
Bat, subs. Ar. and P. WKTCP&, rj
/te loaves : V.
(Plat.). (^3sch., Tfeeft. 210).
Batch, subs. Quantity or amount: Battle, subs. P. and V. JLUXX?, ?
P. and V. TO, upifyios, 6;
-rrXriQost ayoiv, 6, V. ^ywvta, ^, dX/c^, ^ see ;

see collection. combat. Warfare : Ar. and V.

Bath, subs. Ar. and P. ySoAttmoi/, TO', -Ap^s, 6, V. Bopv. Encounter: V.
P. and V. XovrpoV, TO, V. opomy, 17. (TVJJL^O^, y, Ar. and P. criWSos, 17.
Swimming-bath : P. /coAvju^fyxi, ^. Sea battle : P. var/*axt/a > ^- -^^wc?

Hot-batJis : P. 0ep/zo, T<X (Xen.), V. battle : P. Trcfo/Aa^ta, 17. JjWte o/

0e/>/xa Aowpa, ra. .Ztatf/t attendant: : P. 7rapaTaf(,$, ^, P. and V.
Ar. and P. /ifaAavafe, 6. Bathing- , 17,
Ar. and V. crrtx^s, at.
room P. and V. Xovrpwv, 6 (Xen.).
god of battles : V. Zcvs
Bathing-tub: Ar. WeAos, 17. Fallen in battle, adj. V. S :

a bath, v. P. and V. XoDo-

: a battle : use adv., P.
Bathe, v. trans. P. and V.
see wash. Bathe hands and feet : V. Battle-axe, subs, P. and Y.
vi^civ, Ar. and P. wirovifav. Cleanse 6 (Xen., also Ar.).
by "bathing : Ar and P. cwroAovew Battle-cry, subs. P. and V.
(Plat.), P. and V. inmtfrw (Plat.). 6. Raise the battle-cry, v. P. and :

Pip: P. and V. /3a7rTH/, P. WW;

and V. SeiW (Plat.), re/ycti/ (Plat.), Battle-field, subs. P. IL&XV>*I ( Xen O ;
Ppix LV (Pla^O- -Ba^fo w* perspira- see field/o
tion l&p&Ti ftpex* (acc.) (Plat.). Battlements, subs. P. and V. eVoX-
Bathed in tears : V. /c*Aaujiiei/o$ ; s, at, P. Trapa^pdyftaTa, Ta, V.
see weep. V. intrans. P. and V. jcpi7$e/tva, Ta, 0a>pa/ceia,
Bauble, subs. Plaything: Ar. and "
Bathe, subs. P. and V. XOVT/OOI/, TO'. P. rajpior, TO (Plat.), V.
Battalion, subs. P. and V. Xo'xos, 5, TO'
(Bur., Frag.).
Tttfc, 17, P. raypa, TO (Xen.). Baulk, v. trans. Oause to fail P.
Batten, v. intrans. V. 6Wao-&u, <ep- and V. o-<oXX(,v. Baulk of: P.
/3r0cu, Satvucrlcu ; seefeed. Batten and V. {[fcuSew (TWO, TWOS), P. cKKpov-
on : V. 6owG,<r6ai (aoo.), tKdowavOcu, etv (nva TWOS) ; see &a^b. Ite
(aco.), Ar. and V. Satwcr^at (aco.) ; baulked of : see Zose. In sooth
see 50 satiated with. Live luxwi- much Jiave my hopes baulked me of
ously : P. and V. TpiJ^Sv. my reckoning: V. ? -n-oXv m: B6frj$
Batter, v. trans. SWfe? ; P. and V. efeTratorav eXTrtScs (Bur., r.J?.
Kpovciv, KOTTTGW, oiryK^Trrctv (Bur., Bawl, v. intrans. P. and V. /toav,
Gj/cZ.), Ar. and V. TrotW (rare P.), or, /ce^paycVat (perf. of Kpdiv),
&poi<rcrLv, 6cti*w. Break : P. and (rare P.), $XaXd,&iv (Xen.),
V. piqywvcu, Kwr&pprryvivat) ftiroppyry- (Xen.), V.
vrfvat, Kara-yvtivai,, (rvvrptfttw (Eur., P. Xapvyy^etv; see 5^0W1
QycL), Ar.^ and V. ^pavW (rare P.), bawl: Ar. /cara^oav (ace.)* "

V. <ruv&paveiv, orvvapd<rariv. Batter out-bawl the orators : Ar.

down: P. V. A/arpermv, /cara-
a-K^Trrav, P. V. pewrv, Bay, subs. Itend o/ ^e *%07*d : P.

Battering-ram, subs. P. and V. and V- /co%ros, o, V. AWX^ * (rare

P.), wTVYot, ol. Laurel tree: Ar.
o/ ^ battering-ram : P, and V. oi^, ^ ; see ZowreZ. O/ a

Battery, subs. See assault. Bay, Stand at, v. P. ?rpd?

Battle, v. intrans* See fight. Battle Tp&TCOrftu, V. fe AX/OfV IX^ttV,

, 5
Bay Bea

Bay, adj. See brown. (Plat.), (rr&pw (Plat.) ;

Bay ?
v. intrans. V. KXayyaivew ; see see s%ine. Beam upon, smile upon :

bark. P. and V. -n-poo-ycXav (ace.).

P. and V. Aa/rpo's ;
Bayonet, subs. Use sword, spear, Beaming, adj.
Bazaar, sabs. P. and V. Syopa, ^ see bright. Of looks P. and V. :

Ar. and P. Seiy/wi, TO. ^atSpos, V. <(u8pa>7ro$.

Ar. and P. Acua/^o?, 6,
Be, v. intrans. P. and V. elvat., Ar Bean, subs.
and V. <w<u (2nd aor. of ifcvtiv) Ar. ^acnyXos, 6. .Zkflww, p^5e : P.
7T<t>vKvai (perf. of <i;eiv), TreXeti/, V oo^rpta, Ta.
TTcXco-^at, Tuyxavetv, /cupctv. With Bear, subs. P. ap/cros, ^. !T/i0 <?7'ea^

adv. P. and V. lx tv
: - ^ ^. Bear : P. and V. ap/croy,
P. and V. /coXois l^t. Be in exist- Bear, v. trans. Bring forth (of ani-
ence : P. and V. TJTrdpx mals generally) P. and V. TiVrav, :

as I am : P. and V. us x<o. -4re V. folwai. Of women : P. and V.

to (expressing necessity): use P, yevi/av, Ttxrctv, V. ytwoLcrBai (1st aor.
and V. verbals in rebs or Set with of ycLvco-Oai) (also Xen. but rare P.),
infin. The fleet which was to have Xo^Uo-^oi, K\o-)(V<r6a,i. Be born :
co-operated with Cnemus : P. see under 6or7t. Of trees, etc. : P.
KOV 8 S irapayeveardai T<J>
and V. <pav. -4 wi/a to bear

(Thuc. 2, 83). children : V. 8a/jiap iraifioiroios, ^.

Beach, subs. Ar. and P. cuytoAo'?, 6 J5ear children in a place : P. and
(rare P.), P. and V. d/cnj, ^ (rare V. frriKreiv (dat.). Endure : P.
P.). and V. <epeiv, avexecrQcLL, ^Tre^etv,
Beach, v. trans. Bun ashore : P. wao^etv, ifacrracrOat,, P. viropevcw,
and V. <5/c&W, P. lirojccXAav, V. V. jeaprepclv, Ar. and V. TX-^vot (2nd
*\AIV, ^6/ceAAv. Draw up on the aor. of TXav) (also Isoc. but rare P.),
beach: P. dveAxeu/. SvaTXJyvai (2nd aor. of avaT\av) (also
Beacon, subs. P. and V. </>vicr<fe, 6, Plat, but rare P.), gfr^cotfcu.
or pi. Signalling by beacon fires : .Bear to ^e ewd-: P. and V. &ctyepe/,
P. and V. <pUKTG)pia, 17,
V. TriJpos V. avTAetv, efavrXctv, 8tavrA.ctv, ^/c-
TrapoAAayat, at. Beacon fire : V. Ko/*tfv. flieZp to 6ear : P. and V.
<ru/Ji<f)lpciv (TLVI ri), V. crweKKQ/u&w

cEyyapov jn5/>, TO, wopcvros A.a/ras,

TO, Xa/jwrn}p, 6, Xafwr
-jrO/0 irofJOTLfJuovy (rivL TI) ; v. intrans. with infin. fol-
17, iru/wr^fta, TO. -4 SMCCeSSiOTl
O/ lowing P. and V. &/Yo-0<u (part.),

beacon fires': V. licSo^ irc/w Ar. and V. rXfyai (2nd aor. of TXav)
^. 299). S^TiaZ & (infin.), lavexc<rOcu (part.) ; see bring
P. ^pvKTajpco/, P. and V. oneself to. Garry : ]P. and V. ^cpeiv,
(Xen.). /co/Ai^etv, V. /?aoratv ; see carry.
Beak, subs. Ar. pa/^os, TO, pvyxos, Bear arms: P. oTrXo^opcZv (Xen.),
TO, or use P. and V. ar6>a, TO', V. <ri&7po<opav. arww against :

XlXos, TO'(Eur., Ion, 1199). 0/a P. oVA ^rt^lpctv V. Sdpv

: P. and V. fy,oAoi>, TO'. ^ri^epctv (dat.). Bear (grudge, good-
Beaker, subs. See cup. will, etc.) : P. and V. 2x v see ;

Beam, Ar. and P. SWs, 17,

subs. harbour. Bear in mind : P. and
P. /ccpot'a, ^. O/ Ught : P. and V. V. fjLfwrj<r6oii (perf. infin. of
avyri, $ (Plat but rare P., also see
Ar.), djcr/5, 17 (Plat, but rare P., also Ar. and P.
Ar.), o-c'Xas, r6 (Plat, but rare P. P. and
also Ar.), V. faX], vfyfrf, y ^ see under witness. Bear oneself,
(-ZE3sch., Frag.). behave: P. and V. Trpoo-
Beam, v. intrans. Sfeme : P. and V. see behave. V. intrans.
Bea Bea

P. and V. Tp7T<rQai. Of a road earthquake) was said and indeed


P. and V. <f>cpw, 8ycw. Bear along : seemed to have a bearing on what

P. and V. 0/oo>. Bear away : P. was to follow : P. cXeyero /cat
and V. airo^cpetv, P. aacoKO^eLV err! TOIS fLe

see carry off. Bear down : P. and (Thuo. 2, 8). Trewd : P.

V. KaQaipclv. Bear down upon : see drift.
Ar. and P. (dat.) see Bearings, subs.
: See direction.
attack. Bear forth : P. and V. Beast, subs. Ammal : P. and V.
Bear off: see carry off. x
&3ov, TO, tfpc/^Lia, ro (Plat.). MZd
Bear out : lit., P. and V. beast : P. and V. %, 6, Ar. and P.
met. (a statement, etc.), P. Orjptov, TO, Ar. and V. /o/aJSoAov, TO,
Support by evidence (a person or V. SdEicos, TO'. Beast of burden:
thing) : P. and V. o-u/jifjLaprvpcw (dat. P. wofvyioi/, TO. Sieo^ o/ ca^fo :
of person, aoc. of thing). Bear P. and V. POO-KVHJLO., TO (Plat.), Ar.
round : P. and V. Trcpt^cpciv, P. and V. /foroV, TO, P. KTTJVO? To(Xen.).
TrepLKOfu^Lv. Bear up, v. trans. Of a person : Ar. and P. %HOI/, TO.

see sustain ; v. intrans. P. and V. :

Of wild beasts, adj.: P. and V.
Q-rjptios. Haunted by beasts, adj. :

Bear up against : see endure. Bear V. fr%>os. Turn into a beast v. t

with: see endure. Acquiesce in: intrans. : V.

P. and V.orepyetv (ace. or dat.), P. Beastlike, adj. P. and V.
ayoarav (ace. or dat.), V. aivW (ace.). Beastliness, subs. P.
Bear with aparent's natural anger : Beastly, adj. Disgusting: Ar. and
V. ^oXa TOKCVCTIV CWCOTCOS 9vfJi<yvp.evoi$ P. ySSeXupos, V. ^SeAu/erpOTros; See

(Bur., Sec. 403). Bring to bear ;' loathsome. Beast-like : P. and V.

P. and V. Trpoo-^epeiv, irpocrdyfiv, P.
Bnngmg engines to Beat, v. trans. Strike: P. and V.
bear, he besieged (the city) : P.
vaviy/iar' en-wmjo-as &roXi6pKCi (Dem.
(Eur., 02/cZ. 228), TOTa^tt (1st aor.
254). of Trarao-o-civ), Ar. and V. -Trotctv (rare
Bearable, adj. P. and V. ^o/wyros, P.), ^ctvtv, &pdcr<rciv. Be beaten:
Svc/cros (usually negative), P. OIOTOS use also P. and V. -TrXTTy? 1 2nd
" 014

(Thuc.) see tolerable.

; aor. pass, of irAipro-av, Ar. and P.
Beard, subs. P. and V.
, 6, V. TrXiyyas \a/x^avtv. )SinA?e noisily :

and Y, P. and V. fcpoTiv. .Kogr ; Ar. and

E s, 17,
, ^ Frag.). Have a
(jZEsch., P. fiaarrlyovv. Beat to death: P.
,v. Ar. and P. ycvctav. 2te0iw
: ti/. Beat wifi^aZ: P.
to Aaue a beard, v. : P. yevaaovcetv. Conquer : P. and V.
Beard, v. trans. Beard the lion : P. Excel: P, and
frpeb Xiovra (Plat., Bep. S41o). V. #7rpaXAiv, /cpaTtv (gen.). V.
Bearded, adj. Ar. and P. ycm&v, P. intrans. O/ tf&e jp^Zse, etc: P.
evy&cios, Ar. Saowoiyojv. <r<v'w, P. and V. irrjSw. Of the
Beardless, adj. Ar. and P. fycpcto?. heart: V. 6px<r6a.i. Beat the
Bearer, subs. Of news : P. and V. breast : P. and v icoVwftu (absol.).

yycAo$, 6 or 17.
P. and V. &jr<*6v or
Bearing, subs. O/ children : P. and mid., P. faroKpovco-Qtu,
V. TOKOS, 6, XoX^a, (Plat.). (?a{^ ; see repulse. Seat a
P. and V. ox9fux, TO. Ways: P. retreat: see retreat. Beat up,
and V. TP^TTOI, oL Po5* bearing: procure : P. Trapoovcevofro-ftu.
use adj, intolerable. Meaning: see 5/5r^. Z o/
P. SuCvoca, ij ; see meaning. It (the wpow V.
Bea Bed

Because, P. and V. OT?, P.

i<T/3aXXov unrucai irvoai (Soph., conj.
StoVt,V. o&f *u, oOovvKa.. S^nGe :
Beat, subs. Noise of the foot, etc. : P. and V. 7Ti, <&s, eVetSiJ ; see since.
Because of, prep. P. and V, Bid
P. and V. /cpoVos, 6. Of the heart :
V. inqSvjjJLa, TO. P. -TnJS^flris, (ace.), ZvtKOL (gen.), x^Plv feen -)
Rhythmic motion: V. TrtriiAos, 6. (Plat.), Ar. and V. oWa (gen.),
o/ plashing oar: V. IfcdTt (gen.), V. ctvcKa
Beck, subs. Nod
P. vev/u-a, TO. ^Be

Per*. 396). a^ the beck of: P. and V. e?v<u

Hammered: Y. Stream : P. and Y. pcr/m.,
Beaten, adj. (gen.).
piJAaTos. Trodden down (of ground): TO ;
see stream.
P. cMTO/cpOTOS, oTi/?o/xevos (Xen.), V. Beckon, v. intrans. P and V. 0-77-

arwrros. -4 feeatew patfft : Ar. jjjaCveLVy P. vevfjLCLTi xpfj<r6a.t.,

Ar. and
drpawo? rerpip.^?). V. T/OJ6H'.
Beating, subs. P. and V. 7rA?rya<', Becloud, v. trans. P. cn-uncoTctv (dat.).
at. <?i0 a beating : P. xX^as Become, v. trans. P. and V. wpeVav
&$oW (dat. of person). Receive a (dat ), irpocrqKciv (dat.). V. intrans.
beating: Ar. and P. -n-X-jyyas Aaju,-
P. and V. yfywoftu. Se brought
Beating of drums: Ar. vnto a certain state : P. and V. ica-
PF/iflt^ w to become of
fLOS, 6, V. TV/ATrdvtov &pdy- 0t<rra<r0<u.
rd (Eur., CfycZ.). Beating of me : P. and V. T? yo/co/Aat, T? TTU^O)
breasts: V.
crrepvw apay/Aot, ot. (Bur., P^w^ 895, also Ar, Jto.

Beau-ideal, subs. Pattern, example : 1432). It becomes you (to) : P.

P. and V. ^rapotScty/xa, TO. and V. Trpos o-ou (cart) (infin.), dp-
Beautiful, adj. Generally: P. and /*o^t o-e (infin.).

Y. /coAo's, O/ personal Becoming, adj. P. and V.

appearance : also P. and V. ev irperrtw, Trpoo-^ica)!/, OTJftjwe
(Plat.), Y. 6VOMTOS, KoA /icov, Ar. and P. TrpeTroiS?^, Y. CT

juopqbos, Ar. and P. 7rpocrL>coj?, o^/x7Tpe7n}s. Seasonable :

(Plat.), Ar. and V. cu^s, Ar. P. and V. Koiptos, &nfrcaipos see ;

wepwcoAAifc. PT^/a beautiful prow ; seasonable.

Y. /caAAwrpcopos. "Fane^aieS : P. Becomingly, adv. P. and Y. eforpc-
and V. -rrouctXos. 7TOJS, <TVfJLfJLTp<J)<S, TTpeirOVTtoS, P. TTpOO^-
Beautifully, adv. P. and V. KoAoK. /corTtos, V. a/ator^Mog. Seasonably:
Beautify, v. trans. Adorn : P. and P. and V. /cotpwos (Xen.) ; see sea-
Y. K0<rp*lv Y. ayoAAetv, aovccti/,
9f sonably.
varied : P. and Y. Bed, subs. P. and V. KOMT;, i) (Plat),
beautiful: P. /cAtw;, ^, arp<i)/AVi}, ^, V. Aejcrpoy, TO',
or pi., Sc/moi/, TO, or pi., Ar. and
Beauty, subs. P. and Y. KoXAos, TO, Y.
A^os, T^,
or pi., W77, yy*(a
evfjLoptya, 17 (Plat.). O/ personal used in the phrase & Tat9 eui/at?, &
appearance: also P. cwrpen-cta, ^, ^fiir 6ecfo, in Thuc. 3, 112, and 4,
Y. /caAAov^, ^ (also Plat, but rare P.), 32). Put to bed, v. : Ar. and P.
KoAAwn-cv/za, TO. Bloom: P. and KOLTOLKXivCLV, V. VVO.^LV. OfO fo &^^ .'

V. <5pa, ^. Prwre o/ beauty, V. P. and V. V.

Kr)LfJLa.cr6aL tr KOttJL%v6(U.
KoAAwrrcwi, TCL (rare sing.). Take ewdr0at. Make a bed, 7.: Ar.
the prize of
beauty, v, : Y. *oAAt- Y. (rropcwiivcu., crropi/rfvcu.
bed : Ar. and P. cr/et/wrous, 6.
Beaver, subs. P. *o<rra>p, 6 (Hdfc.). o/ /^ovfis ; P. and V. ore:^?, ^ (Plat.).
Becalmed, Be, v. P. and Y. O/ a mountain stream : Ar. and P.
^. O/ the sea : use P.
Bed Bef

, TO. Of a garden : P. Beef, subs. P. and V. Kpca /?o'eia, Td

(Homer). Marriage bed and Plat.). : see (Ear., JVaj/., O/ &ee/,
tinder marriage. Getting in each adj. P. and V. /3oao5. :

other's way in the bed of the river : Beehive, subs. P.

f\ f+

Bee-keeper, subs. P.

auTOis Tapao-o-o/Aci/ot (Thuc. 7, 84). 6 (Plat.).

Bedaub, v. trans. Ar. and P. Beer, subs. V. c* Kpl0o>v /xeW), TO, or
<f>(,y. 7Tpl(i\l<f)L'V . P. ^7rCtA,td)lV At*. use w^we.
Ka.TfnrX.OLcrcrfLv v . vpfciy* Trpovptccv Beestings, subs. Ar. TTUO?, 6.
see anoint. Beeswax, subs. Ar. and P. icrjp

Bedazzle, v. trans. See dazzle. 6, KtfpLOV, TO.

Bed-clothes, subs. coverings: Beetle, subs. Ar. and V. fcavdapo?, 6

Ar. and P. orpa>//,ara, ra, V. ;(A.a.ij/a, (jEsch., Frag.).
TO, <apos, TO, el/jwx, TO, Beetling, adj. P. d?roTo/>s,

Bedding, subs. Ar. and P. A.o/cpi7/xi/os2 oKpi?, atiri?5, aiTravos; See

Ta, P. and V. oTpo)jnvi7, 17.
Bedeck, v. trans. See adorn. Beeves, subs. See
Bedew, v. trans. P. and V. Befall, v. trans. P. and V.
(Plat.), vypatWiv (Plat.), v, TTpocTTTMTTCtv (dat.),
(Plat.), V. KaTacrraiv. Bedewed (dat.), V. Tuyx<3tvtv (dat.),
with tears, adj. V. 8iapox<>s. -Be-
: Ar. TrcpwnTrrav (dat.).
the eyes, adj. V. o<0o\- :
O/ misfortunes : also V. Trpoorrerc-
<r<9<u (dat.). Be/aZZ addition : V.m
Bedfellow, subs. Of a man : Y. TrpoarKvpcLv (dat.). V. intrans. P.
o-wewenys, 6, 5/cot-nys, 6,
o-uj/vi/os, o, and V. yfyvecrOai, crvfJipaLvew, Trapa-
6/AWT?7S, 6, CPvAA.KTpO9,
W63TO>p, 6, -TrtVrcti/, Tiry^avav, V. /cupeic; see
6; seetosfomd. Of a woman: Ar. happen.
and V. *A.oxos, ^, V. crvfvyo?, ^, Befit, v. trans. P. and V. 7rprciv
oiii/cuvos, 17, o-uvcui/erts, ^, &KOITLS, 17, (dat.), irpocrvJKtw (dat.). Ii &e/Zte
yow (to) : P. and V. Trpo? o-oO (cort)
see (infin.), dpjuojct o-e (infin.).
Bedim, v. trans. See dim. Befitting, adj. P. and V.
Bedizen, v. trans. P. and V.
TroiKtAAcu/ ; see adorn. f
Ar. and P. , V. c

Bedraggled, adj. P. and V.

P. and V. /catptos, 7r)ficatpos ;
Bed-ridden, Be, v. Ar. and P. seasonable,
Befittingly, adv. P. and V. evTrperrais,
Bedroom, subs. Ar. and P. OrVfl/i^Tpa)?, P. TTpOO-^KoV-
TO, V. ^(iXa/xos, 6, uvar)Jptov, TO ; see T<)9, V. a/atcriffwos. Seasonably : P.
cJwtnber. and Y. jcatpfo)? (Xen.) see season- ;

Bedstead, subs. P. and V. K\tvrj, ably.

V. Seftvtov, TO, or pi. Befool, v. trans. Cheat: P. and
Bee, subs. P. and V. /wWo-o, ^, V. V. ^evSccv. Deceive: P. and V.
av^fu>vpyo$, ^ (J3soh., Pers.
612). 7TttTav, l^ttTTciTav, TTttpayetv, P. Trapa-
Humble-bee : Ar. )8o^/3vAio s, 6. /cpovecrflac, oiyTCvetv, V.
Beech, subs. P. and V. , 17. Before, prep. Of place: P. and V.
Spear of beechwood : V. irpo (gen.), irpoo-Oev (gen.),
Beech-nut, subs. Ar. and P. (gen.), Ar. and P. fyirpocrOcv (gen.),
V. Trdpos (gen.), irdpotOe (gen.), ^r-

Of .
(dat.), Ar.
and V.
(gen.), irpo'cr0 (gen.). ,

time : P. and V. Trpo (gen.), P. Etv (dat.),Trapto-Tao-^at(dat.);

V. TTpoo&v (gen.)
/*,Trpo<r0v (gen.),
see aid.
(also Xen. but rare P.), TrpoVfo (gen.)
irdpos (gen.), Trapoi0ev (gen.), Trdpo
, ^Tt),
v. trans.
P. and V. atTt^
(Ttv Tt), TrapatTto-0at

(gen.) Of preference or superiority:
. (Ttva Tt), aTratTCti/ (Ttva Tt),
P. and Y. Trpo' (gen.), tirlirpoo' (Ttvo? Tt) see ask, entreat.
(gen.), V. Wpos (gen.), wpocrtfe (gen.), as a beggar : P. and V.
irdpoitiev (gen.), Tnipotfle (gen.), P. (Ttvtt TI), V. iTratretv (Ttva Tt).

/rpocr0v (gen.). Iw tffo presence beggar: Ar. and P. TTTw^ctv. y

of: P. and V. cvavriov (gen.), V. io be excused : P. and V. irapLecrOou.

cbrtov (gen.). Iwfco 7ie (absol.), TrapaiTLcrdoLL (ace.
or absol).
presence of :
P. and V. Trapcf (ace.), <S>s (aco.). J5e^ o/ (person or thing) P. and :

Appear before (a judge, etc.) : P. V. taiTicrO<LL (ace ). Deprecate :

and V. cl<rep)(cr9(u ts or TT/DOS (ace.). P. and V. Trapatrtor0at. jBfif/ pardon:

(Speak, plead) before: P. and V. P. and V. Traptor0at ; see under

ev (dat.). the cause of
Leochares pardon. Beg the question: P. TO

my speaking before you : P. amos tf apX?5 atTLcr6at (Arist,).

v. trans. P. and V. yan/av,
ev V
p.v lorn AetD^apr/s rov
(Bern. 1080).
lp. Xeyai/ Beget,
The citizens
will become better with this as an
- . .

TtiKTtV, 0-7TtptV (Plat.), Trat8o7TOttV,

or mid. (used absol.), ^iJroktv (rare
example before them: P. TOVT<J> P.), ^ictv (rare P.), ^tT^ti/ (Plat,
but rare P.), V. yctVcwr&u (1st. aor.
t ot TroXtTot (Lys. 140). 2%e day of yetve<r0ot) (also Xen. but rare P.),
before : P. 777 TrpoTcpat^, (gen. or TKVOVV, Or mid., /C0VtJ/, KTWOVO'6a.l9
absol.). On the day before the KaTcwrrrctpctv. Met., produce : P.
trial : P. rfj Trporepata 1-175 $11075 and V. yci/i/av, TIKTCW, Trotctv, V.
(Plat., Phaedo, 58A). .Be/ore /tea-yew ^ureuctv, P. ATrcpytt^co-^at. Met.,
P. and V. &e#etf (*?i another) : P. and V.
(in adjurations) :
Tt/cTctv (Ttvt Tt), IvriBevaA (TLVL Tt),

Before, adv. Of place : P. and V. ep,paX\iv (Ttvt Tt), V. vto/at (Ttvt Tt),
7rpbV0ev, CTrtTrpoor&v, P. 2/ATrpoo*0V. cvopvvvai (nvt Tt), P. ejwoieiv (rivC Tt).
Of time : P. and V. Trpoo-0ev, Begetter, subs. P. and V. ye
TO Trpi'v, Trpo rov, Trporcpov, P. 6 (Plat.), yevvTrwp, 6 (Plat.),
wpo<r0v, Ar. and V. Trapos, V. o.
TOV Trpo TOW xpovov. Formerly, long Begetting, subs. P. TratSoirotfa, ij,

ago : P. ana V. TrctXat, TrdfXat TTOTC ; Tfcvo)crt5, 07, P. and V. ywi70-t5, ;

-see formerly. Already: P. andV. (Plat.), o-Tropa, ^ (Plat.). Begettin{/
foV Hitherto: P. and V. cfe TO children, adj. V. :

vw, P. yu-e^Dt TOV v\iv see hitherto. ;

Before, conj. P. and V. irptv, Ar. Beggar, subs. P. and V. ITTO), ,

and P. Trporepov 77, irpoVcpov Trptv. ayvpnr)*, 6. Beggar woman : V.
2%e day fo/oro fo sstf saaZ: P. TT; ayvpTpiOy $. Be a beggar, v. Ar. :

TrpoTCpat'p t) AviyyeTo (Lys. 153). and P. wTw^cvctv.

Beforehand, adv. See 6e/ore. In Beggarly, adj. P. and V.
compounds Trpo. Prepare before- :
Ar. and V. wrw^os ; see me
hand : P. Trporrapowr/ccvct^ctv.
*ggary, subs. Ar. and P.
Befoul, v, trans. See/owZ. jj. Poverty : P. and V. Trevt'a,
Befriend, v. trans. P. and V. STropta, ^, P. ft/Scta.
(dat.), tfTn/peretv (dat.), Begging, subs. Request : P.
(dat.). Stand by : V. 17. Beggary : Ar. and P.

%. Begging off : P. wapamyo-is, %. V. smoke : P.

Collect by begging, v. trans. P. V, V. :

and V. ayeipeiv. Begrudge, v. trans. P. and V. <0o-

Begin) v. trans. Be first to do a vetv (gen. of thing, dat. of
thing : P. and V. fyx lv (gen.), VTT- V. /icyatpciv (gen. of thing, dat. of
dpxw (gen.), Kurapxciv (ace. or gen.), pers.), P. pacTKaiveiv (dat. of pers.).
P. TTpowrapxciv (gen.). Start some- Envy : P. and V. /Xow (ace. of
thing of one's own : P. and V. ap- pers., gen. of thing), P.
Xeer0<u (gen.), /carapx tl/ <> r
gen.), (.
(ace. of pers.).
or mid., (gen.). Begin the Beguile, v. trans. P. and V.
rites : see under rites. Take in
hand : P. and Y. Imxctpctv (dat.), Ar. and V. 8oAow, V.
iyxupw (dat.), alpeo-Oai (aCO.). S0 ^^Xow, P. Trapa.KpovO'6aL,
j&p, institute :P. and V. /ca0rrctv<u, P. and V. /c^Xe
0/iarm :

t<TT(5LV<u, Ti0i/ai, Ar. and P. astray : P. and V. irXavai/ (Plat.).

V. intrans. P. and V. Beguiler, subs. P. and V. 6,
see sar. Prelude: P. P. cwraTcoiv, 6, V.
V. Behalf. o/, prep. : P. and
Begin to : P. and V. apx^iv (part.), V. ?rpo (gen.), &WP (gen.), li/c/ca
apxeo-Oai (part.). X&to (S en -) (1>lat -)' V e5//ca
Begin with: P. (gen -) -

ttpXecr0ai diro (gen.), V. and V. CKCLTI (gen.), ou-

(gen.), Ar.
(gen.). VKCL (gen.). On my behalf: P. and
Beginner, subs. P. and V. 6 V. I Xaptv (Plat.).
P. o dpxo//,vo$. Inexperienced Behave, v. intrans. With adv.
P. :

person : P. and V. #7mpos, o or 97, and V. 7rapX"/ eauroV with adj.,

P. dv7rio r)7/x<ov, 6 or 17.
with adj . Behave bravely :

eginning, subs. P. and V. dpx*;, or

With defining genitive Ar. : Behcwe towards a person :

and V. torj8o\7/, ^. Starting point : P. and V. xp?j<rO<u (TIVI), rrpoo*<^p0"0at

P. and V. d0op//,yy, 17. Source, origin: (Ttvt or irpos rtva). Absol. P. and
P. and V. inyyry, ^ (Plat,)- Pr0Zw<Z0 : V. exv. Behave properly : Ar.
P. and V. TTpOOtJlUOV, TO, V. 0/OOt/JWOV, /cooyjuW ^x tv Belia/oe
TO. J3e /*e "beginning of: P. and towards P. dvtorco? Ixetv (Trpos, ace,).

V. pxv (gen.), *7rd[pxy (g^a.). Behave well : P. #crx7ju0i/etv. J50-

ZVm day will be the beginning of /iave 6odZy : P. and V. do-x^ovetv.
sore trouble for the Greeks : P. ^8e Behaviour, subs. Manners : P. and
f)r/ficpa TO!? TQAA^ort /x-eyaXcov /ca/coiv V. TpoVos, 6, or pi., 3}0os 9 TO, or pi.
o[p^ (Thuc. 2, 12). TAW day feas Conduct, action : P. and V. -

&ee?i i/te beginning of many troubles P.

for tlw house of (Edipus : V. P. and
U7r*)pev OtSwrov KCWCWV 80/^019 Good behaviour : P.
(Bur., P7iQ0. 1581). J^rom
beginning : P. and V. #
dpxvs, | Behead, v. trans. P.
iirapx^t &K -Px5 ? V- <*/>x5^v (Soph., K0aXr/v (TIVO?), V. KapaTOfJLW, au
Fray.), P fowfev. In the beginning, v%iv, Kapa, Te'/xvav (TI,V<J?), Kpara
originally : P. and V. T/XVIV (TtVOs), K
P. Beheaded, adj. v,
ne^ interj. Ar, and V. Ippc, V. Beheading, subs.
Ar. tngf : V. Kapanor^s /xopos,
.(opt.), ?
Ij. see miserable.
Behest, Subs. P. Trp^cnrayfta, TO, CTTI-
Begrime, v. trans. Stain: P. and TO\ V. ^vroXi 9j (Plat, but

rare P.), /cetaw/ia, TO, /ceXcvcr/xos, 6, Belch, v. trans. V. epuyyavctv (Eur.,

V. k^v (also
e^erjuny, 17, eTTioroXat, at. Cycl. 523), Ar. and
P. and V. omo-Qw Xen.), Ar. and P. c&fjwv.
Met ,

Behind, prep.
oW0 breathe forth : V. K7n/k Emit:
(gen.), Ar. and
V. P.
/caroTTti/ Bind (a person's) P. and V. fowaL, avaStSoi/at J S60
hands oVrw TW
befiind his lack

Xipe Seiv (Dem. and Ar.). Beldam, subs. P. and V.

Behind, adv. P. and V. oW0cv, cts ypata, 17, Ar.
and P. ypaStov.
Ar. and P.
TOvmcrOcv, oV&ro), Ar. and P. icaTdViT/, Beleaguer, v. trans.
l&vurOcv, V. oW0. Ira #&6 rear :
iro\topKiv, P. 7rpoovca0ij<r0cu,
P. /cara voirou. .Be left behind, v. :

P. and V. AciircaAu. Sta# fo/mw7, P. and V. Be beleag-

v. see remain. Be behind, be too
: also V.
late, v. : P. and V. v<rreP iv, P. Belfry, subs. P. and V. Wpyos, o.
vo-rcpifciv. Behind, too late, adj. Belie, v. trans. P. and V.

P. and V. {forcpos. Y. i/rev'Sav.

P. and V. Belief, subs. P. and V.
Behindhand, adj. vo-repo9.
Deficient : P. eAAmfc. Be behind- Opinion : P. and V. So'a, ^,
hand : P. and V. tak^o-flat. ^7-

Behold, interj. Ar. and V. Believable, adj. P. and V.

fSr0e, T}I> (rare V.). Introducing Believe, v. trans. P. and Y.
some new point : P. and V. ml pyv. (dat.), ireiOcvOat. (dat.).
V. intrans.
Behold, v. trans. P. and V. 6pav (or Jffoid, */imfc : P. and V. vopgctr,
mid. in V.), tyopav, Ka0opav (or mid.), fftcicrOai, Sofaftv, dEyctv,
V. V/Atr ;

TTpOO-OpSv (Plat.), CTKOTTCtV, 0a(T0ai, see i/Mftfc. Believe in the gods :

0<opiv, V. ciVopav (or mid.) (rare P. and V. 0oi>s vofufccw, Oeovs ^yct-
P.), Trpo<r\eucr(TLV, Trpoo-oVpiceo-ftu, er- o-^at. 7 ca?i w;eW believe it : P.
ScpK<rOai, Ar. and V. Xeucro-eiv, 8cp- cytoyc vo/u^a) (Dem. 313).
Kcr6aL, ro7rrei;eiv ; see 565, Z00&.
Believing, adj. JEta% deceived : V.
Beholden to, Be, v. P. and V. vaptv,
(dal). Bell, subs. P. and V. 6 or ?}.
Beholder, subs. P. and V. 6&Lrfc, 6, Belles lettres, subs. See literature,.
iro7rnjs, 6, $eo>p09, 6. Bellicose, adj. P. and V. /A<*,xfyw>9
Behove, v. It behoves : P. and V. (Soph., Frag.), P. xoAe/-/cos.
TTpcrret (acc. and infin. or dat. and Use P. and V.
Belligerent, adj.
infin.), Trpocnym (acc. and infin. or
dat. and 0/us e<m' (dat. and Bellow, v. intrans. As an animal :
tart (acc. and infin.
infin.), TrpcTrov P, and V. /w/cao-ftu (Ar. also, but
or dat. and infin.). rare P.), Ar. and V. ppvx<*.<rQtu> V.
Being, subs. Existence : P. o&n'a, 77,
Life : P. and V. /tos, o,
see shout.
Soul, spirit
: P. and V. \fvxy, ^5- Bellow, subs. V. k TO, I*, and
mn#^in# p. and V. 01/J ro
V. </>OeyfJLa., TO see
Pcrsow; P. and V. foOpwo?, 6 or
~ BellOWS, Subs. P.
% Ar. and V. <f>fc, 6.
bellows, v. : P.
being, v. P. and V. P. and V. yarrrv/*, >;,
Belly, subs.

<j*atveo-6aL, V. Trpos 0o>5 &>eAAtv, Ar. Ar. and P. /coJu'a, ry, V. viyff?, >;. , l/*-
and P. .va.<l>aive<rOai. domew : P. ^ Tpov, ro. O/ a
Belabour, v. trans. See beat.
Belated, adj.
Ar. and V. /dW, TO, Ar.
Behind the time: P. Belong to, v. intrans.
P. and V,
and V. vorepos; see etvat
benighted. (gen.), 7rpO(n;/CtJ> (dat.),
Bel Ben

X&.V (dat.). Appertain to : P. and P. ct? dywi/a Ka6i< (ace.) ; see

V. TTpocrKtlcrOai (dat.), Trpoarsivai (dat.), bring to trial, under trial.
P. ^xeo-OaL (gen.). Be reckoned Benched (of ships), adj. Y. evo-cX^os.
anwng (a class) : P. and V. reXeTv Bend, v. trans. Ar. and
P. Ka.ra.Kap-
(cts, ace.), P. O"WT\LV (cts, aco.). Trrew, Ar. and V. mAwrmv. Incline
To you belongs the ending of these (in any direction) : P. and V. icAA/civ.
SOrrOlOS : ts Twn : P. and V. o-rptycw see ;

K&V (Eur., Phoen. 435). wrw. ^.7'c/j ; V. KV/JTOVV. Bend (a

Belongings, subs. Ar. and P. boiu) : P. and V. TctWv, OTetVetv
/XCLTtt, Ttt, (TKeVVJ, T<X, P. TO.
VTTCtp (Xen.). Bend the knee : V. KCL/*-
Beloved, adj. P. and V. <?Xos, Trrttv yow, Or /cajLtn-rctv alone, P. oyy-
<tA.r?s, cprfoyuo? (Plat, but rare P.), KOLfiTrreLv TO er/ccXos (Plat.). TFors/lip:
ctytXifo P. ^paoros (Plat.), Ar. and see worship. Met influence, affect :

P. ayiwnyTo's. P. KttToicXai/, P. and V. aTrreo-tfat

Beloved, subs. P. and V. 6 cpw/i/os, (gen.), V. yi/a//,7rrtv. Soften: Ar.
?} epoyteVi?. Favourite : P. and V. and V. /zoXttcro-eti/, V. ftaX^ao-j-ctv,
^eXyctv (also Plat, but rare P.). Be
(Eur., CfycZ. 584).
Below, prep. Beneath : P. and V. bent, crushed: P. and V. *ca/rT-
VTTO (gen., V. also dat. see under), ; o-0at. V, intrans. P. and V. *</*-
Ar. and P. JWvcpfle (gen.), V. ei/cp- TTTco-tfat j
see also soo2X JwcZ*e :

&M (gen.), i/p0e(v) (gen.), K drw P. and V. K\iv<rOai, see incline.;

(gen.). Inferior to : use adj., P. Be formed into an arch : P. and

and V. 77<nro>i/ (gen.), iWepos (gen.). V. KVKA.oi5cr0ai. Be affected : P. and
Below, adv. P. and V. *aTo>, V. V. KafjarrecrOat.
&/p0(v), i/p0(i/). J?V0w v. trans.
&eZozi> Ar. and P.
: P. Bend forward,
and V. /caTo>0v. A little P. irpovevew. Bend towards
below on /oj7TTtv,
the left hand you may perchance (a person) : Ar. and P. irpoo-KvirTtiv
see a spring of water : V. ftatov 8' (dat. or absol.).
Wp0i' e aptorcpas ray" av IBois TTOTOV Bend, subs. P. Ka/xirnJ/a, 6 (Xen.).
Kpyvtuov (Soph., Ph. 20, 21). Those Curve, angle: V. dy/cdii/, 6. Bend
below, i.e., ftc dead : P. and V. ot of a river : P. K/oa9, TO'. O/ fte
Kar<r), ot xdrttiOw, V. ot &epOc, ol coast-line : P. TO KotXov (Thuc. 7,
WpTp()l, Ot V/>T/)Ol, Ot K(*Ta
52), V. /Au Xos, 6 (Thuc, 7, 52, but
The world below : P. and V. rare P.).
6 ;sec under world. Beneath, prep. P. and V. -foro' (gen.
Belt, subs. P. and V. &wi, fy V. or dat., but dat. rare in P.); see

<Dem;/>, 6, Ar. and V. <o/*a, TO

P. under. Inferior- to : use adj., P.

8t<j[^(o/xa, TO. and V. y<r(r<i>v (gen.), iWcpos (gen.).

Bemoan* v. trans. P. and V. Benediction, subs. See blessing.
Good words: P. and V.
(or mid.), o-reVctv (rare L*.,
but used by Dem., 300 and 308), Benefaction, subs. P. and V.
<rrvdw (])om. 835, but rare P.), T7;/xo, TO, P. fiucpyeo-ta, ^, cuepyeny/ta,
V. KttTaonreWr, <iva<Tr<i^ti' SCO la- TO, VTrovpy^fta, TO, V. feroupy/o, ^.

flavour: P. and V. x^pk, ^7J see

Bench, nubs. P. and V. flatipov, TO. also benefit, servwe.
Neat : Ar. aud V. ?/), */ (rare Benefactor, subs. P. and Y. cuepyen/s,
for rowers : V, S.

, Benefactress, subs. P. and V. cv-

dicially) P. and V* ol 8t/ca<rr<u.

lirhuj (a jwson) before the bench : Beneficence, subs. JKM oc^: see
Ben Ber

benefaction. Goodness of heart : the night: P. and V.

P. frXavdpuTrla, % ; see kindness. Desolate (of places): P. and V.
Beneficent, adj; P. and V. V. &irdv6p<oiros. Ignorant9 rude :

0p(i)7ros, xpiyoros ; see kind.

P. and V. tt/xo&fc, ^ovo-os.
Beneficently, adv. Benign, adj. See fcwd.
see kindly. Benignant, adj. See Mnd.
Beneficial, adj. P. and V. Benignantly, adv. See kindly.
Xp7J(TLfJLO5, V. GrUjU.^6p<i>V,
Benignly, adv. See kindly.
Ar. and P. otye'Xfyws, Ar. and V. Benison, subs. See blessing.
Bent, adj. P. and V. /ca/wri&os (Plat.),
Beneficially, adv. P. V. crrp7rro9, Ka/rfy>s see curved.;

a-t/wos, <u<eX</*>?, trvf Stooping, bent ivith age : Ar. /

Benefit, subs. Advmtage: P. and V. StTrXoO?, wpoi/wTnys. .B0 &0W^
V. ox^eXeto, ^, o<eAo9, TO, OVT/CTIS, 17, P. and V. onrouSafciv (infin.),
Ar. and V. co^e'Xiy/xa, TO, V. co^Xi/o-is, 6vfjLi<r0at, (infin.).
6r#w&: P. and V. /cepSos, TO, Bent, subs. Inclination: P.
Mjufjia, TO'; see advantage. Bene- peo-ts, 17. Desire : P. and V.
faction : see benefaction. Have the /ua, ^ ; see inclination.
benefit of: see benefit, v. I heard Benumb, v. trans. Chill : P. and V.
from some that they will not even i/r%tv. D^Z/ ; P. and V. d^Xv-
give him any longer the benefit of i/ctv, 57ra/x.^Xdvtv, V. KaTa.p,ft\iJvciv.
their harbours and markets : P. Benivmbed with grief (of Phaedra) :

TJ/COUOV 2yo>yeTIVW <os ouSc TOUS XifteVas V. XT/TH/ Traxvw&CLra (Eur.,

/cat Tas
dyopas In Saio-otev auT<5 *ap- 803). J?ebemmbed, lit. P. :

Trovo'Oa.L (Dem. 15). (Plat.). Bemvmbed: P.

Benefit, v. trans. Do service to : P. ^a)/^i/o9 (Plat.).
and V. VpyTiv, eu TTOICIV, ev Spew, Bequeath, v. trans. Ar. and P.
virrjpCTCLv (dat.), VTrovpyelv (dat.). /caTaXcwrfitv, P. 8m0O*0ai, V.
Confer advantage : P. and V. O-V/A- (Eur., Ale. 688).
^epetv (dat.), ox^eXeti/ (ace. or dat.), Bequest, subs. P. Swpca, 17,
6i/tv<3Lvat (or mid.), Ar. and P. A.UO-I- Eeceive by bequest, v. P. :

TA.?v (dat.), V. T%7 Xrf tv (dat.), Xiietv juetv (gen.). "B^'M, testament : Ar.
(dat.). V.intrans. Gain advantage : and P. 8ta^i7, ^.
P. and V. KepSawGLV, ovtvao-Oai. Bereave of, v. trans. P. and V.
Benefit from, have benefit of : P, , 9

and V. aTroXavetv (gen.), KapTrova-Om. (TIVCL TIVOS), orrepctv (ni/a

(ace.), KKapirov<r6oLL (aco.), V. lira.v- TKV rtl'tt TtVO$ 0*vXttl>

pc<r0ai (2nd aor. of cTravpCo-Kcw) (gen.), (TI TWO;), airo<rv\av (ri TWO), V. &TTO-
Kapm&vBau. (aco.). OTTpTfCtV (TtVtt TlVOs), &7TO\ffV(.OVV (rtVOt
Benevolence, subs. Good-will: P. TU/OS), voa-Qi&crQoA, (rwd TIVOS), voo-ffl-
and V. dWa, 17. Kindness : P. (TOLL
(aOr. Of VOCT<I>L^LV) (TtVCt 7tVOs) ?
<\av0/>ama, ^ ; see kindness. Gift airovocrtyfcew (TWO. T/O?), epvjfjLOvv (rivd
from a subject : P. eiWa, w (Dem, TIVOS) (rare P.). Bereave of ones
96). senses : P. and V. Igurrdvai (ace.),
Benevolent, adj. Kindly disposed: V. Xawiv ^o) TOV <j>pwiv. Bei'eave
P. and V. ewovs, P. ewoiKos. Kind : of parents : V. op^wlfav. Be bereft
P. and V. <E\av0po>7ros; see Hnd. of, use also: P. and V. orepeo-flat
Benevolently, adv. In a friendly (gen.), STroXctTreor^at (gen.), V. T^Ta-
way : P. cvvoiVoos. Kindly : P. o-^at (gen.).
see kindly. subs.
^iA.av0p4)7ra>9 ;
Bereavement, Deprivation,
Benighted, adj. Be benighted, spend loss : P. OTpT7ats, ^, awooTep^o'ts, r}^
Ber Bes

V. TO TvjTaa-Oai. Taking away : and above: P. and V. -rpd?

P. a<at'po-ts, ^, irapaipccris, ^. Or- (dat.), eVif
(dat.). Reside oneself:
phanhood: Y. 6p<f>dvev/jLa 9 TO. P. ^0) ttVTOV, V. !(!> <^pI/0)V, i^O)
Bereft, adj. Of parents : P. and V. yi/oJui/s see mod.

op^avos. Bereft of (generally) : P. Besides, adv. P. and V. Trpds

and V. cprjfiio*; (gen.), icevos (gen.), 7ri TOUTOtS, Tt, V. ICat
dfjioipos (gen.) (Plat.), V. 5ft^topos P.), Ar. and P. irpoa-m.
(gen.). j-tere/tf o/ one's senses : V. Besiege, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Kvds TOV vou ; see mad. /ctv, P. Trpoofica^e^o-^at, irc

Berry, subs. Use/rwat. irpocrKadf)<r&cu., 7repirefc^ Setl/ T1

Berth, subs. Mooring place : P. and TToitiv,P. and V. /cu/cAovcr^at.
V. opftos, 6. Sleeping place : P. besieged : also V. Trvpy^pero-tfai
and V. wiry, f). Give a icide berth i?z
besieging, v. trans. : P.
to : P. 7ro'ppo)0v a<rjr(x0-0ai (aoo.), X.iopKciv. Besiege in retaliation,
V. 7rpdV(i>0J> <i(r7raeo~0ai (aco.). trans. :
Beseech, v. trans. P. and V. aw-civ Beslaver (with flattery), v. trans. Ar
(or mid.), TrapcureicrOat,, iKcreuetv, oci- wrapScti/ (absol.).
<r0ai Awrapciv, Ar. and P. Besmear, v. trans.
(gen.), Ar. and P. Aei-
V. AiWccr&u, avTt.dctv
v, f^cti/, P. raAej(>n>, Ar. irapaAt<^*v,

7rpooTpe7T/, irpocrrpeirc- V. x/o^tv wpo^pfctv. /S^am : P. and

u, e^KCTcuciv, Ar. and V. /u<uWu/.
V. frno-ftu. ^Isfc /or : P. and V. Besom, subs. Ar. ico'p^a, TO.
TrapatTcwrftu (ace.), TrpoowTCM/ (aCO.), Besotted, adj. Dz^ZZ, stupid : P. and
V. tauTYtv (ace.). V. rwtfijs, a//,a^s, tt^vijs. Drunk:
Beseem, v. trans. P. and V. P. and V. /*e0uo-0fts (Eur., Cy^.),
(dat.), trpocnJKciv (dat.) see ; V. un/tojueVos, fte^ ^px^ts, Ar, and
Beset, v. trans. Encvrcle, stand V. 7T7ra>/ca)s ; see d?'W?jfe.
round : P. and V. 7r*pu'crracr0ai, KVK- Bespangle, v. trans. P. and V.
Ao9(r0ai, V. fywjkioraotfai. Set round : 7rot/ct AAeii/. -tldor7z : P. and Y.
P. and V. TOpi^ttAAciv, Occupy, Koo-ptlv ; see adorn.
seize P. and V. KarixXa^dveiv. Bespangled, adj. P. and V. TTOI,K)?AOS.

Besiege : Ar. and P. TroAiop/cetV ; see Bright : P. and V. Aa/Airpo s.

besiege. Met., teross : P. and V. Bespatter, v. trans. Soil : P. and
7Ti'v, Awretv. J^O7" /tOS 6fi,9<3^ ?W6 : V. /utatVctv. Sprinkle : V. patvewy
V. <^dy?os Tts ctfftXfavfa (Eur., O\
1324). 50 6e5fii, haunted by : P. Bespeak, v. trans, ffire, engage :
and V. o*TJVti/<u (dat.), a'Dvc^eo-Sat Ar. and P. fua-OovcrOat,. Glcuim : P.
(dat.), V. fyccwrftu (dat.). jB<35e^ and V. StKatovi/.
wi^, infested with : P. and V. Besprinkle, v. trans. V. /Wvciv,
ficoTo's (gen.). TT&XiJmv ; see sprinkle. Besprmkle
Besetting, adj. Habitual: P. and ivith blood : P. and V. al/xaTow
V. <rwij^s, o-v/o^vros, P. orvrpo^os. (Thuc, in pass.) KaOaL^dcro-eiv (Plat), s

Beside, prep. P. and V. irapa (ace. V. a,lp,d<ra-w, ^otvwrcrctv, K^oivoro-iv,

for motion, dat. for rest). Outside Ar. and V. KaOat/MLrow. Besprinkled
of: P. and V. !&> (gen.), &TOS (gen.), with blood : see bloody.
V. eicwoSoiv (gen.) (also Xen., but Best, adj. P. and V. ipwrros,
rare P.). Beside the point : P. oros, Kpdritrros, V. ^cpraros,
e&> rov wpay/x,aT05 (Dem. 1318), Ar. (used in Plat., but rare P.),
and P. <o> TOV Aoyov. Except : P. ros (rare), ^o\o^ Vocative, also
and V. TrAiJv (gen.), x^pk Y. ^cptoTc (used once in Plat).
a (gen.), Ar. and P. vapd (aco.). Fairest : P. and V. KoAWros. 5e
Bes Bet

Betake oneself, P. and V.

__J, v. : V. Trpeo-jSeuEiv (Soph., Ant. v.

720). We will do our best to pre- on-ay, KopiCta-Qa.', V. KOCLV

vent it: P. ov JCTTO. TO .
Fly for refuge : P. *<xTa-
Su/aToV (Thuc. 1, 53). The fort was
built in the best part of the country Bethink oneself, v. P. and V.
for committing depredations : P. (or mid.), ^povritfW)
TO p,t(rOcLi, voiv (or mid.),
oruwoclv (or
KOKOVpyeiv (oSo/co/^etTo TO Tet^o? (Thuc. mid.), Ar. and P. Siai/osto'&u, Ar.
7, 19). Have the best of it : P. and V. <f>pdca-0ai ; see consider.
Bethink oneself of: P. and Y.
of one's ability : P. Kara (ace." or gen.) (perf. of
Best, adv. P.andV. .

feoAAiora. Best of all (closing a Betide, v. trans. P. and V. *aTa-

series of alternatives): P. and Y. \ap.($d.viv ; see befall.
Betimes, adv. Early : P. and V.
Bestial, adj. P. and V. AppiuSip. 7rpo>. Seasonably, adv. : P. cuicatpcos,
Bestiality, subs. P. and V. TO P. and Y. /caipt'co? (Xen.), Katpw, ev
Katpai, i? fcatpdv, 15 Scor, i^ TW Seoyrt,
Bestir oneself, and V.
v. P. t5 Kd\OV, V. WP05 KCLlpOV, TTpOS TO

crQai. Make an effort: P. 8iaT/- Kaipiov see seasonably. ;

o-0cu, o-vi/retWcr&u, IvrewearOai, P. and Betoken, v. trans. P. and Y. o-^at-

V. TttVctV, V. KTtVU/, Ar. OTTOuS^V, i/eiv, <t>a(vLV, $rj\ovv ; see shoiU.
7n>tr0<u ; see also hasten. Show by signs beforehand : P. and
Bestow, v. trans, <rw : P. and V. V. CnjjJLOLLVLV, ^ttlVctV, V. TrpO<nfJfJL(lLVI.V,

V6fJ.LV, 8<l>p6O-0CU (Plat.),

Betray, v. trans. P. and V.
Bring : P. and V. bri<t>iP w 9 Y. Ar. and P. /cara7rpoSt8<Wi,
voparvvciv, iropw (2nd aor.), Ar. and (or mid.). Fling away
: P. and V.
V. oVafctv. Attach (to a person) : TrpoTTtvcw, Ar. and P. irpoia/ai (or
P. and V. xpoo-cwrTciv. Bestow mid.). Eeveal : P. and V. /^i/cfcii/,
attention : Ar. and P. vpoo-fxav rov K<f>EpW9 Sr)\OVV, Y. TTpOpXlvficW. Ill-
vow. Bestow in marriage : P. and form against : P. KaTanx^vvav (gen.),
V. &cSiSoV<u; see betroth. Stow: P. and Y. KaTwreti/ (gen.). Seduce
Ar. and P. /cctTaT?0cr0<u ; see setf. (a woman) : P. and V. Sia^fatpeiv,
Bestrew, v. trans. P. and V. oro- Y. awr^dvEtv, SioAAiWi, Aw^ao-^ai.
Ar. and P. crropinWi, V. Exhibit, give proof of, see unde.*

Bestride, v. trans. P. and V. Ka^J- Betrayal subs. P. and V. 7r/>o8o<n'a, ij.


u ?rf (gen. or dat.), KaLOefco-Oai Seduction : P. and Y. 8n0opa, 17.

(gen. or dat.). Bestriding Y. Laying of information : P.

cSo)? erf (gen.) ; see mozwtf. Be-

striding a horse, adj. Ar. and V. Betrayed, adj. P. and V.

Betrayer, subs. P. and Y. f

Bet, subs. Stake : Ar. and P. 6 fern., Y. TrpoSoVt?, ^. Seducer :;

pox, TO; see pledge. Contest: P. P. 8ta<^SopV5, 6, V. aurxvvryp, o. Jw-

and Y. aywv, 6. former: P. and V. /^i/vrifc, o, V.
Bet, v. trans, jfifofc, hazard : Ar. and Mvvrfifr 6.
P. irapapdXXeo-QcLL, V. -rrpo^oAAco',
Betroth, v. trans. P. and V. &8i8oV<u
irapappwrrctv. Absol. Mafce a fo ; (also mid.), o~vw*a'e/, lyyvav, V.
Ar. TrcptSfSoer^at. Contend : P. and
V. betrothed to one : P.
Bet Bey
(ace.). Greon announces P.), Ar. and V. yocwr&u,
that he loill betroth me to him who V, V. KOL
should discover the riddle of the
wise maiden : V. KpeW . . .
(absol.), ttVoXoXv^tv, Mpco-^at, P.
a7roAo^7Jpcrdat, a.vo\o<f>vp<-o-0ai ; 860
0oi TOUTO) <rvvauffU> XcxTpa (Eur., Zawz-^zi, 2t;aiZ. Met., 50 -vea;ed ai :
Phoen. 47). Ar, and P. a-yavaKTcZv (dat.), xoXc-
Betrothal, subs. P. &c8oo-is, ^ lyyurj, TratVctv (dat.), V Sucr^opti/ (dat.),
17, eyyviyo-tt, r/,
V. /Av^oreu/xaTa, TCL. TTiKpGs c^cpctv (ace.) ; see under v#c.
Betrothed bride, subs. V. Beware, v. intrans. P. and V. <vA
<os, 77.

Better, adj. P. and V. P. </>vXaK^v l^tv, V. /

TUOV, Kpeurcrw, /coXXfcw, V. XOKDJ/ (P. elvat. Beware of : P. and

rare), ^eprepo^ vireprepos. Setter dcro-<r9ai (ace.), cvXafielcrOaL (ace.),
in health: P. />^o>v. JEfe foster wi ;Xa/3ewr0ai (ace.), P. favXapcurOai
health, v :
pai&w. (acc.), V. <t>povpti<rQai. (aco.). With a
Better, adv. P. and V. 5/xctvov, cX- clause instead of a subs, use P. and
TIOI/, /caXXZov, V.
/cpcuro-oi/, Xaiov. V. <i5Xacroro-0ai /J or OTTWS ^77 (with
Jor0, rather: P. and V. /mXXov. subj. or opt.), or e-uXa^ctcr^at py or
I/imfc feeder o/; see reconsider, re- OTTWS /xr; (With Subj. Or Opt.), V.

pent. Think better of it: V. 0po- <t>povpiv py Or OTTCDS fwj (with Subj.
. . . XOKO . . *
XaySeu/ (Soph., or opt.) see also mind.

PAtf .
1078). Get the better : P. Bewilder, v. trans. P. and V. c*-
and V. vlKav, Kparew, P. ircpUxfw,
ffei */w better of: P. 6pd<rcriv (Plat.), P. 8iaTapa<ro-iv.
7rA.OVKT/ (gen.), TrXcov </>p<rOaL Be beioildered : P. and V.
(gen.) ;
see &cceZ, conquer. a^xSvctv (rare P.).
If they
our representations so miich Bewildering, adj. P. and V.
listen to
the better : P. r}v fjuv tora/cowcra)o-t ^ZZ o/ confusion: P.
Difficult to understand : P. and V.
(Thuo. 1, 82). 4U t/M 6c0r ; P. a<7tt<jf>T;s, #877X05,
TOO-OWTO) a/xetvov. TO?, 8voT/c/*apTO5,
Better, v. trans. Improve : P. and
V. igopQovv, Ar. and P. Bewilderingly, adv. P. aora^ois, V.
JSrcce/ ; P. and V. Kp&mv, Sucf/cpfrcos.

\tv, virp<t>pw (gen.) see Bewilderment, subs. P. and V. &-


Betters, Bubs. Orce's feeders ; P. and

V. ot icpt<r<rovS. Bewitch, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Between, prep, or adv. P. and V. P. yoTjreuciv, ,

fjuratf (g en -) /*or<o (gen.). ^ : P. and V. /c^XceV (Plat.),

Betwixt, prep, or adv. See between. (Plat, but rare P.), P. Kara-
Beverage, subs. P. and V. mfo-fc, ^, (Plai),
7TOTOV, TO, TTCO/ACfc, TO, Bewitching, adj. Soothing : V.
Bevy, subs. P. and V. <rvAAoyos, o, ^eX^TT^ptos, KV)Xyrqpu>$. Charnwng,
<ri?vo8o5, r;,
V. 55potcr/xa, T^; see delightful : Ar. and P. xfy>w, P-
{lxapt9, 7rtxapis, cTra^pdStTos, P. and
Bewail, P. and V. o
v. trans. V. Tcprryos, ^81)5, V.
o-tfat, aTToSipccr^at, /cXdfetv (or mid.
in Bewitchingly, adv. P.
V.), Tra/tfeti/, Opyvtlv, ct7roXatv (or P. and V. iJScws.

mid.), ScwcptW, <rrvv (Dem. but Beyond, prep.

Of time or place P. :

rare P.), owdEfcii' (Dem. but rare and V. Wpa (gen,). Of place only,
Bey Bil

across ; P. and V. Trcpav (gen.). (TLVL TI), eTrtoreAAciv (TLVL TI), 7rtcr/oJ-

yaris P. and V. rou-

6ai/o7wZ : -TTTfitv and V. tytwOat (TLVL
(TO/I TI), Ar.
Of measure: P. rt); see command. Withinfin.: P.
and V. forcp (aco.). Except: P. and V. KA.Vtv (ace.), CTrtcrreAActv
and V. ir\rfv (gen.). Outside of (ace. or dat.), cn-tTao-crcu/ (dat.), irpoo--
(time or place): P. and V. 2fo>. Too*CTiv (dat.), reunrav (dat.), crri-

Beyond description : P. and V. o-K^TTTeLV (dat.), Ar. and V. tyietrOai

KpeMnnov A-oyou, V. /cpro*o)v 17 A.C&U. (dat.), V. avSSv (ace. or
ai/aJ-ydv (ace.),

Beyond expectation: P. and V. dat.), evveTrciv (ace. or dat.), Xeycw

Trap* l\Tri?8a, V. CKTOS cXrlfSos, l^oj (dat.), <a)mv (ace.), p.v6<rOa.L (ab-
X7rf8os. Beyond measure see erc- :
sol.), <fecr0<u (absol.) . Sid against
ceedingly. Beyond one's strength : at an auction : P. avTo>vtor0<u (dat.
P. -Trapa 8wa/uv, vircp 8uva/uv. jRe- or absol.). When these men were
quiring nothing beyond sufficient bidding against one another : P.
support : Trepa t/cars Tpo<f>f)$ ovSci/
d^towTes (Plat., Crito, HOo). Go 165). Bid for: P. frcurAu (ace.).
beyond : P. and V. -uircp^oAAciv SwZ farewell : see farewell.
(aec.) see exceed.
; Bid, subs. Price offered : P. and V.
Beyond, adv. Of time, place or de- wr7, ^. .Ma&e a 6wZ /or, met. see :

gree : P. and V, Wpa. Of place aim at.

only P. and V.
: v. Farther : Bid ding, subs. P. Trpooray/Jia, TO,
P. and V. TrcpatTcpo). More : P. TO, V. ^vroXi;, ij (Plat, but
and V. Tr\ov, V. tirtprcpov. rare P.), KeAeuor^ta, TO KA.uo7>?, o,
Bias, subs. Of things, impulse : P. q, fj eirurroW, at. t

Of persons,/dw?owr ; P. and Bide, v. intrans. See remain. Live :

V. 17. Hostility : P. and V. P. and V. Stayed/, StaiTcrcrflat. V.
P. /caicdVota, 17.
Fa/Dourit- trans.; see wait for. Biding his
ism : P. and V. x^P^, % time: V. Katpov v\aBovu,wo<s (Eur.,
without bias : P. /-^Sf Or. 699).
(Dem. Biennial, adj. P.
1236). Bier, subs. P. KXtwj, % (Thuc. 2, 34),
Bias, v. trans. Dispose : P. V. A.KTpOl>, TO.
Persuade : P. and V. Big, adj. P.andV./xeyfi?. Spacious:
Biassed, adj. P. ov /cotvo?. Biassed P. and V. jiKiic/xfe, eupvs. Ferj/ &w; ;
favourably (of persons) P. and V. P. vTTCpjueye&fc, Ar. iJTrep/wya?. jPa^ :

dWus. Biassed unfavourably : P. P. and V. dw-pa^s, Ar. and P.

and V. SUOTOU?, Ar. and P. icaKovovs. Traxus. Talk big: see boast. How
Give a biassed judgment : P. and big: interrog., P. and V. TWOS,
V. KOIT' cvvoiav Kptvtw. A. and P. Tn^foos ; indir., P. and V.
Bibber, subs. Wine-bibber, subs. P. oo-os, ozroo-05. :5o 5^ : P. and V.
otvo^Xvf, 6 or $ (Xen.), or use adj., TOCTOVTOS, To<roV8e, P.
P. <iXoivos. AtKoVSe, V. TO'O-OS (rare P.).
Bioker, v. intrans. P. and V. t Bight, subs. See bay.
Bigness, subs. P. and V.
Ar. and P. Sicw^cpeo-tfcu, Ar. and P. Bulk : P. and V.
TO. o. cW,
Bigot, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
Bickering, subs. P. and V. tpk, 17, obstinate. . r,

Sta^opo, ^, aracris, 17, Ar. and V. vet- Bigotry, subs.

Obstinacy: P.
KOS, TO' (also Plat, but rare P.). , Ar. and V.

Bid, v. trans. P.andV. Bile, subs. Met. :

rt), eiTLTacrcreti/ (TLVL TC), see anger.

Bil Bir

Bilge, subs. Hull of a ship : P. and Tro'Sas ical TO.S x^P*18 (Plat.,
V. o-*a<#os, TO. Bilge water: Y. Lc). 5md (% ; Ar. oaife)
avrXos, 6. and P. opKovv see under oath.

Bilingual, adj. P. oYyAuo-o-os. Binding, adj. Authoritative : P. and

Bilious, adj. P. xoAxooS??. Y. Krfpios. Of an oath : P. and V.
Bill, subs. Axe : P. and Y. WXcKvs, moTd?, Y. c/x^Sos, (Bur., J.2 758). .

6 (Xen. also Ar.), $ (Xen.). d^, O/ an enchantment : V. Sco-^ws.

Sickle : P. and Y. Spen-avov, TO. .MaAre ^mAwg, ratify, v. P. and :

Account : see account. Measure, Y. Kvpow. J3e binding, v. P. and :

decree P. and V. i/oj<icr;/,a, TO.


aw : P. and Y. vouos, 6. Measure Biped, subs. Use adj., P. and Y.

proposed by the Senate : P. Trpo-
^ovXcv//.a, TO. Account books : Ar. Bird, subs. P. and Y. opvfe, 6 or ^,
and P. ypa/AftaTa, Ta, y/ Ar. and P. opvov, TO. For various
TO'. O/ a ford : see beak. names of birds, see Ar., Av. 302,
Bill and coo, v. Use P. and V. 303, 304. Bird of prey : Ar. and
Ar. and Y. KUVCIV. P. oto)vo9, 6. Bird of omen : P. and
Billet, V. trans. P. KaTacrTpa.TOireo'cvew V. opvfe, 6 or fy oiW<fe, 6. Birds of
(Xen.). Be billeted on: P. Kcn-a- the air : P. and Y. T*. imjvd (Plat.),
\VCLV irapa, (dat.), crKtfvtiv (dat.) ; &
V. 7TT/a, TCL (Bur., Frag.), inept*,
see quarter. ol Of a bird, adj. : Ar. and P.
Billet, subs. Log : P. and V. opvt&tos (Xen.). Dea/r to birds,
TO, Ar. and V. Kop/xos, 6, Ar. adj.: Y. <#?Aopi/is. Love of birds,
subs. : Ar. <ZXopvZ0i'a, ^. Destroy-
Billingsgate, subs. Bad language : ing birds, adj. : V. ota>yo/cToi>o$. Catch
use P. TTo/wroa, 37. Use Bilkngsgate, birds, v. intrans. : P. opvitfeuew
V. : P. iro/jLireveiv. (Xen.).
Billow, subs. P. and V. icfywx, TO', Bird-cage, subs. Ar. avAiJ, 17.
fcAtfSa)!/, 6, K\i;Sa>nov, TO. Sw/: P. Bird-catcher, subs. Ar. and P. op-
and V. p60tov, TO, Ar. and V. o!6>a, o (Plat.), Ar. fipwflo^pas, 6.
TO, o-iXos, 6. 1M0 waves : P. and Bird-lime, subs. V. &fe, 6 (Bur.,
V. rpfrvju'a, $ (Plat.). Cycl. 433).
Billow, v. intrans. P. Kv/iaTovo-flcu, Bird's-eye view, subs. P. crvvo^,
P. and Y. Mpafaw (Plat.).
Bin, subs. P. and V. 0^*9, 17, Ar. Birth, subs. Child-birth: P. and
Y. TO'KOS, 6, or pi. (Plat.), Xoxeia, y
Bind, v. trans. P. and V. (Plat.), Y. XOXCVUOLTO,, TO., yonj, 17.
&o', V, CK$W. Grown, wreathe: -4 coming into being : P. and V.
Ar. and P. SvaSctv. Fasten: P. owis, 17, Ar. and Y. yony, ^. JDes-
and V. orwcwrrv, -TrpoouTrrciv, ttva- : P. and Y. ycVos, TO, V. criropd,
7TTiv, KaSa-7rrtv (Xen.), Ar. and V. see descent. By birth : P. and

e&XTrrttv, V. ^ai/aTrrecv ; see fasten. V. -yci/ct, V. yw<riv (aoc. of 7ei/o is),


Make fast: V. ox^civ, o-^tyyav, yoi^. Younger by bvrth : Y. ^ort

Ktp/cov^ Met., feoZd together: 'P. i/o>Tpo$. Father by birth (as op-
and V. owSeiv, o-uvc^tv. Bind posed to adoption) P. ydv<^7raTiyp. :

round : Ar, and P. irepSeiv. J5iwd Origin, beginning P. and Y dpx^,

: .

^nder ; Ax. and P. fcoSctv. Bi?w y.Frombirth: P, d?ro ycvea? (Xen.).

%p : see bandage, Put in bonds : High birth ; P. and Y. yewacoV^s,
P. and V. 8ccv, o'wSeci^, o'ecrp.evw cvyeveta, ^, r^ ycwatov. ZrOZC
^Sav (Plat, but rare
(Plat.), P.). P. and V. Svo-ycVew, ^ (Plat.),
Bind hand am,d foot : P.
Bir Bla

Birthday, used as adj. P. and V. Cruelly : P. and V.

Birthday offerings to the P. crxTADs, (fyuos, Ar. and P.
gods: P. and V. ya/c'0Aia, ra. 1TOJS.

Hold birthday sacrifice : P. and V. Bitterness, subs. O/ taste : P. TTLK-

porrjs, r/. Met,, P. and V. TnKporqs,
Birth-place, subs. P. and V. f) ;
see also anger. Pain : P. and
see native land. V. XJirq, 17, avfe, 17 seepain. ;
fj ;

Birthright, subs. Use P. and V. tility : P. and V. Ix^os, TO',

17, 8uo-/x.Veta, ^. Cruelty : P.
Bisect, v. trans. P. * Six 01
" ' P. and V.
Bitumen, subs. P. a<r<aA.Tos, ?>
Bit, subs. For a liovse, etc. : P. and (Xen.).
V. voAJvo's, 6, OTO/UOV, TO (Xen.). Take Bivouac,
v. intrans. P. and V. au-
tJie bit between the teeth : P. A/&0-0CU, Kara-v^a-Oat (Xen.), P.
rov -)(aXLv6v (Plat.), V. crro/xta ei/Sax- cTravMZco-Qai, cvauXt^ecrtfat (act. used
viv. Morsel : P. I/TW/AOS, 6 (Xen.), once in V.), o-ioyvow/, a-Kvjvetv. En-
Ar. TO/XOS, 6. and V.
Piece: camp : P, and V. i8pv<rQcu, P. o-T/oa-
jitepos, TO', P. fjiopLov, TO. Pec0 cwi oirXa. Bi<rBo.i\ see 6?l-

ojf : P. TfjurjfjLa ; see fragment. Not

a bit: P. and Y. ovSa/ius, Bivouac, subs. P. and V. onrpaTo'-

TOK, Ar. and P. wcSov, TO; see camp.

Blab, v. intrans. Chatter: P. and
Bitch, subs. P. and V. V. 0puA,ti/, XaXctv, IK\.O\W (Ear.,
Bite, v. trans. P. and Y. Frag.). V. trans., Disclose : P.
Take between the teeth : P. and V. and V. fMjvueiv, P. 6/cXaA.civ.
ci/Sdtfcmv, P. cruvSaKveiv (Xen.). Bite Blabber, subs. Betrayer : P. and
the dust : Y. o8i alpelv yaw (Bur., V. r, 5.
Phoen. 1423). Make to bite the
Betrayal : P. Blabbing, subs.
dust : Ar. /caroo-Trooeu/ (also ^Elsch., HeioarcL for blabbing :
Theb. 809, -in pert part, pass.)
P. r.
Bite, subs. P. and V. Sij o'(Xen., Black, adj. P. and Y. a?, V.
also Ar.), V. xdpayw .

Biting, adj. P. and V. TIRO'S, oW- Met., of crime, etc. : P. and V.

see harsh. ato-xP 0/5> A 1 and V. /Aucrapos. O/ -

Bitter, adj. Of taste: P. and V. /OOA;5: P. and V. cr/n;0pco7ros, V.

TTWC/DOS, Ai. and P. orpi^i/os. Met., crrvyvos. BZocA; a?wZ ^e/?: V. ^Xa/j.-
painful : P. and Y. TrwcpoY plOys. Blask eye : P. and V. #7-
oi/tapos, dXyctvos, Y. X-UTrpo TTtoy, TO'
(Bur., Frag.
tressing : P. and Y. Sucrxep poem)). Having black eye: Ar:
7rax^^5. O/ words, etc. : P. and tirvmao-fievos ; see under 03/0. BlasJc
Y. Trwcpos, Y. T0rryp.vos. Exceed- ioith leaves : Ar. and V.
Y. vn-cpm/cpos.
-mg bitter :
P. and Y. lx ; ^
Hostile :
see fcos^Ze. Black, v. trans. B/acfc a person's
P. and V. <ofto's, <rxerXtos, P. TOUS fyOaX/jLovs arwKh'Qet.v
eye :
Ar. and P. x^^os; see Black shoes: Ar.
cruel. Of cold : use P. and Y.
Black, subs. Colour: P. TO.
Bitterly, adv. Painfully: P. and use P. see
V. Aum/pG?, TTLKpW , V. Xu-
Trpo)?. 0^ CoW ; use Blackbird, subs. Ar. ?, .

I7i a hostile way : P. Blacken, v. trans. Lit., and V.

Bla Bla

v. Make : Y. aWaXovv
dirty ;
or els, aCC.), P. ^oyov eTrt^epetv (dat.) ;
see so^L Met. : Blaiken the char- see lay on, under Za#. Loxias will
acter, etc. : P. and V. 8ia/3aXXeii'. take the blame upon himself :
Blackguard, subs., used adj. P. and yap atTtav cis avroi/ otcret (Eur.,
V. iruyovpyos, KOKOS, /uapos, 7rayKa.KOS, 1226).
cuVxpos ; see rascal. Blame, v. trans. P. and V. ^eju^eor^at
Blackguardly, adj. P. and V. Trav- (ace. or dat.), i/reyeiv, c7ratTtttO*^at, at-

ovpyo*, KttKOS, /uapos, TretyKaKOS,

ar- Ttao-^at, P. 7rtTt/Aa^ (dat. of person^
Xpos Ar. and P. 7ra/wroi/?7po?. aec. of thing, or sometimes dat.,
Black-hearted, adj. V. /ceAawty/a<m>, vid.Dem. 246, 1231), K<m'i/, oY
Ar. /xcXavoKctpSios. ama? ^x tv KQ.ra.p.ep^ea'Oai^ Ar. and!
Blackmail, subs. Malicious accusa- V. fjuDpao-Qat. Chide: V. tv'urrtiv
tion : Ar. and P. o-DKO^aima, ^. (^Esch., ,4<7. 590). J5fi blamed : P.
Blackmail, v. trans. .kccwse and Y. ij/oyov cx tl/
^/M^LV %x* ll/m
ciously : Ar. and P. Blame for a thing: P. and V.
Blackmailer, subs. Ar. and P. (ri TIVL, V. also Ttvd? Ttn),

<t>dvTYjq, 6. (rt Tti/i).

Blackness, subs. Darkness : P. and Blameless, adj. P. and V.

V. o-KoVos, 6 or TO; see darkness. ^i/cirtXiyTrroffj
Black-rimmed, adj. V. /^XavScTos. a/jte/A^s. Guiltless, adj.: P. and
Black-robed, adj. V. /xeXaiuwreTrXos. V. ttvatVtos.
Blacksmith, subs. Ar. and P. x<*A,- Blamelessly, adv. P. and V. #//,>-
KOJS, 6, V. <rltiirjpQTKT<jw 6. Black- TTTOJS (Xen.).

smith's forge : P. xaXtfciov, TO. Blameworthy, adj. P. and V.

Black-winged, adj. Ar. ptXavo- 7TTOS, 7TO^TiO9, V.
7TTp05. P. l/TCKTOS (Plat.).
Bladder, subs. P. and V. acnco's, 5. Blaming, adj. Y.
6?aZZ bladder: V. xo^'> <w> X^5* lirifjLOfJi^os (dat.).
Soxat, at. Blanch, v. trans. Make white : P.
Blade, subs. SiaZfc o/ a pZawtf : Ar. XCUKOUV, V. XevKatveiv. V. intrans.
and P. /cauXos, o (Plat.) O/ corn : Turn pale : Ar. and V.
P. KaXa/xi?, 17 (Xen.). G^reew sAoofe ioi : V.
; xp^/
P. and Y. x*-y, V- Demeter who (Eur., Pfeoew. 1246).
guards theblade: V. Blanched, adj. TWfc : P. and V.
V. PaZe of face :

^. Sharp edge : V. d/c^, ^. O/ P. and V.

oar : Ar. and V. TrAdm?, T; see oar. Bland, adj. ; 4#aiZe : P. and V.
Sword (generally) P. and V. #09, :
<tXo4>p<ov (Xen.), P.
TO, V. ^yxo?> T<^J KVoSSeov,
<f>6<ryavov9 TO, ^Stos, KO/OS. Gentle :
6. P. and V. <^u/Uov, TO.
I/aa/: P. and V. aos, <^tXav^po>7ros ; see
SJwulder blade : P. Flattering, adj. : P. 0o>irv-
(Xen.). OS; see flattering.
Blain, subs. Ar. and P. Blandish, v. intrans. P. and V. 0<*>-
7Tvav, Ar, and P. xoXoKcvctv; see
Blamable, adj. P. and V. flatter.
trtos, P. ^re/cnfe (Plat.), V. TT)?/XO/A- Blandishment, subs. P. and Y.
0<07TLa, ^, P. /coXatfcta, ^, Y. Owrcv-
Blame, subs. P. and V. /xara, Ta, ttflnracr/jLara, Ttt.

i/^oyo?, 6, atTta, ij,

P. Blandly, adv. P. and V.
Ar. and V. fto/jt^i;, ^. Lew/ (Plat.). Gently: P.
ow ; P. and v a?TtW &v<L<l>{pctv
(dat. see
Bla Ble

Blank, adj.
and V.
Empty : Blatantly, adv. P. and Y.
Bare : P. and
P. 8iaKi/os. see vulgarly.
Y. -yv/xi'o's, /rlXo5. Met., of amaze- Blaze, subs. P. and V. <\o' 17,
ment, etc. : P. and V. TO. Light : P. and V. <<o<?, TO', Ar.
Vain : P. and V. ju-aratos, and V. <eyyos, TO (also Plat, but
rare P.), 0-e', TO (also Plat, but
Helpless : P. and Y. &ropos.
is a blank : P. and V. tftwrov (r). rare P.), avyij, ^ (also Plat, but rare
Pom iZa?i& ; see altogether. Ex- P.), Ar. and Y. <aos, TO. He set
pressly : P. Buipp^rjv. the city in a blaze: met., c'^Xe

Blanket, subs. Ar. and P. a-Tp^ara, r^v

TroXtv (Ar., Pax, 608). ZVt^
ret, V. vXatvo, ty <cpos, TO, <apos, TO,
kindled an answering blase : V. ol
TO, orpayra ^apiy, TCI. Ar. o-i- S' avreXafjalrav (^Bsoh., ^tgr. 294).

o-upa, ^. Blaze, v. intrans. .Zforw : P. and V.

Blare, subs. P. and V. fftOoyyo?, o, /ccUo-0ai, aTTTevOai. Shine: P. and
V. V- X^T^V (Plat.), AeM/wrfiy, (Plat.),
dtrrpaTTTetv (Plat.), <rriX^tv (Plat.),
Blare, v. intrans. P. and V. , , ,
Ar. and Y. ^Xeyav, Xaa?ro-^at (Eur.,
O-0CU, P. iTri<t>deyycr6aL (Xen.), Y. J.I 1 1156), V. fiCLpfjLcu'pcw, aWetv, at-

/eeXaSciv (Bur., Phoen. 1102). ^or^at. -BZ&sre p: V. Saico-^ai.

Blaspheme, v. intrans. P. /SXoo-^- see 6oi. Blaze abroad,

Of anger:
fjLcw. Be impious : P. and V. &<re- v. trans. P. and V. :

e/c^cpav, Ar. and V. Oposiv,

Blasphemous, adj. P. and Y. ao-c- see circulate. Be blazed abroad :
ijs, ^os,
Y. 8ua-o-/?iJs (rare P.); P. and Y. tfpuXeicrftu,
see impious. Y. Kktfj^ecrOoL, vftvcwrtfai, P.
Blasphemously, adv. P. and Y. Xwo-^at (Xen.).
Blazing, adj. P. and V. Xa///7rpo$,
Blasphemy, subs. P. and V . &r c/3eia, Ar. and V. ^aewog, Y.
17, /JAaor^7/ua, ^,
V. 8uo-a*e^ta, ^. , al^aXoOs, wa^^XfifCTOS ; see
Blast, subs. P. and V. m/efyia, TO', bright. Met., Xa/Airpo?.
Sv/to9, 6, Ar. and V. 7^077, 17 (rare Blazon, v. trans. See adorn. JSZa-
PA aifpo, ^ (also Plat, but rare P.), jerow abroad : see wowg abroad.

QvorrjfJLa, TO, V. arjfjLa, TO, averts, Blazoner, subs. V. o^/AaTovpyos, 6.

Of a trumpet : see blcwe. Blazonry, subs. <7re5*: P. and V.
Blast, v. trans. .Breafc in pieces : P. TlfJ/JLloV9 TO, V. OTftia, TO,

&o0pauF (Plat.), P. and V. 6pa.veiv TO.

(Plat.), V. crui/^pauetv. Destroy, Bleach, v. trans. P. Xeu*ow, V.

rwn : P. and V. 8ta<#>^tp
r, injure: P. and V. P. and Y. \fn>xpfa P.
Bleak, adj.
Ar. and Y. Ar. and V. 8vo-xt/*po5.
o-J9at. S"is w^/it ^05 blasted by Blear-eyed, Ar. and P. yXdfMv.
lightning : V. cgeppovrqOrj o- Bleat, v. intrans. Ar. ft^oL
., P.F. 362). 5rw0 to Bleat, subs. V. /wKiyfyto's, 6
; P. and Y. jpr ^^/na, TO
v. P. fccpawow (Plat.).
Bleating, adj. w (is
(Bur., Oycl

Blasted, adj. Desolate: P. and V. Bleed, v. intrans. P. and Y.

!pi?/j.o9. Blasted with the thund&r- ToSo-flai, V. atftao-o-co-^cti, ^o
bolt : Y. Kcpawio?. Strewn with blood : V.
Blatant, adj. P. and Y. Xa/rpo's; orrafetv a?^an.
<ov<j>, Met.,
see vulgar. penned : P. and Y. \v7reio-0ai.
Ble Bli

Bleeding, adj. Ar. P. and V.

V.^ ai/Aoppayrfc, 17,

and Y. atftarocrrayijs ^, V. 6. ,

Blemish, subs. Statin: P. and V. Blessing, subs. and V. ay50<,

77 Disgrace: P. T<, V. iceSva, Ta, <r^Xa, ra see also ;
and V. alo'x'&vyt ^ oWtSos, TO. D0- advantage. Blessings on you : V.
formity : P. awrxos, rp, irovijpta, 77. evTvxpuqs, evSaifjLovoiys, ova to. BleSS-
Without blemish: adj. O/ fooste ings on you for your words : V.
/or sacrifice : Y. evrcX^s. Fault : oi/ato ju,v0a>v. T/^y ;iZ
P. and V. a/xapTia, 77, P. ajjidpTqfLa, many blessings on their head:
TO'. a-yaQa avToZ? ^owat (Plat., Ph&dr.
Blemish, v. trans. P. and V, cucr- 233B). Invoking many blessings
v, V. on your head and mine: V. o-oi iroXXa
VW. KCLUOt KeSv' ap(0U.VOl TVYCtV (EUT., 07*.

Blend, v. trans. P. and V. /uyvwtu, 1138).

o-vfi/uyvtfvai, ava/xtyKi/vat, KGpawvvai, Blight, subs. Mildew: P. epvon'/ity,
Confound : P. and ). : Emw
P. and V. <0opa, 17, 8ta-
V. <vpiv. Blended with: P. and ^opa, T), V. airo^Oopd, 77. GanJcer :
V. (dat.), V. ayflwre- V. Xetv, o.
(dat.). V. intrans.: use Blight, v. trans. P.andV..
given. Coincide : P. Destroy : P. and Y. <t>6*ipew,
and Y ', V. <l>Qeipeiv ; see wither.

Blend, subs. P, and V. Kpao-is, 77, Blind, adj. P. and Y. V.

<TvyKpticri<: 9
P. u
Heedless : P. and V.
Blended, adj. P and V. veros. Unreasoning : P.

(Hat.), ^y&, Ar. and P. TOS, ^Xoyo?, dXoytopTos ; see ro$7&. J5e

/UKTOS. to o?*e 5 oww interests : P. TU-

Bless, v. trans. Invoke blessings on : ws Xtv iTpo? TO <o<jbXt/AOv (Plat.,

P. and V. ttya0<* xr0at (dat.). #. 479B). Ignorant: P. and
Consecrate : P. and V. /caflupow, P. V. Sirapos, afjLajQiqs.

wpow ;
see Prosper, Blind, subs.
consecrate. Met., $0r0e7z, pretext :
promote : P. and V. P. and Y. Trpd/JX^a, TO ;
cnrcvSeH/, &ri-
happy: V. Blind, v. trans. P. and V.
f tv. Favour : see favoitr. Bless (Plat.), /cXo9i/ (Xen., also Ar.),
you : P. and V. eS crol yevotTo, V. O-KOTOW (pass, in Plat.).
js, ovato. Bless you for : Blindly, adv. P. Tu<XS$. Heedless-
V. 6Vaio (gen.). ^e^5, Wfi55 such ly : P. and Y. d^powto-Tws. Eashly :
natures : & Zeu, 81801979 roto-t P. dTrepto-Kenrcos. Unreasoningly :
Towrtv cS (Soph., 0.0. 642). P, dXoyws, oXoytb-Tws. Ignorantly :
blessed im> : P. and V. wavOai (gen.) P. and Y. ^a^.
Tow wwsi ?w>J
(a>or. mid. of ovtvavcu). r^^ blindly mto base agreements :

Blessed, adj. P. and V. P. ^317 fir; TrpOTreroi? v/xa? avrov? ^/A-

Ar. and V. paKap (rare P.), ^aXctv 15 awr^pis 6/i.oXoytas (Isoc.
^XWTOS, V. v<uo>v; see fortunate. 126D).
Holy : P. and V. Upo*, o-c^vos, Ar. Blindness, subs. P.
and P. 5yto5, Ar. and V. dyvds. (Plat.), V. ovcrfros, 6 or TO',
In moral sense: see good. The Wiw^e55 : P. and V. o-KoVos, 6 or
islands of the blessed: /Aa/capa>i/ vycrot, T<$
(Dem* 411). Ignorance : P.
V. /m/cdtpw ala, $ (Bur.),
at (Plat.), and V, yvoia, r}, &rpia, ^ ; see
p&Kapuv v^oros, ^ (Bur.),
Blessedness, subs. Ar. and P. Blink, v. intrans. P. and V.
Bli Blo

circuMivallation : P.
(Xen. ; Ear., Cycl.). With- ,

out blinking: use adv., P. dovcap- TO, 7TptTt;j(tor/xa, TO.

(Xen.), or adj., Ar Blockhead, subs. P; /3Xd^, 6 or ij,

or use adj., o-tS^povs, Ar. and P.
P. evSai/jLovwx, 17, Ar. and see stupid.
Bliss, subs. e/t/?povTi7Tos ;
P. P. and Y. Blockhouse, subs. P. Trepwro'Aiov, TO.
TIJXX, ^, eujrpata, ^,
P. and V. av06V
#5Aos, 6, V. oXos, 6 (also Xen., but Blonde, adj.
rare P.) ; see happiness. Blood, subs. P. and Y. aT/*a, TO, V.
Blissful, adj. P. and Y. <f>6vos,
6 ; see murder. Be related
/xaKapios, dm;x*fc, Ar. and Y. by blood : P. and V. yei/ci Trpoo-^icctv ;
see descent, relationship. TJie

Blissfuliy, adv. P. and Y. barbed weapons of the men drew

. no blood : Y. Tots p*v yap ofy ij/xao-
Blister, subs. Ar. and P. <f>XvKT<uva, (Eur., Bacc/i. .

$, Ar. <o>6*s, at. 761). Iw coZ^Z &Zoo^ : P. and V.

Blithe, adj. P. c^u/w?, Ar. and P. IK irpovoitts (lit., o/ set purpose).
iAapo's (Xen.), P. and V. ffis. Stain with blood, v. trans. P. and ,

Cheerful (of looks) : P. and V. V. alp.a.rovv (Thuc. in pass.), KaOai-

os, Y. ^>atSpa)7ros, Xa/jtTTpds, v- /AaWeu/ (Plat.), Ar. and V. Ka
s. Making cheerful : Y. p,a,TOVV 9
P. and Y. ^Stfs ; see happy.

Blithely, adv. P. and Y. 6%o>s, Blood-guilty, adj. P. vayi}s, V.

1786(05 ; see happily. (rare P.),
Blizzard, subs. See storm.
Bloated, adj. P. vTrcpoy/cos, vn-cpfie- Blood-guiltiness, subs. P. and V.
yc'flqs, Ar. uTrepju-eyas. Excessive : TO, Syos, TO (Thuc.), V.
P. and Y. weprcrds. , TO, P. /uai^>ow'a, 17,

Block, subs. O/ wood : Ar. and Y.

Kappas, o. Of stone : P. and Y. o-n/A.^, BlOOdleSS, adj. P. aVai/AOS, Y. aVat-
^. Hindrance: P. KoJAu/jux, TO ; see ftaT05. Unstained by blood : V.
hindrance. Bow : P. and Y. orot- avat/xa/cTos. !T/iey thought that a
Xos, o. Blocking up : P. airofoafa, bloodless victory might fairly be
y (Xen.), V. <pay/*os, o. Butcher's attributed to them : P. tvo^ov
block : Ar. IXcoV, TO. Executioner's auTots aio-Trep a/coi/wl TT^v vt/ciyv StKat'cos
block : Ar. and V. im&ivov, TO. av Ti'0(T0ai (Thuc. 4, 73).
Block, v. trans. P. and Y. 4>pd<r<rcw, Blood-red, adj. P. at/AcmuoV ; see
KXjJcw, OTryjcXiJcti', a?ro/cX|fe4y, P. e/t-

<j>pdcr<Tiv, 6nro<t>paj(ro'civ, Ar. and P. Blood-relation, subs. Use adj., P.

Prevent : P. and V. and Y. oVayjeatbs.
Bloodshed, subs. P. and Y. 4>6Vo?,
Blockade, v. trans. By land : Ar. 6, o-^ayjj, ^, Ar. and V. ^>ovai, at,
P. 07TOTtp(cftV, P. -3TplTt^t^6tV, Y. aijjLOLTa rd.
otew/. jB^ $ea : P. Trcpi- Blood-stained, adj. See bloody.
opptlv (dat.). Besiege : Blood-sucking, adj. V. afytaTo
Ar. and P. WO^LOPKCLV, P.
O-&JM, irepiKa&ja-ticu ; see besiege. Blood-thirsty, adj. P. faviKos, Ar.
Blockade, subs. 5^ ^ P- ^^-
and Y. <^oii/io$, V. So^ocvd?, <f>&
7TptTtxto-t9, dffOTtxrts, ^. By TOS ; see cruel, murderous.
sea: P. 6. V.
c^op/jMycrt?, ^, &op/*os, Bloody, adj. ai/iar^pos, <

^ie^re : P. iroXtop/cto, ^. Ar. and

Keeping oljjLaTovs, KaOaifjios, </>o/to9,
watch : P. and Y. <i5Aa/4 ^.
Bio Biu

P. KapTcpd? (lit., stubbornly con-\

; see murderous. (absol.), P. orvpiuyvwai (dat).
Bloom 5 subs. P. and V. av0o?, TO. 'fhrasybulns strikes Phrynichus and
Met., perfection : P. and V. av6o*s, fells him with a bloio : P. 6 p.&
TO, awtf, rj. Bloom of youth : P. paO"U/SouXoS rV7TTL TOV QpWiXpV KOI
and V. ift&y, >;, <5pa, ^, d^^wj, r/. 50 /caTa/SaXAei iraTa^as (Lys. 136). The
iw, /wZZ bloom, v. : P. and V. dfc/xa- capture of Plemmyrium was a crush-
v, dv&ik 5e ^
bloom of youth, ing blow to the Athenian force : P.
V. : P. and V.y^w, dK//.atv, dv0iv. V TOIS TTpWTOV K(LK(a<r TO OTpaTCU/ja
bloom, v. Ar. and P.
: TO Toiv "Aflr/vatcov r) TOT; IIA^/A/xvptb-u
(Thuc. 7, 24).
Xijt/ris We mustbear
Bloom, v. intrans. a.vQv, P. and V. the blows of fortune : P. ^ipew xpy
ftxXXca/ (Plat, but rare P., also Ar.) ; TO. Saijudvia. Slow of fortune : P.
see flourish. ?rapa -njs ru^iys evavruo/xa TO (Dem.
Blooming, adj. Ar. and V. dv^pds, 328) i%e^ are 0owe without a blow :

di/dcjuxoo?/?, Y. dv0r<dpos,
Ar. and V. <f>povBoL 8* a/7r\7jKToi (Eur., Rhes.
V. cuav^s. In one's prime: P. and 814). Ta&e without striking a blow :
Y. ^5v, wpaios, V. 0oXepds, dic/iatos, P. avTO)8oel atpetv (ace,).
xAwpds, Ar. a>pt*ds see /res/&. ;Blow, v. trans. Extend by blowing :
Blossom, subs. P. and V. #v0os, TO. P. and V. <vo-ai/ (also used of mu-
Blossom, v. intrans. P. and Y. d?/- sical instruments). Of the wind :
&u'. Pw /ortf& flowers : P. and P. and V. ^epctv. Bloio the nose :
V. av0tv. Blossom out into: P. and V. a7ro//,Tjoxro-0ai (Xen. Bur., ;

met., P. c&vMv (dat.). CfycZ., also Ar.).

Blot, subs. P. and Y. K^Afe, ^. Blow, v. intrans. Pw/: P. and V.
Blemish: P. and V. KTjXfe, ^, P. <iJo-av, V. <vo-iav ; see also breathe.

a-To-^os, TO, a/xa/DT^yaa,

TO. Disgrace :
Of the wind : P. and V. TTVCIV, K-
P. and V. aurjrita;, ^, oi/eiSos, TO. 7ri/tv. jy <7ie wind should blow from
Blot, v. trans. Lit. or met., P. and the gulf: P. ct ^KTrveuo'etci' (l/c TOV
V. /uLiawetVj V. Disgrace :
w TO 7ri/u/xa (Thuc. 2, 84).
alcrxvveiv, KaTaur)(6vw V. KiyXtSow, f
~6 trumpet blew: P. cVcl
P. Karapp-vTraiveiv. Blot out, exter- (Xen.). JB/OM* a&ow^: P.
minate: lit., P. and V. 5A./, and Y. <<fp<-iK, Sta</>epiv. Y. intrans.
met., P. and V. &/#>>, gaAfftyecp, V. flMro"O"vOit4 Blow away : P. otct
Ko^atpeti/; see destroy. A wet sponge <f>-v<rav. Blow out, extend by blow-
blots out the picture : V. vy/>oio-o-a>v ing : P. and V. <v<rav. Extin-
(nroyyos aSXco-o' ypa^iyv (^Isch., ul{7. guish : P. and V. vftcvvtivai ; see
1329), extinguish. Blow up, throw up by
Blotch, subs. See &fo. Deformity : blowing: P. dva^vcrav. SfeaWer ;
P. alamos, TO see deformity.
P. and Y. prjyvwat,. V. intrans.
Blow, subs. P. and V. TrX^yiJ, ^, V. P. and Y. pr^vva-Bo.1. Blow upon :
TrX^j/^a, TO. Wbwwd ; P. and V. V. ejjLTrvetv (dat.).
Tpav/x-a, TO. BZow; o/ i/w sword ; V, Bludgeon, subs. Ar. and P. poVaXoi',
<f>curydvov PeaZ (6Zozt?),
To^iuit, at. TO, Y. Koptivrj, y), P. and Y. $Xov, TO.
v. trans. P. and V. ST&wu, P.
: W-
Blue, adj. P. /cvavov? (Plat.), V. /cudfveos.
vetv. B/oit? o/ fortune : P. and V. Blue-grey : P. and Y. yAavfcds.
o-Ufuo/>a, ^ P. dTv^/Aa, TO, Svo-Tux1?/^ Blue, subs. Blue sky: Ar. and P.
TO', 7rratcr/Aa, TO, V. -jrXT/y^, 4^ OW6 oWpta, 7} (Xen.), Ar. and Y. aWpa, ^,

&Zow;: V. ev ^
blows (with) : P. and V. cru/^oA-
Coma to Bluff, subs. Crag : P. and V.^ KP^-
/tvo5, 6, V. dy/xd9, 6, crmXdfe, r),
Xctv (dat.), Sib /4xi?s icvat (dat.), and Y. ovcdrrcXos, o.
BIu Boa

Of manner, unpolished : (Thuc.), av^Aux, TO' (Thuc.),

P. and
Bluff, adj. 17

Ar. and P. cfypotKos, V. SKO/H^OS. V. /co/x,7ros,

6 (Thuc.), V. -yavpw/xa,
Bold - P. and V. Qpacrts, X/?pds, TO, Ar. and V. KOftTrao-ftaTa, TCL ; see

Boastful, adj. : V. also threat.

Bluster, v. intrans. Make a noise

Bluffness, subs. P. and V. P. and V. if/ofaw, Ar. Tra^Xafcu/.

07 (freedom of speech).
Boldness : Boast : P. /xcyaXavxeurflai, Ar. and
P. and V. 0p<W, rd. P. ^XafoverJeo-ftzt, V. aS>X (Thuc.w
Blunder, v. intrans. P. and V. also, but rare P.), KOPTTCW (rare P.),
Ko/ATra^tv (rare P.) ;
see fioastf,
afjiapravew, ea/JapT<fvei
\l/v&cr0ai, P. Sta/xapravciv, threaten.
Blunder, subs. P. and Y. Blustering, adj. Tempestuous : P.
TO, tiMpria, ^, P. SuxfLopT/a, 17, V. Ar. and V. oWxct/ztpos, V.
, Suo-/ci{/xavTOs. Boastful : P.
Blundering, adj. D^ZZ : P. and V. , Ar.
and P. oXa^cuv, V.
ovecuo?. -TOjiiapyos ; see boastful.
adv. Ar. oveaiois. Blusteringly, adv. V. w/aie6>ra>s ;
.andV. d/i,/3Xi;s. see boastfully.
; Ar. and P. ofypot/cos, V. Boa, subs. See STzafce.
Zm o/ speech : P. Boar, subs. P. and V. 5s, 6 (2Esoh.,
"V. 0pocnwrro/ji(V, e- Frag.), Kcwrpos, 6, V. o-us, 6 (Bur.,

Blunt, v. trans. Lit. or met., P. and Board, subs. P. and V.

V. afjL/3\vvetv, aTrap./3\vveiv, V. Karap.- ,
6. Plank : P. and V.
/3X.vvcw, lit., V. cKKox^etv. ^Lre %0ir TO, P. fcepata, 17, Ar. and P. oWs,
swords blunted at the sight of Maintenance, subs. P. and V. :

beauty? V. p' fe TO *aXXos &/ee- <^ij, 07, StatTa, T). Feeding: Ar. and P.
K^-qrai (tyy ; (Bur., Or. 1287). o-iTiyo-is, ib&te ; lit. and met., P.

With feelings blunted : P. and V. and V. Tp(ferea, 17. Council: P.

o-wcSptov, TO. Board of ten : P. ot
Bluntly, adv. Eudely : Ar. and P. Sc/ca. To 6?eci a fcoara! o/ 7^7^ aeZ-
dypoucos. In speech : P. JJLCTO, Trap- vawced in years : P. apy^v Ttva -Trpco--
pqo-fas, V. irappqaiq.. Speak bluntly: pvrcpav avSpaii/ !Xr0ai (Thuc. 8, 1).
P. irappv)<rLa(rOa,i, V. 0paoruoroju,iV, Ow the boards (stage): P. rl -njs
0-1071^5. Ow 6oar^, prep. : P. and
Bluntness, subs. O/ speech : P. and V. (gen.) ; o/ motion :
rt ITT^ P.
V. TrappTfjcria, ^. Budeness : P. P. and V. cfc (ace.) adv., P.

Jfofe dim P. and V.

and Y. M
vccos. Be on board, v.

Blur, v. trans. : P. cTrwrXetv (absol.), tyirXw (absol.).

S/^au/uow (Xen.), P. emo-KOTclv (dat.). Go on boa/rd, v. see board, v.:

Blurt out, v. P. and V. /opffay, Pwtf on board, v. P. Imf}ipdfcv 9


e/cXoXcrv (Bur.,
Frag.). Fling out wri/&eo/, P. and V. rrS?0<r0<u
(words) : P. and V. fclcftW, V. (Xen.). Tafe o ftoard, v. : P. dva-
pwrrciv, &iroppurrcLv, c/cptWetv. Xa/*y8ai/tv,
aLvafiipdcr0ai. Over-
Blush, v. intrans. Ar. and P. board: see overboard.
0piav, P. avcpvOpiav, pvOpa[vt<r0ai. Board, v. traus. Go o?i board: P.
(Xen.), Ar. and V. (absol. or t5, ace. ;

Blush at, v. See (60) ashamed of.

Blushing, adj. Use V. OIVGMTO'S.

Bluster, subs. Noise : P. and V.

s, 6. Boasting : P. iw<oXoyta, alone), (ace.).
Boa Boi

Board enemy's ship: P. eV #0 m same 6oai with met., P. :

(dat.) (Thuc. 7, 70). Supply with ?rt TW ctv (dat.) (Dem.

food: P. and V. rplfaw (ace.). 319).

Y. intrans. Live : P. and V. 8u- Boat, v. intrans. See row.
TCLCF0CU. Boatman, subs. Ferryman : P. and

Boast, subs. P. T0 (Thuc.), V. TTop^jLtevs, 6. Sa^or : P. and V.

P. and V. Kcfywros, (Thuc.), Ar. and
Y. Ko/A7ra0yx.aTa, V. TO. Boatswain, subs. P. and V.
The boast of (concretely of persons <m5s, 6. Boatswain's signal: P.
or things) P. and V. <TXW<*> TO, Y.
: and V. KeXeixr/xa, TO.
Trpoo^/Aa, TO, &yaX/x,a, TO, Bode, v. trans. Betoken: P. and V.
TO (Eur., Phoen. 1131). tvtv, V. 7rpoo-7j/xatvtv,
Boast, v. intrans. P. and Y. Presage: P. and V.
fteya eumi/, Ar. and P. aX- see augur.
Bodily, adj. P. Of
(Thuc.), Ar and V. d^orftu,
V. eci;xo-0<u, en-euxco-Oai (also Plat, (gen. of O-&POJ. Bodily exercise :

but rare P.), cg&revxccrQaL, avxew (also

Thuc. but rare P,), cfavx*^ *<>/*- Boding, adj. Prophetic : P. and^ Y.
irelv (rare P,), fco/tfra^civ (rare P.), /MwriKosj Ar. and Y. /Jtavrcto?.
CKKOfJL7TcitlV, <j>\VW (2EsCh., P.V. phetic
of : Y. -n-po/iavTt^ (gen.),
504). Boast of: P. and V. ayaX- [en.).
Xeo-0at (dat.), a/3pvv<r6ai (dat.), P. kin, subs. Pin : Y. 17,

(aCC.) (Thuc.), V. /co/wmv i *

(acc.) (rare P.), KopTrdfav (acc.) (rare Body, subs. P. and V. o-fifta, TO, V.
P.), ^ev^fcrOai (acc.), yavpovo-Qai Sc/xas, TO ; see also jZ&b.
(dat.), Ar. and V. ^muxctv (dat.). Z>OdZ2/: P. and V. re/cpo?, 6,

Boaster, subs. Ar. and P. SXofrw, 6 TO, Ar. and V. WKVS, 6, V. TO.
or ^, V. KO/JWTO'S, 6 (Eur., Phoen. Trunk P. and V. K#TOS, TO (Plat.).

600). .Frame (of things) P. o-ayta, TO ;


Boastful, adj. Ar. and P. see frame. Groiip of mdividuals :

P. /*yoXo<jbp<ov, K0fjt,7r<a8ri$ (Thuc
' ' ' ),
P. and V. onfvoSos, ^, o^crraort?, ^.
Y. fc^pa .\
The body politic : Ar. and P. TO
inlrn\6<Lp(ov (also Plat, Kotvov, P. and V. ^ TTO'XIS. I?i a
but rare P.), Ar. and V. yavpos. body : P. and V.
*-'-* L
Of words, etc. : P. and V. ^/iree bodies, adj. : V.
Exercise of the body : P.
Boastfully, adv. P. 17. Se strong in body, v. Ar, and :

VTTCp^^avws, V. w/aKOfwra>s, Y. VO-W/XttTtv.

P. Bodyguard, subs. P. and V. Sopv-
HThuc.), ... </>opot, ou Attend as bodyguard,

5, V. TO yavpov, P. and v. : P. oopv<opiv (aoc.).

V. oy/cos, o ; see boast. Bog, subs. P. IXos, TO, Ar. and P.
Boasting, subs. See boastfulness. TO, P. and V. Xt^v77, r%
Boat, subs. P. and V. irXotov, r6, Bogey, subs. Goblm Ar. and P.
TO (Dem. 128), Ar. and P,
, see
P. ttKartov, T^, V.
Boggy, adj. P, Xi//.v<68i?s.

, 8dpv, TO, KV/I^, 17 (Soph., Bogiis, adj. P. and V.

P. and see fictitious.
Ar. and P. KeXiys, o, 7rXoip*ov, AJC. and P. <f>\VKrawa, 17,
(Xen.), P. /ccXijTiov. TO, 6. P. and V. a*co5,
Boi Bon

P. and V. c^reiv (Eur., Bolt, subs. Missile : P. and V.

Boil, v. trans.
CycL 404), Ar. Sva^pacnrciv. Boil j&'Aos, TO (rare P.), V. ftiX*iuw TO. 9

(a kettle) : Y. tefciv (Bur., CycL

Arrow : P. and V. To'^vfta, TO,
392). V. intrans. Lit. or met., owrrds, 6 (rare P.)> Y. fds, 6, <rrpa/cTos,
P. and V. fav ; see rage. Let one's ^, TTTcpoV, TO ; seea?TOW.
bolt : P. and V. xepawds, 6, V.
(anger) boil up : Y. t&va&iv xdXov.
Tro. 92, of.
Boiled, adj. P. and Y. ty0ds (Eur., /ccpawtot /SoXat (Eur.,
Oyd. 246), P. tyipro't (Xen.). Ar., Av. 1242) ; see thunderbolt.
Boiling, subs. P. fy^o-w, 17, cW, 17.
Bar for fastening : P. and V.
/AoxXds, 6, Ar. and Y. /cX^pa,
P. o-<o8pds, ropa- Ta.
Boisterous, adj.
X<0&7S V. XaySpo's, 0ovpos, ai0a>j/ (also Bolt-pin, subs. : Ar. and P.
Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and V. vos, 17.
Ei-uei ; V. ip/xds, 6,

Boisterously, adv. P. <ropo>s, Bolt, v. trans. Ar. ^aXavov

pa^wSois, V. Xayftpais. Fasten, bar : P. and V.
Ar. and P.
Boisterousness, subs. P. dixro/cXiJetv,

17. EWJ/Z, : P. and Y. op//^, 5o^ in : P. and V.

Bold, adj. Brow: P. andV. see s^^ wt. Bolt out,
shut out : P. and Y. cwroKXflW,
Ar. and V. (rare P.), Y. iKKXyciv. Be bolted, riveted: Ar.
vroX//x>s, qs (also Xen.), 0pa-
and Y. yo//.^>oOo~^at,
Y. <f>7j\ovcrOai,
V. intrans. Ar. and P. STroStSpa-
s, P. tfapo-ata'os; see fearless. a-KLv see ?^w awo^.
; Bolt ivp-
In bad sense : P. and V. 0pao-ife, right : see upright.
ds, Y. TaX<u<p<>r, TX.yfJi.tov, P. Bombard, v. trans. P. /caTao-eiW
Reckless : Ar. and P. (shake down} ; see overwhelm.
; see reckless. Bold of speech: Bombast, subs. P. and Y. vyfyfo, rj,
V. ^paoTjo-To/ios, cXeutfepdoro/Jios. -Z?6 Ar. 7ra^>Xao-/AaTa, Ta; see boastful-
foZd, v. : P. and Y. tfapo-cir, 0pa- ness.
a~6vccr0ai t roX/xav, Ar. and Y. Bombastic, P. oyKw&V, Ar. and
(2nd aor. of rXav). Be &oW P. xwos see boastfad.

, v. Y. ^paeruorroftctv,
: Bona fide, adj. P. a&oVicrro?, Ar.
P. and P. d|tdxp0)s (also Eur. but
.. rare V-).
P. and Y. fo8pW, Ar. Bond, subs.
Boldly, adv. Anything that binds :
and P. ^pcwrQ)s, P. ToXjLM/pSs Oapcra- P. and V. $07409, 6, o~w8eo7Aos, 6.
Xeo)?, Y. flpcMTuoTrXayxvws, cv^aperai?, : P. and V. 11*17, $>
vrdX/jiQ)9, evKapSto)?. In bad sense :

P. roA/7po)s, flapo-aXc'ws ; see /a^'- : see bondage. Bond

Z0ss^, out-spokenfy. of union, subs. P. 8eo-/>td9, :
o, orvV-
Boldness, subs, ^wage : P. and . Written bond : P. orvy-
V. Spcny, ^, dvSpeta, ^, ^apo-os, TO, Ar. and P. Ta,
^pao-os, TO, rdXjaa, 17, TavSpeiov, j TO ; see contract. Se-
v^Xt/a Y. evavSpia, 17, euroX/u'a, curity: P. and V.
^yywy, ^, Pledge:
17 ; see bravery. In bad sense : P. and V. V.
iriarife, ^, TTiorroV, TO,
P. and V. 0pct<ro5, TO, rdX/^a, 77, P.
irurrufjLaraj TO..
They were anxious
QpaoijTTis, j). Boldness of speech : to do right beyond the Utter of their
P. and Y. Trapp^o-ia, ^. bond : P. TO SiKauyv /xoXXov TT}S o*ui/-
Bole, subs. Tnmi o/ a iree : Ar. ^17/079 7rpo^v/o$ Trapeo-Yoi/ro (Thuo. 4,
and P. irpejjLvov, rd, TO, Ar.
onreXc^o?, 61).
and V. /eop//,ds, 6. subs. P.
Bondage, Imprisonment :
Bon Bor

and V. Scr/i-tt, rd, SCOT&OI, 01, <jf>iJAa/c^, <^opTt/cos, Ar. aypetos, P. and V.
SbW w bondage : P. j/
<vAa/cfl o-KaioY Ignorant : and V. a/xa-
!)('. Slavery : P. and Y. SouAcia,
^775, ^OTJCTOS, P. dypajLt/iaTos, Ar. and
V. TO SouAov. Sold into bondage, P. ttTTtttSeUTOS.
adj. : V. TITO'S. Boorishly, adv. Ar. and P. dypoiW,
Bond, adj. In bondage : P. and V. Ar. o*Kaia)s, P. <^opTtK<os.
Boorishness, subs. P. dypot/cta, ^,
Bondman, subs. P. and V. SouAos, P. aTrcuSerWa, ^, P. and V. tpjowria,
6, ouccTrjs, 6, Ar. and V. o>ws, 6; see fj (Bur., Frag.), o-icatoT^s, ^.

slave. Villein : P. 0r;s, 6, P. and Boot, v. intrans. Be of advantage :

V. 7Tvm7s, 6. Prisoner of war : P. and V. o-u/A^epew, w^cXetv, Ar.
P. and V. atx/^aAo)Tos. and P. AiJcrtTeXctv, V. Xiietv TeA/iy, or
Bondwoman, subs. P. and V. Sov- Xrfetv alone see profit, avail.

tyi $9 V* o<Kerts, ^, 8/xco77, 17 (also Boot, subs. Ar. KoQopvos, 6, V. dp/?i;-

Xen. but rare P.), o>a>fe, q, cux/Aa- A?7, 17 see s^oe, sandal.

Aa>Tfe, ^. Bootmaker, subs. See shoemaker.

Bone, subs. P. and V. OO-TOW, TO. Booth, subs. P. and V. 07071/17, 07.
Made of bone, adj. oore'iVos (Plat.),
: Market booths : P. ycppo, TCI, Ar.
and P. cTK-jyvcu, at.
Bon-fire, subs. See beacon. Bootless, adj. See useless.
Bonnet, subs. Cap: P. and V. Bootlessly, adv. See mekssly.
Kvvi), y (Plat.), Ar. and P. TrlAfcuoi', Booty, subs. P. and V. Aeia, 17,
TO. dpTray^, ^. Qttarry : P. and V.
Bonus, subs. Extra pay : P. &n- dypa, $ (Plat, but rare P.), otypcvju-a,
TO (Xen.), ^pa, fj (Xen.), V. d^pa/xa,
Bony, adj. Lean: Ar. and P. TO. Arms taken from the foe : P.
and V. o-KiJAa, TO. (sing, also in V.),
Book, subs. P. and V. pi/SXos, fj, P. o*KuAeu/xaTa, Ta, V. Adi^vpa, T<. Per-
cn;yypa/x/jta, TO, onryypa^ij, 17, Ar. and 5071 or ^i7i[/ preyed on : V. o-icCAov,
P. /31/jAtOV, TO, V TTTUX^^ OtjSActfl/, (It. TO, !Aa>p, TO, lAK77/Aa TO, Sta^^opa, 07, }

Division of a work : P. Aoyos, 6. dpTTciyiJ, ^. 27/imgf <o &e devowre^ :

Bookish, adj. Ar. and P. TroAfyxaflifc. Ar. and V. </>opj8?7, ^, V. ^otva-njptov,
Boom, subs. P. and V. ^o<^os, o, TO, ^0/^17, ^. I>?'^e ojf 600^, v. :

KTi?7ros, 6 (rare P.), V. ^po/xos, 6, P. V. Ae^AttTetv.

j8d/x)8o5, 6 (Plat.), Ar. and
V. Trcvra- Border, subs. Fringe : Ar. and V.
yos, 6. Obstacle across a harboiw, Kpao-rreSa, T a. : P. x ^d^
TO. ^5
etc. ; P.
TO (Thuc. 7, 69). O/ land : P. orx<xTta, 77. Fringe :
Boom, v. intrans. P. and V. met., P. and V. xpdo-^Sa, rd (Xen.).
fop/Sew, KTVTTCW (rare P.), V. " Boundary : P. and V. opos, 6, opux,
Boon, subs. Favour: P. and Ttt, V. opto"fta, TO, P. /xcdopia, rd
17, V. Trpoo-^opd, y) (Soph., 0.0, 581). (Xen.).
ff ra^ a boon : P. and V. Border, adj. (E.g. border-town) : P.
SfSovat, V. x .

vantaye : P. and d V. Border, v. trans. P. and V.

TO see advantage.
; Border on, be neat* : P. and V.
Boon-companion, subs. P. and V. 7rpocrKMr0<u (dat.), P. (g^-)- !x^i
o-u/jwronys, 0. Neiyhboiw : Ar. and P. yem/iav
Boor, subs. P. and V. atVovpyos, 6, (dat.),
P. and V. yciTovctv (dat.)
epyar^s, 6. Met., use adj., Ar. and (Plat, bub rare P.).
P. aypoiKO?. Borderers, subs. Ar. and P. 7rA>;crto-
Boorish, adj. Ar. and P.
Bor Bou

Neighbouring : P. Bother, subs. P. and V. 6;

Bordering, adj.
and V. Trpdcrxupos, P. o/*opos, Ar. see trouble, distress.
and P. 7rA.>7o-iox<opos ;
see neigh- Bottle, subs. Ar. and P.
The plains bordering on TO. For wine : use P.
bouring. XrjKtiOiov,
. . . : V. o~uyxopTct TreSia (gen. or and Y. do-Kos, 6.
Bottom, subs. Lowest part : P. and
Border subs. On the border V. Kpijirk, (Plat.), p&Opov, TO
line, fj

line, between : use P. /x,0opios, with (Xen.), ySao-w, TI (Plat.).

two genitives. tion : P. and V. -m^v, o, P.
Bore, v. trans. Pierce uiith a hole : 2Sa<#>os, T^. Of d hill : P. Kp
P. and V. TGrptuvGLV rpvrrav (Soph., T< (Xen.). O/ a ship : P.
Weary : Ar. and P. Ivo- TO. live right at the bottom of the
X\.LV (ace. or dat.). sea P. ev /*ra> TO) iruOfLfvi TOU TrcXa-

Borer, subs. Instrument for boring :

yow otKcw (Plat.", Phaedo, 109c).
P. and V. Tpu7rai/oi/j TO.
57o iAe bottom, downwards : P. and

Born, Be, v. P. and Y. yiywordcu, Y. /caTd). Thoroughly: P. and V.

yewacrOai, <j>v<r6at, Y. /JAaorctveiv, dfcpl/tos. -From <qp io bottom : P.
K<vcr<9cw, licyL-yvea-OaL.
Be born and V. /car a/cpa? see utterly. ;

before : V. vpo^uvat (2nd aor. of Bottom upwards : use adj., P. and

V. wTTtos. ffei io the bottom of:
?rpo<u<r0<u) (Soph., 4;. 1291).
Borough, subs. See city. see discover.
Borrow, v. trans. Ar. and P. 8avt- Bottomless, adj Ar. and Y. 3/too-o-os.

aor -
Bottomry, subs. P.lK8oo-ts,ry. Jlfo?^2/
Borroio in addition P. borrowed or lent on bottomry : P.
vavriKov, TO.
Borrower, subs. P. subs. Ar. and V. icAaSos, 6,
6. Bough,
Bosom, subs. Ar. and V.
<f>vXXd$, r}, V. 3^os, 6, d/cp^ww, 6
Breast : P. and V. /WWTOS, 6 (Xen. (Eur., Og/cZ. 455), Ipvos, TO, ^8Xa-
but rare P.), orfOos, TO, or pi. (Plat. o-T^fta, TO (rare P.). Young shoot :
but rare P.), crrcpvov, TO, or pi. P. and V. 7TTop0os 6 (Plat.), fcXoiv, 7

(Xen. but rare P.). Seat of the 6 (Plat.). Suppliant bough of

feelings : P. and V. ifixtf, ^, 0i;/xos, ohve : P. and V. 0oAAos, 6, frcenypia,
6, V. (rrepvov, TO, or pi., ^rap, TO, 17, Y. K\d8os, 6, ifcnypia, ^.

Ar. and Y. ^pijv, 17, or pi., <r?rAay- Boulder, subs. P. and V. Aitfos, 6,
TO, or pi., /eapoYa, ^, *eap, Y. x*Ppfa> V> werpos, 6 (rare P.).
TO. Crag : P. and ; TreVpa, ?/, V. A.e7ra9, Y
Boss, subs. 6/i<aAo9, 6 (Horn.). TO. Strewn with boulders, adj. :
Both, adj. P. and Y.
P. and Y. TrcruiS^s, Y. ACT-CUO? see ;

Tpot (neuter only in V.).

together : P. o-wct/*,<a>, Bounce, subs. Jump: Y.
fcer Tzair m/& ^e fingers TO*, aXfjia, r6 (Plat, also but rare P.).
of both hands : Y. /CO/A^ cnraxr' Met., impudence : P. and V. vf
d/A^tScftow d/c/xats (Soph., O.E.
124=3). From both sides, adv. P.
Bounce, v. intrans. P. and V.

, adv.
Bouncing, adj. Very big: P.

P. Fat : Ar. and P. wa %

Both P. and V. Bound, adj. In cJiains : Ar. arfd V.
and, oonj.
T T, T KOt, KOt 8'<r/uos, or use pass. part, of
. . . .

Bother, v. trans. Ar. and P. Trpay- Bound, subs. Limit: P. and V.

(dat.), cvo^Xctv (aoc. TO, ^pos, o, V. Tcp/4a, TO.
or dat.) see trouble, distress.
; P. and Y.
Bou Bow
bounds, measwe : P. and V. Bountiful, adj. See bounteous.
see also boundary. Leap V. Bountifully, adv. See bounteously.

71-17817/10, TO, aXp.a, TO (Plat, also but Bountifulness, subs. See bounteous-
rare P.), 6*71-17817/10, TO, o-Ktp-ny/wi, TO. ness.
Set bounds to, check : P. and V. Bounty, subs. Favour: P. and V.
X<xpts, rj. Gift: P. and V. Sfipov,
within bounds, v. intrans. : P. ro, Soo-ty, 17, 8a>pca, 17, Ar. and V.
Tptoeiv. Go bdyond bounds: P. and Scopn/zo, TO (also Xen. but rare
V. VTTCpj&lXXcH', efepX^O-Bai, 7T^p^- P.).
cr0ai, V.
KTpcx*W' Within bounds, Sprout : P. and
Bourgeon, subs.
moderately : P. and V. /tTpos. V. 7TTop0os (Plat.), V. jSXooriyfia, TO
Bound, v. trans. e boimds to : P. (rare P.), ^Xoomy, 17 (rare P.).
Bourgeon, v. intrans. P. and V.
jP-ia; a Z*T?M io : P. and V. bpi&w. jSXaoTovcii/ (rare P.), V. KXiyfiaTOT)-
Border on : P. and V. Trpoor/ccwrtfai o^at (Soph., Frag.).
(dat.), P. 2x(T0ai (gen.). Form Bourn, subs. Limit : P. and V. W-
boundary of: P. and V. 6piv pOS, TO, V. Tp/XO, TO, TCp/lWV, 6.
(ace.). V. intrans. Leap : P. and 7%d : P. and V. TcXcvnJ, ^.
V. TTT/SOV (Plat.), o"XX<r0oi (Plat.), Bout, subs. P. and V. oycSv, 6, 5/uX-
cwnySov (Plat.), OTKipTov (Plat.), V. Xo, 17, V. WXos, 6 (Plat, but rare P.).
0po>ovciv, K0pa>crKM/. J am bound In wrestlwig' P. and V. -^0X01071.0, TO'
(with infin.), P. and V. o^etXw, (Dem. (Plat.). Drinking bout: Ar. and P.
753), or use P. and V. Sei/ic, xpi? crvpiroviov, TO, P. -JTOTOS, 6.
Ar. and V. xpcoiv / (rare P.). Bow, v. trans. Ar. and P. KOTO>
We are all bound to suffer this fate :
KOfwrTciv, Ar. and Y.
In- KOftTrrctv.
V. vracrw yap JHM.V TOVT' o<ei^ ohne in any direction : P. and V.
0/ (Soph., JB7Z. 1173). B icXfvctv. Crush : P. and V. Trufeu/,
to, be sure to: P. and V. V. yi/o>7iTtv. Humble : P. and V.
(infin.). KoOaipelv, ouoTcXXetv. 0%^ ^/z>0 head:

Boundary, subs. P. and V. opos, o, V. vcveiv Kttpa. J am bowed down

OptO, TO, V. Tp/OV, 6, TCp/AO, TO, With looe : V. cnWorraXfuu ICOKOIS
(Bur., JET. J 1417). j?ow ^e ^ee :
TO ; see end, border.
opio-fMi, Boun- .

dary line : met., P. p.e06piov, TO ;

V. /ca/x,7rrtv yoia;, or Kdpirreiv alone.
see border line. V. intrans. Bend : P. and V.
Bounden, adj. It is my bounden KdfjLTrr<rr6aL. Incline : P. and V.
duty (with infin.) : P. and V. Set K\tv<rOat. Bend forward : Ar. and
/AC, xprj /*, 7rpo<n/JKi /AC, Ar. and V. P. Kvirreiv, Ar. trpOKwrrtw. Make
xpew /* (rare P.) ;
see I am obeisa/noe : P. and V. irpoo-Kvvclv, V.
under bound. TTpoorrwrmv, TrpooTrtrveiv. J5ow? ^0 :

Boundless, adj. P. and V. 7rpoy, met., P. and V. ijTroTrrvjcro-tw face.).

Ar. and P. aWpavros, V. /wpios (also Yield to : P. and V. sticav (dat.),
Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and V. #/3wr- 87TtKtv (dat.). Bowing (to fate)
0*05. Abundant: P, and V. o^^ovos, since they thought that all was on
V. rtppvTos see immeasurable.
the way to being lost : P. fa
Bounteous, adj. Generates : P.
ivopi&v (Dem. 127). Since 11
P. and V. <x<0ovos, V. Mppvros. you say so, bow (toJ yow
decision) :

Bounteously, adv. Generously: P. P, cTmS?) o-ov a/co-uo) TOIJTO

<^tXoa>pa>?. Abundantly: P. and ica/A7nrofiat (Plat,, Protf. 320s).
V. d<^^dvto5 (Eur., Frag.). Bow, subs. Obeisance: P.
Bounteousness, subs. P.
Bow Bra

Bow, subs. Circular shape : P. and Box, subs. Ar. and P. 6 (Plat., ,

Y. KVK\O<;, 6. Loop: P. and V. Bep. 616D), (Lys.),

dy/ciiX>7, % (Xen.). Weapon : P. and and V. #77/07, ^, ^yaorrpov, TO (Xen.),
V. T#OV, TO Of a bow, adj. P. : Ar. and Y. yyos, r6, Y. X^s, 6.
and V. TO#*COS, V. TO^JP^S. Armed J5oo; 07J the ear : AT. and P. /

with the botu, adj. V. TOOTVX? S : 6. (r^ve (a person) a box on the

Ar. To><opos. Oonquering with ear : P. lirl nopp^s rvirretv (aco.).
the low, adj. : V. TooSa//os. Witness-box : see witness-box.
with the bow, v. trans, or intrans. Box, v. intrans. P. and V.

P. and Y. TofeiW v. trans., Ar. ; Boxer, subs. P. and Y. irv 6. ,

and P. /cararofeuctv. flafl6 two Boxing, subs. P. and V.

strings to one's bow : see under P. Tru/cTtfo;, ^. Boxing match : P.
Haw-bow : TTU^TWC^ paw ffooi ai &oa?-
string. P.'Ipis, 17 (Plat., (Plat.).^
JKep. 616s). ing, adj. : P. TrvKTtfco's.

Bowed Ar. Boxing-gloves, subs. P. t/AoWe?, o

(with age), adj.
V. SwrXovs, w/oovoyTnys. (Plat., Prot. 342s).
P. and V. orcpa, T< P. and V. ^aw, Ar.
Bowels, subs. Boy, subs. 6,

(Plat.), (nrXayxm, ra (Plat.). PoweZ* and Y. Kopos, 6 (rare P.). Lad :

o/ compassion : P. and V. eXeos, 6, Ar. and P. ftcipaKiov, TO, /AetpaicvXXto^,
V. oticros, 6 (also Thuc. but rare TO, P. /xtpaictcrico5, 6. Zri^b boy :
P.); QQ&pity. Ar. and P. iracStov, TO, TratSdfptov,
Bower, subs. V. fceu0/*,a>v, 6, pvxfa, TO'. O/ a 607/, adj. P. and V. :

6, Kv0os, TO, \l/vKrypi,ov 9 TO (.ZEsch.,

and Bur., Frag.) ; see a/rbowr. Boyhood, subs. P. TratScta, 77.

Bowery, adj. Shady : P. boyhood : P. e* iratSos, CK:

eirTKios (Plat.), Ar. and V. K TTOtStOU (Xen.), /C VOV.

Sacnaos, jueXa/^uXXos, V. uzroovaos. Boyish, adj. Ar. and P. P.
Bowl, subs. Hollow of anything : P. and V. vcos.

P. and V. /coZXoi/, Ar. and V.

TO Brace, subs. P. and Y. SCO-/AOS, o,
Kifros, TO. Ctop; P. and V. /cvXi, Ar. and P. ToVos, 6.
6 (Plat.; Eur., CycL), &ciro>/*a, TO; Brace, v. trans. Tighten : P. IwtTc*-
see cup. Mixing-bowl : P. and V. vetv. Met., encourage: P. &rtppo>-
6. jPor catching the blood viJvat, P. and V. Opao-ivew, &ap<rvveiv.
of victims and V. <r<ayiov, TO.
: Ar. Brace oneself, v. P. and V. cppoi-:

Bowl, v. trans.and V. Kv\tv8clv P. (perf. pass, of powiW), P.

or KvX/8ctv (Xen., also Ar.). Bowl (perf. pass, of &rtppo>-
over : P. and V. /caTa^oXXctv. i
<?$br : P. and V.
Bowman, subs. P. and V. To&m;?, ,
P. StaTctVco'^at, arvvTW<r0a,t t
o. Mounted bowman : Ar. and P. Y. cvrciVeiv.
i7T7TOToioT?yS> 6. Braced up, adj. Met., P. and V.
Bows, subs. Of a ship : P. and Y. IKTOVOS, O-W/TOVOS. 5%e hands of the
rp ^. From the bows : P. and
young are braced for action : V.
V. . *c
Trpw/Da?,P. irptopaOw. i/0v Tot Spav p.& ^vrovoi x*P * (Bur.,
Bowshot, subs. P. and Y. Frag.}.
TO. TF?jfAm bowshot : P. and V. Bracing, adj. Cool : P. and Y. i/ri5-
Out of bowshot :
^pos. Healthy : P. ^y^etvos.
P. l^ Bracelets, subs. P. i/reXia, T< (Xen.).
Bowstring, subs. P. and V. Brackish, adj. P. and V, X^fy>os.
17 (Xen.), V. Qufjuyg,
Bow-wow, Sound made by a dog :
~, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Xeyctv, /xcya etTrctv, P. yUeyaXa
Ar. a5 a5 (Vesp. 903). Ar. and P. V.
Bra Bra

(also Thuc. but rare P.), Y. auToVpe/xvos, Or adv., Y.

0v see utterly. Seamanship is a

(also Plat, but rare P.), branch of art : P. TO VO.VTIKQV TC^^S

ofwrelv (rare P.), KO/ATTO^CIV (rare e(jn(Thuc. 1, 142).
P.); see boast. Brag of : see boast Branch ,
v. intrans. Of a road, river,
of. etc. and Y.
: P.
Brag, Subs. P. 17, V. TO Branching, adj. V.
see boast, boastfulness.
; TToAw-xioroj.
/xo5, Of horns : P.
Braggart, subs. Ar. and P. and Y. vj/^\o's.
6 or ^. V. JCO/ATTOS, 6 (Eur., Phoen. Branching, subs. P. octane, ^.
600). Brand, subs. Torcfe : P. and V.
Braggart, adj. Ar. and P. oXafui/, XttftTTas, ^, V. SdXds, 6,
P. KOfJLTrwfys (Thuc.), Y. vTrepqkpcoi/, 7n5po-os, 6, Trdvo?, 6 (rare
vi/riyyopos, oro/AOpyos, yaupos see ',
284 ; Eur., Rhes. 988), Xa/tTrr^p, 6,
boastful. Of words, etc. : P. and Ar and P. Sas, 17. Swr^ : P. and
Y. Ul/rtyXoS,
P. UTTCpKOTTOS. V. f<os, TO, Y. <f>doyavov, TO, lyx 9 >
Bragging, adj. See boastful. TO, KvoiScov, 6, <riSrjpo$, 6 ;
see sword.
Braggingly, adv. V. ^ Small sword: P. and V. ^axaipa,
uTrcp/coVcos see boastfully. j

^. AfarA; 6wrwi ; M
P. ^y/cau/xa, TO
Braid, v. trans. P. and Y. (Plat.). D-isgrace : P. and Y. 6Ve&-
o"u/A7rA.Keiv see also adorn. j Sos, TO', ato-^ijKiy, ^, KTyX-ts, ^.
Braid, subs. Ar. and Y. Brand, v. trans. Hark the body :
6, Y wXo/cos, 6. Ar. and P. aritew. S0 a marfc <m :

Brain, subs. P. and Y. P. and V. 7rto->7/Aatvu/ see stamp. ;

6, V. ftucXos, 6. Met., P.' and V. Brand with infamy, disgrace pub-

vous, 6, Ar. and V. </>pyv, 17, or pi. licly : Ar. and P. arlfjuovv. Dis-
(rare P.) see mind. ; grace : P. and V. cucrxiWv, jcaTaur-
Brainless, adj. P. and Y. XOmv, V. KiyXtSoi/i/. Branded with
Ar. and P. oVo^ros. infcmy, publicly disgraced: Ar. and
Brake, subs. For P. STI/XOS.
See thicket. Branded as a runaway :
checkvng speed : use met., P. and Ar. Spowrenys ccmy/AO'Os. 4 Z>rande^
V. xoXZvos, 6. sZa-ye ; Ar. and P. <myyAaTias, 6
Bramble, subs. P, and V. (Xen.).
Bran, subs. P. Trirvpa,, rd. Brandish, v. trans. P. and Y. o-ctW,
Branch, subs. Bough: Ar. and V. Ar. and V. -n-oXXctv, /cpciSatVcLV, Tw/aer-
r o, <^>uAAas,
V. oos, 6, o-civ. Swing: Y. or^evSovav, 8ia-
6 (Eur., Oyc/. 455), ^epctv, Ar. and V. /cufcXetv, P, alcopetv.
TO (rare P.). Brandishing, subs. P. crravcumoris,
P. and Y. o (Plat.), ^
K\W, 6 (Plat.), Suppliant branch of Brasier, subs. See brazier.
olive : P. and Y. $aXXos, 6, Brass, subs. P. and V. x
^** *
^, V. /<XdtSo9, 6, UTTypta, ^. Associated Ar. and P. x^-X^f^
club : P. <rwo)/xoo-/a, ^. Dwision of TO, P. TO. Chains of brass :

afamikj, etc. : P. and V. ^


V. Ta. "PTorfcer m
Part : P. and Y, t Ar. and P.
TO, P. river : P. Brass, adj.
/xcJptov, TO. Of a See brazen.
Kcpas, TO. Species, kmd: P. and Bravado, subs. Boasting: P.
V. I8os, TO, Tri&e : P. and Y. <oAoyt'a, 17 uc., avx>7/Aa, TO
i}Xi7, 17.
Eooi and branch (des- (Thuo.), P. and Y. KO^WTOS, 6 (Thuc.),
troy) : use adj., P. and V. V. yavpwfJM, TO, Ar. and Y. KO/A-
os (also Ar, but rare P.), Ar. and -TrflwrAttTa Ta See #&?*&&#.
Bra Bre

Brave, v. trans. Face : P. and Y. Braze, v. trans. Ar. and P.

fyiOTacrOai, forego/, P.
Withstand : P. and V. Brazen, adj. P. and V. xoXoi)s, Ar.
(dat.), dv0iora(r0<u (dat.). Have no and Y. xoX^Xaros, V. x^ KOS ^" i

fear of: P. and V. Oapa-tlv (ace.). XaXicos, wayxaX/cos, ^a\K7Jp^. A

Brave, adj. P. and V. dvSpeTos, aya- brazen vessel : see copper. Impu-
0os, 0pacriSs, ToX/wjpos, w/n3 dent : P. and V. SvcuS^, ^vatcrxuvros,
and V. SXiapos (rare P.), V. c P. vftpLcrTiKOS, virpava.L<r)(WTos ; see
v0apcnfc (also Xen.), shameless. With brazen sides,
X^os, TaXau/>p(ov, rXiyjL adj. Y. x^^o^^P^-

P. 0apo-aXo? ;
see also fearless. Brazen-armed, adj. V.
Fine, splendid : P. and V. Xa//,7rpo's,
(Eur., S^?^. 1220).
Brazen-backed, adj. Y.
Bravely, adv. P. and V. di/opci'ws, Ar. Brazen-beaked, adj. Y. X
and P. 0pao-Ds, P. ToXfWjp&s, Oapcra- Brazen-faced, adj. P. and V.
Xecos, Y. 0pa(n/cr7rXayx^w?j ev0apa Y. /ci3va)7rts see , ;

s, eu/capStto? ; see also /e

Splendidty : P. and Y. Brazen-footed, adj. Y.
Brazen-hoofed, adj. Ar.
Bravery, subs. P. and Y. Brazenly, adv. Met., P. and V.
dvSpcta, ^, 0apo-os, TO, 0pao-os, TO, avatSto? ; see shamelessly.
ToX/m, 17, Tdv8piov, Ovfjios, 6, w/ri5^ia, Brazen-mouthed, adj. V.
Y. euToX/i'a, ^, TO* &T0X6V, evay8pia,
Ar. and Y. X-JJ/wt, TO.
17, Splendour :
Brazenness, subs. Met., P. and V.
P. Xa/MrpoT>7?, ^, Y. TO, avatSeta, ^ see shamelessness.

Brazier, subs. Worker brass :m

Bravo, interj. Ar. and P. Ar. and P. x^X/c^u?, 6, P. xaXKorviros,
Brawl, subs. jNbisa : P. and Y. 6
(Xen.). Pan for coals : Ar. and
6. QwarreZ : P. and Y. V. ^x/pa, ^.
^ta^opa, T}, ayaiv, 6, /Aax7, 17, Breach, subs. In a wall : P. TO
, 17,
Ar. and V. i/n/cos, TO' (Plat. S7p0^e/oi/ (Thuc. 2, 76). Hole :
also but rare P.). P. TO Kfvovpjfvov. Make a breach
Brawl, v. intrans. Make a noise : m (a wall) : P. Statpciv (ace. or
P. and V. \[ro<fLv. Qwvrrel : P. and partitive gen.). Of friendship,
Y. ^pi&iv, 5y(Dvtf 0-0at, /jta^ccr^at, Ar. trust, etc.: P. S^vo-is, ^. O/ a
and P. 8ia^po-0ai see quwrrel. ; ^ea^ P. <rvyxucrL^ V-
: Breach of
EM : P. and V. fyfyt'fe/ see riot. ; law : P. and V. aStic^a, TO. Com-
Brawler, subs. P. and V, vfipLorfc, 6. mY a breach : P. and V. Trapa^at-
Brawn, subs. Met.,
strength of vetv ; see transgress. Qucwrel : P.
body : P. and Y. cfic^a, 17 (Eur., and V. 8taopa, ^ ; see
Brawny, adj. P. and Y. ew-pctyifc; Y.
see strong. Trotovuevo?
Bray, subs. Of an ass : use P. and B*.608).
V. TO, <%yos, 6, V. <0oyyif, Breach (a wall), v. trans. P.
17. O/ a trumpet : see &Zar0. (ace. or partitive gen.).
Bray, v. trans. In a mortar: Ar. Bread, subs. P. and V. CNTOS, 6.
and P. Tptfleiv. V. intrans. Of Loaf: Ar. and P. p Tos, 6. Bor-
asses : use P. and V. ^eyycotfat,
Ar. fiptofjLaotiai. Of a trumpet : see .Food (generally) Ar. and P. <rm'tt,
bread: Ar. and P. /tSa, 17 (Plat.),

Ware. TCI, P. and Y. Sake Tpo<ij, 77.

Bre Bre

bread P. and V. crlroTroielv (Xen.).

: see under cawip.
Daily bread : P. V. ^ *a0' aioay, intrans.
v. see escape. :

ypcpav Tpo<>7, V. y e<' ripipa.v jSopa, Break down, v. trans. P. and V. :

6 Koff ^//.epav /Jios. KaOcupeiv, see destroy. A bridge:

Breadth, subs. P. and V. cSpos, TO, P. Xvctv. V. intrans. .FtaZ in
Ar. and P. TrXcfros, TO. Of equal strength P. and V. airi?rti/, ?rpo-

breadth with, adj. : P. loroir^aT^ Kajwcw (rare P.) j

see fa/int. Be
(dat.). Breadth of view (met.), unmanned : P. eTrtfcXacr^Tjvat (aor.
subs. : P. and V. wpoVoia, ^, </>povrj- pass. 7TwcXav) ; see under unman.

<ris, 77, owo-i5, T/ ;

see also liberali- Fall short: P. and V. IXXcwrav.
succeed: P. and V. ou
Break, v. trans. P. and V. aTroppq- iv. Break forth: Bee break
yvvvai, Karappiryvvvai, Karayvvvai, py-
out. Break in, tame : V. Sa^Lv t

yvvvau. (in
P. generally compounded), TroiXoSajLtvciv. jBe broken in : and
V. dyviWi. Shiver: P. and V. V. Karapr^ea-Bat (Plat.). Newly
o-w/Tpf/3eiv(Eur., (fycZ.), Ar. and V. broken in : V. veofvyT;?. .Bra&fe m,

0pav'eiv (also Plat, but

rare P.), V. interrupt talk, v. intrans. P. ^TTO- :

o-vv6pavLV9 o"uvapoxro~ty, IpeiKew, P. Xa/A)8avtv. Break into (of attack) ,

v. trans. : P. and V. eter/ScJxXctv (ets,

Si0pai;iv(Plat.); see shatter. Trans-
gress : P. and V. Trapa/JaiVciv, or;y- ace. ; V. also ace. alone), ctcnrtTTTetv
v, vTrepySaiveiv, P. XiW, (cts, ace. j
V. also ace. alone) ; see
burst into. Break loose, v. see :

. .Breafc (tffoe
ra?i&s o/ escape. Break off, put end to, v.
#w- army): P. ffapappqyviWi. Break trans. Ar. and P. StoXveiv, P, and

: P. and V. Xfev, V. avZei V. Xuetv; see discontinue. Break

(a seal)
V. intrans. P. and V. p^wo- short off : P. and V. a-n-opprryvvvcu,,
Ka,rapp-qyvvcr9at,, (Jn-oppiyyvw^ai, /c
<5wro/cavXtiv, P. dva/cXav, JcaraicXai/,
dyvvarOai, V. ^yvuor^at. #6 shivered: Ar. and V. aTrotfpavcw, Ar. o-vy/cXav.
Ar. and V. Opatev&at (also Plat, but jBreafc o^, v. intrans. use pass, of :

rare P.), V. o-wOpavccrQai (also Xen.), trans, verbs. Cease speaking : P.

Swtppat<r^at. O/ day, to daw;w : P, and V. 7rai;'eo"0aL ; see cease. Break
wro^atVctv. !F/ie Ze/^ wiragf a* owc Open : P. and V. avap?ryviWi, 8ia-
irofce and fled : P. TO c&wvv/jiov iccpa< ppTyyvvvat. -4 SdaZ P. and V. XtJctv,

v0us aTreppayev
l^vye (Thuo. 5, 10)
V. Svlwat.. A door: Ar. and P.
TFAen ifcey saw; ^ieir line broken /caTao^^etv, V. Sta^raXtSvciv. Break
and not easily brought into order .
out, v. intrans. : see escape. Of
P. a>5 Icopcov crc^Lcn TO orpdtTeu/xa Steo*- war, etc. : Ar. and P.
iracr/j.&ov re Kal oft ptiSta)? <ruvTa<r<ro o-^ai, jea&Vraor&u, P. o-wepptoycvcu
fwov (Thuc. 6, 98). 2%0 rawfcs (perf. of (ruppirryvvvai), V. avappiy-
Jrofce : P. cX^o-av al Ta^cts (Plat. yvvvat, cKpTrryviovaL (or pass.), ip-
Laches. 191o). J5e irofcm t health: p'joyo/at (perf. of piyyvwai), Ar.
P. <x7ro0pV7TTO 0<u, 8ta^pv7rr0"0ai. J5e
Karapp-ifywcrQai,. The plague broke
&ro&0?& m
spirit: P. rt/cXacrS)vat out there too and caused much
(aor. pass. iTrwcXav), P. and V. ^<r- trouble to the Athenians: P. rt-

o-ao-Sat. Have one's coZZar-Jcwfi yevo/Aewy 17 voVos Kal evraiJ^a 817 waia
broken : P. r^v /cXetv Karearyeyai l7rtco- TOVS 'A0iyvatov5 (Thuc. 2, 58
(Dem. 247). J have got my head Breafc owi i?zto eruptions (of
broken : V. TO KpAviov . . .
Karcdya skin): P. gXiceo-n/ Ijavtfciv (Thue. 2
(Bur., OycZ. 683). Break one's 4:9; cf. also Soph., Trocfe. 1089)
neck : Ar. and P. Break out into (lamentations, etc.) ,

Sreafe camp : P. dvrrcvai TO P. and V. Ka6C<rTacr6ai (cfe, ace.)

Bre Bre

Break through, v. trans. : P. 6. Armed with breast-plate : P.

a wall, etc. P. Situpeiv. V.
intrans. see escape. Break up, v.
; Breast-work, subs. P. and V. raX-
trans. : lit. Ar. and P. SiaAflciv ; see &S, P. Trapa^pay/wxTa, ra, V.
A meeting, army : P. and dKCLov, TO ; see defences.
V. SioAitav, Ar. and P. ATJCIV (Xen.), Breath, subs. P. and V.
P. KaraXticw. V. intrans. Ar. and : Ar. and V. woy, y, ^ucny/^a, TO' (also
P. 8toAi7ecr0ai. Of a meeting, army, Plat, but rare P.), V.
etc. : P. and V. 8wAi)eo-0(u (Bur., Breath of life : P. and V.
I. A. 495). Break with, rid oneself TO ; see also breathing. Of wind :
of, v. : P. and V. a7roAA(W see ivind. Hold one's breath, v. :
(pass.) (gen.). Stand aloof fi P. d^rveuo-Tl ^ tl/
(Ha*-)- "^e ttre

P. and V. a<iorrao-0<u (gen.). holding our breath : V.

Break, subs. Pawse : P. and V. ry/cai/ravTes aiOipa, yvdOois
TravXoL, 1), TrauAa, "YJ.
Cessation : P. (Bur., CycZ. 629). Jfo a Z?reai7t

and V. StaAvo-ts, ^. Respite : P. (without taking breath) : use adv.,

and V. ^vaTTVO^, 17,
V. afLtrvorj, rj. P. aTTveuo-rt. 50 02*^ o/ breath, v. :

Division : P. ^. Fracture : V. <ii<riav, cwrfywuVeiv. Pa7ii : P.

P. pfjyfjLa, TO. See also _ and V. <i5o-ttv. Eecover breath :
07*i a &reaA; ; see continuously. V. Trvcfym aOpoifcw, P.
Breaker, subs. V. p^y/A/v, 6. Short of breath, adj. V. :

P. and V. po0tov, TO, or pi.

ers: Shortness of breath : P. Suo-7n/ota,
Beach where the breakers discharge ^ (Xen.), P. and V. &r0/Aa, TO The .

themselves : P. and V. pd^ta, ^. restlessness which is the breath of

Breakfast, subs. P. and V. prroi/, Philip's life : P. y <iAo7rpay/>ow?7
TO. "S XP5 rai /ca ^
u f5 ^tA t7r7ro 5 (Dem.
Breakfast, v. trans. Ar. 13).
V. intrans. Ar. and P. Breathe, Inhale: use P.
v. trans.

(Xen.), P. crflat. Break- and V. Met. breathe (words,

IX/ceii/. ,

fast loith another : Ar. and P. etc.) : see whisper. V. intrans.

o-waptorav (dat.). P. and V. irveiv, P. avaTTvcti/. Be
Breaking up, subs. P. alive: P. and V. fywn^rv, V. 2x ct"
7n/oas. Met., breathe (slaughter,
Breakwater, subs. P. x^> % etc.) V. <vo-av (aoo.), eKTrvcw (ace.),

Breast, subs. P. and V. /wxoro?, 6 Ar. and V. -TTVCIV (aoc.). Breathe

(Xen. but rare P.), OTT^OS, TO, or forth : see breathe out. Breathe
pi. (Plat, but rare P.), orlpvov, TO, into : P. and V. 6/tTrvctv (TW TI).
or pi. (Xen. but rare P.). Also of Breathe on : P. and V. e/jurvew
women : V. o30ap, TO. Bosom : Ar. (dat.), Ar. and P. emTrvctv (dat.)
and V. /cdXxos, 6. Seat of the (Plat.). Breathe one's last : P.
feelmgs : P. and V. ijnjyrj, %, Oufws, dTroi/rv^etv (Thuc.), V. e/arvtv, /C7n/tv
6, V. orepvov, TO, or pi., IJTrap, TO, )Stov, licirveiv iffuxfy, aTroi/rvx^tv ftiov ;

Ar. and Y /capSta, ^, xeap, TO,

. see dl^. Breathe out, v. trans. :

^, or pL, cnrXayx^ ^ T0 or P. and V. forvtv. Met., breathe

tfta breast v. P. and V.t
: out (slaughter, etc.) : Ar. and V.
(absol.). Gi^e the breast : V. 7n/tv, V. ^ucrav, CKTrmv.
Breathing, subs. See ftreaifc. jHa?-d
Breast, v. trans. P. and V. breathing : P. and V. TO', V. acrfywi,

Breast-band, subs. Ar. <rTp6<f>tov, TO. TTveufML fipefao-fjLcvov, rd. He

Breast-plate, subs. P. and V. 6d>pa$, cannot steady his breathing : V.
Bre Bri

6" ou crax^ovt^ct (Eur., H.F. Ar. and V. avpo, ^ (Plat, also but
869). Breathing out : P. and V. rare P.), irvoYj, y (rare P.). Wind :
P. and V. Itvcfjios, o. Favo^^,ring
Breathing,adj. P. and V. !/n/ous. freeze : V. ovpos, 6 (Xen. but rare
Breathing space, subs.^ P. and V. P.).
avairvoTJ, fj,
V. dfwn/o??, ^. Brevity, subs. : P. o-w-
Of speech
Breathless, adj. V. STXTTITOVS. To/ua, ^, )8paxuXoyta, Shortness :17.

Breathlessness, ^subs. ^P. and V. P. $oaxvr>75, ^. TT^fe brevity, con-

&ar6fJLa, TO', P. 8vcrjrvoia, ^ (Xen.). cisely ; use adv., P. and V. o-w-
Bred, adj. Well-bred : P. and V.
yj/vatos, cuyorys (Plat.). Ojf W&W- Brew, y.
trans. See 6oiZ. Met.,
ners : Ar. and P. dorcTos, x^P t/ts - contrive: P. and V. /irjxavaorflai, TCX-
Hi-bred : Ar. and V. Sveryci/iy?, Ar. va<r6aty V. paTrrciv ; See C07Z-
and P. yvvi7s. O/ manners : Ar. in've. Ignorance of the troiible
and P. aTrai'Seuros, Sypoifcos. brewing and gathering to a head: P.
Breeches, subs. P. dvaupi'8es, <u ayvota TOV crwtoTa/Afj/oi; /cat
(Xen.), Ar. and V. Ov\a.Koi 9 ol (Bur., KCLKOV (Dem. 245).

(tycZ. 182). Bribable, adj. Ar. and P.

Breed, v. trans. P. and V. ycwav, Bribe, subs. P. and V. /uo-ftfe, 6, Ar.
(rare P.), ^TJTC&IV (rare
rtKTCLv, <t>teLv and P. 8&pov, TO, xp"np&rOL 9 r^- ^Q ~

P.)* V. yawwrft" (aor.

of yctWfleu) ceive bribes, v. : Ar. and P. 8o>po-
Xen. but rare P.), V. e'/c^iiciv; SojccTv, KaTaScopoSo/cetv. Taking bribes,
see 600e. O/ &e fiarifo : P. and V. adj. :Ar. and P. SwpoSoVos. 5?-m^
#vl6>cu. Bring forth : P. and V. bribes, v. : P. Swpo^opfitv.
ycwav, Tiierai/ ; see foar. Breed Bribe, v. trans. P. oW^ew, 8ta-
(produce in a person) : P. and V. $0cipiv, Ar. and P. -n-t'0iv,
(TWI TI), VTL0cvac, (rtvt rt), 0Lv. Bribed : V.
(rtvt rt), V. cvla/at (rtvt Tt), Be bribed: Ar. and P.
rtvt rt), P. Ifiiroiew (rwiri). P. SupoSo/ao,
Bribery, subs. :
Keep, maintain (animals, etc.) : P. ,
TO, Superior to bribery :

and V. rptyew. Breed horses : P. P. xprj/jLOTtov Kpi<r<r<av.

tTTTTOTpo^etv (absol.). Brick, subs. Ar. and P. 7rA/0os, ^.
Breed, subs. Descent: P. and V. P. -TrXtv^tov, TO. Make
STTW^Z^ fcn'cfc :

yci/os, TO,
V. yeyvyjp,a, TO. Bearing : of bricks, v. trans. Ar. and P. :

P. and V. Tpotfrrj, ^. Something irX.wOevew (ace.). Make bricks, v. :

reared: P. and V. flpe/A/xa, TO (Plat.). Ar. TrAivfloupycIv, wXtv^OTrotctv, TrAtv-

Breeder, sabs. O/ Twrses ; P. 0cutv (mid. also in Thuo.). Lay
Tpo<os, 6. bricks, v. : Ar.
Breeding, subs. Procreation P. Brick, adj. Made of brick : P.

ycvi^yo-ts, ^,and V. cnropdf ^

P. tftvos (Xen.), V. 7rA6v0v<

(Plat.); see procreation. Manners : Bricklayer, subs. Ar.

P. and V. TpoVos, 6, or pi. Educa- S.

tion : P. and V. TrcuSe&'a, ^. Brickmaker, subs. P.

breeding : P. and V. cwratSeyo-to, -^ 6.

(Bur., JPra//.). birth : P. Bridal, subs. P. and V. 6, P.

and V. TO ycwuov, cvyevcta, ^ (Plat.), TO. youAi/cct, V. w/JLfheia, T(ij

e: P. and TO', Ar. and V. fyteycuo?, 6 ; see mar-

V. T Breeding of horses: P. riage.
Bridal, adj. Ar. and P. yfyuico's, P.
Breeding horses, adj. P. and v wfujfrtico's (Plat.), ^r. and V.

Breeze, subs. P. and V. TO, ya/x^Atos, i/v/A^cun/pco?, Ar.

97 7
Bri Bri

8109. Bridal chamber, subs. : V. Brigadier, subs. P. and V.

0oXa/4O9, o, w/J^etov, TO, cvvariqpiov, 6, and P. ra&apxos, o.
TO'. Bridal gifts, subs. V. I8va, :
Brigand, subs. P. and V. Agony's,

Ta (Eur., And. 2 and 153), <^epv<u, Brigandage, subs. P. A.#oWa, ^,

at (Eur., Med. 956). Bridal song, TO \riarTLKOV.
subs. Ar. and Y. 8/ivato9, o.
Bright, adj. P. and V. Xa/^rpo's, Ar.
Bride, subs. P. and V. vu>^, 4 V. and V. ^acwos,<t>arj<s, V. <^at8pos,
WlJtd>VIJtiOL TO, W/A<f)tCt, Ttt (oOpJl., (Plat, also but rare P.), '

j4?&. 568), sometimes V. ya/^09, 6,

or pi., Xexos, TO, or pi., Xc/crpov, TO',
or pi. (Eur., Eel 1634). 0?W5 a&cw (Eur., 5fees.); see
to be wedded: V. /xeXXoVu/o9, 17; Glossy : Ar. and P.
see also wt/is. Leading the bride Cheerful
of looks : P.
v. inj/A<f>(i'yG)YO9. Bricke-cho/fifo and V. ^at8po 9, V. Xa/x/7rp09, ^>ai8p<o-
ber : see bridal chamber. 7ro9, Ar. and V. cforpoVoTros (also

Bridegroom, subs. P. and V. Xen.). O/ mieZZectf, gw^ ; P.

6. cu^9, Ar. and P. 6o9, P. and
Bridesmaid, subs. Ar. V. SpZ/xrfs (Plat., and Eur., Cycl).
Bridge, subs. P. and V. yi5pa, Magnificent : P. and V. Xa/Mrpo^,
They broke down the bridge over wrp7n79. Happy : see happy.
the Anapus : P. TTJV rov Brighten, v. trans. P. and V. Xa/x-
ye^vpav 2Xwav (Thuc. 6, 66). '
irptivcw (Xen.) V. <^at8pi5vtv. Cheer:

Bridge, v. trans. P. and V. P. and V. <ai8ptWv (Plat.). Glad-

P. ye^vpow (Plat.). den : P. and V. ctypoa/etv (Plat.).
Bridle, subs. P. and V. x^"' '** o V. intrans. Wear bright looks :
OTO/AIOV, TO (Xen.), ^Wa, ^ (Plat.).
P. ^aiSpovo'flai (Xen.), <cupwecr0cu
Bridle, v. trans. P. xoXcpow (Xen.) (Xen.). GVow 6n^t : see 5/w?^.
V. oxfwtfew, met., Ar. and P. em- Brightly, adv. P. and V. Xcywrpfo,
cTTo/ufciv see also cfoecfc.
P. <ai8pu>9 (Xen.). Cheerfully : P.
Bridle up, v, intrans. Be angry: and V. u^tJ/io>s (Xen.) see also

P. and V. opyi&crOai, OvpavtirOai happily.


see angry. Brightness, Subs. P. Xa/rpo'r)79, r).

Brief, subs. HbZd a brief for: see Beam, light: P. and V. #09, r6,
Ar. and V. auyiy, ^ (also Plat, but
Brief, adj. Short: P. and Y. #>ctafe, rare P.), dKTw, ^ (also Plat, but
fuicpos, cr/wKpos, 3AJ?yos. Brief of rare P.), o-Xa9, TO (also Plat, but
speech : P. jSpaxuXoyos. Concise rare P.); see light. Cheerfulness:
P. and V. <TWTO/AOS. P. and V. v6vpLa, 17
Briefly, adv. P. and V. Brilliancy, subs. P.
V. dyXo>ia, TO, xXl&7, 17.
y. Brilliant, adj. P. and V.
Briefness, subs." P. V7rpem79, Ai. and P. [Leyou
Speech : P. jSpax^Xoyta, 17. Pre-emment : P. and V.
ciseness : P. owro/w'a, 97. Sta'TrpeTnJ?, 7Tpt^avi75, V. 0x09.
Brier, subs. Z%orw : P. and V. Brilliantly, adv. P. and V. ;
vo9, 6, Ar. and V. &eav0a, 17 (Soph., P. /tyoXowp7ro)s,
Frag.), iraXiovpo?, o (Eur., CfycZ. 3rim, subs. J!JcZ(70
; P. x ^5> T<>*
394). ITie &rm o/: use P. and V.
Brig, subs. See boat. oVcpos, agreeing with subs. ; e.g.,
Brigade, subs. P. and V. Xo'xos, 6, the brim of the cup : P. and V,
see dwision.
*i ;
oVcpos Ki$Xi; see also Zip. Fill to
Bri Bri

i/ie brim : P. and V. Bmng in : P. and V. ctcrdfyciv, eto--

V. cKTn/jur\dvai. <epH/, eurKOfu^Lv. Of money : P.
Brimming, adj. Full: P. and V. Trpoartpepew, $ipiv\ 866 yield. A law:
866 /wZZ. P. and V. ypdff>Lv (Eur., Ion. 443).
Brimstone, subs. P. fotov, TO. Bring in besides : P. and V, e?r
Brindled, adj. P. and V. : P. and V.
V. OTLICTOS, KaraaTt/cTos, Ar. and ayeiv, cVT^cpeiv; consequences, etc. :

P. and V.<eXico-0ai (Xen.). .Brwgr

Brine, subs. P. and V. aX^, ^. Sea:
on oneself: P. and V. eira
P. and V. 0oWo-a, ^, Ar. and V. jBrmgr oneself to : P. and V.
oXs, 17 ; see sea. (mfin.), a&ow (infin.),
Bring, v. trans. P. and V. ^cpciv, (part.), V. en-aglow (infin.), Ar. and
tfycn/, rctytv, irpocrdyuv, Kopi&w, V. V. rXrjvoi (infill.) (2nd aor. of rXav),
TTopeuW (rare P. in act.). Ctowry : cavXer0<u (part.). Bring out : P.
also, V. /foorrctfav ;
see also Zead, and V. tK<f>pew t eKKojufaWf eayeiv,
^w^Ze, escort J5nw^ (accusation) : V. imropcvcw see also expose, show.

P. and Y. ivfytpcw, eir&yeiv. Bring Bring out a play : Ar. and P. 8tS(-
about: P. and V. wpao-creiv, Y. a book : P. /c<^f/otv, e/c8i8ov<u.

/cirpao-crH/ ;
see cawse, contrive. wer, win o-uer to another : P.
Bring away : P. and V. ^Trayctv, to oneself: P. and V.

Bring back : P. and V. avayctv, ava- TrpocnroieLcrOcu, TrpocrdyecrOa.^ SBebring

<^eptv, P. erravayciv.
From exile : round, win. Bring round: P. irepi-
P. and Y. Karayeiv. Turn back : KQfu^iv.
I know well that they
P. and Y. ^vaoTpc^ecv (rare P.). will all be broughtround to this view:
J5nw^ feacA; io Zt/e : see revive. ll oT2T OTt 7TCIVTC9 7TL
Bring before: P. and Y. cWyetv X^"OVTat rip faroOearw (ISOO. 295A).

(aco. of direct, dat.

of indirect ob- Brng to : P. and V. irpoo-dyeiv, trpo<r-
?r/jo<ray6v (ace. of direct ob- <t>epw, P. Met., re-
ject, dat., or wpos (ace.),
of indirect co-uer(owe who P. dvoAa//,-
is ill) :

object). Bring before the court: /3avw, avafopew, P. and V. <tvop0ow.

see hale. Bring down : P. and Y. io 6ear; P. and V. ?rpocr^pv,

Kolrayctv, Ar.
and P. KaTo^>ptv, P. v, P. Trpoovco/u^av. Bring
KaraKo/u'eiv. Make come doion : P. to land: P. and V. /car<3iyiv, P.
/caTa/fy6c(eiv. JK?w>cfc doww :
P. and Kara/co/u^ii// 5n'w^ ^0 Z^i ; P.
Y. Kara) jE?rm0 do^Tl (a and V. ts ^oi? 4yetv; see expose.
weapon on a person or thing) : Bring to mind, remember : P. and
V. Kffi&ai (ace.). Humble: P. Y. pCfwrjcrOat (p6rf. pass. ju,t/Av^crKtv)
and Y. KaflatpcTv, Y. Karappcrmv, (ace. or gen.), /Av^jLLcvcvciv; see re-
jBnwgf /or^ : P. and Y. member. Bring to another's mind :
>, I^CtyCiV, K/CO/U^tV, V. CK7TO- P. and V. seerecaZZ.
. Bear, produce (of animals .Srmgr io ^ass P. and V. :

generality) : P. and Y. TWCTOV, V. Sv- V. cK7rpa<rcrLv ; see cawsa,

Z&cu ; (o/ human beings) : P. and V. SriTzy to inaZ : P. 15
yKvav, TI/CTCII/, V. yetvacr^at (aor. oi Sy^iv, wayav cts Stfoyv; see under
yciW0<u) (also Xen. but rare P.), trial. Bring together : P. and V.
Bring up: lit., P. and

te.) : and V. ^cpctv; see
P. V. avayew, ftvlcvai,, V. ^avayctv;
Bnn^r forward : P. irpodycw. In- a question: P. and V. fo^epav;
troduce : P. and Y. wapexciv (or see iwtfrodwce. JBear: P. and V.
mid.), CTTofyav, ctcr^epetv, (or mid.),
j irpoar^>piv t P. e: P. and V.
Bri Bro

An orphan, V. ; 6p- Bristly, adj. Bough: P. and V.


(ace.). An accusation see hairy. : P. rpaxys',

and Y. CTru^epet-, P. wpo<epiv. Brittle, adj. P. Kpafyos (Plat.).
Bring up (educate) again : Ar. Broach, v. trans. Bore : P. and V.
and V. avaTraiBevtw (Soph., Frag.). TrpcuW. A subject: P. and V.
see introduce.
Bring up against : P. and Y. e/Vttyi/, *Zvu/ ;
see also Be Broad, adj. P. and V. cupvs, Ar. and
<t>epLv (TL nvi) ; apply.
brought up in : P. and Y. Ivrplfa- V. irAaTife, V. ci'pw-n-o?. O/a nt;er
crQai (dat.). Be brought up (with V. TrXarrppo-us. Broad space, subs.
another): P. and Y. P. vpux<t)pta, 17. Met., generous
(dat.), <rvvKrp<f>c<r6ai (dat.). Bring
P. and V. c'A^&pos, P. eXcv^cptos
upon : P. and Y. (TI
see generous.
Coarse : Ar. and P.
r f f f \
Tafce a Sroader

aypoi/cos, <^opTt/cos.
V. P. Trcpaucpa) Trpovoctv (Thuo.
Bringer, subs. 'y-iew :

(rnjp, 6. 3, 43).

Bringing, subs. P. and Y. 5yo>yiJ, Broad-backed, adj. V.

Bringing up, subs. Education, rear-
ing : P. and V. rpotfrTJ, ff, TraiSeia, Broad-cast, adv. P. and V.
Y. KTpo<i7, ^ (Eur., Frag.), P. xov, V. aTrai^axov. Spread broad-
TratSaycuyta, ^ (Plat.). cast, v. : see circulate.
Brink, SUDS. Edge x^s> Broaden, v. trans. P. ctyvmi/ (Xen.),
: P. TO'.

Met., of danger, etc. : P. and Y. 7rAarw6v (Xen.).

Bethink you that you are Broadly, adv.
Speaking broadly :
on the brink of doom : V. P. o>5 em Trav iirtv see generally. -

/3/?u>s . rt
upoi/ TUX*?* (Soph., Broad-minded, adj.
. . See generous.
Ant. 996). I Aat'e come to sorer Broadmindedness, subs. See gene-
trials than Ilium, yea, to the very rosity.
brink of danger V. /cpctWovas yap Broadness, subs.
: P. and V. cvpos,
'IXtov wo'vovs cufiiy/jLai Kami KW&VVOV TO, Ar. and P. irAaros, TO. Thick-
P&Opa (Eur., G^cZ. 351). Yea, to ness, fatness : P. and V.
the very brmk of danger : Y. o.Kfj^v (Eur., Cycl.).
y V avrrjv (Eur., Phoen. 1081). Brocaded, adj. P. and V.
50 ow ^5 brink of, v. P. and_Y. Brogue, subs. P. and V. :

yu,eXA.6V (infin.), Y. err* d/CyU/jys

(infin.). Broider, v. trans. See embroider.
P. andY. Broil, subs. Quarrel : P. and Y.
Briny, adj.
Brisk, adj. ^cii-ue : P. and V. $ta0opa, 17, Ar. and Y. vct/co?, TO' (also
^po's (Xen.), Ar. and V. Plat, but rare P.) ; see quarrel.
Quick generally : Ar. and P. Broil, v. trans. Ar. and P. 6VTov.
see active. Broiled, adj. P. and V. 6?rros.
Briskly, adv. Nimbly: V. Broken, adj. Of ground : P. and Y.
Ar. cXa^pus. Quickly : P. 6e'<os ; Tpdxtfs. Broken two: Y. Stxop- m
see quickly. payijs ; see split.
Briskness, subs. Agility : P. e\a- Broken-hearted, adj. See wretched.
tftporvj^ T) (Plat.). Qmcft7W55 : P. Brokenness, subs. Of ground : P.
o^vTTys, 17 ; see quickness.
Bristle, subs. Use hair. Bronze, subs. P. and Y. 9, 6.

Bristle, v. intrans. Ar. and V. <P"T- Bronzes : Ar. and P. T<

<T<V (Plat.). (Lys.).
Bristling, adj. Standing upright: Bronze, adj. P. and Y. X^KOVS, Y.
P. and V. op&fe, V. Spfaos. , TrayxaXicos,
Bro Bru

KOS, Ar. and P. x^^AaVos ;

see 6, oju.dWAayx" ?* o> oruyyovos, 6, ontv-
brazen. at/zos, 6. Ozy?j brother: V. avra-
Bronzed, adj. Sunburnt : P. ^A 8cX<^o9, 6, a^^o/iat/xos, 6.
^os (Plat.). Brotherhood, subs. Belationship :
BrOOCh, Subs. V. TTO'PTT^, 17, TrcpoVty, P. and V. o-uyyema, ^ see relation- ;

Trepovfe, 97.
CZoa& fastened by a ship. Community : P. and V. KOI-
brooch : V. TropTra^ctTa, TO".

Brood, v. in trans. P. and V. cv0v- Brother-in-law, subs. P. and V.

fj,L(r6at, 9 <f>povriiv 9 orwi/oetv (Or mid.). jofoWnys, 6, V. ya//,j8pos, 6,
Look gloomy : Ar.and V. 6. *

.Brood ow: P. and V. Brotherless, adj. V.

(ace.), <j>povTtcw (ace.), a-uwoeiv Brotherly, adj. P. and V.
(or mid.) (ace.), V. tXtcro-eiv (ace.), (Plat.). O/ o?&0's o^?j brother : V.
ya>/Aav (ace.), jcoAxatvciv (ace.);
r0/fec ow. Brow, subs. P. and V. 17.

Brood, subs. P. and V. Ope^a, TO, Forehead: P. and V. TO

yo/os, TO', V. vcoo-o-ot, 01, OTrep/jta, TO', (Xen ). Temple : Ar. and P. /cpo-
yew/a, ya/c^Aov, TO' ; see offspring.
6. Of a hill : P. and V.
Earth-born brood : V. 7f 9 Ad^3s, o, P. dicpwwxt/a , i

XV?, 6. (Xen.), V. o^p.j^, 17. Knit the

Brooding, subs. P. and V. brotos : Ar. TO.S o^piJs
97, (TVWOl'l, 77.
"HTitt knitted brows : V.

Brook, subs. P. and V. po^, peu/^a, /JLCI/OS see &?&t. Knitting his brows
17', ;

TO, poi)^, 6 (V. poos), ptWpov, TO in anger : Ar. <$ivo> errtoTcunov o-w-
7,74=),V. TT^, /Wos, nf 77', aya>v (Eaw. 823).f Li/ o?ie's brows:

TO, vao-ju-o'?, 6, Ar. and V. va/*a, TO Ar. and P. o<f>pv$ ayacnroLv. Relax
(also Plat, but rare P.). the brows : V. KaT
Brook, v. trans. P. and V.
(Bur., CycZ. 167).

v,?.* Brow-beat, v. trans. See bully.

(2nd aor. TXai/), Ar. and V. Brown, adj. Dark : P. and V.
(2nd aor. (also P. op<wvos. Tawny: P. and V.
Plat, but rare P.), see av0o's, Ar. and V. ;

bear. Acquiesce in: P. and V. Brown, v. trans. Fry these (fish)

ew (ace. or dat.), V. atvcti/ (ace.). and brown them nicely : Ar.
JZ^ brook: P. aAeTrois <^>piv, Ar. Tt /cat KoAws avO(er (Ach. 1047).
and P. ctyavaKretv (dat.), V. Browse, v. trans, and absol. P. and
P. and V.
i/, (ace. or V. v^o-Bai (Plat.).
dat.). Browsing, adj. v. (Soph.,
Broom, subs. Ar. icop^/x.a, TO. Frag.).
Broth, subs. Ar. and P.
6, P. Bruise, v. trans.
o's, P. and V.
!//,j8a/tyia, TO (Xen.). (Bur., Oycl. 705)';' see
Brothel, subs. P. KA.TH/, TO', Ar. and 60a.
P. Tro.oi/eZoi/, TO'. JST^c^ a brothel, v. Bruise, subs, BZow; : P. and V. :
" "

ry. Wound : P. and V.

Brothel keeper, subs. P. TO'.

/cos, 6,
Brothel keeping, subs. P.
Briiit, subs.
P. and V. ^
Aoyos, 6, ats, ^, /cA-7J

, TO, Ar. and V. /xv^os, 6,

Brother, subs. P, and V. ,
Ar. and V. icao-iyi/T^ros, 6, V. Ka Bruit, v. trans. P. and V.
6, , 6, , 6, 6/AOOTropos, Swwnrci'pciv, Ar. and V. flpoeu/, o-Tret-

Bru Buf

pctv ;
see circulate. Be bruited ftjp,6, Ar. and P. %>/oy, TO, Ar.
abroad : P. and V.
6pv\i<r$cu, 8p- and V. KvvBaXov, TO, Y. SdiKos, TO.
Xecr0<u, P. LaBpv\.crOon (Xen.), V. Creature (generally) : P. and V.
flp^Lux, TO (Plat.).
Brunt, subs. You bore the brunt of the Brute, Senseless: P. and V.
fighting : P. irpoeKivSwGvere crrpa- dyvwjLWDv. Irrational : P.
(Dem. 25). We say that we
Tfv6/jLvoi Brwte /orce, subs. P. and Y. :

17, Zcr^iJs, ^, V.
bore the brunt of the dmger against TO fcaprcpo
the Barbarians : P. Brutish, adj. See brutal 9 brufa
Bubble, subs. P. -n-o/^oAv
Y. 7T/*<jE>i& 17 (^Ison., and Soph.,
Brush, subs. Broom : Ar.
TO. Tail Ar. and : 6. Bubble, v. intrans.
P. /cp*os, P. and V.
Skirmish P. d/cpo^SoAioytos, 6.
: Foam forth : Y. c^dv^cti
Brush, v. trans. Ar. and P. /copct^, Bubble up : P. OVQ.K^K.UW (Plat.).
Y. cnupiv. Cleanse : P. and Y. Bubbling, subs. Spray : P. and Y.
Kaflaipctv. Graze, touch : P. and Y. tdX-n, % (Plat.), d<#>p(Js, 6 (Plat.), Y.
a,TTTc<r&ai (gen.), V. Biyydveiv (gen ), TreAavos, 6.
1/roueiv (gen.), Trpoo-fliyyavciv (gen.), Buccaneer, subs.
P. and V. Xflo-nfr,
eTTLi/sa-vew (gen.), irpoonjsavcLV (gen.). 6; see pirate. Band of buccaneers:
S&im : V. i/ratpctv. Brushing- aside P. XflOTTQplOV, TO.
a stone that fell beneath his foot : Buccaneering, subs. P. Ago-rcla, ^,
Y. uercu^atpo)!/ ircrpov t^vous inroSpo- TO X^o^ri/cov.
pw (Eur., P/ioe7j. 1390). Buck, subs. P. and V. IXa^os, 6.
Brushwood, subs. P. and V. uA.^, 17, Ycnmg buck : Ar. and Y. ve^pos, 6.
Ar. and P. icA^/JiaTiSc?, at, <j6piiyaj/a, Bucket, subs. Ar. and P.
T(. B^sfe : P. and Y. 0cyu/os, 6. TO, Ar. and V. ayyos, TO, Y.
Thicket : Ar. and Y. A.o'x^, 17. TO.
Covered with brushwood, adj. : P. Buckle, Subs. V. TrcpoV^,
AoyuiCOO775, Ar. and P. octo~iJ5. ^, TTOpTTiJ, 17.
Brusque, adj. J5r*e/ in s^eec/i ; P. Buckle, v. trans. Y. -jropirav; see

Brusquely, adv. In brief: P. Sta Buckler, subs. P. and V. d<nrfe, ^,

Y. o-aicos, TO, 6 ; see shield.

Brusqueness, subs. P. Bucolic, adj. Ar. and P. fypoiKos, P.

and Y. apoupatos (-SEsch., Frag.) ;
Brutal, adj. Of a brute : P. and Y. see rustic, rural
Brjpeios. Like a brute : P. and V. Bud, subs. Ar. and V. aA.vf, 17, Ar,
077ptu>8i7s. Unfeeling : P. and Y. <firv, TO, P. 6^BaXp.6^ 6 (Xen.).
ayvwfjLwv. Cruel : P. and V. tw i^e bud : see n^.
(Dittos i see cruel. Bud, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Brutalise, v. trans. Y. dypioDv, /JAaorrcLvetv (Dem. 1251, and Thuc.
ayptow. Become brutalised : P. and 3, 26, but rare P.), P. ^/SWrctmi/
V, dypioDo-^at (Xen,, also Ar.).
Brutality, subs. P. and Y. Budge, v. intrans. P. and V.
P. dypioViys, 17, dvoAy^o-wi, 17, dy- 0-60.1. Fly : P. and Y. fav
vco/jtoo-Jn;, ^ ; see cruelty. Buff, adj. P. and V. av0o's.
Brutally, adv. P. w/^s, Y. Buffet, subs. P. and Y.
avoiKTws ; see cruelly. Boa? o% ^7je ea?- ; Ar. and P.
Brute, subs. Animal: P. and Y. A.OS, 6.
oioi/, TO'. Wild beast: P. and Y. Buffet, v. trans. See strike. Toss
102 ,
Buf Bui

to and fro : V. Suicrfaiptfcw ; see (Bur., CycZ. 227); see also

toss. Be buffeted (tossed about) : project.
P. and V. xc(/uiear0<u y o-oXeuciv, P. Bulk, subs. P. and Y. 6>os, 6 (Plat.).
P. and V. /Aeye0os, TO'. JE7o;-
Buffoon, subs. Ar. andV.jQ P. and V. -n-X^os, TO'. The
6, P. and V. ycXcoTowotds, 6. lay the majority : P. and V. o TroXXot, TO
buffoon, v. Ar. and P. fa
irXrjQo?. The bulk of the property :

P. ycXcDTOTTOictv.
crBat, P. TOL TrXcarra T5 ouo'ta?.

Buffoonery, subs. P. /3o>/ioXoxx, Bulkiness, subs. P. and V. oy/cos,

ycXwTOTroua, 17 (Xen.). 6 (Plat.)
see bulk.

Bug, subs. Ar. jco'pts, 6. Bulky, adj. P. and V. juiyas, V.

Bugbear, subs. Goblin: Ar. uoy/cos (Bur., Frag.), Ar. uTrcp/Aeya?,
Ar. and P. *E/*7rovcra, , P. -wrcp/i-ryc^s, -uWpoyKO?. .Fatf :

ty (Xen.), fJLOp[AQ\VKLOV, TO. Object P. and V. eurpa<ifc, Ar. and P.

of hatred: V. <?x0 s >

fjLicrrjfAa, TO, ortfyos, TO', or? Bull, subs. P. and V. Tavpo?, 6,

see abomination. Frighten by a 6.
O/ a bull, adj.: Ar. and V.
bugbear, v. Ar. and P. ^p/uiXijo-o-c-
Taupcios. -M;e ^ &^ZZ, adv. : Ar. and
arBaL (ace.) (Plat.). P. TavprjSov; adj.: V. TavpojLtop<os.
Bugle, subs. P. and V. o-aX7ny ^, Became like a bull, v. V. TavpoD- :

P. /cepas, TO' (Xen.) ; see trumpet. <r0ai. JKSH 6wZZs, V. V. Tavpo/cTovetv,


Bugler, subs. P. a-oX^ny/CT^s, 6. Taupoo-^aycTv. Altars where bulls

Bund, v. trans. Ar. and P. ofooSo/^rv, are sacrificed : Ar. jfowWroi eo^apat
P. KaroLfTKevd^cLv, V. revYeiv. Found: (^lu. 1232). ZyZm0 6wZZs, adj.:
P. and V. icngciv; see also construct, V. Taupoo-^ayos. Sacrifice butts, Y. :

erect, Baise by biwlding : P. and Ar. and V. povOvrtiv. Sacrificing

V. opOow (rare P.). Bwld (s~ bulls, adj. : V.
Ar. and P. vai^riyyero-^t Ar. vnrjyvv- Bullet, subs. Of lead: P.
vat. Build across : P. ^7 (Xen.).

(ace.). J5zwW w
or cm: P. evoiico- Bullion, subs. Uncoined gold: P.
So/Acti/ (absol.). Build on to : P.
Trpoo-oifcoSo/mv (TU/I TI). Build up Bull-necked, adj. Use P.
(met,, power, etc.}: P. Ka (Plat.).
P. and V. 7rapao-/ceua^tv. Bullock, subs. Use bull.
grods, adj. V. OeoSfMj :
Bully, v. trans. P. and V.
&^Z* (met., o/ the body) : P. o*0at, Xa>/?aV0at (Plat.), at/aecr$at,

7^5. v(ip%ew. Domineer over: P. and

Builder, subs. Ar. and P. V. SecrTrd&w (gen.).
6. O/ sfe^S : P. vavTn/yo's, 6.
Bully, subs. P. and V. u/Jpumfc, 6.
Building, subs. Act of: P. Bullying, adj. P. v^pioriKo's.
^, ot/coSo'^o-ts, ^. O/ 5^5 : P. and BuUying, subs. P. and V. Xrf/^, 17,
V. vawnyyw, awa,
^ (Eur., C2/cZ. 160). it.), Xwj&ty, 17 (Plat.), ^,
T7te art of building : P. 17 olKoSoju-
K7}. Thing built : P. oiKoSo'^/wt, Bulwark, subs. P. and V. Spfyca, TO,
TO, KaTOMT/ccvo-fta, TO', P. and V. owe 17- ^TTaX^tS, ^, TtXOS, TO', V. p/C05, TO.

/Att, TO' ; see /iowse. Wood for skip- Met., of a person : TO, V. lpto-/ia,
building : P. uXa vavirqyqo-ifjLO., rd. Trvpyos, o; see defence. Bulwark
Bwlding up :
met., Ar. and P. against: P. and V. TrpoySX^a, TO'
Trapao-Kcuiy, 17. (genA V. fyfyia, TO fgenA p^a, TO
Bulge, v. intrans. Swell: Ar. and teen.l, ^raXfcs, 97 (gen.), <iX^, 17
P. olSctv, P. and V. &voiMv, V. (gen.), P. TrpojSoXiy, 77 (gen.).
Bum Bur

warks of a ship : V. Buoyantly, adv. Lightly: V. *ov-

(2Esch., Supp. 715).
veois ^<os, Ar. cXa^pa)?. Cheerfully: P.
Bump, v. trans. See knock and V. u0v/za>s.
subs. P. Burden, subs. P. and V. ax^os, TO',
Bump, Swelling: otS^/xa,
TO see blow.
Ar. and V. yMpos, TO', V. foWos, TO',
Bumper, subs. Ar. and V. 4/x.wn.s, 77 <^dp?7/jt,a, TO,
Ar. and P. <opriV, TO.
(Eur., Ehes. and CycL). Drink a Burden carried in the arms : "V.
bwnper, v. V. a/njom'fctv (Eur.,
/3a<rray/jia, TO. Used of a person :
Gycl. 565). Pledging many a bum- P. and V. &xOo^ TO, V. fidpos, TO, t

per : V.
irvKvrjv a/jLvamv . . . 8et- Met., o/ anything that
eoioX/cfe, ^.

oujLtei/ot (Bur , JB/tes. 419). gives trouble : Ar. and P. ^opTtbv,

Bumpkin, subs. Ar. and P. aypowcos, TO, V. 0^009, TO, ^CtpOS, TO', ^>OpTOS, 6.
6 or 17 ;
see cawntryman. Hindrance : P. e/ATro'&o-jLta, TO'.

Bunch, subs. Of flowers : P. and 6^?*6Ze?l O/ sicAJT^ess : V. Towrto-ay/^a

V. OT</ai/os, 6, OTe/tyia, TO' (Plat.), TOU voo-jy/iaTos (Soph., 755). PM,
V. oT<jf>os, TO, TrXo'ico?, 6. Of grapes: Freight (of a ship) : P. and Y.
P. and V. ^OTpife, 6. P. ora^uXiy, 17 yo'/Aos,
6 ; see freight. ship of A
(Plat.). Plucking bunches of ten- six hundred talents burden : P.
der myrtle : Sperrwv rcpewrjs fJLVpo-wrjS IT\OLOV ts 7TVTaKOO"ta TaXavTa 5yov

. . Ti-AoW? (Eur., El. 778).

/w'rpa (Thuc. 4, 118). T/te clerk of

Bundle, subs. Of wood : P. and V. the city came forward and read the
<d/cXos, 6 (Eur., Gycl. 242). Pocfc, Athenians (the letter), the burden
subs.: Ar. and P. cncewy, Ta; see of which was as follows : P. o ypa/i,-
/jwrreus Trjt;
-n-oXccos TrapcX^wv d/eyva)
Bung, subs. Ar. uoy*a, TO. TOLS "A^Tyvatot^ (TT/I/ fi-TrtoroX^v) SiyXou-

Bung, Ar. Ippuw.

v. trans. o-av TotaSc (Thuc. 7, 10). .Z&astf o/

Bungle, subs. P. apdprri/Jia, TO, Sta- burden : see under &0as.

ju,apTta, 77 ; see mistake. Burden, v. trans. P. and V. /3apvvetv.
Bungle, v. intrans. P. and V. Load (a ship) : P. and V. yefu&w.
Met. see distress. Burdened ivith ::

Buoy, v. trans. Support: P. and V. o-<rayyw,ei/o? (gen.).

V. atpctv, V. pacrTagcw. Encourage: Burdensome, adj. P. and V. ^apvs,
P. and V. eVatpeiv, QaporOvciv, 6pa- cTraxfljfc, Suo-xep^s, ^X^pos, Ar.
o-tivew. Buoy up with hope: P. P. xoXros see troublesome. J

fcreXmfetv (Thuo. 8, 1). J3e Zwos/ed Burgeon, subs, and v. intrans. See
p (on hope, etc.): P. and V. 6xo-6ai bourgeon.
(gen.). Buoyed up by one hope Burgess, subs. See citizen.
after another: P. dyapTw/^w SurLa-iv Burglar, subs. Ar. and P.
Ig cJWSwv (Dem. 346). .ETo^e euer 6 see thief. ,

buoyed me tup : V. cX?? /x,' act 7rpo^y Burglarious, adj. See thievish.
(Eur., And. 27) Itishope that buoys Burglary, subs.
. P.
Totx^pv^a, r)
up the e
generality of men: V. cXTrls (Xen.) see theft. Commit bur- ;

yap ?y fiocTKOvora TOIIS TroAAous ySporoiv glary v. : Ar. and P. TOIX^/WX^V. ,

(Soph.., Frag.). Whosoever is buoyed Burial, subs. P. and V. Tdtyos, 6,

up by empty hopes: oo-ns Kevato-iv eX- T&H
^ P. 0J}/cai, a (Thuc. 2, 52),
Wo-tv QeppabcraL (Soph., Aj. 478). V. KttTao-ica^ai, at ; see funeral.
Buoyancy, subs. Lightness : P. For account of burial, see Thue. 2,
Kov<f>6ryi<s, ^. Cheerfulness : P. and 34. Oarn/ out for burial, v. trans. :
V. cMu/tfa, ^ (Xen.). P. and V. cic^cpctv, V. /oywfctv see ;

Buoyant, adj. ^/ii ; P. and V. \- 6w0. Carrying out for burial,

Cheerul : P. subs. P. and V. *0opa, ??. Cowi- :

Bur Bur

pose for burial, v. trans. see com- Burning, adj. V.


pose. Pick up for burial (after see 7ioi. Blazing : V.

battle) : P. and V. ai/aipi<r0<u Burning glass, subs. Ar. uoXos,
Picking up for burial (after battle), (A w6. 768).
subs. P. and V. Svapca-K, 17. Pre- Burnish, v. trans. See polish. Bur-

pare for blurial, v. trans. V. /oj- tvished : Ar. and V. fctrros.


Seuctv. Burial by hands of friends : Burnt, adj. Of bricks, etc. : P. and

V. TUH./JOYOO. ve'pw/xaTa (.32sch., Theb. V. OTTTOS. 5wrwi wj!? : V.
1022). c/ATnJpos. J5e &wr?ii io ashes : see
Burial-place, subs. P. and V. rd<f>o<s, under as/ies.
6 , see tomb. Burnt-offerings, subs. V.
Burlesque, subs. Ar. and P. ra. Divination by burnt offerings:
V. e^wnJpos rexi'iy, 17.
Burlesque, v. and P. Burr, subs. Ar. Tpf/5oXos, 6.
trans. Ar.
Burrow, v. P. and V. fywcro-civ,
Burly, adj. P. and V, eurpa^s, cr/cctTrrav. Burrow thiO'igli: Ar.
Ar. and P. TT&XVS see stout. ; and P. Stopvo-<r/ (ace.).
Burn, v. trans. P. and Y. K&W, Burrow, subs. Hiding-place V. :

fywrwrpai/ai, irifjurpdvaL (Thuc, 6, 94, KtvQfjLuv, 6 ; see d0%.

but rare P. uncompounded), Ar. Burst, v. trans. JBreafe : P. and V.
and V. KaTOiOeLv, Ar. e/c<Xeye/, V. aforoppyyvTjvai,, KaTapprjyvvvai, /caTa-
aWw, irvpovv (also Plat, but rare P.), yj/rfi/at, prjyvvvaL (P. usually com-
Imrvpovv, frvfjorvpovv ; see warm. pounded) see break. V. mtrans. ;

Met., of passion : Ar. and P. ude v, P. and V. Stappiyyi'vcr^at, p-qywcrOaL.

<Xeyai/ (Plat.), P. and V. 0pju,<uW, Of a storm : V. K7n/etv. Met.,
V. 7rXeyeiv, Ar. and V. fa-jrvpeiv, come on: P. and V. lircpxco-OaL.
OaXTTGiv, P. ftuxdep/Acuvetv. Join vn When the storm bursts: V. OT/O/TTTOT)
burning : V. crov^Tmrpdvai (Eur., VioWos (Eur., Rhes. 674=). 5?^5^
Bhes.). Set fire to: P. and V. /orifc : V. Kpyyvvcr6a.i. Burst forth
STITCH/, v<t>a.TrTW, ttvcLTrretVi V. vrrat- in anger : V. e^ava^tv ^oXov.
0H/ see jftre. Burn (bricks) : P.
; /So that a bloody foam burst forth
oTrrav. Burn doion : Ar. and P. from the sea : V. <5>s at/iar^pov
/caro/caciv, P. jcara<Xeyiv, V. 8ia- TrcXavov c^av^cti/ aXos (Eur., J.T.
Trvpovo-Oai (Bur., CfycZ. 694=). .Ztorw 300). Burst in or into : Ar. and
out :' P. and V. e/ocdieiv
(Eur., OycZ. P. dcnrri$a.v (els, ace.), V. cwropyua-
633). JSaw one's eyes biurnt out : o-^at (acc.), iTrcKrn-LTTTtiv (ace. Or dat.)
P. roiis otQaXnoixs cicicaco-^at (Plat.). (also Xen. but rare P.), elcrn-afeiv
SWTO to as/ies : V. o-u/^\eye/ (Eur., (absol.), P. and V. c/omVmv (P.
Frag.), Ar. and V. KttTaiflaAow, /ca- ts, acc.V. dat. alone), Ar. e-Trewr-

raidciv ; see under ashes. Burn Trafew acc ), eTreKTTnjSav (ab-

up : P. cruyfcactv (Plat.). V. intrans. sol.), Ar. and V. c/xTrwrmv (dat. or
P. and V. /crico-^at, ttTrrcatfcu, V. el?, acc.), Biurstw} into tears : V.
aM/, aWecr6<ii. Burn with
fever : Sa/cpiW pr/fttora . . .
vdfJjara (Soph.,
P. and V. KcE<r0<u. J9wrw ?**/*
2Vac/&.919). Burstout,rushout: P.
jpassio?*, etc. : Ar. and P. /cer0ai and V. e'fop/x.a(T0ai, cKTrwrrctv. jB^WSi
(Plat.), <l>\ty<rOu (Plat.), P. and owi laiighiny : P. e/cycXav. Burst
V. 0ppalv(rO(u (Plat.), Ar. and V. out into (lamentation, etc.) : P. and
V. Kaj9C<rT<wOa.L (t5, acc.). jBwstf owt
Burn, subs See stream. iwio erwp^iows (o/ tf/ia
sfem) ; P. IX-
Burning, subs. P. fywrpijorc K<rw iavOiv (Thuc. 2, 49). The
P. and V. Ka whole plot would have burst over
Bur Bus

the city like a torrent: P. ,

worfc : P. and V.
Do Ar. and v.
Xeijuappous av cwrav TO -Trpay/xa ts rip TO'. :

TroXiv clcrvrto-cv (Dem. 278). P. xpruwrifav. Business dealings:

Burst, subs. Wtien in a burst of P. crv^oXata, Ta. Do business with,
v. : P. <rvp.fta.XXcw (dat., or Trpos,
passion she passed within the ante-
chamber : Y. 6Va>s yap opyij xpw/xev^ ace.) see have dealings with, under

iroumX0' eoro) 0vpu>vos (Soph., O.B. dealings. The business of banking:

1241). P. ^ epyacrax rrjs Tpcwre^s (Dem.
Bury, v. trans. In the tomb : P. and 946). 4%a?*6 having been many
V. 0cwrreiv, y# KpVTrrav (Thuc. 2, business transactions between us :
34), P. KaTaOairrciy, Y. /oy&vetv, At. P.
and V. TU//,/?U>, Carry <w /or 102).
fcwnaZ : P. and V. K<peH/, V. KO/U- o/ business : P. ^/jtaTio- 6.

fav. JSeZp ^wr?/ :

o-uy Agent, steward : P. and Y.
P. crweKipcpciv, P. and V. o-wflcwrrav. 6. Be a 6a$ man o/ business P.
A**7 Xpy **
.Zforj/ (generally)
Ar. and P. JCCLTO- : ctvai Trepl Ta

pvcrorcw. P. and V. jcpwrrav. Bur~ (Isoc.292A). Mn^Z one's

ied, sunk in the earth: use adj., Tiess P. and Y. ra a^Tov

Y. Kar&pvg Covered with a tomb :

. None saw them save those whose
use adj., V. Tu/^piys. Buried with business it was to know : P. ?cr8cTo l

its owner (of arms, etc. ) : P. cw- 4

JM] . . . 0&
T0a/*/>i&os. One wfto buries, subs. :
(Thuc. 4, 67).
Y. ra<o5s, 6.
Business-like, adj. P.
Bush, subs. P. and Y. 0a//,vos, 6. Buskin, subs. Ar. /co'flopvos, 6; see
TWofcet Ar. and Y. Xd^^ 77, Y.
: fcooj.

Spv/wfe, 6. Uncultivated land: P. Bust, subs. P. and Y. ciWii/, %, <!yaX-

and V. epTj/ua, ^. Scr^fc : Ar. and /ta, TO; see statue, breast.

P. TO SatriJ (Xen.). Bustle, subs. Confusion : P. and V.

Bushel, subs. Use Ar. and P. 66pvJ3os, 6, P. iy, TV-
/AVOS, 6 (Dem. 467) (equals about a and P. P.
bushel and a half).
Bushy, adj. Ar. and P. P. Bustle, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
XOY/^^S, Acunos. Of hair: Ar. Trpay/Aomv. jBe confusion m Ar,
and P. Xcfo-ios, Sao-ife, V. 8c- and P. Oopvficlv ; see hasten.
O-KM>S, Top^-u?, aTr^s. Unkempt Bustling, adj. Ar.andP.
(of hair) : Y. ^po?. P. In confusion:
Busil, adv. P. <)>tW<W. P.
y: P. and Y. cnrovfyj. Be ~
busily Busy, adj. P. and Y. oxrxoXo9 (rare
P. ao-xoXcos 2^ V.) (Bur., Or. 93) ; see industrious.
n Ar. and P. Full of work: P. o/spyo?. Oyer
(aoc., or ace. busy : Ar. and P. TroAvTrpay^on/, P.
or gen.). J5e
<j!)tXo7rpay/4<i)v, Trcptcpyos.
Business, subs. Affair, work: P. v. : P. and V. &rxoA,os efvat,
and Y. 7rpay/m, TO, epyov, TO, irpa Sa^tv. Be busy with, v. Ar. : and
^, Ar.and \. *-payos, TO, Y. P. irpa.vfAa.TCvevQai (ace., OrTrcpj?, ace.
TO. Occupation ; P. or gen.), Siarptfaiv trepi (aco. or gen.,
wpay/wiTeta, 17, aa^oXta, ^, cTri-nySeuyaa, 7rp^9, aco.), P. and V. cnr&vSdfcw (ace.,
TO, Ar. and P. StaTpty&J, ?}. Handi- or TTcpl?, ace. or gen.). Manaye : P.
craft : Ar. and P. x povpyi'a, Y. , and Y. Trpacro-civ (ace.). J5e over
li'a, 17, P. and V. TX^, 17. v.: Ar. and P. TroAwrpay-
o/ attention : P. and Y. V. Trcptcro-^ Spav, -Trpcio-o-etv Tt
Bus By
(Eur., Frag.}, Ar. and Y. Buy off: P.
TroAAa. Shall I launch up : P.
my host against them when busy
with their meal ? V. aXV
7rpo<r/3aX<a Sdpu ; (Eur., P. and V. coin},
Phoen. 728). oneself with, v. _ :

P. and V. 6>iA./ (dat.), &rrc<r0ai Buzz, v. intrans. P. and V.

(gen.). (Soph. Frag.}, V. ,

Busybody, subs. Use adj. Ar. and (generally) : P. and V.

P. iro\V7rpayp.tov, P. Buzz, subs. PV^oV^os, 6. Noise
Busybodies : Y. ot Trepura-oL (Eur., (generally) P. and Y. 1/^0^09, 5. :

Frag.). Buzzard, subs. Use hawk.

But, conj.
P. and
----- V. Se', Ar. By, prep. Along side of (of rest) : P.
and Y. (trap (also Plat, but rare and V. TTopa (dat.) of motion : P. ;

P.). and V. -jrapa (ace.). At: P, and

But, adv. Except : P. and V. Y. irpos (dat.), ?rapa (dat. or ace.),
(gen.). Nothing but : P. tot (dat). Near : P. and V. fyyife
f ^Zi Zwi ; P. and V. oo-ov (gen.) ; see near. In adjurations to
P. Sow ou. Nearly : P. oXt- the gods : P. and V. pA (ace ), Ar.
700;. 5^i /o?-, 7wwZ it not been for : and P. vy (ace.). In oaths and en-
Ar. and P. *l
rf Sid (ace.). We treaties: P. and V. rcpo's (gen.).
cannot but admire : P. and Y. owe Distributwely : P. and Y. Kara.
eortv oVws ou 6avfJLao}Av, OVK &T0 Day by day : P. and Y. *a0' ^/icpav.
OTTCDS ov 6avfM^op.ev. Not but that : By tWOS, tWO by tWO ; P. icaTa 8uo.
P. ov pyv nXXoi. By sevens: Ar. KO& eirra (Av. 1079).
Butcher, subs. P. and V. /xdfycipos, Of the agent : P. and Y. &ro' (gen.),
o (Eur., Oyd., also Ar.), met., P. Ar. and Y. -n-po? (gen.). Take, seize
and V. <oveus, 6, V. /xu<ovos, o or or drag by: use gen. (cf. Eur.,
17, o-<^ayV9, 6. EL 788). By only three votes did
Butcher, v. trans. P. and V. they let him off the death penalty :
see kill, murder.
Butchery, subs. P. nnd V. <j>6vo$, 6, 6oLva,T<ti QnLM&o'cu. (Dem. 688). Con-
o-<ay>?, Ar. and V. ^>oi at, at.
17, sider each point by itself : P. 2/cacr-
Butler, subs. See servant. TOV <fi 4avrov aKOTretv (Dem.). He
Butt, y. trans, and intrans. P. and lived by himself : P. $* naff avroV
V. KfyUrrcw (Plat.). (Dem. 1083). By oneself,
Butt, subs. See casfc. Target: P. P. and Y. avro? Kaff avrov.
and V. O-ICOTTO'S, 6. Object of laugh- land wnd sea: Ar. and P. KCLTO*
Ur: P.andV.yu> s,o. Butt-end: yrjv Kal 0oA.acro-av.
P. OTvpa^, o, o-Tvpd*Kiov, TO. By, adv. : P. and Y.
Buttocks, subs. See rw*p. as, see
cyyus ;

Buttress, subs, and v. trans. See By-and-bye, adv. P. and Y.

Buxom, adj. P. and V. /coXoV, By-gone, adj. Past : P. and V.
irrjs. Plivwp : P. and V. ,
6 Trptv, 6 irpocrOev, P. 'arap-
see beautiful. Ancient : P. and V. dp-
Buy, v. trans.and V. P. by-gone$ be by-
(aor. wptW^at), Ar. and V. gones, v. Ar. and P. :

Ar. and P. To be bought, By-way, subs. Use path.

for sale, adj. P- and V. <U^TOS. By-word, subs.
Disgrace: P. and
Bought with money, adj. P. and V. oveiSos, TO see disgrace.
: ;

Cab Cat

: P. and Y. 0p6>/?os, 6

Cabal, subs. P. and V. oracrts, ^, P. Calce, v. trans. P. o-v^upetv, P. and
eraipcia, 17.
Y. <upiv, <^i3pav. Cafe^ with : P.
Cabbage, subs. Ar. pd<l>avo$, ^. and V. rrc^vp/ici'os (dat.) (Xen.),
Cabin, subs. Hut : P. and V. 0-^17, (dat.) (Plat.), Y.
P. K<xXv/3rjj 17, /cAio-iov, TO. (dat.).
Cabinet, subs. Box : P. and Y. Caked, adj. Y. d^^/cwTTTo?.
Boom: P. and V. oueos, Calamitous, adj. Unfortunate: P.
Oyia), fj,

6, OLKwa, TO. Tfo government: and Y. SLO-TTJX^S; see unfortunate.

P. and V. 01 & T\l, P. 01 iirl TOtS Harmful : P. and V. &ru/A<opos,
7rpay/iao*i. Ka/cds ; see harmful.
Cabinet-maker, subs. P. KAivo7rofe, Calamitously, adv. Unfortunately :
6. P. and Y. Sucrrvx^y Kaicois ; see ww-
Cable, subs. P. cm-dpTov, TO, Ar. and fortunately.
P. TWOS, 6, P. and Y. KoXus, 6, Calamity, subs. P. and Y. crv^opa,
TO (Plat.), Secr/xo?, 6 ;
see ^, /caicdv, TO, Traces, 70, TO^/AI, TO,
Mooring cables : Y. x^-^w- cr<t>dXfJia, TO, P. (iTVX
Trjpia, T(, TTpvpyqcTLa, rd. Slip one's Suo-rvx^f-a, TO,
cables : V. ^cVat KoXcus. TO' ; see misfortune.
Cackle, v. intrans. P. and Y. <0eyy- Calcine, v. trans. See rediice to
o-QaL,Ar. and V. KAafciv (rare P.), ashes, under as/ies.
met. ; see chatter. Calculate, P. and V. Aoy^co-tftti, P.
Cackle, subs. Y. fcAayyiy, 17, <0oyy?/,
^, P. and Y. <f>OeyjjL<x.t TO, <0dyyos, 6, ; see also reckon, measure.
met ; see chatter. Judge of : P. and V. Tfc/x.atpeo-^at
Cadaverous, adj. Ar. and P. 10-^09, (aco.), P. <rvvTKfjLo{p(r6a' (ace.).
P. Gurap/co? (Xen.). Tafce wito consideration : P. and V.
Cadence, subs P. and V. pv0/xo's, 6, ev0vfjLctcr6a.L, Iwoelv (or mid.) ; see
P. euputf/u'a, 17. O/ voice : Ar. and consider. Calculate on, trust to :
P. TWOS, 6. P. and Y. TTHTTCVGW (dat.). Expect:
P. and V. -TrpocroWai/ (ace.) ; see
Cage, subs. P. elpypos, 6 (Plat.).
For birds : Ar. auXi}, 17 ; see prison. expect, reckon on.
Cage, v. trans. P. and Y. ctjoyciv, Calculation, subs. Ar. and P. Xoyt-
Kcrrapyeiv, Y. OTSi/u/oyciv J see i o-joos, 6, P. and Y. Xoyos, 6.

prison. Calculator, subs. Ar. and P. A.oyi-

Cairn, subs. Y. /coAw?/, 17, onjs, 6.
oy/cdi/xaTa, Ta; see barrow. Caldron, subs. P. and Y. Xc/fys, 6,
Caitiff, subs, and adj. Use adj. P. Tpferous, 6, P. TO, Ar. and xa^w^
and Y. Travovpyos, KaKOVpyo?, V. P. x^K* /^* To-
yos (also Xen.), a/'o^/ooTrotos. Calf, subs. P. and Y. /*do-x<>s, 6 or
Cajole, v. trans. P. and Y. %, Y. Sa/JLaX?;, xdpTts, ^, -n-dpis, 17. ^
uirorpevetv, V7re/)Y<r^at, Ar. and P. O/ a calf, adj. Y. /*6Vx^, P. /xd- :

/coAaiccuciv, Ar. iwro^awreuctv, Y. 0w orvctos (Xen.).

Calk, v. trans. Ar. waicrovi/.
Cajolery, subs. P. and V. x
a, ij, Call, Y. trans. Name : P. and V.
#w7Tv//,aTa, Ta, P. /coXa/cta, ^. KoXcii/, oi/o/xa^iv, ^TTOvo/xa^eiv, ai/a-
Cake, subs. Ar. TrA&coSj, 6, fyrfAos, KaAetv, Xcyeci', 7rpoo"t7rLv, CLTTCIV, 7rpo<r-
O/ 6arZey ; Ar. and P. ^. ^a,
V. irpoorfiM/^Trctv, KiKKywKCiv,
Cakes of fresh dough : P. verj\ara, IV (also Xen. but rare P.).
(insultingly) : P. and V. &ro-
calces : P. cn-pe-a-rd, rd.

Cal Gal

Be called : P. and V. Y. K\^Sa>v, 17.; see voice,

o/couv,Y./cAi;W. So-called: P.Aeyo-
, P. and Y. JcoAov/xeyos, Y. K- Calling, subs. Summon*: Ar. and
Summon : P. and V. P. icAiJcri?, 17. Invocation: P. dvaicAij-
/coA.iJ/, TrpoovcaAeii/, P. dvafcaAciv, V. crw, ^, Y. K^riSw, TJ. Avocation : P.
Address : P. and V. a, TO; see avocation.

irpocrayopevetv, V. TrpocrcweTreiv ;
see Callous, adj. P. and V.
P. and V. /coAcTi/, Y. SucraAy^To^. Pitiless :
Absol. Cry owtf : P. Y. v^A^s. Blunted in feehng : P.
and V. /?oav, ava/3oav, /ce/cpayci/at and V. d/A^Arfs, 5voAy7/Tos.
(Perf. Kpdciv) (also Ar., rare P.) ; callous, v. : P. and Y.
see $7&ow. <3aZZ a/ter, ?w&m0 a/ter :aira/A^Ai5vtv, Y. KOLra/jiflXijvcLv. GrTOW
P. and V. "7rovopA^iv (rwd TWOS). callous about private misfortunes :
Called after, adj. P. and V, erroi-
: P. cwraAyctv ra tSta (Thuc. 2, 61).
vfyios (gen. or dat.). Call back :
Callously, adv. Pitilessly : P.
P. owro/eoXetv (Xen.), dva/coXcti/. C&ZZ Aeois, Y. v^Acois, ai/oAyiJrw?,
see iwvoke. Call for: P. Callousness, subs. P. dy
(Dem. 285) ; see demand.
Call forth : P. and V. ^KciAcIv, V. Callow, ati adj. P. and Y. (Plat.,
7rpo/c5Ator0ai. Elicit: P. and V. and -flSsch., Frag., also Ar.), V.
/cKa\tcr0<u, V. e^yciv (Eur., &rrpos. Callow young : P. and
770). CaZZ asw :
P- V. veoorcros, 6.
Ar. and P. Trapa .4$ Calm, adj. O/ character : P. and
P. cla-KaXelv, riKaAr0ai, Y. ^(Tu^ttro? (Plat.), P. 1701;-
's de&is : P. r- ^ : P.
v, ey/eaAelv. O^ZZ OW, iwvoke : calm : v. P. and V. :

P. and V. ava,KaX&> (or mid.) (V. P. ^pe/Actv, V. ^oriixw

also dy/coXctv), fJiapTipeo-QaL, Ar. and soothed: Ar. and V.
P. irifjLa.pTvp<rO<u, Trapa/coXttv, P. Y. fjLa\Qdorcr<r6aL Free from care :
&, cVt^oao-^at, Ar. and V
V. l/ayAos. O/ weather : P.
/foXeij/ (or mid.), KLKX^O-KUV. CM
(Xen.), Ar. and V. vyvc/juo<s, V.
on the gods : P. ri0uiv (absol.), vo5, evyvcjuios. Waveless: V.
V. ^eo/cAvriv (absol.); see call upon. Calm, subs. Of character : Ar. and
Visit : P. and V. liripx^Oai. Gall P. ^O-UXMX, ^, Y. TO rf<rvx<uov. Peace :
out (for service), v. trans. : P. P. and V. yoA^, ^ (Plat.), o&'a,
urravai v. intrans. :
see shout. i). O/ weather : P. and Y. cvSta, 17,
Call over, v. trans. : P. and V. yaXyvy, P. viyvc/ua, 17. Nonchal-

CaZZ together: P. and V. ance : Ar. and P. i)eri5;(ta,

Ca/Z see re- Calm, v. trans. P. and V.
member. Call up, recall : P. and P. -Trapa^tvflewr&u, V. Trapiyyopciv, i


V. #va/Atjttt^(TKiv ; seerecaZZ. y tv (also Plat, but rare P.), /ioX-

from the dead : P. and V. Odcra-ew, Ar. and V. ftoAao-cretv ; see
see raise. Call upon : see call on. soothe. Check : P, and V. wavW
Demand (that a person should do a Charm : P. and V. K^Actv. iwZZ to
thmg) : P. and V. d^ww (ace, and re*^ : P. and V. KOI^W (Plat.), V.
infin.). I am called upon (to) : P. KOt/WtV.
and V. wpocnj/cct /i (infin,), Set /AC Calmly, adv. P. and Y. ^<H5x5i
(infin.). XCDS (rare P.),Ar. and Y. drp
Call, subs. Claim : P. and V. (rare P.), Ar. and P. drpe/Aas, f)p
w, ^. Cry ; P. and Y. 017, (Plat.). Peacefully, without care :

see cry. I?w;oca^ion : P. P. and V. d7rpay/toVo>9 (Eur., Frag.).

Cal Can

Calmness, subs. Ar. and P. Can, v. intrans. P. and V.

77 ;
see calm. xv, 0105 T* elvat, Ar. and V.
Calumniate, v. trans. P. and V. P. 8ifyw, 6,
Canal, subs.
/MAAeiv, AoiSopcTv (or mid. with dat.), TO, P. and V. oxerd?, 6.
P. pao-Kaivew, Ar. and P. <ruKo<f>a.v- cawai), v. P. Tepvtiv. :

TU', Y. KaKotrrop.eLv ; see abuse. Cancel, v. trans. P. and V.

Calumniator, subs. Ar. and P. <TVKO- Altav, P. axvpov Trotetv, avaipeLr, Ar.
tpdvnqs, 6. and P. StoAiJetv, KaToAueiv ; see
Calumnious, adj. Ar. and P. Sta- revoke. Eule out of court : Ar.
^oXos, ^aovcavos, P. o~u/co<avTi/cds, V. and P. Siaypofyciv. TPTtatf ^5 fated
Aoi'Sopos (Eur., GycL), none will ever cancel : V. o X/T) ya/>
see abusive. ou&ts x/36 ^^"tt ^r07"^ (Eur.,^ ^
Calumniously, adv. P. H.F. 311).
Cancelling, subs. Of debts : P.
Calumny, subs. P. and Y. Sify
P. fiao-KavLa, 17, Ar. and P. Cancer, subs. V. <ayeoWa,

see .,
Eur. Frag.).
Cambric, subs. JPww fowew: P. and Candid, adj. P. and V.
V. cru/Scov, ^. , P. ; see/ree.
Camel, subs. P. and V. /c Candidate, subs. 5e candidate for,
or 17 (Dem. 185, also Ar.). v. P. fjivrjo-reveLv (aco.).
: Suitor in
Camp, Subs. P. and V. marriage: V. fwijcrnjp, 6 (used in
TO, o-AoyW, at (Xen. also Ar.) P. Thuo. and Plat, in reference to the
oVAa. Break Camp : P. avurrarai suitors in the Odyssey).
i, <iva- Candidly, adv. ^ P. and V.
one's P.
cXeuOepw, P./xera , -T

see encamp. V. Trapp^a-to-- S^eaA; candidly, v. :

Camp, V. intrans. P. P. -7rapp>7o-ir0<u,
P. and V.
i., see Candle, subs. Use orc&.

camp. Camp out : P. QvpavXelv, P. Candour, subs. P. and V.

and V. avX^co-^at ; see bivouac. i P. dbrAo'TTO 17 (Xen.).
Campaign, subs. P, and V. Cane, subs. Eeed : Ar. and P. /
P. bno-rparcCa, f). March out: P. and /*ds, 6. Sfefe : Ar. and P.
V. c^bSoff, 97. Go on a campaign : P. ^, "V. fidKTpov, TO, o-Kfyrrpov, TO ; see
and V. <rrpa.TCVLV (or mid.), rwrrpa- stick. For punishing : Ar. and P.
Tt'tv (or mid.), P. eicoTparevetv (or
raid.), V. Cane, v. trans. Ar. pa/38ictv ; see
(of a gemral) : P. and V.
V. o-rpar^Xaretv. Joinina Canine, adj. Ar.
P. oTJorpaTeueiv (or mid.) (absol.) Canister, subs. P. and V. K&VOW, TO ;

v. trans. : cruvc7rurrpa.TcvLV see also boos.

Camp fires, subs. P. mjpd, rd, V. Canker, subs. V. Acix^v, 6. Can-
Trvpo'd, rd. cer ; V. <^ayc8atva, 17. Di$eas&
Camp followers, subs. P. o-/eeuo<dpoi, generally : P. and V. i/oW, ij ?
ot, ovAos, (Xen.), d/co'Aovtfoi, ol v6<njp.a, Td. Festering sore : lit.

(Xen.). and met., P. and V. IA/cos, TO. Met.,

Camp-stool, subs. Ar. and P. plague spot: P. and V, /cowco'v, Td,
vdo-os, ff, vocrrjpa, TO.
Can, subs. Ar. and P. TO, Canker, v. trans. Corrupt : P. and
Ar. and V. o^yyos, TO', V. Sta<l>OcLpw. Cause to rot : P.
(also Xen.), V. TO^OS, rd. and V. <rrfjrt,v.
Can Cap
Cannibal, adj. V. avSpofipfe (Eur., fJLrj 7TLTp7rW (ThUC.
CycL), <tyu>oTT09. Cannibal fare : 8, 73).
V. fiopa dj/0po>7roJCTOj/os (Eur., CycL Canvassin, subs. Intrigue : P.
Canoe, subs. Use boat. Cap, SUDS. For the head : P. and
'Canon, subs. Rule : and V.
P. Y. KVVYJ, $i, Ar. and P. TrZAfoW, TO.
Kdvwv, o, opos, 6. Standard for Lid : Ar. OT^/ACL, TO. Gap of dark-
judging : P. icpw^ptov, TO. ness : P. ^"AtSos Kvviy (Plat, from
Canopy, subs. Tent : P. and Y. Homer).
?, 17. Taking the sacred hang- Cap, v. trans. Swrpass : P. and Y.
ings from the treasure-house, he finishing touch
made a canopy : Y. to : see finislving.
Ipa Orjcravpfav irapa icaTeo-Kta (Eur., Capability, subs. P. and V.
lora, 1141). Upon the roof he spreads 17 ;
see abihty.
a canopy of cloth : Y. opo<cj> -rrrcpvya Capable, adj. Able P. and V.

i TreTrAwv (Eur., low, 1143). Off, f/cavo?, otos T. Possessed of

Cant, subs. Pretence : Ar. and P. natural gifts: P. and V. eixfrvys
(Eur., Frag.). Clever: P. and V.
Cantankerous, adj. P. and V. oWo's, cro^o's, onJveros. Bitsiness-like:
jcoAos. P. -rrpaicnKo's. Capable of ruling :
Cantankerously, adv. P. P. dpx^ds. 5e capable of, admit
Cantankerousness, subs. Ar. and of: P. e^cxco-^at (aco.), P. and V.
P. Suo-KoXia, rf. e^ctv (aoc.). Dare: P. and V.
Canter, v. intrans. P. and V. ToA/j,ai' (acc.).

Capably, adv. WeZZ: P. and V. cS,

Canter, subs. P. and V. icoAois. Cleverly : P. and V.
Y. Spdfjnjfjia, TO. Capacious, adj. P. and V.
Canting, adj. Spurious P. and V.

/ayffifyAos. Making P. and V.

false claims : Capacity, subs.
Ar. and P.Aa<ov. 17 ;
see ability. Have a capacity
Canton, subs. P. %u>s, 6. for: P. eu^-urys eli/ai Trpds (acc.), or
Cantonment, subs. See camp. t9 (acc.). Mental power : P. <

Canvas, subs. Use P. and V. fj. AW,

TO. Sail : P. and Y. 'urrtov, TO Caparison, v. trans. P. and Y.
(generally pi.), Y. Aai^os, TO. !Few: fJiW, Y. do"KtV, "a<nCtV.
P. and V. (r/o/wy, ^, er/c^vw/ACtTa, TCI Caparisoned, adj. Y. Jxoo-/>tos.
(Xen.). J v. : P. Cape, subs. Headland: P. and V.
and V. aAto-0ai, cbcpa, ^, P. d/cpowTyptov, TO, Y,
P. o-mjvovv \ see ^, wpo/JAifc, 6, and V. &cpov,
Ar. TO,
cov, 6. MawiZe ; Ar. and P.
Canvass, subs. Paying court: P.
fopcwroa, ^. Intrigue, lobbying : Ar. and V. <jkapo?, TO, , TO,
P. TrapayyeAta, 17. xAavifStov, TO, x^- , r6 ,

Canvass, v. trans. Examine, dis- see mantle.

cuss : P. and V. OTCOTTCIV, l7Tto-KO7Ttv, Caper, v. intrans. Jimp P. and
cfera^tv. 7isi* (o
support) : asfc Y. ^av (Plat.), (Plat.).
P. 7rpoo^pxo-0<u (dat.) pern. 341). Powcfi ; P. and V. Ar. and
Qawass for (office) : P. /AV^OTCUCIV P. 6p\L<T0(U.
(ace,). T/ie2/ canvassed the soldiers Capers, subs. In dancing: P. and
individually, urging them not to Y. ami**, T< (Eur., aycZ. 221,
permit it : P. T&V orpaTtoyrfiv eva also Ar.), Ar. orp^ZAot, ol Out
Cap Cap

capers, v. : AT. (rj^/^aT^etv (Pax, Capriciousness, subs.

324). Ar. and P. 8v<r/coA/a, 17.
Fickleness :
Capital, subs. Chief town: P. and TO acrrdOwTov. Inconstancy : P.
V. ^ (Time. 2, 15).
TTO'XIS, AfofAcr and V. a-Trwrna, ^.
cifa/ / : P. ^TpoVoXis, ^. Capsize, v. trans.
colonies P. and Y. ava-
O/ a jn/Zar : V. ri'/cpavov, TO, P. Tperrav, avaorpc^ctv, Y. cfai/acrrp^>tv.
KioKpavov, TO (Xen.). .4$ opposed to Y. intrans. P. and V. avarpeirccrGau,
interest : Ar. and P. ra a.pxa, P. avaorp<0-0ai, Y. UT

TO Ke<aX(UOi/, TO.
Mafee capital out of: met., use Capstan, subs. See windlass.
P. and V. ^pricrOai (dak). Captain, subs. Military : Ar. and
Capital, adj. Foremost : P. and V. P. Taiapxo$, P. and Y. Aoxayos,

/xeyttrros; see;prmc?#aZ. Excellent: 6. 50 a captain, v. Ar. and P. :

P. and V. xpi7<mfe, KoXo's ;

see lv. Naval : V.
Capital charge: P. and V. op, 6, i/o>5 #j/a, 6,
r^xfc dy^ -0 tfnficZ o?i a capital , 6, P. and Y. i/av/cXT/pos, 6.

charge : P. /cptVecr&u ?r*pi Oavarov. captain of a ship v. : Ar. and t

Capital, interj. Ar. and P. cvyc. P. vavK\ypLv. Of a trireme : P.

Capitalist, subs. Use P. and V. 6 Tpwjpapxo?, 6. Captain of a thousand
TrXovcrios ; see rich. men : P. and Y. aPX^ (Xen.). x^
Capitally, adv. P. and V. Captain of ten ffiousand P. pjpi-
/eoXXtora. apxos, 6 (Xen.), V. /AvpioVrapxos, 6.
Capitol, subs. Ar. and P. Leader c/we/ : P. and V. ^yc/xoiv, 6

17, dfCpOTTToXlS, T7-

or ^. Commander (generally) : P.
Capitulate, v. intrans. P. -jrpoarx<pv and V. crrparrj-yo's, 6, Ar. and Y.
QfjLO\oyia, 7rpoo-p;(O-0ai (Thuc. 3, 59). Tdyos, 6, V. OTpaT^Aartys, 6, Xo^a
jPorce to capitulate, v. trans. P. :
6, dpvcXao?, 6 (Ar. also in
and Y. Trapto-rao-flai (ace.). Ma&e form ap^eXas), jSpa^cus, 6, rap^os,
terms : P. and V. o-v^atvetv, P. 6.

6/toAoytav iroiciarOat,. Captain, v. trans. P. and Y. <rrpa-

Capitulation, subs. P. and V. o-uju,- TTyyetv (gen.), V. o-TpotTTyXaTcti/ (gen.
^ao-is, TO, P. ofjLokoyia., 17. Sanding or dat.), Tayeiv (gen.),
over : P. -7rapaSoo-*s, ?). (ace.).
Capon, subs. Chicken dressed for Captaincy, subs. P. and V.
food: Ar. opvftfcia, T<, Ar. and P. yta, ^.
Kpcot opviOeia rd (Xen.). Captious, adj. P. eptcrrtfco?,
Caprice, subs. Impulse : P. and V. Censorious : P. and V.
op/i,^,^.Pleasure: P. and V. 97801^, Captious reasoner : Y. .

^. Desire : P. and V. l-n-Wv^a, y. TWV Xoycov (Eur., Sfypp-

Mood : P. and V. 6py^, 17, os, TO. 894).
Fixing the limit (of punishment) at Captiously, adv. P. Ipwrrocai?, <ro-
the passing caprice of either side :
P. tS TO Captivate, v. trans. P. and V.
l^or 6pi'ovTS (TOL? Tt/x,o)ptas) (Thuc. Y. vticav, ^cXyctv (also Plat, but rare
3, 82). P.). Delight : P. and V. TepTretv.
adj. P. and V. Captivating, adj. Soothing : Y.
Ar. and P. dorafywyTos, P. (JeX/m/pios, /oyXipriJpios. Charming :
P. and V. Ar. and P.
Light-mind- see charming
ed: V. Kov<f>6vov$. Inconstant: P. Captive, adj. w ;<ajr ; P. and
and V. Y. Y. So- $ovpt\7prros,
Cap Car

piKT7]Tos, SflaXovros,
P. Ar. and P. ju-cXeTT?, 77, P. and Y.
(Isoc.). Female, adj. V. ai : TO (Bur., H.
Bound : Ar. and V. SeV/uos. V. ".. /,

Captive, subs. In war

: use adj., P. wpa, 77, e^rpoTn}, 77. Forethought: P.
and Y. aix/AcXam>s. Female : Y. ix- < and V. TTpoVoia, 77, P. Trpo^^cta, 77,
Prisoner: P. and V. Y. TrpofjifjOLa, 77. Cct/iition : P. and
6. O/ captives, adj. Y. : V. euXct^eto, 77, P. <^uXaK77, 77. ^7fl?-

IKO'S. Ta&0 capt^ve, v. : P. actness : P. d/cptj&eia, 77. Object of

fa>yp/ (acc.). care : Ar. and V. fteX77/i, TO, Y.
Captivity, subs. Slavery: P. and Tpt)877, 77. !Tafre care, bewcvre, v. : P.
V. SouXeia, 77. .Bonds : P. and Y. and Y. <i5Xacro-r0ai, ciXa^cwrtfat ;
ot, SecTjua, Ta. War<^, bond- see beioare. Talle care of, guard :
P. and V. <i5Xcuc77, 77. P. and Y. <uXacro-ii/ (acc.) see ;

Capture, v. trans. P. and Y. Xaju.- Beware of : P. and V. <v-

pdi'ew, ai;XXa//,^av(.v, atpcty see ;
(acc.), euhaptLcrOaL (acc.),
caicft. Capture (a town) : P. and Y.
cupetv. Be captured : P. and Y. o-Oai (acc.) ; see core for. Take
Xtbvceo-0cu. Be captwred in turn : care that: P. and Y. ^povrLtfiv
Y. avQaXlvKea-Qai. Captured ships : (aor. subj., or fut. indie.), P.
Y. VT7S aixpXo> (Thuc. 8, 107). (aor. subj., or fut.
Jj/as?/ to ccupture, adj : P. indie.), Ar. and P. T^pelv oV^s (aor.
P. and Y. oXdjcrfyios, SXwros. subj., or fut. indie.) see also mind. ;

capture : P. and Y. o-we<uptv (TU/I Care, v. intrans. P. and V. <poi/rt'fii/,

Tl). fipi[wav9 or use impersonal verb, P.
Capture, subs. P. and Y. and V. fteXet (dat.), it is a care to.
Of a town : P. atpeo-ts, r;, P. and Y. I do not core : P. and Y. ov fwi, plXei.
SXo)o-t5, 77. Thing capttured: see I care not if the whole city saw me:
600 i7/. Tidings o/ Y. fceAa fj.ev ovScv t /AC TTO.CT elSev
^8ais aXooo-fycos, 77 TroXts (Eur., H.F. 595). Oore to,
Car, subs. P. and wish to (with infin.) : P. and V.
Sitfpos, 6 (also Plat., Criti. 119B ;
/fovXeo~0ai. Care for, love:
but rare P.), o^/m, TO, o^os, 6 Pay regard to : Ar. and P.
aTnqvi], 77 ;
see chariot. crOai (gen.), P. irepl TroXXov TT

Caravan, subs. See waggon. P. and Y. &orTp<o-0(u (gen.),

Caravansary, subs. P. ^pom^ctv (gen.), cvrpeTrcir^at (gen.)
r6 ; see inn. (Plat, but rare P.), Ttyju-eXetv (acc.
Carbon, subs. Cha/rcoal: Ar. and or gen.) (Plat, but rare P.), V.
(gen.), wpav xav (g en -)-
Carcass, subs. See body. P. and Y. ^Sc-
Card, v. trans. P. and Y. &uW, P (gen.) (also Ar. but rare P.),
V. irpoKyfacrQai (gen.). Attend to :
Card, subs. For writing on; see P. and Y. 0epa7reuu/ (acc.), Y. 1077-
tablet. SevW (acc.) see tend. Value : P.

Carder, subs. P. and V. and Y. ^oVtfcu (gen.) (also Ar. but

Cardinal, adj. Important : P. and rare P.), P. Trept woXXov Trotetcr^at, V.
V. /AeyTTos, TroXXov <3&os. Decisive .
ci/ttpt^/xetcr^at, Ar. and Y.
P. and V. /ctfpios. (gen.). For aK ^ey cored! I
Care, subs. Anxious thought: P 5^^ awo-7/ homeless and proclaimed
and V. <povr&, ^, Ar. and V. an exile : V. dvcurraTOs auroiv (dat.)
/xva, ^, V. <rwvoMi, ^, V7a
Attention, regard: P. 0.0. 429).
113 8
Car Car

Career, v. intrans. See rush. Cargo, subs. P. and V. yo^to?, 6,

Career, subs. Speed in motion : P. <opTOs, 6, efiTroX^jLta, TO, ^>op//x,a, TO,
a,nd Y. Spo/wc, 6. Life : P. and Y. Ar. and P. ^opriov, TO, P. Ta dywy^a
o. One's career: P. (Dem. 1290), vaiJXov, TO. Cargro
Vocation : P. TTLTVJ- 6oa^ : P. vavs orpoyyuXiy, ^, Ar. and
You have all you need for P. 6A/c&, 17.
a political career : Ar. !x*ts dVavra Caricature, subs. Ar. and P.
rrpos iro\iTiav a Sa (Sq. 219).

Careful, adj. P. and Y. Caricature, v. trans. Ar. and P.

(Soph., Frag.). Prudent: P. and
Y. cr<6<p<>v. Cautious : P. Carious, adj. See rotten.
Exact : P. and Y. Carnage, subs. P. and Y. $oVos, 6,
Carefully, adv. P. o-^ayiy, 17, Ar. and Y. <f>ovat, at.
dentfy : P. and V. <ro><pov<i>s. Carnal, adj. P. o-wftaToeiSifc. Oar-
tiously : P. and Y. Ex- nal pleasures : P. at TOV
actly : P. and Y. d/ept/8o>;
Carefulness, subs. See Carnival, subs. P. and Y.
Careless, adj. Ar. and P. P. Trarfyvpi?, 17,
ffvpw, y } see revel.
oA/yupo?, d<pdVrtoTos (Xen.), P. and Carn vorous,
adj. Sating raw flesh:
Y. pdWii/ios; see heedless. Taking P. co/xo<ayos, Y. w/xrtTos.
no trouble : P. dToXowrcopo?. Be Carol, subs. P. and Y. ^, /x^os, <%
careless, v. : P. and Y. apeXew. Be TO ; see song.
careless of : P. and V. apcXtlv (g en -) Carol, v. trans, and intrans. P. and
Y. oY ovSevos iroicurQat, (aoo.). V. $eu>, vfjLvw, Ar. and V. /AcXwcti/ ;
yoor ; P. and Y. /ccuc^s, 0^ see sing.
one's guard : P. and V. Carousal, subs. P. and Y. KU/AO?, 6,
Carelessly, adv. P. a//,\oi5, Ar. and P. o-u/xTroo-tor, TO, P. TTOTOS,
oXtywpcos, P. and V. d^f 6; B&Q feast.
(Xen.), Y. d^pooy&ovG}?. uli random : Carouse, subs. See carousal.
P. and Y. cucij, <a-wXo>s. Carouse, v. intrans. P. and Y. KO>/-
Carelessness, subs. P. d/WXeta, ^, fctv, TrA/etv; see feast.

V. 5/xcXta, ^, P. and Y. Carouser, subs. Ar. and P. KO>/XOO--
Tljs, 6.
Badness: P. and Carp, v. intrans. P.<tXovt*cU'. Carp
v. . ~._; .
at: P. and V. ^^arOai (ace. or
Caress, v. trans. P. and V. dat.), </reytv (aocj.
P. and Y. TC/CHOV, 6.
Carpenter, subs.
irpoow Tv<rcr<r0aL see touch, embrace.
', Of a carpenter, adj. P. TCKTO^KO'S.
Stroke : Ar. and P. Ko/rai^oV, P. and Carpenter's rule : P. and Y. Kavoiv,
V. \frfix w (^en a^O Ar.), V. Kara-
- o.

^X tv- Pawn on : Ar. and Y. Carpentry, subs. P. $ Tefcrovtic^, V.

awcoXXctv (aco.), Y. 6(07rriy (aoo.). ^uXovpyt'o, 17. Do carpentry, v. :

Caress, SUDS. V. aa^rda-pJara, rd, Ar. and P. T/cratW0at. Though

0ci>7revfiam, rd ; see ^S5, embrace. but a craftsman you turned your
I gave and received caresses : Y. hand from carpentry: V. TCKTW
<tXas \dpiras ISco/ca yap &i/ errpacrorc? ov fiJXovpytKa (Bur.,
(Eur., J.^. 1222).
Caressing, adj. V. Carper, subs. P. ^ /cn}s, 6 (Plat.).
Careworn, adj. See s&d, anxious. Carpet, subs. Ar. Tcwnys, 6, Ar. and
Look careworn : Y. P. Sdbrt?, 17 (Xen.), Y. cf/ia, TO,

Car Car

Carping, subs. P. across' P. 8iaj3i/Jaeii/. Carry away:

Blame : P. and Y. P. and Y. 6Vo<piv, tirdytw, e dtyctv,
6. cKKOfu&iv, P. owrojco/u'^av, Y. a^racpeiv ;
Carping, adj. Censorious : P. and see ca7T^ o/. Met., carry awaiy (6y
V. <iAomos, <tAoVoyos (Plat.). So- feeling) : Y. apTra^ctv. 50 carried
phistwal : P. O-O^IOTIKOS, cpum/cos. away (by feeling) : P. cfayeo-flat, P
Carpingly, adv. Sophistically : P. and Y. eK^epeo-^at, V. ^cpccr^at (Eur.,
1246). Carry m
: P. and V.

Carriage, subs. Deportment: P. and Carry off, kill : P.

V. crxfjiMiy TO. Vehicle : P. TTO/OCIOV, ; see fetZZ. Carry o/ io
TO (Plat.).PFa00o?i: P. and Y. P. and Y. fec/cT^co-^at ;

/*aa, 17. Chariot : P. and V. apjua, see rescue. Snatch awwy : P. and
TO, V. oY<pos, 6 (Plat, also but rare Y. dp7rav, ava.pTra.tfiv, 5^>op7ra^iv,
P.), OXGS, 6, oxi7//,a, TO, cwnTViy, ^. owap7raftv; see carry away seize. t

.Fowr forse carriage : Ar. and V. Be corned o/: Y. XcX^at (perf.

T0pnrov, TO, or pi. Covered car- pass. A.fl'fo*0<u). Met., carry o^ (a
riage : Ar. and P. apfjid/jLo^a (Xen.). jpr^e) : P. and V. ^epco-^ai, cK^cpc-
Conveyance, act of carrying : P. o-flat, Kojj,(c<rQai, vpr/co-0at, Ar. and
and V. ctycoyo?, ^. O/ a carriage, Y. <p iv (also Plat, but rare
P.), Y.
adj. V. apagqprjs.
/co/uc/.v, Vpi(TKLV, eiTtonrav (Soph.,
Carriage-road, subs. V. -4;. 769) ; see wm. Ccwry on, mem-
17 (also
Xen. with 6Sos), V. a age : Ar. and P. StotKetv, fjLera^LpL^e-
6 or ^.
<r0cw. Carry <m a profession : P. and
Carrion, subs. Dead &ody: P. and Y. eTrt-nySciJctv, do-Kctv, Ar. and P.
V. i/ejcpo's, 6, Ar. and Y. ve'/dJs, 6. Carry on war : P. and V.
Flesh : P. and V. <rap 17. Afeai : (Bur., low, 1386), P. 7roA.$-
P. and V. /cpca?, TO'. He shall be- /iov ta^>pv. Carry ow: P. and
come carrion for the sea birds : Y. Y. lK<f>pw, licico/ufai/.
P. and V, oVi/TCW, ICCtTaVVTCtV, CT
(Soph., Aj. 1065); in same sense Xc<r6<u, Sta-Trpao-creiv (or mid. in P.)
use V. IA.o>p, TO, iKicrjp.a., TO; see see accomplish. Carry over: Ar.
prey. and P. Siayciv, Sia/co/tt^etv. Carry
Carrion, adj. Eating raw flesh ; Y. round : P. and V. ^rept^cpctv. Carry
through, bring to success by effort :
Carry, v. trans. and V.
P. P. and V. K7rovtv, Y. cKfjLoxQciv ; see
KOfufav, V. paorrdfav. Bring: P. wr& o^i, accomplish, wage. Carry
and V. Syctv, V. -Tropcveiv (rare P. in to : P. and V. irpoo^epcu/, P.
act.). Com/ by sea: Ar. and V.-
vavoroXetv, see convey. Carrying, subs. P. and V.
Ga/rry one's point : P. and Y. Carrying in: P. curaycoyiy, 17. Carry-
icporctv T yv&ivQ, or simply P. and ing out : P. ^dya>yi}, 17 ; see accom-
Y. vl/cav. 2%e motion was carried
that P. and Y. P. and V. fy*oa, ^.
(in- Cart, subs. 27oy
fin.). Oar/2/ aftowi Ar. 2/Aafe, ^.
one's person cortf ;

(as stick, arms, etc.) : P. and Y. Cart, v. trans. See carry.

4>opeiv. Carry a wall in any direo- Carte-blanche, subs. Allowed carte-
Y. intrans. Beach: blanche, adj. : Ar. and P. avro/cpa-
P. $4jcvr0ai, 8n/cveZo-0ai, P. and Y. T<op.
t/cviov(xi. Go/fry about : .P. and Cart-load, subs. Throwing on the
Y. Ofi(i<f)ptV, 7Tpl(f>pCV. COrTV OfUOUt ample hearth logs enough for three
with one : P. crviMrtpi^tptiv. Carry G(Wt-loads : Y.
Car Gas

TpKTCTWV TTt (Dem. 635).

fj(t It is not a case
dyioyt/iov dpo9 (Eur., Cycl. 384). for: P. and V. owe tpyov (gen.).
Cartoon, subs. Use picture. S^ice i^e cose stands thus : P. and
Carve, v. trans. Cut up : P. and V V. TOT/TO)!/ OVTCOS C^OVTCOV, V. O>S O)8*
refiveiv, Ar. and P. KaTaTju,vetv, V o>9 we

KpeoKQTreLv, dpTaju,ti/. Sculpture : Ar stands my case: P. and V.

and P. yXu<j&eiv, &IV. e^et //.of. -4^ s?w?^ ^ndeed was the

Carved, Carven: Ar. and V,

case : P. /cat yv 8c ouroj9. I /i'is
eoro9, P. and V. -71-01*1X09. would now be the case with the
Carver, subs. Of meat V. Kpewopjos : Athenians : P. oVep aV vvv 'A^^TvaZot
6 (Eur., Cycl. $4:5). Sculptor: P, irdOoiev (Thuc.
34). I myself 6,
am in the sortie case as the majority:
Sculpture: P. P. ttVT09 O7Tp OL TToXXot 7T7TOr^(Jt (Plat.,
Carving, subs. dvSptaj/-
roiroda, y. Carved work: use P. Meno. 95o). ^ls is generally the
and V. TTOLKlXfJUOL, TO. case : P. ota <tXct ytyi/ccr^at . . .

Cascade, subs. See waterfall. (Thuo. 7, 79). -4s is generally the

Case, subs. JBo#: P. and V. #17/07, case with large armies : P. oVep <(A
17; see box. Cover: Ar. and P. //eyaXa orpaToVeSa (Thuc. 4, 125).
IXvrpov, TO, P. and V. TreptpoXos, 6. 27te facts of the case : see under
For a shield : Ar. and V. o-ay/La, /^- ^ a
Sheath: P. and V. /coXcoV, 6 Case, v. trans. P. and V. TreptySaXXetv ;

(Xen.), V. TTpi/3o\ai 9 at. see cover, sheathe.

matter: P. and V. -n-pavfta, T<. Case Casement, subs. See window.
ai Zaw : P. and "V. 84/07, fj, dyoiv, 6, Cash, subs. Money : Ar. and P.
V. /cpt/xa, TO'. Ground for legal ac- yi5ptoj>, TO'. Wealth: P. and
tion : P. dya>vto7*a, TO. WTiew 7rXovTO9, 6, xprjfjLara, TO*. Current
case comes on : P. eveo-ny/cvww 7-779 coin : P. and V. vo^ta*/>ta, TO.
81/079. 2%e case having already gone Cashier, v. trans. Dismiss : Ar. and
against him : P. /caTcyi/wo-^cv^s 17897 P. dVo7T/>wreiv.
rifc 81/079 (Dem. 872). Dose o^'s Casing, subs. P. and V. ircpifioXos,
case : P. dTTOTuy^avetv TOV dyo>vo9 6, YTTrept/SoXar, aL

(Dem. 1175). Aphobus having al- Cask, subs. P. and V. ^09, 6 (Eur.,
ready lost his case against me : P. Ot/cZ. 217).
6*<^>XovTO9 fJLOt. TJJV SI/OTV "A<jboySou (Dem. Casket, subs.
P. and V. ^17, ^, V.
866). Win one's case : P. &rt- Xe/?w9, 6, Ar. and V. aVyo9, TO:' see
f '

Tvy^avcu/ TOV dyo>vo9 (Dem. 1175), ooa?.

SLKVJV atpctv. Deride cases of murder V. /cop^, ^, P. and V.

Casque, subs.
and wounding: P. St/cae/ <6Vou TO (Xen. also Ar.).r,

/cat Tpav/iaT09 (Dem. 628). Excuse, Cast, v. trans. P. and V. /fctXXctv,

plea: P. cfo-oXoyia, ^. Circum- piiTTew, %<f>lvaL t p&GiivauL (rare P.),
stances : P. and V. TrpayfUiTa, TCL. Ar. and V. tevat, V. 8t/cetv (2nd aor.),
JSa-ye to do with the case :
nothing ubrrew ; see iferow;. 5e cos in
P. TOV 7rpayyzaTO9 Tvat (Dem.
e^co damages: Ar. and P. o<Xr/caW/.
1318). Jw case (supposing that) : Cas^ m owe's mind : see ponder.
P. and V. et 7r<o9, tdv 7TW9. Iw ow^ Cast lots : P. and V. /cX^povo-tfat ;
case P. and V, 7rdVrct)9, TroW^.
." Jw see Zotf. .No Zoi was cast : v. icX-5po9
wg/ cose : P. TOVJJ.OV /xcpos. JVi ^7ie . . . OVK erraXXero (Soph., Ant. 396).
cose o/: P. and V. Kard (aoo.). Jw Casi metal : Ar.
^oai/euW (absol.) ;
^As case : P. and V. ovr<o9. In see TwowZd. Oosi a vote P. and V.

that case : P. <f/cetvcos. T%is is so in tyrjfav ^pctv, \lri)</>ov rtOecrOcu See ;

oZZ Cases : P. twi irdvruv ovTU) wte. Cos* aiow^ ; see scatter.
Gas Cas

Cast about for : see seek. Cast dvrjp els /SoAoi' /ca&VraTcu (Eur.,
around and V. Trcpi^aAAcw.
: P. 5acc/z. 847). Cas^ in metal P. :

Cast (glances) around: V. KVK\OW and V. T&ros, 6. Shape, character :

see roll. They stood P. and V. TUTTO?, 6, cr^rjfia, TO.

upright and cast glances around: Castanets, subs. Use V. icpoVaXa, TC
ecrrqcravopOal KOL Swyvey/cav Kopas (Eur., C/cZ. 205).
(Ear., Bacch. 1087). Cos* ashore : Caste, subs. (7Zass : P. Wvos, TO.
see under ashore. Cast aside : P. Castellated, adj. Use V.
and V. aTToftdXXtLv, /c/?aAAciv, a?rop- , Ar. and
Vj ptOiwcu, a<ierai, V. 705.
Lose wilfidly P. and V. airo/3dX- Castigate, v. trans.
. Beat : Ar. and
r, P. xpoietr&u. .B^VcJ : P. and V. P. fjwtrnyow. Punish : P. and V.
eiv (or mid.), irapuQciv (or mid.), /coAafetv. Bring to one's senses : P.
Qai see 7-fl/ectf. Ctostf awaw/ :
and V. <r<i><l>povicLv. Blame : P.
P. and V. aTTO^oAActv, fciroppiTrrcw and V. fjifj(,<j><r0(iL (ace. or dat.),

see cas 0s-i<fe. Castf doww ; P. and

V. V. KarapptTrrew ; see Castigation, subs.
Blows : P. and
throw down. Cast down upon V. V. 7rA?7yat, at. Punishment : P.
v (TI rtvt), c 17. Blame : P. and V.
Zow; P. and V. *lsys> o . .'

/, V. Ka. Casting- vote, subs. Use P. and V.

met., P. and V.
V. Sucr^u/Actor^at. Castf : m
P. and Castle, subs. P. and V. TO'. ,

V. wr?oAA.6v, /A)SaAAetv ; see /woz0 Ar. and P. d/cpoVoAis,

erne's fee& : P. and V. V. a/cpoTTToAts, 17. JKo^/aZ residence :
(rt nvi). Cast off: see P. ^acri'Acia, TC (Xen.). Castle in
cast as^de, throw off. V. intrans. the air: P. cux^, ^. J5w
Of a ship : P. and V. airaipew, &v jf/w air, v. P. w :

dyca-Oat. Cast on : P. and V. cTrt- Castrate, v. trans. P. and V.

fiaX\Lv (ri rtvt). <3a$ ow^ : P. and
Y. e*/?(OAeiv, |(o^iv, Castration, subs. P.
^7roj^6i/, OTroppLirrew, V. Casual, adj. Appearing by ch(mce:
Cast out as a prey to dogs and P. and V. 6 TV^COV, 6 crrtTiJ^wi/, 6
birds : Kvarlv Trpo^Xoyros otwvotg ^* irpocrrvxvvj 6 <rvvrv'x&v. The casual
IXwp (Soph., 4/. 830). Be cast out: observer: P. 6 xapaTu^oiv. Acting
P. and V. e/CTTwrretv, V. SKTTITVSIV. withoirt design: V. tK<uos (Soph.,
Cast up: P. and V. ftvlwai, ava- Frag.).
(Eur., J?Va^.) see throw up. Casually, adv. By chcmce : P. and
Reckon : P. and V. Aoy^ccrftu. O/

V. Tuxfl, P. KO.TO, rux*!*- random: ^

^0 sea : see cast ashore, under P. and V. elw). Remark casually,
ashore. Cast up in one's teeth : P. V. : P. 7rapa<J!>0eyycr0ai (absol. or
and V. 6vi&'/ (TI rtvt). aoo.).
Cast, subs. o/ throwing: P. Casualty, subs.
-4c^ Disaster: P. and
s, 97. Throw, range : P. and V. V. o-iy*<opa, 17, W^o?, TO ; see
O/ ^e dica : V. /3A^a? ter. Losses from an &rniy : see
TO, /ioXiy, ^ see %rot&. 0/a quoit:
; loss.
V. 8to-/c77/ia, TO (Soph., Frag.). Cast- Casuist, subs. Ar. and P. o-o^wmfc
ing of a
vote: P. and V. ifr^^ov 6. Play the casimt: P. and V.
}. Of a net in fishing : V.
6. The man approaches Casuistical,
v/CLouiotiuai, adj.
aiuj. P. u u^ptu TtR.uv.
JL .

within range of our cast: V. Casuistically, adv. P. <ro<rre<os.

Gas Cau

Casuistry, subs. P. y vo^um^, Ar. /cptvo),
yv&va.i )(Qpov
and P. cro^fcor/iaro, ret. (Eur., Frag.).
0* dXaio-ijuos Be
Cat, subs. P. oZXoupos, 6 or y (Hdt.) 'caught in a storm :
P. and V. x-
Ar., Ach. 879). V. intrans.
P. iv^o-Oai ;

Catalogue, subs. Ar. and P. KoLrd- see &e entangled. TJie scythe caught
Aoyos, 6 ;
see list. somewhere in the tackling of the
r o >3ro u '

Catalogue, Enlist : Ar. and

v. trans. ship : P. TO Bperravov Vrx
P. /caToXeyciv. Sort : P. SMXTOO-OW, f
TOIS THs v<i)5
O-K^CO-I (Plat., Loch.
Rim through, describe : P. and Y. rich at : P. and Y.
8ieepxe<r0<u (ace.). Xafjt./3d

Cataract, subs. P. and V. (gen.). -teh fire : P. and V.

6, V. pcWpov x&juappoy, TO (7atc^ in : see 6e ew-

/tos, 6. tangkd in. Catch up, overtake, v.

Catarrh, subs. P. Kardppovs, b. trans. P. em/caTaXa/A/Javctv. Inter-

Catastrophe, subs. Disaster: P. and rupt in speaking : P.

V. <TVfJL<l>Opd, ^, KOKOV, TO, TTaiOoS, TO, Snatch up: P. and Y.
TrajQiHJLa, TO, cr<oXju,a, TO, P. a.Tv;p7ju,a, Si/aprra^etv ;
see snatch.
TO, druxij 17* ^vcrrv^fj.a, TO, Suorrux^1 * Catch, subs. Trwjfe ; P. and Y. .

^, TTTawr/xa, TO. 97, 80X05, 6 (rare P.). !P/ww7 caught :

Catch, v. trans. P. and V. P. and V. aypa, (Plat, but rare
olpetv, 17

, , P.), aypVfjM f TO (Xen.), uYjpa, fj

v, Ar. and V. pApirrew. Seize : (Xen.), V. ^pa/^a, TO. O/ a door ;

P. and V. apird&w, crwcLpird&iv. use P. and Y, /u>xAo9, 6, Ar. and Y.
Catch by himting : P. and V. fl^pav Ta. jBoZj pvti : Ar. and P.

(or mid.) (Xen.), tfqpcvcu', oVypcuav , ^. Draught of fish : Y.

(Xen.). Overtake: P. riKaTaXa/i-
pdveiv. Catch something thrown: P. Catching, adj. Infection* : use P.
and V. ejcSexeo-flai. Oaicfe tffoe oc : w
P. and V. err' avTO<o>pu> Xa/x)8avtv, Catechise, v. trans. Question: P.
or use also P. and V. Xa/^aveiv, and V. eXeyx^w* ^Xeyx tv -

KaraXappdvciv (Eur., O^/cZ. 260), Categorical, adj. Absolute : P. and

atpci^, evpLO-KtWj ^evptV/cetv, <f>upav, V. Trai/reXiJs.
P. KaTa^wpav. Be caught in the Categorically, adv. Absolutely: P.
act : use also P. and V. and V. TravTeXws, P. oXcus-

Caught in the act: V. i Expressly : P. Swpp^v.

Caic^ (a disease) : P. Category, subs. Glass: P. and V.
(Dem. 294), avaTrifjarXao-Bai (gen.), yci/os,
TO. Jw ZogfWJ : P. Karqyopia,
P.and Y. ^tXa^dfveo-^at (dat.), V. $ (Arist.).
(dat.) (aor. pass, of Cater, v. intrans. P. and Y. Tpo^^v,
Ga^ar /o? /eed : P. and

ai), A,a/AjSav0-^at (dat.), wupexen/. ,

<ra t (Soph., IVaflk 491), V. Tpc<j>cw (ace.), /36o-Kw (ace.)

(Eur., Or. 305). So i^a^ ^Ae /ormer (Thuc. 7, 48, but rare P.). Met.,
gratify : P. and Y. xap#>or&u (dat.).
Hagnoris force : P. wore *<u Cathedral, subs. Use temple.
TTporepovs oTpaTMOTas vooTJom r^s Cattle, subs. P. and V. pocrKyi&Ta,
ow "Ay^wvi crrpaTias (Tbue. rd, Ar. and V. ford, rd, P. /CDjw;,
2, 58).
to catefc, adj. P. ei)(Wos. : Ta (Plat.). Small cattle : Ar. and
to catofe, adj. P. SucroWos.: P. TTpo^ara, rd, Ar. and V. /x7}Xa, Ta.
2%4s Jdefi7?^ a general's part to know See herdsman.
Cattle-driver, subs.
well where his enemy
may best be Cauldron, subs. See caldron.
caught : V. TO 8 (rrpaT^yctv TOUT* v. trans. See calk.
Cau Cav

Cause, subs. P. and V. ama, ^, Ar. Cauterise, v. trans. P. and V.

and P. TO.
airtov, Occasion : P. Cautery, subs. P. KQ.VO-K;, y.
and V. afoppri, 7j. First caitse, Caution, subs. P. and V.
origin : P. and V. dp^, ^. Ctowse fj,
P. <^v\cLK^ $. Forethought : P. t

at law : P. and V. y<6i/, 6, Sfoy, ^. and V. TrpoVoia, 17, P. 7rpo/^0ia, ^,

Sowrce, root : P. and V. TnyyiJ, 17, V. trpopyOLo, %. Caution money :
pia, 17. The cause of: use adj., P. P. appaj&ov, 6, irpo'Socrts, 17, Ar. and
and V. atnos (gen.). Of these things P.
I am the cause : Y. TWO* yo> irap- Cautious, adj. P.
otVios (,3Ssch., Frag.). Joint came P. and Y. o-oxpo)i/. Mor
of : use adj., P. and V. o-womos V. P.andY.
(gen.). From what cause : Y. cautious : P. and Y.
TO/OS Aoyou ; see why. The commwn see tak
cause : P. and V, TO KOLVQV. Make under ^ecawiiow.
common cause with, v. P. Cautiously, adv. P. and Y.

(dat.), jcoiva) A.oy<p Qwetly : P. and Y.

(acc.). Making common came
with yoi(/r father : V. Cautiousness, subs. See caution.
(Eur., low, 577).
i Her cause Cavalcade, subs. P. and V.
is in the hands of her parents and

friends : V. rfi
8* ev yovom /cat <t'A.ois Cavalier, subs. P. and V. wnrcus, 6,
TO. 7rpa.ypa.Ta(Bur., ^Lwd 676). I/ V, wrTTOT^, 6. As adj. Harsh : P.
coMse of the Medes should pre- and Y. TpdxiSs- Despotic : P. and
P. ct TO, TOW MiySou Y. Tvpowticos.
(Thno. 3, 62). Bwin one's cause : Cavalierly, adv. Hcvrshly: P.
P. <wroAA.wai TO, Trpay/iaTa (Thuo. 8, v<os- despotically: P.
75). a cavalierly treated: use P. and
Cause, v. trans. Be cause of: P. Y.
and V. atrws efrai (gen.). Produce : Cavalry, subs. P. and V. Wos, i),
P. and V. ycM/av, TWCTCIV (Plat.), T^ tTTTTWCoV, P. InvtO, ^ (Xen.), Y.
Trotetv, V. ^vreuetv, Tvxt^, P. owrep- tTrTTiKoy o^Ax)?, 6, wnroTijs oxXos, 6.

ya&o-Qai see also contrive. Cause

; Suitable for cavalry (of ground),
to do a thing: P. and V. -Trow^ adj. P. wnroo-i/ios (Xen.). :UTI-
(ace. and infin.). Ca^d a ^m^ to suitedfor cavalry (of ground), adj. :

be done : P. erri/AeAeortfai OTTO)? TI P. a<nros (Xen.). Cavalry battle :

yo/i7o-T<u. S tarty set in motion : P. iTnrofuzxta, 17. J^^fet cavalry
P. and V. Ktvetv. battle, V. P. wnro/Aaxsti'. Oo?ft-

Causeless, adj. Vain: P. and V. mander of cavalry, subs. Ar. and :

P. LTnrapxos, 6. Command cavalry ,

Causelessly, adv. In ^am ; P. and v. : P. iTnrapycw. Be superior in
V. oAAws. Unreasonably : P. 0X0'- ca/valry, v. :P. lirTroKparew. Serve
y<os. Without purpose : P. and V. in the cavalry^ v. : P.
cud;. Ocwalry transports, subs, P. :

Causelessness, subs. Unreasonable- 67r7raya>yo4 ae, Or Ar. and P. wnra-

ness P. dXoywt, ^.
ot, al (alone).

Causeway, subs. P. x^A"^ {; or Cave, Subs. P. o^n/Aawv, r6 (Plat.),

use road. Ar. and Y. forpov, TO, aBXiov, TO, V.
Caustic, adj. P. and V. TTIK/DOS ; see OaXdfJML, at, P. and V. <ri}pay, 17
(Soph., Frag. ; Plat., PAoedo, 110
Caustically, adv. P. and Y. A); see den.
see bitterly. Cavern, subs. See cave.
Cav Cel

Cavernous, adj P. .
Celebrate, v. trans. J. festival, day,
P. and V. /coiXos, V /eoiXonro's. etc. : P. and Y. #yv ; see festival.
P. and V. cupife. Abysmal : Ar. and A sacrifice : P. and Y. TcAeii/ (ace.),
V. S/fro-o-os. 0T7c/ (ace. or absol.). Praise : P.
Cavil, subs. V. /xfyios, 6; see blame. and Y. ^Traivctv, V. atveti/, P. cyKCD-
(Personified in Plat., Sep. 48?A.) see praise. Celebrate (in
Contentiousness : P. song) P. and Y. ooW, vpvtlv, V.
Cavil, v. intrans. P. and V. Celebrate (in the dance) .

P. <tXovei/ciV. Y. (aoc.), ^va^opcvftv (ace.).

P. and V. ju,eju,<r0at (aoo. or dat.), ^o^Zs celebrated the mar-
Abuse : P. and V. riage feast of Peleiis : V. VTa^'
Xetv. l&uo-ai/ nTyXcws yaifwvs Qeot (Eur.,
Caviller, subs. One who blames P. LA. 707). He celebrated the victory
6 (Plat.). in revels w^th the gods : Y. TOV
Cavilling, adj. P. pra/<eos. KC&XlVLKOV /iTCt 0$>V /CO)^taO~ (Bur.,
tentious : P. <tXoi/t*os. JJ. ^. 180).

Cavity, subs. IToZe: Ar. and P. Celebrated, adj. P. and V. cSSofb*

TO. Chasm : P. and V. TO Trepi^AeTrTos, StairpeTnJs, cKTrpCTnys, ovo-
see hollow. ftaaros, Xayw-Trpos, eTrtcnyp)?, P. afio-
Caw, v. intrans. Ar. KpoS&n/. Aoyos,
Cease, v. trans. See cease from. iJ?, eXXdyt/ios, Ar. and
Y intrans. P
and V. wavco-flai, V. /cAeuw (Plat, also but rare P.),
(Ji/owraveo-flai, 1/cXcwreiv, XiTyew (Plat.), Y. ewXofc; see famous. Celebrated
Ar. and P. KaTcwraver0cu, P. aTToXiyyea' in song : Ar. TroAvu/Avos.
(Plat.), V. K\Lfjun-dvLV K\iqyew see Celebration, subs.
t ;
^ssiivaZ : P. and
also abate. Cease from : P. and Y. Y. 4opT97, 17; see festival Hold a
-jravecrQaL (gen.), avcwrai;e<r0<u (gen.), celebration : P. and Y. eopTa&iv.
Xi/ycty (gen.) (Plat.), avZe>ai (aoc. or Praise: P. and Y. eraii/os, 6, Ar.
gen.), &<t>L<rra<r0ai (gen.), and P. ey/c<o/xtov, T(J.
(gen.), P. (gen.), V.
Celebrator, subs. J?i song : P. v
a/eu (aoc,) , (gen.) Cease T^S, 6.
. Praiser : P. en-awe-nt}?, o.
from Jiosiitities Ar. and P. Kara- Celebrity, subs. P. and Y. So'a,

Cease (to do a &to)fjLa, TO, jcXco9, TO (rare


thing) : P. and V. iravecrOai (part.), P.), ovo/m, TO, Ar. and Y. ev/cXta, ?),
Aiyyctv (part.) (Plat ), V. cVeAi/wrdtau/ fcOSos, TO', V. /cX^Saiv, 17. Celebrated
(part.), cKXjjyew (part.), Svwcu. (part.). person : use adj., celebrated.
Cease, interj. See stop. Celerity, subs. P. and V. Taxos, TO,
Ceaseless, adj. P. onravo-ros. Con- P. TaxvTw, % ; see speed.
tinuous : P. crwcx/s. Constant : Celestial, adj. Divine: P. and V.
P. and V. TTUKVO'S. Incessant : V. Ar. and P. Sa^/xovto?, Y. 8?os.
O/ or *w i/jfi sky : P. and Y. oupanos.
Ceaselessly, adv. P. V. Sewtf /ro?7i heaven : V. fleoVoHSTos,
319). tf^XaTo?, Qeopros. Celestial pheno-
Cedar, subs. Y. mena
Ar. and P. TO, )u, :

adj. : V. /ccSptvos. Cedar-wood Celibate, adj. P. and V. <*ya//,o<?, V.

coffin: V. *c'8pos, ^. see
Cede, v. trans. Give up : P. and Y. Cell, subg. Prison : P. and V.
e/c&tSoVat, P. Tr ^, Or pL, P. SocTfAwnqpwv, TO,
(gen.). 6 (Plat.), Y. /caTcwrKoMjkiys otfCT/o-t?,
Ceiling, subs. Ar. and P. o>o6w, w see also room. C0M in comb of bees,
(Plat, Sap. 529B). c.':Ar. /cvrrapos, 6.
Gel Cer

Cellar, subs. Store-room : P. 1036). In

the centre of the hue of
battle P. /cara TO yu,o*ov.
Cement, subs. P. and V. ?n;A.ds, 6. starting-point: P. and V.
Cement, v. trans. Met., P. and V.
Centre Depend on : P.
in, v. <

Cemetery, subs. Ar. and P. o- c/c see depend on. All evils
(gen.) ;

TO ; see also tomb. centre in a long old age : V. -n-aW

Cenotaph, subs. P. KvoTa<t>iov, TO e//,7T<i>fce TOJ jLuiKpa! y;pa KaKa (Soph. ,

(Xen.), V. jccvos ra^os,

6. Honour Frag.). Much wisdom is centred in
with a cenotaph, v. : V. Kcvorafaw
(aco.). 7rpo'ovcmu cro<a (Soph., Frag.). All
Censer, subs. P. fo/ua-nypiov, TO. that I poke of -is centred in this :
Censor, subs. Judge : P. and V. V. liTavOa yap p.oi KWCL crujKOfJiifccrcLi
Kplrys, 6. Owe who punishes P. .
(Soph., O.C. 585). Your pain
o~axpovmjs, 6. ROWIQ/II magistrate: centres in one only and in him
P. Ti/^-nfc, 6 (late). O/ &0 censor, alone : V. TO //,ev yap VJA&V aXyos ets
adj. P. Ti/MfTi/cds (late).

Censorious, adj. P. and V, <iXamos, O.E. 62). Be centred in oneself :

<iXo'i/royos (Plat.). Ybw ore cew- P. ck lavToi/ o-uXXeyco-^at Kat d^potf -

sorious towards yow friends : &(,- Phaedo, 83A).

o-^at (Plat.,

fw/jLJos el 4>aots (Bur., Ete. 327). Centurion, subs. Roman : P. harav-

Censoriousness, subs. P. Tap^s, 6 (late).
Century, subs. Hundred years : P.
Censorship, subs. JBoma?& magis- and V. IKCLTOV en;, TCI. Z/0?^ period
tracy : J?. nftfyrcta, rj (late). of time : P. and V. atwi/, 6.
Censurable, adj. P. and V. /xc/wrrds, Ceramic, adj. Ar. and P.
P. KTOS (Plat.), V. Arf- Ceramics, subs. P.
Cereals, subs. P. and V. criros, 6,
Censure, subs. P. and V. pep/Sis, rj, icapTros, 6.
6, am'a, 17, P. 7rm'/>M7o-fcS, fj, Ceremonial, adj. P. and V.
Ar. and V. Ceremonial, subs. See ceremony.
Censure, v. trans. P. and V. Ceremonious, adj. P. and V. orc/wfe.
<r&u (aco, or dat.), ^eyctv, Ceremoniously, adv. P. and V.
atTtaop^at, P. Jcafac6V, oY
KaTaju,ejji,<f)(r&ai, Ar. and
V. Ceremoniousness, subs. P. and V.
Cen surer, subs. E and V. &rmj crefLVOTT}?, ^, TO o-cyu-vdv.
6, P. if/eKnqs, o (Plat.). Ceremony, subs. Jfa'tes : P. and V.
Census, subs. List, register Ar. TcAenJ, ^, or pi., TcXo?, TO, or pi.,
and P. KoYaXoyosr, 6. Ar.^and P. TO, vo/xtfd/jteva ; see rites.
for taxation pwrposes : P. Solemn procession: P. and V. TTOJU.^,
TO. 17. Outward show : P. and Y.
Central, adj. P. and V. pco-os. or^^a, TO', irpdcrxjy/Aa, TO'.
Centralise, v. trans. P. and V. cfe Certain, adj. 37o 6e relied on : P.
ev <rvvdyw. Bring under a central and V. ^?^<uos, Trtcrrds, do-^aXi}?,
government : P. VWOIKL&LV (Thuc. ^cpeyyuos (Thuc. but rare P.), V.
2, 15). 1/AircSos. OZfior : P. and V. o-a^s,
Centre, subs. P. and V. TO pfoov. S^Xo?, /A</>av77s see ilear. Ii is ;

TJie central point of the earth : P. practically certain : P. orxeSdv Tt

and V. <5/x<oAds, 6 (Plat., Sap. 427c)/ S^Xoi/ (Plat., Ori^. 53s). JNb* to
The shrine at ea/rth's centre : V. be disputed : P. dva/x^tcr^'nTTo?.
/u.cro/x</>aAov tSpiJ/Ao, TO (^Elsoh., Oho. Hastening to c&rtam death : V.
Cer Cha

cis Trpo&rrov ""AtSiyv (Soph., ,

Ar. and V. /cvtfctv,
0.0. 1439). ^ccwrate, ea;act: P. V. oxXctv ; see annoy. V. intrans.
andY. faplprj?. Not false: P. and JBe vexed: Ar. and P. ayava/crctv,
V. tyeu&fc (Plat). .Fired 2?ott, ^aXcTratVctv, P. and V. <5pyio-0cM,
arranged : P. and irpoKet/Aevos, VOvfAOVcrQai, V. ju/tyvfeiv, ^oXovo^at,
P. /fyTos. .4 certam (Latin, qwdam) : and V. Bva-^opLv ; see ra^e. Of
P, and V. rts. .Zfe certain, positive : horses, &e restless : V. 6p//.a/eiv,
P. and V. 7rc7Tcur0ai (perf. pass. c/L/Jpt/xovcr^at. Chafing against the
fl-ci0ci.v), -srio-Teuciv, V. 7rwrToO<r0ai, Ar. bit: V. xaXwaiv KaTao-tfftatvwv (^B3soh,,
and V. iren-oi&evat, (2nd perf. act. Zto*. 393).
. 50 certain to : P. and V. Chaff, subs. Ar. ^opwos, 6. Badin-
.For certain: see age P. x^^Awfe, ^ x^^ 01 ^^' ^'

Ar. and P. O-KW/A/WX, TO ; see mockery.

Certainly, adv. Otearfy : P. and V. Chaff, v. trans. Mock: Ar. and P.
cra<o>s, c/Kjbavak. Accurately : P.
and V. aKplp&s. By all means, in Chaffer, v. trans. P. and V.
answer to a question P. and V. Xcrctv.

vat, vai^t, Trais yap ov, paXurra yc, Chagrin, subs. P. and V.
Ar. and P. KO/U yc, d//,cXei, Trai/TJ 77; see vexation, anger. Be cha-
yc, V. icat icapra, icat /capra ye. j4 grined: P. and V. axflccrftu, P.
a?i# raid : P. and V. yc, yow, ye 817, XaXcTTois ^cpciv, Ar. and P. Ayava/crctv ;
ttAAa, d\Xa y . .
7er% : P.
. . see vexed, angry.
and V. y, V. jcapra (rare P ), ? /capra. Chain, subs. P. and V. oWfufe, 6,
JBy all means: P. and V. Travrcos, V. oW/wS/AaTa, Ta, ap.<l>{/3\'ricrTpa, rd,
P. 7ravrdira<ri. ifrdXia, rd, P. 5Xvo-ts, 17. Chains of
Certainty, subs. Assurance : P. brass : V. ^aA/ccv/^aTa, Ta. JPeWer :
jSc^ator^s, ^, acn^aXcia, ^ Exact- P. and V. 7TC&7, r. fiferies : P. and
ness : P. a*cpfex, ^. Truth: P. V. StaSox->7, ^- Events long-past I
and V. &^0eta, 17, Ar. and P. optfor^s, have found to be as I have related,
^, V. va/Acpreia, ^. Distinctness : though they involve difficulties as
P and V. cra^^veta, ^. far as trusting every I/ink in the
Certify, v. trans. Confirm: P. ^e- chain of evidence : P. Ta /uv ow
/3aww, P. and V. c/>wrcSovi/ (Plat., TraXata Totavra cvpov ^aXeTra. ovra
also Ar.). 5g^r ^^?ze55 to : P. and travrl cf^s rc/CyU-T/ptw n-to-TcSo-at (Thuc.
V. fiaprvpetv (aoc.). 1, 20). PM w
chains, v. trans. :
Certitude, subs. See certainty. P. and V. Sclv, Scor/jtcuW. Iw chains:
Cerulean, adj. P. KIKXVOVS (Plat.), V. use adj., Ar. apd V. Seoyuos, or P.
and Y. ScSe/^cVos (perf. part. pass.
Cessation, subs. P. and V.
^, avcwravAa, ^, S3(\i5<rt5, ^,P. avd- Chain, v. trans. P. and V. 8c/,
orts, 17. ud^a^^TWew^
P. Aai^o^s, civ, V. iKSciv; see &m^.

Breathing space: P. and V. P. and Y. veSav (Plat, but rare PA

rvofy rj, V. (fywrvoiy, ^. J57w^: TroBt&w (Xen., and Soph., Frag.),
P. and V. rcTios, ro, TC\CVT^, 17, Wpas, Ar. and P. cnywroS^cii/
TO. Cessation of hostilities : P. Chair, subs. Ar. and P, gtypos, 6.
TToXc/^ov StaA-utrts, 17, -jroXc/iov /cara- Chair of state : P. and Y. 0povos,
XUGPIS, ^, Ar. iroXefjLov StaXX&yiJ, ^ ; 6. Seat : Ar. and V. cSpa, 17 (rare
see truce.
P.), flaxes, 6 (Plat, also but rare P.),
Cession, subs P. TrapaSoo-ty, 17. V. OaK7jfj,a, TO. Take the chaw, be
Chafe, v. trans. J?w6 ; P. and V. chawman : Ar. and P. cVtcrraTctv.
Gall, annoy : P, and V. Chairman, subs. P. I7rrrari7s, 6,
Cha Cha

Chaise, subs. See carriage. : P. and V. Kctipo's, 6.

Chalice, subs. See cup. ,
P. and V. rvxs, P. Kara

Chalk, subs. P. yfyos, y (Plat.). *K T

W'X^?' ^
by chance : P.
Challenge, v. trans. P. vpoKa and Y. TTWS, cav 7TO)9. Get the
Have no fear of : P. and V. chance, v. : P. and V. &W<r0<u,
(aoo.)see oppose, doubt.
; 2%ro?y away one's chances one by
Challenge, subs. P. n-po'/cA one : irpoleo-Oai naff Ixaorov act n
Chamber, subs. Ar. and P. T&V Trpay/xaTO)!/ (Dem. 13). (They
TO, P. and V. olicos, c*, oiia?<m, 17, had not been
reflected) that, if they
TO, Ar. and V. SO/AOS, 6, seen to have arrivedj there would
TO, TO, V. (rryrj 9
ju,eAa0poi/, have been no chance for them : P.
TO; see r0ow&.
s, Bridal L
fj,ev yap py &<$>6'qcrav IXOovrcs, oric
chamber : Y. 0<&a/w>?, 6, &v iv TVXQ yfyvecrOai. or<j!>to*tv (Thuc.
TO, cwd-njpiov, TO. Chamber for 4, 73).
men : P. and V. dvSpoiv, 6 (Xen., Chance, v. intrans. Happen, occivr :
also Ar.), P. ayfipuvim, ^. GJwmber P. and V. Tiryp(ai/V, crwTvy^avctv,
for women : Ar. and P. ywautowTis, <rvfjt.pawwt ytyvccrOai, Trapamirrew,
P. ywai/eaiv, 6 (Xen.). Guest- O^jLLTTtTTTClV, K)Sa/VtV, P. OWTOjSatWv,
chamber : P. and V. fcvwv, 6. Ar. and P. o-u/i^cpco-^at, V. Kvpew,
chamber : V. cwrtTrrctv (Soph., Frag.). Chance
(to do a thing) : P. and V. rvyxdvciv
Chamberlain, subs. P. and V. Tfyw (part.), V. Kvpw (part.). Chance
6. upon : see light on.
Champ, v. trans. P. and V. Chance, adj. Casual : P. and Y.
(Plat.), V. MKVCW. 6 TV^COV, 6 eTTLTtJ^wv, 6 Trpocrri^tJiv, 6
Champaign, subs. Meadoiv land: <TUVTT;X<OV. Of persons only : P.
Y. opyls, ^ (also Xen.). Plain: o frrvxwvt o TrapaTu^ftlv, V. o ^TrtoV.
P. and Y. TreStoK, TO' see plain.
2%0 ndZdZe w;a5 no^ owe for any
Champion, subs. Protector, defender: chance comer to solve : TO y alv
P. and V. 6, n/wopos, 6
or q, V. TtjiLcfopo?, 6 or ^. Leader : (Soph., O.K. 393). Making
P. and V. fjycpw, o or ^. quiries of any chance comer : P.
use adj., P. and V. K TOt) TrapaTU^OVTOS
Advocate, rec (Thuc. 1, 22).
P. #77)77175, adjectivally Chancel, subs. Use P. and Y.
6. Used
= of the highest excellence : P. and TO.
Y. fopos. Be champion, take the Chandelier, subs. Lamp stand : Ar.
first place : P. 7rpo>TUiv, P. and V. Xv^vov^os, 6.
&PICTTCUCI.V. Change, v. trans. P. and V.
Champion, v. trans. P. and V.
TTpooTctTcw (ien.), Ti/Aopciv (dat.), i, ciXXao'O'ctv,

7rpot<rra<rOai. (gen.), V. vircf aAXacrcrav, dAXotow, a/iet/5etv (Plat.

(gen.), v-rrepiJid^o-Oai (gen.), but rare P.), P. /jtera^oictv, fj.eraKivciv.
o-TaTti/ (gen.) ; see defend. Exchange : see exchange. Change
Championing, adj. Y. (what is written) : P. and Y. /Ltenx-
Championship, subs. Leadership, V. intrans. P. and V.
patronage ; P. Trpoorao-wt, 17.

place P. Trpcorelov, TO, or pi.


Chance, subs. P. and V. rv^ *) Tpe7T0"0ai, P.

Accident: P. and Y. w^opd, ftera^oAAwv. Siwc /or-
Ar. and P. chmged : Y.
Cha Cha

982). Changeling, subs. V. StoAAay/jui, TO,
Change P. //.eroA-
into, v. trans. P., use adj., 71-0^0X1/10.109.

Xdcrcrciv 19 (acc.) v. intrans. : P. Channel, subs. Narrow strip of sea :


jj.Ta/3a,Lvew 19 (acc ), fjiTa/3oi\XLV P. and V. -7ropo9, 6, crwoV, TO, or pi.,

(eis, acc., or em, acc.). Change 7ropfyw>9, 6, V. yvdOos, 7), auXciii/, 6,
one's abode : P. ^TavicrravQai, V. oYauA.09, 6, oTvo)7ro9, 77. Ganal P. .*

lMToiKew. Change one's clothes :

Siaipi;^ 6, Sidpin/^a, TO, P. and V.
V. eo-^Ta caA\<i<rQ-LV (Eur., Sel. o^T09, 6 ; see also trench. Bed (of
1297). Change colour : see colowr. a rwer) : see bed. Condwt : P.
Change one's mind : P. and V. opT09, 6, oijAoiv, 6 (Plat.). Stream :

P. and V.poOs (V. po'o9), 6, pci)/>ux,

Or. 1526), P. fLTa8ov (Plat.)! TO; see stream.
Met., of thought:
peravoeLv. Change money, convert P. and V. 6So 9, 17. 27^71 mto a
into smaller coins : Ar. Sia/cp/*ane- different channel, v. trans. :
<r6a.i (acc.). Changing money openly P. and V. irapoxcreveLv. He severs
at the banks : P. TO with his sword the channel of breath:
V. TefjwcL ortSiJpo) TTVCVfloras Stappoa?
(Dem. 376). Change ships: P. (Eur., Fee. 567).
fJL*TK/3aLl'LV 9 fJ,Ta/3a.LVLV. ChangB Chant, v. trans, or absol. P. and V.
sides (politically) : P. ju.e04crra<r0<u. oSeiv, vpvelv, V. dctSctv, v/xvcoSctv,
Change the form of : P. and V. /cttT^Sctv,
Ar. and P. ftcXwSciv (Plat.),
HCTappv6fj.icLV (acc.) (Plat.), P. /x.era- Ar. and V. p&ureLv } see smgr. 0^a?i^
O-^/JMTL^LV (acc.) ; see transform. incantations over : Ar. and P. eTr^SctK
Change one's wish : Y. (TLVL TL, or absol.). Chant in turn :
Change, subs. P. and V. P. and V. l<l>vfjiVLV (TLVL TL) (Plat.),
^, /AeraAAayiy, 17 (Plat., and Eur., Ar. and P. rcK/ (rtw TL). Chant
Frag.), /xcTaorao-is, ^, P. oAAota)o-ts, hymns over : V. i?ju,vou9 eTreu^^/x.cTi'
see exchange.
; Small change in (dat.). Cto?ii i/w pcean: P. and
money : Ar. Kep^ara, TO. Change V. waiom^civ, V, -Tratava tyvpvew,
of abode : P. jHravaoTCwm, 77, fterot-
/O7<rt5, -17. Change of mind, recon- Chant, subs. P. and V. wS^, 17, p.eA.09,
sideration : P. di/aA.^yt<r/A05, 6. J?fi- TO, vjjivos, 6, //,cA<t)ta, iy, V. u/x^a)Sta,
pentance P. /xeTavota, 07, P. and V. ^, Ar. and V. dotS?/, ^, [wXirq, 07 ; see
^ (Eur., Frag.), V.
Chaos, subs. and P. ^aos, TO.
Changeability, subs. See change- Met., confiLsion: P. Tapa^, ^, V.
Tapay/xa, TO, Tapay/xo9, 6, P. and V.
Changeable, adj.Alterable : P.
S. Fickle: P. eu/aTa^oAo9, Chaotic, adj. P. Tapax^^
S, P. and V. fywrX^/cros, Chaotically, adv. P. and V.
sr, Ar. /xera^ovXos, Ar. and P.

Changeableness, subs. P. TO Chapef, subs.

veo>9, 6, Ar. P. and V.
fJLYJTOV. see and V. vdo9, 6 ;
Changeful, adj. See changeable. Chaplain, subs. 'VQe priest.
Varied : P. and V. TiWAos, V. Chaplet, subs. P. and V.
atoA.09. 6, <TTfjLfjM, TO (Plat, but rare P.),

Changeless, adj. P. and V. /3e/?<uos, V. OT6O9, TO, 7rAoK09, 6,

9, P. [jiovLfjLOS, d/ATcwrra>Tos, V. TO'.

Chapter, subs. Use P. A^yos, 6.

Cha Cha

Char, v. trans. Reduce to ashes : Ar. (dat.) (Xen., also Ar.), V.

OT7ro8tea', Ar. and V. Karcufaw, fcarat- jiav (dat.) or pass, (rare P.), P.
OaXovv, Y. KO.TOLfJioi6vvLV ; 866 burn. irpocr<t>epeo-Qai (dat.), Ar and P. 7rt-

Be charred : Y. Kcwrvouo-tfat, /carav- TiOeo-QcLL (dat ) ; see attack. Demand

Charred : as payment : P. and Y. etcnrpdVcrc-
o-^at; see exact. He charges half
Character, subs. Of a the amount to hmself, the rest is
and V. T/OOTTOS,
<i5<rts, 77.
P. and
reckoned as tlievrs : P. TO vj/utrv
avrw TiBrjari TO 8e TOuVots A.cXoytOTat
.Force of character : P. (Lys 211.) Intrust : Ar. and P.
I<rx6s, T) (Thuc. 1, 138). Written (TLVL TL), P. Trioreveiv (TLVL
characters (letters) : P. and V. TL), lyxeLpL&LV (TLVL TL), V. fla"xeipt*iv
ypa<f>ai, at, ypa/i/zaTa, ret. .Forw :
(TLVITL). Exhort, command : P. and
P. and Y. TWOS, 6. Kind, descrip- Y. K\VLV (ace.), eTriTacrcrciv (dat),
tion : P. and V. yei/os, TO. Of what TTpOOToWciV (dat.X CTTtOrre'XXctV (dat.),
character, adj. interrogative, P.
ITTLO-K^TTTCLV (dat ), Ar. and Y. </>*-
and V. TTotos; indirect, P. and V. O-QO.L
(dat.), V. l^ieo-OcLL (absoL).
ofl-otos. Of such character : P. and Accuse : see accuse. Fill : P. and
V. TOtovro?, TOioo-S*, Ar. and V. rotos. V. -jrX^pow, /i7rwrX,ttVai, 7rt/-wrXaiat
Character in a play : P. o-xfifjua, TO. (rare P. uncompounded), y/u'eiv.
Beputation : P. and V. 8oa, 77 see Charge, subs, ;^Utacfe : P. and Y.
reputation. They have become men 17, 77, 10-^0X77, 77, P.
of repute and public characters : P. 7), !<oSo5, T),

yeyovao-iv ey8oot /cat yv<opt/H

. . . : P. and Y. OP/AT}, T), Y.
(Dem. 106). pwnj, 77, Ar. and P. JOTJ/AT;, 77. Bun :
Characterise, v. trans. See describe. P. and Y. 8po>>5, 6. O/ 5Ajp5 : P.
Thei/r proceedings were characterised and Y. 6/^/30X77, 77. Like a bull
by indifference and a general dila- ready for the charge, he bellows
toriness : P. d//,eX Tts evrjv KCU fiercely : Y. TaOpos o>s el$ eLiftoXyv
SuLTpLfirj Toh> TToVrcov (Thuc. 5, 38). Sctva fj.vKa.TaL (Bur., H.F. 869).
Characteristic, subs. Distinguishing Prioe . P. (WT}, 77, Ar. and P. TI/MJ,
feature : P. and V. 5S8toi/ (Eur., El. 77 ; see ^nce. Exaction : P. eto-
633). .Form : P. o^/m, TO ; see Trpa^ts, 77. Eamanse : P. and V.
8a7rctv77, 77.
j4^ to oww charges : P.
Characteristic, adj. Appropriate : Tots avroi) TeXco**,, Tots tSiot? TXeo*t.
P. and V. irpoonqKW, Trp&rrwv, crupr -4^ the public charge : P. S^/wxrta.
juerpos, Trp6o-<t>opo$ see appropriate. ; Dw^, iasA: P. and Y. Ipyov, TO';
Native, inborn : P. and V. I/^UTOS see to^. GuwrtkansTvip : P. CTTI-
(Bur., Frag.), o-v/^vros. l w TpoTTcta, T). Something intrusted to-
cfearactem^c o/ a woman : P. and one's care : Y, ueXwi/ta, TO, ^povpTjua,,
V. yuvaiKd's &m, Trpos yiJvatKos ^O-TC. TO. Put in charge of : Ar. and P.
Characteristically, adv. Appropri- (nW Tt); see iwirz^*.
ately : P. and V. wpcwovrws, OT;^- O/: P. and Y. ITTLO-TO,-

fierpws, P. 7rpo<r//co'vTa)s.
P. and V. ^iJo-et.
natiwe : ^ P.
(dat.), ^cpa-Trcvetv (ace.),
Y. KySeveiv
Charcoal, subs. P. and V. foOpat;, 6 (ace.), fji\cr6ai (gen.) ; see manage,
(Bur., CycZ. 244). guard. Command: P. -n-poorray/xa,
Charge, v. trans, or absoL Attack : TO, eTTLTaypa, TO, V. IvroXT^, 77 (Plat,
P. and V. Trpoov&xAAco/ (dat.), to-- but rare P.), KeXcva/xa, TO, KeXevor/xds,
yfioXXetv (els Or wpos, ace.), 7r/ooor7rwr- 6, tyerpri, r), CTrtcrroXat, at. J impose
Ttv (dat.), t<T7rwrmy (irp^s, ace.), this service as a charge upon you :
Cha Cha

V. vfMv . . .
-n/vo Charm, subs. Amulet : P. i

(Soph., Aj. 566). see Accusation : TO. Love-charm : P. and Y. <

accusation. On a charge of: P. TO. Enchantment : P. and

and V. brt (dat.). , TO, eTr^Siy, 17, V. <t>tXrpov, TO
Charger, subs. !)$& : Ar. X^dvTj, (in P. only, love-charm) 9 KykqiML, TO,
77, AoTrdfe, ^. Horse : P. and V.
wnros, 6, V. TroiXos, 6. TO, K-riXfjrripiov, TO, /jMyev/jLara,

Charily, adv. Reluctantly: P. and Charm against : V. ra>8i7, ^ (gen O*

V. 0x0X77. Cautiously : P. and V. or use P. and V., adj., empSos (gen.).
Swz0 as a charm or incantation, v. :
Chariness, subs. Hesitation : P. Ar. and P. ewpoW (ace.). Use
and V. OKVOS, 6. Caution: P. and charms, v. Ar. /ioyyai/cveiv.
: 4#-
V. Xc^eia, ij. traction, grace, subs. P. and V. :

Chariot, subs. P. and V. ap/Aa, TO, vapis, 17. Charmed, pleased, adj. :

V. Stypos, 6 (Plat, also but rare P.), P.and Y. ^SiSs. Be charmed, v. P. :

and Y. ^Seo&u. Be charmed to:

7ior$e chariot : Ar. and V. P. and V. rt<rOa.i (part.).
TO, Or pi., V. T0pl7nroV apfJM, TO. Charmer, subs. Enchanter : P. and
cJiariot, v. : Ar. and P. V. <ap/j,a/cevs, 6, /x,ayos, o, 70175, 6,

X 'V >
o (Plat.), V. oot&fe, 6. 5fi-

Charioteer, sub's. P. and Y. loved : P, and V. 17 ep^^vrj. En-

6 (Eur., Rkes. 804), chantress : V. aotSos, ^, Ar. ^ap/xa-
(Xen.), V. Tpox^XcLTijs, o, K?S, 17.

6, Sw^pevnjs, 6, appAnav Charming, adj. Delightful : P. and

V. ^Svs, TC/WTVOS, V.
Chariot-rail, subs. 'p. and'Y. but rare P.), Ov/jLySys, <^4tpos, Ar.
17 (Plat., Theaet. 207A,
but rare P.), and V. yXiWs, Ar. and P. x*pt L*>
Charitable, adj. P. and V. #X<v- cwrretbs, P. ^Trt^apt?, 7ra<^pd8iTO?, v-
tfpaMros,, e7riwo7s, Ar. and V. t><po>v, Xapts ; see delightful.
P. evyvvfjuov ; see &ww?. Generous : Charming, subs. P. /o/X^o-iy, ^ (Plat.).
P. ^tXo$a>po?, V. a<$ovos ; see Charmingly, adv. P. and V. iJScws,
P. \OLplCVTtoS.
Charitably, adv. P. Chart, subs. Jfop : P. vtva, 6 (Hdt.).
rt/co)s, V. u<pov<u9; see 0/&ari of the world : Ar.
Charity, subs. P. <iXav0powria,
17, cirYVtofAOcruwrj, f[,
P. Charter, subs. Covenant : P. and
V. Towrieuce's ; see kindness. Alms, V. arvpftacri :, 17, (rvvfryjfJLa, TO,
gift : P. and V. Sfyov, TO. at.

charity, v. : P. and V. Tr Charter, v. trans. IFire : Ar. and P.

Charlatan, subs. P. and V. , 6,
?, 6, ayvp-n/s, o, Ar. 6.
Chary, adj. Hesitating : P.
Charm, v. trans. Delight P. and :
j of (doing a thing) : P. and
V. T/wrH/, eu^otvctv. Please : P. V. oKvelv (infin.).
and V. (dat. or aoo ), Ar. Chase, v. trans. P. and Y.
and Y. av3dWv (dat.) ; see please. P. /caToSi)K4v,
Bewitch : P. and V. wyXetv (Plat.), P. and V. &7pv (or mid.) (Xen.,
0eXyw (Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and also Ar.), thiptfav, dypcvW
P. (fxipfJidcro-fLv, P. KareTrfflew, yoyy- KvvTrjyeTcw (Xen., also Ar.), V. *-
Twtv, /cara/o/XeAv (Plat.) . Enchant : icwTwcTeiv. Met., seek eagerly : P.
met., P. and V. K^XeiV (Plat.). and Y. Orjpeuew, V. ^i/pav (or mid.).
Gharm away : P. and V. e7rc[8eiv. Drive in pursuit: P. and V.
Cha Che

V. cXacrrpciv, rpo)(rj\aTLv. Chase Chastiser, subs. P. and V.

away : Ar. and P. #7ro8id>Kiv see ; 6, ejrtTtfi^T^?, 6 P. o-<o<povi-
drwe away. Run after : P. peraQcLv. S, 6, V. U^l5l/OS, 6.
Jom in chasing : P.
Chastity, Subs. V. ayveupa,
o-uvSwo/ceiv TO, P.
Emboss : P. krcnnrovv. dyyeta, ^. Maidenhood: V.
Chase, subs. Pwrswit : P. Sio>is, vta, ^. Continence : P.

V. Stay/to, TO .(also Plat, but rare ^, P. and V. TO <TOJ<pOV, TO

P.), 8io>y/Aos, 6, /*,Ta8po/7, ^ (also (Eur., EL 923). Personified: V.

Xen.). Crwe cftas0 : see pursue. 'AtSois (Eur., Hipp. 78).
Hunt : P. and V. ^ (Plat.), Chat, v. mtrans. Ar. and P.
\ (Plat.), V. /cwr/ia,
see converse.
e, hunting : P. Chat, subs. P. 810X0705, 6 ; see con-
TO. TrophAi versation.
chase : V. aypev/wtTa, rd Chattels, subs. P. and V. xp^ora,
chase, adj.: Ar. and P. Ar. and P. ovceify, TCL, P. Ta
Fond of the chase : P.
(Plat.), ffood at the chase: V. Chatter, v. intrans. P. and V.
jS7a#er pwswt, subs. iJXerv, Ar. and : P. P.
met., P. and V. 0i?pa, 17.
Search :
tv, V. tv, Ar.
P. and V. Zffnja-i,*, i).
Chased, adj. Embossed : V. dJ/cpo-ny- Chatter, subs. Ar. and P. XoXta, j,
TOS. Chased with gold : V. xpvcro- 6t8oXo-xta, 17',
V. XaX^aTa, T<, P.
icoXXos (Soph, and Bur., Frag.). Ti-oXuXoyia, 17*. Q-QS&vp : V. Xco^cu,
Chasm, subs. P. and V. at.
see cave, gulf. Chatter-box, subs. See chatterer.
Chaste, adj. P. and V. <yvo's, Chatterer, subs. Ar. and P. aSoXeV-
P. dSw^>fepos, V. AoJpaTos (rare P.), 6, V. XcfcX^/Aa, TO, ^XcSwv, 6 or

Virgw V. : >

Continent : P. and V. o-w^pow,P. Chattering, adj. P. and V. XdSXos,

cyicpa-nys. JBe chaste, v. : P. and V. P. TToXijXoyos, V. crro^iapyos, woXv-
dyveuciv, Ar. and P, /co^apcuctv. yXcoo-o-os, a^iJpoyXcocro-o?, Ar. X&XifTt-
Chastely, adv. P. a8ia<0o'po>s, dyvfis /cos.

(Xen.). Continently: P. and V. Chattering, subs. V. yXwo-o-oXyta, 17,

<ra><poVa>9, P, ey/cpar&s. Ar. and P. XoXi'a, 77.
Chasten, v. trans. P. and V. KO\<I- Cheap, adj. P. cwcXi
Costing nothing : Ar.
(Plat.), V. ??i0aw : P. and V. <avXos,

Chastener, subs. P. -w At the cheapest possible

P. and Y. /coXaemJs, 6, rate: P. <k ai<krcLTov (Lys. 165).
I foavfi ?i0t;er yai 5eew cheaper an-
Chastening, subs. P. and V. chovies : Ar. OUTTCUTTOT" dw^va?
nyo-ts, 17, vovOerrjjxa, TO, P. dfta)Tpas (j&IZ. 645).
Chastise, v. trans. Seat, flog : Ar. Cheapen, v. trans. P.
and P. fjuurriyovv, P. ?rA,Tpvas ,
adv. P. ^rcXo>5 (Xen,), V.
(dat.). Punish : P. and V ______. .

; See Cheapness, subs. Ar. and P.

$. Worthkssness : P. and V.
Chastisement, subs. JKows : P.
and V. at. Punishment : Cheat, v. trans. P. and V.
P. fcoAao-is, -jj, P. and V. Tlfo-ts, aVy 7rap(yeiv, /cXeTi-reiv, Ar. and
T], rlfuapia, ^, or pL P. <J>vau<iiv, P. TrapoLKpovccrQai,
Che Che

Tviv, Ar. and Y. SoXow, Y. Puff out one's cheeks : P.

TrapaTttTrav, CK/cXejrrctv, Ar. i ^uo-av (Dem. 44:2, cf. Ar., Thesm.
<rQai, c^cwraTuXXciv ;
see defraud. 221). With beautiful cheeks, adj. :

Baffle :_P. and Y. V.

P. e/c/epoutv. cheated, i

Cheep, v. intrans. Of birds : Ar.

baulked of: P. and V.
v. trans. P. and
(gen.), o-<oXXeo-0a6 (gen.), ahro<r<f>d\- Cheer, Encourage :

\ecr6ai (gen.), a/xapravetv (gen.).

P. TTCLpaOapcrvveiV) errippuxwvvai, Ar.
of his money : V. and P. Trapa/wfetcrtfai. Comfort :
^p^/wiTcoi/ cwrcuoXfl (JEsch., Frag.). P. and V. irapafjivOeicrQai (Eur., Or.
P. and V. aTO-ny, 298), V. Trap^yopcTv. Pra-ise P.
Cheat, subs. Tricfc . :

^, a-Tpo^r), vf fjwjxw' }lJLa> T

o-6<l>UTjJUi 9 >
and V. 7ratvtv, Y. alveiv, Ar. and V.
r6, So'Xos, 6 (rare P.), Ar. and P. euXoyelv. Gladden: P. and Y. cu-
One who

*Xe/x./*a, TO; see trick. ttVtV, WpTTClV, Y.

cheats: P. cwrarewv, 6, Ar. and P. V. intrans.
s, 6, P. and V. ycfys, o> V.
Ar. and P. Oopvficlv,
6. TA^/ ; P. and V. Gheer on, v. trans. :

s, 6 ; see deceiver. P. and Y. cwtjccXerfeiv, 6p/xav, k^oppJay,

subs. Deception : P. and ey/ccXeutv, crrorpiWiv (Thuc.), ^o-
Y. aTrdrvj, y, P. TrapaKpoucrts, ^, Ar. rpuvtiv (Th.UC.), P. KaTerretycw, V.
and P. ^evoKwr/Aos, 6. Frcwd : P. orpvvfLV, CTTcyfccXevctv (Eur., 0^/cZ ),
and V. TTCLVovpyi'a, ^. opvwai. Ofeecr p, v. intrans. P. :

Check, v. trans. P. and V. KCITCX*"', and V.

Ar. and V. ^xetv (rare P.), Cheer, subs. Good c/&eer ; Ar. and
V. (rare P.), P. voma, ^, P. V7ra0ia, Ar. and ,

cpVtectv, crxd^eiv,
P. 0aXia, ^ (Plat. once). Enjoy good
Hinder :P. and V. />XiW, cheer, v. Ar. and P.

XiW, ttTTctpyfitv see hinder. Stop

Hospitality, subs. : P. and V.
P. and V. Tratfen/. <7te& (a?t azi- TC Jftrtt, /o^ : P. and V.
tacking force): P. and V. avooreXXeH/. ^, Tcp^w, 17, ^opa, ^. fi'feow^ : P. and
Examine P. and V. 8iaovco7retv,
: V. 017, 17, 66pvJ3o?, 6, V. /ce'XaSos, 6.
So speaking he drew cheers and com-
subs. P. avrtypa^cvs, o.

P. cil^wos, 6.
: P. Mraw TCWTa TroXXots Oopvftov
Check, subs. Hindrance : P. /coJXu/wx, 07(6 KCU ^Tratvov Taiv
aKOvdvrwv (Plat.,
TO, 8tOKcaXv/ia TO, fywro'Swjr/tti, TO. jBe Prot. 339D-E). ^e o/ ^ood cheer :
<zc/^cA? to : P. and V. cfwoS&v elvcu P. and V. Oaptrelv, QpajcrvvtvOai, V.
(dat.), IfjLiroSuv -)iyvea-6ai (dat.). evQvfjLCLV (Eur., CfytfZ.), fafxrivew-
/ea^ ; P. i5o"o-a, ^, Tra^os, TO. Cheerful, adj. P. C^V/LAOS, Ar. and P.
Ar. and P. ev^iJi/a, 07, or pi. tXapo's (Xen ). Of looks : P. and
P. and V. <rvjj,/3o\ov 9 r6. V. <a,ipo5, V. Xa(Mrpo<s, ^acSpcoTro'?,
Checker, v. trans. See chequer. Ar. and V. cwrpoo-owros (also Xen.).
Checkered, adj. See chequered. Hopeful : P. and V. cvcX-ms. O/ie^r-
Checkmate, v. trans. Met., P. and MZ# : V. cv^pwv. Bright, happy :
V. O^oXXaV, P. KKpOVW. Ar. and P. ew^spos. Zealous, ready:
Cheek, subs. P. and V. 7rapei<, 17
P. and V. -TrpoW/Aos. 50 cheerful :
(Plat, but rare P.), yvatfos, o? (lit.,
P. and V. 0apo-tv, Y. cv^/ietv (Eur.,
jaw), V. Trap^fe, ^, Trapes, 17,
or use
, aZ, yaaJs, 17.
Owe blow on Cheerfully, adv. P. and V.
P. 7T4
KOppV]<S TVJTTCIV. (Xen.), P. ZXapois (Xen.).
Che Chi

Zeal&usly : P. and V. Chest, subs. .Br^sJ : P. and Y.

Wilhngly : P. and Y. 4&u>s, or use OTT^OS, TO, or pi. (Plat, but rare P.),
adj., P. and V. &r/*ei>os,
exw. Bear oWpvov, TO', or pi. (Xen. but rare
cheerfully : P. and V. pg&'ws <epav P.). Box: P. and V. #17/07, ij,
(aco.). vyowrrpov, TO (Xen.), Ar. and P.
Cheerfulness, subs. P. and V. w6V- /cZy&wrds, 17 (Lys.), Ar. and V. ayyos,
and .ZBfeoh., Sttp2>. 959); TO, V. X^y, 6.
ta, -fj (Xen.,
see -so, readiness : P. and Chew, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Y. irpoOvpta,
Ar. and V. /JpiWv (Eur., Ar.
Cheering, adj. poicracrOai, KaraTpuycw, V.
P. and V. ^8&, <*pc<rro's, Y. see eat. Chew the cud : P.
Hopeful : P. and Y. cfoX w. ^ai/ (Arist ).

Words : P. TrapaiclXewis, Y. Chicanery, subs. P.

TO. KUT/A05, 6.

Cheerless, adj. Y. ^pTnJs (also Thuc. Chick, subs. P. and V. veocrcro's, 6.

but rare P.). Chicken, subs. P. and Y. opvfc, 6 or
Cheese, subs. P. and V. -ri3po's, 6, V. 77.
Chicken's flesh : Ar. and P.
The Market for fresh Kpa opvfteia, Ta (Xen.), Ar.
cheese : P. 6 x^>P 05 T1Y)0 S TO..

167 8 ). Chide, v. trans. P. and V.

subs. Ar. rv or dat.), Ar. and V.
Cheesemonger, (ace. i/reyctv,
6. /xa>M&r0ai, V. Ivwrrctv (-Esch , ^.
Cheeseparing. Met., subs, and adj. :
590) ; see blame, abuse.
see meanness, mean. Chief, subs. P. and Y. Swdkm??, o,
Cheese-strainer, subs. Ar. ToXopos, 6. bv, o or 17, Trpoo-rdt-n/?, 6, Ar. and

Chemist, subs. Setter o/ drugs : Ar. .

irtcrrdtTi77, 6 (rare P.), ^px>v, 6,
and P. ^ap^icwcoTrdiX^s, o. , 6, /cotpavos, 6, wpo/AOff, 6, Tdyos,
Chemistry, subs ; Handling of drugs: 6, V. apxny*> o, apxryenys, o, ai/cucTwp,
P. <t>apfMLKia t rj.
6, c^crcop, 6, apx&aos, 6 (also Ar. in
Cheque, subs. Ticket: P. and V. form dpxfXas), /Spa^cvs, 6, icvptos, 6,
in pi. also V.
OTJ/AjSoXoV, TO. /, 6,

Chequer, v. trans. P. and Y. o/ *Aa Dawai and

Xv, P. SuurouaXXcu'. aecms : V.
Chequered, adj. P. and V. 3K/>ofc (Eur., PAoew. 430).

Variegated : Ar. and Y. au>Xos. Chief, adj. Principal P- and V. *

v. trans. Tsnd : P. and V. ft^yrTos, wpom)s. Select, chosen ;

P. and V. ^otpeTos. 2%s chiefpoint:
dep&Trafeu/, V. K^Sevetv ; see tend.
Foster : P. and Y. rpc^v, V. &<&- P, TO K<dtAotov. Supreme : P. and
P. and V. Y.
Fondle : Chiefly, adv. P. and V.
IP. and Y. d<rjrae<r0ai, Y. TrpocnrnJo-- For the most part : P.
Cherish (a feeling) ^TTt TO
and Y. v, rp^ iv (Plat.) see Chieftain, subs. ; See chief. ,
harbour, "indulge: P." and 'V. Chieftainship, subs. P.
p%<r0oL (dat.). Cherish in old age, TTpOOTflMrta, 4> P- ttBd V.
v. : Ar. and Y. y^poySocr/cco' (ace.), KpCtTOS, TO
P. y7poTpo^tv (acc.). Chilblain, subs. Ar. vt/AcrXov, TO.
Cherished, adj. Dear : P. and Y. Child, subs. P. and V. wat9, o or ^,
Ar. and Y. T&VOV, T^ (rare P.), TCKOS,
in old age : V. yovij, ^, ycwnqpa, ,r6,
y<5vos, o,

yei'e^Xov, TO, <nrpfM t TO (rare P.),

129 9
Chi Chi

criropd, see son, daughter.

17 ; Off- Childless, adj. P. and Y. &rar,
spring P. and V. 2/cyoi/os, 6 or fj.
: KOS (Plat.), Y. STCKVOS.
Scion : Y. 0a\os, TO, j8XaoT7//^a, TO Childlessness, subs. P.andV.
Ar. and Y. epvos, TO see scion. ; St'a, ^.
Little child, infant : P. and V. Child's play, subs. P. and Y. ir<uS,
vibrios, 6 or 17 (Plat., Ant.), Ar. and T? (.aasch., P.7. 314).
P. iraifidpiov, TO, iratoYov, TO, Ar. Chill, adj. P. and V. i/o^o's, Ar.
T<$. Babe: V. Kpvepos.
os, 6 or 17. O/ children, adj. Chill, subs. P. and Y. i^x05 T({, V. : '

P. and V. mu'Scios (Plat.). O/ m- Kpij/xo's, 6 (Soph, and Eur., Frag.),

/cmis : Y. v^Trtos. JBZestf iro one's met., /cpuos, TO. CoW ti i/ie head :
children : Ar. and V. cwats, V. P. Kardppovs, 6.
vrfo/os. B0 blest in ones children, Chill, v. trans. Cool : P. and V.
v. : V. euTKi/tv (Eur., Frag.). V. Met., ,

Blessing of good children, subs. : P. and V. :

Ar. and Y. evrroiSia, ^. Cursed ^n , Y. KaTafiftMvetv. GMled

one's children, adj. V. : with grief : Y. A-wriy Tr
Having two cJvttdren : V. (Eur., ffipj}. 803).
Havmg fifty children : Y. Chilliness, subs. P. ifaxpoTris, fj ; see
Having faw cluldren : chill.
V. Loving one's children: Chilly, adj. See cM.
Ar. and V.
<lA.orKi/os Murder Chime, subs. Use sound.
one's children, v. V. Chime, v. intrans Use sound. Chime

Murdering one's children, adj. V. in : P. UTToAa/j^avctv. :

TOiSoKTdVos. 2V&0 grw% of child-mur- Chimera, subs. Creation of the fancy:

.' P.
<Atf, J>
JET.J? 1155). .From a child : see Chimerical, adj. Impossible : P. and
from childhood under childhood. Y.
Childbed, subs. P. and V. Ax^a, P.).
(Plat.), TO'ICOS, 6,
' pi. (Plat), V. Chimney, subs. Ar. , OTD}, ^.
> ^i e
Ta, wots, ^, The Chin, subs. Ar. and V. ov, TO,
pains of childbed ;' V.' us, 17.
TO. woman who has Chine, subs. Ar. and V. or
just been in childbed : Ar. and V. use P. and V. pd^, y (spine),
TO, or pi. (back).
ChlSbirth, subs. See childbed.
Chink, subs. Ar. and P. Tpfjp.a., TO.
Childhood, subs. P. TrotScta, ^ see Joint : V. &pp,6$, o. Battle : P. ;

youth, boyhood, maidenhood. From and V. iro^os, 6.

childhood : P. /c vcov, l/c TratSo?, c/c Chink, v. intrans. Battle : P. and
K fJt,tpO,-
, Y.
Kt. Chip, subs. Ar. <rxa,
Childish, adj. O/ a cMd:
shavings : Ar. s, 6, TO.P. and ,

V. veo9, Ar. and V,

, Chip, v. trans. P.
a child : V. avrtTrois. Met., Chirp, v. intrans. Ar. P.
trifling : P. and V. TraiSuco's, V. and V. oSctv, V.
s, Ar. and V. w^w-ios, P. Chisel, subs. Ar. and P.
Y. Ti^KOS, 6.
Childishly, adv. P. see Chisel, v. trans. OdOT0 : Ar. and P.
yXvfaw. Shape stones : Ar.

Childishness, subs. P. and Y. Chivalrous, adj. P.

^, P. TratScta, ^ see/0%. and V. ycwuos; see

Chi Chr

Chivalrously, adv. P. O?i0'5 jpicfc o/: V.

P. and V. yewauos see generously. ;
(ace.), cwroXom^ctv (aoc.),
Chivalry, subs. Horsemen: P. and o-^at(aoc.).V. intrans. Be willing:
V. HT7TO5, f) Zwrnjs, 01, TO ITTTTLKOV.
P. and V. ovXcr0<u, 27*^* P. .

Chiefs : V. apn-i}s, ot. Magnani- and V. dftovv, ToX/^av, StKouoGv, Ar.

mity : Ar. and P. dv8aya0 t'a, ^, P. and V. TXiJvat (2nd aor. of
Make ^t one's purpose : P.
TO ,-. 0-60.1 (with infin.).

Choice, adj. P. V. Chop, v. trans. P. and V.

^nd P.

tKKpiros, KpiTos, XTOS, eicXc/c- KOTrrav ; see cuL. Chop up : P.

TOS, dwrdXe/cTos. Pre-eminent : P. Kcpfjuirifev (Plat.), KaTa.Kpjj.ariciv
and V. K7rpTr^. Choice troops : (Plat.). Carve: Ar. and P.
P. and V. Xoydfe, ol. TfJLVLV, V. KpOKO7TLV, O.pTaflLV.
Choice, subs. P. and V. cupco-is, ^, Chopper, subs. P. and V.
P. eicXoyi?, 17. Election to office : P. 6 (Xen., also Ar.), dffwy, 17

XctpoTovta, 17 see election.

; Choice (Xen.).
by lot : P. and V. icXi/proo-is, ^. Choral, adj. Ar. and P.
Choir, subs. Band: P. and V. o/uXos, Choral dance : P. and V.
6, or;XXoyos, 6, V. xP*> 6 (rare P.), Xopcia, ^ (Eur., Pfe)fiw. 1265).
oroXos, 6, X6*xos, 6, OjtuXta, fj see Chord, subs. P. x<>pH ^-

&o?id. Chorus: P. and V. Choric, adj. Ar. and P. xopweos.

6 ;see chorus. Chorus, subs. Ar. and P. xP<k> 4-
Choke, v. trans. P. and V. Member of the chorus : Ar. and P.
d7rdyx6v, Ar. and P. a-Tn xopamfc, 6. Leader of the chorus :
Tn/fyciv. J'iB : see fill. The vast P. /copu<atos. One who provides a
expanse of heaven was choked withal: chorus : Ar. and P. xopi/yos, o.
V. bf S* c/AcoPTco^i; /xeyas at^p (Soph., Provision of a chorus : P.
J.n^. 420). Choke up a stream, etc. :
f). Provide a chorusf v. Ar. and :

P. KaTctxan'j/iWi ; see silt up. P. xop'vycw'. ul chorus of approval :

Choking, subs. Ar. and P. 7n/tyos, use P. and V. woXvs iTratvos.
TO. ThrottUng : V. dyxovry, ^ (Bur., Chosen, adj. P. and V.
H.F. 154). peros, V. KptTO?, XCKTOS, P.
Choking, adj. Ar. and P. ... _
dTT^Xc/cros. Chosen troops : P. and
Choler, subs. J3&70 : P. and V. ;
V. XoydScs, ot.

^ ; see anger. Chough, subs. Ar. *dpa, 6.

Choleric, adj. Met., Ar. and P. Christening, subs. Use Ar. and P.
d/cprfxoXos, P. and V. o&fe, Ar. Se/ca-ny, ^ (Av. 922, cf. also Bur., El.
and V. 6rf0/xos, V. Suo-opyos; see 1126).
angry. Chronic, adj. Recurring annually :

Choose, v. trans. Pick out : P. and Ar. and P. TTW>S. Lasting a long
V. e^aipetv (or mid.), alpetcrOai,, IK- time: P. and V. xP^toff. Become
Kptvew, TrpoKpfvecv, Ar. and P. eKXeyctv chronic v. t

Chronic retwn (of

: P. cyx/00 ^^ " (pass.).
(or mid.), ^TroXeyctv (or mid.), V. disease) : P.
Kptvew, P. irtXe/cr^ai. Choose (be-
tween alternatives) : P. and V. Chronicle, subs. P. and V. Xoyos, 6.
History : P. arvyypa^ %.
Ar. and P. x tPOTOV "' P- ^^d V. Chronicle, v. trans. P. (nryypa^tv;
alpelo-Qcu. Choose in addition : P. see narrate.
Trpoo-flupeur&u. Choose in stead : P. Chronicler, subs. P. Xoyorroufe, 6,
and V. di/0aLpi<r0(u. Choose by lot : Xoyoyp<<^os, 6. Historian : P. <n)y-
see under Zotf. Choose 6. ,

Chr Cir

Chronologically, adv. In order : P. Circuit,, subs. Circumference : P. .

and V. l?Js. As regards dates, P. and V. ireptJSoAos, 6, 6, we/ot- ,

8/oo/AOS, 6 (Plat.), i rf,

Chronology, subs. Time : P. and V. and P. Trcjowjkopa, 17.
circwii o/
XpoVos, 6. Dates : P. oc i&e waW5 V. Tet .*

(Thuo. 1, 97). (Bur., P/zoew. 1357)

Chronometer, subs. See clock. ifetowr : P. -TTcp

Chubby, adj. P. and V. wide Circuit : P.

Ar. and P. v&yy^. (Plat.). Revolution: Ar. and P.
Chuckle, v. intrans. Ar. irepfyopd, y \ see revolution.
see laugh. Circuitous, adj. P. and V.
Church, subs. Use temple, priests. adv. V.
Churl, subs. P. and V. auToupydV, 6, Circular, adj. Ar. and P.
ipydrrp, o. Met., use adj., Ar. and P. TrepHfrepys, o-<aipoeiSi}s, P. and
P. aypoiieos. V. euKVKXos (Plat.), V. cwo/ovos,
Churlish, adj. Ar. and P. KV/OTOff, /CV/cXcOTOS, tt/A^tTOpVOS 5 S66
P. and V. Svcrycpife, StxncoAos; see
Iriho, P. and V. Circular, subs. See
V. *a Circulate, v. trans. Spread (news,
Churlishly, adv. Ar.anil'P. etc.) :
P. and V. StayycAAwv, 8ta-
see rudely. (nretpetv, Ar. and V. cnreipctv, P.
Churlishness, subs. P. dypowcox, 17 KaTa<rKeSaiWvat|; 866 blaze abroad.
see rudeness. Circulate rumours absol. P. 8wt- r

Cicatrised, adj. P. and V. @pow A^yoTTotcrv. v. intrans. P.

Cicatrix, subs. See scar. and V. oiepxecrOai, V. 7Tp)(<E<r6ai.
Cincture, subs. Girdle: P. and V. Circulate among : P. and V. 8Upx-
17, 17, V. frcrrtjp, o, Ar. and V. crOai (acc.), V. BL^KCLV (ace.). Move
TO. in a circle
P. ircpe^cpeo'eVu. :

Cinder, subs. See Circulation, subs. Money in circula-

Cinerary urn, subs. V. TdJxos, TO, P. and V. voftto-ua, TO.
#yyos, TO, iruTOS, TO, xaXxos, o, AejS^s, Circumambient, adj. V. ^pnrrdxn^
6, TV7TO)/Jia, TO, P. AapV<x, ij The circumambient heaven : V. ou-
Cipher, subs. Nothing : P. and V. pavov TrcptxrTvyai at
ov8o>. A mere cipher : Ar. and V. Circumference, subs. P. and V.
ftptOfMs, 6. Be a mere cipher : P. 6, S, O,
and V. oflSev ctvcu. A dispatch in o (Plat.), Ar. and P.
cipher : P. or/cvroA^, 17.
Ciphering, subs. P. 17 aprf^Two/, P. Circumlocution, subs. V.
and V, apt$Lcos, 6. v, a! (Eur., Pfcoew. 4=94), Ar,
Circle, subs. P. and V. 6. cIt?, 17. Long-windedness : P.
Geometrical figure : Ax. and P. yuux/cpoXoyta, ^.
6. Anything of circular Circumnavigate, v. trans. Ar. and
shape : V. jcwcA<t>/Aa, TO. Circular P. P. -Trcpt^oXXetv,
motion : P. and V. <
, Ar. Circumnavigation, subs. P.
and P. Trfpt^opo, 17.
a circ20 (o22
round) .* P. and v rare Circumscribe, trans. P. and V.
P.). see limit. Starting from
Circle, v. intrans. P. TT< ground that was not narrow and
ircpicrrp<l><rQait P. and V. KT circumscribed : P. ov/c e* jfyaxeos
arptyccrffat, V. IXtWeor^oi, Kac Trepfypcwrrov op/Ko^a/ot
(Tbue. 7,
Cir Civ

Circumspect, adj. P. and Y. Circumvailation, subs. P.

Cautious : P. evXa/frfc. Orderly : torts, 1J.

P. and Y. /cooyuos, w/coo-/xos. Circumvent, v. trans. Baffle : P.

Circumspection, subs. P. and Y. and Y. ox^aXXctv ; see baffle. De-
TO 0*CD<p01/, TO CTO)<^pOVty, CaUtWJl ceive P. and Y. aVarav, IfaTrarav,
.' .

P. and Y. evXdt/Seto, ^, P. TrcptownJ, KX7rrtv P. TrapCLKpovecrQai, Ar and f

>/, <jf>uXaio7, 77. Forethought : P. and V. SoXovv see deceive. ;

V. TrpoVota,
P. wpOf70ta, ^, Y. Cistern, subs.
^, P. Be^a^v^ ^, Ar. and
TTpofMi&ta, fi-
Orderliness : P. and P. XOKKOS, 6.
V. evKocrfua, 17, Ar. and P. Citadel, subs. Ar. and P dicpoVoXts,
- rj, V. d/tpoVroXt?, ^, wepya/Aa, TO*.

Circumspectly, adv. P. and V. o-co- Citation, subs. Summons: Ar. and

<poVo>s. Cautiously : P. and V.
orderly way P. Cite, v. trans. SWWTTWW into court :
P. dvarcoXctv ; see summon. Call to
Circumstance, subs. -4/air : P. and witness : P, and Y. /xxxprdpeo-Au.
Call (a person) as witness : P.
Ar. and V. -nrpSyos, TO', V. XP** TO- fidpTvpa. irpoorKa\w (aco.). Bring
Event : P. and V. o-u/x$opa, ^, P. forward : P. and V. 7rapa<eptv,
Present circumstances : trape^eiv (or mid.), P. irpo^cpetv see ;

P. ana V. Ta Trapovra, ra /ca^coraira. inw^ forward. Call to mind, men-

Efoder ifose circumstances : P. and tion : P. fjasrjfjLovevcw see mention. ',

Y. ouTo>5 CXOVTW (things being thus). Citizen, subs. P. and V. TroXf-nys, 6,

Circumstances mil be found to be acrro?, 6. Female citizen: P. and
changing, not owr city : P. ^av^crerat Y. iroXms, . J5e a citizen, v. P. :

Ta TTpay/wtTa . . .
//.era/^aXXo/zcva ovx
07 aroXts ^Lwl>v (Dem. 206). Making Citizenship, subs. P. woXiTeta, ^.
with the Lacedaemonians the best City, subs. P. and V. irdXts, y, V.
terms they could under the circum- TrroXts, 17. Township : P. and V.
StCWlGes : P. IK TO>V Trapovrwv K/oaVtonra TO. Town : P. and V.
Trpos AaiccSatjLLovtbvs OTrovSas Trot^o-a- v, TO'. S^a^e ; Ar. and P.
/ACWH (Thuc. 5, 40). TPiw generally .,
P. and Y.^
contrives from itself the means to city or town, adj. : P. and Y. .

meet the cvrcmistcwices : P. (TTO'XC/AOS) Dwelling in the city : Y. TTO

avro5 d<^* avrov TO, iroXXa Tex^aTat Dwelling near the tity : V.
Trpos T^ TrapaTvyxavov
(Thuo. 1, 122). Protecting the city :
Cwcwmstawces, position, fortiwe : ovxos ; see tutelo/ry.
Y. TTpa^t?, 4 P. and V. fcaTaarao-t?, Civic, adj. P. TroXtTt/coff.
ffood c^rcwwsia?w5es : P. and V. Civil, adj. Of a city or state : P. 71-0X1-

vrrpo fa, ^ ; see prosperity. Be in TI/COS. Courteous : P. and Y. <jf>tAo-
good circumstances : P. einrpaycw ^>pa>i> (Xen,), $t\av(

see prosper. Be in bad cwvum- ing: Ar. and P. Aoretos,

stct/nces : P. and V. 8 uorT$x "' ^SKO)? Oii?^ sw^ ; P. and Y. 8607, ^.

xtv. Circumstanced, Be : P. and rights : P. cTrtTt/Ata, ^, Possessed

V. l>(tv, Ar. and P. StaKt<r0<u. of ciwil rights, adj. ; Ar. and P.
Circumstantial, adj. Clear, accu- &r<?TtfAos. Deprivation of civil rights,
rate : P. and V. aKplprjs, <ra^)^?. subs. : P. and Y. an/ua, ^. Deprive
Circumstantially, adv. ,
Clearly, ac- of civil rights, v. trans. Ar. and :

curately : P. and V. dicpZjSais, o-o^ois. P. aTtftovv. Deprived of cwil rights,

Circumvallate, v. trans. P. adj. : P. and V. dVi/Ao*. Internecine:
t'fcv. P. and V. oifceios, Y.
Civ Cla

Civilian, subs. P. and V. iroXfr^s, 6. on, deserve : P. and V. o>s

Civilisation, subs. Education : Ar. en.). a cZaiw io : P.
and P. TraiSeia, 77 ; see education. and V, Sftcaco5 elvai (infin.) ;
Civilise, v. trans. Educate : P. and deserve. Claim to an estate (at law) :
V. Troj&wtiv. Tame : P. and V. P. ri8iKa<rta
(fy xXypov. Clcvim to
f)fj*povv; see tame, reclaim half the inheritance : P. a/u^iV^-
Civilised, adj. P. and V. ^pos. TOV fnuK\ripiov (Dem. 1174).
Educated : P. wwaiSaj/i-ei/os. a claim : P.
Civility, subs. P. <iXai/0pa>m'a, 17, V. (Dem. 1178).
cuejrcta, 77.
I met with scant civility: io /oi* my claim: P*
P. Iru^ov ouSevos TWV ftcrptW (Lys. ovrcos fyuv (Isae.Trap*

85). claims to an estate : P.

Civilly, adv. P. (17)
TOV fcX^pov. Profes-
Claim, v. trans. P. sion : P. TO. Defti : Ar.
(gen.), /Aercwrotcio-tfai (gen.), Ar. and P. o<t>L\vj/jM TO. f

P. irpocnroLcla-Oat or gen.), Clamber, v. intrans. Ar. and P. &/a-

avT&,ap./3dv<r6at (gen.) see &coc. ; ^(uvctv; see mount, climb. Clamber
CZa^m &w retarw ; P. <brotow (aco.). down : Ar. and P. Kara/Salveiv.
Demand : see demand. No one Clammy, adj. P. and V. uypo's, V.
will claim the crown (of sorrow) in fJLVOW.
her stead : V. o^Scls OTC^OJ/OV av&u- Clamorous, adj. P. OopvfivSys, V.
W<rTcu (Eur., See. 660). Profess : TroXvppo^os ; see loud, noisy.
P. and V. cVayy&Xco-tfai,. OZat'w Clamour, v. intrans. P. and V. poav,
aw estate (a Za?) : P. 7n.8io-0ai 8.v&fiodLV KJcpdyei/ai (perf. of /cpdt^ctv)

KXrJpou, afj^La-^reiv icXiypou. V. (also Ar., rare P.), Ar. and P. 0opv-
intrans. Think right (with infin.) :
V. Qpoelv see shout. Clamour
t ;

P and V. iftow, otjeaiow, V. en-a^iow. against: P. icaTa/&>ai/(gen.). OZawx-

Profess : P. and V. rayye'XXr0<u. ourfor : see demand.
Claim, subs. Arrogation to oneself: Clamour, subs. P. and V. 66pv{los,
P. irpocnrofyo-is, 17. Demand : P. o, P. 0po9s, 6. S'Aowi : P. and V.
and V. dift)<ris, ?}, P. oVcuo/ta, TO, 0*7, 17, Kpavyq, y,
Ar. and V. od/ia,
SiKOMooris, 17. Claim to gratitude : TO, V. /ceXaSos, 6 see shout. Clam- ;

P. dtWt$ ^apM-off. Save a claim our against a thing : P. Kara.poy, 07.

to nobility in one's personal appear- Ye have inspired base cowardice by
ance : V. TV d^Uticrtv TO>V icaXaiv TO your clamour : V. SteppoO^croLT ai/rc-
<r<o^ lx tv (Bur., Frag.). Lay claim xov Kdicrjv (^isch., 17^6. 192).
to : see v., claim.
Clamp, subs. Bivet : P. and V.
THBOOL. Giving my bride to an- o (Plat., Tm. 43A). Stones
other ? fastened together by clamps on the
CHO. Yes, to those that have a outside and by lead : P. MO
better claim. rot l^cu^cv Acal
Trpos oXX^Xov?
THEOOL. But who has a clam to ScSc/Ao/ot (Thuc. 1, 93).
what is mine ? Clan, subs. Ar. and P. <^uX^, fj y

<3>EO. Ta/ia XKTp' dXXw SiSovo-a; In the clan, adj. : V.

Tpta, 77.
XO. TOCS ye Kvpto)repoi9* 2/i3Xos, e/^iSXio5. Heads of the
(S>BO. icvpw?$Tfivu<wTis; (Eur., clans: P. ycwt/rat, ot.
Sel. 1634.) Clandestine, adj. P. and V.
a &oW c/am : V. /jtcyas y' 6 , icpv<^atos (Plat.), Y.
(Eur., H.F. 1116). 7wsi
P. and V. TO Sfcawv, P. P. and V.
Clandestinely, adv.
St/ccuci>o-?, ^9 St/cauo/^a, TO. Have (rare P.), P. xpv<a, Ar. and
Cla Cla

P. KpvpSrp, V. KPv<f>rj (also Xen.), , fj,

V. cru/x^oXiy, ^. Quarrel :

P. and Y. 8ia<opa, ^ ; see quarrel.

Clanff, subs. P. and V. i/rd^os, 6, lashing, adj. Opposed, contrary :
KTWTOS, 6 (rare P.), SOUTTOS, 6 (rare P. and V. Ivavrtos see Zowd. ;

P.), V. dpayju,o$, 6, dpay/MiTa, ra, subs. Pin : V. -n-cpoi^, 17,

fcXayyi}, ^, jfyojuos, 6, Ar. and V. ircpovfe, ^. O/ <z necklace :
irdrayos, b. Ar. ySoXavo?, 17. Fastening : P. and
Clang, v. intrans. P. and V. \frofalv, V. ajui/wt, TO (Plat.). Embrace V. :

Ar. and V. *cXaeiv, KTV^LV (also cwnroor/wtra, ra, d/^t7m5xat, at, ircpt-
Plat, but rare P.), fiplpw (Ar. in TTTV^at, at, P. and V. Trcpt/foXot, at
mid.) ; see resoimd. (Xen.) ; see embrace.
Clank, subs, and v. intrans. See asp, v. trans. CWw0 to ; P. and
rattle. V. 1-xtcrOa.i (gen.), dvTej(<7tfat (gen.),
Clanship, subs. P. and V. Xa^avco^at (gen.), avT&a,p,{tdv<r6ai
(gen.) ; see cZ*tt0. Embrace : P.
Clansman, subs. P. and V. and V. dcnra^eor^at, V.
6, Ar. and P. ^v^rys, o. (Plat, also but rare P.),
Clap, subs. Blow : P. and V. (or mid.), d/i<jf>j^aX\
77. Applause : Ar. and P. /cporos, 6, see &mbrace. Clasp in one's arms :
P. and V. 06>r;/3os, 6. OZop o/ V. forayjcaAt^co-flai ; see also straw.
thmder: P. and Y. /SpovnJ, 17, V. Touch P. and V. aWco-floi (gen.),

/SpOVTTjfMLTa, TO., /3p6fJW$,

6. V. Oiyya.vtv (gen.) (also Xen.) ; see
Clap, v. trans. CZop (ZwwwZs) : V. touch. Fasten : P. and V. Setv
Kpouciv (acc.), Ar. o-vyicpotW (acc.), orwa-TTTctv ; see fasten. Glasp one's
P. *poTtv (acc.) (Xen.), < hands behind one's back : P. arvp.-
(acc.) (Xen.),
Ar. and P. .
ir\Kiv ts Towrwrw TO) X W (Thuo. 4,
(aoo.)(JEscaines, 33). Clap '(into 4).
Glasp and join hand with hand:
prison) : use P. and Y. o'yttv. V. V. cruvanrrc /cat cruva>ptou X*P a (Bur.,
intrans. P. Kporeu/. Bacch. 198j. Se^e for, clasping
Clap-trap, subs. Y. crrpo^al 817/^7-
"~ your hands about her : V.
yopot, at,
P. S^/Myyopta, ' 07,
cla/p-trap, v. Ar. and P. :
425). He begged me earnestly, .

Clarion, subs. P. and V. clasping my hcund : V. J&Kcrevo-* rfj?

As adj., see Zowd. C/MJS x P s ^y^" (Soph., O.B. 760).
Clash, v. trans. P. and V. o Class, subs. Bank : P. and V. TO^S, ^.
Aeiv. Y. intrans. P. and V. Sor^, fcmd : P. and Y. yo/os, TO, etSos,
Ar. and P. TraTayctv (Plat, but rare TO. Soc-ial division : P. l^vos, TO, P.

P.), Ar. and V. KTVTTCIV (also

Plat and Y. ftyfe, 17. 2Vw wealthy classes :
but rare P.), /cXaav, fipeptiv (Ar. in P. and V. 01 TrXoiJcrtot, Ar. and Y. ot
mid.). Glash together : P. and exovT? V
The governing classes : P.
o^ftTrwrretv. O/ arww : P. Kpovc<rOai, and V. ot SW/tew. ZV> iWs class
Trpos AX77Xa (Thuc. 3, 22). Be a j(ow seem to belong : V. -fc Kal <ru
ScKaSos (Bur., Suppl. 219).

rew; see variance. Clash with: P Class, v. trans. Arrange : P. and V.

8ia<eoviv (dat.). Cot7loMd W^^ T<Juro*tv, onn^roxrorciv, P. SuxToVoretv,
P. and Y. fe Tauro <ru^atv( Ar. and P. 8iaTt0ei/<u. BaroA;, place :

(dat.). P. and V. rWtvai. Be classed among:

Clash, subs. P. and V. i/ro^os, 6 P. and V. TcXetv cfe (acc.), P. o-w-
KT&ros, 6 (rare P.), Ar. and Y. TroVa TeXcZv cc9 (aoc.),

yos, 6, V. apay/tos, o, Spay/AaYa, TO Classification,

5, 6. JEwcown^r : Ar. and P "p

Cla Cle

Classify, v. trans. See class. Cleansing, subs. Purification: P.

Clatter, subs. P. and V. i/r<tyos, 6, and V. ica0apju,os, 6, Aborts, P- ,

/cr&ros, 6 (rare P.), Sofwos, 6 (rare /ca^apo-t?, see purification.

17 ;
P.), Ax. and V. irco-ayo*, 6, V. ftpojju recompense for his cleansing of land
6, apay^ios, 6, pdy/*ara, rd, Kponrj<Tfji.6$t and sea : V. wovTiW KaOaptidrw
X^pa-ov T fyoiftat (Bur., H.F. 225)
Clatter, v intrans. P. and V. Cleansing, adj. V. Ka^apo-tos, P.
Ar. and V. Krvireiv (also Plat, but
rare P.), /Jpe/iv (Ar. in mid.), Ar. Clear, adj. Limpid: P. and V. *a-
and P. TraTayctv (Plat, but rare P.) ; 0apo's, XajLtTrpds, udy)js (Plat, but
see resound. rare P.), Ar. and P. &a<&vifc. Of
Clause, subs. P. ypa/^fia, TO (Thuc., weather P. eu&os (Xen.), V. yaAiy- :

5, 29). Add a clcwse: P. Trpoo-- vos. OZear weather : Ar. and P.

ypcu^eiv (absoL). a#pca, ^ (Xen.). Of sound : P
Claw, subs. P. and V. o, 6, V. and V. Xa/jwrpos see loud. Of sight ;

Ar. and P. o?s. Evident, manifest:

Clay, subs. P. and V. 71-77X05, 6. Pot- P. and V. SiJXos, Ivapy^s,
ter's clay : P. /cepa/Aos, 6, P. and Y.
TH/AOS, 6. Figures in clay : P. -znj- ,
Xiw, oL Fashioned from clay, adj. :
^anys, /cara^avrys, V. cratfrrjinrjs, ropos,
V. TnjXoTrXao-ros (^Bsoh., Frag.), P. Tpdvi75, Ar. and P. djSrjXos, icaTdSS^Xo?,
TnJXtvos see earthen.
; Ar. ^rf^Xos. Gfear beforehand :
Clayey, adj. P. TnyAcofys. P. Trpo'fyXos. Intelligible: see intel-
Claymore, subs. See sword. ligible. Free from trees : P. i/nXos ;

Clean, adj. P. and V. Kctfapo'?. Glos- see opew. Undefiled : P. and V.

sy : Ar. and P. XtTmpos. Of clothes : KaOapos, ocrws, euayijs (rare P.), aKiy-
AJ. Java's. Pw0
(morally] : P. and paros (rare P.), ayvo? (rare P.), a/cc-
V. Katfapos, oo-ios, 0/775 (rare P.), pat09, V. cwcpat^v^s. -Nis P. drX^5. *

&7paTos (rare P.), aKepcuos, dyi/os CZear o/: P. and V. |/rIXos (gen.) ;

(rare P.),V. d/<pat(/>v^s. J8e cZeaw see /ree /rom. Sep cZe(3W o/: P.
(morally): P. and V. dyi/eiW, Ar. and V. a^Lcrrao-OaL (gen.), e&crrcur&cu
and P. icaflapevW. TPi (gen.). Stotd cfear : P. and V.
/Winds ; met. , use P. /ca0apa>s. c/cTroSwv orr^vot (2nd aor. ?<rra<r0ai).
entire: P. and V. TravreXi Whenever they closed with one an-
flock of thrushes shall make a clean other they could not easily get clear :
sweep of them : Ar. P. cirei&i -jrpo<r/9aXXoctv dXXiJXot?, ov
*ea0apo)5 avrovs dyeXoy ppSwos d-reXvovro (Thuc. 1, 49).
591). Clear, v. trans. Reclaim (from wild
Clean, v. trans. P. and V. Ko state) : P. and V. i^pow, V. ^-
eKKO&CLLpew, Ar. and P. 810x0,6alpeiv. /j,epovv, SvijiJLepovv (Soph., Frag'},
Sweep : Ar. and P. icopctv, V. o-otpcu/. K&0aipeiv, cKKct^otpciv. Empty : P.
See also wash. and V. KCVOW, epnrifjwvv, cgepyfuyuv.
Cleanliness, subs. P. Kalapum/?, Ji Make clear , pW^ : P. and V. (ra-

(Xen.). ^v^iv (Xen.), Stacra^crv (Plat.),

Cleanly, adj. See clean. V. 6/x/iarow, ^o^iw.rovv. Cross :
Cleanly, adv. P. leaflets. P. and V. virepfiatveiv ;
see cross.
Cleanse, v, trans. See clean. Cleanse J"wwp over ; see jump over. Ac-
from guilt, etc. : P. and V. K0at/mv, quit : P. and V. fyfoW, Xtfctv,
fKKajQaipew, V. dyv^v, w'^etv, Ar. Xvetv ; see acquit. Double (a cape) :
and P. SiaKajQaipcw ; see purify. P. wcp/SaXXav, Ofeow oneself of (a
Cleanser, subs. P. and V. KaOaprys, 6.
charge) : P. a7roXv'e<r0at (ace. or
Cle Gli

absol.). Be cleared (acquitted) : P. Clerk, subs. Ar. and P.

and V. 4>cvyiv, Ar. and P. foro^evyav. 6. J3e a cZerfc, v. : Ar. and P.

Gleartheway: see prepare. Clear ypafL/jtaTUtv. Under-clerk, subs. :

away, remove : P. and V. egaipeiv, P. u7roypa/A/AaTiJ5, 6. Be wwa'er-

P. KKa6atpcw. Get rid of: Ar. and derkj V. : P. wroypa/i/Aareuciv.
P. 8ta\.i7tv. Clear away the tables : Clever, adj. Of persons or things :

Ar. cnroKaQaLpe ras rpcwre^as (Pax, P. and V. o-o^os, /co/*f05 (Plat, and
1193). Clear off (a debt) : P. &a- Eur.), Ar. and P. Se&cfe, <j!>pmfios.
Aifeu/. -Km away : see run away. Of persons : P. and V. O-WCTOS, Setvo?.
Clear up, solve : P. and V. Xvctv, De/^ ; V. cuxp. QwicA? ai learning:
P. StoAvW ; see solve. P. cvfiaOfa. Very clever: P. and
Clear-headed, adj. P. dy^Vow (Plat.); V. irdvo-ofos ; see prudent.
see shrewd. Cleverly, adv P. and V. <ro<o>s see ;

Clear-headedness, subs. P. dy^'i/oia,

see shreivdness.
; Cleverness, subs. P. and V. o-o</i'a,
Clearly, adv. (Hear or see) clearly : 17, <riWort9, 17, TO wverov, P. Setvor^s,
P. and V. o-a<cSs. ow<% : P, and ^, Ar. and P. Se&oV, ij. fifMff ;
V. fteya, /x,eyaXa, V. ropais. (Know P. and V. Texw;, ^. Excessive
or spgaft) clearly : P. and V. <ra<eos, cleverness : P. -n-cpti/owt, ; see
Ar. and V. o-<fyS (rare P.), V. ropfc,
rpoyais, <TK0po>?, Ar. and P.
Clew, subs. Ar.
Ka0a.p<b<s. 17. To,
Manifestly: P. and V. o-ca>s, iwto a clew, v. trans. Ar. To

<avo>$, 877X0817, XcLju/n-poos, Trcpw^avais, Client, subs. Dependant P. :

Ar. and P. <avepo>s, KaTcw^avais, P. 6 (Plat., Euthyphro, 4o).

a)?, V. o-cujtyi/ais, Ar. Cliff, subs. P. and V. -jr^rpa, 77, a/cpa,
YI, KpT^/xvos, 6, V. OTrlXas, ^, dyftds, 6,
Clearness, subs. P. and V. Aen-a?, TO', Ar. and V. cncoVeXos, 6.
Rwiged with ckffs, adj. : V.
Cleave, v. trans. P. and V.
re/j-veiv, Siare/xvciv, P. 8ic]r;(ttv, V. Climate,
subs. Air : P. and V.
/cetpav. 0^^ (a?z animal) in twain : <&Jp, 6. Seasons : P. and V. p<, at.
V. p5x^i/. Cfeflw ^o : P. and V. Temperatwre : P. and V. /cpao-ts, T)
.), dvrc^ccr^at (gen.), (Eur., Frag.). A climate singularly
en.), &vTi\afJi/3di'crQai equable : P. 5pat /AerpianraTa K<pa-
(gen.) ; see c&w0 ^>. pevaL (Plat., Or*^. lllB). T ^

Cleaver, subs. Zwfe : P. and V. equability of the climate : P. $

cvicpaorta r&v wpwv (Plat., 2Vw. 24:0).
Cleft, subs, flbfe : Ar. and P. The climate was regulated to ex-
ro. Chasm : P. and V. x&<ri*&, TO. clude suffering : P. TO roiv wpoiv
ffor^ ; P. and V. <^ay 17, V. ^XUTTOV
272^), */cKpaTo (Plat., PoL

TrnJ^at, a .
Climax, subs. Culminating point :
Cleft, adj. P. and V. O^O-TO'S (Plat.), P. and V. 0pty/cos, 6 (lit., coping
V. Slxoppayfa Stappfif. stone) (Plat.)- Critical point : P.
Clemency, subs. Kindness : P. and V. &KM, poinj, Beach
OTT/S, ^, 7TLctKta, ^, <l>tXavQp<Mria,

a climax P. : &


YJKW ; see
P. and V. TOVTTiei/ccs, V. -Trpcv^e^cwx, crisis.

17. P% : P. and V. IXcos, 6 ; see Climb, v. trans.

V. intrans. Ar. and P. foa-
and V. fatppaC-

Clement, adj. P, and V. fiaiveiv, V. d^ou/etv (Bur., Hec.

V. 1263) ; see mount.
Climb, subs. P. voSos, ^,
Cli Clo

Clinch* v. trans. Ratify : P. and V. Clod-hopper, subs. Use adj., AT.

Kvpovv, IjriKvpovv see ratify.
and P. dypoiKos, Ar. dypeZos.
Cling (to), v. P. and V. ix&faL Clog, v. trans. P. and V.

(gen.), dvrc'xecr&u (gen.), A.a//,ctve- see hinder.

0-001 (gen.), a.vri\OLfjL^dvea-Oai (gen.), Clog, subs. Impediment : P.
P. y\ixe<r0<u. (gen.), V, dvTiXavcr0cu o-fux, TO ; see
(gen.). Abide by: P. and V. fyt- Cloister, subs. Ar. and P. <rro<, ^,
//,>/ (dat.). OZm<7 fast to : V. (TTOLa, 17. .

<x7rpi xo-0ai (gen.), Ar. irpoo-facrOai Close, adj. Solid, dense : P. and V.
(dat.). Embrace P. and V. cunra-
. :rv/eyos. Narrow : P. and V. crrcvos,
o*0cu., V. xpwrnjo*o-.v (Plat, also V. orevbVopos. Close-packed : P.
but rare P.), Trpocnrrvo-crew (or mid.), and V. TTUKI/OS, d0poos. Stifling :
Ifjufrwai (dat ) (2nd aor. c/w^uciv), Ar. and P. irvlyripos Secret : P.
P. jcKpe//*vj/wr0<u (gen.) (Thuc., and V. KpvTrro's, 0^01/179, $817X05 ; see
7, 75), V. KKp^fJLVdcrOaL (gen.), e- also taciturn. Keep close : see hide.
apTacrflai (gen.). Clinging to one Mecwi, stingy Ar. and P. <^tSa)Xo?. .*

another : V. &r* dXXT/Xo-aw d/^t- Evenly balanced (e.g., a close fight):

jcctfLciw (Soph., 0.0. 1620). CZiw0r- P. and V. to-opporros, P. oVrwroAos,
i?wjf to one hope after another
: P. I did not expect the numbers would
drapr<6uej/oc Xwr/ l fX-TnSoiv (Dem. be so close : P. owe oJ^i/ lyoyyc o{Jr<i>

346). Trap"oXiyov O'O'0cu TOV ycyovoTa dpi0-

Clip, v. trans. Stear: P. and V. judV (Plai, 4p. 36A). JVear; P.
av, TfjLveiv. Of sheep also Ar. : OS, Ar. and V. irXqcrtos, dyxiTep-
w. Dock, shorten : P. and V. P. and V. Trpdcrxwpo? ; see near.

v, feoXouetv. Clipped short Careful : see attentive. Close re-

(of hair) : V. ^vp^s, 8iaTTiXjuiei/os lationship : P. dvayKoia oiryyevcux,
(Soph., Frag.). 97 ; see Tzear. At close quarters :
Clique, subs. P. and V. orao-ifc, $, use adv., P. and V. 6fu>o*, P.
P. owracris, 17.
Cloak, subs. Ar. and P. t/xdtrtov, TO, Close, subs. Consecrated ground :
x^fy^s, T? (Xen.), Ar. and P. and V. T/Avos, r6, ciXo-os, TO
tor, TO, x^ a ^a > ^> ^apos, TO, (Plat.), V. o^ico?, 6, onJ/cotyAa, TO.
s, TO, V. cl/^a, TO'. Coarse cloak: JS?w^: P. and V. Te\os, TO, icaTa-
Ar. and P. rpiftw, 6, rptpwiov, TO. <rrpo<ij, ^ (Thuo.). Cessation: P.
Wearing a cloak : Ar. and P. dfwrc- and V. 8tdtXuopts, ^.
S. MEet., pretext : P. and V. Close, v. trans. P. and V. icX^u/,
. Ar. and P.
Screen : P. 7rpoKa\u/x,/za, TO, -Trapa- Put to : P. 7rpoori0i/ai.
Ar. and V. Traic-
Cloak, v. trans. See tofe. Met., P. V. JB^ocA; wp : P.
and V. forocrreXXcorflai, eTrwcpUTrrccr^tti, and V. P. n<t>pd<r<rw,
P. ^TTJ/Auya^ecrtfat,, V. TrcptorcAActv to an end : P.
mid.). and V. Tc , P. TeXos emTiOevtu,
Clock, subs. Used to regulate length see Z. CZo^e (eyes) of
of speeches in court Ar. /cA<a/n;8pa,
another P. or;XXa//,j8oW (Plat.),
17. Stop tfie cZocfc ; P. iTTiXaySe TO V. cruft^SoXXetv, o-uvap/^^v, o-wcwr-
^a>p (Lys. 166). What o'clock is TCIV, P. and V. oruyKX^ctv. O^ose
it ? Ar. and P. -TnjvtV cort ; see time- OTW'S eyes ; P. and V. /^uci^ P. OTJ/A-
Clod, subs. Ar and V. 5Xos, ^J (also /luctv (Plat.), Ar. KaTaju,vt,v. Close
Xen.). Small clod : Ar. ones mouth : V. lyicX^W orr<J/wt,Ar.
einftticw o-ro/io, P. ljLt^pdo-o-tv
Clo CIo

Keep quiet and close your mozith : Closing, ad] : P. and V.

Y. fjcrv)(aT crvvOcvT$ apOpa OTO/WXTOS
(Eur., Cycl. 624) ; see also shut. Closing, subs. P. dirdic
Close ranks: P. and V. crwra<rcreo*0ai, Clot, subs. P. and V. 0p6>os, 6
P. <rv<rrpe<t><r6ai. Close with, accept: (Plat,), V. <rray<Sv, f
P. and V. Sexto-Oat, (ace.). Close Cloth, subs. P. and V. 6^ao-/ia, TO,
with (an enemy) : P. and V. TT/OOCT- ii^at, at (Plat.) see fabric.
; Fine
^oXXciv (dat.), (rwpdXXciv (dat), linen : P. and Y. crivSw, >/. Cloths
6fwcr tevai (dat.), P. cntytyuyvwai spread on the ground : V.
(dat.) ; see engage. V. intrans. Tflt, TToSo'l/ri/OTpa, TCt.

Come to an end : P. and V. rcXeurav, Clothe, v. trans. P. and Y.

TeXos ^X lv TcXos Xa/x^av/, V. c/cre- irpt/?, oreAAciv (rare P.), Ar.
XevraV. Of combatants : P. and V. and P. ap.faewih'at, V.
fL ^X7? v o-wdVrcu/, <7U/i/?aXA,civ, P. Ar. and Y. afJi
crufJLfuyvvvai, oru/Ji/uoryctv, cts ^cipas CZo^7i,e (oweseZ/) : P. and Y. i/
fewu, V. eis raurov ^KCIF. S/iMtf : P. Y, ajj,<l>iSv<rOaL; 866 ^7*655. Met..
and Y. KXyccrflai, o-uyicX00'0ai. P. and Y. KOO-^LV, V.
Close by, adv. P. and V. eyyrfs, Clothes, subs. Ar. and P.
ir\ricriov, WXas (rare P.) ; see near. P. and Y. r0ifc, ^, l<r6
Close by, prep. P. and V. eyyrfs cr/ccvij, 17, crroX^, 17 (Plat.),
Y. cfyux,
(gen. or dat.), 6//,o (dat.) (rare P.) TO, d/A^t^XTjftaTa, Tt
; see garment,

see near.
Closed, adj. P. and V. /chords (Eur., Clothing, subs. See clothes.
Frag.). Clotted, ad]. Of blood V.:

Closely, adv. Securely: P. and V. 0p7TTos, 6pojjfi<i>Sri$. Clotted with :

e#uo>s, d<r<aXa>s. Exactly : P. P. and Y. TTC^P/XCJ/OS (dat.) (Xen.),
and V. d/cpZjStos. Closely related oru/jwrcp<ufii/os (dat ) (Plat.), Y. &va-
(by blood) : P. and V. awry/caws,
oucftos. Nearly : P. and V. cyyus. Cloud, subs. P. and V. W<os, rd,
Carefully : see attentively. i'<&T7, ^. Ms^ : Ar. and P. o/ux^?
Closeness, subs. Narrowness : P. ^ (Plat.). Met., cloud on the brow :
s, 07. Density : Ar. and P. V. V<^OS, TO, O-VO'TOO'tS TO)V
s, 17. .Heatf : Ar. and P. (Bur., Si^p. 983). TFear a
s, TO. Meo7z?ze55 : Ar. and P. W^JOM i/W 5r0tt? : V. cruw^>c
Evenness, equality : (Eur., JB. 1078). C/ow^ o/ dust.
P. TO dvrwraXov. Closeness of re- Ar. and P. /covtoprds, 6. The dust
lationship : AT. and P, ayx tOTt/a rose up in clouds : P. 6 /awioprds
^, V. dyx"""*"*, T(^ J see relationship. IXW/DCL TroXus avo> (Thuc. 4, 34).
Close quarters, At. See raeor. Come Cloud, v. trans. P. czrtcrKOTctv (dat.),
quarters P. and V.
: Y. O-KOTOW. Met., see disgrace.
What is Zeus doing ? Is he clearing
Close-shaven, adj. Y. ^p^-^s; see off the clouds or clouding over ? Ax.
shaved. ri yap 6 Zeus void ; d7rai0pia ra?
Closet, subs. See room. Place for ve^cXas 1} crwv^cT; (Av. 150).
storing : P. faroOyKq, Be closeted Clouded, adj. A clouded look: Y.

with, v. P. and V. o-uyyfy^cr&u

<riJr>7p^S TrpoVowrov (Eur., Or. 957).
(dat), <rvvepxccrOai (dat.) ; see inter- Cloudless, adj. A cloudless sky, clear
view. weather : Ar. and P. at0pia, 17 (Xen.) .
Close together, adj. P. Cloudy, adj. P. oTw^cXos, Ar. irepl-
Close WOVen, adj. V. ve^eXos. Z%0 rain an^ ^e cloudy
state of the weather caused the ships
CIo Coa

to lose thevr way cmd get confused P. and Y. ,

m the darkness P. vcros TC : KO.L TO, Poor, 6a<Z : P. and Y.

CK TQV ovpavov (rwve<aXa ovra Cluster, subs. Ar. and P. op/xa0os, 6.
<riv TCOV vaii/ &/ TO> O'KOTCI icai O/ grapes ; P. and Y. porpvs, 6, P.
(Thuc. o, 42).
irdpecrxe ora^uX^ 1 (Plat.). Rich in clusters,
Cloven, adj. P. and Y. crxrros. Of adj. V. . : . ,

a hoof V. oYv^Xos.
Cluster, v. intrans. See .

Clown, subs, use adj., Ar. and P Clustering, adj. Y.

ypoi*o9, P. and V. cnwuos. Peasant: Clutch, v. trans. P. and V. aT
P. and Y. auToupyos, 6, epydrrfi, o (gen.), <xv0a7rreor0ai (gen.),

Buffoon : P. and V. ycXwTOTrotos, 6. .), Xa/ijScfi/ea-dat (gen.),


Play the clown, v. P. :

ycXwTOTrotcri/. (gen.), apra&iv, V. dia-t-

Clownish, adj. Ar. and P. 5ypot/cos, (gen.), v (Eur.,

P. and Y. crfcatos, Ar. dypctos. Gycl.), Ar. and V. (aoo. or
Clownishly, adv. Ar. and P. dypot- gen.), /AapTTTciv.
Clutches, subs. JWZ any one's
Clownishness, subs. P. dypoifao, clutches : P. and V.
P. and Y. cr/caio-nys, 17. veo-^ai (dat.). person) into
ffei (a

Cloy, v. intrans. P. and V. <6pov one's clutches P. and V.


Xa/ij8dSvetv (aco.), Y.
CIuD, subs. P. and V. tfXo', TO', Ar. (ace.) (Bur., O^cZ.).
and P. poTroXov, TO (Xen.), V. See carriage.
Coach, subs.
^. Political associations : Ar. and Coachman, subs. P. and Y.
P. owoSos, P. eratpeta, 17, cpavo?, 6, 6 ; see charioteer.
OT;o*racrfc5, ^, o~wa>//,oo~ia, 17, TO eroLptKOV. Coadjutor, subs. P. and V. o
Clubs formed to influence trials and 6 or ^, crvXX-jjTrreop, 6, V. orw
elections : P. o~wa>^uKriai em Sf/cai? 6 (fem., o~wpydTcs, rf), P. crvi/a-
dpxats (Thuo. 8, 54).
together, v. trans, : P. Coagulate, v. trans. P. and V.
see contribute. i. Y. intrans. P. and Y.
Clue, subs. Thwe : P. and V.
/Sign, tofcen : P. and V. Coal, subs. Use P. and V. 5v0paf, 6
(Bur., Oyd. 244,
V. T&cuap, T^. With face Coalesce, v. intrans. P. and Y. crvy-
colour gives no clue to what has
passed : Y. ypoa. do^Xcp Toiv ScSpa- .
o-^at. Met.,
of parties : P, and V.
fia/cov -Trcpc (Bur.,* Or. 1318). Hint : Ar. and P.

Clump, subs. Of trees, coppice : V. Coalition, subs, ^ssoc^iio?^ : P. and

SpiJ/Aos, 6, Ar. and V. Xox^>7, ^ ; see V. Kotvwvta, ^. Political coalition :

wood. P. cruorao-ts, 77,

Ar. opi>vo8o5, ^. 2%e
Clumsily, adv. Ar, and P. coalition (concretely) : Ar. and P.
Poorly, badly: P. and V. o
Somewhat clumsily equipped : P. [Joarse, adj. Boorish : Ar, and P.
Trap^TK^acr^ot 5ypot/cos. Uneducated: P. and V.
a^oyepov #/Oucros, $fjLOLOrjs, Ar. and P. &rat-
Clumsiness, subs. P. and Y. <nccu- Common, bad : P. and V.
6ryj<s9 17. Poorwew : P. and Y. Ar, and P.

Clumsy, adj. P. and V. oxcuo's, V. Coarsely, adv. Ar. and P.

Untrained : Ar, and P. Vulgarly: P.
Coa Cof

Coarseness, subs. P. dypom'a, ^. Cob, subs. Use

Want of education : P. and V. Cobble, v. trans. Ar. and P.
&pov<rta y (Eur., Frag.), P. d?rat-
Cobble shoes P. veupoppa^etv, Ar.

&wr/a, %. Commonness, badness : and P. <TKvroTO/j,LV, Kcuro-tfew.

P. and V. $av\6rri<s, 17. Cobbler, subs. Ar. and P. v upop-

Coast, Subs. P. and V. irapaXCa yrj, pa</>os, 6, o-KvroTo/ios, 6, crKvreus, 6.

17, dKTiJ, 17 (rare P.), P. fj vapa\ta, ^ Cobbler's shop, subs. P.
Sftore ; Ar. and P.
o's, 6 (rare P.). Of or <m ifoe Cobbling, Subs. P. ovcvrorofLia,
coast, adj. P. and V. 7rapaXu>s,
O/ cobbling, adj. : Ar. and P.
TrapaXos, d/cracbs (Thuo.), V. ra/mos, TOTOfLt/COS.
Trapa/CTios, P. wapaflaXaoro-ios, emtfa- Cobweb, subs. P. dpaxi/iov, TO (Arist.).
Xaoxrios, ^7ri0aXaom'Sios. Ow /&5 Cock, subs. Ar. and V. opi/fr, 6, Ar.
coas : P. KCITW. .Lwe ow tf/ie coas, and P. ttXcKTpuon/, 6, V. aXe/crcop, 6.
v. : P. /carai OIKCIV. March along the Cook, v. trans. Prfcfe wp : V.
coast : P. irapitvai. Sail along the
urravot (ace.).
COOBt : P. irapairXetv. Cockchafer, subs. Ar. /
Coast along, V. P. TrapairXciv (aCC. Cockle, subs. Ar. and P. Koyxv*
Or absol.), irapaico/xt^o^at (ace. or (Xen.), V. , o

absol.). Coasting voyage, subs. : Cockroach, subs. See

P. TrapciTrXovs, 6. Cockswain, subs, P. and V.
Coat, subs. Tumc : P. and V. x""o>v,
6, Ar. and P. xtrwvurfco?, 6 ; see Coddle, v. trans. P. and V.
cZoafc, fa^mc, coating. Coat of arms : e/. 5e coddled : P. and V. Tpv^av.
Ar. and V, (ny/wtbv, TO, V. oTj//,a, TO, Coddling, subs. P. vo<rorpo^ta, ^;
lirtcrripa, TO. Ooatf o/ mflwZ : P. and see nursing.
V. 0o>po, 6, V. iroEvcwrXa d/^tySX^ftaTa, Code, subs. Laws : P. and V. ot
Clad in coat of mail : P. vd/iot, V. 01 ^co-fiot (rare P.). Tables
of the law : Ar. and P. /cupci9, aL
Coat, v. trans. Smear : Ar. and P. Codicil, subs. P. M$ta%>7, ^ (late).
P. Codify, v. trans. P. o-uyypdfaiv.
P. Coequal, adj. See equal.
Kv (Plat., Orfti. 116s). Coerce, v. trans. Compel: P. and
Coating, subs. Ar. and P. Xc/z/xa, TO V. avcry/ca^cH/, eTrai/ay/ca^etv, Kariway-
(Plat., Hw. 76A). ^ of we
coa^ KaJ^Lv, Ar. and V. e^avay/cafetv ; see
had formed not strong enough to compeZ, r^ress.
gwe a foothold : P. KpvoraXXos CTTC- Coercion, subs. Necessity: P. and
wrfyci ou ficfiaws 5<rr l?rX^a/ (Thuc. V. Svay/oy, ?J; see also repression,
3, 23).
Coax, v. trans. Persuade: P. and Coercive, adj. Violent: P. and V.
V. 7Tt0/, avcareiQciv, irporpenrew ( or $0105.
mid.), V. cKjrelOcw. Fawn on: P. and Coeval, adj. V. o/tf?Xi; see contem-
V. tiirorpexew, virtpxto-Gai., tfowreueiv, porary.
V. tfoiwretv, aratvcw, -Trpoo-o-atvctv, Ar. Coffer, subs. P. and V. #17*77 see ;

and V. aucoXXeiv; see flatter, deceive. chest. Treaswy : P. Ta/uetbv, TO.

Coaxing, subs. P. and V. Ownfa, %, State treaswry : P. TO xourfv, TO
rd (Plat.).
Coaxing, adj.
dj. P. OuircvriKog,
Ar. Coffin, subs. Ar. and P. o-opos, 17, P.
P. and
Coaxing words :
17 (Thuc. 2, 34), V. ^/
V, tfaww
X^yot (Plat.,
Theaet. 175s, TO. Coffin of Gedcur-wood : V. icc'Spos,
and Bur., Frag.). ^. Ifoy owe coj^w of wrought cedar-
Cof Col

wood receive us . V.
Coiled, adj. V. Awcro's, P. and V.
far, KfSpov TV>"i(r/iTO (Btll., 7rA./cros (Xen.). Or.
1053). Coin, v. trans. Ar. KoirTeo-Oai. Met.,
Coffin-maker, subs. Ar. <ropo7n/yds, P. and V. -TrXaoro-eiv, P. KaracrKeva^ctv.
6. Coin, subs. Piece of money : use Ar.
Cogency, subs. P. mQavorrjs, y. and P. BpoiXM> V- Money generally :
Cogent, adj. P. and V. iri0&&, P. Ar. and P. dpyrfptov, TO, V. apyupos, 6.
dvayicdtos (Thuc. 4, 60). Coinage, subs. Coined money, cur-
Cogently, adv. Ar. and P. ?rt0av(os. rency : P. and V. vo/uoyAa, TO, Ar.
Cogitate, v. intrans. See ponder. KO/JLfJLd, TO.
subs. P. and V. orWoia, Coincide, v. intrans. P. and V. crvp-
i), <j>povris, fj (rare P.) ;
see reflection. TT17TT&.V, wvTpcxew, crv^jSatvcti/, V.
Cognate, adj. Related by blood : P. oru^TTtTvctv, on;/A)8aA.Xo'^at. Agree :
and V. (ruyyevijs, owecZos, P. and V. o-v/^epeortfai ; see
irpocrjfcoH/ see kindred.
; Met., of Coincidence, subs. P. and V.
: P. and V. .'.?
things o-vyycvr/s,
irpoonyfcwi/, P. crvwofMs. Coincident with, adj. V.
Cognisance, subs. Take cognisance (dat.). At the same as : P.
of: see Twi&e, examine, punish. and V. StfjLa (dat.).
Cohabit (with), v. P. and Coined, adj. P. brfa
(dat.). Cold, adj. P.. and
Cohabitation, subs. P. Kpuepo?. Met., P." and V.
Cohere, v. intrans. Ar. and P. cr Not eager: P. dnrpofo^o?. Haughty:
C0Ttur0tu. Make to cohere : P. and P. inr^p^dvo^, V. $7rp<t>pu)v ; see
V. cnWx*"' (aoo.)- haughty.
- -
Be cold : Ar. and P.
Coherence, subs. Intelligibility : P. (Plat.), ftyto (Plat.).
and V. <ro co- Cold, subs. P. and
herence : use P. and V. /o;^pdr)7s, 17, ptyos, TO. Ice-cold : V.
KpvpQs, o (Eur., Frag.). Met.,
Coherent, adj. Intelligible : P. and V. V. icpvo?, TO. OoZS m
en.), aretes, V. P. KaTctppou?, 6. Ha-ve a coZd, v. :

P. icaTapp<p voo-ctv. OoW weather,

see intelligible, clear. subs. : P. v ? T^ see
Coherently, adv. Intelligibly : P. Coldly, adv. Ar. and P. ?/rvxpo>s.
and V. oro^o)?, yvwpfywos, V. Haughtily : P. see
see clearly. haughtily. Not eagerly : P.
Cohesion, subs. Met., unanimity;
P. OyCtoi/ota, 17. Coldness, subs. See ^o^J. Met.,
Cohort, subs. P. and V. rak, ^. P. i/ruxpoTT/s, 7;. Haughtiness : P.
Coil, subs. V. TrAeKTiJ, ^, <nretpa, ^, vTrep^avi'a, 17 ; see haughtiness.
cnret/>aju.a, TO, 7Tpt/3oXos, 6, Ar. and Quarrel :
Sta<op<, 17. P. and V.
Y. Hewing many coils, Collaborate, v. intrans. P. and V.
adj. : V.
Coil, v. trans. Twine: P. and V. V. crv/jurovciv.
7rA./eeiv, V. lA-tVcrctv, V. Collaboration, subs.
Partnership :
inferans. V. (also Plat. P. and V. 17.
but rare P.), e!XiWe<r0(u ; see Collaborator, subs. P. and V. <rwep-
P. TreptcXtWctv (rt Trcpt os, 6 or ij, oi;A.Xi;wT(i)p, 6. Partner :

n) (Xen.). CWZ (oneself) round : P. and V. icoivwi/os, 6 or oj. '.

(aco. or absol.) Collapse, v. intrans. P. and V.

mTTTCiv, Ar. and P. ,

Col Col

l. Fail: Collectively, adv. Goinprehens ively :

P. and V. <r<oAXe(r0(u ;
P. and V. oTjAAiy/JSiyv. Reflect singly

Collapse, subs. V. 5i/aor/oo^, ^, P. V&VfJLlO'@ KO$

P. and V. avao-Tao-i,?, 17 see ruin. ;
TC /cat o-u/XTTCLvrcs (Thue. 7,
Fa/il/wre : P. and V. or<aA/*a, TO ; 64).
see failure. Fall : P. and V. Collector, subs. Of taxes : Ar. and
TTToi/JMl, TO (Plat.),
V. TTCOTJfUX, TO. P. TeAoiiTjs, 6, P. TrpdiKTOp, 6.
Collar, subs. P. o-rpeTrro?, 6, V. /cAwos, College, subs. School : P.
6 (Eur., Oz/cZ. 184=). For /torses : TO' ;
see school.
V. euyAi7, fj, ?rAa(my, TJ (Eur., Collide, v. intrans. P.
JK&es. 303). Woodew ooMar used Collide With : P. trpocnriirreiv (dat.),
for punishment : P. and V. icAa>os, (dat., or Trpo'?, ace.),
6 (Xen., Ar., and Eur., Cycl), Ar. (?rpos, ace.) ; see
and P. uAov, TO. against.
Collar-bone, subs. P. /cAcfe, ^. Have Collision, subs Ar. and P
one's collar-bone broken : P. TT)V
JcAetv (Dem.), rvjv jcAeiv
lision: met., P. o-vyKpoueiv. Come
<rvvrpi/3fjv(u(Andoc.). into collision (with a person) : met.,
Collate, V. trans. P. 7rapai/ayiyvaicrKiv. P. wpoo-Kpovew (absol. or dat.).
Collateral descent, subs. Use P. Colloquial, adj. P. KOIVO'? (late).
Colloquy, subs. See conversation.
Colleague, subs. IWow
magistrate : Collude With, V. P. 7rapao-Keua0~0cu
P. <rvvdpx<w, o- -Ba colleague to : (ace.).
P. crwdpxeiv (dat.). Fellow general: Collusion, SUbs. P. wpocrrao-ia, 7}

P. (ruorpaTTr/os, 6. Be fellow general : (Dem. 872).

(rvoTparrjyeLv (absol.). Partner : P. Colonisation, subs. P. ofctcn?, f],


Collect, v. trans. Persons or Colonise, v. trans. P. and V. olKtfav,

P. and V. crv\Xyeiv, cruvdyw, d0pot- aTTOiKL^w, KaroiK%tv, KTI&IV. Join
iv, <rwadpoictv, ayetpctv. Persons in colonising. P. and V. CTVVOLKI&W
only : P. and V. o-uyfeaAeu>, P. cn/ra- (absol.), P. (rvyKTL&iv (win) Settle .

yctpai/. Things only : P. and V. inP. and V. broiKclv (aoo.

: ).

Coloniser, subs. P. oiWnJs, 6, Ar.

Collect (money) : P. and V. Syetpav. and V. KTt'orrwp, 6.
Collect oneself : P. o-uvayctpctv lauToV. Colonist, subs. Ar. and P. &TOUCO?,
V. intrans. P. and V.- o-wc/ 6 or 17, 7Tot/co5, 6 or P. oiKnJrwp, 6
ij, ;
{rvvMrracr&ai, or pass, of verbs given see settler. Fellow-colovwt : P.
above. Collect yowr wits : V. orwowcos, 6.

Aoyov /r;c5s AajSe (Eur., jff.i^. 626). Colonnade, subs. Ar. and P. oroa,
Collected, adj. Self-possessed : P. , Ar. orota,
Surrotmded by a
; see caZw. colownade, adj. : V. TrepiWiJAos, O./A-
Collection, subs. 4 gathering together
of persons or /&w0$ : P. and V. Colony, subs. P. and V. aTrouaa, ^ ;

see settlement.
Colossal, adj. See huge.
Zected!; P. TO (Plat.,
a0poior/<,a, Colour, subs. P. and V. x/ofyia, rt t
157s). Collection of persons: P. and V. x/oota, >;,
(Plat.), Ar,
and V. o-vAAoyos, 6, orrfvoSos, ^, c ws, '6 (rare P.). Pigment : P.
6, V. a0poi<rju,a, T^ ; see crowd. TO, ^ap/juucov, TO. For ref er-
Collective, adj. Iw a body : P. and ence to various colours see Plat.,
V. <0po'os, Tim. 68. Complexion : P. and V.
Col Com

TO; see complexion. The (dat. or Trpos, aco.),

twa^n stood in gleaming arms and or Trpos, aoc.), P. avr-
changed not colowr : V. &TTCLV 8e i.). Argue aga/in$t :

, and Y. dimXcyeiv (dat.).

Phoen. 1246) ;
see turn pale, under Combatant, subs. Soldier : Ar. and
_paZ0. Changing neither colour nor P. oTpaTidxnys, 6. BivaZ : P. and Y.
expression : P. 8ia<0ipas oftrc TOU 6, dvTaywvwrnJs, 6, Y.
o^T TOT; wpocrcoTrov (Plat., 6. Combatants : use

shown in their true colours : P. Combative, adj.

otJroi eTTtSeix&fa'OVTat olbt euriv P. and Y.
TTOI (Dem. 1050). (Soph., Frag.).
Colour, v, trans. Itye : P. and Y. Combativeness, subs. P.
jScforrav. Tm0e : P. XP^^ IV (Plata)*
AT. xpfcm'<r0<u (-Nfck 516). Pami :
Combination, subs. Putting together:
P.andY.yp<fye/(Dem.415). Met., P. and Y. crw&ro-is, 17. Mixing : P.^
diversify : P. and V. jrot/oXXcw, P. and Y. /cpoo-ts, 97. Political asso-
SidTTOLKiXXfiv ; see also wi#, iw^to- ciation : P. Iracpeta, ^, (rvcnracrts, ^,
ence. Y. intrans. See &ZMS/&. Ar. and P. ortfvoSos, ^.
Colourable, adj. Plausible P. and ':
Combine, v. trans. P. and V. <ruv&.
Y. cvXoyos, euTrpeTnJs. yew, P. crwwrravai. Put together :
Colouring, subs. Dyeing : P. and P, and V. vwrWcvcu. Mix together :
V. 0M$.
P. and V. <rvyKpawiW. V. intrans.
P. and V. <nWpY(r0ai. Combine
Colourless, adj. P. 0^/^05.
P. and V. <&xpos, xW^- Met., see politically : Ar. and P. (rwwrraortfcu.,
/catf* ^ y{yv<r6at (Thuo. 3, 10), P.
Colt, subs. P. and V. iroiXos, 6. Of and V. <n3vo/AviJi/<u. Cow^riS^te io-
a colt, adj. V, ffoXtKos.
: w;ar<Zs : P. and V. <ru^j8oXXcrSat
Column, subs. P. and V. icfov, 6, (els, aoc., V. gen.) ;
see contribute.
V. OTvXoS, O, GTCLUfLOSf 0, OpvOtTTuTtyS, Combing, subs. Of wool : Y. KTCVUT-
o. Slab : P. and V. o-njXiy, 17. Of /^5, 6.
an army : P. and Y. iccpas, r6. In Combustible, adj. P.
column P. &ri jceptus, or use
adj., Combustion, subs. Burning : P.
op0ws (Xen.).
Coma, subs. See sleep. Come, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Comatose, adj. See sleepy, numb.
Comb, subs. V. &, 6.
O/ a cock : (2nd aor. /8X<w(T7<iv), Trpocr-
Ar. X<5<os, 6. To press the threads fwXfiv (2nd aor. 7rpocr/?X(oo-/cctv), zrpoo--
in weaving P. and Y. " iy ^j and
tnrdOy, ^. ? V. ^atVtV, OTtVtV.

jffcww^-<30wi& : Ar. and P. K^ptbv, T<. com^, &e COT?^ : P. and Y.

Comb, v. trans. Ar. and Y. KTCV%CIV. 7raptvai, tyyKciv (rare P.), Ar.

Comb (wool) P, fevdwnrciv ; see cord.

; and P. irapayCyv<r0a,i., V.
Combat, subs. P. and Y. <$yoiv, 6, 4rrw;e : P. and V,
?? ^> 5/uXXa, ^, Y. aya>vta, ^, fLffOdwcvGurBoii, Ar. and Y.
>5, 6, WXai<rjLLO, TO, 8^pi9, 17 V. f/caveiv, Ifticvcwr^cuj see #rrw?&
Engage in swigle combat,
ich.). JSeejp cowwg, come amd go : P. and

v. P. and V. /Aoyo/Aaxetv. Engaged

r V. <owav, Y. crrp^^acrOai. Where-
in single combat, adj. Ar. and Y. :
fore, come fire ! come swords / V.

Combat, v. intrans. P. and V. (Eur Pfcosn. 521).

- - Cowe,
(dat.), dv^t(rraa^<u (dat.), P. and Y.
Com Com
iO yourself: V. Iv cravrw -yevov
(Plat but rare P., also Ar.), eta &}

(Plat but rare P., also Ar.).
Gome Ph^i. 950). Coming "to yourselves
about, happen, v. intrans. P. and : even at the eleventh hour : vp&v
V. (rujuj&uVciv, yiyi/(70ai, {rv/xmirretv ; aurtov Irt Kat vw yevo/jtvot (Dem. 26).
see happen. Gome across, tight on : Co?rae io see happen.
pass Come
P. and V. o/nryxavetv (dat.), -rvyx^eti/ to the same thing : Ar. and P. ravro

(gen.) ; see light on. Gome away : Swcwrtfau Come together : P. and
P. and V. (frrpxr0cu, fari&ai, V. V. crwcpxcotfai. Oowie 6p : P. and
&ro<rro'xeu' ;
see depart. Gome V. avepxea-OcLL. Approach: P. and
back : P. and V. bravcpxecrOai, V. V. 7Tpxe<r0(u see approach. Hap-

7Tpxe<rOtu ;
see return. Come pen: see happen. Gome up to :
down : P. and V. KOLrepx^crOaL, Ar. see reocfc. Come 2^o, attack : P,
and V. KajQspTreiv (Soph., Frag.), Ar. and V. TTpocr^aAAetv (dat.), 7rpo<r-
and P. jcara/feiW. Of territory, 7rrTo/ (dat.) ; see attack. Of
reaeft : P. jcatfijicciv. Gome forward :
misfortune, etc : P. and V. la-cpx*-
P. 7rpoepx<r0ai, P. and V. 7rpox<t>- <r^ai (dat.), ^pocrTrwrrciv (dat.). Light
pciv, TTpoftatvcw. Gome forward (to upon : P. and V. ^i/Tvyx^w (dat.),
speak) : P. and V. cTrepxea-Qai, Ar. Tuyxavetv (gen.), TrpQ<nriirriv (dat.),
and P. 7rapepx(r0<u. Come in, enter: Ar. and P. iTrtrvyx^vetv
(gen. or
P and V. ewrcpxeo-flai, 3rwrpxr0cu, dat.), P. Trcpwrwrmv (dat.), V. Kty-
Ar. and V. dcrpawciv. Of revenue, Xaveiv (acc. or gen.).
etc. : P. -n-poorcpxeorflctt. Capitulate :
Comedian, subs. P. /ojywo&fe, 6, Ar.
see capitulate. Gome off, succeed, rpuyo)Sos, 6. Comic actor: P. K<O-

fare, of things P. and V. /WKOS wro/cptnys, 6. Low


X<optv ; of persons : P. and" V. P. UAOS yeXotW, o (Dem. 23).

&7raAAootriv. They have come off Comedy, subs. Ar. and P.
worse than we did : P. x^pw ^/*,G>V 17,
Ar. rpvywSwx, $.
ttTrwAAfltYflwrt Gowie on : Comeliness, subs. P. and V.
(Dem. 246).
Ar. and P. briyiyvc<r0ai ; see also et>f*op<l>{a, fj (Plat.), P.

approach, grow. Of a storm : P. ^, V. KoXXov^, ^ (also Plat, but rare

ytyyco&u, jeancpat, yiyveorflat. Come P.),
out : P. and V. e&pxecrQtu, e/c/J<uv/ Comely, adj. P. and V. icaXo'?,
(rare P. in lit. sense). Met., ^(.8175 (Plat.), V.
out, issue : P. and V. ^os, T$jLiop^os, Ar. and P.
cKj&uvciv, reXevrav, P. ewrpoo-awrw (Plafc), Ar. and V. fcvifc.
Ar. and P. <rv/A<p<r0ai, V. Comer, subs. Fwrst-comenr : see under
cfcreAcvrai'. New-comer : use stranger. .

P. Comet, subs. Use star.

Come ewer (of a feeling coming over Comfort, v. trans. Cheer t encowage :
P. and V. eWpxeorftu (ace.),
: P. and V. 0op<rvviv, ^paonuvtv,
one) Trapa-
Y. Vircpxeo-Ocu, (ace.), ^epzrctv (ace.) ; KaXai', P. Trapatfapowetv, cirtppcov^at,
see steaZ over. Join 05 aWj/ : P. Ar. and P. -n-apa//,i30t(r0ai. Console :
irpoax^petv. Come round, change: P. and V. -Trapa/MS&ro-Axt
(Bur. Or.
P. and V. fjLOC<rraar6ai, P. 298), V. irapriyopcw. Soothe, OS-
or^at. BeGOVer : P. suage : P. and V. wpa^eev, V. ^eXyeir
see recover. Come roitnd (also Plat, but rare P.) see assuage, ;

to the same place (in argument) Comfort, subs. Consolation: P.


P. ts TO a^ro Trcpi<l>pc<r0aL (Plat., Trapa/^v^ta, 7rapa/x,v^iov, TO, P. and -ij,

Gforgr. 517c). Oow^ sfeori : see V. 17 (rare P.).

short. Gome to, recover: P. o/ assuagmg: V. 5voicov^r<rw, ^
eavrov ; see recover. Come (gen.) ; see oZZeviaiicw. flops ; P.
14S 10
Com Com
and V. Xirfs, 17. Easy circum- ,(absol.). Withinfin.:
stances : P. and V. cfyuSipcia, ^, P P. and V. KcXevtw (ace.), eTrioreXXci*'
V7ra0ia, Comforts, blessingi
17. (ace. or dat.), errTTaoxmv (dat.), wpo-
P. and V. Tdya0a. Be of good, crracro-ttv (dat.), rdarcrew (dat.), em-
P. and V. Qap<rv, Opa o-Kyirrciv (dat.), Ar. and V. <ieo-0ac
comfort, v. :

trvvccrOai., Y. eu(9u/tv (Eur. (dat.), V. voiyav (acc.), ctvSav (aoo.

0apcrui/iv. Ch in for greater com or dat.), ciWirav (acc. or dat),
fort : P. 15 TO TpU$pG)Tp01> #,01 Xeyctv (dat.), ^(ovetv (acc.), jJwQeicrQat,
orracr&u (Thuo. 1, 6). 27&is OWfi (absol.), IgcQiecrOai (absot).
Join in
cfti&Z was the last remaining comfort commanding P. and Y. oir/KeXeuctv

of my life : ts irats 08* i}v /AOI Xowros (absol.). Be at head of: P. and V.
e>'o-Tao-0<u(dat.). Rule over:
P. and
o>0aX/*os /to (Bur. 4rcd. 406).
Comfortable, adj. Be comfortable V. apxv (gen.), ; see
KpaTtv (gen.)
v. P. wra0tv.
Causing comfort : rule. Be in command
of: P. and
P. and V. iJSiJs. Soft : Ar. and P. V. yyeivOai (gen., Y. also dat.),
/AoXoKo's, Ar. and V. /AoX0afcos ; see (gen., Y. also dat.), P. WE-
pleasant. (gen.). As general : P.
Comfortably, adv. Easily : P. and and Y. (rrpan/yetv (gen., Y. also
V. po,8i'u>s, cfytapois (Plat-)- V. orpaT^XaTetv (gen. or dat.).
Ar. and P. /jXa*o>s. ace yowr Command (a view, etc.) : P. and Y.
elbow comfortably : V. fo's vw TOV position that was'.

dy/cuv* eupufyuos (Ear. CycZ. 563).

Comforting, adj. V. fleXimfcios. P. ^euptov faroKpripvov /cat

Comfortless, adj. Dreary: V. vircp T^S iroA-eais eutfir? Ketfievov

SrepTnfc, P. di/SiJs ; see miserable. 6, 96). So that, though only a few
Comic, adj. Ar. and P. fajyuuSw men were thrown into it (the fort),
Comic actor : P. /cojfcwcos wroiepmfc, they could command the entrance :
6. Laughable : P. and V. &<TT KaOcfcoflCVW 9 ttVTO dv^pCOTTCOV
V. ycXowowotos (^Bsoh. Frag.), Ar. oA/ya>v ^pYv rov nrXov (Tkuo. 8,
and P, /caraycXooros. (7o?w; poet, 90). Command the sea, v. : P.
STlbs. P. K<i>/A<i>8o?, 6, Ka>/4a>So7roio?j
0aXa<rcroKpaTew (Thuo. 7, i8).
o,Ar. KcofLa}8o8tSa<TK:a\09) 6. Command, Subs. P. wpo'crray/*a, ro,
Comical, adj. See comic. en-lrayfjui, TO, V. ^vroXi}, ^ (Plat, also

Comicality, subs. P. TO but rare P.), KcXeva-f/.a, TO, /ceXevcr/^o?,

Comically, adv. P. yeXoi'ew, icara- o, c<t>erfj,vj, ^, CTTtorroW, aJ. TFord o/
commcmd : P. and V,
K'Aevor>ux, T
Coming, adj. -4&owi to owwr: P. P. OTyfcctov, TO, 7rap<yy\/i, TO.
and Y. /^AAwi/, fTi-tcw. o/ command : P. and V.
Corning, subs. Journey : P. and V. Leadership: P.
6o\fc, 17,
Ar. and V. iceAcvflos, ^. P. and V. dp^y, 17, i

Arrival : P. 5</>i^?, ^. Presence : TO. Posi o/ general : P. and V.

P. and V. irapovaria, ^. (rrpa-nTyto, 17.
jBfi iw COWWWWd, V. :

Comity, subs. P. ^Xav^pwTrto, ^ ; see P. ana V. oTpa-nyycu/, V. orrpa-n;Xa-

Tiv. 27zr0 command of the sea,
Command, v. trans. Bid: P. and subs. : P. TO TJs OaXd&cnris /cpaTos
V. KeXevetv (TWO, rt), enrirdaro-eiv (rwi (Thuc. 1, 143).
n), vpocrrdo'creiy {rivi rt), ezTtcrreXXetv Commander, General: P. and
(rtvt Tt), eTncrKyirreo' (TWI ri), Ar. V. V. OTpcmyAdiTTjs, o,
(TTpa-DTyos, 6,
and V. e'<fecr0ai (riyt rt). Command Leader : P. and V. ^yeftolv, 6. Gtett*-
in addition : Y. iTrevreXA^tv (rtvt P. and V. TOVOS, o, V. Xo^a-
TI. Command beforehand : V. 6, dp^eXaos, 6 (also Ar. in form

Com Com
eus, 6, 7rapxo?, ; See ,); seemir^si. Eef&r
/, Commander of a (for decision) : Ar. and P. &vaTiQeva.i
thousand men : P. and V. x^'a/Xos > (TIVLTL), liriTperrtLv (TLVLTL) see refi ',

6 (Xen,). Commander of ten thou- Commend oneself to : ^QQ please.

sand men : P. /piapx os 6 (Xen.), > Commendable, adj. P.
V. imptovrapxps, 6. Naval comman- (Plat.), P. and V. diWAT/r
der : see captain. eTUSt P. 7TTOS, P. aV7TA<jk0Ol/OS. .* !

Commanding, Inspiring awe: adj. See just. V. BLKCLLOS ',

P. and V. o-tpvo?. Fit to rule : P. Commendably, adv. P. aveTnfiQovo)?.

dpxtKos. Of a position, strong : P. Justly : P. and V. Swcatws ; see
Ixvpos ; see strong. justly. Well : P. and V, v, /caXois.
Commemorate, v. trans. Celebrate Commendation, subs. P. and V.
in sonq : P. and V. $oW, v/weiv ; see 7ratvo5, o, Ar. and P. cy/cco/xtov, TO,
celebrate. Have in memory : P. euXoyta, 7}, V. eTratvco-i?, 77, aZvoj, 6.
and V. [wrifwvcvtLv. He was the first of tJwse engaged m
Commemoration, subs. Memorial: the war to receive public commenda-
P. and V. fLVT7fttov, TO, V. /Air^a, TO', tion in Sparta : P. TrpaiTos TWV KOTO.
P. &rd/*w7/*a, TO. Eemembrance : rov 7rdA./w)v kirtjviOrj cv ^irdprff (Thuc.
P. and V. /wia, 17, /*.vi?w, ^. Praise : 2, 25).
P. and V. &TOIVOS, 6, Ar. and P. Commender, subs. P. en-atverT/s, 6.
Commensurate, adj. P. and V. O-V/A-
Commence, v. trans. Be first to do Equal P. and V. : foos,
a thing : P. and V. apxctv (gen.), io*dppoiros, P. to*o7roA.775, dvrt-
(ace. or gen.),
(ace. or gen.) (Xen.), P. Comment, v. intrans. Give opinion :

'_ .
see P. and V. yv^/jLrjv aTro^acVeo-^ot.
something of one's own P. and V. Comment on, interpret: P. iSr/^
otpyO"vOLi (26n.), (or mid.) P. and V. Ip/xiyi/^civ. Blame :
(acc. or gen.), & .).
P. and V. pe^eo-Oat, (ace. or dat.) ;
P. and see blame.

(acc.). Comment, subs. Opinion: P. and

P. 'and V. /ca V. yv^p,^ #, 8dd, ^. Jn^rpreiaifww;
Ar. and P. *&
P. e^y^ens, ^, Ip/wyveia, ^, V.
V. intrans. P. and V. vevfia, TO, or pi.
QQQ start. Prelude: P. Commentary, subs. JNbtes ; P.
to : P. and V. 5pxv (part.), Commentator, subs. Interpreter :

(part,). Commence with : P. and V. Ipfnyvw, 6, P. ^jryijTifr, 6.

P. apxecrOai (aTrd, gen.), V. apxco~0at Commerce, subs. Ar. and P. e/wro-
(e*, gen.). pta, 77. Mon&y-makmg : P. x01?/* 11-
Commencement, subs. P. and V. Ttor/Aos, 6. Engage in commerce :
^PX^ 4- Startmg-point : P. and P. fwropVo-^ai. MaA;e money : P.
Y. tfappy, 17. Sowrce, origin : P.
and V. -mry^, 77 (Plat ) see begin- Commercial, adj. Ar. and P.

mng. pwcos. JBa-ye commercial dealings

Commend, v. trans. Praise : P. and with : P. oru/xoA<ua <ru^aA,

V . 7TCLLVIV* P. *YK(OU,ttt4tf. Ar. and (dat.).
V. V. atveiv (Plat., E5p. Commercial centre, subs. Trading-
Wto, but rare P.). Intrust : Ar. station ; Ar. and P. ^/Mropiov, TO.
and P. l7TlTp7TtV (TtVt Tt), P. Commingle, v. trans. P. and V.
(rtvt crvfAfJiiyviSvai, 4va/,yviJi'ai,

Com Com

(rvyKepavvvvai 866 mix. V. ; Commodious, adj. Ample: P. and

intrans."Use pass, of verbs given. Y. //.eyas, fLOucpos, eupi;?.
Commiserate, v. trans. P. and V. P. cW/cai/ooff, P. and Y. 7rtTiJSos.
cAeetv, oiKTCLpeiv, V. oumeiv (rare Commodiously, adv. P.
P.), Ka,TOlKTtlV, CTTOIKTI^CIV, lirOLKTCL- TFeZZ : P. and Y. /coXois, v.
pcw, Ar. and Y. KaTocTipiv, P. Commodiousness, subs. Conven-
ience : P. eVtTTfSeibYiys, ^.
Commiseration, subs. P. and V. Commodity, subs. TJimg : Ar. and
IXeos, 6, olfcros, 6 (Thuc. 7, 77). P. ovccvos, TO, P. and Y. xpyw T ^
Commissariat, subs. Provisions : Articles for sale : P. <3vta Ta, dyo- t

P. TO. &n/nJ8La, Ar. and P. cnrta, ra,

P. and V. crtTos, 6, Commodore, subs. P. and Y.
Commission, subs. Command: P. K\7jpo<s, 6 ; see captain.
wpoWay/xa, TO, In-tray/Mi, TO. Task9 Common, adj. Shared by others :

duty : P. and V. Ipyoi/, TO ; see P. and V. KOWOS, Y. ^iJv

task, Embassy : Ar. and P. irpecr- Public : P. and Y. /eoxfe, Ar. and
fata, f}. Body of commissioners : P. &7/ioV>ff; see public. Custom-
OL ; see commissioner. ary : P. and V. onSviy^s,
Council : P. oWopiov, TO. Perform- vo/x.ijuo9, et^o-/xci/o9, ^as, P.
ance, act of committing : P. TrpS&s, 17. ^05, Ar. and Y. vo/ o>cvos. Vulgar:
Commission, v. trans. See charge. Ar. and P. <oprtjcos, ayopatos. Jw-
Commissioner, subs. P. <nW>pos, /erior : P. and V. ^aOXos. 2%e
o-vyypa^cvs. Manager, overseer : common people, the commons, subs. :

P. and Y. ra/uas, 6, e7riorTdV)7S, o. P. and Y. ol woXXo/, 7rX?j^os, TO,

Ambassador : P. Trpeo'^Sei/nJs, 6, Ar. S^/AOS, 6. O/ tfT&e common people,
and Y. vplcrftvg, 6 ; pi., use P. and adj. : Ar. and P.
Y. -n-peo-yScts, Special commis-
oL ?WW2/, P. and Y. TV^COV,
everyday :

sioners to examine offences against cViTv^oiv ; see ordinary. Make

the State : P. ^rrjrai, 01. common cause with : P.
Commit, v. trans. ^ crime, etc. : P. <r&ai (dat.),
and Y. TrpoVcretv, epyo^co^at,
^y- ace.). Making common cause with
ya^ccr^at, Y. e/cTrpacro-etv, Ar. and Y. your father : Y. Kotvd<^pa>v -TraTp^
JBe commed ; P. and Y. (Eur., low. 577). 'Twixt us and
Intrust : Ar. and P. this man is nothing m common :

P. TTMTTCVCtV, Cy^eipt'f 4V, V. r]/j2v Be /cat TwS* ov&ev ecrrtv cv /jLtcrw

j/ V. cicrYGipillciVi. .De (Bur., Heracl. 184; cf. low, 1285).
posit : Ax. and P. Ko/ro/rtO^voit,
(or TF&a 5 i/tere iw common between ?
mid.). P. and Y. $t$oVat ; P. and Y. TIS /cotvcuvta; (with two
see over: P. and Y. gens.). Save nothing common m
.Re/er : Ar. and P. with P. ov&ev eVixoti/wvcrv (dat.).

iTrcrpenreiv, P. c^i^j/at. In common, jointly : P. and Y.

Commit oneself, make a promise
- - ' -
KOWflj CtS /COtVOV, 6/XOV, Y. >COIVC05.
P. and V. J'br ^e COT?WWOW ^oo^ ; P. and Y.
Committee, subs. Commissioners :
Commonalty, subs. See commons.
P. onryypa^s, 01, o-wcSpot, ot; see Commoner, subs. P. and V.
7Zeo a o/ o (Xen.), Y. 77/^7^5, 6.
P. wpoeSpous cXeo*0ai. TT&TC Commonly, adv. Usually : P.
(Thuc. 8, 67). Committee TO iroX-6. Commonly speaking :

meeting : P. oWopn/, TO. P. <&$ ^ wa t?rtv. Vulgarly : P.

Commix, v. trans. See mz.
Com Com
Commonness, subs. See prevalence. Proclamation : P. and Y. mJpvy/La,
Crossness see grossness.
: TO. Disclosure, act of disclosing:
Commonplace, adj. P. eTriTroXaios. P. fjujwo-is, y. Thing disclosed : P.
Everyday, ordinary: P. and V. /jwjvu/ia, TO. Intercourse, dealings :

Poor : P. and V. P__

~t -TT
e /-\
/ c

17, KOtvwvta,

crvvovcriaj 17,
P. 7riju,iia, 97, Y. oS5v-
Commons 5
subs. P. and V. ol iroXXoi', aXXa-yat, ai. Passage: Ar. and P.
7rXi}0os, TO, 8^/x.os, 6, TO KOivoV, Ar. StoSos, ^. .Hiowe communication
and V. Xdos, 6, Xew?, 6. with: see communicate with.
Common-sense, and V. Communicative, adj.
subs. P. Talkative :

is, 17,
TO onJvsToV,
P. and Y, XdJXos see sociable.
yvoiftiy, ;

Communicativeness, subs. !TaZfc-

Commonwealth, subs. P. and V. ativeness : Ar. and P. XoXi'a, ^.

TToXis, ty TO tfoipov, Ar. and P. vo\l- Communion, subs. Intercourse :
Tia, 77. Democracy: Ar. and P. P. and Y. SulX/a, 17, /cotvo>i/ta, ^,
o-uKouarta, 17. Share, partnership :
Commotion, SUbs. P. rapaxrj, 17, V. P. and V. /coivwvi'a, ^, Ar. and P.
Tapayftds, o, rdpaypa., TO, P. and V. /xTovo-to, see intercourse.
17 ;

K7rX7is, 17, Ar. Tcipais, ^. .Wcme : Community, subs. P. and Y. KOI-

P. and V. <9o>vos, 6. v<oi/ta, ^. politic : P. and V.
Commune with. Ar. and P. StoXe- ;, 17, TO /cotvov, Ar.
and P.
ycr6a.L (dat. or Trpos, aco.), V. ts

Xoyovs 2px0-0ai (dat.) (cf. Ar. JWw&. Commutation, subs. See change.
470), S& Xo'yw &<t>iKv<rOa.i (dat.). Bemission : P. &W4S, 17.
Howe intercourse with and V. Commute, v. trans.
: P. See change.
; see
6/uXcZv (dat.), -irpoarofukelv (dat.) Remit P. and V. <SvZewu. :

under intercourse. Commune with Compact, adj. P. and Y.

oneself: P. and V. evOv^la-Oai, Of the limbs P. cvTray^s. :

vocurtfai, o*wi/Oio~0<u see reflect. Compact, subs. P. and V.


Communicable, adj. !P/wrt may be or pi., (rvvOviiw., TO, ,

taught: P. and V. StSaKTos, P.

Compact, v. trans. P. and Y.
; P. and V, pi/ros, Ar. and mjyvvvaL see cowsirwoi. Compacted ;

V. Xc/CTOS. of : P. o-uy/c6//.vos (^/c, gen.).

Communicate, and V. Compactness, subs.
v. trans. P. Ar. and P.
/eotvov/, or mid. Announce : P. and
V. dyycXXciv see announce, disclose. Companion, subs. P. and V,

Communicate with, have dealings 6, ^Xt^, 6 or 17, Ar. and P.

with : P. and V. o^IXelv (dat.), wpoo-- 6, V. oruviJXtl, 6 or 17, 6/t^Xtf, 6 or 17.
o/AtXctv (dat.), /cotvovcrdcu (dat.), and V. ot cnJ^ovres.
: P.
Koivcovetv (dat.), <ri5voXXao"xriv (dat.), : and V. <ruwofcos, 6 or
crvfJifuywo-OoA (dat.), TrX^a-ta^tv o or ^ Ar. and Y.

(dat.); see under dealings. Com- , 6 or $. Partner : P. and

municate with by herald: P. Sia- V. /coiva>j/os, 6 or ^, o-i5vpyo9, o or ^,
KrfpvKV<r6aL (irpos, ace.). Take ,
6. Helper ; P. and Y.
advice of: Ar. and P. &V&KOU/OW ,
6 (Plat.), Ar. and V.
(dat.), or mid. Give a passage: 6; see assistant.
use P. SibSoy fair. Boon-companion: P. and Y. crv/i-
Communication, subs. What is TTOT^S, 6. Companion in arms : P.
announced : P. and V. yyA,jw,a, TO', o-uo-TpaTwinys, 6, o-tfovajvos, 6. Fern. :

Ar. and P. AyyeXta, 17; see Ar. (ntcrKrfwrjnqpLa, ^, P. and Y.

Com Corn

S, 6 (Xen.), V. criJi/cwnrto-nys, ing together in a small compass all

6, TOpao-TrwrnJs, 6. J30 companion one's desire : P. ctf&wrftu p^Stov cis
in arms to: V. crwacnrieiv (dat.) o<ra joi).Tat ns
(Bur. CycZ. 39), P. (Tvo-K^rov (absol., o-avra cv oXtya) (Dem. 33).
or dat.) (Xen.). Travelling com- compass of: P. and V.
ptmion : P. and V. criWfnropos, 6 or
4 (Plat.). Compass, v. trans. Encompass :

P. and V. and V. V.
Companionship, subs. Trcpt^oAXcti/,
OjulXto, 17, KOIVOW'O, 17, crwoutria, ,

Friendship: P. and V. <tXia, ^, cover. Compass an object : P.

eraipcia, 17. Trept^oAAccr^at ; see contrive, accom-
Company, subs. Intercourse, society:, plish. Compass (a person's) death :
P. and V. 6/uXta, 17, Kotvwn'a, ^, P. Trapacr/ccv^ctv (dat.). J/,
o-wouam, 17 see society. Did they
; however, we compass not the death
avoid your company for want of of Helen V. i}v 8* oflv iw 'EX^s

money $ P. &p cvfatq, xpquaTw tyev- ^ Ka.TO<rx>p>w $foov (Eur., Or.

yov TVJV (rrjv opXiav ; (Plat., Sipp. 1149). If we compass our wishes :
Maj. 283D). Division of an army : P. lav icaracrvw/xcv & ySouA.o//,0a (An-
P. and V. A.OX05, 6, zais, 07. .Band : doc. 6). Include : see include.
P. and V. o/uXos, o, o-vXXoyos, 6, Compassion, subs. P. and V. IXeos,
<nxrracn,s, 17, V. xP$i (rare P.), 6, OIKTOS, o (Thuc. 7, 77).

oroXos, 6, Xd;(OS, 6, 6/uXia, y, ofufyv- Compassionate, adj. P. and V.

pis, 17, TravT/yiJpts, 17. Zeep company (Plat.), P. eAeavo's, Ar.
with, v. P. and V. 6/uA.6v (dat.),
: and P. cXciJfwov.
7rpo0-o/uA.u/ (dat.), crvi/ctvat (dat.), Compassionate, v. trans. P. and V.
<rvyyiyvcr6ai (dat.). cAeetv, otfCTtptv, V. ot/crt^ctv (rare
Comparable, adj. V. CUCOOT&; see Z*e. P.), KaTOUCT%0/, eTTOt/CTtl^CtV, irOLKTl-
Comparative, adj. Moderate : P. pcw, P., Ar. and V. /caroi-
and V. ficrpto?.
Comparatively, adv. Moderately : Compassionately, adv. V.
P. and V. /icrpcois. Compatibility, subs. Suitability :
Compare, v. trans. P. and V. cca P. en-Lrrjociorq*;, 17. Accordance : P.
&ra/caeiv, wpoo-et/ca^ctv, P.
f ew, V. Ijret/ca^civ. S Compatible, adj. Suitable: P. and
P. 8Jld V. ai/TtTitfam, P. V. eTTtnJSetos, <n;/x^>opos, wpd(r^>opos.
<rv/A^aXA.iv, Ar. and P. Compatible with, consistent with :
seecowi/astf. Compared with : use P. and V. cru/i^wvos (dat.) (Plat.),
prep., P. and V. Trpds (ace.). owwSds (dat.) (Plat.), Ar. and P.
_pare oneself with : Ar. ai<oA.otj0os (gen. or dat.), V.
(dat.) (JBjf. 813). (dat.).
Comparison, subs. P. Compatriot, subs. P. and V.
Jw compansow wt/t : use prep., P. 6, v. o-v/x.TroXf'nys, 6, Ar. and V. 817-
and V. wpo's (aoc.). /AOTiyS, 0.
Compass, subs. JUmi^ : P. and V. Compeer, subs. Ar. and P. ^XtK
/*rpov, TO, opo5, 6. C^rcwit ; P. and 6, P. and Y. Jjhg, o or ^, V.
V. 7Tpi?/JoAo9, 6, KVJcAoS, 6, 7Tpt8pOjHOS 6 or ^, 6/Lt^X^, 6 or 77.
6 (Plat.), ^ Ar. and P., Compel, v. trans. P. and V.
Tre/w^opa, ^. Pflrfr o/ compasses :

Ar. and P. S^^s, 6 (Plat.). Jftfefc Ar. and P.


a compass, v. : P. -jrcp^aAXetv, P. Kara/3ide<rOai, Ar. and V.

It is easy to pray gather- 9 ,
Com Com

Compendious, ad]. P. and V. 0- Competitor, subs. P. and V.

TOjUOS, /5pa^i;5. SJ 6, dvra-ycovicrnfc, 6, V. TraXcu-
Compendiously, adv. P. and V. fc, see 6 ;

Compilation, subs. Act of composing:

P. <ruv^(rts, 17. Work composed:
Compendiousness, subs. P. fipayy- P. crvyypa^, 17, ov/ypa/ji/Jia, TO.
Xoyta, 17, o-uj/To/u'a, fj. Compile, v. trans. P. o-vyypa^tv, P.
Compensate, v. trans. Eeguite : P. and V. crw/TT0j/<u.
and V. a/At/?o-0eu, Compensate for, Compiler, subs. P. cnr/ypa^cv?, 6,
make good : P. and V. 'aKelo-Oai <7W0TT7$, 6.
(ace.), &vaXafj,/3uvciv (ace.), P. efa- Complacency, subs. Good temper:
(aoc.) (Xen,). Jfa&e P. UKoXia, ^. PZeaswre: P. and
/or ; P. and V. 8<?/c^ V. -5801/77, 17. Affability : .P.
(gen.), Sticky Tii/eii/
(gen.), S&OTV K- 0pa>7ria, 07, tvTrpocnrjyopia, y.
T?viv (gen.) ; see atonement. Com- with complacency : P. and V. ^
pensating for, adj. : P. avrtppmros &KOVW. Bear with complacency :

(gen.), avrtfrTaOfjLos (dflt.) (Plai), P. and V. pc&'<os <^p/.

V. dvTrra0/Aos (gen.). Counter Complacent, adj. -
Good-tempered :
see counterbalance. Ar. and P. cufcoXos. Affable : P. and
Compensation, subs. Atonement: V. ewrpocnyyopos, ^btXo^pcov (Xen.),
V. wwvty 17, or pi. (rare P.), &rotva, P. po8(,o5. JE7a2/ io deaZ rnft : P.
Ta (Plat, also but rare P.), P. and an
V, Tto-ts, 17 (Plat.). Becompense : Complacently, adv. Good-tempered-
P. and V. <*AHi7, ^ (Plat.), ly : P. cwcdXus. Easily, lightly :
6. Remedy : V. aw?, TO. and V.
P. a Wi'^ pleasure :
Compete, v. intrans. P. and V. ayu>- P. and V.
a/ALXXaortfai, Ar. and P. Complain, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
P. Sta/xtAXacr^at, V. Complain to (a person):
see COW- P. crxerXto^ctv (irpo's, ace.). Be <m~
Compete with: see contend noyed : P. and V. SY&ortfcu, Ar.
with. and P. ayavaicrcev, P. ova-xcpatvety,
Competence, subs. Suitability: P. Setvov TTOtetcr^ai, ^aXc7ra>9 (^cpetv, Ar.
cTriT^Scio-nys, 17. Capacity : P. and and P. Sctva TTOICIV. Complain of,
V. StVfyus, 17. Property : P. and V. accuse : P. and V. Karrryopeiv (gen.),
17. Authority: P. and V. aiTiaorfoi (aCC.), 7ratTtacr^at (aCG.).
Blame : P. and V. pApfavQon (aco. or
Competent, adj. .Fitf, suitable: P. dat.), i/reyctv (ace.). Jfa^d lamenta-
and V. eTTtT^Sctos, Trpocr^opos, tion : P. and V. o8vpeo-0ai,
P. and V. Or mid.,
o-0at, Trev^civ, Qpyvelv
: P. and V. Swards see able. or mid. (Dem. but rare P.),

With sufficient power to : P. and (Dem. but rare P.), orcvofeiv (Dem.
V. f*avos (infin.), but rare P.), V. Karacrrevetv, 5va-
(Eur., Or. 597). Hawing authority: aro'eH', Ar. and V. ol^civ ; see
P. and V. lament.
See querulous.
Competently, adv. P. lKavfa. Suf- Complaining, adj.
P. and V. Complaint, subs. Accusation: P.
Competition, subs. Rivalry : P. and V. airta, 17, aiTta/wt, TO, ^y/cXij/jta,
and V. fpt$, ^, 5^os, 6, P. TO, V. &riKX77/ia, TO. J5ZOW6 ; P.
vctKta, ^ ; see rivalry. Contest : and V. ^fw^fe, ^, ^yos, 6. Disease:
P. and V. y<6/, 6, 1/uXXa, ^; see P. and V. voo-os, ^, vrf<n7/xa, TO', P,
contest. Expression of annoy-
Com Com
ance : P. , 6, 0pos, 6.
Complexity, subs. P. TroiKtXta, ^, V.
Lamentation : P. and V. 68up/xds, TrepiTrXo/cat, at. Obscurity : P. ao-a-
6, oT/eros, 6,(Thuc. but <^>eta, 17 (Plat.).
oi/Atoy?/, 17
rare P.), orovos, 6 (Thuc. but rare Compliance, subs. Qmng way '
: P.
and P. P. <ruyx P rl a i s V

P.), Ar.
oAo^pjuo's, 6, vireL&s, jj (Plat.), >

V. ra, OL- (Plat.). Obedience: P. and V.

/a>y/a, TO, Ar.

and V.
TO ', 4- ^^ nature: P.
Complaisant, adj. See complacent. Compliant, adj. Obedient: P. and
Complement} subs. P. and V. irAiJ V. ^TTCI^S (Plat.), Karoos (Plat.),
po>/x, TO. V. eyn-4%, irsiOapx**- Obliging.
Complete, P. and V.
adj. P. and V. ux fp*fc.
Te'Acos, TravreXiys, cvTcXifc, P. Complicate, v. trans. P. and V.
FM: P. and V. TrX^s; see also TTOlfttAAttV.

absolute, finished. Complicated, adj. P. and V.

Complete, v. trans. Accomplish : P. TTOA-VTrXoKOS.
and V. (JvuTew, /caravvrftv, Complication, subs. P. Troi
Siairpdo'creiv (or mid., P.), cpyafecrflai, Compliment, subs.
Praise : P. and
v, S&vepcuvew V. iTrau/os, 6. 2%w is a great

(Plat.), TA,cow (V. reXctoui/), V. I&- compliment to you, Athenians: o

TeXeti/ P.), TA,vrav, Kai /xsytorov cart Koff v/jtoiv eyKco/jitov,
i/uTciv, (rare
c/creXeurav, 6/rpacro-eii/,
ai/o>es 'A^vxtot (Dem. 68).
Kpaivciv, eTTi/cpaiWv, P.Compliment, v. trans. Praise. P.
CTrtTcXeti/, Ar.
and P. &Trepyd<rOau, see worfc <w. ;
and V. 7raiv<i/, P. ey/cto/Aia^civ see ;

mafeg complete : P. and V.

, praise. Compliment on: P. and
v, fKirXifpovv, V. K7n/, V. v8aifM>v%iv (nvd TWOS), Ar. and
P dvairX^pow. The other labowrs he P. fJLO,KapL^LV (TWO. TIVOS).
has completed: V. K<U TOUS /ACI/ aAAovs Complimentary, adj. "
PoZ^e : Ar.
xovous (Eur., H". .F. 22). and P. durraos, x^P ^- ^x aP^- t/

Completely, adv. P. and V. iravrws, Comply, v. intrans. Obey: P. and

7ravT\tu5, Si^t rcXouSj Ar. and P. Travu,
rcA-eo)?, P. oXws, TravTdtTracrt, V. ts TO and V. crvyx^pciv, cwectv, vireiKGuv.
?rav ; see altogether. Consent: P. and Y. crwaivcw (Plat),
Completion, subs. End : P. and V.
TeXos, TO, TeXcvn;, , -n-epas, TO, V. P. and Y. cTratvctv. Comply with :
Tp/*a, TO, TpfjL(Dv 6. Finishing off: t P. and Y. auyxoipetv (dat.), /caTatvcFv
P. owrepyao-ta, 17. (ace. or dat.), orvi/aci/ctv
(aoc.) (Xen.^.
Complex, adj. P. and V. Oblige : P. and V.
xP^ ^ at (dat.).
Comport oneself, v. With adv. P. :

P.,andY. and Y. wpotrexeiv &ur6V. With

SuoyAaflifc, 8voT/c/Aapros, adj.: ytyvecrQai.; see behave.
pXrjros, ao-Koiros, Sua-euperos. Compose, v. trans. P. and V. crvvrl-

complex : P. and V. TrouctAAc Oevat., Ar. and P. (rvvicrrdvai, P.

Complexion ,
subs. P. and V. OaZm: P. and V.
TO, xpox, i? (Plat.), Ar. and V. ',
Ar. and V. ^a\a<To-eiv, V.
6 (rare P.), xpoi<z, 17. Of qooc a g^ar^reZ," eic.) '

plexion, adj. : Ar. and P. P. and Y. rf rWeo-Bai /cctA^)5


(Xen.). Have good complexion, v. :

Ar. vxpoew. Met., the complexion Ar. and P. JcaToA,veo"0ai. Compose

of affairs : P. fj TO>V (a book) : P. crum^a/ai (aco.), oT/y-
(acc. or absol.),
Com Com
(absol.), Compose poetry: Ar. Compounded of: P. cruyiei//,i>os IK.
and P. TToitlv (aco. or absol.). Com- Be compounded of : P. <n>yKi<r0<u
pose songs: Ar. //.eXoTroteu/ (absol.). (gen.).
Compose (for burial) : P. and V. Comprehend, v. trans. P. and V.
TrepwrrAAaj', irpoTtOza'Ba.i V. o-vy/ca- l^ctv, o-uAAa/Jt^avciv, P. Trcptc^ctv,
QapfjMfciv. Be composed (for burial): irepiA-a^avetv. Comprehend under
P. and V. TrpoKelorOcLL Compose one name : P. i? 1^ ovo/na crwayeiv.
oneself: P. and V. ^cnJ^etv, Ar. Understand: P. and V. /mv0ai/iK,
and V. //A.acro-o-0ai, V. p.aXOai<r- (aoc. or gen.), cirdteu', ^TTO-
<rcrQcu, yorixtos %xew. Ite composed (rare V.), a/i/octi/ or mid., P.
of: P. ffwicrraa-Qai K (gen.), orvy- i/iv, /carajuiav^avciv, /cara-
KeurOcu. K (gen.). "FPbrds specially 6K ; see understand.
composed to meet the occasion : P. Comprehensible, adj. P. and V.
Aoyoi, Trpos TO Trapov /Ae^T/^av^/bieVoi js (Xen.), <ra^T75, V. oriJveras,

(Dem. 847). .Mew wife composed , ,


features : P. ot TrcTrAao-juteyoi (Dem. Comprehension, subs. Intelligence,

1122). Composing his features to mind : P and V, vovs, 6, o-uveo-ts, ^,
hide his knowledge of the calamity : yvwfjuq, 17, Ar. and P. Stavota, ^, Ar.
P. aS^Aws TiJ oi/rei 7r\acra/Avos Trpos and V. <)5>p^v, ^, or pi. (rare P.).
rr)V crv^opdv (Thuc. 6, 58). Power of understanding : P. and
Composed, adj. Calm: P. and V. V. /i.40i7<ris, ^.
aios, P. ^OT;X>S ^pe/juuos, Comprehensive, adj. ^wZZ : P. and
. V. 7r\ripri<s. Complete: P. and V.
Composedly, adv. Calmly : P. and
V. ^OT$;c7, ^o~u;(a)s, Ar. and V. drpejxa, Comprehensively, adv. P. and V.
Ar. and P. drpe/xa?, fjptpJa..
Composer, subs. O/ so^grs Ar. and CompreSS, Subs. Ar. KaTairXacr/oia, TO.

P. ftXo7ro409, 6. Tenter
P. <rv^- Compress, v. trans.
; P. oww&ew
7179, 6, orvyypa^cus, 6. O/ poetry : (Piat.), cru/jiTrtcfctv (Plat.), Ar. and
P. and V. ?ro7Ti7$, 6 (Eur., .PV^. ; P. 0A.fy?iv, m^civ. Shorten : P.
also Ar.). and V. orwrc/Aveiv, o-uoreAActv, KO-
Composite, adj. P. crvvOeros. Xovctv.

Composition, subs. Putting together; Compressed, adj. Shortened : P.

P. and V. (rvvOecris, rf. Framework, and V. (TuvTojuios*
organisation : P. and V. /caTdurracris, Compression, subs. Squeezing: P.
17, KaTa(rKurj, y (once Eur.), P. o-w- GPu/ATTiWts, ^ (Plat.). Shortening :

ra^ts, ft, crvcrraons, f}> Of a book : P. o-WTo/ua, .

P. oru^co-fc?, Book composed : Comprise, v. trans. P. and V.


P. (rvYYpafjLfjia, Of poetry Ar.

TO. P. : ,
and P. -Troiyorts, iy Of music P. . :

Compromise, subs.
Composure, subs. O^rfm: Ar. and P. and V. OT;jw,j8ao-w, 17, orw^fta, TO,
P. ^criJxta, 17,
V. T^ ^(riJxawi/. TF^fe P. o/^oXoyta,
crvv&YJKai, at, 17.
composure : see composedly. Bear oyyxvpew. a compromise : P. and V.
with composure, v. trans. P. and Compromise, v. trans. CMve in/or-

V. /SotSitos <epetv. mation against : P. pqvvtw Kara

Compound, v. trans. PM* together : (gen.) see accuse. Put in danger: ;

P. and V. o-ui/n^o/at. Mas ; P. and Ar. and P. Trapaj&xAAccrftu, V. ?rapap-

V. : P. and V.
fuyviSvai, KCpaiWvac ; see wiflJ. ptTn-etv. Injure pXairTew,
Compound, adj. P. <rw0ros. Oo?- 6ia<jf>^tp6tv. Compromise (an action
pound interest : P. TOKOI en-trcm, 01. at law) : P. Ka0v<tVai (ace.). JBa

Com Con

compromised in P. and V. , i, Ar.

and V.
(dat.). Be compromised in the vio- KaXvnrreiv, V. ovyKaXwrTCtv (rare P.),
lation of the mysteries : P. orreyetv,Kcvfaw, KK\iirrGiv, afjare^eiv
vua-Qai 7T/H TV //.wn/piW o>s (rare P.), d^Trtcrxctv (rare P.), crw-
(Thuc. 6, 53). V. intrans.
an agreement : P. and V. < V. (ace.).
' P. conceal, adj, :V.
Concealed, adj. P. and V.
Compromised, adj. Accessory to : see s^r^i..

P. and V. crwaiTios (gen. or absol.), dagger concealed about his person :

IJLTOXO$ (gen. or absol.). P. ju.Ta ft^tStov d<ai/os Ifcaoros

Compromising, adj. Suspicious P. (Thuc. 8, 69). :

and V. tJTrorrTos. Concealment, subs. V. ,

Comptroller, subs. P. and V. ra/ud Secrecy : P. and V. TO /cpuTrrdv.

Compulsion, subs. P. and V. in concealment : P. and V. /cpvu

UweZer compulsion : P. 0-001, V. Ku0iv see JMe. ;

oY avay/fl/s, P. and V. dWy/tf7, Concede, v. trans. Yield P. and :

faLyKvp, V. lit 6w. V, OT;yx<*>ptv, l^t&oi, waptcvat, Ar.
Compulsorily, adv. See wider com- and P. Trapaxtopew (gen.). Give :
pulsion. P. and V. StSoVat see gvve, allow.

Compulsory, adj. P. and V. Conceit, subs. Pride : P. and V.

/ M e T5 / <
P. /3iatos. TO, oy/cos, o, Jr xavvorqs, 77,

Compunction, subs. P.
(Thuc. 7, 81). P. and V.
Sterne :
<f>pocrvvr), y>

aiScos, 17. Remorse P. and V.

: I^6a, thought : Ar. and P.
TO', P. and V. Iwoia, 17
/zcTa/teXeia, 97 (Bur., Frag.) 9 P. jacra- see ,

vota, 17, V. ficrayi/ota, 17. Pfc'fa/ P- *

Conceit oj language : P. /cota, 17*.
and V. eA.09, 6, oT/cros, 6. Conceited, adj. P. -wrcp^avos, ftcya-
Computation, subs. Ar. and P. Xd^pcov, wrcpoirrtKds, Ar. and P.
Aoyurfios, 6. Number: P. and V Xawos ; sae boastful.
<S/tt0/A09, 6. Conceitedly, adv. P. /xeyoAo^pdvcos ;
Compute, v. trans. P. and V. Aoyie- see boastfully.
<70cu, P eicA.oyif0-0a(, StaXoyifca&u, Conceivable, adj. P. VOITTOS. Every
diroAoyteo-0<u. Number : P. and conceivable form of death : P, iSea
V. apiJ&ncLV, Karapi6fj^lv T?. igapiQfJLclv',
Trao-a oXe'flpov (Thuc. 7, 29).
see also measure. Conceivably, adv. Perhaps : P. and
Comrade, subs. P. and V. T<upo$, o, V. fero>s, Tcix^-
Ar and P. i/Auaun??, 6, V. <n; Conceive, v. trans. Understand,
6 or 97, iJX^, 6 or (also Ar.),
17* grasp in the mind : P. and V.
6 or $. Associate : P. and V. /xav^avecv, crwZcvac (aCC. or gen.),
vojitos, 6 or 17, owrpo^os, 6 or 77, Ar. vrroAa/^dWv (rare V.), e^voeti/ (or
and V. cru'vyos, 6 or 97; see com- mid.), foctv (or mid.), Ar. and P.
panion. Siavoetcrtfat, P. KaTaXajtxjSavctv, KttTa-
Con over, v. Ar and P. /xeXerav (ace.). voiv, KaTafjiAvQdvGw. Devise : see
Concave, adj. P. and V. xotXos. devise. Pictwre to oneself : P* and
Concavity, subs. P. and V. TO *oZXov, V. voctv (or mid,), frvoctv (or mid.).
As opposed to convexity : P. Become pregnant : P. KT^M/, Ar. and
Tyg, 77 (Arist.) V. jofeiv (Bur., Frag. ; also Xen.),
Conceal, v. trans. P. and V. V. ^Eptv ilfiro ^CDVTJV,
cbroKpvirreiv, crwyKpvirrcw, Concentrate, v. trans. P. and V,
<r6cu f K\en-TLV 9 P. KOTaK/avTrrciv, e?rt- cis tr erwiyciv. V. intrans. P. and
Con Con

V. <rwL<rra<rOau, ;
see collect. Con- en. or dat.). In reference to:
centrate for defence : P. o-vpfBoyQciv. . and V. Kard (ace.).
Concentrate (one's thoughts) : Ar. Concert, v. trans. Ar. and P. o-wt-
and P. irpo<r^LV (rav vovv). P. KaTaarKeud&Lv, Y,

Concentration, subs. P. o-waycoyrj,

Collection : P and V. o-vXXoyT}, see cowinue. Concert measures
77, HOpouris, 77. Attention : P. and ivith: P.
Kowo\ay<rBa.i (wpos, aec.).
Y. CTTWTTpO^TJ, 77. Concert, subs. Agreement: P. o-u/x-
Concept, subs. Ar. and P. v6rjfj.a TO. ^ojvwi, 77, 6/xovota, 77.
7w concert,

Conception, subs. Pregnancy : P. jointly : P. and V. KOLVT;. Jfwsic :

Kifyo-is, Jdea, thought : Ar. and
Ar. and P. /xouori/cTy, 77.
P. vo'77/ua, TO. .Form a conception Concerted, adj. Jomt: P, and V.
of : P. v7roXa//,/3aviv (ace.) (rare V.) ; KOtVOS.
see idea Concession, subs. P. o-uy^ajpT/ofts, 77.
Concern, subs. Business : P. and V. Admission : P. o/xoXoy/a, 77*.
Trpay/xa, TO*, 2pyoi/, TO ; see wor&, Conciliate, v. trans. WSw o^er : P.
Anxiety: P. and Y. <pon-fe, P, and V. 7rpoo"ay(T^at, TrpocrrWeorQcu,

dyeon'a, 77, Ar. and V. fUpifiva, 77, Y.

or/mutt, 77, /j,eX77/Aa, TO ; see /ear. Persuade. P. and Y. TTC^CIV.
Tow /&a<;e TZO concern in : P. and V. Soften: P. and Y. wpdiWv.
OV O*Ot fJL,T(TTl (gen.). Conciliation, subs. Mediation: P.
Concern, v. trans. Save to do with : and V. <rwoXXay7, 77'.
Pefi'suasion :

P. and V. irpoor^Keiv (dat.), TciVciv ek P. and V. iri0o>, 77*.

Gentleness :

(ace.). It concerns, it is a care to : P. <^>tXav^p<D7rta., 77.

P. and V. ju,eX (dat.). -Be concerned Conciliatory, adj. Gentle: P. and

about : P. and Y. pepifwav (ace.), Y. <jMLXav0pum><?; BQQ gentle. Friend-

<poimav (gen. or prep.),o-7roi;8aiv ly : P. and V. <]?Xios. Persuasive :

uTrcp (gen.), Krfi<rQ<u (gen.) (also Ar. V.
but rare P.), V. P. and V.
ffpofcrjSeo'&u (gen.), Concise, adj.
7TpofC77pa/vtv concerned
(gen.). 5e
Sfeori : P. and V. fipdxys. Laconic :
in, have a share in: P. and Y. P. ^pa^vAoyos.
icotvo>v/ (gen.), Koivov<r6ai (ace. or Concisely, adv. P. and V.
: P.
gen.), Tc^av (gen.), <rv/x,ftTe^t,v orAXij/JoV. Shortly
(gen.), ETaXa^dtveiv (gen.).
Cow- oTfl/XoVn, P. and Y. ev
cerned i9
joint cawe o/, adj. P. Conciseness, subs. P. :

and V. o-womos (gen.), /iero^os Briefness : P. /Spa^Xoyta, 77.

(gen.) ; see accessory, ks /a?' as Conclave, subs. See assembly.
you are concerned : P. and V. TO Conclude, v. trans. Complete: P.
o-or ftepos ; see under far. As far and Y. TrcpaiVciv, SictTrepatvctv (Plat.),
as he is concerned : Y. TOVKWOV TcXcow (Y. TcXetow), V. T^Actv (ware
. .
pipes (Bur., Eec. 989).
. ^5 P.), TeXevrav, e/Mrcpcavctv, ^KTcXcvrav,
/ar as ... is concerned : P. and V. P. IwtTcXciv; see ew^. Iw/er: P.
&Ka (gen.), Y. o&//ca (gen.) (Bur., and V. TK/xatp(r^at, P. on;XXoyt-
Phoen. 865; also And. 759), !/ca ^co-^at see infer. Decide : P. and ;

(gen.) (Bur., Cycl 655). .4s /ar V. SiayiyvoicrKciv,

Ar. and P. 8ca-
as decrees are concerned he would Kpfvctv. Conclude a treaty : P. and
long ago have paid the penalty : P. V. iroitMrQai en^acnv, or P. and Y
7T(Xai &v IVCKCL ye i/r^^tor/xaTa)* <n;/Aj3aiW (absol.). V. intrans.
8ait StKT7v (Dem. 32). P. and Y. Te'Aos ?x tv > T/^ 09 -k<W^"
Concerning, prep. P. and Y. veil/, TeXewSv, V. cKTcXcvrav; see
(ace. or gen.), fercp (gen.), V.
Con Con

Concluding, adj. Last: P. and V. Concrete, adj. Opposed to abstract.

TeXeimuos, IO^TOS, UOTCITOS. Did you not just say that the
Conclusion, subs. End : P. and V. upholsterer makes not the abstract
s, TO, TeXcvnJ, 17, Trcpas, TO, aTa- conception which, as we say, con-
(Thuc. but rare P.), V.
>77, 17 stitutes the bed, but the concrete
TO, Tcp/xwv, 6 see end. Con- ; bed : P. OVK apn eXcyes OTI (6 . . .

clusion from premisses : P. o-uXXo- KXtvowotds) ... o^ TO ctSos irott o

ytor/Aosj 6. Draw a right conclusion: 817 <a//,ev ivai o ort K\ivrj <XXa
P. o*uXXoytO"0ot op0o>?. K^Lvrjv T6va (Plat. Rep. 597A).
opposite conclusion : P. Concubine, subs. Ar. and P.
ytywoovcco (Thuc. 3, 44). Decision :
P. and V. yvw/x>7, 17* see judgment. Concupiscence, subs.
P. and V.
Conclusive, adj. Clear : P. and V.
Licontrovertible : P. di/e- Concupiscent, adj. P.
dra/i^to-j&TTtyros. Of a Concur, v. intrans. Coincide: P.
victory : P. and V. Xa/jnrpos. and V. crvp.TriTTTtii', o*uvrpXiv, crufi-

Conclusively, adv. Clearly: P. and jSatvctv, V. crufMTirvcw, a-v^/3d)(XcrOai.

V. crac^o)?, Xa//,7rpws. Agree: P. and V. crv/A^fpco-^at,
Conclusiveness, subs. oT;/A</>dtvat, Ar. and P. 6/AoXoyav.
P. and V. o*a^^veta, 17. Concur with: use verbs given
Concoct, v. trans. P. and V. with dat.
Concurrence, subs. Agreement: P.
pOLTTTCLVf 6/AoXoyta, 17.
Trump up: P. and V. Concurrently, adv.
7rXao-o~tv, P. cru/jwrXcwnmv, Kara- time ; P. and V. S/AO. Concurrently
o-/ceuaea/, crvcr/ccvafetv. .Be concocted: loith : P. and V. 3/^ (dat.).
P. and V. <ruyKT0ai. Concussion, subs. Shock : P. <rr-
Concocter, subs. V. ju^x&'oppdtyos, ftds, 6. Collision : Ar. and P.
6 or ; see de wiser.
37' o-^oSos, 17, V. o-u/A/JoXiJ, 07. Earth-
Concoction, subs. Met., ac o/ cow- quake: P. aoid V. crcto-ju-os, 6. jPo
cocting: P. erAceuwpta, 17. TFT&ai & cow- ave ^o^ (jowcwss^ow o/ the brain: Ar.
COCted : P. 7rXao*/jca, TO, crKfv^p^fAa9 TO. .
Concomitant, adj. Ar. and P. &co- Condemn, v. trans,
P. P. and V.
o*Kti/ (TIVOS Tt),
Concord, subs. Musical: Ar. and xctpoTovctv (nvds Tt), icaTai/r^^tc-
P. apfjiovia, 17, V. (nr/xopSta, 17. Met., t
(TWOS Tt). Convict : P. and V.
P. oruju,^a)wa, 77" (Plat.), appovta, TJ
Be condemned,
(Plat.), 6/JLQVOLa, 17. convicted : P. and V. aAtV/c<r0at.
Concordant, P. and V.
adj. Condemn beforehand: P.
(Plat.), o-uvwSds (Plat.), V, ytyi/d>GPKtv (gen. or absol.).
yo?. Agreeing : P. d&nmed to die : V. ^^0-^
(Eur., Heracl. 141). TAe Zoi
Concordantly, adv. P. O aeww&s me io : V. c/x
Concourse, subs. Crow;d ; P. and V. Katfatpa (infin.) (Soph., 4wt. 275).
o^vXXoyo?, 6, o-woSos, 77, o/AtXo?, o, Blame : P. and V. /jL^ea-Oat (ace.
o^Xos, V. 6, 6/xcXca, 17, a#potcr/xa, TO. or dat.), i/reyctv.
See crowd. Condemnation, subs. Sentence to
Concrete, subs. Bubble : Ar. and P. punishment : P. /caT<yvaxris, ^, Kara-
X<&i& o or ^. Cemmt : P. and V. Xpoiwx, ^. Blame : P. and V.
7117X0$, 6. , i/ro'yos,

Con Con
v. trans. : P. and
Condense, present conditions : P. CK
Y. (ruvrepvfiVy o-uorcXXcn/.
Solidify :
P. and V. V. intrans. Conditionally, adv. Use P. and V.
Become solid : P. and V e?rl p^Tots
(on fixed terms).
Condensed, adj. Solidified P. and Condole (with), v. trans. P. and V.

V. vy?. Shortened : P. and V. crvvaXyclv (dat. or absol.), P. cn>XXu-

owro/ios. wcLcrOaL (dat. or absol.); see sym-
Condescend, v. intrans. With infin. pathise. :

P. and V. at,ovv, ftiKaiovv, V. ToX//,av, Condolence, subs. Pity : P. and V.

Ar. and V. T\rjvai (2nd aor. rXav). eXcos, 6, OWCTOS, 6 ;see sympathy.
Condescend (to) : P. o-vyicaflievai Conduce to, v. P. and V. o-u/ij&aX-
(dat. or absol.). \<rOcu (cts, acc., or wpos, acc.)>
Condescending, adj. Affable : P. TetVctv (cts, ace.), <^>ptv (a?, aoc.),
and V. cvrrpooTTyopos, <tXaj>0pco?ros, P. irotceiv cts, acc.).
P. U7rpocro8os, KOIVOS, paSios. P0W- Conducive to, adj. P. wovpyos (dat.)
jjous : P. and V. o-c/wfe. (Xen.).
Condescendingly, adv. P. and V. Conduct, v. trans. .Lead : P. and V.
^>iXo<pdV<os (Plat.), P. <tXav0p<6?ra>s. fiyetv, ^yeio-^at (dat.). Escort : P.
Pompously : P. and V <rejui/a>s. and V. Man-

TTc/jiTrctv, 7rpo7r/x,7Tiv.
Condescension, subs. Affability :
age : P. and V. owcetv, Ar. and P.
P. cwrpooTyyopio, 17, ^iXa,vdpa>7rta, 17, 8lOLKtV, JJXTa.Xlplc<rQcLl, V. VCO/WIV,
Pompousness : P. and V. TO O-C/AVOV. irop<rtvw ; see wo?aa^e. Con^wci
Condign, adj. Deserved : P. and V, (inquiry, etc.) : P. and V. -jroro-0(u.
<5&os, V. &r<w>s. Conduct oneself : see behave.
Condiment, subs. Ar. and P. Conduct, subs. Escort: V.
TO, TJfSvOTAO., TO. 17. Safe-conduct : Ar. and P.
Condition, subs. State : P. and V. 17,
P. Sa, 17, P. and V.
ffaTOoroms, 17, KaTaovceuiy, 17 (once 97. Management : P. Siowo/cris, 17,
Bur.), P. 2&s, 17, 80<ris, ^. Good 8wtxtpLo-is, 17. Behaviour: P. and
condition : P. and V. cfe&'a, ^ (Bar., V. TpoVos, 6, or pL, ?tfos, ro'.
Frag.). Bad condition : P. -4oiM)% : P. and V. irpa K, ij.
50 zn a certam condition : P. Conducting, adj. Escorting on the
and V. Ix*"'* A*- and p 8iaicr<r0 -
way V. irofjarifjLQS, flrofwroTos, cwro/*-

Affection : P. ?ra0os, TO, 7ra^/x,a, TO. TTOS. Conducting the souls of the
In groo<i condition, adj. P. and V. : dead : V. i/rv^
Bank, station : P. and V. Conductor, subs. P. and Y.
Stipulation: V. Ko/uo-nfc, 6, Ko/uo^njp, 6; see escort.
P. and V. Xoyot, ol ; see Conductress, subs. P. and V. >fyc/AO)v>
Clause in an agreement : P. 1

Ar. and P. Conduit, subs. P. oxero's, 6. Canal :

4^' <Sr (infin.), P. and V. WO-TC (infin.), P. BiS>pv, 6, 8topvy/ia, ro.
On fixed conditions : P. and V. CTT P. avXalv, 6, Ar. 8poppoa,
On these conditions : P Confectionery, subs. P. W 77*.

and V. erri Tovrot?, ?rl ToTo-Se. On Confederacy, subs. League: P.

what conditions ? P. and V. 17. Alliance: Ar. and
Are we held to Mscondition or P. a confeder-
our safety ? V. v T$8c Kdvo^co-^ acy P and <rvvQLwijvQ.i <rvvp- V .

o-w^vat Xoyw; (Bur., Heracl 498) Ar. and P. oSJnirraortfaL


U^r %656 conditions, under thes Confederate, adj. Allied: P. and

circumstances : P. and V. OVTW V. onJ/A/zax s Of allies : Ar. and'

exovrwv (thmgs bemg thus). Under

Con Con

Confederate, subs Allied: P. and Confidence, subs. : P. and V. 2V^

V. (ruju/jiaxo?, 6 or %. Conspirator : 17. Boldness: P. and Y.
P. and Y. tnW/xonys, 6. Accessory : TO, 0pd<ro?, TO see boldness. ;

P. and V. O-TJVOITIOS, 6 or -9, /AC'TO^OS, Assurance: P. and V. Trtb-Tis, 17.

6 or 17. J50 confederate, v. P. confidence in: P. and V.

and V. <nJvt8/ai. The confederate Ixciv (dat.) see confide. ;

forces: Ar. and P. TO crvfjifj^xiKov. Inform in strict confidence: P. ev

Confederation, subs. See confederacy. faopprrry Xeyctv (dat.) (Plat. Theaet.
Confer, v. trans. P. and V. 152o). Regain confidence, v. : Ar.
irpocr<l>pw P. ,
and P. &/o0ap<mv.
see gw?e. -4 foolish favour did Confident, adj. 50W: P. and Y.
Adrastus confer on you : Y. P. flapo-oAeos ; see
*A8paoros xupiTas Is <r* avyifraTo (Eur. Confident in: P. and Y. -n- /
Pho&n. 569). Confer (with), have (dat.),Y.7rrro s(dat.). Be confident
conference (with) : P. and Y. o-uy- (that) P. and Y. Trio-roW, Trei&eo-Oai,,

yfyv<r0cLL (dat.), crvvepx^crOai (dat.), 6ap<rLv, Y.-TTto-TOi^jvat (aor. pass,


(dat.), Ar. and Swt- P avx&v.

(dat.), P. JeoivoAoycur&u Confidential, adj. Secret : P. and
Y. eis A.oyov
epxe<r0ai (dat.), Y. /cpuTTTOs, fcpv^atos, a^aviys.
(cf Ar. N-M&. 470), Sia A.oya>v <i- Confidentially, adv. Inform con-
KveurOai (dat.). I wcwW confw with fidentially : P. tv dTroppTTTw Xcyctv
him touching my own and state (dat.) (Plat., Theaet. 152cf). Sec-
affairs : V. otjeeta KO! KOWO. reiZ^ P. and Y. A.c0pa.
0&U) irpos aurov <n;^aXtv Confidently, adv. Ar. and P. flpacrc'o)*,
/jiara (Eur. PfeodTO. 692). a$a>s, P. ^apcraXeo)? see boldly.

Conference, subs. P. and V. Assert confidently, v. P. lcrxyp%c- :

^, Xoyoi, oL Wfeew I mei Polynices crOai, Sucrxuptfecr^at, V. avxctv (rare

in conference ; V. o? cs Aoyous P.), tgavdv; see <

UioXvveiKti fLoXcw
(Eur. Confiding, adj. Simple, guileless :
. P. and Y. oh^iys, P. oka/cos.
Confess, v. trans. P. and V. 6/xo- Configuration, subs. P. and V.
u/ (Soph. PMZ. 980 Eur. I. A.
; TO.
1142, and Frag.), P. Confine, v. trans. C*sc& : P. and
V. Kartxciv, lirexeiv, Ar. and V.
Confessedly, adv. P. TXV (rare P.), V. em'o-xav (rare
Confession, subs. P. dftoAoyta, P.), pi5fc.v; see c&00&. Sto^ m:
op.oX6yi)fjui, TO. P. and V. etpyetv, /caTtpytv,
Confetti, subs Thrown at weddings, V. oweiWtv, Ar. and P.
etc. : Ar. and P. KaraxvcrfjLara, ra : P. and V. opi
(Dem. 1123). confined to their ships ; P.
Confidant, subs. Use P. and V. T<US vavo*t /caTCicX-w^wo-av (Thuc. 1.
<riW8tos (part, of crvvetScvat) see 117).

confederate. Confinement, subs. "FFard : P. and

Confide, v. trans. Intrust : Ar. and V. ^uAcuoJ, 4- Put confinement : >

P. ejrLTpGTreiv, P. Trtorcvctv, SicwrioTei;- P. ets ^uXa/c^v -Trotcicr^at. Prison:

etv, Y. tcr^tptfciv ; see witrust. P. and Y. SCCT/WH, ot, ipicr^, 4, P.
Communicate: P. and V. KOIVOW Seorfwor^ptov, TO se ;

(or mid.). Deposit: Ar. and P. bed : see childbed.

KarariBcvo.1 (or mid.). Gonfide in, Confines, subs. Boundary : P. and
trust: P. and V. (dat.), Y. opx, rd, P. peOopta, rd; 866
(/Jon Con

Confirm, v. trans. Make a thing r.),

Ar. and P. o-ir/Kv/cav
swre : P. jfo/fcuow. Verify : P. (Plat.). Bring to nought : P. and
7raXi70ueiv. Eatify : P. and V. V. (ruyx ^v a-fjx&Xcw, P. iKKpovciv
9 ;

KVpOW, CTTLKVpOVV, JUm$OVV (Plat., see also destroy. Astonish : P.

^Iso Ar.). Encourage : P. and V. and V. Kir\i(](r<riv.
Confounded, adj. Mixed in a heap :

see encourage. V. crvfAtfrvpTos.

Confirmation, subs. P. Confront, v. trans. Meet : P. and

y. Ratification : P. /cvpwo-ts, V. Y. wiravrav (dat.), crupftaXXeiv (dat.),
fcvpos, TO.
foriTaa-crecrOai (dat.). Oppose : P.
Confiscate, v. trans. P. and V. foOivTao-Qau, (dat.) see ;

8i7/u.oo'>w, S?7/Aoo~veiv (Xen.). oppose. Confront with, bring up

Confiscation, subs. P. against : P. and V.

Conflagration, subs. P. and V. Confronting, adj. P. and V.

17, Tup,
TO t see jire. V. dvrtos.
Conflict, subs. P. and V. ayow', 6, Confuse, v. trans. Throw in disorder:
paxy, ^, <Iju.iXXa, -, V. ayawa, ^, P. and V. Tapao-0"iv, arvvToipa.<rcrcLv,
0Xos, 6, iraXawr/Aa, TO, Ar. and P. orvy^Lv, Ar. and P. dopv^eiv; see
-s, 17. Conflict of feeling : P. confound. Perplex: P. and V.
,, fj. Sowfa : P. and V. v, Gruwapacro-iv, CKTrXiJo-o-ctv,
_wa, 17. Conflict of opinion : Ar. (Plat,but rare P.) see ;

and P. dvTiXoytix, 17.

Coww wto perplex. Bender obscure: P. and
V. royx*"/.
conflict (with): P. TrpooncpoiW (absol. Mix up: P. and V. t

or dat.).
Conflict, v. intrans. Be opposed : P. Confused, adj. Indistinct: P. and
and V. &>aimos etixu, P. 8tc V. cfera^s, 817X0$, V. tfcn/jLtos, 8vorrK-
(Plat.), V. StxpcrraTclv ;
see /Ltapro5, Sw/i-a&ys. W^/wwi order :
variance, under variance. P. &TOKTOS see disorderly. Shame- ;

Conflicting, adj. Opposed: P. and faced: V. /caT^ifc; see ashamed.

V. cvavrtos. Not agreeing : P. Mixed together P. and V. c -

a.crvfj.<t><i>vo<5 (Plat.).
Conform, v. trans. 2ldap$: P. and Confusedly, adv. P.
J. random : P. and Y. citf,
udf v. Conform to, obey : P. and (Xen.), P. X^SITV. In disorder :

V. irei&co-Oai (dat.), dr<fCTw?, ovSevi

Tretflapxjtv (dat.). KOCT/AO),

Conformable, adj. Ar. and P. Of the mind P. TO :

fessZy : P. and V. d
suitable. Confusing, adj. P. rapax^rj^ P. and
Conformably, adv. P. V. fcopos.
subs, P. and V. Confusion, subs. Disorder : P.
Conformation, Ar.
o*y>7/Aa, TO. Tapax^, ^, ctTa^ta, ^, Tdfpaft5, 17,

Conformity, subs. Agreement: P. P. and V. ^opxJjSos, 6, V. rapay/ios,

cru/x<cov/a, ^. Si/milarity : P. ofiot-- 6, Tapay/Aa, TO. -4.W WOS -WJ COTt-
0117$, ij.
Jw conformity with : use fusion : V. o-v/x^vpra 8* ^v foavra
adj., AJ. and P. dJfco'Xovflos (gen. or (Bur., jEK^p. 1234). Perplexity :
dat.), or P. adv., aicoXoitfos (dat.).
P. and V. airopta, r/. Agitation :
Confound, v. trans. Throw mto P. and V. l/crrX^ts, 17,
P. Tapa,xq, V,
disorder P. and V. crvyxtw, Tapacr
: V. ropay/xcJ?,flow ye a/Z cowe
to om ^o-wtf w^/i confusion and
ortv, a-WTap&rcrw, c^ipetv (Plat.)
(Plat.), Ar. and V. 8ovetv
distress in your looks : V. a>s /xo<
Con Con

TTCtVTCS tS W Congruous, adj. Suitable: P. and

KOL opparw (JGur., J. A. V.
1127). Shame P. and V. aiSois,
: ;
see P. ot/ccios

ato-xiSvw, ^.
Throw into confusion: Conjectural, P. SO&MTTO'S (Plat.). adj. L

P. and V. rapa<r(TLv\ see confuse, Conjecturally, adv. -4s as one

confound. can guess : V. d>s eucatrai, a>5 ^ret-
Confutation, subs. P. and V. Kacrai, d>? aTTft/cacrat.
6. Conjecture, v. trans, and intrans.
Confute, v. trans. P. and V. P. and V. wcctiv, <ru/A/3aAAetv, <rro-
^A.'yxv, P. Bi\cyx tl/ ^ot to (gen. or absol.),
confuted, adj. P. aveXcyfcros,
So^a^ctv, TO7rav, V. C
to confute : P. Estimate P. and V. <rra0/x,acr0<u. '

Suspect : P. and V. VTTOTTTCVCIV,

Congeal, v. trans. P. and V. &roj/oik JBo52/ io conjecture, adj. :
vvvai, Ar. airairqyvvvcLi. V. intrans. V.
P. and V. Tnjyywfltu, Trttnpyo/at, P. to conjecture : V.

a-7r07nqyw<r6ai (Xen.). Conjecture, subs. P. 8o'a<r/za, TO, P.

Congealed, adj. P. and V. X^KTOS. and V.
Congenial, adj. Pleasant: P. and pidon : P. and V. wdvota, ,

V. TjSiis, apeords. Suitable : P. and ^. Ma?iy conjectures are made to

V. explain why (the ships) did not
arrwe P. ovic ?A.^ov at
Congenially, adv. Pleasantly: P. TroAAax? tKo^Tat (Thuc. 8, 87).
and V. ^cws. Conjecturer, subs. P. L/caonJs, 6,
Congenital, adj. P. and V. fc, 6. Prophet: P. and V.
P. <ri/iTpo<os, V. ,
6 or 17.

o-vyyovos. v. trans. See/ow.

Congratulate, v. trans. Ar. and P. Conjointly, adv.
P. and Y.,
Conjugal, adj. O/ marriage : Ar.
Ar.and V. Congratulate and P. Ar. and V. ,

on : Ar. and P. iv
(gen.), P. see marriage.
and V. v8aifjLov(.v en.). Bejoice Conjunction, subs. In conjunction
with another : P. and V. (ru with: use P. and V. perd (gen.),
P. oTn/x"^"^ (dat.), o-i/v
(dat.) (rare P.), /*a (dat.).
<t>ptuv<rOai (dat.), V. Conjuncture, subs. Occurrence: Ar.
(dat.) (peri of (ruyy^^tv and P. <rwri$;(ia, ij, V. o^Ji/aAAayiJ,
Congratulation, subs. P. ^. Orm's : P. and V. *<up<fe, 6.
6. Conjure, v. trans. P. and V. Trapa-
Congregate, v. intrans. P. and V. KaA.eiv, eiruricirjirreiv, P. 3rapa/ceA.V*
'" o-0<u. CaZZ wpcm : P. and V. ;

o-^at, Ar. and P. pco-^at, Ar. and P. em/*

P. 3ta/4ap n;po-0<u,
7ri/3od<r&at, ; see

Congregation, subs. Assembly at a also gttirgfl^. V, intrans. PZay ^fee

religious festival : P. and V. conjurer : P. yo^TeuW. Gonjwre
yupis, ^ see assembly.
; away : P. and V, e^erraSeiv. Gon"
Congress, subs. P. and V. jwre up the dead : Ar. and P.
17, (rvAAoyos, 6, P. crweSpiov, TO ; see '/ ^X^y 7
r a) "' ( aoc or -
absol.). Conjure " "

assembly. Hold a congress : P. up : met., P. and V.

<rwo8ov Troictorflcu. (ace.).
Congruity, subs. Suitability : P. Conjurer,
UUJUIY7I, subs.
C P. ds, 6,
P.andV. o, /twtyoj, Sorcerer:
Con Con

P. and V. 7ra>8os, 6, <jbap/-iaKeT;s,

(them) not to connive at their de-
One who conjures up the dead : V. struction : P. $0/JLVOL fJLYJ Gr<^s -TTCpt-
opav <0eipoju,epovs (Thuo. 1, 24).
Conjuring, Subs. P. 0c;//,aT07roua, 17, Se privily begets sons and connives

ypqrcta, ^, /xayyaveta, 17,

V. /Act at their death : V. TratSas IKTC/CVOV-
TcL /xevos \dOpa OvTjarKovras d/xcXei (Eur. ;

Connect, v. trans. low, 438).

P. and Y. (rvvaarrew. Unite : P. Connote, v. trans. See weow.
and Y. o-wayeiv. 4#P^ ^n wind Connubial, adj. Ar. and P. -'

P. and Y. trpocrrW^an see apply. Ar. and V.


Connect oneself (by marriage] with : Conquer, v. trans. P. and V. vZ*ai/

Y. 107805 (TO) crvvanrreLV (dat.), Xc^os KpaTew (ace. or gen.),
(TO) criSvcwrmv (dat.), Xc/crpa (TCL)
OT;- and P, &jriKpa.riv (gen.),
vairr6t.v (dat.). J30 connected with (gen.), P. ircptcTvat (gen.),
(of persons), associate with : P. and ^aUco-^at. Met., of feelings P. :

Y. (rvvcwai (dat.), crvyyiyvcr6a.i (dat.), OUK a/8i8oVai (dat.), V. vl/cai/, ou/c et/cctv
owoAAao-o-cii' (dat.), b}jCiXv (dat.), (dat.). V. intrans. P. and V.
TTpocrofuXeiv (dat.) ; see associate. /cparciv, vTrcpe^ctv, P. li
Of things : P. and Y. TrpooT^ai/ Treptctvat.
(dat.). conquerng : P. and V.
Connected, adj. By marriage : P. (dat. or absol.). Conquer in turn :

and Y. vpocryKw. By blood : P. V. dvTLviKav (absol.). Be conquered:

and Y. avay/ceuos, ouc?os. Connected P. and Y. vZ/catrtfai, KpareicrOai, ycr-
with (generally) : P. and Y. -rrpocny- crao-8ai, Ar. and V. Sa^vat (2nd
KVV (dat.). T^e cawse of: P. and aor. pass, of 8a^ta^tv), V.
V. ai/rtos (gen.), o-wamos (gen.). (1st aor. pass, of
Connection, subs. P. and Y. Conquerable, adj. P. and V.
What is the connection between ?
P. and Y. T& icotvcovta; (with double Conquered, The. Use P. and Y.
I have no connection with : ""
P. and Y. ovSei/ /uot /ACTco-rt (gen.), Conquering, adj. V. i/l (also
Plat, but rare P.), ; see
cow&ec^cw ^'^ : P. and V. /j
(gen.). Relation, subs.: P. Conqueror, subs. P. and V. 6 VLK&
^ see relation. In connection with:
; 6 /cpaToiv, 6 fcpio-o*o>v ; see
P. and Y. icaTa (aco.). EelaHon- Conquest, subs. Victory : P. and Y.
P. ~and V. 107805, /cpctTos, TO.
//%by marriage
zlwp /
viKTfj, TJ,
P. 7rucpctT7a*i5,
Conquering :
What is

P. and Y. TO o-uyycves, oT;yyeveta, 17 ; quered : P. and V. TO vl/co>/xv< V.

see relationship. Persons related,
by marriage : P. and V. Consanguineous, adj. See kindred.
6, V. foJSeu/i-a, TO ; Consanguinity, subs. P. and V.
adj., P. and V. avayicatos, otKtos. o-uyyo/cta, ^, TO crvyye
Connivance, subs. Permission: P. of relationship : Air. and P.
and Y. eforo-ia, 07. see relationship. ;

the connivance o the overnor Conscience, subs. Y. <ri*v<n$, %

. . Or. 396), P. T <rwi8bai.
. To have
(Thuc. 4, 67).
. ,
guilt on one's conscience P. and Y.
Connive at, v. Ar. and P. crvvctSeVoi laura> aSt/ctov or aSt/cowrc.

(with part.), irpotea-Oan (with part.), Something that weighs on one's

Y. fyieXctv (with part.). Begging conscience : P. and V. ev^/ttov, TO.
161 11
Con Con,

Satisfying their consciences with P. Upow; see dedicate. Dedicate^

thi* at least, that they had not (as an offering) : P. and V. franP
voted anything harmful to the city : (Bur., low, 1384).
P. TOVTO yovv a-^Ccnv avrots crumSores person) : P. and V.
QTl OvStV KOLKOV Tfl TToXei l\l/rj<f>L(raVTO
secrate (land) : P. Ttpj&t&w (acc,),
(Lys. 127). His determination (aco.).
never reached to this point, but Consecrated, adj. P. and V. fe/9&,
shrank back, for a guilty conscience !vt/ivos, V. tpo's. Consecrated to :
kept ^t in thrall : P. OTJKO P. and V. U/DOS (gen.), Svct/AeVo?
wpos ravff TI Stai/oia aXX* (dat.), V. fpo's (gen.).
tTTC\.afji/3a.VTO yap avrijs TO land, subs. P. and V. Tejuevos, TO,

(Dem. 06). Seep a clear con- aXo-09, TO (Plat.), V. 0-77*09, 6,

science, v. use P. and V.

A clear conscience, subs. use P. Consecration, subs. P.


and V. uo-e^ta, 17, TO euo-eySc's. With 17.

Initiation : P. and V.
a clear conscience : use adv., P. or pi.
and V. evo-qSws. Consecutive, adj. Continuous : P.
Conscientious, adj. P. and V. Successive : P. and V.
fc, t>op/cos ;

Conscientiously, adv. P. and V. Consecutively, adv. Jw order: P.

s, see justly.
evo-/S6)s ;
and V. <

Conscientiousness, subs. P. Ar. and P. OTJV _

P. and V. iio-#?ta, 7j. Consent, v. intrans. P. and V. <nry-
Conscious, adj. Knowing: P. and crvvawctv (Plat.), o*ou6epO^at,

V. iSois, V. IOT<I)/O (gen.) (rare P.), P. 6

^ "*
<n5n'<rra>p (absol.) (rare P.). Bt wevtw, Ar. and V. 6/*op-
conscious of, know : P. and V. i8ei/ai Gonsent to : P. and V.
(acc.), ytyvwo-Keiv (acc.), IvLcrracrOaL (acc. or dat.),
(acc.), OVK ayvociv (acc.) ; see know. (acc.) (Xen.), cTrtvcvav (acc.),
Be conscious of doing wrong : P. /

and V. crvif&wcu cavrtp ^Swcoiv Or (acc.). Accept: P. andV. T _
SSucolvTi. By suffering we shall be- Consent to (with infin,) :

come conscious that we have sinned : P. and "V. ftovXecrBai, OLIOVV, Ar, and
Y. iraBovres &i/ truyyvoti V. oT^/^eXctv, V. ToX/xav; see deign.
(Soph., Ant. 926). Conscious, as Consent, subs. Agreement: P. 6/xo-
opposed to insensible : P. and V. Xoyta, 17. Permission: P. and V.
covo-ta, ^. (?e< tffoe consent of: P.

Consciously, adv. Use P. and Y. and Y. TrciSeiv (acc.). li w not

etSols (pen. part. with my consent : P. ou ^ouXo/xeyw
tarily : use P. and V., ftot eon. I wn'ZZ construe your silence
Consciousness, subs. into consent : P. T^V
criyfy crov <rvy-
feeling : P. and V. V. X<opT7crtj/ ^oro) (Plat., (W. 435B).
JT. <ppOWr)Grig, HM silence gwes consent : Y. ^acrlv
sciousness of guilt : P. TO o-umSa'ai, o-iawrw (Bur., Or. 1592). W^A
V. o-ifveous, ^. it/: P. and V. one consent : Ar. cf cvos Xoyou (PZwi.,
Lose consciousness, v. :
760) ; see unanimously, together.
tv, V. see Consequence, subs. P.
TO (TV/JLpaiVOV, TO K/3oiLVQV. ReSUlt .*

Consecrate, v. trans. P. and V. P. and Y. TC'XO?, TO j see result.

ow, V. Ar. and V. Be the~ consequence, v. P. and V.

Ar. and P. K^atVv, P.

Con Con

Importance, subs. of Considerateness, subs. P.:

persons, P. and V. dfiw/x-a, TO; of *7>

things, P. and V. ;.eye0os, TO, oy/cos, 07

see kindness. ;

6. Be of consequence, v. P. and Consideration, subs. Eeflection: P.


V. StfytpeLv. Of no cons( _ and V. eruwoio, <povris, 17 (rare P.),

-f) }

adj. V. avopifl/jt^TOS, Trap' ovftev, P.

: IvOvfj.'yia-is, fj (Eur., Frag.), P. ."
o8a/os aios. Of much consequence: 17.
Examination : P. and V. c

P. and V. TroXXoO aios; see im- ^ (Eur., ffi^. 1323), P.

portant. Consider of much conse- 17. Calculation : Ar. and P Xoyicr-
V. : P. Trcpl TroXXoi) iroieicrOcLi
6. Tafce w&to consideration :
quence, /jwfe,

In consequence of, prep. : see consider. Respect, deference:

P. and V. Bid (ace.), (gen.), Wa P. and V. atSois, 17. They treated
Xaptv (gen.) (Plat.), Ar.
and V. oiW/ca (them) with the greatest considera-
(gen.), I** (gen.), V. tTvKa (gen.). tion : P. tv Oepaireujf. el^ov TroXX-J
Consequent, adj. Ar. and P. dVcd- (Thuc.
Importance, repu- 1, 55).
P. and V. dft'co/^a, TO, 8d|d,
tation :

consequent on, v. P. and V. :

^. Esteem, account : P. and V.
(dat.), o-wreo-0cu (dat.),
P. Xdyos, 6. iw consideration of, in
0/ (dat.).
return for : P. and V. fort (gen.).
Consequential, adj. P.andV. Considerateness : see kindness.
Consequentially, adv. P. and V. Consign, v. trans. Ar. and P. 7rt-
o-e/xvai?. Tp7TlV, P. 7TIOT6VCIV, Cy^CtptfctV, Y.
Consequently, adv. Therefore- P. etcrxctpt^ti'. Hand over : P. and
and V. ow, ou/coui/ see therefore. V. StSdi/at, TrapaStSoVat. Sm^ : P,

Conserve, v. trans. See preserve. and V. vrtijureiv see 5e?^^^. ;

Consider, v. trans, or intrans. P. Consist, v. intrans. Be composed of :

and V. evQvpzicrOajL, vociv (or mid.), P. <nryKLcrO(U CK (gen.), <

cVvoctv (or mid.), crvwoew (or mid.), K (gen.). Al?tt; ^e reviewing of

<poi>Tiiv, Xoyt^condat, P. negotiations consists in this : P.

o-tfcu. Examine : P. and V. TOVTO yap curt Trpca^cia? euflwat (Dem.
CTIOTCOTTCIV, &iro<rKOirLv (cfc, ace. or 367).
Trpds, aCC.), TrepioveoffeTv, aOpeiv, flew- Consistency, subs. Composition :

pciv, BeacrOai, Ar. and V. Xcvacrciv, P. and V. /caTao"Ta(rt9, 17, KaTacr/cewJ,

Ar. and P. avoo-iccrcreu'. Think, (once Eur.), P. o-iWa^cs, ^, <rv-
deem, v. trans. : P. and V. VOJJ.L&IV, orracrts, ^. Density : Ar. and P.
(Thuc. 8, 81), V. Tru/o/oTTys, ^. Consistency of opinion:
see <Wwfc. Think, believe, P. TO lauroJ <rvfJi<l><avLi\
v. intrans. P. and V. v
Consistent, adj. Be consistent (of
i/yLo-0(u, oieo-Oai ; see ^/im persons) use P. and V. Taura Xeyeiv, :

considered, seem : P. and V. P. cavToi o-ufi^wvctv. Nothing of

Considerable, adj. P. d|tdXoyos. what has been done seems rational
Greai : P. and V. iroXife, or honest or consistent : P. ovSev
Considerably, adv. P. and V. T TWV 7rwpay/x,ei/o)v OT/T" eiJXoyov oW
Ar. and V. TroAAo, P. ct/TrXovy ouv Oi>toXoyot>/jtvov OLVTO ctvro>
With comparatives or superlatives ^cuVcroA (Dem. 1114), : Consistent
P. and V. TroXiJ, TroXXoi. with : P. 6/oXoyou/i.i'o? (dat.), OT;/I.-
Considerate, adj. P. and V. <o>i>o
(dat.). Conformable to : Ar.
P. CUvO}/X.O)V J 866 and P. AicoXo^o? (gen. or dat.) ; see
Considerately, adv. P. Consistently, adv. Properly, fitly :
<<os; see kindly. P. and V. TrpcTrdi/Tws, P. i

Con Con

with : P. J90 conspicuous, v.

: V.
(dat.). Continuously : Ar. and P. , Ar. and V. epirpeirca''
adv. P. and V.
Ar. and P.
onsolation, subs. P. Trapa/wOia, f)i 7TptoVa>s, P. e7Ti<ai/a>s,
P. and V. Trapa^vx^t Cfecwfy : P.
-7rapa/jMj0toi/, TO, <t>8.vpG>s, Karctyavws.
y (rare P.). Alleviation : P. and and V. Xa/wrpois see clearly. ;

V. ttVttTraiAa, TraSXa, 77 (Plat.), V. ConSpiCUOUSneSS, subs, P. 7T6/OI-


&vaKov<l>icrt$, 17 ; see alleviation. <<via,

\ _
Console, v. trans. Cfoer: P. and Conspiracy, subs. Ar. and P.
V. Trapa/caXetV, Oap<r6vw9 17,
P. o-uorao-is, ^
P. irapaOapo-uveiv, eirippwviWiy Ar.
and P. Conspirator, subs. P. and^ V. on5va>-
Comfort :

P.and Y. Trapa.fAvOeio-Qa.1 y 6,
Y. eTrtjSovXeu-njs, 6.
(Eur., Or.
P. and V.
298), V. Trapjjyopiv. Assuage : P. Conspire, v. intrans.
V. WpatfmV, TTLKOV(f>lLV V. <rwo/-u/iW[.. Bawd together : P. and

(also Plat, but rare P.), Y. (rwcpxeo-flafc, Ar. and P. crwicrra-

IfcufLopfigetv ; see assuage. a-^at. Plot: P. and V. iirLpovXeveiv.
Consolidate, v. trans. Organise : P, Conspire against : P. and Y. bri-
and V. o-wToo-creiv. Strengthen : P. /fovXeueiv (dat.). Conspire with :
Kparvvstv. Consolidate your existing Ar. ancl P. orwiorcwrftxi (dat.).
J>OWer P. r^v virdp^ova-cu^ Swo/uv Constancy, subs. Faithfulness: P.

<rwcxLv (Dem. 108). and V. -a-ioris, ^. Steadfastness :

Consolidation, subs. Organisation : P. /Btpaiorr)?, rf.
P. OTJVTtt^tS, ^. Constant, adj. Faithful: P. andV.
Consoling, adj. V. foX/cTifcios. P. and Y. /Se^atos,
Consonant with, adj. Ar. and P, V. 2/ATrcSos ; see steadfast. ,

$,Ko\ov6os (gen. or dat.), P. o-u/x^covo? Unchanging : P. )uovt/xos, d/xeTaTrro)-

(dat.), P. and V. o-wwSo's (dat.), TOS. Frequent : P. and V. -TTUKI/OS,
oruyti/Arpo5 (dat.).
Ar. and P. orros. Continuous :
Consonants, subs. Opposed to P.
vowels : P. and V. &o>va, ra (Eur., Y.
StareXiy?, P.
Constantly, adv. 0/ie^ ; P. and V.
Consort, subs. Husband : P. and n-oXXa/cts. Continuously and P. : Ar.
V. avijp, 6, Ar. and V. 7roovfe, 6, <rwxo>s, P. cVSeXcx^s. Steadfastly :
6, waTo>pj 6, crvAAc/cTpos, 6, P. and Y. cySatV, Y.
6 ; see husband. Wife : P. Constellation, subs. Use
and V. 17,
Ar. and Y. Consternation, subs. Confusion :
y, Y. oweuvos, y, &KOITIS, , Sct/xap,
P. and V. !*c7rXi7is, , flopvjSos, 6,
^, wis, ^, oTjXXcKrpos, 07 ; see wife. P. Tapa^, ^, Y. Tapay/Aos, 6, Tapay/zo,
Consort with, v. P. and Y. -
TO. Fear : P. and Y. <o/?os, 6,
dat. cnWAAdwrcrctv (dat.),
, ., TO, Seo?, TO, oppcoSta, ^, V.
dat. , o-wpX or ^ at
dat. , cn;/A/uyKU(r0<u (dat.), 6/itXctv Constitute, v. trans. .4$pow ; P.
dat. fdat.), and V. /ea0io~ravai, Tdwro-etv, Trpoorcur-
dat. (dat.. J.motmft /o : met., P. Swa-
Conspicuous', 'adj. P^ ancl Y. (ace.). Help in forming : P.
cruyKaTaa7cruaeiv. Sfi constituted,
P. Y. sed : Ar. and P. 8ta*r0at, P.
OZear : P. and V. and Y. 2v. Be : P. and Y. eTvar,

see ctear. Visible: P. and /ca0OT?7Ki/ai (perf. act.

V. <ai/ep09, 8^X0 s, P. /caroTTTO?, V.
Con Con

Constitution, subs. Arrangement, Frame-work, 01 ganisation : P. and

organisation : P. and V. nardcrra., V. JcaTttorao-15, rj9 KaracrKev^ % (once
TJ, KaracrKevfy ^, (once Eur.), P. Eur.), P. cruvra^is, ^> crucrrao-t?, ^.
crwrai9, ^, o-uoracns, y. Nature : Making
P pyao-ta, ^, TTOOJO-IS, 17,

P. and V. <u(rife, Bodily constitu-

-fj. 17. Interpretation : P.
tion : P. and V. o-fyia, TO. Political
constitution : Ar. and P. TroAZreia, 17, Jonstrue, v. trans. Interpret : P.
P. KaTaarao-ts, ^. .Fbm- o/ govern- and V. eppyveucLv ; see interpret.
ment : P. KOO-/XOS, 6. Change the I will construe your silence as con-
city from its present constitution : : P. TTJV crtyijv <rov cruyxatprjO'iv
P. IK TOU TrapoVros KOCTJJ.OV ryv (Plat., Cra^. 435B).
/x.0icrTdVai (Thuc. 8, 48). Consul, subs. Roman magistrate :

0oo<# constitution, v. : P. P. v^aros (late). J50 cowswZ, v. :

P. and V. cfi oiKio-0ai. Accuse (a vTrarevcLv (late) . jSia^e agent residing

person) of violating the constitu- abroad, subs. P. and V. Trpofrot ,


tion : P. ypafacr&ai (rtva) irapav6p*)V. 6. .Be consul, v. P. and V. Trpof-


Charge of violating the constitution: Ex-consul, subs. : use P.

P. 6 (late).
Constitutional, adj. Iw accordance Consular, adj. P. V7rarc<fe (late).
with law : P. and V. &/J/O/AOS. 4A 3onSUlship, SUbs. P. -UTrareux, -^ (late).
fecting the state : P. TroXtn/cds. O/ Consult, v. trans. Ask advice : Ar.
P. and V. <rdyi.aTos (gen. and P. aru/jL/SovKeutcrOai fdat.).
of axuj Ingrained: P. and V. municate with: Ar. and P. avaKot vovv
2/^TJros (Eur., Frag.). (dat.) (or mid.), P. cVt/cotvow (dat.).
Befitting a citizen : P. COTISW^ (oracle) : P. and V. xp5<r0i
Constitutional state . P. (dat.). Go to for advice : P, and
(Dem. 71). V. eVcpxecr^at (ace.). Pay a^en^'oTt
Constitutionally, adv. Ira accordance io : Ar. and P, Qcpaircucw (ace.).
with law : P. cWd/x-o^ Politically : You will best consult your own
P. n-oAin/cois. Ity watare : P. and interests : P. ra aptora ^ouXewrecrtfc
V. <&ri. As befits a citizen : P. V^ a^ToT? (Thuc. 1, 43). V.
7roA.m/5?. Constitutionally delicate. intrans. Deliberate : P. and V.
P. or0vf;s TO) o-w/xari (Dem.).
Constrain, v. trans. P. and V. , have interview with : P.
and V. o-u/A/xiyviWi (dat.), oruyyi'yve-
r. and P. <r0at (dat.), crvvepxeo-Vai (dat.).
Ar. and Y. ^avayica^tv, V. Consultation, subs. P. tru/^ovXiJ, ^.
e<r0ai see compel.
Interview : P. and V. owoSos, ^,
Constraint, subs. Compulsion : P, Xdyot, ot.

and V. oVay*i7, 17. Feeling of con- Consume, v. trans. Burn: P. and

straint : P. and V. V. KoW, cpTwrpdvcLL, mjJLirpdvai (Thuc.
Construct, v. trans. P. and Y. <rw- 6, 94, but rare P. uncompounded),
Tt0o/ai, cruvappoZcLv,
P Ar. and Y. KaTat^etv, V. iriJpovv
icaracrKeua^etv, <nn/toravai. Devise (poetical word used in Plat.), *V
P. and V. <nW?rriJ' ; see ^flvwc Trvpovv, ovfMrvpow aWcw. Spend, t

J?bW7wZ P. and V. /cnf v. Build

: use up (money, etc.) : P. and V.
Ar. and P. oocoSo/jLetv ; see build. avdXuTKeiv, P. Ka.Taxpr)<r6cu. Pass
Construction, subs. Act of building (time, etc.): P. and Y. &ayv, Tptfaw,
P. oweoSofua, 17, owcoSd/ATycre.?, 17, Kara Ar. and P. Kaiurptficw ; see spend.
or/ceviy, 17. Composition, putting devour : P. and Y. I<r6i*w,
together: P. and V. <rw0<ris, (Eur., CfycZ. 341), P. Kara-
Con Con

Se ?rA
v9 Y. Bdirreiv, being with it) : Y. orav
Ar. and Y. fipvMiv, Ar. rrjs voo-ov <njvov<rui. (Soph Phil. 520).

Wear out : P. and V. rpipeiv, Ar. Contagious, adj. P. AOI/*O>ST?S.

and P. KctTaTjorjSeiv, aTro/cvatciv, Ar. Contain, v. trans. Comprise: P.^and
and V. reipeiv. J5e consigned, worn
out: Ar. and P, Ka.ra.Tpi^(r9a.i, P. irpL\afj(,/3dvcw. Have room for P. :

and Y. Tptj^ecr^at, Ar. and V. Ttpe- and V. xopciv (ac (Bur,, 2Rp#.
cr0ai, Y. KaTagawecrQai see waste 941). Eestrain : P. and Y. /caTe'xctv,

away. Destroy : P. and V. <f>Qe'peiv eWxeiv. HbW, fceep

: P. and V. w
\vvat t SioAAuvat, /ca- o-Teyciv.
&vd\ia'Kt.v 9 avaAow, Contaminate, v. trans. Lit. and

(Thuc. but rare P.), V. met., P. and V. //.uuWv. Met.,

disgrace : Y. /o/AlSow/, P. and Y.
v, a.tarovi', OOTOW, aloyiivcw, naraLorxyvew. Corrupt :

see destroy. P. and Y. Staqbfeipeiv. With disease:

Consuming, Destructive : P.
and V. oA0ptos but rare P.), Contaminated, adj.
(Plat, : P.
V. 7roAu<0o'pos i see dfistfrwcfave. and Y. /uapo?, Ar. and Y. /iuo*apo5.
Devouring : V. &a/3opos, Tra^^ayo? TFi^A &Zoo<i : V. /jtiat^ovos, iraAa/A-

see devouring. Insatiable : P. yato?, P Ivayjys ; see blood-guilty.

owravorros, P. and V. aTrA^oros. Contaminated luith : P. dvaTrAceos
Consummate, adj. Perfect P. and (gen.), P. and Y. irXeus (gen.),
. Y.
V. TcAeio?, TeAeos, a/epos ; see perfect. TrA^piys (gen.).
Consummate, v. trans. P. TcA.ow, Contamination, subs. Ofgwlt: P.
ew/, Y. TeActoOi/, reXelv (rare P.), and Y. pt'curfM, TO, ^yos, TO, V. ju-vcros,
TO, Av/xa, TO, KT/Af?, T7- Met., dis-
Consummately, adv. Ar. and P. grace : P. and Y. 1:97 Afe, ^, atcrxiKry,
rcAecu?, P. and Y. jrai/reAws. ^, Y. aro-xo9, TO'. Disease : P. and
Consummating, adj. Y. rcAe^dpo?. Y. vdo"os, ^, vooyfjuL, TO. Corruption:
Consummation, subs. Conclusion: P. and Y. oicwivopflj T?.
P. and V. TAo5, TO, reAeunJ, ^. Contaminator, subs. P. Sia^Oopev^ 6.
Finishing touch : P. KoXotfrw, 6, Contemn, v. trans. P. and Y. xctTa-
/ce^oAcuov, TO, P. and V, flpiy/co's, 6 <poveu/ (aco. Or gen.), tfTrep^povetv
(Plat.). (ace. or gen.), P. oAiywpctv (gen.),
Consumption, subs. Expenditure: v-rrepopav (ace. or gen.), Ar. and Y.
P. dvoAcDo-ts, ^. Eating : P. S.-rroirrveiv (ace.). Neglect : P. and
17. Phthisis : P. ^0^7, ^. Y. tfjLe\.iv (gen.), Trapa/AcAetv (gen.) ;

Contact, subs. K?wc^ ; P. see disregard.

Intercourse ; P. and V. 6/uAi'a, ^, Contemner, subs. P. vTrepoirnqs, 6.
<r9rav(Ta, ^, jeoivom'a, ^, P. ert/xt^ia, Contemplate, trans. P. and Y.
17. Cowe iw cow^aci w?i^, v P. :
CTK07T&V, l"

and V. 6/AtAeu> (dat.), Trpo<rop\lv

(dat.), P. CT-t/Atbyeo-^at (dat.). 2faZZ (CLS, ace.) ;
see behold.
inwth P. and V. eVrvy *<&/> (dat.).
Contemplate mentally: P. and Y.
Collide with : see collide. v0iJ/AeiO"0ai, Aoylc<r0ai, o-vwocti/ (or
Contagion, subs Defilement : P. raid.), voctv (or mid.),
and V. ft/W/xa, TO, V. /-ctfo-os, TO. cwoetv (or mid.), cr/coTrctv, 7T60"KOirtv J
Disease : P. and V. voVos, ^, vocnyyuui, see consider. Expect: P. and Y.
TO, Aoi/ws, 6. Met., P. and V.
voo-os, 17. When you home caught Contemplation, subs.
the disease by contagion (lit., by P. and V. 9ia, f). Mental contem-
Con Con

plation : P. 0/a, 17, 0ewpia, 7),

P. and ajuiXXacr&u. Contend with :

V. cr/ce^ts, Speculation (in philo-

P. and V. ayo>vicr0at (dat. or Trpo's,
sophic sense) P. 0a>pi'a, rj. :
aoo.), (j,d%car6cLL (dat. or Trpo's, aco.),
Contemplative, adj. As opposed to (dat. or ace.),
practical : P. ^e^p^n/co? (Arist.). (dat.), V. (dat.),
Meditative : P. o-uwous. (dat.), P.
(with), adv. P. (dat. or Trpos, aCC.),
Contemporaneously P.
/cara rbv avrov x/ooi/ov (dat.). (dat.). Affirm :

Contemporary, Ar. and P.

subs. Affirm
6, V. crvi/TyXif, 6 or ^, in opposition ; P. and V.
6 or 17, P. and V. i$Xi, 6 or Jontent, v. trans. Please: P. and
Orae's contemporaries : P. ot V. Spe'o-Kciv (ace. or dat.), Ar. and
Kara ryv avrrjv ^Xi/a'ai/ OVTCS (Dem. V. dvSavctt/ (dat.). JBfi enough for :
477). Contemporary with, at same P. and V. <ip)ce/ (dat ) see also ;

time as : use P. and V. <^,a (dat,). satisfy. Be contented : see 00

Contempt, Subs. P. Kara^pov^o-ts cowtewi, under content t adj.
17, oXtyeopia, 17, vTrcpoi/a'a, ^. Oow 3ontent, adj. Pleased : P. and V.
temptuousness, pride : P. and V. ^Sife. I am P. and V. content :

TO, oyKos, 6, v/3pi$, 17,

V. dpjccL fcot, l^apKel fjioif Ar. and P.
P. V a-jroxprj p.oi. He wasn't content with
DisJwnour : P. this (he went further than this) :

and V. arista, ^. P. OUK avTw TOVTO (Dem.

Contemptible, adj. Poor, raeaw : P.
520). J30 content with, v. P. and :

and V. 6at3Xos, avaios, P. V. o-repyew/ (ace. or dat.), P. dyaTrav

aios. P. and V. (ace. or dat.), V. euveu/ (ace.), ^Seeos
K^etv (aoo.). jBfi cow^ew^ (absol.) :

Contemptibly, adv. Basely : P, and P. and V. eiratvctv, o-Tepyctv, Ar. and

V. awrxpois, avattos. P. ayctTTav, V. atvelv. One wmsi 6e
Contemptuous, adj. P. and V. content if : P.
ayawrrrov la-nv
. . .

vo?, viXos, P. oXtywpos, uTrc/oiy ci. . .

>v, VTrepOTTTi/cos, V. 6 Content, subs. Calm: Ar. and P.

VTTtpKOTTOS, lH/T^Xo^W ^ortlxta, 17, V. TO ^oiJxa^ov Good tem- -

Plat, but rare P.), vi/^yopos per : P. e&KoXia. Comfort : P.

Ar. and V. yaOpos.
crrojitos, euTrafcta, 17 ;
see also happiness. To
temptuous of : P. uTrcpoTrrtfcos (gen.), one's hearts content, satisfactorily :

P. and V. /caTa yi/w/A^v, P. icaTtt

Contemptuously, adv. P. vow. Contents, what is in a thing :

vilTiKQs, /Lceya\o<^poVa)9,
P. and V. TO cvoWa. Of a letter :
oXtywpWS, V. TpK07TOJ5, P. and V. Tayyeypa/tywa. 2%fi

Contemptuousness, subs. P. and C07ie?ife o/ ifee ZeWer were as follows :

Y. , TO, oyxos, 6, v^Spts, 17,
V P. JveyeypaTTTo raScavTf} (T ^ 7rt-

oroXf;) (Thue. 1, 128).

7), Contented, adj. Pleased : P. and
Contend, v. intrans. P. and V V. 7)8i5s. Good-tempered: P.
V. I/c^Xos ;
see content.
Contentedly, adv. P. dy

Ar. and P. Stayww'fe Contentedness, subs. P.

P. Sta/ttXXao-^at. Contend (in Contention, subs. Rivalry: P. and
words) : P. and V. &yo> V. cfpife, ^, ^yoiv, o, 5/AtXXa, ^, P.
a/xtXXacr^at, yu,a\or^at, cp^ctv. <3biXovtKttt, ^, Ar. and V. VCIKOST, r6
(in races) : P. and V. (also Plat, but rare P.). Opinion :
Con Con

P. and V. yv^fji-rj, y, Soga, fj. Continent, adj. P. and V.

ment P. and V. Xoyos, 6. Opposing
: P. ey/cpa-rrfc.
argument : Ar, and P. ctvrt\oyta, y ; Continental, adj. P.
see discussion. Basis of legal Fern, adj., P. and Y. ^7rapa>Tts.
action : P. dyciwoyAa, TO. adv. P. and Y. o-o>-
Contentious, adj. P. 4>iA.oVei.Kos, pi- <jf>povcos,
P. ey/epctTois.
crrtKos, <iA,a7T;(0)7/Aa>v. Be conten- Contingency, subs. 0/tawce,
tious, V. P. $IAOVLKW.
: de?i P. and Y. o-u/A<opa,

^, Ar. and P. <ruvrtrxi<*-> i,

Contentiously, adv. P.
Affair, circumstance : P.
CpWTTl/CtOS. Xayi}, ^.
Contentiousness, subs. P. and V. Trpayjua TO. Jw ^W
P. and Y. OIJTWS

Contentment, subs. and GaZw : Ar.

P. ^o-v^ta, 17, V. TO f]arv)(aiov. Good Contingent, adj. Be contingent on,
temper: P. euKoA/a, ^; see ccw- depend on, v. : P. dproo-0ai CK (gen.),
avapra&Oai CK (gen.).
Conterminous, adj. P. o>opos. Contingent, subs. Quota: P. and
Contest, subs. P. and Y. ctyoW, 6, V. TC#S, 4.
^, 2/uA.A.a, f),
V. #ya>via, _
Contingently, adv. On fixed condi-
TO, 0Aos, 6, Srjpis, rj (JEsch.); see tions : P. and Y. earl /fyrots.

struggle, argument. Gymnastic Continual, adj. Frequent: P. and

contest : P. and Y. aywv, 6, 5/xtAAa, Y. TTVKVOS, Ar. and P. crvxyos.
^, Y. a$A.os, 6. cessant : StaTcXiys. Continuous : V
Contest, v. trans. Oppose: P. and
P. <ruv)(iq$, cvS&fffl?. Sternal :
Y. fvavTiovcrQai (dat.), dv0icrrao~0aL P. atcovto?, dt'SLO?.
(dat.). Argue against : P. and V. Continually, adv. Frequently : P.
d*>TL\eye/ (dat.). Contest a claim : and Y. TroAAofofc, ^a^ta (Plat.), Ar.
P. afjL<t>Kr/3rjTiv (gen.) ; see dispute. and V. -rroAAa, P. <ruxvoV. W^Aow^
Y. intrans. 5e competitor : P. and break : Ar. and P. on5i/Ya)s, P.
Y. aycovijcor^ai, a/AtAAaardai ; see C07W-
^eie. /OMI i?& contesting : P. o-w- 319). Through all : Ar. and P. St^c
aya)n(r$cu (absoL). Travros. Always : P. and V. ota'.
Contested, adj. Ira dispute : P. Continuance, subs. Succession: P.
and Y. StaoVj^, 17. Perseverance :
P. P. fcaprepta, ^. Through the con-
(Plat.). Contested points : P. TO, tinuance of the war P. xpovto^a'Tos

TroXe/xov (gen. absol.).

Contiguity, subs. P. TO eyyus cboi. Continuation, subs. See continuance.
Contiguous, P. o/iopo?, Ar. and
adj. That which comes next to : P. TO
P. 7rAi7O"ioY (0pos, P. and V. wpoVxtopos,
fc #fc (gen. or dat.). T/ie continuation
Y. ayxtrepfjuov ; see neighbouring. of the argument : P. 6 !5s Xoyos.
Be contiguous to, v. P. and Y. Continue, v. trans. Resume : P. dva-

irpoarKCi<r0at (dat.), P.'2xr0at (gen.). Xa/x/?avciv, 7ravaXap/3avLV. Abide

Contiguous to, adj. : see %ear. by : P. and V. cw&eiv (dat.).
Contiguously, adv. P. and Y. eyyiSs ; Persevere in : P. fyKaprcptw (dat.).
see near. Y. intrans. S.e&p on : P. OKXTcXcTv
Continence, subs. P. and V. TO (part.), Sta^eVciv (part, or infin.),
o-wtjbpov, P. y/cpaTta, ^, Ar. and P. Hyveaflat (part.), P. and Y. /cap-
(part.). - (?o forward: P,
Continent, subs. Mainland : P. and P. and V.
V.# ', P. &W
Con Con

0-u/tyiemi/, Ar. and P. Siayiy- .Jkfafee aw agreement : P.

vo-0<u. 5e prolonged: P. and V. and V. orvppcLLvtiv, <rwTi6ecrOa.L. Be
Xpon' <r0ai, V. xpovi&iv. Persevere : a contractor : P. 6pyoXajSe/.
P. and V. Ko.pTpLv P. SiaTcXciv. Contracted, adj. Abridged: P. and
Extend : P. Snj/eciv. Continue with : V. crvvrofJios.
P. o-uv8iaTcXii/ (dat.). Contraction, subs. P. o-waywy^ 17.
Continuous, ad], P. orwc^s, o/SeXc- Contractor, subs. P. cpyoXajQo's, 6.
X^?. Incessant : P. azraucrros, V. Contradict, v. trans. ^ j?er50?^ ; P.
SiaTcXifc see continual.
and V. di^TtXeyti/ (dat.), avTenrsiv
Continuously, adv. Ar. and P. o-wc- (dat.), P. vavTioXoyZv (dat.), V.
^0)5, P. ei/8eX;(<o?, V. 8idvKa>s(.2ilsoh., ai/rt<a>i// (absol.). De?i?/ : see
10. 319) see continually.
With- deny. Falsify: Y. i/revoW Cow-
out interruption : Ar. and P. o-wc- tradict oneself: P. vircpavrt'a Xeyctv
avros avT<3 (Dem. 1179).
Contort, v. trans. P. and V. 8ia- Contradiction, subs. Ar. and P.

Contorted, adj. V. Siaorpo<os. Contradictorily, adv. P. and V.

Contour, subs. Shape: P. and V.
a^rjfLa, TO. Outline : P. Contradictory, adj. Ar. and P. <

, TUTTOS, 6. Xoywcos. Contrary : P. and V.

Contract, subs. agreement :

P. orryypa^, ^, Contrariety, subs. P.

o-u/*,)8oXaiov, TO,
o-waXXay/xa, TO. P. Contrarily, adv. See contrariwise.
Convention :

and Y. O*ULLDOIO*I?, v). (rwOfiKOLim <xt, Contrariness, adj. P.

oijvOrjfjLa, TO, P. 6/jw>Xoyta, ^. Pro- Ill-temper : Ar. and P.
mise : P. and Y. #7rdcrxo-ts, ^*
Break contract with, v. P. Contrariwise, adv. P. and Y.

(ace.). Tt(os, /*7raXtv, TOu/LL7raXtv, P.

Contract, v. trans. narrow :
Contrary, adj. P. and Y.
P. and Y. o-uvayciv. Abridge- P. P. wreveWos, V. dvrtos. Adverse :
and Y. o-uorcXXciv, OTJVTC/IVCIV. Ac- P. and V. -jrpooravT^s. Beverse P. :

quire : P. and Y. KTao-Qai, \a.p./Bdvcu/ ;

and Y. evavrtb?; see reverse. Of
see acquire. Contract (the brows) : temper P. and V. 8vo-fcoXos, Svcrj^-

Ar. o"iJi'6vyiv 866 knit.

i Contract prjs, Y. 5vapo-tos.
: Of wind P. and
(debt) : P. Xa/^aveu/. Contract (a V. evavTtos. Be contrary (of wind),
disease) : P. Xa/x/Mvciv (Dem. 294), V. : Y. dvTtooTaTetv, P. and V. i/av-
dva7T4//,7rXao-0(u (g6n.) ; see catch. TioSo-tfac, (Thuc. 3, 49), Let none
Contract (hatred, odium, etc.) : see think the contrary : Y. /x^Se TW 80^
mew. Contract (a marriage) : V. -rroXiv (^Bsch., Theb. 1040). 0?i the
o*i3i/a7rTtv, P. o-ui/a7rro-0ai ; see contrary : see contrariwise. On
^ro^/t. Contract for, give out on the other hand : P. and V. aS, Ar.
contract: P. 6*8180'* and V. avr. Contrary to, prep. :

(ace.) (Dem. 268). Be contractor P. and Y. -rape? (ace.).

; P. tv (aoo.)
(Xen.). Contrast, subs. Difference: P. and
'Contract with : P. V. Sicu^opov, TO, P. 8ta<^opa, ^ ; See-
(dat. or wpos, ace.).
agreement with : P. and V. cru/x,/?at- Contrast, v. trans. P. and V.
vetv (dat.). V. intrans. Become P. dvTrapaTi0ei/(u, dvrtTrapa-
narrow : P. and V. 0iWyo*0ai, , irapariOevai. ;
see Compare.
Promise : P. and Contravene, v. trans. P. and Y.
V. ., V. 7rapa/2aiVv, arvyxciv, uTrepySatvctv, P^
Con Con

Sav, TrapepxecrOaL, S ,
ew, V.7TpTpXiv, 7rapeepx0*0ai. Help in contriving:
Contravention, subs. P. cnryxuari s> *i- orKtvd&v (acc.), cruyKaT
In and Y. in-
contravention of, prep. : P. (acc.), Y. o-u/x<^vTa;tv (aoo.).
Y. Trapu (aoc.). trans. Contrive to : P. and Y.
Paying taxes : Trpda-a-eiv OTTWS (fut.
Or aor. subj.),
Contributary, adj.
P.cruvTcXtis (also met. in V.). P. /^xamo-tfatoVc*? (fufc. oraor. subj.).
Contribute, v. trans. Money, etc. : Ue^ me to contrive that ye be saved
P. 0-uvreA.crv, Contribute yourselves and this land too : Y.
voluntarily : Ar. and P. arvve^cvpurx OTTWS avrot T o*o)^7;o'co"ue
Generally : P. and V. Hal ?re8oi/ To8 (Eur., S'e/'acZ. 420).
cnj/Li^oAAco-ftu. Contribute to the Contriver, subs. P. and V. S^tovp-
common JW"
Y. is KOIVOV <f>lpew yOS, 6, TfCTQ)V, 6, Y. pOt<VS,
store : 6.

Contribute to : P. and V. vewtor : P. evptrrjs, 6. Inventress :

o-u/*/aAAeo-0ai (eis, aoc. V. gen. Y. cvpertg, ^ (Soph .FVa0.).
; ,

alone), P. on;veinA.a/A/?dVeo-0ai (gen.), trivers of mischief: V. /^x

O"vAAaju,/?ai'o~0at. (gen.), V. oruvaTrrc- <j^oi *afca>v (Eur., ^W^. 447).

o-0at (gen.) see T&eZp to.

; Contriving, adj. P. and Y. e&
Contribution, subs. Of money : P. Ar. and P. eu^^avos (Plat ).
ning: V. fLT7x*voPP^ os SQQ cunnng.
Generally: P.lpavos, 6. Contriving, subs. Artifices : P. and
contribution : P. 7rtoWis, 17.
V. fjLrjxavaL, at, re^va at. 1

Contributor, subs. Use P. Control, v. trans. Govern P. and

V. apx^tv (gen., Y. also dat.), Kparclv
Contributory, adj. Contributory to, (gen.), xpovcr^at see govern. Be ;

conducive to : P. vrovpyos (dat.) master of: P. and Y. /cuptos *j/at

(Xen.). Helping to cause : P. and (gen.). Check : P. and V. KOT^XCIV,
V. o-iJvcuTios (gen.). Control oneself, be calm : &%&.
Contrite, adj Humbled : P. and V. P. and Y. fj<rvxdciv, Y. ^o-iJ^^^ Xiv.
TaTrfitvos. Be contrite, v. P. and Manage : Ar. and P. rafuevcLv see
: ;

Y. /Araytyi/(u(r/ctv see repent. ; manage, arrange.

Contrition, subs. P. and V. Control, subs. Bide : P. and Y. <xp-
/AcXcto, ^ (Bur., Frag."), P. X^, ^, /cpaTos, TO. Authority: IP.
V. fj.eTa.yi/oi a, fj. and Y. wpos, TO, covcria, rj Manage- t

Contrivance, subs, ^.c^ of contriving: ment : P. Ta/jiteta, 17 see mwnage- ;

Ar. and P. -n-apao-KeuiJ, 17. T/tm^ ment. Under control : P, and Y.

contrived : P. and V. rcxv^/wi, TO UTTTJ/COO?, 8wOXtpt05, V. \LpiO?. Self-
(Plat.), wxavri, ^, wxdvrjjjLa, TO, control : P and Y. TO cr&<t>povf Ar.
o-o<^icr/Aa, TO, irdpo?, 6. J^'ue^i^ion : and P. o-ox^poo-itay, ^, P.
P. and V. {?pi7/za, TO, Ar. and V.
eeupi7)U,a, TO. Controller, subs. P. and Y.
Contrive, v. trans. P. and V. owTt- 6. jB^fer : P. and Y. 6 Kp
ci/cu, pyxjivacrOai, Ttxvavdai, T/crat- Controversial, adj. P.
t iropiew t
eiCTropt^ctv, P. KT^a-
Ar. and Y. Controversy, subs. P. and V. 2p&, ^,
see cZemse. Contrive P. afji^a-jB'//T^O-IS, fj see discussion. ;

(plots, etc.) : P. Ko.TacrKi;aiv, o-*V- Quarrel ; P. and V. 8ta<^opa, 17, Ar.

wpcto-^at, (ruo-Keuafetv, P. and Y. TrXe- and Y. i/ei/cos, TO (also Plat, but rare
/C1V, Y. pa,7TTLV, ^TTOppfltTTTCtV, KO.TO.p- p.).
Controvert, v. trans. Confute: P.
; P. and V. evpuncetv,
Con Con

Controvertible, adj. P. Convention, subs. Assembly: P. and

V. o-JAAoyos, 6, For a
Contumacious, adj. Obstinate: P. religious object P. and V. TraviJ-

and V avQdfys. Disobedient P. :

yvptg. ^. Agreement: P. and Y.
tt7ret0?7S, 8-uo-7r0^5 (Plat.), arvfJi/3ao-L^, y, crvvOTjKOLL, at, crvv6r}fjia,

Contumaciously, adv. Ar. and P. TO,P. 6/ioXoy.a, ^. As opposed to

nature : P. O-UV^K-*?, ^, vd/x-os, o
Contumaciousness, subs. P. aud<- (Plat., Gorg. 483 A).
Scta, ^, Ar. and V. aAOs&ui, rj. Conventional, adj. Customary: P.
Contumacy, subs. SQQ contumacious- and Y. crvvyBys, vo/uyu-os. Does
ness. iAis ^eorz/ please you better, that
Contumelious, adj. P. names are merely conventional sym-
see insulting, contemptuous. bols P. ?) O fJ.aX\OV apCTKL 6

Contumeliously, adv. P. v/3p TpoTros ... TO a-uvOy/JtCLTa etvat Ta

see insultingly, contemptuously. ovo>aTa (Plat., Orai. 433s).
Contumely, subs. P. and -fy
Conventionality, subs. O^siow: P.
rj see insult, contempt.
and Y. 0o?, TO, vo/ios, o, Ta /ca^
Conundrum, subs. P. and au/iy//,a, V
TO, Ar. and V. atviy/xo's, 6 (also Plat. Conventionally, adv. P. Kara, o-w-
but rare P.). ^/oyv.
Convalescence, subs. Recovery : P. Converge, v. intrans. P. and Y.

Convalescent, adj. Become convale- Y. crv/j./3aX\arOai.,

scent, V.P. pai*eiv.
I i^^ere *wo branching roads of way-
Convene, v. trans. P. and Y. farers converge : Y. cfi/0a Stcn-o/jtot

Xeyctv, oTJvdyta/f o"uyKaXeIV, /xaXtora o-VfLftaXXovcrw e/ATropwi/ 68ot

crvvaQpot&iv, ayetpii>, P. o-wayeipetv ; (Soph., 0. C. 900).
see assemble. Convergence, subs. P. and V. OTJ/I-
o \ / c

Convenience, subs. Suitability : P. POA.71, VJ.

irLTrf8ci6rrj$ t ^. Ease, comfort : P. Conversant, adj. Acquainted with :

and V. P. pacTTwvr}, 17.
evfjidpeLCL, rj t
P. and V. iTTLcrnjfj^v (gen.), Iju,7rtpo5
Convenient, adj. Suitable: P. and (gen.), Y. iSpts (gen.) ; see versed
Y. cwmJSetos, 7rpdcr<jj>opos, crv//,<opos in.;
Be conversant with: P. and
see suitable. Befitting : P. and V. Y. 6/xiXetv (dat.).
eurrpCTnJs, TrpeTro)!/, Trpoo'^KCDK, O*U/A.//,T- Conversation, subs. P. and V. Aoyoi,
po$, Ar. and P. TrpCT-oJSr;?, V. O-U/A- ot, P. StaXoyos, 6, StaXc/cTos, ^, Y.

7rp7r^5. Easy : P. and V. v?ropos,

paSio?, Y. euftopifc. Adapted (for) : Converse, v. intrans. Ar. and P. &-
P. ev<pvirjs (TTpds, aco ). jBfi COWye7M87l Aeyeor&u; seesj?eafc. Converse with:
(/or) :P. TTpofyyov clvai -n-pos (aco.). Y. t? \dyou5 ZpxtvQtu (dat.) (of.

Conveniently, adv. P. cTrt-nySctws, Ar., JNw&. 470), SA Xdycoi/ &<j>iKv<r&ai,

oTj/A<^dp(09, P. and Y. -n-povpyov (Bur., (dat.), Ar. and P. &oA!yo-0ai, (dat.).
I. T. 309). Befittingly : P. and V. JHave intercourse with : P. and V.
cwrpCTrois, cru^/xeTpoJS, TrpeTrovrco?, P. <ri5i/tvai (dat.), crvyyiyvwflai (dat,),
jrpocny/eoVrxos. EasilyP. and Y.
crvvlpxta'Oa.i (dat,), on;/x/uyviWt(dat,),
pgiSt'o)?, eu/xapois (Plat, but rare P.). OfttXctv (dat.), Trpocro/AtXctv (dat.).
(i%e isZawd) Zies com;fi?w0wZy /or Converse, subs. See conversation.
*^a coasting voyage from both Italy Intercourse : P. and V. /cotvoma, 17,
and Sicily : P. <ri?s T yap iTaXtas OT;i/ovo-ta, ^, 6/AtA.ta, ^, P. 7Ttyu$a, ^.
/cat StKfX^o? Ka\o)9 Tfcfl coTi-yerse, i&e opposite : P. and
(n v^o-os) (Thuo. 1, 36). Y. TOVjLl7raA.IV,

Con Coo

Conversely, adv. P. and V. 2/raA/, or omit Sucqv. Secure a conviction :

P. tivdiraAw. P. KOiTaSiKaifceorOaf, St/ciyi/ alpew. Carry

Conversion, subs. See change. conviction to : P. and V. Treaty
Change of mind : P. , ^,
V. (ace.); %ee persuade.
perdyvoia, jf. Convince, v. trans. P. and V. ira^etv,
See change. (JLVQ.Trf.lQ LV (JBjUr., JGL&&. OAuJj V K-
Convert, v. trans.
Change a person's opinions : Ar. irct^fitv. Be convinced, be sure : see
and P. /*Tcwrt0iv (ace.). Convert under sure.
into money : P. ^avifeiv. Convincing, adj. Of persons or
Convertible, adj. P. arguments P. and V. Tritfavds. Of :

Convex, adj. Round : P. arguments P. di/ay/eato?, V. :

(Arist.) ; see also round.

Convexity, subs. P. Convincingly, adv. Ar. and P. Trt-

v. trans. P. and V. Convincingness, subs. P. x^avo'nys,
v, V. fiacrraL&iv, iropeueiv (rare
P. in act.), TTopOfjLviv ; see carry. Convivial, adj. Ar. and P. o-u/i,7nmKos.
Send and V.
: P. Convey Merry : P. CU^V/AOS, V.
by water : Ar. and V.

vav<rTo\clv, Conviviality, subs. P. and V. KW/^OS,

vav<r&\ovv, V. Tropeveiv, P. and V. 6, Ar. and P ew^'a, ^ see revelry.

TropOfjLcvew, and P. Sidfyeiv. Ar. Im- Drinking party : Ar. and P. arvp.-
part (news, etc.) : P. and V. TTOCTtOV, TO.

&rayyeAAea/, K<f>pcw. Hand Merrily: P. and

Convivially, adv.
over P. and V. 7rapa8i8oV<u. Con-
: V. u0rf/i)s (Xen.).
vey across : Ar. and P. Convocation, subs. See assembly.
Siayetv, Sicwrejiwreiv, P. Convoke, v. trans. P. and V. crvy-
Convey (to a place) : P. lv, orvvdyew see assemble. ;

V. clcnropevciv. Convey (to a place Convoy, v. trans. Ar. and P.

of safety) : P. and V. TrlfjiTTCLv.
Escort : P. and V. Trpo-
7T/x7rv ; see escort.
Suggest : see suggest. Convoy, subs. Guides: P. dywyoi',
Conveyance, subs. Carrying : P. Ot, V. TTO/XTTOt, Ot, TrpOTrOjLfTrOt, Ot.
and V. yo)yi7, ^, P. ico/uSiJ, fj. Convoying, Subs. P. TrapaTro^Tny, ^.
Bringing in : P. curayoyyy, 17, cwr- Convulse, v. trans. Lit. and met.,
KOfjLiSrj, fi, TrapaKop^iBrj, ^. Bringing P. and V. Ttt/DCWTO'ftV, 0*UVTttpaGrO*tV,
out : P. ^aya>y?7, 17. Transference : <riLVf Kivelv Met., P. and V. /cu/c
P. -Trapa Wis, ^. Vehicle : P. n-opetov, (Plat, and Ar.), avyx '

TO (Plat.), P. and V. (Plat, but rare P.). Be

ox^a, TO (Plat,
but rare P.) ; see carriage. P. and V. o-<o8a tv (Xen.),.V. cnra-
Convict, v. trans. P. and V. alpelv, o-Oai. Be convulsed with laughter:
lX.evx L]f
>Condemn: P. use v. laugh.
and V. Be con- Convulsion, subs. Lit. and met., P.
atpetv, Ka.6aA.peiv.
victed P. and Y. oXibvcecrftu.
: Crei and V. 6, P. /av^cris, ^ see ;

a person convicted Ar. and P. disturbance.

: Of the body P. and :

alpelv (ace.). V. OTTCWT/XOS 6, P.

Conviction, subs. Condemnation (Plat.), V. 6.

P. Confutation : P. Convulsive, adj. V. ttrnWcwrros

and V. 6. Persuasion : (Soph., 2Vac7i. 770).
P. and V. P. and V.
6,J. Belief: P. and Cook,
V. irtorrts, 17. Sectvre a conviction (Eur., OycZ. 397, also Ar.), P,
agamst :
6. O/ a coofc, adj. : Ar. and
Goo Cop
P. //,ayipiK(K. Like a good cook vavriK
use adv. Ar. //.ayeipwcais. (Thuo. 2, 83).
Cook, v. trans. Ar. and P. Do-operation, subs. Assistance P. -

7rrcriv. Boil: P. and Y. and V. uxfrsXcia, ^, V. w^cA^o-is, ^ ;

(Eur., Gycl. 404). see assistance. Partnership: P.

Cooked, adj. P. and V. and V.
Boflfld: P. and V. ty0<fe (Bur., Co-operator, subs. P. and
Oycl 246). yos, 6 or fj, 6, P. OT;V-

Cookery, subs. P. ^ /Aayeipiiei}, 175, 6. Partner : P. and V.

TTOlia, ^, OI/TOTTOUK)?, ^. 6 or ; see assistant, part-

Cooking, subs. P. see ner.

Co-ordinate, adj. P.
Cooking-pot, subs. Ar. and P. dy- Co-ordinately, adv. P.
yetov, TO. Coot, subs. Ar. ^oXapfe
'Cool, adj. P. and V. i/ruxpos. Met Cope with, v. intrans. P. and
, Y
caZfti P. and V. ^oru^os, ^o-ux -"3 ^
: (dat or wpos, aco.). Equal:
P. 170-^0?- Iwptwfowi : P. and V. P and V. 2o-oucr0<u (dat.), tcrov<r0<u
jNbi eager : P. d7rpo0v/x,os. (dat.). -45Ze io coj?e with, a match
P. and V. forP. d&ofxaxos (dat.), dvTwroXos

Cool, v. trans. P. and V. (dat.), va/u\\os (dat.); seewato^.

xeiv, V. /carcu/rJxctv. Met., Coping-stone, subs. P. and Y.
and V. d/ijSXiWv, STra/x/J 0piyKo's, 6 (Plat.), V. yetcra, ra.
V. KaTa/j,pXiveiv. V. intrans. Met., Met., P KO\O<COV, o, P. and Y.
become cool : P. and V. 0pty/cos,
6 (Plat.). P^i coping-stone
cwra/A/JXuvecrflai, V. to met., P. /coXo^cuva, eTrtrt^evat

Not to let one's zeal cool : P. (dat.) (Plat.), V. 0piy/coi/ (aco.) ; see
diroXciWv TrpoOvfjLLas (Thuc. 8, 22). crown.
ei one's arw/flr cool : Ar. Copious, adj. P. and V, -jroXvs, a<0o-
avla/at, V. 6pyrj<s t&vlwcLi. V05, Y. eTTtppaJro?.
Coolly, adv. Ar. and P. Copiously, adv. P. and V. d<0oVci>s
Oalmly : P. and Y. ^o-u^, x (Bur., Frag.), P.
(rare P.). Impudently : P. and V. Copiousness, subs. P. euTropia,
eagerly : P. dirpo- owa, Ar. and P.

P. and Y. irXrjOos, r6.

Coolness, subs. P. ^uxp /ri? 5 Copper, subs. P. and V, -

Cold : P. and V. ^DX* ro'- O Copper vessel : P.

Ar. and P. ^cruxia, 17, V. TO y<rvx<uov. ^
and P. x( K<0P'a't Tt> V.
Impudence : P. and V. Ar. xaA-wov, TO. jSwa^Z com Ar.
Quarrel : P, and V. Sta^opa, ^ Ar. and P. ^-* ^ -

and V. vet?, TO (also Plat, but rare Copper, adj. P. and V.

P.) ;
see quarrel. and V.
Coop, subs. Ar. avX^, ^ ; see cage. ciUxaXfcos, ?rayxaA./cos,
Coop, v. trans. P. and V. etpyc Coppersmith, subs. Ar, and P.
v, V. crvveiprycw ;
See CO?l us, o.

Co-operate, v. trans, P. and V. <TU/JI- Coppice, subs. V. SpiJfios, 6, Ar. and

Y. A.o'x/tf7, ^ ur., 5occfe. 730) ; see
f V. wood.
ti/, P. see did Copse, subs. See coppice.
Co-operate with : use verbs given Copy, subs. Image: P. and Y.
with dat. TO, P.

co-operated with Cnemus : P TO. Duplicate in writing : P.

Cop Cor

Register: P. dva- Cornel, subs. Y. *paveia, ^ (Eur.,

Copy, v. trans. P. and V. Cornel, adj.

Imitate : Ifo^e o/ con^Z wood :
(Xen. also P. /cpavc'tvos (Xen.)
Ar.). Register : P. Corner, subs. Aiigle : Ar. and P.
Copy down : Ar. and P. e/ ywvta, 17. JVoofe : Ar. and V. pvxfa, .

-Howe a tf/imo; copied (in writ-ing) : 6 (also Thuc. but rare P.). Three-
P. a.iroypafacr6a.i (ace.). cornered, adj. P. and Y. Tpiy<oi/os. :

Coquet, v. intrans. Ar. and P. Get a person into a corner : met., P.

0pvirro*0ai, P. and V. cts airopiaiv fcaflurravat (TWO). The
Coquetry, subs. P. and V. rpv<f>y, challenge has not been made in a
corner, but in the middle of the
Coracle, subs. Use P. and V. market : P. ov\ n- tu&y's y irpo-
TO ; see boat. yeyovcv dAA* & T^ ayop
Cord, subs. P. and V. oV/*o's, 6, (Dem. 848). Make a corner
KaAws, 6, 7rcr/xa, TO (Plat.), P. in, buy up v. P. o-woi/cwrflai (ace.)

tnrapror, TO, Ar. and P. TOI/OS, 6, V. (see Lys. 164, 35, 165, 8). Turn
TrAcKTj;, 17, dprany, 17 ;
see rope. a corner, v. intrans. Ar. : and V.
Small cord : Ar.
anrapriov, TO.
Noose : P. and V. po'xos, 6. Cord Cornet, subs. See horn. Ccwalry
/or supporting a bed : Ar. *pta, officer: use Ar. and P.
Cord, v. trans. P. and V. $v see 6. ;

bind. Corollary, subs. Use P. TO

Cordial, adj. P. and V. </>l- Coronal, subs See garland.
Ad0p<i>v (Xen.), Ar. and V. w Coronet, subs. See crown.
Strong, vehement : P. Corporal, adj Use P. and Y. o-w/xaTo?
Cordiality, subs. P. and Y. (gen. of o-w^ta). Corporal punish-
P. <t>iXo<t>po<r-6vy, $ (Plat.). ment : P. and Y. -n-A^yat, at. Non-
Cordially, adv. P. and Y. commissioned officer: use Ar. and
<jSI\o^poVo)s (Plat.). P. raiapxos, o.
P. o-^oSp Corporate, adj Belonging to citizens : .

Core, subs. use P. and V. P. n-oAiTiJcds. Shared by all: P.

TO /ATW. and Y. icoivds.
Cork, subs. P. and V. Corporately, adv. Jointly: P. and
Corn, subs. P. and Y. O-ITOS, 6, *ap- V. KQLVfl.
S, 6, Ar. and Y. s Wheat : Corporation, subs. Magistracy: P.

Ar. and P. irvp6$, 6. Wheat-meal : and Y. a-pxni "*)

Ar. and P. 5arZe7/ : P.Corporeal, adj. P.

and Y. KplOy, T). Barley-meal : Ar. Corps, subs. Body of troops: P.
and P. oLX^trov, TO', or pi. Of corn and Y. 6, Tot$, 17. t

wheaten, adj. P. and Y. -mdptvos Corpse, subs.

: P. and V. 6,
(Xen. and Eur., Frag.) Import o-w/xa, TO' (Dem. 1071), Ar. and Y.
corn, v. P. o-i/npyslv. Importation
VCKVS, 6, V. 8^5, TO'. Fallen body:
of corn, subs. P. crmryai, 17. 5^-
: V. TTToi/wt, TO (Eur., Phoen. 1697),
iwgf of corn : P. orwWa, 17. Carrying Wor^/xa, TO (ibid. 1701).
of corn : P. crtTowo^ma, 17, Corpulence, subs. P. and Y.
Corn-commissioner, subs. P. TO'
(Eur., Cycl. 380), P.
<uXa, o. iroXvaupKia, % (Xen.).
Corn-dealer, subs. P. 6.
Corpulent, adj. P. and V.
Corn-transports, subs. P. (Plat.), Ar. and P. wax^s, viw, <rdp-
T<, K^CS a-tTayc^yot, at. Ar.
Cor Cor

Correct, adj. Accurate (of persons s, o-T5v7yopos. O/ Zi&e

or things) : P. and V. aKplpfa. P. OTJIO'O/AOS.
True : P. and V. ^rjs, 6P 06s, V. Corresponding, adj. See correspon-
vap.prr^s \ see true. Proper, becom- dent. Similar P. and Y. .

ing : P. and V. einrpeirfi?, -Jrperrwv, Equal : P. and V. ftros, P.

irpocnjfcwv, eucr^iy/AOJv,
Ar. and P. irpe- Proportionate : P. t/

wfl^s. Be correct, judge rightly :

P. and V. op0ws yiyvoio-KeLv. Correspondingly, adv. Similarly:
Correct, v. trans. Put right : P. and P. and V. 6/AotW Proportionately:
V. copQovv 8iop0uw, avopOovv, Ar.
P. icara Xoyov.
and P. eiroivopOow, V. p.*Ba.ppjoiv. Corridor, subs. Use Ar. and P. 810805,
Punish : P. and V. /coXei^ctv, vovQer- 17 (?^y through).

TtV, (TftJ^pOVtJciV, pvOfU&W (Plat.), Corroborate, v. trans. P.

Ar. and V. apfjuofav. Correct, alter
(what is written) : P. and V. Corroboration, subs. P.

Correction, subs. P. cTravopOufM., TO. Corrode, V. trans. P.

Chastening : P. and V. Phaedo, 110A).
(Plat., Met., P.
17, vovflerq/wx, TO, P. /cdXacrts, and V. 8x<0fptv.
Corrective, adj. P. KoXaari/cos (Plat.). Corrupt, v. trans. P. and V. 8ia<0ci'-
Correctly, adv. Accurately : P. and p/, \u)/3a(rOa.L, Xvp.a.LVor6cLi (aoc. or
V. (UpZ/fos. IVidy : P. and V. ^A.^- dat.). 5n'6fi; P.
0o>$, op0o>s, V. /coY op06V. Becom- pctv, Ar. and P.
ingly, adv. P. and V. cta-perrus,
: 8edv.ce : P. and V.
ir/o?rovT<i)S, P. irpoo-rjKovrtos. V. SioAAiivai, atcr^u^tv, P.
Correctness, subs, Ar. and P. op0o'- tv. Corrupt beforehand :
nys, 17, V. va/Acpreta, ^. Accuracy: P. P. irpo8ia<l>6ipiv.
djcpij&ia, ^ ; see r^/&. Corrupt, adj. P. S^tfap
Chastiser : P. and ed! : P. and V. KO/COS,
Corrector, subs.
V. icoXao-ri}?, 6, ^Trm/A^r^s, 6 (Plat.), ^pos. Taking bribes : Ar. and P.
P. crox^povwrnys, 6, V. eu^vos, 6. ScopoSo'/cos, P. and V. ^tXapyiJpos.

Correspond, v. intrans. P. and V. Jw a;i unhealthy state : P. and V.

cru/x/^atVctv, <ruwp^tF, (ru/ATrtWew/, V. <ra0pos, ^rovXo^. .Be corrupt, be in

<rvjj./3d\Xcr6a,i, a-vfMTLTveiv, oruyicoXXwff an unhealthy state, v. P. and V. :

^ti/. Correspond with, agree with: vocrcti/.

P. and V. <n>/A<e/oetv (or pass.) (dat.), Corrupted, adj. Bribed : V. icarop-

(dat.), arwrptxcw

OrU/A7r^TTlv(dat,), P. CTV[Ji<J><J)VLV Corrupter, subs. P. 8ia<0opv$, 6, P.

V. ofwppoOelv (dat.). In many and V. Xij/jteaiv, 6, Ar. Xeo/tynfc, 6.

you find hair to corre&pond : V. iroX- Seducer : V. alcrxuvr^p, 6.

Corruptibility, subs. Taking bribes :

(Eur., M. 530).
Write: P. and V. P. 8a)po8oKta, 77. Perishableness :

ypdfaw. Correspond with, have in- Jr. fpf/opa } 77.

tercourse with : P. and V. KOWWCLV Corruptible, adj. Qpew ^o bribery:

P. Ar and
ScopoSdjco?. Liable to
Correspondence, subs. Letters : P. death : P. and V. ^MTTO'S.
and V., at, ypa.jj.fMTa, ra, Corruption, subs. P. and V. <

I'FwjJkfifZwess ; P. and V. ^

via, 77. Resemblance :P. 67*010^7$, 77. 77, Ar. and P, KO.KLO., $
Correspondent, adj. P. and V. <ri5v- 17. Philosophically, as opposed to
<pSo9, cru/x/xerpos, P. cru//x<ovos, V. growth : P.
<0opa, 77 (Plat.). Dank-
Cor Cou

ness, P. and Y, cvpok, 6. Costume, subs.

: P. and V.
Bribery: P. ScopoSoKta, 17, SwpoSo/c^/ta, fcoo-ftos, 6, o-ToX-jy, ^, <r^5,
TO. Be open to corruption, take /Aara, ra, V. ef/xa,
TO see J

bribes, v. Ar. and P. SupoSoKeiv.

Cot, subs. See cottage, bed.
Corsair, subs. P. and V. Xflonjs, 6. Coterie, subs. P. and V. orao-ts, ^,
Be a corsair, v. P. Xyarrcvew. : P. eraipua, % see faction. ;

Corse, subs. See corpse. Co-trustee, subs. P. orwcwtrpoTros, 6.

Corselet, subs. P. and V. Oupag, 6. Cottage, subs. Ar. and P. owc&ov,
Cortege, subs. P. and V. Trofjurrj, fj. TO, or use hoiise.
Coruscate, v. intrans. P. and V. Cotton, SUbs. P. Zpia &7ro |vXov, rd
(TT&fieiV (Plat), K\dp7TLV (Plat.), (Hdt.) ;
see wool, linen.
acrrpii'TrTCLv ; see glitter. Couch, subs. P. and V. ^,
Met., see excel. o-rpiofjivy, ^,
Ar. and Y. Xexo* TO (or
Coruscation, subs. P. /Aap/*apuyi}, ^ pi.), w^,'-, V. XcKTpov, TO (or pi.) ;

(Plat.), Ar. and V.

<r&fa, r6 (also see &e<Z.

Plat, but rare P.), avyrj, 17 (also Plat. Couch, v. trans. Lean, rest : P. and
but rare P.) see glitt&r.
, Met., V. cpci'Sew/ (Plat, but rare P.). Couch
brilliant effort : P. and V. in dark language, v. P. and V. :

alvL<ro-<rOai (aco.). Couched in dark

Cost, subs. Price : Ar. and P. Tt/wJ, language, adj. : P. and V. atvty/ia-
^ P. &vj, ^, P. and Y. *&'a, ^, V. TWO^S, V. aiwicTo?. Co-z^A in fine
rt/xos, 6 ; see #nce. Legal costs language : P. and Y. KoXXdvetv. V.
(paid by the loser in an action) : intrans. P. and V.
P. cxco/JcXi'a, rj. Eospense : P. and Cough, subs. P. /ftjfc 6.
V. <tvaXo)//,ct, ro, SaTravty, 17 (Eur., J?. co?^A : P. )S^ urxypos.
.F . 592). You shall speak to yourintrans. Ar. Cough, v.
COSt : V. (Soph., 0. B. Council, subs. P. crwcSptov, TO'. Sen-
/cXaan/ Ipcis
1152; same construction often in ate : P. and Y, jSorXiy, ^. Spartan
Aristophanes). To make plans to senate : P. and V. ycpovo-ta, ^s- .

avoid death at all costs : P. pyx -" sembly : P. and V. (ruXXoyos, 6,

vacr0<H OTTCOS (TIS) aTro^cv^erat irav O/ council, adj P. . ^ :

TTOIW Odvarov (Plat., Ap. 39A).

TTOT&owtf cos, adj. Ar. aSaTravos, or Council-hall, subs.
: P. and V.
use adv., Y. a8cwr<&/o>s; see /ree. XeuToypioi/, TO.
At the cost of: P. and V. avrt Councillor, subs. Ar. and P.
(gen.). At what cost ? P. and V. T175, 6, Ar. and Y. irpofiovXos, 6.
-TTOCTOI; ; Counsel, subs. P. and Y. 0^X77, ^
Cost, v. trans. Be valued at : P. irapaivearis, ^, y/cuft97, 17, P.
TtfjuicrOaL (gen.). Met., deprwe of : , Ar.
and P. a^/i/fouX??', ^ ; see also
P. and V. crTpt<rKiv (rtva TH/OS). mieTztow. Admonition, subs. : P.
Z refused to charge more than they and Y. you^er^o-ts, ^, vovtfen^ta, TO.
COSt me : P. ov/c ^0%7<ra irpafa<r0cu Tafce counsel, v. P. and Y. /JoiAcuV

TrA-eov T} o<rou ^JLIOI Karecrrtyo-av (Andoc. o-^at, P. Sia^ouXcueor^at ; see consult.

21). ^e ai a jprice ; use Ar. and Counsel, v. trans. P. and Y. crvp./3ov-

P. yLyvcvQai (gen.). Costing no- Xcvew (TI Ttvt), irapau/ew (TL Ttvt), Ar.
thing, adj. Ar. ffidiravog, or adv.,
: and P. viroriOtcrOai (rL rwi) Recom- .

V. aSairctvcos. mend : P. and Y. e^yeTo-^atfT/

Costliness, Subs. P. -TroXWA.eia, ^. Ar. and P. l<rrjyelar6an (rL nvt).
Costly, adj. P. monish : P. and V. vou^
P. and V. Ti/uo9. Jw Coimsel to do a thing : P. and V.
(dat. and
infin.), -Trap-
Cou Cou
and infin.), P.
tiv (dat. V. tvavriovcrtfai (dat.) see oppose. ;

(dat. and V. cum? (ace. and

infin.), Clash with: P. Sta^wvcti/ (dat.).
infin.), ra/tv (ace. or dat. and ^ counter charm to sleep : V. &n/ou
infin.), POV\CVW (dat. and infin.). . . .
dvTt/ioX?roi/ fifcos (-Slscll., ^.gf.
Counsellor, subs. P. and V. <rv^- 17). Anticipate a plot rather than
ovXos, 6, P. 177171^75,
6. Coun- meet it by counter-plots: P.
sellors of craft : V. SdXia y&wXcu- 9

njpia (Eur., .4wd. 44:6). Adrastus LUC. 1, 33).

counsellor in these mischiefs: V. Counteract, v. trans. Baffle : P.
KCLK&V 'ASpdcrnu Taii/Sc and V. or^oXXctv. Oppose : P. and
(J3sch., Z%e&. 575). V. i/avT>9<r0ai (dat.), dv0rrao-0at
Count, v. trans. Number: P. and (dat.),formwcuf (dat.).
V. api0/xiv, Xoyi^co-flai, BtapiO]JLv amends for: P. and V.
(mid. in P.), V. iretjuca&iv. Hold, (ace.).
consider : P. and V. fy<rQa.i, vo/u- Counterbalance, v. trans.
/, #ylV (ThUC. 8, 81), V. V'UV. amends for : P. and V.
Co^mt among : P. and V. KaTapi.OiJ.civ tacr&u (ace.), eZa<r0ai (aCC.).
dat. or juera, gen.). J3e counted equivalent to: P. dmppowos
among : P. and V. reXelv (cfc, ace.), P. and V. avTL<rTaOp.os
V. apiO^lcrOai (gen. or and dat.).
r.), gen., P. dat.) (Plat.), V.
Count on, trust : P. and V. TTIOTCVCIV penrcw/ (absol.) j see balance,
(dat.), 7Ti0e<r0<u (dat.).
Calculate consider their disadvantages coun-
on, expect: P. and V. wpoo-So/cav terbalance our numbers : P. Ta? TOU-
(ace.). j^Tb owe am/ longer calculates
on his own death: V. o8eis 0* (Thuc. 4, 10). /Some
0avctTOV cjcXoyifcrai (Eur., god rwns you to counterbalance yowr
482. Ctowi cwtf: P. former happiness : V.
Coimt up: P. and V. 8e O-fi <0tp 00)V TtS Tljs TTOLpOlff
jdv (mid. in P.), P. (Eur., JSsC. 57).
dvaXo- Countercharge, subs. Ar. and P.
V. intrans. 50 o/ ^w-
portance : P. and V. 8ia<l>pw. Counterclaim, subs. P.
Count, subs. Itt cm widictment : use (Xen.).
P. and-V. X^yos, 6. Counterfeit, adj.P. and V. /

Countenance, subs. Face: P. and wXaoros (Xen.), Ar. and P.

V. wpOCTOTTW, TO, Ol/rt5, ^J Or US6 (TTyftos, P. ]/o0os see spwriows.
; Of
V. o<^0aX/ios, 6, o/jLfui, TO. Appro- money: P. and V. Kt/38i7Xo$, Ar.
val, subs. P. and V. ?ratvos, 6.
: and P.
Fanowr, support: P. and V. eui/oia, ^. Counterfeit, v. trans. JFor^e; P.
Countenance, v. trans. Approve of, and V. TrXaoxmv (or mid.), P. irapa-
praise: P. and V. 7ratvtv (ace.). iroict<rOcu. Money, etc. : Ar. and P.
^cgwwce in: P. and V. Simulate: Ar. and P.
(ace. or dat.), P. dycro-ai/ (ace. or
dat.), V. a2i/etv (ace.). Fcwowr, sup- Counterfeit, subs. Forgery : P.
port : P. and V. wotv (dat.). TO. Imitation : P. and
Counter, subs. For reckoning: P. V.
and V. i/rcfaos, 17. e^ : P. and Countermand, v. trans. P. and V.
V. , TO. In a shop : use aTrewretv., Ar. and P. oVayopeveu'.
P. Counter-manoeuvring, subs. P.
Counter, adj. Opposite : P. and V.
counter to: P. and Counterpane, subs. Ar. and P.
177 12
Gou Cou

<rrp<&fjLaTa, rd, V. ^Xaw/a, fj, <apos Country-side, subs. Use country.

TO, <apos, TO, et/xa, TO. Gease to tell me the petty fortunes
Counterpart, subs. P., use adj. of the countryside : V. irav<rat Xeyo>v

<ivTiaTpo<os. Music was a counter fU>L TO.? wpoo-avXetov? TVXCLS (Eur.,

part of gymnastic : P. fy Ekes. 273).
<LVTwrrpo^>os 7175 yu/AvaorwcTJ? (Plat. Countrywoman, subs. Fdlow-coun-
Rep. 522A). trywomcm : Ar. S^/JLOTIS, ^.
Counterpoise, v. trans. See counter- County, subs. Use P. 8^os, 6.

balance. Couple, subs. P. cry^vyi'a, ^, Ar. and

Counterpoise, subs. Use P Y. ^cuyos, TO, V. fvyov, TO, oH3vo>p&,
dirippoTros (gen.), P. and V. dvrt- 17.
Tred^e^ cowpfe : P. ^cSyos, TO
<rra0/ios (V. gen., P. dat.) (Plat.) (Xen.);
Countersign, subs. Watchword : P Couple, v. trans. P. and V.
and Y. (rvvOrjfjLO., TO, V. arrjfia, TO wvai, J^euyvvvai (rare P. unoom-
OTj/ijSoXov, TO, P. on^eibv, TO. pounded). Attach : P. and V.
Counting, subs. Ar. andP. Xoywr/Jios, 6 irpcxrriOevai, TTpoo-aTrrctv. V. intrans.
Countless, adj. P. and V. Pawr : P. and V. o-

/JWJTOS, V. vapi0ftos, avqpifl/^os,

(Plat, also but rare P.)- Couplet, subs. Elegiac couplet: P.
Countrified, adj. See rustic, rural.
Country, subs. J&and : P. and V Courage, subs. P. and Y. #peTiJ,
Xtopa, ^, yi), j7, Ar. and V. x?"i ^ ^apcros, TO, Opdcros, TO,
TrcSov, TO, yata, 17, Y. aux, ^, ofyw>s o,
ToXjuta, ^, TdvSpctov, 0iJjw.ds, 6, vi/ruxta>
As opposed to town : P. and V, ^, Ar. and Y. X^/x, TO, V. euroX/ua,
dypos, or pi., x<fy>
6, ^, vav8pta, ^. Tafe courage, y. :
Gowntry, adv. : V. P. and V, tfaperctv, ^pSo^veo-^at, Y.
country : see inland. Native land, tfapo^vctv. Regain courage : Ar.
subs. : P. and V. -Trorpfe, 17, Ar. and and P. &va,Qapcrew,
V. irctTpa, 17. O/ ^feai cowntry Courageous, adj. P. and V.
and V. TToSa-rros ; indirect, P. oT s, ^pcwrds, ToX^pos, fvi/riixos, Ar.
TTOS. Be in the country (in one's and Y. ^XKI/JLOS (rare P.), V. ciJToX/Aos,
native land), v. Ar. :
eu^apOTJs (also Xen.), OpacrvcnrX.ay-
petv. Be out of the cowntiry : Ar. X^o?, TaXat<^po)i/, TXiJ/^wv, cvicapStos,
and P. &ro&7ju,tv, P. and Y. ; see also fearless.
(Plat.). State, subs. :
Uou adv. P. and V.
P. and Y. . and P. ^pao-eo>5, P.
Country, adj. Rwral: Ar. and P. V. ^paoruorTrXayx^w?, eu-
s, Y. dypoJon/s (Soph., Frag.), 0apo*a>9, evroX/Acos, ev/capSca)? ;
866 also
Provincial: P. and V.
Spovpcuos (-2Bsoh., Frag.). Country )ourageousness, subs. See courage,
life,subs. Ar. /ftbs o!ypotK05, 6.
Courier, subs. P. 6.

Of one's native land, adj. P. and :

Messenger : P. and Y. yyeXos, 6 or
V. Trarp^os ; 866 native.
?raTpw>9, ,
Of the state ; P. TroXwwcdV Course, subs. Rimning : P. and Y.
Countryman, subs. Opposed to 8pO/AOS, 6, V. Spdlp/fMX, TO, TpO^OS, 6.
townsman : Ar. and P. aypowcos, 6, JBTea^ Zaj) ; AJC. and Y. Spo/toy, 6,
yecopyos, 6, P. and V. avrovpyos, 6, Ar. and P. erroSiov, TO'. Race-cowse:
epydnqs, 6, V. dypeoCTny?, o, X^P^l^f Ar. and P. ordtSiov, T<5, Ar. and Y.
o (Soph., Frag.), yfl'rgs, 6, yaTrovos, 8t'avXos, 6. For chwiots, etc. : P.
Fellow^otmtryinm : P. and wi ; P.
V. TroXf-nTS, 6, 8\7/m;s, 6. ^ ; P. and Y. 8po>os, a,
Cou Cou

J, V. SUfoSos, k orpo44 ^ (Soph., yuvaucos

Frag.), Trcpwrrpo^, 77 (Soph,, Frag.), (Eur., HeL 1514).
Ar. and P. Treptyopa, 17. Pa&, way: Court, v. trans. jSeefc in nwtrriage :
P. and V. 6805, 17, vopa'a, 17, Ar. and P. and V. fwrjovevciv (Plat.). Gene-
V. /ceXeuflos, (o/ a wea-
17. .F%/& rally, seek one's favour : Ar. and P.
pon) : P. Channel : P.
Tropci'a, 17. OepaTTtvciv (ace.). Seek after: P. and
and V. OXCTOS, 6. Change from its V. //,Tpx<r0<u (ace.), ifrrciv (ace.),
cowrse, v. met., P. and V. Trapoye-
^pcvW (aco.), V. 077pav (or mid.).
Tev'eiv (ace.) (Plat.). Course of life, Challenge: P. Trpo/caXcra-
subs. P. and V. j&'o s 6. Method :
ier : P. and V. fttHrcveiv,
P. fi0o8os, 17 see method. Layer ;
vTTcpxco^at, Ar. and P.
(of bricks)
P. &rioXi7, 17. Course
: Suitors foremost m
the l<md of
of action: P. -rrpoatpecris, ^. Dinner Greece cowrted her: V. /u^or^pe?
cowrse : P. TrcptoSos, ^ (Xen.). TFie $row "EAAaSos Trpwrot x&ovos (Eur.,
EL 21). J. thankless crew a/re ye
o/ ewr cowrse: V. who cowrt the honours paid to de-
yKopcv (Bur., CfycZ. 279). magogues : V. dxapwrrov VfjL&v cnrepfjJ
jfo cowrse o/ tfiwe : P. irpoeAfloVros ovoi Srjfxriyopovs jjejkovrc rt/*as (Eur.,
TOV xpoVov. Follow the course of Sec. 254).
events : P. TrapaJCoXovflctv rots Trpay- Courteous, adj. P. and V.
yuao-i (Dem. 285). O/ cowrse, adv. :

P. and V. S-^TTOV, Ar. and P. &TTTOV- Ar. and P. cwrrctos, P. p^ttos, icotvos.
0ev. Ironically: P. and V. &} Courteously, adv. P. and V. <jf>tXo-
In answer to a question, assuredly : (Plat.), P. ^tXavflpeowo)?.
P. and V. irois yfcp ofl, //,ciXrra yc, Courtesan, subs. Ar. and P.
Ar. and P. ico/uSf ye, a/Ae\t, V. *
/cat Kapra, Kal icapra yc. Iw i/16 Courtesy, subs. P. cwrpooTTyopta,
OOW50 o/, prep.: P. and V. Sta ^tXav^pawrta, ^, V.
(gen.). Let these things take tJievr COWTtesies to, V.: P.
COWrse : P. lav raura <f)pcr$at, (Dem. Trpos (acc.). OaZZ 6y courtesy : Ar.
106). and P. vTTOKopifeo^at (acc.).
Course, v. trans. See chase. V. iii- Courtier, subs. Attendant : Ar. and
trans. Bun: P. and V. P. tfepdwrcDv, 6, ^/coXovflo?, 6, P. and
Oetv (Eur., low, 1217), V. V. TrpdcnroXos, 6 or 17,
8ta/covos, 6,

Courser, subs. Use horse. oTraov^o see attendant. Flatterer :


Court, subs. Of a house : P. and V. Ar. and P. KoAofc 6. The king's

auXiJ, 77 (Plat.). O/ ifee cowri, adj. : cowrtiers : P. ot a^l rov ^acrtXea.
P. and V. aflXcios (Plat.), V. ". Courting, subs. Paying cowrt: P.
see fore-cowt. Boom, subs. : see
room. Palace : Ar. and P. Courtliness, subs. P. and V.
o/ justice : Ar. and P. Courtly, adj. P. and V. CTC/AVOS.
TO. Oonoretely, Courtship, subs. V.
judges : P. and V. Sticacrrat, ot. Tflt.

Bring into cowrt, v. P. cfe StKcw Courtyard, subs. P. and V. aft


ptov 5yctv. Produce in cowrt : P. (Plat.). Of the cowrtywd, adj. P.

9 Trap^eiv (ace.) OW^ O . E^^
and V cnJXcios, Y. epKctos. .

Ar. and P. 8taypdt<^v. Cousin, subs. P. and V. o.

adv.: P. li/flaSc (lit. Fern., P. A

OoWTtship, subs. V. : P. and Y. avrav^ios, o. Second
ra. Pay cowtf to ; see v., cowrt. cousim: P.
Pay yowr cowrt to (mother :
Cousinship, subs. P.womm
Cov Cow

Cove, subs. Bay : P. and V. Through a covered pipe:

6, V. /%<fe, 6 (rare P.), V. use adv., P. oreyavois (Thuc. 4, 100).
Ar.^and P. and V. ev
irra\a^ ai. I a pZace of safety :

Covenant, subs. P. and V. crv/i^ao-is, do-^oActa. C^wder cover (pretence)

TJ, GwOyKCLi, ai, <rwOr)p,a 9 TO. Bond : of : P. iVt 7rpo<ao-i (gen.). Receive
P. OTryypa<i7, f), <n>//^8oAan>, TO, indemnity iwder cover of his pro-
<rwoAAayfta, TO. Promise : P. and fession : P. TO) T^S T^7s 7rp
V. foroWerts, ^. .Make a covenant : ^ (Dem. 58).
P. and V. o~v//,j8oo-iv 7roiio~0aL ; see Covered, adj. Eoofed in : P.
v. covenawi. yos, oreyavd?, V. /can/pc^s* Covered
Covenant, v. intrans. P. and V. with cloth : V. o-rpa>Tos. Covered
Promise : in (of a boat) P. eoreyao-//.^^

P. and V. &ru7XVio"0ai, Ar. KaXuTrros (Thesm. 890).

V. $7riVxr0<u. Covenant with : P. Covering, subs. Ar. and V.
and V. OTj/A)8atvtv (dat.), o-wrWtcrBai TO, Ar. ryKoXv/A/ios, 6. I%ai
(dat ). shelter: P. oreyao-fta, TO.

Cover, v. trans. P. and V. spread as a covering: Ar.

o-uyjcpwretv, P. and P. orrpoi/AaTa, Ta. Covering of
KaAwrreti/, Ar. and V. earth: V. vcplpoXal x^ovo's. In
v,V. OTryKoAwrrav (rare P.), same sense use V. TrepiirTv^ai, at,
oreyv, Keu0av, djiwre^ctv (rare P.), wcptTrnry/xa, TO. Covering of flesh :

(rare P.), V. aapKos i/8vra, T<.

see also Covering, adj. V. /coXTwrro's. Shelter-
Cover ail round : P. ng : v.
Trepta/wre^iv (also Ar. in form Coverlet, subs. Ar. and P.
Cover over : P. and , Y. x^-^a> ^j l/xa, TO, ^a
ircpiKaXvirreiv, -TrpojcaAvTrreo-flat, V. , TO, OTpcoTa <j>ap7j, TO..

/ca,Ta/JwrTYiv, JcaVacrKWi^civ (Plat, also Covert, adj. P. and Y. Aa0p<uos,

but rare P.). Cover (50 as to jpro- (Plat.), Y.
P. (Xen.) ; see
shelter. Cover a distance : P. and Covert, subs. Hiding-place : Y.
V. frtfrccy, P. tv (Thuc. 2, 97), De?i: Ar. and Y. av-
Y. KaToVi;Ta/. Ifore quackly them , TO, V. OT}JCOS, 6, ^aXa/xat, at.

a racer ever covered two la/ps : V, Covertly, adv. P. and Y. Aaflpo, Xa-
StttU- ^pcucos (rare P.), P. icpitya, Ar. and
(Bur., JS7Z. 824) P. icpi^, Y. Kvtf (also Xen.),
Cover reproaches : P.
(Dem. 604). Cover Covet, v. trans. P. and V. tyfarAu
w disgrace : P. awrxw^ (gen.), opeyeo-0ae.
(dat.) (of. Ar., Plut. 590) P. see de-
e : P. ?rptej(iv, sre.
fldveiv, P. and V. o^A Covetous, adj. P.
5e e?ww07& /or : P. and V. tie Miserly : P. and V.
ctvat (dat.).
^IXapyvpos, Ar. and P.
Cover, subs. Lid: Ar. eV)S%ia, TO, Covetously, adv. P. TrXeovc/cri/co)?. -

Case ; Ar. and P. IXvrpov, TO (Plat.), CovetOUSneSS, subs. P. irXeow&a, T],

P. and V. ircptpoko$, 6 see covering ; Miserliness: P. and Y.
Cover for arms : Ar. and V. o*ay/ia, Seta, ^, P. ^lAofcepSeia, 17,
TO', or pi. Shelter : P.
Protection, shield : P. and V. Cow, subs. P. and V. /?os, ^. Of
TO. oover, adj. V. a cow, adj. P. and V.
: :

Cow Cra

Cow, v. trans. P. and V. <o/3etv, Crabbed, adj. P. and V.

<t>o/3iv t oorXiJoxrav, P. SiJo-dpcoros, Svo^cpijs, P.
AT. and P. /cara<o/?eiv; see frighten.
Subdue : P. and V, Ka Crabbedly, adv. P.
Coward, subs. Use adj. cowardly. Crabbedness, subs. Ar. and P. 8u<r-
Play the coward, v. P. and V. :

p.oX6o.K%<-<r6o.i (Plat., also Crack, v. trans.

Split: P. and V.
', /XttXoL- , T//,vtv, 8iaT/AViv. Break :

P. and V. pryyritau (P. generally

Cowardice, subs. P. and V. compounded), Karapprj-yvivaLj Kara-
^, /c<3wc>7, 17, avaj>8pta, ^, ironypia, ^, P. and V. Qpaveiv (Plat, but
yvvvai, Ar.
a/ToX/Ata, ^, ^cA-oi/ru^ta, ^, JCCWCOTI/S, ^, rare P.), V. o-uvtfpaveiv. I 7tai;e
KOLK.LO., y, V. ai/riJ^ta, ^, Ka/cavSpta, ^. cracked my skull with the blow : TO
Cowardly, adj. P. and V. 8oXcfe, Kp&viov TratW? /carcaya (Bur., (7^cZ.
icafcos, $roX/jW>s, irovr)p6<s, P. </>o/?epos, 683). V. intrans. P. and V. ^-
ava?8po?, Ar. and P. /AoXaKo;, V. yn/o-^ai, fcaTappi/yruo-flai, /carayn;cr(9at,
V. aywa-Qai, Ar. and V.
vos, s, Ar. and V. //.oX- (also Plat, but rare P.),
0a*o's. In a cowardly way: P. ar^ai
(also Xen.).
Jfa^a a noise:
?, <t>o(3fp&$. Make cowardly, P. and V. ^o<eu>.
v. trans. : V. /co/a'^iv. : Ar. and P. rp^-
Crack, subs. flbJe
Cower, v. intrans. P. and V. /cara-
Ar. and V. Trnyororciv (Plat.
/xa, TO.
Chasm : P. and V.
jNbise : P. and V. i^d<os, 6.
also but rare P.), V. Tn-oio-o-eiv, Cracked, adj. Unsoiwd : P. and V.
(2nd aor. pass
Cower before: met., Crackle, v. intrans. Use P. and V.
P. and V. (ace.), V.
7rn}o-oriv (acc.). a young bird Crackle, subs. Use P. and V. ^d^os, o.
cowering imder my wings : V. voo- Cradle, subs. V. K^TOS, TO, 0-^17,
<ros wcret Trrepvyas eicrn-Lry^v eftas ayyos, TO, avriTn^, ^. Met.,
(Bur., ZVo. 746). o/ origin : use P. and V.
Cowering, adj. Humble : P. aud V. Ar. and V. Trarpa, .

Craft, subs. Trade : P. and V.

Cowherd, subs. See herdsman. ^, Ar. and P. xeipovpyia, y, P.

CoXCOmb, Subs. P. /caXXa)7rt<rnJs, 6, Tex^ia, ^, V. YCipwva^ta, ^.

or use adj. P. and V. KOfw^os cra/^, v. JP.
fyfjLtovpyc :

(also Ar.). Be a coxcomb, v. : Ar. Cunning, subs. P. and V. 80X05, 6 :

KOfJLOLV. (rare P.), &7rdrrj, ij9 cro^to*/^, TO, ^77-

Coy, adj. S%P- aiorxvvnyXos.
: Be V.
Xaviy/xa, TO, T^t $, TXI^/I, TO ;

COy, V. : Ar. and P. ^pvrrrccrflai, P. see cratmess. Plot, treachery : P.

KaXX^TTL^crOaL. Fortune is coy : V. . Boai : see
rpv<Aa 8' 6 Sat/jto)]/ (Eur., Supp. Craftily, adv. Ar. and V. 8o'X<j>,
V. 4v

552.) 8oX<j>, SoXots, cruv SoXo), P. -Travov/oyws.

Cozen, v. trans. Deceive : P. and V. 5^ treachery : P. e CTrtjSovX^s, V.
&Trarav 9 efaararavj Trapayeti/,
P. irapaKpovecrOai, Ar. and V. Craftiness, subs. Ar.
V. ^TyXovv, -TrapaTraraK, P. and V. Travovpyta, ^.
J^a^er : P. and V. Sa Craftsman, subs. P. and V.
Tp)(tvf virp)(ar$ai, V. tfoiTrrav, Ar. yos, 6, Ar. and
P. xporex^s, 6, P.
and P. jcoXafccuftv. T^tTi;s, 6, V. xipa>va, 6 (Soph, and
Crab, subs. Ar. and P. Bur.,
Cra Cre

Crafty , adj. P. and V. nWAos (Plat.V but rare P.), *Xa>, ppipw (Ar. in
Travovpyos, eTrtTpwrros, -TTWICVOS (Plsft.J, mid.). Crash together: P.andV.
Ar. and V. 80X105, afywSXos (onoe in
Plat.), V. -jraXtf/rpijSifc, /x.?7)(avoppa<os. Crate, subs. Ar. and P. Tapo-os, o.
Fern. : Y. SoXam-is. Crave, v. trans. Ask for : P. and V.
Crag, subs. Steep rock : P. and V. alrclv (or mid.) (ace.), faraiTtiv (aCC.),

o/cpa, ^, Kprjfwos, 6, V. XeVas, TO, dy- V. IgaiTctv (or mid.) (ace.).

/AOS, 6, oTTiXcfs, 17,
Ar. and V. O-KVTTC- as a favour : P. and V. irapa
Xos, Boulder : P. and V. XT009,
6. (ace.), TrpoomTctv (ace.),
6, V. x P^s ^ ircrpos, 6 (rare P.). (ace,). Crave a thing of a person :

P. and V. Scur&u (TIVOS

Craggy, adj. P. and V. 7rTpoioV Tt) ; see
P. icpi7/Jtvd)Siys,
V. w/rqXoK/wyjiH/os,
Xc- ask. Desire: P. and V.
iralos see ro0%, precipitous.
; (gen.), tyttcrQai (gen.),
Cram, v. trans. P^sfr : P. and V.
<&0etv. JWI : P. and V. e/wrwrXavcu,
(gen.), V.
x^ desire.
tv (g en -
X*r *lv
Yearn for: P.
TrXiypow, V. /u<rrow ; seej^ZZ. and V. -sro^ctv (ace.), Ar. and V.
Crammed, adj. Bee/wZZ. fgen.), V.'fyt4po-0ai (gen.).
Cramp, subs. Use Ar. and P. rcVavos, /or /oo^Z, ^e 'hungry : P.
6. and V. 7r^}v (Soph, and Eur.,
Cramp, v. trans. Confine: P.andV.

ctpyv, /caTpyH/. Hinder, shackle : Craven, subs, and adj. See coward,
P. and V. /A7roS#iv. Eestrain : cowardly.
P. and V. Ka,TXw, They Craving, subs. Desire: P, and V.
are sorely wcvrped and 'cramped by IvrWvfJLLCi, Craving for : P. and -ff.

having recourse to falsehood and V. cTrt^tJ/uo, ^ (gen.), I/xos, 6 (gen.)

mutual injuries: P. TO t/r58os M
(rare P.), 7ro0os, 6 (gen.) (rare P.).
TC Kat TO dXXiyXous dvraSiKCtv Tperro- Craving for food, hunger : P. Trctva,
fjLvoi -n-oXXa KafjarrovTOL KO! oiryicXaii/-
roi (Plat., 2%$ae. 173A). Crawl, v. intrans. Ar. and V.
Crane, subs. Bird : P. and V. Crawl like a snake : P.
yepovos, 6 (Plat., Soph. Frag., Ar.). Run on all fours : V.
Crane forward, v. trails. V. irpoftdX- Crawl out : Ar. and
Xctv. V. intrans. Ar. TrpoKwrretv, :
Crawling things, subs. P. and V.
P. irpovvcw. Craning his head IpTrera, rd (Xen., also Ar.).
from the horsed chariot : V. icapa Craze, v. trans. P. and V.
7TpO/2aXX(OV ITTTTlKtav OVWUClTCDV (Soph., ^wrrdtvcu, Ar. and "V. /ou.atviv 5 see
JZZ.740). madden.
Cranny, subs. Ar. and V. /j Craze, subs. See madness.
(rare P.). Hiding-place :
Crazed, adj. See crazy.
6p.w, o. Hole : Ar. and P. Craziness, subs. P. and V. /^aWa, y,
TO. cwjkpooiivty ^, Ar. and P. irapdvoLa, 07 ;

Crash, subs. P. and V, ^0^05, 6, see madness.

6 (rare P.), V. pay/fe, and V. a<po>v,
6, Crazy, adj. P.
rd jSpo/ios, 6, t Ar. and P.
(also Xen. but rare P.), Ar. and V. fV- '

6. Met., overthrow : P, Creak, v. intrans. P. and "V.

and V. Siatfopd, &cwrrao-i9, 17, P. Creak, subs. P. and V. s, 6.
dvaTp<wny, 17, V. q, y. Cream, subs. P. TO
Crash, v. intrans. P. and V. ^o^tv, (Hdt. 4=, 2). Met., the best pwt :
Ar. and P. (Plat, but rare P
and V. av^o?, T<^, V. Xa>T607Wt,
P.), Ar. and V. (also Plat, TO. Sfciw ifee creaw o/, v. : met.,
Ore Cre

V. Aomfco-tfafc (ace.), aKpo0ivioic<70ai, Credible, adj. P. and V.

aTroAamiv (acc.). Credit, v. trans P. and V.
Crease, v. trans. Fold : V. (dak), 7rci'0ecr0ai (dak).
Credit, subs. Belief, trust: P. and
Crease, subs. .FoZd o/ a dress : V. V. irCarisy ^. Repwtatimi : P. and
. V. 8oa, 17, e^Softa, 77, Sojctyo-ts, 77.
Create, v. trans. Brmg into existence: Hcwe the credit (for a thing) : P.
P. and V. ycwaVj iroielv, riicreiv and V. Soav Ixctv (gen.). Praise :
(Plat.), <vruW,
V. Teu'xeiv, Ar. and P. and V. 7ratvos, 6, Y. atvos, o,
P. carefryd<r6ai see also contrive,
; eTraivco-Ls, Deferring of payment

produce, engender. Help to create : on trust : P. mores, 7^.

P. <rwaw/>-yaor0<u (acc.). .FoMttd :
Creditable, adj. Praiseuxyrthy : P.
P. and V. KTI&LV. Set up, establish : ircnvTO5. GrQOd : P. and V. OTTOV*
P. and V. Ka0c,oT<W, wrroW. Satos,KoXos, xP 1?*77
5 -
Befitting :

Ar. and P. P. and V. V7rpe7nJs. Glorious : P.

and V. d/8oos.
Creation, subs. Making : P. Creditably, adv. TFeZZ : P. and V.
ovpywt, 97. jlpomton6ft : P. and $, /co\s. Befittingly : P. and Y.
V. KaTaorocris, 17. .Fo2AWZiW0 ; P. ew/>r<os. Gloriomly: P. cvSofws.
/CTMRS, r*. Electiwi : P. ai)oecn? Creditor, subs. Ar. and P. XP1?*"^*
3 07*3

XjetpoTovui, 77.
2%e created world: 6, P. 8avioTijs, 6.
P. KOO>OS, 6, yevcns, !Z%e creations Credulity, subs.
17". S'impUcity : P.
(ofpavntong) : P. TO, (T>}S ary/oa<ias) cwj^aa, 17, V. ew7#ta, 17,
Ijcyova (Plat., Phaedr. 275D). Credulous, adj. Simple : P. and V.
Creative, adj. 3%0 $020 o/ creative cbrAou?. Easy to deceive : P. cvea-
fare he stole and gave to mortals : TrarqTos, cuaTrdiTiTTos ; see guileless.

V. iravrexyov irvpos oreXas OVIJTOIO-I Credulously, adv. Ar. cforumi)?.

KXtyas Smuw (^Bsch., P. V. 7). Guilelessly : P. and V. cra-Aus ; see
Creator, subs. P. and V. S^fwou/oyos, guilelessly.
o, P. fl-otTTnys, 6. The creator of the Creed, subs. BeZie/-' P. and Y.
world : P. 8i;/xtov/xyos, 6.
Creature, subs. Living thing: P. Creek, subs. P. and V. *o%ros, 6,
and V. w, TO. TOd 6eas*: P. Ar. and Y. ^X'^ (rare
P V.
and V. 9yp, 6, Ar. and P. Oypfov, TO, TTTVXCU, at.
Ar. and V. wwSoXor, TO, V. 8cwco s TO'. Creep, v. intrans. P. and V. Ipicew.

Used contemptuously or pityingly Go slowly : Ar. and P. fiaStfev


P. and V. <j>vrov, TO (Plat.). (rare Y.). Creep away: V. &<f>ep-

shameless creature I V. 5 0pe/ji/j,' iriv. Creep in (met., of abuses,
Z>as0 creature 1 P. S etc.) P. and V. fa-appear (Bur., :

Creatures of clay : Frag.). Creep into : Ar. and P.

Ar TrXaa-fiaTa. TnyXoO (^. r. 686) Good
. cto-S&aoW (CLS, aoc.) see sZfp
. to ;
^ *

heavens I where do these creatures Creep on : Ar. and V. irpocrepa-cu'.

come from? Ar. 5 Upa/cXels, Tavrt Creep out Ar. and Y. ^pweiv. :

TToSaTrat T^t ^'a;

(Nub. 184). 2700Z, Creep over (met., of a feeling) : V.
hi/refang : Ax. and P. JIUO-^<>T&, 6, *7re'/>Ycr0ou, (acc.), vtfrcpirew (acc.),
fua-6o<l>6po$, 6. Slave: P. and V. and Y. efcepxeo-OoLi (acc.). Creep
SovAos, 6. past: Ar. ^ape/MTtF (absol.). Creep
Credence, subs. P. and V. mWs, 17. wwder : Ar. and P. &ro8rfecr0ai fero
Credentials, subs. P. and V. m'<ms, (acc.). Creep up : Ar. and Y.
17, TO TTUTTOVf OT pi,
oVwriv. Creep ^p to : Ar. &ep?riv
Credibility, subs. P. and V. Wort?, larf
(acc.). Quiver: P. and Y.
Cre Cri

Creeping thing, subs. P. Criminate, v. trans. See accuse.


and V. cpverov, TO (Xen., also Ar.). Crimson, adj. P. and V. oXou

Crescent, adj. Orescent-shaped : P. (Plat.), P. ^otvtfcovs (Xen.),
<T5poi)s, QoivlKopaTTTos \ see also red.
Cresset, sabs. Use lamp. Crimson, subs. Colour: P. and V.
Crest, subs. Device : Ar. and V.
tny/xetoi/, TO, V. trrjfia, TO, wfoTy/za, Cringe, v. uatrans.
P. and V. <9o>-
TO. Of a bird : Ar. Xo^os, 6. On ',
Ar. and P. KoAaKeuciv ; see
a helmet : P. and V. Ao'</os, 6 (Xen., flatter. Cringe to : P. and V.
also Ar.). Of a hill P. and V. : &a>vevtv (a<3C.), virorplxciv (aCC.),
Ao<os, Kopv^t y ; see top.
6, v7TpX0'^at TaCC.), V.
(aCC.), oroLVfiv

Crested, adj. Of a helmet: V. u- irpoorcraLvcw (aCC.), Otoirrew (aOC.), Ar.

and P. woTrtTTTcti/ (ace or dat.), Ar.
Crevice, subs. Hole : Ar. and P. and V. atKaAAciv (ace.).
rpfjua, TO. Chasm : P. and V. Cringer, subs. Flatterer Ar. and
VfltGT/XoL TO. P KoAaf, 6.

Crew, subs. Sailors: P. and V. Cringing, adj. Ar.andP.

ot Favrat, V. vavrtKos Aeais, 6. Those P. and V. Tcnretvos.
on board : P. ot As Cringing, subs. P. and V.
distinct from P. vmypeo-ta,
officers : 97, 0a>7Tu/j,aTa,
TO, (Plat., also Ar.).

17*. fittajf generally : P. -TrAiJpw/jta, Cringingly,

adv. P. dvcAeu^epw?
TO (Dem. 1211). Crew; o/ a trireme : (Xen.).
P. ot TptT7ptT<u. Z%ey toofc owe ($Wp), Cripple, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
crew and all P. /uav (vaw) O.VTOIS
XwAos, P. dvcwnypos.
dvSpao-iv etAov (Thuc. 2, 90). Con- Cripple, v. trans. Ar. and P. -mypovv,
temptuously: P. and V. oxAos, 6, Met., impair, disable : P. and V.
yo>os, TO, V. cnrep/ia, TO (JBur., jff0C. crippled: P.
Crib, subs. Use Z>erf. SttaW /or o-^at,
Worses : P. and V. ^an^, ij ; see Crippled", adj. P.' and V. x >A.o's, P.

Crib, v. trans. See confine. Crisis, subs. P. and V. /ccupos, 6.

Crier, subs. P. and V. id}pv, o. Critical moment : P. and V. d/cfwj,
Crime, subs. P. and V. aSuct'a, y, ^, aywv, 6. To have reached a crisis :
S&iKvjfia, TO (Eur., low, 325), P.
*ca/eovpyta, 17. /Sw ; P. and V. rjKtiv. Is it not now the crisis ? V.
aftaprta, 17, V. c^ajuaprta, 17, d/tfrAdifoy- ov yap vw aKfjirj ; (Eur., El. 275).
p.a, TO. Omit : P. and V. atna, ^e In the crisis of fate : V,
XP & W
Criminal, subs. Use adj., P. and T^X^S (^Gsch., Theb. 506). The
V. iccwcovpyos, V. Aecopyos, or P. and trouble is at its beginning, and not
V. part. 6 aStKwv. yet at the crisis : V. cv dpx^ ^/ia,
adj. P. and V. dESwcos, KOICO'S, Kou8e7To> /Aea-ot (Eur., Med. 60). Be
Svoortos, /coKovpyos, irapdvopos (Eur., at a crisis : V. cv porrg iceto-^at (Soph.,
ITe^. 1121). Criminal prosecution,
subs. Ar. and P. ypa<^J, 17".
(Thuc. 5, 'l03). At so dread a
Criminality, subs. G^'^: P. and crisis do ye stand : V. 8' C^T" Irrl
V. aiTia, ij. fupov (Eur., 5". J? 630). ,

Criminally, adv. P.
7rapav6>o>s, P. Crisp, adj. Brittle: P. icpavpos (Plat.).
and V. /ca/ccos, aSt/cco?, V. avoo-iW. Cold : P. and V. i/rvxpos.
Prosecw^e criminally, v. Ar. and Criterion, subs.
: P. and V. /cavwv, 6,
P. ypa$6O"0ai (ace.). P. /cprnjpiov, TO (Plat.).
<Cri Cro

Critic, subs. P. use adj. *pmiedV

One who blames : P. and V. ri- V. cAiiera /eouSev uyte dAAa Trav -


6 (Plat.). </>povoui^s (Eur. ^L?z^. 4 f

'Critical, adj. Precarious : P. rtiaV-

crooked talons, adj. Y. ya^faw^. :

Swos, cTTwr^aAifc. Critical point:

Crookedly, adv. P. efc o-KoXt'a (Plat.),
P. and Y. O/C/AJ?, 17 ; see crisis. cZs TrA^yta (Plat.).
Met., V. Wpt^.
Censorious : P. and Y. <iAamos, -4ci crookedly : P. Trpacrcretv cricoXta

<iAoi/royo?. -Zfocactf : P. and V. (Plat.).

Crop, subs. JFfatt't o/ the soil : P.
Critically, adv. Precariously : P. and V. icapTros, 6, Ar. and V. SPOTOS,
and V. 7TcivSi7vu>s. Exactly : P. 6, (rra^s, 6, V. yiys ^Xao-TiJ/jtaTa, T(,
and V. diepZa>s. y^s <vTa Ta, P. TO. CK rijs ys <f>vojJLCva
Criticise, v. trans. Examine : P. (Plat.), Ta o>p<ua. Se w/to provides
and V. elcrc^ctv. Judge: P. and the seed is responsible for the crop :
V. Kpfoeiv. Blame : P. and V. P. 6 TO avepjjLa. 7rapaorp(o)v OIJTOS T<OV
fjLfjL<f>ecr@ai (ace. or dat.), ifreytw, P. amo5 (Dem. 280.) Harvest:
<^>UVTQ)V .

7TLTifjiav (dat.) ; see blame. P. and V. 0pos, TO. Crop of birds :

Criticism, subs. Examination : P. e- Ar. wpT/yopoiv, 6. Met., crop o/
traitors : P. <opa TrpoSoTaiv, ^ (Dem.
P. and V. fjiefufris, ^, i/rdyos, 6, P. 245). Crop (of troubles) : use V.
icXvSwv, 6, P and V. TpucC/w'a, ^
'Croak, v. intrans. Ar. (Plat.), Tr&ayos, TO (Pkt.).
(pert, of icpafciv), Kpoi^ctv, or use P. Crop, v. trans. Browse : P. and V.
and V. <0eyyeor0(u. vfaGcrQau. (Plat., also Ar.). Crop
Croak, subs. Use P. and V. <0oyyos, (hair) : P. and V. K'p<r0at, Ar.
6, <0eyfia, TO, V.
^floyyiy, 17. Sownd and P. awoKtp<r^at see c%. W^7& ;

of croaking: Ar. /?pKKeKc; see TTWiTW cZose-croy^ed m dishonour :

.Raw. 209. V. Kovpats drt/xo)? StarcriXfjilyr]^ <f>6ftr)<;

Crockery, subs. Ar. /ccpa/xos, 6. (Soph., Frag.). Crop up : P. and

Crocodile, subs. Y. ^atvc^^a^ Ar. and P. 8va<f>(uvc<r0ai.
P. /cpo/co'SetAos, 6

^^^ U 4 ,
Crocus, subs. Ar. icpoKo?, o.
Cross, subs.
oroupos, 6.
Upright stake : P.
Siafe /or impalmg :
^l cross between a
Crofter, subs. P. and V. avrovpyos, V. 07coA.oi^, 6.
man and beast : use V. adj.,
Crook, subs. Stick : Ar. and P. Cross, adj. Transverse : P.
pOLKTYJplCL, iy, V. pCLKTpOVf TO, CTKVJTT- V. Ao&'s (Bur., Jfra;.). Oblique : P.
rpov, TO. Curve bend: V. ay/cw,
t eyfcaporto?.
Peevish : P. and V.
6, P. ica/iTTTTjp, 6 (Xen.). J?y ^ooi SvovcoAos $vcrxpiqs, Svo^ofpeoTOS. Of

or by crook : P. Travrl rp&nu. Strive looks P. and Y. o-icv^pawros, V.


to avoid death by hook or by crook : <rrvyi/os. Opposing : P. and V.

P. fATjxavaorOaL OTTCDS farotftev&Tai TTOV o/avT/os. Cross-wall, subs. : P. wapa-
TTOIUV Qavarov (Plat., 3A). TL^LorfJLa 9 TO, vTTOrct^o'/x.a, TO.
Crooked, adj. P. cricoAid? (Plat.).
a cross-wall : P. cy/capcrtov Tet^os
Bent : P. and V. /ca/wrrfAos (Plat.), ayav (Thuc. 6, 99). J5e a^ cross
Y, ica/iTTL/Aos, orpOTTos. Arched : pwrposes : use P. and Y. ov
V. icvpros.
" Deceitful : P. and V.
>s, P. cr/coAw'9 (Plat.), V. at/cro's, Cross, v. trans. jEtawrffc : P. and V.
s. Distorted: V. Sioo-Tpo^os. o-^oAAeiv. Be crossed in, be baulked
understand : P. and Y. of: P. and Y. \lrcv8ecr9ai (gen.),

5. Having crooked thoughts, (gen.), S,fjMprdviv (gen.). Oppose :

Cro Cra

P. and V. voLVTtovc-6aL (flat.), av- ^, contemptuously :

Oicrra.<rOai (dat.), avriTcii/civ (dat.). P. and Y. TrA^os, TO, 01

OX^QS, 6,

Hinder, prevent : P. and Y. l/wro- TroAAoi. Press, mass : P. and V.

Pass, go over: P. and V. <rn#os, TO'. Of things P. and Y. :

. , TO, OXAOS, o.

&7rep/3aX\.iv, Ar. and P. Stnftalvciv, Crowd, v. trans. Throng: P. and

irepaiov<r@ai. P. 8ia7Tpaio9o-0at (ab-
Y. TrXrjpovv. Be crowded (of a
SOl.), 8ia7ropV<rO<u. Ar. and
Y. Trepai/, t place) : P. and V. TrA^poSo-flai. .Be
Y. iKirepav. Make to cross : P. crowded with : P, and V. yip,sw
TTGQCLLOW* ui&jBiBciJlGw Sail across : *
(gen.), V. TrX^etv (gen.), irA^Afctv
Ar. and P. StcwrXeiv (absol.). Cross (gen.) (Plat, also but rare P.). V.
foo : V. 8i/c7Tpav 15 (ace.). Cross intrans. Crowd together: P. and
off, put one's pen through :
Ar. and
P. Bt,aypd<t>Lv. Cross with others: Crowded together : Ar.
P. <rvviafiauLVw (absol.). Easy to /ui/os. Crowd round : P.
cross adj.
P. and Y. dfo-opos.
: ^acc.).
Cross-examination, subs. P. and Crowded, adj. P. and Y. TrX^s;
Y. ^AryxoSj 6. see full. In a body : P. and V.
Cross-examine, v. trans. P. and Y. ddpdo?.
\4yx* LV > ceA.eyx tv P- 8ipcoTav. Crowding, adj. P, and V. aOpoos?
Crossing, subs. P. Sia/Jao-ts, ^, Ar. 7TUKV05.
and P. 81080?, 17. $a Sailing across :

Crown, subs. Skull :and Y. P.

P, 8wwrA,ovs, 6. icpdfwov, TO' (Eur., Cycl. 647). Crown
Crossly, adv. P. 8v<nedAcos. of the head : Y. Kopv<f>y fj (also Xen.

Crossness, subs. Ar.andP. but rare P.). Garland, etc. : P. and

V. o-T<avos, 6, crrf/jifJLa, TO (Plat, but
Cross-question, v. trans. P. Siepo>- rare P.), Ar. o-Te^aviy, ^, V. orc^os,
rav ; see cross-examine. TO'; see also wreath. Diadem of
Crosswise, adv. P. <t>opw$6v. eastern kings : P. SioS^/ia, TO (Xen.).
Crouch, v. intrans. P. and Y. Kara- Tiara : P. and V. Tzpa, y (Plat,
Trnyo-crew/, Ar. and V. -jmyoxren/ (Plat. and Soph., Frag.). Met., pow&r,
also but rule : P. and V. KOOLTOS, TO,
rare P.), V. opx1?* ^?>
aT/araAayvat (2nd aor. pass., Y. use also cr/c^Trrpa, r<, Qpovoi, oL
Aetv), V7T07mqcr<rew ; Seeco Reward of victory : P. and Y.
crowc^ed beneath their rounded oTc^avos, 6. Contest where a crown
shields : V. fyifavov KVK\OK (Eur., is the prize : P. aywv cn-c^avmys, 6.
Pfeoew. 1382). Met. finishing touch : P. Kt^oXaZov,

Crow, subs. Ar. Kopo& 6, icopan/iy, 17. TO, 6, P. and Y. tfpiy/co's, 6

Sfoww^ wade by a cock use P. and V. :
(Plat.) (tit., coping-stone).
<0oyyos, 6, V. ffloyyy, 17. Crown, v. trans. P, and V. o
<^^ey/*a, TO,
Crow, v. intrans. Ar. and P. $w, (Plat, but rare P.), Y.' ,

Ar. <0yy cr0at (^ccZes. 391). Crow;

owr: P. and Y. in-cyycXSa/ (dat.);
see mocfe. Crown (as victor) : Ar- and P.
Crow-bar, subs. P. and Y. fiogA/de,
avoSctv, ratvtow. Met., pUt the
6. Pme opew wft a vrow-bwr: finishing touch to : P.
Y. />xA.Vtv (ace.), ^va/ioxXUtv hriTiQivaji erri (dat.), KoXo<cova

(ace.), Ar. c/c/xoxA-ojeiv (ace.). ^evat (dat.), TeXo? &nriQwaA (dat.),

Crowd, subs. P. and V. oxA-os, 6, Y. Qpiyicow (ace.). Crown with
s, 17, cruAAoyos, 6, o/u/Vos, 6, Y. success ; P. and V. optfow (aec.),
s, ^, 6/xIXia, ^ ;
see ow (aec.).
Cro Cry

Crowned, adj. V. ircpitrrc^s, iroXv Use war.

rusade, subs. Sacred
Ar. lepos TroXc^tos, o.

adj. Final, ultimate: ^ruse, subs. Ar. and P. v, TO,

P. and V. T\VTO.IQ<S. The crowning
act : P. TO Kc<t>a\alov. When I see Crush, v. trans. Break in pieces :
the crowning insolence of all : V. (Eur., CycL), Ar. and V.
QTQ.V dpavw (Plat, but rare P.), V. <rwOpav-
ralav Zfaiv (Soph., El. 271). Lv t <rvvapd<r<riv 1 cpeiKttv. Squeeze :
Crucial, adj. Sure, certain : P. and Ar. and P. TTI^CIV, OXiftetv, P. cru/i-
V, WICTTO'S. Exact, searching : P. intttw. Met., wteegTi doww : P. and
and V. Critical: P. cVi-
oLKplfifa V. n-ie'&iv. 5e crushed : P. and V.
Important: P. Tric^co-^at, jSapwecrtfai. Subdue : P.
Crucify, V. trans. P. and V. xtipovcrSai,
(lit.,impale). Be crucified : P.
P. and V. TTOWCIV, /care^eev, Ar. and
Crude, Baw, unripe: Ar.
P. Karairavew. Crush by war : P.
Imp&rfect: P.andV. arcXs. Evolve KaravoXcfjiCLv (ace.). Crushed be-
crude schemes, v. : P. neath the roots of Etna: V.
/ici/os p^awtv Atrvatats wro
Of persons : P. and V. P. 7. 365). Ere #e &e crushed by
Criiel, aSj.
/, 8ai/6s, ?rucpos, blows, why tarry ye to rise and
pdxifs, Ar. and dash together at the gates ? V. irplv
P. o .
&/xo^>pcoi/, Svo-oXy^Tos. Karcavdcu jftoXats ri /icXXcT* apfyv
P. a-Trapat-nyros, V. 1/17X175, Travres Ifjararrcaf wuXats (Eur., Phoen.

$, and V. ^rey/cros.
Ar. 1145). JEtas?/ to crwsfe ; P.
Of things : P. and V. Seu/os, <o/>s,
Ar. and P. Crush,
Crowd : P.
subs. and V.
see crowd.
o^Xos, 6 ;

Cruelly, adv. P. andV. cpo>$, P. Crushing, adj. Bitter: P. and V.

^ '

orjcXijpuis, o-xcrXtcos,
Ar. and P. Oppressive : P. and V.
Mercilessly : V. TFm a crushing victory :
P. and V. ?roX& i/Iicav
^vaXyT/Tws, P.

Cruelty, subs. P. and V. <tyw$T7/s, Crust, subs. Of bread : use

^, P. ,ayptor^s,
A thin crust of ice had formed in it
, ij, V. (the trench) : P. KpTJorroXXos eneirfyti.
ov /3/3atos Iv <&TV (Thuc. 3, 23).

Cruet, subs. Ar. 6&, ^. Crutch, subs. Ar. and P. jSafcr^pia,

Cruise, v. intrans. P. and V. 17,
V. jSctfcrpov, TO' ; see siwjft.
Cruise, subs. P. and V. -n-Xovs, 6. Cry, v. intrans. Shed tears : P. and
V. SoLKpiciV, KXdflV, V. CK$aKp"iciV,
Crumb, subs. P. ^w/ios, o (Xen.).
Give a crumb of comfort : P. SaKpvppoclv see lament, cry. Call ;

aloud : P. and V. ySoctv, avafioav,

Crumble, v. trans. P. and V. KCKpaycvai (perf. Kpa^civ) (also Ar.,
V. intrans. P. 8wtx"o-0<u, Ar. and rare P.), ^^eyyco^at. oXoXv^ctv (also-
P. SiaTTiWiv, P. and V. Ar., rare P.), Ar. and P. &/a/cpaydV
(2nd aor. dvaicpa^ctv), Ar. and V.
P. and V. Qpociv, Xa<rictv, aftrciv, V.
Crumbling, adj.
Eotten : P. and V. <ro0pos. ^an/civ,
Crunch, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Ar. icarar/xoyciv, Ar. and V. J3
Of animals : P. and V.
V. the facts,

Cry Cul

themselves cry aloud : P. fj Cudgel, v. trans. Ar. pa/38i'e/; see

KQ.I TO. avra /3o (Dem.
7re7rpay/x.ei/a beat. Cudgel one's brains : use
366). Cry down: Ar. Ka.rafio3.v, ponder.
met. see decry
, Be slwuted down : Cue, subs. Watchword: P. and V.

P. Ka.ra0opvl3ei(r6ai (Plat.). Cry orvV^/ta, TO. Give the cue to, v. : P.

for : see demand. Cry out : see and Y. &rori0V(u (mid. more com-
cry. Cry out against : P. mon in P.) (dat.) ; see suggest.
(gen.). Cry up : see prase. Take one's cue from : use imitate.
Cry, subs. Shout : P. and V. 017, Cuff, subs. Ar. and P. icoVSvXos, 6.
^, /cpavyiy, ^, oXoAvyi}, y (also Ar,, Blow : P. and Y. -n-A^yi?, ^.
rare P.), V. oA.oA.vy/A05, 6, d^n/, ^, Cuff, v. trans. P. eirl Koppys Tuimw
Ar. and V. ^oa/xa, TO see also (ace.).

lamentation. Shouting, din : P. Cuirass, subs. P. and V. 0wpa, o.

and V. 0o'piJ/?o<?, 6, V. *eA.aSo9, 6. Culinary, adj. Ar. and P. /-tayctpticos.
Voice : P. and V. <#>o)v^, 77, <0ey/wi, The culinary art : P. ^ /AaycipuoJ.
TO (Plat, but rare P.) see wice. Cull, v. trans.
; P. and V. open-civ (or
Cry of triumph : P. and V. vaidv, mid.) (Plat.) ; see also choose.
^, V. 6\oXuy/jwfe, 6. Prophetic cry :
Culminate, v. End : P. and
V. K^Soiv, Ar. and V. <aTis, 17,
, Y. TcXevrav, P. airorcXcuTav. Issue,
P. and V. <i?/7 17. 0ry of animals :
f turn out : P. and Y. egepxecrQai,
P. and V. (jkfley^a, TO (Plat.), <0o'yyos, Kpcuvcw, TcXevrav, P. a7TO)8atVtv, Y.
6 (Plat.), V. /fcj, ^, <0 ', j. OW TcA^tv, ef^Kciv, IfCTcA-cuTav, Ar. and
Crying, adj. Crying injustice, etc. : P. o-u/A<epo-0at. Culminate in :
P. and V. eju^avifc, Trcpi^ai^s. P. and Y. TcXeuTav el's (ace.), P.
Crypt, subs. See vault. oTTOTcXewav is (acc.).
Crystal, subs. Use Ar. and P. Culminating, adj. P. and Y.
"V' TttlOS.

Crystal, Ar. vaXtvos.

adj. Trans- Culmination, subs. End : P. and Y.
: Ar. and P. see
parent Sccu^anfc T\OS, TO, T\VT^, ^, 7TpaS, TO, ICaTOt-

also clear. o-rpo^TJ, 17 (Thuc.) ; see ewcZ. Cul-

Crystallise, v. intrans. Freeze: P. minating point : P. and V. 0piy*cos,
and V. Trifywo-tfat. 6 (Plat.) (lit., coping-stone) ; see
Cub, subs. P. and V. o-Kv\a, o or
Ar. and V. o-/ci^/os, 6 or Culpability, subs. P. and V. am'a,
Cube, subs. P. Kv/3o<s, 6 (used also see ^Zj.
in Ar. and V. for a die). P. and V.
Culpable, adj.
Cubical, adj. P. KILO'S. CTTaiTlOS, Y. lTTt/lO/A.^09, P.
Cubit, subs. P. and V. -n-JJxvs, 6 (Eur., (Plat.).
CfycZ.). A cubit long : P. irrjxvaios. Culprit, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
Two cubits long : P. Swn^s. ITtree amos, avr^Ytp, or use P. and V.
c^Wfe Zcw^ : P. and V. 6 &8iK.&v, o opd<ras. Perpetrator of
(Xen. and Eur., a murder: P. and V. avGcrrys, o,
Cuckoo, subs. Ar. KOKKV& o. The avrox<tp, 6 or f) ; see murderer.
sound of the cuckoo : Ar. Cultivate, v. trans. Cultivate (land,
Cry cuckoo^ v. intrans. Ar. etc.) :
: P. and V. yeo>pyeu> (Eur.,
&LV. Bhes. 176), P. cpya^tr^at, ifrpydfc-
Cucumber, subs. Ar. oifrcuos, 6, o^ai, Y. yd-7roviv (Eur., Rhev. 75).
Cud, subs. Chew the cud, v. P. Plough : P. and Y. apouv. Beclwim :

pypvKoifav (Arist.). P. and Y. vjjjiepovv, Y. ^//.epow,

Cudgel, subs. Ar. and P. pa/38o?, 17 ; i.vrjfApovv (Soph., Frag.). OwUise ;
see stick. P. and V. 7rai8Vtv. Practise : P.
Gul Cur

and V. acrKw, CTriTrjfteveiv, Ar. and unning, adj. P. and Y. ..

P. racncelv. Help to cultivate : P. (Plat.), wavoupyos, eTriTpMrros,

owocrfcctv (absol. or ace.). Labour (Plat.), 8i7rAoi)s (Plat.), Ar. and V.
at : P. and Y. SwwroveH/ (ace.). SoAios, cu/wAos (once in Plat), Y.
Foster P. and Y. rpe^civ. Culti-

vate the acquaintance of : Ar. and adj., V. SoAonri*; see also skilful.
P. Bcpaircvew (TWO,). Cultivate the Of workmanship: P.andV.irowrfAos,
arts : P. QiXoKaXclv (absol.).
Cultivated, adj. Of land : P. ^yc- Junning, subs. P. and V. SoAos, 6-

VLIJMS. Of plants, etc. : P. fy^pos. (rare P.), aircm}, 17, o-o<wr^a, ro t

Of the mind P. and V. /u>vo-i*co's,:

Ar. and P. ^UO/AOVCTOS. TO \ see trick. Craftiness : Ar..

Cultivation, subs. Of land : P. iruw/OT^s, ^, P. and V. Travovpyta, ^ ^

yccopyia, y, Ar. and P. cpycwrm, %
see also s^ZZ.
Education : P. and V. TraiSeio, 07. unningly, adv. P. Travovpyws, Ar.
P. aovoyo-ts, 17, and Y. 8oAo), Y. ev 8dAo>, orvv 8dAo>.
Skilfully : P. and V. <ro^<Ss, P.
** * '
Of the soil P. and
Cultivator, subs. :

Y. aurovpyo?, 6, tpydnrp, o, Ar. and rup, subs. P and Y. KvAtf, ^ (Pkt.

P. yewpyos, 6, V. y0riys, 6, ycwroi/os, 6. and Eur., O^cZ. 164), WCTTO/ML TO,
Culture, subs. See cultivation. Men- (j>LaX.7j 3 rj, KVO&OS, o (Xen.
and Eur.,
: Ar. and P. muScta, 17,
Frag.), Ar. sronjptov, TO, Tpu/SAiov,
s, 17. Love of wrt : P. TO, Y. iroT^p, 6, O-KV^OS, 6 or TO (Eur.,,
TO <jkiAoKaAov.
Cultured, P. and V. adj. Frag.}, /capx^o-tov, TO (Soph., Frag.),
Ar. and P. ^tAo/Aoucros, P. <iAoKoAos, TcSxos,TO', Serras, TO' (Eur., Jffec. 527).

Cumber, v. trans. Hinder : P. and dip : Ar. x/07 '* 9 4- Met., o/ a


V. /wro8iv. Trouble, weigh down: flower : Ar and V. KoAvf 77. 2%e ,

P. and Y. 7riee/. I hollow part of anything : use P.

also P. and V. #ap<W0<u. and Y. TO* KOL\OV. The conduct of
Cumber, subs. See cumbrance. this monster in his cwps is horrible :

Cumbersome, adj. P. and V. j3d P. 17 irapoivLoL TOU ica^apftaTos TOVTOUL

8tv77 (Dem. 403). Se iawwts me in
?; see his cups with being no true son of
P. and Y. father : KaXel -Trap' oti/a> 7rAja<rros
(Plat.). Unwieldy : P. firrepoy/cos vaTpi (Soph., 0. E. 780).
<5>S tlrjv
fo^_ Cup-bearer, subs P. and V. otvoxoo^
subs. Burden : P. and 6 (Plat, and Eur., GycL 560)
Y. and Cupboard, subs. Use P. aTroftJ/o?, ^.
V. /JpZ0os, TO, TO',' Ar.
and Cupidity, subs. P irAeov$a, 17.

P. ^opnov, TO. Jsed of a person Miserliness : P. and Y.

P. and V. #x#os, TO, V. jSapos, TO ,P.<
<j>o\Kt$, TI. Met., of anything tha
gives trouble : Ar. and P. Cur, subs. See dog. As epithet of
TO, Y, #x0* T^> ^4 os > T<^ abuse: use Ar. and P. Svjptov, TO;
6 ; see burden. see creature.
Cumbrous, adj. See cumbersome Curable, adj. P. and Y. '
iaofyos, P.
wmfe. Of things: P.
Cumbrously, adv. Heavily : Ax Curator, subs. Ar. and P. <

and P. 6.

Cur Cur

Curb, v. trans. Bridle a horse : P. Curiously, adv. Strangely : P. and

(Xen.), V. <Sxju.aetv. Met., Y. Sctvcos, Ar. and P. ^
Ar. and P. eTrtoTo^ew. Put <m
end to : P. and V. TraiW. Check : Curl, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. feaTeyetj/, err^eiv, Ar. and P. Tre/HcXiVo-eiv, Y. cXwro'eu/ (rare
Y. toycw (rare P ), Y. cTrtV^tv (rare P.), ciXbtrciF. P. !Twi?ie ; and V.
irXcWv. V. intrans.
P. and V.
etv, KctTaoTeXXetv Control : P. OTT0^O-0ai, KVK\LCrQaL, P,
and Y. jcpaTtv (ace. or gen.) V.
crecrOai, IXwnrcorflat,
Curb, subs. and Y. xaMvos,
P. 6, see unw<.
O-TO/UOV, TO' (Xen.), Ar. and Y. Curl, subs. O/ feair : Ar. and V.
(also Plat., met.). Met., V. TrXoAca/AOs, 6, jSooTpv^o?, 6, V.
6. Check, preventive : P. -, TrXo/cos, 6. a /bp : Ar.
TO'. see also wreath.
6 ;

Curdle, v. trans. Use P. and Y. Curling, adj. See twisted. Curling V. intrans. P. and V. Smoke, subs. Ar. Tr :

inqywo'Oai, ireirr)yiva.i (2nd perf.). (Av. 1717).

Curdled, adj. Y. TT^KTOS (Eur., Cycl. Curly, adj. Of hair : use P.
190). (Hdt.).
Curds, subs. V. n^/crw ydtXa (Eur., Curmudgeon, subs. Use adj., P. and
Cycl. 190). V. } see skinflint.
Cure, v. trans. P. and Y. iao-Oai (t Currency, subs. Monetary: P. and
rare), e^tcwrtfot, a/ceicr#ai, P. larpeueiv. Y. vofuo-pa, TO.

Salt, pickle : P. rapix^iv. v. :

met., P. cKmeav ; see current.
Cure, subs. P. and Y. f cyia, TO, fcwrts, Current, adj. Be cwrrent, v. P. :

^, Ar. cfa/cecn,?, ^, V. 6^x09, TO, a/cea*- and Y. Kparcw, lcr)(3w, V. 7T\

/AaTa, T<; see remedy. Drug: P. P. eiriKparew, ?rptTp
and V. ^ap/ACLfcov, TO. Cure for: P. (Thuc. 3, 83). Become cwrrent :
and Y. XArts, ^ (gen.), ^ap/wtKov, TO P. Ifci/ticav. As the story is current
(Plat.) (gen.), Y. &co ? ,
TO' (gen.), among men : V. <os /le^cvTai ftporols
MX *' r (Sen ) (Eur., low, 265). Cwrrent prices :
Cureless, adj. P. and V, av^/cforos, P. at Ttywu at KaQecrnjKviat (Dem.
STJO-ICITOS (Plat.), P. dvuxTO?. 1285). He hires from us at the
Curer, subs. P. and V. iarpos, 6 (t current rate of interest : P.
rare), Y. ia-nyp, 6, aWorwp, 6. Tttt ovTOa*l Trap* ^/x,<oi/ TOT)
Curios ity , subs. Eagerness for know- TO* dpyvptif) (Dem. 967).
ledge: P. <iXo//,d*0ia, 17. Meddle- ,
subs. O/ a rwer, eic. ; P.
someness : Ar. and P. TO (Thuc. 2, 102), /5oi i
(rtfi^, 17. Wonder : P. and V. (Plat., Orat. 402 A) ; see
TO. Something strange : use P. o/ currents, adj. P. :

and Y. i/^ov n. current : P. icara /5ovv.

Curious, adj. Inquisitive : V. Xiao's a strong current ; P.
(Eur., Hipp. 913). Eager for and Y. -TroXxis petv. Of aw : P. and
knowledge : P. <f>i\op,aOris. Eager Y. wT/cO/jta, TO. ZW?& cwrrew^ ; met,
to hear : P. $1X17*005. -MeddZeso?^: P. and V. iraipoxereueLV, V.
Ar. and P. 7roXv7rpay/za>v, P.
Strange : P. and V. Currently, adv. Commonly : P. o>?
s, Setvos, vcos, fcatvos, &TOTTOS -4s is currently re-
(Eur., Frag.), Ar. and P 6avpd<nos, ported : V. <S<nrp ^ </>aTts
$7rep<f>vijs. Curiously made : P. (Soph., 4/. 978).
and V. ^rotAos, V. Curricle, subs. See chariot.
Cur Cus

Curryj v. trans. Bub down : P. and Cursed, adj. UVwfer a c^rse ; P.

V. fax (Xen., also Ar.), V. KO.TO.- &rapaTos, ^vayT/s, Y. apatos, Ar. and
4V KTvi^iv Ar. and P. /caTcu/n/v P. aXmJpios. Abominable : P. and
i^J7X 9

(Xen.). Cwm/ favour (with) : P. V. Kardparos, fuapos,

and V. xaptecr0ai (dat.), Ar. and Y. &rdVn;oTos, Y.
0o<rn5yijs, Ar. and P. ,

(ace.), V. o-cttvctv (aco.), irpoarorawtw fleo/uorys, P. cfaytoTOS, Ar.

(acc.), flaWciv (ace.), Ar. and P. pdTos ; see accursed.

STrwrwrrciv (aco. or dat.), Ar. and V. Cursorily, adv Off-hand : P. and V. (aoo.) ; zee flatter. <auA.o>s, P. c
CT-tSpo^s. fif/wr^2/ :

Curse, v. trans. Ar. and P. icarapa- P. and V. ^ /?paX t.

o-0ai (dat.), P. and Y. ra/>acr0ai Cursory, adj. Sfeort .- P. and Y.

(dat.), KaTeuxeo-0<u fabsol. or gen.)
(Plat., .Rep. 393A), <Spa<? apao-0ai Curt, adj. P. /SpaxAoyos. Goticise :

(dat.), V. &pa<rQai (dat.), pas luu- P. and V. O-WTO/IOS.

ei/ai (dat.), KCLKO& 7rpoei$ <j>v/JWLV Curtail, v. trans. P. and Y.
(dat.) (Soph., 4w.1304), femxcoftu veiv, cruoTeXXeiv, /coXovctv.

(absol.). 5e cursed with : met., Curtly, adv. Shortly : P.

P. and V. Cursed
voo-eti/ P. and V. o> /?paX 6.
with barrenness V. afcap- Curtness, subs. P. ^paxuXoyia, 77.
(of land) :

ira>s <0ap/^os (Soph., 0. E. 254). Curule, adj. Ourule chair, subs. : P.

Curse, subs. Imprecation: P. and ay/cvXoVous 8t<^pos, 6 (late).
V. apa, ^, V. fcarcvy/taTa, ra. Con- Curve, v. trans. Incline in any di-
cretely, of a person P. and V. :rection : P. and Y. /cXfmv. Twrw ;
oXdwmop, 6 (Dem.), V. 'Eplvtfs, ^, P. and V. orpc^ctv. J5md : Ar.
/uaora>p, 6, Ar. and P. dtXtnypios and P. icaTafca/x7rTtv, Ar. and V.
(adj.) (Dem. 280). Pollution: P. /ca^TTrctv.
.4rcft : V. icuprow. V.
and V. yos, TO (Thuc.), /jwW/*a, TO intrans. P. and Y. fcvfcXoiJcr^ai.

see pollution. Euin : Y. #117, ^. Curve, subs. P. Ka/wrnjp, 6 (Xen.).

Under a curse : use adj., V. fipaios, Angle : V. dy/caiv, 6 see bend. ;

P. and V. /caTdtpaTOs, P. &ayifc, Curved, adj. P. and V. Ka/xTnfXos

Ar. and P. diXmypios. Lay under a (Plat.), Y. (rrprros, Ka/ATrt/xos. Stoop-
CUTSe V. t
P. rapaTOv iroicta-^at
ing with age : Ar. KUDO'S, Y.
(aoo.), Y. ^patov Xa/x^oEvv (ace.). -Trpovawnjs. jBoMTtc? : P.
Under ^e cwse of the goddess : Ar. P. and V. dfowcA.os (Plat.), Y. i
and P. T^S ^eov.
aXT-nJptos One TO9, /CUpTOS, VTOpVO5, d/i^>tTOpVOS.
under a curse, subs. P. and V. Curvet, v. trans.
: Use P. and V.
SXaorop, 6. Bringing a curse on .

V. apaios (dat.) (also Plat, but rare Curving, adj. See curved.
P.). A cwrse on you: Ar. and V. Cushat, subs. Ar. and P. ^a<r<ra, % ;
<0e/pov, 2pp, &rppe, Ar. oi/zo>e, V. see dove.
JXoto, OUK cts ^Xc^pov ; OVK: ts <j>66pov Cushion, subs. : Ar. and P. wpoo--
These (children), alas ! brmg a Kc^oXatov, TO*. .For rowers to sit
curse upon your head : V. o?8' tortv, on : P. VTnjp&riov, TO*.
olfjioij cr<p Kapa /Lttacrropes (Ear.,
M^^. Custodian, subs. P. and V. <iJAa
1371). "isay *fea* ^2*5 was never 6 or 17. Curator : Ar. and P. rt-
yowr father, curse as you are to /x.cA.iy'nyj,
O/ a iempZe ; Y. icX0-
many both barbarians and Greeks : Sov^os, S or ^.
V. ov y<p TTOT* avx> Z^vdt y* Custody, subs. Watch : P. and V.
o^ eyo)
TroXXotcrt icijpa /J ^ ^povpa, ^, r^p^o-t?, ^ (Eur.,
-t TC (Eur., 2Vo. 765). Frag.), V. foovpvjua,, TO. PZace o/
Cus Cut

custody: P. and V. cl/wmj, ^, or Met., curtail : P. and V. o-wrepviv>

pi.,P. Sco-jxoynypiw, TO. Ke&p in <rvoT^A.iv, KoXowtv. Cwi ojf : P.
CUStOClAJ P. V <vAa*Cfl YLV.
: and V. Tt/jivea', KdVretv, Ar. and P.
Custom, P. ana V. 0os, TO,
subs. ,
V. faplfew, Sira/Aav. Otii
VO/AOS, 6, i/o/u/jiov, TO (Eur., JHeZ. ojf : P. and V. a7ro/cav\^v
1270 ; but generally pi.), P. owij&ia, (Thuo. 2, 76). Cwi o/ (fezir) : P.
V. vo/uoyj,a, TO*.
cv/ia, TO, and V. wpecrOu, V. ianOfttna, (1st
P. and V. TCL /ca0rro>Ta, aor. caroOep , T/AVtv. Intercept :
Ar. and P. TO, vo/u^d/*^va. Heredi- P. dTroXax/ C^Ai

tary customs : Ar. and P. Ta irarpia.. P.

The custom of the coiwtry : Ar. P. and V.
and P. TO 7rtx^pwv. Alas f how Destroy : P. and V. Ka6aiptv,
bad the custom that prevails in ; see destroy. Cut open:
Greece : otjuoi *aff 'EAAaS' a>s P. (used of cutting open
vo/u'er<u (Eur., And. 693). a lip, Dem.
1259). Cw <w : P.
say it is not the custom in and V. cKTffjLvcw. Gut short : P.
Greece to bury on land such as die and V. <rwT/xvtv ; see also destroy.
at sea : V. aAA ou vofufetv qhjo-ojuo' Interrupt a person speaking : P.
Kaff 'EAAaSa X^00 fcaAwnrwv TOUS ^ woXa/x/?avctv, Ar. uTTOKpovew ; see
tfavdVras evaAiW (Bur., Hel. 1065). interrupt. Gut through (generally) :

It is a custom : P. and V. P. and V. SiaT//eii/, P. SiaKoVreiv.

Buying : P. and V. wvi?, ^ Cwi through enemy's ranks, etc. :
Customarily, adv. Jw the usual P. StaxoTnretv (acc.) (Xen.). JPoroe
way : P. and V. P. owij-
io>0oro>s, (a passage) : P. #tao-0<u (acc.).
0o>?. .For ifo wosi #ori : P. d>$ Cwi wp : P. and V. K&irrew,
7Tt TO iroAv' ; see usually. Ar. and P. KaTa/cdVrciv,
Customary, adj. P. and Y. Garve : V. Kpco/co^rciv, apTa/Atv.
07JS, 10)00)9, 1/0/U/I0S, f^t(T^CeV0 *p 5??jaZZ ; P. KcpfjuLrtfav. Cut
(Dem. 605), P. O-UVT/OO^OS, Ar. and (a force) : see destroy.
P. vofwo/Avos. l s customary : Cut, adj. o/: V. 0^
P. and V. i/o/u^croi ; see usuaL Cut, subs. SZice : Ar. TO/LOS, 6, P.
Customer, subs. Buyer : P. wvi/ny?, Tft^/Aa, TO (Plat.), ffcptrjiwy/ia, TO
6. Was fee a customer of yours ? (Plat.). J^ZOK; ; P. and V.
P. tt/oa ical CXP^TO v/x,^ (Dem. 1237). fl,
Y. TOjLwy, ^. Wowwd : P. and
Customs, subs. 3?<&m : Ar. and P. Tpav/M, TO. If ife6 cwi be deep : P. ,

TcXos, TO. Customs regulations : ct/3a0v TO T/A^/WI (l<m) (Plat., Gorg.
P. TeAcoviKot v<$/w>t. Collector of 476o). S/ior^ cw^ : Ar. dTpcwrds
customs: Ar. and P. TcXwv^s, 6. CTWTO/X05, 17. 5y the shortest cut :

Cut, v. trans. P. and V. T/w>iv, P. Ta (Twro/x,oyraTa (Thuc. 2, 97).

Koirrcty. Hew: P. and V, Cutlass, subs. Use sword.
K07TTCH/, lKT/AVtV, V. Kt/DtV. Cutler, subs. Ar. and P. /xa
sever : P. and V. o-^t o. Cutler's factory : P.
v, a roorf or
Sto,Tftvtv. C^7TO(,LOV, TO.
P. TCfweiv. Met., Cut-purse, subs. Ar. and P.
deeply : P. and Y. Saio/ctv. 6. Be a citt-purse, v. :

o?^e's /tair ; P. and V. Ar. p.

and P. &7roKtpc<rOat ; see ojf. Cut-throat, subs. See murderer.
use P. and V. Cutting, subs. Act of cutting : P.
(ace.). Cw P. and V. and V. TO/*?/, 9. Sli/p (of plants) :
v, Ar. and P. Ar. and P. icA.r}//,a, TO. Of the ha/ir :
S66 Y. Kovpa, w.
Cut Dam
Cutting, adj. Severe : P. and V. Luxurious : Ar. and P.
Be dainty, v. : P. and V.
P. and Y. a/3p6v(r&ai. Ar. and
Cuttingly, adv. Severely :
Soft, adj. :

V. mKptOS. P. /AoAaKo?, aTraAos, Ar. and Y.

Cuttle-fish, subs. Ar. lj,aX6aK6s Dainty morsel, subs. :

Cycle, subs. P. and V. , 6, P. P. and Y. TO (-ZBsch., Frag.),


3TplbSoS, 17,
V. TTCplSpO/Al}, V. vapoifrtowjpLa, TO. Buy dainties, v,:
Cymbal, subs. P. Ku/jtjSoAo Ar. oijfciwcu', Trapoif/toveLv. Dainties,
Clashing of cymbals : V. Subs. :P. evrrdOcuu, at (Plat , Eep.
ov (Eur., C#cZ. 205). 404D).
Cynosure, subs., The cynosure of Dais, subs. Throne : P. and V.
every eye : use adj., P. and V.
Dale, subs. P. and V. vdm), ^ (Plat.
Cypress, subs. P. jcwapro-os, and Xen., but rare P.), i/airos, TO
(Plat.). Of cypress, adj. P. (Xen. but rare P.), ayicos, TO (Xen.

but rare P.), Ar. and V. ymXo, rd.

Woodland dales : V. vfaralon irri^at',
Dalliance, subs. Amusement ; P.
and V. 7r<w&a,^, S
Dabble, v. trans. Wet : P. and V. 5^re : P. and V. -

(Plat.). Dabble in, spend P. and V. SiaTtjSi}, 07, TpTj8i}, ij.

one's time in : Ar. and P. a/6Wpr/?u/ Dallier, subs. Loiterer : P.

(dat.). 6.

Dabbler, subs. Amateur, as opposed Dally, v. intrans. Trifle : P. and Y.

to professional ; Ar. and P.
waif v. Delay : P. and Y. Tpi/Bfw,
6. A dabbler in disputation : V. Ar. and P. SuLTpt/Bew ; see delay.
wopepya-nye Xoycov (Bur., S^pp. 426). Dam, subs. Of animals : use P. and
Dactyl, subs. Ar. and P. SaicriJAos, 6. Y. MTTIP, ^. Of a river, etc. use :

Dagger, subs. Ar. and '

P. t<i8iov,
TO, P. eyx ctP^ tOT/5 T0 P- an<^ V. Dam, v. trans. Throw up earth ; P.
/<iax<upa, 17. Armed with a dagger, ^rpoo-xow (absol.). Block up : P.
adj. : P. fjua.)(a.ipo<l>6pos and V. 0pao-o-tt/, P.
Daily, adj. Use P. and V. see block.
Daily food : P. and V. 17 * Damage, v. trans. P. and Y. /U/WATT-
Tpo<t>irj 9 6 Ka0' ^ftcpav ios, V. ^ <
Teu/5 a8tKiv, fcaKOw, jcaicoupyctv, Sta-
^pav /Jopa. Coming every day :
<l>OcipeLv, aiKc^co-Oai, P.
V. 7rairt7fipos. (Plat.).
Daily, adv. P. and V. Damage, subs. P. and Y.
Ar. and P. oo^/jieoat ^, jSXdfj^OS, TO.

Daintily, adv. Elegantly: Ar. and TOO damage : P. and Y.

P. /coyote see elegantly. Stepping
P. ao-ivrys (Plat.) ; see
daintily with milk-white foot : V. Damages (at law) : P.
afipbv /Baivovcra TroAAeuKW TTO^L (Eur. , and V. ^jU,ta, 77, P. Ka,Ta$iKr], ^, Ar.
Jfcd. 1164). and P. Tt/jL77jiLa, TO. Assessment of
Daintiness, subs. Elegance : P. damages : P. rip-yens, 17. JBe
/cou^eta, 17. Orrac0 : P. and V. damages, v. : P. T^V
X<Zpft, ^. Fastidiomness : P. and
V. Tpt5<H ^, d^Spc^s, 4 (Plat.), Damaging, adj. Met., P. and V.
^ (Plat.).
Dainty, adj. Elegant : P. and V. Damask, subs. Use P. and Y.
V. see
193 13
Dam Dap

Damask, adj. red. Use Dancing-mrl, subs. Ar. and P.

Dame, subs. P. and V. yvnj, 17.
Old woman : P. and V, ypavs, ^ Dancing-master, subs. P.
ypata, rj (Plat, but rare P.) see lady. <rrpoSiSaor/coAos, 6 (Xen.), Ar. and

Damn, v. trans. See condemn. Dis- P. xopo8E8a<rKoAx>s, 6.

parage : P. and V. 8ia/?aAAew, P. Dandified, adj. P. and V. KO/JU/TOS
(also Ar.).
Damnable, P. and V.
adj. Dandle, v. trans. V. TroAAcu/, P.
/uapos, jeaTaTrrverros ; see Gitrsed. (raW (Plat., Leg. 79Cto).
Damning, adj. Damning proof : P. Dandy, subs. P. icaXA.(t)7rm7s, 6,

<avepov crfjfjitLov (Thuc. 1, 132)." or use adj., and V.

Damp, adj. P. and V. vorcpcfe, (also Ar.). Be a dandy, v. : Ar.

Damp, subs. P. and V. vorfe, 17 (Plat.); Danger, subs. P. and V. KtVSwos, 6,

see moistwre. Dampness: P. vypo- TO SCLVOV, or pi., aywi/, 6. Dangerous
enterprise: P. and V. KtvSfycvfM,
Damp, v. trans, P. and V. vypcu- TO (Plat.). J% time of danger: P.
viv (Plat.), reyyer (Plat.), /Sp and V. cv Tots Seirots, ri Tots Seii/ot?.
(Plat.), 8<n,W (Plat.), von'&iv (Plat, Iw danger : use
adj., P. en-tictVSwo?,
and JEsoh., Frag.), V. vypuWe or adv., P. and V. &rav8i?i>a>s. Be
Sprinkle : V. patmv, vSpat in danger, v. V. &n?Ka'SiWs KYW

Met., Ztowp ardowr, etc. : P. and (Eur., Frag.), lv poTrj) /ceto-^at, Ar.
V. &fJL/3\vvt.v, aTrajU/JXrfveii', V. /earajn- and P. luvSwevW. Loving danger,
adj. P. <tAoiav8wos.

Dampness, subs. P. ., ( gers (with), v. : P.

Damsel, subs. P. and V. . (absol. or dat.),
irap0ei/os, rj (Plat.), Trats, ^, Ar. (ftera, gen.). TFi&^owi dmger, adj. :

V. veavts, 17 ;
see girl, child. P. (xictV8vt/os ; adv. P. : and V.
Dance, v. intrans. P. andV.
Ar. and P. 6px<rQat, P. &ro,,^ Dangerous, adj. P. and V.
V. 5vopxcr0cu, S7ropXwr^aL, Ar. 8iop- o-<^aA.epo'5, Ar. and P. x^^"* -

Xo-^at. OircZe i ^0 dance: V. en-4iciV8wo9, TrapaySoXos. Harmful:

eA.rortF. Da/nce in honour of : V, P.and V. do-i;/*<opos see harmful. ;

xopeuctv (aco.). Da?wa w^/i o^ers : Of a wound P. and V. /catptos


Ar. o-vyxopeveiv (absol.). (Xen.).

Dance, subs.
P. and V. Dangerously, adv. P. and V.
yopo's, 6, &v-
17 (Eur.,
P^oew. 1265). Lov~ 8i5i/o)9. Being dangerously wounded
7w?a, adj. Ar. and V. he fainted : P. rpavparicrQels ?roAAa

Without the dance : V. \nroifrvxy<r (Thuc. 4, 12).

(Eur., CfycZ.). War-dance, Dangle, v. trans, and intrans. See
subs. P. and V. wppixy, fj (Eur.,
hang. Sway, v. intrans. P. and :

^?zd. 1135 also Ar.).; Dance of V. atcjpcurflai.

satyrs : V. o-3?ictvis, 97 (Eur., Cycl. Dangling, adj. Ar. and P. ^erecopo?,
37). Ar. and V. fterapo-tos.
Dancer, subs. Ar. and P. Dank, adj. See damp. Rotten : Ar.
6 see dancing-girl.
; and P. o-cwrpos. J& (Zawfc, v. V. :

Dancing, subs. P. oy>x7<ns, 17,

opx^crrvs, 17 (Eur., CfycZ. 171). Dankness, subs. P. and Y. evpco?, o
^r^ o/ dancing P. ^ opx^oTtwJ.
Celebrate with dancing, v. V. Dapple, v. trans.
: P. and V.
(ace.), xopevctv (ace.). AW, P. :
Dap Dar

Dappled, adj. P. and V. in i^e ^arft, v. P. and :

Ar. and V. aioXos, V. OTIKTOS, KOTO.- V. KpvTrrav (acc.),P. airoKpvirT<rOa.i

OTIKTOS. (aco.) ; see under fceep. JBTeep
Dare, v. trans. Challenge : P. aorfc : P. and V. xpvTrretv, Ar. and
Ka\icr6ai, Have no fear of P. P. a7roKpvirr(r9cu (acc.). Of looks :

and V. 6a.p<r&.v (acc.)." Face P. see gloomy.

and V. dVcxeo-tfai, VTrc^civ, v< Dark, subs. P. and V. O-KO'TOS, 6 or
Oapcravj P. vTro/jicmv, V. T
<rQoLL, TO; see darkness. March in the
(2nd aor. TXSv) (rare P.), K dark : P. ovcoraio? irpoorepxeo-Oai
Ar. and V. ^vaTX^vat (2nd aor. of (Xen,), He appeared in the dark :
but rare P.),
(also Plat, Ar. avtyavri /cve^atos (Vesp. 124).
Venture: P. and V. Darken, v. trans. Blacken : P. and
ToXfiav, V. TXiyvat (2nd aor. of TXav) V. /wXcuveiv. (7as shadow over :
(rare P.). V. intrans. With infin., P. brurKoreiv (dat.), V. o-fctajctv (acc.),
P. and V. ToX/xai/, P. cwroroX/xav, Ar. O-KOTOUV (acc.) (pass, used in Plat.),
and V. TX^vat (2nd aor. TXav) (rare P. and V. arva-KidZeiv.

P.). Be bold : P. and V. Dark-eyed, adj. P. ueXavo/^aTos

Bun risks : Ar. and P. (Plat.).
P. SiaKw8wVtv see
; Darkly, adv. Obscurely : V. Sw-
dwe use perhaps.
say :
fcpifrco?, alviKnqpiws, P. dcra</>a)S, Ar.
Daring, subs. P. and V. ToX/m, and Y. see ambiguously.

0pao-os, T^; see boldness. Da/ring Secretly : P. and V. Xa0pa, XaSpa^s

act P. and'V.
(rare P.), P. icpitya, Ar. and P.
vcu/^a, TO (Plat.), V. To'Xua, ^ (rare V. KpiJiJ (also Xen.),
P.). darkly at,
Daring, adj. P. and V. 0pa<nfe, v. : Ar. and P. (aco. or
/M?pos, V. TaX(u^pa>v, Fond cts, acc.), P. (acc.),
o/ danger : P. </
see inrocnrifiaweiv (aOC.).
6oZc?, ra$7&, ^ew^resoTTie. Darkness, subs. P. and V.
Daringly, adv. P. 6 or TO, P. TO <r/coTtvw, Ar. and V.
Xeco? ; see boldly. Kvl<f>as, TO (also Xen.), optfrvri, f).

Dark, adj. Of skin

P. em. :
Of the under-world V. o>os, 6, :

537), ju,cXayxpws V. epe/AVQS, Ar. and V. epe/3os, TO, Steeped in

Of colour generally darkness, adj. V. :
and V. M&as, V. 2%is cap o/ darkness : P. ^ "A'iSos
p; icwi} (Plat, from Homer).
Favourite : P. and
(Plat.), foivtvos (Plat.)'; see
Darling, subs.
V. TOi8t/, Ta (Eur., Oyc/. 584, and
P. -
< V. Soph.,, Frag.}, Ar. and V. P.&THJM,
TO, V. 00)5, TO, <^ttO?, TO, TptySl}, ^.
shadow : darlings : P. and V. T&
P, 7rt<r/o5 If grows dorfc,
v. : P. Met., oftscwre, Darling, adj. See dear.
adj. P. and Darn, v. trans. Ar. and P.

V. &cra<l>iq$, SS^Xos, Dart, subs. P. and V. /JeXos, TO (rare

V. JtarrjfAos, P.), TroXToV, TO (Xen. and JEsch.,
Frag.), Ar. and P. SwWwv, TO, V.
ToVaoros, SKWV, 6. 5[pear ; P. and V.
i/reXXo's, see obscwre, am TO, Ar. and V. Xoyx^, ^, A.
Uguous. Secret; P.andV.icpuTTTos, /A(r(yKi}Xov, TO, ft&ejwov, TO.
V. icptf- the dart, v. : P. and V.
Dar Daw
P. i<roKovTL^Lv. Throwing the dart, Dash, subs. P. and Y. 6p/wJ, Ar.
subs* P. d/covricris, 17 (Xen.),
: and P. ptf/Mj, ^, Y. pt^nj, ^.
Dart, v. trans. P. and Y. P. and Y. Spd/w, 6, V. TO.

IOOTTCW, caKOVT%tv J 866 shoot Eagerness : P. and Y.

nrans. P. and
intrans. n Y. opfjv,
opfj& op/xoo-eu,

io-0<u (rare P.), <epo-0ai, Ar. and V. Dashing, adj. Fiery, impetiwus :
$crariv (rare P.), V. opouW, 0ooei,v, P. o-^oSos, Ar. and V. floupios, V.
Beert&sh. Swoop: Ar. and 0o9pos, aWo>v (also Plat, but rare P.).
V. KaTdLpew, V. vtcffirrGW 866 SWOOp Gay Ar. and P veavucos. Zealous :

Dart out : P. and V. P. and Y.

Dash, v. trans. Fling: P. and V. Dastard, subs. See coward.
v, PMTTCIV, afacvai, Ar. and V. Dastardly, adj. See cowardly.
V. UTTTCLV. Dashed upon the Data, subs. Use P. and V. a^o
rocks Y. o-woSov/to/os wpos
y (lit, starting-point).
Be dashed to the ground : V. Date, subs. T^me ; P. and V.
o-0eu wpos ovSas. Strike : P. and 6. Day : P. and ^epa, ^. V ^li
V. Kpoveiv, Ar. and V. -n-cuW (rare no distant date : V. ov /*<&* ets

P.), 0iVctv, apaoxretv. Met., dash , Supp. 925), P. OVK

(one*s hopes, etc.) : P. and V o*<^>ciA.- Not dastingtvishing the
Xciv. JDas/t (owe Mngr) against date : P. TO TTOTC ov 8iopi'a>v (Dem.
(another) : V. wpo<r/3aXXv (Tivt Tt), 414). Hellanicus has mentioned
eyKaTaovcTJirmr (Ttvt Tt). Dash in (these things) shortly, and without
pieces : P. and V. crwrpr^av (Eur., due accuracy as regards dates : P.
Cycl.) 9 Ar. and Y. Opaufiv (also 'EAAaw/cos y^pa^ea)? TC /cat rots ^povot?
Plat, but rare P.), Y. o-wtfpavW, ou/c dLKpifi&s cVc/xvoJcr^
(Thuc. 1, 97).
o-uvapcwro-ctv, epcwcctv. Dash off, ex- o/ date, adj P. and Y. apxcuos, :

temporise : P. auroo*x8iaiv (ace.). P. ca>Xos, dpxaioTpo7ros see

, ;

Dosfe o^. He dashed his brains old-fashioned. The ^nterest to date:

out : Y. cyK<f>a\ov ffcppavc (Eur., P. ot
Gycl. 402). Y. intrans. P. and Date, subs. .FV7M&; P. /3d\&vos,
V. 6p/Aav, opfLacrOai, ?<r0at (rare P.), (Xen.) Date-palm : P. <otv& 6
Ar. and Y. okro-eiv (rare (Hdt.).
P.), Y. OTO-CJV, opovLv $oa<-iv; see Daub, v. trans.
Ar. and P.
swoop. Dash against : P. P. iTraXei<f>W, Ar.
and V. Trratetv Trpds (dat.), P. -Trpoo-- Y. XP^ tv > see
(dat.), frufMTLTrreLv wpds (dat. Daub with laster : P.
or ace.) ; see collide. Dash Daughter, subs. P. and V.
into: P. and Y. etoTrtWav (P. s, Ar. and V. Off-

ace., V. dat. alone), Ar. and V. C/A- spring : P. and V. eicyovos, 17 see
TTHrrcw/ (dat.), Y. Mrop/wuj0<u
(ace.), cM^. Little datighter : P.
7rurirLirrtv (dat.), Ar. and P. wr- TplOV, TO.
TnySav (cts, ace.), Ar. iireiOTratcti/ (cts, Daunt, v. intrans. P. and V.
acc.) see 5^rs^ in.
; Dashing into K<^>o^tv, cjcTrXiyo-o-civ ; see frighten.
the sea all armed as they were : P. Dauntless, adj. P. and Y.
c7rcur/3atvovTg trvv rots orrAois ts riyv V. ttTap/Jiys, aTpeorros,
^aXao-trav (Thuc. 2, 90). DOS/& owi : &Tap/3rjTo$ (JEsch., Frag.) ; see
P. and Y. c
Dauntlessly, adv. Ar. and P.
Dash over, inundate : P. and V. V. see boldly.
P. Dash Dauntlessness, subs. P.
upon : P. and Y. 7rp<xraXW (dat.), see boldness.
(dat.) ; see attack. Daw, subs. Ar. ds, 6-
Daw Dea

Dawdle, v. intrans. P. and V. and V. vlKoiv, Kparciv. In voting :

Xctv ;
see delay. also V. TrhqOvvetrQai. Be the order
Dawdler, subs. P. pcXXqn 6. of the day : P. and Y. icpaTctv.
Dawdling, adj. P. and Y. Living but a day, adj. : P. and Y.
Dawn, subs. P. and V. Io>s, ^. Time
just before daybreak : P. and V
Day-break, subs. See dawn.
op0pos, 6, P. TO ircptopQov. At dawn : Day-dream, subs. P. and Y.
P. and V. <V 4ppp (Eur., JBB. 78), TO.
P. V la), Ar. and P. Ico^, V. ^Xt'ou, Daylight, subs

TeXXovros, or use adj., P. and Y.

P and Y. <$, TO,
Ar. and Y. <aos, TO. He indulged
(Eur., .R/ies. 771, and Soph., in dissipation in broad daylight :
Frag.), V. eos. Of dawn, adj P. eKa>fjLae pcff rf^pav (Lys. 142).

V. ISos, Ar. and P. op0ptos. Rising Daze, v. trans. P. and V. e'jcrrAiTo-o-cH',

from bed at dawn Iwot ^avaoravrcs Tapdcro'iv ovyxeiv, P. KarcarXrjo'O'eiv. t

Xexovs (Eur., J2Z. 786) Tftose w>7w> Dazzle, v. trans. Blind : P. and Y.
do not come at dawn : Ar. ot py rvifrXovv (Plat.), IKTV<I>\OVV (Xen.,
irapovres op&pioi (Eccl. 283). Having also Ar.). Met., lead astray: P.
arrived at dawn : P. op0pto? ^KWV and "V. irapa.yeiv, aTraTav, ecwraTav;
(Plat., Prot. 313s). .Prow earZy see
dawn; Ar. and P. e !o>0u>oi5. Met., Dazzle, subs. P. /wxpftapvyiy, ij (Plat.).
P. and V. Dazzling, adj. P. and V. \cyrpos,
Dawn, v. intrans. P. vTroQatvcw, Ar. Ar. and V. <aewo?, 7ra^</>a^?, V.
StaXcywrcti/. Day was beginning to cvdy^$ (also Plat, but rare ,

dawn : P. &re^oive rt ^lepas (Plat., p.). <^\oya>i/f, ^XoywTros,

Pro. 312A). Daww on- one, occur avyTjs (Eur.,
to one : P. and Y. curepx^o-Oai. (ace. Xao-^opo?, Ar.
or dat.), Traptaraatiat, (dat.), eirepxe- Q-lossy : Ar. and P.
(rOai (acc. or dat.), e/wrwrTtv (dat.). Xwropos; see
Day, subs. P. and V. ^pa, ^, Y. Dead, adj. P. andV.
ij/i,ap, TO ; sometimes Y. 17X105, 6. e. 682), Y. ^a
.4K day : use Ar. and Y.
adj., see fallen. Lifeless : P.
By day : P. and V. and V. otyrOxos. ^ dead 6ody, feubs. :

ij/xepav, or use- adj., P. P. and V. veicpos, 6, Ar. and V.

Day 6y day: P. and V. vKvs, 6 ; see corpse. Be dead, v. :
Kaff ij/iepav, V. ITT' ?^tap (Soph., P. and Y. reOvrjKevai, reOvdvai, Ar.
Frag.), KO.T ^ap. 5y day or by and V. oLx^Odi (rare P.), or use P.
night : V. VUXM y naff^cpav (Eur., and V. OVK elvai, OVKCT ?vat. The

E7. 603). ^ery day P.

: dead, killed in battle, subs. : P. and
Kd<mjv -njv ^/xcpav. Of the day, V. vcicpot,
Generally: P. and
adj.: Ar. and P. ^//.cptvos, P. and V. 01 T0rgKOTS, Ot OVK OVTCS, Ot KttTO),
V. ^/xcpiyo-tos. -4.
day's journey : 04 KCt, V. Ot tfaVOVTCS, Ot
P. r,/xcpT7cna oSo's (Plat.). Some 01 Ka/jtovrcs, ot KeKjjL

day: P. and V. -TTOTC.

Spe?id 01 ^oXd)XoTS, Ot $QiToj Ot
v. : P. andY. cpcuW, P. (Plat,
but rare P.), ot Mprcpot, ot
veprcpot, ot cvcpOe, ot /cara ^ovo?.
adv. P. and V. veov, veworif, Ar He is dead a?id ^owe : V. oixerat,
and P. frayyo*. The self-same davcuv. Dead, withered (of leaves,
day : P. and V. avOypepov. On the etc.), adj.
Ar. avos, Ar. and P.

day before : P. rg TrpoTcpawt (gen.) cra7rpo9. Dead to pity : see pitiless.

The day before yesterday : Ar. anc A dead letter : see under
P. irpurjv. Gain the day, v. : P 4* dead o/ m^^ : P.
Dea Dea

acopi ri}$ VUKTOS, V. a/epas VUKTOS, Deal, subs. Bwiness transaction:

VVJCTOS V fcaraori&m, Ar do>pt VUKT&P. P. (rv/ijSdXaiov, TO. -4i ^e cZose o/
Deaden, v. trans. .Ma&e <MZ: P. ^
deaZ : P. lv ry StaXutrei riys
and V. di/A/5XiWv, SbrappX.^^ V. Kotva)v:a5(Plat.,^jp.343D) ; A great
KarajjL/SXAvtw. CitAtom will work deal 9 adv. P, and V. TroXv, crjf>d8pa,

with time to deaden this feeling : Y jcapra (Plat, but rare P.).
A great
o-XX" 6 VO/AOS aura rai
xpdva> crwicr^i/avct deal of : use P. and V. adj., TroXils,

(Bur., J. 4. 694:)." agreeing with subs.

Deadlock, subs. P. and Y. &ropja, 77. Dealer, subs. Trader : P. and V.
Deadly, adj. P. and Y. Aut&ripo?, 6, KdirqXos9 6.
Seller : P.
oXc'tfpios (Plat, but rare P.),
Y. iyp, 6.

7roXu<0dpos ; see also harmful. Of Dealings, subs. Intercourse : P. and

a blow: P. and V. icaipto? (Xen.). V. 6/uA.ta,
Strike with a deadly blow P P. 7ri/uia, 17, KOtvwv^fuiTa, ra, V.

&avao-ifjL<j)$ TVTTTGW (ace.). oTJvaAAayai, at ; see intercourse.

Deaf, adj. P. and V. KO><OS. Deaf Have dealings with, v. : P. and
to entreaties : P. awa/wuTT?Tos, Y V. ofuXew (dat.), 7rpo<ro/uA.u/ (dat.),
icon/ami/ (dat.), /cotvovo^at (dat ), <rih>-
Deafen, v. trans. P CKKGX^OW, Ar. (dat.), orvpx0"0ai (dat.),
cKKwfaw. Be deafened with talk: (dat.) (Dem. 925), crvfi-
P. SwitfpvXcwr&ii. 2%e TMttse was (dat.), P 7ri/uyi/w<u (dat.)
wide-spread and deafening: P. *}i/ (or pass.), Ar. and P. trv/x^tynSvat
66pv8o<s TroXtis *at eiarXwKTUcds (Thuc., (dat.). Business dealings, subs. :

8, 92). P. (ru/x.j3dXaia, ra.

Deafness, subs. P. /co>^cm;s, ^. Dear, adj. Lwed : P. and V. <gVos,
Deal, v. trans. P. and V.
Give: , epacr/uos (Plat, but rare
&8oVai, vw&v. Distribute : P. and P.), P. oro's (Pkt.), Ar. and P.
V. St&Si&Wi, Ar. and P. SiavfacLv ; V. cu^ijs. PleaSMQ :

see distribute. Deal (a person) a P. and V. repwvds, iJSus, apconrds, V.

blow : P. irXqyfy ei/retvctv (dat.). (Plat, also but rare P.), ft)/*-
DeaZ (a person) a further blow : P. ifj&pos, <^(Xo9, Ar. and Y.
irXiqyrpr Trpo&evrewew (dat.). I deal Dear io ^e grods : P. and
the fallen mem a third blow besides : V. 0o<!Ai7s. Expensive : P. and
V. TW 7r7rra>/c<m rpirffv 7rvStSa)/At V. rfyttos, P. n-oXvreX^. Ow0'5
Isch., ^^. 1385). Deal in, use : dearest : P. and V.
and V. 0-0<u (dat.).
Ar. and V. 1/^ToXav (ace), Dearly, adv. .4i a MgrA jpric : use
>Xav (ace.), P. and V. Kfanj- P. and V. -TroXXoi). Exceedingly:
>Vtv (ace); see traffic in. Deal P. and Y. <r<oSpa, /wiXa, TToXi; ; see
with : P and Y. xp>}otf <" (dat.) see ; exceedingly, muck.
have dealings with, under dealings. Dearness, subs. Expensvoeness : P.
Trade with : Ar. uyopofciv Trpo's (Xen.).
(ace.). Take in hand : P. and V. Dearth, subs. P. and V. arrays, rj,
ejrixeip*"' (dat.), eyxP"' (dat.), Ar. ^, eprjfUa, ^, P. IvSeta, ^, V.
and P. ju,Taxipi'<tO"0aL. Discuss : y. Need P. and V. .

see dtscttss. Transact bwiness

with : P. o-uAttfdUUUv (dat.) (Plat.), Death, subs. P. and V. O&varo*, 6,
k, adj. P. ev/Aera-
oXe0pos, o, TeXcvnJ, ^, V! /-copos, 6,
"AtS^S, O, TO 6vif]O'KW, WOTjLLOS'j
/XiOlpO, ",
Dealjadj, Made ofpine: V. 6 see destruction.
; On the point
of death, adj. P. 7ri0avaTos ; see

Dea Dec

dying. When ike blood has ebbed Debauch, v. trans. P. and V.

in painless death : V. alpAr^v <0i>iv, Xwj8acr6[at (Plat.), P. iccmu-
ci)6v7)<riiJi,<ov aaroppvevTwv (JEsch., Ag. 07(Wtv, V. at<r^0j/4v, SioAAiWfc.
1293). Debauch, subs. Feasting: Ar. and
Deathless, adj. P. and V. dOdvaros, P. ewoxta, 17. Revelry : P. and V.
Ar. and V. 300Lro9, V. d'<os (^seh., /CCO/^05, 6.

Frag.), 0.*% <uos (^Jsch., Frag.). Im- Debauchee, subs. Use adj., P.
mortal : P. diSios, aioivtos. Ageless : d<rA.y?Js, P. and V. &coAaoros.
P. and V. d/yij/xos ; see immortal. Debauchery, subs. See debauch.
Debar, v. trans. Exclude : P. and Intemperance : P. do-eXycta, 17, d*o-
Debility, subs. P. and 7.
P. and V. ^ (once Eur., J5T. -P.
Ar. and P. SiouccoXiJciv, Debouch, v. intrans. P. and V.
P. avoKuXvw. Hinder : P. and V. Of a river : P.

Debark, v. intrans. See disembark. Debris, subs. V. Ipcwrta, ra;

Debase, v. trans. Comvpt : P. and Debt, subs. Ar. and P. XP>S, TO, P.
Y. 8ia<0i/ov. Debase money : Ar. 6<f>i\rjfjia TO.
-Be dfl6^, v. P.m :

and P. Kt^Xcvciv. and V. 6<t>&iv. In debt, adj. Ar. :

Debased, adj. Corrupt : P. and P. &rdxp<>s. Deeply in debt :

/ACVOS. .Base : P. and V. P. wrepxpctos. The debt due to
icaKo's, $vaios. Of money P. and :
parents for one's rearing: P. and
V. K^KfyXos, Ar. and P. Y. Tpofala, Ta. Cancelling of debts :
Debatable, adj. P. P. xpSy dTrojcom}, 17.
/or de^i : P. Sc^vat
Debate, v. trans Discuss, examine : (Dem. 610).
P. and V. CtV, OWMTeiV, ^7T^p- Debtor, subs. P. YP^OT^S, 6, P. and
ta7repa/v<tv. V. V. o^iXenys, 6. Fem., V. o^iXerts,
intrans. Meditate ; P. and V. 17.
5e a debtor, v. P. and V. :

ctv (or mid.), <rvw>tv (or mid.), Decadent, adj. Inferior : P. and V.
P. 8taovA.ue<r0ai. 5e *n cZowfti : P. P. /caTaSw'orcpos.
Xetptov, ^<ro-o)v,
and V. abropeiv. Debating ivhether Decamp, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
to be wroth with tJie citfj : V. (Xen.),
afJuff>i/3ovXo<s ovcra OvpavcrQai
(^Bsch., JS7ww. 733). I'a&e
Decapitate, v. trans. P.
5eZ: P. and V. /fovAcvWftu, P. SaXT7v (TIVO'S), V.
8taovA,oj<r0<u. Dispute : P. a.p.<f>icr~ tv, icapd ripvw (TWOS),

(TWOS), Ka/aa fapifccw (T(,V<^S).

Debate, subs. Reflection : P. and V. Decay, v. intrans. TFJaste awa^ ; P.
cnWota, ^, P. wota, 17, Ar. and V. and V. /jtapatveo-Qoii, <f>Qtvciv (Plat.),
<ftoovrife, ^ (rare P.). Perplexity, V. 8,TTQ$QtVlV, KO.Ta<l>6ivCW, P.
doubt : P! and V. aTropCa, $, Dis- joa/oatvco-^ai (Plat.) ; see jpiftd.

pute: P. d/z0i<r?7n7cris, 17. TaZfc ; fatt to pieces : P. and V. -nj/

P. and V. A-ioyoi, oL Let us hold (Plat.), o-ijjrcor^at, Jfaropptlv, Ar. and
debate together : V. efc KOU/OU? Xoyou? P. icaToo-^rco-^at. Met., jpass flw^ay :

Ofto/icv (Eur., Or. 1098). P. and V. Siapptlv, a-Tro/opetv,

Debater, subs. Politically : use P.
fc, 6. Orator : P. and V. Decay, subs. As opposed to growth :

), 6. P. <^^o/j<, 17, ^tW, ^. Dankness 9

Dec Dec

mould: P and V. cupws, 6. Rot- Decemvir, subs. P. ,

o (late) .

tenness : P cn^eSaiv, Rust P. 17.

Decemvirate, subs. P.
ids, 6. Met., ruin : P. and V. (late).
Sia^dopa, r), oXctfpos, o. Decency, subs. P. and V. euKo<r/u'a,
Decease, subs. P. and V. 0#vaTos, i),
TO Kocr/X'ov, TO TrpeTTOV, TO irpocrvJKOVy
6, TeXcin-q, rj see death.
Ar. and P. Kocr/udnys, ^. Shame:
Decease, v. intrans. P. and V. P. and V.
dVaXXaowo-flai (with or without Decennial, adj. P. 8fcerrjj,
/3tov), cicXctTretv /Jtov (/3tov sometimes Decent, adj.
P. and V.
omitted in P.). Befitting : P,
Deceased, adj. See dead. and V. Trperrcuv, Trpoo-ijfcwv,

Deceit, subs. P. and V. airarrj, ^, J'Vow w^7t owe ccwZd 7ioi

or/xxjnj, ty 8dXos, 6 (rare P.), MX"~ formerly even a decent slave P.
v^fjut, TO, ord^ioyia, TO, Ar. and P. ou8*

icXe/A/Aa, TO ; see deceitfuL7iess, trick. ^v wpOTfpov irpiacrOcLi (Dem. 119).

Deceitful, adj P. and V. SwrXous Decently, adv Ar. and P.
(Plat.), P. cbnxT^Xd?. Gunning :
J-dvo)s (Xen ), V.
P. and V. irowciXos
(Plat.),iravovpyos, Be ingly : P. and V.
Trvievds (Plat), ewirpwrros, V. iroXu- ,
Tpi/SiJs, /M^avoppflw^os, and V. Deception, subs.
Ar. P. and V.
SdXios, oVtfXos (once in Plat.) Fern, ^, Ar. and P.
. ds, 6, P. Trapa-

adj., V. SoXoiTris. see ^, deceitfulness.


adv. P. iravovpycos, Ar. Deceptive, adj. P. Met.,

and V. 8dXo>, V. fr 8o'Xo>, o-uv 8o'Xo>. of things, hollow, unsowiid
P. and .

Darkly, obscurely : Ar. and V. V. -STTouXos, o-a^pds. Indistinct : P.

and V. &<ra.<}>ris* Delusive ; V,
Deceitfulness, subs. P.andV. KCpTOfJLOS.
o (rare P.), *riH y, Ar. and P. Deceptiveness, subs. P.
o, P. irapdicpovtris, fj, see deceitfulness.
Fraud : P. and V. Decide, v. trans. P. and V.
Artfulness : Ar. TTVK-
m ', /cpfvetv, Suupcw,
f \
VOTT/S, 17. Ar. and ,

Deceive, y. trans. P. and V. aVaTaV, 8/at. Arbitrate on : P. and V.

feZ. 996), P.
(Eur., Hipp. 1406), irapa- (aoc.) (Eur.,
rreiv, Ar. and P. ^ci/o/afeiv, ay (aco.). Determine, fix: P.
P. TrapoLKpovecrBcLif Ar. and V. 8oXoui>, and V. &PLCU>, Stoptfetv. J5r^ o
V. <f>i]\,ovvf TrapaVaTav, c/c/cXeTrrar aw ewd, 5eWZe : Ar. and P. SioXfotv ;

see cheat. Join in deceiving: P. see e?fci. C'owe to a decision: P.

crui/s&MraTaV (dat or absol.). Lead crriyiyi/woTKcu/ (absol.). Resolve (with
astray: P. and V. irXavav. Sasy infin. following) P. and Y. /JovXev- :

to deceive, adj P cvefaTrdYiTros, etv, CK^octv, voctv, P. yvtofJLiqv troielorSa.^


cvaTraTTTTos. Sard to deceive : P. Ar. and P. Sifo/octcrftw, iTrtvoeZv (ail

Svcrc^dTraTTTTos. jBe decfiwe^ in, be with infin,). It is decided : P. and
baulked of, v. P. and V. i/revSeotfai
: V. S^oicrat, SeSoy^ov ((rn) (both
(gen.), ox/>ctAAecr$ai (gen.), S7roo"<^aX- infin.). Be speedily decided
Xeo-^at (gen.), apaprdvcw (gen.). a battle) P. Taveiav r^v Kpta-LV
(of :

Deceiver, subs. P. aTraTeaiv, 6, V. IXtv (Thuc. 1, 23). JSasy to decide,

<^i^\TfjT7jSt Q Ar. and P. cro^>LOTVf^, 6. adj V. efaplTos. Hora io decwie ;

Charlatan : P. and V. yd^s, 6, /wxyos, P. and V. 8vo-/cp6Tos (Plat.).

6, 8yvprrv)<s, 6, Ar. <^e^of, 6. Decided, adj. Obstinate : P. and V.
December, subs Use P. IlocrciSecov, 6. Of things P. :

Dec Dec

Unquestionable : P. Declamation, subs. Eecitation : P.

Clear : P. and V. o-a^ifc. Grain a de- pa^(j)8ta, ^. Public speaking : P.
cided victory : P. and V. TroXfc VIKOV. ^Awyyopia, ^. Speech made for
Decidedly, adv. Unquestionably : show : P. gTrt'Sci&s, 77. Training of
P. dva/x^icr/fynTTtos. Clearly : P. the voice : P
and V. <ra<^tos. Jf-MC/z- : P. and V. o/ declamation : P. 17 p
t, oxjko'Spa, icapTa (Plat, but rare Declamatory, adj. P. o?, 817-
P.). In answer to a question: P.
and V. iLaXiarra. ye, Ar. and P. Declaration, subs. Exposition: P.
//,A.t, Ko/uSjj ye j see ^es. ctTroSci&s, 17. ProcZama^io?^ : P. and
Decimate, v. trans Use kill, destroy. V. TO. Evidence before a
Decipher, v. trans. Interpret : P. magistrate : P. cnroypa^, ^. -4s-
and V. pfiififViv. Bead : Ar. and ser^'on ; P. and V. Aoyos, 6.
P. avayiyv&crKcw. Declare, v. trans, l/afee known,
Decision, subs. Besolve, purpose explain : P. and V. <ati/iv, e^Tyei-
P. and V. yvoijLW7, ^, j6ov\eu//,a, TO, OT/^aXXciv, 817X01) i/,

/3ov\r), ^, V. yva>/xa, TO see deter- ;

(Plat.), Sctioa/i/cu, ^pafew,
mination. Decree : P. and V. (Plat.), V. lK<t>pO.^LV, VO.^'
a, TO, P. 8oy/ia, TO, vi&iv (also Xen.). Express (an
Judgment : P. and V. opinion) P. and V. &ro0atvo-&(u,

P. 8iayvo>o-is, -7, 8taicpt07, P. aTTOOei/cFvcr^at. ^^wiowrwe : P.

<wns, ij. Finding, sentence : P. and V. ayy^XActv, arrayyeAAetv, 8uxy-
.(X7rd<aoris, ^. 6rwe a decision against yeAActv, cfayycAActv, cicc^cpctv, cn7/jLat-
/in an arhitration) : P. KoraSiaiTav vetv, irpoorrjiw.ivciv, V.
or afosol.). 6rwe a decision cic-
in favour of: P. cwroSiaiTav (gen.). v 9 Ar. and V. (9potv ; see also
Come to a decision : P. Siai/r^i'fe- proclaim, say. Narrate : P. and
0-0CLI ; see decide. V. A-ceiv,
Decisive, adj. P. and V. Kt5p>s see ; w, Ar.
tfeczded. The decisive time, subs. : and P. 87yero-0ai, V.
P. and V. Kcupos, 6 ; see crisis. K<f>pdiv, TrifavarKC
Wm a decisive victory : P. and V. P. and V. P. i^feStf, P. irapa TroA.'ir vwav.

adv. See decidedly. cr^ot, V. aux^v (rare P.),

Deck, SUDS. P. KardcrrpwfJM, TO, V. Declare as a witness : P. and V.
<raFtV, 17. Soa^ with decks : P. fULfrrvpfiv. Declare on oath : see
?r\ota KaTdtfrpaKra, rd. swear. Declare for, take the side
Deck, v. trans. Adorn: P. and V. of : P. and V. 7rpo<rr)?0eo-0<u (dat.).
Kocrp.iv, V. ayoAAe>, do-/ctv, cfao-Kei Declare (ww) : P. wpoayopeuciv
see fcn'cfc 0wi. Dacfc oneself out (7roX./x,ov)* Waiting to see on which
Ar. and P. JcaAAcoTrcfccrflai. side victory would declare itself :
P. Treptopaj/xevot OTrorepcuv ^ V(ki7 larat
Decked, adj. Adorned: V.
Covered in (of a boat) P :
(Thuc. 4, 73).
Declared, adj. manifest: P.
Declaim, v. trans. Ar. and P. and V. <av pds,
tv or absol.). Beate
; Ar. Decline, v. trans. P. and V. i

and P. pai/rwScTv (ace,
or absol.). (or mid.), ira t (or mid.),<
a flragw? manner : P. Eo-001
(aco.). Practise rhetorw : but rare P,) (Dem. 319),
P. uciv, fjt.eX.erav. Tram the (Thuc. 6, 56), Ar. and
'voce : P. </HDmov<etv (absol.). P. OVK &iro&c)(<rOai. Avoid : P. i

Dec Dee

V. &<f>i<rrao-6ai (g^en.), Generally P. :

see avoid. Decline (am, invitation) : TO. ProcZawafo'ow : P. and Y.

P. cTcaweiv (ace.) (Xen. ; of. Aiv KTJpvyjJia,
Ban. 508). V. intrans. Not to be Decrepit, adj. P. and V. AarOwfa P.
willing : Ar. and P. OVK cflcAciv, Ar. a/o/oo)CTTos, V. #vap0/oos,
Ar. erawjoos.
and Y. ov 0eAv, Y. ,vaivc<rQai. Sink, Become decrepit, grow old : P. and
set: P. and V. StW, Suco-tfai, V. V. yrjpda-Kew, Ar. and P. Karayrj-
</)0tviv. Degenerate : P. CKTUTTTCIV, pacr/cctv.
Decrepitude, subs TFe^/57^55 ; P.
and Y. Stappelv, airoppew, V. f^Otvetv. and V. do-0o'Mi, ^ (once Eur., Jff.
Decline, subs. Consumption : P. .F. 269). Old age: P. and V. -


Declivity, subs. P. and V. Ao'<os, 6, Decry, v. trans. P. and V.

V. jcAlTife, 17 ; see slope. P. Siao-vpciv. Blame: P. and V.
Decompose, v. trans. Hot : P. and /i//,<r0(u (ace. or dat.) ; see blame*
"V. tnJTrav. Break up : Ar. and P. Dedicate, v. trans. P. and V ica0i-
V. intrans. P. and V. epow, Ar. and V. KaOoa-iovcrOai, V.
trqirccrOcUf Ar. and P. /cara- dyvtfctv,
Ar and P. fcaflayi^iv, P.
Upovv; see also devote. Dedicate
Decomposed, adj. P. offerings : P. and V. &varWvon, (Eur.^
Decorate, v. trans. P. and V. /coo- low, 1384). 5e dedicated : P.
ftetv, V. ayttAAeiv, avaKclorQai. Set up- in honotvr of a
Crown : P. and V. see god: P. and V. tSprfeu/. Dedicate
cream, adorn. (land to a god) : P. Tc/xm'f iv (ace ),
Decoration, subs. P. and V. KOO>OS, dvte^at (ace.). Dedicating my body
6. Ornament : V. fcyaXpa, TO. to death : V. ''AtSly TrpQ<rnJ9iT e/aoV
Crown (as reward for merit) P. oV/uas (Eur., JEfec. 368).
and V. ore'<avos, 6 ; see adornment. dedicated these shields to the gods :
Decorous, adj. P. and V. V. Tao*8 UoAuveuoys ^eois ounrtSas"
^K (Eur., Phoen. 575).
Decorously, adv. Ar. and P /coo>wa>s, Dedication, subs. ^Ici of dedication :

UO"Y77MOV(l)S (Xen.), V. VO"YW/A<t)S. P. di/a^(r, 17.


Decorousness, subs. See decorum. Dedicatory off ering, subs. P. and

Decorum, subs. P. and Y. ewcoo>ua, V. S,vdOrffjia 9 TO.
T6 icoV/uov, Ar. and P. /coor/xton;?, 17. Deduce, v. trans. Infer : P. and V.
Decoy, v. trans. P. ScAcd^civ. ieocZ ueoiv, TK/j.otpeo-d<u ; see infer-
ow : P. and V. bratytw ; see begmle." "
Draw a conclusion : P.
Decoy, subs. 5a4i : P. and V.
TO, Ar. SeXcao-fM, TO. Deduct, v. trans. P. and V.
Decrease, v. trans. P. /x,etow, (Dem. 824).
o-ow. V. intrans. P. Deduction, subs. Inference : P.
lAaoro'ova'^at Met., fade : P. and Loyto-/AoV, 6.
Y. Stctppeti/, aTroppciv, V. <t>6tvew. Deductive, adj. P. o-L'AAoyrrco's
Decree, v. trans. Ar. and P. t/r^t'- (Arist.).
r0a4. 1^ is decreed: P. and V. Deductively, adv. P. cruAAoy<o~Ti/ews
Command : P. and V. /ceAcv- (Arist.).
'; see command. Proclaim: P. Deed, subs. P. and V. -n-pay/ia, TO,
V. Kypucra-ew, Trpociirecv, SVCIKT;- 7r/>Sis, ^, ^pyov, TO, Ar. and V.
puo-o-cti'; wpoyos, TO, Y. Ipyfui, T^. /TO d^ed,
Decree, subs. Fo^e o/ the people : as opposed to ror^ ; P. and V.
P. and V. if/rj^Lcr/jiaj TO, Y.
Dee Def
Ar. and P. ypdfjLfj.aTa, T<, Jeface, v. trans. Obliterate : P. and
TO. V. $L\t'<v, fywlfav. Mar: P.
Deem, v. trans. P. and V. vo/ugciv, and V.
&yiv (Thuo. 8, 81), V. vecr^at, Xo)j8a<rdat (Plat.).
-Be deemed : P. and V. P. wepiKOTrretv.
So/celv. defacement, subs. Obliteration :
Deep, adj. P. and V. foOtis. Of Ar. and P. a^ctvwrts, 17. Ezti?! : P.
sound P. and V. jSapvs
: and V. &a<0opa, ^. Outrage : P.
1202). A deep cut : P. and V. aUfe, 9j, Xc&jftjf, ij (Plat.),
(Plat.). Abstruse P. and V.
17 (Plat.). Mutilation : P.
irfXos, TToXvTrXoicos. Cunning : P. and j, fj.

V. TTouciXos, -roici/os. TF&e : P. and Defalcate, v. intrans. P. and V.

V. cro^os. Of sorrow, etc. use P. : jcXrmv ; see embezzle.
and V. Ti-oXiis. Deep silence : P and Defalcation, subs. P. KaKovpyta, y s
V. TroXX?) (TttOTny. J>00j? awd darft : TO'.
Theft : P. and V.
Y. /AXa/A/?a0i7s. Deep-flowing: "V.
/3a,6vppov<s. Deep-rooted : lit., V. Defamation, subs. P. and V.
met., innate : P. and j, P.
V. uv/wjSwos, I^CTOS (Eur., Frag.). 17, ySaa-Kcu/ta, 17,
Ar. and P.
To draw <wp one's line four deep : /Tia, 17, XotSopta, 77 see Obbl&e. ;

P. 7ri T<r<rapa>v Taoworftu (mid.) Defamatory, adj. Ar. and P. 8^0-

(Thuc. 2, 90). 2%0 Thebans ar- Xos, /?acr/caro5, P. ft\<i(r<l>TjfJt,o$ O-UKO- t

ranged their line twenty-five shields see abusive.

deep : ITT dcnrtSas TTCVT* /*/ icat eifcocri Defame, v. trans. P. and V. &a
4nga*To (Thuc. 4, 93). Xciv, /caKais Xeyctv, XotSopetv (or mid.
Athenians hewing their ships drawn with dat.), ^pi'^v, Ar. and P.
wp one deep : P. ot 'Aftjvaioi Kara oi3KO^avTLv, P. SiaoTjpetv, )8<uricatvtv,
/xtav raw Teray/Acpot (Thuc. 2, 84). )8Xa<r<^o7/Atv (cts, ace. or *aTa, gen.),
down ^n : P. and V. V. KaKoarrofjLelv, Bvcrropcw ',
see o6?^S6.
Default, subs. Deficiency : P. ^i/Scta,
Deep, subs. jS'ea : P. and V. 97*, XXea/us, 77*. Default inpayment :

<ra, 17,
Ar. and V. oAs, 6, V. P. inrepYincpui, y. Make defaidt, go-
^. Open sea : P. and V. -rrcayos, bankrupt, V. P. ava<rKCva(r0cu.

TO, Ar.and V. woVros, 6 (rare P.). In default of, without : P. and V.

Deeps : Ar. and V. /M0os, 6. &vv (gen.), x<op& (gen.) (Plat and
Deepen, v. trans. Make deeper : use Isoc.), V. $Va (gen.) ; see without.
P. fiaOvrepov Troccwrtfai. Increase : Judgment by default : P. tfynw
P. and V. avaviv, av|tv. V. in- 8007, or Zpy/jurj alone. J&ei judgment
trans. Become deeper : use P. go by default : P. -n)v
Increase: P. (Dem, 889).
and V. avgdvccrOai, ati&o-Qat, V, Default, v. intrans. JVbi to appeal-
in CQUrt : P. OVK aaravrav. Go
Deeply, adv. Met. P. anc bankrupt : P. dj/aovcua co^at.
but Defaulter, subs. Defaulting debtor :
rare P.), P. TXU/XOS. : P. use adj., P. wepi^pos.
and V. Abstrusely : Ar Defeat, v. trans. Conger : P. and
and V. V. VIKW, V. fercp^aXAcor^at see ;

Deepness, subs. Of a voice : P j5aj?Ze : P. and V.

7 ; see depth. P. K/cpovv. De/eai a
Deer, subs. P. and V. IXo^os, o or P. KaTawaveiv liripvMjv (Thuc. 8,.

Ar. and V. ve/Jpo's, 6. 24). Defeat at sea : P.

Def Def

(aco.). Be defeated: P. and Defencelessness, subs. P. and V.

V. Jicr(racr9ai, cr<f>dXX(r0CLi*

Defeat) Sllbs. P. ^o-o-a, 77, 7rrar/xa, Defend, v. trans. P. and V.

TO. Faiiure P. and V. o~ (dat.), Ar. and P. cTra/ivvctv (dat.).
TO, P. -TTTatO'/Aa, TO. Guard : P. and V. <iJAao-o-iv, ^pov-
Defect, subs. Deficiency : P. pctv, 8ta<^>i5Xao'o'iv, Ar. and P. Tripctv,

17, cAAeM/ns, Imperfection : P.

V. CK(f>v\dcrcreiv, pVfcr&ai; See also
and V. (Jftapn'a, 77, P. d/iapny/Jta, TO, fortify. Champion : P. and V.
7rA?7ju,/*eAia, 77. Bodily defect: P. irpooraTeiv (gen.), Trpoia-Tao-Oai (gen.),
Troika, 7) (Plat.), a!o-x os, TO'
(Plat.) ;
V. virepfjLaxeii' (gen.) see ^w2, cham- ;

see blemish. Defects, shortcomings : pion. Vindicate P. dTroAoyeio-^at


P. cAAet/xfcaTa, Ta. irepL (gen.), virepaTroXoyeicrQai (gen.),

Defection, subs. jfow^ : P. P. and V. &roA.oy<r0ai hep
(once Bur., Bacch. 41). e7b*w in

Defective, adj. Deficient P. and defending: P. o-ura7roAoyr0ai (dat.).

V. &8ofc, o^x faro's, P. Advocate : P. and V. crvvrjyopeiv
Faulty ; P. and V. (dat.) ; see advocate. Answer for :
Defectively, adv. Deficiently Ar. VTrepauroKptveffOai (gen.). De-
Faultily Ise
(an action) : P. and V.
Sv, V. alvtiv (Bur., Or. 499).

Defence, subs. Bulwark : P. and Defend an action at law : P. ?rp6s

V. ZpVfJLCL, V. pKO?, TO.
TO, e7ToAtS, T), St^v Defend oneself : P.
Used concretely of a person V. : and V. Defend oneself
Ipetcr/Aa, TO, -Trvpyos, 6. Defence in court : Ar. and P. foroAoyetortfai.
against : P. and V. -Trpo^/Aa, TO' Defend oneself against : P. and
(gen.), V. Zpvfjia, TO (gen.), pv/xa, TO V. a,fju6v<r6a.i (ace.), V. ea//,i$Vcr0at,
(gen.), 7raAts, 77 (gen.), 0X^77, 77 (acc.), aAefco-^at (aco.) (also Xen.
(gen.), P. irpo^oXT}, but rare P.) ; see ward off.
77 (gen.).
P. and V. Defendant, subs. P. <W8iKos, 6 or
(of a town, etc.) :

TO', TIXS ro', P. Tt'xt<r/ia, TO',

P. and V. 6 0eirycuv (Bur., El. 77*,

V. epic77, TCI. Tfoesg are the defences 1269) ; or use in referring to the
I threw up to protect Attica : P. defendant in court P. OUTOS, ovroo-L t

Tavra irpou^aAo^i/ irpo rrjs 'A-rrt/oJ? Be defendant, v. P. and V. <vyew, :

/Dem. 325). Protection: P. and Ar. and P. avrlSiKclv.

V. ^vAoK>7, 9, oro)T77pta, 77, V. pv/ia, TO, Defender, subs. V, ^vvrwp, 6.
2pfyta, TO ; see protection. Means Guard : P. and V. <iJA.a 6 or 77",
of defence : P. and V. o-wT^pia, 7% 6. Champion P. and V.
V. aA.ic77, y- Assistance : P. and ys, 6.
V. eTrwcoupia, 77, P. /3oy0ia 77*; see Defensible, adj. Of a military posi-

assistance. Come to the defence of, tion: P. cxvpo's (lit., strong). Be

v. :P. and V. ftoriOew (dat.) ; see defensible (of conduct) P. cwroAoytav :

assist. Beply to charges, subs. P. \Lv f P. and V. oTryyi/cl>/jt77v *X IV :

aTToXoyta, 77*, diroXdy77/i, TO. Advo- (admit of excuse). Pardonable :

cacy : P. o-w^yopca, 77". Justification: V. OT/yyvo>crro$, P. <

P. SlKCUCO/XXX, TO. Defensive, adj. P. V.

Defenceless, adj. P. and V. defensive,
TOS, GUpp<lKT09, Jt .
GUppOVpTTTO?. v. : P. and V. fynWA Defensive
P. and V. Unwalled: P.
epiJ/Aos. alliance,subs. P. : >?*.

dT6xtoT05. Unarmed : P. and V. Make an alliance with the 'Argives

yu/xvos, P. ctonAos, V. for defensive purposes : P.
-' -"-*-
Def Def

(Time. 5, vw 3 V. vpotvetv (also Plat, but rare-

P.), /c7\toouv, xpoi^av. Bring to dis-
Defer, v. trans. P. and V. honour P. and V. aurxiWv, KO.T-

AcaAu (Eur., .4Z0. 526), e aurx-di'eiv. Infect : P. focarLfjurrXdvat.

Sar&TiQccrQai, P. 7rapa>0io~0(u, Defile with : V. <t>-bps<v (dat.) (Eur.,
(Thue. 5, 63). De/er to : P. and 5Tec. 496). Defiled with, adj. :

V. <nry^<opctv (dat.), wrct/cetv (dat.), P and V. <rufJV7re<t*vpfji fvos

(dat ); l

Ar. and P. rrapa^pelv (dat.), fero- (Plat.), Tre^p/Wi/os (dat.) (Xen.), V.

X^pciv (dat.) ; see yield to. Pay dvaar<l>vpfjiif0$ (dat.). jDe4fiZe wi^
respect to : Ar. and P. Qcpairwew 5ZOO(Z, V. P. and V. at/iarow (Thuc.

(ace.). in pass.), KaOaijuido-creiv (Plat.), Ar.

Deference, subs. Paying re&pects : and V. Ka6a.LjJM.rovv, V. <ou/wro-iv,
P. Qepcareui, ij. Respectfulness : V. K<oivrori,v, ai/jicurcreiv. V. intrans.
at&os, 17".
2%m& /fi tfrMtfft that March : P. and V.
he will pay deference or heed tothe Defile, subs. Pa5S : P. OTTCI/OTTO/MI,.
blind man : V. 17
tat TCL, arcva, TCI, P. and V. to$oA,i7, ^>
TU<A.oO Til/*
CVTpOTTW fj ay/cos, ro (Xen.), V. CTTi/a)7ro5, ^.
(Soph., 0. 299). a Defiled, adj. P. and V. /ufyck, Ar.
Deferential, adj. P. and V. /Avo-apo? see tainted.
; De-
(Ken.) ; see modest. Fawning : P. filed with blood : V.
Met., blood-guilty : Y.
Defiance, subs. Challenge : P. TraXa/^valo?, Trpoorrpowaios (rare P.),
icX^o-i?, 17. In defiance of : P. and P. evayrfc. (>ie defiled with bloody,
V. 0La (gen.), V. wpos /3tav (gen.). Subs. V. jUiaorcDp, o. :

Courage : P. and V. 0opo*os, TO. Defilement, subs. P. and V.

Bid defiance to, v. : P. and V. TO, 4yo5, TO' (Thuc., 2, 13), V.
(ace.). Self-will ; P. TO', Xu/za, TO. Pollution : P.
Ar. and V. av&dMa, 17. ^. Met., fcww* ; P. and V. 107X15,
Defiant, adj. Self-willed: P. and 17 ; see
V. avGaSys see bold, boastful.
', Defiler, subs. P. and V.
Defiantly, adv. Obstinately : Ar. P. $La<f>Qopev<Si 6, V. /uao*rei>p,
and P. avOd&us ; see boldly, boast- Define, v. trans. P. and V.
fully. see decide, limit. ;

Deficiency, subs. P. evSeta, y, Definite, adj. P. and V.

\l/is, y. Want: P. and V. avopCa, Exact: P." and V. dicpl^s. TTeZZ-
17", <T7ram, Deficiencies, short-
77*. defined, fixed : P. and V. ^e^atos.
comings : P. IXXct/AfiaTa, Definitely, adv. P. and V. o-aty&s.
Deficient, adj. P. and V. Exactly : P. and V. <lKpI/3cos. J5Jcc-
P. 4AXwn7s. Deficient in : P. .'

P. and V. (gen.), P. Definition, subs. P. Aoyos, 6 (Plat.)

fe6 (gen.) (Plat.), V. opwr/Aos, o (Arist.), opos, 6 (Arist.).
Deflower, v. trans. P. and
Xpetos (gen.). deficient in, v. :

P. and V. &JW7rv petv, \toftao-6cu (Plat.), P.

(gen.), V. V. atowetv, 8toAAi5vat.

(gen.) ; see Zocfc. e de- Deform, v. trans. P. and V.

^ewi : P. and V. IXX^etv, pciv, Ai5/juuW0<u (ace. or dat.),
V. Xewretv. cr&u, X*>pa<r0ai (Plat.), V.
Deficiently, adv. P. KaTat/acr0at. JDistor* : P. and V.
8iao-Tpe'0iv. Impair, disable : P.
Deficit, subs. P. I,
TO'. and V.
Defile, v. trans. SwZZy : P. and V. Deformed, adj. P. and
P. KCLTappwrat- V. Distorted :

Def Dei

V. Stoorpo^os. Ugly: P. and V. Degrade, v. trans. P. and V.

(Plat.), 8vo-8ifc
(Soph., P. and
Frag., Plat.), V. 8vV/>p<os. V. Ka
Deformity, subs. P. irovypia, ^ (Plat.), see shame : P.
s, TO (Plat.). and V.
Defraud, v. trans. Cheat: P.andV. Degraded, Punished with de-
SiraTav, l^airaroLV, xapdyetv, gradation P. and V. #ri/>s.

P. irap<LKpwccr&a.i, Ar. and V. SoXovv, graceful : P. and V.

V. <f>rjh.ovv, irapaTTCLTav, KicXe7rTtv. P. and V. <<n)A.os, TTOV^POS ; see 6ase.
Defraud of: P. and V. criJAar (Ttva Of degree P. and V. Ta7

Tt), <f7Too-iAar (va Tt) ; see de- aSo/a/xos.

prive. Be defrauded of: P. and
' Degrading, adj. P. and V.
V.<r<A w Tetovo's ; see unseemly,
gen.), i/rcv'Seo-dou ignominious,
,uder, subs. T/we/: P. and V. Degree, subs. Measivre : P. and V.
6. Owe wAo deprives : P. ,
TO. iwii : P. and V.
6 (Plat.), 6. Amount : P. and V. -TrX^os, TO.
Defray, v. trans. Pro-yWe: P. and in warmth and cold there are
V. traplxeiv. Pay : P. and V. reXetv ; degrees both of more and less P. :

see pwy. Defray the expenses : |/ T Tft)

P. ra dvoA,o>/xara Scwravav. Defray TC icat i5oro*ov ei/t
(Plat., Phil.
the expenses of a chorus (at festi- come 37o to such a degree of :
vals) : Ar. and P. xopyyelv (dat. or P. and V. ts TOO-OVTO a^tfcvetortfat
absol.). or ijicetv (gen.). To the last degree :

Deft, adj. P. and V. credos, ets TO lo-xaTO^* V. efe

(Plat.), Ar. and P. Se&o's,
P. By degrees : Ar. and P. *
V. d>x/> see skilful.
I P. KttT* oXiyov, icaTa (Spayy.
Deftly, adv. P. and V. <ro#os, P. Degree, subs. Earofc : P. and V.
T<&, 17, d^iWjua, TO. JB^7& degree,
Deftness, subs. See skill. nobility : P. and V.
Defunct, adj. See dead.
Defy, v. trans. Challenge : P. ?rpo- So'^d, 77. O/ A^A degree, adj. P. :

icaA.ur0ai. Hcwe wo /ear o/ : P. and V. ycvwuos, cvyewjs (Plat.), dJ-

and V. flapo-cTv (ace.). .Baj^ P. Sofos. Zrow; ^ree, subs.: P. and
and V. O^oAAeiV, P. KKpOVW. V. Svo-ycWia, r) (Plat.), $8o&a, 17, O/
Degenerate, adj. P. and V. ^ow decree, adj. P. 8oos, Ar. and :

KOLKtuv, P. KaraScecrrepos. V. Svo7v^, P. aad V. ^So/ct/Aos.

Ar. and P. 070^779. Degree of relationship, subs. Ar. :

Degenerate, v. intrans. P. and P. ayx10"71*"^ ^ (see Isae. 83),

li(rracr6ai diro/cXtVav, CTTI TO
t V. ayx>Tta, ra (Soph., ^wit. 174).
Deify, v. trans. Use P. Sat^ova
generate into inaction: P. owe cwt eio-^at (aco.). Be deified : P. Sa
TO paOvfjiew <x7TK/Uvev (Dem. 13). yi>eo-Au fPlat., Crai. 398B). 4
Degeneration, subs. Use P. 7rl T^ deifiedmortal : use adj., V. dv0po>-
Tro&afaw (Bur., 2?fcfi5.
Degradation, subs. Dishonour: P. Deign, v. intrans. P. and V.
and Y. aTt/xto, 17, SvovcXeia, ^ (Thuc., oiV (Soph. Aj. 1072), V.
Plat.), oyctSo?, TO', Ar. and V. TX^vat (2nd aor. . .

P. and V. atoxun/, 17, V. Deity, subs. P. and V. 0eos, 6, 8at>,a>j/,

;see ignominy. Baseness : 6 or ^. I%e (impersonally) : de%
P. and V. Trovrjpta, 17, P. and V. TO &LOV, P. 8at/xoVtov, TO.
Dej Del

Dejected, adj. P. and V. eWu/*os (Xen.,

iv (or mid.), frvociv (or
also Ar.), V. Svorflv/xos, KCIT^^S, P. 8ia/Joi;A.u(r0at, V. $paecr$ai.

Suo-^pwv, jSapvi/riJxos. -Be dejected : Deliberate, adj. Prudent: P. and

P. and V. ftOv/Jieiv,
V. BvcrOvfJ.lcr6au V. a-uxfrpwv, Ar. and P. <poYfyios.
P. <l0v/o5 (Xen.), Cautious Sfow ; P.
Dejectedly, adv. P.
8ucr^;/jwi)5 (Plat.).
and V. Intentional : P.
Dejection, subs. P. and V.
and V. 1/covVios see deliberately. ;

77, v<r6vp.ia., $ (Plat.), P.

Kcm Deliberate purpose, subs. P. vpo- :

(Thuc.). aipo-is, 77.

Delay, v. trans. Defer: P. and V. Deliberately, adv. Prudently: P. and

8.vapaX\c<r0ai (Eur., J.Zc. 526), cb V. <ro>^>poVa>9, Ar. and P.
av^ts aTroriOeo-Oai, P. 7T\tv (Thuo. Cautiously : P. and V.
5, 63), -7rapo)^t<rtfat. Hinder : P. SZoM% : P. /JpaSeos. 0ft purpose :
and V. Ka>A.*W, c^TroSt^ctv ;
see P. and V. eic
Trpoj/oias (Eur., JST. JF*.

598), P. /c

Delay, v. intrans. P. and V. fjLfvvs, co-icc/A/AO'tos, Ar. and P. c

OKVCW, xpovcfccw, <rj(oA,a^tv, rpf/Sew, TiyOCS, 2rtT?70S.

^7TYiv, ricr^etv, flpa$vviv (Plat., Deliberation, subs. P. and V.
PoZk 277s), P. Sia/xeUv, Ar. and 77, P. IWoux, 17, Ar. and V. <f>povrts,

P. Swrrpf^civ, V. icaTaor^oXa^etv. 7} (rare P.). Tata: P. and V. Xo'yoi,

Delay, subs. P. and Y. SiaTpi^ 77,
oL Caution: P. and V. evXdpcia,
TpTjSi;, 77, ^ovi7, 77, I8pa, 77, Forethought : P. and V. TrpdVoia,

rd, P. /jtcXA-^crts, 77, lirifjiovrj, 77, 7% P. 7rpo/A770eia, T/, V. irpofwjflta, 77.

o-yco-ts, 77, V. /AtAAw, ,7 (-Esoh.,
Slowness : P.
^paSvr^ff, 17.
1356). Hesitation : P. and Deliberative, adj. P. ^ouWiWs.
owes, 6. Postponement : P. and Delicacy, subs. Fastidiousness : P.
V. 3m/3oH V V. ^0X7}, T}. and V. rpiJ<H ^ d/?pdV77s, 7} (Plat.),
Delectable, adj. P. and V. repwos, X^-tSi}, ^ (Plat.). Effeminacy : P.
778^5, V. xapros (also Plat, but rare paXaitia, TJ. Fineness (of texture,
P.) ; see charming, delightful. etc.) P. Xcrrnmys, ^. Scruple : P.

Delectation, subs. Pleasure: P. and and V. ofcvos, 6 ; see scruple. Ten-

V. 75801/77, T). derness, softness : P. a^aXo-nys, 17
Delegate, subs. Commissioner P. (Plat.). Tact: P. ^ttarfpuina, ^.
oruyypo<^u9, 6. Ambassador : P. Fbafewess : P. and V. do-^cma, y
irpccr/3VTYJ<s 9 6, Ar. and V. irpecrftvs, rare V.), P. dppoxrrta, 17. Delicacies
6; pi., P. and V. wpccr^cts, o; see m eating) : P. ^Tra^tat, a! (Plat.,
ambassador 404D), P. and V. ot/r v, TO
Delegate, v. trans. Intrust : Ar. and
P. cTrtrpeTTCtv, P. Trwrrcvetv, eyxipicw9 Delicate, adj. Soft : Ar. and P,
V. to-xpt^tv. B*a7w2 ot>0r ; P. and juaAaico?, a?raXos, V. a/3p6s, repirpr,
V. TrapaStSoVat. Choose : P. and Ar. and V. /AoX^oK^?. Fastidious :
V. atpetor&u. Ar, and P. rpv^epo?. 50 delicate,
Embassy : Ar. fastidious, v. P. and V. rpv<ar,
Delegation, subs.

and P. 7rpor/?a, 77. V. tiftptivecrOai. Fine (of texture),

Delete, v. trans. P. Staypa^etv, P. adj.: P. and V. XCTTTO'S. Weafc :
and V. i&Xcfyew. P. and V. d<r^vi79. Be delicate,
Deleterious, adj. P. and V. v. P. and V. O.CT&W&V. :

pos, voo-o>8775, P. /SXaftepts, scruples, adj. : P. and V.

fjf/uciiS^s ; see harmful. Pretty, elegmt : P. and V.
Deliberate, v. intrans. P. and V. Tactful : Ar. and P.
P. and V.
Del Del

The matter is a delicate one : Ar. Delinquency, subs. P. and V. fi/xop-

TO Trpayfia KOfuf/ov (Thesm. 93). Tia, ^, ^StKLa, 17, aS&7)ULa, TO (Eur.,

Delicately, adv. Elegantly : Ar. Ion, 325), P. KOKovpyw., 17, V. cfct-

and P. icojw/ruis. Stepping delicately fwtpTta, ^, d/iTrXcEfc^jLLa, TO ; see SIW.
with milk-white foot : V. aftpbv Delinquent, subs. Use adj., P. and
jSaivovcra TraAAcvKO) ?ro6Y (Bur., Med. V. jcaKOupyos, V. Xcwpyos, or P. and
1164). Of health : P. dcrtevfo, V. part., 6 oStKoiv, 6 Spao-as.
(Sppoxnros. Tactfully : P. <iAxu/- Delirious, adj. P. and V.
0pd>7ra)s. .Hm
# v. : Ar. and V. TrapaureTrXrjyfjicvos \

P. viraivMnrcr0<u (ace.); see fowi.

Delicious, adj. P. and V. ^8&, Ar. Deliriously, adv. P.
and V. yXvKiis see delightful.
; Delirium, subs. See madness.
Delight, v. trans. P. and V. Deliver, v. trans. Free : P. and V.
veiv, rcpTTciv, Ar. and V. eA.e-u&pow, Xrtciv, axfrlcvai,
(-SBsoh., Eum. 253). Pteosa : P. (retv, ^KX-iJctv (or mid.), &rro\Uiv
and V. ttpGTKtv (dat. or ace.), Ar. (Eur., Or. 1236), cfcipcurftu, V.
and "V. dvSaveiv (dat.), V. Trpocromveiv, ^a7raAA,ao-o-tv. SeZp to cZeZwer :
Ar. 7rpoo-fco-0<u. Delight in : P. P. crweXeD^cpow (ace.)- Scwe : P.
and V. ^Seo-tfai (dat.), x<upiv (dat., and V. o~ci)^tv, c/co'cS^etv, Siaorco^ciVj
or rt, dat.), Tpirc<r9aL (dat.), cii- V. ptfco-tfai.
Deliver (a woman in
<poiv<r0<u (dat.), <ty<XXcGT0at, (dat.) child-birth) : Ar. and P. /jLaieuc<r0<u,

(rare P.). <3Zo# over: P. and V. V. Aoxvtv. 5^ delivered of, bring

yefrflbu, cV? (dat.) (Dem. 332, and forth : P. and V. riVmi/ (ace.), V.
Plat, but rare P.), cw^'pciv (dat.) ; Aoxeu<r0(u (acc.). J3aw^ oyer: P.
see gloat over. Delight in (doing and V. -jrapoSiSoW, iKStSovat ; see
a thing) : P. and V. ySccrOai (part.), surrender, intrust. Delwer (a let-
xacpciv (part.). ter) : P. and V. &ro8r8oW (Dem.
Delight, subs. P. and V. 178014 4, 915). I gave him letters to deliver
repots, x5p<,^,, V. to my son : P. In-ioroAas IStoK* aura>

(Plat, also but rare P.), a^reveyicetv r5 TratSt TW e/ia> (Dem.

Cheerfulness : P. and V. 909). Deliver (an attack) : P. and
^ (Xen.). Concretely, of a person : V. Trotcto-^ai. T^-e aWacfe was de-
V. xw** T4 X aPP 01"}> V- livered : P. 17 Trpoo-fioXri ty^ 67 - "

Delighted, adj. See pleased, joy- Deliver (a blow) : P. and V. StSovac,

ful. P. cKraVew. Deliver (aw opinion or
Delightful, adj. P. and V. ffis, judgment) : P. and V. ain4(uW0<u,
rcpirvos, V. xo-Pffa (^ B0 a *- ^u* ^ P. onrofaiKwa-Qai. Deliver (a speech):
rare P.), "^1781^, *<f/Apos, Ar. and P. and V. (Xoyov) iroietcrQai, Ar. and
Y.yXvAciis; see pleasant. Pleasing: P. Srjfjwjyopclv.
P. and V. apcoTds, Ar. and P. aya- Deliverance, subs, P. and V,
Charming : Ar. and P. ^, aTraAAayj}, ^, V.
P. evapi^ see ; TnJ, ^,
P. aTToX-UOri
17. Salvation : P. acid V.
Delightfully, adv. P. and V. ^8&*,
P. xo-piei/Tcos. Deliverer, subs. P. and V. oromjp, 6.
Delineate, v. trans. S%efc% m out- Fern., crtoTipa, f) (Plat.).
line : P. V7roypa^tv, Delivering, adj. V. Xvi^pio
see 2^m56. ptos. Saving : P. and V.
Delineation, subs. Sketch : P. Delivery, subs. Of a woman in child-
bed P. fuu'ewrts, 77 ; see child-bed.

17 ;
see Handing over : P. wapdioWis, 07. A
Del Dem
good delivery (in speaking) : P. for some particular purpose (as pun-
ishinent, torture, etc.) : P. 4 oireTv.
Dell, subs.P. and V. v&n?, ^ (Plat. : P. and V. emracrcrctv
and Xen. but rare P.), van-os, TO
(Xen. but rare P.), ayxos, (Xen. Demand, subs. Bequest : P.
but rare P.), Ar. and Y. yvoXo, T<. fj> atr^jtta, TO,
P. and Y.
Woodland dells ; Y. vaTraZat Claim : P. and Y. d MXTK,
a j,
P. 8tfcata>/Aa, TO, 8tKcuaxri9, ^. Need:
Delude; v. trans. Deceive : P. and P. and V. xP a ^- -^ ^fi^^w^, *w

V. ^Trarav, efcLTrarav, irapayciv, KXen-- request : V. 171^09.

TCIV, P. irapOLKpovevQaL, yo^Teuciv, Ar. v. P. and V. ;

and Y. SoXovv, V. Trapairaroy, Demarcation, subs. P. and Y. opos, 6.


; see cheat. Lead astray : Demean (oneself), v. Behave : P.

P. and Y. TrXavav. Jfocfc, and Y. -Trpoo-^tv eavrbV (with adj.).
P. and V. Condescend: P. ovym&erai.
Deluge, Subs. P. KaraKXvcr/JLOS, 6, Demeanour, subs. Manners : P.
% ; see flood. and V. TpoVos, 6, or pL, 0os, TO, or
Deluge, v. trans. P. icarajcXu&iv. pi. Conduct^ action: P. and Y.
Met., P. and Y. KaTajcXveu/ ; see
ov&rwhelm. Having deluged our Demented, adj. P, and Y.
ears with a continuous stream of TQS, /JWtviooSj Ar. and P.
talk : P. -ffp.Qv fcaravrXiJo-as Kara TWV /ASVIKO'S, Y. /jL/x,avi75 (Plat,
also but
o>ra>v aflpoov icac TroXijv TOV Xdyov rare P.), Ar. and V. n-opa7T?rXi7y-
(Plat. Rep. 344D). Hawing
, my ears /tei/o? ; see mad.

deluged with talk: P. 8 Demesne, subs. Sacred enclosure :

fjitvog TO, &TO, (Plat., Hep. 358o), P. and Y. W/*vo9, TO, SXcros, T^
Delusion, subs. P. and V. TrXav? (Plat.), Y. 017*05, 6, oTjjceo/wr, TO ; see
see mistake.
Delusive, adj. P. A-n-ar^Aos, Y. Kpro-
/AOS. False : P. and Y. Demigod, subs. Ar. and P.
Empty : P. and' Y. jcoxfe,
6 (Plat.). Hero : P. and V. ftxos, o.
Demise, subs. P. and V., 6 ;
see death.
Delve, v. trans. P. and V. Demise, v. trans. Bequeath : Ar.
and P. /caToXcMrw, P. 8m0<r0ai,
Demagogic, adj. Ar. Y. X^TIV (Eur., ^Zc. 688).
Y - demagogic Democracy, subs. Ar. and P.
arts, v. : P. S^ftayoxyctv (ace.) (Dem. Put &MW& democracy
98). icaraXiJciv.

Demagogue, subs. P. S^yopos, 6, Democratic, adj. Ar. and P.

Demand, v. trans. Ask for
P. and : adv.
Y. atTctv (or
mid.), faairelv, democratically, v. Ar. and :

(or mid.). P.
JBegiwre ;
and V. 8<r0ai (gen.). Gloom ; P. Demolish, v. trans. P. and V.
(gen.), Ar.
and P. pclv, /caTao"/ca7TTctv, avaTpen-ccv.
irpo<nroiur0(u ^-cc. or gen.) ; see to eZerwoZwfe : P. and V.
claim, exact. Withinfin. following: o-JcaTTTfiiv
P. and V. dfiow (infin.), Demolition, subs. P. and V.
Demand 17 (Lys.), P. ica^aipecris,
back : P. and V. &raiTiv. Demand 17. ,

Dem Den

Demon, subs.P. and V. ScLipw, 6, Demurely, adv. P.

P. Sat/idvtov, Evil spirit: P.
TO, (Xen.).
and "V. K&KOS Sot/Aw, 6. Be possessed Demureness, subs. P. and V. atSo>?,
by a demon, v. P. and "V. Sat/^ovav

(Xen.), kvBovcrioy, P. v0owiatv Demurrer, subs. P.

(Plat.). 2V&e <fomow o/ revenge,
subs. use V. 'EpZvffe, 17.
Den, subs. P. o-TnyXatov, TO' (Plat.),
Demoniac, subs. Inspired person : Ar. and V. avrpw, TO, V. <rrjKo^, 6,
use P. and V., adj., cvflcos. doXa/jcat, at, Xe^os, TO
Demonstrate, v. trans. P. and V. 1224). Hiding-place: V.

Ar. and Denial, subs. P. (Plat.),

P. &ro<<ui/iv. Bring home, prove : ?, 17 (Plat.), P. and V.
P. and V. IXyX iv, teWy**** fj. Eefusal : P. and V. <0oVos, 6,
Demonstration, subs. Proo/, V. <i>66v7i<ri?, fj (Soph., Trocfe. 1212).
P. and V. <rqfJLLQV, TO, TKfjrfpLOV, TO, Denizen, subs. P. and V. olKJT&p,
a, TO, P. Showing : 6, ei/ot/co?, 6 or 17 see inhabitant. ;

P. aTToSei&s, 77 Display, show ; Denominate, v. trans. P. and V.

Ar. and P. fefficifc, 17, Tfes* : P. see caZZ.
and V. SXeyxos, o. Ma&e a (?iavaZ Denote, v. trans. Mea^i, signify :
or military) demonstration : P. Ar. and P. voeu/, P. o-^/iatVctv,
MSeii' Troiicr0cu (Thuc. 3, 16). /3oi;X<r^at, ^povtv (Thuc. 5, 85) ;

Demonstrative, adj. Enthusiastic : see raeaw. ST&ow : P. and V. ony-

P. and V. 7rpo'0i3/>s. Excitable :

P. o-<o8pos- see Portend : P. and V.

Demonstratively, adv. Enthusi- (Eur., JE/J. 829),
astically P. and : V. V. 7rpo<atVv, Trpoo^/jtatVetv.
Excitably: P. Denounce, v. trans. P. and V.
Demonstrativeness, subs. Enthu- v (gen. of person, ace. of
siasm : P. and V. irpoOvfjiia, thing), V. KttTau8av (absoL) ; see
Excitability P. o-^oSponjs, 77.
: accuse. Inform against: P. KO,TO>

Demoralisation, subs. Corruption pyvveiv (gen ), &$iKvvvai (ace.)

P. and V. 8ia<0opa, 77. (Dem. 126) see mform. Denounce

produced : P. and V. -n- one person to another : P. Karenreiv

Ka/oy, Ar. and P. Kanta,
^ (TIVOS Trpos Ttva) (Plat.). Blame : P.
and Y. ju,//,<<r0ai (aco. or dat.),
Demoralise, v. trans. Corrupt: P. i/rey6v. Threaten : P. and V. aim-
and V. 8ta<0tpeiv, XiJ/x<uVecr0ai (ace. Xctv. De?iow?zc6 as, call by way of
or dat.) corrupt.
; seeBecome abuse : P. and V. aTro/caXetv (aco.).
demoralised (of troops, etc.), Dense, adj. P. and V. TTWCVOS.
the cowara : P. //^xXouct^ovou, Crowded together : P. and V.
,cav, P. and V. KaKL^crOaL i see aflpo'os. Dull (of intellect) P. :

and V. v<o0T7s, o*/caioV &n<i6'rj$, S^vijs,

Demoralising, adj. P. and V. P. dvatV077T05 ;
see <fc*K.

<opos see harmful.

Densely, adv. Iw crowds: use adj.,
Demur, v. intrans. P. and V. P. and V. ITUKVOS, d0poos. Densely
see hesitate. populated, adj. : P.
Demur, subs. P. and V. OKVOS, 6 ; see Ar. iroXvofvo)/).
hesitation. Denseness, subs. Ar.andP,^
Demure, adj. P. 77. Dulness: P. vo>0a, 77 (Plat!),
(Xen.). avaicrBrfcria, >), P. and Y.
Den Dep
Density, subs. Ar. and P. j
/ie^tOTacr^ac, an
see denseness.
; rtxv, Ar. and V.
Dent, subs. Use P. and V. (rare P. in lit.
V. xdpaypa, TO. Gut : P. Tju^/i-a, TO. (rare P. in lit. sense), P. diro/<o-
Dent, v. trans. Use P. and V. Depart beforehand : P.
o-Ktv, V. xapacrcrew* f ^_&u. Depart with an-
Denude, v. trans. P. and V. : P. o-vvaTTicvcu (absol.). Have
Iprjuiovv, e&pTjfJLOvv, P. if/tXdvv, Ar. departed, be gone : P. and V.
and V. aTToi/rlXow, e/cKevoui/ (Plat.
also but rare P.). Denuded of, Ar. and V, Sioixco-flai (Plat, also
adj. P. and V. yu/zvos (gen.), *vds
: but rare P.) Depart from (a course

(gen.), ep^os (gen.), P. </uAo's (gen.). of action : P. and V. ^t'crrao-^at

Denunciation, subs. Accusation : (gen.), e&Vrao-tfai (gen.), V. ea<icrra-
P. KcmTyopio, ^, JcaTTyyopiy/wi, TO, P. o-0ai (gen.). Depart from life : P.
and V. ama, ij, ama/a, TO, ey/cA^/ia,
TO, V. iri/cA.i7/Aa,
TO. driving of /Qibv (or omit /3tW); see A0. !To

information : P. /w}wo-cs, 17. Blame: ^ave departed from life ; P. and V.

P. and V. jue/w/rife, 17, i/royos, 6, Ar. and dtxccrQai. The departed, subs. : P.
V. /Ao^Ty, ^ see &Za?w0. ; Threat : ol /carot^o/Aevot ; see dead.
P. and V. fomAi;, 17, V. Department, subs. Part, division: P.
and V. /*epos, TO. Sphere of action :
Deny, v. trans, or absol. P. and V. P. and Y. Tal$, ^, P. -n-poatpco-t?, 17
(Dem. 245) ; see function.
Departure, subs. P. and V. ^oSos,
), Ar,
and P. 2apvos *i/ai (aco. ?7,
P. aTroxwp^crts, ^, New depa/rt-
or asol.). Say wo : P. and V. ure, something new : P. and V.
ov icatvov Tt. A departure from, change

Deny on oath : P. and V. &fro/x,viWt, from : P. and V. /xerajSoAo}, ^ (gen.),

cgo/jLvtivcu (or mid.). Disown : P. fceraaracris, ^ (gen.).
and V. &irnrW, &7raiovv (Eur., JSfZ. Depend, v. intrans. J5Ta?j^ ; P, and V.
256), $,vaive<r6at (Dem. but rare P.), KpefJiacrOat, dpTO<r0ai, ata>pto^at. jDe-
V. owreuxj-ftu (JSsch., .Sww. 608). pencu on met., P. and Y c^oipTCMTvat
.* .

Grudge, refuse : P. and V. ^Ooveiv (gen., or &, gen.), avaKuorOai (P.

(gen., V. also ace.). Surely the cts, ace. or erri, dat., V. dat. aloneV

javrest of women. Who will deny clvac ev (dat.), P. avapracrOaL K (gen.),

it ? V. OVK dpicro? ; T& 8
s 8*

dpracrOaL IK (gen.), V. Kclo-Oai &

evavrioiorercM (Eur., .4.Z0. 152). None (dat.). You depend on one witness :

-of these things a/re denied by me : P. crv 8* ivl cndjirrct, ftaprvpt (Dem.
V. tyol Sfi TOimDV OvSei/ O~T* OpV^OU/X-OV 915). As few as depends on : use
,(Boph., Phil. 74). io, I stretch P. and V. /6/ca
(gen.) pern. 32).
jorth (my hand), and nothing shall Dependant, subs. Client : P. TrcAarq?,
be denied (i.e., refused) : V. i8ov 6 (Plat.), Servant : P. and V.
7rpOTH/(D, xouSev avrcip^o-erai (Soph., S-n^pcr^s, 6, OIKTYI$, 6. Subject :

Track. 1184). 3%e sfe^p S%OM aie use adj., P. and V. fonj/coos.
2/ow a?w8 sT&aZJ woi &0 denied (i.e.,
Dependence, subs. ae o/ subor-
refused) : V. ij vavs yap 5fct /COVK dination : Ar. and P. ft-n^pco-ia, <5.

aTrapvyOycreTai (Soph., Phil. 527). Slavery : P. and V, 8ou\ta, ^.

Inclined to deny : use adj., Ar. Trust : P. and V. mcrris, %. Beduce
to dependence, v. P. and V. Kara- :

Depart, v. intrans. P. and V. p- X^povcrBdL, P. vfi eai;T

Dep Dep

Dependent, adj. Subject to the power Deportation, subs. P. and V.

of awy one : P. and V. vmy/coos <rra<ris, 17, P. c&xycuy^, ^.

(gen. or dat.), &roWpios (dat.), V. Deportment, subs. P. and V.

Xtp>s (dat.) Liable to give accoimt
. 6, or pi.,
to : P. and V. wreu'tfwos (dat.) (Dem. Depose, v. trans. P, and V.
306). Subject (of states) P. and Ar. and P. /caraVaiW,

V. fonj/coos, P. virareXys. Make one Depose from : use verbs given -with
thing dependent on another : P. gen., also P. and V. oc/3aAA./ c*
aVOLKptfJULVVVVCU Tl K TiVOS (Plat., JOW, (gen.), P. -n-apaAvW (gen.). Depose
53 GA). We must leave this depend- (by voting) : P. airox&>porovw (ace.).
ent on the gods : V. dAA* fe Qeovs Is he deposed from his throne by
Xpvj ravr" avapnrjcravT e^eiv (Bur., his wife ? y Trpos Sa^apros ^avtorarac.
Phoen. 705). P oW;
(fflsoh., P. 7. 767). V.
Depict, v. trans.
ypa<tti', Ar.
Describe : P.
and P.
and V.
: P. and V.

t&ytLcrQat, Deposit, subs.

CWoe evidence

At a bank : P.
: P. and


StepxecrOat, Ar. and P.

irtepx*<rQ<u>, KaTa0i7*o7, 17. Mortgage :P. i
SoTycicr&u, 8pxr0at ; see describe. 17. Ca^OTi-TTWWfiT/ : Ar. and P.
Deplete, v. trans. P. and V. <9eVTs,
P. dppaySdiv, 6. Money paid
into court before an action : P.
Deplorable, adj. P. and V. irapaxara/JoA^, ^, Ar. TrpVTavcta, ra.
0A>s see miserable.
; Pa^ a deposit into court, v. : P.
adv. P. and V, vapa.KaTaj3a.XXcw. Deposit brought
a0Acus ; see miserably. down by a rvver, subs. P. irpoo--

Deplore, v. trans. Begret 9 be sorry XCOCTIS, The river being large is


for : P. xoACT-ois <l>cpLv (ace.), Ar. always forming deposits : P. /teyas

and P. xoXcTraiVciv (dat.), V, a>v 6 Trorafto? Trpocr^ot a6
(Thuc. 2,
(ace.), Sucr^opciv (dat,). 102).
P. and V. oStipecr^ai, cfrro-
Deposit, v. trans. Ar. and P.
8vpecr$cu, ircvOew, Qprjvtw, aVo/cAav riOcvai (or mid.), P.
(or mid.) ; see bewail. Deposit with : P. icaTaTt0frai (or
Deploy, V. trans. P. srapareiWv (Thuc. mid.) (ets, ace., or Trapa, dat.).
8, 104), l&XiWeiv (Xen.), P. and V. Place : P. and V. rt^evat ;
KT/*v (Xen.). V. intrans. P. jpZacd.
cm <oAayyos KofiurnurOai, (Xen.). Deposition, subs. Putting down:
March out : P. and Y. P. /caraAva-w, 17.
Evidence : Ar.
Depopulate, v. trans. P. and V. and P. /MLprvpia, f) 9
V. jMLpripia, ra.
l&vi.<rrivajL (Dem. 208), ivurrctvat, Sworn evidence : P. SuyMxrla, ij.
V. !owc#o/ (Eur., JBec. 887). Jkfa^6 a deposition, v.
P. SiopwcrOau :

solate : P. and V. e/oi Declaration before a magistrate:

/cevow, Ar. and V. (also
Plat, but rare P.). Depositor, subs. 4 a Jawfc : 'use
Depopulated, adj. P. and V. <$?<- Jr. 6 ^ets. 2b write down a de-
trraTos, pvjfJt-o3 9 V. &avSpos, Kci/avSpo?, positor's name: rov foVros
Deopulation, subs. P. and V. (Dem. 1236).
5i/aoTacr i9, o/ P. Depository, subs. P. avo6^ 9 $.
V. Deprave, v. trans. P. and V. Sia-
Deport, v. trans. Remove from one /, \iifjLaCvccrOai (ace. or dat.),
country to another: P. and V.
Deport oneself : see 60- Depraved, adj. P. &e<0ap/i,ei/o$, P,
hcwe. and V. /coxes, irov?7pos,
Dep Der

os, <ftoivXo's't see wicked. Un- (Ttva TU/OS, or ace. of thing

worthy : P. and V. dvotos. if
standing alone), orcpctv (TtvaTtvos),
Depravity, subs. P. and Y. iroyqpui, OTcptcr/cctv (TIVCL TLVOS), criJXav (Ttva
17, /Co/a?, ^, Travovpyi'a, ^, Ar. and P. Tt), awoo-uAai/ (TIVCL Tt), V. a7roo*Tepi-
KttKiO, ^, fLOX&ftMa, ^, P. KaKOTTJS, f}. CP/CCIV (Ttva Ttvoj), voo-<jbrat (1st aor.
Deprecate, v. trans. P. and V. i/oo-^t^civ) (Ttva Tivos), voa-fo&crOcu,
TrapCLireia'QaL, IfoATCurOat. Forbid : (TWO. TWOS), ,irovo<r<t>(civ (TLVO. Ttvos),
P. and V. aTrewmv, owe av. Pray epy/tow (TLVOL Ttvos) (rare P.), Ar.

against: P. and V.
faevxecrQai (aoc.).
and V. cwroi/oXow (Ttva TIVOS). Help
Deprecating, adj. SuppUant : V. t*c- (a person) in depriving : P. owa-
crios, iKnJpios ; see suppliant. Hum- TTocrrcpcTv (nvoi TWOS with dat. of the
ble : P. and V. TCWTOVO'S. person helped). Be deprived of :
Deprecatingly, adv. Humbly : P. use also P. and V. orrepeo-0ai (gen ,)
ahroXeiirco-QaL (gen.), V. nrjTacrQai
Deprecation, subs. P. TrapcuTT/o-ts, 17. (gen.). Be deprived of in addition :
Deprecatory, adj. See deprecating. P. 7rpoorflwrooTepto-0ai (gen.). J9fi*

Depreciate, v. trans. Bun down: prived of : P. and V. epfyxos (gen.),

P. and V, Sta/fctAAciv, P. Sta<rupiv. icvos (gen.), ftfjioipos (gen.) (Plat.),
2/W /a^Z with : P. V. a/tyw>pos (gen.).
Wear out : Ar. and P. Depriver, subs. P.
V. intrans. P. Kara- Depth, subs. P. and V. /3d9o?, TO.
see also degenerate. depths of the sea : Ar. and V.
Depreciation, subs. Abuse : P. and 6. Met., ^epi/z- of woe: V,
V. 810^0X07, ^. Self-depreciation : /caKciv. Depth of mind: P.
P. KaTdfJLffMJfLs eavTov, 17. Theaet. 183B).
/3<0os, TO' (Plat., In
tear : P. &7rorpL^, 17. ifeedepths of the earth : V. / jabots
Depredation subs. P. and V.
, X^ovos. To sink to suck a depth of :
^ P. XfloWo, ^, P. and V. ts TOO-OUTO ^/cctv (gen.).
Depredator, subs. P. and V. "PTw^om ; P. and V.
o, V. Trop&jTwp, 6, <r5A.^T(i>p, 6, e)c- o-is, ^, TO <riJi/ToV. o/ one's
depth : met., P. j (Plat.,
Depress, v. trans, j&fa&e dejectedP. : Euthyd. 277o).
KaTaTrXiJorcrecy. Depress the balance themselves all in lines of the same
of the scale : V. raXavra ^pttrai : P. em j8<0os era^avro ov
(-ffiSsch., Pers. 346) ; see weigh down. 7ravTs o/iotws (Thuo. 5, 68).
Depressed, adj. P. and V. #0iyw>s Deputation, subs. Embassy : Ar.
(Xen.), V. Su<r0i5/4o$, Karqffrrjs, Svtr- and P. irpcrpia9 ^. To a festival :
^ptov. 5e dep-fi5505, v. : P. and P. 0o>pt'a, ^.
V. aOvfjieiv, Bv(r6vfJLl<rOaL. Depute, v. trans. Choose: P.andV.
Depression, subs. P. and V. &6v/j.Ca, Iw^riwi ; Ar. and P.
y, ^va-OufJLLa, y (Plat.), P. Kanfacia, ^ see intrust. Send: P.
(Thuc.). Depression between hills : V. TTfJLTTLV 666 S87W&. ',

use P. and V. TO /cotXov ; see valley. Deputy, subs. Ambassador : P.

Deprivation, subs. Abeing Trpecrficvrqs, 6, Ar. and V. -rrpccr^vs,
]?. or^oiyo-is, ^, aTTocrrcpTyorfc?, 17, V. TO 6 pi., P. and V. wpeo-^cts, oL Envoy

Taking away: P. a^ot- to represent a state at a festival :

17, irapatpco-iff, 17. Deprivation P. and V. fotopo's, 6. Commissioner :

of food : P. and V. Xt//,o's, 6, V. P. orvyypa<^vs, 6, P. and V. -jrpo-
(to-ma, 17. ,
6. Vice-regent : P. and V.
v. trans. P. and V. o (Xen.),
Deprive, ,

(TIVL rt), &<f>aipLcr6aL (nvd TI), Derange, v. trans. P. and V,

Der Des

o-iv, o-wropcwnmv, orvy^lv. Derange Descend, v. intrans. Ar. and P.

(the mind) : P. and Y. icaTaj&ttviv> P. and V.
Ar. and V, KaO^iv (Soph., .

Deranged, adj. P. and V. jPaM : P. and Y.

/AavwoSijs, P. l/c<jE>pa)v,
Ar. and P. (Eur., Cycl.), Ar, and P.
Y. ^n/wiv^s
iropairX'tyf, JULCLVLKOS, I)escewd io, sioqp io : P. cr
also but rare P.), Ar. and V. (dat.) ; soQcondescend. Bedescended
7rrXi7y/j,evo$ ; see mad. from : P. and V. yCyvtcrOan IK (gen.)
Derangement, subs. P. rapa or &TO (gen.), Trc^ii/cci/at CK (gen.) or
dTafta, ^, V. Tapay/>s, 6, rapay/xa, &ro (gen.), or in Y. gen. alone.
T<$. Mental derangement: P. and Descendant, subs. P. and Y.
V. /Jiavta, ^, TO /xaviwScs, Ar, and P. 6 or T), P. cwroyovos, 6 or ^, Y.
^, cnrep/wt, TO (rare P.), oiropa, 17 ;

Derelict, Derelict ships : use

adj. see c/j^. Descendants, posterity :

V. vavTt/ca ^peuna, Ta. P. and Y. OL IwctT

Dereliction, subs. Neglect : P. dp,e'X- V. -UCTTCpOt, Ot, /JL6v<TTpOi, Ot,
eta, 17. Ttt, Ot ^TTtb-TTOpOt.

Deride, v. trans. Descent, subs. Coming down

P. and V.
(err)?,dat., or dat. alone), Ka7_, doww : P. /caTaySao-w, ^. Declivity :
(gen.), crK<o7rr4v (Eur., CtycZ. 675) P. and V. Xo^os, 6, Y. KXtT&, ^.
(absol.), Ar. and P. xXcuo&iv (ace.), Precipice : P. and V. Kp^jtwos, 6.
(aCC.), P. and Y. e(VoX^, 17. By
SiaycXav (ace.) see mock. ; P. iTTwrXo-ug, 6. Landing : P.
Derider, subs. Y. ycXocmfc, o, eyye- o-is, 17. -4 dfisce^^ on ^7ie coasi :

Xcwmjs, 6. P. dTr^ao-t? TTJS yfc (Thuc.

Derision, subs. P. and V. ycXws, 6, Maie a descent on, v. aTro/fao-iv

KttTayeXws, 6, Y. KepTO^o-is, ^, P. 7roietcr0<u ts (ace.). Lineage, subs. :

^Xevoo-ia, 17, ^Xcuao-/Aos, 6. P. and V. ycVos, TO', yemt, ^ (Eur.
Derisive, adj. V. Plat., Ar.), Y.
Mprofjuojs. J^ra^.,
Derivation, subs. Origin : P. and TO, cnropjj ^, o-Wp/jLa, TO.
Describe, v. trans. Trace
Derive, v. trans. P. and Y. Xa//,/Jctvii>. Ar. and P. Trcptypa^ctv. Narrate:
Derive froin P. and Y. A.a/u/3aviv
.* P. and V. Xeyctv, ^ycto-tfat, Step^e-
(gen.). Derive (profit, etc.) : P. cr^at, <j()pa^tv,7r^pxor^at, Ar and P.
and V. kafJL^dviv9 KTaurtiai, ^^o-Oai o-^at, V. K<pactv ;
Attribute to : P. and V. (li/a^pciv history of : P.

(dat. or 15, ace.). J5e derived from, .Nb one c<mZ5

spring from : P. and V. 6p/zao-$at adequately describe the misery of
(gen.). Of revenues, etc. : P. their present plight there : P. o8*
ytyvcr0ai e/c
(gen.). v cts SwatT* tyiK(rO<u To> Xoya> TO>V
Derived, adj. Of a name formed licL Ka/caiv vw ovrcov (Dem. 361).
from another name P. Trapcoi/iuitios, Description, subs. P. St^o-ts, y,
St^o8os, ^ (Plat.). Story, narrative :
Derogate from, v. Detract from : P. and V. Xdyos, 6, /x^os, 6 (Plat),
P. eXa<ro*ow (gen.). V. atvos, 6. Report : P. d^rayycXta,
Derogatory, adj. P. and Y. &/o>s. 17. Beyond description : use P.
Descant, v. intrans. Talk : Ar. and and V. KpctWcoi/ Xoyov. ffiwd ; P.
P. 8ioX'yor0ai. Descant on, repeat and V. yo/os, TO ; see kmd.
over (md over : P. and V. Descry, v. trans. See see.
(ace.), 0pvXetv, (ace.), V. Desecrate, v. trans. P. and Y. /u<u-
(ace.). vctv, Y. K-qXiSovv,
Des Des

(alao Plat, but rare P.). Disgrace :

Deservedly, adv. P. and V. "

P. and V. ol<r)(6vLv, V. -3TO^tO)S, KOLTO&W J"ZASti^


P. .'

and V. 8iK<uw5.
Desecrater, subs. Y. /jiuorTu>p, 6, P. Deserving, adj. P. and V. a,o;
and Y. Xi;/*o>v, 6. see ^rood. Deserving of: P. and
Desecration, subs. P. and V. /uW/Jio, V. <5&os (gen.), &rdto9 (gen.) (Plat.),
TO, #yos, TO (Thuc. 2, 13), V. /uVos, V. /coracles (gen.).
TO',XV/M, TO ; see sacrilege. Design, subs. Plan : P. and V.
Desert, v. trans. Quit: P.andY.Xci- fiovXcvfm, TO, ftovXy, ?;,
v, KaToXewmv, aTroXewrcn/, iKXeiVciv, evi/ota, 17 (Plat.), Ar. and
Sew (Plat, but rare P. Stavoto, 17. Grafty design : P.
P.)> , cicXi/ATramv. Leave and V. o-o^icrjua, TO, /A^^v^/xa, TO,
in the Lurch P. and V. Xeurctv, SdXos, 6 (rare P.), V. Te^nj, ^, TCX^/JUI,
, TrpoStSoVai, TO' ; see ^n'cA;. Cresf : see crest.
(gen.) (Plat.), Ar. Purpose, policy : P. 7rpoaipr, ^.
and P. TTpoZevcu, (or mid.). Leave Owi^Tie : P VTroypa^TJ, ^ 5 TrcptYpot^,
empty : P. and V. KCVOW, ^, TU7T05, 6. jB^resewiaiiow, picture :
Desert one's post : P. TO& P. and V. yp^i PtoJ : P.

V. Tau> Iprjjjiow. Y. intrans. crt^ouX-jJ, ^, cTrijSo-uXeu/jia, TO.

Ar. and P. avTo/AoAeZv, &ro- desiqns on, v. : P. and V.
av, P. aTravroftoXctv.
Desert (dat.). Impression: P. and
to, go over to (an enemy) : P. Y. T&TOS, 6. ulterior designs :

fj,0L<rra<rOat vrapa (ace.) (Thuc. 1,

107). Design, v. trans. Sketch in outline :
Desert, adj. P. and V. cp Contrive: P. and
Desert, subs. P. and V. Y. TCKTatvco-tfai,
Desert, subs. TT/iai owe deserves : <rQai, P. Ar.
use P. and V. A#o, .Mieei one's .and Y.
deserts : P. and V. 5ia vdo-xeiv, Y. Designate, v. trans. Appoint : P.
Tuyxdveiv a^iW Or TWV 7raiW KiSpctv, and Y. KaOurrdvau. ; see appoint.
Ar. r^s d^ta? ruyx^mi/. Beyond Gall : P. and Y. /caXctv, 6vo/x,aeiv ;
one's deserts : P. ?rapa T^V (i|iav, P. see call.
and V. According Designation, subs.
^tav. Appointment :
to one's deserts : P. and V.
P. and Y. KaT<i<rrao-ts, y. Name :
P. and Y. ovo^, TO, P. irpo<nr/opta,
Deserted, adj. P. and V.
see empty. Designedly, adv. P. and V. IK Trpo-
(Eur., H.

Deserter, subs. P. o&To/>Xo9, 6. 598), Ar. and P. .

Desertion, subs. Running away : P. >,p.r

avrojULoXLo, %. Desertion from the
army : P. XwroTa&'a, , Designing, adj. P. cirt/SovXos, V.
Abandonment : P, cbrdXew/us, .
Betrayal: P. and V. irpoSocna, Desirable, adj. P. and V. aiperd*
(^Isoh., Frag.). Pleasant : P. and
Deserve, v. trans. P. and V. Y. i^SiSs. Desired : P. and V. Trofevo's
lvai (gen.). Y. intrans. With in- (rare P.), CUKTOS (rare P.).
fin. : P. and Y. Sffcaio? tvat (infin.), Desire, v. trans. P. and V.
n. (gen.), (gen.),
(Plat.). feen.), V. (gen.),
Deserved, adj. P. and V. (
Jt65i: P, and V.
Des Des

and V. iroOw (ace.), Ar. and V. Empty of men V. : i

t/Acipco/ (gen.), V. fytet/><r0ai (gen.). Lonely (of persons) : P.

Be enamoured of: P. and V. epav and V. /xoi/09, epijfios, V. otos,

(gen.), Ar. and V. ZpacrOai (gen.).

Seek : P. Desire Desolate, v. trans. P. and V.
and V. t^r^lv.
ardently: P. yXixo-0<u fe en -)- ^- e&prjfjLovv. Lay waste : P. and V,
intrans. Also with infin, p. and Syovv, TTop^etv, iKiropOsw, repveiv ; See

V. 7rlOvfjLLVy tyitcr&ai, ftovXccrOai, devastate.

opeyco-ftu, Ar. and P. M&av, V. Desolation, subs, P. and V.
tfAipLV, i/Actpeo-dcu, wo0/, cpav, 2pa- T;.
Z)acft O/ wett : P.
crQai, irpoo'XPO&Wy Ar. and V. /xcvowav ^, V. /cevavSpta,

(Eur., OycZ, 448), Q&.W, XPU&V Despair, subs. P.

(rare Desire ardently
P.). lessness : P. and V. aa-opia, 17.
infin.) P. yXtWflcu.
: Seek (with Despondency : P. and V. 20v/ua ^, y

infin.) P. and : V. r)rv. BytrfapuL, i) (Plat.). Despair of: P.

Desire, subs. P. and V. Mfc/Mo, y. aTro'yvota, ^ (gen.). io despair, Dr^e
Bequest: P. and 7. xp a 4- ^ ot?e : V. : P. cis aTToVoiav /ca&orcti/ai, d^v-
P. and V. 2po>s, 6, Tro'tfos, 6 (Plat, ftiJo-aL iroictv. Despair argues a
but rare P.), fyucpos, o (Plat, but rare *GOWWrd : V. TO 8' aTropeiv dv8p05
P.). Desire of: P. and V. eirifafua, fcafcov (Eur,, H. j?. 106). Be in
.), Ipws, 6 (rare P.) (gen.), despair : P. dj/eXrricmos ^iv.
iro'005, 6 (rare P.) (gen.). Despair, v. intrans. P. dTroytyyworKciv.
Desired, adj. P. and V. jBe ajf a loss : P. and V. airopew, V.
(rare P.), eWo's (rare P.), V. ^fjLrjxavelv (rare P.). Despond: P %

17X05. and V. &6vfjiLv. Despair of (persons

Desirer, subs. P. etnOvp^ri^ 6. or things) ; P. dwoytyj/aio-/civ (ace.),
Lover : P. and V. cpatmfc, 6. Despaired o/, hopelessly debased :
Desirous, adj. Be desirous, v. use P. dflWi/oT7/ii>os.
Despairing of
desire. Desirous of honou/r, adj. safety : V. o-co-nyptas SvcXTTis.

P. and V. <#XoVl//,os. Desirous of Despairing, adj. P. and V. %u>s

money : P. ^tXoxpiJ/xaTos. (Xen.), V. ova-Bvfjio^ Hopeless : P.
Desist, v. intrans. P. and V. iravecrOat., oWXTTwrros. Helpless : P. and V.
ftvoflravearQcu, e/eXeiTrciv, Xyycw (Plat.), &ropos, V. ^x^vos (rare P.).
Ar. and P. feaTcwmvco'^cu, P. Despairingly, adv. P. dWfwus (Xen.),
(Plat.), V. lK\LJJivdvlV SVO-OVIMS (Plat.).
9 Hopelessly: P.
from : P. and V.
dvX7iwr<u9. Helplessly : P. and
2i/airave<r0<u (gen.), X^yctv V. CtTTOpCOS.

i.) (Plat.), ttyfewu (acc. or gen. Despatch, v. trans P. and V. Tr^twctv,

(gen.), aTT^eo-Oai (gen. , CMroo"TXXeiv, Ar. and P.
(gen.), P. dTroXijyctv (gen. Ar. and V. tei/<u, V.
V. TrcLplwcLL (acc.), ft0wrroo-0at (gen. , toXXctv; see
Desist from (domg a thing) ; P, and CUte : P. and V.
V. 7raveo-0at (part.), Xijyav (part.)
(Plat.), V. e/cXi/rrraveLV (part.), ^/cXi}- see : P.
yew/ (part.), ^vlci/at (part.)- V. ttVoXtCTKCtV,
Desist, interj. See stop. vew, P. 8ta^pT}o"^ai ; see
Desk, subs. P. ftdOpov, TO'. Despatch, subs. Sending : P.
Desolate, adj. Of places, etc. P. :

and V, c*p??/40?, aj/aonraTOS. C/TtiTi-

Sjpwd; P. and V.
habited : P. doCicrjTos. Inhospitable : TO. Carrying on
V. iyiTW ^7rav0pa)7ros, P. and V.
(of business, etc.) P. and V. : >,

Des Des
. Document : P. and V. ,
ij (Plat.),
; see letter. Despatch in cipher :
(Plat.), OLKt<rfJLa, TO', P. atKto-fcos, 6.
P. -- 2Veai despitefully,
Despitefully, adv.
Desperado, subs. Use P. and V. V. : P. and V. aticieo-0<u, Av/uW0ai
6, Ar. and P. (aCC. or dat.), \^aarOa.L (Plat.),
vftpi&w (acc. or acc.). ,

Desperate, adj. Hopeless: P, Despoil, v. trans. See rob, plunder.

irtoros. Impossible to deal with :
Despoil the dead of arms : P. and
P. and V. #iropos, V. ^/tifcavos (rare V. O~Kl;A.T;lV.

P.). Of persons
P. aTrovcvo^cVos ; Despoiler, subs. See devastator, rob-

see despairing. Precarious : P. ber.

7riKiv8uvos, e?rMr<aA.T7s. Incurable : Despond, v. Intrans. P. and V. atfu-
P. and V. aviyKcoTo?, V. Svo-^Xos ; p.iv9 V. Sva-Qv/jLela-OaL 9 Q&Q despair.

see incurable. Fierce, obstinate : Despondency, subs. P. and V.

P. to-xvpos. .Be m
desperate straits, 8.fcp.ia, 77, SvrQvfua, jj (Plat.), P.
v. P. dwropa>s oWciortfcu. Desperate
KaTi^aa, TJ (Thuo.) ; see despair.
$ttwte, subs. : P. and V. feopov, TO, Despondent, adj. P. and V. d0u/>s
or pi., V. aju^x^vov, T<, or pi. (rare (Xen.), V. ftvcrOvfjjos, Svcr^p^v, Kant]-
P.). Desperate remedies : P. 6\a-
KKLV$VVeUfJLVa <^ap/JUXK<X (ISOC.). Despondently, adv. P. d0v/us (Xen.),
Desperately, adv. Hopelessly: P. 8uo-fo>o>s (Plat.).
dvcAw/o-Ttos. Precariously: P. and Despot, subs. P. and V. -rifpavi/os, o,
V. 7ruav8rfi/a>s. Severely: P. io-xv- Sco-rroV^s, 6. Be a despot, v. P. :

pws. Incurably : P. CIV^O-TCDS. and V. Tvpawevciv, SCO-TT^CIV. jB^

Desperation, subs. P. and V. &ropta, governed by a despot : P. Tupawerfe-
^ P. TO av&irurrov ; see despair. cr^at, $<rTr6<r9at, P. and V. nJpav-

Despicable, adj. P. and V. <j>avX.o<s,

evTfXys, $voios, P. ouSei/os aios. Despotic, adj. P. and V. Tu
Base: P. and V. cu<rxpos. P. ScoTTortfcos, V. rupavvos.
Despicably, adv. Basely: P. and Despotically, adv. P.
V. CLwrxpoi .

Despise, v. trans. P. and V. KaTa- Despotism, subs. P. and V.


tftpovetv (acc. or gen.), VTreptfrpovetv ^, P. ScoTTorcta, ^.

(ace. or gen.), P. oA.iya>ptv (gen.), Dessert, subs. Ar. and P. Tp

Cwepopai/ (acc. or gen.), Ar. and V. TO,, Ar. TpwyoXta, Ta.
STTOTTTCCIV. Neglect : P. and V. Destination, subs. PZoce ; P. and V.
ap,\elv (gen.), 7rapafJL\iv (gen.) ; TOTTOS, o. To what destination ? P.
see disregard. This course is not and V. irot; (lit., whither ?).
to be despised : P. ou TOUTO Destine, v. trans. Appoint for a
Qpovyrov cn-L (Dem. 45). purpose : P. and V. Ka^wrr^vat efe
Despised, adj. P. and V. Ka (acc.), rd(ra-Lv fat (aoc.
or dat).
Ar. and V. &ro':rru<rro9. Without i am destined : P. and V, ctftapTat
honour : P. and V. iTtftos. ftoc (Dem. 293), V. TrcVpamu ftot
Despiser, subs. P. wepo'Tmjs, 6. (rare P.). li *s destined : P. and
V. xP'/j XP e<^ v ^ Atopo-fyLov (with or

Despite, adv. Prep, (with personal -

object): P. and V. (gen), V,

wpos /iwiv (gen.). In your despite :
without ^o-Tt) Of persons or things,
be likely to (with infin.) : P. and v.

use P. and v. o-oO fiwvros (gen.

absol.) see ; m
spite of, under sp'te. Destined, adj. Appointed : P. and
Despiteful, adj. Despiteful treat- V. 7rpo/ci/Avos. Fated : P. and V.
ment, subs. P. and V. aucfa, ^,
: ,

t/iap/x,ei/os, V. werrpwfLcvos (rare P.),

Des Det

fjLoipoKpavros, Ar. and V. Destructible, adj. Liable to death :

P. and V. tfi^To's (Plat.).

Destiny, subs. P. h et/iap/wV??, P. Destruction, subs. P. and V. 8x-
and V. TO xpwv (Plat, but rare P.),
fwlpa, $ (Plat, but rare P.), V. 17
?r7rpa)/>ti^7, /xdpo?, 6, TTOTjUOs, 6, aTcra ?),
P. *ca0atpo-<s ; see rwz'w
TO /XOpO"ljLLOV, TO Ypljv (EuT., J. !T. ^esir^cion: P. e^coXeta, 97.

U86). Ojw'sZot: P.andV. ^fe%^5 (injustice, perjury and deceit)

6, ri5;(77, see /ate.
17 ;
are their own de&fructwn : P. TO,
Destitute, adj. P. and V. Totavra vrepl avro /carappet (Dem.
Without resources : P. and V. tro- 21).
pes; see poor. Destitute of: P. Destructive, adj. Harmful : P. and
and V. epiJ/Aos (gen.). Leave desti- V. oxrufw^opos, voorwo^?, oXe^ptos (Plat,
tute, V. P. and V. IpytLovv, ^eprjfjiow.
'. but rare P.), V. Xv/zavriypios, TroXv-
Destitution, subs. P. and V. ep^/u'a, ^>0opo9, TravooXTy?, 7ravu)Xe(9po?, Ar. and
T). Poverty : P. and V. aTropt'a, y V. drapes. ;

see poverty. Desultorily, adv. P. cnmwW

v. trans. P. and V. $6eCpeiv, Desultory, adj. P. and V. o-Trdfvios-
6\a<0lpll/, KClTa$0lplV (Plat, but (Eur., ^ra^.).
rare P.), cwroXXiWi, SioXXvvai, coX- Detach, v. trans. Owflie : P. and V.
Xivat, /caftupciv, avaipeiv, avaXiavceiv, Xt;tv. Detach from main body :
P. o.TTo\^pC^iv. Detach from an
(Thuc. but rare P.), V. alliance : P. atfritrrava.1, wapocnrao^at^
oXXiWt, ecwroXXiWi, ctLOTow, acrrow, Thinking the only safety lay de- m
taching Tissaphernes for them from
(1st aor. of the Peloponnesians: P. vo^w /AO^V
(1st aor. Of aTro<t>9ivciv}, Ttoro"a<jf>pi/^v a^rrots /jtTa-
e/c7rpao-o-U/, P. SiaxpvjcrQai ; See /c*^, 8,81). Separate off: P. d<opio-0<u;
ravage, corrupt, ruin annihilate. y
see separate. Be detached (parted)
Destroy beforehand : P. 7rpo8ta^>0t- from : Y. aTro^uyiJvat (gen.) (2nd
petv. JEte destroyed
beforehand : P. aor. pass. aTro^cvyviWi).
TrpoarroXXwflai. Destroy inaddition: Detached, adj. 4Zoo/: P. and V.
P. and V. 7rpoo-Sta$0eipay. Destroy cwrpay/ttov ; see unbiassed.
in return : P. and V. avraTroXXiivat.. Detachment, subs. Body of soldiers :
Destroy together : V. o*7^SioXXi;^at P. and Y. Xo^o?, o, ra^ty, 17. Qitota :
(Eur., Frag.). Help to destroy : P. and V. ju-cpos. TO'. P^&^ ^e- m
P. crvyKaQa.ipW (ace.), ouvaTroXXwat tachments : P. /caT* oXtyov /x
(acc.). Destroyed utterly, adj.: AJC. SaiZ m
detachments : P.
and P. (6X975, P. -TrpowX^ff, V. CUOTOS, :?v. Aloofness : Ar. and P. <

iravaiXTys, Ar. and V. TravoiXc^pos See J

ruined. Detail , v. trans. P. and V. SUp

Destroyer, subs. P. and V. Xc/^wv, I&iy(r0a.i) ^Trc^ep^eo-tfat, Ar. and P.
o, P. ota<p0op'vs, o, oiaXuTtySj o SnTycio-flai, 8i^p^ea ^at, P.

v ,

ai/aora-Djp, 6, Xw/Sr/riJp, 6 ; see ycwr^at.

Detail, subs. In- <ZefcM*Z : use P.
Destroying, adj. P. and V.
(Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and V. V. P. cuep^8oXoyur0ai (ab-

V. 7ro\i><0opos, TravwXTy sol.). Exact details of, subs. P. :

Destroying men : V. fj QLKpiftua (gen.). TeZ^ ^5 clearly

the details of what happened in the
Det Det
house : V, o-ao>s V. ppafavttv
Xey* ffjuv av0' I/catrra
(acc.) (Eur., Hel. 996).
T&V 86>ois (Eur., Or. 1393.). Fix P. and V. 6pttr, Stoptjctv.

Detain, v. trans. P. and V. KO.T^IV ; Appoint : P. and V. racrcmv, Trpocr-

Keep in ward P,
see also c/tecfc. Tcto*o~tv, Determine beforehand :
h <f>v\dKy Ixeiv. Be detained, be V. TrpoToWeiv. V. intrans. Resolve
long : P. and V. xpov%ctv, V. (with infin.) : P. and V. ^ouXc&tv,

Detect, v. trans. the act : Ar. and P. 8iavoeur0cu, 7rti/0tv. J

P. and V. &r" Xap./3dvW t determined : P. and V. 8o/ct
^cSoKTOt /iOi, SeSoy/AfVOl/ (rri)
260), alpew, <a)pav, P. (all with infin.). Lapse : P..
J5e detected in the act : P. and V. and V. epx<r0ai, see Zapse. ;
Ato-/cor0ai. Perceive : P. and V. Determined, adj. Fixed, appointed:
P. and V. TTpojcctjuei/os. Obstinate :
', eTriyiyvcJOTceij', fcavU'eiv, yi/a>- P. and V. av@d8ri$ oveA^pos. Of 9

p^civ, P. KaTajuLxwOavew. things : P. brxu/xfc.

Discover :

P. and V. VplCTKLV, tyeUptCTJCClV, Deterrent, subs. P.

efeupior/cew, avcvptcr/cfw. Detected in Js a deterrent: P.
the act : V, ITTIA^TTTOS. (Plat., Pro*. 324s).
Detection, subs. Discovery P. Deterring, subs.
: P.
evpecris, ^. Disclosure : P. f Detest, v. trans. P. and V.
T\. Perception : P. and V. a V. oruyeiv, Ix^etv, Ar. and V. cx^at-
CWse detection, v P. :
pcii/, a7ro7rri5e/. Dislike : P. and
vrapexw (ThuC. 3, 22). V. <3[x0r0<M (dat.), Ar. and P. W-
tectwn : P. tfropciarOai TO Xpa.LvLv (acc. or dat.), ayavafcmv
(Thuc. 4:, 123). jE/scape detection (dat.), P. x LX 7r ^5 ^>ptv (acc. OF
(of) : P. and V. XavOdvew (acxj. or dat.), V. TTLKpws </>pt,v see dislike. ',

absol), V. AiJ0eiv (ace. or absol.). Detestable, adj. P. 0.1781^. Loath-

Detention, subs. Delay: P. ITI-I some : P. and V. /uapos, KaTaTrruo-ro?,
/ w /

^. Keeping in ward : P. V /

jUil0T7TO5, (fTVyVJTOy, (TTVyVOS, TrttV"


Deter, v. trans. Ar. and P. rofJLicnrjs,

Ar. and V. aTroTrrvorTOS j
P. and V. a7rocrrp^tv, V. Trapcwnrav. see hateful.
Prevent : P. and V. jewAfW ; see Detestably, adv. P. 0.9780)?, Ar. and.
Q w *

Deteriorate, v. intrans. P. em ro xtpov Detestation, subs. P, and V. /u<ros,.

fj.raj3dX)(.<rOcu., TO, IX^PO, 17, Ix^o?, TO (Thuc.) ; see

hatred. Dislike : P. dtySi'a, ^, P
Deterioration, subs. Use P. CTTI TO and V. Svo-x^petaj 77. ' Object
ty ^. i: \. fyOos, :

Determination, subs. Besolve : P. TO, oruyos, TO,

TO,. ,

and V. yvoi/jug, ^, jffouXiJ, ^, jSovXcu/xa, TO.

TO, V. yv&fjWL, TO, <^pov7yo-is, ^, Ar. Dethrone, v. trans. See depose.

and P. 8iai>oLa, oj. Judgment: P. Dethronement, subs. See deposi-
and V. Kpftrw, ^, P. Stafcpto-ts, 17, tion.

^- Obstinacy: P. Detour, subs. P. wpw>8os,

Ar. and V. a wide detour : P. /wwcpav -

<r6ai (Plat.).

Determine, v. trans. Decide: P. and Detract from, v. P. eXoo-crow (gen.).

V. 8t*afetv, Siaytyi/oio-Keiv, KpA'Ctv, 8u- Take away : P. and V. a^oupctr
peiv, ytyvoj<TKtv, Ar. and P. SuiKpfvciv, acc.). Disparage : P. and V.
V. 8tt8o/at. Arbitrate on : P. and
Det Dev

Detraction, subs. Calumny : P. and P. and V. eupTfju-a, TO, Ar. and V.

V. Sia/JoXij, ^, Ar. and P. cnJ/ O. Ores^ : Ar. and V.
see calumny.
; iov, TO, V. OTj/Aa, TO, ejrticnyjLta, TO.
Detractor, subs. Ar. and P. device, adj. : V.
<f>dvry)$, 6. Devil, subs. Use Ar. and V.
Detriment, subs. P. and V. ,
P. and V. aXaorcop, 6 (of.
Per*. 354).
Detrimental, adj. P. and V. tt Devilish, adj. Horrible : P. and V.
<opos, KoUos, P. Kaicoupyos, ?7/JUci>Sqs 9 Scn/os. Cruel : P. and V. ayptos,
ayios ; see hellish.
Detrimentally, adv. P. Devious, adj. Crooked : P. cncoXtos
(Xen.). (Plat.) ; see crooked. Dishonest :
Deus ex machina. Timocrates alone P. cr/coXios (Plat.), V. TrXcfyios. 4
like a deus ex machina gwes evi- devious route : P. -TrcptoSos, ^.
dence : P. Tt/xo/cparTys i*ovos wo-Trcp Deviously, adv. In a rowid-about
owro /i^avijs /xaprupci
(Dem. 1025 ; way : V. Treptf.
cf.Plat., Crat. 425o). Devise, v. trans. P. and V.
Devastate, v, trans. P. and V,
iKTTOpQeW, T/Wtt/, P. K-
P. /ecipetv, aSiKiv, jcafcovp- Txya.<r&at., Ar. and P. crrtvosci', Ar. and
v, V. Wpflciv. V. fMJSear&ai, V. cnji/cwrrav. Invent :

Devastation, subs. Plundering: P. P. and V. VpLCTKW,

and V. apTroyiy, ^, P. -jrop^crts, ^. piarKew, avvpL(TKw V. 9

JBtMn ; P. and V. $ux<0opa, ^, 4va- DW6 (plots, etc ): P.


orcwns, ^. Destroying of crops, etc. : t, o*uo"Kva^iv, P. and V.

P. rjMjcri$t fj. (Plat.), V. 4/jLTrXeKetv, pdwrmv,
Devastator, subs. V. iropOtfrvp, 6, v, /jaj\a,voppar

Kirop0ijTa>p, 6, uvaorraTiJp, 6. <^tv. HieZp m devising : P. a-v/wra-

Develop, v, trans. Pwtf on a rtgrW pacr/ccvafetv o~vyKaraarKvd^iv
footing : P. and V. cv ri0ev<u (or (aco.), V. o-u/^iJTeueiv (aco.) ; see
mid.), /coAws rWbcu, (or mid.). contrive. Bequeath : Ar. and P.
^o perfection : Ar. and P. KCtTaXciTrctv, P. StaTt^ca-^at, V. Xewretv
and V. .
(Eur., ^to. 688).
Make grow from oneself: P. Deviser, subs. P. and V.
and V. #fetv. Tram; P. and V. 6, TCKTWV, 6, V. ^a^cijs, 6. Inventor : V. intrans. Progress: P. evperrjs, 6. Inventress : V. euperts,
Ar. and P. JirlSZ&fau, P. and V. 97 (Soph., Frag.).
Devisers of mis-
Grow; : P. and V. chief V. [MfxavoppAfoi KaKw (Bur., :

see ^.Tirf.
Development, subs. P. brtSoo-vs, 17.
Devoid of, adj. P. and V.
Growth : P. aborts, i), 0-8^17, i) .),
KCI/OS (gea.).
(Plat.). P. and V. V8fc (gen.), P.
Deviate, v. intrans. P.
-TrapaTpsVcortfai, (gen.). <foyoj'd o/, v. : P. and V.

TrapaAAao-crav, ATro/cAtvetv ; see swerve. cXXcwretv (gen.), aTroXctTreo-^at, (gen.).

Wander : P. and V. Devolve on, v. P. and V. TrpocrK&rBai
Deviation, subs. P. and V, (dat.), -Trpoo-ytyvccrtfat (dat.), P. -wept-
T P a7lder^7^5r ; P. and V.
(vracrOoLi cts (ace.), V. p7rtv ets (ace.).
Bevert to :P. dvaxopety is (aoc.j,
Device, subs. P. and V. /
has devolved on me :
TO, (ro<^tcr/xa, TO, Tropos, 6, Snip' CTreovcT/i/rcv To
TO (Plat.), fuqxavy, 7j.
Invention : JSwm. 482)
Dev Dia

Devote, v. trans. Assign : P. and V. also prayer. Perform one's devo-

ve/xv, Trpocn/c/iccv, Siddvat. Dedicate : tions (to a god) :P. 0pa?rVtv (acc.),,
P. and V. /cafliepow, Ar. and V. P. and Y. <rtfav (acc.) (Plat., Thue.,
ica0oo-iov<r0at, P. lepow, Ar. and P. also Ar.), Ar. and V. a-cfti&iv ; see
KaQayi&iv, &Q& dedicate. Devote an also pray.
offering to a deity : P. and V. Q.VQ.TI- Devotional, adj. P. and V.
O&ai (Ear., Ion, 1384), V. rT&Vai 4^rv~^&X.~

(Eur., Phoen. 576). D&uoting my Devour, v. trans. P. and V. r

body to death : V. "AiSfl irpocrriQeLV Karea-Mciv (Eur., Oycl. 341), P. /cara-

/*dv Se/Aas (Eur., Sec. 368). I
scruple to reproach the goddess to Ar. and V. ftptiKciv, Ar. SapScwn-civ;
whom your body hath been devoted : see consume. Devour (waste) one's,
V. Suo^i7/ACLy yap ao/u&L Oedv 77 croi/ substance : P. TO. 6Wa
Ka-nJpKTai o-ai/ia (Eur., Heracl. 600). (Dem. 992).
Devote attention to : Ar. and P. Devoured, adj. V. KOTO'S,
vow irpo(T)(Lv (dat ), P. and V. votSv Leave (one) to be devoured by dogs :
xtv -Trpos (acc. or dat.). Devote Y. lav (TIVO*) Trpos icuvwv cficorov (Soph.,
oneself to : P. and Y. 2xcr0oi (gen.), Ant. 206).
oWccrtfai (gen.), 7rpoo'Kr0at (dat.), Devouring, adj. V. 8ta/?opos, irap^d-
Ar. and P. 7rpocrexv (dat.), P. yos, a^^^ayos, /^pcooTTjp. Devour-
oxo^atetv (dat.). Devoting himself ing men : Y. avSpo^pws (Eur. r
unsparingly to the work : P. laurov CycZ. 93). Met., insatiable: P.
cis TO, Trpay/jtara d<et8ws StSous (Dem. owravoTos, P. and V. owrX770Tos.
255). .Be devoted to : see Zcwe. Destructive : V. -7roAu<i0opos see ;

to war :

V. ra yap T&KV avr&v "Apeos KKppAv- Devout, adj. P. and V.

wrai (Eur., EL 950). 0Oo-e;8>7S, oonos.
Devoted, adj. Affectionate : P. and Y. Devoutly, adv. P. and Y.
wpoo-^tXiJs ; see affectionate. Loving ooriW, P. ^oo-e^ws (Xen.). Exceed-
one's children : V. <EXoTKvos.
ingly: P. and V. or^oSpot, /copra
ing one's husband : Y. (rare P.).
Zealous : P. and V. 7rpoft5/>s. Dew, subs. P. and V. Spoo-os, ^. J90
gttfiT&i: P. and sprinkled with dew, v. Ar. 8pocrte-

a curse : V, opatbs, P. and V.

paras, P. cvayijs, Ar. and P. Dewy, adj. Y. Spoo-wS^s,
see under curse. Devoted to (pur- Ar. dUSpoo-os.
suits, etc.) : P. and V. n-poorvcei/Acvos Dexterity, subs. P. Scwoi^s, ^, Ar.
(dat.), V. <Svfi'os is (dat.), P. and P. Se&orns, ^. Skill : P. and
9rpoor<i7s (dat.) (Plat.). Sacred to V ' *

(a god) : P. and V. food's (gen.). Dexterous, P. and Y.

Devotedly, adv. Zealously : P. and o-cx^os, Ar. and P.
Sc&o's, Y.
Y* wpo^J/icos. Dexterously, adv. P. and V.
Devotee, subs. Worshipper : P. Diadem, subs. Of Eastern kings :
Tramps, 6. One who loves : P. and P. &c%ui, TO (Xen.). Garland :
Y. epacmfc, 6 see votary.
: P. and Y. orc^avos, 6, OT/J/AO*, TO-
Devotion, subs. Zeal: P. and V. (Plat, but rare P.), Y. credos, TO';
orrouSiJ, , 7rpo6v/ua, f). Love : P. see crown.
and Y. epos, 6 ; see love. Religious Diagonal, subs. P. &a/4Tpos, f}.
devotion, piety : P. and Y. Diagram, subs. In geometry: P.
^, TO swrc/Sc?, P. oVioVtys, -17. TO. Sketch, outline : P.
s, worship : P. flcpaireto, 17 ; see

Dia Die

Dial, subs. Ar. and P. TTO'AOS, 6 (Hdt.) ; ot/eaw>i> ; see jtistice. The dictates
see sundial. of religion : P. and V. T& 0ia.
Dialect, subs. P. and V. yXtoo-cra, ^. Dictation, subs. Meddling : Ar. and
Speaking the same dialect as, adj. P. iroX.wrpa'Yp'Ocrtivii, fj.
: Command :
P. 6fto^>ajvos (dat.). Speak in the P. -Trpooray/xxx, TO, emrayjuuL, TO, V.
Attic dialect : P. rfj evToA.9}, 17 (Plat, also but rare P.),
'Arrows (Dem. 202). /ceXevoTia, TO see command. ; Con-
Dialectic, subs. P. fj sidering (such terms) dictation, not
Dialectical, adj. P. &aA.e/cu/cos. a compromise : P. vo/-ufoi/Ts irpo-
Dialogue, subs. P. SioAoyos, 6. In < KOL /JLYJ a~uv&rJKa.$ sti/ai (Isoc.,
a play, as opposed to chorus : P. Paw. 77),
TO. d/tot/Scia. Dictator, subs. Roman magistrate:
Diameter, subs. P. 8ia/-w?rpos, ^.
P. aUTOKpCtT<l)p, 6 (late), SlKTCLTCOp, 6
Diametrically, adv. Altogether : P. (late). Met., use tyrant. Concern-
and V. wavTtos, ', P. ing the rights of Greeks the strong
Travrcwrao-i, Ar. and P. are^vois become dictators to the weak: P.
Diaphanous, adj. Ar. and P. To5v "EXX^vifcoiv StKaiW ot /cpaTovi/Tfis

i>r?s ; see cZear. optarat' TOIS ^oro-oo-t yiyvovTai (Dem.

Diaphragm, subs. P. 199).
TO. Dictatorial, adj. Of a dictator
Diarrhoea, subs. Ar. and P. &appox, (Eoman magistrate) P. avro/cpa-

i). 2V&ey suffered from diarrhoea : TopiKo? (late). Met., tyrannical :

KCLTO St^w/)i avrots (Xen., .4?&a&. 4, P. and V. Ti5pawucos, P.
8, 20). Dictatorship, SUbs. P.
Diatribe, subs. See abuse. ^ (late).
Dice, subs. P. and V. Krf/3os, 6, or pi., Diction, subs. P. A.C&S, 17.
Ar. and P. dcrrpdfy&Xoi, 01. Throw Die, subs. See dice. The die is cast :
of the dice ; see under throw. P. dWppwrrcu Kvfios (late). Stamp :
Dice, v. intrans. Ar. and P. KV P. and V. xapaKTT^p, ? -H/H-OS, 6, Ar.
P. doTpayaA-ifeiv. Koyu,/xa, TO.

Dice-player, subs. P. and V. foJ Die, v. intrans. Ar. and P. &7ro0nJ-

nfc, 6 (Xen., Soph. Frag.}. or/cctv, P. and V. TcAevrav, o!?7raAAao"0'-

Dicing, subs. P. mfcta, o). <r0at (with or without /Kou), e/cAcwretv

Dictate, v. trans. .Sead <w for dic- jStbv (yStov sometimes omitted in P.),
tation : P. l&rjyeia-Ocu,, dflroaTO/-wm'eiv. V. Bv-fforMiv (rarely Ar.), KaT0avcv
Dictate a form of words : P. and (2nd aor. KaraGvijcrKeiv) (rarely Ar.),
V. f?yer<r0ai, V. ldpxcw- Suggest :
P, and Y. uTro/JoAAeti/, v7rcm0v<M ; see killed : P. and V. fco' Sca-
suggest. Fix, determine : P. and
V. opt'&tv, Swpi&w. Give orders : V.mTrrecv. Die for:
(absol.) : P. and V. V. TrpoOvr}<rKcw (gen.), %TTp(Mi<TK*w
Dictate to : P. and V, (gen.), P. 7rpoa.Tro6vrj<rKw v-rrcp (gen.),
irpo<rrao'O'iv (dat.), vrrpa7ro6vTq<rKW virep (gen.). Die in
fdat.), see command.
Be dictated or upon : P. waarodirfo-Kew (dat. or
to : P. and V. ^mTao-owftxi, F"e absol.), V. vQvy<rKw (dat. or absol.).
dictate as to how we wish
fw Die m
retwrn: P. dvraTroftoJcricetv,
empire to extend : P. OVK larcv V. dvraTro'AAvor^at. Dfc'e <>M^: of a
ra/jiiV<r6(u ct? o<rov /3ov\ojLL$a family, Ar. and P. e&p^ouo-tfai ;
(Thuc. 6, 18). generally, P. and Y. c^-nyXos yty-
Dictates, subs. Use command. The (Isoc.). Die together : V.
dictates of justice ; P. and V. TO Die Wife : P. cn/v-

Die Dig
(absol.) , crvvairoXkva'&CLt In atwtlier way : P. and V.
Ar. and V. Ar. and P. erepws, P. dXXoiW
V. cruv6\\vor6cLi (dat.), <rvv-
ferently from : use prep., P. and
vtv Die a lingering death:
(dat.) . V &?x a (gen -)> X>pk fe en -)-
P. SvarQavarcw. Dying a lingering Difficult, adj. P. and V.
death : V. Sva-Ovrja-Kw.
Diet, subs. Food : P. and V. V. 8uo-7TTi7s, Ar. and P. ^aA
Of ground : P. and V. Tpa^iJs, P.
Diet, v. trans. P. and V. XaXejros. It is difficult to do it : V.
Differ, v. intrans. P. and V. 8ta<epeiv. 8 pay d//,T7^ava)5 c^ci (Eur., Frag.).
In sound : P. 8ta<a>mv. Quarrel : Difficulty, subs. P. and V. &rop t a,
Ar. and P. 8ia<epeo-0at, P. SttW- ty. Of ground : P. ^oX^or^s, 17.
o-0at, P. and V. >'eiv. Differ with Difficulties : P. and V. feropov, TO,
(quarrelioith): P SuHfrepccrOai (dat.), or pi., V. a/i^ai/ov, TO, or pi., P.
Sta^opws Ixetv (dat.) ; see quarrel. ra Suo-xepi} ; see straits. This is

Differ from : P. and V. 8ia<epeu/ my difficidty : V. /cetvo p,oi . . .

(gen.). So greatly do I differ from Trpoo-avTcs (Eur., Or. 790). Consider

your other counsellors : P. TocrovToV his difficulties your opportunities :

ye. d<&m7/ca r&v aAAan/ TWI/ o*uju,j3ou- P. TY)V aKcupiav rrjv cKetVov Katpov
A.euovraji> (Dem. 115). v/xfiTcpov vo/j.Cw (Dem. 16). -Bs iw
Difference, subs. P. &a<opa, 8t<- , difficulties, v. P. and V.

aracrts, 17,
P. and V. SwS^opoy, TO. Y. $MXWW (rare P.), P.
Dissimilarity : P. dvo/xotor^s, ^. Stafccto-0ttt. W?i/t difficulty, adv. :

How gre<z w
the difference between P. and V. /AoAlfc, juoyts, Ar. and P.
rule and service : V. oarov TO r ap^ctv YaA.^a>s, TaA.aMToipu>s, P. ^wnrdvcos,
/cat TO 8ovAr;iv
Stxa (^Bsch., P. F. V. 8u(nrTo>s. Without difficulty :
927) How great is the difference P. and V. p^StW, V. fyoxOt, P.
between war waged here or there ^t d/covm'; see easily.

needs I think, no word of mine to Diffidence, subs. P. and V. at8o>s, 17,


explain : P. ^Xt/ca y earl TO, 8ta<^opa o/evos, 6.

irpocr- Diffident, adj. P. aur^wT^Xo?. S^si-

yov/xai (Dem. 16). iere s tating : P. oKvrjpos. Be diffident of :
a difference between speaking much P. and V. OKI/CO' (infin.), /caTo/crai'
and speaking to the mark V. ^copls :
(infin.) see shrink from, be ashamed

TO iroXXa /cat TO, /catpta (Sop

T* eiTrciv to.

O. 0. 808). Ii makes a difference, Diffidently, adv. P.

v. : P. and V. 8ta</<fpei. Quatrrd, Hesitatingly: P. o/cv^pw? (Xen.).
subs. : P. and V. SwUjtapa, ^, cpts, 17, Diffuse, v. trans. P. and V. Stacnret-
Ar. and V. vet/cos, TO (also Plat., peiv, Sta8c8ovat, V. &/SaTetcr0at, Ar.
Soph. 243A, but rare P.). and P. o-Tmpeiv see circulate.
Different, ad]. P. and V. Stdtyopos. Diffuse, adj. Long-winded: P. ju,a-
Unlike P. dvo>o>s.
. Other : P. /cpoXoyos. .B0 diffuse, V. P. /*a/cpo- :

and V. #XXos, iTepos. Of another Xoyetv, P. and V.

kind : P. dAAotos. In a different Diffusion, subs. Prevalence : P.
P. and V. dXXocrc; see; /cou/orgs, '(Z.
another. At a different time : P. Diffusive, '

adj\ See diffuse.

and V. Diffusiveness, subs. P.
Differentiate, v. trans. Mark off
P. d<optecr0ai ; see separate. Dig, v. trans. P. and V.
Differently, adv. P. o\a<6>>?, (TKaTTTeiv. Dig beside : P. Trapopwr-
Dissimilarly : P. crctv. Dig round : P.
Dig Dim

Dig through : Ar. and P. Dilapidated, adj. Use P.

Dig up : Ar. and P. copv<r<rcw, Ar. KCOS, V. cpcLifi/jios ; see rotten.

avopvo-crcw. Dug, adj. P. and V. Dilate, v. intrans. Grow in size : P.


O/WKTO'S (Xen.). Deep-dug : V. and V. au&fvco-tfal, ail&cr&u. TaZfc

f}au8v<TKact>ri$. I will go to break the a length: P. /Aa^/ooXoycti/, P. and
earth and dig a grave for him : V. V. /j,a.Kpv)yopiv. Dilate upon: P.
dXX" clfjt opvKToy r&>8' avappiq(i>v rdufrov and V. Sipx<r0ai, (aco.), Ar. and P.
(Eur., Tro. 1153). SiepXo-0ai (aco.). I /wwe dilated
Digest, v. trans. Arrange : Ar. and upon the affairs of the : P.
P. SiarWcvai, P. oWcunrav. Ponder IpyKwa TO, irepl T? woAews (Thuc. 2,
on : P. and V. V0i3/Ar0ai, rwnco- 42).
TTctv see ponder.
; Digest (food) : Dilatorily, adv. P. 0paS&$, foMfw?,
P, K7rovW (Xen.), Ar. Karcwro*o*v cr^oXatws, P. and V. cr^oX^.
(Vesp. 795). Digested (of food) Dilatoriness, subs. P. and V. 0-^0X17,

P t&KfMurfLevos (Plat., KTTJ. 33c). ^, pafofua, y, P. fipaSvrrjs, ^ ; see

Digestible, adj. P. cvjcarepyao-ros
(Xen.). Dilatory, adj. P. and V.
Digestion, subs. The process of (Soph., Frag.), /Spa&fo, Be
aigestion: P. f/ rov <rm>i> /ca0apo-is dilatory, v. : P. and
(Plat., Km. 52B). (Plat.), o-xoAav.
Digger, subs. V. 6. Dilemma, subs. P. and V.
Diggings, subs. See J9e m
a dilemma, v. P. and V. :

Dight, v. trans. See adorn. airopCLV, V. dfj,rf^avLV (rare P.).

Dignified, adj. P. and V. <rc//os. Dilettante, subs. As opposed to
Dignify, v. trans. Honour: P. and professional : Ar. and P. tStom^, 6.
V. Tl/^av ; see honour. Exalt : P. Diligence, subs. P. ^t
and V. ^eyaXiJViv (Bur., Bacch. wovta, ^. Care : P.
320), atpeiv, aipiv, V. oyicow, diva- yxeXeny, 17. ^aZ : P. and V,
yew ;
see a;aW. Dignify as, call 17, TrpoOv/Jua, rj.

by fine names P. woKoptfco-^at Diligent, adj. P. ^iXo


(ace.). Careful : P. and V. brifjL&ys (Soph.,

subs. Grandeur : P. and Frag.). Zealous : P. and V. irp6-
v .
orc/woVtys, ^, TO crefwov, ftjjuos, (rTrovSaibs (Soph., Frag.).

position : P. and V. d#o>/Aa, TO, Diligently, adv. P. <f>iXoTrovws. Care-

^ ; see also honour. Magnificence, fully: P. CT-t^Xws. Zealomly: P.
pomp : P. and V. <rx?ji*a, TO, Y. and V. OTTOUO^, irpoOti/JLWs, P.
xXiSiy, 17. Weight : P. and V. oyxos,
6. Dilute, v. trans. Mice : P. and V.
Digress, v. intrans. P. and V. *- KGpuvvvva.1 see wzic. ",

Dim, adj. P. d/wS/xfe, V. S/jtaupo?, P.

7rXavao*^cu. 1 wish to return to the and V. o^cra^ujs. JDarft, without
point from which I digressed to light : P. and V. ovcorcwfe, P. <r/co-
these subjects : P. 7raveX0tv ovoOw

^ ^ Xvyato?; see dark. Of colour: P.

Digression, subs. P. and V. ^crpomy, p//os. Gray ; P. 0aws (Plat.).

^, irXd!v>7, ^. Make a
digression : Of sight V. :
d^Xo>^r (Bur.,
P. cKySoX^v TOV Xoyov 7rotto"flat (Thuc. JS/ies.). Be dim-sighted : P. d/*/?Xu-
1, 97). oxro"civ, d/x^SXi; opav, V. jSXcTretv ftpoi^
Dike, subs. P. and V. xfyco, T ^ p. (Eur., low, 744). 7a0w: P. and
?, 6, V. -

, ro \
see mound. V .
<to-a$ws, 58-wXo5, V. 4o^nuos, &TKO-
Dim Dip

TTOS, 67rapy//,os.
Tarnished : Ar. TO, ppofLos, 6, Ar. and V. TOTayos, 6.
and V. Suo-TTivjfe, V. TrivwS?;?, P. and S/io^i : P. and V. Oopvpo?, 6, 0o?J,
V. avxfMJpoS' 17, /cpavy^, ^.
v. trans. V. Xen. Din, v. trans.
afjuavpovv (also Dm into one : P. and
but rare P.), V. CTKOTOW (pass, in V. ^pvXctv (TLVI Tt).

Plat.) P. liruTKOTtlv (dat.)

Dimmed: Dine, v. intrans. Ar. and P. 8rvtv,

V. /JUivpov/Aevos (528ch., ^Igr. 296). P. Si7rvo7roito-0ai. Dme wzi/4 : P.

Tarnish : P. and V. puuWv. Met., cra/Safli/etv
(dat. or absoL).
P. and V. Dinginess, subs. Darkness : P. and
V. cricoTos, o or TO. Unpleasantness :

Dimension, subs. Measure : P. and P. diySia, ^, /Sapvrrys, ^

V. perpov, TO. Ar. Dingle, subs.
: See glen.
and P. irepfyopd, P. and V. Trcpt- Dingy, adj. Black : P. and V. jieXas.

0X17, ^. J3z^& : P. and V. oy/cos, 6. G-ra^ : P. <^>atos (Plat.). Unpleas-

Extent : P. and V. 7rX?J0os, TO. Si-ze ; ant : P. diy^s, P. and V.
P. and V. /xeyeflos, TO. In geometry Unlovely : P. and V. ^Tcp^ :

P. at5?, 77 (Plat.). Reduce to the Dining-hall, subs. P. and V.

smallest possible dimensions : P. cririov, TO.
<E>S is cXa^tora arvcrTeXkew (Dem. Dinner, subs. P. and V. SeiTn/ov, TO'.
309). Dinnerless, adj. Ar. and P. #$nn/os
Diminish, v. trans. P. /x,tow, (Xen.).
o-ow. Eeduce : P. and V. owref Dint, subs. P. and V. TpaOjua, TO,
V. intrans. P. V. x^pa-W 01 * T -S^ ^ * / : ^><
- m
and V. oid (gen.), or use XP^CVOS
Diminution, subs. On the march he (dat.), agreeing with subject of
had no diminution of his force, save sentence.
a slight loss due to sickness, but an Dint, v. trans. P. and V.
increase ; P. iropeuoAa/co SI Be dinted : V. xpao-<ro-0<u
CTTpCLTOV Dip, v. trans. P. and V.
(Thuc. ! wash : P. and V. XovW .Dtp : m
98). Ar. epfioLTrrew (TL cts n). V. intrans.
Diminutive, adj. P. and V. Was/* oneself : P. and Y. Xowflai.
cr/uKpo?, XCTTTOS, ftpaxfa* Dip into (a subject) : P. and V.
Diminutiveness, subs. P. plain surround-
owTTco-ftu (gen.). -4
ed by mountains that dipped right
Dimly, adv. Indistinctly : P. down to the sea: P. TrcStov . . .

WM/ eyes .* V. XCTTTOL yap Xcvoxrto /ca^t/jti/ots (Plat., Grit.
(Eur., Or. 224:) ; see adj., 118A). A ship straaned perforce by
With difficulty : P. and V. the sheet, dvps, but rights herself
Ar. and P. x^^ois. again if one slacken the sheet : V.
Dimness, subs. Darkness : P. and icat rails
yap ei/ra0ra ?rpos ftfav TTO^L
V. OXOTOS, 6 or TO, Ar. and V. IjSai/rev, crrrj 8* aS^ts i)v X ^-? woSct
TO (also Xen.), op^viy, ij, P. TO O-KOTCIVOV.
~ (Eur., Or. 706).

Indistinctness : P. do-a< Dip, subs. Immersion: P. and V.

ness of sight : P. dju.$> j8a<i7, ^. JBaifee : P. and V. Xovrpdv,
Dimple, subs. Use V. ycXao>a, TO. TO'. Hollow between hills : see
Used of i^e dimpled waves of the valley.
sea (^Sscu., P. F. 90). Diplomacy, subs. Cleverness : Ar.
Din, subs. P. and V. ^ityot, '6, and P. Se&o-n^, fj, P. Scii/onys, 17.
6 (rare P.), V. fyay/uw's, 6, Cunning : P. and V. 8<5Xo9, 6 (rare
225 15
Dip Dir

P-),V. T\n7, yj see cunning.

; By Direction, subs. Guidance, act of
diplomacy and decrees : P. guiding : P. v 77. Manage- r,

K<U \jrrj ^Lo-fjiacri(Dem. 254). Em- ment : P. Stoutens,

bassy : Ar. and P. Trpeo-/ JSw^e ; P. and V. icparo?,
The results of one's diplomacy : P. TO. Leadership :

TO, ir&rpccrpevfjwa (Deui. 347). Command : P. ?rpdcrray/jta, TO, ri-

Diplomatic, Political: P.
adj. Tay/^a, TO; command. Road :
TWO'S. Tactful : Ar. and P. P. and V. oSos, 17.
Hold diplomatic intercourse with P. and V. Trot ; V. TTOTCpas T^S
8uLK7jpvKVcrOaL irpos (ace.). (Eur., Cycl. 681) ; indirect, P. and
Diplomatically, adv. Tactfully : P. V. oTTot. Zw ?iy direction : P. and
V. TTOL In another direc-
Diplomatist, subs. Ambassador tion and V. oAAoo-e, Ar. and P.
: I*,

P. Trpco-jSc 6. Statesman : P. In every direction : P.

TroAm/cos, 6. Ar. and P. Travra^ol.
Dire, adj. P. and V. <o/3cpos, From every direction : P. and V.
(Dem. 644), V. iravTofav, Ar. and P. iravTaxoQcv. In
Swjfer some dire calamity: the direction of : P. and V. eirt
P. dvtyfceoToV rt (gen.) see towards.; Take a certain
Direful, adj. See direction : P. and V. rperr^Odi (iroi) ;

Direfully, adv. P. and V, of a road, see lead. One in one

Direful ness, subs. P. direction, one in another: P. and
Direct, adj. Straight ; P. and V. V. otAAos oXXocrc. Keeping his eyes
cv&fe, op0os. Simple, plain : P. and in one direction, his thoughts in
V. (XTrXoiJs. another : oAAocr* o/j./*a Qfocpq. 8*
. . .

Direct, v. trans. 6rm& (a person) : vow Xo)v (Soph., Tr. 272). Out of
P. and V. dfyetv, rfycia-Oat. (dat.), its true direction (of a weapon) :
fyrjyela-OaL (dat.), Ar. and P. ^ye- P. <(> TO>V ooo>v -n}? avrov Tropeiag

/uoj>V4v (gen.), V. o^yctv, 68ow see (Antiphon, 121).


guide. Steer: P. and V. Directly, adv. Straight : P. and V.

aireuOJvew (Plat.), V. cvOti, v6fa (rare). Directly towards:
Aim (a weapon, etc.) : P. and V. Ar. and P. cMtf (gen.), V. ^ifs
cuWviv, aircu&Jmi/, P. , (gen.). Immediately : P. and V.
V. iftWur, 7rZ0i;mv, op0ovv. Manage: ey$t/s, v0o>s, a>? rdxicrra., avrftca,
P. and V. oktv, veftctv (Thuc. 8, 70), Trapavrt/ca, Ar. and P. Trapa^piy/Aa ;
V. 7rop<rvvLv Ar. and P. t
see ?
Expressly : P.
Stoi/cetv, P. 8i.appirjSr]v. Simply : P. and V.
r. cwrXois.

aright : P. and V. euMveiv, uTrev- Directness, subs. Simplicity : P.

^iivctv, KaropOovv, P. /careu^wctv, V.
op^ow (pass, also in P., act. rare). Director, subs. See guardian, man-
Govern : P. and V. apxv (gen. or ager.
V. dat.), KparcLv (gen.), KOO-^LV (ace.); Dirge, subs. P. and V. 0pjji/os, 6
see govern. (towards cm
Virect (Plat.), P. 0p^a>8i'a, 7j (Plat.), V.
object) : P. and V. CTT^IV (TI nvt OprjvypoiTa, ra. Swig a dirge : P.
or rt e?rt TIVI). Turn : P. and V. and V. Qprjvtiv. Sing a dirge over :
rpen-civ, orpe^etv, 7rtoTp<^tv. Direct P. and V. 6pv)vv (ace.) (Plat.), V.
one's attention to : P. yvufuj OpyvuScw (ace.).
(dat.) ; see atftewd io. Dirgelike, adj. P.
: P. and V.
irpooroLcrcrttv (dat.), Dirk, subs." P. TO, Ar. and
' ,

(dat.) ; see command. P. and V.

Dir Dis

Dirt, subs. MudP. and V.: P. and V. pt'v. Di^gr

6, /Jop^opos, 6.
Squalor: Ar. and ITJ
opinion : P. Sia^ovetv (Plat.).
P. aVX/AOS, 6, P. pUTTOSj TO, V. TT11/OS, Of things, clash : P. 8ia<>a>y?v9 V.
o, cLAovo~ia, 17. 2%ii7i^j stain : V. 8txooTaTtv. Disagree with, quarrel
ra. with : P. and V. Ip^v (dat. or
Dirtiness, subs. See Trpos, ace.), 8tYooraTrv (Trpos, ace.)
Dirty, adj. Muddy, turbid : P. and (rare P.), P. 8ia<epcr0cu (dat. or
V. 0oAepo's, P. 0op/3opc^s, Trpos, ace.), Ar.
oroo-td^tv and P.
Squalid: P. and V. Ar. (dat. or Trpos, ace.); see quarrel.
and V. SAovrosj 8v( Differ in opinion from : P. 8ia<o>viv
aux/jwoS^s. .Be dirty t v. : Ar. (dat.) (Plat.). Met., not to suit:
Ar. and P. aux/wiv. Of weather: use P. and V. ofy dp/Ao'e/ (dat.).
P. Met., base t mean
^ei/Acpio?. : P. Disagreeable, adj. P. ctySifo P. and
and V. aurxpds, ^avAos. .FowZ : P. V. dfcapis (Plat., also Ar.),
and V. aw-ypos. Shameless : P. (Thuo.), ySapvs, 8vo-xpT/s,
and V. ^vatS^s, ^raierxvvTos. (Plat.; Bur., I. 21 1012),
Dirty, v. trans. P. and V. /AuVe/; Tnfc.Distressing: P. and V. \\m
see defile. oxA^pos, V. AT^rpos ; see distressing.
Disable, v. trans. P. and V. Ill-tempered: P. and V. 8i5<neoAos,
Ka*ow. Cripple: Ar.andP. HJS, SiJo-dfpco'Tos, Ar. and V.
Disable a ship : P. rtTpo><r/ctv (Thuc.
4, 14), (Thuc. 7, Disagreeableness, subs. P.
41), Ar. and P. fcaraStSeti/. r),
P. and V. ,

<fo'sa&Zed (of a ship) P. TTOVCIV. :

Ill-temper : Ar. and P. 8w/eoA/a,
Disabled, adj. P. di/dm/pos, aSwaros,
V. d/cpaTa>p. iame : P. and V. Disagreeably, adv. P. Dis-
P. and V.
Disablement, subs. P. Ill-temperedly : P. 8v<rKoA.o>s.
Disabuse, v. trans. If I were able Disagreement, subs. P. and V.
to disabuse your minds of this mis- 4 crrdfcns, ^, Ax.
. . ,

representation : P. ct olos r and V. VCIKOS, TO (also Plat, but

VfJL&V raVTTJV TffV 8ttt)8oX^ rare P.).
Ap. 24A),
(Plat., Reject :
Disallow, P, v, trans.
Disadvantage, subs. P. P. and V. ov BexccrOai \
ro. j5e a^ a disadvantage : P. see ri/orf. Forbid : P. and V. OVK
cWo-ovo-ftu, eXaor<rov ^av. Injury, lav, STretTTctv, Ar. and P. cwrayopciew,
loss : P. and Y. ^Aa^, 17, Disappear, v. intrans. P. and V.
&<favi<rQai 9 ^rnyAos cTf^u, e^lfrT/Aos
Disadvantageous, adj. P. and V. yiyvsatiai, a^airys ctvat, a<f>avTj$ yiyvc-
a<rv/i</>pos, P. dti/OTmJScios. Harm- <r6ai t Ar. and V. Ippctv (rare P.), V.

ful : P. Aaj8cpo'5, Ircfijfuos. S<ai/Tos lpptv. Jfofte to disappear :

Disadvantageously, adv. P. P. and V. tyavifai'. To have dis-
(Xen.), dvcTrtr^Seco)?.
</>poi$ appeared: P. and V. otx<r^ai, V.
Disaffected, adj. P. and V. 5<avros dx^0o.i. Bun away : Ar.
Suoyxcvijs, Ar. and P. jca/cdVovs, V. and P. &ro8i8pao7Ccv. Fly : P. and
KaKo^>pcov ; see hostile. V. <f>vyw. Met., /ode : P. and V.
Disaffection, subs. P. and V. SvVvoia, 8iappciv, ^Troppctv, V. <f>Givw (rare
17, $V&(MVLOL, T^,
P. KaK^VOLCLy ^ J 866 P.), P. licpeiv.
enmity. Revolt : P. dTrdorao-ts, 17. Disappeared, adj. Vanished : P.
Disagree, v. intrans. Quarrel: Ar. and V. (tyavrfo Ar. and V.
and P. Sta</>e<r0ai, ora<na^v, P. (rare P.), V. d^avros.
Dis Dis

Disappearance, subs. Flight: P, Disarrange, v. trans. P. and V.

and Y. <v Destruction: P.
P. and V.
6dvaro<s tTeXevny, rf.
6, Disarranged, adj. P.
Disappoint, v. trans. P. Trapa/cpoTW, Disarrangement, subs. P.
(dat.). Frustrate : P. ?i, araia, $,
P. and V. a/cooyu'a, ^.
and V. Disappoint of: Disarray, subs. P. Tapax^, ^, &TO&O,
P. and V. (rwd wos), P. ^, P. and V.
(TIVCL Ttvos). F005 : P. and Disarray, v. trans. P. and V.
Y. Be disappointed :
XihrcTv, Svloiv. o-etv, (ruvTapdo*CPtv, 866
P. TrapaKpovfcrSai, P. and V. wrafeiv ;
see fcvil. Be disappointed of : P. Disaster, subs. P. and V.
and Y. o-cdXXo~0oi (gen.), favBea-Qai 17, KOLKOV, TO, O"<^>dX/Aa, TO, TTCl^O?, TO,
(gen.), a7roo-<dXX0-0ai (gen.), a>ap- a, TO, P. CLTuxfa, 17, <

Tavciv (gen.). Be disappointed with,

be vexed with : P. xa^eTrois <f>pw TO'.

(ace.) ; see under vex. Disastrous, adj. P. and V.

Disappointment, subs. Frustra- ttTvxifc (rare Y.), Ar. and Y.
tion: P. and Y. P. TTOT/AOS; sseunfortunate. Harmful:
o-^dX/xa, TO',
TO. Vexation : P. dya- P. and V. &<rv/j,<f>opos 3 see harmful. -

Disastrously, adv. P. and Y. r "

Disapprobation, subs. J3Z<mfi : P. Xws, /cantos, P. drux^ 5 ? V.
and Y. /A/ , 6, Ar. and see unfortunately.
V. //,ojti<?7, 17. P, dya- Disavow, v. trans. P. and V. U^WUK u./<

(Eur., El. 256) Disown : P. and Y.


Disapproval, subs. See disapproba- on-cnroi/, 2i'atvecr0a6 (Dem. but rare


Disapprove, v. intrans. P. and V. 608). Deny : P. and Y. apvclotiai,

ttTrapvcwr^at, c^apveto'^ai, V. Karapvct*
and Y. U>^l)LLOLO'UOLLi o*^at; see deny. Stand alooffrom :
Disarm, v. trans. V. P.and V. a<j>L(rra<rOaL (gen.).
(Eur., H. .F.
1382).' subs. Disowning : P.
dead) of arms : P. and V. faroppifjcns, y. Deitial : P. and V.
(Eur., Phoen, 1417) They disarmed
apn7<ns, 17, P. ^dpvx?o-ts 17 (Plat.).
me of both m/ coverings : V. yvpvov Disband, v. trans. P. and V. f
ft WyKCW SwTTlJXO'U OToXtCT/WtTOS (Eur., (Eur., I. ^. 495), P.
Sec. 1156). They consented, to be Disbanding, subs. P. SidXwis,
disarmed, and each ransomed for Disbelief, subs. P. and V.
a fixed swm : P. o-wc/fyo-av pyrov 3-
IKCLOTOV dpyvptov dTroXv^vat oirXa Disbelieve, v. trans. P. and V. &rt-
TrapdSovras (Thuo. 4, 69). Be dis- OTIV (aco. of thing, dat. of pers.).
armed ; P. d$atp07}yat Ta oirXa Disburden, v, trans See relieve,
(Ijys.). Disarmed P. Trap^piy^ici/os
TO, oTrXa (Dem.). Met., disarm Disburse, v. trans. Pay : P. and
(anger, suspicion, etc.) : P. and Y. V. T^Xctv. Expend : P. and Y.
;/, Trapaipetv (or mid.), V. a^bat- avaXow, Ar. and P. Sa-,

Gentleness meeting violence

cwd rage disarms them of their Disbursement, subs.
excess : V. TO> yap ^tata> icdypta) T^ P. avaXojcrts, 17. P. and
Expense :

fJLaX.Oa.Kov ets ravrov ^X^ov TOU Xtav V. Sairo^, ^.

(Eur., Frag). Disc, subs. Use P. and Y. w/cXos, 6.
Dis Dis

Discard, v. trans. P and V. a-jro-; P. efatpeto-^ac. Dischaj'ge (a debt) :

jSaXXcti/, ahroppiTrreiv, e^aXXctv, aTrw- P. StaXvetv see Discharge (a

Belv (or mid.), 7rapo>0e/ (or mid.), debtor), give him
quittance : see
SuaOeurfftUi Ar. and V. aTroirTdeiv. quittance. Discharge an office :
Not to choose : P. airoKpLvew (Plat.). Ar. and P. dpvwv dpYetv. fT^ww owt
Despise : P. and V. Kara^povelv (o/ office, eic.) : P. and V. K/J<XXiv.
(ace. or virp<f>poviv (ace. or
gen ), V. intrans. Discharge itself (of a
gen.), P. oXtycopeiv (gen.). Neglect : river) : P, e/c/^oAActv, egievai (e^/xt).
P. and V. d/xcXcIv (gen.), irapa/jteXciv Discharge itself into : P. c/x-jSaXXctv
(gen.). efe (ace.).

Discern, v. trans. Perceive : P. and Discharge, subs. Acquittal : P. and

V. alcr&dv<r&aL, ktra.urOa.vea'QcLi, yiy- V, TO <uy>, Ar. and P. airofav&s,
vajovcciv, 8tayiy>a)o-Ku/, [juivQdveiv, voelv fj. Deliverance : P. and V. Xvoife,
(or mid.) (Plat.), Iwoelv (or mid.)
(Plat.), P. KarafjLav6aviy. Discern ;, i}/ Ottttfl*: P. and V.
beforehand : P. irpoaio-Qavco'Oa.i, irpo- .. }, P. K/3oXi7, ^. Discharge
voetv, P. and V. Trpoyiyvojoncctv. See : (of debts) P. SidXvo-ts, ^, d-jro8oo"is,

P. and V. opav, Katfopav, o-KOimv, 17. M*^tow3e ; P. d0crts, 17. Putrid

Oeao-Qai, 0u)pLV ; See see. matter : V. /c^xfe, ^, voo^Xcwx, .

Discerning, adj. Shrewd: P.jtnd Discharged, adj. Paid ojf: P.

V. oweros, 8pc/x,i/s (Plat. ; Eur.,
104), Ar. and P. <p6Vfytos. ^ Disciple, subs. Ar. and P.
cerning mind : V. <p-' 6, P. ffroi'nj'rijs, o see pupil. ',

(JEsch., C/ioe. 854). Discipline, v. trans. Train : P.

Discernment, subs. P. and V. o-vi/c- and V. iraiSeuew, Karaprdciv (Plat.).
o~is, ^, TO o-werov, yi/w/ Chasten: P. and V. /coXofciv, vov-
jj. Foresight: P. and V. vCTfiZv. 0*(00pOVlClV, Du6^fJLLLGLV (Plat.))
^ P. 7rpo^<9a, $, V. v opuoLciv. .
Brwio into order : P.
. .

Power to distinguishand V. and V. /coo-fLciv.

: P.
Siayyuo-ts, 17. Percepio?&; P. and Discipline, subs. P. vrato, ^. Wa7i
o/ discipline : P. aratfa., ^. Order :
Discernible, adj. Easy to distin- P. and V. TO^TS, ^, Koo-fws, o. Prac-
guish: P. d/yvwo-Tos. Visible: P. tice : P. ^eXeTT^, 17.
Obedience : P,
and V. 0edTos. PZaiw, manifest : and V. TreiOapxia, 17. Chastening :

P. and V. (j>a,Vp6s, 8^X05, tytfravqs, P. and V. I/CW&TT/O-W, ,

TO, P. KoXacris, ^.
Discharge, v. trans. Manumit : P. Disciplined, adj. Ar. and P. -

dTreXeuSepovv, d^ievai. Acquit : P. J5e disciplined, v. P. rfraK :

and V. Xvetv, cfcX^etv, ftcfrtevai, Ar. Disclaim, v. trans. P. and V.

and P. cwroXveiv. Dismiss : Ar. and
P. $7ro7rjU,7TCV, P. and V. cfyZewu. from ; P. and V. &i'ora<r0cu (gen j.
ie^ ^0 : P. and V. u^Ze^ac, a?raA- Disclose, v. trans. Show: P. and
Xdo-o-tv see /ree.
; Discharge (a V. ^atVcw, S^Xour, Setfcvvi/ai, e/c^SaiVctv

missile) P. and V. /?oXX/, ptVrctv,

(Plat.), ^TroSct/cj/iJi/ai, IwiSet/cvvvat, Ar.
afaevou., Ar. and V. tevat, V. taTTTctv ;
and P. a7To<jS>atvtv, V. K8ticidJvat ;

see throw. Emit, throw up : P. see sfaw>. Reveal : P. and V.

and V. ttvlcvat, avaScSoi/cu (Eur., '
airofeaXvTrreiv, Ar. and V. CKfcaXvznretv,

JVa^f.). Fw^Z : P. and V.

. V. 8tairTvorcrv (Plat, also but rare

(or mid., P.), P.), ttvo.Trrvo'o'civ, (fcvotyeiv.

PubUsh 9

etv, V. &K7rp(Lar<re betray : P. and V.

see /wZ^i. Discharge (a cargo) : v, 7.
Dis Dis

Disclosure, subs. Act of disclosing : Discontent, subs. P. and V.

P. fuqwans, 17. What is disclosed : peta, ^. Ill-temper : Ar. and
P. iurjwp.a, TO. Confession : P. oWicoA/a, ^ Indignation : P. aya-
OftoAoyio, 17. ^ see an^er.
vaKr7<r(.s, ;

Discolour, v. trans. P. and V. /u<ui/eiv; Discontented, adj. Morose : P. and

see de/be. "V. Svo-icoXos, Svo^xep^, 8uo-ap0-TO5,
Discomfited, Be, v. intrans. P. and P. SuVrporros. Angry: Ar. and P.
V. <r<aAAo-0<u. In battle : P. and XoAeTTos, P, and V. iriKpos. Be
discontented, v. P. oWxepaiWv,

Discomfiture, subs. P. and V. o-^oA- Ar. and P. o'xcrAta^eti', 8uo"/coAa/vcti^

P. 7rr(uo7*a, TO. Defeat : P. (Plat).
P. Suo-KoAo>s.
Discontentedly, adv.
Discomfort, subs. P. and V. Suo-- Discontentment, subs. See discon-
Xpw, ^, oxAos, 6. Troubles: P. tent.
and V. /coxa, T<{, P. TO. Svcrxepvj \ Discontinuance, subs. Cessation :
see troubles. Buffering: P. KO.KO- P. and V. SiclUms, r).

Trdfea, 17. Swjfer discomfort, v. : Discontinue, v. trans. Ar. and P.

P. and V. 7TOl/tV, K.dpV(,V, P. &iaXvtv. Bring to an end : P. and
V. iravew', seebreakoff. V. intrans.
Discomfort, v. trans. Cause discom- P. and V. X.riyw (Plat.) ;

fort to : P. and V. 6\Aoj/- iriip^i'V see cease. You discontinued your

(dat.),Ar. and P. li/oxAciv (aoc. or preparations for war : P. e^Xvo-ao-^e
dat.), P. SioxAcu/ (aoc), Y. oxActv TOLS irapao-Keuas TO.S TOTJ 7roAu.ov (Dem.

(ace.) ; see trouble 234).

Discomfortable, adj. P. and V. Discord, subs. Musical : P. dvap-
Svo-xepfa fifyts, cfrspTnfc (Thuc.), /Aocrrta, ^ (Plat.). Strife: P and
V- 8vOTp7T)J5. V. pt<?, 17, Ar.
orao-ts, ^, 8ta<^>opa, -^,

Disconcert, v. trans. Agitate : P. and V. also but rare

ve?K05, TO (Plat,
and V. rapcuro"iv, e/CTrAiycnrciV, ar;i>~ P.). Disagreement, clashing : P.
Topao-o-/ .FrwstfraZe : P. and V. Stcw^on'ta, ^ (Plat.), do-u^cuvto, ^
o-^ Throw into confiwon : (Plat).
P. and V. oTjyx "/ -
Discordance, subs. See discord.
Disconnect, v. trans. See separate. Discordant, adj. P. dvap/wxrros
Free : P. and V. ^TroXdav. Dis- (Plat ) do- J/A<<DVOS (Plat.) ,Jarring : .

connect oneself from, disoivn : P. F. and V. n-A^/x.ju.cAifc, Ill-omened :

and V. 7raiow (ace.). P. and V. 5vV<77/u>s (Plat, but rare
Disconnectedly, adv. At random : P.). 4i vanance: P. and V. S*-
P. and V. KI}. <jbopo?, P. <wru/t<a>vos (Plat.). Jl

Disconsolate, adj. Miserable : P. discordant cry : V. ySoi) d[/*t/cros.

and V. #0Aw>s, raXcuTrwpos, Ar. and Discordantly, adv. P. rapa ^Ao?
V. ToAds, TAoJ^wv, Sixmyvos ; see (Plat.), ttvap/iooTcos (Plat.), dcru/^o)-
miserable. Desolate : P. and V. vo>9 (Plat.). Shouting discordantly :

fy^os. Pitiable : P. and V. otKT/>os, V. a/>tKr' &AaKToiv (of Hercules)

P. \tvd5, Ar. and V. IW&.
J9fi- (Eur., ul^c. 760).
: P. and V. ^U/AO? (Xen.), Discount, v. trans. Detract from :
n^wi 7
, P. cAoo-o-ow (gen.).
Disconsolately, adv. P. and V. Discountenance, v. trans. P. and
5, P. ois, Ar. and V. /xcju^eorflai, owe &raivetv.
V. "A.ivo>s see miserably. Despond- Discourage, v. trans. P.

ently : P. dfl^ws (Xen,),

(Plat.). : P. and V. ,
Dis Dis

and P. farorpcircLv ; see deter. Dis- Discoverer, subs. P. wpe-nfc, 6,

approve (a course of action) : P. Fem., V. experts, ^.

and V. p..p,<j><rQajLy OVK ra/iv. Be Discovery, subs. P. cupco-ts, ^, V.
discouraged : P. and V. Disclosure : P. jH7}vu(rt9,
aveupecris, ^.
see despond. ^. Invention, thing discovered :
Discouraged, adj. P. and V. P. and V. c-up^/ia, TO, Ar. and V.
(Xen.), V.
Discredit, v. trans. Disbelieve : P.
Discouragement, subs. P. and V. and V. &rrrtv (ace. of thing, dat.
(S^u/xta,^,8vop^/xta,^(Plat.). Blame: P. and V.
of pers.). Disgrace :

P. and V. fi/i/ris, ^. Dissuasion : Discredit

ato^dvetv, /caTaio-^dvetv.
P. cwroTpOTny, ^. one person with another: P. and
Discourse, subs. P. and V. Aoyos, V. Sia/JoAXciv Ttva Tti/t or cts Tn/a.
6. Speech : P. and V. p^cm, 17. Discredit, subs. Shame : P. and
Conversation : P. SiaAoyos, 6, P. V. ai<r)(Svr) 17, V. atcrvos, TO. Dis- t

and V. Aoyoi, ot, V. Accr^at, at. honour : P. and V. r!/ua, ^, Svcr-


Discourse, v. intrans. Ar. and P. xXcia, ^ (Thuc., Plat.), ffiofa f ^ .

&aA.yo-0ai ; see speak. Discourse Beproach : P. and V. oV8os, TO'.

with : Ar. and P. A discredit to (used of a person) :

or Trpos, ace.), V. cis Aoyous c P. and V. ovsiSos, TO, V. ai<rx&nr) 9 17.

(dat.) (cf. Ar., JVw6. 470), Si* Disbelief : P. and V. Airurrui, 17,
a<t//r0<u (dat.) ; see ccwtfer discredit, v. : P. and V.
Discourteous, adj. P. and V.
//*Aiys, Ar. and P. aypoiKos ; see Discreditable, adj. P. and V.
rude. 7rovt8tcrros, ttvo^tos; see disgrace/id.
Discourteously, adv. Ar. and P. Discreditably, adv. P. and V. al-
dypoiKcos ; see rudely. o"^p(05, ai/afta)S,
P. 7rovoYoTa>s.
Discourtesy, subs. P. and V. &/JLQV- Discredited, adj. Disgraced : P. and
erax, 17 (Eur., Frag.), P. dypoi/a'a, ^; V. ^TtjLLOS.
see rudeness. Discreet, adj. P. and V. crw^pwv,
Discover, v. trans. Find: P. and d5oi;Aos, Ar. and P. <j!>povfyu>$ see ;

V. VplCTKlV, <f>V prudent. Be discreet, v. P. and :

^7JptOr/CtV, V. l

7rp V. o-co0poveu>.
w the act : P. and V. CTT*
Discreetly, adv. P. and V.
Aa/i^ai/co/, <^ojpav, Aa/x/?areti/j /cara- Ar. and P. <j>povifjuos, Y.
Xa^aveti/ (Eur., OycZ. 260), aipctV,
P. icara^wpai/. L^^i WpOTl P. and Discrepancy, subs.
Difference: P.
V. !i/TvyxaWv (dat ), ruyxavuv (gen.), 17, Siao-raorj-s, 17, P. and V.

?rpo(nrt7rTtv (dat.), Ar. and P. cVI- ,

TO. Contrariness : P.
Tuy^ai/tv (dat.), P. TrcptwtTrrciv (dat.),
V. icvpctv (gen.), Kiyx*Vlv (acc or Discrepant, adj. Contrary : P. and

gen.). Perceive : P. and V. awr0a- V. cvavTtbs. Different : P. and V.

vea'Ba.i, evaurOdvco-Oat,, yiyi/oicr/eetv,
yi/wpc^ctv, /jiav0avU/, voetv (or mid.) Discretion, subs. P. and V.
(Plat), cWctv (or mid.) (Plat.), P. TO croM^povctv, u^ov\a, 77,
KaTa,fMLv6dvet.v. Disclose : P. and 97, yv&itxi, y,
Ar. and P.
V. 4woica\V7rTtv, V. 97.
owe*3 discretion : P. and V.
but rare P.),
(Plat, also
KKoXwrriv ; see disclose. owe).
Discoverable, adj. V. evpcro's (Soph., Discriminate, v. trans. P. and Y.
; also Xen.). Swupetv, Siopifetv, 8iayiyv(i)o-Ktv, 8t-
Dis Dis

(Plat.), 8ioA.a/A/3ai/iv, Ar, and Disdainfulness P. andV. <

P. TO, oy/cos, 6, v^pts 17,

V. $p6w](ri<s, jf,

Discriminating, adj. Prudent: P.

and V. o~a><pci>]/, o-weros, Ar. and P.
Disdainful, adj. P. and Y.
Discrimination, subs. P. and Y. w/rtyXos, P. oXiyoipos, -UTrcp
TO o-w^pov, TO yaA.o$pu>i/, rTrepOTnrt^os, V.
yi/oifiTy, 17, ^pov^o-is, 17,

O-WCTOV, criWo-Ls, >J. Power of dis- ^TrepKOTTos, w/rT;A.d<j&pa>i/ (also Plat, but
tinguishing : P. and V. Siayvoms, rare P.), w/D/yopos, ore/xvooro^io?, Ar.

Discursively, adv. P. and V. t/o} and Y, yaupo?. Disdainful of: P.


see ai length, under length. oXtya>pos (gen.). *

Discuss, v. trans. Consider, exa- Disdainfully, adv. P.

mine : P. and Y. eeraiv,

V. Tutor
epKOTnos, v
; see eojawme. Discuss fully Disdainfulness, subs. See disdain.
P. and Y. Siaircpcuveiv (Plat.). Disease, subs. P. and V. voo-os, 17,
O/: P. 8iaXeyeo-0<u -rrcpt (gen.). TO. Plague : P. and V.
discuss first the question of Euri- Indisposition: P. a<r0e/ia,

pides : Ar. xpvjfjiaTL&Lv irp&Ta dppworta, ^. 17,

(Thesm.Sll). ' Y. intrans. Diseased, adj. P. and V. voo-w, P.

P, and V. ; see ^ZZ. j^e ^seo5^, v. :

a//AA.acr0<u, Ipifciv, P. lit., P. and Y. vocmv, /caju-vctv ; met.,

TaZfc : Ar. and P. P. and V. voo-tv. Unsound, adj. :

Discuss with : P. and V. P. and V. cra6p6$ Ar. and P. <ra7rp6s ; t

(dat. or Trpos, ace.), <^

see unsound.
or Trpos, acc.), Ipi&w (dat. or ?r/ Disembark, v. trans. Ar. and P.
acc.), P. a.i*.<t>i<rpYiTiv (dat.), V. St^l (iTTo/ft^tv, tKptpdfav. Y. intrans,
Xoywv a<f>iKVLcrdcLi (dat.). P. and Y. e/c^atvctv, fco^atWiv (Bur.,
Discussion, subs. Examination : Frag.), P. a.ir6pa<nv iroida-Qai ; see
P. and V. ontof/is, 17, P, ema'K^i.^ fi.
Dispute P. and V. #y<6v, 6, Ipts,

Disembarkation, subs. P.
P, } Ar. T$, V. eVao-is, T7.

and P. dvTtA.oyta, 17, vt/co?, TO (Plat, Disembodied, adj.

also but rare P.). Talk: P. andV. mother Hecuba, disem-
Ao'yoi, ot,
P. 8ia\/cT05, y. Opposing bodied of my mortal frame : V. vw
argument : Ar. and P. dvriXoyta, 17. uTrep fJL-qrpbs <t>Lh.rj$ "E/cdt^s dtVo-o)
Remove from the discussion : P. oroiju,' cp^oioras CJLIOV (Eur., flee. 30).
dvaipctv ic
/JLCO-OV (Dem. 323), Disenchant, v. trans. Use P. ctyStav
Disdain, v. trans. P. and V. *aTa- Trapx* LV (dat.) (lit.,33ro$Mce disgust).
<t>povtv (acc. or gen.), fhrepifipoTew Be disenchanted with, have had a
(acc. or gen.),
P. 6Atywpeu> (gen.), surfeit of: Ar. and Y. Kopeo-Brjvai
or gen.), Ar. and V.
(acc. (gen.) (1st aor. pass, of /copewwat),
STroirrifeiv Neglect: P. and
(acc.). P. and V. TrXyv&fjvaL (gen.) (1st aor.
Y. a/xcX-ctv
" " (gen.), 7rapa/A\tv (gen.). pass, of m/jtTrXavat) (Plat.), V. Kopov
Z^iZe honour : P, and Y. see surfeit. ;

fry (Plat.), Y. XT^OF. Y. Disenchantment, subs Dislike : P.

intrans. With infin., P. and Y. Satiety : P. and Y.
QVK diow (infin.), ov Sucaiow. o (Plat.), Trtycr/JLorf, fj (Plat.).
Disdain, subs. Contempt: P. *aTa- Disencumber, v. trans. See/ree.
...-.* Disengage, v. trans. P. and V.
Dishonour: P. and V. see free, disentangle.
Dis Dis

She tried to disengage her hand : P. and V. arista, i5

Ar. TT}V x (ft* 689). V Al?P a Be (Thuc. and Plat.), 8o t'a,

disengaged, be at leisure : P. and in disgrace, v. P. and V. :

Beproac/t, subs. P. and V. ov :

Disentangle, v. trans. P. and Y. A disgrace to (used of a person) :

P. and V. ovetSos, TO, V.

clear: P. and Y. o-a. Disgraced, adj. P. and V. &TI/JLOS,
(Xen. but rare P.). TFT&eTWver they V. (also
closed with one another they could Xen. but rare P.).
not easily get disentangled : P. Disgraceful, adj. P. and V. e

Base : P. and
(Thuo. 1, 49). V. Ktt/e irov77pos. Unseemly : V.
Disentanglement, subs. P. and V. Ignominious : P, and
V. KOTO'S, V. SucncXciJs (also Xen.);
Disfavour, subs. Hostility : P. and see ignominious.
Disgracefully, adv. P. and Y. at-

17. Odium : P. and V. <0oVos, 6. o-^poi?, avafd'o)?, P.

Disgust: P. 17,
P. and Y. Basely : P. and V.
Swxcpcia, ^. View with disfavour : Ignominiously : P. and V.
P. xo-^OTais <t>cpiv (aco.), Ar. and P. ^Tt)Lta)S, aKX(05, V.

Disguise, v. trans. P. and V.

(acc. or dat.), Y. Tri/cpS? <^ep/ (acc.). Tco-^ac, TuirooTcXA-ecr^at, P.
Disfigure, v. trans. P. and Y. o-^at. Conceal : P. and V. Kpurr
cnry/cpvTrrctv ; see fe*de. Disgwse
A.o>/?a<r0ai (Plat,), V. afegctv, icarai- oneself, dress oneself up : Ar. and
P. cvcnceua&otfai. (Plat., Cn'to, 53D).
Disfigurement, subs. .4ctf o/ Disguise, subs. Mask : P.
Witt(7 ; P. and V. Sia<j[>0opa, 77,
TO'. Pretence : P. and V. T
4 (Plat.), X* Wf
4 (Plat.), okfe, TO. I &az?e spoken my mind freely
at/acryLia, TO,
P. at/ctcr/AOS, 6. Deform- without disguise : P. ov8w
ity : P. CUCTYOS, ro (Plat.), iroviypi'a, Xajuevo? 7T7rappi7O*tacr/it (Dem.
^ (Plat.). UqUness : P. a?o*xos, TO Disgust, v. trans. Use P.
(Plat.) ; see ugliness. Trapse"* (dat). Annoy: P, and
Disfranchise, v. trans. Ar. and P. Y. XvTTctv, dvZav, ox^ov Tca.pix*w
P. STI/AOV Ka0ioraixu, d?ro- (dat.), Ar. and P. ho^iv (aoc. or
dat.), V. <5xAtv. J5e disgusted : P.
Disfranchised, adj. P. and V. oVZ) and V. Y0r0eu, P. oWxepaiVciv,
Disfranchisernent, subs. P. and Y. Ar. and P. ayavaKTetv. Be disgusted
&rt/ua, y. Act of disfranchising with : P. and Y. dx0eo-0<u (dat.), P.

Disfurnish, v. trans. P. (acc. or dat.), Ar.

and P.
Disgorge, v. trans. Met., Ar. (dat.). Save 7ta^ P. a surfeit of:
and V. pass, of
TrXycr&rjvai (1st aor.
Disgrace, v. trans. Bring to shame : 7ri/x,7rA.avai) (gen.) (rlat.),
Ar. and Y.
P. and V. alo'xvvGiv, Kasrcua"xyviv t KOpecrOrjvaL (1st aor. pass, of /copev-
Y. KyXiBcyvv. Dishonour : P. and vwaO
V& ,

> A A
A '$
anfetv, Disgust, subs.
P. and Y. oWx^peia,
Y. gcny, 17 (Bur.,
^aTZ/Aa^tv. Disgrace oneself: P. P. diySia, ^,
and Y. do^vw/Aovcrv. d. 245 ; also Plat, but rare P.),
Disgrace, subs. Shame : P. and V, Satiety : P. and Y. Kdpos, o (Plat.),

,Y.a*crxos,To. Dishonour: i
Dis Dis

Disgusting, adj. P. ayBfa Ar. and iously : P. and V. /ca/coi?,

P. jffScXtJpo's, V. yfl&Xu'KTpoTTos. Dis- aicXews, V. Sutr/cXews.

tressing : P. and V. ftapvs, o Dishonoured, adj. P. and V.

V, oW/cXcTjs (also Xen.), Ar. and V.
Dish, SUDS. Ar. Xe/cav^, ^, XOTTCIS, ^.
.Food ow the dish : P. and V. Dishonourer, subs. V. p, 6,
TO (JEsch., Frag.).
Dishearten, v. trans. P. c Disinclination, subs. Unreadiness :
P. and V. OKI/OS, 6.
heartened P. and V. #0u/ztv, V. Disincline, v. trans. Deter : Ar. and

oW0i>jLieio-0ai,P. 7ri/cA.aor0J)vai (1st

P. wTTorpeirtiv. Be disinclined: P.
aor. pass, of eVucXav). and V. oil povXca-Oai, Ar. and P.
Disheartened, adj. P. and V. 0i5/>s OVK e^c'Xcti/, Ar. and V. ou ^eXctv.
(Xen.), V. 8uo-0v/>s, Suer^pwv. Be disinclined to : use verbs given
Dishevelled, adj. V. dKrei/to-Tos see with infin. ; also P, and V.

squalid. (infin.), KaroKvciv (infin.).

Dishonest, adj. P. and V. Disinfect, v. trans. P. and V. Kafi

XO;(077pOS, SSl/COS, peiv.
Disinfection, subs. P. /ca0apo-w s y.
Dishonestly, adv. P. and V. Disingenuous, adj. P. and V. 8t?rXoSs;
aSiKcos, Ar. and P. Trai/ovpyws. see cunning. Of things P. o-KoXids

Dishonesty, subs. V. (Plat.), V. IXtKTo?, ?rX<fyos.

17, TTOVT/pta, ^, iravovpyta, ^ Disingenuously, adv. See cunningly*
Ar. and P. poxBripLa, f),
P. Disingenuousness, subs. See cun-
Dishonour, subs. Shame : P. and Disinherit, v. trans. P. d-n-oK^pvo-o-eiv*
V. V. ato-^os, TO. Z)w- Disintegrate, v. trans. Ar. and P.
aicrxtfiny, ^,
grace : P. and V. arZ/ua, 17, Sw/cXcta,
'^ (Thuo., Plat), 38o#a, ^. Ee- Disintegration, subs. P.
proach : P and V. oi/Sos, TO. Disinter, v. trans. P. dvatpctv. They
Outrage : P. and V. Sjfyns, ^, at/cfa, disinterred the bones and cast them*
^, Xt5 w
^ (Plat.), (Plat.).
Stain, defilement : met., P. and V.
out : P. Ta ocrra dveXovTcs
(Thuc. 1, 126).
Disinterested, adj. Honest: P. and
Dishonour, v. trans. Bring to shame : V. cnrXws. Unbiassed: P. and V.
P. and V. awrx^veiv, /caTawrxiWv, V. KOIV05,
Degrade : P. and V. Disinterestedly, adv. P. and V.
aTijw,aiv, V. aT^ctv, c^a-
!/, cforXois. Gratis : P. and V. ap.ur6L
v. Outrage : P. and V. Disjoin, v. trans. P. and V. X<P& IV >
Sitorcfvot (Eur., Frag.) Ar. and P. t

(Plat.). Seduce: P. and V. 8x- Stacnrav, Sta^wp^etv see sepdTdte, J

00etpeiv, v/Spi&Wy Xo))Sao-0(u (Plat.), Disjointedly, adv. ^4i random: P.

P. Ka.rai<r)(vviV) V. awr;(uvii>, 8ioX- and V. eZidJ.
Xwac. Disk, subs. P. and V. /akXos, o.
Dishonourable, adj. P. and V. <u- Dislike, subs. P. dqS&a, P. and V. ^
crxpos, KO.KOS, iroi/?7po9, jno^fypos, cvo- 8vo-;(pa, ^. Satiety : P. and V*
m'8ioTo$, ava^to?. Jgf?w?w^7iiO'ZW : P. KOpos, 6 (Plat.), -Trtyo-fJLQvy, f) (Plat.).
and V. KOLKO^ SuovcXe^s (Xen.) ; see Hatred (of persons) P. and V.

JUCTOS, TO ; see hatred, hostility. Be-

Dishonourably, adv. P. and V. mewed with dislike : P.
t, P. and V.
Dis Dis

Viewed with dislike : use adj., P. Confusion : P. rapa^, ^, V. Ta

and V. ri<0ovos. Tapay/ia, TO.
/tos, 6,
Dislike, v. trans. P. and V. axOccrOai Dismay, v. trans, P. and V.
(dat ), Ar. and P. tfyava/creTv (dat.),
Bv(T)(paLVLV (aco. Or dat.), P. ^oAcTTG)? (Plat.), Ar. and P. Kar
c^'pew, 8i>o-icoX(os Sta/ceicr^at wpds (aoc.), P.
V. irwcpws <eptv, airtxrrepycw ; 866 cirroyarQai (perf. pass. -Trrocti/),
also tote. (also Ar. in act.).

Dislocate, v. trans. Use Ar. KKOK- Dismember, v. trans. P. and V.

Kifciv. Met., tf/woio mtfo confusion : orrapao-o-civ (Plat.), Ar. and V. 8ta-
P. and V. Topao-cmv, (rwrapdo-crew,
cnrav, Sta^epeiv, dpra/ietv, 8tapTa/x.iv J,

Dislocated, adj. P. see tnangle. Met., P. Stacnrav.

Dislocation, subs. Sprain ; P. <nrao-- Dismiss, v. trans. P. and Y. a<Iei/<u,
/xa, TO, orp/A/ji.a,
TO. , fJLt&ievaL, Ar. and P. QTTO-
Dislodge, v. trans. P. e/cicpouciy, Tz^rw
O2ti : P. and Y.
i, P. and V. e^eAavveiv, *- Dismiss a?& assembly,

Throw down : P. and V. etc. ; P. and Y. 8ioAiW, Ar. AiW

(also Xen.). to : P.
Sa^ farewell
Disloyal, adj. P. and V. and V. xaipcw lav (ace.) ; see /are-
s, Ar. and P. KOKOVOUS, V. w;eZZ. Dismiss (a feehng) : P. and
Faithless : P. and V. Y. &<f>leva.L, fJL0ia/ai, Y. Traplevat.
Dismount, v. intrans. From
Disloyally, adv. P. 8ucr//,va>9. or carriage : Ar. and P. Kara^
Disloyalty, subs. P. and Y. 8u From a carriage : P. and V.
37, SVOVOUL, rfj
P. /ca/edvoia, 17. Faith- ^atVcw/ (Eur., Tro. 622),
lessness : P. and V. &rtcm'a, 17. Disobedience, subs. P.
Dismal, adj. Of looks : P. and Y. 95 (Plat.),

V. oruyyo's. Of colour, Disobedient, adj.

Y. TO /cXu^tv.
cJb : P. and V. ju.eA.ds, V. /icA-ay- 7T(.i6ri<s9
V. 6 /*) TreiQdwp (^
s. Despondent : P. and V. ^Lgf. 1639),
Is it a duty to honour
(Xen.), V. ftva-Qvfjuos, $v<r<l>p<w. the disobedient ? V. Ipyov yap COTL
Miserable, wretched: P. and V. TO-us d.KOo-/xoi3i/Tas o-ejSeiv; (Soph.,.
otKTpos, 0Xios, TttXawrtopos, Ar. and ^7ii. 730).
V. TaXtts, V. Suo-roXas see miserable. Disobey, v. trans. P. and Y. &TCI&ZV

Mournful (of things) : P. and V. (dat.), avyKovfrrclv (gen.) (Thuc.),,

#0A,ios, ouerpos, ToXawrwpos, V. TTO\V- ^tcrreTv (dat.) ; see also transgress.
oroi/05, Syo-oio-Tos, 7Ti/^w>s. Trouble- Disoblige, v. trans. P. and V. ofr
some, dreary : P. and V. ox^^po?, X&pt&O'fai (dat.), P. ayvtojjLovclv ts
jftapiis, 8uo"Xp^S,
V. woXtfTrovo?. or ?rpds (aoc.).
Dismally, adv. Despondently : P. Disobliging, adj. P. and V. dyvoi/Awv..
^U/AWS (Xen.), 8uo-0v>i>s (Plat.). Disorder, subs. P. and V. 0opTJos, 6,
Miserably : P. and V. ct0Aos, OIK- aKOoyua, ^, P. Tapaxij, ^, aTafta, ^, V^
rptos, V. TX^/x6vo)s. Tapay/jto?, 6, T<3tpay/*,a, T^. Disease :
Dismantle, v. trans. P. <fcva<ncvaeiv. P. and Y. vdo-os, ^, vo<nrjfJLa TO, P. 9

Wa/Zs, eic. : P. and V. fca^atpciv, P. ffdvos, 6 (Thuc. 2, 49). TArow mio-

v. Disfumish : P. l/ccr/ceua- disorder v. P. and Y. To-pao-crav,.

o-ui/Tapao-o-tv, Ar. and P. Qopv/Stw.

Dismay, subs. P. and V. ,
In ,
disorder use P. ov8Vi ACOCT/AO)^

tKir'fafifa, ^, Sci/Aa, TO, 8eos, TO, oppwoYa, TPi'Jfoowtf disorder Y. .

17, V. Tapy^os, TO, P. KaTairXrj&s, rj. a/cocr/xajs


Dis Dis

Disorder, v. trans. P. and V. vt;vat. Met., ^wpeZ (/ear, <3te.) : P.

crew, oruvTapao-crciv, <rvy;(a', and V. XiW ;
see ^ei r^d under
(Plat, also Ar.), KVKO.V (Plat, also ra'd. Met., scatter to the winds :
Ar.). V. o-K&avvvvat, ftirocrKefiavirivat, Sta-
Disordered, adj. Met., see mad. arKcSavv'&vat, Ar. cK<TK$avvijvai.

Disorderliness, subs. P. dro&a, ^, subs. P. larpcLov, TO.

P. and V. #Kocr///a, 17 ; see disorder. Dispensation, subs. System : P.
Disorderly, adj. P. rapaxwS^s, araK- and Y. Karao-ratus, 17, KaracrKevy, 17
TOS, do-wra/cros, V. dtaooywjs, ov/c d;- (Eur., 5^jp. 214, but rare V.), P.
KOOT/XOS. J50 disorderly, v. P. o-wTo^t?, 17. J5^ divine dispensation :

<iraCTLV, P. and V. ^KOCTfLCtV. P. ^ctigt jLtotpct (Plat.) see interp ;

Disorganisation, subs. P. tion. Immunity : P. and V.

^. Distribution: P. vofwy, 17,
Disorganise, v. trans. P. and V.
Dispense, v. trans. P. and V.
Disown, v trans. P. and V. 8ta6tSdvai, TrpooW/xeii', Ar. and P.
dvaCvcr6at (Dem. 954 also Plat,
P. farOVfJLLV, irtV/JttV, V.

but rare P.), Y. au-w^eo-flai (JEsch.,

Eum. 608). Disclaim : P. and Y. ith : P. and V. Jav (ace.),

a-jra&ovv (Eur., El. 256). Disin- (ace.). Say farewell to :

herit : P. diro/oypvo-crctv. Deny : P. met., P. and Y. Yoipeiv lav (Eur.,
JR. 400).
apvei<T0ai, Y. KaTapvtcr0af. D'isown Dispenser, subs. P. and V. raj^a?,
(a course of action) : P. and Y. 0. Distributor : P. vo/wnfe, 6.
a<f>L<rra<T0aL (gen.). Disowned by Dispeople, v. trans. See depopulate.
me, your father : V. ohrdrtop /*ov Dispersal, subs. P. irXav^o-w, y (Thuc.
(Soph., 0. G. 1383). 8, 42). Bout : P. and Y. rpoinj, y.
Disparage, v. trans. P. and Y. 8ia- Disperse, v. trans. Scatter : P. and
Y. <TKc8a.wvvQ.ij BiacrK$a.vvvva.i, &TTO-
also abuse. <rKc$awijv<LL ; see scatter. Spread
Disparagement, subs. P. and Y. about : P. and V. crTrctpeiv, Stacnrct-
P. /JacncaWa, rj
<5iaj3oA?7, 17, piv. jRowi : P. and Y, rperrcw.
Self-disparagement : P. Break up : P. and V. 8toXu/ (Eur.,
1. A. 495). V. intrans. Use pass,
P. Ar. of trans, verbs.
Disparaging, adj. icaKiJyopo?,
and P. SmyffoXo?, V. XotSopos (Eur., Dispersed, adj. Scattered: P. and
Y. (nroptfe, P. SuoTraoyxei/os.
Disparagingly, adv. P. Sta/3<$A.o>s. Dispersion, subs. See dispersal.
Disparity, subs. P. Dispirit, v. trans. See dishearten.
Dispirited, adj. See disheartened.
Dispassionate, adj. Fair, just : P. Displace, v. trans. P. and Y. ju,e0t-
and Y. 6p0os, 7n.eiK>;s. Temperate : oravat, Y. < cSpas fwflop/Ai'fciv, P.
P. and Y. <ra><j!>pa)v, /Jterpios. /xerafct^iv. Depose from office : P.
Dispassionately, adv. JPairZ?/ : P. d7raAA.a<T<riv, P. and Y. ^/c^oAAetv;
and Y. 6p0w9, P. fa see depose. Displace (a population) ;
P. and Y. P. and V. avLcrrdvcu, ^avrr<3tvat.
Y. <re(ra>^povLC t Displacement, subs. Of population :

Dispel, v. trans. Avert : P. and P. and Y. avttoracr/9, ^. Tonnage :

Y airorpejreiv, uirocrrpefaiv, airwOew. see tonnage.
Disperse, scatter: P. and Y. cnc*- Display, v. trans. Show : P. and V.
a-n-oo-KcSav- <f>awiv t BetKvvvaL, SijXovv, <njp.a.WW
Dis Di&

(Plat.), ArffieucKifau, Dispose, v. trans. Arrange. P. andV.

<f>aiVLV (Plat ), Y. 4/cSciKVlWl, CKO-7J- Kocr^tetv, Taororctv, (ruvrao-o-cir, P. Sta-
ULOiwew, Ar. and Y. 7rpo<atviv. Give Koorp.LV, Siaraacrciv, Ar. and P. Oia-
proof of : P. and Y. cvSci'/cvucr&u Tt^a/at. Of persons (make friendly
(ace.), Trapc^tv mid.) (ace.),
(or or the reverse) P. 6iaTi0'cu (with

irporiQecrOai (ace V. T$<r0cu (ace.),

), adj.). Be disposed (well or other-
Ar. and P. &ri8eiKwo-0at (ace.), Ar. wise) P. LaKci<rOat (with adv.), P.

and V. ev8i8oV<u ; see sAow. foow; and V. c^tv (with adv.). J am weZZ
forth: Y. 7rt^>aTjcr/c(v(-Slsch.). E/se, disposed to you : V. d5 <jf>pova> TO. <ra
employ : P. and Y. xpjj<r0cu (dat.), (Soph., 4/. 4=91) J see favour. Be-
irpo<r<f>pw. Make show of : Ar. disposed to (with infin ), be willing
and P. &rLScucvijycu (or
mid.) (ace.). to : P. and V. j&\6cr6tai (infin.).
Display, subs. P. 17,
dwroSeifis, 5e woni to : P. and Y. <j> t/XeLv (infin.) .
and P. crrtiSci^is, ?} ; see also mani- Dispose of: by trading, P. 8m-
festation. Showing off- Ar. and (acc.) ;by will, Ar. and P.
P. 67r$>iis, 17 Pomp, magnificence : ?at (ace.). Use P. and V. .

P. and Y. cr^pa, TO, (dat.). Get rid of P. and :

see s&ow. Aacrcrccrflcu. .B^ 2/MS

Displease, v. trans. P (Zo I dispose of this count r
(dat.), Y. a<l>av$avw (dat.) ; see
annoy. Be displeased (with) : P. Xo>v (Bnr./JKei 790).
and Y. ax^a-Bau. (dat.), Ar. and P. Disposed to, adj. Pro?ie
: P.
&yava.KTeiv (dat.),
P. Sucr^epaiveiv (ace. Trpoirenfc Trpo? (aoc.) ; see inclined-
or dat.). to.

Displeasing, adj. See disagreeable. Disposition, subs. Arrangement :

Displeasure, subs. Anger: P. and P and Y. rafts, T;, P. Staraft?, 77^
Y. opyTj, % see anger. Annoyance :
Character : P. and Y.
P. and Y. 8vor^pia, 77, a^^Saiv, 77. 6, or pi., ^05, TO, $-6<ri$, T).

Ocfa'wm : P. and V. 00oW, 6, P. : P. and V. 6py77', T), or pi.

State of mind : P. Staflcms, ;, <f&s,
Disport oneself, v. Play: P. and w. Testament : Ar. and P. 8ta
Y. Traifav. Pass one's tvme : P. >

and V. Sioyetv, Ar. and P. Siarpf^ctv. Dispossess, v. trans. Drive out : P.

Disposable, adj. .Zfoa% Jo hand : and V. cKj&xAAetv, l^w^et
P. and V. irpo^cipos. Deprive : P. and Y. d
' '
subs. Arrangement : P. TI), a^atpcio-fiai (rtva rt) see ;

'LS, 4 Stamens, r}, P. and Y. Dnve /row one's liome : P. and V.

Sale : P. Statfecrts, 77 ; see !oi*ci0'. Dispossess (of office) :
At my disposal: P and Y. P. aTraXXao-crav (Thuc. 1, 129) ; see.
in my power). Ba/oe depose. Being now dispossessed,
at one's disposal: P. and Y. she will fret over her fate with
xcipov %x LV (ace.). "Saving the inward brooding :
cwroAaxovcra vw
leading men akoays at his disposal : avri) Kaff awrijv TTJV ru^1?" ot<ret irucp&s
P. ^po))M.VOS ael TOiff Trpcorots (Thuc. (Eur., low, 609).
4, 132). With the means at one's Dispossession, subs. Deprivation:
disposal : P. e/c TWV wrap^ovrov. P. <rrepT7<rts, ^, aTrocrTep^o-is, ^. jTa&-
Pw^ oneself at some one's disposal : *W^ away: P. d</>atpcrt?, 77, Trapatpccrts,
P. Trapc^cw/ eavrov TIVI xpfjotiai o,rt *
j8o-u\T<w (Lys. 111).
My money is
Dispraise, subs, and v. trans. See*
at your disposal P. o-ol Sc &!o9%6.
TCL ^a xprffjiaTa (Plat., Crito, Disproof, subs. P. and V. eA.eyxos > -

Dis Dis

Disproportion, subs. Inequality : reZ : P. and V. Sia^opd, ^, Ar. and

P. avurorrjs, rf.
V. WKOS, TO (Plat, also but rare P.).
Disproportionate, adj. Unequal : The property is in dispute : P CTU-
P. dno-os. Too much :
P. and V. SIKOS lo-Tiv 6 K\.7jpo$ (Isae. 52). Point
Deficient : P. and V. in dispute : P. d/z^io-^ifny/Aa, TO.
>, P. eXXwnfc. -ftbt tMZZ tori- 2%e points in dispute : P. TO, 8ta</>-
aw00d : P. a/*erpos, acrv/JLp,Tpo$. povTa, Ta d/A^>iXoya. Ii w
a disputed
Disproportionately, adv. Unequally:
P. dvtWs. Too rawcTz- : P. and V. dispute,
* indisputably : P. dva/^io--
Sydv, Xfev, Trcpwnrws. Deficiently: V% OVK d/juAtXcJcra)?. ov
P. v8eus.
Disprove, v. trans. P. and V. eXey- Disputed, adj. P.

Disputable, adj. P. Disqualified, adj. P. and V. ov*

d^iXoyos see doubtful.
; <^tos. Through being disqualified
Disputant, subs. Use P. 6 dy to contend : P. KaTa TT/V ov/c Ifovo-tav

/ACVOS. In a lawsuit P. use :

TT}S dyaw'arcws (Thuc. 5, 50).
Sco9, o or 17. Disqualify, v. trans. 5^c^ as tm/tt :
Disputation, subs. Discussion: P. P. airoSoKLfjLd^etv. Prevent : P, and
and V. ay<i>v, 6, fp&, ^, P. d//,$r- V. KwXtSctv ; see prevent.
/J^o-is, 17, Ar. and P. di/rUoyta, 17 Disquiet, v. trans. P. and V. rapdo--

see discusson, dispute. <Tiv, K*r\-fi<r<Tiv> V. &o\ovv (Eur.,

Disputatious, adj. P. epiari/co's, V. Ale. 1067) see disturb, frighten,


distract. Why do you stand dis-

Dispute, v. trans. Oppose in ivovds : quieted when all is well with you ?
P. and V. dimXeyctv (dat.), V. o>o'<r V. Tt crvyxyOticf eo-r^Kas fyiK cirrv-
X<*>pH/ (dat.), P. cl/Aoo-c tei/at (dat ), X as ; (Eur., Med. 1005).
Ar. and V. aTrreo-QaL (gen.). Dispute Disquiet, subs. P. Tapa^, ^, V.
.this matter with others : V. oXXots os, 6, Tapay/Jta, TO, P. and V.

d/uXXG TOVTO (Eur., I. A. 309). ?, ^. .Fear : P. and V.

Dispute (a clown) : P. dfc0to-^Ttv , 6, Seos, rd; see fear.
(gen.). jEe disputed with us the adj. P. and V.

possession of the whole estate : P.

^jLt^io-^TCi -ty/uv airavros TOT; xXiypov Disquisition, subs. P. and V, Xdyos,
(Isae. 51). Dispute (a case at law) : 6 see discusswn. ;

P. and V. 5ya>vir0ai (ace.), Ar. Disregard, v. trans. P. and V. #/*-

and P. 8iayoovt0"$cu (absol.). Dis- (gen.), Trapa/xcXav (gen.), /caTa-
'Cuss see dwcwss. Oppose : P. 'v
(gen.), P. oXtywpetv (gen.),
and V. vavrioi)o-0at (dat.), dv^tbra- pav, Iv ouSm Xoycp TTC

(dat.). V. intrans. P. and V. (ace.), V. oY ovSevos Trotetcr^ac, >

(gen.), IK cr/i&Kpw -TroteZa^at, ev

:t, P. &fj,<f>i<rj3ir}Tiv Quarrel : Ar, and V. <^> <^epccv.
Ar. and P. Sia^epeo-^cu ; see quarrel. P. and v art/jux^ctv 7rctpp- .

Dispute with : P. and V. #ya>vi'eo-0<u

(dat. or Trp^s, ace.), tpt&w (dat. or Disregard, subs. P. d/^eXaa, ^, oXc-
Trpos, ace.), #/uXXacr^at (dat. or irpos, ywpta, ^, V. afteXt'a, ^.
ace.), ju,a;j(or0<u (dat. or -Trpos, ace.), Disregarded, adj. P. and V. in?-
P. OLtidtL&B'flTciv (dat ). (Xen.). Uncared for : V.
Dispute, subs. P. and V. dfyeov, 6,
Ipts, r/, P. ajji.fbwr/S'rjrqaris, rj, Ar. and Disreputable, adj. P. and V.
P. dvrtXoyto, 17 ; see contest. Quar- ; see disgraceful.
Dis Dis

Disreputably, adv. Dissection, subs. P. and V. TO/AT}, -.

see disgracefully. Examination: P. 8o7ci/ns, ?y (Plat.).
Disrepute, subs. P. and V. Breaking up P. SioAvcm, ^.

Jl (Thuc., Plat.), a8o#a, <tTi/u'a, Dissemble, v. trans. P. and V.

^. Shame : P. and V. 7nKpvjnr<r0cu, STTOorcXXco-^ai (Eur.,
V. aTo-xos, TO. W*s/wn<7 bring toOr. 607), P. eV^ya&crtfai ; see
the Lacedaemonians and Pelopon- 7i'W?fi.
Feign ignorance : Ar. and
nesians into disrepute with the P. etpo>vei;<T#ai.
Greeks in that quarter : P. AaKeSat- Dissembling, adj. Feigning ignor-
/jtovtovs KOI IleXoTrowTyorLOv? Sta/SaA-eii/ ance : P. eip<i)vticos.
ts TOVS KtVn * Yp|Jtoi/ EXA.i7vas (Thuc. Dissemblingly, adv. Ar. and P.
3, 109).
Disrespect, subs. P. and V. u/fyfc, ^. Disseminate, v. trans. P. and V.
Dishonour : P. and V. Jtrifua, ^. StacrTmpetv, /c<^p/, SuxStSoVcu, Ar.
Disrespectful, adj. P. and V. onra'pai/, ^poeti/ ; see circulate.
see shameless, disorderly. Disseminate rurnowrs : P.
Disrespectfully, adv. P. (absol.), AoyoTTowti/ (absol.).
Behave disrespectfully, v : P. and disseminated: P. and Y. T
V. \>pp%iv. Speak disrespectfully V. Vepxo-^ut. J?e disseminated
of : P. Aeyciv TI <f>\avpov ?rpi (gen.) among : P. and V. Sicpxeor&u (aoc.),
(Dem. 1022). V. 8t^Ktv (ace.).
Disrobe, v. trans. P. and V. cKSfew, Dissension, subs. P. and Y. Ipfc,
Ar. and P. aTroSuav. V. in trans. ), oTctort?, -5, Av. and
P. and V. *Sij<r0<u, Ar. and P. TO (Plat, also but rare P.).

Dissent, v. mtrans. P. and V.

Disruption, subs. P. and V. avri\iyLv. Vote against : Ar. and
P. di/nxporomi> (absol.). D'isscnt
Dissatisfaction, subs. Vexation: P. from: P. and V. dvrlAeyeu'" ' (dat.),
and V. 8vtrxepio, 7;, d^Swy, r),
P. jNb to accept : P. and V. ov
dyai/a/cTTjo-is, ^ ; see anger, Blame :
P. and V. ^, i/royos, 6. Dissertation, subs. P. and V.
/A^IS, ,

Dissatisfied, adj. P. and V. Si 6 see discussion.


Oensorio us :
TOS, Svo-xep^s, 8v<r*oA.os. Disservice, subs. Soe infary.
P. and V. <#\oVoyos (Plat.), and
Dissever, v. trans. Separate : P.
see also angry. Be dissatis- V. xuptfccw, 8tatptv soe separate. ;

fied, v. : P. SvcrxcpaiW, Ar. and P. Cut : P. and V. rcweu

ayava/cretv, P. and V. a
dissatisfied ivith : P. Disseverance, subs. See separation.
(ace. or dat.), P. Dissimilar, adj. P. P. and
and Y. 2x0rAu (dat.), Ar. and P. V. 8lrf^0p09.
SfyavaKrelv (dat.), V. 8vcr^opo>s tfyetv Dissimilarity, subs. P.
(acc.). i}. Di/erence: P. P.
Dissatisfy, v. trans. D'isphase: P. and V.
>eVKv (dat.), V. &<xv8<W (dat.). Dissimilarly, adv. P. dvo/xoto>s,
be enough for : P. and V. owe
dpfcetv (dat.). Dissimulate, v. trans. See dissemble.
Dissect, v. trans. P. and Y. TC/XVCIP. Dissimulation, subs. Pretence of
Met., dissect an argiment : P. and ignorance : P. <tpo>i/ta, ^, Dece^ :
V. 8ea0vccwrv, P. 8ttt0ea<r0ttt. Break P. and V. fairy, y), 8o'\09, 6 (rare
up: Ar. and P. P.).
(mart) ; V, Dissipate, v. trans. Scatter : P.
Dis Dis

and V. (TKcBavv&vcLi, adj. P. dvap/Aoorros (Plat.) ;

STToor/cfiSawiWi. Avert :see discordant.
P. and
Y. 57TOTpmV, tt7rOOT/0<^tV, Dissonantly, adv. P. dvap/xoa-Tias
: Ar. and P.
(Plat.) ; see discordantly.
P. and Y. AiJcw/. Squander : P. Dissuade, v. trans. Deter : Ar. and
and Y. IKX&V (Plat.), V. dvrAetv, P. aTrorpeTrctv, P. and V. &Trocrrp<f>LVy
Siaorretpeiv. Fling away : P. and V. dvrtcnrav (-2Bsch., P. F. 337) ;
Y. -jrpomfvcu/j P. -rrpoiW&u. see d^vert, deter. Persuade not to :
Dissipated, adi. P. and V. a/cdAcurros, P. and Y. vefOeiv TWO. firj (infin.) or
A J3 "D w / w / T>
Ar. and Jr. a/cpariys, rpvcpepo? tie wore /ziy (infin.).
dissipated, v. P. and Y. Tp\>$>ov*
Dissuasion, subs. Deterring : P.
Dissipation, subs. P. d/coAcun'a, ^,
9, P. and V. T/>v<>7 ^. Distafr, subs, P. ^Aa/cd-n?, 17 (Plat.),
j : P. and Y. KCO/XOS, 6. JT&- Ar. and P. oh-pafc-ros, ^ (Plat.).
mdissipation, v. P. and Y. Distance, subs.
: Interval: P.
K<u/jLaigiv, Ar. and P, a/coAaoraiWv. crratns, 17, d7rdcTTa<rt5, Stdcrr n _

Dissociate, v. trans. See separate. TO j see m^ervaZ. Journey, way :

Dissociate oneself from : P. and Y. P. and V. 6Sds, 17, Ar. and Y. iccAeuflos,
<x^>tcrTa<r0tu (gen.). 17. Co-yer ^ distance, v. : P. and V.
Dissoluble, adj. P. 8iaAw><?. P. TeAeiv (Thuc. 2, 97), Y.

Dissolute, adj. P. and V. &coAao- KaravvTw ; see co^er. Distance of

TOS, Ar. and P. d/cpar);?, rpvfapi time : see interval. A short distance
Shameless : P. and V. avai&Js. Be off: P. 8ia /?pax05, P. and V. Si'
dissolute, v, Ar. and P. tt/coAacrTot-
dAfyou (Eur., Phoen. 1098). -4^ a

DisSOlutely, adv. P. d/coAdorcos, die- so great a distance : P. 8ta TooWrov.

parois. Shamelessly : P. and Y. ^li Zo?^ distances apart : P. Sta,
ffoAAou (Thuc. 3, 94). They were
Dissoluteness, SUbs. P. d/cpareta, ^ some distance from one another :
d/coAao-ia, 17, P. and V. rpv<t>y y. 9
P. Ster^o^ TroAii oar dAAiJAcov (Thuc.
Shamelessness : P. and V. oWSeia, 17. 2,81). From a distance : P. ^TTO^V,
Dissolution, subs. P. Auo-ts, ^, 8ia- wdppto^ev, Y. 7rpoV<i>0j/, -nyAo'^cj/, Ar.
AV<RS, ^. Dissolution of the body : and V. &ro)0cv.
P. 17 aTToAAay^ rov (roijuaros (Plat., Distance, v. trans. P. and V. vpo$x*w
Phaedo, 84s). Breaking wp (of (gen.), iirfpflaXXeiV) wcp^epetv (gen.);
meetings, etc.) P. SioAvo-ts, ^.
. see surpass. Get ahead of : P. wpo-
Dissolve, v. trans, Braafc wp : Ar. Xa^a.viv (ace.), P. and V. </>6dvctv
and P. StoAiW, Statpcw. Melt : P. (ace.),7rpo<fr6dvLv (ace.). Be dis-
and Y, -njiceiv, Ar. and P. 8ta-njK/ tanced, be left behind: P. and Y.
(Xen.), P. Staxctv (Plat., 2ft. 46p) ;
see WM^. Met., break up a meeting, Distant, adj. Zow^ : P. and Y. /

eto, : P. and Y. 8iaAtfv, Ar. and P. pds. -Par 0^; Y. CKTOTTOS, STTOTTTOS,
A&iv (Xen.) Y. intrans. Ar. and rrjAovpd?, T^AOTTOS ;
see far. Most
P. 8taAiW0at. Be melted : P. and distant : P. and V. ecrxaw. 27aA;a
V. renyKei/at (2nd perf act.
. distant expeditions : P.
T7j/etv),P. xeicrQai, Biax^ordai ; See
w^Zi. Of a meeting, etc. P. and :
(Thuc. 1, 15). .50
V. StoAiifo-^at, Ar. and P. kieo-Bai and V. aTT^
(Xen.). a7ro(rraTtv (Plat ), P.
Dissonance, subs. P. dvap/*ocrn'a, ^ dwian^ /rom ; P. and
(Plat.). (gen.), P. Stcxctv (gen.). Met.
Dis Dis

haiigMy, adj. : P. and V. P. and V. ut>opov, TO.


P. vTrcp'qfavos, V. &rp$pa> see Distinction of meaning : P. oW-

haughty. Slight: P. and V. peo-is Ttov ovo/ActTO>v (Plat., Prot.
fipaxus, /uKpos, cTfJUKpos.
At no dis- 358A). Power of distinguishing :
tant date : P. OVK is fiaKpdv, V. P. and V. Sieiyi/wo-t?, 07. Separation :
/xaX' ts jLiafcpav (^Esch., Supp. 925). P. x<Dpurfj#?, 6. Honour : P. and
Orc behalf of no distant friends, V. Tt/ny, ^, dfwo/*a, TO', 8o'a, jy ; See
but for myself : V. -forcp . . .
ovxl honour, fa/nie.
TWV cbrcDTepo) ^>tXo)V aXX* avros OUTOI) Distinctive, adj. Different: P. and
(Soph., 0. .
137). V. 8ia<opos. Separate : P. K^<o-
Distantly, adv. Far off: P. and V. pto-ju,vos. Private, personal : P.
v, P. flwrotfev, Ar. and P. and V.
Ar.and V. #7ra)0ei/, V -Trpdcro), irdporcu, .
Distinctly, adv. Expressly : P.
*& (also Thuc. but rare P.). Clewrly : P. and V.
wore distantly related P. :
Ar. and V. o-a<a (rare P.),
aTTtoTepo) ovres (Dem. 1066). Tpdi/ois, o-K^pais. Manifestly :

Distaste, subs. P. and V. Svcr P. and V. Aa//,7rpa>e, o-a^ais, /z^>avoi5,

y, P. ctySi'a, 17 ;
see dislike. Have a 7Tpt<tti.a)$, Ar. and P. c^avepws, P.
distaste for : P. and V. V. o-a^voi?. Of sound
8ta<ai/ois, :

(dat.),P. x ct^- 7r ^ 5 <pav, V. P. and V. o-tt<cos, V. Topws see ;

^epeiv see dislike.


Distasteful, adj. P. and V. 0o Distinctness, subs. P. and V. <ra-

^78179 ; see wipleasant.

Distemper, subs. See disease, mad- Distinguish, v. trans.

ness. P. and Y. Sittytyi'ojcneciv,
Distempered, adj. See diseased, (Plat.). Separate : P. and V.
mad. petv, &opcfiv, Kpiwiv,
Distend, v. trans. Puff out: P. and Ar. and P. Staxpfvctv ; see separate.
V. <j>wrav. Stretch : P. and V. Perceive : P. and V, a!<rQdvcr6ai 9
Be distended : V.
see perceive, see. Raise to honour :
Distention, subs. P. Staracns, r) ;
see P. and V. Tt/A<iv, TrpOTi/xav, ttioi3v ;
bulk. see honotur. Distinguish oneself :
Distil, V. trans. V. OPTO^CIJ/, Ar. and P. cvSoKt/uZv, P. and V.
^tv ; see cZroj??. (Bur., JB/wjs.). Ww Jirst
Distillation, subs. Wliat is distilled : z Aowowr; P. and V. cipw-
V. orayolv, ry, oTray/ta, TO, oraXay/xa,

TO; see drop, exudation. The flesh Distinguishable, adj. P,

fell from her bones like the distilla- Clear : P. and V. o-a^s.
tion of a pine : V. O-Q'/DKCS 8* far Distinguished, adj. P. and V,
dWppcov (Eur., M0& 1200). 5, Xa/wrpo$, <

Distinct, adj. Separate: P. /CYW- i^ai/iyS, &8oK//A05, TTtpL-

Different : P. and V. fidrjTos, &8oos, &a$av7y9, eXXoyt/xos,,
Oiear ; P. and V. Ar. and "V. /cXeivos (Plat, also but
rare P.), V. wcXi}s, oxos. Bender
V. CTtt^Vlfc, TOpOS, distinguished service to : use P.
see cZear. Of ^ound P. and V. :
ptyaXa tffepyerav (aCC.) (Xen.). " J5tf

Xa^irpo'?, /xcyas, ofrfs, V. Xtyvs (also distinguished: Ar. anjlP. cvSc

Plat, but rare P.) ; see loud. P. and V. cvSofcex (Bur.,
Distinction, subs. Difference : P. 496).
241 1G
Dis Dis

Distort, v. trans. Lit. and met., P. 5e difficulties : P, and V. m

and V. 8wx<rrpe<cv. Met., also P. V. &fj,T)xavelv (rare P.).
and V. \vjJL(uv<T0ai V. irapoAAacrcmv. Distress, subs. Ffi#afa'o?i : P. and V.

Distorted, adj. V. &a<rrpo<os. Met., Aifcny, 4 avfa, ^, dx^Saiv, ^. Sorrow,

crooked, askew: P. or/coAid? (Plat.), trouble : P. TaXcwTropia, , Aca/coTra^eta,
V. -TrAotyios. ^, V. 50A.OS, 6, 7nJ/*a, TO, irry/ioi^}, ^,
Distract, v. trans, P. Siacnrav. Con- STJT;, ^, OI^TJ?, , Ar. and V. TroVoSj 6,

fuse : P. and V. Tapcto-<mv, awra- Sxos, TO. Difficulty, perplexity : P.

pacrcreiv, 7rXi7<ro-tv, Opdcrcrw (Plat. and V. ^Tropta, 17.

but rare P.), Ar. and V. xXovelv, Distressing, adj. P. and V. AiJTnypos,
<rTpo/3v. Be distracted, be in doubt: $apis, cxvtapds, dXyctvds, eTrax^Sj
P. and V. &ropeiv, V. ap^xoivelv (rare Suo-xepifc, OX^POS, V. Svo-c^opos (also
P.) see be in difficulties, under
; Xen. but rare P.), dxtfeivds (also
difficulty. Of the state P. and V. Xen. but rare P.), Wpo's
: see ;

vooretv, Ar, and P. oToo-iaeii/. Be

mad : P. and V. {urrocr0ai, ov <po- Distressingly, adv. P. and V. XiJT
vciv, 7rapa<poveiv, pawecrQaL, Xvcrcrav pws, dXyctvois. anaptos (Xen.),
(Plat.), Ar. and V. aXiW; see see grievously.
Distribute, v. trans. P. and V.
Distracted, adj. Mad : P. and V. P.
StoStSdi/at, ?rtve/JtLv, aTro

oy/cros, ^anuiS^s, V. Avcro-aJS^s, *aTai/UU', Ar. and P. 8tav/itv, V.

v, tyt/Ao-viys (also
Plat, but rare &>8aTi<r0ai. Measure out : P. and
Ar. and P.
0fiav?7s, V. perpew, P, Sta/xerpctv. Distribute
see mad. Distorted: V, between oneself and others : P. vejac-
Distractedly, adv. Madly : P. o-^at, /caTai/jw,cr0ai. 27/W2/ distributed
/CO)?. tJie land among themselves : P. <nry-
Distraction, subs. Perplexity : P. KCLTVifJLaVTO TT)V yVJV (ThUC. 6, 4).
and V. airopta, ^. Alarm : P. and T/te2/distributed this also among
V. &7TAT7&5, Tapaxty ty V. themselves : P. Trpocr&cvct/wxvTo rovfl*
rapay/xds, 6S TO, tfrpev&v o^Tot (Dem. 393).
*caTa<0opa, ?;. Sedition : P. and Y. Distribution, subs, P. vo/^, , 8w-
<rr&ris, 17.
Amusement : P. and V. : V.
jrcuSia, ^, Starpt^iJ, 17.

Distrain, v. trans. P. riA.a/x/3avo-6at Distributor, subs. P. vo/xevs, 6.

(gen.), Ar. and V. &xyp<iccr6ai. District, subs. Ar. and P. 897/1*0?, o,
Distraint, subs. Seizure of goods : X^ptW, TO. Qwarier o/ a iow;7i : P.
P. cvexupacrCa, ^. K<6/A>7, 17. Division of land in Egypt:
Distraught, adj. See distracted. P. vo/xoV, 6 (Plat., Kw. 21s).
Distress, v. trans. F#E, annoy: P. Distrust, v. trans. P. and V. STrio-rciv
and V. A.UTTSO', Si/Zav, Sawetv, ox^ov (ace. of thing, dat. of person). Sus-
(dat.), Ar. and P. Trpay/Aara pect : P. and V, vTroTrrcvetv \ see
(dat.), cvoyXctv (ace. or dat.),
, Ar, and V. w^iv, 7ny/*at- Distrust, subs. P. and V. airurrta,
i/tv (also Plat, but rare P.), rctpctv, ff. Suspicion: P. and V, STTO^WI,
V. oxAelv, yujitva^eiv, dXytivciv; see 17 (Bur., Eel 1549).

-ufia;. Harass : P. and V. irUfriv. Distrustful, adj. P. and V. &rt<mos.

jB^ distressed : P. and V- fiapvvea-Oai, Suspicious : P. and V. STTOWTO?.
irovfiv, P. ^Tfjfjiovelv, dycoviav, Distrustfully, adv. P. am<rr<*$. Sus-
i', V. 6v/w<f>QopLv, ftoyetv, piciously : P. ^Tr&rnDS.
(Dena. 555, but rare P.), Disturb, v. trans. Meddle with : P.
; see 6e -yea?e^, under fle#. and V. idvew, V.
Dis Div

from sleep : P. and V. V. /cTpe7To-0flu, P. lK/3aivciv,

Ar. and P. ryeipeiv. vav. Pi/er ; P. and V.
Trouble : P. and V. rap Divergence, subs. Difference : P.
fydo-o-etv (Plat,
but rare P.), Sta<opa, 17, Staoracrts, ^ (Plat.). D^5-
iraptx LV
(dat.), Ar. and P. cordance : P. doru^ojvta, ^ (Plat.).
or Different: P. and
(dat.), V. X
Ar. and V.
/cXov/ see distress, agitate.

Divergent, adj.
V. Sia<opos. Discordant : P.
turb the constitution, be revolution- Divers, adj. P. and V.
ary : P. vo>Tpiiv. Disturbed by Ar. and P. o-ux^os.
haunting terrors of the night : V. Diverse, adj. P. and V.
CK WKTiirXayKTw Sct/ACtToiv 7T7raX/AO'?7 Different : P. and V. 8ta<jf>opos.
(JBsch., GAM. 524). Diversely, adv. Differently : P.
Disturbance, subs. Confusion: P.
Tapaxn, ^j V. Tapay/xos, 6,, Diversified, adj. P. and V.
TO. AWse; P. and V. Qopvpos, o. Diversify, v. trans. P. and V. -

Distress, alarm : P. and V. &- Xciv, P. KaTttTOtKiXXctv, SicwnHKtXXeiv.

7rXiyts, 17, P. rapaxty ty V. rapay/xo?, Diyersion, subs. Turning aside, avert-
6, Tapay/x,a, TO, ftvaKivyviSy rj. Poli- ing : P. and V. owroTpoTrr/, ^. Of a
tical disturbance : P. vewTcpior/xo's, stream: P. fcrpo7rJ, r;. Amuse-
6, Kw-rnris, y. Make a disturbance, ment : P. and V. 7raiSi, 7), Starpt^,
v. Ar. and P. Oopvfaw.
: Create dis- ^. Create a diversion, lead from a,
turbances (politically) : P. 7rapa/a- subject, V. P. and V. aTraycti/. :

v4v, vewrcpifatVi ve&repov n irpdcrcreLV. Diversity, subs. Vcvriety: P. Troi/aXi'a,

Disturber, subs. V. Tapa/a-ap, 6 ?/ ; see variety. D'ifference : P.
Disunion, subs. P. and V. orc&rfc, ^.
SfoiYa ; P. and V. Ipts, ?/. Divert, v. trans. JPwr7i a different w
Disunite, v. trans. Set at variance : direction : P. Traparpeireiv, V. Trap-
Ar. and P. Suarravai. -wm aside: P. and V.
Disuse, subs. Fatten into disuse : /, &7rocrrp<f>iv, e/cTpcTrctv,
use adj., P. and V. tfcpx<os, TraAxuo's.
JMZ j^o cZistwe, disappear, v. P. (Soph,, 4;". 1060) ; see torn
: .

and V. &4>wL&<rOai. Jjfiad awa?/ (i/i<? thoughts, etc.) : P.

Ditch, subs, P. and V. Tempos, 77,
and V. airaycw. Divert from its

opvy/ttt, TO, V. a-uXwi^, o. course : P. ATroxereW. Met., P. and

Dithyramb, subs. Ar. and P. V. CKTpcirctv, irapoxcrerfccv. 4WWSC :

pa/A/Jos, 6. Ar. and P. ycXwTtt irapexew (dat.) ;

Dithyrambic, adj. P.
Dithyramb'ic poet, subs. : Ar. Diverted, adj. Turned aside : V,

Ditty, subs. See song. Diverting, adj. Amusing : P. and

Dive, v. intrans. P. V. yeXoios.
v/A)8av, Diwj /row ; V. Divertingly, adv. Avnusinyly : P.
(gen.). W-uc (/row a
dTTOxoXv/iySaK (absol.). Divest, v. ti-ans. Strip (of ckthes) :

Diver, subs. P. /coXv^^nys, o, V, Ar, and P. aTroSvcu/, P. 7rptatptv, P.

KoXvpftyTyp, 6. Dii?0r &irdf : Ar. and V. /c8utv. Met., see deprwe.
Ko'Xv/AjSoS, 6, KohMpftfo, $ Divest (the dead, of arms) : iP. and
Diverge, v. intrans. Of roads, etc. : V. avevXyv. Divested of: lit,
P. and V. o-x^o^at. aHdd : H*w and met P. i/oXos (gen.) ; see bare

P. 7rapaTpro-0cu. Digress : P. and

Div Div

Divide, v. trans. Mathematically: o/ ^fi5 : Ar. and V.

P. &uurx$iv (Plat.). Generally Divine law, subs. P.:

P. and V. Statpetv, SiaXaupdvew, bt- ocrta, ^.

urrdvtu (Eur., Frag.), Steipyctv (Eur., Divinely, adv. P. feW, StujuonW
Frag.) 9 P. /uptgca'. Separate : P. Divinely inspired, adj. : P. and V.
and "V'. Yopt&tv, "V. vocr<f>t<rcti (1 evtfeos.

aor. act. of vocrfo&o-Qcu), Ar. and P. Diviner, subs. P. and V. pAvrt^ 6,

&ax<0ptgcLv (Plat.). Divide into two irpo<f>rrrrj$, 6, Ar. and V. foiTTroAos,
parts : P. Cleave
ri^v^iv 6, Ar. and P. ^^cr/AoAoyos, 6, P.
asunder : P. P. and V.
6 ; see prophet. Augur:
8taor^tv; seecZ00ue. Distribute: V. TcpacTKOTros, 6, o2<Di/o/x.avTts, 6, otco-
P. and V. vl^Lcty see disfn&etfe. VOOTK07TOS, 6, P. TepaTO<T/C07TOS, 6.
Divide between oneself and others : ;/&o
guesses : P. ct/cacrnfc, 6.
P. StatpeTcrdat, 8ia.V/jLO'0ai9 vp.*arQ( Diving, subs. P. ^ KoXv^^rLK^.
fi*p(e<rO<u,. Divide by lot : P. and Divinity, subs. P. and V. 0eo's, o,
Y otctAflrVYftvctv
. fPlat.). o^^ ^^ SotfKoi/, 6. Goddess: P. and V. 0<fe,
variance : Ar. and P. Sucrrdvcu, P. ^, Sctt/ACDv, ^, Ar. and V. 0ca, ^ see ;

SwioTrav. V. intrans. Separate : goddess. Theology : P. fooAoyia, ^.

P. and V. xo)ptO"0<u, BucrracrOaL. Divisible, adj. P. Statpcros.
Of roads, etc. P. and V. <rxt&<r6ai. Division, subs. In mathematics P.
: :

Go different ways : see separate. (rxiW, T? (Plat.), ^ci o/ dividing :

A civtt war is wont to arise among P. and Y. Stotpeerts, ^. JSepora^o?? :
townsfolk if a city is divided against P. ^o)pr^os, 6. Cutting : P. TO/X^,
itself : V. oi/cctos dv0pco7rori ytyi>eo-0(u ^. disunion : P. and V. aroforTs, 4-
Distribution: P. vo^, ij, 8iavo/7,
(Eur., Frag.). Be divided in 17. Voting : P. xpo7wi'a, 17. Par^
opinion : P. Buarraa-Oa^ Ar. and P. separated : P. and V. /*pos, TO,
fMoipa, ^, fJLtpts, y, P. jw-optov, TO.

Dividing, adj. The dividing line Division of an army: P. and V.

between : P. peQopiov (with two 6, &, ^, P. WAos, TO, V. 3

genitives.) TO (Eur., Swpp. 653).

, O/
Divination, subs. P. and V. /xai/rtia, P. TeAos, TO, V. T<#?,
fli ;
fj, /wtvrticj}, ^ ; see cw&jw?/, oracZe. Making three divisions of their
O/ dvvination, adj. P. and V. :
ships : P. T/oia TeA-ty Tro^oravTfis TWF
//.aKrwcos, Ar. and V. PrOC- vaiv (Thuc. 1, 48). Commander of
(Thuc., a division : P. and V. Aoxoyos, 6.
8, 1) ; see divine. ractice of Divorce, subs. V. &aAvo-is, ^, aTraAAa-
divination, subs. P. &tao>ios, 6. :
717, 17. TFA^re i^e husband divorces
Divine, v. trans. Presage: P. and the wife ; P. aTroTrcfu/ris, ^. Where
V. fAOVTevecrQai, V. flccnrt^civ, P. d?ro- the wife divorces the husband : P.
/-tavrcveo^at ; see prophecy. Con- dTro'Aei^iy, 17. Met., separation : P.
jecture : P. and V. cwco^ecv, cruft)8cA- S&aAuo't?, 17.
(gen. or absol.), Divorce, v. trans. Where the husband
V. divorces the wife : P, cWe/ATrcty, -
So^oifcetv, Tovrafceu/,
; see conjecture. Easy to ^oAAeiv. WAere i^e ^/e divorces
divine, adj. : V. evoTjfJL/BoXos, eu- the husband : P. dTroAcwrai/. Met.,
separate: P. and V. 8i<upe', Sta-
Aa/A/Savciv see separate.
; Virtue is
Divine, adj. P. and V. &>$, Ar. and nothing when divorced from sense :
P. 8<u/3vtos, V. 8Tos. Sent from V. yi/oJ/M79 y
heaven : V. fooVoSn-os, fleopTos, (Eur., Frag.).
Div Doc

Divulge, v. trans. P. and V. Prot. SWA). What have you to

p.r\v$Wi KaTeiirw, V. irpopyvieiv ;

see do with . P. and V. rC croi
. . ?

disclose. Eeveal : P. and V. a-n-o-

(gen.), P. erot TIS /xerovcrta;
jcaXwrecv, Ar. and V. e/CKoXvTrreH/, li tos nothing to do with
V. StaTTTvWeu' (also Plat, but rare w : P. ovScv Kotwvet TO> ^o/xw
P.), ava7rru<roTiv, avoiyciv. T7ta raiSe (Dem. 759). I think none of
maw/ oe divulged, adj.: P. and V. these things have anything to do
/c<opos, V. /fyros, Ar. and V. with me : P. o^Sev ^yov/x-ac TOVTOV
cli/at irpo? l/xe (Dem. 245). Sa-ue
DiZZineSS, Subs. P. tXiyyos, 6, CTKOTO- do7ze with : P. and V. x "P'fl ^av
SiVLO., ff. (ace.). 37(uB we and have done with
Dizzy, adj. Be dizzy, v. :Ar. and P. it : P. ro>i/
aTraAAay^flt (Plat.,
tXiyyiav, oveoroStviav, P. (TKOT Gorg. 4:91o). Do without, dispense
Of a height : use precipitous. with : P. and V. lav (ace.), peQifrai
Do, v. trans. P. and V. irotetv, (ace.). JBe lacking in : P. and V.
orctv, Spav, V. IpSctv. Accomplish : P. airopctv (gen.), Sctcr&xt (gen.).
and V. avi;Ttv, KaTai/tfrav, ir^fip- Docile, adj. P. uayct>yos, &Axa^7S,
<r0ai, Sicwrpacro-civ (or mid. in P.), cuqiaos, x t 001?^17 s -
06edw?ii : P. and
V. ekraflifc (Plat.), KarJfcoos (Plat,),
v, V. eav7;rH/3 cwrpdcrcrew, Y. eUap/cros, cwttf ^s, Trct^apxos, $t\ij-
ctv (rare P.), c/cTrepotWv, /cpoiWv, j/tos ; see gwitle.
CTn/CpaiVeiV, P. Docility, subs. P. efytafota, ^. Obed-
eTTlTcA-ClV. Wfc$& $0
do : Ar. and V. SpdcraW. JSTaZjp io ience : P. and V, ireiOapxt*, % ; see
do : P. and V. crv/A7rpa<r<reiv (raa TI), also gentleness.
(rtw TI), o-v Dock, subs, P. and V. vcdiptov, TO,
V. intrans. Sttcceed : P. or pi., Ar. and P. vcolcroiKos, 6, or
and Y. Tro^^v ; see siicceed. pi. Place where a defendant stood
Turn out : P. and V. cK/Bafaw, P. in court Ar. and P. ftrj/jM, TO.
dTTo^atVciv;seeiwrwowi. Beeiwugli: Dock, v. trans. P, and V.
P, and V. ctpicctv, t/cttvos etrat. J?ar^ ;
P. and V. irpao-creu/. jDo (owe) <ZT& Docked, adj. Cut short : P. and V.
M^tcry : P. and V. Koucois TTOICIV (ace.), O-VVTO/AO?. Docked of its horns : P.
/ca/cws Sp5.v (ace.), ffii^e 071 injury /coXa/?o9 Kpa.rwv (Plat.).
done one P. and V. Ka*<os Traa-xciv. Doctor, subs. P. and V. fepos, 6 (t,

Do (o?w) a favour : P. and V. *v Bur., Hipp. 296, ZVo. 1233, and

TTotcZv (ace.), Spav (ace.). Have Ar., PI. 406) ; see healer. Learned
^ favour done one : P. and V. ? mem : P. and V. credo's, 6, OTO^WTT^S,
ir&crxuv. Do away with : P. and o. WJu> shall decide when doctors
V. tyavtfav (ace.) ; see abolish, disagree f OTTOV 8* 'AwoXXwv <r/cat6s
remove. Do to (a person), treat : , rtVcs o-o^ot / (Where Apollo is at
P. and V. xPT^at (dat.). r/tc^ fault, who are wise ?) (Bur., EL
^c^O'u; ^/tai he did to those of the
Amphipolitans who gave the city Doctor, v. trans. P. and V. Btpfarcutw,
up to him : P. Icrwn & 'A^tTroXtTwv P. iarpttW ; see frgal. Met., adul-
eTTOMycre rous 7rapa8^i/Ta9 avr<j> rr/v terate : P. and V. Ki/fttyXevciv.
TroXtv (Dem. 10). Do with (a per- Doctoring, subs. P. Urpwrts,
son or tiring) : P. and V. XP?^* Doctrine, subs. P. Soy/**, r<^.
(dat ). TPito 7to!I I do with ? P. io7t; P. andV.ww/tf7,
and V. rt xpr)<rop<u ; Wo^ TAe writings of Anaxagoras of Ola-
knowing what to do with him : P. zomenae we full of these doctrines :
O,TC xpvj<ravro avrQ (Plat., P. ret 'Avofayopov ^t)8\ta rov KXafo-
Doc Dom

ye/161 TOTJTO)!/ TWV XoyCOV (Plat., tivety : P.

4p, 26D).
Document, subs. Ax. and P. Dogmatism, subs. Obstinacy
U,aTtov, ro, pa/i/x.aTa, ra. , 17.
Exactness : P.
Documentary, adj. Documentary
evidence Of this: Taypa/^a Dog-star, subs. Y. icfav, 6 (Soph.,
Dodge, subs. P. and V. o Frag.) t Sptos KVW, 6 (Soph., Frag.).
crd(icryu,a, TO ; see tTick. Doings, subs. See act.
Dodge, v. trans. Follow : P. and V. Dole, subs. Allowance : Y. ^erp^jLta,
7T0$CU, CTWCTTCO-Au, V. TO. Gift : P. and Y. Swpoi/, TO',
Ar. and P. &eoX<w0V, P. 8o>pea, 17, 8oo-ts, 17. S7iar6 ; P. and
see follow. Pursue : P. and V. ju,epos, TO, /xotpa,
V. seepwwg. Track: P. Dole, v. trans. P. and V. ii/, P.

and Y. p.mpxcr6a.i ; see io one :

P. SiaKpovccrOaL, P. 8ta/jiTptcr^at (aCC.), /xrptO"0ai
see ward off. Dodge (acc.).
about : Ar. and P. Doleful, adj. SacZ ; P. and V. rctXa^
otKTpos, Ar. and Y.
Doe, subs. P. and V. !Xa<os f 17, 8op/cefc, , ToXds, Suor^vos, Y. SvoraXttS,
fl (Xen.). ^ TavTXiy/x.o)v, jLicXco?, Sai'os ;

Doer, subs. P. and V. 6 SpGv, use see miserable.

partic. of verbcZo, V. coya-r^s, 6 (alsoP. and Y. cftfXi'cos,
Dolefully, adv.
Xen. but rare P.) see author. ; otKTpws, V. TX?7/i6Va>s see miserably. ;

Doff, v. trans. Take off: P. and V. Dolefulness, subs. P. TaXaiTrwptia, 17,

Ar. and P. &roBiieo-0cu, P.
Y. TO,
see misery. ;

Dog, subs. P. and V. KVW, o. Young Doll, subs. P. /cop??, 17. OZaT/ figures :
P. and V. o7d?Xa, 6. O/ a P. JT^All'Ol, Ol.
$o#, adj. : Ar. /ciWtos. .Life a dog' : Dolorous, adj. See sad.
Ar. jcvi/^Sdv. Dolour, subs. See sadness.
Dog, v. trans. P. and Y. Dolphin, subs. Ar. and P.
i^vojctv see dodge, hunt.
', (Plat.).
Dogged, adj. P. and Y. Dolt, subs. <
P. /3XS o or ?; ; see
Doggedly, adv. Ar. and P. subs. Territory : P. and
au0a8o>s, Domain,
V. YwpQ., 17, yrj, w, Ar. and V. v0o>Vj
Doggedness, subs. P. ^, yala, ^, Y. at, 17. Private estate :
(TKATypo-nys, ^, Ar. and Y. au Ar. and P. ^oiptov, TO, P. and V.
Dogma, subs. Doctrine: P. aypos, 6, or pi. Sacred enclosure :
TO. Opiw??l : P. and Y. 17, P. and V. Tfj.i/os9 TO, aXcros, T<>
(Plat.), V. 0-77*09, 6, <nqK<i>fjL& 9 TO.
Dogmatic, adj. Obstinate: P. and Domestic, adj. Private : P. and
V. ?8to5, oi/ccto?. Pertaining to a-
and V. ciKpijSifc. household : P. and V. ofoetos, Y.
adv. Obstinately: Ar. ^eortos. Opposed to foreign : P.
and P. au0a6W, P. o-icX^pws. Exact-
~j : P. and Y. o/cpZ/?a>s. Positively : Domestic fowl, subs. Y. :

?. irayuos
(Plat.). .4sser "dogmatic- opvi9, 6 or 17. Ta?n5, adj. :

ally, V. P. Icrxvpt&o-OaL,
: P. and V. Tt^ttoros
(Soph., Frag.},
?/ju,pos, P. ^ctpo^^s ; see
Dogmatise, v. intrans. Domestic economy : P. 17 <

Dom Dot

Domestic, subs. Servant : P. and P. and Y. TO xpcw (Plat,


V. oifrcrqs* 6, iT7n7pT779, 6. Fern., P. but rare P.), /^oipa, 17 (Plat, but rare
and V. uTr^perfc, ^, Y. oiWrfc, ^ ; see P.), Y. f) 7r-7rpo)/jLeny, TTOT/XOS, 6, ato-a,
TO fJLOpatfjLov, TO xpyv (Eur., I. T.

Domesticate, v. P. and V.
trans. I486) see also death.
; One's lot :
^u,/>ow, P. Ti0ao-eviv; See tame. P. and Y. SCU]LIW, 6. Jtidgment
Domesticated, adj. Of animals see :
pronounced : P. and Y. Kpto-t?, ^,
domestic. Staying at home : P, P. KaTa-yi/ojo-is, ^, Ruin, destruction:
and V. olcovpos. P. and V. 8ta^opa, ^, oXc^pos, 6 see ;

Domestication, subs. P. riGao-cta, y. destruction. Appointed by doom t

Domicile, subs. P. and V

OIKOS, b, adj. : P. and Y. cL/iop/icVos, V. TTCTT-

olicrja-i'S, 17, ot/07/ia, TO, Ar. and P. po>/x,ei/os (rare P.), /Aopo-t/x^g, /i,otpo-
oaa, 17, Ar. and V. 80/105, 6, or pi, /cpavTos, Ar. and V. Oio-fy&ros* My
Sfywx, TO, or pi. ; see house. doom is sealed : P. and Y.
Dominance, subs. Eule : P. and V. (Plat.), V. Stotxojttai see &6 undone. ;

apX1?* ^ Kparos, TO. Doom, v. trans. Condemn : P. and

Dominant, adj. P. and V. /coptos. Y. KaTayiyvoSovcciv, P. /caTafcpiVetv,
Dominate, v. trans, and intrans. jcaTa^<ieo-0at see condemn. Be ;

Rule : P. and V. Kpareiv (gen.) see doomed to: P. and V. /AeAXetv (infin.);

rule. Surpass P. and V. forepfciv,

: see destine.
irapepxecrOcu, Y. iforepTpep^iv. Com- P. and V. 0tfpa, 17, P.
mand (a positioii) : see command. Gvpufjuira, Ta, V. o-av&, ^, Oiptrpa, TCI.
Domination, subs. P. and V. ap^, Wfe&flJ: P. -jruXfe, 97. (Sate: P.
f], Kpdros, TO, /cupos, TO, Swaoreia, ^. and V. TrttXiy, 77, V. TruXw/xaTtt, ra.
Tyranny : P. and V. Tfyawts, 17, P.
Having tivo doors, adj. P. d/jwjSt- :

^vpos. Out of doors : P. and V.

Domineer over, v. P. and V. co>, Ar. and V. Qipdcri, Otipafa or
v (gen., Y. also ace ), use V., adj., Mpalos, agreeing with
(gen ). Domineered over, adj. V. subject. Indoors : P. and V. IvSov,

to-<o, CO-CD, OCKOC. iay a^ o?^ door ;


Domineering, adj. P. and V. P. and Y. ava<l)piv (ri nvi Or ??

VIKOS, P. 80*7TOTtK09. Tii/a) ;
see ascribe.
Domineeringly, adv. P Door-keeper, subs. P. and V. 0fy>o>-
po's, 6 or 17 (Plat.), <i}Xa& 6 or */, V.
Dominion, subs. Empire : P. and TTvXwpos, o or ^.
V. dpxi?, i Territory : P. and V. Door-post, subs. Ar. and V,
/tos, o.
Don, v. trans. P. and Y. ev&W
(or Dormant, adj. P. -vpe/xato?
mid.), mid.), V.
(or /dfo : P. and V. dpyo^. Be dormant,
d^TSieo-^at, afjLtfipdXXtw (or mid.), v. P. v}ptp,iv. Be laid to sleep :

Ar, and Y. d/x<iTt0ei/<u (or mid.), met., P. and V. Koi^co-Oat, (Plat.).

d/ATrtVxctv (or mid.) ; Ree assume. Be idle : P. and V. &pyv.
Donation, subs. P. and V. Swpov, TO, Dormitory, subs. See bedroom.
So)ped[, 17, So'o-ts, f) see <7'^,
Dose, subs. Medicine : P. and Y.
Donative, subs. P. cV^opa, 4. ^ap/xotKOv, TO.
Donjon, subs. See dungeon. Dose, v. trans. P. and V, fappfrMv-
Donkey, subs. P. and V. oVos, o or LV.

^ ; see ass. Dot, subs. P. oriy^, ^.

Donor, subs. V. So-nfc, 6, or use P. Dot, v. trans. Diversify : P. and Y.
and V. o StSoife. TrotKtAXctv. Dotted with : use P.
Doom, subs. Fate, destiny: P. and V. 7nH/rfXos (dat.), TTV^V^ (dat.).
Dot Dov

Dotage, subs. P. and V. yij/xw, TO. in perplexity : P. and V.

Dotard, subs. P. and V. ycpcov, 6 afjLyxavtiv (rare P.), Ar. Suovepfros
(Soph., Ant. 281 Eq. 1349). ; cf. Ar.,
Dote, v. trans. and V. Doubt, v. trans. Mistrust: P. and
Be old : P.
av. Talk folly : and V. V. ^Trtcrretv (aoc. of thing, dat. of
Ar. and P. favdpcw see pers.). Suspect: P. and V. &ro-

prate. Dote on : P. and V. epav V. intrans. Be in doubt :

P. .(jbtor^Tctv, Srraeiv
Double, adj. P. and V. SwAovs, V. (Plat.), d/^iyvoctv see hesitate. ;

SWTTVXOS. Twice as great : Ar. and Be perplexed : P. and V. &ropetv,

P. 8rAa<rios. Two : P. and V. 5/n7Xav/ (rare P.).
Surcroi see two.
; Play a double about : V. Sucr/cpifrws
gcme, met., P. 7ra/j,^orpiU'.
V. :
(Eur., Frag.).
Become double : P. 8rAao-iaeiv, Doubtful, adj. Disputed : P.
SwrAamoi5<r0ai, V. 8wrAa etv. Advance Ambiguoiis : P.
at the double (of soldiers) P. :

P. and V.
Double, v. trans. P. SwrAcwnofeiv, V. Inconclusive :
$ur\oicar. Double (a cape) : P. P. a/cptTos. ^1 doiibtful victory : P.
vwoy d/x^tS^ptTos, ^,
TrepijSoAAeiv (ace.), vTrcpflaAAeiv (aco.), .4 doubtful
Ar. jea/wrrov rap)? (ace.). J3e$ow&Ze, battle : P. /^a^ dyx^/*^ ?, ^j P-
increase : P. eft-tram?. V. intrans. and V. P-&XTI icroppoTros, ^, Sywy fcrop-
double P. s, 6, (T^ecidfid (of a person) :

, V. 8wrAaeiv. .

P. and V. P. and V. &ropos, <S/AT7xavos (rare P.).

Double up, v. trans. P. and V. Hesitating : P. oKvypo*. Suspected :
*fwnw (Eur., Pfcoew. 1414:). Y. P. and V. STTOTTTOS.
intrans. P, and V, P. Doubtfully, adv. P. wSotacrrGs, V.
Doubled up, adj. V. d/x^tAeicra)?. J^Tbi clearly : P. d<ra-

<^ws, Ar. and V, Suovepft-cos. Wot

Double-dealing, subs. P. and V. doubtfully : V. ou St^oppoTrcos. Ir-
SoAos, 6 (rare P.), &7ra.Trj, 17 ; see resolutely : P. o/cvrjpois (Xen.).
deceit. Doubtless, adv. O/ course : P. and
Double-edged, adj. See two-edged. V. S^TTOU, Ar. and P. S^TTOV^CI/*
Double-faced, adj. P. and V. SwrAotk, Ironically P. and V, Sijflfl'. In :

Ar. and V. SdAtos ; see deceitful. answer to a question, assuredly :

Doublet, subs. P. and V. ym^, 6. P. and V. -Trote y&p oiJ ; fjidXurrd ye,
Doubly, adv. Ar. and P. Ar. and P. KOfuSrj ye, ^ftcAct, V. /ecu
In two ways : P. Sixy, V. Kapra, ical KoipTOL ye see 7/^5. ;

Doughty, adj. Strong ; Ar. and V.

Doubt, subs. Dispute : P. jAeyacrvcvris, V. /cparaio?, ^/?pt/x,o9,
7170-15, ^. Perplexity : P. and V. a-^evapds ;
see strong. Brave : P.
Distrust : P. and V. and V. dvSpetos, V. evroA//,os, Ar. and
a, 17. Suspicion : P. and V.
V. dAfct/Ao? (rare P.) ; see
; ^ (Bur., TF/w 5W.
Trustworthy : P. and V.
w tffe^re o/ wy friends near or far ^ep^yyvos (Thuo. but rare P.).
who will solve my doubt ? V. Douse, v. trans. P. and V.
oem? T^I/ ^i/y tao-erat (Bur., H. F. Dove, subs. P. and V. Trepicrrepa, fj

1106). 5e m doubt, be called in ,..., Fra^r.), Ar. and V.

question : P. apfao-firiTelotiat. Be 17,
V. -TreAatdi?, 17. B^ngdove : Ar.
Dov Dra

and P. <curcra, 17. Term of endear- Downs, subs. See under down.
ment : P. <f>a.a-cra, r% Ar. ^a-mov, TO. Down-trodden, adj. Use P. S 8ou-
Breeding doves, adj. : V Aa>/x,ei/os. Oppressed : P. and V.

Dove-COt, SUbs. P. ircpwrcpecw, 6. Downward, adv. P and V. KCLTO.

Dowdy, adj. See shabby. Downy, adj. V. Ao-xvoiS^s (Eur.,
Dower, subs. See dowry. 541). i.

Dower, v. trans. Give in marriage : Dowry, subs. P. ?rpot|, v> p and V. -

P. and V. *8r8dVai (or mid.). Give fapvij, fj. Bridal (jifts : V. loVa, Ta
as a dowry: P. oriSiSoVcu. Met., (Eur., ^L?i^. 2, 153, 873). #rm0
enrich : P. and V. TrAovWfeiv (Xen.). a dotory with one (of a wife) P. :

DoioereA with, endowed with : P. 7n<<rpecr<9at Trpoiica. fli ^00/5 m2/

and V. *7n?0oAos (gen.) (Plat.). mother to wife though slie brought
Dower less, adj. P. ofo-pouco?. no dowry : P. -nji/ /x,7;v ju^Tepa ^Aa^Scv
Down, subs. Ar. xi/ofc, 6, V. ovSfl/ 7TLt>pofj.^v. Give as a dowry,

3, tovAos, o. Downs, heights P. v. P. ?n8i8ov(u. Giving her a


and V. TO. &Kpa, V. /cAZri?$, 17; see dowry of twenty-five minae, besides
htil. clothes and ornaments : P. o-w
Down, adv. P. and V. KO-TG>. Up 1/4UTUH9 KOi ^pVO-tOtS 7TfI/T KOL tKO<Tt
and down see under up.
ftvas eiriSovs (Isae. 69). Without a
Down, prep. P. and V. KaTa (gen.) doivry, adj. : P.
(as hwrldown), V.
(gen.) (Eur., Doze, v. intrans. Ar. and P,
448). (a raw or V. pi?u/ ; see sfofi2?.
strewn) : P. /cara (ace.). Dotun Dozen, subs. P. Sa>Se/cas, ^. Adj,
hill : P. eis TO jcaTavTS (Xen.), Kara P. and V. SoiSe/ca; see twelve.
wpavovs (Xen.). He has continued Drab, adj. P. ^ato? (Plat.).
to do this down to this very day : Draft, subs. Reinorcement : P,
P. TOIJTO 8taTTeA/C TTOiCOV *" 77.
Picked body; P. and ,

njs i7/$ (Dem. 1087). Upside V. AoyaScs, at. Division : P. and

down: see sjpswfo. 23m down (a V. Tafts, 17. Oittlind : P. TWTOS, 6,
strip), v. Ar. and P. K&raSii<nu (1st
foroypa^, ^, ircptypa^Tj, ^, o'Kta-
aor. act. of Kara&vew). Depreciate : ypa^ia, ?}. Document : Ar. and
P. and V. 8tUj3aAAeii', P. Stcwrupctv. P. ypa,/Ap.aTiov, TO, ypa/xyuara, TCL.

Trample on one who is down : Ar.

Duplicate in writing ; P.
^TrefjanjSav KC6/xeVa> (jNwi, 550). Go
dow?& ; see a&ate. Draft, v. trans. C/wose : Ar. and P.
Downcast, adj. V, KULTTJ^ see
fcAytv (or mid.).
; Despatch : P.
also despondent. Why are your and Y. Tr^tTmv. Sketch in outline ;
looks downcast ? V. 8?) Ka-nj^^ P, VTroyptt^ctv, CTKLaypafalv. Draft
(v. KaT^cfretv) ou/** (JBw., Ifed. 1012).
' (a document) : P, and V. yp^tv.
P.andV." Drag, v. trans. P. and v. 2A/c<^,
e^eAKCcv, 7rwr7TttV, Ar. and V. onrav.
^, ardto^Taa-t?, t/J SOO Tl Drag by the hair : V. aTnxrTrav K.6juris,
P. and V. Trroi/xo, TO' (Plat,), V. KQ/MJS 7ri<j7rav. I fco/T lest hercaft&p
you*may dray me into the matter,
Downright, adj. Of persons or though quite (juiltless : P, 88ot*ca
things P. and V. cwrAofo ; see
/*r; cruv7n(nr<icnQ(r0t ytte
rov ^978* &rtovv
free. Of things P. and V. c60ifc.
: aSiKovvra(Dem. 411). Draf7 about t

SA^r, unmixed : P. u/cpaTos see ; dray around : P. irepi&Ktw. Drag

absolute. Downright slavery: P. away : P. and V. txTrocnnxv, ^<A/ctv.
awAcpv9 (adv.) 8ovAa (Thuo. 1, 122), Dray back : P. and V. Svacnrw, Ar.
Dra Dra

and V. avruTTrav. Drag down : P. Dramatically, adv. P.

and V KaOfXicciv, Karacnrav. Be Recite dramatically : P.
dragged down (with others) : V. (ace.).
<nryKa0eX/c(r0eu (absol.) . Drag from Dramatist, subs. Ar. and P.
under : P. and V. vtro<nrav, Ax. and 6 (rare V.). Tragic poet : Ar. and
P. -jtycAfceiv. Drag in an opposite P. rpaywSos, 6, T/oayco&wroiog, 6.
direction : P. av&\Kiv (ace.), Ar. Drape, v. trans. See cover.
and V. av (ace. or absol.). Drastic, adj. P. Icrxypos ; see strong,
Drag off: P. and V. a$&/cn/, &ro- effective.
av. Drag on : Ar. cureA-Kciv 5 met., Draught, subs. Drink P and V.
life, etc. : P. and V. TeiVetv ; see STOOLS, ^, TTW/Att, TO, TTOTOl/, TO.

prolong Drag out : P. and V. draught : Ar. and V.

ee'A/<iv (Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and (Eur., Ehes. and CycL). Take deep
V. Ko-7rav met., see prolong. Drag
; draught, v. : V. 2/w<rrtgctv (Eur. r
over, haul over : P. inrepcfrepeLv (two Cg/cZ. 565). Liquid: V. x a .
^ >

aces.). Drag throtigh : Ar. StcX/cctv Draught of fishes : V. 0X05, 6.

(T6 Sta TW/OS). Dra^ up : Ar. and Draught of air : P. and V. Trvefyia,,
P. oWAjcco/, P. and V. TO, Ar. and V. TTVOI}, ^.
Dr<z^ with one : P. OT;I Draught, adj. Draught (horse) : Ar,
(absol.) (Plat.).
Draggled, adj. Of hair V. :
Draughts, subs. Game P. and :

TO?. Squalid : P. and V. Q V. ?reoW, ol (Plat.). The art of

Ar. and V. 8wmv?}s, V. irivw draughts : P. ^ -Treo-o-evnjci/ (Plat.).
see squalid. Play at draughts, v. P. Trso-veuw :

Dragon, subs. Ar, and V. 8pct/co>v, 6. (Plat.), (?om0 o/ draughts, subs, r

She-dragon : V. Spa/cciva, ^. .4 r. ircoWa, ^ (Plat.). Draught-
swarming brood of dragons : V. player : P. 7ro\rvnjs, 6 (Plat.). 4
SpaKoiOofjuXos crvvoiKia (^Bsch. ; Supp. good draught-player: P. 6
267). TIKOS (Plat.).
Drain, v. trans. Dry: P. ^pcuWiv Draw, v. trans. P. and V.
(Thue. 1, 109). Eeclaim : P. and <jkeXfCiv, eTTMTTrav, Ar. and V. o*7rav.
V. i7/Lpot5v, V. lrjfj<.povv', see reclaim. Attract : P. and V. tyeXKc&Gai, en-i-
Drain a country (used of a river) :
CTTracrOaL, cXfcciv, irpoordyecrflai. Re-
P. 8tapptv (ace.). Empty: P. and present by lines : P. and V. ypajf>tv.
V. epijftovv, e^piy/Aow, KCVOW Draw (a Une) : P. ayeiv (Arisi).
(Plat.), V. &/C61VOW. CTse MJ P. Draw? (;paj/) : see receive. Draw
and V. avaXto-Kctv. Draw a (tears, etc.) : V. iKKSXticrOaL. With
P. and V. liorfvetj/ (Plat., him gone) Andromache, fa-awing
214A ;Soph., Frag.), Ar. many a tear from my eyes : V.
Quaff: P. and V. CIOT^LV (Dem.), JW,T' avrov 8* "AvSpo/Att^ 7roXXa.v 4/xot*
V. OTrav, d-vdwnrai', Ar. and V. 8a*piW dywyds (Eur., 37ro. 1130).
eX/cctv, Ar. iKpo<f>iv. Dra^n to the Draw (a bow) : P. and V. rcfow,
dregs (met., efwfere io the end) : V. ivreivew (Xen.). Draw lots : see
^ai/, StavTXetv, dvrXeiv. under lot. Draw (a sword) : V.
Drain, subs. Conduit : P. avXwv, 6, OTTttVt C\KLV, k^\KLV^ P Und "V.
Ar. vSpoppoa, ^. Drain on one's <r7ra.(rOai (Xen., also Ar.), Drawn
resources, expense : P. and V. swords sprang from the sheath :
V. KoXecoi/ epvora SicTrepatw^Ty ^^77
Drama, subs.Ar. and P. (Soph., -4;. 730). Draw wter : P.
Dramatic, adj. Ar. and P. u8<op dvao-Trav
(Thuc. 4, 97), <ipvTiv
Ar. T/oaycoSt/co's; see theatrical. (or mid.) (ace.) (mid. also in Ar.).
Dra Ore

Draw away : P. and V. P- an <l V. icrop-

Draw back P. and V. : Having fought a drawn
He draws lack his left battle : P. vau/Aa^7j<ravTS dvTfc-rraXa

fOOt .' V. A.OIOV /*,/ 15 TOTJTTLO-QeV (Thuc. 7, 34). Of a sword : V.

a><epi Phoen. 14=10).
TrdSa (Bur., cpucrros, -Fpo/cwTTos. Wrinkled : P.
V. intrans. Ax. and P. ^apaxwpcu/. and V. pi5o-os.
Shrink : P. and V. o/cmv ; see Dray, subs. See cart.
shrink. Draw down : P. and V Dread, subs. P. and V. .

/cu0eAjcciv, /caTcwrTrai/. Draw from oppcuSta, T^, ScT/jia, TO, Scos, TO*,

wider -
P. and V. Ar. and V. Tap^os, TO ; see /ea7\
P. v<t>\Kiv. Draw
P. and tion : P. and V. oWos,
near : .

Y. 7rpocrepx<rQa.i (w/xfe, aoc., or V. Dread, v. trans, P. and V. ^o^la-Bai,

dat. alone), wpocr/JatWi/ (dat.), wpocr- 6ppo)Stv, Seurcu (1st aor. act. of
/uyiiWi (dat.), V. TTcXafetv (or pass.) Sci'oW), ScSotKci/at (perf. act. of 8et-

(dat.) (also Xen. but rare P.), irX.rj- , K<t>o/3ia-0<u. t Ar. and P. Kara-
(dat.), xpLfJiirrearOaL (dat.), (1st aor. of /caToSei'Seti/), V.
e/xpifwr a* ) > see approach. , (also Plat, but
shi drew nearer, ever nearer
The ship rare P.), TpcW (1st aor. of Tpetv)
to the rocks : V. fiaAAov Sc /-toAAov (also Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and V,
Trpos Wrpas $ er/ca<o$ (Eur., I. T. rpfjLw (also Plat, but rare P.).
1406). Draw; o/: P. and V. Shrink from : P. and "V. oweiv
a<f>cX.Kiv, airocnrav ; met., P. and V. (ace.), P. (wroKvcti/ (ace.). Dread to
ctTpavrA-etv (Plat.). Draw off an (with infin.) P. and V. <o/?to-0ai,

enemy : P. aTrdyew (Thuc. 1, 109). S8ot/<evat, V. oppa)8tv, rplfjiciv, rap-

V. intrans. See retire. Draw on, (Bv. Shrink from : P. and V.
lead on : P. and V. ^Wyccy, Trpoayeiv. o/cvtv (infin.), KaTo/a/eiv (infin.).
Draw out : P. and V. gc'Xfeciv (Plat. Dread, adj. See dreadful.
but rare P.), Ar. and V. K<nrav ; see Dreadful, adj. P. and V.
also protract. Draw over to one's <oepo'5, <pZ/co'>oV (Dem. V.
side : see win over. Draw a veil
SuO^t/AQS, 1/Jt^OjSoS, (T/X,p8l/OS. With
over : see veil. Draw the line lay dreadful looks : V. Sc
down limits : P. and V. opt&w,
Draw thrmigh : Ar. 8wA*/ (n Sia Dreadfully, adv. P. and V.
TIVOS). Draw to oneself: P. and Dreadfulness, subs. P. Seti/o-n??, ).
V. 7rpo<re%ceo-0ai ; see attract. Draw Dream, subs. P. and V. eVt/rn/ioi', T<{,
together: Ar. and P. <nW%civ, P. oVop, TO, OI/tp05, O, OVftpOV, TO (Plat.).
and V. owcfyeiv. Oowe togetlwr, Plur., ompttTtt, Ttt (Plat.). /?& a
v. intrans. P. and V. owcpxccrflai.
: dream (adverbially) P. and V. ovop. :

.Draw wp : P. and V. &va<nrw, Ar, Aspiration : P. e&x*?, }. Skilled

and P. W&KW. Arrange troops, in dreams, adj. V. 6vip6<j>p<*>v. :

etc. : P. and V. rdcrcrew, owroicrcrGw, Dream, v. intrans. Ar. and P. oVci-

Ar and P. TmpaTaoxmv. Compose : p07TO\CV, P. OVtpd>0'0"<V. JDr^OW-
P. avyypdfaLv. Draw wf an indict- o/: Ar. and P. oreipoTroXctv (ace.).
ment : Ar. and P. ypa^v yp&^cr6o.L. Dream of, deign to : P. and V.
Draw-back, subs. Disadvantage : a&ow (infin.), &t/caiovi/ (infin,) see ;

P. eXacrcrw/xxx, TO. deign, conceive. None of whom,

Drawers, subs. P. Sitt<o/xxi, TO. while QWT navy was intact, ever
Drawing, subs. P. and V. dreamt of resisting us : P. &v ov8"
see picture.

Drawn, adj.
Drawing of lots : see

Of a
dKrMrnjvai ouSas ca>9 #/c/*a

battle: P.
TO vav-

ti&wcv/ (Thuc. 7, 63).
: P. and V. SOKCIV
Dre Dri

(infin.), or SOKW alone (Eur., L T. Dress, subs. P. and V.

44). iaOvjfi&ra, ra, KOO-/JLOS, 6,

Drearily, adv. P, and V. Xwnypws; crroXi/, ^ (Plat.), V. ct/Aa, TO,

see dismally. Unpleasantly : P. 6, OToXtO-fta, TO, d/X^t^X^jLLaTCL, Ttt,
Ar.and V. TreTrXos, o, TreTrXco/ia, TO.
Dreariness, subs. Disagreeableness : Dressed skin, subs. P. and V.
P. diyoYa, 7i. Desolation: P. and 8404m f 17 (Eur., Pra^r.).
V. Ipifjfua, ?). Dresser, subs. JPor cutting up meat,
Dreary, adj. Desolate : P. and V. etc. : Ar. fXeov, TO ; see also hair-

epij/jios, dfcvos, V. d/yctTO)]/, a7rdv0p<o- dresser, tire-woman.

TTOS; see also dark. Dismal: P. Dressing, subs. Of food: P. <r/cv-
and V. Xibnypos, oxX^pos, 0010, 17. Of wounds, etc. : P. and
Svcrxtprfc, V. TToXifo-oj'os ; see Y. 0pa7r'a, ^.
Unpleasant : P. d-g8ifc. Dressing-room, subs. At the public
Dregs, subs. O/ wme : Ar. Tpv'& ^. baths : P. airoSvnqpiov, TO.
Sediment : P. vtrocrraO/j^, $ (Plat.). Drift, v. intrans. P. and V. <f>lp<rO<u.
Drift with the breeze : V. tei/at. ICOT
emptied over me, as it were, tJie aSpor.
dregs of his own iniquity and crimes: Drift, subs. Meaning of a word, etc. :
P. atrtos 8' ovros, axnrep ctoXofcpao-iai/ P. Sidvota, ^, fiovXycris, y't see iw-
/xov TJ}S irovrjpLas cavrov KOL r&v tention. Tendency : P. <opd, ^.
/caTaoTccSaous (Dem. 242). Purpose, aim : P. -:rpoatpo-t9, ^.
e $re0r$, v. met. (of: "PFTtai is ^7*6 drfjft of this mischief ?

sorrow, etc.) V. dvrXciv, SiavrXcIv,

: P. TTOL retvcc TO KCLKOV TOVTO; (Plat.,
c&xvrXeiv. 2%0 <Zre<7$ o/ /&e people : Grii. 47o).
use Ar. and P. ot tyopatot. Drill, v. trans. P. and V. yu/iv< civ ;

Drench, v. trans. P. and V. see exercise. Drill holes in : P.

(Plat.), ppfyw (Plat.), and V. Terpeuvetv (aco.), Tpwrav (aco.)
(Plat.), vor^etv (Plat, and -3E3sch., (Soph., .Fra^.).
^Va^r.), Sevctv (Plat.), V. Drill, subs. Exercise: P. yujwao-la,
^Spau/iv. Sprinkle V. y. Instrument for drilling holes :
Drenched, adj. P. and V. P. and V. TpvTravov, TO' (Eur., Cycl.).
see w0. Drily, adv. Humorously : P. ycXoiW
Dress, v. trans. Prepare (food, etc.) : Harshly : P. and V. Trt/cpw?.
P. and V. o-Kvdciv, V. dpriJetv, Drink, subs. P. and V. iroVts, ^,
oTrXtfctv, iropo-vvsiv. Dress (wool) : Troika, TO, irorov, TO see draught* ;

P, and V. fcwwv. 2>ess (a wownd, Without drink, adj. P. and V. :

: P. and V.
etc.) tf^amveiv. Oto*A : &TOTOS.
P. and V. cvSiW, ^rept^oXXctv, oreX- Drink, v. trans. P. and V. irivtw,
Xav (rare P.), Ar. and P. d^iewiSvat, Gfjnrivew (Xen. also Ar. ; Eur., Cycl.).
Ar. and V, d/A<m0&/<u, &pacfcxw, Quaff, drink off: P. and V. eKirtaw/
V. -TrcpwrTeXXetv, dfL^t^oXXctv. Press (Dem.), V. crTrav, Svacrrrav, Ar.
oneself in: P. and V. cvStkcr&u (ace.), and V. iXxetv, po<^iv, Ar. eKpofalv.
V. a/ji<l>i&v<rO<u (aco.), Ar. and P. Drink (a cup) : P. and V. ^KTrifvciv
apfacwvo-Qai. (ace.), Ar. and V. d/x^t- (Plat., Symp. 214A, and Soph.,
TWU (ace.) (or mid.), V. &p4>iJ3&- Frag.), Ar. po<etv. IZ^pZe ; P.
(acc.). X>res5 -w^: P. and V. and V. ju0uiv (Eur., Oyc/.)- Drink
/, Ar. and P. cvovceuafcii/. with others : P. croprrivw (dat. or
oneself up : Ar. and P. fr- absol.). Drink as an after-draught:
Dr055 OTze's fcoir : V. V. 7TKTrivtv (acc,). Drink a long
draught : V. 3/wm?cv (Eur., Cycl.).
Dri Dro

Drink moderately : Ar. and P. , P. and V. TpeVctv ; see

Drink a health to Ar. and : Drive iw&> i/ie ground :
P. ir f
(dat. or absol.) (Xen.), P. icaTaTnyyj/wai. Drive off : P. and
^ ,
, 7rp<yirww (dat.) (Dem.).
Drink up, absorb : P. and V. irivtiv. ^tv (Eur., Rhes.). Drive out : se&
Drunk by the earth (of libations) :
i2/. JS[;ec^ : P. and V.
V. yaTToros. Be drunk : see drunk. , e^avLcrrdvat.. Be driven
Drinkable, adj P. and V. KOTO'S, P. 5 : and V. iKmirrw. Who of
V. d/TTOTOS. the citizens are driving you out of
P. Trotm, y. the land V. TU/? -TroXtroiv cfa/^tX-
Drinking, subs. :

Drinking bout, subs. Ar. and P. XcDvrat o-e y?Js (Eur., Or. 431) . Drive
<n}fMTO(TlOV, TO, P. 7TOTOS, 6. out of one's mind: P. and V. ci-
Drink offering, subs. P. and V. crravcu ; see madden. Drive to
orrovSiy, fj, Ar. and V. WXavos, 6, V. (despair, etc.) : P. and V. KaQurrdvai.
Xovrpa, Ta ; see libation. Pour (cts, ace.). Drive (horses, chariot,
drink offerings, v. P. and V. cnrcV- :
etc.) : P. and V. &aw/, V.

Drip, subs. See drop, flow. and P. iinrd&crQat,, rjvio)(iv

Drip, v. intrans. P. and V. Ar. tTnnyXttTeti/. Drive past : Ar.

(Plat, but rare P.), KO
and P.
TrapeXawctv (aoo. of direct.
(Xen.), oTtte/ (Plat, but rare P.), object, or used intransitively with
V. ttTTOoro^eiv, o"roXao~o*i,v, Siappac- ace. of indirect object) (Xen.).
vtatiai. Drip with : P. and V. peti/
Drive through: V. SieXcw'i/eii/
(dat.), V.
crrafeu/ (dat.), JcaTCK7Tae,v of direct object).

(dat.), Ka,rappLV (dat.), /AvSav (dat.). Drivel, v. intrans. P. Kt>pvav (Plat.) fc

Dripping, adj, See wet. Dripping Talk nonsense : P. and V, X^pciv,

with blood : Ar. and V. Ar. and P. favapew (also Ar.).
oray^s; see bloody. Drivel, subs. Ar. and P. Xijpos, 6,
Drive, v. trans. P. and V. ^Xvapia, ^, P. Xtypiy/itaTa, m J

Push : P. and V. &0v see also ;

harry. Fix: P. and V. -mr/i/ifo/at, Driveller, subs. Ar. and P.
P. /caTawrr/vwai. Compel: P. and 6 (also Ar.).
V. (tvay/cofciv, ^TTCI Driver, subs. P. and V.
Kafew, fiidc<r6cu, Ar. and P. ?n (Bur., JR&es. 804),
avay/ca^av, Ar. and V. ^ava-y (Xen.), V. TTVtocrrpoqSos, o, fc7

V. owtj&a&cr&u ; see compel. Drive 6, 8t<jfrpeuri7s o, Si^piyX^'nys, o,

(a weapon\ plimge : P. and V. XaT^s, 6 ;
see cfearib<eer. Driver of
V. <i>0ty, Wvat, peffievcu, oxen: P. and V. /fa/A^rip, oj see
v,ty/3aX\t.v ; QQQ plunge. He
his sword through the lieart Driving, subs. P.

^Uur., Phoen. 1421). Se

Drizzle, subs. P. and V. i/ra/c<fe, ^
sword into his siae :
(Xen., also Ar.).
(Soph., Drizzle, v. intrans. Ar. ^aKa^tv,
1236). He drove *$7ie s^ord ^Trt^a/ca^av, V. /carai/ra/ctt^et*'.
through his breast V. #<os Xae,/*Sv Droll, adj. P. and V. yXoto$, Ar. and

8t?/c (Siirjfu) (Eur., Phoen. 1091). P. /cttTayAaffTO?.

Drive aw?ay ; P. and V. Drolly, adv. P. yeXoctos,
tv, flwrcofleiv, tihroppLirruv, Ar. and Drollery, subs. Use P. TO
V. , V. Monkey tricks : Ar.
Dro Dru

f f 01, ol.
Sport, play : P. but rare P.), /caTaorafciv (Xen.),
and Y. mc8u, ^. (Plat, but rare P.), V.
Drone, subs. P. and Y. io;^v, 6.

JVowe : P. /3o/i/3os, 6, <?Q doww (of wind, etc.) : see abate.

Drone, P. and V. o//,/?tv
v. intrans. Drop off: lit., P. and V. Tmpappetv,
(Soph., Frag.), V. flwiWeu' Eepeat &roppu/, Ar. and P. eKpetv, P.
over and over: P. and Y. vpvtiv, peci' ; met., P, and V. aTroppcw,

Drone-like, adj. P. /oy^vcaS^s. Dross, subs. P. o-/co)p/a, ^ (Arist.).
Droop, v. trans. Let fall : P. and Anything worthless : use P. and V.
V. /cAfvetv. do you droop your W%KoiOap/jia, TO.
head? Ar. ri /currrei?; Y. intrans. Dropsical, adj. P. vSpct>7ri/cos (Arist.).
Fallfonuard: P. and Y. KAA/e<r0<u. Dropsy, subs. P. ij8pa)^r, 6 (Arist.).
Met,, /ode away : P. and V. /wpat- Suffer from dropsy, v. P. uSpcoTrcav :

(Plat.), <WveLv (Plat.), Y. (Arist.).

Drought, subs. P. and Y. a^xfto'?, 6
see wither.
(Plat.); Gome (Bur., Frag.), P. awSpia, ^. Oawse
.to nothing : P. and Y. Stappciv, a drought t v. V. rauYju.t/ (used :

EIV. Losecourage: P. andV., of Zeus causing a drought) (Soph.,

" "

k Abate : P. and Y.
i; see abate. Be Drove, subs. P. and V.
down : P. and Y. j3apvvccr6ai. (Plat, but rare P.), /3. TO.;
Drooping, adj. Y. TroAipporros, see jflocfe.
Drover, subs. P. and Y. /Jov/coAos, 6,
Drop, Subs. Y. oraya>v, ^, aray/m, TO, ftoyXuTys, o, ^Sor;<jf>opySo?, o (Plat.),
<rn&ay/Aa, TO, Ai/Sa&s, at,
Ar. and. V. i/o^ev's, 6 (Plat.), V. /Jonyp, 6; see

oTttAay^tos, 6, pavfs, ^. O/ r#i?i :

P. and V. ^ctKcts, 17 (Xen.), Ar, DrOWn, V. trans. P, KaTairovrfew.
and V. pavis, 17. Of tears: use Met., drown (sorrow ec.) : P. and

tear. Y. KOL/U&W (Plat,) ; see alleviate.

Drop," v. trans. Liqwd: P. and Y. Not hearing because the wind
" drowned the noise of their ap-
Let fall: P. and V.
proach : P. i/ro<^>a> TO) 6ic rou Trpocrierat
yj /\
\ TT v /
T jit
'drop met., P. and Y. peQitvai. Let
, fcaTOKOuVayrcs (Thuc. 3, 22). Y.
down : P. and Y. Kaffctvat. Drop intrans. P. aaro7rviy<rOa,L 9
(a word) : P. and Y. &/3<AAe/; see rovo-QaL, P. and V. <$^>an'eo~0at.
utter. (a hint) : use v., hint.
Drop Drowning, subs. P. /caTcwrovrio
Drop (an action at law) : P. Ka0v- 6. jDeai/t Jj/ drowning: Y. ^
</>ivai (absol. or with ace.), &aypa<jta- WOWiOS.
<rOa<, (absol.)
P. 8xyp$$iv St/c^v.
(Dem, 501), Ar.
and Drowsiness, subs. P. ^ x^w
J/" 2rop Drowsy, adj. P. wi/aJSiys- e drowsy,

any of plans : P. ow d KaOvfai/tdd v. P. and V. wn/oia-o-cti/ (Plat, but


TL TO>V -Trpay/ActTCDV (Dem. 30). Drop rare P.), Ar. and P. WOTO&IV, P.
into :Ar. evordi^civ (TI rtvt), evcrra-
Aa^ctv (Tt is Tt). Met., fall into : Ar. and P. xao-fAao-Oai.
see fall into. Drop (let fall) over : Drub, Y. trans. See beat, defeat.
Y. /cttTaoraf / (TC Ttvoy). V. intrans. Drudge, v. intrans. See toil.
jZ^&ZZ ; P. and V. wMrrctv, e/cTrtWctv ;
Drudge, subs. P. and Y. SoSAos, o ;
see /WZ. Drop wi7i ; see dnp. see slave.
D;^ ; P. and V. Xci/3c<r6ai (Plat. Drudgery, subs. Toil : P. and Y.
Dru Due

S, 6 ;
see toil. Slavery : P. Dry ness, subs. P.
and V. SouXcta, fj. Dubious, adj. .Nb c/ear : P. and V.
Drug, subs. P. and V. <apfiaKov, TO, dcroUjtaJs, a^avijs, ^77X05, Suo-/cptTos.
V. &Kcr/JLaTa, rd. Disputed P. afJufricrpijTiqcn.^?. Am-

Drug, v. trans. P. and V. <fra.pp.aKeu- biguous : P. d/z<^t)8oA.os, Y. a/iXK-

IV. TOS, 8Lx6fJ-vQo<s. Inconclusive : P.
Drugging, subs. P. <ap//.aKta, ?j.
. Undecided (of persons) : V.
Druggist, subs. See chemist.
Drum, subs, P. and V. ru/xTravov, TO P. and V.
(Dem. 415 ;
also Ar.). The noise Dubiously, adv. Not clearly : P. <

of the drum : V. jSvpo-iys KTUH-OS, 6 <uis, Ar. and V, oW/cplfros. Doubt-

(Eur., acc7&. 513). Beating of fully P. evSoiao-Tws, V. d^iXeic- :

d/rums Ar. Tv/ATravioy-ids, o.


Drum, v. intrans. Make a noise : P. Dubiousness, subs. Doubt : P.

and V. \l/o<f>iv, Ar. and P. Kporelv.
Drunk, adj. P. and V.
//.cWwv (Eur., and V. ttTropta, T).
/x0uor0ei's (Eur., CtycJ.), Ar. Duck, subs. Ar. vyjrra, 77. As term
(only in fern.), V. oivta0&'<s, of endearment Ar. vrj-rrdpLov, TO.
Duck, v. trans. Dip in water P. ;

ets, Ar. and V. and V. (BaTTTeiv see wet. V. intrans.;

(Eur., Z.).
Ifafo drmfc, v. :P. Go wid&r water : Ar. and P. Kara-
drunk: P. and Sitar0ai. Stoop Ar. and P. /cvTrrai/ ;

V. fjLcOviv (Eur., GycL), peBvo-Kea-Ocu see stoop.

(Eur., C2/c4.). Dudgeon, subs. See anger, indigna-
Drunkard, subs. Ar. ^UOTTOT^, o, or tion.
use adj., drunken. Due, adj. Suitable, becoming : P.
Drunken, adj. P. Trapoivos, o<V6 and V. TrpcTrew, Trpoo^Kcoy, fca07//c<ov,

(Xen.), Ar. TrapotVtos, n-apowucos.

a drunken frolic : P. and P. 7rp7T<oS?7$, V. 7rlKO)S J 866
K<U oivov (Thuc. 6, 28). Drunken becoming. Deserved : P. and V.
behaviour, subs. : P. Trapotvia, 7), afios, V. 7raios. /ws : P, and V.
Behave in a drunken way, v. Ar. :
Oi/cfluos, J3c due,, be owed* v. P. ^

and P. Trapowew.
Drunkenness, subs. P. and V. ^17, ?/. ^a d?t e to the violence of the storm :
Dry, adj. P. and V. ^po?, P. artywy- P. eyevero T; Sta^eufts auTots Sta TOU
pos. Of land P. ^po9, V. ^pcros. :
X^/Aoivos TO /xcyc^os (Thuo. 3, 23),
Thirsty: V. St^-tos. Waterproof: Seasonable, adj. P. and V. /ccwpws, :

P. oreyavos, V. orcyvd's (Eur., Qycl.). cirf/xtpo? see seasonable.

; Be due t
Withered : P. and V. ?po5, Ar. and be expected, v. P. and V. Trpoo-So/ca-

P. aSos, io-^voy, o-aTrpos. Tearless : o"6ou.. It is due tiwie to : P. and V.

V. ^po9, a/cA,auo-ro9 ; see tea/rless. <pa (^OT/) (with infiu.); see time.
Dry land, subs. P. TO
^poV (Thuo.), In due time, at length : P. and V.
V. X^
05' O/ or 7* ^ 7> 2/ Sta xp<> v(> v xpw<&- >
(To do) what is
P. and V, x P (ra^- e *- ^ due : P. and V. & ^piy Trotetv.
see <?^W. Harsh : P. and V. Zkc : Ar. and P. TeXos,
Due, subs,
Humorous : P. and V. yc'Xoi One's due, one's deserts : P.

Dry, V. trans, ^patvetv, P. a and V. d#a, r) ; see desert.

vtv. Dry (clothes) : V. Duel, subs. P. fjLwofMt,xM>'*l (Hdt,).
Dry up, witherup : P. and V. j&%/^ a <fe0Z (ivith), v. P. and V. :

urx^atvetv, Kcmo-uimv, V. illtrans. /u>vojuaxctv (absol. or dat.) see ;


P. and V. combat, under

Due Dus

Duellist, subs. Use adj., Ar. and V. Dumpy, adj. Ar. and P.
/xovo/xaxos- Dun, v. trans. Demand money from :

Dulcet, adj. P. and V. TepTrvos, y&fa ; P. etoTrpcwnretv (aco.).

see delightful. Dun, subs. Creditor: Ar. and
Dulcimer, subs. Use P. and V.
irrjKTis, 77 (Plat., Soph. Frag. ; also Dun, adj. P. <ak; see
Ar.) ; see harp. Dunce, subs. P. f}\d(, o or see
Dull, adj. Of the senses : P. and V.
KOTO'S. Blunt : P. and a/j./3Xti$. Dune, subs.
V. See MZ.
Of sound P. and V. /3opi?s. Tar- Dung, subs.
: Ar. and P. KoV/oos, ^
nished : see twnished. Of the in- Ar. or/ciop, ro.
telligence P. and V. O-KCUOS, a/xa^s, Dungeon, subs.
: P. Sccr/x-wT^/otov, TO,
vcotfijs, a^UT^s, P. dvatV^TOS, ySXcuciKos,
P. and V. ctp/eny, ^, or pi. see ;

Ar. and P. SvcrfiXftqs. Irksome : prison.

P. and V. Bv(rx*py$> fta-pvs- Unin- Dupe, subs. 0^0 easily deceived :
P. Io)A.os, Ar. and P. use adj., P. UawaT?fros. Tfee de-
JDarfc : see darfc, dreary. cked : P. and V. o
see sad. (perf. part. pass, of Sujrar
Dull, v. trans. Blunt : P. and V, Dupe, v. trans. P. and V.
c^aTraraT/, Trapayctv, V.
A.*Wv; see Z?w. Tarnish: use
see deceive.
P. and V. /uotmv. Duplicate, subs. O/ a document :
Dullard, subs. P. Xa, 6 or , or P. dvTty/oa<^ov, TO.
use adj., <fotZZ. Duplicate, adj. P. dvrtypa^o? (Dem.
Dully, adv. P. dvaio-^Vws ; see also 468).
Duplicity, subs. Deceit : P. and V.
Dulness, subs. Of the mind: P. aTTCL-n/, ^, So'Xos, 6 (rare P.), P. Tropa-

ftXoKeia, 17, vw0eia, -9, oWyua^eta, f], Kpovo-i's, fj ; see deceit. Treachery :
dvaicr^o-ta, ^, P. and V. afjuaOia^ ^ P. and V. &irt<rrla, ^.

see stupidity. Deafness : P. *o><o'- Durability, subs. P. /?/3<u6V>7$.

s, 97. Irksomeness : P. and V. Durable, adj. P. and V. /Sc/fcuos, P.
JULOVL/JLOS, V. l/wreSos.

Duly, adv. Becomingly : P. and V. Durance, subs. P. <^vXai7, ^

ewrpen-ois, cn)/x,/ATpa)s, TrpcrrovTcos, P. prisonment : use P. and V.
irpocrrjKovTtos } see becomingly.
De- 6, or pi.

servedly : P. and V. dfwos, Y. cVoftws, Duration, subs. Use P. and V. TO

KaToftcos. Seasonably: P. and V.
/ccupius (Xen.) ; see seasonably. During, prep. With nouns express-
Dumb, adj. P. and V. S^wvos, V. ing time, use ace. ; with other nouns,
use P. and V. &a (gen.), sometimes
I am struck v (dat.), P. irapd (ace.). Rising
dimb : Ar! and V. up during dinner : P. ij-avavTavre?
Dumbly, adv. V. /*Tay Sewn/oBvTc? (Dem. 284).
Pers. 819). Dusk, subs. Just before night : Ar.
Dumbness, subs. P. ^, P. and V. /evicts, TO (also Xen.). Just
and Y ttc&ctcrto.. *w.
before daybreak : P. and V. opdpos,
Dumfound, v. trans. P. and V. 6, P. TO ircptopOpov ; see darkness.

eKTrXiyoxmv ; see astonish. Dwm- Dusky, adj. Without tight : P. and

foimded, adj. P. and V. : V. O7coTivos, P. oxorcoSiys, V. a/xctupoS;
Dummy, subs. Ar. and P.
6 ;
see image. 79, aVai/yiyTos ; see
Dus Dye
dark. Of colour, black . P. and Dwell, v. intrans. P. and Y.
V. ftcAd?, V. fJL\dy)(Lfj,os, epe/M>os, KaroiKv 9

leeAeiros. Gray : P. 0<uo's (Plat ),

Ar. and V. POICIV, V.
op<vivos (Plat.). Of skin P. :
Lodge P. and Y.
(Deca. 537), ju-cAayxpus-
Dust, subs P. and V. *oVZ$, ?;. (Xen.). Of a resident alien P. .

P. and Y. rtypa, y (Eur Oycl 641), ,

and Y. ^TOLKSIV. Dwell around :
V. o-TToSos, 77. -4s/t0s o/ i/te dead : Ar. and P. TrepioiKciv (ace. or absol.).
V. o-7roSos, 17 see ashes. Cloud of
Diodl away from P. and Y. UTTOI- :

dust : Ar. and P. Koviopros, 6. Raise KIV (gen or absol.). Dwell in :

dust, v. V. Koviciv (absol.). Covered
: P. and V. CVOLMIV (dat. or absol.),
with dust : Ar. KCKorlpa/os. Bite V. cvraUw (dat. or absol.), cyKaTot-
the dust : Y. S8o. aipeiv yaiav. .Mafce (dat ) ; see mh abit Dwell near:

We the dust : Ar. KaTacnroSeti/ P. 7rpo<roiKtr (dat. OV absol.), ?rapot-

(also JEsch, Theb. 809, in pevf. Kcw (dat. or absol.). Dioell upon
part. pass.). a subject : Ar. and P. Ivbuirpipziv
Dusty , adj.
Av. /c/corl/x,eVos. (dat.) ; see harp on. Dwell with :

Dutiful, adj. P. and Y. oVios, t P. and V O-lJVOfcKCtV (dat.), V. OrVI'VUiCtV

Dutifully, adv. P. and V. (dat.).

Dweller, subs. Use adj., P. and Y.
Dutifiilness, subs. P. and Y. erot/co? ; see inhabitant. A dweller
peia, 77, TO euo-e/Jes, P. oo-toV^s,
with vne : V. O-TJI/OUCT/TWP IpoL
Respectfulness : V. aiSoW, 77. Dwelling, subs. P. and V. oj^os, 6,
Duty, subs. What isfMimj : P. and oifo/cris, 77, otKT^/xa, TO, Ar. and P.
V. TO trperrov, TO irpocryKov. Wluri o/Va, 77, Ar. and Y. cSpa, 77, 86/xos, o,
is necessary : P. and V. Tti ScWu. or pi., Soi/x-a, TO, OV pi., coTia, 77,
No pica or excuse is left to you for /i/Aa0pov, TO, or pi , V. o-TV77, 77, or
refusing to do your duty : P. oi'Sc pi., TO, Or pi., OfcKTJTTyplOV, T^,
Xoyos ovSe o-K^^ts 40' vpw rov /; r), a-Kipo;, 77,
TO. SeoiTO, TCOICIV WeXcw VTroActVtTat T(, 7^77, ret, ar
(Dem. 10). -Do one's duty : P. and ,/o^rw : P. otKTyo-ts. >),

V. irpwro'cw $ XPV* ^ seo snyowrn.

wawis /&e //ods P. and V. TO : '.
Dwelling near, adj.^
P. and V. Wp*
EIS& P. and V. epyoi/, TO, V. XP C OS
OIK05, -7TpOO-^<OpO<J, P. oVotKO? ,*
TO, TeAos, TO ; see task. Allotted neighbour intj.
task: P. His hand sees Dwelling with, adj. P. and V.
itn^ duty : Y. Opty TO <ri5i/ofcKos (dat.), Y. (dat.).
i., IhwM exceeded Dwindle,
Theb. I v. intraus. P.
vmj duty in speaking of these points : Fade : P. and V.
P. 7Tpl4pyaO"/LWU y<0 7Tpt TOUTMV 47TftV SCO /Me. Mot,, ^O5$
(Dem. 248), Jit 'is the duly of T. and V. Siappcw/, Airopp&v,
cMldren to: P. and Y. (Plat,).
(with infin.). I is your duty : P. Dye, v, trans. P. and Y.
J3 TTr ' ^_r __ /
and Y. X^ry .
Dye, subs. P. and V. */, Ar.

or o*ot, Y. o"o
w cpyov and P. ^a/A^tt, TO. Ptwple dye : P.
Duty, subs. Tax Ar. and P. and V. /C77*fe, r; (Dem. 816),

Dwarf, subs. Ar. vavos, o. Dyed, adj. Ar. . Fast-dyed :

Dwarf, v. trans. Ovwtop : P. and P. SewoTToios, Met.,

V. $7rpcxw (ge ; see sm : Ar. TO KCLKOIS
Dwarfish, adj. Ar. w (Ach. 856),
257 17
Dye Ear

Dyeing, subs. P. and V. Eagle, subs. P. and V. ok'?, 6 (Plat.).

Dyer, subs. P. /Sack's, 6. Sea-eagle Ar. and V. aXtaeros, 6

Dying, adj. Of persons P. and V. :

(Bur., jFra#.)
Qava<ri/JLQS P.
9 7rc0ai/aros, V. if/u^op- Ear, subs. P. and V. ous, TO. Hearing.

payiys. Be dying, v. V. : P. and V. aico^, 17 ff iue ear, v. P. :

She like a swan chanting her last irapi^iv rd 3ra. Give ear to : P.
dying plaint : % Se TOL KVKVOV and V. voV;( o-&u (aco. or absol.),
rov varraTOv ju,eA.i/rao"a Oava<rifJLOv yoov P. V7ro8ex0-OaL (ace.), V. a/cor?v StSoVat
(MsGh.,Ag 1444) (dat.) ; see hear. He is within
Dyke, subs. See dike. earshot : V. crujUju-erpos yap <x>? K\T;U/
Dynasty, subs. P. and V. rv (Soph 0. E. 84). !To m'^rn ear-

f). Royal house: use P. and V. shot : P. cts 7n?/coov (Xen.). Ridvng
j3aartXLKov yo/os, TO. up to within earshot : P.
Dysentery, subs. P.
(Thuc. 7, 73). Wishing to hear
with their own ears : P. avnj/coot
flovXr)6evTS yei/0-0ai (Thuc. 1, 133).
Leaning forward a little to catch
my ear : P. TrpooTcui/ras /uot oyu/cpbv
Each, adj. P. and V. I/ccurros. Each Trpos TO ofe (Plat., Euthyd. 275s).
of two : Ar. and P. l/ectapos. Each Sei %
the ears, v. trans. Ar. and :

one : P. and V. was ns. From each P. Siwrravai, P. Sicwrrrav, Trpos avTous
of tWO sides : P. l/carc/xo^ev. In Tapd<r<rciv. Box on the ear, subs.:
each of two directions : P. Ar. and P. KdV8i5A.os, 6. G^^e (a
Each time: Ar. and P. person) a box on the ear: P. cVl
From each place : P. /COppiy? TVTTTCtV (aCC.).
To each place : P. e/caaraxot, Ear, subs. O/ com : Ar. and V.
raxoo-c. Each other : P. and V. ora^rfs, 6, K<iXv, ^. J3e W& ifee ear,

dAAiJXous (aco. pi.). V. : P. ev aKfjfQ etvat, aKjua^eii/. JT?J

Eager, adj. P and V. irpoOvpcxs, ^e sprouting of the ear : P. /cc&iJ/cos

(nrovSatos (Soph., Frag.), 0ep/x,os,
S, owrovos, ovs, Ar. and V. About the time when the corn puts
0ouptos, V. Qovpos, alOw (rare P.), forth ears : P. Trcpt o^trov ttcfioXriv
Ar. and P. fraud's, P. o-<oopo's. Be (Thuc 4, 1).
eager, v. intrans. P. and V. orrev- Early, adj. In the morning : P. and

Setv, OTrovSafetv, irpoGvptlcrQai., opfta- V. euro's (Eur., Ehes. 771, and

Soph., Frag.}, V. loios, Ar. and P.
also used with innn. following) ; opflpios. Premature : P. and V.
see desire. Be eager for : P. and awpos. Of crops, etc. Ar. -n-pfios. :

V. (nrovBdfev (ace.), o-7TvSeu> (ace.) ; 1^ is early : P. 7rp(j> c'o-Ti. Belonging

see desire. Eager for, adj. V. to former times : P. and V. apxatos,

AeAi/iftevos (gen.),^v (gen.). iraXatds, V.'$ttTos, Ar. and V.

Unhesitating : P. and V. TraAaiyci'iys. ^Vom ^7ie earZies^ ^wwes:
see unhesitating. P. K TOV C7rt TrXctorroy (Thuc. 1, 2),
Eagerly, adv. P. and V. l/c iroXairdrov
(Thuc. 1, 18). Earlier,
-Trpo^uftcos, P. cnrovSotitos, evrdVa>s, former : P. and V. srpoTepos.
rdVa>$. Pwrsue, eagerly labour at, Early, adv. In the morning: Ar.
v. : P. and V. oTrwM&iv (aco.),
OTreu8v (aCC.). the year : 'A*, and P. trp^'. Pre-
Eagerness, subs. P. and V. matwely : P. and V.

Ear Eas

Earn, v. trans. As pay : Ar. and P. the earth, adj. : P. eyyctos (Plat.).
/jLLo-Qofopcw (ace.
or absoi.), P. and Treadinq the earth : V. xQwoo-Tififa
V fuo-Oaprew (absol.). Generally: -n-eSoo-Tt^?. Ma^e o/ ear^/i see
V. apwo-Oai (Plat, but rare P.), ** earthen.
irovea/j aX<t>diviv see win. Procure Earthborn, adj.
P. and V.
for oneself: P. Trepwroteurflat, P. and (Plat.).
V. iropi&crOai, evpriceo-0ai (or inid ) Earthen, adj. P. Kcpa^toSs, ;

see procure. Incur P. and V. yr;tVos,.V. TT^XoTrXao-TOs (.ZBsch.,

Earnest, adj. P. and V. Earthenware, subs. Ar. fcepa^o's, 6.

(Soph., Frag.), ei/rovos, O-WTOVOS ; Of earthenware, adj.: see earthen.
see eager. Be earnest, v. P. and Earthly, adj. Terrestrial : P. em-yew*.

V. oTrouSaCeiv (Eur., Hec. 337). To Human: P. and V. av^p'inretos, P.

speak not in earnest, but in jest : dv^pojTrtvos, V.
P. ?7Ttv ov <nrov8a<t>v dXXu. 7rai'a>i/ Earth quake, subs P, and V.
(Lys. 170). Importunate: P. and 6, y>}$ crctor/^os, o, V. o-ctorju-os
V. XlTT&ptfs. 6. Sz^sr /rom a s&oci o/
Earnest, subs. Earnest-money P. :
2^^fi : P. V.
dppa/3o>j/, 6, TrpoSocrt?, ij,
Ar. and P. o-cur^vat <raX<j) (Bur., I. 57.

0e'crk, ^. There was an earthquake : P.

Pledge : P. and V. cyyuij,
I/, TTtCTTtS, T7, V. pUO-lOV, TO
S66 (absol.). J

pledge. Specimen : P. and V. Earthwork, subs. P. and V. epi

TrapaSctyjua, TO, Sety/ta, TO. V. spicy, Ta ; see defences. Mound :
<Mce : P. and V. mb-rfc, 17. P. x^
a T<> X^5, 6, 7rpo'crx<t)o-cs, 17. >

Earnestly, adv. P. <nrou8aiW, Earthy, adj. P. yewS^ ; see earthen.

o-uvroVo>s; see eagerly. Importiwi- Ease, v. trans P. and V. /

ately : P. Xirrapcos. .Bc<7 earnestly, ^7rucov0rfv, STravrXcti/, V.

v. P. and Y. XZwupcTv (ace.).
Earnestness, subs. P. and V. Ease, subs. P. and V.
T; see eagerness.
; (Plat.). Comfortable oircumstances:
Earnings, subs. P. and V. P. and V. .Vuiptt, ij (Plat.), P.
6. U7ra0ia, ^ (Plat.). Leisure : P.
Earring, subs. Ar. and P. and V. o-xoX)}, r), P.
6, V. ewTiov, TO' (JEsch., Frag.). Peace o/ wind : Ar. and P.
Earshot, subs. See under ear. see peace. At ease : P. and
Earth, subs. P. and V. m, b Ar. V. to?, P. fj<rvxu>?, V.
and V. yata, 7), x^^ v y/> ireSov, r6, Se ^^ ease, v. ; P. and V.
V. o^Sas, TO, ala, r); see also ground. ,
V. 7/o^>x<>5 X cty ' With
From the earth : V. yF;0o/, To Me ease, adv. V. St" ewreTua,?, P. /ACT*

0ar/& V. Ipa^c (^Eseh., Frag.) ; see

: U7TTcta9 (Plat.) ; sec easily.
under ground. Soil, subs. P, and Easily, adv. P and V. fo&W, cv/wi-

V, y5, r;, Ar. and V. ipwpa, ^ (also pfc (Plat.), U7TTWS, V. KOV<0>$, 8t'
Plat, but rare P.). Olay : P. and U7rT6tas, P. /x.T* U7Trex$ (Plat.).
V. Tn/Axfe, 6. Power's eor^ ; P. Without trouble : P. dTrovoi?, V.
Kpa/x,o5, 6, P. and V. 7n;\os, 6. t.
Qtrfo% : P. and V. aTrpay-
inhabited world : P. (Bur., Frag.); soe quietly,
see worZd. OTJ earth, in this world, Easiness, subs. See 5055.
adv. P. and V. SKCO, V. 8,w0*v ; East, SUDS.
: V. $Atbv dvroXoi, aZ,
see under world. Where on ea/rth P. and V. Iws, ^. Concretely,
are they ? V. ol 8* elcrl TTOV Eastern peoples : use P. and V. ot
(Soph., 0. B. 108). apot, TO j

Eas Ech

this path to the east : V. rpiftov rovS" Eatables, subs. P. and V. o-tro?, o,
K$uXtto) TOV fl-pos >;Xtou #oXas (Eur., P. Ta 7riT7/8eta, cSdiSt/^a, T(i see/ood. J

Or. 1258).
Eastern, adj. V. di/rgXros. Barbaric: Eating, subs. P.
P. and V. ftdpfiapos, P. pap/3apii<6<s. (Plat.).
An Eastern woman V. -

Eaves, subs. Use roof.

7j (Bur., 4nd. 159, 652) Eavesdropper, subs. Spy : P. and
Eastwards, adv. V. ^X>u Trpos c V. KaraovcoTTos, o Be an aaves-
Xas, -TT/OOS lyXiou jSoXtis, P. w dropper, V. I P. (oraKOuarctv.

Ebb, v. iutrans. Flow back : use P.

East wind, subs. P. and V. and V. -TToXtv pew. Met., /aZJ aaya^ :
Xiu-nys (Bur., Gycl. 19). P, and V. airoppelv, Siappclv. When
Easy, adj. P. and V. paSios, the blood has ebbed in pa/Mess
(Plat.), evTTopos, V. eupapys.
Light : death V. ai/tarwi' vOvriQ-fJW aTrop- .

P. and V. /coityos, eXafoos. Easy to pvevTuv (2Esch Ag. 1293). ,

carry : V. euay/caXos. Untroubled : Ebb, Subs. V. TraXtppottt, ^, Or -TraXtp-

P. and V. anwos. J?i cas?/ circum- poi'a, ^ (Soph., Frag.}. Tossed by
stances: Ar. and P. e&ropos. the constant ebb and flow of the
iw one's ?wmd : P. and V. tide : V. TroXXots 8iavXois Kv^dr^v

P. ^(rv^tos, V. 6/07X05. $opovpfvo<s (Eur., fZcc. 29). ^t
easy (in one's mind), v. P. and V. Peparethus too there was a strong

fjcrvxa&iv. Easy victory : P. d/covm ebb tide, but no inundation occurred:

i/LKfj (Thuc. 4, 73). I shall feel easier P. eyevcro 8e /cat Iv Ilcwap^a
when I have told you the pitiful eTrava^fop^trts rts ou /xewot
story of my many misfortwies : P. y (Thuc. 3, 89). J5e a a
v. met., use P. :

TO, -n-Xciara (SoTrcp pcuov Icro/iai (Dem

1118). Ebbing, adj. V.
Easy-tempered, P. adj. and V. Ebony, subs. P. l/Jo/os, r) (Hdt.).
cwrpayfwov (Eur., Fray.), P. Ebullient, adj. Met., Iwt : P. and
Ar. and P. etkoXo?. V. tfepjuo's. TJe ebuUwnt, bod, v. :

Eat, v. trans. P. and V. P. and V. H/.

KotTeo-^tetv (Eur., OycZ. 341), P. fcara- Ebullition, subs. Boiling : met., P.

V. 8tt7TTtV,
/3ll3pUKrKW, /3LJ3pto<rKW, ^W, v pPlat.) ; see also fit.
Ar, and V. Bp$Kiv Ar. t SapScwrTccv j Eccentric, adj. P. and V. #TOTTOS
see also /eed. Munch : Ar. and P. (Eur., Frag.).
Tpoiy6v, Ar. KaraTpwyew. Something Eccentrically, adv. P. &nraw.
to eat : P. e'8o>$i/*oV
(Thuo. 7, 78). Eccentricity, subs. Air.and P. <XTO-
Leav (o?w) io 6e ea^w % dogs : V.
(rivet) Trpos
KVI/OJV iSccrroi/ (Soph., Echo, subs. P, and V. r) ^ see
4^. 206). Eat away (as a disease noise.
does) ; V. elecrfliW. Met., wear Echo, v. trans. .4 sound : V.
away : P. and V. rpi/3eiv, Ar. and yeo-Oai, avTuXaX<%iv. Give back : P.
P. Ka.Ta.Tpipw. Eat (take food) and V. a7ro8t8oi/at ; see repeat. Echo
together : Ar. and P. <mroTre/ (dat. (a sentiment) : P. and V. 7rcuvev ;
or absoL). JS?a^ up (met., see approve, support. V. intrans.
P. and V. avdXto-/ctv ; see consume. P. and V. &n7Xtv (Plat.), V. <hm-
Teams of horses eating their heads KXafeiv; see r^so?^. So that the
off: P. uy7 SWwv earth echoed : V. &<rff v
(Isoo. 127o). X^oVa (Eur., Sii/pp. 710).
Eatable, adj. P. e8o>8c/)s, V. Echoing, adj. See loud.
Eel Edi

Eclipse, subs. P. e/<Aeii/as,

Be Eddy, subs. P. and V. 8/1/77,
eclipsed (of the sun, moon, etc.) but rare P. also Ar.)

P. ejcXenrciv. There was a partial Eddy, v. mtraiis. P. and V. 8ti/r0<u

eclipse of the sun : P. rov r}Aioi> (Plat, but rare P.).
CKAiTre's Tt cyeVcTO (Thuc. 4, 52). 2Yw Edge, subs. Of a weapon V. O./C/AT;, 7). :

w00w was eclipsed : Ar. T) creXyvy O/ a sword : V. KvoiScai/, 6. Of an

cfe'AiTre Ttts 6807;? (J^wft. 584). Dark- axe : V. yews, ?}, yi'aflos, ^7. Brink :
ness : P. and V. O-KOTOS, 6 or TO. P. xA.os, TO; see border. Brim:
Eclipse, v. trans. Swpavs : P. and V. /c/jaTa (ace. smg.) (Soph , 0. 0.
V. virp<f>peiv (gen ), ?r/)oi>xei.v (gen.), 473) see W^. The edye of use P.

Virp)(W (gen.), P. 7TpLtVat (gQTl.), and V., adj., aicpos (agreeing with
Ar. and P. see subs.) e.g., the edge o/. the cup :
TrcpLyiyyeo-flai (gen.)
; ;

surpass. Be eclipsed : see under P. and V aicpos ia'Ai. jB?*o?(;

o/ a
eclipse subs.
hill : V. (xfrpurjf T), P. and V. KopTLxfrrj,
Economic, adj. Connected with the 7}
see 6row;. Extreme point : P.

household : P. OIKOI/O/UKOS. and V. T(\ lorx.Ta J.^ the edge of the

Economical, adj. Frugal : AL-. and V. Trpos Kpcwnr&oHTi
P. <ei8o>A.os. Cheap : P. eureA.7;?, (Bur., Sz^/). 661). Beljjra o/
eiWos see cheap
i/40 sea : see coast. Take the edge
Economically, adv. Frugally : P. off, v. i met., P. and V. d/AjSXi/vetv,
^>tSo>A.a>9. Cheaply : P. curcAws aTrap,/3\tivw V. K(irafjil8\6vLr. They

(Xen.), fjLr 6&TA.xs; see cheaply. took the edi/e off operations in the
Economise, v. trans. Cut down : field: P. rti i/ T o-TpoLTOTreBip djj,px.v-
P. and V. <njvrlfiviv. Absol. Out rtpL eTrotow (Thuc. 2, 65), Having
down expenses : P. 8wrdT>as OWTC/*- lost 'Us edya, adj. : P. and V. u/A/3A.ife
vctv (Xen.). (Thuo. 3, 38). Fijr/i dotw ; V.
Economist, subs. Ow? ?/w> manatjes (perf. part. pass, of
a household P. OIKO FOLIOS, 6.

Economy, subs. Management of a Edge, v. intrann. &WQAJ : P.

household : P. ofcoyo/ua, 7), 7; owco- /c is

VO/UKTJ. Frugality : Ar. and L\ snakes' like the aeyis : V.

<^t8coA.ta, Cheapness : Ar. and
TrcSwTat 8* o<f>(rw atytSos TWOTTOV (

P. eurcAaa, Retrenching general-

7). low, 1423).
ly with a view to economy : P. TO, aAAa Edged, adj. See sharp.
o-i/areAAo/jevot as evTekeiav (Thuo. 8, Edgewise, adv. Slip in (a word)
4). Constitution, composition: edyewise: P. 7rapetpea>'(Xen.).
and V. KUTtttrrcuris, T/, Edible, adj.
Kuratir/ccui;, Bee eatable.
7} (Eur. but rare V.). Political Edict, subs. Decree : P. and V.
cGonoiwy : use P. 7; 7roXiTt/c7}. ifryfaLCrfJM, TO, T/TT/^O?, 7;. JVoTdZ O/
Ecstasy, subs. Of joy: P. and V. command: P. irapayyci^a, TO. Pro-
clamation : P. and V. /c^vy/wa, TO.
but rare P.), x (
seo J*Mfi a?i ^Zw?^ : P. and V. mtpay-
joy. Possession (by a god) : V. KCLTO- ycAActi/ (absol.) ; HOO conwnand pro- t

xn, y, ev^ou(Ttacr/ui05, 6. JSagerness : claim.
P. and V. 0Trou8>/, T), irpoOiifjuti, T/. Edification, subs. Admonition: P.
Ecstatic, adj. Pleased: P. and V. and V. voifflerr/cris, r/, vov^^T7//xa, TO*.
Trcpixapys ; see joyfuL JSatjer : P. Instruction : Ar. and P. 7rcu&ev<n$, r).
and V. vp69vfm. Lmpired : P. Edifice, Bubs. P. ot/coSo/A^a, r<i,
and V. ev#eo9. KaTacr/cevatr/xa, roj 866 house.
Ecstatically, adv. Eagerly ; P. and Edify, v. traas. Admonish: P.
V. 7Tpo0(;/0s, (rTrovSg see joyfully.
and V, vov0T6iv. Instru&l: P.
Edi Eff

and V. 8iSdwr/ctv, -n-aiScuciv ; see in- V. /AaTattos ;

see m vfl&m, under ^am.
struct. Have the effect of, bring it about

Edit, v. trans. P. l/c&SoVai. that, V. : P. and V. irpdvcreiv <5crre

Educate, v. trans. P. and V. (infin.). Take effect : use P. /pyds
Scvav, e/CTraiSevew (Plat.), cu/at. (Speak) to this effect
fcSi8ao-Kii/, Tpe'^eiv (or mid.), and V. TOtavTO. or TotaSe Xeyetv.
<v ;
see 'instruct. Train : P. and Effect, v. trans. Accomplish : P. and
V.^ctJ', TraiSaycoyew'. To V. avvrc/r, /caraian-eH', irpdo-creir, &a-
(owe) educated P. and V. TTpacrcrctv (or mid in P.), epya^o-^at,
(ace), V. K8i8ao-/co-0(u (ace.), K&Tepydecr6ai t 7repya^o-(9ttt
See ;

P. TraiSeueo-flac (aCC.). accomplish. Bring it about tlw,t :

Educated, adj. P. 7rtmuSeu/Aei/os. P. and V. -TTpao-o-etv (oo-rc (innn.), V.
Eefined. P. and V. /-wwo-wfe, Ar. eKTTpdo-ffew <5o-T (infin.) see also ;

and P. <lXd/M>v(ros. S60 ^o ^ i/tait. ^ec^ a lauding:

Education, subs. Ar. and P. P. aTroftcurw vroieicr&ai.

crts, 17, P. and V. watoWa, ^, Effective, adj. Hittinq the mark :

y. Instruction : P. /mffy P. Imruxn's. Accomplish its object :
r o/ educat^on : P. 17 P. and V. opacmjpios, V. ?rpaKTr;ptos.
jp ^ /or flctfaow : P. crepyds, Sui/ctTos.
KTWS $s &e fnlles t education :
V. 6 yap xpdvos SiSay/jLa Authoritative : P. and V. /cvpios.
(Ear., J?ra#.). Effectively, adv. P. CTTLTVX^- Se-
Educator, subs. P. and V. curely : P and V. /tySawos, aor^aAws,
6 Or ^, P. TraiScuTife, 6. V. CjLtTrcScos.
Eel, subs. Ar. ey^Xus, 7}. Conger- Effects, subs. Belongings : Ar. and
eel : Ax. and V
pjpawa, 7). P. ^pTyjLtttTa, Ta, o-KcuiJ, Ttt, P. ra
Efface, v. trans. J3Zo oJ: P. and vTrdpxovra see 'property. ',

V. ^oA.t<^tV, a^ttVt^tV, Ktt0aiptV. Effectual, adj. P. Avfoipo* ; see

Remove from oneself : P. faroTptpe-
o-Qat,, aTToXvco-^at. CJwiZo ; P and Effectually, adv. P. ai'voi^u? see ;

V. Xifciv. I co?iZd 7ioi ejface yowr effectively.

/row my wMfiwZ : V. TO Effeminacy, subs. P. //.oXa/a'a, ^, P.
o? OVK av SwoLifjiyv la- and V. rpi5<>7, 17, SvavSpta, >/ ; see
o/os (Eur., Hec. 589).
Effaceable, adj. P. and V. e/cTrXuro? Effeminate, adj. Ar. and P.
(Plat.). Tptf^po's, P. avavSpo?, P. and V.
Effect, subs. Virtw, operativeness :
ywaiKctos, Ar. and V. /AoXdctKo? (also
P. Swflyus, P. and V.
^fiswZ^ ; Plat, but rare P.), V. yuvat/cdyxZ^?,
s, T<$, Ipyov, TO. Tfeai w/wo/t yvvcuKo^pwv (Eur., Frag.), ftyAiWus,
: P. ra aTToftatvovTa, ra Ar. OrjXfyptw. Woman-shaped :
eKpawovra. Produce an effect, do V. ^Ai;/*op<^os, yvvaiKOfji.op</>o?. Be
good (of persons), v. P. and V. :
effeminate, v. P. and V. Tpu^av.

wXcoi/ 7rp<cro-4v, V. Whence comes

this effeminate creat-
-jrXeov Ipyd^evQai,,
P. wXeov irotetv. I produce no effect ure? V. TTO&XTTOS 6 yvWis;
by my counsel : V. Trapawovcr ovSev
cts xA.ov -TTotoi (Soph., 0. E. 918).
Effeminately, adv. Ar. and P. /*o
J5fov0 e/eci : P. 7rpo{fpyov ctvai, P. KOJS, P. yi>vat/cco>5, dvavSpws, Ar. and
and V. w^cAetv. Hove no effect : V. ftoA^tt/cws.
P. ovSev Trpovpyou ctvat, P. and V. Effervesce, v. intrans. P. and V.
OVK <o<eA.etv. O/ 7w e^fec^, adj. P. tw\ see boil. :

and V. /iaTatos; see mwi. To 7*0 Effervescence, subs. Foam : P. and

e/eci, adv. P. and V, p.drrjv,
V. (typo's, 6 (Plat.), V. Tr^avos, 6.
Eff Eke

Spray : P. and V. 1X77, ij (Plat,). Egg, subs. Ar. and P woV, TO.
Boiling : P. eW, y). Egg on, v. trans. P. and V. ITTL

Effete, adj. Worn-out : P. cwreipi^ais lirorpuiw (Thuc ),

ew, eyKeXeuctv,
Old-fashioned P. and V. ap^aics, egorpuvew (ThllG.), P. KareTrtLyew, Y.
7raA.atds, P. dp^atorpOTros. Stale : .irGyK\&vw (Bur Oycl.). , ,

P, foAos. Be v. P. and V. Egg-shell, subs.

, : Ar. Y.
Be relaxed : P. and V. TO (JEsoh , Fray.). A
ivhite egg-shell : V. re^xo
Efficacious, adj. See effective. A.v/coV (Bur., TfiZ.
Efficaciously, adv. See e/ectwely. Egotistical, adj. See selfish.
Efficacy, subs. P. and V. Egregious, adj. Ar and P
Of drugs, etc. Y. SiWo-is, fj, I

Egregiously, adv. Ar. and P.

Efficiency, subs. He impaired the /xaortos, P. d/jt^x^^^.
efficiency of their navy : P. TJJV Egress, subs. P. and V. ZfoSos, ^.
VLKp^lV TO? I'CLVTIKQV aVTOJV O.<tGl'\TO JSy sea : P. and V. lirXous, 6.
(Thuc. 8, 46). Eight, adj P. and V. O/CTO>.
Efficient, adj. See ejfeciive Eighth, adj. P. and V. oySoos (Soph.,
Efficiently, adv. Soe effectively, El. 706).
well. Eightfold, adj. Ar. and P. o K T<nr\d~
Effigy, subs. P. and V. LKVV, ?),
TO, Ar. and P. dvSpitfe, o. Eight hundred, adj. P.
Of a god : Ar. and V. jSperus, TO, Eighty, adj. P. oyr5or/KOi/Ta.
P. and Y. SiyaX/jwL, TO. Either, adj. Of tioo : Ar. and P.
Effluence, subs. P. aud V. airoppoy, ?/. KttTp05, P. 07TOTpOS. If 1JQU rCJCCt
Effort, subs. Labour : P. and V. either of these courses, I fear the
Troves, o, Ar. and V. poxpos, o see expedition mcuy be weless to you:

work. Zeal : P. and V. <r7rou8i?, 17, P. t d(XTpOV TOIJTCOV oXtyCOpT;(rT OfCVO)

vpoOvpta, 17. Attempt : P. and V. /*?/ [Maraios vplv vj crrpareca yevyrai

7Ttpa, ;, eyxeiprjfm, TO', P. (Dem. 14).

TO ; see attempt. With great effort Either, conj. Either or : P. . . ,

(with difficulty) : P. and Y. and V. -^ 17.

With emphasis

Ar. and P. x&\ir&$, P. on the first alternative P. and Y. :

7; (Thuc. 2, 40, and 6, 38 ;

oC iroVOU, V. 7ToXA. TTOVW T; TO*J . . .

difficulty, under difficulty. Dem. 603 ; Plat., Prot. 331s).

Without effort : P. d-n-oVcos, V
a/Aox- Ejaculate, v. trans. P, and V.

^f; see easily. Make an cffttrt, v. see utter.


P. aud V. Ttvtv, P. <rvvTWtv (or Ejaculation, subs. P. and V.

pass.), SiareLve&Oat) V. ci/rciWv. o ; see word.
Effrontery, subs. P, and Y. {(/}/>&, r), Eject, v. trans. P. and Y.
Opdo-og, TO, P.
, c^eXawetv, efw^eLi/, avt-
seo aravat, ^avwrrai/at. ^<3 ejected ; P.
Effulgence, subs. Soe brightness. and V. e/orwrrai/, D'ismiss ; P. and
Effulgent, adj. Seo bright. Y. eK/SoAAcu/. Law term: I?, ^
Effusion, subs. JUagerness : P. and ciyetv.
V. orrovfirj, r), 7rpo0v/ua, ty, Ejectment, Bubs. P. and Y.
of blood : V. (iTroppoat, di ; 17.
Law term P. :

see bloodshed. Action for ejectment : P.

Effusive, adj. P. and V. irpoB^^
Effusively, adv. P. and Y. <rrrov$$, Eke, adv. P. and V. /cat'. Besides ;
cat Trpo's, Trpos (rare P.) ; see besides.

Eke Ele

Eke out, v. trans. Prolong : P. and elders of Argos : V.

V. KTWLV, f TCLVCW, P. . 855.
out a livelihood Eldest, adj. P. and V.
orAXeyeiv /3iov (Eur., SI. 81). He V. Trpo^epraros, TTpea^ttrros. Fem.
shall eke out a life of misery V. adj., Ar. and V. Trpeor/fopa (of a
XuTrpov avrXyarti iov (Eur., goddess) Because he was his
898). I eked out a precarious ex- eldest son : P. Sta rd Trpeo-^eiW aTr*
istence : AT. awrou fThuo. 6, 55). Z%6 s7^are o/
(Thesm. 449). The luckless Orestes i/ifi eldest
(in inheritance) P. Trpeo- :

ekes out a poor subsistence : V. fteiovj TO.

Elect, v. trans. Cftoosg P. and V. .

7/(*ci io 0^5 : P. and

(Soph., Si. 602). (upeto-tfar.

Elaborate, adj. P. and V. V. atpet<r^at, Ar and P. X^^OTOVCH/^

Elaborate, v. trans Ar. and P. P. irpoxeLp%(r0a.i. Select: P. and
tt7repyaeo-0ai, P. and V
V. efatpcti' (or mid.),
/cpfvciv, 7Tpocpii/iv, Ar. and P.

Elaborately, adv. Ar.andV (or mid ), aTroX^yetv (or mid.), P.

Taking up sixth poems of theirs a,s CTTtXeyccr^at, V. Kptveiv. Be elected
seemed to me to have been most to the senate : P. cts rryi' yepovenav
elaborately treated : P. tl
cy/cptVccr^at (Dem. 489).
atJroiv ra TrotiJ/jcara 5 /xot eSo/Ct p-aXto Elect, adj. P. and V. &/cpiros,

Trcjrpa.yfj^CLT^vtr&a.L OUTOLS (Plat., .4 pcros, V. Kptro?, Xcfcrdg ; see chosen.

22B). Election, subs. Choice : P and V.
Elaboration, subs. P, dTrcpyao-ta, 17.
Election to office: P.
Elapse, T. intrans. P. and V.
i, 8ipycrOai. Intervene : P. at. Election by lot : P. and V,
Elastic, adj. Pliant: P. and V. Elective, adj. P. atpcro?,
vypos. Elegance, subs Beaidy : P and
Elasticity, subs. P. vypo'nys, ^. V. Ka\Xo<?, ro see beauty. Grace : ;

Elate, v. trans. P. and V. erratpetv, P. and V. x^pkj 4- Luxury : P.

o.p<r$viv see encourat/e.
and V. rpii^, i), xxffll ?> 4 (Plat,).
also P. and V. O/ ari : P. ^Xorc^vta, r/,
Ar. and V. oyKow-flat (also Xen.), V. Elegant, adj. P. and V. /caXos; see
beautiful. Graceful : Ar. and P.
Elation, subs. Joy : P, and V. ^apwts. Dwinty, refined : P. and
V. /co/Ai/ros, Ar. and P. d<rraos.
but rare P.). Pride : P. and V. Luyywi'ioiw : Ar. and P.
oyK<K, o (Plat.). Cheerfulness : P. Artistic : P. 0t\oKoXos,
and V. euflDjcMo, fj (Xen.). see wtistlc. Accomplished: P.
Elbow, subs. P. and V. dyicaJv, 6 and V.
(Dem. 1259; Eur., Oycl 563). Elegantly, adv. Gracefully : P.
Elbow one's way, v. Ar. & Daintily : Ar. and P.
see jostle. Artistically: Ar. and P.
Eld, subs. See old age. Beautifully : P. and V,
Elder, adj. P. and V.
Be elder, v. : P. and V. Elegiac poem, subs. P. ^Xcyeiw, TO.
Elderly, adj. Use P. Troppi rfc Elegy, subs. P. and V. fyw/vos, 6
was ; see advanced. (Plat.), P. flp^wSta, r} (Plab.), V.
Elders, subs. P. and V. oi Vpyvfoa.Ta, r<L Sing an elegy, v, :

poi, ol yepovTCff, ol yepairepoi. Ye P. and V. Oprjvelv ; see dirge.

E!e Els

Element, subs. Part : P. and V Eleven, adj. Ar and P.

TO. Germ : P. and V <nrpp,a, Eleventh, adj. P. ci/ScWros. Or s/w
TO. Beginning, origin
P. and V. s/iaZ^ Zcar?j ey^?7j fl i/ie eleventh Jiour
a-PXti' V* /"'
a 7)> ^W* *;
-# fi in that 'Li* labour lost to liomur what
one's dwn"M, enjoy oneself, v. P. is dead :
7} yvaio-T<u yovv tlXXa Tiyi/t-
cuiraOeiv, P. and V. cu^patr KaD^' OTC, TTOl'05 7TptO"0-0? OTt TttV
The Elements, subs. P. TO, : "AtSov <refaiv (Soph , J^. 779).
The prvmal elements : P. TO, Elf, subs. Use perhaps P. and V.
(Plat., Theaet. 205o).
ZVw Elements ILii/, o ;
or if a feminine noun serves,
personified: use P and V. ot Qeof Urie P. and V. I'uft^iy, /.

(the gods). There beintj four ele- Elicit, trans. Learn (from some v.
ments of which the body is com- One) P. and V. 7rw0ai/0-0at (TIVO'S .

pacted, earth, air, fire, and loaler : Tt), Ar.

and V. COTrvi/flai/eotfai' (TIVO'S
P. Tecro"ttpu>j' OITCDI/ yev&v l <Si/ cru/x- T/), V. TreuOecrOai (TH/OS TI). Evoke,
Tremryc TO o-fi/Aa, yr}s, Trupos, uSa/To's T call forth : P. and V, es/ctiA.4o
/cat a/pos (Plat , Tw. 8lE). / */WH0 V. *'aytv (Bur., ^z/^jo. 770).
tliat of the two element* appointed Eligible, adj. P. and V.
for the use of man, namely, sea and Suitable : P. and V.
land, of the one you are complete
rs : P. cyo) ciTro^afVo) Svo /xepuiv Eliminate, v. trans. P. and V.

To9 ercpou iravros Ell, subs. P. and V. 71%*?, (Bur.,

uc., 2, (>2). Gijcl.) soe cit6zi,

Elemental, adj. Simple: P. and V. Elm, subs. Ar. TrrcXlu, v/

Elocution, subs. P. <^o>vaor/cta, ry.
Easy P, and V.

Elementary, adj. Practise elocution, v. P. ^covacr/cctv. :

pct&os. SiMple P. and V. dTrXoSs. Elongate, v. ^tiuns.

: P. and V.
Pr-mal : P. and V. n-pwros. KTCtV6V, /XiyKBVCtV, P. aTTOTCtVClV.
Elephant, subs. P. cXe'<a<>, o (Plat., Elongation, subs. P. c /cT<wn,s, 17.
Criti. 114fl). Elope, v. intrans. Use Ar, and P.
Elevate, v. trans. Baisc : P. and a7roSi8pa<jrycai' see run away. Elope ;

V. alpcw, &rr(upew, l^aLipew, avdytiv, with, carry off : P. and V. apTra^tv.

avfyew soe raise.
Heighten : P. Elopement, subs, llape : P. and V.
and V. <upctv, Ar. and P. /Arwpi^^ a/way//, T/ see 'rap0. ; ;

see heighten. Met., 00^ : P. and Eloquence, subs. P. SctvoTr/s, ?/, Ar.
V. atpctv, liraipew, catpav, au^rfvetv, and V. ci'yXcDfro-ta, 7; (Elur., Frag.).
afi&iv, Ai\ and V. oy/co9i/, Jrupyoui/, Persuasion : P. and V. 7m0<o, 17.
V. avaycii/; soe exalt. Prefer to Oratory : P. p/ToptK^j, r/, pr/
Jbonour : P and V. vfxrrliwa/. Ele-
vate (the voice) : P. CTnwVw, ivTeire- Eloquent, adj. Of pornons : P. and V.
<rQat,. JSlevate (the mind), instruct : 8etvos Xyctv, Ar. and V. sfryXwo^os.
P. and V. 7T<u8e<W. Oivilise: P, Persuasive : P. and V. Tntfaiw.
and V. 7;jw,povi', V. cqfApovv. Else, adv. Otter : xiso P. and Y.
Elevated, adj. Kaised in (tar : Ar. <tXX<K, Tcpr>s. //V(W/i ?w owe else:
and P. /*Tti>pos, Ar. and V. /*,enip- P. ofi&ipoffc? (2XXo(9cv. Otherwise:
; soe /w//&. ttltih-minded : P. P. and V. axXro?.
Else, conj. Uso P. and V. e& 8e ^,
Elevation, subs. Swjht : P. and V. or Homotimes *'. O^i yfe) &
^05, TO. Elevation of mind : P. iiwwZ w& Ais seer-craft. Else tell
^eyaXoi/rv^ca, y;, fJLyaXo$po<ruvi], r/. me where you show yourself a true
Appowtment : see appointment. prophet : V. oo-ns TT)V . .

Els Emb
, <ep* enre, vrov or Emaciated, adj. Ar. and P. tc

o-a^5 (Soph., 0. B. 389). Arro5 see /&m ;

This seems to me to be the case Emaciation, subs. P XcTrror^?, ^.

with this man, else how is ^t jwt Emanate, v. iutrans. Gome into
. ? P. OTrep /cat OUTOS juot yc So^el
. . be my : P. and V. ytyv<r0fu, Qaive-

errct, <epe, ?ra>s eort StVator <r8ai, Ar and P avaifraivea-QcLi ; see

. . . , (Dem. 879) Tuu had no
better advice to offer, else they would Emanation, subs. P. d7roppo>/, ^
not have followed mine : P. <ri> ov^ (Plat).
Irepa ctrres j8cA.ru0 TOUTON/ ou yap Emancipate, v. trans. Manumit :
TOTJTOLS av |XP^ J/TO (Dem. 294). J P. direA-eutfepow. Generally P. and :

Zo-ue w^ ow/z children, else were I V. cA,eu0epo{5i/, Atfeiv, a

mad :
<j!> efjmvrov TCKVO.
yap aV (Bur., J. A. 1256). see /re0. ^L^ emancipated slave,
HEO. JWd wo (the god) prophesy subs. P. cwreAe^epos, 6,

to you any of the woes you now

endure ? Emancipation, subs. Freeing: P.
POLY. No. Else you would not A.v0'pa><rts, 17, aTroXucrts, ^, P. and
have trapped me thus by strata- V. OTraAAayiy, ^, XiJcrt?, ^, V. Ai;<ri5,

gem. ^ ;
see also freedom.
e s
"EK. (rot 8 OUK expycrev ovSev &v Emasculate, v. trans. P. and V.
HO AY. ou yap TTOT' ai' cru /x' Emasculation, subs. P. eVro/*,?;, ?;.
^Sc Hec. 1268)
C7ui/ So'Xw (Ear., Embalm, v. trans. P. raptx^tv.
Elsewhere, adv. P and V. Embank, v. trans. P. and V. x<w t
(Bur., I. 4. 647), SAAfl, V. P. Trpoa-'xtovv'vvQ.i, irpoc-^ovi' ;
see bank.
(also Xen.), P. cTcpcD^i, Ar. and P. Embankment, subs. P. and V. xfyta,
dXXax^ (Xen.). From elsewhere : TO, P. X ^,
P. and V. AAo0rv, P. aAAaxo/90/, Embark, v. trans. P. eiV/3i/?aeti/,
7n/3i/3aciv t ^t^Sa^tv, eim0evai, P.
Elsewhither, adv. P. and V. and V. ela-riOta-Oat (Xen.). Also in
Ar. erepoDGTg. V. use efjL/3'qo'cw (fut, act.), ^8?Jom
Elucidate, v. trans. .Mafee (1st aor. act. of Ip/Saivtuf). V.
P. and V. o-afyvL&iv (Xen ), Stacra- intrans. P. ajad V. kfLffafatv, e?cr-
^CLV (Plat.), 0/eoir up : P. and V. /3atv0f 9 l-jcep/Sabf-iv. Embark on :

Xueiv, P. StaA-vetv. P. and V. lp.$ajLv&v (efe, acc., or V.

Elucidation, subs. P. A.vW, ^. acc. alone), cior^atVecv (efe, acc. ; V.
Elude, v. trans. Escape notice of: also acc. alone), Ar. and P. ava-
P. and V. XavtfdVeiv (ace.), V. \^cti/ fiaweiv &rt (acc.) ; met. : see enter
(ace.). Evade : P. Sia/cpoTw&u, on. Embark with a person : P.
J/c/cpovav, Ar. and P. 8ia8ye<r0<u. and V. (riSwcr/JcuWv (efe wXotov)
Escape: P. and V. <t>euyiv t e/c^cuyeiv, (with dat.).
Sta<j!>ci;yftv, vireKfyevysiv \ see escape. Embarkation, subs. P. tla-pa., 7%
Steal a march on : P. and V. ?rap-Embarrass, v. trans. Tro'Me : P.
pxo-0ac (ace.) ow^ o/: S% P. aud V. ox^ov T&pexwt Ar. and P.
and V. /c8do^at (gen.), V. liTrcAcSde- KoxA.?v (acc. or dat.), Trpay/^ara
<r^at (acc.) (Bur., CycL). Philip Trapex^tv (dat ). Impede : P. and
was m
fear lest his object should V. 1/jwroS^w- Gonfuae, perplex :

elude him : P. fy 6 ^'Awnros lv P. and V. TopcMTorctv, cruvrttpaor<rti' >

. .
. . .
K<f>vyoL ra ?rpay- K7rA.iJ(ro-/, ^pacrcrctv (Plat, but rare
a^rov (Dem. 236). P.). Be embarrassed ; P. and V.
Emb Emb
V. dfjirjxavtiv (rare P.). Embezzle, v. Ar and P
Hesitate: P. and V. oVeii', KO.TOKVGIV. and V. /cAeV-
(or mid.), P.
Embarrassing, adj. P and V. . Embezzle public money P. :

oxAiyoos, fiapvs, (StTropos,

P. 7rpay/j,a- TrapeKXcyetv ra /cotva (Dem 435).
TwoV- Put MI an embarrassing Embezzlement, subs. P. and V.
position : P. (wrdpcos Start^cVat (ace.). fcXoTr^ //.
Those guilty of embezzle-
50 in an embarrassing position : P ment : P. ol Kowa v^aipovp.fvoi ret

(Dem. 613). Be accused of em-

Embarrassingly, adv. P. and V bezzlement: P. U0iWs o
airdpcos. Embezzler, subs. P. and V.
Embarrassment, subs. Trouble, .

bother: P. and V. oxAos, o. Psr- Embitter, v. trans. P. and V. ?rap-

plexity : P. and V. aTropta, T/. oftfveii', V. o^rvctv, dypioiJi' (also Ar.
Hesitation : P. and V. o/cros, 6. aud Xen. in pass.), 'e^aypioui- (also
Confuswn of face : V. o-iryx^ "^ 7; Plat, in pass.), 0r/yetv. ;

see shame. Pecuniary embarrass- Embittered, adj. P. and V.

ment : see poverty. Embittered words V. Adyot .

Embassy, subs. Ar. and P. -irptcrftem,

Go on an embassy, v. Ar. and Emblazon, v. trants. Use adorn.

P. Trpeo-^cueti'. Go on an embassy E m blazon e r, subs. V. o-muZroupyos,

with others : P. o-u/jwrpeo-jfeucii/ (dat.). 6.

Send an embassy : A? and P. ?rpeo-- Emblem, subs. Badge, cmt : Ar.


jfeWtfai. Send a counter-embassy : and V. crrj^cinvj TO, V. rrfj/m, TO,

P. ttvri7rpea-/3eucr0<u. Jb'M a?l <?7tt- 7rtcnyju,a, TO.
Siytt, token : P. and
&O5S7/ P. crv^TTpecr^ufcrOat, (absol).
; V. (rf/fjLiov TO, TeKfArjpiov, TO, Q"i;/x- 9

Concretely, of the ambassadors /5o\ov 9 TO, V. T/cjw.ap, TO.

P. and V. TrpeVr^eis, ot, V. Trpevfiev- representation : P. and V. cucou', T;.
fjLara, T<, Ar.
and P. Trpecr/Seca, r). Emblematically, adv. Figuratively:
Sacred embassy to a shrine : P. P. &Y ?Koi'cov (Plat., Efip.' 487H).
$(opta, fj; see ewyoy. Embodiment, subs. Organisation:
Embattled, adj. Furnished with P. (nWafe r/. Example, specimen :

battlements : Ar. and

V. KoAAifrrvpyos. P. and V. 7rttp<i8eiy//.a,
Armed : V. evoTrAos, Tcux^^dpos, P. Embody, v. trans. Organise : Ar.
and V (&7rXrju,ci/os. Drawn, up in and P. awrn-tvaL. Briny together :

line : Ar. and P. -TrapaTeray^eVos, P. P. and V. o-wayetv. ^mbody in

and V. <ruiTTay/x,i'o$.
Embellish, v. trans. P. and V. Embolden, v. trans. P. and V. dap-
V. ayoLXXctv, dovcea', ^ttor/Ctr.
icorrfiav, arivew, OpafrOvtiv, P. c?rtppo)vvvat,
Divemfy : P. and V. TrowaAW, P. irapaOapa" u i/t v .

KaTaTrouctXXccv ; see adorn. Embel- Embossed, adj. V. c/c/cpoum-o?.

lish a story: P, and V. Embowered, adj. V. frnxmo?; see
bower if,
Embellishment, subs. P. and V. Embrace, v. trans. P. and V. acnrafc-
KoV/Aos, 6. Met., P. TrotKiAitt, r; <r9(u, V. TrepMTTwnrai/ (Plat, also bufe
(Dem. 844). Ornament : V. y- rare P.), irpocnrruviTew (or mid.),
TO, P. KoAAamoTAo's, o ; soe
Ar. and P. 7re/>tAtt/i,j8<j{viv.
Embers, subs. P. and V. re^pa, 97 io : P.and V. exe<r6<u (gOU.)
(Eur., Qycl 641), V. cnroSos, 17. (gen.),' Aa/A/?cii/<r0ai (gen.),
Hot embers Ar. faij/aXot,,
: ol. Em- ..-' (gen.). Qlaspw
bers of charcoal : Ar. ^ct arms : V.
Emb Emo
Met., embrace (opportunity, etc.): Ar. and P. ^va/ciwrTeiv, Ar.
P. and V. \a.p.pdviv. Embrace &>0 A-flwe emerged from this diffi-

(the cause of some one) : P. and V. culty with an effort : P. TauTa apa
0poviv rd (TWOS). Practise : see . . ,
ftoyts 8iavvev/caju.)/ (Stavctv)
practise. Include : P. and V. (Plat., B0j?. 441o)
e^cti/, crv\Xa,p,/3dvLi' P. Trepic^etv, f Emergency, subs. P. and Y. Katpo's,
Trc/otXa^avetv ; see include. So 6. hi case of emergency : Ar. and
they embraced all these matters in P. fy TL 8ey. To provide f>;r the
one decree : P. SioVep aVavTa TCLVTCL emergency P. Trept T&V 7rapoi/ro>v
ete ti>
i/r^<f)L<r/JLa o-ui/co-Kcuccrai' (Dem. 7rpol3ov\.ijiv (Thuc. 8, 1). In this
358). emergency : P. and V. OUTO>S C^OVTCOV
Embrace, Subs. Y. acnrdcrfLara., ra, things being thus).

d/x<^i7rTv^at, at, TrGptTrriS^at, at, P. Emigrant, subs. Ar and P &TTOLKOS,

and Y. 7T/n/?oW, al (Xen.), o.

sweet embrace : Y <5 yA-u/ceta Emigrate, v. latrans. P.

1} (Eur., 2kfed. 1074). m
other's embrace : V. r* Ar. efotKt^ecr^af, P. and V. e

d/A<^6fcet^u,i/ot (Soph., 0. 0. Ar. and P. aTroS^/ie^.

1620). Emigration, subs. P. tMTavd<rra<ns t

Embroider, v. trans. P. and V. rj, fJiToiKia, ^, dTToS^fUrt, P. and ,

7TOtKt'A\eiV, P. KaTa7TOLKl\\W* Met., V. feSwua, 77.

P.and Y. TTOfc/aAAeii', /coo>tetv. Eminence, subs Distinction : P.

Embroidered, adj. P. and Y. i- and Y Tt/x,^, ^, a^wofta, TO, So^a, ^,
K&OS, fyavro? (Thuc. 2, 97) ei$oia, ^, /cA.eos, TO (rare P.), Ar.
Embroiderer, subs. P. 7roiKiA,T>}s, 6 and V. cfoAeia, r/,
Y. ic^Saiv, ^ ; see
Embroidery, subs. P. -n-oi/ctAta, ^, fame. Hill: P. and Y, Ao>os, 6;
P. and V. iroLKLXfjux., TO. Met., P. see hill.

Eminent, adj. P. and V. euSoos,

Embroil, v. trans. Bring into con- ?rept)SA,7rTos, Sia7rp7r*7S, K7rp7rr)$, ovo-
flict : Ar. and P. Biurrtvu, V. /jtaaros, Xa/X7rpos, ^10-17/1,05, P. d^td-
owaTrrav (Bar., Sitpp. 480) see ;
Xoyos, e7r(0avr;s, cuSo/cf/AO?, 1/80^05,
set at variance, under variance. Ar. and V.
To embroil Philip with the Olyn- (Plat, also but rare P.), V.
thians : P. *OA,uy<9iaus cxwoXe^tiJcrat V. llo^os ,

(Dem. 11).see pre-eminent, superior.
Confound :

P. and V. TapdVrcreiv, oruvTapatrcrctv, Eminently, adv, P. and V. p<i\tcrra t

(ruy^etv. -8^ embroiled in : P. and ovX ^/Ktora, P. 8ta<^povT<us, TOIS &

V. IfwrAcVccrflai (dat.), Y. fLOlAtfTTa, Y. ^OX)5.
(dat.) (2nd aor. pass, of Emissary, subs. Messenger : P. and
If you are come not to embroil f but V. dyyeXos, o or r/, V. TTO/ATTO?, o ;

to hellp unravel : Y. el see also ambassador. Go-between :

<rvX\.vcr<w irapet (Soph., Aj\ P. Sicfyy^Xos, 6. S^y : P. and V.
1317). /ccmx<r/eowos, o, O-KOTTOS, 6 (Thuc. but
Embryo, subs. Unborn babe : P. rare P.), Y. oVnJp, o, /caroTrrryp, o,
KVTJfJba, TO, V. KU/Aa, TO. fCttTOTTT^S, O.

Emendation, subs. P. Emit, v. trans. P. and V.

(Eur., Fray.),
Emerald, subs. P. , Y. /^c^IcVat, ?rpo-
Emerge, v. intrans, P. and V. Emolument, subs, P. and V.
K /3aCviv, P. 6; see reward.
Emo Emu
Emotion, SUbs. P. 7rd0os, TO, Emporium ,
subs. Ar. and P.
TO. Disturbance of the mind : P. .

and V. !irA?7fis, 17, P. Tapani?, *% V. Empower, v. trans Use P. and V.

<pi/a>i' ; see also distress. StSoVat Ar and P.
Emotional, adj. Excitable: P. see allow. I am em-
Spo'9. powered to . P. and V. e^errrt' ftot
Emperor, subs Use (infin.).
Emphasis, subs. &mce he lays stick Empress, subs. See </w?67&.
emphasis on the past : P. Emprise, subs. See enterprise.
fl-oA-us TO!? Emptiness, subs. Desolation : P.
(Dem. 294). and V. cfnjfua, rj. Want of men :

Emphasise, v. trans Lay stress on : V. /cevavSpta, ?},

P. oA.tyttv^pW7rta, y.
P. (OYupieo &u <

60^17 fi*wp*2/
ircpi (gen.), eyKr0a6 -4 ^- ^w^'5, 17 see ;

(dat.). also vanity.

Emphatic, adj. P. wr^ptfe- "Pefoc- Empty, v. trans. P. and V.
ment : P. o-<o8pos. Self-opinion- KKi/ovv (Plat.), e/ny/
ated : P. and V. a^rifys. V. c/ocen'ow. Dram (a cv/p, etc.) :
Emphatically, adv, P. IcrxvpSxs, P. P. and Y. ^rni^ci^ (Plat., Sgm. 214A;
and V. <r<oSptt. Assert emphatic- Soph., Fraij.), Ar. po</>etv. Empty
ally, V. : P. over one Ar. and P.
<r&(u. Expressly, adv. P. :
(Tt TtVOS Or Tt KaTtt TiVOS),

Empire, subs. P. and V. (TI Ttvos); see ;;o7w V. intrans.

Sover&icjnty P. and V. .
Empty itself (of a river) P. e/c- :

JCpttTOS, TO. jftiAAVu', cfto/at (^fjii). Empty

Empirically, adv. 2b produce health itself into P. ///3aA.Xtv
: c?? (ace.).
and strength, not empirically, but Empty, adj. P. and V. /cei/os, P.
on scientific principles : P, /XT; 6Vi/<i/os. Desolate : P. and V.
p.6vov KOL ffjwreipLq, oXAa Te^T? . . .
Vain, usel^s : P. and V.
vvi'ctav Kat paip/v e/LTrotetv (Plat., Kvds, ai/ox^cA,?;?, V,
Pte0dr. 270B). -
(also Xen.) ; see
Empiricism, subs. P. c/wrapia, //. Empty of: P. and V. K/ds
Employ, v. trans. 0>e: P. and W cpr//Aos (gen.). Empty of men Y.
XpyvOou, (dat.). Practise: Ar. and
P. /^cXerav, en-arrfceu', P. and V. Empty-handed, adj. P. and V.
Employ (one's lime) : ici>os Rep. 370s).
(Plat., I
P. and V. Stayctv, Tpt^etv, Ar. and not send you from Ike land
P. Starptpcw. Employ oneself: Ar. V. Kttt of* ou Kevaiari
and P. SLarpifaw (absol), P. -rrpay- (Bur., fla*. 12BO):
fAaTeu<r6at (absol.). Apply, brine/ Empty-headed,, adj.
adj, P. arid V.
into use : P. and V. V. Kv6(f>p(tw ; see stupid.
Empyreal, UBO celestial.
Hire ; Ar. and P. Empyrean, Use heaven.
Emulate, v. trans. Emulate a person:
Employment, subs. (7* o/ P. and V. rjX.ovv (ace.), ay<i)vtecr&a.i
anything : P. xpyjcn 07. Applica- or wpo's, ace.), tptfav (dat.),
tion : P irp6<r$a-L<s, ?rpo<r<^opa, 17, a/AtXA,u<r0ac (dat. or Trpos, ace.), V.
P. and V. . Business :
taywiecr&ai (dat.), l^a/u-/
P. TO, irpay/AaTetirx, (dat.), P. {^XoTwrow (aec,) ;

^ ; see Kew (dat. or TTpos, ace.), -t

V. y),
Ar. and P. P. and V. io-oCcrtfat
(dat.). Imitate: P. and V.
Emu Enc

/U/LLCLGT&U, KflilfJiLCrOcLL (Xeil., Enchant, v. trans. P.

Ar.). KttTCTraSetv,Ar. and P.
Emulation, subs. P and V. #7X05, 6, Charm : P. and V.
P. c^iXoi'em'a, ^, 77 \oruTria, 17, 17X0)- (Plat, but rare P.), P.
jicara, ra, ^Xwo-ts, 17 ; see rivalry. (Plat). Delight: P. and V.
Contest : P. and V. tfyaii/, 6,

-n-etv, u0patvtv. Please P, and

V. apcWii/ (ace. or dat.), V. dvSa-
Emulator, subs. P. 17X0^75, 6 ; see vetv (dat.). Gratify: P. and V.
rival. XanifacrOaii (dat.).
Emulous, adj. P. <J>t Enchanted, adj. Pleased: P. and
Emulously, adv. P. V. v&fe. enchanted, v. : P. and
Enable, v. trans. P. and V V. ^Sco-flai, P. ape'oTcetrflai. Magic :
StSoVat (dat.). I am enabled to : P. /AayeuTtico's ; see ma'jic.
P. and V. I&O-TI' poi (infra.). This Enchanter, subs. P. and V.
boon enabled you to triumph over VS, 6, payoff, o, yo^s, o,
the ^Eginetans : P. rj vepye<rta (Plat.), V. <ioi6\fe, 6; see charmer.
Act of enchant-
Enchanting, subs.
Kpa.rr}(riv (Thuc. 1 ^ (Plat.).
ing : P. /nJA^a-is,
Enact, v. trans. With law-giver as Enchanting, adj. P. and V.
subject: P. and V. Ti0o/cu. With /o's, v. ^oprds (Plat, also but
whole people as subject P. and rare P.), fliJ^Sifc, e^f/Aepos, Ar.

V. rtGeo-Ofu. Absol. Frame laws : and V. yXvfc^, Ar. and P.

P. vofu>0-tv. Give orders : P curmos, P. 7ra^pdStT05, crK^apts,
and V. K\VLV ; see command.
Enactment, subs. Liw : P. and V. Enchantingly, adv. P. and V. ^SeV,
ISO/MS, o P. vofji.oOenffjLCL TO.
Vote of
t P. xap l *vr(J*$*
the people : P. and V. i^^tcr/xo, TO', Enchantment, subs. Charm : P.
V. <ap/*aKOV, TO, 7T(J>Sl}, ^, V.
Enamoured of, adj. V. v, TO (in P. only love-charm),

(gen.). Be enamowred of, v. P. TO, ^eXicrpov, TO, ^fiXyoyrpov,


and V. epoV (gen.), Ar. and V. TO, @\Knqpiov, TO, KTyXiy-nypiov, Td,
2pao-0ai (gen.). /Aaycv/AaTa, Ta see charm. Act of ;

Encamp, v. trans. P. and V, K.O.QL- enchanting : P. ^X^ort?, ^.

ttw (Ear., Heracl 664), P. tSpuW traction, grace : P. and V. x<fy>
fChuc. 4=, 104). V. intrans. P. and Pleasure : P. and V. -801/17,
v. iSpvecrOoLL, P. orTparfwrcScvecr^at, see le
o?rXa TtQeo-Oai; see bivouac. En- Enchantress, subs. V. ootSds, ^, Ar.
camp against : P. di^rtarparo^S- ^. Beloved: P. and V.
(dat. Or absol), <ivT<,Ka0e'ecr0ac
(absol.). Encamp in (a place) : P. Encircle, v. trans. P. and V. /cu/cXou-
(absol.), y/ea0ee- o~0ai, TreptjSaXXctv, V.
crdat (absol.), i/av\%(r@ai (absol.)
(act. used once in V.). Be en- see surround. Be spread roiwd :
ved: P. and V. Ka$}cr0at, P. V. d/x,<taiWv (ace.) Sta wZ ro?wd : .

. P. and V. (Bur., Boccfe.

Encampment, subs. P. and V. 1106), V. aptyoTaorOaL. Be roimd :
(rrpoLT^Tre^oVt TO, crKrjvaCr at (Xen,. also P. Trepiavcu (ace.), Treptexew ; See
Ar.), P. Ta o7rA,a. Formation of a enclose. We are encircled all round
camp : P. arparoir&cvcris, ^ (Plat.). by brazen arms : V. KV*XO) yap
Enchain, v. trans. See bind. Met., elXto-cro/Ae^a 7rayx<xXKOis oirXot? (Bur.,
P. and V. /caT^x v. Or. 444). Encircle (an enw
Enc Enc

P. and V. KVK\ov<rOat, P. o-0at (dat.), Y.

(or mid.) see alao besiege.

; (dat.) see also engage. ;

Encircling walls :
Encounter, subs. Meeting : V.
Encircling, adj.
Y. TtX*>V TreplTTTVXCILL, at, OLfJU^/SXT]- n^ia, TO, anjvai/T^o-ts, T). Corning
o-Tpa T<HXO>V, TO*. EncircliiKj arms : together : P. and Y. 6/uAm, r/,
Y. x"/^" 3re/>tj8aAai, at. Encircling o-wo-ucrta, 17. Conflict: P. and Y.
movement (in military or naval 6, /*axi7, ^, 5^tAAa, ^, V.
ayoji^ e

sense) :P. JcuicXaxn.?, r .

dycovta, 17, S^Xos, 6, TraXaicr/xa, TO,
Enclose, v. trans. S/w M : P. and o-ufji.fioX.'iq, rj Ar. and P. 9

V. ctpycii/, JcaTtpyfcv, lyKXijciv, V. .

o-um'pyecv, Ar. and P. KoYaKXTjeiv, Encourage, v.

trans. P. and Y.
P. 7TpiK:Xftiv. Hedge round : P. Qaparivew, Opa&iJvew, ?raipti/, Trapa-
and V. <f>paucrcrLV, P. e/A<paVo~etv, /caXetr, P. eirippwwvvai, irapaOapcrvveiv,

a-jro4>pd<rcriv. Encompass : P. ircpi- Ar. and P. irapapvOdo-Oai; see e#-

^4v, Ar. and P. vrtpieipyeiv see Aor^. J30 encouraged : also P. and

encircle. Enclose with a wall : P. V. atpeo-0ai, Qapvetv. Ckeer on :

P. and V. 7rweXeu>, eyiceXcvctv,
Enclosure, subs. P. TO'TTOS op/xav, ^op/x,av, eirorpwew (Thuc.),

p\iu*bo* (Dem. 1077), P. and'Y. (ThUC.), P. KaT7TtytV, V.

3Tp)?oXos, 6. Sacred enclosure : ur., Cycl.),
P. and Y. TC/ACVOS, TO, oXo-os, r6 see
V. o-tyicos, 6, crrJKtofJia, TO. couragvng : P.
Here is the enclosure sivrrounding Encov/rage one another : P.
the Achaean ships : V. atS' /ceAeuca-^at. Encourage (tMngs) :

vavXoxot ircpwrrvYai (Bur., 0C. P. eVayav see promote.


1015). Encouragement, subs. Boldness :

Encomium, subs. See praise. P. and V. 0pao-os, TO, Gdpo-os, TO.
Encompass, v. trans. P. ExJiortation : P. irapaK&eucns, ^,
Ar. and P. TrepLXa/x^avav,
, TrapafcXiyo-is, ^, CTrtfceXcvorts, -7, Sia/ccX-

fiawew ; see encircle, enclose. eucr^tds, 6, V. arapttKXa;o-/>ta, TO.

Encore, inter j. P. av&s (Xen., Encouraging, adj.Hopeful : P. and
V. cueX-Trts. Encouraging words :
Encounter, v. trans. Meet persons : P. Trapa^eXcvo'ts, ^, V.
P. and V. TvyvdVetv (gen.), o"uvrvy-
X<3tv(,v (dat., Y, gen.), evrvyxdvew Encroach, v. intrans. Go beyond
(dat.), cwravTai>(dat.), owavrav (dat.) bounds : P. and V. iSTrcpyQaXXetv,
?Xen, also Ar.), P. P. TrXeoi/a^eti^ see trespass.
; En-
(dat.), Ar. and P. croach on (any one's land) : P.
or gen.), V. dvroV (dat.), e7rpya<r&u (aoo.) see trespass. ;

(dat.), TJTravTio^civ (dat.), Met., overstep : P. and V. -forep-

(dat.), crvvdvT<r6ai Tdat.) ;
see fiaivew (acc.). Tafce advantage of:
Encounter (things} : P. and V. see under advantage.
Encroachment, subs. P.
/X7TWTTtV (ciS, aCG.), 7Tpl7rt7rTtV ^. Taking advantage : P. i

Ar. and V. Kvpelv (gen.), V.

crv^ 77. Charging the Megarians with
(dat.), dvrav (dat.). Experience : onwoaclments on the sacred land :
P. and Y. x/wj^a* JPoce : P. InrtfcoXouj'TCS l?rpyacrtav Meyapcvo't
P. and V. i}ir4)(i.v t iJ<rTao~ftu ; see T^S yijs T^S Upas (Thuc. 1, 139).
/ace. Encounter wi battle : P. Encumber, v. trans. Hinder ; P.
and Y. faravrSLv (dat.), o and V. 1/wroSt'few. Trouble, weigh
(dat.), o-i>//,/3aXXetv (dat'), clown .* P. and, Y^. iriccctv. ^c c?i

Enc End
cumbered also P. and V. fia see end, v. Stand on end P.
<r0ai see burden.
; I<rracr6ai (Plat.), V. op^tos
Encumbrance, subs. Burden P. .

and V. axflos, TO, Ar. and V. pdpo<s, End, v. trans. P. and V.

TO, V. /3pWo$, TO, (froprffjia, TO ; see vepawcw, \Veiv, Ar. and P.
burden. Hindrance P. l//,7ro8t0yx,a, /caroAtJcti/, KuxfaraveLV
. Conclude :
TO. Used of a person P. and V. P. TcA-coCr, V. TcAcfoiV, T\?i' (rar

ux#os, TO, V. jftapos, TO, e<oWs, }. P.), TcXcvTtti/, efcreA-euTav ; see COW-
Met., of anything that gives trouble cZw^Zc. End one's life : P. and V.

Ar. and P. <f>opr(ov TO, V. a^os, TO,

reXevrav (with y&'ov or absol.). JE/W^
ftdpOS, TO, <dpTOS, 6. (a speech) : P, and V. TeXcuTav (ace.
End, subs. Conc^mow; P. and V. or gen.) Night ended the action : P.
TeA.os, TO, eAeimJ, , Tre'pas, TO, icaTa- vv eVeycVero T<J Ipyto (Thuc. 4, 25).
(Thuo.), V. repfjia, TO, Night having ended the action : P.
6. Met., <foa/& : P. and V. TO epyoi' (Thuc.
Odva.TO<s t 6, About the 134:). V. intrans. P. and V.
end of the year P. -n-epl V.
TOV mavroV (Dem. 731). of Lapse, expire ; P. and
anything that has been cut : P. V. l&pxecrQat, IfyKeu: Cease : P.
and V. ropy, 17. Extreme point : and V. iraveo-Qat, Xyyeiv (Plat.) se ;

P. and V. TO ta"xa.ravi or use adj., cease. End in : P. and V.

IO^CLTOS, agreeing with substantive (ace.). End off in ;

e.g., the end of Lhe line P. and :

V. Tai eo-xaTr}. Point: Ar. and Endanger, v. trans. P.
V. aKpvj, $ see point.
Their line KaOurrdvai, Ar. and P. cii'
(dat. /

had now all but passed the end of or Trcpf, gen.), V

the Athenian wall : P. 7/817 oo-ov ov Hazard Ar. and P.

TJ)V TWV V. TTttpa/opiTTTetv, TTpo^aXXctv, irporci-

e/cen/wv vetv, P. vrnmtfei/ai. !><J
endangered :
(Thuc 7, 6). They at once closed P KivSwenjca-0/n (pass ).
the great harbour with triremes set Endear oneself to, v. TTm otw : P.
end to end : P. K\yov TOV A.iju,ei/a and V. TTpoarjroietvOou, (ace.). Trpoor-
cu^us TOV fieyav . . .
rpnijpecri, -rrAay/'- T^co-^at (acc.). jBe <2ear ^o : P. and
at? (Thuc. 7, 59). P.
Aim, V <ft.os t/at (dat.).
object :

?, 17. Pwpose : P. and V. Endearing, adj. V. <#Xos (Eur.,

rf 3 77, ftov\eufJLa,
TO. .F0 I. A. 1222). CtoW &y endearing
P. SY ffita KpS>7. names : Ar. and V.
to an end: P. and V. TC\OS (acc.).
see ewc, v. Endearments, subs. V.
the construction of both walls came Ta, ^coTTciyxttTa, TCC ; see caress. Term
to an end : P. fyrep TWV reix&v aft- of endearment : P. vTroKopwrfta,
<oTepo)i> at epyacrtat I\77yov
(Thuo. 7, TO,

6). Come <o a?& end at a place : Endeavour, v. intrans. P. and V.

P. TcA-cuTav CTTI (aco.) (Thuc. 8, 90). 7rt^(/)tv, lyxeipeu', Treipai/ (or mid.).
This is the action of cm unscrupulous JEfoertf oneself : P. and V. cnrou8o^iv,
trickster who will come to a bad P. 8iaTW<rOa,L.
end : P. irovrjpov TO.VT cort O-O^KTTOV Endeavour, subs. P. and V,
KOL olfjiwgofjLevov (Dem. 937). In
the end 9 at last : P. and V. Te'Ax>$ ;

see at last, under last. Put cm and V. TO,

end to : P. TcA.o? rm0V<u (dat.) ; , TO, V. ToX/*a, 97.

End Enf

Ending, subs. See end. Putting an efavrXetv, SiarrXetv, c/cfco/wijctv. Help

end to: P. and V. Swoons, ^. End to endure : P. and V. cru/x^cpctv
letters of words : P. ra (TtVt Tt), (TUVKKOfJI.{W (riVL
Tt). V.
(Hdt.). intrans. owi : P. and V.

Endless, adj. Ar. and P. , dj/T^tv, KapTpLv't with infin. fol-

P. and V. &ripos, V. arepptov. Of lowing P. and V. avexfo-Qcu (part.),

a circle V. oWpcoi/ (2Esch., Frag.).

: Ar. and V. rX^vat (2nd aor. of
Continuous : P. orwe^Tjs, /8eXexi?s. rXSv) (infin.), efttvc'^eo-flai (part.).
Frequent : P. and V. TTUKVOS, Ar. Acquiesce : P. and V. orepycu/,
and P. OTJXVOS. Incessant ; V. 8ta- tv, Ar. and P. dfycwraj', V.
TcXifc. Eternal : P. cuwvios, di'Sios. Last : P. and V.

Endlessly, adv. Frequently : P. dvre^etv, P.

and V. TroXXcf/cis, 0<fyiS (Plat.), Ar. , V. ^v. B"o?^ ^00^ : P.
and V. woXXa, P. cruxi/ov. Ccw- and V. l/A/Ao/ctv.
tmuousty : P. <rwxa>s, ei/SeXc;^ Enduring, adj. Patient : V. rX^cov ;
V. 8iaveKo>s (-Slsch., 40. 319) ; see see pafo'etttf. Unchanging : P.
continually. Eternally : P. ts /jioi/ijLtos. Secure : P. and V. fttftaLos,
Travra xpovov, V. ts TO Trav ^povov ; V. fywreSos. Endwing long: P.
see eternalh/. and V. vpcwos, P. TroXv^po^tos
Endorse, v. trans. Approve : P. and (Plat.).
V. en-atvctv ; see approve, agree Enemy, subs. "Use adj., P. and V.
with. Confirm : P. tyOpos, evavrtos, Ar. and
Endorsement, subs. See approval, V.
consent, confirmation. Energetic, a4j. P. and V. -

Endow, v. trans. Enrich: P. and (Sopb., Frag.), 8pa<rn;p>5,

V. 7rXour#>a> (Xen.). Eqwp : P. , CTUVTOVOS, o^ds,
and V. irapcurKeva^eiv, P. /caracr/cev- Energetically, adv. P. and V. wpo-
dv ;
see egrop. Endow with, P.
produce in a person : P, J/roieZv
(rt TIVI) ; see engender. Energy, subs. P. and V.
Endowed with, adj. P. and V. 17, OTTTOvSi}, 17, P. o-foSpO'nrjs,

emJ/SoXos (gen.) (Plat.). Enervate, v. trans. Ar. and P.

Endowment, subs. Natural ability : dftwrreiv (rare in act.), P.
P. and V. 8-uvtt/us, ^ see ability.
; Corrupt ; P. and V.
Endue, v. trans. See endow. JBa enervated : Ax. and P*
Endurable, adj. P. and V. <^o/o^T05, cr&u, P. SiQlBpmrta-QoLi, a7roOpvirT<r6(u9
5vKTos (generally negatived), P.
owrros (Thuc.) ; see tolerable. Enfeeble, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Endurably, adv. P. (Wrote (Isoc. (rare in act,), P. tap
208). P. and V. -n/cw. JSfi enfeebled:

Endurance, subs. P. /capre/Ma, $, Ar. and P. QpvirretrOai, P.

Kaprepytris, %. Forbearance : P.
and V. oruyy^oJ/x,77, ^. Enfeebled, adj, P.
Endure, v. trans. P. and V, SpQjxrros, P. and V.
Enfeeblement, subs.
P. V. Kaprepew, Ar.
vTTOftcveiv, P. and V. dcr0&a, 7} (rare V.), P.
and V. rX^vat (2nd aor. of rXav) dppotxrrta, 17.
(Isoc. also but rare P.), !avxr0ai, Enfold, v. trans, P. and V,
aor. of AvarXav) (Plat,
also but rare P.). Endure to the see embrace.
end : P. and V. Si&^/oav, V. Enfolding, adj. V.
273 18
Enf Eng
Enfolding, SUbs. V. irepurrvxaf, at, (Eur. but rare V.) ; see
P. and V. TreptySoXat, al (Xen.). busy.
Enforce, v. trans. Put into execution: Engagement, subs. Business : P.
P. and V. x/>T?cr0at (dat.). Confirm : 7rpay/>LaTeta, ,
acrxot'a, f}, epyao-ta,
P. fapaiovv. Compel : see compel, 17 ;see business. Betrothal : see
requisition. betrothal. Conflict : P. and V.
Enforced, adj. Done under com- (Sy^, o, ftax 7?' V> ^/AAa, ^, V. av/^-
pulsion : P. and V. eh/ayKaTos, P. ^oA.iJ, 17, ^ycoyta, ^, 5^Ao5, 6, Ar. and
/Jtatos. Enforced contributions P. o-tfi/oSos, 17. In the lieat of the
P. t(r<opat, at.
/Jtatot engagement they deserted to the
Enfranchise, v. trans. Use Ar. and Z/acedaemonians : P. /ACTco-nycrav lv
P. 7rtrlfjt,ov
7roLi<rQaL (ace.). T(I)
lpy^> Trapa TOVS Aa/ccSatfio^ov?
Enfranchised, adj. Ar. and P. (Thuc. 1, 107). Promise : P. and
V. &roVxcris, ^. Agreement, coven-
Enfranchisement, subs. Eights of ant : P. and V. (rvpfiacn.?, rj, crw-
a citizen : P. &rm/ua, 6rJKai t at, <rvv8rfp a f TO,t P.
v. trans. Hire : Ar. and TO.

Engage (the atten- Engaging, adj. Ar. and P.

tion} P. and
: V, Kare^eu/. Attack : aorctos ; see attractive.
P, and V. eis x ?P as 2px<r0at (dat.), Engender, v. trans. Produce ; P.
and V. yei/voV, Tticrctv; see beget.
(dat. or Trpo's, ace.),
Ar. and V. Produce wi persons or things : P.
crimoTcurflai (dat.), V. ^Xl v crv/JL' and Y. CVTIKTW (Plat.) (TW' Tt), ci/-
fZaXKew (dat.),/zdx?7v (rvvaTTreiv (dat.),
Tt^ei/at (TtVt Tt), /A^aAAt1/ (TtVt Tt), P.
ts ayoii/a cru/wrtTrretv (dat.) see /A7TOttV (TtVt Tt),
; Vpya^(T^at (TtVt
encounter. It happened in many Tt), V. Ivopvvvai (TLVL Tt), ei/Zevat (n).

places that two, or at some parts 5e engendered in : P. and V. //,<T}-

even more ships were perforce en- cr^ttt (TCW) (Plat.).

gaged with one : P. Engine, subs. Engine of war : P.

TroAAaxov . 8vo -Trcpt fjiiav /cat
. . and V. Frjxwtf* V* ^- MX^^P^t
Icrrtv y KOLL TrAttous vav$ KO.T avdyKVjv (Dem. 115, 124, etc) Battering
owYiprvjo-tiaL (Thuc. 7, 70). .Snw? ram : P. icpwfe, 6. For reference
mto conflict : P. <ru/^<AAeiv, V. to military engines, see Thuo. 2, 76 ;
crupdVrctv, <rv/*0epeti/, P. 4, 100 and 115.
and V. avrtTttcnretv, Ar. and V. Engineer, subs. Maker of engines
Betroth: see betroth. of war: Ar. and P.
V. intrans. Promise, undertake: 6. Generally : use P. 6.
P. and V. VTncrxvctorflat, itji^tcrratrflat, Engineer, v. trans. Met., P.
xt, V. U7rt<rxr0at, P. see contrive.
Ar. and P. Jyyuao-flot Engineering, subs.
; Good at mili-
see promise. Engage in, be engaged tary engineering : P.
in : Ar. and P. n-pay/iarcuco-flat (ace., Svvaroi (Thuc. 1, 102).
or Kept, ace. or gen.), StaTpftfcti/ Engraft, v. trans. See ingraft.
ipt, ace. or gen., or irpos, ace.), Engrave, v. trans. Ar. and P.
and V. cnrovSa&w (aoo., or wcpf, <f>w. Engrave on : P. <

aec. or gen.). Engage in an enter- ts Tt or ev Ttt>t), P. and V.'i

prise : P. and V. 6/AtA.ety (dat.), (Tt & Tt or Ttvt).

Met., 'engrave
(gen.) ; see share. I on the memory : V. yypcf</><r0ai T
am engaged : P. do-xoXta ftot <rrt.
Manage : P. and V. Engross, v. trans. P, and V.
Engaged, adj. Busy : P. and V. Be engrossed in : P. and V.
Eng Enm
Kel'T0at, Engrossed in : P.adv. P. and V.
(dat.). Enjoyably, .

0X05 WpOS (dat.), V. ai/a/A/OS Enjoyment, subs. Act of enjoying :


P. and V. aTToXavo-ts, ^ (Eur., H.
Engulf, v. trans. Swallow down: F. 1370). Pleasure: P. and V.
P. and V. KaraiTLi/eiv (Eur., CtycZ. ;
also Ar.). Overwhelm with a deluge r), 4 (Plat, also but rare P.),
P. and V. KaTO.K\vLV. Comfort : P. cwra^eta,
Enhance, v. trans. Increase : P. 4. Profit, : P. and V. advantage
and V. avdvLV, avj-ew, P. 01/770-15, 4; see advantage. Cheer-
P. and V. ptaXvveiv (Eur., fulness : P. and V. eMvfua, 4 (Xen.).
Bacoh. 320) see exalt. ; Exag- Enlarge, v. trans. Increase P. and :

gerate : P. and V. icocy-ieu/, Ar. and V. avdvw av^CLVj P. t

V. Trvpyow see exaggerate.

; Enlarge upon, exalt P. and V. :

Enhancement, subs. Increase : P. /u.eyaA.fW]/ (aco.) see exalt. Ex- ;

a&p7<m, 4- Exaggeration : P. 8ei- aggerate : P. irt TO /Atfov SetvoOv,

yworis, (Plat.). P. and V. TW Xoyo> aipetv,

Enigma, subs. P. and V. aivty/xa, Speak at length : P.

rd, aiwy/Aos, 6 (Plat.). Speak in P. and V. fjuLKpiryopetv.
enigmas, v. P. and V. atviWeo-tfai. Enlargement, subs. Increase P.
Enigmatical, adj. P. and V.
//T(68i7s (Plat.) ; see obsmvre. Enlighten, v. trans. Instntct : P.
Enigmatically, adv. V. and V. StSaoTcetv see instruct. ;

see obscurely. Enlightened, adj. Cultured : P.

Enjoin, v. trans. P. and V. and V. /Aouo-r/co9, Ar. and P.
(rtva TI), 7rurKi77rTU/ (rtvi TI), P. ^iXo/coXos,
ra.<r<reiv (TWI TI), 7rpoorrdcr<riv (TLVL see also
rt), 7rwrreXXiv (TIVI TI), Ar. and V. Enlightenment, subs. P. 8i8ax4, 4.
tyiecrQaLi (TLVL rt) ;
see coiwniand, Gultme : Ar. and P. TratScta, 4>
reqivisition. , 4- Refinement : P. <iAo-
Enjoy, v. trans. Have use of: P. 4- Wisdom : P. and V.
and V. xpijcrflai (dat.). .Hove benefit
of. P. and V. airoXavuv
Enlist, v. trans.
(gen.) Enlist soldiers:
(Eur., JET. jP. 1224), Ar. and P. KaToXeycii/; see collect.
(ace.), eKKapTrovcrOat, Bring over to one's side : P. and
(ace.), V. ?rau-
(2nd aor. mid. of V. Trpoo-fliyco^ttt, wpoorrotao-ftu, 7rpoo~-
rtBecrdM. V. intrans. Go for a
432). Jffat?6 one's joy of : Ar. and soldier : P. and V.
V, ova<rOat (1st aor. mid. of ovw&vai) Enlistment, subs. Collection : P
(gen.). Take pleasure in : P. and <rvXXoy4> 4 (Xen.). iisi o/ troops
V. fj$<r0<u (dat.), xatpctv (dat. or Arf, for service : Ar. and P. ica-niXoyo?,
dat.), Tpircrdai (dat.), o.

(dat.). Enjoy (aoing a thintf) : P. Enliven, v. trans. P. and V.

and V. ^Seo-^at (part.), xcupeiv (part.). vi>, rcpTTctv, V.
Enjoying the draught (of wine) :
V. &roKcp8<uW/ TTOTOT) (Eur., (Jyci. Enmity, subs. P. and V,
432). Enjoy oneself ;'P. and'V. 5i TO (Thuo.), Sya/wVcta, 4, P.
(Eur., 4; see /tairecZ. Pis^j^sc-
530), P. t'ion : P. and V. SvWota, 4, P.
Enjoyable, adj. P. and V. mKoi/ota, 4- a enmity with,
TPTTVOS, V. also but V. : V. St' ^pas /ttoXetv (dat.), eis
rare P.). (dat.), P. IXfct? eis

Enn Ent

(dat.), 8ia<opws Ivetv (dat.), list : Ar. and P. /caToAeyav. Enrol

Ar. 81"
cxflpas yiyveo-Qai (dat.). J5fi as citizens : P. 7irypa^>cr0cu
a enmity : P. duarcurtfai, Ax. and ras.Bw?oZ among. JEtoroZ ??i

P. orracna^eiv, 8ia<p(r0(H, V. St^o- among your pupils : P. eva roiv

araTiv, 8(,
j(0pas cujta/cma-tfat ; See /Aa^raiv . . , /cat c/x-e ypdfav (Plat.,
under va/ricwce. Orai. 428s). JBe enrolled among :

Ennoble, v. trans. Honour : P. and P. and Y. reXetv ets (aoo.), P. cruv-

V. rZ/jtav, 7rpOTi/mv, Ar. and V. ye- reXelv ts (ace.).
JBe enrolled among
paipew, V. rlfjiaXcfrciv, rUiv, c/crt/wtr. the townsmen : P. yypa<<r0cu ck
P. and Y. atpetv, avdfretv, ^ora? (Dem. 314; cf. Ar.,
v, Ar. and V. oyicow, 925-926)

Enrolment, subs. P. dvaypa^, ^.

Ennui, subs. Satiety: P. and V. irisi o/ droops /or service : Ar. and
/eopos, 6 (Plat.), irXyo-fLovy, $ (Plat.) P. KarrfXoyos, 6. Collecting of
Lassitude P. : and V. K(W, P. o-uXXoyiy, 17 (Xen.).
6. troops:
Enormity, subs. P. Beiv&rqs, ^, P. Ensample, subs. See example.
and Y. &rpj6oXi7, 17. Ensconce oneself, v. Ar. and Y.
Enormous, adj. P. and V. Sikcrftu, Ar. and P. KaraSfavQai ; see
(2Esch., Frag.), hide.
P. fo-epjuecfli ; see excessve, Enshrine, Met., store up :
v. trans.
vast. Ar. and P. ; see store,

Enormously, adv, P. and Y. consecrate. Their memory is en-

a, Ar. and P. &rp<vft>s. shrined in the heevrts of each one :
extraordinary degree : V. P. p' -Trap* Jeaar<p a/StaiTarat . . .

; see Twgely, excessively, (Thuc. 2, 43).

vastly. Ensign, subs. P. <n7/jLtov, TO (Xen.).
Enough, P. and V. SXts,
adv. Officer : see o
(Plat.), dp/covvro)?, P. wcavois, d?ro- Enslave, P. and Y.
v. trans.
s, Ar. and P. (or mid.), P. KaraSouXow (or mid.),
Enough, adj. P. and V. av8pairo8%cw (or mid.). Subjugate :
dp/cwv, P. Stapes, V. Be P. and Y. KaTacrrptyto-Oat. Help
enough, v, P. and V. dpK: to enslave : P. avyKaraSovXovv
etv, Ar. and P. STTO^O^V, V. TWO. or absol.).
/carapjceu/. Have had enough of: Enslavement, subs. P. 8ouXo>cns,
P. 58T?v ex**" (gen -) P- an d V. dvSpaTroStoryLios, o.

(1st aor. pass, of

t P. Karacrrpo^, y.
Subjugation :

_en.) (Plat.), Ar. and V. Ensnare, v. trans. P. and V, acpctv,

(1st aor. pass, of Kopcwvvai) (gen.). P. cru/x,7ro8t^tv see deceive, snare. j

Enquire, v. See inquire. Ensue, v. intrans. Ar. and P. CTTL-

Enrage, v. trans, P. and V. Trap- ytyvecr^ai see happen. ;

O&JVCLV, 6pyiciv (Plat.), V. Ifayptow Entail, v. trans. P. and V. <epiv,

(also Plat, in pass.), ayptow
Ar. and Xen. in pass.), Entangle, v. trans. P. and V.
fMT\K&,V 9 P. C*UtWTo8iW. Met.,
Enrapture, v. trans. See delight. see snare. He is entangled in the
Enraptured, adj. P. and pierced straps : V. erfcy 8* IXiVo-erat
XW* T/wrroIs t/xao-t (Soph,, M. 746). Be
nrich, v. trans. TrXowifeiv (Xen.). ' entcmgled with : met., P. and V.
Met., of the soil: P.andY.
(Plat, in pass.). _ .
(dat.), V. cpvjvy^vai (2nd aor. pass,
Enrol, v. trans. P. En- of crveuym/<u).
Ent Ent

Entanglement, ^subs. Difficulty :

(Dem.), (Plat.) (absol.),
P. and V. &iropia, y. Ar. and P. r&u, V. ^cvouo-^ai
Enter, v. trans, or absol. Go into : (mid.). Feast : P. and V. ccrrtav,
P. and V. clcrepxecrQai (eis, ace. ; V. (Eur., O^cZ. 346), V. 8aa/iW,
also ace. alone), rtcrepxr0cu (efe, Amuse : P. and V. Tep^retv.
aoo. ; V. aco. alone or dat. alone), Entertain (a feeling) : P. and V.
V. 7rap^pxeo"0<u (aoo.). L(r/3dXX.iv l^ctv, Tpcif>W (Plat.), <pv\darcr&.v.

Ar. and V. StiearQai (ace.), Entertain a proposal : P. and V.
io-/3aiVe/ (absol. or aco.). Sail P.
into : P. and V. eioTrXctv (is, ace. .

or ace. alone). Enter a ship : see Entertainer, subs. P. and V.

embark. Enter with another : P. OS, 6. See also
and V. oT5vicrepxcr0(u (eis, ace. or V. Entertaining, adj. P. and V.
also ace. alone). Enter violently : Entertainingly, adv. P. -y
P, and V. t<77rwrreiv (P. is, ace. Entertainment, subs.
; P. and V.
V. dat. alone) see dash into. En-
; Entertaining : P.
ter the mmd, occur to one : P. and 6. TFeZcome : P. and,

V. io-epxo-0ai (aoc.), rpxo*0(H (ace. V. foroSoxi?', ^. Feast : P. and V.

or dat.) ; see occivr. Enter public TO'
(Plat.), 0oii/i7, >y (Plat.),
Ufe : P. -Jrpos ra KOIVO, irpocrep (Plat.), P. lo-TtWts, 17.
(Dem. 312). Register: P. WJT, JoordS : Ar. and P.
ypafaw, Ar. and P. eyypcfyW. Give P. and V. StiatTa, ^, rpo<t>y 9
in, have registered: P, cwn mew^ : P. and V. TraiSca, 17,
Enter in one's accoivnt : P. 17. Laughter : P. and Y. 7\a>?, 6.
Xoyov yypa<tv (Lys. 211). Enter Enthral, v. trans. See inthral
(put down) for a competition P. Enthusiasm, subs. P. and V.
KaOifvai. Enter for a competition,
v. intrans. P. and V.
rpYo-0ai. Enthusiastic, adj. P. and V.
Enter into (a discussion, etc : P. ( ph., Frag.).
and V. airrecrOfu, (gen.), Enthusiastically, dv. P. and V.
s, ace.). Enter into (a feeling) ; , P.

see sympathise with, understand. Entice, 'v. trans. Attract : P. and

Enter into possession of : see under V.
possession. Enter on office, etc. : iead cm : P. and
P. dcrpxe<r6ai (ace.). Embark on : V. &rayew, irpody^iv see persuade, ;

P. and V. /*aivU/ (els, ace.), airre- induce. Talk o'oer : V. Tra/wTyopetv.

Take in hand : P. Charm : P. and V. wyXctv. Entice
and V. lirfyeipeiv (dat.), as with a bait : P. SeXcdi^iv.
(dat.). Segm : P. and V. Enticement, subs. P. ^rayory^, ^.
(gen.). Bait : met., P. and V. S^Xcop, TO'.
Enterprise, subs. Zeal : P. and V. Charm, grace : P. and V. x*pk> %
oTTovSi^ ^, 7rpo0v/u Enticing, adj. P. CTraytuyo's, Trpoor-
P. and V. iretpa, 77, aycoyos, <^oXKos. Charming : Ar.
a, TO, and P. x**P t ts P- #xaP 6S ^X^f^'
P. and V. Delightful : P. and V. repjevfe, iJoiJg.
TO, V. Enticingly, adv. P. xapL&rw. De-
lightfully ; P. and v ^Sews. .

Enterprising, adj. P. and V. Entire, adj. Whole : P. and V.

oXos. All : P. and V. TTOS, STOS?,
Entertain, v. trans, Beceiwe hospit- V. irpoVas. ^l/Z together: P. and

ably : P. and V. V. o-u/wras, P. cruvaTTas (Plat.), 0077&-

Ent Ent

plete, perfect : P. and V. P. and V. Lie ^n

reXcos, TravTcA^s, cvreX^Sj P. wait for : P. (aoc.), cXXo-
Full : P. and V. xav (ace.), V. (ace.) ; see
UK/mixed : P. 'inveigle.
Untouched, uninjured : Entreat, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. aiccpatos, P. dven-a<os ; see (gen.),
Ar. and P.
Entirely, adv. P. and V. V. X/o-o*o-0ai,
irdvrrj, wavTeXGs, Ar. and P. waviS, Trpocrrpen-cw, w
4r^va)S, P. TraVTaVao-t, Kara wavra, Ar. and V. wcvcTo-0ai,

oXa>9, V. cts TO TO Tra/xwav,

Trav, Traju,-
Entreat the gods: see supplicate,
myS^v. JVom iop Jo bottom : P. pray. Ask for : P. and V. almv
and V. KCIT* oVcpas. EftferZy : P. (ace.) (or mid.), faaiTcw (aoc.), V.
and Y. e^dtTctv (ace.). JLs a favour : P.
Entitle, v. trans. Call : P. and V. TrapaiTeicrOaL (ace.), Trpoo-atTeiv
jcaXetv, ovo/io^iv, en-oi/o/jidfctv, ava- (acc.), 7ratTti/ (acc.). Entreat some-
/caXctv ; see caW. (Wye permission : thing of a person : P. and V. atrco/
P. aud V. gbucrfoy SMwu (dat.). J (Tiva Tt) (or mid.), 7rapacTto-^at (TIVCL
am ew^iZeaJ to ; P. and V. I&o-Tt TI), feraiTcrv (TIV< Tt) 5 StLcrOai (TWOS
ju,ot (infin.).
Ha w#es iito the boy Tt), 7rpocratTtv (Ttva Tt), V. eaiTLV
is entitled to half the estate : P. (TWO. Tt), ica^tKTeutv (TIVOS Tt) ; see
?rat3t TOT) as&. Jow 'in
entreating : P. o-w-
(Isae. 83). Entitled to : Seto-ftxt' (Ttvt, also Ttvo's Tt). Entreat
use adj., P. and V. in return : P. ai/Ti8io-0at (Ttvds Tt).
Sftcatos (infin.). Entreaty, subs. P. and V. TrpoorpoTny,
Entomb, v. trans. P. and V. Qfarrw, ^, or pi. (rare P.), faco-to., 17, Y.
YO Kpv7rrt,v (Thuc. 2, 34), P. /c<wa- XtTat, at, P. 87O"t5, 17, dvTt)8oXta, ^,
OdTTTCLv ; see Zwry. dvrt^oXTyorts, ^, l/<Tta, ^. Entreaty
Entombed, adj. V. rv/t^p^s. made to the gods : see prayer.
Entombment, subs. Burial : P. Bequest : P. atT?7o"is, 17, atr^a, TO,
and V. Tof<j>ds, 6, Tow^iJ, 17, V. P. and Y. /
a > ^> ^r 8a, TO'.

Entrench, v. trans. Fortify : Ar.


Entrails, subs. P. and V. P. Tt)(t f tl/

TCI (Plat.), &repa, Ta (Plat.). trench rouna : P.
Entrance, subs. Goiw0 m: P. and en.)^ a.Trora.<^pViv
V. &roSos, ^. ;
TPa2/ m P. and V.
urround with a palisade P,
V. tcr)8a(rts, r).
, d-7Too^rai>poi)v, oravpow,
Entrance to a harbour, etc. : P. Entrenchment, subs. Dtte/t : P.
6. Mouth : P. and V. and V. rd<t)po^ r/. J^ori ; P. T^xto-^a,
<rr6p,a TO, <rr6jJLLOV TO.
9 t TO, P. and V. Ipv/La, TO, TC^XOS, TO.
Entrance, v. trans. P. and V. /nyXea' Palisade : P. oTavpw/ia, TO, x 01 3 "
; /

see bewitch, delight TO. -4ci o/ fortifying : P.

Entrance-gates, subs. Ar. and P.

TrporrvXaia, Ta, V. 7rpO7n5Xa, Ta. Digging of entrenchments : P.
Entrancement, subs. Act of bewitch-
ing; P. / 17 (Plat.).
, Pleasure, Entrust, v. trans. See intrust.
delight : P. and V, \ Entry, subs. See entrance. Bight
fj, Xu/>&> 77, V. of entry : P. and V. cto-oSos, 77. No
but rare P.), -^a-ppa, TO. entry was made (in the account
Entrap, v. trans. P. and Y. books) for shoes : P. ets mQ fjp&ra.

P. o-u/ATToStfctv. Lead on treacher- O#K rjv yeypa/AjOtej/a (LyS. 210).

. . .

Ent Epi

Entwine, v. trans. P. and V. Envoy, subs. Ambassador ; P. irpea--

KtV, <rVfJL7T\KW t 7rXcKtV, V. e /Jcurifc, o, Ar. and V. TrpeV/Sfc, 6.
ctXtb-o-ctv ; see ^www. Entwine one's Envoys : P. and V. TrpcV/Jcts, ol, V.
arms about : see em&roce. TTpcor^cv/jLttTa, ra. Messenger P.
Enumerate, v. trans. Count up : P. and V. ayycXos, 6 or 07,
and V. api0ju,eiv, Stap^/Aetv (raid, in o. Envoy sent consist an oracle

P.), P. KaTapi0/JLio*0<u, di/apt^jULO"^at;

or to a P. and V. 0u>pos,
festival :

see cowrak reckon. Narrate : P 6, V. 007rpoVos, 6. Go as envoy to

and V. i&qyeiarOat,, &p^cr^at, a shrine or festival, v. P. tfewpciv :

Ar. and P. (Thuc., 5, 18). Sending of envoys

to a shiine : P. foopia, 17. Go
Enumeration, subs. Calculation : between : P. SiayyeXos, 6.
Ar. and P. Xoytcr/xo's, 6. Narration :
Envy, v. trans. P. and Y. <t>0oviv
P. 81177170*15,
6. (dat, of pers., gen. of thing), P. 7X0-
Enunciate, v. trans. -4wwowwce, TUTTciv (ace. of pers.) ; see grudge.
declare : P. and V. e/c^cpca/,P. Not in bad sense : P. and V. fyXoGv
cwroSciKwo-ftxi ; see declare. (ace. of pers., gen. of thing). Think
Enunciation, subs. P. happy : P. and V. vS<u/>vtv, Ar.
and P. juaKapiiv, Ar. and V. 6X-
Enure, v. trans. See inure. /3cav.
Envelop, v. trans. Shut in : P. and Envy, subs. P. and V. <0oVos, 6, P.
V. ctpyciv, icaTipytv, cy/cX^eiv, V. ftyAorwia, 07. Emulation: P, and
o^vctpyctv. SwrroiwwZ : P. and V. V. #3Xos, 6.
KVK\ov<r6at TTCptySoXXetv, V.
t Ephemeral, adj. P. and V.
d/x^L^oXXeiv, 7Tpt7m;o*o"tv. Short-lived: P. /
(an enemy) : P. and V. (Plat.). Lasting a sJwrt time : P.
Trept/cXfl'eii/ (or mid.). Cower : Ar. Xiyo;(p<W>s. Fleetiny : P. and V.
and V. KoXi/Trreiv, V. o-vyKaXv7TTiv TTT^VOS (Plat.).
(rare P.), 7n5fca^tv, P. and V. ircpt- Ephor, subs. P. copos, 6. Be ejp/tor,
KoXvTrrctv ; see cover. Enveloped V. : P. <opV/.
in a cloak : Ar. and P. Epic poem, subs. Ar. and P. ITT^,
Enveloping garment : V. TCI.

7T7rXoS, 6. Epicure, subs. See gourmand,

Envelopment, subs. Epidemic, subs. Plaqw : P. and V.
(of an enemy) : P. /cwXwo-19, i/do-os, 7/, vocr7/jLa, TO, Xoiyuds, 6. Met.,
Envenom, v* trans. P. and V. bad habit : use P. TO jccuccfyfos (Plat.).
ofumv see embitter.
; Episode, subs. Event : P. and V.
Envenomed, adj. P. and V. Tn o-vft0opa, ty, P. (rvKTv^a, ^. Di-
Enviable, adj. P. and V. gresswn : P. and V. eierpoT, 7).
Ar. and P. /Attjeapioro's, V, Something secondary : P. and V.
see happy. Enviable fortune V. Trcipepyov, TO*.

^XcojuaTa, Ta. Epistle, subs. P. and Y. eVtcrroXTj, 17,

Envied, adj. P. and V. CTTI^OVOS. or pL, ypdpp&ra, rd, ypa^, r), or pL
Envious, adj. P. and V. M<f>6ovo$, Epitaph, subs. P. eVtyptt^, ?), P.
and V. eTTiypafjifjLdj TO, ypa/A/xct, TO,
Enviously, adv. P.
pws. Epitome, subs. P. K&f>dXaiov, TO',
Environment, subs. Use P. TO- Epitomise, v. trans. Otrt sfeor* ; P.
and V. <ruvT)u,vtv. Give an epitome
Environs, subs. Surrounding cotw- of: P. & KeioXatcj) t7Ttv (aoc.), 8ii

try : use P. t; (aoo.),

Epo Equ

Epoch, subs. Time, season : P. and equality with the multitude : P.

V. xpdVos, 6. /xera TroAAfiv 2(7OVO/Atcr^at (Thuc. 6,
Epoch-making, adj. Use important. 38).
Equability, subs. Equabikty of tem- Equally, adv. P. and V. 2cro>s, Jf
per P. :
cvKoXia, f) 9 Ar. and P. fcrov, P. dTro Ti7s tcriys. Ahke : P.
V. TO -iJcriJxatov. Equability of and V. 6/x.ota, o/^otos. Together, at
temperature : P. cv/cpao-ia, 77. tlie same time : P. and V. 6/AoO,
Equable, adj. Of temper: P. and Sfca, V. 6/LtSs.
V. fjcrvxps, T/cnJxaios, P. ^ervxtos, Ar. Equanimity, subs. Ar. and P. 17005-
and P. dfcoXos. Of temperature XWL, ^, TO rj<ruxalov. Bear with
: V
P. cfopa's (Plat. ; also met., Bur., equanimity : P. and V. jSotSwos <^pctv
Frag.), V. e&cporos (Bur., Frag.) ; (ace.), V. Kov<txi)<s <frcpw (ace.).
see climate. Equerry, subs. Sgwre : P. and V.
Equably, adv. Calmly : P. and V. TjTrtypenys, 6, TJTracnriOTijs, 6 (Xen.),

J7<ri5vi}, ijo-ijxwe,
P. eu/cdXus, Ar. and V. OTrrfwv, 6, OTrdSds, 6, viraLanri<rTqp,
"D ' *
Jtr. 6.

Equal, adj. and V. foros, V.

P. Equestrian, adj. P. and V. Waco's,
Eual in number : P. Ar. and V. iTrmos. Mounted on
Nearly equal P. :horseback : P. and V. 2<wnros.
jPAej/ w07*e found nearly Equestrian, subs. P. and V. nru's,
equal in the voting : P. iyevovro cv 6, V. iTnroTTys, o, tTnr^XaT^s, 6.

rfj xupoTovfy dyxoifcaXot (Thuc. 3, Equilateral, adj. P. Zo-oVXevpos.

49). Equal to, worth: see equi- Equilibrium, subs. Equipoise : P.
valent to. Equally matched : P. to-oppcwrta, 17 (Plat.), TO dvTwroXov.
and V. tcroppOTTos, P. tcrorraA/ifc, dvrt- Equine, adj. P. and V. ITTTTUCO'S, Ar.
TraXos. Equal to meeting danger : and V. wnrtos.
P. IcroKivSwos. Equal to, a match Equip, v. trans. P. and V. <r/ca;aeo/,
for P. d&d/xax * (dat.), l/cai/o's (dat.) ;
7r&pao-Keu<iv, arcXXftv (rare P.), 4|-
see Twatefc. Competent to : P. and aprveiv, V. OTrXtf iv, e^oirXttetv, c/corcX-
V. f/cavos (infin.), dM>xpeo>s (infin.) Xetv, P. /caToo-Ki;a^tv.
(rare V.). Ow ejw^r terns ; P, adj. : use V. also
d-TTO Equipped with : use adj., V. KCLT^
Equal, subs. One's equal (in age) : piy? (dat.). Well equipped : P. and
Ar. and P. ^XKkuin??, 6, P. and V. V. evoraXiJs, JB^ weZZ eguipped, v. ;

6 or ^, V. 6/jL^Xtf, 6 or 17, V. vo-KVw (Soph., Aj. 823).

6 or ^. One's equals m Equipment, subs. Ar. and P, ?rapa-
rank : P. ol k% ?o"<w. OTKCV^, ij (rare V.), P. Karao-Kcv^ ?/.

Equal, v. trans. Be equal to: P. Dress : P. and V. O-KCV^, ^ crroX^,

and Y. fo-ovo-^at (dat.), $o-ovcr0<u 7) (Plat.), V. crrdXioy-ia, TO ; see dress.
(dat.), P. wra^ortfai Be like : Arrrwwr, etc. V. o-ayrj, T) ; see arms,
P. and V. ofJioiovvQai, (dat.), armour. Equipment of shield:
ovcrQcu (dat.). egwwa Be V. ^epaenrtScs o*ayat
Ar. and P. 8rfva<r0<u (ace.). Make 24:0).
equal see equalise.
Equipoise, subs. P*
Equalise, v. trans. P. and V. c^wroSv, EquijDoised, adj. P. and V. fa-o'ppo?ros.
P. iTravwroOi'. Jfaie like : P. and Equitable, adj. P. and V. fo-09,
V. 7w5t : P. and V.
fyuHOVV, ^OfJLOlOVV. eticr;s.

Equality, subs. P. wrdr^s, ^. PoZi- 0/D009, I/8tlCO9.

^'caZ equality : P. and V. io-d-nys, 17, Equitably, adv. P. ?(ro>5,
T^ ifo-ov (Bui\, Phoen. S38), P. l<ro- Justly: P. and V.
vop,ia9 17, toTyyopwi, ^. 56 071 aw ; see justly.
Equ Eru

Equity, subs. P. crncwccia, Tft

V. Erect, adj. P. and V. opflo's, V. ^tos ;

TOUTTiewccs ; 866 justice. see upright. Standing erect, adv. :

Equivalent to, adj. Equal to in V. opOocrrdBrjv. Sit erect : V. ora-

worth '
P. avraftos (gen.). Equal Satos ^o-ftu (-Slscli., Theb. 513).
to : P. and V. fcros (dat.) see Erection, subs. Setting up, establish-

equal. Be equivalent to, amount ment : P. and V. /caTaorao-is, ^.

to : Ar. and P. Svva<r0at (ace.). .4c o/ building : P. o!/coSo/-ua, ^,

Equivocal, adj. d/^i/JoAos, V.

P. oticoSo/LTyo-ts, 17. Building erected :

dju^iAefcros, 8ix<>A"30o. Not clear : P. oiKo$6/jLr}fj,a, TO,

P. and V. ao-cw^s, ^SiyAos.
Equivocally, adv. P. do-a^ois, V. Erectly, adv. V. op
Erectness, subs. P. optfo-n^, 17 (Xen.).
Equivocate, v. intrans. Shuffle : P. Erotic, adj. P, cpwn/co's.
Err, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Equivocation, subs. Want of clear-
ness : P. avdfaia, ^. Prevarication: 6V, P. Trratetv, Sta/x-aprai/cu/, V.
P. 8ia/CpOUO*t9, f). d/7rAa/ctv (2nd aoi\) ; see mwiafce.
Era, subs. Kme: P. and V. TFart^er; P. and V. 7rA.avo<r0<u ;
see wander.
Eradicate, v. trans* Annihilate : P. Errand, subs. Mission : Ar. and V.
and V. oAet<av, V. curpi/Sew ; see o-ToAos, 6. Message : P. and V.
also destroy. Eradicate from the ayyeX^a, TO, Ar. and P. dyyeAca, ^.
mind : P, and V. c'loXct^etv. Business : P. and V. Ipyoi/, TO, P.
Erase, v. trans. P. and V. TrpayfuxTcwx, ^, (?o ow aw
P. CKKoXaTrrew, (XTraXet^eL v. : V. orrfiAAca-^at, P. and V.
to disappear : P. and V.
KaOaipw. Erase from the mind : Errant, adj. Wandering : V. 8-
P. and V. egaXefytLv. Cross out :
Ar. and P. Sia-ypct^u/. Hard to P. -TrAavT/roy, Ar. and V. vo/xct?.
erase, adj. P. SVO^KMTTTOS, V. 8vo-- Erratic, adj.
: P. d/caTacrraTOS.
vwrros. to 6e depended on : Ar. and P.
Ere, oonj. P. and V. Trpft/, Ar. and dorra^iTTos. Changeable (of per-
P. TTporepov % ., wporepov
. . . . , sons) : Ar. juera/SouAos, V.
Erratically, adv. P. dK
Ere, prep. P. and V. -jrpd (gen.). Ere 4i random : P. and V,
long: P. and V. ei/
T<XX, V. ov Erroneous, adj. P. and V.
p.aKpdv ; see soon. .Ere now : P. OUK
and V. -5877, irpo TOV, TTOTC see Erroneously, adv. P. and V.

Erebus, subs. Ar. "EpejSos, TO. Error, subs. P, and V.
Erect, v. trans, Sei upright : P. and a-^dtA/^a, TO, P. </x,apTi7/x,a, TO, 8ta-
V. lorofvat, ^vtorcfvat. jSaise P. ^aprca, i), V. ^a/xapT

and V. 6/>0ow (rare P.). Set up, TO, -Be error, v. w :

establish : P. and V. KaOurrwai. JBrror ofjudgment : P.

Build: Ar. and P. okoSo/xav, P. Ti;/*a (Tbuo, 2, 65).
/cara<r/cva^tv, V. TVXW- Found : Erst, adv. P, and V.
P. and V. ICT^CCV. JEJreoi to statue, 7TOTC, 97877 7TOTC, TTp^O-^
temple, etc.) : P. and V. tS/titav (or wpfv, V. TTOT* ^817 see formerly. ;

mid.), V. ica0i,8pve<r0ai ; see sei Erudite, adj. Ar. and P.


JSJrec^ (a trophy) : P. and V. P. and V. (ro^s see learned. ;

(or mid.). Eruditely, adv. P, and V.

Eru Esq

Erudition, subs. P. voXv^OCa, y, P. (dat.), crvvcirecrOai, '(dat),

and V. <ro$ia, 17 see learning.
; (dat.) see accompany.
Attend as
Eruption, subs. Eruption of a vol- bodyguard : P. Sopix^o/Dcii/ (acc.).
cano. This eruption is said to have Guard on the way (of a large boat
occurred fifty years after the former escorting a smaller one) : Ar. and
one : P. Xeycrat 8c Trcvr^Kocrra) erei P 7rapa7T/Lt7TtV, P. O-l'/ITTpOTTC/XTTftV.
pvrjvai TOVTO TO TrpoYcpov pevpa Escort, subs. Guidance : P.
(Thuo. 3, 116). In
very spring this y^crt.?, 17,
V. 17 (Eur

there was an eruption of Lava from 351). Gwi^; P. and V. ^ye/Aoiv,

Etna : P. ppity irepl avrb TO lap 6 Or lj, V. 7TO//.7rdff, 6, TTpOTTO/ATTOS, O,
TOVTO 6 pva TOTJ irupos IK -rijs Awr^s P. dyoryds, 6. Bodyguard P. and
(Thuc. 8, 116). Eruption of the V. Sopityopoi, oL Attendant : V.
skin : V. Xeixw P- ^Xxos, TO. OTrdSds, 6, OTraa)^, 6.
JBreafc owtf into 0rwpfao?w : P. 2\- Escorting, adj. V.
Kriv gardci? (Thuo 2, 49).
Escapade, subs. P. and V. To'X/^/xa, Escutcheon, subs. Ar. and V.
TO, /avSvi/ev/ta, TO, V. ToXfia, 17. /Aetov, TO, V. OTJ//.CI, TO,
Escape, v. trans, or absol. P. and V. TO'.

Especial, adj. P. and V.

e/e&Spdovceiv (Eur.,
V. 1^0x09 ; see special.
HeracZ. 14=) (absol.), Ar. and P. Especially, adv. P. 8ia<jf>poVnos, cV
Tots /jiaXto-Ta, P. and /xoXiora, o-u^ V
V. /c<uyydiveiv,
, jjKurra, V. ^dx)9. With a clause
following P. and V. oAAws T K<U, :

(gen.) (also Xen.). Escape notice V. aX\lt)S T TTttJ/TCOS /Cat.

of: P. and V. KavQ&vzw (acc.), V. Espionage, subs. P. and V.
/ e
\r)Q*iv (acc.), P. 8taXav0aveiv (acc.). trKomrj, 17-
Slip through the fingers : see under Espousal, subs. BetrotJial: P.
slip. It escapes my memory: P. V.
8ia<l>cvyL /*. Slip out of : P. and TO..
Marriage : P.
V. exSiJco-ftu (aco or gen.), V. &TCK- and V. ya/tos, o, V. wft<^ra, TO,
VVfMfreVfMQL, TO, WV/AaTa, Ttt, Al
8iW0ai (acc.) (Eur., Gycl.) ; see .

also back out. V. intrans. Get V. v/xewuos, 6 see ma-mage. ;

off: P. and V. a rraAAdVo'iv, ^a- Espouse, v. trans. Betroth : P. and


waAAdVowtfat. Escape in safety V. K5*8ovat (or mid.), (riSvoucigctv,

to : P. and V. <r&&<r6oLi els (acc.), eyyvav, V. KaTeyyvav, w/z^evctv, ^0^7-
V. eK<r<l>Grftu cts (acc.). Escape o-TVtv see "betroth. Marry : of

prwily : P. and V. fereK^vyew. the man, P. and V. ya/Lciv, &ye<r6ai ;

Escape, subs P. and V. ^vy^, 17, of the woman, P. and V. ytt/*

P. Sta^vyi}, ^, a7ro^>v/7, 17. TFbw/ O/ V. wfwjkoW (or pass.) (dat.) see
; P and V. ^nrocrrpo^ fj, marry. Met., espouse a cause see
54<2g with.

, 17.
Have a narrow escape : Espy, v. trans. P. and Y. 6pSv,
see under narrow. Escape is not K&Oopav, o-KOTreti/, dccurdeu,
easy : V. e<m 8' O-UK efo^oSov (-2Bsoh,, V. ropai/ (or mid.) (rare P,) ; see
Per5. 688). V.
sea, Zoo/5 ai. SJT/ O7ii : P. and
Eschew, See awowZ.
v. trans. Xen., V.
Escort, v. trans. P. and V. irpoTrc/ji-
weevj ircfATTCLv. Lead : P. and V. Esquire, subs. Attendant: P. and
#yw, iJycto'Sat (dat.) ; see V. i&Trtypenys* 6, STrooTrwrrifc, 6
Accompany : P. and V. V. OTrdSos, 6, QTrdtov, o,
Ess Est

6. Serve as esqivire to, v. : V. Establishment, subs. Settingup :

P. and V. KaToorao-iSj ^. Founding :
Essay, subs. Attempt : P. and V. P. KTIO-IS, Ift Ol/CtO-lS, ^, KCLTOLKLCrtS, fj.

Confirmation : P, /Je/fcuWis, 77.

T 6, see attempt.
en-i/foAiJ, 17 Essay
Household : P. and V. oT*os, 6.

(in literary sense)

use P. and V. : .Zfom ta;o establishments : P. 8u*
6. ouci'as oiKcZv (Dem. 1002).
Essay, v. trans. P. and V. Estate, subs. Position, rank : P.
yxipetv (dat.),
and V. raft's, -%. Man's estate 9
(gen.), yeveo-0(u (gen.).
With in- manhood : Ar. and P. ^At/a'a, 17,
fin. : P. and V. eirix* LP*w (infin.),
P. and V. ij/fy, 17 see manJwod. ;

lyvfipelv (infin ), iripav (or mid.) Land: P. x^/*1 *7 (Xen.), P. and


V. dypo's, 6, or pi. Small estate :
That which consti- Ar. and P.
Essence, subs.
tutes the nature of any'thing : P. Inhabited property : P.
outrfa, 07 (Plat.). Unguent : P. and and V.
Property for in- OIKOS, 6.
V. fjivpov, TO. Jar for essences : V. heritance : P. and V. /cAij/oos, 6.
fjLvpvjpov Tfvxps (.ZEscli., Frag.).
Claim an estate : P. mSifcaeo-&u
Essential, adj. Necessary : P. and K\ypov. Property in real estate :
V. avay/ctuos. P. ovcrta eyyctos, y.
Essentially, adv. Necessarily : P. Esteem, v. trans. : P. and V. Pm$
and V. avay/caiW. By nature : P. rlfjioa/j 7rrrpeor#at (gen.), <j>povTiciv
and V. ^ucrcu (gen.), KtjBeo-Gat, (gen.) (rare P.),
Establish, v. trans. P. and V. Ka$- V. 7rpoKiq8c(r9ai (gen.), vapi0fX,Lcr0ai.
urrdvai, iarTavcu, tSpvai/, Troteiv, rWevai, Value: P. and V.
TrporiQevai (or mid.). There is tw highly : P.

honoured court which Zeus once

established for Ares : V. 2<mv ykp Cv (^Ssoh., Swj?p. 490). Esteem
bcrCa i/r^^os yv A/oct TTOTC Zeus etcraTO not at all : P. vnpl ouSevo? ^ycto-^at ;
(aor. mid. #)
(B^r I- ^ 945).
Found (colonies etc.) : P. and V.
see also slight.
- Consider : P. and
V. vofufav, 7iyiO'9ai, jtyew, V. vefjiew.

Krtfcew, olKifca', KaTOi/ojav; SQQfound. Be esteemed, considered : P. and

Ratify : P. and V. Kvpow, linKvpovv. V. 8o/ctv. Be highly esteemed :
Establish the truth of : P. fapatovv Ar. and P. suSofcfyictv.
(ace.), 7raX77^tv. Establish by Esteem, subs. Account: P. and V.
evidence : see prove. Make to Xo-yos, 6. Honour : P. and V. rZ/jwy,,
dwell : P. and V. oua'^civ, t8/orfav, ^ d^'w/ia, TO. Eeputation : P. and
KaOtfipicw, KarocKifav. Establish V. 8^a, ^.
(one) in a place : P. and V. tyKaO- Esteemed, adj. P. euSo'/a/xo?, P. and
icrnii/ai (ace. or dat.). Establish V. e^Sofos.
oneself, settle : P. and V. tSprfeor^at 3 Estimable, adj. P. and V.

see 5^^Ze oneself. In military sense :

P. and V. I$pi<r6o.i, Ktt^o-^at, P. Estimably, adv. P. and V.

icatfi&o-ftu. J5e established (of law, Estimate, v. trans. Jfafc^ a valuation
custom, etc.): P. and V. KtlvQai. of: P. /xav (ace.). Calculate: P.
The established laws : P. and V. and V. *.oy% <r6<u, P.
OL V&PJQI ol Established)
see reckon.
customary P. and V. KajOearrfa, Estimate, subs. P. and V.

KaQecrrrjKus, vofujjios. The established JLc< o/ estimatvny : P. n/x^o-L?, 17.

government: P.T< Calculation : P. Aoywruo's, 6. J-wd j-

opiwiow ; P. ana V. Sofa, ^.
Est Eve

Estimation, subs. Account : P. and Eunuch, subs. Ar. and P.

V. Xoyos, 6. Opinion: P. and V. 6.

Soa, y, yvvfjivi, 17. Reputation : P. Euphemism, subs. P. r r -

., ., .,.

and V. Sofa, ^, d^tco/xa, TO. uall by a euphemism, v. trans. : Ar.

Estrange, v. trans. Make hostile : and P. vTroKopifcecrOat (aco.).
P. dXXoTpiovv, cwroXXoTpiow, ?roXe- Euphony, subs. P. euoro/Ai'a, 77.

fjLova-dai(mid.). Set at variance : Evacuate, v. trans. P. and V. ep-q-

Ar. and P. Sucrravat. Estranged paw, P. aTravia-raa-Oat (cic, gen., or
from : P. dXXoVptos (dat.). gen. alone) ; see also leave.
Estrangement, subs. P. dX Evacuation, subs. P. <z,7ro'Xeu/as, 17.

i). Hostility: P. and V. Evade, v. trans. P. IKK

IX^G?, TO 3 Svcr/ieveta, rj. What ^S the Ar. and P.
meamng of this estrangement : V. Escape : P. and V. <eu f

TtS O TOO7TOS cV(l)Q"C(l)S TJ7O"OC (JllUr.j yctv, a7TO^>i;ytv, 8ta<^>vytv,

H. F. 965). <rQai ; see escape.

Estuary, subs. 0td/ ; P. and V. Evanescent, adj. Short-lived : P.

KO'XTTOS, 6. Mouth (of a river, etc.) : and V. P. ppaxvftios.
P. and V. o-ro/xa, TO. Lasting a short time : P. 6Xtyo-
Eternal, adj. P. awmos, dt'Stos, V. Xpovtos. Fleeting : P. and Y.
dia)s, dt f(oo5. Immortal : P. and Trnyvo? (Plat.).
V. dOdvaros, Ar. and V. owjktftTos ; Evaporate, v. intrans. Dry up : P.
see immortal. Continuous : P. and V. r)paLV<r&a<.. Met., P. and
V. airoppeti', Scappct^.
Eternally, adv. J?br ever; P. and Evasion, subs. Excuse : P. and V.
V. Ar. and V. atev, V. cwW,
, Trpd^cwrts, 17. Shift, artifice : P.

ICTOLCL, ets T^ TOV XP^VOV ^ 6 atwvos, and V. o-Tpo<f>iq, fj, P. StaSvVcis, at".
TOV Sfc* oi', Putting off (of punishment) P. :

\p6vov, ts dtStov. Continuously : Sid/cpovo-is, ^. Practise evasions,

P. o-wcx 5s Eternity remembered,
- v. P. Suxicpoueo'&u. Make excuses :

adj. : P. and V. $ip.vri<rTos. Ar. and P. ?rpoc!>cio*icco*0oit.

Eternity, subs. V. /*i5pibs XP^V05 * Evasive, adj. jNbtf cZear : P. and V.
or use P. and V. 6 TOS xpoY s (Plat., V.
^2?. 4:OE), 6 $ei xpovos.
Etesian winds, subs. P. enyo-uu, oL Ambiguous : P.
Ether, subs. P. and V. aWyp, 6 ; see Xo9, V.
air. Evasively, adv. P. d(ra<^Gs.
Ethereal, adj. Divine: P. and V. biguously : V. d/^lA./cra>s.
0tos, Ar. and P. oat/wwos, V. Stos. Eve, subs. See evening. The day
.4w"y; Ar. and V. aWXos before : P. 07 ^rpoTepata (gen. or
Ethical, adj. See moral absol.). Met ,
6e 071 tf&e eve o/: P.
Ethics, subs. Conduct : P. and V. and V. ju,e'AA.iv (infin.).
Even, adj. Equal : P. and V. ?o-os.

Etiquette, subs. Propriety : P. and Level : P. WircSos, V. Xcupos.

V. TO KOCTfJUOV, TO TTpeTTOV. Straight: P. and V. opftfe. JBvewZy
Eulogise, v. trans. P. and V. contested (of a battle; P. and V. :

v, P. y/c<D/jw,a^i,v, Ar. and V. to-oppo7ros, P. dyxoi/wiXos. Even

V. atvetv (also Plat., jBejp,
etv, (number) : P. apTtos. Smooth : P.
but rare P.).
, and V. Xetos. Cyclopean walls, made
Eulogy, subs. P. and V. crraivo*, 6, even by plumb-Une and chisel : V.
Ar. and P. cyicaJ/uov, TO, cvXoyia, ^, T& KvJcXaJTrcov /3d6pa . . . KO.VQVL ical
V. ^TraiVco-is, ^7i alvos, o. Tuicots rtppocrpwa (Eur., JST. J? .

Eve Evf

Even, adv. P. and V. KM. Even under ever. Continuously : P.

as : P. and V. wcnrcp, As. Not even o~W;(a)S. :

P. and V. ouSe, /wjSc. Even so, Ever-memorable, adj. P. and V*

yes P. and V. vat, vat^f ; see

. Evermore, adv. See for ever, under

Evening, subs. P. and V. <nrpa rj. ever. 9

Late afternoon ; P. and V, ScA,?;, ^ Ever since, conj. P. and V. c( ov,

(Soph., Frag.) ; see ni07&.
I/ate in a<^' o{i,ef OTOU, V. &<j> oSircp, cf otrre,
the evening : P. o^ TJ}S ^cpas ; see
cTret, Ar. and V. # owcp, P.
Zate. O/ evening, adj. : V. foTrepos. Trcp ; see smce.

Evening-star, subs. V. *E<nrpo<r, 6. Every, adj. P. and V. ?ras,

Evenly, adv. P. 6//,oXa>s. Smoothly : At every tenth battlement were large
P. XlW towers : P. Sta SC'KCL ^raXfewv -Trupyot
Evenness, subs. P. TO oju-aXoV, P. ijo-av /AcyaXot (Thuc. 3, 21). Twice
and V. Xeicmys, ^. every year : P. 8ts TOT) cvtavrov.
Event, subs. P. and V. <rv/^opa, Sver^/ yZ/ift ^ear ; P. St' CVWIVTOV
Ar. and P. crwriJxx, ^. Isswe, Treptrrov, Ar. 8t* ITOVS 7re/i,irTOt5 (PZ.
reswZtf : P. and V. crvpfapd, ^, Te'Xos, 584). Every day, adv. P. and V.

TO; see reswZtf. He will wait the *a0' ^cpav, V. fcaT* iy/>uzp ; see Ai%
turn of events : P. irpocrcSpeuvtL TOIS as adj., ordinary : see ordinary* (Dem, 14). Z%fi future :
Of every kind, adj. : P. and V*
P. and V. TO jucXXov. -4$ aZZ evewte ; fl-avrotos, Ar. and P. 7ravro8a7ros.
P. and V. ye, yow, ye juijv, TTCLVTCOS, Every time that, as often as : P.
V. fywras. ITZ &e #y6?j$ o/; use if. corals. JBuer^ **0w : Ar. and P.
Eventful, adj. P. d&o'Xoyos. KacroT. Jw e-uery ^ay ; P. and
Eventuality, subs. ^ P.^ and V. <n//x- V. wavro^, P. 'Travra^ai?.
<opo, ty P. o-vvTV)(ia fj. t
Everybody, subs. See every one.
Eventually, adv. In time: P. and Every one, subs. P. and Y.


V. T45, I/caOTO?, OV$9 OOTtS OV, V.

or)v xp^i ^ XP V<
? 5 see hereafter. 09 OU.
At and V. TC'XOS.
last: P. Everything, subs. P. and V.
Ever, adv. .42 owy ii??w : P. and V. Trdvra. JSuboea, now that Attica
oroTc. Always : P. and V. let, Ar. was cut off, was everything to them :
and V, al&. With relatives: P. P. Ev^ota avrots aTroKCKX^ju-ev^s rJJs 1

and V. 7TOT6, &7, P. 8?77rOT, SiyTTOTOVV. 'ATTt/djff wavTa ^K (Thuo. 8, 95 cf. ;

Whosoever: Ar. and P. oortcrow; also Dem. 240).

see whoever. Ever yet ; P. and V. Everywhere, adv. P. and V. *-avTa-
TTOWTOTC. For ever : P. and V. Set, XOT), TravraxT?, Ar. and P. -Travny, P.
8ti T\OUS, V. 2o*at, lo'dec, ets ro Trav liccwTa^ov, V. aTravrtt^ov, STravTa^r}.

Xpwov, Si ataivo?, riv 8t" atoivo? xptvov, From everywhere : P. and V. Trav-
P. is TrdtvTa Ypovov, efe d/Scov, Ar. TO&V Andoc., Isae.), Ar. and
and V. aw. Be bolder than ever : P. iravraxpOev. To everywhere : P.
P. avroi eavTcov ^appaXctorepot etvat Travra^oorc, Ar. and P. TravTa^ou
(Plat., Pro*. 350D). Evict, v, trans. P. ^ayciv ; see
Everlasting, adj. Eternal: P. al- eject.
owtos, otfSios, V. actfo)?, Ae^coos. Im- Eviction, subs. P. ^aywyij, rji see

wortaZ ; P. and V* 40&&roff, Ar.

and V. (tyfftros. Ageless : P. and Evidence, subs. Testimony : Ar.
V, *yifa<i>s. Ceaseless : Ar. and P. and P. fjuLprvpfa, J), V, fiapriSpLOy Ta,,
Gwr^pavTOS , V. StaTeX^s. ftaprrfp^^a, TO. (Mve evidence, v. :

Everlastingly, adv. See /or P. and V. fJMpTVpLVf

Evi Exa

Proof, subs. : P. and V. tunately, adv. P. and V. :

TO, TGKfjuqptoVj TO, 8ety/Aa, TO, V. Suo-rvx^ 9 9ee unfortunately.

TKju,ap, TO, P. /iapTupiov, TO, Evilly-disposed, adj. P. and V.
TO, Grivfi evidence of, v. P. 8ety/x,a :
SiWous, 6vo-/jiV77s, Ar. and P.
^peii/ (gen.) (Dem. 679), P. and vovs, V. /caAcd<^po)i'.
V. ev8eii/7;<j0ai (ace ),
Ar and P Evil-minded, adj. P and V.
liri&eiKwcrOai ^acc.) ; see s7iow>. Be Ar. and P. KOLKOVOUS, V.
in evidence : P. cmiroXof eiv (Dem
117). Evil-speaking, subs. See
Evident, adj. P. and V. Evince, v. trans. SAow, f/w
^ ^
ifc, Xa/wrpos, I o/: P. and V. Trap^Lv (or mid.),
i/8eucvuo-0at, TrpOTtSeo-^at, V. rtBecrOcLL,

s, Ar. and P. 1)807X05, P. Ar. and P. emScticvvcr^ai ; see s^oto.

avTjs, V. Evoke, v. trans. J2Zw?# : P. and V.
dvifc ; see clear. '/cicaXct(r0(u, V. cfayav (Eur., pp.
Evidently, adv. P. and V. 770). i^, arouse: P. and V.
ju,<av<os, 817X2817, Xa/wrpais, eyeipeo', KIVCW, f^yetpeLv. Evoke
Ar. and P, <avpo>s, KaTa<avuis, P. (the dead) : Ar. and P. i/rij^aycoyeti/,
va>s, V. o-avais ; see P. and V. avdtyetv (Soph., Frag.},
V. oVtorafai, c^ai/tora^at see raise ; .

Evil, adj. Wtefcad : P. and V. /echo' Evolve, v. trans. Disentangle ; P.

Troupes, /xo;(0?7pds, n-ay/caKos, Travovp- and V. XtJetv, V. efeAiWeir, av
yos, <auXos, <Xat5pos, avdo-ios ; see o-etv. Produce : P. and V.
wicked. Unfortunate: P. and V. Devise : P. and V.
Syo-Tv^?, 8unr8at/AU>i', STV^S
ACCLHOS, Tc^vacr^at; see devise.
(rare V.), Ar, and V. SuorTrorfios ; see Ewe, subs. Ar. and V. o&, 77; see
unfortunate. Unjust: P and V.
dESwco?, Jtvofws, Tra.pdvojj.os, V. KSeos. Ewer, subs. Ar. and V. Trpd^ovs, 77

Sorry, mewi : P. and V. <^ai)Xos, (also Xen.), V. Kp<oo-o-ot, ot ; see yor.

KGLKO?, Ar. and P. /xox^pd?, Ar. and Exacerbate, trans.v. P. and V.
V. Sa'Xatos (rare P.). iro.povvt.v see embitter.

Evil, SUbs. P. and V. /ca/cr;, ^, -7701/77- Exact, v. trans. P. and V. Trpcwnmv,

p^a, 77, Travovpyta, 77,
Ar. and P. JC7rpao-orM/, to"7rpaoxror0ai, Ar. and
KaKLa, fj) fjLoxfhjpia, 77,
P. /ca/coT775, 77 ;
P. 7rpd<rorecr$aLj 8va7rpdcr<reiv, P. cr-
see wickedness. Calamity : P. and irpaLva-eiv. Exact (something from
V. o-u/*$opa, 77, /ca-KOv, TO, Traces, TO, a person) : Ar. and P. Trpcwnmv (or
TTa^/za, TO, or^aX/^a, TO, P. aTU^/^a, mid.) (TI
Ttva or T6 aTrd TAVOJ or T*
TO, dTvxta, 77,
Sw: P. and V. lie
Ttvos), P. elarTrpdtrcrew (rC TWO. or
a/iapTta, 77, aStKta, 77, aSf/c^/xa, TO, V. TI Trapa TIVOS). Exact vengeance
d/MrXa/e^/Aa, TO ; see wrong. Speak from : see take vengeance on, under
evil of: P. and V. Ka/cois Xeyeiv
(aoc.) ;

see oZwse. spoken evil of: P. Exact, adj. P. and V. d/cpZ/Srfc. Be

and V. /ca/caisV. /ca/ccos /cXviv.
SKOVCIV, exact (in definition, etc.), v. P. :

Evil-doer, subs. P. and V. <xKpi/3oXoyto-0at. Make exact : P.

6 or 77 ; see 5i?t?^r. and V. &Kplftow, V. eaKol/3ow.
Evilly, adv. P. and Y. Exacter, subs. P. and V. 7rpa/cTa>p,
P avo/zo>9, V. K8fK(05, irayfcaiCG>$ ; see 6.
wickedly. Evilly entreat, v. : P. Exacting, adj. Greedy: P. TrXcov-
and V. jcaKOJ? Trotetv (ace.), /ca/cois e/cTiicd's. JETari to please: P. and
8pav (ace.), 5e entreated: e^%V, Svo-dtpeoros ; see peevish. Un-
P. and V. /COKWS Troo-^etv. Unfor- 9 feeling : P. and V. o-
Exa Exc

exacting, v. P. wXeovcKTelv. Diffi-

, V. ayfcpuris, 17. C?'OSS-
cult to deal with : Ar. and P. examination -
P. and V.
P. and V. &ropos 6.

Exaction, Subs. P. 7rputs, Examine, v. trans. Scrutinise: P.

TTpafts, 17.
Greed : P. V.
w, dva^petv, ttiro-
Exactitude, subs. P. is, or -Trpds, ace.),

Exactly, adv. P. and V. (et?, ace. or wpds, ace.),

Absolutely : Ar and P, 0a<rQai, P.

In answer to a question : Ar. and P. iv^rciv. Ar.
Ar. and P. a/xcXct, /co/uSr} ye, TT&VV Examine with others : P.
ye. Exactly ten years : P. a TTI), o-w8iao-K07retv (ri

(Thuc. 5, 20).
ITI? (TLVL). Search: P. and V. epewav,
Exactness, subs. P. dKp/'/? V. c&pewav, P. Stepfivi/av. Examine
Exaggerate, v. trans. P. T A.o'yo> (a place) : P. and V. cpcwav (Bur.,
aZpClV, TO fAloV SctVOUV, &>0> ^ttt-
7Tt SBC. 1174). Examine (a place)
pea', P. and V. jcoo-//,erv, Ar. and V. beforehand : V. Trpovgepewav. Test
irupyow. Exalt: P. and V. /x,y- as to eligibility for office : Ar. and P.
Xitaiv; see exalt. Exaggerate a SoKt)Lufiv. Test, cross-question : P.
petty smart : V. TO /jwySev dXyos ts
and V. eXeyx tv e&A.eyx*"', tv, ^of
/ic'ya <j>lpiv (Soph.,
0. .B 638). Ar. and !P. /3a<rav%iv. Examine
adj. Excessive P. as a preliminary to granting a trial :
and V. Trcpwro-ds. P. dvaKpii/eiv (ace.).
Exaggeration, subs. P oVi/coo-is, Examiner, subs. P. oW/xacmfc, 6 ;

Extravagance : P, and V. u see inspector.

Example, subs. Example (to follow
Exalt, v. trans. P. and V. or avoid) : P. and V. TrapaScty^a,
avdviv, av&u', /AeyaXitaiv (Bur., TO'.
TFarmw0 : P. and V. &r!?$i&s,
Bac3/i. Ar. and V. 6y*ow,
320), ^. Specimen: P. and V. Scfy/Aa,
Trupyow, V. ai/ctyeiv, P. crefjLVvvcw, TO, TrapaSctyfia, TO, P. ortScty/^a, TO ;

lirav&vciv, see also puff up. Praise: see specimen. Follow a person's
P. and V. ra/ti/, Ar. and V, cuXo- example : P. afcoXou&tv (dat. of
yetv. Prefer to honour : P. and V. pers.)(Dem. 461). Make an ex-
TrpoTt/iav.Bb?wwr a gfod : Ar. and ample of a person : P. irapdSeiyiux,
P. &y<L\\w (Plat.). Trotetv TH/C (Deal. 767), TrapaSety/xa
Exaltation, subs. See excitement. /ca^toravai (Ttva) (Thuc. 3, 40). Set
Dignity : P. and V. o-/AV(m?s, ^ TO t an example : P. TrapaSciyfux 8iSdi/ai.
crcpvov. Bmk, position : P, and V. ^br example Ar. and P. aurftca.

Tt/J, ^, dl'u)jLCa, TO. I ww$i ?)4 5pwrn i/te exwmple of

Exalted, adj. See excited. P. and my lord : V. j/uol TC fii/A^ dv
V. $7rtcrrip.o$, <r^vds See also J (Bur., T. F. 294).
celebrated. Honoured :
Exasperate, v. trans. P. and V.
and V. <WZ/A05, see (Plat.), 7rupoW, V. 6$
opycuvciv, ^aypiouv (also Plat, ia
Examination, subs. P. and V. pass.), dypiow (also Xen. and Ar.
^ (Eur,, Fipjp. 1323), P. ;
in pass.), Orjyw see embitter.
^croo-t?, ^, 7Tr/c^s, 17, V. Exasperation, subs. P. and V. opy^,
Examination as test of eligibility ^, P. 7rapofvo7W)5, 6.
for office : P. 8oia/Mi<ria, 17. e?V Excavate, v. trans. Hollow out : P.
didal: P. yi/5>o-i5, 77.
PreMTnm- "^
: P.andV.c
(before trial) : P. ',
Ar. and P.
Exc Exe

acqiwt. Exculpate oneself

: Ar. V. OLpacr&ai (dat.), Ar. and P. /eara-
and P. see defend.
diroXoyeiortfai a. ; see curse.
paa-aL (dat.)
Hate :
Exculpation, subs. Acquittal: Ar. P. and V. fucrelv, V.
and P. u7ro'<eTjts, y ; see acquittal. Ar and V. ctTTOTrriJctv see , ;

Pardon: P. and V. o-uyyi/ai//.!?, 17,

V. eruyyi/oia, ^. Defence : P. aTro- Execrated, adj. See cursed, hated.
Xoyta 17. Excuse : P. and V, Execration, subs. Curse : P. and
V. apd, YI, V. KttTvy//aTa, ret. .D0-
Excursion, subs. P. and V. testat'ion : P. and V. /xto-os, TO',
^, Io8o5, ; see journey. l^pa, rj, ^xOo^, TO ; see hatred.
Excusable, adj. P. orvyyvup-w, Ar. ject of execration : V. ex^ 0? T ^
and V. cruyyixDOToV .50 excusable, TO, OTTlfyOS, TO,
V. : P. and V. TO, /Aa, TO.

Excuse, v. trans. P. and V. o-vy- Execute, v. trans. P. and V. e7r4-

yiyvdio-Keiv (dat. of pers., ace., gen., t, StttTTpaoro-etv (or mid. P.),
or dat. of thing), crvyyvttiju/jyj/ Zxfw
(dat. of pers., gen. of thing), V. see accomplish. Put to
(ruyyi/oLai/ l&xeiv (absol.) QQQpcwdcn. death : P 0avaToi)i/
see fctJZ. ;

Overlook : P. virepqpaiv. Justify, Execution, subs. Accomplishment:

defend : P. d7roXoyr0ai Trepi' (gen.) P. and V, -rrpafis, ^.; TOc execution
see defend. Let off: P. and V. of the measures taken in each cane :
a^ZeWi. Excuse oneself- Ar. and P. Stafcovta ^ fcaorTOt; TWV TTCTT- <jf>'

P. tt7roXoyto-0ai. Excuse oneself pay/xci/ov (Dem. 296). Putting to

(from a public duty] : P. e, death : P. flavcmtms, 17. Death :
(ace. or absol.). Decline (an invita- P. and V. 0rfraT09, 6.
tion) P. eirawtw (ace.) (Xen. ; cf. Executioner, subs.
Ar. and P. 6
Ar., Ban. 508). >7/uos, P. and V. S^o'/cotvos, 6 (Soph.,
Excuse, subs. P. and V. ^m,?.).
Executive, subs. The executive,
excuse for P. Trpoa-^/Aa, TO (gen.).
magistrates : Ar. and P. at dpyac,
.Mia&e excuses, v. Ar. and P. TT^O-
: P. TO, Te\r). Committee, of the EC-
<acrife<r0(M. jZfe/50 excvisesfor : see clesia who managed public business :
excuse. Urge as an excuse : P P. ot TrpocSpot.
and V. (rKyprrew (mid. in P.), Executor, subs. Use Ar. and L\
(mid. also P.), 7riTpo7ros, o. Heir : P. ^X^povo^os, 6.
7rpoicnvjcr0(u (Bur., Cf/cZ. 319), P. Exemplary, adj. Good, fioncst : P.
7rpota"^eo"^at, V.
, and V. <ya0o'y, x/^o-*- Worthy,
deserved : P. and V. <7io9, V.
V. cry /u,ei/ ra '
cTraftos; see y?^s^.
80). TFa// o/ Exemplify, v. trans. &ive example
and V. ftiroarrpofa'}, rj t
Kt of: use P. TrapaScty/ia SiSoVai (gen.);
*7. Defence : P. a?roXoy/a, 17 see also show, prove.
Execrable, adj. P. and V. Exempt, v. trans, P. and V. d$uV
see hateful. Bad : P. and V. fca

Exempt, adj. .FV0c (^row) ; P. and

Execrably, adv. Ar. and P. //. cxpw? ; V. 4Xcv^po5 (gen.). Be exempt
see hatefully. Badly: P. and V. from: P. and V. c&> clvai (geii.),
CKTOS clvat (gen.). Exempt from
Execrate, v. trans. Curse : P. and tribute, taxes, etc. : P. (mX?;-;. Say-
V. lirapacrOat, (dat.), /care^ccr^u cm;;^ /?*ow military semce : Ar.
(absol. or gen.) (Plat., Rep. 393A), and P.
Exe Exh

Exemption, subs.
foeXua, 77. P. out : P. and V. me&iv, rpvxetv (only
Freedom, deliverance P. and V. :
pass. P.), P. e/cTpu^ow, rptjSctv, V.
ttTroXXayT?, 77. Exemption from mili- rpiJeiv (pass, also used in Plat., but

tary service : Ar. and P. aorparcia, 77. rare P.). Be exhausted, worn out :
Exercise, subs. Training : Ar. and P. owrayopeuciv, TrapaXvea-^at, u,7ro-
P. /wXeTt;, 77, P. oo-Kiyoris, 77, yu/x,vao-ia, Ar. and P. TaXawropctcrflai,

Practice (of qualities) : P. t, P, and V. aTrcwrcn/,
<?, 17. Physical exercise: P. (rare P.), Ar. and V. -mpe-
cia, 77.
C7$0 : P. and V. <rttt, V. KaTafaive<r0eu ; See J?^(/,
, 77. Gymnastic exercises : Ar wear OM. Exhausted : use also
and P. yi'/x.vttcria,
ra. part., P. Ter/ov^o)/teVo5.
Exercise, v. trans. Train: P. and Exhaustion, subs. TFlsar^ss : P.
V. aovceo' (Eur., JSAfis. 947), yi;//,-
and V. KOTTOS, 6, P. roXatTrwpta, T),
vafai', Ar. and P. pcXerdiv, 7ra(TKiv ; V. KdfJLtLTOS, O.
see r<zm. Exercise qualities, etc. : Exhaustive, adj. See/^Z.
P. and V. a<rKtv, cTrtTTjSeiW, Ar. and P. and V.
P. cTraovcetv flee practise,., Show, Exhaustively, adv. See fully.
exhibit : P. and V. i/8c6cvv<r0<u,
j> and
----TiDr_ .
. V . .

7rpor)?0<r0ai, irapc\c<v (or mid.),

V. Exhaustless, adj. See inexhaustible.
Ti0eo-0<u. PM -win operation : P. Exhibit, v. trans. Show : P. and V.
and V. xpytrOtu. (dat.). Exercise
oneself : P. and V. <jtatVtv, Ar. and ,

P. a7ro<tt/tv, V. cKSct/cviJi'at ; see
Exert, v. trans. J?/d in force : P. Display, (jive proof of : Ar.
and V. xpfjtrOtu, (dat.) ; seo (>,xfircine. and P. &ri8iwn;or&<u (ace.), P. and
Exert OTMMlf : P. StarctVcrHftu, o-w- V. cvSet/ci/vcr^at (aco.), TTttpe^cw/ (or
rctVeti'(or pass.), P. and V. raWr, mid.) (aoo.), TrpoTiQccrQai (ace.), V.
V. lvrdviv (pass, also in P.) KOO ; rt&<r()(u (acc.). CTi'0, employ : P.
labour, striujt/lft. Rwrl, yourself: and V. xprjarQcu, (dat.), trpocr^epew.
P. <ruVrti/ VAOTW (Wai., MiUhj/phr. Exhibit (a plat/) : Ar. and P.
13A). ot&i'oTccci'. Exhibit 'in a bad litjht :
Exertion, sulw. Labour : P. auci V, P. Ka/cw? wcaav ?rpt.(gen.)
oj, 6, Ar. and V. /AO'Y^OS, /w- 7ia/;. 377M)
. see also represent. ;

zeal : L*. and V, crn-ovSr/, 7}, Exhibition, aubfl. Ar, and P. <!7rt
. ('WWt f/rflrt^ exertion, Setft*?, /, P. a7ro^a^i5, r;. Spectacle .

with diffloitUii : uso adv., P. and P. ami V. Oin, r;, 0cfLa TO; we/'

V. jttoXfe, /xoyt?,
Ar. and P. x&Xcmfc* Hjmlttdct, Dramatic exhibition .

T(tA,a67rw/ja)9, P. 47Tt7rai'<i>5. Ar. and P. Spfywz, ro. Hhowintj off :

Exhalation, Hubs. Bruakh: P. and Ar. and P. cVttfci&s, 7;. Example :

V. 7n/u/x,tt, ro, Ar. and V. TTVOI}, */.

P. and V. Scty/Au, TO, 7Ta/)fiSty/jLa, TO.
P. <lr/u'?> 7} (Plat.), V. Mrt/i;rt a/i exhibition of oneself, v. :

Ar. Jind P, cwffiewcwrftu (mid,).

, 7} (Plat.), a0/>o5, 6 (Plat.), V. Exhilarate, v. trans. OA^r ; P. and
o. *S'wo/^ ; 1\ and V. V. ctyprnveur SOC3 0/A^r. J

Exhilarating, adj. See oheermj,

Exhale, v. trans. P. and V. ddiyhtful. Jlmvinrj, cool : P. and
Afmi^ : P. and V. ai/wW, V. i/>r'^J?.
soe emit. Exhilaration, Hubs. J"oy: P. andV.
Exhaust, v. trans, lhf>,
<wp: P. and T/, x<V'*i >/ Tpi/rt?, /, V. x aP-
V. ai'dXtorKCUS P. Ka-nivata'<rKu/ ( V* r) ([Plat, also but rare P.),
i/, ^avrXctv;
8(30 WM ^Jp.

Exh Exp

Exhort, v. trans. Embolden : P. VOJJLOL. Previously

and V. 6ap(rvvLv, Opao-fivGiv, existing : P.
iv, P. eTTippovvvai, irapatfap- Existence, subs. P. ovo-ta, ^, TO
<rwctv, Ar. and P. 7rapa/u>0t<r0ai. it.
-Z^/e : P. and V. /&'os, 6,
Exhort in return: P. di/Trapa/co> 4 (Plat, and ^Ssoh., Frag.), V. !,

Urj/fi ora : P. and V. > 17 (Eur., Bee. 1108). Believe

A.CLV. iTrl/

'the existence of the gods : P. and

e|oTprfi/tv (Thuo.), P. /caTC-Treiyeiv, V. V.

OTpiviv, CTrcy/ceXeuciv (Eur., GycL) ; Exit, subs. P. and V. ZfoSos, 17. By
see Counsel : P. and V. sea P. and V. cKrrXovs, 6.
7TttpatVlV (dat.), VOU0TIV, V. Exonerate, v. trans. P. and V.
yopctv. Exhort troops : P. Trapa- cXutv, &$ivai, Ar. and P
or absol.).
/ecXe&crtfai (dat, BBQfree. ;

Exhortation, subs. P. wap Exorbitance, subs. P. and V. &rep-


V. Trapa/ccA-cuor/xa,
^, TO. Exorbitant, adj. P. and V.
exhortation: P. see excessive.
6. Counsel : P. and V. P. and Y.
Exorbitantly, adv.
vecrts, ^ see excessively.
O-G>? ;

Exhume, v. trans. P. dvcupcTv (Thuc. Exorcise, v. trans. P. and V.

1, 126).
Exigence, subs. .Need ; P. and V. Exordium, subs.
^ see ?J66(i.
Xpcia, ^, aTTopta, ;
Ne- Exotic, adj. P. and V.
cessity : P. and V. avayi7, ^. see imported, foreign.
Exigent, adj. See exacting. Expand, v. trans. Spread out; P.
Exile, v. trans. P. and V. and V. CKTLVLVj TlWv, P. a7TOTti'tV.
, 1/cjSaAActv, Increase : P. and V. au&twv, av|ctv,
P. &ravaviv. Prolong : P. and
Q-TTOpptTTTetV, V. P. 0,71-0-
pwjKVveLv, reweiv, 1/crctVccv,
P. and V. v, Ar. TctVetv. P-wjf owt : P. and V. ^vo-ai-.
eiV, V. pwrTt', eKpiirrew. Be V. intrans. Use pass, of verbs
exiled : use also P. and V. <[>evyeiv, given above.
K7rt7ZTtV, V. UlTofO/OVOT^at,. Expanse, subs. Open space P. :

with another : P. and V. *vpvx<optcL, n Wide stretch of space:

(absol. or dat.). V. 7rAa& y/. They pass over wide
Exile, subs. Exiled person : P. and expanses of plainV. x<*Pv<rt : - . -

V. ^vyws, 6 or ^. Banishment : P. Bacch, 748).

vcBttov u7roTtto-t9 (Eur.,
and V. <vyi7, ^. Driving out : P. Circumference: P. and V. KwcXos,
cK/foA/iy, 17, IXacris, ^. Pw&fo'c eajife :
6, Trcpt^oXiJ, 17, -7Tp4/?oXos, 6, Ar. and
V. ^>vy^ S^XaTos. Exile for life : P. Trept^opa, ^. r^e expanse of
P. d^>vfo, i}. I M^ZZ w& Zw heaven : V. at^^pos /cwXos, 6,

hapless father : V. at.

<f>vofMLl TfiS* d^AtCDT^TO) ITttTpt (Eur., Expansion, subs. P. *Ta<ns, r/.

1679). Increase : P. au^o-t^ ?;, 78o<m, ^.

P. and V. Expansive, adj. Sroad : P. and V.
P ^opionros, V. eupv?. Met , see cowniuniccttWG,
Exist, v. intrans. P. and V. Expatiate, v. intrans. P. and V.
Sirdpxeiv ; see Zive. Tfo existing P.
laws : P. and V. OL KU^ orra>TC9 vo/uot, Expatiation, subs. P.
Ot VO/XOt 01 /CCt/ACl/Ot, P. Ot OVT5 VOfJLOL,

Exp Exp

Expatriate, v. trans. See banish. Expedient, subs. Dmce : P. and V.

Expatriation, subs.
See banishment. TO, crofterpa, TO, iropos, o, ,

Expect, v. trans. Await : P. and V. TO (Plat.), /x^ttviy, 7); see ,

//.ei/ew, ava/i,Vti/, TrpocrSe;^

^ ^ Ar. .

and P. TrcpfyicVav, P. uTTOju.o'eiv, V. Expediently, adv. See profitably,

dp,/jivav, CTraftfteVetv, [ttfjiveiv, TT/OOCT- conveniently.
jua'fw (rare P. as Thuc. 6, 44) ;
Expedite, v trans. P. and V. O-TTCTJ-

see await. Watch for : P. and oVr, eTTMnreJScn/. With non-personal

V. rqpeiv (ace.), TrpoorSoKttv (aco.), subject: P. -n-po^pew (t5, ace.).
Ar. and P. rm/pe?i/ (ace.), V. /capa- Expedition, subs. Speed : P. and
SoKeiV (ace.) (also Xen.). Anticipate, V. Ttt^05, TO, CTTTOvS?;, ij. Mo/TCJl Of
look forward to, v. trans or with an army : P. and V. IfoSos, 7).
infin. :P. and V. Trpuo-SexecrQcu (ace.), ign : P. and V. oroAos, o,
zrpocrSoKav (ace.), Ik-irifav (ace.), Ar. ta, 77, P. c7rto"TpaTta, T/. (?0
and V. SOKCIV (rare P., only used P. and V. o-Tpa-
expedition :

with ace. and infin ). Claim, de- (or mid.), eTrtcrrpaT^^ (or
mand : P. and V. d&ovv, Swcaiovj', mid. in V.), P. K<rTpa.Tvcw (or
V. 7raiow see demand. ; inid.), V. (rrcAAecr^at. Jew m a?t

Expectancy, subs See expectation. expedition : P. cruorrpaTcuctv (or mid.)

Expectant, adj. Hopeful: P. and (absol.), rrwGTrtcrrpa.TC'vew (dat. of
V. cucATTis. In suspense : P. /xerc- pers.). P. and V. oroAos,
copos, 6p66s. o, vTfwrefa, >/ see arro/. Fleet : ;

Expectation, subs. P. 7rpocrSo/aa, r/,

P. and V. crroAos, 6, P. drpoarroAos,
P. and V. A,7rts, 7;. Opinion, view : 6. Expedition by sea : P. and V.
P. and V. 8oo, 7), yvoVtf, Ccw-
7). TrAoO?, o, a*T>Aos, o, 1/CTrAovs, 6, P,
wn/ io expectation : P. and V. eirtTrAovs, o, a-TTooroAos, 6,

Trapa yyo/M/i' or use adj., P. irafHt- Expeditious, adj.

; Quick : P. and
8oo?. Bei/owl &vpe",tatiti P. and V. To^iis ; see quick.
V Trap* cAiri'Sa, V, CKTOS Airi8o9, ^<o Expeditiously, adv. Ar. and P.
\7rfSo$, 0/4 i/i^? ^/;^oe o/ expecta- Taxi>s; see quickly.
tion : iiso adj., P. /xcTs'wpo?, op^os- Expel, v, trans. P. and V.
Expected, adj. P. Trpoo-fio'/ct/jios, V.
TrpocrSoKryros. K'XpMtttd to : P. &R- V, V. fCpt7TTM'.
So^os (infin.). Drive frwn oiie's Iwme : P. c^ot/cif ctr.

Expectorate, v. trans. See spit. Orwfl o/^ (inhabitants from a

Expediency, subs. P. and V. r<> place) : P. and V. e^avtorarat, clVf,-

<n;/x<cp0v, TO <rwft<^opi/, Or pL, P.

T& Avo-treXouK. Adnantmje : I*, and Expelled, ndj.
V. rf^cXcta, T;, o^cXo?, r<>, oi'^rrt?, 7;, country : P. and V. ('Wo-rd* ;
Ar. and V. w^X7;jM,a, TO, V. <f>^>cX7;rrts,

//. tram, pro/W ; P. and V. AccpSos, Expend, P. and V. am-

v. trans.
TO, XtljilfJiU, TO. At<r/ceti/, SOO^fl^. JVxfMld

Expedient, adj. P. and V. fry*</>opos, money : also Ar. and P. o^Tntvai'

(ace/ or abt)l.). f7,v0: P. and V.
and P. <^cXt/A05, Ar. and V. <&
XjtfyrOttL (dat.).
rrt^o?, V. <U'/}fn Expenditure, Hubs. /I <j
of upending :

v, : P, and V. P. dntAoxrw, 7;,

P. and V. tifativq,
Ar. and P. AwrtTeAai', P. Trpoilpyow (Mur., / /' .
592.). 117^ iv OB-
Tv<u ? TAr/ A>ct
V. A.i54V, : P. and V. aV<iAw;ia, TO.
Profitable : Ar. and P. e of tirna: P. atid V,
P. An<rtTA7/5 HO profitable. ; , >/, 8t,tiTpif3rj> 7) ; sti

Exp Exp

Expense, subs. P. and V, 6 (Thuc. 6, 72), or use adj., P. and

TO, SaTravq, rj.
Incur expense, v. : V. I/wrd-pos.
P. Sa-Travav. At
the public expense : Expert, adj. Experienced : P. and
P. At one's ozvn
fyfjiomq., A-n-6 Kon/oC. V. cyu,7Ttpos, eTrtoTiyuwv, Ar. and V.
expense : P. TOIS avrov r&eo-i, rots rpiftw. Expert in: P. and V.
Z&'ois T\c<n. Share the expense of : /AT4pOS (gen.), iTnCTTTJfJLtDV (g6n.) J
P. (TwavaAtovceiv (ftCO.). see experienced in. Clever : P.
Expensive, ad]. P. SaTmv^po's, TroXv- and V. Savos, V. wctp see clever.

TeA^s, P. and V. T//UO*. Of habits . Glever 1% : P. and Y. Scivos (infin.).

P. Scwraviypos ; see extravagant. Expertly, adv. See skilfully.
Expensively, adv. P. TroXurcXois ; Expertness, subs. See skill
see dearly, extravagantly. Expiable, adj. V. KaO<ipcn.o<s.

Expensiveness, subs. P., Expiate, v. trans. P. and V.

^ (Xen.) ; see extravagance. SiSoVat (gen.), Stiajv itveiv (gen.),

Experience, subs. P. and V. ^wmpta, KTIVLV (gen.), V. S&oyv Trapc^

17. Knowledge : P. and V. CTTIOT?^, (absol.),
Ar. and V. Xiifti/
(ace.), V.
JETave experie'nce of. P. and V. (jL-n-QTivew (aOC.), TLVCLV (ace.)

6/xZAeiV (dat.) ;
see experieiwe, v. 7 Expiation, subs. P. and V. Ka.Qapp.6s,
speaft ?^i &y seer-craft but by ex- 6, Xtfo-t?, Compensation : P. and

perience : V. jJLavrwfl ju.v ou A.ey<i) V. Tfcrk, 17 (Plat.), V. TrotvrJ, ^, or

rots Trpayjuoxw c (Ear., Bacch. 368). pi. (rare I?.), &TTOLVO., TCL (Plat, but
Experience, v. trans Mee wz7i : rare P.). I am ready to die as
P, and V. xp5^ar (dat.). Encoun- an expiation for my country : V.
ter ; P. and V. Tuyxai-/ (gen.), OvvjarKcw erotics Trarpt^os
xdvew (dat.), (Eur., PAoew. 969).
I/ATI-I'TITCM/ (CLS, aoc.),
rew (dat.), Ar. and V. Kvpeiv Expiatory, adj. V. /caflap
(gen.), V. aruyKVpelv (dat ), di/rav

(dat.). Experience (a feeling) : P. Expiration, subs. Breathing out :

and V. l^etv, x/^"^at (dat.). To P. and V. eWi/oTj, ry. ^7w^ ; P. and
have had experience of: P. and V. V
rcA.09, ro, rcXevTT?, 7/. Tfefiir ^rea^j/

yey&jcr6a.i (gen.) (perf. infin pass, wi^7& i/iem was on the point of ex-
of yeuctv), ?r7rtpacr^at (gen.) (perf. piration: P. CTT eoS(j> Trpos aurous
in fin, mid. of iretpav) (Eur., -Pragr ), at cnroi/Sat ^o-av (Thuc, 5, 28).
P. StaTrewcipacr&u (gen.) (perf. infin. Expire, v. intrans. Lapse, come to
mid. of Sia7rpav). J5^ acquainted an end : P. and V. Iepx<=(r0(u, c^jj-
with : P. and V. o/uhelv (dat.). /tetj'. Breathe one's last : V. exirvdv
Exerienced, adj. P. and V. fyiretp')*, or ticnvtlv PLOV, CKTrvtiv ^tJ)^tf, a?ro-
lirt.crrfiii.Wi Ar. and V. rpigw. ^Ex- i/^tv /?toi/, P. aTTOi/ruxstv (Thuc.),
perienced in: P. and V. ^7rt/>o? P. and V. TeA.vrav; see die.
(gen.), 7rKmJ/ov (gen.), cvrptfiys Expiry, subs. See expiration.
(dat.), Ar. and V. rpij&ov (aoc. or Explain, v. trans. P. and V. ^an/etv,
gen.), V. iS/ot? (gen.) see versed in.

Experiment, subs. P. and V. 7rpa, SiyA-ouv, (rrjp.a.ivtw (Plat ),

17. Make cm experiment on P. -
(Plat.), V. K^p(iftV,
Trelpav TroLcinrQai. (gen.). You woulci (also Xen. but rare P.),
never see them making new experi- Ar. and P. ^yetcrtfai ; see ^nterpret.
ments : Ar. ou^l (jLTa7TLp<i)fAi'a<; Explanation, subs. L*.
c^/y^o-t?, yy,
av avrtt? (Eccles. 217.) Ipivqveui, ^, V. Ip/^yyrcufwi, TO, or pi.
Experimentally, adv. Use P. Explicit, adj. Simple: P. and V.
/t7TtptV (Plat., Phaedr. 270s). ctTrXov-j. Ofa^lf : P. and V. cra<r;s.
Expert, subs. Ar. and P. Explicitly, adv. P. Scappyyfcy, P. and
Exp Exp
V. avTiicpus. Clearly : P. and V. Exposed, adj. W^/wmtf defensive
armour: P. and V. yujuvo? (Eur.,
Explode, v. trans. See burst. Met., Phoen. 1396). Desolate P. and
destroy : P. and V. KaQaipeiv. V V. pi}jLU)9. Harbour less : P. and V.
intrans. P and V. p/yyvucr&xt, Siap- ttAi/Aj/o9. Assailable : P.
An exposed (situation) : P.
Ex^pEsubs. P. and V. , Xei/xxpivoV ; iu same sense use Ar.
TO. Daring deed: P. and V. TO\- and v. 8ucrxf>po9. 2Vie res^ o/' i/z^

/A77/a, TO, /avSui/eu/x-tt, TO,

V. TOA./JLU, ry. Xposod. P. f&qpn/iTaL (i^aprav)
Exploration, subs. Spying out : P. (Thuc. 6, 96). #2?-
TTJ O / <

and V. KttTCUTKOTTty, 7/. posed to the open air: P. and V.

Explore, v. trans. Sp?/ out : P. and Of a child V. :

Y. KttT07TTUlV (X(3n.).
KaT<XO"K07Ttl', Exposed to, liable to : P.
Examine (ground, etc.) : P. and (dat.) ; see liable.
V. ipeuvav (Eur., Hec. 1174.) ; see Exposition, subs. P. d.7ro'8eii9, 7;;
examine, search. Explore before- see explanation.
hand : V. -jrpou&pcuvav. Travel Expostulate, v. intrans. lit annoyed:
through P. ScaTropeiWflut (ace.). P. xtt^r&s ^>cpetv, Ar. and P. <iya-
Explorer, subs. Spy : P. and V. vaKTtv; soe protest. Expostulate
KttTao"/co 7ros, 6

; see apy Traveller : With : P. and V TraptUTeto-flai (aCG.).

P. and V. 68ot7ro'po9, 6. Expostulation, subs.

Explosion, subs. Noise : P and V, ; see entreaty, protest.

i/ro<o9, o, fording,
o (rare P.), Ar. and Exposure, subs Act of
V. V. /Jpo/w?, o, SOUTTOS, P. PTto^ disclosed:
?ruTttyo9, o,

6 (also Xcn. but rare P.), P r6 seo disclosure.

fjajwfML, ; Ex-
posure of children : V. iK^on.?, ?;.
Exponent, subs. P ..
Exposure to the weather : V. 8i5-

Interpreter: P. and V. ^. r .. ,,,. mj ,.. l rraifXta, yy (ZBsch.,555). The


Exponent (of the mil of a tjod) : P. im and heat caused them trouble
tnd V. 7TpO</>7jT779, 6, V. TTpO^T/9, }. through exposure : P. ol re 17X101 /cat
Export, v. trans. P. and V. l&iyew, 7rnyo9 A.i;7rt Sta TO riorreyao-rov (Thuc.
7, 87).

Export, subs. P. eayu>y7/, r/,

KUTU- Expound, v. trans. Soe explain,
Ko/u8/;, r/. tixports: P. TO,
'ay</>- interpret.
/xt/xa (Arist.). Expounder, subs. See interpreter.
Exportation, SUbfl. P. egaywyr;, 77. v. trans. Drclara in words :
Expose, v. trans. kiwwn : P, P, and V. Xeyctv, cwrctv, $pdei.v, V.
cVi'7rctv seo nay.
; Indicate : P.

(Plat.) seo show. ; DMow, and V. 817X0?;^, Set/<vuvat, ^aJvW \ HGO

: P. atld V. aTiwoX'UTnrcu/, V, *Ao?tf. Portray, represent : P. and
(also Plat, but

__*, Ar. and V. *c; j^JWtf (views, /Mlhifjtt, etc.) : P. and
Expose (infant*) : P. and V. V. 7ra/K'xv (or mid.), irptrrWecrOai ;

A.CIV, Ar, and V. cKrt0W. HOO 6xhibitt briny forward* MxprM*

6ar. : P. and V. yi>/xvo9r.
and V. *
thanks : P. an<l V. v 28ewi. x^
to, subject to : P. K&prm (an opinion) : P. and V.
(rim Ttvt). Mxptm (to beasts ft7ro0'uVcrrJ!/af 9 P. aTroScf'Ki'wrfitti.
Y. TrporW&Hu,. Htfj>OM to Express, adj. Otear, explicit : P.
endantjer : Ar. and P. and V. rrrx^y/9. /yTor A/w express
purpoM : UBO esRjyr^^ly, Quick :

L\ and V.
Exp Ext

Express, subs. Use messenger. Extend, v. trans. Hold out : P. and

Expressible, adj. Able to be told: V. Trporei'i /v, 6pc>eiv. Met., o//er
P. and V. &c</>opoff, V. pyros, Ar. and (welcome, etc.) P. and V. irape^ir. .

V. Ae/cTos, Ar. </>aro5. Capable of Lengthen, fwolong P. and V. ^17- .

being pronounced : P. pyros. /eDcew, TeiVctv, /cTiVetv, P. aTTOTetvciv.

Expression, subs. Way or speaking : Extend the wing (of an army 01
P. Ae'fi?, ^. Word spoken : P and fleet) :P. TrapaTetVc.v TO fccpa? (ThuO.
V. Ao'yos, 6, prjp.a, TO. ioo& : P. and 8, 104). V. intrans. P. jcatf^v,
V TTpoVojTrw, TO, /#Aeju./x,a, TO, oi/as ^. SiT^Keii/, TrpoanqKtiv (Xen.),
P. and V.
Exposition : P. diroSct^, 17. ', JSxtend alongside : P. -rapa-
Expressly, adv, j?br t/u* very pur- (absol.), 7rapyKw (absol.),
pose P. and V. iif avrb TOTJTO, P.
. rcivearOat, (absol.). Extend over
CLVTOV rovrov ei/fcq,, cts auro TOUTO. a luide area of sea (of ships) P. :

0?& pwpose P. and V. * 7rpoi/ota9,

. 7Tt TToXv T^S ^oXaO"OT;S 7Ti.'^tI/ (ThUC.

Ar. and P. cTrfr^Scs, P. CK Trapao-KfivfJs ; 1, 50).

see under purpose. Explicitly : Extension, subs. P. IKTCUTIS, T;. JS?!r-
P. and V. &mjcpi's, P. Stappi^v. tension of Lime use cZfi/at/.
wame : P. ovo/xaart. Extensive, adj. Large: P. and V.
Expulsion, SUb3. P. eK/foAi}, 7), cAao-is, ju,eyas, TroAiis. I/0?Z(/ : P. and V.
/xaKpos. TF^e: P. and V. efyifc;
Expunge, v. trans. P. and V. !a- see wide. Abundant P. and V. .

\eifaw, P. ttTToAct^etv ; see erase.

Jfotf to 6e expunged, adj. P. oW- Extensively, adj. Over a loide space:

e/ci/wrros, V. SUOTITTTOS. P. eirl TToAt'. Abundantly : P. and

Expurgate, v. trans. Cleanse : P. V. d<0oVa>s (Eur Frag.). Every-
and V. /ca0<upciv, eKKaQaLpew. where P. and V. .

Expurgation, subs. Cleansing: P. see everywhere.

and V. Ka.0app.6s, o, P. /ca^a/oo-i?, r/. Extent, subs. Greatness : P. and V.
Exquisite, adj. Beautiful: P. and /x,eye#o5, TO, 7rX>5^ ^
To Breadth :
"V. Ka\os. Dowtfy P. and V.
. P. and V. 7;pos, T^ see breadth. ;

V. tt^po? see dehcate.
, Length : P. and V. /^J/cos, TO. Met.,
Luxurious: Ar. and P. TpiJ^epds. importance, greatness : P. and V.
Effeminate : Ar. and P. /xoAttKo's, fjicye&os, TO.
To swcfe aw ea;^ii : P.
Ar. and V. ^aX0a*o's (also Plat, but and V. t5 TOOTOVTO, ct TOO-OVTOV.
rare P.). Charming. Ar. and P. Extenuate, v. trans. Pardon : P,
Xapi'cis, darecos. Of pam, etc. P. and V. cruyyiyWxrKcu' (ace., gen., or

and V. cor^aTos. As subs., dandy : dat.). Diminish : P. /A(OVV.

P. /caAAa>wrnfc, o. Extenuation, subs. Excuse : P. and
Exquisitely, adv. P. and V V. 7rpo$oeris, r/. Pardon: l\ and
Elegantly : Ar. and P. V. cnryyvol^, 17. Admit of extenua-
Gracefully : P. x ttP t Ta) 5- ''' tion : P. and V. o-uyyvoi/A^v cx M/ *

tremely P. and V. o-^JSa. Exterior, adj, Use P. and V. o !<>,

Extant, Be, v. intrans. P Exterior, subs. Use P. and V,
P. and V.
. . .
Extemporaneously, adv. Off-hand :
Exterminate, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. </>ai;Xo)s, P. c t^oXet^ctv, /ca^tttpecv, <fvatptv, V, tK-
wroyutv. rpifiew, iRO&pvi&w ; del>r(r)/.
Extempore, ad). See extempor- Exterminated, adj. Ar. and P. ^*-
aneously. wA^s, P. 7rpoo>A/7$, V. at<77os, 7r(lj///>A7;s,
Extemporise, v. trans. P. a Ar. and V. TTttwAe^pos,
Extermination, subs. P. and V.
Ext Ext

s, 6, Sia<jb0opo, r/, P. P. and Y. atc Os,

) ;
see destnwtwn. P. and V. Excessive :

External, adj. Foreign, alien: P. Extortionately, adv. Excessively

and V. ewuKTos, 7ret<raKTOs, oAAdrpios, P. and V. -Trcpicro-ate ; see excessively.
V. 0fyxuo<?. Outside : use adv., P. Greedily P. TrXcove/cn/cws. .

and V. ^cu, eo>0i'. Extortioner, subs. Use adj., P. and

P. and V, 2o>, V. atorxpo/cfpSr/s.
Externally, adv.
Extra, adv. /?i addition : P. and V
Externals, subs. Use P. and V. crt, Trpos Tovrots, 7ri TOUTOIS, Y. Kat

Trpos, ?rpds (rare P.), Ar. and P.

Extinct, adj. P. and V. <iVr;Aos Trpocreri. ^OJ^ra ^fl^, Subs. P. :

Frag.) see dead. JBc

(JEsch., ;

extinct : use P. and V. OVKCT* cu/ru. Extract, v. trans. P. and V.

Extinction, subs. Destruction : P. (Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and V.
and V. oActfpos, 6, Sia<0opa, 17. Ko-7rav. Evoke : P. and V. e*-
Extinguish, v. trans, P. and V. i, V. ^rfyetv. Ghoose : P.
(Thuc. 2, 77), /ca and V. atpr0<u, efaipetv (or mid.).

see quenc.h. Extract, subs. Seo Passage

Put down : P. and V. in a book : use P. Adyos, o. Passage
in a play : Ar. and P. pr>ts, r).
Extirpate, v. trans. V. Extraction, subs. Lineage : P. and
see exterminate. V. yo/os, TO see lineage. ;

Extirpation, subs. Heo e.r,lermina- Extraneous, adj. P. and V. liraKros,

7TraKTOs, ttAAdr/0105, V. ^aipatos.
Extol, L'rawa: P. and V.
v. trans. Extraneous to : P. dAAdrpios (gen.).
Ar. and V. cftAoyciv, V. Extraordinarily, adv.
, P. and
(rare P.), P. P. ,

Magnify : P. and V. and P. JSJc-

(Eur., 'fiacch. 320) soo exalt. ;centrically : P.

Celebrate in song : P. and V. $$co>, Extraordinariness, subs. Ar. and P.
arorta, r) ; see strangeness.
Extort, v. trans. P. aad V. Extraordinary, adj. P. and V. 0av-
P. UT9rpri'(rcrciv, Ar. and P. Trpa 9, Ar. and P. 8at/xoVio<?,
(T^at, araTrpdcrcrav. T^/CC away ." P. $, aAAdfCfwos, V.
and V. i&upcur&u, )8tV cfatpeurftu. Aos, Nbt?ei ; P. and V. /catvds

Met., ovofto (ic crK, c^c.) : P. and V. seo strange. Imminent, remarkable :

V. cfox<>5. A -
e'KKoActcrflttf, V. ^ayctv (Kur., i)'W^^. \\ and V. ^forpe7T7;s,
770). VercJianw this reproatilt, may ('c-ntric : V. and V. dron-o? (Jtlur.,
hare slipped out, extorted from him /'Va//.J. .4
extraordinary meetiny
by anyer : V. riAX* y/X^e /Ati/ 8>; TO? of the Assembly : P.
roiWtoo? Tttv" &
opyw ftuurQiv (Hoph.,
O./J. 523). Extravagance, ^ubK. Wcwi o/*

Extorted, adj. Cnwtpulsorj/ : V. GOH-(.rt*l : 1*.

oK^xrcttt, 7;, i^pt?, ?;.

piuux, P. and V, thtvyKdlt^. AJ^ P. and V. ffTrtp/JoA^J,


Extortion, subs. Itobbory, theft, : '

traordinar infix* : Ar. and P.
P. and V. /cXo7r>/, y/. f/ra^i : P. ;/. Htjuauderinfj (o/mo?ie// P.
drrojTta, /, TroAimsAetaj y/.

P. and V. afrr)f(jfj
P. and V. rp^7/, >/. Novelty : P,
action: P. 7rp/,<? 5
* i KaiLv&rr)*, 2'A^ir private
'^. means
Extortionate, adj. (r reedy : 1*. through idleness are lost antl wasted
Ext Exu

in extravagance V. TO, $' .Extreme point : P. and V.

Baardvaio'i <povSa 8ta<uydv0* VTT'
dpytas TO IO-X&TOV. You are come to the
(Ear., H. P. 591). extremity of sorrow : V. ^KCIS CTU/X,-
Extravagant, adj Spending too <opa9 -Trpos ToiJcr^dTOv (Eur., Or.
much: P. 8a7rai/?7pds, ctaarros. Owi 447). Go ^o extremities : see (70 io
o/ ifee wat/, extraordinary : Ar. and extremes, under extreme. To the
P. &rp<uT?s. Excessive . P. and Last extremity P. t? TO lo
V. Treptcrcrds. V. efe Tovcrp(aTor.
Extravagantly, adv. Wastefully ; Extricate, v. trans. P. and V.
P. doromos. Expensively : P. 71-0X1;- *A.v/, *0Zei/at, Ar. and P. &roA. etv,
TfAGs. In aw extraordinary way : jBe extricated from : also V. CKKV-
P. aro7ra>$. Excessively : P. and XivBecrOai (gen.) (also Xen.) ; see

V. Trepwro-uk, Trepa (Plat.), #ydv, Afdv, escape

V. cis $7rp/?oA,i7v, P. Ka0' VTrepfioXrjv, Exuberance, subs. Abundance: P.
Ar. and P. -fcreixos see orces- ; a<t>0ovio, 7/, Ar. and P. Treptouorca, r;,
. P. and Y. TrA^os, TO. Fruitfulness:
Extreme, adj. Furthest : P. and V. P. TToXv/capTTta, r; (Xen.).
&TXOLTOS, Topmost : P. and V. a/cpos. Exuberant, adj.
Abundant : P. and
Of degree P. and V. //.eytonros, V.
: V. fy&nw, V. Imppvros. Over-
STrepTttTos. Of evils P. and V. : abundant : P. and V. -rrepwo-ds.
IfT^aros, TcXeuratos. Last P. and Fruitftd : P. and V. ly/capro? (Plat.),

V. TeXevraTos, eo^o/ros, VOTO-TOS. er/capTros (Plat.), Ar. and P.

jfYlfi TroAii-

extreme of : P. and V. fhrp/3o\y /capwos (Plat.) ; see fruitful. Of

(gen.). Go o extremes, v. P. and spirits Ar. and P. VCUVIKOS.
: :

V. Exuberantly, adv. P. and V. a<0d-

vws (Eur., Frag.). Overmuch: P.
extreme penalty of the law :' P. rats and V. 7r/)i<7o-ai5. Ira exuberant

<rxarat? ^rjfJLtavs KoXd&o-Qat (Lys. spirits : Ar. and P. vcavwcGs.

123). Kifee extreme measure : 1*. Exudation, subs. Exudation from
and V. &vqK<rr6v n Spar, P dii/- trees : V. tfyxos, 6, Safcpi', TO, o-raXay-
/cco-rdv fiovkeiw (Thuc. 1, 132).
Extremely, adv. P. and V. tr^dSpa, Exude, istf ^roj? : P. and
v. trans,
/x,dtXa, Ar. and V. Ktipra (rare P.), V. Xttpw (Plat, but rare P.), V. ^

V. efdxco?, Ar. and P. vTrcp^vfa, P. o*Ttt^iv, KttTaora^civ. intl'iins.V

D/ijp : P. and V, Xc^eo-ftu (Plat.
but rare P.), Karaora^v (Xen.),
Extremity, subs. 2Vw extremity of: oroetv (Plat, bui rare P.), V. Am-
use P. and V. adj co-^aro?, a/cpoy in o-Tai^eWi <TTaXa<r<rew See drip. ',

agreement with subs., e.g., /^ Exult, v. intrans. P. and V. x a W* LV i

extremity of the Line; P. and V. (xyoAAeo-^at (also Ar. but rare P.),
TCI&S co-x&ryl see ^crflffi. iZ7ie ea;-
yeyvjOwat (also Ar. but rare P.) (perf .

tremities of the feet : P. TrdScs aicpot, of yvflew). Exttit in : P. and V.

V. TroSoiv aK^ttt. The extremity of (dat.), TepTTfio-^at (dat.), eft-

the island : P. -njs v^crov TO.

cc^ara ayoAAccr^w (dat.)
(Thuc. 4, 30). S^rnp left in uut- Ar. but rare P.), V. Kwrtwxciv
tiny: P. and V., r). T/^e (dat.). JBxult over: P. and V.
extremities, furthest points : P. and X<upew (dat. or 7n?, dat.), cTrtxatpctv
V. ra eor^ttTtt. !FAc extremities of (dilt.), ytyrficvat. (dat. or ^7r)f, dtit.)
the body: P. ciKpomypia, ra (Thuc. (also Ar. but rare P.) (perf. of
2, 49). Met., extravagance, excels : yi?0tv), V. S7rp^a</>tv (dilt.), yau-
P. and V. ftTreppoXvi, >) ; see also (dat.), x^8ai (dat. or fcrf,

Exu Fao

dat.), 1239). Recover one's eyesight

P. tyjjfarOcu, (dat, or absol.) ; : Ar.
see also mock. and. P. CLVOLJ3\7rlV.
Exultant, adj. P. and V. ^p^ap^s, Eye-witness, subs. P.
ycy^ais (also Ar.
but rare P.), Ar. 6, P. and V.

and V. yaupos. V. *a- r,


Exultantly, adv. Cheerfully : P. Eyot, subs. See island.

and V. cu0v/i<o$ (Xen.). Gladly : Eyry, subs See
P. and V. ^ScW, dor^cVos.
Exultation, subs. P. and V. xfya,
jj, x<W">vi7, ri (Plat, but rare P.), V,
TO, ro yavpov t
i?~. Ofy'ecJ o/ Fable, subs. P. and V. 6, ,

Xap/wa, TO. 6. : P. and V.

P. and V. o>0aXjLwfe, 6, Old wwes' fables : P. ypawv
Eye, subs.
oft/Mi, TO'(Thuc. and Plat, but rare 6 (Plat.). To have passed into the
P.), 5<fi?> h Ar. and V. *6>7, ^ V. region of fable : P. M
TO /x-u^fiSc?
also use auyiy, r/, KvfcXos, 6, cKvciwqKwat (Thuo. 1, 21). Narrate
Scpy/x-ttTtt, T<, <a>9,
TO (Eur., (Jycl. in fables, v. trans. P. /wtfoA^yeti'

633); also in V. are found a dat. (ace.).

pi., co-Grots,
and gen. pi., o<nra/; see Fabric, subs. Of cloth P. and V. :

also look. Shut the eyes, v. P. &ao>wz, TO, 7r\oK/i, TI (Plat.), v<f>a(,

and V. pveLV (Plat.), P. cnv^'civ al (Plat.), V. ^^a<r/x, r6. Com-

Ar. KaTa/jen'. Black eye; position : P. and V.
P. and V. iSVa>7rM>i', TO (Bur,, P. crvi'Ta^is, f), o-uo-racrtSj
Satyrical poem also Ar.). Having Fabricate, v. trans.
; Construct: P.
a black eye : Ar. jVo)7 and V. a-vvrWwai,
Give a black eye : P. TOLS o ', P. /caTacr/ce-ua^ew/

o-uy/cXflW (Dem, 12/59). and V. 7rA.a<ro-av. Trump up :

Eye, v. trans. P. and V. P. and V. 7r\ao-(rtv, P. onj///>,
(ets, aco.), ourofik&rcw (<*s, ace.), Ar.
and V. AeiWeiv (aco.), Fabricated, adj. Fictitious : P. and
(ace.), V. T/wo-oYpjceatftti (ace.), V. TrXtto-Tos (Xen.).
8epKo-i9a6 (ace.) ; see /oo ai. Fabrication, subs. Construction :
Eye-ball, subs. P. and V. KU'PTJ, >/, P. /caTaflPKCv-x/, y;. -4<3A of concocting :
V. yXiyn/, r/. P. lo-Kcvwpta, ^. Concoction : P.
Eye-brow, aubs. Ar. 7rirr*cwtov, TO'.
7rXaO*/Att, TO, (T/C00)pT7jU.a, TO.
Eye-disease, subn, Ar. and P. u^QoX- Fabricator, subs. Jfa/fce?' ; P. and
/u'a, ry. S'^ir /row eye-disease, v. : V. TC'/CTW, o, 8^/xtovpyos, 6, V. /r^-
Ar. and P. o^aA.wai/ (Xon.), , 6 or r/.
Eye-holes, subs. Uye-holes in a Fabulous, adj. P. /w0</>8f/s.
shield : V. *< (Eur,, creatures : P,
Pkom. 1386). (Plat.).
Eye-lash, subs. Ar. and P. Face, Hubn, P. and V. TrpoVwTroi', TO,
? (Xen.). <5^fc, / ; in
V. also use tyOaXfAos, A,
Eye-lid, subs. P. and V. TO. If&GQ of & wall, etc. : P f

TO (Plat., Km. 40;

also' Ar.) T<>. The front of anything ;
(generally pi.). UHO .P. and V. TO Tpocrflcv, J\ TO
Eye-sight, subs. P. and V. Ityk, }. t/u7rporri9v. O/ <^w arwM/ 1 1*. and
When he xaw Ms w/exiyht failing V. /AJrcDiro}/! TO (Xen.). with beaut'i-
hlWl ; P. ^TreioVy yjcrOcro . TOV fulftwe, adj, Ar. and P. twrpoVciww
. , ;

tttVov 7rpo8ffioi ra (Dem. /

(Pint.) ; soo beautiful. Mwe /.</

Fac Fac

face, use adj., P. and V. (Thuc. 2,' 15). -Face round: P.

V. avrios (Plat., Tim. 43E, but rare and V. p.era.crTpifacrOa.1.
P.), dvTiJp^s adv., P. and V. evavriov, Facetious, adj.
P. and V.
V. Kara oro//,a (also Xen.). When see witty.
brought face to face with the crisis : Facetiously, adv. P. see
V. Karaoras ts dya>v* kvovrlov (Eur., ivittily.
Frag.). Lurking in secret or en- FaCetJOUSneSS, subs. P.
gaging him face to face : V. r) (Xen.).
KaTaoras 77 Kar O/JLJA eXOi*. Facile, adj. Nimble, active: P. and
(Eur., And. 1064:). Face to face V. cXa^/oos(Xen), Ar. and V.
with . P. and V. o-ro>a (gen.) Beady, glib : Ar. and V.
To P. KO.T
one's face
: V.
(Xen.), V. Kar O/X./AOI, Kar P. and V.
(Eur., Or. 288), P. and Y. Facilitate, v. trans. With personal
In face of, in consideration of, prep. :
subject P. and V.
: o-7r<nj8eii/, eVto-Treij-

P. and V. Trpo's (ace.). They stood Sciv. With non-personal subject :

shaking their spears in the face P. irpo^epsw (els, ace.).

of the foe : V. ctmyo-ai/ avriirp&pa Facility, subs. Base : P. aud V. "

o-aWes /3t\i) (Eur., El. 846). On eu/jwSipeia, P. efy^peia,

one's face, face forward: V. facility, easily : P. /ACT*
Look in the face : P. and V. V. &' U7rertas. Facilities for : P.
efc V. tvavTiov Xe7reiv (aco.), svTTOjOta, 17 (gen.) see means. Per-
(aoc.), '

wpooryS\7rtv cvavTtoi/ (ace.), (Ivrtf mission, authority : P. and V.

o-^at (acc.), Ar. pkeTrsiv evaim'a

1239) (absol). I>0 t^o^ Jfafi Facing, adj. P. and V.

Wj? 2/oztr -yo'ice awd dare to look these (dat.), V. Avrto? (dat.) (Plat, also
men in the face ? P. etra crv fyOfyyti but rare Overlooking : V.
Kat ^X^Trctv ets TOUTCOV? rrpo'crcuTra ToX- fcaroi/rios (gen.). Prop. Opposite :
/x^s,(Dem. 320). Wliat face can P. and V. Kurd (aCC.), P.
I show to my father ? V. 7roun> o^a (gen.), Ka.ra.vTiKp-6 (gen.) ; or use
TTttTpt S^XwOTO) ; (Soph., ^1^. 462). adv., JP. and V. ci/avrtov, V.
Save i/te face to (with infin.) P. : P.
and V. ToXjutttj/ (infin.), dfcouv (infin.), (T7w )
fear/ a
Facing, subs.
P. d7roToX/Attv (infin.), o/ rjfeww and dressed hides :
Ar. and V.
TX^vai (innn.) (2nd aor. of TXSv). P. (TO TO^OS) irpoKaXvfiifjLara cl^e
Face, v. trans. Endwre: P. and V. Scppew *ai St^epas (Thuc. 2, 7r5).
u^i'o-rao'&u, atpo-^at, P, Fact, subs. P. and V. <pyov, TO,
^, V. TO. Jfiveni : P. and V.
see c?jfZ?trc. Hava no /ear o/; P. d, 7% Ar. and P.
and V. Qapa-eiv (aco.). Dare : P. ': P.andV.
and V. ToX/xav (Eur., H. F. 307). As a matter of f<tct (as opposed to
Oppose : P. and V. av0rra<r0cu apparently) : P and V. tpyo>. Those
(dat.), vavTio9<r&n (dat.) who look for the facts of the case :

lf(3fii Wt ia^Zfi ; P. and V. P. Ol Tf)V <\.Kplf$WW ^T/TOUJ/rCS T<OV

(dat.), (rvfjLpdhkew (dat ), ttvrtTao-<T- (Antiphon, 139). You
o-Oat, (dat.) ;
see wse^. Be opposite : discover the facts of the case :
P. ef cvavnas /ca^wrrao-(9aA (Thuo. 4r, P. ??TtT VOLV T))V U^fiBfLdV TWV
33). Loofc towards (of situation) :
yeywquww (Tsae 70). Beally: P.
P. 6/>ai/ Trpo? (ace.), y^AeVcti/ 7rpo$ (aoc.) and V. ovr<os, P. TO> <>j^rt'. ^4,v ^/te
(Xen.). jPac^ sowi/ft : P. TT/JO? vorov /<nc^ themselves proved : P. w? aiVo
fperf. pass, of rpeirew) TO cpyov ^8r/Xa)o-e (Dem. 928). U is

Fac Faf

not the same thing to state a surmise Fail, v. trans. With non-personal
and proclaim what is said as a fact : subject P. 4/cAet'Treu/, Ar. and P. :

V.TOUTO 8' ovx* ylyverai So/o/criv CITTCIV 7rt\t7T6tv. Leave "in the lurch : P.
K ttaKpij3S>(rai Ao'yov (Soph., Track. and V. A.i7Tiv, TrpoXcwretv, KctTttAei'-
425). Trctv, irpoievat (or mid.), TrpoStSovat.
Faction, subs. P. and V. orao-is, ^. You fail your friends in time of
People forming a faction : P. and V. trouble : V. awavSas a/ ica/cois ^tXoio-i
orao-ts, 17, P. orvarraoris, ^. The Syra- (rot? (Bur., -4wd. 87). WTiew he saw
cusan faction : P. ol TO. Svpa/coo-iW his eyesight failing him : P. cTretS?/
<povowTs. Free from faction, adj. :
rj<r9TO . TOV 6(pOaXfjiov avrov wpo-
. .

P. aorao-iaoros. Be torn by faction, StSovTa (Dem. 1239). V. intrans

V. : Ar. and P. crracriafeiv. Jbm Of personSt meei with ill-success :
in faction P. cruoTcwria^ctv (absol.).
: P. and V. /xapT(xviv, o-^aAAecr^at,
Factious j adj. P. orracricDTiKos, orracrt- Trratetv, P. ttTroruy^avctv,
acrrtfcos. V. AfLTrA^tKctv (2nd aor.),

FactlOUSly, adv. P. <rra<rtcurrfcKa)5. (2nd aor.). J3<3 wz-

Factiousness, subs, P. and V. and V.P. Svo-riJxctv, Ar.
orotrts, fj, P. TO o-TacrttoTi/coV. and P. ttTv^etv. Of things, noi to
Factor, subs. Pori : P. and V. //.epos, succeed : P. and V. fca/cw

TO. Ite a factor in, contribute to-

wards a result : P. and V. o-u/x- mine will fail : V. TO, rovSe /ACV
/fciAAccrflat (eis, ace, ; V. gen. without 7T7rpay/x.i/' IcrTat TCX/AO. 8* "fffJLapnfjfjLeva.
prep.) ;
see contribute. (Soph., 0. J5. 620). ffwa o : P.

Factory, subs. Ar. and P. epyoo-nj- and V. ^cAewreiv, cAActVetv, Ar. and
ptOV, TO. V. AcfWi/ (rare and P.
P.), Ar.
Faculty, subs. Capacity : P. and 7rtAt7Ttv. Go bankrupt: P. and
V. Status, 97, Power, licence: P. V. avaarKVtiecrQai 866 bankrupt. ;

and V, i?ourrt'a, 17. The faculties of Play P. and V. fcirenrelv, irapi(r9ai

: \

the body : P. at oWayu,eis. see /Za//. M"y limbs fail : V. AvTat

Fade, v. trans. Itfafcc to wither
: P. Se jnou /A^ (Eur., ffec. 488). Bent
and V. jLuipatVctv, V. tf/iavpoDv (also spine and failing knee ; V. StTrAi}
Xen. but rare P.) see waste. V. ; aKav&a KCU, -TraAtppOTrov yow (Eur.,
intrans. P. and V. fuipaiWor&u, jfifZ.
492). Fail (to do a thing) : P.
c^av (Plat.), V. &ro<0W, Kcmx- and V, ov SiWrftu (infin.), OUK lx v
<f>6tvw, P. aTro/wipttiWr&u (Plat.) ;
(infin.). Fail in, not succeed in :
see w&sta. Pwfl fWi?a7/ ; Ar. and P. 8ux/xapravetv (gen.), ttTroruyxoiKeii/
V. TiqKCrt)a.l,, V. ^KTTfJK(r6at 9 (n>VTT/K- (gen.), P. and V. a/*apTaviv (gen.),
o-0af, KttTaTKcXXetr^ttt, Ar. and P. <r^aAA.(r^at (gen.), a7ro(r<)E>aAA(r^ai
K<XTttT^ieo-0<u (Xen.) ; see wither. (gen.), V. d/ATrAaicctv (gen.) (2nd
Lose bloom: Ar. and P. aTravfotk aor.). The gloom of night is dan-
Of colour P. clmyXos yiyvurfau
gerous to fail in : V. ivSvcrrv^vja-at
(Plat.). Met., pa,s attw/ : P. and 8tvov ttypowjs Kvtyas (Eur,, Phoen.
V. ^TTOppeti/, 8tappti/ V. $&tviv (rare 727). Ito wanting in : P. and V.

P.). ^AAetVctv (gen.), cwroAetTrccrflat (gen.),

Faded, adj. Ar, and P. <rtt7r/*5s. V. ActTreotfai (gen.).
TTnn^W: P. and V. /Swo's; soo Failing, prep. Except : P. and V.
wasted. irA-^V. Failinfj this ; P. and V. ct
Fagot, subs. P, ami V. ^^\o5, 6 8^ /wj. /^si o/ aW, fe^ us make
(Bur,, Oycl. 242). ^V/oi5 : Ar. terms for ever. Failing that . . . ;

and P. ^prfyam, Tct, V. P. /AfxAwrra i&v efe dfSto^

rd (Soph., 7/Vrt</,). 2 8
M (Thuc. 4, 63).
. . .

Fai Fai

Failure, subs. P. and V. r5/xop<^os, Ar. and V.

a/juipTia, TJ, P. d/mpTYjjLia, TO, Favourable, auspicious .

TO. Piece o/ rfWwcfc : P. P. and V. KoXo's, ^/w>s (Plat.),

TO, , TO, drvj^'a, , Y. Scfto5, VfJLCv^t irpeu/JLarfs,
P. d?rpata, Ar. and Y. <uo~u>s (also Xen. but
P. and Y. oWTrpo&'a, 77. rare P.). Of wind : P. and V.
ciency : P. &8aa, 17, 2XXe/ris, 17. oifptos. A fair wind : V. oflpos, 6
Fain, adj. I wcwZd /am see : use P. (also Xen.).
Of weather : P. fuStos
and Y. r;oVa>s oV i5ot/xt, a<rp.vos or (Xen.). Pair weather : P. and V.
OU7/XVO)5 O,!/
$Ot/L. cuSta, 17. I/ all be fair now between
Faint, adj. Indistinct : P. you and Thebes: V. Tawri <5)^at9
V. djLiavpos ; see dm. TFeafc physi- el TCLVW V?}/JLpL KaX(i>9 TO, WflOS O"
cally : P. and Y. dcr&V/fo P. (Soph., O. 0. 616). Just : P. and
prjfcios, dppaxrros,
V. oVoX/as, AvapOpos. V. Sfcaw, v8t/co5, opW?. Equitable:
Limp : V. -fiypos, &cA.i;Tos. Met., P. and Y. &ros, ITTLGLK^. Impartial :
P. and V. XCTTTO?, P. and V. KOIVOS. .% /air means :
see fairly. Reasonable : P. and
Faint, subs. See Y. cuXoyo?, etfcdis, euwpgTriJff ; see
Faint, v. intrans. J?/a0: P. and Y. specious. When he comes I will

dwrewmv, Traprco-tfai, Kajua/ew (rare P.), speak him fair : V. /^oXovrt 8

pOKCi/x,V> (rare P.) P. ,

776) Mb^eraie: P and V.

Swoon : P V.
use subs., P. and V.
aTTOirXTjo-o-co-flai, P. and Y. 17.
Use fair words, v. P. :

Ar. upaKiav. I swoon and V. eu^/jicti/.
my limbs faint : V. wpoXewrco Fair, subs. Gathering of people for
5c ^OT; fccXi/ (Bur., JET^c. 438). .Lose merry-making, etc. use P. and V. .

P. and V. ufo/wiv ; see loprr/, 17, Trav-iyynpis, ^ see /eas^.


Fair-armed, adj. V. KaAAt^x^.

Faint-hearted, adj. P. and V. Fairly, adv. Ausp'icioudy : P. and
P. Y. V. c3, KaXw5, evrii^ois, i*Sctt/x,ovo)5, V.
; see Justly : P. and Y. 8t/u<Ds,
cowardly. Not eager : P. a?rpo- p6(09, P. WTO)?, C7T/t/CO)5; SOO
justly. Moderatelt/ : P. and V.
Faint-heartedly, adv. P. /-cerptW ; see tolerably. Reason-
JWoi eagerly P. d7rpo^jit(o5.
ably : P. and V. ewco'rcos, euXo'ycus.
Faint-heartedness, subs. P. and V. exceedingly : P. and V.
ai/av8pta, ^, V. o/tt;xi'a.

^ ;
see coioardice. Hesitation : P. Fairness, subs. Whiteness : P.
and Y. OKVO?, 6. 7). Justice : P. 8t/cato-
Faintly, adv. .Nb cUarty: P. do-a- Gorrectness : Ar. and P.
<^a)5, Y. Svcr^ptTCDs. Slightly, weakly: 7;. Sqitablenesti : P. on-
P. 7), Y. TOU7riC,/CS.

Faintness,subs. Weariness : P. and Fair-spoken, adj. P. and Y.

V. /COTTON, 6. Weakness ; P. and V. (Plat.).
d<r0eVx, 17 (rare Y.). Fairy, subs. Use P. and V.
Fair, adj. Of colour, as opposed to Fairies of the stream: V.
dark : P. and Y. XCVKOS, V. Kopoii ; see ej/.
Beautiful : P. and V. /caXo's, Fairy, adj. Use Ar. and V. a
Of personal appearance Fairylike, adj. Use Ar. and
: V.
P. and V. (Plat.), V. cuo'Xos; or use loinyed.
Fai Fai

or dat.) (also Xen. but rare

Faith, subs. P. and
V. marts, ^. (aco
V. V. (aoc. or dat.) ;
Faithful, adj. P. and V. -TTUTTO'S, P.), Trpocm-tTi/ctv

/ccSvos. Trustworthy : P. O&OT-IOTOS, see worship. Fall foul of : P.

P. and V. /3e/3<uos. Keepwg one's <Ti;/x,7ri7rTtv (dat. or Trpds, aco.), Trpoor-
oath : P. and V. etfop/cos. triirreiv (dat.), irpoorjQoAAeiv (Trpd?,

Faithfully, adv.
P. rs ace see dash against.
) ; Met., P.
Faithfulness, subs. P. and V. morris, irpo(TKpoijiv (dat. or absol.). Fall
P. from (powet, etc.) : P. and V.
j), -TTtCTTOT^S, ^.
and V. &TIO-TOS. P. cKm7rrcLv (gen. or eic, gen.). .PaZZ
Faithless, adj.
Ar. and P. em'opfcos. i?i, subside
P. tfavecv (Thuc. 2,
Perjured :

Ar. and V. SoA^os see 76). Collapse P. and V. <TU/A- .

Oa/fy : ;

TrtWetv, irbmiv, Ar. and P. Ktirap-

Faithlessly, adv Craftily: Ar. and pyy warden, Of debts ]?.
/carappclv. :

V. V. cruv So'Axo, ev So'Xct), P. cTnyiyvfcrQai. Fall in love with :

P. and V. tpav (gen.), V. cts epov
# bnpovXij's ;
see craftily.
Faithlessness, subs. P. and V. TTtTrrctv
(gen.) see foye. -PaM in

Perjury: P. with, 'meet : P. and V. rvyx^vetv
- (gen.), (TWTvyxttvciv (dat. ; V. gen.),
Falchion, subs. Use sword. ^
vruyx&Vw (dat.), Siravrav (dat.) ;

P. and V. iepa, o see meet, Ught upon ; met., accept :

Falcon, subs.
Y. P. and V. 8X<r0cu, bMxcatiai. Fall
(Plat.), KipKos, o.
P. and V. wrrv, Into : P. and V. etomwrav
Fall, v. in trans. (P. c/s,
KaTttTriTrreiv (Bur., Cfyc/.), V. m'rmv.
ace. ; V. ace. alone or dat. alone),
6 TTtWav
Falling star: V. SioTre-n/s do-r^p, (ets, ace.), Ifwrarrew (ets, ace.) ;

(Eur., Frag.).
Fall in ruins: P. met., /aiZ i/jio misfortitne, etc. : P.
and V. oTJ/wrwrrcu', Ar. and P. * arap- and V. irepln-LTrrw (dat.), cpjriTTTtiv

pctv, /cttTpp?}y'V<r0<u,
P. Trept/curappeo', (cts, aoc.), mVmv ts

V. mot., fo rttiwd : P. TriVrciv (dat.) ; of a river see dis-

pei7T<T0at ',

and V. cr<aX\(r0<u, mwmv (rare P.) ; charge itself into. Fall off : P.
see under TOM. Die : P. an<l V. amnrnrrcip ; See tVMlble off. Slip
TA.irrav ; soo die. Fall in battle : off: P. Trcptppctv. Fall away: P.
V. flrwrrwi'. Z>/'0# (JO dowtl : P.
and V. 8tappti/, ^Troppctv; met.,
and V. lii'Icvai ;
see aiato, Of s/aTJiZ atoo/; P. and V. dtyforajtrOai,
: P. dv/'cvat, cmm'cwu. riro(rT(iTtv (Plat.). Deteriorate :
prifl? o/ corn fell : P. eTrai/iJfecj/ P aTTO/cXcVeiv, ciorwrmv, t(<rra.(r6u.i.
Jlecoma less: P. J?aW
wW) o OTTOS (Dcin. 889).
jPaW ow^
against : P. and V. KTU.UW o?& ;
jWZ w;;r)7j, : P.
jFa/Z aste;; : V. s and V. ^K7rt7TTiv, P. (liroTrtTTTctv ; mot.,
Trwrrcti/, J'Wf at
or use v. sZ&Jp. HOG qmrrel, happen. Fall over,
{the knees of a person) : soe under xtumbla af/ainst : P. and V. TrratW
knee. Fall away : V. and V. <l7rop- (TT/XK, <iat.). Fall overboard: P.
ptw, Stappctv. Stand aloof : P. and
and V. c/orwrmv. -PVf-K 5/Aor^ : fleo
V. tt<rratr0<u, aTrorrrare^ (Plat.). under short. Fall through ; P. and
/'"'aW 6aoA; ; P. and V. avfarhrTctv ;
V. ou Trpt>xtttp*w ; see /aU.
of an army see retire. : Fall back (one's lot) : P. and 7. Trpot
on, have recourse to ; P. and V. (dat.), wpfiaLMw (dat.),
Tpejwflai irprfs (ace.). Fall behind : (dat.) (Plat, but rare P.),
P. and V. ftmpcu', \wr<r0at, FttW ptirew (abaol), P. eVt^oXXav (ab-
rfr;w;n : P. and V. K<LTu.mtrrw (Ear., sol.).
Fall to (in eating). Ye who
Cycl,), or use /aW. Fall down at hungered before, fall to on the hare :
or before ; Ar. and V. Trpocnrwrretv Av.
Fal Fal

Xccrfo TCUV XaycjW (Pax, 1312). Fall Fallible, adj. P. evef-

to pieces Ar. and P. 8t&,

flee fall away, collapse. Fall to Fallow, adj P. dpyo's. Lie fallow :
work : P. and Y. epyov tyco-Oca see P. opyciv (Xen.). ;
Falloio land :
address oneself to. Fall upon a P. vo (Xen.). ff ,

weapon : Ar. and P. False, adj. P.andV.^Sifc. Falsely

(dat.), Y. Trwrreiv irept (dat.).
Fall named, called by a false name : V.
on one's knees : Ar. and Y. \lfvSa>vvjj.o$. Made up : P. and Y.
(also Xen. but rare P.), V. TrXacrros (Xen.) see fictitious. ;

rvetv', see under knee. At- Spurious : P. vo'tfos, Ar. and P.

tack P. and V. Trpocnrarrav (dat.),
Trap^/x-os, P. and V. /a'/SfyXos. Of
e?OTrwrre/ (Trpos, ace.), lirexew (eTri. money P. and V. Ki6\7\os, Ar. :

dat.), eircpxea-Qcu (dat., rarely ace.),

and P. Trapeses. Of hair P. :

Trpocr/SaXXc.v (dat.), euroXXeiv (cis ?rpoo-0Tos (Xen.). Supposititious :

or Trpos, ace.), e/xTrtTrTeiv (dat.) (Xen., Y. virojQXrjros. Untrustivortliy P. .

also Ar.), cTrcunrurreu' (dat. or ace.") and Y. STTKTTO? False to one's

(Xen.), V
ccf>opfia.v (or pass.) (dat.) oath : see forsworn.
(rare P.),
P. n-poo-^cpeo'tfai (dat.), Falsehood, subs. P. and Y. i/rdJSos,
- - -

(dat.), Ar. and P. W- TO', Y. i^dos, TO, P. i/revSoXoyta, rf.

(dat.), eTrL^etpctv (dat.). Tell falsehoods, v. P. and V.:

ivpon the action .* JP. w^ \lfevBto-6at, V. j^eu&Tyopctv, i^euBooTO-

TO? 6py<j> (Thue. 4, 25). pew. Tell falsehoods against : Ar.
Fall , subs. P. and V. and P. /caTai/reu'Sco-tfai (gen.). Telling
Trr5>/wi, TO' (Plat.),
V. 7T<n7/jia, TO. P. falsehoods, adj. : Ar.
Met., doivnfall :

and V. &a<0opa, ^, oXeflpos, 6 see Falsely, adv. P. and V.


downfall. Capture (of a town): sely : see ieZZ falsehoods,

P. and V. Xoxrts, ^, P. under falsehood.
In wrestling P. and V. :
Falseness, subs. Untrustworthiness:
TO. JPaZZ o/ s^zoiy. It was winter P. and Y. airurrLa, y.
aTid ifeerfi was a /aZZ o/ ST^OZW : P. False prophet, subs. V.
X^^v fy KOL wo/i<e (Thuc. 4, 103). 6 or fj.
J?aB of rain : Ar. and P. veros, o, False witness, subs. P.
TO see rain.
Fall of the ta, ^. OTIC who bears false witness :
year, autumn : P. fterorrtopov, TO, P. ^-evSo/AapTus, 6. JBcar /aZs^ wit-
v, TO, Ar. and Y. oTnopo, 17. ness, V. P. \//V&OfJia.pTi)plv. :

Fallacious, adj. jPaZse : P. and V. Falsify, v. trans. Tamper with : P.

P. and Y. Xv/wuVco-flat (Ear, Fray.).
Holloiv, P. and V.
unsound :
Disappoint, frustrate : P. and V.
Xos, cra^po?. Delusive : V. o-^ttAAcH/. /:teM0 ; P. and Y. i/rei'Se-

Fallaciously, adv. Falsely : P. and (T^at, V. tl/V$W.

V. ^cvSto?. subs. Use P. and V. TO
Fallacy, subs. jPafee argwrwmtf; P. ^vS5. Difiapjwinttnent, frustra-
TrapaywyiJ, ^. : Ar. and
Sophism tion : P. and V. cr<ttX/x,u, TO, P.
P. o-o'^to-Mct, TO
see also falselwod.
; irral<r/jia, TO*

Fallen, adj. Lit., V. xfyjtowren7s, Falter, v. intrans. P. and V.

s, P. and V. /ctjU,VO9. Met., lv, P.
see smfuL Fallen by the Faltering, adj. P. fon^o*
spear: V. f Fatten from v.
7ieai; w : V. subs. P. and V.
Fallibility, subs. P. and V. 6.

4 (Plat.). Falteringly, adv. P. oKVrypws (Xen.).

Fam Fan

Fame, subs. Rumour: P. and V. Xct9 Tac9 -TTO/Wci'ats at 7rpO9 TOLS rvpdv-
vov9 avTat X/av ojntXiat (Dem. 71).
/cA.09, TO, and V. <fm9,
Ar. Familiarly, adv. , Intimately : Ar.
Celebrity : P. and V. and P. olKctws. Hab'itibally : P.
8d|tt, >/, u8oia, 17, tti<o/xa, TO, /cX09, ^i/a6Z^ : P. and V,
TO (rare P ),
Ar. and V.
Family, subs. Race : P. and V.
Honour: P. and V. TI/XT;, 17; see ycVo9, TO, Ar. and V. yei/i/a, /;,
honoivr. yov?;, ^, (TTrcp/ztt, TO, ptga, r/, ptfw/xa,
Familiar, subs. One's familiar gen- TO ; see sfocfc. Household P. and

ius : P. and V. SOI/UUP, o or r/, P. V. ot/co9, o, P. orVaaj ^, Ar. and V.

Sat/AOVtOV, TO. Soifia, TO, 8d/xo9, 6. The reigning
Familiar, adj. Intiwiate: P. 0^09, family : P. ^ Tupaw^T; otKta (Dem.
ypo>pi/A09, o-ui/>7$)79.
Be on familiar '22). With all one's family : use

terms with (a person) P. xprivQw adv., P. 7ravoiK7?o-ia. Offspring,

(dat.), ypa>pi//.o>9 c^ctv (dat.), (rui'7;0o>9
child: P. and V. 7ra?9, o or ^,

l^ei!' (dat.).
Well-knozun : P. and c/cyovo9, o or
see offspring Of
^ ;

V. uyvo>o~ro9, yv(ooro9,
P. yi'G>pt/xo9 the same family,adj. : P. and V.
V. cfyittflifc (also Xon.). Custom- o-vyycvifc, o/jtoycv^ (Plat.) see kin- ;

ary : P. and V. o-iV^//9, 2a)^a>9, dred. Family troubles : V. <yyci^

t^to ju,ei/o9, ^^& (Dem. 605), ica/ca, TCI. Of good family : ee
P. <W/>o<o9. A/able . P. p^'8to9, high-born.
/con'09, P. and V. u- Famine, subs. P. and V. Xl/xds, o,
V. tto-tTia, ^, P. o-tToScta, r/.

Familiar with (thing*), Famish, v. intrans. Be hungry : P.
experienced in : P. and V. and V. Trciv^i/ (Soph., Frag.).
(gen.), ^7rt(TT>7/x<of (gen.) Famished, adj. P. and V.
(dat.), and V. rptftw (ace. or
Ar. V.
gen.), V. t8pc9 (gon.)- Knowiny :
famished, v. : Ar. and P.
V. torwp (gen.) (also Plat, but rare (Xen.).
P.). 50 familiar with, have ex- Famous, adj. P, and V.
perience of9 v. P. and V. 6/'

Familiarise, v. trans. /Ifcm'tow; P.
and V. ^',
P. (rui/(S/6fir. T/^7/ . and
familiarise their rhythms and liar- V. KXo/<>9 (Plat, also but rare P.),
monies to the minds of the children : V. tVAc?j9, TrpcTrrd-s. Bo.fanious, v :

P. TOU9 pU^/AO^S T Kill TOL9 p/iOVt(TJJ9 Ar. and P. c^oKt^ctv, P. -and V.

i'8o^ctv (Eur,, Jthes.). J3c famous
(Plat., Pro*. for: P. and V. So&i/ cv-eti/ (gen.).
Familiarised with : P. Splendid, fine : P. and V. X
(dat.). Famously, adv. P. and V.
Familiarity, subs. Intimacy P. (Xen.).
Fan, subs. /'Vwt /ov wwmowhiy : V.
Affability : P. ewrpo(rr;yopta, 7;, XtKI'OV, TO (HopH., ^Va{/.), TTTVOV, TO

^tXavSpwWtt, 17. F<miliarity with, (yKKch., Fray.). Fan for raising

experience in: P. and V. a UwM : Ar, ptTr
^ (gen.), (gon.), P. Fan, v. trans, jtto&e to a flame : Ar.
yy (gen.). jP/ii* over-fami- iTnrifav. Had there been a wind to
liaritywith tyrants is not safe for fan tlwflcme P, TT^V/WI l :
consttutional states : P. ofc TO ^Trt^opov (Thuo, 2, 77). met.,
Fan Far

stir up: P. and V. eycipeu/, KLVCIV, and V. cVi&Vieiv (gen.) , see desire,
e&yetpeiv; see stir. To such an persons) : like. Take a fancy (to
extent did these men fan the flame
P. 0iAopovtoi9ai (ace.). !TaA;e (a

of enmity : P. ovro p-^xp 1 Trdppo) person's) fancy use attract, please.

TrpoTTyayov OVTOL T^V \Qpa.v (Dem. Fancy, v. trans. P. and 8oofc/, V
282). Cool : P. and V. ^ffceiv, Ar. and V. Sofc/ (rare P.) (absol).
&vaifru)(w, V. Karaij/iJ^eLV- Suspect : P. and V.
Fanatic, subs. Use fanatical, adj. TTTrovocti'. Like P. .*

Fanatical, ad]. Obstinate: P. and (dat.) ; see like.

V. av6d$ri<s, (TKXTjpos Mad : P. Fane, subs. See temple.
and V. jaavttuS^s, Ar. and P. /jiavucd?. Fang, subs. P. and V. 6, or
P. and V. pdppapos, V. use V. yvaQos, r).
savage : P. and Fanged, adj. Ar. and V.
Fantastic, adj. P. and V.
Fanatically, adv. Obstinately: Ar. (Eur, Frag.).
and P. awflcfSws. Madly : P. Fantastically, adv. P.
Far, adj. Long: P. and V.
Fanaticism, subs. Obstinacy : P. Distant : V. I/CTOTTO?, &nMrros, TT;-
Ar. and V. a0aoYa, ry. Xovpds, TT/XWTTOS; see distant. On
P. and V. p&vta., T). the far side of P. and V. TaWfceiva
P. dypiOTrjs, T). (gen.), V. rovKcWev (gen.).
Fanciful, adj. Fastidious: P. Si Far, adv. P. and V. /uwiKpuv, Ar. and
XWs* Ar. and P. Tpu<epds. P. -jrdppo), P. a7ro0v, Ar, and V.
faiwiftd, v. P. and V. Tpi5<av.
&r<D0ev, V. -TrpoVo), Trdpo-o), /cuS (Thuc.
Imaginary, adj. P. and V. SOKG>I', : also but rare P.), Ar. Tr/XoD. With
ou/c '<&/. Hard to phase : P. and comparatives P. and V. woAij, :

V. SvoupcoTTos ; see peevish. Of xoAAw, P.CLKP. So far, at so (jreat

design, pattern, etc. P. and V. a distance : P. Bia TOO-O^OU. Be

far, be distant, v. P. and V.

TTowcfAos. Graceful, pretty Ar. :

vat, u7Tx t^> tt^tVracr

Fancifulness, subs. Fastidiousness .
(Plat.), P. 8wx/v. ^l&oz^ liow fat
P. oW^epeta, T), P. and V. Tpii^T/, 7;. off is the Arrive host : V. TTOO-OI' rt
Grace, beauty : P. and V. X^P^J 4- 8" COT' uhrti>0v 'Apyctov Sdpv (Bur.,
Fancy, subs. Imagination (die fac- Hc?-a^. 674). From f<r: P. Trdp-
ulty) : P, <arawn'a, r/. Conceit, pco^cv, airoOw, V. 7rpdcrG>0a>, T7/Xd^v,
notion : P. and V. 8o'a, 7), 80/070-1$, Ar. and V. <i7ro>0i/. ^e?ii /rom /a?*,
adj. : V. Tf/A^Vofwros. Far /row
TO, Ar. and P. vdr//*a, TO. Imagina- Ar. and V. &ro>&6i/ (gon.), Ar. and
tion (as opposed to reality) : P. P, TToppw (gen.), P. a7ro6>K (gen.),
and V. Sd^a, r}, Sdicvyo-ts, T;. Falun '
V. wpoVcu (geji.), Trdpo-o) (gen.), /uaic-

picture (as opposed to irwM) : P. pdv (gen.), T7;Xou (gen.) (Kur., Cycl.
&><o\ov, TO. Heard ye a cry or has 689 ; also Ar. absol.), r?;Ad0cr (geu.),
some vain fancy cozened me : V. Kas (gen.). I^cJ /7-om, distant /r
/Soiys rjKOvaraT 7; oWo> /cevr; VTriJXfic jt/ from, v. P. and V. Jhrcxfw (gon.),

(Eui\, EL 74:7). Castle in the air : P. 8uxtv (gon.) mot., be so far ;

P. CU^T}, T). Mind ; P. and V. vo{5?, from .that

. . . P. rocroOroi' . . .*

6, Ar. and P. St^voto, T/, Ar. and V. dTrexeiv TOW (infin.) . . . <5<rrc
^prjv, T), or pi. (rare P.) ; see wind. Or TOO-OWOW ($?!/
(iaj&n.) . . . <S<rr

Suspicion : P. and V. wroVoia, r;,

(injfin.). / am far from doiny so :

T). Speculation : P. ^cwp^z, 3?. iroAAoC y Kai 8o>. F^r /row -^ :

^ fancy (to things) : P. Ar. and P. TroXXov 8&. (cf Ar., Ach>
Far Far

Too far : P. /xaicpoTcpav, P. etv, TiryxttViv. Of things : P.
and V. 7rpa.irpa> ; met., go too far, and V. x^pctv, X tv>
Tpox^p^tv. l/'arfi

go to extremes, v. : P. and V. &r/>- weW ; P. and V. euruxetv, u Trptio-o-ctv,

j&\W, V. KTpe'xiv. As far as, tl
7racrxtv. .Farg i/Z : P. and V.
(ge n -) *XP L (gen O

prep.: P. ^XP L

. As far as possible Ar. and P. 5Ti5xv.

(of place) . Fare ,
Send me as far away as possible P. and V. /caK
from this land : V. ire/jubov //.e x<*>pas (dat.). Journey : see journey.
OTTOt TTpOOTOTttTto (BUT., *4?Z. Farewell, interj. P. and V.
922). .As /a? as possible from

Bid farewell to : P. and V.

Greece : V. a>s 7rpoo-WTa0' 'EAAaSos ^i/ (ace.) (Bur., BZ. 400),

(Eur., I. I 712).
.4s far us, adv. (acc.), Ar. and P.
P. and V. ocrov, oo-oi/Trep ^is /a?' K\VW
(aCC.), V. XOLpeiV KCLTtt^tOW
as possible : P. oa-ov 8uj/aroi/, cts TO (dat.). Having taken a last fare-
SwaroV, V. ocroi/ /xaXtora. .4s /ar as well of their friends : P. TO, wTaTa
... is concerned : P. and V. ei/e^a a(nrao-(ifjLvoi TOIJS auraii/ (Lys. 133).
(Dem. 32 ; Bur., Hel. 1254), Farewell, my former resolves : V.
rn.) owica, (gen.) (Bur., And. 759, XatpCTw jSouXcu/AaTa raTrpoo-Qev (Bur.,
865), K(m (gen.) (Ear., MerZ. 1044). !Fafe a Zowr/ farewell
655). As far as you are of : P. n-oAAA i7Ttv x<Lipw (dat.)
concerned : P. and V. TO o-ov //.epos (Plat., Phaadr. 272s). Taking a
^ls /or as 7te long farewell of the wise Sophocles :
(Plat., Onto, 50n).
was concerned : V. Tou/ceiWu . P. pp(o0-0at TroAAa <ppd<roi<s r<p cro^xxJ
. .

fipos (Eur Hec. 989). 4s

, /ar as So00K\t (Dem. 419). Tafce a
he was concerned you were saved : friendly farewell of : V. <j?Xo>s
P. TO yc 7r" ^KCCI/OK &>ai <ro>0ty9 (Lys. ciirew (acc.) (Soph., 0. 0. 758).

135), cf. ToiVt

(Bur., Elm. 397). Far-fetched, adj. P. and V. LOTTOS.
4s /ar an I know : Ar. oVov y* I/A' Farm, subs. P. and V. dypo's, o, P.
(.Ntt&. 1252).
In so far an : ye<o/3yitt, ?/. O/ a /arm, adj. Ar. :

P. Knff oo-oi'. #0 /ar, io 7*c/i a/i and P.

extent : P. and V. ts TOOWTO, tj Farm, v. trans. P. Ipyd&vQ ,
TOOTOVTOV. So /ar so i/ood : P. ancl arid V y<i>py/ (or absol.) ( ur.,
V. TOtaVTtt /*V 8)/ TttUTtt, P. TttUTtt JB/tcs. 176), V. yttTrov^ti/ (Bur.,
oftv OUTWS (Isoc.), V. TOimov ftei/ 75) see cultivate.
; Farm o%, t/ive '

OVTO), /LV T<1 ^" C(7Tt.

TOlttVTO, out on contract: P. &cStSoVcu ; see
advanced in yearn : P. 7ropp<> contract. Buy t<ke right of farming
the rg'iWWMs : P. TO. TcXr;
Z-^ is adiwuMd : V.
already far (Dem. 746).
wpocro) ^toros (Eur., Hipp. Farmer, subfl.
/ACI/ 7/817
P. and V. a
795) AVtr a;iri ?y/Vfo: KOO undor 6, cpyaTy;?, o, Av. and P. yco>py<f5,
wide. Par into th& mjhi : J*. o, V, yftrrjs, o, y(7,7Tovo9, o. Farmer
of revenues : Ar. and P. TcXoV^s, o.
Farce, subs. Ar. awl P. Farming, subs. P. yeupyto, ?/, Ar.
Farcical, adj. AL\ and P. and L^. yryfaria, 7;. Warming of
Laughable : P. and V. ttiixttti :
I*. T\<i)yttt, 17.

Fare, suljs. Passage-'uwiwy : Ar. and Farm-land, subs* P. yf/ pya<n/u>9.

P. vaOXov, TO' ; woo alBo pasxengwr. Farm-servant, sub. P. and V.
Food: P. and V. <HTO?, 6, oicTi7<;, o (Thuti, 3, 73).
^, Ar. and V. )8op<i, r/; seo/ Farm-yard, subs. V. atfAtov, TO (Eur. ,
Fare, v. intrans. Of pornons 0//c/. ; also Xen.). :

and V. Far-shooting, adj. V. e/c

Far Fas

Farther, adv. Of distance P. : be current, v. : P. and V.

pwrepu), /jtaKporcpav, P. and V. P. 7riicpaTtv,
to^flew/, V. -n-X-tytftfeiv,

irepawcpa) see further.

; irpirpe)(eiv9 Sta^epetv (Thuc. 3, 83).
Farthing, subs. AT. and P. Come into fashion : P. cKviK
6. He hasn' t paid a sinylefart king : of fashion, adj. P. and V. :

P. oflSe xoAxow &TCTXK (Dem. 543). -TraXaio?, P. ap^atOTp07ro5.

He answered that he would/fit lend Fashionable, adj. Customary : P.
me a farthing : P. aireKptvaro //,oi and V. VO/U/JMS* Of people, stylish :
on ouo* d/capij 8av*W (Dem. 1223). Ar. and P. dorretos, x^p^
Fascinate, v. trans. Bewitch Ar. Fashionably, adv. .
Stylishly : P.
and P. <op/x,ao-o"n/, P. yoTyTCVciv,
KaTeTrpSciv. Gharm : P. and V. Fast, adj. Fvnrily fixed, secure : P.
KIJXCLV (Plat.), tfe'Xyctv (Plat, but and V. /?/3atos, da-^aX^, V. l/AweSos.
rare P.). Delight : P. and V. P. and V. rdxys, Ar. and P.
rcp-n-etv, evifrpatveLv. Please : P. and , V. Xa/07p<k, Kpaiiri/os, <oi5wov9,
V. $peo-Kiv (ace. or dat.), Ar. and V. OTTCpwo?, TaxyppoQos, Ar. ,

(dat.). Gratify : P. and V. and V. 0oos, TaxuTrovs, <5/cus. Active,

nimble : P. and V. cXa^pos (Xen.),
Fascinating, adj. Charming : P. Ar. and V. KOV^OS. Of colours
and V. >;8ife, Tprrvog, V. yapros (Plat, (that will not run) : P.
also but rare P.), fl-C^S^s, c^t/iepos, Trustworthy : P. and V.
Ar. and V. yXfods, Ar. and P, X&PI- see trustworthy.
f /C* f
ccs, cwrretos, P. e7ra<po8tros, 7rtx aP ts Fast, adv. Firmly : P. and V.
#X P tS '
<DS, ttOT^oXwS, V. /X7T8o)S, SpttpOTCDS


" adv. P. and V. w8i>$,

Fascination, subs. Act of enchant-

(also Plat, but rare P ), Quickly :
P. and V. TCL^iij ^v rax^i, Sifc Tdfxovs>
(nrouS^, Ar. and P. Taxs'os, P. <5|eo>s,
ing : P. KiJX^crcs, 17 (Plat.). Oharm, V. Taxes, o~uv Tax, K Taxcta*;, 0o&$.
enchantment : P. and V. <ap//xiKov, -4s /asi as possible : P. and V. o>$
TO, eTTcjiSTJ, ^, V. ^tXTpov, TO (in P. only Ar. and V. ws TG?XOS, oo*ov
love-charm), /c^X^jua, TO, ^cXfcrpov, asi to, v. : V.
TO, dcXy^TpOV, TO, 6\KTlrjptOV TO, t .), P.
KTyXT^nyptor, TO, jw-ayeu/wtTa, Ta. ^Li- (gen.) (Plat.).
tr action t orace P. and v . vo.pts, Fast, v. intrans. P. and V. a<rtT?v,
^. Pleasure : P. and V. -8oviJ, 7), Ar. Ktyoreuciv.
Tcpi/us, -^
: see pleasure. Fast, subs. Ar. forcwma, y, V. aerma, ^.
Fashion, v. trans. P. and V. TrXour- Fasten, v. trans. Bind : P, and V.
SCLF, oruvSciK, V. ^/cScti/. Attach:
TWOW; see maic, construct, devise. P. and V. owttTrrctt', irpoaraTrrety,
Fashion, subs. Manner : P. and V. , K<i0dirTw (Xen.), V. e-
TpoVos, o, &xr)/jux., TO, iSca, 17, /,
Ar. and V. clttTrmv; see
TO, o-xecrts, ^ V.; pvQ/Jios, 6. S also 7/ofcc. Make fast : V. (

P. and V. />pH 4 (Hat,), o-^ . (also Plat, but rare P.),

TO, Tifwos, 6 ; see shape. Way : P. 7racrorttXeutv, -Tropwttv, Ar. and V.
and V. TpoTros, 6, 68ds, 17. JSmd : n-pocTTroto-o-aXcuetv, 7?c fastened :

P. and V. yews, TO. Style of dress : V. cfoapeW (2nd perf. dpapfo-icctv).

P. and V. o-Kevri, T), oToXiy, r) (Plat.), flbZd! together : P. and V. orv^x^>
Custom : P. and V. vo/*os, 6, ro/u- (TwSetv. P/a?i^ firmly : P. and V.
/^oi/, TO (generally pi.), I^os, TO; see P. Karamryvfoai,.
wjcyyiSvoiL, Lock,
custom. Established usages: P and secure : P. and V. *X0W, a
V. T& K&faar&ra.. Be in fashion, Ar. and V. -rra/crouv, V. TnjK
Fas Fat

Ar. and P. Ka.Ta.K\yw. Fit : P. Fat, subs. Ar. S^o's, o, P. d\ot<j>i}, y

and V. e<ap/Aoiv, 7rpoorapju,oeH/, V. (Plat.), V. dcXct^a, TO. Richness :
apjux)eu/, KtiOap/JLO^eiv. Met., attach V. A.nros, TO. Fat in which flesh
(blame, etc.) : P. and V. Trpocr- was 'wrapped in sacrifice V. trl- :

/JoXA.n/, 7rpoori0vai, TrpoaraTTTciv, V. jueAiy, ^, Ar. and V. /cvto-o, 17.

avcwrreiv, Ar. and P. TrepiaTrmi/, Fatal, adj. Deadly : P. and V.
irepirWevai. Fasten around : Ar. 0ava<rt;u.os, oActfpios (Plat, but rare
and P. 7repiTi0o>ai (TL rtw), TrcpicwrTCtv P.). Of a blow P. and V. /ccu'pios :

(TL rwt)
Ar. and V. a^mdevai (rt
(Xen.). Rmnow : P. and V.
TCVI). fVu^an 4: Ar. and V. ei/- 6A.'0ptos (Plat, but rare P.),
appo&w (rivL TI). Fasten on: P. <^opo?, V. 7rava)Xe^po5, TroX-u
and V. Trpocrap/xofciv (rtvi Tt), vrpoar- TravaiAiys, Xii/xavrijptos, Ar. and V.
(nvi rt). Fastened on : V. dnypos. ^p^om^cd &y /aie ; P.
,VO5. Met., j?OttnC6 and V. ci/juxp^epos, V. -n-eTrpCD/i-a/os
atecfc ; P. c<urra(rftu seo ;
(rare P.), /Aopo*i/u>9 } /xoipofcpai/Tos, Ar.
attack. Whenever (the disease) and V. 6><r<jfaT05,
fastened on the stomach P. o Fatality, subs. Necessity: P. and
(a TroVos) ts T7/i/ V. c!i'ay/o7, ty. J^aia : see /ate.
(Thuc. 2, 49). Frtste?* 7*2? (what Disaster : P. and V. 7r<x0os, TO',
has come down) and V. &va-
: Ar. TO,
<rr&Xcr0at. Fasten up (a letter, Fatally, adv. In reference to loound-
etc.): V, <rw8iv; ee seal. Fasten ing, striking, etc.: V./caipiW
upon : see fasten on. fatally P. $ava<nfjm>s TVITTCLV.
: It
Fastening, subs. Bolt: P. and V. (the plagiie) did not fatally attack
/w>x^os o, Ar. and V. KkfjOpa, ra, the same person twice : P. 8w TOV
V, dp/to's, o. That whicli binds : UTOI/ alo^rc fcac Krewew ou/c *irc\dfA(tavc
P. and V, 8eor/Aos, o, (nJv8(r/xo5, o, (Thuc. 2, 51).
a/A/Att, TO (Plat.), V. Fate, subs. Destmy : P. and V.
fastening of golden TO ypecov (Plat, but rare P.), /totpa,
(to bmd the hair) : P. xp-uartiv TCT- bt. but rare
P.), P. 17 et^apyuevT/,
Ttytoj/ ve/o(Tt5 (Thuc. 1,6). Fastening 7T7rpG)/AV97, ftOpOS, 6, TToV/iOS, 6,
of a necklace : Ar. uA,ai>os, 7} ato-a, ^, TO fjLOpartfJLOv, TO XP? V (Bur.,
410). /. T. I486). Z%c JP^5 ; P. and
Fastidious, adj, P. Ar. V. Mocpat 617o). One's
(Plat., J2<?p.
and P. Tpv Bfi fastidious, v. Zoi : P. and V. SCU'/JLOV, 6, Wtfos, TO*,
P. and V. ffard to please :
Tra^^/xa, TO. Fovtwie : P. and V.
P. and V. T^X1?' 7/ o-u/A<opa, ry.
Death : P.
Fastidiousness, ?. and V. ^rivaTOS, 6, TcXeuT*;, 7; ; S66
^, P. and V. Tpvtfry, 97. Foreseeing the fate to which

Fasting, adj. P. and V. trrlrov, V. they are hurriimtj : P. '

t5 ola <tpoi/T, (ThUC. 5, 111).

Fastness, subs. Ujwed: P. and V. Fated, adj. Bee fatal. It is fated :
P. ami V.
see0;p00tf. Strong place : P. (with or without orrt) I am fated : .

<yt>poV (Xon.)- FcwtoMMX) 'itowng P. and V. ct/wpTflu JH, xpi? ^c, XP WV

places : use P. T<* /capTepa, /u, V. 7re7rpo)TOfc /tot. Of tilings or
Fat, adj. and P. Travis,
Ar. likely to : P. and V.
<ripKtvo5, P. and V. cvTpci^r/s (Plat.), (infin.). >7tei w /c&^d 7we
Ar. yaanrpeiStys. Fertile : P. aud t;ar ott7^i : V. 8 vpi) yap
V. KapTrJf/xo?, V. Trfwv ; seo fertile. xrf x^*^'^ ftjcr** TTOTC (KiUr., //.
Sleek: Ar. and P. 311).
Fat Fau

Father, subs. P. and V. waT^p, 6, Ar. and P. TaA.aiTrft)pet(r0ai, Ar. and

ycvv^Tcop, 6 (Plat,), 6 <frvTev<ras (rare V. Tipecr0ai, V. KaragawecrOat,, Ar.
P.), 6 <iWr(rare P., also Ar.), V.
6 T/co>7/, Of a father, adj. P. and Fatiguing, adj. P. and V. :

V. TrcwpGos. Loving one's father : Fatling, subs. Use P. and V.

V. <lXoiraTo>p. .ffiZZ a father, v. TO, poa-K-qfiaTa, ra. :

V. irarpoKTovew. Having the some Fatness, subs. P. and V. ^xos T^ >

father, adj. P. o^oTrarptos.

: CM (Eur., CycL 380), P. -n-axwys, 7} ; see
Ae father's side : P. and V. TraTpd- also fat.
$?/, Trpds irarpds, V. TO. irarpoOev. Fatted, adj V. d^Aos, ^6-ifjXovp.evo^
Father, v. trans. Father upon, (JSsoh., J?Va0.). The fatted calf:
ascribe to : P. and V. TrpocrrWevat V. d5^Xo5 TTdpis (Eur., J5occ/i. 737),
(rw TI), ava<j>6pir (rt ets rtva), Ar. Fatten, v. trans. Av. and P.
and P. 7ruva<epiv (TI cfe rtva) ;
impute. (Plat, in pass.). : P. and V.
Fatherhood ,
subs. Use V.
Fattened, adj. V.
Father-in-law, subs. P. and V. /xvos (^soh , Frag.),
f V. 6, Fatuity, subs. See^ folly.
Fatuous, adj. See foohsh.
Fatherland, subs. P. and V. TraTpfe, Fatuously, adv. See/ooZ^W//.
17, Ar. and V. vrdrpa, >?. City : P. Faugh, interj. Ar. <.
and V. Tro'Xis, 17. Fault, subs. : P. and V-
Fatherless, adj. P. and V. aTrdrwp, afjLapTioij y, o"<aA/m, TO, P. d/AapTTy/wt,
o/x^avos, V. TrarpouTepiJs. TO, 8La.fJLa.pTia, ^, 7rX^/*\ta, 17,
TO. Si?i :
Fatherly, adj. See^aterm&Z. e^a/xapTta, ^, ajjnr\dK7}fjja.,

Fathers, subs. Ancestors : P. and P. and V. a/xaprwt, ry, tt8tK4a, ?y,

Y. -rrpoyoi/oi, 01, P. TrpOTraTOpcs, 01. , TO, P. a/apTi?/a, TO, TrX^/A-

O/ 07^'s fatJiers, ancestral, adj :
, 17, ir\rj/JLp,\.rfjjLa^ TO, V. ^(1-
P. and V, TraTpaios, -n-aTptos, Ar. and , ^, a.fJwXdKTiij.a, TO. Defect,
P. TraTpt/cd?. Senators at Athens: lemish : P. and V. ftfuapria, >/,
Ar. and P. /JouXevrat, ot. Senators apApTf)ij,Q.f TO, 'TrX^/ifteXcta, /}. Short-
at Spwrta : P. and V. yepovrcs, comings P. AXciV/*a.ra, Ta. J?Za?7W:
ot. P. and V. ft^ts, ^ ;
see blame.
Fathom, subs P. opyuta, (Xen.). ;
Be at faidt, v. : P. and V. a//,ap-
Fat horn 3 v. trans. Met., P. and V. ravetv, ^a/jiapT(
vpfarKiv9 e^evpicr/cciv, fMLvOdvew, IK- ir\fifjp.\LVj P. T
fw,v8dviv 9 P. KQLTavoew ; see discover, V. d^7rXa/c' (2nd aor.).
search, track is at fo/ult : V. TO 8* o/x/4a /^ov voo-t
Fatigue, subs. P. and V. KOTTOS, 6, (Eur., fli/. 575). TTAar
P. TdXaiTIXOpta, 7/, V. fCCl/>tttTOS, 6.
is ai a?iZi ^;7io a7*e z^s<3 ? V.
Fatigue, Y. trans. P. and V. intv
Tpvxw (only pass, in P.), (Eur., BZ. 97^). Fiiidj\iult with:
Trapc^etv (dat.), Ar. and P. P. and V. /x.//.0e<r0<u (ace, or dat.)^
(ace. or dat.}, &TO/CVCMW, P P. eTTLTL/jLtiv (dat. of person, ace. of
ow, Tptflciv, V. TP^/ (pass, also in thing ; sonietiineK dat. of thing) ;
Plat., but rare P.), c>, Ar. and see bla'Hie.
V. Tcipeiv ; see weary, distress. Be Fault-finding, subs. See 6Zame.
jatitjued : use also P. and V. Fault-finding, adj. V.
/8api- //,jiwrro's,
IW0CU, a7ra7rtv, Kdfufeiv (rare P.), P. P. and V. ,

cwrayopcveiv, (Plat.).
Fau Fav

Faultily, adv. Ar. and P. oxcuws, P. (dat.) see also benefit.

; Be
and V. P. TrA^/A/AcXais.
Kucois, friendly disposed to : P. and V.
Faultless, adj. P. and V. SJLU/WTTOS, cwocu/ (dat ), P. euvoLK&s biaKeio-Ocu,
P. Ava/wipnjTos ; see guiltless. Per- Trpds (acc.) ; see side with. Be on
fect : P. and V. rcAeos, reXctos.
the side of ; V. a-wtwai (dat.).
Without blemish (of a victim for Favour the Lacedaemoniwis : P.
Sacrifice) V. cvreXryS. : ro.
A.aK8aifjLovt<i)v <f>poi'iv (Thuc. 5,
Faultlessly adv. P. and V. 5 84), or use P. AaKowtav. I favour
(Xen.). your cause : V. e$ <3f>/ooi/ai
ra, <ra

Faulty, adj. P. and V. (Soph., 491).Aj.Favour the

ovccuos. Athenians : P. 'Amftt^eiv. Favour
Favour, subs. Good-will : P. and V. the Persians; P. MTyS^Ay. On a
evvoia, V. Trpcv/xema, charge of favouring the Athenians :

P. <iXo<poaw77,
u/jt6/ta, ij,

;/. J30o?&, service ; P. & 'ATTIKLO-W (Thuc. 8, 38).

P. and V. s x^ *J fyavos, 6, P. Of things, help on ; P. Trpo^epetv
U/?y<n'a, ^, evepyenfjfj.a,
TO J See (ts, acc.).
service, benefaction. Curry favour Favourable, adj. Friendly : P. and
with : P. and V. Yapt^o-^at (dat.), V. iW;s, cv/jtevifc, <^>t'Xto5, X\o)5 (some-
(acc.), Vircpxe<r0(U (ace.), times scanned as dissyllable), Ar.
0o>7Ti;W/ (acc.), (acc), V. oxuveti' and V. <tA.os, eUf^pwv, Trpo^pcov, V.
Trpotrcrawew (acc.), 0<uwr' (aoc.), Ar. Trpeu/AooJs, P. eiVoticos. Befavourable
and P. #7ro7ri7rrett' (acc. or dat.), Ar. to, v. : P. and V. ^oefr (dat.), P.
and V. aiKoXXav (acc.). Do afavour ?}Sc'n>9 lx tT/
(dat.). Be favourable
to, v. P. and V. evcpyerew (acc.),
(of fortune j : V. evpoclv. Favourable
V. X^P tv tirovpy^lv (dat.). xapiv to A them : Ar. and P. ^IXa^/vatos.
St8oVtti (dat.), X/HV T*0<rftu (dat.), Auspwioiw : P. and V. KaXos, c3-
Ar. and V.
sue serve.
Y/fy"" v^tctv (dat.), P.
W os (Plat.), cWSxifc V. S^o'?,
Ar. and V. awrcos
X'jp"' fyai/
(absol.) ; w/x,i/iy5 ? Trpeuftcviys,
Theseus auks you- a,s a favour to (alwo Xen. but rare P.). O&fam
bury the dead : V. (ih/orcir? <r' dircurc? favoidable omens vn sawificing, v. :

?rpos x <
veicprw? (Ear,, Supp. Ar. and P. KaAAi/>er0<u. Of wind :
385). In favour of: P. and V. P. and V. ofyuos (Thuc. 7, 53 also ;

7r/>5 (gen.). Thinking that a haUle Plat.). A favourable wind : V.

at sea in a xiuatt xpaoc in their ou/>t)9, 6 (tllttO Xon.), P. ofy>co5 av/xos,
(the enemy' a) favour : P. 6, // i/t0 z(;wid 15 always favo urable :
P. CM i/ act /caret irpvfju/av torr^Tat, TO
(Thuc 2, 8G). / (Thuc. 2, 97).
iri/cu/xa May our
your favour, not in mine : V. voyage oe favourable : "V. yivoiro
(rouyap, ou8* r/AOu, <^p(t(r<D (v^oph,,
7T/)o<? TrXovs otyxos (Soph., P7wi. 779).
0. J?. 1434: cf Plat., />/*. 336D). ; favourable for : P. and V. cTrmf-
He lias swidcMy IHWOIHC. in favour 8tos .,
(dat.), <r\'jA<l>ofws
(dtit.) ;
of Philip P. ycyoiw ^at^vy/s UTT^
: writable. When
after long nwjntia-
4>AXt7T7rov (Dom. 4.38). Foici in liom they failed to yet a favourable
favour of a persons acquittal : P. answer from the Athenians : P,
(xwoi/^i^^ttt feon. of j)OV8,). PWfl 7ret8>y t *A0?/v<uw /c TroXXoi) 7r/>d<r-
w* favour of a thimj : Ar. and l\ o-o^rcs oi;$i/ wtipwro CTTtrwSctov (Thuc.
ifr}<j>%<r0ai. (acc ). jfate a fa/oour i, 58).
Favourably, adv. / a friendly way :

Of justice 1*.
Karaxa/u{c<riE/aL T<\
toata (Plat., ^. :35c), P. and V. <E&/WW$, ^tXf^povws (Plat.),
Favour, v, trarw. (imtify; P, and P. tXwois (Plat,), riWiicfe, V, w-
V. xf>^^t (dat.), P. Auspiciously :

31 1
Fav Fea

P. and V. cS, jcoAxos, and V. </>opcLo-Oa.i 9

/JioVto?, V, cucn'cos. Suitably .* P. /CO,TOKl'tV, V ,

Opptl)Set]>, TpCfJLtLV,

e-TrmyoWcos see suitably.

j (all with infin.).
Favourite, subs. Dearest : use P. Fearful, adj. 4/ro3 : P.
and V. <jf>tAraTos (rare P.). -4. beloved Trept^ojSo?, ^ojScpos ; see also cow?-
one: P. and V. 7rai8i/ca, Ta (Eur., ardto. Dreadful : P. and V. Scivds,
" '

Cz/cZ. 584). (Dem. 644), V.

Favouritism, subs. P and V. cvvoia,
17. Decide under influence of fav- fearful looks : V.
ouritism P. KOLT evvotav KpivcLv.
Fearfully, adv. IM afriyhtened way ;
Fawn, subs. Ar. and V. i/c/^pos, 6. P. TTcptScois, <#>o/3p<o5. Dreadfully :
Fawn upon, v. As a dog Ar. and P. and V. 8e/oi5.

V. o-aiveiv (acc.). Met., P. and V. Fearfulness, subs. See /ear, coward-

frTroTpe^ctv (acc.), 7rcp;(eo0ui (acc.),
ice. Dread fulness : P. Scti/dr^s, ^f.
Ar. and P. uTrorormv (acc. or dat.), Fearless, adj. P. and V. S^o^os, V.
Ar. anda//caAA/ (acc.), V
V. aTap/3iJs, aTapjQyros (^Isch,, Fray.),
irpoo'crcui'cu' om'rew (acc.).
(acc.), <t6V/iaiTos, aTpco-Tos (also Plat, but
Flatter : P. and V. flcoTreiW (acc.) rare P.); see 6o^Z. Fearless of:
Ar. and P. KoAa/cofeiv (acc.), V. P. dScTfc (gen.), V. uTap)3rjs (gen.).
Bum-Tew (acc.). Be fewrless of
P. and V. Oapcrew
Fawning, adj. Flattering: P. 0<o- (aco.).
weim/cos, KoXafceimfcos, Ar. ^COTTIKOS. Fearlessly, adv. Ar. and P. aScfo,
Fawning, subs. P. and V. V. ttSa/i-avTcos, aTpeo^rcos, aTpeo*Ttt J

77, BumeufLara, TI (Plat.). see boldly.

Fawn-skin, subs V. ?cpfe, 17. Fearlessness, subs. P. <tyo/9i'u f J;
fawn-skin, v. P. cfipt&v. : i see boldness.
Fealty, subs. P. and V. ^"0^1$, ^. Feasible, adj. P. and V. SiW-nfe, V.
Fear, subs. P. and V. <#>dy?os, 6,

K7rA.i7is, Try, oppcoStia, 17, Sct/xa, TO, Feast, subs. P. and V. cort'a/wt, TO'
05, V. TttpyffoS, TO, TpdftOS, 6
TO, (Plat ), (Joti/Ty, >) (Plat.), Saw, r} (Plat.),
(also Plat, but rare P.) Hes^tation: . L*. 60-TtWis, T/.
honour Festival m
P. and V. OKVOS, 6. JBTave wo /ear of a f/od :and V. eoprrj, ?/ see
P. ;

o/, v. : P. and V. Baparelv (acc.). festival, sacrifice. Meal P. and :

Fear, v. trans. P. and V. <oeibr0cu, V. SctTrvoi', TO see also food.

; Mar-
oppctiSecy, SeSoiKei'GLt.
(perf. act. of riage feast : P. and V. yafycos, P. <>,

SctS^tv), eto-at (aor. act. of yttftiyXta, ^. Celebrate a 'marriage

tK<$>of$LcrG(u, Ar. and P. ^
feast : P. and V. errnav yri^ovs
(1st aor. of icaraSctSctv), V. (Isae.). Join (one) in a marriage
(also Plat, but rare P.), TpeW (1st feast : V. (rvi'SuLvuvut, ya/,tors
aor. of TpV) (also Plat, but rare '(Eur., Hel. 1439). Drinking party :
P.), rapflw', Ar. and V. Tpe/ Ar. and P. crvfjL7r6(rwv t TO.
(also Plat, but rare P.). Shrink Feast, v. trans. P. and V.
from: P. and V. OKVCLV (acc.), P. evwxetv (Eur., Cycl. 346), V. S
aTTOKvcw (aoc.). Fear beforehand : ^otvav. V. intrans. Use pass, of
V. Trporapfietv. Fear for : use P. verbs given. Feast on: Ar, and
and V. verbs given with ^repf (dat.), P. eorna<r0cu P. i*oXt<r0(U
afjL<f>i' (dat.), fay) (gen.), or in V. (acc.) (Xen.), Ar. and V. &uWr0<u
use TTporapfleiv (gen.), V7Tp$e$OLKvaL (acc.), V. Oowao-Oai (ilCC.), ^K0ou-drr0at
(gen). Fear over-much : V. vircp- (acc.).
V7rpop/>a)8ctv (Eur., Supp.
?at, Feaster, subs. P. Satru/Aoi/, <'>
Fear to (with infin.) : P. V. 8atToA.u5 ? 6, Oowdrwp, o.
Fea Fee

Feasting, subs. Ar. and P. efaxfa, Feeble, adj. P. and V. .l

see feast, reveby.
; ttSwaTOS, P. appojo-Tos, V. a/xavpos,
Feat, subs. P. and V. KwSuvevfjLa, TO, avap^pos see ^yeafc. 50 , ;

ToA/i77/*a, TO,
V. ToX/Att, 7?. EntCT" v.: P. and V. ao-^a/etv, P.
be proud of P. and V. rcu/. Of things P. and V,
prise to
: :

TO. u<r0i'?js. Failing, flagging : V.
Feather, subs. P. aud V. irrcpov, TO. trypo's, e/cAiiro?. Met., 5?aZZ : P. and
A feather in one's cap : P. and V. V. ACTTTOS, oXfyos, /xt/cpos, (r/jitfcpos.
tytwurpa, TO', Shed one's feathers, Poo?' ; P. and V. <en5Xos, KOLKOS.
v. Ar. and P. Trrcpoppvclv.
: Birds Hesitatm/ : P. o/c^po?, airp60vfw$.
of a feather flock together : use P. Wit/tout energy : Ar. and P. p/iXa-
6 ojLLoiosTO) fyooio) (Plat., dory. SlOii). KO'S, Ar. and V. /xaAtfaKo's (also PLit.

Feather, v. trans. P. and V. nre/Dow but rare P.).

(also Ar.) Feather one's mst, take Feebleness, subs. P. and V. ao-0eVa,
bribes : Ar. and P. /tapofioi 7; (rare V.), P, appwrma, T/.
Feathered, adj. P. ami V. 7ic&'^ ; P. and V.
^a^Xony?, 77. Want
(Plat.), of Gmrgy : P. paXa/cta, see
(Plat.), TTTV/fo's >} ;

(Plat.), Ar. and V. e&rrcpos, Tr

see winged. Feathered ati/ce
P. Feebly, adv. P. dor^i/ois.: Hesitat- ;

aild V. OfWTTTCpQS. inyly : P. arrpo^u^s, o/ci^pois (Xen.).

Featherless, adj. P. and V. rwroyi/ Without energy : Ar. and P. /itiXa-
(JEsch., j&Vo0. ; also Plat, and Ar.), KWS, Ar. and V. /xoAtfaKcis ; see
V. tt7TTpOS. iveakly.
Feathery, adj. Seo feathered. Light, Feed, v. trans. P. and V. rptycw,
SM#// : P. and V. XCTTTO'S. Fltttiny : rpo^rpf TTttpc^eu' (dat.), Ar. and V.
Ar. and V. cuoXo?. /Wo~Kcu' (in P. only of maintaining
Feature, subs. Outline : P, an army, etc,), V. <epj8av. Of
6. AjyMtartwuw : P. and V. shepherds Feeding flocks, etc.: P.
TO ?8o9, TO, i8tt, 7;, ftyfe, /; : 800 and V. 7rot/Aati/tv (Plat ), ve/wiv 1

also shape. The. main features, the, (Plat.), V. <ep/3eiv, Ar. and P. \

ohief points : P. TO MfoiAtuw. A Xopmjeiv. V. intrans. Of men I


nw feature : two P. iuul V. /can/oV P. and V. Tpe<e(r0eu, Ar. and P. i

Feature* : net* /an*. Natural <nTacr0ai, Ar, and V. ySoWeortfcu, V.



features, conformation : P. and V. Of cattle:


<t>()p<-<r&(u; soe also ca/J.

TO. P, and V, vfavOai. Feed on: P. ,

February, wubs. P. 'Avtfe<my/>r>i/ 6. and V. T/)tycr0<u (dat.), Ar. and V.f

Fecund, adj. Seo fnut/uL '

/3<>(rKcr0(u (dat.), crlrelvQiu
(aco )

Fecundity, nubs. Of animals P. :

(also Xen.), V. ^cp^co-flat (dat.).
'ia, >/. Of land P. tro\v- : i Jirotvw : P. and V. vfywOtu (ace.).
ff (Xou ). Of (iifchor : P. |
Aq/^ V. :

Feeding on hope : V.

v) (Hat,, Hep. ffJ-BA).

Federal, adj. P. and V. <rt/A/xa^o<?.

Federate, v. trans. P. and V, <rvv-: v. traim, : Ar. and P. o ; see

P. <rivrn'ttt. V. intrant*,!
P. and V. trvwfw&vat, trwtpxetrfttu,
Feeder, who feeds : V.
Ar, and P. trvvurratr&ak ; HOC '/mite,

Federation, wubs. A Human : Ar. and Feeding^

Hubn. Ar. and P. <rtrr)<rt,s,
P. (rii/jL/Mt^itt, ?/. Lnit/'iiA ; P. *n;i'w- 7;. Jvatiny : P. pows, r/,

poma, //. Feel, v. trana. 7VuoA : P. and V.

Fee, subs. P. and V. /utr0<$9, fi.. aTnw&u (^en.), ^<7rT<rftxt (gon.)
m //? ; UHO r ///, jmsMx, (Pint.)* V, <?cyyrfviv (gon.) (also
Fee Fel

Xen.), ij/avew (gen.) (rare P.), ri- V. <lA.aV0pa>7TOS, 7TttK7;S, P,

^ou'eiv (gen.) ; see touch. Feel Tmwliing . P. and V.
(sorrow, anger, joy, etc.) : P. and Feelingly, adv. P.
V. lx ^- $ M!>

gratitude : P. and Toucliingly : P. and V.

V. X^PW tSci/ttt,X^PW YIV. .50
^esced at : Ar. and P. ayou/a/crav Feign, v. trans. Ar and P.
(dat.), P. ^a\7rcus <spetv (ace.), P. 7rotto-^at. C^rf/e wt excuse : P.
and V. &xO(rQaL (dat.). Appreciate : irpotfrfXTL^fQ-Ocu, P.
<nafjrrLv and V.
P. 7Tpt TTOAXOV 7rOier0(U, V. TToAAoJV (mid. inP.),7rpo/6aAAev(mid in P.).
d&ow. jPeeZ one's w#?/ : Ar. and Jkfa/p6 p ; P. and V. (P,
P. i/^Xa<ai/. Feeling his way with also mid.). Pretend (used absol.) :
a stick : V. cr/ciyTrrpw wpoSeiKVUs P. ortaTt^cr^at, Ar. and P.
(Soph., 0. E. 456). "V intran3.
.Be affected : P. and V. iravxtw- Feigned adj. P. Trpotnrotiyro's. Sham:

o 2fow /00J ? P. and V. TT&S P. and V. irAao-Tds (Xen.), V. TTO^TO?

JPaeZ >0ZZ or ill : P. and V. (Bur., Hel. 1547). Seeming (aa
v, /CO/CO)* XtV. P&TCQWe P. '.
opposed to reaJ) : P. and V. SOKWV.
and v .
aicrOdvetrQcu,, cTraiorQdvea'Oai ]
Feint, subs. Pretence: P. and V.
see perceive jFeeZ friendly towards :
Trp6<rXf)pa, Pretending : P.
P. Ui/oucws 8wwcicr0ai ?rpos (aCC.). 1 Trpoo^rot^o'ts, Always shaving

/eeZ tffaitf I dli^ iwrow^ : use P. and close by the eneimfs ships and mak-
V. crvvotSa ju,avT<x) SST/caiv Or aStfcowri. ing a feint of intending to attack at
How most Macedonians feet towards Once : P. ev x/$ "-^ TrapaTrXcovrcs KOL
Philip one could have no difficulty SoK^ortv 7rapex oi/T 5 aWica c/ijSaXcti/
in discovering from this : P. ot (Thuc. 2, 84).
n-oXXot MaKcSoVcov TTW? t^ovcri QiXiTTTry Felicitate, v. trans. See congratulate.
IK TOVT<OV ov rts cr/ci/ratTO ou xa ^ ^ 5 Felicitation, subs 7r - See congratula-
eT^si as fractures and strains make tion.
themselves felt lohen the body catches Felicitous, adj. P. and V.
any disease : P. (Senrcp r / pTjy^ara
/cat ra,
<T7rao-/Aara orav rt /ca/cox TO Felicitously, adv. P. and V.
croj/x-a. XdpiJ TOTG Kti/etrat (Dem. 294).
Feel oneself (injured, etc.) use Fell, adj. P. and V. Sctufc,

consider. Feel for, r/rope for : P. <pZ/coi8i79, oW;(epr/s, V. Swcrx^os, C/A-

mi/rq\a<l>3,i' (gen.), Ar. [/ry}X.a<l>av <t>ofto<s see fearful. Crml : P. ;

(aco.). Met., sympathise with : P. and V. aypios, &/AOS, irwpos ; see

and V. m5i/aAytv (dat.) see 5?ym- ;

pathise. Fell, v, trans. P and V. /coVmv,

Feeling, subs. Sense of touch P.: Of troo P. and V.:

6.<f>y, 17, 7ra07/, ^. Sensation : P,

7ra0o?f ro, iraO/Hia, TO. Fell, subs. Sec AW.
Distress :
P. and V. IfCTrXiy^s, r/. Perception : Felloe, subs. V. o.^, */,
P. and V. <u<r6rjcri<st ?}, V. alcr6ifjfiaLy
Fellow, subw. Companion: P. and
TO ; see perception. Good feeling : V. cTcupos, o, oiH'vo/tos, o or 17, cruK-
P. uyv(ofjjoaiji>r)9 r). Friendly fueling: or ^, Ar. and V. ori^vyos^
P, and V
cwoio, >). I understand 6 or r;, O'/tc o/ the same age : Ar,
your fceUng : uso P. and V. ytyi/w- and P. l;AIMi>ry;9, 6, P. and V. ?/Xtf,
iravxerc. A feelintj of anger : 6 or V. 6/x7)Xtf o or ), o*wv Xi^, 6^ jry, ,

use simply on*/*?'. Opinion : P. and or 7;. Owe o/ ^ pair ; P. and V.

V. Sofa, T/, yvtojMj, y see opinion. ttTcpos (o wpos)
Feeling, adj. Considerate: P. and ^/iis'
/flttota : P. and V. oSrog, Ar.
Pel Per

and P. ovrocrf. Ho ! fellow : P. 6, cruvvavr^s, 6, V. cruwa^aTT/s, 6.

and V. OUTOS <n> or OVTOS alone. Fellow-worker : P. and V. ow
Fellow-ambassador : P. 6 or ?).

Be felloiv-wnbassador, Felly, subs, See/eZZoc.

v. : P. Felon, subs Use 1J and V. adj., .

bitrator, subs, : P. o-uvSuTi?njs, 6.

Fellow-citizen : P. and V. TroXrnjs, Felonious, adj. P. and V.
6, Si7fum/9 o, V. arvp.'TroXi'ryjs, o, l/x-

woXis, 6 or 17. .Be fellow-citizen Feloniously, adv. P.

With, V. '. P. 0*v/ji7roXtTi'cr0ai (dat.).
Fellow-commander\ subs. P. and Felony, subs. P. ica/coupyia, r;.

V. o-uorpuTifyos, 6. Fellow-com- Felt, subs. Ar. and P. TrZXos, o.

missioners : P. Felt, adj. Made of felt : P. Tr
Fellow-conspirators : P. fait cap : Ar. and P. xiXos, 6,
o-oi'Ts. Fellow-countryman : use , TO,

fellow-citizen. Felloii'-craffamaii :
Female, subs. P. and V. 0r/X,eia, r).
P. O/ZOTCXVOS, o. FelloiO'&C'ile : P. The female sex P. and V. TO 0i}X^ :

o or ^. Fellow-farmer : V. TO ^r/X-u y6/o$; see also woman.

Ar. (ruyyG>pyos, 6. Fellow-feeling : Female, a-lj. P, and V. ffi)\us, V.
P. and V. TO Tdvrh vdcr^e^- fi'el-

low-guard : P. cruju.<l>v\a,
o. Fel- Feminine, adj. P. and V. tffJXi;?.
or tiibstee P. ow- Like a woman : P. and V. yvvw-
Fellow-hunter or o. Kctos see womanish. Grammatic- ;

V. crvy/cwayo?, o 01' y). ally Ar. $?Xvs, :

Fellow-inhabitant : P. and V. <r&'- Fen, subs. P. and V. Xfavr], ^, P*

5, o or /}. Fellow-juryman : Av. IXos, TO, Ar. and P. TcX/^a, TO'. Of
o. Fellow-labo'ivrer : the fen, adj. : P. and V. IXcws, Ar.
6ftoTxvo5, o, P. and V.
o or see also partner.
?/ ;
Fellow- Fence, subs. P, and V. Ipxos, T<>
magistrate P. o-ui/j/p^wv, 6.
(Plat.), V. Trcp^oX^, r). Stockade
loiu-prinotuir : P. avi/^eo-^oTT 1*.
oraupo>jM,a, TO, ^apaKoi/xa, TO. S^ 1

Fellow-reveller : Ar. and V. o?i ^/^ //we met., &0 a trimmer :

icct)/xo5, 6 or }.
Fellow-sailor : P. P.
and V. (TwvaJT^s, 6, ai^TrXovs, 6, V. Fence, v. trans. 7?Zocfc *?^ ; P. and V.
6. Fellowship; P. , P. c'/M^pttcrcrca'. Fortify
and V. lrat/06a, 17, oTJ^ourna, r/, with a Stockade : P, crraupovv, ?rpt-
6/AtXttt, 7;. Partnership : L*. and V. o'TavpoiV, ttTTOfrravpouT. Fence round
Kowon'tt, ^. Fellowship in: P. and an estate P. ^o>ptov

V. Kon'owa, ?/ (goo.). WilniO-sUtow: (Dom 1272). jtfWd o/: P.

P. and V. (rwVSoi/Aos, or ?/, P. <>

s, 6 or 7;. Fellow-soldier : (a queutwn) : P. aco.).

P. , V, Fenced, adj. P. and V.
o, 7raptt<nrwmJ, 6,
and V. Xoxirr/9, o (Xen,). 7^ fel- Fencing-match, subw* "Use
low-soldier with, v. : V. Fennel, subs. P. and V. vd/rityC, <>

(dat*) (Eur., Cv/c^ 39) HOC com- ;

(Xoii. and TCur., B/^cA. 251, 706)^
panion. V. /xapa6W,
Fellow-spectator, subs. : TO.
P. Felloto-trcwt>Uflr : Fenny, adj. P.
P. and V. <nV/wn>/ws, 6 or ry, V. Ferment, v. intraas, UBO P. and V.
6801). Fellow- traveller
on board ship : P. and V. <nfyi7rXovs, Ferment, Bubs. Met., oonfwion : '

Per Fes

, ij, V. ropay/xos, 6, rapay/ia, Fertility, subs. Of land: P.

TO. in a ferment, v. : P. and ta, 17 (Xen.). Of animals: P.
V. , 17.
Of either : P. <op<,
P. aitopelo-Qai ;
808 (Plat., Sfljp. 546A).
a ferment, adj. :
Ferule, subs. Ar. and P. pa/3Sos, 17.

P. Fervency, subs. See fervowr.

Fermentation, subs. P. Fervent, adj. P. o-^o'Spo'?, P. and V.
(Plat.). , cnrouSatos, II/TOI/OS, O-UVTOVOS.

Ferocious, adj. P. and V. Fervently, adv. P. and V. 7rpo0ij//,a>s,

P. 1/TO1/0)5,
s, Ar. and P. xttXewo's, V. o>

tiless P. uTrapair^TOs, V.
: Fervid, adj. Hot : P. and V.
SvoTrapaiT^Tos Bee fierce, cruel.
see also fervent.
Ferociously, adv. P. and V. Fervour, subs. Heat : P.and V. /caG/
P. <D/X,U>S, ovcX-^pcos, o-^crXto)?, Ar. and TO, 0aX7TOS. TO (Xen.), P. ^cp/jto-nys,
P. xaXcTrois Pitilessly : P. ewrapai- ?}.
Zeal: P. and V. irpoOv/ua, ?/,
T^TWS, V. v^Xcais see fiercely,;
Vehemence : P. ,

Ferocity, subs. P. and V. Festal, adj. Cheerful: P.
P. xaXeTTor^s, f]} aypiorys, Suitable to a festival : V. 0o>/>Ticos.
fj, 0-^X17007179, 7/,
V. Tpa^uT^s, ^. meeting, subs. P. and V. :

Ferret out, v. trans. P. and V. /ACT- s, see festival, feast.


tpxeo-OaL (ace.), t^vutv (ace.), V. Fester, v. intrans. P.

t&Xyevetv (ace.), fjuurrajew (ace.), Ar. (Xen.j, V. IX/catWv.
and V. /xarevW (ace.) ; see also dis- Festering, subs. P. IX/cams, y),

Ferry, subs. P. and V. P. and V.

iropOpo?, 6, Festering, adj.
P. Sia/fems, fj,
V. Met., festerint/ beneath but sound to
Trdpos, o.
Ferry, v. trans. P. and -a V
the eye : P. and V. 5n-ouXos
Ar. and P. Sidyeiv, V. (also Festival, subs. P. and V.
pass, in P.), P. faafiiffafew. V. in- Sacnfice : P. and V.

trans. Use pass, of verbs given. imtiat'ion : P.

See also cross. and V. TcXcn}, ?}, "or pi. ; see also
Ferry-boat, subs. P. feast. Spectacle^ show : Ar. and P.
(Xen.), V. 7rop0/A&, 17. favpM, ?/. Night festival : Ar and
Ferryman, subs. Ar. and V. P. Travvvxts, 7). Keep festival, v, :
P. and V. lopTtt^etv. Keep a night
Fertile, adj. Of land. P. and V. festival : Ar. iravvv^C^iv (absol.).
7ra/*< y>os (Plat.), !y/fap7ro$ (Plat.), Money spent on festivals : P. Ta fa
dJ/capn-os (Plat.), Ar. and P. Kttp?ro- p(,/ca (Dem. 31). From whom
^dpos (Xen.), TroXiJicapTros (Plat.), P. you receive the honour of festival ?
>6>o$ (Plat.), Ar. and V. *ap- V. iroGev ^as tSOowov yepas . . . . . .

S, TToXvOTTOpOSj V. KttXXl/CapTTOS. (JEsch., 67*00. 257), Finish the

Of animals : P. yo'vijuos, V. festival of the Isthmian yames : P.
ra*l(r&fU(i 8teopT^tv (Thuc. 8, 9).
Fertilise, v trans. P. and V.
Festive, adj. See festal. TrZat

Fertiliser, subs. V. no'

(of a Festivity, subs. Ar. and P.
river that fertilises a land) (jBsch., >/
see feast. Indulye in festivity, ;

Pers. 806). v. Ar. and P. efa>xctoftu. De- :

Fertilising, adj. V. /capTroTroto's (Bur, barred from all festivity : V.

964). opros fpGv (Bur., El. 310).
Fes Fie

P. a^acfe o/ /ever : P. -

tivities, merry-making :

. (Dem. 118).
P. and V.
Festoon, subs. See wreath. Feverish, adj.
Fetch, v. trans. Bring
P. and V. Met excited, vehement : P.
: ,

everishly, adv. Met vehemently :

V. -jropcuciv
<cpav, KO/U'IV, Ayciv, J ,

see bring. Send for : Ar. and P. P. and V. cr^o'Spa.

P. and V. Few, adj. P. and V. oXfyos, Ar. and
V. Trat'pos, j&uds. Iw a /87(; words :
(Thuc. but rare P.), V.
P. j8pap(<>s, 8t' oA.tya)v, cv /Spa^eopi.,
a %irogr: P. and V. Sta ySpaxewv, P. and V. cv ^Spa^t,
V. K7TOpUU/. o-uvrdfwos, V. ft>ttxL /u.i;^(i). Some
person : V. cfcTrc/jnrcu/ /ei(; ; P. oXtyot rtvcs. -4 /ew, 5ome :

mid.). Go awZ /efc/& ; P. and Ar. and P. o/ioi; see some. In few
CTCpXevOai (aOO.), V. /*TOOTl- places : P. oXiyaxov. J^ew times :
ace.), Ar. and V. ptByKw (ace.).
P. and V.
o fetch. In search o/, prep. : P. Fibre, subs. Use AL*. and P.
and V. fcrf (ace.) . Fetch a wmpam : TO (Plat).
P. TrcptjSaXXctv, TrcpiTrXcu'.
Made of fibre : P.
Fetch (a Fibrous, adj.
price). P. vpt,o-Kw (aco.). A farm vuptvos (Plat.).
that would easily fetch a talent : P. Fickle, adj. P. and V.
ToXdiTOu pa.8i<o? dios P.
dypos ,

Ar. Ar. and P.

Fetid, adj. P. and V. SiJ, P7T05. So are ifee o/
Fetlocks, subs. P. fortune ; V. (Eur.,
'fleracZ. 866).
Fetter, subs. P. and V. Fickleness, subs. P. TO
Bonds: P. and V. Servo's, o, V. P. and V.
iffd\.ictj TO, tt/JW^LySX^orpa, *rd,

T< ; see C/WM?*. Fiction, subs. Invention, forgery :
Fetter, v. and P.
trans. Ar. P. TrXao-yua, TO. iie ; P. and V.
woS^etv, P. and V. TrcSSv (Plat, but ^i)8o'?, TO. jRfoWWow sfor^ : P.
rare P.), 7ro8iav (Xen. and Soph., and V. /)0o$, 6.
Frag ) ; see bind. Met,, ampedta : Fictitious, adj. Pretended : P.
P. and V. /jtTr08tU>, IfiTroSoH' cifvai Counterfeit : P. and V.
Ar. and P. Tra.pdorYjiJ.os.
Fettered, adj. Use Ar. and V. 8c<r/u0$. Made up : P. and V. 7r7rAa<r/jiW,
Feud, subs,
P, and V. 8tac/> .
TrXarrros (Xen.), V, O-VV^TOS, wot^To?
^ J|
oTttorts, 17,
Ar. and V.
>/, pts, (Eur., He^. 154:7). JFatow; P. aud
TO (Plat., Soph. 243A, but rare P.) V. Legendary : P. ^0)8775.
V.: Ar. and P. Sutye Fictitiously, adv.
P. 7TC7rXao-/x.ei/o)S.
P. 8uo-Ttt<rflat, P. aud V
P. and V.
see quarrel, and ie at vari- Fidelity, subs. P. and V. irforfe, ih
ance, under variance. Being at feud V. irtOTor^s, r/.
concerning the supremacy "
Fidget, v. trauH. Ar. and P.
tgf.1586) (aoc. or dat.), P. and V, $x
Fever, subs. Ar. and P, i5peros, o i*w (dat.). V. intrans. Ar. and
P. TO. J3e in
fever : P. and V. T (Eur. Fidgety, adj. P. and V,
228), P. KcuecrOat, Ar. and see restless. V
Met., Fie, interj. Use P. and V,
see excited. Inter mt pi. V<t>yfJI,lT.

Fie Fig

Field, subs. P. and V. dypo?, 6, yJ, ttypio'-n;?, 17, <rK\r}p6rri$, 17,

Ar. and V. &povpa, fj (also Plat.
but rare P.), y^u, al ; see lam. Fiery, adj. Carrying fire : P. and
Meadow : P. and V. Xei/uov, 6 ; see V. 7rup</>opo5. Generally: Ar arid
meadow. Field of battle, Conquer P. 7ri5pa)Si?9, V. TTvpirvoos, irvp7rvov$9
dn the field : P. and V. i*-&xQ KP^r ^v
Take the field, v. P. and V.
: Ar. <)5>Xoyeo$.
o-rpaTeueiv (or mid.), CTTMTTpaTajeii/
P. cr^oSpos, V. aWcov (also
(or mid.), P. cKcrrpaTcu'eiv (or mid.) ; Plat., Rep. 559D, but rare P,),
see campaign. Service in the field : Owpos, P. and V. 0ep/-to's, Ar. and
P and V. crTpaTaa, ?/. In the field : V. Qovptog. Quick to anger: Ar.
3?. lirl <rrpaTeias, Ar. TTI orpareas. and V. 6v0vfws, V. Sucropyos, P.
Met., as socw as w0 0w&7* &0 field and V.
claimants -in a suit) : P. Fife, subs.
O ]UL<JOV (Dem. Fifteen, adj. P.
1088). Opportunity for enterprise Fifteenth, adj. P.

P. and V. Kaipo's, 6, aya>i/, o, Fifth, adj. P. and V. W^ros. On

<. .4 0ood jieZd /or : P. the fifth day : use Ar. and P., adj.,
77 (gen).
The orators who delight 7Tju,7TT<uos, in agreement >?vith sub-
us by their words will have a field ject (vid. Ar., Av. 474).
for display in other less important Fiftieth, adj P.
Cases : P. ol repvovreg Xoy<j> pijropcs Fifty, adj. P. and V.
eoi;crt, ical lv aXAms eXa.vcroo'w ayoiva Fifty years old ; P.
(Thuc. 3, 40). jpi/^y 2/ears ir^wc, subs. : P.
Fiend, subs. P. and V. aXaorwp, 6, KOvraeTtSc? orrovSeu. 4 fcmily of
Y. l/>/ds, >/ ; see curse, devil. fifty children : V. ycvwi TTCI TVJKOVTO.-
Fiendish, adj. Homble : P. and V. TTCUS A sJwp with fifty oars : P.
s, V. Suo-tos. Onie^ ; P. and and V. ruus
V. aypio?, W/AOS, wtfcpos ; see/srocioM$, Fifty, subs. The number V. :

hellish. , r; (Soph.,
P. and V P. and V. O-UKOI/, TO (Eur.,
Fiendishly, adv Tri/cpSs, Fig, subs
P. w/za>s; see ferociomly. Fray.). Dried fif/ : Ar. /Vxof?, 17.
Fiendishness, subs. P. and V. Fu/-fuice : Ar. OTTO'?, o. Fty-tree :
&fjLOTir]s 9 ?;, TriicpoT^s, // ;
see ferocity. Ar. and P. CTUK?, //, Made* of /it/-
Fierce, adj. P. and V. aypK, Savos, wood, adj. Ar. and P. o-o'/ctvos:

COyLtOS, O"XTXlOS, 7TC/Cp09, (TAcXT/pO;, Tptt- ( Plat.) (fathar fiys, v. Ar. o-wo- :

X^s, Ai', and P. xt*A.^os ; see savaye, Xoyc/V, Ar. and V. rrikd^v (Xen.).
wild. Of a battle: P. Fight, subs. P, and V. /^xy/- v yo'^,
P. ttTrapatr^TOs, V. o, V. <a/c7/, ;. UonlMt,: V. Iand
afuXXa, J, V. ayovitt, ?;,

Fierce-looking, adj. P. and V. yop- TO, (l^Xos, 6, SJypw, ?; (TBsoh.).

(Xon.), V. yopyo>7ro$, cniutter : V. , Av. and V.
<r&'oSos T / Ar. and V.
Fiercely, adv. P. and V, TriKpate, P. "Apr/*, < V.
P. Land fight : P.
P. ^IXcTTois. Pitilessly : P. <l7rap-i ; use
atT7;Tws? V i^Xcoig. fttubboridy : t adv., P.
/;wxm;Fight, v trans. 'P. and V.

P. Kara Kparos. (dat. or Trpo's, ace.), (!y<tWc<r0t (dat.


Fierceness, subs. P. and V. <5/AOTy/s, or Trpog, tlCC.), V. <rn/A^8ttXXa' jMtyyv


P. x a ^ 7ro/r^5 4i (dat.). Oppose : P. and V. v-


Figuratively, adv.
(dat.), avOiarrao-OaL (dat.).
P. Si' ?/>W
Engage : see engage. Fight
(Plat Bcp. 487s). a ,

.battle . P. /Attx>?v fta^o-^ai (Isoc.). Figure, v. intrans Appear, be seen :

Be fought (of a battle) P. and : V
P. and V. <l>aw(rOa.i see appear.

yiyv<T0aL. Fight a losing battle Figure, subs. Shape : P. and V.

with : V. oW/mxetv (dat.). Fight OTX^/JUX, TO, eTSos, TO, fSca, ^, /Aop^iy,
alandbattle: P.m^oiMx (l?lat.), V. ju.o'p^xo/jLa, TO. Appear-
a sea battle : Ar. and P. ance : P. and V. 3i/rts, T). ^/^7?/ :
P. 8iava.vfii.axew> Fiyht a sea battle P. and V. StytiXfUL, TO, et/coij/, ^, Ar.
with others : Ar. and P. <rwva.u- and P. avSpias, o. JBffigy of a god .*

P- aild- V. P. and V. fiyoA/xa, TO, Ar. and V,

Ar. and P. )8pTa5, TO. Moulded figure : Ar.
V. p.dpva.<r6a and P. 7rAao-/Aa, TO. Number: P.
Go o war : P. and V. and V. &pi0p.o$, o. The figure one .

P. and V. Sia P. juoi/ds, ^. ZTie figure two: P.

P. StaTroXc/ietv. Fight again, review is, ^. Figure in geometry : P.
the fight : P. djfa/uixccrAu. J%7/& TO. ,,

agaiiist : see fight. Oppose

P. and P. -xupiov rcTpaywi/ov.
Figure of
V. cvaimouordcu (dat.), avGiirracrOcLt, speech Ar. and P. etaa}*, 97. To
avTireweiv (d it.), P. o.VTay(i>i/t- a j?</wr<3 o/ ^e^c/t ; P.
<r0ai (dat.) see oppose. Ton indeed
; tV, V. 0)5 t7TtV 67TOS.
did shamelessly fight against dying : in datiGing : P. and V. crx^aTa, T(
V. cru yow ttvcufiois Su/u (Eur., Oyct 221). Perform figures:
Ante? (Eur., .4/c. 694). P. ax7//WLTa arxrjfMLTLcw
(Plat.), or
against the gods V. Ar. crx>rnMLT%iv alone (Pew?, 324),
Fight by side of: V. Vigil/res in relief on shields, etc. :
(dat.). F'ighi for : P. 7r/>o7roA.e/x,/ V. -ruTTot', oi (Eur., P7w<wi. 1130).
(gen. or absol.),
Ar. Figure-head, subs. P. and V. (nj/mov,
(gen.), V. TO, V. o-*5j.a, TO. Met P. and V. ,

/AttXtv (gen.).
fightintj for : P. -i^/
Se df tos 5 ayciiv Filch v. trans. P. and V.

(Thuc.' 7, 56), JWi/Ai * : P. cV- iv, Ar. and P.

Yo7& made it (the land) V. forocnrav; See ^to^.
a fair field for the Greeks to fight, File, subs. File of soldiers : P. and
n P. ?rttpco-xT ajVy;i> (r//r yijv) V. o see row, line. , In ;

: P. ^ fro* (Xen,). O/
(Thuc. 2, 74). jPif/W ^ni/& ; : /caTti /Aia/ vatJi/ (Thuc. 2,
fight. Fight on the Me
of : P. B
/iaip: P. /nW/, /, (Xon.).
File, v. iufcrans. March : P. and V.
Fighter, Soldier : Ar, and P.
orpaTWimys, and V. oTrAm/v, o, Filial, adj.
<", P. Soe a "

atxAw?^ 4 (Plat, but ru'o P.\ V. Filibuster, Hiite. I*, and V.

dcnrtWr/s, o.
fartncrryp, 6, reux^frnjg, ,

6 (Soph., Frag.), or UHO adj., V. Filings, t-mtm, V. />ivt//mTa, Ta (Eur.,

P. and V. r .../v ,, and V.

Fighting, subs. .,. Fill, v. trans. P. /AT?
An object, for fiyhtintf about : une 7rA.?;/>w)v, TTt/ATrXtti/at (rare 1*. uncom-
adj., Ar. and
P. irtffyuixqro?, agree- pounded), P. draTrXy/pow, V. iKm/Jt,-
ing with subject. irXiilWt. Crowd, throng : P. and
Figment, subs. V. 7rA.<i<r/wi, TO.
.Falsehood : P. and V. t/rd38o$, TO. <2^?.) .* P. and V. IfMriTrXAvo.L (TWO,
Fil Fin

), V. ft(TTOW lo"xaTO5, Ar. and V.

(TWO. TCLIOS, TJorraTos,

filled with (anger, see last.

etc.) : P.
Occurring and V. Trai/wrraTos ;

fwrrXao-0at (gen.), ^corovo-^at (gen.) after a long time : Ar. and V.

(Plat, but rare P.). Fill in (an Complete : P. and V. r&cto?,
outline) : Ar. and P. see complete.
Fill up: P. and V. Finality, subs. P. and V. Te'Aos, TO,
ava7r\7]pouv, TO,
V. KTrijjmXdva.i,
and Finally, adv. ^^ last: P. and V.
CKTrXijpovv, Ar.
P. avairipirXdvai. Complete : P. s, Ar. and P. TO TcXeuratoi/, V.

and V. TrXijpow, /rXo7po{5v, V. K- w : P. and V,

P. dvaTrXi/pow. KZZ Wp V. \pov<p TTOTC,
feoZ0) Ar. tyftww, TTCLKTOVV.
: XP^V- -Po'*
SZ subs. -Hiwe cwxe's fill of : P. and
P, and V. -ucrrttToi',
V. -TrA/qo^vai, (gen.) (1st aor. pass. Ar. and V. TravrfoTttToi', V.
of 7rtju.7rA.avai) (Plat.), Ar. and V. T. Lastby : Ar. and P. TO
Kopeo-07Jv<u (gen.) V. Aor0iov, TO XotV^tov. Com-
(1st aor. pass, of i',

KOpCWUI/Ol), V. : P. and V.
KOpOl/ X tVAr. fe 611 ')- pletely
Filled, adj. Bee/uU. and P. TA.<os see completely. ;

Fillet, subs. P. and V. or^vos, 6, Finance, subs. Money-makvny : P.

<rr/A/xa, TO (Plat, but rare P.),
V. s, o. State finance P.
crr<os, TO,
Ar. <rr<l>dw], 17, P. ram'a, 17; see Finance, v. trans. Use P.
also chaplet. Wreathe with a fillet, (or mid.) (dat.),
v. trans : Ar. and P. avoSetv, (or mid.) (dat.).
ovv see crown.
; Finances, subs. Money : P. and V.
Filling up, subs Filling up tyuith , Ttt, P.
h) : P. x" (Thuc. 3, 2). Financial, adj. P. x
Filly, subs. P. and V. TrwAos, 6 or r% Financially, adv. ^l.v /ar as money
Strain : P, 6i?/0tT'. is concerned : use P.
Filter, v. trans. xpyfjidTow evc/ca.
V. intrans. P. Cleanse : Financier, subs. P. xp 7/jiaTwrri75? * iJ

P. and V. fdtfaipcbv. JflMter through Finch, subs. V. cnrifr*, 7} (Soph.

(of rumour) : V. oxrUo-0a/ ( Frag.).
;4<7. 867). Find, v. trans. Discover: P. and
Filth, subs. Mud : P. and V. V. $ptirrjctr, avcvpft<rKCti' f l^opia'Kiy t



Z>ir^, sconrinys : V.
e /
P*"*" *!
: Ar. and
TT 4
T o>
leupL<TKw, V. irpowevpLCTKtw. Catch
in thi act : P. and V. <^wprxv,

Xrf/iTa, see also indecency,

T<X ;
Filthily, adv. P. and V, /ca/co>s; see V. Karajxnpai*.Light upon P. and .

V. Ivruyxwew (dat.) rvyxdvew (gen.), t

Filthiness, subs.^ See Trpoo-TrtTrreiv (dat.), Ar aud P. &rt-

Tvyx^eti/ (gon. Or dat.), P.

Filthy, Muddy : P. and V.
adj. Tctv (dat.), V. Kvpetv (gen.), /

$oXepos, P, )8op)8op<iiJ8^s, 7^X0)8779. (aoo.or gen.), We #/ift/Z 4

Sqwilid: P. and V, avxuypos, Ar. a m07'0 tro'iMesome and 'jjowerful

and V. SXovros, SuorTrtviys, V. TrtvcoSiys, ewmif : P. xa^>C7r<l)TeP f fca^ rxv- < )

auxAco>S^5 see squalid. Indecent :

; poT6p(j>xpywptQ ^x^PV (Denoi. 102). '

P. dKa^apTos. Disgraceful : P. and .Nor ca?i I praise Greece, finding her

base towards my son : V, ovS* *EXXa8*
Fin, subs. P. Trrcpuyta, Ta rfvco-a . . .
KCLKCcmffv Xau#ttvan> Trpi?

Final, subs. Zras/'. : P. and (Eur., H. y' . 222). row

Fin Fin

yourself would find the Achaeans Finely, adv. P. and V. rf,

lewder : V. avny r *AxaiS>v TTpcufJievc-
o-repwv rvxon (av) (Eur.,
Tro. 734) Fineness, subs. Thinness, delicacy :
construction Plat. Charm. P. Brilliancy : P. .
175o). 1 found you the dearest of , 17. Beauty : P. and V.
my friends : V. /AO>I> yap

(Bur., I. T. 708). Finery, subs. P. 6, V.

vfipov ,

Befound9 prove oneself: P. and V. TOL TTotKtXa. P. and

see under prove. V. Koa-Ms, 6.
P. and V. Finesse, subs. Ar. and P.
or m
id.), iropi&w (or mid.) ; P. Stratagem :
see provide. Deliver a verdict : V. *0<^tO-/Jta, TO, /7-
P. and V. xpivew, SIKO&II/; see TO, ^, S^Xos, 6 (rare
Ar. and P.
Find fault with ; see Finger, subs. P. and V. 80*^X09, 6.

blame. Find guilty P. and V. Beckon on one's fingers Ar. Xoyt'fc- :

aipciv, KaOaipew. Befound guilty : o-dai a? xpo5- He killed . . .

P. and V. aXiovc<rftu. .Fww? ow; men who had never raAsed a finger
see JfowL Sofoe (a n'dWfe) P. and against him and were not enemies :

V. Xfev, V. Siewmv see soZm P. 8t^0lp OVT \Lp(


Finder, subs. P. evperfa 6. Pern. o(n- TroXc/uovs (Thuc. 3, 32).

Finger, v. trans. P. and V.
Finding, subs. P. vp<rw, ^, V. n.), V. t/rauav (gen.) (rare P.),
i$, $. er&'ctf : P. and V. (gen.), irpoo-Oiyydveiv (gen.) ;

17, 17; see decision, see touch.

verdict. Finical, adj. Fastidiow: P. Swrxcpifc,
Fine, subs. P. and V. fo/ifix, * Ar. Ar. and P. r/ov^epos. Affected : P.
and P. 7rt/3oX^ ^, P. fytyfAa., TO. and V.
Iw j^ne : P. and V. dTrXws, P. OPVI/- Finish, v. trans P. and V.
eXovrc, TO K<f>d\aLOv. KaravijTew, Trpewnrew, Bu3arpd<r<rLv (or
Fine, v. trans. I*, and V. {wuofr P. v
mid. in P.),
Aim 8ca7Tpaivcu/, TtXcow (V.
talents .* P. Tr^vnjKO i,
P. erriTcXetv, ^TroreXecv, V.
TOtXawa (Dem. 429). J /, TtfXetv (rare P.), TeXcvrav,
^0n talents : P. TaXavra Se/ea Sv, K7TpacrcrLVf KWpa/tv ;

icavtv (Dem. 431). see also emZ. Y. intrans.

Fine, adj.2?Ain, delicate P. and V. : P. and V. TXo
Aermfe.Pwre (of gold) P, tturif : >,-y.<
Handsome : P. and V- /coXo?, ray see also end, cease,

-jrpeTTyjs ; see beautiful. Splen off; Ar. and P. a-7Tpya co-flat ; met.,
P. and V, Aa/A7Tp<fe. W^iJ-^ro^w; see AftYl, destroy. Finish up: Ar.
P.and V. et>rpa<l>ij<f. Elegant : Ar. and P. When they
and P. xaptt9. Of weather P. : remained to finish up the work : P.
cffSios (Xen.) JPSne weather : P. irapa/ACivavrav KCtva>v Trpos TO. VTT^-
u8wt, 17.
P. and V.
Ironically : XotTra TWV 2py<ov (Thuc. 3, 10).

vaunting amd Finish, subs.

i P. and V. rXos, r<f,
fine folk : V. ra 8' 3XXa /c<J/i,7rot 17, Trepa?, T<J, Karaarpo^,

A^ya>v cvfAoptfat, (Eur., G^cZ. 317). uc.* Finishing touch : see

JKna worcfo : P. w^/ua, -J (Dem. Perfecting ; P. <fcirp-
356). Specious: P. and V. 5Xoyo9, 17. JF*'0&$ to *fce yi?&fe, V.
; see specious.
intrans.: P. and V. Sia/x<ixr0at.
321 21
Fin Fir

Finished, adj. Complete : P. and V. and V. fa>7ri5peti', 0a\7T6tr, P. and V.

TeAcios, TeAeos, TravTcAifc, V. eKTeXys ] (Plat.) ; see ea^iie. JEfe
see complete. Of an artist, constm- i/i /O-ye V.
mate : P. and V. cfopos. Finished (Soph., ZVaoA. 368).
P- Fire-brand, subs. P. and V.

V. trevKrj, 17, 5aAo5, 6, irvpcros, 6,

Finishing, Perfecting : P.
subs. Trdvo's, 6 (rare) (^Bsch , ^. 284=;
aTrcpyoLcrta, f). Finishing touch : P. Bur., B/MS. 988), Aa/^TrnJp, 6, Ar.
and Vi 0pty/cos, 6 (Plat.), P. /coAo<wv, and P. 8as, 17.

6. finisliing tottch to : P. Fire-light, Subs. V. C^CCTTLOV

dat.), *oAo-
K<t>ai\cLLOV Trt,

(dat.), TeAos Fire-place, subs P. and V. &mu,

V. OpiyKovv (ace.).
Ar. and V.
further thing he did whwh put the Fire-ship, subs. For description see
finishing touch to ail his former Thuc. 7, 53.
acts : P. tv 7T^tpya<raTO o Fire-side, subs. P. and V. rrt'a, ^ ;
274). Fire-signal, subs. P. and V. <f>pvK-
Finite, adj. P. TO?, 6 ; see beacon.
Fire-wood, subs. Ar. and P. <pt;yava,
Fir, subs. P. and V. eAtf-nj, r; (Plat.), Ta. Go a-/i^ collect fire-wood : P.
TTCUKVJ, 17 (Plat.), 7ri?ri5s, /} (Plat, and 7rt qbpuyawayxoi/ ^epyco'^at (TllUC.
^Bsch., Fraq.). 7,4).
Fir, adj. V. eAanvos, 7ra;/avos. Firkin, subs. Ar. and P.
Fire, subs. P. and V. 7ri5p, TO, see amlwra.
V. o, al^os, 6. Oon- Firm, adj. fiord (of ound); P.
ftagration : P. Ifjarpqcrvs, ^. P. and V.
heat : P. and V. /cav/x-n, TO. Watch-
fires : P. Trupa, T<X, V. 7rvpo-a, Ta ; P. and V. wioro's, /?/:?atos,
see &fiaco?i. Breathing fire, adj. : (Thuc. but rare P.),
V. TTupm/oos, TnJpTirous. Carry fire, (Thuc. but rare P.), our-
v. : V. TTvp^opcti/. Carrying fire, Steadfast : P. and V.
adj. : P. and V. Trup<f>6po$. Un~ ttlcfl^TTOS, P. /AOVtyLLOS, V.
tvuched by fire : P. and V. &nJpos. 5c ^r/M, v. : P. and V.
Set fire to : see fire, v. Be under ; see endure. Of consis-
fire, v.
: use P. and V. ^dXK^on : P. and V. TTV/CI/OS, P. cvTrayiys,
(lit., be shot at).
Be between two Obstinate: P and V.
AvW&^. I?*
fires (have enemies on each side) :
order io (/c a j?rm footing in the
P. d^iySoXos eti'<u, ev ap.<f>i/36X.w ecvat, mild : P. aor^aActtts w/ca TT}S
j/Zre ;
P. and V. TOV TnyAoV (Thuc. 3, 22).
Met., vehemence : P. Firmament, subs. P. and V.
P. and V. 6, P. /cocr/4os, 6 (Isoc.). J or of
P. the firmament, adj.: P. and V*
and V, pcos 6. t ovpanos.
Fire, v. trans. Set fire to : P. and Firmly, adv. P. and V.
' do^oAois, V. fytWrtcos, <tpttpoTo>s (also
(dat.), P.' iTr^A^V, V. Plat, but rare P.). Indissohtbly :
Ar. ejwrvpaJew/,
see burn, kindle. Met.,
kindle: Ar. and P, jcafiw, P. ^Trpi^ Aa/z^aveo'tftti (gen,) (Plat,) ;
P. ButOep/jiaivew, V. 7ri<Aeyciv, Ar. see cM?^7 to. Steadfastly : P. and
Fir Fit

V. ,
V.>7r'8o>s. Faithfully : Firth, subs. P. and V.
P. Obstinately: Ar. and see
P. Fiscal, adj. Financial : P.
Firmness, subs. P. Fiscal system : P.
Hardness : P. arepeor^s, Stead- 6.

fastness : P. KapTCpi'a, ^, Fish, subs. P. and V. s, 6.

%. Obstinacy : P. <;0aSeta, ^, Ar. Ar and P. rdpl 6 or TO.

and V. autfdSia, 17. Of cousistenoy ried yw^, v.
: P. :

Ar. and P. TTUKVOTT;?, 17. Fish, v. trans. Use P. and V. IxQ

First, adj. In all senses P. and V. : Fish for: met., see seek.
TrpwTos. First m importance9 use Fish basket, subs. P. /cvpTos, 6.
also V. irf)<r/3vra.Tos, 7rp0-)Srros. Fish bone, subs. Ar. and V.
First-born : P, and V, Trpctr/SijTaTo?,
V. 7rp(jr/3rros. Be first born, v. : P. Fisher, subs. See fisJwrman.
and V. wpeo-/3evW. You* must go Fisherman, subs, P. and V
first : V. om /ffaStcrreov 7ra/)os (Soph., o, V. A.fru7ros, 6. Anyler : P.
SJ. 1502). 37/w ./w'6'tf coTncr, cm?/
chance person : P. and V* 6 TfyoX Fish-hook, Subs. P. ay/atrrpov, TO.
o CTiTtJx^i o wpoorr^aii', 6 O-VITV^W?', Fishing, subs. P. 97 riXtcuu/aJ.
P. 6 vru;(a>z>, 6 -TrapdTv^wv, V. o eirtoiv, Angling: P. tt(nraXtWTtK7/, 17. For
o <0ao-a$. The first place, pri- reference to methods of fishing, see
macy : P and V. irfKo-fteTa, ra ; see Plat., Soph. 220B-221c.

primacy. Have the first place, v, : Fishing-boat,, subs. P, .

P. 7rpo)Tuetv, V. 7rp<r/:?PU', 7rp<r- (Xen.).

Crivc the first place to : Fishing-line, subs. V. op/ua,
P. and V. 7rpccr/?vW (ace.) (WWO. Fishing-net, subs. P. and V.
Krsi jjmfl ; P, Trpwretov (or pl.J.
TIw first day of the nwnth : Ar. and Fishing-rod, subs. P. pa8os,
P. Zwj Kal vca. T/MUG who are the KaA.uju.os, 6.

first to confer? a favour : P. ot Fish-market, subs. Ar. o

9TapYOVT5 TO) TTOtfilV ?>
(DetH. Fishmonger, subs. Ar.
7?^ 2/46 j5r.f^ to do a thing : P. and
V. 5px tl/ soe ^^I7*w- / .
Fishy, adj. Ar. I
Met., see
place P. atld V. irp&nnr, TO
tricky, deceptive.
TTpoincrrov, At. and V. Trpoira, Fjssure,
subs. P. and V.
Trrtt. JP0r i/tfi j?rsi ^tmc ; P. and Fist, subs. P. and V.
V. TTpwrov, Ar. and V. Trpamx, ;U with the fist : P. TTU ircu'cu/
: P. and V, TO
Trpwrov. Origin- (absol.) (Dem 1252), Ar. & rfnfcr-

ally : I*, and V. TO dpxawv, P. KQ.T <retv. j&^to me^ in Zowd conflict:
V, 7pvy/*tt), 8* ^tfw tyKpOTO'ufj.evai. (JBur.,
Firs t, adv. P. and V. WP&TOV, TO J. 21 J368). W7w ^ed to fist on
WP<OTOV, , Ar.
and V. 7rpo>Ttt, your head $ V. T& fe o-oi/ ^par*
, 6e/orc something &ru'KTu<T6i/ ; (Kur., Cj/cZ. 229).
else: P. and V. -n-pdrcpov. Be first: Fit, subs. Convulsion : P, and V.
P. and V. <l>0w, 7rpo<0e; see <nr<wrfto9) o, V. orTTttpayju-dV, o, P.
also6e<7'm. First and foremost : P. or^aSaor/Ao's, <J (Plat.). Sudden im-
and V* TO /xcv /Acyttrrov, /vtXwrra ^ec. : P, and V. fy/w}, w. J?% (of
First-fruits, subs. P. and V. d/cpo- illness) : P, KarafioXy, 07 (gen.). Joy
^/vux, Ta (sing, sometimes in Y.), jS^s and s^otrte : P. and V. fay
aTrapxai at (sing., Plat, Pro*. 348B), ai r<mdow)*
When the fit of
Ar. brapy/4.aTO, madness abate* : Y Sray &v
Fit Fix

(Bur., Or. 227). P. and V. oXtydticts.

Fit of mod- -4i random :
ness : V, P. and V. tKi7.
7riTv\o$ /wtvias (Bur., I. T.
307) ; see madness. Perchance (the Fitly, adv. P. errmySctW, <rvjj.<p6p<o<s,
people) may exhwust their fit of Becomingly : P. and V. evTrp&r&s,
anger : Y. ro>s &i/ eicin/eucraev (6 (Tt;/X/ieTpOJS, P. -JTpOOTy/COV-

&}/ju>s) (Bur.,
Or. 700). Do a thing V. evato-^cos. Seasonably : P.
in a fit of anger : P. -qo-tnytfeis opyjj P. and Y. Kotptw? (Xen.) ;

irpd<r<TLV TI (Plat., Leg. 868A). jfo see seasonably.

a ,/i of passwn V. o/oy .
Fitness, subs. Suitability: P. ern-
(Soph., 0. S. 1241). T^SeioTi??, 17. Physical fitness : P.
Fit, adj. Suitable : P. and V. evrpotfria TOV O*O>/ITOS ; see health.
Sctos, <ru//,<opos, 7rpo<r0opos. Oppor- Fitting, adj. SeejSt.
tune P. and V. Koipios,
rfrceupos, Fittingly, adv. See j^^y-
V. e&catpos. Becoming : P. and Fittings, subs. Ar. and P. o-Kevy, rd,
V. eu7rp7T7js, TTpeTTcav, irpocnqKOWf cru/x- P. KaTacr/cev>7, ^ see equipment, ;

jjwpos, cfarxflfuav, Ka.O^KUiv Ar. and Five, adj. P. and V. TreWc.

t Lasting
P. irpeTrwfys, V. 7reiKo>s, TTpocrewcai?, five years : P. Trci/Tacr^s, Ar. Trei^re-
Ii W jfa, V. P. and V.
njs. 4 festival held every five
TTpocny/cei, apftofa. In fit years : P. -Trei/renjpfe, 17. jRve 2/ears
condition, adj. P. and V. vrpa<l>ys
: oid : P. 7TVTaTiq$. Five tiines 9
(Plat.). 2% /or, capable of : P. adv P. and V. TrcvraKts. :

cu^wjs (irpos, ace. or fe, aoc.). J?*t Five, subs. The number P. ;

to, co?wpetfen to : P. and V. tc&ytfe

(infin.) ; see cow&peten^ Worthy Fix, v. trans. P. and V.
to. P. and V. <os (infin.). Z*A* see also plant. Fix in the grownd :
jft (to) : P and V. AftoOv (infin.), P. KOLTa.Tnrjyvwa.1. Be fixed : P. and
Swcatovj/ (infin.), Ar and V. rX^vat V. xen-yyci/tu, V. <rT7)p(CrQ<u. Fix
(infin.) (2nd aor. of rXav), V. crra&ovv alongside : P. Trapct/cttraTnyyi/vvat.
(infin.), roX/iav. Be fixed in: Ar. c/ATr^yi/vo-flat (dat.).
Fit, v. trans. Adapt : P. and V. irpo<r- Attach, fasten : P. and V. crwdtr-
apyuo^etv,2<j>apfM%w (Xen.), <rvvap/M- reiv, Trpocrdirreiv, avaTrrecv,KoSdirrew
^tv, Ar. and P.
eva/o/xo&tv. Fasten, (Xen.), V. etti/crrH/ see fasten* ;

attach : V. <Sp/uacty, KaSappo&w, P. Make fast: V. OXAK^V, cr^Lyyuv

and V. irpoarappjo&w. F'lt out : see (also Plat, but rare P.), Tracro-oLXeucA^
egwJp. jPit together : P. and V. iropirav, Ar. and V. 7rpocr7ra<r(rttA.i;tv.
<ri5va/>yu,ofii/. V. intrans. C'orre- 5e y^ed : V. apapo/ai (2nd. perf,
spond P. and V. crvpftawciv, CTU/A-
apapivKw). Make secure: P. yfo-
mTrretv, V. cruft/?aAA,e<r0at, <rufjuriTViv ; /JawSy. Met., Zay down: P. and
see correspond. They put the stones V, V&tv, Stop^etv. 2%w resolved>
together as each piece happened to fit: is fixed V. rowr" ttpdpe or dpape
P. crwmfacrav (XiOovs) a>5 CKCLCTTOV rt alone (Bur., Or. 1330). ^pjpowt;
crv/x^ati/ot (Time. 4, 4). Of clothes : P. and V. rdcrcrtLv, 7rpocrra<r<rtv. J5ff
Ar. and P. fy/tc>cu/ (absol. or with appomtaZ; P. and V. -jrpo-
dat.). TTeZZ-jS^T^, adj. : V. dSteros. beforehand : V,
jP*< tw, v. intrans. : Ar. and P. in: Ar. and V.
fitting into (rt TII/I). JPto on,
one another : P. ol /cdtSot ot appoint : P. and V.
dAAiJXovs (Plat., Bfi jfejed on : P. and
616D). Y. 7rpoKt<r0cu. ^e attention

Fitful, adj. P. and V. on : P. and V. vow ^x^ (^07 aco.

Fitfully, adv. P, or dat.), Ar. and P. Trpoc-^av TO*
Fix Fla

vovv (dat.), (dat.). Fix Flagellate, v. trans. See beat.

the eyes on V. epetSetv o/x/jLa cis
: , subs. P. and Y. OKI/OS, 6.
(aco) (Eur., L
A. 1123). Kswnff Weariness : P. and V. *oVos, 6.
a gloomy look upon the ground : V. Flagging, adj. 8se faint
TTpocrtoirov cs 777^ Flagitious, adj. See wicked.
(Eur., Or. 957). ^ls the Flagon, subs. Ar. and P. XTJK
eyes are fixed on the motions of the X^^oy, TO. Flagon for wine : P.
Stars : P. <&s
wpos aorpovo/uav and V. dor/cds, 6,
(Plat. J5ep. 530D). JPtaj Flagrant,
adj. Manifest : P. and V.
ow : P. and V. alrtav irpoa-- 4>avepos, Xa/Awpos; see manifest.
(dat ), V. aZTi'av V^AUV (dat.) ; Outrageous: P. and V. oWos, P.
see impute. TOvSctvos. Shameless : P. and V.
Fixed, adj. Of stars: P.
Stationary: P. O-TOO-I/AOS. Firmty Flagrantly, adv. Manifestly : P. and
planted : Ar. and V. V. Xafwrpois, Ar. and P. <j&avcpo>s;
alterable ; P. and V. a see manifestly. Outrageously: P.
doom: V. rsXaa ^<#>os. Appointed, and V. oWo>s. Shamelessly : P. and
settled : P. and V. Tcray/xcvos, ?rpo- V.
Kt/Avos. -4 jfoed quantity of bread : Flag-Ship, Subs. P. vavs
P. (Thuc. 4,^ 16). J?br

period: P. xpdvov TOKTOV Flake, subs. o/ / use

(Dem. 45). JFia?^ SWTW o/ Ar. and V. oraXay/wfe, 6. Flake
P. dpyiJpiov piyroV (Thuo. 4, 69). B of snow : Y. vj!><fe, 17. Flakes of
jfa?#Z, fo settled : V. apapA/at (per! snow : Y. ^towfe /JoXat (Bur., Bacch.

of apapibvcetv). 662).
Fixedly, adv. I/oofc fixedly at : P. Flambeau, subs. See forcA.
and V. dTrojSXeWv (^ts, ace.). Flame, subs. P. and Y. <Xo ^
Fixity, subs. Security: P. 7n)p, T<J, V. aWos, 6, <Xoy/x,os, 6.
njs, ^. As opposed to motion : P. Zri?At : P. and V. <<os, TO, <eyyos,
TO (also Plat, but rare P.), Ar, and
Fixture, subs. Se a/iatwre : P. and V, <oos, TO*, aflyTy, ^ (also Plat, but
V. iBpva-dai. (perf. pass, of ISpuctv), rare P.), o-&as, r6 (also Plat, but
/x,Vtv. Fixtures (in a howe, etc.), rare P.).
P. Flame, v. intrans. Blaze: P. and
Fizz, v. intrans. P, and Y. o-i5ptciv, V. Aa/wmv (Plat.), 4*A(/riv (Plat.),
orcX^v (Plat.),
Aarpcwrrav (Plat.),
Fizz, subs. P. and V. t/r<tyos, 6. Ar. and V. <Aytv, Xa/jixeo-flac, V.
Flabby, adj. See Imp. a?dc&v, aWfcrQat, ; see ^'ttd. ^^rw ;
Flaccid, adj. See limp, P. and V K<ior0<u. Met., ,/Za?7ie

Flag, v. intrans P. and Y. ;^fc fl5ciifimewt or joossiow : Ar.

7rpfcord<u, /cd/xvctv (rare P.), ir and P. 4>Xyc<r0<u (Plat.),
vw (rare P.), P. 7ra/>aXvr0at, e/c-
P. and V.
X-u<r^ac, ttTTQKa/xvav, aTrayopcuccv. (Plat.),
Sfcrmft ; P. and Y. 6/cveiv, Flaming, adj. See flashing, bright.
P. dTTOKvetv. Despond : P. and V. Flame-colored : P, and Y.
Met., conspicuous : P. and V.
Flag, subs. P. <n7/*4ov, T<$
Under a flag of truce : use adj., L\ Flank, subs. P. and V. Xfcywv, $
and V. &r<xr7roj>8o5, Y. WwovSos. (Xeu., also Ar.), TrXeupo, ^ (gener-
Without a flag of truce ; use adv., ally pL), Ar. and V. -n-XcvpoV, r&
P. (generally pi). Flank of an army :
Fla Fla

P. and V. /ccpas, TO, P. irXeupov, TO Met., insipid : P.

or use P. ol TrXdytot. Take Downright: P. and V cwrXoi)?, P.
mflank : P. TrXayioV (rtva) Xa aKpaTos, Ar TrXaTife. Consisting of
i.). Outflank : see under plain : P. and V. -n-eStas (Plat ), P.

Flap, v. trans. P. and V. Klvctv, Flat, subs. See plain. House let out
V. o-oXcuW (Eur., Gycl. 434). into tenements : P. OWOIKM, 17.
#i,e wings : Ar. irrcpfyCfaw (absol.). Flat-fish, subs. Ar. and P. i/rj}cro-a,
V. intrans. P. and V. o-ei'cotfat.
to arctf /ro : P. and V. ato>- Flatly, ady Expressly : P.
cw. Make a noise : P. and Flatness, V
subs. Smoothness : P.
and V. XcioYtys, .

Flap, subs. Part of a dress hanging Flatten, v trans. P. 6>oXifiv.

loose : P. -Trrepul, ^ (Xen.). Flatter, v. trans. P, and V. tfcwrevW,
Flapping, subs. N<me : P. and Y. V7rpx<r6ai, T&woTpe^ctv, Ar. and P.
i/ro'^05, 6. T&TTOmTTTCH/, KoXtIKUlV, V. CrCLWeW,
Flare, subs. See flame. irpocrcraLvew, 0<07rmv, Ar. and V.
Flare, v. intrans. See flame. at/coXXeti/, Ar. STTO^WTTCVCW/. Flatter
Flaring, adj. See flashing. excessively : P. wrep/coXa/ccvctv (ace.).
Flash, subs. P. and V. dorpaVi?, ^ Flatterer, subs. Ar. and P. /coXa, 6.
(Plat.), Ar. and V. o-A&?, TO (also Flattering, adj.
P. /coXaia/cos, KoXa-
Plat, but rare P.), auy^ 17 (Plat, in /CCVTIKOS, ^awrcirrtfcds, Ar. ^w-Trtfcos.
sense of ray), V. we/^if, ^ (Soph. Flattering words : P. and V. 0a>7
and JBsoh., Frag), P. fjuappapvyy, y Xdyot (Eur., Frag.).
(Plat.), .Ftosfe from the eyes : Ar. Flattery, subs. P. and V.
and V. dorpcwny, 17. ^toTrcu/ioLTa, Ta (Plat., JSfi^. 5900),

Flash, v. trans. Reflect : P. ^oi'mv. P. icoXoKCca, 17.

V. intrans P. and V. Xa/wrew (Plat,), Flatulence, subs. P. <Bo-cu, ai (Plat.).
(Plat.), uo-Tpcwrreiv (Plat.), Flaunt, v. trans. Make display of :
(Plat.), Ar. and V. QMyew, Ar. and P. eVtSeuci/iWi or mid.)
V. Plume oneself on : P. and
see S/WTW.
JP/os^ (o/
aWearQat, ju,p-
^ (ace.).
V. ttyoXXco-tfcu (dat.), a^p^aBdi
: P. and V. ucrrpaTrrw (Plat.). (dat), XajumpivecrOat. (dat.); see
wpo% (i/te mind) : see ocezw. plume oneself.
Flashiness, subs. Specwusness : P. Flaunting, adj. Boastful : Ar. and
P. aX'wv, P. ^7Tp^avos, V. iWp-
Flashing, adj. P and V. Consp'icuoiis : P. and . v.
Ar. and V. ^>aewos,
V. cjbwSpo's, also but Flavour, subs. Sense of flavour : P.
e&aps (Plat,
rare P.), ^Xoyo>i/r, ^XoycoTros, 0aco*- yams, >/ (Arist.). Something tasted :

s, /ca\\i- Ar, and V. yefyza, TO (Eur,, C?/eJ.

I : P. and V. -n-oi/Aos, Ar. Flavour, v. trans. P. r;8vW.
and V. aio'Xos.
Flavouring, subs. Ar. and P.
Flashy, adj. P. and V. ty8v<rfui, TO.
ConspiciMUS : P. and V. Flaw, subs. Imperfection P. a/*ap-
Flask, subs. Ar. and P. T7//Aa, TO, ?rX?7jU,ju,Xeia, ^, P. and Y.
XyKvOwv, TO. Flask for wine : P. ufuipria, }. Jllemixh, stain : P. and
and V. dorjcri?, o. V. iqXts, ^. Deformity ; P. TTOVI;-
Flat, adj. Level : P. wXa-nfe, 6/10X09, p t'a, ^ (Plat.), at(rX os T<{ (Plat.).
V. XcvpoV Smooth : P. and V. Mistake : P. and V.
Fla Fli

P. P. dTooroAos, 6. Of a fleet, adj.

V. |a/Aapria, TO. P. and V. vauTtKo's.


Flawless, adj. P. and V. Fleeting, adj. P. and V. c^^cpos.

Te'Aios, T\OS. Without blemish (of Short-lived: P. /3paX vP>s (Plat.).
a victim) : V. ci/TcA^s. Without Lasting short time : P. oXiy
sin : P. dva/jLap-nfTos. (Plat.). S/iori: P, and V.
Flawlessly, adv. P. and V */Ac/tr >Soow passing : P. and V.
3rra>s (Xen.). (Plat.).
Flax, subs. P. and V. AiW, adv. P. and V.
Where your sh^p rides at anchor Ta^ci, 8t^t Taxous, Ar. and P.
bound by ropes of flax : V. ov vavs P. ofc<os, V. oni/ Ta^ct, ^oais,
YoA.ii/ois AivoSerois opftei criOti' (Bur. , Ar. *Xa<]E>pa)9.
I. T. 1043). Fleetness, subs. P. and TO, V
Flaxen, adj. Made offlax : P. Aa/oSs. P. Ta^vnys, ^, V. w/cTSnys, .

Of the colour of the hair : P. and Flesh, subs. P. and V. o-ap, /; (often
V. ai/0o's. in pi.), Ar. and V. xpws, (rare P.) ;
Flay, v. trans. Ar. and P. Sepeu/, see skin. Meat : P. and V. jcpc'as,
Scpew (Xen.), P. and V. e/c TO. -Bo^y (s<s opposed to soul) : P.
(Plat., Euthyd. SOlo). Strip off: and V. o-wua, TO. 37ear flesh, v. :
P. irepuiipelv, V. fcSep'. Met., Ar. crap/ca^av (absol.).
beat : Ar. &ro8epetv, Ar. and P. e*S- Fleshed, adj. Of a sword see new- :

petv. under newly.

Flea, subs. Ar. Kopts, 6, Ar. and P. Fleshiness, subs P. n-oXwrapKt'a, $
i/o;AA&, 17 (Xen.) (Xen.).
Flecked, adj. Flecked with foam : Fleshless, adj. P. &mp/cos (Xen.).
V. a<p<3 8id(3poxo$. Thin : V. ^pos see lean. ;

Fledged, Be, v. intrans. Ar. and P. Fleshly, adj. Carnal : P.

Fledgling, subs. Use P. and V. Fleshy, adj. P. Well-

covered with flesh : Ar. and P.
Flee, v. trans, and intrans. ; see
Fleece, subs. Ar. and P. K&Swv TO, Flexibility, subs. P.
Ar. and V. TTO'KOS, 6. Wool: Ar. Do&ility : P. F<3r$a-
and P. cpior, TO (or pi.), V. ; P. UTpa7rcXta, 4-
6, A^vos, TO. flffeiw: P, and V. Flexible, adj. 'P. and V. $ypo s, V.
TO', 8opo(, ^ (Plat.),
, V. TO', cnrpejrros, P. Ka/wmfe. Met.,

P. ^wywyos, cu/iad^?, cu^vtos, V.

Fleece, v. trans. Ar, Met., $i\r}vio$ see docile. Versatile : ;

be fleeced, cheated ; Ar. P. TroAvrpoTTos.

w-repoppvctv, nXA,cr^at. Flicker, v. intrans. See oscillate.
Fleecy, adj Ar. and V, ,
V. Flicker, subs.
U7roAco9, Ar. ovXos, Flickering, adj. Ar. and V.
Fleet, adj. P. and V. Ar, and Flight, subs. Runwiny away : P.
P. oife V. t and V. <jwyrii ry, V. 8pao-/xos, 6 (rare
TTOUS, TayiV P.). Rout : P. and Y. TpoH ij.
Ar. and V. Spo/wuoq, 0oo$, flight, y. trans, ; P. and V.
Active, nimble: P. and V. (or mid. in the aor.), ds
(Xen.), Ar. and V, KaOurrdvai, V. cl7rov(uT^tv.
Fleet, subs. Ar. and P. to flight : P. and V. Tprr0<u
or use P. and V, vi/*?, at. Expedi- (pass,), ^cvyctv, V. ^wyJyv cupeo-Bat.
tion by sea : P. and V. crroAos, o, Flight, subs. Jfo^iow o/ birds : V.
Fli Flo

irrij&ts, ^, TronJ/xara, ra. A flight /3d\\tV, V. plTTTClV, fKpLTTTW,

of (stones, arrows, etc.) : V. vfyds, ptVrctv. Flinging out words of
flight (flock) of doves : V. reproach : V. Aoyous ovetSicrrQpa?
ic&juos TrcAetcDv
(Eur., Ion, 1197). v8aroi;>vos ffiur., H", J 1
Flightiness, subs. Carelessness : P. J?
^^-M^OW : P. and V. eirt^oAAetv
and Y. pffipta, (TI rtvi), V. cyKaTao-K^Trretv (rt T/I).
Flighty, adj. P. and V.
Careless JP7<n^ oneself upon : P. and Y.

ppQvfjLos. Light-minded : V. KOV- 7rpo<T7rwrTtv (dat.), cparfarrcat (dat.)

Fickle : P. and V. fytTrA^*- (Xen., also Ar.) see attack. ;
TOS. Now are you flighty ana your Fling, subs. Act of throwing : P.
wisdom is as folly : V. vvv yap vera tyri*, 17. Throw, range : P. and V.
re Kal <f>povu>v ouS^v ^povcfe (Elir ,

Aaccfe. 332). v. P. and V. :

Flimsiness, subs. P. Flint, subs.

Of texture Use s^owfi. Flint for

AcTTTonys, ^. Met., P ^avAo-nys, 17. striking a spark : use P. and V.

Flimsy, adj. Of texture P. and V. TTVpeta, ra (which were pieces of

Arro's. Met., P. and V. <aOAos, wood, not stone) (Plat., Rep. 435A ;
<jf>Aavpos. Frivolous: P. and V. Soph., PM. 36). Rubbing flmt
I produced with labouragainst flint,
Flinch, v. intrans. P. and V. a dim spark: V. nLXA,"
KaTOKvelv, P. a7ro/cvu>. Flinch from: ir&rpov e/crp^Swv /xo
P. and V. 6/cvctv (aoc.), Irru<r0ai 0a>5 (Soph., Phil. 296).
(aoc.), atfcTTacrdaL (gen.), V. ea- Flippancy, subs. Indifference: P.
0i<rra<r0ai (gen.), P. aTro/cveiv (ace.) ; and V. p$0v/wa, ^. Spor* (as op-
see shrink from. Not to flinch posed to earnest) : P. and V.
from (face bravely) : P. and V.
Oapcr&v (ace.). Flippant, adj. Indifferent : P. and
Flinching, subs. P. and V. OKVOS, 6. V. P^UJLLOS. Sportntoe (as o
Fling, v. trans. P. and V. fiaXXw, to ear?i0si) : P. TratSt/co?.
/SITTTCIF, ttpUvaiy ft0iei/at (rare P.), pant, v. P. and V. :

AT. and V. f&<u, V. SWv

(2nd aor.), Flippantly, adv. Indifferently: P.
icwnreiv; see throw. Flinging the P<i0v/Aa>$. Sportively: P. 7rat8wc<Ss.t

thyrsi from their hands : V. 0up<rovs Flirt, v. intrans. Ar. and P.

Jfaiaiurat x^P^ (Eur., /?accfc. 762). T<T0<U.
.FZw<7 a6(mi : Ar, and P. Stappnrrw Flit, v. intrans. P. and V.
(Xen.). JPVmgf around : P. and V. O/ a ^ost ; V. dWciv (Eur.,
,v, V. fyt<t/3<AAett/, d/t^T- 31). J?/oa in the air : P. and V.
Fling away : P. and V. afe>pb-0<u. jP^zi wound : Ar. Trept-
7TT<r^at (absol.). Change one's
t .
9 V . . abode : P. /xeravtoracrtfai.
/or nothing : P. and V. Flitting, adj. Ar. and V. cuoAos, or
v, P. 7rpot<rtfai. PMwgi down: use P. and V. K<W<O$, wnyvos (Plat.).
P. and V. V. *arap- Float, v. intrans. Swim: Ar. and
v. jBringf and V.Zow P. vtv. Ite carried along : P. and
: P.
elv, V. Karappen-cw, K\fi/tv. V. <cp<r0ai. Stream, wave: P.
w^o : P. and V. /i) and V. <epcr0at, attop^crflat, V.
(n rtvi or rt ei5 TI), fV)Sc[AAtv (rt
9 rt). 2%w0 ^e
a jptece) : (into around you a strain of
P. and V. Tup I/W<M (ets, ace.). flutes: Ar. A/TCV^CV avAaiv rfc <r
oneself into : see aasA Trepteartv ^rvoi} (Ba^. 154).
: P. and V. Flock, subs. Of wool: P. and V.
Flo Flo

TO' (Plat.), V. pxAAo's, , Ar. and V.

6, /

Ar. and V. ic
i7, 17,
Get out of one's depth. Met, P.
of sheep : P. and V. /SaTTT^o-tfai (Plat., Euthyd. 277r).
/ApioVjTO, /SoavcTy/ActTa, ra,
V. Flour, subs. Ar. and P. &\upa, ra.
ra, Ar. and V. /jw}Ao, r<, Flourish, v. trans. Brandish: P.
JP/oc& o/" fords : V. eo-^uds, 6, KO>/U,OS, and V, o-e&iv, Ar. and V. iraAAU',
KpaSatveiv, rtvacro-uv. V. intrans.
Flock, v. intrans. Collect: P. and Prosper: P. and V. v Trpao-o-cw/,
V. cnwcpx<r&ai, Mpottcatiai, <rwa- V ^tl/, V </>pCT0ai. (OT Substitute
OpOL&crOat., o-vAAey<r0ai. J^ZocA; KaXco9 for cS), eu^cvctv, v0tv, eyTi;-
around : P.
ITC/DIKCXW&U (dat,) ^?v, <tK/xa^tv, ^aAAetv (Plat but
(Plat.) (pert pass,
of vcpixw), pip- rare P. ; also Ar.), evSatjuovelv, op-
pelv (ace.) (Plat.). Oovo-Qat, P. cuff-pa-ycti'.
Flock-master, subs. See shepherd. Flourish , subs. Flourish of trumpets:
Flog, v. trans. Ar. and P. //.acmyovi/ P. and V. <jfe^oyyo'9, 6, V. /So^ ij, dflr^,

see beat. 4 a ^X^ 4 W7 ^- Brandish-

Flogging, subs. J3/ows ; P. and V. ing : P. ^j/(o-iais, ^ (Thuc. 4,
TrAtyyot, at. 126). Pomp : P. and V. <r
subs. P.
Flood, 6, TO, ^ (Plat.).
P. and V. Flourishing, adj. P. and V.
Wai>0 :
iTTiicAvoris, 17.
\ <iOi e O/A.AMI "D i
fcAuOOV, O, KUfJLOLj TO. OireOWl IT.
ux>;s Ar. and V. oA/?to9, V. ouptos ;

and V. porj, ^, pefyto, TO see stfr^aw. see prosperous.


Be in full flood: P. /xeyas ^eiv, P. Flout, v. trans. Neglect : P. and V.

and V. iroAvs pceV. ^oo^ of tewrs : fyu-Astv (gen.), Trapa/wAetv (gen.).
V. va/xa, TO, TrAiy/x^iJplfs, , vorf?, 17, Despise : P. and V. Ka.Ta<j>povcLv
rippo<u, at (Eur. jFVaj;.), 7^717, (ace. or gen.), faep^povclv (ace. or
In floods (used of the flow of tears), gen.), P. oAiywpoV (gen.), v
adv. P. and V. doro/cr*. Met., a
: face, or gen.), Ar. and V.

flood of troubles, etc. : P. and (ace.). Disregard

P. cv ou8eW Aoy<j>
/cArfSwv, 6, rpiKv/jita, $ (Plat.), V. 7roieur0ai, V. 81* ovScyos Troteta^at, Jv
TO, ^TTtppOCU, (TfjLLKpQ TroieLa'Ocu, \
tt(, see also reject.
6. Indulge in a flood of eloquence : Slight : P. and V. dTt/m&a/, ?rap-
P. TroAvs ^Iv (Dem. 272). CpYCOvtti V Q,TLLIV. InSUlt P. . ."

Flood, v. trans. P. KaTa*Aijav ; see and V. vppi&iv see msw/i. ',

inundate. Met., overwhelm : P. FlOW, Subs. P. and V. por/, ^, pai/wi,

and V. KcLTo/cAv'^-iv. J?iK jfo ; P. TO, ,5oi)s, 6 (V. pciepov, TO, V.
j5oo5), e
and V. ^Tri-TrA^vat ; see jKZ.
Having my ears flood with talk : P. 6, ^tppor}, ^, Ar. and V, va/xa, TO

8XT0pvA>7ficyos ra 2)Ta (Plat., Bap. (also Plat, but rare P,) ; see also
358o) ; see deluge. abundance, stream. Indulge in a
Floor, subs. P. cSa^os, TO', V. ovSas, flow of eloquence : P. iroAvs petv
TO. Storey : P. ol/cr/fia, T^ (Xen.) ; (Dem. 272). Flow of blood : V.
see storey. afy/xxTos S.iroppoa.1, at (Eur., JETdZ,

Floor, v. trans. P. and V. 1587) ; see stream. JP^ow? o/ tears :

' * /*OM-M
Florid, adj. Bed and P.
: Ar. cTTippoai, at ^JCmT.,
Of style : use P. and V. ana j4(n? : see under
see flowery. Flow, v. intrans. P. and V, /5e/.

Flotilla, subs.; see fleet. Be carried along : P. and "V.

Flotsam, subs. Use V. <r0at. Drip; P. and V.

Flounder, v, intrans. P. and V, (Plat, but rare P.),
Flo Flu

(Xen.), <n"<iv (Plat, but rare P.), Of style of speech: P. eflpous, Ar.
V. a-Troora^civ, crraXao-cretv, Siappaw'c- and V. cuyXcocro-os, V
<rOai. P. and V.
Met., of words : Abundant: P. and V.
pv. Flow away Ar. and P. V. 7TtppTJr05.

P. and V. aTroppca/. .FZow Fluctuate, v. intrans. P. and V.

; P. and V. Karappav. Flow
from, lit., P. and V. avoppelv e< see change. Waver vn, mind : ;

(gen). Met., emanate from P. P. :

and V. ytyi/eo-0cu e* (gen.) see (Plat.), d/x^iyi/oeiv, P. and V. aVo-


emanate. Flow in P. and "V. p?V. :

eurpeTv, eTrtppeli/. Flow off: P. and Fluctuating, adj. P.

V. v, Ar. and P. &cptv. Ar. and P. see
P. and V. awoppew, Ar. and P. and V. &ropos.
P. CKpew. Flow over V. fcaracrra- Fluctuation, subs. Change : P. and

(gen.). jP/ow roMwd : P, V. fjLTa/3o\t'i 9 ^, fteraXXtty?7, 17 (Plat,

(acc. or absol.). Flow together: and Ear., Frag.). Wavering, ir-
P. J8oi0 through : P. P. and V. ftropfo, *.
(acc.). wp : P. dvap- Fluency, subs. P. oJpota, ^, Ar.
P, and V. petr
(dat ), V. <rr<L&iv (dat.), Fluent, adj. P. t5povs, Ar. and V.
(dat.), Karapptiv (dat.), /uJSay (dat.).
Flow with a strong stream : lit., P. Fluid, adj. P. and V. vypoV
ju.eyas pti/. Fluidity, subs. P. vyp6nri<s, $.
Flower, subs. and V. #i/0os, P. TO. Flurry, subs. P. rapa^, ^ ; see
Met., perfection : P and V. foQos, a Citation.
Tfie flower of youth, Flurry, v. trans. P. and V.
prime : P. and V. see agitate.
P. <Spa ^ Ar. and P. Flush, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
Jn the flower of youth,
17. P. dvcpTj^ptav, pv0paiV(T0ai (Xen.),
adj. P. and V. ^Swv, wpatos, V. Ar. uircpvOpiav. Be flush of : P.
os, ^aXepo?.
and V. Flushed, adj.
B0 m
Of the cheek: V.
^ eviropelv (gen. or dat.).
o/ youth, :

Flower of an army, OtVWTTOS.

etc., best part : P. and V. ai>0os, TO, Fluster, v. trans. See agitat".
V. AamayAaTa, Ta. Fluster, subs. See agitation.
Flower, v, intrans. P. and V. Flute, subs. P. and V. aX<J<?, 6, P.
Flowerless, adj. P. avav^s. orppty^, (Plat ), V. XWTOS, 6. Play //

Flowery, adj, Ar. and V. the Jlute, v. P. and V. aflXctv. :

avOcfjubSiris, V. av^o-<^opos, Ar. and P/a?/ flute to : P. /caTavXav (gen.), '

P. evwOfa. The floioery treasure Ar. TrpocravXcti/ (JScdZ. 892). Ail

of the yellow mountain bee V. rys the home is filled with the strains

of the flute : V. auXwm Se irav

(Bur., /. I 634.
Met., of (Bur., I. T. 307).
style: P. and V. Flute-girl, subs. Ar. and I*.
flower?/ lanyuaga : P.
Xeyeti/ (Isoc.). Flute-maker, subs. P. ,

Flowing, adj. V. efipous, Flute-making, subs. P.

os, vapd?, P.
Ar. and P. <z&aos. Met., of dress : Flute-player, subs. Ar. and P.
P. and V. Tro^pi;? (Xen.), or use ,
Ar. 6. Fern.,
long. Of hair : V. Tavaos, Ar, and P.
Flu Foe

Flute-playing, subs. P. Fly, v. intrans. As a bird P. and :

T) avXr/TiK>7, Ar. and P. V. Wrrecr&u, and V. Ar.

T<, Ar. and V. crvpiyp,aTa,
rd. Fly away : lit and met,, P. and
Flutter, v. trans. Flap : P. and V. V. am7T W<9<U (Plat), lAC7TW0ai
crct'civ, Klveiv, V
craXeueiv (Eur., Oycl. (Plat.), SiaTrerco-flat (Plat.), Ar. and
434) see flap. Ayitate
P. and P. &7roireT<r0a.i (Plat.). Fly down :
V. rapdicrcrciv, (rvvrapda-creiv, eK?rXj/<r- Ar. KarairlTcrO<u. Fly \n Ar. .

O-CH/, Opdo-a-cw (Plat, but rare P), ci'crTrcVeo'&H. J?V// oz;er : Ar. cTrW-
<!va7rTpow (Plat.), Ar. and V. crrpo- Tccr^tu (ace. or dat ). Fly round :

Betv. V intrans. Shake : P. and Ar. irepiTrmcrQai (absol.). Fly

V. o-ei'cotfoi. Fly : P. and V. through Ar. and
. V. Siaverta-Bai
-Trerco-tfcu. J5e ar^tated : P. and V (ace., or Sia, gen.).
rapdcro-earQai, /c7rXy/o-cr(r0cu, cVrof}- Fly, v. intrans. Hush, burst : P.
<r0<w (perf pass. Trroctf) (Plat.), and V. oppav, &pfji.a(rQcLi ; see rush.
avcoTTepova-OaL (Xen ) ; see agitate. Flii apart : P. and V. 8iapp/yvT;<r0ai,
Fluttered, adj. use also V. TreTraX-
pyyvvcrdai. Fly at: see attack.
/*vos. $&0 was fluttered V. ^^CTT- .
Fiy into, rush into: P. and V.
(Eur., Oyd. 185).
royjfly; Palpitate, c/WiTrreii/ (P. ets, ace., V. dat.
V. P. and V.'wqSSv, V. opxclvOai..
: alone) ; see rush. Fly into a
Flutter, subs. Of wings V. ftm'i, */. :
passWn : V. wpos o/oy/,v eK^cp
Agitation : P. rapaxr'}, y, P. and V. (Soph , 628), ets opyr)v

2ic7rXy;i9, 17, V. Tapuy/x,os, 6, ru/octy/Aci, (Eur., Or. 696).

TO, avtt/cfc/y/<ro, /).
J3o m a yZtttfter ; Flying, adj. P. and V. nn^iw (Plat.),
use &e fluttered, v. V. Tre-np/os (Eur., Bfees, 515) ; see
Flux, subs. P. and V. /fioCs, 6, />oy/, winged. Flying column (of an
y}. Be in a state of flux : P. and wrmy) : P. Tr/ooSpo^oi, ot.
V. pctv. Foal, subs. P. and V. -rnoXo?, 6 or
Fly, subs. Ar. and P. /ma, y/ (Xen.). r). Of a foal, adj. V. TrcoXwco's. :

: and V. pfo^, 6 (Plat.), Foam, subs P. and V. dope's, 6

ffa^Z?/ P;
V. oTorpo?, o. (Plat Tim. 83D). Spro?/ : P. and ,

Fly, v. trans. Avoid: P. and V. V. riU.r;, r) (Plat.), V. WXavos,

Po7*r mmyled draughts of honey
and milk and foam of wine : V
(gen.), e^Wao-^at (gen.), Ar. and P. p,\iKpa.T d<l><s yoXaKTOs olvwrov r
KT/57T<r0ai, P. -UTT
^xi^v (Eur., Or. 115).
ytv, Ar. and V. Foam, v. intrans. V. fafrptfav. J3

(also Xen.), V. ^vy forth into foam : V, av0dv,

veiv, 5Xv<rKtv, ^aXuo-KCtj'. Dexire to
fly : V. ^v^6ctv (ace.). V. intrans. anger, etc. : P. and V,
; P, and V. etv.

, Foaming, adj. P. and V.

(Bur., Ueracl. 14), Ar. ..
and P. a7ro8i8/>acTKiy. O/ a?* Fodder, subs. P. and V. x^P T05 *
foifw? row^; P. and
(Xen.), rpo^rj, r/, V. /?o<r^, r)
T/o7r<r^at, V. ^iyfyv cuecrtf (Alsch,, Fray.), i\ ftortlmj, r/, x'^>5>-
/or r</W|7c ; P. and V. .. .

Fly from one's country : P. and V. Foe, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
<t>vyw (absol.). to, have re- woXfi/wos, CX^POS, ^/avT6os, Ar. and
course to : P, and V. rpfaeo-Ow, (ir/wis, V. rttttos, 8^u>s, 8v<r/Aevi7S.
P. icara^cr/yav (?9 or 7r/cxfe, Foeman, subs. 800/00,
acc.;, V. ^ciJyctv (cfe, ace.). FoetUS, Subs. P. /cvr;^a, 7 o V.
Fog Fom

Fog, subs. Ar. and P. (dat.), Ar. and P. a*coXou0rv (dat.),

(Plat.). Oloud : P. and V. TropcLKoXou^cti/ (dat.), erraKoXovdelv

(dat.), P. o^i/aKoA-oi^ctv (dat.), V.

Foggy, adj. Cloudy : P. ofjuiprctv (dat,), /jte^ewecr^at (dat.).
subs. Ar. rvfoye , 6.
Pursue : P. and V. Stowccti/, P.
Foible, subs. Use P. TrA^/teA-eta, 17 ;

see habit. P. and V. tyeTreo-Qai. (dat ) ; see

Foil, v. trans. P. and V. (r<j!>aAA,tv, 060^. Follow (a profession, etc.) :
P. KKpovw. Confound: P. and P. and V. dcr/ctv, eVtTi/SeiJctv, Ar.
V. o-vyx&v. Escape notice of: P. and P. ^Xerav. Follow (a person's
and V. Aa^(W (ace.), V. Ai^w example) : P. &KO\OV&IV (dat. of
(ace.), P. StoAavflaveiv (ace.).
Be person) (Dem. 461). Follow (<m
foiled in : P. and V. argument, etc.) : P. eireo-Qju
<r<oAAir0at (gen.V aKoXovBelv (dat.), Trapa/coXovdetv
(gen,) , ajjiCLprdveLv (gen. ) 50 foiled : .
(dat.), <Tui/aKoXou^tv (dat.). Follow
P. and V. o-<oAAor0at (absoL). on (as a consequence) : P. and V.
Foiled, adj .
Unsuccessful : P. &ror0at (dat.), avveirevQai. (dat.), P.
OTTpaKTOS. aKo\ov0w (dat.). Follow (absol.),
Foist, v. trans. P. and V. &rooA.- come after Ar. and P. rtytyi/o-0<u.

A.IV (TlVt Tt), V. eTTCjU./JoAAeU' (TtVt Tt). It follows that : P. oru/xj&uWt (infin.).
In a document : P, irafieyypdfaiv Follow up (a success), pi^sfe ^o ifee
(TI 2v TLVL). Foist oneself on : Ar. ^TT^px<r6ai (dat.) wimos^ : P.
and P, eto-Sve<r0at (cts, ace.). (Thuc. 4, 14).
Fold, subs. Fold of a dress : V. Follower, subs. Attendant : Ar. and
orroA.f6s, at. JbW of the dress over P. dVco'A.ou0o5, 6; see attendant.
the bosom : Ar. and V. KO\TTO^ o. Disciple : Ar. and P. fj&OfjTfa 6.
Coil : V. <T7Ttpa, , CTTTCtpttJUta, TO, ZVic followers of Protagoras : P. ot
TTcpi^oAo?, 6 ; see oo*7. Followers,
d/A<j{>t Ilpwrayo'pai' (Plat.)
folded or folding : V. P. ol o-uvoVres.
TTTV^CU, at, partisans :

TreptTmJ^at, at, Siairrvxat, at. PoW

Following, subs. 27ram o/ atten-
/or S/fcfiep : V. crraQfjLos, 6. avXtov, ro dants : P. aKoXovOta, y}, Ar. and P.
(also Xen.), O^KOS, 6, o'KoAo-u^ot, ot. Adherents : P. and
Fold) V. trans. V. <rv/A7rrv<rortv. V. U^Ot, Ot.
compass : P. and V. Following, adj. P. a id V. ^wiv,
Ar. and V. dwrcctv (rare P.), V. Ar. and P. &rtytyi/a/Aeyos. On the
following day : P. rg tcrrepeiq,. On
0718 an embrace : Ar. and V. the day following : P. rfi . . .

(aco.) ; see embrace. ^a-Tcpata (gen.).

Fold round : see coi'Z. Stoi ;
Folly, subs. m P. and V.
P. and V. etpycw, Kareipyw, V.
t'a, ij, acrvv(r{a, i) (Bur., Frc
Folded, adj. V. IXtKros, P. and V.
(Xen.). Folded rowid : V. fj,
V. &?70ta, ^, Ar. and V. 8vo$ovA,ea,
^. Join with the foolish in folly :
Foliage, subs. V. ^0^17, ^, Ar. and
V. 4>vXXd$, $ see Z0a/. ; Phcen. 394).
Folk, subs. Race : P. and V. Foment, v. trans. Stir up : P. and
TO, yeVos, TO, <t>vXov, TO ; see people, V. Klvtv. Foment disturbances :
Folk-lore, subs. P. /w0o\oyta, 17. P. vfiwrepttetv (absol.).
Follow, v. trans. P. and V. Fomenter, subs. P. and V.
(dat.), onJveTrccr^at (dat.), 6 or 17, P. cfjyy^Tijff, .
Fon Foo

Fond, adj. P. and V. Ar. and <j>\vapv, P. and V.

<#A.av0/oo>7ros, (Xen.). (Xen.). Ar.
/j.u>p<uWi' ^\fc#iau/.
Loving one's children : Ar. and V. ^o^ aw;ay : seo squander.
^iXorcKvos. Loving one's husband : Fool-hardiness, subs. See rashness.
V. <IAavo>p. JftwaJ message V. adj. See ros/t.
<ft.ov &ros. Foolish see foolish. Foolish, adj.
: Of persons or things:
Fond of (pursuits, etc.) : P. and V. P and V. juoipos, eu
irpooW/*i/o$ (dat.), V. &veip.iv()<s (cfc, (Eur , Oyol. 537), a<riWo5,
ace.). Be fond of: see Zovc, v. <t/x,(X^y/$,
Ar. and P.avoVo
Fondle, v. trans. P. and V. acrTrd- V. Afro^>po)/. Of persons only : P.
ZccrQai, V. 01-yyaveu/ (gen.), Trpoar- and V. vov5, tt<^po>r, (r/catos V. t

Trrvo-o-co-Oai ;
see embrace. Stroke : KU/CO<PO)V. JFoolish talk, subs. : Ar.
P. and V. and P. Xi}p05, 6, <^Xi/tt/>c'a, ry.
V. Ka Foolishly, adv. P. and V. cftyy^s,
Fondly, adv. Affectionately : P. <i<f>pov<t)$, P. r/Ai$ta>$, /A(t>pa)9 (Xen.),

$iXav0p<ir<o9, P. and V. <tA.o<poi we, Ar. and P. avo^Tws, cvrfilKfa, V.

<#UDS (Xen. but rare P.), irpovQikfa ^/3oi5Xa)S, aenWra. ZW4 foolishly,
Foolishly: seo foolishly. v. : P. and V. A^pctv, Ar. and P.
Fondness, subs. P. and V. <#>tX/a, j/. ^>Xvapv, P. tt-TroXiypetv, V.
iot><3: P. and V. Ipws, o. Good- Ar. ^A.?7/a<^ai/.
will : P. and V. CVVOLOL, ?;. Parental Foolishness, subs, Hee/o%.
fondness : V. <rrepyr/0pw' TO (^Esch., Foot, subs. P. and V. TTOUS, 5.
CT&oe. 241). Fondness for one's P. and V. /3<icrtv, *y (Wat. but rare
husband : V. <lA.a>8pi'a, r;. P.), V. c/i^ttcrt?, ?y. Measim*. : P,
n&Js (/or things) : P. and V. 7rot9, 6. In scansion: Ar. and P.
o (gen.), ffotty : oe/o%. 7roi)9, o. /tos/iy loirast part : P. and

Food, subs. P.' and V. rpo<^y, V. Kp7/7r&, 7; (Plat.), /Mfyoi', TO' (Xou.),
<rm>s, 6, P. t8o>8*y, ?; (Plat.) j8<f<rfc, r) (Plat), P. 280^09, ret.
TO (Plat.), ^poifn?, ry, Ar. and P, Foundation : P. Oftifrws, o, P. and
, TO, crtna, TCI,
Ar. and V. V. irv0/^, <>, V, /jft ^
JP'ooi o/ a

^0(r/07^a, TO, V. ^/XTT- hill : P. /cpanr^Stt, Ta (Xen.).

r/ t

Things to eat : P. and

V. ^(TT(, Ta (Plat, and Eur.,
i/ie /oo^ o/, prop. P. and V.

(dat.). At UM foot of Mt. (farania :

Frag.), V. j8/>wTa, rti Diet: P. P. UTTO TW opu rf Tcpai/^ (Thuc. 4,
and V. StacTtt, y. (ret food (of 70). -4^ klwfoot, adv.: V. vc'pflcv
troops foraging) P. cVta-mf ecrtfat,
(Bur,, 7to^. 752), <Wp6W, Abo*
.Fodiar ; P. and V. X^TOS^ o (Xon.) ; (o/^: pi&Moff'urnit.'Hfro), Hulw, : Ar.
see fodder. Want of food : P. and P. Trow?, o (Xon.). 0'^ : /^
7, V. <tcrma, ^,
Ar. <t7raaT/a, P. wcffj, or UHO adj., 1>. and V.
for: V. Ootvanqpiw, TO TTC^OS*, nftrooinK with wubjeci Wght
(dat.), oo-K77/Ao, TO (gen*), Ar. and
on foot,, v, : Ar. and 1*. tr^o^Hxtw.
V. ^>o^, ^ (dal), ^8o/xi, ^ (gon, or Haltle, Iwtwi'&n foot-soldwrn, Hubs. :

dat.); see prey; met,, !> and V. P, mopaxta, ry. Spriny to

f&Gt, v.: Ar. and P.
Fool, subs* P. /3A<, 6 or ?}, Ar. and Trample uwl&r foot : V-
P. l/jLBpwrqros, o or ^; or use (aoo.) soo fyrumpte.
; Me<t ow

foolish, adj. Clown: P, and V. r. and V. K&Ourravai, KfwrWww ; seo

ycAxoTOTroto'?, 6. Ptey /te /ooi : see institute, Set foot on : P. and V,
fool t v. frt/iktVty (gen.), l/x/fot'mv (P. <fc,

Fool, v. trans. See deceive. Play aoc., V. ac<x, goa., or dat.), V.

the fool: P. ft?dtccr0ai, (ace., gen. y or dat.), 4/x-

Foo For

(acc. or gen.) ; see tread. Foppery, subs. P. , o,

With bare feet, adj. : Ar. and P. P. and V.
dviiTroSiyTOs, V. viyAi/n-ous, avap^3i5A.os For, prep. On account of: P. and
(Bur., Frag.) . How manyfeet long ? V. 8id (acc.), cveica (gen.), ^dtptv
P. -TrocraTTous ; 27-200 feet long, adj. :
(gen.) (Plat.), V. cJW/ca (gen.), Ar.
P. Serous. Three feet long : P. and V. owe (gen.), GKO.TL (gen.).
TpiTrovs. Tew feet lonq Ar. 8e/cci-. 0?i ^10 ground of: P. and V. l-Trf
Trous. -4. siooZ wi& sifoer feet : P. (dat). Be pitied for: P. eA.r0ai
oY<pos dpyupoTTovs, 6 (Dem. 741). em (dat.). .Bfi admired for : P.
Foot-guards, Subs. P. Tre^raipot, ol 0av/mo-0u ?ri (dat ). Be?w)t(;nerf
(Dem. 23) /or; P. ^SoKt/xo9 ts (acc.) (Plat.,
Foothold, subs. See footing. Ap. 29o). Save reputation for : P
Footing, subs. Statwn : P. and V. vftoKLfAiv km (dat.). On a charge
orao-ts, %. Position, rank : P. and of. P. and V. taf (dat.). For the
V. raf 15, h. Base of operations : sake of: P. and V. Ivc/ca (gen.), &d
P. and V, &op/Ji>7, ^ V. hpjMjrqpiQV, face.), Trpo (gen.), S?r^p (gen.),
TO. TF&07& ^0 Athenian army fgen.) (Plat.), Ar. and V.
seemed to have got a secure footing (gen.), 1/crlTt
(gen.), V. efW/ca (gen.).
with an entrenched position : P. <S>s (Fear) for: P. and V. Trcpt (dat.),
d^t' (dat.), iWp (gen.). (Contend)
.UC. 8, for ones life : P and V. Trcpt ^{i^s.
40), 7w order to $ecwe a firm ^'yi
p^cc of, or exchange for : P.m
footing ^n the mud: P ao-^aXcia? and V. o-vrf (gen.). In favour of:
a/e/ca irpos rov TnyAov (Thuc. 3, 22). P. and V. forep (gen,), irpo's (gen.)
Ice ?ao strong enough to give a (Plat., Prot. 336D); aee favour.
footing : P. /cpuaraXXoc ov . . .
Against: see agaimt. For the
7TX0tV (TllUC. 3, 23).
/3e/3aiOS <S(TT purpose of: P/ and V. sfc (acc.),
Applying to the houses a footing of eVt'
(dat.) lie levied money for the

firm ladders : V. X.a/3w navy : P T/yupoA.oyr/rre*'

t TO vavrticov
(Thuc 8, 3). lie w<wW Aave <awfe^
(Bur., -Bacc/i. 1212). twenty drachmas for a cloak : Ar.
Footman, subs. Ar. and P. flpaxAi&s Av ^TT/O-' tKorr(V ci's t^aartoi/
6 ; see servant. (Pfei., 982). P. and To fetch:
Foot-mark, subs. P. and V. V. n-f(acc.). /
^<zrcA o/ : P. and
TO, V. o-rf^o?, 6 (also Xen.). V. Expressing dura-
KttTa (acc.).

Foot-pad, subs. Ax. and P. tion of time, use the acc. Pro-
vmwutfor three days : P. trirfarpuw
Foot-path, subs. Ar. and P, Expressing space traversed,
h P. and V. T/>)o5, 6 or ^ (Xen.), put the acc. For /a? or seven fur-
V. erri?)8os, 6 ; see path. lonys tlie Plataaam took the road
Foot-print, subs. P. and V. Ixyos, for Thebes: P. *f 7; eirra W
TO', V. <rrfo$, o (also Xen.). orraStovs 01 Il\aTttt^5 rrpf ort TW
Foot-race, subs. P. and V. 8p6>os, ixvpycrav (Thuc. 3, 24).
^/3o>i/ In
limiting sense P. and V. w* Faith-

Foot-soldier, subs. P. and V, ful for a herdsman : V. TTMTTOS <i>5

o. Of foot-soldiers, adj. : P. TT vo/^&s dw/p (Soph., 0. J8.
Foot-sore, adj. Use weary. As for: P. and V, &T& (acc.), Mf
Foot-step, subs. Ar. and V. (dat.). //ad it not been for : P.
Fop, subs. P. KoAXcoTTtoriys, o. Be a ?,
8ta (acc.) (Dem. 370).
fop, v. Ar. /CO/AW, Ar. and P.
For, conj. P. and V, yap, *<u y<lp.
Because : P. and V. orf, P. 8*oVi, V.
For For

60oweMx. Since : P. and V. s, TO (also Plat, but rare P.).

o>s, Military farce : l\ Si W/u?, 7/, irapa-

Forage, subs. P. and V. x<ym>?, 6 avcewy, 7} ; see a7-m7/. Be pvjscwi MJ

Provisions : P. wAt/^ct Trdpfwai (Thuc. 8,
(Xen.) ; see fodder. /orca :

P. and V. Tpo^iy, 17, OTTOS, o. Ar. 22). /7fc

/Wtf /brCC : P,
and P. crma, ra, P. ra en-m/Seia. iravcrrparia, Trai^rt (r^fei'ci, V.
Forage, v. intraus. P. 7rio*mo-0cu. Xeipt, o-uv TT

Foraging, subs. P. cTrion-nor/ios, 6 P. and V. 8d?'tt/xts, ;,

P. r5tai/ota, 7;,

(Xen.). Foraging expedition or /3oi'X?/ori5, n/ character :

/' (wc

foraging pwty : P Trpovofufj, ^ P. 0iVws t<rx's, oj (Thuc. 1, 138).

Force of cirvumHht' : waym] r&v
Foray, subs. P. and V. ?<r/?oA.7/, r/, irpayfjidTtDv (Andoc. 28). The name
P. KaraSpow, 17 ; see aitocfc. jPor- principles you down when
a<7 w0 expedition :
P. TT/DOVO/JU;, ?/ you brought Timarchm to trial,
(Xen.). surety mi'tj be put into force by
Forbear, v. intrans. P. and V. oiliera against you: P. a a>/)t'<r<o

^i<rrao-0<u. Forbear, <rv Strata OTC TtfMpxfnr c/cpn^s, ra7*T<i

interj. : P. and V. eVin^s, P. Trai/e, SI/TTOV Ta?rtt /cat KdTa <roH 7r/)o<ny/cct

l^. V. lo-x*, f^'s, ^af'o-ai; soo alwo Tot<?^XXot? /V^uctr (Dem. -1 1 (3). The
refrain Refrain from bad words : force of this arywnwnt you can
P. and V. U^/Jtt, pi. U</)^tT. understand from 'the- following ; P.
Forbearance, subs. Pati&we : P. TOVTO ocroi' SiVaTat, yroiT* A^ c/c r<w8i
P. and V.
?y, KCLprepCa, f).

Pardon :
(Dem. B*Jt). % /ovce : L'. and V.
o-uyyvo>fM7, 17, ySt^t, /jiotius, 7rpo5 /Wai', ai/ay/oy, cf
ai'ay/O7S, V. c/c

Forbearing, adj. Forgiving: P, and <rQcvi, Trpos TO Ktiprcp

V. crvyyvw/jwov. Karros. By /rc / a7"//w; : P.

Forbearingly, adv. Patently : V. <cp(iT09. //t /ora* (of Jaws, etc.):

use adj., P. and V.
Forbid, v. trans. P. and V. ov* &*v, /orcc, ^wcisvi, v. : P, and V.
ttircwrciv, and P, Hirtiyopevciv, Ar.
Ar. <rfl<u
(dat.). We P. and
and V. 7rai8ttV, V. &7rwvrri.v ; SOO V. /flrilew. Ctoa P. and V.
also/imdcr. Hecwen forbid! P.and (abwoL).
V. W^/At, pi. V^fJLlT. WkioH P.
heaven forbid I P. and V. 8 pi; TO
ycvotro. / tt'as forbidden food : P. Force, v trans. Compel : P. and V.
TWV (rmwi' fl7rfcKX|J/x7/v (I)orn. 1260).
Forbidden, adj. P. *md V. Arofynproe. ?', /iwxfctr^at, Ar. and P.
Forbidding, subs. P. dmSp/^oiw, v- ttwtyKafttv, P. KaTaj8wtf(r<9(u > Ar.
Forbidding, adj. ^/^; 1>. and V, and V. tf</ay*<tf<u', V. 8ttt^a{r*at.
8a-i8iJ? (Soph., ftaf/., aud Plat,), JftwM w^rayuNi) : P. /&<rtf<u
ar^ (P^*-) V. 8ver/u
nite P. and
(aoc.) (Thuc, 4, 0). Farce one's
P, tagrAu (abnoL). ibrc^J
: V. Sctvos, wwj :

; Ar. and L\ ?<r/&a<-


Force, subs. P. and o^WJ * ?^y <w ; P.

V. pia, P. TO, e

Ar. and P.
i, V. ft Violence: P. and Forced, adj. Sue forcibly extorted.
.#<*, * r,$, V, TO
Unnatural ; see feiywd. Forced
and V. march. lie wow on by a forced
!,V. march, never slopping ; P.
For For

n-icrxw 8po><{> (Thuc. 4, 78). Forecast, subs conjecture:

There will be forced marches both P. and V. ^, P.
night <md day equally : P. TO. Prediction: P. and
o/AOto)? /cat VVKTO. KOL rffLpav lorai V. /xayreia, ^.
6Soi) (Thuo. 7, 77) Fore-COUrt, Subs. V. Trapao-r^, 17,
Forcible, adj. Compulsory : P. or pi., ^vpwv, 6; see
P. and V. oVayKatos. 7foZ0tt; P. Forefather, subs P. and V.
and V. jftoio* Gogent : P. and V. yoi/os,
6. Owe's forefathers : P.
TTcflavos, P. ui'ay*<uos (Thuc 4:, 60). and V. ot ^rdUat, ot TrpoV^o/, P. ot
Firm, strong: met., P. tcr^upo?. avwOev, ol TrpOTrarope?, V. ol ?rapos.
Forcibly, adv. See by force, under Forefront, subs. Use/rcwi.
Cogently : Ar. and P. witfa Foreground, subs. P. and V. TO
In forcible language : P. TTpOGT^CV, P. TO tyWTpOO'0l'.
Ford, subs. P. 8u/3aons, ^, V. Forehead, subs. P. and V.
6; SQQ ferry. TO (Xen.). J5row; : P. and V.
Ford, v. trans. Ar. and P. ^. TempZe : Ar. and V.
P. and V. Stcwrepav, Ar. and V. 6.

-repay ;
see cross. Foreign, adj. P. and V.
Fordable, adj. P. Sia/fords, P. and dXXd^iJXos, 60vtos, V. fevos, dXXd-
V. d5/3aTos (Plat.), 7rop<n;Vr/ios (Plat.). ^pov?, dXA.dxpo>5, Ar. and P. ^CVIKO'S.
Fore, adj. P. and V. wpoV0M>s (Eur., Barbarous: P. and V. ap/3&pos.
Bfees.), P. frpo'cr0ios. To the fore, Imported : P. and V. 7ra/crds, ?rt-
met,, adj. see conspicuous.
o-aKTos, V. ^vpaios. Foreign to,
Forearm, subs. P. and V. -rrfj alien to : P. dXXoVptos feen.), or use
Forearmed, adj, P. prep. o>
(gen.). Provisions such
/u,ei>o$ (Thuc. 1, 68).
as would be needed for foreign
Forebear, subs. See ancestor. service : P. TOI lirirr^eia old etfcos eirl
Forebode, v. trans. Have a presenti- IfoSov iKSvjpQv Ix^cv (Thuo. 2, 10).
ment of : P. and V. /xuircJco-tfcu In foreign parts : see abroad.
(ace.), P. farofAavrcuccrOat (ace.). Foreign affairs : P and V. TU c|w.
Prop P. and V. ?rpoXeyiv, Foreigner, subs. P. and V. ews, 6,
V. 0eo"7riiv, fern. 0/17, ^, V. etvo$, 6, -u?,

wt'e/, TTpopjQ.vTeueo'OQ.t, (Eur., Frag.) ; or ?/, P. 6 see stranger.

see prophesy. Betoken (by signs Foreigner residing in an adopted
beforehand) : P. and V. My: P. and V. fteroocos, 6 or ^.
Be a foreigner, v. : P. and V.
Suspect : P, and V. feroTmtfeiv ; see Tax on foreigners : P.
also conjecture. v, TO.

Foreboding, subs. Suspicion : P. Forejudge, v. trans. P.

and V. >? ; see suspicion. Ar. and P.
Conjecture : P. Sdfatr/xa, TO, P. and Foreknow, v. trans. P. and V.
V. So^cns, ^ Sofa, $, P. TrpoetSevou, ?rpoe-
Foreboding, Prophetic of:
adj. "V. V,
or absol.), Tr
(gen. Foreknowledge, subs. See
(gen. or absol). science.
Forecast, v. trans. Guess: P. and Foreland, subs. P. and V. a*pa, ^,
V. /, cruf(,)$a\\cV, aro^a^cor^at P. iKpouTiJpioi', V. dKn;, ij, Trpo-
(gen.)' So^a^ctv, TOTra- y8X^5, 6> Ar. and V. oucpov, rd, 7rp<iv,
fv, V. see 6.

Predict : P. and V. Forelock,* subs. P. irpojco/uov, TO

P. (Xen.).
For For

Foremost, adj. In place or import-

tance P. and V. irp&ros,
: V
Ar. and V.
. -,

irp<r/?i0ros. Chief: P. Forethought, subs. P. and V. irpd-

and V. icupios. First and foremost, vota, 17, P. 7rpo/z>;0aa, ^, V. Trpo/w/^ia,
adv. ? and V. TO fjw ju,eyrroi/,

Forewarn, v. trans. P. and V.

Forenoon, subs. In the forenoon: vovOereWy Trapawew (dat.), StSaovccw,
P. dyopas 7r\,r)Qovcnr]S (Xen.). Ar.and P. ihrorifacrQcu (dat.), Fore-
Forensic, adj. Ar. and P. Swcdvwcos. warned- ; P. -n-poeiSois. i?fi /ore-

Forerunner, subs. Use adj , P. Trpo- P.

Eur., I. A. 424, but Forewarning, subs.
Spoj*o9, o (also
the passage is doubtful). Mes- T7 (Thuo. 1, 137). Warning: P.
senger ; P. and V. ayyeXos, 6 or ^, ana V. TrapatWts, 7; ; see warning.
V. WO/WTOS, 6. Forfeit, subs. JSflww : P. and V.
Foresee, v. trans. P, Trpoopav (or
mid.), P. and V. -rrpovocti/ (or mid. Forfeit, v. trans. Ar. and P.

V. only mid.), /jLavrevecrOai, V. Trpo- P. and V.

grudging you the recovery of what
Foreseen, adj. P. and V. . isyour own they have forfeited th&vr
Foreshadow, v. trans. P. and V. Own liberty : P. TOV KO/u'rracrflat ra
<t>awW, V. u/xVcpa ^>tfovi7cravT5, r^v lai^roiv

cXeu^cptav d7roXft>XAca<rt (Dem. 194).

Foreshow, v. trans. P. and V. Forfeiture, subs. Gonjisc&tion : P.
/uu'veiK, ^>ttiviv, V. 8?7)u,>crt5, : P. ttTTo^oXiJ, ^.
Forfend, v. trans. Soe imwnt.
Foresight, subs. P. and V. ir Which heaven forfwid : P. and V.
o P. Troucta, V. 8 ftr; ycvoLTQ.
Forgather, v. intraim. P, and V.
Foresighted, adj. See pnulent (riV^iXedrdfu ; SCO (tssewMfi. (ioiny
Forest, subs. P. and V. 3\i7, 07. to the barber's shop where the Dace-
Forestall v. trans.,
P, and V. laeans fort/ather ; P. tXB&v r! TO

P. Kovpttov w<i ol AcKcXJk 7rpo(r^otT(oo-t
(Lys. 166).
Forestay, subs. V. -rrpoWos, 6, Forge, v. trans. afriAc
P. and V. ^<Xfccvcv
% fort/mg :

Forester, subs. V. \ovpyos, 6. y Ar and V.

Foretaste, subs. Met., experience,
proof: P. and V, 7rtpa, //, P. Trpo- trwt : V.
7Ttpa, fy (five a foretaste of: P. Forging iron : UBO adj. V.
and V. yeuW (rtva rtvo?). To haw, wo?. Counterfeit : P. and V.
had a foretaste of: P. and V. (or mid ),
yeywcpflat (gon.) (porf. infin. pasn.
pf yMtv), Tr^Trcipacrtfai feon.) (perf. /c<ua^<tv. Cmitrim : HOO contrive.
infin. pass, of wwpai/) (Kur., J?rag.) 9 Forgo (money) : Ax% and P,
P. &a7TC7mpacr0ai (gen.) (perf. iann.
pass, of Stairctpap). Forge, v, into am. Forge ahead: P.
Foretell, v, traas* Ar. and P.
v, irpoTrv, P. and V. Forge, Hubs. P. XXKH>, I7ie m
V. 7Tpr)cr>;/xa^v<tv, 7rf>o<f>< natives think that Htpkaastus lias
v. By oracles P. and V: his forye in Iliera : P.
ai, P dTro/Aaw^Wfr^at, Ar. ol
IxttVp HvOfwirw lv r
and P. *H<^>atonro7 ^a\vet (Thuo, 3, 88).
837 22
For For

Forged, adj. Spurious :and V Forlorn, adj.

P. P. and V.
(Xen.), KtjSS^Xos, and #0Xios,
6, Ar.
ToAawrwpos, Ar. and V.
P. irapacTT/jLtos, V. *7r6ft)(.r)Tos. Forged V. Suo-raXds see iwiserable. Mourn- :

in the fire, adj.: V. iriSpoyei/ifc. ful (of things) P. and V. <S0Xios, :

Forger, subs. Contriver : P. and V. OtKTflOS, TaXatTTW^OS, V. TTOXVOTOVO?,

TKT<ov, 6, &7/Aioi;pyos, 6. 8i5o-oioTos, Trej/^tyito?. Helpless : P.
Forgery,/ subs. Anything spurious : and V. dkro/oo?, ufjurixavos (rare P.).
TJ / f f
Solitary : P. and V. C/^/AOS.
Jr. TrXacr/jia, TO, o~Ki;a>pr7ju,a,

v. trans. P. and V. eVtXav- Forlornly, adv. P. and V.

0Ivea0ai (Eur., Hel 265) (ace. or WS, V.
gen.), &[j.vri/jLovw (ace. or gen ), Ar. Forlornness,
subs. P.
and V. &ntXi70<r0(u (Eur., Heo. 279), see misery. Solitude ;
V. Xav0av(r<u (gen ), (also Plat P. and V. ep^/x-ta, ^.,

Phaedr. 252A, but rare P ), X^eotfai Form, subs, fifoape : P. and V.

(gen.), icXui/0avo-0ai (gen.), StoX- o, t8ca, ^, jj,op<t>vjj V) (Plat.),
Xtfvcu (aCC.), 8ia<0eipeiv (aCC.).
I TO, orx0"ts, ^, T$iro$ t 6, ^vorts,
almost forgot to mention this : P. i/i"V. fjLoptjxapa, TO. Fashion: P.
Taurl fUKpov 7rap7)X0e p.e
elirelv (Dem. and V. TpoTros, 6, o^fta, T^, o*xw5>
550). Forgotten : P. <lju, r/, c73o9, TO, iSca, ^. Kind: P. and
(Thuc. 1, 20), V. a/x-vwio V. yei/os, TO, ctSos, TO, tSca, ^.
to : P. 7riXai/0ai/eo-0ai (infin.). conceivable form of death : P.
Forgetful, adj. P. and V. ^ Trao-aoXc0pov (Thuc. 7, 29). Ap-
Ar. and P. MX^crfj,<av. Forgetful pearance : P. and V. o^ts, r/, V.
of: P. and V. d/Av-jJfwov (gen.). }. Apparition: P. and
subs. P. and V. V. TO, IK(OV, 7/, t8o)XoV, TO,
TO, V. O"KW, ry, o^ts, T;,

Forgive, v. trans. P. and V. o-vyyty- show (as

VWCTKCW (dat. of pers., ace., gen. or opposed to reality) P. and V. :

dat. of thing), a-uyyvvpxjv l^ctv (dat. crxf)p.<i,

TO. Organisation : P. and
of pers., gen. of thing), V. o-vyyvotav V. KttTttorao-ts, ^ see also arrange-

foxeiv (absol.)- Overlook : P. ment. Form of government : P.

wrepopav. Be remiss in punishing : icooyxo? 7roXtTias, 6, or Ta^t? TroXtTetas,
V. x^a" (dat.) ; see pardon. 97. Inspiration is a form of mad-
Forgiveness, subs. P. and V. o-uy- ness : P. fjuivia Tt5 o cv0ovo-6ao-^5.
yvw/Mf, 17, V. cnJyyi/oict, ^. According to the mual forms : P.
Forgiving, adj. P. and V. o-uyyvw/Acov. KttTtt TO. VO/Xt^O/AVa. jScCt^ bctldl .'

Forgo, v. trans P. and V. 4Sv, P. and V. a0poi/, TO.

eav (ace.) (Eur., EZ. 400), Form, v trans. Mould, shape: P.
(aCC.). and V. 7rXao-o->, P. TvwoiJi/ (Plat.) ;

P. and V. fcetTrcrv. Abstain from see also make. P. and

Arrantje :

P. and V. &r^xo-0a(, (gen.), V. Tao"crtv, tTvvrdcr&eiv, KOCT/XCIV, P.

<rracrO<u (gen.). 8taTa(r<rctv, 8ta/co<r/Acv, Ar. and P.
thing : P. ttTrcwr SiaTt&Vat. I^orw (a plan) : P. and
Fork, subs. Ar. and P. V.
Ar. and V. Sf/ccXXa, ^. Be^wZ of a see
n'i?er : P. K^HXS, TO. Benrf o/ a Form plots (ayainst) : P. and
road : P. o-xtb-ts, ^. 7rt)9ovXwW (absol. or dat.).
Fork, v. intrans. Of a road., etc. P. : instruct : P. and V. 7r<u8eiJu> ; see
and V. crxi<r6<u. instruct. Appoint :' P. and V.
Forked, adj. Of a road V. : KaOwdvaL ; see appoint. Draw up
Generally: Ar. and P. (troops, etc.) : P. and V*
For For

', Ar.
and P. Formidably, adv. P. and V.
Constitute, be : P. and V. cli/at, *a0- Strongly : P. to-xvpo>s.
<m)K&(u. (perl act. of Ka0rrai/at), adj. P. do-x^/A Formless,
V7rdpxw. The houses of the suburb see shapeless, vague. (Plat.) ;

being supplied, with battlements Formula, subs. Set of words: P.

themselves formed a defence : P. and Y. Ao'yos, 6. Ordinance: P.
al olKiai rov vpoacrretov ?raX^ts XO/L- and V. vojno5, 6. Prescribe a for-
pdvovo-cu. avral virrjpx<ov cf/w/xa (Thuo. mula, v. : P. and V, IfyycicrOcu.
4, 69). Form up (of troops), v. Tfie Thirty pronoumed to Pole*
intrans. : P. and V. Ta<r<r<r0<u, marchus the usual formula that he
<rvvTdor<rO'&ai t Ar. and P. must drink hemlock : P. IloXe/xap^<i)
Ka.pYfYyeiXa.v ol Tpta/corra TO eWtcrftevov
Formal, adj. In accordance with TrapayycX/Aa mveiv Koiveior (Lys. 121).
wage : P. and V. VO/U/AOS. Precise :
Formulate, v. trans. See devise.
P. and V. a.Kpi/3ii<s. Ceremonious :
Dictate, prescribe : P. and V.
P. and V. <T/AVOS-
Formality, subs. Preaseness : P. Fornication, subs. P.
A/cpi/Scia, y/. Customary usage : P. Forsake, v. trans. Quit: P. and
and V. TO
vofjtifjiov, (or. pi.), ra V. A.t7PeiJ/j a7ToXt7Ttl', K\'VtV, /tfttTflt"

/ca0(rro>Ta, Ar. and P. TO, vo/u O/ACVU. XCMTCLV, 7TpoXt7TtV, a/ACt)8aV (Plat.
Without formality : P. and V. but rare P.), V. cguLpuftw, 1/cAx/x-
dTrXois. Ceremonious ness : P. and '.
ReUnquish : P. and V.
V. crefw6T7}$, fj,
TO er/A>dv. (gen.), e^Vroto-flat (gen,),
Formally, adj. According to usage : ,
Ar. and V. iL*QU<T&m (gen,),
P. and V. KCCT& vo>>v. TTO/& pro V. 8tfyi0ZcV<u. I/cav^ m /z0 i/^rc/t ;

ciseness and V. fopl/Sus. Cere-

: P. P. and V. XaWv, KdToXctVttv,
mouiously : P. and V. crepf&s. TrpoXc/ireii/, irpoftiftdtfat, e/r;/Aow', Ar.
Formation, subs. Arrangement : P. and P. TTpoWi/cu (or mid,), Leave
8io0e<ris, y;, onWoi?, 17. Military empty P. and V, V)y//u,<>', KCI/OUV. .

arrwig&nent P. and V. rats y Forsaken, adj, V. and V. t/W^s;


P. orWai$, ;, irapdra&s, soe also londy.

Stitution : P. and V. KaTtt<rra<ri,s, Forsooth, adv. Exprosning irony:
Karcwnccvr;, 7; (rare V.), P. <nWtt P. and V. 8$0.
Wa^^e :P. and V. ^if<rts, 17. Forswear, v. trann. Tlmy on oath ;
Former, adj. P. and V. 6 TrpMrfar, P. and V. riTro/Avvi'at, t^o/tvuv(ti (or
6 irpW, ' P. 1/ATTpOfT^, V. mid.). J?0n0?mft?, yww vy> ; ,1*. and
&Wpos, 6 7rapot^(v). ^TOC-^^ ; P. V. aTTctTreti/, (JvtcVat (ace. orgon.), V.
and V. <jtpxa^^ iriXat,6$ Ar. and 9

oneself, swear
V. 7TttXtttyi/y;s, V, TraXot^aTo?. 2 /^i fuMy, v. i

former (as opposed to A$ latter) : Ar. aucl P. feopK<?i/.

P. and V. Ktvo9, Ar. and V. *e>os. Forsworn, adj. Ar. tuui R
Formerly,, adv. P. and V. -TT^V, TCP / am 6Y>?M?, thmujh forsworn by oatJi
Tr/nV, 7r<x\ac., 7TOT6, Trore, y/Sy/ Otjainxt it :
VK<I> 8t* O/>K>K KOATTCP &v
TTOTC, 7r/)0<r^v, Trporcpov, TT^O rot), Ar. Awuiwrw (Soph., ^tt4. 894).
and V. n-opoff, V. 7r<fpot0(i>), TTOT* Fort, wubH* P. and V. rax'*
y/Siy, TOV wpi rov p(pA/ov. O, P. T <^r/Aa, TO, oVm/

Formidable, adj* P. and V. 8ivo't, *arrf j;o/*/5

; JL*. and V.
^ojScpos; seeterrz&te. O/ defences, ,
w. aw enemy's
^, /or^ /^it/^ i

forces, etc. :' soe strong. country : P. Wmxt0v*a, TO'. liuilda

Formidableness, subs. P. fort in an enemy's country, v- P. :

For Fou

Forth, adv. P. and V. &>, P. 7roppo>. Fortune, subs. Chance : P. and V.

Ar. and V. Ovpac, V. -jr/>o<ro>, 7rop<ro>, o-u/Kjbopa, 17*
^r and P.-

(rare P.) In .
compounds use :
^ One's Zo^ : and V.
P. and V. CK or c . And so forth : Sat/xo)V, 6. P%/i^ V. ;

P. nil irov ort rounrrov. Fortune personified:


Forth-coming, adj. About to occur : P. and V. TIJX*;, ^. Good fortune :

P. and V. 6 p.&X<*v. Beady to P. and V. U7rpa#a, 17, Ar. and P.
hand: P. and Y. wpoxcipos. 5e cvrvxtcL, ^, P. euScu^ovta, ij, V.
forth-coming, appear: P. and V. 6, cucoTToi,^ seepros^eniy.

<j>a.iv<rOai. Be in reserve : P. and of good for tune : P. and V.

V. $irdpx<Eiv. TO. Possessions, property : P. and
Forthwith, adv. See immediately. V. xpiJ/jiaTa, ra, ovcrwt, ^. Wealth :
Fortieth, adj. Ar. and P. reo-crapa- P. and V. TrXovros, 6.
KOVTOS. Forty, adj. Ar. and P. recrcrapdKOvra.
Fortification, subs. Act of forti- Forward, adv. P. and V. cts TO
fying : P. TOXMTIS, fy ret^tcrftos,
6 ; TTp6<rQw9 P. TTOppO), V.
see/ori. In compounds use P. and Y.
Fortified, adj. P. and V. Backward and forward ; V.
dkpiofr (Plat,). T /cat wpoVa) (Eur., Sec. 958).
Fortify, v. trans. Ar. and P. Forward, v. trans. Send on; see
v, Si&rcixtfau', iKreixt&w- Streng- convey. Met., Mp
on, advance:
then : P. /cparwctv. Block wp : P. and V. (nrcvSctv, eTriorreuSeiv.
see block up. Met., see encourage. With non-personal subject : P.
Fortify all round : Ar and P. Trcpt- Trpo^epctv ct? (aCC.).
rcix&iv. Fortify as a base in an Forward, adj. Precocious : P.
enemy's country: P. hnrtLxfew. fapys. Pushing : P. and V.
Help ^n fortifying : P. crwruxQew dvuB^, V. irp6X.crxos. Be forward
(absol.). Fortify with towers : V. in speech: Y. Opacrvorro^lv ; see
60. d. JEtoger : P. and Y. irpo0iJ/Aos.
Fortitude, SUbs. P. /caprcpia, Forwardness, subs. Boldness: P.
jcaprepijcns, i). Courage : P. and and Y. 0pdW, TO'. ^aZ : P. and
V. apen?, ij, civSpeia, ^ ; see courage. Y. Trpotfr^uta,
Fortress, subs. See J ort. Fosse, subs. See
Fortuitously, adv. By chance : P. Foster, v. trans. P. and V.
and V. rtfx27, P. /c TV;^?, /cara ru^v. Ocpavreve v 9 V. araXXetv,
Fortunate, adj. Of persons P. and : Ar. and Y. /JoWtv ; see tend.
Y. fiVTVXTJs, v8aip.<i>v, ua/capios, Ar. Foster (a feeling, etc., in a parson) :
and V. /xa/cop, oAJ&os, V. cvatW. e P. and V. VnWiv (Plat.) (W
fortunate, v. : P. and V. /*j3dA*iv (rm'n) evrWivat (nvt
P. /jnroiw (rivi rt), cvcp
a-ctv, P. cwrpayetv. .Fbrtawate (q/ (nvi Tt).
P. and V. Foster-child, subs. P. and Y.
_v, Y. $&o', Ar. and V. TO, P. Tpo^t/xo, 6 cr ^.
Xen. but rare P.) Foster-father, subs, P. and Y.
Seasonable : P. and Y. iccupto? ; see Tpo<os, 6 (Hat), Tpo^w, 6 (Plat.)-
seasonable. Foster-mother, subs. P. and V.
Fortunately, adv. P. and V. evri/x^ Tpo*o'5, ij (Plat.), V. rpo^cu'9, i
Foster-parents, subs. P, and V.
fortunately: use also P. and V rpo<t>fa ot (Plat., Orit. 51a).
e5, KoXoi?, Y. aio-to)?. -4s ZiwjA; would Foul, adj. Turbid : P. and V. 0oAe~
it : P. icaTa-rvx^v. (Thuc. 3, 49).
Squalid : P. and V.
Fou Fow
Ar. and V. 5A.ovros, SUO-TTH/^S, V.
-TTtvaJSiys, afy/Aoicfys. Met., P. and P. KTlCriS, ^, Ol/CMTlS, f], KOLTOIKIO-LS, "fj.
V. cwVxpos, ivayvoft ^ocrtos, fiiapos ; Statements based on no foundation
see disgraceful. Of weather P :
of trilth P. ^TT" dAiy0/a9 oi'o^tua?

Evil-smelUng : P. and elpTjficva (Dem. 230).

V. SvcrwS^s, Ar. and V. /caKoayzos Founder, subs. Of a colony, etc. :
(JEschu, .Frctt/., and Soph., Frag.). P. ot/cicr-nys, o, Ar. and V. Kricmop, o.
Fall foul of, V. : P. Trpoo-TrtVmv Of a fa/tnily : P. and V. dpx^yos, 6,
(dat.), <ruju,mVTiv (dat. orTrpo's, ace.),
trufjipdXkcLv Trpos (ace,) ;
see <2os/& Founder, v. intrans. Smfc : Ar. and
against. Met., P. irpoo-Kpovuv (dat. P. K<JtTflLO7JO"vU.^, P. and V . ClCOCtVtcC"

or absol.). S/z#ps falling foul of 0-^at. Founder on : P. and V.

one another : P. v TfTcuctv Trpos (dxt.).
7T pl dAA^Xa? (Thuc. 7, 23). Foundling, subs. Use V.
Foul, v. trans. P. and V. TO, evprfjjia., TO.
see d<y?Z0. Collide with : see collide. Fount, subs. See fountain.
Foully, adv. P. and V, cuo-xpws, Fountain, subs P. and V. Kpyvy, 17,
KttKtos, Ar. and P. /uapois, V. rtrocriW irrjyty T/,
Ar. and V. K os, 6, V.

Ignominiously : P. and V. ttVr/xos, /cp^vaTov ycti/09. Met., on'i/m : P.

d/cXetos, V. 8u07cA.0)9. and V. dpx^j "V* ^7y^ ^ (Plat.).
Foulness, subs. Squalor: Ar. and O/ a fountain^ adj.: P. and V.
P. O.VX/AOS, 6, P. PVTTOS, TO, V. 7H7yaco5 (Plat.), V. Kp^i/atos.
6, oXovcrm, ^. Infamy : P. Four, adj. P. and V. TWapes,
footed : P. and V. TerpaTro-us.
Found, v. trans. Found (a colony, Jiorsed: Ar. and V. TC^HTHTOS, V.
etc.) : P. and V. KT^CIV, oUtgeu',
KaTotKt'f civ JOM wt fowiding : P. ffour-horsed-chariot, xibs. Ar. and :

and V. orfooua'fcu' (ace or absol.), V. TcdptTHTOV, TO (or pi.).

P. crvyKTifav (ace. of diroot, dat. j\ V. Terpa(TKX-);5, :

of indirect object), <rvy/caToi*aM> adv. Ar. and P. , :

(absol.). Set up, institute : P. and Pour-winyed, adj.: V.

V. KajQurriitfa.1, Trowtv, Mrrivat. (Soph,, tfratj.), Ar. Tfi
to found : P. and V. orwKu rw?t 07i aW /o/wjf : V.

(ace.) . Secure, confirm (JEsch,, J?7ww. 37). Stand on all

Foundation, subs. P. fours ; Ar. TTpa7ro8>;8ov <rraj/at
TO, KttT<i)5v
(Dem, 21), P. and V. (Paa?, 896). Lasting four tnontito,
wvQwv, 6, V. /S^a, r/. Lowest part ; adj. P. TTpa/^r/vos.
: Worth four
P. and V. ^Tri's, ij (Plat.), /3^pov, staters: Ar, rrpa<rr<ir7pos.
r6 (Xen.), ^SArfc, r) (Plat.), P. ffio^osr, hundred : P. TT/>a*o<noL
TO. JProw i/ie foundation ; use P. Fourteen, adj. L*.

V. ffis 27rra (Bur., JT. ^ 1327).

and V, /COT /cpa9. Met., beginning : .

P. and V. rxpxi *; Oowa : P. and ars o/d ; P. Trpa/cat-

V. afrc'a, ^. 27rw^ : P. and V. (with fern. subs.).
Xi$0cta, ^ T/te foundation prin- Fourth, adj. P. and V. wapro*
ciples of conduct : P. <i>v $TTO-
Fowl, subs. P. and V. Spvfe, a or %,
^o-t5, at (Dem. 21). Foundation Ar. and P. opvoy, TO* i'b^/s o/ *Ad
stoms : Ar. ^WXtot Xtftu, o, P. air : P. and V. ri vr^va (Plat.), V.
ticp,{\ioi, ol. Lay (a foundation}, 7TTtvtt, rd (Eur., JFVo/;.), T
v. : P. and V. Kara/JoAAco-tfcu,
lit., oL Ohioken : see chicken.
Lay the foundations of: met, P. Fowler, subs. Ar, and P*
and V. &px<w (gen.) (Kii begin). 6, Ar. opvlOoOypa,*, o*

Fox Fra

Fox, subs. Ar. and P. aXwirr], 17. Frailty, subs. P. and V.

Little fox : Ar. and P. aXowre/ctoi/, (rare V.). Sm : P.
TO. Used of a cunning person P. Frame, subs. That which encloses

and V. /civaSos, TO. Fox-cub : Ar. anything : P. and V. Trcpt^oXos, 6,

rj. Play the fox, y Ar. /djTos, TO (Plat.).
: A frame of wicker:
civ. Cap o/ fox-skin : P. P. TrXey/xa, TO. Frame of a carriage
as, ^ (Xen.). (as opposed to wheels) : P. wep-
Framework, struct-
Fracas, subs. See brawl. ta, 17 (Plat.).
Fraction, subs. Part : P. and V, : P. and V. KaTaoraoris, ^, P.
ju,epos, TO, P. poplar, TO. I haven't TO,
mentioned even a fraction of the V. (Sp/jcooy-iaTa, Ta. Wood-work
sins standing to their account P. : of a building : P. ^uXcoo-w,
P. and V. o-a>/>i, TO, V.
Tovrois v?rapp(6VT<i)v KaKtSv TrmA? : P. and V. K^TOS, TO' (Plat.).
Yow W&22 /we to w;is& iT&ai 3/0% Frame for weaving : P. and V.
see fi^w a fraction of it (our force toro's, 6. Shape : P. and Y. o-^a,
sent to help you) : P. ZTL ^ovA^o-co-flc TO ; see shape. Frame of mind :
/cat TToAAocrrov fioptov avrfjs (rfj<s
P. 8t<x0eo-, 17. Put in a certain
ffin? (Thuc. 6, 86). frame of mind, v. P. SiaTiflcrai
Fractious, adj. P. and V. 7ra)9. Be in a certain frame of
mnd : P. SiaKctcrOat ircos, P. and V.
Fractiously, adv. P. 8u<r/co'Ao>s. l^eiV 7T(OS.

Fractiousness, subs. Ar. and P. Frame, v. trans. Enclose : P. and

oW/coAio, 17. V. Construct: P. and
Fracture, subs. P. pfyna, TO'. V. ot;i>TT0v<u, trvivinriyvfivan arvvapfJio- ,

Fracture, v. trans. P. and V. prry- ^tv, o*wa7TT', P. KaTao-Ketfaet' See ;

vivat, i see break. organise. Contrive : P. and V.

Fragile, adj. Brittle : P. KpaSpos
(Plat.). Weak : P, and V. do-fovfc. P. ^fCT^i/ao"^ac, Ar. and ,

Fragment, subs. Part : P. and V. V. fjLrjSccrGai. Make wp: P. /caro-

/Aepos, TO, P. fjiopiw, TO. Fragment O-/CVCt^(,V, OT)0*KUtt^t,l/, P. and V.
of: use P. 6A.tV w
Ti (gen O- ^P^c^ 7r\fCtv, V. f/ATrAe/ceiv, pctTrrciv, L?rop-
CUt off: P. rfjujfjui, TO, Ar. TO/AOS, 6. pa7rrtv, /caTappa7iTtv see cowtfw;0. ;

Pieces : P. vepir/j^/jLaTa rd, P-iecet

Int?cwi; P. and V. efywo-jccu' see ;

torn off : V. OpCLvarp-a., TO, orrapay/Aa, invent. Frame (laws) : P, and V.

TO, ayij, ^. Morsel : P. i/rtoAo's, 6 ypotyciv with law-giver as subject : ;

(Xen.). ify 5/t7y is shivered upon P. and V. Ti0<W.

the rocks into countkss fragments Framer, subs. P. o-v^eT^?, o.
of wreckage : V. vavs 8 Trpos'wcTpas Framework, subs. Seo/raw0.
7roA,A.ois dpifi/xous ayi/uTat vauayuDi' Franchise, subs, P. ftrm/u'a, ^.
(Eur., FeZ. 409). Fragments of Possessed of the franchise : use
wreck: P. and V. vauciyta, Ta. adj., Ar. and P. crrtVi/Aos.
Fragmentary, adj. Incomplete: P. Frank, adj. P. and V. ttrrXoi)*, !A.t-
and V. aTetaJs. 6epo?, P. e'Xevfleptos.
Fragrance, subs. P. and V* 007*17, Frankincense, subs. Av. and P.
17, P. efiioS^ v- XtySavamk, 6. Incemefor burning :

Fragrant, adj. P. and V. cucoS^s. P. and V. 0D/At'a/*aTtt, TCI.

Be fragrant of: P. and V. o&iv Frankly, adv. P. and V. cbrXcos, am-
(gen.). /cpus, eA.v0pa>s. Outspokenly : P.
Frail, adj. P. and V. acrfle/ifc; see /xera Trappycrias, V. irappqorfy.
weak, sinful. frankly, v. P. :

Fra Fre

Frankness, subs. P. subs. P. and V. ,

(Xen.). Outspokenness : P. and fL<x.xn> 4 4/wAAai ^, Y. aycoi/t'a, rj,

Y. Trapp^crta, ^. 7raA<ucrp,a, TO, a0Aos, 6, S-ijpis, V)

Frantic, adj. P. and V. (JEsch.).

, ftai/itoS^s, Ar. and P. Wear out : Ar. and
Fray, v. trans.
s, TrotpaTrA^, P. Kararpipw, V. intrans. Ar. and
os (Plat, also but rare P.), P. KaTarpifiecrQcu.
wS^s, emppovnrjros, Freak, subs. Caprice, impulse : P.
ijs (also Plat,
but rare P.) ; see and V. opfjufi, r/. Bash act : P. and
mad. Be frantic : P. and V. e- V. ToA/M7/jia, TO, Kii/6Vvt;jU,a, TO, V
Mrrao-0ai, Avcra-av (Plat, bub rare P.), To'A/xa, r/. jBfowator, portent : P. and
/xatvcr6a(, a/floucriav, jSafc^euetv (Plat.), V. TpttS, TO.
oicrrpav (Plat.), e/cj&XKxevctr&u (Plat.), Freakish, adj, Oapricwus: P. and
V. cKfjLapyovcrOai, and V. Ar. V. /x7rXi7/croq. .Mows irotw : Ar. and
see 50 m&d, under ma^. P. TeparoiS^?.

Frantically, adv. P. Free, adj. P.and V.

: P. and V.
Fraternal, adj. V. politically: P. and V.
Fraternisation, subs. P. 0epos P. auToi/o/ios. Generous : P.
Fraternise, v. intrans. Use P. CT &u0epios, V. to
&<t>0wo$. Open
/u'cryecr0<u dAA^Aots (have dealings all : P. ^A^flspos. /'Vee o/ speech :
with one another). P. and V. lAoJfoos, cbrAoOs, V.
Fraternity, subs. Political equality :
P. and V. ioror^s, ?/, TO Eo-ov. GoorZ, o/ speech, v. P, :

will : P. and Y. dWa, ^. Oowm^?*- Y. eAcv&poo-To/Aav,

^2/, society : P. and V. Komoi'toi, 17. 0poo"TO/Xii', ^parrooTO/xcti/.
Fratricidal, adj. Y. auflevr^s, CUTOXP, a?*o /rec io: P. and V.
a*UTOKTOVOS. (<rot) (with infin.), b&vrt (trot) (with
subs. Murder of a ov<rt'a <m (<rm) ( wit
Fratricide, infin.),
brother: use P. and V. aStA^ov Have a free hand in: P.
<o'vos, 6. Murderer of a brother : ^X tt '
(8on -)' -M^<? /rc c f
P. and Y. aScA^ov au^Vr^?, 6 ; 806 P. and V. xp?;<r0tt (<tat.) f
murderer. P. and V. vftpC&tv (aco., or *fe, aco.).
Fraud, subs. P. and Y. ftr&fy ?/, Z^(//^i o/ /rcc sp&tob, subs. P. :

TTttvoupyta, SoAos, 6 (rare P.), Ar.

r/, i<rrjyof>(.a., ?/. jf'V, (jratis, adj. V. :

and P, /cA/tyta, TO, <3ievafcto'/A05t o, P. Hfutr&o*; ; adv. Ar. and P. irpolKa,


KaKOTxvu, at ; seo imposture. 1\ and V. apurf/t'. IVfl/w)^ cost,

Practise fraud, v. P. /ca^Torex^tv.
: adv. : V. S8<tW^$ adj. : Ar. ftk&rft*

Witliout fraud, adj. Ar. and P. : vo. Volunta'i'y ; l\ and V.

SSoAo? ; adv. P. aSoAo*.
Utof-Gtwxm ; I*, and V.
Fraudulent, adj. P. umi V. 7ra/o9/>yov, /'ViJfl /row*; L*. and V
P. <l7rttT*;Ao5. JPVtfafl, counterfeit,: (^jeih), a//,ot/)05 (fiini.) (Wafe.),
Ar. and V. 7rap&n//>s, P. and V. prop., T. and V. ^ro'v feou.), <^o>
(Kon.), V. fanMv (^011.) (aluo Xon.
Fraudulently, odv* P. bub rarc^ ,L\), tfw^i/ (gorj,)- Often
Ar. and V. 8oA^ V. UH j>rofix<l- as
/rfl /A w p^i/n : P.
Fraught with, adj. P. and V. and V. #AWTW, (fat fro* from, v. :

(gen.), TrAcV (gen.), 7rA^$ (goti.) ;

P, and V. a7mAA<wnro-0<a (
see/^W. JFraught with doom : V.
/*oipo/cpavT05. Prawjht with ruin : Whenever they attacked on& an-
V. Tro other they could not aaitUy get free :
Fre Fre

irpocrfldhoifw dXXiyXots ov (gen.). Be freighted with : P. and

dwcXvWo (Thuc. 1, 49), V. ye/xctv (gen.),yepi^e-Oat (gen.).
Free, v. trans. P. and V. Frenzied, adj. P and V. &r6VX7?KTo$,
fywrX^/cros, /JiavtotiSiy?, Ar. and P.
(or.mid.), feoXdetv (Eur., Or. 1236), 6/^povnTTos, 7rapa7rX?Jf, ^.ai'ticos, V.
&up6ur0ai, V. la7raXXdWiv (pass. (Plat, also but rare P.),
in Thuc.). HeZp w freeing: P. i/, Xvo'o-aiS^s, CT-iySpovTTyTos, /i-

o-uveXcuflepow (aoc.). Tfoey fPlat. also

but rare P.) ; see
themselves from reproach P. .
frenzied, v. : P. and V.
drreXwavTO (Thuo. 5, 75). Xucro-av (Plat, but rare
Freebooter, subs. P. and V. P.), fjiaweo-QcLt., evOovo-iav, ySaK^euctv
(Plat.), olcrrpav (Plat.), cKJ3aKxeve<r0ai
Free-born, adj. P. and V. /<,,/. (Plat.), Ar. and V. &Xveiv, V c/c-

Like a free born man, adv: P. and p.apryovcr6a.L ]

see 60 TTiari, under ma^?.
Frenzy, subs. P. and V. pwa, ^,
Freedman, subs. P. cwreXevfopos, 6. TO ^ (Plat, but rare
/ActvtwSc?, Xvo-o-a,

Freedom, subs. P. eXcvfapCa, ^, V. P.), olorpos, 6 (Plat, but rare P.),

TovXeuflcpov. Political freedom : P. y (Plat, but rare P.), V.
aurovo/ua, ^, c\.vQep(a, V. TOuXeu-f),

Deliverance P. and V.
: TCL, TO fta.KXfvcrtfj.ov.
Xi>o-is, 17, arroXXayy}, ^, V. c/cXwis, ^, Frequency, subs. P.
P. dTToXwis, TI, Xeu0epa>o"is, 17 j 866 Frequent, adj. P. and V.
deliverance. Freedom of speech : Ar. and P. o-uxi/os.
P. and V. TrapprjCTLa, 17. Licence, Frequent, v. trans, V. &rrrpo><acr0ai,
permission: P. and V. 7TOX/, TTttTCtV, ^fJL/3<LrVLV (aCC. Or
Freedwoman, subs P. dw gen.), P. and V. avao-rpc'qtacr&xi (a^,
Freely, ady. P. and V. dat.), TTfiptTroXcii/. Cowc frequently
Without stint : P. and V. to: P. and V. <o6Tav (sfe, aoc. or
P. d<^t8ais. Outspokenly: P. and TT)?, ace.), P. Qafufav (ct?, ace.).
V. ctTrXfis, P. /xera irOLppfjcrCas, V. J)70eM in : P. and V. lx tv (ace.),
Trapp^o-ta. SjpeaA freely, v. P. y/Atv (ace.) (or mid.) (rare P.), Ar.

irappvjcrw.faa'Oat,. Without restraint: and Y. voitiv (ace*) see inhabit. ;

P. ava/uevcos, di/eS^v. A tiller of the soil, frequenting but

Free-spoken, adj. See/ree of speech, little the town and market place :
under /r6d. Y. o*Xcyafs acrrv Kayopas xpa/a>v
Free will, subs. O/ owe'5 owt /r<30 KVK\OV avTovpyo? (Bur,, Or. 919),
mil : use adj., P. and V. 4c6v, Frequently, adv. P. and V. TroXXctas,

fla/Ao (Plat.), P. (rvxvov, Ar. and P.

24), P. IKCOI/
ye clvai. TTv/cj/df, Ar. and V. TroXVa.
Freeze, v. trans. P. and V. Tnyyi/iW, Fresh, adj. New: P. and V.
Ar. aVoTnryviWi. V. intrans. P. Ar. and V. veox/^o?, V.
and V. Tnyyvwftu, 7T7nryeVai (2nd vOKOTos. 0*/*er : P. and V. oXXos,

perf. of Tnyywiat), P. .
Blooming : P. and V. i>A>s,
(Xen.). toff, V.
Freezing, adj. See
Freight, subs. P. and V. yo/*os, 6, P. vcaXcVrepOi OVT?
V. ^opTos, 6, c/x.7roX^fia,
and -P. <fx>priov, TO, P. TO.
TO, </>(>pigfjLa, ^a (Plat., P0J. 265B).
TO, Ar. Recent : P. and V. veog, /catvos,
(Dem. 1290), vavXov, TO.
dyciiyt/xa 7rpoV$ttT09, P. VTroyvto?, V. TTOTatVto^.
Freight, v. trans. P. and V. yc/uf tv. Fresh (of complexion) Ar. and P. :

Freight with : P. and V. (Xea.). Of cheese Ar. and :

Fre Fri

P. xXwpos. 0^ water: P. and V. Friendless, adj. P. and V.

7TOTOS, P. -TTOTl/AOS, V. C&TOTOS 866 Friendlessness, subs. Use P.
pure. V. 4pi7/ua, Tf.

Freshen, v. trans. Cool : P. and V, Friendliness, subs P. and V. cwoux,

T /*
^u^ccv, av<L\l/\jyeLv
avaufi)(Lv,t V. r/, V(JLi'ia, ^, V. Trpcv/x-ei/cttt, ry,
Befresh : P. and V, ^ (Plat.).

intrans. When the wind freshened : Friendly, adj. P. and V.

P. o>s TO Trvefyux KaTfl'et (Thuc, 2, 84).
Freshly, adv. Recently : P. and V.
i/cov, 8.pri, VO)OT)?, d/mcos, V. .), P. eVVOt/CO?, OIK609,
see M2t*%. Ar and V. cityp
Freshness, subs. Coolness: P. ,
V. 7rpU/tv>ys. Jw a
Xporqs, ^. How
delightful is the friendly wa/y : P. and V. v/* V ^5,
freshness of the place : P. T< ^tXo<5f>poi/<o5 (Plat.), 7rpocr^>tXci)s (Plat.) ,
TOV TOTTOU ws dycwrTyroj/ (Plat., Phaedr. P. <^tXtKo>s, vi/oi*/cws, V.
230o). Novelty, newness : P. /cat- e^poVw?, <^fX<D9 (also Xen. but rare
P.), Trpcujuevois, Ar. and P. ocaW.
Fret, subs. See worry. Be friendly to, : v. P. and V. eiVow
Fret, v. trans. 7^w6 away: P. and (dat.) ;
see 6"We toftA. Friendly
V. TptySeiv, Ar. and P. KUT society: P. Ipeivos, 6. Contri-
7&e ; P. and V. 8a/o/iv, Ar. and V. butor to a friendly society : P.
Kvtfavj Ttptv, Ar, and P. an- wX-qpom;? ^pcjii'ov, 6 (Dem. 574).
see vca;. V. intrans. P. and V. Friendship, subs. P. and V. #Ai'a,
'tv, apiWor0at, Ar. and V. TCI-
' 17, eratpcta, T/. I?i^rcow?'.S' : P. and
j V. 6vfJLO<f>&0 V. 6/jtZA.La, ^, (rwovcrta, T/. Acquaint-
Fretful, adj. P, and V. 8vV*oXo$, ance : P. otaaon??, ^, crui'-y/^ia, ^,
8vo*^p77ff, Svcrdpewos , 866 also Xpcitt, ry, yi/aipt<rts, ^ (Plat.).
bristly. Be fretful, v. Ar. and P. Frigate, subs. Use Ar. and P.

Fretfully, adv. P. Fright, subs. P. and V. 0o/&>s, o,

Fretfulness, subs. Ar. and P. 8v<r- CKTrX^^ts, r/, oppwSta ^f 8Tywa, TO,
icoXta, r), P. and v. Swtr^cpcta, 17. TO, V. TUp^OS, TO, TpO/XOS, 6
Fretted, adj. P. and V. -wWXo?. Plat, but rare P.).
Fretted work, subs. Use P. and V. Frighten, v. trans. P. and V.

Friable, adj. P, and V. Hypo's. (Plat.), P. aTa7rXi7<rcrv,

Friction, subs. P. Tpty, ry. Met., Ar. and P. Kwr&$pv, Be fright-
qu&rrel : P. and V. 8ta^opa, r/ ; see ened : also V. Sct/AaTovortf at (also Ar.
quarrel. Reflect that the city will in act.), &rro>}(r0<u (porf. pass,
fall a prey to internal friction : P. irrociv) ; see also fear, yriyhton
vofuVaT* . . T^V TroXtv
. .
away (birds) : Ar. and P. irorr<>/3*tv
. . i

cr^at a^r-f)!' ircpt airryK

(Thuo. 6, (Xen.), Ar, vofitlv.
Friend, subs. and V. P fX Frightened, adj. P.
Acquaintance ; use adj., P.
6, <rwTrjOi)$) o, o2Kto9, 6, ^Tr/TT/Sctos, 6.
Frightful, adj. P, and .V
Companion: BQ& companion. Friend ^pt/tf<48^9 V. 8v(^ f ,

made in wo/r: V. Soptffws, o, Ctoe5, T/ip8v<>$. Ugly: P. and

friend ; P. and V* ^1/05, 6, V. ^fros, ^ ;, SvcrctSife (Plat, and Soph,,
" *
o. Goo<i friend (addressed to a /.), V,
person) : P. and V. & rw, Ar, and sue ^flty.
Frightfully, adv. P* and V.
Fri Fro

Frightfulness, subs. P. Sen/on^, 17. Frog, subs. Ar. and P.

Ugliness : P. atcrxos, TO (Plat.). (Plat.).
Frigid, adj. Met., P. and V. Frolic, subs. P. and V. TratStd,
Formal : P. and V. I?& a drunken frolic : P. JW.CTCL Tra
Haughty P. see ai oHvoi; (Thuc. 6, 28).
haughty. Frolic, v. intrans. P. and V. Tratfav,
Frigidity, subs. P. 17. V. atftfpciv (also Plat, but rare P.),
Haughtiness : P. P. 7rpooW /. Frisk : P. and V.
see haughtiness.
Frigidly, adv. Ar. and P. Frolicsome, adj. Ar and P.
Haughtily : P.
Fringe, subs. Ar. and V. From, prep. P. and V. &rd (gen.),
ra, P. 0uWos, 6 (Hdt.). Trapa (gen.). 0^^ of : P. and V.
border: P. and V. /cpcunrcSa, T< ^ (gen.), c^ (gen.). -4t the hands

(Xen.). Something that encom- of : P. and V. -rrpos (gen.). Owing

passes : P. and V. irepi/SoXos, b. to (a feeling, etc.) : P. and V. fero
Boundary : P. and V. opos, 6. (dat I am driven from land to
v. trans. See encompass. Be tand V. yfjv irpo yws eXawojuou,
fringed with : V. Kpao-ireSovo-Gai (^E3sch, P. V. 682; of. Ar.,
(dat.). 4c/i. 235). From day to day :

Fringed, adj. P. flvo-ai/wros (Hdt.). P. and V. Kaff wfaav, V. icar*

Frisk, v. intrans. P. and V. o-Kiprav ;

see play. Front, v. trans. See face.
Frisky, adj. Playful: Ar. and P. Front, subs. Forehead : P. and V*
<<Ao7rcuor>ta>v. Wanton: P. ju,ero)7rov, TO (Xen.). J5rot(; : P. and
KO'S, V. /cpZ0a>v. V. 6<ptfs, 17. Fore-part : P. and
Frith, subs. See siraifr. V. TO TrpocrOei', P. TO CfMrpoo-Ocv.
Fritter away, v. trans. Fritter away Front of an army : P. and V.
(time) : P. KaraTpt/fev ; see waste. )w,TO)7rov, TO (Xoti.), crrofJLt^ TO (Xen.),
Throw away for nothing : P. Trpo- W/ie?^ w
ranged our armed forces
icr0ai, P. and V. 7rpo7rii/iv. 3Tow against each otfar, extending our
ttfiiZ recover what has been frittered line in front : V. Vet yap dXAf/Xoio-iv
atony : P. ra Kareppa6vjj.Yjp.fya iraXiv OTrXmyv <rrparov Kara (rrofjC /cTtVovre9
avaXfy<r0 (Dem. 42). (ivTTa^a/xv (Bur., nvracl. 800).
Frivolity, subs. P. /xucpoXoyta, r/. JI'Votti o/ a 7i07tse ; V. irpoviwia, rd.

Trifling, nonsense : Ar. and P, Met., change of front, change of

Xijpos, 6, ^Xvfipia, ^, P. view: P. ptrdvoia, 17. Change front
ra. Unreasonableness : P. (met., chanye OIM'S views), v. : P,
jLtTtti/oav. i/i /row^, adv. P. fy,- :

Frivolous, adj. P. /xwcpoXoyos. Iw- TTpOOT^CV, KttTCt TTpOOTCDTrOK, Forward .'

cZwad to n/fe : P. X^pwSTfs. Of P. TTOppO), V. 7TpOO"0), 7TOpO*0). Go iW

things, unreasonable : P. oXoyos. /row* <o f/w/cfo 7WC : V. t;yov
Absurd : P. and V. &nwros. Jf?c (Bur., PAo^J. 834). Jw
frivolous, y. P. and V. X-^pav, Ar.
facing, adj. P. and V. :

and P. 0Xvdptv. (dat.), V. dvrio9 (dat.) (Plat, also

Frivolously, adv. Unreasonably : but rare P.). Opposite, prep. P. :

P. (5Xoyo>s. and V. KttTtt (ace.), P. ajTwrepaS

Fro, adv. To and fro : see under to. (gen.), KttTtti/rwcpu (gen,). Before:
Frock, subs. See dress. Tunic : P P. and V. 7rpoV0v (gen.) ;
Trpo (f?en.),
and V. XWM, 6. Frock for women : see before. In presence of: P. and
Ar. XITWVIOV, TO. V. cVam'ov (gen.), V. dvrwv (gen.).
Fro Fnr

Hold infront of one: P. Frown ,

v. intrans. Ar. o<jf>pfe owayeiv, .

P. and Y 7TpOTLVLV. V. o/A/AUTa fnjwefaiv. Z/oofc gloomy :

Front, adj. Fore. P. and "V. irpoo-Otos Ar. and P. ovajfl/owwafeiv, V. <r/a>0pa-
(Eur.,.R/&e$.), P. ^p( /. Frown on . met , Ar. and P.
aytti'aKTtv (dat.), P. ^aA.7rois
r^v TrpoeBpiav Tras ai/^p (acc,), V. 7n/cpa>s <>pU' (ace.).
42). PZaced )Srs$ : P. and Frowning, adj. P. and V.
V. V. crui/ox^puw/Acj/os, arvyvos. Met.,
Frontal, adj. P. and V. evoWos. of hills, etc. : P. aTroTo/w (Plat.),
Frontier, subs. P. and V. opos, 6,
s > i > /
opia, TO., V. opw//.a, TO, P. , o/cpis, citTTi;?, a/TTeu'o?.
TO, or pi. Froizen, adj. P. and V, Ti^/crds, V.
Fronting, adj. P. and V. /cpiwrraA.A.OTrty/cros, /cpvOTcxXXoTnyf. J?er

(dat.), icotTa ord^a (gen.), V. dvrtos frozen^ P. and V. trifowcrQai,

v. :

(dat.) (Plat, also but rare P.) see ; TTCTnyyo/at (2nd perf. of Tnyyvui/ai), P.
opposite. a7ro7rr/yi'u<r0ai (Xen. also Ar. in ;

Frontispiece, subs. Met., P. 7rpo0vpa, act.).

(Plat., Rep. 365o). Frugal, adj. Of persons, sparing:
Frontlet, subs. See band. Frontlet Ar. and P. <ei8o>Aos (also with gen.
for a horse : V. d/wrv*n}p, 6. following). Temperate : P. and V.
Frost, subs. P. and V. Trayos, 6, V, jw.Tpios, crotypcov. Of things, ;

/epic's, 6 (Eur., Frag.). Hoar-frost: P. and V. (TTrdvto^, V.

P. and V. TTCLXVI?, ^ (Plat.). Ice : P, Frugality, subs. Ar. and P. <ei8a>Ata,
and V. /cpu'oroAAos, 6 (Soph., Frag.). P. and V. TO-
Frost-bound, adj. P. and V.
V. KpucrroXAoTr Frugally, adv. P. <a8<i>A<os.
Frosty, adj. Cold : P. and V. perately : P. and V. peipl
Froth, subs. P. and V. d<pos, o Hp&rwtfi : P. (nravtti>9.
(Plat., Km. 83t>). Spray ; P. and Fruit, Bubs. P. and V.
fltty, * (
PlaiL )' V
****** * *
of ail kinds : V. Tray/co/ma, ^.
Froth, v. intrans. V. d^pt{o^. Bv^rs^ Fruits of the earth: P. and V,
into froth : V. eav0etv, a^pov /caxXa- o, Ar. and V. 2poro9, 6,,
;s, o,
V. y^ fi\a(rr/, r, yijs
Frothy, adj. P. and V. TO, P, TCL ^K T^S y^s ^vo/uva,.
(Plat.). Met., mp^/; P. and V. P. and V, (TCTOS,
/coco's ; see also boaxtful, o. Twti fruit : I*, and V. O7ro>p, r/ f
Froward, adj, Perverse : P. and V. P. ci/po).' Kap7r<k, & (Plat., /'ro.
Obstinate: P. and V. 321 1*). Offering ; Bee off^trtng.
Disobedient: P. Time offrnU : 1*. and V. rbrci)/>a, 5;.
/' m^

//-/frW : P. and V. fapoOlvMr

Frowardly, adv. Obstinately: Ar. rd (BIM#. Honiotimorfiu V.), avapx^h
and P. aMd&rt. at (sing. Wai., /Vo//. ;}43ii). Mot.,
Frowardness, subs, Obstinacy : P. fnutu, rtwulM : 1*. and V, Ka/>7rd5,
avtfttScta, r/,
Ar. and V. ai'iftl&'a, t/, (or pi.) (l)orn. 328). Kw /wAVd
V. aWtt8to-/xaTa, T(. Disobedience : tlw fruits of hu bene-
P. ctvTyKovorta, r; (Wat.). P. Ts
Frown, subs. V. ^iW rf^o9, T<J,

(Dem 304). ye^^ MA fruti* of,

TO* <rt5v<rro$ tfrpcvw, P. and V. TO v. : P, and V.
KapirwcrOut, (acoA
o-KvOpuvfo. Relax, your frown ; V. iKKnpmwtrO(u (acc,), awoXavct*' (
s vw <5^v (Bur., /. A. 648). V, imwpfofat, (2nd aor. of
3Fru Ful

<TKCiv) (gen.), Kap7tteo-0eu (aoo.) P. <j>pvyava, rd, icXiy/xaTtiScs, at, P.

(Bur., Hipp. 432). Sear fruit : and V. uX?;, 97.
(?o aw^ coZZec^
/M^Z ;
V. KO-PTTOW (aoc.). Met., be of P. 7Tt
<56puyavtcr/Aov efcpxcor^at (Thuc.
advantage: P. and V.
w^cXcIv. 7,4).
P. and V. tru/x/fcuVciv, P. Fugitive, subs. P. and V. SpcwrcTTJs,
Now the curse bea/rs 6 (Plat., Meno, 9?B), P. at>To>oXo 5,

fruit: V. iw dpal TeXeo-<opot 5 or %. Exile : P. and V. <3yas,

2%e&. 655). 6 or 17. Wifi fugitives from an
Fruiterer, subs. P. 6ir<i>pu>v7js, 6. army : P. and V. of 0vyoi>T<y. 5a
'.Fruitful, adj. Of land, etc. : P. and a fugitive run awwy, v. P Spcr-

V. 2y/cap7ros (Plat.), dS/capTTOs (Plat.), Ar. and P.

(Plat.), Ar. and P. P. and V.
<opos (Xen.), -TroXiSfcapTros (Plat.), Fulfil, v. trans. Accomplish : P. and
Tro\v<t>6po$ (Plat.), Ar. and V. V. avureiv, KaTaviiT(,v,
ftOS, TToXlKTTTOpOS, V. K irpacrcrctv, StAirpdvcrttv (or mid. in P.),
Making fruits grow ; V
(Eur., jfitfw.). Of animals: P. (rOat t i v, V.
yovi/jios, V. <i5T(X/AW>s, , c/CTrpao-o-stv, rcXtv (rare P.),
Met., frequent : P. and V. T fC7TpatVCtV, /CpCUVCl!/, 7TtKpatVei,V, P.
Ar. and P. o-u#/o9. Fruitful in, CTriTeXctv, TeXcoui/. Oow&pZefe, J/2ZZ
rich in : P. and V. TrXovcrws (gen.). wp ; P. and V. TrX^pow, cKTrX^povv,
Full o: P. and V. /WTO'S (gen.); P. dvaTrXrjpovv, V. KtrifA7rh.dvai. Be
fulfilled, come to an end : P. and
IFruitfulness, Of land: P.
subs. V. Tc'Xos ^tv, TcXos Xaft)Sotviv. Of
7ro\v<t>opia, y (Xen.).
Of animals : an oracle, etc.: V.
P. TroXvyovi'a, 17. Of either: P. P. and V. cKj&umv, P.
<op<, 07 (Plat., Bejp. 546A). Fulfilled, adj. P. 7rtTeXr/s, P. and V.
Fruition, subs. Oowe to ; P. and V. (rare P.), TcXeos (rare P.), V.
reXos ?X tv > T *Xo$ Xa/^8civeiv.
Fruitless, adj. P. and V. Fulfilment, subs. P. and V.
P. V. 5v>7, 17 (JElsch., Z%e&. 713).
V. aKap7r<i>TO$ ; see P. and V. WXos, TO, TcXcvn;,
adv. P. and V. TO.
aXXws, V. jLiaratws; see iw Fulgent, adj See bright.
under -yam. Full, adj. Lit and met., P. and V.
Fruit-trees, subs, P. a*p68pva, ra. , TrXiJpry,, TrX&s, P. IfwrXco)?,

^Frustrate, v. trans. A person or Ar. and P. avciTrXcws, V.

thing: P. and V. o-^aAJUv, P. (Eur., CycZ.). J?^/Z to the
4/cKpowtv. A thing : P. and V. brim: Ar. ^rtWiXifc. Full of: use

cruyxctv; see fco^Ze. Prevent: P. adj. given with geu. B0 /wZZ o/,
ana V. /cwAtfeiv ; see prevent. v. P. and V. ye'juetv (gon.), V.

iFrustration, subs. Prevention: P. n-K-riQtiw (gen. or dat.) (Plat, also

Sta/cciXvcris, ^. J?Wtore : P. and V. but rare P.), trK^iv (gen.), Ar. and
TO. V. /3pv4v (geQ. or dat.). Complete,
.Fry, v. trans. Ar. and P. adj. P. and V. TeXetos, TeXcos,

P. ^TrweXijs. jPliW
Frying-pan, subs. Ar, ray^vov, TO. ,
subs. : Ar. and P. ju<r0os fr-
Fuddle, v. trans. P. and V. Topao 6. I?z r^cezj?* of fuU pay,
o-eiv see confuse.
; Fuddled with adj. P. &vT\6fu<rOo<;. He said he

wine : see drunk. would pay the cbraohma in full : P.

[Fuel, subs. Brush-wood: Ar. and I^T; 8wa-4v li/reXi; T^V SpdxjMjv (Thuo.
Ful Fura

8, 29). Abundant : P. and V. Vapour : P. aVs, 17 (Plat.), V. O.T/I.OS,

TroXife, a<0ovos, V. ImppvTos. Be m 6. Incense-fwmes P. and V.


full flood, v. P. and V. TroX^s

QvfjudfjLara, ra. Till the fitmes of
P. ^eyas pew. Look full at a thing : wvne stole over Mm and wwmed
P. /caravrwcpu OeacrOai TI, as opposed him: V. Io>s avrov d/wj>t-
to c/c fl-Xaytou, sideways (Plat.). oti/ou (Eur., Ale. 758).

Full, v. trans. As a fuller does : P. Fume, v. intrans. Smoke: P and

P. and V. aiveiv, Ar. V. dT/x/fe/ (Xen.), Ar. and V. ru<f>ew>
(absol.). v . rv<j>Q'Ocu. Be angry : P. and V.
Fuller, subs. P. and V. /o/a^eu's, 6 or opyifecrflcu, OvjuwvarQai, V.
Ar. and P. ayawmcrav,
Fuller's earth, subs. Ar. /c see angry.
Fuller's shop, subs. P. Kva^ctov, TO. Fumigate, v. trans. "V. i
w (Eur.,
Full-grown, adj. See grown. Hel. 866).
Fulling, subs. The art of fulling : Fumigation, subs. P.
P. i? Kva^swi/oJ.
Fully, adv. Completely : P. and V. Fun, subs. P. and V. ;,

s, TravrcX&s, 8i& reXovs, Ar. and o. fi5: Ar. and P. owo/ty-ia, r<i.
P. -3r<ivv, reXecos, P. oXo>s, iracraTracri, In fun : P. TraiStfcGs. J5e wfun, v. :
V. is r6 Trav. Quite : Ar. and P. P. and V. TTCU'&IV, Ar and P.
Srexvote. Abundantly : P. and V. o-Kwrrw. Make fun of : P. and
tyl&cK (Bur., .Frafl.), P. CUTO/WOS V. iraifaw wpds (aoc.), Ar. and P.
see abundantly. (TKtaTrrav (acc. or ets, ace.), K^^Selv ,

Full moon, subs. See under moon. (aco.) ; see moc/c. JMa&a /ww : P.
Fulminate, v. intrans. Met., Ar.
fipovrav. Threaten : P. and V. Function, subs. Task : P. and V.
a7TiX/ ; see threaten. TO, V.
Fulmination, subs. Tlvreat : P. and : P. and v.
Ta^t?, >; ; see
V. tS/TreiXiy, 17, V. aTreiXj^ara, ra. Faculty : P. and V. Suva/us, r/.
Fulness, subs. Repletion: P. and Functionary, aubs. Official : Ar.
V. P. and P. ttpxw, o; see mayistrate*
, 77.
and servant.
V. ?rAiy009, wopta, r}
TO, 866 Fund, subs. Contribution : P.
P. ;

abundance. In the fulness of time : orwreXcta, /. 4&nda7Zca ; P.

P. and V, xpoV<j>, Sia xp^ov > ry, miropta, ry, Ar. and P.
&/ xP^> o^' 1' Xpwy* XP^ <p TTOTC. irepiovcri'a, 7;. Wwnd$> resources : P.
Fulsome, adj. Excessive: P. and and V. xpr//xttTtt, r<i. Revenues : P.
V, -nrcpto-cros,

Fulsomely, adv. Fundamental, adj. Necessary: P.

and V. wcpta-crfa. Flatter ful- and V. Supreme:
somely : P. ^zrep/toAajcevW (aoo ) and V. Entire, complete:
Praise futsomely : Ar, and P. P. and V.
7T(UVtV. Fundamentally, jdv, P.
Fulsomenessj subs. Extravagance : Entirely : P. oXws, iravrdiratn, Ar.
P. and V. and P.
Fumble, v. inirans. Ar. and P Funeral, subs. P. and V.
He came and fumblec ^, /dJSos, r<> (Pki).
at my door; Ar. l/cwc? l\6&v ceremonies see Thuo. 2, 84, and
^pav (Thesm. 481). Bur., if^. 1240-1277. Carrying
Fume, subs. Smoke: P. and V out Jor burial : P. and V. ^op^
Ar. and V. X*yvvs, Carry m
funeral procession, v*
:Fun Fur

trans. : P. and V. cjc^epav (aco.), V. Furiously, adv. Impetuously : P.

Ko/x,ie/ (ace.). Attend a funeral :
cpToVojff, o-uwoi/os. Angrily : P,
P. (rvvK<l>epew (absol.). Fwtieral and V. TTiKpois, Ar.and P. xo
feast, subs. : P. TreptSetTrvov, TO. P. opytXws. Madly P.:

Fiweral gifts : V. see madly.

KTepioyiaTa, ra, /A7rXT;/cT(i)5 ;

P. and V. VTcJ</ia, TCI Funeral Furiousness, subs. E^s/i, violence :

honours : V. /crepto-y^ara, ra. P. and V. ^; see /wry.
funeral honours to, v. V. Furl, v. trans.
: Ar. oTxroXXcH/, V.
ayj/<iv (ace.).
(ace.), Deprived of Shorten sail :

funeral honours, adj. : V. Ar. and V. (absol.).

Funeral oration, subs. :
Furlong, subs. Ar. and P. <rrc(oW,
P. Xoyo? 6 CTTt TOLS 0a7TTO/ieVoiS TO.

"2, 35), Xo'yos (Dem. 499). Furlough, subs. Exemption from

Funeral pile : P and V. ?;,
service Ar. : and P. aorpareta, %.
V. Funeral rites : P. Furnace, subs. Ar. fcn/o'$, 6, V. Kd/*i-
and V. VO'/U/AO, (Eur., Eel 1277), vos, ?y sc., Frag.).
aw/ </ ^00* Furnish, v. trans. Supply : P. and
P. TO, voju4<v*eva. TF7&e?&
d&ed and his funeral was taking V. Trapexw (or mid.), iroptfetv (or
: P TIS avrwv mid. in P.), K7ropiav (or mid. in
place CTreS^ TcAcvr^ow
/cat ra vo/ufo/x,eva cf>poiro (Dem. P.), TTttpaor/ceuafciv. Equip ; P. and
V. crKvd^LV Tr<Lpa.a'KV(ieivf (rreXXeiv

Funereal, adj. V. (rare P.), e^aproe^, V. wXtfctv, ^f

P. Met see gloomy. OTrXilfftc, e/eoreXXfitv, P. /caTao"/ceuafti/.

Fungus, subs. Ar. ,

6. Furnished ivith, adj. : V.
Funnel, subs. P. >
see wfiW furnished.
(dat.) ;

Furniture, subs. P.
'Funnily, adv. P. yeXooos, lirtTrXa, TCI, Ar. and P. or/ccuiy, TCI.
Equipment : Ar. and P. n-a
P, and V. yeXoios, Ar. ^, P. i
'Funny, adj.
and P. KciTayeXaoTos. Strange, odd: Furrow, subs. Ar. and P. oX/co's, o
P. and V. &TOTTOS (Eur., (Xen.), Ar. and V. <*Xo ^ Wrinkle :
'Pur, subs. Skin stripped from an Ar. aud P. pvTiV, 17.
animal : P. and V. Furrow, v. trans. V. xfywo^iv.
^ (Plat.), V. S^pos, TO'. Furrowed, adj. TTrwifciai: P. and
animals: P. and V. 6pi& V. /Sftrcfc. :'$
Xatny, ^.
Garment of fur : V. Further, v. trans, jffe/jp o?i, advance ;
arwrvpv<o8>7$ orrdA-os (Soph., Frag.}.
P. and V. O-TTCuSctV, 7rtO"7Tl;8tV.

IFurbish, v. trans. Polish: P. Xa/*- With non-personal subject JP. :

wpweo-Qai (Xen ). 7rpo<f>pW 619 (aCC,).

iFurious, adj. I?wpeiwow5 ; P. and Further, adj. More: P. and V.

V. II/TOVOS, OTJVTOVOS, Ar. and V. TrXctW, V. 'fcrfi'prcpos. Of distance :

^ovpos, V. 0ovpios, otfo>v (also Plat.,

JSejp. 559c, but rare P,)-
Ar. and P. ^oXm-os, P. and V.
rV : ^ UBO adv.
P. eV T(J
0?^ iAe further side :
: P. and V. TUTreWva
side of
On the further
wi/cpos, P. -n-cpto/yyojs, ^pytXos, V. V. rovKtWw (geu.). Tliat there

Jlffld ; P. and V. //.aww&ys, should he no further implea$a7it-

/ATrXiyicTO?, Ar. and P. ne$S : P. fj^^plav elvat d^Scav Trtpat-
co's, V. /wtpyos (Plat, also but Tpo) (Dem. 1169).
rare P.), fjLapywv, Xvtro-oiS^s, tyfuavys Further, adv. Of distance P. and

(Plat, also but rare P.); see also V. 7T6/00, 7re/><UTpCD, P. TTOppWTCpW,
Besides, furthermore :

Fur Gai

P. and V. tTt, wpds TOUTOts, errt TOUTOts, Future (time) : P. and V. XOITTO?,
V. /cat ?rpo's, Trpo's (rare P.), Ar. and /xeXXoir, P. 7TiXoj7ros. Future gene-
P. Trpoo-crt. Afore, in addition : P. rations : P. and V. o iTrc/Ta, P.
and P. -n-cpatTepo), Wpd. ot eTTtytyvd/iei/ot, V. ^orfpot, ot, ^tctf-

Furthest, adj. P. and V. lo-^aTos. JofTcpot,, ot, ot 7Ttorropoi, l/cyova, Ta.

In the furthest part of the tomb : Future, subs. P. and V. o /x-eXXwi/
V. & Xor0ta> Tu/Ay@v//,aTi (Soph.,
. . .
Ant. 1220). T^ p,\\ovra, V. TovTrtoi' (Bur., Frag.).
Furtive, adj. P. and V. Xafyato*, For the sake of the future : P.
KpV7rr6<s, <f>avTqs, /cpi;<jbaTo9 (Plat.), V. T031/ CTrtOVTCOf VKa (J)OITl. 423). Z?fc
^/i6 future : P. P TO) CTretTa. 2/ Or

Furtively, adv. P. and V. X<0pcx, future : P. and V. ToT XotTrou


Xa0pat'o>s (rare P.), P. /cpv'</>a, Ar. 07/OV (ThUC. 8, 29), P. tff TOV 7T(Ta
and P. Kpvpfyv, V. /cpiJqWJ (also oVov, is TOV CTrtXotzrov XP <f>vov i ^'
Xpovov rov fteXXovra, TOV Xoiaw Xftovov,
Fury, subs. P. and V, op//*;, ^. J3a</c : ct? TO XotTroV, Ar. aud V, ro XOITTOV,
P. and V. opyy;, r), 6v/*6s 6; see Of the future he takes no heed ; V.
aw^gr. Frenzy : P. and V. /lano,

-_ / s ^.si.. <r/c07r t
> '^"

^, XiWa, -^ (Plat, but rare P.) ; see

Fuse, v. trans. Melt : P. and V.
ryKtiv. Fuse together : P.
K6iv ; see also mix. v. intrans. Chatter : P. and
Fusible, adj. V. XoXetv, 6pi)Xti/, V. TroXvoTQjaav,
P. T^KTO'S (Plat.),
(Plat.). Ar. 0X7;m^>av, crro>/jn;XXcr^at. Talk
Fusion, subs. A being mixed to- nonseme : P. and V. X^pcu*, Ar. and
gether : P. and V. crvy/cpao-ts, y; P. ^Xudpcti/.
(Bur, Frag.). Met., see wiwn. Gabble, subs. OtKitter ; Ar. aud P.
FUSS, SUbs. Confusion ; P. rapaxy, XoXta, ?/ ; Hoe chatter.
f), P. and V. 0o'/n5/3os, 6, o^Xos, o. Gabbler, subs. Moe chatterer.
Bicstle : Ar. and P. TroXuTrpay^o- Gable, subs. Ar. a'ero'v, i (^h\ 1110).
cruvfy r). 3/*a&a a /7SS a&OWtf : P. Gad, v. intrans. Wawler about : P.
^aXe7TU5 <ptf)W (flCC.). and V, TrXavttcr&u.
Fuss, v. trans. /^ agitated : P. and Gadfly, subs. P. and V. /xtfo>i/r,
V. Taptt<r<r<r0at. Bustle : Ar. and (Wat.), V. ourr/x*, 6, Driven by
the gadjly, adj. Ar. and V. oZ<rr/>o-

Fussiness, subs. Ar. and P. V. ot^rrpr/o-a? (tior, part.),


Fussy, adj. P^^is/t ; P. and V. Gag, v. trans. Ar. t/*/MXX>

/coAoy, 8u<rapa709, S'ltstliwj ; Ar. (dat.) (Thewn,. J&2). Mot,
and P. silence : P. KaTcuri>7rttt/ (Xim.)
Futile, adj. P. and V, *vo's, Gag, subs. Ar. 7ra<nra\o?, o.
<itvovi;T05, V. Gage, subs. P. aud V.
(also Xen.) S03 useless.
; 7Trrts, ^, Trwrroi/, TO, ^yyvry, r;, V.
Futility, subs. Uselessness : P. c*x/?-
orrta, ^. Gage, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Future, adj, and V, /xeAAwv, P.
&ro/*i>o5. Coming directly : P* and Gaiety, sub^. V. nWu/z/a, 17
V. &riv. 4 future iifo of lia/ppines (Xen.). Pkwure, delight ; P,
awaits him : V. 6 8* JTTU&V nv /3tWos V. rcpi/r

(Eur., Or. J1659) t delight.


}aily, adv. Cheerfully : P. and Y ow, overtake : P.

V0V/A.(t)S (Xen.), nSeCt)?, P. 7TiKaTaXaju,j8aj/ei.v. G(WW over ; P.
(Xen.). Finely, splendidly : P and V. TTpoo-7roito-0ai, wpoo-Tt^ecr^at,
and Y. Xo/rpa>s. Spiritedly : Ar see ttw over. Per-
and P. vedvtfcws. P. and V. TTC^CIV ; see.
Act of acquiring Y.
Bain, subs. :

^Trifcnyous, , P and Y. Gainful, adj. See advantageous.

Profit : P. and V. KcpSos, TO', Gainsay, v. trans. Contradict: P.
TO. Advantage: P. andY. and V. aimXeyciv (dat.), dvTewrcw/'
17, &jf>Xo5, TO, oi/rjcns, ^. Ar. and V. (dat.),
P. vavrtoXoytv (dat.), V.
&<$>i\x]iML) TO, V. 17 j
(o^cXiyo'ts, dvrt^wveiv (absol.). Oppose,: P.
advantage. Superiority: P. -n-Xeo- and V. e avrtovo-^at
(dat.) ; see
?eta, 17, irXcovfiKrtyfia, TO. WJiat oppose. Deny : P. and Y. apveu
gain is there ? V. T/ 8" Icm TO TrXcov ; KarapvelcrOai see

(Eur., Pfcam. 553). gan Gait, subs. P. /3aSi<rju,o's, 6,

ttriK A 60 to the dead? P. T 8' TO , Ar. and P. /3ci8to-is, ^ (Xen ), V.
&rrai TrXeov TO> ye faroOavwrt, ; (Ant. KcXev^os, ^, TjXvcris, ^. Appearance,
140). Love of base gain: P. and Tnarmer : P. and V. o^/x, TO^
TpoVos, 6.

gain, adj. P. and V. : Galaxy, subs. See assembly.

Ar. and P. <tXo/cp8i?s. Gale, SUbs. P. av/Aos /leyas, 6, woX-irs

Gain, v. trans. P. and V.

Acquire : ofi//Aos, 6,
and V.
P. and V. x i v ^ t o, Ar.
Kara/craorflai, Xa/ujSamv, P. V.
^ftkXXa, ^ Ti3<c6s, 6,
see wiw. Ww. for (r/o/TTTo's, 6, x/*a, TO. Be caught in
P. andY.KTocrflai, a gale, v. : P. and V.
Gall, v. intrans. P. and
Ar. and V, ^epav (al o Plat, but Ar. and V. /cvt^ctv, Ar.
, and P.
r*re P ), &pib-Kiv, V. 5p^. ortfat falso ; see annoy.
Plat, bat rare P.), KOLV. Cram Gall, subs. P. and V. xoXTj, ^. Met,
in addition P. and V. : anger: P. and V. <5py>y, ^, V.
P, 7rpo(rKTa<T^ac. jffe/p S, 6, Ar. and V. xXi?', -fj ; see

crvyicrwrOaC (TIVI), o"vyKaraKraa6(u (ri

Gain 05 profit: P, and V. Gall-bladder, subs. Y. (or
v, Svtvctva

/t : P. and pL), 8oX al x 0.1

V. ^tKi/t<r5at (efc, or ?rp s, aco. Gallant, adj. Brave : P. and V. ;

Y. also ace. alone). .4Mawi to ; P. j see


and V. ^a7TT0-6at (get!.), tftw/t<rdai Noble : P.' and Y! ycwcuos,

(gen. or ace.), ruyx'xveiv (gen.),
^l XP'/oros, Ar. and V. eV0Xos. (?a?y :
P. and V. i/t<mKo'<?. Wb/Z-irei :
6"^i/i runner would have gained

goal V. &v
Tax"? j8a8torr/9 Tp-
. . and P. x<*/>tts, do*Tto9, P.

ttv^7rrTo (Bur., MeA 1182). Gallant skip : use V. c&r\uos"i

ifcd heights : P, dvrXa/A- ;/. Splendid: P. and V. ,

r<ov jU,CT(Opa)V (ThllC. 4, Gallant, subs. Use P. and V. i

128). Gain <Ae moww^ains P. 6. Play the gallant, v. : Ar. and


\an/3dvv@a.L r&v opwv (Thuo. 3, 24). P. Vavieucr$ u.

Gain, v. intrans. et adwant ge : P. uallantly, adv. Bravely : P. and V.
and V. Kp8a/tv, (5vlVao-tfat, P. dv8p&>s; see bravely. Nobly: P.
and V. yo/vau>$, evKXe&s (Xen.).
tage. Gain the day: P. and V Well : P. and V. rf, KoXois. Grace-
/cparctv. grotwd : P. GamP. yapieWws. Splendidly:
and V. irpoftabew ; met., P. and V. and V. : '.

Gal Gar

Gallantry, subs. Bravery: P. and game : V. o>$ cicTrXews yc Satro? el//,"

V. ^pen}, y, av8peia, opeoriccJou (Bur., Cycl. 247).
see .
Nobility : Game, v. intrans. Gamble : Ar. and
P. and V. yo/vaianys, ^, P. avSpaya- P. Kvpcveiv.
Ota, T). Courtesy : P. <iXav0pa>7rx, Gamester, subs. P. and V. Kv/kuTys,
V. even-eia, fj. Wanton COIlduct : 6 (Xen. and Soph., Frag.).

P. and V. tf/Jpts, ^. Gander, subs. P. and' V. x^v, 6

subs. Ar. and P. (Soph., Frag.).
6 (Xen.). Gang, subs. P. and V. 0^X05, 6,
Galley, subs. See s/&ip. crvcrraorts, There are gangs of

Galling, adj. P. and V. rascally men herding in the Piraeus;

po's see vexatious.
P. <mi> cpyacmjpta /AO^^iJpwv av0p<*>-
Gallon, subs. Use Ar. and P. x^, 7ro)i/ crvveorrjKOTtov ci/ TO> ITctpaet
6 (about three-quarters of a gallon). 885).
Gallop, v. intrans. Use P. and V. Gangrene, subs. P, cnyTreSw, ^.
Gangrened, adj. Become gangrened,
Gallop, subs. Use P. and V. y. : P. ox^aKcXtlfcH/, P. and V. O-^TTC-
6. At a gallop : P. and V. 8pd>o>. cr^at.

Galloping, adj. Use Ar. and V. Gangway, subs. Gangway for em-
barking or disembarking: P. tt?ro-
Gallows, subs. Met., gallows for ftdGpa, 17, V. KX?/*af, ^, KXI/Mwen/p, o,
hanging : Ar. and V. oyxoi 7 *? ( rare crafts, ^.

P.). Gantlet, subs. See gauntlet,

Gamble, y. intrans. Ar. and P. Gaol, subs. P. 8c<r/w,<imjpiov, TO, ip-
fcv/tafciv. Having gambled away y/Ao's,
6 (Plat.), P. and V. elpKryj, $,
his property : P. KaTaKi;eucras TO, or pi. P. TO 8>//Aoo-tov,
Public gaol :

ovra (Lys. 142). V. 7rav8>?/xo9 crreyy; ; SCO prison. Be

Gambler, subs. P. and Y. /cv/Jewfc, thrown into gaol: P. cfe
6 ^Xen. and Soph,, Frag.).
Gambling, subs. Spend one's time Gaoler, subs. P. and V. <rfXa 6 or ,

in gambling : P. Trcpl KV'/?OVS ras Gap, subfl. P. TO SiaKevov,

8iaTpta$7roiU70ac, (Lys. 146). tfond TO. Breach in a wall : I*. TO 1/7-
of gambling, adj. Ar. ^Xo/ctySo?.
pypwov. Leave a yap v. Ar. and t

Gambling-den, subs. P. cm/>a<ov, P. SioXenretv.

Gape, v. intrans. Yawn : Ar. and P.
Gambol, v. intrans. P. and V. XfLcrMiv, ^a(r/xaor^at. 0^6W (of tho
cTKipray. Play : P. and V. 7rcu eu>, earth): Ar. and V. 8uVra<r0fu, L*.
V. cMrfpw (also Plat, but rare P.).
Gambol, subs. P. and V. ?rat&a, ^. Gape, subs. P. x<*><rw, >/,

Game, subs. P. and V. ira&d, T?, P. Ar.

waiyviov, TO*. Ma&0 <7am<J O/, V.: P.
Gaping-, adj upon my
and V. 7ra%w Trpos (aoo.), Ar. and head tha gaping jaws of a beast :

P. o-KWTrretv (aoc., or fe, ace.), K<O-

(aoc.) ; see mocft. P<u62tc
V. *1

^ ft?p<te
/*<^* ^/*S
subs, P. and V. &ywv, 6, V. Garb,
: subs. P. and V.
0Xo?, 6. Contend m the g me$, v. :
T<, 6,
P. and V, Sywfao-Oat, Animals V.
for hunting, subs. Ar. and P. :
6, orr<>Xio'/xa r T^, Ar and V.
&7p6a, Ta, P. and V. 0;pa, T) (Xen.), WwXo>/Aa, TO; see
V. ^pevyua, 16, ciypa, jj, fiy/>ev/M*, T^. Garbage, subs* Ar. rA, V.
I am surfeited with feasts of
353 23
Gar Gat

Garble, v. trans. P. and V. Av Gash, subs^ Wound : P. and V.

<70cu, P. /lercwroictv. Tpavjua, TO, iXxos, TO. Out : P.
Garbled, adj. False: P. and V. (Plat., Gorg. 476o).
Fictitious : P. and V. Gash, v. trans. Wound : P. and V.
TirpticTKew, Tpau/ttm^c/v, eX.Kovv; see
subs. P. and V. 10} wound. Out : P. and V.
(Eur., El 777). To tend like a fC07TTlV.

garden, v. V. : Flowers Gasp, v. intrans. V. do-*.

tended in a garden, subs. : Ar. </>v<na.v. Gasp with astonishment :

TO. use Ar. Ke^nveytu (2nd perf. act.,
Gardener, subs. V. ^mW/ttTv, 6.
Gardening, subs. P. Gasp, subs. P. and V. &r0/u,a, TO.
v. intrans. P. Shortness of breath : P. 8ij<nrvota,
Garish, adj. P. and V. ^ (Xen.). Thus he pants out his
Garishness, subs. V. x^7 ^5 see life in gasps : V. OVTCO rov avrov

pomp. Gvfibv 6p/wuv (-aEsch., Ag. 1388).

Garland, subs. P. and V. <rT<aVos, I pant out hot breath in gasps un-
6, are/x/Aa, TO' (Plat, but rare P.), V. steadily V. -Trvoas 0p/ias irveo) '

OT<OS, TO, Ar. o-T<av?7, ^ see also /Acrdpart ou ySeySata (Eur., ST. jP,

wreath. Wear garlands, v. P. :

1092). jBfi atf OTM'S )as^ ^asp, v. :

<rre<lxivY)<f>opclv. Wea/ue garlands : V. i/^xoppayetv. uli OWfi'a Z<Z$ ^asp,

Ar. <rT<j>a.yrfjr\QKiv. adj. : P. and V. Oavdo-fyo?, P.
Garlanded, adj. V. c7ri9dva.Tost V. *lriJxoppayrjs.
Gasping, adj. V. Svo-nvovs.
Garlic, subs. Ar. cncopoSov, TO. Gate, subs. P. and V. 17,
Garment, subs. P. and V. rd. Door : P. and V.
IcrQvjfjuira, rd, O-KCUI}, ^, oroAiy, 17 if,
P. ^upoi/xttTa, Ta, V. o-av

(Plat.), V. cl/wz, TO, <rroV>'s 6, Ta. wicket: SwaW gra^e,

OToAtCTJ&a, TO, ajJL<j>L/3\.rjfJLOLTOL, T<, At. P. -m;Xt5, P. and V.
97. Entrance :

and V. Tren-Aos, 6, 7re7rAo)/i,a, TO. io-oSos, ^. Entrance-gates : Ar.

Garment of: V. ei/Swov, TO (gen.). and P. TrpOTTuAcua, Ta, V. TrpOTriJAa,
Garner, v. trans. Ar. and P. Kara- gates, adj. : V.
P. and V. Oycravpifav (or
mid.). J?e garnered : P. <Mro/cto-0ai. Gate-keeper, subs. P. and V.
Garner, subs. P. tfiSpcopo's, 6 or ^ (Plat.), <vAa , 6 or

Garnish, v. trans. P. and V. 17, V. TrvAcopo?, 6 Or y, TrapaoTfltT^s

see adorn. Season P. TriJAoiv, 6 (Eur., Rhes.).

Gather, v. trans. Collect: persons

Garrison, subs. P. and V. or things, P. and V. o-uAAeyv, crvvd-
TO, </>povpoi t ol, <poup<, ^ yctv, aOpoi&LVy crvvaOpoifcciv, yciptv ;

ot, Ar. and P. <iiAaio?, 07. persons only, P. and V. o-vyKoAetv,

Garrison, v. trans. P. and V. P. o-uvayeipcLv things only, P. and ;

V. cru/^epetv, crvyKOfii^Lv, P. OT;/X-

Garrote, v. trans. P. and V. <^opetv. PZ^cfc, c^ZZ : P. and V.
Ar. and P. fciroTrvtyeiv. open-en/ (or mid.) (Plat.) ; see also
Garrulity, subs. Ar. and P. Xo\ta, cfeoose. Gather frwt: Ar. and
aSo\o^(ta, ^, V. XaX^/AttTa, ra, P. (aco. or absol.).
woAuXoyta, 17. deduce: P. and V. ticav,
Garrulous, adj. P. and V. AdiXos. P. ySaAAetv, TCKpaipc<r6cu, 8o^^tv, TOTTC-
TToXvXoyos, V. v, V. 7ricafv. Gather oneself
yos. together : P. oruo-rpe^etv lavrdv,
Gat Gen
r. and V. cruoraXiJi/cw. P. veavticos. Pleasant: P. and Y.
(2nd aor. pass, of Self-indulgent : Ar. and P.
Gather in (the harvest) : P.
(Xen.). V. intrans. Collect: Gaze, v. intrans. P. and V. 6pai>,
P. and V. owpxo~0oi, <ri5i/urrao*0ai Ocao-dai,- Qewpetv, d^pctv, j@Xe7Tiv,
(or use pass, of trans, verbs). awo^XeTTCtv, crKOTretv, V. etcropai/ (or
Suppurate: P. &Kov<r0a.L (Xen.), mid.) (rare P.), irpocrSepKea-Oai, r-
V. iXjcoLViv. Sep/ceo-^ai, Ar. and V. Xoftnrov, Sep-
Gathering, subs. Act of gathering . Gaze at : P. and Y. ^Xen-etv
P. and V. <ru\Xoyi7, 17, #0poi(ris, 17. Of (aco.), &iroft\7Tiv et? (ace.) or
the harvest P. <ruy/co/x,tS?J, ^.
(aco.), c^XeTretv (dat.), Trpocr-
Crowd: P. and V. o-uXXoyos, 6, (aco.) (Plat., jS^p. 336D), P.
^, ojuXos, 6, o-vcrroo-is, 17 ; see rpos (ace.) or 7r^ (ace.).
crowd. Social gathering : Ar. Gaze, subs. P. and Y. ySX^jLta, TO,
and P. <rvvov<ria, 17. Sore : P. and fyfc, 4, Y. ^py/AS, TO'. ^7/0; P.
Y. IXK05, TO'. and Y. 6460.^6?, 6, fyts, 17, 5/i
Gauche, adj. P. and V. o-jauo? ; see TO'
(Thuc. and Plat., but rare P.)
awkward. Gazelle, subs. P. and V. Sopicas, w
Gaucherie, subs P. and V. (Xen.).
3- Gear, subs. Ar. and P. <rKfy, T<.
Gaud, subs. Use Y. see Throw out of gear, v. P. and Y. :

also toy. Tapaovreiv.

Gaudily, adv. P. and V. Gem, subs. Ar. and P. X#os, 6 or 17,

Gaudiness, subs, P. Xa/wrpoV^s, P. Xt0i8w>v, TO. See

Gaudy, adj. P. and Y. Xa/^wpos. llOo-B for reference to gems. See
Gauge, subs. Measure: P. and Y. also jewel.
Gem, v. trans. Use P, and Y.
Gauge, v. trans. Measure: P. and
V. (or mid.), <ru/A/u,rpLcr0ai, Gender, subs. P. y>os, TO'. For a
(or mid.), ora0/Aa<r0ai discussion on gender, see Ar., Nub.
(Plat.), V. crraQpav, CK/tCTpeiv (or 658-692.
mid.). Infer, guess : P. and V. Genealogy, subs. P. yeveoXoyto, -fj.

OTJj T/c/Wpeo-$at, Family, race : P. and V. yei/os, TO*.

see Trace a genealogy, v. P. ycveoXoyctv

Gaunt, adj. Ar. and P. toco's, (ace.); see pedigree.

Gauntlet, subs. P. -xp&, 17 (Xen.). General, adj. Common, shared by
Throw down the gawntlet to, chal- all : P. and Y. icou/os, V. wos,
lenge, v. P. -TrpoKoXeicrftu (ace.).
xdLyKoivos. Public : P. and V. KOLVO'S,
Bun the gauntlet, run the risk : Ar. and P. 8f?/LtdVios. Customary :
Ar. and P. KivBiveve P. and Y. o-iJin'^ff, e2o)^co?, vo/u/w,
Y. Tpfyew Sywva, P.
Bun trie gauntlet of: see
Gaunt ness, subs. P. Xe general assertion that you make ? V.
Gauze, subs. P. and V. TTOLOV TOVTO TTOLyKOIVOV Xc/Ct?; (Soph.,

Gay, adj. Cheerful : P. , Ar. Ant. 1049). Keepmg as new as

and Y. tXopcfe (Xen.). Of looks : possible to the general tenor of the
P. and Y. dxuSpo's, V. words really spoken: P. fyo/to'o?
<atopci>7ros,Ar. and Y. c OTI lyyuTaTa TT75 o"jLt7T(oT75 yvoifttys

(also Xen.). Of clothes: V. 0o>- TWV AX^^ois \CX&VT<OV (Thuo. 1, 22).

pticos. Fine, splendid: P. and V.
' Do you mean the ruler amd superior
Aa/i7rpos. High-spirited : Ar. and in the general sense or in the exact
Gen Gen

signification : P. Trorcpws Xeys TOV or things) : P. and Y.

&pXpvra TC Kat TOV Kpetcrcrova TOV a>s
&ros ctirctv TOV oKptfiei Aoy<? (Plat., P. efJLTTOieLV (TtVt Tt), Vpyo O"^at
T) Tt),
Sep. 341B). The plague was such (Ttvt Tt) j see engender.
in its general manifestations : P. ienerating, adj. Of a parent: V.
TO vooTxo. . . Totovrov v
. n irav
TT/V iSeav (Thuc. 2, 51). Jw- general : Generation, subs. Act of generating :
see generally. People in general : Ar. and P. y&eo-is, ^, P. ycv-
P. and V. 01 m>AAoi, TO TrX^^os. viyo-ts, ^, P.
and V. orropa, 17 (Plat.
Judging from my assertions and my but rare P.). A coming into being
public life in general : P. a/Ovaov- (as opposed to decay) P. ycreo-is, ^. :

/ACVOt AC TCOV tp^/AJ/0)V KCU Tl}s oXA,^? Period of time : Ar. and P.
iroA.iTzs (Lys. 111). O& general ^, V. yony, \, yewX, ^; see
grounds: P. and "V. oAAws (Eur., Many generations later : P.
J. 4. 491). ycveais varcpov. Z%e ^/fcir
General, subs. P. and V. orrponTyos, ration : V.
TpiTocnropos yovi}. Futwre
6, V. <rrparrj\dTifj^ 6, Ar. and Y. generations : P. and V. ol en-cmi,
Tdy<fe, 6. Leader: P. and V. P. ot eTriytyvoftcvot, V. vorcpot, ot,
^ye/xdiv, 6 ; see also commander. Be /A0UO-TpOl, Ot, Ot CTTtCTTTOpOt, ICyOVa,
general, v. P. and V. orpcmryciv,
: TCL. Family : P and V. ycvos, TO,
V. orpaT^A-aTctv. O/ a general, adj . : V. ov, ?, Ar. and V. o/^o, ^ ; see
P. orpcmrywcos. Lifce a 0ood general9

adv.: Ar. oTpaTTjyTK General's Generative, adj. P. yovi/ju>s,

quarters : P. and V.
opening of the general's tent :
Generosity, subs. Jw P.
V. orpaLTifjytBfS -TriSXoi, at. 17, High-
Generality, subs. The generality of P. and V.
people : P. and V. TO TrXrjQos, ol TO ycvvatov, P.
iroAXot. Generalities : P. TO, o>s P.
Generally, adv. In common : P. and Generous, adj. Munificent : P.
V. KOIV$. J?<or ^e most part: P. Ar. ,

<k ^rt TroXi;, TCL TToXXa (Thuo. 1, 122 P. and V. amoves, ).

To speak generally, in general TOS. Ungrudging : V. fyOovos. Free,
terms : P. a>s ^rt way threw. As is liberal : P. and V. a^cpos, P.
generally the case : P. ola cXcudcpto?. High-minded : P. and
^iXctytyvccrtfai (Thuc. 7, 79). Gener- V. ywatO5, P. /xcyoAo^pwv, /tcyaXo-
ally and in detail : Kara irav /cat ^>XOS ^ ^^79. Hwmane : P. and
Koff iKaorov. Broadly, in outline : V. 0LXav^po)7ros. Good (of persons
P. awXais, ov/c cwcpt^ois, TVTTW. On or things) P. a ,d V. XP^O-TOS'* :

general grounds : P. and V. cUAco? yewatos.

(Bur., I. A. 491). Customarily : Generously, adv. Miwificently: P.
P and V. to)(9dVws, P. (7wi?0a>s. <^>t\o8o)pa)s. Abundantly: P. andV.
Generalship, subs. O^ce o/ general d<0ovo>s (Bur., Frag.). .
Liberally :
P. and V. aTpanqyia, TJ, TO OTpaTiy- P. and V. frevOtpas. Nobly : P.
ytv. m
SWZ command : P. <rrpa- and V. ycwawos, P. /jLtyaXo\lrS\<^^ 9 V.
nryia, ^. Eocpert in generalsh^p >

adj. P. crrpanryiKOs.
Genial, adj. Cheerful: P.
Generate, v. trans. P. and V. Ar. and P. tAopds (Xen.).
(Plat.) ; see beget. P. and V. <t (Xen.),
Generate a feeling, etc. (in persons yopo?, P. ewpoo-oSos,
Gen Ges

Of looks P. and V.
s, icoivos. : Ar.and V. r0A.o's. Your master's
V. Aafwrpds, ^atSpcDiros. Of
s, a gentleman: Ar. yeiWSas
climate P. d$/cpas (Plat.) ; see
SCOTTOT^S o-ou (Han. 738).
equable. Generative : V. <i;TaAju.ios. Gentleness, subs. P, ,

Geniality, subs. Cheerfulness : P. V.

/ e /
and V. Mviifa y (Xen.). Affability: Trpeu/jici/eca, 77, uopyi7O~6Ci, 17.

P. cwrpocr^yopia, ^, tfriXuvOpwiria., 17. Ar. and P. ijcruxta, 17.

Genially, adv. P. and V. evQfyw Gently, adv. P. and V. P.
(Xen.), P. tAapois (Xen.). ;
<iAav0powr<i>s, irpaws, V.
P. and V. <r\o<pdi/G>s (Plat.), P. irpevjKcvais. Softly : Ar. and P.
IJLaAaK&s, Ar. and V. //.aXdaKO}?.
Genius, subs. Familiar spirit : P. Quietly : P. and V. ^OTJX*}* ^o^x* ?
and V. BOLJAW, 6 or 17, P. (rare P.), Ar. and V. dTpe/*a (rare
TO. Disposition: P. P.), Ar. and. P. dTpcttas, ^pcua.
Nature, character : P. and V. Slightly, moderately : P. and V.
Intellectual power : P. and V.
Genuine, adj. P.
<ns, 17.
Have a
genius for : P. P. and V. yi^o-tos. Of character:
eTrat Trpo's (aCC.) Or efe (aoc ). P. and V. cwrAxws, Ar. and P.
Concretely, a clever person : P. and Genuinely, adv. P.
V. cro^umfc, 6, or use adj., P. and X(os, P. and V. yi^ortcos. Openly,
V. <ro<ds, OTTO'S. 2%0 ewZ grer&ms guilelessly : P. and V. cbrXo)?, P.
o/ Greece : V. 'EAXdtSos /ua<rra>p, 6 ;

in same sense, P. and V. aXdwrrtop, Genuineness, subs. Correctness :

6 (Dem. 324). If I must speak the Ar. and P. 6p06Vtys, ^, V.
truth without reserve I should not ^. ZVwft : P. and V. fi
hesitate to call him the evil genius
of all that perished thereafter : P. Genus, subs. P. ya/os, TO (Plat.).
Geography, subs. Use T<I ircpi 7175
Scot, OVK iv 6/cv^orat/u lywye icotvov
yi}s. Acquainted with the geography
dXtnyptov roiv ju,era ravra of a place : P. fywrapos T>}S y^s.
ctTravTcov t7rctv (Dem. 280). Geometer, subs. P. yew^erpTjs, 6.
Gentility, subs. P. and V. Geometrical, adj. P. yeu>/Aerpcos.
17, uyVta, (Plat.), TO Geometry, subs. Ar. P. y(o-
Gentle, adj. P. and V. Trpoos, yuerpta, ^, P. yeto/xcrpLfcry, 17. Jrractise
V. geometry V., Ar. and P.

AT. and
So/^ :
Germ, subs. Use P. and V.
P. /AoAo/cds, Ar. and , P.
V. TO. Beginning, origin P. and V.
and V. Xetbs (Plat.). P. and
V. ^ofyos, (Plat.), P. German, germane, adj. Met.,
Moderate : P. nearly allied : P. and V. cruy
and V. Ow a gfewiZe sZope : P. OlKtOS,
P. 7rpo(r<vTt (Plat., Phaedr. VOjU.05.

230o). O/ motion: P. and V. Germinate, v. trans. Produce P.

^oSJxos. O/ ^ew^te 6ir^ : P. and and V. yewSv, <^v (Plat.). V.
V. ycwatos, evyc^s (Plat, and Thuc.), intrans. Bi<d : P. and V.
Ar. and V. (Dem. but rare P.).
Gentleman, subs. Use Ar. and P. Gesticulate, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
Ar, icoXo's or mid.) (Xen.), P.
use ad]. P. anil V. Xc ve7i gesticulating with

cvyenfc (Plat, and Thuc.), their bodies sympathy with their
Ges Gib

P. rots <r<6fta<rtv avrots 651). Get out of: see quit, escape.
fora TW (Thuc. Get out ot what one lias said P. :

7, 71).
Gesture, subs P. and V. (Thuc. 4, 28),

Get, v. trans. P. and (Thuc. 4, 28). Gei round, cheat :

KaraKTacrBai, Xa/iftavew, Ar. and V. Ar. TTcpLcpx^o-Oat. (aco.). (?ei over :

7T7ra<T0ai (perf. infin. of Trace-flat) see under over. Get the better of :
(also Xen. but rare P.) ; see also P. TrXcOT/KTW (gen.), TT\COV ^6tV
receive. Win for oneself: P. and (gen.), xXcov 0pcc70a(. (gen.) see ;

V. 0ep or ^ at > cK<f>epear0ai9 jeo/u^cer&u, conquer. Get the worst of it : P.

Ar. and V. <petv (also
cvpt<rK<TQa.i t and V. ^(roracr^at, P. IXacraw X a'
Plat, rare P.), evpioTcciv, V.
but eXao-o-ouor^at. <?e^ o : see reach.
5pvt;cr0ai (also Plat, but rare P.), Get together v. trans.: P. <rwr-

ari;T<r0<u, jeo/ulciv. JFeteTa : P. and TQ.VQ.I ; see collect. Get up, con-
V. <t>pew, KOfu&w, S-yeLV, V. iropevcw. trive fraudulently : P. /caraorfceua-
Attain to, reach, obtain: P. and ;
see trump up. Prepare : P. and
V. ruyxaveiv (gen), Ar. and V. V. Tropao'iccuafctv ; see prepare. I
Kvpeiv (gen.). <30 addition : P. m got you up (dressed you up) as
and V. tirLKTucrOai, TTpovXajjipdvcw, Hercules in fun : Ar. o-e Trat^cuv . . .

P. -jrpoa-KTaa'QcLi. Get in return : P. *Hpa/cXe'a Vccr/ceucwra (Ran. 523) . V.

dwtTuy^ai/tr (gen.). Help to get : intrans. Bise up: P. and V.
P. ovyjcracrtfcu (ra/C), cruyKaraKra<rOaL V. 6

(TLVL TI). ffetf a person to do a

thing : P. and V. x'0etv Ttva irotetr rt Ghastliness, subs. Paleness : P.
or <5aT ?roitv . Get a thing done : wxpor^s, i Terribleness : P.
P. and V. irpao-crav OTTWS rt
V. intrans. Become : P. and V. Ghastly, adj. PaZe : P. and V.
yiyve<rOau. Get at, reach, v. trans. Horrible : P. and V. :

P. and V. cvr0oi (gen. or ace.) ; V.

see reach; mot., intrigue with: P.
K.araxrKva^Lv (ace.). Get back, re- Ghost, subs. P. and V. <<<r/*a, r<^,
cover : P. and V. <!vaKTao-0<u, cwccov, ^, eiScoXov, TO, ^avTao-/i, TO,
V. or/cta, 17, oi/rts, ^, So'/ajtris, 17.

f r&u, V. KOfu^etv ; see recover. Get ttp it^5 ghost : P. -nyy

on with, have dealings with : P. and (Dem. 1225) ; see die.
V. o-uyyiyvo*0ai (dat.) ; see have Ghostly, adj. Dim, shadowy: Ar.
dealings with, under dealings. and P. ovcioei&fc, V. a/mvpo's, P.
Difficult to get on with : V. enJi/oX- Fkttinq: P. and V.
Xao"cretv /3ap^5. Get off, be ac- (Plat.), Ar. and V.
quitted: P. andV. atoA.os, Summoning the dead : V.
Ar. and P.
ew^rjsrwe) : JP. and V. Ghoul, subs. Hobgoblin: Ar. and
Xa<r<retv, ttircp^co^aij V. P. /Aop/xoAvfceiov, TO (Plat ),
us that you should get off scot free :
Giant, subs. P. and V. yifyas, 6 ; use
Ar. JJL&V du>i? ^va/ctcras ^/wts ct'jraAAa- also V. TtTcfi/, 6, Ar. and V.
75"^ fcuos (PZ. 271). 6. Battle with giants : P.
into trouble : P. t? KO.KOV
(Dem. 32). What troubles Giantess, subs. Use V. TtTdvfs,
Tm oot myself ^nto : Ar. is Gibber, v. intrans. Use P. and V.
cjjavrw larKV\L<ra (Thesm.
Gib Gir

Gibbet, subs. Use V. ovco'Ao^, 6 (lit., Gij le, v. intrans. Ar.

stake for impaling) Met., for hang- Gil v. trans. Ar. Be
ing : Ar. and V. 17 (rare P.).
gilded: Ar. and P.
Gibbet, v. trans. P. avaoravpovv (lit., Gilded, adj. V. fy^
Gimlet, subs. Use P. and V. Tprf-
Gibe, subs. Ar. and P. iravov, TO (Plat, and Eur., Gycl.).
P. vXeuflurta, 17, xAcvaoy-ios, >
Gin, subs. jS?iara : P. and Y. cfp/cu?,
ty V. KepTo/i^o-is, 17 ;
see mockery. 17 (Plat.), Trdfyiy, i) (Plat.), W/cnjov, TO'

Gibe, v. intrans. P. and V. (Xen. also Ar.), ^po^os, 6 (Plat ), P.

(Eur., CtycZ. 675), Ar. and P. &7paTpov, TO (Xen.).
afciv ;
see mock. Gipsy, subs. Roving impostor: P.
Giddiness, subs. P. iXtyyos, 6, and V. auprT??, 6. Fern., V.
Sivia, i). Met., silliness : P and Wanderer : P. and V.
V. &/OWL, 17, (wjkpocrwty 17. Thought- 6. ,

lessness : P. and V. Gird, v. trans. Encircle : P. and V,

TPimtottwess : P. and V. aAAe', V. ^W^cty, d/A^>t^aX-
Giddy, adj. Ar. and P. ; see also swrroiwd. Gird at :
a-KOTo^ivLtav. Be giddy T. Ar. and
i met., see a&z^sa, attack.
Gird on :
P. fXtyytav, cr/coToSlviai'. Met., silly : P. Trapaf<oi/injvat ; see dfow. ffird!
P. and V. a<poDv Thoughtless, oneself up : Ar. <rudWi;(r0ai, <rvcr-
ca/reless P. and V. pdOvpo*. Light-
. reXXcor^ai. fftrd round oneself:
hearted : V. Kov<jfovoi;s, &a<f>p6$. Ar. TTcpi&ai/vw&u (aoo.), V. KctTa-
FUtting: P. and V. /cou^os; see u>vrua-0ai (acc.). ffirdZ up
(clothes) :
flitting. As applied to a height, Ar. o-uoTcAAco-^at, o-ua>vi/iWi, Ar,
USe P. CHTOTOftOS, KpTJfJLVuSriS, <X7TO- and V.
Kprifwos ; see precipitous. Self- Girded, adj. Wearing a girdle : P.
indulgent, wanton : Ar. and P.
Girdle, subs. P. and V.
Gift, subs. P. and V. Sfyov, TO, (Plat.), V. fcDcmjp, 6, Ar. and V.
17, 8d<ris, y, Ar. and V. Bu> TO , TO, P. , Ar. faivtov,

(also Xen. but rare P.), Ai and Y. Girdle, v. trans.

. Surround : P. and
vepas, TO. JVee P. and V. V. see
.Brmgr gifts, v. Ar. and

P. .Receive gifts
" (bribes') : Girl, subs. P. and V. urns, ^, ico'p>;,
Ar. and P. SupoSo/ceiv. Nor shall (Plat.), Ar. and V.
he be without a gift at his Little girl : Ar. /zetpaf ,

friends' hands : Y. oflS aSwp^Tos 17, petpaKicrKV}, 17. O/ a g'irZ, adj.:

<f>(\<j)V lorac Trpos dvSpfiv (Eur.,
Sec. Ar. and V. 7rap0a/eios.
42). Natural capacity : P. and Girlhood, SUbS. V. 7rap0i/'a,
Y. SiVa/zis, i). Havea gift for : P. Girlish, adj. Ar. and V. xa
ev<f>vri<s ctvai Trpos (aoo.) or ts (aco.). see childish. Effeminate : P. and
Gifted, adj. P. and V. u^s
(Eur., Y. yiWwcoos. i/z-a
/ace of a Wi^
JProgr.); see clever. Gifted with: girl : Y. TrapOcvwiros.
P. and Y. Girt, adj. P. Stc^cr^o?. Girt for
^/JoXos (gen.) (Plat.).
Gig, subs. Light boat : Ar. and P. action : Ar. o-ucrrcUcis, P. ^eovos.
KeX-tys, 6, P. fccX-i/nov, TO*. Garriage : ^L 7w'Z2 girt with sea foam : V. OX&QV
see carriage. ireptppvrov d^po> ^aXcwro^s (Eur.,
Gigantic, adj. P. and Y. Frag.}. A house girt with battle-
//.cywrros, fcrep^viys (^Elsoh., ments : Y. SfijLwi Trept^cp^s flpiyKots
P. vTrcp^cyc^iJs, Ar. vicepfjieyas. Irom- fEur., JBeZ. 4=30). Sfew* iw : P. and
oally: Ar. TrcXoJpto?; see Y. etpyK,
Gir Gla

Girth, subs. P. and V.

Size : (gen.), V. ia.p.&iva.i see ;

TO. Bulk :and V. OVKOS, 6.

P. also renounce. Betray : P. and V.
Circumference : P. and Y. irept- TTpoSiSoVa/, Ar.
and P. irpolivai (or
/3oXos, 6, TreptjffoA^, 17, Ar. and P. mid.). It is not yet seven years

irepfyopd, ty swice I have given up sea-faring :

K<oAmov, TO. P. ttrrlv etrra d<" ot) TO

Gist, subs. P. OUTTO) err]

Give, v. trans. P. and V. SZSrfw, TrXeiv KaraXeXvKa. (Dem, 893).

tl/ V. oneself up for lost : P.
vc/jietv, 8o>pr0oi (Plat.), Trapex
(2nd aor.), Ar. (Thuo. 2, 51). (

iropar6viv, -TropeTi/
P. and V.
and V, OTTCL&IV. Confer: P. and v. intrans :

V. Trpoo^wiv, TrpotrrWevcLi, P. <wro- iVa7ravo-0ai see cease.

; Grive

i/c/x,v. ajford : P. and V.

J/67WZ, way P. and V. ClKCiV, VTTUKCW,
cvStSovcu. ffwfi voluntarily: Ar. l/cx^pctv, Ar. and P.
and P. MSfficW 2Vw?y wo^a vTToxMpelv ; see under
ataacfc ws w
conjunction with the Grive way to : P. and V.
Sicilians whose alliance they would (dat.) (Bur., Tro. 687),
have given much to secure ere this : (dat.), cW ' (dat.),

P. crweTTiOelvTO &v jLtera SiiceXtwrGv (dat.) Ar. and P. dat.),

ovs irpb TToAAxov av CTi/tfJcravTO o-u/x,- rtv
(dat.), V. dat.),
p.dyov$ yVo-0ai ev TO irplv xpova> (dat.), -
' dat.),
(Thuo. 6, 10; of. also Dem. 299). P. (dat.).
Q^ve away, ^'717 away without way (to feelings) : P. and V. .

reiurn : P. and V. TrpoTrivcLv, P. (dat.), rfa-a-acrQat (gen.),

vrpoUcrOai Grive away in marriage :
ffwe pZay to : P. and V.
P. and V. faSffiowu (or mid.). XpycrQcu (dat.). Indulge : P. and
&oc&: P. and V. Siro Y. xWCrf (dat.).
besides : P. and V. asked : V. Seop^Tos OUK
MSZS&oi. <3w;<3 /ori/t, P. (Soph, 0. JB 384).
and V. a^Zfivat, cftevcu, aya- Giver, subs. Y. Sorijp, 6.
StSoVat, Ky5a/\Aetv, V. If- Glad, adj. Cheerful : P, i5^u/4o?, Ar.
avlo/at, irpoTT^LLTretv, liarfMrLV 860 and P. Joyful : P.
Xo/>os (Xen.).
also w^er. 6^t?a B : P. and V. ^Sife, ircplxapys, yey^&as
T. intrans. P. and V.
(rare P.)- Of looks P. and V. :

see grf??fi way. ffwe rei^rw, v. w

trans. P. and V. dwiotSoVai, <WT-
: and V* euTrpocrojTTos (also Xen.). J5e
Scopcto^at (Plat.), (rive ow : see glad P. and V. ffiea-Bcu, ^aipecv,

distribute, announce. Fail, v. in- Tpirccr6ai see rejoice.

Willing :
trans. P. and V. licXcfircip, eXXewrei^
: P. and V. !(i>v, acr^evo?. Welcome :
Ar. and V. Acurcfv (rare P.), Ar. and P. and V. ^S^s, 5pcoTos, V. <lfAos;
P. lirtXewrctv. (?iu oz;er, v. trans. : see delightful, acceptable. Glid
P. and V. TrapoStSdv of news)
V. KcoVos.
Cheering :
v. intrans. : P. and V. Y.
see cease.
xauco-^at ; Gladden, v. trans. P. and V.
a share m
P. and V.
vciv, TcpTTCtv, Ar. and V. TrpoorycXav
(W Ttvw) (Bur., Or. 281, 450). (^Isch., Sw?. 253); s
CHve wp, deliver up, v. trans. P. Glade, subs. : P. and
and V. irapaSfttmi, bS&tinu, &Zo/<u, (Plat, and Xen. but rare P. ),
tyiivaj., va.plwa.1. GUve up (for TO (Xen. but rare P.), ofy/cos, TO
torture) : P. IjcSiSoW Relinquish : (Xen. but rare P.), Ar. and V.
P. and V. tyfrnurlot (gen.), IftWa- T<. TFoodZan^ ^Zades : V.
er^at (gen.), fLe&ievai, Ar. and V. at.

Gla Gle

Gladiator, subs. /uwo/Aayo?, 6 (late). Op&irbv 6/j.fjLa arvyvov 9

Gladly, adj. P. and V. d<ryi,eva>s, Seai : P. and V. Kavpa, TO,

rj&lus, or use P. and V. adj., dor/ivos, TO'
c/c<ov (in agreement with subject). Look angry : Ar.
Glare, v. intrans.
Gladness, subs. P. and V. 17801/17, 17, and P. <rKvOpto7rdciv, V. a/cu^po^civ.
Tcpj/as, 17, ^opa, 17, V. xop/jLoviJ, ^ G/are a, v. trans. : P. and V.
(Plat, also but rare P.), x^P^t wroA.e7Tiv (aoc or ?rpos, ace ), V.

Gladsome, adj. See gtfod. ircwrraiVcii/ 'ace.).

Glamour, subs. P. cvn-peWa, ^ ; see Glaring, adj. Qpew, manifest: P.

also attraction. Grlory: P. andV. and v .
Xa/iTrpo'?, e^a-vys.
Glaringly, adv. Openly: P. andV.
Glance, subs. P. and V. Xe/A/xa, TO,
ot/as, ^, V. Sfipy/Aa, TO. -Ef^fi ; P. Glass, subs. Ar. and P. voA.os, 17. O/
and V. 6($aX/xds, 6, oi/ris, ~w, O/JLLL!, TO 0tfass, adj.: Ar. uoXtvos. Mirror:
(Thuc. and Plat, but rare P.) ; see P. and V. icaTOTTTpov, TO. C-z^p : see
also /ace. J. tender
glance of the
eyes : V. o/j/x-aros 0\,Krijpiov T^fcujLta Glassy, adj. Smooth: P. and V.
(JSsoh., S^j?^. 1004). Kas/t o/ A.to5. Fixed : use P and V.
/*/& P. and V. dorpOLTT^, ^.
. 4i <2 7T7n7yw$ (perf. part, of injyvvvai).
glance, immediately : P. and V. Glazed, adj. Of the eyes in death:
cv^ils. jSee a^ a glance, P. use V. o-*oTH>05, <!/-iavpos.
v. :

owopav (ace. Cast a Gleam, subs. P. and V. cun-paTn}, ^

or absol.).
glanae : V. o/nv Trpoor^oXXctv (dat.) (Plat.), Ar. and V. a-lkfe, TO (also
(Eur., low, 43). Plat, but rare P.) avyy, jj (also
Glance, v. intrans. Look : P. and V. Plat in sense of ray), P. /mpuapvyfy
d7Toj3XeWv. Peep : Ar. 17 (Plat.). Beam : P. and Y. Aicrfe,
SwiKiJTrTetv (also Xen ), rj (Plat.), V. ^0X17, 17 ;
see also light,
G-lance at, peep at, y. fire. Met., gleam in the eye : Ar.
trans P. and V. foro^XcTreiv (aoo.),
: and V. dcrrpcwn}, ^.
V. 7rapa)8X7riv (ace.), irope/x)8X7rtv Gleam, v. intrans. P. and V. Xdfjurcw
ts(acc,). Glance casually at : met., (Plat.), fcA.a/A7r/ (Plat.), aorpflMrreiv
P. TrapaicuTTTCtv CTTI (ace.) Ar. and V.
(Dem. 46). (Plat.), o-TlKfieiv (Plat.),
Met., towc/i w^on (a suoject) : P. <^A.eyetv, Xa/wrco-^at, V. atflciv, at^-
and V. &TTo*0<u (gen.) (Eur,, Hec. or^at, /lap/xaipciv. Of the eyes P. :

586). Hint at : see /&mi at. and V. dcrrpaTrrctv (Plat.).

Flash, v. intrans. P. and V. Gleaming, adj.
: P. and V.
Xa/iTTCtV (Plat.), K\dfJLTTLV (Plat), Ar. and V.
V. <^aiSpos, cuayijs (Plat, also but
CLcrrpdwrrcLv (Plat.),
oriX^civ (Plat.),
Ar. and V. <Xeyiv, Xafwreo-flai, V. rare P.), <Xoyotyr, <A.oy<D7ros, <^>a-
aWeiv, aWtQ-Qai) p.atppt olpiv ; see TrypTToXos, ev^eyyijs, /caXXi-
sA^. Glance aside (of a weapon,
etc.) : V ^oXto*d3Li'tv, P. aTToXurfla- Variegated : P. and V. TTOIKI A.OS, Ar.
vtv ; see turn aside. and V. atdXos.
Glancing, adj. Flashing : P.
trans P. and V. o-wayetv,
and V. Glean, v.
Xa/jjrpo?, Ar. and Y. see collect.
<uda>v } aioXo?;
; o-uXXeyctv
see flashing. Glebe, subs. 02o<2 of ear^ ; Ar. and
Glare, subs. Brightness : P. /Aop/xa- V. /ScoXo?, 6 (also Xen.). SoiZ : P.
/wyr}, ^ (Plat.), Ar. and V. o-eXa?, and V. 717, 17, Ar. and V. 4poupo, ^
TO (also Plat, but rare P.), owyij, 17 (also Plat, but rare P.).
(also Plat, in sense of ray}; see Glee, subs. P. and V.
flash. Angry look : use V. <r/ev-

Gle Glo

but rare P.), Y. x<w&a, TO. Song : Glitter, v. intrans. P. and V. <

P. and V. 0)817, ; see song.

-fj (Plat.) ; see shine.
Gleeful, adj. P. and Y. -n-cptxapyfc, Glitter, subs P.
Brightness :

ycyyOws (rare P.) see glad. ; Of pvyj, -fj (Plat.). Ar. and
looks : P. and V. <<uo>o's, Y. Y. o-eXcfe, TO' (Plat also but rare P.),
<^atSpo)iro9, Ar. and V. auyrj, 17 (Plat, also
but rare P.) see ;

(also Xen.). flash. Pomp, splendour : P.

Gleefully, adv. P. and V. Xa/wr/ooTT/s, ^, V. x^^ ?' 1
Show :
P. and V. (rxy/ACL, TO, irpocrxyfLCL, TO.
Glen, subs. P. and Y. vciirri, fj (Plat, Glittering, adj. See gleaming.
but rare P.), voww, TO (Xen. but Gloaming, subs. Twilight : Ar. and
rare P.), ayicos, TO (Xen but rare Y. /cv<as, TO (also Xen ).
P.), Ar. and Y. y&iAa, TO, Y. irrfyat', Gloat over, v. trans. P. and Y. brtxpt-
at Woodland glens : V, i/a7ralai, pciv (dat.), yeyiy^cvat fart (dat.) (Dem.
TTTUXCH, at. 332, but rare P.), x^P LV (dat.),
Glib, adj Ar. and V. dfyXoxro-os Y. LTcpxatpctv (dat.), yavpovcrOdL.
(JEsch., Supp. 775), Ar. c&ropos, Y. (dat.), P. eV^JSeo-flai (dat. or absol.),
yavpiav (dat.) (Dem. 30b).
Glibness, subs. Ar. and V. Globe, subs. Ball: P. a-falpa, .

o-to, % (Eur., Frag.), P. Dwc, round body : P. and Y. /

Glide, v. intrans. P. and V. o. The earth : P. and Y. yrj,

Ar. and V. Ipn-civ see creep, steal.
; The iriliabited world P. .

P. and V. oXr0cW. #&<2e Globular, ad]. Ar. and P. i

wto : Ar. and P* eio-Sikcrflcu (ls, ace.) ; see round.

met , P. and V. %iroppv (Trpos, ace. ; Gloom, subs. P. and V, cncoros, 6 or
V. dat.) (Eur., Frag.). Glide over, TO, Ar. and V. *ve'<as, TO' (also
steal over: Y. vTrtpxco-Oai (ace.), Xen.), op</>i/ry, The gloom of the

tyepireiv (ace.), afjupificuvciv (ace.), P. underworld V. o'<os, 6, Ar. and

and V. &rpxo-0<u (ace ). Y. Ip o5, TO. Met., of looks V. :

Glimmer, subs. Light: P. and V. errifyos,

TO'. Melancholy : P. and
<(os, TO, Ar. and V. <aos, TO, <eyyos, V. otQvfjiia, TI, Svo-^Tftta, 17 (Plat.).
(also Plat, but rare P.). Flash : Bring them not near their mother
Ar. and V. o-eXas, TO' (also Plat, but in her hour of gloom .'V.
rare P.), avy?/, y (Plat, but rare P.).


Beam. P. and Y. d/crfe, $ V 0X17, Gloomily, adv. Despondently

^. 4glimmer of hope: V. dp^ tiOvfjuDs(Xen.), 8uo-WjU,w9 (Plat.).

IXirtSos Swi5 yow 6w^ gfwew them Bitterly P. and V.
: KpG>s. Un- m
a tiny glimmer of hope they would fortunately: P. and V. Suarvx&s,
have been saved: P. et
Gloomy, adj. Dark : P. and Y.
(Dem. 379). o*/coTtyos, P. o'KOToiS'tys, Y. &}JLavp6<s 9
Glimmer, v. intrans. Just appear :
Xvyatos, Ki/e^>aLO9, 6p^>vaio?, Svo^coS ^?,

P. vTro<j>atv<rOa.L ; see also gleam. av^Xtos, ^L^cyyi}?, Of

Glimmering, adj. See dim. colour. P. and Y. //.c'Xas,
V. ft-
Glimpse, subs. See glance. Take a Xayxt/Aos, fccXatvo's, cpc/xvos. Grray :
glwnpse : Ar. Trapcucvrrrav see peep. P. <><uo? (Plat.), op^vtvos
; (Plat.) ;
Allow a glimpse of : Ar. see also fcZacfc. Deej? aw^ gloomy :
V. /^Xa^^'s. Of looks P. and :

Glisten, v intrans. P. and V. <m'X- V. o-KvOpwiros, Y. crrvyvos, $v<r<t>ptov,

PCLV (Plat.), /eXa/reH>(P'at.), Xa/A7 cnjvto^>pt;a)/x,fvo?. Grloomy looks : see
(Plat.), V. /uLapfjiOLpcw see shine. also frown. Look gloomy, y. : Ar.

and P. o-/cu0pG>7ro/, V. a-Ki/0/oaf tv. Itei

(dat.), o-e/<ivvi/O-0aL eTrt"
Melancholy : P. and Y. 0vjKos (dat.), Y. xXSoav (^rf, dat., or dat.
(Xen.), V. 8uV0ii/Aos. Unfortunate .
alone), ya-vpovo-Qai (dat.).
P. and V. Swrfyifc, aTfyifc (rare Gloss over, v. trans. P. and Y.
Y.), Ar. and V. STJCTTTOT/^OS. uom- (ace.) (Plat ), Ar. and P.
fOTtless : V. aTepTnfc, P. db/Sifr.

Glorification, subs. Exaggeration Gloss, subs. Brightness : P.

P. oWvcixris, ^. Boasting : P. TO Trpo-nys, 17. Smoothness : P. and
jco^w&Scs, V7T/>T7<#>avox, ^, V. TO yavpov. Y. Xeion;?, ^.
Extravagance P. and V. Ar. and P. Xwrapo's.

Glossy, adj.
Praise : P. and V. Glove, subs P. xp&, ^.
see praise. Glow, subs. Light : P. and Y. <*,.
Glorify, v. trans. P. and V. TO, Ar. and V. <aos, TO, ^eyyos, TO*
icoXXtW (Plat.). .EteaZi; P. and (Plat, also but rare P.) ; see light.
V. /xeyoXiWiv. Celebrate in song: Flame : P. and V. <X<$ , %, Y. a^os r
P. and V. $$ivy vfwtlv. Exaggerate : 6, ^Xoy/ios, 6. flea* : P. and Y.
P. TO> Xoyo> <uptv, ert TO /xiov Scivouv, K<LVfJLOL
y TO, ^oX-TTOS, TO (Xen ), P.
avo> laipiv, P. and V. KOVfietv, Ar. OeppoTys, ^. Met., vehemence : P^
and V. Trupyow. cr^oSpony?, ^. T/te gf^o^ o/
Glorious, adj. P. and V. passion: use P. and V. Ipas, b r
fi&rpCTnfc, Ar. and P. Tro^os, 6 (Plat, but rare P.), f/tcpos,
Pre-eminent : P. and Y. 6 (Plat, but rare P.).
fe, 7rpi</>a.viq'S 1 Y. ^6^09, Glow, v. intrans. Burn : P. and V.
Famous : P. and V. c Ka.<r0ai. Met., gr/ow; K^^ passion^
7Tpty8A.7TTO5, OVO/JKWrTOS, eTT&Tty/JtOS, P. etc.: Ar. and P. Kdt<r6ai (Plat.),
otoXoyos, Ar. and V. /cXctvds (also ^X^yco-^at (Plat.), P. and V. 0p/W-
Plat, but rare P.), V. ^/cXtnfc ; see vccr^ai (Piat.), V. 0oX7To-0<u. Sfci^ :

famous. Full of honour : P. and see s&we.

V. Tt/Atos, V. -Trawftos. Glower, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
Gloriously, adv. P. and V. fc civ, Y. o-fcuflpafew ; see-
cv/cA.o>9 (Xen.), P.
GlorJOUSneSS, Subs. P. Glowing, adj. V. TrvpTroXoff,
17, /AeyaXowpesrcta, ^ See ,'
JJfid hot: P. and V.
Glory, subs. Honour, fame : P. and G-lowing coals : P. av^pa/c
V. 6o'a, ^, TZ/A77, ^, X09, TO (rare (Thuo. 4, 100). Met., P. and Y.
P.), v8ofl'a, ^, AftCD/IA, TO, OJ'O/Wl, TO, ^ep/x-os. Fe/teweT&i : P. o-^oSpo?^
Ar. and V. dfoXeio, ^, icvSo?, TO, V. Enthusiastic : P. and V. irpoOvpos,
^.T/Soiv, ^. 2%e general wins all (TTrovSalo? ; see also flattering.
the glory : V. o oTpar^yos T^V SoAoyo-tv Glowing with, adorned with use* :

apwrat (Eur., J.r^. 696). Splen- P. TrcTroiKtX/jL^os (dat.), P. and Y.

dour, magnificence : P. Xa/ATrporT/?, TToi/oXos (dat.) ; see bright.
^, P. and V. o-)$fjui, TO, Trp^o-x^/wt, Glowingly, adv. Enthusiastically:
TO, V. xXtSiy, 17, (iyXato-fca, TO, SyaX/na, P. and V. irpoOifjiw.
TO, P. /ieyaXoTrperrcta, ^. T^
g'Zor^ Gloze, v. trans. See flatter.
o/, ftoasfl o/ : P. and V. o^J/wi, TO, Glue, v. trans. Ar. and P. KoXXav.
V. TTpoV^/jiaj TO, dlyaX/ia, TO, Glue, subs. P. /coXXa, -fi (Hdt.).
TO, ^cis, T^, av^T/^ca, TO. Glum, adj. See gloomy.
in, v. trans. P. and V. Glut, subs. Satiety: P. and Y.
(dat.), yeyriOwai eirt (dat.) (rare /copos, 6 (Plat.), TrXiyo-jLtovTy, ^ (Plat.).
P.), ayoXXco^at (dat.), d) Overabundance : Ar. and P.
(dat.), Xa/x7rpi5vo-flat (dat),
Glu Go

Glut, v trans. P. and V. CKfioLvew, P. cwro/Jo/i/eiv. Go well

P. cwroTrt/wrAdVat. Be
K7rifjnr\dvai, or ill: P. and V. x^P^v u or
glutted with : P. and V. TrXrjcrOijvai /caKfo. Go ioo far : met., P. and
(1st aor. pass, of 7rtju.TA.avai) (Plat.)
(gen.), Ar. and V. Kopco-^vat (1st yecrOcti, V .
/crpxctv. J96 gone : P.
.aor. pass, of /copewiWi) (gen.). and V. oix^0"0ai, a7rotx<r$ai, V.
Glutted with : P. and V. cfot'xco-tfai,
Ar. and V. 8iOxo"0ai
(gen.). (Plat, also but rare P.), 2ppv (also
Glutinous, adj. P. yXio-xpo's, Plat, but rare P.). Go about Ar. :

8175. and P. Trepicpxecrfai (ace. or absol.).

Glutton, snbs. Ar. yaorpis, 6, Go away : P. and V. dVepxccr^ai,
yaonrpcov, 6, oi/fo<ayos, 6 (also Xen ).
Gluttonous, adj. P. Ai^os, V. A,apos, cr$cu, aTroorreAAecr&u, ac^epTretv, dVoar-
//.apyos, juapyuiv. TlYLV. Ar. andL V. u/7rttAA(XO"CrOvClli

Gluttonously, adv. V. Aa/3ps. (rare P. in lit. sense), c/c/JaiWv (rare

Gluttony, SUbs. P. ctyo<ayia, 17, P. in lit.Go 0ac&; seesense.).
yatrrpi/iapyia, 17, A&x"eia, ^ Xat/wip- Uetfww: P. and V. CTO-
yia, ^, V. TO /wxpyov. V. eWpvccrtfai, Ar. and P.
Gnarled, adj. Use V. Go 0oc& io

.Berai, fatfisteO : V. a discussion: P. and V.

Gnash, v. trans. Ar. X^crOai, avepxeo-Qcu.. Of things,
gnash your teeth : Ar. ///? Trptc TOUS r#y0r :P. avaxwpeiv see dfivoto^. ;

oSo'i/ras (JBflW. 927). Go 0oc& O7i one's word : Ar. and

Gnat, subs. Ar. and V. KO>VO>^, 6, Ar. P. brLopKtw. Go before (a judge ;)
, . P. l(rp\(r6at ts (aco.), ?rpos
Gnaw, v. trans. Ar. and P. (aCC.), awarrai' Trpos (ace.). Go
Ar. and V. by : P. and V. n-apcpxccrflai (ace. or
(Eur., Gycl.), V. ScCnrcty, Ar. SapSdwr- absol.),"7raptG/at (ace. or absoL), P.
TV ; see devour. Met ,
P. and V. irapa,]u.Lp0'6cu. (ace.) (Plat., Loch.
SaKmv, V. 8dVre/. Gttaw aw?a^ : 183B), V. -TrapaoTctxctv (ace. or
Ar. fcr/ooycu' (aco.). G?zatt> through : absol.), Ar. and V. TrepoV (aco.
Ar. 8wiTpc6yiv (aco.). or absol.). Go down . P. en-t/cara-

Gnawed, adj. V, 8ia/?opos, jSatvctv ; see also aoa^. Of a ship :

see s^ttfe. Go down to death :

Gnawing, adj. V. 8ta/3dpos; see and V. KoWpxr0ai. Go into, <

P. and V. etcrepx(r0at (cfe, ace ;

Gnome, subs. P. and V. Xoyos, 6, V. also aCC. alone), iTreicrcpxccrdcu

uo, 17 ;
see maxim. Elf ; see (t? f
ace. ; V. ace. alone or dat.
alone), V. Traplpxcotiai (aoc.), tcr-

Go, v. intrans. P. and V. pfa\iv (ace.), Ar. and V. SvecrQat

(ace.), d<r/3cLWw (ace. or absol.). Go
Xwpetv, Icvai, Ar. and V. /?a/veiv,
<rrtxtv, V. Iprctv, /Ao\tv (2nd aor. in often Ar. and V. ur<^oiTav.
of ^A.coa-/ctv). PTaZfc: Ar. and P. Met., examine : P. and V. cr/coTmv ;
ySa8itv (V. only in Soph., El. 1502 see examine Embark on : P. and
and Eur., Ph&n. 544). Journey: V. e/Aj&umv (19, aoe.), airrccrOai
P. and V. iropevccrQai. Be going to, (gen.) see 07&er on.
; Go on, con-
be about to : P. and V. /*e'A\tv tinue : P. Stare Aciv ; see continue ;
(infin.). Go frequently: P. and met., re/y ow; see raZy on. Go
V. 0otro>. d ^o: P. and V. over, v. trans. : see examine. Re-
afaevai ; see release. Met. (of capitulate : P. 7ravoAafi/?aviv, V.
things), /are, turn out : P. and V. aVa/xTpt(r0ai. Go over, desert, v.
Goa Goi

intrans. : Ar. and P. (Plat, and Eur., Cycl. 164)

O-o over to (the enemy) : P. /x0r- TO, ^ia\ij, 7), /cua0os, 6 (Xen. and
rturOai irapd (ace.). Go out :P. Eur., Frag.), Ar. irarrjpLov, TO,
and Y. efcpYeo-flai, fcjSaiyciv (rare P. ', TO, Y. <TKv<jx&fjuiTa, TO. (JEsch.,,
in lit. sense), Ar. and V. efcprretv, Htpxtfa-tov, TO (Soph., Frag.),
V. *<oiTav. Go round: Ar. and , TO, 8ras, TO (Eur., Hec. 527)^
P. 7Tptpxo~0(u (ace. or absol.). Be 6, or/cijrf>os, 6 or TO (Eur., Cvct

enough : see suffice. Go through : 256).'

P. and V. 8pxo-0<u (aco.), Ar. )oblin, subs. Ar. and P. *E/wrowa,
and V. StaTrcpav (aco.) (rare P.), V. ^, p#pfJLQ\VK.oV, TO, MopjUO), (Xen.),
SicpTmv (aco.), StacpTixv (ace.). Go Ar. Aa/xta, 17.
through life: see pass. Pierce: Jod, subs. P. and V, 0os, 6, Satjowv,
V. 8iepx0-0ai (g6&0 8icwrcpav (ace.). 6. Prot?wZfi7W3e : P. and Y. TO 0tov.
Travel through : P. SicwropciWtfai J5y fte totfZ or &eZp q^ ifee gro^s;
(aoc.). Met., narrate or examine : Ar. and Y. flco'flo/ (Eur., Hec. 593).
P. and V. 8ipYo-0ai (ace.). Com- ^
wwstf i/w gods, v. : V. 0o-

pete : P. and V. 8iepxo-0ai (ace.). Battle between gods, subs. :

JSwd^re : P. and V. ^cpciv, #vexo-0ai,
&rXu>, 8<rraor0ai ; see endure. Y.
Devised by the gods :0o'8/jM7Tos.
Go to, interj. Ar. and V. 2pp,
: ZrOt?ed by God : P.
Y. 007rdvirros.

&7Tpp, Ar. irc-aye see avowtttf. Go

; and V. 0o<EA.97s. Sew^ 6y God :
io and /ro ; P. and V. <owav, V. Y. 000"O~UTOS, 0OpTOS, 6t]X.Q.TO$.
7rwrrpe<o-0<u. Go ftp : P. and V. Goddess, subs. P. and Y. 0cos, ?J,
avpxcr0ai, Ar. and P. ava/3atvetv. Sotjxwv, ^, Ar. and V. 0a, ^ (m P.
Go without : see Zac&. only in suoh phrases as /to.
Goad, subs. Lit. and met., P. and 0cois Kat Tot? 0cas (Dem. 362)).
V. Kei/rpov, TO. (Reproaches) are as God-fearing, adj. P. and V. euo-e^
goads to the wise :
(6W8ij) rots 0OO"p7y5, OO"tOS.

cro)<po<riv . . .
avTiJCCi/rpo, ytyj/ereu uodhead, subs. Use P. and V.
(^3seh., .Efom. 136.)
Goad, v. trans. P. KVTpieiv (Xen.) Godless, adj. P. and V. 0eos (Eur.,

ZJrgte on : P. and V. eTruccA-evctv Or. 925), *voW,

eyKeXeuav, eirorptivew (Thuo.), If (Dem. 332, but rare P.), Y. i
orpvveiv (Thuo.), P. icaTriyiv, Y,
P/ZCW : P. and V. Godlessly, adv. P. and Y.
Goal, subs. Line drawn at the (Plat., Gor^f. 481A), V.
winning-post : Ar. and V. ^lc godlessly, v.
P. and V. :

Y. TCP/ACL, TO. Met., end : P. anc V. 8vo-o-j8e!v, fleojSXajSetv.
Y. TeXos, TO, TcXcvny, T), Tripos, TO, Y Godlessness, subs. P. and V.
repfMt,, TO, TpjjL<t)v, o.
Aim : P. anc P. dvoorioVqs, ^, V. 8uo-o-/5

Y. O-KOTTOS, 6. Pwrpose : P. and Y

God-like, adj. P. and V. 0ibs,
opos, 6,
P. 7rpoaipo-is, f). P. 00l8l7S.
Goat, subs. He-goat : Ar. and Godliness, subs. P. and Y.
Tpayos, 6 (-ZEsch., Frag ), Ar. 17,
TO UO-)8S, P. OO-tOTiy
pos, 6 She-goat: P.andY. ^ (Xen.).
$ (Soph., Ftag., and Xen.). Godly, adj. P. and V.
Goat-herd, subs. P. awroXos, o.
Goat-like, adj. P. rpayoctS^s. Godsend, subs. P. and V.
Gobble, v. trans. See devour. TO*, Ip/xatov, TO.
Go-between, subs. P. 8fyycA.os, 6. Going, subs. P. and Y.
Goblet, subs. P. and Y. KU\I, iropcui, ^, Y. KeXev0os, ^.
Col Goo

Gold, subs. P. and V. xpvcnfe, 6. irpovpyov eTvat, V. see 50

apTqyew ;

Piece of money . P. and V. xpixriov, 0/ W55 under wse Well born

: P.

TO (Eur., Oycl. 161). Anything and V. yeKi/atos, cuyeviys, Ar. and

made of gold: V. xpoo-o/jia,
T ^. jfoc& V. eo-tfAo's. S?id : P and V. Trpaos,
in gold, adj. : Of
V. iro\vxpv<rs. ^TTIOS, ^tXav^pwTTos ; see kind. Sk^l-
soil : V. Flowing
xpvo-ofiuXos. ful : P. and Y. 0-0^05, Scivos, aya^o?,
with gold: V-xp^o-oppuTos. Gleaming a/cpos. (?oo<i (skilful) at : Ar. and
with gold Ar :
xpucravy^?. P. SCH/OS (aoc.), P. oucpos (gen. or
Adorned with gold V. xP^oroX- : ts, ace). (?ood ai speaking : P.
Ar. xpuo-o8aiSaA.To?.
ike gold : and V. oWo? Xcyetv. W* /or /ood
P. xpiKroci&fc. ^ ^r655 powdered or drink : see eatable, drinkable.
with gold : P. xpvcr&jraoTos Koc-fjios Favourable (of news, etc.), P. and
o (Dem. 1217). Studded with V. KoXo's, V. KeSvos see auspicious.

gold : V. ^pvoroKoAAiTros. Considerable in amount, etc. : P.

Cold, adj. See golden. and V. /zerpios 5^o /ar so good ;
V. see under far. Be any good, v. :
Golden, adj. P. and ^V. xp^ *,

, XP^P 7
5 ' irayxpiJo-os, XP^
" '' see avail. Do good to : see benefit.
Tu/cros, axpfio-os,
Ar. and V. Make good, confirm, v. trans. P. :

s. Of hair P. and V. :
e/?a>w. Ratify : P. and 7.
av0o's. TPi% 0oJdew bridle: Ar. wpouv, cTrt/ciJpoGi', J/ATrcSouv rPlat.).
And P. xpvo-oxaXw'c^ (Xen.). V. cxeyyuov Troiclv. Pro^e : P. and
golden spew : Ar. ani V. V. cXeyx 61 "' ^A,eyY
tv ^-Gcomplisk :

s. Witt golden trident : Ar. see accomplish. Make good (losses,

7&-0resed : Ar. etc.) : P. and V. avaXap./3dvLV 9 aicct-
s. Golden-eyed : Ar. 0-6V fao-^at, fglacrOai. For good
(only with fem. subs.). and allsee /or ever under ever.

Golden-haired : Ar. vpiio-oKOjLiTys, P. Resolve to have uttered for good

and V. av0o's. Golden-throned : and all the words you spoke con-
Ar. -^pvcrQ&povo^. Golden-winged: cerning this woman : V. fiovXov
Ar. xpvo-OTrrepos. Xdyous o$s eforas eis T)JvS' c/L7re8a)s
Cold-mine, subs. P. dpyKorai (Soph., Tracfc. 486).
xP uorc"* T<

(Xen.), \p-vvtia /JteraAAa, ra Good, subs. Advantage : P. and V.

(Thuc.). o<^>A.os, TO, ov^o-ts, 17, <o^\ta, ^, Ar.

'Gold-plate, subs. P. xpwrfov, TO, Ar. and V. <o$>eA.T7/*a, TO, V. (oqbcA/^crts, ^.

Xpi>fe ^. (?am, pro/?^ P. and V. icepSos, TO. .

Goldsmith, subs. Ar. and P. xp<ro- 7 ^ave in'ed aZZ means and done no
xovs, 6. 5e a goldsmith v. : Ar. good : V. ets irav a^ty^tac KOvSci/

and P. xpiJcroxoH>. (Bur., jfej?p. 284:).

s to me ? V. ical TA
Gone, adj. Ar. and V. </><wSo5 (also
Antiphon but rare P.). Be gone : (Eur., low. 1255).
see under go. ^rood w;iZ^ *i be to the dead ?
(Good, adj. Of persons or things P. P. T6 carat TrXcov T(3 yc faroOavovri ;

and V. fcyaQos, xPWTos, /coXos, (Ant. 140). For 7&e g'ood o/: Ar.
atos, Ar. and V. co-^Xos, V. and P. ITT' ayctfcS (gen. or dat.).
Piows ; P. and V. The good (in philosophical sense) :
s, 3<rtos. Serviceable : P. TdyotfoV, I8ea rfyaBov, 77.
:and V. <rvfA<t>opo<s, xpiqcrii Good, interj. P. and V. eccv. Bravo :
Ar. and P. w^eXt/)5, V. Ar. and P. cvye.
01070-1/1,05, Ar. and V. <<eAiJo-fyios. Good-bye, interj. See/areweU.
JBe ^ood (serviceable) : P. and V. Good-humour, subs. P. v*oAta,
Ar. and P. V.
Goo Gov

Good-humoured, adj. Ar. and P. . J, V. ;

Good-humouredly, adv. P.
Pomp, display
TO, 7rpoo"X7//*ct, TO.
P. and "V

Ar. and V. Topyw, fj. Gorgon, subs.

Good-looking, adj. See handsome. Of the Gorgons, adj. V. FopyoVeto?,
Goodly, adj. P. and V. /caAo's, eu- Fopycto?.
Abundant P. and V. Gormand, subs.
. Ar. and P. o?/ro-
6 (Xen.), or use adj., P.
Good-nature, subs. P.
Gormandise, v. intrans. Ar.
Good-natured, adj P. ew?0tfco's, <^ayiv.
Ar. and P. cv/coAos. Gory, adj. V. at/m-nypos,
Good-naturedly, adv P. <^otvtos, /ca^atju Ss, Ar. and

Goodness, subs. Of persons or V. at/iaToo-TayT

things: P. and V. apen/, y. Of Gossamer, adj. Use P. and V.
persons: P. and V. xp 7?

*l> Aerrros.
TO xprjcrrov. KindnessP. ^>tAav- Gossip, subs.
.* Ar. and P. AoA/a,
flpftwrta, ^ ;
see kindness. V. AaA^/xaTa, T<, Aca^at, at.
Goods, subs. P. rayaOa. Property : w&o gossips : Y. AaA^/ia, TO, or use
P. and V. xP^aTa, rot. Wflres ; P. adj., P. and V. AoAos, V. o-ro/wipyos,
dyopao>iaTa ; see wares. P. CTrep/zoAoyos.
Good-temper, subs. P. cuicoX/a, ^, Gossip, v. intrans. P. Ao
V. cvopyrjo-ia, %. Chatter : P. and V. AoAetv,
Good-tempered, adj. Ar. and P. eicAoActi/ (Bur., Frag.). Listen,
Odysseus, let us have some gossip
Good-temperedly, adv. P. with you : V. O.KOV 'OoWo-d} StaAoAiJ-
crw/xcv Tt o-ot (Eur., CycZ. 175).
Good-will, subs. P. and V. Gossiping, adj. V. iroAvyAwo-o-os ;

see chattering.
TrpVfjiVia, ?}.
Feel good-will Ar. and P.
to- Gouge out, v. trans.

wards, v. P. and V. cwoetv (dat.)

: 6/CKOTTmV. ;

see favour, v. Gourd, subs. Ar. crimes, 6.

Goose, subs. P. and V. xfo* o or ^ Gourmand, subs. See gormand.
(Plat, and Soph., Frag.). Gout, subs. G-out of blood : P. and
Gore, subs. P. and V. af/-ux, TO, V. V. <9p6>/3os, 6 (Plat.), V. trrayuSv, J.
Have the gout, v. : Ar, and P.
Gore, v. trans. Like bulls, etc., P. TroSaypav.
and V. Kvpicroreiv ; or use wound. Govern, v. trans. Bule : P. and V.
B, subs". Gullet: P. and V. apxv (gen. ;
V. also dat.),
6 or % (Eur., Cycl), Ar. (gen.), Kocr/xclv, V. Kpa-njvtv (gen.l,
'V Aot/xos, 6, or pi. Met., cvOiiveiv, V. va-UKA^pelv, /cpatvciv (gen.).

anger : Ar. and V.

P. and V. <<3tpay,
x^ Ar. ^- ^

and P.
Govern (as king or commander) : P.
and V. rvpaweveu' (gen,), paofaev&y

(gen.) (Eur., JBI. 12), Sctnro'&iv (gen.

Gorge, v. trans. See eat. or aoo.) (Eur., J5T. J. 28) (Plat, but
Gorgeous, adj. P. and V. rare P.), V. avao-o-civ (gen.), Koipa-
Ar. and P. /AyaAowpnfc. Of many velv (gen.), TayeTi' (gen.), Ar. and
colours : P. and V. wot/ciAo V. Tvpawtv (absolj. Administer,
Gorgeously, adv. P. andV. manage : P. and Y. oucciv, vc/ictv
P. /AyoAo7rp7rois. (Thuc. 8, 70), Kvpcpvav, Ar. and P.
P. P.
Corgeousness, subs. TO/UCVCIV,
Gov Gra.

vav (Plat), V. Grab, v. trans. P. and Y.

Well-governed, adj. : P. (gen.), avTiXajmpdvcorQat. (gen.) ; see
and V. 6WO/X0S (JEsch., Frag ). J5e ^aw sewre. 37aA;e TTWT^ one's share :
well-governed, v. : P. uvo/ieio-0ai, P. 7rXeov/cTtv.
P. and V. cu oiKL<rQai. A house Grab, subs. Taking more than one'$
well-governed : V. 0^05 3/>rra .shire : P. TrAeove^a, 17.
. .

oWovovVeiw 'JEsoh., Ag. 18-19). Grace, subs. Kindness: P. and V.

Control, check : P. and V. /carevav, Xapts, ^. Favour, good-will : P.
&rXiv, Ar. and V. wrx tv ^rare **)> and V. cuvota, ^, vju,ei/eta^ ^. Grrace-
V. ^ricrxv (rare P.). fulness, elegance : P. and V. x<*pk,
Governance, snbs. See government. V Bew^ : P. and V. icaUos, TO.
Government, subs. Rule : P. and They started up (from sleep), a-
V. opxfi, ^, /cpaToy, TO, or use V. marvel of grace to behold : V.
(TKijTrrpa, ra, Opovoi, ol. Kingship : avflav opOal OavfJL tSetv cvAco<r/>t,ta?
P. and V- rvpawk, 17. 5 : P. 4#^ (Eur., Bacoh. 693). By the grace
and V. TO., Ar. and V. of Ar terms : V. *ApTju,'os cuvouuort
Trpayos, TO. Constitution : Ar. and (-ZEsch., Theb. 450). Mife ^ good
P. TToAlTcia, ^. Magistrates : P. grace: V. Trpo* j^aptv. Willingly:
ra TeAty ot rt rot? Trpay/wwri, P. and use adj., P. and V. ao^evos, e/cwv.
V. 01 CV TfiAei, TO, KfSpta, V. OL V TA.t Grace, v. trans Adorn : P. and V.
/&a>Tes, Ar. and P. at dpx<w. Form /cocr/Actv, V. ayoAAew. Honour: P t
of government: P. /cor/*os, 6, or and V. Tt/Aai/, Ar. and V. ycpotpciv,
use T<IS iroA.iT'as, 7. 3%e govern- V. Tt/z.aX<^ r rt'.
ment that was then being established: Graceful, adj. P. and V. ev<rxqp<w>
P. TO, T^TC Ka&urrdfieva -^pay/tara. Ar. and P. x&pULs, dUpvfytos.
I aw friendly to the established Gracefully, adv. P. x^^r^?, Ar.
government : P. ewovs et/tt TOW and P. evo-xw*oW; (Xen.), P. and V*
KaOfcmrjKOVi Trpay/tao-t (Lys 145, 37). evpvOfjiw (Bur., Oyc^.), V.
Oarr^ ow the government, v. : Ar. P. Gracefulness, subs.
^, evpvO/JLia, T?, P and V.
and P. P. and V. Ta

r$s 7roA.ecjs irpdcrcrew Thti wine Graceless, adj. P. and

Archons at that time car, led on awrxpos: see wicked. Ungrateful:
most of the duties of government : P. and V. axoptoros, V.
ewa 5p^ovT 7rpacro-ov (Thuo. 1, Grace I ess ness, subs. P. and V. icam?,
126 . Has the government been left 17 ; see wickedness. InqraMude :
to the people ? V. Se&J/ACimu icparos ; P. dxaptOTta, ^.
(Bur., O^cZ. 119). Grood govern- Gracious, adj. P. and V. cwous, eu-
ment, subs. : Ar. and P. cwo/u'a, cws, Ar. and V. ^ifAos,
17. Enjoy good government, v. P. WV, V. TTpeUflCVT/S, P.

Graceful : see graceful,

Governor, subs. P. and V. px> v *i t beautiful. Kind : P. and V, wpoos,
Swapxos, 6. Spartan governor sen ^TTto?, ^>tA,av^pa)7ro? ; see Hn<3, affable.
to control subject towns: P. ap/)- Good gracious, interj. use Ar. and

cmjs, o. Persian governor : P. V. irfaraia (Bur., OycZ.), P. and V.

craTpamys, 6 (Xen.). /3a#u' (Bur., Oz/ci.).
Governorship, subs. P. and V. Graciously, adv. P
and V. efyt^fo*
^> fpotTo?, TO. Satrapy: P. $l\0<pOVG>S (Plat.), P. ^>tAuc5s, VVOt-
Kois, V. v^po/c)5,irpCT^vGs. Kindly:
Gown, subs. P. and V. r0ijs, ^ P. and V. ^TT/WS, P. <^iXav
rd, KOO-/AOS, 6 ; see dress. ; see kindly, affably.
Gra Gra

Graciousness, subs. P. and V. and Y. o-^Ata, TO, TO' ; see

evvoia, 7), vp,cvUL 9
P. <(Ao<pocrw77,
also pn'de.
V. irpevfAeveia, ^. Kindness : P. Grandfather, subs. Ar. and P. TTO.^-

</>iXav0p(i)7rLa, %, Tr/oaor^s, ^ ; 866 7TOS, 6, V. TTCtTpOS TTttTTjp, ^ ftl/TpOS

kindness, affability. Beauty, grace: TraTiyp, 6. O/' a grandfather, adj. :

P. and V. x<*pk> ^. Ar. and P. TraTnroios.

Gradation, subs. Succession: Grandiloquence, subs. P.P
and V. StaSox^i ^. Order, arrange- ^ (Thuc.), jU-fiyaXai/xta, ^, TO /coju.7ra>0es,
ment : P. and V. rdgis, oj. Jw. V. TO yaupov, P. and V. oy/cos, 6 ; see
gradation : use adv., P. and V. boast.
Grandiloquent, adj. P. and V. o^o's,
Grade, subs. Jtowfc P. and V. .
vijrt}\6s, V. o-efn/oo-TO/^05, vi/r?Jyopo5,
$ , Ar. and V. yaSpos; see
Gradual, adj. Sloio : P. and V.
Grandiloquently, adv. P. and V.
Gradually, adv.

Graft, v. trans.
Ar. and P.
/UKpoV, P. KCLT oAiyov, Kara
P. e/w^uTefciv.
Grafted : P. ^Sq&V^Vos (Dem.
ois, V. viffLKOfjLTrtos,

Grandly, adv. P. and Y. o-e/wos, P.

V, Xa/ixpcSs ; see also proudly.


Ar. and P.
1251). Grandmother, subs.
Grain, subs. P. and V. <TITOS, 6 see ;

corn. Seed : P. and V. oTrcp/^a, TO. Grandsire, subs. See grandfather.

PZJP wz fruit : P. Truprjv, 6 (Hdt.). Grandson , subs. Son's son : P. viSoS?,
Clod Ar. and Y. /3oiA,os,
(also 6, Y. irats TratSos (Eur., And. 1073).

Xen.). Grain (of salt). P. ^oVSpo?- Daughter's son : P. ^uyaTpiSot)?, 6.

6 (Hdt.). Against the " grain, adj. Grant, v. trans. Give : P. and Y.
P. and V. Suo^ep^s, P. 8tSoi/at, ve/Atv, 8a>peuT0(u (Plat.),
Grammar, subs. P. ^ irope^ctv, Y. iropcrdvw, iropew (2nd
T^3(vi7 (Plat.).
aor ), Ar. and V. oTrafetv. Confer :
Grammarian, subs. P. P. and Y. Trpoo"<J3p^Lv, 7rpoo~rt^ei'at.
6 (Plat.). L0wc2, ajford : P. and Y. cVStSovcu.
Granary, subs. P. airoOrjicy], jj, P. and -4Woy : see allow. Concede : P.
V. <ripo'?, 6 (Eur., Frag.). and Y. OTrVYO>ptV (TtVt TtJ. d>LVCLL

Grand, adj. P. and^Y. o-cpvos, Ar. I, ffcLpIcj/at (TW/I Tt), 6/^oXoytv

and P. /leyoAoTrpeTnys. Splendid : 6
Tt) (rare V.), Ar. and P. -Trapa-
P. and Y. Xc^wrpos see also proud. ;
Tv (TO/I Ttvos). Grant (a re-
Grandchild, subs. Sow's son : P. quest) : P. and Y. eTrtveuetv. Grant
vtSoSs, o. Daughter's son ; P. 0uya- me a small boon besides : Y. TrpoV-
TpiSoOs, 6. Daughter's daughter P.
vci/xai Se ftot x^P V Ppa^elav (Soph.,
QvyaTp&TJ, 17. Grandchildren, de- Trach. 1216). Grani me *o slay
scendants : P. and V. c/cyovot, ot, P. V. Sos /zot Kravtiv
my brother :

dwoyovoi, ot. dScX^oV (Eur., PAoew. 1367).

Grand-daughter, subs. Sow's Grant, subs. 6^/i ; P. and Y. SSpoy,
daughter : P. and Y. -n-atSos 0vya- TO, Sdcris, 17, Ar. and Y. SoJpq/Mi, TO.
nyp, ^. Daughter's daughter: P, JV^fi g'i/^ : P. and Y. Swpea, ^.
-4ZZowa?icfi : Y. /x-cVp^/xa, TO*.

Grandee, subs. P. and Y. Grape, subs. P. and Y. p< ^ (Plat,

6, P. SWCLTOS, 6. and Soph., Frag.). Bunch of
Grandeur, subs. P. and Y. grapes : P. and V. fiorpvs, 6, P.
fi, TO o-c/jtvoV. Splendour : P. Xa/t- ora^uXiJ, ^ (Plat.). Dried grapes :
^, Y. yXTSw, w. Pomp : P. P. doro^ts, i? (Plat.). Soi^r grapes :
Gra Gra

V. o/*,<a, ^. Rich in grapes, adj. Grasp, subs. Embrace : P. and Y.


V. ci^SoTpvs, iroXv/Borp-vs. As when 7Tpt/?oXat, at (Xen.), V. dcrTraa-^ara,

the rich juice of the ripe grape ra, TrepwrriJxai', at, oLfj.fairruxO't, at.

streams to earth from the vine of Ha?wZ ; P. and Y. xP> ^- Mental

Bacchus : V. yXaVfcas oircopa? tu grasp, perception : and V.
P. ai
7TIOVOS cr^crts, ^. Menta capacity P.
djuTreAou (Soph., Trach. and Y. </>p6vrj(n<s, fj.

Grasping, adj. Greedy: P.

Grape-picker, subs. P. KTiKog t
Miserly : P and V.
Graphic, adj. P. and V. o-a^ifc, aurxpoKp&Y}$ t Ar. and P. <I
a.Kpl/B'rjs ; see ctear. Grasping, subs P.
Graphically, adv. P. and V. cra M^seri^ness : P, and V.
d/cpio>s see clearly.
; /cepSeta, 17.

Grapnel, subs. Grappling-iron: P. Graspingly, adv. P.

a (Thuo. 4, 25) see also Grass, subs. ;
P. and Y. -n-oa, ^,
17, Ar and Y. rota, ^7 (Eur.,
Grapple, v. trans. Make fast : P. 333). Grass for pasture P.
and Y. (TWCwrTCiv, Trpoo-cwrreu/, Y. see also meadow. /SoToVfl, 17;

OXP.Q-&LV ase fasten.

Grapple with, Grass-green, adj. P. and V. ,

seize hold of : P. and Y. Aa/t/foWo-tfai Grasshopper, subs. Ar. and P.

(gen.), dvri^/A/iJdWcrftu (gen.). Take o.
in hand : P. and Y. xeor$at (
n )> Grassy, adj. Y.
airreo-Qaj. (gen.), dvfldVTecr&u (gen.).
Come to cZosa quarters with : lit.Grate, subs. Fireplace: P. and Y.
or met., Ar. and P. 6ftoo- la/at (dat. O"xapa, 17, 0rta, 17.
or absol.), Ar. and V. oftotrc Grate, v. trans. Bub : P. and V.
(dat,). rpijSeiv. Grate over Ar. erriKviJv. .

Grappling-iron, subs. P. x V> Cheese grated over it (wine) : P.

(Thuc. 4=, 25). rupos ewiuor0i's (Plat JSep. 405u). ,

Grasp, v. trans. P. and V. Gra^a o, an?zo^ ; P. and Y. SaK^ctv,

<r0ai (gen.), e7riAa//,/3dW0ai (gen.), XiJTrctv, Ar. and V, KVL^LV ; see
(gen.), Ar.and V. Xau<r0<u (aco. or Grateful, adj. P. evxapwrros (Xen.).
gen.), V. dvTtXaw0ai (gen.) see Unforgetting P. and V. /JIV^/WDV,
; :

smg. Touch : P. and V. aWco-flai V. irohv/wrjo-Tos. Be grateful to :

(gen.), Y. ^-aveiv (gen.) (rare P.),
ULyyoveiv (gen.) (Xen. also but rare XLV (dat.). Pleasant: P. and Y.
P.), irpoa-Oiyydveiv (gen.) ; see touch. ^Stfs, TcpTn/os, V. x aPTo5 (Plat, also
Embrace : P. and Y. dcnra(r0ai, but rare P) Ovu/fjo^f <f>t//,pos, Ar.
V. jrepwnwcrfa' (Plat, also but rare and Y. Pleasing: P. and
P.), wpotFA'i Jercreiv, d/j,<^>i/?aXX(.y, wcpi- Y. opeoTos, Ar. and P. aycwr^TOS.
f$6X\w> afjuTTurx&v. Grasp with the Gratefully, adv. With gratitude:
mind : P. and Y. f^avOdveiv, crvvlevcu use P. jLtera xapm>5. Pleasantly :
(aco. or gen.), #TroXaju,j&vciv (rare P. and V. TjSeW
V.), "SarrevQajL (gen.), vocw/ (or mid.), Gratefulness, subs. P. and Y. x^pts,
(or mid.), AJ. and P. Stavoct- 17 ; see gratitude.
Gratification, subs. Pleasure : P.
Karavoetv, Ko.TapXLv66.vciv, and V. ^801^7, 17, repots, r
(gen.), V. <rwapiraeiv Satisfying: P. -n-A^poxm, ,.
intrans. Be grasping: P. Gratify, v. trans. P. and Y. _ .

(dat.), P. /caraxap^ccrftu (dat.).

Gra Gra

Humour : P. opyas en-t^pci? (dat.). Ta^i7, r), Tup/Sos, o, V.

Please P. and Y. apecr/ceiv (ace. or
: P.), Tvp,/3tv/J.a TO. t

dat.), Ar. and Y.

dv8ai/tv (dat.) ; see Grave, v. trans. See engrave.
please. Satiate : P. and V. e*- Grave-clothes, subs. P.
irifj.TrXavai ; see satiate. TO, V. <apos, TO, <^apos, TO, 7rejrA.os, 6.

Gratifying, adj. Pleasing- P. and Gravel, subs. P. /ca^f, o. r/w

V. apcords, Ar. and P. aya-myros. disease: P. v<pm?, ^.
Grating, subs. Enclosed place : P. Gravely, adv. Of manner, etc.: P.
and V. tp/cnj, ^. Small opening : and V. o-^<o5. Earnestly : P.
Ar. and P. <W/>fe, 77. o-7rou8aos. Seriously, alarm^ngly :
Grating, adj. Of sound use P. P. and V. Seivois.
Dangerously :
Met., jarring : P. and Y. P. and V. CTrwavo^wos.
Graven, adj. Ar. and V.
Gratingly, adv. Jarringly : P. Graven image: see foZ.
Gravestone, subs. Ar. and P.
Gratis, adv. Ar. and P. 7rpot/ea, P.
$a>pav, P. and V. u/uo-01. Gravitate, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Gratitude, subs. P. and V. peireiv, <^epeo~0<u, TctVctv.
JrM gratitude to : P. and Gravitation, subs. Use P. pomy, y,
iSo/cu (dat.), x^P'
v *X etv (dat.).
Receive gratitude : P. /co/u'eo-0<u Gravity, subs. Of manners, etc. P. :

and V. TO crfw6v. ~ Seriousness,

x*P LV KaTaTiecrai. Remem- terribleness : P. Extent,
brance : P. and V. Mvoy/x-^, ^7, juvcia, greatness : P. and V. peye6o<s, TO.
V. //.vijorris, 17. Remembrance of TTfl^W : P. and Y. /&pos, TO.
a favour : P. TO jae/ivT/o^ai -ny Gray, adj. P. and Y. yXawco's (Plat.,
(Dem. 12). 2m. 680), P. <#>ato5, op^wos. ffr<z^
Gratuitous, adj. Y. S/ucr0os. w;^7& a^e : P. and Y. -n-oXtos (Plat.,

properly belonging: P. and V. ov Parm. 127fi), Y. Xw/cav^.

JVbi proved : P. Gray, subs. Use P. TO <f>ai6v, etc.
Gray-eyed, adj. P yXav/co/^aTos
Gratuitously, adv. (Plat.), Ar. yXav/c<u7rts (as epithet
attacked us gratuitously (unpro- of Athene).
voked) : P. 7T0VTO ^/UV OUK dSwCOV" Gray-haired, adj. P. and Y. iroXws
(Plat., Parm 127s),
/x,cvot (Thuo. 3, 39).
V. Xcuicai/^Js.
Gratuity, subs. P. 7rjf>opa, ^. Graze, v. trans. Touch : P. and Y.
Gratulation, subs. See congratula- &rro-0(u (gen.) ; see touch. Wound:
tion. P. and Y. TtTpoicr/cciv, Tpav/iaTt^eiv.
Grave, adj. Of manners or looks: Y. intrans. Gro^e (as cattle) P. :

P. and V. o-c/ivos. Why do you and Y. vfyeorOou. (Plat.). Send out

look solemn and grave ? V. rt VGIWQV to graze : P. vopevw (ace.). Haunts
Tre^povTt/cos j&XeTrets ; (Eur.,
ALc. where oxen graze : Y. povvopoi 4?rc-
773). Be grave, earnest, v. : P. orpo^ai (JEsch., J?Va5f.).
and V. <rrroi;8aeiv. Heavy, severe, Graze, subs. TFbw7id : P. and Y.
adj. : P. and V. /%&. Serious, rpavfj.a, TO.

alarming :P. and V. Setyos. Dan- Grazier, subs. P. and V. /fowcoAos,

gerous : P. 7R/ctv8wos. Grave 6, vo/jtevs, 6 see herdsman. ;

(accent) P.
apife (Plat.). Grazing, adj. Y. vo/ta? (Soph., Frag.).
Grave, subs. P. and V. ftfo, 17, Grazing herds : V. SycXat POWO/JLOI.
^/^o, TO, Tcfyos, 6 (Dem. 187, 426), Grazing-land,
P. and" V. vo^, ^ see ;

Ar. and P. OT}/ACI, TO', Ar. and V-

Gre Ore

Fat V. #Xa, ra?iA: P. and Y.

Grease, subs. : TO, (Plat.), flt^
P. <lXoi<^ (Plat.). Oil. Ar. and d^to)/za, TO, Ttju-iy, ^. Be raised to
P. eXcuov, TO. greatness P. atpeo-0ai /xeyas (Dem.

Grease, v. trans. P. dXet^etv, ra- 20). Raise

to greatness : V. TI/UOV

Ar. 7rapaXei'<eiv, V. XP* tv* iwfyco' (w<) (Bur., H. F. 1333).

see Power : P. and V. 8A>ci/us, , icparos,
Greasy, adj. Ar. and P. 17.
JSeTW-z^j ; P. and Y.
Of wool : Ar. oio-wnypds. Slippery : ^ 8o'a, ^, KXc'os, TO (rare P.),
P. 6Xio%)ds. Ar and Y.
Great, adj. P. and V. //.eyas. So Great-souled, adj. P.
P. and Y. TOO-OUTOS, Too-do-Se, P. and V. yci/vato?.
P. TjyXiKOuros, -nyXi/coo-Se, V. rotros Greaves, subs. Ar. and V.
Sow great, interrog. o (-ffiSsoh., Z%6. 676).
(rare P.).
P. and V TTO'O-OS, Ar. and P. TnyXi/cos Greed, subs. Gluttony : P. 6\fro<t>aytcL,

indirect. P. and Y. oo*os, oVoo-os.


Abundant : P. and V. TroXife, a<- Y. TO /x-apyov.

and V. //.a/cpos. P- and V.
0ovos. ow0r : P. 17.

Broad ; P. and V. eupife. Iw- Taking more than one's share : P.

portant : P. ofidXoyos, Sia^opos,
P. o/ money : P.
and V. fteywrros. No&Ze P. and P. and Y.
V. ycwaios, euyev>?s (Plat, and Thuc.). /ccpSeia,
Powerful: P. and V. Sward's, Ar. Greedily, ady. Gluttonously: V.
and V. /*<ryacr0evofc. Famous : P. Xa/?pws. Insatiably : P.
and V. euSofos, -n-ept/SXeTrros, 8x- Graspingly : P.
ovo/wtcrros, Xa/wrpds, Greediness, subs.
, See
dtdXoyos, Greedy, adj. G-luttonous : P.
cXXdyi/Aos, Ar. and Y. V. Xa^pds, /Aapyos, /wtpywv. Jw-
Plat, but rare P.), V. sattable : P. and V. ^T

ifc; see famous Greedy of: P. and V.

Great-grandfather, subs. P. irpd- (gen.). Grasping: P.
jrCWTTTOffj O. jBe greedy v. P. ,

Great-hearted, adj. P. Greedy of money ; P. and Y.

P. and V. ycwuos. apyvpos, awrxpo/ccpSiys, P.
Great-heartedness, subs. P. /AaTos, Ar. and P.
<t>po<rvvi] 3 ^, P. and V. Green, adj. P. and Y.
Greatly, adv. P. and V. , vigorous
: Y.

rare P.),
o-q!>dSpa, Kapra (Plat,
}, Ar. and Y. -n-oXXa, Y
but Green, subs. Sward, grass : P. and

Ar. a little : P. and P. and V. V.

Y. opycis, 97 (also Xen.).
Great-minded, adj. P. Greengrocer, subs. Ar.
P. and V. ycwacos.
Great-mindedness, subs. P. Greens, subs. Vegetables Ar. and
Xo<f>potruw] ^, P. and Y.t
P. Xaxavov, TO (or pi.).
Greet, v. trans. P. and V.
Greatness, subs. P. and Y.
TO. Sulk: P. and Y. oy/cos, 6 Trpocr<f>6ey-
Abundance : P. and Y. 7rXi}0os, TO, yecrQat,, Wiriv, irpo<rwejrW, irpocrrj-
P. atfrOovLo,, 17. Importance: P. Welcome : P. and Y.
and Y. /x.cy0os, TO. Nobility: P. Sew>w0ai, Y. crawew,,
and Y. yrvatd ny?, ^, cvyci^eta, 9y <

trpocro-awew, P.
Gre Gri

(Plat.). I greet the herald: Y. dyawav, Y.

r CN \ / 9 /

(Dem. 555, but rare P.),

(Soph., Trach. 227). Also with Be annoyed : P. and Y.
non-personal subjects, meet : P. Ar. and P.
and Y. aTravrav (dat.). Will not a J&a??ie7ii P. and Y.
loud outcry from the jurymen them- 7Ti>0H> j
selves greet me ? P. ou iroXX^ /cpauyg Grieve for, be vexed at, v. trans. :

irapa r&v $LKacrrG>v auTaiv aTravnyo-c- Ar. and P. aya.vaK.Tsiv (dat.), P.

Tai; (-Elschines, 23). <^6ptV (aCC.), Y. TTtfCpS?
Greeting, subs. Address P. and (ace.), Sv<r<j>opLv (dat.).
Y. -TTpdo-pT/crts, ^, Xdyos, 6, P. Trpdcr- Lament : see lament.
TO, Y. 7rp6V<0ey/wi, TO, irpoo-- Grievous, adj. P. and Y. Xumypos,
x, TO. Kindly greeting: V.
" flapfe, &QXio$, otKTpds, avtopds, dX-
In letters, Cfyres ^o yetvds, ewax^iys, Suo^epij?, oxX^pds,
Cyaxeres greeting : P. KSpos Y. X-uwpds, S-Jo-c^opos (Xen.
JLvaaifyg xat P etv (Xen., (7^7*. 4, 5, also but rare P.), oNWcrros, dx-
27). ^civd? (also Xen. but rare P.), Ar.
Gregarious, adj. P. dyeXalbs, Ar. dpyoXcos. Lamentable: V. TroXv-
and P. <ruwo[jLo<s. r, wavSaicpiJTOS, evSa/cpvros, Tray-
Grey, adj. See gray.
Gridiron, subs. Ar. Xao-ava, ra. Unfortimate (of things) P. and :

Grief, subs.,
P. and Y. \vmj,
wny, %,, ai/,
. . . Y. /ca/cds, Sucrrvx1} 5 Terrible : P.

^ P. raXatwcopi'a, ^, V. oNfy, rj, iri?/Aa, and Y. Sctvds.

TO, Grievously, adv. P. and Y. Xv
. P ,
outioard signs of mourning), pois, dXytyo)5, irc/cpfis, a^Xt
and V. oXyos, TO,
Svlapws (Xen.), owcrpco?. Terribly :

Lamentation : Ar. and P. 6 P. and V. Setvois. Unfortunately :

6, P. 6Xo$u/xri$, ^, P. and V. P. and Y. fcoKois,

f) (Thuc. but rare P.), <rroVos, 6 Grievousness, subs. P. and Y. 8u<r-

(Thuc. but rare P.), 6Sup/ids, 6 Xepcta, ^, Y. /Sapos, TO'. Terrible-
(Isoo. and Plat.), otfcTo?, 6, Y. ness : P. Sen/on;?, ^.
oi/Ao>yyua, TO, oTevay/^off, o (Plat, also Griffin, subs. V. ypity, 6.
but rare P.), otfcrwr/xaTa, Ta, Ar. Grill, v. trans. Ar. and P.
and V. T<5, yoos, 6 (or pi.) ; Grim, adj. Of appearance: P. and
see lamentation. Come to grief, V. 07ttJ0pQ>7rds, yopyds (Xen ),
v. P. and V.
: irraiew \
see be oruyyds, Svo^(t/*os, yopywi^, yopyowrd? ;
ruined, fail. Come to grief on (as see also fierce. Ala/rming : P. and
a ship on a reef) : P. and V. Y. oWs. Barfife : P. and Y.
wpos (dat.). Griefs: see troubles. Trtfcpds, crxcTXtos ; see harsh. De-
Grievance, subs. Injustice : P. and termined : P. and V.
V. fj&iiajQ., TO. Make it a grievance o-icX^pds. Of things P. :

that Ar. and P. ctyavaKTtv, t .

Grime, subs. See dirt. . .

P. ^aXc-TTCOS ^>6/DlV t
Grimly, adv. Harshly : P. and Y.
TTotcIo-^ai ci ; see corn/plain. P. Obstmately :
Grieve, v. trans. Distress: P. and Ar. and P. a ioofc
V. XiJTretv, (Ivlav, SdtKveiv, Ar. and P. grimly on : Y. yopyoV &v<j.fl\eireiv
Ar. and V. /ci (dat.) (Eur., Swpp. 322).
(rare P.), Tccpctv, V. yu Grimness, subs. Harshness : P.
v, dXyf5vtv. V. intrans. use and V. morris, fj ; see harshness.
pass, of verbs given above or P. Obstinacy : P. aWaSewi, ^, Ar. and
and V- /3apiiv<rOaiy iroveiv, P. Y.
Gri Gro

Grimy, adj. See forty. Q, P. oXo^upo-ts, rjj

V. otjitcoy/xa, TO,

Grin, v. intrans. Grin as a dog : Ar. o-Tevay/io'?,

6 (Plat also but rare P.),
o-aipew \ see also laugh. Grin at . KW/CUTOS, 6, KO)Kvp.aTa, TCI, Ar. and Y.

Ar. eyxao-Keiv (dat.). yoo?, 6, or pi., oret/ay/xa, TO. Without

Grind, v. trans. Ar. and P. d^Xeiv. a groan: use adj., V. do-r
Bub : P. and V. Tpifoiv. Sharpen : or adv., Ar. and V. ao-rei/a*' (
Ar. and V. fiojyctv, Ar. and P. &KOVO.V
(Xen.). Grind one's teeth : Ar. Groan, v. mtrans. P. and V.
irpieiv Tors oSoWas. Grind against, (Dem. 300, 308, but rare P.),
v. intrans. P. rptpecrOai Trpds (ace.).
: orevaeiv (Dem. 835, but rare P.),
Grind down : met., Ar. and P. oVoi/Ao>eiv (Thuc. 3, 113, but rare
effiTpipeiv ;
see ruin. P.), V. aldfcew,
Grindstone, subs. V. Qvrydw), fj.
Grip, subs Hand : P. and V. x W> crOai,

Embrace : P. and V. 7rept/3oXai, ^tv, P.
at (Xen.), V. ireptirrvxaL, at ; See Ar. and Y.
embrace. Something to hold by : Groan over, see
P. avrtXa^j 17. Get a grvp : P. lament. Groan under : met., P.
wTiXapw eX Lv (Thuc. 7, 65). Jkfew- and V. 7T t eo-0ai (dat.).
tal grip, perception : P. and V. GrOOm, SUbs. P. ITTTTOKO/XOS, 6, V.
Mental capacity: P. wnro/?ouKoXos, 6. -4e?ttZcw& on flt
and V. <j>p6v7jcrL$, y. knight : V. OTraSos, 6, OTrawv, 6,

Grip, v. trans. gz#0 hold of: P. VTracnrKrrrjp, 6, P. and Y. '&7raoTrtOTT}s>

and V. XapftdvccrQai. (gen.),
6 (Xen.), virrjplrris, 6. Bridegroom :

(gen.) ; see see bridegroom.

: P. and V. X<r&a.i (gen.), di/r- Groom, v. trans. Ar. ITTTTOKO^IV
(gen.), V. oxpa&iv. Touch (ace.).
. and V. &y- Groove, subs.
V. airrco-Oai (gen.), Use P. av\6<>, 6.
ydVctv (Xen. but rare P.),
(gen.) Furrow : Ar. and P. 6X/eo's, 6 (Xen.),
iat/ctv (gen.) (rare P.) see touch. Ar. and V. #Xo, ^.
War least of
.Leprosies that grip the flesh : V. all moves in a groove: P. ^KLCTTCL
TroXc/^os 7rl pTyroTs X^P^ (Thuc.
Choe. 280). 1, 122).
Grisly, adv. P. and Y. oWo's, <o/3epo's, Grope, v. mtrans. Ar. and P. i/^Xa-
yopyos (Xen.), V. Svo-xtytos, yopycu^, <aV. Groping his way with a
yopyeorro's. Fierce : P. and V. Stick : V. o-/c977rrpa> wpoSeticvi;?
aypios, Y. dypicoTTOS. (Soph., 0. JS. 456). Grope for : P.
Grist, subs. Corn : P. and Y. mi 7Tfcj/rTyXa</>av (gen.), Ar. t/nyXa^av
6. Met., gain: P. and Y. (acc.).
TO, XrjfAfJiCL, TO. Gross, adj. Boorish : Ar. and P.
Gristle, subs. P. xovSpo?, 6 (Arist.). 5ypoto?, Ar. dtypobs. Ignorant :
Gristly, adj. P. XovS P <ooV (Arist.). P. and Y. 5/^^
fyovo-os, P.
Grit,, subs. Dust : P. and Y. KoVZ< aypdfjLfjLaros, Ar. and P. ^TrotScvTos.
^. Met., spirit, courage: P. and Common, bad (of persons or
V. ^V s, 6, <poV7/jLa, TO, Ar. and Y. things) : P. and V. ^>ai5Xos. Vulgar :
TO'. Ar. and P. ^oprt/cds. J.&$0fote,
Grizzled, adj. P. cVwo'Xws ; entire : P. dVXoGs, aicpaTos.
Grizzly, adj. See gray. Grossly, adv. Ar. and P. dypot/cws, P.
Groan, subs. P. and V. Absolutely : P.
<opTi/cois.' '

(Thuc. but rare P.), orovos, 6 uc. P.

but rare P.), Ar. and P. GrOSSneSS, SUbs. P. dypoiKta, 17, dVai-
uro Gro

P. and V. ifjunxria, 17.
Y. Trpos T^ cts T^; T*

Commonness, badness : P. W/otv ; Ti/os KCtTt j /c Tov ; see

Go o-yer old ground constantly : JP.

Grot, subs. P. OTTnyXatoy, TO (Plat.), Qap.a. /jLTaarrp<l)<rOai 7rl TO,

Ar. and V. avrpov, TO, auXtov, TO, V. (Plat., Ora*. 428D). Gai?i ground,
OoXcLfJuan, at,
P. and Y. cnjpayf, ^ v. : P. and Y. Trpoxapeti/. Xose
(Plat, Phaedo. 110A and Soph., ground : P. eXaoxroiJo-^ox Stand
one's ground : P. and Y. t'crracr0ai,

Grotesque, adj. P. and Y. JJLVLV, P. /JLVtV ICaTO, \Wp(LV* He-

(Bur,, Frag.). cover ground lost through, indolence :
Grotesquely, adv. P. droTros. P. TOL KaTppa6vfJL7jfJiva iraXiv dva-
Grotesqueness, subs. Ar. and P. Xa/Aj8avLv (Dem. 4=2).
aroma, -ty. Ground, v. trans. Secure, make firm :
Grotto, subs. See grot. P. ptpaiovv. Plant, fix : P. and
Ground, subs. P. and V. 717, ^, P. Y. inqyvvvai., Y. cpetSctv,
8ac/>os, TO, and V. yata, ^, x&tfj/,
Ar. Ground arms : P. oVXa
I/, TTCSOV, TO, 8CWTOW, TO (EUT., lOW, jT^trzici ; P. and V. StSao-eiv, -

576, Or. 1645) (also Xen.), V. Scvetv see instruct. 22m (a


oSSas, TO. Land for cultivating ; P. aground : P. and Y. o/cfXXav, P.

and V. yi}, ^, dypos, 6 (or pi.), Ar. jccXXcw, Y. /ccXXetv, e^o/ccXXctv.
and V. tpovpa, TJ (Plat, also but rare aground, v. intrans. : P.
P.), yv'at, ot. Oft & ground : use 7roiceXXti', V. JfoKcXXctv. Ground
adv., Ar. and V. x^fuui ^ '8oi (also on (as a ship on a reef) P. and Y. :

Plat, but rare P.). Sleeping on the TrTai'eci/ -jrpos (dat.).

ground, adj. V. xfyjLai/co "'17 s Ground, adj. Of corn

P. :

Fallen on the groivnd: V. xajuuu- Groundless, adj. P. and V.

Walking the grownd : Y. K6VOS. .

Groundlessly, adv. P. and Y.

ground : use adv., Ar. and V. P. dXoyo)s, V. jLtciTaicos.
XajLiae, V. TrcSovSe pac (.ZEsch., Groundlessness, subs. P. dXo
Frag.). From the grownd Y. Ground-work, subs. See foundation.

yyjOev, Ar. xw^w. Under the Met., P. and V. apx1?* ^ 5<jbop^, ^.

grownd : see wid&rgrownd. He is Group, Subs. P. and V. orvcrracrf,9, V ;
an enemy to the whole city and the see also crow?i. (He said) tJiey stood
very ground it stands on : P. e^po? m
a circle in growps of fifteen:
(Icmv) oXy rfj TroXtt /cat T<^ T^S TrdXccos (I07/) <rrdvcu xv/cXo) dva TTCITC /cat

eSa^ct (Dem. 99). 2%e cziy stood a '/ca dvSpas (Andoc. 6).
on high ground : P. (^ irdXts) ^^ c^' Group, v. trans. P. and Y. <rwctyty,
vi/oyXSv x^ptW (Ihuc. 3, 97). Met., <rwraar<rLv see &rra/nge. ;

Ex&use : P. and V. Trpo^oo-ts, ^. Grove, subs. P. and Y. 5X<ros, TO

Reason, plea: P. and V. Xoyos, 6. (Plat.), Y. <vXX&, *
Cflw^e P. and V. ama, ^. Prin- Grovel, v. intrans.
: Oower : P. and
ciple: P. and V. dp^7, i P- V. KaTaTTriJono-etv, Y. -TTTTjcTcrcty (Plat,
wrd^co-ts, ^. Ground for, pretext also but rare P.), wroio-o-etv, &ro-
for : P. and V. tyopjurj, y (gen.). -Trrtocrcrctv. Do o&^sawce P. and Y, :

On the ground of; P. and V. KcLrd 7rpoovcwiv, Ar. and V. n-pocnrtTrrcii/

(ace.). On all grMwds P. and V. (also Xen. but rare P.) V. -Trpoo-

n n&tih&r ground: P. iriTvcw', see also wallow. Grovel

icaT* ovSerepov. On what ground? before, cower before met., and :
V. IK T&/09 Xoyov ; Why ? P. and V. Y. STTOTTTWO-OrctV (aCC.), V. WnJcTO-aV
T*; TOV \dpiv ; P. TOV 2vica; &a (ace.). JDo obetscmce to : P. and
Oro Gua

V. irpoa-Kvvew (ace.). Fawn upon :

Grub, subs. See toorm.
P. and V. vTTorpex*"' (aoo.), Grudge, subs. P. and V. $06vos, 6.
<r0cu (ace.), and P.
Ar. Enmity P. and V. ex^pa, ^, ^os,

(ace.); see fawn. Fall downbefore: ro (Thuc.). Have a gru&qe against :

Ar. and V. TrpocrTrwrmj/ (aco. or dat.) P.
(also Xen. but rare P.), V. ?rpoar-
mrrav (ace. or dat.). (dat). J5^ar a grudge, remember
Grovelling, adj. P. and V. past injuries : Ar. and P.
Supplicating : V. KOiKiV.

Grow, v. trans. P. and V. v. trans. P. and V. <t

(rarely v). Bear, foster : P. and (fLVL TtVOs), V. fLCyCLLpLV (riVl
V. rpifaw. Let grow (hair, beard, 5e grudging of: P. and V.
etc.) P. and V. $fav (rarely v),
. <rOai (gen.).
Ar. and V. Grudging, subs. P. and V. <0ovos,
wings : P. V. intrans. 6.

Generally : P. and V. ^fco-fat. As Grudging, adj. Envious: P. and


a plant P. and Y.
: V. <jE>0ove/>o's ;
see also
(Thuc., Plat., Dem., but rare P.). mean.
I thought lie had grown very
Grudgingly, adv. Enviously : P.
P. TroXv /-u\a emSeSajKcvae, p.ot refold-
(Plat., Eutliyd. 271s).
Increase : ance : P. and V.
P. and V. avdveo-Qai, od&arQai, P. Gruel, subs. Ar.
*irava,v<rOai, Ar. and P. 7rtSiSovat, Gruff, adj. P. rpc_
V. o<eXX<r0ai. Become : P. and Grumble, and P.
v. intrans. Ar.
V. ytyvftrOcu. He grew (in power) annoyed :
/, y/ovf civ. -Be
to the detriment of all : P. P. and V. ax0<T0<u, Ar. and P.
Travrwv <vero (Dem. 231). (tyava/eretv, P. Sucr^fpacVctv, Sctvw
wp (of crops) P. foa^vearOai,.
: Of ij ^aXewtos qbepeu/ ; see C0?7l-
children, be reared: P. and V. rp<e- Grumble at : P. and V.
i, avgdv<rQaL. Come of age : P. i
(dat.), Ar. and P.
i, P. and V. tyq/SSur (Xen.) ; (dat.), P. ^aXcTrwj <cp/ (ace.).
see come to 7nanhood, under man- Grumbling, subs. P. orxerXiacr/xds, o,
hood. Q-row upon : lit., P. and 6, P. and V. tfo'pfyfos, 6.
V. irpocrtfrtiecrQaL (dat.) met., steal
Grumbling, adj. Peevish: P. and
upon gradually: P. and V. vTrop- V. (iWfcoXos, Svayepys
(?rpos, ace., or dat. alone). Grow Grunt, v. intrans. Ar.
with : P. and V. Gryphon, subs. V. ypi% 6.
(dat.), cr (dat.). Growing Guarantee, v. trans. Ar. and P.
again, adj. V. 7ro; Prowvise : P. and V.
Growl, v. intrans. P. and V. ju,i"/ea- j P. wro8ex Cr^ at

V. >

crBai (also Ar. rare P.).

; see promise. Owe
Growl, subs. V. ^^/^a, TO. security: P. and V. Triortv
Grown, adj. Full-grown : P. or <

V. P. and Guarantee, subs. P. and V.

V. (Plat.), Ar. and V. fj, irurrd, T<, eyyify, 17.
Promise P.
and V. 67roorx(rts, ^. One
Growth, subs. P. w, $, 17 guarantees: Ar. and P.
(Plat.), Coming into 6.

bemg : Ar. and P. yevco-ts, 17. Guard, v. trans. P. and V.

Tumour: P. </tti, TO. <Ttv, tfrpavpew, Sta^uXacroretv,
Grub, v. intrans. See dig.
Gua Cue
Ar and P. rripew. Defend : P. warn, v.
guard,, P. and V. :

and V. afjidveLv (dat.). Champion : see forewarn. Deten-

P. and V. TrpoarTarelv (gen.), TTpoi- tion under guard. P. ^vXamj, ?/.
o*Tacr0cu (gen.), V. ^Trepcrrarelv (gen). under guard: P. / <f>vXa.Kfj
Guard a place (as a tutelary deity (aec.). P-zttf w?i(ie7- gfward : P.

does) Ar. and V. irpooraTeiv (gen.),

: eis <^>uXaK7yv Trotclo-^ai. 5e under
Itno-KO-n-elv (ace.), V. d/A^en-civ (aec.), guard, v. : P. and V. <

P. and V. excw (ace.) (Dem. 274), Ar. and P. TqpCLcr&cii, P. ev

P. Xayx^tv (aco.) (Plat.). Easy
to gtiard, adj. P. and V. :
Guarded, adj. Cautious : P.
TOS. Watch : P. and V. <t>v\a<ro-w, Guardedly, adv. P. and V.
<f>povpLv, Ar. and P. nrjpeiv. Save :
P. and V. croj^etv, c/co-w^etv, Guardedness, subs. P and V.
Jbtra m
guarding : P. o
(absoL). Guard agamst: P. Guardian, subs. Owe w;^o /ias charge,
and V. <j>Tj\d(r<r<r0ai, (aco.), overseer: Ar. and P. cTrt/icXTy-nys,
f$<r&a.i (aco ), efeuXajforcr&u (ace.), P. o, KyfeiLw, o (Plat.), P. and V.
BievXafietcrQai (ace.), V. </>povpi<r6at. ImcrTaLTV]?, 6, 7rtbvcowos, 6, V. CTKOTTOS,
(acc.). .Hard to grawm2 against, 6. Protector: P. and V. ^Xo^,
adj. : V. Svo~<i5XaKTos. 6 or 17. Champion : P. and V.
Guard, subs. Owe w/io guards : P. 7rpocrra.T7i$, 6. In legal sense,
and V. $iJXa, 6 or ^, $povp6s 9 6, guardian of (minors, etc.) : Ar. and
eTTibvawros, but rare P.),
6 (Plat, P. ewrpoTros, 6, P. Kvpios, 6, V.
V. <f>povpTrj(j.a,
/ guards, J30^2/ op0avior?fc, 6 ; see trustee. Be
garrison : P. and V. <poupa, y, guardian to : Ar. and P. ZiriTpo-
^pouptov, TO, V. <f>povprjfj,a, TO, Ar. ireuew (acc.). Tutelary guardian:
and P. ^Xa/efy ^. Warmer, porter : P. and V. rrfco7ros, 6 or 17 ; or use
P. and V. tffyxopo's, 6 or Jj (Plat.), V. adj., Ar. and P. TroXiofyos (Plat.),
TriJAcopos, 6 or 17 ; see warder. P. and V. !<mo9xos (Plat.; also
Champion : P. and V. irpoo-Tonys, 6. Ar.), V.
Body-guard : P. and V. 8opv<opoi, Guardianship, subs. Oj^ce of legal
01. Advance-guard : P. Trpo^vAaK^, guardian : P.
^, ot Trpo^vXafce?. Bear-guard : P. ?, 17.
Protection : P. and V.
01 oTrto-^oc^vXowce? (Xen.). J5fi ifo
rear-guard P. Guarding, adj. P. and V.
(Xen.). o/ guarding : P. and V. (tXcf^TtyptOS, TTpOOTaTlJptOS.
Guard-post, subs. P. and V. </>povpd,
(Eur., Frag.), V. foovpTjfw, TO. Be fj, <f>povpwv, TO, P. 7rcpLir6X.iov, TO,
on one's guard, v. : P. and V. <j>vXaKTYJplOV9 TO.
Guard-ship, subs. P. <povpis, 17,
P. iv, irpo^vXafcts i/avs, 17.
Ar. and P. -nypciv, V. ev Guerdon, subs. Reward : P. and V.
ctvai, ^Xa/cats ^eiv (Bur., Privilege : P. and V.
4wd. 961). 6.

(tn a pZace), v. : P. , TO; see reward.

(absoL). (I see) a sword Guess, v. trans. P. and V.
keeping guard over my daughter's <rroxa<rOai (gen. or
neck : V. (opoi) t$os c/jnjs Ovya/rpbs absol.), TK/jt,<upar6cu,9 Sofafctv, TO-
rpovpov Sepfl (Eur., Or. 1575). srafeiv, V. erreiKa&ti'. Estimate :
Off one's guard, adj. P. and V. P. and V. o-ra0/jiao-&u.
d^iSXoicros, d^pcucro? (Thuo.), P. P. and V. VTTOVOCLV,
aTrapcur/cevo?, a7rpoo-8o/ci7TOS. PtAi 071 Easy to guess, adj. : V.

Cue Gui

Hard to guess : V. v, V. 6p^ot)v (rare act. in P.

but pass. used). fTww (

Guess, subs. P. and V. Sofa, rj,

P. and V.
80*070-15, -q, P. $6a<rfjua, TO. Suspi-
cion : P. and V. viro\l/la, 17, &roVoia, Guide, subs. P. and V. ^ye/x^i/, 6 or
^ see conjecture.
; ^, P. dywyos, 6, V. 6Soupo5, 6 or
Subs. P. So&iemfc, 6, ci- TToSayo?, 6, ^yiy-nys, 6, ^y^r^p, 6,
Prophet: P. and V. 7r OO7
777? T97 s TTpOTTyiyTiyp, 6, vcfrrjyyjTTrjs,.
/ > >

6 or 17. 6 see also jp7o& ^/scor^ : V.

Guest, subs. P. and V. &n/os, 6 (fern., 6, -TTpOTTOftTTOS, 6.

, 17),
V. feZvos, 6, or use ad]., Guiding, adj. Escorting : V.
o-weorios. Gtestf O/: V. JHOS, TTO/JLTTOIOS,
>s (gen.). Cr&esi <z a feast : ruling: V. eu^uvnjptos. The guiding
P. and V. o-wSewrvos, 6 or 17 (Xen.), helm V. otof ev^wiTjp, o (^Esch.,

V. SatroXevs, 6, flotvaVeop, 6, crvvOoi- S^pp. 717). Ghiiding principle,

vdVwp, 6, P. SaiTupov, 6 (Plat.). Now subs. P. Trpoatpeo-is, ^, P. and V.

must ye stay w^th us as guest of opo?, 6.

mine for the feast : V. vw /*ev Trap Guild, subs. Use P. erotpcto, ^, (rui/o)-
fj/uv xpr) crw<rriavs tfjuoi OOLVQ yeve- , 17.
Association: P. and V.
(r6ai (Eur., El. 784). Kill a gtiest, , fj.

v. : V. (absol.). Eeceive Guile, subs. P. and V. SdXos, 6 (Ar.

as guest : P. and Y. ev%eiv, ei/o- also but rare P.),
Soicetv (Plat ) (absol.), V. j-evovvBai TO, fj,rjxdv7)fJ.a 9 TO, V. TCX^, , TexyTjpa,
(mid.). Be received as guest : V. TO ; see cra/2. Craftiness : P. and
evoi)o-0ai (pass.). Beceived as guest: V. Travovpyia, ^.
Y. KaTcfet'cojito'o?. Guileful, adj. P. and V. TzWXos,
Guest-chamber, subs. P. and V. Travovpyo?, eTrtrpwrros, TTUKT/OS, Ar.
VU)V, 6. and V. 80X1,05, at/AwAos (ace. in Plat.),
Guidance, subs. P. v<j>rrw<TLs, TroXtvrptjSiy?, jJLr)xavoppd.<l>o<5. Fem.
Escort: Y. Tropjrr, jj (Eur., I. adj. : V.
351) ; see direction. Under the Guilefully, adv. P. V.
guidance of this man : P. /caret T^V 8dXa>, cv crvv 8dXa> ; see
TOVTOV v<f>r]y7i<nv (Dem. 277).
Guide, v. trans. Guide a person :
Guilefulness, subs. P. and V.
P. and Y. 5yeiv, iyyeur0at (dat.),
(dat.), Ar. and P. ^u,*- Guileless, adj. P. aicaKos, Ar. and
en.), TrpQYjyelfrOai (dat,) P. ^SoXos, V. o^wfc (Soph., PAfl.
(Xen.), V. 68ow. Bring
oS^ycti/, 1014). Simple : P. and V. cbrXovs,
on one's way, escort : P. and V. P. 6U77017S. Unspoiled : P. and V.
ire/wren/, TrpoTre/wreiv. Sfow? strangers
about: P. f^aycTv. Sieer; P. "and Guilelessly, adv. P. ASoXcos. Simply:
V. Kvftepvav, &7Tv6vvw (Plat.), V. P. and V. cbrXois.
Direct (a weapon, Guilelessness, subs. Simplicity : P.
etc.) : P. and V. cwrXonys, TO d-Tretpd/ccucov. ,

P. KOLTevfavew, V. Wvvcw, Guilt, subs. P. and V. ama,

opQovv ; see direct. Manage : P. P. and V. aSwaa,
and Y. oi/cV, ve/*tv, Y. vcofiav, TO (Eur., low, 325), P. ,

Tropcrdveiv, Ar. and P. /wTaxcepife- : P. and Y. a/xapna, ^, Y.

o-^ai, Stowcew/, P. 8ia;(ipieo-0a4 866 ; afjLTrXdKTjjJLa,
rd. PoZ- ,

manage. Guide cvright : P. and V. 6Zood grM^imess : P. and Y.

KaTOpOovv, P. fuacr/j.a, TO, o^os, TO (Thuo.), V.
Gui Guz

P. juaufrovuL, ^, jiuapia, fj. Gulp, V. trans.
TO, Ar. KOLT '

A murder involving no guilt : P. KaTrreiv, ey/cc^-rcii', Ar. and V."j


00*10? <^>oVos, 6. (also Xen.j, KaTcforz'veu/ (Eur.,


' ''

Guiltily, adv.^ P. and Y. ~_ ~;

Y. ai/oo-tW, P. TTapai'd/Aus. Gum, subs. Distillation Jrom a tree :
Disgracefully : P. and V. ato-xpois. V. 8a/cpv, TO', tSpais, 6,
Guiltiness, subs. See 6. #^.
P. and
Guiltless, adj. Y^ avamos, Gumption, subs. P. and Y.
/caflapds, a0a>os, dyvos (Plat.), P. v : see \

avafjLap'njTO's ; see sinless. Guiltless Gums, subs. P. and V. o$A.a, T<.

of : P. and V. oVomos (gen ), Gurgle, subs P. and Y. i/^os, 6.

/catfapo's (gen.), dyvo? (gen) (Plat, Gurgle, v. intrans P. and Y.

but rare P.). V *caxXaeu/. Did
Guiltlessness, subs Use P. and V. gurgle nicely down your throat ? Y.
TO dvoiLTiov. Purity : P. rov Xaprrjrya Sta

(Eur., Cs/cZ. 158).

P. and Y. amo?. 5ZoocZ- Gush, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Guilty, adj.
guilty : P. cvayifc, V. TrpoorrpOTratos tv, oraeu/ (Plat,but rare P.),
(rare TraXa/muos,
P.), Y. K7]KLiv, eKTnySav. Of tears P. :

Criminal, wicked : P. and Y. and Y. XeiJSco-^at (Plat, but rare

KO.KOS, avdcrto?, jccLKOvpyos, P.) ;
see well. Make to gush : Y.
(Eur., Jfsd. 1121). Disgraceful: <l>i><rav (Soph., 4/. 918).
P. and Y. awrxP s -
Guilty of : P. Gush, subs. Y. infers, 17. Of tears :

V. amos
" (gen.), ramos (gen.). V. vajjja, TO, TrX^ft/ivpts, ^, ewippoot
wan: P. and Y. 6, (Eur., .Fragr.). Of blood : Y. poat,
o opo}i/, 6 opu.o"ct5, Partly at, airoppoai, al. A gush of blood
see accessory. WJiolly followed : Y. /cpovi ot 8' c^wpow
Y. 'TravoiTtos. j
(Eur., Hec. 568)
cowwci, v. : P. and V. aipctv, Gushing, adj. V. 7riWvros. -4'

Xet '. Condemn P. and :

gushing stream : Y. TDTyaTov pcos.
V. aipew, KaOaipeiv. Be found Gust, subs. P. and V. Tn/cfywx, TO,
P. and V. 2v6/xo9 6, Ar. and V. TTVOTJ, ^ (rare

Guise, subs. P. and V.

O-X)AX ; see P.), avpa, f) (also Plat, but rare P.),
Dress : P. and V. <l>$cnr]p.a,, TO,
Y. cfyo-is, ^, av]fjLa TO. t

y, 17, oroA.?7, 17 (Plat.) ; see dress. Gusty, adj. Stormy : P.

Guitar, subs.
Use P. and V. XiJpa, ^ Gut, subs. (?wi /or strings of instru-
(lit. lyre). ments
P. xP^7 4- :

Gulf, subs. P. and Y. /co'X-n-os, 6.

Guts, subs. See entrails.
P. and V. O, V. Gutter, subs. Conduit : P. OXCTO'S, 6,
s, TO, Ar. and V. oiv, 6 (Plat.). Pipe for conveying
6. water Ar. vSpvppoa, %.
Gull, v. trans. See deceive. of the gutter: met., Ar. and P.
Gull, subs. Use Ar. 6, KaQapfJLa, TO, TTCptrptft/Aa, TO. You
were reared in the gutter : P. //.era
Gullet, subs. P. and Y. <apuy& ^, 3roX\7}s evSwas ^Tpa^oys (Dem. 313).
(rarely 6), Ar. and V. 6 (Eur., Spring from the gutter : use P.
CycZ.), Xat/Aos, Eur., low, 6 (sing. and Y. o8k elvai, Y. I
1037 and Hec. 565, but generally
pi.). Guzzle, Ar.
v. intrans.
Gull, subs. P. and V. Guzzler, subs. Ar. and
<l>apay, ^, Ar. and P. xa 6 (Xen.) ; see glutton.

Guz Hai

Guzzling, Subs. P. 6$o4>ayia, 17, Habitual, adj. P. and V. o-w

yaoTpi/xapyia, 7), Xtweia, ^, Xaijuwxpyia, eio)^o>s, VOJU.L/XOS,
V .
TO . '.yOV.
JUCiflp (Dem. 605), Ar. and P.
Gymnasium, subs. P. and Y. P. o-tVTpo<Ao5. Continuous ': P.
vao-tov, TO. Wrestling-school P.
and V. TraXaurrpa, 17. Habitually, adv. P.
Gymnast, P. and V. u^-rfc,
subs tvnuously : P.
6 (Eur., Frag.), P. dovc^s, .
Habituate, v. trans. P. and V. e0i

Gymnastic, adj Ar and

P. yu/m/co's, P. <rui/0iiv.
P. yujuvao-Ti/cos. Grijmncbstic exer- Habituation, subs. P. o^^eta, ^.
cises, subs. Ar. and P. : Habituation with wrong : P. crw-
T(, P. dywvta, 17. ^eta TO>V dSLicTj/iaTwv (Dem. 342).
Gymnastics, subs. P. f , Hack, subs. See horse. Met., of
Gyrate, v. intrans. P. and Y. one who writes. A miserable hack :
orpe<eo-0oi, Kv/cXeio^ui, P. P. o/U0pos ypa/^aTeus (Dem. 269).
o-0ai, 7repioTpe<eor0ai ; see wheel. Wound : P. and Y. Tpavpa, TO.
Gyration, subs. P. and V. Blow P. and Y. -n-X^, ^.

P. -jreptaycoyi}, 17. Hack, v. trans. Gut : P. and Y.
Gyves, subs. See /tors. T/JLVW, KOTTTCtV, Y. ptt
in pieces : P. and V. , V.
/cpOK07Tiv, apTo.jj.elv J See also
Ha, interj. P. and V. 8,, /3a/?at (Eur., Hackneyed, adj. P. and V.
GycL 156), Trarat, Ar. and Y. Id, P. apxatoTpoTTos, IcoAos.
TraTrataf (Eur., Gycl. 153), V. o/ hackneyed things : P.
(also Xen. but rare P.) see ;

To express mirth: Ar. and Y. Haft, subs. Handle: P. and Y.

(Eur., Gycl 157). Aaj&7, y. Of a sword Y. /cwTny, 17- :

Habiliment, subs. See dress. Hag, subs. P. and V. ypafe, ^, Ar.

Habit, subs. Dress : P. and Y. and P. yp^Stov, TO.
7, O"(/7J fJLOtTOLy Tttj CTKCUYJ) 77, Haggard, adj. Thin: Ar. and P.
6, oroXiJ, (Plat.) see Withered: Y.
; Un-
GiLstom : P. and Y. &e?7&2tf ; P. and V. Ar.
TO, VO/405, 6, VOfJLLfJLOV, TO and V. #Xovros,
pi.),P. OT/i^7^ca, i5 enrnjScujLia, TO,
TO. Habits, wages : P. Haggle, v. intrans. P. and Y.
and V. TCC v6/Jit/ML j TO. Ka^eaTtuTa, Ar. \VW.
and P. TO, vo/jitd/iva. Personal Hail, subs. P. and V.
habits, manners : P. and V. Tporros, Met., hail (of weapons, etc.) see
6, or pi., 300$, TO. Aoquvred habit : shower.
P. ifo ^, Hail, interj. P. and V.
Habitable, adj. Use P. and V. Hail, v. trans. See ^reei.
ot/cov/4vos, V, Hail-stones, subs. Ar. and P.
habitable globe: P. 77 ,

Habitation, subs. Sojourn : P. and Hair, subs. P. and V.

V. /AOV^, 17, BiATpt^ TJ ; see sojowrn. Collectively, hair of the
Dwelling-place : P. and V. ot/w, 6, head: P. and Y. 0p& ^, or pi.,
otK?;o"ts, 17, ot/oy/ia, TO, Ar. and P (Plat, but rare Y.
OIKICL, ff, V, ouajT^pLoVy TO, avacrrpo^iy, 7, or pi., xat/T17 ^ Tprxo)/Aa,
^, ^17, Ta, Ar. and V. 2o>a, ^ ; see TO; see also becwa. Hair of ani-
mals, mane : P. and V.
Hai Hal

(Xen also Ar.), V ZQcipa, r;. Made 430). J3e &a<^e i/icm ra/se a shield
of hair, adj. P. Tpixwos. Let the
: when half icay across : P. cl-er
hair grow, v. Ar. and P. KO^CLV.: a<T7ri'3a /cara /icrrov TOT-' TrXoir
With long hair, adj., Ar. and P HeZZ. II. 1, 27).
Ko^rqs. Having his hair just Half-broken , adj. Y. ?//

streaked with white : V. xvodw Half-brother, subs. P.

apTL XeuKavOls Kapu. (Soph., 0. It.
742). Down, subs. : see down. Half-caste, adj. P. and V. 0^7x^1 KTOS.
Lock of hair : see lock. Split Half-dead, adj. P. and V.
hairs, V. P. and V. XeTrroupyav,
Half-done, adj P.
Ar. XeTrroXoyei?/. ,
Hairbreadth, subs. Have a hair- Half-eaten, ad]. P. ^/upo>Tos (Xen.).
breadth escape : use Y. evl gvpov, Half-finished, adj. See half-done.
(perf. of /fcuveiv); see Half a head, subs. Ar.
narrow. Half-human, adj. V. f

Hairdresser, P. Kovpcu9,
subs. 6 ; Half-sister, subs. P.
see barber, tire-woman. or
Hairless, adj. Bald : P. and V (Dem. 1304).
0oXa*po'9 (Eur., Gycl. 227), Ar. Half V.
a slave, adj.
and P. i/rZXo's. Half-witted, adj. See silly.
Hairy, adj. Ar and P. Sacnfe, Hall, subs. P. and Y. arX^ ^ (Plat.).
Y. 8ao-Kt09, v0pi, 8a7;Xo9 \
Fore-COUrt : V. -Trapaoras, ^, or pi.,
Frag.). With shaggy breast V. 6i5pa)v, 6 see also /towse room,

Saorxrrepvos. Become hairy, v. Dininq-hall : P. and Y.


Ar. TO. Tot^w 7iaZZ ; P. apx^iov, TO, Ar.


Halcyon days, Ar. and P. TrpvTavzioV) TO, P. 0oXos, 7}.

aL Hall-mark, subs. Official stamp:
Hale, v. trans. See eZragr. Bring Ar. KOAXOL, TO.
(before the : Ar. and P. Halloo, v. mtrans.
court) See
ciorayctv. I
haled him before the Halloo, subs. See shout.
polemarch : P. Trpoo-cKaXco-a/x^ avrbv Hallow, v. trans. P. and Y. Ka
\ 7rp09 TOV IloXe/jiapxov (Lys. 166). tepow, Y. dyi^etv, Ar. and Y.
"Hale, adj. HealtJvy : P. and V.
KaQocriova-Oai, Ar. and P. Ka0ayieiv,
y79. Vigorous : P. and Y. o>pato9, P. Upow see dedicate. ;

Y. d/cftato?, ^aXepos, x^opos* Ar. and Hallowed, adj. P. and tcpo'?, Y

P. vedXiy9. V. fcpos, dyvds, CTCTTTOS, Ar. and P.
Half, subs. P. and V. TO ^ru. 5ytos see sacred Hallowed to, ;

Half, adj. P. and Y. 3/iftms. JETaZ/ consecrated to : P. and Y. Iep6$

i/te Za?id P. and Y. ^ ^tb-ci (gen.), avt/xei/o9 (dat.), V. ipo'9 (gen.).
y^9 or TO ?7/uo-i> 1-^9 y?5. Jw Hallucination, subs. P. and V.
m two : P. and Y. 8^, Y.
in half: P. You Halt, adj. P. and Y.
said you would cut yourself in half : V.
A y^L. A ^ * f*

Halt, v. trans. Siqp (tfroops, ete.) :

Ofjtucrv (Lys. 132). The
P. and Y. toravat. Y. intrans. heightP.
when completed was about half what and Y. Icrrao-Qai. Of ships : P.
he intended : P. TO v^ro9 TJIALCTV forxciv, e^^crTacr^at TO wXoi) (Thuc. 2,
/wtXtcrra kreXeaB^j o5 StcvoctTO (Thuo. 91) ; see also stop, remain. Limp :
1, 93). Half an estate P. ^/UK~ P. xttXatvttv, \^\V(rBciL^ V. tXueo-0ai.

v, TO. 50 honest by halves : P. Waver : P. and Y. Swopcw, ; owv

etvat (Dem. see waver, doubt. Salt between
Hal Han
tWO OpiWOJIS : P. ,_ , ;; see near. Be at
Know you what part of your tale hand : P. and V. Trapcti/ai see be;

halts the most ? V. olcrff ovv o present. Hand to hand, adj. P, :

TOV \6yov iwXurra. (rot , (Bur.,

KOLfwet, crroStos ; adv. : P o-uoraSoV. The
Ion, 363). battle was stubborn, and hand to
Halt, subs. P. Mrracro, ^ (Xen.), hand throughout : P. fy ^ pa-xt
see delay.
; /capTCpa KCLL ei/
x P"^ Cetera (Thuc.
Halter, subs. P. <j>oppta, $ (Xen). 4, 43). Off-hand, slwrt in speech,
Noose for hanging : P. and V. ad], : P. $oaxuA,oyos ; on the spivr of
$ooxos, 6, V. awopa, 17, afrravq, ^. the moment, adv. P. and V. :

Halting, adj. See Mi. Hesitating:

P o/o^pos, P. and V. &ropos. the upper hand : P. and V.
Halve, v. trans. P. &x<* "' * see LV, vlKav, P. TrAcove/ereii/ see ;

divide. lie by one's own hand :

Ham, subs. Ar. and P. /co>A.7J, ^ V. avrox^p Qvria-Ktw. You dared
(Xen.). not do this deed of murder with your
Hamlet, subs. P. K^M, ^. Own hand : V. 8pao-at rdS* cpyov
Hammer, subs. Ar. and V. crffipa,
97 (.ZEseh., Frag.),
V. patcmyp, 6, 1635). Made by hand, artificial,
Tikos, 6, TUTTCLS, ^ (Soph., Frag.). adj. P. x l/)07r "7 T 5. Lay hands

Hammer, v. trans. Ar. TVKI&LV ; see on, v.: P. and V. a7rreo-0<u (gen.),
strike, fasten.
Hammered, adj. Wrought by tJie (gen.), avrt\a/xjSavo-0ai (gen.),
hammer : P. and V. Xaju/Sai/0-0ai (gen.), V. Qv
(Plat.). (gen.) (Xen. but rare P.),
Hamper, v. trans. P. and V. (gen ) (rare P.). Don't
Sifcw, /wro8a>v etvcLi (dat.), Ifj on me : Ar. ^ Trpoeraye Tfjv X '/^
yiyveo-Qai (dat.). Met., distress : P. (Lys. 893).
fjiOL They ought to bear
and V. Tcii^uv, Ar. and P. ivo^lv evidence agavnst me with their
{aec. or dat), ox^ii/, Ar. and V. hands laid on the victims : P. Set
Tcipew. J3e hampered by : met., P. avroi'S . -
onrrofjievous raiv cr^aytcov
and V. <rvv4x<E(rOcu (dat.). Prevent, KCLTCLfjiapTupciv IfjLov (Ant. 130). Have
check : P. and V. /cwA-tW, Izrexctv ;
a hand vn, share in, v. P. and :

see pm?ew. V. /X.TXW (gen.), fJLToXafJL/3a.VW

Hamper, subs. See basket. (gen.), KOLvovcrOaL (gen. or ace.),
Hand, subs. P. and V. ^Cp ^. Left t

hand P. and V, Spierrepa, V. Xata,

(gen.). Meddle with : P. and V.
$. Eight hand P. and V. &&a, : <Lirrea6a.i (gen.), V. i/rauciv (gen.),
17. On which hand ? V. Trorepas r$s Qiyydvtw (gen.), errulsavew (gen.) ;
X pos; (Bur., Oa^cf. 681). On the see touch Lift hcmd against : see
right hand : P. and V. ei/ <$&, Ar. raise finger against, under finger.
and P. IK Scfta?. On the left hand : Put in a person's hands, v. P. :

P. and V. apiorcpas see under ; yxtpt^ctv (TLVL, TI). Take in hand,

On either hand : P. 1/caWpo). v. Ar. and P. //.eraxeipi'fco' (or mid.),

P. and V. eyxctpetf (dat.), \Trl)^ipiv

contrary : P. and V. av, Ar. and V. (dat.), avatpeta-^at, aipcorflai, aTrrearOat.
avr. li the hands of: P. and V. (gen.) ; see manage, undertake.
Trpos (gen.), K (gen.). At second Having one's hands full, adj. P. :

hwnd : see under second. At hand, and V. acrxoAoe see busy. Because ;

ready, adj. P. and V. Tr

they had so many dead on their
Near: use adv. P. and V. hands already P, Sea TO
Han Han

fify irpor^Ovovai a-tyri (Thuc. 2, 52). Handle of a shield : Ar. and V.

They began out of hand : P.
to get Tro'pTraf, 6.Met., opportunity (for
TjpfavTO oLTCLKTOTepOL yeveo-0at (Thuc. attack, etc.) : P. dirriA.a/3>/, ?}, P. and
8, 105). Keep a tight hand on the V. Xa/3?}, 17, or pi., a<^op/AT7, 17, or pi.
allies : P. TO, roiv (ru/x/^a^wi/ 8ta A handle for gossip : V. d<op^ai
Xpos !X tv
(Thuc. 2, 13). Rule Xdywv (Eur., P7ioe?i. 199). With
with a high hand : P. apxew two handles (of a jar), adj. P. :

cyKpaTais (absol.) (Thuc. 1, 76) SiO)T05, V. dfKjStO-TO/jCOff.

Those present carried matters with Handle, v. trans. Towc/i ; P. and V.
such a high hand P. els TOVTO
. a7TT0-0at (gen.), Y. Otyydreiv (gen.)
(also Xen. but rare P ), il/avew
167). Hand in marriage : use Y. (gen.) (rare P.), eiruj/aveiv (gen.),
ydjuios, or pi., A.KT/>oy, or pi., Xe^o?, 7rpoo-tyyavtv (gen.), Trpoo-^auetv
or pi. A suitor for your hand : (absol.), Trorti/ravctv (absol.). I'afee
Y. roil/ <ra)v ya//,a)v p,v7jcrT^p (jSSsch., hand: Ar. and P. fjuerax^p^Lv w
P. V. 739). (rw0 2/owr sister's (or mid.), P. and V. eyxptv (dat.),
hand to Pylades : V. JlvXdfy S' dSeA,- cTTtxetpetv (dat.). Manage : P. and
^s AcVrpov So's (Ear., Or. 1658). V. ot/eetv, Ar. and P. SIOIKCH/, Ta/u-
Hand, v. trans. P. and V. -n-apaStSoWt. ^tv, P. 8taxtptfv. Treai: P.
ojfer : P. and Y. 6pcyiv. and V. xpyvGu (dat.), P. &o,Tt0ei/<u,
P. and Y. TrupoSL- Ar. and P. /xTaxtp^ety (or mid.).
(accounts, etc.) Handmaid, subs. P. and V. tTr^pcVts,

P. aTro^epciv. Bawd over : P. and P. Qepdirawa, 17, Qepourawk, ,

V. ,

V. TrapaSiftovai, c/cSiSoVa/, Trpoori- XaTpts, ^ TrpocnroXos, ^, S/iwi}, ,

06/at. Give wp : P. and V. a^Iei/at S/x-cot?, 17, ot/certs, 17.

flaw^ rozAw^ : P. and V. -n-ep^epctv. Handsome, adj. Of persons P. :

Handful, subs. handful of men :

.4 and V./caA.o's, cwrpCTnys, cvetSifc (Plat.),
use P. oXtyot avOpviroi, ol. A hand- Ar. and P. eurrpoorwTros (Plat.) see;

ful against a host : P. oXiyoi ?rpos beautiful. Of things: P. and Y.

KoAoe ; see generous. Met splendid :
. ,

Handily, adv. Usefully : P. ,

P. and Y. \afwrpos.
o//Aa>$ ; see also seasonably, con- Handsomely, adv. P. and V. /eoAxos,
veniently. ^. Splendidly : P. and V. A.a/*-
Handicap, v. trans. Hamper: P. wpoi5 ; see generously.
and Y. e/jwroSi^civ. Handwriting, subs. P, and Y.
Handicap, subs. Hindrance :
P. ypfyy, y, or pi.
c/tfToStoi/, TO, /X7rdSt(7yU,a, TO. Handy, adj. Beady to hand : P. and
advantage : P.*o~a>/Aa, ro. V. wpoxcipo?, cvrpcTnJs. C707M?0mew ."

Handicraft, subs. P. and V. P. and V. CTrmJSctos, eTr&catpos; see

17, Ar.
and P. xpovpyia, ^, P. xaP~ also seasonable^ convenient. Use-
Tcxvta, ^, Y. x tP 0)Vaf"l ty- > ful : P. and Y. XPW^P * see*>

Handicraftsman, subs. P. and V. wsfl/wZ Dexterous: Ar. and P.

%uovpyos, 6, Ar. and P. XPOTXW;S, 8eios, P. Tcx^tKOS, V. evxeip.
* "D ' e * < TT
Hang, v. trans. P. and V. /fpc/wxv-
o, Jr. o,
TC^vtTiys,V x tP *ra * . fll) o
(Soph, and Eur., Frag.). vi5vat. Mafee /as* on anything : P.
Handiwork, subs. P. and Y. and Y. dprav. Strangle: Ar. and
' TT ' '
TOj V VipCO/Ui(l, TO. P. ayxctv. JKSZ 6^ strangling the
Handkerchief, subs. P. neck : V. airaprav Sep^v, dpTav Sepryi/.
TS (Xen.). Hang fire (met., deZa^) : P. and Y.
P. and Y. ; Ar. and
Handle, subs. Xa/3iy, y.
Handle of a sword : Y. /ceom;, ^. P. KV7T .),
Han Hap
P. , V. 8atos,
Y. KfjtfitJLrr&ijr<ii (1-t. aor.
see m?sera0Ze.

pass, of ic*jt/ttJ rn a*. ^TO fi?Zu tlO^l'j Haplessly, adv. and V. P

inter j : Ar.
60pov es ico'pa- 0Xtc09, ofoTpfis, fca/cws, V.
K..S. I7;o5 ttv/o wi7<7e /''?'* J woidd T\ijfwvws, P. dn^us.
have no und liaii'j thviuselres : Y. ot subs. P.
<t Tors ro/iors for TO . . . /oYaar 8u<rn'xii >/- Misery : P. roXcu-
a*r<r/a Eur.,
C//5e\ 338).
/ HaiHJ U l>,
tet alont, v. trans. P. and Y. see misery. :

car. Defer: P. and Y. ra/3riX- Haply, adv. By chance : P. and V. :

Xca4<u. *Y. mtrans. P. and Y, TV\?J, P. Kara TVfflV, IK rv^s. If '

Kpfjt.aar&at alajpiar&uL aprc/tr^at

, .Z?6 haply : P. and Y. el TTWS, Id

fastened : P. and Y. dprucr&u, Perliaps: P. and Y. fa-cos, ,

fc J/// u*eap07is hanging* see perhaps.
to my side will speak thus: Y. i
Happen, v. intrans. P. and V. TU>-

'Eur., J?. F. 1379). yryve(T0ai, crv/AirtWctv, 7rapa7rt7TTM/,

orcr, threaten : P. and V. jcJ3au'ciy, Y. Ki5pTv, eKTrtVrcLv, P.
?t fdat.;; seeowr/m?z{7. Haw# u7roQ(XffvLv and P. onj/ji<^>p(Tucu..
cZzw// fa : P. and Y. Happen (to do a tlnng) : P. and Y.
nryx^rtv (P art -) ^- icvpetv (part.).
(gen.), "*7pTi>0tu (perf. pass. Happen to, bcfal P. and Y. fcaror :

rav) (gen.) ; see

cliny ; met., tv, irpoo-irhrrew (dat.), irapa-
depend on: P. and Y. IfrpTacrQai (dat ), Y. riryxdivciv (dat.),
(gen., or , gen.), P. <impTao-0cu (e/c, (dat.), Of misfortunes also,
gen.), ./pratrftu (c/c, gen.j. Y. 7rpooTTT(r0ai (absol. or dat.).
Hanger on, subs. Air. and P. /co'Xa|, Happily, adv. P. and Y.

Hanging, adj. Y. /cpc/mo-rds. Hang- happdy :use also P. and Y. eil,

in(i in the air : Ar. and P. KoXois, Y. aiWws. Felicitously,
pos, Ar. and Y. fterdpo-ios. adv.: P. and V. e&i
Hanging, subs. Ar. and Y.
T} (rare P.). Happiness, subs. P. and V.
Hangings, subs, Ar. Ta^?, ^, 3Xos, 6, Ar. and P. eu.-^
, v,
P. cuSat/AOvta, ^, V. 0X^05, 6

Hangman, subs. Use Ar. and P. Xen. but rare P.), cvecrro), ^,

6 Sq/uo? ; see executioner. :

see also joy.

Hanker See desire.

for, v. Happy, adj. P. and Y. ____
Hankering, subs. See desire. $aip.a>v, jotaKapco?, Ar. and Y.
Hap, subs. P. and V. TU^> y, o-v/i- oX/fcos, Y. euatW ; see also joyful.
<opa, t/,
Ar. and P, crwrv^wi, 17.
Se happy, v. P. and V. evHJ^etv,

Haphazard, At, adv. P. and Y. u8atp.omv. Consider happy : P.

and Y. <^8aijt4ow'eiv, Ar. and P.
Hapless, adj. P. and Y. juaieapi'feiv, Ar. and Y.
Heracl. Satisfied: P. and V.

Sucr&uybtcoi-', a-rv^Tys (Bur.,

460, but rare Y.) s Ar. and V. picious: P. andY. cv
Srcr7roT/5s, Si'oyAopo? (also Ant. but v8aifjut>v, Beio$, Ar. and Y. v vw ,

rare P.), V. S/iotpos, (also Plat, (also Xen. but rare P.). Season-
but rare P.), a//,//,opos, able : P. and Y. /cai'pios ; see season-
Unhappy : P. and Y. TO. able Felicitous, adj. : P,- and Y.
fc, Ar. and Y. ewrpnfc, OT^
Har Har

Harangue, P. and V. subs. Harbourless, adj. P. and V.

o, cri$,P. fj,
V. ,

hortation : P. Trapa/eeXeuo-ts, ^, Trapd- Hard, adj. P. and V. encX^pos,

V. ?rapa- V. oru^Xos, Trcpto-KcXi;?, Ar. and V.

orcppos. Difficult : P. and Y.

Harangue, v. trans. Exhort: P. SvcrxcpTTS, fcopos, d/jw5x^vos (r8 r e P.),
and V. TrapaKoXeiv, Ar. and P. irapa- Trpoo-dvrrjs, V. Svorrenjs, Ar. and P.
ju.r0ior0at, P. flrapaiccXeuco-tfai (dat. XoXros. Painful : P. and V.
or absol.). Address in a public \V7nrjpos, irtKpos, fiapfa, SuCT^cp^, V.
speech : P. SrjfMjyopLv wpos (ace.).
Make a speech : P. Xoyov iroLtivOai, Xwrpos. : P. and Y.
Ar. and P. S^/MTyopeiv, P. and V. ayptos, dyvai/jLcov, Sccvos,
Xcyciv. o-K\T/)p6s, erx^TXtos, pax^s, V.
Harass, v trans. .Drive to and fro : ^ptov, Ar. and P. ^-^o?. Severe
P. and V. eXaweiv, V. Tpo^Xarctv, (of things) : P. s. Die ftard, v. :

IXaoTpctv. Harass (an enemy) : ^ ^zr^: V.

P. and V. Xvjreiv. Fea?, trouble : cov. J3e tord o/ hearing:
P. and V. irii&iv, Ar. and V. Teipctv, P. dX-u OKOUV (Plat). 50 Tiard-
V. yvpraZeiv, ox^ctv see trouble. ;
pressed : P. and V. /3wxe<r0<u,
Be "harassed by (misfortunes, etc.) :

P. and V. c(rOai (dat.), voo-tv (rare P.), Ar. and P. ToXat-

o-ftu (dat.), crwclyai, (dat.) P.
TTtapela-Qai., irovelcrBai.

Harassing, adj. P. and V. Xi Hard by, adv. and prep. See wear.
Harden, v. Use P. and V.
V. S (also Xen. but rare P.), <r/cX)7pov?roity. Harden (the body) :
dx0eo/6s see troublesome.
; use P. and V. yv//,voiv (ace.).
Harbinger, subs. Use adj., P. intrans. Use P. and V.
8po/>$. Messenger : P. and V.
ayycXos, 6 or ^, V. -TTO/ATTOS, 6. Alas Hardened, adj. Obstinate: P. and
you utter a word that is a harbinger
of sorrow : V. atal ica*cu>v dpx^y Hard-fought, adj. P.
K<><uvL<; Xoyov (Eur., Hipp. 881).

Harbour, subs. P. and V. Xfyyv, 6, Hard-hearted, adj.

P. '
and -
op/u>?, 6, vavcrraBfjiov, TO (Slur., >,V.8S(
Rhes.). With good harbour, adj :
Hardihood, subs. Courage : P. and
V. ;op/>s. PZoce of refuge : P. V. ToX/io, 17, Opdvo?, TO ; see
and Y .
/cflTCKpvyiy, i7 3fjroo*rpo<p'iQ t ij, courage. In bad sense : P. and
P. airoipvyq, if,
V .
Trupyos, o. V. tfpocros, TO, ToX/wt, ^, P.
harbour, v. : Ar. and P. T).
Insolence: P. and
P. KaraKOfufev (ace.). *
hwbour : P. Hardily, adv. See strongly, austerely*
Harbour, v. trans. Receive : P. and Hardiness, subs. Strength : P. and
Y. So^ctr^ctt, tcr8X<r^at, Az. and P. V. pw/jtt/, ^, taxi}?, 17 ; see strength,
wo8^xcrtfai; see adwntf. Harbour
(feelings, etc.) : P. and V. Hardly, adv. Rigidly : Ar. and P.
^Xaor<TlV, Tp</>fcV (Plat.). oxX^pois. Cruelly : P. and V.
Harbour-dues, subs. P. TTiKp&s, P. wp,o)s, cneA^pois, crxerX/os ;
T%7. Collector of harbour dues : see crw%. Barely: P. and V.
Jr. cA^ijiAd/wmys, o.
/AoXts, fioytSi Ar. and P. voXe?.
'' "7
subs. Hcwrbourwg (oj Recently, just : P. and V. oprt
: P and dpriW, AJ. and P. Ivoyxos;
^o.) Y.*7ro8ox^ ^,
385 25
Har Har

Equivalent to riot : P. and V. ,

(Plat.), Y &OTOS, imjfwv. Not
producing sickness : V. &VOCTOS.


H ness, subs. P. oveXT/po'T^s, 77, Harmlessly, adv. P. a/9Xa/?o>s.


17. Cruelty : P. and Y. Harmonious, adj. Tuneful : P.

:,77, 7rcpoTT7$, 77,

P. xo^ro"?** c/i^eXifc; see tuneful. In accord :

77, dyva)/to(ruv77, 77, <rX77-

P. and Y. OTJ/I<(I>VOS (Plat.), crwwSos-

V. rpdxvrqs. T). (Plat.), V. (ruj^0oyyos. Agreeing :

Hardship, subs. P. and Y. KCWCO^TO, P. o/zoyvcS/Kov, 6ftovo77Tt*cos.i

Ar. and V. TTOTOS, 6, or pi., /Lo\0os, Harmoniously, adv." P. j

6, or pi., V. S^Xos, 6, or pi. Hard- Concordantty : P. \

P. and Y. n-aft?, rd, iraQy- Harmonise, v. trans. \Reconcile

rd, Kcuca, rd, V. ra Sucr^opa, (conflicting things) : P. and Y.j

Bvcrfiopws ej^ovra, /xo^^^/^ara, ra, j

rWevai (or mid.), AcaXa>s rWfvai (or
at. Think it a hardship : P. mid.). V. intrans. P. onj/A<<>vtv;
TTotctcr^at, Ar. see correspond. Harmonise with,
Hardy, adj. P. and V. toco's, V. correspond with: P. and Y. o-v/i-
/cparoto?, Kaprcpos, P. pp(D/ii/os ; <t>eptLv (or pass.) (dai), crv^oiVctv
see strong, austere. Bold : P. and (dat.), crvvrps^Eiv (dat.), (rvfjariirrew
V. , ToX/xT/pos, seel (dat.), P. cn;/ji<a>rav (dat.), Y.
(/i/Cfi. i

Hare, subs. P. and V. Aayois, 6.

0/1 (dat.), <ru/i^aAA.or^a6 <ruv (dat.).
adj. : Ar. Aay<3os. Hunt Harmony, [
subs. Ar. and P.
hares, v. : Ar. Aoyo^pcu/. T). Met., P. crvfJLifrwia, 77, <

Hare-brained, adj.: V. ofiovoia, 77. J5fi wi harmony, agree

see rash, foolish. in opinion, v. P. 6/Lovoetv, Ar. and


Harem, subs. Women's quarters P. 6/AoXoyetv, P. and V. ravra

Ar. and P. ywaucowris, 17. <^povtv ; see harmonise. In harmony
Hark, v, intrans. See hear. with, adj. : P. <n;/i<a)vo$ (dat.), Y.
Harlot, subs. Ar. and P. 'oSos (dat.), ?rpO(ra>8os (dat.).
owi o/ harmony, v. : P.

Harlotry, subs. P.
Harm, subs. P. and V. harmony with : P.
s, ro, 17. Evil:
P. Harness, subs. Ar. and P.
and V. KO/COV, TO. Mischief: V. Ta, Y. crry, rd, crayq, TJ.
^, in;, Corrup- Harness, v. trans. P. and Y. euy-
tion : P. and Y. Suw0 i, Y. &T$viv (Eur., Hipp. 1183).
Harm, v, trans. P. and ,
subs. P. and V. f0apa, 17,
KO.KOVV, Vj &J/JLLOVV, m7Kr&, ^ (Soph.,
ur., 0^02. 444),
rag.), Xifpa, and Eur., Ale.
17 (Plat,
Ar. and Y. mifuuvav (also Plat. 430), Ar. <f>opiMj& 17, icf^pcs, ^, Ar.
but rare P.), Corrupt : P. and Y. and V. ap4m>s, 6 or ^ (Bur., Ale.
v, X(Dj8aa*cu (Plat.), 345). PZa^ i^e Aarp, v. intrans. :

Ar. and P. KiBapCfav. Sing to the

Harmful, adj. P. harp : P. Ki6ap<$8civ.
dyc7r(,r^Sos, P. and Y. Harp on, v. trans. P. and Y. fyvciv
co$, /ca/coupyo?, (aco. or absol.), 0p{5A. iv (aco. or
Y. XiJ Ar. and V. absol).

Harmfully, adv. P. avrm78'a>s, P. Harper, subs. Ar. and P. /a

and V. 6, P. /a0apa>8<>s, 6. Female harper :
Harmless, adj. P. and Y. P. iffaXrpLa, 17, Ar. KWapv&os, v
(Eur., JBi 295), P. 739).
Har Has
subs. Ar. ap.av ^cpo?, Y. egafjuiv 6epo$,
P. ^/)05 /C^pi^4V, KCtpTTOV Ocpt&lV
harping, adj. Ar. and P. :
(mid. in Ar ). 2%ay ?ere engagea
Km. in gathering in the harvest : P. V
Harpoon, subs. P. Tpio'Sous, 6 (Plat.), Kdpirov <ruy/co/u3^ 5 rai (Thuo. 3, 15). '

Ar. and V. rpiawa, %. Harvest, V. trans. P. <ruyKOfuciv

Harpy, subs. Ar. a/wrwa, 17. Met., (Xen.).
extortioner : use adj. P. and V. Hash up, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Trfphrecrcreiv ; see COncOCt.
Harridan, subs. Ar. and P. ypaoW. Hasp, subs. See fastening.
Harrow, subs. Use plough. Haste, subs. P. and V, T<ZXOS, TO,
Harrow, v. trans. Grrieve : P. J?Z ^a5ifi ; P.
and V. \v7TCiv, avlav, Sdicvciv, Y. yv; see hastily.
aXyjjvew ; see grieve. Disturb : P. Haste, v. in trans. See hasten.
and Y TO>OClXrcrLV. OWTQLpCLO'O'lV* Hasten, v. trans. P. and Y.
Harrowing, adj. P. and V. fiapvs, , 6p/Aav, P. Kare-
Xuznypos, dAyco'OS, Suo-xcpijs, V. V. intrans. P. and Y.
8wr<opos, Si/o-otoTos ; see grievous.
Harry, v. trans. Drive to and fro : (rare P.), 5/^at (rare P.),
P. and V. \avvtv, Y. cAaarpeii', <fipo-0cw, Ar. and P. /eaTe7Tt'yefcj>, Ar.
Tpox^XaTcti'. Pillage : P. and Y. and V, rcivW 9 cy/comv, Tax^ctv,
irop&civ, cKTTOpOew, &yovv, Te/tmv, oTTcuSetF (rare P.), $cr<rciv (also Plab.
.v, P. KaKovpyiv9 aBiKeiVj Kcipew, but rare P.), V. 0odeiv, (rvQfjvai
KO.I<f>pW, ScO^OpeO/, V. 7Tp0W9 (1st aor. pass, (revetr), <T7rpxo-^ot

(also Plat, but rare P.) ; dferorcw, 6povt,v9 ejnenrcuSciv ; see also
see plunder. rww, syeei. Hasten : in imperative,
Harsh, adj. Of sound P. Tpaxrfe. use also Ar. and Y. o-ouotfc (2nd

Of flavour P. and V. a-iicpds, A*,

pers. pi.). Hasten away : Ar.
and P. Spt/xvs, P. orpi;<vo$, auor^pos. K<nrvScw, Y. Sartfo-<riv. Hasten on
Of style P. avcm/pos. Severe : P.
: an errand : V. eTropwa-Oac oroAov
and V. Tripos, Tpax^fe^ o-/c\?7pos, 187). .

Ar. and Hastily, adv.* P. and Y. TaX ij,

P.'s ; see crweZ. Of looks A Ta^ov?, OTTOVO^, Ar. and P.


P. and V. o-/cv0po)7ros, V. cmryvos. P. KttTa Taxos, o^0)S, Y. o-iv

Crabbed: Ar. and P. oTSSiyv, T^XOS. Rashly : P.
(Xen.), P. avcmjpos. oSs, dovceTmus ; see rashly. .

Harshly, adv. P. Tpaxccos, Hastiness, subs. P. and Y.. rdxos,

P. and Y. Trucpois, Ar. and P. x TO, OTrovSrJ, ^, P. Ta; ^, Y. "

TTWS, P. cr/cX7/pcos. -4c harshly to- Rashness:

wards : P. ayvta/jiovciv irpos (aOO.). see rashness. Of temper: V.
Harshness, subs. Boughness : P.
$. Of taste P. avor^- Hasty,' adj.' P. and Y/Ta^ife, Ar,

Cruelty: P. and Y.
and P. otfs, Y. Aai^pck, Kpaurvos,
o"7rpxyos> Ar. and Y. ^oos, <o/cife;

s, 17, SiyvtofUMrvvri, $, V. see swfc/fc. Hurried quickly fin-


ished : P. and V. Tax^s. Rash ;

Hart, subs. P. and Y. 2\o<os, 6. of persons, P. Trporrenfc, o-^oSpos,
Harvest, subs. Grop : P. and V. XoytoTos, Ar. and P.
/copiro's, 6, 0pos, TO, Ar. and Y. ;, P. and V. o^erXios,
dfporos, 6, oTdtx^s * ^* gathering : r,V. ^oupos, Svo-Xoywrros, Ar.
P. (ruyKOfjLiftvj, fj. Reap the harvest : and Y. ^ov/wos ; of tilings, P.
Hat Hau

ttTrepwrfceTTTOS, ao*K:rro$, aXoyioros, TO,/xfo^a, TO. Dislike : P. and V*

P. and V. Opacrvs, vcavueos, V. wept- ; Suoxepeia, ^, P. d77oYa, 17 see dislike. ;

vircpxn**, see rash. Hasty in temper: \

Odium : P. and V. <06Vos, 6, P. TO
P. and V. oift, Ar. and V. ofdflCyxos, ;

7Tt<0ovov, dTre'x^cta, 17. Enmity :

V. 8i?o~opyo5, Ar. and P. d/cpcExoXos.

P. and V. cV/ ^^ *X0 5> ro (Thue.),

Be hasty in temper, v. : V. oft- 1
, 17. 0&yec o/ Paired ; V.
0{j/*iv (pass, in Ar), , TO, /AUTOS, TO, /Alicrtyjfca, TO, orifyo?,
Ar. and P. vedi/ierccr&u TO, crTT5yq/JUL, TO, &ir)(6r)fj(.a,
TO. J30

Hat, subs. P. and V. KV , Ar.i o&/0c o/ hatred, v. : P. and V.

and P. zrtXfoW, TO.
Hatch, v. trans. Ar. and P. Hauberk,
subs. Use P. and V.
CTVCUr Ar. VOOTOT Vtr, Met., 6.

contrive : P. o*fceu<i>pe70<u, icon-a- i

Haughtily, adv. P. and V.
crvo-Kua etv, P. and V. P. wep^^ctvos, /xcyoXo^pdvcDS, V.

V. pctTrreiv, e/tfrX&ceiv, KdVap- vi/rtKO/t7ra)9, v?rpK07ra)s.
K, wroppairrctv, Haughtiness, subs. P. and V.
T J ' -' ?0 ^ A P.
l\ o mischief is hatched \n the city 3yicos, o,
unknown me
Ar. /cat ft* ov
to : I see
ovSev ev T^ iroXi oTflaora- j
Haughty, P. and V.
q. 862).
"- N '- ^adj P. vwcp^avos,

Hatchet, subs. P. and V. WXeicvs, 6

(Xen.), ttfz'j^, (Sen,). -ff
V. t V) ore
Hate, P. and V. /uo-etv, V.
v. trans. (also Plat, but rare P.),
orvyetv, x^iv, Ar. and V. cx^otpeiv, , Ar.
and V.
<i7roirrviv. Dislike : P. and V. Haul, v. trans. P. and V. <fX/civ,
ax0o-0cu (dat.), P. Svo'x p c"*'tv (acc. ^>e\ictv ; see dragr. Ha^Z across :
or dat., or lm, dat.), Ar. and P. P. V7rp^pv (absoL or two aces.)
(Thuc. 8, (two aces.)
7), Sww^cpctv
Hate in return : Ar. ( 8, 8). Haul up :
Ar. and
Hate, subs. See hatred. P. SveAxeiv. They hauled up the
Hated, adj. V. o-rvyirros, stakes by putting ropes round them:
see Jiateful. Hated by the gods : P. wi/euoi/ dvaSou/ACVoi TOVS aravpovs
Ar. and P. tfco/uo-???, 0eois I)(0p6<s, V. (Thuo. 7, 25). Engine for hauling
ships : P. and V. 6A./cot, ol (Eur.,
Hateful, adj. P. and V.
, Ar. and V. aTroVnjoros, V. Haul, subs. Haul of fish: V./3o\os,

Hauling, subs. P. 6X107, ^. Hauling

Unpleasant : P. and V. P. P: *
Haunch, subs. P. urxta, Ta. e7cwi^
Hatefully, adv, Ar. and P. o/ 7?iea< : use Ar. and P. iccoXiJ, 17
P. diy&os. (Xen.). 5ri?^ &o^ ^Ae Worses on
Hatefulness, subs. P. 0.17810, ^ to their haunches : P. CTTI Ta
Hating, Hating the city : Ar. afw(i> KdOia-oiL TO? wnrco (Plat., Phaedr.
Hating the Lacedaemon- 254o).
mws : Ar. /ucroXo/co>v. Hating men: Haunt, v. iirans. P. and V. dVao-rpe-
V. o-niy<ii/a)p. Hating mortals : V.
^porooTiJyiJs. Hating the people : C7rrTpa)$cur0a4j iroXeiv, 7raTtv, ^/A-
Ar. and P. ywIo-oS^/xos. PO.TWCIV (acc. or gen.). Oowe
Hatred, subs. P. and V. JUG-OS, TO', frequently to : P. and V. <O(,TOV
^2x&*> TO (Thuc.),V.
(cis, acc. or ^ aco.), P.
Hau He

(cfc, ace.). Dwell in : P. and V. , TO. ITaAre 7tat?oc o/: P.

ZXCLV (acc.), vepeLv (ace.) (or mid.) and V. orryxctv, Trop^etv, 8tan-op^iv,
(rare P.), AT. and V. ratW (ace.) ; /arop^tv; see injure, ruin. The
see inhabit. Haunt as a ghost or gods make Jiavoc of them (fame and
dream : P. and V. ^otrav (absol. or prosperity) tossing them to and fro :
dat.). Would Jie not in hatred V. <f>vpov<ri 8" avra @ot TraXtv re /cat
haunt me with his curse ? V. owe av irpoVw (Eur., Hec. 958).
/i fjLur&v avcxppcv 'Epivuow ; (Eur., Hawk, subs. P. and V. fep a 5
Or. 582). Be haunted (by ghosts, (Plat.), V. Ki'pfcos, 6, FwZiwre : Ar.
dreams, etc.), v. : P. and V. <n5v- and V. yJ^r, 6.
exca-Qai (dat.), oTJvetvcw (dat.), V. Hawk about, v. trans. P. and V.
tTcurKmrctcrOat, (dat.) (JSsoh., Ag. KGMn/Xeuav, P. Treptayety (Plat.,
13). Be haunted by feelings : P. 313D).
and Y. (rvvoLKflv (dat.), CTUVCLVCLL Hawker, subs. P. and V.
Haunt, subs. Way of occupying subs. P. and V. /coXois, 6,
oneself: Ar. and P. StarpT^i/, TO (Plat.), P. CTirdpTOVy TO,

o/ re/z^e : P. and V. Kara- Ar. and P. roVos, 6 ; see rope.

9. PZace one frequents : Ar. Hay, subs. P. and V. r s> xP
V. CTTtoTpo^Oi, at, V. Svacrrpo^i}, Grass : P. and V. a-oa, ^ 3 s
,TropVfjJara 9 T<, rjflry, ra ; see abode. Hazard, subs. P. and V. KivSwos, 6,
Hiding-place : Y. Kv0/zwv, 6, /AU^OS, ^ywv, 6, TO <Wov, or pi. Chance :
6. P. and V. o-u/t<opa, ^, i^X1?' ^5 ^ r-
Haunting, adj. Haunting terrors of and P. o-wrvxia* 17. i^ haphazard,
the night : Y. vu/cTtirXay/era Sei/iara adv. P. and V. cki}. :

(-ffisch., Cfoe. 524). Hazard, v. trans. Risk : Ar. and P.

Have, v. trans. P. and V. ^Wu/, Ar. jrapaj8aXXeo*0ai, 7rapcwcii/Siirvetv, K.LV-
and V. wrxetv (also Plat, and Thue., 8uvcutv (dat., or Trept gen., or
but rare P.). Possess : P. and V. cognate ace.), P. tJirort^at, Y.
KCKTfi<rQai (perf . of fCTGwrflai) ; see also
hold. Have to, be obliged to : P. see r*s&. Hazard everything; P.
and Y. dvayieafccrflat (use pass, of SiaKw<Weu 0' (absoL). J5e ai hazard :
compel). I have to : P. and V. Set Y. eV poiry Kc-lcrQcu, P. ieo/8w7o-0at.
fLC, XplJ jU, $VayKV] OTt fLOl. Have Hazardous, adj. Dangerous : P.
a person punished : use P. and V. and V. &evos> o-^oXcpoy, Ar. and P.
TT/ootrcreiy OTTCOS rts Soicrct SLKTJV. ^oXcTros, P. rtKtV8wos,
Would you, have me tell you ? P. Few^resowfl P. and Y. :

and V. /?ou'Aei <ro! eforw; (aor. subj.). P. <iXoKtv8wos, Ar.

Have (a person) taught : P. and V. Hazardously, adv. P. and Y.
StSaor/cco-^oi, rtva (mid.). Have to
wife : P. and V. l^ctv (ace.). Ar. and P. 6^X17,
Haze, subs.
Haven, subs. P. and V. Xt/x^, see also cloud.
6, (Plat.) ;

op/xos, 6, vavcrTaOfJMV, TO, V. vavAo wt, Hazy, adj. See cloudy. Met., not
ISpat. Place of refuge : P. dear : P. and Y. ; see also
/cara^v)^, 17; see refuge. With perplexed.
good haven, adj. : V. He, pron. P. and Y. oSc, o3ros,
Affording no haven : V. CKCIVO?, Ar. and V. KCIFO?. Him :
see hwbourless. use also P. and Y. avToV, V. viv
Havoc, subs. JBmro : P. and V. (enclitic), o-<c (enclitic). yaw
<jb^opa, 17, Sia^^opa, ^, o\^pos, o. fie? P. and V. eicetvos cTcru; Y. ?
Damage: P. and V. Xa#7, ij, o-u iccivo? e* (Soph., ^. 1355). I cm
Hea Hea

he : V. K/os OVTO? et/u (Eur., ! o a Aea^, v. trans. V. :

see accomplish. Come to a head,

219), 06" dp ey<* o-oi KCIJ/OS (Soph., I v. intrans. : of a sore, P. l&vQCw ;
Phil. 261). !
met., P. and V. c&vtfeZv, Y. c^iv,
Head, subs. P. and Y. ^0X17, ^, Y. |
cTTifeti/, P. CLK/JL^IV. Ignorance of
Kopv^i}, 17 (Bur., Or. 6 ; also Xen. the trouble gathering and coming
but rare P.), /cfipa, TO', ace. also to a head : P. ayvoia rov 0-uvLcrrap.evov
jcpaTa, TOV, gen. KpaTos, TOT), dat. Ar. KO.L faop.evo'v KCLKOV (Dem 245).
and Y. /cpdTt, T&>. Overhead, adv. : Make head against, v. : see resist.
P. and Y. CEVO, Q-VWUGV. Heads of a discourse, etc., subs. :
s, adj. : V. d/L^i/cpdvos. P. K<aX<ua, TCL. Source, origin :
feeac&s : Y. Tpi/cpavos, Ar. P. and V. apx^> ^ ; see origin.
TTii/i a hundred heads : Chief place : P. and Y. dpxi 17, P.
Y. cicaToyKapdvos, Ar. !icaToyK<aA.os. iTyc/Aovia, 17.
Hieod (concretely),
many heads : P. TroAu/ce'^aAos.
TFfife leader : P. and Y, fry P** v or
2^od ifo 7^ar? (iw O555?ti), v. P. : see also cfcz'g/. ^^
head of, in^ *

and Y. Shake the head

e-Trtvcueiv. front of, prep. P. and Y. -n-po

(in refusal) Ar. and P. dvavcuctv.

(gen.). Superintending : P. and
Throw back the head: P. and Y. V. r? (dat.). Pwi at the head of,
avtucuTTTcu' (Bur., CycZ 212). Ow V. : P. and Y. e^wrr^vat (nvd TH/I).
my Jiead let the interference fall : ai tte head of: P. and V.
Ar. iroXvTrpay/JLOovw] wv cs K(j>aX.r]v <t>L<rTao'9ai (dat.), irpoarrareiv (gen.)
rpcTrotT ejwot Wfiy do(ulo^. 833).
(Plat.), Ar. and P. irpoLcrracrGai
you say things that I trust heaven (gen.). TJiose at the head of affairs :
will make recoil on the heads of P. ot rt Tots irpdyfjua.o'i.
you and yours ? P. ri A.eys a o-ol Head, adj. Principal: P. and Y.
KOLL TOtS <TOiS Ot @ol TpGffUOLV 5 Supreme : P. and V.
Ke<l>aXyv; (Dem. 322). Bringing a Head (wind) : P. and V.
curse on a person's head, adj Y. ;
see contrary. :

apcuo* (dat. of person) (also Plat Head, v. trans. Ite Zeoder o/: P.
but rare P.). Put a price on a fjya'&a.i (dat. of person, gen. of
person's head : P. xprjfjuaTCL Iwi/ay- thing), Ar. and P. 7rporracr0ai (gen.
pvarcrw (dat. of person). They put of person). Lead the way : P.
a price on their heads : P. ciravcwrov and V. ^yetotfat (dat.). StorZ,
apyvpiov r SarOKTewavTi (Thuc. 6, 6e^w : P. and V. apx^ (gen.) ; see
60) He put a price upon his head :
Y. xpuow t^>* 05 &v icravfl (Bur., JE7Z. Headache, subs. P. Sidracns K
33). M'w4, brain, subs.: P. and y. Have a headache, v. P. :

Y. VOTJS, 6, Ar. and V. <pijv, ^, or 0-60.1 T^I/ icc^aXiyv. Headache after

pi. (rare P.). Gome drinking, subs. : Ar. KpavTrdXy, ^.
into one's head,
v. : see occur.
whatever comes Do Sufferfrom headache after drinking,
into one's head: P. v. : Ar. and P.
on av e?re\% rivi (Dem. 1050). Head-dress, subs. Head-dress for
a person's head: P. and V. women Ar. and Y. fj, Ar.

e&crrdvai (rivd). Head of an arrow, ,

subs. : V. yAioWs, ^. Head (of a Head-foremost, adv. See headlong.
plant) : Ar. 17, K<f>dXaiov, Headland, subs. P. and V. oucpa,
uZ o/ a " and Y.
P. I
P. dxpomyptov, TO', Y. d/cny,
(Plat.). Headland: see 6, Ar. and V. a/cpov, TO,

headland. Projecting point of o.

anything : P. TO Headless, adj. P. dice^oAos (Plat.).


Headlong, adv. Headforemost : P. Heap, subs. Ar. and P. o-cupo?, 6

Zirl K^aXr^v. At a run : P. and V. (Xen.), Ar. and V. ^o>/ios, 6, V.
3pd/x<g>. Hastily : P. -Trposrertos, TTOO- 0fe, 6 or 17. Quantity : P. aiSd V.
TpOTrd.8r}v (Plat.J. irX^os, TO. ITI a /teap ; use adj., P.
~ adj. Bash : P. and V. <0poos. It is kept in this
-T: P. andV. rftgb, V.' house among a heap of arms : V.
Ar. and V. 0oos, 8po/<uo?.
I : P. cr^oS/xfc, Ar. and V. (Eur., Hec. 1014).
Heap, v. trans. P. and V. vetv, P.
Head-quarters, subs. jBase o/ opera- <rvwv* Heap (earth) : P. and V.
tions : P. and V. a^op/^, 17, P. Xow. Collect : P. and V. o-uXXcyctv,
TO. Making Naupactus cru]UL<f>piv see collect. Heap on: ;

his head-quarters : P. 6p//,c5//,Kos e/c P. and V. lirlrWevai (W, rtw), ?rt-

NauTraKToi; (Thuc. 2, 69). General's P.
(TL, Ttvt). Heap up
quarters P. and V. orpanjyiov,
. Axles were
TO. cwwrapavclv, Ar, c-Trtvctv.

Headship, subs. P. and V. heaped up on axles and dead on

dead : V. aoi/cs T* CTT" a^bo't vKpOLT
Headstrong, adj. P. and V. vc/cpots e&a-topevovQ* 6/jtoCJ(Eur. ,Phoen.
ovfX^pos, P. TrpoTre-nfc; see 1194). Others heap up a pyre : V,
Headway, subs. Improvement: P. ot irXrjpovcrcv 7rvpai/(Eur., Sec. 574).
en-iSoo-is, .Mafee headway, v. Hear, v. trans.
. P. and V. aicovav
intrans. P. and V. TrpoKoVreti/.
(gen. of person, acc. or gen. of
Improve Ar. and P. rtSt8omt.
thing), circiKovciv (gen. of person,
Heal, v. trans. P. and V. format acc. or gen. of thing), Ar. and P.
(t rare), liao-6ai, Siceur^at, P. dKpooo-0ai (gen. of person, acc. or
larpeuco'. gen. of thing), KaraKoveiv (acc. or
Healer, subs. P. and V. forpos, 6 gen. of person or thing), Ar. and
(t Eur., Hipp. 296, ZVo. 1233, and V. 8.KovLv (gen. of person, acc. of
Ar. PI. 406), V. iarrjp, 6, a/crro>p, thing), KXvcw (gen. of person, ace.
or gen. of thing), al<r&dv<r6ai (ace.
Healing, adj. V. aic<r<dpos, Xvnjpios, Or gen.), V. eiraurQavtcrOai (gen.),
Ar. and V. WCUG>VK>S. Stopping uraKoviv (gen. of person, ace. of
pain: V. 7ravo-?Xwros. thing). Receive intelligence9 lea/rn :
Healing, subs. P. and V. fo/ux, TO, P. and V. ftai^&^tv, Trw6dv<r&at t

&KOVZIV, V. TrcvOevOai, Ar. and V.

Health, subs. P. and V. Ay&ia,' $ K7rw6av<T$ai, icXveiv. Hear (learn)
(Eur., Or. 235). Gtood co?wKto'<w : besides : P. and V. irpoarfjiai/0dviv.
P. and V. cvegta, 17 (Eur., Prog.). Listen : Pand V. evB^ea-Oat^ aKovew,
Be in good health, v. : Ar. and P. Ar. and V. /cXvctv; see heed, obey.
dyuuVcev. The laws of health : P. Hear (a case at law), judge: P.
TO vyiWov. Constitution, body : P. and V. Kptveiv. Hear from : use
and V. o-oi/wt, TO. Drink a health hear with gen. of person. Hewr
to: Ar. and P. Trpvirhtw (dat. or
' '
in advance: P. Trpoa/eovcw. Hear
absol.) (Xen.), incorrectly: P. vapaKovcw (absol.).
(dat) (Dem.). Hear in return : P. and V. Avr-
Healthily, adv. P. a/coutv (Plat., TlTW. 2?A), Ar. aira-
Healthiness, subs. P. TO vyiavoV. Kpoa<r0ai. Hear of: P. and V.
Healthy, adj. Producing good health : c^Koijetv wepl? (gen.), V. 7rai<r6iiv<rOcn
P. vyiivo9. Sound, in good health : (ace.). J3iww out (to the end) : P.
P. and V. tfynfc, ^fvoo-05 (Plat.), P. oWotfew (acc.). Sear (;^fe others):
vyieivos. Met., P. and V. uynfc. V. <rvvcaKaviv (ace.).

Hear, hear, interj. Shout Jiear,\ (Know) by heart, adv. P. :

hear : P. cViflopv^civ (Xen.). and V. dicpij&us. Learw &y 7ieari,


Heard, adj. Able to be heard: V.. v. : P. and V. iKiLovQavtw. Smitten

SKOUCTTOS. Of prayer : P. eirw/coos j
tothe heart : V. ^po^a? els . . .

(Plat.). !
avras TUTTCIS (j^jSCh., x V. 361). .

Hearer, subs. P. and V. o

a/coutov,| Speak from the heart : V. Aeyiv
P. djcpoa-n;?, 6. I ... TOV eie <^pvos Aoyov (^Isch.,
Hearing, subs. Sense of hearing : O^oe. 107). Through cowardice
P. and V. a/col}, 7), P. o/cpoocrts, 17 ; you give rem to your tongue, though
see also earshot. Eight of being you think not thus at heart : V.
heard : P. oKpoao-ts, 17. Gw/e & SetXiq. yXju>cr<rg
ravSov ov\
Jiearing to all who come forward : , ovro> <^poi/a>v (Eur., Or.
1514). To
P. ira.O't TOW rrapicva-i
Aoyov SiSdvat! make her weep though she rejoice
(Dem. 27). Prevent from getting at heart : V. a>oV iKSaKpvcrai 7"
a Jiearing : P. ejeicAflW Aoyov ruy- wSoOcv Kxapfjivriy (Eur., Or. 1122).
Xavciv (Dem. 349). Hard of hearing, (I swear) that I will speak truly to
adj. see deaf. Be hard of hearing,
you from my heart : V. % pyv pv
V. P. A/A/3Av dKoveiv (Plat.).
: o*ot T<rzro KapStas o*a<^o>5 (Eur., J. A.
Hearing, adj. Listening to : P. and 475). With a light heart : P. and
V. cmj/eoos (gen., sometimes also V. poYo>9, P. evxfp&s, V. KOV^OJS.
dat.) (Plat.). T7i7/ were ^om^r io J^ave experience
Hearken, v. intrans. See hear, heed. of Lacedaemonians whose heart was
Hearsay, subs. P. 0*017, %; see in their work : P. AaK8ai/>viW
rumour. I know by hearsay: V. opycovTtov /AcAAov TTCfpacrccr^ai (Thuo.
e^btS' dKotW (Soph., 0. It. 105). 4, 108).
Heart, subs. P. and V. *cap&a, ^ Heart-broken, adj. P. and V. ToAa/-
(rare P.), Ar. and V, /ceop, TO. Trcopoj, &0Aco?; see soi. jBe heart-
Centre : P. and V. TO /ico-ov. In- broken, v. : V. 0{j/io<0opiv.
terior of a country : P. Hearten, v. trans. See encourage.
of the feelings : P. and V. Hearth, subs. P. and V. lorrto, ^,
, Ax. and V. icapoYa, 17,
Ar. and V. By the hearth,
6, iceap, TO) ^, or pL, V. adj. V. 2%e feeoriA o/
TO, or pi., ijrrap, TO. home, subs. V. m? co-na, :

ifee heart to, v. : P. and V. Heartily, adv. Zealously: P. and

ofiow (infin.), St/ccuow (infin.), V. V. Trpo&ifjLws, <nrov&$. Exceedingly :
ToAju-av (infin.), 7ra^tow (infin.), Ar. P. and V. o-^oSpa, TroAi, Ar. a
and V. TAivat (2nd aor. of (rare P.).
(infin.). Lay to heart, v. trans. : P. and V. ir/>o-
Heartiness, subs.
P. and V. ^uAao*o*', o-oif^iv, V. OiJfua, o-wo-uSiy, ^. ,

see fceed. Take to Heartless, adj. P. and V. W/AOS,

heart: P. irowwr&u' (TI). &yv(bfjL<av, o-^erAtos,
P. see , pitiless.

(ace.), V. <^epetv (ace.), Heartlessly,' adv. P. ^ ,

io feeari, adj.: P. and V. P. and V. mKp&s, V. avowcro)?, avaA.-

honest grief I know y^Tcos; see cruelly, pitilessly.
to the heart : V. xwP ^P * Heartlessness, subs. P. and V.
oTSa, yewaia Svrj (Soplx., Aj.
B8). Zfose 7iear^, v. : P. and V. see cruelty.
- - -
Take heart : P. and V. Hearty, adj. Zealous: P. and V.
:tv ,p. irp6$vu.o<s, cnrovScuo? (Soph v Frag.).
" '

(aor. pass, of dvappw- Hale: P. and V. tfyiifr, V.

Hea Hea

Hearty laughter : P. tempos yeAo>s, o/ heaven : V.

6. Spoo-os, ^. Fallen from
Heat, subs. P. and V. Kav^a, TO, hsaven, adj. : V. StoTreT^. Met.,
TO (Xen.), P.
0ciA7ros, providence : P. and V. TO QCLOV, P.
Choking heat: Ar. and P. TO Sot^ot/toy, or use P. and V. ot
TO. Fever-heat : P. foot, V. Zctfe
TO. <2feaZ : P. and Y. P. and V.
Heavenly, adj. Divine :, y. Vehemence : P. V. <5tos.

0?os, Ar. and P. Scu/xovto?,
<r<o8poTi7s, 17. Anger: P. and V.
O/ or tf/ie : P. and V. m 5%
0/0777, ^, 0u/*os,
6 ; see anger. Heat oupai/tos. Things in heaven : P.
in a race : Ar. and P. orraStov, TO, Ta ewovpavta, Ar. and P. TO,
Ar. and V. 8p6>os, 6. Heavenly body, subs. See star.
Heat, v. trans. Lit., P. and V. Heaven-sent, adj. P. and V.
0p/*atviv, OaXirtw (Xen. also Ar.). Ar. and P. Sat/idVios, V. 0o<rorrm>s,
Met., P. 8ia0epfuuW, P. and V.
0pfuxtvv, Ar. and V. 0oA7rav; see Heavily, adv. Ar. and P. /3ap
fire. Till the fire of the wine stole Strongly : P. and V.
over him and heated him : Y. fo>s Seriously : P. and V.
lOepfJwjv OVTOV d/A<i/3acra ^Ao btvov Grievously : P. and V.
(Bur., IZc. 758). 55 heated (with dA.yeivSs; see grievously. Exceed-
wine), V. P. 8ia0p/*a/cr0ai.
ingly : P. and V. cr<o'8pa, P. urxyp&s,
Heated, adj. Heated in the fire : P. V. /copra (rare P.). Despondently :
and V. 8i&riJpo? (Plat., Tm. 58a P. o0u>a>$ (Xen.), Svo-^Lto? (Plat.).
andEur., C#cZ. 631), V. ey/ccKcw/^os Heaviness, subs. P. ftapvrris, y, V.
(Eur., CfycZ. 393), *cavoro's (Eur., /Mpos, TO. Met., despondency : P.
Oycl. 633). Met., P. and V. and Y. a0u/ua, 17, Suo-05/wa, ^ (Plat.).
see also angry. Distress: P. and V. Ai^n;, 17, P.
Heath, subs. See heather. Open Ar. and V. oAyos, TO,

country : P. and V. TrcSibv, TO, V.

17 ; see distress.
Heather, subs. V. ^1/07, ^. Heaving, subs. Heaving of the sea :
Heave, v. trans. Throw P. and V. Ar. and V. o-oAos, 6. .
motion : P. awUpiyo-is, ^ (Plat.).
Trare P.), Ar. and V. !evat, ITtrofe : P. ^8170-15, ri, Y. mJS^o,

(2nd aor.), lourreiv ; see throw, lift. TO'.

Drag : P. and V.
c^eAxew Heavy, adj. Lit., P. and V.
eA.Keiv, ;

see 5nz$r. Heave a sigh : P. and wPpWrrs (Plat, but rare P.), Ar.
V. voi/jui>iv (rare P.). Ar. and V. /Sapvorafyios. Met., despondent :
ot/uo^ttv ; see si^^. Heave up (with P. and V. 50iy>s (Xen.), V. SvcrOvfjios,
crowbar) : V. fcoxA.eueo' (ace.), ava- . Grievous: P. and V. ^apiJs,
fjLOx^eu&'V (aoc.), Ar, 1/c/AOxA.cvetv
(aco.).V. intrans. Palpitate : P. V. AvTrpos, Sva^opos (
and V. -Tr^Sav, V. opxcio-tfat. Toss also but rare P.), 8rfo-orros, dx^c
up and ^ozi;7i : P. and V. (roXcvctv, see grievous. Heavy with sleep:
P. d7roo-oA.7;tv ; see toss. Seethe, P. vnroiS^s. -Be
boil : P. and V. eiv. v. P. and V.
Heave, subs. Throw: P. and V. of intellect, P. and Y , _, ,-
see heaving.
0X77, ^ ; P. avcuo-Oyros ; of sound, P.

Heaven, subs. P. and V. ovpcU/o'?, o, and V. apife. Great, serious : P.

Ar. and V. atftfp, 6 (sometimes ^). and V. fteyas, Setvo's. Deep
heaven above us : V. 6 fiva> grief, etc.) : use P. and V.
Hea Hei

Heavy-armed, adj. P. and Y. Value : P. ircpl TroAAou irmetoiftu, V.

wTrAioyxo'os. Heavy-armed soldier, mpt0fitcr0(U, TrpOKiyoWflat (gen.), P.
subs. P. and Y. o-TrArn?*, 6. Heavy-
: and V. rlfiavy /c^Seo-flai (gen.) (also
armed force: P. TO 67rAm/coV. Ar. ; rare P.). Obey : P. and V.
Hecatomb, subs. Use P. and Y. irciGevQai (dat.), irciOapxclv (dat.), Ar.
6v<rta, -9, sacrifice. and P. L7rcwcouiv (gen. or dat.},
Heckle, v. trans' P. and V. aitpoaorGai (gen.),
V. /eAv'ctv (gen.),
ttKovtv (gen.) ; see obey. Mark,
Hector, v. intrans. Threaten : P. notice : P. and V. eVicrKOTrctv, ewociv
and Y. as-a/Wlv (dat. ) ; see threaten, (or mid.), vociv (or mid.). Used
bluster. absolutely, give ear : P. and V.
Hedge, subs. P. and Y. Ipjcos, TO ei>8cxr0ai, Ar. and P. irpoo-exciv.
Heedful, adj. P. and Y. toiptkfc
Hedge, v. trans. P. and Y. <pao-oriv, (Soph., Frag.). Cautious : P.

oneself round : P. wcpi^pcunretv Heedfully, adv. P.

Guard : P. and V. <vAoo-- Cautiously : P. and Y.
Y. intrans. Heedfulness, subs.
>;sQegttard. Caution : P.
Supportbothsides: P. and Y. cvAa^cta, rj. Forethought :
Hedgehog, subs. Ar. e^tvo?, 6. P. and Y. -n-povota, ^ see 7 ;

Heed, subs. Attention, care : P. Heedless, adj. Ar. and P.

eTri/wAeia, 17, Ar. and P. "
P. oAtycopos, dircpTK7rros, <

P. and V. fcpara'a, >}, d^povrtoTos (Xen.), P. and Y.

H. F. 633), &ricrrpo<i7, 7, p^ii/Aog, Y. XOK^PWV (Eur., I.
povr&, 17,
V. <5pa, ^, 391). Tafcwi0 wo irowft/e : P.
Forethought : P. and Heedless of : P.
Y. Trpdvoia, ^, P. Trpo/jtfOeia, 17, V. (gen.), oAtywpo? (gen.), Y.
irpopyOta, 17. !Fa&e Aged ; see T&eed, (gen.) (Bur., Frag.), Be
v. Beware : P. and Y. <vAa<rero-0<u, heedless of, v: P. and V. a/AcAecv
eAa5eto-0cu ; see beware. Take (gen.), P. doTceVrcos Ixctv (gen.), Y.
lieed of; see fceed, v. Beware of: 6Y ovSei/os iroiela-QcLL (aoc.). Sa^fi
P. and V. <f)vXjdcr<rc<T0ai (aCG.), eu- no fear of : P. and Y. Qapo-clv
AajSetO'^at (ace.), l^vXa/3tLcrOcu (ace.), (ace.).
P. BievXa^i(rBat (ace.). 27a&e /i0ed Heedlessly, adv. P. d/wAcos,
^ai : P. and Y. f>povT%iv o-n-ws <5Aiyo>pu)9, P. and Y. d^
(aor. subj. or fut. indie.), P. ri- (Xen.). .4i random: P. and Y.
-' x ^ -
(aor. subj. or fut. et/d},

indie.). Pay no heed to : see dis- Heedlessness, subs. P.

regard. 7, Y. SjucAta, ^, P. and Y.

Heed, V. trans. P. CTrtju-eAetov iroi- a, 17.

(gen.), Ar. and P. &re/*eAcr0at Heel, subs, Y. Trrcpvo, ^, *pos
(gen.), P. and Y. 7rrrp'<f>(r0ai (Bur., Cycl. 400). Take to one's
(gen.), </>povrtciv (gen.), rjyficAetv P. and Y. ?$ $vyty KaJ&t-

(ace. or gen.) (Plat, but rare P.), Follow on the heels of:
vrpirc<r6at, (gen.) (Plat, but rare P. Zevot Kara -n-oSas (gen.).
P.) ? V. /AcAco^at (gen.), a>pav %x*ty Heel, v. intrans. Lean in any direc-
(gen.), 5pav vfficiv (gen.), Ar. and tion : P. K\LvctrOai, d?roKAtvv. Heel
V. srporijLLSv (gen.). Pay attention over, be wpset : P. and V.
to : Ar. and P. wpotreyetv (dat.), 7reo-0cu, Y. vzrnovo-^at ; see

TOV vow (dat.), P. and Heifer, subs. P. and Y. /AOOXOS, 17,

V. X tv Trpo's (acc, or dat,). V. Tts, ^, iropis, ^. Of
Hei Hei

a heifer, adj. V. /*)crxtos, P. /AOO--

: and V. ev^AioW PZoce of punish-
X<>9 (Xen.). ment : Ar. and V. TapTapos, 6.
Height, subs. P. and V. fyos, TO. Hellebore, subs. Ar. and P. iXXc-
Ot persons P. and V. /*ey0os,
y?opos, 6. WJiy don't you dose
Hill: P. and V. Xo'4>os, 6, V. yourself with hellebore : P. n c-avrov
?rayos 6, ar?ros, TO, a/cpa, 17 (Eur.,
ovx XXe/?optC5 (Bern. 268 j.
Or. 871), Ar. and V. ^05, 6. Hellish, adj. Of the underworld:
Heights, high ground : P. vi/nyXa P. and V. (Plat.), V. vcprepos. x0oW
ra fjLTe<i)pa, P. and V. ra aicpa. Met., loathsome : P. and V.
Eminence, high rank : P. and V. /uopds, /caTcnrnjorTo? see loathsome. ;

dto>/Aa, TO, Tl/wy, 17. Highest point, Helm, subs. P. and V. -mySaXtov, or
met. P. and V. d/c/w^ ^, fcpoi>, TO.
pi., V. ota 6 (also Plat, but rare
J5e a to height, v.P. and V.
P.), or pi., rd (Soph.,
d/cju,oeiv. Come such a height
to Frag.). Helm
of state 9 met. V. :

(of folly, etc.) : P. and V. efe TOO-OVTO oia, o (-SBsch., Theb. 3). Hind
(or ToowSc or ToSe) /jicoptas a^iK- part of a ship : P. and V. iru/
vl<rOa.i.It is the height of folly to rjj
Ar. and V. also irpvpirrj, fj. Heir-
go to war : P. -TroXX-J) avota TroXe^tjJo-ai met : see helmet.
(Thuc. 2, 61). 2%e height of mad- Helm, v. trans. P. and V. /dJ^cpi/av,
ness : P. virepftoXTq /lavtas. YicWJ V. oltiKocrrpofatv ; see guide.
are come to the height of suffering :
Helmet, subs. V. Kopfc, y, P. and
V. T]Kl$ O-U/jW^Opas TTpOS rOVCT^OTOV V. /cpavos, TO' (Xen. also Ar.) <7op :
(Eur., Or. 447). P and V. Kvrf, 17.
W^th golden
Heighten, v. trans. P. and V. helmet, adj. : V. XP^OT"?^^.
aipcw, Ar. and P. Helmet-maker, subs. Ar.
heightened : use P. 7TOL05, 6.
Increase : P. and V. Helmsman, subs. P. and V.
P. e9ravaveiv. Exaggerate : P. T vynqs, 6, V. oldKocrrp6(po5* 6,
Xoya) atpetv, ai'a) ^otipctv, P. and V. T77S, 6, vao^uXa^, 6 (Soph., Frag.).

icocr/AcTv, Ar. and V. Trvpyow. Helot, subs. P. 'EiXamjs, 6 ; P. also

Heinous, adj. P. and V. "EiXcorcs. Met., sZave; P. and V.
SovXos. : P.
Of helots, adj. tXom/e(fe.

Heinously, adv. P. and V. Help, subs. P. and V. c&^eXcia, 17,

errucoupta, 17, Tificopux, ^, P. /3o^ia,
Heinousness, subs. P. 17, V. ax^eXTjo-t?, ^, eTrax^eXr/fca, TO,
Heir, subs. P. *Xi7povo>os, 6, V.
ey/cX^pos, 6. Be heir to (inherit) : P. TO, CtpKO"l9, 1])

K\r}povo/jLLv (gen.). JBe heir at law

to (a person) : P. dyxwrreifeiv (dat.). P. and V. Swf (ace.). Help against :

The house is left without an : hew P. and "V. ^ (gen.)

P. ytyvT<u Iprjjjios 6 ofoos (Dem. (Plat.). Concretely of a person:
1094). use helper.
Heiress, subs. Ar. and P. Help, v. trans. P. and V. w^cXctv
(ace. or dat.), errox^Xctv (ace.),
Heirloom, subs. V. iTTOLpKCLV e7TLKOVpW
or pi. ftorjOelv (dat.), Ar. and V.
Heirship, subs. P. (dat.) (also Xen.), eVapoyyctv (dat.)
A being next of kin : Ar. and P. (also Xen ), V. irpoo-ox^cXctv (aee. or
dat.), pcrr}8pOfj.cLV (dat.), irpoarapKtiv
Hell, subs. Place of the departed: (dat.), dpKtv (dat.), P.
P. and V. *Ai5V, In hell : P. -
(dat.). Serve : P. and V.
Hel Hen

6 or ^, rZ/juiopos, 6 or ^, apcoyos, 6 or
(dat.l,virovpyew (dat.),
Stand by : Ar. and V. $, P. /fc^o's, 6 or 4; fern., V. ?ropa-
trv/wrapacn-aTav I
are*?, ^. ^MOCiflfc (m IWW*) : P.
and V. /comoi/ds, 6 or ^, orwcpyds,
Ar. and V.

6 or 17, cnAXipray), 6,
(dat.), ira.pcarr3.TCLv (dat.).
DTI i/ie s&Ze of: P. and V. crwvo/ios, 6 or 17, V. awcpytnp, 6;
<rvp.fjLo.xew TForfc wttA : P. fern., V. crw
Helpful, adj. Useful: P. and V.
<retv (dat.), o-wepyctv (dat.) (Xen.), XPWW*> "*' o-u>opos, Trpocr-
Y. crvfjurovcw (dat.), cnryKdfLVtv (dat.)j <opos, Ar. and P. w^At/Aos, Ar. and
(riWpo'eiv (dat.), cnW/CTromv (dat.),
V. w<e\T7<ri/>-
<riWpyaecr0oi (absol.), Ar. and P. Helpfully,
adv. P. xpqtrtiux, <rvp-
(dat). Help (a <dpo>s, <ru^pdvra)S, w^cXt/xws, P.
work) : P. and V. and V. irpovpyou.
o> (ace.) (Thuc.), V. Helpfulness, subs. P, and V.
(ace.), .

Help forward :
w^eXeta, ^, o<e\os, TO ; see
(ace.). \

P. and V. cnrcuSetv,

; with advantage.
non-personal subject, P. Helping, adj. P. and Y.
ets (ace.). Help to, contribute (Thuc. and Plat.), exrifrcoupos, 'P.
towards result) :
(a P. and V. V. Defending:
oT^iaAAe<r0ai (ct?, ace. ; V. gen.),
P. crvv7ri\afA/3dvcr6aL (gen.), cruAAa/i- Helpless, adj. P. and V. &ropos,
J0oi (gen.) crwaywvijecr^at
f (i (rare P.), Y. a/juxvpos.
acc.) (Dem. 231), V. helpless, v. : P. and Y. oVopcZv,
(gen.). HisZp to : in compounds, awxaarelv (rare P.). Powerless,

use <rw ; e.g., to kill : Y. ,

adj. : P. and Y. oSA/oro?; see also

^eZp io attack : P.

<ru/uf>avvciv ;

(rwao^oAAciv. J cannot help (doing Helplessly, adv. P. and V. j

a thing); P. and Y. ov/c r0* OTTO)? Helplessness, subs. P. andI

(irotijo-o) TI) (cf Bur., I. T. 684).
faropia, ^. Inability : P. |

JETou? cowZ^ a person of such a\ %.

character help being like his peers ? Helpmate, subs. Use helper Hus-

P. jrois yap ov /tcXXei 6 rotoOros ^>v band or tt7*/!e : see consort. \

KO! eotKcvcui rois Town/rots ; (Plat., Hem, subs. Ar. and Y. icpacrTreSa, T<.

Rep. 349o). J3bw ca?j I lielp it ? Hem, v, trans. Hem in : P. and Y.

P. and Y. yap ira^a> ; (Bur., Phoen. tpyciv, Karctpyav, eyicX^etv, V. crvvctp-
895 ; also Ar., Lys. 884:). ^iwo yctv, P. TrpLK\.jjfu/, ey/caro\afi/3aviv.
C07^W ii help being so ? P. irws yap -Be hemmed in : also P. Iv&XeicrQat.
ov /teXXet; Phaedo, 78s). (Thuc. 7, 81). JBTafye rowwtZ : P.
Determined, if he cotdd help it, to and V. <f>poi<r(rLV, P.
put in nowhere but "
at the Pelopon-

nese : P. <& 9 yj? Hemlock, subs. Ar. and P.

(Thuc. 3, 33). TO, or pi.
In same construction, use P. and Hemp, subs. P. orummov, TO* (Xen.).
V. CKUIV, P. IKWV y elvat. Gould We Seller of hemp : Ar.
help agreeing? P. oAAo ^ 6/xo- 6.

A.oya>/Av ; (Plat., Or to, 52D). Hen, subs. Ar. and Y. #pv&, Ar.
Helper, subs. P. and V. r)?/covpos, 6
Or 17, TljLto)po9, 6 Or ^, TrapaoraTiys, 6 Hence, adv. Of place or source : P.
(Plat., and Bur., Frag.), Ar. and and Y. ev0 o/Sc, cvrev&f.
V. (rvfjurapaarrdry's, 6, V. spot : Ar. and P.
Hen Her

Avaunt, interj. : Ar. fcay*, Ar. (Plat.), V.

and Y. cppe, V. Ippois (opt.). (Bur., CycZ. 36) ; see te?
Henceforth, adj. P. and V. {mule?, together, v. intrans. Met., P. and
evtfei/Se, Tflbrd rouSe (Soph., Aj. V. o-ui'rTao-0ai.

1376), V. /C TtovSf, TOUVTl50l>, TOW- Herding, adj. Gregarious : Ar. and

0ev8. For the futwre ; P. and V. P. a-uwojjws, P. dycXatos. Herding
TO AowroV ; see under fixture. without a shepherd : V. avev ^or^pos
Henchman, subs. P. and V. at7roXou/Avat (-Slsch., Eum, 196).
, 6 (Xen.), ftrqpfi-nys, 6, V. Herdsman, subs. P. and V.
oVa8os, 6, oirdw, 6, ferao-moTiJp, 6 ;
see companion, servant. Taking (Plat.), j3or)\dry)$9 6, V. P&rirjpi 6,

(these) as his henchmen and fellow- .Be <x herdsman, v. : V. /&>

labourers : P. orwaycDVio-ras /cat (absol.).
<ruvpyoi>s Xa/?(ov (Dem. 245). Here, adv. P. and V. Iv0a8e,
Herald, subs. P. and V. KT}^, 6, TCLVTQ, rfjfe, V. aiSe. 0?l the Spot :
V. KXvfryp, 6. Female herald : Ar. P. and V. avrov. Here there : . . .

KrjpvKaLva, rj. Messenger: P. and P. and V. 777 fjw T$ Sc. 0?w . .

V. yyeAos, 6, V. TTO/WTO'S, 6. Jbre- . one there : P. oAXos . . . . .

runner: P. TrpoSpo/xos, 6. Herald Here and there in scattered t

of falsehood : V. i/reuSo/ciJpvf, 6. O/ groups : P. (nropoS^v.

a herald, adj. P. /o/pwa/cos. Hereafter, adv.
Henceforth : P. and
Herald's staff, subs. P. /oypu/cctov,
ro, Ar. icrjpfaiov. Negotiate by
heralds, v. : Ar. and P. eTrt/o/pi:- aiwther time : P. and V.
KCV(T0CU, P. &ULK1]pVKVCar&ai. f.Lcra;v6v>j V. /irai;(9ts. ]Jater P.
Herald, v. trans. Proclaim as herald : and V. v(rrpov. Some day P.
P. and V. KVjpvo-creiv, &vaKrjpv<r<riv9 and V. wore. JPbr ^e future : see
irpocmeiVy fLveiirciv, Ar. and P. ara- future. The hereafter : see future.
yope&iv, V. IKKTJPVO-CTCLV. Declare, After this, then : P. and V. en-eiTa,
announce : P. and V. clra.

, StayyeAAciv, Hereditary, adj. P. and V. miTpios,

see announce. Summon ;,
Ar. and P. -n-aTpucos. Ocm-
by herald : Ar. and V. P. mkrpo<l>o$, P. and V.
Escort: P. and V. //,<^VTO9, V.
heralding the cruyyovos.
: V. , 17. Portend : Heretofore, adv. Up till now: P.
P. and V. anq/jLawcw, V. t TOV vw ; see
<cuviv, formerly.
Hereupon, adv. P. and V.
Herb, subs. P. and V. <w6V, TO,
Medicinal : V. <uAXov, TO. Hermit, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
Herd, subs. P. and V.
(Plat, but rare P.), L Hero, subs. Demi-god: P. and V.
of oxen : V. /3ov<f>6pj3ia,
i rd. ijpws, 6 see chief. Heroes, chiefs :

Grassing herds : V.
SyeAm flovvofjLQL, V. aptori}?, ol ; see chief. Tutelary
al Roaming in herds, adj. : P. and hero : P. and V. &pxny*> (P^*-) J
V. iycXatos. Met., 0<m0 : P. and V. see tutelary. Temple of a hero :
5^Xos, 6, OTJOTOCTIS, ^. The common Ar. and P. ijpfiov, TO. Brave man :
herd : P. and V. S^Xos, 6, wA^os, use adj., P. and V. ycwuos, Ar. and
TO, 01 iroAAot. V. co-tfXos, or subs., V. <cos, 6. Be
Herd, v. trans. Tend cattle: P. sawi that the poems haw Odysseus
v, P. and V. TToi/ioiWv (Plat.), and Achilles respectively for their
Her Hid

heroes : P. IHew, v. trans. Out: P. and V.

\ \ *


s sT^ {Plat. down : P. and V. Te/xveiv, Ar. and
363B) P. /caTaTfU'', /cara/cOTrretv. SfiW
Heroic, Of demi-gods : P.
adj. j
in pieces: P. and V. 8iaTe/u/e', V.
Met., noble : P. and V. /cpeo/co7Ttv, dpra/x-etv, pa^tfctv.
os, P. ficyaXo^pa)!/ ; see noble. OM: V. KLOLV. Hollow out: P.
Stagey : P and V. credo's Of
metre P. fipwiw.
: Take heroic Hexameter verse, subs. P.
measures : P. di/Tj/ceorbV jSouXeueiv. n Zie^. 810E).
Heroically, adv. yoWy : P. and V. Heyday, subs. Flower, prime of
CXen.j. life : P. and V. ij/fy, 4 ^77, ^, <Spa,

Heroine, subs. Demi-goddess : Ar. ^. e m eheyday (of life, pros-

4w"9, 4- perity, etc.), v P. and V.
^ :

Heroism, subs. Bravery: P. and Hiatus, subs. (?op : P.

V. Spc-nJ, 17, dvSpei'a, ^ see bravery. TO'
see also pause. ;

Nobility : P. and V. yewatdnys, ^, Hibernal, adj. See wintry.

TO yovatov. .4c o/ heroism : P. Hibernate, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
and V. ToA./w/jna, TO. ,
Heron, subs. Ar. and V. epwStos, 6
(zBsch., Frag.). Hiccough, subs. P. Xvy ^
Hesitancy, subs. See Jiesitation Hidden, adj. P. and V.
Hesitate, v. intrans Be in doubt: a<f>avjs. Clandestine: P. and V.
P. &Sov, SioraCtti' (Plat.), <ifi- Xo0pat6s, Kpv^atos (Plat.), V.
<f>iyvotv. Be perplexed : P. and V. Abstruse : P. and
airopciv, a.fjnr]xavclv (rare P.). Delay : aiviyfj&TtaSrqs, V.
P. and see
(Plat., JPoZ. Hide, v. trans. P. and V.
277s); see delay. Shrink: P. and
V. oKvetv, KttTOicvcy, P. furo/cycly. crOcu, /cXTTiv, Ar. and V. icaX
Hesitate to (with infin.): P. and Y. crrc/civ, crvjKai\vTrTLV (rare P.),
V. OKI/CIV (infin.), KctTOKvctv (infin.),
P. d7roKVtv (infin.). P.), ,
O-Wa/Jt7T^ty, P. /CttTtt-

Hesitating, adj, P. o/n^po's. Per-

: P. and V. ^n-opo adj.: V.
plexed i, {f/cpi;

(rare P.). Doubtful : V. and P.

oneself : Ar.
Not eager: P. (pass.). Swfo (
/row a person) : P. and V.
Hesitatingly, adv. P. o/o^pws (Xen.). (rt Ttva), P. aTro/cpuTrreo-tfat (rt
-Nbi eagerly : P. dTrpo^u/AO)?. J3ie^p i?z
hiding : V. criW/c/cX<

Hesitation, subs. P. and V. (ace.). V. intrans. 5 in hiding :

Delay: P. and V. P, and V. KpTjirrecrQai (pass.). Lie

3*., TptjSij, ^, P. fteXXi/o-is, ^; see hid : V. /eeu0tt>, KKv6wai (perf.
^eZay. Shrinking : P. and V. infin.), Ar. and P.
O/CVOSy 6. (perf. of KaraBvtv).
Heterodox, adj. False : P. and V. the bed : P. wroSvco^a
Hide, subs. Sfcm ; P. and V. 8opa, ^
Heterogeneous, adj. Dissimilar : P. (Plat.), Sep/xo, TO, fivpo-ii, fj, V, Scpo?,
dvrf/Aoios, P. and V. 8ia<opos. O/ TO, Sepas, TO, plvos, 17 (Bur., Ithes.).
aK &*w^ ; P. and V. Trarrotos, Ar. Undressed hides : r. Scppets, at.
and P. Dressed hides : P. and V.
Hid Hig
<u (Eur., Frag.). Shield of hide : Supreme: V. vilfurros, &TCITOS. In
Ar. pZvos, ^. Cover Wii/i /t^es : P. the highest degree : see exceedingly.
KaTafivpcrovv (aco.). Made of seven- Exalted : P. and Y. Acynrpo's W-
fold hide, adj. : Y. errraj&Hos, Ar. o*>7/ios, c/cTTpcmys, S'cwrpCTnJ
(Plat.). Pr<md : P. and V.
Hideous, adj. Ugly: P. and V. P. U7Tp7/<aVOS, V. Vt/TT/yO
atVxpos, SiWSifc (Soph., J?Vay.)i V. Koiro?, Ar. and V. yavpos ; see proud.
Suo-/)p^>os, SucTTrpoo-OTTTOs. Of a Of birth see hiqh-born. Of tone,

spectacle V. ouo-0eaTos, Svo-wpo-

: sound P. and V. ofifc, Ar. and V.

erojrroff; see also horrible. op0ios; see sharp. Of opinion.

Hideously, adv. Dreadfully : P. Have a high opinion of> v. : P.
and V. Swois. wept TroAAou iroir#<u (ace.). Of
Hideousness, subs. Ugliness : P. price P. and Y. ?roA.i?.

alorxos, TO, V. fyw>p<i, ^. Terrible- High-handed, adj. P. and Y. ft

ness : P. SCH/OTT??, ^. High handedness, subs. P.
Hiding, subs. See beating. Be in
hiding, v. : P. and V. KpvTrr Highlands, subs. P. and V. ra a*pa,
see /w'^0. P. v\(rr)X,a. ^pta, TO, /Aereopa.
Hiding-place, subs. P. and V. Highly,
adv. Mwc/t P. and V. :

<vyi} ^ V. KeuOfjuav, 6, fivvos, 6. TroXi;, cr^oSpa, Ar. and V. *capra

Hie, v. intrans. P. and Y. x^P ^ (rare P.). Exceedingly: P. Sx-
icvai, Ar. and Y. ftawcw, areixeiv. <t>cp6vT<os, Y. eoxft>s. Think highly
of P. Trep ^roXXou iroieLo-Qcu (ace.) ;

Y. fpireiv, ftoXctr (2nd aor. /3\<LcrKi.v) 9 1


Kou.%(r9ai see also hasten, journey.

; see Mfoe. Highly connected, adj. :
Hie you hence : Y. JCKO/UOU. jERe use high-born.
from: V. c^bSowropctv (gen.). High-minded, adj. P. and V.
oneself: Y./co/u^ctv !aim>v, yew<uo9, cXcvflcpos, P. cA.i;0ep>s,
Hieroglyphics, subs. R Upa fjLeyaX6\lru)(ps, /-LyaAo<6)v, Y. cvyevrfi.
jLCaTO, Ttt (Hdt.). High mindedness, subs. P. and V.
P. and Y. V.
High, adj.
inl/iycwijTOS, w/ravyiTV,
9 ycwcuoTiys, TO ya/vaiov, P. fjLeyaXo-
\lrvxLo., ^, /AyaA.o<^po<rwT7, 77.

Towering, steep : Y. atTriJs. awmvo* ; High-priced, adj. See ^ear.

see 5ifiep. J3S^A and craggy : Y, High-principled, adj. P. and Y.
vi/sriXoKpritJivos. Raised in the air : XP^GPTOS, KoAo? ; see high-minded.
Ar. and P. Atcreojpos, Ar. and V. High rank, subs. P. and Y. o&'ayux,
/xcrapcrtos. Jffi^fe groiwd : P. and TO, Tt/AlJ, 17.
Y. TO, OUCpO, P, Ttt ftT0)pa. 0?t felgrfe, High road, subs. P. and V. S/tTos,
adv.: P. and V. VGJ, Ar. and P. $ (Xen.), Y. &/Miiqpr}s TP^OS, 6 or ^.
cTravo), V. u^ov, apSi/i/. From On High seas, subs. P. and Y. ireXayo?,
high : P. and V. &vu0&, Y. w/ro^ TO. On the high seas, adj. P. and :

(Plat, also but rare P.), Y. WA,#yiOS, P, /XT0>p09.

P. 7rav<o0v, Euling on high, adj. : High-sounding, adj. See under
Ar. v\fitji,&uv. sounding.
High birth, subs. P. and Y. ycwuo- High spirit, subs. P. and Y.
T,7s, ^,d^y^eta, 4 (Plat.). , TO, 5v/*os, o, Ar. and Y.

High-born, adj. P. and Y. yewuo?,

euyewfr, (Plat, and Thuc.), Ar. and High-spirited, adj. Ar. and P.
V. coco's, V. Aa/ttrpos cs vedvLKo? ; see also bold.
Higher, adv. P. and Y. High tide, subs. Be at high tide, v. :
Highest, adj. Ar. and Y. use P. /icyas pelv. Met., P. and Y.
Met., extreme : P. and V.
Hig Hir

High time, subs. P. and V. Kotpo's, ,

Hind, adj. P. oVtor&os (Xen.), or use
o, OK/IT), ^, opa, P. and" V. 6 oW0ev. The hind-
High treason, subs. Betrayal: P. quarters of an animal, subs: Ar.
and V. TrpoSoorta, ^. and P. KojXfy 17 (Xen.). JEEwder,
Highway, subs. Street Ar. and Y. : rurther behind, adj. P. and V. :

Syria, 17 ; see road. High road P. : Hindmost : P. and V.

and V. 4;{iTos, ^ (Xen.), Y. a/ia-
fypri's TpijSos,
6 or ^. Hinder, v. trans. P,andV.<.
Highwayman, subs. Ar. and P. Prevent : P. and V. KoXdciv, 7rt-

Awsro&Drijs, o ; see roober. KO)Xi?iv, ctpyciv, SnrtipyeLV, c&tpyeiv,

High wind, subs. Use P and Y. Y. jcaTctpyctv, P. aTTOKcoXueiv, Ar.
7roXtf Q.VCJJ.OS ; see storm. and P. SiaKoXiW ; see prevent.
High words, subs. Use P. and Y. Check : P. and V. KaTe^etv, cTre^cw,
Xoyot KttKot ; see quarrel. Ar. and V. urxv (rare P.), V.
Hilarious, adj. Ar. and P. lmar)(w (rare P.), cfep
(Xen.), P. t0v/u>9, P. and Y. epirrCew ; see also siojp.

High-spirited : Ar. and P .

Hindrance, subs. P. K^XV/WX, TO,
o\aK<uXu/jLa, TO, ^/i^oStcr/jLa, TO,

Hilarity, subs. Joy : P. and V. o)fta, TO. 5e a hindrance

to, v. :

X&pa, ^, 1780107, .
Laughter : P. Ar. and P.
4/ro8tos etvat (dat. of
and V. yeXux;, 6. Revelry : P. and person, gen. of thing), P. and Y.
V .
e/tfro$ci>v etvcu (d&t.),

Hill, subs. P. and Y Xo'<os, 6, V. (dat.).

TrcEyos, o, atros, TO, aicpa, ^ (Eur., Hinge, subs. Ar. and Y. <

Or. 871), Ar. and Y. oXOo^ o. ^ (Eur., Phoen. 1126), Ar. , r .,

Mountain : P. and Y. opos, TO. 6. Met., turning point : P. and Y.

The hills, hilly country : P. and Tear the doors from their
Y. TQ oKpa, P. TO. /icrccopa.
' '
Up P. T
hill,adj.: P. eVucX^s, (Dem. 845).
s, P. and V.
6p&os. Met., Hinge upon, v. trans. i See depend
P. and Y. -B-poo-avr^s ; see difficult.
: P. and Y.
Up hill3 adv. : P. wpos op&iov, Hint, v. trans. Suggest
(Xen.), irpos avavres, V. wpos at-ros. iv (2nd&roTiWv (Thuo.
Down hUl, adj. : P. ets TO icctTavres 8, 48; Dem. 625, but commonly
(Xen.), Kara wpavov? (Xen.). mid. in P.),
wrort^ai (Thuo. 4, 65,
^iM, adj. : Ar. Kardvnq<s. but commonly mid. in P.), foro/JaX-
Hillock, subs. P. yiyXo^os, 6 (Plat.), W, V. S<i<rrawu (Soph., 4j. 1091).
/iooros, 6 (Xen.). ffiwi ai (met, glance at) : Ar. and
P. and V. ik^Xfc. P. aivicrareorBai (ace., Or
Hilly, adj. 15, ace.),
Mcmniatrwwts : P. opavos. P. VTroivio-O'co-^at (acc.), VTTOOT^/XCUVCIV
Hilt, subs. V. K<hrq. Handle: P. (acc.), irapaSiyXovv (acc.).
and V. A#J, T). Hint, subs. P. and V. ferdVota, ^, P.
Himself, pron. Emphatic P. and :
vjroOiJKT], rj. Dark saying : P. and
V. avrds. Eeflexive: P. and V. V. atvty/xo, TO, alviyp.o's, 6 (Plat, but
lavrov, avrov. rare P.). Warning: V. <f>pa8a(,
Hind, subs. and V.
Peasant al.
: P.
6, epydnrjs, 6,
, and P. Hip, subs. P. t<rxta, T<. JPZawA; : P.
aypotxo?, 6, Y. y]jTi75, 6, yaTrovos, 6, and Y. X&ywv, 17 (Xen.; also Ar.).
dypwo-nys, 6, ^topfr^s, 6 (Soph., Thigh : P. and V. p<fe, 6 (Plat.).
Deer: P. and V, eXa^os, Hire, v. trans. Ar. and P. /uo-0ot)cr0eu.
fi, Sop/cas, ^ (Xen.). Let out for hire: Ar. and P./
Hir Hoa
P. KfJMT0QVVj fcpoicir, rvTTTf.iv,
addition : P. (1st. aor. of Traracro-ctj/), Ar. and V.
Hire, subs. P. and V. TraiW (rare P.), 0et'v/, apacrcreti'.

Letting out for hire : P. 5fi ^Ji . P. and V. Tr^rj-yfjvai (2nd

Receipt of hire : P. aor. pass, of TrXiJo-cretv). Hit with
?;, Ar. and P. /ucr0o<opa, Z)o a weapon : and V.
sow 'thing for hire : P. Trpdcrveiv TL \

Seoc/i a mark P. and V.

fjLur&ov (Dem. 242). Work for hire, (gen. or absol.), P.

v. P. and V. [uxrOapvclv, Ar. and (pjen.), Ar. and V. Kvpelv (gen ).
P. Mio-0o<opeti/. Sitting the mark, adj. P. em-n^s. :

Hired, adj. P. 2/i,/ucr0o?. ^Tzi o,/f', ??ise : P. and V. rvyxavu>

Hired servant, subs. P. ftfc, 6, V. (gen.)". Imitate : P. and V. /u/it-
A.aTpis, 6 Or 17.
o-0cu (ace.). Burlesque : Ar. and
Hired service, subs. P. and V. P. /caywoSetr (ace.). Hit upon : P.
QrjTtia, ^, V. Aar/>ia, 17
and V. iTuy^ap(.v (dat.), ruy^avctv
(gen.), 7rpo(nrwrrtv (dat.), Ar. and
Hired soldier, subs. See mercenary. P. cTrtTuyxdWi' (gen. or dat.), P.
Hireling, subs. Use adj., Ar. and irepiTTLirreiv (dat.), Ar. and V. Kvpeiv
P. jur0a)To's, fJLur9o<f>6po$.
Hired (gen.), Kiy^dvetv (ace. or gen.).
soldier : see mercenary. Be a Devise : see devise.
hireling, v. : P. and V. Hitch, subs. Impediment P.
Hiring, subs. P. TO ; see
Hirsute, adj. See P. and V. i),
Hiss, v. trans. Hiss anyone un- , TO, ir\i]/j.fL&.ia, I/ ^7*7^

popular : P. o-upi&iv, icA.a>iv (Dem. P. i

586). Hiss off
(the stage) P. Hither, adv.: P. and V. I
Ar. Ar. and P. Sevpf, Y.
and P. l/c/3oXXctv. J3e 7umd off: To the very spot : Ar. and P.
P. K7rwrT6tv. Bws ofttf, slaughter : avToare. As interj. : P. and V.
V. crupt'Cciy wov (,S5soh , P. F. Seupo (Plat, also Ar.) ; in pi. also V.
355). V. intrans. P. and Y. o-iipi- HBur., Med. 894=).
eiv, tyofalv, Ar. crifceiv. thither : V. CKCMTC
Hiss, subs. P. and V. </ro'<o<?, 6, V.

al TO Scvpo ; see thither.

fcA.ayyi7, ^.
As opposed to applatwe : Up atid down : P. and V. <!I>G> KCITO),
P. crupiyg, $ 5i/o> T /cat /cara), P. ctvcu feat KGLTO.

Historian, subs. P. o-uyypa^>i;s, 6. Hitherto, adv. P. and V. ck TO vw,

Chronicler : P. A-oyowotos, 6, Xoyo- (Plat.), 89po (Plat, and
ypa<^os, 6. Eur., Heracl. 848), P. ptxpLrovvw,
Historic, adj. Memorable: P. and V. TO'O" ^pas &
(Bur., 2lZc. 9).
V. aetfw^oros. Hive, subs. P. o-^vos, TO Swarm:
History, subs. P. (ruyypa^, 17. P. and V. Io-/A09, 6, 0-^09, TO.
P. and V. Aoyos, 6. Ho, interj. P. and V. 5, o/hu' (Eur.,
history of, v. : P. 156), TrairaT, Ar. and Y. la
(ace.). Gome, my son, now also (Eur., O^cZ. 153), Y. 77

must learn the history of the island (also Xen. but rare P.). Ho there :
Y. $p' 3) rilCVOV VW Kttt TO TV]* Ar. and V. ovros o-u, o
/ia%s (Soph., PMZ. 300). Hoar, adj. See hoary.
Hit, subs. Blow : P. and Y. Hoard, subs P. and Y.
-ff. Lucky chance : P. and Y. V. QijaravpuriM, TO. Abundance : P.
TO. 17 ; see
Hit, v. trans. Sfnfce: P. and V. Hoard, v. trans. P. and V.
Hoa Hoi

(mid Ar. and P.

), (ace.) (Eur., Hipp. 941). The city
(mid.) (Xen K&TaTi ), (mid. . can't hold him (isn't big enough for
Be hoarded: P. him) : P. ?; TroXts aurov ov x^P**-
Hoar frost, subs. P. and V. (Dem. 579;. Maintain, preserve:
. P. and V. ^iJAatro'CH/, o-ai^ctv. Stop,
Hoarse, adj. Of sound : use P. {
check : P. and Y. KaTcx^tv, en-exctv,
Ar. and V. r<TX v (rare P.), V.
Hoarseness, subs. P. /?puyxos, 6. :

l7ri<rx*w (rare P.), pr/ctv, cfep

Hoary, adj. White: P. and V. |
ZpyjTtcLv. Grasp: P. and V.
Acu/cdV White with age: P. and| ftavuv, \afj.ftdv(T0aL (gen.),
V. 77oXk (Plat.), V. Ajfcav0r)s, -

^av<r6at (gen.), avrlXa/A/ai/eartfai

Met., P. and V. crc/xvos, i
(gen.); see grasp. Holdfast: see
(Plat, but rare P.) ; see c^?i<7 io. J5e Wd /asi: V. irpocr-
(Bur., Med. 1213).

ancient. \

X o-^at (pass.)
Hoax, subs. P. and V. Consider, deem : P. and Y. vo/u'cu ,
8dA.os, o {rare P.), Ar. and P. frytLGOcLi, fiyew, V. ve/xtv. 5e T&eZd ;
/acr/zos, 6, KA.e'/AjUu, TO. P. and Y. SOKCIV. JffoW (a feast,
Hoax, v. trans. P. and V. sacrifice, etc.) ; P. and Y. tSycn's
Ar. and V. SoAour, P. 7roi?r, Tiflo/at. jffoid a meeting : P.
jrapaKpovfcrOai, Ar and P. <i/OKietv J and Y. oa'AAoyoi' ?rottv (or mid.).
see deceive. H"oZd a/i office : Ar. and P. apxv
Hobble, v. intrans. P. xuXcveo-doi, dpj^i/, or (Ipxtiv alone. Hold one's
XuXaivetv, V. eiAtfccrftii. i

peace : P. and Y. o-Iyetv, auDirav ;

Hobby, subs. Pursuit : P. and V. see keep silence, under siZeTWJe.
QKLTpififj, ^, P. cTrtnySeu/xa, TO ! V. intrans. Eenmn firm: P.
Hobgoblin, subs. Ar. and P. and V. /X6i/tv. JW i^a^ i/ie?/ ^?z*i
TTUV ro, 7;, /iopju-oA.v/ciov, TO, zpo i/ieir shoulders held there
^ (Xen.), Ar. Afyuo, 17. Frighten ;
without fastenuigs : Y. oVocra 8*
wrt/t hob>joblin!> 9 v. : Ar. and P. j
oj/AOt? ZQecrav ou S(T/X<!>I/ TtTro

/wpt/Lvkutra-ea-Qat. (ace.).

Trpoo-ctxero (Eur., Bacch. 765).

Hocus pocus, subs. Juqghr's tricks . \
Maintain an opinion : P. and V.
P. yoifrrcv^a, TO. Jwjcjlery : P. ro/u^tv, fiyelcr&ai, otccr^at,
P. Icr^vpc-
cr0ai, Smrx\jpL<rQcLL. Hold good :

Hod, subs. P. ayytov (Thuc. 4, 4). P. and Y. juto'civ, ^/tn/ctv. .HbZd

Hoe, subs. Ar. and P. o-fuwq, ^, Ar. 6oc^ : see restrain. Hold by, abide
and V. S/KeAAa, 17, V. by: P. and V. /x^tv (dat.). .Hb/d
Hoe, v. trans. See dig. down. T7&e?/ /ieZ^ me down by the
Hog, subs. P. and V. hair -
Y. Kopys KOLTCLXOV (Eur., Hec.
(^soh., jPragr.), fe, 6 (^Bsch., Frag.), \
1166). HbZcZ /ori/i : see offer.
icaTrpos, o, Y. oru5, 6. Make a speech : Ar. and P. Brj^-
Hoist, v. trans. P. and V. alpciv, \ yopv. Hold out, stretch forth :

7rotpetv, avdyeLv, dve^ctv, V. P. and Y. wpoTctvctv (aec.), IKTCIVCIV

Ta^eti/ ; see Zi/i. ace.), opeyctv (Plat.). Hold out
Hoisting, subs. P. dvoXioj, 17. hopes, etc.) : r. and V.
^Ae Jwisting of stones : P. P. iraptOTavat (ace.).
XZQw avoXxfy (Thuc. 4, 112). |
OM^ (as a threat) : P. avaTt
Hold, v. trans. Have : P. and Y. .

Hold out (as an excuse) : P. and Y.

xeiv 9 Ar. and V. to-^civ (rare P.). .

<rKi77iTi.v (mid. in P.), wpoj&iXXeiv

Occupy : P. and V. fyeiv, (mid. also P.), Trpouxeo-dai, Trpo-
Contain, keep in : P. and V. rrao-0ai (Eur., GycL 319.), V.
room }or : P. and V. ,
P. 7rpo^>a(rtfO^at. Hold
Hoi Horn

out, not to yield : P. and V. di/rc^eiv, ,

Holiness, subs. Piety : P. and V.
Last : P

KapTcpelv, $<t>Lo-Ta<r6ai. eva-cftei i, 17, P. OO-IOT^S, ^. Sanctity :

and V. dvT^', Ar and P. dvTap- 1
P. and V. O-C/AVOTIJ?, ^, TO c-e/.v6V,
K/, P. Stap/cclv. .HoZd ow agraiwsi : Ar. and Y. creyffas, TO. Practise
P. and V. dvTxv (dat.), v<rrao-0ai holiness, v. P. and Y. ewre/JeZv.

(ace.), V. Koprcpclv (ace.). JEbZeZ !

Holloa, v. intrans. P. and V. 3oavj
over ; Ar. t epc^etv (W T/OS). ^4.5 I see shout,
a threat : P. di'aTWr$ai (rt TIW). i
Hollow, v. trans. P. /cotAatvctv.
together, v. trans^: P. and V Hollow, adj. P. and V. KoIAos, V.
v. intrans. : P. /coiAo>7ros, KOiAoyacrra>p. ewap^,,
For 'a little while the alliance held ^mw : P. and Y. KCVO'S, /i(3iTaios.

together : P. oAiyov /JLCV \p6vov o-uvc- Unsound : P. and V. &rouAos,

ALCtvev ^ 6/xatXfwa (Thuc.^ 1, 18) o-a^pos. -4 hollow truce : P. ITTC
JBTo/^ *zip
P. and Y. a.v\tv, Ar.
^ (Thuc ). TOS di/o/cw^T/,
and P. avaTtWv (Xen.) ; see lift Hollow, subs. Dell : P. and V. i

Hold up (as example) : P. ?rapa- ^ (Plat, and Xen. but rare P.),
8ay/za Troieia'Oai (ace.). vaVos, TO' (Xen. but rare P.), ay^os,
Hold, interj. Stop : P. and V. TO (Xen. but rare P.), Ar. and V.
ewwr^cs, Trove, Ar. and P. e^c, Y. yucLAa, Ta, avAoiv, 17 (Soph.,
io"\, (rv$, TTCLvcrai (all 2nd pers. Hollows, cavities : P. and V. KoiA
sing, of the imperative). Ta. 2%e hollow (of anything) : Ar
Hold, subs. Thing to hold by: P. and V. /CUTOS, TO' (gen.), P. and
avriXafty, %. Gret a hold or grip : V. TO. icotAa (gen.), P. TOL eyfeoiAa
P. avTtAaQrjv ^LV. Support : P. (gen.).
and V. Ip Met, Holocaust, subs.
to-/m, TO (Plat.). Use sacrifice.
handle: P and V. Burnt-offerings : V. l/xTrupa, rd.
see handle, influence. Holy, adj. P. and V. tepo's, ocnos
Custody: P. and V. ^Aa^, (when used with icpos, r).

La^ hold of: P. and V. Aa/x,/3avo-0(u fane, secular}, O-C/AVOS, V. fpo'?, dyvos,
(gen.), emAa^aveo-^at (gen.), dvTi- O-CTTTO'S, Ar. and P. yios. On holy
AajujSavco-tfai (gen.) ; see grasp. grotwid : V. /
dyi/w. Lwiolate :
Hold (of a ship) : Ar. and V. P. and V. #o*i;Aos, V. ao-dA^Tos see ;

di/TAta, ^, P. i/ate /cotAiy (Dem. 883). inviolate. Pious : P. and "V. ev-
Hole, subs. Ar. and P. Tpijfwt, TO cre/frfc, oorto?, dcoo-eftfe. Free from
Chasm : P. and V. x<*><rv>*, TO ; see stam of guilt : V. euay>Js.
also cave. Hole in the roof for the Homage, subs. P. SepaWa, ^.
smoke to escape : Ar. &nj, ^. Hole Honour : P. and V. Tt/n/, 17,
in the groiwd : P. and V. opvy//a, Obeisance : P. -Trpocr-
TO. He tried to make a hole in Do homage to, court,
the ship's bottom: P. SIC/COTTTC TOV v. : and P. tfepcwreuciv (aco.).
TrAotbv TO &i<os (Dem. 883). Honour P. and V. TAAta^ (ace.).

Pierced with holes : use adj., P, Reverence, worship : P. and V.

and Y. Terp^^os. Pwfe ^oZe5 in, vtfttiv (aco.), o-pcr6ai (ace.), Ar.
v.: met., P. 8ioT;piv (ace.). and V. (rcptciv (aoc.).
Holiday, subs. Leisure : P, and V. o&ewa-wce to : P. and V.
o-^o ij.
Have a holiday, v. : P. and (aco.).
V. Festival, subs. : P. Home, subs. P. and V. OLKOS, 5,
and V. coprjj, 17. Sacrifice : P. and 011070-19, ^, oiKrf/jta., TO, Ar. and P.
V. 0T5<ria, 17. Zeep holiday, v. : P. and otiaa, 17,
Ar. and V. oy/*os, 6, SCO/AO,
V. opTay. Holiday (attire, etc.), TO, ISpa, 17 ;
see dwelling. Place of
adj. : Y. tfeoopucos, refuge : P. and V.
Horn Hon

The land of home Y. eoriorvos Gattche : P. and Y.


yata. The hearth *>f the home : \. Poor : P. and Y. /AeVpio?

d<i>juaTms lorta. Home, to home, Homestead, subs. See /a?*??i j

adv. P. and V. ot*aoX P. lif oW. Homeward, adv. P. and Y. okaSe,


At home P. and Y. OIKOI, IrSor,

: P. cV owcoi'. Bethink you of your ,

KULT OLKOV, V. ei' 00/i.ois, or use adj., i hotiwicard joutney : Y. ri}? iraXiv
Y. feoo-Teyos. JsTeep a Acwie, v. pepvrjv 68ob (Eur., Or. 125).
in trans. : P. and Y. oiKovpelv. -4c i

Homicide, subs, ^hurderer : P. and

home (as opposed to abroad) : use ! V. <f>ovev<s, o Or r;,
P. avfpo<f>6vo<:, o,

ad]., Y. v8j//io5. Be at home (asj Y. u.i'ftpGJTro/a'oVos, 6 j see murderer.

opposed to abroad), v. : Ar. and
e !
Be a homicide, v. Y. /SporoKTovew,

P. Met. a/ Ac we (zw a Murder, subs. P.


7ri3*j/x<V. , arSpoKTovetr.
subject) : P. and Y. f/jL7reipr>? (gen.), ,'
and Y. <^oro?, o, Ar. and Y. <j>ovai,

7rumjfj.tov ^gen.). Stuy-at-home al see murder. ; ;

Ar. and

(contemptuously), adj P. and V. Homicidal, adj. : P.

oticovpos, P. Ir07?//.o?.
JFV '??2 home : Y. <otVios, Y drop \

'opos see ;

P. and Y. oticofor. Abroad : see murderous. |

abroad. Gwrdiny the home: P. Homogenous, adj. P.


and Y. l<rrto'xo? '(Plat.). Met., (Arist.).

(drive) home, etc. : use adv., Y. Hone, subs. V.
ditt/iira. Briny a chanje liome to a Honest, adj. P. \
person, v. P. and Y. \cyx <LV ( acc
op0o's, St/caLo?, Irducos, fcros,
of person or thing), ^eA.eyx' (acc. Ar. and V. o-0A.os. ,
Of ,

of person or thing). Briny (afeeliny) _

things also P. and Y. vyt7;s! :

home to a person P. Trapto-rarat (TI Honestly, adv.

. P. and Y. I

TIM). Bring nearer home to the\ evSt/c<os 6pQ&s, a7rA.ois, /caA.o>5, P. t

Athenians their fear_of losing He won't honestly


command of the sea: P cyyrrcpw. arf??iii f/iai 7ze z's talking nonsense :
KaTacrn/o"at TOIS 'A^viuot? TOV <j>6/3ov P. oi'fc c^eXet yci'vata)? o^-oXoyeiv oVt

Trepi TI^ (Thuc. 2, 89).

Xeyec (Plat., Loch. 196A-B).j

The peril icaa brought nearer home Honesty, subs. P. and V. I

to them than when they voted for the T),

Y. Tovrriei/o 9 P. 7ri'Kia, 77, aTrXo-

sailing of the expedition : P. /mAAov T^S, ?}. j

avrot? cwnfei Ta Scw/a OT e^<i'orTo Honey, subs. *y

P. and V. /*e'At, TO',

(Thuc. 6, 30). Y. /AA.tcro-a, 77. Mixed with honey,
Home, adj. Of the home : Y. adj. : P. /ue/uXmo/Aeco?. Pour
As opposed to foreign : P. and V. mingled draughts of honey and
milk : V. p^XiKpar a<^e? yolXa/CTos
Home-bred, adj, Ar. and P. (Eur., Or. 115). Honey seller: Ar.

Home-coming, subs. Y. VOOTOS, Honey cake, subs. Ar. jncXiTovo-orc , ^.

adj. : Y. votrrlpjos. Honeycomb, subs. Ar. and P.
Home-grown, adj P. and Y. .
KtfplOVj TO.
Ar.and P. otjeoyev7;s. Honeycombed, adj. Use P. and V.
Homeless, adj. P. and V.
Ar. and Y. Honied, adj. Met., Ar.
P. and V.
Homeliness, subs. Simplicity : P. Honour, subs. P. and V. TZ/M/, ^,
Q-awheness : P. and Y. Respect, reverence, regard : Y.
17. creySas, TO, atSai?, evrpoinj, 7;, P 0pa- ,

Homely, adj. Simple P. and V. 7T/'a, T/. Eawfc P. and Y.

: :

Hon Hop
TO', ripy, 7), P. u&'a, 17. Reputation: Honoured, adj. P. and Y,
P. and V. Soa, ^, cuSo&'a, ^, K/Wos, ,
rf/uo?, Y. TravTifLos. Venerable : Y.
TO (rare P.), ovo/ia, TO, Ar. and V. ;
yepdotpos ; see revered.
cwcAcia, 17, /cC'Sos, TO, V. /cXtySwi', 17. |
Hood, Subs. Ar. and Y. KaA.Lyt//o, TO.
Adornment : P. and Y. KO'CT/AOS, C&jy P. and Y. KVVTJ. ^.

6. Concretely (applied to per- Hood-wink, v. trans. See deceive.

sons or things), the honour (boast) Hoof, subs Ar. and P. 657X17, ?/, Y.

of: P. and Y. er^/m, TO, V. Trpo'- xrjXrj, 77.

TFii/i cZore 7ioo/, adj. : Y.

TO, &yaXp.u., TO, aiS^/wi, TO. St^Xos. |

V. ayvcu/x, TO, irap^evcta, HOOK, subs. P. ay/cwrrpor, TO.


TFbrd o/ honour : P. and Y. Eeaping-hooJc : P. and Y. SpeVavov,


TO TTIO-TOV. HoZd 171 TO (BUT., CfycZ. 394:).
honour, v. P. :
/TI/AO>S x tv (ace), Hooked, adj. Curied : P. and Y.

V. irpeo-fitveiv (ace.) (also Plat, but ica/jwrijAos (Plat.), Y. orpc^rros, ica/4-

rare P.) ; see honour, v. Pay TH/IOS see curved. .

honour to : P. and V. rl^v StSoVat Hook-nosed, adj. P. ypiwro's (Plat.),


(dat.). Last honours (to the dead), cTrtypwros (Plat.).

subs. : P. TOL I/O/U/ACU Pa2/ Zasi 7to?iowrs ;
Hoop, subs. P. and Y. /cr/cXos, 6,
to, V. : P. TO. voni6fJLcva <^6pv Tpo^os, o. Of a ring P. and Y.

(dat.), V.
ayaarditw (aCC.) (Eur., o*<^a/Sov7;, 17.
Phoen. 1327), ay&rav (ace.) (Eur., Hoopoe, subs. P. and V. 6
Sttpp. 764, .HeZ. 937). Eaise to (Plat., Phaedo, 85A, also Ar.).
honour : P. and Y. atpciv, avaviv, Hoot, v. trans. Ar. and P.
aufciv, Y. ri/uov avayciv. (dat. or absol ). Hoot off the stage :
Honour, v. trans. P. and V. rlpJav, P. o-upieiv, Ar. and P. e/c/JaAAeiv.
<iiow, Ar. and Y. ycpatpciv, Y. Be hooted off the stage : P. OCTTMTTCIV.

TijtuzA0iy, KTi/Aav, Ticiv. Prefer to Of an owl Ar. KLKKa/Bd^ew. ;


Jumwvr : P. and Y. wpo-rlpJav. Hoot, subs.

P. and Y. 0opi5/?o9, 6.

Honour exceedingly : Y. fon-pTt/Aav. Hop, v. intrans. JDimp : P. xwAaivciv ;


Exalt : P. and Y. atpav, au|avtv, see Zi??a^. Of a bird : use ?#/&.

O.V&LV, fjLfyakww (Eur., Bacch. 320), Hope, subs. P. and Y. cX^ts, y (also

Ar. and V. oy/cow, Trvpyow, P. used concretely of a person, cf.!

a-cfjLvweiv, eVavfavctv, Y. fodycw. Thuc. 3, 57) ; see buoy. Expec- \

Adorn : P. and V. KOO-^W. Reve- tation P. -n-poo-Soicta, ^.

worship : P. and Y. Hope, v. intrans. P. and Y.

Ar. and Y. o-cpl P. V. P. and Y.

Honour in addition : \

civ. Value highly : P. /or: P. and Y.

woAAou irOtelcrBai. V. Expect : P. and Y.
(aco.), Trpoo-So/cav (aCC.).
Honourable, adj. Conferring honour : Hopeful, adj. P. and V.

P. and Y. Tt/uos, Y. Travrt^to?. Good, Auspicious : P. and Y. /eoAos, Y.

noble : P. and V. yewaw>s, Sextos, Ar. and V. owrios (also Xen.) ;
(Plat.), /coAo's, Ar. and V. see auspicious.
Honest: P. and Y. see Hopefully, adv. Cheerfully : P. and

IZZwsflriows : P. and V. V. u^<o5 (Xen.). Auspiciously :

OVOfJLOLGTOS, 7rfen7/jtOS, P. P. and Y. ev, /coAa>9, V. ater^W; see
, d^toAoyos, Y. see auspiciously.
Hopefulness, subs. Hope: P. and
Honourably, adv. P. and V. V. IATT&, 17. Cheerfulness : P. and
ois, V. Byvai9 ; see also honestly . V. eWvfjLia, f) (Xen.).
Hop Hor

Hopeless, adj. Despairing : P. and Horny, adj. Made of horn : P. Kpa-

V. <I0u/40s ., V.. oY<r&>o* P.
(Xen.), .
TiW9(Xen.). Made hard: use P.
dycA-rio-Tos. Hopeless safety V.
Hoeless oof saet .
TTuA,(D//.e!>o9 (Xen.).
reA.7ris. Despaired or\ Horrible, adj. P. and V. 6Wc>9,
'y debased : P. airwevorj- <f>O/5pO?, d>plK(o67?9j V. QVO"yiUtO$ t
W.<f>O/3O9* O"MpQl'OS, OlfOvttTO9. rrltri
Desiderate (of condition),

P. and V.
&r0pos, V. u/^/x<'^ (rare horrible looks : V. 6Ww/r; see also
P.), P. rJveA.7rrros. Impossible to
deal with ,of a person) : V. Horribleness, subs P. 8
Horribly, adv. P. and V.
Hopelessly, adv. P. arcTrtcrnws. Horrid, adj. See horrible. Un-
Despondently: P. dW/xcus (Xen.), pleasant : P. tt^ST/9,
P. and V. y#a/c

3wT0v/jos (Plat.). Ira a lioyeless way :

P. and V. Horrify, v. trans. Frighten : P. and

V. V. (/>o/3eir iKfopeiv, Ar. and P. or t

KaTa^>o^tv. Sfeocfc : P. and V.

Hopelessness, subs. Despair: P. e/cTrAiyo-a-crv, P. fcaTaTrA-iJoro-eiv. Z)5-
ttTToVoia, ?/ see despair. Despon-; turb : P. and V. Tapao"0~iv, o-uvra-
dency : P. and V. a0v/ua, 17,

oWfliyju'a, >) (Plat.). Of conditions, Horror, subs Ji^ar . P. and V.

etc. : P. and V. &ropta, 17. <o/30S-, 6, oppo>8ia, if, Seo9, TO, Bel/to,
Hoplite, subs. P. and V. oTrAfr^s, 6. TO, V. T<po9, TO'. 5/&oc& : P. and
Smv as Jioplite, v. : P. oTrXtrcuctr. ;
V. 2/C7TAT7&9, ^, Shudd&r : P. and
Force of hoplites, subs. : P. TO V. Tpojttt>9, 6 (Plat.), <piK?7, ^.
! Horse, subs. P. and V. r^?, 6, V.
Horde, subs. P. and V. ox^ o, P.
iraA.09, 6. Young horse : P. and V.
cnyx^ero's, o ; see crowd, gang. 7raiAo9, o. Bace-horse ; Ar. and P.
Horizon, subs. Range of sight : P. KA.v5, 6. Cavalry : P. and V.
ro^is, 17, Boundary : P. and V. .
WT7T09, ^, TO tTTTTt/COV, P. MT7ria (Xen.),
opos, 6 see boundary.;
V. t-TTTTtlCO?
0X^09, 6, WnTOTT^ 0^X09,
Horizontal, adj. Use P. n,/c/cAi- 6 ; see cavalry. Master of the
ftcvos (Thuc. 2, 76). horse : Ar. and P. wr7rapxo9, 6. Of
Horn, subs. P. and V. /cepas, TO. .
a feorse, adj. : P. and V. t7nrr/co9,
Horn for drinking : P. and V. /cepas, Ar. and V. nnno<$, V. TrwAt/cos. J^o7^r-
rd (Xen.). Musical instrument: horsed, adv. V. TfToaopos, Terpo>po9,
P. and V. o-oA.?riyf , ^ ; see trumpet. | TTpafuyo9, Ar. and V. T"
Made of horn, adj. : P. fcepanvos I
Having fine horses, adj. V. :

(Xen.). Li/i up one's horn, met., Having white horses V. : -

V. : Ar, KCpovTtav. Avico7ra>A.o9. Loving horses :

adj. :

Horned i adj. P. and V. /cepoo-<opos V. 0tAt7ZTro9. Pasture for horses,

(Plat.)^ V. ICpaOTT75 f CVKp<0$, V- Subs. V. Mnro^>opj8ioi/, TO. :

/cpatpo?, Kpo<jf>6po5. Fern, adj, V. Horseback, subs. Ow horseback:

icepoo-rfe, *poucro-a (Soph., ^agr. P. and V. c^' linrov. Bide on horse-
and Bur., Frag.). Horned like back, v. see ride. Biding on :

an ox : V. (Soph., jFVa^.). ou/cepa>s horseback, moimted) adj.: P. and

SB warf^ 5ore feauoc o/ the horned V. l^t7T7ro9 ; see moimted.
beasts : V* !*ew> ^roXvAccptoj' <i>ovoj' Horse breeder, subs. P. linroTp6<f>os t

(Soph., J[/. 55). 6. Be a Jiorse-breed&r, v. ; P.

Hornet, subs. Ar. d^p^, 17

vtov, TO. Horse breeding, subs. P.

Hornless, adj. P. <&cpo>s t
Hc- Hot

Horsed, adj. See mounted. O/ the Stars . Y. own-pear

Horseless, adj. Ar and Y. (IZEsch., Ag. 4).

Horseman, subs P. and Y. ^

Y. tTnroTf/s, 6, i7rm;A.aT7?$, 6, Ar.
Hostage, subs.
P. and Y. o W pos, 6
<", (Eur., Or. 1189), Y. p*rtov, TO'.

and V. iTnrovrojuas, 6 ; see rider. Be a hostage, v. P. o^pct'ctv.


Horsemanship, subs. Ar. and P. Take as a hostage, v. : Y. o/ttypevew

i-nriKyfj ?/ j
see riding. (aoc.) (Eur., BJies. 434), pro-ia^eir
Horse race, subs. Ar. and P. ITTTTO- (ace.).^7oi ro 6e sewd a ^ a hostage,
opo/u'a, ^, P.
and V. Mnrticos 8po/iO5, adj. Y. dppto-tWTos. TAey wshed

c, iTTTriieos 4y<i>i>, 6. any prisoner they took to serve as a

Horse tender, subs. Groom : P. hostage for their friends within .

ITTTTOKO/AOS, 6, V. WT7TO)3oi'KoA.OS, 6.
Horticulture, subs. P. /c^-aa, ^ VTrapxtw avrl T&V IvoW (Thuc., 11, 5).
Hospice, subs. See inn Hostelry, SUbs. /camyoiyiov, TO.
Hospitable, adj. P. and V. <tAo- Hostess, subs. Mistress of a house :
<p&>v (Xen.), Y. dJfci'os, aJ^eivos, Ar. Y. oiKovpos, 17. Of an inn. Ar.
and V. <lA.oei/os. Receiving every-
one : V. ?rav8oKos. Hostile, adj. P. and V.
Hospitably, adv. P. and V. <lAo- ;(0pOS, VCLVTtO5, 8uO-/jlVTj$, P.

<6pdVu>s (Plat.),
P. ^lAo^us (ISOC.). vai/rtbs, Y. avapo-ios, Ai. and Y.
Hospitality, subs. P. and V. 6*0, TruX/yKOTos. Disaffected : P. and
rd. Entertaining : P. eWis, 17, V. STJOT/OVS, Ar. and P. KCWCOI/OVS, V.
vicr/-Los, 6. TPeZcowe : P. and V pan/. J5e hostile to,
vTroSox^, ^. Ghftsfrorn one's host : v. : P. IX^PW?
SwtTd^vat Trpo? (ace).
P. and Y.
fria, TC. Treai w?^ a hostile spirit: P.
Iwspitality, v. tians. P. and V. :
* '

W^ctv (Dem. 414), ^o- Hostility, subs. P. and V.

(absol.) (Plat), Ar. and P. 8vcr/Aei/ta, 17, ^^o?, TO (Thuo.), P.
V. j-cvovcrOai (mid.). 17.
Sine: P. and V.
Bights of hospitality, subs. P. and :

V. fen'a, T? (Eur Rhes. 842). ^ews , Disaffection : P. and Y. 8vorota,

w/jo presides over hospitalities : V. P. Ka/coVota, 17. Hostilities, war :

Zevs ^a/tos. Tfeey ^rflwe me hospi- P. and Y. TroAc/Aos, 6, P. TO. TroAe/iia.

tality at a table set apart : V. fcna Hostler, subs. P. tmroK^/w)?, 6 ; see
/iot 7rap<r^ov (Bur., groom.
J. 21 949). I comm&id the hospi- Hot, adj. P. and Y. 0ep/xos. J30 hot,
tality of this man's house : V. v. : P. and Y. 0p/Wv<r0cu.
p.v oSc TovS" dvSpO9 O~8ovas feoi, adj. : P. and V. Si&riJpos (Plat.,

(Eur., JS7Z.
396). Tim. 5Sc and Eur., O^Z. 631), Y.
Host, subs. P. and Y. #vos, 6, V. fcavoro?(Eur, OycZ. 633), ly/cc-
^cTvrs, 6. At a dinner : P. e<moir&p, /ca-u/xi/os (Eur., OycZ. 393), Ke/eau-
o (Plat.). Inn-keeper : P. -rravBoK&Js, juevos (Eur., C^cZ. 457). Vehement :

o (Plat.). One who

his deceives P. and Y. 6&s, Btpfws, P. cr<^oSpos.
host: Y. ^aaraT^", 6. Slay one's Impetuous : P. and V. eirovos,
host, v. : Y. frvofovtlv (absol.). OTVVTOV05, Ar. and V. 6ovpu>$, Y.
Army, subs. : P. and Y. crrpaToy, 6, tfooJpos, attfoiv (also Plat,
but rare P.).
CTpdrevfAa, TO, OTparorrcSov, TO, P. Of taste : Ar. and P. Splits. Of
arpaTta, ^. Expedition : P. and V. temper : P. and V. oi?s, V. SiJo-opyos,
oro'A.os, 6 ; see army. Crowd : P. Ar. and V. oS0iJ/>s. Jw hot haste :
and V. o^A-os, 6, o-vAAoyos, 6, 0^0805, P. and V. o>s rdxurra, (nrov8/7 see I

37, o/At\off, 6 ; see crowd. The host

Hot How
Hotel, subs. See inn. P. and V. iomK'iv, OIKL'', fcaTOt-
Hotly, adv. Impetuously : P. jc&ca Beceive : P. and V 3exeo-0<u,

eiToVws, <rwroV<i)?. Angrily P. Housed : use adj., V.

and V. Triicp'us, V. ferepflr/xus, P. 5c housed, v. V. 8o>/za- :

opytXo>s. Hotly contested (of a

battle) :
P.Kaprcpo's, fVxupos. Pursue House breaker, subs. Ar. and P.
hotly : P. /com iroSns rtito/ccir. OS, .

Hough, subs. See 7iaw. Household, subs. P. and V. O?KOS,

Hound, subs. P. and V. *iW, 6 or 5, P. ok/o, %, Ar. and V. Sdfios, o,
17. Young hound : P. and V. SoiyLia,
TO'. O/ the household, adj. :
ox&W, 6 or Hound for hunting
: P. and V. ot*tos, V. e^cWtos,
V. KiW Arideati'u, (Soph., Jly. 8). 7; eyyei/T/?. Guarding the household :
P/ic/: o/ hound? : P K-n-T/yco-tor,
TO P. andV o-Tioi5xos (Plat.). Manage
(Xen.). a household, v. P. owcovoyu-ct]/ (ace.). :

Hound, v. trans. CVv/e o . P. and Housekeeper, subs. P. oticovo/ios, 6

V. 7rtfeA.ei'v, ey^Aevetv (Eur., or 77,
V. ot/coupo9, 6 or r;.

Cyd ), crorpffrcir, eoTptivtr, V. House keeping, subs. P. olKovoula,

y, CTcyjceAei'eu' (Eur , Cyd.) 9 77,
V. OLKOUptai, at, otfcovp77/Aa, TO.
House maid, subs. See ??wittZ.

Hour, subs. P. and V. alpo, 17. Housewife, subs. P. otWd/ios, 77,

taWW : P. and V. Kaipos, 6, ulpa, V. OtKOVpOS,

77, T).

0*^77, T).
-4i what hour / Ar. and Hovel, subs. P. KaXvfiy, 7,
P. TTT/rftca ; JF7ia 7ioz4>- is it 1 Ar. TO.
and P. mqviK At what hour : Hover, v. in trans. P. and V.

(indirect) P. and Y. oTnyi/if/ca. At o-0ai, Trercor^at, Ar. and V.

this or that hour : P. and V. -njvt' Of a ghost V. dtWeti/ (Eur : ,

Kavra, P. TrjvLKaSe, V TYjvtKa. Or 31). Hovering in air, adj. Ar. :

she shall learn even at the eleventh and P. /j,Te'o>pos, Ar. and Y. /icrap-
hour that 'ti labour lost to honour o-ios. flbwer rottTZ^ (a person),
tJie dead : V. T) yrwaerat yovv aAXa met. : P. Trepixfiar&ai (dat).
TyiiKavff OTI 7rdvo5 Trepto-oro? lort rav How, adv.
Interrogative P. and .

"AiSov (Soph., -l?zi. 779). V. fl-Gs ; TtVa TpO7rov ; Ttvt TpoVa) ;

Hourly, adj. See continual. xotw TpoVw ; P. ir9) , Indirect : P.
Hourly, adv. P. K<L& Ifecumji/ wpav. and V, o?r<os, OTTT;, o>s, y, OTO>
House, subs. P. and V. ofteos, 6, TpoVo). Exclamatory P. and V. :

OLiaivis, 7), olKijjj.a, TO (^Ssch., -.4^. <J>9. Someliow : see somehow.

334), Ar. and P. oLoo, T), V. o-r^, How much or T&OW; ^reai, interrog.
oTeyos, TO, OLKynrjpLOV, TO, Ar. and
7;, adj. P. and V. TTOO-OS.
: Indirect :
V. SoVos, 6, or pL, 5w/xa, TO', or pi. P. and V. o\n>9, OTTOO-OS.
eorta, T/, i^\aOpov 9 TO, or pi. ; see Howbeit, cunj. See nevertheless.
dwelling. Small house: Ar. and However, adv. In whatever way:
P. orf6W, TO'. Building : P. ot/co- P. and V. oVcoy, <J>5, OT&> TpoVw.
SofjLvjfjua, TO Family : P. and V. Although : with adj., aclv. and
oZ/co9, 6, P. owcta, 77, Ar. and V. part., P. and V. KotVcp, Trcp; see
SO/AOS, 6, SwfjLa, TO. JJocfi : P. and although. At least at am/ rate P. t .

V. ycvos, TO ^l^ house of: P. and and V. yc yovv, yc /XT;V, V. y /ACV 877. 9

V. irapd (dat.). ZfifijO few^fi, V. P. Bw, at any rate : P. and V. dU* :

and V. oiKovpelv, P. oocovoftctv (ace.). ovv, 8* ow. Nevertheless, yet, conj. :

Audience, subs- P. and V. fooW, :P. and V. o/icos, /to^rot, C/XTTCLS.
Ot, &(0pOL Ot, Ot 6eU>{JLVOL.
Howl, v. intrans. Of men P. and :

House, v. trans. Settle, establish: V. oAoA.vf', V.

How Hum
iv&iv, 0o>vo-o-eiv, Xaicaeir, Ar. and ezceed'inyi.y, much. It an extra-
V. KtoKfaiv ; see cry, groan. Of ordinary degree : P.
animals : P. and Y. <0yy*o-#ai, Y. s, Ar. and P. &rep<ro>s, V.
K\<%CLV. Of the wind P. and V :

\//o(f>Lv. (
Hugeness, subs. P. and Y.
Howl, subs. P. and Y. oXoXuyiJ, ^ TO, oy/cos, 6.
(rare P.), V. 6XoXvy/*ds, 6, t&rq, ^, Hulk, subs. Hulk of a ship; P. and
"s, 6, Ta see C7V/,
fcco/cuftciTa, ;

Y. ovca^o?, TO.
Of animals P. and Y. :
Hulking, adj. P. and V.
J, TO' (Plat.), <<9o'yyos, 6 (Plat ), Hulking boy Ar. 0^:

V. <jb0oyyi5, 17, jSoiy, ^. Noise P. Hull, subs. P. and Y. ovcaos, TO.

and V. ^d<os, o. Hum, v. trans. Ar.
Howsoever, adv. See however. ; //,/fy>#>iv. Y
intrans. P. and Y.
Hubbub, subs. P. and Y. 0dpv/3os, o, (Plat.), V. 0<oiWeir 9 Ar.
P. Tapani}, ^, ^pous, 6, V. Tapay/jids, and V. ui i, Ar.
and P.
6, Tapay/xa, TO. Outcry : P. and Y. j
(generally) : P.
ySory, 17, Kpauyr}, ,P. /ca and V.
Huckster, subs. P. and V. Hum, subs, P. /?6>/3os, 6. JVbwe
(generally) P. and V. iktyos, 6. '

Huckster, v. trans. P. and V. Human, adj. P and Y.

(ace. or absol.). P. av6pu>irivo<s9 Ar. and P.
Huddle together, v. intrans. P. (rare). Humansacrifices, subs. : Y.
<rv<rTp<f><r&a.i, Ar. and V. 0v<riaL fipoTQKTovoi. Half-human^
vat (2nd aor. pass. o-
adj. : Y. /uo'%>. Mortal : P. and
Huddled together : use adj., P. and Y. tfi^TOs, V. ySpoTos, jSpo-nJo-to?.
Y. a(9/odo5. /&aw human : P. and V.

Hue, subs. P. and V. xpfyu*! 17 icaT av6p<o-ov (ISOC.),

V. ov
Xpo'a, 17 (Plat.), Ar. and V. xpoia, KOLT" dv^pwTrov. /% all human pro-
rj9XP^, o. JSwe awd cry use P. .
bability : Kara TO
and V. 06>t5/?o5, 6. Humane, adj. P. and V.
Hug, v. trans. Embrace : P. and 0po>7ros, wpaos, lyTrtos ; see gentle.
V. &nra<r&u, Y. Trcpt/JaAAciv, Humanely, adv. P.
(Plat, also but rare P.), -3rpao)5, P. and Y. ^TTUOS ;see _
Trpocnrrvcro-ew (or mid.), afJL<t>t/3dXXav, Humanise, v. trans. P. and
LV - Met., cling to : P. and irpa&vew ] see civilise
Y. ^x <r ^ at fe en -)> OLVTfxea-OaL (gen.). Humanity, subs. Human kind : P.
Hug, subs; Embrace: P. and Y. and Y. ol avdpcoTrot, Ar. and V.
Trept/JoXcu, at (Xen.), V. M, ol, ^v^TTot', oL Gentleness : P.
at, acnrao-fcaTa, Ta ; see TTpaoTTys, ^, V. wpeu-
Huge, adj. P. and V. see gentleness. Culture : ;

(JEsch., Frag.), P. Ar. and P. ircuoVa, ^, flro^Seuo-t?, ^.

wcp^erpo?, Traja/xeyas. Of
, Human kind, subs. See humanity.
number or measure P. and V :
Humanly, adv. Ar. and P. <ir0pa>-
s, Ar. and P. ira/4- P. di/0p<o7r/a>s. Humanly
Y. /A^pibs (also Plat, but rare
, P. /CttTO, TO
P.) see vast. Extraordinary : P.
; Humble, adj. P. and V.
and Y. see see also poor. Mean, obscure : P.
extraordinary. and Y. <ao5Xos, Y. /?pap(i;s, ySatos,
Hugely, adv. P. and V. fteya, /teywrra. a/uavpd?. /ft WT/ humbu& opinion :
exceedingly : P. and V. o-<o8pa, P. and Y. <Ss y" cp.<ii SOKCI.
Ar. and Y. (rare P.); see Humble, v. trans. P. and Y. *o0ai-
Hum Hun

ptr, owTeAAcur, jcoA-jiW, P. TaTret- (oats ; ; see indulge. Please : P.

Ar. and V. ivx* euWw, V. and V. fipca-Kctv (ace. or dat.), Ar.
zp/j7rtv, jcaTKr^ratrcri'. and V. driven' (dat ). 6rwe zyay
Ar. and P. KSr^deiy. to P. and V.
. ec' (dat.), vTretKetv
Be humbled : P. and V. Kiiiiirrcirfat (dat.). Cringe to P. and Y.
(Plat.,. iTTOTp\iv (ace ), v-TrepxccrQat (ace ).

Humble-bee, subs, Ar /-fo/A/ffAjo?. Humourous, adj. P. and Y.

6. Humourously, adv. P. yeAoiW
Humbleness, subs. P. narcivArq*, 77. Hump-backed, ad]. Ar. KUDO'S.
Obscurity : P. and V. ffiofui, 7} Hunch-backed, adj. Ar. Kv<f>6<$.
Humbly, adv. P. nnreu'S?. Hundred, adj. P. and Y.
Humbug, subs and v trans See (Soph., Trach. 762, Bur., Phoen.
deceit, deceiver, deceive. 1135, etc.).
Humid, adj. See damp. Hundred-headed, adj. Ar.
Humidity, subs. See dampness. Ke<oAos, Y. iKUToy/capavos,
Humiliate, v. trans. P. rcanwow :
| Hundredth, ad]. Ar. and P.
see humble. Insult : P. and V. ord?. |

iftpi&w, Ar. and V. KaOvpofatr. Hunger, subs. P. and Y. AZ/x.o's, 6,

Dishonour: P. and V. aTZ/xow, P. -n-cti/a, 77. Met., desire: P. and |

Outrage :

and \
V. I/MDS, 6, ejriOvfjLLa, fj ; see desire.
Dying of hunger, adj : V. XZ/
TJie pangs of hunger : V.
Humiliation, subs. P. and
Y. ato^i5i^, r), Y. Dts- Hunger, v. intrans. and V. P.
(/race; P. andV, ,, 77.
Itisult :
(Soph., and Eur.,
P. and Y. Outrage : P. Frag.). Fast: P. and V. ao-lrelv.
and Y. >7 (Plat.), Hunger after : P. TTCIVTJV (gen.), P.
AW^TJ, 77 (Plat.). and V. ihrtdii/Accv (gen.), I<f>iear6ou,

Humility, subs. P. (gen.), opeyecrQat, (gen.), cpai/ (gen.),

Hummock, subs. Hummock of\ Ar. and V. Ipao-flat (gen.).
'* '
P* and V. Ao'<o9, 6, P. |
Hungry, Fasting : P. and V.
6 (Plat.), fiao-T09, 6 (Xen.) ;

O-ZTOS, V. vi}<m$ ^opas. Be

see v. :
I and1"
P. V. (
s Ph :

Humour, subs. Moisture:

Moisture : P. TO and Bur., Frag.). Greedy, adj. :

vypdV, P. and Y. T/OT&, 77 (Plat, but Aaftxfe ; see greedy. Ravening :

rare P.), l^ds, t (Plat, but rare P....... ____ r , (5/x,Ty<rn;9,

V. jcoiAoyaoTtop,
, ^ r..,... l ^
and jEsch, Frag.), Ar and V.'Hunt, subs. P. and V.
Mood ; and V. (Plat.), *ypa T) (Plat.), V.
e ^P.
7 '9 o, 77^09, TO. Fun : P. and 77.
Pursuit : P. Sito^is, 7% Y.
V. Humours TO (also Plat, but rare P.),
(in |

medical sense) : P. pcv/x-aTa, Ta.

6, /xcTaopo/ATJ, 77 (also Xen.) Met.,;

Good-humour :
eager pursuit : P. and V. 0i}pa, 77.
P. cu/coAta, i), V.
77. Good-humoured, adj. : Search : P. and V. ^TTyo-ts, 77.
and P.
Ar. Good-hwmour- Hunt, v. trans. P. and V.
e^^, adv. : P. (or mid.) (Xen. also Ar,),
Hi-humour, snbs. : Ar. and P. (Xen.), /nJnTycTciv (Xen.
oW/eoAia, T). Ill-humoured, adj. : also Ar.), V. icicwiryTtv. Pursue :
P. and Y. oYo-icoAos. Ill-humour- P. and V. Stoweciv, P. KaraSiutKeiv,
edly, adv. : P SuoTeoAo)?.
cVtStwicctv. Drive in pursuit : P.
Humour, v. trans. P. and Y. and V. eAavVai/, V. lka(rrpLv. Seek
(dat.), P. OpyOLS 7T4<^ptF

eagerly : P. and Y. Oypevcw, Y.

Hi!."! Hus

(or mid.). Hunt for, seek : ,

Hurry, v. trans. P. and V.

P. and V. fyreLv, epuvr. Hunt\ , CTrcc'yetr, QpfLav, P.
up P. and V. cpcuruv see ; search, \ (intrans. in Ar.). V. intians
examine. P. and Y. op/jtdv, op/j.aa-6cu t eiretye-
Hunter, subs. P. and V. /cw^ycYrjs, ,
trOatj lcr9a.L (rare P.), <t/uAAaor&at
o, P. 077pi'Tr/s, 6, Y. /cwdyos, o. |
(rare P.), tfrepccrQa.' , Ar. and Y.
Fellow hunter V. o-uyicvvdyos, 6.

: reiveiv, eyKOvelv, ra^iveLv, cicro'ew (also

Hunting, subs. See hunt. Art of Plat, but rare P.), o-7Tv'8eiv (rare P.),
hunting : P. rj flr/pcrm/cr/, /cuvTjy^crioj/,
TO. Hounds for hunung : Ar. and 0oacu', pass, of
(TTj^i/at (1st aor.
P. Kvi'e? OffpfvriKtu at. Good at \ o"euetv), see also TM7J,
OTrep^ecr^ae. ;

hunting, adj. : V. U%>09. .Fowd o/J ?Z457t, speed. Foreseeing the fate
hunting: P. ^tXo'^pos (Plat.). to which they are hurrying : P.

Huntress, subs. Ar. and V. Kwdyds, j

7rpoopd)//.o Oi i? ola ^cpovrat (Thuc.

Fellow huntress : Y. o-uy/ci- J 5, 111).
Hurt, v. trans. Wound: P. and Y.
Huntsman, subs. See hunter.
Hurdle, subs. Ar. and P. o. ,
and V. aZ/et^co-ftu,
Hurl, v. trans. P. and V. Ao>a<r0at (Plat.),
P. and V. ^Trretv/KS/cow,
Ar. and V.

u^lewu, ji0ivai (rare P.),

f V. Srxen/ (2nd aor.),

and V.

|[r;/tto{h/, KOLKCUS Troitlv,

lam-civ. away : P. to? 8pdv, aiKi(r&ai t Ar. and Y.
Pam, ^isiress ; P. and
&roppwrmv, V. V. Aijireiv ; see eZz'siress. Sting,
Met., wilfully: P. and V. chafe P. and Y. Sawciv. Corrupt :
aTrotf P- w/)oi(r^at. Hurl P. and V. 8ia^0etpiv, Ad)/Wveor#ai,
down P. and V. /cara^aXXctv, V. Aa)^ao-0at (Plat.).
Bring low : P. and Hurt, subs. WOWTZ^: P. and Y.
V. V. KO. , TO. Harm : P. and V.
t: Y. Q r;, ^Aa/3os TO, fyjua, rj.
Ttt>l), ril and V. /ca/coV, TO. Mischief :
: P.
Hurrah, interj. P. and V. W> (Eur., I
Y TTrjfJLGLi Tty ^YffJLOVTJ,r e ttTT^,
w e
^. Tf] t

Corruption: P. and Y.
Hurrah, subs. P. and Y.
Qopvftos, 6, V. 6.
Hurtful, adj. P.
hurrah, v. : Ar. and P. Oopvftely, P. )8Aaj8pos, av7Tfn;8to?, P. and V.
JCCUC09, /caKovpyos, V.
Hurricane, subs. P. 1/00-0)8775, Ar. and V. aTTypos, V.
6, and P. -n-p^cmyp, 6 (Xen.).
Storm : P. and Y. x^ip^v, 6, Ar. Hurtle, v, intrans. -Rws7& : P. and V.
and V. 0vcAAa, r) see storm. VECTUCU, (rare P.JJ d)p<rvQ.L Y, dtto*o"Vy
; t

Hurried, ad). Quick : P. and V. Ar. and V. ^o-o-ctv (also Plat, but
Taxt:s S/wr^ : P. and Y. rare P.). Clash : P. and Y. ^o<^iv
see quick. Ar. and Y. /crvrreo' (also Plat, but
Hurriedly, adv. P. and V. T^, lv rare P.).
rd\t, Sift. T^O-US, OTTOVO^, Ar. and P. Husband, subs. P. and V. avrjp, 6,
Taj(ea>5, P. Kara Tax<>S <5^eeo5, V. <rvv Ar. and Y. -JTOO-IS, 6, o-iWwos, 6, Y.
'S, O, CyVttTCDp, 0, OT?AAICTpO5, O,
Hurry, subs. P. and V. T<XXOS, TO, s, 6, O-VWO/AO?, 6, owcweryjs, 6,
(TTrovSi;, r). Iw a hurry: P. ?, o. Loving ones husband^
<T7rou8y/i/ (Thuo. 1, 93).

Hus Hyp
Husband, v. trans. Regulate: Ar. 'Hydra, *ubs. P. and Y. Mpo, >y.
and P Ttuuci'eir, Cse we/Z : P. Proverb, cut off the heads of the
and V. /coXois xP^ ai ('dat.). 5e Hydra : P 'YSpav r^v^iv (Plat.,
of: P. and Y. Rep. 426E).
.. Hygiene, subs. Treatment of disease :

Husbandless, ad]". P. and V. mr- P. and Y. Oepaareia, T).


epos CPlat.;. Widowed: use P. Hygienic, adj. Healthy : P. Syieii'ds.


and V. xw a - Connected with treatment of

Husbandman, subs. P and V. disease P. tfcpcwrcurueos. .

'jtiTot Ar. and P. Hymeneal, adj. Ar. and P. ya/u/co's,

/0yo?, o, c'pyurTjs, o,
yew/yyc?, o, V. ytf'TT/s, o, yaz-oVos, P. and V..
(Plat.), Ar. and
Husbandry, subs Farming : Ar V. yfynyXios, V. rojtw^cvr/jpfos, Ar.

and P. fyyourta. P. ycu/uyiu, y.


Implements of husbandry Ar. TCL -

Hymn, subs. P. and V. fyivos, A, V.

yewpytKtt o-*v>/. Frugality : Ar. ' fytvw&'a, T; ;
see sowgr. Paean, Jiymn
and P. <<6\jAio, 7} of praise or victory: P. and V.
Hush, subs. P. and V. o-Zy^, /, Traidv, o. 5m{/ paean, v.: P. and
V. n-cuwvt'^cu' (absol ). Marriage
Hush, interj. P. and V. o-rya, o-Kos-a, hymn, subs. : Ar. and V. L^UCWUO?,
Y. or/a. Abstain from ecil words : 6.

P. and V. ei'$r;/Ai. v. trans. Celebrate : P. and

Hush, v. trans. P. Kara-
o-Mtwrcu' (Xen.). Make to cease : P. Hyperbole, subs. P. and V. iVep-
and Y. Traveiv. Hu&li up : P.
7roJCpt*7TTe<r#cu, P. and V. o"ionrav, Hypocrisy, subs. Deceit : P. and
criyav, cnryKaXv^Tcii' (rare P.). Y. cardrvj, >;. Dissimulation : P.
Hushed, adj. Noiseless: Y. <ty <os, , .

* -' J
ITOS. Dumb : P. and V. Hypocrite, subs. Deceive? : P. i

s, Y. a<0yKTos, tt<&0oyyos 3 rctov, 6. Dissembler : use adj., P.

hiished, v. : P. and V. o-lyav, Y. Hypocritical, adj. Deceiving P.

Ar. and V. So'Xtos.
Hush money, subs Use sembling : P. etpwi/iKos. Pretended,
Husk, subs Ar. and P. feigned : P. and V. TrAcurros (Xen.),
Ar. and V. /caXvf, 77, Ar. P. 7rpOO-9TO7To's^ V. TTOWJTOS. False .'

Case, covering : Ar. and P. P. and V* i^eu&js. Seeming (as

TO, P. and Y. K^TOS, TO. opposed to P. and V.
Huskiness, subs. P. j8payxo5, 6.

Husky, adj. Use P. Tpa^vs. Hypocritically, adv. Dissemblingty ;

Hustings, subs. Use election. Ar. and P. eipcovwcois. Falsely : P.

Hustle, v. trans. Ar. wo-r^ and Y.
(dat.), P. and Y. o>#tv, IXavvctv, Y. Hypothecate, v. trans. See mort-
fiia a>^/, P. gage.

, Hypothesis, subs. Assumption : P.

Hustling, subs. P. Murfux, o. Asswne (as
Hut, subs. P. and V. O-K^VTJ, /;,
P. ;

hypothesis'), P. wroXa/*)8ai ctv,

v. :

v7roTL6e<rOai. Be assumed
as hypo-
Hutch, subs. P. ^py/AdV, 6. thesis : P. vwapyctv, wo/er0ai, Y.
Huzza, interj. See hurrah. f

Hyaena, subs. P. vawa, 7} (Hat.). '


Hypothetical, adj. Assumed as
Hybrid, adj. P. and V. hypothesis : P. J7-
certain: P. and Y. u<ai >;?, #817X0?. >y.
Castle in the air. P. cv^v.
Unknown : P. and V. dyrws. Pursuing an ideal though incop-
adv. P. c vn-ofaww* able of appreciating even realities
Hysteria, subs. Use P. voo-orpo^o-, P. ^rovvres oAAo Tt, ws ewrcw', 7j er
', <poi'oTTe$, Se ouoc rrepi TU>V

Hysterical, adj. Fanciful: P. '

foams (Thuc. 3, 33).
P. Idealise, v. trans. Make beautiful .

, P. and V. /caAA.i5i'i/ ; see also

I Perfectly : P. and Y.
\ Ideally, adv.
accordance with Li
I, pron.
P. and V. eyoi, Y. often! one '& ideals : use P. KO.T ci>xyv.
Also of a man : use V. oSc Identical, adj. P. and Y. 6 avro?. !

or oB* ai-7/p. Of a woman yfe or Identify, v. trans. :

Recognise : P.

ijSc yvvy. I for my part P. and and Y. y/ypoio-Keii/j emyiypuxrjectr,


V. yvtopi&w', see recognise. Identify

Iambic verse, subs. Ar. and P.' oneself loith (a thing] : P. and Y.
ia//,/?o s , 6, laju^eiov,
TO. roivwciv (gen.), Koii'ovo'&aLL (ace. or
Ice, subs. P. and V. Kpu<rraXAos, 6 gen.) ; see share. Identify oneself
(Soph., jflraj.)
with (a pa> ty) : P. and Y. -trpcxr-
Ice-bound, adj. P. and V. riOecrOai (dat.), P. Trpoo-^petv (dat.) ;

V. KpucrraAAcwn} see j'o MI. Become identified with:

<7o^ : P. and V. P. and Y. opotovo-Oai (dat.),
Icy, adj.
Idea, subs. Opinion : P. and V. (dat.).
Sofa, ^, V. yvw/x-a, TO, Ar. Idiocy, subs.
P. and Y.
and P. Siavoia, rj. Conceit, notion : a<f>po<rvvrf, rj ; see
P. and Y. 8o'a, ^, Sd^atr/xa, TO,
80/070-19, ^, en/oia, ^,
Y. SoKiy^a, TO. Idiosyncrasy, subs. Temperament :
Mental picture : P. and V. ct/coii/, 07, P. and Y. ^os, TO, Tpon-os, 6, or pi.
P. t6a>Xov, TO. Thought : Ar. and Caprice, pleasure : P. and Y.
P. vowa, TO. Suspicion : P. and V
uTroVoia, 07.
Save an idea Idiot, subs. P. Aa, 6 or ^ or use
of,P. v. : and V. LTTOIT- adj., P. and V. vous,

(acc.), wovoeiv Hove see foolish.

^ to P. and Idiotic, adj. P. and V. fwi
know, v. :

Y. ayvoelv. Form an idea of: P. (Enr., CycZ.), Ar. and P.


and V. voclv (or mid.) (ace.), VTTO- see foolish. ; (ace.) (rare V.). The Idle, adj. P. and Y. apyds (Eur.,
Platonic idea, subs. P. tSea, ^, Si. 80),
iJ^os, P. aTTOi/os. Fawz,
cT8o?7 TO. useless : *, and Y. /A<XTOIOS, icevd?,

Ideal, adj. Ideal justice, abstract Se made no idle boast :

justice : P. TO Sucaiov avrd. Perfect : V. TOVJTOS (Soph., Track.

P. and Y. TeA.etos, TeXco^, a,p.ptT7ros ; 258). Ar. and
see perfect. Existing only m the P. TJ>
mind : P. VO^TO?. Beyond human T<. : P.
Kovff>oXoyia, fj (Thuc.),
capacity: P. and Y. p&Ltpv fj KO.T V. /co/wros, 6, Ar. and Y. KO

a,V&pQ)7TOV, Y. OV KOT aV&pWITOV. .

Ideal, subs. The ideal good : P. TO Idle, v. intrans. P. and Y.

Example : P. and Y. (Eur., Phoen. 625), P.
a, TO. 4m, goal : P. and iv 9 Ar. and Y. e
Y. OpOS, 6, 07C07TOS, 6, P. TTpOOipCOTlS, P. and Y. /ca0ijo-0<u.

hand be idle : V. *& Ignorance, subs. P. and V. ayroia,

(Eur., Phoen 753). / (Y. sometimes dyrota), dyvwo-ta, ^,

Idleness, subs. P. and Y. upyiVi, ?}, V. 3t'<ryw>ia, ?;. Inexperience P. .

P. pacTTtovTy, i/. Leisure :
and V. uvcipia, 17,
P. dve7TLtm7/zocn;v77,
P. and V, <rxoX7/, ^. 17, a^ei'a, 37, V. Aqfta, 17.
TFan^ of
Idler, subs. Use adj., idle. education : P. and V. ap&Qia, 77, P.
Idly, adv. P. dpyois. In vain : P. dTratSeuoTda, 17. Tfeey si?XW6^ 2?l ir/wo-

and Y. p-a-nyr, Y. furratojs see M rance : \ ijfjiafrrov ajjuiO&s (Bur.,

; .

ram, under vain At random P. Phoen. 874). :

and Y. ci/dj. Ignorant, adj. P. and Y. dyv<us,

Idol, subs. Image of a *jod P. and u/wt^s, cwTipos. Ignorant of: P.

Y. 5yoX/jta, ro, Ar. and Y. /?pTtis, and V. fecipos (gen.), a/ia^s (gen.),
TO; seeimatje. Object of ajfect ton : P. dtT'c^rterr^wi/ (gen.), Y. dtOTtop
see (gen.), ai'Spis (gen.). TFa?i^ta^ m
Idolise, v. trans. Use love, worship. editcatwn : P. and V.
If, conj. P. and V. ei, *3r*p, !& &fjLOV<ro$, and Ar. P. aTratScuros. jB^
isubj.), fjv (subj.), edvTrep (subj.), ignorant, v.P. and V. dyi/otr. 5e

fy'TTcp (subj.). -.4s

if: P. and V. ignorant of : P. and Y. dyvoctv
(ace.). Jam ignorant of the cmtoms
Igneous, adj. Ar. and P. rf of Greece : Y. XeAei/Xjaat TWV eV
Carrying fire : P. and V. "EXXifcrn/ vo/x,cav (Eur., S^eZ. 1246).
^ Ignorantly, adv. P. and Y. T
Ignite, v. trans. P. and V.
en'y ftvciTrretv, V. *7Tttt6/tv. V. Ignore, v. trans. Disregard : P. and
intrans. : P. and V. see V. a/teX^Tv (gen.), -n-apa/i-cXftv (gen.),
(absol.), P. oXtywpetv
Ignition, subs. P. I (gen.), Trapopav, ev ov8cVi Adya>
Ignoble, adj. P. and
1/eaw, &ose : Y. 81' ovSevo? TroteFo-^at,
V. atcrxpos,Kttxro?, avu^to?, Ar. and (gen.) ; see disregard.
P. ayewijs; see 6ose. Inglorious: Slight: P. andY. ^rlp
P. and V. ,Y.
(Xen.), V. see inglorious, Ill, adj. Swfc : P. s, P. and V.
obscure. v.: "P. and V.
Ignobleness, subs. P. and V. aaQevtiv, P. apptiMrrciv.
i/ocrctv, /eayLU'eiv,

dSo&a, see disgrace, obscurity.

He fell dl : P. ^o-^o^cre (Dem.
Ignobly, adv. Basely: P. and V. 13). TF&fcetf ; P. and Y.
ok, ct/cXca)?, V. TTtty/cttfcos, TTOV^OO?, /*o;

^Xavpos, wavovpyos, Y. -3

Ignominious, adj. P. and V. a Unfortunate : P. and V.

S^oTtJ^Tys, Su(r8cu/A<i)v, ^tru^Ty? (rare
(Xen.), ava^to?, V. V.), Ar. and Y. 8v<nroT/Aos : see
Ignominiously, adv. P. and V. unfortunate. Injurious : P.
<frf/(D9, oxXecos, /caica>?, ^epos, P. and Y. ucru/A<^opos,
s, Y. Svcr/cXcws. Ar. and Y. drqpos, V. Xvp
Ignominy, subs. P. and Y. a-vyyvri, ^, j
see harmful.
ovi8os, TO ^rt/xta, 17, Suo-icX^ia, r;,
T |
111, adv. Wickedly : P. and V
a8oia, 17,
Y. -Loss o/i
atcr^os, TO. ^arXw?. Unfortunately : P. and
civil rights, public disgrace said :. V. ACCL/COJ?, SIXTTI^GS, Y. Trayicaicws,
Y, ttrl/Ata, ^. 8voTrorp,o)s, P. dru^ois. Injuriously :
Ignoramus, subs. Use adj., P. !
P. and Y. /oweS?,P. ao-up^opw. Go
o or 17.
ill with : P. and V. **?

Take itP. \aXc7rus
Hi :"xp& (Plat, also Ar.j, Y. ova--
(^t'pav, 8ctvdv Y. Trtxpo)?
iroicierftu, /zop^os, droTTpoVoTrros

see U'jllf. ".

Ar. and P. ayaitucreci', Ar. Ill-gotten, adj.
P. and V. atcr^pd?.
6W& Trotctv. Speak ill of P. and- Making ill-gotten gains : P. andY.

V. Karate \eyetr (ace.). J5e spoken ato~xpo*epSi7s. Desire of ill-gotten

ill of : P. and Y. *aKu>s axovciv, V. gains, subs. P. and Y. aurxpo- :

ws *Xue>. Hardly, with diffi- /cp8a, ^. \

: Ar. and P. xaA.c^5, P. and III health, subs. P. dcr^ei/cio, % ; see


Y. fidAt?, /idyts. illness. Be in ill health : P. and


subs. Harm : P. and V. KOLKOV, Y. do-tfcveTv; see 60 i7Z, under *7/.

TO, /3X.al3iq, ^, /?Aa^O5, TO ; Illiberal, adj. Ar. and P.


Misfortune : P. and V. TO, Mechanic (of a trade) :

TO/> TO, P. and V. /3dvav<ros.
xa, TO, P. druxta, ^, Illiberally, adv. P.
TO. Mischief: P. and Y. (Xen.), P. and Y.
TO, V. "jriJtM, TO 17. Illicit, adj.
, Forbidden : P. and V.

Ill-advised, adj. Ar. Ka K 6/3ovXog'; Wrong : P. and V.

see foolish. OVK opOos, ou Sucatos. JVoi to be
Hl-assorted, adj. Use hostile. Of pursued : V. ov 6rjpdcri/jLo$t
a marriage : V . Suorrapcwos. Illimitable, adj. P. and V. &rtpos,
Ill-bred, adj. Ar. and P. airaftevTos, V. fjivplos (also Plat, but rare P.) ;
P. and V. ovcoids, fyioucros Zi ^s woi see immeasurable.
ill-bred on your part to express Illiterate, adj. P. "and V. a/ia&fc,
wonder at my tears : V. TO 5/jtovo-os, Ar. and P. abraiBeuTO?, P.
OVK a/TrcuSeuro)? e^a ci? Bavfjicn
SaKpvcov ^ftaiv 7Tpi (Eur., Jo?l 247). III-matched, adj. Of a wedded
Ill-clad, adj. Y. Svo-et/Aoros ; see pair: V. Of fighters :

P. OL'fC , OVK a.VTLira\o<s.

Ill-COnsidered, adj. P. <wrepicnce7rTos, Ill-mated, adj'. Of a husband : Y.

oAoyioros, V. see ms/i.
Ill-disposed, adj. P. and V. Ill-natured, adj. P. and V.
8i;0-/AI/17?, V. SoJO-^pU)V, K Ar. and P. P.
Ar. and V. KaxoVou? ; see hostile.
Illegal, adj. P. and V. Trapcivo/jios. Illness, subs. P. and V. j/oVos, ^
Illegality, subs. P. iropavo/uo, 17 vdcn7/xa, TO, P. aa-Qweia, 7), dppwar/a,
Illegal act : P. Trapavdftiy/xa, TO. 17, dop(6oTT7/xa, TO.
lly, adv. P. Illogical, adj. P. Aoyos, dXdytcrros.
gally, v. : P. Illogicality, subs. P. dXoyta, ^.
Illegible, adj. Faint: P. Illogically, adv. P. d\oyt-
see faint. OTCOS
Illegitimate, adj. P. and Y. Ill-omened, adj. P. and V.
Suo^riJ^s, (Plat, but rare
Ill-fated, adj. P. and V. P.), V. /ca , o*Katds, eucovi5/io5
Svo-Sot/ttov, a-ruxfa (Bur., Heracl. P. F. 490). Ill-omened
460, but rare V.), Ar. and V. 8VV- words : P. and Y. r;

(also Antipho.
TTOT/AOS, Sucr/Aopos
but (Plat.), Y. Sva-faiua, 17.

rare P.), V. fywtpos (also Plat, but omeweti words, v. : P.

rare P.), apropos ; see unfortun- V. OVO*<ftfqiAW.
ate. Ill-spread, adj. Of a bed : V.
Ill-favoured, adj. Cfyfy : P. and V.
(Plat, and Soph., Frag.), IH-starred, adj. See ill-fated-.
Ill Ima

111 success, subs P. <i?rpa$a, >;. Illustrate, v. trans. Show P. and :

111 temper, subs. Ar. and P. <W- V. <a/eu', ^Aw?, o^aiWi/ (Plat.),
jcoA/a, 77.
oetfttarai. JEjcplain P. and V.

Ill-tempered, adj. P. and V. ouV- ^ycto-tai, cp/^i'cveiv, <l>pdct.v ; see

icoAos, 6ro"cipOTO9, ^uor^ep// ?, TriKpos,

expl'iln. Grive an example of : P.

Ar. and P. /caKO/;0?s, P. Ot'Trnoiro?, TrapaSety/zi StSovat (gen.) J20 wZ
V. <5iW0yos. c/*oos<? //.e wostf suitable of the

lil-temperedly, adv. P. OUTLAWS. srete /&a illustrate his subject .

Ill-timed, adj. P and V a/catpos, P. TOJI/ Trpa^can' TOJV o-yfTeii'O'uarajv

V. cfwpos see unseasonable*

wpus T7;r v-vOeo-w ras
Ill-treat, V. trans. P. and V. at/a- TrpesrwdeoTraTas (Isoc., alTWfo'd. 121).
e<r6af,, r/?pi KO.K&S rrotea', m/cais Illustration, Subs. Explanation : P.

6pSv see vnultreat.

c^/yTjo-t?, >}, cp^vcta, ?}. Example .

See j/ ; usage. P. and V. ^cty^a, TO, TrapaScty/Lia,


Ill treatment, subs.

111 turn, subs. Use P. and V. micoV, TO.

P. and V. i/8oo5,

TO'. -Do (sowe owe) flEw i?Z :w?-w P. Illustrious, adj.

and V. Ko/coVJ T/ (rtva), (5piJtr or 7Tpt)8A7rro?, SiaTrpCTnJs,

-ottr see also injure.
; ovo//,aoros, Aa/*7rpos,

^0-77/^05, P.
Illuminate, V. trans. P. KaraAu/EMretv

aftoAoyos, 7rt^ai^5, uSo/ct/ios, Trcpi-

(gen.), V. <^Aeytv. Hake plfliti : P.


(Boqros, IrSo^os, Sta<^avr;5, AAoyt/i.os,

and V. a-fyyri&iv (Xen.), ot'lo-a<^tv Ar. and V. /cAeivo's (also Plat, but
(Plat.), V. ofL/xttTu?i/, Ar. and V. rare P.), V. TTPSTTTOS, cu/cAeife.
igowtiTovv. Adont; P. and V. Illustriously, adv. P. and V. Aa/*-
jcocr/Jcti', TroifctAAetv. Instruct : P. irpais, ev/cAeaj? (Xen.).
and V. ircuSeiW ; see instruct. Illustriousness, subs. P. and V.
Illumination, subs. Brightness : P. 8o'a, 7), evSo^ta, T), aft'o^a, TO, /cAcos,

Aa^TrpoTr/s, t? ; see brightness. Met., TO' (rare P.), ovo/*a, TO', Ar. and V.

see knowledge. ev/cAeta, T), KvSo?, TO, V. fcAT/San/, r).

Illumine, v. tran=i. See illuminate. III will, subs. P. and V. Svorota, 17, \

!P/ie mind when oW/AO'eia, 77, P. Ka/coVoia, 7} ; see

sl^epin^ has its
ez/es illumined: V. aJSowro y.ip. enmity. Envy: P. and V. <0ovos,
^pryr oft/xao*ij' 6.
AajLKrpui/erai (JBsch.,
Image, subs Statue of a man : P.

Ill usage, subs. P. and V. /3pk, r}, and V. a/cwv, 77, SyoAfta, TO, Ar. and !

aucfa, 77, ^SpMr/Aa, TO. j&aw against P. a^^ptct?, 6. Image of a god : P. \

7Z wsa^e : P. 6 -nj* /caicaicrews vo'ftos and V. ^yaA/Aa, TO', Ar. and V.


see also injury. jSperas, TO, V. fo'avov, TO (Eur., Io;z.


Ill-use, v. trans. P. and V. aw&T&u, j

U03 and I. 37. 1359). Resem-
see also injure. P. and V. eocwv,

vfipi&w ; blanc?, reflection :

Illusion, subs. Appearance (as

T/ie i?er2/ image of you : Ar.
opposed to reality) : P. ^avTao-^a, auT/c/tayp.a croV (Thes. 514). Mental
TO; see appearance. Deceptive- \
picture: P. ctSwAov, TO', P. and V.
wess : P. TrAavi/, 77. Deception, :
etKwf, 77. Form, appearance : P. and
P. and V. a7TttT7/, 77, P. I
V. ?&>?, TO', Sea, 77, cr^/xa, TO ; see

Illusive, adj. Deceptive : P. ownxTijAo's,


Image maker, subs. P.

V. KeprofJLOS* Suo-<op09 (Soph.,
51). Vain, empty : P. and V. Imaginary, adj. P. and V.
Hollow, unsound OVKW. False: P. and V. 4 ,.,

P. and V. STrovAos, <raQp6s. Trumped up : P. and V. TrAcwrros ,

Illusory, adj. See illusive. '

Ima Imm
Imagination, subs. The faculty : P. Imitation, subs.

Ar. and P. /i

<avTaoVa, 17 (Plat ). Fancy, conceit :

7. What is imitated : P. and Y.
P and V. 8ofa, ^, 80/070-15, ?/, 8o^aor/xa,


TO, evroia, V. So/c/y/ia, TO. Opposed Imitative, adj.

P. /u/Ai7Tt<o's.

P- V. Sda, 17, Imitator, subs. P. }?, 6.

He zoos at Hycenae in Immaculate, adj. P. and V. /ca^a
ima /ination: V. fy c TO) ayvos (Plat.), &c>7/)aros (Plat.),
Ao'ri> (Bur., H
963;. F tticepatos, V. d$iKTOS. Sinless P. .

picture (as opposed

to P. and V. dva.iTt.os, P. avafLapnfjTO';.
TO. Mind P. and V. Immaculately, adv.
. P.
s, 6, Ar. and P. Stavota, ?}, Ar. Immaterial, adj. Not consisting of
and V. <pvr, ^, or pi. see mind. matter : dctSiJs (Plat.).
; Without
Suspicion : P. and V. urroVoia, 17,
P. do-w/AaTos. Shadowy : P.
varc*!/ia, 17. Speculation: P. 0ea>pia, 775, d/AuSpos, Y. a/Aavpo's. ^Tbi
^?- necessary : P. and Y. owe avay/catos.
Imagine, v. trans. Conceive in the : P. uo-Tpos ; see
mind : P. and V. voctv,
secondary. Nothing to do with the
(or mid.),
viro\.a/ji/3avw (rare V.)
see under- subject
; P. ovi/ Trpos Xdyov. '

stand. Fancy : P. and V. Sofd&iv. Immature, adj. Preinature : P. and

Suspect : P. and V VTTOTTTCVCIV, V. ao>po5. Unseasonable : P. and
P. and V. ewcaf etv, Y. &e'upos J^oi /wZZy qrown : P.
Imperfect : P. and V.
Y. 7TLKa.^tv } see Think.
(absolj. P. and V. Immaturely, adv. Prematurely ; P.
olearQai, So^afctv, Ar. and and V. 7rp<p.
V. SOKC?V (rare P.). Immeasurable, adj. P. a//,Tpos, Ar.
Imbecile, subs. P. Aa, 6 or or and V. a/x.eTp^Tos(Eui\, Hec. 783).
use adj. Boiindless P. and Y. S7rpo<, Y. .

Imbecile, adj. P. and V. /i.{}pto$ (also

Plat, but rare P.) ; see
(Eur., see unfathomable. Oh, sorrow im-
foolish, mad. measurable : V. o> 7reV0os ov
Imbecility, subs. P. and V. ToV (Eur., Bacch. 124=4).
<rwi7, 17, vox, 07 ; see/0%, madness. Immeasurably, adv. P.
Imbed, v. trans. P. and Y. With comparatives : P. and Y.
Be imbedded tn : P. and Y. ?roAA<3,/ii;pta)(Plat.). Immeasurably
<r@ai (dat.). wiser: Y. /jpta> o-o^ow-cpo^ (Eur.,
Imbibe, v. trans. P. and Y. 701).
see drink. Met., P. and V. Immediate, adj. Momentary : P.
and V. 6 6 avTlffca, P. 6
Imbitter, v. trans. See embitter.
Imbrue, v. trans. P. and "V.
Immediately, adv. P. and Y.
(Plat.), 8<nW (Plat). Defile: P. n-apavrftca, auTO^ei/,
and Y. fuocmv. Ar. and P. Trapo.ypwua., Y.
Imbue with, v. trans. P. and V. ap (rare). Quickly : P. and Y.
evrWevoLi (rt TIVI), P. c/x^roteiv (TLTIVI). <J>s
rdxia-Ta see quickly. ;

Imbued with, P. and Y. //.co-rds

adj. Those immediately concerned : P.
(gen.), irXypys (gen.),
TrAeW (gen.). 01 fjioXurra wpooTjicovres. Adjoin
Imitate, v. trans. P. and V. /ufiet- immediately : P.
or&oLi) Ar. and Y. /cuiuto~0at (also feen.) (Thuc. 8, 90).
Xen.). Easy to imitate: P. Immemorial, adj. P. and V. i

(Plat.). LIOS, Ar. and V. woXaiyevi/?, Y.

417 27
Imm Imm
os. Long existing : V. Immodest, adj.
P. and V.
From time immemorial : P.
P. IK TraXandrov
Immense, adj. P. and V. fe Immodestly, adv. P. and V.
(JEsch., Frag.), fa P. ay<u3ti)9, P. dvaio"XWTa>s, v/BpurriK&s,

vircpoy/cos, v7Tp/xTpos ; see also large. Ar. and P. do-cAyws.

Of number or measure P. and V. Immodesty, subs. P. and V.
?p;, x\r. and P. Trdjji- oVai'deta, ^, vftpts, ^, ^po:o-05, TO, V.
s, V. /J&PLOS (also Plat, but TO Ar. and P. dvato"-
a,vai<r)(uvTov t
rare P.) see vast. Extraordinary :
; ^vrriii, P. da"eAyta, 17.

P. and V. a/xij^ui'os, 0au/Aao*TOS. Immolate, v. trans. P. and V. Gvcw,

Immensely, adv. P. and V. /*eya, V. /c^tJetv, pe&w, cpSv ; see sacri/Zce,
/eytora. Exceedingly: P. and V. A;zZ2.

<r<o8pa, Ar. and V. *apTa (rare P.) ; Immoral, adj. P. and V.

see exceedingly. In an extra- TrovTypos, ^oo-tos, ao-cySiJs, ai

ordinary degree : P. Oavncurr&'s, /xtapos- Improper .' P. aarpcjnjsy P.

(dvwst Ar. and P. virepfavs, V.
and V. ou TrpejrcDv, ou irpoanJKwv.
and V. 6Vayvos, P.
Impure : P.
Immensity, subs. P. and V. ^e dica^apTO?.
TO, TO. BwZfc : P. and V. Immorality, subs. P. and V,
oy/cos, 6.
Immerse, v. trans. Dip : P. and V. yov, Ar. and P. icawa, 17,
P. KttKoV
jSowrreu/, Ar. l^cwrreiv. TFei : P. ^. Impurity : P. cucadapo-ta, 17.
and V. Teyyv (Plat.), Scveiv (Plat.). Immorally, adv. P. and V. <uo
immersed ^n, met. : absorbed in : Ar. and P. /uapa>?, V. avoo*
P. 0X05 Trpo? (dat.), V. avcifjievos Immortal, adj. P. and V.
ts (ace.). 5^ immersed in, v. : P. Ar. and V. a<0tTo$ ; see
and V. Trpo<rKi<r&at (dat.). Eternal : P. atcovtos, d/S^o? ; see
Immersion, subs. P. and V. /Ba^rj, eternal. Ageless and V.
: P.
Immigrant, subs. P. and V. ttyjjpojs. Ever-remembered : P. and
o or ^, V. CTD/XW, 6 or ^, P. Y .
AVTITS, 6. Immortalise, v. trans Celebrate :

Immigrate, v. intrans. P. P. and V. vfwelv, $8av.

Immortality, Subs. P. ajQavauria, %.
Immigration, subs. P. Immortally, adv. See/or ever, under

Imminent, All but present : P. Immovable, adj. P. and Y.

oo-oi' ov irapwv.
Threatening : Ar. /ffe/Jcuos, do-^aAiTs. J?Vrw: P. and
and P. cvecrnos.
jBe imminent, v. V. /caprcpo's, V. l/^TrcSos ; see ^rm.

Ar. and P. cveo-nyKewu (perf. of Jfoi to 50 influenced : P. and V.

Ivtoravctt), P. eTTi/cpe/Aocr&u, P. and &KIVI)TOS, P. aTOpamyTos, Ar. and
V. tyicrrao-Qai ; see impend. About V. 5Ty/ero5, V.
to take place : P. and V. /AAa>i>. Obstinate : P. and V.
Immoderate, adj. P. and V. cweoAa- Immovably, adv. P. and V.
crros, Ar. and P. d/cpaTiys, P. a/Arpos. do-^oASs, P. d/ctv^ro)S, V.
Excessive : P. and V. Trc/otoro-os, P. apapoVo)* (also Plat, but rare P.).
Stubbornly : Ar. and P. cw0aSo>s.
Immoderately, adv. P. Immune, adj. See exempt.
dfterpa)? (Xen.). Too wwc& : P. and Immunity, subs. Exemption from
V, Syav, Afev, Treptcro-eo?, V. &rep- burdms : P. dTAa, $ ; see ex-
emption. Procure immunity at
Imm Imp
little expense : P. dTfXfc faro
piKpuv Impassioned, adj. Of persons
(Dem. 260).
dvoAw/iaTo)^ yiyve&Qai tnings P. o-<o8pos, P. and
i : V.
Freedom from danger : P. and V. vedi/ueo?, Zvrovos, oaWovos.

&Qta, f), do-^oXcta, 17. Permission : Impassive, adj. P. and V.


P. and V. ^ov(Tiat f). -cri5x a^o5 ? ^crvx^o? see c#Zw. J

Immure 5 v. trans. See imprison. Impassively, adv. P. and V.

Immure in a tomb : V. ev (rare P.) see calmly. ;

Impassivity, subs. Ar. and P.

Immutable, adj. P. and V. rjcrv)(ia V. TO yarvxalov. t

^SejSato?, do-<aA.i7S,
P. /xovt/xos, Impatience, subs. Vehemence : P.
TOTOS, V. 2/re8os. <r<^o8poT^s, ^, TrpOTrereto, 17. QzAicfe
Immutability, subs. P. temper : V. ov6vfjLta, ^, Ta^os
Immutably, adv. P. P. 5v, TO. Impatience of : P. and '

and V. eatw$r, cwr^aAoi?, V. epcta (gen.). Sg&r (a

ireSo)?. imatience : P.
Impact, subs. Use P. and V.
jSoXij, 4. ^/&>H $. Impatient, adj. P. and V.
Impair, v. trans. P. and V. Vehement : o^o
Qmcfc to awg'fir : P. and V.
(aOC. or dat.), P. icajcow, V. a/xau- Ar. and V. ofSfofios, V. Si;<ropyos;
Lessen : P. lAcwnrovi' ; see see angry. Be impatient of: P.
and V. axOea-Oai (dat.), Ar. and P.
Impale, v. trans. P. dvacrraupow, V. 5yavaKTtv (dat.), P. xaX.7rS>s tfrepeiv
ovcoAoTri mwviWtOr crKoXoifri irqyvuvai. (acc.), Suo-xcpatVctv (aco. or dat.), V.
Impaled, adj. V. &ro Suox^opeu' (dat.), wucpois <^pctv (aco.),
(^Bsch., Bum. 190) Svo-Xo^xos <}>pw (acc.).
Impalpable, adj. P. Impatiently, adv. P.
Shadowy : P. oneioct&fo V. Angrily : Ax. and P. x P.
Impannel,, v. trans. Impannel a and V. TTtKpcos ; see angrily.
jury : P. (BOO.) (Dem. 585). Impeach,
V. trans. P.
Impart, v. trans. Uomnumcate : P. see accuse.
and V. /cotvow (or mid.). Impeachment, subs. P.
P. and V. dyycXXctv, 07 ; see accusation.

see awwowwce. w;e : P. and V. Impede, v. trans. P. and V.

vju.eiv; see ^iv Check : P. and V.
: P. and V. Ka.rex.eiv, Ar.
and V. LO-XCW (rare P.),
(dat. of person, gen. of thing). V. l7rrxetv (rare P.), ^pitaw,
Impartial, adj. P. and V. few, Prevent : P. and V.
/eowos. Fair, just : P. and V. 7TLK(aX$w, etpyctv, ,

op&fc, Sf/caio?, eTricwoJs. Equobl : P. V. ,

and V. teros. Impediment, subs. P. K<6Au/Aa, TO,

Impartiality, subs. Fairness: P. TO, /^7ro8to-/ia, TO, li/ai'-
opflonys, ^, 7ritKta, ^, V. TO. JBe aw impediment to:
Impartially, adv. P. ro>?, Ar. and P. 1/wroStos elvcu (dat.), P.
Fawty : P. and Y. Sr/co/o)?, opflw, and V. 6/wroSow etvat (dat),
P. rtucoi5. Equally : P. and V. yCyvevQai (dat.).
Impedimenta, subs. Ar. and P.
Impassable, adj. P. , d8ta- TO.

(Xen.), dv/cj8a.T05, P. and V. Impel, v. trans. P. and V.

.), V. (or m., errapeLV, Trpoayctv,
Of the sea : P. P. av. Perswade ; P. ana V.
Imp Imp

W0eiv, ava.7Ti'0eiv (Eur., Eel 825), Imperceptibly, adv. P. and Y.

V. !/c7Tt'0eii/. O00 o?& ; P. and V. Xa0p5, Xa0pat'a>s (rare P.).
appear, eirorpvvcw, lorpvvLv see by Little : P. Kar 6\Lyov, /CO.T"

wr0e <m Compel, force : P. and see gradually. Do a thing im-

Y. avayK&^ew, ^Travayfco^civ, /cara- perceptibly : P. and V. \.av6aviv
vay/caeti/, /Bia^ecrQai., Ar. and V >i<ov TI, Y. XyOeiv TTOL&V ri.

v, V. 8ia/8iaeo-0at see Imperfect, adj

P. and V.
/ores Deficient : P. and V. P.
Impend, v. intrans. P. and V. eci-
crraarOaL, P CTri/cpe/uicrflai, crrqp'rijarOai Imperfection, subs. Deficiency : P.
(perf. pass, of raprav), Ar. and P. a, 77.
P. d/wxpT^/Aa, TO,

V0r7/cei/at (pert of maravat). Some 77. Blemish, stain P. .

of the dangers were impending, and V. /cryAfe, ^. Deformity : P.

others were already ivpon us : P. 17 (Plat.), ato-xos,
TO (Plat.).
ra 77jLLcAAe rail/ SeivaV ra 8' 15897 Imperfections, shortcomings P.
p>}v (Dem. 292). d, TCt.

Impending, adj. All but present : Imperfectly, adv. Deficiently: P.

P. oVov ov irapw. Imminent : Ar.
and P. i>rra>s. About to take Imperial, adj. Despotic : P. and V.
place : P. and Y. /*e'XW. TTJpawucos, V. rupawos (also Thuc.
Impenetrable, adj. Inaccessible but rare P. as adj.). Eoyal : P.

aj3aro<s (Xen.), P. 8i'o-/3aros, Svo- and V. TvpavvLKOS, j8ao-tXtico5, /3a(ri-

Trpoo-oSos. Unbreakable : V. Xcto?, dpxwcos. Connected with
app77/cros. Thick : P. and Y. empire : P. dp^i/co?.
Imperially, adv P. Tupawwcois.
. ev uXfl Aca^a/os S-uacu/oera) (Eur., Imperil, v. trans. P. ck
JBaccfc. 1221). Undiscoverable : /ca^to-ravat, Ar. and P. *
P. and V. ^cra (dat. or TTcpf gen.), Y. /civSrfvw
V. Svcreu/ocTOS, 8i;oTK/xapTOS, Hazard : Ar. and P.
ySX^Tos, 8iKr/wt&fcj see also secrei. V. TrapapptWctv,
Impenetrably, adv. Undiscover-
wpo^aXXctv, wporctvctv ; see
ably : V. 8uo-Kpiro>s. Altogether Be
imperilled : P. Ktv8wei;op^<

see altogether. Imperious, adj. P. and V.

Impenitence, subs. Obstinacy: P. Y. rrfpawos. Haughty : P. and V.
17, (r/cXTypony?, 17, Ar. and V. O*/I.VO5, Y. V7Tp0pa)I/, P. V7Tp77$<WOS J
see haughty. Of things, authori-
Impenitent, adj. Obstinate : P. and tative : P. and Y.
Y. au0tt&7s, 07cA,7?pos. yowr too imperious mood : Y. i

Impenitently, adv Obstinately : . TO* pacriAiKW \Cav

Ar and P. au^aSws, P. Bacch. 670).
Imperative, adj. Deciswe: P. and Imperiously, adv. P.
Y. KlJplOS, P. (A _ Necessary : Haughtily: P. and V. o-c/w/ois, P.
P. and Y. avay/cotbs. U7rp>7<ava>s ; see haughtily.
Imperatively, adv. P. and V. Imperiousness, subs. Haughtiness :
P. and Y. <pov77/Mi, TO, oy/cos, 6,
Imperator, subs. Imperator (in vftpls, T), P. 57Tp77<^avta, 77.
Roman sense) : P. orpar^yos, 6 Imperishable, adj. Immortal : P.
(late). and Y. <!0avaTos, Ar. and V.
Imperceptible, adj. Secret : P. and Indestructible : P. d8ia<0opos
V. Xaflpcuos. Impalpable: P. (Plat.), dvcoXc^pos (Plat.), Ar. and
Insensible : P. di/eub-^ros. V. &0Tros. Ageless: P. and V.
Imp Imp

Eternal : P. aiwvios, Eagerly : P. and V.
diSios. Ever-remembered : P. and
V. ai//-vi7crros. Impetuousness, subs. See ^r^cpet^lr-

Imperishably, adv. Eternally: P. osity.

Impetus, subs P. and V. 6p/-oy, 17,

Impersonate, v. trans. Ar. and P. pvprj, 17.

P. viroKpivta-Oai (acc.) ; see act. Impiety, subs. P. and V acre/Seta,
Impersonator, subs. Actov : Ar. and 17, P. dvoo-to'TT/?, 17,
V. 8ucro-j@eia, ^.
P. -tTTOKpirrjs, 6 Impious act : P. do-^ju,a, TO.

Impertinence, subs. P. and V. Commit impieties against, v. P. :

vftpis, y. Shamelessness : P. and and V. acre/Mv (cts, acc ).

V. aj/ai8eid, ^, Ar. and P. avcuo-- Impinge upon, v. P. and V. Trpoo--
Xwn'a, ^, V. TO")(yvTov. /SoAAco' (dat. or ?rpds, acc), P.
Meddling : Ar. and P. -n-oXwrpay- irpoa-m7TTi.v (dat. or Trpos, acc.).
'n-ocruvT;, 17,
P. </>(Ao7rpay/Aoaw)7, 17. Impious, adj. P. and V. ftOeos,
Impertinent, adj. Insulting : P. avbVios, ao-e^s, SvvcrclSijs (Dem.,
Shameless : P. and V. 332, but rare P), V. Sw(9 o ?,
UO-CTTTOS. Be impious, v. : P. and
Ar. and P. 7roA.V7rpay/u.a>v, P. V. ao-CyQctv, V. Sva-cre^eii/, fco/SAa/^i/.
7rpay//,a)j/. Impiously, adv. P. and V. afoW
Impertinently, adv. P. v (Plat., ffo?'^. 481 A), V. ai'oo-tW
Shamelessly : P. and V. Implacability, subs. Stubbornness :
Imperturbability, subs. Ar. and V. P. au^aSeta, ^, arK\7jpOTr]^ 17, Ar. and
^o-ty(ia, -9, V.
TO ^on5^aloj'. V. ai<9o3wt, 77. C?-we% : P. and V.
Imperturbable, adj. P. and V. rj
V. , t

ijo-ijxos, ^o-v^aLOs,
P. ^o-u^ios.
adv. P. and V. Implacable, adj. Stubborn: P. and
s, Ar and P. Kaff V. au^aS^s, cr/cA^pos. Pitiless : P.
airapaLTr]TO<s, V v^A,^?, Svo-TrapatTTTTos,
Impervious, adj. V. appiy/cros. Im- SvoraXy^Tos, ^votKT/pjawv (Soph.,
movable Ar.
. and V. STcy/eros- JVa^.), P. and V. <rxerA.ios, Tripos,
Waterproof : P. o-Teyavo's, V. Ar. and V. ^Teyfcro?, Svowcro? ; see
errcyi/05 (Eur., Gycl.). Be imper- crweZ, pitiless. Of war P. and V, :

vious to, keep out, or keep off, v. : ooTiwSos, P. a/c>7puKTO5. Implacable

P. and V. o-Teyu> (aoo ). Met., use anger : V. da-Tpyr/s opy^J, ^. i7w-
disregard. Impervious to bribery : forgetting : V. p^/Aon/.
P. fcpe/o-o-eoi/ x/W^Ta)v V- KpSS>v Implacably, adv.
7 Stubbornly: Ar.
501/CTOS. and P. <ru0uSujs, P. crfcX^pws. Merci-
Impetuosity, subs. P. o-^oSpon/s, 17, lessly : V. i/^Aeois, avotKTws, avaX-
TrpOTrereia, f). Zeal : P. and V. iyrws, P. o-crXiws, P. and V.
OrTTOuS^, ^, TTpoQvfJita, VJ.
Ru&h '. P.
and V. 6p/A^, ^, Ar. and P. Implant, v. ti-ans. P. and V,
tfeVat (rt TIPI), wriKrew (rl rw,
ImpetUOUS, adj. P. oxjtoSpos, ^jSaAAetv (TI'TW), P. CjH<^VTVtv (rt),
Ar. and P. Ira.^, V. tfovpos, eu0o>v /jt7rottv (Ttvt" Ti), 7raptoTai/at (rt Ttvt),
(also Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and V. V. vopviWi (nvt Tt). Implcvnted :
Oovpws, P. and V. vavwc<fe, 6^i5s, use adj., P. and V. e^vros. Be
Ocpfjios; see rasA, Zealous: P. implmted, v. P. and V. l^vea-OaL.

and V. cTTrovSatos, 7rp So deeply is love of life implanted

Impetuously, adv. P. in men : V. otmos Ipws fiporolarw
Ar. and P. tov (Eur., Frag.).
Imp Imp

Implement, subs. [P. and V. wrong-doing : P. 17 ic

TO, Ar. and P. ovecvos, TO, also in pi. ^ar lx Pern. 268).
1186 P. en-wrAa, rd. Impolicy, subs. P. and V.
Implicate, V. trans. P. orvy/carcwrt/x- T),
Ar. and Y. SurouA/o, ^
TrAavtu. Wishing to implicate as Impolite, adj. Ar.
and P.
many as possible : P. jSovAd/xevot Impolitely, adv. Ar. and P.
a>S TrAciirraus dvcwrAfJom amaiv
(Plat., Ap. 32c). Implicated (in), Impoliteness, subs. P. dypouaa, ^.
v. use adj., P.
: and V. o-wamos Impolitic, adj. P. and V. #/3ovAos;
(gen ), KOIVWVO'S (gen ),ju,eVoxos (gen.),
see foolish.
ju,eramos (gen.) (Plat.), V. Trapomos Import, v. trans. P. and V. ewrciyfn/,
(gen.), fcrrcop (gen.). Pe implicated etovyuM/ (or mid.), P. clo-^tpeo-Bai,.
in: P. and V. crwi8ei/at (ace. or Import corn : P. o-irrjy&v (absol.).
absol.). Tafoe _pari iw : P. and V. Be imported : P. and V. cVeio-cp-
KoivovcrQcu (ace. or gen.), Xe .
Signify, mean : Ar. and
(gen.), /icroAa/A/Javeiv (gen.), P. tv, P. <povetv ; see weflw.
-- ; P. and Y. ScifcviWi, SiyAovv ;
Implication, subs. CfowZi: P. and Y. intrans. Be of con-

Y. ama, ^. .By MwpZicatoow (as sequence : P. and Y. Sta^cpctv.

opposed to directly) : P. oY cuviy- Import, subs. Meaning : P. and V.
/z-aTwv. .Ma&e known by implica- Si^a/us, 17, P. Stdvota, ^. Swc/i w;as
tion : P. n-apa&yAow (ace.) see the import of the letter : P. Toa-avra

&w at. ^ ypa^iy eSijAov (Thuc. 1, 129).

Implicit, adj. P. and V. /&#uos, V. Importance, subs. P. and V. jucycflos,
TO', #y/cos, 6. High position : P. and
Implicitly, adv. P. and V. Y. dta>/x,a, TO. Influence (power of
Y. /wre'8<OS. affecting things) : P. and Y. po^ny,
SeZ/ importance : P. and V.

Implied, adj. JVbtf open use P. and 17.

Y. ov tfravcpos. Hidden : P. and TO o-e/xvov, O^C/AVOTT;?, 17. 5a o/ iw-

Y. ffpVTTTOS. portance, matter, v P. and V. :

Implore, v. trans. Entreat : P. and 8ia<cpiv. J3e a person of impor-

V. <UTIV, t/eTVV, SeMrftll (gO tance : P. and Y. clwu' TW. O/ im-
AZxapeZv, Ar. and P. dvri/JoAeiv, portance : use important. Consider
Aiitro-ccr^at, dvrtafetv, TrpoOTrtrveiv, of importance : P. rapt TroAAoG
ffpoo-TpeTrctv, irpoo-Tperreo-flai, Ar. and 7rotto-^at (ace.). Prior iw impor-
Y. tKvcro-^at, avrco-^at; see en^reai. tance : P. -rrpoTcpos T^ $vvdjjiL (Dem.
Ask for (a thing) : P. and V. aiTelv 32). TOew ^e*r position rose to
(or mid.), ^TratTtv, 7rapatTto-^at, one of importance : P. irpox<*>pww-
wpoo-euTu/, liraiTeti/, Y. ^atTtv. Pra^ TCDV ?rt jiteya T<OV wpay/xaTOv (Thuc.
to (ifo (fod): P. and V. efyccrtfai 1, 16).
(dat. or rpos, ace.), en-^x^ai (dat.), Important, adj. Of things : P. and
irpoo-evxcvQat, (dat , V. also ace.), Y. /^eywrros, TroAAoB afto?, P.
V. egeuxco-Oai (absol.), KaTvx(r^at 8ia<opo9. Of persons or things :

(dat.), Ar. and V. &>ao-0at (dat.) P. d^tdAoyo$; see eminent. More

(Bur., SeracZ. 851). important : P. and Y. Trpco-^vrcpos
Imploring, adj. See suppliant. (rare P.), Ar. and P. Trpoupyiaw-cpos.
Imply, v. trans. Jkfeaw, signify : Ar. T/iey considered their own int&rests
and P. P. anffji.aiviv, <f>povelv.
voetv, more important : P. TO eavr&v Trpaup-
Show : P. and Y. ^AoO]/, Set/cviW ; ytan-epov iirotyaravro (Thuc. 3, 109).
see sAow;. Hm^ at : P. TrapaS^- I think this is important for us :
Aow (ace.). .4ccwsaiww implies P. ol/zat eTi/at Tt ^/*tv TOVTO (Plat.,
Imp Imp
Prot. 353s). Pompous : P. and Imposture, subs. P. yo^a, 77,
V. o-//,vos. and P. <^va/c(,o-/jL05, 6, &Xaoi/eia, 17,

Importation, subs. P. cto-ayaryry, ^,

clo-KopiS'q, 97. Importation of corn .
Impotence, subs. P.
P. omyyia, 17. dppoxrria, ^, P. and V.
Imported, adj. Foreign (as opposed Impotent, adj. P. and V.
to home-grown) : P. and V. erra/cros, flLTropos, a/A^avo?, (rare P.).
rio-aKTOs, io-aya>yT/ios (Plat, and P. and V. d<r0o/ifc. Disabled,
Bur., Frag.). maimed P. dvcwi^pos, V. dicpaTcop.

Imports, subs. P. TO. 7Tt<rayoryt/xa. Lame : P. and V. x^Xos.

Importunate, adj. P. and V. XlTrap '
Impotently, adv. P, dSwdro)?, P.
(Plat.), o^X^pos,
Ar. and V. a?ropa)5.
Importunately, adv. Impoverish, v. trans. Use P. and
(Plat.), V. TTpOS TO Xl V. Trevrira. troLtlv (aCC ) ; See also
Importune, v. trans. P. and V. spoil, weaken.
XiTrapeiv (Plat.) see implore, press. Impoverished, adj.
Importunity, subs. P. d/caipia, ^ subs. P. and V.
(Plat., S?/77ip. 182A) see entreaty.;

Impose, v. trans P. and V. Ivtr Impracticable, adj. P. and V.

/SciXXeiv, 7rpoori0ei>at, irpocrpdhXew, feopos, a/AiJxctvos, (rare P.).
?rm0evcu, V. CTrippwrreiv. .60 fcW-
Imprecate, v. trans. P. and V.
jpos&Z : P. and V. Trpoo-Kclortfai, P. 7ru^<7^at, Kareuxco-ftu (Plat.), c?ra-
riKMr0at. (a thing on a
Impose pao-^at, Ar. and P. /carapao-^ai, V.
person) : use ace. of thing and dat. apacr&u, tyvpvelv. Imprecate curses
of person. Enjoin : P. and V. on : use ace. of
cwrse, dat. of person.
Imprecation, subs. P. and v. a/>d,
Impose (give) a name :
V. /cctTcuy/jtara, TO.
P. and V. ovo/ui riOcarOai. Impose, Impregnable, adj. P. di/dXwros. Iw-
be a cheat (absol.) Ar. and P.
: see
accessible : P. SuoTrpdVy&iTos ;

aXaovo;o-0ai. Impose on, cheat :

P. and V. irapdycLV, aTrarov, egairarav, P.
Impregnate, v. trans.
V. $77X0 vv, P yo^Tcikiv see cheat. Met., P. and V, c/x/TriTrXai/cu
; see ;

Imposing, adj. P. and V. wire. Impregnated with, met., use

Ar. and P. ^isyaXoTrpcrnys. P. and V. TrXcW (gen.).
Imposingly, adv. P. and V. Impress, subs. Mark, stamp : P.
and V. x^P aiCTgJ7pj o, TUTTOS, 6 see ;

Imposition, subs. Deception : P.

yoTjTeia, 07, Ar. and P. oXaom'a, Impress, v. trans. Slannp with a
17, ^Xa^ovev/AaTa,
Imposition of mark : P. xaP a/CT5P a eVtySaXXetv
names P. 0<ris ovoftaTwv, ^.
(dat.). Impress the mind, astonish :
Impossibilty, subs. P. and V. P. and V. K7rX?7or<rav. Pemiade :
ibropta, ^. Impossibilities : P. and P. and V. Trciflciv. Affect : P. and
V. fkrropa, rd, dSi/vttTa, Ta, V. tt7rr0-0eu (gen.), V. avflcwrrco-tfeu
T< (rare P.). (gen.) see o^c^.
; Impress on a
Impossible, adj. P, and V. person, remind: P. and V. ava-
dforopos, 3/7xavos (rare P.). /u/xv^cr/cciv (TIV( Ttvos). Enjowi : P.
Impost, subs. Ar. and P. TeXos, TO' ; and V. erricrreXXco' (TIV/ Tt), fart-

see tribute, tax. crKyiTTew (TIM Tt) ;

see enjoin.
Imposter, subs. P. and V. yoV 6, Impress on one's mind : V. iyypd-
/icfyos, 6, Syvpnrjs, o, Ar. <eva, 6, cf>cr@ai (TIVL rt) 9Ovpu /SaXAetv (TI), P.
Ar. and P. \o2W. 6. ets fwypviv KarariOea-Qcu (rt). What is
Imp Imp
this pledge that you would wish im-
Making no impression, adj. : P.
pressed upon my mind : V. TL 8
O.V 0XoiS, TO TTIO'TOV //.<
VV<U <pVt Impressionable, adj. Ar. and P.
(Soph., 0. 0. 1488). Impress
(favourably) : P. (ev) SiaTiflo'tu. Impressive, adj. P. and Y.
Impress into one's service, win over : Impressively, adv. P. and V.
P. and V. 7rpoor7rottcrflat (ace.), Impressiveness,
subs. P. and V.
(ace.). 50 impressed
to serve in the army : P dvayKcwrros Imprint, v. trans. Stamp : P. and
o-TpaTcrctv (Thuc 7,58). Those who V. emoTyjiuuveii/, P. ei/oTy/Wvco-tfat.
were impressed to serve in the ships :
Imprint on one's mind : V. fyypa-
P. 01 dvayKaoroi cto^aires (Thuc <po~6a.L (TL TLVL), 6vfJ.<$ ^SaAAeiv (TI), P.
7, 13). c/s \wti\M]v Ka.TOLTiQe<rOoLi (TI). Imprint

Impression, subs. Stamp, mark: (kisses) : P. and V. StSoVai, V.

P. and V. ^apcLKT^p, o Tifaros, 6, V. Tt0ei/at Newly -imprinted (of foot-
X<xpayju.a, TO. Impression on a seal steps), V. i/0^dipa/cro?.
Ar. and P. TO; see
CTTJ/MCLOV, Imprint, subs. P. and V. xapcucnjp,
Impression on a coin : Ar. 6, TUTTOS, 6, V. \apayfjLa., TO ; see $7?i-
TO. -4i t/iflti a^e i&6 MTippess^ow one
wishes to stamp on each is most Imprison, v. trans. P. and V.
easily taken and assimilated : P. ipyii/,Stv,8eo7/,iW (Plat. andEur.,
/jtaXtora TOTC TrA.acro'eTai
8?) Bacch. 616), P. jcaTdSeti/
fcal see cow- ;

evSveTat TVTTOS ov av Tts povX.rjTa.L^ifi. Imprison in: P. evScivctsfacc.).

v<n}fJi,a.LVor6ai exaoTW (Plat., jBfi^. Imprisonment, subs. P. and V.
377B). Take an impression of: SCOT/AOS, 6, or pi. Confinement : P.
P. dxro/xao"O'tv (aCC ). and V. 77.
Improbability, subs. P. TO OVK etico's.

^, Kp,OKTpOVj TO, O^TiySoS, 6 Improbable, adj. It is improbable :

Xen), P. and V. Zx^os, TO. Met., P. and V. OVK ctfcos CO-TI.

idea, mental picture .* P. e&ScoAov, Impromptu, adv. P. and V. </>avXo)?,
TO, P. and V. ctKciiv, ^. Give ^ /a/se P. c^ cTTiSpo^s, f vTToyvibt; Devise
impression of, v. : P. /ca/coi? elKa^^v impromptu, V. P. avr :

Trcpt (gen.) (Plat., J5ey. 377E). Ifafee

aw impression on : P. and V. Improper, adj. P. and V.
P. dTTpeTnys, V. detic^?, awoys, vo--
(gen.); see v. impress, Astonish- TTpeTnys Shameless : P. and V.
ment, subs. : P. and V. 0afyux, TO', awxiSofc. Incorrect : P. and V.
/c7rA.T7^ts, fi.
ppmiow, belief: P. OUK OpdoS-
and V. Sofa, ^, 80/070-15, 17 ; see Improperly, adv. P.
opinion. Remembrance P. and Shamelessly : P. . and V.
V., 17. Bave a% wipressioTi Incorrectly : P. and V. ou/c
(foreboding), v. : P. and V. /iavrcv- Impropriety, subs. P.
eo-0ai. ww^er i/ie impression :
P. and V. So^eiv; see believe. Ar. and P.
Improve, v. traos.
Give one the impression of being : !n-avop(9o{5v, P. and V. op0oih>, Ar.
P. and V. 8oKiv etwu. Giving the CTTi: TO
impression they meant to attack at (the mind) : P. and V. TratScvW,
once : P. SoVoyo-iv Trape^oi/rcs avrt/ca Zmprcwe (the occasion) : P. and V.
6/i^aA.cti/ (Thuc. 2, 84). Jfafce aw xtfo-OaL V. intrans. Ar.
vmpress'ion, have effect, v.
V. TrXcov Trpdcro-ew ; see
P. and : and P.
cTTiSrSdVtu, P. M TO
P. and V.
Imp In

Improvement, subs. P. emSocns, $ and P. vea/a/cois.

Improvement of the mind Ar and V. Ar. and P.
P. 7rai'8euo-is, P. and V. TratScta, ^. Impulsiveness, adj.
Correction P. 7ravop0a>ju,a, TO.

Improvidence, subs. P. d//Aeia, ^, Impunity, subs. P. and V.

d^uXafca, ^. Extravagance : P. TF^/i iimpunity : V. ai/ot/Acom, Ar.
do-am'a, ^. and V. ai/ctTt (rare P.), or use adj.
Improvident, adj. Ar. and P. agreeing with subject, P. and V.
P. a<f>p6vTt<rros(Xen.), dTr
Extravagant P. do-awos, . P.
Improvidently, adv P. always to speak thus
d7T/OtO'/C7rr<D5, P. with impunity ? V. ^ *<u yeyiy^ws
(Xen.), Ar raw-' acl Ae^tv 80^?. (Soph., 0. E.
travagantly : P. dcrw 368). Yow s/iaZZ not do this with
Improvise, v. trans. P. au impunity : Ar. ov /caTaTrpot^ct . . .

f civ ;
see devise. TOUTO Spaiv (7es^. 1366). Let off
Imprudence, subs. P. and V. with -impunity : P. d0a>oV
a^ouAt'a, 17, d<jJ>poo-i5i/>7, ry,
Ar. and V.
8uo-/3ouAia, 17 ; see /o%> rashness. Impure, adj. Turbid: P. and V.
Carelessness : P. //.'A.a, y, P. and floAcpos. Met., P. and V. ala
V. pa.Qvp.La, ^. j5fim0r ojf OTW'S /uttpos, (^^ayvo?, avoVco?, P.
guard : P. TO d<vA.aKTOi/, d^uAafta, Impurely, adv. P. and V.
* Ar. and P /xiapois, V. ayoo"t

Imprudent, P. and V. &fiov\o<s;

adj. Impurity, subs. P. dKa^apcrta, ^.
Met., P and V. /ccE/oy, ^, TTOVTJPICL,
see foolish, rash. Careless Ar. ^.
and P. apeXrjs, P. TO Ka/coupyov, P. d/caflapo-ta, ^.
d<j&povTrro$ (Xen.) D*r^ : see dirt.
guard : P. and V. Imputation, subs. See charge.
Impute, v trans. Impute (a thing to
Imprudently, adv. Carelessly : P. a person) : P and V. ftvafapw (TI cts
d/xeAxos, dTrcpiovceTrrws, P. and V. TWO, or Tt rtvt) (V. also d/
d<povTibrcDs (Xen.) ; see rashly. TrpocrrWevai (TL Ttvt),
Impudence, subs P. and V. fySpts, (TCVCI
T vos), Ar. and P.
^ 0pao-os, TO, oVcu'Scia, 17, Ar. and P. (TL el<s Ttva), avctTt^evat (TI rtvt), P.

avaio~;(WTia, 17, V. TO avaur^ui'TO!'. /caTatTtao-^ac (TI). Attach (blame,

Impudent, adj. P. and V. a etc.),
P. and V. irpo<rfia.\Xeiv, Trpocr-
amtOTXWT05, <fy>aor&, P. V rWfva.^ TrpoaraTTTfLV, V. vefJLtiv, &vdir-
Very impudent : P. Tiv, Ar. and P. 7rpx7TTetv, Trept-
Irnpudently, adv. P. and V.
In, prep. P. and V. (dat.). Of &
Impugn, v. trans, OaiZ *w question : time e g., i?i a few days : use gen.

P. and V. Aeyx t1/ Inside of : P. and V. Wos (gen.),

Sws^ec^ : P. and V. to-co
(gen.), law see within.
(gen.) ;

Distrust : P. and V To express feelings, Jfo a?z^^r ; P.

Attack : P. KaOaTrrecrdai (gen.). and V. SL' op-yiys. J ^Afi Aaw^s : V.
Impulse, subs. P. and
see caprice. (dat.). T^ere w w: P. and
Impulsion, subs. P. and V. V. lvm (dat.), &i (dat.) (Bur., Or.
Impulsive, adj. P. and V. 702).
vcavtKo?, P. TrpOTre'nJs, cr^oSp^s. In, adv. At home : P. and V.
Impulsively, adv. P. Trpoirerfo, Ar. KQ.T oT/cov ; see under home.
Ina Ina

Inability, subs. P. doWa/u'a, ^, dppu- cautwn : P. d^vXa^ta, ^, T

o-Ti'a, i). Inability to do wrong : P. Xaicrov ; see forgetfulness.
dppa>OTia TOV dSuceiy (Plat.), dwa/ua Inadvertent, adj. C7mw^7i^onaZ :
rov dSt/cctv (Plat.). P. and V. o^x efoi;o"tos, P. dKOuo*60s
Inaccessibility, subs The inaccessi- Ojf one's grwar^ : P. and V. a<t>v-
bility of - the place : P. TOU \wpLov Xa/cros, o(^>pa/cTos ; see forgetful.
- -

(Thuc. 4, 10). Inadvertently, adv. Unintention-

Inaccessible, adj. P. and Y. #/3aTos, ally : P. and V. o#x Kovo-i>sy
P. Svo-^aTOs Suo-TTpbVoSos, Suo'Trpoo-- aKouorwos. jDo <z thing inadver-
J&XTOS. ^7oi to be invaded P. tantly : P. and Y. Xavtfavciv TTOL&V
Of persons P* Tt. :

Y. 8vo-7rpoo-iTo<;,
, Inane, adj. Empty : P. and V.
aTrpooT/yopos, SvoTrpoVoioros. 50 in- KCI/O'S. Vain P. and V. /xaTatos,
accessible, V. P. aTrpoo-oto-TCDS X tI/
: /cvos ; see also foolish. '

see unapproachable. Inanely, adv. See foolishly. Talk

Inaccuracy, subs. Want of clear- inanely : Ar. and P. ^Xvapdv, P.
ness : P. do-a<eia, ^. Falsity P. . .

and Y. TO i/rcvoes. Inanimate, adj. P. and Y.

Inaccurate, adj. False : P. and V. Inanition, subs. P. and Y.
i/ri;&75. jNbi ea?oci : P. and Y. aTropia, ^, V. aa-ma, ^ see famine. ;

OVK aKplfifa. Not clear : P. and V. Inanity, subs. Idle chatter: Ar. and
00-01^175. P. Xijpos, 6, <t>XvapLa, ^,
Inaccurately, adv. P. and Y. ^evSois.
Without exactness : P. and Y. OVK Inapplicable, adj. P. and Y. ov
TrpeVwv, ov wpooriyicwv.
Inaction, subs. P. and Y. dpyta, , Inapposite, adj. P. and V. ov
9vfua 9 ^, dTTpa^ia, 17,
Ar and P. ^onJxta, ^. Inappropriate, adj. P. and V. ov
[01/97, -jy,

Strtwiflf MZ
P. and Y. ISpa, 17, P.
TrpcTTcov, ou 7rpoo~iJ/ca)v. JaTTing P. .'

and V. irXyfjLfjLeXiqs.
Inactive, adj. P. and Y. dpyo's, Inappropriately, adv P. and Y.
, '^<>5v<
Slow: P. and
V. paSi5 S P. and Y. Inaptitude, subs. P. dSwa/ito, ^, P.
. ;

P W>s. J^e and V. 0avXori7s, 17 (Eur., Frag.).


moctiufi, v. P. and Y. Inarticulate, adj. Dumb : P. and V.


P. paOv/jiclv.
KaQijo'OcLLy ,
Y. a</>0oyyo$3
adv. P. dpyws.
Inactively, " " " " '
Quietly :

P. anad V. ; P. and Y. ao-a^>-J7s,

P.). Y.
Inactivity, subs. See inaction. Inarticulately, adv. Dumbly : V
Inadequacy, subs. Use P. and V. ^cova. ^/bi clearly : P. do-a^w?.
TO ei/Sccs. Lack : P. and Y. In as much as, oonj. See since.
&ropt'a, f), cnrdvis, 17, P. ft/Seta, 17. Inattention, subs. Carelessness : P.
Inadequate, adj. P. and V. e and Y. pa0i5/ua,
L 77.
Want of pre-
oux ffcavos, P. eAAtmJs. caution : P. d^roAa#a, ^, TO d^u-
Inadequately, adv. P. XaxTov. Eudeness : P dypoiKia, 17.
Inattentive, adj. Heedless : P. and
Inadmissible, adj. It is inadmis- Y. paOvpos. Off one's guard : P.
v. : P. and V. OVK ^COTI, P. and V. a^Xa/cTos, o!0paKTos. Rude :
ov/c . Ar. and P. dypot/cos ; see forgetfuL
Inadvertence, subs. Want of pre- Inaudible, adj. P.
Ina Inc

Inaudibly, adv. SpeaMng inaudibly

: w. Injure : P. and V.
Y. &TU0TO. <f>u>vw (Soph 0. 0. , TtV, SiatfrOeLpCI.!/, KO.KOVV.
P. and Y. r/)a^art^ctv,
Inaugurate, v. trans. Begin (with Incapacitate (a ship) : P.
solemnities) : P. and V. Kardp- o-Ktv (Thuc. 4, 14), KaraTp

Xe<r0cLL (gen.). Introduce, initiate : (Thuc. 7, 41), Ar. and P.

Ar. and P. do-TjyeicrOai. Incapacitated, adj. P.
Inauspicious, adj. P. and Y. KCLKOS, dSwaroSj V. dicpaTCup.
8u<rri5^rjs, Svcr^jjuo^ (Plat,
but rare Incapacity, subs. P. dSwa/u'a, ^,
P.), Y. Ko/co-yAoxrcros, cr/catos, euaivfytos fjioxtiripfa, 7;, P. and Y. ^auAoTtys, 77

(2Esch., P. V. 490). Inauspicious (Bur., Pra0.).

words : P. and V. ^Aao-^/ua, fj Incarcerate, v. trans. See imprison.
(Plat.), Y. Suo-^/A/a, r/. Utter in- Incarceration, subs. See imprison-
auspicious words, v. : P. /QAacr^- ment.
Incase, v. trans. P. and Y.
Inauspiciously, adv. P. and Y. V. irvK ,

/ca/ca>9, Svo-rv^ais. see cover.

In-born, adj. P. and Y. Incautious, adj. P.
(Bur., Frag.), on^vros, V. d^povrwrros (Xen.), dAoyt-

o-iryyevrjs, on/yyovo9. OTOS, and V. aj&wAos, Y^

In-bred, adj. P. and V. SvcrAoytoTos see rash.
j Daring .*

(Bur., Frag.), ovp^vros, V. P. and V. 0pacri/s, roAfcr/pos, P.

cnryyeviye, <rvyyovos.
Incalculable, adj. Countless : P. and V. &jbi;Aa/CTOS, dc^paKTO? (Thuc.).
and Y. dvopt^uwTos, Y. dv^pt^uo?, Incautiously, adv. P. d7repio-Ke7rro)S,
ttvi?pi0/ios, /ALptos (also Plat,
but rare
P.). Inconceivable : P. and V. d^povrtb-TCDs (Xeu.). Unwarily :
afjwj)(5vQ$. Boundless : P. and Y. P. d<uAaKT(05 (Xen.). Boldly: P.
&reipos. Immeasurable : P. d/xerpos, ToA/z/jypais, ^apo-aAe'ws; see boldly.
Ar. and Y. a/xerp^ros (Bur., Hec. Incautiousness, subs. P. and Y.
783). ^oiAi'a, T), Ar. and V. Svo-ySouA/a, T; ;
Incalculably, adv. P. see rashness. Want of pre-
see also immeasurably. caution: P. d^i;Aa|ta, T;. DaMng :
Incantation, subs. P. andY. P. and V. rohfjioi, Qp&ros, r6. -yj,

7); see s^ZZ. Siw^ incantations, Incendiarism, subs. ^IrsoTi : P.

v. : Ar. and P. raSe/ (ace. or
absol.) Remove by incantations : Incendiary, adj. Met., incendiary
P. and V. ^TraSctv face.). (of speeches, etc.) : P. orao-taortKos.
Incapability, subs. See incapacity. Incense, subs. P. and Y. 0v/uaju,aT<v
Incapable, adj. Ar. and P. adiS^-ros. TCL, V. lirWvfiidfJLaTa, rd. Fill with
TFiifo'Wfc natural ability : P. and incense, v. trans. V. faiovv (Bur.,
HeZ. 866). Bwrn as inc&nse: V.
Ite mcapable of (doing a thing) : V. K6vfuav Seeking tvith incense,
a/A7j^avos *i/ttt (with, infin.). More- adj, V. QVO?>OKOS.

over we are women incapable where Incense, v. trans. Anger : P. and

good is concerned : V. ?rpos Sc icai V. 7rapoiW, fyyi^H/ (Plat.), V.

d/jt^ai/toTaroi (Bur., Mied. 406). Plat, in pass.), dyptow (also Xen.

Incapably, adv. P. and Y. K&KW?, and Ar. in pass.), ftyyeii/. In-
censed see angry.

Incapacitate, v. trans. Ar. and P. Incentive, subs. P. and Y.

Inc Inc

Impulse : P. and V. incite, v. trans. P. and V.

Bait, attraction: P. and V.
TO. (Thuc.), tfrrpyveiv (Thuc.), oppav,
Inception, subs. Initiation P. .
cfop/Jiav, V. OTpiivetv, eTrcyxeXcvciv
77*70-15, ^. Beginning P. and V.
(Bur., CycL), opvvvai see wrgrg. \

W7> 4 see beginning. Incitement, subs. Exhortation P. .

Incessant, adj. V. SictTeAifc. Cease- Trapa/ccA-cvats, 17? TrapaKA^o-is, 17, c?rt-

less . P. aTravo-Tos. Continuous : /ceA.vo-ts, 17, V. 7rapaK\vo-fia 9 TO.
P. IvScXc^T/s, o~w^s. Constant Incentive : P. /ceWpov, TO.

P. and V. -TTUKVO'S. Incivility, subs. Boonshness P.

Insolence : P. and V.
Incessantly, adv. Ar.andP. .

P. ei/ScXe^tos, V. SictvKa)5
-40. 319); see continually Inclemency, subs. See harshness.
Incest, subs. Use P. and V. Inclemency of the weather : use P.
o-uvovcria, 17, V. cnryyci/^s yct/xos, 6
Incestuous, adj. P. and V. nclement, adj. See harsh. Of the
Svayvos. Incestuous marriage : V. weather P. x i^P L0 ^ Ar. and V. .

o-uyy 0/7)5 ya/i05, 6. 8uo*p(t^iepo5. Inclement weather,

Inch, subs. Use P. SCWCTVA.OS, 6 subs. P. and V. :

(aoft three-quarters of an inch).

For larger measure, use P. and V. Inclination, subs. Lit., P. and V.
TnJxus, 6 (about eighteen inches) 17. declwity : V.
(Eur., Oycl). Mark now whether Desire P. and V.
you see me move a single inch Ar. : see .
Impulse :

or/coVet wv rjv viroKLvrjaravr 18775

P. and V. opprj, Disposition :
(Ban 644). P. and V. yvoyx,77, 77, Averts, Jw-

Incident, subs. P. and V. o-v^opd, one's i P. T

77, 7rci0o5, TO', irdOrjfjLa, TO, Ar. and P. ^o-tfai (Isoc.).
o-wnJyto, 17. Subordinate event P. Incline, . v. trans P. and V.
and V. Trdpepyov, TO. K\iviv, Ar. and V.
Incident to, adj. Ar. and P. (pass, used in P.). Incline the
aicoXovOos (gen or dat.), P. ITTO/XCVOS head : V. i/evciv /capo. Think of
(dat.), <rvv7r6p,vos (dat.). Be something else in the way of weighty
incident to, v. P. and V.
: words to incline the scale your
(dat.). way : Ar. mpov av ^T/m TI T&V
Incidental, adj. See incident. Sub- /3cLpv(TTdQ/ji.a)v oTt 0*01 KaOeXt-ci (Ban.
ordinate, secondary P. and V.

1397). Dispose (favowrably or

7rappyo5 see secondary.
otherwise) : P. StaTi^a/at. V. in-
Incidentally, adv. P. and V. trans. P. and v fcA.tV0"$tti| OGICCIV* .

Trapcpyw, a>s lv Trapepycp, P. Inclining as in a balance to the side

Trapepyou. Of profit : P. WOTTCp &V 1 V TpVTOLVTQ
Incipient, adj. Use Ar and P. pCTTVV C7TL TO JtffJLfJWl (Dem. 325). "

dp^o/x,ei 05. Tend: P. and V. TC^IV,

Incision, subs. P. T/x^a, TO'; or see tend. Of disposition,
use wound. towards : P. airojcAiVcn/ ?rpd5 (ace.),
Incisive, adj. Bitter: P. and V. or i5 (ace.) see under inclined. ;

iriKpos. Vigorous : P. layypos. Be inclined (favourably or other-

Incisively, adv. Bitterly P. and wise) : P. 8tcueur0ai, P. and V.
V. 7rwcpw5 see vigorously.
e^etv. Till this day heaven is
Incisiveness, subs. P. and V. favourably inclined : Y. & roff
see vigour, vehemence. Vfjap ev peVet tfeo's (^Isch., 2%e6. 21).
Inc Inc

Be inclined to, naturally dis- Incommunicable, adj.

be to be
posed to : P. and
V. <j>v<rOa.L divulged : P. and V.
Be willing to : P. and V.
pov\.c<r6a.i (infin ).
Mean to : Ar. Incomparable, adj. Preeminent:
and P. Siavoeto-flat (infin.).
Be P. and V. StaTrpcTTTjs, V.
accustomed to or Incomparably, adv. P.
(of persons
things) : P. and. V. <iAetv (infin
). V. 6^0^0)5.
They were less inclined to come to Incompatability, subs. P.
terms with the Athenians : P. TT/OOS
roi>5 'A0i7i>euous ^crcrov ct^ov rrjv Incompatible, adj. P.
0>OT OTJ/I/?aiVll/ (ThllC. 3, 25).
yj/0)jLW7V Incompetence, subs. P.
Incline, subs. Declivity : V. KXlrfa, ^7 /Ao^^p/a, ^, P. and V.
Hill : P. and V. Xo'<os, 6 ; see 7 (Bur., Frag.).
slope. On an incline^ sloping .
Incompetent, adj. Ar. and P.
use adj., P. emK\t,vys ; see sloping. &i/raTos, ?roi^7po5, //.ox&ypos, P. and
Inclined to, addicted to, adj. P. : V. a^u^Js, <ai5Ao5, /cafcos, V. <^Axii;-

irpcwrenjs (frpos, aCC.), V. w/oovwTTTy? povpyos; Bee incapable.

cis (aoc.).
Be inclined to, be Incompetently, adv. P. and V.
addicted to : P. peWv CTTI (ace.), /CGLJCC09, ff>aV\(j)<5.

pew ITTL (ace.) ; see under inchne, v.

Incomplete, adj. P. and V. dreX^s.
Inclose, v. trans. See enclose Deficient : P. and V. evS^s.
Inclosure, subs. See enclosure. Incompletely, adv. Deficiently P. .

Include, v. trans. P. and V. l^tv

iv (Eur., I T. 528), P.
Incompleteness, subs. Deficiency :
v, ?repiAa/j,j8dve' ; See 67T&- P. &Sia, ^.
Include bes^des : P. TT/OOO- Incomprehensible, ad], P. SuovcaTa-
avciv (aCC.). Pa 7&o
include the whole race of women in
/xa^ros. Astonishing: P. and V.
0au/, Ar. and P. 0av/Aaeno$;
your reproaches : V. (pty TO 6vjXv see unintelligible.
cruv^cts SSc irav M.ejw.'/n? yei/os (Bur., Inconceivable, adj P.
Sec. 1184). Extraordinary : P. and V.
Incoherent, adj. P. and V. Xavos, V. <z<pa<rro5.
s, V. Suorfia^s, 5<r7jitos, Inconceivably, adv. Extraordin-
Sv<TT07ra<rros, arily ; P. d/x/tyxaveos.
Inconclusive, adj. P. aiepiTos.
Incoherently, adv. V. Inconclusively, adv. P. d/cptVo>s.
^li random : P. and V. Incongruity, subs. P. do-u/A^wi/ta,
Income, subs. P. TrpoVoSos, ^. ^, Abswrdity : Ar.and P. aroma, rj.
Income-tax, subs. Ar. and P. Incongruous, adj. P. do-v/w^wvos.
ciox^opa, y. Pay income tax, v. : P. Absurd, odd : P. and V. ^TOTTOS
etcr^cpctv (absol.). (Bur., Frag.).
Incommensurable, adj. P. Incongruously, adv. Absurdly : P.

Incommensurate, adj. See unequal, Inconsiderable, adj. P. OVK <

inadequate. see small.

Incommode, v. trans. Ar. and P. Inconsiderate, adj. Thoughtless :
(aCC. or dat.),
P. and V. dyi/cojLiov.
Bash : see
(dat.), P. and V. 3 X> rosA, VM/eeling.
(dat.); see trouble. Inconsiderately, adv. See un-
Incommodious, adj. Unsuitable :
feelingly. Behawe inconsiderately,
P. dvCTrfnjSeios ; see narrow, small. v. P. dyyco/iovcTy.

Inc Inc

Inconsiderateness, subs. P. dyi/o>- Inconveniently, adv. Unseason-

ably : P. dWpeos. Unsuitably : P.
Inconsistency, subs. Changeable-
ness : P. ro acrrdQfj.'rjTOV. Who Incorporate, v. trans. P. OTWO--
would not be sorry when he sees ravai. Incorporate villages into a
such inconsistencies in household town : P. <ruvoiK%tv (Thuc. 2, 15).
economy : P. T& owe av
. . .
Incorporate the dowry into the pro-
aXyr}<Teiv orav *&$ . . . rota-ura? perty of Aphobus : P. icaTaju&u '


150D). (Dem. 866).

Inconsistent, adj. Ar. Incorporeal, adj.
Changeable :P. do-aS^a-ros.
and P. dorotfjU/tyTOs, P. dKaTaararos. Incorrect, adj. P. and V. ofo
Incompatible : P. aonj/^wvos. Iw- Inaccurate : P. and o V
consistent with, contrary to : P. False : P. and V. i^Sifc.
and V. evavTibs (dat.). Incorrectly, adv. P. and Y. ov*
Inconstancy, subs. P. TO do-rd- Inaccurately : P. and V.
QpxiTw. Faithlessness : P. and Falsely : P. and V. .

V. aTTtoTta, 17.
Inconstant, adj. Ar. and P. dora- Incorrigible, adj. P. and V.
s, P. and V. ^UTrA-iyicTOS, P. aK<&oxrros. Incurable : P. and V,
avi}/cOTos, P. dvtaros; see incurable.
trustworthy : P. and V. Incorrigibly, adv. P. d/eoAaora>s.
see /w?He. Incurably : P. dviyfeeerrcus, dvtarcos.
Incontestible, adj. P. Incorruptible, adj. Imperishable :
P. d8id<0opos. Immor^aZ : P. and
Incontestibly, adv. P. V. a0dvaros, Ar. and V.
o &e bribed; P.
Incontinence, subs. P. dfepdrcta,
dfcoA.aerta, ^, P. and V. v^pis, ^. Kpcuro-eov, V.
Incontinent, adj. Ar. and P. dfcpa
P. and V. ^icoAacrTos, vfipi.<rrr)<s Incorruptibly, adv. P.
(used with masc. subs.). bribes: P.
Incontinently, adv. P.
Increase, v. trans. P. and V.
Incontrovertible, adj. P. avdvW, avfcw, P. raijavtv, V.
d\Sa/vtv. V. intrans. P. and V.
ou/c avdv<r6ai 9 aif^co-^at, P.
Incontrovertibly, adv. P. dva//,<7- Ar. and P. ^rtStSoVeu, V.
Increase, subs. P. dS^o-is, ^, av^,
Inconvenience, adj. Unseasonable- ^ (Plat.), iTra^o-i?, ^ (Plat.),
ness : P. diccupia, ^. Trouble : P. 7Tt8oTtS, 17.
7Tav|97, ^ (Plat.),
and V. oWxcpcia, ^, o^os, 6. Incredibility, subs. P. and V.
Inconvenience, v. trans. Ar. and
P. ^voA-etv (aoc. or dat.), Incredible, adj. P. and V. &ri<rros.
(dat.), P. and V. Incredibly, adv. P. amo-ru*.
(dat.). Incredulity, subs. P. and V. &rma,
Inconvenient, adj. Unseasonable : 17. Suspicion : P. and V, moifrCa, ?J,
P. and V. Ifcaipos. Annoying : P. Incredulous, adj. P. &TWTTOS.
and V. papvs, oxA-iypos. ZTflmwYaWe : Suspicious : P. and V. STTOTTTO?.
P. dvCTrtr^Sctos. Unprofitable: P. Incredulously, adv. P.
and V. acrv/JL<f>opos. : P. VTTOTI
Inc Ind

subs. See in- of ten thousand drachmae : P.

Increment, subs. See increase. expense : P. Sowravai/ (absol.).
Revenue : P. Trpoo-oSos, -%. Incurable, adj. P. and V.
Incriminate, v. trans. Implicate: (Plat.), V. P.
P. (ruy/caTcwn/MrXavcu ; see implicate,
accuse. Incurably, adv. P.
Incrust, v. trans. Grow round : Ar.
and P. -Trcpi^co-flcu (dat.) (Plat., Incursion, subs. P. and V.
Bep. 612A). 17,
P. rtSpo^, ^ ; see ata<?A?
Incubate, v. trans. See hatch. aw incursion : P. and V.
Incubus, subs. P. and V. a.x6o<s, TO, Indebted, adj. Lit., m
debt : Ar.
Ar. and V. fidpo?, TO, V. e<oA,*&, ^ ;
and P. vTroxpca)?. J&<3 indebted to a
see burden. person : P. and V.
Inculcate, v. trans. Teach : P. and (dat.).
V. StSooriceiv. Engender : P. and Indecency, subs. P. dfca^opo-ta, 17,
V. VTLKTLV (rivL Tt), P. fJL7TOLLV acrxri/juxrvvri, TJ, awperrcia, ^. Shame-
(nvi TI) ; see engender. lessness : P. and V. /?pts, v
Inculpate, v. trans. Implicate: P. 17
see shamelessness.

crvyKaTaTrifjnr\dvai ; see implicate. Indecent, adj. P. oKaOapros,

Accuse : P. and V. 0.^10.0-60.1, P. and V. AcrxiJ/jwoi/, V. Si>cnrpe7n;s.
C7ramacr0<u J see OCCUSe. Disgraceful : P. and V.
Inculpated, adj. Accessory : use Shameless : P. and V.
adj. P. and V. cfoos, (n5i/airios,
/xeramos. Indecently, adv. P.
Incumbent, adj. Becommg, proper : gracefully : P. and V.
P. and V. cvTrpemfc, Trpenxov, Trpocny- Behave indecently, v. P. V.

K0)v. Necessary : P. and V.

SvayKatos. J & mcww&ewi ow : P. Indecision, subs. P. and V. OKI/OS, 6.
and V. wpe?rfc (dat), Trpocnyicci (dat.), Indecisive, adj. P. &epwos.
Ar. and V. 0/tfc (dat.) (with or Indecisively, adv. P. fopC
without ecm') (rare P.). l is Indecorous, adj. P. and V.
necessary : P. and V. Svay*^ (with

Set (ace.).
P. owrpeTnys, V. detAo;?, 0.6/07?.
or without lorn') (dat.), xP*7 (ac -)) Indecorously, adv. P.
Behave indecorously, v. P. and V. :
Incumber, v, trans. See encumber.
Incumbrance, subs. See encum- Indecorum, subs, P. and V.
brance. a/cocr/jufct, -37,
P. aTrperreia, 17,

Incur, v. trans. Incwr (disgrace,

etc.] : P. and V. &><Hper0ai, Indeed, adv. JBea%: P. and V.
Xappdvciv (Thuc. 2, 64; Soph., Xi70o>$, SVTCUS, P. T<jJ ovrt,
B. 0. 1494). Face: P. and V. Strengthening particle often used
fyurraurQat, ',
see /OC6. with superlatives: P. and V,
: V.
fyvwrQw, (Plat, but rare 817. To emphasise a statement :

P.), /c7rovtv, dX<^avv. Jwowr a P. and V. SijTa (Plat.). -4Z0S, w&-

charge of: P. and V. O<XMTJCWV happy man, itnhappy indeed : V.
(aco.). JTWJZAT rwfc : P. and V. b 2o>
8vamjV <rv ov<rrrjv Bnra
(absol.), V. .(Soph., PM. 759). F^Zy: P.
and V. ?, V. ? fc<p, Ar. and V.
addition ; P. /capra (rare P.) ; see verily. At (ace.). JSTe incwrred a fane any rate: P. and Y. ye, yovv, ye
Ind Ind

ftyv ; see at least, under least. Thinking that they would

For indeed : P. and V. icat
yap. In secure complete indemnity for the
indignant questions Ar. and V.
past : P. yyovpevoi TroAAyjv
#A.i70c<? ; (Soph., 0. E. 350; Ar., <r<f>unv <TcrOaL roiv
Ban. 840). (Lys. 128).
Indefatigable, adj. P. and V Indent, v. trans. Use P. and V.
Xwrap^s (Plat.), Ar yAtcrxpos ; see
incessant. Be
indefatigable (m Indentation, subs. Use P. and V.
doing a thing), v. P. and V. ov
rpav/jta, TO. O^i : P. r/xJ)/Aa, TO.
KQ.pviv (part.). Indenture, subs. Bond, agreement:
Indefatigably, adv. P. A-wrapus P. <rvyypa<l>rj, 17.
Ar. and P. subs. P. auTovo^ta,
(P]at.), yAwrxpcos (Plat.). Independence,
Indefensible, adj. Easy to take : 17.
Freedom: P. ^Xeu^cpta, ^, V.
P, and V. aXaio-tjtzos. Unjust : P. ToAeu0pov. Ability to support
and V. #8i/cos, P. di'CTrici/oys. Be oneself P. avrapKcta, . Owi- .

indefensible, have no excuse: P. spokenness : P. and V. irappTja-ia, T).

Ar. and P. d7rpay/x,o-
cwroA-oyi'av OVK ej(eii/. Aloofness
Indefinable, adj. P. do'pio-Tos. Met.,
obscure : Ar. and P. aTe/c/mpTos Independent, adj.
see obscure, or use P. and V. TIS Free : P. and V.
(enclitic.) independent, v. P. :

Indefinite, adj. Not clear : P. and Able to support oneself : P. and V.

V. ao-a^s. Not fixed : P. dopioros. atrapioys. Frank : P. IXevOepios*
Inconclusive : P. dicpiTos. Separate : P. /cxcopio*/^ei/o5. Pri-
Indefinitely, adv. Not clearly P. vate : P. and owcetos, ?3tos. V
5>ws. Inconclusively : P. dependent of : see free from.
Independently, adv. P. and V.
Indelible, adj. Not to be erased : P. cAevtfepws. Separately : P. and V.
dvefaAejTTOS, SIKTCKI/CTTTOS '(Plat.), X<)pfe, S*x a Privately : P. and

dvK7rXvros (Plat.), V. STJOT/MTTOS, V. !8ia (Eur., ^^pp. 129). Inde-

Of colours: P. 8euo-owoios (Plat). pendently of : see apart from.
Met., ever-remembered : P. and V. Indescribable, adj. P. and V.
afLfj^orros ; see also lasting. /cpto*o-(ov Xoyov, P. d/i-^^TOs, V.
Indelibly, adv. Firmly, fast : V. a<j>pa(rro?9 Ar. ou 0aTos, Ar. and
e^t7re'8co9, apaporws (also Plat, but V. ava)vo/Aao"Tos ; see strange.
rare P.). Eternally: P. els d" Indescribably, adv. Strangely : P.
Indelicacy, subs. P. and V. d^xavco? ; see also exceedingly.
^, P aw-pen-eia, ^, do-; Indestructible, adj. P. dStd^dopo?,
see also shamelessness. dVcoAe^po?, Ar. and "V. d<jS^tro5.
Indelicate, adj. P. d^rpcm^, P. and Indeterminate, adj. Indefinite : P.
V. acrxvp-w- Disgraceful : P. and ddpioTos. Undecided: P. a/cptTos.
V. ato-xpos ; see also shameless. -Nb^ cZear : P. and V. ao-a^s.
Indelicately, adv. P. fa
Indeterminately, adv. Indecisively :
Disgracefully : P. and V. al P. d/cpw-ws. JsTo^ dearly : P.
see also shamelessly.
Indemnify, v. trans.
use P. Ta r<ra StSoWt (dat.).
Compensate: ' "
Index, subs. See indication.
Indicate, v. trans. P. and Y. <

good : P. and V. ftKeicrOat,

Indemnity, subs. Fine : P. and V. (Plat.), Ar. and P. aro^aiv^v ; see
7. Imptmity : P. and V. Indicate beforehand : P.
Ind Ind

and V. -7rpo<f>awiv. Indicate by alike : P and V. OJJLOV, 3//.a, 6/a.otcu?,

signs : P. and V. liriveveiv (ace. or V. 6/Aois.

absol.) ; see nod. Indigenous, adj, P. and V.

Indication, subs. Trace : P. and V. Native : P. and V.
*xy*> T0 Sign, proof: P. and
- V. ey^wptos; see wa^;e.
crqfjLctoVj TO, TCKfiypiov, TO, a Indigence, subs. P. and V.
TO, V. Cnjp-CL, TO, TGKfJL&p, TO. T7,a7ropi'a, 17,
P. ^vScta, 17; see poverty.
men : P. and V. Say/xa, TO, Indigent, adj. P. and V. -n-o^s,
i&ropos; see poor.
Indict, v. trans. Ar. and P. ypa- Indigestion, subs. P. cwr^i'a, ^
<eo-0ai see accuse.
\ (Arist.).
Indictment, subs. Ar. and P. ypa^, Indignant, adj. Angry : Ar. and P.
77; see accusation.
Draw up an XaWo's, P. and V. Typo's, P.
indictment : Ar. and P. Treptopyiys, opyt'Xos, V. IVKOTOS. Sfl
indignant, v. Ar. and P. :

Indifference, subs. Heedlessness : Traivcw, Syava/crctv, P. Seti/ov

P. and V. /5ct0v/ua, 17, P. d/*,eXa, ^, cr^at, V. aTA.^Ttv,
paorra>'i/T7, , V. S/jicXia, 17. Calmness :
<'piv see 6e angry. Be indignant

Ar. and P. ^o-i5xt/a > % Treat with at: Ar. and P. x^CTaiWv (dat.),
indifference, v. : P. and V. afj.eX.tiv ayava/cretv (dat.), P. ovcr)(paivw
(gen.), Trapa/icXciv (gen.), P. 6Xiya>- (acc. or dat), xoX>s <^^p 6 tv (aco.),
ptv (gen.), Trapopav, v ovS&L Xoya> V. Svcrtfroptlv (dat.), Trucpois ^>ep etv
oY ouSei/os 7roito'0ai,
V. do"xoX\tv (dat) (also Dem.

7roiio-0at, (aoo.),
^auXws <^pu> ; see disregard. 555, but rare P.) ; see oa angry at.
Indifferent, adj. P. and V. pottos, Indignantly, adv. Ar. and P.
Ar. and P. ^cXiJs. Indifferent to, XoA-eTrus, P. dpyt'Xo)?, P. and V.
heedless of: P. d^eXrJs oY opyJ)?, TTiKpfis, V. ^ opy^s, ilirep-
oXiywpo's (gen.), V. ctypovTis (gen.), 0u/jwos, v7rpfcoT<os, VTT* opyi}?, Ar. and
(Eur., Frag.). Calm, peaceful: V. Trpos opy^v.
P. and V. dwpay/xcov. jB0 fc?i-
Indignation, subs. P. and V. opvr?,
different, v. : P. KaTapp^Ovfjielv T?I ^^5, 6, V, ^oXos, 6, MVKS, y,
Make no difference : P. and V. ov and V. x ^-1?* ^7 KOTOS, 6, /ACVOS, TO.
8ia<epeiv, V. d/^i8&a>s lxv (jEscn,, Disgust : P. and V. oWxcpeto, ^, P.
Frag.). Be indifferent to : see
disregard. Callous, adj. P. Affront : P. and
: and Indignity, subs.
V. d/AXife,
V. ifjSpts, CWm
vftpurfjia, TO, alida,
; P. ,

and V. ^o~v^os, ^o-J3^atbs, P. Outrage P. and V. Xw/fy, (Plat.), :

Poor in quality : P. and V. X^iy, ^ (Plat.). Suffer indignities :

/xerpto?, <jSXavpos, cvrcA^s. It W W- P. and V. avaia irda-xew.
different to me whether you desire Indirect, adj. Not open : use P. and
to praise or blame me : V. o-u V. ov ^>ai/po's. Crooked, met. P. :

o-icoXtrfs (Plat.) ;
see crooked.
., Ag. 1403). It is in- Secret : P. and "V. a<avifc, /cpwrros;
different to me : P. and Y. otf /AOL see secret Ta^we : P. and V.
So-a^s, V. 7rap<>8os.
Indifferently, adv. Heedlessly : P. Indirectly, adv. J^oi o^wZy : P.
poi^ufttos, P. and V. d^pov- oti
^avpcos. J^ a round about
en.). Poorly : P. and V. way : V. iripi. Hint at indvreotty,
^avXws. Calmly : P. and V. : P. TrapaSiyXow (acc.), viraLi/wr<T-
V. ^Q-VX?, ^(rrf;(G>s; see calmly. o-^at (aoc.), VTrooypaweiv (aoo.), Ar.
Callously : V. <Jva\yi7Ta>s. Equally and P. aivtWecr&u (aoo. or efc, aoc.).
Ind Ind

P. a*piTos
Indiscreet, adj. P. and V. Indistinguishable, adj. ;

Ar. and P. UI/OTJTOS, P. owrc see indistinct. Be indistinguish-

V. aKpiTos see rash, foolish.
; Off able from, v. : use P. and V. ov
one's guard : P. and V. 8ia<epe/ (gen.). Promiscuous : P
and V. arvfifJUKTOS, o-ujn/uyifc (Plat.),
Indiscreetly, adv. and P. /uyas. Not clear : P. and V.

SjSovXcos see rashly, foolishly.

; Indistinguishably, adv. Promis-
subs. P. V. cuously : P. and V. ^vpSrjv, P.
Indiscretion, and^
ajSovXia, fj, Ar. and V. 8vcr/3ovXia, ^ ; xv8?7i/, dva/uj. At random: P. and
see folly, rashness. V. ^KI}.
Indiscriminate, adj. Unreasoning : Indite, v. trans. P. o-vyypa^H/,
P. Xoyos, dXdyicrros. Promiscuous: cnivriBiva.1. Indite a poem : Ar.
P. and V. crv//,/uKTO$, o-vju/uyifc and P. 7rottv (aoc. or absol.).
/uycts. Individual, subs. Ar. and P.
Indiscriminately, adv. At random :
tSioin^, 6. Each (as opposed to
P. and V. i/d}, <av'Xo>s. Promis- all) : P. and V. IKOOTOS.
cuously : P. and V. ^vpSi/y, P. Individual, adj. Private : P. and V.

Indispensible, adj. P. and V. Individuality, subs. See character.

Individually, adv. Each separately :
Indisposed, adj. Not eager : P. P. Kaff eKaurrov. Privately: P.
d7rpo0vftos. Be indisposed to : P. and V. %.
and V. ov y&>vXeor0ot (infin.), Ar. Indivisible, adj. P. d/4>ioros (Plat.).
and P. OVK fifleXco'
Ar. and Indolence, subs. P. and V. dpyca, 77,
V. ov OeXeiv (infin.). Unwell: P. pq.9vfjLLat y, P. po:oTo)vo7, 17. Leisure :
P. and V. dcr^evjjs.
Be 0^0X17,
P. and V. ^.
indisposed, be ill : P. and V. VOO-CLV, Indolent, adj. P. and V. dpyds,
K</XVCU/, CLcrOevcw, P. appaxrrew. pcWiJ/Aos, P. owrovos. S?ou; : P. and
Indisposition, subs. See refusal.
Illness: P. do-flema, ^, dppeooTta, ^, Indolently, adv. P. dpyois.
Indomitable, adj. Unconquerable
Indisputable, adj. P. P. and V. Svf^Tos. Persevering :

dveXcyjcros, P. and V. Kapr<7>o's.

Indorse, v. trans. See endorse.
Indisputably, adv. P. Indubitable, adj. P. (

S, V. OV 8i;(Opp07ra)S, OVK
Confessedly : P. Indubitably, adv. ^ P.
TG>5, V. OV 8t^OppO7T<OS, OVK

Indissoluble, adj. P. 5A.vros (Plat.), T<07. Confessedly: P. 6>oXo'

dStoA-vros (Plat.), V. Induce, v. trans. P. and V. TT

(or mid.), errayciv, 4jrcu/oti/, Trpodtyctv,

Indissolubly, adv. P. dXvVa>5 (Plat.), P. CTrwnrav. Induce by force : V.

Ar. appiJ/cTcos, V. 8vcreKXi;To>s. P^rswacfe: P. and V, .

Indistinct, adj. P. and V. do-a^s, 0tv (Bur., JffeZ. 825),

8vo7eptTos (Plat.), P. d/Av8pos, V.
Svo'fjLaQ'qs, ftcrypAs ; see obscure. <o act thus ? use Ar. and P. rt

Indistinctly, adv. P. do-a^Gs, fJLQ.(/(})V


Svo-KptTQ)? see obscfu/rely.

; Inducement, subs. 5a^ : met., P.
Indistinctness, subs. P. and V. 8eXeop, TO, Ar. SeXeacr/iot, TO.
WTO: P. and V.
Ind Ine

Induction, subs. See guess. Logi- Industry, subs. Diligence : P.

cally: P. brayayij, v (Arist). P.
Inductive, adj. P. en-aKriKos (Arist.). and V. cnro-uS-iy, f), irpoQvfua,
Inductively 3 adv. P. erra/cri/wos Handicraft : Ar. and P. <

P. and V. V.
Te^ 17,

Indue, v. trans. Equip : P. and

Trapaa-Kvd^Lv 9 P. KaTacTKCva&iv ; Indwelling, adj. Use V.
see equip. Indued with : P. and see also inbred. An indwelling
V. iTTi^oAos (gen.) (Plat.). taint of evil : V. /oyAis KOKCOV o-woi/cos 1

Indulge, v. trans. P. and V. x&f*" (Soph., O. C. 1134).

cr0ai (dat.), P. opyag hrKfripew Inebriated, adj. See drunk.
(dat.), 0iAo<povero-0ai (dat.) (Plat.). Inebriation, subs. See drunkenness.
Please : P. and V. Spca-Kw (aco. Ineffable, adj. V. a^pacn-os, Ar.
or dat.), Ar. and V. avSavcw (dat.). and Y. frvtovoiLaucrros, P. afLvQrjros,
Q-ive way to : P. and V. eucav (dat.), Ar. ov faro's. Extraordinary : P.
ftroW (dat.), V. x*xs* (dat). and V. f/jW7x^VO5 -

.Mafce Mse of : P. and V. xP^ftu Ineffably, adv. Extraordinarily :

(dat. ). Indulge
one's natural bent : P. djLL^xavws see also exceedingly.

P. rg <vcm -xpfurOai (Isoc.). In- Ineffaceable, adj. P. dve&iAcwrros,

dulge m, enjoy : P. and V.
&roWe/ (gen.). Ta&e dfiZi0fc in : (Plat.), V. SUOT/MTTOS. -Ever-remem-
P. and V. ijfSctrtfat (dat,), rtpTreo-Oat, bered: P. and V. ^eijuv^oros; see
(dat.). Employ, use: P. and V. also lasting.
Xprj<r6ai (dat.). Indulge in violent Ineffaceably, adv. Firmly, fast :
laughter : P. <io/<u wrxvpw yeAom V. cfLTreSo)?, 5papoT(Ds (also Plat, but
(Plat., Jfojp. 388s).
rare P.). Eternally : P. ets dtStov.
Indulgence, subs. Kindness : P. Ineffective, adj. Accomplishing no-
TTpcumys, ^, <LAav0pa>7rLa, ff,
V. thing : P. 57rpa/cTOs, P. and V.
7T/oo;/xVta, 17. Favour, boon : P. and Si/ipaJros. Useless : P. and V.
V: x<*P, 17. Pardon: P. and V. jLcaratos, /ccvo?, ^XP l(
cruyyv&fjuri, 7}, V. crvyyvoia, 17.
Jw- see useless. Fruitless : P, <

dwZgfewce i?i ; P. and V. XP 6 "1* 4

(gen.). Enjoyment of: P. and V. Ineffectively, adv. P. d7rpaKT<os, V.
^ (gen.).
^TroXavorts, ^V^VUTOJS. Jn vam ; P. and V.
Indulgent, adj. jKwd ; P. and V.
Trpaos, -^irtos, <^>tX(v^pQ)wos, V. w/oeu- Ineffectual, adj. See in _
/xcnjs. JwcZ^Twd #0 pardon : P. Ineffectually, adv. See ineffectively.
and V. <ryyyi/ai/jLO)v. Inefficacious, adj. Inadequate : P.
Indulgently, adv. ^P. and V. and V. oi>x f*cavos.
P. Trpcxco?, <f>iAavQp(*>7ruS) V. euc^povcos, Inefficiency, subs. Incapac%; P.
and V. <avAor?7s, 97 (Eur., Frag.).
Industrial, adj. Ar. and P, x P~
et Inefficient, adj. Poor, indifferent :
. P. and V. <^aGAos, <t>\avpos, /xcrptos.
Industrious, adj. P. and Y. Inadequate : P. and V. ofy IKCLVOS-
(rare V.), P. <tX<wrovos, Inefficiently, adv. Incapably : P.
V, -jroXiJTrovos. Zealous: P. and and V. /co/eote, ^avAcus, P. <T
V. cnrovSalos (Soph., JFVa^.), ?r/)O- Inelegance, subs, P.

Industriously, adv. P. Inelegant, adj. P. and V. doxij/ton/.

Zealously : P. and V.
Inept, adj. Unsuitable : P. and V.
P. ov TrpCTTtoi/, oti irpocr^Kcoy. Foolish :
Ine Ine

P. and V. ftoipos, evTJQrjs, ctcriWros, TLP;JL<J)V (Soph,, Frag.), SuaTraptu-

Ar. and P. dvd^ros, a/Je\Tpos.
Ineptitude, subs. Incapacity P Inexorably, adv.
d*wajLiia, ^, P. and V. <aiAoT77s, cos, V. v^Aecos, fivotfcreos,

(Eur., .FVajL)- ^<%: P. and V.

jLMopta, 17 ;
see folly. Inexpediency, subs. Use P. and V.
Ineptly, adv. Foolishly ; P. TO (XOTJ/A<opOV.
(Xen.), Ar. and P. ai/o^r Inexpedient, adj. P. and V. ^o-v^-
0iKws. JPaZi ineptly, v. P. and : P.
V. A^peiv, Ar. and P. QKvipclv, P.
Inexpensive, adj. P. eureA.?fc,
Inequality, subs. P. see cheap.
Uwei?0n?wss : P. dvoa/iaA/a, 17,
TO Inexpensively, adv. P. euTeXws, V.

Inequitable, adj. P. dv7rto7s ; see Inexpensiveness, subs, Ar. and P.

unjust. VTA.lfX, ^.
Inequitably, adv. See unjustly. Inexperience, subs. P. and V.
Ineradicable, adj. See indelible. ttTretpta, 17, P. OLveirumrjfAocruvr], 97,
Ineradicably, adv. See indelibly. dij^eta, iy, V. diy^ta, 17.
Inert, adj. Idle : P. and V. dpyos, Inexperienced, adj. P. and V.
Immovable : P. and V. <Z7rtpo? P. dv7rto"r7/i)i/.
f Inex-
Dull, heavy : P. and V. perienced in: P. and V. &mpos
Lifeless : P. and V. 5^uxos (gen.), (Syu/miJTo^ (gen.),
see also torpid. arfdrjs (gen.), dve7rtcrT)7/x,()v (gen).

Inertly, adv. Idly : P. dpy<os. Inexpiable, adj. P. and V. ^KCOTOS.

Inertness, subs Idleness: P. and Inexplicable, adj. Extraordinary :
V. dpyia, 17, pq.0viJ.ia, 17, P. pqurnoviy, P. and V. OavfJLturros, &tvo$, Ar.
17. Torpor : Ar. and P. vap7, ^. and P. 0au/jiao-ios. Hard to fathom :
Inestimable, adj. Use P. and V. P. and V. acra^ys, V. &vepeuvrjros,
jcpetWcov Xoyov see invaluable.
; SvcrcupeTos, SuoTCK/xapTos, Ar. and
Inevitable, adj. Not to be avoided : P. aT/cju,apTos see ;

P. and V. &<l>vKro$. Necessary: Inexplicably, adv. V.

P. and V. Sva.'yKCLLOS. Inexpressible, adj. P. and V.
Inevitably, adv. Necessarily: P. Kpeunrcov Xoyou, V. S^paoros ; see
and V. ai/ayK<ua>s. Ity constraint : ineffable. Extraordinary : P. and
Srayicifs. TOM will in- V. ^auAcwrros, 5^17x^05, Ar. and P.
evitably fail : P. and V. OUK eo-0*
ou K&K&S Trpa^ct?.
OTTO)? Inexpressibly, adv. Extraordin-
Inexcusable, adj. Use Ar. and V. arily : Ar. and P. 0av/Aa<riu>s,
ou oruyyvoxTTos, P. ou wyyv&P-W'
Be inexcusable, v. use P. and V. Inextinguishable, adj.
: Eternal :
P. dt*8tos. Indelible : P. d^a-
Inexhaustible, adj. Constant: P. XetTTTOs, Suoreici/tTrros, V. SvoTtTrro?.
and V. Tn/Kvo?. Abundant : P. and Always remembered : P. and
V. ai>6ovo$ see abundant.
V. Sct/Avoycrros. Inextinguishable
Inexhaustibly, adv. Abundantly: laughter : use P. /V^upos ycXw?.
P. and V. d<0oVa>? (Bur., Frag.) ; Inextricable, adj. P. and V. &ropos,
see abundantly. afjw}Xavo<s (rare P.), V. ^n-eipos,
Inexorable, adj. P. faapainqTos, P. arepfjLw. Indissoluble : P.
and V. o-^erXto?, Ar. and V. (Plat.), cl&aXvros (Plat.), V. <

Srcy/cros, SVOWCTOS, V. v/yA^s, avotK-

Ine Inf

Inextricably, ad 7. Indissolubly : V. K^XlSoOv. Corrupt : P. and Y.

P. 0X7;? (Plat.), Y. Su 8ia<0tpeiv see corrupt. ;

Ar. dp/o^KTws. Infected with, adj. Diseased: P.

Infallible, adj. P. and V. and V. voo-<oS7?s. P. and

P. dva/Aapr^Tos. Safe P. and V. . V. jLLtapd?, Ar. and Y. /xTJo-apos.

Infected (with disease, etc.) : P.
Infallibly, adv. P. dvcwrXecDS (gen.), P. and Y. TrXecos
see inevitably. (gen.), V. TrXiJpiys (gen.).
Infamous, adj. P. and Y. Infection, subs. Disease : P. and
rovt'8u7TOS, KOLKOS, aydo~tos, Y. vdo-os, ^, vdoT7)ita, TO. Corruption:
ava&os, Y. Sucr/cXcijs (also Xen.). P. and V. Sia<0opa, ^. Defilement
Infamously, adv. P. and V. awrxpus, (of guilt) P. and Y. /uW/xa, TO,

&XO$, TO, Y. fti;0"O5, TO, \VfJLOL, TO, /C^XiS,

and P. /uapco?, Y. avoo-aos. ^. CaicA infection see ca^c/i. :

Infamy, subs. Disgrace : P. and V. Infectious, adj. Use P. Xoi/uoS^s.

aloyVvrj, 17, oVeiSos, TO, aTt/u'a, 17, Infectious disease, subs. P. and
Y. Xot/ids, 6.
V. atb*;(os, TO. Baseness : P. and Infelicitous, adj. P.
Y. TrovrjpCa, f), KO.KI], ^. .LOSS of Civil Infelicitously, adv. P.
rights, public disgrace : P. and V. Infer, v. trans. P. and Y.
&rZjtu'a, 17.
Punish with wifamy, v. Tejc/wupO"0ai, crufJLfidXXew,
trans.: Ar. and P. &TI/AOW. Pun- 0-60.1
(gen. or absol.),
ished with infamy, adj. : P. and V. TOTTCL tv, V. CTrctKaJciv J 866 guess.
Suspect : P. and Y. -uTrovoetv,

Infancy, subs. P. muSa'a, 17.

From fero7TTTJtv. Draw a
conclusion :
infancy : P. CK Wov, IK TratSds, ic P. crvXXoyi'&o-tfai ; see conclusion.
iraiSiov (Xen.), CK wcuSapibv. Inference, subs. Guess: P. and V.
Infant, subs. P. and Y. v^ws, 6 or
77 (Plat., Antipho.),
Ar. and P. TTCU- P. and Y. ^woi/aa, 07,

Saptov, TO, TraiSibi/, TO. jBa^e ; V. Presumption P. :

$E>e>os, TO, TUT^OS, 6 or ^. Logical conclusion :

Infantile, adj. P. and V. TimSetos, P. orvXXoyto-ftds, 6.
veos, Ar. and V, V^TTIOS. Trifling : Inferential, adj. Conjectural ; P.
P. and V. iraiSwcds, V. watSvds, Ar. 8oa<rrds (Plat.).
and V. v^n-ios ; see childish. Inferentially, adv. -4s far as one

Infantry, subs. P. and V. wtfof, oL can guess : use Y. <S>s

JPoroe o/ infantry : P. TT^ o-T/cxma,
17. O/ infantry, adj. : P. and V. Inferior, adj. P. and Y. ?}cr<r<wv,
Trends, P. Trends. Inftmtry battle, s (or comparative),
subs.: P. mfapaxt*, *), Ar. -n-c^
/jiax^, ^. I%fei infantry battle, v. :
Secondary : P. and Y. -So-rcpos.
Ar. and P. poor : P. and Y. <c)Xo9,
Infatuated, adj. P. and V. ^Xavpos, vrXi75, /xerptos. Inferior
TOS, /x,avt(o6^s, Ajf. and P. to : P. and V. VCTOV (gen.), x^P 1' *

V. bnfipovrrjTos ; see wad, foolish. (gen.), ^o-repos (gen.). Be inferior

Infatuation, subs. P. and V. /wtv/a, (to), v. : P. and V. yovavOai (gen.},
^ ; see madness, folly. Xewreo-tfai (gen. or absol.) (rare P.),
Infect, v. trans. Infect with disease : P. XXrv (gen. or absol.), vcrrepelv
P. dvaTTijwrXavcu. SoiZ ; lit. and (gen. or absol.), wrepi'^civ (gen.).
met., P. and V. /ucuW. Disgrace :
Inferiority, subs. Use P. and Y.
P. and V. TO
Inf Inf

Infernal, adj. Of the underworld :

(Thuc. 2, 49), ir. and V.
P. and V. X 0o'. tos (Plat.), V. i see under /e
Met., horrible : P. and V. Inflammable, adj. P,
<o/3epds, V. !/A<OOS. Loathesome : Inflammation, subs. P.
P. and Y. /xtapos, /caraTrruoTos ; 366 .

loathesome. The infernal regions : Inflammatory, adj. Causing in-

P and V. "Ai&V, 6 see $7&e M?wZer-
; flammation : P.
Met., P. aracriaoriKos.
Infest, v. trans. Harass : P. and V. Inflate, v. trans. P. and V. c
v, KOLKOVV. Overrun P. /cara-
: JfiW t% ^r^e : P. and xa V
icaTa0eM>. Infested with : V. ^xawow. Be
(with inflated
P. and V. jLceoro's (gen.). pride) : Ar. and V. oy/n5cr0at (also
Infidelity, subs. P. and V- Xen.), V. ^o/covo-^at, P. and V.
y. Betrayal : P. and V.
* Swollen : P.
Inflated, adj.
Infinite, adj. P. and V. airctpos, Ar.
Ar. and P.
Conceited: P.
and P. aWpavros, V. /-u-ptos (also vrrcpyff>avos P. and V. t

Plat, but rare P.). Inconceivable : Inflation, subs. Conceit : P. and V.

P. and V. /Aifoai/o?. The infinite, oy/cos, 6, <t>p6v^fjLo. t TO, P.
subs. : P. TO onrctpoi/ (Arist.). (Plat.). Met., see increase.
Infinitely, adv. Inconceivably P. Inflection, subs.
Inflection of the
With comparatives voice: Ar. and P. roVos, 6.

P. and V. /Jpia> (Plat.). Inflexibility, subs. Obstinacy: P.

Infinitesimal, adj. P. and V. avtfaScia, 17, Ar. and V. av0o86x, ^.
cXcixioros, Ar. and P. TroXXoords. Harshness : P. orfcX-Typd-nys, ^. Fwm-
Infinity, subs. P. TO farapov (Arist.). ness : P. icaprepta, ^.
Infirm, adj. Weak : P. and V. Inflexible, adj. P. V.
s, P. appcooros, djretp^/cdJs, V. , Ar. and V. arey/cros,
s, aftaupds, #vap0pos. Infirm P. and V. erAtos; see inexorable.
of purpose : Ar. and P. /x,aXa P. and V. a*0<fSip.
Ar. and V. /*aX0a*ds ; see cowardly. P. and V. /caprcpd?,
Be infirm, v. P. and V.

P. dppd)OT/. Inflexibly, adv. P. o-xcTXtcos; see

Infirmity, subs. P. and V. inexorably. Obstinateiy : Ar. and
^(rareV.),P dppcoorta, >}. Disease: P. a0a8o)s. J?tosi, firmly: V.
P. and V. voVos, ^ vdcny/xa, TO P. /*.W8G>$, apapdrtos (also Plat, but
-n-dvos, 6. Evil : P. and V. /ca/cdv, rare P.).
Td. Inflict, v. trans. P. and V.
Inflame, v trans. Met., P. and V. (TLTLVL), irpoavWeva.!. (TL rti/t), em^
w (Plat.) Ar. and P. Kaeiv, (re Ttw), irpoar/3aX\Lv (ri rti/t),
P $LQ.@p/jiCLLVwt Ar. and V. rWevcu (TL Ttvt), Ar. and P. n-
v, ftOTTupcti/, V. CTTt^Xeyctv ; 866 TpifitcrQai. (mid.) (ri Ttvt). Inflict as
excite. He is inflamed with love : punishment for: V. di/TiTifi/eaftu
V. IvreOepfjMvrai -rroOu (Soph., Trach. (aoo. and gen.). JEte
inflicted (of
368). Of wine: V. 0ep/*<uW. J5e a fine) : P. cTrLKelcrOcu. Punishment
inflamed with wine : P. 8/a0p- is inflicted on a prating tongue : V.
fwivc(r&a.i. Embitter: P. and V.
Trapofui/etv, V. o^E/i/etv, ^^yyetv, dyptovv P. 7. 329). .ZfetoJy inflicted

(also Ar. and Xen. in pass.), (of blows), adj. V. vcoVo^o?,


egaypiovv (also Plat, in pass.). .Ete Infliction, subs. Ar. and P.

inflamed (with fever) : P. icaccrflcu Visitation : P. and V.
Inf Ing

17. Infliction of punishment : P. become parties to the treaty should

and V. fcrjtuQ*, ij, Tt/jta>pia,
Met., be declared enemies to both sides :
trouble, worry
P. and V. KO.KOV, P. xpovovs irpovOwTO 8.vv
TO, <rvfj,<t>opa. t y, V. TrvjfJLa, TO. kv ols XPV V TO ^W

Inflow, subs. P. and V. empporj, ^ 7roA./Atbv5 cti/at (Thuc. 5, 35).

(Plat.). Informant, subs. The man who tells

Influence, subs. Authority : P. and a thing : P. and V. 6

V. SA/fyus, f). Power of affecting Information, subs. What is an-
anything : P. and V. poTnJ, ^. nounced : P. and V. ayycXjua, TO, Ar.
Leading on : P. dycoyij, y (Plat., and P. T^dings : P. and

Bep. 604B). Have influence with, v. : V. ^ (Thuo. but rare P.), V.

P. $vva<r&ai Trapd (dat.), Icrxyeiv -n-apd wi>0o, 17. Means of getting know-
(dat.). Having complete influence ledge : P. and V. /AO^O-IS, ^.
over : P. and V, Kvpios (gsn.). Learning, wisdom : P. and V. Im-
Without influence over: P. ^Kvpos Laying of information :
(myju.T;, 17.

(gen.). JlfeTO o/ influence, subs. : P. fMTvucra, 17. Reward for laying

P. and V. ot Sw(^Lvot. information: P. /wp/wpa, ra. In-
Influence, v. trans. Persuade : P. formation (laid against a person) :
and V. $7rdyeiv, TreCOeiv } see persuade. P. pyvvfUL, TO. iay information,
Affect : P. and V. cwrrecr&u '_ v. : P. cvSctfcvui/at. lyfl^ ^/ormaiioTi
see aj^ci. Influence events : against: Ar. and P. a/SewooWi (ace.).
and V. poiryv %x LV (g en O- Dispose : Informer, subs. P. and V.
P. Sm0<a/cu. G&aw00 : P. and V. 6, V. 6.

; see change.
Infraction, subs. P.
Influential, adj. Of persons P. Infrequency, subs. :
Lack, want :
and V. STJI/CLTOS, P. dioAoyos, -u- P. and V. cnrcfvis ^
Persuasive : P. and V. Infrequent, adj. P. and V.
7rt0tti/ds. Influential people, subs. Eur., Frag.), V. cnrapvos, o-Travwrros.

P. and V. ot Swa/x^oi. Supreme, Infrequently, adv. P. and V.

adj. : P. and V. idJpios. oA-tya/cts,
P. o^ravwos-
Influx, subs. P. and V. cirippoi?, Infringe, v. trans. P. and V. irapa-
(Plat.). Jwmd&faw: P. /carafcA-vc vn-eppcuveiv, P.
/jws, 6.
Infold, v. trans. See enfold. TnySav, V.
Inform, v. trans. Instruct, teach Infringe the law : P.
P. and V. 8i8a<j7Ctv, (ab3ol.), Or VO/JLOV -n-apavo/iety.
Announce : P. and V. Infringement, subs. P. o
(rt Ttvt), ^TrayyeAActv (TC rtvt), OT;- ^. Infringement of the law P.
(TL nvi), efayyeAActv (TI TO.

Inform against (a person) : P. Infuriate, v. trans. See

/jL7fVVLvKara (gen.), Infuse, v. trans. Pow : Ar. and m
(gen.), P. and V. KareiTretv (gen.), P. 7rtxtv, P. and V. eyx 6 "'- Met,
Ar. and P. cvSctwuvat (ace). Be produce in a person : P. and V.
informed : P. and V. irwQdv TI TtVt), CVTtfoVttl (TI T/t),

aKQvew, fjLavQdvcw, V. 7TV0ecr$a4, Ar. ( T/I)J P. /A7rottv (rt

and V. e V. Ivopvwat (TI Ttvt). S^
Informal, adj informal truce
JlTi : infused, flow in : P. and V.
P. dvoiccoxr? ao-Troi/Sos (Time. 5, 32).

Informally, adv. Without restraint : Infusion, subs. Inflow : P. and

P. Informally they fixed , ^ (Hat.).

the dates when ail who refused to Ingathering, subs. P. <rvy*o/u8i7,

Ing Inh

Ingender, v. trans. See engender. Ingulf, v. trans. See i

Ingenious, adj. Ar. and P efy Inhabit, v. trans. P. and Y.

^avos, Trdpi/Aos, P. T^vifcds, P. and
V. ewropos; see also clever. An (rare P.), ve/L<r0ai (mid.), Ar. and
ingenious device, subs. P. and V. : Y. votcti/, Y. kwaUiv ;dat.),
cro^icrjua, TO. /celv (dat.)
Ingeniously, adv. P. TCCKUS ;
see Inhabitable, adj. P. and Y.
also cleverly.
Ingenuity, subs. P. Inhabitant, subs P. and V.
CT-iTex^o-is, see also cleverness.
^; T0)p, 6, IvOtKOS, 6 Or 17, OIKTJTT/S, 6
Ingenuous, adj. P. and Y. on-XoSs; (Plat.), eTrix&P 10 ** & or ^> eyx^P 10 **
see also honest. Of noble birth : or ^, Y. olKTjrqp, 6, /crf-nys, 6. JwAaZ>-
P. and Y. yci/valos, cvyev^. iaws : P. and Y. ot IVOLKOVVT&.
Ingenuously, adv. P. and Y. Inhabited, adj. P. and V. 01*0^0/0$,
see also honestly.
Ingenuousness, suba. P. Inhale, v. trans. Use P. and V.
YI ;
see also honesty. eXiceiv. V. intrans. P. and V.
Inglorious, adj. P. and Y. &rl/>s, Trvetv, P. dvcwrvetv.

aSo/o/xos, a<ai/ijs, ducAe^?, avwvti/io?, Inharmonious, adj. P.

P. a"ooos, V. SuoxXcrfr (also Xen.), <vapuoo*7"O9j P. and Y.
Servos Szm&Ze, obscure : P. and see discordant.
V. Tcwreii/os, <ai3Xos, V. adv. P.
/3cuos, cS/iaupo?, &ywqrQ$. dvap/AooTws, -TrX^ju/AcXws See
, J

glorious, v. P. and V. S

Ingloriously, adv. P. and V. Inharmoniousness, subs. P.

ari/Aws, dfcXccoSj Y. oWjcXco)?. jxoorta, ^ see discord. ;

Ingloriousness, subs. P. and Y. Inhere, v. intrans. P. and V.

a8oto, 07, P. d<avML, 77.
Ingot, subs. Use Y, /uv8p&, 6. Inherent, adj. Innate : P. and Y.
Ingraft, v. trans. P. 4/*weiW ; see /LC^VTOS (Eur., Frag,) 9 cr
0ra/. Introduce : P. &reray/. o^Jvotfcos (Plat.) see iwwiie. ;

Ingrafted, adj. Not natural: P. Inherently, adv. P. and Y.

and V. CTTCUCTOS, IrrewraKTos, ctcrayai- Inherit, v. trans. Inherit by will :
yt/ios (Plat, and Bur., Frag.). P. K\ (gen.). Receive from
Ingrained, adj. P. and Y. O-V/JUJ&VTOS, another: P. StaSe^ecr^at, P. and V.
fyw^uros (Eur., Frag.), Y. cruyyci^s,
lyyev^s, cruyyovos ;
see implanted. Inheritance, subs. o/ w- B^
Ingratiate, v. trans. Ingratiate one- heriting : P. /cX^povo/xta, ^, Ar. and
self with: P. and V. fororpexav P. Ay^toTcta, ^, Y. dy^tcrrcra, Ta.
(acc.) 3 vwcpxeo-tfai (SLCO.) ; see flatter, Property: P. and Y. icX^po?, 6,
Ar. and P. feron-wrreiv (aco.), ouortix, ^, V. 7ray/cXi;pta, ^, Ar. and
QcpoLirivew (acc.). V. -rra/Mnyo-ia, ^. Patrimony : Ar.
Ingratitude, subs. P. dvaptcrrta, ^. and P. T^ Trarpoia, Y. TraTptioy,
Forgetfulness : P. and V, X^oy, ^. HizZ/ ifee mfeari^wce : P.
Ingredient, subs. Part : P. and V. TO. 7b^ wiZZ *rea<i ^
s, TO, P. /toptov, TO. J50 wadfi inheritance : Y.
of many ingredients : P. IK ^ * '* (Eur.,
876). Succession, taking over ; P.
Ingress, subs. Going in : P. and and Y.
Sta8oy7, ^
v ,.
euroSos, fj. Way in : P. and Y. Inherited, adj. Y. fycX^pos, Tray-
j, cwrjQoXTj, f} 9 Y. cicrjSao-ts, 17.
Inh Inj

Inheritor, subs. P. KX^OJ/O/AOS, 6, Y. V. Karacnracris, rj. Instruction in

eyicX^/oos, ^.
Successor : P. and Y. mysteries : P. and Y. rcXer^, r/.
StaSoxos, 6 or ^. Initiative, subs. Daring P. and -

Inheritrix, subs. Ar. and P. M- V. ToX/m, f). Lacking in initiative,

/cX^pos, rj,
Y. eyicX^pos, ^. adj. P. and V. SroX/ios.
: Since
Inhibit, v. trans. See/or&id. the initiative always rests with
Inhospitable, adj. P. and V. #fi/os, them : P. JTT" /ctvots OI/TOS dei TO*)
V. KCIKO&VOS, cx^po^evos; seedeso/aie. fVtxetpew (Thnc. 3, 12). 0/i his
Of a coast P. and V. SXf/to/os, Y.
: own initiative : P. d<* eawov
Svopyucos, 8v<ropp.o<5. Take the initiative, v. : P. and Y.
Inhuman, adj. P. and Y. dyvco^wi/, &PXtw. Be first : P. and V. <0<Wv.
ayptos, 9rjpt,a>Sri$, P. fju.<ra.vOp<a7ros ; Initiator, subs. Introducer : P.
see cr^. 17717x17?, 6.

Inhumane, adj. See Initiatory, adj. Of rites : P.

Inhumanity, subs. P. KO'S, P. and V. /wort/cos. Initiatory
sacrifices, subs. P. and V. ^rpoTeXcta,

cruelty. ra (Plat.). Initiatory offerings :

Inhumanly, adv. See cruelly. V. /carapy/iaTa, ra.
Inimical, adj. Harmful : P. and Y. Inject, v. trans. P. and V. ^ffoXXciv.
dxru/x^opo?, P. dvcirtnJSctos. Hostile : Powr in : P. and V. tyxw, Ar. and
P. and V. TroXc/uos, ^^po? ; see P. e7TL)(iV.
hostile. Injudicious, adj. P. and V. ovXos,

adv. Harmfully: P. ScriWo?, Ar. and P. avo^rcs; see
dv7riTT70os. I?z a Aos^e w?ay ; P. foolish. Off one's guard : P. and
TroXc/iicoSi vavrta>s. V. ci^iiXafcros.
Iniquitous, adj. P. and V. Injudiciously, adv. Ar. and P.
fcajco?, Tray/caKOS, avocrtos, V. *ot;Xa>s see foolishly. ;
irovypos, irapdvo/JLOS, Y. Injudiciousness, subs. P. and Y.
Iniquitously, adv. P. and V. /?oi;Xta, 17, ao-iWia, 17 (Eur., Frag.),.
/cofcois, 58ika>s, V. dvoa-wos, fypcxrvvq, vj, Ar. and V. 8vo-j8ovXwt, ^.
Iniquity, subs. P. and Y. aSfoia, 97, Injunction, subs. See command.
P. /caKovpyta, ^ see wickedness. Injure, v. trans. P. and V. /

Sinful act : P. and V. oSf^/ia, TO /CO/COUP, aSt/ctv, KOKOVpryclv,

(Eur., low, 325). Baseness ; P. /caKoJS 7roLLi/, mica)? fy>av, ai

and V. fc&ci;, 17, irov^pt'o, ^. Sm : Ar. and Y. -n^/xotvcty (also Plat, but
P. and V. cfycapria, ^, Y. e^aftapria, rare P.). Do feod^Zy injury to : P.
17, d/xTrXaKTy/ui,
TO. and V, alKtccr@ai (ace.), Xvfjua.Cvcr6ai.
Initial, adj. .Far**: P. and V. (ace. or dat.), Xtoftao-Qai (Plat.) (ace.).
Trpoxros. .Mar, 5j90^Z : P. and V. Xvpaivca-Oai
Initiate, v. trans. J^^rodwoe: Ar. (ace. or dat.) see mar. Injwe in. ;

and P. etcr^ysur&ii. Institute: P. return : P. <imicafcovpytv (ace.).

and V.?rpOTt0ei/<u, Ka^tcrrdivat, toravat, Join in injuring P. :

Ar. and P. KaroSewci'iW. Begin: or absol.).

P. and V. tfpxeiv (gen.) see 6e^w. Injurious, adj. P. ^1018179,

Instruct m
mysteries : Ar. and P. tos, P. and V.

Initiated, subs. OTW instructed in Y. XvpcLvrifjpLQs, Ar. and

the mysteries,: Ar. and Y. Injuriously, adv. P. and V. /ea/cote,

Initiation, subs. Introducing: P. Injury, subs. P. and Y.

Institution: P. and , r6, , v).
JEW2 : . and
Inj Inn

V. KOL/COV, TO. Mischief: V. Trij Innate, adj. P, and V.

TO, irrjfjLovri, 17, Srty,17. Corruption : !/A#5ros (Eur., Frag.), V.
P. and V. Sia<0op<, . IH ZreaZ- eyyevi;?, o-uyyovos.
: P. and V. atfcfa, ^, ai/acrju,a, Innately, adv. P. and V.
4 (Plat.), Inner, adj. Use P. and V. 6 ro>, 6
TO", X*/Mfc Xcfyfy,
^ (Plat.),
&/T09 (adv.), o lo-oj.
s, 17, v/3pi<rp>a.3 TO, ai/ao-ju-os, 6,

Innkeeper, subs. P. 7rav8o/cw, 6,

Injustice, subs. P. and V. aSwa'a, 17, Ar and P. KoknyXos, 6.

TO iSiKov, TO. SSiica, Unjust act : Innocence, subs. Purity : P. Ka0a-
P. and V. i&bc^Ma, TO. Wrow0- por>;s, fj Establish one's innocence :
fulnsss : P. wapaj/o/At'a, ^. P. amai/ a7roXucr0(u. Guilelessness :
Ink, subs. P. TO /uXay (Dem. 313). P. aTrXo-ny?, ^, TO airip6Ka.Kov.
Perception : P. and Innocent, adj. Q-uiltless P. and V.
Inkling, subs.
V. aur&yrris, 17, V. alcrOrjfJLCL, TO 5i/<uTtos, /caflapos, dyi/o's (Plat.), dt^wos,

Suspicion: P. and V. i&Troi/ua, ^, P. dva/xapr^To;. Innocent of: P.

foroVoia, 17.
Have W
inkling of, v. : and V. ^votTtos (gen.), KaOapos
P. and V. jU-avTeueo-^at (a(5C ). (gen.), dy^o? (gen.) (Plat, but rare
: P. and V. UTTOVOCIV, vn-ovr- P.). Harmless
: P. and V.
; see also gwess. ffiya aw d/3Xa/3)}s, P. do-mfc (Plat.), d
inkling of: P. WOO^/AOU/CIV (aoc.). V. SvaTos, STT^O)!/. Guileless P.
Inlaid, adj. Use P. and V. Troi/cfXos. dfcoucos, Ar. and P. #80X09, V. i}s,
Inlaid with gold : V. xpuo-oico'XXTyros. P. and V. dTrXofe. Inoffensive P.
Inland, adv. P. ai/o>. ^roTw inland :
P. ai/w^ei/, 47raj/a)^v. March inland, Innocently, adv. Guilelessly P.

V. P. dvajSatvctv, wpx<rOa.i (Thuo.

: dSoXojs. TTi^ pwre motives P.

8, 50). jSfind inland : P. dvan-eairetv. /caflapois. Unintentionally : see

unintentionally. Inoffensively: P.
eto-i (Thue. 1, 7).

P. //,eo~6y<os.
Innocuous, adj. P and V. ^
Inland, adj. P. do-tvifc (Plat ), d^/uos, V.
inland country, subs.: P. a-TTiy/jKov. ^Tbi proSwcm^ sicfcwess :
Inlay, v. trans Use P. and V.
Innocuously, adv P. djSXa&us.
Inlet, subs. P. and V. KOA.TTO?, 6, V. Innovate, v. trans. P. vecoTcp^eiv.
/AV^OS, 6 (rare P.), THri^ou, at. Innovation, subs. P. veo)Tpto-ju,os, 6,
P. and V. OTO/ACL, TO see ;

P. ve&repL&w, vcwTcpov TI TTOCCCV.

Inmate, subs. Use adj., P. and V. Mafce zwwoyaizoTis : P. vccuTcpt- m
ortfi/otKOS, onJveo-nos, V. ^i/ wept (ace.). 2%e return of the
Greeks from Ilium being so long
Inmost, adj. V. delayed caused many innovations :
Inmost recesses : V. AWX S (rare P. ^ >
TOJI/ 'EXXiyvcov . . .

P ). Inmost soul P. TO evro? TJ}S e IXtou \poria yevofAevrj ?roXXa

ifaxfis (Plat.). To make her weep eveoj(/xa)T (Thuo. 1, 12).
though she rejoice in her inmost Innovator, subs. Use adj., P.
soul : V. WOT* ic5afcpuo"a.i y* Iv8o0i> V(OT007TOtOS.
K Xa.p^riv (Bur., Or. 1122). Innuendo, subs. Suspicion : P. and
Inn, subs. Ar. and P iravBoKiov, TO, V. uTro^ta, iy, {fTrovota, iy.
P. Karaycoyty, 17,
jcaTa- saying : P. and V. aw.yiu,a, TO (Bur.,
TO. Tavern: Ar. and P. I. A. 1147),
atvty/wfe, 6 (Plat but
^ rare P.). Hint at by innuendo :
Inn Ins

P. Trapo-S^A-ow (aoo.), Inqmre of (an oracle) : P. and V.

(acc.), V7r<uvto~o-0ai (acc.)>
Ar and XPW&CLL (dat.).
P. alvLo-creo-Qai (acc. or ets aco.) Inquirer, subs P. ^-HTT^ 6. - -

Innumerable, adj. P. and V. Inquiring, adj. P. ^-nyTi/co's.

vapt0/M7Tos, V. av Inquiry, subs. Judicial : P. yi/So-ts.
but rare P.)
(Plat., also Generally P. and V. ^r^a, rd,

Inoffensive, adj. P. av (TKi/rrs, y (Eur., jffz^p. 1323), P.

Inoffensively, adv. P. fi^erao-is, ^, frynycrts, ^, V. Ipewa, 17.

- Cross-examination : P. and V.
Inoperative, adj. See ineffective. IXeyxos, o.
Preliminary inquiry:
Inopportune, adj. and V. fcaipos,
P. P. ava/cpto-t?,^ V. ay/cprts, ^.

V. 2a>pos. Premature : P. and V, Commission of inquiry : use P.

ao>pos see unseasonable.
; ^TTJTOLL, ol. Question P. and V. .

Inopportunely, adv. P. &Kaipw, ^lyr^jLta, rd, P. cpcori/^a, TO, tpto

airo /caipoi), V. &caipa, /catpou irepa',
see unseasonably. Inquisitive, adj. P. ^IX^KOO?, V.
Inopportuneness, subs. P. <lfea<pia, Xt^ds (Eur., jS"^?. 913). jE/a^r
io ^earw; P. Meddle-
Inordinate, adj. P. and V. -n-eptcro-ds, some : Ar. and P TroXvTrpa-y/x.ajv, P
r7Tp7roA.VS, P. VTTCpfterpOS, V7TpOyKOS.
Inordinately, adv. P and V. Inquisitiveness, subs. P.
Xfev, Trepio-crais, V. efe vTrcp 0eta, iy. Meddling : Ar, and P.
vWp^eu, VTrcp/Aerpcos, P. iea0'
ftoXyv, Ar. and P. vrrcpt^vote. Inroad, subs. P. and V.
Inordinateness, subs. P. and V. P. ^TrtSpo/xiy, ^ see attack. Influx : :

P. and V. 7r oi7, 77 (Plat.). W 57w-

Inquest, subs. Preliminary exam- croac/imfiTJi : P. ?rpyao-ta, 17.
ination : P. dva/cpwrw, ^. Insalubrious, adj. P. and V.
Inquietude, subs. P. and V. CKTTA?/-
is, 17, P. Tapaxy, y, V. Tapay/io's, 6, Insane, adj. P. and V. a<po>v,
rapayju-a, TO. airoTrXTyKTO?, ^/iTrX^KTos, fiavioiS^s, Ar.
Inquire, v. trans. J.5Jfc : P. and V. and P. jH/8pdv7T7TOs, TrapaTrA.^,
Ipcorav, avcporav, Ar. /jiaviK09, V. A-vo-o-coSiys, /Aapyfii/, ju,apyds
and P. #i'a7rw0avcr0ai,, P. Sta-mn'- (Plat, also but rare P), eTrippov-
0ave<r0ai, V. 7rv'0<r0at, Ar. and V. rrfro? c/nftavw? (also Plat, but rare

cicTrw^ai'eo-^at see os/c.

; Inquire P.), Ar. and V. 7rapa7re7rA.iry//,ei/os;
after : see search for. Inquire o/ one's senses V. .

into : P. and V. Igerdfav (aoo.),

^Tctv (aoc.), O-KOTTCIV (acc.) Sta- Insanely, adv. P.
(aOC.), TTCptCT/COTTCtV (aCC.), iMy : P. and V
tycwav (aco.), V. ^pU^av (acc.), Insanity, subs. P. and V. /*aWo, 17,
Ar. and P. avaj^tv (aoo.). Inquire TO LULVUOOCS, A.iJo~o"oL (Plat, but r&bre i)

of : P. and V. IporSv (aco.), P.), V. Auo-onj/xxiTa, rd, /lapydr^s, ^ ;

see madness.
(gen.), Ar. and
P. Insatiable, adj. P. and V. faXy
ava,7ruv0dv*cr6ai (gen.), P. Insatiable thirst : P. Suf/a fcau
(aco.), 8ia7n;^(v<r5at (gen.), Ar.
and V. K7rw0avecr0<u (gen.), V. Insatiably, adv. P.
(aoo.), 8vurropiv (a CO.), Insatiability, subs. P. and V.
(aoo.), c&pwrav face.), ctTrAiyoTta, TJ.

7TU0(T0(U (gen.). Insatiate, adj. See insatiable.

Ins 1ns

Inscribe, v. trans. Y. P. and

Y. TrpoXewreiv, aTroTrX^o-o-co-^at ; See
4yypa<f>eiV) A"**, and P.
P. faint Grow nuanb : P. vapKav.

draypa</>av ; see write. Inscribe Insensibly, adv. Gradually: Ar.

instead : P. di/Tnypa<H/ (ace.). and P. Kara pucpov, P. /car* oXtyov,
Inscribe on (the mind) : V. cyypa- KaTa jSpa^u. Imperceptibly : P.
<j>e<r0ai (ri TWI). Know this and and Y. Xa0pa. Do a 27&W0 in- A
inscribe it on your mind : Y. ravr sensibly: P. and V. Xav0<ii/iv Tt
e-TrurTO) /cat <j>pevwv 2o~a> (Soph.,
Phil. 1325). Inscribe geometrically Inseparable, adj. P.
(one figure in another) : P. IvTeiWv Met., of friendship, etc. use P. :

and Y. /^/tfcuos. Be inseparable

Inscription, subs. P. and V. rt- from (met., follow upon) : P. and
>i P- Y. !iro-<9<u (dat.).
Inseparably, adv. Indissolubly : P.
Inscrutability, subs. P. dXvTO)?, Y. &5o-KXvTG)S.
Inscrutable, adj. P. and Y. Insert, v. trans. P. and V.
ctyargs, SfyXos, Ar. and P. T/C- rrt^ei/at, e/x^SaX
juapTOs, V. SvcTKpLTOS, 8ro7/,a0ijs, Svcr- tcr/?aXXtv, Ar. and P.

TCKfJLCLpTOS, Insertion, subs. P.


Inscrutably, adv. P. do-a<o>s, Y. Inside, adv. P. and V. 'im>s, wro>,

. o-o). Jw ^/ifiAo^se ; P. and Y.
Insect, subs. Use P. and Y. wov, cvSov, otKot. From within : P. and
TO. Creeping thing : P. and Y. Y. 0-0)^V, &/SoeV.
Ipn-eroV, TO (Xen. also Ar.). Creature Inside, prep. P. and V. ro>
that stings : Ar. Scueerov, TO. Insects VT05 (gen.), Icro)
(gen.) ; see with-
that destroy fruit : Ar. KVWTCS, ot, in.

ot. Inside, adj. P. and Y. o oro's, 6
Insecure, adj. P. and Y. <r<aXepo's, 10-0), 6 lord).
P. TlJCtV8wOSj CTTlO'C^XlX'lJs. Inside, subs. P, TO. eWds ;
Insecurely, adv. P. and Y.
Insidious, adj. Secret, imperceptible ;
Insecurity, subs. Danger: P. and P. and V. Xatfpcuos Crafty : Ar.
Y. KivSi3vos, 6. and V. 80X105. Treacherous : P.
Insensate, adj. P. and V. cmy&wXos, V. /A^ctvoppa^os. Dw-
Ar. and P. /wivwcos 50m^ : P. and V. wrovXos, cra0pos.
Insensately, adv. P. /WWKWS; see Insidiously, adv. Imperceptibly : P.
and Y. Xaflpa. Craftily : Ar. and
Insensibility, subs. P. V. So'X^, V. o-w 86X<p, v SdXw. Enter
^, TO aLvafoQrjTOv, dv insidiously (of diseases, etc,) P. .

considerateness : P. and V. vTToppftv. Treacherously :

Numbness : Ar. and P. , , P. 4f cV^ouX-gs.

Insensible, adj. Devoid of feeling :
Insight, subs. P. and V,
P. dvotb-^Tos. Insensible to : P. i/yccrts, 17, vovs, 6, <j>p6vrj<ris, ^.
a vaLcrOirjTos
(gen.). TFaw^w^ m zwieZ- ^Ai: P. and V. TrpoVota, ^, P.
ligence P. dvacbr^Tos see stupid.
: ; ?rpo/70ia, ^, Y. vpop^Oia, y. Have
Gradual : P. and Y. /3pa^ Un- insight into, v. P. Stopav (ace.) ;

noticed: P. and V. Xafycuos. TT^/i see understand. Insight into,

erne's feelings dulled P. and Y. -
subs . P. and Y. al<r6rj<ns, % (gen.),
d/x/3A.rfs, P. dvaAyirros. Become P. <t>p6vr)cri,? y f) (gen.), V. ato-Oyp.a, TO
insensible, faint, v. P. :
Ins Ins

Insignia, subs.
Adornment : P. and Insistence, subs. Importunity : use
V. KO'O>W>S, 6. Device : Ar. and V. P. and V. TO AtTrapes.
V. crvjfJLa, TO, CTrfoTy/AO, Insistent, adj. P. and V. AMp^s,
OT7/xtov, TO,
r6. Ar. yAio-xpos.
subs. P. Insistently, adv. P. Awmpois (Plat.).
. Insnare, v. trans. See snare, deceive .
P. Insobriety, subs. P. and V.
Insignificant, adj.
oAiyov o&os, P.
and V. .

o-pLKpos, AOTTOS, oAiyos, Insolence, subs. P. and V. u/Jpts, 17,

Ar. and V. j&uo's. avaiScta, 17, 0pouros, TO, Ar. and P.
Insincerei adj. P. and V. oWio-xuirta, ^, P. 7T)jpeta, ^, do-eAyeca,
Deceitful : P. dTrariyAo's, Ar. and V. 17, V. TO avato-^wrov, x^^s ^*

o\>A.6os. Unsound,, not genuine : P. Insolent, adj. P. and V. avatS^s,

and V. fiTrouAos, craflpos. Counter- (tvato-^vros, vjSp'O-TiJs (with. masc.
feit : P. and V. Ki^Aos,
Ar. and subs.), Opaar-ds, P. vjSptortKo?, dcrcA-
P. TTdpaOTJ/JtOS. yfo Ar. and P. veavt/cos, V.
Insincerely, adv. Ar. and V.
V. <ri>v SoAo>, li/ So'Aw, P. tf Insolently, adv. P. and V. ,

P. avaicr)(vvT<i)'S, v^pto-Ttfcois, Ar. and

Insincerity, subs. Faithlessness : P. P. ao-cAyo)?. -4ci insolently: P.
and Vgirtorla, 17. 0ra/ : P. and and V. */fy#or, tfoppZw, P.
V. travovpyia, $, SoAos, 6 (rare P.),
Insoluble, adj. ^oz5 o 63 dissolved :

Insinuate, v. trans. Ar. and P. P. cinrjKTos. Not to be discovered :

Trapc^oAAetv. Hint : P. VTracvicr- Ar. and P. 3Tjc/*apros, V.

(rea-Qai, 7rapa$r]\ovv. Insinuate one-
self into: Ar. and P. tlvbvecrOai
ace. or absol.), P. irapaSvccrQaL Insolvent, adj. See bankrupt.
(eis, ace.),
P. and V. -uTroppeiv (xpos, Inspect, v. trans. P. and V. er<-
ace., V. dat. alone). Insinuate , ,

oneself into a persons favour : P. Ar. and V. ro7rTvv (rare P.), Ar.
and V. foroTpe^eiv (T/a). V7rp^(r0ai and P. <opav ; see also examine.
(TWO) ; see /aw;7i on. Inspect a person's accounts : P.
Insinuating, adj. P. O^TTCVTLKO^ Ar. 0ui/ev (Ttvd). Inspect (troops,
0a>7reds see flattering.
etc.) : P. and V. cferdfeo/.
Insinuation, subs. Hint, impli- Inspection, subs. P. ^erao-ts, ^,
cation : P. and V. <uviy//,a, TO, CT-tO-KG/rtS,
P. and V. <T/Cl/rts, 17. ,

atvty/xds, 6 (rare P.) ;

see 7wn, Inspection of troops : P. clerao-t?,
accusation. Make insinuations, v. : ^. Hold an inspection P. cferao-w
see insinuate. Make insinuations TTouCicrQcLi. Speeches about to be
against : see accuse. delivered were first submitted to
Insipid, adj. P. !o>Aos, Ar. and P. their mspection : P. ra /fytfiyo-o'/ieva
TrpOTcpov aurot? -7rpouo-/c7rTTo (Thuc.
Insipidly, adv. Ar. and P. 8, 66). ^fl^d a cowwnJfefl o/ m-
Insist, v. intrans. P. lo-\ t spection : P. KaTaovcdVo'us TIV^S
Trc/jiTrciv (Thuc. 4, 27). Inspection of
on, lay stress on : Ar. and P. accomts : Ar. and P. e{f^wa, ^, or
(gen.). Demand (with infin. Inspector, subs. P. and V. ri-

following) P. and : V, ordtT>;s, 6, &riV/con-09, o, hcoirr^ 6.

Sucatovv ; see demand. Examiner : P. oVi/iacrnfc, 6.

Ins Ins

Inspiration, subs. P. ri7n/ox, ^, and V. 6 avriKX, 6 irapavrtKa, P. 6

06a opjjirj, fj t ci/0ovoria<r/J.os, 6, V. TO
Instant, subs.
Qeov irapov (Soph., IV& a?^ instant : Ar.
jSafCYeu(Tift.ov, TOVK.
0. C. 1540). and P. ev d/capct xpd^ou.
Inspire, v. trans. P. and V. &ca/c- Instantaneous, adj. P. and V. T<XXI-
jeiv (Plat.), V. jSoKxcveiv. Inspire OTOS.
: P. icapicrravai fA-mSas. -Zfi- Instantaneously, adv. See instantly.

/ear : P. and V. <f>6/3ov Instantly, adv. Importunately: P.

Engender : P. and V. A.i7rapo)s ; see importunately. Im-
(Tt Ttl/t), jU,j3oAA.lV (TI TtVt), mediately : P. and V. avrfiea,

P. c/wroieiv (TLTWI), irapavriKa, avToQci', eu0rfs, eti^ea)?, Ar.
evpyaeor0at (TL rcvt),
V. evZei/a& (TI), and P. irapaxprj/jia, V. 3^ap (rare).
cvopviW (TI T/I). Arouse ftwuZZe : Quickly :
P. and V. Tax
P. and V. eTraipeu/, cycf/Mi?, eeyipii/, see quickly.
Kiveiv, V. c&ryciv, opviWi, Ar. and Instate, v. trans. P. and Y.
V. o>7nJpTv. 5fi inspired : P. and KaOifav see se^Ze. ;

V. v0ouo-iai/, /3aKXuiv (Plat.). Be Instead, adv. Instead of this : use

inspired by (a god, etc.) : P. and V. P. and V. oVrfc TOVTCDI/, dvr^ ToivSc.
/caTexcr0ai, e* (gen.). Instead of, prep. P. and V. dvrf
Inspired, adj.
P. and V. /0os (gen.), sometimes P. and V. e*.
(Plat.), P. cTrwn/ous (Plat.). Inspired Blind instead of seeing : V. Tu<A.o<;
to madness by the breath of the god IK SeSopjcoVos (Soph., 0. B. 454). A
V. SCOT) wvoeucriv l/A/Aavi}?. Inspired rich man instead of a beggar : P.
by Phabw (of a woman) V. TrXouVios K TTTOIXOV (Dem. 270).
: In
compounds avri :
e.g., give ;
Inspirit, v. trans. P. and V. stead : P. and V. dvrtSLSoVai.

Oapo-uvcw, Bpacrvvew, TrapaKoXciv, Ar Instigate, v. trans. Urge on: P.

and P. irapafj.v6cicr6aLt P. errippw- and Y. CTruceXeueiv, op/JLav, efo/o/xav,
, eyjceXeiW, ^roTpt/vcfcv (Thuo.), l^o-
Instability, subg. P. TO rptvfiy (Thuc ) , 7ratpti/, P.
Instal, v. trans. P. and V. /caTeTrctyctv, V. tirp-uvew, en-fiyiccXeueiv
(Eur., Cycl.), opvuvat. Initiate: Ar.
Instalment, sabs. Pay 2 and P. elcrrjyelo-Qai. Devise : P. and

mfiTlte : P. TafajLtvos cwroSiSoveu V. fwjxlxvacrOai, rf^vao-Bai ; See dd-

(Thuc. 3, 70) or Kara xP vov * wfi. Persuade: see persuade.
TO^afLO/OS ttTToStSoVCU (ThllC. 1, Instigation, subs. Encouragement :

117). P. Trapa/ceXeucng, ^, ^Tn/ceA-cuo-t?, ^,

Instance, subs. Example: P. and , 6, V. TrapaAceXa/cryu-a,
V. TrapoESeiy/ia, TO, Sfity/ia, TO. J?br w man's instigation : P.
*?zstowcfi: Ar. and P. avriKa. In TYJV TOVTOU (Dem.
the first instance : P. and V. 277). Initiation : P. 10-177170-1$, ^.
Instigator, subs. P. 10177^9, 6, P.
stances : P. and V. ^yc/Aoiv, 6 or ^.
Instance, v. trans. Brmg forward : Instil, v. trans. Pow : Ar. and m
P. and V. Trapcxetv (or mid.), eTrcfyetv, P. rtxv, P. and V. eyx*"'* Met.,
tO-<^ptV, 7TpOCT<^ptV, P. 7TpO<l>plV. inculcate : P. and V. c^aAAetv,
Prove : P. Te/c^ptow. IvriQwai, P. /A7rottv ; see engender.
Instant, adj. Importunate : P. aoid Instinct, subs. Use P. and V. <iW,
V. Awrapi79, OX^POS, Ar. yXto-xpos. 17. By i^e ^power o/ instinct, with
Be instant, vehement, v. Ar. and a, minimum
of training he showed
P. lyKio-0ai. Immediate: use P. himself supreme in extemporising
Ins Ins

Instructor, subs. P. and V.

ways and means: P. </>vo-os /*6v 1

ovcaAos, 6, P. Js, 6. "

<rros 817 OIJTOS TO. Scovra Instructress, subs. P. and V.

eya/ero (Thuc. 1, 138).
with, possessed with, adj. : P. and Instrument, subs. P. and V.
V. JmftSoXo? (gen.) (Plat.)- TO. TboZ : P. IpyaXctov, TO,
o/; P. and V. Core's (gen.); see TO; see ^ooZ. Met., of a person,
hireling : use adj., Ar. and P.
Instinctive, adj. Not reasoned : P. /XMT&OTOS, 6. Slave : P. and V.
oXoyos. Spontaneous : P. and V. SouXos, 6. Musical instrument : P.
Ircraate : P. and V. and V. opyavov, TO (Eur., J2/&e5
(Eur., Frag.), Y. 922).
Instrumental, adj. Helping towards
Instinctively, adv. Spontaneously : a result : P. and V. oSJvomos (gen.),
P. curb TOV avro/i,aTov. Ify naiwe : /WTCUTIOS (gen.) (Plat.). Causing a>
P. and V. ^tfo-ci. Divine mstinc- result : P. and Y. OITIOS
(gea.). jBd
twely, v. trans. P. and V.
: instrumental in, contribute to-

fjLavTv<r6ai (ace.). wards : P. and V. crvfjLfidXXeo-Qai

Institute, v. trans. P. and V. toravcu, (ets, ace., V. gen.), P. crwe?riXa/A-
KaBiTTOLVOJi, irporWevai, (or mid.), fta.v<r6(LL (gen.),
7roiLVj iSpiJetv, Ar. and P. KaraSeiK-
V. (riWirrco-ftu (gen.).
rrfvat, V. fCTtciy. mi ^/tai : P. and V. ir
Institution, subs. Establishment : (fut. indie, or aor. sub].).
P. and V. /caTcwrrao-is, 17. Practice : Instrumentality, subs. Ag&ncy :
P. cTrmySeu/ia, TO. Institutions, Through the ^nstru-
customs : P. and V. T& VO/U/AO., TO. mentahty of: P. and V. Sia (aco.),
Ka00ra>Ta, Ar. and ]?. TO, vo/uo/z.eva ; Ar. and V. Kart (gen.).
see cwsiow. Hereditary imtitu- Insubordinate, adj. P.
Ar. and P. TO. V. 6 py ireiOdvup (JEscL,
Instruct, v. trans. P. and V. Ag. 1639). Be insubordinate, v. :
StSacncciv, TraiSeueiv, e/c-
e/cStSao-Kctv, P. and V. aKoa/mv. Disorderly :
V. <f>pevovv.
iraifieuciv (Plat.), P. aTaKTOS.
(a person to do a thing) : see Insubordination, subs. Disobed-
command. Instruct in : P. and V. ience: P. d^T/KouoTta, 17 (Plat.), V.
StSaoveciv (TIW TI), c/cStSaoveeiv (nya
P. waioeuctv (Ttva Tivt or Tiva
and Y. .Kocr/JLLa,
Disorderliness : P.
TLvt). Dionysus instructed us Insufferable, adj. P. and Y. ou/c
V. AidVi OVK (rare P.), ov
/TaSe (Eur., Bacch. 825). V. fy( 6/U-

(a person) instructed: P. and V. 189), 8rf<rorros, .

8iBdo-K(r9ai (ace.), P. irai&cvecrOeu P. a<o/ny- ,

(aco.), V. Kwdo'Kcr6cu, (ace.). TOS, Ar. and V. Grievous:

Instruction, subs. P. 8i8aa/coA.t'a, P. and Y. /&/>&, XiJ^p
SiSa^, 17, Ar. and P. -rcuSeuo-is, Insufferably, adv. P.
V. SfSa^ts, 17. ^Learning : P. and Y. (Xen.). Grievously : P. and V.
orders :
P. irpoppTricris ; see order. Give Insufficiency, subs. Want : P. and
instructions to, v. : P. and Y. V. aTropta, ^, cnrcivTs, ^, P. IvSeta, ^ ;
wpoorraoro-eiv (dat.) ; see order. see
Instructive, adj. It is instructive to : Insufficient, adj. P. and V.
use P. and V. (m).
Ins Int

Insufficiently, adv. P. i/8eais, ofy Intact, adj

P. and V. a0<2os, a/ecpaios,
txavois. djcpaujtvifc.
Q^Vfi MJ? (a
Insular, adj. P. and V. (ir6\Lv)
V. v^oWqs (with maso. subs.), i
(Thuc. 5, 43).
vycriwris (with fern, subs.), Intangible, adj. P. dva^s.
Met., unsociable : P. Integral, adj. Necessary: P. and
SucncoH/cui/Tfros ; see unsociable. Y. ai/ay/catos ; see also complete.
Insult, v. trans. P. and V. Integrity, subs. Honesty: P. and
(aco., or cfc, ace ), tyvftpi&w (ace.,
dat., or k, ace ) (rare P.), V. o-co^pta, 17. Autonomy : P.
Ar. avrovo/ita, 17.

and V. KO. (aec. or gen.). Intellect, subs.

Abuse : P. and V. *$ A,eyeiv, principle : P. and V. vow, o
see ;

oviSietv (dat), AoiSopetp (or mid. intelligence.

with dat.) ; see abuse. Be insulted, Intellectual, adj. Mental (as opposed
abused: P. and V **? to vmble) : P. VO^TOS. Scholarly :
V. KCUCWS icXuetv. Hocfe ai : P. and P. and V.
V. reyyA.5v (dat.) see mock. Intelligence, subs.
; MratZ ; P. and
Insult besides : P. irpotrvfipicaf V. voiJs, 6, yvu>/jLT] 9 Ar. and V. -fj,

(ace.). 50 insulted in return: V. or pi (rare P.), Ar. and P.

9).- Wisdom: P. and V.
Insult, subs. P. and V. vy8pts, 17, P. ^, <t>povri(ns 9 ^. Shrewdness :
o, einqpeia, rj ; see P. and V. criWo-i?, ^, ro crvvcrov.
Information, news : P. and V.
Insulter, subs. P. and V. ^pionys, 6. (Thuc. but rare P.), V.
Insulting, adj. P. v/Spiom/eos, P. and see news. Knowledge :
V. (with masc. subs.) see P. and V. /xa^crt5.
; QuicJcness in
also abusive. learning : P. eu/a^cta, 17.
Insultingly, adv. P. Qm'c& a^ learning :
Intelligent, adj.
irpo7n?A<mcrr/ca>9 see abusively.
; P. ev/jLoOrj*. Wise, clever : P. and
Insuperable, adj. P. and V. V. cro<os, oweros, CT^VOI;?, l/uw^peov, Ar.
and P. ^pdvT/4os. Of thhigs : Ar.
P. and V. and P. <^povtfcos.
V. SvcnraAduoTos, Ar. and P. Intelligently, adv. Ar. and P.
(Plat ) ; see wwcow^^era^Ze. vt/Aa>s, P.

Insupportable, adj. See insufferable. Intelligibility, snbs. P. <Ta<f>frcui, Jj

Insupportably, adv. See insuffer- (Plat.).

ably. Intelligible, adj. P. and V. efyia^s
Insurance, subs. See safety, guar- (Xen.), o-a^ijs, V. onJi/cros, evcrv/Jtr
Insure, v. trans. Guarantee : Ar. see
and P. eyyuaorflat. Give security: Intelligibly, adv. P. and V.
P. and V. mcrrlv StSovat, irurrb. $&6vai, yvcopTfttus, V. o-a^vais see clearly. ;

Provide: P. and V. Trapexew. jMaAe Intemperance, subs. P. d/coAaom,

certain: P. q&uow. Save: see ^, d/cpareia, ^. Drwwfee?i?ie5s : P. and
V. AC, ^. ImoZfiwce : P. and V.
Insurgents, subs. P. ot

Insurmountable, adj. P. and V. Intemperate, adj. P. and V.

faropog, a/ttfoavos (rare P.). A.acrro5, ^Kpdro?, Ar. and P.
Insurrection, subs. P. and V. P. a/icrpos. Excessive : P. and V.
^, P. , P.
Int Int

adv. P. Ar. and Y,

Intemperately, , Tu/i^cuetv; see
a/coXaoTa>s. Excessively: P. and bury.
V. Sydi/, Xfov, 7Tpro-ws, V. virep- Intercalary, adj. P.
(Eur., Frag.); see Intercalate, v. trans. P.
(Hdt.), iTrdyeiv (Hdt.) see insert. ;

Intend, v. trans, or absol. With Intercede, v. intrans. P. and V.

infra.. I P. and V. ySouA.euew, voetv wapatTwr0ai. Intercede with : P.
AT. and P. 8ioVor0ai, and V. 7rapaiTer0ai (ace.).
Be about to P. and V. . ce^e for: P. and V. c
(infin.). Intend to do ; Ar. (ace., or V. also &rp, gen ). Beg
and V. 8pdo-tiv (aco.), V. epya- off: P. and V. ?rapaiTto-0ai (aco.).
crckiv (aCG ). Intercept, v. trans. P. dwoXa^amv,
Intense, adj. P. and V. orWovos, StaXa^avetv, Ar. and P, -TreptXaft-
Woi>os, P. rxupos. Vehement : P. /3dvw. Wishing to have a chance
<r<o8pos see also e^gr.
of intercepting their passage : P.
Intensely, adv. P. OTJI/TOVCOS cvroVoas, avrous /3ovX6fjLvoL a.-rroKX'Qa-ta'Qo.i rrjs
t<rx upfo. Exceedingly: P. and V. 8taao-0>$ (Thuc. 6, 101).
o-</>oSpa, /i,aXa ; see exceedingly. Intercepting wall, subs. P. wro-
Intensity, subs. Vehemence : P. Tt;(to-/jia, TO, Trapa.Ti)(t,crfux., TO. Build
an intercepting wall, v. : P. wo-
Intent, adj. P. <Vrovo$. T&XL&W (absoL).
Intent, subs. See intention. To all Intercession, subs. P. xapoi-nyo-tsj v
intents and purposes : P. o>s see prayer. Arbitration : Ar. and
t7TtV. P. Kara, ^ Y
ppSfeta, y
Intention, subs. P. and V. Intercessor, subs. Arbitrator : P.
TO, /3oilA.a;//,a, TO, Siatnynfc, 6, P. and Y. jffpg/Icife, 6,
, ^, Ar. and P.
SidVoia, ^, SiaXXaKT^s, 6, V. StaXXaK-nJp, 6.

eewfcfiamttgr. Wi's/&: P.
Intercessory, adj. Supplicatory :
and V. /SouXr/o-is, 17, P. ^ouX^/ia, TO.
V. r/co-M)s, I/cnyptos; see suppliant.
Intentional, adj. P. and V. IKOVO-IOS. Interchange, subs. P. and Y.
Intentionally, adv. P. and V. oXXayiJ, ^, Y. SwxXXay^ ^ P.
fCOUO~Cl>?, K TTpOVOttt? (EUT., JET. JP. aXXayi/, fj ; see exchange.
598), P. K wapao-/cu^5, V. Interchange, v. trans. ^ P. and V.
Ifcouo-ias ; see deliberately. Or use avroXXcwnrav (or mid.), /eraXX<oro-etv;
adj., P. and V. IK^V; e.g., a see exchange. MZ
person intentionally : P. and V. Intercommunication, subs. See
o)v chroKTWLV (TWO). intercourse. Intercommunication
Intentioned, adj. Well intentioned : by sea became easier : P. TrXcot/worepa
P. and V. eflj>ovs, <^iXtos; see/r*ewd^. eya/ero -Trap* aXXiyXovs (Thuc. 1, 8).
Intently, adv. P. o-uvrovo)?. Intercommunion, subs. P. eTrifu^ta,
Intent on, adj. P. oXos wpds (dat.), ^, KotvcDv^/jLara, ra ; 866 intercourse.
V. &vei/*ei/os, ct? (ace.). 5e wtew* Intercommunity, subs. P. and V.
on: P. and V. irpoo-KeiarOcu (dat.). /coivcovta, 17.

Eager for : V. AeXi/A/icvos (gen.), Intercourse, subs. P. and V. 6/uX/a,

fwu/i^v (gen.). -B^ eager to : P. and ^, /cotvwvi'a, ^, oTTvovo-ta, ^, P. &nijuia.,
V. <r7Tvw (infin ), o-7rov8o^tv 17, /cotvwi^/wrra, T<, Y. <riJvaXXayat,
(infin.), Trpoduftcurdai (infin.), op/jt,a-
at. Wawi o/ mutual intercourse :
<r^at (infin.), V. fuu'ca&u (infin.), P. <i/^x iXX^Xa>v (Thue. 1, 3). J
iKTrpoOvfJLeLcrQai (infin.). ^ear ^i^ 77^ a curse that bars all
Inter, v. trans P. and V. Ofarrcw, friendly intercourse : V. ov yap #ras
yfj icpuTTTetv (Thuc. 2, 34), P. icara- <^pa) (Eur., S. F.
Int Int

1284). Friendship : P. and V P. TO lavrov JLIOVOV


<tXia, , 6/AiAi'a, fi,

P. XP "* ^,owj- (Thuo 6, 12). I7Z the interest of:
0cta, 17.
Save intercourse with, v. : P. and V. Trpo's (gen.), &rcp (gen.)
P. and Y. ofii\Lv (dat.), ;rpocro/uXeiv (Dem. 1232) see favour. For the

KOIIXOVCH/ (dat.), feoivoo-0ai good of : P. ITT' aya05 (gen.).

Against the interests of : P. and V.
dat.), crwa\XacrcTiv (dat,), crwepx
ortfcti truvcLvat (dat), o-uyyiyi/c- K5Td (gen.) (Dem. 1232). Material
a-Oai (dat.), 7r\i7criaeiv (dat.) (Dem. interests, subs. P. and Y. ^p^/jiaTa,

925), avfjLfuywarOau, (pass ) (dat.),

P. T ;see property. Influence : P.
(or pass.) (dat.), lirc/uV and Y. 8iiva/us, ^. Be promoted by
yetv (absol.), Ar. and P.
interest : P. faro /tepous -TrponjiLao-^at

(dat.). (Thuc. 2, 37). Good : P. and mM

Interdict, subs. Prohibition : P. V. cwota, 17. Zeal, exertwn : P. and
cwroppijo-is, $. Cwrsfl; P. and V. V. OTTOU&7, ^. Care : P. and Y.
#pa, 17.
Put wider an interdict, <POVTIS, ^. Take an interest in, v. :

curse : Ar. and P. Karopcwrftu (dat.), P. and Y. ^povrc^e&v (gen.), orrouSa-

P. and V. ropaor0cu (dat.) ; see ^etv ircpt (gen.).
I take no interest
in : P. and V. ofl poi. /x,eXt (gen.).
Interdict, v. trans. Ar. and P. Meletus has never taken any interest
P. and V. aTrctTrcZv, owe in these things, either little or great :
P. McX^ro) Tovron/ o{rre ju.eya ovrc
Interdicted, adj. P. and V. cr/xi/cpov irvTrore l/^A^o-ev (Plat., -4j>.
26s). TF/^ai mterestf feave 2/0^6 mf
Interest, subs. Benefit, gain: P. and P. and V. T4 o-ot /xereo-ri; (gen.).
V. KepSos, TO, X.r}fjLfjLa,
TO. Advantage: Power of pleasure, subs. P. and :

P. and Y. w^cXcta, i), o^eXos, TO, Y. Tcpi/rts, ^.

W^fe a w'fizf; rather
ow/o-is, ^ Ar. and V. wfr&rifjLa, TO, to stimulate the interest than tell
Y. w^eA^o-is, ^. One's interests : the truth : P. cm TO Trpoo-aytoyoTepor
P. and Y. TO o^/w^pov, TCI <rvjjL<f>povra. rg a/cpoacr 17 aXrjOearepov (ThllO. 1,
The public interests : P. TO ?ra<rt 21). Interest on money : Ar. and
P. and Y. TO KotvoV. P. TOKOS, 6, or pL At high interest :
interests : P. and Y. TOL P. rt
jucyoXois To/cots. Compound
otfccia. Jff0 ?wis sowe private interest: P. To/cot &TLTOKOI, oi. Bring
interests to serve : P. tSi'p avrw in no interest, v. P. apyclv. Bring-

8ta^ept(Thuc.3,l=2). Her interests ing m

interest, adj. P. eVepyos. :

are committed to her parents wild Bringing in no interest : P.

Y. T77 8'
yoveucri KOL Interest, v. trans. Please, delight:
TTpdyfiara (Bur., And. 676). P. and V. apo-KLv (aco. or
will best consult yow own dat.). J5e interested: P. and Y.
interests : P. TO, apiora Hear with pleasure,
awots (Thuc. 1, 43). He
interest oneself in : use P. and Y.
it was not words that confirmed
o*7Tov8atv Kept (gen.).
friendship, but community of in- Interested, adj. Biassed : P. <&
terests : P. ov TO. py/jiaTa owccior^Tas KOWOS; see biassed. From inter-
&fa faflaiQvv dAAa TO Tavra o*u/x^ptv ested motives : P. and Y. &rt /ccpSco-t.
(Dem. 237). Attention to your P^r% responsible : P. and V.
interests : P. eTTt/xeXeta Tciv v/XTpa>v awamos, jacTamos (gen.).
(Andoo. 21). Providing Interesting, adj. P.
only for their own interests : P. TO s, see at-
7rayo>y6s ;

10" eavrcov /loVov Trpoopta/xcvot (Thuo. tractive. Worth hearing : 5&o P.

1, 17). Considering only his own Worth seeing :
Int Int

P. (Xen.). Noteivorthy : Intermediary, subs. P.

P. d&o'Xoyos. 6 ; see arbitrator.
Interfere, v.intrans. Meddle: Ar.and Intermediate, adj. P. and V.
P. 7roXv7rpa.yp,ovlv. Interfere ivith, 6 /JLeragv, 6 tv fjLo-(p, P. o Sta
meddle with : P. and V. owrrcortfcu. Intermediate point : V. /xcra
(ace.). Oppose : P. and TO. Grown men and women and
crOai (dat.), a.v6i<rra.<r&aL intermediate age : V. avyp ywi} re
Be an obstacle to : P. and ^c5n To>v fJLera.LXfj.iov (^Isoh., Theb,
V. e/>wro8oi>v ctvcu, (dat.), /jwro8o>v yiy- 197).
vo-0<u (dat.). feared that Intermediately, adv. P. and V. kv
winter might interfere with their
blockade : P. eScSot/cecrav /u? cr$&v Interment, subs. P. and V.
v afajv IT 01 6, TCU^, oj, P. $)/cai, at (Thuc. 2, 52),
X^a)VT^ V. Ka.ra.crKO.^a.1, at J see 6wrlZ.
Interference, subs. Meddling Ar. Carrying out for burial : P. and V.
and P. TToXuTrpayfioow^.
fo"0W : P. evavri(i)/jia, TO
Interminable, adj. Ar. and P.
Interfering, adj. Meddling : Ar. pavros, P. and V. &rtpos, V.
and P. 7roXv7rpay/wui/. .Be Continuous : P.
/enw^,v.:Ar.andP. Incessant: V. StaTfX^s. Et
V. Trepwro-a Spav, TrpdVcrciv TI TrXcov P. auovio?, atStos.
(Eur., Frag.), Ar. and V. Interminably, adv. Continwyiisly :
TroXXa. Ar. and P. oTSvcx^s, P. cvScXc^ois, V.
Interim, adj. Use P. 6 Sia Swlve/cois (^Ssoh., ^gr. 319).
interim : P. and V. see Intermingle, v. trans, and intrans.
See intermix.
Interior, adj. Use P. and V. 6 2<ro Intermission,' subs. P. and V.
TG>, 6 6VTOS. TrctvXa, 17, dVcLTrauXa, r, 8iaXi5(rts, ^,
Interior, subs. Interior of a country P. dvcwraims, ^. Abatement : P.
P. /x<royta, ^. Jw i/ifi interior
use adv., P. ai/w ; see mZawd. Intermit, v. trans. P. and V.
Interject, v. trans, andabsol. Inter- wauctv, avUvai.
ject (in conversation) : P. Intermittent, adj. Occasional: P.
fidveiv. and Y. oTravtoj. Chronic, recurrmg
Interlace, v. trans. P. and V. annually ; Ar. and P.
V. intrans. P. and V. Intermittently, adv. Occasionally:
P. cnrawW In a scattered way :
Interlard, v. trans. Vwriegate: P.
and V. TrowctXXctv. Intermix, v. trans. P. and V. p.t.y-

Interloper, subs. See alien. Enter vuvoiif avaiifrywi/du (TVLLiJ,i

as an interloper : Ar. and P. Kepawvvai, <rvyKpa.wivai, Ar. and
8t5<r0ai (efe, aOC.).
Interlude, subs. See interval, inter- in: P. *y/cpawwat. V. intrans.
mission. Use pass, of verbs given. Inter-
Intermarriage, subs. P. mix with, have intercourse with:
f). They had gone to war with the P. and V. <rufLfjifyvv<T0ai (dat.), P.
people of Selinus about certain eTri/uyvuvat (or pass.) (dat.), Ar. and
rights of intermarriage : P. P. orv/A/uypiWi (dat,) ; see under
SeXtt'owTtots ets iroA.c/iov mtercowrse.
Kepi ya/w/coiv rivciv (Thuc. 6, 6). Intermixed, adj. P. and V.
Intermeddle, v. intrans. See meddle. jtujcros, cru/A/AtyjJs (Plat.), /uyas.
Int Int

Intermixture, subs. P. and V.i Ar. &/o$rSa(7Kiv (Sj. 153).

fcpcwris, 77, o-vyKpcMjis, (Eur., Frag.), /am ; P. and V. ^cuVciv,
P. /lifts, 77, cru/A/ufis, 77. l
<f>paew, cr^yLiatvetv (Plat.),
Internal, adj. and V. 6 CVTOS.
P. |
Seucvvvac, St,nrLV (Plat.) V.
Domestic : P. and Y. ofoetos, Y. !
, a-a.tfr'rivL&iv (also Xen. but
rare P.), Ar. and P. Stiyycicr^at.
io disputes, v. : Ar. in any particular sense : P.
and P. K\afA/3d.viv see ;

putes : P. and V. a-rdo-ls, 77,

P. construe. Who is there to interpret
the will of the god ? V. ri Trpo^rj-
Internally, adv. P. and V. reuei 6eov, (Eur., Ion, 4=13).

International, adj. Use P and Y. Interpretation, subs. P. I^Jy^crts, ^,

/con/09. Iwer?wito*owc&ZP. 6 lp/ti7T/ta, ^, Y. ep/jiiqieu/jia., TO, or pi.
Zaw; :

avOpwirw vofws (Dem. Interpreter, subs. P. and Y. Ip^i/cv?,

icoti/os airai/roj^

639), V. 6 ICavU^a>v vo>os (Eur., 6, P. 777777175, 6. Interpreter of

Sz^p. 526). dreams : V. /cpimfc, 6. Interpreter
Internecine, adj. P. and V. okctos, of divine will : P. and Y. Trp
V. kp.<j>v\io$ e/JL<j>v\.o$, fyyej^s.

Interpellate, v. trans. See question, Interregnum, subs. P. p,e<ro/?a<ri-

Interpellation, subs. See question. A,ta, 17 (late.).
Interpolate, v. trans. Ar. and P. Interrex, subs. P. uco-oBacriXcv?, 6
iropc/A/JaXXeiv. Interpolate (in (late).
Writing) : P. Trapcyypae^eiK. Interrogate, v. trans. Cross examine :
Interpolation, subs. P. P. and V. Acyx w efeXeyx*^. -^^fc :
P. and V. epcorav, dvcpayrar, V.

v. trans. Slip in; Ar. loropctv, avtOTOpctv, Ij-Lcrropew ; see
and P. Pw in front : as.
P. and V. Trpo^oXXew, Ar. and P. Interrogation, subs.
Cross exami-
(Xen.). ^rfo'irate, absol. nation P. and Y. &eyvo9, 6. :

P. Ppafievtiv, Statrav. In conversa- : P. pcor>7/m, TO', -

tion P. &ro\a/x,/3oLViv.
could have interposed to prevent Interrupt, v. trans. P. and Y. "

ow foww? at once engaged in hos- Ar. and P. Interrupt (in

tilities against the Cardians and speaking) : P. uTToAa/jt^avctv, Ar.
Cersobleptes : P. ovScv v %v ev ftccrw o/^ew tw^rr^^tf
TroXc/Miv T^as wpos KapSiavo-us 77877 ?w0 m the middle of speaking : P.
/col Kepcro/JXejrnTV (Dem. 682). TroXXaxou 877 /AC irccr)( Xeyovra
Oppose : P. and V. dv&oToo-ftw in ; 40B).
fjt,erav (Plat., Interrupt
words: P. and Y. avrtXeycw see ; me in the middle if you like : P.
oppose. brtXaftov &v ^ouX^ (Plat.,
Interposition, subs. Arbitration : 214E). Hinder : P. and Y.
Ar. and P. SUUTO, 77. By the inter- P. and Y.
position of the gods: P. and V. wXfatv ; see
a stop to : P. and V."
KO.T& 0etov. Agency : V, o*iJi see end.
77, or pi. Opposition : P. Interruption, subs. P. and Y.
Tt(O]ULCLf TO. StdiXvo-tj, >). .Nbi$, confusion : P.
Interpret, v. trans. P. and V. and V. 0o'pvo9, 6. Hindrance : P.
veu4v. Interpret (dreamst etc.) : P. iccoXv/Jia, TO, fL7roSto-/xa, TO, evav-
and V. icpWv (Plat., Ion, 539o) Ar. Tia)/xa, TO. Se aw interruption to :

Interpret an oracle : P. and V. !/ttroSo>v eTvai (dat.),

Int Int

e/x7ro8o>v yLyveo-Qa.1 (dat.). Without bour P. &LCXOVTCS iroXv ojcrav (Thuc.


interruption, continuously : use 3. 22).He placed the merchantmen

adv., Ar. and P. o-wexfa, P- &- at intervals of about two hundred
8eA.eYo>s, V. SidvK(os (Jfesch., Ag. feet from one another : P. 8iaA.Mroi;-
319). o~as TCLS 6\/caSa? oaov Svo irXtQpa. our

Intersect, v trans. Divide : P. and aAXiJAcov Ka.Tcmfjcrv (Thuc. 7, 38).

V. 8ioA,a/>i/?<3ii>iv. At intervals of ten battlements there
Intersecting, adj. ,4 right angles : were large towers : P. Sia 8e'/ca
P. ey/capo-ios. 4 intersecting wall,
subs. : P. V7TOTLxia-fJLa. #W&Z arc w^VTrvpyoirjvavw
intersecting wall, v. Intervene, v. intrans. Lie between :

Xtc"' (absol.). P. and V. kv fto cj) ctvat, jjLTai ivai. p

Intersperse, v. trans. Variegate: Before some disaster intervene and

P. and V. TToi/aAAcii/. .Mia? : P. and overwhelm us : P. TrptV Tt
V. /uyviWi, see
Ma? *w : P. Scatter : (Thuc. 4, 20). JBZapse (of time^:
see scatter. P. 8wtytyj/0-^at, eyyty^cor^at. J.rZ?i-
Interstice, subs. JToZe : Ar. and P. iraie : P. Ppaficvciv, Stairav. Qp-
TO. Interval : P. SiaA-ct^a, J9056 P. and V. dv0rrao-0ai ; see

oppose. Oppose in words : P. and
Intertwine, v. trans. P. and V. V. dvrtXeyetv. 5e ow obstacle : P.
(TVfL7r\KLV, fJOT\KLV I 866 e?&20m0. and V. !/ro8a)v elvai, /x,?ro8o}^ yiyvt-
Interval, subs. P. StoXe^/ia, TO, 0-60.1 see prevent. \

Sicwmftua, TO. Intervening space Intervening, adj. P. and V. o cv

between two armies : V. ^eTa^iov, /X<ro), 6 jLLcro^iJ,
P. 6 Sia fteo-ouj see
TO, or pi. Jfostf, breathing space Intervening space
: intermediate.
P. and V. TrcLvXa, ^, between two armies : V. ju.T<u;xfuov,
avaTravAa, 17,

^, P. dvcwrav<ris, 17, V. CC/A- TO, or pi.

Cessation : P. and V. Intervention, subs. Agency : Y.
^. Sa?w2 a intervals, v. owaXXayiy, ^, or pi. :
By dvoim
P. SwiAeiWi/, SucrrarQai. At intervals intervention : P. and V. 0ei'a TiJx.
of (for space or time) P. Sid (gen.). : Arbitration: Ar. and P. SiWa, 15.
At long intervals (of space or time) Opposition: P. lvavri^p,a. TO.
: t

P. &a TroXXoi). At short intervals Interview, subs. P. and V. Xoyot, ot,

or time) P. BC 6\tyov. Jffave interview with :
(of space : .

After an interval (of time) P. and see interview, v.


V. Sia xpdVou, P. xpoVou 8iA.0oi'TOS. Interview, v. trans. P. and V.

J./^^ ^ ^wgr interval : Ar. Sta TroXXov rvjuLiuyvvvai (dat.), o-uyyiyvccrQcu,
vpovov. J/^ fir aw interval of two or (dat.), on5vpYor0ai (dat.), Ar, and P.
three years : P. 8iX66vTw IT&V Svo (dat.), P. KOivoXoyela'Ba.i

KOI Tpwov. After a moment's interval (dat.),

V. cts Xdyovs Ipxco-^ot (dat.)
I go to law : Ar. (cf. Ar., JNw6. 470), Sift
Xo'ycov a<^t-
StKdtfo/wit(JVw6. 496). In the in- Kvcto-^at (dat.).
terval : of time, P. cv TO> ^era^u ; see Interweave, v. trans. P. and V.
meantime; of space, P. and V.
/xerofu, Iv /XCCTCJ).
T/iere is ?w) special Intestate, adj. P. dSia&Tos (late).

season which he leaves as an in- intestate : P. et . . .

terval : P. ou8" OTLV e^atpcTos <S>pa TIS

V 8taA,rt (Dem. 124). They set (Isae. 72).
out with a considerable interval Intestine, adj. OmZ, internecine :

between each man and his neigh- P. and V. oticetos, V.

Int Int

Intestine discord, P.a^cpros,

subs. : P. and V. crr&rfe, rj,
P. GreivoiLS P. and Y. /Japtfs, \v7rijp6s.

OT-ao-iao-fLOS, 6. Intolerably, adv. P. OVK dvwcrws

Intestines, subs. P. and Y. cnr (Xen ). Grievously : P. and V.
ra (Plat.), repa, T< (Plat.), P.
subs. P. Intolerance,
Inthral, v. trans. P. and V.
Enslave :
gen. following: P. 77.
With and
SovXouv, (or mid.), P. KaraBo\ovv (or Y. 8uo-^pta, 17, P. a^8ta, .

mid.), drSpairo&'few (or mid.). Sub- Intolerant, adj. P. and V.

jugate : P. and V. Karacrrpe<e- Be intolerant of : P. xoXe
cr0cu. Met., charm: P. and Y. /c^Xctv, (ace.), Y. iriicpais ^cpctv (aoc ).
Y. 0&yeiy (also Plat, but rare P.). Intomb, v. trans. See entomb.
Overcome (of feelings) : Y. vl<cav. Intonation, subs. Tom: Ar. and
Be inthralled and Y. Sa^vat
: Ar. P. TWOS, 6.
(2nd aor. pass. Sa/xav). Keep Intone, v. trans. P. and V. Sv, V.
down, repress : P. and Y. /caTc'xctv. de$H>, KaTciSeM' see chant. ;

Inthral ment, subs. Enslavement : Intoxicate, v. trans. P. /cara//*-

P. SovAcims, 17, /caTctSovAtoo-ts, ^, 6v<rKeiv. Met., puff up : P. and V.
di/SpaTro&o-fcos, 6. SwcT&CtwtofiWi
(Plat.), Y. eKxavvovv ;
P. K^TJO-W, ^. P. and Y.
SpeZZ ;

w. V. KwXwu.o, TO ; see Intoxicated, adj. See

intoxicated, puffed up : Ar. and V.
Intimacy, SUbs. P. oeem;s, 17, oy/coiJo^at, V. $oy/co9cr^ai, X^
om/iJ0<,a, 17, xp^ta, ^. Intimacy with, Intoxication, subs. P. and V.
intimate knowledge of : P. {rvn;0ia 7). DeZ^7ii P. and V. 17801/17,

Experience of: P. and xapa, ^, repi/rts, ^ j see delight.

Pride : P. and V, <pov77/z,a, TO, V.
Intimate, adj. .
owceto?, t&7, 17 ;

cnnnrjOijs Be intvmate with : P. Intractability, subs P.

y^cuptficos ^etv (dat.), <ruvT70o>s ro'?*, ^ Obstinacy : P.
(dat.), xpya-Qai (dat.). , 17,
Ar. and V.
Intimate, subs. Use adj.
Intimate, v. trans. Hint : P. Intractable, adj. Stubborn : P. and
SyXovv, V7ro<n7/totvtv j see hintt Y. oncX^po's, Disobedient :
and P.
P. ATTCI^S, Suo-n-ttflifc, Y. 6
Troublesome : Ar. and
Intimately, adv. Ar. oketcos. ir&.0dv(i>p.
Intimation, subs. See announcement, P. xaA.e7nfe; see troublesome. Be
intractable (of horses) P. and V.

Intimidate, v. trans. P. and V. a-Kiprav.

$opLV, CK<f>of$CLV K7rX^a-(TLV, P. Intractably, adv.
t Obstinately: P.
see frighten..
KarairXyo-o-cLv ; <ncA.T7ps, Ar. and P. avflaSws.
Intimidation, subs. Fear : P. and Intrap, v. trans. See entrap.
Y. $o$os, 6, Z/orA.?^, ^, P. /cara- Intrench, v. trans. See entrench.
Intrenchment, subs. See entrench-
Into, prep. P. and Y. cfe (aco), Is ment.
(ace.), i^ar into the night : P. Intrepid, adj. P. and Y. fc/>oos, V.
TTOppCt) Taiv WKT&V. irapy&fc, *Tap/fyros (^Bsch., Frag.},
Intolerable, adj. P. and V. owe SSct/xavros, aTpcoTos (also Plat, but
OVCKTOS, OVK aVOO"XT09 (lre P.), OU rare P.) ; see bold.
s, Ar. and V. ov rA^o'?, Y. Intrepidity, subs. P. tyofKa, % ; see
5iroo^raro9, Si/erocoros, 8vo-<^opos, boldness.
Int Int

adv. and P. irpocr^epetv, V. tcr)8i}crat (1st aor. of

Intrepidly,^ ^Ar.
V. 8i/AcuT(>s, dTp0TG>s, arpecrra dcrj$a.iviv. Introduce besides: P.
see boldly. circtcraycti/,
P. and V.
Intricacy, subs. P. rot/oXta, ^. I Introduce instead : P.
tricacies of discussion : V. Send in : P. and V.
(Ear., Phoen.
rXo/cat Xdycov, at P. and V.
Intricate, adj. P. and V. eicrdyfiv, TTpocr-
O warn/ folds : P. and V. see adwwtf. Introduce
oKos (Plat.). Obscure : P. and V. into a family V. cto-otfctfctv (Eur.,

s, #817X05, V. Sutre-upCTos, 8uo-Teie- Ion 841). Intfro^ce (Zaw, subject,

^u/Jt^X^ros, 8uoyia0^s, aovco- etc.)
: Ar.and P. ctor^cpctv, ctcn/yet-
iros, SucTKptTossee obscure.
; o-^ai. Bring forward, cite : P. and
Intricately, adj. Ar. and V. 7roi/ciXo>s. V. Trapflw^cpetv, Trpocr^epetv, -n-apevetv
Obscurely : P. do-a<o>s, V- Suo-fcpM-ws. (or mid.), P. -n-po^cpctv. Introduce
Intrigue, v. intrans. P. irapao-Ktva^ as allies : P. 7ray<r0ai. Initiate :
&CT&O.L. Intrigue with : P. and V. Ar. and P. r?7ytor0ai.
irpdo-crciv (dat. or wpds, aoc. or ets, P. and V. 7rpOTt0epai,
aco.) ; see tamper with. Intrigue toTttvat, Ar. and P.
agamst : P. and V. eirifiovXeueiv Introduce changes in : P. vea>repieiv
(dat.). Be intrigued against: P. wept (ace.). Jwtfroefoce (^?zio aw
and V. 7TCj#OuXUeor0CU. assembly, court, etc.) : P. and V.
Intrigue, subs. P. Trapacnca^, ^, 7rpo<rdyetVj Ar. and P. Trapdtyctv.

/caTacr/ceuaor/jia, T0. Wiles : P. and CO?wme?wZ: P. <7WrraVat, Trpo^cvetv.

V. p7XaVat, at. PZo : P, cVtjffovX^, J wisfc to w^rod%ce feiwi to a doctor :
17. Lobbying, canvassing : P. P. j3ovX.ofuu avrbv Zarpai orvar^o-at
srapayyeXta, oj. Par intrigue : P. (Plat., Gharm. 155s).
TOparats, 17. .Zte victim of intrigue : Introducer, subs. Initiator : P.
V. : P. fcaracrracrta^eo-^at (pass.), js, 6.
P. and V. rt/?ovXT;ecr0at (pass.). Introduction, subs. P. CTrayaryiy, ^.
Certain men of Eretria <wd of Initiation : P. cwnyy^o-is, ^, Estab b-

Oropus itself seconded the movement lishment : P. and V. KaTatrrocri?, r/.

intrigmng for the revolt of Euboea : PreZwie; P. and V. Trpooifuov, TO,

P. cruv7rpaav 'Eperptcwv TC cKvSpcs /ca) V.
ptttmcDV 7ri/3ov\fvoi/T<s dwo- Intrude, v. trans,
use P. and Y.
r^s E^otas (Thue. 8, 60). eco-ayetv /5ia.
Intrude oneself: P.
Tioi 60ew some intrigue etcnrotctv eavrdv, Y. e:r/x,jftaXXiv
afoot here with bribery : V. t 7117 lawdv. Y. intrans. P. cts oXXdrpta
<rw dpyvpcj) cjrpaarcrer cvflevSc (Soph., /Mrwrreiv (Dem. 1004), Ar.
and P.
0. JB. 124). ew-tae<r0ai. Intrude on: P. and
favour certam intrigues which were Y. ewnrwrretv (cfe, ace., Y. dat.), Y.
afoot on the spot in Argos : P. CTretcrTTtTTTctv (dat.), Ar. and P. eto--

vTnjp)( n aurots /cat CK rov "Apyou^ Sico-^at (eis, aoo.). Encroach on:
irpacrcrofjLevov (Thuc. 5, 83). P. &Tpy<<r0ai
(aoo ).
Intriguing, P. V. Intruder, subs. Use aWew.
/xijXavoppdi^o Intrusion, subs. Encroachment : P.
Intrinsic, adj. Heal, genwne : P. 7repyao-ta, 17. Meddling : Ar. and
P. 7roXv7rpay/iooTiw7i ^. Entr anoe :
Intrinsically, adv. P. Of P. and V. cfcroSo?, ^ (Eur,, ^Ln5. 930).
itself: use P. avro naff avro. Intrusive, adj. Meddlesome : Ar. and
Introduce, v. trans. Brmg in : P. P. iroXvTrpay/wDv. Vexatious, trouble
and Y. CTrayctv, etor^yctv, ctcr^epctv, some : P, and Y. j

int Inv

Intrust, v. trans. Ar. and P. Invalid, adj. P. a/c

TpeTmv, P. TTiorojctv, 8iairurTVw, Invalid, subs. Use adj., P. and V.

eyvetpt^etv, "V. er;(etpiiv.
Hand acrOwqs, P. appcooro?. Be an in-
over : P. and V. TrapSSTSovai. valid, v. P. and V. /cafu/eiv, dor^cvctv, :

intrusts these oracles to P. dppowrrc/V,

V. ravra yap iraryp Invalidate, v. trans. P. axvpov iroielv.
Cancel : P. and V.
Frag.). Refer (for someone's de- see camel.
P. and V,
cision) : Ar. and P. lirnp&r\.v (nvL Invaluable, adj.
TI), SvarWevcii (rwi rt),
P. tyuvai aftos. Costly : P. and V.
(n ts TIVO). P. woXuTeXiys.
Intuition, subs. Instinct, nature :
Invariable, adj. P. and V.
P. and V. <&rife ;
aee instinct. P. fLOVt/AOS, d/XTa7TT<DTOS, V.
Suspicion : P. and V. TA^ same : P. and V. 6
Invariably, adv. See always.
Intuitive, adj. JV0 reasoned: P. Invasion, subs. P. and V. ctcr^oXiy,
oXoyos. Spontaneous : P. and V. f) ;
see attack.
OUTOfWlTOS. Invective, subs. Abuse : P. and V.
Intuitively, adv. By nature : P. and Sia/JoXij, 17, P. cm^pcMi, ^, j8Xa<r^T7/ua,
V. <vcm. Spontaneously : P. fab ^, j&aoTcai/ia, ^ ; see a^wse. -BZawe :
TO avrofJuiTov. Divine intuitively, P. and V. juefH/ris, ^, i/royo9, 6.
v. trans. : P. and V. Accusation : P. /ca-nyyopta, 17 ; see
Inundate, v. trans. Ar. and P. Inveigh against, v. P. and V.
KairaKXvciv. Met., overwhelm : KCUOOS Xcyetv, Sta/SoAAeii', XotSopctv
P. and V. /caro/cXu&ii'. TJie sea (or mid. with dat.), P. Kcuateu*,
forming into a wave iwundated part ftaa-Kotvcw ;
see a&^se. Blame : P.
of the city P. f) OdXao-a-a and V. ^/A0<r&u (ace. or dat.),
KVfUvrtoQtiara 7ri}X0 rijs 7roA.etos i/reyeiv ;
see blame, attack.
rt (Thnc. 3, 89). Inveigle, Enfrap : P. and
v. trans.
Inundation, Subs. P. V. Lead ow treacherously :
6, CTrwcXuerw, 17. 2%ere P. and V. &rayv. CoyoZe : P. and
of the water but no immdation : P. V. VTroTpc^ew/, V7rpxccr0at t ^ojTrcuctv ;

eycyero . . .
jcv/iaros CTrava^ai^o-ts
see co/ofe, deceive. Entice : P. and
T15 OU fJLVTOL C7T/cXu(7 y (ThUO. 3, V. <X/co-0<u, eiTLcnraarOai, eXfcetv.
89). Invent, v. trans. Discover P. and .

Inure, v. trans. P. and V. tfffcv, P. V. cvpibveeiv, ec^cuparKa

<rvv&t't,v. Inured to : P. (rwyOys tv, V. ^aveup
(dat.), V. -^^dt? (gen.). Iwwred to no P. and V.
good habits : V. e^ yap ov/c J^wr- t, TKrai'veo-0cu, Ar. and V.
^^T? /caXa (Bur., Frag.). Trump up: P. and V.
Inutility, subs. P. axpTjvrta, fj. TrXacnmv, P. <ruiwrXacr(rH/, <ruo-/ctja-
Invade, v. trans. P. and V. to-- ^tv, KaTao7cei7aeiv ; see irwm^ -W^).
Fow t0i22 j??wZ ^Aem inventing things
(or mid.) (cts, aoc., Irf, aoc., or dat. about me : P. o\f/<r0 . . . TOVTOVS
alone ; V. also aoc. alone) see also ; inept Xoyo7rotoiJvTa9 (Lys. 146).
attack. Encroach on : P. eWp- .Mfiw /tere are vnventmg tales
yafctr^at (ace.). Join in invading : what is not happening and never
P. crwL<rJ3(&XW (absol.). will happen : P. cvtfevSe &/8pes
Invader, subs. Use P. and V. 6 cr- ovra OVT &v yevo/ieva
or use enemy.
(Thuc. 6, 38).

Inv Inv

Invention, subs. Act of invention : (dat ) ; see besiege. Dispose

P. iJp0~is, ^, V. ave-upco-is, rj. Thing of: P. oWi'fleo-flai, P. and V.
invented : P. and V. vprjp.a TO, Ar. t
(dak) Jwz?es
(?7lO?lfi2/) ; P.
and V. cgevprjfui, TO. Contrivance : TTotcZv Invest in : see
P and V. /7xai/77/wx, Invested, out at interest : P. o/c
TO, Tx^7/*a, TO (Plat.), Investigate, v. trans. P. and V.
ffdpos, 6. Fabrication : P. o*K07TiV, Stacr/coTretv, ^cra^ctj/, ^Teii/,
TO, a-KcvtoprjiJLa, TO. -4c o/ fabri- cpeuvav, wcpto-KOTrctv, V. l^cpevi/av, Ar.
cating : P. o-/ceua>pta, ^. and P. av^Ttv ;
see examine.
Inventive, adj. P. and V. e&ropos, Speculate on: P. tfeupetv (ace.).
Ar. and P. cv/i^xoi/os, ^ropl/ios, P. Track o^i ; P. and V. ^vei^
(Plat.), V. &xv;e"' se *^o*- 5

Inventiveness, subs. P. Investigate judicially : P. and V.

17, CTTLTexviyo-is, ^. erav, fiyTctv, Ar. and P. ^afT/reiv..
Inventor, subs. P. cfyxfnjs, 6. De- Investigation, subs. P. and V.
viser : P. and V. o^ioupyds, 6, o*KJ/rts, ^, P. ^-nyo-ts, ^, Imo-Ke^ts, 17,
V. papers, 6.
re/cron/, 6, c^Vao-t?, 17,
V. epcwa, 17.
Inventory, subs. P. dTroypa^; see investigation : P. yvoio-ts, ^- Pr-
Ksi. Ifaie inventory of: P. Umina/ry investigation (before trial):
d7roypa<v (ace.). P. ava/cpuri9, ^, V. ay/cpto-ts, ^.
Inventress, subs. V. experts, 17 (Soph., Investigator, subs. P. fonpnfc, 6.

Investment, subs. P. 8wt^o-ts, ^.

Inverse, adj. Contrary: P. and V. Blockade : by land, P. 7repiTixris,
evavrtbs. 17 by sea, P. l<t>6p- ;

Inversely, adv. 7w a contrary WOAJ : 6. <S^^fi P. ."

P. and V. fywroA.iv, P. dvcwroAiv.

Inversion, subs. V. Inveterate, adj. Lasting : P. and V.
Change: P. and V. vpoVtos. Strong, fierce : P.
fl^r^ ^o r^5wi : P. and V.
Invert, v. trans. P. and V. V. SuoTToA-ataros.
Upset : P. and V. Inveterately, adv. Strongly P.
SI/CD KOLTCO orpe^H/, V. Invidious, adj. P. and V.
see wpse. Change: P. and V.
Invidiously, adv. P.
Invertebrate, adj. Met., P. Invidiousness, subs. P. TO enrovoy.
/AC^OS. "PPeaA; : Ar. and P. Invigorate, v. trans. Refresh : P.
Inverted, adj. Bottom upwards : P. an V. avai/rCYciv, V.
and V. -wrTios. Encourage : P. 7rippa)vvvi/ai ; see
Invest, v. trans. Ar. and P. TreplrWfvai encourage.
(TL TIVI), Trcpta-TTTCtv (rt TO/I), P. and Invigorating, adj.
P. o/Mros (Plat.).
v. TrpocrrWevcu. (TL TIVI), Trpocrdirrcw Invincible, adj. P. and V. Sw/jtaxo?,
(TITWL). Clothe: P. andV. o/SiW, OJ/KT?TOS (Plat.), Ar. and P. fyiaxos
7Tpt)8aXXv, o-TfiAActv (rare P.), Ar. (Plat.), P. 8u<nroX/x,^TOS,
Y. Swr-
and P. (fy*<ii/i/iWi, V. d/^t/Ja^XXeiv,
Ar. and V. AiupiriObai., d/^7rt<rxtv Impossible to deal with: P. and

see cZoi^e. J^rws^; see intrust. V. ^Tropos, &jj.yx<ivos (rare P.).

Adorn: P. and V. Kocr^lv; see Obstinate : see obstinate.
adorn. Blockade: by land, Ar. Inviolability, subs. V. ao-uXfo,
and P. STTOTCt^ifctv, P. 17,
P. and V. <S8eia, ^. Sanctity :
n-oieiv j by sea, P. Ar. and V. o-^as, TO.
Inv Inv

Inviolable, adj. P. and V. V, eSxecrftxi (dat., or wpo's, ace.),

(Plat), oKtvrfros (Plat.), P. <a
7Tvxe<rQai (dat.), irpocrcvxeo-OaL (dat.,
(ThllC. 4, 97), V. ao-vX^i-os, 30iKTos. or V., ace.) ; see pray. Invoke the
BbZy : P.and V. Upds, V. fpos see ; gods : P. An0c<ocu' (absol.), V.
TtoZy. Not to be trodden : V. 0eofeXvTe' (absol.) Iftvofo a cwr5fi

&P$,To$. Firm, not to be shaken : on: P. and V. ^0^0.0-60.1 (dat.),

P. and V. e0oio9, Y. c/^os. apa? ftpacrQai (dat.), Y. /ca/ca?,

Inviolably, adv. Securely : P. and irpa|ets tyvfweiv (dat.); 866 CWS0.

V. /3aia>s, V. e/iTTfiSws. Invoking utter destruction on your-
Inviolate, adj. See inviolable. Un- self, family, and house : P. *&\eia.v
injured : P. and V. a0<jos, a/cepcuos, avT<3 KOL yei/t KO.L OLKIQ* rfj or eirapci-
aioy'paTos (rare P ), d/epa^^s ; see A&cyo9
130 ; cf. Lys. 121).
inviolable. Invoking many blessings on your
Invisible, adj. P. and V. a^tofe, head and mine : Y. <rol TroXXa K&fwl
817X09, V. S^avros. K&V dpw/xcvot TUXV (Bur., Or. 1138).
Invisibly, adv. Secretly : P, and Invoked by prayer: use adj., P.
V. Aafytt, P. dcai/<os, d&JXws. and V. svKTatos (Plat, also Ar.).
Invitation, subs. P. /cX>}oris, ^. Calling Involuntarily, adv. P. and Y.
i)i: P. Trapd/cXT/o-is, 17. Owr i- aKovcri&s, or use P. and Y, &KW or
vitation to you to remain inactive ovx CKW, agreeing with subject ;
you did not accept: P. e.g., do a thing involuntarily : P.
and Y. dtatOV TTOLSiV Tt.
(Thuc. 3, 61. Involuntary, adj P. cwcovVios, P.
Invite, v. trans. P. and V. and Y. ovx /cov(rios, V. Sfeo>v.
TrapoKaAeiv. Gall in : P. 7riKa\L- Involve, v. trans. Envelop: P. and
a-Bai, TrapcLKaXetv. Call in (as allies) : Y. -TrepL^aXXeiv. Implicate : P.
P. 7rtKaXer0tti, TrpocrrrapaicaAetv, oruyKaTaTrt/ATrXavat ; see implicate.
Ar. and P.
rdyeo-0at, Involve in ruin : P. crvpfopf, ircpt-
Invite in return P. dv .
^aXXctv. Persuasive enough to
Jbiw i?&
inviting : P involve them even yet in some
(absol.). r?&i?ite (to do a thing) .
mischief : V. mflavos IT' avrous
P. irpoKaXeiarQai (infin.). TJie Lace- 7rpiaXu/ /caKaJ rm (Eur., Or. 906).
daemonicuns invite you to make a Wherefore he involved all in one
truce and end the war: P. Acucc- rum : Y. roiyap crvwjijse TT&VTOS Is
Scu^ovtot v/jia? irpoKaXovvrai /x,tavjSXd^v (Eur., .Ztaccfr. 1304).
enrovSa? /cat SwcXro-iv irokeujov (Thuc. Fow, unhappy city, are involved m
4.19). their ruin : Y. <ru T* 5 raXatva
Inviting, adj. Attractive: P. ejra-
<ruy/caTa<TKd7rrt ?roXt? (Eur., Phoen.
ywyos, wpooraycoyos, c^oAxos ; S66 884). Involve the city in disgrace :
attractive. P. al&xuvyv rn ^roXct irepLaurrcw
Invocation, subs. P. dvaKXT/o-w, 17, (Plat., ^oZ. 35-i) Entangle P. and :

V. K\ij8w, 17. Prayer: P. and V. V. fywrX^Kccv. Complicate : P. and

ev^, ^. Invocation to the gods: V. TroiKtXXttv. Comprise : P. and V.
P. &ri0a<r/Ao$, o.
ej(tf. Involve disgrace : P and V.
Invoice, subs. P. diroypa^, 17. ato-^j^v <j>epeiv. Mentioning all the
Invoke, v. trans. P. and Y. A/a- advantages that are involved in the
KoXetv (or also ay/coXetv),
mid.^ (V. repulse of an enemy : P. X^yw oo-a
Hapripe<rOai, Ar. and P. &rfyiap- Iv T<J> TOVS TToXe/uovs afivveorOai. &yoJ9o.
TvpcarOai., wapa/caXctv, P. e7rt/3oacr0ai, V<m (Thuc. 2, 43). Involved in,
cTrt/caXcr^, and V.
Ar. *caXe' (or implicated in (gwlt, etc.) : P. and
mid.), KiK\yo-Kiv. Pray to : P. and Y. ^terairto? (Plat.) (gen.), eriWrco?
Inv Irr

(gen.), KOLVCDVOS (gen.), /J.CTOXOS (gen.). of iron, subs. : P. a-L^puov, TO.

Be ^nvolved in, have happen to one : covered with iron, v. : P.
P. and V. (riWtvai (dat.), onWxeo-flai oCor^at. Heavy with iron, adj. :

(dat.), e^rXcW&u (o>, dat.), P. V. ort877po/3pl^s (Eur., Frag.). Land

<rwi<rra.<r6ai (dat.), TrpovfyscrOai producing iron, : V.
(dat.), V. 7rpoorevyi/uo-0(U (dat.), aTa ^.
(rvfavywarGcu. (dat.), Ivcvyn;<r0ai P. and V.
Iron, adj. ur,,
(dat.), Iyfcer0ai (dat.). 5occ^. 231).
Involved, adj. Complicated : P. and Iron-backed, adj. V. o-io
V. fl-owejfAos, TToXvTrXoicos. Saddled Iron-hearted, adj. Ar. and P.
with debt : Ar. and P. uTroxpeus. pous, V. o-tS^po^pcov
Invulnerable, adj. P. and V. arpwTos. Ironical, adj. P. e[pa>viKo
Has 7te a 6od# so invulnerable to Ironically, adv. Ar. and P.
the STLOl'd ? V. ovra) o-tSi^pd) rpcorov Iron-worker, subs. V.
owe 2x 8/w; (Bur., HeL 10). 6.

Inward, adv. P. and V. Irony, subs,

ro>, IO-Q). P. t-ipoWo, 17.
Inwardly, adv. At heart : V. e/8oi/,
Irradiate, v. trans. See illuminate.
ei/Sotfc!/. Secretly : P. and V. Irrational, adj. P. Aoyos, aXo'yicrros,
Xatfpa. Eeally : P. and V. 2py<j>. Irrationality, subs. P. dXoyta, ^.
Inwrought, adj. Use P. and* Y. Irrationally, adv. P. dXoyws.
Irreclaimable, adj. See incurable,
Irascibility, subs. V. wild.
Vehemence: P. o^oSpor^s, 77. IZZ-
Irreconcilable, adj. P. d&oAAa/eros.
temper : Ar. and P. (W/<oXia, P,
Contrary :
P. and V. vavrtos.
and V. Trwcpo-nys, ^. Truceless: P. and "V. acnrovSos ; see
Irascible, adj. P. and V. offe, m/cpos, also mplacable. Irreconcilable
Ar. and P. dKpaxoXos, Ar. and V. with : use P. and V. cvavn'os (dat.).
O\>&VIJLO<SI V. 8i5a-opyos ; see angry. Irrefragable, adj. P. dveXey/cros,
Ill-tempered: P. and V,
Irrefragably, adv. P. dvaw
Irascibly, adv. P. and V. Si' /3rjnqT<o$.
Triicpcos, V. i&7rp6i;/x<i)s ; BQQ angrily. Irrefutable, adj. "P. dvcAeyicros,
Hl-temperedly : P. Sucr/coAeos.
Ire, subs. P. and V. opy^, >}, tfv/Aos, Irrefutably, adv. P.
6, V. x<&*, o, /x^vts, ^, Ar. and V. V. OV StXOppOTTO)?, OUK
ftc/os, ro, xo ^y> %> KOTOS, o. Irregular, adj. P. &-O/CTOS.
Irk, v. trans. P. and V. Awctv, &vlav, fess; P. and V. Tropai/o^os
v, Ar. and V. itvtj ctv, rtpetv, V. correct: P. and V. OUK 6p0os.
; see (Ksiress. Faulty : P. and Y. -n-
Irksome, adj. P. and V. Uneven (of ground) : P.
)Sapi;s, oxXiyo? Irregular troops : P. and Y.
(Plat.), P. rao-Tat, ot (Eur., EfefiS.),
vos, 8v(T7r(5vT7TOS, ot (Xen.), i/riXot, 01.
, see troublesome. Irregularity, subs. P. dro#a, ^.
Irksomely, adv. P. and V. Fault, flaw : P. TrX^/i^cXeta, ^.

dXyeivo)?, avlapa>5 (Xen.), Unevenness : P. dvco/wiXia, ^. Irre-

Irksomeness, subs. P. gula/rities, lawless conduct : P.
P. and V. Sucrxepcia, ^. Trapavo/jua, 17.

Iron, subs. P. and V. 6. Irrelevant, adj. P. and V. ou irpocr^-

Aoi iron : V. /xuSpos, 6. K<DV. JBe irrelevant to : P. and Y.
v.: V. /wSpoKTwrctv (absol.) (gen.).
Irr Isl

Irreligion, subs. P. and Y. Irreverently, adv. Impiously : P.

P. V. and V. afo'ws. Shamelessly: P.
^, dvoerid-nfs, ^, Svo-a-ejSe

Irreligious, adj. P. and V. and V. awuSois, P. v^picrTtfccos. -40

avoVtos, ao-eftifc, 8u<ro-/Jifc (Dem. 332 irreverently (impiously), v. P. and :

but rare P.;, V. 8ucr0eos, <So-?rros. V. acre/Sew, V. Svo-a-epclv.

Irreligiously, adv. P. and V. Irrevocable, adj. P. and V.
V. apoo-icos. Fixed : P. and V. coio
Irremediable, adj. P. and V. V. cffwreSos.
iceoTo? see incurable.
; Irrevocably, adv. P. and V.
Irremediably, adv. P. di^/ceo-rc ^)Sat(DS, d<T0aA.a)S, V. ^pdpOTO)S (also
Irreparable, adj. P. and Y. Plat, but rare P ), V. e/wrcSus.
KCOTOS. Irrigate, v. trans. P. and V. dp8v
(Plat.), V. dpSeusw, vypaLvcLv.
Irreparably, adv. P. dvrfccorws
Irrepressible, adj. Importunate P. gated : use
V. icarapptSTOS. adj.,
and V. XtTrapifc (Plat.), Ar. Irrigated by streams : V. 68acrt
Irrepressibly, adv. P. 8poxo5 (Eur., Bacc^. 1051).
(Plat.). Irrigation, subs. P. vSpci'a, ^.
Irreproachable, adj. P. and V. Irritability, subs. Ar. and P. Svo--
V. ],
V. o^S^J/xta, ^, P. and V.

ably, adv. P. and V. Irritable, adj. P. and V.

a/xe/z-TTTCos , oftfc, m/cpos, Ar. and V.
Irresistible, adj. Ar. and P. ,
V. Sucropjos.
(Plat.), P. Suo-TToXcfMfros, Irritably, adv. P. 8uovcoA.a><?, P. and
OTaros, P. and V. V. Y.
Irritate,, v.. trans. Sting>> piick
pi : P
to 60 avoided : P. and V. and Y. Set/even/. : P. and V.

Impossible to deal with : 9 Y. opycuvciv, ofi5vtv ;

P. and V. dkropos, u/wyx' 05 rare


P.). Irritation, subs. Tickling : P. i

Irresolute, adj. P, oicv^pos, V. d/wif- 17 (Plat.), yapyaXiv^ 6 (Plat.), V.

)8ovXo9, 8i'<povriSj P. and V. ^Tropo?. 6. Inflammation : P.
.Be irresolute, v. P. and V. oicmv,
17. Annoyance : P.
KttTOKVCtV, aTTOpLV t , 6, P. and V.
P.) 17 ; see annoyance, anger.

Irresolutely, adv. P. oKvqp&s (Xen.). Irruption, subs. P. and V.

Irresolution, subs. P. and V. o/cvos, 7f 9 P KaraSpo/jtiy, ^. Influx : P. and
6, O/TTOpUL, ^. Y. eTrtppo^, ^ (Plat.).
Irresponsible, adj. P. dvoj^wos, Ar. P. Kara/cXuer/ids, 6.
and P. avi57ru^{ivos. Island, subs. P. and Y.
Irretrievable, adj. P. and V. Y. x<9wv ircptppvro? ^. O/ a?i island,
/ceoros. adj. P. and Y. v^o-ttort/cds, Y. :

Irretrievably, adv. P. di/^/ceWc (with masc. subs.),

Irreverence, subs. Impiety : P. and (with fem. Subs.), vrjcraiog.
V. <Wcca, ^, V. Fellow inhabitants of one island
Shamelessness : P. and V. home : P. VVVQIKQI /was \topas /cat
(Thuc. 4, 64).
Irreverent, adj. Impious : P. and Islander, subs. Ar. and P.
V. (rare 6.

P.), V. Shameless : P. Isle, subs. See island.

and V. ai/<u&fo P. Islet, subs. P. v^crtSiov, TO,
Iso Jan

Isosceles, adj. P. wrocr/ccXifc (Plat.). JBreafc owi ; V. cpptoya/at (2nd per! .

Isolate, v. trans. P. i/nXoOv, P. and of pi^yvuVat) ; see ireafc owl Startf

V. eprjfJLOVv. Gut off: P. dbroXa//,- from : P. and V. op/jLao-Oaa (airo, gen.
Be isolated : P. and V. or e/c
gen.). Kozi? owi : P. and V.
Isolated, P. and Y.
adj. Isthmus, subs. P. and V. r0/>s, 6.
Alone: P. and V. /w>vos. Single, Shaped like an isthmus, adj. : P.
one : P. and V. els. 07&ers
perished in different parts of the Itch, subs. P. Kvi)0*i9, ^, V. #8ay/i6V,
city in isolated parties : P. 6. Mange : P. ^wpa, ^
(Plat.). Met.,
Se a\A.27 TI}S 7rdA.a>s (nropafirjv desire : P. and V. 6p/wJ, 17,
Xvi^o (ThUG. 2, 4). ^ ; see desire.
Isolation, subs. P. and V. Itch, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
Cause an itching : P. yapyoAifeo-0<u
Issue, subs. P. and V. o~v/i<opa, 17, (Plat.). Desire: P. and V. &ri-
TcAos, TO, T\wnq, rj, cpyov, TO. 6v/j.Lv see desire.
Result: P. TO cwro/Jaivov. Issues, Itinerant, adj. P. ^rAaj/^Tos see ;

risks : P. and V. dyc&v, 6. Herein w;awderiw^.

Ues a great issue : V. KW To>8* * ayu>i/ Ivory, subs. P. cAc^as, o. Of
/Acyitrros (Eur.,
Med. 235). Grave adj.: Ar. and P. kXe^a^rtv^
7 ""
is tffee crisis awd I see two issues : wift ivory, adj, : Ar.
V. ftcyas yap aya>j' /cat ^SAcTra) Suo
poTras (Eur., HeZ. 1090). Side Ivy, subs. P. and V. /cto-o-os, 6 (Plat.,
issue : P. and V. wapepyoi/, TO. Sym. 212s). O/ %, adj.: V.
PoiwJ isswe, subject in dispute : /ctWtvo?. Wreathing my head with
P. and V. ayow, 6. Come to an ivy : V. /cpaTa Kio-o-dio-as C/AOI/ (Eur.,
issue : P. and V. ay<m'e<r0ai (pass.), .
P. Kpta-Lv tyew. Shrewd in wishing
to join issue with the arguments :
V. o-uverbsx<&piv 6/xdo- Tots Adyocs
O&w (Eur., Or. 921). If any one Jack-daw, subs.
Ar. /toAWs, 6.

dares to join issue with the argu- Jaded, P. and V.

ment : P. eav Sc ye TIS . . . 6>ocre Be jaded, v. : P. and V.
TW Aoy<j) ToA/x^ te^ot (rare P.), ahrenrelv, ToXatTropctv, P.
(Plat., J?ej?.

610o). Giving out: use P. -rapa- OLTroKafwctv, Ar. and V. TeipccrOau, ;

Soo-ts, ^. Flowing out : P. and V. see weary.

aTroppo??, ^, P. e/cpo){, ^ (Plat.). Jagged, adj. P. and V. Tpa^s, V.
Offspring : subs. P. and V. CK-

yovos, or ^; see offspring. Die Jail, subs. P.

6, ScoTLMoriyptov, TO, tpy/M)?,
without male issue : P. cfcrat? TeAcvT&V 6 (Plat.), P. or pi. and V. elp/cn}, ^,
dpo-ej/o>v 7rat8o)v
(Andoo. 15). c jail : P. TO V. ,

Issue, v. trans. 6Wue out : P. and V. y/Los (rreyj, ^ ; see prison.

/c^>epetv. Jsswe orders : P. and Jailor, subs. P. and V. <v\o, 6 or
V. -rrapayyeAAav ; see order, v. ^, P. 6 TOT) ScorfWD-nyptoTj </>vA.o&
V, intrans. Happen: P. and V. Jamb, subs. Ar. and V. orratf/xo's, 6.
V. o-u/AjSotveiv, ytyi/(T0ai, o~u^ Jangle, subs, and v. intrans. See
xapamTnretv, Ttry^(3tvtv, V.
&C7TMTT61V, At. and P. i

Janitor, subs. P. and V. 0vp<upd$, 6,

.Beswta : P. and V. ^/3aw or ^ (Plat.), <ifAa 6, or oj, V.
P. a7ro/?cuvtv, V. TcAetv. iriiXcopos, 6, or ^.
P. and V. pxcr0ai, V. January, subs. P. ra/x^Xtcov, 6.
Jar Jes

P. and V. d^opeus, 6 Jealously, adv.

Jar, subs. <f>0ove- ,

" Oycl.) 9 Ar.and P. o>'a, Suspiciously
^, po>s. : P.
s> <>, dyyetov, TO', Ar. and V. [Jealousy, subs. P. and V. 'ovos,
- / / TT J ' T-k v * *. .

us, 17, ayyos, TO, V. KLTOS, TO, o, P. *

TO (also Xen. but rare P.),
:, Suspicion: P. and V. _... r ,
n, ol; see pitcher. Large Looked on with jealousy, adj.
ar P. and V. ?r$os, 6 (Eur., and V. 7n.'<0ovos.
OycL). Jar for wine: Ar. and
P. Jeer, SUbs. P. xA-euacrta, _ .

OTa//-VOS, 6, Ar. O-TCLJMLOV, TO. 6, Ar. and P. o~/co)/./Juz, TO, V.

/or o# or wirae : P. /cepa/uoi', TO. ,5, 17 ; see mockery.

Quarrel : P. and V. Siaqtopa, 17, Jeer, v. intrans. P. and V.
Ipis, T; ; see quarrel. Clash, noise : (Eur., OycZ. 675), Ar. and P.
P. and V. */ro<os, 6, JCT^O*, 6 (rare ^Xeuafctv, 7rto-/cowrTtv. Jfifir ai :

P.), Ar. and V. 6, V. Ar, and JP. O-KCOTTTCIV

(aoc.), T<>0aiv-
ctpay/ids, 6, apa,yp.a.ra, TO., $DO/AOS, 6. (acc.), ^Xeua^ctv (ace.), mo-/ca)7rTtv
Jar, v. intrans. Clash, be at vari- (ace.), V. Kcpro/wLv (ace.), Ar.
ance : P. Sia<jEo>ve<V (Plat), V. (dat.).
P. Jejune, adj. Meagre: P. and V.
and V. t/ro<lv, Ar. and V. little : P. and V.
(also Plat, but rare P.), or/*tKpos, oXifyos,
(Ar. in mid.). Cause offence P. Barren, fruitless : P. a/<ap7ros.
and V. n-XyfjL/jt.eX.ew. Jeopardise, v. trans JBisA, hazard :
Jargon, subs. Use P. and V. Ar. and P. 7rapa/3aAAenr0<u, V.
jrapapptWetv, wpojSaAActVj Trporeivctv ;

Jarring, adj. Discordant: P see risfc. Endanger : P. cts

JU.OOTTOS, dcrvjLw^GJvos. Met., P. and /ca^to-Tavat, Ar. and P.

V. -TrX^ficX^s. Opposed, contrary : (dat., or TTcof, gen.), V.
P. and V. cvavTdo?. jeopardised :
Jasper, subs. P tcunris, ^ P. /ctvSwtJo-^aL (pass.).
Jaundice, subs. P. wcrcpos, 6. Jeopardy, subs. P. and V. /a'vSiJvos,
Jaundiced, adj. Use diseased. 6 ;see danger. Be in jeopardy, v. :
Jaunty, adj. See gay. Ar. and P. /civSweuciv, V. ev pow^
Javelin, subs. P. and V. 5e\os, TO CTrtfctvSivcos I^ctv (Eur.,
(rare P.), iroAroV, (Xen. and
JSsch., Frag.), Ar. and P. oK6vriw, Jerk, v. trans. P^ZZ: P. and V.
TO, V. SKWV, 6. ^ear ; P. and V. IXfcctv. S/taAfi : P. and V. o-tv.

8opi3, TO', Ar. and V. Tighten P. and V. Tccvav, &TCIVCIV.

Aoy^y, 7), (Ar.),
V. at^ftTy, ^, //.eo-cfy/cvAx)!/, TO, jSeA.eju.vov, Jerk off (of a horse throwing a
TO'. TIwow the javelin, v.: P. and rider) P. and V. avaxamfetv.

V. &covTiett', P. cwraKOVTi'fetv. Jerkin, subs. P. and V. x^v, 6;

Javelin-man, subs. P. see %m'c.
6, V. SjcovTicrryp, 6. Jest, subs. Ar. and P. tr/coj/x/Aa, TO.
Jaw, subs. P. and V. 17, Y. Amusement : P. and V. iratSto,
yva^os, 6, Ar. and V. Laughter : P. and V. 6.
yafjL<j>ij\ai, at. m j'es^ ; P. and V.
Jaw-bone, subs. P. o-tayoiv,
(Plat.). Jest, v. intrans. P. and V.
Jealous, adj. P. and V. .
(Eur., Cycl. 675), Ar. and P.

, Ar. r.
Suspicious: OTOOTTTCIV, \a.piVTie<rQa,i, P.
P. and V. UTTOTTTOS. jealous of, iraLfav. Sport : P. and V.
v. : see envy. Jester, subs. P. and V. yeXom>7rotos, 6.
Jes Joi

Jestingly, adv. Use P. (Xen.), V.

Jet, subs. Strewn : P. and V. see ?arry. HoZ^ together : P. and

^ pcvpa, TO, V. X fy- a T0 V. Joiw. battle (with) : P.

17; seejflow and V. cts x a 5 ^px^OaL (dat.),
Jet-black, adj. Use o-uju.j3aAAeiv (dat.), V. i*&xnv WIL-
Jetsam, subs. Use V. j8oXA./ (dat.), p-&xyv cnJvd.frreLv

Jetty, subs. P. x7?^ (dat.), t? ayoiva OTJa-Trwrrctv (dat.),

Jewel, subs. Ar. and P. Ai0os, 6, or Ar. and V.
crwtVrao^at (dat.) see ;

P. At&'oW, TO see Plat., ; engage. Join issue with : see under
Phaedo llOo and B for reference to ^ss^{ e.
/ Associate oneself with : P.
jewels. Met., precious possession : and V. Join
P. and V. KT^a. Ornament, glory : as ally P. wpocrxwpetv (dat.), faXa

P. and V. o-xfifjia., TO, V. TTpoo-x-Jj/jux, QivQaLi /jiera (gen.) ; see with. Me

TO, &yaA./Aa, TO. Darling : V. <a>s, Meet: P. and V, arwavraLv (dat.)
TO, 0d\)S, TO. (Xen. also Ar.); see meet. Of
Jewel, v. trans. P. and V. TTOIKL\.\W ; detachments joining a main body :
see adorn. P. cru/ijuiyvwat (dat.), OTj/x/uVyciv
Jewelled, adj. P. and V. irouaAos, (dat.), 7rpo<ri*.<.yvvva,i (dat.). From
V. oWSaAos. Leucas Cnemus and his ships Jrom
Jib, v. intrans. Be restive : P. and that quarter, which were to haw
Y. orjoprav (Plat.). joined tJiese, only reached CylleTie
Jibe, subs. See giVe. after the battle at Stratus : P. <wrd
Jingle, subs. P. and V. K/DOTOS, 6; Aeu/caSos KVTJ/AOS Kat al Kt^v v^cs,
see rattle. as I8i, Tavrats (TVjJL}JLiai, d^tKi/owraL
Jingle, v. intrans. V. /cA.div; see V STpCLTO) p>Q.Xt) V C ^ S ^^
rattle. V. intrans.
uc. 2, 84).

Job, subs. P. and V. Ipyov, TO', 7rpay//,a, together : P. and V.

TO, P. epyaoTLa, y -Trpay/jumia, ^
t Xo-0ai. Jom m, iafee part in :
flfp ,/o6
: P. vapourKwj t -fj.
and V. perakafL/Sdvew (gen.), /iTXtv
Jobbery, subs. See intrigue. (gen.), /coivwvctv (gen.) ;
see share.
Jocose, adj. Ar. and P. Join in doing a thing : in com-
Jocosely, adv. P. ftera pounds use P. and V. o-w. Join in
Jocular, adj. Ar. and P scwwig : P. and Y. owo-a>iv. It is
wine to join not in hating but in
Jocularity, subs. P. and V. loving V. O#TOL o-uv^civ dAAa

Laughter : P. and V. 6. o-u/A^tAciv I^>w (Soph., Ant. 523).

Jest : Ar. and P. o-Kw/^a, TO, Ji w miwe to join wise mea- m
Jocund, adj. Making happy: Y. sures, not insme : Y. oTJo-<rc0</oovtv
d5^>po)v, P. and Y. TjStfs. Pleasmt : yap o^xt wwocrelv e<^w (Eur., J. Ji.
P. and V. ^Sfe, Tepuros. 5ngr/t 407) Join with, ally oneself with :

P. and V. <<u8pds, V Ar. and P. oSWoTao-0ai //.era (gen.) ;

atSpo)7ro9, V7rpoo-<07ros (also see 5^ with.

Xen.). Joiner, subs. P, and Y. TCKTCDV, 6.
v. trans. Shake: P. and V, Joinery, subs. P.
Jog, -7

<retW. J0(7 (ifee wemory)

use P :

and V. irap&KaXew, cyetpeiv Joint, adj. P. and Y. KOIVO'S, V. ^v

v. intrans.: Ar. and P KOIVWVO'? (Bur., 1. T. 1173).
Joint, subs. Joint of the limbs : P. and
Join, v. trans, Drate : P. and V V. aipOpov, TO (Plat.). Place where
<n3va7TTiv, avvapfiojctv, oruvSccv, V, things join : P. and Y. o-v/^oA.^ %>
<ri3vaprav. Jw marnage : P. and V V. dpfws, 6. Put out* of jomt, v.
Joi Joy

trans. : Ar. CKKOKKL&IV. Out of (absol.), P. T\LV (absol.). Be

joint, adj. : use P. 8io-Tpa/i,/4G>os ; absent on a journey : Ar. and P.
Met., use diseased. aTrooijiAGLV, P. and V. lKOV)fjiLV.
P. and V. Kowfj, Journey, v. intrans. P. and V,
Jointly, adv.
Tro. 696), ^^77. ^Zfe, at the same Tropetvj o-T'XAeo~0ai see go, travel. ;

time : P. and V. 3//.0, 6/xoi5. Journey through : P. SuouropeuecrQai

Joke, subs. Ar. and P. OKO/A/ML, TO, (ace.). Journey with (another) : P.
yeXoiov, TO. Laughter : P. and V. and V. (rvfjaropeveo'Oa.i (absol. or
>5, o. S/W7' : P. and V. irat&a, dat.).
Speifc 471 joke : P. and V. Journey money, subs. Ar. and P.
I c^oStoi/, TO, or pi.
Joke, v. intrans. P. and V. a-Kwirrtw Joust, subs. See tournament.
(Bur., CycL 675), Ar. and P. ri- Joust, v. intrans. See contend.
o*K(o7TTtv, '%apiVTi&o'6a.L,
P. ir/ooor- Jovial, adj. P. and V. <iA.o'<pcov
Trot^ti/. Sj90ri : P. and V. (X.en,), d>tA.ctvvp(07ros.
Joker, subs. P. and V. Joviality, subs. P. <f>iXo<t>pocruvri, 17,


Joking, adj. Sportive : Ar. and P. Jovially, adv. P. and Y.

(Plat.), P. <iAav#powro>s.
Jokingly, adv. Use P. pera -

Joy, subs. P. and Y. -Sov>7, i

Jollity, subs. Revelry : P. and Y. 17,x^P^> ^7? X^A010?* ^ (Plat., Phil.

KO>/JU>?, 6. Joy : P. and V. x^P^> ty 43o, but rare P.), V. T<^-
ffSoirq, ^, Tcpi/rts, rj

see joy. Cheer- Tears of joy : V. ycy^^os SaKpvov
fulness : P. and Y. eu0u/u'a, ^ (Sopb., JBt 1231). Cheerfulness :
(Xen.). (rood cfceer ; Ar. and P. ]?. and V. v6vp.Ca. ^ (Xen.). t

euft>x*- ^7
P cvarafleia, 77. Laughter :
Happiness P. and V, cvTrpo^wt, ^,

P. and V. yeXcos, 6. Ar. and P. evriJxto-, ^ P. cv8a.ip.ovLa,

Jolly, ad]. Cheerful : P. eutfv/io?, Ar. ^ V. oXjSos, 6 (also Xen. but rare
and P. [Xapo? (Xen.). Making P.), V<rro, 17 see also joy.
cheerful, v. : V. ev<pa>v. JEKgrfo- a person joy (of) : Ar. and P.
s^niecZ, gay: Ar. and P. vcdi/wcds. v (TLVQ. TIVOS), P. and Y.
Delighted9 pleased : P. and Y. ?repL- !> (rwd
Ttvos), Ar. and Y.
ifrfc (Plat.). Tivd. Have one's joy of:
Jolt, v. trans. Shake : P. and V. Ar. and V. 6Vao-0<u (1st aor. mid.
of ovivdvai) (gen.), P. and Y. &ro-
Jostle, v. trans. Ar. Xavctv (gen.). Object of malicious
P. and V. <&0V,
w^etv, -rpo5yStav IXauvav, P. Treptca^etv.
cAaiW, V. ^ joy: V. irtxapfjLa t TO, or use adj.,

Jostling, subs. P. <u0iayfe, 6. Joy, v. intrans. See rejoice. Joy

Jot, subs. Use P. omy/7, ^, o-icia, ^. in. P. and Y. ^o-flat
(dat.), vatpew
JNbi a ;ot : Ar. and P. ofiS* OT>W. (dat. or rf, dat.), Tpro-0<u (dat.),

Journey, subs. P. and V. 6805, 17, cv<l>p(uv<r6ai (dat.), ayoAAco-^at (dat.)

TTopcta, 17, V. Tropos, 6 (rare P.), Ar. (rare P.). (?Zoa over ; P. and Y,
and V. oroAos, o (rare P.), /ccA^os, yeyvjOcvai rjf
(dat.) (Dem. 332, but
^. Journey up country : P. 5i-o8os, rare P.), eirlxaipcw (dat.).
(Xen.). Joyful, adj. P. and V. ^8v?, Treptxap^s

17 (Xen.), ^cC/tocris,
Absence on a journey : P. and V. it.), yeyyQfa (Dem. but rare P.).
e/c8?7/ua, ^, P. faroSirjfua, y. Complete looks: P. and Y. <<uSpos, V.
one's journey, v. P. and V. :
Trpos, <^atSpo)7r^5, cuirpooranro? (also
(absol.), V. Xen. but rare P.). Cheerful : P.
Joy Jul

ev6vij.os, Ar.
and P. iAapos (Xen.). Judgment, subs. Trial P. and V. :

Making glad: V. dJ<pa>v. Welcome: Kp&ns, 17, aycSv, 6, 81)07, 4- Decision :

P. and V. ^Stfs, dpco-ros, V. P. and V. Kpftrts, 17, P. Stayvcoort?, ^,
Happy : P. and V. CVTV^ y\.
In an arbitration : P.
Ar. and V. /ia/cap, ^. Condemnation P. .

V. cuaicw. 17.
Power o/ judging, r,

Joyfully, adv. Cheerfully : P. and discernment : P. and V. 8wyj/a>o-ts,

V. cWiJ/xcos (Xen.), ^8eo)s, P. iA.apo>s 19. Discretion, prudence P. and :

(Xen.). Happily : P. and V. evrii-

X&S, u8ai/j.ova>?, fia/capi<i>$. Readily, TO oTJi/erov; see prudence.
willingly,: P. and V. 778" / of judgment : P. yWi/jwfs afLdpmjfjM,

or use adj., P. and V. do-^ti/os, TO'

(Thuo. 2, 65). Opinion : P. and
in agreement with subject. V. 8oa, 17, yv&jMi, *) ;
see opinion.
Joyless, adj. P. and V. In my judgment : V. or
Iv y' Iftoi,

(rare P.) see unhappy.

De- simply P. and V. l/iot. TF7w>50 o/
spondent : P. and V. Mvpa? (Xen.), men trusts a slave in our
stands arraigned of great folly : V.
Joylessly, adv. Despondently: P. OOTIS Sfi SouXo) d)0)Tt 7TtOTVt ^p<
aOvfJius (Xen.), Svo^ujLwos (Plat.) ; Trap ^tv /xcoptav
see also unhappily. (Bur., Frag.)
Joylessness, subs. Despondency: Judgment hall, subs. Ar. and P.
P. and V. aOvpta, 8w0i3/ua, 17. StKaOTlJplOV, TO.
Misery : P. raXcu7ra>/xa, ^, /ca/co7rd0a, Judicial, adj. Ar. and P.
* Judicially, adv. P.
Joyous, adj. See joyful. Judicious, adj. Of persons: P. and
Joyously, adv. See joyfully.
Joyousness, subs. See joy. Ar. and P. ^poVfytos. Of things :
J ubi lant, adj See joyful.
. P. and V. /Lt^>pQ)V, OXO^pCDV, Ar. and
Jubilation, subs. See joy. P. <J>p6vifjios,

Judge, subs. One who tries a case :

Judiciously, adv. P. and V.
P. and V. fcpiTifc, 6, SiKocmJs, 6. Ax, and P. ^povt^cos, V.
Arbitrator, subs.: P. 81017177175, 6,

/xcoros Suecwmfc, 6, einyv<bfjL<av, 6, Judiciousness, subs. P. and V.

/JpajSomfc, 6, P. and V, /Jpa/iJofe, 6 eu^ovXta, ^, TO o-co<pov, Ar. and P.
(Plat.), SioAAa'onJs, 6, Y. SiaAAaicTiJp, o-o)^poeri5vT7, 17 ; see ^rwdJewce.
Umpire (yn a race, ete.) : P. Jug, subs. Ar. and P.
and V. fipafieus, 6 (Plat.). A good X^/ciJ^iov, T6 ; see also /or.
judge of: use P. and V. yvw/*.cov, 6 Juggle, v. intrans. P. yo^r
(gen.), or use adj., P. and V. !/wripos Juggler, subs. P. and V. yo'^s, 6,
ftoyoff, 6, P. OavfjwroTTOLos, 6, Ar.
Judge, v. trans. Try m
court : P. <j>fva
6. t

and V. Kpfcav (aco. of person or Jugglery, subs. P. yo^Tcta, /layyavcta,

thing), Suc<etv (aoo. of thing, dat. ^, QavfJiaTOTroLia,, f), Ar. arid P. <eva-
of person). Decide: P. and V.
xpfk/etv, Siaipetv, ytyvoio'icctv, Si&yiy- Juice, subs.
Ar. and P. xy\6s, 6, P.
vcucr/cetv, Ar. and JP. <

Xiao's, 6, Ar, and P. oV^s, 6, or use

Form an opinion: P. Ar. and V. Spoo-os, 17, P. and V.
and V. 8oaei.v. Judge of : TToroV, r6. Moisture : P. and V.
P. and V. TK/xa/po-0at (aoo.).
f) (Plat,
and ^Ssoh., Frag.).
P. and V. Juicy, adj. P. cy^u/xos.
(dat.). July, subs. P. ^Karo/^euoiv, 6.

465 30
Jum Jus

Jumble, subs.
Confusion : P. Jury, subs. P. and V.
TapaLxrjf fy arafia, In a jumble :
f}. ot. Gentlemen of the jury: P.
use adv., P. and V. <f>vpSyv (Xen.), ai/Spes SiJcaoTcu. Citizens liable to
P. xfap. serve as a jury : Ar. and P. ^Xtoorat,
Jumble, v. trans. P. and V. ot. Seru<3 ow a /w^, v. Ar. and :

<t>j P iv
(Plat.), KVKW (Plat.), Ar. and P. 8UC(LV.
P. a-vyKVKav* Jumble up together : Just, adj. P. and V. S&mos-,
P. av(t> Kal Kara BuiKVKav (Dem. ro-os,

263). V. Trai/Sifcos, tfjrcp-

Jumbled, adj. Use P, and V. P. and V.

o-u/x/ttKTOs, o^ui/uyijs (Plat.), /uycls oo*tos. Deserved : P. and Y.
Jump, v. intrans. P. and V. V.
(Plat.), 5Ur0cu (Plat.),
e Just, adv. Exactly: P. and V.
(Plat.), 0-icipTav (Plat.), V. 0pa>ovcv, /jioXtoTo, Ar. and P.
cK9pwrKiv. Jump aside: P. <w Z aw; P. and
TrqSav (Plat.). Jwnp down : P. Just as I was : P. and V. &cnrcp
KarctTnySai/ (Xen.). Jump off: Ar. P. and V.
and V. a^oAAeo-Au (l/c, gen.). P. and
oft : P. and V. &/aAAeo-0ai (dat. or V. vw, otprt, veoi^, vcocrrf, opTtcos
ts, ace. or absol.), Ar. and P. rt- (Dem. 463 and 737, also Plat.), Ar,
av @at.), V. (dat.) and P. eva-yxos, V. apjuwt. Tb be
just doing a thing : P. and V.

(gen. /imp P. and V. rvyxdvew TTOI&V n. To be just about

(Plat.), V. to : P. and V. /jieUetv (infin.). 4
Jump over: Ar. (aco.), war /zts^ about to begin : P.
Ar. and P. (aoo. or absol.), ou
V. (aco. or gen.). Justice, subs. P. and V. TO
Jump up : Ar. and P. ^/its, ^ (rare P.), P. Sueaioo-wi;, ^,
Jump, Subs. V. jnJSq/ta, TO, V. TO /MtSwceZv, To^vSticov (Eur,,
TO (also Plat, but rare P.), ^Vagr.). Justice personified : V.
TO, OTCCpTT^ta, TO. At/a;, ^. Legal justice : P. and V.
Junction, subs. Where two things 8^07, ^. Equity : P. ^TrieiWa, ^,
join : V. dp/Ao's, 6. Junction 0] V. Toi7r4uce9. Ow grounds ofjustice :
roads : P. and V. a-upfioXy, t P. and V. KOT& 8tio7i/ ; see justly.
Coming together : P. cruvoSo?, * Bring to justice : P. ts SiKeurrrjpiov
JPor w a junction with : see /ow. ciyciv, V. irpos TT^V 86c77v 2ytv. Do
Juncture, subs. See emergency. justice ade- to (met., describe
June, Subs. P. Srapo^opicov, 6. quately) : P. <iKVr0ai (gen.), TW
Junior, adj. P. and V. vewTcpos. Be Xoy<p <^tKveto-<9ot (gen). Hove
junior v. V. vcof iv.
t :
justice done to one get one's deserts : t

Junketing, subs. See merry-making. P. and V. 3wx -jrao-xv, V. Tuy^CLvetv

Jurisdiction, subs. Authority: P. Ar. T)}S
and V. Kupos, TO, e'fowrio, 17. I%0
case falls under the jurisdiction of Justifiable,' adj. P. crvyywfytw, Ar.
the court : P. ewrayoiyt/tos Icrnv 17 and V. oijyyi/toffTos.
&'^ (Dem. 939). adv. See justly.
J urisprudence, subs. Laws : P. Justification, subs. P. St/ccuco/ia, TO,
and V. VO/MU, ou Enoioledge of SiKattocrts, 17. Excuse ; P. dTroXoyta,
law : use P. and V. vo>a>v c^ctpta, 17. 17,
P. and V. -Trpo^curts, 17.
Jurist, subs. Use adj., Ar. and P. Justify, v. trans. Defend an action :
Sucavuco?, 6. P. aaroXayeLO-Oai irepi (gen.). Justify
Jus Kee

a person : P. and V. V. iriKponq?, ^. Sharpness of senses

&rp (gen.) (Eur., Bacch. 41); see or intellect : P. 0^7^775, ^. Eager-
defend. Begum, demand : P. and ness : P. and V. orrovSiJ,
V. 8&rAu (gen.). Justify oneself :
Ar. and P. &n>Xovur0<u. Be justified Keen-scented, adj. Of a dog: V.
" '

(in doing
a thing) : P. and V. eups.
ivat (infin.). Give an excuse for : Keep, v. trans. Preserve, retain :
P. irp6<f>a<rw SiSoi/ai (with infin.), P. and V. croif tv, <T$A.a<r<reiv.
irpofacrtv \iv (with infin.). P. and V. xv, Ar. and V.
adv. P. and V. SWeos, (rare P.), Protect : P. and V.
v8lJC<DS, Op0COS, P. 1(70)5, eTTlClKOJS, At. ^iJXao-crcn/, <povpetv, V. /c^,
and V. ^v 8%
V.^Sfco?, Trp^s Sfcc^s, pfaa-Oai, Ar. and P. T^perv ; see
<ruv Sito;, OVK. Jtvev Sticks. On grounds guard. Observe, maintam : P. and
of justice : P. and V. xari Si&ajv v, </>v\a(r<riv9 Sta^vXao'O'Ci.v,

(Thuc.7,57). Reasonably: P. and Prevent : P. and V. .

V. i/coTo>s. Deservedly : P. and V.

di>9, V. 7raia>$, KaTa&W yetv ; see prevent. Detavn : P. and
ceeding jwtly : V. wavSif/ews, V. /carxv, Ar. and V.
(rare P.), V. etrCaycw (rare
Justness, subs. P. and V. TO P.), epTjrticiv ; see cfocfc. Support
Jut, v. intrans. P. and V. (with food, etc.) P. and V. rpc^etv,

Ar. and P. c^xew/, P. virep- ^d<7/ctv (Thuo. but rare P.), V.

TlWl>. <epiv. Keeping Sicily on the left :
Juvenile, adj. See youthful. P. cv Scfta Aa)5orTs T^V SwccXwxv
(Thuo. 7, 1). Sieep (^^ce, efcj.) :
P. and V. ftytw. Keep (a festival,
K etc.) : P. and V. #yv. Keep
qwet : P. and V. ijo-ux^fciv, Ar. and
Keel, subs. Ar. and V. Tpcwnfc, % P. T7<nJxwtv Syciv, V. 4or^x>5 cxctv.
(Eur ,
Hel. 411). V. intrans. JEeep (dozwgf a thing),
Keen, adj. Stinging: P. and V. contwwe : P. StarcXciv (part.),
in/epos, Ar. and P. 8pr/ws. S&arp $ia/j,cmv (part, or infin.), Siaytyv<r0<u
(o/ OTI edge, etc.) : P. and V. TO/XOS (part.), P. and V. icaprepctv (part.).
(Plat.), Ar. and V. o&crro/ws, 8i)Kr6$, Ybw fceep nonsense : P.
^>Xvaps Ix^v G-org. 490B.
(Plat., ;

Bitter : P. and V . vucpfc. Of sight : cf. Ar., Ban. 202). Bemoan : P.

Ar. and P. oife. Be keen-sighted, and V. jtuWv ; see remain. Keep
v. : Ar. and P. ou ^Xercev. Clever, well or tfZ : P. and Y. v or KOK&S
quick : JP. and V. Spl/^vs, Ar. and P Zxcw. Keep back, v. trans. : see
er : P. and V. 7rpo0v/>s, hide, reserve, check. Shall I tell

(Soph., jflrof.). you openly what happened there

(ruyrovos; see eager. Be or keep back the tale : V. irtrepd
keen eager,
v. : P. and V. ^>paoro) ra KCC^CV 7) Xoyov
(Bur., Bacch. 668).
Keenly, adv. Bitterly : P. and V. down: P. and V. Kfatyew.
cpco S. Of sight: P. 6&W Subdue : P. and V. xaToorpe^co^at,
Eagerly : P. and V. Xtpoi)or6/at. Zeep /row, refrain
from P. and V. aTrtxco-Otu (gen.),

rdvcog. Keenly contested (of &<l>LcrrcurO(u (gen.) ; see refrain.

P. jcaprepos.
battle) :
Keep m mind : P. and V. o-oif v (or
Keenness, subs. Bitterness : P. and 1.), <^vXaororetv (or mid.) ; see
Kee Kil

remember. Keep in the dark : P. Keg, subs. See

V. KpVTTTCtV (TWO. Tt), P. Eange of vision : P.
CWTO- Ken, subs.
rccrtfaL (rtvd rt). We are keeping P. and Y. oif/i$y ^.
'?ro^'ts, *^,

him in the dark touching this Kennel, subs. Use Y. ora^os, 6,

matter : "V. crty?} rovff v^cupov^crdd. onj/co5, 6, aftXiov, TO (also Xen.J.
vtv (Eur., El. 271). Keep off, v. Kerchief^ subs. Headdress : Ar. and
trans. : P. and V. &TCXCIV, P. jurpa, fj ; see handkerchief.
Ar. and P. farapdveiv ; see Kernel, subs. Stone of fruit : P.
off. Hard to keep off, adj. V. Trup^v, 6 (Hdt.).
: Met., chief point :
Eefrain from : P. P. K<f>d\aiov, TO.
and V. crx<r0<u (gen.). J&ap ow, Kettle, subs. Use P. and Y. Xc/fy?, o,
v. intrans. : P. and V. Kaprcpciv, P. P. ^oAxctov, TO, Ar. and P.
ios : P. and V. TO, Ar. xaXKiov, TO, V.
irapoipevctv, avre^ety, P. Kettle drum, subs. See
(?o forward : P. and V. Key, subs. P. and V.
with three teeth : Ar
Be prolonged: P. and Y.
<70<u, V. xpovi'&tv.Keep out : see (Thesm. 421). Met., see interpre-
keep off. Keep out (rain, water or tation. Seeing that the place
missiles) : P. and Y. ore/civ (ace.). was the key of Sicily: P. opwKrcs
jrpo<rj3okrjv ej(ov TO ^(optov TT^S

c/i/jtemv (dat ). They kept more to

SuceXtas (Thuo. 4, 1).
the sea : P. rijs ftxXoxrorys yzoAAov Kick, v. trans, and absol. P. and V.
dvrcivovTo (Thuo. 1, 13). He would Xa.KT%iv. Kick against: V. Aa/cufciv,
both have kept to the law and shown irpos (ace.), Ar. AvT&o/mfcii/ (dat.).
his piety : Y. mi rov vofwv r av Met., P. fuyo/i;(6tv, Trcpt (gen.).
L)(T cucrc/frjs r av fy (Eur., Or. Kick against the pricks : V. -n-pos
503). Keep together, v. trans. : P. Kvrpa XaKT&iv (.SBsch., Ag. 1624),
and Y. crwcx&v- Keep under : see
keep down. Keep up, maintain : P. 7. 323).
P. and Y. o-ufccv, <j>v\do-<rw Sot- Kid, subs. Y. Ipt^os, 6 (Homer).

o-G>fv ; see maintain. Keep up Flesh of kids: P. fcpe'a

one's spirits: P. and V. Oapcrw, (Xen.).
vpCMFUVCOvQl, Y. VuVU,LV (EUT.j Kidnap, v. trans. P. and Y. j

Cycl.), Qapcrovcw. Keep up (an-

other's) spirits : see encourage. (or mid.).
Keep up (a "noise, shouting, etc.) : P. Ar. and P. dvopo-
Kidnapper, subs.
and (dat.). Keep up,
v. intrans. ; P. and Y. Kidnapping, subs. P. and Y.
Keep : P.andV. , P. dv8pa7ro8r/i,(5s, 6.

(dat.), Kidneys, subs.

(dat.), Ar. and P.
V. fyaprv (dat.). ot.
Kidney disease : P. voo-os
Keep, subs. Maintenance: P. and v<jfptTis, ^ (Thuc. 7, 15).
V. Tpo<f>yj, T}, Ar. and P. 0-^0-15, 17. Kill, v. trans. P. and Y. Sn-ojcrftVetv,
o/ a cas^e: use P. and V. <oveiW, avoXwr/cftv, avaXovv, efavd-
s, 6. Kara-
(frOeipeiVj SiaipQcLpcw,
Keeper, subs. P. and V. , 6, or ^. (Plat, but rare P.),
Keeping, subs. Custody P. and
V. </>ia&oJ, ^ StoXXifvai, Ar. and V.
Keepsake, subs. V. TO, (also Plat, but rare P.), V.
or pi.
Kil Kin

Swwrpcwrcreiv, c/CTTpacro-ew, v, P. and V. 0p/*atv/, Ar.

and V. fwTrupeii/, ^oXwciv see excite. ;

Kolvew (also. Xen ), Arouse : P. and V. fcZvetv, eyctpetv,
ei-v, voor^fom (1st aor. V. eatv, 6vi;vai J 866
aipeiv (Eur., Hec. 886), Ar, arouse.
an P. $7roo"$o6', P. a-n-OKrivvvvai, V. avTiXa/xTTctv (absol.).
see destroy. Killed: Kindliness, subs. See kindness.
see ifead, fatten. Be killed : Ar. Kindly, adv. Gently: P. and V.
and P. airoOvyo-Kew, V. ^njcr/cctv (rare ^TTOOS, 7rpoo-<EU)S (Plat.), P. wpao>5,
Ar.) see die. Kill in retwrn : P. <J!>i\av0pwira)s. In a friendly way :
and V. avTouroKreLvew, V. avTava- P. evvo'i-K&s, <f>iXtKu>s, Ar. and P.
Help in kilting : V. P. and V. ev[jLv&<s, <f>l\.o- ,

(Plat.), V. eu^povcos, 0)fA.o)s

others V. o-u/A^oveiW (aoo.
(alsoXen. but rare P.), Trpcv/Afivfis.
and dat.). Be "killed with others : Think kindty of, v. P. and V. :

V. o-uox^aTjvcu (dat.) (2nd aor. pass. cuvocZv (dat.). With imperatives,

etc, kindly (tell me): P. and V.
Killer, subs. See murderer. et Sofcct
Killing, adj. P. and V. Kindly, adj. See kind, generous.
Murderous : see Tmwderows. Met. ; Kindness, subs. Gentleness : P.
see winning.
Kiln, subs. Kiln for bricks : Ar. ^, V. -Trpcv/^weta, ^ ; see
TrXivOelov, TO. Consideration : P.
Kin, adj. See kindred. Good-will : P. and V. 17,

Kin, subs. See kindred, kinship. vjjLVia, f) P. <i\o$poo"uvi7


Be next of km, v. P. dyxrruiv. : aci, favour: P. and V.

Kind, subs. P. and V. ycW, TO, Ipavos, 6, P. euepyo*ta, ^, cucpyeny/ia,
etSos, TO, tSc'a, 17. Manner : P. and TO see service, benefaction. Confer

V. Tp&ros, 6, V. pu0/*os, 6. Nature : a kindness on, v. P. and V. :

P. and V. ^o-k, -%. In logical VpyT/ (ace.), V. x4p'v &rovpye6v

sense P. ycvos, TO.
O/ aZZ kinds 9
adj. : P. and V. iravrolo^ Ax. and P.
(dat.), x
rtOeo-Bai (dat,), P.
^ StSoVat
x^ SpSv
TravToScnro's. O/ oifeer fci?wis : P. Ar. and V. x"P*-v ve/iv (dat.) ;
aAAoTos. O/ 5t4c7t a kind : P. and .

V. TofovTos, Totdo'Sc, P. TotovrOTpoiros Kindred, adj. ;

P. and V.
see such. Of what kind
? P. and OL/CIO?, ^vayicatos, Trpoo-ijicwv, V.
V. TTotbs; indirect: P. and V. otos, o-vyyovos, cyycvijs, ycve^Axos, S/ioycnys
O7TO609. (also Plat, but rare P.), o^erwopos,
Kind, adj. P. and V. OTiWlflO?, O/JUU/M)?, SjULOLfLCOV. Of
nations : P. and V. o/w^uXos.
V. TrpcvfAwifc, Ar. and V. Murder of kindred : P. e^vXiov
o? ; see gentle. Considerate : alfM. (Plat.), V. l/w^TJXov at/Ad, al/xa
P. cvyvw/xw. Friendly : P. and V. KOIVOV, al/t yeve^Xtov, avtfa/r^s ^dvos,
dWvs, v/^M7?, <^fXto5, Ar. and V. Murdering kindred, adj. : V.
dtypcov, 7rpo</>pcuv, <^fA.o$; see friendly. awoxetp. Met., of things : P. and
Kindle, v. trans. P. and V. cruyycvT^, cBcX^d?, wpocr^Kcov, P.
avaTrrety, ^aTTTetv, fcuctv, V.
avaL0iv, VTraiQew, Satctv, Kindred, subs. Use adj. 'Ms a,
v, ava/cactv (Eur., Greek custom ever to honour one's
Met., Ar. and P. kindred : V. "EAA^w/coV TOI rov
P. Siaflep/AaiWiv, V.
(Plat.), av det (Eur., O. 486).
Kin Kni

King, subs, P. and V. Knack, subs. 4r, sfciZZ ; P. and V.

Ar. and V. &/a, 6, Koipavos, o, Y. , 17.
Cleverness : Ar. and P.
p, 6, KtJpios, 6 ; see also chief.
Tyrant : P. and V. Tvpawos, 6, Knapsack, subs. Ar. mjpo, ^.
St o, ScoTronys, 6. .Be Knave, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
o/, v. : P. and V. /Sao-Oeuctv (gen.), KOLfcotJpyos, iravovpyos, Y. Xccopyos,
(gen.), dpxctv (gen.) ; see T-avrovpyos, Ar. and V. TrtTptirTos ;
see also cheat, rascal, rogue.
Kingdom, subs. P. and V. Servant : P. and Y. vm^pe'T^s, 6.
King-fisher, subs* Ar. Play the knave,v. P. and Y.

Kingly, adj. Royal : P. and V. sravovpyetv.

s, j8acr]?A.eios (Thuc. Knavery, subs. P. and Y.
1, 132), TVpavvwcos, V. Tifpavvos. P. Koxovpyta, .
Jfy to r^Ze : P. aiKos.
Dignified : Knavish, adj. P. and V.
P. and V, os, wavovpyos, ^TrtrptTrros, Y.
Kingship, subs. Ar. and P. Aewpyos, Travroupyos.
, P. and V. Knavishly, adv. Ar. and P.
(rare P.). Ewte : P. and Y. ya>s,
P. and Y. JCCLKO>S.

, Kparos, TO. Despotism : P. and Knead, v. trans. P. and Y.

Y. Tvpawfe, ^ ; see throne. (Soph., Frag.), p.6crcriv
Kinsfolk, subs. P. and V. ol avay- (Thuc., Plat, and Soph. , Frag.). Be
see kindred.
Kolot, ot 7rpooT7/eoi/Ts
; kneaded : Ar. crvfjuTrXdo-vecrOai (Pax.
Kinship, subs. Relationship : P. and 869).
Y. orryyeWo, ^, TO cruyyo/es, P. Knee, subs. P. and Y. yovi;, TO.
Kinship between Fall on one's knees, v. P. and V. :

nations : Y. tfofyutyuAov ; see irpoo-*tt5vtv.

Bend the knee : Y.
relationship. Kinship by marriage :
Ka/jwTTiv yoVu, or use fedt/wrretv alone.
P. and V. /cjjSos, TO, They bowed their knees to earth in
weariness : Y. s 8c yi}v yow *ca/JiaTa)
Kinsman, subs. Use kindred. (Eur., J. T. 332). Bring
Kinsman by marriage : P. and V. (an enemy) y) to his knees : P. and V.
/oySecmfc, 6, V. ya^pds, 6, /ojSevju.a, (ace.). J?aZZ ai a
TO', Ar. and V. /c^oV""', 6. person's knees : P. and Y. Trpoo--
Kinswoman, subs. Use kmdred. /djvetv (Ttvct), P. Trwrrcti/ wpos TO,
Kinswoman by marriage : V. yovard (TWOS), V. yoVao-t Trpoo"-
KTlSefJLUH', 77. 7rwrrtv (rtvos), irpooTTHrrctv yova;
Kiss, subs. P. and V. ^A.q/Aa, TO' (Ttvos), d/x,^t yoVu wtirrctv (TIVOS),
(Xen.). Ar. and Y. 7rpooTrtTi/tv yoviJ (TIVOS) ,
Kiss, v. trans. P. V.and V.
wpoo-7TTTti> (TIV( or Tti/t) (also Xen.
6T8oVai (dat.), Ar. and V. but rare P.).
Kissing his tips : V. d/^t- Kneel, v. intrans. P. and Y. Trpoo--
orojoop-t (Soph.,
Trach. 938). KVVCIV. Kneeling on the ground:
fciss wy sisier; Y. ov Y. xaOelcra ^rpos yalcus yoVu (Eur.,
OTO/WL ow^/ra (Eur., Hec. 561). JE^^Z to : P. and Y.
J. 57.
374)* wpocr/cwtv (acc.), Ar. and V. Trpoo--
Kit, subs. P. and V. o-*^, ^ irwrrctv (aoc. or dat.) ; Beefall at a
Kitchen, subs. Ar. oirrdviov, r6. person's knees, under knee.
Kite, subs. P. and V. fccwos, 6 Knell, subs. Use Y. 0av<3to-t/>s
(Soph., Frag.) see hawk. ; 6.
Kith and kin, subs. P. Mid V. Knife, subs. P. and Y. ^x^P ^ ?
ot k, y (Xen. also Ar.). Knife for
Kni Kno
leather work : P. ro^efe, 6. Knife Knot, subs. P. and V.
for pruning or carving : AT. and P. (Plat.). Met., difficulty : P. and
oytfti7, 17. Sacrificial knife: V. V. ^TTopca, 17. JjT yott ^we /t^re not
o-<ayfe, 17, cr<ayvs, 6.
Dagger: to tighten but to Kelp loose the knot :
Ar. and P. ^tSiov, TO, P. cy^optStov, V. et jLt^ arwaAJMv dAXa o-uAAwcw
TO, P.and V. jjaxaipa, fj. war to wapet (Soph., ^;. 1317). Knot of
the knife : P. and V. TTO^/AOS people: P. and V. o-vorowns, 17,
&T7rov8os, 6, P. TrdXc/AOs oKiypvKros, 6. o-uAAoyos, 6. Gather in knots : P.
/ ^s rao Zi&e a twe physician to Kara o-uorao-cts
yiyvccrflat (Thuc.
mutter charms over a wound that 2, 21). P. and V. Seoyws,
.Bow? ;

needs the knife : V. ou Trpds l 6, owSco-fcos, 6. Making a knot of

<ro<f>ov Qprjvcw enxuSas irpos their hair by the insertion of golden
Tny/AaTt (Soph., 4f- 581), grasshoppers : P. ^pvo-oiv Temywv
Knight, subs. P. and V. , 6, BauptCtroi TWV iv
V.wrTrcmys, 6. Be a kmght, v. Ar, 5v (Thuo. 1, 6)
and P. wnreueiv- ; Ar. and P. -riJAos, 6 (Xen.).
Knit, v. trans. Use P. and V. Knot, v. trans. See tie.
see weave. Met., wm'te ; Knotty, adj.
; Intricate : P. and V.
P. and V. owScTv ; see unite. , &ropo?, S/*^avo5 (rare P.),
the brows : Ar. 6<f>pv$ cwdyew, V. fcj V. Svo-xptTos, OWTJCOTTOS, Svo'-

<rWV<f)W t Aj. SJld P. TCIS '

T/c/jtapros, Svcr/wL^TTs; aoe intricate.
o<pi3s &/ao-7rai/. Wi'iA. knitted brows: Know, v trans. P. and V.
V, crvv<xK/>pv(j)fjLevos. Knitting his ytyvwa/cetv,
brows in anger : Ar. Seivov TTL<rKuvLov Y. ^iei/at, KarttSei/at (also Plat
(rvvdytov (Ran. 823). \Vell~l&n,it but rare P.), icrroptiv. Be ac-
adj. : P arTrayi;?. quainted with (things) : use also
Knob, subs. Ar. and P. TtXo?, 6 P. and Y. yva>p%cw (ace.), pavGd
(Xen.). (aco), KfjMv0dveiv (ace), P. w
Knock, subs. Blow: P. and V. fULvOdvew (ace.) ; see also lee
Be acquainted with (persons) : P.
Knock, v. trans. P. and V. and Y. yiyvoxncciv (ace.), etSci/at

MTrreiv, mrd&u (1st aor. of P. yvwp^etv (ace.), V. urropctv

Ar. and V. TroiW (rare (ace.).
Know beforehand : P. and
P.), letvciv, pao-(rav ; see also beat.
Knock at (a door): Ar. and P. TTpOCTTtOTttO'O'CU,,
Y 1
Kpovtw (aoo.), KoVmv (ace.), iraTdai 9 P.
(ace.) (1st aor. of Trarao-cmv), Ar ; P. and Y.
and V. &pd<r<rciv. Knock down : P. P. and V.
and V. jcaTao\A.6iv. Knock o/ (infin.), 7rrrao'0ai (infin.),
break off: P. P. and V. ytyv<oo"JCtv (infin.), c^ejrioTiMr^at
a,7roKav\ieiv see Dis- icaTciSevttt (infin.). .Nbtf to
; o^. (infin.),
lodge : P. iKKpoveiv. Knock out : a ik>5s : P. and V.
Ar. and P. CKKOTTTCM Bia-ue one's v, &p.r)xa>vciv (rare P.).
6^ knocked out: Ar. and P, known : P. and V. <atviv,

iKKOTrfjVOJ. TOVS Knock (Plat.), iivafawew, 4K<peii',

Over : P. and V. SvaTpcrretv, &va.<r- Poiw* owt ; P. and V.
; see publish, show,
Knocker, subs. P. and V. pow-rpov, TO,
Knoll, subs. P. and V. Ad>os, 6, P Knowable, adj. Capable of being
717X0^05, 6 (Plat., Crate Ills) known ly)
: P.
's, 6 (Xen.). (Plat).
Kno Lab

Knowing, adj. Acquainted with Ar. and V. pj&x&os, 6, V.

(things) : P. and V. /retpos (gen.), rd, 5^X05, 6, KcfywtTos, 6; see also
en-urrwfjLtov V. iora>p (gen.) iasJfc. l *s labour lost to : V.
(also Plat, but rare P.), ZSpis (gen.). TTOJ/O? -Trepwro-os ^ort (infin.) (Soph ,

Glever, cunning : P. and V. ^?z. 780). Fii/i labour : see

laboriously. Industry : P. <(5>tXo-
Knowingly, adv. Intentionally : P. TTo^a, v> <tXepyt'a, ^7- Exertion :
and V. l/coucrio)?, or use P. and V. P. and V. orrovH Handicraft : .

|KO>V, i8o>s, V. <povwv, all agreeing P. and V. TCX^, 17, and P.

with subject. Xtpovpyta, ^, P. x LP T a V> -
^ '
Knowledge, subs. Science : P. and Ypan/ai'a, ^ Ghild-bea : P. and
Y. Branch of know-
V. Xox^ta, ^ (Plat.), TOKOS, 6, or pi.
ledge and P. //.a^a, TO. Iw-
: Ar. (Plat ), V. Xoxev/wtTtt, T<, <2,8fe, ^,
formation: P. and V. pdQrjws, y. yov?7, ^. 2%5 jpa?i^5 o/ labour : V.
P. rd, ^1
Understanding :
yi/wcris, 17, Xo^wx vocrrjflora, <o8fe, 17.

yj/topicrts, 17, P. and V. CTr&cmJ/wy, 97.

woman who has just been m labour :

Knowledge acquaintance with

Ar. and V. Xex<>> ^- -^ e *w labour

(things) : P. and V. cVio-r^, 17 (child-bed), v: P. and V. wSW

(gen.), e/wrcipia, 17 (gen.). 4c#wawi- (Plat ),
V. XoxcvWflai.
awce wti& (persons) : P. yvaipio-is, rj Labour, v. intrans. P. and V.
wo knowledge of, v. :
flayfl pyo<r&u, iroveiv, etarovfiv, poxQciv
and V. dyvoH> (ace ).
rn.). TPW&owi (rare P.), *</// (rare P.). I>o
tf&e knowledge of : use prep., P. work : P. Srifuovpyciv. All the folk
(gen.), Ar. and V. Xa0pa who labour with thivr hands : V.
(gen.), V. o-ZyjJ (gen.). Tra? 6 xetpSvaf Xeo)? (Soph., Frag.).

Known, adj. P. and V. I fear I may

seem to be troubling
yva)TOs, P. yvo>pt/i05, V. cfyta&s also you by labouring a point that is
Ar. and P.
only too obvious
: P. ScoWa M
Knuckle, subs. oftoXoyou/xera Xeycov evoxXctv
a. VF 3o^ (Isae. 72, 33). Be
distressed : P. and Y. fea/iveiv, TTOVCCV,
TaXatxra>p?v, Ar. and P. TaXoroi-
pero^at (pass.), P. irovi<r0aL (pass.),
Label, subs. Use P. and V. V. /-toyclv. When the ship labours
with the sea waves : V. veo>s /ca/xov-
Laborious, adj. Ar. and P. rf- 0*179 TTovrt^) ?rpos KTUfiart. (-SjSch.,
irovosi xfavros, P. -jrpay/xaTa>8779, P. T/ie&. 210). Laftowr a* ; P. and :

and V. ap&, oxX^po's, brax^, V. pyao-0ai (aCC.),

(Plat.), V. ?roA.viroi/os, StaTTovetv (aOO.), V.
: P. and (acc.) (rare P.), fwx^v (
acc -)
V. aor^oXos, P. ^tXowovos, ^tXepyo?. i^6owr for (on behalf of) : V.
Laboriously, adv. Industriously : VTrcpKafJLvw (gen.), Trpoico/xvetv (gen.),
P. <iA/wrov<0s. TT^/t difficulty : Ar. vTrepTTovclo-Oau, (gen.). Labour out :

and P. xc&OTais, ToXanrcopoDS, P. P. and V. CKwovfiTv (or mid.) (ace.),

OVw?, V. Suorrenos, P. and V. (aCC.), Sta-n-ovct^ (or
, ,. mid.) (acc.), V. (
aoo -)> Ar.
Laboriousness, subs. P. ,
and P. aw^pya^o-^at (aoo.). Labowr
^. Industry : P. </>iXoirovta, %, under (a disease): P. and V.
<f>iAepyui, TJ. Difficulty : P. and V. jca/Aveiv (absol. or dat.), voo-tv (dat.).
Generally : P. and V. (

Labour, subs. P. and V. u-oVcs, 6, (dat.), o-w/ai (dat.),

Lab Lag
You labour under the worst (gen.). V. intrans. Be
kind of ignorance : P. d/xa0ia lacking, fall short: P. and V.
o~woiicts Tjjj ato"xt<rrj7 (Plat., Ale. I. J/cXetVtM/, eAXetTreiv, V. Acwretv, Ar.
118s). Labour with (others) and P. en-lAcwreiv.
: P.
and V. <rvfjivovLv (dat.) (Xen.), V. Lackey, subs. P. and V. vTr^penjs, 6,

crufJLjJLOxOGLv (dat ), cruyKa/Avctv (dat.). V. AaTpLs, 6, Ar. and P. a/coAoi;0os, 6.

Laboured, adj. Over-refined : P. Lacking, adj. P. and V. cV&ifc, P.

and V. KOfMffO^ P. 1T7rpa,yiJUaLTVp.VQ$. Lacking in : P. and V.
Sending forth a laboured breath : (gen.), P. cAAwnfc (gen.), V.
V. <f>v<nr)fJL dvcts SuorA^TOi/ (Eur., - fe6?)' ^ .
Phoen. 1438) see unsteady.
Laconic, adj. P. , t '

Labourer, subs. Labourer in the Laconically, adv. P.

fields : P. and V. cpya-nys, 6, Lachrymose, adj. V. Saicpuppoos, Ar.
avrovpyos, 6 Workman: P. and and V. -n-oAiSSa/cpus see tearfuL ;

V. P. Tcxvmys, 6,
8?7/x,toi7pyos, 6, V. Lad, subs. Ar. and P. //,ipa/ov, TO,
Xipcoi/af, o (Soph, and Bur., Frag.). TO, P. /XLpa/CtCTKOS, 6.
Hired labourer : P. #779, 6. Fellow ; P. and V. -n-at?, 6, Ar. and V.
labourer : P. and V. cwepyos, 6, or r,
6 (rare P.).
17, V. o-wepya-nys, 6. Fern., o-iWp- P. and V. Ar>
Ladder, subs.
yaTife, ^. see also rm#. Scaling ladder :
Labyrinth, subs. P. Aa/?up/0os, 6. see under scaling.
A Labyrinth of words : V. 7TpwrAoiu Lade, v. trans. P. and V. ywt&w ;
Adycov at. see also ,/iZZ. Ladlfi ;ii/i : P. and
Labyrinthine, adj. Use P. and V. V. y^t^iv (rC TO/OS).
TroAi/TrAoKOS (Plat.). P. and V. y/w7><r0<u (gen.),
Lace, subs. Use P. and V. o-a/6\6i/, (gen.). Laden with : P. and V.
fj (lit., fine linen).
Laces for shoes : ye/ov (gen.), V. o-o-ay/Aci/os (gen.) ;
Ar. -YjvioLL, of. see/^Z/.
Lace, v. trans. See fasten. Ladle, subs. Ar. and P. ropvviq, y,
Lacerate, v. trans. P. and V. Ar. eTVTypiJcrw, ^.
<rrapd<r<rLv (Plat.), Ar. and V. Lady, subs. P. and V. yiJi^, ^.
M-isiress: P. and V. ScWotva, ^,
cuv6ty, V. dprofictv, Stapra/Aeiv, Sccnrorts, ^ (Plat.). In invocations
icva7rTiv, onrdv. Wowid : P. and to goddesses : Ar. and V. -jroVvio, 17,
V. TtTpOXTKtV, TpaVfJLaT%LV9 V. 3va<r<ra, ^ (rare P.), 8e<, 17 (rare
Met., ^siress : P. and V. P.). io% o/ ifcfi /wwwe : P. and V.

ivtav, ScucvavJ see distress. ofcoupos, 17.

Laceration, SUbs. Y. o-rrapay/xa, TO, Lady's maid, subs. Ar. and P.

P. and V. dv^Swi/,'^: see Lag, v. intrans. Be left behind : P.

and V. (fcroXewrccrflai. .FaM behind :
Lack, xsubs. P. and V. orrravts, ^, P. and V. v(rrptv. DeZay : P. and
a7ropt a, ^, cpry/xta, ^, P. IvSeta, 17, V. V. /jteAActv, o/cvcti/, 'Xpwi%av9
^x^vta, 17. Need : P. and V. x/ t/a j

V- (Plat., PoZ. 277s), P.

Lack, v. trans. P. and V. tnraWeiv , Ar. and P. Starpf/Jetv. Of
(also pass, in V.), airop^lv work V. ftarav. :
(gen.), P. IvSctv (or mid.) (gen.), V. Laggard, subs. P. /^Uijnfc, 6, or
7reve<r0ai (gen.) ; see ^?a?i^ J?g use adj. P. and V. pa8ife, P. oKvi/pds.
deficient in: P. and V. lAAcwrciv Lagging, adj. P. and V. j8p8&, P.
(gen.), aTroXcwreor^ai (gen.), V. see
Lag Lan

P. Y.
jgingly, adv. paS<o9; see; dat.), Sucr<jbopZv (dat.),
slowly. i

<#>p4v (aoo.). Lament over :

P. Tcvayos, TO; seei V. 7rtOT^iv

Lagoon, subs. (dat.), &r7Ti/a^eiv
lake, marsh. ,
(dat.), 7rot/x<o^tv (dai),
Lair, subs. Cave : P. onr?jAeuov, TO (acc.). Lament with: Y. <

(Plat.), ^Ar. and V, Svrpov, TO, Y. (dat.).

crrjKoSf 6, 0a\dfJiat 9 at. Den : V. Lament, subs. See lamentation.
Acxos, TO' (JBsch., .40. 1224). Lamentable, adj. P. andV.
Hiding-place : V. KtvOpwv, 6. Av-jnypos, 0Atos, dAyeivos,
JRe/^ : P. and Y. /cSTa^^, y. ;
otfcrpos, Y. Svo-^opo? (also
Xen. but
Laissez faire, adj. See indifferent, rare P.), AuTrpos, dx^eivos (also Xen.

Laissez faire, subs. See indifference. but rare P.), TroAwTovos, wavScucpiJTos,

Lake, subs. P. and Y. At/An?, y. Of\ CuSa/CplJTOS, QVQTvpVJVIJTQS) TTtty/cAaVTOS,

a lake, adj. : Ar. Abates. .Form a !
fiapvcrrovos ; see also piteous. Un-
lake round (of a river), v. P. : i
fortunate: P. and V. icaicos, Svo-rvx9/ 9 *
jrcptAtLivtt^civ (acc.). i see unfortunate. Terrible : P and
Lamb, subs. Ar. and V. a/wos, 6 1

(Soph., ffrag.\ P. &PVLOV, TO, Ar. and Lamentably, adv. P. and V. ATSmypfo,
r. TrpojSdLTioi/, TO. Gen. also use P. oAycivoK, 'jrucpois, otdAcco?, otKTpws.
and Y. o>o's, T?S (Plat., PoZ. 268s ; Unfortunately: P. and V. *&*$,
Eur., 7. T. 813, CycL 189 in gen. 8vcrn5xo)s ;
see unfortunately.
pi.). Lamb's flesh: P. icpea apveta, Teriibly : P. and V. Sctvois.

Ta (Xen.). Of lambs, adj. P. and Lamentation, :

subs. P. and Y.
V. apvaos (Xen.). oi^oyij, 77 (Thuc.), oroVos, 6 (Thuc.),
Lambent, adj. Ar. and Y. cuoAos. 68upp>s, 6 (Isoc. and Plat.), OIKTOS,
Lame, adj. P. and Y. xu\6g, P. o, Ar. and P. oAo0vp/w, 6, P.
avttTTTjpGs, V. Broils. Met.,j?oor. P. oAo^upcrts, 17, Ar. and Y. oT&ay/uia,
and Y. <ai5Aos, Ar. and P. TO, yoos, 6, Y. oucTwr/JtctTa, TCI,

jBc lame, v. c P. x<oX,awi TO, oTvay/x.o5, 6 (also

Plat, but rare P.), o8up/wtTa, T<X,

Lame, v. trans. Ar. and P. K(oicT05, 6, KO)KiS/AaTa, T<. Dirge :

Met., P. and V. /3A<wrr^, P. and Y. 0prji>os, 6 (Plat.), P.
see injure. Bp-qvySta, rj (Plat.), V. Oprjin^pAra,
Lameness, P.
subs. rd. Mourning : P. and Y. -TTO/^OS,
Poorness : P. and Y. <ai;AoV97$, ,. TO, Y. TTO^yfta, TO. Sorrow: P.
Lament, v. trans, and absol. P. and and Y. Ai^n;, 17, d!vfa, ^, Ar, and V.
Y. 68tpo-6\u, airoS'Cpco'^at, irevdelv, aAyos, TO, V. 81/17, TJ, -srij/xa, TO,
Qpvjvew, ^TOK\ALV (or mid ), vrhsiv irriijuwr),
see sorrow.
% ;

(rare P. but used Dem. 300 and Lamp, subs. Ar. and P. A-J^i/os, 6.
308), aTv<v (Dem. 835 but rare Torch: P. and Y. Aa/jtwas, ^, Ar.
P.), SaKpieLi', K\dciv (or mid. in Y.), and P. S^s, o), Y. SaAos, 6,
P. oAo0Tjp<j$ot, a iroX.Q<f>-upO'6ai,
^ ; see torch.
o.vo\o<hvpf(T0cu,j Ar. and Y. ot/Ato^civ, Lamp-maker, subs. Ar.
CLTTOl/JiW^tlV, KWK-LfLV, yOQCT^at, Y. 6.

avaoTcveiv, KaTOtoT^cti/, avaKfo/cijctv Lampoon, v. trans. Ar. and P.

(absol.), 8i>p0"0(u, Qpinv<$Lv3 QvoAoAv-
Lampoon, subs. Ar. and P.
see w?atZ. 2?e# ^e breast : P and oL
Y. /cowTo*0at, V. d7roico7rTO"6'at. JBe Lamp-stand, subs. Ar. ,
vexed at : Ar. and P. SyavaKreiv Lance, subs. P. and Y. , TO
(dat.), ^oA^aivctv (dat.), P. Sw- (Xen. and -aEsch., Frag.),
Lan Lan

TO (rare E.). Ar. and P. &KOVTIOV, Landed estate, subs. P.

TO, V. #KO>I/, 6. Spear : P. and V. oucrto, 77.
S6pv, TO, Ar. and V. Xoy^, i V, Landed proprietor, subs. P.
v, TO, ftopos, 6, V. yd/Lopos, 6.

Land holder, subs. P. yeo>/Lopos, 6,

Lance, v. trans. Ar. and P. V.
Owt : P. and V. TC^W. Landing, subs. Disembarkation :

Lancet, subs. Use knife. P. diro'^oo-cs, 77,

V. l/c^ao-ts, r).

Land, v. trans. P. Landing net, subs. P. and V.

airopi/3aew t
V. eK/SiJom (1st aor. SCKTUOV, TO (Plat.).
act. of K/3aivcLv). Land (a fish) .
Landing place, subs. P. dTroj
P. dvo<nracr0(u (Plat.), V. e/ccnrao-0U. 77, 7rpoo~^?oA77, ^, Karapcris, 77,

JDa/wZ M (troubles, etc.) : P. and 77, V. icySacrts, 77,

V. KOjQurrdvai, ts (aoc.). V. intrans.

P. and V.
aTro^airav eKfiatvGiv, Landing stage, subs. Use P.
(Bur., Frag.), P. dbrdjgcunv -TrouTo-fleu,
rK/&uviv. Pwi ashore : P. and Landlady, subs. Landlady of an
V. KardyccrOai, P. /cam?rAeIv. Land inn : Ar. -zravSoKcvrpta, 17,
at : P. o-vctv (dat. or TTOO'S, aoc )
(2nd aor. of ex H/)i irpocrfidXXeLv (dat. Landlord, subs. Landlord of an
or Trpos, ace. or cfe, aco.), P. and V. mn: P. iravSo/cevs, 6 (Plat.), Ar.
(2nd aor. of vpofr^iv)
irpoaror^elv and P. je&r^Xos, 6 ; see also land-
(dat aco. ; V. also aco.
or t5, One who lets anything on
alone), KardyecrQat (eis, aco. ; V. hire : use Ar. and P. 6 /wcr05v.
aec. alone) ; see put in. Easy Landlubber, subs. Use adj., P. and
to land at, adj.: P. cvcwroySaros. V. xp<tos (Thuc. 7, 67; Eur,,
Land, subs. Gauntry : P. and V. And. 457) ; see lubber.
yi}, 77', x^pa, 77,
Ar. and V. 17, Landmark, subs. Prominent sign:
TrcSov, TO, yam, 77,
V. ota, 17, olfws, P.and V. o-77fLtov, TO, V. a-JJ/xa, TO.
6. JJWtw Zattd ; P. and V. mr/rik, Boundary : P. and V. opo?, 6, opia,
Ar. and V. xaT/oa, 77.
Land for
cultivation : P. and V. 717, 77", dy/>cs, Landowner, subs. P. yeco/io'po?, o,
6, Ar. and V. Zpovpa, 77 (also Plat. V. ydfLopo?, 6.
but rare P.), yvai, ol ; see also Landscape, subs. Cvimtry : P. and
estate. Property in Land : P. V. x^P& ^- Stjffcfc view : P. and
yy>s otfo-la, 17. Land (as opposed V. otyis, T) ; see sight. Picture :
to water) : P. and V. y5, r), V. see picture.
s, r).
Ma/inland : P. and V. Landsman, subs. Use adj., P. and.
s, 17. -Bt/ /and, ow /ooi : P. V. x*/*>5 (Thuo. 7, 67; Eur.,
*Ae lamd : V. x^po-o^ci/. And. 457).
Dry land : P. TO ^/ooV. On land Lane, subs. Use V. crrcveowos, 17 ; see-
(as opposed to on sea) : Ar. and P. also road. Making a wide Iwne
KO,T& y^V, P. KttT TTTTClpOV- BtWig tO with his speo/r : V. AO/XT/
land, y. trans. : see jtm m at. IcrSpopty iroioiJ/AO/os (Eur.,
Land, adj. Land P. and (forces) :
V. raf05. Living on land : P. and Language, subs. P. and V.
V, x6/30 *' Agricultural: Ar. 77, ^XOVT;, 77,
V. ^^15, 77, ^>^oyyos, 6.
and P. y0)pywco?. Lawd ia#Z6 ; P. SjpeecA : P. and V. Xdyos, 6. Style
irctofULXia, 17, Ar. Trefi) /wfx1?- JK?*< of speaking : P. Aefis, 77.
Words ;

a Zana ba^Z^, y. : Ar. and P. P. and V. Xoyot, ot, ^7j/xaTa, Ta ; see

(absol.). Speaking two languages,
Lan Lar

adj. : P. St-yXoxnros. Speaking the Lapse, subs. Interval : P.

same language as : P. 6/4o<<i>j>os ro. Fault : P. 7rXrjfjLiJ.\ia, P.
(dat.). and V. a/juxpna, V. dp 77*,

Languid, adj. P. d7rtpi7/c(os, appaxrros, TO ; see fault. Owing to lapse of

P. and V. &r0vi}s, V. &aXm, time : P. Sta xpwov TrXiJflos. After
ttvapOpos. Limp : V. cicXvTos. a considerable lapse of time : P.
Met., $Zi(7ta : P. and V. Xrros, xpoeX^op ros ?roXXo9 xpovov. After a
/uicpds, o-/uKpo. sufficient lapse of time : P. XP VOV
met., Ar. and P.
Ar. and V. /4oX0aKos (rare of three years : P, StaXwrovrtDv erfiv
P.). TPWa0z6 eagerness : P. TpWOV.
0U/-COS. Lapse, v. intrans. Pass, elapse : P.
Languidly, adv. P.d<r0vo>s. and V. irapep^ecr&u, Step^ccr^at, P.
eayerness : P. d7rpo0u/Aa>s. BLCLyfyvearOaif Trpocp^eo'^at. Lapse
enerqy : Ar, and P. //.oXcwcois, Ar. into: P. Trepworaa-^cu efc (acc.),
and V. /LaX0a/ca>s. d-TTO/cXtyfitv. Trpos (aCC.), CKTrtTrretv ts

intrans. P. and V.
n ' \ .

wto: P. and V. Trwrrfw

Languish, v. (acc.). jp<ZiZ

y, irapiecrQai, MLprtw (rare P.), ct9 (acc). Lapse to, devolve on : P.

(rare P.), P. vapoXveo-Oaiy and V. wpoo7cetcr0<M (dat.), V. prv

airoKO,/Jt.Viv, dirayopeueiK. t5 (acc.) ;
to an
see devolve. Oome
Languishing, adj. See languid. end and V. e epxt&Ocu., c&qtceiv.
: P.
Soft alluring : Ar. and P. /jtaXcUos, It happened that their thirty years
Ar. and V, p,aX0a*o? (rare P.) ; see truce with the Argives was on the
point of lapsing : P. oWau/ Trpos
Languor, subs. P. dppucm'a, TOUS 'Apyctbvs avrots rasr Tpta/covTaercw
and V. do-00/eia, (rare V..). <rn-ovSas CTT' e&Sa) eTvat (Thuo. 5, 14
77" ;

Weariness: P. and V. /coVos, o. cf. also Thuo. 5, 28).

Lack of energy : P. /^oXa/a'a, V. Larceny, subs. See theft. 77",

Larch, subs. Use^r.

Lank, adj. Long : P. and V. /ttucpo's. Lard, subs. P. 0X01^77, 77 see fat. ;

Loose ; P. /*di/os. Thin : P. and V. Large, adj. P. and V. /*,eyas.

Xrro's. Aoimdant : P. and V. TroXife, otyOovos.
Lankness, subs. Looseness: P. Long : P. and V. fia/cpos. Broad ;
Thinness: P. P. and V. evpfa. So large : P. and
V. TOO-OVT05, Too-ocrSc, P. r^XtKOurosi
Lantern, subs. Use /amp. ^Xt/cocrSe, V. TO(ro5 (rare P.). Sow
Lap, subs. Use P. and V. large P. and V. Wo-os, Ar. and P.

T<, lit., knees. Bosom : Ar. and V. fl^X/icos. Indirect : P. and V. oo-os,
KO'XITOS, 6. Iw a race : Ar. and V. O-TTOGTOS. ^i* large : use adj., P. and

Spo'/os, 6. Jfore quickly than a V. l^eros, 5vetfteyos. Range at

horse racer ever covered two laps : large : P. 5<^eros vcpetrOai (Plat.,
V. 0ao-ow . .
77 8po/ACvs Stcrcrovs
^6p. 498o).
SiauXou? ITTTTIOS 8l77VUO'V fEuT., .EZ.
Large-hearted, adj. P.
824). P. and V. ycwuos.
Lap, v. trans.
Enfold: P. and Y. Largely, adv. P. and V.
/z,eyoAa, cr^oSpa, /cdpra (Plat, but
Xv see surround.
; Of waves rare P.), TroXiJ, V. -n-oXXa. J7b* a
lapping the shore : see wash. Lick ^: and V.P.
up : Ar. and V. Aer^etv, po^civ (also Especially : P. and V.
Xen.), Ar. e/cXajrrew, Large-minded, adj. P.
over ; see overlap.

P. and V. ywubs.
Lar Las

Large-mindedness, subs. P. ju.6yo.Ao- and V. TcAcuTatos, eo-^aros, -uo-Tct

<poowi7, T], P. and V. yewcuo'njs, ^, V. Aotcr^to?, The very last

Aor0os. :

ro ycwalov. Ar. and V. iravvo-TaTos. Of degree :

Largeness, subs. P. and V. P. and V. ccrxaros, TfAcvratos. At

ro. Abundance : P. and V. last P. and V, rcAos, V. cfc rc'Aos,

TO, P. ty&vfe, ^ Bulk P. and V.: Ar. and P. TO TeAcvratov, or use

ay/cos, 6. P. and Y. TcAevrwi/, agreeing with
Largess, subs. See gift. Extra subject. A blow would have been
pay : P. etrufropd., ^. dealt at last : V.
Lark, subs. Ar. and P. icopiJSos, 6. TAirrwo-a (Soph., Ant. 260).
Larva, subs. Lawa (of insects) : Ar. a time: P. and Y..
OTKtoA^, 6.
Xpoi/a), Y. XP V<& 7rOT^ ~w XP V(P>
Larynx, subs. Ar. and V. Acipvy, 6 Zv xP 0/v<P' Breathe one's last: P.
(Eur., CycL). (ThuC.), V. c/cirveTc,

Lascivious, adj. Ar. and P. d/cpa^s, iov, cKirveiv

P. dorcAyiys, OTrapyoiv, vj8piarL/eo's, P. see also <fte.
v ; Por i/ie
and Y. a/coAaoTos, Y. /wipyos ; see P. and Y. VCTTCLTOV,
Ar. and Y. TavwrraTov, Y.
Lasciviously, adv. P. To t&0 Zfl&S^ ; P. 45
aKoAacrTcosj fySpwm/cws, Ar. and P. v (Thuo. 3, 46). Last
see wantonly.
acre Ay cos ", night V. ^Sfi vu^, 17 vw vvfc P.
Lasciviousness, subs. P. d/cpdVeia, Last year Ar, .

17, d/coAatrta, 17, owrcAyeta, 17,

P. and and P. cLst yew's Ar. :

V. u/Jpts, ?), Y. juapyo'rty?, 17 ; see and P. irepvcrivos. The year before

wantonness. last: P. TTpo7TpvcL.' Last winter :
Lash, subs. P. and Y. P. TOT) wpoTepou x^A1 ?. -For o6o^i ^
t/Aa?, 6, Y. juapayi/a, 17 (Eur., ^g Zos^ /our hundred years the
JBZow : P. and V. irXyy-q, 17 ;
see Lacedaemonians have enjoyed the
blow. same constitution : P. Iny cort
Lash, v. trans. Flog: Ar. and P. fjuiXurra Trpewcoo*ta , . .
dq>* o{> ot

/AaorZyow. Strike P. and Y. .*

AaKeSat/iovoc TQ avry TroAircta xpwvrat
KpOVCW, TV7TTCLV, iraTO^Oi (1st. aOr. (Thuo. 1, 18). In the last few
of 7raTao"o-tF), Ar. and Y. wotW days : P. iv raurSc mt?
(rare P.), ^ctVetv, Met., apdcrcretv. ^cpats (Plat., Crito, 4=9A).
attack : P. and Y. P. en-MrAifo-orciv, Zosi ten years I have wasted
KaOa-rrrea-OciL (gen.), Ar. and P. misery : V. dTroAAv^at TaAas
ey/eer0<u (dat.). J3md, fasten : P. Sc'icaTOv (Soph., PW. 311).
and Y. ScZv, o^wSciv, o-waTrrctv, Trpoo-- ces ^o i/ie dgatZ : P. ra
/; see/osten. Jjos/i i^e oar Y. KTfpto-fiaTa, TO, ToL
the rowlock : V. rpoirovcr6ai wpoV^opa. Pay Zasi oj^cfi5 to, v. :
afjL<JH o-KoXfjiov (^Esch., Pers. Y. aycwrav (ace.) (Eur. Su/pP- 764 ;
376). Be lashed by the sea, v, : Eel 937), SyaTr^iv (Bur., Pfeo^.
P. 7TpiKAueo-0ai. Lashed by the 1327), P. vofj^ofJLva'7roLLv (dal).

sea, adj. : Y. #Atppo0os, Last, v. intrans. P. and Y.

dvreYtv, P.
Lass, subs. See
Lassitude, subs. F. and V. *oos,
. Ar. and P.
gfood P. and V.
^ .-

6. prolonged : P. and V. B
Last, subs. Shoemaker's last : P, <rftu, Y. XP ^ ^- V- trans W -

jcoAaTTou?, o. Suffice: P. and Y. dpicstv (dat.),

Last, adj. Of time or position P, dp/cctv (dat.) ; see suffice. :

Las Lau

P. Secure : Lateral, adj. P. -n-X

Lasting, adj. /xcVtftos.
P. and V. pifaw*, V. I^cSo?. Laterally, adv. P.
P. and
Lasting a long time : P. and V. Latest, adj.
XpdVlOS, P. 7ToXu;(p6VlOS.
-B0 Mbsi recent : P.

lasting, v. : V. xpovictv; see fostf, v. Lath, subs. Board, plank : P. and

Lastly, adv. Ar. and P. TO TfXcv- V. i5Xov, TO. Beam: Ar. and P.
Talov, V. Xor0>v, TO Aowrfliov.
subs. Use Ar. and V. Lathe, subs. P. and V. TO'PVOS, 6
(Eur., Bacch. 1067). Turn with a
Latchet, subs. Use P. and V. lathe, v. trans. : P. Topvcuctv (also
fytcES, 6.
met. in Ar.),
Late, adj. Behind the time : P. and Lather, subs. See foam.
V. vcrrepos, poS&. Delayed. Ar. Latitude, subs. Space : P. cvpvx<*>pM>,
and V. xpoVios. Zate, be delayed, ^. Freedom licence: P. and V.
v. : P. and V. xpwifci'. &e *00 cfouai'a, 17. Freedom of speech : P.
late : P. and V. forcpety, P. farept- and V. TrcLppyjcTLa, 17.
v. Too Zate for, adj. P. and V. Latter, adj. P. and V. O-UTOS. Later :

uo-repos (gen.). 00 late for, v.

.Be see Za^r. :

P. and V. wrrepetv (gen.), P. Latterly, adv. See lately.

vcrTcp%cLv (gen.). Recent, adj.: P. Lattice, subs. Window : Ar. and P.
and V. 7rpoV<aTos ; see recent
Deceased P. and V. TC^KWS, Lattice work, subs. Use P. and V.

T60vedis. O/ Zafe : see lately. TO.

With words of time P. oi/uos. Laud, v. trans.
: P. and V.
in the afternoon P. Trcpt P. y/c<o/uaeiv, Ar. and V.

Late in learning : P. V. aivctv (Plat., Eep. 404D but rare
-qs (gen. or absol.). P.). JEortoZ, celebrate : P. and V.
Late, adv. P. and V. oi/rc. Ji peyaXvycw (Eur., Bacch. 320).
late in the day P. -nfc ^/
: Celebrate in song : P. and V. -

ty ?v (Thuo. 4, 93). .Late m U/a :

P. Troppa) rijs ^Xt/aas. Zraie flti

Laudable, adj. P. ^7rati/Tos (Plat.),
TWgr^t : P. irdppo) T<OV vr;icTft)v. WZ P. and V. avenrfXiyTrros, /ie/Hnros, P.
Zate ; P. lo)9 o^e, ei5 6i/rL As late av7rt^ovos. J^5^: P. and V.
as possible : P. <&s oi/fuuTara. Too Sfwuos.
late : V. oi/re, &/r ayav, vorcpov Laudably, adv. P.
(Bur., Efees. 333), /wfluoTcpoj/. I 7~ws% : P. and V.
fea-ue come too Zate /or : V. vcrrcpos P. and V. <, icSXGs.
^r 7Aiac (gen ) (Eur., H. F. 1174). Laudation, subs. P. and V.
He arrives at Delium too late : P. 6, Ar. and P. ey/cw/uov, TO,

{fen-epos d<^>t/ci/tTai en-t TO A^Xwv ^, V. 7raa/o-ts, ^, atvos, 6.

(Thuo. 4, 90). Laugh, v. intrans. P. and V. yeXav.
Lately, adv. Just now : P. and V. Laugh aloud P. J/cycXav.
: 5^rs^
opr^ vvv, veov, i>G>crrl?, dprta>5 (Dem. owi laughing : P. ava/cayxaav
463 and 737 also Plat.), Ar. and P. fPlat.). Ybw 7ww?e made me laugh,
Kray^os, V. apftot. Socrates, though lam m no laughing
Latent, adj. P. and V. &<t>wt<s, mood at present : P. 5 SwfcpaTes ov
&7\o? ; see secret. Wi/v ye /* vuv 8-^ yeXcwretovra eirofyo-as
Later, adj. P. and V. &rrpos; adv., yeXa'atu (Plat., Phaedo, 64s).
P. and V. vorepw. lfttc& fotfer : ia^fe a^ : P. and V. ycXav (cirf,
P. 7roXX<p vorepov. -4 Zi^te Zaier: dat., or dat. alone), /carayeXav (gen.),
P. oA/y<p vtrrepov. 7TyyXav (dat.), V. cyyeXav Or

Lau Law
Kara, gen.), StaycXav (aco.). Mock :
Lavish, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. (TKWTrreiv (ace.) (Bur., \ur/ctv, avdXow, e/c^tv, (Plat.), V.
CycL 675 absol.), Ar. and P. avT\tv, Suunrcipetv, Ar. and P.
X\udicLV (aco.), en-io-KdiwrTciv (ace.), SttTravav. Fling away : P.

V. KprofjLLv (acc.) ; see mock. P. and V.

Simplicity was laughed down and Lavish, adj. Extravagant, spending
disappeared : P. TO cvvjOcs too much : P. SaTrawypo's,. . .

KaTayeXa<r0^<an'o-0i7 (Thuo. 3, 83). Abundant : P. and V.

Without laughing : use adv., P. 7roA.i5s, V. cfftppvTo?. Generous* un-
dycXaori. grudging : V. a<^^ovo5. Excessive :
Laughable, adj. P. and V. yA.ow>s, P. and V. -3Tpc(rcro5. J90 la/oish o/,
Ar. and P. /caraycXaaros, V. v. P. and V. tyciSelv (gen.). :

Heaven lavish of misfortune


Laughably, adv. P. yWa>s, toward me

V. 6 Sat/xwv cs fie

TrXovrios /ea/coH/ (Bur., Or. 394=).

Laughing stock, subs. P. and V. Lavishly, adv. Wastefully : P.
s, 6. Make a laughing stock Abundantly: P. and V.
of : V. yc'Xcov riOco-Oat (aco.). (Bur., -FVfl^.). Uw-
Laughter, subs. P.and V. ye'Axos, sparingly : P. d^etSfis. Excessively :

Mockery : *P. and V. ycXcos, P. and V. Trepwro-cis.

TT ' e "D
0, KCpTOfJtfJO'lS) 77,
Lavishness, subs.
pia, 17, xXeucwr/Aos, 6. Object P. dcpwTta, 17, ?roX-uTA.i, ^. Luxury :
of malicious laughter : V. P. and V.
TO. P, a<t>9ovia, fj. Ar. and P.
Laughter-loving, adj. , P. P. and V. TO.
17, -n-X^os,
Law, subs. Divine law : P. and V.
Launch, v. trans. Hurl:
P. and V. 6<r/a, ^. Htmtm law : P. and V.
a<ii/<u, pwrrav, j&CXXeiv, Ar. and V. VOj
6. P. and V.
freVat see i&row.
; Launch a ship : ', TO, or pi., 0eo-/Aos, 6 (rare
P. and
V. jca0\KH/. Launch P.). Equality is man's law : V.
against : P. and V. c'^tei/at (n TO yap wrov vofUftov dv0pa>7rois !<u
arfyeptiv (rt rm), irpoo-yaXA.v (rt (Bur., Phoen. 538). Since it is a
wi), 1/i/JaXXav (TI TIVI), V. law of nature for the weaker to be
(Soph., Frag.), P. ki
(TtTtvt) kept down by the stronger : P. act
(ri Ttvt). Launch not against me Ka0OTO)TO$ TOV yCTO'W V1TO TOV Bvva-
the maidens with looks of blood and rwrepov KarcLpryecrOai (Thuc 1, 76).
snaky hair : V. /*^ ViWc ju Make laws : of a people making
atfcarcoTTOu? /cat
SpajeovTCdSet? icopa? their own laws, P. and V. vopov
(Bur., Or. 255). Launch out mto : TiQtcrOai ; of a legislator : P. and V.
P. and V. pxco-6ai (gen.). vopjov P. vo/jtotfcTCtv, V. 0oy>-
Laurel, subs. Ar. TTO&V. Break the law, v. P. :

Laurelled, adj. V. vapa.vofiLv. Enjoy good laws : P.

vvop,i<r6au,. Enjoyment of good laws,
Lava, subs. P. TOV subs. Ar. and P. wo/u'a, ^.
(Thuc. 3, 116), or 6 alone down the law, domineer, v. : P. and
(Plat., Phaedo, Ills). V. Scarrofetv, rvpcwvevew. Bring to
Lave, v. trans. See wash. Lowed law : P. ds Stfcoonjptov fyuv, V.
by the sea (of a coast), adj. V. :
TT/>OS rrjv Btxyv Syetv. Gh> to law :
Ar. and P. Stjcac(r0at. Go to law
Laver, subs. V. T(; against : P. avriftiKciv Trpos (aco.),
see ir/wfe (acc.), Ar. and P.
Law Lay

(dak). The laws of\ :, 6, or 17, owSucos, 6, or

health P. TO vyitwov.
: The laws I
P. .

of nature : P. ra r^s

Lax, adj. .Loose, sZacfc ; Ar. and P>

Law-abiding, adj. P. and V. Unenergetic : P. d?rpo-
vj/o/zos see orderly.
aa? morally : P. and V.

Lawful, adj. Permitted by dwine (Thuo. 1, 6). Ar. and P.

law : P. and V. oenos. Generally : Be lax morally, v. : P.

P. and V. fi/i/o/jios, vo/u/*os. Just : and V. rpvf/>av Careless : P. and


P. and V. S&caios, op0os, IvSt/cos. (It V. /5ci'0i3//0s, Ar. and P. a/xcA.^;

is) lawful : P. and
V. oo-tor, see careless.
(negatively) (rare P.), 0/us (rare Laxity^ subs. Moral : P, and V.
P.). Of children (as opposed to Bemissness : P. and V.
bastard} : P. and V. a0Va, 7j, P.
V. i0dyenfc. Of a wife P. :
^ ; see carelessness.
(Xen,). Lawful wedlock ; V. Lay, v. trans. P. and V. Ti0
vv/jL^cv/xara rd (Eur., And. 193). Make to recline : Ar. and P. KCLT
Lawfully, adv. P. and V. KO.T icXfi/etv, V. fcXfeciv. Lay a wager :
voftovs, P. VO/UJLLCOS, ewo/xcos. Justly Ar. <

ffpt8ffioo-0at (absol.). Zro^

P. and V. SWws, evot/ccos, 6p0s. (egrgrs) : use Ar. and P. TLKTCLV. Levy
Jw accordance with dwine law : (a foundation) : P. and V. -UTTO-
P. and V. ocriW. Iw lawful wed-
lock : P. and V. y^o-io)?. QCVOLI. Be laid (of foundations) :
Lawfulness, subs. Justice : P. and P. V7rojcto0<u. When the foundation
V. TO Stkaiov. of a race is not fairly laid : V.
Law giver, subs. P. voftoOerqs, 6. orav /cpi^rts jut) KCLTapXijOij
Law giving, subs. See legislation. op0ois (Eur., J3". F. 1261).
Lawless, adj. P. and V. vo/&o?, foundations are Zai^ : P. ot
irapdvopAs (Bur., Med. 1121), V. . . vrro/ceivTai (Thuc. 1, 93).
airaXo./x.i'Os (Eur., Oycl. 598).
JDis- an ambush : P. and V. Xo^av, P.
orderly, anarchic : P. and V. see ambush. Lay a
Svapxos. jBe ZawZess, v. :P. and *t)
: P.
Kara.crKevd&iv, <rvarKvdi,v>
V. &KOCTflLV9 P. 1TCLpaVOfJLW. and V. irXeKttv, V. ^TrXeiceiv,
Lawlessly, adv. P. av6pu>?. Ttv \ see co7i^rw;e. Day aside :
Lawlessness, subs. P. and V. P. and v . ttTTo^SctXXctv. tt<iiVttt*
fjL@~iVOLi, Ar. and P. airoTlf00'0ai..
^, V. TO Day as^e (cZo^es) ; see jw o/.
Law maker, subs. See Za? Pwi fey /or reserve : P. x^pw rffltcrOai,
Lawn, subs. Grass : P. and V. Ar. and P, fajrorifacrOou,, Lay bare :
woa, 17 ; see g'rass. Meadow : P. P. and V. yu//,vow. Met. ; see
and V. XcL/Awv, 6. Sacred en- cKscZose. Day before: P. and V.
closure : P. and V. ^Xo-o?, TO (Plat.), trparWevcu, (TITLVL). Lay (a question)
T/xvos, TO. jP-me linen: P. and before the people to vote on: P.
V. ortvSaiv, 17 EoJes o/ Zaww ; V. In-H/rT^igeu/, Tt (cts ace). Day fey :
Ar. and P. icaTaTt0o-0ai, Day down :
Lawsuit, subs. P. and V. P. and V. KararWevai (Eur., GycZ.).
ayuv, 6. Be engaged in a lawsuit .Renounce : P. and v yLt0tci'at, .

with : Ar. and P. SfrdtfrrAu (dat.), ^tcrra(r0at (gen.); see renounce.

P. dy<bvt f(r^ai irpos (aoc.), dvrt- Lay down a law : of a legislator, P.
Swctv Trpos (aoo.). and V. vo/iov rWevai ; of a people,
Lawyer, subs. Use adj., Ar. andi P. and V. vopjov Ti?0o"0<u. JSe Zo^^f
P. SiKaviKos. Advocate; P. and V. doww; P. and V. Kto-0<u.
^ '"
Lay Lea

down the law : met. ; see domineer. Day under contribution :

Determine : P. and V. opi&w. Lay P. dpyvpoXoyetv (aco.). Day up :
down (a principle) : P. nQcvcu. (or Ar. and P. Ka.TarWe<rQa.i. Be laid
mid.), VTToXa/Aj&avctv, tnrortdccr&u, : P. SnroKelcrOat, (met.). Be ill :
op%ca-6<u> Be laid down: P. '. and V. Ka/wew, vocretv. Lay
waste, v. trans. see devastate. :

V. VTTOVTOS Lay, subs. Poem: P. WOI'TJ/ML, TO,

(Eur., .EZ. 1036). as a Lay down
}. SoTigf : P. and V. $$77, ^,
foundation : P. V. /cara- andTO', /i\o)oYa, 07, Ar. and V.

aAXe<r0ai. Day farads ow: Ar. ; see SOTMJ.

xelpas lm0<X\iv (dat.), P. and V. Layer, subs. Layer of bricks : P,
airrearOai (gen.), e^aTnwftu (gen.), 77^0X17, ^ (Thuo. 3, 20). In layers
Aa//,/3ave<r$a,6 (gen.), dvriXa/jij8&/<r0ai cross-wise, adv. : P.
(gen.) ; seeunder fowwZ. Day /&oZd Laying out, subs. Laying out of
c/ : see Zay hands on. Lay in, store the dead : P. 7rpo0o-is, 17.
up : Ar. and P. KararWccrOcu. Lay Layman, subs. Ar. and P.
low P. and V. Ko&upai/, V.,
: 6. Of a layman, adj.: P.
jcaToorpwvnWi, see destroy.
; Lay Like a layman, adv. : P.
on: P. and V. en-lrWei/ai. (TI TIVI). Be a layman, v. : P.
Impose: P. and V. eTrifiaXXew (rl Lazily, adv. P. dpyo>s.
TLVL), ?rpooTi0ei/at (TI TO/I), wpoor- Laziness, subs. P. and V. dpyta, ^,
jSaXXeiv (TITU/I). 5fi ZattZow, imposed:
P. and V. irpocrKei<rOa.i, P. CTri/ccio-flai. Lazy, adj. P. and V. dpyos,
Enjoin : P. and V. irpoorao-o-eiv P. owrovos. JBe Zajsry, v. : P. and V.
Tivt), riTaoxr/ (TI rm), CTrt apyew, P. dpyo>? l^cti/, pq.0vfjiv9 Ar.
(rt rtvt), eTrtcr/ayTTTCtv (TI Tivt). and V. eXIvciW S^ ^om^ nothing :
(&Za9M) ow ; P. and V. ( P. and V. Kafl}o-0cu.
^>ptv (dat., or ts, aoc.), Lea, subs. Meadow : P. and V.
(dat.), Ar. and P. 7rai/a</>tv Xsi/wov, 6, V, opycis, ^ ; see also
ace.), avarWcvai. (dat.) ; see attribute. pasture.
Lay open : see disclose.
Day oneself Lead, subs. P. and V. /to'\v/38o^ 6
open to : see iwowr. Pern. 766 ; Eur., ^wd. 267).
arrange : Ar. and P. White lead: Ar. and P. ^l^-66u>v9
Expend: P. and V. TO. Leaden weight : P. and V.
5vaAo{}i/. Prepare: P. and V. fjuoX.vp$&9 y (Soph., JTVa^.).
9rapao7cevo etv. Prepa/re for bit/rial : Lead, v. trans. P. and V. Syctv,
P. and V. TrepMTTeXXeiv, irport^ecr^at, ffyicr6aL (dat.), l^yetor^at (ace. or
V. <rvy/ca^ap/xoftv. Straighten the dat.). Gm^e P. and V.

Umbs : V. '

dat.), Ar. and P.

V. o&JyeH/, 68ow, Ar. and P.
winding sheets : V. <w Sa/Aapros a/
jrpcwTyetar&u (dat.) (Xen). Dead
\epolv ire;rXots trwccrTaX^o'av (Eur., way : P. and V. ^yto-0oi,
2Vo. 377). J5e Zai^ o^/or 6wriaZ : P. KaQryyciarOai, V. o&
P. and V. irpoKucrOai. Lay oneself out KctTapxctt/, &^yiar6ai. Induce :

to : P. and V. <rjrovSo^tv (infin.). P. and V. Trporperrctt/ mid.), (or

Lay siege to : see besiege. Lay to : lirayeiv, eVatpetv, ?rpoaytv, P.
see impute. Lay to heart : P. and cTTMnrav. 5e a^ Jfce fe^aa o/: P.
V. v6vpAl< V. 0u/zo> ^oXXc and Y. w/oooTaTctv (gen.), wpoiWa-
see %d. V. intrans. Cowe <rflai
(gen.), P. yycfjuovcvctv (gen.).
anchor : P. and V. Spend, pass : P. and V. Si
to restf : P. and V. Tpf/3etv, Ar. and V. *yetv ; see
481 31
Lea Lea

3e the first
; P. wptDTevW. V. wairas avflpaiirous <* ^ft-as (Dem. 91).
intrans. Tend : P. and V. retvcir, M&mber of a league, subs. P. and :

#pv. Tend (of roads): P. and V. o-ww/toT^s, 6. Eighth of a mle :

Y. <eptv, Syetv. Lead against : P. Ar. and P. oraSior, TO.
and V. CTrGryeiv (TWO. nvt). Lead League, v. trans. P. and V.
astray P. and V. irapayew, irXavav.
crwayc&v, P. a-uvtcrravai. Bring
ififld P. and V. faruysiv.
away; together : Y. erwaXA.a<j<rav. Y.
Lead bade : P. esroi/ayctv. .Lead tro ; intrans. P. and V. o-w
P. and Yi cla-dyeiv. Lead on : P. and
V. en-ctyctv, TTpoaycu', virayew. Lead Leaguer, v. trans. See 'beleaguer.
out : P. and V. igdyeiv. Lead out Leak, subs. HbZe : Ar, and P.
against an enemy : P. Spring a leak : V.
(absol.). Lead round: P. 5vrXov
Lead through : Ar. and P. Leak, v. intrans. P.
(nva 8ta TWOS). Lead v/p : : P. and V.
avoppelv. Leak
P. and V. &>dy&v. out (of a secret) : use P. and Y.
Lead, subs. Guidance : P,
y>7<rcs, 17. Take the lead: P. and Leaky, adj. P. S/?poxos,
Leader, subs. Guide: P. and V. Lean, v. trans. P. and V.
or ^, P. dycoyos, 6
v, 6, 866 J (Plat., K^. 43s, but rare
C/m/ : P- an(l V. P.); see bend, support. V. intrans.
6, or ^, TrpoorrciTTjs, 6; see P. KXtvea-QaL, aTTOfcXtvctv, P. and Y.
Ringleader : P. and V. i/ye/woy, 6, pen-ttv. Stoop : Ar. and P.
or 9. Lean forward : v. trans., V.
Leadership, subs. P. j&X\iv; v. intrans., P.
Ar. TrpowTTTctv. Lean on : P.
Leading, adj. Cfcie/: P. and V, KA.tVco-^at (absol.). Support oneself
irpcoros. Dominant : P. and V. on : Ar. and P, In-cpctSfio-flcu (dat.),
jcvpto?. Occupy the leading plow, P. dirpioWai (dat.) ; met., tfrwstf

v. :P. 7rpo)TUtv. !Z%0 leading &> ; P. and Y. xwrreuetv (dat,),

cities : P. of Trpocorroiorai iretdeo-Oat. (dat.), 7riroi0a/ai (dat.),
Leaf, subs. P. and V. <f>v\Xov, TO. (2nd perf. of TO'fleiv). Leaw
r<mn^ feai;^ : P. and V. towards, be inclined to : P. and Y.
Leafage, subs. Ar. and Y. pe'jrv (?rpos, aoo., L5, ace. or crrf,
fj, V. ^0^77, ^. aoo.), P. diro/cXtVctvwpos (aoo.).
Leafless, adj. V. Tend towards :P. and Y. TiWv
P. and V. ^tXos. et? (ace.). Lean upon : see lean
Leaf, adj. Use P. OWKIOS, Ar. on.
and V. SOMTKIOS, Ar. Lean, adj. Ar. and P.
and P. P. and V.
League, subs. Ar. and P. o Leaning, adj. Sloping P.
^, P. auGrraGrts, ^, TO
and P. <ru/A/iaxt,
: Ar. Leaning, subs. a leaning
and V. or&ris, 17.
P. towards : P. cwro/eA&av wpos (aoc.),
P. enpovXtf, y. In league pe?riv rt (aoo.), petv cm (aoo.) ; see
with, adj. P. and V. : inclined to.
(dat.). in with, v. Ar, Leanness, subs. : P.
and P. crvvio-TwrOcu (dat.) see con- Leap, subs.
; V. T<{, 5X/Aa, TO

spire. He is uniting all men in (also Plat, but rare P.),

league against us : P. TO,
Lea Lea

Leap, v. intrans. P. and V. P. <iA,ojLi0i7s. Fondness for learn-

(Plat.), 5XXco-0<u (Plat.), ing, subs. : P. <iXo/m0eMi, 17.
(Plat.), crKtprav (Plat.),
V. Lease, v. trans, .ffira ; Ar. and P.
K9pu><TKiv. Leap aside : P. /ju<r6ov(r0ai. Let out on hire : Ar.
(Plat ). Leap down : P. and P. jjLurOovv.

(Xen). I/sap o/; AT. and V. Lease, subs. P. /jttordcDQPis, ^. Bond :

s<aXXo-0ai (CK, gen.). Leap on P. P. orvyypa<f>jj, ^.

and V. eKoXXeo-ftu (dat. or ets, ace. or Leash, subs. Use P. and V. f/s,
absol.), Ar. and P. CTrwnySav (dat.), 6.
Y. cvOpuHTKeiv (dat), cirevdpuHTKew P. and V. !\<Wros.
Least, adj.
(dat.), hn6p&<rKLv (gen.). .Leap Not in the least : P. and V.
ow : P, and V. cK^Sav (Plat.), V. OVTTCOS,

^fctfpeooveeiv. Leap over : Ar. &rcp- Not in the least degree :

TnySav (aCC.), Ar. and P. SicwnySav, ovSc /cara fjuxpoy.
. At least : P.
(aco. or absol.), V. ihrep6p<j*crKCiv and V. ye, yow, ye /AT/V, dAAct, oXXa
(ace. or gen.). .Leap up : Ar. and ... ye.
P. SvcwnySav. Least, adv. P. ^A.aX rra, P. and Y.
Learn, v. trans. P. and V. /iav0<iveiv,
cKfw,v0dvctv. Be taught : P. and V. Leather, subs. Ar. and P.
ST8ao7cecr0<u. jBe informed : P, and TO. Dressed leather: P. and Y.
V. }JiavOdvLV, aKOveLV, Trvv6dv(r6a^ Y. S0<fpa, ^ (Eur.,
ireuOecrOaij Ax. and V. iwrw0<iv<r0eu, Leather dresser, subs,
jcXTfew,P. Stairw^avco-^at. JSfl Zearwtf 6, Ar. o-KvXoS&lrqs, 6.
aZZ fea cowM of the Persian Leather and P.
i&atf garment, subs. Ar.
tongue : P. -rijs Ilcpo-tSos yXaio-o^s
ocra^Swaro Karcvoyve (Thuo. 1, 138). Leathern, adj. Ar. and P.
Learn beforehand: P. and V. Of dressed leather: P.
TTpo/javOdvew, P. irpomjvOdvea-Oai (Xen.).
(absoL). Learn besides : Ar. and Leather seller, subs. Ar. y
V. Trpoo-fjLavQdveiv. Learn by heart : 6.
P. and V. cKfuwQdvew. Learn Leather worker, subs. Ar. and P.
subsequently : P. rt/Aav^avv. O-KVTOTO/AOS, 6.
Learned, adj. P. and V. <ro</> 's, P. Leave, subs. Permission: P. and
4>t\6aro<j>o<Sj Ar. and P. TroX-u/ia^s. Y. Igovcrta, ^, Get leave to introduce
Learned in: P. and V. en-iomy/xcDj' a suit: P. Strap Xay^ayeiv. Get
(gen.), efjurcipos (gen.). Learned leave to speak : P. Xoyov Tvy^avetv.
man, subs. P. and V. or<xi<mfc, 6.
: Take leave of: P. and Y. x<"P /
Learnedly, adv. P. and V. o-o^fi?. ear (aoc.), xatptty Xeya^ (aco.), Ar.
Learner, subs. Ar. and P. /AC^T^S, and P. xat P tv *Xueiv (aco.), V.
a. Xa-tpw Karagtovv (ace.). 37^5 a
Learning, subs. TPMom : P. and friendly leave of: Y. <ifXa>s CMTCIV
Y. <TO<MX, ^. Science : P. and V. (aco.). jPafea Zea^fi o/ one's senses :
ewwrr^, 17. Knowledge : P. and P. and V. rrao-0ai; see Je mad,
V. 4^10-717/177, i). Branch of know- By your leave : P. and Y. ct o-ot

ledge: Ar. and P. /idW^a, TO. 8o/ct (if it seems good to you).
Qidtwe: Ax. and P. TrtuSeta, Leave, v. trans. Quit: P. and Y.
^Lc o/ learning : P. and V. Xcwrctv, ^TroXctTretv, l/cXetVeiv, icaTa^

^. JSrw^rtcm: P. TroXv XetTTClV, 7rpoXt7TtV, &JML^LV (Plat, but

Quick at learning, adj. P. : rare P.), P. ^eraXXocnmv, Y.
Quickness at learning, subs. : P. c/cXt/i7rdfvctv, lafjLtfiw. Leave
jPorad o/ learning, adj. : vacant : P. and V. KCVOW,
Lea Leg
You have left no hope among
us : wnjve/jiot (Soph.,
V. ouS*IXX&owras IXmOa (Eur., El.
609). Bequeath: Ar. and P. Left, adj. P. and V.
/caTaXcoreiv, Y. Kdirtiv (Eur., Ale. c^vfyios, V. Xatos. On the left : P.
688). Leave alone, let be : P. and ei/
dptorepa, P. and V. apiorepa?, ^
Y. eay. Leave behind : Ar. and P. V. Xatas x tPos. To the left: V.
*7ro\wriv. Be ie/ behind (in a zrpos rdptOTCpa (Eui\, Gycl. 686).

contest) : P. and V. \cwrco-0cu, Y. ie/i, remaining : P. and V. A.OMTOS,

V. XoiVflws, Xoto^os ; see remaining.
Leave for decision : see Zeave to. Be left over: Ar. and V.
Leave go of : P. and V. pttilevai irco-ftu ; see remain.

(ace.), ati/cu (ace.), a<j>io-0ai (gen.), Leg,

subs. P. and V.
Ar. and V. ^e&eo-ftu (gen.). JLeaue icoiXov, TO (Plat.). Lower part of
(aplace): P. ly/caTaXciVciv (absoL). the leg : P. and V. KrrjfMj, 17. O/ a
.Leave in ifo lurch: P. and Y. piece offurniture : Ar. and P. -n-ous,
A/,VIV, /caroAetTretv, TrpoA^wrctv, irpo* 6. Having two legs, adj. P. and :

StSoi/at, Zprjfwvv, Ar. and P. irpolcvai V. SHTOW. Having three legs : P.

(or mid.). JLeai?e ojf : v. trans., P. and V. Tpforous. Hewing four legs :
and Y. /u&o/oi; v. intrans., see P. and V. TCTpaTTovs, V. TcrpcwrKcX^s.
cease. Lecwe out: P. and V. Legacy, subs. P. and Y. 8<opa, ^,
7rapoA.rav (Eur., TfiZ.
773), Sdo-w, ^. ieave as a legacy, v. :

Traplewu, eicXetVciv, IXXewrctv. Be Ar. and P. /caToXcwretv see leave.


Ze/i cw?er : Ar. and Y. ^piXe^r Legal, adj. Concerning law : P.

see remaiw. iea^e to (for decision, i/ofiueos. Iw conformity with law :

etc.) : Ar. and P. brvrpen-cw (ri Ttvt), P. and V. vo/u/ios, eWo/xos.

V. Traplevaj. (ri nvi) ; see re/er. Legalise, v. trans. Use P. and V.
Leaven, subs. P. tvfMj, fj (Arist.). jcvpow (raii/fy).
Leavings, subs. P. and Y. Legality, subs. Use P. and V. TO
rd (Pfet.). ^WOUOI/.
Lecture, subs. P. 0^0X17, %. Legally, adv. P. e/vofwos, P
a person's lectures: P. and V. icaT&
(rtvos). Rebuke : P. and Y. Legate, subs. P. 6, V.
vfnfjfjLO,, TOj vovtrcnrjcris, 17.
Trpeo-^iSs, 6 ; pi., P. and V.
Lecture, v. trans. Eebuke : P. and ol; see messenger. Deputy: P.
and V. vrrapxos, 6 (Xen.).
Ledge, subs. Ledge of rock : V. Legatee, subs. P. jeA^povo/u)?, 6.
votpcfe, ^. Projection: P. Trpo^oXos, 6. Legend, subs. P. and Y. Ao'yos, 6,

Ledger, subs. Use Ar. and P. /tt)0os, 6, ^ufy 4 V. ofvos, 6, P.

ypafJLfjuarLOVj TO, ypdfjLfjLara, rd. tw0o\ayv)[UL, TO. TForfc of fiction :
Leech, subs. P. /38&\o, ^ (Hdt.). P. and V. /50os, 6. TeZZ legends, v. :
Physician : P. and V. taTpo's, 6 ; see P. /Av^oXoyciv. Telhnq of legends :
P. fwOoXayCa, ^. Writer of legends :
Leek, subs. Ar. wpao-ov, TO. P. fjLvOo\6yo<s t 6, /xv^oTTotos, 6.
Leer, v. intrans. Scoff: Ar. and P. mdary, adj. P. ^oiST;?, judo's.
gendary monsters : P.
Leering, adj. Use P. and V. fj,efJi,vQo\oyy]ij,vaL (Plat.).
Legerdemain, subs. P.
Lees, subs. Lees of wine : Ar.
T7 ;
see dregs. Legion, subs. In Eoman sense :

Leeward, adv. P. e/c TOV use P. Tay/wi, TO (late), TeXos, TO

(Xen.). TTe sai to leeward: V. (late) ; see crowd.
Leg Les

Legislate, v. intrans. P. use adj., P. and V.

;: .

V. Oecrp.OTroLlvy P. and V. vofjL iwo Zia at full length before

rWwai (or mid., in the case of a V. TcoS" iKTaj^rjv o-ot /cetcr^ov
sovereign people legislating for (Eur., P^ofiw. 1698). 1^ length in
itself). many words : V. /W}KOS. TeK me
Legislation, subs. P. vo/w>0tria, ^, woi at length but shortly : Y. cwrc'

VOJLKDV Qfois, %. Laws : P. and Y. /xxDt /X.T) P.JJKOS d\AA O^I/TO/XCU? (Soph.,
VO/AOt, oL -4.wi. 446). Speak at length, v. : P.
Legislative, adj. P. j/o/>0ri/eos. and V. paKwyoptLv (Thuc.), P.
Legislator, subs. P vo/Aoflen/s, 6.
Legitimate, adj. Opposed to bastard: Lengthen, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. yi^'o-ios, V. fflaycvifc. fjurjKvvsw see prolong. ;

Lawful : P. and V. vo/u/ios, eWo/xos. Lengthy, adj. P. and V. /*a*pos.

jPoir, reasonable: P. and V. Leniency, subs See lenity.
i>Xo-yos, wco>s. Lenient, adj. Of persons: P. and
Legitimately, adv. P. ew>//,o>s, V. T/TTioSj Trpaos, ^iA.ay0panro$,
P. and V. icari v6fjLov$.
vojLLL/x(09, In irtwcij?, o-uyyvai/i,QJv, V.
lawful wedlock : P. and V. Of punishment : P. and V.
Fairly : P. and V. CLKOTCOS, /terpios.
Leisure, subs. P. and V. Leniently, adv. P. and V. ^jriW, P.
P. focrruvri, ^, Ar. and P. rj <i\av0pa>7ra>$, V. ev$pova>s,
Idleness : P. and V. dpyta, 17 irpeu/4vais. Moderately : P. and V.
y. Be a leisure, v. : P. and V, jncrpoi)?, P. e7n,ifco)9.

<rxoXd tv, orxoXiTV lx tv * ^e *^ fi

Lenity, subs.
; P. Trpcwmjs, ^,
P. and V. dpyciv, P. ppfo/xciy. At ia, 17, 7rtK6a, 17, V.
leisure, adv P. and V.
: c

o^xoXiys, Ar. and P. Kara eic.) P. :

adj., P. and V. dpyo's. Qwwi : P. Lentil, subs. P. BOKO'S, 6 (Hdt.).

and V. yovxos see 5^*. ;
Lentil sou Ar. <OKT?, 17.
Leisurely, adj. P. and V. Leopard, su Ar. and P.
(Soph Frag.).
, Slow P. and V.
$oa8ife. 7w a leisurely way : Ar. Leopard-skin, subs. V.
and P. Kaff iJcriJxt'av. fopov oVpo? (Soph., Frag.).
Lend, xv. trans. Money : Ar. and P. Leprosy, subs. P. Xeviei.
8avi iv, Kixpavat. Furnish : P. (Plat., Tim. 85A) Leprosies: V.
and V. 7rapXiv, irop&w. Afford, Xctx^vs, o? (.ZEsch., Choe. 281).
grant : P. and V. cvSiSoVat. Lewd Less, adj. P. and V. eXoxroxov, ij<r<ra>v,
^ar P. irapfyciv ra Sra ; see under
; V. fJLLQ)V.
ear. Tfee god lent readiness to her Less, adv. P. and V. IXoono-ov,
hands : V. 6 leo? evpApeuav cTrcS&au fjcro'ov, V. /Atov. 3f*Z4cfe Z0SS, Zfi^

xepolv (Eur., Baccfe. 1128). oZoTW ; P. /J Tt yc.

Lender, subs. P. Samonfo 6 (Dem. Lessen, v. trans. P. eXoo-o-ow,
885). fj^tauv (Xen.). V. intrans. P.
Lending, subs. P. Samcr/ufo, 6. cXaororowrftu, /MfLOixrOcu (Plat ) .

Length, subs. P. and V. /ATJKOS, TO Depredate: P. and V. -,

of time also P. and V. -n-X^^os, TO.

: P. Oltt0T>plV.
Measure : P. and V. /nerpov, TO. Go Lesser, adj. See Zess.
to swcfe lengths : P. Lesson, subs. P. and V. fwu***,
cts Too-avnyv TO', P. SiSao-icoXta, ^. Example,
see extremity. At length : warning : P. and V. TraprfSety/jia,
see a Zas. ^t^ /& length, on one's i) (Eur., Pfcoew. 871).
Les Lev

Our former mistakes . . . will av (aoo. or absol.). Exolamatory :

teach usa lesson: P. ocra ^/p- V. TO>, la, lao-o^. Let down : P.
Trporepov . . . SiSacr/coXwiv and V. Ka (aco.). Let down
(Thuc. 2, 87). Yet a good one's lna/i/r : V.
upbringing teaches the lesson of oneself down : P. and V. ica0Zei/ai

virtue : V. 7
eavrov, P. orvyKa^tci/at lavrov, Ar.
avrov. Le^ /0ZZ : P. and
(Eur., Sec. 600). (A cloth) V. iroLplevai (Thuo. 4, 38),
finished, but serving as a lesson in a<Zci/<u (aco.)(Thuo. 2, 76) see :

weaving : V. (fyooyAa) ov rl\eov olov drop. Of tears see shed. Let :

S* K&to'ay/&a KepKiSos (Eur., Jow, go : and V. a^Ievot, ana/cu,

1419). Bead (a person) a lesson : fLt&i&ai,V. i&vlhai. Let go of :
P. and V. oxi^povtfew (aco.), P. and V. a<icr0<u (gen.), Ar. and
pvQptciv (aoc ) (Plat.). Have lessons V. AA0fecr0(u (gen.). Zrfii P.
of (a person) ; Ar. and P. ^otrS and V. Cicr0p> Trapwat, l

irapa (acc h ). elcrdyciv, irpocrBcx*^ *'

Lest, conj. After verbs of fearing elv, P.

P. and V. M. In order that not P.
P. and V. oVa)9 /AT}. and V. A.iW, d^uVat see ;

Let, v. trans. _ Let for hire : Ar. and iei Zoose w^on ; P. and V.
P, /uo-0 (rt rtvi), P. e7rt7r/JL7Ttv (rt nvt) ; See
Be Zei (o/ a house) : P. launch against. Let through P.
^>optv (bring in rent). Let off, let and V. Sd&cu, Ar. and P.
go : P. and V. afaevai (aoo.), Lethargic, adj. IdZs : P. and V.
ptBlevai (aoc.). Acquit : P. and SZoto ; P. and V.
V. Xuc&v, CKX-uetv, a<Zeyac, Ar. and . Une P. dTrpd-
P. S7ToXiJv. Pardon: P. and V.
oTryytyvwo-Ketv (dat.) ; see pardon. Lethargically, adv. P.
Be let off, be acquitted : P.
and V. Unenergetically : P.
Ar. and P. P.
aZZoti; io P. and Lethargy, subs. Idleness: P. and
V. l^ivat; see also release. Let Y. dpyco, ^, paQvfua, ^, P. p^orcui^,
out (a rope) ; V. I^Zcwu. P. and V. icoVo?, 6.
Dismiss : ^. Tr ^armess :

Ar. and P. aaroTrepTrcLV. and P.

Let out on Numbness : Ar.
hire : Ar. and P. jo-0ow, P. Letter, subs. and V. P.
071 or pi., ypa/t/iara, TO, ypa^, or
contract : P. /c8tSovat. pi. Tablet for writing : P. and V.
P. 7rfva 6, Ar. and V. ScA/ros, 19.
Tell, betray P. and V. Letters of the alphabet : P. and V.

Allow : P. and V. ypaifjLfjLaTa, rd. Letters, literature :

e^Io/at (dat.), iraplevai (dat.). jp. and V.
/Aovcruc^, 17 (Eur., Frag.).
a person be injwred : Ar. and A man of letters : use adj., ZeWered.
P. Trcpiopov, or P. irpolc<r6ai TWO. A dead letter, not enforced : use
aiStxovfjLeirov. She will not let others adj., P. oicupos. Obsolete : Ar. and
bear children : V. owe P. o-cwrpos, P. IcoAo?.
Tt/crovras A\ou$ (Bur., -^Tid. 711). Lettered, adj. Acquainted with
-Efo privily begets sons amd lets literature : P. and V. /w
them perish : V. Ar. and P. ,

Xotfpcc ^ny<r/
A/icXct (Enr., Lettuce, subs. ^ (Hdt.).
^, 438). P. and V. Level,adj. P. 6/^1X05, V.
lay (aoo.). JDe J : P. and V. see flat. Consisting of
Lev Lib

plain: P. and V. 9re8& (Plat.), P. : P. and Y. u9y P.

Reives. Smooth : P. and V.
Xctos. Equal : P. and V. foros. Lewdness, subs. P. d/coWia,
Level, v. trans. P. 6/AoAwav (Plat.), a/cpaVeia, 17, Y. /xapyorT;?, ^, P. am
Y. aurxpouyia, 17, "fySpik, 17. Shame-
P. and V. !tcrow (riva rtvt), P. mess : P. and V. oWSeia, ^ see ;

bravKTOvv (nva wpos nva). Level to

the gromd : P, and Y. Koflaipciv, Liability, subs. To render account :
KaTao-KdwrTCtt'. d4*??a : see aim. use P. TO virtvOwov. Liabilities 9
.LeveZ reproaches at : see reproach. aeOvS Jtr * yp^7At&TCi TCU OCPC&XTJLIQTCI
Level, subs. P. rd 0/40X0?. CM a Td\
ZeveZ w^/i : P. and V. c iaor (dat.). Liable, adj. Accountable ; P. andV,
Lever, subs. P. and V. /w>xXos, 6. ,
P. ihrotTios, UTToSuco?,
Met., meows o/ influence: P. li/oxos. Liable for the
$, P. and V. Xa/3?7, 17,
for : P. and Y. ivexecrBai
Leveret, subs. Ar. Xay<poW (dat.) (Eur., Or. 516). JUoii* to,

Levity, subs. Inconstancy : P. TO accountable to : P. forotfwos (dat.),

aa-TaOfJLvjrov. Faithlessness : P. and &/QXOS (dat.), uTfd'SiKos (dat*). Liable
V. dVrrx, 17. Unreasonableness: to tribute : P. wrorcX'jys <j>opov.
P. oXoyia, 77. Sportf, /0s : P. and Liable to punishment: P. i7/u'a
V. -TTtuSia, 17. .Nowsense ; Ar. and evokes. 5e ZiafeZe to : P. and V.
P. Xijpos, 6, <Xvapia, ZVeat wi/&

Zew^ : P. bf ouSm Xoyo) TroLur6cu., charge o/s v. : P. and Y. o^Xwr/cavctv

V. 81' ovSei/os 7rot?<r^ot; see disregard, (aoo.). ^bi ZiaiZe to military
mock. service, adj. : Ar. and P. do-rpaTeuros.
Levy, v. trans. -5tegms*'tatf& : P. and Be liable to (states of feeling, etc.),
V. IwtTda'O'ctv, TrpoaTcurcreiv, T((r<rtv, v. P. and Y. xpn'QaL (dat.). Men's

P. ^/cA.eyv. Levy money : P. natures are liable to confusion : V.


dpyvpoXoyetv (absol.). l^ouo-t yap rapay/jLov at 0Txras Ppor&v

money for the na/oy : P. r (Bur., El. 868). If a man envies
cts TO vavriJcoV (Thuo. 8, 3). or indeed fears us (for superiority
tfri&wte /row fe Greeks : P. is liable to be the target of both

Saor/xoAoyetv TOVS ^AAiyva? (Isoc. passions) . . . ; P. el TIS <0ora 1}

184=0). Exact: Ar. and P. &/a- Kdi (iODClTflLt. u/xd>OTpCL y^P TttO

wpaorcrccv ; see ea;ac^ Collect : P. 7rao*^et ra /^ei^cu (Thuo 6, 78). . . .

and V, o-uXXeyeiv, crvvrfyetv ; see J5e Zi6Ze to (do a ftmgr) (with

collect. Levy war on : P. infin.) : P. and Y. <IXtv. Lo/rge
armies are liable to be seized by
irpos (aoo.). unaccountable panics : P. ^t\t
subs. Jlfwsier: P. and V.
o-wo8os, ^, o-uAAoyos, 6, Y. ajOpoia-fja, v<r^<u (Thuc. 4, 125). 5^ mcZwed
TO. Hold a Zev^ (/or 4/ie arwiy) ; to: P, and Y. ^teo-^at (infin.);
P. KaToAoyovs iroieto-^at. Levying see inclined.
money, subs.: P. <JtpyupoAoyt'a, Liar, subs. P. and Y. ^evo-nys, 6.
JBe a Ziar, v. : P. and V. ifrevSco-Qcu,
(Xen.); adj., Ar. and P.
Libation, subs. P. and V. cnrov^
97, or pi., Y. Xoipai,
01 (rare in sing.),
Lewd, adj. P. and V. *coAa<rros, Ar.
and P. AKpanfc, Y. ^tapyos. Shame- Ar. and V. ireXoVos, 6. Libations to
less : P. and V. avaiSifc, v the dead or the gods of the dead :
Lewdly, adv. P. <fcoX<crra>?, Y. YOOA, al (also Sen. but rare P.),
Lib Lie

Xovrpa, ra, yctzroros Liberation, subs. P. and V.

no share in the pouring of libations : ^, ^TraXXkv^, 17, V. IicXucris, 17, P.
V. }JLera<r\*iv ov ^>iXoo-7roV8ov Xt^o9 a.7rdA.vcrts, r/, eXev^epcucrt?, r/.

(JEsoh., Choe. 292). Jfafce or pour Liberator, subs. Use P. and V. 6

libations, v. : Ar. and P. <nroi/Sas cXevflepwv, or other participles of
TTOietcrflai, P. and V. orro'Sett', oVo- verbs to liberate.
crTrci/Seiv, V. cnrovSa.9 XeijSeiv (or Libertine, subs. P. and V. v/Jpurnjs,
mid.), CKcnrei/SeH/, Ar. and V. 6.

<nrev&iv. Make libations to the Liberty, subs. P. acvflcpta, V.

dead: V. x^
X *v s x
at X*
TOvXer;0epov. PoMiicaZ "iw^jjeT*-
dJfiwce : P. avrovo/Ata, 17.
^oas Imcnrei/Seiv. Jbra wi making Licence,
libations : P. owrreVScu/ (dat.). permission: P. and V. l^ovo-ta, 17,
Libel, subs. P. /3Xao-<?7/ua, ^. Immunity : P. and V. dlScta, 17.
Libel, v. trans. P. Dangers that threaten our personal
ace. or Kara, gen.). liberty : P. ot n-cpt TOV o-oi/x,aTos

Libellous, adj. P. /eivSwoi (Lys. 110). Complete

is rao technically libellous to say personal liberty for all as regards
tJiat a man has killed his father : prvoate Ufe : P. avcTrtTajcros iracrw cts
P. OVK loTt Tail/
airoppyTW lav rts ri)v StatTav e^aucrta (Thuc. 7, 69).
Ttv* Mr>7 TOV Trarepa 47TKTOvei/at Sei ai liberty, v. : see liberate. You
(Lys. 116). are at liberty to : P. and V. f<rr
Liberal, adj. Generous in giving : o-ot (infin.). Tafce liberties with :

P. <tXo8ujpos, Ar. /AcyoXoScupos. P. and V. v(3p%ctv (ace., or efe,

Ungrudging : V. a<0ovos. ^L&ww ace.). Tamper with : P,

daw* ; P. and V. amoves, m>Xfe, V. vco-^ot (aco.).
BeftttiTig a free man : Libidinous, adj.
T4ppuro5. P. and V.
P. and V. I\u8epo?, P. cXevflepios aTO5, Ar. and P. d/epanfc, V. /jiapyo?.
Democratic : Ar. and P. 877^0- Libidinously, adv. P.
Kparticos. High-minded : P. and
V. yewatos, P. /AyaA.o^x 9 /7Xo- Libidinousness, subs. P.
<^pwv, V. euyej^s. Szw/wiTie : P. V. fMipyorrf^ rj. f
17, aKpaTta, 17,
and V. ^tXav^powros. Licence, subs. Permission : P. and
Liberality, subs. Munificence : P. V. ciouo-to, ^. Indemnity : P. and
atftOovta, ^, cXcv^cpionys, 17. J.6^71- V. 38a, 17. Want of restraint : P.
da?K;e : P. a<0owa, ^, europta, 17, aKoXacrt'a, 17, OKpareta, 17, avecrts,
Highmwdedness : P. and V. ^. Wantonness : P. and V. -u/Jpts,
atov, P. /xeya- ^. Shcmelessness : P. and V.
vcuoW, ^ ; see shamelessness.
Humanity : P. <iXai/0p<wria, 07. Lawlessness : P. and Y. Svo/ua, ^,
Liberally, adv. Munificently : P. SvapXta, 17, V. TO &vapxpv.
<^iXo8<0pco9. Abundantly: P. and Licence, v. trans. Owe permission
"V. d^ovws (Enr.,
Frag.). As befits for : use P. and V. gbucrfav SiSdvat
a freemam, : P. and V. IXevflcpws. (dat. of pers. ; gen. of thing).
^7b6Z^ : P. and V. ycwuW, P.
Licence a play : P. ^opov SiSoVai
ft>oXoi/a;xo)S, V. euycvois. (absol.) (Plat., Bep. 383o). You
Liberate, v. trans. P. and V. cW mil home voted them full licence
0pOW, i<f>lfVCU, K\VLV OT mid., 9 to do whatever they like : P. -n-oXX^
a^oA^tv (Eur., Or. 1236), ^aX- aSctav avrots afrrjfacrjjievoi lo~eo~6'e
Xa<r<r/, e^upctcrflcu, V. efairaXXaarcrctv Trowtvon &v jSovXcovrai (Lys. 166).
(pass, in Thuc.). Help in liber- Licentious, adj. P. and V. AcoXaoros,
^ur. Frag.}, Ar. and P.
ating ;
crweXw^pow (aoo.).
Lie Lif

oanjs, P. ao-cXyifc, u/JpWTiKOs, V. Lie in wait for : P.

jtmpyos. P. and Y. #voju.os,
Lawless : and V. <^TjXao-crtv (aco.), T^pcTv (ace.).
Impious : P. and V. Lie off (of islands off a coast) : P.
Shameless : P. and V. en-iKeicrOai (dat. or absol.). Of a
see shameless. Be licen- sMp : P. (dat.). ze on :
tious, v. P. and V. vpptfav ; see
: P. iri
(dat ).
ie ^?zder ;

wanton. P. (dat. or absol.). Met.,

Licentiously, adv.P. aKoXa.**, P. and Y. (dat.), o-wcti/ai
&cpaTo>?, vflpicrriK&s,A. and V. (dat.). suspicion: P.
cureXyws. Lawlessly : P. ai/o/xw?. and V. &ro7rros Lie up : Ar.
Impiously: Y. avoa-iW Shame- and P. Zr^e
lessly : P. and V. ai/atSois ;
see P. lTTlKCL(r6(LL

shamelessly. Lieu, subs. In lieu of: see .

Licentiousness, subs. P. d/coXao-ia, Lieutenant, subs. Use P. and V.

17, dxpareta, 17, durcXyeta, 17,
P. and Y. Xo^ayds, 6 ; see captain. Subordi-
if/?pis, ^, Y. /jiapyortys, . Lawless- nate : P. and Y. ^rap^cs, 6.

ness : P. and V. vo/ua, ^, avap^ta, Life, subs. Existence . P. and Y.

17,V. TO Svapxov. Shamelessness : $bs, 6, fay, $ (Plat, and ^3sch.,
P. and Y. avoi'Scia, ^ see shameless- ; Frag.), Y. &j, ^ (Bur., ^c. 1108).
ness. Time of life : Ar. and P. ^\l KCa. ^, t

Lick, v. trans. Ar. SioXet'x*"', At*, and V. aw6v, 6. Way o/ Zi-ymgr ; p. and
Y. XixAtav. .Licfc round : Ar. V. ^tbs, o, ^(MTa, 07, Ar. and Y. ^toros,
TreptXci'xeiv (ace.). .Kcfc wp ; Ar. 6. Age, generation: P. and V.
and V. Xei'xcu' (ace.), at<6v, 6. Vital principle : P. and
Liotor, subs. P. and V. pa/KJovxos, 6 V. iftvxnt ^. J^izmai^ow, courage:
P. and V. 0i//*o's, 6. Prime of Life :
Lid, subs.
Ar. eirWypa, TO ; see cover.
P. and Y. /?Xe'<apov, TO
P. and Y.
5e m the prime of ^ ^ <Spa, ^,
life, v. :
AicMi *
P. and
(Plat., Km. 45s also Ar.), generally V. -tySai/, aKpAeiv. The events of
one's life : P. TCI
Pi- ySc/fcayxci/a (rarf).
Lie, subs. P. and Y. i/r58os, ,
V. 5a ine5 /or one's Zi/^ : P. ^rcpl TOV
tfiWos, TO. TeZZ Zies of, v. : Ar. and orw/xaros dycovtfccr^at (Lys. 167).
P. KaTa\l/v$e<r6ai (gen.). erne's Z*/e ; P. and V. -Trcpl

Lie, v. intrans. P. and V. ifreuSeo-Oai, (I>e5cn*6e) to the life: P.

Ka.Ta\lrcv$<r6a.i) V. tycvSrflop&v. Ly- an V. ctKpZy&off. Money and lives
ing, false, use adj. P. and Y.: will be put to the hazard against
each city P. irpos c/cao-nyv v6\w

Lie, v. intrans. Be in a certain situ- diroKKivSvvvo er(U ra re xpyfjutra ical


ation: P. and V. Kelar&at. Geo- a? ^ux^' (Fbnc. 3, 39). Co?we

graphically : P. and V. Kci<r0ai, life again, v. Ar. and P. :

ftpMtcu (perf. pass. iSpvcw). Of a Begain life : Y.

ship : P. and V. op^icZv, dpu/6o~d<u. Love of life, subs. : P.
Becline : Ar. and P. KaToieXfiw&u, Loving life, adj. Y. :

Y. K\tvccr0at. Lie buried : P. and ^tXoci>o9 (Soph, and

V. JcewrflcH. Lie down : Ar. and P. Eur., Frag.).
KaTa.Kct<r6<u. Go to bed : P. and Y. Life blood, subs. P. and Y. TO',

icoi/jwur0ai.Lie hid: seeAtdk Lie V. ^v otT/ta (Soph., JErZ.

in ambush for : P. and V. efafycvcu' 786).

(dat.), P. evcSpeiW (ace.), V. Xox&v adj. V.
(aco.) see under ambush. Lie in

state (awaiting burial) : P. and Y. Life exile, subs. P.

L!f Lig

Lifeless, adj. P. and V. Come to P. and V.

K0fo ;

see dead. Met., Ar. and P. foa<f>aive<r9ai, fcofre<r&u (Plat.).

Ar. and V. /xoAtfaKos. 6rw;fi a light : Ar. and P. faivtiv
Unenergetic : P. cwr/oofo/zos ; see (absol.). Shed light on, met. P. :

torpid. and V. <ra<t>i)v%civ (ace.) (Xen.),

Lifelessly, adv. Ar and P. /&*, Siao-afalv (ace.) ; see explaw.
Ar. and V. /*aA0aKois. Unenergeti- Shine on : P. KaraXd/jLirciv (gen.)
cally : P. carpoOvp,w?. (Plat.). Stand in a persons light :
Lifelessness, subs. P. paXauaa, 97 ;
P. and V. tfMToSibv flvai (dat.).
see torpor. In tJie light of : P. and V. IK
Lifelike, adj. P. o>cos (Xen.). (gen.), oaro(gen.). Each of the
Lifetime, subs. P. and V. <uw, 6; former favours is viewed in the
see life. light of the final result : P. ?rpo5
Lift, v. trans. P. and V. atpav,
^aipiv, iTraipeiv, tvdycur, avj(tv, V. Trpovrrap^ayruv /cpiWrat (Dem, 12).
/3ao-Toeiv. Boise : P. and V. Represent in a bad light : P. ieafcu>?
avorravcu, i^avurrdvai, opGow (rare cLca&u/ vept (gen.) (Plat., Sep. 377s).
P.), V. ava/cou^i^cu/, Ar. and V. Light, v. trans. Kindle : P. and V.
KOV</>LCLV (rare P.) ; see ra^se, cwrrav, avaTTTfiv, v<t>dirrW, Kdeiv, V.
op; P. and V. &v<up<r6at. Lift aWew, &va.iQiv, viraiBtiv, Scuetv,
one's brows : Ar. and P. dvSatetv, avcu6v<r(Tw, d!va/catv (Eur.,
foaorrav. I
stay &e speartw'ZZ OycZ.), iKicdtw. Have lighted: P.
which I lift against the strangers : dva7rro-0<u (Lys. 93). ^. lighted
V. iravtro 8e Aoypc^v ^v eiracpo/ucu torch, subs. : Ar. S^ -?iwew\. A
#voi$ (Bur., I. 37. 1484). I/i/i up lighted lamp : P. Au^os ^/xjw.o'os
(the voice, etc.) : P. ratpeiv, Ar. (Thuc. 4, 133). G^ye Z^/t^ to : Ar.
and P. o/Tiveo-0ai. yi wp tae and P. <^CUVLV (dat.). Make bright,
V. 6p0xiv (absol.). v.: V. <Acytv. JFaZZ: -P and
: V. V. iriirrew, KaTCurKifarTew. Light
on, descend on : P. and V. icaTa-

Ligament, subs. See band, bandage. ovojTTTsn/ (cfcs, aoc.). JSTi-yy s wont
Light, subs. P. and V. <o>s, TO, Ar. to light on things exalted : V.
and V. <eyyo9, TO (also Plat, but T<x 7rto">7/tct
o 6 <f)66vos
rare P.), <ao$, Ar.
TO'. Gleam: (Eur., Frag.). Light on, chance
and V. o-'A5s, TO (also Plat, but on : P. and V. ^Tvy^dVew (dat.^,
rare P.), avyy, y (also Plat, in sense Tvy^aveiv (gen.), TrpooTrwrmv (dat.),
of ray). Lamp : Ar. and P. Ar. and P. cwrTvy Y<3u ctv (gen. or
Avxvo9, 6. Concretely of persons or dat.), P. Trepwrwrreiv (dat.), Ar. and
things, the light of, the glory of: V. /nSpetv (gen.), V. Kiyxdvtw (ace.
V. dyoA/xa, TO, <w$, TO, <aos, TO J or gen.). Of events: see befall.
see glory. See the light, live v. : t
Settle on : see settle.
Light, adj. Ar. and P. <avos (Plat.),
or p\7Ti.v alone. As soon as it Of colour : P. and V. Aa/wrp<fe ;

was light : P. and V. &/& y/jLtpa, P. see bright. As opposed to ^z-uy ;

a/i" f<p. Light was beginmng to P. and V. /coi)<f>os, Aac6po9. Sasy

break : P. {nrtyaive ri ijiMepas (Plat., to carry : V. euay/caAos. SwaZZ,
Prot. 312A). Bringing light, adj. :
sZ^Ai : P. and V. Arro9. Active,
Ar. and V. <o>o-<dpos. Bring to nimble : P. and V. cAa^pos (Xen.),
liyht, v. : P. and V. dVa^Wvciv, Ar. and V. KOT)<OS, (9oo9, V.
XcLLifnrjpo's. Light troops : see light-
t9 TO 0avcpoi/ ayeiv ; 866 disclose. armed. Light conduct : P. and V.
Lig Lik

tJ/3pis, 17. Not serwus : P. and V. Lightness, subs. P.

s, eXa^pds. Easy : P. and Y. (Plat.), cXa^poTTjs, 17 (Plat.).
T7S (Plat.), CVTTOpOS, wess of conduct : P. and Y
s, eXcu^pds, V. fifytapT/s. -Mi&fo
o/ : P. and V. feStas ^cpciv Lightning, subs. P. and Y. a
(ace.), Ar and V. ^avXws <t>epciv (Plat.).
17" Lightning flash: V.
(ace.), V. U7rero>s <epeiv (ace.) currpaTrij^opov irvp. Strike with
(Sopn., Frag.) ; see disregard, lightning, V. : Y. Karacrrpaarrea/ KO.TOL

despise. Disparage : P. and V. (gen.). Carry lightning : Ar.

8wi#XXiv (ace). With a light heart: currpairqfapelv. Be struck by
P. vx*pfa, P. and V. po&W lightning : P. typpovTaurQai (Xen.) ;
Light-armed, adj. P. /w</>a>s see also thunderbolt. His might
lo-KcuaorfjL&os, P. and V. i/rtX<fe, was blasted by the lightning : Y.
yvprfis (Xen.). Light-armed troops :
c&SpovnJflw o-00/os (-2Esch. P. V.
P. and V. t/rlXot, 01, yujHi/ijTcs,
(Xen.), TrcXToorat, 01 (Ear., Ste.), Like, adj. EesembUng : P. and Y,
P. oc DuLfool (Xen.). ofjiOLog (dat.), irpoo-fapife (dat.), Ar.
Lighten, v. trans. P. and V. and V. (also Xen.),
/*<epT7s (dat.)
7riKOi><ten/, Kovtyfav, V. c^eu- c<6s V. Trpoo-c/^cpifr
(dat.) (rare P.),
/Lapieiv. Lighten by draioing off: (Eur., Frag.) (also Xen. but rare
P. and V. dVavrXfitv (Plat.). Semi*: P.) (dat.), SXfy/cws ffisch., P. 7.
P. and V. avtivat. V. intrans. Of 449), P. irpoo-coticais (dat.). Nearly
lightning: P. and V. do-rpaTm-iv like : P. irapo/xoios (dat.), TrapawXijo-ios
(Plat.). (dat.), Ar. and P. -n-pocro/wMos (dat.).
Lightening, subs. P. icoityns, 17. J^si kfce : P. and Y. SScX^d? (gen.
Light-fingered, adj. See thievish. or dat.) (Plat.). In like manner :
Light-headed, adj. Y. icoi^oVous see siamlarly. Alike : P. and Y.
eXa<pds. IttCOT&Stowi ; P. a/cara- ofjioios. Like cleave to like : P. 6
crraro?. Delirious : P. and V. 6/wHos TO) o/io/o) (Plat., (?or^. 510B).
Ar. and Y. irapcaren-- Equal :* ~S>. and Y. ?o-os. Nearly
equal : P. wapaTrXiJcrtos. .Mia&e Zz^e,
Light-hearted, adj. Cheerful: P. v. P. and V. OJJLOIOVV, ^^toow, P.

Ar. and P. EXap<fe (Xen.).

ctOvfjLos, fafrofwiovv. Be Uke : P. and Y.
Gay : Ar. and P. vedvucos ; see gay, oiKvai (dat.) (rare P.), o^Qtovo-Oat
joyful. Reckless : P. (dat.), IgofMiovcrOai. (dat.), Y. Trpen-eo'
Light-heartedly, adv. Gaily : P. (dat.), Ar. and V. wpoo-et/ccvai (dat.)
and Y. rftf^ws (Xen.), yBfa, P. (wpoo*oi/ca), ciKwai (dat.) (2oca) ; see
pois (Xen.). BecUessly : P. resemble. Made like : use also Y.
P<*>5- Y. *coity<os.
e^KaoyAcvo? (dat.), fcarcuccurdcfe (dat.).
Light-heartedness, subs. Gaiefy : Be Ztfcg to: see ZifceZ^/. There is
P. and V. cvOvfjita, y. Delight, joy : nothing like hearing the law itself:
P. and V. jfanj, vSpci, ^. ^
P. ovSev oTov aKOvi,v avrov TOV vd/jtov
JSec&fessTwss : P. cuxcp^ta, (Dem. 529). In like manner : P.
Lightly, adv. P. and Y. and V. 6/)ta, 6/10009, a>cravr<us, Y.
Easily : P. and Y. avrcDs ; see similarly.

(Plat.), ewrenos, Y. K Like, adv. In the manner of : P. and

ZessZ^ : P. cvxepfis. 2Veai lightly, V. Shyv (gen.), P. & rpo'Tnp (gen.),
v. see disregard. Lightly equipped
: V- cv rpdwots (gen.), rpoirov (gen.).
as regards arms : P. cvcrraX^s T^ ^[5 : P. and Y. os, <5oTTp, wo-Tre/oet,
oTrXta-ci (Thuc. 3, 22). Lightfy ota, Ar. and P. KaOdirep, Y. <5o-re,
armed : see Z^i armed. oirota, fccp, owre/.

Lik Lin

likea woman to : V. Trpos tree : P. <tA4>a, (Hdt.)- O/ ^e 77*

T> (with infin.) (Mwh., Ag. 1636), lime tree, adj. Ar. <^iA.vpTvos. :

same construction in Ar. and P. Limit, subs. P. and V. 6po?, 6. End:

Like, v. trans. Regard with liking : P. and V. irepas, TO', V. T^p/xS, T<*.
P. and V. <t\tv, orcpyctF, P. jDwe Zm^, measure : P. and V.
ayairav, iJSetos *X LV (^at.). Put Up /x-erpov, TO.
with : P. and V.
Limit, v. trans.
P. and V. optfav.
(ace.). I sTiewZd like to ask : P. Check : P. and V. KCLTC^V ; see
r/Scw? 4v cpoipyv, same construction check. 1 thought such honours
in V. WbttJd 2/ow fo'&e me to tell were limited to successful oper-
you: P. and V. ^ouXet <rot ewro> ations : P. T&V KaTOpQovpcvwv
(aor. subj.), eyc0y T/yovju/^v Ipycov Tas TOiavTas
Likelihood, subs. P. and V, So tkfc. &p{<r9at TifM.$ (Dem. 598).
jfo all likelihood : P. Kara TO eiKos, Limitation, subs. See limit. Statute
<WS TO CI/C09, K TOV t*OTO$, P. and Y. of limitations : use P. irpoOto-fua,
tf (Dem. 269).
Likely, adj. P. and V. Limited, adj. Short : P. and V.
Probable : P. a^Oeia lot?. -4s $s Small : P. and V. oAjfyos,
likely : P. and V. o>$ COIKC, ws TfjiiKpos. Ar. and V.
i/co's. iifeefy io expected to :
P. jSato?. Narrow : P. and

WSofos (infin.). -Bs Z$;% to : P. V. orei/05. From a small and

and V. fjxXX&y (infin.). They are limited space : P. /3pax* $ *< &
very likely to be wrong : P. (Thuc. 7, 4=9).
Bwevovcriv afj.apTa.veiv. limited space : P. 8ta r^
Like-minded, adj. P. uc. 4, 30).
Limitless, adj. P. and V.
Liken, v. trans. P. and V. V. /xtpt'os (also Plat, but rare P.).
&ireiKaciv, xpoo-ei/cafciv, V. lira- Abundant : P. and Y. fyOovos, V.
Kdciv, P. TrapciKaf v ; 866
Limn, v. trans. See portray.
Likeness, subs. Resemblance: P. Limp, adj. V. vypos, licXvro?.
o/Aoton/s, 07. Portrait, represen- P. and V. dur^evijs, V. ava\Ki<s. Met.,
tation : P. and V. efcwy, p.ip^pa.9
invertebrate Ar. and P.

TO, P. a<fiojjLoi(j)jjLa, TO, dweiKao'fJ.a, TO. Ar. and V. /zoAtfaico's.

JTJ i/ie likeness of: use Z^e, adj. Limp, v. intrans. P.
Likewise, adv. P. and V. XcoXcvecr^ai, V. clXveo-^at.
6yu,ota, axravTws. -4i 2^6 SO77 Limpet, subs. Ar. Xernfe, 77*.

P. and Y. 6/5. ap&, V. P. and V.

oftov, Limpid, adj.
Liking, subs. Goodwill : P. and V. Aa/wrpo's, evayrjs (Plat., rare P.),
cfooia, if. Have a liking for : use Ar. and P. Sta^an}?.
verb like.
Limping, adj. P. and V. x<^<fe> P-
Lilt, subs. Use P. and V. /*&<>?, TO. avairripos, V. $TTOV$.
Lily, subs. Ar. and P, Kpfoov, TO. Linch pins, subs. Y. cv^AaTa, T<

Limb, subs. P. and V. *o>W, TO (Eur., fftpp. 1235).

(Plat). Limbs: P. and V. ^77, Linden, subs. See ^
TI (Plat.), V. /wot, Ta ; see member. Line, subs. P. and V.
Tear limb from limb, v. use (Eur., Frag.). Carpenter's line :

mangle. P. and V. <rra0/LW7, r). Row : P.

Lime, subs. Lme
for cement : P and V. rdi<s, 17, oroixos, 6, P.
and V. Tr^Xoff, 6. Bird lime: V. ortxos, 6. In a line : P. KOTO,
t'&'ff, 6 (Bur., CtycZ. In order : P. and V.
Lin Lin

Line to mark the : P. and V.

c/cyovos, 6 or
winning pomt : Ar. and Y. ^, P. ctTToyovos, 6 or 17 see ;

77. Fishing line : Y. op/uo, descendant. i

of a fishing net : Y. /eAxDorr/p Xfvov. Lineaments, subs. Use P. and V.

Wrinkle : Ar. and P. T&TOS, 6. Features: see /ace.
Line of battle : P. and V. Lined, adj. TTruifeZad : P. and V.
P. irapdragis, 17, Ar. and V. puo-os. TFeZZ-Ztwe^ : use full.
au File row: P. and Y. t Linen, subs. P. and V. Awn/, TO.
6. Troops in line of battle : P. ^iwfiw : P. and Y.
o-ti/Swv, 17.
<f>a\ay, %. Draw up in line, v. ... bandages : Ar.
60ovuz, Ta.

Ar. and P. irapaTdo-orav. In line : Linen, adj. P. Awous, V. yffvc

of ships, P. /JLCTCOTT^SOV, opposed to Linger, v. intrans. P. and V.
vn column ; of troops, P. fal
<aXayyos (Xen.). Win aZZ aZow0 9 P.
ifoe Zw0 : P. VIKOLV 8ta iravros. and P. StaTp^Sfitv, V.
Break the enemy's line of ships, Lingerer, subs. P. fieAA^-nfc, 6.
v. : P. 8iciar\eiv (absol.) see break. Lingering, adj.
; SZow; ; P. and V.
Lines of circumvallation : P. ftpaSvs. Long drawn out : P. and
/ / / c
V. /^a/epos. Dying by a Ungermg
Line of poetry : Ar. and P. or^os, 8vo-0aj/aT<ov, V. death : P.
6, ros, TO. Line of march : P. and
V. 680?, 17, Tropewi, 17. FarMy : P. Lingering, subs. See delay.
and V. yevos, TO, Y. cnrcp/ia, TO, Liniment, subs. P. TO ; see
pia, TO
see family.
plfcfjia, ;

Being thus related through the male Use P. and V. TO Lining, subs.
and not the female line : P. TO ecrcu. etcrcu,

o;v8pa)i/ )(<av r^/v o-vyyemav ravTTjv Link,

subs. Joint: V. appos, 6.
KOL ov wpos (Dem. 1084). Met., 6o?w2 ; P. and V. 8<r>wfe, 6,
w0 o/ action : P. Trpotupecrts, ^. o-woV/Aos, 6. Par^ : P. and V. /wpos,
JDra^? ^Ad Ziwe, lay down limits, v. TO. 2%is is the link that holds

P. and Y. op^e^ (absol.). Strike together the cities of men : V. TO yap

out a new line : Ar. and P. KCUJ/O- TOt <rW)(OV &v6p(l)7TUV TToXct? TOUT* IcTTl
To/Atv (absol.). 2%e fownd&rs must (Eur., Supp. 312). Events long
know the lines they wish poets to past I have found to be as I said,
follow in their myths : P. though they involve difficulties as
TOVS TVTTOVS -irpocrrJKci ctSei/at ^i/ ots far as trusting every Imk in the
Set /Au^oA.oviv TOVS TroiT/ras (Plat., chain of evidence : P. T<X ^v ofo
jBfij?. 379A). It's a pretty scheme TraXaLOL rotavra ijtyov ^aXcra OKTa
(md quite in yowr line : Ar. TO iravrl !ijs re/c/x^pta) wtorcvo-at (Thuc.
' " " Torch
Trpay/ia Kop^av KO! cr^dS/a" 1, 20). : see torch.
TPOTTOU (Thesm. 93). Link, y.
trans. P. and V. cnJv^Trrctv ;

Line, v. trans. Fill, : P. man seeyowi. and V.

Met., P. and V. <rw8tv.
TrA^povv. Guard: P. Hold together : P. and V. (rvvfyew.
and V.
<i5Axro-/, jpovpcLv. Markjurrow : To what a destiny are you linked :
Y. Yopoxro'fiv. V. olq. cro^opq. (rwcvyr)S (Eur.,
Lineage, subs. P. and Y. yei/os, TO, Hipp. 1389).
^ (Plat., Eur. Frag, and Ar.), Linseed, subs.
P. \Lvov ?6.

J'j TO, yoviy, ^, o^rcp/io, TO, Lint, subs. P. and V. Ajfvov, TO.
Bandages: Ar. 60<fvia, TC; see
Lineal, adj. Lineal descent, use bandage.
subs. : P. and V. yaw, r6. Lineal Lintel, subs. P. $Wp0vpov, TO (Hdl).
Lio Lit

Lion, subs. P. and V. Xcwv, 6. Like a list of, or eniar in a list, v. : P.

a P. XeovTcoS^s.
lion, adj. :
a7roypa<v (ace.). Go through the
Lioness, subs. Ar. and V. Hit of: P. and V. Stcfcpx^at (aoo.).
S07ta m
a Zl'stf O/: F. aaro^epeiv
Lion-hearted, adj. See brave. (aoo.).
Lionskin, subs. Ar. and P. List, v. intrans. See wsft. Ijf ^ow
Zisi : P. and V. & o-ot Sow. See
Lip, subs. P. and V. x ^* T0/ '

Mouth : P. and V. o~ro>ci, TO, or pi. Listen, v. intrans. P. and V.

.Eta!0e ; P. xe^-o* rd. of a cup :
If ip evStXeo-dcu, axouav, Ar. and V. icXveiv.
x^ sing,
TO (Ac/t.
(Soph., 0. 0.
459), V. xpara As an eaves-dropper: P. wraicouo-retv.
Listen to, hear P. and V. o/eovcii/

473), or use adj. : P. and V. &cpos, (gen. of person, aoo. or gen. of

agreeing with subs. The lip of the thing), CTUKouciy (gen. of person,
cup : P. and V. a/cpos KV\L . Site ace. or gen. of thing), Ar. and P.
the lips : V. oSovri irpiav crrofLa. oLKpoaQai (gen. of parson, ace. or
(Soph., Frag.). Biting the lips: gen. of thing), /caTa/cove/ (ace. or
V. Ycaco-LV StSois oSovras (Eur., gen. of person or thing), Ar. and V.
Bacch. 621). .Btiin? i&e Zips with lafcova? (gen. of person, ace. of
anger : Ar. w" opyijs T^K xcXMnqv thing), jcXuciv (gen. of person, aco.
MUW (Fes#, 1083). CZose tae Mps or gen. of thing) ; see hear. Obey :
(o/ anoiher) : P. /A<paoro~iv aro/ta, P. arrd V. 7ri0r0<u (dat.), vetOapx^v
V. eyjcA^etv ordfta, yAxao-crav ^/icX-new. (dat.), curafcoiW (gen.) (Thuo. 1, 82
io / J aw sitew a?wZ cZose w^/ fops ; out rare P.), Ar. and V. *cXvW
V* tSov o-tftwrai KairtXd.vfjia.t crrofjui (gen.), &Kovtv (gen.), Ar. and P.
(Bur., 4wd. 250). Opera one's Zip viraKoviv (gen, or dat.), aK/x>ao-0<u
P. 8iatptv T^ oro/Aa, V. AiSctv OTo/A (gen.) ; see obey. Heed : Ar. and
J^b word of lamentation wa$ on their P. irpoo-Xiv (dat,), TOV vow
fap$ : V. OIKTOS 8* o{rrts fy Sta oro/Aa TTpcxrexew (dat.), P. and V. vow ^(tv
(^Isch., 27w6. 51). Wtth the lips, xpo's (aco. or dat.), fcoS^co-^at (aco.)
as opposed to wth the heart: P. (Eur., Hel. 832) ; see heed. Listen
and V. A-dy^, V. Xoyots; see m in return : P. and V. avra/covW.
word. Listener, subs. P. d/cpoa/nfc, 6.
Liquefy, v. trans, and intrans. See Listening to, adj. P. and V. emyicoos
melt. (gen.).
Liquid, adj. P. and V. SypoV P. and V. p^u/ios, P. '

Listless, adj.
Liquid, subs. P. vypov, TO, Ar. and
V. vapa., TO (also Plat. Jbut rare P.), Listlessly, adv. P.
Spdo-os, ^, V. xev/Aa, TO; see waier.
Liquidate, v. trans. See pay. Listlessness, subs. P. and Y.
Liquidation, subs. See payment. paOvjJLLd, ^, P. pcto^ro)VT7, ^.
G-o into liquidation : see go Lists, subs. Contest: P. and V.
bankrupt, under bankrupt. wv, 6. JSwier the lists : P. and V.
Liquor, subs. P. and V. xoTdV, TO ;
see draught. Litany, subs. See prayer.
Lisp, v. intrans. Ar. TpavMfav, P. Literal, adj. P. and V. &cpi#fc.
Literally, adv. P. and V. cucpla>s.
Lissom, adj. See lithe. Literalness, subs. P. faplfaia, rj.
List, subs. Ar. and P. /caroXoyos, 6, Literary, adj. P. and V. /wwo-Ws,
P. Ar. and Ar. and P. ^>L\O/AOVCTOS, P. <^>tA.oXoyos.
ctTToypa^Tj, 17. Register

P. oravrSes, at, P. (ray^wv, TO. Literary tastes : P. ^tXoXoyta, 17.

Lit Liv

Literature, subs. P. and V. -ittle-minded, adj. P.

17 (Bur., Frag.). -ittle-mindedness, subs. P.
Lithe, adj. P. and V. typos, V.
onrpeTrros. Littleness, subs. P. . ,

Litigant, subs. P. dvn'Si/cos, 6 or ^. Littoral, subs. P. ^ irapaQaXacrcrLa,

Be a litigant, v. : Ar. and P. f) irapaXia.
Liturgy, subs. Use P. and V. TeXcr^,
Litigation, subs. P. and V. S^, ^, ^, or pi. T\y t
TO. Prayer : P. and

Litigious, adj. P. <iXo'8wcos. Be Live, v. intrans. JE?o;*sJ ; P. and V.

litigious, v. : P. <f>i\o$i,Klv. i. Breathe: P. and V.
Litter, subs. P. fopciov, TO. I came (Plat.), V. K^civ ?rvoas, or
home in a litter : P. use V. $flis opav (of. P. ot vuv oputcn
oticaSe (Dem. 1263). Heap : Ar. and rov yXfov ro <^ais St* e^e) (Andoo. 9),
V. OW/JLOS, o, Ar. and P. o-copos, 6 or /S&eTrea/ alone,
(Xen.), V. 0fe, 6 or 17. A litter of cto-opav.
straw: P. and V. ortyScis, 17. A litter case was the tme
of leaves : V. <vAAas, ^. JS-M&fiw^: left you to Uve : V. ^pa^us Se <roC
Ar. <opuTos, 6. In a lifter, muddle : 7ravra)5 6 Xotiros ^v ^uocri/xos ^povos
P. xu'V, P. and V. <j>vpfyv (Xen.), (Bur., 4Zc. 649). Pass one's Ufe :
or use adj., P. and V. oTj/x/uyifc P. and V. ia)v<u (2ndaor. of /Stow),
5tay6v, Statrao-^ai, P. &aaowu (2nd
(Plat.), OT//A/UKTOS, /uycfe.
Litter, v. trans. Strew : P. and V. aor. of StajStow), V. jcarafijv jS'ov,
crropcwivai (Plat.), Ar. and V. orop- f)fjiepveiv. Live one's life to the
viW. Mix together: P. and V. end : P. and V. j&'ov &a#}v, or St^v
tfptiv (Plat.), KVKO.V (Plat.), Ar. and alone, Ar. and P. 8iayiyvecr0ai, V.
P. ovyKVKav (Plat.). 8iaceptv, or Stac^epetv alone
~~ adj. P. and V. /uKp<fe, o-/jiifcp&. or mid.). Endure, last: P. and
i: P. and V. 6A,#yos, Ar. and V. v
ficvew, wapa/Ae^tv, dvre^ctv, P.

cuo's. Short : P. and Y. o-u^a/ctv, V. S?v. Dwell: see


Slight : P. and V. Xcrrro's. dweZZ. iwe ifce oyew : P. and m

j or nothing : P. /u*pa xal V, au\.t$o-^at, /caTavAi0-0ai (Xen.),
(Dem. 260). Ybwwgr : P. and V. (Act. used onoe in V.).
vymos, V. rvr66s ; see young. a wigf : P. {tun-evtiv, Ar.
Mean, petty : P. and V. and P. #?v, P. and V. 8ia5v. Hi
Little, adv. With comparatives P.
: Zw^5 on what he collects, begs and
and V. utx:pa>, (TLUKp&f Ar. and P. borrows: P. d<' t&v dyetpa icat
A little : P. land V. TTpoo-acrfi /cat Savct'fcrat O-TTO TQVTIW
/uKpov, o'/At/cpdv, V. /3aiov. Sa/rdly SLayet (Dem. 96). Live as
a citizen :
at all : P. and V. /wXtSj P and V. -jroXtTcuecrflai (Eur.,
Moderately : P. and V. Frag.). You mill live to wish : P.
//.erpuos ; see slightly. Little by In 0ouX^oro-0 (Thuo. 6, 86) Which .

little : Ar. and P. icara ftucpoV, P. of these bad forms of government is

&\Lyov, Kara Pp&xy. Within the least trying to Iwe under : P.
a little, nearly : Ar. an^P. TtS TO)V O&C Op6S>V TToXtTCLOJV iJwOTa
P. oXtyov 8eiv, /lucpov. j
7v (Plat., PoZ.' 302B).
ZtWZe o/: P. cts oAiyov with : P. and V. O-UVOIKCIV
(infin.), Trapa fUKpov 2pxcr9ai (infin.) (absol. or dat.), (nivctvat (absol. or
see under ace. Think Uttle of: P dat.), V. WWOLCLV (dat.), P.
oXtycopetv (gen.) ; see despise. "'
Not <ru/AJ3ta>v<u (dat.
or absol.) (2nd aor.
aUttle: P. andV. of <ru/*j&ow), Ar. and P. crv#Ji/ (dat.
Liv Loa

or absol.). Live with in marriage : i seejffl. Burden: P. and

P. and V. o-uvowcciv (dat.), <rwetv<u V. . Be loaded : also V.
(dat.). Disagreeable to live with : Be loaded with : P. and
P. mjvYjptpcvtiv cty&fr (Plat.)- If V. yep.Lv (gen.)- A weight eiiwugh
to load three waggons : V. rpuror&v
you are unfitted to live with: V.
i (TVV&.VOLI pr) VtnjScia icvpcts (Bur , a//,aa>v a>s aycoytyuov fidpos (Ear.,
And. 206). Worth Uving, adj. : see OycL 385). Loaded with money :

tinder living. P. -n-XiypTys apyuptou. Met., Zoa#

Livelihood, subs. P. and V. /ftos, 6, zt/iife honours: P. and V. rl/xats
Ar. and V. /&OTOS, 6 ; see living. avdvw, rl/xats av^civ. Load with
Liveliness, subs. P. and Y. c reproaches : P. ovetSecn Trcp^aXXetv
$ (Xen.). Joy ; P. and V. (Dem. 740). Y. Spao-aav oviSo-t;
17 ; see joy. Power of amusing : see reproach, abuse. Distress : P.
P. curpcnrcX/a, 17. and Y. irii&w. Be distressed also :

Livelong, adj. Long : P. and V. P. and Y. opwcr0ai.

/zKpos, V. /wuc/xuW. TPT&oZe : P. Load, subs* P. and V. 5x#os, To, Ar.
and Y. 6X09, Tras, foras ; see ta and Y. /3apos, r6, V. ^ptSo?, TO,
Lively, adj. Ar. and P. vcavwco?, P. ^>opT7/wi, TO, Ar. and P. ^oprtov, TO.

d50iy>s ; see 0ay. Of looks : P. Anything that gives trouble : Ar.

<cu.8po's, Y. Xa/tfrpo?, ^atSpanros,
Ar. and P. foprlov, TO, V. ^x^os T^
and V. ewrpdo-owros (also Xen.). ^pos, TO, ^><$pT05, 6 see bwrden. ;

Cheering: P. and V. ^8fc, V. Freight : P. and Y. yo/ios, 6 ; see

&pci>v. Pleased : P. and V. freight.
Fersa&'fo : P. TroXvrpoi Loadstar, subs. Met., use Y. <>?,
Liver, subs. P. and V, ^rap, TO. TO, ^>OOS, TO.
IJofo o/ the liver : P. and V. Loadstone, subs. See magnet.
Xoos, 6 (Plat.). Loaf, subs. Ar. and P. apros, 6.
Livery, subs. Use dress. Loaf, v. intrans. Waste time : P.
Livestock, subs. See cattle. and Y. o^oXa^tv ; see idle, lownge.
Livid, adj. P. weXtTvo's. Loan, subs. P. Saveioyjia, TO, Savciov,
Living, adj. P. and Y. #>v, TO. Loon made by friends: P.
e/u/riixos. Breathing : P. and V. cpavo?, 6.
l/wn/ous, use also Y. Loan, v. trans. Lend : Ar. and P.
opow. Sa^civ see lend.

Living, subs. .Meows o/ Loath, adj. Be loath to do a thing,

P. and V. #bs, 6, Ar. and Y. v. : P. and V. 2/ca>v Trotetv TI, ov\
6. Make a Iiving9 v. : P.
, Ar. and P. &jv, P. and V. Loathe, v. trans. P. and V. /AKTCIV, Y.
Y. <rvXX^y6iv jgiov. TFor^ owyctv, fx&Lv Ar. and V. f

living, adj. Ar. and P.

: DTO'S, V.

^teocrt/tos. is not worth living : Loathing, subs.

i*/e P. and V. $0
P. and Y. S#am5v (cori), Ar. and i
9(0<>5, TO' (Thup.), Vi
P. ou
^twTov eem. fl"o^
S ^/e s, TO, /*fen;jAa, TO. Dislike :
?orife Iwing : V. rt />t ^Moon/toy. P. and V. SvcrxepcuL, 17, P. diySca, ^ ;
Or eZse ^e 5fl^s Ufe is not worth see dislike. Odvum: P. and Y.
living : Ar. ^ ffyrjariv av fiuQT&v avr& <t>66vOS, O, P. TO 7Tuf>0WOV, i

rbv $i*v (PI 197). 17. 06/eci o/ loathing : V.

Lizard, Subs. Ar. acncoXaj&o-ny?, 6, rf,
yuo-os, TO, jutiny/Aa, TO, o-Tvyos, TO,
yaXewnys, 6. TO, oarexfhjfjLfi) TO.
i ^6 171
Lo, interj. See behold. o/ loathing, v. : P. and Y.
Load, v. trans. jft'B; P. and V.,
Loa Loi

Loathsome, adj. P. and V. P. KOLTaXlJetv, P. KOLTOLyecrOai. Lodge

KaTtt7rTUO~TOS, V. /XlO-^TOS, O- with P. jcaraXveu' Trapa (dat.), Kard-

OTuyi/ds, TravTo/uo-^s, ^TTCUKTOS, 6W- yeo-^at Trapa (dat.). Bivouac : P.

c^tX^s, a-Trcx^s, jSSeXv/cTpoTTo?, Ar. and Y. auXteo-0ttt see bivouac, ;

and P. 8eXvpo's, Ar. and V. dwell, settle.

aTrdn-TuoTos. Unpleasant : P. and Lodging, subs. P. and V. KaraXiJo-is,
V. P. (fyo^s
/3apifc, 17,
^erdorrao-ts, ^.
Let US accept

Loathsomeness, subs. P. o/qSi'a, r/.

a lodging in this house Y. 8cf wjnefl

Lobe, subs. P. and V. Xo/?os, 6 ot/cwv /caraXvo-ets

(Eur., 393). j57Z.

(Plat.). Lodging house, subs. See inn.

Local, adj. P. and V. Loft, subs. Upper room : Ar. and
. P. vTTcp&ov, TO. Place to store
Localise, v. trans. Fix, define : P. things P. dnro&j/oy, 97.

and V. opl&w. Establish in a Loftily, adv. In a stately way : P.

placs : P. and V. eyAca0iorav<u (T/ and V. o-c/mos. Proudly. P.
/AcyaXo^povws, V.

Locality, subs. P. and Y. TOTTOS, 6,
Ar. and P. x^p^ov, TO ; see place. Loftiness, subs. Height : P. and
Locate, v trans. P. and V. iSp&ii/ V. -uiros, TO. ; Magnificence : P.
see place. Do you seek to locate 7ria, 17,
V. X^^7' ^ B

the seat of my trouble : Y. pu0/ueis : P. and V.

<#>poi^/xa, TO,
TWV eurw XTJTTWV OTTOI; (Soph., ^71^. 6, P. UTrepiy^aT/ta, ^, /AyaXat;x

318) see 3?ncfe Stateliness : P. and V.

Lock, subs. Ar. and Y. K\rjOpa., rd. O"/XVOT}yS, 17, TO (TCfJiVOV.
Bolt for fastening : P. and V. Lofty, adj. P. and Y. tyi/Afe V.
AtoxXds, 6. Look of hair : Ar. and
V. TrXoKa/JLOS, o} /JoVrpuxoS) o, see hiyh. VRaised in air : Ar.
TrXo'/coe, 6, ^o/?7?, fj. A lock oj- shorn and P. /zcrecopos, Ar. and V.
hair : V. Kovpa rpixos, 17. ju,Tapo-ios. Exalted : P. and Y.
Lock, v. trans. P. and V. /cXi^tr, XdytlTTpOS, Trt(T7f fJtiOS y CKTTpCTDyS, Ottt'jrpc-'

oify/cXiJetv, aTro/cX^civ, Ar. and P. TTTfc, fy^Xo's (Plat). Proud: P.

/caTCtfcXflW ; See /Mfijp. .F00 focfefid and Y. o-c/jivds, P. vTrepo^avos, V.
with foot, and foeman front ing foe : v^rojyopos, &repK07ros, Ar. and V.
Y. TTOIIS e?raAAax^ts TroSt av^p 8" GTT' yafyos ; see proud.
ai/Spt o-ras (Eur., HeracL 836). Log, subs. P. and V. fifXov, TO, Ar.
Locked in one another's arms : V. and Y. /copies, 6
aAA^Aowrtv a/x<j>tKt/Aevot (Soph., Loggerheads, subs. See variance.
O. 0. 1620). Loc& n P. and Y. Logic, subs. Process of reasoning :
tpytv, Acaretpyetv, cy/cX^ctv (Plat.), use Ar. and P. Xoyioyw, 6.
Y. o-wctpyeH/. JrocA? owi : P. and Logical, adj. Reasonable : P. and
V. ctpyctv, c&tpyeiv, aTrctpyetv,
iKKXjj&v, aTTOKXjjew. Lock together :
Logically, adv. Reasonably : P.
P. and Y. o-uyjcXflW. J/oc^ p : and V. euXdyo)?.
P. and Y. ly/cA-iJco/ see Zocfc f. ; Loin, subs. P. and Y. oo-^rfs, ^
Locomotion, subs. P. /ciV^o-is, 17. (Xen., also Ar.). Met., be sprung
LoCUSt, subs. Ar. 7rapvoi/r, 6, d/cpfe, from the loins of : P. and V.
4- oWpeo-0ai, IK (gen.), or &ro (gen.)
Lodge, v. trans. Hand in : P. (Plat).
dTTo^cpctv. .Zfo accw^a^ow was Loiter, v. intrans. P. and Y. L

lodged: P. Jca-nTyopfa ovSe/jla. -jrpocTC^ 'etv, rptpew,

(Thuc. 3, 52). Y.intrans. Ar.and P. 8ta/*e\Xciv,
497 32
Loi Loo

Ar. and P. V. Kara- :6v (rare P.). Long for : P.

V. 7ri.0u/ (gen.),
Loiterer, subs. P. ^cXX^s, 6. (gen.), opcyco-^at (gen.), V.
Loitering, adj. Blow : P. and Y. \
(gen.), 7rpocrxp^tv (gen.), _
/JpcwJus, crxoXato? (Soph., Frag.). (gen.), pcvoivav (ace.) (Sopn., Aj.
Loitering, subs. See delay. 341). Yearn for : P. and V,
v intrans. Recline : Ar. and -iroQelv (ace.), Ar. and V. t/wipciv
P. KarajcXfmr&u. Be luxurious .'
(gen.), Y. i/jLeipecr0ai (gen.). Longed
P. and Y. rpvcfrav. Be idle : P. and for, adj. : P. and Y. 7ro0ew>s (rare
Y. apyelv, Lolling in
KaflTJcrQai. P.), cfccro'e (rare P.), Y.
covered chariots Ar. e<' ap/ia/xafw Longer, adv.
: See under long.
Longing, subs. P. and Y.
o (Plat, but rare
Lone, adj. See lonely. 77, 7ro0os, P.),
Loneliness, subs. P. and V. f/Acpo?, o (Plat, but rare P.).

Longing, adj, See eager.

Lonely, adj. P. and Y. Longingly, adv. See eagerly.
Inhospitable : V. Long-legged, adj, V.
ayeiVcDi/. Alone -
P. and V. (.ZEsch.., Frag.).
Y./. Long-lived, adj. P. Y.

Lonesome, adj. See lonely. Long-necked, adj. Y. .

Long, adj. Of space or time P. Long-suffering, adj. SQQ 'patient.


and V. jLco/cpos. Very long : P. and Long-suffering, subs. See patience.

Y. Tratt/ttJ/ctyS (Plat.), V. VTrcpfnyjcqs. Long-winded, adj. P. and V.
Of time : also use P. and Y. ^oXtfs, jtAaicpo?, P. /wxKpoXoyos. Be long
Ar. and P. crvxvos. Lasting long : winded, v. P. /4a/tpoXoyV, P. and :

Y. Sdpos, fca/cpatwv, P. and Y. V. fWKpvjyopw (Thuc.).

Streaming (of hair) : Y. Long-windedness, subs. P. /icucpo-
Xoy/a, 17.

Long, adv. For a long time : P. and Look, v. intrans. P. and Y. opav,
Y. p,aKpbv xpovov, V. Sdpov, Sopov OeacrOai, ^ecopetv^ aOpeLV, /3Xe7rctv,

Xpwoy. Be long, be a long time, a"7ro/3\en'LV, orKOireiv, Y. cZtropai/ (or

v. P. and Y. xpovi&iv.
: Be long mid., rare P.), V. TrpotrXeucnreiv,
away : Y. xpovios airta/at, As long TTpocrSepKecr^at, i<r8epjcecr0at, Ar. and
a$ : P. i^^xp 1 ^> ov XP^vov pcxpwGpi

V. Xcrflrcrciv, Sep/eeo-tfoi. Save a
V. oorovTrcp ; see also provided that. certain appearance : Ar. and Y.
While : P. and Y. Itos. Long ago, ySXeTreti/, 8epKecr$ai. Look thought-
long since : P. and V. TroXat, P. ful : Y. TTc^povrtKos ftX&rew. Look
K TToXXoOj V. IK fAOKpOV ")(pOVOV. stern : P. Sctvov I^Xen-ctv (Plat.).
After a long time : P. and V. 8ifc LooA thievish : Ar. /cXearrov /JXcTreiv.
So long : P. and Y. ^povov Loo^ ZoweZy : V. jeoXov /3\en-iv
long way off: P. and (Eur., O^/cZ. 553). Seem ; P. and
Y. fjAKpdv ; see far. Longer, any
longer : P. and V. m. No longer : direction) : see /ace. lyoofe a&owi
P. and Y. ofafri, ^KCTI. owe : P. and V. wepwr/coTreiv, Y.
Long, v. intrans. P. and Y. TraTrratvetv. Look after : Ar.and
ftvfjieiv, tyfe&Oaij povXecrfta.!., i P. eTripeXeo-Oai (gen.), P. and Y.
Ar. and P 10&LV, Y. 7ri(TTp<p O"(/Q.t
(g6n. ) , <ppOVTI*LlV
troQclv, pa.v, (gen.), r^jucXctv (ace. or gen.)
(rare P.), Ar. and Y! (Plat, but rare P.), K^Sccr&u (gen.)
(Bur., Cycl. 448), (also Ar. but rare P.), V.
Loo Loo

(gen.). Attend to : P. and Y. 426). iooA ^po?i : P. and V.

&pairveiv (ace.), Y. KTfjSeveiv (ace.) ; irpoo-opav (ace.) (Plat.), e/t^AeVeti/
see tend. Superintend : P. and (ct5, aee.), Y. ctcr/SAcWi/ (ace.).
V. 7TLo-Ta.Tw (dat. or gen.), <i- Consider . P. and Y.
crracr&aL (dat.). Look at : P. and
Y. /3X.iTw ts (ace.), airo^K^truv eis, Look, subs. P. and V. /SA^a, TO,
or wpos (ace ), Trpoo^ySAcTrciv (aoc.) OI/TLS, 07, Y. Bepyfjua, TO. Appearance :

(Plat.), fj,/3\7TW (dat.), CTKO-TTSLV P and Y oi/rts, ^, Y. -TrpoVo^t?, ^.

(acc.), airoa-Koireiv ck, or wpo's (ace.), Jf^OWJfi :P. and Y. 7rpoo-a>7rov, TO,
P. irt/3A7Ttv efe (acc.), or ITTL (acc.), oi/rts, ^, or use V. 6<0aA/jios, 6, o/x/ia,
V. LO-/3\7TLV (ace.), cl<r$epKcr9ai TO. (?oo^ Zoo/js : see beauty.
(ace ), irpocrSepKearOai (acc.). Look Looking glass, subs. P. and Y.
down on *
Ar. and P. K.oJdopo,v KOLTOTTTpOV, TO, Y. IvOTTTpOV, TO.
see despise.
; Look for : Look-out, subs. Place for looking
P. and V. ^Tetv ; see seek, expect. out: P. TrepwoTnJ, ^, P. and Y.
Look m
the face : P. and Y. ovcoma, ^, o-KOTny, ^ (Sen.). W&c/t,
//,/?Ae7Tiv (dat.), 7rpoo^8Ae7Tu> (acc.), ^wor^ : P. and Y. <i5Aa/}, 17,
P. iS TTpOCrCJTTOI/ fJL/3X.TTLV. Look <#>poupa, ^, r^pTja-K, y, Y. c^poup^a,
into : P. and Y. fypXiirtLv (ck, TO. .Seep a Zooft owi, v. P. and :

ace.). Examine : P. and V. V. ^>vAaa-flTtv, -nypctv. Zisfip a Zoofe-

outfor: P. and V. ^vAacro-tv (ace.),
ioofc ow : see Zooft ^pow. 5e a nqpelv (ace.). J5d ow the look-out :
P. and Y. 0ea<r0ai, Ar. and P. Trpo^iJAao'O'ctv.
nd see how events Loom, subs. P. and V. ford's, 6
are going : P. 7repiopao-$at. Look (Plat Lys. 208D). PZy i^e Zoom, ,

out, beware : P. and Y. <i5Aaor<r- v. V. toroupyctv (absol.). :

O-OOLL, euAay5etcr^at ; see beware. ai Aa Zoom : Y. KCPKLO-LV

Look out of window : Ar. e/c
(Eur., Hec. 363).
OvpiBos TrapaKVTTTciv (Thesm. 797). Appear : P. and Loom, v. intrans.
ioofc oAi /or, be on the watch for : Y. faLvecrOai.. Impend : P. and V.
P. and Y. ^vAooxrcii' (ace.), irpoa-- </>LoTCL<rOai, P. irucp/Jacr6ai 9 l^nyp-
SoKav (ace.), Ar. and P. cTrtT^petv T)Jo-0cu (perf. pass, of es-oprav), Ar.
(aee.), V. KopaBoKciv (acc.). ioofe and P. cveo-TTjKei/ai (perf. of aooravoi),
row?^ : see Zoofc about one. Look Loop, subs. IFse P, and V. /Spo'xos, -
to : P. and Y. aTro/JAerreiv irpo's Loop-hole, SUbs. Y. oro/xa, TO
(aoc.), ^Arv ?rpos (ace.). TFis (Eur., Phoen. 1166). Jfaa?zs o/
Zoofc io owr neighbours : P. Trpbs escape P. and Y. caroarpo^, ^,

TOWS ir\yo-iov ftXen-o/icv (Dem. 120). IfoSos, 17, V. e/erpOTnJ, ^, 3Avft?, ^.

Care for : Y. /icAccr^at (gen.) see ; Loose, adj. Of consistency: P.
care for. Provide for: P. and V. /xavo's. Slack : Ar. and P. xoA
wpoo'/coTrctv (acc.) ; see provide for. P. and V. ava/x-e^os. Fcwr ^r
Look through : P. Stopav. ioofc is Zoose : Y. fwai . . .

towards (of direction) : P. 6pav (Eur., Bacch. 935). Inexact : P.


wpo s (ace.) ; see /ace. Jjoofc up, and Y. ou/c dfcpt^s. JVo^ ./Jrm : P.
v. iniians. : P. and V. ava^Aen-ctv, and Y. ou ftefiaios. At liberty, at
Svco ^AcTreiv. Doo^ wp (precedents, large : P. and V. S^eros, Sra/jte/os.
etc.), v. trans. : Ar. and P. aw- : P. and V. axoAacrros,
^TTetv. I/oofe see ^p Ar. and P.
to, met. : ,

respect. They looked up to them, e, v. see :

emulated and honoured them : P. Zoose : see Zoose, v. Let loose upon :

cf^Aow, Tt/AO)v (Dem. see launch against.

Loo Los

Loose, v. trans P. and V. and V. ScoTTo^tv (gen. V. also ace.), ;

XtJav, cKbtiw see undo ; Free, fl-pooraTeij/ (gen.) ; see also rule.
deliver : P. and V. IXevQepovv, Lorded over : V. SecnroTov/jLevos.
a<Zewu, <t7raXXao-a-H', GK^CLV (or Lordliness, subs. P. and V. erf/wo'n??,
mid.), Xcn>, a-n-oXvw (Eur., Or. ^, TO erfjt.vov.

1236), Y. la< (also Th.UC. Lordly, adj. Kingly, royal : P. and

in pass.). Belax : P. and Y. V. jSaortXucos, dp^tKos, /Jao-]?Xios,
avZevac, xaX&i>, //.efliei'cu, P. liraviewu, Tupawt/co's. ProwdZ : P. and V.
Y. eavL V<u. SeZ# to Zoose : V. o-c/xvo's ; see proud.
crvXXfleii/. ifeZp fa> deZtvcr : P. Lordship, subs. P and V. Swao-rcia,
o*WXev0pow (ace.). ^, P. Sco-TTOTCta, 17,
yye/jiovLa, ^,

Loosely, adv. Inexactly : P, and V. Trpoorao-ta, 17. Kingship : Ar. and

owe dicpZjgais. jNbtf jrw&Zz/ P. and P. a<rtXei'a, 17, P. and Y. ftovapxta,

Y. ou jfcjSotW Anyhow, at random : 17 (rare P.). ^wZe. P. and V.

P. and V. ci/dj. Freely, unre- apX1?* ^ Kparos, TO.
strainedly : P. dvcSqv. Lore, subs. P. and Y. p$6os, 6.
P. aKoXaortos. Learning : P and V.
Loosen, v. trans. See loose. jfbZA Zore ; P. /xutfoXoyta, ^.

Looseness, subs. Of consistency: Lose, v. trans. P. and V.

P. fLoyo'rqs, ^. Slackness : P. Xi5vat, (gen.) (rare P.),
XoXapo'njs, ^ (Sen.). Of morals: or^oXAccr^ai (gen.), Ar. and P. d7ro-
P. avcra, V,P- S^d V. rpv^i}, 17. aXXeiv, P. Sta/juxpravetv ^gen.), Y.
Loosening, subs. P. 2veon?, i), <5XXtWi, d/ATrXafcciv (2nd aor. infin.)
(gen ). jbose (62/ death) : P. and
Loot, v. trans, and subs. See V. aTToXXiWi (Bur., HeZ. 408), Ar.
plunder. and P, airo^oAAciv, Y. a/^apravctv
Lop, v. trans. Ar. and P. aTrore/^etv ; (gen,), a/wrXa/ceiT/ (2nd aor infin.)
see cut. (gen.), ovjUxXeo-tfai (gen.). Lose a?i

Lopping, subs. P. Koupa, opportunity : P. icatpo v 3

Lop-sided, adj. Distorted

afaej/ou, /catpoV. ^ -Traptci/at

deprived of : P.
8iaaTpo<jf>o$. Crooked P. cncoXio's
.* and Y. (gen.) ; see
deprwe. Be driven from P. and -

Loquacious, adj. V. V. eKirlirrew (K gen. Y. gen. alone),
P.^and ;

P. 'TToA.-uXoyos.
V. (rroju-a/yyos,
V. C/CTTLTVCIV (gen.). JLose a fcaWZe :
yXuxrcros, a^TSpoyXcocro-os. P. and V fjo-a-ao-Ocu. Lose in
Loquacity, subs. Ar. and P. XaX/a, addition : Ar. and P. Trpoo-aTro-
^, P, TroX-uXoyta, f),
V. yXw<r<raXyta, jSaXXetv (Sen), iose o?^5 case:
^ ! Ar. and P. Stfc?7v o^Xtcr/cavetv. J/OS6
Lord, subs. Nobleman : P. and V. OTie's setises : P. and V. l&'orrao-flat ;
6. Master : P. and V. see be mad. Lose one's temper : P.
6. Chief: P. and V. and V. opy$ K<epecr0at. iose 0^0's
wiSv, o, TTpoarar^s, 6, Ar. and Y. W^ : P. and V. TrXavao-^at, P.
6 (rare P.), c[px<)v, 6, Sta/wipravctv r^? 68ou, Ar. r^? oSoO
6, /cotpavos, 6, ?rpOjLW)5, 6, rdyo?, a/wipTavcti/. iose s^/ii o/ land:
6, V. 6, aKTO)p, 6, &/aKTa>p, 6 P. faroKp-virreiv yfjv Suffer
ap^yo's, ;
see c/M6/. Sw^ : ]?. and V. loss : P. P. and V.
jSacrlXevs, 6,rupawo?, 6, V. /ctfpios, 6, &ifjLLov<rOai. TJie losing side : P.
icpcW, Lords, chief men : also
6. and Y. ot ^cro-ovcs, Y. ot XcXct^evoi.
use V. opwTT-iJs, ot. Htcsband : see ^e Zosi, disappear : P. and V,
husband. 4xf>avL<r0ai, a<jfav^s ylyv<r6cu. Be
Lord, v. intrans. Zord ^^ ov^r : P. ruined : P. and V.
Los Lou

(Eur., Phoen 922) t

JLLOL, V. 7rrpa>TOu
(perf. of aTroAXwat), Oasi Okie's Zo w?^7z,,v : P.
(Plat.) (perf. of Y. (dat.), P. and V.
(perf. of oXXvPai), a.
(perf. pass of Si allotted, P and V. share :

(rare P.) see be undone.

; TO, Y. Xaxos, TO. Allotment of
They thought that all was lost : P. land P. icXiJpos, 6.
. Lot used in
rots 0X015 ricr<raarOa.L evo'/uoi/ (Dem. determining chances : P. and V.
127). All was lost : P. and Y. /cX^pos, 6, V. TraXos, 6. Assign by
&7rai/T airoiXeTO. "FPT&y Me you lost lot, v. : P* and V. K\ypovv, P. ?rt-
in thought : V. T* . . . & <
KXypovv. Office assigned by lot,
ainjX.^ (Eur., low, 583). P. /cX77pcuTo? dpxiy, 17. Cas* Zo^s,
oneself up for lost : P. v. : P. and V. KX^poOo-tfoi, P.
oWX^poiJor&u. JVb Zoi w?as cast : V.
Loss, subs. P. and V. 7/ua, ^, icXiJpos OVK 7raXXero (Soph., Ant.
/?Xaj&7, 17, ySXajSos, TO. Z/OSS O/ ;
396). C/toose by lot, v. : P. and
P. airofto\y, 77 (gen.), oXeOpog, 6 V. /cXiypow, P. dTTo/cX^poTJi'. Chosen
(gen.). .Loss o/ money : P. dTro- by lot, adj. : P. /cX^pomfe. Draw
/JoX?7 ^pTy/AaTcoi/, ?7 (Plat., Loch. Zo^s, v. : P. and V. KXvjpovcOai, P.
195E), xprjfjLarwv oXctfpos, 6 (Thuc. StaAcX?7pocr^at, V. OTrai'TraXov. Draw
7, 27). -Loss o/ possessions : P. lots for : P. and V. /cX^poOo-^at (aoc. ;

KT?7fLaT<ov aTToVrcuris (Dem. 386). P. also gen.). Drawing of lots,

Loss o/ mew- P. avQpwTrw $6opa
; subs. P. and V. /cX>Jpa>o-, 77. JPaZZ

(Thuc. 7, Deprivation: P.
27). to one s lot, v. P. cTri^aXXeiv (dat.) :

orrcpiyo-is, ?}. Cost, fiicp6?wMfawe ; P. see befall. The share which falls
and V. avaXo>/x,a, TO. Tta a/Z^s o/ to our lot : P. TO rioXXoi> e^'
&e Lacedaemonians suffered no ij/^as /icpo? (Dem. 312). Obtain by
losses worth mentioning : P. lot, v. : P. and V. Kayxwew (ace.),
Aa/ceSat/iovtan/ ot (rvfi/AayoL OVK (aoo.) (Plat),
CTaXawraipTjo-av a>ore ical
dtoXoyov TC crQat, (aco. or gen.), V.
(Thuc. 5, 74).
4* a (ace.), Ar and V.
adj. P. and V. ftropo*
(ace.). to lot :

(rare P.). JBe a^ a Zoss, use adv., P.

V. : P. and V. ^TropcTv, ap.7jxa.vew Loth, adj. See loath.
(rare P.), V. oW/z^Yaverv, aXacrQa.i. Lotion, subs. Use P. and Y.
Suffer loss : P. and V. ^>uo-0<u <jJ>ap/iCLKOV, TO.

(absol.), P. cXcuro-ovo-^at (absol.). Lotus, subs. P. and Y. Xwros, 6

Lost, adj. Of persons, abandoned :

P. labour Loud, adj. P. and V.
lost tO : V. -TTOVOS P. and V. #fr V. Xtyits (also Plat,
weptcro-os f

(infin.) (Soph., Ant. 780). os t, but rare P.), op&ws, m/cpos, hdropos,
absorbed in : P. oXos wpo's (dat), V. ycywvos, Ar. and Y. Mprovos see ;

&Vifivo$ ets (aoo.). boastful. Clear : P. and V. Xa/rpo's.

Lot, subs. Destiny : P. 17 ci/tap/xo/Ty, P. GopvpuSrjs, V. po^cos,
P. and V TO XPCWV (Plat, but rare os. -Be Zowd, Y. V. :

P ), ^oipa, i) (Plat, but rare P.), V. po^etv; see also resound.

17 7rejrpo>/i,ei/97, /lopos, 6, -TTOT/AOS, 6, Then censiwes grow loud against
aura, ^, TO /Aopcrt/xov, TO XP'? (Eur., US : Y. K&7TiT lv yfuv o r/royos Xa/i-

I. T, 1486). Fortune : P. and V. Trpwerat (Eur., EL 1039). 2%ew

^W ^' o-vft<^opa, ^, SatfJLW, 6. ^^
good cause is the house loud
It is my lot: P. and V. XP 9} f*i with cries : Y. &r* d&Wi rap*
Lou Low

8o>>s (Eur., Or. 1335). P. epam/oj <rwTvxta (Thuc. 6, 54).

Save a loud voice : P. Love-charm : P. and V.
TO, V. crrcpyiqua, TO'.
adv. P. and V. Loved, adj. P. and V.
fieyaAct, V. Topais, Aiyu. Jw a loud wpoo-^tAiys, ^pacrfuos (Plat, but rare
voice : P. /AcyaXjy <<i>v0. P.), P. ^paoro's (Plat.), Ar. and P.
Loudness, subs. P. ftcycflos,
TO. V. cv^tX^. L(wed &#
SycwnyTos, ifce

Loud-voiced, adj. P. P. and V. tfeo^tXifc.

grods ;

Aa/wrpo^>a)*'os,Ar. and P, Loveless, adj. P. and V.

Ar. XTyrtytfoyyos. (Plat.).
Lounge, v. intrans. Recline : Ar. Loveliness, subs. P. and V.
and P. KaraKXhta-Ocn.. Lounge in TO ; see beauty.
the market place : Ar uyopdcw. Lovely, adj. P. and V. /coXos; see
Be luxurious : P. and V. beautiful. Delightful: Ar. and P.
Idle : P. and Y. dpyetv, ayomjTos; &QQ delightful. Charming
Lounger in the market place use (of persons) P. ejrow^po'oVos.

adj., Ar. and P. dyopcubs. Lover, subs. P. and V. epcumjs, 6.

Louse, subs. Ar. <j>@ip, 6. Desmr : P. OT^^TTJS, 6. Z/tAe a
Lovable, adj. P. and V. lover : use adj., P. cpcaTuccos.
epcur/uos (Plat, but rare P.), P. Love-sick, ad]. Use part., P. and V.
Ipatrros (Plat.). -47?i&a&Z6 : P. and
V. ^>i\ai 0pc07ro P. and V.
Loving, adj.
Love, v. trans. ZfOre (persons or (Xen.), ^tXav^poro5, V.
tamgtt) ; P. and V. <iXeiv, P. Zovm^f message : V. <iXov
dycwmv. Be enamoured of: P: and (Eur., I. A. 1450). Loving
V. cpav (gen.), Ar. and V. Z one's children: Ar. and V. <tXo'-
(gen.). As parents love children TCJCVOS. Loving one's father : V.
and vice vers& : P. and V. orcpyeiv, <#>lXo7raT<op. Loving one's husbwd :
P. dycwrav. Love in return : P. V. #Xc[va>p.
dvTiA.iv (ace.), P. and V. dvrepav Loving-cup, subs. Ar. and P.
(gen.) (Xen.). icwe exceedingly : ^)IA.OT^o-ta, ^, Ar. KifA,i ^tXoToyo-ta, ^.
Ar. and P. fcep^tXctv (Xen.), P. Loving-kindness, subs. P. <iXo<po-
vTrcpaycwrai/. Jbw m
loving : V. o-uviy, ^, ^tXav^powrta, 17, P. and V.

crv/A^>UH/ (absol.). icwe ^o (with cwota, 17.

infin.) : P. and V. <t\tv (intin.), Lovingly, adv. P. and V. <t\o<poV<>s
xa'pctv (part.)j ^Sco-^at (part.). (Plat,), ^Xo)? (Xen. but rare P.),
Love, subs. P. and V. Ipcus, 6 (ace. P. <^>iXai'0p<07ra)?.
sometimes cpov in V.). Desire : P. Low, v. intrans. P. and V. p,vKa<r0ai
and Y. Tro'tfos, 6 (Plat, but rare P.), (Plat, but rare P., also Ar.), Ar.
fytcpos, 6 (Plat, but rare P.). and V. /Jpi;xao-0ai, V. K/?pi>xao-0<u.
Friendship: P. and V. <rXta, 97. Low, subs. Of cattle V. ^/c^/jui, :

Good-will : P. and V. fiwow, 17. TO'.

Parental love : V. (rrepyyOpov, TO Low, adj. As opposed to high : P.
(^Bsch., O^oe. 241). 06/fic* o/ and V. pax&- ieveZ : P. o/nxXos,
Zove ; see darling. Love for one's V. Xcrpo's, P. and V. ?n8i&, 17 (Plat.
hitsband: V. <tXcu>opta, ^. Goddess but rare P.). 5waZZ : P. and V.
of love : P. and V. 'A^pooY-n?, ij. /u*epos, cr/ufcpo's. Of degree, rank,
Gratification of love: P. Ta etc. P. and V. Tcwreivosj

JBe in fovfi : P. and V. P.

pav, Ar. and V. Ipao-^at. O/
adj. : P. cpom/eo's. -4 Zove aj Of price: P. eiWos, Of
Low Luc
sound: P. and V. Aetbs. Speak oV, P. crvyKa&Uvat eavrov, Ar.
low : see whisper. Base, dis- Ka.Qip.av lavrov. Met., condescend:
honourable : P. and V. P arvyKa.6iiva,i. Y. intrans.
Impend : P. and V. e^tVrcwr&M, P.
<!iVatos, Ar. and P. 7rtKpe/AOO-d<u, eirTjpTTJarQai (perf. pass.
Vulgar, common : Ar. and of iTraprav). Frown: Ar
P. Dejected (of *', Y. op.fjJa.Ta.

spirits : P. and V. /w>s (Xen.), Lowering, adj. Cloudy : P.

V. 8vor0i5/Aoe. #rw# low, v. : P. and J^Vowmro^ : P. and V.
V. Kaftwpctv, Kara/3d\XLV t 6s ; see frowning.
P. TCLTTCWOVV, Ax. and V. Lowing, subs. Of cattle : Y
tcr;(vatvtv, V. TO.

brought low: Lowlands, subs. P. and V.

also P. and V. Ka
rro-0<u (Plat.).
Save a Zow opinion o/: see despise. Lowliness, Subs. P. TCTOVO-H^, fj.

Lay low : see bring low. One loord Lowly, adj. P. and Y. rowretvoV ; see
lay you loio : Y. tv yap obscure.
a-' ITTOS (Eur., Ited. 585). Low-lying, adj. P. ^reSictvo's.

Low-born, adj. P. and Y. <ai3A.os, Lowness, subs. Of degree : P.

s-, KGLKOS, Ar, and P. P. and V.
Y. ayo>ri7Tos, Ar. and V. Of birth : P. and Y.
ore Zow 60?% : Ar. yeyovas (Plat.). Meanness, baseness : P.
g. a, 17, xoj<T7, ^. Vulgarity : P.
Lower, adj. Inferior: P. and V.
^o-o-cov, xtpa>i/. Lower than, inferior Low-spirited, adj. P. and Y.
to : P. and V. ijcro-cov (gen.), (Xen.), Y.
(gen.), {fcrrepos (gen.). jP/ie Lower Low spirits, subs. P. and V.
World: P. and Y. ot nd, ol /caTw^ev,(Plat.). Be in
V. ot 2vep#, ot ci/cprepot, ot vcprcpot, P. and V. ,
v. :

ot Kara x^ovds. T^e joZace ivhere the Loyal, adj. P. and V. TTIOTO'S,
dead go P. and V. "AtS^s, 6. Friendly: P. and V. P.
Lower, adv. Further down: Ar.
Loyally, adv. P. TrtorGs, P. and Y.
Lower, v. trans. Lei down : P. and a friendly way : P.
V. Kctftevai. ^Liase: P. and V. cwoueais.
Ka@aipiv, crvcrreXXcLV, KoXoveiv see Loyalty, subs. P. and Y. mcms, 17.

abase. Abate : P. and V. /leflt&cu, Good-will : P. and Y. ciWa) ^.

^fccr^at (gen.), fivlei/at. Lessen : Lubber, subs. Land Z^5Z>er use :

P. cXaorcrovv. Impair : and V.

P. adj., P. and Y. xp<nuas (Thuo.
jSAcwrreiv, 8ia<0tpiv. Disgrace : P. 7, 67 Eur., And. 457), Ar. ;

and V, awr^iveti', K &6aXdo'(r(To$ (Ran. 204).

Lower yowr voices : Ar. Lucid, adj. P. and Y.
(Fesp. 3 87). JOower 7/owr
tone : met., V. 5v? (2nd aor. imper. senses : P. and Y.
act. of dvteWt), Xdyov (Eur., Hel. Lucidity, subs. P. and Y.
Lower (sails) : see r00/. In 7-

time of trouble methmks I should Lucidly, adv. P. and Y.

voyage with lowered sails (met.), V. /u,^>avo)s ; 'see clearly.
ev fca/cots fu>t fl- BOKCI Luck, subs. P. and V.
(Soph., JS72. 335). Chance : P. and Y.
Zei oneself down : P. and V. },
Ar. and P. cruvrvx"1 '

Luc Lun

lot: P. and V. xn> n SOI/MOV, 6 Lugubriously, adv. See sadly. ;

Good luck P. and V. evTrpa&a, Lugubrious ness, subs. See sadness.


Ar. and P. P. Luke-warm, ad]. Met., backward,

ta, ^, V. oA/?os, o (also Xen. hesitating : P. airp66v/j.os,
but rare P.), 17. Piece of\ Dull P. and V.

good luck : P. and Y. Luke- warmly, adv. Met., P.

Good luck attend you : Y.
loirjs, cvTt'XOtTys, OVOLLO. Luke-warmness, subs. Hes^tation :

Luckily, adv. P. and Y. P. and V. o/aos, 6.

.bVcos, /xa/cciptW As h Lull, v. trans. Put to sleep. P. and

it P. Kara rvy^v
vx^ (Thuc V. KOLVLlfcv (Plat), V.
3, 49). Auspiciously P. and V. . Sooth : P. and V. irpotvew, Ar. and
1', KaA<LO?,
Y. a V. //.oAaoxreiv, V. />caA0a(ro"e' ; See
Luckless, adj. P. and V. soothe. Lighten P. and V.
(Eur., Heracl. Y. intrans. . Abate :
460, but rare V.), Ar. and V. P. and V. A.<D<av, avtei/ai, P. tTra-
, SiVjtiopos (also Antiph. vtevat
but rare P.), Sro-nyvos, V. Lull, subs. Sesi : P. and V.
afjifjLopos, &fj.oipo<s (also Plat but , fj, irav\a, P. -f), StotXiJO-t?, ^,
rare P.) see hapless, miserable.
Lucklessly, adv. P. and Y. ^. Breathing space: P.
a0Ai>s, V. and V. ai/a.Tri'Oi}, ^, Y. d/
S, P. ; see haplessly 9 a storm : P. and Y.

Lucklessness, subs. P. adj. V. 0eA/cTiJpios see
Lulling, ;

Svo-ruxta, see misery.

07 ; soothing. Lulling pain . V.
Lucky, adj. P. and Y.
Auspicious : P. and V. Lumber, subs. : P and V.
s, cvftatfjuav, KaXos, Sc^ios, Ar. v\v, i tfXov, TO. Eubbish: Ar.
and V. arto5 (also Xen. but rare <opim>s, 6. Baggage Ar. and P. :

P.). Seasonable : P. and V. q, rd.

Be lucky, v.: P. and Y. Luminous, adj. Bright : P. and Y.
Aa/wrpos see bright.
; Transparent :
Lucrative, adj. P. y's,
Ar. Ar. and P.
and P. KrcpSaAcos. P. and V.
Lucratively, adv. P. Luminously, adv. Brightly : P. and
Y. AajLLTTpSs Luaidly P. and V. -

Lucre, subs. P. and V. , TO,

e o/ P. and Lump, subs Of metal Y. :

V. Lovmg lucre, 6. Of earth Ar. and Y.

adj. : P. and Y. ^ (also Xen ).
CZoi : P. and Y.
Ludicrous, adj P. and Y. 0po/A/tos, 6 (Plat.). JTnofc o?i ^fee
Ar. and P. KaTayeXacrros. j^es/i P rvAos, o (Xen). Jw a
Ludicrously, adv. P. yeAoc'cos, lump, adv. : P. and V. cruAAry/ftfyv.
together, v. trans : P. and
Ludicrousness, subs. Ar. and P. Y. owriWMu, ^tipctv (Plat P.
<TV/JL<f>pLV t? TttUTO.

Lug, v. trans. See drag. Lumpy, ad]. Uneven. P.

Luggage, subs. Ar. and P. Lunacy, subs P. and Y.
TCU fj,
TO see
Lugubrious, adj. See sad. madness. Folly : P, and V.
Lun Lut

Y], ttvota, 7}, aftovXio., rj, acriji/co-ia, ^ PZace of refuge : P. and V. KaTa
(Eur., Frag.) ; see folly. 17 ;
see refuge.
Lunar, adj. At the beginning of a Luscious, adj. P. and V.
new lunar month P. :

o-cX-^i' (Thuc. 2, 28). Lust, subs. Desire : P. and V.

Lunatic, subs. Use adj., Ar. and P. eVtflC/ua, ^. Incontinence P. .

f^povnyros see also mad. ; a/eoXao-i'a, ^, aoreXycia, ^. Warofoft-

Lunch, subs P. and Y. (fynorov, TO. P. and V. v/3pts, % V.
Lunch, v. trans. Ar. dpurrtfau'. Y. o/ : P. and V.
intrans. Ar. andP apto-rav (Xen.), 6 (gen.), ?ju,epos 6 (gen.) (rare
P. apto-T07roiMT0ai. see rfeszre. Lwsi a/ier : P. -,

Lung, subs. P. and V. TrXevpw 6. and V. ejrWtfjielv (gen.).

, Desire :
Lunge, v. intrans. Use P. and V. P. and V. opeyctr&u (gen.), tyieo-Oai
^a/com'^iv (Xen.). (gen.) ; see desire.
Lurch, v. intrans P. and V. TrraiW Lustful, adj. Incontinent: P. and
(lit ,
stumble) Shake : P. and V. V. aieoXao-Tos, Ar. and P. d/cpaTijs,
P. aorXyifc, vfipLO-TLKOs, V. fwpyos.
Lurch, subs. Leave in the hvrch, v. Lustily, adv. P. rxvps, P. and V. :

P. and Y. Xcnretv, P. and

TrpoStSoVai, n-poXciVeiv, pi7/xovv, Ar. V. ox^o'Spa, P. O-UVTOVCUS,
and P. irpolivoji (or mid.) Lustiness, subs. Strength : P. and
Lure, v. trans. P. and V. V. to-xrfs po)/A>7, V. o-tfcFos, TO, 0X^7;,
IX/cetv. ^. Fe^emewce : P. o-^oSpon??, 17.
07& P. and Y. Lustral, adj Purifying : V.
as w*/& a P. ortos, P. fca^apTwcds. Lustral water :
P. and V.
Lure, subs. Enticement : P lustral water, v. : P. and V.
17. .Bat* : P. and V. Sc'Xeap, TO, Ar. To-&ai (absol.)
SeXcao-fta, TO. Lustrate, v. trans. P, and V.
Lurid, adj. Gloomy: V. oVo<woV, , V.
/cvf^ato?, Xi/yaios see gloomy. Red:
; Lustration, subs. P. and V. *a0ap-
P. and V. Ar. and P.
-Trupo-o's, /A09, 6, P. /ca^apo-19, 57, aTToXovcrt?
Met., 0rw, horrible : P. (Plit, Oral. 405s).
and V. Lustre, subs. Brightness : P.
Lurk, v. intrans. I^e 7i^ V.:
Xa/iTrpdr^s, ^. Glory, show : V.
KKv&wa.i, (perf.), Ar. and P. ayXatV/>ta, TO, x^ij, ^. ^Zasfe : Ar.
SeSvKwcLi (perf. of KaTaBvew. Lie and V. o-cXas, TO' (alsoPlat, but
in ambush. P. eveSpev'eiv, rare P.). Fame, renown: P. and
P. and V. \oxav; see ambush. V. 8da, b icXeos, TO (rare P.), Ax.
Lie : P. and V. /ccwrflcu. J^ie in and V. evfcXcia, ^, icvSos, TO. 5feed
wait for, met. P. vtroKeio-Qou, (dat.).
: Zws^re on, v. P. and V. Kocr/xetv. :

Escape notice : P. and V. Xav^vetv, Lustrous, adj. Bright : P. and V.

V. X^ctv. Lurking like a snake : Xa//?rpo's see bright. Glossy : Ar. ;

V. <&s IvtSv ^^1/77 (Soph., Ant. and P. Xwrapo's.

531). Lusty, adj. Strong : P. and Y.
Lurking, adj. Secret: P. and V. //.e'yas, tor^po's,
V. o-^evapos, icpaTatds,
XaGpalos see secret
; Lurking Ar. and V. oXici^s (rare P.) see ;

place : V. KtvOpw, 6, ^^05, o. strong. Of a cry P. and Y. ft^yas. :

Dew; P. o-TnJXatov, TO (Plat.), Ar. Vehement : P. ox^oopo's, P. and Y.

and V. avrpov, r6, V. O-T;/COS, 6, &/TOVOS.
TO' (^Bsoh., ^gf. 1224), ^oXc[/*at, ai. Lute, subs. Use
Lux Mad

Luxuriance, subs. Abundance: P.

a<0ovia, ^. Fruitfulness : P.
?roXopia, 17 (Xen.). Mace, subs. Ar. and Y.
Luxuriant, adj. Abundant : P. and TO. Club : V. Kopivrj, 17 ; see cZw^.
V. amoves, Y. eTTippw-os. Fruitful : Machina, Deus ex, See under
P. and Y. ey/capiros (Plat.), cfreafwros Deus.
(Plat.), 7ra>opos (Plat.) ; see Machination, subs. Artifice : P. and
fruitful. Luxuriant with foliage : ' '

Ar. and Y. ftcXa/^uXXos. .4 TO, TrXo/coT, al. Plot : P.

Zt#Etn"dWl grfeft : V. euXcijtio? vcwr7 ^, n-i)SovXeu/Aa, TO,
(Eur., JSaccfc. 1084). TO',P. and V. SoXos, 6 (rare P.).
Luxuriantly, adv. Abundantly : P. Machine, subs P. and V. FW&JI
and V. <i0bVa>s (Eur., Frag.). y, fjLyxdvqtJia, TO, opyavov, TO.
Luxuriate, v.P. and V. Machinery, subs.
intrans. See machine.
Tpv<av, Ar. and Y. x^Sav, Y. Means, contrivance : P. and V.
Luxurious, adj. Ar. and P. i O-O^WT/Att, TO, TTOpOS,

V. 6/3pos, evrp<&ros (Eur., Mad, adj. P. and Y. /xaviwSijs, ^w,-

j ; P. and V. TZ/XLOS, P. ;,
<$7roVXi7KTo$, Ar. and
s, Scwrai/iypos. Rich : Y. P.
TrapaTrX^f, )LtaviKos,
s. $o/2 : Ax. and P. /ioXa- V. e/iftav^s (Plat, also but

KOS, Ar. and Y. /^oX^a/cos. rare P.), juapyos (also Plat, but rare
Luxuriously, adv. Sumptuously :
P. iroXweXcSs. Richly : Ar. and Y. /mvias, TrapaKOTTOS ^>pvaiv, otcrrpo-
TrXi}^, Ar. and V. iraLpa.TreirX'rjyiAevos,
t?i *
covered carriages : Ar. Also with fern. subs. : V. /xcuvas,
Spo/^cfs see also foolish.
; Of
(A*. 70). tilings P. and V. /AavwoST??, Ar.

Luxury, subs. P. and V. rp-u^, 17,

and P. /lavLKos see also foolish. ;

xXtS,},4 (Plat.), 49prfnp, 4 (Plat.), Mad words : Y. Xoyoi . . .

P. TO dpoSuToi/. Costliness P. :
<^>pv(ov (Eur., B/i/p'p. 93o). Drvoe
TToXvreXeia, ^. TFea^A : P. and V. mad, v. see madden.
: Dnven
TrXouros, 6. mad by the gods : V. 0eo//v77s.
Lye, subs. Ar. and P. /covia, ^. Mad for battle, ad]. : Y. Sopt/xav^s.
Lying, adj. P. and V. ^rcuftfc ; see jBe mad for, v. see Zowgr /or. : 5e
mad P. and Y.
; ov
Lynx, subs. V. Avy, o or 17 (Eur.,
Frag.). -jrapaXXao-o-etv, paivecrdai, P. TTU-
Lyre, subs. P. and V. Xifpa, 17 ^Gcr^at (perf. pass, of TU$OW,
(Plat, and Eur., Ale. 430), x&fc, 5e frantic: P. and V.
^ (JSsch., Frag.). Little lyre : Ar. (Plat, but rare P.),
v, TO. ferp . P. and V. (Plat.), oto-Tpav (Plat.), Kj3a/cxeue<r0ai
(Eur., OycZ. 444), Ar. (Plat), o/^ouo-tav (Plat.), P.
y, Ar. and V. j8ap^tTos, 6, /0ouo-iaiv (Plat.), Y. iK/iapyoiJo-^at^
or ij (JBur., 4Zc. 345, and Gycl 40) ;
jSaKxai/, //.apyaiWv (^Bsoh., Frag.),
see harp. Maker of lyres : P. Ar.and V. &Xi>iv,
s, 6. Makmg of lyres : P. Madden, v. trans. P. and V.
egurrdvai, l/CTrX^cro-etv, Ar. and V.
Lyric poet, subs. Ar. and P. /c/*<uWiv. Mafce frantic ; P. and
V. tKpaKxevw (Plat.), Y. POKX*W,
Lyric poetry, subs. Use Ar. and P. otorpav. ^iw^er : P. and Y. 6pyi'v
s, ro.
(Plat.), irapo^;vv ;

Mad Mai

Madly, adv. P. /n/iK<os, Ar. and P.

see foolishly, intensely. Impetu-
ously : P. wpcwrcTois, iT<tyto>s, Ar. Magnanimously, adv. P. and Y.
and P. veavt/ccog. ycwotajs, P. /iyaXot/ruxo)S.
Madness, subs. P. and Y. pJUvia, $, Magnate, subs. P. and Y. S
TO ftavtcoSes, Ar. and P. irapdvoia, fj \ 6.
see also folly. Frenzy : P. and V. Magnet, subs. P. At'0o<? Hpa/cXcto,
Xvo-crri, 17 (Plat but rare P.), (Plat., Zon, 533D),
6 (Plat, but rare P.),
^ (Plat., low, 535s), Y.
(Plat, but rare P.), Y. X^o?, y (Bur., JVagr.), Ai:8ta
T<, /JLapy6rqs 9 ^, fta.K^pJa.'ra, ra, TO 17 (Soph., ^ragr.).

Magnificence, subs. P.
Magazine, subs. P. 17, P. and V. (Tc/woT^s, ^, TO
rafueiov, TO. Magazine for corn : P. and V. crxfj/j,a TO, 9

P. and Y.
Eur., Frag.).
<7ipd>, 6 (Dem. 100 and TO,
x^ ^7 (Plat.), V.

adj. P. and Y.
Maggot, subs. P. 6^X17, $ (Hdt.). Magnificent,
MagiC, adj. P. juaycvTi/co's, Y. o-//.vos, ev7rp7njs, Ar. and P.
KTjXq-nJptoSj tfcXfcnyptos. Deadly : P. and Y.
Y. see also monstrous.
Xuypo's ; , Sta-TrpeTnJs, ircpt^aviys, Y.
Magic, subs. Art of magic : P. y
7, c^ap/xaiceta, 17, V. /x-ayeu- Magnificently, adv. P. and V.
TCI. Enchantment, charm :
P. and Y. <ap/*oicov, TO, ra>8?7, 17, Magnify, v. trans. ^a;aZi : P. and
V. /oyA-^/xa, TO, tfeX/crpov, TO, 04kyrjrpov 9 Y. jLieyca^vctv (Eur., BaccTi. 320) ;

TO, 0eXfcT77piov, TO, KrjXyrTqpLOv, TO. see #cafa. Celebrate in song : P.

Enchantment : P. /oJX^o-ts, ^ Met., and Y. fytvctv, ^Sctv. Exaggerate :
e, charm : P. and V. s 9- x^
P. /xeyoXvvctv, TO> Xoyo> atpctv, avco

magic v. V. /wtyevW, Ar.

l&ipfLv, 7ri TO fjLiov octvow, P. and
fjt.ayyavvw. Remove by magic : Y. KooyxeTv, Ar. and Y. Trupyow.
P. and Y. cferraSciv. Magniloquence, subs. P. Ko^oXoyto^
Magician, subs/ P. and Y. /j-ctyo?, 6, 77, /xc^aXavx"!, ^
TO KO/u-TrtSScs, Y. TO }

<t>app.aKV5, o, yooys, 6, 7ra>8os, 6, Y. yavpov, P. and Y. oyicos, 6; see

dotSo?, 6.
Magistracy, subs. P. and Y. dp^ Magniloquent,
7 adj. P. and Y.
97, Tifwy, ^. jffoZd a magistracy: crc^u/os, v^Xos, V. o-c/ivoo-TO/x-os,
Ar. and P. ap^v ctp^civ, or ap^etv , VTrepKoiros, Ar. and Y.
alone. Body o/ magistrates : see
Magniloquently, adv. P. and Y.
Magistrate, subs. Ar. and P. Y. ,

6, The magistrates : Ar. and Magnitude, subs. P. and V.

P. at apxat, P. TO. TeX?7, ot &rt TO (Thuo. 3, 70).
Tots n-payjuao-tv, P. and Y. ot tv Magnitudes and numbers : P. j

TcXct, TO, KVpta, Y. Ot CV TXet fi/3S>- /cat 7TX77017 (Plat., OTtarm. 168E).'

TS. Maid, subs. P. and Y. /cop*?, 17,

Magnanimity, subs. P. and V. 17, ^ap^cVos, 1} (Plat.), Ar. and Y.
yewuoVifff, T^ yevvatov, P. icaXo- vcavis, 17. Little girl : Ar. /-tctpofc 17,
icayaflta, /jLipa/cto-KT7, ^. Unmarried girl : P.
and V. 7rap0&os, ^ (Plat.). 5e a
Magnanimous, adj. P. and Y. W,
V. V. irapOcvcvwOai.
: See
ycwatbs, Ar. and P. /icyoXo^pov, P. ser-uaw^
Mai Maj

Maiden, suba. See maid. most part : P. a>s en-l TroXv, TO.

Maiden, adj. Ar. and V. TToXXa.

Y. TraptfeVos Maiden pastimes, Maintain, trans. v. Support with
subs. : V. TrapOevfVfjJaTCL,
TCU food: and Y. rplfaw, P. 8wt-
Maiden's chamber : Y. ira/otfei'wves, rptytiv (Dem. 419),
V. 0epj8eiv.
ot. With maiden face, adj. V. : Maintain (an army, fleet, etc.) P. :

TraptfevtoTros. Oh maiden work of and V. Tpc'^eu/, /Soar/ecu/ (Thuc. 7, 48,

my loom, wrought lowj ayo : V. < but rare P.), V.
XpoVtoi' taru>i> TrapfleVei'/jta rail' c/iuiv preserve : P and
(Eur., Io?j, 1425). We launched a
ship of Sidvn on her maiden voyage: see also defend.
V. St^oovtav VCLVV TrpajTOTrXoui/ /ca0tX- Cling toand V. oi/TtXa/A-
: P.
KOAtei/ (Eur., H0Z. 1531). (gen.). Maintain (silence,
Maidenhood, subs. P. etc ) : P. and V Ixeiv. Keep up
V. 7rap#evia, ?% ra. (a war, etc.] Ar. and P. ave^ctv.:

Spend one's maidenhood, v. V. Maintain (a feeling) : P. and V.

l^ctv,Tpzfaw (Plaii.), $v\dcra-iv.
Maidenly, adj. Ar. and V. Maintain (a cause), be friendly to
V. TOp^os. it : P. and V. cwoctv (dat.) ; see
Maid servant, subs. P. and Y. support. Absol., maintain by
17 (Plat.), P. 0epcwrcuva, 17, argument : P. ia-)(upicr6a,L,
^, V. XctTpts, ?/,

^, at/cms, 17, 8/40)17, /?, ground : P. and V.

Mail, subs. Coai o/ P. and (absol ), avre)(Lv (absol.), /caprepccv
V. 0copa 6, V. TravoTrXa (absol.) Maintain oneself, make a
/Aura, ret.
living : Ar. and P. ^v, P. and V.
Mail-clad, adj. V. , P. /?(OT6Tjeiv, V.
Holdout: P. and Y.
Maim, v. trans. Cripple : Ar. and Maintainer, subs. Saviowr : P. and
P. irrjpow. Injure: P. and V. V. crwT^p, 6. Fern P. and Y. ,

o-coTipa, T) (Plat.).
XwjSttor&u (Plat.), Maintenance, subs. Support: P.
M aimed, adj. P. avdmjpos, and Y. rpo^rj, ^, Ar. and P.
V. d/cparwp. JETaZi, Zams : P. and V. rd. Keep: Ar. and P. o-fnjo-is,
Living, livelihood : P. and V.
Maiming, subs. P. and V. ai/cfa, 6, Ar. and V. /Jibros, 6. Preserva-
OLKlOrfJUL, TO, XS/iTJ, Y] (Plit.), tion : P. and Y.
(Plat ).

Main, adj. P. and Y.

Chief. Majestic, adj. P. and V.

OTTO'S, irpwros. Supreme P. and V. :

v\Jn)\6$ (Plat.) ;
see proud.
/eupios. The main point : P TO Majestically, adv. P. and V.
K<oXaioy. With might and main o-e/Avojs; see proudly.

see under might.

Majesty, subs. P. and V.
Main, subs. See sea 17, TO o-ju,vdi/, Ar. and V. o-/?as, TO;
Mainland, subs. P. and V. ^Tmpos, see pride.
O/ the mainland, adj. P. Majority, subs. The
greater number
17. ;

TjircipdiTiKos, rjirGiptoTrjs. jFem. adj P. and V. ot 7rXtbvs. The majority,


P. and V. ^Trecpoms. 2V&0 people of the multitude P, and V. ot :

the mainland : P. ot ^Tretpomu. TroXXot, TO TrX^os. Attain one's

Mainly, adv. Especially : P. and majority, v. see come to mcmhood, :

under manhood.
Mak Mak
Make, v. trans. P. and V. of : see disregard. Make merry :
pyaeo-0cu, fepyaeo-0(u. Make P. and V. cvco^etcr^at, Ko/xageiv,
(acquire) money : Ar. and P. epya- Jfafce o/, understand, interpret : P.
feo"0ai xpTjfjLaTa. (Ar., Eg. 840). VTroXafJL^dvea/ (aco.), eK\ v >

Make a living : V. 0-vAAeyca/ ft

Lav ; |
(acc.). Constnwt of : P. and V.
see live. Eeap as profit : P. and V j
o-wTiQei'ai, IK (gen.). e made of,
see gawi. Construct : P.

KpBaww ',
be constructed of : P. o-uy/cetcr&u
CK (gen ). Make out, pretend AT. *

P. KaTacrKevd&LV, crvvi-
f, and P. rrpocnroielcr&ai ; see under-
V. TVXLV ; see also build.
, stand, interpret, represent. Make
Mould, fashion : P. and V. 7rAao-o-iv, over, hand over : P. and V. vapa-
V. orx^cm^eiv. J^eTwZeT* : P. and SiBovai, cfc&tSovac Jfafee wpi ^ r^S
V. TroieiV, KOLOwrrdvcLi, Trape^etv, (or wp, v. trans. P. and V. CTKCVO.&W,

mid.), P. TrapacrKevd^CLVj aTrepya- Ar. and P. ci/oveeuafcu/ v. mtrans. ;


o~0<u, Ar. and P. d-n-oSciKviWi, Ar. and P. evcr/ceua^o-^at Complete

,7ro<f>cuvw, Ar. and V. rtOfvai (rare (a number, etc.) P. . and V. e/cn-A^-
P.), V. KTitpw, Teuxew- Make one- podv, P. dva7rA.77pow. Trump up :

self (showoneself) : P. and V P. and V. ^rAtto-ow (ace ), P. Kara-

Trapcx^tv eavrov (with acc. of adj.). crKfvdfav (ace.), <yv<rKvoi^Lv (acc.).
Compel : P. and V. avaW&iv, ^a- Help to make up : P. o-vyKara-
orKvdctv (ace ). Constitute : P.
Ar. and P. Trpoo-ai/ayfca^ew, Ar. and and V. ctvat, Ka0arrrjKvai (perf. of
/ea^toraiat). Help in forming : P.
TF/&at makes you say this ? P. crvy/caraa-Keua^ctv. Make up (a
Tavra Aeycts , Bring
7ra.0o)j/ quarrel, etc.) : P. and V. cv rtflwu
that : P. and V. TrpaGrcrew OTTWS (aor. (or mid.), /caAoi? rWwai (or mid.)^
subj. or fut. indie.). Produce, P. Auco-^at, icaraTt^ecrdat, StaA-ucor^at,
cause : P. and V. TTOLGLV, V. revxew, Ar. and P. KarciAceo-fliu. Straight-
P. aTrepya^co-^at. In periphrastic luay a ividespread rumour was
expressions, use P. and V 7roter0ai, bruited in our ears that you and
V. Tt^ei/at, rtQcarQat, ',
e.g ,
W^/Jfi your lord had made up your former
haste : P o-7rou87/i/ Trotcto-^at. Make quarrel : V. BC <ST<O^ 8" e0vs fy TroA-us
amends for see : under amen Is. Aoyos ere /cat TTOO-IV (rov vct/co? fr?ri-
4th : P. and V. a<j>avL- o-^at TO (Bur., MecZ. 1139).

VTre^aipelv. Steal : P. Sta- Ma&e it up, be reconciled : P. and

see steal. Make for, V. /caraAAacrcre(r0<u, StaA^gcr^at ;
histen to : P. and V. 6p/x,ao-0<u ets under reconcile Make up for,
(acc). Seek: P. and V. tflrw make amends for : P. and V.
(aco.). 2^71^ towards : P. and V. fixelarQaL (aCC,), avaXafiftiivtw
rLViv ei5 (acc ), Trpos (ace,), P. iarQai (acc.), cici(rOai (acc.).
ts (acc.), or cm T.
or Make, subs Form : P. and
(acc.) Public
; see tend.
a-xyuoL, TO; see/orw.
support made rather for the Lace- Maker, subs, P. and V. %u<>wo/? >

daemonians P. $VOUL 7TOtl TOJV

6, TKTU)V, 6, P. TTOHTTlfo 6.
\Xov eis TOVS Aa/ccSat- Makeshift, subs. P. (fray/cata wapa-
2,8). Make free with:
b.uc. o-Kcv)} (Thuc. 6, 37).
P. and V. xp^cr^at (dat.). Mafce ^oo^ Makeshift, adj. P. avay/cato? (Thuo,
(Zo555, 00.) ; P. and V. 5, 8).
ftdvew, &KLcrO(U, e^too-^at ; see Making, subs. Manufacture : P.
retrieve. Carry out (a promise, epyacnfa, ^, woM/o-is, ^ 8^/ito
etc.) : see accomplish. Make light Organisation: P. and V. mT
Mai Man

-ff. Beginning : P. and V. apxtf, f}.

P. KaKovpya>$. Bitterly : P. and V.
Be the making of, Met. : P. and V. iri/cpois. Accuse maliciously, v.
Kiirop&ovv. trans. : Ar. and P. o-u/c
Malady, subs. P. and V. z'oVos, ^, Malign, adj. P. and Y.
TO, P. do-0ei/ta, y, appaxrrta, voo*aiSi7S, l
$.<rtjfj <f>Qpos 9 V. Xvfj
see harmful.
Malcontent, adj. Disloyal : P. and Malign, v. trans. P. and V. 6\a
Y. Svovov?, Ar. and P. KCLKOVOVS. Xv, Ar. and P. a-vKofavr&r, P.

Male, adj. P. and Y. apo-qi'. The Siao-upe/, jfturfcaivcu'.


nearest relations in the male line: Malignant, adj. P. and Y. imcpos,


P. 01 eyyuTttTo) Trpos ui'Sptuj/ (Dem. oW^pifc, Y. KaKO<pa>j/, 8uo*^po>i/,


1084). e/KOTos, Ar. and P. xoXerro's, Ar. and


Malediction, subs. See c#r$6. V. mxXty/coTos. Of a disease: use


Malefactor, subs. Use adj,, P. and P. and Y. av^feeo-Tos ; see incurable.


Y. /ca/eovpyos, Y. Xewpyo's (also Malignantly, adv. 1 P. and Y.

Xen.). fis, Ar. and P.

Malevolence, subs. P. and V. <j>66v Malignity, subs. P.andY.

6. Ill-will : P. and Y, ovWota, rj. Spite : P. and V. 6 ;
see malice.
17 ; see ewnity. Mallet, subs. Use hammer.
Malevolent, adj. P. and V. lm<f>0ovos. Mallow, subs. Ar. /loXc^, 17.
Unfriendly : P. and V, Malpractice, subs. P. ica/covp-;
Svo"ftvi7s, Ar. and P. Maltreat, v. trans. P. and Y
KOLKoyOys, V.
see also hostile, malig-
^acc. or dat.), Xw^oo-^at
nant. Bitter : P. and V. (Plat.), KOKOvpyeiv, KQ.KQVV, P. irapa-
Malevolently, adv. P. vo/xelv ew (acc.).
Bitterly : P. and V. Maltreatment, subs. P. and Y.
CLlJttCti, "W, VOpt$, 1), VppLCTUjCt, TO.

Malformation, subs. See i) (Plat.), X(fy&7, ^ (Plat.), P. ,

Malice, subs. P. and V. <0oVos, 6. 6.

El-will: P. and V. Svorota, Malversation, subs. See peculation.

P. , KOKOVOLCL, f}, Malpractices : P. /caicoupyta, 17.

5ear malice, remember injuries : Mammon, subs. Use P. and Y.
Ar. and P. With
malice prepense, use P. and V. Man, subs. As opposed to woman :
-jrpovoias, P. IK irapaa-KeuT}?, P. and Y. anyp, 6, Ar. and Y. <(6s,
6. O/ a man, adj. P. and Y. :

Malicious, adj. Envious : P. and V. otvSpctbs, Ar. and P. dv8pt/cos.

Become a man, v, see COTTW to :

P. and V. KOKoSpyos. BiWer : P. manhood, under manhood. In a

and V. mfcpo's. IfaZevoZewi : P. and man's voice : use adv., Ar. dvSpccrrlf.
V. Svavovs, 8-uo"/jtKiJs, Ar. and P. J^&t mem o mow, v P. and Y, :

jca/eovous, Ka/eo^^?, V. 8wo-^>p(ov, /iovo/^a^tv. Him(w being : P. and

/ a?J acc^5a^"(m ; P. Y. <Sv0po>7ros, 6. Men, hwnm beings :
.4 malicious accuser, P. and V. avBptoTroL, ot, Ar. and V.
subs. : Ar. and P. o-uKo^avr^s, o. jSpoTot, ot SvrjToC, ot. O/ wen, adj. :

Malicious accusation : Ar. and P. P. and V. dv0pdr>? see hitman. ;

crv/co<avria, 17, P, o-weo^avnjfta, TO'. A man (indel): P. and Y. T<S.

Maliciously, adv. Enviously : P. Like a man : see mmfulty. Mem
MiscM&oously : by : P. Kaff Iva. mm
Play the
Man Man
man, V. : P. dvSpaya^ccr^at, di/Spi- i
Mandrake, subs. P. /xavSpayopas, 6.
eo-6ai (Plat.). Men's quarters in a Mane, subs. P. and V. x at/T77>
house: P. and V. <lv8pa3v 6 (Xen),
s (Xen also Ar.), V. './
P. di/8pawTi$, T). Empty of men, y (Eur Ale. 429), or <$fy, ?} alone.

adj. : V. #vav8pos, /c/av8pos. Lack Sis inane close cropped in dis-

of wen, subs. : V. /cemvSpi'a, 7), P. honour : V. KovpaZs driVws 8iaTTiA.-
^. ZrOue O/ 97&0M. ; V.
/Ao/iys <oy/fys (Soph.,
229). Manful, adj.
(Eur., Ar. and P.
atf arms : P. and V. on-Ainu, see brave.
Manfully, adv. Ar. and P.
Man, v. trans. P. and V. -n-Xrjpovv. see bravely.
Manfully: P. crupirXrjpovv. Man Manfulness, subs. P. and V.
against (an enemy) : P. avrnr^povv ?}
see bravery. ;

Man in addition : P. Mange, subs. P. ij/upa, rj (Plat.)-
wpocTTrX^pouv. Fully-manned, adj. :
Manger, subs. P. and V. <f>a.Tvr}, y ;

P.and V. 7r\ripris. see stable.

Manacle, subs. P. and V. Sccr/ios, 6, Mangle, v. trans. P. and V.
Tre'S??, ^ ' ^ ee chain. crjropao-o-eiv (Plat.), V. cnrav, KvairreLV,
Manage, v. trans Eegulate : P. StapTctjU-ccv, Ar. and V.
and V. OWCCLV, vfyciv (Thuc. 8, 70), Siao-Jrapao-crfiiv, /cara-

Kvftepvaiv, Ar and P. juera^etptfecrOai, Tear in pieces : V.

StOtKCtl/, 1TLTpOTrVLV9 P.Ar. and V. Sta^opctv.
v. Outrage: P. and V. Xvpafao-Oai (aco.
5a^fe satisfactorily : P. or dat.), alK%<r&ai Xo)^o<j(9afc (Plat.). t

and V. cu riO&oLi (or mid.), Met., mangle a speech in reciting

(or mid.).

Manage a house- it: P. \vpaLivco-9cu. (Dem. 315).

hold : P. OLKOVO^IV OUCLO.V. Control : Mangled, adj. V. Siacm-apa/cros ; see
P. and V. 3pxtv (gen. V. also dat.), flora, under fear. Mangled by dogs :
(gen. V. also dat.). Have the V. Kwoo-TrcfpoKTos. Mangled re-

care of : P. and V. CT-ioraTcti/ (dat. inains : V. cnrapa'yjU.aTa, TO/.

or gen.), Ar. and P. Mangling, subs. V. cnrapay//,os, 6,
(gen.). Bring it about that : P. cnrapay/Aa, ro.
and V. 7rpocr(reu> OTTCOS (fut. indio. or Mangy, adj. P. ^wpoXeos (Xen.).
aor. subj.). You have but to speak, Be mangy, v. : P. ^rwpav (Plat.).
we will ma/nage the rest for you : V. Manhood, subs. P. and V. ^/fy, 4
Xeyois av T^/ACIS raXAa <Spa, ^, dKfiiy, 4 Ar. and P. ^Xtfcta,
(Bur., Ion, 335). Manage (to do a ^. Brewery : see bravery. A youth
thing) : use &6 able. arrived at manhood : P. ^/&os, o
Manageable, adj. Easy to deal (Dem. 438). .Nbi ^efl come to
with : P. VfjLTaxipicrros. Docile : manhood, adj. P. &vr}{tos. Dome :

P. euaywyos, cufta^i}?, cuifvtos, V. to mcmhood, v. : P. and Y. dvSpov-

cvap/cro?, euTrt^Tjs, ^tXiyvto^. 0-60.1, P. TeXcoiJo-dat, Ar. and V.

Management, subs. P. SIOIKVJCTLS, %> e&wBpova-Qai, V.
Siayttpwris, ^. SMZ : P. and V. reached manhood : P. and V.
_ /, ^. Management of a house- <i7jQav (Xen.). Concretely,
hold : P. olKOVOfJLia, r). o/ ^ow^s : P. iJAcKta, 17, Ar. and V.
subs. Ar. and P.
o. Steward: P. and V. ra/wds Mania, subs. Seewwwfeeas. Impulse:
Manager of the festivals, P. and V. op^, 77.
theatre, etc. : P. dpxtreKrov, 6. Maniac, subs. Use adj., mo^.
Mandate, subs. See command. Maniacal, adj. See mad.
Man Man.

Manifest, adj.^ P. and V. S^ TO, o-^eo-is, 17, ^805, TO, iSea, 17.

ci/S 17X05, cra<l>ri<s, IvapyrjS,

Manner of dress : P. and V. o-/cev>7,
^, o-ToX>7, ^ (Plat.) ; see dress*
Ar. and P. Manner of life : P. and V. 8-aiTa,
P. CTTi^avi}?, / . I?a w/i^i manner ? P. and V.
Y. o-a Ar. eTrrS/jXos. Manifest 7TCOS ; Tivl TpOTTO) , TlI/CL TpOTTOV , TTOfciti)

beforehand P. 717)0877X05.
TpoTro) , see feoz0 ? Jw ^fee ??aa?ZTO6r

Manifest, v trans, (rwe >roo/ o/: of- P. and Y. Sfio^v (gen.), P. ev

P. and V, cvoVfCVTJcrflai, 7rape'xiv (or Tpdrrw (gen.), Y. cv TpoTTots (gen.),
mid.), 7rpoTi0eo-0ai, V. TJ0eor0ai, Ar. rpoTTQv (gen ) ; see ^Ae.
and P. 7Tt8l/CKUOr0ai. Mannerly, adj. Ar. and P. do-mos,
Manifestation, subs. Ar. and P.
tafficcfe; 17, P. d-oSei&s, 7;. Manners, subs. P. and V. Tpo-n-oi, ol.
Evidence, proof : P. and V. crg/^tov, Customs: P. and Y. vo/Aiju-a, Ta;
TO, TCK/ATJplOV, TO, SctyjUUl, TO, V. see custom.
Te'/c/iap, TO, P. evSety/xa, TO. 2Vws Manning, Subs. Manning of ships :

mcwwyiestaifccw o/ angrer against me P. TrX^pcoo-is, f}.

on your part has ocoured as I Manoeuvre, subs. Scheme, plot P. :

expected : P. TrporrBsxo^^v^ fw>t TO, iJ, 17,

P. and V. jLc^^av^/mj To r
rJ75 dpyijs ts V. 17, T)(yT}U.a, TO W^Sfi
(Thuc. 2, 60). P. and Y. o-o<io>wi, TO.
Manifestly, adv. P. and Y. o-a< Practice : P. OO-K^O-IS, 17. Review
^t 817X01817, Xa/A7rpo>5, (of troops) : P. e&Vacris, ^. Prac^ic^
P. Ar. manoeuvres (with ships) ; P. dva-
and P. KaTa<ai'o)5, <avepws, V. irLP aa-6ai (absol ) (Thuc. 7, 12).
(ZY&ez/ Ath nians would
thawjht] the
Manifesto, subs. Proclamation ; P. have no opportunity in the narrow
and V. /cifpuy/ia, TO'. space either of sailing round them
Manifold, adj. P. and Y or breaking their line, the part of
?roiKiXo5, Ar. and P. ira their manmiLvres on which they
Manikin, subs. P. and Y. mist relizd : P. TOIS 'A0*7vaibis OVK
TO (Eur., CycL 185), dv#po>7T6'a-Kos, 6 ZffearQai crtfr&v Iv o-TO/o^copta ovre
(Eur., CycL 316). irepLirXovv OVTG SicWXcui/ WTrcp T>}S
Manipulate, v. trans. Use P. and T^i'?/5 jU-ttXtora cTTtcrreuov
Y. xPW& al (dat.). Tamper with: 7, 36). Counter manoeuvre: P.
P. see tamper with.
-TrapcKT/ceuaJeii' ;

Manipulation, subs. Use employ- Manoeuvre, v. trins. Handle,

ment, P. and V. xv^ -' V- Intrigue : control: P. and Y. Kvfapvav. V.
P TrapaurKevfy //, KaTacr/cuao"/Aa, TO. in trans. P. and Y.
Mankind, subs. Use P and V. Tcxi'Scrttt; see
avQpwiroi, ol, Ar. and Y. ftporoij ol, number of hoptotes on both sides
Ovqroij ol. were manoeuvring in a small
Manlike, adj. Ar. and P. space : P. oirX Tat djU,<oTpa>v ou/c
adv., Ar. and P. dv8pt/co)5.
Manliness, subs. P. and V. (Thuo. 7, 44).
07 ;
see bravery. Manservant, subs. Use servant.
Manly, adj. Of man: P. and Y. Mansion, subs. Use house.
dvopiO5, Ar. ancl P* dvopT/co?. Mantle, subs Ar. and P. i/ufo-iov, TO',
Manner, subs. Way : P. and V. xXavfe, ^, ^Xap.-v's, i) (Xen.), Ar. and
Tpo7T05, 6, 6805, ^, ISea, 17, V.
6. Shape, style : P. and Y. TO, <^>apo5, TO, Y. ct/jwx, TO. GoCLTSe
Man Mar

cloak: Ar. and P. rptpw, o, Tpi- many grounds (reasons] : P

PWIOV, TO. Wearing a mantle : times : P. and Y.
Xo0v. Many
use Ar. and P. a/ATrc^d/icvo?. TToXXa/cts, Q(ifj.d, P. o-uxvoV, Ar. and

Mantling, adj. Frothy : P. and V. Y. TroXXa; see often. Twice as

a</>pco8*7s (Plat.). The mantling many : Y. Sis TOO~OI, P. 81s TOCTQVTOL.
juice of the grape : V. ySorpuos Many times as great : P. -n-oXXa-
yai/os TO' (Eur., acc/&. 261). TrXao-tos. Many times as great as :
Mantling wine : Y. OIVCDTTOS P. -rroXXcwrXao-ios (gen.).
fj (Eur.,
Or. 115). Many-sided, ad]. Met., P. and Y.
Manual, adj. Ar. and P. irot/cfXos ; see versatile.

vwcos ; see mechanic. Manual Map, subs. Ar. -$? ircptoSos, h, P.

labour subs. : Ar. and P. x* LP ovP'
-, wiVa, 6 (Hdt 5, 49). Boundaries :
yio, ^, P. xtpoT\via.
P. and Y. opot, ot; see boundary.
Manufactory, subs. Ar. and P. Maple, subs. P. o-^ci/Sa/Ai'os, 17,

Tough as maple, met. : Ar. &<(>&-

Manufacture, v. trans. P. and V. (Ach.181).
cpyde<rQaL see make ; Trump up : Map out, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. TrXao'O'Civ, P. o~ujU7rXao~crtv, Stopt^civ.
Karaa-Kevd^Lv. Manufactured, not Mar, v. trans. Spoil: P. and Y.
genuine : P. pcjArj-xavyp-cvos see ; XiJjLLati/eo'^at (ace or
dat ) ; see also injure. Disgrace :
Manufacture, subs. P. cpyao-ta, 17, P. and Y. ato~x^t', /caTawrx^vetv.
Trofyo-is, n Construction : P. Z>^0 . P. and Y. /xtatVetv, Y.
tyfuovpyia, y (Plat.). Xpaii/eu', XP^^ tv, P. /caTap-
Manumission, subs. P. Fcm oz^7ii ?zo^ ^o war
#0(007.5, 17. your reputation : P. xp^o)^ . . .

Manumit, v. trans. P. a aiaxnv LCT?

d<Aai/t^v (Thuc.

(Dem. 1309). 2,61).

Manure, subs. Ar. and P. /compos, 17. Marauder, subs P. and Y.
Manuscript, subs. Use P. and V. 6. Be a marauder, v. P. X; :

Marauding, subs. P.
Many, adj. P. and Y. xoXiis, Ar. and Marauding, adj. P. ;
P. o-i>x'os. Frequent: P. and V. Marble, subs. Use P. Tropios X$os,
P. and V. 6 (Hdt.), /xap^opos, 6 (late.). O/
see ahundant. Very marble, adj. : P. /^ap/x-aptvos (late).
P. Ar. and P. and V. -jropcta, ^,
P. March, subs.
P. and Y. 68ds, 17. -Be ow /ie march : P. cv
Countless : P. and V. o8<J e/<u. March out : P. and V.
V. avdpiQ/jLOS, av^piOfJLO<s /^vptos (also
} !o8os, ^. Bythm (in poetry) :
Plat, but rare P.). Hb^; many, P. aycoy^, rj (Plat, B^. 400o).
interrog. P. and V. -n-oo-ot ;
: 4 tune to march to : P. /*
indirect P. and V. oVoo-oi.
: So v, TO (late). The month :
P. and V. TOO-OVTOI, Too-otSc, MV 6. t

V. (rare P.). As many as: March, v. trans. Set a force in

P. and Y. 60-01. Equal in numbers motion : P. and V. IXcnWv,
to : P. t<roir\7]6r)s (dat.), IcrdpiOpos (Thuc. 4, 132). Y. intrans.' P.
(dat.). In many ways : P. and Y. and V. Tropeveo-flcu, tci/at. March
7roXXaxi} 'TroXXa^ov, In many out : P. and V. c&waL. Take the
places : P. and Y. n-oXXaxov. From field : P. and Y. orpaTvetv (or
many places : P. TroXXaxotfcv. To mid.), rrrpaT;iv (or mid.), P. cic-
many places : P. -jroXXaxoVc. On (or mid.) ; see campaign.
513 33
Mar Mar

Marches, subs. Borders: P. andV. difference between speaking much

P. rd (Xen.). On and speaking to the mark : V.
opta, Ta, (JLtOopLCL,
or of the marches, adj. : P. XpU TO r ciirtw TroXXa /cat TOI /caipta

/Aedoptos. (Soph, 0. (7. 808). ^L of man

Mare, subs. P. and V. <Wos, ij,
P. mark : P. e&>o/a/Aos, d&o-
use adj.,
01?Xeta tTTTTO?, A (Plat.). Xoyos ; see famous. Make one's
Marge, subs. See margin. mark : Ar. and P. cvSo/cfytcti/. Be
Margin, subs. Edge: P. XXOS,TO; wide of the mark : see err.
see edge. Border line : P. and V. Mark, v. trans. Brand : Ar. and P.
Ta (Xen.). Met.,
opos, 6, P. /A0opta, o-Tt'fctv. Scratch : V. x^P^ cr<TLV -
surplus : Ar. and P. -rrcptovo-ta, 17. Marked, scarred : V. o-<j5>payto-/ji^os
Difference : P. and V. Std^opov, TO. (perf. part of o-^payt^t^). $e a
Marine, adj. P. and V. floXaomos war& O7i : P. and V. cTrto^oiVetv
(Plat.), Ar. and P. nwrtos, (TOO), P. fvcrrjiuLLvea-Qai (rtvCrt.) ; see
Near the sea, adj. : P. TrapafloXdV- stamp. Wo^ind: P. and V. Tpav-
crios, 7ri0aXaoxn.o9, e7ri0aXao*crt8ios. /JLttTt^CtV, TtTpWO"KtV. Notice ." P.
P. and V. TTopoXtos, iraplXos, and V. vow XivTrp6$ (dat.or aco.),
d/CTatos (Thuc.), V. eira/crtos, ^rapaK- lirto'/coTrctv, woctv (or mid.), i/octv
Ttos. (or mid.), Ar. and P. 7rpo<r*x* LV
Marine, subs. 4 soZdier serving on (dat.), Trpocre^ctv TOV vow (dat.).
bowrd ship ; P. VL Absol., P. and V. IvSexco-tfat; see
as a marine v. P. t
: notice. He found himself marked
Mariner, subs. See sailor. down for slaughter : P. avrbv ^Spcv
Maritime, adj. On the sea : P. eyyypa/L/Ai/ov KTCIVCLV (Thuo. 1, 132).
TrapatfoXaomos, 7ri0aXao-o-ios, In-t- Mark off, appoint : P. diroSct/c-

0aXao-o-t8tos, P. and Y. TrapaXo?, vuVat. ^"arA; owi (by boundaries) :

TrapdtXtos, d/cTato9 (Thuc ), V, P. and V. opt'v (or mid.).

cira/cTtos, TrapducTtos. Maritime Market, v. intrans. Ar. and P,
empire : P. TO -nj? ^aXaoro-j?? /cpaTo?. .

Nautical : P. and V. vavrwos. .4^ Market, subs. P. and V. ayopa, 17.

agricultural, not a maritime Market overseers : Ar. and P.
people : P. aVSpes ya>pyot /cat ov ^yopavo/ioi, ot. There is no market
^aXao-a-toi (Thuc., 1, 142). for owr manufactures : P. T&V
Marjoram, subs. Ar. opfyavos, 7). cpycov dTrpaerta co-rt (Dem. 820).
Mark, subs. Impression : P. and V. Market dues : P. reXy dyopavo/Atfca,
p, o, ro5, 6, V. vapayjLta, TO. Ta. Market place : P. and V.
f^e &o^y : P. and V. ^yopa, rj.
6 (Bur., El. 572). Marks Marketable, adj. P. and V. WI^TOS.
of blows . P. l)(vr) -rX^ywv (Plat., Marksman, subs. A good 'marks-
man : use adj., P. and V. dWovos
TO. Soar: P. and V. ouX^, ^, V.'
crrjfjLavTpov, TO : see also wound,. The Marksmanship, subs. Archery : P.
attack that the disease mads on 17 To&foJ (Plat.).
the (sufferers ) extremities left its Maroon, v. trans. V. 6/cjSoA.W,
mark : P. TU>V dfcpwTTyptcov dvTtX^^rts
(Thuc. Marriage, subs. P. and V. ycf/xos, 6,
auTOi; (TOV /ca/cov) CTrecr^/tati/ev
2, 49). Object one at which
P. TO, ya/U/C<, V. VTJfJL<f>LCL, Ta,
aims : P. and V. O-KOTTO'S, 6. 5es^e ru/^a;/4a, TO, cvv^/iaTa, Ta, Ar. and
the mark : P. Ifw TOT) Trpay/wrros, V. fyieWos, 6, or use V. Xe^os, TO, or
Ar. and P. !fo> TOU Xoyov. To A0 pL, Xe/cTpov, TO, or pi., cw?7, ^, or pi. ;

mark: P. irpos Xo'yoi/. 27&ere ^s a see also alliance. Of marriage,


Mar Mar

adj. ; P. and V. yiy^uok (Plat.), ya/xio-0at (dat.), V. vu/x</>ueiv (or

Ar. and P. ya/ufco? Ar. and V. f
pass.) (dat.). Take in marriage^-
V. vuju,<jf>euT77ptos, Ar. P. \afji/3dvLv (ace.). Unite in
marriage : P. and V. orueuyiaW
Marriageable, P. feya/Ao?, P.
adj. (Xen.), V. iryvw<u, wfj.<t>ev&v, irotpa-
and V. wpalos ydfjuav.
wpoTos, V. see also betroth.
Marriageable age, subs. Ar. and :
Marsh, subs. P. and V, Xt>n7, 97, P.
P. IXos, TO, Ar. and P. riX^a., TO O/
Marriage bed, subs. Ar. and Y. a marsh, adj. : P. and V. IXeios,
A.e^o5, TO, or pL, V. XCKTPOV, TO, or Ar. Xi/H/atos.
pi., ewij, 17,
or pi., P. and V. /com?, Marshal, subs. General ; P. and Y.
4 (Plat.). o-TpaTTjyos, 6. Superintendent : Ar.
Marriage chamber, subs. V. and P. 7rifi.c\viTrjs, o, P. and Y.
Qd\LLfJL05j O, WfJL<f>lOV, TO, OTtCTTOtTT/S, 6.
Marshal, v. trans. Draw up in
Marriage feast, subs. P. and Y. order : P. and Y. Tao-o-etv, aruvrao--
6, or pi., P. ya/^Xia, >% crew, /coo-/*iv f KaOurrdvai, Ar. and P.
a marriage feast, v : P. and Y. iraLparaavew, Y. Tayeue-
dt/jLous (Isae.) ;
see /eastf. P. SiaKocrpeLv } see arrange.
Marriage gifts, subs. V. 18m, T< Conduct : P. and Y. 2yr,
(Eur , And. 2 and 153), <epva, at (dat.).
(Eur., see Marshalling, subs.
956). Dowry P. and V.

dowry. Q-ive in marriage, v. P. s, 17. Drawing up order :

: m
and V. !*8iS(W t (or mid.), V. P. 7rapaTats, ^
wpj^evw see betroth.
Take in Marshy, adj. P. 1X0)8175, Xi/w/di^s.
marriage (with man as subject) : Mart, subs. P. and Y. ayopa, ^, Ar.
P. (ace.) (Dem. 1311). and P. cpwropiov, TO.
Unite in marriage : see under Martial, adj. Connected with war :
marry. They refused the land- P. TToXcfuicos, Ar. and P. 7roA.e/u-
owners all rights, nor were any of Y. Spci^aTos, P. and V.
the popular party any longer TTarZ&5 : P. and V. .

to give in marriage or contract , Frag.) P. -

alliances from among them or Ar. and Y.

into their families : P. TOW ycw/xo- (rare P.).
pot? yxereSioWav ovre aAAou ouSeios, Martyr, subs. JEfe a martyr^ be
our c/cSovi/cu ou8* a.yay0*0<u Trap' wronged: P. and Y. oSwceurftu.
CKCtVCOV, o8* tS KtVoU5 OuSci/t Irt TOV Be a martyr to, die for : V.
Stjftov ^>}r (Thuc. 8, 21). irpoQviqtrKiv (gen.), UTrcptfioJor/ceii/

Marriage song, subs. Ar. and V. (gen.V P. v7rcpcaro6vria-KLV virep

v/jicvaios, Ax. ya/jL^A.109 Tratav, 6.
o, (gen.), irpocmoOvvjo-Kew VTrcp (gen.).
Marring, subs. P. and V. Sia<0opa, Met , 60 a martyr to (a disease) : P.
^ ; see r^iw. and Y. (aoc.) ; see suffer
Marrow, subs. P. and V. /^vcXos, 6. from.
Marry, interj. Use Ar. and P. Martyrdom, subs. Death: P. and
vr] Ata, TOUS Otovs.
VT) V, see death.
0<3tvoros, 6 ;

Marry, v. trans. Of the man: P. Marvel, subs. P. and V. Oavfia, TO,

and V. ya/Atv, #yr0ai, Ar. and Y. &rX7^is, ^, 0a/xj3o5, ro (rare P. but
fu-ywcrOai (dat.), Y. wjjuf>euciv (dat.) used in Thuc. and Plat.). An
(rare P.). (as second hus-
Marry object of wonder : P. and V. OavjLa,,
band or P. and Y. ewtya/wli/
wife) : rL Patent : P. and Y. Wpfc T<$
(aco.). Of the woman P. and Y. :
Mar Mas

Marvel, v. intrans. P. and V. P. and V.

see bulky.
<r0at, V. P. Massiveness, subs.
Marvel at : Heaviness : P.
and V. 0au/juiU/ (ace.), a.iro0a.vfjufev /3(ipuTYj<s 9 Solidity : P.
(ace.), iKTrXyo-arerQai (dat.). 17 ;
Marvellous, adj. P. and V. Massy, adj. See massive.
Savos, afj^)(av(K, Ar. a Lid P. Mast, subs. P. and V. ICTTOS, 6.
vTrep^vrp, V. K7rayXos. Master, subs. P. and V. oWzror^,
Neil) : jca/os, veos, V. veo/coros, Ar. Lord : P. and V. Swcumys, 6, Ar.
and V. PCOX/AOS. and V. &va, 6, V. dVaicrwp, o ; see
P. and V. lord. Oh, kind master: Y. a>
Marvellously, adv.
6avfj.a<rrd, Ar. and P. SecnroTiW (Eur., Ct/cZ. 267).
tfau/mo-tcos, P. QavfLOLcnr&s, Teacher : P. and Y. StS<o-/caXo?, 6,
Masculine, adj. P. and V. ap<rrjv. P. -n-atScvnjs, 6. Master of: use
Looking like a man : P. apcrevwW s. ad]., P. and Y. y/cpcmjs (gen.),
Grammatically : Ar. etpmyv. iritpio? (gen.), V7?/:toXos (gen.) (Plat.
Mash, v. trans. P. and V. pdo-vetv but rare P.). Conti oiling : P and
V. /cpcto-o-ojK (gen.). 5fi master of,
(Soph., Frag.).
Mask, Subs. P. Trpoorowroi/, TO, Ar. v. :P. and Y. Kparw (gen ). 2Vzai
*eaX;? ircptOeros, 77 (Thesm. 258). he might not make himself master
Met, cloak, fretence : P. and V. TT/DO- of Thy ace: P. ?va .
/M? . . . . .

TO; see pretence.

a-^jy/ua, /cvpios 1-775 p^/ciys /carao-ra7 (Dem.
Mask, v. trans, see T&wfo. 234) TT/ien Brasidas made himself
Mason, subs. P. XitfoXo'yos, 6, Ar. master of thi heights : P. Bpao-tSas
and P. Xflfovpyds, o. Mason's shop : a>? di/TeXidt/Sero TWV ^CTCcopwv (ThuC.
P. Xi0oupyeTov, TO. Mason's tools : 4, 128). Master of, skilled m, met. :
P. o-iSiypia Xitfovpya, T< (Thue. 4, 4). use adj., P. and Y. l/^rctpos (gen.),
Masonry, subs. Siwies : P. and V. monJ/AO)v (gen.) see skilled.
XtQoi, ol Walls : P. and V. past master in adj., P. and V.
: use
rd ; see wall. aicpos (gen. or ace.). Master of the
Mass, subs. P. and V. 07*0$, 6, horse (magister equitum) : P.
Lump (of metal) : Y. /xt&pos, 6. ,
6 (late).
.Heap : Ar. and P. o-copos, 6 (Xen.), Master, v. trans. P. and Y.
Ar. and Y. flo/icfe, 6, V. ^s, 6, or ^. (gen.), xP^"^ at SeoTro'fciv (gen.)
Abundance : P. and V. -a-X^os, TO, (Plat.). Conquer : P. and Y. vl/cav,
Ar. and P. irepLO-ucria, ^, P. a<t>6ovLa t /cpaTctv (aco. or gen.), Ar. and P.
V. jScfpos, TO.
^, cuTropta, ^, Press extKpaTctv (gen.). , Subdue : P. and
crowd P. and Y. o-rt^os, TO. Jw a
: V. KaTaorpc'^eo-ftu. Met., learn -

wifls^, t a 60% use adj., P. and

.* P. and Y. /jMvQdvciv ; see
V. aflpoos. 2%e masses ; P. and V. Masterful, adj. P. and V.
Oi TToXXot, TO TrXlJ^O?. P. Y. ,

Mass, v. trans. Collect : P. and V. Masterfully, adv. P.

o*vXXeytv, d^pot^ctv ; see collect. Be
massed together (of troops) : P. Masterly, adj. Use P. and Y. ct/cpos ;

see also wise.

Massacre, subs. P. and Y. Masterpiece, subs. Use P. and V.
<oVos, o, Ar. and V. ^>ovat, aL
f} 9 TO.
Massacre, Y. trans. P. and Y. Mastery, subs. Rule: P. and Y.
<f>ovViv, o-<aeiy, Y. /caTaer^afetv, <fy>xi 4 ttpdros, r6. Victory: P.
/cctTa^ovcvcti/ ; see ^?^Z. and Y. viicy, ^, Kpdros, TO. Mastery
Massive, adj. Heavy : P. and Y. ever: P. fycpaT(a, 17 (gen.), P. and
Mas Mat
Y. /cpaTos, TO (gen). Have the V.
mastery over, v. P. and V. Kparftv

feen -)- Matchless, adj. Choice : P. and V.

Mast-head, Subs. V. /eapxifo-ia, ra
(Ear., Hec. 1261). P. and V, K7rp7r>}s, V.
Masticate, v. trans. Chew : Ar and Consummate : P. and V. _.,,.
P. Tpwyeiv, Ar. fj,a<ra.(r6ai, Kara- Matchlessly, adv. V. &>>><?, P.
Mastiff, subs. Use P. and V. KVW, Match-maker, subs. P. and V.
6 ; see dog. Trpo/ivijorrpta, 17 (Plat.). 5e a match-
Mat, subs. Ar. <t>opfJLOS, o, i/fiadns, 17. maker, V. : P. 7rpo/tvao-0ai (Plat.).
Mat, v. trans. Mix up : P. and V. Mate, subs.
Consort: P. and V.
</>\jpiv. Be matted together: or 17. i^ZZozf; : P. and V.
P. O-UWO/LOS, 6,
crvp.TTiX.elcrOa.L. Matted with : use KOLVWVOS, 6, or ^, CTVWO/JLOS, o, or ^,
P. and V. a-ufwr<vp/x,vos (dat.) ortfvcpyos, 6, or 17, o-uvrpo<^o5, 6, or ^,
(Plat.), Tree^/oyLtsVos (dat.) (Xen.), V.
Ar. and V. o-v^vyos, 6, or ^7.
aVa7re<up/Aei/os (dat.). .Mflited! Aazr ; Mate, v. trans, unite in marriage ;
V av^oiS^s KO -ny, ^. P. and V o-uuyi/*W (Xen.),
Match, subs. J. wac/i /or; use crvvoiKL&iv (Plat.), V. ^ewyvtivaiy
adj., P. avTt7roA.os (dat.), ci/a/uAAos vupj$Viv 9 see also
TrapafcuyviJvat ;

(dat.). In fighting : also use P. betroth. Marry, of the

P. man:
d&<tywtYos (dat.). Lightly armed I and V. ; of the woman P. :

would be a match for yoit> in full and V. yaju,r^ai (dat.) ; see marry.
panoply : V. K&V i/rtXos dp/ceo-ai/u Mate (of animals) : P. and V.
y wTrXtcr/Aci/a) (Soph., Aj. 1123). (TVfLfLLywcrOaLj crvvcp)(<rQai. Mate
Unaided we are a match for our with : P. and V. crvfju^iyvva^ac
enemies : P. aurot apKOVftev Trpos (dat.), V. o-vyKoi/itto-0cu (dat ). El-
Tovs TToAejuW (Thuo. 6, 84). Con- mated (of a man), adj. : V.
test : P. and V. aycov, o, fyirAAa, 17,
V. TraAaioyAa, TO, S0A.O5, 6 ; see Material, subs. Composition : P-
contest. Union by marriage P. (ruorao-is, ^ ;
: see composition.
and V, /cijSos, TO, /}8ei;/xa, TO, Cloth : P. and V. -g^acr/ia, TO'. Both
embroidered and plain materials :
Match, v. trans. Equal P. and P. ixfoavrd re KOL Xeta (Thuo. 2, 97).
V. 2o-owr0<u (dat.), #o-o9o-0at (dat.), Material for : P. and V. S^op/zi;,
P. ivd&o-Oat, (dat.). Ufa P. JETe w;feo has
i) (gen.). supplied the
and V. 6ju,oioi5o-0a.i (dat.), lop.oiov- material for my speech would most
crOat, (dat.). Engage, bring ^nto justly incur this charge : P. 6 Ta
conflict : P. and V. dvrtTao-o-ctv, P. fpya xapca'X^KOJS Trcpl t5v cwrlv 01

crv/A^oAAeu', V. o-vvaycti", <rvva.7TTw 9 Xdyot SwcatoraT* &v ravrrjy 8^ot T^V

o-uju,<pav, Ar. and
V. dvrm^cVat. a^Ttav (Dem. 576). TFood : P. and
Be matched against : P. and V. V. u\oi/, TO see wood. ;

avTLTaoro-earBcLi (dat. or ?rpos, aoc ). Material, adj. Essential : P. and

WeU matched, adj. P. and V. : V. Svayxatos. To the point : P.
to-oppoTTos He w^o 7&a5
cowe to wpos A.oyov. : P. and V.
tnatch h >r powers : V. 05 S ^X^/ l-rrl -rroAAov oi&os,P. Sidtpopos, dioA.oyos.
TavrtVaXov (Eur., Bacc/i. 278). Set Ifa^maZ wteres^s, property : P.
one thing against another (as equi- and V. xpwi&Ta, TCL (?a*n ; P.
valent) : P. and V. a.vriTiOcva.1 (ri and V. JcepSos, TO. Philosophically,
AbsoL, tally : P. and V. consisting of matter : P. o-o>/*aTo-
s (Plat.).
Mat Maw
Materially, adv. In an important portance : P. and V. Sia^epctv. It
degree : P. Siacjbepovnos. Especially : matters not : V. a/jwjtaSeftcos Ivt
P. and V. /jtoXiora, ou^ ., Frag.). Matter little: V.
Maternal, adj. P. and Y. jSpax^ (Eur., ZVo. 1248).
Maternal uncle: P. 6 wp Mattock, subs. Ar. and P.
0>s. .MaterwaZ great-grand- Ar. and V. SfecUa, 17, V. ,

father : P. o TraTpos irpos

Mattress, subs. P. and V.

Maternity, subs. P. and V. TO ^ (Plat.).

TC/CTCLV, Ar. TO TKtv (Lys. 884). Mature, adj. Eipe : P. and V.
Mathematical, adj.
a> TrcTrov (ZEsch., Frog \ Xen.
Mathematician, subs. Use adj., P. also Ar.). Brought to perfection :
Mathematicians : P. P. and V. T&CIOS, TcXcos. Iw ife
Ot 7Tpt . .
J3rwe o/ Zi/"e : P. and V. wpatos,
fiwoL (Plat, Sep. 510o). ^8i/, d/c/xatos. Advanced in life:
Mathematics, subs. P. P. irdppa} T^S ^Xucats. Mature
T< years, prime of life subs.f P. and :
Matin, subs. See morning. V. oipa, ^, OK^, ^, ^,
^, Ar. and
Matricidal, adj. V. /^Tpo/c P. vjXlKta, 17. Beady, prepared,
Matricide, subs. One who Mis his adj. : P. and V. erot/*os. Mature
mother: P. and V. /MTrpoXoi'as, 6, consideration : P. o-/cc^ts o-v^
/AiyTpoKToVos, 6 (Plat, but rare P.), (Plat.).
V. fjarrpo^cvTjj^ 6. Commit matri- Mature, v. trans. Ripen : P. and V.
cide, V. : V. fLfjrpOKTOVLV. 7T?ratvi' (Eur., Frag. Xen.).

Matrimony, subs. See marriage. Prepare : P. aud V. iToipA&iv,

Matrix, subs. P. MTP<JL, ^ ; see -n-apao-KcvdZciv. Hasten on : P. and
womb. V. oTTCTJSeiv, ^rtonreuSetv. BriW^ to
Matron, subs. Mother: P. and V. perfection : P. and V. rcXetow, P.
/"7"?Pi 17. Woman : P. and V. TcXcow. V. intrans Ripen (of
ij, 1$.
Old woman : P. and V. grapes) : V. &r<wrpicot$o-0<u (Soph.,
Frag.), Ar. ire7ratVv. Come to
Matronly, adj. Sedate : P. and V. perfection : P. and V. TeXcwwo-ftu,
<r/ivos. OW : P. and V. ycpaio's. P. TA.oi5o-^at. Be at perfection :
Matted, adj. See under mat. P. and V. aKfjui&w. Be matured,
Matter, subs. Thing: P. and V. be ready : P. and V. roi/xaeo-0<u
XPTJ/WI, TO. P. and V.
Affair :

Trpayfjia, TO Ar. and V. Maturity, subs.

Trpo&s, ^, Perfection : P. and
irpayos, TO*, XP C/OS TO*'V Cause : V. oicfwj, 17. Fears o/ maturity :
P. and V. ama, 17, Ar. and P. CUTIOV, Ar. and P. ^Xwaa, ^. Prime : P.
TO. Subject : P. and V. Axtyos, 6, and V. <5pa, ^, ^, A*/^, ^. ^,
P. wro0rts, ^. Nothing to do with OoTne to mabwrity : see maiwre, v.
the matter : P. ovBcv wpds Aoyov. Maudlin, adj. Weak, effeminate:
Be a matter of opinion, v. : P. Ar. and P. /xoXaico's, Ar and V.
d/wiorj&7Tro-0(u. Philosophically, Be maudlin, v. : P.
matter as opposed to wm# : P.
vXv), 17 (Arist.). Suppuration: V. Maul, v. trans. P. and V.
vocnyXcta, ^. "PP^a^ is the matter ? XvjLtati/0*^at (aCC. or dat.),
P. and V. T? ctrn ; What is the see also maw/ e.
(aco.) (Plat.)

matter with you ? P. and V. ri subs.

Mausoleum, See tomb.
Mavis, subs. See thrush.
Matter, v. intrans. Be of im- Maw, subs. Stomach : P. and V.
Maw Mea

p, Yj9
or use V. yvdQos, fj (lit. P. A:TTOS, io-ft o?. TFiifeereeZ : P.
jaw.). and V. Scanty : P. and V.
Mawkish, Insipid: Ar. and
ad]. OTr^vtos (Eur., Prog.), V. crTravicrro'?,
P. Disgusting: P. arjBfa
</ruxpo's. oTrapvo'^. Small, little : P. and V.
Maxim, subs. P. and Y. Trapoiju/a, /u/cpos, (r/uicpd?, oXfyos, ftpaxijs, Ar.
17, Xoyos, 6, V. alvos, 6 ; see and V. /Jatos. Deficient . P. and
aphorism. Maxims : P. and Y. V. evSojs, .5arrew : P. and V.
yyfyuu, at ; see saying. Invent S/CCtpTTOS.
maxims, v. Ar. :
yva>/m57rii/. In- Meagrely, adv. Scantily : P.
venting maxims, adj. : Ar. Deficiently: P.
7TOS. Meagreness, subs. Leanness : P.
May, subs. P. apy^Xuov, 6. XCTTTOT^S, ^. Scantiness : P. and
May, v. intrans. You may, V. cnrai/ts, ^. Deficiency ; P.
are allowed to : P. and V.
o*ot (infin.), irdpcarTL o-ot
(innn.), Meal, subs. Barley meal: Ar. and
or Trdpa o-ot (infin.), ft/cort o-ot P. aX<f>LTov, TO, or pi. Wheat meal :
(infin.). In wishes : see would Ar. and P. ciXcvpa, ra. MieaZ /or
that. You may be right : P. bread : V. A^rpo? d/cr?? (Eur.,
KtvoWeuets dX^tfi) Xcyetv (Plat., Frag.) Meal for sprinkling on
%m. 205D). Yow may never victims in sacrifice : V. Trpox&m,
have seen a state governed by a at, Ar. oXa^ at. Bepast : P. and Y.
tyrant : P. v/xcts Ta^a ovSc SetTTVOv, ro, rpfcefa, 17 (Xen.).
T0eW0 rvpCLWOVfJieinqv iroXtv (Plat., Food : P. and V. rpo^ij, 17, o-tros,
Zregrgr. 711A). 2%w reproach may Ar. and P.
perhaps have come extorted by
anger : V. AXX* ^X0 /*ev 8-^ TOUTO Meal tub, subs. Ar.
TOvvctSos Ttt^' av 6pyj7 puurQev (Soph., Mean, adj. Low of degree : P. and
0.B. 523). Fow wa^ ^i you gone V. Tawti/o5, ^avXos, /ccucd?,
where you will V. ou /ACV Ko/ufots : Ar. and P. a-ycw^s, Y. ayen^TOs,
Ar. an.l Y. Svo-ytvTJs Obscure : P.
444). -Mj^ method may be worse or and Y. aoWfyios, a^>av975,
it may be better : P. "
wra>$ /*b/ yap P. aSofo?, V. /Jpaxiis, ySaio<
(6 TpdVos) ^tp<i)V, LO-COS SjLtaupo's. Dishonourable : P. and
ctT7 ^p. ISA).
(Plat., V. ato-^poSj /caAcos, 7rovi7po5, </>aOXos,

May be, adv. See perhaps. /xoY^pos, /caicovpyos, ^vaftos, Ar.

Mayor, subs. Use P. and V. and P. ttyew^s. Poor, humble :
6. Mayor of a village : P. P. and Y. TaTreti'OS, <^aGXo5, /tf/cpos,
X^s, 6 (Xen.). o-//cpos; see^oor. Shabby, worth-
Maze, subs. Labyrmth: P. less : P. and V. KOKOS, <aXos,
6. A. maze of words V. P. and V.
v> al. <tXapyvpos, Ar, and
Mazy, adj. P. and Y.
(Plat.), TTOlKlfXoS. Mean, subs. Middle point: use P.
Mead, See meadow.
subs. Fer- and Y. /w'o-ov, TO. Strike the mean
mented drink Y. /AeXt'/cpaTO, ra, or. between the largest and smallest
use wine. number of ships given : P. -n-pos TOLS
Meadow, subs. P. and Y. Xe</uov, 6, /jieytbras /cat ^Xa^wrra? vavs TO pAvov
V. opyck, 17 (also Xen.) Of a t o-icoTrctv (Thuc. 1, 10). TAe ^oWfiw
meadow, adj. V. Xet/uovtos : mean: P. and Y. TO /xerpiov, TCI
Meadowed, adj. Y. cvXct/u>?. /xcrpia.
Ar. and Mean, v. trans. Signify, with
Meagre, adj.
Mea Mea

personal subject: P. and V. Xcyeiv, shabbiness. Stinginess : P. and V.

(frpd^ewi iirLv t
V. evvfiVcw, Ar. and aurxpofccpSeia, ^, Ar. and P. <^t-
P. Siai/ceio-flai ; with non-personal SwXta, 17, P. ^cXoKcpScia, ^.
subject Ar. and P. voeti/,
Means, subs. P. and V. -n-opos, 6, or
P. Pov\<r0ai, o^/jwuVeiv, pi. ; see resource. Resources : Ar.
(Thuc. 5, 85), V. 0'A.iv (Eur., and P. <dSiov, or pL, P. afapw,
Hipp. 865 and S^. 1055). Absol. y. Income : P. TrpocroSos, y ; see
\vith infin., intend : P. and V. property. Ways and means . P.
/3ov\cuiv, vociv, &VOCLV, Ar. and P. and 7. -n-opot, ot. By all means,
& aroelcrtfcu, cTTLVOCtv. 5fi a&OWi to : certainly (in answer to a question) :
P. and V. /xe'X\tv. 1/iean io <#o (a P. and V. fj.d\icrrd yc, Ar. and P.
thing) : Ar. and V. Spao-crW (TI), /co/At8]J ye, 5/icXet,
y, V. /cat
V. epyaorci'eiv (TI). To whom their AcapTa, /cat KaipTa. yc. Come what
survival and success meant most : may : P. and V. irovTO)? Jfy aw2/
P. <J ZKZIVQVS (T^Bqvat. /cat /carop0uio"ai or 50 we means : P. and V. TTWS
(enolitic), Ar. and
fjLa,\t<rra Siefapev (Dem. 321). P. try (enclitic).
Meander, v. intrans. JP/ot0 : P. and By some mean* or other : Ar. and
V. pcIV. Go sJowfy ; Ar and P. P. a/xwcryeTrws, a^ycTT^, P. OTTOXJOW,
/JcZ&'frw (rare V.). Wander: P. 6?r<u<rSTjffOT. jB^/ wo waea?25 : P. and
and V. TrXayao-flai, TrcpiTroA-ctv ; see V. ouSa/xois, ovfta/jwj,
wander. Met wa?idJer /rom the

ju-TySa/JL ?,
V. ovSajizo, O-UTTCOS,
point : P. n-Xavacr^at ; see digress. Ar. and V. ft^Sa^a. 5y ?io
subs. P. and V. Cti #Z ; P. ouS" OTrcocrTtoiJj',
Meaning, Sui/a/us,
^ (Soph., 0. B. 938), P. Stavota, T),
fiov\rj<n<s, ^. .Haws a double Mean-spirited, adj. P.
meaning, v. : P. 7rap.ff>orpi^Lv. Mean-spiritedness, subs. P.
Hidden meaning P. inrovoia, ^.
TzZZ ?/o^ learn the meaning of joy Meantime, adv. See meanwhile.
and sorrow : V. Iws TO xa ^P iV **<> Meanwhile, adv. In the interim :
TO XuTrercr^u ^a67;s (Soph., ^7 555). P. and Y. TW In the meanwhile :
"PF7iai was the 'meaning of this ? P. and. Y tv TOUTU), P. cv T<W /ACTftcu,

P. TI TOVT fj&vva.To (Dem. 233). Y. ev T<pSe (Eur., Phoen. 285 and I.

We 'know that this is the meaning T. 1379), T* ju-cTa^ TOT;' (Soph.,
of your bringing ns before a com- 0. G 290).
mittee . P. yiyvtacTKOp-ev on TOVTO Measurable, adj. P. and V. ,

<f>povi vfjL&v Y) ct5 TOUS oA/vov? P. <rroJ& P.TJTQS (Plat.).

(Thuc 5, 85). Measure, subs. P. and V. /xer t

Meanly, adv. Of degree P. : TO. Measures and weights : Y.

vois, P. and Y. /cavois Dishonour-
ably : P. and V. Phoen^ 541;
ci Ar., Av. 1040-1041)'.
Trowrjp&s, <t>a.v\.tDs, Poorly : Criterion : P. and V. /cavow, 6.
P. and V. ^avXoj Stingily : Zwwt : P. and V. pos, 6, Trcpas, TO.

P. yAt<rxpws, Think jDz^e limit

P. and V. />terpov, TO.
meanly of, v. see despise.
Beyond measure : use adv., V.
Meanness, subs. Of degree: P. vTrcp/ieTpws (Eur., Frag.) \ see also
Ttt7T/oV?7s, ^, <aiAoT77?, 17, P. and excessively Allowance P. //.erpov,
V. Svo-yeVeia, 17 (Plat.). Dishonour- TO (Plat., Hep. 62lA), Y. /iTp^/xa,
nbleness : P. and V. ffov^pta, 77, TO'. Tzwe, rhythm : P. and V.
Aca?7, 17, P. KOKOTT/S, ^, pvQjJMs, 6. Metre : Ar. and P.
Ar. and P. fca/cta, 17, /xcrpov, TO. Dance : see dance.
Shibbiness : P. ^avA-or^s, ; see
Legislative act : P. and Y. ^
Mea Med
TO. Measures, policy : P. Mechanic, subs. Workman : Ar.
%. Take measures, v. : P. and and P. x^-porcV^s, 6, V. x LP^ va ^t
V. /Sovkeueo-Qai. Take extreme 6 (Soph, and Eur., Frag.).
measures : P. and V. avrJKecrrov Mechanical, adj. See mechanic.
TI P. aviy/cearoV TL ftov)(.Viv
Spav, Natural, spontaneous : P. and Y.
(Thuc. 1, 132). In like measure :
P. and V. cf ferou. He contributed Mechanically, adv. Spontaneously:
in some small measure to . : P. P. cwro ravrofjidiav. . .

/ipo9 TI <rwJ3a.\To (gen.). Save Mechanism, subs. Construction :

hard measure, v. : P. and V. P. cruoracrts, ^, oruj/Tafts, ?;.

/caKois Trdurx"!/. Measure for Meddle, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
measure : P. ra avr lo-w ; see &'" iroX.v7rpay/JMVLv, V. -rrepto-o-a Spav,
for Eepay measure for
tat. Trpao-o-ctr Tt TrAe'ov (Eur., Frag.),
measure V. rov O.VTOV
: TtVao-^at . . . Ar. and V. irpda-o-civ iroXXd. Meddle
TpoVov (^Bseh., Theb. 638). Eequite tilth : P. and V. KZ^ctv (ace.),
in equil measure : P. TO!S a.7rrccr6ai (gen.), V. CKKLVCW (aCC,),
afJLvv<r6a.i (ace.). i/raueii/ (gen.), ^iyyai/eti/ (g6n.), eVi-
Measure, v. trans. P. and V. i/raveiv (gen.); see ic/'ZWjA, tamper.
o-ra0/x.acr0<u (Plat.), <njp.^i m Meddlesome, adj. Ar. and P. 7roA.u-
avaLfjt,TpeLv (or mid.), V. <TTa.Op.av Trpay/i.C!)]',
P. Trcpwpyos, 0iA.O7rpay/xa>v.
(mid. also in P.), e/c/jLcrpcti/ (or Meddlesomeness, subs. Ar. and P.
mid.) (also Xen. but rare P.). TroX.VTrpa.'yfJLocrdvr), f], P. ^tA.orrpay-
Measure out : P. and V. //,Tpe/, P. fJLO(TVVTJ t f).

o\aftTptv, V. efc/xerpeti/ (or mid.)

~~ Mediate, v. intrans. P.
(alsoXen. but rare P.). StatTav. Mediate between : P. Sta
measwre^ owi ^o OTW P. a< (dat.). Mediate on : P. and V.
f3pa/3uiv (ace.), P- SiaiTav (ace.).
Measured, adj. Slow: P. and V. Mediation, subs. Ar. and P. St
/3paxt$- Stately : P. and o-c/ii/o?. 77, V
P. St/07, ^, /3pa/3ei' V
EhythmicaL Ar. and P. d5/w0/jcos
. conciliation : P. and V. ;

see rhythmical. ri see arbitration. ',

Measureless, adj. P. and V. Mediator, subs. P. and V.

Ar. and P. SWpavTos, V. 6 (Plat.), 840AA.OK7T7S, 6, P.
(also Plat, but rare P.). Incon- 6, yu.<TO9 St/cacrr^s, o,
ceivable : P. and V. fyxT/xavos ; see jSpayQcvTTy?, o, V. StaXXa/c-nJp, 6.
immeasurable. Medical, adj. P. larpiKos. Medical
Measurement, subs. Act of man, subs. see doctor. Medical :

measu?inq : P. fteVp^o-is, %. attevidance P. and V. 0epcwrta, 17. .

Measure : P. and V. perpov, TO. Medical science : P. ^ tcn-piKoJ.

Thus they got the measurement for Medically, adv. ^^e?wZ medically,
their ladders : P. -nr v. trans. : P. and V.
OUTCOS (ace. .

(Thuc. 3, 20). Medicinal, P. adj.

Measuring rod, subs Use P. and Healing Ar. and V. -Tratowos, V.

V. KCLVCOV, 6. aKe<r<opos ; see healing.

Meat, subs. 2%$7i ; P. and V. /cpeas, Medicine, subs. P. and V. <a'p/*a/coi/,
TO, or pi. Food generally : P. and TO, Ifa/xa, ^, V.
TO, fdo-i5,
V. Tpo<t>ri, >}, o"tTos, 6. Ta. V. &os, TO,
Remedy :

Meat-hook, subs. Ar. /cpeaypa, ^. TO. Medical science : P. 17

Mechanic, adj. Manual : P. and V. Mediocre, adj. P. and V.
s, Ar. and P.

Med Mee

Mediocrity, subs. P. and Y. tKtO, ^, Y. , (

-njs, $ (Eur., Frag.). rj ; see gentleness.

Meditate, v. trans. Plan, -intend : Meet, adj. Fitting, suitable P. and .

P. and V. ftov\evew, voelv, evvoiv, V. eTrt-nJSctoSj OTJft^opos, 7rpoo*^>opos.

Ar. and P. 8wu/0tcr0ai, ITTLVO&V. Y. Opportune: P. and V. fca/pios, cVf-
intrans. Eeflect : P. and Y. /-
/catpw, Y. ciJicatpos, Becoming : P.
VOW (OT mid.), WOIV (OT
6vfJLlfT&aL 1
mid.), arvwoeiv (or mid.), 7rto*KO7TLV,

3Tpoa"i}KO)i/, eua")(^/xo>v, /ca^^Kcov, Ar.

and P. Trpcwoio^s, Y. CTTCCKCJS, Trpoc"^
also P. v. :
mid.), eVAoyifecrtfai.
Meditate on P. and Y, cVtfv/tet-
: P. and V. irpejTfi, ~, v -I-/---B ,

cr0(u (acc. ; P. also gen.), Iwociv (or Meet, v. trans. Encounter (persons) :

mid.) (acc.),' crvwoelv (or mid) P. and V. Tuyxotvciv (gen.),

(acc.), Xoytccr6ai (acc.), P. e/cAoyt- Tvyxckeiv (dat. ; V. gen.), VTvy>
c<rQa.i (acc), Y. \io-o~eiv (ace.), ) ,
SiravTa v (dat. ) ,
vo>ju.av (acc.), /coA^ai'ven/ (acc.) ;
see !dat.
dat.) (Xen., also Ar.), P.
reflect upon. Tuyx^ctv (dat.), Ar. and P.
Meditation, subs. P. and V. o-wvoia, Tuyx&VLV (dat. or gen.), V.
^, ivd'Ofitja't^j ^ (Eur., Frag.), $povT&, (dat.), C7VVaVTtCL^tV (dat.), V7TttVTlCl
fj (rare P.),
P. cWoia, q. Specula- (dat), onjvavTco-^at (dat.), avriiaJpciv
tion: P. 0co>pia, 17. (dat.). Jf^i (thinys; e.g., dfo-
Meditative, adj. P. cnWovs; see osrers) ; P. and V. ruyx^W (gen ),
VTTjyxaVtV (dat.), ^/l-TriTTTCLV (IS,
Medium, subs. Means to an end : P, acc.), TrcptTrtTTTctv (dat.), Ar. and Y.
and V. iropos, 6. Circulating joipelv (gen.), V.
o-vyidJpetv (dat.),
medium, currency : P. and Y. di^rav (dat.). Experience : P. and
vo/ucrfia, TO. Jfe^mm o/ exchange : V. xpi?o-0(u (dat.). Pace: P and
P. crv]j,j3o\ov rvjs dAXay^s 2vKa V. %ir)(Lv, t^Lcrraa-OaL ;
see /ace.
(Plat., JKep. 371B). Light on : see Zw?/& on. ikTeezJ 7?i

Medium, adj. Moderate : P. and Y. iaiiZe : P. and Y. ^Travrav (dat.),

<rvp.<j>6pecr6ai (dat.), crv/x^oXXetv (dat.),
Medley, subs. P. avrtrdicrtreo'OaL (dat.), V. oT;/AjSoAAtv

Meed, subs. Reward : P. and Y. ftax>'/v (dat.) ; see also engage. Have
/u<ros. Penalty : P. and Y. rt- an interview with : P. and V. onWp-
rf^tov, TO see reward.
; Meed of Xo-0ai (dat.), avyyCyvecrdat, (dat.) ;
vakur : P. and V. ^pioreia, T< see interview. Deal with : ]P. and
(rare Sing.), Y. KahXicrrcla, TO. Y. o/uXelv (dat.), Trpooro/x-ZXeTv (dat.) ;
(rare sing.). IfeecZ of beauty : Y. see ^a-ye dealings with, under
KoXXtcrreta, rd (rare sing.). Wiw deafora/s. (occwsa^'ow) ; P.
<^e meed of valour, v. : P. and and Y. It is not
avrtXeyciv (dat.).
V. apwrrcvciv (Plat.). Win the at all easy to meet the tactics of
meed of beauty: Y. these men : P. ou TTOLW eorl paSiov
TCUS TOVTtov -irapao-icevar? dvraywvt-
Meek, adj. P. and V. Trpaos, # ^o-^at (Dem. 1078). Have you
met me on ground where I ami un-
Ar. and P. flaXa.K^9 Ar. and V. assailable in everything ? P. ofi
see gentle.
/JuxA0o/c(>? ;
eye) <i0<o9 cwrcwri, . . . ivravOa
Meekly, adv. P. and Y. $*&*?, P. faryvririKas ; (Dem. 269). Meet the
TTpaco?, Y. 'TTpeu/xeva)?, Ar. and V. wishes and views of each : P.
/xaA^aKcos ; see gently.
Meekness, subs. P. irpaor^s, 07, (Thuc, 2, 35). Meetf
Mee Mel

with folly : V. avrLTtivew V^ITI avrl TO,

VIJVLW (Eur., Med. 891). Y. in- TO (in P., outward signs
trans. Come together : P. and V. of mourning) ; see sadness.
<riWp;(cr0<u. Meet (of things) : P. Melee, subs. P. and Y. 06>uo<r, o,
o-vju./JcLXXctv cts ravro. Where P rapaxn, f}. Encounter : Ar. and
branching roads meet : V. P. o-uvoSos. V. o-uM/?oX?7, ^.

Mellifluous, adj Use P. and Y.

fi&u (Soph., 0. C. 900). Meet for see sweet.
discussion : Ar. and P. <rvyjca0j}o-0at. Mellow, adj. Ripe : P. and V.
Mieei beforehand : P. TrpoaTravrav (^Esch., Frag.).
(absol.). Jkfort with : P. and Y. Mellow, v. trans. P. and V.
(gen )i iy (Xen. and Eur., Frag.). Met.,
(gen), Ar. and V. icupctv (gen.); soften : Ar. and Y. /mXao-o-iv, Y.
see light on, encounter. Met., /iaX0ao-<re/. Y. intrans. Ar.
experience : P. and V. xp?Jcr0eu jrerrotvciv.

(dat.). We happened to meet with Melodious,

adj. P. ,
Ar. and
a storm : P. CTU^O/ACF xcifjLtivi nvi P. cvpvQ/JLOS, V. d/^
XprjcrdfifvoL (Antiphon, 131). Melodiously, adv. P.
Meeting, SUbs. Y. cta-ai/r^/Aa, TO,
Coming together : Melodiousness, subs. P.
P. and V. o/uXt'a, ^, crwoucria, ^. -

Conflict : see conflict. Interview : Melodrama, subs. Use Ar. and P.

P. and V. o-ijvo8os, fj ; see interview. TpaywoYci, ^.
Public meeting, assembly : P. Melodramatic, adj. Ar.
and V. o-uXXoyos, 6 see ; Ar. and
P. Tpayucos.
Committee meeting : P. Melodramatically, adv. P.
Spiov, TO. There was a meeting " Eepeat melodramatically, v. trans. :

of the Ecclesia: P. P. TpaytBeLv (aCC.).

a meetwig, v. P. and V. :
Melody, subs. Tune : P. and V.
7roier0ai. Meeting place TO'.
, Song : P. and V.
of three roads t
subs. P. and V.
TO, ^, Y.
see sow^.
Meetly, adv. See fitly. P- ....
Melancholy, Dejected : P. and Melt, v. trans. P. and V.
adj. Ar. n^,
V. aOvfws V. Suo^C/ios,
), and P. SiaTJKciv (Xen.). Melt
po>v. Be melancholy, awwy : P. and V. cic-nj/cctv, P. <wro-
v. P. and V. cl^iJuctv, V. Suo"- T^icctv. Melt down (metals, etc.) :
Sad, unhappy : P. and P. o~uy^a)ViJv, Kara^CDveuetv, P. and
V. n//civ. JfeW together : P.
and V. TuXas, TX?J/i<Dv, V. SucrTpiXds owny/eeiv. Met., so/ter^ : Ar. and

see sad. Lamentable : P. and Y. V. /iaXao-o-tv, Y. fiaXQdo-o-ew ; see

V. intrans. P. and Y.
(also Xen. but rare P.), <rwTvJKc<rOa.i, Ar. and P.
(Xen.). Met., pine
Tray/cXavToy ; see away: Ar. and V. T^Keo-tfcu, Y. e/c-
Melancholy (of looks) : P. and V. TrjKccrOai, crvvrfJKO'$aL \ see j3WZfi.

OTCV^POHTOS, Y. orvyro's. Jfy Afiar^ 7ate5 at wy wo</wr's

Melancholy, subs. Dejection: P. lamentations and hers I melt by my
and Y. a#/ua,' 17, BvcrOvf^ta^ f} wailing: Y. fJcrenyKa icapStav ^pwy-
(Plat.). Grw/: P. roXatirwp/a, 17, croKri /*77Tpos TiyvSe T* IxTiJica) yoow
Ar. and Y. fiXyos, TO, SXGS, TO, V. (Eur., Hec. 433), JSZfi^t ; Ar. and
Mel Men

V, /MtA.acrcr<r0cu, V. Menace, P. and V. a*

v. trans.
see relent. MeLt away : Ar. and (rC Ttvt) see threaten.
; Met., of
P. SiarrJK<r0at, (Xen.) ; met., P. and dangers, etc. ; P. and V. cfacrracrQat
V. SiappcZv, ^TToppetv. TJiat you (dat.).
may get me out before I melt away :
Menacing, adj. P. dTrctX^nKos ;
Ar. lv etays /AC irplv Sicppwj/cei/ai dangerous, threatening.
(Vesp. 1156). Melt of a crowd): Mend, v. trans. Eepair : P. cm-
P. and V. SiaXveo-Qat. <rKvdew. Mend clothes : P. tyuarta,
Melted, adj. Use P. and V. TITO'S. cgaKeto-QaL Improve, put
Melting, adj. Met., of a glance V. :
right: AT. and P. liravopOovv, P.
and V. c^opflow, Ma&0 w^> /or ; P.
Member, subs. Limb P. and V. and V. o.Kelo'&ai (aco.), avoXa//,-
KoiXov, TO (Plat.). Member s, limbs : fidveiv (aoc ), !ao-^at (ace.), e^tao-ftu
P. and V. fJ.X.rj f rd, V. yuca, rd. J (acc.). 1^ ^oe5 woi mend matters
saw Z Aiiip willing to lose any to . . :
. V. o^/c 5os (infin.), P. and V.
member tliat fortune cJwse to deprive OUK (u^cXcI (infin.). Y. intrans.
him of: P, lwpu>i' $iXnrov , . .
Improve : Ar. and P. cTrtStSdvat,
. . . TTO.V OTL jSovX-rjOefy //.epos f] TU^ P. and V. irpoKOTTretv. Mend in
TOU TrupeXccr^ai TOVTO Trpou
(Tco/joaros liealth : P. paLciv.
/A/o7' (Dem. 247). Member of the Mendacious, adj. P. and V. ^cvoVJ?,
Boule : Ar. and P. /SoiAcvrrfc, 6. Ar ^euSoXd y os.
Membrane, subs. P. u/u^i/, 6 (Arist.). Mendaciously, adv. P. and V.
Memento, subs. P. and V
TO, V. fJLVrj/J.0,
Mendacity, suba. P.
Memoirs, subs. P. d
(Xen.). Mendicant, subs. P. and V. -

Memorable; adj. P. 6, &yvprri<s t 6. Fem., V. fcyvprpia,

see remarkable. Ever to be re-
membered : P. and V. Mendicant, adj. P. and Y.
Memorandum, subs, P. Ar. and V. TTTOJ^OS, V. ^UPO
Mendicity, subs. Ar. and P.
Memorial, subs. P. and V.
TO, Ar. and P. P. Menial, subs Masc., P. and V,
//,vT?udo~wov, TO^
vn-opyifjfjia.,V. ftvoJ/Aa, TO Memorial
TO, oucenys, 6, ^irrjperys, 6, SovXos, 6, V.
stone : Ar. and P. cmJX^, ?/. Docu- XctTpts, 6, ot/cevs, 6, Ar. and V. S/x-o>s,
ment use Ar. and P. .
6; see servant. Fern., P. and V.
TCI see document.
; f V. t

Memory, subs. P. and V.

r), V. /jLVTjorts, >).
Having a Menial, adj. P. and V. I

memory, adj. : Ar. and P. (Plat, but rare P.), SovXos (Plat, but 1

P. and V. fjLvy/jLwv. rare P.), Ar. and P. SoiAwcds, I

Having a bad memory : Ar. and P. A menial life : V.

VtAiJo7WDi/. Speak from memory : /fros. Menial fare: V.
P. pvrifjLoviK^ LTTLv (JEschin. 33). rp<&rea. Perform menial
Menace, subs. P. and V. aVciXiy, i}, duties, v. P. and V. QyreucLv. :

V. aTrctXoy/AaTa, TCL ; see danger. Did As opposed to visible :

Mental, adj.
you come to Decelea and fortify it P. VO^TOS (Plat.), Ofthevirind:
as a menace to your own country ? use P. and V. TOV vov, r^? tyvxys*
Mention, subs. P. and V. pvcio, ^,
rjj iraTpi'St 777 (reavrov ; (Andoc. P ftv^/x77, ^. Make mention of : P.
13, 35). /xvct'av irotLcr^at (gen. or 7Tpt gen.),
Men Mer
V. fyw (gen.) ; see mention, Merciful, adj. Compassionate: P.
v. and V. ^tXotKTtp/jwov (Plat,), P.
Mention, v. trans. P. and Y. lAccivo's, Ar. and P. IXe^wv. Gentle:
fjanrja-Oijvai, (aor. P. and V. Trpaos, ^Ttos, ^>tA.av^p<o7ro5 ?
(gen. or irept gen.), cTrietKTys, V. Trpeu/AciiJ?. Indulgent .

(aor. pass. P. and V. oruyyyoJ/JMoy.

Or -jrept gen.), P. Mercifully, adv. Compassionately :
V. V. cXcii/ojs. Ge^Zj/ P. and V. .

(1st aor. mid. TfTTLtDSt

P. ^tAavflpcirrtoS, Trpatos, V.
(gen.), vTrofjLWjcr&Tji'ai (aor.
vTrofjLLfjLvrja'Kew) (Trepf _ Mercifulness, subs. See mercy.
of: P. and V. Xeyetv (acc.), P. TTpaOT^Si ^
(acc.), <f>pdfav (acc.), V. Opwnria,
(acc.). Worth mentioning, Bid].: P.
Merciless, adj. P. and V.
Mentionable, adj. P. and V. cr/cX^pds, Tri/cpds, P. aTrapatrTyros, V.
Ar, and V. XCKTOS, Y. /fyrds. 107X175, 8vo"jrapa.irrjTO^, avot/cr/p^u.o)V
Mentor, subs Adviser : P. and V. (Soph., Frag.), Svo-aX^ros, Ar. and
o-uju^ouXos, 6. Chastener : P. and Y. oYeyKTOS, ovot^ros; see
V. KoXttCTTjJs, 6, CTriTL/l/ty'riJs, O, P. Mercilessly, adv. P. and V.
oxixj&povio-njs, 6 P. dvtyXcois, or^erXtws V.
Mercantile, adj. Ar. and P. fywro- avaXy^Tws ; see cruelly.
pt/cds. Mercilessness, subs P. and V.
Mercenary, adj. Hired for wages : P. dyi/w/xoo-uv^, 17; 866 fy,

Ar and P. /uo-0a>T05. Venal : Ar.

and P. ScopoSd/cos. Grasping : P. Mercurial, adj. P.
and V. (^tXapyvpo:, ato^o/cepSifc. Mercy, subs. P. and V.
Mercenary, subs. Hireling; use o't/cro?, 6 (Thuc 7, 77). Pardon : fl,

adj., Ar. and P. fj,i<r@<aT6s i*.i<rQo-

P. and V o-uyyi'oi^, 17, V. o-vyyj/otct,

<dpo$. Mercenary troops: P. ^. Mercifulness: P. imei-sia, %,

fevot, 01, /ztcr$o<dpoc, ol, rt/eot;pot, ol o.iQGO'LS) "ft, P. and Y. <x&oa>?, 77.

Ar. and P. Obtain mercy : Y. aZSovs n - - A -

Of mercenaries, adj. :

(Eur T. J?
, 301). ^sfc/or-.

mercenaries, : P. P. and Y. irapteatiat (absol ).

(absol.). .R0W6 mercenaries: P. merc^ ; P. and V. alScurOat. (absol.)
fcvoXoyciv (absol.). fDem. 983 Eur., Med. 349). Have

Mercenary leader, subs. P. vayds, mercy on, pity: P. and V. IXectv

6. Be a mercenary leader, v. : P. otKTtptv seejw^j/.
Pardon: P.
^evayetv (absol.).
and Y. crvyytyvcoo-Kciv (dat.) Spare :
Merchandise, subs. P. <3>via, P. and V. <i'8e(T0ai (gen.) Bia-ue

dyopaoTAara, ra, aya>yi/ua, ra, P. and ai one's mercy : P. and V. v

V. ^71-0X97, ^ (Xen., Ar. and Eur.,
254), V. fywrdX^nia, rd (Eur., (acc.).
^i *fee mercy of : P. and
Lfiflw?e a matter at-
137) ; see wwes. Y. ITT?
Merchant, subs. P. and Y. ipvopos, the mercy of the speakers' capacity :
6 jE?Mcfc$ter : P. and Y. P. 7rt TJJ raiv XeyoVrcov Bwajuii TO
wpay/ia KaroLtrrvjoroLi (Dem., 596).
Merchantman, subs. P. He is at the mercy of the speaker :
yuXty, 17, TrXotov OTpoyyvXcv, rd, -rrXotov Y. ccrrl TOV Xcyovros (Soph., 0. R.
<t>opTr)yiKOv, TO, Ar. yarXos, 6, Ar. 917), cf., Ar. /A?) TOV Xeyovros to-flt
and P. 6Xfc<fc, 17. (5rg. 860). Being always at the
Mer Mes

P. ovrcs Merriment, subs. P. and V.

mercy of their assailants :

act r&v irt.Ti6fJiev(i)V (Plat.,

Pol. tl (Xen.). Jby, ^^i ; P. and V.

307s). (I think) that the virtues

of many should not be at the mercy y (also Plat but rare P.), V. x<
of one man: P. py h Irt dvSpl TO Bevelry : P. and V. /cG/Aos, 6.
TTOAAWV dpCTOLS KLvBvV-U(r6(U Good cfo00r : Ar. and P. cuo^'a, 4
2, 3S). P. ewrd0ta, ^. Laughter : P. and
Mere, subs. Lake : P. and V. V. y&o>s, 6. Spor^: P. and V.

Mere, P. .Bewo: a mere Merry, adj. P. and V. -fiSife, -n-cpi-

adj. i/aAo's.
lad : P. xetoojcvAAtov &*> vapns (Plat.), yey>7^<? (Dem. but
Absol, unmixed : P. rare P.). Of P. and V.
(Dem. 539). looks^:
^>at8pos, V. Xa/jwrpos, ^atSpawros,
Merely, adv. Use and V.
P. Xen. but rare P.).
vn-poo-a>7ros (also
Only: P. and V. Cheerful: P. eu&ws, Ar. and P.

A.apo's .Mixfc^a prZa^

(Xen.). V.
Meretricious, adj. Attractive : P. eitypaH', P. and V. ^8tfs. Loving
en-aywyos, e<oAKos.
Trpoo-aywyos, sport : Ar. and P. ^tXo7rato-/x,o)v.
Specious : P. and V. euTrpeTnfc. Ifafee merry t v. intrans. : P. and V.

Meretriciously, adv. Speciously : cvwxeio-Oat (Eur., GycL), Kftifto^ctv ;

P. and "V. ewrpOTois. see m?eZ. Rejoice : P. and V.
Meretriciousness, subs. Specious-
ness : P. V7TpejTia, ^. M"^^e merry over P. and V. :

see Za^^^ a.
Merge, v. trans. Jkfafo to grow to- en-if
(dat.) ;

gether : P. onyi^iW. MWJ together : Merry-making, subs P. and V.

P. and V. <ruft/uyvVcti, <ruyKpav- , 6, Ar. and P. evco^uz, 17 ; see
yui/at. MftZ? $?& P. eyccpawwai (TI

?5 TI). V. intrans. Grow tfo- Mesh, subs. P. and V. pox,


70fo0r : P. <n>j&uecr0ai ; see change. see also net.

Merit, subs. Excellence : P. and V. Mess, subs. Confusion: P. dTo&'a,
SpenJ, Deserte : P. and V.
^ y. Litter : Ar. ^opiJros, 6. Make
d#a, ^ Credit : P. and V. 8o'&, a mess of, mismanage: P. icaicSs
Service : P. and V. ^nypeny/ia, SiaTtflepai (ace.). In a mess, at
ro, P. cucpyccria, ^, cucpyeny^uta, TO, random : use adv., P. and V.
v7rovpyrifJLa t ro, V. faovpyLa, ^. !Z%e elm), (fivpfyv (Xen.), P. xyBifv. In
oase would have been tried on its disorder : P. dra/mos, ouScw. KOCT^QJ.
own merits : P. TO 7rpay/ia Stain : V. 107X15, 17 ; see also din.
!>' ttVTou (Dem. 303). Me&Z token common : Ar. and m
men^ o/, v. : Ar. and P. irpoo-- P. oi/o-onfria, T(.
(ace. or gen.). Beyond Mess, v. kans. Defile : P. and V.
one's merits : P. and V. iT fuawtLv. Make a mess of : P.
ICOKCOS StaTt^cj/oi (ace.). V. intrans.
Merit, v. trans. See deserve. Take food with others : Ar and P.
Merited, adj. P. and V. #109, V. (Tvcro-lrelv. Mess with (another) :
Imx&os. Jwsi : P- and V. ot/ccwos. Ar. and P. cruo-crtTetv (dat.).
Meritorious, adj. P. and V. xpi7<fe> Message, subs. P. and Y. dyyeA/ui,
S/xe/wrros, ave?rfX77?rTO5. TO, Ar. and P. dyycAto, ^, P.
Meritoriously, adv. TT^Z : P. and dTrayycAta, ^, V. tcrjpvKfufjLara, Ta,
V. , fcoXGs.
Word ; P. and V." Xo'yos, '

Merrily, adv. P. and V. ^ (rare P.). Yo

(Xen.), r/80)s, P. tAopfc (Xen.). message : V. Ta /Ab' Trap" ^//.cov Travr
ffles Mid

lycis (Eur., Phoen. 953). Send a tribute. Measure out : P. and V.

message, v.: P. and V. ciricrreXXciv
(absol.). Taking one's own (punishment, etc.) : see inflict.
message, adj. P. and V. :
Methinks, v. Ar. and V. 8o*w (rare
Proclamation : P. and V. P.). Methinks you will win my
heart : V. fle'A&tv ^ eotras (^Esn.h.
Messenger, subs. P. and V. yy\os, Eum. 900). Methought in
6, or 17, V. Trofwros, 6, Tpo^ife, 6.
sleep that I dwelt in Argos :
Messenger sent to consult <w oracle eSof ev vuv<a . ot/ctt/ . .

or attend a festival : P. and V. (Bur., I T. 44).

0eo>po?, o, V. 0eowpo7ros, 6. Herald : Method, subs. System: P, r 7

P. and V. id}pi 6. 17. Way, manner : P. and V.

Messmate, subs. Ar. and P. orfo- TpoTroff, o, 0805, 17. Jf<sa?w : P. and
O-ITOS, 6, P. OTJO-K^VOS, o. Fern., Ar. V. Tro'pos, 6. Orderliness : P.
crvaricqvriTrjpuL, 17. Be messmate
with, v. : P. (rvo-KYjveiv (dat. or Methodical, adj. Precise : P. and
absol.). Y. a.Kpl/3rjs. Orderly : Ar. and P.
Messroom, subs. P. and V. aver- einraicTOS.

O-LTLOV, TO (in P. always pi.). Methodically, adv. Precisely P.

Metal, subs. Use copper, iron, and V. dicptjStos. In am ord&rty
silver, gold, etc. Metals : P. manner : P. and V. C^TCIKTWS.
/ATo\\ta, Ta (Plat., I/eyg. 678D ; Metre, subs. Ar. and P. /-terpoj/, TO.
of., Plat Critias, 114B).
Molten into metre, v. trans. : P. b-
mstal : V. /jivSpos, 6. (acc.) (Plat.),
Metal work, subs. P. ^aXfccia, . (acc.) (Plat.).
Metal worker, subs. Ar. and P. Metrical, adj. P. c
Metrically, adv. Use P. cv
Metamorphosis, subs. See change. Metropolis, subs. Capital : use P.
To suffer metamorphosis, v. P. and V. TroXts (Thuc. 2, 15). :

c^% (o/ colonies] : P.

Metaphor, Subs. P. /teTa^opa, 17. Mettle, subs. Spint: P. and V.
Speak in metaphors : use P. Si* Ovfjios, o, tfrpovqiM, TO, Ar. and V.

XfjfLa, TO. Put on one's mettle,

adv. Use P. oY arouse : P. and V. eycipcu/, cfeyetpav,
eUovcov. V. opvi/vat, Ar. and V. fo>:ri5peiy ; see
Metaphysical, adj. Pertaining to also encourage, challenge.
metaphysics : P. tfeoXoyifeos (Arist.). Mettlesome, adj. Ar. and P. vaviK6*,
Existmg only in the mind : P. P. 0V//,010\7S,
VOTJTOS (Plat.). Mew, v. trans. Confine : P. and V.
Metaphysics, subs. P. f) tfeoXoyi/oJ ^itr
^t,jj f
vc^/irvfcK j

(Arist.), 17 Trptonrj <ptXocro<j>La. (Arist.). Miasma, subs. Defilement : P. and

Philosophy : P. <f>tXocro<t>ia, $. V. /AtW/*a, TO. Disease: P. and
TT /e '_ '
Meteor, subs. Use star.
Meteorological, adj. Ar. and P. Miasmatic, adj. P. and V. voo-woV.
Mid, adj. See middle.
Meteorologist, subs. P. Mid, prep. P. and V. ev (dat.), h
Xoyo?, 6. pcru (gen.). Between : P. and V.
Meteorology, subs. P. (gen.), ftToif (gen.), P. Stet

Mete out, v. trans. Distribute : P. Mid-day, subs. P.andV.,

and V. vtfictv, SiadlSwai; see OA 17. up till mid-day: P.
Mid Mig

Of Midwifery, subs. P.
(Thuc. 3, 80).
mid-day, adj. : P. and V. Skilled in midwifery,
adj. : P.
Middle, adj. P. and V. Adopt Mien, subs. P. and V.
a middle course in one's speech : P. see also appearance.
ret ftCTagv Xe'yeiv (Dem. 202.)- A Might, v. intrans Be able : P. and
man of the middle class : P. J
V. SiWcr0ai, Ix*"' ; see able. As a
TroXir^s, 6. !Z%e s&rwe a earth's mild form of command: use V.
middle point : V. juco- #v (with optative). Might have :
(^3sch., Cfcoe. 1036). see may have, under ma^/. ^Ls

point of the earth : P. and V might well have been, as is probable :

o/x^oXos, 6 (Plat., Eep 427c). P. and V. <J>s t*:o'$. Yew wif/fc*
Middle, subs. P. and V. TO /-icW. have, it was open to you P. and
In the middle of the city P. and : V. l&jv <TOI
(infin.), trapyjv o-ot (infin.),
V. ev fj.<rrj TfJ 7roX. Rising in the irapetxe o-ot (infin.) ; see under open.
middle of dinner : P. But for so and so the Phocians
/ieTai> SWTTVOWTCS (Dem. 284). might have been saved : P. el prj Sta
Break up a party in the middle : TO Kal TO o*a)^o*av av ol ^w/ccts (Dem.
P. //,Tau ScaAixnu TI;V crwouo'iai' 364).
(Plat., Prot. 336s). 5e a the middle, Might, subs. Strength : P. and V.
v. P. and V.
I<TXC?, ^, po>/xT7, 17,
the small boats in the middle: P. TO', oA-KTy, x;,
TO (also
TO. XcTTTOL TrXottt . . . J>TOS "TTOIOVVTCU. Plat, but rare P.) ; see strength.
(Thuc. 2, 83). TPa&i : see waist. Power, authority : P. and V.
Middle-age, subs P. -fj /cpdfros, TO', 8Cva/us, 17, icrxiSs, 17,

cfovo-ia, 17.
V. o-0e'vos, TO. Bide : P.
Middle-aged, adj. V. P. ol and V. dpx?7 ^, /cpaTos, TO'.
f With
miyht and main: P. Kara /cpaTos,
(Thuc. 2, 36). iravTt crQevei, Ar. KCLT& TO KapTpoV ;

Middle-class, adj. P. and V. see vigorously. Might, as opposed

see under middle. to n#fa ; P. and V.
Middleman, subs. P. and V. 17,
Mightily, adv. Greatly : P. and V.
Middling, adj. P. and V. /ieya, jucyaXa, o-<^d8pa, fcapTa (Plat.,
Midge, subs. See gnat. but rare P ) ; see greatly. Strongly :
Midland, adj. P. /xeo-dycws. Midland P. wr;j(upa)s, P. and V
country : P. /A<roya, ^. see vigorously.
Midnight, subs. Ar. and P. Mighty, adj. P. and V.
wow (Ar., Vesp. 218). Powerful: P. and V. SWCLTOS, Ar.
Midriff, snbB. P. 8ia<payMa, TO. and V. /j.cya<rOvy$, 5Xici/Ao? (rare P.).
Midst, subs. In the midst of : see Strongf ; P. and V. p*ya.<s, to-x?pos,
V. /cpaTOto?, ofiplfJLQS, cyfcpa-nys (in
Midsummer, subs. P. P. only used of places),
(Thuc. 5, 57). P. ppaytW>s, Ar. and V.
Midway, adv. In the middle : P. Kaprpo's (in P. only used of places).
and V. /Aerau. Midway between: Mightier ; use also V. <epTpo? (no
P. and V. cv teorc) (gen.). positive).
Midwife, subs. Ar. and P. /ua, Migrate, V. intrans. P. ^ravLcrracrOai,
. ^Lc^ as midwife to, v. Ar. and a-TravicrraarOai., Ar, and P. O.VOLKL-

P. /taiv'eo-0ai (aoc.), V.
(ace.). Migration, subs. P. and V. ava-
Mig Min

oracrts, P. /jLCTavaorao-t?, and milk : Y.

fJLGTOLKLOL, yaWros (Eur., Or. 115).
Migratory, adj. P. Y. Milk, v. trans. Ar. and V.
Ar. and Y. volets ; see (Eur., CtycJ. 389), V.
wandering. (Eur OycZ. 209) (in pass.).
, Milk
Mild, adj. Gtartb P. and Y. cows: P. /SSaAActv (Plat.,
Y. TTpCVfJLCVTJS, 7T7r<DV. Soft Milk-white, adj. Use V.

P. and V. Xcto? (Plat.), Ar. and P. see white.
Ar. and V. Mill, subs. Machine for grinding :
P. and V. Ar. and V. /nJA.^, 17 (Soph., Frag.).
(Plat.), P. Place where the mill stands : P.
Moderate : P. and Y. and V. 6 (Eur., CtycZ. 240). /5W
P. Miller, subs, P. Fuk<*>Qp6s, 6.

KKpa[I.VO<S, Y. eu/cpa ros Millet, subs P.

(Bur., Frag.). 6 (Xen.).

Mildew, subs. P. Milliner, SUbs. P. ol irepl TOV ywat-

Mildly, adv. Gently: P. and V. icctov /cooyxoi/ (Plat., Uep. 373c).
P. srpacos, <>0p(67ra)S,subs. V
Use P. and Y.
>s, 7rpev//,i>a>s ;
see see dress.
gently. KOCT-/IOS, 6 ;

Softly : Ar. and P. paXa.*, Ar. Million, subs. Lit., use P.

and V. fLoAtfafcws. Moderately : P, Indefinitely large number : .

and Y. /j,Tpta>s. P. ani Y. /ivpta^, 17.

Mildness, SUbs. P. 17, Million, adj. Use P. KOLTW /AuptaSc?
Y. Indefinitely large number :
climate : P. rn.).
and Y. /A-ijptot.
Ar. and P. Mill stone, subs. P. 6.

Milt, subs. Ar. and P. cnrA 6.

Mile, subs. Ar. and P. express by Mime, subs. Actor : P. 6.

of a Play: P. ^05, 6 (Arist.).

Militant, adj. See warlike. Mimic, adj Imitative : P.
Military, adj. P. Ar, and P. see
P. o-T/oariamKos. Military matters
P. ra TToXe/xwca, TO. crrpaTWDTt/ca. J30 Mimic, subs Imitator : P. , 6.

o/ military age : P. fr rfj iJWa Mimic, v trans. P. and Y.

etvat. MiiZi^iry tt^e : P. crrpaTta)- see imitate, parody.
^ (Xen.), OTpaTv<rt/x.os Mimicry, subs. Imitation : Ar. and
i] (Xen.). P. [UfMf]<TLS9 rj.
Militate against, v. P. d<nj/wopos Mina, subs. Ar. and P. /x,va,
/at (i?, ace., or Trpos, ace.). Ji ?z minae adj : Ar. t

militates against the reconciliation

he would gladly make with the Minatory, adj. Use P. and V.
Olynthians : P. wpo? rots icaraAXaya? Menacing: P. -

Mince, v. trans. P.
'OXw^tovs lyet Y. intrans. Walk
10). affectedly : Y. a.{$pav POLVCIV, a-av
Militia, subs. Use Ar. and P. wepi- Xovotiai (Eur., Oyol. 40). I h&ve
iroXot, ot (lit., reserves kept to guard plainly stated all that I think
the frontiers). without minting matters: P. &
Milk, subs. P. and V. ydXZ, TO'. OTTAU)?, OVOCV WrOOTTCt-
Pour mangled draughts of honey ?, ireirappTfjcrLao-ficu (Dem. 54).
529 34
Min Min

Mincing, adj. Ar. and P. Ar. and P. wpovixtw (dat.),

P. and V. Ko/u/ros Be mincing, v. :
^ctv TOV vouv (dat.), P. and V.
P. and V. rpvipav. vow ^LV Trpos (acc. or dat.) see ;

Obey P. and V. ire


Mind, subs. Intellectual principle heed. :

P. and V. vofc, 6. Thought, (dat.), TretOapxw (dat.) ; see

intelligence : P. and V. yvo)/^ y, 5e a?ig9*y ai : Ar. and P.
Ar. and P. 8i<rpoia, ^, Ar. and V. Tetv (dat.), P. xoXcTTois ^cpetv (acc.),
<j>p^v, y, or pi. (rare P.). Memory : P. and V. ax 0eo-0at (dat.), V.
P. and V. p-vyfju], f), /Ai/eta, fj. Soul,
P. and V. ^xfl* ^. ^UJU-QS, 6, tfcsm
TO (rare P.). Intention, V. dXX" Sos
purpose : P. and V. yv^rj, 17, (Eur., I. A. 850). Mnd one's
TO, /?OTjA.a>/*a, TO, Woia, ^, own business : P. TO. avrov -n-pao-o-av.
CL, 17,
Ar. and P. Stavota, 17, V. Yourself mind what is your own
s, 77.
Bear in mind, re~ affair : Ar. aXA." avTos o yc crov eartv
member, v. trans. P. and V
: o6Kta>s ^>p (Thesm. 197). V.
prfi<r6y]va.i (1st aor. pass, of fupvy- intrans. Object, be angry : Ar.
(TKuv) (acc. or gen.) ;
see remember, and P. ayava/cTcu/ ; see under angry.
heed. Bear in mind a favour : P. I do not mind : P. and V. ou /xot
and V. x^fiv aTro/u/junjoTceorftu. /xAsi. J7ever mind : Ar. /IT) ^teXero)
Gall to mind, v. trans. : see re- o-ot. Forbear and mind not : V.
member, remind. Change one's lao-ov /nySe (rot jiicX^o-aTa) (^Isch.,
mind: see under change. Have P. F. 332. Ta&fi care: P. andV.
a mind to : Ar. and P. Siavocwrflai

(infin.), P. and V. frvoelv (infin.),

voetv (infin.). Keep in mind: P. V. OTTCOS ai^p lo-ct (Eur., O^cZ.
and Y. ovofciv, ^Xcurq-civ (or 595; o.t also .Esch., P. V. 68;
mid.) ; see remember, ponder. Eur., I. T. 321), same construction
Make up one's mind : P. and V. in AJ. and P. Take care that :
J3ovXevw, yiyva>GTKiv see resolve. P. and V. <j>povr%iv OTTCUS (aor.
Put in mtizd: see remind. To subj, or fut. indie.), P. 7rt/^Xc<r0at
one's mind, to ontfs liking : Ar. and OTTO)? (aor. subj. or fut. indie.), Ar.
P. fcar& vow, P. and V. KOTO. and P. T^pctv OTTOS (aor. subj. or
fut. indie.). Mind that you your-
Mind, v. trans. Look after : Ar. and self suffer no harm by your going :
P. eTu/ieXco-tfai, P. and V. TTI- V. TrdLTTTOLW* 8* ttVTOS /W? Tt TTty/Aavfllfc
orrp<e<r0cu (gen.), ^povTifeiv (gen.), 6Sw (^Isch., P. F. 334). Beware
(acc. or gen.) (Plat, but
rrjfjLcXclv that: see beware.
rare P.), K-qScorOai (gen.) (also Ar. Minded, adj. Like minded: P.
but rare P.t, V. /jie'Aeo-0ai (gen.). 6jLLovoT/TiK05, 6/u>yv(i)/juov. JBe mwided,
Attend to: P. and V. 6 P. and V. 2x W/ 3P-
be disposed:
{acc.), V. KT/Seuav (acc.). : Ar. and
Suucto-0ai. Be minded to
(flocks, etc.) : P. and V. P. 8tavot<r0at (infin.), P. and V.
(Eur., Cycl. 28), voifMarcw,' P. voeiv (infin.), cwoetv (infin.).
VOfJLUW, V. -TTpOOT/e/tCtV (Eur., G^CZ. Mindful, adj. P. and V. /AV^^WV.
36), ^epjSctv, 7rtcrraTtv (dat.). Mine, adj. P. and V. ^os, in V.
Beware of: P. and V. <vA.a<ro-r0at sometimes use </j,o'? (lit. our).
(acc.), uXar0ai (acc.), Mine, subs. Ar. and P. /xeraXXov, TO,
jSewrftu (acc.), P. epyacrnyptov, TO. Silver mines : P.
(ace.), Y. <poupr0ai (acc.), apyupeta ^eraXXa, TO, Ipya apyvpcia,
Jifee; see dislike. Heed, notice: Ta, or dpywpeta, T<alone.
Min Min

of Silver : Y. apyifpou iryyij at a temple P. fopaTramJs, 6, Ar.


Pers. 238). Underground passage : and Y. 6 or ^ ; see priest.

P. VTTOVO/XOS, 6 (THUG. 2, 76). Consul accredited to a foreign state :
Mine, v. trans. P. P. and Y. -n-pdlei/os, 6. Ministers,
Undermine : Ar. and P. those in office : P. ot lirl rots
Miner, subs. P. /u-eroXA.^ 6.
Miners : P. dpyupeiW Minister, v. trans. Supply : P. and
ol IK TWI/

(Dem. 668). V. Tropexcw, -n-opt^ctv, 1/cirop^eH/,

Mineral, subs. See metal. 7rapao-KTjaiv; see swjp^Zy. Minister
Mingle, v. trans. P. and Y. /uynWi, to : P. and Y. flcpcbrcifeu/ (ace.),

o-u/A/uyyiWt, 2po/uyiriWi, Kepawtvcuy virrjpereLV (dat.), Stdvoi/cLi/ (dat.).
<nryKpaww<u; see mix. Confound: Gratify: P. and Y. x*/
P. and V. <iipetv (Plat.), or/yxeiv, (dat.). 7iott; kindness to : P. and
KTJKCIV (Pkt.), Ar. and P. crvymKav Y. cvepycreiv Minister to
(Plat.). Mingled with, defiled with. (the sick) : P, and V. flcpowreuciv
P. and Y. *r<vpju,a/os (dat ) (Xen.), (ace.), V. /cTySevetv (ace.). Minister
<n)}jnre<f>vpfJLvos (dat.) (Plat.), Y. to a god: P. ^epaTrcuctv (aco.), P.

uva7r<up/i,evo5 (dat.). V. intrans. and Y. Xarpeuetv (dat.).

Use pass, of verbs given. Coincide .
Ministering, adj. Beneficent : P.
P. and V. OT;/7ri'7rmv, V. o-ufjartrveu . and Y. <tA.av0po>7ros, xpijcrTo* ; see
Mingle with, have intercourse with :
P. and V. o-ojifuyvvaOaiL (dat.), P. Ministrant, subs. Ar. and P.
7rt/uyvui/ai, or pass, (dat.), Ar. and 0pa7ro>i/, o, Y. TrpoorTroXo?, 6 or ^, Ar.
P. <rvjj.fju.yvijvcu. (dat.); see mier- and Y. TrpoTroXos, 6 or %.
course. Mingle with (a crowd) : Ministration, subs. Service : P.
P. and Y. avafuywcrQai (dat.). SiaKOw'o, f)9 P. and V. ^TnypeTTyjita, TO ;
Mingled, adj. P. and V. O-V/A/UKTOS, see service. Ministration on the
or;/4/uy>fc (Plat.), /uy&, Ar. and P. sick: P. and Y. OepaTrcLa, $, Y.
/UKT09 (Plat.). Confounded : Y. waiSaycoyta, ^. 0?t a gro<2 .' P.
Oepomeia, rj, Oepdireujjui, TO.
Minimise, v. trans. Lessen:
P. Ministry, subs. See mmistration.
eXcwro-ow, /mow (Xen.). Body of ministers : use P. and V.
P. and V. SiajSoXXetv, P. Stao-upctv. ot &/ rcAa, P. ot 7rt TOIS 7rpay/x,ao-tv.

Mining, subs. P. /^raAJWa, r/. O/ Minor, adj. Less : P. and Y.

wining, adj. : P. jLieraXXtKos. Aao-o-wv ; see Zcs5. Small, petty :
Minion, subs. Servant, slave: P. P. and Y. /u/cpos, cr/UKpos, ftpa^l
and V. SovXos, 6 see s^ryantf.
; see ^a^7/.
Hireling : use adj., Ar. and P. Minor, subs. Orae wT^ar a^e : use
P. and Y. ams, 6 or ^ (Thuc. 2, 80),
Minish, v. trans. See dimmish. or use adj., P. and V. vco? ; see
Be minished, waste away : P. and also ward.
V. p&f>av<rOa,i, <f>0tvew (Plat.), "V. M inority, subs. The fewer in wwmber:
P. and V. ot eXao-owes. Childhood :

/cara<r/ceAA<rd<u, andAr. P. iraiScta, 17.

Tow^; P. and Y.
P. (Xen.), Ar. and Y.
Minstrel, subs. P. and V.
Minister, subs. Servant : P. and Y. 6 (Plat.), <&fe, 6 (Plat.),
vmyper^, 6, Y. xpoorroAos, 6 or 07; 6, vpvoirotos, 6. Poet : P, and Y.
see servant. One who looks after iroMnfc, o (Bun, Frag.), Y.
anything : Ar. and P. 6, e^e/AcX^T^s,
P. fopcwrevnfc, 6. One who ministers Minstrelsy, subs. P.
Min Mis

Song: P. and V. en.). Making glad: Y.

v]P. arid Y. -jJSifff. Sportive :
Ar. and P. <^tXo?ratb-fuv. Laughable:
Mint, V. trans. Ar.
Minted money, P. and V. P. and V, ycXoios, Y. yeX(DT07rotos
subs.^ "~ "
VOfUO-fJLCL, TO, Frag.), Ar. and P.
Mint mark, subs. Ar. ic6>ju.a, TO.
P. and V. Mirthfully, adv. Gheerfully : P.
Minute, adj.
Exact and V. (Xen.), P.
P. and (Xen.). Laughably : P.
Minute, subs. space o/ me P. lv
P. see Mirthfulness, subs. See mirth.
In a minute, presently : P. and Mirthless, ad]. Joyless : P. and V.
Y. erfrfaa, Ar. and P. afc^a Si] aTepTnJs (rare P.).
Immediately Miry, adj. P. and Y. floXepo's, P.

P. and V. eu0ife, cM&s; see ^7X008775 ; see dir^. r,

immediately. Mis, prefix. In compounds use TTC

Minutely, adv. P. and V. &*/&$. (mislead : P. and V. Trapayeiv) or
Minuteness, subs. Smallness : P. 8vo* (misshapen : Y. 8vo"/^op0os),
/it/cponys, ^, oyjUKponys, ^. Exacti- or use adv., ica/cGs (mismanage :
tude : P. a.KpipLa, ^. P.andV.
Miracle, subs. P. and V. tfafyia, TO. Misadventure, subs. P.
Portent : P. and V. Tepas, TO TO, , TO ; see misfortune.
(Plat.). Misanthrope, subs. Use adj P. ,

Miraculous, adj. Wonderful : P.

and Y. 0au/Aao-rds, Ar. and P. Misanthropic, adj. P.
os. Divine : P. and V. Misanthropy, subs. P.
Superhuman : V. ov K&T
avOponrov. Misapply, v. trans. P.
Miraculously, adv. Wonderfully: (dat,).
P. and V. OavfJULcrrd, P. Misapprehend, v. trans. Use P.
Ar. and P. By divine and V. (gen.).
interposition: P. (Xen.), P. Misapprehension, subs. P. and V.
and V. Qeiq, rtfxj?,
V. IK see mistake.
Ar. KCLT& 8CLOV. Misappropriate, v. trans, see steal.
Mire, subs. P. and V. Misappropriation, subs. Use peou-
/Jdp/?opos, 6,
Mirror, subs. P. and V. Misbecome, v. trans. P. and Y. ov
TO, V. I^OTTpOV, TO. 7rpriv (dat.), ou -n-pooTJKCiv (dat.).
Mirror, v. trans. Reflect P. Misbecoming, adj. P. and Y.
P. d-n-pc/nys, Y.
Mirth, subs. P. and V. tico79.

(Xen.). Jby ; P. and V. Misbegotten, adj. Bastard : P.

also and V. vo^os, Y. vo^aycv^s-
Plat, but rare P.), Misbehave, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Laughter: P. and V. yfiX<o$, 6. , irXrjp,/jb\LV.
jSJpori: P. and V. TOt8, 17 Misbehaviour, subs. P.
Revelry : P. and V. /efyios, 6. ,
P. and Y. fco(r/ua, i
Mirthful, adj. , joyful : P. Miscalculate, v. trans. P. and Y.
and V. (Plat.), afiaprdvcLV (geil.), (gen.).
yeyij^cos (Dem. but
rare P.). Absol., P.
Cheerful : P. eu0u/>5, Ar. and P. Miscalculation subs. P.
Mis Mis

Mistake : P. and Y. a/x-apna, ,

iOj]*, V. SuO-^PWV, KO.KO<f>ptoV.
Troublesome : Ar. and P. x^^o's.
Miscall, v. trans. Y. ( Saucy : P. vfipicrriKos. Full of
KaXcw (.aBsch., P. V. 85). spirits : Ar. and P. veavtK6s.
Miscalled, adj. Use Y. \j/t ,__.. Giwmny : P. and V. eTrtrpwrros ;
Miscarriage, subs. Failure : P. and see cunning.
Y. crcfraAfjia, TO, P. Trrato'/ia, TO. Mischievously, adv. Harmfully :
Miscarriage of justice : P. and Y. P. dvcirtrtyScitoS, P. and Y. m/cus.
MaUrimudy : P. <6Wpws, cVt,
a miscarriage to : P. $0ovG>s. tfocfe#% : P. Ka/cou'pyo>s:
(ace.), P. and
Ar. and P. -n-avovpycos. Y. Saucily

-^WYOJV* w w i ace.). P. v/3picmKG>s. Wantonly Ar.

Miscarry, v. intrans. Fail: P. and and P. vcdvTicais.
Misconceive, v. trans. P. and V.
fail. Have a miscarriage : Ar. and (gen.), P. OVK op0u$
P.. .
(Thuc. 1, 20) see mistake. ;

Miscellaneous, adj. P. and V. Misconception, subs. P. and Y.

s, Ar. and P. afjutpTia, ri ; see mistttke.
Misconduct, Subs. P.
Mischance, subs. P. and V. rj P. and Y. &cocr/u'a, 17. t

TO, Trd&TfjfjLOy TO, or^oA/ia, TO', doing : P. KaKovpyia, ^.

TO, oru/A^opa, P. arvxypa, r6, Misconduct, v. trans.
97", Mismanage :
SvcTTvxqfjia, TO, OLTUXLCL, -q 6'-uo-ru;(x, P. and V. /caKois wpoo-o-eti/.
17, Trrato'/ia, TO. condwtf oneself, misbehave : P.
Mischief, subs. Harm, injury : P. and V. atrxwovety, &KOO-/JLZIV, TrX^ju,-
and Y. /3X/fy', A48os, TO', frjua, w. Do wrong : Ar. and P.
17, V. -TTTJjLta, TO', OT7/LOV97, 17, 5^, ^.
Z: P. and V. /ccucoV, TO. IZZ- Misconstrue, v. trans. Use P. owe
in^ : P. and V. Travoupyta, ^, P. dp0o>s {hro\.a/j,/3dvw.
Kcueoupyta, ^. P^flcfi o/ mischief: Miscount, v. trans. See miscal-
P. KaKovpyrjtJua, TO. Do
(a person)
a mischief: P. and Y. /3Xa3rrcti/ Miscreant, subs. Use adj., P. and
(aOO ), /ca/covi/ (aCC.), /caKOUpyctv (aCC.), V. /caKovpyos, Travoupyos, V. \<i)p-
&8iKLv (ace ), Ar. and V. Tny/miWv yd?, iravToupyds ; see also rascal.
(ace.) (also Plat, but rare P.) ; see Misdeed, subs. P. and Y. aSfro/fui,
injure. Make mischief between, set TO, aSt/cta, -^, P. /caicaupyta, ^, KO.KO&PT
by the ears : Ar. and P. Suarrdvai y^jLta, TO. Siw : P. and V.
(ace.). I jfo&r sfo may be up to ^, V. c^aftapTtia, ^
some mischief : Ar. SeSotxa //.ij TL 8p^ P. dfuipTTy/xa, TO.
vewTcpov (Eecl. 338). Sauciness: Misdemeanour, subs. P.
P. and Y. ^pt5 jj. Spite : P. and , ^, KaKovpyyjjia, TO. Fault : P.
Y. <0oVos, 6 ; see spite. TrXiyft/AcXcta, 17, irX^/A/AcX^fca, TO; see
Mischievous, adj. Harmful : P. /awZJ.
Misdirect, v. trans. P. and V.
s, P. and V. ioi;/<^op05, /co/co?,

voo-oiS^s, V. XvfJLavnrjpLQS, Miser, subs. Use adj., P. and Y.

Ar. and V. uT^pos. IH-dowg : P.
and Y. wavovpyos, jcaKOupyos. Spite- Miserable, adj. P. and V.
ful : P. and Y. <^0ovepos, Troapos, ct^Xtos, otfcrpos, f
P. and Y. (Plat.), Ar. and Y. ToXas,
Ar. and P. , V. SvoraXdts. Utterly
Mis Mis

miserable: Ar. and V. 7rava0Xios. Misfortune, subs. P. and V. 8uo--

Y. Dejected :
n-ai/TaXas, TravrXiJ/Aon/, 7rpoia, fj, irdOos, TO, TrdOrjfjia, TO,
P. and V. Wii/iov (Xen.), V. 8&r- oru^opa, ^, Kotfcdv, TO, P.
Wretched, w?^ TO, Suo-Tvx^/^a, TO, V. 7ra&7,
0i>/ios, 8v(r<t>pwv.
fortunate : P. and V. Sucr-n^s, TO, -minovrj, Misfortunes : P.

8v<r8<u/*o>v, STfyrfs (Eur., jETeracZ. and Y. Ka/cct, TCI, V. Ta Svcr^opa ;

460, but rare V.), V. df//,oipos (also see troubles. Unluckiness : P.
Plat, but rare P.), a/^opos, Ar. and
Y. <rxrXios, Suonyvos, SeiXaio; (rare
P.), V. Saios jue'Xeos, &/oX/3os,
Ar. Misgive, v. trans. (My heart) mis-
KaKoSoi/Jttov see unhappy.
Dis- gives (me): use /ears, doubts.
tressing : P. and V. ^apife, oxXiypo's, Misgiving,
subs. Doubt: P. and
Xvmypos, KOLKOS, avfepos, dXyavos, Y. aTi-opi'a, 77. Fear : P. and V.
cmxOfa Svcrxcpfa #0Xios, Ar. and <o/Jos, 6, 8et/m, TO, Seos, TO ; see
P. xaXciros, V. 8u'<r<opos (also Sen. fear. Hesitation : P. and Y. OKVOS, 6.
but rare P.), Xwrpo's, dx^eivo's (also Scruple : P. and V. wO\ip.iov9 TO.
Xen. but rare P.), Svo-otoros. Misgovern, v. trans. Use P. and V.
: V. iroXvo-rovos, irav- Ka/cw5 dpxiv (gen.), or substitute
S, euSafcpvros, Tray/cXauros, for dpxeii' any other word given for
Sorry, meaw ; P. govern.
and Y. <aSXos, xacos, Ar. and P. Misguide, v. "trans. P. and Y. Trapot-

fu>x0*7pos, TTovtypos, V. SciXaios. Jw- ycw.

effident and V. ^oDXo
: P. Use P. oXoyos,
and P. Tronypos.
cureX^?, Ar. dXoyjoro?, V. SucrXoyioros ; see
Miserably, adv. P. and V. foolish, rash.
o^cTpto?, V. TX^JHOVWS Unfor- Mishap, subs. See misfortune.
bmately : P. and V. 8vom5xai$, Misjudge, v. trans. Use P. and V.
KCLKO)?, P. ttTUX^^, V. SuOTTTOTjLUOS. J^ OVK 6pOG><s Kpivw. Wrong : P. and
wretched plight : P. and V. KGWCOJS,
P. fiox^pws, Troi^pS?. Inefficiently : Mislay, v. trans. See lose.
P. and V. KaKws, <^ai5Xa)s. Des- Mislead, v. trans. P. and Y. Trapa-
pondently : P. d^u/xcos (Xen.), yetv, 7rXai/av, P. 7rapa/cpoi;o~0(u ; see
Sv<rQvp.w<s (Plat.). also deceive.
Miserliness, subs. P. and V. <u<r- Misleading, adj. Deceptive : P.
YpoiccpScta, 17,
P. <^tXoK False : P. and V.
Stinginess : Ar. and P.
Misletoe, subs. P. tfos, 6 (Arist.).
Miserly, adj. P. and V. at<rxpo/cep- Mismanage, v. P. and Y.
Sis, ^tXapyupos, Ar. and P. <IXo- KttKois Trpao-crcti/, Ar. and P. Ktwcois
Ar. and P. 8toiK?v. Be mismaiwged : Ar. and
P. fa//,apT<&>o-0a.L.
Misery, subs. P. ToXat7ra>pi, Mismanagement, subs.
^, Incapa-
KO.KOTra.OeLa, 17, d^XtOTT/^, ?/, /caxo- city : P. and Y. ^aiAoT^s, 17 (Eur.>
irpayi'a, ^, P. and V. atfcfa, ^7 ; see Frag.), P. /Aox^^pta, y.
also misfortiwe, suffering. De- v. trans. Y.
jection : P. and V. idvpux, 17, 8vcr- KaXctv (^Bsch., P. F. 85).
0^a, 4 (Plat.). QWfl/: P. and V. e
Misnamed, adj. Use V.
avta, V.
XyTny, ^, 17, 81/17, 17, nypa, vr/ios.
ro, TrrjfLovy, 17, otfus, 17, TTO/^OS, T<^ (in Misplace, v. trans. Disturb : P.
P. outward signs of mourning) : and V. Kivetv. Lose : Ar. and P.
Ar. and V. aXyos, TO, Sj(os, TO.
Mis Mis

Misplaced, adj. Unseasonable : P. Misshapenness, subs V.

and V. &catpos. Unreasonable : ^ ; see ugliness.
P. aAoyos, aXoytcrros. Missile, subs. P. and V. /3cXos, TQ
Misreckon, v. trans. See mis- (rare P.) see also dart.

calculate. Missing, adj. Gotie, disappeared :

Misreckoning, subs. See mistake P. and V. tt<aiofc, Ar. and V.
Misrepresent, v. trans. P and V. <poSos (rare P.), V. dt^avros. Be
Siao-rpe^etv. Slander: P. and V. missing, be lost, v. P. and V.

8ta<AAav, Ar. and P. crvKO<t>avTiv. a<j>a.v%<T9ai. Be absent: P. and

Give a false impression of : P. V. dTrctvat. Be wanting ', /asZ : P.
KO.K<OS ei/ca&i)/ rapt (gen.) (Plat, Efi. and V. cfcXfiwrciv, cXXctVetv, Ar, aub
377s). P. 7TLA.wrtv, Ar. and V. XCHTCIV
Misrepresentation, subs. P. and V. (rare P.).
Ar. and P. crvKo<f>avTLa, Mission, subs. Ar. and V. <rroA.os, 6.
17 ;see sZawder. Open to misrepre- Tosfc : P. and V. Ipyov, TO, P.
sentation, adj : P. e&SiajSoAos. wpay/iaTeta, ^. : P.
Trpoatpecrts. ^m
Misrule, subs. P. and V. iwyua, ^, ^. Embassy : Ar. and P. -Trpeor^cta,
V. TO ftvapxpv, P. dra&'a,
, 17. -Bodf^ o/ ambassadors : P. and
V. Trpeo-ySct?, ot, Ar. and P. Trpco-^a,
Miss, v. trans. jPa^Z w attaining : 17,
V. -Trpecr^ev/MaTa, rd. Go 0?i a
P. and V. or<t>d\\ecr9(U (gen.), cwro- misswn, v. : P. and V. irtfjurco-Qai,
o-<eAA.o"0ai (gen.), S/xapravctv (gen.), V. o-TcXXco-^at. (?o as ambassador ;
P. 8ta/u,a/>Tavtv (gen.), V. ajtwrAaiccLV Ar. and P. TrpcovScvW Sawed em-
(2nd aor.) (gen.). Mss, wo to bassy (to a shrwu, etc.) : P. ^a>pta,
meet : P. and V. apaprdvew (gen.), r> see envoy.

P. 8iaju,apTaveiv (gen ). J^aiZ w Missionary, subs. Ambassador: P.

hitting : P. and V. a/x,apTavv (gen.), TTpca-ftevrqs, 6, pi. P and V. Trpco^eis,
P. SiafLaprdvew (gen.), a.iroTvyxa.v*Lv ot see also messenger, enwy.

(gen.), V. ap-n-XaKtlv (2nd

(gen.) Missive, subs. P. and V. rtoroAi7 t
aor.). .Mm owe's opportunities : P. ?7 ; see letter.
(r6aL rtt>v /caiptuv ^- see Z0 Misstate, v. tians. Use P. and V.
.M&s owe's wa#; P. Sta/Aap- il/cuSca-Qat, Kept (gen.) ; see also
IT}? 6801) (Thuc. 1, 106J, or misrepresent.
use P. and V. TrXavaor^at (absol.). Misstatement, subs. P.
Have we entirely missed the way ? see lie.

Ar. rijs 6801) TO -jrapaarav fifjLapry]- Mist, subs. Ar. and P. o

Kap.ev ; (PI. 961). J^eeZ ^/le loss of : (Plat.). OZotwf ; P. and
P. and V. -TTo^cti/ (rare P.) ^ man TO. Met., darkness : P. and V.
when he dies is missed from the oveoro?, 6 Or TO.
house, the loss of women is but Mistake, v. trans. Be wrong about
slight : V. av^p pets IK. So/xcov Oavw things: P. and V. o-<oXXecr0ae,
7ro^tvo5, 8c ywai/ccov acrBevy (Eur.,
TCL (gen.), </ru'8e<r0ai (gen.), a/wxpravav
I. 37.
1005). Miss being killed: (gen.), P. Sta/iapravctv (gen.). ^7oi
P. tKtftcvyeiv TO faroSavuv ;
see io lecogni&e: P. and V. dyvoetv
escape. I just missed being killed :
(ace.). Be mistaken: P. and V.
P. Tapa fJLiKpbv fykQov ojTToOavelv (Isoo.
388s). Miss, not to hit : P. and P. Sia/uapraveti',
V. a^taprayav, P. &iroTVYX?-V w see see ft?*?*.
/iaiZ. Mws o^^ : see omit. Mistake, subs. P. and Y.
Misshapen, adj. P. and V. o-<f)oXfjM, TO, P. a/JLap-njjuM, TO,
V. 8uo>w>p<os ;
see 8ia/xapna, 17. (?om^ astray : P. and
Mis Mix

SmaZZ com use Ar. and


Y. irXavrj, 77' ; see error. Join in a Mite, subs. :

mistake : P. crwefa/jLapravciv (absol. P. ^aAfcods, 6.

or dat. of person). Make a mistake : Mitigate, v trans Stop : P. and Y.
see etr. Lighten : P. and Y.
Mistaken, adj. See under mistake. v, faavrXw (Plat.), Y.
Incorrect : P. and Y. ou/c 6p06$. v. Soften: P. and V.
False : P. and V. i/re-uSijs. .LwW o rest : P. and Y.
Mistakenly, adv. Incorrectly: P. (Plat.), Y. /cot/zav. -Rm^

and Y. OUK 6p0ois. Falsely : P. and Ar. and P. a<<ei/<u. Remedy : P.

and Y. aKetcrOat.
Mistletoe, subs. tds, 6 (Arist.). Mitigating, adj. Alleviating : Y.
Mistress, subs. P. and V. SeoTroVis, Trauonypios, Trauo-tA-viros. Admit of
^ (Plat.), SeWoiva, 17 (Dem and mitigating circumstances : P. x tv

PI it), Ar and V. tfvao-cra, ^; see , _ _ ~

1 1
/ /

g-Mfiew. Preceptress : P. and Y. Mitigation, subs. Alleviation: P.

StSao-KaXos, 17.
Mistress of a Iwuse : and Y. aj/cwrcnAa, ^, iravXa, i) (Plat.),
P. OIKOVO/AOS, 17, P and Y. owcoupds, '^X1?' (
rare !*) ^' ^o-po-p-vOiovy "

Mistress of, skilled in : use adj., j<^to-ts, 17 (Thuc.), V. cva/cov-
P. and Y. 2/r7rapo5 (gen.), rian7/>ia)v 7. Relief: P. and Y. Sva^voi}, .

(gen.) ; see skilled. Concubine : 7 (Plat.), Y. ttfCTn/oiy, ^, P. paoraii/Ty,

Ar. and P. -n-aXXttKiJ, ^ cratpa, 17. ^. Remedy : V. Jf/cos, TO see ;

Mistrust, v. trans. P. and Y. remedy: Remission: P. oty

cnriorrcLy (acc. of thing, dat. of 17. Excwe : P. and V. moo'd
person) Suspect: P. and V.
Mix, v. trans P. and V.
Mistrust, subs. P. and Y.
7). Suspicion: P. and Y. viro\j/Ca, t, Ar. and P.
Confound : P. and Y.
Mistrustful, adj. P. and V <i;p6i/ (Plat.), OTT)/x "/ 'cv/cav (Flit.),
SuSpi'JWUS : P. and Y. TJTTOTTTOS. Ar. and P. o^yw/cai/ (Plat.). The
Mistrustfully, adv. P. <x7rrra>$. draught is mixed: Y. avoKipvarai.
Suspiciously : P. wi-dm-cos. TTOTOV (Soph., Frag.) Mixed with,
Misty, adj. Cloudy : P. or;i/ve<eA.os, defiled mth : P. and ^re^p/^ci/os V
Ar. 7repiW<aXo9. l?iw& : Y. a//,aupds ; (dat.) (Xen,), o^/wrc^vp/AcW (dat.)
see dwfl. Met., obscure : P. and V. (Plat), V. &vcure<l>vptJivos (dat).
M-io/ m : P. eyKspaiWvae. M-w? ^:

Misunderstand, v. trans. P. Ar. and P. /caTa/uyvtivai. Confuse :

P. and Y. o-vyvctv. V. intrans.
oi<r0ai (Thuc. 1, 20) see ;
also Coincide : P. and V. o-u/wriVTcu/, Y.
mistake. Hea/r wrongly : P. orvfjnriTveiv. Mix with, have mter-
-irapdKov&.v (acc. or absol.). course with:,?. and Y <rufjLjjLiyw<rOaL
Misunderstanding, subs. Mistake :
(dat.), P. en-ifjuyvvvai (or pass.)
P. and V. Qt (XOtOTlOl* W. P. tJuXLCftpTiCL, (dat.), Ar and P. o^ft/xiyvifvat (dat.) ;

17; see wisiafce. Quwrel: P. and see under intercourse. Mix with (a
Y. Sta<opa, 17 ; see quwrel. crowd) : P. and Y. avautyw<r0cu
Misusage, subs. Ill-usage : P. and (dat).
Y. "u/Jpis, ^, at/cfo, ^, v/8pi<rfJLa.,
TO.adj. P. and Y.
Misuse, v. P. aaroxw<r(
trans. crvfjifjlyys, fuy&s, Ar. and P.

(dat.). ^ IZZ-Jreai : P. and V. (Plat.). Confounded : Y. <nj>

^ \vfjuuvo-@a.i, (acc. or dat.), Mixing-bowl, subs. P. and V.
(Plat.) ; see injure.
.Mix Mod
Mixture, subs P. and V. /cpao-is, 17, Mock, v. trans. P. and Y.
on/yKpdcris,^ (Eur., Frag.\ P. pi&s (Eur., Cycl. 675, absol.), Ar. and
(Plat.), criV/u&s, (Plat.). TAe
P. ^XcUa^CtV, 7TtO-/CO)7rTtI/, TwQd&W,
diaZeci was a mixture of Ghalcidian V. KeprofJLclv. Laugh at : P. and
and Dorian P. <^wi/^ p,Tav rJJs TC Y. yeXSv (cn-f, dat., or dat. alone),
XoXjciStW /cat Aupt'Sos eiepa&y (Thuc. icaTayeXav (gen.), en-eyyeXav (dat.),
6, 5). V. yye\av (dat or KaTtt, gen.), ,

Mizzle, subs, and v. intrans. See SiaysXav (ace.)-, ey/caTtXXanrrctv

(dat.). J^ttZi ; P. and V. ^/Jp^ Clv
JVloan, subs. P. and Y. oijuwyi}, 17 (aoc. or t5, ace.), c<u/3p#;eiv (ace.,
(Thuo.), o-ToVos,
(Thuc.), o P. dat ,
or cts, ace.) (rare P.), irpo-
oXocjtapo-is, ^, Ar. and P. oXo<vpjLios, 9 P. CTnypea^ctv (dat.),
6, V. ofyuoy/i-a, TO, orcray/ios, 6 (Plat. and V. Ku.&v/3p%Lv (ace. or gen.).
also but rare P.), JCOJKVTO'S, 6, -Baj^e: P. and V. o-^oUctv, P.
jco>/dS/xaTa, ra, Ar. and Y. yoos, 6, or Mock (a person or a
pi., 0-rei/o.y/Aa, TO; see groan. Of thing) : Ar. and V. eVi$pieiv (ace.
inanimate things P. and V. ^o<os,: of person, dat. of thing, or absol.).
Mocker, subs. P. and V. vpmfc,
Moan, See bemoan.
v. trans. V. 6, V. yeXoxrnfc, 6, yyeXcrn7S, 6.
intrans. P. and V. crr&eiv (Dem. Mockery, subs. P. and V. ycXo)?, 6,
300 and 308), orcvafciv (Dem. 835), KCtTaycXcDS, 6, V. KepTO/nyo-is, ^i P.
(Thuc. 3, 113), V. a2(
^XcDao-ta, ^, ^Xvao"/io5, 6. Insult :

P. and Y. tf/fyfc, i). 05,/fic* o/

mockary : P. and Y. ycXtos, 6, Kara-
ycXws, o, Y. v/3pL(Tfjt.a, TO, Iw^ap/wi,
P. 6\.o<fyupecr6ai, dvoXo<TjpO"0<u, Ar. TO'.

and V. oi/AO)av, twroi^oif iv, yoao-Qcu, Mocking, adj. Y. Kepro/ws.

in low tones : Ar. Mode, subs. Fashion, mode of
and V. TUTrocrrei/cH', V. tf-Troorcva^tv. dress : P. and V. ovei^, 17. Mb^e
Of inanimate things: P. and V. P. and Y. Mam, 17, P.

JWoat, subs. P. and V. ra<po?, Model, subs. P. and V.

Mob, subs. P. and V. oxXos, 6, Model, Y. trans. P. and V. *rXaoro-v,

TrXijflos, TO, P. o-up<eros, 6 (Plat.). P. TUTTOGV, CJCTV9TOVV.
,Mob, v. trans. Ar. and P. Qopvpw Modeller, subs. P. TrXao-nfc, 6.
see also hustle. Modelling, subs. art
(dat.) ;

Mobile, adj. :
P. an.i V. modelling : P.
eXa^pds (Xen.), Ar. and V. /eov^os. Moderate, adj.
P. and V.

Lightly equipped : P. and V. P. e>/xeTpos. Self^restraaned: P.

and Y. <ra><pa>i/, /lerpto?. Politically,
Mobilisation, subs. P. and V. i/w moderate party : P. ot Sta /^co-ov
(Xen.). J5e moderate, v. :
aOpoLO-is, 7] t cru\)wyij, 17 (Thuc. 8, 75).
Mobilise, v. trans. P. and V. P. /ATpia^tv, P. and V. o-w^povetv.
ayetpciv, o-uXAeyeii/, a^pot^civ ; see Moderate, v. trans. Eafo# : P. and
collect. Y. avlcvat, P. ^ravtcvat. Cfeecfe : P.
Mobility, subs. Lightness : P. and Y. KaT^etv, lirexcw ; see check.
KOvtfroTrjs, rf t eXa^pOTi;?, Y. intrans. P. and V.
n55 : IP. Ta^vny?, 17. avteVat, P. eTravcevai.

Mock, adj. Pre^TwZe^: P, Moderately, adv. P. and Y.

P. and V. TrXaords (Xen.). P. /*/ATpo)s. Soberly: P.
Mod Mom
and V. <rto<f)p6v<os, Tolerably : Ar. with water : Y. see
and P. e-jriaKcis. sprinkle.
Moderation, subs. P. /jurrpionys, ^ Moisture, subs. P. and Y.
P. and V. TO perpiov. Self- (Plat.,
Tim. 76s),
restraint: P. and V. ro <roi<poi/, Ar. and V. 8poo-os, ^, P. ro vypov*
ro <r<iMf>povciv, Ar. and P. crtixfrpocrivrj, Molar, subs. Ar. yo/jwjtaos,

T7- Mole, subs. Pier : P. x"/" 1 ' >

Modern, adj. P. and V. K<UVOS, vc'os. XT/XT}, 17.

Ammal : Ar. a-KaXoi/r, 6.

Modern times : use P. and V. Molest, v. trans. Ar. and P. -n-pdy-

o vvv xpovos. /xara ira.pVLV (dat.), evox^ctv (aco.
Modernise, v. trans. P. vcwrep^ctv or dat.), P. and V. o\Xov ^ap'
TPI (aoc ). (dat.), Xwretv, Ar.
and V.
Modest, adj. P. and Y. olSoIos Y. ovXcIv. In/ttre : see mjwe.
(Plat.), eno<pwi/, P. Meddle with: P. and Y. iclvctv,

cu%w>v (Xen.), V. ttTrrco-^ai (gen.) ;

see me&Be.
Ifo2erae : P. and Y. /*erpios ;
see Molestation, subs Annoyance,
also 2>oor. JVo boastful : Y bother: P. and V. QX^OS, o. In
dfjco/ATTos, dKo/jrao*Tos. Reasonable :
peace, without molestation : Ar.
P. and V. euXoyos. Simple P. and P. Kaff iJcnJxtav. Injury : see
and V. airAoCs. Becoming : P. and *TO/iry.
V. cwpeTnfc. Orderty, decent : P. Mollify, v trans. P. and Y. irpafSvcw,
and V. KOCT/WOS (Plat, but rare P.) P.
Modestly, adv. P. Y. irupriyopelv, jLtaX-
(os (Xen.), P. and V. Ar and Y. /taXdwro-civ see ',

Moderately : P. and V. sooths.

Reasonably : P. and V. Molten, adj. P. Kcxupwos, P. and Y.
Decently : Ar. and P. KOO>UOS, V.
J5 comingly : P. and V. Moment, subs. The right moment :
P. and Y. /caipos, 6. Small space
Modesty, subs. P. and V. cuSois, %, of time : Ar. aKapes %p6vov. He
afoxyvrj, fj Decency : P. and Y. expected that they would not keep
VKOO-/JLta, 7), TO /COO-/JLtaV. still a moment : P. (17X7 ev) o8a/a
Modification, subs. See chane. avrovs ^Tnuc. 2, 84).
Xpoi-'ov i}(ruxa.<rLV
Remission : P. a^eo-t?, 17.
^Lt the very moment : P. and Y.
laxation : P. awis, ^. avriKOL, Ar. and P. avrotfev. Iw ^
Modify, v. trans. See change. moment : P. and Y. avrtKa, Ar.
Eemit : Ar. and P. cu^tei at. E and P. avrfoa 8^ /*a\a. ^i 07WJ6 :
P. and V. ai-wai see relax. ;
P. and Y. cu^vs, cv^cws see im- ;

Modulate, v. trans. Ar. and P. mediately. For the moment: P.

VTiVeer$cu, P. ap/idfeiv. TO irapavTiKa. On the spur of the
Modulation, subs. Ar. and P. moment : P. and Y. ^avXws, P.
0, O.TTO 3.
/?pax'as Stai/ot'as (Thuc 36),
Moiety, subs. See half, part. f *Vt8pOjLtTJs, ef foroyuou. Met. r
Moist, ad]. P. and Y. typo's, S- importance : P. and V. POTH},
s, voTcpos (Bur., I. 37. 104:2), o/ moment, v. P. and V. Si :

Momentarily, adv. P. and V.

Moisten, v. trans. P. and V. vypat- aurt/ca, Trapavrf/ca, Ar and P.
VCLV (Plat.),
Tcyyctv (Plat.), ppfycw Always : P. and V.
(Plat.), 8o;'e, (Plat.), vorCfav
" (Plat, "

and JBsch., J?Va0.), Y, Momentary, adj. P. and V. 6

- -----
Sprinkle: Y. Sprinkle 6 xrapauTtKa, P. 6
Mom Mon
Momentous, adj. P. and V. /A<ryioros, Monotony, subs. Weariness : P.
oO aios, P. Sia<opo$. and V. KOTTOS, 6. Satiety : P. and
Momentum, subs. P. and V. "V. jcopos, 6 (Plat.), 7rX.r}arfjLOi'y,
Ar. and P. firf, y, V. ,5ZmJ, (Plat.).
Monarch, subs. P. and V. Monsoon, subs. Use storm.
o ; see king. Monster, subs. Beast Ar. and P.
Monarchical, adj. P. v, TO, P. and Y. 6yp, o, Ar.

Monarchy, subs. P. and V. and V. /cvciSoAov, TO, Y. 6afcos, TO,

Xi, $ ;
see also kingship, rule. *iW, 6, sometimes /ca/cdv, TO.
Monetary, adj. Financial : P. lous monsters. P. <

(Plat ) Sea monster : V.
Money, subs. P. and V. 5, TO'
(Eur., Frag.). Portent r
ra, Ar. and P. apyvpiov, TO, V. P. and V. T^paff, TO' (Plat.)- Met.,.
apyvpos, 6. Gold P.
: and V. of a person: Ar. and P. 0i?pioi>,
o. Biclies : P. and V. TO.
6. Currency : P. and V. Monstrosity, subs. P. and Y,
TO. Make money, v. TO (Plat.). :

P. Ticr0ai (absol.) ; see under Monstrous, adj. Huge : P. and V.

make. Beady money, subs. Ar. :
Frag.), P.
and P. fyytpiov, TO (Dem. 867). ; see /t^fi. Unnatural :

Gowoert into money, v, : P. l- P. and V. &TOTTOS, Ar. and P. dXXo-

apyvpifav (ace.}. KOT05. Horrible : P. and V.
Moneyed, adj. P. and V. Sftvos, orx"^-t05j a.fjuqx<wo$, P.
see rich. Setvo?, V. Satos, l/c3rayA.os.
Money maker, subs. P. half-human, a monstrous portent :
6. V. crujAfJiiKTOv c?o<t Kdwo^oiXtov Tpas
Money making, subs. P. (Bur., Frag.). Monstrous shape$>
half men, half beasts : V. /xtfo-
Monger, subs. Dealer in : use Ar. ^pes ^coTcs (Eur., Io?z, 1161). The
and P. TToiA^s (only used when com- monstrous foivr-legged, brood of
pounded), e.g., fishmonger : Ar. Centaurs : V. TerpaarKcxX&s vppUTfJia.

IX0VOTTGJA779, 6. Kcvravpw yevos (Eur., H. F. 181).

Mongrel, adj. Mixed : P. and Y. Monstrously, adv. Ar. and P.
oijfjLfjiLKTog. Half-foreign : P. and vTTcpfa&s, P. aTOTTtos. HorrHT/y :
V. /uoap/3apo9 (Xen.) see P. and Y. ;oWGs.
also monstrous. Month, subs. P. and V. V, a, V.
^l ^fi?'W)d
Monition, subs. See admonition. <r\rpni, f) (lit., WOO^).
Monkey, subs. Ar. and P. of three months : V. Tpfynyvos
6. Play the monkey, v. Ar. Xpovos, 6.
: Tfee Zasi day of the
irWyKLfav. Monkey antics : and P. eyy KOL vea.
Ar. month : Ar.
TrtOriKurfjLOL, ot.
and V. tyf
Monthly, adj. P.
Monopolise, v. trans. Appropriate: Monument, subs. P. and V.
P. o^ctouv (or mid.), fjLlov TO, pvr)f*a, TO. Trophy : P.

Claim for oneself ; P. and Y. TpoTratov, TO, or pL Memorial

(gen.), Ar. and P. dvrlXa/i,/3ctj>(rftu pillar : Ar. and P. cmyA.^, 17. fTomd :
(gen.). see tomb. Met., example : P. and
Monotonous, adj. P. Y. TrapaSeiytia, TO. A monument of
and V. /3aptf$, see con- a ma/roel of: P. and Y. tiavfia
Monotonously, adv. Wearily: P. Monumental, adj. Extravagant,
; see also conti huge : P.
Mon Mor

Monumentally, adv. See extrava- Ar. and P.

gantly. ', Ar.
Mood, subs. P. and V. TpoVos, 6, Mope, v. intrans. Ar. and Y.
WJiy do you pass
?0o5, TO, opyiy, y. T^fCfio-flcu, V. arwnrJKtarOat, c/cnyKeo-^ai,

thus from one mood to anotJier : V. Ar. and P. KaTa-nyKccrflcu (Xen.) ;

rt 8" oiSfi 7n?8as aAAoT* cts

TpoVovs (Eur., Tro. 67). Moping, adj. Miserable : P. and V.

Moodily; adv. P. SutnedXws. S0A.109, TctXeu7ra>pos. Despondent :

Moodiness, subs. Ar. and P. P.and V. ^U/AOS see melancholy. ;

Moping, subs. See melancholy.

adj. P. and V. Moral, adj. Ethical : P.
P. SuorpOTros.
8i)o'd/)OTOS> ovcryepifjs, (Arist.). Moral principles : P.
Be moody, v. Ar. and P. Svcr-
: coj/ at dpxai (Dein. 21). eT

KO\OLLVLV t CrYT\lQ,LLVj P. OU : P. and V. opflds, S&coios, oo-ios,

VLV. Y 8lJO"wi5/itd"vttt ; see jto. Proper, becom-
Moon, subs. P. and V. o-eA : P. and V. cvwpcrr^s, 7rpotnyjea>v,
V. fuqrq, ty Ar. creXi/yaia, ^. Ow woraZ grounds: P.
wooffc : P. and V. -jravo-cA/gvos, ^, V. /eaT& (Thuc. 7, 57).
Sf/oyv Z%e
K-u/eXos irawefajvos, 6. Be said? ii moral law : use P. and V. 0tos
was full moon : P. VO/JL05, 6.
7ravo-Xnvov (Andoc. 6). JV< Moral, subs. I/^ssow taught: P.
Ar. and P. vou/xiywa, ^. StSaovcoXta, ^. I 7&&V6 enlarged on
Moonless, adj. P. MX: m
the position of ow city to point
Use" moon. It this moral that P. c/wjicwa TO.
Moonlight, subs. . . : .

ivas oright moonlight : P. fy wept T^j 7r6A.0)S SiSaovcaXiav TTOIOV-

cr\^V7j Xa/jarpa (Thuc. 7, 44). /ici/o? .
(with acc. and Snfin.)
. .

Moonstruck, adj. See mad. (Thuc. 2, 42). Example : P. and

Moor, subs. Use hill. V. -TrapctSay/jta,
TO. !Z7&e crweZ
Moor, v. trans. P. and V. 6p/u( violence to his eyes was the work of
see anchor. Be moored : P. and heaven and a moral to Greece:
V. 6p/ufo-0<u, opfjLiv. Be moored V. ai ff alfjiarcDTTol o*epfuTG)V 8ta-
against (a place): P. <f>0opal Oewv Gro^>(,o-j

(dat.). Be moored a place : P.

at EUa8t (Bur., P^oew. 870).
irpoo-opfu&crQai (absol.). Be moored Moralise, v. intrans. 2^^ solemnly :

opposite to : P. avOop^lv (dat.). P. a-cfjLvo\<yyelGrOai, V.

Mooring, subs. P. and V. op/>s, 6 ; Moralise on : P. <t>iXo<ro<f>iv
see anchorage. (acc.). fifpeaA; truisms : P.
Mooring cables, subs. Y. x&
T^pta, TO, Trpv/jtvijo-ta, TCI. Morality, subs. Justice : P. and V.
Moot, v. trans. Introduce and
TO SifKcuov, P. Snauoorw^, ^. Equity :
: P.
V. irapo^epctv, Trpocr^epetv, errdyeiv, P. 7rtKta, ^. Conduct : P. and
etcrayetv, tcr^>epetv, P. 7rpo</>petv. V. 7rpSis, iy. Righteousness : P.
2%fs proposal was first mooted in and V. einje/^eia, P. 6o*toTiy5, ^. -j),

the camp : P, IKIV^QYI irporepov cv Divine lo/w : P. and Y. O&os vouo?, 6.

T orpaT07rc8to TOVTO (Thuc. 8, 48). Morally, subs. Justty : P. and V.
Moot, adj. Doubtful : P. 6p0<os, SLKCUCD?. According to divine
jSiTTijo'i/Aos, V. d/A^#XeicTOs. la/U) : P. icttTa TOV 0eiov vd/^ov. By
Mop, subs. Broom : Ar. icop^/xa, TO. nature, in character : P. and V.
Sponge: Ar. and V. oTroyyos, 6,
Ar.and P. orroyyid, ^. Morals, subs. P. and V.
Mop, v. trans. Sponge : Ar. and P. TpOTTOt, 01.
Mor Mor

Morass, subs. See marsh. and V. do-tfeviys, Ar. o-a7rpos ; see

Morbid, ad]. Diseased : P. and Y. also old.
1/00-0)8175. Met., P. and V. oty Morn, subs. See morning.
Morning, subs. Dawn : P. and V.
Morbidly, adv. P. ov% ecus, TJ. Time just before daybreak :
More, adj. P. and V. More P. and V. op0pos, 6, P.
or less : P. 17 TO',
Day : P. and V. ^epa, ij Y.
(Dem. 330). ^/Aap, TO. Early in the morning :
More, adv. P. and V. Ar. and P. -n-pw, Iw^ev, c Ico^tvou.
To form comparatives P. and V. : J i/ie morning, adj use P. and

fjJSX\ov. With numerals ; Ar. and Y. ecofltvds (Bur., JS/ie5. 771 and
P. 7rXv. More than half ivere Soph Frag.), V. loos, Ar. and P.

found to be Garians : P. vn-cp ^/u-to-u opflptos. O/ morning, adj. : Y.

Kapes c<t>dvr}(ra.v (Thuc. 1, 8). More !<3o?, Ar. and P. op^ptos.
zealous than wise : V. Trpotiijfws Morning star, subs. P. "Ea>o-<opos,
jLiaAAov ^ o-o<<DTpa (Bur., JfecZ. 485). 6 (Plat., Tm. 38D).
With more zeal than love Y. Morose, adj. P. and Y. Svo
TTpoOv/JLW'S fjLaXXov rj <^>iXa>s (JEsch., Suo-^cpojs, SiJo-apcoTos, P. Svo
Ag. 1591). More worthy than Morosely, adv. P. oW/co^o)?.
rich : P. )#\TiW y TrAova-Korepos Moroseness, subs. Ar. and P
(Lys. 153). All the more : P. and
V. TOO"OT;T<I> fJiaXXov, TocrwSe /AoAAoi/. Morrow, subs. The morrow : P. and
2%e more I believe, the more I am Y. -^ a-upiov, -^ avpLov -f)fj,4pa, Y.
at a loss what to do : P. ooro> /xaXAov ^ auptov ^jaepa.
<? To-morrow r
euo) TOO-OTJT<U /z-aXXov cbropai on adv. : P. and Y. aa;ptoi/.
(Plat., Eep. 368s). .Dotngr Morsel, subs. P. ^CU/LO'S, 6 (Xen.),,
a it is a great disgrace Ar. TO>OS, 6. Part: P. and Y.
even to speak of, much more for /Acpo? TO, P. fjiopiov, TO. Dainty
respectable people to perpetrate : morsel : P. and V. o^or, TO' (-ZEsch.,.
P. TOULVTCL 7TOIOWTCS a JToAA/tyT' O,t0-- Frag.).
y on y Mortal, adj.
8-^ Subject to death : P.
/ITptOV5 (Dem. and V. ^TO'S (Plat.), Y. PPOTCLO?.
1262). HffltTi^ iwnes ??wre, ad]. P. Deadly : P. and V. 0avdVifu>s.
TroXXaTrAacrtos. More and more : P. a blow : P. and V. /cotptos (Xen.).
CTTA -srXeov, V. pJa^Xov yLtaXXov Human : see human. Seeing them
(Ear., 7. 5". 1406). Further: P. stricken with mortal wounds she
and V. ITL, 7Tpd, w^patTcpa). Longer: cried aloud : V. TCTpo/xei/ovs 8'
P. and V. ert. J7b T/wwe, wo 28oora /catptas o-^ayas a/*,a>ev (Eur.,
P. and V. OUKCTC, /ATyKcrt PAoew. 1431). Met., of fear: P.
of this P. ouro) Trepi TOVTC
." and Y. Wo's ; of enmity : P. and
/Ac^ o^v OVTUS (Isoo.), P. and V. Y. aoTrovSoff
roiavra /ACV 8^ ravra, V. TOVTO>J/ Mortal, subs. Use P. and Y.
6 or 97". Mortals : Ar. and Y.
see 50 for that under ot, ^porot, ot (once in sing., Plat.,

Rep. 566r, but rare P.), P. and Y.

Moreover, adv. Besides : P. and V. tyfaepoi, ol (Plat.). Like to no race-
irpo's TOVTOIS, 7ri Tovrot?, Iri, V. Kat of mortal men : V. o/u.ow>s ovSwi
wpos, wpos (rare P.), Ar. and P. <nropTO)v yevtt, (^sch., Sum. 410).
irpoereri. To add a fresh state- Of mortals, adj. Y. jSporaos, fipo-

ment : P. KOL 817 jccu. nqcrLos j see human.

Moribund, adj. TT^*, decrepit : P. Mortality, subs. P. and Y. <f>0opa, f
Mor Mot

2, 47), P. <06>os, 6 (Thuo.

$ (Thuc. P. 0)5 7Tt TTOXV, Ttt WoXXa, O>S TO.
see death.
2, 51) ; TroAAa, V. ra TrXctti).
P. 0ai/ao-t'//,a)$, V. Moth, subs. Clothes moth : Ar. 0-^5,
Mortally, adv.
Kaipuos. I dm mortally wounded : 6. JkToi/i that burns itself in the

V. TreTrATjy/wu fcatpiav TrA.'jjytyi' (j3Bsch., flame : V. irvpavtrrrjs, 6

Ag. 1343. He was not yet struck Frag.).
mortally V. ov yap & Kaipov rusra's Mother, subs. P. and 7.
<nryx<w (Ear., ^nd. 1120). Met., V. TLKTOVCTCL, Ar. SJld V. ^ "Y)

exceedingly : P. lar^upus, P. and O/ or /ro9?i a mother : Ar. and V.

Y. TroXii. fjwjTpoOev. On the mother's side : P.
Mortar, subs. Lime : P. and V. and V. Trpos /^Tpos, V. fJujrpoQev :

6. 6terry mortar, v. : Ar. P. /cara -rr\v ^Tcpa (Thuc. 1, 127).
-rrri\jQ<j>opLv (absol.). Jar /or Mother of all (as adj.) V. Tra/i- :

pounding in : Ar. foei prJTwp. Mother of wts (S,B adj.): V.

Mortgage, Y. trans. Ar. and P. /jLouo*o/xT7ro)p. Mother of iron (as
Ti$vai, P. aaroTip.Q.v, viroTtQevcii. Be adj.): V. <TLfypofjt.r)T(j)p. Having the
mortgaged : P. wo/ceio-flat. same mother, adj. Ar. and P.

Mortgage, subs. Something pledged : 6//.o/4/?T/>ios.

Mother city, subs P. :

P. U7ro0?7/a7, ^, dTTOTiju.iyju.a, TO, Ar. /7T/>, 17. Mother wit : P.

and P. cVe^vpov, TO; see pledge. ot/ceta crvv<rts (Thuc. 1, 138). O/ a
Act of mortgaging : P. mother, adj. P. and V. fj.rjrp<^o<s.

Lewd 0ft mortgage, v. : P. o.7ro- Motherhood, subs. P. and V/ TO
Ti/jtao-flac, 7nm'0o-<9ai. Mortgage on TtWv (Soph., #Z. 770). Oh,
land : P. eyyaos TOKO?, 6. sorrows of motherhood : V. 5
Mortgagee, subs. Use P. 6 watSoTrotot (njp,(f>opaL (Eur., Shes.
Mortgager, subs. Use P. 6 980). Sow; g^rea^ a thing is mother-
Mortgaging, subs. P. hood : Ar. ofov TO TKLV (Lys. 884).
Mother-in-law, subs. P. and V.
Mortification, subs. P. Tro/^cpa, ^ (Soph., Frag.).
Met., see annoyance. Motherless, adj. P, and V. ap^r^p
Mortify, See anwy,
v. trans.
(Plat., Sym. 180D).
humiliate.V. intra,ns. Become Motherly, adj. Of a mother : P. and
gangrened: P. cnaKAi7>' P. and V. jLt^TpSos. Met., see kind.
Motion, subs. P. /cor/o-is, 17.
Mosquito, subs. Ar. e/wrts, ^ ; see /row one place to another ; P. <

gnat. ^. Set iw motion : P. and V. KWCLV.

Mossy, adj. Use qreen, soft. Set (troops) in motion : P. Avtoravai
Most, adj. P. and V. TrXctorTos. Make (ace.). WTiew he sees the army in
the most o/, turn to account ; P. motion : P. <&s 6p T& <TTpo.Teop.cL
and V. xpT}cr0ai (dat ) Exaggerate : .
Proposal : P. and V.
P. crrt TO /jLtfov Setvovv ; see , TO, Ar. and P. yvco/My, .

exaggerate. For the most part : Make a motion: P. yvw/x,^v zrpo-

see mostly. Most people : P. and Ti&fva.i, yvaijLtJyv clo-ffrepew. Put a
V. Ot TToXXot. motion to the vote : P.
Most, adv. P. and V. p.d\L<rra,
TrXetoTov, To form Motion, v. intrans. Ma&e s^ws : P.
superlatives :

P. and V. pdXurra. At most : P.

and V. o-^atrav, P. cVwcucw, Ar.
I TrX.eioTov. To buy for a drachma and V. vcTjciv. Motion away : V.
at most : P. el vdw iroXXou Ifcveuetv (ace.).
TrpiW&u (Plat., Ap. 26D).
. .
Motionless, adj. P. and V. OK^TOS,
Mostly, adv. P. and V. TO, see qwet.
Mot Mou

Motive, subs. P. and V. o Mounded, adj. V. x^crros. Make a

Purpose : P. Trpotupeo-is, ^. From mounded tomb : Y. rd<f>ov vovi/
interested motives : P. and V. crrt (Soph., Ant. 80).
KcpSeo-i. With what motive ? P. rt Mount, subs. See mountain.
/fcwAoftevos; (lit., wishing what). Mount, v. trans. Make to 'mount:
What seek you and loith what motive P. avafiiftdfciv, rava/3ij#aeiy. Go
are you here ? V. 8"
cfocwqs Kal up : Ar. and P. ava^aiVeti/ l-jri (ace.),
TL ou\i?0efc Trapct (Soph., El. 1100). V. djU,y8atvtv irpos (aco.) (Eur., JBTfiC.
Motley 5 adj. P. and V. Travrotos, 1263), Ar, cTOva^otVetv 7rf
OTJ//,JUICTOS. Variegated : P. and V. jScaZe : P. and V. n:ySaiVeii> (gen.),
7roiKiAos. 4 motley crowd: P. &rp^aa/iv, 7T/jLj8atVtv (dat. Or cirt
cru/x^ero?, 6. acc.) (Plat.), Ar. ^av^aiv^v
Mount a horse, chariot, etc :
Mottled, adj. P. and V. irowrfAos, AT, (ace.).
and V. atoAo?, V. O-TIKTO'S, KaTaort/cros, Ar. and P. ftvapatvciv 4rf (acc.).
Ac. TroiKiA6p&p<f>o$. Charwt : V. ctcrj&ui/eiv (aco.). Met.,
Motto, subs. Use P. and V. Mount a play: use Ar. and P.
ircypajj,fjLa t
TO. xopyyw. Absolutely, #o p: P.
Mould, sabs. Earth: P. and V. 777, and V. ayepx<r0ai, Ar. and P.
Ar. and V. #poupa, 17 (also Plat. , Y. d/iyffati/ecv. J2e Z^ed
but rare P.), yala, 17. Glod : Ar. : P. and Y. atpco-flai, 5vco <^pe<r^at.
and V. o>A.os, ^ (also Xen.). ^r Ar. and P.
raised i
Decay : P. and V. eupo>s, 6. Pattern: Those who mount
P. and V. TU.TOS, 6. Anything horses Y. iTnrw earcpfldTai ot. :

moulded : Ar. and P. TrActcr/na, TO. Mounted, adj. On horseback : P. and

Mould, v. trans. P. and V. -TrXocra-civ. V. <t7T7ros, Ar. and V. iTnro/BdfjL^v^
(7asi : Ar. and P. xoavcuW. or use Y. wra-or^s, iTTTreuTTys. A
Stamp with an impression : P mounted man, subs. P. avaj3dTrj5, :

TU7TOW. 6, Y. ap/Sdry?, 6. Owe mounted on

Moulder, v. intrans. P. and V a chariot : Y. appdrw eTrc/i^ar^s
ortyireorftu, r^KcarOai. (Plat.), aTroppetv,
6. Mounted archer: Ar. and P.
Ar. and P. KaTacnfatcrScu, V. /LiJSav. 6. Jfo^mied ow : Y. ,

Mouldering, adj. See mouldy. (dat.), eVc/i^a? (acc.),

Mouldiness, subs. Decay: P. and (acc.). Mounted on a
V. djpcos, 6, P. a-flwrpo'-n;?,
colt : V. cwt TrdJXov ySe^ws,
Mountain, subs. P, and V. opos, TO'.
Ar. and P. jffiZZ : P. and Y. Xo</>os, 6. V. TT^VOS,
Mouldy, adj.
Moult, v. intrans. Ar. and P. o, a?7ros, TO see MZ. 4%e ;

Trrepoppvetv. Where are your mountains, the heights : P. and Y.

feathers ? They've moulted off : TO. a/Cpd, P. Ttt /lTCDpa. 0^ ^g
Ar. TTOI) TO. srrcpa; e&ppVTjKe wiowwia^Tis, adj.
. . . P. and Y. #petos :

(Av. 103). (Plat.). Haunting the mountains :

Mound, subs. Bank of earth : P. Ar. and V. opttfidnr)? (Ar. in form
and Y. "y&fjia, TO, P. ^> x^
6pt/3drrfg), Y. opco-Tepos, opecrtcoos.
7rpo<rxo><ri5, 17.
Natwral mound : P. Inhabiting mountains : P. o
and V. 0x^7, 17 (Xen.), Ar. and P. Mountaineers, subs. P. o!
ox^os, 6. Barrow to mark a burial (Tixuo. 2, 96).
place : P. and V. TC<OS, 6, Ar. and Mountainous, adj. P. and V.
Y. TUJU/?OS, 6, V. x^A"1 To (wuce P-)
P. opetvo?.
KoAcui/?;, ^, ?n;pa, ^,
Ar. and P. ar7J L Mountain-torrent, subs. Ar. and P.
TO. Throw up a mound : P. x<^ XapaSpa, ^ see 0rr07&.

Mountebank, subs. P. and Y. 70175,

Mou Mov

6, //.cfyos, 6, dyvprys, 6, Ar. <era, 6. daughter: Y.


Juggler : P. 0au/xa.T07roios, 6. | TTCl^tftO) KKCLp[JLVOS (EUT. , Or. 458).

Mourn, v. trans, and absol. P. and O/ mourning, adj. : Y.
V. o8tfpo*0<u, vrcvBcw,
Opyvelv, <?7roKXaeiv (or mid.), orevciv Mouse, subs. Ar. and P. /us, 6, V.
(rare P. but used Dem. 300 and <7fLtv0o5, 6 (^Bsch., Fragf.).

308), <rrraeiv (Dem. 835, but rare Mouth,

subs. P. and Y. orro'/xa, TO'.
P.), SafcpTjav, /cXaeiv (or mid. in V.),
Mouth of a river, cave, etc. : P. and
P, 6Xo<iJpcr0(U, cwroXo^Tjpcor^ca, dvo, V. OTO/JLtt, TO, 0-TO/Z.tOV, TO, P. ^KjSoXl},
Ar. and V. olp.<aLv- -4 ca^e mi/i ;0 wowi/is :
. V.
ot/zd>H/, yoao-#ai, V. erpa, 17,

(absol.), KOLTOI/JUJJ&W,
P. and Y. o8o5,

<lvaKu>KUiv, Mpecrflai, tfp^vwSeiv, dvoXo- : P. and V. eto-oSos, ?;. Be in

Xufeiv, avao*TJ//, /caracrTei/ctv. Mourn every one's mouth: V. Sia O-TO/AO.
for, miss, regret : P. and V. Trotfeiv clvat. .By w;orcZ o/ mouth . P. <MTO
(rare P.). Mourn for one dead P. .
aro'/jLttTos, P. and Y. CLTTO yXdio-aTy?
and V. Trevflclv (aoo.), (Thuc. 7, 10). What is inside and
Y. a7ro/co7TTO-0at. written in the folds of the letter I
over see lament over.
: will tell you by word of mouth : V.
Mourner, subs. Fern., V. ravoyra

Mournful, adj. Dejected : P. and V. 760). Take the words out of one's-
#0i3/J,os (Xen.),
V. SvorOvfLos, KCLT-^IJS, mouth, v. Ar. and P. -S^apTra^iv :

SuV^pwv. S<wZ, unhappy : P. and (absol ), P. -wroXa/jL/?avcv (absol ), V.

V. ToXeHTTCOpOS, tttfXtOS, OlKTpOS, Ar. ap7rdeiv (aco ) (Eur., H. F. 535).
and Y. ToXas, rX^tov, V. oWraXds. Mouthe, v. trans. Speak tragically :
Lamentable : P. and V. 0Xios, P. Tpay<jSetv. Speak pompously:
Truepos, ol/cpros, ftapvs, V.
P. o~e/woXoytv, Y, o-/xvo/Ai50w.
(also Xen. but rare P.), Mouthing at me with her hideous
iravSaKpiJTos, euSd/cpiiTos, snakes : Y. Seii/al? l^i'Si/ats cfe 2/x*
Tray/cXauTos ; see sad. eo/*<o/i/77 (Eur., I. T. 287).
Mournfully, adv. Dejectedly : P. Mouther, subs. P. o-e/ivoXo'yos, 6;
afliS/jKos (Xen.), 8vcr0i7Ji<Ds (Plat.), P.
see ranter.
and V. <0Xwi)s, iriKpfi?, oifcrpws. Mouthpiece, subs. Bit : P. and Y.
Mournfulness, subs. Dejection : P. OTO/UOV, TO (Xen.). Mouthpiece of
and V. afo/wo, 17, a musical instrument ; P. yXoio-o-a,
8vo-^ta, 17 (Plat.).
Grief: P. mXawrtopia, 17, V, Tr^fia, fj. Met. see agent. :

TO, Tnyjitov^, 17; see ^fi/, sadness. Move, v. trans. P. and V. /clvstv.
Mourning, subs. See toraewtafo'flw. Met., ajfecf ; P. and Y. own-eo^o*
Outward tokens of sorrow : P. and (gen.), P. KaTOjcXav, Y. av&dirTea-OaL
V. -3Ti/0os, TO, V. /covpa, ^ (lit., slaving' (gen.), Qiyyavtiv (gen.), ^aijctv (gen.).
of the head], ira/^/ia, TO'. Assume Overcome : P. and Y. 0eXytv (Plat,
mowrning, v. : P. and Y. ?rei/0Lv. but rare P.), Teyyeiv (Plat, but rare
/oiw massuming mourning: P. P.), Ar. and V. ^oXdo-o-ctv, V.
and Y. o-ufwwtfetv (dat.). Honour fxX0oxro-tv, vlfcav. Be moved,
with mourning and all other usual affected : use also P. and Y. *</*,-
rites P. rtfiav .
kcrBripjoo-i re KOJL
. .
7TT0-0at, P. /caTaKa/jt7TTo-0at, P.
TOLS oXXots vofjLi/jiois (Thuc. 3, 58).
Mourning garments : Y. fLcXa^t- P. and Y. errdyeiv, irpodyeii/,

J3& ?i0ad shaved

ir7rXos oroXiJ, ^. see induce.
; Disturb :
in sign of mourning for his P. and Y. Tapao-orciv; see
Mov Muf
Move a resolution P. and V. : and P. <n;xvos. Abundant : P. and
(ace. or absol.) ; see introduce. V. a<0ovos see ; abundant.
Move heaven and earth, met. : Y. Frequent : P. and V. TTU/CVO^. Count-
irdvra KwfjcraL Wrpov (Eur., &erad. less : V. /Jtiptb? (also Plat, but rare
1002). V. intrans. P. and V. KW- P.). So rawcfc : P. and Y. TOO-OVTOS,
o-Qai. Go : P. and Y. Ycopco/, Ar. and roo-do-Sf, V. Too-09 (rare P.). How
V. POLVCLV. Come and go : P. and much, interrog. P. and V. TTOO :

V. <owav, CTrto'Tpc^co'^ indirect P. and V. 00-05,


o-6at, Y. OTpaxacr0au Too much: P. and V. Tre

#a?ra5 o/ draughts) : P. see excessive. Twice as much : Y.
(absoL) (Plat. Eep. 487o). Sis TO'OTOS; see twice. Four times
one's cZweZZm^ ; P. and V. OS much : P. rerpaKLs Too-ovros
crra<rQai, V. /-terot/cetv, P. 8iocieo~0ai. (Plat., Jfawo. 83s).
J&we owi o/ a dwelling place : Ar. Much, adv. P. and V. -n-oXv, Ar. and
and P. efowcior0(u. Move from the Y. TroXXo. Exceedingly : P. and
country (to the city) (for protec- Y. o-<t>6Bpa t Ar. and Y. Koipra. (rare
tion) : P. <rKua.y<jyyLV IK roiv ayp^v P.). With comparatives : P. and
(Dem. 237). Y. -n-oXiJ, -TToXXaX. Too much : see
Move, subs. PZaw : P. and Y. excessively, ildke much o/, con-
fiovX.V]m, TO, P. e7rt/JovX?7, ^J see sider important, v. : P. ircpl TroXXou
Change of dwelling : P. 7roieto-0ai (ace.) see value.
; Make
much of (a person) Ar. and P. -

Moveable, adj. Use K OtpoL-jreveiv (ace.) see flatter. ; So

Moveables, subs. much : P. and V. roo-ovTov, TOCTOVTO,
Mover, subs. Proposer : P. and V. 6 Too-oV8e. With comparatives P. :

ypa<o>v. Prime mover : P. and V. and Y. TOO*W (rare P.), TOO-OUTCB,

^yey&toiv, 6, or 17, P. e&Tyrfnjs, o. roo-oiSe. So much for that : P. and
Movement, subs. P. KO^O-W, 17 ; see Y. TOLCLVTCL fJLV 8^ TttVTa, P. TttOra
mo^ow-. Political movement : P. /x^ ow ofira), -n-cpt TOVTW rooraaJTO,

/a'v?7o-i$, ^, veforcpia-jLtoy, Going :*

6. Ar. ravra S^ ravra, V.

V. y&io-ts, ^. Musical movement: tcv ovrcog, rotavra

P. dns, 17. JETe stationed scouts
in case the ships should after all Mud, subs. P. and Y. 6,
make a movement in any direction : ftopos, o
P. o-Kcmmfs KaTecrnjoxxTO . t
#pa Muddle, Subs. P. rapa;^, 17, dTo^ta, 17.
. .

7TOL KIVOIVTO at V^5 (ThUC. 8, 100). Muddle, v. trans. Throw into con-
Moving, adj. Piteous : P. and V. fusion: P. and Y. rapacrorav, crw-
otKTpos, P. A.ivds, Ar. and V. Tapacrorctv, (ruyxctv. Perplex: P.
cXeivo?. and V. rapaoro-civ, 0pacr<riv (Plat.
Movingly, adv. P. and V. but rare P ), crvvrcipdo-crfiv J/c^-

P. IXcctvSs, Ar. and V. eXet wX^flro-ctv. Mismanage : P. and Y.

Moving spirit, subs. Moving spirit KOL/CCOS -jrpacrcrav. 6 mismanaged:
in any enterprise : P. and V. Ar. and P. e^a/Aapravecrd
fycpAr, 6, or ^ (gen.), P. #77777^, Muddy, adj. P. and V. P.
6 (gen.). 71-^X0)8^5, ^opy^opcoo77$ ;
Mow, v. trans. P. and V. 0pi'eiv, Muffle, v. trans. P. and V.
V. !aiav. Met., wow; <fottw ; V. /coXwrrw (Plat.), Ar. and Y.
JteZZ: P. and V.
. TV, Y. ovyicaXvTrrctv (rare P.).
Zies muffled in her robes : Y.
Mower, subs. P. flcpwrnfo 6. ovy/cc/cX^/jia^ -TrtTrXois (Eur.,
Much, adj. P. and V. iroX&, Ar. 487).
545 35
Muf Mur

Muffled, adj. Of sound : use P. and Mummery, ^

subs. Buffoonery : P.
V. ta, ^ (Xen. ) Hocus-pocus :

Mug, subs. See P.

Close Ax. and P. Mummify, v. trans. P. rapl
Muggy, adj. :

m/IyTjpos see also damp.

; Mummy, subs. V. Taplxo?, 6, or TO'

Mulberry, subs. V. /Aopor, TO (-aasoh., (Soph., Frag.).

Frag.). Munch, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Mulct, v. trans. Seejfoe. Therefore Ar. KttTaTpdiyctv, Ar. and V. y

mulcted him in those ten (Eur., Cycl).

talents : P. 810 TOIJTCP TU>V SCKO. Mundane, adj. Connected with
Tijj.Tfjarav (Dem. 862). P. and Y. ai/0pu>7ros, P.
mortals :

Mule, subs. P. ^fuoros, o, or Ar. s, V. ^TOff (rare P.).

6. Of & muk, adj. : P. Municipal, adj. Use P.

team of mules : P. opiKov Public : Ar. and P.
Municipality, subs P. and V.
Muleteer, subs. Ar. and P. 6p<o-
Ko'ftOS, 6. Munificence, subs. Generosity: P.
Mulish, adj. See obstinate. a<t>0ovia, fj, eXcv&ptoTTjff, %. Abun-
Multifarious, adj. P. and V. -n-av- dance : P. <i<0ovia, ^, euTropta, ^.
ToTos, TToiKtXo?, Ar. and P. ?ravTo- Munificent, adj. P. ^tXoScopo?, Ar.
Stwros. Ungrudging : V.
Multifariously, adv, P. m&m : P. and V.
V. 7rtppvros. ,

Multiplication, subs. P. iroXXa- Munificenily, adv. P. <iXo8oip<i>s.

xXacrtWts, ?. Increase : P. afl^o-is ; Abundantly : P. and V.
see increase. (Eur., Frag.).
Multiplicity, subs. P. and V. Munitions of war, subs. P.
7rA.T}0os, TO ; see abundance.

Multiply, v trans. P. TroXXa-TrXa- Murder, subs. P. and V. <oVos, 6,

Increase : P. and V. oxay?7, 17, Ar. and V. <ov<u, at.
see increase. Y. intrans. Commit a murder: V.
Increase : P. and V. av&crQai, pyao-0<u. OCCUSed of
<wdv<r6(LL ; see increase. Swarm : murder : P. !<' Tt,
V. irX-riOtieiv (Plat, but rare P.). (Dem. 548). 2%e o/ murder:
Multitude, subs. <?ra& number : P. \. /uai^ovov /AiJo-05
and V. TrA^flos, TO. Crowtf ; P child murder : V. T/CI/OKT
and V. 3^Xos, 6, o-iwoSos, 17, o-uXXoyo?, Murder of kindred: P.
6,o/uXos, 6, V. 6/jw}yi3pis, 17, 6/uXta, ^. al^ua (Plat.), Y. 2/j.<i5Xov at/jia, at/xa
2%e m^Z^ttwde (contemptuously) : KOLVOV, atyaa yei'eOXiov, avOevrr/^ <^ovos.
P. and V. oxXos, 6, 7rAi}0os, TO, ot jDaws cowcfirmw<7 murder : P.
<^ovtKot vo'juoi.
TriaZ /or murder :
M ultitudinous, adj. P. and V. P.
P. Ar. and Murder, v. trans. P. and Y.
P. Tra/wroXus, V. //.vpt'os (also Plat. fjuai<j)OVLV, Y. ctvSpOKTOvcLV, dvdpco-
but raore P.). -

; see also kill. Met.,

Mum, adj. See silmt. P. X-u/Wv/ecrtfcu. Murder a
Mumble, v. intrans. Ar. (in "
acting) "
: P.
(Dem. 288).
Mummer, subs. Entertainer : use Y. ?r<u8oKTovtv (absoL).
P. and V. 6. Ghwrlatm: V.
murdering :

P. and V.
Blur Mus

Murderer, subs. P. and Y. a y" ctTreti/ ^^cXov /caT* o/i/jia <rdv

6, avro^t/o, 6, av0cvTiri$ 9 6, P. avSpo- (Bur., JfZ. 909). Mibrmwr against

^dvos, 6, V. avro^n/s, 6, auro^OKnys, (a person): V. poOeiv (dat.), crrtppo-
6, dvSpo^dvnys, 6, ax^ayeus, 6, iraXa/4- ^ctv (ace.). Murmur at, be annoyed
3/aios, 6, dv0p<t>7ro/crdvos, 6, /iiat<dvos, at : P. and Y. ax&o-flai (dat.), P.
6. PS a murderer, v. : Y. ftp s <^peiv (ace.), V. iri/cpu)5
(acc.). ^IZZ i/te Argives
V. iraiSo/crdvo9, 6. Murderer of a murmured in assent thereto : V.
father : P. Trarpo^ovos, 6 (Plat.), Ar. ?ravT5 8" ejreppoOTjo-av 'ApyeTot TaSc
TraTpaXoias, 6, V. (Bur., P^oeTz. 1238).
6, 6. Murderer of a Murrain, subs. Use P. and Y. vdo-o?,
mother : P. and Y. 6, ^, vocrrjfLa, TO, Xot/id?, 6.
but rare P.), Muscle, subs. Ar. and P. veupov, rd.
6 (Plat,
V. iLvjTpo$6vTr)<s t 6. Sineiv: Y. TOH/, Strength of .

Murdering one's children, adj. V. body : P. and Y. 17 (Bur.,

Shellfish: Ar. and P.
Murderous, adj. P. <OVIKO'S, Ar and
V. <jS>oivios, V. dvSpo/cTovos (Bur.,
Muscular, adj. Of muscles : P.
Ar. <dvtos see deadly.
; Brawny : P. and V.
Murderous onslaught, subs. : V. see strong.
tfavcforfyioi/ x 'P OJ Ata - Mu/rderous Muse, subs. P. and V. MoSo-a,
hands : Y. x*P S (tyoicrovoi, at. Muse, v. intrans. See meditate.
Murdress, subs. P. and V. Music, subs. Ar. and P.
^, V. /uai(dvo$, ^. ^, Ar. and Y. /*oCcra, ^ (Bur., ^Lfc.
Murkiness, subs. P. and V. 344). Tune : P. and V. /JteXos, TO,
6, or TO. Ar. and V. /o/<as, TO (also fteXwSta, ^. Se^ to music, v. trans. :

Xen but rare P.), o/x^, ^. Murki- P. cvreivtiv see under set. ;

ness of the iwderworld : V. ^os, Musical, adj. Of music: Ar. and

6, Ar. and V. ep/3os, TO. P. juovorucds. Melodious : P.
Murky, adj. P. and V. OVCOTCIVO'S, V. e/x/tcXiJs, Ar. and P. etfpu0/>s, Y.
dtyovo?, pteXwSd?. Skilled in music :
Ar. and P. /lovo-wcds. JPotzd o/
JWurmur, subs. P. and V. ^05, 6. Ar. <IX
Complaint : P. o^erXwxo-fw?, 6. Musical instrument, subs. P. and
P. Kara/Soy, ^, $, 6, V. cJpyavov, TO.
P. and Y. 0dpi5#os, 6. "The confused Musically, adv. Ar. and P.
murmur of Persian speech : V. Melodiously : P. e^^Xo)?,
Musician, subs. Use adj., Ar. and
Pers. 406). Without a mwmwr, P. fJiOVCTLKO?.
Ti use adj., P. and Y. Muslin, subs. Use P. and V.
see r<

Murmur, intrans. P. and Y. Mussel, subs.

v. See muscle.
if/ofawsee whisper.; Complain : Must y v. I use P. and V.
Ar. and P. OT/erXtcLcciv. vpv^cn/. Set /*, ^017 fie, avdyicrj l<rri /xot (or
Murmur of a crowd : Ar. and P. omit ecrrt), cart /xot (or
omit o-rt). This must be the sign
ceased to murmur
words I the of Zeus descending in thunder : Ar.
would fain have spoken to your OVK <jff O7T<l>S TOVT* loTt TO TtpttS OV
face : V. OVTTOT* eeXt/tfravoi' OpvXov (Pax. 42), or use P.
Mus Mut

and V. verbal in TCO?. I wished Mute, adj. P. and Y. &<*>vos,

first to learn what must be done Y. :

irpomoV ?YP2?^01/ ic/Jia#iv TL irpaK- VETO'S, air6<pt/eyKTO<; ; See also

rlov (Soph., E. 1439). You M utely adv. V. ft^om ( JEsch.
0. ,

must have drawn up this indict- 819) see also silently. ;

ment to make trial of w? P. OVK Mutilate, v. trans. Mangle : P. and


CTTIV OTTCOS GPU ... OV^L aTTOTTCLp^ Y. (rrrapacnren/ (Plat.), V. cnrav,

77/jLtov eypai^a) TTjvypaffrrjv ravrrjv /CVCHTTCW, dpra/Letv, StapTafcetv, Ar.
(Plat., uip. 2?E). and Y. 8tacr7rao*0(u, Siacrjrapdcrcretv^
Wrong : P. ictvSweTJorcrtv KCLTafcu'i/en/. Tear in pieces : V.
own children, else I must 3tad>pv, Ar. and Y.
be mad : V. <jkiA.u> /mim>i) TKVCL. Outrage : P. and Y.
fJLO.LVOLfL7JV JCLp O.V (BUT., I. 4. 1256). (ace. or dat.), aua'c<rf<u,
These doctrines must be harmful : (Plat.). Ctoi jparte o/: P.
P. raur &v efy /3A.aep< (Plat., 4p. Frew (aoc.), Met , c& short : P..
30s). and V. <rvrTfj.vw, KoX.ov*iv.
Must, subs. Must of wine : Ar. Mutilated, adj. Use Y. StaorrapaKTos*
Mutilated remains : Y. cnrapay-
Mustard, subs. Ar. VOLT, TO.
Muster, v trans. Collect: P. and Mutilation, subs. Mangling : Y.
OTrapay/AOS, OTrapayjLta, TO Outrage 9

CH^CIV, o~vyKoA.LV, ayetpeiv, P. ill treatment : P. and V. alirfa, ^

Eeview : P. and V. (Plat.), Xo>j&7, T? (Plat.)^
i/. Y. Intrans. P. and V. TO. Cutting up : Y.
o~wep;(O-0ai, onJvurrao-^at. Muster r,
6. Cutting parts offi
to the help of: Ar. and P. OT;/A- P.' TrcptKoinr), 17. Disablement: P.
/JoiyfciV (errf, or ets, ace.).
Muster up, met. P. cryvayctpciv. Mutineers, subs.
i Use Ar. and P.
Muster, subs. P. and Y. or&Xoyos, ot OTcwria^ovres.
6, o-woSos, ^7, V.
ajdpourfjLa, TO. 4ci MutinOUS, adj. P. oraorwDTtico's^
o/ miistermg P. and Y. (ruXXoy?;,
: oTa<ria<mKos see disobedient. ;

17, ajQpoLcris, ^. Eeview : P. Ifercuris, Mutinously, adv. P. o-Ta<ruwrrifeo>s.

^. Gathering the full muster of Mutiny, subs. P and Y. oroo-tsr ^ ;
your friends ; V, rS>v ^>tXcov see revolt.
d^poiVas (Eur., Ion, 663). In Mutiny, v. intrans. Ar. and F.
WMWter; use adv., P. o-racrta^eiv ; see revolt.
wavcrTpaTia, Y. iravo^/Atia. Mutter, v. trans, and absol. Whisper :
Muster roll, subs. Ar. and P. Ax. and P. ifiBvpi&iv. Mwmbl&
(absol.) : Ar. Tov0opvfii>, fiaoTapT;-
Mustiness, subs. Rottenness : P. ^tv. Make a sound (absol.) : P.
and Y. ^O^>LV. Mwrmur : Ar. and)
Musty, adj. P. Qopvpew, ypvfav.
: Ar. and P.
Complain :
Ar. and P. <rxrAiaeiy. MaKe to
Mutability, subs. P. TO low sownd : Ar. and V. pv&w.
Mutable, adj. P. ^ardcrraro^' Ar. Muttering, subs. Noise : P. and V.
and P. dorafl/w/Tos. Fickle : P. and 6. Complaint : P. o^erXia* 9

Y. &rrros; seejfcfcZe. 6. : P. MiwrmMr and Y.

Mutation, subs. Interchange: P. see murmur.
s, o ;

and Y. TmpoAAayiJ, 17, V. 2 Mutton, subs. P. 5pi/eux, T< (Xen.)-

^. Succession : P. and Y. Use
P. and Y. Trpdsr
Mutual, adj.
* Common : P. and V..
Mut Nag
V. w>os. Mutual relations :
Mysteriously, adv. Secretly : P.
P. wpos dAA^Aous xpct'a, (Hat., and V- Aatfpd, Aaflpcuws (rare P.) ;

372A). Want of mutual inter-

. see secretly. Hint mysteriously
course: P. a/u#a aAtaJAaji/ (Thuo. at : Ar. and P. ati/nrr0at (ace.,
1, 3). Mutual destruction : V. or cts ace ), P. wramo-o-co-^ott (ace.),
tfavaros a.vroxp (Bur., PfofiW. 880), \nrocnfjp.aivLV (ace.), TrapaSijAow
P. dAAi7\o<0opt'a, ^ (Plat.). Die by (aco.). Obscurely : P. ao-a<^cos, Ax.
mutual blows : V. Qvya-Ktiv e* xp and V. -TrotKtXco?, V.
(JEseh., Theb. 805), or
^ept (Soph., Ant. Mystery, subs. P. and V.
r6. Dark saying : P. and V.
Mutually, adv. Use P. and V. Trp aLvvypjo., TO, atvty/xos, 6 (Plat.).
Secret: Ar. and P. aTropp^rov, TO,
Muzzle, subs. P. JC^/AOS, 6 (Xen.). or pi., V. fypijTa, T(; see secrei.
Muzzle, v. trans. P. /c^/ww (Xen.), Mysteries, mystic rites : P. and V.
Ar. fa/tow. Met., P. ord/wi (TIVOS), /AuoTiJpia, ra, opyta, Ta, TcA.-^, T<I,

crvppa,TTTLv, V. yXS)<r<rav TWOS ey/cA- T\To4 a2, P. ra /iuo-rt*ca,

av ;
see curb, gag. KOV TcXos (^Esch., ^Va^.). O/
My, adj. P and V. mysteries,
fyufe, adj. : Ar. and V.
V. also
use 4/ids (lit., our). Jwii2a^ tw wysienes, v. trans Ar. :

Myriad, subs. P. and V. /u/ptas, ^ and P. reActv, jituctv. Iw^za^'oTj i

Bacch. 745J, as adj., use P. mysteries, subs. : P. and V. TcXeny,
and V. /wpioi. 17.
Owe tTiftoiec? in mysteries : Ax.
Myrmidons, subs. Henchmen : Ar. and P. /ivonys, o.
and P. 0epdTTovTc?, ot, P. and V. Mystic, adj. Connected with the
ot (Xen.), V. OTrd^ot, ot, mysteries: Ar. and V. /tf&o-TtKos ;
dV<fovs, ot, Trpdo-TToAot, ot ; see see TTM/ster&Ms, magic.
henchman, servant. Mystification, subs. P. and V.
Myrrh, subs. Ar. and V. cr/wpva, ^. ir\.dwj, ; see confusion

Myrtle, subs. P. and V. fjuvp<rtvrj t ^, Mystify, v. trans. P. and V.

see confuse.
Ar. ;

Myrtle berry, subs. Ar. and P. Myth, subs. Story, legend : P. and
V. Aoyos, o, fwQos, 6, ^fJ^t ^> "V.
Ar. P. jUTj^oXdyTy/Aa, TO ; see
Myrtle grove, subs. atvos, 6,

6. Legend. Fiction : P. and V. /LU^OS,

Myself, pron. Emphatic P. and
: 6. Falsehood : P. and V.
V. CWTOS. Keflexive: P. and V. TO.
Sometimes in V. Mythical, adj. P. /w^cuS-gs,
Mythical monsters : P.
Mysterious, adj. Secret : P. and V. yLt/^i;^oXoyo7/tei/at. (Plat.). Met.,
see secret. Obscure : P. false : P. and V.
and V. Mythological, adj. P.
Dark : P. and V. V.
Mythology, subs. P. puQoXoyCa.,
4XO-/CO7TOS, atoXooro/1,09, ra/>ye/jtos,

/)TOS> atvt/cros, Ar. and P. N

6e spoken: P.
&iropprrro<s. Not to Nag, subs. See horse.
be meddled with : P. and V. Nag, v. intrans. Use P. and V.
TOS (Plat.). Iptfctv.
Nag Nar

Nagging, adj. Use

P. and Y. , Eum 8). Having
<IXdi^oyos (Plat.), P. <iXoXo$opos. a false name V. i/rcvSwviS/xos.
: -By
Nail, subs. On the hand or foot : P. a false name : use adv., V. i/revSo)-

and V. owf, 6. For fastening : Ar viJ/ia)s. OaZ^ names, v, see abuse. :

and P. -5X05, 6 (Plat., Phaedo, 880). Be called by a neto name : P.

Rivet : P. and Y. yo>os, 6 (Plat., //.Tovo//,ao-#ai. 7?& Tiame, as
Tim. 43A). Peg for hanging things : opposed to in reality : see
Ar. and Y, wocrcraXos, 6 (Eur., nominally.
Eeracl. 698). Studded with nails, Name, v. trans. Call: P. and V.
adj. Y. d$yo/i,<os.
: /caXeiv, 6voftc^(y, cTrovojULi'^ctv, Xeyctv,

Nailj v. trans. P. TrpooryXovv, Ar. and etiretv, irpocriiriv, irpocrayopeveiv, V.

Y. xpocrTrao-o-oXeveci', Y. tracrara\VLV. WpOCTW7rt,V, KtAcXlJtr/CCtV, JcXjJf 6V
Naive, adj. P. and V. cwrXovs. Xen. but rare P.) see ;

Guileless : P. d*aicos, Ar. and P. Mention : P. and V. Xe

80X05, V. fynp (Soph., Phil. see mention. Appoint : P. and V.
1014). /eo.0io-Tai at, TrpocrTao'O'av; see appoint.
Naively, adv. P. and Y. Name after (a person) : JP. and Y.
Guilelessly : P. dSoXorc. 7rovo/jta^tv (TtvaTtvos) . Named after:
Naivete, subs. P. dTrXdn/s, ^. use adj., P. and Y. eirvvvfjuos (gen.
less ness : P. TO diretpOKaKOv. or dat.). The city shall be named
Naked, adj. P. and Y. yu/^vds. Pern., after you : Y. ITTWW/AO^ 8e crov TroXts
adj. : Y. yu/zvas. Of country, bare : K/cX^<7r<u fEur., El. 1275).
P. iMo's. Desolate: P. and V. Nameless, adj. P. and Y.
Mere, unsupported : P. Inglorious : P. and Y.
?/rtXos. Open, manifest : P. and V. aSo/ctjao?, a^avTj?, d/cXc^s, dva>vvju,o?,
<>avcpos, jx^>av^5. Bare- P. a8oog, V. ^0-^/1,09, Svo-KXe^s (also
faced : P. and V, cWSifc. Xen.). Unspeakable : P. and Y.
Nakedly, adv. ppa2y ; P. and V. dppi7T05, ^iropp^TOs, P. ajjLvOrjTos, V,
and P. <f>a.vpG)$.
0*L<^>(j>s J 6Lwf>civG}s, Ar. d^paoros, Ar. ou <CLTOS, Ar. and V.
Shamelessly : P. and V. ctvaiSois. aywvo/xacrros see unspeakable. ;

Nakedness, subs. Use P. and Y. Namely, adv. Use P. and V. TOVT*

TO yvpvov. Desolation : P. and Y. eo-rt, or Xeyco (I meaTi).

Namesake, subs. One having same

Name, subs. P. and Y. ovofux, TO, Y. name : use adj.,'Ar. and P. 6/ovfyios
/cXTjowi/, ^. ^epzi^a^iow : P. and (gen. or dat.), Y. auTCTwvfyios (gen.).
V. So'^a, 17, ovo/ta, TO, xXeo? (rare P.) Nap, subs. Of cloth: V. t
"\7 /?i._ * J jl_
V. 0a&s, /"T^AyJ
ff ood name :
ij, <&-is, ^
. '

ancL Y. TOKOS, 6, /

P. and V. <i&Va, T<$, ^8o^a, 7j, Ar. 3%e^ are done for, like garments
and V. cu/cXcta, ^, *v8os, TO', V.
^ ; see fame. Have a good name, v. : ot^ovrat
P. and Y. ? axovctv, JcaXai?
Y. *5 /cXuv, /caXo>9 KXvctv. Memory : Nap, subs. Sfegj? : see sZ^ep.
P. and V. fwyiuq, y. Give a name : Nape, subs. Use neck.
P. and V. oi'OfML rf&eatiau Giving Napkin, subs. P. and Y. YctpdfuxKTpov
one's name to : use adj., P. and Y. TO (Xen. and Soph Frag.), Ar. ,

lirwirijfjws (gs&O- By name: use 7)IJLiTvl3lOV, TO.

adv., P. ovo/xaort. Having a like Napping, adj. Met. see off one's ;

: Ar.and P. o/xwvv/ios, Y. guard, under guard.

(rvvwvvfjLos. Having many names : Narcotic, adj. Stilling pain: Y.
Ar. and P. -n-oXutuvfyios. A name
derived from another : Y. Use P. /xavSpayopas,
Narcotic, subs.
Nar Nat

6. Potion : P. and V. Ill-temperedly : P. 8-uo--


Hard, subs. P. and V. pvpov, TO. Nastiness, subs. P.

Narrate, v. trans. P. and V. temper : Ar. and P.
Nasty, adj. P. d^Sofc, P. and Y.
, e&wrciv, Ar. and P. Swyyet- /3a.pv<:. Disgusting : Ar. and P.
crOai, ySSeXvpds. Ill-tempered: P. andY.
sch.). SiJcr/coXos.
the end : P. and V. Natal, adj. P. and V. ycveflAios.
Narration, subs. P. Nation, subs. Foreign nation : P.
Sie'foSos, 17. and V. 0vos, TO. Race : P. and Y.
Narrative, subs. P. and V. Xdyo?, 6, yevos, TO, </>v\ov, TO. Whole body of
A1900S, 6 (Plat.), V. aTvos, 6. citizens: use P. and V. irdXife, 17,
Narrator, subs. Use P. and V. 6 ol iroAlTai. The law of nations : P.
Aeycov, etc. 6 Kotvo? cbravrcov dvflpwTrwv vo/xo?
Narrow, adj. P. and V. orevos, V. (Dem. 639).
orcvoTTopos. Met., P. National, adj. Public, general : P.
illiberal :
/uicpo'i/ajxos. Narrow means:
P. and V. /cowds, P. o^/jtorcXi}?. As
and V. Trcvia, ^, cwropia, y ; see opposed to foreign : P. and Y.
poverty. Have a narrow escape
from : use P. and V. /jidXis 0vye/ Nationalise, v. trans. P. S^/MVCLV.
(ace.). So narroiv was ymr escape : Nationality, subs. P. and Y.
V. 8* 2/V M
frpov (Bur., H. F.
' /*!
what nn fiM n i*4nt

630). So narrow an escape had interr. adj. P. and V. :

Mitylene : P. -n-apa TOO-OVTOI/ Indirect P. :

MvTiA.7/ny 7/A.0C /ctiSwou (Thuc. Native, adj Inborn: P. and V.

3, 49). Iliad a narrow escape from I/JU^VTOS (Eur., Frag.)> O-U/X^VTOS^
being killed : P. Trapa V. lyyc^ys, o-vyyevijs, <ruyyotos.
aTToOwtiv (IsOjC. 388B). Opposed to foreign : P. and V.
Narrow, v. trans. P. and V. ,
P. c^S^fto?, V.
down: P. and V. in &
V. intrans. P. and V. 9 : P. and V. lyx<>pios,

_ l j, vro7To? (Plat.). According:
Narrowly, adv. With difficulty, to your native customs : V. icara

only, just : P. and V. /xo'Ats,

Ar. and P. x^*7 * ; see uner 390). Unhewn (of rock in its
Narrowly escape: see
difficulty. native state) : V. acrK7rapvos, ofecrros,
under narrow. Minutely : P. and avrdicTtros.
V. Kplois. Native, subs. Citizen : P. and Y.
Narrow-minded, adj. P. jroAtrtys, 6, doT-d?, o. JTZ^O^^W^ ;
Narrow-mindedness, subs. P. P. and Y. of/c^Tcop, 6, 0^17717^, 6
fUKpoifrvxh i paxw7? 7^(0/417? (Plat.)
Be a
(Thuo. 3, 42). native of, v. : see inhabit. Natives,
Narrowness, subs. P. indigenous inh ibitants : P. and V.
Wbtwi oy room ; P.
Narrowness of means : see poverty. Native land, subs. P. and V. Trow-pfe,
Narrow-mindedness : P. /uKpoifo 17,
Ar. and Y. iron-pa, 17, Y. lorrio^xos
y. Minuteness : P. d/cp^ia, 17. yata, T/. Of one's native Imd, adj. :
Narrows, subs. P. and V. P. and Y. TTCLT/HOS, iraTpyos.
6, V. orcFtuTTO?, ?? ;
see 5ira Nativity, subs. See bvrtfi, birthday.
Nastily, adv. Unpleasantly: P. Natty, adj. See neat.
Nat Nav
Natural, adj. Opposed to artificial :
P. cOTo^wfc (of a harbour). Not rov Q.Tra.vr<*v i/at
(Plat., Ap.
produced by external agency : P. 3lB).
and V. avro/wtros. He awaits his Naught, subs. P. and V.
natural end : P. TOV ^?78ci/, ourt (rare P.), p^rl (rare P.).
&O.VCLTQV irpifjievi (Dem. 296). Im- Bring to naught, v. trans. P. and V. :

planted by nature : P. and Y. dvaLipeiv, KaQaipelv see destroy. How


ju,<vros (Eur., Frag.) O~U/^^>T;TOS, Y.

we are brought to nought : V. o>s c? TO
eyycvijs, oTjyycv^s, cn/yyovos. Reason- //.ijScv T^KO^CV (Bur., jffec. 622).
able, to be expected : P. and Y. Come to naught : V. &rl pyStv
ticws, euXoyos. As is natural : P. Ipxccr^at; BQGfail, perish. Set at
and Y. o>s CIKOS, Ar. olov CIKOS. 2%^ naught : P. and V. Ka.Ta.<t>povv
is neither reasonable nor natural : (ace. or gen.), vTrep^pov^lv (aco.
P. OVT euXoyov OVT' ^ov CCTTL <TKTH/ see : P.
gen.) ; despise. Disregard
TOUTO yc (Dem. 25). Simple, un- and V. ap.\lv (gen-)' *rfy>a/Ae\tv
studied : P. and Y. dirXovs. (gen.), KaTa/tXtv (gen.), P. vo8ei/i
Naturalise, v. trans. Introduce: Xoya) iroteicr^at, V. St' ouoVvos
P. and Y. cto-^epeiv; see implcmt. L, &K7j$W (gen.) 866 cKs-;

Naturalised alien, subs. : P. and

V. /A6TOWCOS, O, Or i}. adv. Ar. and P. veavw

Y. c^uo'ci.
adv. %?mtare P. and P. and
According to nature i Naughtiness, subs. P. and V.
P. /cara ^UCTLV. W^/urnf external u.#pts, 17, P. and Y. KaKi7, 17.
interference : P. cwr6 P. and V. K
Naughty, adj.
expected: P. and Y.j Mischievous: Ar. and P.
Unaffectedly : P. Nausea, subs. Loathing : P.

and Y. dTrXoi?. jtf^/

one's own\ ^. Satiety : P. and V. xopos, 6
^powers : P. and Y. oco0v (Plat.), 77X9707*0107, 17 (Plat.). Suffer
Natural phenomena, subs. P. vadrj, from nausea (sickness), v. Ar. and :

r<L (Plat.). P. vavrtav (Plat.).

Natural philosopher, subs. P. Nautical, adj. P, and Y. vavrwcoY
cjkwrioXoyos, 6 (Arist.). Acquainted with the sea : P. and
Natural philosophy, subs. P.
<^uo-toXoyta, 17 (Arist.). Naval, adj. *P. and V. vawfrcfe.
Natural ties, subs. P. and Y. Naval force
P. v^tT^s crrpa/ros, 6

(Time.). JftwaZ station: P. and

Nature, subs. P. and V. Averts, Y, vaixrra#//.ov, TO (Bur , jB&6S.) ;
Created things : P. see harbour.
(Plat.). The world : P. KOO-/X.OS, 6. Nave, subs. -Nbwe o/ a w/ieeZ : V.
Disposition P. and V. rporros, o, i, at, or use Y. cniptyf ,

^05, TO, ^ilcrts, 17. ^m(?, cZass : P. Navel, subs. P. and V.

and V. ya/os, 6. O/ what nature, (Plat,)
interr. aij. P. and V. -n-otos ; Navigable, adj. Fit for navigation :

indirect: P. and V. oTrotos. Oj P. -TrXcoi/^os, Y. TrXaio-t/AOS.

a waiwre, adj. P. and :
Navigate, v. trans. Steer P. and
os, rotocrSc. By nature P. V. idJ^epvav, Ar. and V. i

and V. <i$(m. 5ein^ ill-starred by Sail over : P. and V. TrXetv (aoc.). '

nature : V. onryyevois STJOTITVOS o>v Absol., take to the sea : P. :

(Bur , H. F. 1293). It isn't human Navigation, subs. Steering : P.

nature that I should ham neglected
all my own affairs : P. ou
yap Voyage : P. and V.
Nav Nee

manship : P. j/auriAia, %. When (absol ,

or with dat).
navigation became more feasible; Bring near : V. xP Awrrtv ( T ^ t/
P. 77897 7rA.a>i/Aa>Tpa>v ovrtov (ThllO, Dwelling near the : V. city, adj.
1,7). dyxrroXis. JTear (m relationship :
Navigator, subs. P. and V. Kvfap- P. and V. eyyiis (gen.). Bound
vrjrqs, 6 ;see pilot. about : P. and V. -n-ept (ace.), Y.
Navvy, subs. Use labourer. (ace.) (rare P.).
Navy, subs. Ar. and P. vauTi/coV, TO, Near, v. trans. Approach . P. and
or use P. and V. vfjcs, at. V. Trpocrepxeo-flat (xpos, ace , V. also
Nay, adv. P. and V. 01 dat. alone), P. Trpoo-xwpet^ (dat.),
Nay more : P. and V. V. xA.aiv (or pass.) (dat.) (also
rather : P. and V. dAAa p-fa, //,/ Xen. but rare P.), ir\.7)<ridea-6ai
oft/. Nay but : P. and V. dAV oflv. (dat.), /wreA.aeiv (or pass ), (gen.
Near, adj. P. 6>opos, P. and V. or dat.), cyxpt/jwrrav (dat ),
Ar. and V. TrA^o-ibs, (dat.), Ar. and V. T
v, yeiTtov (rare P. as adj.), tee approach.

or use adv. ; see also Nearly, adv. Ar. and P. P.

neighbouring. Close even: P. and
oXiyov Setv, juuKpov, P. and V.
V. toroppOTTOs, P. dvTi7raXo9- Short -4ZZ but : P. and V. otrov
as a near way : P. and V. <ruV oo-ov About, with numbers:

TO/XOS. Mean, stingy : Ar. and P. P. /x,oA.urra, a>s, or use prep., P.

<ei8o>A.o's. jWear relationship : P. t
(acso.), Trcpt (ace.), P.
and V.
dvayjcata oruyyei/cia, 77 ; see under Closely : see closely.
Tiear, adv. Nearest (of relation- Nearness, subs. Nearness of
ship) : V. ayxrros. Owe's Tiearest relationship : see relationship.
arw2 dearest : P. and V. TO. ^tXrara. Neat, adj. Orderly : P. and V.
J*7iear sighted : see under sfoorfl. eu/cocr/jLos, jcooyuos. Unmixed (of
Near, adv. P. and V. eyyife, TrX^cribv, wine : P. and V. d/cpai-os, Ar. and
TreXas (rare P.), O/AOU (rare P.), Ar. V. 6uo>pos. Clever, well devised :
and V. cwnrov, V. dyyou (Soph., P. and V. KO/^OS, Ar. and P.
Frag.), eyyvOw. From near at
hand : P. and V. eyyu^cv. Almost : Neatherd, subs. See herdsman.
see nearly. It is impossible for the Neatly, adv. In an orderly way:
city to exact an adequate retri- Ar. and P. Gleverty :
bution or anywhere near it : P. Ar and P. ais, P.
OVK vi TIJ TrdXet S^v clftttv XaftelvNeatness, subs. P. and V.
ouS* eyyvs (Dem. 229). Near akin 17,
Ar. and P. Kooyuor^s, .

to : V. dy^tcriropos (gen.) Nebulous, adj. Obscure : P. and V.


Frag.). By relationship each was see o^sc^e. Cloudy : P.

nearer to each than I: P. Ar. -Trcptvc^cXos. ,

Necessarily, adv. P. and V.

(Dem. 321). /caia>9, P. ^ar" dvay/cT/v. .Zty

Near, prep. P. and V. eyyis (gen.

or straint: P. and V. ai/ay/c#,
dat.), 6fwv (dat.) (rare P.),
(dat.), &rf (dat.), V. ^'Xois (gen.), Necessary, adj. P. and V.
(gen.), ayxc (gen.), Ar. and KCUOS. Ji is necessary : P. and V.
V. fonrov (gen.). Siawd near, v. : Set, XP 1
?* XP < V (rare
P ') ^ay/oy,
P. and V. irapttrrao-^at (dat. or Svay/oy ccrn, .avayKawv ecrrt, 5vay-
absol), l<t>L<TTacr0ai (dat., or 7r . Necessaries : P. and V.
dat., or absol.), wpoo-t'oTaaflai Cdat ato, ra Seorra, P. TO, &T4-
or absol.). J50 ?jfiar; P. and V.

Nee Neg

Necessitate, v. intrans. Require, P. and Y. eAAct'irciv (gen.), &ro-

have need of: P. and V. Beio-Oat. AeMreo-0<u (gen.), V. X&iecffOai

Compel : P. and V. avay- (gen.). Needing : also V. use

Kaiv see compel.
; KcxprjfjLfvos (gen.). .Need
z?i addition :

Necessitous, adj. P. and V. irei/^s, P. irpocrSelcrOai (gen.). TOM weed

&ropo?; see poor. Be necessitous, wo : use P. and V. ov Set re (infin.).
V. P. d.7ropa>s 8iaKtor0ai.
Needful, adj. Necessary : P. and
Necessity, snbs P. and V. cu/a V. avay/catos. If it is needful : P.
Need: P. and V. and Y. el Set, et Tt Set. WTia* is
Necessities : P. and V. TO, needful : P. and V. TO ScW,"
(V. ravayicatd). Seovra. Lacking : P. and Y. f
Neck, subs. P. and V.
s, :6.P. and V.
Throat Neediness, subs. P. and V.
V. ScpTy, 7), Ar. and V.
t, a!, 17, TTcvto, ^
see poverty.

s, 6, or pi. Neck of land : Needle, subs. P. pa<fe, ^ (late).

P. and V. to-0/Aos, 6, 6 (Xen. d^, Needless, adj. 7oiw, useless : P.
and Eur., El. 1288). jBrea& orae's and V, /AciTatos, avuKJteXrjs see wse- ',

neck, v. Ar. :
cjcrpa^A/fco-^at. P. and V.
Stiff-necked, adj. see obstinate. : see excessive.
Necklace, subs. P and V. oppos, 6 Needlessly, adv. Use P. and V.
(Eur., Frag.), Y. Se/wua, T<; see ooSeV Seov (there being no necessity).
also coZZar. Uselessly : P. and V. pAnqv, 5AAws,
Necromancer, subs. V. ^ayeoyos, Y. /mTaicDs. Excessively : P. and
6; see magician. V. 7repio~0-ois ; see excessively.
Necromancy, subs. Use magic Needlework, subs. Embroidery ;
Practice necromancy, v : Ar. and P. and Y. wotKtX/ta, TO.
P. (/aJ^aywycti/. Needy, adj. P. and Y.

Nectar, subs. Ar. and P. vcVrop, TO. V. xpctos see poor.


Need, subs. P. and V. XP "*> n- Nefarious, adj. P. and V.

acfe : P. and V. o-7ravis, y, aTropta, irovrjpos, ^vdo-to?, /xtapo?,
^, epi7/z/a, ^, P. IvScta, 17, V. ^xrjvia., Ka/coiJpyos, -Travovpyo?.
17. Poverty : P. and V. Tren'a, ^, Nefariously, adv. P. and V.
a?ropta, 17, P. ei/8ez, ^. W/tfli ^s ato*j(ptos, Ar. and P. /uapco?, wavovp-
needful : P. and V. TO Seov, Ta ya>s, P. KO.KQvpry(a<s, Y. avoo-tcos.
Necessity : P. and V. Nefariousness, subs. P. and V
Difficulties : P. and V.
irmrrjpitL, y see wickedness.
J?j ^??^ of need : P. and P. d7ro<ao-is,
Negation, subs. 7
V. V T<3 Seovrt, V. ev Scorrt. T/iere (Flat.). Stationariness signifies.
of, v. P. and V. Bel (gen.).
: the negation of motion : P. -^ crrdcris
& need of: P.
further d7ro<^ao"t9 TOU terat /3ovh.rai clvai.

(gen.). Be in need of: see (Plat, Ora^. 426D). DemaZ : P.

need. Be in need, be poor : P. and V. aDV77o*ts, 17.
and V. 7revc<r0ai, ^Tropctv. Needs : Negative, adj. Answer in the nega-
P. and V. Ta avay/caia (V. Tavay- tive : P. and V. ov <t>fvat, ov <a<neetv,
/cata), TO Scov, TO. Seovra. airo^avat. De?l?/ P. and Y.
Need, v. trans. P. and V.
(gen.), V. vaTttv (gen.), see deny.
(gen.). Lack : P. and V. Negative, v. trans. Not to accept :
(gen.) (also pass, in V.), P. and V. ov
(gen.), P. evSelj/ (or mid.) (gen.), V. Neglect, v trans. P. and V.
(gen.). Be deficient in: (gen.), Trapa/AcXctr (g6n.),
Neg Nef

(gen. or absol.), irapepx^oLi ; see (dat., or Trpds, ace.), P.

disregard. Leave on one side : P. <r6ai irpos (ace.). Since in spite of
and V. TrapoXciWiv
TrapZei/ai prolonged negotiations they obtained
(aoc.), avlwai (aco.). Despise : P. no satisfactory settlement from the
and V. KaTa<t>povv (aoc. or gen.), Athenians : P. ri&?
&rp<povelv (aco. or gen.), P. CK TTOXXOU 7TpCXO-CrOVT5
oXiywpeZv (gen.) ; see despise. Let go uc. 1, 58).
by : P. and V. a<I/ai. Neglected : Negotiator, subs. Use P. and V.
use also P. and V. inp/AcAqro? 6 irpdo-orw. Envoy : P.
(Xen.), V. Sfny/ieA-ty/Aevos. 6, pi. P. and V. irpearfais, ol. Go-
Neglect, subs. P. d/Ae'Xeia, 17, 0X1- between P. SictyyeXos, 6. .

ycopia, ^, P.
and V. pyOv/Jiia, TJ. Negro, subs. Use adj., P. j

Want of practice : P. or /xeXas av^pcoTros.

Nero, adj. V. //,eXa/A/?poro$ (Bur.,
Neglectful, adj. Ar. and P.
P. and V. p0I>os ; see careless. Neigh, v. intrans. P.
Neglectfully, adv. P. Neigh, subs. Ar. xp^eriayAos,
d/*eXo>s, 6, P.
paQvfMw, oXiywpcos ; see heedlessly. and V. ^pvay/ia, TO (Xen.).
Negligence, subs. P. and V. Neighbour, subs. P. and V.
P. or donruyeiTO)!/, o, or ^ (rare P.)>
^ 6, 17,

or use adj., P. and V.

17, dqf>uAaia, 17.

Negligent, adj. Ar. and P. ^ Trapowcos, P. o/xopos,

P. d<pdvri<rros (Xen.), direpurK irpdo-otKOS, V. CTTOWCOS.
P. and V. pa^v/Aos; see heedless. &or (in the widest sense) P. and :

Bemiss: P. and V. avi/Avos, Ar. V. 6 Tr^yo-iov, o TTcXa?. Owe's neigh- ,

and P. /AoXcUds, Ar. and V. bour at table : P. 6 TOpafca0idju,vos.

O/ one's guard : P. and V. J3e a neighbour, v. : Ar. and P.
Xa/cros, a<pa/cros (Thuc.). yetrviav, P. irapoiKeiv.
Negligently, adv. P. Neighbour, v. trans. P. and V-
paOv/jLws, P. and V. -yctToveiv (dat.) (Plat,
but rare P.),
(Xen.), V. d^paor/zdvoos ; see also Ar. and P. yctn/tav (dat.), P. srapoi-
slackly. Kctv (dat.) ;
see border on.
Negotiate, v.
Neighbourhood, subs. The country*
trans. P.
o-0ai Trcpt (ace.) ,
P. and V,
round : use P. and V. ^ Wptf yi}
(ace.). Negotiate 'a thing with a neighbours : P. and V. ot
person : Ar. and P. -xp-rjpa.T^iv (dat. cs see neighbour. In the ;

of pers. Trepi gen. of thing)

, Absol. neighbourhood of: see new.

P. Xdyous irotcior^at. Negotiate with : Neighbouring, adj. P. and V.

P. and V. frpdarareiv (dat.). X<i)pO?, TTapOL/COS, P. 0/XOpO?, 7Tp6(TOlKOSj.
who negotiated this peace : P. ol Ar. and P. irX.rj<ru$x<i)pos, V. y-nw
(rare P. as adj.), dcrriJytra>v (not

(Isoe., 78A). Pan. adj. in P.), tnryyeirtov, dyxtrcp

Negotiation, subs. Transaction of neighbouring islands :
business P. -rrpayaaTCia, w.
: O(W-
ference9 talk : P. and V. Xoyot, ot. Neighbourless, adj. V.
Sending heralds : P. Neighbourly, adj. P. and V.
, V. CTTuoypticcu/jtaTa, ra. (Xen.).
into negotiations with : P. Xayovs Neither, adj. P. and V. .

7rpoor<f>4pLV (dat.), P. and V. lur., Pfeoew. 54=5 ; Or. 1577), P..

(dat., or is, or absol.)

states : Ar. and P. Neither . . , nor, conj. P. and V-
Nem New
OI/T . . . ,
ov&c. escaped from the midst of the net :
V. IK /jteVaJV apjoHrraTcoi' wpoucrcv
.Nemesis, subs. See retribution. (^Ssch., J574m. 112). Surround
Personified P. and V. 'ASpcwrreia,
: mith a net, v. : P. Trepioroix^crtfcu,
4 (Plat., Eej>. 46lA), V. Nrf/wcrw, 4. V. 7rpMrTl)(l'H/.
Nephew, subs. P. d8eA<iSovs, 6. Net, v. trans. P. and V. aipctv, P.
Nerve, subs. In physical sense P. :

vcupov, TO (late). Courage : P. and Net, adj. CZear q/ deduction: P.

V. 6dp<ro$, TO, 0pacro9, TO, ^povTy/wx,
TO, 05/ws, 6, Ar. and V. Xijpia, TO. Nether, adj. V. WpT pos, P. and V.
Nerves (feelings generally) : use P. X^oVtos (Plat, but rare P.), or use P.
and V. i^x7/* ^. and V. 6 KCLTO), 6 /caTo>0ev, V. 6 evepQe,
Nerve, v. trans. Encourage : P. and 6 /COLTO, x^ovos. Tfce nether world,
V. Oapcrivew, 0/wurCi/eiv, P. rippo>- subs. P. and V. "AtSiys, 6.
: JVe^er
vuvoi. darkness : Ar. and V. pe/3os, TO, V.
.Nerveless, adj. TPioi : P. and V. ^os, 6.
do-0i/i7s, Use P. and V.
V. avap0pos, vypos, SvaX/as. Nethermost, adj.
Met., remiss : Ar. and P. ^SXaicos,
Ar. and V. /LoXtfaKo's. Nettle, subs. Ar. aK
Nervous, adj. Cowardly : P. and Nettle, v. trans. P. and V.
V. SeiXos, 2roA/u>9, V. aijrvx * > Ar. and V. KVL&W ; see annoy.
see cowardly. Afraid, fearful : Network, subs. Use P. TrXey/wt, TO.
P, TrepjSciJs, ir A network of: use V. TrcplJ3o\a.L al 9

Vigorous : P. and l V
(gen.), ffcpiTmjxcu, al (gen.), d/^>i-
07&0) nervOUS ; P. ^crrpa (gen.).
Ttv Neutral, adj. Impartial : P. and V.
Nervously, adv. P. TrcpiSccis, 5e neutral, v, ; P.

Nervousness, subs. P. and V.

<oj&>s, 6, Sct/jto, TO, Seos, TO see/ear. Neutrals : P.;

.Nescience, subs. See ignorance, Neutralise, v. trans. Bender invalid :

Nest, subs. Ar. and P. veocrcria, 17, V. P. aicvpov KO.Biorro.vai.
A.CXOS, TO, tfJOTV^aTO, TO. TTilSp's Neutrality, subs. Use P. TO
wesi Ar. and V. <r^/cta, 17. PJace
o/ retreat : P. and V. KaTcL^uy?}, ^. Never, adv. P. and V. OUTTOTC, /xr;7roT,
Nestle, v. mtrans. Zre : P. and V. Ar. and P. ouS&nxrc,
Kr0at. ^iite to, 0/m0 io : P. and Never yet: P. and V.
V. 2xo-&u (gen.), dvTXo-^at (gen.)
Nestling, subs. P. and V. vfoo-oro?, Nevertheless, oonj. P. and V. o/os,
6, Ar. veoVo-iov, TO. fJLVTOl, V. I/WTO,?.
Net, subs. jPor jfe^w^ ; P. and V. New, adj. P. and V. Wos, /catvo's, Ar.
rSi'/cTuov, TO'
(Plat.). For hunting: and V. yfox/AOS, V. veo/coTO?, vewpiys,
P. and V. TO (Plat.), /3po>5,
St'KTuov, WopT05, TTOTatvtos. Additional, other:
6 (Plat.), fyjcfe, ^ (Plat.), V. P. and V. oXXos. Fresh, recent:
A/A^tjSXTyoTpov, TO, aypeu/Aa, TO. Met., P. and V. 7rpoo-<aTOS, P. vrroyutos.
V ap/cfc, 17, aypeufJLa, TO ; see also
. jNisw; to,WTzaccwstomecZ to : P, 0,^775
ioife. The man is caught in the (gen.). Inexperienced in : P. and
net: V. avyp cs /3oAx>v /ca^tWaTat V. ^Trctpos (gen.). J.d[qp^ wezw
(Bur ,
^accfe. 847; of., Ehes. 730). manners : V. /^ap/xoom Tpowous
Bei/i^ caught within the net of fate: Wovs (2BsoL, P. 7. 309). Bew
V. vro5 . . oiKra /AOpo-ifLftH/ dypev-
your new yoke V. /catvurov:

(JBsch., Ag. 1048). ^^7. 1071).

New Nia

New-born, adj. P. and V. ayyeA./*a, Ar. and P. dyyeXi'a, see

17 ;

(Plat.), V. vcoyovos, veoyvos. message. Bumour, report : P. and

New-comer, subs. See stranger. V. ^7/07, 17, Xoyos, 6, V. j8o|ts, ^,
New comers : P. ol cVcX^ovrcs. , /cA.05, TO, Ar. and V.
New-fangled, adj. P. and V. , o, <#ciTts, ; see tidings. News,
Newly, adv. P. and V. veW, of: P. ayyeAia, ^ (gen.). Bringing
Just now: P. and V. vvv, good news, adj. : Y. euayycXos.
Ar. and P. o/aosi
, "V. 5rmr/ gfood news, v. Ar. and P. :

evayyeXL^ecrdau Sacrifices offered

Newly-bought, adj. Ar. for good news, subs. : Ar. cSoyy&ia,.
Newly-CUt, adj. Ar. VCOK T<. Bringing bad news, adj ; V.
Newly-dealt, adj. Of blows: V. /ca/cayyeAos.
: P. and V.
VOTO/JlOS. Next, adv. j^ear eyyi5s ;
Newly-delivered, adj. Having just see near. After this or that : P.
brought forth : V. VCOTO/COS. and V. cvrcvdev, en-tira, clra. Next
Newly-enriched, adj. Ar. and P. in order : P. and V. I^Js.
Next, prep. jWsar : P. and V. cyyiis
Newly-established, adj. Of a oity : (gen. or dat.) see near. Alongside

of settlers : P. of: P. and V. -n-aipd (dat.). #&ztf
veoKaracrraTOS. io: Ar. and P. !fj}s (gen. or dat.).
Newly-flayed, adj. P. veoSapro? Be next to : P. ex<r0ai (gen.). Se^
(Xen.). TlfifCi to : Ar. and P. -Trapo/ca^otfat
Newly-fleshed, adj. Of a sword: V. (dat.). JN^aJi io, almost, met. : P.
veoppctvros. and V. cr^cSoi/.

Newly-flowing, adj. V. vcoppSTos. Next, adj. Of time : P. and V.

Newly-gotten wealth, subs. V. 6 rto>y, P. 6 fiViytTvo/acvos. Ow the-

apriirXovra Ypij/iara. next day : P. 777 vorcpatot, rg n-

Newly-killea, adj. V. vcocr^ayjfc. ytyvo/Aewy ^epp, V. Burepq. (Soph.,
Newly-made, adj. P. vcovpyos, V. 0. B. 782). ^eflJi m or^er : P. ^.

^>^5$, 6 !#5s, 6 exofjic^o?. Be next

Newly-married, adj. V. of km, v. : P. and V. fyyrfraTa,
VedS/ATyTOS, VCoS/jLI??; ya/ovs elvat (of , also Ar., Av. 1666),
P. dyYi<rrvew. fF^e w^a?^ world :
Newly-plucked, adj.
see unaer world.
Newly-reported, adj. V. Next best, adj. P. and V.
Newly-shed, adj. Of b V. 2%0 nea;^ ^asi Mng : P.
TrXous, 6 (Plat., Philebus, 19o).

Newly-sown, adj. V, Nibble, v. trans. Ar. vepiTpwycLv ;

Newly-traced, adj. Of footsteps: see rnaw;. Nibble at : Ar. 7rap-

(gen.), Traparpaiyetv (gen.).
Newly-trapped, adj. V. vsotperos. a caste o/: P. and V. ycueotiaL.
Newly-whetted, adj. V. (gen.).
Newly-yoked, adj. V. Nice, adj. Pleasant : P. and V.
vofu (Eur., Frag.). peernfe, $5i5$. Charming : Ar. and!
New moon, subs. Ar. and P. P. xfyws, acrTero?. Subtle, refined :
P. and V. /co/ii/roff. Accurate: P.
Newness, subs. P. and V. cucpI/Jifc. P.
News, subs. P. and V. viov Svcrxcp^s, Ar. and P. Be-
Intelligence : P. and V.
. nice, fastidious, v. P. and V. :

rj (Thuo. but rare P.), V. Ironically P. aaad V. :

7. Message: P. and V.

Nicely, adv. Well: P. and V. Debate by night, v. : V.

cil, /coXGs. Accurately : P. and V. (or mid.) (ace.). At night-
Pleasingly : P. and V. fall : P. UTTO vv/cTa. Mid-night :

s, P. xap^^s- Neatly : Ar. Ar. and P. /xeom vo/crcs, at (Fesp.

and P. Ko/u/rus. 218). Far into the night : P. -jroppo)

"Niceness, subs. Charm: P. andV. Toiv wKToiv. Pass the night, v.

X^/HS, 17. Accuracy : P. intrans. : P. and V. auX#o-0cw, Y.
fj. Subtlety : P. vv^euetv (Eur., JSfees.). ^IZ? mgffei ;

Fastidiousness: P. and V. use adj., V. Q

-ira.w\>x *- Appearing
ac night, adj. : V. wfcTt^avros.
Nicety, subs. See niceness. To a Haunting terrors of the night : Y.
nicety : use adv., P. and Y. dicpZ/3a>s. vuicTwrXay/cra Sci/iara. Protected by
Niche, subs. Use Ar. and Y. /A^XOS, night, adj. : V. vu/crt^po
6 (rare P.). Wandering by night: Ar.
Nick, subs Nick of time : P. and
Y. fcatpos, 6. In the nick of time : P. Nightly, adj. Ar. and P.
and Y. /catpw, a/ KaipQ, ev TW Seovri, Ar. and V. vvxrcpo?, vi5^tos, Ar.
1? 8OV, V KaXu>, 15 KoXoV, P. U-
V. Innj^ ?. Nightly
Kcupw?, Y. Trpos icatpov, irpos TO /ca/ptov, festival, subs. : Ar. and P. Traw^fe,
V SeOVTtj t9 dpTCKoXXoV, t5 ^. Celebrate a nightly festival, v. :

/catptW (also Xen.). Ar. Traia/u^^tv (absol.).

"Nickname, subs. Ar. and P. Nightmare, subs. Use vision,
Nickname, v. trans. P. and Y. Nightingale, subs. P. and Y.

Niece, subs. Ar. and P. Nimble, adj. P. and V.

*- (Xen.), Ar. and Y. V.
.Niggardly, adj. Ar.and P. Xat^po's. Stri/i; P. andY.
IveXeuflcpos. Greedy of money : P. Ar. and Y. 0oo's, wKrs, Y.
and Y. aKrypoKcpSifc, <tXapyi5pos. see swift.
Scanty : P. Y. Nimbleness, subs. P.
.Meow, shabby : P. and (Plat.). Quickness : P. and V.

Y. TCL^OS, TO, V. <u* \

Niggardliness, subs. Ar. and P Nimbly, adv. V. /eou'<a)s, Ar. IXa-

4ei8<oAi, ^, P. and V. ^>pois.
(rare P.) (Eur., Greed of Nine, adj. P. and Y.
money : P. and Y. awrxpoicepSeia, ^. Nine hundred, adj. P.
Scantiness : P. and V. crTrdtvts, 17. Nineteen, adj. P.
Shabbiness : P. ^auXonys, ^. Ninety, adj. P. CVC
Nigh, adj. and prep. See near. Ninth, adj. P. and Y. &&TOS (Soph.,
Night, subs. P. and Y. & ^, Y. El 707).
cu<povi7, T?. Darkness : P. and V. Nip, v. trans. Press : Ar. and P.
O-KOTOS, 6, or TO; see darkness. 0X iv. Q
Jffi^ (of cold): use P.
, adj.
Ar. and V. vvjcrepo
: /cactv.
Nip in the bud : P. and Y.
cuos, Ar. and P.
ru/crcptvos, Ar. atpav, KaOaipeiv, avaipetv. JN"^p a
At dead of night : see conspiracy in the bud : P. icara-
under dead. J5^ ?z^t : P. and Y.
TFAow m2wi I meet ? By Nipple, subs. P. #17X17, ^ Ar. and P., 3

-night or by day ? Y. T$ <ruyyei/o)/xat; s, 6, Ar. mOiov, TO. Breast:

17 *ca^* rjpcpav (Eur., jSZ. 603). P. and V. /ICMTTOS, 6 (Xen. but rare
i battle, subs. : P. p.).
Nit Nom
Nitre 5 subs. and P. Xirpov, TO.
Ar. Nod, subs. P. vcufML, TO; see signal.
No, adv. P. and V. ov, ofo, Noise, subs. Shouting : P. and V.
JJKLOTCL, jJKurrd. yc. Say no : P. and Oopvftos, 6, ^017, 17, P. 0pous, 6, V.
V. ov <jbavai ; see deny. No thank icAaSos, 6 see shout.
; Noise of
you : Ar. KaXXurr c?ratvoj (Earn,. 508), animals : P. and Y. ^Gey^a., TO
w&ii jcaAais (E<w. 512). (Plat.), <0oyyos, 6 (Plat.), Y. 017,

No, adj. P. and Y. oi&ts, /^Se/s, 17, <0oyy?7, y- Inarticulate sound :

ovrts (rare P.), /x^is (rare P.). No P. and Y. i/ro'^os, 6, ^17, ? (Plat,
longer : P. and V. ou/cert, p^Kert. but rare P.), /criwros, 6 (Plat, and
Nobility, subs. High birth : P. and Thuc. but rare P.) (also Ar.), V.
V. ywaionq$ %, TO ycwaiov, euyeycto,
t y&po//.o?, 6, BOVTTOS, 6 (also Xen. but
77 (Plat.). Eminence : P. and V. rare P.), payftos, 6, apayftaTa, 6,
TlfM7, 17, d$a>/<ux, TO, So'a, 17. Nobility Ar. ana Y. -n-aTayos, 6. Make a
of character : P. and V. ycwato-nys, noise, v. :P. and Y. i/ro^ecv (absol.),
TO yci/vcuov, Ar. and P. dvSpayaflia, P. iffo^ov TTOULW (Thuc. 3, 22) ; see
P. /AyoAo<poo-w7, 17. Nobility also cr^, s^owi, resound.
of appearance : P. and V. o-ejuvorqs, Noise abroad, v. trans. P. and Y.
4. 5%e nobility, the nobles : use e/c<epav, StaoTrcipetv, Ar. and Y.
P. 01 Swa-TUTO/TOl. 0potv, orTrctpctv, P. 8ta(9poiv (absol.).
Noble, adj. Of birth P. and : .Be noised abroad : P. and Y.
V. yo'vaios, cuyo/ijs, Ar. and Y. uo'Ocu, OLp-^<r&aLj P. 8ta(9puA.-
IcrtfAos, V. Aa/Mrpos & ycvos. (Xen.),Y.
JE/WZT^Wi : P. and V. Noiseless, adj. Y. <

!>8ooS, O&oXoyOS, see gme.
Celebrated : P. and V. Noiselessly, adv. P. d^o^Tt, Y.
6VO/ZOXTTOS, ; see quietly.
famous. Of character : P. and V. Noisily, adv. Use P. /-CCTCI 0opv(3ov.
, xprjoros, KaXo;, P. Noisiness, subs. Use P. TO
Ar. and V. r0A.os,V.
Of appearance :
Noisome, adj. P. and V.
P. and V. o-c/wos. P. and Y.
Noble, subs. P. SWCITOS, 6, P. and see also rank.
V. Swaorn;?, 6. Noisy, adj. P. 0opv/3ufys, Y.
Nobleman, subs. See no&Ze. potfos, pottos, Ar. ^opv^Tucos.
Nobleness, subs. See nobility. Nomad, subs, or adj. Ar. and Y.
Nobly, adv. Of birth : P. and V. vo/wis ; see wandering.
Of character P. and V. Nominal, adj. PreterwZeJ : P.

KoA.oJ9, euicXea)? So called : P.

(Xen.), P.
V. P. and Y. KO^O^O/OS.
evycvois. Splen- Trifling :
y: . and V. P. ovSevos ofto? ; see trifling.
Nobody, subs. P. and V. ov6Vs, Nominally, adv. As opposed to
Tij (rare P.), /"Jris (rare : P. and Y. Xo'y^, Y.
P.). A nobody, met. : use P. (Eur., JE7Z. 4:7), TOI* ovo^oo-tv (Bur.,
ouSecos 3u>9, V. 6 /j/tyScv, 6 I. A. 1115), TOIS X<>yocs (Bur., Or.

Nocturnal, adj. See nightly. 287). As an excuse : P. and Y,

Nod, v. intrans. P. and V.
Gwe a signal : P. and Nominate, v. trans. See appoint.
V. <n)/jawtv. Nod in assent: Ar. C7zoo$e : P. and V. alpeta-Oat.
and P. P. and V. Nomination, subs. Appointment:
vcvcw. Be drowsy : Ar. and V. P. and V.
V, P. forOWCTTOtfttV, V. Oj^Cfi : P. afpeo-w,
Non Not

Nonage, subs. Childhood :

Normal, adj. According to rule : P.
TratScta, 77.
and V. vojLtt/i,os. Usual : P. rw-
Nonce, subs. For the nonce : use P. Ar. and P. vo/ufd/wos
see* ;

?rpos TO TrapoV, ets TO

Nonchalance, subs. Ar. and P. Normally, adv. Iw the usual way :
P. and V. tw0oW, P.
Nonchalant, adj. P. and V. Generally, for the most part ': P.
^orv^cwos, P.

^ormos. 0)5 ITT!

Nonchalantly, adv. Ar. and P. North, subs. Northern region P. :

and V. apim>s, ^ (Plat.), P. poppas,

Non-combatant, subs. They re- 6, Ar. and P. jSopeds, 6. To the
moved the nonrcombatants with the north of, P irpos ftoppav (gen.).
women and children : P. rovs axpeto- Northern, adj. Ar. and P.
TCITOVS crvv ywau,i /cat iraurlv ecKO- V. fioppaios, ?rpoo-/?oppos, Fem.
purav (Thuc 2, 6). adj., V. ySopca? (JEsoh., Frag.}. Th&
Nondescript, adj. Odd : P.and V. northern parts : P. TO, Trpos ftoppav.
TOTTOS (Eur., Frag.). Mixed wp, The inhabitants of Thrace, Scythia,
confused : P. and V. and the northern latitudes gener-
ally : P. ot Kara pdtK^v TC Kal
None, adj. P. and V. S/cu^t/c^v Kal (r\$6v KOTO, rov ava> n
ovrts (rare P.), ^177-1$ (rare P.) TO'TTW (Plat., Rep. 435E).
None the less :Ar. Northward, adv. P. -rrpos poptav
ovScv Ijarcroi
(Thesm. 753) see however. ; (Thuc. 2, 101). To northward of:
Nonentity, subs. A person of no see to the north o/, under north,
importance: use P. ovSevos o&os, North wind, subs. P. and V. /toppfe,
V. 6 fMJScV, 6 fVtySef?. o, op 'ds, 6 (Eur., CfycZ. 339,_also
Non-plus, v. trans. P. and V. Ar), Ar. and P. ySopetov, TO
v, o-uvrapaoxwv, 265; Xen., Cyn. 8, 1).
Nose, subs. P. and V. pfs, Ar. ,

Nonsense, subs. Ar. and P. X^ and Y. /iincnyp, 6 (rare P.). Hold

6, ^Xuapta, ifo P. Xtypiy/AaTa, Ta, one's nose t v. : Ar. -ri^ ptva
o, Ar. <Xwzpos, o. TaZ& nonsense, ]3dvw (Plut. 703).
v. : P. and V. X^pctv, nose : P. and V.
Ar. and P. <Xuopii/, (absol.) (Xen, Ar., Eur, OycL
Ar. vOXeiv. Absurdity, subs. Ar. :
and Jr. ctTOTrtci, 77.
Nostril, subs. P. and V. /5fe,
Nonsensical, adj. P. see and V. ju.-uK'nyp,
6 (also Plat, but
also foolish. rare P.), Ar. and V. /AVOL, ^ (Soph.,
Non-suited, Be, v. intrans. P. Frag.). With breath of snorting
Bucrjv ov Xawavetv (Dem. 951). nostrils : V. /iVK-rtypoKd'/wrois Tireu-
Nook, subs. Ar. ana V. /w^tfe, 6 (rare /wKTiv (-ffisoh., 2%e&. 464).
P.) ; see hiding-place. Nostrum, subs. See remedy.
Noon, subs. P. and V. Not, adv. P. and V. ov, ju^. By wo
17. Ofnoon adj. P. and V.
t : means -
P. and V. ovSa/wos, j^Sa/ixos,
pu/o's see midday.
; V. OVTTWS, fi^TrcDs ; see under
Noose, subs. P. and V. JNb* evew :P. and V. 0*8^
(Dem. 744), V. a&po, ^, M8L Not yet : P. and V.
see also rope. Met., woose /or fwpG), ovSeiro), /xT/Se?
hanging : Ar. arid V. ayxoVi/, P. ou /xot So/coi, eyo) fji& OVK olopai,
(rare P.). V. ou 8o^5 (Eur., And. 670). Ji
Nor, conj. See neither. not : P. ov <fc

Not Not

Notability, subs. P. Gome to nothing : V.

see celebrity. 2pXr0ai; see fail, perish. Good
Notable, adj. P. and V. for nothing, adj. see useless. Make :

see celebrated. nothing of, make light of, v. : P.

Notably, adv. Especially ; P. and and T .
PQ,OLQ)$ d>pcLv face.). Y
V. fjLtiXi<rra P. kv rots /xoXiora, Sta-
t KOTOWS fapeiv (ace.). Not to under-
<t>p6vTW,Be& especially. Famously: stand : use P. and V. ov PJO.V&O.VSLV.
P. and V. Xa/i-Trpois, Trcpic^avajs. Think nothing of, v. : V. oY
Notch, subs. Incision: P. r/i^/xa, o7jS/os iroiclcrOat,
(aoc.), P. and Y.
ro. -ZkTarA; : P. and Y. xapa/e-nyp, 5. /
Trapcpyo) riQccrOaL see disregard. ',

Notch of the arrow : Y. y\v<j>iScs, For nothing, gratis : Ar. and P.

al. TrpotKa, P. oVopeav, ? and V. /uo-#.
Notch, v. trans. Cut : P. and V. Notice, subs. Attention : P. and Y.
v, P. &nTfWw. Mark : Y. riorpo<i7, ^- Respectful treat-
ment : P. Qcpavreia, y. Public
Note, v. trans. P. and V. i/ow warning : P. -jrpopp^ors, ^. Gr#z?fi

Trpos (aoo. or dat ), CTTIO-K public notice of, v. : Ar. and P.

cwoetv (or mid.), voelv (or mid.), Ar. Trpoypdfaiv (ace.). Proclamation,
and P. TTpocrcxctv (dat.), Trpoo-e^cH/ subs. P. and V. Kvjpvypa, TO. G^o;0

rov vow (dat.),Absol., P. and V. notice, v.: P. and Y.

icqpvcrcrew', see
at. Note Escape notice (of) : P.
ei/Sc^o-flai ; see notice, look proclaim.
down : Ar. and P. o-vyypcw^civ. and Y. Xav0aveiv (aco. or absol.), P.
Note, subs. Reputation : P. and Y. 8iXav0aviv (ace. or absol.), Y.
8da, 17, dia>/x,a, TO. O/ wote : use Xijfev (ace. or absol.). Take notice
wo ted, adj. Worthy of note see : of: see notice. Pay respects to:
noteworthy. Attention : P. and Y. Ar. and P. Qepaarevcw (ace.). Take
Ima-rpo^, y. Take note of : see no notice of: see disregard. At
note, v. Letter : P. and Y. ri- short notice, off hcmd : P. and Y.
OTOA.77, ^, Or pi., ypdfJLfLOLTa, TO, <aijXa>?, P. e vTroyutov. Attacks
ypfyy, v, or pi. Memorandum : P. cure made at short notice : P. !
inroiuLvrifjLa, r6. I had notes taken oXtyou . .
CTTiYCipiyo-eis yiyvavran

(of the words) as soon as ever I (Thuc. 2, 11).

reached home : P. lypaif/df^v fjfo Notice, v. trans. Observe, percewe :
ror cv6vs oiKafi eX0o>i/ vTrofJiv^/JLara P. and V. fJL(w6dvi,v, alcr6av<r6ai
(Plat., Theaet. 142D). In music: (ace. or gen.), eTrato-^avco-^ai
Ar. and P. TWOS, 6. Strike a (aco. or gen.), ytyv<6ovciv, P. jco/ra-
jarring note, v., met.: P. p.av6dvcw see percewe. Mark : ',

P. and V. vow <^v irp(Js (aoc. or

Noted, adj. P. and Y. <n5Soo<?, dat), &voetv (or mid.), voctv (or
StawpCTnys, /rp7n7S, ovo- mid.), Ar. and P. wpoo-e^eiv (dat.),
Aa/wrpos, eTrJficr^ftos,
P. irpoa-tytLv rov vovv (dat.), P. /cara-
euBoKtjj.o's, voeiv. Absol., P. and V. cv&xco-floi.
Heed -
P. and Y. l-arurKovclv (ace.),
Ar. and V. s (Plat, also but
rare P.), V. (gen.) ; see heed. Treat with
Noteworthy, adj. P respect : Ar. and P. 6cpaurcuiv
Nothing, subs. P. and V. Noticeable, adj. Considerable: P.
/x.^8e^, OI!!TI: (rare P.), /loyrt (rare P.). o&oXoyos ; see remarkable. Mani-
Bring to nothing, v. trans. P. and fest : P. and Y. 817X05,

V. (Ivaipetv, KaOatptiv see destroy.

', ; see manifest.

561 36
Not Num
Noticeably, adv. Manifestly : P. and Now, adv. 4i the present moment :
V. cracks, Ar. and P. ^avcp&s see ;
P. and V. VW, TO VTJl/, TOL VW, VTJvf
'manifestly, remarkably. (Bur., S^p. 306, but rare Y. also
Notification, subs. P. Trpopp^o-ts, ^. Ar.). Just now : P. and V. wv,
Notify, v. trans. See inform, pro- apri, dprto)?, vcov, vcwoTif ; see under
claim. y^st. Already : P. and Y. 17817. J.s
Notion, subs. Conceit, idea : P. and i/im^s are : P. and V. viJv. Now
Y. Sofa, rj, Sofaa/ia, TO, So/oycris, ^,
. .tfeew ; Ar. and P. TOTC /x.ei/
. . . .

Iwota, ^, Y, So/cty/xa, TO. Opinion : TOT "TTOTt /X^

-7TOTC P. , . . ,

P. and V. yv<*>M, 17, Sofa, 17, V. and V. TO'TC faXorc. . Now . .

yvS>p,a, and P. SidVoio, ^.

TO, Ar. and then, sometimes : P. loru/ oV*,
Thought, plan Ar. and P. vo^o,: P. and Y. JM'OTC (Eur., Hel. 1213),
TO, Stavota, ^, P. and Y. <povrts ^ Y. lo-^ OT. Till now : see hitherto.
(rare P.). Mental picture : P. and As connecting particle P. and Y. :

Y, IKWV, ^, P. ?So)XoV, TO. SUS" o&s ficv o^v, yap. Gome now : P.
picion : P. and Y. &roi/n'a, 17, and V. $ep, ^epe 817, #ye, ta, eta
wrovota, rj.
Have a notion (inkling)
of, V. : P. and Y. wroirreu^iv (ace.), No way, adv. P. and V.
i&Trovoctv (ace.). Form a notion of : /AiySa/jicos, /x,^SajU,7j,
P. and Y. voctv (or mid.) (ace.), a/jia, OVTTCOS, /L^ITCDS, Ar. and V.
^roXa/^SdVciv (ace.) (rare Y.).
Notoriety, subs. P. wcpi^dVcio Nowhere, subs. P. and V.
Notorious, adj. P. irepi^o^TOS, -n-oX-u- ovSa/jtr}, /jtiySajULoO, /x'tySajuw;.
Tb ?W>

flpuX-tyTos, P. aud Y. ircpt^avijs. jpZace : P. ouSajLtoorc, /iiySafcoVe, Ar.

Notoriously, adv. P. Trcpt^o^ra)?, P. and P. ov8a)Ltoi. From nowhere :

and Y. Trcpw^aVois. P. o8a/^o0v, /jL^Sa/jLodev.

Notwithstanding, conj. P. and V. Nowise, adv. See wo way.

o/x<o5, JJ.CVTOI, Y. IjLwrds. Prep. see :
Noxious, adj. P. and V
ir& spite 0/5 under KOKOS, Y.
s^?2te. ,
Nought, subs. See naught.
Noun, subs. Ar. and P. 6Vo/xa, TO. Nozzle, subs. P. dfcpotfrxnov, TO.
Nourish, v. trans. P. and V. Projecting part : P. TO Trpocxov.
/cTpe^tv (Plat.), Ar. and V. Nucleus, subs. Starting point : P.
Y. KT^Trereiv, oVaAXeiv, < and Y. afapM, 17. jBegft?m*wgr : P.
Met., of feelings, entertain : P. and and Y. apx^, .

Y. X tv Tpc^ctv (Plat.), ^T3Xao"O-tv.

J Nude, adj. P. and V.
Nourishing, adj. P. TPO'</>I/JW>S, Y. Nudge, v. trans. Ar.
(absol.), or use touch.
Nourishment, subs. P. and Y. Nudity, subs. P. and V. TO
Tpo</n}, ^ ; see/ood. Nugatory, adj. P dVcvpos.
Novel? adj. P. and V. veos, /catvo's, Nugget, subs. Use P. yffwXo?, 6
Ar. and Y. veox/*.os ; see new. (Aristotle).
Strange : Ar. and P. 0av/*ao->s, P. Nuisance, subs. P. and Y. KQ.KQV,
and V. ^au/AaoTos. TO. Be a nuisance to, v. Ar. and :

Novelty, SUbs. P. icaivar^s, ^. P. Trpay/xaTa Trapc^^v (dat.),

use P. and Y. (acc. or dat.).
Null and void, adj. P.
November, silbs. P. Nullify, v. trans. See cancel.
o. Numb, adj. P.
Novice, subs. Use adj., P. and Y. Dull : P. and Y. d/^Xife ; see
&7TlpOS, P. also torpid. Be numb, v. : P.
Num Nut

/cav (Plat.). Ah, me I I swoon Nuptial, adj. P. and V. vu/-c<ufe

and my limbs grow numb : V. ot (Plat.) Ar. and P. ya/u/cds, Ar. and
*ya> TrpoAewra), Xverat 8c p.oi /jteXi]
V. ya^Atos, V i^/x^eu-nJ/Dto?, evi/atos,
(Eur., Heo. 438). So that my hand Ar. vvju,<f>i8i.os.
grew numb upon thy robes : V. Nuptials, subs. P. and V. yfyos, 6,
&CTT fv9aviv ye (rots -7rrA.ourt xip P. TO. ya/itfca, V. vu/x.<jf>ta, Ta, VV/A-
Ipyv (Eur,, Hec. 246). <f>eufJLa t TO, Ar.
Vj/i7jU.aTa, T<I, and V.
Numb, v. trans. Dull : P. and V. v/xei/aios,
6 ; see marriage.
v9 V. Nurse, trans.
v. Suckle : P. TM--
^evc Orjkd&iv (or mid.) ; see suckle.

Number, subs. P. and V. #pi0/*os, 6, Bring up, rear : P. and V. rpifaw

apLQfjwj/jLa, TO Crowd mwZ^t^de
(or mid.), c/cTpc^ctv. !Fe7id (tfee
P. and V. TrA-i^os, TO', o/uAos, 6, 0^X05, sic/c) :
P. and V. Qepfareutiv, P.
6, V. dvSpoTrAiJfoia, 4. Of things P. :
vooTyAcuctv ; see ien^. Harbour
and V. irXfjOos, TO, o^Aos, 6. Things (feelings, etc.) : P. and V. rpifaiv
have been done by them so great (Plat.), ^uAacro-etv, Ixctv. Turn over
in importance and so many in and over in thought : Ar. and V.
number P. ToiauTa auTois TO /*,ey0os
povKoXew (or mid.).
Kal rocravraTO irXrjOos cipyaaTai Nurse, subs. Wet nurse : P. and V.
(Lys. 120). In numbers, (to sur- Tt^viy, -^ (Plat ), Ar. and P. TLT^,
pass) in numbers P. and V. 17. J5e a nurse, v. P. TirQcveiv. :

To the number of : P. and Generally : P. and V. Tpo<os, 6, or
V. e?s (aco.). He was travelling ^, Tpo^cife, 6, or ^. In voo., good
with small numbers : V. x<6p nurse : Ar. and Y. fwita. Owe w/w)
euo' s (Soph., 0. R.
750). JSJgwaZ m
waits on the sick : P. flepaTreur^s, 6,
number9 adj. P. wroTrA^ft/s, lo-d-
: -4 5/ave -who" attends on boys : P.

pi0),os. P. and
Numbers, poetry
: and V. ircuSayojyos, 6.
V. voju-os, 6, see song.
or pi. ; Nursery, subs. Place for rearing
Number, v. trans. P. and V. api0- children: P. o^/co's, 6 (Plat., Rep.
/Atv, SiaLpiOpelv (mid. in P.), P. *&piO- 460o).
JJLW, V. Tre/wra^eiv. Calculate : P. Nursing, subs. Attendance (on the
and V. Aoyieo-0at. Number among : Sick): P. and V. tfcpaTret'a, 97, V.
P. and V. Ka.TapL0fjLiv (cv, dat. or 17.
TTe* nursing : P.
/xera, gen.). B0 iwmbered among:
P. and V. TcXcIv cfe (aoo.), V. Nursling, subs. P. and V.
api6juLicrOai (gen. or li/, dat.). TO (Plat.), OptpplL, TO'
(Plafe.), P.
Numberless, adj. P. and V. foa- rp6(f>ifJLO^ o, V. l/cTratSeu/Att, TO (EuT.,
'Sj V. ttvdtpt^/AOs, CycZ. 601).
(also Plat, but rare P.). Nurture, v. trans. P. and V. rpcfaw,
Numbness, subs. Ar and P. cKTpefaw (Plat.), Ar. and V. oWiv,
- V. KvjTrcveiv, aToAActv, oA.8a6Vtv.
Numeral, subs, P. and V. pi0/>s, 6. Met., harbour (feelings, etc.) : P.
Numeration, subs. Ar. and P. and V. rpifaiv (Plat.), ^vA
Aoyioyxos, 6, lxv. Bring up : P. and V.
Numerically, adv. On the score of (or mid), Ifcrpe^etv.
numbers: P. and V. 2pi'0/iu>. Be Nurture, subs. P. and V.
numerically superior : P. TrXyOti see food.
Nurturing, adj. P. Tpo>//o9, V.
Numerous, adj P. and V. UTpa<jS^5, ^p7rnjptos.
Very numerous : P. irajMrtyOys, Ar. Nut, subs. Ar. and P. Ka/nw, TO
and P. (Xen.),
Nut Obd

Nutriment, subs. P. and V. Y. VopK(bira,Ta, rd.

17; see food. False oath : P. ?rtop/cta, ^. Ad-

Nutritious, adj. P. V. minister an oath to, v. P. e^op/cow :

(ace. or absol.). Agree to an oath :

Nutshell, subs. Met., in a nutshell Y. crito/irifau (Soph., Phil. 1367).
in a small compass : P. Bind by an oath : Ar. and P.
Nymph, subs. P. and V.
Nymphs of the stream V. . TTiorrow (also mid. in Y.), V. op/co>
aL fceuyvvvaij op/eoi? TreptySoAAeii/ (Eur.,
I. T. 788). jBy reason of the <

whereby he was bound : V. ouv

op/cwv oriv ra>/AOTOS (Soph., ^

0, interj. and V. P. V. 77. , 1113). We

are &OWM& by oaths :
Alas: P. and V. ot/xot, <cO. op/cois KCK\yfji,cQa (Eur., Hel. 977).
&a : see would that. J9^ oneself by oath, v. P. and :

Oak, subs. P. and Y. 8p3s, i). Y. Stofivuo-^at. Deny on oath : P.

as oak, met Ar. irptvlvo* (Ach.
: and Y. aTrojuWvai, ojwvv(U (or
180). J% ifee mountains where mid.). Exchange oaths P. opicovs

oaks grow : Ar. kv opco-t Spuoyovotcrt StSovat KCU 8c^o*^a6. 27/z-e

(2%esm. 114). exchanged oaths to abide by the
Oak-coppice, subs. V. Sp^ds, 6. terms : Y. opicous o-uvijt/rai' ^/x,i/H/
Oaken, adj. V. Spuu>o9. crrpan?XaTat (Eur ,
P)iOfiW. 1241).
Oar, subs. P. and V. KCOTTT;, ^, rapcros, Faithful to one's oath, adj. : P.
6 (Thuc. 7, 40, but rare P.), Ar. and and V. uop/co5. .Be faithful to one's
V. ir\&rt\ 9 ^, V. eper/xov, TO. Equip- oath, v. P. and Y. evopfcetv. Faith-

ment of oars : V. fulness to one's oath, subs. P. :

(JEsch., Per*. 416). Furnish the evopxia, y (Dem. 607). JPa^se io

hands with oars : Y. Iper/Aow xP a owe's oatfe, adj. : Ar. and P. litl-
(Eur., Jfed. 4). Pull at the oar, v. op/cos. Se false to one's oath, v. :
Ar. and P. ^ftaXX&y (absol.) (Xen.) Ar. and P. cmopKeiv. Join talcing w
see row. Having one bank of oars, an oath, v. : P and V. <rvvopviva.i.
adj. : P. juoi/ojcpoTos (Xen.) Having On oath: see under oath. Take
two banks of oars : P. Si'feporos an oath, swear, v : P. and V.
(Xen.). .4 Atp wife thirty oars, ,i, errofwiavai, 8io/z.vua0ai, KCLTO-
subs. : P. TpiaKoVropos, 17. (or mid.), V.

s 17 (Bur., H0Z 1412). from : P. aTroXa/A^avctv op/cov Trapa

Oared, adj. P. and Y. fcwnfrnpf, Y. (gen.). Under oath: use adj., P.
cu^per/xos, TroXvfceoTros. J. two-oared and Y. Ivop/co?, Y. opKios, SKO/XOTOSJ
boat : P. d/caTLov du^^ptKov (Thuc. cVwfLoros. J5e wmZer oaife, v. P. :

4,67). and V. d/j,a>ju.oKp(u (perf. act. of

Oarsman, subs. Ar. and P. o/Avuvat). Witnessing oaths (applied
6, P. -TTpOOVCCOTTOS, 6, V. KtoTTtyS to the gods), adj. P. and V. opfaos,

6 (Bur., Cs/cZ. 86), epcr/AOi) CTTI- V. 7T(!)/I,OTOS.

o-r^s, 6 (Bur., HW. 1267). Bats, subs. Use P. and Y.

Oasis, subs P. 5ao-, ^ (Hdt.). Obduracy, subs. P.
Oath, subs. P. and Y. op/cos, 6, or <r/cA.T7por75, 17, Ar. and Y. au0doYa,
pi., opKiov, TO (Thuc.), or pi., Y. V. auflaSiVAaTO, TO.
ra. Affidavit Ar. and Obdurate, adj.
.* P. and Y. a.
P. P. Stcoju.ocrta, ^ ; see also harsh.
oatft a&ides Y. Obdurately, adv. Ar. and P. a
OAo. 979). P. ovcA^pcos.
Obd Obi

Obedience, subs. P. and V. iret.Qa.pxLa., V. jj.fjL<l>cr0at. (acc. and dat.), P.

Obedience 10 P. KOUTCLLiLL<hCrBCLL (aCC.).

V (gen). Objection, subs. Opposition Ar.

Obedient, P. and V.
adj. and P. avrtA-oyca, -9.
(Plat.), Ka.rrJKoo? (Plat ), V. d5ap/cros, aryume?it : P. djTi'A^is, 17. Dislike:
evirWiqs, 7rei0apxos, fitXTJi'LOs ;
866 P. and V. Svcr^epcta, 17. Raise
docile. objections : use, object, v. J?e open
Obediently, adv. P. o&yeci^ow P. ey/cX^/x-a exv.

Obeisance, subs. P. There is no objection to : P. and V.

obeisance: P. and V.
eii/, Ar. and V. V.
Trpoo-Trwrrciv, wo objection P. and V. ct o-o-

Trpoo-TTtTi/civ ;
see prostrate, worship. Blame : P. and V. /*eju,</rife, 17 ; see
Obese, adj. See/a*.
Obesity, subs. See/aness Objectionable, adj. P. and V.
Obey, v. trans. P. and V. ySapt>s, 7ri'<0ovo?, lira.^d ^':
(dat.), 7T(,0apxW (dat.), worthy : P. and Y. pefiTrros.
(gen.) (Thuc. 1, 82 but rare P.), V. Objectionableness, subs. P. ^
(absol.), Ar. and P.
(gen. or dat.), d/cpoao-0ai Objectionably, adv. P.
Ar. and V
/c\uW (gen.), Objurgation, subs. Blame : P. and
(gen.). Follow : P. and V. V. fjLfju//ts, 17, ^oyo?, 6, a/Vm, ^, P.
(dat), <t>7T<rOa.i (dat.). eirm/jwyo'is, ^ see also abuse. j

Object, subs. Purpose : P. and V. Oblation, subs. See offering.

yi'cj/x,?;, 17, ftov\Vfj(.a, TO. -4*771 : P. Obligation, subs. Favour : P. and
and V. opos, o, P. Trpoatpccris, TJ. V. x^pfc, ^7- B under an obligation : B
With what object ? Ar. and P fi/a P. and V. x^P*"v o^ 6 ^- etl/ I should '

T; The object of the wall was this : be under great obligation to them for
P. rjv rov Tet^ous rf yvvfjMj avrrj (Thuc. this charge .P.
8, 90). I will readily shoio you IV XP
what is the object of our sting : Ar (Lys. 145).
rJTis fiiJL&v IO-TIV fj VtVota TTJS cyfcev- i/tzwA; yourselves under any obli-

Tpi'Sos pa6Ya>s fy& &Saa> ( Reap. 1073). gation to this detestable creature:
With what object would you have P. tva fjLrjB' 6<j>i\iv OLrjcrQe ri rS
sent for them ? P. TL KOL j3ov\6p.cvoi, KarairrvcTTto TOVTO) (Dem. 570).

fj.TTrfJLircr6 &v avToi)<s ; (1)001. 233). Duty: P. and V. TO irpocriJKov.

Have the same object P. and V. Compulsion: P. and V. avayio?, ^.
Tttura /3ovA.eo-0<u. Obtain one's Oblige, Y. trans. Po a favour to :
object P. ra Trpay/xara avatpetcr^at
: P.and V. xap#>0'0at (dat.), ^Troupyctv
(Dem. 15), Philip was in fear (dat.). To oblige, as a favour : P.
lest his object should elude him : and V. wpos v x^
Oblige with a '

P. rjV 6 OlXlTTTTOS V <t>6/3<$ fJLV)

. . loan : P. ev-n-opelv (dat. of person,
lK<f>vyot ra Trpay/xaTa auroV (Dem. acc. ofmoney). Compel : P. and
236). -4**77&, *Amf/ ai?7ifi^ ai P. V. avay*aeiv; see compel. Be
OVCOTTO'?, o (Plat., P^i^Z) 60A). obliged to, owe thanks to : P. and
Object of the senses : P. alcr0^r6v t V. x^P'v ?X ctv (ctat.), XQQW 6<tA.w
(Plat.). (dat.). J5e compelled to : P. and
Object, v. intrans. liaise opposition : V. avay/cacr0ai (infin.), V. o^>Av
JP. and V. dirtXeygiv, evavrtovarOai, (infin.) (rare P.). J obliged to : am
V. di/riouo-^at. Be annoyed : P. use P. and V. Set /AC (infin.), xp>7 /xc
Swxcpawciv. Object to : P. and V. (infin).
a\6ccrQcu (dat.), Ar. and P. ayavaKrew Obliging, adj. P. and V. #Xav0po>-
(dat.), P. xo^rw$ ^^>eu/ (aoo.) see P.
TTOS, euxcp^s, <f>l\6<f>pw (Xen.),

disli/ce. Find femit with : P. and

Obi Obs

Obligingly, adv. P. and V. <I Obscure, adj. "FF^owi Z^^i : P.

fjbpovcos (Plat.), P. <^tXav0pco7ra>?. V. CTKOTCIVO'S, P. <r/COT(oS^5, V.
Oblique, adj. P. irXdyios, V. Xo6s Xvyatos, /ci/<^ato?, 6p^>vaiO5,
(Bur., Frag.). Crooked : P. o-/coXios. avTyXios, a^cyyiys, avau- ,

Tramverse at right angles : P. yyT05. J?l shadow : P. en-tcr/ctos

(Plat ). understand : P.
Obliquely, adv. P. lie and V. ^877X05,
Indirectly, not openly: P. __ ,_ V. Svtr/Aa^^,
In a round about way: V. ufip\T]To$, atoXo-
Hint at obliquely, v. P. irapc :
, 7rapyc/x.os, SuorroTracrros,
(acc.), VTrawLcrarco-Oai (aCC.), VTroa"r)- 8a;crTic/wipToq, SucrcvpcToSj i/^cXXos,
JMLWCLV (acc ),
Ar. and P. aivurcrco'dai amKTos, Ar. and P. aTCK/xapros see ;

(acc. or e<s acc.). unintelligible Secret : P. and V.

Obliterate, v. trans. P. and V. KpvjrroSt Xa^patoSj a^aviys, icpTJ^aios,
V. Kptifaos. An obscure rumour :
literate the memory (of a thing) : V. a/wivpo? K\rj$<j*v, 17.
Humble (of
P. \wr}\M\v d<aiper0ai (gen.). Ob- origin, etc.): P and V. rowreo/o's,
literate a disgrace : P. dSoi'av <a{)Xos, V. jSpa^vs, )Satos, a/^avpo?;
a7roTpi)8eo"0<u (Dem. 12). see ?7i0W. Inglorious : P. and V.
Obliteration, subs Ar. and P.
P. aSo^os, V.
Oblivion, subs. P. and V. (alsoXen), flfcny/^os.
V. XfJoTtS, ^. Obscure, v. trans. CtosJ a shadow
Oblivious, adj. P. and V. over : P. Vto-icoTrv (dat.), V.
Obhvwus of : P. and V. crjoa^civ (acc.), CTKOTOW (acc.) (pass.
(gen.) see also heedless.
; usedin Plat.). Cto^se io
disappear ;
Oblong, adj. P. -Trpo^^s. P. and V. fywLfav. Hide : P.
Obloquy, subs. Infamy : P. and V. and V. Kp-UTrretv, cruyicpUTrTetv ; see
arifua, ^, attr^fKTy, oV8os, TO, P.
17, /t^fi. Mafca
unintelligible, con-
KCLKoSo&a, ^ ; see infamy. Blame : fuse: P. and V. !Tar?i-
P. and V. y&ejw/ris, ^, wfc P. and V. <u<rCi'w, fcarat<r-
i/royos, 6, am'a, ."

^ ; see blame. Abuse : P. and V.

8ta/3oXi7, ^, Ar. and P. XotSopta, ), Obscurely, adv. Unintelligibly : P.
P. eViJpeia, 17 ; see afo&se. d<ra<a>s, V. Svo-Kptrus, ati/iKT^pi'cos,
Obnoxious, adj. P. and V. /Sap*?, Ar. and V. TrotKtXcos see ; mm-
SvT^epTy?, ^xapts (Plat, also Ar.), telligibly. Ingloriously : P. and
V- SuorcpTnys, P. diS ;
see V. ^trtAtws, d/cXeo)?) V. Svcr/cXcw?.
Obscurity, subs. Darkness : P. and
Obnoxiously, adj. P. aySw V. CTKOTOS, 6, Or TO, P. TO O"/COTtVOV,
Obnoxiousness, subs. P. Ar. and V. W^as, TO (also
op<#>v^, 17. Unintelhgibility : P.
Obscene, adj. P. dcra^cta, 17. jBase?ifiSS (o/ origfm) ;

P. and V. cwrxi V. P. and V. Bvoyfrcta, 17

(Plat.), P.
Foul P. and ^
: Shame- TaTTcti/txnys, 17. Ingloriousness : P.
less: P. and V. and V. 28of/a, .
Obscurity of
Ill-omened P. and V.
: P.
8uo-<i7/>9 (Plat, but rare P.) (Thuc 2, 37).
Obscenely, adv. P. dTrpc^cos. Foully: Obsequies, subs. P. and V.
P. and V. atcrxpois. 6, Ta<t>vj 7], icfjSos, r6 (Plcbt.).

Obscenity, subs. P. d*a0apo-ia, ^

out for burial : P. and V.
^. Fimeral rites : P. and V.
Obs Obs

v6fup.a, T< (Eur., Hel. 1277), P. ri (also Xen.). Watch : P. and V.

vo/-ud/xera ;see funeral. Ar. and Y. brcnrTeusiv j

Obsequious, adj. P. tfoiTrcvTiicos, Ax. see watch, behold. Comply with,

fturriuttfe. Sto&fe : P. and V. keep : P and V. o-co^iv, ^EXao-o-civ,
SoSAos (Plat.), Ar. and P. Stao"0)^tv, Sta^>T;Xacro-iv. Abide b ;

P. dvSpaTToScoS^s see
P. and V. juifjiViv (dat.).
Humble : P. and V. Tc &ra^ : P. and V. Syctv.
Obsequiously, adv. Slavishly: P remark: P. and V. Xeyv,
see 5^.
Obsequiousness, subs. P. and Y. Observer, subs. P. and Y.
flawma, 17. ,

Observable, adj. P. and V. a

Obsolete, adj. P. and Y.
7raA.ato5, P. ItoXo?,

Observance, subs. P. rb?^r wewjs are obsolete : Ar. ^

and V. brurrpotfry, 77. Observance .
of, practice of : P. aa-iaqo-is, Obsoleteness, subs. P. and Y.
(gen.). Beligious observance; P.
Oepoureia T&V 0eo>v, 17. Observances, Obstacle, subs. P. ju,7ro8to-/i, TO',
ceremonies : Ar. and P. ra vop.i- evavTtto/jux., TO, /ceuXv^a, TO, StaKO>Ai;/xa,

6fjLva ; see ceremony. TO'. 5e aw obstacle to : Ar. and

Observant, adj. Attentive, ccure- P. /wro o\o cti/at (dat. of pers., gen.
ful: P. and V. eiri^Aifc (Soph., of thing.), P. and Y. fytTroSaw
Frag.). Shrewd, :and V. P. eli/cu
(dat.), c/XTroSwv yLyvea-Qai (dat.).
<riJvT<fe, Ar. and P. <poVt/jLos. Ifmd- 'FPTiere'Ufir aw^ obstacle is in the

jfaZ : P. and V. prfi^xv. way : P. $ av CVO-T^ Tt (Dem. 1274).

Observantly, adv. Attentively. P. The obstacle mentioned just now by
Shrewdly : Ar. and P. Cebes is still there: P. en eve-
o vuv Srj (Plat.,
Observation, subs. See detection. Phaedo, 77B).
Contemplation : P. 17. Obstetric, adj. P.
Obstinacy, subs. P. 17,

P. and Y. 17. , 17, Ar. and Y. a

Shrewdness : P. and V. , 17,
TO o-werdv, <t)povrj<ris, 17. Obstinate, adj. P. and Y.
P. and V. s, Ar.
6, or pi. Ar. and Y. orcppos, Y.
Observe, v. trans. Note :Of things: P. tempos, P. and Y.
P. and V.
vow I^eiv Trpos (acc. or dat.), &ri- dkropos, aftiJx^ 05 ( rar
o-KOTreiv, wOiv (or mid.), voetv (or Obstinately, adv. Ar. and P.
mid.),Ar. and P. n-poa-ex*"' (dat.),
rov vow (dat.). Absol., Obstreperous, adj. P.
P. and V. Perceive: see also disobedient, noisy.
P. and V. pav6aviv, Obstreperously, adv. P. ra
(aoc. or gen.), 7raur0aveo-0ai (aoo. or Obstreperousness, subs. See dis-
gen.), yiyvoJovceiv, P. obedience, noise.
I/oofc a^, examine : P Obstruct, v. trans. Block up: P.
and V.
and Y. <f>pd<rcrtv,
examine, watch. Be on the watch oVojcAflW, P. Iju^pacro-etF, diro-

for : P. and V. <$5Aa<nrai/ (acc.),

Kav Ar. and P. rt-
Ar. and P. " Karaxk^iv.
P. and V. J/aroftgciy, ip-
(aoc.), V. KapafioKtw (acc.) ctvai (dat.), IpiroB&v yiy-
Obs Occ

veo-Oa.1 (dat.). Prevent: P. and V. Ar. and P.

jccoXtSciv; see prevent. P. CTrw^avifc,

Obstruction, subs. Impediment, V. craiyi^ff see c/ear. ;

obstacle : P. l/Mi-dSio/ia, TO, a/av- Obviously, adv. P. and V.

Opposition : P.
Ticofua, TO. ju.<^ai/<o5, 877X0877, Xa/XTrpais,

Ttcocris, 17. P. 7rt^>avcos, 8ia<ava)S, Ar. and P.

Obtain, v. trans. P. and Y. KOLTa^avais, ^>avpSs, V. tra^vois ; Xa/i^avctv ; See also see clearly .

receive. Win for oneself : P. and Obviousness, subs. P. and V.

V. <peo-0ai, ic<e'po-0ai, KO/ucr0ai, <ra<r/i/ta, 17.
vpiovcecr0at, Ar. and V. <peu/ (also Occasion, subs.
P. and V. K<upds, 6,
Plat, but rare P.), evpioveciv, V. (Spa, 17. Jjf i/iere 6e any
(also Plat, but rare P.), (need) P. ijv n 8^7. OTO occasions :
see P. r! /catpwv. Ow ma?i^ occasions:
P. and V. Ttryxavav (gen.), P, 7Tt TroXXcSv ; see 0/tew. Occasion
Tv/xaveiv (gen. or dat.) (Plat ), Ar. for, fitting time for : P. and V.
and V. KTjpcir (gen.) Obtain some- Kaipo's, 6 (gen ), <Spa, ^ (gen.), aK^,
thing for a person: see secure. 17 (gen.). Pretext for : P. and V.
Obtain by lot or destiny : P. and afoppri, 17 (gen.) see pretext.

V. Xayxavcti' (ace.), 8ioXayx<&// There ^s no occasion for : P. and V.

(ace.) (Plat.), KXypovo-Oai (aco. or
oL'So/ 8c6 (gen.). There is no
gen.), V. aTroXayxdVen/ (ace.), Ar. occasion to : P. and V. ov Set
and V. IjeXayx^w (ace.). Obtain (infin ).
in addition : P. and V. eViKTao-0ai, Occasion, v. trans. Produce, cause :
-TTpocrXa/jL^SdiveiVj P. TrpocrKTaa-Qat. P. and V. -Trotctv, yewav, P. airepya-
Obtain in return : P. avrtrvy^avav Zeo-Qai ; see ca-wse. Set in nwtion :
(gen.). Help to obtain : P. 0-17- P and V. Ktvetv.
KTav&ai (TLVI), crvyKaraKTacrBaC (nvL Occasional, adj. Bare : P. and V.
TI). V. intrans. The report obtains: OTTCLVIOS (Eur., Frag.), V. o-n-apvos.
P. 6 Xdyos KaTexct ; see ^revaiZ. Occasionally, adv. Sometimes : P.
Obtainable, adj. P. /caTaX^Trro's. and V. more, P. Sorti/ OTC, V. <r0'
JB/asy to obtain : P. and Y. &ropos. ore. SoreZy ; P. and Y. oXtycf^s,
Obtaining, subs. P. and V. X^ts, P. OTravtws,
17 (Soph., Frag.). Occult, adj. Secrei : P. and V.
Obtrude, -v. trans. Use P. and V. Kpwrrds. Mysterious : P. and Y.
to-ayv yStlgt. V
intrans. Intrude : across, a<f>a.vfa a8y\os } see 7M/S-
Ar. and P. cto-^tafco-^ai ; see intrude. terious. Magic : P. yuayevn/coV.
Obtuse, adj. jD^W n ^ieZZeci; P. Occupation, subs. Business: P.
and V. cricatds, a/xa^iy epycto-ta, ^, irpayfLarcia, 17,
P. dvawr^TOS, 8i;o-/x.a^i75, TO, /x-cXcT^/Aa, TO, Ar. and P.
Of an angle P. a/i^Xvs.
^, P. and V. o-7roi;8i7, ^.
Obtusely, adv. P. di CUO-^TOJS. ^ra^e : P. and V. TX^, ^, Ar. and
Obtuseness, subs. P. valuta, P. x LP vPy LCL y> Y. x iP a)va ^t/CL ? 7-

TPawi O/ ZfiWWre; P. aa^oXta, r).

17, P. and V. Seizure : P. K aTa\y\j/i<s, y. A bemg

Obviate, v. trans. Prevent : P. and inhabited : P 0^/070-45, ^, ei/otK^oris,
V. /ccoXtJetv, c/ATroStfctv see prevent,
; 77, KaroLKycris, 77.
T^e army o/
ocowp^^wwi : use garrison.
Obvious, adj. P. and V. 817X05, Occupied, adj. P. and V. &r?(oXo$
os, O-CL^S, (rare Y. ; Eur., Or. 93) ; see also
ds, Sta^ai/^s, under occupy, v.
Occ Off

Occupy, v. trans. Take possession no odds: P. and V.

of :Ar. and P. KaToAa/i/Javeu/. see *{ is aZ^ one, under 0^0.
Hold: P. and V. f_ Ode, subs. P. and V. /A&OS, TO,
They themselves occupied the' rest ^, ii/^vos, 6,
V. 0101817, 17 ; see
of the line (of battle) : P. TO aXXo adj. P. and V.
avrol cTrctxov (Thuc.). He occu/pies eiraxQys, A-vrnypo's, y&apijs, P.
the end of the line : V. rd&v GCT^T^V see also hateful.
2x. (Soph., Aj. 4). XtoZZ in : P. Odiously, adv. P. otySoi?.
and V. 2xv (ace ), ve/Aeiv (rare P.) Odiousness, subs. P. Papv-rys, 17,

(ace.), v/Mo-0ai (mid.) (ace.) ;

inhabit. Employ (time, etc ) : Ar. Odium, subs. P. and V. <0oVos, 6,
and P. SidTptjScn/, KaraTpipew ; see P. farexOcia, 17, TO cirfyOovov. With-
spewd. Engage (attention, etc ) : out odium : as adj., P. dveTri^^o? ;
P. and V. Kcvrc'xeiv (Eur., 4Z0. 344). adv., dv7ri<^^ov(os. Iwc^r odium,
The Athenians were occupied in V. P and V.

Melos : P. lv rg M?}Xa) ot 'AOrjvaloi Odoriferous, adj. P. and V.

jcaTctxovro (Thuo. 3, 94, cf., Soph., Ill-smelling : P. and V. Sv
Trach. 249). Occupy oneself : Ar. Odour, subs. P. and V. OOY, 17.
JBrm^ a person into 'bod odour
with, v. P. and V. Sia^oAXcti' TIVO.

(aoo., or Trept, ace., or gen.), Ar. (dat. or

efc, aec.). 5e in bad odour
and P. Siorpfjfoiv (cv, dat.), IvSiarpi- with P. and V. 7ri'<0ovos ctvat

/3v (dat.). (dat.).

Occur, v. intrans. P. and V. Of, prep. About : P. and V. Trtpt
/3awW y o~u/J/7rrTiv, (gen.), V. o>)? (gen. or dat.). Of
Tvyxfiviv, (Tuvrvyxdvew ; see happen. itself, spontaneously use adj., P.
Occur (to the mind) ; P. and V. and V. ouro'/mTos- What of that ?
7rapurracr0(u (dat.), efjariirrcw (dat.), P. andV. Ti'Tavra;
7repxeo-0ai (aCC. or dat.), Off, prep. ^4w;a2/ /row ; P and V.
(ace. or dat.). &TTO (gen). Owi o/: P. and V.
Occurrence, subs. P. and V. & (gen.). Ojf (the coast) : P. and
<opa, i), 7ra0os, TO*, TrdBvjp.a, TO, Ar. V. Trpo's (dat.), K ard (ace.1. Off
___ j T> w / e
and JT. OTJVTVYtCl, W. Laconia P. /caret T^V Aa/ca)

Ocean, subs. Open sea: P. and V. (Thue 4, 2 of., Thuc. 8, 86).


TTcXayos, TO' ; see sea. Off, adv. Away : P. and V. I

O^lock, adv. See under clock. Ar. and P. Troppw, V. wpoo-co,
October, subs. P. TLvaveifuwv, 6. .4 Zow^ t/^^ oj^ P. Sto, ^roXXov. .*

Oculist, subs. Use P. ojf,6e distant, v. P. and V. :

tarpo's, 6. Xv, P. 8tXtv. J5e ojf, begone,

Odd, adj. P. and V. &TOTTOS (Eur., interj. : Ar. and V. Ipps,
V, Ippow,
Frag.), Ar. and P. dXXo'/coTos ; see Ar. &7ray. Of, (jone : Ar. and V.
strange. Of number (as opposed ^ (also Antipho. but rare P.).
to #U0n) : P. 7repio-0-05, dvdprto?. JBe off, be gone, v. : P. and V.

Oddity, subs. Ar. and P. trana, otYO"vttt, oL7rcL\\.Q.yi]vcLii {AdQ. aor.

pass. dTToXXdo-cretv), B.voi^ea'Ba.i,

Ar. and V.
Oddly, adv. P. c^otxcor^at, Bioix^o-Oai.

Odds, subs. The excess : use P. and (also Plat, but rare P.), Zpp*iv (also
V. TO Trcpto-o-oV. iay 0^5, v. Ar. : Plat, but rare P.) Be (well 01
7TpT8<8oo-^ai (absol.). Be at odds : badly) off: P and V. (ev or KOIKES)
P. and V. <># v, Ar. and P. &-
<l>pca-Qai , see quarrel. It makes flow? ar ^ow off for
Off Off

friends : V. TTWS 8'

(gen. (aco.).
Pe offended: P. and Y.
sing.) . .?; (Bur.,
. JEW.
2X 818). ax0e<r6a.L, Ar. and P. ayai/cucreu/;
Come q|f, v : see occwr. Of a see be annoyed.

person, come off (better or worse) : P. Offender, subs. Use adj., P. and
and V. ouraXXdo-crew. Cut off: lit., V. /ca/covpyos. The offender : P. and
P. and V. Tfj.viv, KOTTTCW, Ar. and Y. 6 atrio?, 6 8pcfo-as.
P. u7roT6/u,vLi/, Y. Ocpi&Lv, aira/iav; Offensive, adj. P. and Y. /Japife,
see Tinder <mi. Intercept : P. cwro- en-axOfa P. diyS^s. Causing
Destroy : jealousy : P. and V. cm^^ovos. Iw
XajLLjSavciv, StaXajLL^avetv.
P. and V. KMaipeiv see destroy. ;
2>a^ ias^e : P. and Y. TrX^/AtXiys,
Get off: see escape. Be acquitted : Ar. and P. aypowcos. Insulting : P.
P. and V. <j|>Tryiv, <ro)eo-ai, Ar. os, Y. Ka/coorro/xos ; see
and P. aTTo^cvyc.v. .BTeep ojf,
jTafee i/?e offensive : P.
ward off: P. and Y. apfivtw; see v (ThUC. 3, 12), 7TpOTt-
Refrain: P. and V.
(Thuc. 6, 34). Offensive and
. Lie off, of a ship. P. defensive alliance : P.
etv (dat.) ; of an island P. :

(dat. or absol.). (Thuc. 1, 44).

off, run away
: Ar. and P. a?ro- Offensively, adv. Disgustingly : P.
8i8paarfcen/. Pwt off, defer : P. and Iw io cause jealousy :
V. aTrortOecrOaL, ts aiJ0is ava/?aX- P. 5ad iaste : Ar.
XecrOaL ',
see under ^ra. Take off and P. dypot/ca>5. Insultingly : P.
(clothes, etc.): P. and Y. c/c&W, a wa^
Ar and P. airoSvuv. T&fo offfrom P. and V. avlapo)9,
oneself: use mid. of verbs given. P. St' dx^8ova (Thuc. 4, 40).
Parody : Ar. and P. KojLLwSctv (ace.). Offensiveness, subs. P.
Offal, Sllbs. Use Ar. JB^deness : P. and V.
V. Kaflap/jtara, ra.
Offence, subs. Crime: P. and V. Offer, v. trans. Sire^c^ forth ; P.
a8wcia, 17, ffiiKypa, TO, ; P. and m
and V. irporeivew, IKTCWUV, opeyctv.
Y. a/mprta, ^, P. d/jLaprrjfJLa, TO, Met offer hope, advice, etc. : P,

TO, V. egapapTLa, ff, and V. vTTorcfaiv see suggest, give,


TO ; see sw& Affront : promise. Hand over : P. and Y.

P. and Y. v/?pts, 17, vfipiv-pja., TO. 7rpocr^>ptv, Trape^eiv, 8i8ovat. Pro-
Odium: P. and Y. <0oVos, o, P. mise : P. and V. wrto-xvctcr^ai see;

dTrex^cta, ^. Anger, indignation : promise. Offer as a prize : P. and

P. ayavaKTirio-is, $ Give offence to, V. irpoTLOcvai, riQiva.1, Y. GK.rWeva.1
v. : P. and V. &rx0<W0<u (dat.) (Soph., Frag.).
Dedicate (to a
see o/eraZ. Tafo o/e?icfi : Ar. and god] : P. and V. avarWevai. Offer
P. ^yava/creti/. Take offence at : (a slave) for torture : P. 8t86vat
Ar. and P. fyavaKrclv (dat.), P. (ace.). I oj^fer myself to be ques-
wA.?rois ^>ptv (aCC tioned : P. -jrapc^o) e/xxivrov
(dat.), Y. TriKpGs ^cpcti/ (aco.). (Plat., ^oZ. 33s). He o/ers
Offend, v. trans. 4w?wy ; P. and Y. selffor tnal : P. Ka&'cmjo-iv
Xvn-elv ; see annoy, disgust. Come is *ptW (Thuc. 1, 131). 0/er
into conflict with P. prayer: Beepray. Offer sacrifice :
(dat.). Iwmta : P. and Y. P. and V. fl&iv, P. Upa TTOICIV, Upo-
see insult. Do wrong : P. and Y. 7rottv, Y. pcfctv, ^TroXeiv (also Plat.
but rare P ). Offer to, unaertaTce
V. afjiirXaKftv (2nd aor.). (Offend) to : P. and Y. ^(rraardan (infin.),
against : P. and V.
Off Off

(infin.), e&xyyeXXco-flat (infin.) \ see 7rpo'o-<opa ; see funeral. Pay last

promise. V. intrans. Of oppor- offices to : P. TOL vOjLtiJo/Ltcva wotetv
tunity : P. and V. TrapaTrwrretv, (dat.),V. dyairav (aco.) (Eur., S^p.
P. TrapaTvyxdvctv. 764, HeZ. 937), dyaird^tv (aoo.)
Offer, subs. P. Promise and V. (Eur., Phoen. 1327.). Are ?w?^ Ma
vTrocrxfcris, ^,P. 7rayyA.ta, fj. last offices being performed over
Offering, subs. G^ft: P. and V. her ? V. OVKOVV ITT a.vrfi irpdcro-erai
i', TO. v ^oi?, 17, ' Scoped, TO. 7rpoo-</>opa ; (Eur., Ale. 148).
Ipavos, 6, 'Ar. and V.
, Officer, subs. Magistrate : Ar. and
(also Plat, but rare P.). Dedicatory P. 6. dp^wv, Oj^cer m oro army :

offering : P. and V. avdOrj^a, TO. use P. and V. Xo^ayo's, 6, Ar. and


Sacrifice : P. and V. 0fyta, T0 V. Taiapxos, 6. P

Officer in a ship :
fo'os, TO'; see sacrifice. Tears I V. vauapxo9, 6 see captain. ;

gave and made solemn offering of Official, subs. See attendant, guard.
my hair V. Sa/cpua T* iSco/co, /cat Official, adj. Done under authority :

/cd>7<? a,7njpd[ji.7}v (Ear., j?J. 91.). P. and V K-iptos. Public : Ar. and
First frwts: P. and V. P. $rju.6crio$.
Ta (sing, sometimes in V.), Officially, adv. P. /cvptW Publicly :

at (sing. Pro*. Plat.,

343s). P.
Bringing offerings of hair and Officiate, v. intrans. Use P. and V.
Libations from me : V.
Xas /cat x oas <epowra e/w (Eur., Officious, adj Ar. and P. TTOA.T;-
Or. 96,
96). Offerings to the dead : P. Trpdy/icoi/,
P. 0iAo7rpdy/WDV, ireptepyos.
and V. i/Tcwia, Ta, V. Be officious : Ar. and P. iroXvTrpay-
Ta. Burnt offerings : Y. etv, Y. jrcptO'O'ct 8pav, irpdowew ri
Ta. Offerings thrown into the sea :
(Eur., Frag.), Ar. and V
Off-hand, adj. Brusque: P. pa- Officiousness, subs. Ar. and P.
XvXoyos. P.
Off-hand, adv. P. and V. <av\G>s, , 17.

P. e ^TriSpofjajs, l
vTToyu'iav. On Offscouring, subs Lit.: V. /ea0d>
the spot : P. and V. avroOtv, avrfica, /x,aTa, TO*. Used met., of persons :

TrapavTtka. Ar. arid P. jo0ap/x.a, TO, Trcptrpt/A/Aa,

Office, subs.
P. and V. dpx^, fj (Eur., TO'.

2.6^9). Honour: P. and V. Offset, v. trans. Compensate for:

Privilege : P. and Y. ycpas, TO'. P. di/rtppowos cTvat (gen.) ; see
Hold office : Ar. and P.
oipetv or apetv alone. Having Offset, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
Oj^Cfi : P. /x,ydXas dp^as P. avrtppoiros. ,

(of., Ar Vesp. 619). , Offshoot, subs. Offshoot of a tree :

Ar. and P. dpxtStov, TO.
: see sftootf. Offshoot of a tribe : P.
P. and V. TO, cwro'Saoyzos, 6. Offspring : see
V. TO, TeA.05, TO, P. TGL^tS, 17. offspring.
Menial Offspring, subs. P. and V. &yovos,
offices : P. 8ovXi/cd 8ia/covi?-
/i,aTa (Plat.). JP^wo^ow : V. fjuupa, ^ 6, or 17. Child : P. and V. rot?, o,
(^Bson., Eum. 476). Service, kind- or 1$, Ar and Y. rtwov, rrf (rare P.),
ness : P. and V. x^P^> % ^- Upy<rta, T^KOS, TO, yo'vo?, 6, Y. 701/17, ^yo^/AO,
17, crcpyeny/wi, TO'; see service. Work- TO, yo/^\o^, TO', oWp/ia, ro, a-jropd,
room: Ar. and P. TO' J5T. ^. 252),
4, Xdx^fta, (Eur.
TO'KOS, 6. Sc ion : Ar. and Y. *pros,

vo/uo'/Acva, V. /creptV/iaTa, Ta, TO. TO', V. 0oA.os, TO, ^Xdo-ny/Aa, TO, ^TJ'
Oft Ome
TO j see
scion. Young (of animals) : Belonging to former times :

see young. '

P. and V. 6 Trpt'v,
6 TrdXat, 6 irpdcrQev J

Oft, adv. See often. \

see former. Obsolete : P. and V.
Often, adv. P. and V. woXXa/as TraXatos, P. la>Xo5,

Oafjid (Plat.), P. wxyov, Ar. and

P. Old in wealth : V.
TruKvd, Ar. and V. TroXXk Oftener : Of old: see formerly.

P. TrXeoi/a/as. Oftenest P. . From of old : P. diro TraXatoi). How

How often, indirect : P. old : indirect P. and V. -^Xt/cos. So
P. ocrcuas. old : P. and V. nyXtfcovTo?, 117X1*60-8 c.
P. (OS 7T

Often-times, adv See ofit ctvat (Xen.) ; see under age I am

Oft-times, adv. See often. thirty -two years old : P. Wo ical
Ogle, v. trans. Use Ar. TpiaKovTO. eT^ ycyova (Dem. 564).
(absol.). Old age, subs. P. and V. yfjpa.$, TO.
Ogre, subs. Use P. and V. Tend in old age, v. trans. : Ar. and
6 ; see also monster. V. yripopoo~Kw (ace.), P. yrjpoTpofaw
Ogress, subs. Use Ar. Mop/wo, ^ (acc.) ; see under tend. Cherishing
(also Xen.), Aa/ua, ^, Ar. and P. in old age, adj. : V.
EyU-7TOTJO*a, VJ, /XOp/AoXlJ/CtOl/,
Oh, interj. See 0. Olden, adj. See former.
Oil, subs. Ar. and P eXawv, TO', V. Older, adj. See elder.
SX<a, TO'. Olive-oil: V. Xferos Old-fashioned, adj. P. and V.
IXaias, TO (Soph., Frag.). Scented dp^ato?, P. dp^atoTpOTros,
oil P. : and V. U.VQOV, TO : see oint- Ar. and P. -rrpeo-fivTiKos.
ment. Your notions are old-fashioned : Ar.
Oil, v. trans. Ar. and P. <povets dpxaiVcd (Nub. 821).
see anoint Old man, subs. P. and V. ypo>v, 6,
Oil-flask, Ar, and P. Trpeo-fitrris, 6 (rare P.), Ar. and V.
irpeo-fivs, 6.
O/ aw o/d maw, adj. :

Oily, adj. Ar, and P. Xwrapo?. Met. Ar. and P. irpco-ySurtAco?.

see glib. Old woman, subs. P. and V. ypafis,
Ointment, subs. P. dXei^a TO, 17, ^ (rare P.), ypata, ^
dXoi0*7, rj.
Scented ointment P. (Plat, Lys. 205D, but rare P.), Ar.
and V. pvpov, TO, Ar. TO. and P. ptSiov, TO.
Healwig ointment : Oligarch, subs Use adj., P.
Xpurrov (-233ch., P. F. 4=79). Anoint
with ointment, v Ar. :
Oligarchical, adj. P. o
Oligarchically, adv. P. o
Old, adj.
and V.
4^ : P. and V. Oligarchy, subs. P. oXLya^ta, ^,
Ar. -n-aAato? (rare P.), Swao-Tta, 17.
JBe governed by an
iraXaiyci/^s,- V. y^paXco's, y^paLO? (rare oligarchy, v. P. oXiyapxetor0at.

P.), /-id/cpaiW. Grow oW, V. : P. Olive, subs. P. and V, eXata, ^.

and V. y^paor/cetv, Ar. and P. KaTa- PPi^ o^Vfi : V
eXatos, 6, Ar. KOTlvos,
yYjpdcTKew. Of the old, adj. Ar. and Sacred olive : Ar. and P.
b, or fj.

P. Trpeo-ftvTLKos. Of things, worn

/xopt'o, 17. Otoe branch (carried by
out: P. and V. TroAaio? (rare P.). suppliants) P. and V. 0aXXds, 6,
With masc. subs., V. ycpov with foee-nypta, 17, V. icXaSos, o, t/CT^pta, 17.

fern, subs., V. ypata. Stale : Olive oil, subs. Ar and P. iXatov, TO

P. and V. V Xfrros JXat'as, TO' (Soph., Frag.).
TraXatos, V. TraXat'^aTos. Long Omen, subs. Omen (derived from
existing : P. and V. XP OVLO *> birds) : P. and V. owovos, 6, Ar. and
Omi One

V. opvis, 6, or -f],

and V. <n;^oXos, 6 (also Xen.).

V. irrepoV, TO, Ar. (dat. or dat.). Of time, M
upon : P. and V. fat (dat.). ^i ;
Derived from any sound P. and : P. and V. cv (dat.). I addition
V. <t>riM> 4 V. K^Suii/, Ar. and V. to : P. and V. lrf(dat.), ^pos (dal).
<ctns, ?. Portent: P. and V. Concerning : see concerning. On
^aCTjOCO, TO, TCpttS, TO', OT7/XtOI/, TO, V. account of: see under account.
<nj/ia, TO. J accept as an omen the On behalf of: see under behalf.
crown that marks your victory : V. On condition that : Ar. and P. !*
(infia.), P. and V. wore (infin.).
otcovov tOepxiv /caAAiVi/ca o-a CTTC^TJ
(Ear., (Phoen. 858). TWA pros- n these conditions : P. and V,
perous omen : V. opvZ0L aio-i> . . . 7rt TOVT015, Clti TOtO-Sf. -B0 0?i ^rfil,

(Soph., 0. E. 52; cf. also Ar.', v. : P. and V. a?rreo-0at ; see burn.

Av. 717-721). (T/ie mutilation) On foot : use adj., P. and V. ra&fe,
seemed an omen of the fate of the or adv., P. we$. On hand, ready
expedition: P. (?) irepiKOTrrf) TOT) to hand: use adj., P. and V.
K7rXou OMDVOS eSo/cet cTvai (Thuc irpo^ctpog; see wear. Oft /w#k :
6, 27). Ta&e tffce omens, v. P. : use adv., P. and V. SI/CD, Ar. and P.
oiaw'o-0ai (Xen.) (absol.), V. ofo- en-avo), V. vi/roO, apS^v. From on
voo-KOTrctv (absol). Hawe good high : P. and V. <!0i/, V. vi/ro^ev
omens : Ar. and P. (also Plat, but rare P.), e&n-cpOe, P.
(absol.). &ravo>0ei/. 0?z i^fi security of : use
Ominous, adj. P. and V. prep., P. ern (dat.). Raise sixteen
Suo-rv^s, oYo-^juos (Plat, but rare minae on anything: P. Xa/klv
P.) see ill-omened.
; Alarming : tKKoiStKa On afjivas eirL (dat.).
P. and V. Sewos. Dangerous : P. sudden : see suddenly. Call on :
see under call. Depend on : see
Ominously, adv. P. and V. under depend. (Spend) on Ar.
Alarmingly : P. and V. and P. ctvoAwrfceiv cfe (aoo.).
Dangerously : P. and V. Once, adv. P. and V. &ra . Once
for all : P. and Y. P.
Omission, subs. jFaZZmgf short : P. jea0cra.. Once ^pow a P.
cAActjtt/Aa, TO.
and V. ITOTC, ^817 TTOTC, -n-aXat wore,
Omit, v. trans. P. and V, V. TTOT' ^877 ; see formerly. At
(Soph., 4/. 1379), Tra ur., once : see immediately. Together,
Hal. 773 and 976), alike: P. and V. //, 6/101), 6/xotws,

irapUvai. Let alone : P. and V. V. oftois.

lav. One, adj. Of number: P. and V.
Omnipotent, adj, Ar. and V. ?s. Indefinite pron P. and V.
irayKpa-nfe. Absolute (of a ruler) : TIS. 0?ze o/ a pair : P. and "V.
Ar.and P. avroKpdr^p. 6 -po5. 2Vi6 o?w . . the other :

Omniscient, adj. P. and V. P. and V 6 Irepos .. 6 T

^;*7Zbring witnesses to prove that
On, adv. Forward : P. iroppo), V. he was one of the ISphors : P. &s
9TOpOr(0, TTpoVo), P. and V. IS TO TCOV !$6po>v eyevero /wprupay irape-

Trpoo^cv. Continuously : Ar. and P. {6/Mu (Lys. 124). Death is one of

o-wexcos 00 OW
Ut., P. -Trpocp two things : P. SVOIK Odsrepov
see advance. Continue: P. St TO rcOvdvcLL (Plat., Jj. 40o).
Staytyi/ecr^at, P. and V. Kaprcpeiv.
TTWZC/W^ was one of them : P.

Happen : P. and V. ytyvco-tfai. /w.axos ts aura)v

%v (Thuc. 2, 5).
On, prep. Of place : P. and V. Owe . . . another: P. and V. 6
(dat.). B on, v. : P. and V. /,v . . . 6 &'. <4 o^e ^iwe . at . .

One Ope
another : Ar. and P. TOT*
STL. Not only not : P. ou^
pw . . .
on, p.rj

P. and V. TOT (Lys 185).
. . . OXXOTC. O7ro)5

One another, each other : P. and V. Only-begotten, adj. P. and V.

dXXiyXotis (ace). Be at one: see /xovoyevifc (Plat.)
agree. Become one with : P. and Onset, subs. See onslaught. See
V. crvvryKeo-Qai. (dat.). At one time, you not the onset of so many
at the same time, together P. and -
V. ofjMv, d>ia. One by one : P. Kaff 6ps iTrtppoas; (Eur., 4nd. 349).
tva. One day, once upon a time : Onslaught, subs. P. and V.
P. and V. TTOTC, iroXat see formerly. ; ^, eur/JoA.^, r), P. ,

Eeferring to the future: P. and V.

Trore, 7r.Ta. W&Tz. one voice, 17.
Jl murderous onslaught V. :

unanimously : P. /u y w/w?, V. 6avd<rijJ.ov ^ctpco/xa (Soph., 0. B.

d0poo> see unanimously.
crro/iaTt ; 560)
'Tis one whether you desire to Onus, subs
'all Dwfa/, task : n&e P. and
praise or blame me V. o-u 8' V. cpyov, TO. Labour : P. and V.
7TGVOS, 6.

-40. 1403 ,. was aZZ one whether Onward, adv.

li P. and V. ts TO

the quantity drunk were more or 7rpoV6?V, P. Troppo), V. TTpoo-co, 7r6po"0>.

Less :P. Iv T<j> O/JLOIW /ca06iOT^Ki, TO J^rom i^s iirae onward P. and .

TC wXeov fcal IXao-oroi/ TTOTOV (Thuc., V. TdTro TovSe see henceforth. ; Go

2, 49). onwai d : P. and V. Trpo/Sairew, ?rpo-
One, subs. 27&e number one : P. X<opetv ; see advance.
Ooze, subs Jf^; P. and V. /Wp-
One-eyed, adj. P. Tpo'<0aX//.os, V. ^opos, 6, -TT^XOS, 6. Oozing matter :
/toi'aty (Ear., Cycl.), //.owaty (2Esch.,
V. /c^fe, ^ (Soph., ^?i^. 1008).
P. 7. 804=). Trickle V. oroAayfui, TO, oraytov,

Onerous, adj. P. and V. api;s, ^ o-ray/Aa, TO , XXftdSes, at, Ar, and

cTrax&Js, Svo-^^p^, Ar. and P. V oraXay/Ao?, 6, pavis, ^. Oo^e o/
XoAOTos, V. Svo-<^opos (also Xen. blood : V. at/AaTOS aTroppoai, at.
but rare P.) ; see also grievous. Ooze, v. intrans, ^Zo^ : P, and V.
adv. P. Paplw* ; see petv. J^np ; P and V.
also grievously. (Plat, but rare P.),
Onerous ness, subs P. (Xen. but rare P.), V.
Grievousness : P. and V. oT-aXao-o-Civ, 8tappaiVcr^a see drip. ;

^, V. fidpos, TO. and V. Oozy, adj. Muddy: P.

Oneself, pron. Eeflexive: P. and floAspoV, P. TnyXcoSjys, /JopjSopwSry?.
V. lawoV, awov. Emphatic. P. Daw& ; 7 /xiJSwv. : .

and V. avro5 ; see under self. Opaque, adj. Use Ar. and P. ov
One-sided, adj. Unfair : P. ov
KOIVO9, &V7TllKT]<S. Ope, v. trans. See open.
On ion subs
i Ar. Kpo^vov, TO. Open, adj. Sincere, frank : P. and
Onlooker, subs. P. and V. 0ed-nfc, 6, V. a-TrXorJs, IXo^cpos, P. IXeufleptos.
0eo>pos, 6. Of things, /ree, oj?ew to aZJ P. and
Only, adj. P. and V. /AOVOS, V. V. KOWOS. Qpew ^o all-comers :

/uuovvosj 0*09. An only child : V. wayfei-os Frag.). As

V. juo^oyevcs TCKJ/OV. ^iw OW^j!/ opposed to secret: P. and V. c>-
daughter : P. j&ovoyei ^ Qvydrrjp, TJ <ai/T7s, <^avp^s, P. 7rpo<avi?s; See
(Plat.). manifest. Confessed : P. 6/ioXoyoi;-
Only, adv. P. and V. ftoW. jLicvos. Of country, treeless: P.
only: P. and V. ov /wVov, P. </aX<5s. FZa*: P. 6>X<5s. Of a
Ope Ope
door, gate, etc. : P. and V. 6*Voy-
irapotyew. Unfasten :
p.vo<s (Eur., Hipp. 56), Y. ava- P. and V. Aceiv, Ar. and V. x^-^
cnraoTos (Soph, Ant. 1186). (rare P.). Ope?i (e^e^ or mouth) :
Unlocked : P. and V. a/cA^o-ros. P. and V. A^ew, V. oiycw, K\-DLV.
Unfenced: P acp/eros (Lys.)! Of He said no word in 2^ rotest nor
space, as opposed to stotf in: P, even opened his lips : P. OVK dvret-
and V. fcaflapdV In the open air : TTCVouSc St^pc TO 0-rofj.a (Dem. 375
use ad]., P. and Y. &r<u%os, Y. and 405). Open (a letter) : P. and
attfpios (Soph., Frag.), also P. V. Ai)v (Thuc. 1, 132). Open (a
Jv wai#po>. Live w i/&e open : P. letter) secretly : P.
OvpavXeLVy ev /ca0apa> oiKa^. Open P/?ett O^ 50T65 : P.
boat : P. TrAotov doreyaerrov. Qp07i (absol.). Open (a vein) : P.
onfer, march in open order: P. (Xen.). Begin, start : P. and V.
opOiOL iropeu<r9aL (Xen ). The open apx*^ (gen.) ; see begin. Open a
sea, subs. : P. and Y. -rrcAayos, TO. case (in law) : P. and V. do-dyetv
In the open sea: use adj., P. and 8l?KT7v. Disclose : P. and V. a?ro-
Y. TreAayws, P. /x.T<Dpos. HEeep in /caX-uTTTCiv, V. 8ia7rrv(r(rii/ (Plat, also
the open sea, v. : P. /x,TG)pt'r0at. but rare P.), avairrvo-a-Giv, urofyew,
Opera space, subs. P. vpvx<pia., y.
: Ar. and V. iKKoJwjrrew ; see disclose.
Wishing to attack in the open : P. Jf I shall open my heart to my
present hmband : V. Z . . .
(Thuc. 2, 83). Exposed : P. and TOV irapovra TroVtv avoarrv^ <t>peva
Y. yufti/os ; see exposed. Undecided : (Eur., Tro 657). V. intrans. P.
P. o/cpiTos. It is cm open question, and V. avoiywo-Oai, dvotycor^ai,
v. P.
SLfjL<f>Lor/3'rjTiTaL Open to, Stotyvuor^at, Stotyccr^at. Begin: P.
Uable to : P. ^OXQS (dat.). T7fi sa^ and V. 5pxcr0(u. .4 room having
yow ^zZZ Zay yourself open to these its entrance opening to the light : P.
charges P. Tavrat? ^>a/xcv crc Tats
: OLKirjO'is . . .
dra^rCTTTCxfiei/TTV wpos TO
atTiats ivegecrOai (Plat., Crito, 52A). T^V ctoroSov xouo-a (Plat., JiJ^p.

5e qpe?i to, adwii o/, v. : P. and 514A). Opew >p (a country) : P.

Y. Ix tv (ace.), P. eVSexco-^ai (ace.). and Y. ^epow ; see clear.
Be open to a charge of: P. and Y. Open-handed, adj. See generous.
6<^>AtcTKavtv (ace.). Open to (cow- Open-hearted, adj. See/ronfc.
viction) . use P. and Y. polios
' Opening, subs. Act of opening : P.
(ireiQew}. Open to doubt : P. averts, ^. HoZe : Ar. and P. rp^/xo,
ap*l)ia'/3r]Trio'ifjLO$ see doubtful.
; It TO. Ohasm : P. and Y. \6.<rpS.^ TO.
is open to, (allowable to), v. : P. Mouth, entrance P. and Y. crro/ia, :

and V. ^o-rc (dat.), ei/cori (dat.), TO, OTO/X60V, TO, ClQ-oSoS, ^. OppOr-
Trapeori (dat.), Trapa (dttt ), 7rapx tunity :
J^ ow
P. and Y. K<U/X>S, 6.
(dat.), Ar. and P. eVytyvemi opening P. and V. ct
is allowed :
Jyytyi/crat (dat.), P. eyx^pct (dat.). TrapctW. Opening for: P. and Y.
Ge^ oneself into trouble with one's ^op^, ^ (gen.). Beginning: P.
eyes open : P. ts Trpovnrov *a/cdv and Y. dpxij, ^. Prelude: P.
avrov ^ftaXelv (Dem. 32). and V. wpooi/uov, TO, Y. <pot/uov,
Open, v. trans. P. and Y. avot, .

jaWi, &vofycw, Siocyvvvai, Y. Openly, adv. TFi^owi concealment :


otyi/vvat, otyctv, ava-Trrwo-ev. JK(2 P. and Y. /x<avws, TrpoSTyAcos, Ar.

opened the gates without mortal and P. <avepois, P. l/c TOV irpo^avoiJs,
hand Y. /eA^Ses 8* dv^icav 6vperp
. K TOV <^>aVpOV, AT. /CttT^l TO ^ttVCpOV.
avcv 6vi}Tij$ x P* (Eur., Bacch. 448). openly: P. \ffi<j>ov </>avcpav
a little way : Ar. and V. 4, 74), Frankly :
Ope Opp

P. and Y. cb-Xws, eXev0pa>s, were of the same opinion : P. 6W

Outspokenly : P. pet V. (Thuc.
irapp-qcria. Speak openly, v. p. 1, 113).
Obstinate: P.
Trappy criafO"0ai Opinionated, adj.
Open-mouthed, adj. Use Ar. and and V.
Opponent, subs. P. and V.
Openness, subs. Frankness : P. ya)no-Ti75, 6, V. avnyperifs, 6,
cbrXoT^s, 17 (Xen.). Outspokenness : TI}S, 6, 6, or use adj., P.
P. and Y. irappTjcria, TJ.
and Y.ej/avrio?, P. Wj/aimos. Owe's
Operate, v. intrans. Produce a opponent in a legal action: use
result : P.epyafcc and Y.
adj., P. oWSifcos. Owe w&o speaks
Perform a surgical operation : P. on the opposite side : use P. 6
and V. TfjLvew. Garry on warlike
operations : P. and V. Opportune, adj. P. and Y.
(rare Y.). 7ri'/caipos, Ar. and Y. ato-ios, Y.
Operation, subs. Work : P. and Y. Fitting: P. and Y.
cpyov, TO. Virtue, S66
Y. 8tjvao-is, 17, IO-XTJS, /;. "In operation :
use adj., P. Ivepyos. Surgical Opportunely, adv. P. and V. fcaipS,
operation : P. and V. TO^, ^ (Eur., h v TO> Seovrt, t?

Frag.). Operations in war : P. TO. Beov, v /caXG, ts KaXov, Y. -n-pos

TroXc/uKa. A most suitable place to /catpov, Trpos TO V ScOVTt, tS
use for our operations in Thrace: ,
Ktupfas (also
P. errt/caipOTarov ^toptov -rrpos TO, CTTI Xen.), P. evKatpws Fittingly : P.
p^juoys aaroxpfjo'QaL (Thuc. 1, 68). and V. 7rp7rovT(os, n-Vjit/ifiVpcos,
Operative, adj. Effective : P. and Y.
Opportunity, subs. P. and V.
Operative, subs. See workman. 6. Fitting time : P. d5/caipia,
Ophthalmia, subs. Ar. and P. Opportunity for : P. and V.
6<0oX/u'a, 17. Suffer from ophtJial- ^ (gen.), Y. ev/Ltdfpcta, ^ (gen.),
mia t
v. : Ar. and P. 6<0oX/uaV /or aw opportunity against, v. : P.
(Xen.). Ka.Lpo$v\a.KLV (ace.). TF/fcW OppOT"
Opiate, adj. Stopping pain: Y. tunity offers : P. *v Trapacrxov (ace.
Opiate, subs. Use P. and Y. <apju,a/cov, Oppose, v. trans. P. and Y.
Sleeping-draught : P. /iav8pa- (dat.), avOL<rra<r6ai (dat.),
vctv (dat.), P. avTatpeLV
Opine, v. intrans. P. and V. vo/ue/, (dat.), ei/ta-raorOai. (dat.), a.vrnrpa.a-(T\.v
yycLa-Qai, oico^ot, Soae>. (absol.), Y. dvTt/8atvtv (dat.), dimov-
Opinion, subs. P. and V, yv&M, %> o-^at (dat.). Draw
back, dissuade :
, 8c^facr/xa, TO, Y. yvai/ia, TO. V dvTtoTrav ; see dissuade.
opinion, fancy : P. and Y. in battle : P. and V. dvTtTao'o'eo'^at
97, Y. SoKvjfAa, TO. 5e flt
(dab. or absol.). The opposing (the
matter of opinion, be disputed, v. :
enemy's) generals : P. ol di^-t-
P. dfjL<f>La-/3ir]TiarOai.. In my opinion : (rrparrjyoL. Set one against another :
P. and V. o>s e/wu 8o*t. Form an P. and V. OLVTLTWfVCU, d.VTLToVo'CtV,
opinion : see /w^gre. I formed the P. dvTiKa&o-ToVai. Oppose (by word) :
same opinion : P. /cat jLtoi TavTa Tavra P. and V. dvrtXeyetv (dat.), avTCMrctv
!8o (Plat., ^. 2lD). Do not form (dat.). J5e opposed, clash : P.
an opinion : V. py Trepotve r7i/

(Eur., Or. 636). All Opposer, subs. Use P. 6

Opp Opp
Opposite, adj. P. and V. Oppressively, adv. P.
use P. c evavTias, Or adv. P. Oppressiveness, subs. P.
dvrwrepas, KaTavriKpv, V. Karavrtov, Met., V. apos, TO. Injustice:
P. and V. evavTiov. Two waggons P. and V. SiKi'a, 17.
going in opposite directions brought Opprobrious, adj. Ar. and P.
up the stones : P. 8vo a/m&u evavriai Sia/?oAos, P. j3Xaor<T7ju,os, V. Xoi'8opo?
dAA-tyA-ais TOI>S Aiflous cTrJJyov (ThllC. (Eur., C2/cZ.), KOKO'O-TO/IOS, P. and V.
1, 93, cf. AT., Av. 1127). *&0 Opprobrious words: V.
opposite side of : P. and V.
(gen.). T/&e mainland opposite : P Opprobriously, adv. P. 8ta/fc>X<os, P.

17 rTre/pos, 17 Encamp andV. fca/cois.

Opposite, V. : P. P. and V.
Opprobrium, subs.
(dat. or absol.). Contrary : P. and TO ; see disgrace.
V. cvavTios, P. wa/ai/Tios, V. dimes. Optical, adj. Of the eyes: use P.
On the opposite side to that on and V. 6^>6aXfjM>v (gen. pi.).
which their men were scaling the Option, subs. P. and V. cupeo-is, ^.
wall : P. K rovjjaraXw fy ol avSpcs Opulence, subs. P. and V. TrXoOros,
ctVToiv VTrcpcfiawov (ThllC. 3, 22), 6 ; see wealth.
The opposite, the contrary : P. and Opulent, adj. P. and V. TT
V. TofywroAiv, TOVVOVTLOV, ravavria. see rich.
Opposite to : P. and V. Opulently, adv. Ar. and V.

(dat.). Overlooking: V. see richly.

(gen.), dvri'os (dat.) (also
Plat, but Or, oonj. P. and V. rj; see also
rare P.). either, whether. Or rather: P.
Opposite, prep. Over, against : P. /xoXXov 8c ; see under rather.
and V. Kara (ace.). Face tfo face Worth little or nothing : P. oXtyov
with : P. and V. Kara crro^a (gen.). Ttvos otos KOL ofiSei/os (Plat., Ap*
In- the presence of: P. and V. 23 A; but of. oXiya 77 ovSa/ (Plat.,
cvavTibv (gen.). Facing : P. di'Tt- Ap. 23o).
Trepas (gen.), KaravriKpv (gen,), P. Oracle, subs. P. and V.
and V. /cara (aoo.). TO, fUX.VTtOV, TO,
Opposition, Sllbs. P. evavrto-n/s, ^, 6, xprj&fjLtoSia, fj t
Ar. and
17. o/ opposing : P.
-<4<tf or pi.
T<{, Message from heaven :

TO. Opposition (to a P. and V. X<5yos, 6, Ao'yia, T(, Ar.

: P. Ivavrtaxrts (Thuo. and V. <ciTi$, 17, Oeo-^arov, TO, OX pi.
. Hostility: P. and V. V. ^^cnrto-fia, T<5, or pL Divine
Ix^pa, rj ; see hostility. The voice : V. o//,<jf;, ^. Sea^ o/ the
opposition, the opposite party : use oracle: P. and V. itavrelov, T<5, or
P. and V. ot Ivavrioi. In opposition : pL V. xprjcrrypiov, TO, or pi. Consult
P. and V. havrfov. the oracle, v. : P. and V. xtfotiai.
Oppress, v. trans. P. and V. irii&iv. (dat.), fjwrcv<rOai, (absol.). 2%e-
Be oppressed : also P. and V. n'^i of precedence in consulting the-
Ill-treat : P. and V. oracle : P. 7rpo/iavTta,
Be oppressed by : aw oracte : P. and V.
see labow under. Ar. and P. xPWfwSw* V.
Oppression, subs. Weight, bivrden. faiuomfotv (Bur., low, 371); seej
Met., V. #ipo$, TO. Injustice : P. prophesy. The oracles of Delphi : V.
and V. SSwua, ^. Melcmcholy : P. Ta TTvOoKpavra (Qsoh., ^[gf. 1255).
and V. a05/ua, ^, Sva-^ta, ^ (Plat.). Oracles given by the Pythian
Oppressive, adj. P. and V. priestess : V. /wxvTfv/xaTa TO, Triifli-

Diytw* ; P. and V. Xprjcrra (-ffiscL, 0^0. 900). Loxiaa

577 37
Ora Ord

Jw speaks in Pythian oracles : V. Ordained by fate, adj. V.

6 irv8ou.avTt$ Aofwrs (JSsch., Cho. ; see/ataZ.
1030). Ordeal, subs. see
Oracle-monger, subs. Ar. and P. Soph., Ant. 264, 265". P.
Xpiyo-ftoXoyos, 6, P. ^/o^cr/AwSoy, 6.
and V. &Y&V, 6.
Oracular, adj. P. and V. pavriKts, Order, subs. Begidwity : P. and V.
Ar. and P. /xavretos, V. x/E^crnjpios, 6.
Arrangement P. and V.

0eoTrpSos, flea^aVtyXoyos J 866 also ry,

P. SidVats, y. Oder o/
prophetic. Dark, enigmatic: P. : P. and V. Tat?, ^, P. -n-apa-
and V. atviy//TO>8i7S, V. atvweros, YI.
In good order : use adj.,
atoXoerroftos, av//^A,i7TOs ; see dar&. P. and V. UTdtKTo>9. Retreat in good
Oracularly, adv. V. Suo-fcptrcos, order : P. o-uireray/x-eyot ^Trava^copctv.
aivtKTTjpLtos, Ar, and P. 7rouafAa>s. Draw up in order of battle -
P. irapa-
Oral, adj. Oral tradition : P. at Taoxro~0at (mid.) (ace.). Be drawn
a/coat rS>v ffpoycycymLCVCDV (Thuo. up in order of battle : Ar. and P.
1, 20).
Orally, adv. By word of mouth : P. y/p morder agcwnst one another:
dTro oro/taTOS, P. and V. (MTO yXdicro^s. P. foriTraperdivarovTo. In order, in
5y hearsay : P. a^og. succession : P. and V, cqke^Js, !>Js.
Orange, adj. Of colour: P. and Y. Action, though in order of time
subsequent to speaking and voting,
Orate, v. intrans. Ar. and P. 817^17- in importance is prior and superior :
yopeiv. P. TO<Tw TOV icat X LP~
Oration, subs. P. and V. A^Jyos, 6, rovctv vavepov ov Tn Tai wpoVcpov TQ
p^o-ts, 17,
P. fy^yopt'a, 17. .Mafee aw SvvdfjLCL /cat Kpcicrcrov ecrrt (Dem. 32).
oratfioTi : P. A.oyov irotctcr^ai, Ar. and Tell in order, v. V. arot;(T7yoptv

P. &7/jM7yopiv. (ace.). In order that : P. and V.

Orator, subs. P. and V. pip-top, 6. OTTO)? (subj. or
opt.), &a (subj.
Demagogue : P. Siy/^Tyopos, 6. opt.), <S)5
(subj. or opt.). Bring to

Oratorical, adj. P. De- order : P. and V. pvfyv (Plat.),

clamatory : P. V. (TGxfrpovifcew, Ar. and V. apu,^tv.
5e order o/ ifee day : P. and
^fee Y .

Oratoncally, adv. P. KpoLTtw, P. cTrwcpaTctv; see joreva^Z.

Oratory, subs. P. I am ZoyaZ to ^e established order :
Practise oratory, v. P. wovs eifji) TOIS Ka$arrr]K6<ri Trpay-
P. fir]Topv&.v. /wio-i (Lys. 145). CZass, A;*?M2 : P.
Orb, subs. P. and V. KwcAos, 6. and V. ycvos, TO, P. 201/os, TO. Social
Orbit, subs. P. and V. 8p<$/>s, 6 division : P. and V. /tcpts, 17.
68(5s, $, Ar. and P. ir<?ptyop<, ^, V. Carnma'iid : P. TrpoaTajfML, TO*,
^^arpo^, (Soph., 7rrayjULa, TO', V. JvroXiJ, 17 (Plat, also
Trepwrrpo^, ^ (Soph., Frag.). but rare P.), j

Orchard, subs. P. and V. 10771-05, 6, 6, c^er/x,^, ^, cwtoToXot, at.

P. yj} wc^vreufi^ (Dem. 491). command : P, Trpcfy^o-is, 17,

Ordain, v. trans. ^Ppoiwtf : a ^ ^w&Zic orders : P. and Y.

V. KaOicrrdvai, Tacrarew, see i

Stetf over: P. and V. Order, v. trans.

&t>i<rrdva,i. Begulate : P. and
Establish: P. and V. Y. JcooyActv, Tacraetv, onwTao*o*tv, Ar.
tcrravcu, tSpi;tv, Trotctv, and P. Sumtfci'ai, P. Stajcooy&eti',
wpoT40cwu (or mid.). Decree, com- Staracrcrctv, V. arot^tijeiv, Staaroi^-
mand: P. and V. KcAevcw, Trpocr- eo-0ai; see also arrange. Order
irrrocr<r6v ; see command.
aright : P. and V. cv TtSwaL (or
Ord Ori

mid.), KoAuis rWevai (or mid.). Organ, subs. Organ of sight, hearing,
Order justly : V. St/caoos rtOevai. etc. : P. opyai/ov, TO (Plat., Tfoaetf.
Command : P. and V. wXeuav (nv6. Faculty : P. S^a^ts, ^.
ImracrcreLV Organisation, subs.
TL), CT-wrreAAetv (TLVL TI), Arrangement :
(TLVL TI), irpocrrdcrcreiv (TLVL TI), P. S(^o-t5, ^, Saw-afis, ^. Pre-
7rnci77rmv (roa TI), Ar. and Y. paration : P. and V. Trapoo-Kctny, ^.
<feo-0at (TIW TI) see command.
; Constitution P. and V. KaTcwrrao-is,

Prescribe: P. and V. l&iyeto-Oai. 17.

Political association : P.
Owe signal to : P. and V. crripaJLvtw O-VOT<XO-IS, ^, Ar. and P. o-iWSos, 17.

(dat.).Order a&cw, domineer over: Organise, v. trans. Arrange: Ar.

P. and V. Sfo-TTofciv (gen. Y. also and P. Siaritfa'cu, P. Sta/cocr/tctv,
ace.). Join w
ordering : P. and V. P. and V. ICOO/ACC?,

crvy/ccXcveiv (absol.). Prepare : P. and V.

Ordered, adj. Regular: Ar. and P. v ; see jDrepare. ffei
vpv0/>s ; see orderly, (6?/ intrigue) : P. o-voTcsvafciv,
Orderliness, subs. P. and Y. , o-Kevwpcto-^at. Frame:
eu/cocr/ua, 17, Ar. and P. jcooyuon??, 17. Ar. and P. crvvtorravai.
Discipline : P. evra$a, 17. together : P. and V. o-wayv.
Orderly, adj. P. and V. ^%o %as 0% organised force always
/cooyuos, Ar. and P. ct/ra/cros. Jw with him : P. 6 2x a)v 8vwi/v
orderly way : Ar, and P. o-uvcm7ici;rai/ dei Trepl avrov (Dem.
P. and V. vra/crft)s, P. Ter 92).
Ordinance, subs. P. and V. Orgies, subs. Mysteries : P. and V.
6, vdfupov, TO, or pL, 0ecr/x.os, 6 (rare ipyta, T< ; see mysteries. Bacchic
P.). Institution : P. and V. revels : P. and V. ^aKxewu, <u
(Plat.), Y. pdKx*v<rt.'S, fl, fiaKxeupOL,
Ordinarily, adv. Generally : P. <*>s TO*, Or pL, /JajcxeTov, rd (pi. in Ar.),
rl TroAv, TO, iroAAa. Customarily : eui'ot aL JZeVfiZ : P. and V.
P. and V. eto>0<W, P. crui/^^ws. 5, o. Celebrate (orgies) : P.
Ordinary, adj. Customary : P. and ^etv (aco.) Indulge Bacchic . m
V. <TVV7J(h]S, VO/Xt/X05, tO)^C05 orgies : P. and V. fiaKxevciv (Plat.),
ftevos,^dis (Dem. 605), P. o V. y&wcxia&w.
Ar. and V. VO/U<$/ACVO?. Orient, adj. Eastern (of direction) :

mee^gr o/ iAe -455fl??z6Zy : Ar. and V. Avr^Xw?. Barbaric : P. and V.

P. icvpux 'E/c/cXTyo-ta (as opposed /3ap^apos, P. fiappapuc&s. The
to o-vyjcXifros "E/c/cXoyo-ta). Orient, used as a subs., i,e., Eastern
common : P. and V. <J>at)Xo$, peoples : P. and V. ot 0<p0Spoi, TO
ordinary fashion: V. o5 re fiapfiapov.
(Bur., Phoen, 111). Every- Oriental, adj. P. and V. y8ap/3opos,
: P. and V. Vtrvxa>v, rwaiv. P. )Sap^aptK&.
ordinary man: P. and V. 6 Orifice, subs. P. and V.
eTTiru^div, P. o Ivrv^cov, V. 6 P. and V.
Tow J^o^e spoken like some T<$. TFay <m^ : P. and V.

ordwaryman: V, ct/o^fcaslTrtrvx^vros os, ^. ffote ; Ar. and P.

dv^pawrov Acfyovs (Kur., S". JF .

1248). Origin, subs. Beginning : P. and Y.

Ordure, subs. Ar. and P. KoVpos, ^ (ipX^J, ^. Oawse ; P. and Y, alrta,
Ar. cr/coip, rrf. y, Ar. and P. amov, rt. Starting
Ore, subs. See metal Silver ore: point : P. and Y. o^op^, ^. Source,
P. dpyupms, ^ (Xen.), or use "V. root : P. and Y. Tn^yiJ, 17 (Plat.),
forapyvpos werpa, 17 (Bur., O^cZ. 294). Birth, lineage : P. and Y.
Ori Ost

V6V05, TO, V. yovq, 77, <nropa, r} ;

see Orphan, subs. Use adj., P. and "V.

lineage. Coming into being : P. op<ai'o$. Be cvn orphan, v. : V.

and V. yowis, ^. op<l>avv<rOai. Tend orphans : V.
Original, adj. First: P. and V. op<t>aveveiv (aoo.). Of an orphant
Ancient : P. and V. adj. : P. op^aviKos.
Orphaned, adj. P. and V. op<ai/os,
V. /cotvos. Inventive : P. and V. V . (OO<icLVtO"U(VOS. r
Q7rO)p<f>(LVlO /AI/O9,

dfcropos, Ar. and P. CM/IS. Deprived of one's father :

P. and V. &raTO)p, V. WOLT/

Inventiveness : Motherless : P. and
Originality, subs.
P. cTriTexnyo-ts, 17, ircpiT^^cris, 37. (Hat.).
Novelty : P. /cao^oT^s, 17. Orphanhood, subs. P. op<avx, ^, V.
adv. P. and V. l dpXi}<?,
Originally, P. and V.
TO apxplov (V. Top^o-Iov). Oscillate, v. intrans.
Originate, v. trans. Iwvent : P. and aio)pelcr$cu. Shake : P. and V.
V. evpLO-Kcw, <eupMTK/, vupur*eiv, crLa-6ai. Toss up and down : P.
lo;pio-/civ, V. avevpL<rKiv. Con- and V. oraAeucw, P. d7roo*oAeueiv.
trive : P. and V. /i^xavocrtfai, TX- Met., hesitate, waver: P. and V.
vao-Qai., Ar. and V. /^Seo-tfcu; see OKJ//, KaTOKvew, P. dTTOfeveo'.
contrive, institute. Produce, cause : Oscillation, subs. P. awop^o-is, ^
P. and V. yevj/av, Troiciv, P. dn-cpy- (Plat). Tossing : Ar. and V. craAos,
a&cr&u. B0pm ; P. and V. apxew ; 6. Shock of earthquake : P. and
see fogriw. V. intrans. ^Lnse : P. V. 0^107*0'$, 6. Met., hesitation :
and V. yiyv<r0<u, <oivo-0ai. Stari : P and V. ofcvos, 6.
P. and V. op/jtao-^at. Begin: P. Osier, subs. P. olo-os, 6 (late), iTa,
and V. apx o*0<u; see 6e0m. ^ (Hdt.). O/ osier, adj. : P. oiWtVos.
Originator, subs. Bing-leader : P. Shield made of osier : V. tTca, 17,
and V. ^yeftcoi/, 6 or ^. Owe ;feo f-HJ? ^ (also Xen.).

/jrsi starte : P. and V. dp^yo's, o Osprey, subs. Ar. ^v^9 ^> Ar. and
or ^, V. apxwfa)** 5 - V. ^.irfero?, 6 (Eur., Frag.).
Orison, subs. Use prayer. Ostensible, adj. Pretended : P.
Ornament, subs. P. and V. /coV/^os, wpooTro7T^s. Seeming : P. and V.
6, V. yoX/L, T<$. Concretely, of So/cow.

persons or things, tf
Ostensibly, adv. Nominally : P. and
o/: P. and V. <rx5^a, TO, V. Trpo'^ao-w, Aay<u ; see nominally.
cr^fui, TO, HyaXpa, TO, Ostentation, subs. Showing off : Ar.
see ^Zory. and P. rSeiis, ^. Magmficence :
Ornament, v. trans. P. and V. KOO- P. and V. crxfifui, TO. Boastmg :
/*,', V. ftyaXXew, cur/ceiv, l^ao"/ceTi/. P. avxyna., TO (Thuc.), and V. P
Ornamental, adj. Beautiful : P. KO/MTOS, 6 (Thuc.), Ar. and V. KO/A-
and Y. KoXo'?; see beautiful, be- ir&rfJLa,Ta Ta, V. yavpu/jua, TO,9 Pride :
coming. P. and V. 3y/co9, 6, P. VTrep^avia,, 17,
Ornamentally, adv. P. and V. fwyaAavxta, ^ ; see boastfulness.
see also becomingly. Ostentatious, adj. Boastful : P.
Ornate, adj. P. and V. fjiyaX6(f>p<j)v, wrepi^avos, V. iSTrcp-
cre/Ai/os; see magnificent. <3&pQ)v, vTrepicoTros, Ar. and V. yaupog,

Ornately, adv. P. and V. Ar. and P. 5Aa^w; see boastful.

Plam, manifest : P. and V. >
Ornateness, subs. P.
P. and V. o-e/x,i/(m7$, 17 ; see magni- Ostentatiously, adv. Boastfully :
ficence. P. V7rep^(^avcusj /AyaAo^>pov<os, V.
Ost Out

see boastfully. Plainly Ousel, subs.

s; Ar KOIJ/LKO^ 6.

openly: P. and V. Xa/wrpfc, e Oust, v. trans. P. and V.

<avws, Ar. and P. <avpcus. ^Troppwrrai/, w^ct?/, efco^ctv, 8.Tra>OeLV 9
Ostler, Subs. P. ITTTTOKO/AOS, 6; 866 V. CKpL7TTLV.
Out, adv. Outside : P. and V. 2fr>,
Ostracise, v. trans. P. /crd?, Ar. and V. Qvpae. From
home: P. and V. !CD, Ar. and V.
Ostracism, subs. P. 6(rrpaKr//,os, 6 Otipatri, or use V. adj., ^vpatos. Ow<
(Arist.). cwd out, thoroughly: P. and V.
Ostrich} subs. P. //.eyas <rrpot)0os TravTeXGs, TT^TO)? ; see thoroughly,
(Xen.) ; also o-rpovflos, 6, alone in utterly. Hear one out: use P.
Ar. and V. ^Koveu/ iravra.
Other, adj. Of two : P. and Out, interj. See awa V upon
erepos. Of more than two : P. and you : use Ar. and V. c, V. Ippots.
V. oXXos; see another. The one Out upon him : V.
. . the other: P. and V. 6
Outbalance, v. trans. P. and Y.
6 Sc. .Each otf&er; P. and V. see
, . .
&rep/?a\Xe> ; ercceea',

(ace. pi.). At othei times : balance.

P. and V. oAAoT. Of others, other Out-bawl, v. trans. Ar.
people's : P. and Y. dAAdrptos (ace.) see bawl. ;

the other side of: P. and V. TCWT- Out-bid, v. trans. P. vTrepjSoAXctv.

KCLVO, (g n.). Somehow or other : Outbreak, subs, Rebellion: P. and
Ar. and P. a/AO)S ye 7TGJS, P. V. ordto-ts, ^. Outbreak of disease,
Some one or other Ar. etc. : P. and V. Trpoo-jSoXi;, ^ ; see
and P. OOTWTOOV, P. 60TIO-8 . visitation. Immediately on the
At some time or outbreak of hostilities: P. (rov
other:' P. and V. wore. Sending -jroA./Jiou) cfiflus KaBicrrci.fji.hfov (Thuc
for me with four others : P. //.era- 1,1).
TTfJL\frdp,VOl fJLC Tre^TTTOV tt^TOV (Plat Out-building, subs. P. KXrtov, TO.

Ap. 32o). Outburst, subs. See outbreak.

Otherwise, adv. In another way: Outburst of applause : P. and V.
P. and Y. <&AAo>s. P. A,A#, Ar. and Outburst of anger:
0o'pi5os, 6.
P. Irepws, Ar. and V- crepo. see &%r, jfa.
Otherwise, conj. P. aad V. t 8e Outcast, subs. Exile: P. and V.
ft>7 see else.
; 6 or Pariah : use adj.,
Otter, subs. P. !Spt9, ^ (Hdt,). Ar. and P.
" '

Ought, v. intrans. P. and Y. Outcast, adj. See exiled. Exposed

I ow^fc^ : use also P. and Y. (of
a child) V. &co\os.
ftc or ftoi, 7rpo<r>7Kct /^e 01* Outcry, subs. P. and V. Oopvfios, 6.
Ought, subs. See anything, augtit. icpavyij, Outcry against :
Ounce, subs. See leopard. Weight : P. Karaj8o>7, ^
P. reckon by Spax/w?> about quarter outcry against, v. P.
of an ounce.
Our, adj. P. and V. ^ercpos (Eur., Outdo, v. trans. P. and V.
Supp. 535 ; Or. 60), Ow
men our soldiers : P. o!
(g^-) OT
(Xen). (gen.), facpOclv, P. feen.),
Ourselves, pron. Emphatic P. :
Trcptctvat (gen.), (gen.),
and V. afrro. Eeflexive P. ^19, : Go 6eyowd : P. and
aurovff, V. avroi;s, lavroife (Eur., (ace.)-
Heracl. 143). Outer, adj. Use P. and Y. o
Out Out

Use P. and Y. P. T^OV 8ta Travros (TOV

Outermost, adj.
&TXO.TOS. (Thuc. 5, 26),
Outfit, Subs. P. and Y. sropoxr/ceu^, Outlook, subs.e PZace /or watching :
' '
P. and "P "P n/R "V
P. /caTao7ew7, ^. Dress :

Y. GPKi;>7, -ft, crroAi}, rj (Plat.)T) (also Xen.).

; seeExpec-V. oveomj,
dress. P. -rrpoo-SoKia, ^. T/&6
Outflank, v. trans. P. wcpe^ctv future : P. and Y. TO /^cXXov.
(gen.), ircpiexetv (absol.), TrepuV^v Outlying, adj.
Use P. and V.
(absol.). Be outflanked : P. and gcrxaros ; see distant.
Outmanoeuvre, v. trans. In diplo-
Outflow, subs. Flowing out: P. macy P. KaTcwroXiTeucr0ai (aco.). :

eKpor), i), P. and V. Sfcoppoy, fj.

Place Outnumber, v. trans. Use P. and
of outflow : see outlet.
Out-going, subs. P. and Y. eo8os, Out of, prep. P. and Y. IK (gen.) ;
07. Expenditure : P. and Y. before vowels, P. and V. *. Out
of doors : use V. adj., 0ty>atos, or
Outgrow, v. trans. Use exceed. adv., P. and Y. !o>, Ar. and V.
Out-house, subs. P. /cWibv, TO'. Mpacri. Ow o/ feW2 : use dis-
Outlandish, adj. P. and V. pdpfiapos. obedient, offhand. Out of one's
Eccentric : P. and V. STOTTOS (Eur., mind : use mad. Out of temper :
Frag.), Ar. and P. oXXoKoros. see angry. Out of tim& : see dis-
Outlast, v. trans. See outlive. cordant. Out of the way, adv. P. :

Outlaw, subs. P. and Y. <i5yas, 6 or and V. liwroScoi/. Put out of the

way, v. P. and V. &avi'cfcv ; see

Outlaw, v. trans. P. and Y. destroy. Eccentric : P. and V.

liuciqpva'o'ew , see banish. LOTTOS (Eur., Frag.). Desolate :
Outlawed, adj. See banished. P. and V. CP^/AOS ; see desolate.
Outlawry, subs. A banishing : P. Distant: P. and Y. see
lA-ao-ts, ^, K/3o\y, 77.
Exile : P. and distant.
OutpOSt, Subs. P. irpo<fcu\a.Kr) t 17.

Outlay, subs. P. and Y. Vedette: P. TTPOOTCOTTOS, 6 (Xen.).

TO, OCWTCLVT?, Y) Men on outpost duty : P. 7rpo<uAaKs,
Outlet, subs. P. and V. ot.
Military station : P. TrcpwroXiov,
8tco8o?; 17, P. efejSoA.i7, 17. jB0 sea: TO, <t>v\aKTiqpiov 9 TO, P. and V.
P. and V. licTrXous, 6. <^poupa, ^, <f>povpic ,

Outline, subs. P. woypa^, 17, enemy's coimtry P.

Trepiypac^iJ, ovciapya^i'a, 17, TWOS,
17, TO'.

6. Jw OW&710 : P. fr Twnp, TVTTO). P. and Y.

Outpour, v. trans.
I see no clearly yet m some sort tne Owipoz^r words : see
outline of his form and a breast Outpouring, subs. : P. and
like to his: Y. opu> Svjr ov o-a^&s, V. airoppoij, ^. O/ a wer: Ar.
6pw 8e TTCDS arcpva
/*OP<T}$ TUTTw/xa T*

^jcacr/Mra (Eur.,
P/wew. 161.). (ju^dovux,Ar. and P. irepiovcrta, ^.
Outline, v. trans. P. Outrage, subs. P. and V. aU&t, ^,
aftaoyj.a, TO, "u^pTs, ^, -u/^ptcr^ca, TO,
Outlive, v. trans. Use P.
see also stwvive. He outlived (the
X^jgi;, 17 (Plat.), XtJW ^
P. and Y.
Impudent act :
a^pife, ,

beginning of the war) by two years

and six months : P. eTrc^ieo 8i5o l-ny outrage I suffered at their hands :

1^ (Thuo. 2, 65). I V. l^cpoi .

^ "
aycoy* UTT*

tf/te whole (of the war) :

(Soph., Phil. 329).
Out Out

Outrage, v. trans. P. and V. other mem.: V. !w0eV do-w ol

atKi'&crtfat (ace ), \vpawco-6ai (aoc. or So/cowres ev <f>poviv Aa/tfrpol, ra 8*
dat.), \(0fia<r0ai <acc.) (Plat.), v8ov iraortv avtfpcSwois tcrot (Eur.,
vfipifav (aoc. or eis ace.). 4d. 330).
Outraged, adj. V. AO^TOS. Outsider, subs. See stranger.
Outrageous, adj. Shameless. P. Outskirts, subs. Edge, border P.
and V. ^vatSiys. Disgraceful P. and V. /cpacnrcSo, T< (Xen.).
and V. aicrxpos. Monstrous : P. Extreme point : use P. and V.
and V. Sfivo's, P. -n-avSftvos see ;
Icr^ara. Outskirts of a town :

Monstrous. Excessive: P, andV. P. Trpoaareiov, TO, V. Trpoaorriov,


Outrageously, adv. Shamelessly : Outspoken, adj. FrawA; : P. and V.

P and V. avaiSois. Disgracefully : &.v0epos, ctTrXoOs. j5oi'cZ
o/ speech :
P. and V. cuo-xpws. Monstrously : V. eAcuflcpooTO/Aos, 0paiarv(rrofju)$. Be
P. and V. Sivo>s ; see monstrously. outspoken, v. : P.
Excessively P. and V. Trepio-o-ois.
: V.
Outrageousness, subs. Shameless-
ness : P. and V. avaflJao, ^. Excess : Outspokenly, adv. P. and V.
P. and V. virepfioXi'i, 17. P. fjiT& Trapprjartas, V. -zrappT/o-iigu

Outrider, subs. Use adj., P. Outspokenness, subs. P. and V.

Outright, adv. P. and V. Outspread, v. trans. P. and V.

7r<vro)s, avTwcpvs; see altogether. TLVtV, KTLVIV, 1TpQTlVW.
Once for all: P. and V. iVa7ra, Outstanding, adj. Left over: P.
P. *a0a7ra. Laugh outright : P. and V. Aowros, 7ri?Aoi7ros, Out-
standing debts P. TO, <5<56aAo'/x,eva..

Outrun, v. trans. P. and V. Outstep, v. trans. P. and V. -jrapa-

V. 1U7rpTpXJ', P. TTpOTp4^ BOLVCW, vTTcpPafceiv, P. uTrepTT^Sav,
I /0Z m?f 0w<7fir /tad outrun ,v.
(itself) : V. epja.v6o.vov rov Oupbv ; see transgress, overstep.
/>i (Soph., 0. 0. 438). Outstretch, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. T6VU/, 7TpOTCtVtV.
v, P. Outstrip, v. trans. P and V.
Outset, subs. P. and V. $7Tp0tV, V.

see beyinnmg. P. and

Outshine, v. trans. Use excel irpoXap/Sdvciv, P.
Outside, prep P. and V, Zfa (gen.), Surpass : P. and V.
&erog (gen.), V. fro8a>v (gen.) (also V7Tpfi(D(XciV, TrpO%XtLV (gen.),
Xen. but rare I'.); see without. Xtv (gen.) see swpass. ;

Except : P. and V. -n-A^v (gen ), P. Outvote, v. trans. Use P. and V.

2o> (gen.), 4/cro's (gen.) ; see except.
Outside, adv. P. and V. !<>, &cro$, defend themselves t trough being
cjoroScSv, V. iKToOev. From outside : outvoted, the allies were enslaved:
P.andV.fc0cv,V. P. aSvi/aroi ovTs naff tv yevo/ie^oi 8ia
Outside, ad]. P. and V. 6 I
Zfofav; see also foreign. (Thuc. 3,' 10).
Outside, subs. P. andV. TO Outward, adj. Use P. and V.
At see at most,
the outside : under Outward show subs. P. and V. 9 :

the outside those TO',

thought wise are in high repute, Outwardly, adv. Use P. and V.

but within they are the equals of : P. and V. Aoy<p ;

Out Ove

see nominally. From the outside : J30 ot?er, remai7j over : P. and V.
P. and V. fo>0a/. 7reptA.i7Tcr#<u \CLTrearQai, P. 7T/04ti'at,
Outweigh, v. trans. See exceed. Ar. and P. wepTyiyvetrfleu. Hand
Be considered more important : over : P. and V. -n-apaStSovat.
use P. irpt irXctovos vo/uor0at. Over, adv. Excessively, too much .

Such a visitation of misfortune has P. and V. Sydv, Afei/, Trcptcrcrois ;

come upon them as doubly to out- see excessively. In compounds :

weigh these (disasters): V. P. andV. LTrep. Overmuch: P.
ITT* avrovs ^X0 <ru/A^op< and V. T&TrcpTToAvs. O^r and above,
feat Sis a,vTLcrr]K<b(ra.L addition tom P. and V. Trpos.

Pers. 436). (dat.), hrt (dat). J% addition:

Outwit, v. trans. Deceive : P. and Ar. and P. Trpoo-^rt, V. *cd Trpos,
V. tikraTav, e^arrarav, /cXeTrrav, V. wpos (rare P.). Over again : see
fl-apcwraTav ; see deceive. Baffle : agram. Over against : see TWOT,
P. and V. v<i>aX\iv. opposite. Over and over : see
OutWOrk, SUbs. P. 7rpOTt^^a, TO. repeatedly.
Oval, adj. Use round. Overawe, v. trans. P. and V.
Ovation, subs. Merrymaking: P. iKfaflcLV, iKirXrjcrcrew 386 frig :

and V. JCCO/AOS, o. Honour : P. and Overbalance, v. trans. See outweigh,

V. Ti/jnJ, 17. Pw&Zic thanksgivwg : counterbalance. Upset : P. and V.
P. and V. $5o-ia, 17. avarpeTretv, ^vaoTpe<jfrtv see Upset. ;

Oven, subs. Ar. n/os, o, Tmyeus, o. V. intrans. J?5 wpsejf ; P. and V.

Over, prep. P. and V. facp (ace. or ttvarpc3reo-0(u,
gen.) Upon : P. and V. &ri? (dat.}
. .

Throughout: P. and V. && (gen), Overbearing, adj. P. and V.

Karfc (aoc.), avrf (aoo.) (rare P.). P. wrep^ V.
All over : P. Kara irai/m. Ouer a ^Trepqbpcov, <TjU,vooTO)UOS,
wide space P. ITT! iro\v. Across : (also Plat, but rare P.),
P. and V. *7Tp (gen.), Sti (gen.). uTTcpKowos, Ar. and V.
Beyond : P. and V. \>7r4p (ace.) ; Overbearingly, adv. P, and V.
see beyond. Met., a&o% ; P. and
V. T&rrep (gen.), wepf (ace. or gen.). V. ^
(Exult, etc.)
over: P. and V. eat Overboard, adv. Ctostf overboard, v,

" '
Of authority : P. and V. trans. P. and V. e/c^aXXeiv. Fall

(dat.). Set over : P. and V. overboard, v. intrans.: P. and V.

(riva nvt) . Hie prcmowwces CK7T TTTCIV.
over them a fitting eulogy :P. Overburdened with, Be, v. trans.
Xeya TT" avrots eiraivov rov irpcirovra P. and V. 8aptv<rOai (dat.), Tra^cerflcu
(Thuo. 2, 34). Beyond, more (dat.).
than P. and V.
(ace.). Wp
Overcast, adj. Cloudy (of the sky) :

over : P. Ivurfarctv (dat.). P. ervtW<eXo$, Ar. TrcptW^eXos.

over, swrwoimi : P. and V. Met., of looks P. and V. ancvOpw- :

jftuVciv; see swrmQwrit. Q-et ovw wo's, V. <ruva)^pvo)jLivos, orvyvos.

an illness : see recover. It is all Overcome, v. trans. Subdue : P.
over with me : use ^P. and V. and V. KaTacrrp<l><r0ai. Conquer :
(perf. of P. and V. vlfav, x tPvo-tfai, V.
V. oXo>A.a
t), (perf. of
t) ; see be undone.
..,.. Be over, of feelings: P. ovic cvStSovat (dat.ji
be finished: P. and V. r&os V. vl/cav, ovic C&KC&V (dat.). Check :
(2nd aor. P. and V. Kartxw. Master : P.
see and V. /cparciv (gen.). Soothe
Ove Ove

charm : P. and V, Sur- Overhaul, v. trans. Repair : P.

mount : P. and V. eK8i"e<r0(u (gen.),
V. , eavrAZv. Be Overhear, v. trans. Ar. and P.
overcome, grow faint : P and V. (ace.,
or gen , or absol.) ,

K<ifjwiv (rare P.), ^rpoKa/jw/ctv (rare (aoc., or gen., or absol.),

P.), P. airoKa.fji.veiv.
Trapfecrflai, Be (aoc. of thing, gen. of
unmanned : see under tinman. Be person).
overcome (by feelings, etc.) : P. and Overjoyed, adj. P. and V. irepi-
V. 77cr<racr0ai (gen.). V. vwcao-0<u xapijs (Plat.). Be overjoyed, v. :
(gen.), Ar. and V. P. and Y. vircpxaipew (Xen.).
(dat.) (2nd aor. pass. Overlap, v. trans. P.
V. Sa/jtiyvai (dat.) (2nd aor. pass. (gen.). (Islands) overlapping and
not in a line : P. (v^o-ot) rapoAAo,^
Overcrowd ing, subs. T7cwii of room : Kdl ov Kara arroixov KcCftevai (TtlTLG.
P. <rrevox<apCa, y. 2, 102).
Overdo, v. trans. Overdo a thing, go Overlay, v. trans. Overlay with
too far : P. and V. silver : P.
(absol.). Overlaid with brass, adj. : Ar. eat-
Overdue, adj. P. v XaA./cos- Overload with gold: P.
Over-estimate, v. trans. Use P. 7r/xpv<n>9 (Xen.). Be overlaid with
iron, v.:
Overflow, v. trans. Ar. and P, Overload, v. trans. The ship being
KO.Ta.K\V^LV. AbSol., P. V3Tp<UpI' overloaded : P.
(Dem. 1274) ; see also inundate. rov $OVTO$ (Dem.
Met., abound : P. einropelv, V. Overlook, v. trans. GommoMd (a
Plat, but rure P.),
(also position) : P. /ccur&xt wcp (gen.).
Ar. and V. Ppvew, QaXXtw. Over- -Do^A? towards (of direction) : P.
flow with : P. cvTTopeiv, (gen. or opav wpos (aco.) ; see face.. Project
dat.), V. TrXyOvew (gen. or dat.) above : P. and V. t^ep^eo/ (gen.).
(Plat, also but rare P.), Ar. and V. He purified not the whole but as
flpveiv (gen. or dat.), P. and V. pcfr much of the island as was overlooked
(dat.) ; see abound with. from the temple P. exdOiripcv
: . . .

Overflow, subs. Inundation : P. oyx cwraow aAA* oaw owro TOV tepov
KaTaieXvcr/jios, o, &rcAucris, ^. Met,, <^ca>paTO r)}9 v^crov (Thuo. 3,
surplus : Ar. and P. wepiouo-ia, i). Watch, eximine : P. and V.
Overflowing, adj. 46wwta?i$ : P. crfcoTTctv, Ar. and P. J^opav, Ar. and
and V. 7roA.iIs, o^0ovos, V. V. TrpocrKOTTCtv (or mid.), iTroTireuav,
Overflowing with : P. V, 7ro)7rai/. jTafeg wo noiicc o/:

(dat.) ; see ric/t. P. vTrepopav, wapopav. Neglect : P.

Overgrown, adj. P. and V. and V. <tp,c\w (gen.), p*\elv t

^5 (-fflsoh., Frag). (gen.), 7rappx(r0tti ; see neglect.

Overhang, v. trans. P. Pardon : P. and V. cruyytyvwo'/cctv
&rp (gen,), V. wprcX\et face., gen., or dat.), trvyyi/cSfwyv fyeiv
Met., threaten : P. and (gen.).
(rra<r0(u (dat.), P. Overlooked, adj. In literal sense:
pass. Of oraprav) (absoL), P. 7ri^anjs (Thuc. 6, 96).
fMo-Oat (absol.) ; see threaten. Jut, Overlooking, adj. la literal sense ;
project : P. and V. Ar. V. (gen.).
and P. fev, P. Overlord, subs. Use P. and V.
Overhanging o.
Overhanging, adj. ,

(of a rook) : V. 6ri}Av (Bur., Oycl.) Overlordship, subs. P.

Ove Ove

Overmuch, adj. P. and V. Tr

Overshoot, trans. Ar. v.
P. vsrcp/x-eTpos, KovriZew. Overshoot the mark :
use P. and V. tTrcp^oAAeiv (absol.).
Overmuch, adv. P. and V. Excel in shooting : Ar. TrepiTo^cuetv
Afdv, TrepKTO-uis, V. efc forcp (ace.).
tircpcfrcv, (Eur., Frag.)
vTrepfjLtrptos Oversight, subs. Mistake P. and :

P. Kd0* uTrepjftoAiJv ; see excessively V. S/ipTia ^. s Forgetfulness: P.

Overpower, v. trans. P. and V, and V. Ai0i, ^, Shortcoming : P.

see overcome. P. and Y Overspread, v. trans. Ar. and P.

Numbness over-
Overpowering, adj. Irresistable : spreads my hand : Ar. vap/oy
Ar. and P. d^os (Plat.), P, KaTa TI}? x tpo* 5 KaTaxctrat (F
dwTroaraTos, P. and V. Suoytaxos 713). Occupy : P. and V. KaTex
Y. a6i7piTos, d-Trpocr/Aaxos, Bv<nrd\ai- Traverse, go over : P. and V. eVcp-
OTOS. Intolerable : P. and Y. om : P. and V.
av/cros, OVK avaxTxeros (rare P.), Overstate, v. trans. Exaggerate:
P. a^opTjTos ; see intolerable. P. TW Aoyw alpew, CTTL TO fJt,ciov

Overrate, v. trans. Use P. TT C /

see exaggerate.

TrActWos iroiL<r&a(. j see exaggerate.

Overstatement, subs. Exaggera-
Overreach, v. trans. P. tion : P. Setvcoorts, 17. Extravagance :
(gen.). P. and V.
Overrule, v. trans. Snng to nothing :
Overstep, v. trans. P. and V. Tr
P. and Y. P.
wepjSatvciv, e/cySatvciv,
Overrun, v. trans. In military iv, iraptpxecrOai, V. iwcp-
sense P. Kararpl^etv,
7rap^pvcr^a6 j See also
Traverse: P. and Y. ovei stepped
transgress. Having
BUpx(r&ai, Tpxo-0(u ; see traverse* the appointed time: V. Trapels TO
Oversea, adj. P. StcwroVnos. p.6p<ri/wv (Eur., ^LZo. 939).
Overseer, subs. P. and Y. Overt, adj. P. and V.
o, ema-KOTTOs,6 (Plat.), V. cr/cornfe,
Manager: Ar. and P. Overtake, v. trans. Ctorae
Aij-nfc, 6, P. and V Ta/uds, 6.
overseer of, y. : P. and V. Get in front of: P. and Y.
(TWO. TO/I). Be overseer of : P. and wpo$0aviv 7 7rpoXa.fjL,j3dv.w } P. wpo-
V. <j>i,(rTa.crOo.L (dat.). P. and V.
icaToAa/zySavctv. Befall :

Overset, v. trans. See tvpset.

Overshadow, v. trans. Darken : P. see
"6fi/aZZ. Surprise : P. and V!
and V. <n}o-Kidew P. eTncncorew P.
9 ',
XafJL/3dvtv, /car ,

(dat.), V. ovcMifeH', CTKorovv (pass, a

used in Plat.). Success over- and V. xet/wi^o-^at. Be P.
shadows these faults : P. 7Tt07eOTt a storm o/ wi?^ : P.
TOVTOCS TO KCLTopOovv (Dem. 23).
apird<r0<u inr avfav (Thuc. 6, 104).
Threaten^ impend over : P, and V. Overthrow, subs. P. and V. avd-
c^tarao-^at (dat.). Swrpass : P. (rracrts, 17, Karao-Ka^y, ^, P. dva-
and V. JcpaTLi/ see swrpa&s.
TpomJ, 17. 5wm, (fosirwciiow ; P.
Overshadowed, adj. V, /eaTcumos, and V.
fSirocrKios (.ZEsch., Frag.\ Y.
oAc^pos, o,
Overshadowing, adj. Ar. and V. P. ^o-ora, ^. OverrowJ (o/
5, V. o-/cto58i7s, irvj\v (Eur., P. /caTaAuo-t^
government) :

Overthrow, v. trans. P. and Y

Ove Ox
, avarpeireiv, Ifavwrdvai, . Intolerable: P. and
Destroy, ruin : P V. OVK av/crds; see intolerable.
and V. Win an overwhelming victory : P.
v, V. / see destroy. ;
and V. woXfc wcav.
Overthrow (a government) : P. and Overwhelmingly, adv. Excessively :
V. KbOaipeiv, Ar. and P. Ka P. and V. TTcpto-o-o)?. Vastly :
Conquer : P. and V. VLKO.V, and P. V7rcp<f>v&<s, P.
V7Tp)8aXXoVTQ)S Y. s

Overtly, adv. P. and V. e Overwrought, adj. See weary.

7T/t)o8^Xo)s, Ar.
and P. P. Owe, v. trans. P. and V.
l/c rov
IK TOV <f>avcpov. advance : P. and V.
Overtop, v. trans. P. and V. Owe besides : Ar. and P.
faw (gen.). Met., see excel v. Owe in return: P.
Overture, subs. P. and V. wpo (absoL). Continue to
TO, V. <poi/uov, TO. Overtimes, owe : P. JTro^ctXctv (Thuc. 8, 5).
negotiations : P. and V. Xoyoi, ot, Owing to, prep. P. and V. SL
V. lTnKV}pvKvfjLara9 Ta. Make over- (aco.). With feelings also P. :

to, v. : Ar. and P. and V. *ir6 (gen.) (rare P.).

Keveo-Qai (dat.), P. f
Xoyo-us Owl, subs. Ar. and V. yXav,
(dat.), Si,aKy}pvKvecr6ai (acc. (Soph., Frag.).
Overturn, v. trans. P. and Y. Own, v. trans. Have : P. and V.
Possess : P. and V. Kc/cnjo-tfai (perf.
V. eavao-Tp</ see upset.
of KTacr^at), Ar. and V. ireiracrOaL

Overvalue, v. trans Use P. (perf. of irdeaOai) (also Xen but

rare P.). Confess : P. and Y.
Overweening, adj. Excessive: P. 6/*oXoytv (Soph., PWI. 980; Bur.,
and V. wcpio-o-os. Extravagant . I. jl. 1142), P. wpoo-o/AoXoyciv,
Ar. and P. vircys. Haughty . :

P. fjt,eyaX6<f>p(j)v, Y. Own, adj. Personal, private: P.

and V. ot/ecto?, tStos. iove on^'s
Overweeningly, adv. Excessively : own productions : P. and Y. TO.
P. and V. -n-cpio-o-ois. Extrava- lavrov ^tXctv. O/ one's own accord :
gantly : Ar. and P. use adj., P. and Y. 4/coiv, avr*-
Haughtily : P. wcpi^a TrayyeXTos see under accord. Take

(J&pOVWS, V. V\l/iK6fJUJTWS9
as one's own, v. : P. OIKCLOW (or
Overwhelm, v. trans. JKmw, destroy mid.), o-0Tep#eo-0eu. Fromone'sown
P. and V. Ka@atpLv, Sia<f>0Lpiv ; powers : use adv. P. and Y.
see destroy. Flood, deluge: P. Owner, subs. Use P. and V. o
and V. ,
6 x<uv. Landowner: P.
Ar. and P. , 6, Y. ya/z,opos, 6.
P. and V. Ox, subs. and V. jSovs, 6 ; see also
araurrptyecrOcu. Met , Crush : 6wZZ. O/ an ox, adj. P. and V. :

P. and V. Trw^ctv. 07?6rw;feeZm (ifee /Mews, P. ySoetKos.Sacrifice oxen,

feelings) : P. fcctTcwrX^oxmv, P. and v. : V. fiovcr^ayelv, Ar. and V.
V. /c7rX97o-(TH>. Overwhelm with
reproaches : P. ov8<n wcpiySaXX^ti/, are sacrificed: Ar. /?ov0vrois-
V. tpcurcrew <W8<n, or use verb cfpats (4v. 1232).
reproocfc. Ox-herd, subs. See herdsman.
Overwhelming, adj. Excessive : P. Ox-hide, adj. P. (Xen.). iS
and V. 7Tpr<ro s. Ar. and Ox-Stall, subs. Y. ^ovorao-is,
P. Very large : P. , TO.

Oys Pai

Oyster, subs. P. and V. P. eruo-Keva^cu/ (or mid.).

TO (JEsch., Frag.). P. and V. TrA^pow, C/ATTL-
see /IH. Compress: P.
Met., pacfc (a jWT/, etc.) :
P. irapacTKvd^LV.
Package, subs. Burden: Ar. and
Pabulum, P. and V.
subs. 17. ,
P. </>opTLov, TO see burden. ;

Fodder P. and Y. xopros, 6 (Xen.) ;

: Pack-animal, subs. P.
see fodder. TO, pi. alsO TO, CTKCUO^QpCL.
Pace, subs. Movement : P. <op<, ^. Pack-ass, subs. Ar. and P.
Pace in walking : Ar. and V. #17X105, 6.
fido-ls, 17, ptjfjLa, TO Speed : P. and Packed, adj. See full. A packed
V. TCL^OS, TO, oTrouSiJ, ^. Rush : audience, one brought together for
Ar. and P. prf/i^, 17, V. pl*^, 17. At a factious purpose : P. ol IK n-apa-
a quick pace : P. and V. O>O/D. crvyKa.6'r)fJLVOi (Dem. 275).

pace with : use P. and V. Pack-saddle, subs. Ar.

(dat.). Measure of T(.
length: use P. opyuia, 17 (Xen.), Pact, Subs. P. and Y. <rvnf}acri<s, y,
c /eet. (ruv^7Ki7, r] 9
or pi., crwftjju-a, TO', P.
Pace, v. trans. Traverse : P. and
V. TTfpwroXetv, V. iroXctv, Pad, v. trans. Strew, cover : P. and
Absol., waZ& w cwd Ar. Y. OTO/0l>viWl.
and P. WaM; : P. and Padding, subs. Superfluous word-
Y. jSa&cty, Ar. and P. pa v (V. ing : use Ar. crrot^, ^.
only Soph., EL 1502 Eur., Paddle, subs. See oar.
Phoen. 544). Paddle, v. intrans. See row, bathe.
Pacific, adj. Concerning peace : Ar. Paddock, subs. P. and V. Xet/^oiv,
and P. GipvjviKos. Mild, concilia- 6, Y. opyck, rj (also Xen.).

tory : P. and Y. ?rpaos, <IXav0pa>- Paean, subs. Song of triumph : P.

TTOS, $tXo<pa>i/ (Xen.), P. p^Sto?. and Y. muav, 6. Sing apaean, v. :

Pacifically, adv. P. eipjvucfc. In a P. and V.

conciliatory way : P. <iA.av0po)7ra>s, see
P. and V. 0lAo</>oW (Plat.). under triumph.
Pacification, subs. Peacs : P. and Page, subs. P. and V.
V. ?/7vi7, 17 ; see also reconciliation. s, 6, Ar. and P. 0pcE7ro>v, 6,
Military pacification, reducing to V. OTTCLWV, 6, OTTttSoS, 6, TTpOOTTOAoS,
order: P. KaTaorpo^, 17. 6 ;
see also esquire.
Writing : P.
Pacify, v. trans. Appease : P. and and V. ypou^, f). All who con the
V. wpdi$i/tv, P. Trapafj.v0i(r6cLi V. i pages of the past: Y. oo-ot . . .

Tra/nTyopctv, fle'A.yew (also Plat, but ypa<>o5 TO>V TraXaiTepo)!/ c^ovort

. . .

rare P.), paXGdo-o-cw, Ar. and V. (Eur., Hipp. 451). Pa05s (o/ a
see also reconcile. In letter) : Y. TrnS^at, at, Sta-Trrv^at, at.
military sense, reduce to order P. Pageant, subs.
: P. and Y.
and Y. A ' '

^, Ar. and P. 17,

Pack, subs. Baggage: Ar. and P.
CTK6VJ7, TO, Y. Ar. Pagean try, subs. Sfco^, display:
irjpa, 17.
Pack of hounds : P. Troo-jwi, TO.P. and
d V. TO,
Contemptuously, Pail, subs, Ar. and P. dyyetov, TO,
TO (Xen.).
P. and V. oxXos, o, Ar. and V. yyos, Trf, Y. reux ** T^
yei/05, TO, V. Pain, subs. Physical or mental
Pack, v. trans. : P. and Y.
Pwtf together for pom i), &vta, 17,
Pai Pal

>div, 17, aXy77/xa, TO (Dem. 1260), .-, ;see<

, fj,
Ar. and V. oXyos, TO, fy ** P. and V.
TO. Cental paifll : P TaXawrcopia, 'aint, subs. Pigment: P.
77, Y .
&UT7, 17, TnfJfJLCLy TO, TnqiAOVt]) f] 9 TO, ^apjUXIKOV, TO.
7rvi9os, TO, oii$s, ij.
Save a pain Painted, adj. V. ypcwrro's (Eur.,
in one's finger : P. TOI/ Sa/cruXov Frag.). Coloured: P. and V.
dXyty (Plat., Rep. 462D). Jw j?am, woLKiXos. Of women Ar. and P. :

suffering pain : use adj., P. ^vTerpi/iy&ei/os (Xen.).

TTcpwoSuvos. Pains, trouble : P. Winter, subs. P. and V. ypa^eik,
and V. o"7rou8?7, , Ar. and P. 6, P. <oypa<os, 6.

/AcXc-ny, 17.
Tafce pains : P. and V. Minting, subs. Art of painting :
crTrovSrjv -Troictcrflai, V. o-n-ouSip/ Ti0- P. fcoypa^ux, ^, ypa^t/ay, ^, P. and
<r0ai, Ar. and P. jutcXcrav. Pams V. ypaspiq, ij. Pictwre : P. ^oxypa-
awe? yer&ates : use P. and V. <^i7fLa, TO, P. and V, ypa^ty, 17, V.

&7/-ua, ^. .Free from pain, adj. :

6fyaX/tti, TO', t/ca>v, 17.

P. and V. SXDrros, V. avcoS-tfi/os, Pair, subs. Team : P. and V.

cbrcv^s, aTrevOiqTos j
see painless. orweopfe, 17 (Plat.), P. TO'.
Pain, v. trans. Paw (physically or Generally P. o^^vyta, 17, Ar. and

wewiaZZ^) ; P. and V. X-UTTCIV, avlav, V. ^vyos, TO, V. onJvwpf?, ^, ^vyov,

V. dXydi/civ. Distress, grieve : also TO. 4 ^oir of fair children : Y.
P. and V. SaKvctv, Ar. and P. dSrcicvos orvvcopfe, ^. Wedded pair :
Ar. and V. M/i'av, P. C yy5, TO (Xen.).
iv (also Plat, but rare P.), Pair, v. intrans. P. and V. <rtWp-
Y .
*yvfjwoLLiv Be 'panned .*

use also P. and V. aXyeu/, 6Si3va<r^ai. Palace, subs. Ar. and P.

Painful, adj. Causing physical or use fawse. ,

pa/in: Ar. and P. oSw^pos, V. Palaestra, subs. P. and V.

868wos. Distressing : P. and V. crrpa, ^.
Xwnypos, avtapos, TrtKpos, fiapvs, Palanquin, subs. See litter.
V, Xvwpo*s, Svcr^opos (also Xen. but Palatable, adj. Use P. and V.
rare P.) see grievous.;

Painfully, adv. P. and V. XuTnjpote, Palatably, adv. Use P. and V.

dXytvci)s, Trt/cpcos, avtapois (Xen.), V.
Xuirpois ; see grievously. With Palate, subs. P. <wpav<fe, 6 (Arist.).
' '

difficulty: P. and V. Sense of taste : see under taste.

Ar. and P. ToXatTrwpws, Palatial, adj. Spacious : P. and V.
eupis, fieyas, p.aKp6$. Royal: P.
Painless/ adj. P. and V. and V. y8a<jiXt/cos ; see royal.
(Plat.), &TOVOS, V. aXvTnTTos. Splendid : P. and V. Xaju-Trpds, Ar.
ping pam : V. voiS-uvos, wauorcXvjros. and P. /AeyttXoTrpemJs.
Painlessly, adv. P. dXT/Trws. Pale, subs. Stafce ; Ar. and P.
Painstaking, adj. P. </>t'Xepyos, Xapo, 6 or ^, P. crraupos, 6, V.
^tXoVovo?. Zealous: P. and V. o-KoXoi/r, 6 (also Xen. but rare P.).
orrovScuos (Soph., Frag.). Care- Pale, adj. Of complexion : P. and
ful : P. and V. crri/xeXiJs (Soph., V. (fi^pos, P. x^<*>p<fe. White : P.
-Frog'.). and v. XCUKOS, V. Xcvjcay^?, woX-
Paint, v. trans. Portray by pictwre: XC-UKOS ; see white.
Ar. and P. <oypad>etv, P. and V, Pale, v. intrans. Turn pale, blanch ;
OoZowr : P. and V Ar. and V. &xpiav; see
(Dem. 415). Met., de> Met., become dm : V.
P. and V.
Pal Pan

Paleness, subs. P. Palm off, v. trans. P. and V.

Palfrey, subs. Use horse. vTroftaXXeatiaL. Palmed off, cownter-
Paling, subs. Fence : P. and V. feit: P. and Y. /ct^SiyXo?, irXaorros
ep/eo?, P. orravpoywx, TO,
TO*, (Xen.) ; see counterfeit.
fca>/jux, TO*.
Stake : P. oravpds, 6, Palpable, adj. Perceptible by the
Ar. and P. x4 a & 6 or senses: P. ato-0?7To's (Plat.). Tan-
Palinode, subs. P. gible : P. (Plat.). Manifest : d*
Palisade, subs. P. oravpw/m, TO, P. and V. Aa/i^rpos, e/^aj/T?s,
Xapaxofux, TO. <^avpo9, cra^^s, evoLpyijs ; see mani-
Palisade, v. trans. P. fest.
irpooravpow, Palpably, adv. Manifestly : P. and
Palisade P.
completely Sia- Y. \afJLirpa>St e/x^avois, ora<jE>w5, Ar.

and P. <avepws; see manifestly.

Palisading, subs. P. oravpcoo-is, Palpitate, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Pall, subs. Shroud : P. wrdfaov, TO, jr^Sav, P. cr<jbv^tv, V.
Y. <opos, TO, ^>Spos, TO see Tremble : ;P. and Y.
covering, winding sheet. Covered <piWav ; see tremble. Pant : P.
with a pall : P. 6orpa>/*ei/os (Thuo. and V. <r<3f>aSo^iv (Xen.), dcnraipetv
, (rare P.), Y-
Pall, v. intrans. Oawse ;
P. Palpitation, subs. P. Y.
and Y. Kopov ZX LV - r6. Trembling: P. and
Pallet, subs. Pallet (for sleeping) : Y. Tpo>s, 6 (Plat.).
P. and V. <m#fe, $ (Plat.), P. Palsied, adj. P. and V.
Xa/iwtov, TO (Plat.), Ar. and V. see weflfc. palsie, v. : P. and
xfyjLeuir;, ^;
see bed. Y. TTapfcotfat, P. -trapaXvecrOai, eicXv-
Palliate, v. trans. Call by specious CT0ai, V. Xtfcop^at.
names : Ar. and P. Palsy, subs. Trembling : P. and V.
Gloss over: P. and V. Tpo>os, 5 (Plat.). P. TT^^e^:
(aoc.) (Plat.). Pwdon : P. and V.
(aoc., gen., or dat.), Palter, v. intrans. Hesitate : P. and
(gen -)- V. oicvetv, /caTOfcvctv; see hesitate.
excuse for : P. Palter with : use disregard.
(infin.). Paltriness, subs. P. </>avA,<m;s, ^.
Palliation, subs. Excuse : P. and Paltry, adj. P. and Y.
Y. srpo^ao'ts, ^, P. a-xroXoyiO, <, /uicpo?, oyAwcpoy,
Pardon: P. and V. Ar. and V. /fcufe, V.
Y. opuyyvoco, 17. s, P. ^Xtyov

Palliative, subs. Something that Pamper, v. trans. P. Sta^pvTn-ctv, V.

mitigates : Y. /AetXiy/ia, TO, Gratify: P. and Y.
ptoj/, TO'. Remedy: P. and V. (dat.). Be pampered:
^ap/ULKOV, T^, Y. ^KOSj TO, fMJX^ T ' use also P. and Y. and
Tpfl^av, Ar.
Pallid, adj. P. and Y. <OXPOS; see
Pampered, adj. Ar. and P. Tpi
Pallor, subs. P. P. and V. rfyw, Y.
Palm, subs. Palm of the hand : P. Pamphlet, subs. Use P. and V.
Ocvap, TO (Aristotle). Palm tree: Ta.
P. <oik, 6 or ^ (Xen.). Palm of Pan for frymg : Ar.
Pan, subs.
victory: use P. and V. TO'.
Generally use Ar. :

or use victory alone. and P. dyyclov, TO.
the\ palm, v. : P. and V. Panacea, subs. Use r&medy.
(fpiorrajetv (absol.). Pander, subs. Flatterer : Ar. and
Pan Par

P. Ko'Xa, 6. Minister : P. and V. Panting, subs. P. Werm/oia,

wn/pcn/s, 6, 8i<3iicovos, 6. Pimp : (Xen.), P. and V. &r0/xa, TO'.
Ar. and P. fuxorpoTro's, 6 or ^ (Xen.), Pap, subs. J9reosc : P. and V.
9, o. s, o (Xen. but rare P.), V.
Pander to, v. trans. P. and V. ov0ap, TO'. Soft food: Ar.
(ace.), & (aoo.)
9 6.

see flatter. Gratify: P. and V. Paper, subs. Use P. and V.

6 (lit.,
tablets for writing) : Ar. and
Panegyric, subs. P. and V. rau/os, V. Se'Xros, ^; see tablets, parchment.
6, Ar. and P. ey/ccD/wov,
TO. Papers, doownents: Ar. and P.
P. cTraivenjs, ypdfifjMTa, Ta.
Panegyrist, subs. 6.
Paper forces, existmg
Pang, subs. Pom . P. and V. only on paper : P.
XiiTnJ, 17, 17 ; see pain. With Svva/xet5, at (Dem. 45).
gen. following P. and V.
icei/rpov, Papyrus, subs.
: V. /W^
Td (Plat.), V. %/ia, TO- Pongs Par, On a. Use adj., P.
of child birth : see Idbow. Pangs
of htmger : use P. newa, ^, P. and Parable, subs. Story : P. and V.
V, Xtjods, o. Regret, longing : P. Xoyos, 6, fj&0o$, o, V. alvos,
and V. 7rd0os, 6 (rare P.). Riddle : P. and V. alvLypa, TO,
Panic, subs. P. and V. e^m-X^is, -, atviy/ids, 6. Speak in parables : P.
P. rapaxq> ^ see also fear. Strike
Si' coW Xe/tv, P. and Y.
with panic, v. P. and V. *- :

; see dismay. Parade, v. trans. Review : P, and
Panic-stricken, adj. Use P. and V. V. c^crofctv. Draw up : P. and Y.
S/WM pjf
: Ar. and P.
Pannier, subs. Ar. Kav^Xio, rd. (or mid.). V. intrans.
Pannikin, subs. Use Ar. and P. Be drawn up for review : P. and
ayyov, TO. V. l&rdfcecrOai, Tdar<r<rQai,.
Panoply, subs. and P. irav- Parade, subs.
Ar. Of troops P. #t- :

owXia, >}, V. In full

Travreuxio, ^. y. Display : Ar. and P.
pa/noply : P. 'JravarrXt^, V. <ruv irav- i Pomp ; P. and V. ,
Teux* a or llse adj., V. TO, TrpoCTX^/jux, TO.
agreeing with subjeot. Show, Paradise, subs. Home of the blest :

spkndour : P. and V. TO, use P. fw.Kapo)v vijcroi, at (Plat.), V.

Trpoa-xntM-, TO. /*a/capa>v aTa, 17 (Bur.), /xaxfipwv v^o-os,
Pant, v. intrans. P. and V. T? (Eur.).
8oe/ (Xen.), dcnratpeti/ (rare P.), P. TrapaSofov, TO,
Paradox, subs.
V. &ra<r7raijoiv. out of breath :
jBe aT07ro^, T^. Sto^e a paradox : P.
P. and V. ^>verav, V. aYoTiw Xeyctv (Plat., Euthyd. 286r>).
Pant for9 long for : P. Paradoxical, adj. P.
and V. eirlOvpew (gen.),
.), ffotfew/ (ace.), Ar. and V. Paradoxically, adv. P.
(gen.), V. (gen.). Paragon, subs. Model: P. and V.
Pant, subs. P. and V. < TO , TO.

(also Ar. but rare P.). Parallel, adj. Parallel to : use

Panther, subs. P. iravOyp, o (Xen.). prep., P. and V.
Trapa (aco. of
Panting, adj. Out of breath: V. motion, dat. of rest). Met.,* like :
Svcnrvovs. P<mtwg breath : V. P. and V. 6/wwos, fo-os, P. rapd-
TTVCVfJLa T\p$W\LVGV (EUT., /4oto9, TrapaTrX^crw)?. Parallel
1119), SiKFrXiyrov <f>v<rr)fjia (Eur._, straight Unes : P. TrapaAX^Xot, at
H88); see breathing. (Arist.),
Par Par

Parallel, v. trans. Equal : P. and Parching, adj. fib*: P. and V.

Y. Iurow0<u (dat.).
to-oSo-flai (dat.), 0p/*fe, Y. StJ/rios.
Paralyse, v. trans. Impair : P. Parchment, subs. Use P. and V.
and V. ^Xcwrretv see impair. Dull :
; &<0p<u, a^ (Eur., Frag,).
P. and V. d/t/3Xuvtv, dTra^X.-vvety, Pard, subs. See leopard.
Y. KaTa/jLj8Xt5vav. Be paralysed: P. Pardon, v. trans. P. and V.
l/cXi;(r0ai, V. Xvccrtfat, (dat. of pers., aco., gen.,
P. and V. (?row or dat. of thing), o-uyyvdJ/L-^v
P** .
(dat. of pers., gen. of thing), o-vy-

Paralysis, subs. TFeafoiess : P. yi/cti/wov c!i/at (dat. of pers., gen. of

Torpor : Ar. and P. thing), V. crvyyvouw Icr^iv (absol.).

. Overlook ; P. vircpopav. Be remiss
Paramount, adj. P. and V. in punishing (a person) : V. x^Xav
Ar. and P. avroKparwp. (dat.). Be pardoned : P. and V.
Paramountcy, subs. P. and Y. OTryyi/to/i^e ruyxdo'ctv.
loJpos, TO, fcpaTos, ro, P. fryepjovLO, ^. Pardon, P. and V. oT^yvw^,
Paramour, subs. Ar. and P. /^ot^os, ^, V. A free pardon : P.
cn/yyi/ota, ^.
6, V. jeotvdXcKTpos, 6, av?)p ITTOKTOS, ^Scta, see also mercy, amnesty.
/ ;

Sv7p tfupatos. ^L wife is wont to Beg pardon, v. P. and V. vapiea-Oai :

imitate her lord and take a par- (absol.), P. -rrapaiTeto-tfai (absol.). I

amour ; V. lupcicrQaL 0eX yuvf; rov asfe ^o?w pardon for this : Y. o-c
avSpa, \3a-epov Kra<r6at, it'Xov (Eur., Sc TrapatTovuat TO (Eur., I, 4.
m. 1037). 685).
Parapet, SUbs. P. Pardonable, adj. P. Ar.
ra, Y. yeta-a, TO, P. and V. and Y. o-uyyvcocrros. Be pardon-
- able .* P. and V. o~u .

Paraphernalia, subs. Use Ar. and Pare, v. trans. Cwi:

P. and V.
P. a-KW), TCI, Trapao-iceuiJ, ^. Cut down, cwrtail : P. and
Paraphrase, v. trans. Use P. and V
V. pfjii)veuw (interpret). Parent, subs. P. and V. yoi/ofe, 6,
Parasite, subs. Flatterer : Ar. and TOKife, yewTjrr)^ 6
6, (Plat.).
P. *cfta o. Parents : also use V. ot ^vo-avrcs,
Parasol, subs. Ar. <rKtd8&,ov, TO. ot ya^^o-avTcs, ot
TticTovrcs, ot TcicoV-
Parcel, subs. Bwrden : Ar. and P. Ts, ot <vrwavTs. Cherish one's
(j&opribv, TO. Portion : P. and V. parents in old age, v. Ar. and V. :

^lotpa, ^; see^ortow, aZZotoew^. y>7po/3oo-Kav (ace.), P. yriporpofaiv

Parcel, v. trans. See distribute. (aoc.) see tend. ;
Parch, v. trans. Dry: P. and V. parents in old age, adj. V. :

(Eur., Gycl. 575), P. ATTO- ^OO-KO'S, .4

yoyporpo^os. '

Ar. ora^evctv, cwrse ; Y. ycvlO\ioi &pat al

P. and V. P. and V.
Parentage, subs. yei/os,
eiv ; see to&Aer. TO', y a, ^ (Plat., Eur., JVa^., and

P. and V. Kdeiv, Qeppaweiv ; see Ar.), Y. yov^, ^, yfaeXov, r6,

&^rw. Parched by the sun's bright TO, OTropa, iy.

flame V. (rra^euros ^A/ov AoiB-n Parenthesis, subs.

jAfftf (^Bsch., P. F. 22). Be ..
parched with thirst : Ar. Pariah, subs. Use adj., Ar. and P.
a^avatvco-^at (Ecdes. 146). oXmJpios. JNb OTW ^pofce with him
Parched, adj. Z>r#; P. and Y. as being a pariah : P.
^ypos, P. avxfurjpos. Withered : Ar. Ti/pfy ouSet? dv^pci)7ro)v
and P. toxvos. Thirsty : V.
(Lys. 137).
Par Par

Paring, subs. What is peeled off: Parrot, subs. P.

Ar. and P. Xe/Ajua, TO. (Aristotle).
Parish, subs. Use Ar. and P. Parry, v. trans. Word o/ /rowa
6. oneself : P. and V. SjrfWo&u,
Parishioner, subs. Use Ar. and P. evX&pticrOai. Parry a qiiestion : P.
S^/xortys, o.
Parity, subs. Equality : P. and V. Parsimonious, Ar. and P.
TO ftrov, P. loror^s, ^. <8a>Xo5. Covetous: P. and V.
Park, subs. P. TrapaScwros, 6 (Xen.). , <^tXa/oyi3pos, Ar. and P.
Enclosure roimd a temple : P. and
V. aXcTOS, TO (Plat.), T/*VOS, TO. Parsimoniously, adv. P.
Garden : P. and V. idjTros, 6. Parsimony, subs. Ar. and P.
Parlance, subs. P. Xc'&s, ^ ; see <eiSo>Xia, ^, V. <ci8c6 (Eur., Frag.,

language. In common parlance, as rare P.). Covetousness : P. and V.

the saying goes : P. TO Xeyopevov. ala"xpoKp8t.a, 17,
P. tfinXoKepSeia, 17.

Parley, subs. P. and V. Xoyoi, oL Parsley, subs. Ar. cr&lvov, TO.

Parley, v. intrans. Parley with : V. Part, subs. Portion, share : P. and
cts Xoyous Zp\crOai (dat.) (cf., Ar., V. /x,epo?, TO, juotpa, ^, P. /j,optov, TO,
Nub. 470), && Xo'yw $</>iKVL<rOa.i V. Xax s, f
TO. Division : P. and V.
(dat.), P. /coivoXoye?<r0ai (dat.) ;
see /JLpl$, ^, fJLtpOS, TO, fJLOlpa, rj.

confer. Direction : see dtoreciww. Pori m

Parliament, subs. Use Ar. and P. a play : P. O^/AO, T& J d&Z ncrt
Senate : Ar. and P. abandon the part of a patriot m
the hour of danger : P. eyo> T^V -rijs
Parliament-house, subs. Use Ar. evvotas Tti^iv v TOIS 8avots ov/c ^XtTrov
and P. H.VV& 17. Senate-house P. (Dem. 286). It is a wise man's
and V. fiovkevrqpiav, TO. part : P. and V. <ro^>ovdvSpos ecru
Parlous, adj. P. and V. /caws, or <ro<t>ov wpos dvSpos lori.
Sei'Xaws (rare P.), Ar. and P. Tfee jpori o/ ow accomplice : V.
pos. .Be w
a parlous state : P. and
V. jca/cot>? 2x tv*^' <a-vXa>s S ai. 337). -Zw part : P. ^tepo? TC ; see
Parochial, adj. P. and V. >s. partly. For my part : V.
Parody, v. trans. Ar. and P. /^epos. I /or my part : P. and V.
eyoryc. J?br ^e wo^i ^?or^ : P. as
Parody, subs. Ar. and P. ^Trl -TroXv, TO, You ham no
part m : P.and V. ov <rol jM-^Tcart
Parole, subs. o/ honow : P.
Word (gen.). Take part in : P. and V.
and V. see also oatfe.
-TTtoris, ij; Konwvelv (gen.), KowovtrOai (ace. or
JBiep (a prisoner) on parole : P. gen.), fjLTy(w (gen.), <rwatpecr#<u.
& <vXajq} dSeoywp $(/ (Thuc. 3, 34). (acc. or gen.) see share. Take (a

Paroxysm, subs. Convulsion: P. person's) part : P. and V, cwoeiv

and V. <nracr/xo's, 6, P. (rtvt),
Ta (TIVOS) <f>povelv9 P. euvoticais:
6 (Plat.), V. (nrapay/Aos, 6. *X tv (T^O 5 see tfwfe w*^. iTaifce m.
Parricidal, adj. V. TraT/ good part : P. and V. po&W <^pctv
Parricide, subs. Mwderer of one's ^cc.).
Parts natural capacity :

father : P. irarpotftovos, 6 (Plat.), P. and V. Srfva/us, ^. Character :

Ar. and P. -TrorpaXoias, o, V. P. and V. i}0o9, TO, TpoW, 6, or pL.
iraTpo^ovrqS) 6, 'TraTpo/croVos, 6. J5e Cleverness : P. and V. oxx^ta, ^,,
a parricide, v. V. TraTpojcro'vctv.
<t>p6vrj<ri,$, y see cleverness.

Murder of a father : use P. and V. Quarters : P. and V. T&TOI, oL J5ft

S) 6. * foreign parts v. Ar. and P. t

593 38
Par Par

From all parts : see Participate in, v. trans. P. and V.


from every direction, under direc- lJ.TC)(iv (gen.), o-v/x/Aerexeiv (gen.),

tion. /JlTCtA(lU.OGLVf.V (6n.J, KOIVO13CTUO.L

Part, v. trans. Separate : P. and Y. (gen.), Kou/eovctv (gen.) ; see share


Statpctv, (Bur., Participating in, adj. P. and Y.
Ar. and P. 8iaxo>pti.v,
^.), fieroxos (gen.).
Swwnrav, V. voa-tfcrai (1st aor. act. Participation, subs. P. /neroX-iyi/ris,
of vo<r<#;c<r0<u), P. Bta.<rx%w. Out ^. Participation in : P. and V.
off: P. cwroAajLijSavciv, SwXafjifidvew. KowtoVLd) 7f (gen.), Ar. and P. fj.Tov-
Separate Locally (as a dividing o*ia, % (gen.), P. /jtcToA^is (gen.).

line) : P. and V. crxfew* About the Particle, subs.

Piece cut off: P.
river Tcmaus that parts the borders T/wJ/ia, TO. Had he had a particle
of the Argwe land and the soil of of evidence for the charges he
Sparta : V. a/j^l vorafLov Tavoibv trumped up against me : P. ei
"Apycuxs opovs repvovra. ytuas Sirap- etx cmyijnjv 3) (TKtav TOTJTCOV cSv KaT-
TidnMs r yfc (Bur., JH. 410). V. (TKevafce KCLT G/JLOV (Dem. 552).
intrans. Fork (of a road)
P. and Particular, adj.
: Distinctive, differ-
Y. vxffarffM. Break : P. and V. ent : P. and Y. Scopes ; see
pijyinjo-^at ; see break. Of them- especial. Private, personal : P. and
selves thefett&rs parted from their V. otKLos, ffitos. Careful : P. and
Y. avro/xara S* avrais Scoria
SiAv'ft; (Eur., Baccfe. 447).
8a>K P. and Y. owcptj&fc. Fastidiow : P.
J?0 separated, go different ways : P. Sucrxcpiys. Hard to please : P. and
and Y. xft> P^eor^ aii V. 8wdprros. 4 sacrifice about
&rraor0ai, Ar. and P. which he was most particular : P.
When we parted : P.
Aayrj/iev (Dem. 1169) . Pari from ; (Isae. 70). As opposed
P. and V. a<rrocr0ai, (gen.), V. aTro- to universal : 6 Kaff CKCUTTOV
^1^0-^ (gen.) (Bur., H. F. 1375). Particulars : see details. Whether
Part with : P. and V. STraXXacro-c-
<r^<u (gen.), S^tcrraor^ai (gen.), a?ro- n07&fe of men, be it in a small or
A,Mror^<u (gen.). 5e deprived of: greater particular, the prmdple is
see under deprive. Give : the same : P. TO evcreft^s KCU. TO St/catov
Partake of, v. trans. Ifovfi 5^ T 7Tt fJLLKpOV Jlv T I'TTL jLLCt^OVOS
in P. and V. itertytw (gen.),
wapa^ati^ TTJV av-r^v 2j( t Swa/itv
Xa/ijSdtvciv (gen.), o-uju,/i,Txj> (gen.) ; (Dem. H4).
see s/tare in. Eat :
see ea^. Particularly, adv. Especially : P.
Partaker, subs* See partner. and V. /-tctXwrra, ov^ ^/cicrra, P. cv
Partial, adj. In part: use adv., TOLS )LuA.Mrra, Sta^epovrws, V. e^x015 -

partially. Biassed : P, ov KOO/OS. With a clause following P. and V. :

Biassed favoidably (of persons) oXXws TC icat, V. aXXco? re


P. and V. dkous. Biassed un- icaf.

favourably : P. and V. Svovove, Ar. Parting, subs. P. and V.

and P. KOKOVOVS. ^. Separation: P. x^p^/^s, 6.
Partiality, subs. P. and V. Parting of roads : P. crxrts, 17. 4
parting a road : Y. o^wrny 68os. m
Partially, adv. In part: P. /jiepos Partisan, subs. P. !r<upos, 6 (Thuc.
ri ; see partly. 8, 0?w w;^o favours (a
Participant, subs. Use P. and V. party) : use adj., P. and V. d5wws.
S, 6 or ^ ; see partner. partisans of Pisand&r : P.
Par Pas
ot dfL^l TOV (Thuo. 8,
TLetaravSpov a pa/rty to a treaty : P. cts
65), ot wept rov HcL<rav8pov (Thuc. cnrovSas t<rii/<u (Thuc. 5, 4=0). Pe
8, 67 ; of., Ar. Vesp. 1302). The a?i interested party (not to be im-
of Athens : P. ot TO, partial) : P. ov icoivos clvat. T/te
parties to a contract : P. ot O-U/A-
Partisanship, subs. Faction: P. )8aXXovTs. 2%e parties to a swit :

and V. or&rfc, 07. Partiality : P. P. ot dvTtSt/cot. Se a party to a

and V. ewota, 17. swt, v. Ar. and P. dvTtSticetv.

Partition, v. trans. Divide : P. and Social party : Ar. and P. o-wovom,

V. 8tatpetv, 8iaXa/i,j3avtv, P. /xeptlfetv. 17, o-woSos, ^. Drinking party : Ar.
Distribute : P. and V. ;
see ^e> and P. o-u/ATToo-tor, TO ; see also/ieastf.
Party-coloured, adj. P. and V.
Partition, subs. P. and :
V. Suupeo-K, y : P. Party leader, subs. P. and V.
vo/xij, 17, Stai/oju/iJ, 17.
-4 TMA divided T<5m79, 6.
^nto two by a partition : P. StTrXij Party spirit, subs. P. and V. o
8ia<pay/AaTt KaXv/Sfj (Thuc. 1, 133). fj,
P. fiiXoveiKLa, 7]. Be animated
Partly, adv. P. ftepos, by pwrty spirit, v. P. <t>iXoviKclv.
. :

. .
partly : P. and V. T
Party walls, subs. P. icotvot
rfc 8e, Trj JAW TJ Si. . . .
(Thuc. 2, 3).
Partner, subs. P. and V. Parvenu, subs. Use adj., Ar.
6 or ^, o-w'cpyos, 6 or , Cf., ot 8* OT^TTOT*
6, //,TOXOS, 6 or ^, orwvo/xos, 6 or /caXcos (^Ssch., ^Igr. 1041),
V. o-uv0aKOS, o Or ^ 6. ireinrjs &$ apriTrXjovra 'XpirjfJMTa

Fem., orwcpydtrts, fj, P. (Eur., S-Mftp. 742).

cmfc, 6 see companion.
; Of a Pasquinade, subs. Ar. and P.
husband or wife: P. and V. o-uv- ta/j^ot, ot ; see caricature.
vofxos, 6 or ri ; see consort. A noble Pass, v. trans. jHbwwZ on : P. and V.
partner of my bed : V. Si ycwala. n-apaStSoVat. Passing (the children)
oT/y*coi/ttJ/Aara (Eur., ^l?i^, 1273). on through a succession of hands :
Partnership, subs. P. and V. V, 3iaSova?9 <tytt/?ouo~at ^poiv (Tcwa)

KOIV<IH>X, ^. Partnership in : P. (Eur., jaec. 1159). Pass (word or

and V. KOWOMCI, 17 (gen.), Ar. and P. message) : P. and Y. Trapa^epcw,
fjwovcrta, fj (gen.). , Trapcyyuav (Xen.). 00
Partridge, subs. Ar. and V. P. and V. wapcpxeo-floi, P.
6 or (Soph., Frag.).
7) Ar. and V.
Parturition, subs. P. and V. ai>, V. irapaoTeixciV' Sail past :
6, or pi. (Plat.) ; see Wrtt. P. irapaurXciv, TrapaKOfu^ecrOai. Go
Party, subs. Group of people : P. beyond time or place) : P. and V,
and V. (rucrracro, 17. Faction : P. irapp)(crOait Ar, and V. 7Tpav (Eur.,
and V. orcicrts, 17. Political party : And. 102). Having passed the
Ar. and P. <nivo8os, ^. The ties of appointed time : V. -n-apcts TO pApo-i-
party : P. TO ovyyvs TOT; eratpt/cov fMv. TJieir line had now all but
(Thuc. 3, 82). !%e Syracuxan passed the end of the Athenian
party : P. 01 TO, SupafcootW ^povovi/- watt : P. -5817 &rov ov ircLpehqXvffet.
TS. Phrynichus* party : Ar. ot rrjv TWV "A^va^icov TOU TCt^ovs T\cvr^v
pvvixov (Vesp. 1302). JBe a ^ /ctv<ov Tetxto-ts (Thuo. 7, 6). Gto

ty to : P. and V. p-erfy-iv (gen.) ; through : P. and V. Stcpx^o^at.

see s^arg wi. Be jointly responsible Oro55 ; P. and V. facp/SaCveur, 8ta-
for ; P. and V. o-wamos etvat (gen.), /5aXXetv, ScaTrcpav, vTrcpySaXXew/, Ar.
6/at (gen,). and P. Siafiatveuf,
Pas Pas

. Stair epaiovo-Oai (absol.), )

pass away P.
Sta7ropV<r0cu, Ar. and V. wepav,
V. rovro TO \lrq$ur[M rov rare rfj

cKircpav. Pass (time) : P. and V. Trepurravra

Stc&yetv (Bur., Med. 1355) (with <rev Sxnrep vtyog (Dem. 291). Met.,
P. and V. <t<avtcr0ai,
aoc. or absol.), rpi^v, Ar. and P. disappear:
ace. or Stappctv, airoppeiv, <^OtvLV (Plat.),
(with absol.),
V. KTp/#ew, Sta^epetv,
and V. Ippetv (also Plat, but rare
Ar. and V. Syetv.
-Pass P.). Hcwe passed away, be gone :
a #Zac0 Ar. and P. o>- : P. and V. otxo-0ac, oVotxccrftu, V.
v (absol.) Pass a sfcori . ^btYO"^a,tj Ar and v .
time with a person : P. a-fUKpov (also Plat, but rare P.). Pass by :

(Plat., see _pass, v. trans. Met., neglect :

Xpovcw crvvSiarpifieLv (dat.)
Lys. 204:C). Pass the night P. -
P. and V. a/teXctv ; see neglect,
and V. avXi^ea-OaL, V. v^x*^" (Eur., omit. Pass from (life) : P. and V.
jBfos.). Pass (accounts) ; P. n-
crrifjua.ivcrOa.L (ev&W) (Dem. 310). plov. Pass into : see enter.
Pass (a law), of the lawgiver: P. Chtmge into : P. fieraftawtiv ts

and V. rWafcu. of the (acc.), /j-era^aXXetv (ct? aCC.,

(vo/xov) ;

P. and V. rtB^crOan acc.) see change. Pass off: P.

people : ;

Pass sentence: P. and V. and V. eic/Jaivecv, P. d?rojftatviv.

Pass a?a^ : see #ass awat/. Pass
Tt&co-0(u, P. ftjctyy \lrr)<t>i<r0a,i.
Pass 071 : P. -Trpocpxccr^ai, P. and V.
sentence on see condemn :Never Trpopalveiv. Pass out of : V.
would 4hey have lived thus to pass cpav (acc. or gen.). Pass over,
sentence on another man : V. OVK ii P. and V. Traplei/at, wapa-

S.V wore SLKTJV KO.T aXXov <G>TOS 58* n-cw,av; see omi. Pass over
^<^tcrav (Soph., J.;. 648). V. silence : P. and V. o-Iyav (acc.),
intrans. P. and V, Ipx^rftu, av (acc.), V. Staa-iowrav (acc.).
etv, Ar. and V. /SotVetv, ^* : see slight. Pass through :
pav, V. (2nd aor.
IpTTctv. ftoXetv P. "and V. 8iepxr0ac (acc.), V.
of yftAoWeiv), goddess shall be J. SUpTTCLv (acc.), 8iaoTctxec>v (acc.), Ar.
struck by mortal hand unless she and V. Sie/crrepav (ftCC.), StaTrcpav
pass from my sight : V. (acc.) (rare P.). ZVov^ through :
Ar. and V. Swwrcpav (acc.) (rare P.),
Or. 271).
X<>pts o/A/tarcov l/zwv (Eur., P. 8ia7ropeue<T0<u (aOC.). Pass
jpass ; ;
seeP. and V. eav through, into : V. Sieiorepav efe

aamzZ, Ze^ sZip. Go through; P. (aoc.). P^rce: see pierce. Of

and V. Supxo-0<u. Go i# : P. and time (pass through Iife9 etc.) ; P.
V. irappx<r&u, V. wap^ctv. Go 6^ and V. 8ipxc<r9ai (aoo.), V. $wrpai/
(o/ iwwe) ; P. -jrpopx(r^at. Elapse : (also Xen. but rare P.). Met.,
P. and V. 3rap^pv<r0ai, endwre: P. and V. Sicepxe<r0<u ;

Expire: P. and V. see endwre. Bring to pass: P.

C&QKCIV ; see also under and V. aviSretv, KaTavirreiv, 8ta-
Disappear : P. and V. Trpao-opctv (or mid. in ,P.); see
Stappctv, feoppctv, <[>0tvciv (Plat). accomplish. Come to pass : P.
Pass (o/ a tow;) : P. and V. vlicav. and V. <rvp,fialveiv,
J5e enacted: ]P. and V. jcewrftu. irapairtirreiv, yiyv&rBai,
Pass along: P. crrMrapUi/ai (ace.). oTvrtryxrfveiv ;
see happen.
Pass a^a^ : P. and V. aTrcpx^at, Pass, subs. te/5Z0; P. and V.
irapepxea-Oai.This decree caused 7 T?> cfy/cos, ro (Xen.), P.
the danger that lowered over the Ta, (TTi'<, ra, TrdpoSos, 17,

Pas Pas

V. orevoHros, Safe conduct : Ar.

v. see be on board, :

and P. SfoSos, /, P. 8ex, 77, P. and under board. Traveller : P. and

V. do-^oXcta, Difficulty : P. and
V. 68owropos, 6.
V. dVopia, 97; see also predicament. Passing, subs. Met., see death.
Having come to so sore a pass : V. Eemark in passing, v. P. irapa- :

ets TOLS /xeytcrras oi>u<opa.s d<fwx.e/os

(Eur., I. ,4. 453^. Passion, subs. Emotion : P. ir<<9os,
Passable, adj. .46Z0 to fo crossed: TO, TO ;
see eww^iow.
P. Sia/foro's, P. and V. eu/Jaros P. cr^oSpdr^g, 77.

(Plat.;, iropevcrifjLos (Plat.), Mbde- P. and V. opyrj, 77, fl^ds, o,

ratfeZy 00od : P. and V. /xerpios. Ar. and V. x ^-7?* ^7* ^o7 ?? o, JLCC^OS,

Passably, adv. Tolerably : P. TO, V. xoXos, 6, fiT^vts, 77. Love : P.

and V. /*TptG>s> Ar, and P. and V. cpws, TO, ird^os, 6 (Plat, but
rare P.), 2/x,pos, 6 (Plat, but rare
Passage, subs. Journey : P. and V. P.). Eagerness : P. and Y. cnrovfy,
680?, 77, V. Tropes, 6 (rare
TTopei'a, 77', 7rpo0iJ/*ia,
Desire : P. and V.

P.J see jowney.

; Way P. and fTriOvfAta, 77.

V. 68ds, 77, Ar. and V. /ccWos, 77*; Passionate, adj. P. and V. <5us,
see way. Crossing: P. 8id/3cwn,s, Ar. and P. dicpaxAo9, Ar. and V.
Ar. and P. 810805, ; by sea: d^if^ij/ios, V. 8v<ropyos.
rj Excitable :
P. 8wwrAoi;s, 6, V. iropO/jLos, 6. P. o-^oSpd s. Impassioned : P. and
If anyone should dispute their V. 6KTWOS, OTJVTOVO5.
passage : P. t TIS . /cwAvnJs . .
Passionately, adv. Angrily : P. and
yiyi/owo TTJS Sta^ao-ca)? (Thuc. 3, 23). V. Si"
op &# i&ere was no passage by the see angrily. Vehemently:

side of the tower : P. <5<rre irdpoSov P. 0-<oSpO)S, O-UVTOVCUS, VT01/(US, P.

elvai irapa irvpyov.
Wlierever and V, o-^dSpa.
there is a passage : P. av euoSiJ Passionateness, subs.
77 Vehem&nce :
(Dem. 1274). P. and Ghamiel
P. or^o8poT77s, 7).
Q^kness to
V OXTOS, 6 ; see channel. Street :
anger : V. dfu^iJfiia, T;,
P. and V. -n-op^s, 6; see strwit. Passive, adj. P. and V.
Undei ground passage : see under- T/onSxctlos, P. ,

ground. Defile : see pass. Way passive, v. P, and V. :

out: P. and V. !&>8o<?, 77. Way

throuqh : Ar. and P. 810805, 77, P. and Passively, adv. P. and V.
V. SicoSos, T); by sea: P.
6. Permission to pass : Ar. and P. Passivity, subs. Ar. and P.
8to8off, 77. Grant a passage, v. P. r),
Ar. farpayiJ.oviSv'ifi, 77.

and V. Sicei/<w (81177/^1) (ace. or Passport, subs. Use P. ^8cta, 77.

absol.). !Z%0 j?eojpZc o/ Agrigentum Password, subs. P. and V.
allowed no passage through their Td, P. OT77/AtOV, TO, V- OT77/X,a, TO, OTV/A-
territory : P. *Aic/oayawvot OVK ySoXov, TO.
c8t8o<rav 8ia TT}? eavra>v 68oV (Thuc.). Past, prep. P. and V. wapa (ace.).
Passage in a booJc : use P. Ao'yos, Beyond : P. and V. Tr^pa (genA
6. Passage m
a planj : Ar. and P. Exceeding : P, and V. *Wp (aoc. j.
Tcris, 77. Iw many passages : P. Paxt description : use P. and v.
/cpetoro-cDV Xoyov,
or Y. Kpc&rcrcov t)
Passage money, subs. Ar. and P, X^fau Pas* acpeotatww : P. and
vavAos, 6, or vavXov, rd. V. Trip ^TrlfSa, V. IKTOS ^^805, 2&>
Passenger, subs. Passenger on a tXwlfSoy. PflWi bearwg : use iw-
shw : P. ^rifloTTis. 6. Be a tolerable. In oompounds P. and :

Pas Pat

V. vapit. P. and V. Patchwork, subs. Embroidery : P.

Go past:
and V. -n-otKiXfLo, TO.
Past, adj. Gone, vanished : Ar. Pate, subs. Use head.
and V. IjbpofiSos (rare P.). Ancient : Patent, adj. ^ P. and V.
P. and V. iroAaio's; see (mdent. a-a^ys, cva/oyrfc,
Of time P. and V.:
peA0cv, P. V. cra<j>ir]vqs see
, ;

trapeXyXvO&s. Past time P. and Patently, adv.

. P. and V,
V. 6 irapek&wv xpovos. past, ^ avoj?, Ar. and P. tjkavepu)?, V.
see clearly.
have gone by : P. and V. TrapeXOclv, ;

V. ffapoixr0ai. Past actions : P. Paternal, adj. P. and V. warpios,

ra yeycv^o'a. Things past and TraTpwos, Ar. and P. TrarpiKos.
done : V. efcipyaoTAeya, rd. In the Paternity, subs. Use P. and V. TO*
past : use adv., P. and V. trdXat. <j>VTVw, TO yewav.
Pastime, subs. P. and V. u8, 17, Path, subs. P. and V. 68o's, r), V.
TptjSos, 6 or (also Xen. but rare
Pastmaster (in), subs. Use adj., P. P.), oT//,os, 6 or ^ (also Plat, but rare
and V. a/epos (gen. or ace.). P.), ort^os, 6, Wpos, 6, Ar. and P.
Pastoral, adj. Ar. and V. vo/jufe, Ar. aTros, ^, Ar. and V. iceX

^: P. and V. o>6>os, 6,
Pastry, subs. P. Tre/x/xara, ra. fi, Ar. and P. Trcpt^opa, ^, V.
Pasturage, subs. See pasture. 77, orpo^, (Soph., Frag.), 17'

Pasture, subs. P. and V. vow, 77, Ty, rj (Soph., Frag.). Met.,

P. jSoravTj, fj. Gre&n food : P. o/ h/a : P. and V. ofio's, P. 17",

jSoravTy, 77 see fodder.

; Nurslings drpcwros, 17, V. /ceXcv^os, 97.
of the pastures of Parnassus : V. Pathetic, adj. P. and V. owcpros, P.
(^vXXaSos Uapvrjcrlas ira.L$GUfj.ara eXccifo?, Ar. and V. A.6vo's.
(Bur,, 4wd. 1100). Pasture for Pathetically, adv. P. and V.
horses : V. wnro<op/?ioy, TO. oiKTpfis, P. eXccivais, Ar. and V.
Pasture, v. trans. P. and V.
(Plat, and Eur., CycL), Pathless, adj. P. arpipfa P. and V.
(Plat.), P. vojLLcuW (Plat.), V. #)8aTos, V. ^OTI-TTTOS, ao*Tty&7S.
7rpoa-vfjLv (Bur., CycL), <j>pflcw. Pathos, subs. Misery : P. /ca*eo?rafea,
Pastwre on, feed on (of cattle) : P. 17, d^ALonysj^iseemwerg/. Emotion:

and V. vfaotiai (ace. or absoL). P. 7ra0os, TO, trdOrjfJia., TO.

Pasture land, subs. V. 717 <f>oppds, Pathway, subs. See ^aWz,.
fj (Soph., Frag.), or use P.
and V. Patience, subs. Endwranoe: P.
TOfllj, *)' Kaprcpi'a, 77", Kaprepricris, 77. Forgive-
Pasturing, adj. V.VO/XCLS. Pasturing ness : P. and V. crvyyvoi^, 17.
m the woodland : V. X6<f>op/3o<s. Gentleness : P. Trpao'-r^s, 17, Ar. and
Pastwwg herds : V. ^.76X01 pow6- P. ^OTJX^ ^ 5 ses gentleness. Hear
with patience : P. ju,er* cwo^as
Pat, v. trans. P. and V. d/tovctv (gen.).
Ar. and P. (Xen.),
fcorcu/njv V. Patient, ad]. P. icc^m-pi/cos, V.
Korai/nfoeiv, Or use touch. TA.77/xa>i/. Humble : P. and V.
Patch, v. trans. Repcwr: P. &- Taweo'd's. Forqwing : P. and V.
cnci.'aeiv. Patch clothes : P. ovyyi'tofMov, Gentle, quiet : P. and
tftarta efafcetcr^at (Plat.). Oo^&Ze : V. -Jrpaos, ^(H3xo5, 77*0^x^05. Be
Ar. and P. paTrrctv ; see cobble. patient, v.: P. and V. /caprepetv,
Patch up a truce : P. and V. </i- /xav, Ar. and V. T\^vai (2nd aor. of
/?o<rtt/ TroLtio-Qai. Patched up, un- (also Isoc. but rare P.).
sound, met. P. and V.
quiet : P. and V. ^t
Pat Pav

Acquiesce : P. and V. crrcpyew, V. (ace.). Condescend to ; P.

alvw see acquiesce. Be patient
; KaOiva.L (dat.).
of, acquiesce in : P. and V. orepyeiv Patronising, adj. Met., insolent:
(ace. or dat.), P, ayaTrav (aco. or P. wrep^ai/os.
dat.), V. alvtiv (ace.) see also
; tter, subs. P. and V. i/rd^os, 6,
/criW, 6 (Plat, but rare P.) Patter .

Patient, subs. See invalid. of rain : P. and V. ^a/cas, y (Xen.,

Patiently, adv. V. TX^/xoVcos. Quietly: also Ar.).
P. and V. rj(rvx<*>St W^X^ Patter, v. intrans. P. and V. ifsofaw,
P. Trpacos. Hwmbly : .P. KTV7Tw (Plat, but rare P.). Drip :
Patois, subs. Use dialect. P. and V. OTO&.6V (Plat, but rare
Patrician, adj. High-born : P. and P.) ; see drip.
V.yewaios, vyv>ys (Plat, and Thuc.), Pattern, subs. Sample : P. and V.
Ar. and V. r0Xds. Patricians (as r6, irapuSeiy/jLO., TO', P.
a party), subs. P. cvn-arptSat, ot.
: TO. Example for imi-
Patrimony, subs. Ar. and P. T& tation : P. and V. irapdSei'YfjM, TO.
jrarpjia, V. TrarpiK^, % (Bur., Ion, Impression : P. and V. TVTTO?, o.
1304). Shape : P. and V. i6x, 17, ctSos, TO';
Patriot, subs. P. dya0os TToXtr^s, or see 5^ape.
use patriotic, adj. Paucity, subs. P. 6X170^75, ^.
Patriotic, adj. Ar, and P. <iXd?roXis, Paucity of men : P. dXtyav^powrta,
P. and V. d/i/ovs, V. 17. TTaw^, deficiency: P. and Y.
(Bur., Bhes.). oTravis, ^ see want. ;

Patriotism, subs. P. TO <to7 Paunch, subs. P. and V. yao-rij/o, ^.

Good will : P. and V. dWa, 07. Pauper, subs. Use adj., P. and V.
Patrol, v. trans. P. and V. Tray's see also beggar.

The Syracusans were at Pauperise, v. trans. Corrupt : use

once able to patrol the harbour P. and V. 8ta<0tp/.
without fear : P. ol SvpaKoo-ioi rov Pause, v. intrans. Cease: P. and
evOvs Tra.peir\ov aScois (Thue. V. 7ravc<r6ai, \rftw (Plat ). Delay :
7, 06). Absol., Ar. and P. tyo- P. and V. /j,eXXiv, cTre^et
Scvtw (Xen.), Ar. jc<o6Wo<^opry. ^paSrfvetv see <&Za#.

Patrol, subs. Ar. and P. TrepiVoXoi, Pause, inter j. P. and V.

ot. Commander of a patrol : P. Ar. and P. x
V. >

-TrepMrdXapxos, o.
Patron, subs. P. and V. eTrwrn&n^, Pause, subs. P. and V.
6. Protector : P. and V. 7rpo<rr<rn?s, ctvowrauXa, ^, P. dLva7rai;o-L9,

o, Ar. and V. TT/DO&VOS, o. Witfe- Breathing space : P. and V.

out a patron, ad], V. dTrpo^evog.
h V. bfjorvoij, y.
Delay : P. and
a patron to, v. Ar. and V.
: V. StaTpt^, 17*, Tpt^, see delay.
17" ;

'cw (gen.). Patron samt: Pave, v trans. Pave the way for,
use P. and v. ^po>s, or use V. conduce towards, met. P. T :

dpX^yds, 6 (Soph., 0. C. 60); see t5 (ace.). While we pave the way

tutelary. for their empire : P. T^S fyxfc
Patronage, subs. P. Trpooroo-ta, TrpoKOTTTdWeov KtVois (yfx&v) (Th.UC. 4,
Patroness, subs. V. Trpdlcvos, 60). .42 ^e same ^9726 paving the

way for his recall to his native land :

Patronise, v. trans. P. and V. P. fyia r)v lavroi; K(Wo8ov efe r*)v
(gen.). Attend fre- TraTpiSa briQepaTreuw (Thuc. 8, 47).
quently : P. and V. c Paved, adj. P. eorpoyA&os (Hdt.),
ace. or fat (aco.), P. V.
Pav Pea

Pavilion, subs. P. and V.

0-1071/17, 07,
V. <jbopa, 17.
JDo sometlwnq for __

ojo7veo/mra, ra (also Xen. but rare P.). P. (Dem. 242).

Trpacro-ctv rt jLtwr^or

Paw, subs. Use/ooi. Without pay, adj.: P. and V. #/u-

Pawn, v. trans. P. wroTifleVac, airo- <r0os (Dem. 731) adv., P. and V.;

Ar. Vxfy>ov rtQwcu.

Ti/AoV, Take in &fu<r0i. Crive pay, v. . P.
pawn : P. foroTtfleo-tfat, a7TOTi/i,ao-0ai. TCH/ (absol. or dat.).
Paw the ground, v. trans. Use P. Ar. and P. /u<70o<ope/. Ira receipt
and V. a-KLprav. of pay : use adj., P. 2/t/uo-0os. Jn
Pay, v. trans. P. and V. receipt of full pay : use adj., P.
rtveiv, airorivtw (Eur., I. 1169), evreXo'/Awrtfos. Be in any one's pay,
rcXcLv, Ar. and P. ^epetv, & v. : Ar. and P. ju,to-0o<ope' (dat.),
Pay in full : V. -TrX^pow- P. or irapa (dat.). Iw the pay of: Ar.
irX^pow. Bring in, yield P. and P. ftto-dojrds (geu.).
irpo(r<f>pLv <jf>ptv, P. and V. SiSoVat.
t Paymaster, subs. P.
Beward, requite : P. and V. o.^i-
$<rQai ; see reward. Q-we wages : Payment, subs. -4c^ o/ paying : P.
P. /uo-0oSoT/ (dat. or absol.). .Bfi a-?rdSoo-t5, 17, Sdo^w, ^, ^opa, 17,

Payment of wages : P.

j?a^, receive as payment P. KO/U- 07.

o-0ai (ace.). Pay /ie penalty: Soa-ia, %. Pay : P. and V.

see under penalty. Pay (debts) : 6; see^poy. JKetribution : P. and

P. StaXuciv, Ar. and P. S,ird"~ V. Tlfo-^, 17 (Plat.). Upon the dead

Pay (honour, etc.) : P. and V. man hath now fallen a bitter
Pay property tax : P. cur payment of blood for blood : V.
r<opai/ TitfcVai. Pay tribute : Ar. alfJLa 8" at/wtTOff iruepos 8av6cr/zos ^}X^
and P. <6pov ^cpciv ; see tribute. TO> tfai'dvri vuv ^7Z. 857).
Help to pay : P. oT^Krtvv (absol.). Peace, subs. P. and V. ctp^, fj.
Pro/Zi : Ar. and P. X^o-trfXeiv (dat.), If any one makes peace for you : P.
V. Xi5tv TcX>7 (dat.), Mew (dat.) CLV Tt5 V/JtlV T^V CLpiqVTfl/ WpCWTO-fil
Pay back : P. Avra-TroStSdvat, P. and (Andoe. 28). Of peace, adj. Ar. :

V. dimotSoW Pay besides: P. and P. c^vweds. Make peace :

irpoQ-aTTOTweiv. Pay down : Ar. P. Glpyvyv TTOielcrOai, KaraXvecrBai
and P. P. jearayftaXXeiv.
Ko.ra.TtBlvQ.1, (absol.). Keep peace : P. and V.
Pay /or, provide, money for : Ar. elprjvyv &yw. Truce : P. and "V.
and P. SamLi/ai/ cts (ace.). 5^ OTTOV&U, at. lfaA;0 jpeace wife : P.
punished for : P and V, ot^v and V. (nrevSeo-^at (dat.), P.
StSdvat (gen.), SfioTV TiVctv (gen.), KCLToXvecrOat (dat.), oT^aXXao-o-co^^at
hew (gen.). Fow 5^aW (dat.). Supporters of peace at any
for this : use Ar. and P. price : P. ol aTrpa.yfwv$. Quiet :
f, Ar. and V.
/cXavcm. Pay Ar. and P. i7<riix"i, ^ Calm: P.
o/: a debt, P. SwXu'etv, Ar. and P. and V. ySXfa, J (Plat.), ^S t'a, J.
I see peace after the storm : V.
(aco.) (Dem. 866). Paid off P. K KVfJLdrwv yap aWus aS yoXrjv opai
dTTo/uo-flos. Pay out : see i
(Bur., Or. 279). J5e at peace, v, :

Pay ow^ a rope ; Ar. and V. P. and V. T/'o-vxafctv. Jw peace,

V. intrans. Be profitable. Ar. untroubled: use adj., P. and V.
and P. X V. T*O-VXSI ^o-vxoios, V. 1/07X05. Silence:
or \vw alone. P. and V. 0-1717', 17', orionnh 97'.

Pay, subs. P. and V. /*r0<fe, 6. peace, v: P. and V. <nyav,

of pay Ar. and P. /u<r0o- o-tftwrav.

Pay tn advance : P. P. and V.

Peace,^interj. o-fya, o-wuTra,
Extra pay : P. V. o-Zya, la, caow. Abstain from
Pea Fed

evil words : P. and V. V. s, 6. Farmer : Ar. and P.

yccopyos, 6.
Peaceable, adj P. and V. rj<rvx<><>, Peasantry, subs. Use Ar. and P,
P. Yjarvxios, and P.
AT. 01, or pi. of other vrords
elpyvatos. Not meddlesome : P, given for peasant.
and V. ttTrpay/xwv. Pease, subs. Ar. and P. epe/3iv0oi,
Peaceableness, subs. Ar. and P. oL
fa-payfwo-ijvii, 17 see ; Pebble, subs. Stone: P. and V.
Peaceably, adv. P. Calmly: X$o9, 6 see stone.. ;

P. and V. ycrvx<*s (rare P.), Peccadillo, subs. P. TrX^/xfteX^/x-a,


Peaceful, adj. Calm: P. and TO.

^OTJ^OS, TjoTJxatos, P. V. Peccant, adj. Use P. and Y.

70X777/09. Qm'etf . P.
Ar. and Peck, v. trans.
Of disposition : Bite: P. and V.
P. dfooXos; see gentle. Free from Set/even/.

care: P. and V. d,7rpay/ia>v (Eur., Peculate, v. trans. See embezzle.

Frag.), #71-01/09, V. 1/07X09, afto^^os ; Peculation, subs. P. and V. fcXom},
see painless. Without a struggle : 77.
Be accused of peculation : P.
V. do~<a8ao-T09. Unwarhke : P. u0wa9 6<Xio-Kai/iv ; see embezzle"
and V. <wrdXe/*o9 (Plat.). ment. Having beenguilty of large
Peacefully, adv. P. peculations from you : P. OVK oXfya
Calmly : P. and V. Toiv ujLtercpcov u077p77pti/os (Lys. 142).

(rare P.), Ar. and V. aTpcfjuL (rare Peculiar, adi. Personal, private :
P.) see calmly.
; Without trouble: P. and V. 3foto9, ot/cew, Particular,
P. and V. aw/>ay/xo'v<Ds (Eur., Frag.) ; distinctive : P. and V. Sia<opo9.
see painlessly. New : P. and V. /ca/o9, reos.

Peacefulness, subs. Ar. and V.

P. Strange, unusual : P. and
see peace.
; &-07T09 (Eur., Frag.).
Peacock, subs. Ar. raws, 6. Peculiarity, subs. Characteristic:
Peak, subs. P. and V. Kopfyrj, fh V. P. and V. tStov, TO ; see character-
a/cpa, ; aicpov,
TO. Pe&& 0/ a istic. Strangeness : Ar. and P.
feeZm<^ : P. and V. Xo'<o9, o (Xen. a/ron-ia, 77.
also Ar.). With two peaks, adj. : Peculiarly, adv. Especially : P. and
V, /AoXurra, P. cv T0i9 /mXio-ra, 8ta-

Peal, v. trans. Soimd loudly: V.

Strangely: P.
/cXa^ctv. V. intrans. V. /Spe^cctv Pecuniary, adj P.
(also Ar. in mid.) ; see resound. Pedagogue, subs. P.
Cry aloud : V, 6.

Thunder . Ar. ppovrav. Pedant, subs. Use adj., P. /u*po-

Peal, subs. Loud sound: P. and V. Xoyos.
6, KTviro$, o (Plat, bud rare Pedantic, adj. Use P.
rare P.), V. Pedantry, subs.
Use P.
6 ; see *
thunder P. and V. /Jpomy,
Peddle, v. intrans. P. and V. K&ny-

f}povnqfjLara 9 rd9 ySpo/iO?, 6. JPd^Z O/ Peddle with: P. and V.

laughter : use P. and V. y&,a>9, 6. (aco.).
Pear, subs. P. fotov, TO (Plat.). Pedestal, subs. Use P. and V.
WiZcZ pear : Ar. d-xp^, 17. TO (Xen.), ,

Peasant, subs. P. and V. Pedestrian, adj. P. and V.

o, cpyrf-nyj, 6, V. 6, as subs, use traveller.
9, 6 (Soph., JVagr.), 6, Pedigree, subs. P. and V. 7^09, TO.

Fed Pen

Trace a pedigree, v. P. yo/coAoyeiv. Peevishness, subs. P. and V.


The tracing of a pedigree : P. xtpeia, 97, Ar. and P. Sixr/coAta, 17".

ycvcoAoyta, 07. For reference to Peg, subs. Ar. and Y. -Tracro-oAos, 6.

tracing a pedigree see Plat.,
Pegr of a top : P. Kevrpov, TO. For
Theaet. 175A and B. tightening strings in a musical
Pediment, subs. Ar. aero's, 6. instrument : Ar. and P. KoAAot/r, 6
Pedlar, subs. P. and V. KdfonyAos, o. (Plat.). Fasten with pegs, v. Y. :

Peel, subs. Ar. and P Al/i/m, TO. Ar.andV. ',

Peel, v. trans. Ar. and V.

(Bur., GycL). Strip off: P. Pelf, subs. Gain P. and Y.
aiptw. TO'.
Money : P. and Y.
v. intrans. Ar. and P. Sit- TO, TrAovros, 6. Love of P.
(Xen.), Ar. Trapojciwrmv, -Trpo- and V. atcrvpo/cp$ia, 17.
I peeped over Pell, subs. Use skin.
their heads and saw : P. Pellet, subs. Pellet of lead : use
P. and Y. /w>A
appear: P. v Pell-mell, adv. P. >i icoo>
P. and V. &ro/3A6riv (ace.), Ar. and P. and V.
V. 7rapa/?A7Ttv (aOC.), V. Trapc//.- (Xen adj, P.
jSAcTmv ts (ace.). and
Peep, subs. P. and V. j6Ae/4/xa, TO. scattered al
-4ZZow a _peep o/, v. Ar. Trapa- : <3[vQ) T /cat /cctTco oce^epov
<ai'veii/ 753).
(with partitive gen.). .

Peep-holes, subs. Peep-holes (in a Pellucid, adj. P. and V. Ka0ap<fe,

shield, to see ones'senemy through) : Aa/^rpos, udyi}5 (Plat, but rare P.),
Y. KeyxpftJ^aro, rd. Ar. and P. Sia^avifc.
Peer, subs, J^gwaZ in age : Ar. and Pelt, subs. See focfe.
P. ^AWCWOT^, 6, P. and V. *5At, 6 or Pelt, v. trans. P. and V. /ScOAeiv.
V. o-wi}Ai, 6 or ", 6/tt}AiJ, 6 or 17*. Met., pelt (with reproaches) : Ar.
Peers, wo6Ze?7ie?j P. 6/*oToi, ot
. and V. ^oAAetv, V. wtTrrcti/, apao-cretv,
Pern. 489), 6^ori/* 04 <" (Xen.). P. 7Tpi/?aAA'.
Grandee: P. and Y. SWCLO-T^S, 6. Peltast, subs. P. and V.
.4 match : use
adj , P. di/TwraXos. 6 (Bur., SA*.)-

Equal to : see equal. Pen, subs. P. ypcw^fe, 07, KaAajuos, 6

Peer, v. intrans, Z/oofc around : P. (Plat., Phaedrus, 276o). 6o).
and V. ircpwncoTretv, V. tra-irrcuvcw. V. orra^/Aos, 6, aflAiov, TO (also Xen.),
Peer at: P. and V. virop\etrew OTyKOS, 6, IrrcruAa, T<.
(ace.), Y. 7rapjj./3)(.-7riv ek (aco.), Pen, v. trans. Write: P. and V.
Ar and P. -jrapajSAc^iv (ace.). yp^civ. Stet ; P. and V. m
Peerless, adj. P. and V. cipycti/, KttTtpyiv, V. (ruvcLpyew.
Penal, adj. Liable to punishment :

V. P. C'TTt^flCOS.
*w beauty : V. /caAAei v Penalise, v. trans. P. and V.
Peerless beauty, subs. V. /caAAc- :

TO. Unsurpassed : P. Penalty, subs. P. and Y.

Tl<Tl$, 17 (Plat.), Tt/JLO)p6a, 1

Peevish, adj. P. and V. or pi., Y. iroivij, or pi. (rare P.),

Si5<rfl[pcrros, Svo-^ep^, Ar. and V. tbroLva, rd (rare P.), dvrfcrotva, rd.
ToAtyKoros. Be peevish, v. Ar. : Incur a penalty, v. : P. and V.
and P. Sixr/coAatVetv. 60AtcrKdti w (absol, or aoc. of
Peevishly, adv. P. penalty). Pay the penalty (for) :

Pen Pen
P. and V. &LKTJV, or pi., ytyvo)(TKtv,
(gen.), SLKTJV, or pi., TIVCLV (gen.), (acc. or gen.). Be penetrated (by
or pi., eKTivciv (gen), a feeling): P. and V. /earcxco-tfat,
or in V. substitute TTOWTJV or &TOIVO, V. 1/1*00-00,1.
for Sftojv, V. also Si&cas Trap^civ Penetrating, adj. See piercing (of
I bid you loose these sound) P. and V. 6is, V. :
fetters ere some one pay the penalty: (also Plat, but rare P.), op^tos,
V. ^oXav iceXeua) Sc<r/xa Trpri/ fcXactv Tripos, St<3tTopos ; see Zowd. Stinging :
rtva (Eur., And. 577). Ybw sfa&ZZ Ar. and P. Sptjutfe. Shrewd: P.
2>a^ the penalty, you shall smart and V. o-wero's, Setvo's. Of looks :

for it : Ar. and V. jeXaifrm (fut. of use Ar. and P. 6ife. Bleak : P.
/cXactv), Ar.
and P. OI/AO> (fut. of Xi>p>epi>v6s Ar. and V. SvcrxetfjLepos. t

ofyw6eiv). Extreme penalties : P. Penetration, subs. Shrewdness : P.

at 07(0/70,1 ?7/u'(u. Assessment of and V. o-iWo-is, 17, P. Scivonys, 17,

damages : Ar. and P. rip^fia.^ TO.

Impose a penalty, v. Ar. and P. Peninsula, subs. P.

rtjLiav. Impose a further penalty : Penitence, subs. P. and V.

pc\cia, tj (Eur., Frag.), P.
Penance, subs. Bepewftmce: P. 97, /^cTa/xcXos, 6,
V. /Acrciyvota, 17.

and V. jLiera/xeXeia, 17 (Eur., Frag.) Penitent, adj. P. /xera/x,e/Was;

see rflpfiw^flwzcfi. .Do ^pfiTwtwcfi /or : Humble : P. and V. ra

P. and V. Sfictyi/, or pL, StSovat v. P. and V. :

(gen.). ,
P. /Acravoetv,
Penchant, subs. See inclination. repent : Ar. and P.
Pendant, subs. Ar. and P. cXwcnJp,
6. Penitently, adv. Humbly : P.
Pendent, adj. Hanging: V. *p-
/jtacrro's ; see pendulous. Penman, subs. Ar. and P.
Pending, Be, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
evcoTTy/cei/at (perf . of cvtoTctvat) ; see Pennant, subs. Use flag.
impend. Penniless, adj. P. and V.
Pendulous, adj. Hanging in air : TTO/^S, V. dxpijfwov see poor. ;

Ar. and P. ucrc'copos, Ar. and V. Penny, subs. Use Ar. and P. o/3oXo's,
6 (about, lid.).
Penetrate, v. trans. Eeach : P. and Pension, subs. P.
V. iiKVl<rQa.i (gen.) (or absol.), P. Pensionary, adj. P. &
tyiKvcicrOat, (gen.) (or absol.). .// Pensioner, subs. Use adj., P.
prayers penetrate beneath the ea/rth,
he hea/rs US : V. cwrep ycp to-0) yi}s Pensive, adj. P. <nwous. Of looks,
OKOvriov<r apat K\VCL (Eur., Or. etc. P. and V. ovcuflpeoTros, V- :

124:1). Pierce: V. Sta-Trepav, Step- oruyvos, ariT/co^puoi/xei/os. Look

X^o-tfat (acc. or gen.). Break: P. pensive : V. 7T<^poKrt/cds ySXcTrctv.
and V. pvjyvwai (P. generally com- Pensiveness, subs. P. and V.
pounded.), Siapprfyvwai. Enter : cnWota, 17, ^povrts, ^ (rare P.).
P. and V. ewr^pxco-ftu (ct?, acc., V. Penthouse, subs. Screen of shields :
also acc. alone), urS&tr0<u (c^ P. x*X<6v>7, ^ (Xen.).
aoc., or V. acc. alone) ; see Penurious, adj. Ar. and P. ^8wXos.
enter. Discover : P. and V. ev- Scanty : P. and V. cnrdLvto?, V.

eupur/ctv, V. Trpoowpur/cciv. Penuriously, adv. P.

through, percewe : P. and Y. Scantily : P.
Pen Per

Penuriousness, subs. Ar. and P. Observe, ma/rk : P. and Y.

0et8o>Xta, ^. Scantiness: P. and (or mid.), iotv (or mid.), P.
V. OTTdiviS, 17.
beforehand :

Penury, Subs. (Swropio, 17, Trevta, P. and Y. Trpoytyvwo-Ketv, P.

Xpeta, 17, Y. XfnifJLdTtov S^wa, 77 ;

see poverty. Per cent, Owe Ar.

People, subs. Ar. and V. Xcws, 6 and P. (Xen.). ul* ten
(also Plat, but rare P.), Xaos, 6, per cent. : rl
Of the people, adj. see public, : oftoZs per mina
Citizens : P. and V. TroXw-at, ot, or twelve per cent. P.
TTo'Xt?, 77,
used collectively. Nation: Money lent on bottomry at twelve
P. and V. 20yos, TO'. Commons : P. and a half per cent : P. vavrucov
and Y. o^ju-os, o, TrX-i^os, TO*, ot woXXo/. cTToyoW (Dem. 1212). Thirty
Leader of'the people : P. o^/xaywyos three <wd a third per cent. : P,
6. Common people, mob : P. and TOKOl CTTtTptTOt, Ot (Aristotle.).
. Y. 0^X09, 6. Has all power been Perceptible, adj. To be seen: P.
(/ivew o &e peopZe and Y. ^cord's. Clear manifest : t

Kparos; (Eur., C#0Z. 119). 2 maw P. and V. o-cw^s, efjL<f>avrj$, <f>avpos.

o/ i/16 people : use adj., Ar. and P. Capable of being percewed by the
senses (philosophical term) : P.
Inhabitants : P. and Y. ol ato-^ros (Plat.). Important enough
jcowres; see inhabitant. People to be noticed : use P. dt,6Xoyos.

say: P. and Y. People Perceptibly, adj. Plainly, mamfestly:

would say : P. and V. Xcfctcv av P. and Y. o-a<cos, /A</>av(u5, Ar. and

People, v. trans. Fill P. and V. Perception, subs. P. and Y.


irX^pow. Settle with inhabitants :

V. al^fjM, TO, P.
P. and Y. KosroiKifceLv, ot/cteu/, P. and Y. 'yi
,ITOI.KIGIV. Who people
city^ of
Cadmus with their children's child- Perch, subs. Use P. and V. 26>a,
ren : V. ot KaSpwu Tro'Xw 17.
Roost on a perch : Ar.
(Eur., H. F. 6). .
P. and V. 7rot/ctv (ace.). Perch, v. intrans. and Y.
Inhabit : P. aod V. Ar. and Y.
tv (dat.), Ixv, v/ (rare P,), see se^Ze. Perch upon : Ar.
(mid.), Ar. and V. v<uW. (dat.).
Pepper, subs. P. veirtpi, r6 Perchance, adv. See perhaps.

(Aristotle). Percipient, subs. P. a"

Peradventure, ady, See perhaps. (Plat).
Perambulate, v. trans. P. and Y. Percolate, v. intrans. P.
TrcpwroA-ctv, dvacTTpcl>ccr9ai kv Percussion, subs. Noise : P, and V.
V. 7rwrrpa>^ao~0ai, TroXfitv. in- 6. Impact use P. and V. ;,

TFoIi: Ar. and P.

Perambulation, subs. P. Perdition, subs. P. and Y, 3Xe0pos,
6. P.

Perceive, v. trans. P. and V. Consign to perdition, v. : use

?6. Go to perdition
(as ex-
alr0dv<r0ai (acxj, or geru), clamation) Ar. and Y.
: <

(acc. or gen.), P. Kara- &Tp/>, V. dXotO, OVK tj &\f.OpW } OVK

v, Y.'QdvccrOcu,. See : Ar.
P. and V. see see.
KaOopav; Peregrination, subs. Journey: P.
Per Per

and V. o&fe, 17. Travels abroad : Perfectly, adv. Altogether : P. and

P. and V. IfcSi/fua, ^, P. V. ?rai/TUS, iravTeXa>5, Ar. and P
Peremptorily, adv. Firmly : P. TeAccos, P. oXcos, TravraTracrt, V. cts TO
Like a master P. TTOLV\
: see altogether. Irreproach-
Though we do not ably : P. and Y. ^cjaTrrw? (Xen.).
P. and V. &TICTTOS.
peremptorily order you to do our Perfidious, adj.
bidding : P. ^Sv . OVK
. .
Perjured : Ar. and P. tirtopKos.
ejriTaTTOvTwv TTOLclv a &v Perfidiousness, subs. See perfidy.
(Plat., Crito, 52A). Perfidy, subs. P. and V. &TIOTUI, vj.
Peremptoriness, subs. Use P. TO Betrayal P. and V. irpooocrta, ^.

Perjtiry P. eVtop/cta, 17.


Peremptory, adj. P. SeorrrortKo's, Ar. Perforate, v. trans. P. and V. TCT-

and P. avTOKp&rup. Of things P. :
poLvciv, rpvirav (Soph., Frag.).
and V. avay/catos. Of a command Perforated, adj. P. TP^TOS,

P. tempos. ^1 peremptory demand Perforation, subs. Act of perfora-

made on one's neighbours : P. tion : P. Tpijoris, $. Hole Ar. and :

StKcuoxri? rots WAas cTrtraoro-o/Aei/iy P. TplJjLUX,


(Thuc. 1, 141). Perforce, adv. By force : P. and V.

Perennial, adj. Lasting a yew^: P. /3ta, ^latcos, Trpos jSc'av ; see under
and V. cvKwrtos, rijo-tos, P. &reraos, Necessarily : P. and V.
V. Imos. Frequent: P. and V. avay/catws, P. K<XT' ,

S, Ar. and P. Perform, v. trans. P. and V.

flouring : Ar. and P. <*e/aos (Plat.), in P.). .

V. deipvros; see flowing.

Perennially, adv. Every yew : P. V. liarpdvcrew see also ;

fc<rr' eviavTov ; see' yearly. Fre- accomplish. Act in a play : P,

quently : P. OTJ^VOV, Ar. and P. woicpiVeo-0ai, dya>vtfeo-^at ; see 2?Za7/.
PZa# ow a stringed instrument : AT.

Perfect, adj. P. and V. and P. ^oXXetv, Perform on the

TeAeos, TravTcXijs, V. ^KreX^ Of a flute : P. and V. avXeiv. Perform
victim, without blem^sh : V. sacrifice : P. and V. tfi ,
JFWZ; P. and V. Irre- 7rottv, UpOTTOtciv, V. pec(,v,
proachdble : P. and V. Performance, subs. o/
forming : P. and V. Act
Complete, absolute : P. done : P. and V. xpa TO, ?rpaf is, ,

&cpaTos. Jw owe's j?n?we : see under TO. P. and V.


Perfect, v. trans. Ifofos ^per/eci ; P. Performer, subs. 0?w w?feo docs a

OVV, V. T\tOW, P. and V. thing P. and V. wpafCT^p, 6.

^cpyafccr^at ; see -4cior : Ar. and P. Tuiro/cpwrjs, 6 ;

(or mid.),
worfc owt.
ete, jPi?wsfe off : see ocior. Skilled artist : P.
Ar. and P. &ircpyde<r0cn. Accom,- , 6.

pUsh : P. and V. Svtfretv, Karavi;Ttv ; Perfume, subs. P. and V. 007*17, ^,

see accomplish. V. evocr/ita, ^ (Soph., Frag.}. Pre-

Perfection, subs. End, completion : pared scent : P. and V.

P. and V. reXos, TO'. Finishing off: (Bur., Or. 1112). P. and
P. direao-i'a, 17. Crowning point : V. Qv/jLidpaTa, rd, V.
P. and V. djc/wj, 17. Oome to perfec- Perfumed, adj. P. and V.
tion, v. : P. and V. TcXeiovo-ftu, P. Perfumer, subs.
. P. /Avp 6.

perfection, v. : Fern., Ar. /AV/XHTO>XIS, 17. Per-

P. and V. fumer's shop : , TO.

Per Per

Perfunctorily, adv. Use P. and V. ),

KA.rv ptov (ftiov sometimes
^a-uAws. Do (a thing) perfunctorily : omitted in P.), V. Owja-Kew (rarely
P. Imcrvpeiv (ace.). Ar.), KarGavclv (2nd aor. icaTaft^-
Careless- see die. Fade
Perfunctoriness, subs. o-/ctv) (rarely Ar.) ;

ness : P, and V. foQipJa, 17. away, met. P. and V.


Perfunctory, adj. Careless of

persons, P. and V. po0i;/tt>s of Perishable, adj. Liable to death :

things, P. and V, <e5Xos. Not P. and V. 01/77'* (Plat.). Weak :

OGGwrate: P. and V. OVK P. and V. <xo-0vi7s.

P. and Perjured, Ar. and P.
Involuntary : P. dueov<rios, adj. en-i'op/cos.

V. OVX KOVO-IOS. Ar. and

Perjure oneself, v. trans.
P. c-TrtopKCtv, Ar. \//f.v$opKelv.
Perhaps, adv. P. and V. JW, raxa.
To make an assertion less strong Perjurer, subs. Use adj., Ar, and

P. and V. o-xeSoV Perhaps Ida

. P. 7TtOpKOS.
not put your nature to shame V. Perjury, subs. P. ^rtopwa, y.

crxfBw n TVJV vty ov /caTCuo^xwo) <f>v<nv Permanence, Durability P.

subs. .

(Soph., El. 609). Perhaps you are ftcpciiOTrjSt ^. Never would there be
right :P. KivSweiW aA.770>} Xeycw permanence of any law : V. OVK av
(Plat., Syw. 205D). nor* Kardcrrao'is
Peril, subs. P. and V. jcivSwos, (Soph., Aj. 1246).
6, vofjLov
TO SCLIW, or pi., yo>i/,
6. Perilous Permanent, adj. P. and V.
enterprise : P. and V. fuvSui/eufwx, P. /iovi/A05, V. l/wrcSos.
TO (Plat.). In time of peril : P. permanent, v. use P. and V.

and V. i> TOCS Scwots, e?ri: TOLS 8ei- Lasting long : P. and V.
VOLS. Eternal: P. auovios, AtSios; see
Perilous, ad]. P. and V. eternal.
o~<o\po's, P. eTTuavoWos, irapdi/JoAob, Permanently, adv. P. and V.
Ar. and P. x^er-os. /3/?ato>s, V. l/jwre'Sa)?.
JPor ever : P.
Perilously, adv. P. and V. 6ts Travra xpoVov, 2s dtStov, V.
Period, snbs. P. xp vov Permeate, v. trans.
TrcptoSos Pass through :
(Plat., P&oedo, 107B). Time : P. P. and V. Stpxcr&u, met., P. and
and V. icaipos, 6, xpdVos, 6. C^cZe : V. KaTxv. .KZZ; P. and V.
P. and V. /cwcAos, 6. j^?w2 : P. and
Y. TcAos, TO, TeXcvn}, 17, Wpas, TO. Permissible, adj. Lawful : P. and
Sentence (grammatically) P. p^a, : V. 2yyo/o9 vo/u/*os. Permitted by f

TO. T!fe*s period (of history) was dwine law : P. and V. OO-LOS. It is
omitted by all my predecessors : P. permissible : P. and V. 0e/us
TOIS Trpo pjov axrouTiv efeAtTre? TOVTO yv (or omit ecrrC) (rare P.), 6Viov, I

TO x^ptov (ThtLC. 1, 97). Trrfpcort, irdpa, Trapei/cci, P.

Periodical, adj. Yearly : P. eTrerctos. Ar. and P. cyytyveTat
adv. P. and V. Sta JT^ *s ?w>ipermissible for you to kill
XpoVo-u. Xecurl/y : P. /caT* mavrov. him : V. ov/c lor" awarov TOV o*oi
Perish, v. intrans. JBe destroyed: /caTaxTavciv (Eur., HeracZ. 961).
Permit, v, trans. Permit -

ei,v P. and V, ^Sv, !<^!ei/(H (dat.),

(Plat.), (rare P.), pay (dat.), jjLt&l&at (dat.),
Tropcvctv (datA Ar. and P.
Ka.Ta<f>6fvciv. Die : Ar. and P.
v, P. and V. TcXewav, (things) : P. and V. avc^crflai, Ar.
(with or without and Y. IgavexeorBai
; see endwe,
Per Per

overlook. Permit to (with infin.), ^ (rare P.), ^Xava(T0at, V.

P. and V. lav (aCC.), Traptevai (dat.),
0lK<u (dat.); see allow. It is Perplexed : use adj., P. and V.
permitted: P. and Y. 2c<rri, (rare -

Trapa, vapcikct, P. cyxwpet,

Ar. and P. P. and V. apropos,
Perplexjng, adj.
icyyvT(u. Permii o/; Y. Svo-cvpcros, Svcrr^apTos 3 See
P. ci (ace.).
Pernicious, adj. P. s, /?Xa- Perplexity, subs. P. and V. c
P. and ^
V. curu/ju^opos, /cameos, Perquisites, subs. Use P. TO.
V. Xvfuwrrjpios, Ar. and V.
Per S6, Use P. auros Koff avrov.
Perniciously, adv. P. and V. Persecute, v. trans. P. and V.
P. dvc-TTtnySewos. cAaweiv, V. \a<rrptv, Tpox^Xarctv.
Peroration, subs. P. &n'Xoyos, 6 Pursue P. and V. SUOKCIV. Injure :

P. and V. ttStfcetv, KaK&s iroiew,

adj. P. and V. KO.KOVV. Afflict, trouble
P. and V.
s. At right angles : P. XvTreZv, V. yvp.vdw, Ar. and V.
Perpetrate, v. trans. P. and V. Tc^petv, TnrjfLOLLvuv (also Plat, but rare

Trpdo-crciv, epyaecr0<u, P.). 4wno2/: P. and V. 2xAoy

Y. K7rpa<r<ru/ ; see accomplish. Trap^civ (dat.), Ar. and P. evoxXetv
Perpetration, subs. P. and V. (aco. or dat.), V. oxXav.
Persecution, subs. U?y^t treat-
Perpetrator, subs. P. and V. ment : P. and V. SStw'a, *). I?i-

n-pcLKTcop, 6,
or use adj., P. and V. fliotion of injury : P. KaKcoo-ts, 17.

amos (cause), avrox^p. Perpetrator Hcwrywg V. Stoy/Aot, ot. :

of a mwder: P. and V. avrox persecution : use P. and V.

4ovov, zee murderer.
Perpetual, adj. Frequent
P. and Perseverance, subs. P.
T. -mwos, Ar. and P. Obstinacy : P. au0a-
Incessant : Y. StareXife. 17,
Ar. and V. av0d&a, >).
P. <rvvxfr, Practice : Ar. and P. ^teXen;, 17.
P. awivios, atSios; see Industry : L\ ^tXo7roi/ta, 77,
P. and
continuous. V.
Perpetually, ativ. Frequently : P. Persevere, v. intrans. P. and V.
(rvx^ov, Ar. and P. -TTVKV^, P. and V. Kapreptlv, P. SiareXcLV, Sta/xevctv, ^TTO-
/*a/tv. HoZrf aw^ : P. and V.
Ar. and P. oriSvex&s, P. dvre^ctv. Persevere in : P.
Through all: Ar. and P.Jifc rcpctv (dat.).
' '
v. trans. EstabUsk Persevering, adj.
: P.
P. t the and V. AZn^g (Plat ), Ar.
memory : use P. and V. Industrious : P. <iXonwos,
Obstinate : P. and V. V.
Perpetuity, subs. In perpetuity:
P. Perseveringly, adv. V.
Banishment in perpetwty : P, Obstinately: Ar. and P.
l7wfosnott$Z# : P,
Perplex, v. trans. P. and V. Zealously : P. and Yi
rapfocrciv, 0pdwr<reo' (Plat, but rare Continuously : Ar. and P.
P.), OTrtropdwrcmv, ic7rX^(rcrtv. Persiflage, subs. P. and V.
perplexed : P, and V, 17, Ar. and P. <r/ca>/A/xa, rrf.

Per Per

Persist, v. intrans. P.' and V. *ap-

' Perspicacity,-* subs. e -^P. and'
TCpClV, P. SiaTeXeiV, TrpoVoto, ^ s, ^, TO <nn/rov9 P.

Persist in: P. cy/caprepctv V. TTpopyQia,, 17. ,

(dat ). Persist (in doing) : P. and Perspicuity, subs. Clearness : P.

V. Kaprepelv (part.). and V.
Persistence, subs. P. Perspicuous, adj. See clear.
Kapreprjo-Ls, Obstinacy
$. : P. Perspiration, subs. P. and V.
a0o8ux, -q, Ar. and V.
Persistent, adj Obstinate P. and Perspire, v. intrans. P. tSpw (Xen.),

V. a30ioV, V. Of things, Ar. tSiew.

continuous : P, Incessant : Persuade, v. trans. P. and V-
V. Frequent : P. and V. iretOew, oVcwrct^ctv (Bur., Bel. 825),
Resolute : P. and V. V. fC7Tt0iv. Induce: P. and V.
7rpoTprtv (or mid.), CTrctyctv, &ratpeiv,
Persistently, adv. Ar. and
Trpodyeiv, P. P.
7rt<T7rav; See
cw0a8cos, V. efwre'8a>s. Constantly: Jbm *n persuading : P. o-
Ar. and P. o-wc^Ss, 8i& Trawfe. (absol. or with aco.).
Always P. and V. &t.
Persuasion, subs. P. and V.
Person, subs Prwate, indwidual : Persuasive, adj. P. and V.
Ar. and P. SSiomys, 6. ui person, V. euTTd&Js, TTttonypios; see also
any one : use P. and V. enclitic TIS.
Jw person : use P. and V. auTos. Persuasively, adv. Ar. and P.
He came in person : P. and V.
avros ?X0e. Bringing a message in Persuasiveness, subs. P. Triftxi/oT^s,
person: use adj., P. and V. avroy-
Perso?wiZ appearance : see Pert, adj. P. fyfyioWs, Ar. and V.
under personal. Body : P. and V. vcavuco's, P. and V 0p&n?s Be pert,
CTOJ/XO, TO, V. Se/xas, TO. v. Ar. and P. vcdvicvecrOat. :

Personage, subs. o/ iw- Pertain to, v. trans. Belong to :

portance: use P. d&oXoyos TW or P. and V. etvai (gen.), irpoony/cciv
dvr/p evSo/a/Aos. (dat.). Appertain to : P. and V.
Personal, adj. 0?ze's cw0w, ^nvate : wpocretvai (dat.), P. ^orOai (gen.).
P. and V, ?8ios ot/cetos. Personal Pertinacious, adj. Obstinate : P.
appearance: P. and V. OW/ML, TO, and V. avOdfys, V. fywreSos, Ar.
e!8os, TO, !Sea, ^, ^s, 17, V. P. /caprepo's.
Personal injury : P. TOV Pertinaciously, adv.
Obstinately :

o-o)/xaTos aiKta-/w)5 (Dem, 102). Ar. and P. aufldEScos, V.

Personal ac^orwmewi : P. <r<6/jittTos see also /ear.
ax?/*ctTio-fW)s, 6 Personal Peruse, v. trans.
(Plat.). Ar. and P.
property : P, a^aviys ova-la, -ff.

Personalities, subs. FwZgrar aJ^se : Pervade,

v. trans. P. and V.
P. 7ro/A7Tta, ^ ; see a&wse. 84

Met., petr- "V.

Personally, adv. Privately : P. and P. and V. Fill :
V. fStV- In person: P. and Y. P. and V.
avrds. I personally 1 for my part : Perverse, adj.
1 P. and V. SuV/coXos,
P. and V. lycoye. 8wrx/wJ^ Contrary: P. and V.
Personate, v. trans. Represent by evawos. Obstinate : P. and V.
acting : P. vrroKpwccrOoL (ace.).
Pereonify, v. trans. Represent as diversely, adv. P.
living : use P. and V. fyu/aJxol/ Contrcvrily : P. and V. Ivavricos.
KaOior&cu (aco.). Obstinately : Ar. and P. <xv0cf8<os.
Per Pet

Perversion, subs. Misleading . P. 07, Ar. and V.

cwiimal : use P. and V.
Perversity, subs. Ar. and P. OpfJLfJid, TO.
SuarKoAia, 17. Obstinacy : P. au- Pet, v. trans. Pamper : P. 8ux0pv7r-
OafitUL, 7),
Ar. and Y. autfdSia, 17. P. and
T*V, V. afip-dvew. Indulge :
Pervert, v. trans. P. and Y. and Y.
V. xop(r0oi. goo^Afl : P.
8iaoTpe'<eiv. Corrupt : P. and V. fle'Ayew (Plat, but rare P.).
Mislead : P. and Y. Petal, subs. Use P. and V. <^AXov ;


Pest, subs. Disease : P. and V. Petition, subs. Entreaty : P. and


voVos, >7, vooT7/jLa, TO , Aoe/j,o'?, 6. Y. TrpooTpo-Tr^, f}, or pi. (rare P.),

Met., 0we : P. and Y. KO.KOV, TO, V.
SijA^/xa, TO', see scourge.
irijfj,a t TO* ; , -yj, tKCTeia, ^ ; See also
Of a person : P. and Y. \vp,cw, 6, prayer. Demand: P. and V. dt<Dcris,
V. TnjfjLa, TO, 3n7, ^, Ai/wi, TO, Ar. 17.
Letter : P. and Y. ImoroXi^
and P. oAe#pos, 6 ; see curse. 77, ypd/ULjj.a.Ta, rd.

Pester, v. trans. and V.

P. Petition, v. trans. Entreat : P. and
iropexctv (dat.), Ar. and P. i Y. atreiv, iKereueiv, Scto-^at (gen.) ;

(ace. or dat.), 7rpa.yp.ara see pray, entreat.

V. <5xAtv. Petitioner, subs. Prosecutor : P.
Pestilence, subs. P. and V. i/oVos, and V. 6 StoJ/cwv.
Pet name, subs. P. wiW/Hor/jui, TO.
Pestilent, 'adj. lit., P. and V. Call by pet names, v. : Ar. and P.
voo-diS^s, P. AoijLMoS^s. ZVcwi&fesowze: 8iroKOpiea-6a.L (ace.).
P. and V. oxA^po's. ^[ pestilent Petrify, v. trans. Met., with fear,
creature : AT. and P. 6. etc. : P. and V. currdva.i, cK-TrAiJo--

Pestilential, adj. P. and V. o-etv. Be petrified, paralysed: P.

P. Aot/A0>8?79. and V. TrdpfevOaL, P. Tr
Pertinacity, subs. P. fcaprtpwi, 17, ^/cAvWflat, V. Aiiccrtfat.
Kapreprjcns, 17. Obstinacy : P. Pettifogger, subs. Ar.
au0a8a, 17, Ar. and V. a^aSta, 17. Sf^s, 6.
Pertinent, ad]. P. and V. Pettifogging, adj. P.
Pettifoggmg discussions: P. /uKpo-
Pertinently, adv. P. Aoyiat, at (Plat.).
Pertly, w adv. P. -ujSpwrrwcais, Ar. and Pettiness, subs. P. /u/cpoV^s, ^,
T"> **
Jr. vcavuccos. ^auAoV^s, 17. Trifling : P. /xwcpo-
Pertness, subs. P. and V. vj Aoyta, ^. SmcM-wuwdedness : P.
Qpdcros, TO. fUKptnfnjxtitL, 17, /Spaxvnys yvoifwy?,

Perturb, v. trans. P. and "V. Pettish, adj. P. and Y.

(Plat, but rare P.) ;

see Pettishly, adv. P.
frighten. Pettishness, subs. Ar. and P.
Perturbation, subs. P. and V. h- SwricoAia,
TX^fo, 17, P- ,
V. rcpaypar, Petty, adj. P. and V. /uxpds, <r/Ac/o<fe,

6, rdpayp/tj T

Pestle, subs. Ar.

)5ai/o5, o.
Pet, subs. * P. and V. Petty-oflScer, subs.
o and P.
Darling P. and V. : 6. Be a oj^c^r, v. ?, #e% :

rd (Eur., CycZ. and Soph., Ar* a P. Ta^iapyctv.

.\ or use V. TO, Petulance, subs. JZ/-twper ; Ar* ,

609 39
Pet Phy
and P. Rashness : P. Philanthropy, subs.
8wKoA.wx, -fj.
7rpo?rTia, P. and Y. Qpdo-os, TO.

-4ois o/ petulance : P. i/cano^on-a, Philippic, subs, ^ccwsataw ; P.

TO. icariTyopta, ^. Oration, speech : P.
Petulant, adj. P. and Y. 8^0X09. and Y. Xoyos, 6, p^o-w, ^, P. 817^97-
JBasfe : P. irpoTrenfo P. and V.
0pcuru9. Wanton : Ax. and P. Philomel, subs. See nightingale.
Be petulant, v. : Ar. and Philosopher, subs. Use adj., P. and
P. vta V. 0-0^05, P. <iXoVo0os.
Petulantly, adv. P. 8w/coA.a>9. Philosophic, adj. Philosophical :

Rashly : P. TrpoircTws. P. <tXo'cro<os. Calm, impassive :

Phalanx, sabs. P. <aA.ay 17. P. and V. ^o-v^os, Tjcrvaios, P.

Phantasy, subs. See fancy.
Phantom, subs. Apparition P. Philosophically, adv. P.
and Y. <eo>a, TO, CIKWV, 77', Calmly : P. and V. ywxij,
TO, <j>dvTCLarfJta, r6, V. <naa, 77, otyts, 77, (rare P.).
86K7)<ris, y. Fancy, as opposed to Philosophise, v. intrans. P. <f>tXo-

reality: P. ei8o>Aoi/, TO'. Phantom

framed of cloud : Y. ve^eXiys Philosophy, subs. P. fyXcxrofaa, tj.
tfyoVa (Eur., JEW. 1219). Wisdom: P. and Y. o-o<ta, 77, TO
Phantom, adj. Unreal: use P. and cro<oV. Impassivity : Ar. and P.
V. 8ofCO>V. ijo-vxta' Bear a thing with philoso-
Pharmacy, subs. P. <ap/wweta, plvy : P. and Y. ppSwos <t>pew (ace.).

Phase, subs. Pfrase o/ the heavenly Leaving to others these subtle

bodies ; P. 7ra0os, TO'. Pfowe o/ a problems of philosophy : V. aXXoi9
disease : P. TTCL^OS, TO, Tra^/na, TO. T& KOpAJfa ravr d^ct9
P. and V. 77", (Bur., .-w^opa,
TO, Ar. and P. Philtre, subs. P. and Y. <#A.Tpov, TO',
vd0v)pjoi 9 TO,
ux' a 77. Secondary event : P. Y. TO ; see potion.
and V. Wpcpyov, TO'. The earlier Phlegm, Subs. P. <^Xey/xa, To .

phases (of tning) use P. TO, irpo- :
Impassivity : Ar. and P. tf- 77*.

yeyo^jueVa (gen,). Phlegmatic, adj. P. and V.

Phenomenal, adj. Extraordinary : Idle : P. and Y.
P. and V. 0<n;/jwxoTo's,
(Plat.), Ar. and P. and Y.
P. Sai/itfwos, Phlegmatically, adv.
(jLacriO<s, vireptfrvys, Y. licTrayAos.

Phenomenally, adv. Ar. and P. 'oriSYtav.

0av/icuria>9, vjrcp^vcfc, Phosphorescent, adj. Use bright,

Phenomenon, subs. P. Phrase, subs. P. and V. pt}/xa, TO.
Celestial phenomena : Ar. and P. -4s the phrase is : P. TO
Xcyo/ievov ;

TO, /ATCl>pa, P. TO, OVpdVia 7T0077, Ar see saying.

Phraseology, subs. Style of
Phial, subs. Bottle: Ar. and P. speaking : P. Xc^s, ?;.

TO. Jar : Ar.
Phrensy, subs. See frenzy.
and P. h V. Phthisis, subs. P. <t>0fy,
T6T/XO9, Physic, subs. Medicine : P. and Y.
Philanthropic, adj. P. and Y. <ap/xaicov, TO' see medicine. ;

" Physic, v. trans. P. and V.

Philanthropically, adv. P. and V.
(Plat.), Physical, adj. Physical infirmity :
use P. <r<i>/uxTos dppo>or(a, 17.

Phy Pie

nomena : P. p icked, adj. P. and V. e&wperos,

cfttJCptTOS, Y. /CpLTOS, X.C/CTOS, P.
Physically, adv. By nature: P.
and V. 0&ri. use P. and Y. XoydBcs, al. Picked
Physician, subs. P. and V. ?arpos, warriors of Greece: Y. 'EXXoSos
6 Eur., JSKsp. 296, Tro. 1232,
(t, Xo)Tto*/x,aTa, or XxxyaScs ^XX^wv.
and Ar., PI 406) ; see healer. ^ICket, subs. P. TTpo<f>vXa.K^, 17.
Physics, subs. Natural philosophy: Pickets : P. Trpo^uXaices, ot, Trpoo--
P. <wtoXoya, 17" (Aristotle), ra /coTrot, ot (Xen.).
<ucnica (Aristotle). Pickle, v. trans. P. TaptxeuW
Physiognomy, subs. Face, look : (Plat.). Pickled: use adj., Ar.
P. and V. TrpoVcoTToi', TO*, ctyris, 17 ;

face. Pickle, Ar. r&plxo *>

subs. or T0
Physique, subs. Physical con- Met., embarrassment : P. and V.
stitution : P. and V. o-Sfux, TO, airopta, .

oreofLotTos Averts, 17. Strength : P. Pick-pocket, subs. Ar. and P.

and V. MTX&, 17, po>/7, ^aXAavrioro^os, 6. J30 a pick-pocket t

Pick, subs. See pick-axe. Choicest V. P. jSaXXavTiOTOju,ti/.


portion : P. and V. &vOo$

TO, V. t Picture, subs. P, ^coypa^/Aa, TO, P.
XomoyMiTa, TC. Take one s pick of : and V. ypa^, T6, V.
f, ^pdpfM,
V. \d)Tlcr0ai (aoc.), airoXtoTi&w ayaX/xa, TO, et/cwv, ^. Met.,
(ace.),OLKpo&ivia<rOai (aCO.). representation : P. and V, /W/MJ/AO,,
Pick, v. trans. Gather, call: P. TO, cticwv, ^. -4ccow7ii, description :

and V. Sperav (or mid.) (Plat.). P. and V. Xdyos, Give a picture


Choose, out: P. and V. of, describe, : met. P. and V.

laipiv (or mid.), alpcicrOai, KKptvew, 8ipxccT0ai, Ar. and P. Stcfcp^ecrflai.
TTpOKpfoeW, P. eTTlXcyeO-Au, V. KptvGLV, Picture, v. trans. Describe : see
Ar. and P. &roXeytv (or mid.), deserve. Picture to oneself: P.
cicXeyetv (or mid.). PZwcfc (deprive and V. voew (or mid.), ei/r/oetv
of hcwr, feathers, etc.) : Ar. and V. mid.).
TiXXeiv, Ar. cwrorJXXciv. Pic/c Picturesque, adj. Beautiful: P.
quarrel with : P. and V. efe and Y. *5Xos. .ZVbtaWe : P.
a$iKv&r6a.i (dat.), V. Ipiv Xoyos.
(dat.). P&cfc feoZes m, met. : P. Piebald, adj. Use P. and Y.
and Y, Sict/JciXW (aoc.), P. KtXos, V. (mfcrds.
P*c/5 OM : see pick. Piece, subs. Part : P. and Y.
Diversify P. and Y.
flpOS, T<$, /XOtpO, ^, P. jU-dptOV, TO.
P?/fc to jpz^05 : see tear. Met., P. Portion cut off: P. Tpfjfux., TO.

SWupeiv. PWJ^ wp: P. and V. Fragment : V. tfpaOoyia, TO, cnra-

avatpelo-Qai, P. dvoXa^avctv. payju,a, TO, ayij, 17. PZay : Ar. and
ow feoard : P. dvaXa/A)8av6tv. Met., P. Spa/wi, TO.Piece o/ money : Ar.
meetf wi</i : P. and V. and P. dpytfpwv, TO. Piece o/ #oZ<Z ;
(dat.) ; see meet. Resume ; P. Ar. and P. xP^a-wv, TO. Piece o/
dvaXa^/?avtv. a living:
Pic/b ^j> copper : Ar, xoXx/ov, TO. Of apiece,
P. jSioTcuctv, and P. #}v ; see
Ar. similar, met. P. and V. O/AOWS,

maA^ a- mn<7 under Zivin$f. Y P, -TrapaTrX^o-tos. Of a piece with :

intrans. Get better: P. P. Trapo/ioto? (dat.), TrapaTrAiTorco?
P. and Y. o/wtos (dat.). Tear
Pick-axe, subs. Ar. and P. in j%eces : see under piecemeal.
Ar. and V. SitaXAa, 17, Break in pieces : P. and V. crwrpi-
s,6. pew (Bur., GycL), Ar. and V.
Pie Pil

(Plat, also but rare V. crw- Piercingly, adv.

Of sound : Y.
OpcLVGw, ,<rvvapdcrcriv IpciKCiv, P.
9 Topfo. Of sight P. :

8ia0pavW (Plat.). Fall to pieoes : Piety, subs. P. and Y.

P. and V. 8iappiv. Met., Ar. and TO evokes, P. 60*40x175, 17
P. 8io\iW0cu. affection : P. (jkiXooropywx, ^.
Piece, v. trans. Piece together : P. Pig , subs. P. and V. 5s, 6 or ^

and V. crwri0eirtu, (rwappa&w. L., Frag.),

Y. onJs 6, or y (Eur.,
Piecemeal, adj. Limb from limb : 316). Hog: P. and Y.

P. Kara juA-q. Tear piecemeal ; P. ^-r-j, 6 (.ZEsch., Frag.). Young

and V. or-Trapao-o-cii/ (Plat.), Ar. and pig : Ar. and P. xotP$> tov> T >

Y. 8iaor7raor0cu, Siaorrapao'o-eu', V. 8eX<ciKM>i/, TO. Of a pig, ad], Ar. :

ApTajLteu', Scapra/xctv, orrav

866 tect/r. J
and P. ueto?, Wpctos (Xen.).
His limbs were tossed piecemeal Pigeon, subs. Use dcwe.
from the ladder : Y. I* 8 /<AijLuiica>v Piggish, adj. P. fyvos.
o*$ev8ovaTo ^copts aAAiJXwv ju.eA.i7 Piggishness, subs. Ar.
(Eur., Phoen.9 1182). Met., Pigment, subs. m P.
detail : P. ica0
Pier, subs. P. xfy* a TO', O, > x, Pigmy, subs. Dwarf : Ar. vavos, 6.

Pierce, v. trans. Bore : P. and V. Pigmy, adj. Dwarfish : Ar. vavo^vifc.

rerpaweWj rpvira.v (Soph., Frag.), Met. ; see small.
Ar. 8iaTTpott/(r0(u. Wound : P. Pig-sty, subs. Ar. xotPOK / ^ov TO, JL

and V. TiTpwovceiv, Tpou/xxmeii/ ; see or use V. <rra0/*,o's, 6.

wound. Prick : P. and V. KO/TCIV, Pike, subs. Use Icvnce.
V. xpfe1"* Q^ through : Y. 8ia- Pile, subs. Sta&e: P. oraupo's, 6,
Trepav, 8wpxccr0<u (ace. or gen.) ; Ar. and P. Yopo, 6 or ^, V. orKoXo^,
of an arrow, V. Stappoi&Tv (gen.) 6 (also Xen.). Heap : Ar. and P.
<r<opo9, 6 (Xen.), Ar. and V. 0o>/ws,
(Soph., ZVacfc. 558). .Enter ;
P. and V. ia-pxe<r0<u (efe, aco., 6, V. 0fs, 6 or 17. PiZe o/ sio?^es :
or aco. alone in V.), io-8i?o-0ai V. Xatva l^oyKaJ/wtTa (Eur., JET. JP.
(cfe, ace., or aco. alone in V.). 1332). -4mid a pile of arms : Y.
Break ; P. and V. /fyyviWi (in P. (TKvXw v oxA^B (Eur., Biec. 1014).
usually compounded), SioLppiyvifoaL* Funeral pile : P. and V. TnJpa, 17,
Strike : P. and Y. /JoAAeiv ; see
sinfce. Pier<MW0 anfetes through
Pile, v. trans. P. and V. vctv, P.
with iron points V. cr<vpa>v onS^pa
: crvweiv. Pile up (a mound) : P.
/cevrpa StaTrapa? /x,ecrov (Eur., Phoen. and V. x<>w. (7oZZeci ; P. and V.
26). Met., see through : P. and o*uAAcyiv, o*vu^cpcv. Pile cwins .*

V. yiyvoxncciv, /xav^aveiv, aur^^vco-dcu P. fcXa Tt0cr0au Pile OW ; P. and

(aco. or gen.). S^ngr, ^)am : P. Y. eiriri&wai (ri TWI), vriftaXXew
and V. A.UTO6V, 8aicvtK, Pwcad TLVL). Axles were piled on axles
ttnA : V. 7r7rXi7yju,ci/os (dat.), P. and dead on dead : Y. amoves T err
and V. !/cffeirA,?7y//,vos (cLat.),
7rAay& (dat.).
P^w, 1194). Pile
Piercing, Lit., V. P.
adj. Swtropos, up :
7rt7rapavtv, Ar. &rtvtv.
Stavrato?, Stingmg : P. and V. Met., see increase. Piling up the
oJs, Ar. and P. 8pZ/*&, Ar. and V. banked, clouds : Y. own&ls WKVOV
6;<rrofw>s. Of sound: P. and V. ve</>o5 (Eur., Frag.). You see how
ofe, V. XtyiJs (also Plat, but rare many stones he has piled up over it
P.), Sp&os, -n-iicpos, St^Topos, Ar. and (the cave) : Ar. Sps So-ov?
V, vrreprovos. Of sight : Ar. and 7T<6>7Cr TWV Xt00)V (POOJ
P.tffc. Pilfer, v. trans. P. and V.
Pil Pfn

and P.
ew, Ar. V. otdKOO-Tpd^os, 6, TrpvpwrJTijs, 6,
Y. ftrooTrav see steal. ; vdo<v\a, 6 (Soph., Frag.).

Pilferer, subs. P. and Y. Pilot, v. trans. P. and Y. /nJ^epvav,

6, Ar. and P. 6 ;
see Y. otaKoorpo<tv. Met., see guide.
Pilotage, subs. P. 77, ,

Pilfering, subs. P. and Y.

y ; see theft. Pimp, subs. Ar. and P.
Pilgrim, subs. P. and 6 (Xen.), Trpoaywyos, 6.
V. 6So67ropos, 6. Stranger : P. and Pimple, subs. Ar. and P.
V. Vos, 6, V. &LVOS, 6. Wanderer :

P. and V. irXavijTrjs, 6, irXdvys, 6, Pin, subs. V. Trepovo?, 17, irepovts,

V. is, . Ar. and P.
Pilgrimage, subs Journey: P. o-aXos, 6. Pm to fasten a bolt : Ar.
and V. oSo's, ^, Tropa'a, ij, V. and P. ySaXavos, ^. Lwwh pins :

6. WaiMZermgr ; P. and V. Y. cnJXara, TCI.

, 17,
V. 7rXdtvi7/x,a, TO Pin, v. trans. V.
down : Ar. and Y. '

Pillage,- v.
trans. P. and Y. -iropOw, Y. -7ra<roraXTjetv ; see fasten.
a w /j e /e a,

DiaTTOptfeii/, apTra^ew, avap- Weaff-mg their robes of Ida pinned

,ap7raav, o~i)Xa,v, with golden brooches : Y. 'IS<ua
P. ayciv KCU
see plunder, ravage.
(also Plat,
Help to
but rare" P.) ;
(Eur., 2M. 317).
P. KaToXa/i)8avctv.
io : see trust.
^o;w, met. :
Piw OTJfi's /aiife
They pin their
pillage : V. <rup.irQpQ&v (TLVI rwa). hopes of delwerance to you : P,
Strip (the dead of arms) : P. and IXinSas TT}? o-wnyptas Iv
Pincers, subs. P.
Pillage, subs. Act of: P. and V. (Aristotle).
p7ray77, Jj (or pi. in V.), P. Pinch, subs. Squeeze
: Ar, and P.
P. oruftm^u/. Met.,
P. and Y. apTrayij, 07, Xcia, 17; see P. and V. airopta, 17, TO
Sooty. Destroying of crops, etc. . ^e j^mc^ o/ hunger .

use P. and V. XI/^G rc-wfeo-ftw.

Pillar, subs. P. and V. icfwv, 6, Pinchbeck, adj. Spurious : P. and
Y. orvXos, 6, orafljuos, 6, opQocrr&rns, V.
6. Slab: P. and V. Pine, subs. P. and V.
Memorial pilla/r : Ar. and P. (Plat.), Trev'/o?, ^ (Plat.), mfriJs, ^
17. Met., S^jp07'i : Y. 2peMrju.a, TO, (Plat, and ^Bsoh., Frag.). Of pine : ^**
j* \f \ j>

o^rOXos, 6* adj. : V .
eXaTtvos, TrevKWOS.
Pillared, adj. Y. ircpiWiiXos, Pine, v. intrans. P. and V.
veotfai, <#)^civ (Plat.), V. -"

Pillory, subs. Use Ar. and P. _

TO, P. and V. KX$os, 6 (Eur., Oyol (Plat.). Pme aw;a^ : Ar/ and Y.
Pillory, v. trans. Met., brwid with aW-
disgrace : P. cfe crnJX^v ypdfaw. and P. Karanr)KC<rOat
Ar. and P. TrpocrKe- Pass away P. and Y.
Pillow, subs. :

^x^Xatov, TO. 8iappctv. Pine for : P.


Pillow, v. trans. Ireow . P. and Y. and'Y. iroOv (aoo.), Ar. and Y.

but rare P-). tftetpctv (gen.), (or mid.) ; see also
/cXfi/etv, cpetSctv (Plat,
P. and V. Pined for, P. and
Pilot, subs.
KvfSepvynrj's, 6, long for. adj.
Pin Pit

Y. -7To0/os (rare P.), CVKTOS (rare P.), Aeiv (gen.), Ar. Trpoo-avAeiv
892). Pipe (of birds) : P. and Y.
P. and Y. 6 see sing.
Pining, subs. -ir66o<s9

(rare P.), Sucpos, 6 (Plat, but rare Piper, subs. Ar. and P. JT fa 6,
Ar. auATTT^p, 6; aee> flute player.
Pinion, subs. P. and V. Trrepvf, 17, Piping, subs. P. a^o-is, ^, Ar. and
P. avX^fjMTa, ra. Piping on the
Pink, adj. Use red. flute : Ar. and Y. o-upty/jtaTa, T< ;
Pinnace, subs. Light boat : Ar. see pipe.
and P. /ceA^s, 6, P. KeA^rtov, TO. Pipkin, subs. Ar. and P. dyyctov,
Pinnacle, subs. Tower : P. and Y. TO'.

,6. Top : P. and Y. Kopv<f>ij, Pique, subs. Offence, grudge : P.

Met., extreme point : P. and Y. and V. 00ovo9, 6. Annoyance : P.
a/cpov, TO.
and V. dx^Swv, Aii-Tr^, 17. Lover's ,

Pint, subs. Ar. and P. express by pique : P. epomK-Jj Xvtnr], TJ.

KortfAfl, 17 (dry or liquid measure) Pique, v. trans. P. and V.
equals about half-a-pint. Two Ar. and Y. KvLt^iv. Be
pints : Ar. and P, \owi& 17 (dry piqued : P. and V. axQccrOat.
measure). Six pints : Ar. and P. Pique a person's curiosity : use P.
xos, 6 (liquid measure). and V. Gav^a irapex<Ew (dat.).
Pioneer, subs. P. and Y. fyep&v, 6 Piracy, subs. P. TO
or T7, P. ooWoio's, 6 (Xen.).
Pioneer, v. trans. P. and Y. Pirate, subs. P. and V. A^cmfc, 6.
J5e a pirate P.
Pious, adj. P. and Y. cvcrepfa o<nos, Piratical, adj. P. Pira-
Otoa-efiy's. Pious opinion," mere tical boat : P Aflorpls vavs, 17.

opinion : P. and Y. 86a, 17, Pirouette, v. intrans. Whirl round ;

Mere aspiration : P. P. 7rpL<t>p<r0ai Y. lAiWeo-^at, t

Piously, adv. P. and Y. etAwrcrco-flai see whirl. ;

OCTMOS, P. Oeoveft&s (Xen.). Pit, subs. P. and Y. fi&paOpov, TO',

Pip, subs. Of fruit: P. opvy/ta, TO. J?br catch/wig prey :
(Hdt.). use swore. Pitf o/ ^e stomach : V,
Pipe, subs Hollow tube : P. TO, /coiAa yaorrpos (Eur., PfeoeTi.
6, avAoiv, 6, OXCTO'S, 6. The Athenians 14:11).
destroyed the pipes conveying fresh Pit, v. trans. Match: P. and V.
water which passed into the city dvTiTao*oriv, P. o-u/xjSaAAciv, Y.
underground: P. ot 'A&pauu, o-vv^tyctv, o-uvaTTTciv, Ar. and V.
. ot. S T7JV TToAlV V7TO-
. dvTiTi0ei/<u ; see engage. Be pitted
TTOTOV tfSttTOS fo agamst : P. dvraycov^ccr^at (dat.),
(Thuc. 6, 100). P. and Y. avriTao-o-ecrflai (dat. or
instrument : P. and Y. avAo's, 6, P. Trpos, aoc.).
(Plat.), V. AUTO'S, 6. Play Pitch, v. trans. See throw. V.
v. P. and Y. cwAetv see
: intrans. P. and V. -rrwrreiv; see

pipe, v. ,4ZZ ^e house is filled with fall. Pitch a camp : use enccmp.
the strains of the
pipe : Y. Pitch (a tent) : P. irrjyv\)va,i. Pitch
(Bur., 1. T. 367). one's tent : Ar. and P. o-K^vao-flcu
of birds : use P. and Y. (absol.) (Andoc. 33).
a, Y. Pitch, subs. Pitch of the voice : Ar.
and P. ToW, 6. Met., come to such
Pipe, v. intrans.
pipe : P. a pitch : P. ets TOVTO Trpo^/eciv.
and Y. avAeti/. Pipe use P. aicpov, r6.

Highest pitch :

Pit Pla

Come to such a pitch offolly : P. and Pitiable, adj. P. and V. oiKT/xfe, P.

V. 45 TOTJTO (ct5 IXtvo5, Ar.
Tocrovro, 15 ToSe) and V. IXctvds.
ytccoptas a<iKVur0aL, Trpo/Jcuvciv They Pitiably, adv. P and V. oticrpais, P.
are come to such a pitch of ignor- eXivo)5, Ar. and V. cXetvto?.
ance. P. W roa-ovTov dvaio-^ams irpo- Pitiful, adj. 2b &e ^"^d see :

(Dem. 1233). Tar : P. and piteous. Compassionate: P. and

sch. Frag.).
1 Ofpitch, V. 0tXoiKrwuoi> (Plat.), Ar. and P.
adj. : V. wurenj/iwys. Oo^er SM/& eX.evjfJuoVj P. tXeetvos; see also
^icfc, v. trans. : Ar. and P. gentle. Poor, mean : P. and V.
KaTCwricrcrow (ace.).
Pitch-black, adj. See black. Pitifully, adv. 8>QQpiteousfy. Com-
Pitched battle, subs. P. pAm & passionately : V. eXctvSs. Meanly:
(Thuc. 5, 56), /cap-
P. and V. icaK<05, <#>ai;XaJS.
Pitifulness, subs. See piteousness.
Pitcher, subs. P. and V. Compassion: P. and V IXcos, 6,
6 (Eur., Oyrf.)> Ar and
- 3
ol/cros, 6 (rare P.)see also gentle-

dyyetov, TO, Ar.and V. irpoxovs, ness. Meanness : P. ^avXor^s, 17.

ciyyos, V. JciSros, TO, TCV^O?,
TO, Pitiless, adj. P. and V. oxerXios,
(also Xen. but rare P.), /epwo-o-oi, er/cX^po5, wi/cpos, P. aTrapairviTOS, V.
Ar. icoX-Trfe, ^.

Pitch-fork, subs Ar. and P. (Soph., Frag.), SiJoraX-y^Tos, Ar. and

^, Ar. and V. 8t'/cXXa, ^. V. avoiKTos, #TeyKT05 see cr ;

Pitchy, adj. Of pitch: V. Pitilessly, adv. P. and V.

.SZa0& : see 6?ac&.
Piteous, adj. P. and V.
Pitilessness, subs. P. and V.
?T(opo5, P. eXcctvos, Ar. and V. iriKporrjs, fj,
P. a,yv<i)fjLOcrvv7j t ^ ;
V. I7TOIKT05, e7TOt/CTW7TO5 5 866
Pittance, subs. Dole : V.
Piteously, adv. P. and V. Td.

ot/crpai5, Ar. and P. TaXawroipeus, P. Pity,

subs. P. and V. IXcos, o,
e'Xcetvais, Ar. and V. cXetvws, V. O!KTOS, 6 (Thuc. 7, 77, but rare P.) ;
TX.rjfwvtDs ; seemwra&Zy. see also mercy. Appeal to pity :
PiteOUSness, subs. P. TaXawrajpia, P. and V. olicros, 6, P. oiKTipfws, 6.
It would be a pity : P. Sewov &v cly.
Pity, v. trans. P. and V. cXectv, owc-
Pitfall, subs. Ambush: P. Tctpctv, V, owcuiv (rare P.),
^ ; see ambii>sh. Trap : P and V.
SdXos, 6 (rare P.). jSwarg (few and Y. fcaTOi/cropciv, P.
&0Mfor} : P. and V. ?r%, $ (Plat.), Piiy wi : P. ww
P. ^parpov, TO (Xen.) ; see swarg. (Thuc.), V. avroutreipew.
Danger : P. and V. TO Scu/oV, or pi. Pitying, ad]. See pitiful.
Pith, subs. P. yic<aXo5, 6 (Xen.), Pivot, subs, P. and V. <rrpd<tyi, 6.
javeXo5, 6 (Aristotle). Met., cJmf Met., fawning point : P. and V.
point P. TO /cc^aXatov.

Pithily, adv. Shortly : P. and V. Placability, subs. P. ^00^75, 17, P.

and V. cfytei/cta, ^, V. -rpcu/Acvaa, 17.
Pithiness, subs. P. Placable, adj. P. and V. irpaos,
Pithy, adj. SAor^ in speech: P. ^TTIOS, VftVl}5, i5X0)5, V. TTpfiV/ACVlfc.
)8paxvXoyos. Concise: P. and V. Placably, adv. P. and V. fa-Mos, P,
<rw/TO/w>s, P. orvvcarrpapijwos. Y. ,

Pla Pla

Placard, subs. ProGlwnwtwn : P. and V. tyicrrdvai (ri T/t).

and V. KTjfnr/pA, TO. Writing : P. -yaZ^^e 071 : see value, v.
and V. ypa/i/jLaTa, TCL. P. and V.
Placid,^ adj.
Place, SUDS. P. and V. TdVo?, 6, oJo-iJ^aios,
P. vi(rv\LOS V. t S66
, 17,
Ar. and P. X&PIOV, TO, Ar. calm.
and V. x<po?, Town, fortified Placidity, subs. Ar. and P.
place : P. TO. Position, 17,
TO ^crv V
site : P. dccri?, 77. Change places, Placidly, adv. P. and V.
V. : P. TUS rare P.).
only thirty votes had changed Plagiarise, v trans. Use P. and Y.
places I should stand acquitted : P. see steal. ;

rpiOLKOvra /&oV<u Plague, subs. P. and V. 6, ,

av (Plat., voo-os, 07, vooyfia, TO, P. .

36A). .Keep in one's place : P voo-05, ^. !For account of a plague

KOTO, \&p(LV. see Thuc. 2, 47-51. Plague of:
fallen out of its place : V. dAA.' see swarm. Met., bane : P. and
I5pa? oV: TrXd/ca^io V. KO.KOV, TO, V. SiJX^/jta, TO, 7n}/ia,
(Eur., jBaccfc. 928). TO. As applied to a person :

v. : see yield. Till night gwe place P. and V. A-ii/jtcdiv, 6, V. TrfJ/xa, TO,
to day : V. !a>s v ^Ti7, ^, AE//,a, TO, Ar. and P. oXctfpos,
<aos (Eur., Bfos. 615). 6. A plague on you : Ar. and V.
happen : P. and V. <0lpOU, pp, ^TTCppe, Ar. OLjLtCO^ , Ipp'
Tuyx&vtw, <rujjLJ3aiviv, 5 KQpaKas, V. <5Xoto, OVK ct?

orv/Mrwrrav ; see happen. Bank : ov/c cts oXeOpov ;

P. and V. Tafe, 17, d^wfta, TO'.
Plague, v. trans. P. and V.
in^nen* o^ice: P. and V. (dat.), Ar. and P.
17. Duty, task : P. and V. (ace. or dat.), -Trpdty/xaTa
TO, P. TCtfiS, ^. (dat.), V. oxXctv, Ar. and V.
J^ *5 2/0?^'
P. and V. o-dv rn (infin.),
to : see also distress.
7TpQ<Ty)KL CTC GT VOl (JTlfill.). O/ Plague-spot, subs. Met., defilement:
place : use inconvenient. It is not P. and V. /uacr/JLO, TO, Syos, TO, V.
out of place to ask : V. vfjia, TO, //.iJcros, TO. Canker : P.
and V. vocros, ^ see canker. ;

514). Passage in a book ; P. Plaice, subs. Ar. and P. use i

6. 1% p/ace o/: P. and V. <XVTI Plain, adj. Level, flat : P. 6/x.oAos,

(gen ). V. A.<rupos. Smooth : P.
Place, v. trans. P. and V. and V. Xcio?. Simple : P. and V.
Set : P. and V. Ka&'&rw. Set up : cwrAovs, P. tA.t/cpii^5. Gamdid : P.
P. and V. tar&/<u, tSpt5v ; see j3wi, and V. owrAovs; see plain-spoken.
set. Appoint: P and V. Ka0rr&/<u, In plain speerti : P. and V. o-TrXois,
Trpocrrda-orcLV, Taoro-v. ^Bfi
placed : V. <Ls dTrXco Xoyw. ^Tbi beautiful,
P. and V. Ketotiat.. Place in an ugly: P. and 7 arxp<fe, P. fw>x&?p<fe,
awkward position : P. dwropcos V. Svo-p-op^os. TT^feowi devwjfi :

SiaTuOevai. (TLV). Be awkwardly V. dEcnyftos. Wi^owi embroidery

placed : P. cwropcD? SwtKcwr^at ; see (of stuffs) : P. Aetos (Thuc 2, 97).
situated. Place wound : Ar. and ^?5y to understand: P. and V.
P. Trepmtferai (T* Ttvt), P. and V. (Xen.), o-a^s, V cnh/eros,
(rt Tivt), Ar. and V.
T6 wi), V. d/t^<XA.ctv P. and V. &}
Tti/t). PZace on: P. and V. evapy^s, Xaftwpos,
(TL rwi). Place over : P. c/^avofc,
Pla Pla

/7/s, Ar.
and P. evS^Xog, Plait, v. trans. P. and V.
P. eTrt^av^s, Kara^ainjs, V
Topos, Tpanfc, Ar. eTri&jXos. Plait, subs. Plait of hair : Ar. and
plaan, v. P. and V.
: V. -n-XoKayuLOS, 6, V. -rXo/cos, 6 ; S66

(Xen), Stacra^ctv (Plat.), Y.

TOW, c^opfuirovv, eKfnjpawtw see Plaited, adj. ; P. and V.
sfow, explain. (Xen ). Plaited work : P. and V.
Plain, subs. P. and V. TrcoYov, TO, TrXey/itt, TO, Ar. TrXf/co?, TO.
V. 7rXe 07. O/ tfie ^tow, adj. P. Plan, subs. P. and V. yvwjjy,

and V. TrcSwfe (Plat, but rare P.), P. fiovXy, ^, ^ovXci'/jLO, TO, em>io, ^
TTcSutvos. Gro&>- ifoai JwwmJ the (Plat.), eTrivota, 17,
Ar. and P.
: V. 0oi fadvoia, see also devise. Outline :
plain wcStovo/^ot. TJ ;

Plain dealing, subs. Use Jwnesty. P. VTroypacfrri, fj, TVKTOS, 6, 7reptypa<iy,

Plainly, adv. Simply : P. and V. ^. "RTo2/, method : P. and V. TPOTTOS,
oVXais. Candidly : P. and V. 6. Means : P. and V. xopos, o.
cwrXtoS, ttVTi/cpus, eXeu0po>s. Owi- Plan, v. trans, or absol. P. and V.

spokenly : P. //.era Trapprjcrias, Y. /3ovX.VCLV, VOLV, WOIV, Al'. and P.

irapprio-ta. Speak plainly, v : P. SiaivoelcrOai, cmvoeiv. Gontrwe : P.
irapprjo-iai&vOai. Intelligibly : P. and T. crwrWei/ai,
and V. yvcDpfywos. (Speak) plainly :
P. and V. o-a<(05, V. ropws, Tpdi/uis, ; see contrwe.
Clearly: P. and V. Plane, adj. In geometry : P.
Ar. and P. Plane, subs. In geometry P. :

TO. Plane tree : Ar. and P.
V. o-a^vois, Ar. cTriS^XtoSc , 17. Carpenter's plane : P
Plainness, subs. Simplicity : P.
cforXcm;?, y. Outspokenness : P. and Planet, subs. P. -irXwrirris, 6.
V. irappycria., 17. UglAnASB P. aor^- Plank, subs.
.' P. and V. gbXw, TO.
fjLo<rvwi, 17, Y. aftop^ta, r/. Clear- Beam: Ar. and P. SOKO'S, ^, P.
ness : P and Y. o-a^i/cta, ^. Kp<u'a, 17. PZawfe o/ a ship : V.
Plain-spoken, adj. P. and V. '
8o'pv, TO'. Gangway : P. a7roj&0pa,
IXeitfepos, Y. &6V0 ^, V. o-avfe, ^, xXr/ia^, ^, icXt/xaKTiJp, 6.

plain-spoken, v. P. :
Plant, subs. P. and V. ^woV, TO', V.
^ijXXov, TO, <^vXXtf?, ^.
Plant, v. trans. P. and Y. ^vrcveiv.
Plain-spokenness, subs. P. and V. Soiv : P. and V. oWpcw. -Pzoj:
P, and Y. THTyviWi, Ar. KCtTaTnTy-
Plaint, sabs. P. and V. oSvp/xos, 6, vtfvat. Pwtf dow;7j firmly : P. and
oTicTo?, 6, ol/jiwyr),
yj (Thuc.
but rare Y. TtflcVcu (or mid), tyci'Sciv (Plat.
P.), orovos, 6 (Thuc. but rare P.), but rare P. J, Y. dvrcpctSctv. Planting
V. owcrioyxaTa, Ta, otjLta>y/Aa, TO, Ar. her foot against the side of the
and V. or&uy/Aa, TO ; see Zd&mefi- unhappy man : V. irXevpaurw
tation. avripacra TOV Suo*Sat/AOvo5 (Eur.,
Plaintiff, subs. Use
P. and Y. Bacch. 1126). Plant against : P.
6 SKOKCOV, P. dvrtStK09, 6 or ^. J5e and V. TTpotr/JaXXctv (TC TIVI). 27o

plaintiff, v. P. and V.
: M jpfciTi^ against
the towers afootJwld
Plaintive, adj. P. and V. ot*rpos, of firm ladders: V. 7rpo<r<l>cpiv
P. !Xtt>oV, Ar. and V. TrvpyoLcri, irriKT&v xXtfta/fwv irpocrappa-
Plaintively, adv. P. and V. o-s (Eur. , PAoew. 4=88) . Plant in :
P. ^Xtvo)9, Ar. and Y. Ar. and V. e^op/ju^eo/ ( TW) (Eur.,
Pla Pla

Phoen. 141 3) . Planted at his post: Speciously: P. and V. et/c<mos,

V. &v 4*c<fc (Bur., H. F. 164).
Planted firmly : Ar. and V. TT^KTOS. Play, v. trans. ^Ici a part : P.
Se^Ze (persons or tHngs) P. and wroKpiveo-^at.
: Play Antigone P. :

V. OLKl&LV, /CCLTOlKt^CtV, t8pf?tV, /Ctt^t- 'AvTtyovTyy viroKpLveo-OaL. Play (a

PZ^Tii (a colony) : P. and V. : P. VTroKptveo'tfai, dya)vtf ecr^at

Dem. 418 and 449).

Plantation, subs. P. <vrcomfr>ioj/, TO. second pa/rt : Ar. Scvrepi
Plantations of olives set in Lines : ^7zir<i yar j5s : P. Tpi
P. <vTeirr7px cAxwoiv Trepwrrot^wv Met _pZflw/ the coward : P. and V.

(Dem. 1251).
Plash, subs. V. 7ri?Xos, 6, p60os, 6.
Plash, v. intrans. V. po&iv, Kax\d&w> P.
Plashing, adj. V. TroXuppotfos, pottos. : P. and V. /caK&/o-0a/. PZay
Fern, adj V. po0fe.
TPttfc rythmic

^ pretend : and P.
beat of plashing oar : V. KOWT^S po&a- Play a game : Ar.
8os o-w//,/?oX0 (Mach Pers. 396). ,
and P. iratStav watfetv. PZa^ a
double game, met. P. lirapfaTtpC-
Plaster, v. trans. Cto-uer ;&/& stoco : :

P. Koviav. Bedaub: Ar. and P. eiv. PZa2/ Aarp : Ar. and P.


i%X.L<f>iv, P. TraXei<t>LV, 9repiaXi<fcV, KiQapfcw. Play the pipe : P. and

Ar. /caTcwrXao-crav. V. auXciv. PZaT/ pipe to : Ar.
Plaster, subs Poultice : Ar. (EccL 892). V. intrans.

KaTaTrXaoywi, TO. Sticking plaster ; PZa2/ (as children): P. and V. -rraL&tv

Ar. KTypwTty, 17,
V. atfrfpciv (also Plat, but rare P.).
Plastic, adj. P. TrXoo-TiKo's, c&rXaorros. Act in -jest P. and V. TTOL&IV.
2%e plastic arts : al ^rXaorucat Play an instrument : Ar. and P.
TXV<U. Met., impressionable : Ar. i/raXXciv. The Jlute girl played :
and P. &raXoY Ar. avX^Tpl? v<t>vcT7]a- (Vesp. 1219).
Plate, subs. : ZW&
Ar. XeKavy, 17, Gamble : Ar. and P. nvftevew. Play
Silver plate : P. dpyuptov at : P. TTOLI^IV (dat.). Play at dice :
Gold plate : P. P. ao-rpayaXot57rot^tv (Plat., Aid. I.
110s). Play into not thinking
Plateau, subs. Use P. and V. they were playing into the hands of
ireStov, TO ; see plain. Agoratus : P. OVK olop.voi *AyopaT<{)
Plated, adj. Overlaid with gold : P. crvpirpda-o-civ (LyS. 138). Play off
rCPvo-o5 (Xen.) see overlay.
; play off the Greeks one ayamst an-
Platform, subs Platform for other : P. avrovs Trepi lavrov? Tors
speaking : Ar. and P. ^/x.a, TO, V. "EXX^vas Kararpfyai (Thuc. 8, 46).
/&0pov, TO' (Eur,, 7. E 962). PZa^ on (play on words, etc.) :
Platitude, subs. Use P. and V. P. KO/jU/rUeO-0at (aCO.), V. KOfM//ViV
a, Ta. Talk platitudes, v. : P. (aco.) , see also play upon. Play
: P. and V.
upon, turn to account
Platter, subs. See plate. Play with, mock:
Xpfjotiai (dat.).
Plaudit, subs. See applause. P. and V. wm&H/ Trpo's (ace.), P.
Plausibility, subs. P. and V. TO (dat.) V. intrans.
euXoyov, P. euTrpfiWa, ; P. and V.
-iy. ala>pt<r6ai ;
Plausible, adj. Of a speaker see see move, : wer,
persuasive. Specious : P. and V. Play, subs. P. and V. irtuSia, ij.
eirietKiqs, etfXoyos, U7rp7nJs, /coXos, Speak in play : P. and V. wa^cov
eucrxqjjuw, euirpocrwiros. t7Tci/. Piece /or actfm# ; Ar. and
Plausibly, adv. See persuasively. P. Spa/Ao, TO. Qweplay to, exercise :
Pla Pie

Ar. and P. jticXerai/, P. and Y. P. and V. airelv (ace ), cuTto-0cu (ace.);^iv. Use, put into operation : see ash. Beg off: P. and V. &UTI-
P. and V. xP^^aL (dat.). Make a o-^at (ace.). Se advocate for P. and

display of: P. and V. V. arvwjyopeiv (dat.), crvv^LKeiv (dat.),

Call into play : P. and V. (gen.) (Plat.), P.
see0w>&fi. Fair play, P. yopcueiv (dat.), o-wewretv (dat.).
Mz?i^ ^ow; you plead for this man's
Played out,
adj. jStaZe: P. IwXos. acquittal : V. irois yap TO
P. and V. T0l)8* V7TpSlKLS
OpCL (.ZEsch.
PZea^ mi/i see entreat.
652). .

Player, subs. 4cor : Ar and P. Pleader, subs. Advocate P. and -

uTro/cpmfc, 6. TT&mZ rate player : V. o-vwjyopo?, o or ^, o-wvStAcos, 6 or

P. TpiTaytovioriJs, o. Gambler : P. rjj
P. Trapa/cX^Tos, 6.

and V. Kvfieunqs, 6 (Xen. and Pleading, subs. Speech : P. and V.

Xoyos, 6. Skilled in pleading, adj. :

P. mparafan&p, Ar. and P. Swedvwcos.

Play-fellOW, subs. Entreaty:
6 (Xen.). Fern., Ar. P. and V. TrpocrrpOTny, ^, Or pi.
(rare P.), foeom, ^; see entreaty.
Playful, adj. Ar. and P. Special pleading : use Ar. and P.
P. -TrcuSiKOS. 0-o^to-ju.a, TO.

Playfully, adv. Use Use

P. pera n-aiStas, Pleading, adj.
ais, or use P. and Y. part. Pleasant, adj. P. and V.
7n/o's, V. ^apros (Plat, also but rare

Playfulness, subs P. and Y. P.), Ovp,rjBiqs <f/i,e/30$, ^fXos, Ar. 9

and P. yXvidSs. Chaiming : Ar.

Plaything, subs. Ar. and P. and P. x&pfas Bee charming* 5

Trotyi/tov, TO, V. &0vpp,a,

TO (Bur., Friendly, affable : P. and V.
Playwright, subs. Use Ar and Pleasantly, adv. P. and V.
T> && r \
Jr. o.
OLoaaKoAos, Affably P. and V. <tXo<p6Va>s
Plea, subs. Defence: P. cwroXoyia, (Plat.), P. 0<Xavl9para>9.
Excuse P. and Y. Trpd^ao-ts, Pleasantness, subs. P. and V.
Xdyos, 6, cncSplns, 17.
PZea o/ .
Affability : P.
P. Si/cauo/m, TO,
P. and V. Sfteacov, TO', or pi. Pleasantry, subs. P. and Y.
s&aZZ quench a mother's
O-KOJ/^, TO. Indulge ^, Ar. and P. m
tears ? V. x^Tos T trrjyrjv Tts
. .
pleasantry, v.
. Ar. and P. xaptv- :

P. and V. ira^eiv ; See jes.

584). On just grounds I urge this Please, v. trans. P, and V.
plea : Y. TO> /x,ev SIK<UO> ToVS d/xtX- o-/civ (ace. or dat.), Ar. and Y.
Xw/^at Xo^yov^Eur., Ssc. 271). avBdvew (dat.), Y. irpo<rcrcuviv, Ar.
Plead, v. trans. DV0e m excuse : P. irpoo-fecr0<w. Gratify : P. and V.
7rpo<f>uLcriv6aL (also absol. in Ar.), Delight : P. and V.
P. and Y. o-Kifarew (mid. in P.),
(mid. also in P.), P. and Y. d SOKCI, et <rol 8oKt,
TrpoLarrao-Oai (Eur., <rol ^?Xov. Be pleased : P. and
319), V. 7rpoT 6Vw. PZearf V. iJSeo-flat, P. dpeWotfcu. Bfl
cowse : Ar. and P. SiKafco-Oai. j?Z0aserf wttt ; P. and V. iJoWftu
a defence : P. and V. (dat.), x<w/>
v (
d at. or Irf, dat.),
(Eur., Bacoh. 41). PZeotf (dat.), v(f>pfuv<rOai
use confess. Plead for, ask for t
(dat.) (rare P.).
Pie Pli

Pleased, adj. P. and V. P. ^iXor^o-fcas irpofarwe (Dem. 380).

Pleasing, adj. P. and V. Pledgiiig many a bumper V. :

apecrrds ; see pleasant. If the same . . .

course is pleasing to all : V. el (Eur ,

TUVTOV TTpayfJL ap<7KOVTO)S ^l Pledge, subs. P. and V. -rnWts, 17,

L T. 581). iricrrovi TO, or pi., V. Trto-roj/ActTa, ra.
P. and V. P. and V. lyyify, 17.
Pleasingly, adv. 2toZ, security :

Pleasingly to Something mortgaged : Ar. and P.

me, in a me pleasure : TO, TO, P.
way to give (rvuftoXoVi
P. and V. -8G>s e/W, V. <#Xa>s lp.oi. ,17. Hostage : P. and V.
, 6 or ^ (Eur.,
Or. 1189), V.
Pleasurable, adj. Bee pleasant.
Pleasurably, adv. Use P. and V. ,
TO. Se^e #s a pledge : V.
Kaff T^OVTTV, -n-pos ffiwriv. civ. Promise : P. and V.
Pleasure, subs. P. and V. ^801/77, 17 , Pledge ratified by

Delight : P. and V. rcpi/as, ^, \apa9 gwing the right hand : P. and V.

V. xap/^ovi}, rj (Plat, also but rare 7] (Xen.), V. Sc^Va, TO
P.), x^P^> Take pleasure in:
- aw^ as pledge V. -

P. and V. fjSca-Bai (dat.) ; see delight f

mcrrtv (Soph.
in. Take pleasure in (doing a 813). Griving the right hand as
thing) : P. and V. yftca-Oat, (part.), pledge : V. wpoo'flets x ^ a Sc^tav
X<upeiv (part.). Such was
(Soph., Pfcfl. 942).
pleasure of the gods : V. 0ots fy Plenary, adj. Authoritative : P. and
ouro) <j>[Xov. If this be the pleasure V. jcrpios. .FWZ, complete : P. and
of the gods : P. ci Tavny TOIS foots V. -TravrcA.-^?.
&\jov (Plat., Crito, 43o). It is Plenipotentiary, adj. Ar. and P.
my pleasure : P. and V. QK JJ,OL. auro/cpdiTcop, as subs. Ar. and P.
A life of pleasure : V. ^Stte alw Trpca-^cvnjs avTOKp&rtop, 6.
(Eur., Frag.). Doing pleasure to Plenitude, subs. Culminating point:
her lord : V. x&P tTa Ti0e/*ev77 noo-ci P. and V. dK/wJ, 77. Be in its
(Eur., JB7Z.
61). plenitude, v. P. and V. fapAfav. :

Pleasure ground, subs. Garden Plenteous, adj. Sea plentiful.


P. and vT /djn-o?, 6. Plenteously, adv. See plentifully.

Plebeian, adj. -Ztase : P and V. Plenteousness, subs. See plentiful-
cratio :Ar. and P. 877/^0x^05. Plentiful, adj. P. and V.
Plebeians : use Ar. and P. 6%,os, 6. 7roA.ik, Ar. and P. arvxyos,

Plebeian, subs. P. and V. 817/^0^5, V. nppvros. Rich : Y. 7rA.owi.05.

o (Xen. also Ar.). Plentifully, adv. P. and V. <i<0oW
Pledge, v. trans. Deposit as security: (Eur., Frag.), P. cwopws. Richly:
P. vTroTtflo'ac, Ar. Ivcxypov rWevau Ar. and V. irXo-uo-tW
Betroth : P. and V. fyyvav, V. Plentifulness, subs. P.
icareyyuav ; see betroth. Pledge A<0ona, ^, Ar. and P. Tr
oneself, give security : Ar. and P. Plenty, subs. P. &ropi'a, ^,
P. and V. TTto-TiV StSovat, 07,
Ar. and P. -zrepiowwx, ^. Witiht
St8oVai, V. TTtaroiJo-^at. Pro- gen. following, P. and V.
P. and V. vTrtoxvcicr^at, TO, V. ^rfpos, T<5.
V. $7rC<r)(c<rQaL, Plethora, subs. Ar. and P.
t ; seejprowme. Drink fj. Satiety : P. and V. -

a health to ; P. TrpoTriWtv (dat.) 17, /copos, 6.

(Xen.) (also absol., Ar., r/&<35w. 631). Pleurisy, subs. Ar. TrAojpms, 17.
.Hi pledged him in the loving Ptow^: P. and V.
cup : Pliable, adj.
Pli PIu

yps, 7. orrpeTTTOs, P. /ca//,7rrds. (Eur., I.. T. 744). Conspire : P.

euayoyos,P. euijvtos, and V. (rwofiviWi. PZoi against :
7. <#>L\^vtos; see P. and Y. MpovXtvecy (dat.). PZoi
Impressionable : Ar. and P. intrigue with: P. and V
Pliability, subs. P. (dat., or wpo?, ace., or ts,
Docility : P. cu/Mi&ia, 17. ace.). e7b^?^ in plottmg : V.
Pliancy, subs. P. uypo'rgs, ^. arvfjL<f>vTvew (ri).
Pliant, adj. P. and V. Sypds; see Plotter, subs. P. and V. <r

3? 6, V. cTTt , 6, or use plotting t

Plight, subs. V. Fortune: adj.

P. and V Tifyiy, Plotting, adj. P. lirlpovX.os, V.
present plight : P. and V. T& WXawp
irpdyp&ra. Too clearly understand Plotting,
subs. P. KaTaovcuacrju,o?,
our present plight : V. <povoi
a$ tv* <rra//,v (Soph., Plough, subs. P. and V. &porpov, TO
1145). Be in evil plight : P. and ., Frag.).
7. /capote fyw, Ar. and P. Plough, P. and V. d/>ow;
v. trans.
see also cultivate. Met., traverse :
v. trans. See pledge. Ar. and P. Stay&uW, P. and V.
Plighted word, subs. P. and Y. :
Sicwrcpav; see traverse.
warrts, 17. Ploughing, Subs. Ar. yjfc epyao-ia,
Plod, v. intrans. Use Ar. and P. 4-

(rare V.). Met., subs. Use P. yij

see Plough land,
labour. Ar. and V. jpovpa, 17
Ipyaat/xos, ^.

Plodding, adj. Industrious : P. (also Plat, but rare P.).

Ploughman, subs. V. aponfc, o, or
Plot, subs. Plot of ground : P. use farmer.
V. ydforcSov, TO. Pluck, subs. Use courage.

Seditious design: P. Pluck, v. trans. Cull : P. and 7.

TO. ZWcfc : P. and V. 8pe7Ttv( or mid.) (Plat.). Deprive
s, 6 (rare P.), rexyrjfjM, TO, /wy- (of hair, feathers, etc.) : Ar. and 7.
Intrigue : P. riAAciv, Ar. STroTtXXcti/. Met., see

at, o o^ioy&a, TO.


Conspiracy : Ar. j^eece. T/ie females help to pluck

and P. o~wo)/ioo-ta, ^. PZoi (o/ ^t out his feathers : Ar. al
P. o-uorrao-19, ^ (Aristotle). 7rpoo-KTtX\OT;a*/ avToG TO, Trrepa
are wiwesses ^o jprove ifea^ 286j. 5fiigre fe^d o/; P. and 7.
whole thing was a plot : P. a>s kcLpftdveo-Qai (gen.). Pluck out :
P. and 7. aTroo-rrav. New ly plucked,
(Lys. 132). JWw a plot, v newly gathered: m 7. :

P. o-wrao-iafciv (absol.). Be *Aa m

plot: P. and V. <rwt8e/at (absol.) Plug, subs.
Ar. /?vor/Aa, TO. .

of a plot : P. and V. Plug, v. trans. Ar. ftieiv,

Plumage, subs. P. and 7. n
Plot, v. trans. Devise : P. and V. /x,o,
TO (Plat, and ^sch., Frag.),
7TTp6;, Ttt, AT. 'TTT^pOO'tS, ^. 0^ Z^fcfi
Ar. and P. iTrtvoetv, Ar.
, plumage, adj. : P. and 7.
and V. fMSco-Oat, ; see devise. (Plat.).
Conspire for : P. &rij&wAi;'eu/ (T* Plumb-line, subs* P. and 7.
Absol., form plots : P. and 6.
V. V. Plume, subs. P. and 7. vrcpiv, TO.
Be cunning : Ar. and V. Plume on a helmet : P. and 7.
PIu Poo

, o (Xen. also Ar.), (Bur., H. F. 1149). Dtp (in water,

TO. etc.) : P. and V. pdirrw. Met.,
Plume oneself (on), v. trans. P. plunge (into misfortune, etc.) : P.
and V. <povciv /Jieya (rf, a. and V. K a6urr&vai (ace.). V.
3y<X\e(r0ai (dac., or Art dat.), intrans. Bear (of a horse) : P.
dp1;vor0(U (dat.) (Plat.), crtfivvveo-Oai and V. 0-KipTa.v (Plat.). Struggle :
dat.), Xa/jrplW0ai (dat.), P. P. and V. <r<a8<iv (Xen.). Rush :<r0ai (CTTC, dat.), /caXA.a)7rt- P. and V. 6p/Aav, oppaiarOai, V.
(dat., or cm, dat.), Ar. and dcWciv, opovew, Ar. and V. ^crcreiv ;

V. xA-tSav (lirf, dat.), Arav^v (dat). see rwsfe. Leap : P. and V. ^nySav
Plummet, subs. me /or (Plat.) see Zeop.
; Plunge into,
perpendicularity P. and V. rush into : P. and V.
6. (ct5, aco. ;
or V. aco. alone or dat.
Plump, adj. Ar. and P. alone) ; see rush Divers plunged
P. and V.
in and sawed these (stakes) off
Te?w2er Ar. and P.: also : P. leal TOVTO-US (TOVS oravpovs)

Plumpness, subs. P. and V. KoA.v/Aj&fTat Svoficvoi, Ifejrpiov (Thuo.

r6 (Eur,, Oyd.), P. 7, 25).

Plunder, subs. p and V. Plunge, subs.

eap: V. Tn^/wx,
17, apirayvj, lei of plunder-
TO. iKirqSrjfJLCL, TO, aX/^a, TO (also
ing : P. and V. d/wrayi}, ^ (or pi. in Plat, but rare P.), crKip-njfjLa, TO.

V.), P. Xiyorrcta,
Trop&ycTis, 17, ^,.PaZZ : P. and V. 7rro>/*a, TO' (Plat.),

oTjX^ots, .taken from &

-Arwis V. ircory/jia, TO.
foe: P. and V. orfdJXa, ra (sing. Ply, v. trans. Use P. and V.
also in V.), cricuXeu/jtaTa, r(, V. xpi?o-0<u (dat.). P. and V. WW#:
\<f>vpCL, ra. V/iLV (rWe P.), V. VCO/Afiy, TTOp-
Plunder, v. trans. P. and V. o-A/etv, d^7Tiv. Worfc a<; P.
eicjrop&LV t
and V. epydfco-OaL (aoc.).
in the dances : V.
<epiv, P. ayeiv KOL <f>epeiv, ^eXro-tv t^vo? (Bur.,
Siacfropelv, X];o-TVtv, V. 7rep0v, CK- 3). PZy ^fi ZOOW; V. wrrovpyctv
TrepQew (also Plat, but rare P.). I (absol.). PZ^ mth flattery: see
am plundered : Ar. Syo/xai <epo/wu flatter. Ply with questions P.
(jPfao. 241). Overrun: P. icaTa- and V. f\cyx tv
rpexew, KarajQelv. Drive offplunder: reproaches : P.
P. and V. Xe^XaTciv (Xen.). rip (Dem. 740), V.
o/ OTTTJS : P. and V. PZ2/ (wi& weapon*) P.
Plunder in return : V and V. j&xAAciv. V. intrans. (?o
HieZp to plunder : V.
, to owd /ro : P. and V.
crvp.7rop0iv (TWL TIVO) Pneumonia, subs. P. Trepur

Plunderer, subs. P. and V.

o, V. o-vAiyrcflp, 6, TropOrjrwpt 6, e/c- Poach, v. trans. See steal. Poach
p, 6, avaorcLTiJp, 6. on, intrude in: P.
Plundering, subs. P. and V. (ace.).
opTrcfy^, 17 (or pi. in V.), P, Poacher, subs. See
Pocket, subs; a# ; Ar. o-^/co?,
Plunge, v. trans. Thrust, drive P. o-aiocwv, TO (also Xen.). Met.,
and V. Ka0i&ai, V. 77^07^fi^ : P, and V. xp^aTo, T&
e/i,y?aXXetv, fecai, d>0eiv J 866 Pocket, v. trans. Met., clown for
Plwnging my sword into my oneself: Ar. and P. irpofrTroieurQai
V. </>dtryavov wpos ^rap (ace. or gen.). Endure, put up
Pod Poi

with : P. and V. o-Tcpyciv (ace. or COTI (with infin.). A case in point :

Ar. and P. ayaarav (ace. or P. and V. Trapffiay/jia, TO'. Question
in discussion: P. and V.
dat.). Ao'yos,
Pod, subs. Ar. and V. K<&V rj. 6. Disputed points : P. TO,

Poem, subs. P. and V. <&?, ^, P. Sia<epoi/ra, TO, dju-^iXoya. -s

a, TO, TTOiiyo-is, ^ Ar. and V. disputed point : P. d^i

The chief point : P. TO
Poesy, subs. See _poe%. A fresh point : P. and V. KO.LVOV
P. and V. Troths, o I hear this is his chief
Poet, Subs. point of
V. dotSos, defence : P. drovo . . TOVTO
(Eur., Frag.}, 6, .

n-oio's, 6 ; see bard. peryurrov dydii/to-fta ctvat (Lys. 137, 8).

Poetess, subs. P. TroMyrpia, % (late). Highest point, zenith : P. and V.
Poetic, poetical, adj. P. ITO^TIKO'S. d/c/xTy, rj. Be at its highest point,
v. i P. and V. d/c/xa^ctv.
Poetically, adv. P. TTOMJTIKWS Garry
P. and V. wfcav,
Poetry, subs. Ar. and P. 71-0670-6$, ^.
one's point :
The art of poetry : P. ^ TTOWJTIK^. KptxrehrTQ ywi/jQ. Make a point,
Ar. and P. Ikny, ra. score a point (in an argument) : P.
jETpfc? poetry

poetry : Ar. and P. /*%?, ra. and V. Aeyetv TI. .Her em ^ow grwe
poetry, v. : Ar. and P. us a poM (advcmtage) as in
TTOlCtl/. draughts : V. tv JLCCV TOO* ^JLUV cotrTrcp
Poignancy, subs. P. <r<oo>or>7s, ^, TTCO-O-OIS Sffitos /cpwro*ov (Eur.,
P. and V. TTtfcpo-nys, 17. 5wp^?. 409). Twmng
point in a
P. o-<o8po9, P. and race-cowrse : P. and V. Ka/ttn}, ^.
Poignant, adj.
V. TTucpo's.
Extreme : P. and V. Met., crisis: P. and V. dK/jnJ, ^,
ayoiv, 6, pomy, ^; see cmis. To
Poignantly, adv. P. and V. cp<os.
make known the cowitry's weak
Point, subs. /Sfoorp end of anything: points : P. SiSaovcew a Troviypois I^ct
Ar. and V. d/c/x,^, ^ (Bur., So^p. Taiv TrpayftfiTwv (Lys. 143, 7).
318). Point of a spear : P. and Strong points: P. ra wrxupoTaTa
V. Aoy;rf, ^ (Plat., Laeh. 183D). (Thuo. 5, 111). Weak points : P.
Powi o/ an arrow : V. yX^xfe, f). TO, craffpd (Dem. 52). I ^
Goad: P. and V. Kwrpov, TO point in the walls: V. TO voa-ow
fiT&orp #ow : V. OTOKU& 6
o/ rocfc Tetxw (Eur., Phoen. 1097). Poiwi
(Eur., Siwce *fce Zawd
CfycZ.). o/ -y^w; : P. and V. yi/^, ^ So^
about Cynossema has a conforma- T^.
Pom^ o/ conscience : P. and V.
tion coming to a shwp point : P. v0iJ/uov, TO. ^li rt^s point : P.
TOV x<apiov TOT) Jrepl TO K-uvos OTJju-a
oetav KOI ywvtaiS^ T^V -jreptyQoX^v P. and V. VTv0v, IvflevSc. Up io
IXOKTO^ (Thuc. 8, 104). Cape : P. thispomt: P. /*x/ji TOVTOV. I wish
and V. ^cpa, ^, P. djcpaxnjpiov, TO, to return to the point from which I
V. dim}, ^, irpojSX^s, 6, Ar. and V, digressed into these subjects : F.
&C/DOV, TO, Trpoiv, 6. Meaning : P. CTTCLVCAvCtl/ 07T06'V 69 TttDTft ^^V
8uxvota, f) ; see meaning. Lead povXjofMLt, (Dem. 298). J r^^^ww to

from the point : P. ownSyeiv dwo T^S tffoe

point : P. exeto-c 7ravepxppai
v7To^o-<os (Dem. 416), or simply (Dem. 246). In one pomt perplexity
P. and V. ?rXavav. Miss the point: has assailed me : V. &rnv yap ^
P. and V. TrAavao-fto. 565^0 i/W Tapay/AOS e/ATreTTTWKC /.tot (Eur.,

point : P. 2a> TOV

Trpay/wxTos (Dem. 857). Be ow tf/w jjoiw^ o/, 60 a&ow^
1318), Ar. and P. 2&> TOV Xoyov. to .P. and V. juAXav (Infin.).
To the point : P, Trpos Xoyov. There TFTwwi I trm on the pomt of 'seeing
is no point in : P. ovS^v wpovpyov killed: V. &v &' . . .

Pol Pol

(Eur., JEW. 896). (frcpovcra -n-^yas 7rora/>tiaj

Make a point of, see to it that : P. (Eur., 2B. 55).
i \cr6(LL oTTois (fat. indie, or aor. Poison, subs. P. and V.

subj.). r<5, V. io's, 6.

Point, Sharpen : Ar. and P. Poison, v. trans.

v. trans. P. and V.
oiKovav (Xen.), Ar. and V. 6rjy

SJwrpen at the end Y. Ifcnrotveti/: and V. oTJTrav. Met., see corrupt.

(Eur., Cycl). Direct: P. and V. Some even say he poisoned hmself:
rctVeiv. Point out or point to: P. P. Xeyovo-t T/S /cat IKOVOTLOV <^apju,a/ca>
and V. oVi/cvfe/at, 7netKviWt, aVo- aTro^avctv aurdV (Thuc. 1, 138).
Sct/o^vat,V. e/cSciKvfo'ai, Ar. and P Poisoner, subs. P. and Y.
<poeiv see s/&ow. Make known :
iceus, 6.

P. and Y. StSao-Kciv. Y. intrans. Poisoning, subs. P. fappaxcCa,

J3e directed, tend: P. and V, Poisonous, adj. P. and V.
Poke, v. trans. P. and V. Ktvctv, Ar.
is impossible that the oracle points o-K$Xevw. Poke fun at : P. and
to this, but something else more
to V. iraifaiv wpos (ace.).
important Ar.
: owe Zarff OTTOJS 6 Pole, subs. -4oft$ o/ earth's extre-

^p^cr/AOS cis rouro pcn-et dXX* mities : P. TroXos, 6.

< Piece of
Ircpo'v rt jw-ct^ov (PZ. 51). The cm wood : see stake. Pole for
violence to his eyes was the ivork of pushing : P. and V. /covro's, o
heaven to pomt the moral to (Eur., I. T. 1350). PoZe of a
Greece : Y. at & at/jtaroupyot 8epy- carriage: P. pv/x-oV, 6 (Hdt.). A
JUUIT(OV OLCLd>vOpCtt o(JiV 0"0<itO"/jLOL pair of poles: P. SippS/ua, 17
/cdmSei^ts 'EXXaSt (Eur., Plioen. (^Ssch., Frag.).
870), Pole-axe, subs. Use axe.
Point-blank, adv. Expressly: P. Pole-cat, subs. Ar. yoXiJ, 17.
Polemic, adj. Polemical : P. cp
Pointed, adj. Sharp: P. and V. T6/CO5,

TO/JLOS (Plat.), V. 0^iJ^fCT05, &7KTOS, Polemically, adv. P.

o-uvrc^iTy/jLa/o?, rc^y/Aei/os, Ar. and
Y. ofuoro/ios ; see s/w&rp. OZear, Police, subs. Use Ar. and P. ot
specific : P. and V. o-a<ijs. roforai. JffeacZs o/ the police : Ar.

Pointedly, adv. Explicitly : P. and P. ot IvScKa. Pofece officer:

P. and Y. P. doTwoTto?, 6. Guardian: P.
and V. <rfA.a 6. Patrol: Ar.
Pointless, Unprofitable: P.
adj. and P. TreptVoXot, ot.
and V. s. Stofo, insipid : Police, v. trans. Cfaard : P. and V.
P. Io)Xo Patrol : P. and V.
Poise, subs. o/ carrying : P.
17. Police station, subs. Use prison.
Poise, v. trans, ffingrft : Ar. and Policy, subs. Cowse of action : P.
P. wrrdEvat. Brmdash : P. and Y. Trpootpco-ts, ^. Public policy : P.
creteiv, Ar. and V. TraAAeiv, KpaSatvciv, Trpoatpco-is, ^, TToXtreta, 17, fl-oXtrev/Aa,
Ttvao'o'etv. Swing : P. aicopciv. jBe TO. Good #oZ$'o^ : P. and Y.
poised : P- and Y. c
efySoiAt'a, 17. J5ad! policy : P. and
Poised in air ; Ar. and P. Y. S^ovX/a, ^, Ar. and V.
Ar. and Y. /^rapo-ios. Bearing
this pitcher poised on my head I Polish, Smooth surface: P.
go m search of water from the
and V. Xcumys, 17. Met., love of
- - - -
: V. roS* #yyos 7^ refinement : P. TO
Pol Pom
Mental culture : Ar. and P. Pollute, v. trans. ^ Sw% ; P. and V.
^, Trcu'Sewis, 17.
Grace : P. [MOLWCLV, Sta^^tptV, P.
and V. ^x^ 5'
P. Xajtwrpui/eo-0<u
veiv, V. vpatvetv (also Plat, but rare
Polish, V. trans. P.), /oyXZoow, xpv&w- Infect: P.
(Xen.). Met., P. and Y. dvcwri/jwrXavai. PoZZ^^e Wli/t ; V.
Polished, adj. Ar, and V. <#n*pv (dat.) (Eur., Sec. 496),
Met., P. and V. juowt/co's, Ar. and Polluted with : P. and V.
P. 0TXo/jLO uo"os, P. qbiXoieaXos,

<t>vpjjLvos (dat.) (Plat.),

Tx* r
s TrcTratSfiUju-ei/os. Charming :
(dat.) (Xen.), V. av
Ar. and P. xfy^ (dat.).

Polite, adj. Ar. and P. dorcZbs, Polluted, adj. P. and V.

Affable: P. and V. Avo-apos, P. d/ca0apTOs. Polluted
wpooiyyopos, <iXav0poHro the sight of the goddess : Ar. m
(Xen.), P. ppSios, KOtt'os, and P. ttXmJ/oios T^S 0ov. Polluted
Respectful P. and V.-
V. in the eyes of the gods : V. foojuijcnys.

Polluted with blood : V. /u(u<o'vos.

Politely, adv. P. xaP L r^' Affably: ^
jBfood ^wZ^y V. fJLiai</)dvo$, '

P. 0iXav0pw7ra>s, P. and V. <EXo- vatos, TrpocrrpOTratos, P.

(Plat.). Respectfully : Ar. Polluter, subs.

and P. and V. Xu/^clJy, 6, P.
Politeness, suba. Grace : P. and Pollution, subs. P. and V.
V. x^pw, 17. Affability : P. ewrpo- Syos, TO (Thuc. 2, 13), V. ^0-05, TO,
oTTyopta, 17, <^tXav0po>7rta, ^. Kind Xv/^a, TO', ^7X15, ^. ul 6ewc|r polluted :

words : V. cvArcia, 17. Respect- P. /uapfo, ^. Met., P. and V.

fulness : P. and V. evKocrjua,;Xfs, 17. I^nve owi a
Politic, adj. P. and V. <ro><pci>v, Ar. V. SyiyXaTCtv, P. ayos
and P. foovt/jLos see ; Poltroon, subs. Use cowwrdly, adj.
Political, adj. P. TroXmKo's. Politi- Poltroonery, subs. See cowardice.
cal P. TToXtTCU/jUX, TO, TO. Pomegranate, subs. P. and V.
JBnter political life po'a, 17 (ZEsch., Frag.).
P. Trpo's ra Kotvo. Pommel, v. trans. P. and V. rpifaiv,
(Dem. 312). vwTpifaiv (Eur., Oycl.).
Politically, adv. P. Pomp, subs. P. and V. <r^^a, TO',
Politician, subs. P. and V. TrpoVx^a, TO , xXcS^, 15 (Plat.), V.
o, or use P. adj. TroXmw's. Politi- dyXai'o-jua, TO. Magnificence: P.
cians : P. ot TToXtreuo/xcvot. and V, o-/xWr?7s, ^, TO <T/X,VOV, P.
Politics, subs. P. ra TToXtrwca. , 17. Tfcere is TW> ^arm iw.
Science of politics : P. TroXtrtK^, ^. marshalling with horses-
Polity, subs. Constitution : Ar. and and wrms and all the pomp of
P. fl-oXI-ma, 17,
P. /carcwrracris, ^. war : P. ovfafua fiXaftij TOV TO
JPorm o/ government : P.
6. KOOrfLT^I/Ot Kttt tTTTTOtS Kttt
Poll, subs. Use /iead. Decision by TOLS aXXots ocs 6 7roXe/M>9

\votmg : P. Sta^^to-i,?, ^. l%ose a* (Thuc. 6, 41).

^e fcead o/ tffo poW : P. ofc &v Pomposity, subs. P. and V. TO.

TrXctern; ya^rat ^^os (Plat CTC/AVOV.

759D). Pompous, adj. P. and V.

Poll, v. intrans. P. Ar. cro)8apos. J5e pompous
see vo^e. and V. crcfwtivco-Ocu,.
Pollen, subs. Ar. x"ws, o. Pompously, adv. P. and V.
Poll taX, SUbS. P. 7TtK^oXatOV, TO 37atfc pompously : P.
(Aristotle). or
Pom Pop

Pompousness, subs. P. and Y. Be poorly, v. : P, and V.

TO <T//,VOV. dto^evctv, P. dppcooTCtv,
Pond, subs. Ar. and P. TO.
Stafccto-^ai (Dem. 1225).

Ponder, v. intrans. and V. Poorly, adv. Indifferently : P. and

vOvp,cicr6tu, vociv (or mid.), iwoiv V. /xcTpiW, ^auXws, P. /xox#7po)s.
TOO sweeps : P. and Y.
(or mid.), cruwoelv (or mid.), <pora-
etv, Xoyifco-ftu, P.cirto-KOTrctv,

IfcXoyifccrftu. P. and Poorness, subs. Incapacity : P. and

Powder ow :

Y. kvQvp.iiarQa.1 (aoc., P. also gen.), V. 4>a7A6ri7s, ^ (Eur., JPSrajr.). p-

Iwoetv, or mid. (ace.), crvwotlv, or pjoxQvjpCa, ^. Irreic/ie^ess (as
mid. (aoo.), XvyLfcaQai (aoc.), cVt- opposed to excellence) : P. <av-
O-KOITCW (ace.), oTcon-av (ace., V, also Xonys, ^.
mid), P. /eXoyio-0<u (ace.), V. Poor-spirited, adj P. ftucpo'^xos.
IXiWciv (ace.), VG>/mv (ace.), icaX- Popinjay, subs. Met, use Ar.
6 (4*. 63).
Xaivciv (fliCC.).

Ponderosity, subs. Heaviness : P. Poplar, subs. Ar. and V.

Papvnrjs, vj.
Y. a^tpos, 4 (Soph., JVofif.)-
Ponderous, adj. P. and Y. subs. Ar. and P. /JLT^KWV, 6.
/Japi*s, Poppy,
l/ipZ0i7<? (Plat, but rare P.). Populace, subs. P. and V. TrXiJflos,
Ponderously, adv. P. /fop&os. TO, S^/AOS, 6, oxXos, 6.
Poniard, subs. Ar. and P. ffyffiunr, Popular, adj. Of the people: Ar.
TO, P. ^cpffiiov, TO, P. and Y. and P. S^TiKos. The popular
/X<upa, . voice: V. Sij/wtfpovs ^/xiy, ^. Jw
Pontifex, subs, dpxiepeus, 6 (late). /ovowr w^fe fee people: Ar. and
Pontoon, subs. P. and Y. -ytyvpa, ^. P. &7/>Tiwcos. Honoured: P. and
subs. Ar. and P. TroXtbv, TO. V. &>Tt/ios. Courteous : P. and V.
Poof, subs. Ar. and P. TcX/wt, TO ; 0iXcH/0paMros, </>IXo^po)v (Xen.), P.
see marsh, lake. KOIVO'S. J?br oiA^r reasons too the
Poop, subs. P. and V. Trpv/i-va, 17, Athenians were no longer so popular
Ar. and V. irpviwy, 77. .From tf&0 %n their government : P. jjcrav Se
#oop V. TrpvfwqQw.
: 709 Kal aXXco? ot 'A^^vatot OVKCTL
Poor, adj. P. and V. 6/^otcos ev ^Soi^J 5p^ovTs (Thuc.
far&enqs (rare), V. 1, 99). Charming : Ar. and P.
XOVTOS (Soph., .Fra is. Common, generally re-
fuv. The poor : use also Y. ot ov/c : P. and V. O-VVTJ^S, vo'/u/xos.
IXOVTCS. Poor : P. and V. m iw i/ie popular sense : P. 17

(gen.), P. IXXtinJs (gen.)> 75 /wo-i/oj (Plat., Phaedo. 6lA).

(gen.) (Plat.), Y. xpetos (gen.). Be Popularity, subs. Good-will: P.
poor, v.: P. and Y. irci/co-ftu. Be poor and Y. d5voia, ^. Honour : P. and
in : Y. Trei/co-^at (gen.) see be defi-
; V. Tt/wy, ^. Favour : P. and V.
cient in, under deficient. Indiffer-
ent : P. and Y. <av\os, /meTptos, Popularly, adv. w a^
<Aavpo5, evreA,?Js. Mean, shabby; P. P. fypjoTiKfa. Generally : P.
and V. Kcweos, j^avXos, Ar. and P. lirl TroXv.

Having a poor soil : P.

Populate, v. teans. Settle with
Iwcapa&fe : P. and V. ^nhabitants : P. and Y.
ijs. Miserable : P. and v ; see people.
V. Population, subs. P. and V. 7rXj}0os,
Svo-Sat/Aoiv, Ar. and Y. r6, or use inhabitants. Want of
V. oWrcLXas; see population : P, 6Xiyav^p<wrtal ^, V .

Poorly, adj. HI ; P. and V.

Pop Pos

Populous, adj. P. 7roA.uav0po>7ros, and V. Sctvois. Beyond measure :

Ar. iro\vAv<op. V. uTrep/ierpo)?, and P.
ftrep^eu, Ar.
PopulOUSneSS, BUbs. P. TroXvav-
0parm, 17 (Xen.). Porter, subs. P. and Y. 0i5po>po's, 6
Porch, subs. Ar. and P. vpoOvpov, or (Plat.), <iS\a, o or $, P.
TO, P. Trpooraiov, TO, V. irpairvXa, TO.. 7Tl5A,(l)pOS, 6 Or ^, TTapCUTTa'TtyS TTvXoJV,
Colonnade: Ar. and P. (rroa, 07, 6 (Eur., .B&es.). Carrier : Ar.
Ar. OTOMX, 17. and P. oveeuo^opos, 6.
Porcupine, subs. P. varpi 6 or $ Portico, subs.
9 Ar. and P. crroa, 17,
(Hat.). Ar. orrota, ^, Ar. and P. trpoOvpov, TO,
Pore, subs. V. -n-opos, 6. P. TrpooTwov, TO, Y. TrpoVvAa, TCI.
Pore over, v. trans. TJse P. crookr-Tew Portion, subs. Sfows ; P. and V.
(efc, aco.) (late). Devote oneself to : /A00?, TO, /iOlpO, P. fJLOpLOV, TO, V. 17",

P. and V. cnrovSa^ctv (aCO., or A.cixo ?> T<> Div^sion : P. and V.

(ace., or gen.). fiepfe, 17, yLtepog, TO, juiOLpa, 77.

Pork, subs. Ar. and P. x<>ipe* Allowance : Y. /ierpTjjLui, TO. jPaie,

ra (Xen.). destiny: see destiny. It is no
Porous, adj. P. /w longer our portion, poor wretches
Porousness, subs. P. that we are t to behold god's light :
Xaworqs, 17 (Xen.). V. ^eyyos eicropai/ 0ov ToS* ovKfO'
Porpoise, subs, use Ar. and P. yfuv TOLS TaXatiralpois /xera (Eur.,
SeA,<fe, 6 (Plat.). Or. 1025). Dowry: P. 7rpot 17,
Port, subs. P. and V. Xt^v, a, P. and Y. <f>epvnj n. Bridal gifts :
op/jios, 6,vavorafyiov, TO (Bur., Y. ISva, T< (Eur, ^w5. 2, 153, 873) ;
B/ies.), P. ^mveiov, TO. Demeanour: see dowry. Inheritance : P. and
P. and V. erx^fwx, TO, TpoVos, 6 (or Y. KX-5po5, 6 ; see inheritance.
pL). Portion, v. trans. Distribute: P.
Portable, adj. P. ,and V. and Y. ripxiv, SiaSiSovat, P. 7rtv/tetv,
(Eur., OycL). Portable property :
&rrov/jLtv, KaTav4[j,W, Ar. and P.
P. KaracrKevq, 37. Stave/xeiv, Y. ei/Saretcr^cu. Measure
Portal, subs. See grate. out : P. and Y. /*erptv, P. 2
Portend, subs. P. and Y. V, K/ATpctv (or mid.) (also
V. ?rpo- but rare P.). Portion off, dower :
see augur Prophesy : P. and V. licSrSoVai (or mid.)- -EfeZp
P. and V fiavrevecrO ai, V. to portion : P. o-we/cSiSovai frtW

Portent, subs. P. and V. Tpfo, TO, Portioning, subs. Dowering : P.

^ao-/Ao, TO, <nrjiAiov TO, 9 V. o-^/*a, TO ; &c8oo*i?, 17.

see omen. Portliness, subs. P. TOX^

Portentous, adj. and P. Portly, adj.
Ar. P. and Y.
Ominous: P. and V. (Plat.), Ar. and
TpaT<o8i75. P.
Kaws, oVo-^ftos (Plat, but rare P.). Portrait, subs. P. and V. cwcoJv,
Extraordinary P. and V. Oavfj

crros, (Plat.), Ar. and P. Portray, v. trans. Represent : P.

^av/Aacrto?; see extra- and V, dKaew 9 P.
ordinary. Terribk: P. and V. Pain* ; P. and V. yp^etv, Ar. and
P, <oypa<tv. Describe: P. md
Portentously, adv. OwwwowsZ^ : P. Y. <f>pdiv, Bvepxta-Qai ; see describe.
and V. fccwcais. Extraordinarily : Portress, subs P. and Y. <tfXa& ^,
P. 0au/AaoTO)9, Ar. and P. 0ai7*a<rt V. Tri5Xi>pO$, ^.
see extraordwuvrily. Terribly : P, Pose, subs.- Attitude : P. and Y.
Pos Pos

TO, OTCKTIS, 17. Adopt an Confidence, belief : P. and V.

easy pose on your couch : Ar. vypov 7T6OT15, 17.

io*ov o*auTOV iv TOIS OTpco/xao*t Possess, v, trans. P. and V.

1213). (peri, of KTao-0ai), Ar. and
Puzzle : P. cfe V. 7TOTao-0ai (perf. of Traccr^ai) (also
Pose, "v. trans.
KaOicrrdvcu. V. intrans. Xen.). Be P. and V.
'master of:
P. o"xi7/JtaT6ecr0ai, Ar. ox^/x-cm^civ ; KpaTLv (gen.), V, Kpo/riWv (gen.).
see also #ree?i#. 2%ej/ _pose as Possess oneself of : P. and V.
: P. e</>a7rTo-^at (gen.) see se^e. J5e
ignorant people ;

&>VT(U (Plat.,
Prot. possessed (by a god) : P. and V.
342B). KaT^o-0<u, &0ovoriav, /3aK^cvi.v
Posit, v. trans. as a. (Plat.), V. Sat/iovav (also Xen. but
P. vrro\afJ.l3aivLV9 vTroTiOfcrQai, rare P.). She was possessed by
(or mid.). Be posited : P. Bacchus : V. IK Ba/9(iov
UTTOKeTo-flai, V. {J7T/ai. (Eur., Baccfc. 1124).
Position, subs. Site : P. 0eW, ^. Possessed, adj . Under supernatural
Station : P. and V. orao-is, ^. influence : P. and V. &/0eos (Plat.),
Military station : P. x^P^* T<^- P, 7rwn/ovs (Plat.) ; see msjpirea.
Pos* ; P. and Y. Tats, T?, Ar. and Self-possessed : P. evTpex^? > see
P. x^P*1 * V > see P$t. Attitude, caZm. Possessed of: P. and V.
posture : P. and V. or&riJsj 17, o-x5/Aa, lyKpcL-nfr (gen.) (Plat.), /ctfpw (gen.),
TO. Priwcipfe Zai(Z <io^;w : P. ^eo-ts, cTr^oXos (gen.) (Plat.).
^. JJawfc : P. and V. TO^S, rj, d^tojfta, Possession, subs. -4 possessing : P.

TO; see raw^?. Opinion: P. and and V. imjo-is, 17. Thing possessed
TT -
V. y]/o)/i,?7, 17. S^oie o/ affairs : P. P__3
. and V
/ *^


and V. KaTaorcwns, 17. Be in an session: Ar. and V.

awkwa/rd position :
P. apropos
J3e said the position of
Subjection to supernatural
influence : P. /caTOfcwxi?, ^.
the Syracusans was worse than possession of, v. : P. and V.
theirs : P. Ta Supcweoo-to>v ^17 .
/cpa.Ttv .
(gen), Ar. and P.

ri ^crcra) TCOV cr^crepcov ctvai (THuc. into posses-

7, 48). Seeing the position of sion of: P. and V. Ip'
affairs : P. 28a>v a? ctx* TO, xpay/iaTa (cts, aco; V. aoc. alone).
(Thuc. 7, 42). Itofce wjp a position possession of: P. and V.
(m military sense) : P. and V. (gen.). Possessions : P. and V.
KovTjovai, wpvccr&cuy cyfcotue^co'^at 5 Xpi}/ttiTa, Ta, fmJ/uiTa., rot, ovoriia, ^ ;

see encamp. see property.

Positive, adj. Peremptory : P. Possessor, subs. Use P. and V,
Exact : P. and V. 6 ex<ov, 6 ICCKT^/WOS. Landowner :
Positive proofs : P. P. yeco/ioposi 6, V. ya/Aopos, o.
Obstinate ; Possible, adj. P. and V.
and . av^aiys ; see V. oVvcrros.
Be j3<miMjfi, &e oowj^ewi : P. and P. and V. irdpevri,
V. ven-clatiou (perf. pass, of irctBctv). &L, 2m, Ar, and P.
Positively, adv.
Peremptorily: P. erai, P.
Exactly : P. and V, Be : P. IvScxco-
Explicitly : P. as P. and V. <&s
As good as possible : P.
oVt otpicrro?. 2s /ar as possiftZe : P.
Positiveness, subs. Obstinacy : P. ts TO SwaTov, icari oVva/iu/, P. and
17, Ar. and V. av^aSca, 17, V. &rov SWCLT^V, V. ocrov
Pos Pot

Possibly, adv. Perhaps : P. and V. iJ, 4,

V. ArtffoX^, 9); see also
fero)5, see perhaps.
rd)(a ; Can we delay.
possibly come to terms ? Ax. 2o-0' Postulate, subs. P. o/AoXo'y^a, TO.
OS-CDS ... e? Xoyov? iXQoipev ; (Vesp. Postulate, v. trans. Assume: P.
471). Can Alcestis possibly come
to old age ? V. &rr* ow OTTOS "AX/oy- (or mid.).
crrts es yijpas /xoXoi; (Eur., .4Zc. 52). Posture, subs. P. and V. o-x5/*a, TO.
One could not possibly escape being o/ standing : P. and V.
ridiculous : P. ou/c ZcrO* oVus av TIS ^. Wa2/ of sitting: V.
tjwyoi TO KoraycXao-Tos , 17, OdKrjfjLOLj TO. Suppliant
(Plat, acfc. 184o ). posture : V. 28pa
Post, subs. Sta&e: AT. and P. (-aSsoh., Swm. 41).
6 or ^, P. oravpos, 6, V. Posture, v. intrans. P.
orKoXo^, 6 (also Xen. but rare P.). ^crQai, Ar. <r\ifjiJ.a.TL^Lv.
Pillar : P. and V. K{W, 6, V. cn-CXcs, Pot, subs.
o, errafyios, 6, opflooraT^s,
Ar. and P.
o. Door KepafLos, 6. Po^ /or cooking : Ar.
xW v, Ax.

Ar. and V. ora^os, 6.
: Postf and P. dyyctov, TO. Caldron : P.
m # race-course to show where to and V. A^s, 6 ; see caldron.
turn : P. and V. crnjXi?, ^ (Xen.), Waterpot : Ar. and P. -fiSpta, ^ ; see
Kapny, ^. Position assigned one : jar.
P. and Y. TO#S, ^, Ar. and P. x>pa, Potable, adj. P. and V. ^-OTO?, P.
^. .Remain at one's post : P. /xcVctv WOTt/AOS, V. ciHTTOTOS.
Kara x<fy>av. Military position : P, Potash, subs. Ar. and P. X/rpov, TO'.
v, TO. Guard-post : P. and V. Potation, subs. Drinking : P.
^, <j>pOVplOV, TO, P. TTCptTToXtOV, TTO'CTIS, ^ Drinkmg bout : Ar. and
TO. Messenger to carry despatches P. <rv[Ji7r6criov 9 TO, P. TTOTOS, 6.
(in Persia) : P. #yyapos, 6 (Xen.). draught : Ar. and V.
Post, v trans. Sei wp ; P. and V. (Eur., OzfcJ. and Bhes.).
KaOurrdvai. Put in position : P. Pot-bellied, adj. Ar. yao
and V. rdcr<rt,v9 Trpoorao-o-av ; see Potency, subs. P. ana V.
station. Be posted up (of proclam- O/ cZr^s : V. SiSvao-ts, ^, t
ations, etc.) P. cKKtiwOai.
Potent, adj. Mighty : P. and V.
Posterior, adj. P. and V. SwaTo's, Ar. and V. //.cyao-tfo/ifc,
Posterior to: P. and V. v 5\Ki/xo9 (rare P.). ^rowgr ; P. and
V. fceya?, compos, V. KpaTou6$,
ty, subs.
Posterit, Descendant: P. 3^pT/xo5, ^y/cpa'nj^, Ko/yrcpos, wa-y-
and V. 6 or 17.
Ifcyovos, Later icpaTiJs, o-^evapos, P. ppa>/Ai>os J
generations : P. and V. 01 &mTa, strong. Efficacious : P. and V
P. ot 7rtyLyvo/xvot, V. vorepot, ot, Spaonjptos.
Ot, %KyOVCL, T<, O6 ^TTi- Potentate, subs. P. and V. 8x5^-
0^75, 6 ; see Amgr, cto/.
Postern, subs. P , .,. Pother, subs. P. Tapax^, ^, P, and
Post haste, adj. P. and V. o>s V. 06piJos, 6.

Taxtcrra ; see quickly. Potion, subs. P. and V. ^ap/wiicov,

Posthumous, adj. Posthumous re- TO, iroTdV, TO, Love potion : P. and
nown : P. w cfe TO ?7TiTa Sofa (Thuo. V. <t>C\rpov 9 TO, V. trrepyyfJM,

2, 64). Remedy consisting in potions : V.

Postpone, v. trans P. and V. ai/a- SX^/u-a 7Tt<rrdV (^Bsoh., P. F. . . .

<XXo-0ai (Eur., Ale. 526), cfe avOis 479-480).

$7rort#(r#ai ; see also delay. Potsherd, subs. P. ^crrpaicov, TO.
Postponement, subs. P. and V, Potter, subs, P.
Pot Pow
P. Potter's earth : P.
KepafjLcvs, 6. i/, V. a$ievai. Pour over : Ar,
Kepa/xog, P. and6, V. -TnyXds, 6. P. KttTaxctv ( Ttvo?), /caTa-
Potter's wheel : Ar. and P. Tpoxos? (Tt Ttvos), icaTavTXetv
6. Vt
(rt Ttvos),
V. KaTacrrd&iv (TL Ttvos).
Pottery, subs. -4r of working in V.
v. intrans. P. and V. pe/. Met.,
clay : P. Kpa/*eia, ^, ^ KepafJLLK^. of crowds, etc. : use P. and V.
Crockery Ar. icepap.os, 6.
: O/ <^por^ai ; see rws/&.
pottery, adj. Ar. and P. /cpa/uKos, Pout, v. intrans.
: Use frown.
Ar. x^rpetos. M#$6 of pottery : P. Poverty, subs. P. and V. -nWa, 17,
*pa//,cn)s. Potter's work-room : P. aTropta, ^, P. evSeta, 17, dxpT?//-a.Tta, ^,
Kepafteiov, TO. V. ^p^p.&T^v ax^vta, ^. Poverty is
Pouch, subs. P. /wipcrwros, 6 (Xen.), a sad thing : V. KO,KOV TO /x.^ 'xctv
Ar. Tnjpa, ty crafcfcos, 6. (^Xtv) (Eur., P^oen. 405).
Poultice, SUbs. Ar. /ca/ecwrAatr/ta, TO. Poverty-stricken, adj. P. and V.
Poultry, subs. Use P. and V. ^>auXos, Ar. and P. /xox^pos see ;

opvZ0s, 01 or at, Ar. and P. opvea, TCI.

Pounce, v. intrans. P. and V. Powder, subs. P. and V. icoVls, 17,
KaTaovctyTTTcu/, Ar. and V. K&raipew, Ar. and P. KOVIO, 17.
V. KaTatyt^tv see swoop. Pounce Powder, v. trans.
Pound : Ar. and
upon: V. wpooTTrrao-tfai (dat.), 1st P. rptflcw. Sprinkle : see sprmkle.
aor. (wpocnrcVeo-flcu). Met., P. Power, subs..
Capacity : P. and
<rra<r0<u (dat.) (of. Dem. 4=3). V. SiJva/us, 17. Strength : P.
Pound, subs. O/ weight : use P. and V oi/voiUiL9, w, wyes, 17, 00)1x77., . Weighing a pound, adj., use ^, V. o-flepos, TO, dAjci7, ^, /xevo?, TO

P. juyaeuos (Xen.). -4s a SMTW o/ (also Plat, but rare P.). Greatness:
money : use Ar, and P. iwa, $ P. and V. /ieyctfos, rd. JSwZfi : P.
(about 4), ToXavrov, TO (about and Y. opx7?' ^7> /cpaTo?, TO, 8wacrrr,
240). Por smaller sums make ^. Authority : P. and V. egovo-ta,
up by using Ar. and P. ;
77, TO. Power (of drugs) : V.
(about nine pence).
17 ^, to*x^5, . !TAfi powers
Pound, v. trans. Ar. and P. that be: P. and V. ot Sw^iot.
Bruise : P. and V. rpiflw, J?a iAe power of, prep. : P. and V.
faw (Eur., Gycl.). Pound to a &rf (dat.). In (^n^ one's) power :
jelly, thrash : P. and V. owrptfiew use adj., P. and V. viro^Lpio^, V.
(Eur., Gycl.), <ruyjco7rre/ (Eur., X(pios. T/&OS0 in power, in office :
P. and V. OL cv TcXci- Possessed
Pour, v. trans. P. and V. offull powers (of generals, ambassa-
, Pour forth : P. and V. /cxtv. "O/ dors, etc.), adj. : Ar. and P.
a rw;fir pouring forth a stream: rup. As few as lies in my
Ar. and V. ta/oi. Pow /orife power : P. Kara Swo/uv. As far
(words, etc.) : P. and V. licySoAAav, as lay in their power you have
V. pWTTCtV, KpWTTtV, a-TrOpptTTTCll/ J been placed in serious danger: P.
see w0r. Powr in: P. and V, T& 7Tt TOVTOtS /Ot V TOIS SciVOTttTOtS
Ar. and P. rixtv, Ar. and Ktvfivvois Ka6e<mrJKaT (Thuc.). Get
cyKavdtra-eiv (Eur., %0Z.), V. a person mto one's power : P. and
eto-x^tv (Eur., Cycl.) Kaffi&ai (n ct?
t V. vjrox&ptov \a/jL/3dvciv, (ace.), V.
Tt). Pouring m
draught aft&r \ipiov Xa/^avciv (ace.), P. v^* avro>
d/raught : V. &ryx*wv dAAiyv CTT" 7roiT0ai (acc.).
a\\"n (supply ajjivcmv) (Eur. y Gycl. and V.
Powerful, adj. S^rowgr : P.
423J. Pour libations : see under , wrxupos, V. icpaTaios,
libation. Pour out : P. and V.
Row Pra

P. cppvfjiwos. Mighty : P. and P. and V. xp^o-^t (dat.).
V. SwaTo's, Ar. and V. '/j,tya<rQvrjs 9
Practise (qualities, etc.) : P. and
oA.fct/Aos (rare P.). Efficacious : P. V. do7Ctv, cTriT^Scvetv, Ar. and P.
and V. Spacmypios. Convincing (of en-aovceti/, P. Scawovctv (or mid.).
an argument) : P. and V. m0aj/os ;
Join in practising: P. crvvaa-Ktw
see convincing. Impassioned : P. (ace.). Used absol. Ar. and P.
oxo8pos. Intense: P. and V. /xeAcTav, P. yvfiva^co-flai, e/c/tcXcrav.
vrovos, CTUVTOVOS. Be powerful, v. :
Practised, adj. Skilled: P.and V.
P. and Y. 8iW<r0<u, lo^n/, Ar. and <f/MTlp09, C?TtO-7T7jU.(OV, Y. Tplftw.
Y. (rOcvew. Practised in: P. and Y. fywrapos
Powerfully, adv. Strongly: P. (gen.), jrL<rnjfj*>v (gen.), crrpifty*
Ar. and P. eppcDjuewo?. (dat.), Ar. and V. Tpt/3o>v (ace. or
Greatly: P. and V. jueya, //.cytfAa, gen.) ; see skilled in.
o-<o'6pa, /cap (Plat, but rare P.) ; Practitioner, subs. Doctor : P. and
see greatly. Terribly : P. and Y. V. fcrrpds, 6.
vo>9. Intensely : P. o-wrdW>s, Praetor, subs. P.
Powerless, adj. Unable: P. and Praetorian, adj. P.
Y. oSworos. Weak : P. and Y (late).
acrOeirf's, aSiJvaTOs, Y. #*>aA/as. Yb% Praetorship, subs. P. arpa-nyyia, 17

m'ZZ become absolutely powerless to (late).

control the state : P. -jravrawao-tv Praise, v trans. P. and Y.
aKvpoL TTCLVTCOV v/ms yevijorco^c (Dem. P. cyKo>/uaiv, Ar. and Y.
342). V. aZmv (also Plat., Bep.
Powerlessness, subs. P. doWa/u'a, but rare P.). Celebrate in song : P.
^, dppwo-Tia, ^. Power lessness to do and Y. aSiv, V/JLVCII/. Praise
wrong : P. dSvvafua rov aiKiv excessively : Ar. and P. vrrepeTraivctv.
Praise, subs.
(Plat.), dppowrrta TOT) dSt/cctv (Plat.). P. and V. CTmvos, 6,
Practicable, adj. P. and V. 8i/ir&, Ar. and P. cyjew/uoi', TO, evXoyta, f) t

V. awoTos. 1^ is practicable : P. V. 7ra/o-is, 17, atvos, 6 (Eur., Jff^jp.

and Y. 7Tttpt/ci. 484; ffl. 1062). GZor^: P. and
Practical, adj. Ar. and P. TrpaKrucds. Y. 8o^a, 17 ; see glory.
Practically, adv. As opposed to Praiser, subs. P. cTratvcr^s, 6.
nominally: P. and V. Praiseworthy, adj. P.
Simply, actually. Ar. and (Plat.), P. and Y.
-4Zwostf: P. and Y. d/AfWTTO$, P. dv7Tt^tfoVOS.
Prance, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Practice, subs. Habit, custom : P. a-Ktprav (Plat.), vfipifciv, P. yavpta-
and V. 2Sos, TO, vo/ios, 6, VO/U/AOV, TO o-^at (Xen.).
(generally pL), P. V.
Prank, subs.
iTrt-nyScv/xa, TO, P. vcavtcu/io, TO, P.
TO. Exercise : Ar. and P. and V. t?)8i(r/xa, TO. P/a^ pranks :
/, ^,
P. aor/oyo-t^, ^, errm/Scwo-is, Ar. and P. vfavicvt&Qai.
As opposed to theory: P. Pranked, adj. See adorned.
Taw^ o/ practice: P. Prate, v. intrans. P. and Y. XoXetv,
. Pw m practice, v. :
0pv\cw, Ar. and P. ^Xuapctv, P.
practise. tt8oXOXtV, Y. TToXvCTTO/XCrV, ^XfetV,
Practise, v. trans. Exercise, train : Ar. ^Xiyva^av, orr<ofivAA,(rtfat. Prate
P. and V. do-/crv (Eur., B^s.), not at me : Y. /*>) /cairiXX^ /* (Soph.,
yvfwafccLv, Ar. and P. /^XcTav, Iwi. 756). Pra^0 of: P. licXaXeiv
liroa-Kctv. Practise beforehand :
Ar. and P. Trpo/jtcXerav. Prater, subs. Ar. and P. iSotaVxfls, 6,

Pra Pre

Y. TO, <Xe'Sa>v, 6 or ^,
/ ara, ra, V. /carcuyfiaTa, ra, 5pa,

6 (Soph.., Frag.). ^ (Eur., J?o0n. 1364; Or. 1241).
and P. XoXia, P. and V.
Prating, subs. Ar, Entreaty (generally) :

9, V. XaXr^ara, ra. ^rpooTpoTny, 17,

or pi. (rare P.),
Y. V. P. Sevens,
Gossip :
Xccrxai, at. ficcorux, 17, Xtrat', at, 97,

Prattle, v. intrana. Ghatter : P

and V. XoXeiv ;
77. Goddess to whom the suffering
Prattle (of children) : Ar. rpaiAi^o/. offer prayer : V. TOM Su<m;xocru/
Prattle, subs. Ar. and P. XoXi'a, 7% ^KT<ua teo's (Eur., Or. 214).
V. XcArJ/iara, TO. see chatter. ; Preach, v. intrans. Speak inpubUc ;
Prattling, adj. P. and V. XAos; P. Xoyoi/ TroiLcr9ai. Recommend :
see chattering. P. and V. TTopaLvciv.
Prawn, subs. Ar. /copfe, TJ. Preamble, subs. P. and V. -r

Pray, v. trans. Entreat : P. and TO, V. <pOi/UOV, TO,

V. alrelv, irapcurcwrtfcu, tjCrV>, PrecariOUS, adj. P.
(genj, Xwrapeu/, Ar.
and P. 7Tt/civ8uvos, aKpoo-^aA.175. The busi-
, V. Xicro-eo-flai, avrta^ccv, ness yields a precarious income : P.
Ar. and V. (Dem. 948).
avrco-Qai. Offer prayer adv. P. and V.
(to gods) P. and
: V. d5x<r0at, (dat. .

or Trpo's, ace. or absoL), CTT^X*^*" Precaution, subs. P. and V.

(dat.), Trpo<reux(r8aj, (dat. or absol. euXa/3eia, 77, P. ^nAafciJ, 77, TreptOTnJ,
V. also ace.), V. l&yxeo-flai (absol.), ?). Forethought: P. and V.
K$,Tvxc<rQ<u (dat. or absol.), Ar. and Trpovota, 77, P. 7rpo/tf7#ia, ^, V.
V. B.paarOa.1 (dat. or absol.). Pray Trpo^^ia, ?). Tlafee precautions, v. :

with (another): P. and V. P. and Y. ^Xao-ereo-^ai, ^\a.^Ba.if

<riJvux Cr^ at (da*- or absol.), P. ^uXa/3Lcr6(LL, irpOfjLrjGtLcrOai, Ar. and
<rwe7rVY<r^at (absol.). Pray for ; P.-Trpovociv (or mid.), TrpojSovXeveiv, P.
P. and V. #xr0<u (aoc.) ; see asfc
/or. 2%ey w*7i jpraw/ for many against : P. and V.
blessings on their head: P. -n-oXXa (ace.), 6V\a^to-^at (aCO.),
Ayatfa avrots er!oi/T(u (Plat., Phaedr. P<r0ai (aco.), P. StvX
23SE). TTe *AoZZ 6 fi ea;. do^
(aoo.). TFiwztf o/ precaution : P.
<3^^y what Philip would pray for:
P, & a,v evfatro 4&tXt7nros wonJo-o/Acv Precede, v. trans, iead wai/ /or :

(Dem. 286). Pray iAa^ you may P. and V. yeurftu (dat.). Occ^r
not see one who has deceived and P. irpoytyveo-^at irpo (gen.).
before :

cheated you P. :
Precedence, subs. P. -irpurelov, TO,
or pi., P. and V. Trpccr/SeZd, ra.
eiv (Dem. 71). Elfcfi JpreoedfiTWJ^, V. P. wptoreuctv, :

Pray, interj. To give emphasis : P. P. and V. irpe<r/3e6c<r6<ii (PlaU.

and V
817. Pray do not : P. and 7eZd precedence to, v. : Ar. and P.
V. M MIT* [Dem. 574 and 575; rrapaxupcty (dat.), V. 6KX<0ptv (dat.).
Eur., Med. 336, also Ar.). I pray Precedent, subs. P. and V. Trfyxi-
(parenthetically) : V. Xr<ro/u, Ar. Scty/Aa, TO. QzAOta as a jprecgdenfc ;
and V. frcTvo>. (3%fi g/owr attention P. irapaSay/jicm xpvjarOai (dat.).
to this I pray : P. Toimo TTGLW Use P. and V. 6
/tot Preceding, adj.
irpoa-fyere rov vovv (Dem.). -TrpoVtfey, 6 Trpfr. On the day pre-
Prayer, subs. Prayer to the gods : ceding the trial : P. 1-77 irporepafy
P. and V. cfytf, Ar. and V. TT75 8^/075 (Plat,
Pre Pre

P. TO, Trpoeipvj- P. and V, o-ow/nfc, V. 0-^77-

peva. Tops, Tpaviys. Of manner :P.
Precept, subs. Maxim
and V. : P. and V.
Adyos, 6, irapouua, f) yv&p.a.i9 aL Precisely, adv.
P. and V.
Advice : P. and V. pov. Clearly : P. and V. o-a<o>s, V. Topa>5,
P. Tpdvais, <nc0/>a)s. Of manner P. :

P. and V. vovQerqaris, 77 and V. o-eyLtvws. Absolutely : Ar.

TO. ,
and P. ^Tc^vois
Preceptor, subs. P. and V. Preciseness, subs. P. & KpCfaLa, fj.
crKaAos, 6, P. TratSeurr^s, 6. Of manner P. and V. TO :

Preceptress, subs. P. and V. Precision, subs. P. aLKpif3cia,

ovcoAos, 77. Precocious, adj. P. Trpofap
Precincts, subs. P. and V. Preconcert, v. trans. P.
77, Kij/cAos, 6, 6. a-Kcvd&iv. Preconcerted use P. :

Precincts of a temple : P. and V. and V.

T/M.VOS, TO, 5A.O-OS, TO. Of the Precursor, subs. Use adj. P.
precincts, adj. V. Ttytewos. : Oow- o>/>tos (also Eur., I. A. 4=24, but the
secrate as precincts, v. : P. passage is doubtful). ,

Predatory, adj. P. AT/OTOCOS.

Precious, adj. P. and V. Predecessor, subs. My predecessors :

Oos% : P. fToAvrcAifc. Dear P. P. ol irpo

and V. <j{>iAos, Predicable, subs. P.
precious possessions : P. and V. 77 (Aristotle).

TO, rlfuwTara. Precious stone : Ar. Predicament, subs. P. and V.

and P. Ai?0os, 6 or r), P. Au&'Sioi/, TO'. Be in a predicament, v. :

Precipice, subs. P. and V. /cp^vds, P. and V. &7ropLv, ap.rjxa.vew (rare

6, Ar. and V. o-KOTreAos, 6, V., P.), P. A^rdpcos SiaKcIo-^ai. Be in
17, dy/*ds,
6. Hemmed in withprecir the same predicament : P. y[yvc<rOa.i
pices adj.t V. : V TW aVTO) CrVfJL7TT<^fJL(lTL (ThuC. 4, 36).
Precipitate, v. trans. Hurl down :
Predicate,, v. trans. P.
P. and V. KttTa/JaAAeiv, P. (Aristotle).
V. KarappiirrGiv.
Vt Hurry Predicate, subs. P. TO'

On : P. and V. orrctfSeiv, CTriorwevSctv. (Aristotle), TO KCLTyryopovpevov

Precipitate, adj. Bas^ : of persons, (Aristotle).
P. TroTrens, 0*^08/009, dXoytoros, Ar. Predict, T. trans. Ar. and P.
and P. tra/xos ; of things, P. ayopevetv, -TrpociTTfitv, P. and Y.
O-/C7TTOS, aO"/C7TTO5, 866 wpoAeyeo', V. Trpoo-^aw/civ, Trpo-
<f>awLv, vrpotfxovfiv. Predict b
Precipitately, adj. Quickly : P. and oracles : P. and V.
V. <T7TOv8fj Sift T&XpVS, t V aTrofjLavTeueo-daL, Ar. and P.
Rashly : P. Trpowenos, do-/ Sctv, V. irpofjia.vTvc<r0cu (Bur.,
see rashly. OecrjrL&w, irpo&eovL&w, ^/ugciv, Ar.
Precipitation, subs. P. and Y. and V. feoTrtcoSctv see prophesy. ;

o~7rou8>7, 77. Rashness : P. TrpOTrema, Prediction, subs. P. and Y. Adyos,

* 6, Adyta, TO*, Ar. and Y* <^aVcs, r),

Precipitous, adj. P. cwrdTo/^os (Plat.), Qecrtfrarov, TO, or pi., Y. 6ecnrt<r/JM,

LVOS, /cp^/ivcoo^s, V. v\frrj\6- Td, or pi., ^TTOS, TO ; see prophecy,
oracle. Oracle : P. and V. x/ "? <rn?- t

A precipitous rock : Y. piov, TO, /Aavrctov, TO, /iavTia, 77,

werpa, .
vptyoy&ds, o, xpYjcr/jupfita, 77, Ar.
Precise, adj. P. and V. Y. jjidvTfVfMLt TO, or pi. Power of
Pre Pre

lection : P. and Y. /Aavreta, ^, ? TI), Y. (TI TrpoV^c TWO'S) (Eur.,

frriKV], rj.
H0Z. 952), TrpoTlOcvai (or mid. in V.)
Predilection, subs. Friendly feeling : (' Ttvos) (Thuc. 3, 39), V. (' dvr/
P. and V. djvota, j]. Desvre : P. TtVOS Or Tt WpOS TfcVOs), P. -TTpOTt/AttV
and Y. (TI Ttvos or Tt dvrt Ttvos), wpoai-
?rt0i3/ua, rj.

v. trans. P. Trpon-apa- peter^at ( Ttvos or Tt wpd Ttvos), V.

<TKvdiv (Thuc. 2, 88). 7rpo\a.fJL/3dvW (TL irpo Ttvos). Prefer
Predominance, subs. Mastery : P. war to peace : P. TroXe/xov dvT*
and Y. /cpaTos, TO'. Lordship : P. f.lprjvir)SfJLeTaXajj.fia.vLV (Thuc. 1, 120).

Precedence: P. wp<u-
fj. Prefer Aphrodite to Bacchus : V.
Tiov, TO, or pi., P. and V. Trpccr^cto, T^V 'A^poSmyv irpo<rff ayftv TOT;
T<. Prevalence: see prevalence. tor (Eur., 5acc/i. 225). Pre/er
P. and Y. vowr ;or<is to m*ne ; V. /x^
Predominant, adj.
?e Taiv IfA&v TOVS o-ovs
v. intrans. P. and Y. SwppZ. 514).
(Eur., Absol.
Predominate, 0gs
KpaTctv; see prevail.
with infin. P. and V. jSovXco-flat

Pre-eminence, subs. First place : /zaAAov, Y. flovXtcrOaL alone (Eur.,

P. 7rpo>Ttov, TO, or pi., P. and V. 4w5. 351).
Distinction : P. and Preferable, adj. P. and V. atpcToi-
7rpo-/?ia, Ta.
V. Tf/w;, 17, dur>/j,a, TO, Sofa, ^. pos (^Bsch., Frag.), or use better.
better. Bather:
Superiority : P. and Y. vTreppoXy, Preferably, adv. See
17. Advantage over another: P. P. and V. ftoAAov.
Preference, subs. Choice: P. and
-"Pre-eminent, adj. P. and V. Y. atpccrtSj ^7.
? Jw preference to,
TrpCTnfc, SicwrpeTn/s, V. ^o^os, &repo- prep. P. and Y. >irp6 (gen.), Y.

X *'
Pre-eminently, adv. P. and Y. fyirpoo-Qev (gen.) ; see before.
/ACtXtOTO, ofy( ^KtOTtt, P. Preferment, subs. P. and Y.
V TOIS /toAlOTa, Y. ^0^(05. diu>/i,a, TO' ; see honowr.

Pre-exist, v. intrans. P. Trpov Prefigure, v. trans. Portend: P.

Preface, subs. P. and V. and Y. ^at'vetv, OTy/tatVctv, Y. TT/JO-
TO, V. <f>pOLfJLUOV, TO. &X2/
preface, v. : P. irpooijLLa&crQai, Y. it, adj. P. and Y.
Be pregnant, v. : Ar. and

Preface, v. trans. Prefacing my '.

/cuetv, P. cv yao-Tpt ^>ptv (Plat.),
speech with a few remarks on V. jokiv (Eur., JFra<7.) (rare P.).
my views concerning our relations Prejudge, v. trans. Ar. and P.
towards the king : P. /uicpa Trpocwrcov
... <MS IYOJ yvto/^s rap! TG)V Trpos TOV heard all, decide ; do not prejudge
/Jao-tXe'a (Dem. 178). the issue : P. eVetSav caravra aKw<njTC
Prefect, subs. P. &rapxos, 6 (late).
O/ a prefect, adj. P. :
(Late). Prejudice, v. trans. Dispose
Prefer, v. trans. P. and Y. favourably : P. ? 8tcm$evcu.
Tt/jiav, irpo/cpfmv, V. wpOTfetv, P. Dispose iwfavourably : P. wwcois Sta-
Trpoatpcieri^at. Prefer to honour : P. Tt^cvai. Be prejudiced favourably :
and V. irpoTlfjiav see easaZtf. Prefer
P. $ Swuceto-ftu. J3e prejudiced un-
an accusation : P. y/ favourably : P. /ca/ccus Stcwceio-^at.
(Dem. 423). Prs/er owe Hermocrates, wishing to prejudice
to another :P. and Y. them against the Athenians, spoke
at (TL &VTL T/OS), P. (T^
as follows : P. 6
Pre Pre

)8o-uXd/jLvos 'TrpoStajSoAciv TOUS Premonition, subs. Suspwion: P.

vai'ovs &eye TOiaSc (Thuc. 6, 75). and V. -Li-TToi/rta, 17, vTrovotaj ij. Have
Bwn, impair P. and V. 8ia<0ip/,
: and V. v. : P.
j3Xa.7TTLv ;
see impair.
Prejudice, subs. Iw favour of (a Preoccupied, adj. Meditative : P.
person or thing) P. and V. Wa, : cnWovs. Q-rave : P. and V.
ij. Against (a person or thing) : iooA; preoccupied : V. T
P. Kcwcovoia, ^ ; see hostility. Dislike: /3A.cVetv (Eur., ^IZc. 773).
P. and V. <0oVos, 6. Create a Preoccupy, v. trans. P. Tr
prejudice against : P. $66vov fidvew, TrpOKaTe^ctv.
(rvvdyew (dat.). Injury : P. and V. Preordain, v. trans. V.
/3Aa/fy', 17 ; wywy. Preordained. P. and V.
Prejudicial, adj. P. and V. KOLKO'S ; Preparation, subs. Ar. and P.
see harmful.
Prejudicially, adv. P. and V. Preparatory, adj. See preliminary.
jccucois ; see harmfully. Prepare, v. trans. P. and V.
Preliminary, adj. A preliminary TrapacTKCvd^cLV mid.), crreXX.Lv
examination before a magistrate: (rare P.) (or mid.), Igaprt&v (or
P. dva/cpicris, 17. Preliminary mid.), V. oTrM&w (or mid.), P.
decree : P. TrpoySovAeu/xa, TO. Pre- KaraaKeudfcw. Dress (food, etc.) :
limmary remarks : P. and V. P. and V. <rjceu<civ (or mid.), V.
TT/OOOt/UOV, TO, V. <pOl/ZlOV, TO. aprvew (or mid.), oTrAifciv (or mid.),
.Mfiwi&ow as a preliminary, v. P. : TTop(TiivLv (or mid.). Juake ready :

and V. vrrcwrav (2nd aor.). They find P. and V. (or mid.),
most of the preliminaries al- eroLfJidfav (or mid.), evrpeTri&LV (or
ready completed by their partisans: mid.), Ar. and P. irpoxcip^cotfcu, V.
P. KaToXappdvova-L TO. TrActora TOIS iropo"ivw (or mid.), cfcvTpCTr^tv,
eraipois irpoct,pya<rfji.eva (Thuc. 8, 65). irapeurpen-i&w. Prepare beforehand:
Prelude, subs. P. and V. -rrpoot/uov, P. TrpOTrapcKr/ceva^civ (or mid.).
TO, V. <J>potfuov, TO. Strike up a Prepare in addition : P. irpocnrapao-
prektde, v. : Ar. ava/3aAAeo-0cu. Kfvd&w (or mid.) .
HeZp ^o prepare
Mention by way of prelude : P. P. cru/jL-nrapaoTKevd^eLv {rivi ri), Ar.
V. ^poi/ua^co-tfat.
7rpooi/uafeo-0ai, crucTfccua^ctv (Ttvt TI). Prepare (a
Premature, adj. P. and V. person) : P. irapao'Keira^iy. Provide:
Prematurely, adv. P. and V. P. and V. irapao-Ktvdfav (or mid.),
Premeditate, v. trans. Ar. and P.
irpofiovXajcw ;
see intend. mid.), iKirop'i&iv (or mid.), V.
Premeditated, adj. See intentional. TTopo-ifvctv (or mid.). Absol. with
Premeditation, subs. P. and V. infin. : P. and V. ITOI/XOS clvat

n-poVoia, 17.
With premeditation : (infin.), TrapccrKevdcrOcu. (perf. infin.
see intentionally. pass. Of -TrapacTAccva^tv) (P. a>9 and
Premise, v. trans. P. and V. fut. participle., V. infin. or <S<rr

wrcwretv (2nd aor.), P. ?rpooi/uacr0<u, infin.), V. cfaprico-Qai (infin.),

O7r\l^(r6cu (infin.) Be about to :

Premise, subs. P. and V. -rrpoot/uov,

P. and V, fLcAAeiv (infin.). Prepare
TO, V. <j>potfuov, r6. for : P. Tropao-Kcua^o-flat (wyxfe,
Premises, subs. See house. ace.).
Premiss, subs. In logic : P. Prepared, adj. P. and V. eroi/xos,
wpdVflwris, f) (Aristotle). evrpcTnJs; see ready. Be prepared
Premium, subs. Extra pay : P. for : see- expect.
97. Prepense, adj. From malice pre-
Pre Pre

se : P. and V. IK Trpoi/otas ;
see Prescribed) appointed : P. and V.
Excess: P. Prescription, subs. Doctor's pre-
Preponderance, subs.
and V. vireppoX-y, TJ. ; P. TO (Xen.).
Advantage : scription crvyypap/JLa,
P. -jrXeove&'a, 07.

disgual/ified : P. irpodea-fjila^ ^.

Preponderate, v. intrans. Exceed

P. and V. uTTspjSoAAciv. Prevail : Presence, subs. P. and Y. Trapov-
P. and V. Kparctv, Ar. and P. o-ta, 17. Dignity : P. and Y. o-cfi-
: P. and
vdrj75, 17. Iw the presence of

Preponderating, adj. Use P. and V. evavr/ov (gen.), V. dvTtov (gen.) ;

V. KpetVorov. see before. Into the presence of:
Attractive : P. and Y. pd (ace.), o><? "
Prepossessing, adj.
P. e7rayo>yo's> Trpoo-aywyo's, a^oAxos. (Eur., JSZ. 409; flic. 993).
Charming : Ar. and P. Capias, P. of wind : P. and Y.

Preposterous, P. and V. adj. Present, adj. P. and V.

(Bur., Eidiculous
Frag.). P. TrapeoT^icois, Trapcoroas. Of time,
and Y. ycXotos, Ar. and P. also: Ar. and P. o/corrois. In a

ye\aoros. Unreasonable : P. place : V. SI/TOTTOS. J5e present :

Monstrous : P. Trai/Savos see P. and V. Trapctvot, Ar. and P.
monstrous. wapaytyvecrtfat. Happen to be
Preposterously, adv. P. present : P. 7rapaTvyx^Vtv Stand -

Eidiculously : P. yeXoiW, near : P. and V. -jraploracr0<u 9 Ar.

Unreasonably : P. and V. irapacrraTelv. At present :
P. and Y. vw, TO vvr, P. lv TW
Preposterousness, subs. Ar. and irapovrij TO vOv Lvai. JPor ^/10

P. Aroma, 17. Unreasonableness : present : P. and V. vw, TO wv, P.

P. dAoyi'a, 17. TO VVF elmi (Plat., Loch. 201o).
Prerogative, subs. P. and Y. yepcfe, m5^wces : P. and V.
TO, Ti/ttJ; 17 see office. Prerogatives,
; TrapdWa, Ta KO.0<jT&ra ra Trapc- t

rights : P. and V. srpcov&eZbv, TO, or present circum-

pi. stances : P. and Y. e'/e TV vrapovrw.
Presage, v. trans. Forebode
Present, subs. : P. (%/^ : P. and
and Y. /JLavTeuecr&ai, Y. S&pov, TO', 3oVtr, ^, ^copecE, ^,
P. (iwo/iavreve-
o~0ai. Betoken, portend : P. and Y. Ar. and V. Soip^a, TO (also Xen.
but rare P.). Make a present of,
irpo<f>awiv. Presaging, prophetic give up for no corresponding
of: Y. /x-ai/Tis (gen.), IT return : P. and Y. TrpoTrfj/cw/ (aeo.) ;
see fling away. Present time : P.
Prescience, subs. Foreknowledge : and V. TO Trapov see adj. ;

use P. T& TrpottSa'at. Foresight : Present, v. trans. Introduce P.

P. and V. -jTpdVoia, ^. and V. -jrpoo-ayctv, Ax. and V.
Prescient, adj. V. Trpo/xajms, /xavrtj. yew/. Afford : P. and V.
jBe prescient: P. and V.
-Trpoyty- Owe; P. and Y. SlMva
vo>o"Ktv, P. TrpoeiSevat, 7rpoe7rrrao-^at, > see 0^-
V. 7rpovirt<rTCur0ai. P. TrpoftaXXecrBat, ra oVXa
Prescribe, v. trans. Order ; P. and (Xen.). Present oneself (at) : P.
V. eTTtTaao-cti/, jrpo<rrd<r<rLv Tao-o-ctv,
and Y. irapetvai cts (ace.).

Dictate ; P. and V. Presentiment, subs. Use hope,

Prescribe for (a patient^
fear. Hcwe a presentiment : P. and
: P. and Y. e*pfa*6w (ace.). V.
Pre Pre

Presently, adv. Soon: P. and V. V. ^tyyavav (gen.) (also Xen. but

see rare P.) see iowc^.
; : P. Dwe
soon. In P. and Y. cXawctv, <o0e/. Persuade,
and V. After a urge : P. and Y. Tmfeiv, foairtiOciv,
time : P. and V. V. K7Tt0H/ see perstiode.; Press
Preservation, subs. P. and V. one's views : P. la-xpyp^a-Oai, Stto--
o~a>r>7pia, r/, <iJA.aici7, .
Xvpt&<rQa.L. Some three people
Preservative, adj. P. and V. accused you before this man but
nfruos. As subs. : P. did not press the charge : P. rpcls
TO. ere rives ypai/ra/Acvot roGSc
Preserve, v. trans. P. and V. ov/cl?T^A^oi/ (Dem. 501). Oppress :
(Plat.), P. and V. TTi^eiv. 5e oppressed:
P. Trtpnroiew see save.
Guard : also P. and V. papfoevGai. Press
P. and Y. <jf>iJAao~o"iv, Sta^-uXacrcretv, hard: P. and Y. /2ia<r0ai. J5e
Y. /c<jf>vAtto-o-etv, p tea-Oat. Defend (as pressed : P. and V.
a tutelary deity) : P. and V. ZYCIV
(ace.) (Dem. 274) ; see under ,
VOO-CLV (rare P.), Ar. and P.

guard. Keep, maintain, met. ~ : P. P. woveta-flai. JEEw

and V. o-<oiv, ^vXao-cre creditors were pressing him : P. ot

(siZsnce, etc.) : P. and Y. KariqTreLyov avrov (Dem.

Preserve (meat, etc.) : P. 894). .Be pressed for, lack : P. and
Store up : Ar, and P. KQ.TO.T V. (gen.) ; see
Preserver, subs. P. and V. owe's service : P. and Y.
6. Pem., crwreipa, fj (Plat.). 7rpo<rrf0<r0<u (rtva),
Preside, v. intrans. Sold office of (rtva), (nva).
TrpocrXa/i^avctv V.
president : Ar. and P. TTL<rraTLv9 intrans. See crowd.
Press on, v,
P. irpoeBpevew. Preside over, be trans, and intrans see hurry. :

president of: P. TrpocSpeuctv (gen.). Press upon (an enemy) : Ar. and
JPreside over, superintend : P. and P. lyKcio-Oai (dat. or absol.), P. and
Y. !<tOTao~0(u (dat.), &noraTiv (gen. Y. irpo<TKicr6ai (dat.) ^TriKeurftu
or dat.). Beat head
P. and of: (absol.). Pwswe ; P. and V.
Y. irpocrraTeiv (gen.). Guard as a StwKtv; see pursue. Be urgent
tutelary deity: P. and V. lx tv with : P. and V. 7rpoo7Ct<r0at
(aco.) (Dem. 274), P. Aayx<xvv Y. ace. Bur., I. A. 814).
(ace.) (Plat.), Ar. and Y. tfjtt Sphmx pressed heavily upon the
(gen.), eTTurK&irew (aoc.), with her ravaging : Y. ws city
(acc.). cTrcfapt S^iy^ dp7rayal(rt -TroAtv (Bur. ,
~ "
P. Trpoorama, ij. P/wew. 45),
Besidence of magistrate P. p- Press, subs. CZose array : P. and

X ^ov9 TO. V. OTt<oS, TO. Crowd:' P. and V.

President, subs. President of the 0x^.05, 6, TO.
TJ Press o/ busi-

Assembly : P. brurr&rqs, o. Gener- W05S: P. 17.

Press /or
ally: P, wpdcSpos, o, P. and V. V. TeO^os, TO 'Bur., OycL
irpocrrdnqs, 6. 208). Pressed out [of. cheese),
Press, v. trans. Ar. and P. tfAi/Jctv, adj.: Y. Eur.,
P. o-u)u,7rt^etv. Embrace, 209).
cling to P. and V. %x (rQaL (gen-) Pressing, adj, Importunate: P.
> ___ /
see oZin^r. fbot;
and V. XiTrapT/s (Plat.), o^A^po's, Ar.
pressed against' foot : Y. -nws yXtoxp<$5. Urgent: P. and V.
(Eur., JBerocZ. 836V
P. and Y. &rr<r0at (gen.;, enemies less likely to be pressing :

Pre Pre

P. ijcrow eyKt<roju.o'ovs rovs excuse : P. and V. OTCTTTTTCO' (mid.

Io/*v (Thuc. 1, 144). in P.). Absol., Ar. and P.
Pressure, subs. Necessity, com- irpocnroittcrOai, criciqirTeo-Oai. Pretend
pulsion : P. and V. ctvay/oy, ^. to, claim: P. //.ercwrmcto-flai (gen.),
pressure of: P. and Y. avTwrotto-0<u (gen.), Ar. and P.
Pmstwe o/ space : P. (aoo. or gen.). Pre-
vox<i>pi'a, 37.
Uwd^r pressure : io do a thing : P. and V.
P. and Y. Sacfe
avayjcTj, If avayKiys.

jjwpZe readily lea/ving their own Pretended, adj. P.

country under pressure of neigh- Sham : P. and V. TrXcurros (Xen.),
bours growing more numerous with V. TITO'S. Seeming as opposed to
time : P. paStoos fjcaorot rqv laurcov real : P. and Y. oWw.
<rzroXHTOVTS )&af0/JtVOt V7TO TIVCDV O.l Pretension, subs. P. Trpoo-Trowjons, 07.
irXcioi/cov (Thuc. 1, 2). Importance: P. and Y. oy*os, 6.
Prestige, subs. P. and V. So'a, J/'aZse pretensions : Ar. and P.
ovo/xa, TO, icXeos, TO (rare P.), eu8oia, oXo^ovcta, 17. Make pretensions :
Ar. and V. dfcXeta, 17, faJSos, TO, Ar. and P. oXo^ovcijeo-tfai.
V. /cXiySaiv, ij. Pretentious, adj. P. and V. <re//,vos.
P. and Y.
Presumably, adv. To all seeming : Pretentiously, adv.
P. and Y. <us 8o*t, <&s
Presume, v. intrans. Imagine, Pretentiousness, subs. P. and Y.
suppose : P. and V. 8oaav, P. TO o-c/tt/dv. I am sick of ambassadors
cn/. Iw/er P. and Y. and popinjays wd such pre-
iv, TKfjL<upcrO<u. oneself tensiousness : Ar. "y^
wirs : P. and V. dptW0<u (Plat.), Tots Tooio-t TOIS r
o-/zviWr0<u see under ; a^rs. Aoh. 62). (Ar.,
W7ipertfwz07& ; P. and V. Preternatural, adj. Divine : P. and
Presume upon : P. T V. 0etoe. Supernatural : V. ou
(dat.). Presume to : P. and V. fcaT foOpwrov. Superhuman : P.
ToXju-av (infin.), d^ioSv (infin.), P. and Y. /xei<ov 17 /COLT* otv^paJTrov.
AiroroX/xav (infin.). Preternaturally, adv. J5y divm
Presumption, subs. Inference : P. interposition : P. tfcict /wtpo: (Plat.),
vTrdXiy^is, ^. Impertinence : P. P. and Y. fefy Tifxy; see inter-
and V. tJjSpts, ^, ^poo-os, TO. position. Supernaturally . Y.
Presumptive, adj. Use expected. OV KOLT* CLv6pWJTOV.
Presumptuous, adj. P. Pretext, subs. P. and V. Trpoox^a,
P. and V. 0pao-fe. TO, Trpo^X^fta, TO'. Excuse : P. and
Presumptuously, adv. P. V. 7rpo0euns, >7, 0*107^45, 17. Occasion:
P. and Y. ctyopw, $. On a small
Presumptuousness, subs. P. and pretext : V. IK oyuKpoS Xoyov.
V. %%, ij, ^pcfcros, TO'. 05 a pretext, v. P. and V. o-idji

Presuppose, v. trans Ta&e /or (mid. in P.), wpo^aXXetv (mid. also

granted, assume : P. P.), 7rpo{Jx0'^<w, irpot<rra.crOai (Bur.,
{nrvrt6e<rOa.i ; see assume. .
319), P. irpo<j><ur%c<r6ai,
Pretence, subs. P. and V.
TO, irp6p\7j[jLa, TO, Prettily, adv. P. xaptro>s, Ar. and
Excuse : P. and V. P. see beautifully.
fcofu/ra>$ ;

7. Pretending : P. -T
Prettlness, subs. Ohcvrm : P. and
V. x^pw> 17- Elegance : P.
Pretend, v. trans. Simulate; Ar. ^ ; see beauty.
and P. 7rpoorroiccr0<u. Pretty, adj. Ar. and P.
Pre Pre

Dcmty P. and V. KO/H/TOS

: see ;

also I have never yet

beautiful. s 38' Ip^rct
(Eur., H. F. 1153)
heard a prettier scheme ; Ar. . . . & : P. and V. fcarexctv, rXiv,
Ar. and V. to-xctv (rare P.) V.
Ar. 195). Pretty well, moderately : rrxi' (rare P.), ep^/ceti/, efepricecv,
and P. riica>s, P. and V. cpyrAeiv see also 5^op.

Preventer, subs. P. /ccoXvnfc, 6, 8ta-

Prevail, v. intrans. Gain the victory: fccoX-UTiys, 6.

P. and V. vZfcaV, fcpaTetv, Ar. and P. Prevention, subs. P. SiaKoSXixm, 77.
eiriKparcw. Get one's way : P. and Turning aside : P. and V. airorpow^,
V. jcpareiv, vZ/caV. Be frequent : P. ^. Obstacle : P. /ca)Xv/xa, TO ; see
Karexew (Thuc. 3, 89), 50
MXW. obstacle.
current : P. and V. Kparcw, urxfatv, Preventive. subs. : P. As
V. -TrXiyfltfetv, P. TTLKpaTiv9 irepirpexew, TO. As adj. P. StcucoXurtKo

Sia^cpeu/ (Thuo. 3, 83). .Be strong: preventive measures : P.

P. and V. JcpaTciv, larxptiv. Be avceuafciv.
superior : P. and Previous, adj. P. and V. Trpo
Previously, adv. P. and V. vp
, V. Formerly : P. and V. n-pfv, TO
over : P. and V. vwcav (ace.), /cpa Trpoord&f, irpb TOV, Ar. and V. Trap 05 Y. !

(aco. or gen.), Ar. and V. eirLKparew V.Vapoi^; $QQ formerly. Previous-

(gen.), V. &rp/3aUccr0(U, P. ^co- ly mentioned : P. -n-pocipiy/x^os.

ve/crew/ (gen.). Prevail upon : P. Prey, subs. 5oo^ : P- and V.

and V. 7ra0av (aco), ctvcwreifoiv Xcta, ^, dpTrayiJ, ^. Quwrry : P.
(ace.), V. K7T^civ (ace.); see and V. aypa, ^, (Plat, but rare P.),
persuade. oEypev/Aa, TO (Xen.), tf^pa, 17 (Xen.),
Prevalence, subs. Owing to the Y. &ypa.fji,a, TO. -4 prey for (gener-
widespread prevalence of piracy : ally of persons) : V. oneOXov, TO
P. 810. rrjv A$OTiav eVi TroXu aim- (dat.)^IXo>p, TO (dat.), opTrayiy, ^ ^gen.
axovow (Thuc. 1, 7). or dat.), IX^/jta, TO (gen.), 8ia^>ft>p<x,
Prevalent, adj. Be prevalent, v. :
^ (dat.). Ficiim to be devoured :
P. JcaTCCWj CTTCXCIV, dcre^ctv, irept- Ar. and V. 0op^, ^ (dat.), V. OoCv*i,
rj (dat.), Ooiv&rripwv, TO (dat.) ; see
Prevaricate, v. intrans. P. and V. under /ood. Be a prey to, be
iTrooreUccrflai (Eur., Or. 607), P. haunted by, met. P. and V. <rwt- :

Sta/cpovecr^at, Ar. and P. orpefacrOai. vai (dat.), oriWxeo-0ai (dat.), cvcxccrQai

Prevarication, subs. P. and V. (dat.). Be troubled by : P. and V.
(TTpocf>aL, at, P. 8idKpov<Tis, rj. voo*tv (dat.). 4 j?re2/ to : use adj.,
Prevent, v. trans. P. and V, P. and V. crj/votKos (dat.) (Plat.).
IjrtffcoA.ifft?, eipyfiv, fareipyew, They were ruined by falling a prey
Ar. and P. fcaTctK(D\l5tv, St to personal quarrels : P. IK <r<f>tcri,
P. a7rojca>A.utty, V. /caretpyctv. /caraTa? 1810.9 Sta^opa? TreptTTficr^vre?
0gw /row getlmg a hewing : P. ea-^aX^o-av (Thuo. 2, 65). Z%ey
eicfcX^etv X(fyov Tuy^avctv (Dem. 349). thought that the Athenians being
Why did you prevent me from engaged in a double war both
slaying with my bow a man who against them and the Sicilian
was my hated enemy : V. rip fcSpa Greeks would fall cm easier prey:
TroXe/uov tyOpov T d^etXou JJ.TJ Kravelv P. TOUS 'Aftyvaunjs &6p,iw SwrXow
rtfa? /HS (Soph., PhiL 1302). TOV Tr^Xe/xov ixovra? ^pos TC cr<^a? /cal

-Bw^ to prevent my deadly purpose

hither comes Theseus : V. <UX* (Thue. 7, 18).
Pre Pri

Prey upon, v trans. Trouble : P Prickle, subs. Ar, &cav0a, ^.

and V. AijTrcTv, Scuevcw, wtc^tv, Ar, Prickly, adj. P. d/cai/flo^s (Aris-
and V. TctpeLv, my/xoiveiv (also Plat, totle).
but rare P.), V. oxActv. Pillage :
Pride, subs. In bad sense : P. and
P. and V. Tropflccv, eKTropBeiv, 8ta- V. <t>p6vrjfJia t TO, v$ots, ^, oy/cos, 6, P.
7rop0elv, 8iap7ra^(v, aVa/)7raeiv.
Price, subs. Ar. and P. TZ//,^, ^, P V.
d)v^, ^, P. and V. dffe, 17,
V. TI>OS, In good sense : P. and V. ^pov
6. Pa?/: P. and V. /uo-0o's, o. TO', V. ^po'v^o-ts, (Eur., Frag.).

WT&atf is the price of corn ? Ar. TTWS The pride of t

boast of: P. and V.
6 O-ITOS on/ios ; C4c/&. 758). W7z,ew (rx5/Aa, TO' (Eur., ^Lwd. 1), V. -arpoo--
/&e price of corn went up : P. oVc 6 X?7/xxx, TO, 5yaAfta, TO, <^aosj TO, ^w?,
O~ITOS jrTLfjLilj6rj (Dem. 918). At TO, at>x>7Ata,
TO. Tafce
^^^ *w :

what price ? P. and V. TTOO-OU; .42 see pride oneself on. oneself Pride
a high price: P. and V. 7 on, V. : P. and V. Qpoveiv ^eya (wrf,
-4i /ie price of, lit. Ar. and P. :
dat.), ayaAAco-^at (dat., or Iwr, dat.),
rf (dat.). Met., in exchange
T "-for
a/BpbtcrQai (dat.) (Plat.), crcfwdvecrOcLL
P. andY. Avrffeen.). bri (dat.), Aa/x,7rplS/0-^at (dat.), P.
Zw# at any price : V. <^iAoTt/x,to 0cu

(dat., or ITTA', dat.),

ovSo/os Adyov (Soph., Aj. 477). _. KoAAa>7u<r0<u (dat., l?rt, dat.), or
any price : see a^ all costs, under Ar. and V. x^Sav (?r)f, dat.), In-a-u-
cost. Put a price on a man's X<v (dat.).
head : P. x/317fUITa CTrwoypvo-o'eiv Priest, subs. P. and V. Upw, 6, V.
(Dem. 347).
(dat.) He jmi a price s, 6. Be a priest, v. : P.
upon his head : V. xpvo-oi/ *<' 8s
&v KT&VQ (Eur., EL 33). They set Priestess, subs. P. and V. w
a price on their heads : P. cTravcwrov V. Upi'a, 17, ^T^-oAos, ^ (Eur., I. T.
apyvpiov TW a7rOKTti/ai/Tt (Thuc. 1359), /eAflSoSxos, ^. Be priestess,
6, 60). v.: P. tcpao-^at. Be priestess of:
Price, v trans. P. Ti/x,av ; see value. V. /cA^Sovxctv (gen.). Pythian
Priceless, ad]. P. and V. priestess : P. and V. IKtfca, ^, -rrpo-
Costly: P. (Plat., Phaedr. 244A),

Prick, v. trans. P. and V. Priesthood, subs. P.

Pierce ;

Terpotvetv. S&z& : P. and V,

Priestly, adj. P. lc L

Mn? ; Ar. and P. KCVTW, V. Prim, adj. P. and V.

(?oa3 (a horse etc.) : P. t Orderly : P. and V. *dcr/ji>s.
(Sen.). Met., trouble: P. and V. Primacy, subs. Precedence : P.
SaKvuv ; see trouble. Prick the wp<uTtov, TO, or pi., P. and V.
ears : V. 6p0ov o^s tcrrdLvat (Soph., jScio, TCI. Headship : P.
El. 27). 17. Leadership : P. TrpoorraoVa, v .

Prick, subs. : Womd

P. and V. Primal, adj. P. and V. irpoVros, V.
rpavfjut, TO ; see wownd. Sting : P. Trpon-apxos ; see also primeval.
and V. Kcwpov, TO, JSiie ; Ar. and Primarily, adv. P. and V. TO /jieyt-
P. %/xa, TO' (Xen,). Met., P. and CTTOV.
V. K&rpov, TO* ; see sfow^. Fow will Primary, adj. P. and V. TrpoVros.
not kick against the pricks : V. Prime, adj. Original: P. and V.
ov/cow ..
xpos Kcvrpa K&Xov
wpwTos. Excellent : P. and V.
IjcTcycts (-3B3sch., P. F. 322). Do cnroi/Satos. Prime-mover ; P. and
not kick against the pricks : V. Trpos V. ^ye/wov, 6 or 4 P. l^y^-n;?, 6.
ica/Tpa 1$ Aa*ne (-Slsoh., Ag. 1624). Prime-mover in ; P. and V.
Pri Pri

6 or fj (gen.), dpx^yos, o or /3ao-A.eios, Tvpavvticos, V.
$ P. ^77^5, 6 (gen.), V.
o (gen.). The prime Princess, subs. P. and V.
apxwerys, <

mover in all this business : P. 6 (Plat.), Ar. and V. Svao-o-a, ^,

TTCtVTOiV TOUTCOV , V. Ti5pavi/O5,

Prime, subs. Prime o/ M/e ; P. and Principal, adj. 0/we/-' P. and V.
V. ^817, ^, &w, ^, <Spa, ^, P. TrpcoTos- Supreme : P.
Ar. and P. ^Xt*ta, ^. .Be w and V.
one's prime P. and V. ^5oV,
v. point : P. TO

dfc/^tv. Of things: P. and V. Principal, subs. Capital : P. TO

dKfwieiv. In prime : use
one's ,
TO. VTrapxovTa,
also adj., P. and V. copaios, V. Ar. and P. TOL dpxata. iose
aKfuuos, xXwpos, 0aX*po, Ar. and P. principal : P. TOW dpxatcov d.<^
1/60X775, Ar. wptico's. J3e #as one's o^at (Dem. 13). Ringleader: P.
prime : P. TraprjftyKevcu, (perf. of and V. Tyye/icov, 6 or ^ ; see riw^f-
.He leader. Superintendent : P. and
prime : V. 6 V. 7riOT<XT77? 0.

2%e&. 11). Principality, subs. Kingdom: P.

Prime, v. trans. Prepare a person : and V. dpx^, 17. Supreme power :
P. KaTaa-K&ja&iv. 17, icp^Tos,
P. and V. dpxij,
TO, V.

Primeval, adj. P. and V. dpx<uos, OTO/TTpO, Ttt, QpOVOl, Ot.

iraXato's, Ar. and V. Principally, adj. Especially : P.
iraXat<aYo$. Belonging to former and V. ftoXio-ra, oux ^Ktorra, P.
times : P. and V. 6 Trpjfv, 6 TroXot, 6 Sicu^epovTws, J?or ifee mos^
P. <&s ^rl TroXi;'.

Primitive, adj. P. and V. Principle, subs. Source, origin : P.

TroAatos. and V. dpx^, Cause: P. and

Primitiveness, subs. P. V. atria, ^. ie#a4 jprmcipZe : P.

7, P. and V. -n-aXatoTiys, ^. wro'flco-is, ^ (Dem. 1082). JBwZe o/
Primness, subs. P. and V. TO aoiz'ott : P.
Trpoa/pco-ts, ^. Standard :
OrderZtness : Ar. and P. P. and V. /cavwv, 6, opos, 6. 2%e
principles and foundations of
Primogenitor, subs. P. and V. action : P. Toiv -Trpd^cov ai dp^at Kac
dpx^yos, 6 or ^, dpx^yen^, 6. ai
wo6[eort5 (Dem. 21).
2%is is
Primogeniture, subs. P. and v. i/^eprinciple of democracy: P.
TO Trpeo-^cuciv. E^feis of primo- TOVTO m
BfjfWTLKov (Dem. 436),
geniture : P. and V. Trpecr^cta, Ta To govern on oligarchic principles :

(sing. Dem.
1003). P. /car*
6XtyapxM> TroXiTcveiv (ftbsol.)

Primordial, adj. P. and V. (Thuo. 1, 19). Tfce cawse and

originating principle of existing
Prince, subs. P. and V. SwdVr^s, 6, things : P. TO amov /cat T& apx^/yoi/
^ycfuuv, 6, -TrpooraTTfs, 6, Ar. and V. TO>V Si^-cov (Plat., Crak
apx<ov, 6, &rtordV7s, 6 (rare Principled, adj.
P.), High-principled:
oW, 6, /cotpavos, 6, 7rpo/xo?, 6, rdyosj P. and V. XP^OTTOS, fcoXo's ; see
6, V. dpxeXoos, 6 (also Ar. in form
6, *et}pi09, o, KpeW, Print, subs. Impress, mark: P.
6, &/ctKTo>p, 6, dpx>7yos, 6, and V. x-PaKryP> .
^> rifww, 6, V.
6, in pi. also use ^piornjs, otj see TO. Print of
also fc^, o/iie/. V.
Princely, adj. P. and V. /3a<rtXwc(fe, Foot-print : P. and
641 41
Pri Pri

V. V. 6 P. tSios ^09, 6. Private person :

Vor, TO, errfjft*, (also jj,

Xen.). Ar. and P. tS^ny?, 6, V. IT^S, 6. O/

Print, v. trans. Stamp : P, and V. a private person, adj. P. !8mKos. :

7rt<n7/witvetv, P. evo^/xcu'vcor&u ; see .Be ^ private person, v. P. :

impress, imprint, mark. Print t8to)Tvv. Private soldier: Ar,

(kisses) : P. and V. SiSoVcu, V. and P. orpcmwTiys, 6, P. tSiom;?, 6
Ti&cyai. Newly-printed (of foot- (Xen.).
use adj., V. vco^opaKTos. Privateer, subs. P. and V.
marks) :

Prior, adj. P. and V. Trpo'rcpos. 6. Piratical boat : P. X^orpts

IZbre important : P. and V.
irp<rpl&Tcpo? (rare P.). Ity *A ^w? Privateering, subs. P.
20/MC/i orders /&& fo male line has TO XrjCTTLKOV.
the prior claim P. vo/*<p os KeXevei Privately, adv.
: P. and V.
KpareLv TOVS apo-evas (Isae. 85). Secretly : P. and V. XaflpoL.
Priority, subs. Precedence : P, and Privation, subs. A bemg deprived :
V. 7rpO-/3ia, TCI. P. orcp^o-ts, ^, CLTrocTTCp^o-ts, 17, V. TO
Prise, v. trans. V. 6Va/>xXevW, Want: P. and V.
TpidVow, fto^Xcvav, Ar. ^; see wantf. Famine :

Join in prising ; Ar. P. and V. Xt/ , 6, V. folria, 77,

iv (absol,).

Prison, subs. P. and V. dp/cny, 17,

or Privilege, subs. P. and V.
pi., P. Seo-fitoTTfltHov, TO, eipy/xos, 6, TO'.
Advantage : P. and V.
V. aL Public prison : P.
opfcavai, TO ; see advantage, prerogative.
TO V. Travcfy/xos orey^, 17.
Bfffioo-iov, He alone among Athenians has the
Imprisonment : use P. and V. privilege of doing and saying what
8eo>ufe, 6, or pi. 5s thrown
he likes : P. TOVHW p.6v<$ 'AityvcuW
prison : P. efe
eip/cT77V efotpCToV OT6 Kttt TTOlfW KO.I \yW
(Thuc. 1, 131). OTI ^tv povXijTai (Lys. 116).
. , .

Prison, v. trans. See imprison. Privily, adv. P. and V. X<0pa; see

Prisoner, subs. P. and V. o
6, or use adj., Ar. and V. Privy, adj. Accessory: P, and V.
Prisoners : P. o SeSc/^ei/oL. Prisoner o*i3vamos, KOIVWVO?; see accessory.
of war: use adj., P. and V. Acquainted with : V. Ten-cop (gen.)
at^wAo>ro?, V. BovpiXTjirros, Sopt/c- (also Plat but rare P.). Be privy
nyro5, S^aXcoros, P. SoptaAcoTo? to, v. P. and V. o-wetS&ai (ace. or :

(ISOC.). Fern., V. atx^aXcorfe O/ absol.).

prisoners, adj. : V. atxAwiA.ftmKo's. Prize, subs. P. and V. 30Xov, TO.
!Fa^e prisoner, v. : P. (ace.). &ypv
Take the prize, v. P. and V. :

!T%fi r^si
q/ ifee population was apurrcvew (Plat.). Prize of victory,
recoveredby the Olynthtwns through subs. P. and V. vwc^nypta, rd, V. :

an exchange of prisoners : P. T o 7ru/tKia, Ta. First prize: P. wpoyma,

c&AAo cKOfUcrffv} VTT *OXwStW dviyp ra (rare sing.). Second prize : P.
for avSpfe X.v6cis (Thuo. 5, 3). oWfpcia, TO. r^'rd P. pme;
Pristine, adj. Former: P. and V. TpcTcta, TO. Pr^e o/ valour : P.
6 Trptv, 6 7r/ooV0v, 6 fl-dtA-at, V. 6 and V. apicmTo, TCI (rare sing.), V.
wapos. ^^^TZ^ :
P. and V. dpx<uos, /eaXXionraa, TC. TFm ifea prfec? O/
TroXatos,V. TToA-a^aTO?. valour, v. : P. and V. Spiorofetv
Privacy, subs. P. and V. (Plat.). Pme o/ beauty, subs. :

Private, adj. P. and V. ?Sios, V. KoXXwrreta, Ta (rare sing.). "PW7t

Private house, subs. P. tSiov :
the prize of beauty, v. V. /coXXto-- :

a. Private life : P. and V. P. and

Qucurry, subs. :

Pri Pro

V. Sypa, (Plat, but rare P.) persons or things) : P. and Y.


TO (Xen.), 6^paf -^ (Xen.), irpofiawew, irpo^wpctv, ^opctv, P.
V. dripapjct, TO. Trpoepxc&Qo-i' I see also 7?jarofe,
Prize, v. trans. P. ircpl -n-oXXoi) advance, Emanate:P. and Y.
7roiT0<u, -rrepl iravros ijycurflai, V. ytyvo-0ai. Begin : P. and Y.
TroXXaiv d^iovi'. Honour : P. and pX*<rO<u ; see&e#m. I t&iU proceed
Y. ripav* Seed : P. and V. to ^5 actions themselves which I

7rrrp<j!>cr0<u (gen.), jojSco^ai (gen.) have performed : P. jSaSto{J/jtat e^'

(rare P.), foovrtfav (gen.), V. auTa a TrcVpa/crat )u,ot (Dem. 244).
Proceed against (by law) : see
Prize-work, show-piece: P. dywwoym,
TO (Thuo. 1, 22). Proceeding, subs. -4ci, rfeed; P.
Probability, subs. P. and Y. TO and V. TTpayp.a, TO, pyov, TO, ?rpa^ts,
i/cos. In all human probability ^7,
P. TTpoaipco-is, ^. Proceedings,
you are exempt from the likelihood (legal) : P. and Y. Sft7, ^. Tizta
of dying to-morrow : P. crv yap 6Va Ze^a? proceedings : P. and V.
ye Tdvtfpdwreta CKTOS cl TOV /xcXXciv ciWyctv Sf/c^v. Tafte proceedings
airo6vri<rKiv a&piov (Plat., Crito, against: use prosecute.
46E). In all probability : P. icaTa Proceeds, subs. That which accrues:
TO IKO'S, US TO tKOS, K TOTJ IKOTOS, use P. TO ytyvoaevov see also ;

P. and V, CIKO'TOS. TPfee?& i aZZ

human probability they may still Procedure, subs. Way of action :
survive : P. ols 7rapo> dv0pa)7rtG>s 2 P. /i0o8os, 17.
o-cofeo-^at (Thuc. 5, 103), Process, subs. Me^od : P. /x^oSos,
Probable, adj. P. and Y. c ^. Means : P. and Y. Tropos, or
P. aXrjOeLa. eot/co>9. -4s is pi. Cowse of action : P. wpoat-
P. and V. o>s lowee, o>s t/c peo-w, ^. Action at law: P. and
Probably, adv. P. and Y. ?KOTO>S, Y. 81*17, 07.
He should have inflicted
P. Kara TO CIKOV^ u>s T^ CIKOS, IK TOV the just penalty for murder by due
t/COT05. process of law. V. v ^VTOV xw
Probation, subs. Trial : P. and V. e-TTifletvat /xcv atjaaros Stifc^v oo-tav
iXey^os, 6. SwoKovTa (Eur Or. 500). 7?i f ,

Probationer, subs. One not initiated: process of time : P. TOV

use adj., P. A/ttfyros.
Probe, v. trans. A wound : Ar. Procession, subs. P. and V.
Examine: P. and V. 17,
P. cfoSos, f), Ar. and P. ?rp
4. Torch-light procession: P.
cpewav, Ar. and P. &varjTiv t
V. Xa/ras, 17 (Plat., JRfij?. 328A), Y,
0avot, at (Eur., low. 550). Form
Probity, subs. P. and V. _ a procession : Ar. and P. TTO/ATHTV
P. dTrXo-njs ; see honesty. W/ATTCIV. iead a processiont y. :

Problem, subs. Difficulty : P. and

Y. aTropia, ^. Matter : P. and V. attends a procession : P.
TO. Iw geometry : P. 6.

wp6pX77/4a, T(J. Leavmg to others Proclaim, v. trans. P. and Y.

these subtle problems of philosophy: /ctypvoxreiv, ava.K7]pv(rcra/9 irpoKrjpvcr-
V. aXXots Ta KOfjiif/a ravr* d^ek crctv, TrpociTTCiv, avciTretv, K<^ptv,
(ro^)^r/iTa (Bur., Fraq.). -Trpoo^jiiatvctv, P. TrpoXfyciv, Ar. and
Problematical, adj. Doubtful : P. P, ivayopevcw/, V. &cK77pvo-o"eiv,
' ' yeycovetv,
' yeycovtb-icciv,
Proceed, v. intrans. Go ow (of , Ax.
Pro Pro

and V. Qpotw ; see announce. vpt<nce<r0cu, Ar. and V. (also

Proclaim a victor Ar. and P. : Plat, but rare P.),
ava.Kvjpva'a'ew (TWO,) If you proclaim
(also Plat, but rare P.), V.
this word (liberty) in the ears of 3vbT<r0at, v, P.
Asia : P. jjv TOWO/AO. TOVTO
. . . Provide : P. and V. Trape^ctv (or
Stcwrrmp^s ts rrjv *A<TL<W (Isoc. 103). mid.), 7rop/iv(or mid.); see provide,
Proclaim in answer: V. secure. Bring about, contrive : P.
and V. fLrfxavoLorOat,, P. Trapacriceua-
Proclamation, subs. P. and V. fciv ; see
Kiypuy/ia, TO. Banish by pro- Procurement, Subs. P.
clamation : P and V.
(ace.). Public proclamation of a Procurer, subs. Ar. and P. /x,a<r-
person's services to the state : P. Tpoirog, o (Xen.), Trpoaywyos, 6.
avdpprjo-is, % (Dem. 244), Procuress, subs. Ar. and P.
TO (Dem. 267). (Xen.).
PrOCOnSUl, SUbs. P. avQvTraros, 6 Prodigal, adj. Extravagant: P.
(late). Excessive, adj.;
Proconsular, adj. P. P. and V. ireptcroro?. J5e prodigal
(late). of: P. and V. S^ciSctv (gen.).
Proconsulate, subs. P. Prodigal, subs. Use P. and V.
4 (late). ouco<0opos, 6 (Eur. y Frag.). Be a
Procrastinate, v. intrans. P. and prodigal, v. P. ouco<0opiv. Abun-

V. JJL\.\IV, OKV6LV, ^pOVt^U dant: P. and V. <fy0ovos, V.

see delay.
Procrastination, subs. P. Prodigality, subs. P.
y, P. and V. oWos, 6, Tpi/Srf, ^,
$LaTpi/3r}, ^ see delo/y 9
Procrastinator, subs. P. i^AXTynfe, adv. Wastefully: P.
o. dcromos. Unsparingly : P.
Procreate, v. trans. P. and V. Abundantly: P. and V.
yewav, TLKTCLV, crirapeiv (Plat.), (Bur.,
(or mid.) (used absol.), Prodigious, adj. Portentous Ar. .

(rare P.), ^rre^W (Plat. and P. TpaTo>Si7$. Extraordinary:
but rare P.), $&& (rare P.), V. Ar. and P. OOLLLLQVLO$) vtt'u//,dio*tO9} P.
(1st aor. of yewcarOai) and V. ,fjffjxavo<5) V. l/cn-ayXos; see
(also Xen. but rare P.), rewow (or extraordinary. Very large: P.
mid.), CK<f>faiv, &KTKVOv<r9at,j Kara-
OTTTCfcpetV. Prodigiously, adv. Extraordinari-
Procreation, subs. P. TratSoiroua, ^, ly : Ar. and P. 0au/*a<na*, P.
TCKVOHRS, ^, ya/co-ts, 17, P. and V.
yo^o-ts, ^ (Plat.), o-Tropa, ^ (Plat.). Prodigiousness, subs. P. and V.
Procreator, subs. P. and V.
ycw^rojs, 6 (Plat.), yW^r<Dp, 6 Prodigy/ subs. P. and V, Tpofe, TO ;
(Plat.), ymft, a. see portent, omen.
Procurable, adj. P. -n-apoo-iceuao-TOS Produce, v. trans. Bring forward
(Plat.). Obtainable : P. KaraAirirroV (witnesses, etc.) : P. and V.

Easy to procure : P. and V. wapxeo-0ai. Ureate, cause : P, and

V. ycvi/av, TTOtctv, TiVmv (Plat.), V.
Procure, v. trans. P. and V. Kr , <ZrViv, avlcvai, P.
see o5frM7&. Win for oneself : P. and see also con^rvye.
V. P.
(in persons or things) :

Pro Pro

and V. IvTLKTtw (TIVL TC) (Plat.) ; (Thuc. and Plat.), Ar. and
see engender. Furnish forth : P. P. 00"fc05.

and V. aTToScucviWi. Produce a Profane, v. trans. Defile : P. and V.

will P. SiaOTjKrjv airo<f>aiviv. Bring
piawtiv, V. xpatVtti/ (also Plat, but
out: P. and V. tK^ipuv. Yield, rare P.) see ; dejtte. ,4c im-
bring in : P. irpocr^cpcw, tiepeiv ; piously towards : P. and V. QO-C-
see yield. Produce (of the soil) : P. )8iv ets (ace.).
and V. avaSiSbVac (Bur., Frag.), Profanity, subs. P. and V.
tiniwu (rare P.). Produce (a play) : 77, P. dvoo-ioV^s, T), V.
of the poet, Ar. and P. SrSa'ovccii/ ; Impious act : P. do-cjSiy/ia, TO.
of those who furnished the chorus, Profess, v. trans. P. and V. 7ray-
Ar. and P. xPVy w (absol.). Practise : P. and V.
Produce (a line) in geometry: P. Claim : P. fcera-
(gen.), avTiTTOitiarOcLi (gen.).
Produce, subs. P. and V. jcaprro's, 6 ; J30 a professor of : P. eVaku/ (gen.)
see fruit. Grain ; P. and V. (Plat.). Absol., P. and V. !

<7tros, 6. Produce of the seasons : yeXXco-flai. Boast : P. liriKOfjmctv,

P. TO, wpaia. Produce (of money, V. a^x^ (also Thuc. but rare P.) ;

etc.) P. en-iKa/ma, ^.
: see 6oosi, Declare: P. and V.
Product, subs. Natural products : ^cMTftv, V. irpovwenreiv see declare. \

P. ra K -rijs yfjs <jyv6p,va., V. yfjs Professedly, adv. Nominally : P.

^Tdt, ra. "FPbrfc oflabowr : P. and and V. Xoyo), 7rpo^>ao-tv ; see
V. 2pyoy, TO, V. opyavov, TO, rexyirjfjLa,
TO, rexvrjt ty TTOI/OS, 6. Profession, subs. Focaiio?z ; P.
Production, subs. Manufacture : P. CTrtTTySeufta, TO, P. and V. r&xyvi, rj.

fpyacrta, TJ, irotqo-ts, 17, cwrepyacr/a, 07.

Promise P. and V. wdaxeo'w, ^.

Bringing into being : P. yei/co-ts, ^, "PPTia^ owe claims to do : P. ray-

yariyo-t?, ^. Something produced : ycX/xa, TO.
P. 2/cyovov, TO (Plat., Phaedr. 275D). Professional, adj. As opposed to
Productive, adj. JF^tffe : P. and V. lay : Ar. and P. Setvo's, P. TreTrac-

2y/cap7ros (Plat.), eff/capTTOs (Plat.), 8a;/ii/os. Professional speaker :

os (Plat.), Ar, and P. -n-oXiJ- P. and V. pijTwp, 6.

(Plat.), TroXu^opos Professor, subs.
Teacher : P, and
(Xen.), Ar. V. SrSefor/coXos, 6. Pe a professor of,
and V.
TroXvcrTropos, V. KoXA&capTros.
v. : P. CT-acW (gen.) (Plat.).
Making frwits grow: V. KapTixwroios Proffer, v. trans. Bring forward : P.
(Eur., S^es.). Of animals : P. and V. Trapexeiv (or mid.). Ojfer ;
VOW/ACS, V. <^vToXjLttos, yV0X>s. P. and Y. wpoTetVeiv, KTti/iv ; see
^rodwc^e o/, cowse o/ : P. and V. o/er.
oiTtos. .Zfe productive of: use Proficiency, subs. fiMZ ; P. and V.
produce, v. lirLorfM, 17. ^JojperieTice : P. and
Productiveness, subs. Fruitful- V. /A7rapia, ^. Progress : P.
ness of land : P. iroXv^opm, 17 Soo-w, 17.

(Xen.). Prodwctfwewess o/ animals: Proficient, adj. P. and V.

Proem, subs. P. and V. ficient in : P. and V.

TO, V. <f>pOLfJLLOV, TO. (dat.), Trt,orrjp,w (gen.),
Profane, adj. Irreverent : P. and V. (gen.) see skilful.

Proficiently, adv. P. and V.

(rare P.), V. P. 7rionn7/)va>s j see skilfully.
As opposed to sacrei : P. and V. Profit, subs. Advantage : P. and V,
Pro Pro

, TO, ovqcris, ^, Ar. Lawless : P. and V.

and V. TO, ci&<eX?7cris, 17 ;

see advantage. Gain : P. and V. Profligately, adv. P. and V.

Kp&os, TO, X-JJ/i/i-a, TO. Profits (on KaKCOS, P. aKoXaCTTCOS,
investment) : P. ruxp7ria, 17. T/ie^ Shamelessly : P. and V.
Twafefi a double profit out of the o)s. Lawlessly : P. dvd/j-ws.
city : P. 8iYo0V /capTTowrai TTJV TrdXiv Profound, adj. Deep: P. and V.
Te have had no j8a0i5s j see <Zeep. -4&srws0 : P,
(Dem. 614).
profit in my glorious deeds : V. and V. -jroi/clfXos, TroXwXoicos ; see
OVK <Svao^ TCOV ft<oi/ KaXcov (Eur., abstruse. Wise : P. and V. o-o^ds.
S: J. 1368). Profoundly, adv. Met., much : P.
Profit, v. trans. P. and V. o-vp^cpew and V. TroXii, <j<o8pa, /capra (Plat,
a><eXeiv (ace. or dat.), ovi- but rare P.), P. t^xvpws. Wise"
u, (or mid.), Ar, and V. Xixn-
P. and V. <ro<^cos. Abstrusely :
v (dat.), V. T&17 X&iv (dat), and V. 7roiK(?Xa>s.
(dat). It profits : P. and V. Profundity, subs. Itepi7& : P. and
o"uju.<epi, (&^\et, Ar.
and P. XiJo-i-
TeXei, V. TcXiy Xita, XtSci, SpijycL. P. and "V.

Absol., 0e P. and V.
advantage : .

KcpoWvttv, ovtvacT&u see gfaiw. Profuse, adj.

; Spending too much :
Prq/j &y, iwtt io account : P. and P. SairavTypds, ^CTWTOS. ^L6ww^a?*{ :
V. xp?<r0ai (dat.). Save 6ew#? o/: P. and V. TroXiSs, &<f>0ovo<s, V.
P. and V. otTToXaijctv (gen.), rtppvTos. Generous, ungrudging :
<rdai (aoo.), iKKapirovcrQau, (aoo.). V. a<0ovos.
Profitable, adj. Ar. and P. K Profusely, adv. P. dcraiTtos. ^l&z^-
\05, P. Xv<rtTXl7S, V. /CpS P. and V. d<0<W (Eur.,
(superlative). Advantageous : P.
and V. <ruju,<opos, cru/A^cptov, Trpocr- Profuseness, subs. P.
<if>opos, Ar. and P. w^'Xt/ios, Ar. and Abwidance P. d<0ovta, 17, Ar. and

V. w^cXiJcri/Aos, V. 6v*}crt/ios ;
see P. ircpiowia, ^, P. and V. 7rX^0os>
advantageous. Be profitable : use
TO, V. /3c!pOS, TO.
_pro/Z, v. Progenitor, subs. -4^ces^or : P. and
Profitably, adv. P. ^pSoXews, V. Trpdyovos, 6. One's progenitors :
Beneficially : P. use P. and V. ol irdkai, ot ?rpdo-0V,
LO)?, wt^eXt/jtos, OTJ/X- P. ol ^VO)0V, OL 'TTpOTrOLTOpC?, V. Oi
: P. and V. $, Wpos. Founder of a family : P.
Conveniently : P. and V. and V. dp^yds, 6, dp^yer^s, 6.
Progeny, subs. P. and V. l^yovos,
Profitless, adj. P. and V. 6 or 17. Child : P. and V. irals, 6
axpeios, acru/x,(^opo5j ^VOJ or ^, Ar. and Y. TeVvov, TO (rare P.),
^eX^s see unprofitable.
ydvos, 6, Y. TOKOS, 6, yovty, rj, yiwyfjua.,
Profitlessly, adv. See unprofitably. TO, yci/c0Xov, TO, vircpfjia, ro (rare
Profligacy, subs. P. AjcoXcun'a, ^, P.), o-TTopd, ^. Scion : Ar. and Y.
dfcpS-cta, 17, Ar. and P. Koucca, i), P. Ipvos, TO, V. 0ctXos, TO, /3\da"nrjfj.a t

and V. 5)8pts, ^. Shcmelessness : TO, ^TJTOV, TO see scion. Young (of ;

P. and V. SvcuSeta, 17. Lawlessness: animals) : see young.

P. and V. cvo/ua, 17, ^vap^ia, 17. P. and V.
Prognosticate, v. trans.
Profligate, adj. P. and V. cWXaoros, u.a.vTciea'Oa.i, Ar. and P.
(Eur., Frag.) ato^pos, t
WpOL7TtV, V. WpO^HXimi/, ',

os, Ar. and P. a/cpa-nis. see foretell. Fore-

P, and V. know : P. and V. wpoyiyvwcrKctv, P.
Pro Pro

, irpof.TTicrra.arBa.ij V. in : P. and V. -a-Xovo-ios (gen.) ;

see /wZZ. Abundant P. and V. :

Prognostication, subs. Prophesy :

P. and V. Xdyos, 6, Xoyia, TO, Ar. Prolifically, adv. Abtwdantly : P.
and V. <arfe, 97; see prediction. and V. fyOow? (Eur., Frag.).
Art of prognosticating : P. and V. Prolix, adj. P. /wucpoXo'yos, P. and
]J,(WTLa, ty fJiaVTLKiq, Yf. V. paKpos. Be prolix, v. : P. and
Programme, sabs. Outline : P. V. /JtaKpT^yopetv (Thuc.), P. /xaK/>o-
Policy : P.
Prolixity, subs. P.
Progress, subs. P. 7r5oo-ts, 17. Prologue, subs. Ar. wpdXoyos, 6.
Progress, v. intrans. P. and V. Prelude : P. and V. irpoo^ttoy, TO,
TrpoKOTrreiv, Ar. and P. VZ8t8oV<u. V. ^poi'/uov, TO.
Advance : P. and V. irpoxupw. Prolong, v. trans. P. and V.
Prohibit, v. trans. P. and V. OVK fJLTJKtiveiV, T&.VG.W) KT6lVeiV, P. CtTTO-
av, ttTrci-TrciVj Ar. and P. air&yopevew, T/6v. Be prolonged (in time) P. :

Ar. and V. aTrauSai/, V. and V. xpoviea-Qa.i. I thank old

see also prevent- age for this favour only, that it has
Prohibited, adj. P. and V. prolonged my life so far : P. x*P LV
Prohibition, subs. P. fyto TO>
yi7P ravrrfv fJLowjV) on
Prohibitive, adj. Excessive : P. and irpoiqyaycv is TOVTO p.ov roy fiiov
V. 7Tploro*OS. (Isoc. 413A). Prolonged, long : P.
Project, v. trans. Lit., use P. and and V. /Aafcpds. Lasting long P. :

V. Trpodyeiv. Met, plan : P. and and V. XPOVLOS.

V. fiov\vct.v ; V. intrans. Promenade, subs. P. O.

Jwi : P. and V. Ar. and ,

PZace /or walking P. and V. :

P. ^)(LV, P. Spo/ios, 6.
Project above : P. (gen.) Promenade, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
(Thuc. 7, 25).
Pro/aci over ; P.
(Thuc. 2, 76). Prominence, subs.
(gen )
He resembles
Project, subs. P. andPlan: you both in his snub nose and the
prominence of his eyes : P. wpocre-
(Plat.), lirivoia, j\ see OLK <rol rrfv re cripjortfra. KOL TO Ifw

Purpose : P. wpoaipccrts, $. TWI/ 6/*/xaTG>v (Plat., Theaet. 143B).

Projectile, subs. P. and V. Oonspiciousness : P. ircpi<f>diveia, y.

(rare P.). Celebrity : P. and V. &(& ^
Projection, subs. P. -rrpd/JoXos, 6. cvSo^a, ^ see celebrity. Give ;

~~ part: P. TO trpo^xov prominence to, lay stress on : P.
"> ; Ar. and P. -rvXos, 6 (Xen.). (gen.).
Proletariat, subs. Use P. and V. Prominent, adj. Projecting: use P.
O, O^XoSj O, TTAYJ&OS) TO, 01 and V. npovxw, Ar. and P. $xa>v.
TroXXot. Having prominent eyes : P. ^o-
Prolific, adj. Ofanimals: P. Conspicuous : P. and V.
V. ^vraX/uos. Blessed Js, 8ta7Tp7T^9, P.
with many offspring: V. S66 COW-
Of plants, etc. : P. andV. .Be prominent, con-

(Plat.), cfl/ca/wros (Plat.), Ar. and spicuous, v. : V. 7rp7rv, Ar. and

P. Kap7ro<opos (Xen.), TroX-uKapTro* V. l/xTrpcTretv. Celebrated : P. and
(Plat.) ;
see fruitful. Met., /re- "V. v8o4b?, 7Tpt)8X7rro?, P.
P. and V. Trvfcvds, Ar see
and P. cruxes. Prolific in, rich Prominently, adv. Conspicuously:
Pro Pro

P. and Y. ireptyav&s, P. ri- j?, 6, e^yg-nfc, 6, P. and Y.

bv, 6 Or 97.

Promiscuous, adj. P. and V. Promptitude, subs. Quickness : P.

<rv/ji/j,tKTo$, o"v/*/iuy?7$ (Plat.), /uy<&, and V. Taxos, TO. ^aZ : P. and
Ar. and P. JJLLKTOS (Plat.). Y. orrouoSy, TTpodvfjLia, y.

Promiscuously, adv. P. Promptly, adv. Immediately : P.

XwSijv, P. and V. cud}, and Y. aMKa, TrapavTfica, v0i;s,

(Xen.) ; see pell-mell. cutfeo)?, Ar. and P. TrapaxprjfJia j see

Promise, v. trans, or absol. P, and also quickly. With seal : P. and
v, Y. VTri crwaivcty (also Promptness, subs. See promptitude.
Xen.), atvetv, /caratvetv, P. /carc- Promulgate, v. trans. Proclaim:
Absol., P. and Y. Ar. and P. avayopciW, P. and V.
vcf>i(rTa<rQai, P. dva-
J5e promulgated, exposed
8e'xcr0at, public view : P. e/c/c?o-0ai.
Pledge to

oneself: Ar. and P. eyyvao-0ai. Prone, adj. P. and V. TTPOTTCT^

Promise to be, be Ukely to be : P. (Xen.), V, Trpovownfc see also ;

and Y. fL&Actv (infin.j. Promise prosfrate. Met., inclined to : P.

well : P. and V. TTpOTTCTjfc 7TpO$ (aCC.),
Promise, subs. P. and V. is (ace.). J5fi
jprowe to : (with
P. irdyye\fjui, TO. infin.): P. and Y. <tXLv; see also
pledge : P. and V. morife, 17, liable. A woman is weak and prone
TO ; see pledge. Hope, expectation : to tears : Y. ywrj 8c BrjXv K aarl
P. and Y. fonts, ^. (Eur., Med. 928).
Promising, adj. Favourable : P. Proneness, subs. Desire : P. and
and Y. /caA.o's. With good abilities : V. Proneness to : P. .

P. and V, din Eur., Frag.). : (g

en -)-
Promontory, subs. P. and V. a*pa, Prong, subs. Use P. and Y.
P. OLKpUtTTJplOVj TO, Y. d/CTlT, i, TTpO-
, Stovy 6 (Xen.). with two F
)<5 9 6,
Ar. and V. a/cpov, TO, Trpeov, prongs : Ar. and Y.
Pronounce, v. trans. Articulate :
Promote, v. ' trans. Help on: P. P. and Y.
<0eyjw0ai ; see utter.
and V. OTTO'Sen/, eTrurTrctfoW. With Express (an opinion) : P, and V.
non-personal subject P. -Trpo^epetv :
7ro<f>cLLVa-@ai. Pronounce sentence,
(ace.). Subserve : P. and V. V. P. and V. 8iKaeiv, 8iayiyvd>o-Kiv,

vmrjperciv (dat.). JftcaZZ ra7zfe ; m

P. 8x8iKaeiv; see sentence. Pro-
P. and V. atiaviv, av^ctv, atpav, noiince sentence against : P. and
xav, Ar. and V. oyKOw, -rf/uov Y. /caTaytyi/(uo"/ctv (gen.), P. Kara-
Kpivcw (gen.), /caTa?/r7^o-0at (gen.).
Promotion, subs. Preparation : Ar. Pronounced, adj. Open unmistake-
and P. TrapacrKCVTj, 77. able : P. and V. 0-5^975.
P. Honour : P. and Pronunciation,
subs. Way of
V. r
speaking : use P. Xc&s, 77.
Prompt, adj. Beady: P. and V. Proof, subs. Sign: P. and V.
Zealous : P. and Y.
0^/AlOV, TO, TKfJW)plOV 9 TO, Sfity/Xa, TO,
P. ^/Sety/wx, TO, V. Te/c/xap, TO.
Prompt, v. trans. Suggest : P. and Evidence, witness : P. and V.
V. $iro/3d\\w (nvi n) } see TO, P. TO.
TK/jM7pioi>, " /xapruptov,
Instigate : Ar. and P. Testimony : Ar. and P. fjuaprvpCa,
see instigate. Y. [JLapripia, rd, //,apTi;p?7/jia, TO,

Prompter, subs. Instigator : P. ina?; P. and V. wcTpa, 77,

Pro Pro

6, P. 8ia7T/pa, (Dem. Propagation, subs.

17 Procreation :
1288). Example: and V.
P. P. -nmSoTnma, TCKVCUO-IS, 77, yfl>eo-is, -jy,
1 e

TO. Demonstration : i/ P. and V. ycVv^o-w, ^ (Plat.),

P. ajro'Sei&ff, Make proof of : P. , tf (Plat.). Initiation: P.

and V- TTCipaa-Oai (gen.), yevea-Oai
(gen.) (Plat.). Test : P. and V. Propagator, subs. P. and V.
, eeA.eyx "' Ar. and P. ycwqrrjs, o (Plat.), yev^Twp, 6
i&Lv ] see test. Make proof (Plat.), yoi/vs, 6. Initiator: P.
of some one's friendship : P. Xap- eicrTjyqTqs, o.
ftwtiv TT}S 0iAia Treipai/ (TIVOS) Propel,P. and V. cAaui/eiv.
v. trans.

(Dem. 663, of.

1288). Owe proof Move
P. and V. idi/elv. :

of: P. Scfy/jux K<peiv (gen.) (Dem. Propensity, subs. Impulse : P. and

'679). 2%o$0 wAo ftflwe gwen proof V. 6p^, Disposition: P. and 17*.

of muck virtue and moderation in V. -yvufjurj, 17'; see inclination.

their career: P. ot . .
Propensity to : P. ev^epeiu (gen.).

apcnjv Iv T jSi'u) KCLI a propensity to : P. and V.

evSeSeiy^eyot (Isoc. 147s). I ga/oe (infin.),
with subs., P.
proof of the good will I bore rtv
(ts ace. or Trpos ace.) e ;

him : P. CTrcSei^a/i^v TTJV euvoiav fyv see be liable to. Habit : P. f&s, ^ .

elxpv cis CKCO/OV (Isoc. 389s). Proof Proper, adj. Fitting : P. and V.
against, unmoved by : P. and V. euTTpcrr^s, TrperrcDV, irpoor^/cov o~v//.-

^Ktv^ros (dat.), Ar. and V. SrcyKTos /xerpos, eiHrxyfJMV, KCI^^KCDV, Ar.

(dat.) ; see untouched. Proof P. 3Tpe7TO)8?7$, V. 7TtK(tJS, '7rpOO'tK<09,
against bribery : use adj. ; in- cru/ji7rpn7s, 1^ S proper, v.: P.
corruptible. Be proof against, and V. TrpcTrei, irpoanJKet) ap/Lco^et.
keep out : P. and V. <rreyeiv (ace.). Suitable : P. and V. CTTM^SCIOS,
Met., not to yield to : use P. and o*v/i></>opo$, ?rpocr^)opos. Opportwne :
V. OVK LKLV (dat.). P. and V. Kcupios, 7rficatpos, V.
Prop, subs. Prop for a vine : Ar. cu/catpos. Proper to, suitable to :
and P. x*P CL or *?
> Generally P. owcctos (dat.).
Orderly : P. and
P. and V. Ipeicr/Aa, TO (Plat.). V. KOCT/UOS, VKoo-/xos, Ar. and P.
Met., swpportf, :
s^V. Ipeio-fia, cT/ra/cTos. Ceremonious : P. and
TO, o"ri)Aos, 6 ; see bulwark V. o-c/xvos.
Prop, v. trans, Lean : P. and V. Properly, adv. .Fi% : P. and V.
*AW, V. Jpcffieiv (also Plat, but eu7rpe7ru>s, Trp7rovro)s, oT^/Aju.frp<us,
rare P.). Sivpport : V. cpetBciv, wpoo ^7/covT(D9, V. evaicrt)u,a)5. Suitably:

see support. P. cTTtT^Seicos, cru/x<^opa)9. Season-

Propaganda, subs. Doctrine : P. ably : P. cvfcatpcos, P. and V.
TO. Persuasion : P. and V, KcupuDs (Xen.) ; see seasonably. In
.Facfa'cw : P. and V. an orderly way: Ar. and P.
^. Policy: P. KOO7U00?, P. and V. CUTCIJCTOOS.
Property, subs. P. and V. owt'o, ^,
Propagate, v. trans. Disseminate : Xp^aTO, Ta, P. Ta ovra ; see also
P. and V. Siooirctpeiv, eKtfreptiv, wealth. Men of property : use
StaStfi^vat, Ar. and V. cnrttpw. ric/i. Inheritance : P. and V.
Beget (offspring) : P. and V. AcA?7pos, 6, V. 7rayjcA77pia, ^, Ar. and
yewaj/, Tt/crtv, a-ircipeiv (Plat.) V. Trafjanjo-ta, %. Claim a property

see procreate. P. and V. at law : P. in,8iKao-0<H

TTcuSoiroiciv (or mid.). Broach, Landed property : P. ovom i

introduce : P. and V. KIVCIV, Ar. ^. Personal property : P.

P. ovo-ta, ^. Por^aWe property : P.
Pro Pro

>7, 17.
Real property : P. Tt5, rj (Plat., Phaedr.
<ai/pa ova-la, 17.
Taxable property :
P. Tt/A77/za, TO. Inherent quality in Earth the first prophetess : V.
things (as colour, weight, etc.), P. rrpamyuiVTis Taca (JEsc
7rtt0os, TO (Plat.), Tra&j/Aa, TO (Plat.) ; Prophetic, adj. P. and V.
see attribute. Characteristic: P. Ar. and P. /^avTctos, V.
and V. SSiov. Theatrical pro- Prophetic
^co-xrtwSds, 0<r<l>a.Tri\6yo<s,

perties : Ar. o-Keudpia, rd. Property souled :V. O^Q^CLVTI^ Verily the
tax : Ar. and P. eto-^opa, 17- ay & fear of thy visions was prophetic :
the property tax, v. P. d<r<}>iptw : V. rj Kapra //.aims ouf ovcipaTcov ^ojSo?
Join in paying property tax : P. (JBsch., CT&ofi. 929). Prophetic
of : V. /ACLVTLS (gen. or absol.), Trpd-
Prophecy, subs. Something pre- /jiavrts (gen. or absol.). Prophetic
dicted P. and V. Adyos, 6, Adyta,
: cry : V. /cX^Sw, ^, Ar. and V. <#>aTi5,
Ta, Ar. and V. <ems, fj, Gea-faTov, rj. Prophetic voice (of a god) : V
TO, V. &ros, TO, 0<nrurfJLa, TO, or pi. o//,jf?7, 17.

Oracle : P. and V. xprjcrnqpLov, TO, Prophetically, adv. Ar. and P.

fJLCWTLOV, TO, /jLOVTCia, ij, ^p^O^OS, 6,

X/^cr/upSia, 17, Ar. and V. //,avTv/j,a, Propitiate, v. trans. Tfee 0ods : P.

TO, or pi. .kr o/ prediction : P. lAaor/cco-^at TPlat.). Appease : P.
and V. yxavrcta, ^, /AavTiK^, ^. Tr-z^e and V. Trpawctv, P. 7rapQ,fJLv0L<rOat 9
prophecy ; V. op^ofwwWa, 17. 2%e V. -3rap77yoptv, fe'Ayeiv (also Plat,
c&iW foretold by prophecy: V. but rare P.), p.aXQa.<r<rew, Ar. and
ftavTeuro? yo'vos (Bur., JoTl, 1209). V. //.aXaoxrciv. Please : P. and V.
Prophesy, v. trans. Predict: Ar. &pla-Kiv (ace. or dat.), Ar. and V.
and P. irpoayopcikiv, -n-poctTrctv, P. dvSdVeiv (dat.) ; see j^Zease. Soothe :
and V. 'jrpoAcvctT, V. wpooT^/Aatvctv, P. and V. /oyActv (Plat.).
7rpo<atVeiv, Trpo^xovctv. Prophesy over to one's side : P. and V.
by oracles : P. and V. /jcavrcuecr^at,
P. a7ro/juH/Teuo-0ai, Ar. and P. P. VTpmeo-ai } see over.
YprfcrfM^Selv, V. TrpofiavTeuco'^at, (Bur., Persuade : P. and V. ; see
Frag.), Q&ncHpiV) irpo&<nritv,
(fzTjjM&iv, Ar. and V. OeaTrupSelv. It Propitiation, subs. Appeasing : P.
was prophesied to me : V. e/iot . .
KiJA^cns, 17. -4iowem67i : P.
. and
?v ir^avrov (Soph., 2V. 1158). Y. /ca^ap/^os, 6, A.&TIS, ^. Some-
Prophesying truly, adj. V. :
otA^- thing that propitiates : V.
Prophesying falsely : V. piov, TO, yttetXty/xa, TO,
Propitiatory, adj. V.
Prophet, subs. P. and V. /tavrts, 6, KyXTirypios, Trpcv/Acv^s ;
see also
Trpo^nj?, 6. 0?i0 ^;7w) speaks
by gentle, suppliant.
oracles : Ar. and P. xPW*oAdyos, Propitious, adj. P. and V. ?A. o>s
6, P. xpWwSfai o- Soothsay&r : (sometimes scanned as dissyllable),
P. TpaTOO-/C07TOS, 6, V. TpaCTK07TOS, ;, CTJVOVS, Uju,v^s, Ar. and V.
6, Ar. and V. ft^Tro'Ao?, 6. Augur : , eij^pcov, 7rpo<j!>pa)v, V. wpU-
V. owovo/Aavrcs, 6, ola>voo-/co7ros, 6. P. cuvotKos ; see friendly.

Sure prophet : use adj. V. apwrrd'- Auspicious : P. and V, /caXo'$,

/xavrts. -4.W-J/ 07ie wfeo predicts the eity^os (Plat.), d^ruxi}?, V. S^o's,
future : P. and V. //.dOTts, 6 (Dem. cfyiei/ijs, 7rpo;/A^5 see fcwoivrable. ;

252). Propitiously, adv. P. and V.

Prophetess, subs. P. and V. prims, eu/xcvois, <tA.o^poVo>s (Plat.), P.
^. Pythian priestess : P. and Y. <#>tXtK(os (Plat.), ewoweo)?, V. cv<f>p6v<o$,

Pro Pro

Auspiciously : P. and Proposer, subs. O/ a ta> : P. o

V. $, KoXus, CVTTJ^WS, cuSat/Aovos, V. ypa<a>i/. Generally P. ^yjyT^s, :

aurta)?. 6.

Proportion, subs. P. vaXoyia, ^. Proposition, subs. See proposal.

Zw proportion : P. Kara Xoyov. J/j Statement: P. and V. Xoyos, 6,
the same proportion : t*. Kara TO'. ,

raurd, /cara TOV aurdv Xtfyov, dva TOV Propound, v. trans. P. and V.
awrdv Xoyov. In proportion to : 7rpoTt0ewxi, P. Trpo^cpcti/, Ar. and
P. dva Xoyov (gen.). Quota: use P. TrpoTeiveiv ; see propose.
P. and V. /xepos, TO. Fair share : P. Propounder, subs. Propounder of
and V. TO ?o-ov. Measwre : P. and dark oracles : Y.
V. //.erpov, TO. Symmetry, (Soph., Frag.).
harmony : P. o-u/ji/Aerpta, ,
Propraetor, subs. P.
Proportional, adj. P. dvaXoyos. 6 (late). Be propraetor,
v. :

Proportionate, adj. P. and V. crrpar^yeiv (late).

0-U/*ftTp09, P. /A/ATpOS J 866 alSO Proprietor, subs. Use P. and V.
proper. They agreed to pay money, 6 jcKTi7ju,ei/os, 6 exov. Landowner :
a proportionate sum instead of P. y0)/*dpos, 6, V. yd/LOpos, 6.
ships : P. xp^aTtt cTagavro Avrl Proprietorship, subs. Possession :
TG>V vcoiv TO ifcvou/jtvov dvoXo/xa P. and V. /CT^O-W, 17.
0piv (Thuc. 1, 99). Propriety, subs. P. and V. TO K<$O--
Proportionately, adv. See * pro- /X6OV, CUKOO-yLtttt, 17,
portion, under proportion. wpoor^Kov, P. cuax/j-oo-wty, ^. Shame :
Proportioned, adj. Well-propor- P. and V. a2S(6 s ^. ,

tioned see graceful.

Prorogation, subs. Breaking v/p of
Proposal, subs. P. and V. Xoyos, 6, an assembly : P. SioXwis, ^.
or pi. Legislative proposal : P. Prorogue, v. trans. J5reafe up (an
and V. t/nj<io-/jux, TO, Ar. and P. assembty) : P. and V. SiaXrfeiv.
. PZa?i : P. and V. Prosaic, adj. Commonplace : P.
ySovXcv/xa, TO ; and V. <<n5Xos. Unexciting : Ar.
Proposal of the Senate before rati- and P.
fication by the Assembly : P. ?rpo- Proscribe, v. trans. Outlaw : P.
TO. Mafte proposals for and V. eicjoypiWciv. Interdict :
a truce : P. Xoyov Trcpl
-Trpocr^cpctv Ar.and P. aTrayopeueiv, P. and V.
oTTovSoiv (Thuo. 3, 109). aireiTTciv, V. aTreweTrctv ; See 5?r0-
Propose, v. trans. Put forward for MU ^. P%^ ow a list for punish-
consideration: P. and V. iTrtfyeiv,
ment P. faroypaifatv. In technical

sense of Latin proscribere : use P.

Propose (a law or
7rpoypa<^tv (late).
subject) Ar. and P. eiV7yto-0ai. Proscription, subs. Outlawry .banish-

Propose a Zaw : P. and V. ypa<jJ>tv ment: P. and V. <vyty Pro- .

(Bur,, low, 443). Propose a clause hibition: P. dTrop/o^orts, i).

in addition : P. -Trpooyp^ctv (ace.). technical sense of Latin proscri/piio:
Propose for election : P. P. Trpoypa^, ^ (late).
(Dem. 276). Suggest : P. and V. Prose, subs. P. Xoyot,
(mid. more common in Xoyot. Iw jprose : use adj., Ar. and
P.), tfTreiTrciv, UTroySoXXecv See P- T^g, P. tStot. Narrate in prose :

suggest. Recommend : P. and V. P. icaTaXoyaS^v SurjyelarOcu. (ace.).

wapaiveTv, oay/^ovXeifeiv. Intend : Prose, v. intrans. P. and V.
P. and V. )SovXeuiv, vocl tv (Thuc.), P. fio/cpoXoyctv,
Ar, and P. Stavoetcr^at, 7rivoeiv. tv see also moralise. ;

Pro Pro

Prosecute, Y. trans. P. and Y. Y. ouptos (Thuc. and Plat.) ; see

fjiCTcpxtcrOcu. Carry on .' Ar. and fav<fti>rdble. Prospering wind,
P. fj,era)(pi(r6aL, P. 8taxipt<v. subs. :V. ovpo?, 6 (also Xen.), P.
Prosecure a war: P. noXcfLov ouptos av|U.os, 6.
8ia<epe/. Practise: P. and V. Prosperity, subs. P. and V.
OUTKCIV, ^TTirtySeuciv. Prosecute 17,
Ar. and P. vri5x^ a ^ ^**
(legally) : P. and Y. SLWKCIV, /uTp- jLtovta, ^,
V. oXjSos, 6 (also Xen.
Xcr0<u, 7T^pxtr^ai (dat.). .Be but rare P.), eueord), ^, cucrota, .

prosecuted : P. and Y. <vyetv. Interest, advantage : P. and Y.

Prosecute for : P. and Y. SKOKCIV TO crvfA<t>pov, TCL a~u/Ji<ppovTa.
(Tira Ttvos), P. 7repxeo-0ai (rtw Tt Prosperous, adj. P. and V.
or Ttvt TH/OS). .Be prosecuted for ; uoQ,i[M(j)v, UtQiKQ.pio$, Ar. and
P. and Y. ^efytw (gen.). Prosecute pa.Kap, oA^tos, V. oupws. Auspicious,
inquiries about : P. rpxr0<u adj. : see auspicious.
wept (gen.). Prosperously, adv. P. and Y.

Prosecution, subs. Management :

KaAois, V. ano>s. Auspiciously :

secution: P. 8ois, . Criminal see auspiciously.
prosecution : Ar. and P. ypa^i/, ^. Prostitute, v. trans.

Met., misuse
Concretely the prosecuting party :
P. cwroxpi}<r0(u (dat.) or use sell,
use P. and Y. 6 8toifi>v. enslave, disgrace. Prostitute one-
Prosecutor, subs. P. and Y. 6 self, be a prostitute : P. Tropvevctv.
Prostitute, subs. Ar. and P. ir6pvrj,
Prose-writer, subs. P. XoyoTrotos, 6.
Prosiness, subs. P. /i/cpoAoyia, ^. Prostitution, subs. P. Tropveto, ^.
Prospect, subs. View : P. and V. Prostrate, v. trans. P. and V. KaTa-
3^i5, 17. Bange of view : P. roi/as, ^aAAeiv. Prostrate oneself: P.
^7. Spectacle : P. and V. fo'a, 17, and Y.'7rpoo~KWu/, Ar. and v. irpocr-
0ed/jia., TO, ctyis, ,
V. 7rpocroi/ri5, ^ J TTWTTCIV (also Xen. but rare P.), Y.
see i;^(;. Expectation : P. Trpocr- 7rpocnrtTVtv. Prostrate oneself
So/c/a, 4, P. and V. eX^rfe, ^. JBw?i before : P. and V. -n-poo-Kuvetv (ace.),
one's prospects : P. Sta^eipcw ra Ar. and V. Trpocnrwrrciv (aoc. or
dat.), V. irpoa-jrtTvciv (ace. or dat.),
Prospective, adj. Use P. and V. Ar. and P. Trpo/cvAiv&torftu (gen. or
/xeAAcov. dat.). Be prostrated (by illness) :
Prosper, v. trans. Sei tn ^e right P. and V. K(ttvtv 3

way : P. and V. optfow, K&ropOovv. prostrated (by grief), etc. : P. and

Help on : P. and V. (rrreuSciv, ern,- V.
Sv. V. intrans, P. and V. Prostrate, adj. V.
prostrate, v- : P. and V.
(or substitute Fall prostrate : P. and V.
euTiJ^cri/, optiovcrOai, KaropOcwv (or KOTOaCLTCT^LV (tUT., Cycl^}
pass.). Prosper (of persons only) prostrate body of his dead father ;

P. and V. ei5 -jra<rxtvs evSai^novctv, P. V. wrriWua /cetucvov TraTpos (JSsch.,

ewrpayetv. Flourish, bloom : P. ^. 1285).
and V. av0eiv, d/c/ui^eiv, 0aX\i/ Prostration, subs. Obeisance : P.
(Plat, but rare P.). Live in pros-
perity : V. evrjuepcw. Fare (of and V. K07T05, 6, V. K^/JLCLTOS, 6.
P. and V.
things) :
Prosy, adj. P. /juucpoAoyo?.
Protect, Y. trans. Gword ; P, and
Prospering, adj. Of wind P. and : Y.
Pro Pro

V. K<t5Aao-o-iv,pL(r0ai, Protectress, subs. P. and V.


Ar. and P. Trjptiv. Defend: P. $. Tutelary protectress : P. and

and V. u//,tfviv (dat.). GJwmpion : V. o-wTcipa, ^. Patroness : V.
P. and V. TrpocrrarcLv (gen.),
(gen.), ^V. forepo-TaTCiv
Trpowrrao-flai ^rotest, v. intrans. Sjpeafc in opposi-
(gen.) see cJiampion.
Protect a tion : P. and V. avrtAeyciv. Declare

place (as a tutelary deity does) : P. emphatically : P. 8ia//,aprupe(r0cu,

and V. Xtv (ace.) (Dem. 274), P. P. and V. papTvpe<rOai ; see assert.
Xayxww ( acc O (Hat.), Ar. and V. Protest against : use P. dyai/aACTeti/
irpoovaTCW (gen.), ImcrKOTrew (ace.),
Shelter: V.
(dat.), a-xtrXid&iv (dat.).
Protest against restoring (him) to his
V. a^TrcLv (acc.).
(rrlyeiv (also Xen.),
P. <rK7rdciv Country : P. paprvpe^at . . .
(Xen.). S0v0: P. and V. KOLToyetv (Thuc. 8, 53).
Protest, Subs. P. dvnXoyta, 17,

Protecting, adj. V. irpoorranqpios, o^erXiaoywfe, 6 (Thuc. 8, 53) ;

aXc^T^pLos, P. and V. o-wr^pios. remonstrance. Under protest : use
Protecting the land, tutelary : Ar. ofy IKW (lit.,
adj., P. and V. dtaov,
and P. -TroXioOxos (Plat.), P. and V. refuses to sur-
unwilling). He
(Plat, also Ar.), V. render him to them in spite of
their protests : P. TroAAa eta-oSo-i
Protection, subs. Guarding : P. OVK cfcStSocn (Thuc. 1, 137).
and V. <j>v\a.Ktj <p t , Protestation, subs. Adjuration : P.
y (Ear., Frag.), V. CTi/juxprupta ; see protest. Make
Safety : P. and V. awrqpta., 17. protestation see protest.
; P.
cr/c^n?, ^ (Plat.). PZoce Prototype, subs. Example : P. and
o/ re/z^re : P. and V. KaTa<t>vyy, 17. V. wapaSeiy/xa, TO.
y /or protection : P. and V. Protract, v. trans. ^P.
and V.
Defence, bulwark : P. , TLVW, KTLVW, P. CMTO-
and Y. Ipfyia, TO, ZiraX&s, 17, V. -Be ro^racfed : P. Rnd V.
picos, TO. Used concretely of a Xpov(eo-0ai,. Protracted : use adj.,
person : V. lpo-/wt, TO, Trupyo?, 6. P. and V.
Protection against : P. and V. Protrude, v. intrans. Project: P.
-TTpO^X^ftO, TO (gen.), V. ZpVfJLCL, TO and V. irpovxew, Ar. and P.
(gen.), pv/xa, TO (gen.), I7ra\fts, Protuberance, subs. Use P. and
(gen.), dXioJ, 17 (gen.), P. V. oy/cos, 6.
97 (gen.). Protuberant, adj. Use P. and V.
this be to me ? V. see prominent.
877 To'8' ;

p,oi yevijowu ; (Eur., Phoen. 983). Proud, adj. P. and V.

Laying aside their spews, the 5, P. wrcp^avos,

protection of their lord : V. V.

(also Plat, but rare r.),
El. 798). Safe-guard : P. s, ferepKowos,, Ar. and "V.

yai)pos. Magnificent, splendid : P,

Protector, subs. P. and V. and V. o-/ivos, Aa/Mrpos, ewrpemys,
6, <poupo's, 6. Champion : P. and "V, Ar. and P. /xcyaXoirpcTnJs. Be proud,
TrpooraT^s, 6 j see cTz-flwwpion V.: P. and V. ^povetr /trya,
Patron: Ar. and V. wpofo/os, 6 ihrcp<j>povLV, V. -jrmr /icyaXa; See
Tutelary protector : P. and V under jw^. J5e prowd

&rwrieo7ros, 6 (Plat.) ; see tutelary P. and V. </povctv fteya

Saviour : P. and V. o-cDrrJp, o. (dat.), ayoXXeo^ac (dat. or !*?,
Protectorate, subs. P. wpocnWa, ^ dat.), &ppiv<rO<u (dat.) (Plat.),
Pro Pro

kiri (dat.), XajU.i against P. and V.


t), P. <iXoTi/*i(r0(u (dat. Qr crrt, (aoe.), uXaer0at (aOG.), V.

dat.), Ar. and V. xX&av (M, dat.), jSeiav irporWeo-Gai (gen.). With a
< i

7ra u;(' (dat.), oyKOvcrOai (dat.), clause instead of a subs. : use P.

eoyKOw0ai (dat.), yavpovo-Qat (dat.).
and V, ^uXao-crco-tfat, /xfy or oiro)9,

Proudly, adv. P, and V. o-e/^voi?, P. fjLrj (with SUb]".), u\a/3cL<r6ai, /xij, or

V. OTTOS, (with subj.). Provide for,

cater for : P. and V. rpo^r

Prove, v. trans. Make trial or proof (dat.) ; see Zoofc a/ifi

of: 'P. and V. TrcLpaarOai (gei measures for : P. and V.


(gen.) (Plat.), Ar. and (gOn.), TTpOVKOTTCW (aCC.), P. 7TpOVOl-

Ar. and V. (gen.), crQai (gen.), V. fJL&eo-Qai (gen.).
(gen.). Test : P. and Providing only for their own
V, eXcyxw ^cXeyxciv, Ar. and P. interests P. TO
l<$ lauroiv /JLOVOV

irpopowfLwoL (Thuc. 1, 17). To

and V. Seucvvvai, elect a board of Elders to provide

for the emergency as occasion should

ptow, Ar. and P. airo^cuWw. Bring require : P.
home : P. and V. eXey viv, eXeyx^*
Pro-ye oneself (a friend, etc.) P. and : a>s av iccupos ^ irpo/3ov-
V. irapi^iv eavrov (ace.). j&6 proved (Thuc. 8, 1). Provided
(a friend, etc.) : P. and V. that : P. and V. wore (infin.), Ar.
0*00,1, (frawecrOai, K<f>aivecr@a.L (rare and P. <' (Src (infin.) ; or use if.
P.), Ar. and P. &va<f>aLVcr9a.L. Be Providence, subs. Forethought : P.
proved to have : P. and V. and V. Trpovoia, ^, P. Trpo/^tfeta, ^,
xo>v. V. intrans. Twrn
V. TrpojLwy^ta, ^. Destiny : P. and
and V. gcpx<r6at., V. TO ^ctov, or use 6 0cos, 6
airo/3aLViv, V. c^/cctv ; see tfwm owi. Provident, adj. P. and V.
Provender, subs. Forage: P. and Ar. and P. ^p
V. x^jOTos, 6 QLen.), P. jSordvyi, y ; Providentially, adv. Use P. and V.

see fodder. Food (generally) : ]P. flo'p 71%, P. 0t'p ^Otpct, V. K

and V. rpo</i7, 17, o-w-os, 6, Ar. /CttT^L
Proverb, subs. P. and V. Pro
ovider, subs. P.
, Xoyos, 6,
V. atvos, 6 ; see scvying. rj<5,

peak in proverbs, v. P. ?ra/>oi/ua- Province, subs. Satrapy : P.


In Koman sense: P.
Proverbial, adj. .Nbwad P. % (late). J^MCl^'OTl : P.
an .
Ipyov, TO, Tcfe,
Proverbially, adv. As the saying P. and V. division:
goes : use P. TO Xeyd/ivov, V. o>s
Provinces, cowntry, as opposed to
Xoyos. Confessedly: P. 6/xoXo- toww ; use P. and V. Xwpa, ^.
Provincial, adj. Coimtrified: P.
Provide, v. trans. Supply : P. and and V. apoupaws (^E3sch.,
V. iroipexeiv (or mid.), 7ropi^tv (or Provision, subs.
Providing: Ar. and
mid.), &c7ropiH/ (or mid.), P. irapaa-Ktvy, 17. Provision of
o-Kfvai&w (or mid.), V. -rropotWv. money ; P. x/w?/wtra>v Trdpos, 6.
Gwfl: P. and V. StSoW. Prepare: .Mafce provision : see provide.
P. and V. TTopaovceua^civ (or mid.), Stock: Ar. and P, irapaa-Kwrj, 17-
Irot/Aa^ctv (or mid.), euTpcmfcti/ (or Provisions (of a law, bond, etc.) :
mid.) ; see prepare. Provide P. TOL ycypa/jt/A&a. ProvisioTis,
besides : P, Trpocnropt^ctv. Provide P. and V. rpo^i/, ^, o-tro?, 6,
Pro Pub
Ar. and P. o-ma, TO*, P. TO, PrOWeSS, Subs. P. and V. apiorei'a,
Money to buy provisions : P. 17 ; see courage. Daring deed : P.
o-iT^pco-iov, TO. Trz% a woman, if and V. ToA/i^/wt, TO, /avStfveuju.a, TO
she will, cm
find muck provision (Plat.), V. ToVa, $ (rare P.).
for a feast V. iroAAa TOI
Prowl, v. intrans. Use P. and Y.
XPQ&v<r ^v evpoi 8am Prowl around : Y.
(Bur., El. 422), (aco ) (Bur., J57&es. 773).
Provision, v. trans. See equip. Proximity, subs. Use P. TO
Provision oneself : P. 7rrm'co-0ai.
Well-provisioned with : use adj., Prudence, subs. P. ande Y.
P. cvTTopos (dat ). ;
TO , <r<o<f>pov,
Provisional, adj, On fixed ~terms TO Ar. and P.
use P. and V. ^. Foresight : P. and V.
moment : use P. and V. 6 17,
P. 7rpo/^0ia, 17, V.
6v ^ *n c

TrapairrtKa, Jr. o Tapa^p^jU-a. Caution: P. and V. euAa/

Provisionally, adv. On fixed terms : Prudent, adj. P. and V.
P. and Y. lirl farois. For the Ijiw^ptov, cv^ouAo?, Ar. and P.
<poVfyu>s. 5g prudent, v. P. and
Proviso, subs. P. and V. Aoyot, oZ. Y. o-ox^po^av. Of things P. and
Clause in an agreement : P. ypdpfM, V. or(u<^po)v, /A<pa)v, Ar. and P.
TO. Agreement : P. and Y. ios. Cautious : P.
o-v/ijSao-is, 17 ; see agreement. With prudent : Y.
this proviso : P. and V. l-n-l TOVTOIS, Prudently, adv. P. and V.
&rl TOL<r. With the proviso that : vojs, Ar. and P. <poi/fyc<o5, V.
Ar. and P. <' <5r (infin.), P. and
Y. <5o-T (infin.). Prudery, subs. P. and Y. TO
Provocation, subs. P. Y. o-/xvoT?7s, (Eur., I. 4. 1344). 97'

6. Webegin the war under Prudish, adj. P. and V. o^i/os.

provocation : P. Prune, v. trans. Ar. and P.
woAe/AOi/- cycipo/Aev (ThuC/ 1, 121).
Nor do we attack without extreme Pruning, subs. P.

provocation : P. ou8 f.Tri<rrpa.r6opAv Pruning-knife, subs. P. and Y.

/cat Sta^>povrcos TI Sperravov, T<$
(Bur., OycZ. 394).
(Thuc. 1, 38). Pruriency, subs. Use P. d/ca0apcna,
Provocative, adj. P.
P. and Y. wyxfe. Provocative of Prurient, adj. Use P.
(calling into play) P. Pry, v. intrans. Be a
(gen.), ^ycpn/co'5 (g Ar. and P. TroAvrrpayjLiovctv. Z/oofc

Provoke, v. trans. P. P. and V. Trepia-KOTrew, Y.

and V. Tropo&W, 6pyi^v (Plat.) PZaT/ i7ie sj3y : P. and

see anger. Call into play : P. and Y. Karao-KOTrciv. Pry into : P. and
Y. Ktvetv, TrapaKoAetv, tyciptiv. Y. epwav see exanwie. ;

Provoking, adj. Tiresome : P. and Prying, adj. Owrbusy : Ar. and

Y. oYAiypos, Aw^pos; see iiresomd, P. TroAuTrpay/wov, P.
Provofeingly, adv. P. and Y. Curious : V. AI'XJ/OS (Bur.,
918) ; see curious. \

Prow, P. and V.
subs. Puberty, subs. P. and Y. fjfa,
.From ft$ prow?: P. Ar. and P.
Halting with turned to face Pubescent, adj. P. and V.
the enemy (o Public, adj. P. and V. KOTO'S, Ar.
id P. S?7/A(xnos, V. <
Pub Puf

Open : P. and V. KOWOS. Paid by Public speaker, subs. P. and V.

the public : P. S^/x-orcX^ Publi( . 6..

acts, subs. : P. TO. TTCTTC Public speaking, subs. P.

Public decree : V. 8?7/x,o7rpaKTo P. The art of public speaking
: 77*.

Public exile : V.
77. /fyTOplK?}, y.
s, 77.
Public hangman Public spirit, subs. P. TO
use Ar. and P. 6 ST^/UOS see see patriotism. ;

executioner. Public life: Ar. and Public-spirited, adj. Ar. and P.

P. TToXiTeio, 77. During the time oj V. (Bur.,
my public life : P. Ka.ff 085 en-o

^^.....(Dem.248). Enter Publish, v. trans. Announce : P.

public life: P. ?rpo5 TO,
KOWO. and V. avt,Triv &vaK7jpvcro-iv, Ar.

pxo-0ai (Dem. 312). P^Wic and P. avayopeveiv. Divulge : P.

use adj., P. TroXm/co's. Politician : and V. eK<l>cpeiv. Be published,
P. and V. pTfrcop, 6. Be a public man exposed in a public place (as legal
y, Ar. and P. TroXtTcvco-^at, $rjp,o- notices, etc?) : P. eWwr&u. Publish
o-LVtv. .From &ewi# inglorious ana (a book) : P. e/c^)petv, e/cSiSdvat,
obscure they have become men of Publish not to many yowr present
repute and public characters : P *
plight : V. /XT) o-Trctpc 7roXXot5 TOI/
. . .
dvcovij/xcov KOL vapovra. Sai/xova (Soph., Frag.).
d8oa>v vSooi Kal yvwpt/xot (Dem. Pucker, subs. Ar.and P. pvrfe, 77'.

106). Pw&Kc upheaval : V. 8^ Pucker, v. trans. Pucker one's

0pav5 5vapY/a> 77. 2%0 public P. brows : Ar. .* and P. TOL$ 6<f>pv$
and V. 6 877/105, TO KOIVOV, OL iroXXot
2%0 public good : P. and V. TO Puckered, adj. P. and V. jtaros.
KOIVO'V. Jfor ifee #w&Mc 0ood : P. Puddle, subs. Use Ar. and P.
and V. is TO KOIVOV. At the public TfiX/Att, TO.

expense : P. d?rd KOIVOV,

Puerile, adj. P. and V. -n-atSfoo's, V.
In public : P. TO KOIVOV, Ar. and
7rai8vo5, Ar. and V. vi7?nos.
P. 65 TO /A6CTOV, V. 5 p.C(TOV. I*" 1"* Puerility, subs. P. and V. TratSca,

public, v. see publish.

: P. -nxuSei'a, 77 ; see folly.
Publican, subs. Tax-gatherer : Ar. Puff, v. trans. P. and V. <t>vo-av.
and P. TXo)V77s, 6. Inn-keeper : P. Met., exaggerate : P. Xoyo> oTpetv.
7rav8oKU5, 6, Ar. and P. K&r^Xo?, V. intrans. P. and V. ^vVav, V.
6. <t>vo-iav. Puff out one's cheeks : P.
Publication, subs. Proclamation : Tct5 yva^ov5 facrav (Dem. 442).
P. dvappi7o-45, 77. Betrayal : P. Pw/ ow^ ^owr right cheek : V.
/jLiJvua'cs, 77.
5ooA? : see book. ^ucra rrjv yvdtiov rrjv Se^taV (Ar.,
Public-house, subs. See inn. Thesm. 221). Pw/ wp, met. P. :

Publicity, subs. Notoriety : P. and V. Yawow (Plat.), Ar. and V.

irpi<f>a.via, 77. Fame : P. and V. <5y/cow, V. e/cvawouv,
l^oy/coSv. 56
Sofa, 77*; see fame. Bring mto puffed up : Ir. and V. <povu> A*ya>
publicity : P. and V. cfe fieo-ov Ar. and V. 6y/cowr0<u (also
<epiv, P. Trpos <^o>5 ayctv, 65 TO Ar. oyicvXXco-Sac, V. xvciv
<t>avcpov ayctv. Light : P. and V. Ifoy/coua^at ; see &e proud, under
^W5, TO. proud. I was puffed up with folly :
Publicly, adv. P. V. I&qvfjua0i)v (e^aveuouv) ucopta
o/ P. (Eur., 4nd.. 938). .

publicly what he would >uff, subs. P. and V.

5a^/ : V. Set 8" aurov Xeyctv 'uffed-up, adj. See
(Soph., PM. 580). Puffy, adj. P. <

Pug Pun

Pugilist, subs. P. and V. ummel, v. trans.

Pugilistic, adj.P. 7n ump, v. intrans. P. dvrXctv.
Pugnacious, adj. P.
Pugnaciously, adv. P. Pump, subs. Use ^oell.
Pugnacity, subs. P. <iXoi/i/ao, -jj. Pumpkin, subs. Ar. 17.

Puissance, subs. See power. Pun, subs. Ar. and P. TO.

Puissant, adj. See powerful. Punch, v. trans. Ma)
Pule, v. intrans. Ar. and P andV.TTp<ui/w(ace.). Pommel:
(Soph., Frag.). P. and Y. arvvrpipciv (Bur.,
Pull, v. trans. P. and V. see hit.
s<j>\Ktv, eartcrwav, Ar. and V <nrav. Punctilious, adj. P. and Y. <

Absol., give a pull : Ar. Ceremonious : P. and Y.

(Pax. 458). Bow: Ar. and P. Punctiliously, adv. P. and V.
l\avvcw, Y. epr<retv. P^M cLKptfiois. Ceremoniously: P. and
P. and V. a-n-ocnrav, d<eA.fCiv. Y.
back : P. and Y. &/ocnrav, Ar. and Punctiliousness, subs. P. .

V, dvTionrav. Pull down : P. and 17 Geremoniousness : P. and V.

V. K<i0A.iciv, fcaTacTTrav. ZWswawtZe : TO crefjvov.
P. and Y. vacnrav, jcalatpciv, P. Punctual, adj. Gowwng at the right
PwZZ /row trader : P. moment : P. and V. Kcupios. Exact,
and V. Ar. and P. &eX
TuTrocTTrav, accurate : P. and Y. d/cply&fc.
an opposite direction . P. Punctuality, subs. Use P. and V.
Ar. and Y. avrwrrrav. TO Katpiov. Exactness : P. <

Pull Off: P. and Y. aarovirav,

a<eA.*iv. Sirip ojf: see strip. Punctually, adv. -4J
Putt out : P. and Y. (Plat. P. and Y ts Kaipov,
#&*? .

but rare P.), Ar. and Y. Puncture, v. trans. P. and V.

Pull to: P.ranrav. Pull together. TerpcuWv.
When might cwd right pull together, Puncture, subs. Ar. and P.
what pair more potent than this ? TO.
V. oVou yap to^us cru^vyovtri, KOL Pungent, adj. Ar. and P.
/capTpa>Tpa ; see sharp.
Punlness, subs. P. /juKporgs, .

P. 2v&jcctv. Uproot : Ar. and P. Punish, v. trans. Pimish (persons) :

egopva-crew, P. CKTTpeftvif v see ;P. and Y. KoA,ac<,y, ^/xtow, Ti/Awpet-

wjprootf. o-^at (rare in act.), neripx*<rOa.i, Ar.
Pull, subs. Use effort. and V. T)fvo-^at, V. tt&pxwBai,
Pullet, subs. Use P. and V. Spvts, 6 TToivao-dai; see iafee vengeance on,
or 17. under vengeance. Punish (things) :

Pulley, subs. Ar. and P. P. and V. /co\a^tv, Tl/icopcti/, V.

17 ;
see windlass.
Pulsate, v. intrans. P. or^v^ctv, P. see iafce vengeance for, under
and V. rc^Sav, Y. opx<r0cu,. Shake : vengeance. Chasten : P. and
P. and Y. o~etWdcu, o-oAeuei V/i .
j /-
Pulsation, subs. P. ^8170-1?, Y. (Plat). Pwwi5fe iesides : P. wpoo-
r6. Rhythmic motion : Y- &]p,iovv (aoc.). Pww'sTi j^r^ : P.

7rpoTtft<opco-^at (ace.) . Be punished:
Pulse, subs. Use P. and Y. P. and Y. 8fio;v 8&8ov<u see pay the ;

. Pease : Ar. and penalty, under penalty.

01, P. ^crTrpta, ra. Punishable, adj. P.
Pumice-stone, subs. Ar. / Punishable with : see i

Pun Pur

Punisher, subs. P. and V. / 00*105, cvayTJs (rare P.), aioJpaTOS

6, liriTlfLrjTqs, 6 (Plat.), V. (rare P.), ayi/os (rare P.), aiccpatos,
6 or 17 (Eur., Hec. 790) ; see also V. aKpaK^vifc, &OLKTOS. >Be pure
avenger. (undefiled), v. : P. and V. ayvevew,
Punishment, subs. P. KoXaorw, ^, P. Ar. and P. KaOZpeuew. From pure
and V. Ti/Acopux, fj, rt(7ts, ^ (Plat.), motives : use adv., P. /ca0apws.
flfua, 77. Chastening P. and V. : Absolute, sheer : P. aicpaTos,
vov&errja-uSj vovQlnqp.^ TO. Penalty:
fj, ca^ptvi}?. <M0r0 : P. i/rtX
P. and V. frfua, t, Tfofc, 77 (Plat.), out admixture : P. a/uicTo, .

iirirf/jitov, TO, or pi., V. umviy, 17, Or Unmixed (of wine) : P, and V.

pi. (rare P.), &rou/a, ra (rare P.), oxpdTos, Ar. and V. rf^wpos.
dvTtTTon/a, Ta; see penalty. She Purely, adv. P. /catfapois. Merely :

vows to inflict death as a punishment P. and V. o8v a\\o TrX^i/ (gen.)

for my being brought hither : V. Absolutely : P. and V. Tr
CTTCu^crai e/tijs dywyfjs dvrmo-O~0ai Train-cos, P. oXcu?, Ar. and P. d
<oW (.aEsch., 40. 1262). Purgation, subs. See purging.
Punt, subs. Use ioai. P.
Purgative, adj. V, /ea0apo-ios,
Puny, adj. P. and V. /uiepos, ayuKpo's,
do-0vi7s see sraaZ/.
Purge, v. trans. P. and V.
Pupil, subs. Ar. and P. /za^i/T^?, 6, eKKaQatpeiv, V. a.yvi^iv, vlew, Ar.
P ^OLTrjrfc, 6, P. and V. ircu'Scu/ML, and P. 8ia.Ka.Oa.ipeiv. See also loipe
TO (Plat ). .50 a pupil of, v. Ar. away. In medical sense : P.

and P. <j>oira.v (aoo.). Wish to

become a pupil, v. : Ar. fjiaOrfTiSv. Purging, subs. Purifying : P. and
Pupil of the eye, subs. P. and V. V. K$$apfJL6$, 6, \$<TL$, 17, P. KaQ

KG/)*;, 17, V. 7X171/17, 17. fj.

In medical sense P. :

Pupilage, subs. Guardianship : P.

7rirp07reta, 17.
J30 tn a Sfofo O/ Purification, subs. P. and V.
pupilage, v. : P. emTpoTrcuca-OcLt.. K(i@apfj,6<;, 6, XiJcrt?, ^, P.
Puppet, subs P. Koprj, TJ. Clay 97; see Plat., Orai. 405A and B.
figures : P. -n^Xtvot, ot. Met., FersetZ -in
purification V. airo/wiy-
slave : P. and V. SoiJXos, 6. PZay- /larcov tSpt? (Soph., Frag.). Water
thing : Ar. and P. Trotyno^, TO. for purification : P. and V.
Puppy, subs. Ar. and P. xvvtSiov, TO, 17,
or pi.
P. Kvvdpiov, TO, o~Ki;Xa/ctov, TO, P. Purifier, subs. P. and V. /cafl ,

and V. o-KuXa^, 6 or 77*. Purify, v. trans. P. and V.

Purblind, Be, v. P. &iL Cleanse from guilt : P. and V.
Purchasable, adj. P. and V. KaOatpeiv, CKKadaipeiv, V. dyvtjiv,
see venal. oo-tov^, Ar. and P. 8ta:a&upiv.
Purchase, v. trans. P. and V. Purify with lustral water : V.
<5vetT0ai (aor. 7rpi(L<rOa.i), Ar. and vi'&iv. Purify oneself: P. /ca&u-
V. /MroA.av, Ar. and P. dtyopafeiv. peo-tfat fyocruovvOai (mid.).
Purchase one's safety : use P. and Be purified: P. and V. ofyi/cvW,
V. o-wfeo-ftw. V. dyw'fco-ftw. TTe 7*0^6 towgr ieeTi
Purchase, subs. P. and V. wvij, 77. purified of this (sin) : V. TraAcu . . .

Something bought : P. and V. e//,- Taw" afaepw/jitOa, (2Bsch., Ewm>.

TroH >) (Xen and Eur., Cycl. 254), 451).
V. c/iTr^/xa, TO (Eur., C#<;Z. 137). Purifying, adj. P. Ka6apTu<6<s, V.
Pure, adj Clear : P. and V. KaOa-
po?, Xa/A?rpos ;
see cZear. Undefiled Purity, subs. P. KaOaporqs, 77, dyi/c/a,
(morally) : P. and V. ", V. ayveu/ia, TO.
Pur Pur

Purling, adj. Use V. d5poos. infin., P. and V. ft

Purloin, v. trans. P. and V. ,
Ar. and P. Siavoe60*dai, em-
if7reaipH/, Ar. and P. JBe afeowi io : P. and Y.
Y vTrotrn-Sy ; see steal. (infin.).
Purple, adj P. and V. ,
P. Purposeless, adj. Random Y. :

dXoupyo's (Plat.), vs (Xen.), ct/catos (Eur., Frag.). Vain:

and V. juaTcuos, /cei/os, av^vvros; see
Purple, subs. Purple dye: P. and
Y. irop^Tjpa, ^, P. oorpctoi/, TO. Purposely, adv. See on purpose,
Purple cloak : Ar. ^oiw/cts, 17 (also under purpose.
Xen.). Purple cloth : V. Trop^upa, Purse, subs. Ar. and P. ,

^. Strewn with purple cloth9 adj. :

V. -Trop^tJpoo-rpwTos. Purple robe ; Purse up, v. trans. Ar. trv

Ar. aAoupyis, 17. see knit.
Purport, subs. Meaning : P. and V. Pursuance, subs. In pursuance of :

P. and Y. *aT& (aeo.).

17 ;
see meaning. Such was the Pursue, v. trans. P. and Y.
purport of Nicias' letter : P. f) P. 7n8uK/, KaraSioijccii',
Nuftov liricrro\irj Tocravra SiwKcw see also follow.
; Join in
(Thuo. 7, 16). pursuing : P. (rwBcdijceuf (absol.).
Purport, v. trans. See mean. Drwe in pursuit : P. and V,
Purpose, subs P. and V. veLVj Y. cXaarpctv, Tpox^A^tTccv. jR^W
y, dfuo/xa, TO, jSovXcu/wi, TO, er: P. ^raB^iv (aoc.). Jffww^ :
17, ejrivoia, f) f
At. and P. . and Y. Q-qpw (or mid.) (Xen.
Y. <t>p6v7]cri$, ^. Defo&eratfe choice also Ar.), dtypcvciv, dypevciv (Xen.),
of action P. Trpoaipecrt?, ^.
.* Make /cwT/yererv (Xen. also Ar.), V. l/cicw^-
it one's purpose to : P. TrpoatpcTcr^at yTtv see also follow.
; Seek
(infin.). .Keep to ^owr present eagerly : P and Y. ft/peucu/, V.
purpose : Y. o*<i>^ TOV irapovra. vovv ^pav (or mid.)see seek. Pursue

(^Bsch., P. F. 392). For this very (virtue, etc.) : P. and Y. SWOKCIV

purpose P. and
: V. er avro rovro, (Eur., low, 440) see practise. Be ;

P. i? avTO TOVTO, OVTOV TOVTOV Ive/ca. engaged m

: P. and V. dcr/ccu/
-4. 5o^Z wdwfo /or ^e purpose : P. 7riT??Sevtt' (ace.), Ar. and P ra-
Sperravoi/ CTTI TOVTO elpyaa-Ocv (Plat., O-KCLV (aco.). Pwrswe (a?^ occupation);
Bep. 353A). For wA^i purpose ? Ar. and P. ju,eraxeipi(r0ai. P-wrswe
P. TOV li/Ka; P. and V. 7rtTo>; see (a course o/ action) : and Y. P.
why. On purpose, deliberately : fjwepxeo-Oai (ace. ). : Pursue a track
P. and Y. CK wpovotas (Bur., H. jP. P. t^vos p.rep%<r6<u. By pursy/ing
598), P. CK Trapaa-KevTJs, Ar. and P. the argument in this way you
tofrTySfS, ^7rir^Be^ j See alsoiw^W- might even fancy that physical
^'o?wZZy. FoZzm^anZy : P. and Y. strength is wisdom : P. TOUTW' TO>
KOl?O"tO)S) V- CKOVOTtfltS. Don& OH
purpose, voluntary (of things) P. : v ctvat o-o^tav (Plat., Pro^. 350D).
and Y. e/cow'ios. To good purpose : Pursue (with vengeance) : P. and
P. and V. ts xatpov, V. wpos /catpov. Y. /Aerpx<r0<u (aoo ). Pwrswe (an
To purpose : see
?w) i?ain, under m
advantage): P. tire&pxccrQai. (dat.)
vawz. Without purpose, at random : (Thuc 4, 14).
P. and V. t^. Vainly : P. and Pursuer, subs. P. and V, 6 $io>/co>i'.
V. fjuirrfv, Y. /wtTawus. JWb^ without Pursuit, subs. P. Seofts, ^, Y.
purpose: Y. OVK fi 8uy/ia, TO (also Plat, but rare P.),
Purpose, v. trans, or absol. With :, 6, /4ra8po/j/)7, 17 (also Xen..).
Pur Put

P. and V. &Jpa, ^ (Plat.),

: P. and V. cnrovSiJ,

#ypa, TI (Plat.) ;
see hunt. They 17. Effrontery : P. and V.
harassed me ever with imresting TO, a^otSeta, ^, vfipts, ^.
pursuit : V. Spo/j-ois Pushful, adj. Zealous : P. and V.
JlX&rrpow fet (Bur., I. Z7 971).
. cnrouSatos, wpo^u/*os. Energetic :

Eager pursuit, met. : P. and V. P. and V. o|i;s, Spacmjptos, evrovos,

Orjpa, y. Practice : P. 00x170-15, <n/w>vos. Shamekss : P. and V.
eirmjSevcns, 2%e pttrs^ O <9p<ferus, ^vatSiJs, P.
virtue P. dpenjs eTTt/xcXcta, ^ (Plat.).
Forward : V. 7rpoXeGn(
Study, occupation : P. eirm?SeufUL, Pushfulness, subs. See j

TO, /xcXeny/jui, rrf, Ar. and P. SiaTpl/3iq, Pusillanimity, subs.

fj. In pursuit of: P. and V. eiri? Shrinking : P. and V. OKVOS, 6.

Pusillanimous, adj. See cowardly.

Pursuivant, subs. Use herald, Shrinking : P. oicv^po's.
escort. Pusillanimously, adv. See tn a
Purvey, v. trans. SeeseZZ. Provide: cowardly way, under cowardly.
P. and V. iropi&iv see provide. Pustule, subs. Ar. and P.

Purveyor, subs. Seller : P.

6. Provider : P. iropwmfc, .
Put, v. trans. P. and V. riO
Push, v. trans. P. and V. <&0etv. Setup: P. and V. t&QL&iv. Appoint:
Pushing (me) into the mud : P. P. and V. KaOurrdvcu, rdo-crew,
pafavres is TOV fiopftopov (Dem. TrpocrrdcrcrcLv. Be put : P. and V.
1259). Jostle : Ar. 6<rrc<r0<u Kur0(u. P^ (a question) : P. and
(dat.). .H/wrr ora : P. and V. V. vporiO&ai. Put wound : P.
and V. TTcpipc&Xeiv, Ar. and P.
P. and V. AlTrapetv (Plat.); see ircplrWevai, V. &p.<fi.p<&Xew, Ar. and
press. AbsoL, force one's way : P. V. d/*$m$i/ai. Pw^ as^Ze : see
Pid&o-Qai. Wishing to push their jpwtf ojf, away. Put aside a gar-
present success to the uttermost : P. ment Ar. KararWecrOaL. Met., ^?wi

/3ov\.Q[j<vo(, TJJ srapoucTfl nfyy 015 aswfo a feeling : P. and V. a^Zeyai,

fju0icvat, 9 V. 7raplva6. Pwtf away: Ar.
He who pushes to extremes his and P. oLTrortBtcrOai. Set aside as
success in war: P. 6 lv noXtpju reserve : P. ^wpt? rfflwQai, Ar. and
vrvxuf. irA.Ova<ov (Thuc. 1, 120). P. &ror$T0<u. Divorce : P.
Push oneself into: Ar. and P. eKTrfairetv, lAc/5oAAav. P^i aw;ay (iw
kr8vcr6ai ek (ace.). Push away : ea^%) Ar. aTror^co-^at (JS/g. 1219).

P. and V. fartoOew, V. Si<oQct<rQat, Met., dismiss a feeling : P. and V.

^a7ro)^ctv. Push back
P. and V. :
a^Zevat, /ie0ta>at, V. irapUvat. Put
awOciv, 8u&6LcrOaj. i see repulse. before: P. and V. Trpori&W; see
Push forward, (as leader, etc.) : P. toy 6e/bm Pirf 6y : see JMA* aside.
wpoTcur<rtv. Offer: P. and V. Pt^t 6y owe : P. and V. -n-apaT^co-flat
TrporciWv; see thrust forward; v. (Eur , OyoZ. 390). Put down, lit. :
intrans. : P. and V. brcfyecrOai ; P. and V. KbrariBtvau ffiur.,
see advance, hurry. Push on, v. 547). -4 payment on deposit : Ar.
intrans. use hwrry, advance. Push
: and P. Put down to any-
off, v. trans. see push away.
: In one's account: P. and V. Sva^cpetv
nautical sense P. and V. fciraipew \
(TA w rtva); see *mjmie. I
see put out. Push over : P. and voluntarily gave the sums spent
and did not put them down (to the
Push, subs. P. <o0r/M>s, 6. Violence : states account): P. Tavrf^^a
P. and V. fKa, 17. Met., energy, ical OVK eAoyifo/wyv (Dem.
Put Put

264). Put an end to : P. and V. cts roAAa

KaOcLtpeiv, iraveiv, \-6ew, Ar. and P. (Dem. 259). P^ out to sea : see
jcaraTraiW, *caraA.lkiv. Help to put put out. Evade: P. ejc/cpo-ueiv,
down : P. o-vy/caraXikiv (aco.) >taicpoi;<r0<u see evade. ;They put
Subdue and V. Karacrrpe'^or&xi,
: P. you off by saying he is not making
/carepyafeo-flat. Put forth, ger- war on the city: P. dva/JaXXovo-tv
minate : P. and V. <&/ ; see yield. upas Acyoirc? a>s c/ccri/ds
ov TroXf^cT
Exert: P. and V. xpijo-dai (dat.); see TOT TToXci I put.
(Dem. 114).
sfooz0. P%
sea: see ^wtf
out to them off, speaking them fair in
out. Put forward as spokesman : word: V, eya> Sc 8ta<jfpo) Xoyoecrt
P. irpoTacrcrew. Put forward for /;0vWa (Eur., H. JP 76). Put 1

election: P. Trpo/SoXW (Dem. 276). on : and V. ^riTiflcVoi, TrpooriL-

Introduce: P. and V. nyeij/, ^i/ai. Pwi cm (clothes, etc.) : P.
cwrdcycn/, r</0iv, irpo<r<f>piv 9 ?rpo- and V. ci/Stfeiv, TrcptftaXXew, Ar. and
rWcvat,. Put forward as an excuse: P. dn*<tii'iWi, V. &/ji<t>ifiaX)(.<.v,
P. and V. TTpopaXXew (mid. also Ar. and V. dju<^m^^at,
P.), irpovx*<rQai, irpoLcrrao-Oai (Eur., Feign: Ar. and P.
CtycZ. 319), V. wpoT<:rav. Put in : irpo<T7roier0ai. P^ OW, adj. I P.
P. and V. urn0eV(H, cvntferai, TTpoarTrourjTos. Sham : P. and V.
irAacrTos (Xen.), V. TTOI^TOS.
(evidence) : P. typaXXw. Put in owi, cas^ owi, P. and V.
the witness box : P. ai/a/fy@ae/ Stretch out : P. and V.
(nva). V. intrans. In nautical '.
Extinguish: P. andV.
sense P. and V. jcaTayeo-tfai, P.
: uc. 2, 77), fcoo-yScn/uvat,
OX*"' (2nd aor. of X*w), JcaTcupciv, see quench. ;
7rpo<r/?aXW. P^ w a : P. <rx^ out (the eyes) : V. c/crpi^etv (Eur.,
(dat. or Trpds, ace.) (2nd aor, of OtycJ. 475) ; see ftfond. Pw* owi (ai
X tv
) -Trpoo-jSaAAeiv (dat. Or Trpds, interest or ow contract): P. KStSdvai.
ace. or cis, ace.), vaw Karayetv o/ tte wa^ : P. and V.
acc.), irpovicrxtw (dat.), Trpocr- &<f>aviiv, P.
, JiczroSwv,

(dat.), /caro/petv (ets, acc.), Annoy : P. and V.


(cts, acc), P. and V. pexeiv (dat.), Ar. and P.

(2nd aor. Trpocre^etv) (dat. Trpayjtara 7rapex tv (dat.), evox^etv
or 1? acc., V. also acc., alone), (acc. or dat.), V. oxA-cIv. Disconcert :
Kardyeo-Oat, (els, acc., V. acc. alone), P. and V. Tapacr<riv,
V. KeAAeti' (??, acc., Trpos, acc., eirt, Pwi owi <o sea : P. and V.
acc., or acc. alone) ; see touch at. av<tye<r6ai, cfavdEyccr^at, P.
Whoso puts in at this land : V. avaywyijv iroLeicr&cu, avaarheiv,
os iv KttTcX% T^I/S y7ji/ (Eur., L T.
39). t P^mgr at Malea : V. P. (absol.), dvravciyetv
MoA.6^, irpocrfoxw wpwpav (Eur., OT*. (absol.). advance : P.
362). Put in mind: see
Put m
practice : P. and V. P, VTregavdycarQai. Put out with
(dat.). Put off (clothes): P.andV. others: P. <rwavay<rtfat (absol.). Pw#
e/cSiJco-^ai, Ar. and P. STroSfJco-ftw. o0gr, 5ei iw command : P. and V.
Pos^owe P. and V. &/a/3o\W0ai
: tyurrdvat, (TIVOL rtvt). Pw< rotmd ;
(Eur., 4Zc. 526), cfe avfe see put around. Put to : see shut.
TWe<r6a.i. If a man sins against Though hard put to it, he got round
you in any way you put off till tmobserved : P. X<*XOT<>S re /cat /zdXis

another time yowr anger against TrepuXObv lXa^ (Thuc. 4, 36). Ptt*
him ; K&V oripvv rts ets v/*as ifafidprQ to sea : see put out. Put together :

Put Qua
P. and V. erwn0/au Put wider : Charlatan : P. and V. 70175, 6,
P. and V. &rooXXiv (ri TWL) , 6, ayvprrjs, 6. Fem., Y.
Put up (to auction) : P. ia, ^, Ar. ^cVaf, 6, Ar. and P.
cwroK^pijcrcrcu/. Put up person to
(a ,
6. Be a quack, v. : Ar.
speak): P. Ivta/ai (cvt^t) (Thuc. and P. aXaovV<r6ai. Quack
6, 29). Put forward : P. irpo- doctor : Ar. icw-pore^^s, 6.
TCLOTTCIV. Put a person up to a Quack, adj. Use spurious.
thing : use
encourage, suggest. Quack, v. intrans. Use P. and Y.
Put up (for the night) : Ar. and P.
KoroXiW. Put up at (a house, Quackery, subs. P. yoijrcwi, 17, Ar.
etc.) : P. KaTaXww (efe, aoo.) ; see and P. aXo^oFcia, ,

lodge. Put up with: P. and V. rL

Quadrangular, adj. P.
o-0ai ; see endure.
Acquiesce in : P.
Quadruped, subs. Ar. and P. rerpA-
and Y. o-rcpyeiv (ace. or dat.), P. 7TO-UV, TO.

dya^rav (ace. or dat.), Y. au/eiv (aco.). Quadruple, adj. P. TCTpcwrXao-ios.

P^^,t upon: see _pwi ow. Met., op- Quaestor, subs. P. Ta/xtas, 6 (late).
press : P. and V. aSifcciv, KOKOW. Be quaestor, v. P. Ta^eveu/ (late). :

Putrefaction, Stlbs. P. <rrj7re$<av, V]. Quaestorian, adj. P.

Dankness, mould: P. and V. efyxos, 6. (late).
Putrefy, v. intrans. P. and Y. Quaestorship, subs. P.
OTTTTco-^at, Ar. and P. Ko.ratrfiir<yBai (late).

see decay. QuaflF, v. trans. Dr^ww (a cup) : P.

Putrefying, adj. Ar. and P. o-cwrpo's. and V. eWveiv (Plat., S^/mp. 214A
Putrescent, adj. See putrid. and Soph., Frag.), Ar. po^eTv. Quaff
Putrid, adj. Ar. and P. o-cwrpo's. a dnrik : P. and V.
Putridity, subs. P. o-aTrpo'-nys, fj. (Dem.), Ar. and Y.
Puzzle, V. trans. P. cfe oaropCav Y. O-TTCLV, aVOOTTOLV,
KaGurrdvai. Confuse : P. and Y. see
rapaa-(rLv, ^KirX-tyo-crco/. Lead astray: Quagmire, subs. P. IXos, TO', Ar.
P. and V. TrXavav. Be puzzled : P. and P. TeX/Aa, TO. Keeping his foot
and Y. aTropew, a/A^avctv (rare P.). clear of the fatal quagmire : Y.
Puzzle, subs. Difficulty : P. and V. Ifo) Kopltfav 6\eOpiov Tr^XoO TrdSa
&ro/ota, 17. Bewilderment : P. and (^Bsoh., C7L06 697).
V. aTropta, ^, -TrXain/, 17. Quail, subs. Ar. and P. 6. op,
Puzzling, adj. P. and V. dkropos, Quail, v. intrans. Cower: P. and
a/ji77xavos (rare P.). Y. jcaTcwrnJo-o-etv, Ar. and Y.
Pygmjr, adj. Use small Tmjo-o-civ (Plat, also but rare P.),
Pyramid, subs. P. Trupa/u?, ^ (PlatA Y. -TTToJo-o-cH/ see cower. ;

Pyre, subs. P. and V. 7n5pa, 17, V. before : P. and V. vTr

(aco.), V. Tmjo-o-eiv (ace.).
Python, subs. See serpent. P. and Y. ^o/kwrflat, opptoSctv, SeSoi-
Pythoness, subs. Pythian priestess: icei/at of oVSciv)
(perf. see /ear. ;

see priestess. Hesitate P. and V. OKVCIV.


Quaint, adj. P. and Y. &TOTTOS (Eur.,

Brag.) ; see also strange.
Quaintly, adv. P. ATOWW.
Qua, adv. Iw 50 /or forth as : P, Quaintness, subs. Ar. and P.
1? (Plat.). T?'

Quack, subs. Use P. and V. Quake, v. intrans. P. and V.

TO, 000'yyos, 6, V. , Y. Tpco-at (aor, of
Qua Qua
also Plat, but rare P.). Quake (of infin.), V. atScwr&u (infin.),
the earth) : see under earthquake. (infin.) ; see scruple.
Palpitate : V. 6pxci<rOai ;
see Quandary, subs. P. and V. airopta,
palpitate. *
Quaking, subs. P. and V. TPO/AOS, Quantity, subs. Number : P. and
6 (Plat.). the ewth : P. and
Of V. Spi0/zos, 6, s, TO.
V. o-cto-ftds, 6 ; see earthquake. P. and V. TO'.

Quaking, adj. Ar. and V. Tpo/xcpo's. P. and V. /jierpov, TO

Qualification, subs. Capacity : P. o/: use adj., P. and V. Ar.
and V. Su>a/us, rj. Have qualifica- and P.
tion for : P. ev<f>vys clvai Trpos (ace.). Quarrel, subs. P. and V. Ipts,
Through lack of the qualifications
necessary for competing : P. Kara and V. vet/cos, TO' (also Plat. ; Soph.,
TTJV OVK lov<rCav riys dojwo-cojs Thuc. 243A, but rare P.).
5, 50). Something added to limit Quarrel, v. intrans. P. and V.
a statement : P. Trapa<0ey/jia, TO.
Will you not cease adding qualifi- tv, Ar. and P.
cations ? P. ov Trava-i 7rapa<0y- ^tv, P. Sitlcrracr^at ; 866 rfw-
yoVevos; (Plat., Euthyd. 296A). QwarreZ t0ft : P. and V.
Qualified, adj. Competent : P. and (dat. or wpos, ace.),
V. fKavos. Trained : P. ycyu/Avacr- (dat. or Trpos, ace.),
/^eVos; see skilled. Qualified by (dat. or rrpos, ace.), St
nature : P. and V. cv^vrjs (Bur., acc.) (Plat, but rare P.), P.
Frag.). Qualified for : P. efyfaijs cp ccr&u (dat. or Trpo's, acc.), Ar.
Trpos (ace.). Qualified to : (with and P. crracruiZciv (dat. or Trpds, acc.) ;
infin.), P. and V. faro's (infin.), see be at enmity with, under enmity.
dio'xpa>s (infin.) (Eur., Or. 597). Quarrelsome, adj. P.
Qualify, v. trans. Give licence : P.
and V. e^bvo-tav StSdVai (dat.). Ma&e v. : P.
suitable : use P. cVmySeiov Ka0i- Quarrelsomeness, subs. P.
Be qualified to: P. and 77.

V. i*av6s ctvac (infin.) see qualified. Quarry, subs.

; Pre^, P. and
Modify : see modify. V. ypa, ^ (Plat, but rare P.),
Quality, subs. Value, worth: P. ^ypcufta, TO (Xen.), ^i}pa, r; (Xen.),
and V. A#a, 17. Inherent property V. OypoLfjLa, TO. Stone quarry ; P.
(as colour, weight, etc.) P. wa :
cpyatmjptoi/, TO, Xttforo/uai, <u.
ro (Plat.), TO (Plat.); see Quarry, v. trans. P. and V. r^v^iv.
JSawfc ; P. and V, Quart, subs. Express by: Ar. and
TO j see nwifc. P. /coTuA^, ). (Dry or liquid
of quality : P. Ai^p 6. measure) equals about one-hali
Disposition : P. Sictfcra, 17, Iis, pint. (Dry measure): also use
O/ zwfeai gAaM^2/ interrogative, P.
.' Ar. and P. x<>^> *?> equals about
and V. Trotos ; indirect, P. and V. two pints.
Characteristic : P. and V. Quarter, subs. Fourth part : use P.
StOV, TO. and V. reraprov /tcpos. Region : P.
Qualm, subs. Feel a qualm of sick- and V. x^P a ^ TdVos, 6, or pi.

ness, v. : Ar. and P. vavnw. Qualm Hand, direction: P. and "V. x/>>
of conscience : P. and V. hMpu r).
JVcfm w^ai quarter: interro-
TO ; see scruple. Hesitation : P. gative, P. and V. irAQw, indirect,
and V. owos, 6. Have qualms oTroflcv. From another quarter:
about : P. and V. &wlv (infin.), P. and V. SXXoQw. From all
Qua Que

quarters : P. and V. TrdvroQcv, Ar. Svcuro-a, 17, jSacriXcta, ^ (Eur.,

and P. TravraxoQw* From no 1055). lw 7i^oca^o%5 (jfo godd ses,

quarter : P. ovSa/xoflcv. etc.) : From some Ar. and V. Tron/ia, ^,

quarter or other : P. and V. ?ro0ei/ 17 (rare P.), avacro-a, ^ (rare P.).

(enclitic). All is well in that Queen-bee, subs. Use P

quarter: V. (Aristotle).
(Eur., Or. 1277). Quarter of a Queenly, adj. Dignified : P. and V.
town: P. (Thuc, 2, 15), ?. Eoyal : P. and V.
Pwdon : P. and V. tfeos, dp^t/cos, jSacrifXeto?, rupav-
V. o-vyyvota, ^. CKufi , V.
o-vyyvd>/JM7, 17,

quarter : P. and V <ei8<r0<u (also Queer, adj.

. P. and V. OTOTTOS (Eur.,
with gen. of object). Owe no Frag.) see strange.

quarter (m battle) P. Queerly, adv. P. dro?.

Queerness, subs. Ar, and P.
Quarter, v. trans. Billet: P.
iv (Xen.), V. wa- Quell, v. trans. P. and
(Eur., Bhes.) ; see V. icaTa<rrp
50 quartered: P. o-fa/veu/, Check: P. and V. see
V. Kareuvacrflai (perf. pass, of
/careworn/), (Ear., Bhes. 611). Quench, v. trans. Extinguish: P.
Quarters, subs. Lodgmg : P. and and V. <r/3o>viWi (Thuc. 2, 77),
V. icaToAvo-ts, 77. Cfawz^e <?/

gwarters: P. /wrrotfoyo-is, 17. .Men's use also V.

quart&rs (in a house) : P. and V. 296). 2%0 Athenians

dvSpiov, 6 (Xen.), P. avS/xovt-m, ^. on their side devised preventives so

Women's quarters : P. ywatfcwv, 6 as to quench the fire : P. ot
(Xen.), Ar. and P. ywatKtovms, ^.
up one's quarters at: P. ., 7, 53).
(ct?, aoo.), /ca Met., P. and V. a-rrocr/Sevi/iWi,
(Iv, dat.) (Thuc. 2, 17) ; see KaTaorjSemf vat, crftewfivai (Plat .

Bivouac; P. and V. P^i ctoww : P. and V. Karcx^tfj

(Xen.), P. Ka.Qcu.pclv, iravew. Glut, satisfy:
used once
a-^at (act. P. and Y. /jwrrXav<u, liri/jnrXdtvat J

in V.). .4$ ctoe quarters : P. and see Quench one's thirst : P.

V. ojLtocrc, P. o-ucrraSov. Head- and V. 7r/'. .Prow desire ^o
quarters : see headquwrt&rs. The quench their thirst : P. TOV Trtetv
hmd quarters (of an awmaT) : Ar. britivpfy (Thuc. 7, 84). Strangers,
and P. KcoXiJ, ^ (Xen.). could you point out a river stream
Quarter-staff, subs. Use staff. whereat we might quench our
Quash, v. trans. P. and V. thvrst ? V. evoi ^pduraw' &v va/xa
AtW. .Zfofe otti of court Ar. and .

P. &aypa<v. #02 # 5Mi quashed: (Eur., 96)-

P. 8taypa'<3> (r0(u St^iyv (ci, Ar., .Nttfc. p.
774). v (Thuc. 2, 49).
Quaver, v. intrans. P. and V. Quenchless, adj. Insatiable : P.
and V. &rX77<rros.
P. Ceaseless :
Quaver, subs. P. and V. owrawros.
Quay, subs. P. x^a, r6, Quenchlessness, subs. Insatia-
Queen, subs. P. and V. bility : P. and V. d^Xi/cma, ^.
(Plat.), Se^oVr?, ^ (Plat.), V. Querulous, adj. P. and V.
^, Ar. and V. SeWoiva, Swrdtpcoros, Ar. and V.
Que Qui

iroXtyicoTos. Be querulous, v. : Ar. Cross examine : P. and V.

and P. oW/coXaiWiv. e\ey;(tti>. Suspect . P.
Querulously, adv. P. oW/coXus. an V. STTOTTTCUCIV. Distrust
: P.
Querulousness, subs. P. and V. and V. &rrriv (ace. of thing ; dat
Svcr^epeiOy f], Ar. and
P. Su07eoA/a, r). of person). V. intrans. Be per-
Query, subs. See question. plexed : P. and V. chropclv, a/jwy-
Quest, SUbs. P. and V. Jtfnrjons, Xavetv (rare P.).
fcTqrrjfJia, TO, V. epeuva, 77. (?0 iw Questionable, adj. Doubtful: P.
0MfiS of: P. and V. fj.erpxe<rQai V. <x/A<^i-

(aco.), ^rctv (ace.), cpeuvav (aoc.), P. and V.

P. eiriZyrfW (ace.), V. p.fra.trrei^u' ^817X05, Svo-icptTos. JwcOTZ-
(aoo.), fLcurreuctv (aco.),
Ar. and V. clusive : P. a/cpu-os. ^twipecietZ : P.
/xarevctv (ace.), pcApcccv (ace.) ; see and V. ftroTTTos. ^?b* to &e trusted :
seek. Pwrsue, run after: P. and P. and V. &rrros. Unfair : P.
V. BrjpeucLv, V. 0i7pav (or mid.). and V. 81*05; see also unwise.
Question, subs. Something asked : Questionably, adv. Doubtfully : P.
P. c/>tor>7<ri$, TO, 7repa>- V. afJL<fiiXeKTu><$. Not
clewrly : P. do-a#>Q)s, Ar. and V.
stion : P. and V. 6. Suovcptrcos. Iw a suspicious way :
Subject wider discussion: r. and P. vjrdVrws. Unfairly : P. and V.
V. Xoyos, 6. 27&a wowW aSt/cco?; see unwisely.

gwte another question : P. aXXos Quibble, v. intrans. P. and V.

|y Xoyos (Dem. 986, cf. 24=0). , P. and V.

P. cwrayea/ diro Quibble, subs. P. irapayoyij, 77, Ar.

(Dem. 416). and P. o-oc^ier/xa, TO.
in question : P. TO TrpoK Quick, adj. P. and V.
Point at issue : P. and V. ay<ov, 6. Ar. and V. 0oo's, V.

It is not a question of gallantry but OTTp-

Of Salvation : P. ou irepl dvSpaya^a? XfOS, /cpatTzros, Xati/^pds. Active,
6 ayaiv . . .
-rrept 8c oreoTTyptas (Thuc. nimble : P. and V. eXa^po's (Xen.),
5, 101). l is ?iow; wo question of Ar. and V. Kov<f>os. Hurried,
words but of your life : V. Xoy<wi/ quickly done: P. and V.
yip ov vvv coTtv dya>v aJ\Aa o^s Energetic : P. and V.
^/rv^s Wpt (Soph., El. 1491). o^rouSatos, C?I/TOVOS, awrovos.
Difficulty: P. and V. &ropt'a, 77. in intellect: Ar. and P. ofe, P.
S^ws^pWow : P, and V. izrovota, 4> and V. Splits (Plat, and Bur.,
frn-oi/aa, ^. m
(7aZ2 question, sus- GycL). Quick-tempered: P. and
pect, v. : P. and V. vn-oirreveiv } see V. o^Jff, Ar. and P. d/cp^oXos, Ar.
also mstfrwstf. Do^6i : P. d/^tor- and V. 6fu^i5/xos, V. &
/3iqrr)<n<s, ^. -Be called in question, P. and V. v,
be doubted, v. : P. d^to-^Teto-^ai. to the quick : V. gvpcl-yap
case : P. and V. 5y<ov, 6, & xpo> TOVTO (Soph., -4^. 786).
V. Kpifj.0, TO'. Put the Quick, interj. Use imperative of
question, v. : Ar. and P. breptaTav. verbs to hasten
Put the question to the vote: P. Quicken, v. trans. Hurry : P. and

Question, v. trans. P. and V. P. /careTretyetv (intrans. in

IptcrOai (2nd aor.), 4i/pa>rav, Ar.). Ur^re on; P. and V. e7roTpt5i/tv,
(2nd aor.), Ar. and P. c^oTpwciv, V. oVptJvctv. Bring to
V. TTOp6V, aVlCTTOplV, life : P. avaptuo-KeorOai. Refresh :

(2nd aor.) see P. and V.

Qui Qu!

Quickly, adj. P. and V. T&xy, & rax t

Quietly, adv. P. and V.
US, oTrouS^, Ar. and P. (rare P.), Ar. and V.
6f 0)5, V. T&
. Ar. and P. dTp&fc, ^pc/ia (Plat.).
Tobias, flows ; see socm Silently : P. and V. o-Zyy, crtowrg,
Ar. and V. o-fya.
quickly as possible : P. and V. o>s Noiselessly : P.
Ar. and V. u> V. S^op^cos. Without
P. and V. trouble :

Quickness, subs. P. and V. Quietness, subs. P.

TO, P. TCLXU'T^S, 17, V. wields, see Quill, subs. .EM o/ a feather : P.
speed. Quickness of hand : P. 6. Quill feathers : Ar,
ei>Xpeia, ^. Quickness of intellect : rd. Feather P. and V. -

P. ovT77S, TO. Pew : P. ypa<f>i$ .

^, SpLpvrqs, y,

s m
learning : P. Quill-driver, subs. Ar. and P.
Quickness of temper V. $, 6.

Taxos <j>pcv&v TO. Quilt, subs.

Coverlet: Ar. and P.
Quicksilver, subs. P. ftpyvpos a, V.
o (Aristotle). TO, ^apos, TO,

Quick-tempered, adj. See under Quilt, v. trans. Sto/i Ar. and P. :

qmck. pdnrmv. JFoZd ; P. and V. -n-Xeicctv.

Quick-witted, adj. See quick. Quilted, folded : use P. and V.
Quiescence, subs Ar. and P. irXcieTos (Xen.).
see quiet.
; Quinquennial, adj. P. Tron-aer?^, Ar.
Quiescent, adj. See quiet ircvTfinjs, ^1 quinquennial festival :
Quiet, subs. Peace, tranquility : Ar.
and P. ^onjxia, Oalm : P. and Quinsy, subs.
. P.
V 70X7^17, ff, cuoYa, %. Peacefulness (Aristotle).
of disposition : V. TO yorvxaLov, Ar. Quintessence, subs. Best part: P.
and P. f)<rv)(ia, 17, aTrpay/iooru/iy, fj. and V. &/0os, TO, d*/^, 17.
Silence : P. and V. o-Zy^, ^, Quip, subs. Ar. and P. o-Koi/x/Aa, TO'.
^- Quire, subs. See choir.
Quit, v. trans. P. and V.
Quiet, adj. CWm
: P. and V.
^cruxatos, P. ^o^xtos, V. yaA/qvos,
P. v, <ifji*Cftew (Plat, but rare

r)<s, drpejULiJ?. O/ disposition :

P.), P V. CKXc/Jwraveiv,
Ar. and P. u*oAo<?. JVee /row Leave vacant : P. and
car^: P. and V. aTrpdy^v (JSur., V. wow, Iprjfwvv. Get qwt, get
Frag.), V. I/^Xos. S^Zeni; V. off: P. and V. &roXX<<ro-i,/, V.
o-to)7rXo9. Noiseless : V. cfa^raXXcLo-orco-^at (rare P.) 5e qwt
cu/rd^TyTos. jB^ qui&t^ v. :
of : P. and V. aTroXX^a-owtfai (gen.) ;
P. and V. ^crux^et^, V see rw2. QM^ oneself, (behave one-
5e 5iZ07j^ : P. and V. o-I self) : P. and V. 7rapi)(iv eavrov
<r07rav; see A;eep siZe?ice, under (with adj in ace.), ytyvcvOai (with
silence. adj.).
Quiet, v. trans. Soothe: P. and V. Quite, adv. P. and V. -jravTO)?,
(Plat.), Ar. and V. TcXa)5, -JrdvTi), Ar. and P.
V. jJuxXOdcrveiv ; see aTxv<Ss, P. icaTa Trai/ra, 5Xcos.
soothe. Check, stop : P. and V. so (in answer to a question) : Ar.
n-avctv, KO.TXW. Put to sleep : lit. /^oXto-Ta TT<VTU>V see assuredly.

and met., P. and V. KQL^IV Qwte the reverse: P. irw Towav-

(Plat.), V. KotfjLav. Silence: P. T4OV.
(Xen.). Quits, adj. Be quits, v. : use P.
Qui Rac
IK TOV LVOV yiyveo-Oai. Cry quits :
% 8 5 S (Ar.,
7p. 795). Qwoifc
use P. /c TOV Icrov oVorao-flai she : P. ^ S TJ. Quoth Ctessipus :

(separate on equal terms). P. 3' os o KnycrtTnros (Plat.) ;

Quittance, subs Quittance (from also say.
any obligation) : P. a<eo-i9, fj,

aTraAAayiJ, y (Dem. 893) Gener-

ally, relief, deliverance : P. and V.
aTroAAaytyj 17 Gwe one quittance
of any obligation: P. a^ta/at (ace. Rabble, subs. P. and V. oxAos, 6,
of person gen. of thing), dTraA-
; TrA-iJtfos, TO, P. o-up^ero's, 6 (Plat.).
Aao~o-tt' (acc. of person ; gen. of The rabble, the cc-mmon people : P.
thing). and V. TO wA^tfos, ol TroAAot".
Quiver, subs Case to hold arrows : Rabid, adj. Mad: P. and V. ^awoi-
P. and V. <ap 'Tpa, j (Plat.). 8779, Ar. and P. //.avt/cds ; see mad.
Shaking : P. and V. rpopos, 6. Violent : P. o-<o8p<>9.
Convulsion : P. and V. <nrao-/Aos, 6, Rabidly, adv. P. ILOVIK&S. Violently:
P. ar<f>a8ao'/Ji6s, 6, V. o^rapay/wd?, 6. P. and Y. o-<d$pa.
Quiver, v. intrans. Tremble : P. Race, subs. Family : P. and V.
ycvos, TO, Ar. and V. yewa, ^, ycvca,
Palpitate: P. and V. ^Sav, P. ^ (Eur., i/'ra^. ; also Plat, but rare
P.), Y. yov7, ;>, o-rrcp/ia, TO, pt^a, ^,
and V. o-<a8aiv (Xen.), oUrrratpav pltpfui, TO, oTropa, 17. Tribe : P.
(rare P.), V. uirao-Tratpctv. and Y. e^vos, TO, ^SAov, TO. Gods of
Quivering, adj. Ar. and V. i/ie race : P. and Y. 0o! 6/idyvtot
Qui yive,
subs. On the <

(Plat/, V. foot yo/c^Atot, ycveVat

excited : P. /xeTeo>po9, dp0os ; see ^0i. ^ews, #0$ o/ i/ie race ; P.
excited. Be on the qui vive, on and Y. Zei9 o/^dyi/tos (Plat.). Of
one's guard, v. : P. <J>V\CLKVJV I^ctv, the same race, adj. P. and Y. :

6//,d<i}Ao9. The human race : use

Quixotic, adj. Be quixotic, over- P. and Y. ol av&pwiroi, Ar. and Y.
honest, V. P. ttv8paya6Yecr0ai.
ySpoTot, ot, OvrjToL, ol. Runnwg :
Quixotism, subs. Use Ar. and P. P. and Y. 8pd/Aos, o, V. SpdfuqfM.,
avSpayaOia, 17. TO. GoTiifis^ : P. and Y. fyov, 6,

Quoit, subs. V. SICPKOS, 6 (Eur, </xiJ\Au, T/, V. aycovta, -^, 5^Ao5, 6.

Frag.}. Throwing the quoit, subs. Race, v. trans. Contend ivith : see

Y. Sib-jc^/xa, TO (Soph., Frag.). Be under contend. Outstrip : see

flung as a quoit, v. : V. 8io-K uo~0ai V. intrans. Cowfeftd ;

(Eur., Ion, 1268). P. and V. aycoi'i^eo-tfai, a/uAAao-0ai,
Quota, subs. Share : P. and Y.
//.epos, TO. Pay one's quota, con- JSuw : P. and V. rp^iv see ;

tribute: P. io-<jbepw. Contingent .Efos^ : P. and V.

(of troops) : P. and V. Tots, ^. (rare P.), faptvQai] see hasten.
Quotation, subs. Passage in a book : Race-course, subs. Ar. and P.
P. Adyos, 6. Passage in a play : orcKior, Ar. and Y. 8/avAo9 o. }

Ar. and P. pJJcns, 17. Race-course for chariots : P.

Quote, v. trans. bring for- Cite,
ward : P. and Y. P. Race horse,
Traptt^cpcti/, subs. Ar. and P.
wpo<piv, or use mention. Quote
as authority : P. 7rapaTi'0cr&u. Racer, subs. P. and V. 8po/i.i;s, 6,

Quoth, v. intrans. Quoth I: P. Syo)vtcrT^9, 6, P. oraSioSpo/AOS, 6.

^i/ 8* eyo>. Quoth he : Ar. and P. -Race horse : Ar. and P. K&ys, 6.
Rac Rai

Racing, subs. Running : P. and V. Raft, subs. P. o-xcSta, 77.

opoVos, o. Horse-rating : Ar. and Rafter, subs. Ar. orpomjp, 6.

P. ITTTroSpOfttO, 17.
Beam: Ar. and P. SOKO'S, 77".

Rack, v. trans. Torture : Ar. and Rafters, ceiling P. Ar. and

P* orrpe/3Aow; see torture. Exa- opo^iy, ^ see roo/. ;

mine by rack : Ar. and P. paa-avL&Lv. Rag, subs. Ar. and V. pctaos, TO, V.
Rack one's brains use ponder. .
rpvvos, TO, Ar. P&KLOV, TO. Rags (of
Rack, subs Ar. and P. rpoxos, o. cloSiing) Ar. and V. pa/c^, ra, :

Examination by rack : Ar. and P. Tp^x>7, ra, A.aicf8cs, at, V. XaKtor/jiaTa,

pda-avos, T). Being stretched on the Ta, Ar. p&aa, Ta. Ragged state:
rook : P. K<xTaTtt/oju,ei/os UTTO rijs V. 77, SvaxXaivta, 77.
j8a<ravov(Dem. 1172). Be ow the in rags, v. : Ar. pvTrav. Clothed m
rack) met. Ar. and P. Trapa-
rags : V. SucrctftaTos. Torw to ragf5 :

Tivo-0ai; see be distressed, under V. KOtTppa/cw/xei/os.

s, v. Rage, subs. Anger : P. and V.
Racket, subs. Noise, shoutmg : P. opyrj, 77, ^ij/xos, 6, Ar. and V. x<>H
and V. 06>i5/3os, 6, 017, 77,
P. 0poi)s, 77. KOTOS, 6, fte^os, TO, V. OvfLtojJLcira,

6, V. *c\a8os, 6 see noise. ; Ta, MVK, j, x^os, 6. Madness:

Rackety, adj. Noisy : P. eopvfiwfys. P. and V. /wtWa, Xvo-o-X, 77 (Plat.

ffay : Ar. and P. rcavwcos. but rare P.), oTorpos, 6 (Plat, but
Racy, adj. Witty: Ar. and P. rare P.), V. Avo-o^aYa, rd; see
Xapkis. -fie
rac^ o/ : Ar. oeiv
Rage, v. intrans. Be angry: P.
Radiance, subs. Brightness: P. and V. 6py%crda.i, QvpovcrOai (Plat,
Aa/jwrpoT77s, 17. Zrt0fa : P. and V. also Ar.), V. opyatvciv, x^-" a'^ (U
<$, see light. Met., cheerful-
to'; [wjvtew. Be mad : P. and V.
ness P. and V. u%ita, 77 (Xen.). A.uo-0-av (Plat.), oto-rpai/ (Plat.),
Radiant, adj. Bright: P. and V. 8o.KYVLV (Plat.), V. BcLKYOiVj tGOp-
Aa/X7rpo's, V. <ai8po'*, cfoyrjs (Plat. yaiVeu/ (2Esch., Frag.) ; see 6e mad,
also but rare P.), <aecr0opos, under mad. The mortality raged
TJs, o-eA.oxr<opos
see bright.;
unchecked : P. 6 <06pos eyt'yi/To
looks : P. and V. <oiSpos, V. ovSci/i KoV/Aw (Thuc. 2, 52).
A.a/wrpo's, <ai8pa>7ros, Ar. and V. Ragged, adj. V. Tpiiv^po's, Ar. and
efrrpoo-coTros (also Y. Sinrn-ivTjs. Clothed in rags : V,
adv. P. and V. Aa/rpa>s, 8vo-6/aYos, KaTppaKO)jLievos. Ragged
P. <ai8pa)s (Xen.). Cheerfully : clothes : P. t/xarta payevra (Xen.).
P. and V. (Xen.). Of rowing, wo^ et?ew P. a,o*uycpo^
courts .*

Radiate, v. intrans. Distribute : T77TOS.

P. and V. 8ta8i8dVai, Sia^cpeiv. Raging, adj. See/rewzied. Raging
in a circle : P. and V. fire V. Trvp Xa/Bpov.

crrptfaorQat, P. Trepi^e- Raid, subs. P. and Y. clcrfto\y, 77,

%/i^ : see shine. P. KaTa8po/A77, 77 ; see attack,
Radical, adj. Complete, fundamental:
P. and V. 7pavreA.T}s. Radicals (in Raid, v. trans. P. and V. etc,
poktics) : Use P. ot vcwrcpt^ovrcs. cis (ace.) ; see attack, plunder.

Radically, adv. Utterly: P. and Rail, subs. .Ztor rosmd a chariot or

V. TravrcAxos see utterly.; From waggon : P. and V. OVTV& 77 (Plat.,
top to bottom : P. and V. KOLT fopas. Theaet. 207A, but rare P.). Parti-
Radish, subs. Ar. pa<avfc, ^. tion law court : Ar. and P. Sprf- m
Radius, subs. Circuit: P. and V. <^aicroi, ot (Xen.) ; see/eiKje.
KV/C\OS, 6, -Trepi/SoXos, 6 ; see circuit. Rail, v. intrans. Be abuswe : P.
Rai Rai

i/, P. and
V. vppiZw ; see raising her face from the ground :

abuse. Bail at : see abuse. Bail V. KtLTai . . . ovr' O/A/A* 7raipov(r' ovr*
off : P. cwroAa/X)3ai/v, yfjs irpoVtoTroi/ (Bur.,
.Ferae round : P. 27). Boise (in height) : P.
Railing, subs. P. and V. and Y. cupciv, Ar. and P,
P. Amopi7o-is, ij, Ar. XoiSop-gcr/AGS, 6 ; Erect, build : Ar. and P.
see aZwse, rail, fence. "P '/* "V

Railing, adj. P. ^cAoXoc'Sopos, V. a temple, statue etc. t : P. and V.

AoiSopos (Eur., CfycZ.) see abusive. ;
tSptW (or mid.), V. KoLOtSp-dco-Oai]
Raiment, subs; P. and Y. &$%, see sei wj?. Baise (&e) a tomi> ;
^ V. \wrov Tvpflov (Eur., I. T. 702).
&r0?7/AaTa, ra, KocrfMS, 6, ovceuty 17,

<rro\j, J (Plat.), V. el/io TO, (a trophy) : P. and Y.

6, oTroAicrjua, TO, (or mid.). Found : P. and
ra, Ar. and V. Tr&rAos, 6, V. *Ti?iv. jEteoZtf : P. and V,
TO. aiptv, av^avetv, avetv, fLcyaAttaiv,
Rain, subs. Ar. and P. wros, 6, Ar. and V. oyKOW, irvpyovv, V,
tiSup, TO. Shower P. and . V Baise io honour: Y.
6>$>os, 6 (Plat., .Rep. 359D). Stor e (Tiva) aviyciv. J?icrease : P.
of ram : P. and V. en-opflpla, ^ and V. av<3iviv, ailf^etv. Siir up :
(Dem. 1274, Mack., Frag., and P. and Y. K!VCV, cyeipcti^, V. dc/peiv,
P. x^P-w vorcpo's, 6 (Thuo. sedition : V.
3, 21). Drizzle : P. and Y. i/ra a ory : V.
17 (Xen. also Ar.). The rain that toravai,Kpavyty rWevai,
had fallen im< the wight : P. TO ,ox use sfowf, v. Bais
tf$0>p TO yeVO/tVOV Tljs VUKTOS (T .: P. and V. 5
2, 5). There having been (Soph., Frag.), Ar. and P.
extraordinary fall of rain- : P. V. avicrrcfvat,
$>a/ros IgaurCov yevo/xevov (Plat., TFaiZs i/ia raise
Criiias, 112A). V. i/rij^cfycoyoi yoot.
Rain, v. intrans. li rwins : Ar. and to raise i^e deaa : V. xoa '
P. vi (Xen.) ; see also dnzzle. Sycoyoi. Baise difficulties : P.
Baiin down, v. trans. met., Ar. :
a.p^ur^ffriiv (absol.). Baise
and P. KO.T&XW ; see shower. a suppliant attitude) : P. and Y.
Rain-bow, subs. P. Ipw, j (Plat., SVIOTOWU, e^aviorravat, V.
Sep. 616s). Baise (hopes) : P. andY.
Rainy, adj. Of rain Ar. and Y. : ^TToretvetv. Boise (wo?wy) : P. and
Bringing ram : Ar. V. o-uAXeyeiv. Ba^se sixteen minae
owd ii)A& rain ; V
. on a thing P. Aa^eiv 4/c/couSc/ca

-4 ra*7M/ and windy /Ava? e?r (dat.). Boise a gwarreZ .*

wight : P. vv xeiju-cpios
758aTt Ka V. O-T&TIV laraipccr^ai. Raise (a
dW m (Thuc. 3, 22). Wet: P question) : P. and Y.
' '

vorcpos. wapcfcyeiv, ur<t>pw ;

Raise, v. trans. Lift: P. and Y forward. Baise (se$d) : Y. <

alpetv, e^otpecv, ^v^yetv, see propagate. Boise (a siege) ':

avXtv, op^oui/ (rare P.),

V. use Ar. and P. SioX^eiy. Boise"
^tv, KaropGow, opOeueiv (Eur., Or spirits of: P. and V. &pQ.<r3veiv
405), &vfa(n><l>iciv, Ar. and V (aco.) ;
see encowrage. Baise
(rare P.). Ma (troops) : P. and Y.
wp: P. and V.
6p6ovv (rare P.). Wfce?& Sera raised! against you the
neither lifting her eyes nor Tuscan race of pirates : V.
Rai Ran

"Hpa erot
yevos Tvpo^viKOv o/ a ram P. l/xj8oX^, .
ij. Ship's
(Eur., Gyd. 11). Raise ram: P. //,/foXos, 6.
(the voice, etc.) : P. en-alpcw, Ar. Ram, v trans. Stejf, j7>*e5s : P.
and P. evTiW<r0<u. (Plat.).
Bam m P. cV
P. and V. op0oi/, alpeiv. (absol). Strike with a ram (of a
Raised, adj. Elevated Ar. and P. ship) : P. /iaAActv (dat.).
/Tu>pos, Ar. and V. /-cerapcnos, V. Ramble, v intrans. Wander about :

P. and V, -TrcptTroXelv see wander. ;

RaiSin, Subs. P. Acrra^fe, 17". Ramble, subs. WaZfc ; P.

. .

subs. Production P. 6. Journey P. and V. 0805, ij;

Raising, :

yVo-is, 77. T/&6 raising of crops : see also wandering.

P. 77 yeveo-is TOV KO.PTTOV (Plat., .R^p. Rambling, adj. Wide, spread out :
use P. and V. cvpfe. Distraught :
Rake, subs. V. , 17 (Eur., see
2. 33). use P. and V. Ramblingly, adv. Disconnectedly :

F. and V. t/d}.

Rake, v. trans. Met., strife Ramification, subs. None of the

missiles : P. and V. any further because
rest protested
Bake up, collect together : P. they were afraid when they saw
the ramifications of the plot : P.
Rakish, adj. P. tftpumim. Gay avreXcyev ouSets !TI TWV dXAo>i/ ScStcbs
Ar. and P vedi/ucos. Kttl OptOV TToXv TO CTUVCOT^KOS (TllUC.

Rakishly, adv. P. 8, 66).

6ra% Ar. and P. vc
Ramming, subs. Striking with a
Rally, v. trans. .Banter : P. and V. ram P. and V. ^0X77,

TTot^ziv Trpos (ace.), P. TrpooTrotfeM' Rampant, adj. Wmton : P. v^ptcr-

(dat.) ; see moc&. Collect : P. and Tt/coe, V.
KpW&v, v/3pi<rTiqs (used
V. orvXXeyetv, dflpoifeiv, criWyciv. adjectivally). Excessive : P. -uTrep-
Eecallfrom flight: P. di/aoTp6<e/ /*,Tpos. J5fi rampant, prevail, v. :

(Xen.), Met., ra%

(ewe's powers) : P. and V. KpartLv ; see prevail.
P. and V.,orAA.'yeiv (aco.). Restore Rampantly, adv. P. *ca0'
to vigour : P. (Eur., V.
^ hunter your son see excessively.
rallies them for ;

the fight : V. dXXa wy TraXti/ /cwayos Rampart, subs. Mound : P. and V.

a>crt Trat? cros efa^pot?rat (Eur., Xw/xa, TO, P, xfc ^- Battlement :
P^oew. 1168). V. mtrans. Bally P. and V. IpiJ/tta, TO', l7raXfts, 97,
(of troops) P. <rvcrTp<f><rQai> Turn
Tetxos, TO see battlement, defence. ;

at bevy : P. irpfe dXic^v Tpre(r^at, Rancid, ad]. Ar. and P. o-cwrpos.

V. Is dX/op/ IX^eiv. Recover oneself: Rancorous, adj. P. and V. cpos,
P. dvaXa/jtjSavetv lavrov, (or Omit V. 8voxpa>v, KOKO^PWV. Spiteful :
cavrov), V. cruXXoyov /a;YW5 XajSetv P. and V. <f>6ovpog, 7rL<f>6ovo^ ; see
(Eur., JET. F. 626). malicious, malignant.
Ral lying-point, subs. Use P. and Rancorously, adv. P. and V.
V. a<^op^, 17,
P. opfMjTijpiov, TO. Spitefulty : P. <0ovepco$,
2%0y ^'^ w^ fcwo^; w?/t6re to find a

rallying-point : P. OVK Rancour, subs. P.and V.


n-pos ort xp^ x^P? (Thuc. 7, 011

77. Spte : P. and V. <j>06vos, 6 ;

Ram, subs. Ar. and P. /cplo?, 6. see malice.

JMe a ram, adv. Ar. ;
Random, adj. V. t/cau>s (Soph.,
Battering-ram, : P. and V. Frag.)-, see also chance. Scattered:
T7, P. fUfJXoivYJIJLQL, TO, KptOS, 6. P. and V. o-7rop&, ?J. Empty, vain :

Ran Ran

P. and V. KCVOS, //.dtraios. At riO- va.1 ;

see also reckon. V. intrans.
random : P. and V. t/dj, P. Rank with, be classed with : P.
Off hand P. and V. <avXo>s,
: and V T\W ets (aoc.).
Con- Rank, subs. Condition, station : P.
fusedly ': P. and V
^vpfyv (Xen.). and V. rafts, ?J, afta>/i, TO.
Range, subs. Bow, line : P. and V. rawfc ; P. and V. dftw^a, TO, Sofa,
o-rotxos, o, Ta#s, 17 ; see row. 97, u&>$a, 97. Nobility, high birth :
D^stance covered : P. and V. ftoty, P. and V. ycvvaioT^s, 7), TO -yewatoi/,
P. <opa, 17. TAfiithin range of evyeveta, 17 (Plat.). _Z/me O/
stones and darts : P. fiexpi X/^ov KCU soZ^^fir5 P. and V. Ta^ts, 17, Ar.

dfcovTiou 0X175 (Thuc. 6, 65). Since and V. (rr^S, ai, P. irapaTafis, ^-

the boy ran within range of the T/i6 /rowi rcmk : P. 17 TrpaiT^ T< ts.
javelin : wo ryv rov
P. TOV wmSos jBa *?i ^0 front rank, v. Met., P. :

aKOvrlov woSpa/jtbWos (An-

<t>opa.v 7rpa)Tvetv. jRa-nfc a?wZ j?Ze (as
tipho. 121). He ^s within range opposed to officers) use Ar. and

of hearmg : V. cn^jU-erpos yap a>s P. ot cTTpaTiomu. WJien he failed

KXuW (Soph., 0. J$. 84). To wtAm to convince either the g&Jierah or
range of hearing : P. cfe Iw^/coov the rank and file P. <os OVK
(Xen ). Biding up to within OVTC TOVS o-rpa/nyyovs OTJTC

range of hearing : P <rpaTta)Tas (Thuc. 4, 4).

e oo-ou 2//,eXXev aicovcrccr&u Rank, ad]. Ill-smelling : P. and V.
(Thuc. 7, 73). Bange of vision : Ar. and V. /cdt/cocr/xo?

Frag.). Isu&wriant: P.
shoottnrj) : use P. and V. eVro? and V. oicfrOovos, V. rippi;TOS.
Absolute, unadulterated P.
shooting) : use P. and V.
To^v/*aT05. Scope ; P. Rankle, v. intrans. Fester : P.
>7. Bange of mountains : use P. eXKo<r0ai (Xen.), V. IX/catveti/.

and V. dpo?, TO. Met., cw$0 annoyance : P. and

Range, v. trans. Draw up and
: P. V. XiJTrctv, Sa/cj'ctv, Ar. and V.
V. Ttto-o-av, ornTao-o-ctv, Ar. and P.
TrapaTOO-oreiv. ;fe^^ 5W?6 Ow 5^^ZZ Rankly, adv. 0/ensvuefy : P.
w?e range ourselves ? P. n 0.178(05. Luxuriantly : P. and V.
7rapaTao/i0a ; (Dem. 198). d^ovos (Bur., Frag.).
opposite : P. and V. Rankness, subs. Bankness of smell :
(TIV< TIVI). Boom over, V. Svo-ocr/ua, ^, P. and V. ^OT/JLT}, ^.
P. and Y. -n-cptTroXctv (aoc.), Offensiveness : P. jSaptmys, 17.

eTrurrptyco-Oat, (ace.), TJ Abundance : P. &<f>Qovia, y. Fruit-

(acc.), V. -n-oXcLv (ace.), : P. 7roXv<opta, ^ (Xen.).
(ace.) ; see traverse, tread. Bange Rankling, adj. P. and V.
over (a subject) P. and V. Ransack, v. trans. Search : P. and
&pXo-0<u (acc.). Absol., extend: V. Plunder P. and V.
P. and V. rfcWtv. "FT^wder : P. 866
and V. weptTToXetv, <f>pcr6<u, V.
fpQlTCLVf 0"TpC<p0"6'ClC, Or TpCt)<p<XO"0'Ctt, Ransom, subs. P.
cTrioTpe^eo-flai ;
see wander. Where- Payment for recovering a thing
fore must I lei V. icoju,to~rpa, T<. Ransoming : P
everywhere : V. XuVts, ^ (Dem. 107). .EbZd io

wavra^i} SiOicrr&v (Bur., Phoen. ransom, v. V. . cbroLvao-Ocu (Bur.,

265). B^e5. 177).
Rank, v. trans. OZass : P. and V. Ransom, v- trans. <?ei released:
P. Xv<r0<u. Release for a ra/n-som : P. and V.
Rapine, subs.
P. Xurpow, cwroXveo-flat, OTroXwpow. "D /) /
TTOpftyo-is, 1.
Save : P. and V. o-oi&iv ; see save. subs p. and V.
Rapture, ;
Rant, v. intrans. J?oasi : P. and V.
repots, V.
Xfyciv, peya, ewrciv, P. /leyaXau- but rare P.),
fjieya, y, ^ (also Plat,
9 Ar.. and P. .
P. and V.
see boost Talk like a demagogue :
, , Possession
Ar. and P. Srjfi'ri'yopcLv. a god): P.
Rant, subs. Boasting: P .

y see boastfulness. Demagogue's Rapturous, adj.

P. and
talk : P. Svjfirjyopia, TJ, V. orpo<cu V. TTs. Zealous, enthusiastic

P. and V. Tr
Inspired : P.
Ranter, subs. Boaster : Ar. and P. and V.
6 or V. (Bur.,
i/, 17,
Rapturously, adj. Enthusiastically:
Phoen. 600). Demagogue, adj.: P. and V. OTTOV&;,
P. 6, Siyftayoryds, 6. .Be Rare, adj.
5i7/x,i?yopos, Infrequent; P. and V.
a raster (ow &e v. P. cnr<W
sfaw/e), :
(Bur., J^ra^.), V.
Opposed to ^fi?wfl: P.
Ranting adj. Demagogic: Ar. Choice:?, and V. ,
/cos, see c/io*ce. Singular, preeminent :
Rap, v. trans. See P. and V. eforpcTnJs, StawpcTn?, V.
Rap, subs. BZow? ; P. and V. ^0X05.
Not a rap (not at all) : adv.
Rarely, Infrequently: P.
use Ar. and P.

Seldom: P. and V.
Rapacious, adj. Ar. and P. a .

(Xen.) . Grasping : P. * Rarity, subs. Lack: P. and V.

Insatiable: P. and V. ,
Opposed to density :
Rapacious of money : P. and V. P. .

XpoicepSiJs; see greedy. Rascal, subs. Ar. and P. , 6,

Rapaciously Lv.
Graspingly : P. P. and V. ,

(Soph.,also Ar.) Ar. and V. .

(Soph., Frag.), Ar.
Rapacity, subs. Greed : P. , 6 ; see villain
Insatiability : P. and V.
Rascality, subs. P. and V. 7ra . . .

dn-XiyoTia. Greed of money : P. 17, P.

KOKovpyia, y; see villainy.
<t><Xoxpiqp.Q.Tia, ij, P. and V
Rascally, adj. P. and V.
Rape, subs. P. and V.
X^80 sen.),
dpirayij, %, or f TT,
pi. Abduction : V. efywyij, $. see villainous.
Violence to a woman : P. vfipis, y. v. trans. See
Rapid, adj. P. and V. TC^S; see subs
quick. Rash, adj. Of persons: P.
Rapidity, subs. P. and V. rdxos, rt,
-^-*:>os, ^apo-oX&5, AAo-
?, P. and V.
Rapidly, adv. P. and V. TO^, Ar.
and P. TCLX)S ; see quickly. Ar and P. iT a^, V.
Rapier, subs. P. and V. #<<*, TO,
V. lyx 5> T^> woJSwv,
<t>d<ryavov, r6,
dvcrXoytoros, TXiJ/wov,
and V. 0ovpios.
w^o, Ar. , .

Unwcvry P. : and
o, d/c/A^, ^, cr^pos, 6, Ar. and V. V. AXOKTOS. Of things: P.
yffcXos, TO*. Small sword : P. and
, ,

P. and V. AriWros,
Ras Rav

Ar. and P. avo^ros, V.

a/cpiTos; see recess. Bash words:
P- and V.
Let someone come forward and
V. veaviai Xoyoi, oL prove to me or rather to you that I
Rashly, adv. P. 7rpo7rTtus, d7Tpto~Ke7r- am not speaking the truth : P.
TOJS, dXoyibroJS, toV TIS /LtoXXoV Sc VfJLLV

0apo*aXtos, tra/jtws, Ar. and o>s ou/c TCIIJT*

cyo) Xeyw
P. veemKois, P. and V. (Dem. 20).
(Xen.), V. Ratification, subs. P. V.
2?aZfe rashly, v. : V. TO.

Ratify, v. trans. P. and V. Kiip

Rashness, SUbs. P. TrpOTrercta, ^, (Plat. &lSO
QpacrvTTjs, 77, ev^epcia, ^, P. and V. V. c^yyvov iroitiv. Batify with a
a/?ouXia, 17, acrwco-wi, ^ (Eui ., Frag.),
nod : P. and V. Batify
0pao~os, TO, ToXjLia, 77 by voting P. e
Ar. and V. Svo-fiovXLa, vj.
Unwari- Ratio, subs. See proportion.
ness : P. d</>uXoia, 17. JftosTz, aci :
Ratiocination, subs. P. cnAXoyrju.o's,
P. and V. KwftvveufjLa, TO, roX/>t?7/Aa, o.

TO, V. To'X/A ^ (rare P.). Ration, subs. Provisions : P. and

Rasor, subs. See ra#or. V. TpoqtaJ, 77, P. arvrrjpea-iov, TO.
Rasp, subs. P. PIVTJ, 7j (Xen.). Rational, adj. Endoived with
Ratable, adj. Subject to pay rates : reason : use P. and V. Xoyov IXOH>.
P. V7TOTeX?79. Sane : P. and V. fyt<pw ; see
Rate, subs. Assessment: P. o-wm&s, sane. Beasonable : P. and V.
?7, owray/xa, TO. Ta# : Ar. and P. euXoyos.
TcXos, TO. Price : Ar. and P. r!/u?, Rationality, subs. P. and V. Xo'yos,.
y, P. <5vi7, ^, P. and V. d#a, ^, V. 6; see reasonableness.
. o; see _ .
At the rate Rationally, adv. Sanely : P. e>-
of. Ar. and P. 7rlf (dat.). a Bedsonabty : P. and V.
rate : P. CTTI 7roXXo>.

see per cent. At this Rattle, subs. Instrument for making 1

rate as things are going: use P.

a noise : Ar. and V. KporoLXov, TO
and V. OVT<!>, O#TO>S, ravTfl. At any (generally pi.). Noise : P. and V.
rate : yc, yovv, yc /x>Ji/, oXAct, dXAa ^rd>os, 6, ^xi ij (Ha*- but rare 3?0r
. .
yc. Bate of motion: P.<^opa,
/cTtVos, 6 (Thuc. and Plat, but rare
^. Speed : P. and V. TC^OS, TO. P.) (also Ar.), V. flpo>>s, 6,
Rate, v. trans. Estimate, assess P. 6 (Xen. also but rare P.),
rda'crei.Vt crwrdcro-ew. Bate highly, 6, apay/xara, Ta, Kpor^or^wos, 6, Ar.
value : P. Trcpl iroXXov 7rotto"5at and V. TOTayos, 6. 2 maw wfco
(acc.). Beckon, consider : P. and much: use Ar. and V.
V. vo/ugctv, yyeta-Oai. see consider. ', ,
r6 (Eur., O^cZ.).
Be rated among : P. and V. rcXctv Rattle, v. trans. Clash together:
is (acc.), P. o-wrcXetv ets (acc.). P. and V. crv^oXXetv. Sfta&e : P.
Blame : P. and V. pefufreo-Oai (acc. and V. o-ttv. V. intrans. P. and
or dat.), i/reycLv ; see blame. Abuse V. tyofaiv, Ar. and V. KTWCLV (also .

P. and V. KCLKO}? Xcyv ; see abuse. Plat, but rare P.). pptjMiv (Ar. in
Rather, adv. P. and V. ^oXXov. I V. jcXa'e6v; see clash. Met., o/
liad rather (with
P. and talking: P. Tro/rayeiv (Plat., Euthyd.

V. ^ovXo/wti /xaXXov, or v. ^ovXofuit 293o). BattZe o/ (in speaking) :

alone (Bur., And. 351). Somewhat: Ar. MTCD/wXXciv (acc.) (or mid.).
with adj. and adv., use comparative. Raucous, adj. P. see
Bather weak : P. and V. do-0evor- Ravage, v. trans. P. and
673 43
Bav Raz

V. irop0LV 9 iiaropOew, Ravish, v. trans. Plunder : P. and

V. tropSelv, KTTOp6elv, Sicwrop0tv ; see

P. ofy^v plunder. Seize : P. and V.
<ri)Aav, ,

icat V. crrcveiv,
but see also devas-
K7rep0lV (alSO Plat,
rare P.). I/fly waste : P. and
V. tate. Entrance, delight : P. and V.
P. KtpeiV, d&K6V, eu<jbpaiVv, Tcprrciv. Outrage (a
Bwn: P. and V. woman) : P. and V. Sta^>^ctpv,
seerwn. AXDJ&MT&U (Plat.), P. Karawrxwciv,
Ravage, subs. P. and V. dTra or v/3piew, V. awr^ivciv, StoAAiJvat.
in P. nacres, Ravisher, subs. Plunderer : P, and
pi. V.),
waste: P. TjLwJo-is, 17. P. V. Aflorrfc, o, V. iropOifrtop, 6,

and V. Sia<0op<, 17 ; see CKTrop^iyrcDp, 6, criJX^rwp, 6. C/OT-

Ravager, subs. P. and V. rupter : P. and V. AiJftcw, 6.

6 V. CriJATTTWp, 6, TTOp6vJT<0p, 6, Ravishing, adj. Extraining : P.
6. Ow0 wfto rwws : P. and and V. ^Sfe, repTTvds, V.
V. Au/xewv, 6, V. avaoranjp, 6, ^f/iepos, Ar. and V.
6. SootMng : V. loyA^
Rave, v. intrans. P. and V. Ravishingly, adv. P. and V.
Au<r<rav (Plat, but rare P. : see exceedingly.
Ravishment, subs. Delight : P. and
TrapoA.\acro-iv, ev^ovtriav (Plat.),
and V. oXfev, P. i/0oi;eriaH> ; see 'appovfi, y (Plat, also but rare P.).
5e mad, under mad.
Ravel, v. trans See tangle. T?. Outrage, rape : P. u^pw, 17.

Raven, subs. Ax. icopaf, 6. Raw, adj. Ar. and P. w/^o's. Eating
Raven, subs. Insatiability : P. and raw flesh ; V. wprjcrnqs, &fjL6crlTo$ 9

V. P. <2>/><ayos. Raw
hides : P.
Raven, v. intrans. Se 8eppei?, at. Met., inclement : P.
Ravening, adj. V. wju^cmfc, co/*o<rlro9, X^6pios, Ar. and V.
KoiAoyacrnop. Greedy : P. and V. Inexperienced : P. and V.
owrA^OTOs, V. Aa/Jpos,
Ravenous, adj. Insatiable :' P. and (gold) : P. cforupos (Hdt.).
V. Greedy : V.
owrA^crros. Rawness, subs. Ineojperiewce : P.
Ravenous hunger : V. vfjoris At/to's, 6 and v .
(L7r6p(x. i^. Vvant of
{^3sch., Choe. 250). Be ravenous, discipline : P. ara^ta, ^.
y. : Ar. jSoiAi/uav. Ray, subs. P. and V. avy^, 17 (Plat.),
Ravenously, adv. Insatiably: P. d/crfs, 17
V. ^oA^, ^7, wjU<i,
cwrATjoTG)?. Greedily : V. ^ (^Bsoh., Frag.) ; see j&osfe. SbZ(i
Bavenousness, subs. P. and V. owi a ray of hope : P. vn-ofaivew
fjLLKpav cAmSa (Dem. 379).
Ravine, subs. P. and V. <apay RayleSS, adj. V. aj^Ato?, avavy^ros,
Ar. and P. xfy>a$pa, 17. d^eyyijs ; see dark.
Raving, adj.^ P. and V. . Raze, v. trans. P, and V.

(Plat, also but rare P.), /*apyos (Eui\, I. -4.

1263). Ba^
(Plat, also but rare P.), io ground : P.
Au<T<ro)S?75 ; see mad.

Raving, subs. P. and V. M& Razing, subs. P.andV. *a<

(Plat,but rare P.), V. ?),
P. *ca0<u'p<ns, ^.
ra; see madness. Razor, subs. Ar. and V. fupov, TO,
Raz Rea
Ar. af a *l> ftaxatP* 5 ^. Carry Reactionary,
fjL&x. -P 9
adj. Mischievous,
a razor, v. Ar. ^po^opelv.
harmful : P. and V. s, P.
Razor-case, subs. Ar. upoSo'w/,
Reach, v. trans. Arrwe at P. and

tionary party : use P. ot 6A/yot.

V. a^iievctorfac, (cfc, or 7rt, aOC., V. Read, v. trans Ar. and P.
also ace. alone), dva.<t>iKveicr6a.i (cfc, avaytyvuHTKtw. Bead one thing
ace.,V. also ace. alone), beside another P. irapavayiyv^arK^iv

ace., V. also ace. alone), Ar. and (TL rtvt). Bedte : P and V. \4yeiv.
V. LKvela-Oai (*fc, aoc., or ace. alone), I am no prophet to read riddles
V. i<dvLv (cfc, ace. or ace alone), aright : V. ov /*avrts et/u
iKVrtr0cu (eis, ace., carf.
yvaivai cra^ai? (Eur., Hipp. 346).
aoc., wpo's,
ace., or ace. alone). Gain:
P. Readily, adv. P. crocus,
Kafji,/3d\'cr6ai (gen.), avTiA.a/^ai/<r0ai Gladly: P. and V.
(gen.); see under gain. Used absoL, Zealously: P. and V.
P. and V. &JKLV, <l7*ClV, V. irpoOufjLus, P. 6^60)5. Intelligently :
irpoo-qKeiv. Beach with
a missile : P. P. cvpaOfa. Off hand: P. and V.
0wci/ewr0ai(gen. or absol.), Su/a/eio-flai P. e Irotynou. Easily,
(absol.). Touch, affect : P. and V. lightly P. and V. poSwos,
&rT0-0(u (gen.) see touch. Attain :
(Plat), WTTO)S, V.
P. and V. egiKvelo-Qai (gen. or ace.), P. ,

(gen ), tydirrearQai (gen.), Readiness, subs

Ar. and V, dv0a7rreor0ai (gen.), P. Z : P. and V.
Kvpew (gen ),
P. e<f>ucveur0at (gen.) ;

see ataw. V. intrans. Extend P. uxepta, ^. Quickness of

(of territory, etc.) : P. and V. intelligence P. u/Aa#ia, 17,

TtVW, P. K(X.6iqKW9 SiTf/eClV, <f)lK- ^, -Ease ; P. and V. evpa

ycia-Ocu, 7rpo(nqKiv (Xen.). Reach 5e iw readiness : P and V. erot/
down to: P. Ka&Uo-Qat Trpds (aoc.). cti/at, 7rap<rKvdcr@cu, (perf.
Cover a distance : P. CTTCIV (Thuc pass. irapa,<TKvdw).
2, 77). If our money reach so far Reading, subs. P. dmyvoxrts, ^.
(be sufficient) : P. av ^LKVTJTOLI, ra Ready, adj. Prepared: P. and "V.

, Prot. 311D) ?, urp7n}5. rawfy, v:

Beach out, extend : P. and V. P. and V. (or mid.) ;
7rpOTti/<V, KTH/IV, Ope/tl/ (Plat.). see prepare. Willing, adj. : P. and
after : P. and V. V. crones. reo%, v. ; P.
Reach safely : lx tl/ '
Beady for: Y.
see under safely. (dat ). Beady to : P. tad
Reach, subs. Eange of a missile V, Irot/jtos (infin.), V. irpdxeipos
P. and V. ^0X07, ^ P. <op<, ^. (infin.). J?e read^/ ^o, v. : use also
Power, capacity: P. and V. P. and V. /?ov'A.e<r0ai (infin.).
Beyond the reach of, ^i hand: P. and V. 7rpo'xpo5,

prep,: use P. and V. co> (gen.), Tot/*os. Qtacfc w intelligence :

Tos (gen.). In reocft of : r. and Ar. and P. ofife, P,
V. CVTOS (gen.). In the reach of, in Zealous: P. and V.
the power of: P. and V. lirt dat.). Unhesitating : P. a.7rpo<^a<rt(rros.
Within reach, ready to hand, adj. :
Easy: P. and V. p^Sios, eforopos;
P. and V. irp6xipo$. Beaoh (of a see easy. -4 ready tongue : V.
river), subs. . P. /ccpa?, TO. cflrpoxos yXwcra-a, 17.

Reaction, Subs. P. cmcrrpocfrvj, y reproaches : Y. 3yav T

(Thuc. 3, 71). Change : P. and V. XotSopciv (Bur., ^Lwd. 729).
(Plat., Bep. 388B). Real, adj. Gemme: P.
Rea Rea

P. and V. yi/^o-tos; see fruits of your resolve : V. d>s av 17

Real property : P. <avepa /jLi/ "EAAas zvTVxfj "UjLiet?

8" cx7?^' o/x.ota
ouo-ta, rj. Property in real estate : TOIS /3ov\vp a.crLv (Bur
Sec. 330).
P. ova-la, eyycios, ^. Reaper, subs. P.
Realise, v. trans.
Perceive, feel : P. and V.
Reaping hook, subs
P. and V. ala-Qaveo-Qcu (ace. or SpcTrai/ov, TO (Eur., 6'7/cZ.)

gen.) ; see perceive. Picture to Rear, subs P. and V. ro

oneself: P. and V. voeu/ (or mid.), (contracted TovTrurGev) Those be- .

evvoctv (or mid.). Achieve : P. and hind: P. and V. ot O7rto-^v, ot

V. ^pyd^<rOaLi, Trpacrcrctv , 866 VO-TOLTOL. The rear of an army -

achieve, accomplish. Correspond use also P. oup, fj (Xen.). In the

with : P. and V. o-u/A/fotWv (dat ) rear : P. Kara VWTOU. One who
j&g^aJ : P. and V. tcrovo-Oai (dat.), brings up the rear : P. ovpayds, 6
'uroT)cr0ai (dat.); see egwaZ. (Xen.).
stand :P. and V. (ace. or Rear, v. trans Eaise up : P. and

gen.) ; see understand, perceive. V. dvtcrTavaf, ano~ravai, opOovv

Turn into money : P. Ifapyvpt^ctv. (rare P.) ; see raise. JC-i/^ P
Reality, subs. Beal existence : P. ov- and V. aipctv, cVatpeiv, avaycti/ ; see
Truth P. and Y. aA^cta, Bring up : P. and V. r/oc^etv

a-La, 77. Z^/i.

(or mid.), e/crpc^civ, 7rat8cTJ(V,
reality : P. and Y. cpyw, as opposed Scuetj/. BnT^ wp aw orphan Y.
to Ao'yo), nominally. Such friends 6p<t>avcviv (ace.). .Be reared in:
have the semblance not the reality P. and V. vrp'<cr0ai (dat.). JBe
(of friendship) who are not friends reared with (another) : P. and V.
in time of trouble : V. ovo/jta yap cruvTp<cr6'at (dat.),
epyov S' OVK c^ouo-iv ot <iAoi ot JJLTJ Vt (dat.). Beget: see Bear
ratort o-u^opats OVTCS ^>t'Xot (Eur., (cattle, etc.) : P. and
Or. 454). V. intrans. O/ a P.
Really, adv. Genuinely: P. dA^ftvois, cfo'AAco-^ai (Xen.), V. o

0x^877X0)5, P. and V. yviyo-ilws. Rear-guard, subs. P.

As opposed to nominally : P. and ot (Xen.). 5e tf/&0
rear-guard, v. :

V. V. Ipyots. Indeed, truly :

P. o7rto-0o^uXaKtv (Xen.).
P. and V. ttA?70<5s, oWws, P. rc3 ovrt, Rearing, subs. P. and V.
V. irqrtifjiws see ^rw^.
Is it so ? see also begetting.

Ar. and V. SXvflts; Bearing of children: P. TratSorpo^ta,

Realm, subs. P. and Y. ^. Bearing of horses : P. wnro-
Reap, v. trans. P. and Tpo<ia, 17. De&i dwe /or one's
rearing: P. and V. Tpo<ewi, T<.
of (as reward) : P. and V. Fe^ s^e wowZc? &% ^a^/ o ^c dea^
5, 28), QTroXavW (gen.), V.
the debt due for her rearing : V.

Kal /x,^v TH/OI y' av T^ TeOvrjKwq, Tpo/as

(gen.) (2nd " aor. mid. of (Eur., Or. 109).

(Eur., Rearward, adv. P. and V. cts

Hipp. 432). reaped the
fruits of his complaisance: P. Reason, subs. Eational faculty :
P. and V. Xoyos, 6 use mmd. ;

(Dem. 304). Seap a harvest : Cause : P. and V. ama, 17, Ar. and
v 6cpiew (Plat., Phaedr* P. amov, TO. PZea: P. and V.
260D), Ar. a/xav fl^pos, V. ^cyiav Acfyoy, 6, 7rp6<l>a<ri$, fj, O'K?j\l/i$, J). In
^po5, a/jLoLo-OoLL ^cpo5. 3%ai Greece reason: see reasonably. Anything
may prosper and ye may reap the in reason : P. orioCJv roiv
Rea Reb
It stands to reason : P. and V. was rearing two pests and rebels
IKOS (rri), ClJAoyOl/ (cOTt). By against my throne V, ouS' Ip.a.v0avov
reason of: P. and V. 8i<i (ace.), T/oe'<a)f SiT ara KaTravaoTacrct? Opovw
&/e/ca (gen.), xupfr (g en -) (Plat.), V. (Soph., 4nt. 532).
e?ve/ea (gen.), Ar. and V. mari Rebel, v. intrans. P.
(gen ), OVVCKO. (gen.), sometimes in P. /AC^toraor^at, Ar. and P.
irapd (aoe.) (Dem. 545). For what see revolt. Incite to rebel : Ar.
reason ? P. and V. 8ia rf; TOVX&PW* and P. a<rr#vat (ace.). Jbm *TI
V * i-fros Aoyov ; see why. .For wo rebellion : P. crvva<j>Lcrraor6(u. (absol.
reason: V. ovScVos Adyou. JPo?* or dat.). Be disobedient : P. and
other reasons P. and V oAAo>s. V. aTTtiOclv. Rebel against: lit.
For many reasons we may expect or met., P. tt$icrrao-0<H (gen,).
victory : P Kara ?roAAa CIKOS Disobey ; P. and V. SwOt-lv (dat.) ;
7TLKpa.TrjO-CLL (TllUC.). see disobey. Else against; Ar.
Reason, v intrans. and V. and P. 7ravicrracr&CLL (dat.).
Aoy/'fecr&u, P. <ruXAoyi'ecr0a.i. Reason Rebellion, subs. P.
rightly : P. and V. opO&s ytyvw- P. and V eTravaorrcto-ts.
cr/ctv. Factiousness P. and V. (rra<rts.
Reasonable, adj. Possessed of Disobedience P. :

reason P and V. Adyov (Plat.), V'TO /OL

P. and V. //,<jkpa>v see sane, Rebellious,

; adj. Factious P. :

Probable P. and V.

crrarrtcurcicds, cnra<rcci<rrifco's. JD'is-

w>; equitable : P. and V. obedient: P. UTTCL^S; see disobedient.

:?fc, d/Aoyos. We should noio Obstinate: P. and V.
be finding Pliihp more reasonable Hostile : P. and V. ;<0pos,
and far humbler : P. pcww Kal
Rebelliously, adv. Factiously : P.
(Dem. 11) It is not reasonable flrrao-iacrrt/cws.
P. and V. ou Ao'yov %x L Moderate Rebelliousness, subs. Factioimess:

P. and V. /ierpios. A! the most P. and V. orrao-t?, r). Contentious-

reasonable price possible : P. <fc ness : P. #)tAovt/cta, 17. Obstinacy :
QL^K&TOLTOV (LVS). P. avflaSeta, r), Ar. and V cu>0a8ta,
Reasonableness, subs. P. eVtetWa, 7) ;
see also disobedience.
Rebound, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
Reasonably, P. and V.
adv. Glance aside : P.
uAdy<os, Eqidtably : P.
ct/cdro)?. , V.

^rtto)5. Moderately P. and V. Rebuff, v. trans. Reject ; P. and

/ATpico<?, Ar. and P. ITTICLKO)?. V. tt7ra>0tv (or mid.), Trapco^ctv (or
Reasoner, subs. Ar. and P. mid.), 8io)^to-^at. Affront: P.
6. and V. ujSptJeii/.
Reasoning, subs. P. and Y. Rebuff, subs. Affront: P. and V.
6, Ar. and P. Aoyur/ufc, 6.
dnation : P. crvAAoyto-ftds, 6. Rebuild, v. trans. P. and V.
Reassure, v. trans. and Y.
avopdow, ^vtcrravat, P. avoiKoSo/ieiv.
OapoJjvcw, Opa.wivet.Vj TrapaicoAetv, Ar. Rebuke, v. trans. P. and V.
and P. TrapafjivQeicrQai, P. TrapaQap- (acc. or dat.),
o-wetj/ ; see encourage, comfort person, aec. of thing),
(dat. of
Reave, v. trans. See bereave. P. KaTafAfA<l><rOai, Kaict^ctv,
Rebel, subs. Use P. 6 A^ccrnyKois cTTtrt/iav (dat. of person, acc. of

(perf. part, d^icrravat), or use pi. ot thing), Ar. and V.

I saw not that I Rebuke, subs. P. and V.
Reb Rec

s, 6, P. , ^, Ar. and Receive, v. tarans. Take : P. and V.

V. fJLOfJL^Vf, f). Eeceive from
Rebut, v. trans. Clear from oneself another : P. and V.
(accusation, P.
etc.) :

Disprove: P. and V. i, Ar. and P.

V. SvaStxtvOajL. If
IXeyxw efeXeyxciv. ai,

Recall, v. P.
trans. there were another channel to
Recall from banish- tecewe (the water) again : P.
ment : P. and V. /car*yv. Eecall \apd8pa TraXtv VTroSexopevrf (Dem.
to life, raise from the aead : P. and 1277). ^Iccepi P. and V. Sc
V. 3v$w ; see underrate. Eecall
(to another's mind): P. and V.
ava.jjLL[utf<TKew (TWO. rt,
or riva TH/OS) J oneself: P. and V.
see remmd. Eemember : P. and see MW.
V. iwrfcrQffvcu (aor. pass. P. and V. 8f.x<rOai,
or gen.), Ar. and P. vTroS^o-tfai. Eeceive
(aec. or gen.) ; see remember. I with hospitality : P. and V
recalled some ancient memory : V.
iroAaiav dvcfterpryo-a^v rtva (mid.). P. and
(Eur., low, 250). Becawtf; see V. *

recant. see admit. Eeceive (a wound) :

Recall, subs. Of exiles: P. and V. P. and V. V. ,

icdWogos, 17. (gen.). Eeceive (a suggestion)

Recant, v. trans, P. av<m0e<r0<u, entertain: P. and V.
P. and V. , P. vTroS^ecr^at. -Bfi-

see retract. beforehand : P. wpoAa/A/Javew.

Recantation, subs. P. Eeceive m
addition P. and V.
Eeceive in return:
Recapitulate, v. trans. P. &rava- P. and V. dvTtA.a/A/8cJvtv, P.
, V. ava/x,er- din-aTToAxx/jtyftavciv, V. avriSe^ccr^at.
Received, adj. Generally received:
Recapitulation, subs. P. <bravo3os, use current.
^- Recent, P. and V. veos, /cau/<fe,
Recast, v. trans. Ar. and P. P. VTroywos. V. -

Recently, adv. WOM? : P. and J^

Recede, v. trans. P. and V. V. ctprt, apTi'cus, i/Sv, i/eav, i/caxrrif,

(Eur ,
Ar. and P. Ivay^os, V. apjuot.
E^es.), Ar. and P.
O/ an Receptacle, subs. P. and V.
mundation : P. wrovocrrctv. ^, P. see
see y*eZ(Z. I do not recede from my also
position: P. OVK gfcrraiuu (Thuc. Reception, subs. P, and V. *7
2,61). 17, V. TrpoorSc^/xara, ra,

Receding, adj. V. fyoppos. entertainment : P. and V.

Receipt, subs. Quittance : P. &co-is, ^ ; see hospitality.
o/ receiving P. and V. Receptive, adj. Impressionable :
jR^ceip^ o/ money V. Ar. and P. a-rraAo's.
Xa/Jiy, 17 (JSsch., Swpp. Recess, subs. Corner : Ar. and V.
935). Receipts, revenue: P. and /*%><?, 6 (Thuc. also but rare P.).
V. X7JfJL/Jt,a TO, tP.

Place of refuge: P. and V.

; P. \ rj, 17. Hiding-place: Y.
/cat 0.

Rec Rec

Recipient, subs. Use P. and V. Reckon, v. trans. Cormi, number :

P. and V. apiQpiciv, 8iapiOfLLv (mid.
Reciprocal, adj. See mutual. in P.), P. apl@/JLLV, V. 7TfJL7rd^LV.
Reciprocate, v. trans. Give in Calculate: P. and Y. Xoyi'fco-flat,
return : P. and Y. aw'"" P. &KXoyi<rQai. Hold, consider :
Reciprocity, subs. P. TO P. and Y. ^ycto^at, vopl&w; see
(Aristotle). consider. Reckon among: P. and
Recital, subs. Beading: P.<wr Y. KarapiOpeiv (a/ dat. or /*TtJ gen.).
17. Account, report : P, J5e reckoned among V. *pi0p.r0<u
77 ;
see description. (gen. or v dat.) see com. ;

Recitation, subs P. Reckon in, include in reckoning :

The art of recitation : P. P. 7rpoorXoy/r0(u. Reckon on,
M- trust: P. and Y. Trwrreueiv (dat.).
Recite, v. trans. Describe : P. and Expect: P. and V. 7rpoo-So/cav,
Y. cryt(r0ai, 8ipxecr0ai see de- ; n-pocrSe'xecr&u. TPTtew w0r coTTies io

Beport : P. and Y. ^e ct^'s vote owe longer reckons ?io

Rehearse : P. and on his own death : Y. orav yap 2X0#
Y. c&qyciQ-Qan, V/JLVGW. Head : Ar. TrdXc/AOS cts ifrrj^ov TrdXeo)? ovSeis 1^
and P. avayiyvtoo-Ketv. Repeat by O.VTOT) Gavarov licXoyt^erat (Eur.,
heart : Ar. and P. pa\l/<$8eiv (absol Swpp. 481). Reckon up : P.
or ace.). avaXoytecr$ai,, dvapL^/xetcr^at, fcara-

Reciter, subs. P. pa^Sds, 6. or use reckon. Beckon


Reck of, v. trans. See heed. with. But if you conquer you have
Reckless, adj Of persons: P. the son of Peleus to reckon with :
7rpO7TCT979j (rtpoopos, uctpcrttAGOSj Y. vifcoiv 8" <e8pov xratS" ^X t5 T ^
piqs, dXdyiaros, P. and V. H^Xews (Eur., JBfees. 119).
Reckoner, subs. Ar. and P. Xoyumfc,,
ids, V. 0ovpos, iravToXfjios, SvtrXo- 6.

yio-TOs, rXoJ/xcov, Ar. rc-apa/JoXos, Ar. Reckoning, subs. Calculation : P.

and P. fra/ufc, Ar. and Y, Oovpios. and V. Xdyos, 6, Ar. and P. Xoywr/idsy
Of things: P. dVK7rTOS, d7reprK7rTOS, 6. Expectation : P. and V. 8da y
dXdyiCTTOs, P. and V. veaviKos, Y.
oxpiros, TrepMTTrepxtyS ; See baulked me of my reckoning: V.
TroXv fJL 005775 e^7rato*ctv cX^rtoes

icanTyopwu. Reckless of, heedless (Eur., -5T. J

460). Be ow* of one's

of: P. dyu,eX->79 (gen.), oXfycopos reckoning, v. P. and Y. 7rXavScr0ai, :

(gen.), Y. adorns (gen.) (Eur., Y. SXaorOat, (Soph., Aj. 23); see

.Fragr.). Unsparmg of P. d^ctSifc : err. Punishment: P. and V.
(gen.). Be reckless of (unsparing , , ,

of) : P. and Y. afaiSetv (gen.). Reclaim, v. trans. (Land) : P. and

Recklessly, adv. P. Trporrerois, V. fjficpovvy Y. ShnjiiLcpovv (Soph.,
do-KCTTTfos, aTrepicTKeTTTCos, dXoyiOTCos, Frag.\ c^/icpow, KaOaipetv,
ToX/wypois, flapcraXews, tra/zais, P and Civilise: P. and V.
Y. d<f>poi/(o?i cLG^povrtcTTcos (X.en.), Y. acfe: P. and V.
(/3ouX<os, Ar, and P. vcaviKcos. ,
Thoughtlessly : P. eux^pws, p^8to>5. : P. and Y.
Recklessness, Subs. P. -rporreraa, Recline, v. trans. Ar. and P.
KaTaicXfmv, P. and Y. fcXft/etv. Y.
intrans. Lie down: Ar. and P.
d^pocruvTy, 17,
Ar. and Y. KaTafcXfveo-tfai, V. /cXfrco-flau Jrte :

^ ; see rashness. P. and Y. KtfarOai.. He down : Ar.

Rec Rec

and P. Ka.raKlar6a.i. cloak soft to A (aco. and infin.), cTratmv (aoc.

recline on : Ar. oricrvpo, eyicaraKXtrij or dat. and infin.),/tovAeuW (dat.
/wxAtfaKiJ (Av. 122).
and infin.). Introduce (a person) :
Recluse, subs. Use adj., P. and V. P. o-uvKTrdvai, rrpo^vetv ;
introduce. Recommend oneself to
Recognise, v. trans. P. and V. (a person) : use wotVcos Siart^at
ytyi/oier/ceiv, rtytyv(oo-Ktv, (/a). TAe case i/^5 ^* has
P. dvayycopi'^ecv, V. $vai r something to recommend it : P.
7rattr^a^o^at (acc. or gen.),

or rtv ^
&TTI TOT)TO ovrawT' p.^v aKOVcrat Aoyov

Recommendation, subs

ywpl^tw. Confess : see confess. m'ndiny P. and V. wapcuVeo-is,

: >

Recognisable, adj. P. and see advice. Good will P. and V :

ctSyvoxrros, Vjji<iOr}5 (Xen ).

. Praise: P. and V.
Recognised, adj. Admitted, con- ,
6. Advantage : P. and V.
fessed : P. o/*oXoyoi/|Ui/os. TO.

Recognition, subs. P. di Recompense, subs P. and V.

From fear I failed in recognition a/juu/fy', (Plat, but rare P.), 17 ,

of your face : V. IK rot SetVaros 6 see punishment, reward. ;

Suo-yyaHnav et^ov ?rpocra)7rou (Eur., Recompense, v. trans. P. and V.

JM. 767). O-ratitude: P. and V. a/A6$ecr0<u. j&egtftfe ttrfJfe wi^ . P
Xapt?, ^ 1 recognition of : use and V. auvi/ccr^at, dvraw.i5j/<T0tti, Ar.
prep , P. and
dim (gen ) V and V. a.vra.u.ciftc<rOa.i see also ',

Recoil, v. intrans. Spring back : punish. Benefit in return : Ar.

Ar. and P. uvuTnySav Shrink : P. and P. <W cu TTOteti/ (acc.).
and V OKvelv, KaroKveiv, P. d7TOKJ>tt'. Compensate for, make good P. .

-fiteco^ /row& (with subs.) P. and : and V. aK?crai, avaA.a//,#dii/ii/.

V. atyLo-Toa-Qai (gen.) see shrink Reconcile, ; v. trans. Reconcile
from. Recoil from (domg a thing): (persons) : P. and V. oruvaXXao'crctv,
P and V. o*vu/ (infin ) ,
KaroKvelv SaXXd(rcrtv, P. oru^aycti^, trv^tySt-
(infin.), fat-yea/ (infin.), V. a<r- /?cfeti^, SiaAJeti/ (Dem. 555) j/s
ratr&au. (infin.). Recoil (on one's reconciled to : also P. and V.
own head) : use P, and V. irwmav, /cotTaAAao-owtfai (dat.). H^ip /O
TpcVccr^cu 2kfafee ^o r^cotZ : P and reconcile : P. orji/8iaX\acr<reiv. Be-
TT /
co?Mnte (differences) P. SiaXvetv (or .

Recollect, v trans. P. and V.

mid.) (acc.), V. SioArfecr&u (gen.)
fwrja-OYJvat. (aoi*. pass, /xtftvijcrfcctv) (Eur., Or. 1679) ; see settle.
(acc. or gen.), nvyfwveuw (acc or Reconcile (difficulties) P. and V. :

gen.); see remember. ev rWecrQcLt, or substitute aXois for

Recollection, subs P. cS. How must I reconcile these
Remembrance : P. and V. things ? V. TTOV XP>? ravra;
(Soph., Phil 451).
Recommend, v. trans. Advise : oneself to : see encfore.
P. and V. crv/M/SovXejetv (rl nvt), Reconciler, subs. P. and V.
Tra/mtvcu/ (rt^ Ttvt), c^ycicr^afc (TI 179, 6, V. 8to\Xa/cnJp, 6.

rtvt), Ar. and P. $iroTWG<rOau. (rC Reconciliation, subs. P. "

and V.
rtvt), elorrj-yeLcrOcLi (TL nvi). R$- *, P.
commend (to do a thing] : P. and
V. <rvfj,pov\Vw (dat. and infin,), Recondite, adj.See abstruse.
(dat. and infin.), P. Reconnaisance, subs. P. and V.
(dat. and infin.), V. , 17,
P TrpooricoTn}, ^.
Rec Rec

Reconnoitre, v. trans. P. and V. V.

Recount to
(Xen.). end: P. and V. the
Reconnoitring, subs. P. and V. Recount in order : V.
KaracrKOTrrj, 17. For the purpose of Recoup, v. trans. Mafce P.
reconnoitring: P, icaTa &iw. Recon- and V. a/cclo-flcu; see
noitring-party P. TrpdoVCOTTOl, Ot Recourse, subs. P. ava<j>opd,
(Xen.). Have recourse to : P. and V.
Reconsider, v. trans. Examine Tpe7T0-0ai (i5 Or Trpos, ace.), P.
again : P. 7ravao*Koirtv. Change : Kdrafavytiv (cts or ?rpds, ace.). ^Ta-ue
P. ^era.rLOecrOa.1 ; see repent. 2/ow recourse to dumb w^tnesses?
Reconsideration, subs. P. dvoAo- V cts TOU? a^cuvov? jLtapTL'pas c^cvycts ,
(Bur., ffipp 1076).
Reconstruct, v trans. P. and V. Recover, v. trans. (re &ocA; : P.
avopQovv see rebuild.
; and V. avaXa/jLJ3dviv, a7roXa/A)Scti/tv,
Record, subs. Memorial : P. and V , KO///cr0a<, (V. also act.),
jLcv^jCcetoi/, TO', Ar. and P /xv^/xdaiJi/ov, ,
P. ai/aKO/w^co-tfai, V.
TO. V ai (Eur., !M. 911)
Worthy of record : P &u>prq- P. and V. ui/ao-o!iv (or
fjLoveuros, P. and V. dftos fjwyfjLris. mid.). Help to r&cover : P.
Register : P. dTroypac^jy, ^, A.VKa>//,a, owavao-(oetv (TIVI Tt). Make good :

TO. Tables on which treaties, etc., P. and V. aKi<r6ai,\.afJL/3aviv.

were recorded: Ar and P. o-n}, Recover (money) : P. KOJU/^CCT&H.
at. Records, archives P. and Y. Recover a loss : V. aWXayia Aa/3etv
AoyoL, ot, ypa/x,/iaTa, Ta. Reputation : (Eur,, Sw;?^. 776). .Recofler o?2e's
P. and Y. So^a, >).
i^eai : P. and sight: Ar and P. ava/3Xerrew
Y. ay<j)Vl(TfJLCL TO. 9 (absol). Recover (dead bodies after
Record, v. trans. Narrate : P and a fight) : P. and V. avaipeto-tfat.
Recover yoit/r breath : Y. TTVCV/A'
see narrate. Menbion . P. and Y. a^poto-ov (Eur., P/iofl. 851). jffo-

/WTjcrQfjvai (aor. pass, of /jLLp.vr}<rKiv)

sor ^o health, prosperity, etc.):
(gen or irept gen.) see mention. ;
P. and V. avoptfow, P. dva^epecv.
Write down: P. and V. ypcue/, J recovered myself (on the verge of
yypti<jf)iv, V. SeA-TOiKrtfai. Record a mistake) : P. dvcXa/Joi/ c/xauTov
my words on the tablets of your (Plat., Lys. 21 B ) intrans.v -

inind : Y. 6e$ 8* ci/ c^pevo? o'\Toto"t <?0 better: P. dvaAa^avctv lavrov

TOW? e/^ous Xdyovs (Soph., Frag.). (or omit iavToV), dvtoraor^at, pai^ctv,
Know this and record it in your peti', 7Tpt<^evyet^. B^OO^er
mind : V. Tavr" TTLCTTO) /cat
ypd<ou : and V. Aoxav (gen.).
j/a>i/ I<ro PWI. 1325).
(Soph., P. and Y. ava7n/iv.
-Record ow ^e unforgetting
(*) Generally, 6e sava^ : P. and V.
tablets of your mind ; V.
(TV fJLVqfJLOCTW SfiA-TOtS Recoverer, subs.
P. F. 789). V. Ko/xwrnfc, 6.
Recorder, subs. Ar. and P. Recovery, subs. P. and
Y. (JvaTrvoi;, 17 (Plat.),
Recording, adj. Mindful: P. and (Plat.), P. dvoX^ts, ^, Y.
17. Relief: P. p^wrrwn/, ^. Recovery
Recount, v. trans. P. and V. of the dead after a battle : P. and
V. Svotpo-t? t ^. Recovery of debts:
,t, <p<ietv, e^eijreiv, Ar. and P. P. /co/u&y, ^. Making good : P.
Rec Red

/rts, y. We
home a means of ground: V. (also Plat,
recovery our misfortune :
from but rare P.).
Y. oXA* IOTIV ^fttv dva<opa TI}S Recuperate, v. intrans. See recover,
cn;/A<opas (Eur,, Or. 414). Recuperation, subs. See recovery.
Recreant, adj. Use cowardly. Recur, v. intrans. Return: P. and V.
Recreation, subs. Refreshment : P. Happen;
and Y. dvail/vxn, y (Plat.). Amuse- P. and V. ytyi/cr0(u. .RevoZve : P.
ment : P. and Y. TratSta, ^, St
17. .ReZie/ ; P. pacrTG>vi7, 17. Recurrence, subs. P.
Recriminate, v. intrans. P.
jcaXctv or use abuse.
; Red, subs. Use P. and V. TO
Recrimination, subs. P. and Y. see purple.
oveiSos, TO, Ar. and P. AoiSopia, 17 Red, adj. Ar. and P. ; P.
see abuse. Words of recrimination V. TTVpO-o's, V. fLlA.T07Tp7rT05.
hurtled to and fro : Y. Xdyot Crimson: P. and V. aXovpyoJs
. . .

Ippd0ow ica/cot (Soph., -4ft 259). (Plat.),

, P. <I>OLVI.KOVS (Xen.), V,
The envoys of each returned home
without recrimination : P. ot Ar. ^oiviKtovs see also ; Of
arpo>v carri\6ov ir OLKOV hair P. and Y. Trupo-ds

(Thuo. 1, 92). Redden, v. trans. V.

Recriminatory, adj. Use V. ri'ppo0os; Y. intrans. Become red : Y.
see abusive.
Recrudescence, subs. See renewal. Ar. and P.
Recruit, v. trans. Get back (one's epvQpiav,P. dvpiJ^ptttV, Ar.
strength, etc.) P. see
Recruit your strength : V. Reddish, adj. P.
(Eur., Phoen. 850) .FiZZ Redeem, v. trans. Ransom: P.
^p : P. and V. TrA^pow. CoZZec^ : Deliver : P. and Y. .

P. and V. o-uXXeyetv, crwayeiv see v, &</>lva.i, eKAtetv


coZZeci. jBecrw^ to one's standard see deliver. t

Redeem (a
bring over : P. and V. promise) use accomplish. The
(ace.), 7rpo<rciyr0<u (aco ). promise was redeemed : P. i)

Recruiti subs. Iweaspenenced ma?i. wdo-xco-ts aTT^T; iThuc. 4, 39). Make

use adj. P. and V. a?7retpos.
; up for: P. and V. a/ccur&a (ace.),
Beoruits, additional forces : P. 01 avaX.afjL/3&vLv (ace.). Redeem (some-
Recruit to a party: thing in pawn) : P. Xv<r0ai.
use adj., P. and V. erhous. Ma/te Redeem a pledge in pawn : P.
wn over; P. and V.
(aco.), ?rpo(r<iycr0ai Redeeming feature, subs. Use P.
(aco.). FoZwwieer: P. and V. and V. /ccpSos TO; see
ctfcAovnJs, 6. Redemption, subs. Deliverance :

Rectification, subs. P. P. and V. XiSo-ts, ^, aTraXb&y

see deliverance. Salvation:
Rectify, v trans. P. and V. and Y. ownqpia, ^.
wopOovv, Ar. and P. Red-hot, adj. P. and V.
7ravop0ow (or mid.). (Plat., Ttmoe. 58o; Eur., Cycl.
Rectitude, subs P, and V. xp^orrdT^?, 631), V. Kavtrros (Eur., CjycZ. 633),
r P. 7rtiKia, V. os
aTrAo-n;?, 17, 17, (Eur., Oycl. 393),
(Eur., CycL 457).
Recumbent, adj. UseP. and V. Redistribute, v. trans. P.
wrrtos. Lying on the
Red Ree

Redistributed, adj. P }
(Thuc. 1, 134).
Redistribution, subs. P. 's
power : P. and V.
6. la/JljSttl/eiV, P.
Red-legged, adj. (Of birds): V.
Reduce to order : P.
Redness, subs. P. IpvOyfjua, TO. iv, P. and V. Kooyictv.
Redolent, adj. Sweet-smelling: P. to a state : P. and V,
and V. evtotys. Be redolent of: P. Ka8i<rrdvai (efe,ace.), P. Kardyew
and V. oetv (gen.). (et?, aco.). 1 was reduced to the
Redouble, v. trans. Increase : P. depths of despair : P.
dtfu/xiav KaTccmrjv (Lys. 120).
Redoubt, subs. Use P. see A0w I am reduced by sickness :

TO, or use fort. P. 6paT ST) <os 8ta/ct/ VTTO TT}S

Redoubtable, adj. Terrible : P. and i/oVou (Thuc. 7, 77). Reduce (in
V. see terrible.
8eo/o's ;
Brave : P. bulk) : P. and V. Jo-xyaiW (Plat.).
and V. dvSpetos, flp&HJs ; see iraae. TF&ew i^e suffering was reduced:
Redound to, v. trans. Conduce to : V. OT ...
P. and V. TiWv (ete, ace.), (Soph., 0. C. 437).
crvpfiaXhto-tiai, (c!s,
aco. or srpos, Reduction, subs. Subjugation: P.
ace.), P. irpo<t>pciv (eis, ace.). Ka.TacrTpo<j>r] t fj. Lowering .* P.
jRedowraZ o owe's credit: P. and
V. (w*) (Thuc. 4, 17). Redundance, subs.
jcoV/Aov <#>/>/ Ar. and P.
(J pray) that the gods put into the T). ,,

hearts of all of you what is likely Redundant, adj. P. and V. irepuro-o's.

to redound to the credit of yowr 2?e redundant, v. P. Trcptcro-ruciv. :

reputation publicly and your con- Redundantly, adv. P. and V.

sciences individually : P. on /w'AAei
crvvofoew KOI Trpos u8ot'av KOLVYJ KO.I Red-winged, adj Ar.
TTpOS V(TpiaV CKCtOTO), TOVTO TTttpa- Reecho, v. trans. A sound : V.
rovs Otovs iro&w v/uv (ev^o/xeu)
<rrTJ<rai avTi<t>&eryecrQai, avToXoXa^tv ; 866
(Dem. 228). echo. Reecho (a sentiment) : use
Redress, v. trans. Rectify : P. and and V. eVatvctv see approve. P. ;

V. 8iop0ovv, lopOovv, avopOow, Ar. Reed, subs. Ar. and P. KctXa/xos, 6,

and P. eiravopQovv (or mid.). Make Ar and V. SoVa& 6 (-2Esch., Pers.
good P. and V. aKCtcr&u,
494), Ar. (TXOLVOS, 6 or ^. Wfer
are the streams of En/rotas fair
Redress, subs. Amends : P. and V. with reeds : V. Iva poai TOT) KaAAi-
T&rife, ^, V. -TTocvi/, y (or pi.) (rare P.), SoVafcds riv EupcuTa (Bur., BeZ. 492).

&roiva, TC (rare P.). Making good' of reed, adj.; Ar, and

Made V.
P. dvaA^is, ^', V. oWvti/os.
Pipe, j/Ittto P. and . V.
Remedy : V. #KO?, TO, a^Ao'S 6, P. <rvpiy,
, (Plat.), V.
see remedy. XCOTOS, 6. Pew : P. KaAa/409, 6.
Reduce, v. trans. Lessen : P. Reef, subs. P. and V. Ip/wL, TO, V.
, fieiovv (Xen.). Cz^i xoiptfe, ^. Reefing rope : P. and
P. and V. a-wTfyvciv, V. /cofAcos, 6.
v. Subdue, put down : P. Reef, v. trans. Ar. o-uo-TcAActv, V.
and V. /caTaor/><j(>eo"0(u, /caTcpya^e- o-reAAav, Kaffiwai ; see Zower.
or^at, KaOaipelv. Reduce by warfare : Reek, subs. Steam, vapour: P.
P. KaTowroAc/mv (ace.). B^rfwce 6^ <!T/U'<?, >i (Plat.), V. oV<fe, o- ^f^^ e '

5i^e : P. cic7roAto/oKLv (absol.).

P. and V. KCWTVO'S, 6, Ar. and V.
Reduce by himger : P. . Reek of incense : P. and
Ree Ref

V. OvfjLidfjLara, TO.. Eeek of sacrifice : case of dispute it might be

Ar. KVicray f). >ssible to refer to these documents :

Reek, v. intrans See smoke. Make lv (I TL yty i/TO ^^iO-ftrjT^a-i/JLOv

ike altars reek with smoke V. .
TJV 15 TO.
Taur* c-TravcX^ccv
Kvwrav j3a>/nfe (Eur., Ale. 1156 , (Dem. 837). Have reference to :

cf. Ar., Av. 1233). Stink : P. and V. Tctmv (sts, aec.). P. and
V. oeu>. Sfttt the dark blood of Referee, subs. P. and V. /3pa/3ev<s,

my murdered sire reeks through the 6 (Plat.) ; see umpire.

V. S* Incd/m Kara Reference, subs.
-jrarpos Handing over to
(Bur., another's decision : P.
318). Jfoefc tw'M P. and V. Reference to, mention of: P. and
petv (dat ),
V. OTa^cw- (dat.), /cara-
V. /u/i'tt, 17. Iw reference to : P.
oTtt^ctv (dat.), jc&rappcii' (dlt.), //,-uSav
and V. /cara (ace.), Trpds (ace.).
(dat.). Reeking sacrifices: V. H"a^e reference to, v. : P. and V.
fjLirvpa /cvlo-corei, TO. Reeking with T/itv (eis, ace.).
blood : Ar. and V. ai/Aaroorayrfc. Refill, v. trans. P. avaTrXypow.
Beeking sword . V. i/coppavrov fi<os. Refine, v. trans Purify: P. and
Reel, v. intrans. Stagger: and Ar. V. KaOoLiptw. Eefine ((/old) : Ar.
P. tAcyytai/, (T^aAXccr^at (Xen ). a<j>\f/iv. Civilise: P.and V.
way fce/bre aw atoc& ; P TraiSeuctv, f)p.povv. Refine upon (a
io reel (of an word or thought) : V. Ko/xi/re-ueiv

army) V. K\tvuv (Eur., Sayp (ace.) (Soph., ^LTO^. 324). AbsoL,

704). Swoon P. Xnroifru^lv, V.
piactise refinements (^ubtle dist'inc-
see swomt. Be dis- tions) : P. KO/ul/evea-Qat, P. aud V.
: P. and V. Ka/^ etv. O/ i/ie
use wander. Refined, adj Pure, unmixed P. .

Reeling, adj. P. and V. Trap^opo?. and V. tape's. Of gold: P.

Re-establish v. trans. P. and V,
a7T <0os (Thuc.), d/o}paTos (Plat.).

Elegant Ar. and P. ^apt'cis, *

Refection, subs. Food : P. and V. Accomphshed : P. and V.

TpO^iy, 17, (TLTOS, 6. Ar. and P. <iAo/Aot;cros.
Refectory, subs. P. and V. <n>cr<rriov, P. <ji>tA.oKaXo9,
TO. 5e refined, v. P. :

Refer, v. trans. Put down to ; P. Subtle : P. and V.

and V.<J>epeiv (ri nvi Or rt ts Refinement, subs. Refining process
rtva) (V. also d^cpctv), (of gold) : P. (Plat.).
(TL TWI), Ar. and P. 7rava<epav (TL Elegance. P. and V.
Ttva), avarWevai (TL nvi). Bid a Love o/ ar ; P. ^tXoTcxvta, "

person consult: P. efaevai rivd cts Luxwry : P. and V. Tpi5< 17, ,

(ace.). I ww'W ra/er yo^ to a speaker 4 (Plat.). Stt&tfaty : P.

who is worthy of your trust : P. Refit, v. trans. P.
d^o^pcwv "Ufxtv TOV AeyovTo. dvowro) Refitting, subs. P.
(Plat., 20B). Hand over to Reflect, v. trans. Reflect (as a
some one's decision: Ar. and P. mirror) P. ipjuuvay. Show : P.

&rtrp7Tti/ (rt T/t), avarWi/o.L (TL and Y. <aiVetv; see sftow. AbsoL,
TW), P <tev<u (TI cis Ttva). Refer ponder : P. and V. IvB^p.&.crOo.i,
to, allude to : P. and Y, Xeyctv (or mid.), ci/voclv (or mid.),
(ace.), .Zfe/^r to covertly : Ar. and (or mid ), ^/oovrt^tv, Xoyt-
P. cui/wro-eo-flat (ace. or et?,
ace.), P. TrwrKOTrcrv, (T/cowetv (V. also
(ace.). Betake oneself
mid ), P. K\oytt,cr6cu. Reflect with
P. QOLTOLV (wapa, aCC.). 2%a Oneself : P. Trap" lavrcp cricoTrctv, irpos
Ref Ref

lavrbv A.oyio-0ai, Trpos eavrov evOv- Refrain, v. trans. P and V. icarexeiv;

/xio-0ai, Trpos eauTov aKOireiv. Reflect, see c/i6cA'. V. intrans. P. and V.
upon : P. and V. ei/^/^eto-^at (ace. airexto-Qat, a<j>t'crTOLcr6a.L see also for- ;

P. also gen ), evvoeiv (or mid.) (ace.), bear. When you have learnt from
crvit'oeiv (or mid.) (ace.), Xoyio-0ai me give advice. Till then refrain
(ace.), O-KOTTCIV (ace.
V also mid.), V. orav fjLa.@y$ fu>v I'OvQerti, TOLVUV 8*
lirio-KOTreiv (aCC.),
P KAoy/r0ai ea (Soph., 0. G. 593). Refrain
face.), V. IXio-orcu/ (ace.), wfjuav from : P. and V
0^^0-60.1 (gen.),
(ace.), na\xa" *w ( ac ) Met., a^Lcrraa-Oai. Refrain from
blatne : P. and V. ^i^^Bai (ace. (doing) P. and V. afr^crOaLL (prf,

or dat.) ;
see blame. Briny into infill.),
V. a<rracr0ai (infin). I
discredit : P. ts wrcnl/iav Ka&tcrravai refrained from "killing : V.
Reflection, subs. Image: P. and Refresh, v. trans P. and V.
V. eiKwi/, ?). Reflections in water: avalffL^GLV (Plat.), V. KO.T<uffLX<W.
P. TO. v TOLS vficuO-i, ^>avTacr/x,aTa, cV JSncowage : P. eTrtpptovuvat ; see
voWii> ccfcoVcg. ^4 pale reflection of encourage. Refresh one's memory
friendship (as opposed to reality) : about a thing P. cts fjanqp.'qv .

V. 6/uAi'as KaTOirrpov (.ZEsch., .40. dvaXa^avctv TI. J5fi refreshed:

839). Consideration: P. and V. P. and V. avaTTvctv. Refresh
o-ictyfe, % (Bur., fflpp. 1323),
P Oneself : P. ava\afi/3dviv laurdv.
7r77cei/us, 07. Meditation P. and Refreshing, adj. P. a/co^os (Plat.).
V. <rvwoia.j >/, ev0t$/7o-is, ^ (Eur., Refreshment, subs. P. and V.
Frag.), Ar. and V. $povrt$, y (rare ava^vxi ^ (Plat ). Food and P
P.), P. Iwoia, ^. Reconsideration : V. TpO^?}, ^, <TtTO?, 6.
P. diaAovar/Aos, 6. Blame : P. and Reft of, adj See fore/2.
V. /A/un/rw, 17, i/royos, 6. Discredit : Refuge, subs. P. and V.
P. and V. aur^t^, , ovciSos, TO. ff, ttTrooTpo^iy, ^, P.
Reflective, adj. P OWKWS; see ava^oip^o-t?, ^. PZace of refuge:
also V. TnJpyos, 6. Fly for refuge,
Refluent, adj. V. v. P. and V. Kara^o/yeiv.
: Take-
Reform, v. trans. P. and V. refuge in, have recourse to : P. and
SwpOovv, cfrpQovv, avopdovvj Ar. and V. Tpror0(u (cts or 7r/o(fe, acc.), P.
P. tiravopOovv, Ar. Vfr TO yScXrlov, Kora^euyeu/ (efe or wprfs, acc.) ; see
Civilise: P. and V. under recourse.
fycpovv ;
see reclaim. Reform (po- Refugee, subs. P. and V.
litically) : P. vo>Tp*2v (ace. or or $ ; see exi, e.

Tre/H, acc.). V. intrans. Improve : Refulgence, subs. P.

Ar. and P. lircStSoww. see brightness.
Reform, subs. P. ravop0cyux, TO. Refulgent, adj. P. and V.
IwjprcweTnewtf : P. ^m'Soo-is, ^. see bright.
Reform of the constitution: P. Refund, v. trans. P. and V.
(feroStSoVai, P. di/Ta7ro8t8oVat.

Reformer, subs. (Politically) ; use Refurbish, v. trans. P.

Refractoriness, subs. Obstinacy: Refusal, subs. Refusal to give : P.

P. a&Od&eia, Ar. and V. avOaSla, and V. <l>06vos, 6, V. ^^ov^o-ts, fy
y see also disobedience,
Avoidance : P. and V. ^vy^, ^ ; see
Obstinate : P. and avoidance. Meet with a refusal :
Refractory, adj.
Y. avOdfrns; see also disobedient. P. Sia/uipramv (Dem. 401). Yicm
P. and V. meet with no refusal at my
Ref Reg
hands : Y. owe TI/AOS l/c
y fu>v
and V. /ftwrtAr/ccfe,

avct (Soph., 0. G. 51). rvpavvLKO^ V.

Refuse, v. trans. Decline: P. and
V. ov 8xr0ai, aTTco^cti/ Regale, v. trans. .Feosi : P. and V.
(or mid.),
etv (or mid.), Sitofowrftu, frvai- lortav, evwxctv (Eur., CycL 346), V.
(Dem. and Plat, but rare P.), Satvvi/at, ; seej^asi. Delight;
P. and Y. repTrctv, v<l>paLvi,v.
dpVLcr0ai (Dem.319), aTrapvewrtfai
6, Ar. and P. OVK Regally, adv. P. ^ao-tXi/cws (Xen.),
cwroSexecr&u ; see also reject.
Avoid : .

P. and V. &urrao-0ai (gen.), Regard, subs. Ctora; P. and V.

v\a,{$cl(r6a.L ; see avoid. Ee/wse aw 7rtcrrpo^, 17, OTTOuSiy, 77,

P. !7ri/*A.eia,
wmiata'ow : P. liraivelv (ace.) (Xen.) 17,
Ar. and P. /xcXen?, 77, Y. wpa, ^,
of. AT., Ban. 508). JBe/^se to Ar. and V. /icpt^iva, 77, ^povrfe, ^
P. and Y. Y. see care.
#we : ^Oovelv (gen. (rare P.) ; Bespect,
also ace ).
Lo I stretch forth my deference : P. ^cpaTrcca, ?} ; see
hand and nothing shall be refused Eespectfulness : Y.

V. tSou 7rpoTtVt0, Kovbev avTiprjcreraL Payregard to : P. eTri

(Soph., Track. 1184). 2%e Mp ia-Ocu (gen.), V. Xoyov )(

Iw regard

shall take you and shall not be (gen ) ; see regard, v.

refused : Y. 77 vow? yap &&. KOVK to: P. and V. Kara (aCC.), Trpos
JnrapvriOy<reraL (Soph., P&fl. 527). (aoc.) see concerning.
Love : see
Do not refuse when we are begging love. Look : see Zoofc.

our first favour : P. yp&vM .

. . Heed, care for :
Ar. and P. ^rr^Wtfoi (gen.), P.
v. trans.

TT}]/ y irp&rriv ainrjo-ayrw \o-piv

airapi^is 70^7 (Plat., Soph 217o). and Y. briarrpi^a-Bcu. (gen.), <f>pov-
Befuse to (with infin.) : Ar. and P. rlfctv (gen.), VTp&r<rQ(u (gen.)
OVK 0e'\iv, Ar. and V. ov ^eA.etv, Y. (Plat, but rare P.), rrj^XeLv (aoo. or
Do not refuse to answer gen.) (Plat, but rare P.), Y.
: P, /AT/ $&6vL fwi aTTOKpl- fjL&eo-Qai(gen.), wpav %x lv (g en -)>
TOVTO (Plat., G-oig. 489A). Ar. and Y. irporlp.a.v (gen.). Pay
Come to my house early to-morrow respect to: Ar. and P. Otpaarevew.
and don't refuse : P. avpiov Iw^cv Value : P. Trept woXXov Trotcio-^ai,
a<f*LKQV olKoSe KOL fArj oAAo)? TroL-ijcrfls P. and Y. rlpav, /cr/Secr^at (gen.)
(Plat Loch. 201s; cf. Ar., Av. (rare P.), Y. Trpo^- i/a/>i0/jcr0at,
133). tieo-Oai (gen.). P. and Look upon :

Refuse, subs. P. and Y. x^So , V. cwro/fXerreiv (cts, ace. Or Trpo?,

(Dem, 1278, ^sch., Frag.). V. acc.), irptxropav (Plat, but rare P.) ;
KaiQdp/JLara, rd. Used Met., of see behold, watch. Consider : P.
persons: Ar. and P. TO, and Y. vo/uiv, fy<rQaLi, &yew, V.
TrepLTpifAfia, r6.
Refutation, subs. P. and V. Regarding, prep. P. and V. *car<i
6. Refutation of a charge: Y. (acc.); see concerning.
atria? airocrrpo^'q, T). Regardless, adj. Ar. and P. a^eA^s.
Refute, v. trans. P. and Y. Eegardless of
P. d/jieAifc (gen.),
P. a7reXc/j(iv, ^Atyajpos (gen.), V. &^povrts (gen.)
,adj. : P. (Eur., Frag.) ; see heedless.
Regardlessly, adv. P. d/wAfo, P.
JRegain v. trans. P. and V. and Y. a<p0im<rra>s (Xen.).
avaXapftdveiv ; see r^- Regardlessness, subs. P. d/zVaa,
Begain confidence : Ar and see heedlessness.
77 ;

P. $.va.6apo-iv (absol.). P.
Regency, subs. Guardianship :

Reg Reg
Theras held the Regret, v. trans. Repent of: P.
regency in Sparta: P. and V. ftTaytyi>(oo-/ce/ (aco.). J
ev regret: Ar. and
P. /urriip&cc JLOL
(HSt. 4, 147). (gen.). Z%0z/ regretted that they
Regenerate, v. trans. Save : P. had not accepted the proposals for
and V. o-<oiv. Make perfect : use a truce : P. jLceT6jU.cA.ovro ra? (nrovSas
P. TcXcOW, V. TfiXciOUV. ov Sc^a/LO'Oi (Thuc., 4,
27). Jkftss,
Regeneration, subs. Salvation: P. /W the loss of: P. and V. mOtlv
and V. o-omypta, ^. (ace.). Lament: Ar. and P.
Saviour P.
Regenerator, subs. :
SyavaKTcu/ (dat.), xoXraiv/ (dat.),
and V. o~o>Ti7p, 6. V. iriKp&S <f>pCLV, oW^Ope
Regent, subs. Governor: P. and E^e: V. dorxaXXew (dat.)
V. apxwv, 6. Guardian : Ar. and P. 7. 761).
P. 7rtTp07TOS, 6.
Regretful, adj. Involuntary : P.
/or Pleistarchus, who though king oKouo-tos, P. and V. ofy IKOVO-IOS, V.
was still a minor, being his cousin. tticwv. Regretful tears : V. 7ro0e/a
P. IIXeioTapxov . . . oWa Saicpua.
/cat vcov (TI
dvei/aos a>v
Regretfully, adv. Unwillingly :

(Thuc. 1, 132). use adj., P. and V. aiccov, <wx |K<DV,

Established order in agreement with subject; see
Regime, subs. :

P. and V. Kcn-dorao-is, ^. also reluctantly.

Way o/
life P. and V. 8 tWa, 17.
: JPorm o/ Regrettable, adj. Untoward: P.
potferwwewtf : P. KOCT/XOS, 6. and V. oWxe/tnfc ; see untoward.
Regimen, subs. System of Regretted, adj. P. and V.
P. and V. SiWa, ^. Regular, adj. Ordinary, customary:
P. and Y.
Regiment, subs. Use P. and V.
rdfis, ^, Xo^os, 6. (Dem. 605), elMs, eiflwr/wos, P.
Region, subs. P. and V. crvvrpo<os, Ar. and P. i/o/uo/ievos.
rcVos, 6, or pi. V. 7rXd, ^, Ar. and Regular meeting of the Assembly :
V. x&pos, 6, or pi. Ar. and P. (as
Register, subs. Ar. and P. Kara- opposed to o-ia).

Xoyos, 6, P. drroypa^, Symmetrical: P. Or-

: P. and V.
TO, wtva^, 6. derly
P. Ar. and P.
Register, v. trans. Met.,
Ar. and P. P. d-TrXoSs.
>u<f>tv j see enrol. BLav& (a Regularity, subs. Ar, and P.
P. 7riypd- , P. and V.
e, etc.) registered :

(mid.). Eegister a vow : 6. Symmetry : P. <ru/jL/ATpta, ,

use swear 9

Registrar, subs. P. dvaypa<<-ife, 6. Regularly, adv. In an orderly


Registration, subs, P. way: Ar. and P. Kooyiwos, P.

order: P. and V.
Regress, subs. Eetarw see return : V day : I*- and
Way out P. and :V. !&>Sos, ^. V. KOL& yj/Jitpav, V. Con-
icar* rjfJWLp.

Remorse P. and V. : P. and V. a', Ar. and P.

Regret, subs. : tinually
>} (Bur., ^a^.),
P. s. Symmetrically: P. oi;/x,/*er-

T), /terafLeXos, 6, V.
Sorrow for something three obols should be given instead

lost or absent :P. and V. -TTO'^O?, of the Attic drachma and that not
(Plat.). Tears of V. regularly: P. T^V /u<r0o<opav <rvv-
i a Sa/cpuu, ra. 6T/1V aVTt Spa^^? 'ATTUClJs
Reg Rej

KCU TOVTO JU/J) (dat.), Trpoo-yiyvco-Qai (dat.),

&8oer0ai (Thuc. 8, 45). rjOeLv (dat.), Trapa
Regulate, v. trans. Ar. and P. (dat.). Met., P. and V.
StoiKciv, Ta/jiieveiv, P. and V. OLKCIV, (dat.). Send Wp: P.
v/i(.v, Ar. and V. d/>/jioiv, V.
veo/x,av, Tropcrurtiv ;
see manage, Reinforcements, subs. P.
gocern. Fix, appoint . P. and V. 17, fiorjQoL, oi, ol

rao-ffctv, 7rpo<rracrcrtv. We cannot (Thuc. 2, 79). We hcwe no means

regulate the extent to which we wish of getting reinforcements for our
our empire to reach : P. ou/c Ifcrrtr Crews : P ovS' OTTO^CI/ CTriTrX^poxroftc^a
.. ras vavg
I^OP-^ (
T c 7, 14:). It ^ -

(Thuc. 6, 18). Arrange in will be disgraceful to be foi ced to

order : P. Siaracro-ew', V. GTT04X^tv, leave or afterwards send for rein-
SiacTT otxt fao-Qai, Staara OfjLav&ai . forcements : P. aurxpbv /3iaor0vras
Regulation, subs. Management. O.Tr.X&lV 17 V(TTpOV 7Tt)ltTa7r/X7rCCr^at
P. oW/eiyons, ?/, Sia^tpwris, 17. 00- (Thuc. 6, 21)
mmand : see command. Ordi- Reins, subs. Kidneys : Ar and P.
nance: P. and V. vo/u>s, o, tfecr/zo's, vt<t>poi, ot. Met., heart : P. and V. "

6 (rare P.).
Rehabilitate, v. trans. Restore P. TO, /jio's,
6 <s>pi?V, 71, or pi. V.
and V. ftvopQow. OTrXay^o^* TO, Or pi., ijirap, TO.
Rehearsal, subs. Practice: Ar. Reinspirit, v. trans. Use encourage.
and P. /AcA-erry, ?/. Reinstate, v. trans. P. and V.
Rehearse, v. trans. Practise ; Ar. Kardytw (TWO, ets TI), Kai$L<rrdvat (TWO.
and P. ftcXcrav. Narrate : P. and & Tt).
V. A-cyew, l&rweio'Qa.i, Reinstatement, subs. Return from
Step^eo-Oat, ;

see narrate. .Recite ; P. and V. exile : P. and V. KdOoSos, fj.

Reiterate, v. trans. Repeat; P.
Reign, subs. P. and V. dpx?, *?, vaXa/x^aveiv, 7ravaXa/A-
Kp&TOS, TO. , V. avaTToActv, ttva/ATprftu.
Reign, v. intrans. P. and V. over a?wZ over : P. and V.
v, ctp^ctv, Kparclv, SecrTro^ctv, Assert emphatically: P.
v, V. avaoxreiv, /cot/oavetv,
Ar. and V. ru/oawctv. Reiteration, subs.
over; use govern. The P. &ravo8os, 77.
reigning family : P. Reject, v. trans. Not to choose : P.
owcta(Dem. 22). d?roKptvtv. Refuse : P. and V.
Rftrnburse, v. trans. See ov Sexeo-Oai, aTrvQctv (or mid.),
P. and V. iv (or
mid.), 8D^et(r6at, &W-
(Dem. and Plat, but rare
Reimburb^jnent, subs. Repayment : osi^e: P. and V.
P. dxo'8oa*9, 17.

Rein, subf P. and V. fyCa, ^ V. ppwrretv, V. c/cptVreii/. Despise : P.

pvny/i o, twTroSeo-fta, TGL
(Bur., Sipp. and V. Kara.<l>povew (aco. or gen.),
1225). .BrwZZe : P. and V. x^A.^5, Ar. and V. aTroTrr&iv ; see despise.
6. Gwe mw
to ; Met., P. and V.
Neglect : P. and V. (gen.), u/^tv
irapapcXclv Dislike :
(gen.). V.
Rein in, v. trans. P. and V. aTToorcpyetv ; see dfoZi&e. Reject
see check. by voting: Ar. and P. dwroxeipoTovctv.
Reinforce, v. trans. Come to help :
(candidates for office) after
P. and V. poqOcLv (dat.), P. scrutiny P. d7ro8o/a/wiv.

Rej Rel

Rejection, subs. : Avoidance

P. Related, adj. Related (by blood,
and V. <l>vyvj,
see avoidance,
f) ; C.) : P. and V. avayxaTos,

refusal. see kindred. Be related to : P.

Rejoice, v. trans. P. and V. eu<pairav, and V. cyyifc elvai (dat. or gen.),
Ar. and V.' v (dat.). Was lie related to
(J3sch., Eum. 253) Please: P. you ? Y. /xoiv TrpocriJKe <roi (Eur., ;

and V. apccnceiv (ace. or dat.), Ar. L T. 550) Be more distantly

and V. avSavctv (dat.), Trpocrcroivciv, related : P. -yei/ei aTrcorcpo) ctvat
Ar. 7rpocrfeo-0ai. V. intrans. P. (Dem. 1066).
and V. TySecrfltu, xa faw, yeyiyflevtu, Relation, subs. Narration: P.
Ar. and V. TipirevOai (rare P.). Si^yjjo-ts, ^, StefoSo?, ^ (Plat.) ; see
Eejoice at: P. and V. ^eo-flai also narrative. Kindred: use adj.,
(dat.), xaV
4" (dat. or *rf> da*-)' P. and Y. owycn/s, oticetos, avay/catos,
cmxaipeiv (dat.), yeyqOevai (CTTI, ,
V. OT/yyoi/os, o/jtocnropos,
dat ) (Dem. 332, and Plat, but rare o/xatjLtos, 6/,<uv ; 866
P.), P. tyr}$e<r6ai (dat.), yavpiav Relations: P. and V.
(dat.), Y. forpxat'piv (dat.), yavpov- ot avay/catot, ot wpocny/coFres, V. ot

<r0ai. (dat.). Eejoice with another .

aZ)u.aTos. Potybus was no
P. and Y. crwiJSecrfcu (absol. or relation to you : Y. ^T/ o-ot ndXu/3o5
dat.), Ar. and
P. o-vyxaipeiv (absol. ci/ 6/ t (Soph 0. R. 1016). ,

or dat.), Y. o-uyyey^eVcu (dat.) marriage : P. and Y.

(perl of <ruyv7?0etv). s, 6, Y KT^Scv/Att, TO, ya/jt^pds,,

Rejoicing, subs. P. and V. ^80*17, 6, Ar. and Y. /o/Sc/jtcov, 6. Ifttfer-

97, xapo, ^
see 3y-
An object for course: P. and V. 6/uXi'a, ^,
reJO^Clng : use adj., P. rixapros, /cotvwvca, 17,
P. en-i/u^ta, ^ ; See-
or subs., Y. 7rtxapA*, TO.
Rejoin, v. trans. Return to: use P. P. ra arv/x^oXata. Mw^aZ relations :
0at ?rpos (aCC.) Absol., P. -^ irp05 aXX^Xous X/06"1 (Plat ,
answer P. and V. Rep. 372A). Relations with a
(Eur., . 516, J5accfe. 1272), person: P. and V. TO. Trpds nva.
P. vnro\CLfj,/3dvctv ;
see T^omew's relations wtik men are
answer. Make a defence : P. and : V. TO.
difficult yap ywatfcoiv S-ucrx^p^'
V. a7roA.oyr0<u (Bur., Trpos ^pGTcvas (Eur., Jo?i, 398).
Rejoinder, subs. Answer: P. and What relation is there between?

V. &ro'/cpuns, 4 (Eur., .Fra?.), P. P. and V. rt's Kotv<uvta; with two

wo ^ 7/i/as. Defence: P. dTroXoyta, ^. genitives. Have relations with,
Rejuvenate, v. trans. Ar. vaveiv. v. : P. and V. bpXelv (dat.),
Rekindle, v. trans Met., P. and V. wpoerojulXeTv (dat.), icoivcovctv
(dat.) ;

avcgwrvpelv (Plat.), Ar. see intercmvrse with, under

see kindle. int&rGQivrse. 1 think we may find
Relapse, v. intrans. P. this important for discovering the

Relapse wto, be reduced to: P. nature of courage namely in what

and V. Ka^Loroo-^at (cts, ace.).
relation it stands to the other parts
Relate, v. trans. Narrate : P. and of VWtw: P. ot/wtt cTi/at rt i)/uv
V. Xeyeiv, c^yetcrtf TOVTO n-pos rd c^eupccV Trepl
iTregcpxecrOai, <f>pdtw, Ar. 7rp^5 r#XXa /wpta ra T^
and P. SiQTycurftxi,
St V. WOT* lx (Plat., Pro^. 353s).
K<j>pdfav. Relate to the end P. Relationship, subs. P. and V.
and V. Sicwrcpcuvciv. JfeZate to, s, rd o-uyyema, 17, TO cruyyeves, P.

reference to : P. and V. Y. o-uyyems op.TXLai.

Ties of relationship : P. Ta rfj?
Rel Rel

drayicaia (Dem. 1118),

Amusement : P. and V.
P. and V. avdy/oy, V. TO TrpooHJ/cov.
From his relationship to Atreus : Relay, subs. Succession P. and V. .

P. KOTO. TO OIK610V *ATpt (ThuC. 8ia8ox>7, T? ; see rfi^e/1

1, 9). Nearness of relationship : Release, v. trans. Let go of: P.
Ar. and P. dyxrreia, 7, V. dyxwrrfita, and V. u<i<r0ai (gen.), Ar. and V.
T<X. Relationship by mairiage : P. /i#io-0<u (gen.). Let fall : P. and
and "V, K?)8os, TO, /c^ev^a, TO, V. a<jf>Zeyat. Release one's grip :
P. and V. x^y- Deliver. P.
Relative, subs. See relation. and V. A.ttv, a<Zei/ai> eAeu0epow,
Relative, adj. As opposed to or
absolute: P. -n-pos 17/^5 (Aristotle). mid.), V. cfa^raXXdcra-civ ; see
Relative to, incident to: Ar. and liver.
P. a*dXoi;0os (gen. or dat.). Con- Release, subs. P. and V.
cerning see concerning.
17, Xtfo-LS, ^, V.

Relatively, adv. In relation to ^, P. dTToAtms, ^, eXev^'pcoa-ts, 17.

something, opposed to absolutely : Salvation P. and V. o-omyptu, 17. .

P. irpo's Tt (Aristotle). Relatively Relegate, v. intrans. P. and V.

to, in comparison with : P. and V.

irpds (acc.) Relent, v. intrant. Be softened : P.

Relax, v. trans. Loosen : P. and V. (aor. pass. 7rt/cXav),
G,vZVCt6, YttAftV (Plat.), TTCLpZcj/GU. V. /ctaX^aKt^cr^at, ftaA.- ,

ILtGicvai, V. efavtevat. jKemii : P. 7r7rav#j}vcu, (&or pass.

and V. &Zvat, /jie&ievai, Ar. and V. P. and V. /ca/ATrrcor^at, ,

v^Zevat (gen.) (or mid.), P. l?ravti/ai. (Plat, but rare P.), Ar.
jy /or a moment we relax our and V. fwXd<rarcrOat.. Change one's
precautions : P. t aL<jxupri<Top,v n mind : P. and V.
/3pu>xv r5 5 TTypiytrcoDS (Thuc. S&ow ?7iercy : P. and V.
7, 13). JReZaa; OTW'S aw^er : Ar. Relent towards : use jt?%.
avtei/at, V. dpyi}s ^< Relentless, adj. P. and V.
aw is relaxed : V. 6 , TrtKpos, P. dirapatTtyTOs, V.
(Eur., Or. 941). Do
^o^r hold of the common (Soph., Frag.), SiJoraXyiTTos, Ar. and
^vot/cros, ^Tey/cTos ; see crweZ.
" (Thuc. 2, *
' Relentlessly, adv. P. and V.
P. and V. .
P. aV77A.0>5, 0-;(TAUOS, V.
My limbs are relaxed : V. ois, ai/otKTO)S, araXy^Toas ; see
. . .
(Eur., Hec. 438).
we?'e sleeping all with their limbs Relentlessness, subs. P. and Y.
relaxed : V, rfiBov Se TTQU
iriKpOTfis, ^, P. ayvtoiJLQarvvTrjj 17 ; see
n-api/jti/ai (Eur., Bacch. 683). cruelty.
.ZfoZaa? CTze'5 ej/brfe through coward- Relevant, adj. P. and V.
ice: naXaK%ca-9at,, Ar. and P.
/x,aX0a/accr0(M (Plat.). JS/werva^e : Relevantly, adv. P. ?rpo<r7*coVra>s.
Ar. and P. tfpuirreiv (rare in Act.), Reliability, subs. P. and V. -ra

P. 8ia0pu7rmi/. V. intrans. P. and ^, TO TTtOTOV, P. TTtO-TOT^S, ^,

V. Xoxj&oV, avtevat, P. eTravtei/ai.

Relaxation, subs. Loosening: P. Reliable, adj. P. and, V.

P. (Eur., Or. 597, but Bare V.), P.

P. and V. 7, P- '

Rel Re!

Reliably, adv. P. and V. '

(nvd TIIOS), &7roXvLV
TIVOS) (Eur., Or. 1236), V.
Reliance, subs. P. and V. civ (TIVCL Ttvos) \ see ^eZ^ver.
Self-reliance : P. and Y. 0paoros, Believe from labour: Y. ftox^ov
TO ;
see boldness. iTrlKov^L^y. Believe from troubles :

Reliant, adj. P. and Y. Opacrvs, V. a.7roKOV<f>iW Kafcoiv. .May ifee

ToX/x.?7po$ ; see bold. ^ods relieve you of your sickness
Relic, subs. P. and V. Xi/rai/ov (or Y icat <T 8at/AOV5 vocrov fJLTacm^<rf,av
pi). (Soph., P&. 462). Go to ifee AeZ^
P. and o/. P and V. ^Oelv (dat.) see

Relief, subs. Alleviation ;

V. avcul/vxrj, '/ (Plat.), Trapcu/nJX1?' -^ fe^^p. They made their attacks

taking turns to relieve: P. ava-
Y. #va/cor;<uns, / Cessation: P.
roiowro (Thuc. 4, 11). Relieve a
Abatement .* P. Xci)0iyo"ts, 17.
Save person of a duty, etc., take it over
relief from P. and V. Xa><av from him : P. StaSe^ecr^at (rt TWL).
(gen ). When his body hath relief They did not relieve Nicias of the
from sickness Y 6Vav /AO/ o-tfyua command -
P. TOI> Nt/c^av ou
Kov<f>i<r6fj VQO-QV (Eur., Or. 43). -TropcXvo-av -nys apx^s (Thuc. 7, 16).
Recreation : P. palmary, Breath- .
Reliever, subs. V. -rraudnyp, 6 ; see
ing space P. and V. uWTn/oiJ, 17
(Plat.), V. <l/A7n/oT7, ^- Belief from .
Relieving, adj. V.
P. and Y. civfyTrcfuXQ. w (sen.), .
BeUeviny pain : V .
TraiJXa, 7; (gen.), 8taXt5o*ts, ij (gen.), .

V. ava/coi;<To-is, >} (gen.). Riddance :

Religion, subs. P. and Y. rfc 0eTa.
P. and Y. X&rcs, 17, aTraXXay^, ^. Worship: P. ^ew tfepaWa, .

P. Religiousness : P. and

Help /Joi70x, ^. Reliefs,

relays. Apportioning (the work) -

among themselves in
reliefs : P. Religious, adj. Beligious rites:
$t,r)pr}[jivoi KO.T ava7rav\a<5 (Thuc Ar.and P. ra Upa, P. and Y. T&
2, .
*75) T'FT^w the Phocian ^ta see rites. Pious : P. and Y.

general sent for the cavalry from ewr)&7S, 00-405, Oeoareftys.

Arqura to act as reliefs P. 7ret8^ Religiously, adv. Piously
P and
6 orpcmyyos ^co/aa))/ /jLer&refjiireTO TOVS V. cvo-ej&os, oo-tcos, P. Btocrcpfa
(Dem. trireme set Religiousness, subs.
567). jK/i6y P. and Y.
sail as reliefs and put in at Egypt : TO VO-)S5, P- ,

P. Trcvny/covTa Tpi77pis 8ia8ox<M

'TrXcoucrat Is AXymrov ear^ov (Thuo. Relinquish, v. trans. Owe z/$): P.
1, 110). In sculpture, work in and V. a<i<rra<r0a,6 (gen.), $<J>lv<u,
relief: P. CKTVTTW/JWI, TO, Y. Tt/TTot, ovtei/at (ace. or gen.), ftctfceVai,
ol (Eur., Phoen. 1130). Work in *^oraa-6ai (gen.), Y. Sta/xe^te^at ;
relief, v. trans. P. CKTUTTOW. : see M!SO Zeaue. 1/0* ^o o/: P. and

Relieve, v. trans. Alleviate : P. and V. a<icr0<u (gen.), Ar. and V.

V. %7rtKov<f>iew, SaravrXfiv (Plat.), (gen.). I relinquish the
V. feu/Attpt e' ; see alleviate. Put command to lwm : P.
a stop P. and Y.
to :
(Thuc. 6, 23).
Comfort, cheer : P. and V. Relinquishment, subs. P. and V.
fjLv6ei<r0a<. (Eur., Or. 298), V. m . .
, ,

Bdieve from, free from :

Relish, v. trans. Pw* up with : P.
and Y. dfaevat, (rwa TWOS), and Y. avex^a-Bai. ; see endwe.
Rel Rem
Not to relish : P. Remaining, adj. P. and V.
see dislike Ar. and P.
Relish, subs. Seasoning: Ar. and wepotTroff.
P. i}oV/m TO. Dainty : P. and V. Remains, subs. P. and V.
otyov, TO (ZEsch., Frag.'). Give a TO, or pi.
relish to, season, v. : P. Remand, v. trans. Pw* off . P. and
Have a relish for : P. and V. V. ava#AAo-0(U.
pcioYcos <cpiv see like. ; Remand, subs. P. and V.
Reluctance, subs. Hesitation: P 4-
and V. OKVOS, 6. Reluctance to take Remark, subs. Something said : P.
the field: P. 0.770/0/170-
and V. Aoyos, 6, or use speech.

Ununlfangness to grant a thing : Mention . P. and V. jmvcia, ^, P.

P. and V. <0oVos, 6. .From base /inj^, T/.

reluctance to benefit any man V. .

Remark, v. trans. Soj/ : P. and V.
<>c8oi irovrjpq, fj.r)8ev
cS Trotctv ftpor&v Xfi-ycir, ciyopsvctv ;
see sm/ Notice :
(Eur., .Fra#.). P. and V. VOVK ZX LV ^pos (aco.), P.
Reluctant, adj. Of persons: P. KaTavoeLv; see notice. Remark
and V. iicwv, ofy CK&V. Of things v/pon : see mention. :

P. and V. ovx l/covcrtos, P. Remarkable, adj. P.

V. aica>v. -Be eluctant to, v. P and
Extraordinary: P. and V.

V. dVvetv (infin.), K&roKvelv (infin.), P. /ACLOTO?, Sctvds, afjajxavos, Ar. and P.

SaijooVios, 0avjJid<rios V. 9

Reluctantly, adv. ^ P. and V. Preeminent : P. and V.

oKoi;cricos, o&x KOVcrL<o$ P. d/coiro)?. StaTrpCTnJ?, V. ?^ox

Do a /ww0 reluctantly : P. and V. Remarkably, adj Extraorfananfy :

SKCW 'Troietv TI. With an effort : P. ^av/iao-Tois, d/jii7Xttvo)s, Ar. and P.
Ar. and P. 6 ^ P- ancL V.x^ Preeminently: P. 8ta-
/loyis, /jodXi?.
He agreed reluctantly : V. ^ox<os. ,

P. OT;j/</)T7CT /AtfylS. Remediable, adj. P. ^TO'S (Plat.),

Rely on, v trans. P. and V (Antipho.), P. and V.
ireiOccrOai, (dat.), irwrrevcLv (dat.). (Plat.).
Belying on : use
V. Remedial, adj.
adj., P and
Stopping pain : V.
wferwo? (dat.) (Thuo.) V. KOTO'S 5

(dat.). P. and V. flTVfwj&opos ; see profitable.

Remain, v. intrans. Abide : P. and Remedy, subs. P. and V. 2d>a, TO,
V. /-tepciv, Trapa/xcmvj Ar. and P. TO, V. 5icos, TO, ,

KaTQ.p.Vt.v, Trepifi&ew, P. Sta/ievetv,

VTrofiO'eti/, V. /ujjimv, Trpocrpevew , P. and V. ^opyoaKov, TO
see *to^. Remain beMnd : P Xiio-is, ^ (gen.), V. SKOS, TO
Remam on : Ar. and P.
(gen.), 05 TO (gen.). TFe have f%
(absol.). Lasi P and
: a remedy for owr distress : V.
V. fj,vew, -Trapaftcvetv, avTX tv ? IOTTLV fjfjLW dva^opa T^S
Ar. and P. 1

(Bur., Or. 414).

C ? 1'*
Bold grood : P. and Remedy, v. trans. P. and V. icr0ai,

50 Ze/tf; P. and V.

A.ewr(r0(U, Ar. and V. -n-cptXeMrco-^cw.

cla(rd<u, aJC6io-0at. To 5ee %0^ ^
present state of thmgs may be
BcmotTJ (wer P. xeptcTvai, Ar. and
: remedied: P. owws TO, irapovr
P. 7rpfyiyveo-0(u. JBTqpe rewaiws : P.
Remember, v. trans. P. and V.
Remainder, subs. P. and V. TO p.vr)cr$rjva.t, (aor. pass, of fUfJLVTfjo-Kew)
Xowro'v, Td-n-fXowra (Dem, 361). (aco. or gen.), ^fa^crOat (perf. pass.
Rem Rent

of p.^vrjCTKeiv) (ftOC. or gen.), see relax. JRemit one's anger : V.

(ace. or gen.), opyijs favtei/at, Ar. opy^s avfevat.
(aco or gen ), P. Pardon: P. and V. cn;yyiyi/a)o-/civ ;
Vy Stja.fJi.vyjfJi.ovViv (aoc. see pardon. Send: P. and V.
or gen.). Keep in mind: P. and
V. eroje> (or mid.), ffiXda-crew (or Remnant, subs. P. and V. Xefy
mid.), P. oWu>/. As far as I TO', or pi.
remember : P. a>$ eya> AU^/?S
^x * Remodel, v. trans. Ar. and P.
(Plat., jffyjp. Miy. 302E). Easy to avairXacrvtiv see reform. }

remember, adj. : P. eu/^vrj/xoveuros Remonstrance, subs. P. dvriXoyta,

JStoer to be remembered : P. and V. ^, oT^crXiao-fcds, 6 (Thuc. 8, 53) ;

see memorable.
fefavyo-Tos ; see protest. 7ou cease not despite

Remembering, adj. P. and V. my remonstrance . V. KOI ravr e/Ao

Aeyo^Tos OVK d^tbracrat (Elir., El.
Remembrance, subs P. and V. 66). .Nbtfwithout remonstrance
fJLVTfJfJL'q, 17, V), V. //.V^OTtS, 17.
fJLVLCL, on my part : V. dXA." ov/c CT-" appiyrots
Memorial P. and V. //,vi7ju.aov, TO,

yc Tot5 e/xots Adyots (Soph., 4?ti.

Ar. and P. /xv^do-iJvov, TO, P. wrd- 556). ie^ be, wasted are all words
fJLVrffJLa, TO, V. fJLvfjfJWL, TO. of remonstrance : V. mo ireptavol
Remind, v. trans. P. and V. 7ravTS ovv fteo-(j) Xdyot (Eur., Med.
a.vafjLtp.v^cTKLv (TWO. ri Or T/< TWOS), 819).
P. TLr7rOfJu,fjLvq(TKW (TWO. n). Bemind Remonstrate, Speak in
v. intrans.
again P. CTrava/w/^or/ceo' (riva
rt). opposition: P. and V. dvrtXeyetv.
Reminder, subs. Memorial: P. J5e annoyed : P. x^^^s <j>epw.
_,_ / -TT j
and Y. fJLV7)fJLLOV) TO, V. jU.V^jU,a f TO, Remonstrate with, intercede with :
P. v7rd/AK7/Aa, TO. -RewMwdm^ : P, P. and V. 7rapaiTi<r6ai (aoc.).
and V. uTTo/jtv^o'ts, 17. Dissuade : P. and "V, aTrocrrpe^etv
Reminiscence, subs. P. (aco.), Ar. and P. aTrorpcVeiv (ace.),
Td. V. dvTKrrrav (aco.) see dS5ttad6.;

Remiss, adj. P. and V. Remorse, subs. P. and V. /jtera^cXeto,

Ar. and P. ^SXaKo's, P. ^ (Eur., Frag.), P. ptrdvoia, ^,
Ar. and V. /x-aXflaicds (rare P.). /jLTa//,eAos, 6, V. /jterayi/ota, 17. Pify:
Negligent : P. and V. p$0i//>s, Ar. P. and V. IXcos, 6, ot/cTos, 6 (Thuo.
and XT. uyLtcA.17?, ctcppovTio *T05 J" f
but rare P.); see 3?
(Xen.). remiss, v. 5e
P. ^uoXa- : remorse for, v. P. and : V
KifcvOai, Ar. and P. uaXQaKitetrQai VUO-KCIV (aco.). I /erf remorse for :

(Plat.), Ar. and P. /jicra/xeXct JK.OI (gen.).

Remission, subs. P. rc<H?, 17; see remorse (absol ), v. P :

reZ^e/. QtwWcmce: P. ^eo-is, 17.

Forgiveness P. and V. o-uyyvo)/^, Remorseful, adj. P.
e TT / e

(Plat,, Rep. 577s) see ;

Remissly, adv. P. cwrpo&kwos, Ar.

and P. /xoXa/cois, Ar. and V. Remorseless, adj, P. and V.
Negligently : P. d/jteXoi?, Xtos, orfcX^pd?, -TTi^pos, P. oarapCLL-
P. and V. d(pojm'o-Ta>s (Xen.). r, V. 8vcnrapacn7T05, 1/17X77$, SvcrdtX-

Remissness, subs. P. and V. ;. iwoucrLptJLw (Soph., Frag.), Ar.

a, 17,
P. d/AeXeia, 17,
and V. SVOWCTOS, Jrcy/cros see cruel. :

Remorselessly, adv. P. and V.

Remit, v trans. Ar. and P. 7rcjcpa>?,
P. avryXeois, o^TXto)5, V.
P. and V. ttvwcu see
(Plat.), Traptom, V.
Rem Ren

Remorselessness, subs. P. and Y. atfravifciv, P. ejcn-oSo)i/

^, P. J ;
866 JSfeZp ^o remove : Y.
(ace.). Remove secretly
Remote, adj. Long: P. and V. (from place of danger, etc.) : P.
Far off : Y. IKTOTTOS, and Y. vvfKrWccrOai,
STTOTTTOS, r^Xawros ; 866
r^Xoupos, !/C/cXCTTTtV, K/CO/X.tfc(r^at, P.
distant. Most remote : P. and V. /it^etv, V.
&rxaros. Eemote from : see /ar see rescue. Help to remove : P.
/rom. From the remote past : P. (rwKKo/M^Lv (rivdi nvi). V. intrans.
IK TraAaiTaTav (Thuc. 1, 18), Change one's dwelling P. fLCTavt-:

Met., sZ^rfci : P. and V. <rra<r0ai, a7rav/<rra<rdat, Ar. and P.

fipax^' /ttK/wfet <r/uicpo5. No*
ai oiKi^cor^at,
/xeTa^copc?!/, P. and Y.
P. and V. fyfcvijs. fJL0ia'racrOaL t
Remotely, adv. .Far ojf : P. and Remove, subs. Distance, difference
V. jjuiKpdv, P. &ro0ei/, Ar. and P. P. d7rd(TTa<rts, /. eng many
Ar. and V. #7ra>$v, V. removes distant in relationship to
), Troporo), Ifcas (also Thuc. but Archiades : P. -TroAAoonros cts T^V
rare P.). .Be*w0 wore remotely roC "Ap^iaSou ovyyevctav TrpocrijKCDV
related : P. y (Dem. 1086).
(Dem. 1066). Remunerate, v. trans. P. and V.
Remoteness, subs. P. /UO-00V StSdvcu (dat.), P. /uo-floSorcTv
* (dat.).
Remould, v. trans. Ar. and P. Remuneration, subs. P. and V.
ava7rAa<r<Tv ; see reform. fjiur&os, 6.

Removable, adj. P, irepiaiperds Rencounter, subs. See encounter.

(Time. 2, 13). Rend, v. trans. P. and V. Karapp^y-
Removal, subs. Migration : P. and vifvat, crrrapaoro-civ (Plat.), Ar. and
V. ^ P. /ieraoTacris,
avaoraoris, V. Kara&uWv (also Xen.),
juLravacrrams. Putting <m end to : pd<ro-tv, SiaoTTracrSat,Y.
P. /ca&upeeris, P. and V. SiaAvcris, 17. (rare P. uncompounded),
Ow i/ifi fourth or fifth day after
the removal of the men to the Y. Ar. ,
and Y.
island : P. reraprg ^ irifjarrQ f)l*-*p<i> Rent see rew^.
/XCTO, T1JV TO)V (IvSpCOV tS T^V VTJCTOV Render, v. trans. P. and Y.
Stafco/xiSi/v (Thuc 3, 76). , TTO.p)(LVy t V. ITOpO-rfvetV,
Remove, v. trans. Carr^ away P. :
7roptv (2nd aor. Ar. and V. ,

and V. S-Tro^cpeiv. Shift, transfer : P. and V.

P. and V. fjLtOLOvdvai, ptra^cpew, Interpret: P. and V.
Y. /xcTotpctv ; see transfer. Remove Render an account :
from home: P. and V. o P. SiSovat, Xoyov onro<f>ipiv,
aTrotAct^etv, V. Make P. and Y. TTOICIV, KaQ
L ; see banish. Take away :
(or mid.), P.
P. and Y. a^atpdv (or mid.), o-dai, Ar. and P.
avaipeiv, Trapatpciv (or mid.), l^aipetv vrfvat, cwro<aj/iv, Ar. and Y.
(or mid.); see withdraw. Strip rare P.), Y. KT^V, T>xtv. Render
off- P. wepiaiperv. Remove (feelings, oneself, become : P, and Y. yfyvta-Qat,
etc.) : P. and Y. &upw, P. StoX^w, Ka.0i<rrcur&<n (pass,).
V. aWpcw. Pw^ aw ewd to : P. Rendering, subs. Interpretation:
and V Trctuciv, P Ifcfrvw, 4-
^, Ar. and P. Karo Rendezvous, subs P. and Y.
cmi o/ i/ie ^a^: P. and Y. , P. op/jt^TT/ptov, TO.
Ren Rep

Rending, subs. V. <nrapa-y/AOS, o, V. SiacrWpaKTOS.

0"7rttpClVjtMl. TO. V. KWooTrapaccros.
Renegade, subs. Traitor : P. and denunciation, subs. P.
V. 7Tpo8oT175, 6.
Renew, v. trans. P. and V. Seopen, v. trans. See renew.
a aveovfrOai, P. ciravaveova-Oai.
i Be Reopen a case already decided : P.
renewed : also P. di/cucatvifo-0ai. (Dem. 1018).
Renewal, subs. P. ?epair, subs. P.
Renounce, v. trans. P. and V. ?epair, v. trans. P. Vwnc;aetv, P.
ttTreiTreti', avcui/co^cu (Dem. and and V. avoptfow. Ifafee ^ood P. ;

Plat, but rare P.), V. ftrav8oy and V. avaXa/ijScivctv, o/cur0ai,

(Bur., Supp. 343). Disinherit : o-^at. V. intrans. -Be-
P. Relinguish
dTroKTfprjo-o-eiv. : P. see resort, go.
and V. a<rra<r0<u (gen.), Sifoevai, Repairer, subs. P. eTriovcoKumfc, 6.
avZkvoLL or gen.), ^OlwaL, l-
(acc. Reparable, adj. P. d/ceo-ros (Antipho.),
i(rra<r6ai (gen.), ft0TTao-0at (gen ). P. and V. loV^os (Plat.).
P. irpotcoticu.. Dis- Reparation, subs. Compensation:
P." and V. P. and V. fyoi^, 15
(acc.). Reject : P. and V. &ra>0eTv Atonewien : P. and V. T&rls, 17
(or mid.) see reject.
I renounce (Plat.),
V. -jroivrj, 17, or pi. (rare
the command in his favour : P. ewroiva, TC (Plat, also but rare P.J.
Trapfy/JLi O.VT& TTJV o-pxn v (Thuc. 6, Making good: P. dvoX^is, 15, V.
23). ava<l>opd 9 y. Remedy : V. iicos, TO.
Renovate, v. trans. Repair : P. MaJce reparation for see atone for.
Make good : P. and V. ayaXapflfocLv,
Renovation, subs. Repair : P. aKeicrOcUj efiacrQcu, lacrOai
subs. Answer: P. and
Renown, subs P. and V. 8oa, V. faroicpio-Ls, -%. Wit : P. xaPlfy~
c8oa, fy dAi>/4a, TO, xXeo?, TO (rare TUTfJLOS, 6.

P.), ovo/xa, TO, Ar. and V. Repast, subs. Meal: P. and V.

77, 10)809, TO, V. KXrj&Mv, fj.
Eonowr: r6. Feast : P. and V.
P. and V. Tifurjj rj.
(Plat ), Ooirr), 1) (Plat),
Renowned, adj. P. and V. (Plat.), P. lo-TiWis, ^ ; see
OMMrperr^s, also food.
Repay, v. trans. Pay back : P. and
V. awoSiSoVat, &iroTtVLV (Bur., Or.
Ar. 655), **. dvrawoStSovat. j^fiCOWp6?aS6:
and V. K\iv6<s (Plat, also but rare P. and V. apcipcrOai. Requite :
P.), V. U/cXeifo TTpCTTTOS. P. and V. afji-vvfcrOoLL, di/7 a/xwco-^ot,
re?w?wed, v Ar. and P. : Ar. and V. dvra/Aet/?eo-0ai see also ;

P. and V. voo/ (Bur , pumsh. Bepcuy with evil : P. and

Rent, subs. a^or; Ar. and V V .
dvriopai/ ica/cfis (TIVCX) .
Repay with
Xaicfe, 17.
JSe?i< in the earth : P good: Ar. and P. dvr* e8 irotciv
and V. x^/^j T<>' Money paid for (nvdft, P. and V. S iratfwv dvriSpav
use of property : P. (nvd) Bepay measure for measure :

/AtV^w/jia, TO'. JSewtf o/ a V. TOV avroV Ttcrao'tfat rpoirov

. . .

evot/ctoVj TO. (Mwh., Theb. 638).

Rent, v. trans, ffire /or Repayment, subs. P. <wro8o<ns, ^.
Ar. and P. /wo-flovo-tfoi. Recompense P. and V. a/u>i^,

Rent, adj. V. Sixoppayfa (Plat, but rare P.), /uo-0os, 6 ; see

see ^or^, under tear. Mangled
Rep Rep

Repeal^ v. trans. P. and V. Repentance, subs. P. and V.

tv, AtW, P. dvaipciv, Ar. and (Eur., ^ra^.), P.
P. /xcravota, , , 6, V. //.cra-

Repeal, subs. P. yvota, ^.

P. P.
Repeat, V. trans rava7ro\tv, Repentant, adj.
avaAoLfjLftdvcLv, lirava\.afJiftdvLV 1
V. (Plat., .
577B). Hvmbkd: P.
Sya.iroX.elvt va/jieTpicr0ai. Say : P. and V.
and V. Aeyeiv, curctv. Bec^ie Repetition, : Ar. subs. P.
and P. pciH/r<i>8e/. Soy over and , 17. Recapitulation : P.
over ; P. and V. u/Avetv, 0pi5AH/. Narration: P. Sny-
Renew : P. and V. &vou/eov<r0<u. P.
Divulge; P. and V. e/otepcii/,
juLyideiit ; see Repeat Repine, v. intrans.
divulge. Ar. and P.
oneself : use P. and V. Aeyv. ravro.
<rxTA.iaeiv, P. and V.
Repeat your questions and learn see &e ^eaed, under -ueaj.
the truth fully V. e7rav8wrAae /ecu Repining, subs. P. and V.

ois /c/^v0av (ZEsoh., P. F. 817). ^; see vexation. Regret. P and

Repeated, adj. Frequent: P. and
V. 7r<5<9os, 5 (Plat.).
V. WTJKVOS, -jroA^s, Ar. and P. Replace, v. trans. Put in place :
Repeatedly, adv. P. and V. Tr P. and V. Ka$iorui/(u, V. /cttTaarcAAeiv
0a/x,dt (Plat.),
P. Ar. (Eur., Eacck 933). Pwt *w s^eacZ :
and V. TroAAa, Ar. and P. P. a.vTiK<j.6i< He said that if
Repel, v. trans P. and V. they used (the money) to secure
a7ra>0iv (or mid.), a 8ia>- their safety they must replace an
0ew-0ai, V, c a/*W0at ;
866 equal sum: P.
ojf, repulse. Rout : P. and V.
rporcu'. JSejeci : P. and V. aTrcoflctv a.VTtfcaTa(rn}o-at TrdX.iv (Thuc. 2, 13).
(or mid.), SiuOelo-QaL, irapwfaw (or j5rmgr back, restore (exiles, etc.) :
mid.), Ar. and V. faroTrrfeiv ; see P. and V. /coniyctv. JBe <m equivalent
re/eci. Disgust : P. A^StW irap^v for : P. dvTa|to5 cTvat ; see
(dat.). Make good : P. and V.
Repellent, adj. P. <fy&?5, P. and V.
see also loathsome. Replenish, v. trans. P.
Repent, v. intrans. P. and V. V. licirttwrAavat ; see
T/, P. pcravocw, /xera- JSM.
repewi : Ar. and P. Replenishment, subs. Use P.
Repent of : P. and V.
I repent of :
Replete, adj. P. and V.
Ar. and P. //.eTajLLcXec /x,ot (gen.). s, Ar. and P.
2%ey repentedofnot having accepted P. l/ATrAccus, TreptTrAeto?, V.
the proposals for a truce : P. see also/wZZ. Replete
(Eur., Gyci.) ;

ras cnrovSas ou 8cd/jivoi with : use adj., given with. gen.

(Thuo. 4, 27). Ha shall make such Repletion, subs. P. and V.
a marriage as ere long he shall ^ (Plat.), KO>S, 6 (Plat.).
repent of : Y. ya/x,t ydjuov TOLOVTOV Replica, subs. See copy.
<J TTOT' do-xaA^ (-Slsch., P. 7. 764). Reply, v. intrans. P. and V.
!Fow would repent it should you lay .
516; Bacch.
hands (on them) : V. *A.aois &v d 1272), dvrtA^yciv, tv, V. <

a~ > _yj
., Supp. 925). You Sav,

shall repent it : Ar. and V.

Reply on behalf of another ;
(fut. of Ar. pivecrOau. (gen.). Retort :
Rep Rep
P. viro\a.fji,/3a,viv. Reply (of an Make to rest : P. and V.
oracle) : P. and V. xp*i v> avaipeiv ; Place : see place.
see under oracle. Reply to (a Eepose confidence in. P. and V.
charge) P. and V. &roA.oyro-0(u TTICTTW ^tv (dat.). intrans. Y
wpos (aoc.) (cf. Eur., Bacck. 41). Lie down : Ar. and P. KaraKXTvevQai.
Reply, subs. P. and V. aW/cpic-is, ^ Be
"^ quiet : P. and V. ^tnJx^tv.
(Eur., Frag.). Retort : P.
wroA^ts, P. and V. avairaveerQai..
07. Defence : P. aTroAoyia, 17. P. and V. KaOeuScw ; see
Oracular reply : P. and V.
v, TO ; see oracZe. Repository, subs. P. .. .

Report, v. trans. Announce P. and Reprehend, v. trans. . P. and V.

V. dyyeAAco', aTrayycAAav, efay- (aco. or dat.), i/reye/,
7ramocr&u see blame. ;

P. ,
Relate : P. Reprehensible, adj. P. and V.
and V. Aeyciv, <f>pdLV, )S, erromos, V. e
Ar. os, P. I/T/CTOS (Plat.).
and P. Reprehensibly, adv. Use P. and
Divulge P. and V. V. KCL/CCOS.

K(f>epew see divulge. Reprehension, subs.

; P. and V.
Noise abroad : P. and V. ^, i/royo?, 6, ama, ^ see ;

8fcacnre6ptv, V.
0pO/, anrcLf
reported, noised abroad: V. Represent, v. trans. Portray: P,
co-0(u, vfjLvdcrOaL, P. and V. and V. tKav, P. Trap
Represent in a bad light : P.
(Xen.). I think we should sail to Ufd^iv ircpC (gen.) (Plat.,
Mitylene before our presence is 377s). Represent as : P.
reported : P. SoiccZ /xot wXctv eir-l O"KVOL^LV Ar. and Ct7rO<A<XtVtV.P
MimA-tyf-iyi/ -Trpiv efcTrvorrovs yev<r0at He will represent us as drunkards
(Thuc. 3, 30). 2%02/ apprehended and brawlers: P. ^/xas irapowovs . . .

all whomthey met that their jj>v TWOLS Kdl v)8pwrTas KaTao"fceuao"t
presence should not be reported : P. (Dem. 1261). He tried to represent
that I was the cause of what
e^ayycA/roi yevtcrQaL (Thuc 8, 14). occurred m Euboea : P. r&v Iv
Report, subs. Eumour : P. and V. EvOOtOt TTpflty/XCOTCOV . <J>5 y<l) tttTtO5

<j>Tt]fMf), f), Xoyos, V. /?at?,

6, 17, jcA/tySoiv, et/xc /caT0"Keua^ (Dem. 550). He
17, jcXeos, TO', Ar. and V. /ju50os, 6, has represented the rowers one and
<<rt$, 17. Message: Ar. and P. all as bowmen: P. TooVas yap
dyycAia, 07, P. aTrayyeXia, ^, P. and Trai/ras TO^S Trpocr/cawrovs
V. dyy^X^ta ,TO. ^LcCO^TZi, WMWcMfOQ. (Thuo. 1, Eur., Tro. 981).
10; of.
P. and V. Ao'yos, 6, p6os, o (Plat.). Jwtete : P. and V. filfjLelo-Qai,
Reporter, subs. One who announces : KfAlp.ei<r0(u (Xen, also Ar.).
P. and V. dyycAos, 6 or ^. present by imitation : P, d-n-o/xt/Act-
Repose, subs. JStestf, as opposed to cp^at. JSepresewi (a cfearac^er) : P.
motion : P. OTOO-IS, 17. Ca7m ; Ar. vTTQKpiveo-Qaii. Represent Antigone :
J T) * w / C TT C w i \
ana Jr. rjcrvxta,, 17, V. TO 970*uxaM>1/ ' P. 'Amyoi^v wo/cptWo-^at. When
P^flwe : P. and V. yoAi}^, 17 (Plat.), he represented the sorrows of
cuo6(x. f] Respite : P and v iron/ Act
t .
j Thyestes : P, &rc JJL^V ra v(rrov
17, ava7rai;Xa, ^ ; see respite. Sleep . . Kcwca ^ycov^ero
(Dem. 449).
P. and V. -^TTVOS, 6. Ji is the special privilege of
Repose, v. trans. Make to recline : third-rate actors to represent kings
Ar. and P. /caTa/cAzVv, P. and V. and sceptered personages : P.
Rep Rep

laiperov ccmv
<a<nrp ycpas -rots P. xa0cupo-is, 17. Deposition : P.
TpirayiDviarats TO TOTJS Tvpavvovs KOL Control:?. cS .

TOUS TO. cncfjirTpa l^ovras cicri&'ai

(Dem. 418). Suggest : Ar and P. Reprieve, v trans. Pw o/: P. and
icr7ywr0ai ; see suggest. Point ava^aXXccr^at. V
out, show : P. and V. SctfcviW, Reprieve, subs. Putting off : P.
S-gXow; see show. Represent a and &/a/3oA.-J, ^, V. ^poXy, V ^
person, look after his interests : P. Breathinq space P. and V. .

and V. irpofacw (gen.). Oham- avcwrvoiy, ^, V. a/ATrvoiJ, 17.

P. and Y. Trpwrrarciv (gen.). Reprimand, v. trans P. and Y.
as representing the greatest city /xe/A<ecr0(u (acc. or dat.) ; see
ask you to come to terms : P eyw blame.
subs. P. and V. /xcjiM/rts,
. . TrdXiv
fjieyumjv -Trapc^oftevos Reprimand,
. . .
<i|t<jj o-uyx eo 3C "/
. . 4, 77; see/
64). I came forward though with Reprisal, subs. Vengeance : P. and
no mandate to represent our house : V. Tl/vpia ^, Ttb-ts, ^, V. TTOH/I;, 17,

V. lij\.6ov ov Tax0e?o-a TrpccrjSevciv or pi. (rare P.), &rou/a, TU (rare P.),

(Eur., Herac. 479).
yei/ous CLVTl-TTOLVa, T<. jK^/l^ O/ pUbllC
Representation, subs. Likeness : reprisal (by seizing goods) : P.
P. and V. iK<ov, ^ fjLtMpa, TO, P. o-OAai, at, o^Xa, TCI (see Dem. 931).

d<o/w>ta>/ia, TO. Picture : P. and Make reprisals, v: P. and Y.

V. ypa<i7, 17 ;
see ^n a/*,tfveo-0<u. 27&ey gone the Lacedae-
#ow wot of this that a
satisfied monians a more plausible pretext
name representation of a
is a for making reprisals on the Athen-
thing ? P. wdVepov TOTJTO OVK dpecncet ians : P. Tots Aa/ceSat/^ovtots cwrpo-
crc TO ctvat, TO ovo/xa SiJXco/Aa TOT juaAAov T^V atTtav ts TOVS
Trpay/xaTos ; (Plat., Oatf. 433o) TOV
Showing : P. SiyXwo-is, ^. Dramatic (Thuc. 6, 105).
representation: Ar. and P. 8p Reproach, v. trans Abuse : P. and
TO. Comic r^pres^fafo'ow : P. Y. ovttSt'fciv, icctfcoi? Xeyetv, Ar. and

/xwStK )} /up.r)o-t$. Make representa- Y. KOKOppoOeiv, V. e^oj/etSt^tv, *a*o-

tions to, make overtures to : P. r^/xeiv, SVOTO/ICIV, Sewa-
Aoyous Trpocnfripew (dat.). , P. K&KL&W ; see also accuse,
Representative, subs. 0?ae who abuse. Blame: P. and Y. jMc^ea-Oai
looks after the interests of his (acc. or dat.), i/rfyeiv, atTtotcr^ai,
countrymen in a foreign city : P. 7ratTiao-^ai see blame. Reproach ;

s, 8 (also met. in V.). with P. and Y. &rnrA.^oxrtt' (TI -

: P. and V. '
Ttvt), C7raiTiacr0at (Tti/a Ttvos), /x)U.
<f><r6(iL (TL TJ.VI, Y. also TIVOS TC.VI),

Representative, adj. See elective, OVCtSi^CtV (Tt TlVl).

typical. Reproach, subs. P. and V.
Repress, v. trans. Check P. and
: TO', V. Sw^/u'a, 07 (Soph.,

Bepi-oaches Y. Kaica, T<.

Blame :
l<rxiv (rare P.), Y. eieiaycw (rare P. and V. /jLjtu/rts, y;, aiTta, ^; see
blame. Disgrace : P. and Y.
eiv, KaTcurreXXeiv. Subdue, crush :
6W8os, TO, alcrxivrj, % ; see disgrace.
P. and Y. KaOaipelv, /caTaoTpc^ccrtfai, Used concretely of a person P. :

XCipovcrOoLL, K&Tcprya&crQcLL. Put an and Y. 6V<Sos, TO, Y. alvxfiw), fj.

end to P. and V. Travew,

KaQaipew. Words of reproach : Y. Xoyot

Repression, subs. '
Subjugation : P. ovciSto-nJpcs. Gail by way of
)}, 17. Putting an end to : reproach, v : P. and Y.
Rep Rep

Reproachful, adj. Abusive: V. (Plat., Jfop.465 o). He repudiates

Ka/cocrrojuos. Angry, embittered : the contract he swore to Athenodorus
P. and V. to observe : P. as <5/u>o-e
Reproachfully, adv. P. and V.
(Dem 677). Nothing will prevent
Reprobate, subs. Use adj., P. and all contracts from being repudiated:
V. KaKovpyos, Travovpyos, or use P. ovSei/ KwAvtra aTravra ra cru/JLjQoXaia
rascal. 8ta\T;o-(9tti (Dem. 1297).
Reprobation, subs. Use blame. Repudiation, subs. DewmZ : P. and
Reproduce, v. trans. Portray: P. V. apvqo-is, y P. t

and V. ei/cae/. Imitate: P. and P. and V.

V. jut/ieior^at, K/u//,ur0ai (Xen. also o/ ^e6^s : P.
Ar.), P. d7ro/u/x,eZcr0ai Generate :
see generate. They reproduce a Repugnance, subs. P. dqSfo, ^, P.
mother's shame : V. e/e^e'poucrt . . . and V. Suoxepeia, 17, Scry?, ^ (Plat.
fuifrpS 61/61877 (Eur., And 621). and Eur. but rare both P. and V.).
Reproduction, subs. Imitation : Ar. Hatred P. and V. /uo-os, TO see
: ;

and P. juu/^o-is, 77. Copy : P. and

V. fltu/flfJiOLj TO Repugnant, adj. P and Y.
Reproof, subs. P. and V. &rax077s, P. 1x778775 see also hateful.

^rrfyos, 6, alrla, 77,

P. Repulse, subs. P. and Y. TpomJ, 77.
Ar. and V. /xo/x^, ^. Refusal : P. and Y. <0oVos,
6, Y.
Reprove, v. trans. P and Y. see refusal. ;

pfyfacrOai (aco or dat.), Repulse, v. trans. Rout : P. and

cunuordcu, ?ramao~dai, P. Si* amas V. TpcVen/. TPimZ o^; and V.
SfjitvecrQai, V. l^a/AS/o-^at, aAc&atfat
and V. (also Xen. but rare P.). flow cZZ
Reptile, subs. P. and V. yo^ repulse the Argive spear from
(Xeu. also Ar.). your gates : V. TTWS yap ApyciW
Republic, subs. Democracy Ar. 8op*u TrrXcuv d'TTcar^O'aor^jE (Eur.,
and P. 8i7/io/cpaTia, 77. Ar. Phoen. 1086). Bea* ojf : P. fao-
and P. 17,
P. and V. Trolls, /cpouco-^ai, ic/cpoiJiv.
P. and V. SireXavveiv,
Republican, adj. Ar. and P. itAjBLvvcar,ca>6v (or mid.),
S?7jLw>Twco', Be governed
&7/iOKpaTwcds. (or mid.), 8tw^to-^at, V. t
on republican principles, v. Ar :
(Eur., JSfees.). Ee;ect : P. and V.
and P. SrjfAQKpaTelvOaL. a7ro>0tv (or mid.), oTrcAawciv, Trapa)-

Repudiate, v. trans. Disclaim: P. ^tv (or mid.), 8ta>0er0ai, Ar. and "

and V. awa&ow (Eur El. 256). V. $7ro7rr6cw see re

, ;

Disown: P. and V. aarenrtiv, avat- Reputable, adj. P. and V.

(Dem. and Plat, but rare s,, P. ev8o'/ci/)s,
P.), V. anrevxevfai (Mwh., Him Respectable, honest : P. and V.
608). Reject: P. and V. &rc00ii
(or mid.), TOpw^tv (or mid.). Reputably, adv. P. Well :

8i>0t<r0ai, Ar. and V. airvrnfaw P. and V. cv, KoAo)?.

Stand aloof from: P. and V Reputation, subs. What is said or
a^Mrracrftu (gen.), e^tWaor^at (gen.) thought of one : P. and V. Sda, 7),
JDismfefini: P. dTroKTypvWetv. JD<3^2/ .
d^<t>fba, TO, ^77/^77, T), Y. )8d^ts, 77,
P. and V. &pvLo-0aij airapvelo-Qcu <dVis, T) (Eur., Frag*). Honour:
tfcpveiarOai, V. Karapveiotiai. Re- P. and V, Tt/ttJ, T), 8oa, 77, cuSo^ta,
a debt : P. l^ap TO, icAeos, TO (rare P.),
pudiate 17, d^/a)/xa,
Rep Res

TO, Ar. and V. i5<-\ta, public life : Ar. c^cis aTravra

, TO, V. A 8 (JBg. 219),
Repute, sabs. See reputation. Hold Requisition, subs. Command: P.
in repute, v. P. and V. rl^a TTpooray/xa, TO, cirtray/Aa, TO
: See ;

(ace.) Be reputed P. and V. OOWTTiaW^. :

Sofav exctv, SOKCIV.

.Zte W #0 Requisition, v. trans. P. and V.
repute: P. and cuSo^v (Eur.,
v . 7riTao*o*iv (Tt Ttvt), trpO(rrd(TcrLv (ri

Bhes.) s /coAais a/coiW, Ar. and P. P. cTrayycAActv (Tt).

.Be in *^ repute: P. Requital, subs. P. and d V. a/xot/Jij,
and V. KctKoiq a/couetv, V, (Plat.). R'taliation : P and V
KAijetv. jBe reputed just : V. Ttirts (Plat.-, Ttju,o)pta, V. Trotv?}, rj, ,

8t/cata>s. or pi. (rare P.), dhron/o, Ta (rare

Request, v. trans. P. and V. atTtv P.), dvrtTrotva, TCL. In requital for :

(Ttva Tt) (or mid.), aVaiTCti/ (TWO* Tt) P. and V <W (gen.). Make
(or mid.), TrapaiTeurtfat (Ttva Tt), requital: P. and V. o//,i7i>eor0af, V,
8cL<r0cu (TO/OS Tt), 7rpocratTtv (TLVCL Tt), TjWv (Soph., 0. C. 1203). Tow
V. ^atTtv (Ttva Tt) (or mid.), s/taW ^ve dead in requital for
ejraiTLv (nvd Tt) (or mid.) Bequest dead . V. VCKW vtKpuv apoiflov
(to do a thing) : P. and V la-el (Soph., ^w^. 1067).

, infin.), dtow (Ttva, infin.), Requite, v. trans. Persons P. and :

s, infin.),
-T V d/AetJSccrflat, oifA-ivecrQcLi, dvTa-
infin.), V. a7ratTtv (Ttva, fJi^VGcrOai, Ar. and V. dvra/it/?eo-0at.

infin.) see asfe.

; Benefit in return : Ar. and P. dvr*
Request, SUbs. P. Sevens, ^, amj/jLa, V TTOtCtV, P. and V. ^ 7Ta00)V
TO, atrj^o-ts, ^, P. and V. xP et a 17. dvrtSpavj see reward, repay. Bequite
J?i r0g;M5si : use ad] ,
V. ^TT/TOS, (things): P and V. ap,ctpc<r8at
P. and V. KTt/j>5. (Xen.). Bequite a favour: V.
Require, v. trans. Need : P. and V. avOvTrovpyvjcrai X"^P LV (Soph.., jFVflt^.),
Seurtfac (gen.), V. X/>rff tv (g en -) P. a7ro8t8ovat ^aptv. Requite (witla
Xa-Ti&w (gen.). jCacS : P. and V. evil], persons P. and V. Tt/icopcwr&xc
o-iroLvifciv(also pass, in V.) (gen.), (ace ), Ar. and V. rtvearOai (ace.), V.
a-Tropetv (gen.), P. cvSetv (or mid.)

V. irevecrOai (gen.). Demand gm'te (things) : see avenge. Bequite
(with infin.): P. and V. a&ow, a person with evil : P. ana V.
Suca-tow, V. ^TTO&OW. Compel : P. dvrtSpav fcaKois (Ttva), P. dvraSiKetv.
and V. ttva-y/ca^etv ; see compel. I resolved to requite thus what I
Eequisition : P. and V. cTrtTao-crctv
/ / \
had suffered : V. TreTrovflws $)
(TI Ttvt). T8' dvrtSpav (Soph., 0. 0. 953).
Requirement, subs. Demand: P. .Be requited: P. and V. r
and V. dfteocris, P. TO, Rescind, v. trans. P. and V, Xtfctv,
Need: P. and V.
. P. dvatpctv, Ar and P.
P. and V. see cancel, revoke. ;

P. Ii/Scta, 17.
Command Rescission, subs. P.

wpooTay/wi, r6, iTrtray/xa, TO ; see Rescript, subs. Use P.
command. What is required: P. TO.
and V. TOL 8eWa, TO 8eov. Rescue, v. trans. Save: <ro>av,
" " "

Requisite, adj. Lacking: P. and , V.

V. cvSerfc, P. sAAwnfc. Necessary : see
P. and V. avay/catos. -Regwswes : v. trans: P. and V.
P. and V. TO. ScovTa, Ta v Delwer : P.
ai/ay/cata (or mid.).
&ZZ /i6
requisites for and V. X.VCLV, aVoAiSctv, e^X^ecv (or
Res Res

mid.), a^>Iei/at, twraAXacrcrcu/, Reservation, subs. Condition, stipu-

Bepovv, cfaipcio-flai, V. c^cwraAA lation P. and V. Xoyot, ot.
: With
Gwry into safety : P. and V. the reservation that, on condition
that : Ar. and P. 1$ Q (infin.),
KKO/Jlt0-0aij P. VTTCKKOpl&lV, V. P. and V. <5<rr
(infin.). Without
reservation, honestly : P. and V.
Help to rescue (carry into safety) : cwrAws, P. dSoAeus. Absolutely, en-
P <rwKKO/u'cv (rtva rtvt). Come tirely : P. and V. TravreAois, Traimos.
and rescue : P. and V. porjQew J have spoken openly without re-
(dat.), Ar. and P. 7ra.papo7j6elv servation .' P. OV$lv V7TOOTiA</X,VOS
P. tiripoyOw (dat.), V. TTCTrapp^ortacr/Aat (Dem. 54).
fiorjSpofielv (dat.). rescuing : m Reserve, v. trans. Set apart : P.
P. and V. <ruoxr<6eiv, (ri5vKCr<oeiv,
P. <ruva<cupur0cu, crwSiao-aJ^civ. er : P. and Y. cts at!0is airo-

Rescue, subs. Deliverance : P. and 6acA; Ar. and P.


V. A&ris, a-n-aAAoy^, ^;
, see Be reserved : P.
deliverance. Help : P. /floi^eca, ^ ; 710^ ^Tzfi
see 7ie^p. Oowe to i&e rescue, v. reserving it for yourself alone : V.

P. and V. porj&elv, P. pJri /zovos ro xP rl <rT v &ToAa^a)j' Ixc

eTri/fo^cii/, Ar.
and P. (Eur., Or. 451).
V. ^or]BpofJLlv. Reserve, subs. Resource : P. <op/^
Rescuer, subs. Helper : P. ^. ^e m
reserve (of resources) : P
6 or ty V poyBpofLos, 6 or and V. iforapxciv, -iiTrctvat.
Saviour : P. and V. o-wnyp, 6. in reserve : P. ot JmraKTot. .Race
Fern., P. and V. o-oircipa, ^, reserve, v. m P. cWacrcreo-tfai :

Research, subs. P. and V. (Thuc. 6, 67). Modesty. P. and

P. ^^nyo-ts, ^, c^crao-ts, V. <uS<6$, 17. Caution : P. and V.
^, V. Ipeuva, r). evAajSeia, 17.
TF-iiA reserve , (accept)
Resemblance, subs. P. with reserve : P. and V. <rxoA$.
Resemble, v. trans. P. and V. Reservation : see reservation. If
ot,Kvai (dat.) (rare P.), 6/-wHowr0ai I must speak the truth without
P. d reserve : P. t
/x^Sev evXaftyQevTa
(dat.), Iop,oiovcr0ou, (dat.),
fMoiova-Oai (dat.),
Ar. and V. cuc
ctTretv Sect (Dem. 280).
(dat.) (collateral
form of eoi/cei/ai), Quiet disposition : Ar. and P.
7Tpo<Tticej/at (dat.) (irpoareoiKC used ^, V. TO
twice in Plat.), V. Trpcrov (dat.);
see also e^a/. Reserved, adj. P. and V.
(dat), Ar.
v. trans.
P. and V. ^

P. ayavaKTefr (dat.),
^oTJx5j P. ^o-ux^os.
tious : P. e^Aa^s.
Ifodesi ; P.
P. Sv<rxcpabcw (ace.
or dat.), and V. atSoio^ (Plat.), P.
XaXe7TO)5 <^ptV,
V. TTtKpois <#>piV, atS^fKov (Xen.). Secretive : P.
Svo-^opctv (dat.), <icrx<aXtv (ace.
orKpvij/ivovs (Xen.), V. o-t-y^Ads, a-woTn/-
dat.) (rare P.),
or dat.).
doxoXav Ao?. (aco.
Resentful, adj. P. and V. Reservoir, subs. P. Se&x/^, ^.
Ar. and P. xt^e^os Reside, v. intrans. P. and V. oiVcelv,
Resentfully, adv. P. and V.
Ar. and P. 5 see x*^ Ar. and V. vatciv, orpw^acr^at see

Resentment, subs. P. and V. Residence, subs. Stay, sojourn :

^ see anger. Annoyance : P. and
P. 01/070-15, vowrt;o-ts, fj see , ;

V, sojourn. Souse : P. and V.

Res Res

6, oifcqo-ts, 17, oiKif/^a, TO, Ar. and P. (dat.), i/iorcwT0cu (dat.), avTiTTpao-o-ctv
see house.
OL-CWX, 17 ; (absol.), V. avrtova-^at (dat.), O.VT-
Residency, subs. Official dwelling paweiv (dat). HbZ^ out against"
place : use P. dpxeloi/, TO. P. and V. di/re^eiv (dat.) 3 ^tcrroo-^ai
Resident, subs, or adj. Use adj., (ace). JBesis^ % argument. P.
P. and Y. evot/cos, CTrtx^p^os, eyx&pios', and V. drrtAeyew/ (dat.), di/Twrti>
see also inhabitant. Besident (dat.). S^ proof against (of
alien : P. and Y. /LCTOWCOS, 6 or fj. inanimate things) P. and V.
Residue, subs. Wliat is left : P. oreyeti/ (aoc.). Absol.,
and Y. TO AourdV. Surplus : P. P. gbnd V. avTX<Lv t

TO Trcpwro-oV. Remains P. and :

V. XCM//CLVOV, TO, Or pL Resistance, subs. P. cVavrtw/ia, TO,

Resign, v. trans P. and V. d<i- evavTiwo-ts, 17. Hostility P. and
tTTarrOaj, (gen ),
liarracrQcu (gQU.) Y. IX^P *> ^ see opposition.

J.6aw^07i P. and Y. /uc0Zei/ai, Resistless, adj. P. and V. 8v'o>axos

(Plat.), GIOTTO? (Plat.), Ar. and
(f>iarTaar&ai (gen.), tarraar6ai (gen.) ;
see renounce. Give up, hand over : 4/itaxos (Plat.), P. 8vcnroA//,77TOS,
P. and V. Tra/oaStSoVat, efcStSoVat, 8no^raA.awrros, aTrpoo-ftaxos, S^plrog.
<ia/af Intrust : Ar. and P. Not to be avoided : P. and V.
cwiTpermv. Resign oneself to, hand df^vfcros. Impossible to deal with :
oneself over to: P. and Y. P. and V. foropos, a/x^x^vos (rare
lavToV (dat.). Met., endure patient- .

ly : P. and Y. pa8iu>$ <epiv

Resolute, adj. Persistent: P. and
V. KCLprepeiv (aOC.). V. /capTepos, P tcrx^pos, V. c/wrcSos.
Resignation, subs. Gentleness : Ar. Obstinate P. and V. oLu6dSrj$ ; see

and i\ ^crvx"i, ^. Endurance also 60Zd. Zealous : P. and V.


P. Kaprepia, ^, /capTep^o-ts, 17. Endure Trpo'&J/Aos, 0/0/05; see unhesitating.

with resignation P. and Y. paSwus Resolutely, adv.
. P. Icrxvpw, V.
(fripew (ace). e/^TreScos. Obstinately Ar. and P. .

Resigned, adj. Qme^, caZm. P. avftfSws; see also boldly. Zealously:

and Y. fjcrvxps P. and V. TrpoQifjLus.
P. fcapreptfcds, Y. Resolution, subs Breaking up :
resigned , v. P and V!:
P. StaX^o-ts, ^. Persistence: P.
ToX,[uiv, Ar. and V. TXr/vaf (2nd aor.
of TXav) (also Isoc. but rare P.). P. and V. 0p&ros, TO; see boldness.
Be quiet : P. and Y. r)o-vxacw. Determination P. and V. yi/oiytw?,
Be resigned to : use endure, 17; see resolve. Decree of the
acquiesce in. people : P. and V. /oJ<os, ^,
Resignedly, adv. Patiently: V i/oy^to-fta,
TO. Generally P. Soy/^a, :

Quietly. P. and Y. TO'. Resolution of the Senate : P,

Resilient, ad]. Light P. and Y. Resolve, v. trans. Break up: Ar. and
KOVC{>O<;. Pliant : P. and V. vyp6^. P. StoAtW. Solve : P. and Y. AiJeiv.
Resin, subs. Pitch: P. and Y. Determine (with infin.) P. and V. :

7rto"O"ttj 17 (.nliscn., Mrag.jt /3ov\VWf vvoiv voetv, yiyvcSo'Ketv, 7

Resi nOUS, adj Of pitch: V. TTMTOT^S.

yvoi/i^v -TTOtetcr^at, Ar. and P.
Resinous wood: P. Sets (Thuc. 7rti/oeti/. J ^OVfi P6-
7 53). (with infin.) P. and V. :

Resist, v. trans. P. and V. IvamoS- So/ceT /wot, ScSo/cTo/ /AOL T/^fi SflTWlte

(dat.), dv6t<rra<r0ai (dat.), resolved: Ar. and P. ISo^e rg

(dat.), P. avTacpew
Res Res

Resolve, subs. P. and V. , 17,

P. QtpaTreveLv. Honour : P. and
/3ov\y, ^, @ov\eufjLa, V. y TO', V. Tt/Attl', V Tt/AlJ P. 7Tpt TToAAoO
TO, <poV?7o-is, fy Ar. and P. TTotcto-^ai, VT6/xws ^x tv Seed P,'

and Y. cVrpeVeo-tfoi (gen.) (Plat, but

Resonance, subs. Echo : P. and rare P.), V. ej/apt^eto-^at, Ar. and
V. fix&t / ;
see &J/&0. V. irporlfjiav (gen.). Leave alone:
Resonant, adj. P. and V. av (acc.).
I/owd : P. and Y.
De/er io :
jut'yas, V. Xiytfs (also
Plat, but rare P. and V. crvyx<0pew (dat.), Ar. and

P.), St^ropos, yeycovo's; S66 Z024O P. irapax<i)pw (dat.). Acquiesce .

Echoing Y. .
p66to$ -n-oXvppoOos. in : P. and V. orrepyeH/ (acc. or

Clear-voiced P. A,a/*7rpd<(i>vos.
dat.) ; see acquiesce.
Resort, v. intrans. P. and V. Respect, subs. Honour: P. and
<j>oiTo.vf rpeTretrOai, P 7rpocr<j>OLTav. Y. Tl/jrf, 17, o^tw/xa, TO. Deference:
Have recourse to. P. and V. P. Respectfulness :
^cpaTTcta, ?;.

ace. or Trpo's, ace.), P. Y. a( Seo5, ^. J56V6?'5?ZC6 ; Y. o*jSas,
ew (ets, ace. or TT/OOS, ace.). TO. 0&;'eci o/ respect : Ar. and V.
Resort to instruction)
(for P. .
o-/&s, TO'. Respect for V. evTpoTnJ,
foiroLV (-Trpos, acc. or 7rapa, aCC.) (cf. 17 (gen.), TrpoVowx, 17 (gen.). Pay
Ar., Eq. 1235), P. irhja-ia.&iv (dat.). respects to : Ar. and P.
Resort, subs. Pfoce o/ refuije P. .
(acc.). In respect to,
and V Kara^ijyT?, 17.
.P^wjfi <we prep. : P. and V. Komi (acc.), 7rp6$
frequents V. tfraorpo^i?, , Tropev- (acc.). P. and V.
^ara, ra, 17^17, ra, Ar. and V Treplf
or gen.). In some respects
orwrrpo^oi, at ; see also abode. . .in others : P. and Y. r& \iAv

Siding-place : V KevOfjuov, 6, //-iJxos, . .T& &V

. In all respects: P.
6. and Y. iravraxrj, P. Kara ira.vra.
Resound, v P. and V.
intrans. Respectable, adj. Honest: P. and
but rare P.),
V (Plat, V. XP^<TTOS. Middle-class : P. and
tv (Plat, but rare P.), KTWCIV V. //.erpios. Orderly: P. and V.
(JPlat. but rare P. also Ar.), cvKoarpos, Ar. and P.
Ar. and V. /JpeVciv (Ar. in mid.) ; Tolerable : P. and V.
see echo. Resound with cries : V. //.erpios.
: P.
Respectability, subs. Honesty
Resource, subs. Expedient : P. and and V. x/07? ^"^?, ^. Orderliness :
V. iropos, 6, oro^wr/Aa, rrf, /x^X^* ^ P. and V. ctficocr/ua, ^, Ar. and P.
, TO, TexvTj/xa, T<$ (Plat.).
eans of escape : P. and V. Respectably, adv. P. and Y.
Decently : Ar. and P.
Resourceful, adj. P. and V. Kocr/xto)9, P. and V. vraicTa>s.
Ar. and P P. Respected, adj. See revered.
P. and V. Respectful, adj. Orderly : P. and
\ /eooyuo?, evKocrpos. Modes t : V.
Resources, subs. P. Trapao-iccui}, ^. a28o>po>v, P. and Y. a28otos (Plat.) ;

awd Ar. and P. see tnodest.

/, or pL, P.
Respectfully, adv. /n aw orderly
Income: P. -nyxfo-oSos, ^a^ : Ar. and P. fcoo-/uW ; see also
see also
Respect, v. trans. P. and Y. Respectfulness, subs Y. cuSco?, 77.
Ar, and V. KaTatSctc OrderMwess : P, and V.
worship : P. and Y. Respecting, prep. P. and V. Tr
t, Ar. and V. vtpt (acc. or gen.) see about. ;

Res Res

Respiration, subs. Ar. and P TaAre responsibility of, take on

oneself : P. e<* eavrov dvaScxca-^cct
Respire, v. trans. P. and V. (ace.) (Dem. 704).
Responsible, adj. Accountable : P.
Respite, subs. Alleviation : P. anc and V &TV0WO<?, P. UTTOtTtOS,
vTroXoyos, Ivoxo?. Responsible wit~
P. K0ij</>uris, 17, V. ava,KOv<un?, ,
nesses P. /wipTvpes viroSiKoi.
: JBe-
Cessation : P. and V. avd-n-avha, fy sponsible for, the cause of : P. and
V amo? (gen.). Of things (e g. a
Breathing space : P. and responsible post) : use important.
avcwrvoq, f) (Plat.), V. Responsive, adj. P. dvo>vos
Abatement P. Xw^o-is, 17.
(Plat.). Besponswe to, corres-
respite from : P. and
V. ponding to : P. and Y. (ri>p,p,Tpo<s
(gen.) ; see relief. (dat.), cruvwo^os, Y. TrpoorwSo? (dat.).
Respite, v. trans Give a breathing Grateful : P. cuxapto-ros (Xen.) ;
space use P. and V. &va,Trvor)v see grateful. Be
responsive, show
ftSoVcu (dat ). Put off: P. and V. graMitde : P. and V. x&pw t8ei/ai.
Rest, subs P. and Y. TO Xoi^rdv,
Resplendence, subs. P. , , , .
rairiXonra.. For the rest as adv., :

see magnificence.
: Brightness : P. XowroV. The rest of: use adj.,
Ar and Y. o-cXas, TO (also Plat, but P. and Y. 6 dXXos, 6 Xowros, 6
rare P.) ; see brightness. 7pfXowro5, agreeing with subs. (e.g.
Resplendent, adj. P. and Y. Xa/rpo's, the rest of the army, 6 aXXos
uxpcmys, Ar. and P. /wycLXo- o-rpaTo'?). As opposed to motion :
Preemment P. and Y. P. o-rao-t?, 17,
Galm Ar and P. :

, SicwrpcTnys, fl-cpt^aviys, V. ijorux^tt, r). Sleep P and Y. -frm/os,


Bright: P. and Y. Xa/*- 6. Put to rest Lit. and Met., P.


irpos, Y. <^ou8p^s i see bright. and Y

KOLJM&W (Plat.), V. icoi//,ai/.
Resplendently, adv. P. and Y. L&iswre: P. and Y. oxoX^, ^, P.
' P<rrc6vi7, ^. Eespite : P. and V.
Brightly : P. and Y' aveferauXa, ^, sravXa, ^. JSe5i from,
Preeminently : Y. e ox<i> use words given above with gen. :

Respond, v. P. and V.
intrans. also P. and V. SidfXvcrts, ^
,7roKpiv<r6a,L ; see answer. Bespond Y. ai/ctKov^to'ts, i) (gen.).
to, obey : P. and V. 7r0eo-0ai space : P. and Y. Ivcwrvo^, ^ (Plat),
(dat.), TTtiOapxew (dat.),
Ar. and V. V. d/AirvoiJ, ^. Bring spears to
jcX^ctv (gen.), aKovew (gen.), Ar. and rest : P. SopaTa cts wpo^oX^v Kafaevat
P. &raicoTJtv (gen. or dat.). (Xen., ^L?z. 6, 5, 15).
to (overtures) : P. and Y. Sest, v. trans. Repose : P. and Y.
(ace), ci/S^co'&u (ace.). avaTrenW. JDeaw : P. and Y.
Respondent, subs. P. and Y. 6 K\fviv, epeiSew (Plat, but rare P.).
P. dvTi'8t/coS| o or 17. Best one's hopes on : use trust to.
Response, subs. P. and Y. <t7ro*cpr, V. intrans. Be stationary: P.
% (Bur. Frag.} Oracular response :
, . and V. <rT<&/(u (2nd peri of
P and Y. XP 7? 5*
see oracle.
/wwretov, TO' ; Remain: P. and Y, p&w. Rest

P. and V. $v&-
(after labour) :
Responsibility, subs, P. and V. mru<r(9cw, P. Bia.7ravo-6<u. Rest
ama, ^. Task : P. and Y. Ipyov, from : P. and V. SvcwrcwWftu
TO. Duty : P. Tct^ts, ^. 0?& one's (gen.),
x "
iravarOai (gen.), Xijyeiv

responsibility : P. d<" cavrov (gen.). SZe^y : P. and V.

or d<' eawov (Thuc. 5, 60). see sZeep. JEeep gw^;
Res Res

P. and V. rfff^x^^' Recline : Restoration, subs. Giving back:

Ar. and P. /caraKXivccrftu, Y. P. dTTo^ocrts, 17. Setting up P. :

K\fvcr6ai. Lie : P. and Y. jecur0<u. and V. /coLTaorao-is, ^. O/ ea^es :

Best on (as a foundation) P. P. and /c^oSo?, 17.
Repair: V.^
cmKei<r0a.L (dat.). Support oneself P. eTTior/ceui}, 17. Restoration to
on: Ar. and P. rpet$<r0ai (dat.), health : P. dvaX^t?, ^ ; see
P. a.7rpL(i>e(r0ai (dat.). From two recovery.
beams resting on and projecting Restorative, adj. Use P. and V.
over the wall : P. 0,71-0
Kepaioiv Svo crconyptos.
7rt/ce/cXljLCVO)V KO.I WepTCWOVCTaiv VTTCp Restorative, subs. jDn^: P, and
TOV TCIXOUS (Thuc. 2, 76). Statements V. ^apftaKOv, rd.
resting on no basis of truth : P. Restore, v. trans. Give back: P.
aXyQeias ovSe/jwas lprjfJLi/a (Dem. and V. cwroStSovai. J5rmgr Jacfc :
230). -Zitesi with, depend on : V. P. and V. wa<l>piv 9 Svayav, P.
fceior&u v (dat.) ; see depend, on. cTravayctv. Restore (from exile) :
We miifSt let these things rest
with P. and Y. KcLr&yeiv, V. KaroLKifav.
the gods : V. S 0eot?s XP*n Ta^ 7 dvaprjj-
Be restored : P. and V. /carcpxeo-^ai.
<ravr ZX LV (Bur., P&oera. 705). HSrfp ^o restore Ar. and P.

Restful, adj. P. LOTTOS (Plat). crvyKar^yctv. Rebuild: P. and V.

CtoZw : P. and V. ^criJx 05 ; see avopQow, avurriivai, P. avoucoo/46LV.
calm. Sei ^p a^awi : P. and V. avop6to9v,
Restfully, adv. P. and Y. P. cTravopOovv. The Athenians will
restore the great power of the city
Restfulness, subs. Calm : Ar. and though now it has fallen : P. ot
P. ^orvxLcLy % see calm.
; TTJV /xeyaA/jyv 8vvap.iv r^s
Resting-place, subs. P. Karaycoyi?, KOtTTCp TTCTTTCOKViaV CTTaVOp^O)-
Ar. and P. av&rauXa, ^, Ar. and (Thuc. 7, 77). Ses^ore (io
V. iKrpoTn?, 17 (Eur., JB/ies., also health or prosperity) : P. dva^epetv,
Xen.) ; see also tomb. dvaXajLtjSavctv, P. and V. avopijoi5v.
Restitution, subs. P. dvaytoyiy, ^. .Restore to Zi/e ; see revive. Be
Giving back : P. dTroSocrts, -37.
restored: P. dva^epciv (absol.),
Amends : see amends. avaXjCLfL/SdvcLV eaurov (or Omit la-urov),
Restive, adj. P. and V. -fyJpMmfc, P. and V. 5i/a7n/iv ; see recover.
V. &TTOJKOS. Be res^e : P. and Recover: P. and V.
V. a-KLprav (Plat.). Intractable : Help to restore : P.
Ar. and P. X^CTTOS ; see mirac^&Ze. (TIV n).
Restiveness, subs. Use P. and V. Restorer, subs. Y. fcaTacrrir^5, 6.
Saviour: P. and V. o-cor^p, 6.
Restless, adj. Ar. and V. Pem., <rci>reipa, ^.
Turbulent : Tapax<6&7$. Restrain, v. trans. Check: P. and
Ar. and P. -roAwpay/A<uy. Wakeful. V. KarcxW, ^rexav, Ar. and V.
P. and V. #ypv7n/os, 5i37rvos (Plat toxv (rare P.), V. &n'crYiv (rare
but rare P.), P. Swwfcv (Plat.) P.), tgepuKew, eptfocw, Ip^TLCtv, crxa-
(pres. part, of SvcrvTn/etv). Fickle : ^ctv, KOLTaoreXXctv. Hinder: P.
P. faardcrraTOS ; B&e fickle. and Y. KtoXietv, ITTLKCDX^V., cwrctpyetv;
Restlessly, adv. P. rapaxwSws. see hinder. Stop : P. and Y.
Restlessness, subs. P. rapa^, ^, 9rai;6iv. Control : P. and Y.
V. rapayfios, 6, r^pay/jia, T<$. Bustle : Kparciv (gen.). Restrain oneself,
Ar. and P. -jroXvTrpay/wxriSviy, be calm : P. and V. ^(riJxafew.

Sleeplessness : Ar. and Restram oneself from : see refram

Res Ret

Self restraint : Retail, v. trans. Furnish : P. and

Restraint, subs.
P. and V. TO crcj<j!>pov, Ar. and P. Y. irapf.)(w (or mid.), 7ropteiv (or
orox^poorwTy, ^, P. ey/cpciTeia, vj. mid.); see furnish. Traffic in:
Modesty: P. and V. a2S<^, ^. P. and V. Ka7rrj)(.euiv (ace.).
Without restraint : P. ouSevi KOOT/JWIJ, Retailer, subs. P. and V. fccwnjXos, 6.
Ward : P. Retail-trading, subs. P.
, 17. J&ep Mwefer restraint :

P. Iv <j(>uXa,K$ ex H/ ( ac(5.). Retain, v. trans. P. and V.

Restrict, v. trans. P. and V. 6piiv ;

see fomta, prevent. P. and V. K^T^W. Retain

Restriction, subs. Limit, boundary : in the memory: P. and V. vv&iv
P. and V. opos, 6. Due measure .
(or mid.), <vXao-o-iv (or mid.), P.
P. and Y. fterpov, TO. Siao-<oH/. ffire: Ar. and P.
restriction :use adv., P. pi,o-6ovcr6(u. In order that the
Prevention : P. 8ia- orators whom the defendant has
KwXuo-is, 17.
Prohibition : P. cwrop- retained against me may not deceive
P^o-ts, 77. Law, ordinance : P. and you : P. wo. //.TJ e^aTraTiyo-wcrtv vp.oi<s ot
V. 1/0/JIO9,
6. pi^TOpes ous ovTOO-l Trapco'/cevaarat e?r*

Result, subs. P. and Y. ^c (Dem. 1177, cf. also 1228).

17, TeXos, TO, TeXcvn},
17, pyov, TO. Retainer, subs. P. and V.
resuZfc : 6, SlUKOVOS, 6 Ol" f] 9 V. j

(Dem. 12). 5%e result will irpoo-TroXos, 6 or ^, oTrdSos, 6 or ^ r

soon make it plain : Ar. oTrrfon/, 6, Ar. and P. 0pct7ro)v, 6,
Tax' avro Saga (Lys. 376). When aKo'Xou^os, 6, Ar. and V. Trp
they saw the result of the sea battle : 6 or ^.
P. a>s O-dovTO TO, T>}S Retaining-fee, subs.
(Thuc. 8, 43). We 2i&6 i/ifi thing Retaliate, v. trans. See requite.
both for its own sake and its Retaliate the existing discredit upon
results : P. CTOTO T* avrov x^ those who created it : P. r^v
dya7rui//,ev /cat TWV aTr* avTOv yiyvo- al&xyvrjv t? TOIS atTtou?
/ACI/OJT/ (Plat., ^jp. 357o). (Dem. 408). jBc^aZmifi 1

Result, v. intrans. P. and V. upon, injure in return : P. and V.

<rufJLJ3awcw, cru/ATrwrrctv, eff^atvctv, P. dvTtSpav /ca/cais
(TWO), P.
owro/Jau/eiv, V. TcXctv ; see also (TIVCL). Absol., P. and V.
happen. Follow: P. and V. dvrtSpav. Retaliate by returning
errecr&u (dat.)- ^KeswZt w : P. and evil for evil : P. Ka/cois irao-x^v
V. Te\vrav t5 (ace.). ajLiwcor^at aVTtSpwv /ca/cois (Plat.,
Resultant, adj. Use P. and V. Crifo, 4=9D).
Retaliation, subs. P. and Y. rfols,
Resume, v. trans. Get back: P. fi (Plat.), Ti/xwpta, V. irotv^, 17, or
-fj t

and V. avaXa/j./3<&/ii/, a?roXa//./3ai'iv. fetva, Ta (rare P.), pi. ^(rare P.),

agraw, confm^e : P. dvriWoiva, TOL see vengeance. ;

dvaXa/A/3avLV. Absol,, Retard, v. trans. P. and V.

P. and V. 7ravcpxeo-0at. Renew : c/jwroSt&iy ; see fo'ndar.
P. and V. di/ai/cowflai, P. ?rava- Retch, v. intrans. P. and Y.
(Plat, also Ar.).
Resumption, subs. Renewal: P. Retching, subs, P. Xvy& 17.
avavccucrts, 17. Retention, subs. P.
Resurrection, subs. V. Retentive, adj. Good at remem-
bering: P. and Y. /oni/unr. Im-
Resuscitate, v. trans. See pressionable : Ar. and '.

Ret Ret

Reticence, subs. Silence : P. and P. and Y. avTirWwai see answer. ;

Y. o-ZyiJ, 17, crLwrf), Modesty : P,

Retort a charge : P.
and Y. cuSws, rj.
Reticent, adj. Silent: Y. Retort, subs. P. -wroX^Ls; see
CTKDTT^XOS. Secretwe : P. K answer. L

(Xen.). Be reticent about : P. Retouch, v. trans. Remodel: Ar.

and Y. o-Zyav (ace ), o-towrav (ace.), and P. aj/aTrXaa-o-eiv.
Y. 8iao~AG>7rav (ace.) Retrace, v. trans. Turn back : P.
Retinue, subs. P. d.KoXou0ta, 17
and V. aTToorpc^eti/. Traverse :
or use P. ot ?rept rira, Ar. see traverse. Retrace in icords or
and P. Ocpdirovres, ot, V Oepa-jrcs, thought : P. CTraraTroXctv, V. ava-
ol (also Xen.) see attendant.
No fjLerpi<rdai. Retrace one's steps :
Argive was present but only his P. and Y. 7ravcpxe<r0at see ;

own retinue : V. ovSetsTrapjJj/ 'Apyctos return. Turn back: P. and Y.

ot/cet'a 8c xp(Eur., El 629). ttTrocrrps^etv, or pass.; see tuin back.
Retire, v. trans. Retreat: P. and Retract, v. trans. P. dvaTi'tfeo-flat,
Y. ai'ttxa>p/ (Eur., Phoen. 730; P. and V. K/3d.X.Xw ; see unsay.
.Rfoes. 775), woo-rpe^e/i', Ar. and 1 retract my former words : V.
P. 7ravaxo>pii/, -UTroxcopctv, P. dvayctv KCU roiv xaXatoiv e^a^tcrra/Aai Aoywv
(Xen.), eVavaycti' (Xen see wtM- (lur., I. 4. 479)
; Absol., P.
d?w>. Retire slowly: Ar. and P.
tTrayetv. Depart : P. and Y Retraction, subs. P. Tr
aTTp\<rQa.i aTroxcopetv, P. &TTOKO/M- Retreat, v. intrans.
P. and V.
cr$cu, V. fteOLcrracrOat,, eS^epTrctv ^axwpciv (Eur., Phoen. 730, Jtaes.

see depart Retire from (a task, 775), vTro<rrpc<t>civ Ar. and P. t

office, e'c.) : P. and Y. a^wrrao-^at e7ravax<op(V, vTroxwp^v, P. dvayctv

(gen.) ; see resign. When you (Xen.), CTravayety (Xen.), Y.
made Iphicrites retire from the Eeirea^ slowly : Ar. and P.
command : P. :ra8y; TOV 'I<jtt/cpar7v Depart : P. and Y.
dTroo^rpar^yov errooJo-aTC (Dem. 669). P.
Retired, adj. Lonely : P. and V, >; see
pvjfjuo<s \
see lonely. Retreat from an u/nder taking, back
Retirement, subs. Eeireai: P. out of it : P. and V. a<iVra(r0ac
dvaxo)p77crt9, ^. Departure : P. and (gen.), Qia-TaorQai (gen.).
Retreat, subs. P.
o/ retirement: P. and V. Sound the retreat : P.
T-J o-ciXTTtyyi (Xen.). Departure
Resting-place P. *araya>yi7, ^, Ar.
: P. and V. l^oSos, r),
P. OL7ro^a>prfm^9 .

and P. avaTrauXa, ^, Ar. and V. 17.

PZace o/ retreat : P. and V.
fCTpo7r^, ^ (Eur., JKTws.j also Xen.).
Solitude : P. -and V. ep^t'a, ?). Hiding-place : Y. /cv0/4<5v, 6, imxfai
Peace, quiet Ar. and P. ^aux/a, 17.
: 6. Solitude : P. and Y. cp^ta, ^.
Freedom from business : Ar, and Besting-place : P. Karaywy^, r), Ar.
P. dTrpay/x.oo-fvT/, ^. Living in and P. ai/ckravXa, ^, Ar. and V.
retirement, ad].: use P. and Y. cVrpomJ, ^ (Eur., 12/15$., also Xen.).
dTrpdty/xwv (Eur., Frag.). Retrench, v. trans. C
Retiring, adj. Going back : V. P. and V. oruvT/u,vtv,
ai/roppos, Tra-Xt'cro-uros. Quiet : P. Absol., use P. Scwravas
and Y wcriJvos, wo^ydTo?. dwp(yii<oi/ Retrenching generally with a view
(Eur., Frag.) P. t ijcrvxtos ;
see s%. to economy: P. raXXa .

Retort, v. intrans. P. *s cvr^Xeiav (Thuc. 8, 4).

Ret Ret

Retrenchment, subs. Economy evil : P. and V. ..

Ar, and P. eureka, 17. Frugality Return good for good: P. and V.
Ar. and P. ^eiScoAta, 17. To mak e -Tra^ojv avrcSpav see requite.;
some retrenchment in governmen accounts, return as received or

expenses : P. TO>V Kara rqv Trokw TI i aid : P. ava^cpcn/, <brava<piv.

vreA.eiav <no<povi<nu in : P. <J!>ptv,
(Thuc. 8, 1).
See letributive i/ieW. V. intrans.
Retributary, adj.
Punishment Come or back: P. and V.
Retribution, subs. go
P. and V. Tt/xwpta, 17, Ttcrts, 17 (Plat,)
P. ava/co/xt-
fi/fua, 17,
P. KoAacris, ^ r), V. Trow?/, i, vctcr^at (Soph.,
or pi. (rare P.), throwa, rd (rare P.) 33), (Eur., Phoen.
dvriTTowajTd; see^6?jaZ^. Personi- 1234). Jacfc: P. and V.
fied : Y. Ne//,eo*is, ^. orrp<^/, Or pass.^
Retributive, adj. P. and V. Ti/^opos Ar. and P. eVavaorpc^ctv. Sa^r?i
V. Ti/Luopos. Retributive vengeanct home from a distance : Ar. and V.
for the slaying of a father^ V, vocrretv, P. and V. ^Trovocrrctv
aVTLKTOVOL TTOLVOL . . . TTCLTi (Eur., I. !T. 731 ; Thuc. 7, 87, but
rare P.). Mow/ I we-uer return

Retrieve, v. trans. P. and V, home : V. &/OOTOS e^v (Eur., I. I .

751). Eeiwrw /row eottfe : P. and

cr&ai. To retrieve some of our V. KaTepxea-Oai. Return with
losses incurred through these men : others P. <rvyKarpx<r0ai (dat. or

P. liravopOovv n rwv 8ta TOUTOVS . . .

absol.). Return (to a subject) : P.
dTToAxoXoVov (Dem. 74). and V. 7ravep^(r^at,
give much for an opportunity of Return in safety to : P.
retrieving their former sins against efc (aco.).
the Greeks: P. TroAAfivi Return, subs. Owing back: P.
. . .
irpCao-Oai yevecrflai OUTOLS TLV d7ro8oo-is, Withdrawal:
17. P.
xaipov 8t" o{) TCIS wpoTcpas dvaXvo-ovrat dvaxwpTyo-is, ^. Turning back P.
irpos TOLS *EAA,T?vas dfiaprias (Dem. and V. &/aarpo<i7, ^. Coming
187). home : V. vooros, 6. -4 sa/e reiz^rw ;
Retrograde, adj. Qbmgr ftaci : V. V. vo<rrt//,os o-ODT^pta, 17. Sei^rw o/
cul/oppoS) TrQAiorcrvTOSm Jj^aJce ft ea;&s : P. and V. *ca0o8os, 17.
retrograde movement, v. Ar. and : Revenue : P. -TrpoVoSos, 17. Furnish
P. 7rai/ax<0petv. ^1
retrograde a return (list) of, v: P. d7ro<^pe/
step : Met., use P. l^rl TO x^^pov (ace.), anroypafaiv (ace.).
(?^fi ira
returns of (money coming in, etc.) :
Retrogression, subs. Retreat: P. P. aTTofaweiv (ace.). Recompense :
drax^pi/o-ts, ^, what is
J?ei2^rM ^o P. and V. S/xoi^, ^ (Plat.), M to-<9o's,
worse : use P. err! TO x^pov ^ra/SoX^ 6. For all this you tmd my mother
have made me this retivrn: V.
Retrospect, subs. Review, con- KavTL rMe fiat Xfyw TOLaivSe Kol <ru
sideration : P. and V. cr/cei/as, ^, X^ TfKovcr ^AAa^ciTiyj/ Ale.
P. 7rtc3rK^(,5, 17. Memory : P. 660). In return (in compounds) :
and V. fJLVljfAr], 17, fJ.Vf.LCLy r). P. and V. dvn e.g. Requite m
Return, v. trans, ffwe 6ac&: P. return: P. and V. avrapivto-Qai.
and V. tt7ro8T8oVat. ffi'yfi iw re^rTi: In return for : P. and V. di/r?
P. and V. dvrtStSoWi, P. (gen.). J3i s/iaZZ receive violence
8oVcu. Return a favour : P. in return for violence : V.

Ipya SidSox avrtX-mlferaL (Eur..

(Soph., Frag.). Return evil" for 743).
Ret Rev

Returning, adj. V. (gen.), (gen.), V.

Returning home : V. farowa (rd) fjicnevai (gen.) ;


Reveal, v. trans. Show : P. and V. see under vengeance. Punish : P.

and V. KoXdfcw ; see punish.
SciKVwai, aTroSciKvi Revenge oneself on: P. and V.
Ar. and P. a?ro<(uWv, V.
see show. Disclose : P. and V. (aoc.), apfoeo-Qai (aoc.), Ar. and V .
aTroKoXwrctv, Ar. and V. eKKttXuTTTcn/, avra/A$?eo-0cu (ace.) ; see take
V. avaTTTvorcrew, $ioarTv<j<riv (also vengeance on, under vengeance.
Plat. but. rare P.), avotyeti/. Publish, Revengeful, adj. Unforgetting : P.
betray : P, and V. tK^tpw and V. fwrjfjLuv \ see implacable.
Be revengeful, v. Ar. and P.

Revealer, subs. P. and V.

6. Revengefully, adv. See implacably.
Revel, v. intrans. P. and V. Revenue, subs. P. Trpoo-oSos-, ?},

Xer0<u (Bur., Gycl.), WO/DOS, 6. Their sou/rces of revenue

Indulge in Bacchic revels : P. and were being cut off : P. ot Trpoo-oSot
V. /SaKxeucw (Plat.), f' (wroiAAwTo (Thuo. 7, 28). Revenue
see riot. Revel in : see commissioners, subs. : P. owSifcoi,
Revel, subs. See revelry. Master oZ.

of the revels : P. &px<v T?s Troo-cws Reverberate, v. intrans. P. and V.

(Plat.). Join the revels, v. : P, iirfix^v (Plat.) see echo.

and Y. orvfApaKxeucw (Plat.). Reverberation, subs. P. and Y.

Revelation, subs. Disclosiure : P. VIX&9 V > see a ^ so noise.
^. TTfeai is revealed: P. Revere, v. trans. Worship : P. and
TO*. Confession : P. O/AO- V. ere/Sew, crefecrQai, Ar. and Y.
Xoyta, 17. Object of wonder : P. o-c^/fctv, P. Ospatrevtw. Respect :
and V. OavjyLOL) TO. P. and V. ai8eio-0ai, Ar. and Y.
Reveller, subs. Ar. and P. KGLTatScto-^at. Honour : P. and Y.
6. Fellow reveller: Ar.
6 or 17. Bacchic reveller : P. and Heed P. and V. WpeVco-ftu (gen.)

V. /3a/cx<><?, 6 (Plat.). Fern., P. (Plat,but rare P.), V. evapiGfjicio-Qcu,

and V. CUCXT?, ^ (Plat.), V. 0w&, Ar. and Y. irpoTlpav (gen.); see
^, /jwLivds, Sand
of revellers :
f). heed.
P. and V. 0iao-os, 6, V. ICW/AOS, 6. Revered, adj. P. and Y. o^vos, V.
Revelry, subs. P. and V. /cctytos, 6,
Ar. and P. e&oxta, 07 ; see feast. yepdo-ifws. In invocations to god-
Bacchic revelry : P. and V, desses : use Fern, adj., Ar. and V.
al (Plat.), V. TTOTTttt.

TO', or pi., ySo-KX' Reverence, v. trans. See revere,

(pi. in Ar.) ; see Bacchanaka. respect.
Revenge, subs. P. and V. TIJ Reverence, subs. Worship: Y.
17, rfiris, V. iroivrjj f} 9 pi.
YI (Plat.), <r/3as, TO, P. depaTrcia, vj ',
(rare P.), footva, rd (rare P,), &yrt- worship. Object of reverence : Ar.
Ta see vengeance. Malice
; . and Y. o-^ga?, TO. Bonowr: P.
P. and V. <0dVos, 6. Harbour and Y. rlpy, f). Respectfulness :
revenge (against), v. Ar. and P. : V. atSois, %. Reverence for: V.
/xvTyo-tKaKcTv (absol. or dat. of pers.). cvT/ooTnJ, ^ (genA -Tr/jrfvoia, ^ (gen.).
Revenge, v. trans. Take vengeance P. ana V. c&o-^cta, ^, TO
for: P. and V. r,P.
Rev Rev

Reverend, adj. P. and Y. Revert, v. intrans. Eeturn to a

Y. yeptfori/xx)? see revered. ; subject P, and V. eVavepxco-flai,

Reverent, adj. Pious P. and V avepxca-tfai. Devolve On : P. TrepttV-

Respect- raa-Bai ts (ace.), avax<i>pv ct?
cucrcyS^s, oVios, 6o<T/3ys.
ful : Y. atSd^pwv, P. and Y (acc.) ; see devolve. Of property :

atSotos (Plat.). V. afrwclo-Gai (Eur., ion, 1008).

Solemn: P. anc
V. <Tpm. Review, v. trans. Scrutinize: P.
Reverently, adj. Piously: P. and and V. eraeu/, 7rtor/co7TLv, O-KOTTCIV,
Y. ciio-cyScos, ocricos, P. 0eo<rf/3ais StacrKOTrctv, cpcwav j S66 efl3a77l^7l6.

(Xen). Solemnly: P. and Y Review in words, narrate : P. and

V. cfqyetor&u, S/pxeor0cu, errefep-
Reverie, subs. P. and V. &rap, TO' Xeor^at, Ar. and P. SiTjyeta&u,
Reversal, subs. Y. Sic&PXecrOaL see narrate. Contem- ;

plate : P. and Y. 0o>peti/, ^fiScr^at,

Change : P. and Y. d^petv. Eeview (troops, fleet, etc.) :
fjLTd(Tracri<s, ^ ;
see change. P. and V. ^ercE^tv, P. ^ccupcTv
Reverse, v. and Y.
trans. P.(Xen.), 0eacr0<u(Xen.). Reconsider:
avaorpe^eti/. and Y.
Change: P. P. 7ravao*KO7rtv.
/AToAXao*(7tv see change. ; Be Review, subs. Examination : P.
reversed P. Trepdcrrao-Bai.
: Re- and Y. ovcc'i/ris, ^, P. ^Tao-ts, 17,
scind : P. and Y. Atav, Kado cVt<r/ci/ris, 17, V. Zpcvva, fj. Narra-
P. dvcupetv, Ar. and P. Kara tion : P.
T/ie?/ entirely reversed this policy Beview (of troops) : P. c :

P. ot 8e Tavra iravra cts Towavnov a review P. :

^Trpafav (Thuo. 2, 65).

Reverse, subs. Something contrary : Revile, v. trans. P. and Y. Ka/cG?
P. and Y. rovvavrtov (or pL), A-eyctv, Sia/3d\X.Lv XotSopctv (or mid. 9

Tod/wroXti/, Quite the reverse of with dat.), vppt&iv, ovt&ifavi (dat.),

this : P. TroXv rovvavrLov rovrov. P. /ca/afiv, /3acrKatvt
Things small and just and the (ew, acc. Or KttTa, gen.),
reverse: Y. /cat cr/u/cpa K<U StKata (dat.), Y. e^oveioY^etv, Ka.KO<rrofji,lv t

xai TavavTLCL (Soph., Ant. 667).

Defeat: P. and V. or</>aA//.a, TO, P. (dat.), Ar.
and P.
^orcra, ^, arv)(r)iJLa. TO, Trrato-^ta, TO. Reviling, subs.
See a
a reverse, v. P. and Y. Revisal, subs. Correction : P.

, TO.

312). Since you Revise, Y. trans. Examine see :

have suffered a reverse of fortune : examine. Correct : P. and V.

T '
X * eop0ow, Siop^ovv, avopQovv, Ar. and
(Eur.,And. 982). P. 7ravop6ovv, V. fteQappofeiv.
Reverse, adj. Contrary : P. and Y. Revision, subs. Examination : see
examination. Correction : P.
Reversed, Upside down: P. and
adj. eTravopdoi/ia, TO.
Y. Changed : V. TrcpiTrenfc. Revisit, v. trans. Use return to.

Reversely, adv. P. and Y. I/i^raXtv, Revival, subs. Recovering : P. and

P. avaTratav. Contrariivise P. V.
(ira-m/o^, 17 (Plat.), avaiffvxri, y
and V. eravriW. P. dvaXTyi/ris, ^, Y. d/wn/OTy,
Reversion, subs. Inheritance: P. Eeswrrection : Y. avaoracres, ^.
K\rfpovofua 9 17. jBfiW0;aZ : P. dvav0)crt9, 17.
Reversionary, subs. Inheritor : P. Revive, v. trans. J3rm0 6ocfc ^o Zi/e :
6 ; see P. ava3oorKor0<u. M"afc0 io recover :
Rev Rev

P. dicujkcpeiv, P. and V. avopOovv. fo/ore: P.

Refresh: P. and V. avai/r^av (absol.). Met , revolt from, shrink
V. KaTa\l/LXLv. Bestore, from : P. and V. a^to-Tacr^at
bring back : P. and V. uva (gen.), efioraortfai (gen.), o/cvetv

avdyew, CTravayeiv. SB!/ (ace V. e&foaracrQai (gen.) see

), ;

agan: P. and V. avopQow, shrink from. Revolt (from doing

Beneiv : P. and V. a thing) : P. and V. owelv (infin.),
P. 7ravaveow0cu. JBe- /caroKvctv ^iafin.),
V. a<i'aTao-0ai
kindle :P. and V. ava.^coTriJpctv (infin.), P. aTTOKvetv (infin.).

or use P. and V. /cZi/u/, Revolting, adj. Horrible: P. and
cyctpciv, ^cycipciv.
Revive forgotten V. /mipo's, Ar. and P. /SScXfyo's ;

sorrows : V. cKxyO&ra o-vXXeycu/ see loathsome. Fearful : P. and

(Eur., Frag.). En- V.
courage : P. and V. ffapo-ivetv, Revolution, subs. Revolving motion:
Bpacrvvew, TrapcucoXciv, P. emppcov-
vwcu; see encourage. Bevive a 77,
Ar. and P. -jrepi^opa, 77, P. and
law-SUlt : P. SiK^y dva&icov Trolly V. orpo<77, 77. Cycle: P. and V.
(Dem. 1018) Bevive an argument
. :
KU/cXo$, 6, P. WCptbSoS, 77, V. 7T
P. Xo'yov avaXafjt,/3dvW (Plat., O 77.
Political v/pheaval : P. i

46o). V. intrans. Come io /jtos, 6, /ACTCLorao'is, 77.

J^W3i2.0W ."

again Ar. and P. avajSiw

: P. and V. oracrts, 77",
P. orrao-tacr/xos,
Becover : P. avaXafipdveiv lavrov 6. Change: P. and V. ^7^0X77,
(or omit laurov), dvrracr0ae, pat^civ, 77, /ATdLcrTa(rts, 77",
V. T/(ocris, 77*.

7rpt<evyetv, P. and V. Oawse a revolution : P.

Be sewed: P. and V. V(UTpOl/ Ti
Revolutionary, adj. P.
Revivify, v. trans. See revwe. Factious: o-racricLcrrt/cos,
Revocable, adj. P. Revolutionary tendencies P.
(Thuc. 5, 21). 77.

Revocation, subs. Eesc^szow: P. Revolutionise, v. trans. P.

t ace. or ace. alone),
Revoke, v. trans, P. and V. (ace.), Ar. and P. Iv absol.
Atfeiv, KaOaiptiv, P. dvatpetv, Ar. and or Trept', ace.). JB0 revolutionised :

P. see cancel.
KctTttXtfeii/ ; They Ar. and P. /

asked that the decree might be Revolutionist, subs. Use adj., P.

revoked : Ar. eSeovro TO
OTTO)? iMeravrpafaCy
(Ach. 536). Revolve, v. trans. Ponder : P. and
Revolt, SUbs. P. tt7roWacri9, V. ev0v/x,to-0ai (ace. P. also gen.),
P. and V. 7rai>a0Tttcn$, ?;. tLv (or mid.), orwi/odv
(or mid.
obedience : P. awjKovcrria, y (Plat.), (V. also mid.),
V. TO ^ IC\VtV. eW) P. K\oyi<r0cu, V.
Revolt, v. trans. S7ioc& : P. and V, crctv, voj/Attv, KaX)((iLveiv t

cKirX-j/o-o-etv ;
see disgust. V Y. intrans. MOZM a circZe : P. w
intrans. P. tt^crrao-flai, pcOCcrra<rQai and V. KVKXcIcrSat, orpe^corSat, P.
Ar. and P. cffawarao-ftu. Jwc^ifl ^ TrepiOTpe^ccr^ai, Trcpt^epccr^at, V.
revoZi : Ar. and P. a<i<rrav<u (aoc.) !Xi0-crr0ai, ctXicrcrco^at ; see spin,
Be &*5o6e<foewi : P. and V. roll
Revolt from: P. d<ibra<r0cu O-TTO Revulsion, subs. Revulsion offeelmg:
(gen.). Revolt to: P. //.eravoLd, t;, V. /ACTayvota, T; ; see
-n-pos (ace.).
Joiw m
revolting : P e. Reaction: P. ^rtc

<rvva<t>i<rTa.<r6ai (absol. or with dat.)

Rew Ric

Reward, subs. Becompense : P. oar : V. /cdwnys a-vvepftoKri (<3Esch.,

and V. apaiprj, (Plat.), /ua&fe, 6.
y Per6. 396).
P. and V.
Penalty : P. and V. emTf/uov, TO Rhythmically, adv.
or pi., &rfx tP a > ^' ^ff wva, ra evpvOfJiws, P. ftera PV&/JLOV, cv

(rare P.), TTOIV^, ^ (or pi. rare P.),

Be rowed rhythmically: V.
dvrftroivo, T<; SQQpenalty. Guerdon,
privilege: P. and V. eas, TO. 723).
Prize: P. and V. 0Xov, TO. Rib, subs. P. and Y. irXcupa,
Beward for bringing (a thing) :
Y. (rare in sing.), Ar. and V.
ra (gen.).
Ko/worrpa, Beward /or TO (rare in sing.).
giving information : P. p^wTpa, Ribald, adj. Ar. and P.
TO.. Serving as a reward, adj. : V. Employ ribald abuse, v. P.
WUAottf reward: Y.
adv., Ar. and P. Ribaldry, subs. P.
P. and V. a/u<r#. Irareward for : Bibaldnes : Ar.
use prep,, dyrf (gen.). CLTa, TOt.

Reward, v. trans. Beward aperson : Riband, subs. See ribbon.

P. and V. ajxlJi/or0(u, Ribbon,
subs. P. rauvCa., .
dvra//,&/ecr0ai, Ar. P. and V. OT$aVOS, TO,
and V. avTa/x.i-
fiea-Qau.. Benefit in return : Ar. (Plat, but rare P.), V. <rre'<os, TO,
and P. AW
5 TTOWIV, P. and Y. irXo'^os, 6, TrXeyjutoiTa, T<, Ar. ar0av^>
see requite. ^; QQQ fillet.
May the gods rewa/rd you with Rice, subs. P. 3puov, TO (late),
requital of blessings : 0eol 8c aot
&6\G>v d/ioi/Jas dvrtSojpiyomaTO (Eur., Rich, adj. P. and Y.
HeL 158). Beward (things) : P.
and Y. a/xt/3<j0<u (Xen.) ; see
TOS, TToXv/eny/xaw, TrajLtTrXovros (Soph.,
Frag.), Ar. and P, dfo-opos.
Rhapsodise, v. intrans. Ar. and P. 6z/ inheritance : P. and V.
pa\fr<pSctv. Met., talk big : P. and P. TroXaiOTrXovros.
V. fteya Aeyctv, V. KO/ATTCIV (rare P.) J ceeding rich : P. and Y.
see (Plat.). J?ai, o*Zy : P. and Y.
Rhapsodist, subs. P. pai/ro>8os, 6. Trfcov, Fem. also in V. -rricipa.
Rhapsody, subs. P. pa^<j>oYa, ^, Fertile : P. and V. Tra/x^opo?
met., P. avxiy/xa, TO, P. and Y. (Plat.), cvKop^ros (Plat.), Ar. and
KQfjuros, o (Thuc.). Y. fcapTrt/AOs, TroXajoTropo?, V. /caXX-
Rhetoric, subs. P, p^Topt/ciJ, 15, KapTros ; see fertile. Abundant :
prfroptLa, y. Practise rhetoric, v. P. and V. woXiSs, 5^^ovos,
: V.
P. p?/TOpeTJlV. 7rtppi;Tos. Splendid: P. and V.
Rhetorical, adj. P. p^opi/cos. De- Xa/iTTpos. Be rw/i, wealthy, v. : P.
clamatory : P. S-q/wryopuco's, V. and Y. irXo-urctv, P. e^TTOpctv. r/10
Hcfr P. and V. ot TrXouVtot, P. o

Rhetorically, adv. P. Ar. and V. ot


Rhetorician, subs. P. and Y. Bich in : P. and V.

pip-cup, 6. (gen.), P. e^Tropos (dat.), Y.
Rheum, SUbs. P. p^ara, ra. Oold fwav (gen.), <Xo>v (dat.).
in the head P. Karappovs, 6. *X v. : P. and Y. (gen. or
: -

Rhythm, subs. P. and V. dat.) (Plat.), P. evvo (gen. or

dat.) ; see abound in.
Rhythmic, rhythmical, adj. Ax. Riches, subs. P. and Y. , 6,
and P. Bhythmic beat of Ta, P. evTropia,
Ric Rid

Richly, adj. P. wopus, Ar. and Y. ]

I should have ridden on
Well : P. and V. ev.
-n-Xo-uo-ia)?. a mule saddle : P. CTT* dcn-pa^s &K
Abundantly : P. and Y. a<t>06v<a$ (Lys. 169 cf. Dem. 558). ;

(Eur., Splendidly: P.
Frag.). in a chariot: Y. rt . . .

and V. X^/x-Trpoj?. Met., richly pe<fc (Soph 0. B. 802).

(deserve) : use P. and V. Travis ; 5& along
. .


P. and V. irapiTrTrerW
see thoroughly. Richly dressed, (acc. or absol.). Bzde down:
adj. : V. cveCjjLwv. Y. KQjQiinrQ.&arQa.i, KaOnrircvew, P.
Richness, subs. Fertility : P.
7roX.v<t>opiaf y (Xen.). Splendour: against (an enemy): P.
wetv (absol.). Ifode ^asi:
Rid, v. trans. Deliver : P. and V. P. TrapeXavi/ctv (acc.) (Xen.). Ride
a7raXXao ore',-
Xtfeiv, (JTroXfetv, CK\$W 9 rough-shod over : Met., P, and Y.
a<Zeya6, eXeuflepow, V. c^cwraXXaoxrciv. TTctTctv (Plat, also Ar.) (ace.), P.
Rid oneself of : P. dTroXvco-^at (acc. KOLTCLTTCLTtlv
(acc.), Y. KajQanrdCT0a,i
or gen.). Be or get rid of : P. and
Ride round : P. TreptcXavvctr
Y. aTraXXouro-fitt' (aCC.), aTroXXaor- (aCC.). Ride up : P. TrpotreXavvciv,
o-o*0ai (gen.), e^cwraXXao-orccrflaL irpocri7nrViv. Ride at anchor : P.
(Thuc. 4, 28, but rare P.), P. and V. Q\&,vQa.i) op/iciv.
dTTOTre/ATTco-flai (Thuc. 3, 4). Remove: Ride, subs. Journey : P. and V.
P. and Y. u0torcycu, SkfrurTuvai j 68os, 17, Tropeia, ^, Ar. and Y.
see remove. Put out of the way : iTnrcvjjia, TO, or pi. see riding. ;

P. and V. UTT^atpiv, a^avi^etv, P. Rider, subs. P. and V. iWevs, 6,

K7To8a)V 7TOeUr0<U. Not tO 6fi 00 V. ITTTTOT^S, o, tTTTrtyXan^s, o, Ar.
r^ o/, adj. V. 8wr7r//,?rros.
: and V. t-mrovw/Aas, 6, Orie riding
Riddance, subs. Deliverance: P. in a chariot : Y. eTrc/i/Jar*/?, 6.
and Y. Xrfo-ife, r;, airoXXayry, ^, V. Riders of horses : Y. wnrcov
I/cAvorts, 17, P. dTroXwis, ^. 7ryU/3arai, oL Addition, adding
Ridden, adj. Be bed-ridden, v: Ar. a rider to your decree P. :

and P. KaTa,K\LVcrOai. avT 5 T<j>

Riddle, v. trans. See pierce. ^poorypa
Riddle, subs. P. and V. atvty/wx, Ridge, subs. P. and Y. Xd>o9, o,
TO', (uviy/jio's,
but rare P.).
6 (Plat,
Kopvcfry, Y. Setpas, 7;. Ridge of
Difficulty: P. and V. orropta, ; rock, reef: P. and V. 2p/ta, TO,
I am no prophet to read riddles V. yotpas, fj. On the ridge of tins
aright : Y. ov /WIVTIS cfyu Ta<a tomb : Y. Tvpftov VI VCOTOIS TovSc
ora<a>5 (Eur,, JEKpp. 346). (Eur., HeZ. 984). Furrow: Ar.
iw riddle, v. : P. and V. and P, oXfcds, 6 (Xen.), Ar. and V.

Riddling, adj. JETard io make out : Ridicule, subs. P. and Y. ycXtos, a,

P. and V. aivty/ittTcoSi/s, Y. atvucros /caTayeXcos, 6, V. /cpro/>w7<rts, ^, P.

see obscure. Speaking in riddles : ^Xcvao-ta, ^, ^Xevacr/Ad?, 6. J7i5wZi ,*

P. and V. ^pis, 07- Object of

Ride, v. tains. JS^e (horses) : P. ridicule : P. and Y. yeXws, 6,
and V. IXcnWv, Ar. and P. KOtTaycXcos, o, V. -u^ptcr/ia, TO. They
tTnra^orfloi. V. intrans. P. and twned the matter into ridicule : P.
V. Aau'vciv, Ar. and P. ITTTTC _ ts ycXcDra Tp7rov T& TTpay/ta (Thuc.
6x<^o-6cu (Dem. 570). Be earned 6, 35).
(in a carriage, etc.): P. and Y, Ridicule, v. trans. P. and V.
r0cu, Ar. and P. fyeitrOai ovcowrmv (Eur., OycZ. 675, absol.),
in a chariot : P. &ri Ar. and P. vXeud^eiv, CTriovcwTrrciv,
Rid Rig

TO)0(H/, V. KpTO/XLV. ii, proper: P. and V.

Ar. and P. KOJfLCuSctV, P. .
-TTpeTrcov, TTpoo^Kcov, euo^xij-
Laugh at : P. and V. ycXav eVt cru/xjLLTpos, KcLQYJKtov, Ar. and

(dat. or dat. alone) ; see mock. P. 7rpe7rd)8^5, V. -n-pocrctKois, cTret/cws,

Insult : P. and V. fy?pifeiv (ace. or /wsi ; P. and V.
is, ace.). s, IvStKos, 6p0os, Zeros,

Ridiculous, adj. P. and V. yc'XoLos, "PFTtai ^ rigf/t^

Ar. and P. Kara-yeA-ao-ros, V. ycXoTO- see z^2/. (I ^s) r^^, lawful :

TTOWS (.ZEsch., Frag.}. Supremely P. and V. ^/iiTOv (negatively)


ridiculous : P. v?repyA.oios. ^.ft- (rare P.), 0e/us (rare P.), V. Slf/o?.

: P. and V. STOTTOS (Eur., Reasonable, fair : P. and Y. CIKOS.
S iOO is r^Tfci : V. Ixei Se /x-oipav
adv. P. Kai TdSc (Eur., JSipp. 988).
P. Deserved, adj, P. and Y. <2>$,
/caTayeAoaTGJs. Absurdly:

Ridiculousness, subs. Absurdity: Sf/caws, V. 7ra^os. Be ri^i, v. :

Ar. and P. aroiria., >/. P. and V. op0Gs ytyvtocr/cctv.

^/te mor& : P. and V.
Riding, subs. Horsemanship : Ar.
and P. urn-curia, 17, ZinruaJ, 7/, Ar. Gome right, v. P. and V. 6p0ow0ai, :

and V. t-Tnrcvfta, TO, or pi. Biding

of horses : P. iWa>v ox^cns, 17 Thinking that the future will come
(Plat.). Good for riding, adj. : P. right of itself: P. TO, /icAAovra
nrao-i/ios (Xen.). Usec to riding :
a-uTO/iaT* oldjLiei/oi crx^creiv KaXais
Ar. and P. ZTTTTIKO'S. Unused to (Dem. 11). Put right, v. : P. and
riding: P. a<nros. V. cop6ovv, BiopOovv, KaropOovv,
Riding! adj. Mooted: P. and V. Svop&avv, Ar. and P. cTravop^ow.
!<nros, Ar. and V. wnrojStfjucov, Or In one's right mind, adj. : P. and
Use V. wnronys, wnreuTijs ; see V. Iwo-us, eju,<pe0v ; see sa9^e. Eif7/i*
mounted. as opposed to left: P. and V.
Rife, adj. J3e ri/s, v. : P. and V. $&o's. 2%e r^ffc* feawd : P. and
K/OaTtV, lOTX^ClV, P. Tnrpl\<ELV 9 -TrCpl-
V. Se^ta, 77. On M0 ^jf*< : P. and
Tpcxe v, o\a<epav (ThuC. 3, 83), V. V Scfi^, Ar. and P. e/c Sc^tas, or
V. T
A^tfefv. Be frequent: P. use adj., V. cVSe'&os (Eur., Gycl.
tV (ThUC. X tK.
3, 89), CTr 6). To ifee right of you : V. b>
Riff-raff, subs. Use Ar. and P. S^crov(Eur.,02/cZ. 682). Straight,
Ku0ap/Aa, TO, TrcpirpifL/ia, TO. .Mb& : direct: P. and V. d;0ik, opflo's.
P. and V. oxA.05, 6, P. <n;p^T05, 6 Adverbially: P. and V. i0iJ,
(Plat). occasionally cvOfa. Right out,
Rifle, v. trans. J5o6 ; P. and V. (destroy, kill) right out : P. and V.
dpTTtt^ctv, ttvapTrafetv, 8tap7ra^tv ; apoV ; see utterly. Thinking there
see plunder. was CL way right through to the
Rift, subs. P. and V. x^a, TO'. outside : P. oio/^o/ot . . . elvat
Rig, v. trans. Kt owt : P. and V. . . .
avTiKpws StoSov c!s TO l^o)
cnceua^av, P. KaTao-Keua^ctv. Met., (Thuc. 2, 4=). Ei^f^i through,
influence by intrigue : P. prep. V. 8ia/jMrd (gen.) (also used

in Xen. as adv.), owifwrcpcs (gen.)

Rigging of ships : (also used in Plat, as adv.).
Ar. and P. cnccify, Ta. Rigging of Right angle : P. 6pOy ywvta, 77.
a market: P. cruvcpyta, ; see : use adj., P.
Dem. 1285.
Right, Correct, true : P. and Right, subs.
adj. Justice: P. and V,
V. aK^B-ffs, 6p66s, V. TO S&cuov, P.
vayaep^s; see 0e/xfe, r; (rare P.),
Rig Rim

ruvv], 17,
V. TO fMaftiKeiv, TO\>V$IKOV cv.
Deservedly : P. and V. d&W,
(Bur., Frag.). Legal right: P. V. ?ra^^(i)5, KaTa^aos.
and V. ot/c?7, ij. Prerogative: P. Right-minded, ad]. See sensible.
and V. yepas, TO ; see prerogative. Rightness, subs. Ar. and P.
Eights : P. and V. TO. Sfcccua. 6p66rrj<s, fj ; see truth.
J'MStf claim: P. SiKaia>//,a, TO. Rigid, adj. Sard: P. and V.
Hay0 a raV/7& to : P. and V. o-/cA.?7pos, oTcpeos, V. o-Tu<^Xos, Trcpt-
(infin.) (Eur., Heracl.
6Yfcaios cfrai or/ccXij?, Ar. and V. orppo5. Stern
142), Ar and P. a|to? clmt (infin.) P. and V. oTcATypo'j, o-^TX/o?, rpcL^^s,
J9^ rights : use rightly. Put to Ar. and P. x^A-cTros. Of things .

rights see #w ri/fci, under right.

P. Ivxvpos. Obstinate : P. and V.
Right, v. trans. P. and V. IgopOow, ati0aoV. jPin?z, sec^w-fi : P. and
SiopOovv, K&TopOovv, Ar. and P. eirwop- V. fiefioLLOS, do-<^aX?7?.
Bovv. Set upright : P. and V. op- Rigidity, subs. Hardness : P.
Qovv. Guide aright: see under guide. (TKXfiporri's, fj, oTcpcoTTys, 17. Rigidity
A ship strained forcibly by^ the of the muscles : P. TfiVavos, 6.
sheet sinks, but rights again, if one Sternness : P. x^^TrorTy?, ^ ; see
slackens the rope : V. /cat vavs yap sternness. Obstinacy : P. av^aSeta,
Vra@L(TCL TTpO? pLCW TToSt ^a^V, 17, o-/c\77pOTi7ff, 17, Ar, and V. ai^dSta,

IO-TT; 8* a50is yv
X ^-^ wcSa (Bur., '}-

Or, 706). Rigidly, adv. Hardly : Ar. and P.

Righteous, adj. P. and V. St/caios, o-/cXi7po)5. Securely) firmly : P.
/8tKo?, op0os, V. TrdVSiKos see ;
and V. /h/fot'ttt, 00-^0X59. 0&-
jitti. Pious: P. and V. evcrey&fc, stinately : Ar and P. du^ciSa)?, P.
oVtos. Croo5, honest: P. and V.
KttA.GS, XP'tyO'TOS. Rigmarole, subs. Use P. rJ0Aos, 6
Righteously, adv. P. and V. SWws, (Plat.).
cvSt/ccos, 6p0o>s, V. 7ravS]?Ka)s. Piously :
Rigorous, adj. Stern : P. and V.
P. and V. euo-e/Qois, OCR'WS ; see CTKXrjpOS. TTtKpOS, CTXT/\t05, Tp

rightly. Honestly: P. and V. Ar. and V. xa^ 7ro s J see

pitiless. Of climate P. :

Righteousness, subs. Justice: P. Ar. and V. Swxei'/xepos. Exact,

and V. TO Sfoatov, P. St/catocn;^, 77,
accurate : P. and V. aKplfiys.
7rttKta, ^ V. TO /X,d8tKtV, TOVvStKOV Rigorously, adv. Sternly: P.
(Bur., Frag.), Toirmeuce*. Piety :
ovcAiypoi?, o-xrAiO)S, P. and V.
P. and V. cucr^Seia, 17, TO cvo-e^Scs, see pitilessly.
TTtfcpois ; Exactly,
P. off-tern;?, 17. accurately
: P. and V. d/fptyQais.
Rightful, adj. Law/wZ : P. and V. Rigour, subs. Sternness : P.
P. and V.
P. and V. TriKporrjs, y. Of
Rightfully, adv. Lawfully : P. and
climate : see cold.
V. KOTO, vo'/jtovs; see lawfully, Rill, subs. P. and V. po^, r% pcfyux,
/ "^ / * c /\7 * / \ "TT
justly. TO, pl0pOl>, TO, pOU5, O (V. pOO?), V.

Rightly, adv. P. and V. 6P 6fo, V. i)//a, TO, peos, TO, vao"^to5, 6, Ar.
KO.T op0oV. Truly : P. and V. and V. x, TO (also Plat, but rare

a%70o)s ; see truly. Reasonably : P.) ; see 'stream.

P. and V. iKdVo)s. Justly : P. Rim, subs. JSJ^e : P. x ^-s, >

and V. SiKatws, ci/Swcais, op$<os, P. see also Zip. The rim of anything :
ra>s, errtetfcajs, Ar. and V. ev StVcfl, use adj., P. and V. a*pos agreeing
V. Trpos 81)075, ow 81x27, S/K$ ; see with subs., e.g., the rim of the
-' '* ~~
"I, prop&rly : P. and V. cup : P. and V. oWpos /rfAtf. Of
Rim Rip

a shield : V. 7repi8po/u>s, 6, n5s, TJ. o/ i/ifi

populace: use P. and V.
Of a cup : V. (ace. sing.) O-T&TLS, 17. Revelry : P. and V.
6, Ar. and P. eiW^a, ^; see
(Soph, 0. 0. 473) see Up. ; Kto/Aos,

Rime, subs. P. and V. wa^, y revelry. Run riot : see under v.

Riot, v. intrans. JB0 disorderly : P.
Rimmed, adj. V. TrcpiSpo/^os. Black and Y. ^KQCT^IV. riot, go toRun
rimmed : V. //.eXavSeTos (used of a
excess : P. and V. SrrfpySaXXeiv, V.
jKe^fiZ ; P. and V.
Rind, subs. Peel: Ar. and P. <i))(LcrQai. (Bur., Cycl.) ;

A,fj*Lt,(i, TO. JjariC : Jr. <p\oios, o see ra;0. Wanton : P. and V.

(Xen.). Of cheese : Ar. ovcipov, TO. v/SpL&v, V. x^-' tI/ Ar - an<^ v -

Circle : P. and V. -Nor were the halls

Ring, subs. xXiffiav. of
/c UK A os, 6. .For /w? finger : Ar. Menelaus enough for your wanton-
and P. 8aKTuXw>s, 6. Signet-ring: ness to riot ^n : V. ouS" rjv t/cava o-ot
P. and V. o-^payfs, 17 Hoop o/ a TO, McvcXco) fjLXja,6pa Tats crat?

rm^: P. and V. cr^cvSov^, 17. .Riw# o/ tyKaOvftpifav Tpv^ats (Eur., Tro.

people : P. and V. /cu/cXos, 6. In a 996). Eise against the government :
ring : P. and V. /cvicXw, ?rpi (rare Ar. and P. ora<na^/.
P.), ev KUKXw. Standing in a ring: Rioter, subs. Use Ar. and P. o
use adv., P. and V. TrepurraSoV. Reveller : Ar. and P.
Arena: P. dyuv, 6. Enter the fc, 6. PFawiow : P. and V.
ring, v. P. and V. elcrep)(<E(r6ai,
: 7$, 6.
Ar. and P. KarajSatveiv. RiotOUS, adj. P. orcunom/cos, crrao*ta-
Ring, v. trans. See encvrcle. ortKos. Noisy : P.
Ring money to see if it is good : Ar. Disorderly:P. V. ^KOCT/AOS,
jcco8<oviiv, Met., P. 8iafCQ)8u>veiv. XcoS^? ; see disorderly.
Ein^r a bell : use P. and V. fcpoTctv. conduct : P. and V. -i^pis
V. intrans. Clash : P. and V. ^x"v prwate means through idleness are
lost and wasted in riotous hving :
(Plat.), i/ro</ ; see 0Zas/&. JSmgr
iw i^e ears : V. ySoav li/ wo-t V. TO, 8" ev So/zot? 8a7ravato-t <poi)8a,
(2Esch., Pers. 605). owi 8ta^vyoV^ VTT' dpy^as (Eur., H. F.
terror : V. /c-rwretv ^o'^ov (Eur., 591).
Rhes. 308). jBeZZs rm^ out terror : Rip, v. trans. See tear.
V. jcXafovorc KcoScovcs qSojSoi/ (JBsch., Ripe, adj. P. and V. o>p<uos, TTCTTW^
2%e5. 386). (JSsch., J?Vojr., Xen. also Ar.).
Ringing, subs. P. and V. ^6>os, 6, Ripe in years : see grown. Brought
fcnfW, 6 (also Ar. but rare P.), Ar. to perfection: P. and V. TcAcios,
and V. TraTayos, 6, V. /cXayy^, 17, TcXcos. Ready, prepared : P. and
apay/xos, 6, 801)770?, 6 (rare P.), V. ITOIJLLOS. Be ripe, v. P. and V. :

)8po/jLOS, 6, apay/ACLTa, TCL. fafjAfav, P. ev dic/xg ctvat. Trained,

Ringleader, subs. P. and V. experienced : P. yeytyivaoytcvos.
6 or P. cfqyirrijs, 6.
, JBzpe /or marriage : P. and V.
Ringlet, subs. Ar. and V. (Lpatos, V. <wpatO5 ya/A<ov.
Ripen, v. trans. P. and V. 7T7r<umy
o. Of a fop: Ar. /a/awes, o. (Eur., Frag., Xen.). V. intrans.
Rinse, v. trans. OZeaw : P. and V. Of grapes : V. a7ro7rp/coGo^at (Soph.,
KcLQaipew. Wash (clothes, etc.) : Ar. Frag.), Ar. TrcTratVeiv. Cowe to
and P. ir\i}Viv ; see wash. perfection : P. and V. dKjua&iv.
Riot, subs. Disorder: P. and V. Ripeness, subs. Perfection : P.
aKQor/ua, ^, o^opiJ^Sos, 6, P. rapa^vj, rj,
and V. dic/xi7, ^. JR^pewess o/ a^e ;
V. Tapay/xos, 6, r^pay/ia, TO. Rising see prime.
Rip Ris

Ripple, subs. Use wave. The roo^ rising ftfgrfc aio-ue ^Ae
countless ripples of the sea surge : ground : V. /icXaiva Trcrpa yiys
V. TTOvrtcov . . .
wepTeXXoucr' av<i) (Eur., jffec. 1010).
KU/AciTtov dviypt^ftov
y&.aa-p.a (^Bsoh.,
P. V. 89). Rise, subs. Increase: P.
Ripple, v. trans. Break into ripples: ^. Growth : P. ati&pns,
use V. \VKOLLVLv (Bur., Cycl. 17). Origin : P. and V. dpxiy, fj. Of
V. intrans. Use P. and V. the sun, etc. : P. dvaroX^, 17, V.
or pi. O/ a star : P.
Rise, v. intrans. Ge w^> /rom at. ii sww rise: P. ,

sitting^ etc. : P. and V. avicrrao-0ai, (Xen.), V.

etavicrracrOai., V. op0o{5o-0ai, Ar. and
P. bravLorracrGai. Of an assembly : Risible faculties. See risibility.
P. and V. avrrao-0<u. .Zfo'ss /row Risibility, subs. P. and V. yAe*?, 6.
owe's seatf in honour of a person : Rising, adj. Of ground: Ar. and
Ar. and P. vrravi<rra<r0at, (dat.) P. /6reo>p09, P. dvavnys, 7rpoo-dvnri$,
(Xen.). Rise from bed : P. and P. and V. 3p0ios. r/ie
V. avicrrcLcrBaiy efavtVracr&w, V. generation: P. and V. ot Wot,
(2Esch., Ag. 27). vccorepoi.
P. and V. lyetpeo-0<u, efcyetpcandeu. Rising, subs. Of the sim, etc. : see
.Rise /row i/U rfead: P. and V. rise. Rebellion: P. and V.
V. avpx<r&ai. Go
P. and V. avepxr0ai. -4sc0wd5 : Risk, subs. P. and V. K/Si5i/os, 6,
and V. cupccrAu, $v<o </>p<r6a.i. What TO Setvov, or pi., aywv, o. Dangerous
shall I tell of first ? The dmt that enterprise : P. and V. /cw/Sfr/ev/ia,
rose to heaven ? V. TI -n-pajrov ctTrco To (Plat.). Without risk, adj.:
riyv cs ovpavov K.&VIV ?rpoo"av-~ '
P. AffivSwot, adv., P. and V.
(Bur., Sttg^ 687). risfcs ; Ar. and P.
the sun, etc.
P. dvrxtv, V. P. Sta/ctvSwcvetv, KwSvvov
ground : use P. avappLirrew, V. rpc^ctv dyfiva,
Grow, increase : P. and V. v finrrenr.
vO"0ai, av^<r6cLi P. 1
I withdrew the money for them at
Ar. and P. ^tSiSoVai, V. the risk of my life :
; P.
TFTiew </i6 ynce of corn rose : P. avrots ra xp^ara /ctvSuvv<7as
OT O 0"6TOS 7TTlfJL'l^&ff (JLJQTXlm V/J-Oj rot) o-wfuxro?
(Isoc. 388A). Share a
of. 1208). Prices had risen : P. risk with others v.: P. oTryKivoWeTJciv

at T4ftat eirereravTO (Dem. 1290). (absol. or dat.), o-wBiaKwBvveuew

Cows io #ass : P. and V. ptrd (gen.).
Risk, v. trans. Hazard : Ar. and
being : P. and V.
yiyvto-Ocu, Ar.
and P. ava<<uVecr0ai, (dat. or Trepf, gen.), P.
V. opcopcVat (perf. of opvuvat).
Bisfi V. Trapappwrrciv, -wpo-
'2Zio?i: Ar. and P. C7rai/rra- 7rpoTtVetv ; see also e?i-

JBise agamst: Ar. and P. danger. jfi&sfc

everything : P.
(dat.). Of a (absol.) .
Risking war
P. dvaSiSoVai (Hdt.). Bis^ i agamst the Argives : V. KV^CVCOV
use P. and V. pciv TOV Trpo's "Apyctous "Apiy (Bur., J?^e5.
place :

(gen.). O/ a wind: use P. Who will risk incurring

and V. yfyw0(u (Thuo. 1, 54).
Project: r. and V. Trpo^etv, Ar. Xa,p,/3dvw (Soph.,
^ 0. E.
and P. c^xetv; see project. A 1493).
Ris Roa

Precarious : P. <!>L\oviKiv (dat. or ?rpos,

Risky, adj. (ace.),
ace.). Equal : P. and V. icroSo-0ai

Dangerous : P. and Y. 8eivos, (dat.), ^croTJcr^at (dat.).

<T(aXepos, P. cTrtKiyBwo?, P. and V. /u/Aeior&u ; see imitate.
Ar. P. Rivalry, subs.
P. and V. Ipts, ^,
ay coy, 6, 5/xtXA.a, ^, f-^Xos, 6, P..
Rite, subs. P. and V. TfXcriy, ^, or
pi., Te'Xos, TO, or pi., Ar. and P. ^?yX<Da-t?, ^. .4 ^/e o/ rivalry :
TO. vo/u^o/xeva, TO, tepa, V. rpa. Y. TroXu^Aos ^tos (Soph., O. B.
Mystic rites : P. and V. /xuo-njpia, 381). -4w oi/fioi o/ rivalry : use
TCX'; see mysteries. Bacchic rites : adj., P. 0a/uAXos, Ar. and P.
V. /3a.KXVfjLaTa, rd, rcAeral e&ot, at ;
see bacchanalia. Do you perform Riven, adj. P. and V.
your rit2s by day or night ? ra 8* (Plat.), V. Sixpppayqs, 8tappa>.
IpCL IVKTtop Yj pusff flp.epW TfiXa?, River, subs. P. and V. Trora/xo'?, 6.
(Eur., Baccli. 485). Begin the Stream : P. and V. poiy, ^, pcu^ta,
rites : V. /caTap;(cr0ai, P. Karap- TO, peWpov, TO, /Sou?, 6 (poos, in V.),
(of. Ar.., Av. 959), Y. pe'os, TO see stream. ; Of a
Ar. and river, adj. Ar. and V. Trordp.Los.

P. a.7rapxe<rOa.L (Xen ). Begin the Rivet, subs. P. and Y. yo//.<os, 6>

rites by taking the meal from the (Plat., Timaa. 43A), Nail: Ar.
baskets : V. egdpxov /cai/a (Eur., and P. ^Xo?, 6 (Plat., Phaedo,
I. A. 435). He shall begin the
rites with offering of meal and Rivet, v. trans. P.
lustrations ; V. Ar. and Y. -Trpoo-Trao-aaXcvetv, Y.
r* eVapferai (Eur. "I. , 955). Tracro-aXeuew. Be riveted : Ar. and
President of the rites : P. V. yofJicfrovcrOaL, Y. e^Xovo-flcu.
6. Met., r*ye^ i^e attention: P. and
Ritual, subs. See rites. Y. KOLTCXCIV see ,/fo. ;

Rival, subs. P. and Y. on : see /KC. ,

6, V. TroXatornjs, 6, 6 ; see Rivulet, subs.

, P. and V. po>7, ^ see ;

competitor, or use adj., V. avdd- stream

fitXXos, Ar. and V. dvriTraXos. Road, subs. P. and Y. 68os, ^.
Opponent : use adj., P. and Y. Path: Y. rpfy5os, 6 or 77 (also
evavTtbs. Rival in love : Ar. and Xen. but rare P.), ol/*o?, 6 or ^
ir .
a,vTpoLcrT7j$j o. .Rwal in art : (also Plat, but rare P.), orr^Sos, 6,
use adj., Ar. and P. wrtrexvos. Tropos, 6, Ar. and P. d/rpaTro's, ^,
Rival in a husband's affec&n : Ar. and V. fccX^^os, ^. Carriage
use adj., Y. orfyya/ios (Eur., And. road : Y. a/Aa#ros, ^ (also Xen.
182). with 68os), 6 Or
Rival, adj. Conflicting: P. and Y. P.
Ivavnos, Ar. and V. ai/TftraXos. and V. rpibSos, (Plat.). Make
Rival, v. trans. Compete with: P. roads: P. 0801)5 Road
and V. aya)vie<r0ai (dat. or making, adj. : Y. K
ace.), a/itXXao-0(u (dat. or Roadstead, subs. P. and V.
ace.), 4pfciv (dat.), V. ,
TO (Eur., Rhes.) ; see harbowr*
(dat.), efa/uXXao-tfoi, (dat.) ; see Roam, v. trans. Traverse : P. and V.
cowie?i^ wii^. Do you (Plat.),
Themistocles 1 Ar orv V. -jroXetv, SXacr^at, fji/3a,Tuctv (ace.
&vTt<f>p(t.s ; (7^.813). Emulate or gen). Y. intrans P. and V.
P. and Y. yXow (ace.), P. ^XorareE cTv and
(Plat, Isoc.),
Roa Roc

otfat, &Xao-0ai (Dem. 440, also (gen.), V. rtiTa.<r&ai (gen.).

Isoc.), V. ot^vctv, arpc^ccr^at, orpa)- P. and V. TropQelv,
cuciv, 6!vaoTpa>-
a&o% : Ar,
P. P.
subs. P. and V. Tr pctv,V. irepOeiv, eKTrepdeiv (also-
17, TrAtfvos, 6, V. TrXdvrjfjid, TO, X^ Plat,but rare P.) see plunder. ;

Y), aA-tyTCia, r), 8po//,os, 6. AbsoL, &6 a robber : Ar. and P.

Roaming, See wandering.
Roar, subs. Bellow : P. and V. Robber, subs P. and V. Aflcmfo 6,
fiVKourOai (Ar. also but rare P.), Ar. Ar. and P. AoTroSi/nys, o, Ar. ap?rafr
and V. fipvxao-Qai, V. eKppvxavQai, 6 Plunderer: V. o-uATp-wp, 6,
P. ava{3pvxa.orQaL. SllQUt, bawl JTOp^TCOp, 6, CKTTOpOiqTtop, 6 S66 \

P. and V. /?oav, oVa/Joou/; see also taic/.

s7&owfc. Of inanimate things: P. Robbery, subs. P. and V. dp:ray^
and V. t/fo<etv, eTrrjx&v (Plat, but ^ (or pi. in V.), P. Trop^crts,
rare P.), w
rv (^ lat but rare F.),
jmhretv (Plat, but rare P.) (also

P. and V. /cA.o7T77, ^ ; see

, , ,

Ar,), V. ^pc/Aav (Ar. also in mid.). Robe, subs. Dress: P. and V.

Roar, subs. Bellow : V. 116^0., TO. ra, KGo-pos, 6,
.Noise of animals : P. and V. 0-70X17, ^ (Plat.), V.
TO (Plat.), <0o'yyos, 6 TO, Ar. and V.
oToXyu-ds, 6,

(Plat.),V. /3o7j, 4 tfoyyt, i ,

see dress.
6, 7T7rAa)jLta, TO ;

Shout: P. and V. 017, 17, Kpavyr), Robe, v. trans. CZotfifl P. and V.

rj ;
see sT&owtf. Inarticulate sound :
TrcptjSaAAetv, Ar. and P.
P. and V. ^09, 6, ^x i ^ (
Plati Ar. and V. du,<&
but rare P.), /cTi;7ro5, 6 (Plat, and X7T^t7/, V.
Thuo. but rare P.) (also Ar.), V. ; see dress. Robe?
/?po//,os, o, Soviros,
o (also Xen. but oneself: and V. P.
rare P.), apay/w>s, 6, ^pay/btaTa, ra, ^l^orw ; P. and V. Koo^ctv. Met. r
Ar. and V. TrdTayos, 6. encircle : P. and V.

Roaring, adj. V. V. d/i7ri'orj(*n/, d/x,7T^t

Robust, adj. P. eppw/tos ;
Roast, v. trans. Ar. and P
<f>piyLv, Ar. and V. ^oirrav (Eur., Robustly, adv. P. and V. eppoywo)*.
CfycZ.). .Boosi m
as/ws : Ar. and Robustness, subs. P. and V.
P. o-TToS^ctv, Ar, c/wriipcveH/. Boast wrX*k ^ pw/Aiy, ^.
an ox lohole : Ar. fiow airavOpaKt&w Rock, subs. P. and V. Trcrpa, 07.
oXov (Ban. 506). Stone: P. and V. Af0os, 6, V.
Roast, adj. P. and V. OTTTO?. T/, ?rTpos, 6 ; see
Rob, v. trans. Deprive ; P. and V. : P. V. aicpa,
&<t>aipLv (TLVI a<^atpr<r5at (rtva
rt), 6, V. ACTTCIS, TO, OTTTtArfs, rj dy/^os, 6^
rt), ttiroarepctv (riva rtvos,
or aoc. of Ar. and P. oTcoVcAos, 6. Ridge of
thing if standing alone), crrtpslv rook : V. xOLP^ "*! Of rock, adj. :

(rtvdt rtvos), oreptWecv (rti/a rtvo?), V. TreTpatos, irtTptobris, ircTpivos,

cruXav (rtva TI), SirocrCXav (TIV< Ttj, AcTratos, irerp^piys. O/ stone : V.
V. Sn-ocrrcpio-Keiv (rtva rtvos) ;
See AatVo?, Ar. and P. Af0tvos. Hurled
deprive. Help a person in robbing :
from a rock : V.
P. avvcwrooTepciv (riva rtvos, "With Boofed with rock : V.
dat. of person helped). Be robbed Whence she shall be hurled with a
of: use also P. and V. plunge from the rock: V.
Roc Rom
a\fia SurKcuOiqa-erat (Bur., TO; see part. Play role
Ion, 1268). of . P. vrroKpivtarOai (aco.) seejpZay.

Rock, v. trans. : P. and V. Roll, v. trans.

Move P. and Y. KvXivfelv
tdveiv. Shake: P. and V. o-W. (Xen.), Y. cXtWctv, ctA-wrcreiv (once
Move o <x?&d fro : Y. croXevciv. V. Ar.). Turn, make revolve : P. and
intrans. Move : P. and Y. Kweta-Qai. V. cn-p^ew, P. TrcpL<f)epcu/ t V.
Shake : P. and V. crctca-Oat. Move , Ar. and V. /o;jcXe?v.
to and fro : P. and V. o-aXevew, P. OTJfwrrvcro-eii/. BoZZ ^Tte
dTToo-oXeiW. Wave: P. and V. : V. Stac^epetv /cdpa?, y/cv/cA,ow
ouo>petcr$(U 866 o$S.
>tv. Y.
Rockiness, subs. Of ground : P. intrans. Twrw over an^ over: P.
and V. KvAivScro-tfac, Ar. and Y.
Rocking, subs. Oscillation : Ar. also KuXti/Sccr^at (Soph.,
and V. o-oXos, 6. Of the earth (in Bevolve: P. and V. Kv
aw, earthquake) : P. and V. o-er/xos, crrp<eo-0atj P. Trcptorpc^cor^at,
9 V.
6. 4A i,

Rocky, adj. Of ground P. and V. see


TrerpdiSi/s, rpdx$S, Y. icparatA.ea>s, V. o-oXcuetv, P. cwroo-oAoW ; S66

XeTratos ;
see rugged. Of rook : also reeZ. EoZZ against: Ar.
see under rock. Trpoor/ciiXtetv rt rtvi (F0SJ9. 202).
Rod, subs. jStfajf: Ar. and P. J^oZZ down. P. KarafcvXivScLo-^at

pa/?8os, ^, paKmqpia, ^, V. a*Tpov, (Xen.). ^oZZ out, v. trans.: Ar.

TO. .For chastising: Ar. and P. cfc/diAu/SeH/. JSoZZ out of: Y.
paySSos, 17.
For measuring, etc. : e/c/cTJXtVSco-^ai (gen.). Time as it
P. and Y. /cavoiv, 6. rolls on
V. ovirippsw xpovos.

Rodomontade, subs. Boastmg : Ar. Roll, subs. Swaying motion: Ar.

and P. $Xaovcta, y. and V. 0-oA.o?, 6. Eegister : Ar.
Roe, subs. See deer. and P. /caroAoyos, 6. Records,
Rogue, subs, P. and V. /AaorZytas, archives : P. and V. Xoyot, ot,
6 (Soph., Frag., also Ar.), Ar. and ypa/i/jLara, ret. EoZZ (o/ drums) :
V. /ccVTpwv, 6 (Soph., Frag.), Ar. use Y. KTUTTOS, 6 (Eur., Bacch.
jco^dAos, o. Quack, cheat: Ar. 513). J2oZZ o/ &rea<^ : use Ar.
and P. dAaw, 6, P. and V.
ayiymys, 6 ; see quack. Roller, subs. Use wheel.
Roguery, subs. P. and V. *-avoupyia Rollick, v. intrans. }
P. and V.
^ see mischief. Piece of roguery :

P. and Y. roA/^/ta, ro. Insolence : Rollicking, adj. Ar. and P.

P. and Y. flftfo, . Ar. and P.
Roguish, adj. Eascally : P. and Y.
Katcovpyos, Travoupyos, rtTptirros, V. Rolling, adj. Of the eye : Y.
Travrovpyos. Met., /wZ^ o/ youthful Siaorrpo^os.
spirit: Ar. and P. vewtKos: see Rolling, subs. Of the eyes : V.

Roisterer, subs. Ar. and P. Rollock, subs. See rowlock.

6. J5a?w2 of roisterers : P. and V Romance, subs. Story : P. and V.
^tao-os, 6,
Y. KCD/XOS, 6. Ao'yos, 6, /w6os 9
6 ;
see story.
Roistering, subs. P. and Y. /COJ/AOS, Love: P. and Y. 2po>g, 6. Mere
6. to truth) P.
fiction (as opposed :

Roistering, adj. Use Ar. and P. and Y./u)$os, 6.

Romance, v. intrans. P.
Role, subs. Part in a play: P. stories : P.
Rom Ros

Romantic, adj. Legendary: P. |

Beginning: P. and V.
/jw0a>oV. Dealing with love: P. Family ; P. and V.
Ipom/cos. Beautiful : and
P. ycvos, TO, Y. cnrep/ia, TO, ptja, 77,
V. KoAos. Charming : Ar. and P. see family.
TO; Boot of
.Forad o beaut: P. a number: P. Tn/0/^, 6 (Plat.).
Square root: P. SiW/us, rj (Plat.).
Romp, v. intrans. P. and V. jEM /rowi wAicfe something has
see pfow/. been cut: P. and V. TO/AT}, 17.
Roof, subs. P. and V. 6/>o<os, 6, ^row a small seed a great root may
Ar. and P. reyos, TO, 6/00^^ 17. spring : Y. <r/uiepov yivoir av
Tiling: Ar. and P. Kepfyios, 6. CTTrepfjiaTOS wOfi^y (.ZEsch..,
jKoo/ o/ tffo m0ttA : P. ovpavos o Ofeofi. 204). !Tafee root : P. pt^oOo-^
(Aristotle). Living under the same (Xen.),/caTapptfoT;optfat(Plat.). .Rooi
roof, adj. : P. 6>a>pd<>s, or use and branch, utterly: use adj., P.
V. Dorics, (riWtrrios. Sheltered and V. -jrpoppios (also Ar. rare P.),
by a roof: P. and V. Ar. and Y. avrfarpc/wos, or adv., Y.
Roof, v. trans. P. and V. irp-vjwoOfv : see utterly.
(Dem. 426, also Ar.), Ar. Root out, v, trans. P&ZZ up by the
or use cover. roots : P. e/CTrpe/mgew, V. /c^a/*W^tv.
Roofed, adj. P. /caTooreyos, P. and Met., P. and Y. avcupetv, /co^atpeiv,
V. fcaTTjpe^'s (Plat., Critias, 116s, Y. Krpr/?tv, tK^ajavt^civ; see destroy.
but rare P.). Eoofed with stone: Having all his house utterly rooted
Y. TrcTp^pcqtofc. out : V. ycvovs aTravros pi'av efrjfur]-
Roofless, adj. V. vo'po<os. ^vo? (^av) (Soph., 4;. 1178).
Rook, subs. Use Ar. /copof, 6. Rooted, adj. 5e rooied ; P. and Y.
Room, subs. P. and V. o ra, piovcr6ai P. KaTappL^ovarOai. Rooted

otfcos, 6, Ar. and V. So'/xos, 6, in earth : Y. y)}0ei/ cppi^cofteyo?

TO, p&aBpov, TO or pi, V. (Soph., 0. 0.^1591). Be fixed: P.
orcyos, TO, Ar. and P. Sw/xanov, TO, and Y. irCTnjyewu (perf. of TnTyvwcu).
ouei?6W ;see chamber. Interval : Met., siw66orw, mirac^aftfe : P.
P. 8ioAei/jL/xa, TO, StolcT^/ia, TO. wrx^pos see innate. ;

Vacant space : P. and V. x<fy> a *7- Rope, subs. P. and Y. /<iX<os, 6,

Plenty of room : P. vpvx<*>p{&, 4- TO (Plat.), SCCT/AOS, o, P.
Waw o/ room: P. o-revoxwpca, }. TO*, Ar. and P. TOVOS, 6,
Save room /or : P. and V. x<>petv T(J, V. d

(ace.) (Eur., KpP- 941 )- 17.

JVoose: P. and Y. fipoxos, 6.
room (for) : Ar. and P. -rra Eope for mooring : V. ^XLvw^pia.,
*7roxo)ptv (dat.), V. TO, irpvfjLvyo'ia, rd. Sheet : Ar. and
Sdat.), I?i ^
roow o/ : P. and V. Y. -n-ovs, 6.
AIT? (gen.). Opportunity, scope: Rope-seller, subs. Ar. oT-wnrao^rwX^?,
P. and V. /catpo's, 6. 6.

for : use P. and V. Set (gen.) Rosary, subs. P. poScwa, 17.

Roomy, adj. Use P. and V. e Rose, subs. Ar. and P. poSov, TO
Roost, v. intrans. Perch: P. and (Dem. 615). Full of roses, adj. :
V. Kaft}o-0cu, KaOCfav. Boost upon ; Ar. -TToXvppoSos.
Ar. <efecr0(u (dat.). JSoostf ow Rostrum, subs. Ar. and P. ?/m,
perch : Ar. ^ri |j/Aou KaOevSew (Nub. TO, Y. fiMpov, r6 (Eur., J. T. 962).
1431). Mount the rostrum : P.
P. and V. jlg&, 7rl TO ^/xa, or Ar. and P.
Root, subs.
jTrwwfe : Ar. and P. alone.
Met., origin : P. and V. Rosy, adj. See red.
Rot Rou

v. trans. P. and V. v. trans. P. Roughen,

"V. intrans. P. and V. <V. intrans. P. TpaxTJvcoru.
TrJKctrOaL (Plat), V. pv&av ; see Roughly, adv. Harshly : P. and
Eot away: Ar. and P. V. wi/cpws, Ar and P. 67 ** P x^
rpaxecos ; see harshly. Boorishly :
P. crrjir&w, y. Ar. and P. dypotKos. In outline :
Rot, subs. Decay,
mould: P. and V. eu/xus, 6. In P. TVTT<P, V TUTTO). Off-hand : P.
wood: Ar. ^. Mildew:
and V. <cn;Aa>s; see off-hand. A
P. epvo-LpT], f[.
Bust : P. Ms, 6. cup roughly made of wood : V.
v. intrans. P. and V. avTofuAov IfCTTw/xa (Soph., Phil,
KVKXei&Oai, trrpe<o-0ai, P. wept- 35).
<t>pcr6ai, 7rpicrrp<0-0ai, V. eXiWe- Roughness, subs. Opposed to
(T0cu, iXicr<ro-0<u, Ar. and V. smoothness P. rpaxurrj^,
Of ^
ground : P. rpaxyrys, rj,
Rotation, subs. Eevolution: P. ^. O/ ^5ifi P. avc.'

Of manner : P. and V.
Ar. and P. ireptyopd, ^, P. and P. xa ^roTi7S, ^, V. rpax^s, 17 ; see
V. <rrpo<i7, ^. Iw rotation, in harshness. Boorishness : P. Aypot-
succession: use adv., P. and V. icta, 17.
TFawi of refinement : P.
and V. Sovria, (Eur., ^ragr.), P.
Rote, subs. Learn by rote, v. P. :

and V. eKfjiavQdvew. Repeat by Rough-shod, adj. Bide rough-shod

rote : P. and V. QpvXctv. over : Met., P. and V. irartiv
Rotten, adj. P. and V. cra0pos, Ar. (Plat, also Ar) (ace.), P. KaTa7raTtv
and P. acwrpos. Met., P. and V. (ace.), V. K^wnrafccr&u (ace.).
craOpos, vTrouXos. Round, adj. Ar. and P. fcv/cXorcp^s,
Rottenness, subs. P. o-cwrpo-nys, -%; P. wcpKjtapiJs, o-^>aipoi8i75, P. and V.
see rot. VKVK\OS (Plat.), V. cvropvos, ajjLifit-
Rotund, adj. See round, fat. ropvos, Ku/cXwros, KvpTos, Ar. and V.
Rotundity, subs. See roundness, yoyyiSXos r^sch., Frag.), Ar. and
fatness. P. orpoTytfXos.
Rough, Opposed to smooth: Round, adv. All round : P. andi
P. and Y. rpdxvs. Of ground P. V. TTtpt^ (rare P.), /cwcXw, ev icvicX(j>.

and V. Tpa-xCs, P. xaXejros, V. Standing round: P. and V. -jrepi-

<rru^>Xos. Of sound P. rpa^us. o-raSov. In compounds
: P. and V. :

Of taste P. and V.
po's, Ar. and wept; eg., stand round: P. and
P. 3pl/i;?, P. orpi^vbV, avcrrqpds. V. TrepuvTcurOai. Distributively :

Stormy: P. xei/icpios, Ar. and V. Sia; e.g., hand round: P. and V.

Sucrxftpos, V. Xafipos, SwtSiSoVat. 5n?^ round, persuade*
Unkempt: P. and V. met.: and V. vdAw. Carry
Ar. and V. Svcnrlvrjs, V. a round : P. and V. Trepi^epctv.
see squalid. Of manners, harsh : Cowe round, return in a circle :
P. and V. Tpa)$s, -nrtfcpos, o-fcA-^pos, Ar. and P. ircpupxeo-tfat. Met., be
<rxrXios ; see harsh. Boorish : persuaded: P. and V.
Ar. and P. aypot/cos; see Change round: P.
.Ztoa#& (leather) : Ar, cajole:,
P. and V.
Cheap, worthless : P. and V.
<ai)Ao$. -4 ro-w<7& outline : P. Round, prep. P. and V. ircpi (ace.
17, TVTTOS, 6 ; see or dat.), V. a^i (rare P.) (ace. or
worked up: use P. dat,), Trcpif (ace.). place A which
had a wall all round it : P.
Rou Row
<5 /cv/cXo) Tixiov ircpLrjv (Thue. 7, 81). Rout, v. trans. P. and V.
A road runs all round it : P. (or mid. in the aor.), cfe
KVK\o0v oSos Trepiexei ( L7S- HO). Ka.Ourrdi'CLL,
V. ^Trovwrt^etv
Round, subs. P. and V.
Circle: scatter.
KVK\O<S, 6. : P. and V. Route, subs. Use road.
810180x77, 17- Eoimd of a ladder : Routine, subs. Manner of life : P.
see rm#. T&e ordinary round of and V. Statra, rj. Habit: P. and
affairs : P. ra cy/cu/cXia (Isoo.). V. 0os, TO, P. OT;i/7;0ta, ^, 7rtr?7<$ev/*a,
(TO o?&6'$ rounds, patrol : Ar. and TO. ifere routine, as opposed to
P. <o8veiv (Xen.), Ar. knowledge of theory : P. TP^, 77
Round, v. trans. Ar. and
P. Rove, v. trans. Traverse: P. and
Topveuew. Hound (a point) in V. TrepwroActv (Plat), V. TroXctv,
navigation: P. n-epi^oXXciv (ace.), aXaT0at; see roaw. V. intrans.
uTTcp/SoXXciv (ace.). Bound off: P. and V. Trept^-oXctv,
Met., Ar. and P. Topi/okiv, P V. ot^vctv, aXatvccv,
; see roam.

Roundabout, adj. JLow# ; P. and Rover, subs. P. and V. wX^s, t , e

V. fM,Kp6s. In a roundabout way, TrXav^T^s, o, V. 0X771-775, o .

adv. : use V. Wpi^ (Eur., And. Roving, adj. P. TrXav^To's (Plat,),

448). V. TrXav^T?;?, StaSpo/xos, -rroXifSovos,

Rounded, adj. See round. Met., ^>otTas, Ar. and V. VO/L&.

of phrases : Ar. and P. crrpoyyuXos. Roving, subs. P. and Y. TrX^, 77,

Roundly, adv.(Abuse ^roundly, TrXii/os, 6, V. 7rXai/?7/ixi, TO, 5X77, 77,

etc.): use P. and V. o-<o'8pa; see 2A,?7T6a, 77, Spo/io;, 6.

Row, subs. Zvme: P. and V.
Roundness, subs. P. o-Totxos, 6 TOL^I?, 77, P. ori'x05 o ; see *

Zt?ie. In a row : P. and V. l^jjs,

Rouse, v. trans. Bouse from s 0f5s. iayer : P. rt/3oX77 77 (Thuo.
P. and V- cyeipeiv, l^cyetpwv, Ar. 3, 20). The fruitful rows of the
and P. 7Tytptv, aveyapeiv (Xen.). vine : V.ftaKxtov . . .
SOOTI an7 tf/&0^ rouse from slumber oTrcuptvot (Eur., J?Va0.).

yon sleeper : V. TOLUOL jnerao-TTjcrovo- Row, v. trans, or absol. Ar. and P.

VTTJ/OU ToV8* 77O"ux<* ovra (Eur., Or. eXaweu/, V. cpco-o-en/. Soldiers who
133). Excite (persons orfeeUngs): row thei/r own transports : P.
P. and V. //>>, ^y6ptv, /ct^etv, awcpcrat, ot (they were generally
7ratptv, cfacpctv, opftav, l^op/iav, rowed by the crews). Pull at the
-TrapaKaXctv, Ar. and V. fwTrupctv, V. oar : Ar. and P. e^oXXctv (Xen.).
opviWi, efcKtvetv. JBowse (a
Ifctyctv, Rowdy, adj. Ar. and P. vcai/i/co's.
feekng, etc.) in a person : P. and Rowel, subs. P. and V. Kevrpov, ?6.
V. jJ./3d\\W (r[ TtVt), VTIKTLV (rL Rower, subs. Ar. and P. fpeVT??, 6,
rwi) (Plat.), evnfoW (TC rtvc), P. P. irpOOVCWTTOS, 6, V. KOWTTJS #I>a& 6
(TI nvt), V- cvopiofvat (TI (Eur., C7^cZ. 86), cper/xov 7rt<rraT77s, 6
(Eur., JEZeZ. 1267). 1?^ warships

Rousing, See encouraging.

adj. were three tiers of rowers : (1)
Hearty : P. and V. 7rpo0i3fw>s. OpavLToi, ot, (2) ^vyw-at, 01, (3)
Rout, subs. P. and V. TpoTnJ, 77. OaXdpiOL, oL
Band of revellers : P. and V. Rowing, adj. Owed : P. and V.
0taox>9, 6, V. K&/&OS, 6. Putting to V. V77pCT/AOS, TToXlj/CW^O?.
rout, adj.: V. Tporratos (absol. or two-owed rowing boat: P.
with gen.). a.fjL<t>r)ptKOV (Thuc. 4, 67).
Row Rue

Rowing, subs. ^. The Rubicund, adj. See red.

P. eipcom,
fl wrt of rowing ^ (Plat.). Rudder, subs. P. and V.
: P. Ipe^,
Rowing-benches, subs. See benches. TO, or pL, V. ota, 6 (also Plat, but

Rowlock, subs. V. o-KoVo's, 6. Lash rare P.), TrA^/crpa, rd (Soph,, Frag.).

the oar to the rowlock : V. Ruddiness, subs. P. epui^a, TO.
a-Qai KMTryv ajju^l <TKO.\p.6v Ruddy, adj. Ar. and P. cpv^po's, P.
Pers. 376). and V. irupo-ds see red. ;

Royal, adj. P. and V. /fto Rude, adj. Not worked up : use P.

dpxiKos, jSaoifAcios (Thuc. 1, 132), OUK dTrcipyaoyiei/os ; see rough.
TiJpamicos, V, T^pawos. Cheap, worthless : P. and V.
cent: P. and V. o-e//,vos see <fxivXo<s. Insulting: P.
Untaught: P. and V.
Royally, adv. P. a/xa^s, (TKatos, Ar, and P. QTraiSeuros,
niflcently : P. and V. a-epvus ; see dypotKo?, <opTwco's. Barbarous : P.
magnificently. and V. apopos. Unskilful : P.
Royalty, subs. P. and V. and V. #7reipos, V. KOJU,T/TO?. .Be
/cpdiTos, TO', Tvpawts, 17-
P. dypow^co-^at (Plat.).
V. :

person P. and V. /Uuritafc, 6 see

: ; Harsh P, and V. Tpd^iSs, 'n-t/cpos.

king, or use V. Tupawfe, concretely Stormy: P. x t/^p">s, Ar. and V.

(JEsch., Ohoe. 973). Tax : Ar. and see stormy.
P. TAOS, TO. Rudely, adv. InoutUne: P. TVTT^,
Rub, v. trans. P. and V. ev TVTTO). Eoughly, cheaply : P.~ and
Smew Ar. and P. oAei^eiv, P.
: V. ^auAojs. Insultingly : P, r
7TOL\l<bLV, Ar. TTOLpCLACtC^ClV. V .
Boorishly : Ar. and P.
Trpoxpieiv; see anoint. Bubagainst . . .
ovcai&s, P.
rubbing flint against flint I produced cra)5, P. and V. Ar.
with pain a dim spark : V. dAV lv Harshly P. and V. :

jrerpown. Trerpov KTp6)3a)V /x-oAt? Zifrrjv' P. '

Unskilfully :

iLcfxLVTov <j>cos (Soph., Phil. 296). P. d7rtpCDS.

J5w& away : P. and V. Tpf/Sctv, Ar. Rudeness, subs. P. and V.
and P. KaTarptfiew. Eub down (as TO'.Boorishness:
a horse) : Ar. and P. KCLTOU^ P. dypowcia, ^, aTraiSewi'a, 17, P. and
(Xen.), P. and V, V. #/XOUO-L, 17, o-Katonys, 17. Worth-
Ar.), V. KOLTai/nJ^ce lessness P. and V. :
</>av\orri$, rj.

o/; Ar. and V. see wipe Harshness : P. and V. Trticpo'^s, 17.

away. Eub out P. and V. Rudiment, subs. Beginning, origin:

', P. P. and V. dpx^, 17; see element.
P. v see erase. Rudimentary, P. and
adj. Simple :

adj. : P. V. V. dTrAofc. P. and V.


jfi/%6 1^2?, polish P. p^Sios. Primal: P. and V.
(Xen.). 7Tp(J)T09.
Rub, subs. Eubbing: P. Rue, subs. Ar. TnTyavov, TO.
Met., difficulty : P. and V. Rue, v. trans. .Etepe?^ o/: P. and V.
^ ; see difficulty. (ace.). Have ca/use
Rubbing, subs. P. Tpq to r^ret ;
V. (dat.)
Rubbish, subs. Ar. 6. P* 7. see repent,
764=) ;

Debris: V. IpciW, ra. 'Refuse: re^re^.

P. and V. x^J8s> 6 (Dem. 1278, P. and V.
Rueful, adj. WAto?,
and JEseh., Frag.). Nonsense: owcrpos see 5a5.

P. 0A,os, 6 ; see nonsense. and V.

Ruefully, adv. P.
Rubble, subs. Ar. and P. x<xA^, 6 or $. see i

Rue Rul

Ruefulness, subs. See sadness. V. TTOLV oreyo9

Repentance : P. and V. /wTa/w'Xeio, wpos ovSas <rra.Qu.uv (Bur.,
y (Eur., Frag.) see repentance.
; I.T. 48).
Ruffian, subs. P. and V. u/Spwmfc, Ruin, v. trans. Destroy : P. and V.
6 ; see also rogue. v,

Ruffianly, adj. P. fyfyucmjcos. Violent but rare R),

(of deeds) : P. and V. 0uuos. Sw>X\.iWi, at,
Ruffle, v. trans. Disturb : P. and (Thuo. but rare P.), V. <5\XiW,
V. rapacrcrew see disturb. Agitate:

P. and V. Kivetv; see agitate. Ar. and P. eiriTpifttiv see ;

Anger: P. and V. 6pyiv (Plat.), destroy. Mar, spoil : P, and V.

7rapo6vew; see anger. oLoufiveipeiV) \\ipxLivccr9o.i (ace. ordat.),
Rug, subs. Ar. and P. Scwrffics, at Ar. and "V. SiaXu/xxuVeo-flai. Injure :
(Xen.), o-Tpfyia, TO, Ar. TCLTT^S, 6, V. P. and Y. ySXcwrrciJ/, /ccucow, 8ia00i-
cljua, TO, $^pos, TO, $apos, TO. petv; see injure, corrupt. Corrupt:
Rugged, adj. P. and V. P. P. and V. 8ia<jf>$tpw, \vfjLdiv ea-OoLL
XaXcTTo's, V.
Karappug, (aco. or dat.) see corrupt.
; Be
XeTraios, cm^Xo's. Eocky P. and : ruined : P. and V. a7roXo>Xewu (2nd
V. TTCTpwS^s. Precipitous : P. perf. dwoXXwat), e^oXaAsVcu (2nd
CWTOTO/AOS (Plat.), fiLTTOKpyflVOS, Kpf)' perf. cfoXXwat) (Plat.), ox^oXXeo-tfai,
V. 6*pts
see ; V. oX<uXa/ac (2nd perf. oXXwat),
Met., harsh: P. and V. BiaTrTropQ?jcr6ai (perf. pass. Sunrop-
see harsh. Oetv), ^ppciv (rare P.) ; see undone.
Ruggedness,, subs. P. Be brought to ruin : V. dracrQai.
Ruined, adj. Fallen in ridns : P.
Ruin, subs. I>6s?w*o?& ; P. and
V. oA.0pos, 6, <0opa, 17, SuufiQopd, rwaied : Met,, Ar. and P. 6^X779,
^, V. a7ro<0opa, 17. Overthrow : P. P. TrpocoX^?, V. -TTavcuX^s, ^<^>^ap/Aei/os,
and V. avooTCto-ts, ^, KaracrKa^, y, oStoro?, Ar. and Y.
P. /ca0cu'pecn,s, 17, V. Svacrrpoiprj, ^.
ioss : P. and V. Ruiner, subs. P. and V. XiJ/icwv, o,
P. &a<0opw, 5, StoXvr^s, 6, V.
P. and V. 3Xe0pos, 6, K a. K 6v, TO, V. avacrraT^p, 6, Xco^TiJp, 6.

Tnj/Jia, TO, Sny, 17, ortvos, TO. Buins, Ruinous, adj. Zw rwms : P. *ara-
fallen buildings : P. olmai Kara- TrcTrrco/cco?, V. epeti/rt/ws. Causing
7T7TT<i)/cuwxi. Wreckage (of ships) : ruin : P. and V. oXc'tfpws (Plat, but
P. and V. vavdyia, rd, V. ayati ac : rare P.), Ar. and V. (f-nypo's, V.
(of other things besides) : V. ^/oria, 7roXi;<06'pos, irai/coX^s, TravoiXc^pos,
Ta, va-utfyta, T<. E?/i?ls O/, a^Z i/wii see destructive, liarm-
X-u/xavriJpios ;

is left of: P. and V. Xcii/wov, or ful. Met., P. and V. Scn/os.

pi. (gen.). Lay in rums, v. : P. Rule, subs. Hod for measuring : P.
and V. c^avior^vat, /caTaor/ca7TTtv. and V. icavaJv, 6. Rule of conduct :
rw*W5 : Ar. and P. Karappw, P. and V. /cavwv, 6, opos, 6. Law :
P. irepiKdrappew see/aZZ. -d doom
P. and V. VO/AOS, 6, ^CO-JLIOS, 6 (rare
O/ utter ruin : V. TrajLt^apros jLcrfp P.). War never proceeds by rule of
(JEsch., O^oe. 296). Tow unhappy thumb : P. ^Kiora -n-oXc/ios ^irl piTrot?

tity are involved this ruin : V. m Xtopet (Thuc. 1. 122). Standard :

crv r 2> TaXatva oruyicaTao'/ca7rTt w^Xts P. and V. KCLVW, 6, P. Kpinqpiov, TO.
(Bur., Phoen. 884). (I seeded to 4s a rwZe ; see generally. Govern-
see) aZZ ^e
%o^se dashed in ruins ment, power : P. and V.
to the ground from top to bottom : /cp<ro5, T^, Swaorcwi, 17, V.
Rul Run

TO, or or pi. Kingship : Rumination, subs. See meditation.

pi., 0poi/os, 6,
Ar. and P.jS&rtXcia, 77, P. and V. Rummage,
v. trans. Search : P.
, 17 (rare P.), P. and V. and V. cpewav. Bummage about :
Ar. and P. mrrrafcLV irept (aco.).
Rule, v. trans. Trace, draw use Rumour, subs. P. and V. ^17^, ^,

P. yiv (Aristotle). Check : P. Aoyos, 6, V. j6ats, 17, icX^Scov, ^,

and Y. Karexeiv,
errcxeiv, Ar. and V. TO, Ar. and V. <<nk, ^, [wOos,

urxv (rare P.), V. MOXCCF (rare

P.). Govern: P. and V. apxv Rump, subs. Ar. Truy^, ^, Sppo?, 6,

(gen. V. also dat.), fcparctv (gen.), TrpwKTos, 6, V. yXoi/rds,

6 (Soph ,

Ko<rjj.iv9 V. Kparfavtiv (gen.), Frag.).

vaufcXtypciv, Kpalvf.iv (gen.), Rumple, v. trans. Use P. and V.
over as fern? : P. and V. riJpawc
(gen.), j3a.<ri\djLv (gen.) (Eur.,
JBZ. Run,'v. trans. Bun (a wall in any
12), SccrTrdfeiv (gen. or ace., Eur., direction] P. ayctv (Thuc. 6,
H. F. 28) (Plat, but rare P.), V. 'aye/ (Dem. 1278, Thuc. 1, 93),
avaoxreiv (gen.), KOipavew (gen.), Trpoayetv (Dem. 1279). (He said)
Tayeiv (gen.), Ar. and V. rupcu/vftv that the shaft ran right through
(absol.). EwZe among : P. and V. the eighth whorl : TYJV ^XaKanji/ 8ta
i/SiWoTi;iv (dat. on P. TroLpd, dat.). ju.o*ov TOT) oySoov (o-^ovSuXov) Sia//,-
Administer : P. and V. otKctv, vc/^ctv Trcpk cXTjXaotfai (Plat., Rep. 616s).
(Thuc. Ar. and P.
8, 70), /oJ/3epvav, Run a risk : V. Tpcxctv yoiva ; see
Ta/ueutv, /x.Taxipto*$at, P. under risk. Bun (a candidate),
^iv, Siaucvftepvai/ (Plat.), V. put forward : use P. srporacro-civ.
K. 5e current prevail : P. and Bun a race : use race, v. Enter
V. KpaTetv; see prevail. The for a competition : see enter. V.
ruling price : P. ^ KaQeirrrjKvla ripy. intrans. P. and V. rp^tv, 0etv
Bule out of CQWrt : P. cbroyiyi/ucnceiv. (Eur., Jow,1217, but rare V.).
Quash : Ar. and P. 8iayp<x<^>ctv* P. and V. op/xav, 6pjaao-0ai,

Ruler, subs. P. and V. apxeov, 6, ?ai, !?o-0cu (rare P.), a/uXXo-

ffTrapxos, o. Lord : P. and V. (rare P.), ^cpeo^at see hasten. ;

8iW(m7s, 6; see also magistrate. Of a ship : P. TrXeTv, V. Tpcxen

King : P. and V., 6, Ar. before a fair breeze : V. !
and V. #va, 6, fcocpapos, 6, V. Tpextv (Soph., 4;". 1083). ^5 *7ifi
ava/ercDp, 6, icdptos, 6 ; see also c/w'e/. sor?/ rwws : V. a>5 %x l ^fy$> o r
Tyrant: P. and V. Tifpawos, 6, P. a)? 6 X<fyos lorrC. Flow, drip :
/iwapxoff, 6, SCOTT^T^S, 6. P. and V. petv; see drip. Bun
^ot/a2: P. and V. about, v. trans. Ar. and P.
Ruling,^ adj.

ApXt/co9, )8ao-fXctos; see TrepiTpexciv (acc. or absol.), TrepiOtw

Authoritative: P. and V. (ace. or absol.), 8taTpe^tv (absol.),
Current : see cwrrewtf. P. SiaOeiv (absol.). BUM after,
Ruling, subs. See decision, authority. pursue : P. and V. SWOKCIV, P.
Rumble, subs. P. and V. /cT&ros, 6 erriSicoKCtv, /caTaSto>KLv ; See pursue.
(Thuc. and Plat, but rare P.) (also Bun along: P. irapaQw (absol.).
Ar.), V. J&PO/AOS, 6 see noise. ;

Rumble, v. intrans. P. and V. Her ad. 14=)^ Ar. and P.

KTVTTCW (Plat, but rare
P.) (also a.7ro8i8pacrKiv, a7rorp)(W (Xen.) ,

Ar.), V. fofau, (also Ar. in mid.) ; Desert : Ar. and P. aurojuo/Utv, P.

see resoimd.
caravTOfjuo\.Lv. Fly : P. and V.
Ruminate, v. intrans. P. /x^pvfca^av
iei one's anger run away
(Aristotle). Met ,
see meditate. with one : use P. and V.
Run Rus

GK<l>p<r6ai. Bun away from : see people: P. and V. TO ir\fj&o<s, oi

avoid Bun before (in advance) : TroAAot.
P. irpoQtlv (absol,), irpoTplxew (gen. Runaway, subs. P. avT6>o\o?, 6, P.
or absol ). Bun down (a ship), and V. SpdTrcTTjs, 6
(Plat., Men.
v. trans. : Ar. and P. /caTaSfetv. 97u). 5e a runaway, v. : P.
Collide with : P, irpooTmrrctv (dat.) ; Spcwrereveu/. Bunaway sla/oe : P.
see collide. Met., slander : P. and SovAo? a^eorais.
V. 8iaySoAAe/, P. Swxo-vpetv. V. Rung, subs. P. and V.
intrans. P. KaraOew, Ar. and P. Ar. and V. KXlpaKryp, 6, V.
forward : P. Bungs of a ladder : V.

intrans. : Ar. and P. ctorpe^av (efe, Runner, subs P. and V. Spo/^ife, 6

aco.); see dash mto. Bun off: (Eur., 824) ; see racer,

seenm away. Flow off: P. and who runs in a race : P.

V. aTToppeiv. .Rwj ow ; Ar. and P. 6. Long-distance rimner P. ':

(Xen.) ; see rMsfe

Bim over, knock down, v. with a message : P. 6,
trans.: P. and V. /cara/JoAXetv. V. Tpo^ife, 6; see messenger, A
OverrWTO P. Kararp4\Lv, Ka.ra.0eiv.
swift runner: V. Tavvs
Met., describe: P. and V. 8tp- (Eur., Med. 1182).
x&rQo't', Ar. and P. Running, subs. P. and V, Spo/io?, 6,
BZW quickly over : V. , TO'. Sunning away : see

P. iTrtrplxw. Bim riot, go to

excess, v. intrans. P. and V. Running, adj. Ar. and V. 8po/m,tos.

Good a running : P. Spo/uicoV

V. cjcrpcxav. Wanton : P. and V. Of water: V. PVTO?, actpuro^ P.
-upptfav. Biw round, v. trans.: ya/xxirtato? ; see flowing. Of a
Ar. and P, TreptTpc^ctv (ace. or sore P. and V. /wrvos.
: Oon-
absol.), 7Tpi0u/ (aco. or absol.). secutively, in order: P. and V.
Of inanimate things as a wall P. :

Bun through, v. trans. Rupture, subs. Breach of peace,


Ar. and P. Siarpex^v (ace.) (Thuc. etc. : P. <nfyxucrts ^7- Offriendship,

4, 79). Pierce : see pierce. Met., etc. : P. and V. 8i<\.i5<ris, 17.
through an argument, etc. : P. Fracture : P.
(aoc.) ; see run over. Rural, adj. Ar. and P. <3fypocos, V.
Spend : P. and V. s (Soph., Frag.), dypavXo?.

Squander: P. and V. iaZ: P. and V.

(Plat.), V. avrXet Frag.). Agrarian: Ar.
Wjp : Ar. and P, and P.
P. irpootietv. Bun with, drvp with: Ruse, subs. P. and Y. 7^717,
P. and V. /b& (dat.), V. 6 (rare P.) ; see trick.

fdat.), KaTcwrra^ctv (dat.), Rush, subs. P. and V.

(dat.); see <inp. Aboiwd with: Ar. and P. ftm, ^ V.
see abound. P. and V. 8po> ? , *oi V.
Run, subs. P. and V. 8po>os, o, V. TO. Inroad : P. ^
"ith a rush : P. and V. 8pdp
P. and V. 8p<fyp, or use Ar. and V. P. /c8po/>c^, ^; see
adj., Spo/iatos. Voyage : P. and V. Impetuosity : P. and V. Trpc
TrAovs, 6. In the long : rm
P. and *, cnrouSi}, y. Seed : Ar. and P,
V, T\O9, Sta xpovovj 866 A^ Za^^i >s, 6, Ar. and V. 86va, 6
under last. The common run of i., Pers. 494), Ar. crxotvos, o

or A bed of rushes : Ar. crrifia.* 6, cpyanys, 6, V. aypco

(PI. 541). Made of rushes, Xa)pfj779,
o (Soph.,

adj. Ar. and Y.

ydTrovos, 6.
Rush, v. trans. Carry headlong: Rusticity, subs. P. dypot/cta, ^ j

P. and Y. ecfyv, wpoayv. Bush boorishness.

: P. Kara jcparos alpeiv. Rustle, v. intrans. Ar. and '*

7. intrans. 6p/iav, 6p/z,S<r0ai, fccrflai P. and V. i/ro<^tv. \

(rare P.), <p<r0<u, Ar. and Y. Rustle, subs. P. and Y. '6,

(rare P.), cTrpWeiv (also Plat.

Ar. and Y. pot/38os, 6, Ar.
but rare P.), opwa-Qai, Y. TO.

VW, dto-o-civ, opoueiv, Bod&LV, Rusty, adj. Use old, squalid.

(1st aor. pass, of o-eifen/)
: Ar. and P.
see Rut, subs. Fwrow
hasten, run. (Xen.), Ar. and Y. SXo
Bush headlong ^. to oXfcds, 6
one's doom : V. ts QQVQ.TOV CKVCUCIV Ruth, subs. See pity.
ur., P/toerc. 1268). .Zfas/z, across
Ruthless, adj. See pitiless.
. and Y. (absol. or gen.). Ruthlessly, adv. See pitilessly.
away : Y. aTr^wrcrciv, Ar. Ruthlessness, subs. Qeepitilessness.
JBwsfe : Ar. and P.
. dow
P. KaraOelv. Swoop : Y.

v, P. and V. KaTao-KTprreiv

(rare P.) ; see swoop. Bush forth :

P. and V. efrpfji&orOai, eKTrwrrciv, Ar. Sable, adj. P. and V. /*\as , Y.
c^orcrctv. Bush forward, rush up :
cpc/i-vds, /jiA.(yxt/AOs,
Ar.and P. Trpoorrpc^civ. Bwsfe iw: Ar.
and P. clcrrpEw, ci^nnySav, P. and Y. Sabre, subs. Use sword.
tV, V. CtCTTTOtW J 866 Sacerdotal, adj. P. Upari
in. Bush into: P. and Y. Sack, subs. Ar. oxxic/cos, 6, P. and
(P. eis, ace. V. dat. V. dtr/cds, 6, 0dXaicos, 6 (Eur., O^oZ.).
alone), V. eio-oppa&Bat, (ace.), l7rcr- Pillage: P. and V. dpirdyvj, 17, or
iriTTTcw (aec. or dat.) (also Xen. but in Y., P. Trdp^o-ts, ^.
pi. Uaptwe :
rare P.), Ar. and P. eonz^Sav (ew, P. and V. SXoxris, 17.
ace.) ; see A&sft into. Bush out : Sack, v. trans. P. and Y.
see rush forth. Bush to: P. e/c7rop$ty, StaTrop^etv, dpTra^etv, avap-
TTpocrmySav ?rp<fe (aOO.). .5 Stap7ratv, cruXav,
Ar. and P. wpo<rTp^iv. P. oiyciv /cai

wpow : see attack.


Rushing adj. Y. , >0iv'(also Plat/ but rare' P.) ;

Ar. and V. 0<w>os ; see plunder. Sack in return : V.
Of a noise : Y. p66 Swooping
V. Xa^pds, Karatj8& _ Sacred, adj. P. and V. kpds, oo-ios
Russet, adj. Brown: P. (when contrasted with Upo's, 6crto5=
Tawny P. and Y. ai/0ds, Ar. and
profane, secular), o-/*vos, Y. !pds,
Y. see also red.
^ovtfd? ;
dyi/o's, <rrros, Ar. and P. Aytos.
Rust, subs. P. tds, 6. Sacred to : P. and V. po9 (gen.),
Rust, v. trans. Be spoiled : P. and Y. fyxfe (gen.); see consecrated*
Inviolable : P. and Y. gcrvXos, V,
Rustic, adj. Ar. and P. aypoueos, &nfAi7Tos; see inviolable. Sacred
V. ypauXos, aypaJtmis (Soph., war: P. 6 Upos TrdXc/ws (Thuo.
-PVasr.)- See 1, 112), iroXe/AO?
Rustic, subs. Ar. and P. aypowcos, (Dem. 275). Sacred rites : see
6, yeapyo's, o, P. and V. avrovpyds, rites.
Sac Sac

Saicredness, subs. Use P. and Y. Sacrifice after: Y.

fro o-ejwov, a-e/wonys, ^, Ar. and V. Sacrifice before : P. and Y. 7rp
<Ve/3as, TO. Inviolability : V. Y. irpocr^oJ^iv. Sacrifice over : Y.

Sacrifice, subs. P. and V. Ova-la, y, another : P. and Y. crvvOueiv (absol.

Qvp,a, rd; see also rite, slaughter. or dat.). Absol., do sacrifice:
Victim : P. and V. tffyux, TO, see under sacrifice, subs Sacrifice

o-<#yiov, TO (generally pi.), Ar. bulls : Y. TavpoKTovLv. Sacrifice

'and P. kpeiov, TO, Ar. and Y. sheep : Ar. and Y. //^Xoor^ayetv.
<r<f>aryciov t TO, V. 0uos, TO, flurqpiov, TO, Sacrifice oxen : Y. /Souo-^ayciv, Ar.
TO xprjcmqpiov, TO J see
-n-poox^ay/jia, and Y. povOvreiv. Met., give
victim. For account
of sacri- (persons or things) : P. and
fice see Eur., Electra, 800 to 838). jrpo88oi/(U, P- irpotecrQai. Give
JFfa for sacrifice (of a beast), adj. :
(things): P. and Y.
Ar. .Swwtf offering: Y.
0Lorfyios. Expend: P. and V.
ejMrupa, Ta. Initiatory sacrifice: Lose: Ar. and P.
P. and V. irpoTc'Xcia, Ta (Plat.), Ar. Sacrifice (one thing to another) :
7rpo0-6fjLa,Ta, T<. .Zkfa&e sacnjfice : P. P. vorepov vofjuitfiv (ri irpos Tt),
and V. 0ttv, P. tepa Trotctv, lepoiroieiv, Y. lardvai (TI oVw0e TWOS). J &'#
V. pc^tv, ^ui/TroXet]/ (also Plat, but wo sacrifice the rights of the many
rare P.). Make rich sacrifice : V. to the favour of the few rich : P.
7To\v6vrovs review T<j>ay&s (Soph,, ov TOLS irapa raw TrXovo'wov )(a.piTa$
Tr. 756). Sacrifices at crossing (a jltoXXoV ^ TO, T<OV TTOXXWV 8lKOU
river, etc.) : P. Siajfomypta, rd ciXo'/A^v (Dem. Sacrificing
(Thuc. 5, 54:). Obtain favourable the welfare of your country to the
omens m a sacrifice, v.
Ar. and P. :
delight and gratification of hewing
KoXXtcpcur&u. The flame of sacri- scandal : P. T^S eirl T<US XoiSopwus
fice : Y. Ov^&yos <Xo 17 (^Esch.,
Ag. 597). 2%<3 altar of sacrifice: i
tpor avra
V. Seff/jMjXos eoydpa ?) (Eur., ^7W^. orv^
1138). Ow i/tfi a^ar o/ Sacriflcer, subs.
sacrifice : Y. Ovr^p, 6, or use
Ar. oi>0urois w' &rx<j(/oai$ (4t;. 1232). Ar. and Y. ft/iyTroXos, 6.
TAe iOM?n is jflZZe^ w^A sacrifices by Sacrificial, adj. Ar. and V. ov0vros,
my seers rout the enemy and
to ^inyiroXos, Y. Overrate (with fem.
sowe the city : Y. ft^iroXciTat 8* oCorv substantives). Sacrificial bowl ;
TJ7TO TpOTTCLia T )(Op^V KOL Ar. and Y. o-<ayaov, TO. Sacri-
nypia (Eur., Eeracl. 401). ficial knife: V. cr^avfc, ^, or^ayev?, 6.
s o/ sacrifice : Y. ^ov^wots Sacrilege, subs. Bobbing of temples :
(JBsch., Ghoe. 261). Jf^-
P. tepooT;Xta, ^. Ooww^ii SQ>crilec/e t

who look after sacrifices : P. v Ar. and P. tcpocrDXctv. Impiety :


KH, ot. 27^e reei of sacrifice P. and Y. ao-l/Seia, fa Y. Suo-cre^cta,


Ar. Upo^vros tcam/oV, 6 ; see reeyfc. ^. u4ci o/ impie^ : P. ao-tjBrip.a,.

Met., loss: P. dwo^oX^, ^. Tou alone Commit impiety, v. : P. and V.
of the Greeks ought to make this
sacrifice for us : P. <5<etXer fwVot Sacrilegious, adj. P. and Y. S&os,
T&V *E\\r[v<av rovrov rbv Zpavov (Isoc. &vo<rio$, Zo-eft-qs, Byo-a-efty* (Dem.
807B). 332 but rare P.), Y, Sv'cr&os,
Sacrifice, v. trans. P. and V. ficr7rros. Sacrilegious man, subs. :
(v Eur., m. 1141), V. Ar and P. tepoo-vXos, o.
pe^etv, ^pSeiv.
, Sacrilegiously, ^ adv. P. and V.
: P. and V. 0v<rOa.i (mid.). Y. 5voo-i)S. :,


Sacrosanct, adj. P. and V. &ri3Xos, Ar. and V. dXyos, TO. #xs T0 'JT

Y. a<r\y)To<s see inviolable.;

TO (in P. outward signs lof

Sacrosanctity, subs. V. oVvX/a, ^ ; TT&Oo's,
see inviolability. mourning). Misfortune: P. a|
Sad, adj. P. and V.
Dejected: Y. 8uoTrpoi'a, ^; see misfortune.
&6vfJi.o$ (Xen V. 8uo-0i3/>s, KaTr)<J>Tqs
), t Misery : P. TaXatTrwpta, 17, KaKOfVa-
Bv<r<t>p<w. Very sad : P. TrcpiXwos.
.Be sad, v. P. and V. aBvuew, V. Safe,'adj.
: P. and V. crfo Sajfe
Svo-flij/xeurtfcu. Unhappy, unfortu-
nate : P. and V. TaXawrcopos, tt0Xtos, (Thuo. 3, 34). Unharmed: ".P.
oiKTpos, 8u<rri5;(77S, Suo-Sai/wov,
and V. do-^oX^s. Sa/oing : P. and
Y. o-omypios see also harmless.
(rare Y.), Ar. and Y. ;

Free from risk : P. d/avSiJi/Qs.
(also Antipho. but rare P.), Trustworthy : P. and V. TTIO-T^S,
Y. Sates, /zoipos (also Plat, but
/jtos, dcr^aX???, exeyyws (Thuc. but rare
rare P.), 3/z,/xopos, ju-eXeos, P.), /&<uos, <jUpeyyuos (Thuc. but
SvCTfJLOlpOS, A!. rare P.), P. dio7rurros.

tressing : P. and Y. Safe, subs. Cfostf: P. and V.

i/*apo's, Y. 8ij<r<opos (also Xen. but #17/07, ^,
Ar. and V. ayyos, TO ; see
rare P.), Xurrpos, iroXuoroi/os, TravSd- chest.
icpiJTos, euSd/epvros, WyKXauros, Svcr- Safe-conduct, subs. P. and Y.
6piqvi)TO$, SiJcrotOTOs, dx^eivos (also doxjSciXcia, 17,
Ar. and P. 810805, ^,
Xen but rare P.). Of looks P. :

and Y. o~Ku0pawros, Y. oruyi/os; see Safe-guard, subs. P. faXaKq, 17,

d>"uXfl.KT?7ptoj/. jM.utual fear is


Sadden, v. trans. Paw : P. and the only safe-guard in an alliance :

Y. A-UTmv, SivlaVj Y. dXyt5vtv; see P. TO dvTraXov 8eos /xoVov iricrrbv
ets oT;/A/iaxtav (Thuc. 3, 11). Safe-
v. trans. P. : P. and V.
Saddle, guard against wpd/SX^o,
(Xen.). Met., see distress. Saddled TO (gen.), V. oXxiJ, 17 (gen.); see
with debt, adj. : Ar. and P. defence.
Safe-keeping, subs. P. and Y.
Saddle, subs. P. tyLirmov, r6 ^Xa/ci}, %, Put into some one's
(Xen.). A saddle used by women safe-keeping : P. Trapa nvi KO.TO.-
and effeminate men : P. Ti(/(r(/Qj, (TM.
Safely, adv. Without danger : P.
Saddler, subs. Leather-worker Ar. : and Y. uKH/SiWg. Secwely : P.
and P. or/curoTo/Aos, 6. Saddler's and V. do~<^aXa>5, /?e^a/oj5. Bring
shop : P. ^vtoTrotctov TO (Xen.).
safety to, v. trans. Y. o-w^eiv (cts, :

Sadly, adv. Dejectedly: P. aOvpuxs or Trpds, aoc.), foo-oifciv (ets, or Trpds

(Xen.), SVO-OV/JLUS (Plat.). Miser- ace.). Beach safely: P. and V.
ably: P. and V. atfXicos, owcrpcSs, Y. ace. or wpds, ace.), Y. ,

TXiy/ioi/Q)? see grievously.

; Un- (efe, aoo. or ?rpos, ace.),
fortunately: P. and V. (efe, aoo. or wpds, aoc.).
/co/ccus, P. drux&s, V. Safety, subs. P. and V. o-on^pta, ^,
Distressingly : P. and V. dcr^aXeta, 17. Xv,
Proieciiow; P. and
Y. Y. <vXcw7, ^. Giving safety, adj.
avlapfis, /cameos, 7rt/cpa>s, :

P. and Y. orcor^pto?.
Sadness, subs. Dejection : P. and Saffron, subs. AJC. icpdfcos, 6. Woman's
V. tffcJ/x/a, ^, Svo-ftJ/w'a, ^ (Plat.). dress dyed in saffron : Ar. <

P. and V. Xi, , vfo, , 6.

Saf Sai

Saffron, adj. See yellow. -rroieur&u, dva'TrXetv ^

Sagj v. intrans. P. ifdvciv. jowi oJ. Sa^ across ; Ar. and P.
Sagacious 5 adj. P. and V. SicwrXcTi/ (absol. or aco.). Sail
(TCD^pWV, /jl<pa>V, Spl/XiJ? (Ell!., against : P. cTrwrXctv (dat. or
Cycl ), owerds, wou5, TTUKVOS (Plat.), absol.), irpoo-TrXeli/ (dat. or absol.).
P. dyxtvovs, Ar. and P. <pdt/fyios, Sail along the coast P TrapaTrXcTv :

o5s. Of things : P. and V. crowds, (absol.). Sail away : Ar. and P.

or(o<po>v, Ijuwpa>v, Ar. and P. <pdvl- airOTrXetv, P. and V. CKTrXctv. SowZ
/AOS. 6oc& : P. cTravaTpXeo'. ^o-iZ /row :
Sagaciously, adv. P. and V. P. and V. cwraipciv (aird, gen. or Y.
cro^uis, oxi><pdva>?j Ar. and P. also gen. alone). Scvil fame: P.

<pOl/t/AO>S,P. fl<jf>poV KOLTair^w. Sail in or into : P. and

Sagacity, subs. P. and V. V. <WX>
ace. or V. ace. alone
^, <^pon7crt5, ^, <riWcr, ^, TO or absol.). Sail in to attack : P.
TO oSji/erdv, Ar and P. oxi lTri<nr\iv (absol.). Sail in front :
17; &QQ prudence, foresight. P. TrpoTrXeti/ (absol,). Sail on bowrd:
Sage, subs. P. and V. o-o^io-nfc, 6, P. rrXe!v(rt, gen. or absol.),
or use adj , P. and V. credo's. fywrXeu/ (absoL). Sa*7 round: Ar.
JEfer& : Ar. oxflweo$, 6. and P. irprXv (ace. or absol.).
Sage, adj. P. and V. crowds, Ar. and &w7 owi : P. and V. cxirXctv. SaiZ
P. <pdvfyios; see sagacious. Learned: over: P. and V. irXctv (aco.), V.
Ar. and P. ?roXfyi,u0ifc. Crwue ; P. tv (ace.). Sa^Z up : P.
and V. crfjLv6s. 5aiZ wp stream . P.
Sagely, adv. P. and V. o-o^Ss; see (Thuc. 1, 104:). Sail
sagaciously. Gravely: P. and V. with P. and V. oru/xTrXciv (absol.

cre/xvco?. or dat.), P. o-weKTrXctv (absol. or

Sail, subs. P. and V.wm'oi/, TO dat.).
(generally in Plat., Parm., Sailing, adj.
pi., sing, Fit for sailing : P.
131s and o), V. Xcu^os, rd. 7rX<6i>u>s. Furnished with sails:
P. and V.
SOfcZ : Saraipew, V. XtvoTrrepos.
avayO-0<u, P. iravdyo-0<u, dvaya>- Sailing, subs. Seamanship : P.
yr?v Troteia-ftxi, V. ^fl^at icttA.(DS see ; TO vaTwiicdv ; see
jm owi. Shorten sail: Ar. and Voyage : P. and V.
V. i;<jfeo-0<u
(absol.) : see also furl. . A setting sail : P.
Sow I ma/y set a prosperous sail to di/ayo>yi}, 17. Sailing along the
the sea-girt land of Cyprus : V S^ny coast : P. -n-apairXovs, 6.Sailing
<rrGiX.aifjL av ovpiov irrtpbv efe yrfv in : P. ewnrXovs, 6. Sailing out :
Kwrpov (Eur., Eel. 147). P. and V. IforXovs, 6. Sailing
: P. and V. -n-Xovs, 6 ;
see round: P. TrepwrXovs, 6. Sailing
to land: P. /caTdwrXovs, 6. Good
Sail, v. trans. SoiZ (a boat) : P. time for sailing : P. and V. TrXovs,
and V. icv/?pvav. to7 (iA6 sea, 6, V. vrrXoia, ^. 57/ifi season
etc.) : P. and V, ir\ tv (aco.), V. sailmg : P. 17 <>paia (Dem. 1292).
vavoroXetv (aco.). V, intrans. P. Prevention from sailing : P. and
and V. -7rX.Lv, vauTi'AA.<r0<u (also V. &rXoia, . TFfcew sailing was
Plat, but rare P.), Ar. and V. now become easier : P. %8rj 7rXo>t/jia>-
vav<T0\.ov<r6aL (also Ar.), Tp<ov 3vrw (Thuo. 1, 7).
(o/ a ship): P. -rrXeu/, V. Sailor, subs. P. and V. vavnys, 6,
Sail fast : P. Taxwavrcu/. vavpdrys (Thuc. 8, 44, but rare P.),
^ea ; P. and V, Svaycotfai V. vavrifXo?, 6, TrorTovavDj-s, 6 (Soph.,
axraipetv, P. ciravdyecrQai, Frag.), Ar. and V. TrXtorifa (Bur,
Sai Sam
Eel 1070) (also Plat, but rare P.). Salt, adj. P. and V.
Of sailors, adj.P. and V. vaufucos.
Salt, v. trans. P. rap (Plat.).
Sailor jolk : V. cvaXtos Xcws, 6. Salt-fish, subs. Ar. Ta 6 or TO'.

Fellow sailor : see under fellow. Salubrious, ad]. P. vyt

Saint, subs. Patron saint : use P. Salubriously, adv. P. v
and Y. T7p<os, 6, or use V. dpxqyo's, Salubriousness, subs. P TO vyi/oV.

(Soph., 0. #. 60). Saintly man: Salutary, adj. and V.

use adj. Expedient: P. and V.
Saintly, adj. P. and V. ^o-^'s, 7rpoo-0opos, oTj/^<3&opo5 ; see expedient.
00<TJ&7S. Salutation, subs. P. and V. Trpdcrp^-
Sake, subs. .For #&e sake of: P. 0-15, 17,
P. wpdo-pry/xa, TO, V. irpocr-
and V. eve (gen.), Sta (aoc.), <0y/xa, TO, Trpoor^vrjfjiay TO. &55 :

X<2ptv (gen.) (Plat.), V. ?ve*a (gen.), P. and V. <^tX^a, r6 (Xen.).

Ar. and V. oiW/ea (gen.), I/cart Embrace: V. dcnrao'/Aara, raj see
(gen.). .For #ay sa&s: P. and V.
lyLMyv x^" (Ha*-)- Ow SefcaZ/ o/; Salute, v. trans. J.ccos: P. and
P. and V. &rp (gen.). V. irpocrayopevciv, Trpoo-ctxrctv, V.
Salaam 3 subs. P. Trpoa-Kvv^cr^, ^. ai)8av, TrpooravSav, irpoo-^covctv,
Salaam, v. intrans. P. and V.
7rpO(r/cuviv. Trpocn^/opcty; see address. Welcome.
Salaried, adj. P. Z/JL/J.LO-&OS.
P. and V. dcnro ccr^at, Sefiovo-^at ;
Salary, subs. P. and V. /uortfo's, 6 ; see jrreei. Bss : P. and V.
see pay. Ar. and Y. Kwelv; see
Sale, subs. P. and V. ^pSo-is, 17
(Soph., Frag.). On sale for sale Salvage, subs. Things saved from

use adj., Ar. and P. wvtos, P. irpa- wreck: use P. TO,

O-I/AOS, P. and V. WV^TO'S. Put up Things' left : P. and V.
for sail, V. P. faromipwovccrOai*
." "PRZZ ^e receive the salvage of the
Salesman, subs. P. Trpcmfc, 6. Greek ship ? V. e^oXas vccos 'EXX??-
Salient, adj. Important : P. 8ia<opos, vt'So5 S^o-^c ; (referring to ship-
wrecked people) (Eur., I. T. 14=24).

Saline, adj. P. and V. Salvation, subs. P. and V.

Saliva, subs. P. omXov, TO (Xen.). 17. Deliverance P. and V.
Sallow, adj. P. and V. &xP*> *

XXwpo?. Salve, subs. Ointment: P.

Sallowness, subs. P. ^xP^^ V- TO, oXot<^^, ^, P. and V. , TO,
Sally, Subs. P. eJcSpo/M?, fj t re/copo/Ai7, Ar. KiyptoT^, ^. J. healing salve :

V. aXcfrfia xpto-ToV (-2Bsch., P. F.

17, &r'o8os, 4- ^y sea : P. and V. 479). Met., something that appeases:
&c7rAous, 6. Make av: P. sally, V. tfeXfCTiypiov, TO, )u.ctXtyjU.a, TO*.
S6Q Salty forth.
TTCK&LV tK/Sovflclv
t J Bemedy : P. and V. ^ap/^a/cov, TO' ;
Sally of w^t : Ar. and P. cp/cw/^/wt, TO. see remedy.
Sally, v. intrans. SoZZy /or7i : Ar. Salve, v. trans. Anoint : Ar. and
and P. e/cTpcxew, /c^tv (Xen.), P. P. P. , ciroXec^eiv, Y.
Met., appease P. and :

Saloon, subs. P. and V. owo^a, r6, V. ^Xyv (Plat,but rare

olfcos, 6, Ar. and V. /xe\a0pov, TO, or P.). HsaZ: P. and V. fao-0<u,
Pi- see
Salt, subs. Ar. and P. a\s, 6, or pi. Salver, subs. Use Ar. cravlfoW, TO'.
Be worth one's salt: use P. Same, adj, P. and Y. 6 auro's; see
Xoyov also like. At the same time, adv. :
Sam San

P. and V. Sjua, ojwv, V. o/xais. In the Sanction, v. trans. Ratify : P. and

same way : P. and V. axravras, V. V. Kvpovv, IfrtKvpovv, /ireSoOv (Plat,
can-cos; see similarly. At the some also Ar.), V. cxtyyvov ?roteu/.
time as : P. and V. 3/xa (dat.). Approve of: P. and Y, faum?
Having the same father a/nd mother: (aoc.) see approve, see also ;

P. O/XOTTCLTplOS KOil OJJLOJJufrrplQS. If allow. Sanction by a nod : P.

(the wall) were to be advanced and V. 7rtvVw. Confirm : P.
further it made it the same thing
for them whether they foiight and Sanctity, subs. Sacredness: Ar.
won continually or never fought, at and V. o-ej&as, TO. Holmess, piety :
all : P. t
TrpocXOoi (TO Tt^os) TO.VTOV cuo-^Scta, 17.

GTroiei QLVTOLS VLKOLV re /^a^o/xei/ots Sanctuary, subs. Temple: P. and
&a Travros /cat /^8e pAxeo-Oai. (Thuc. V. vais, 6, Icpov, TO, Sfivrov, TO, Ar.
7, 6). l & tffee same to me
whether and V. vdos, 6 ; see temple. Place
you desire to praise or blame me : of refuge : P. and V. /cara^yr}, ij f
V. alvtw iT /JL i/reyetv tfe'Aeis
(TV 8" aTTocrrpo^, ^, P. wrofyvyri, f}\ see
OJLUHOV (-ZEsoh., .40. 1403). Ji was refuge. Fly for sanctuary to a
all the same whether the quantity temple: P, wpds tepoV t/cenys ica^e-
drunk were more or less : P. ev TO> ^co-^at Rights of sanctuary : use
6/xot(i) KaOi.<mf]Ki TO* re TrXcov /cat P. and V. a&ia, 17. Protection :
IXacro-oi/ woroi/ (Thuc. 2, 49). P. and V. <t>vXa,Kij t %.
Samely, adj. Insipid P. 2o>Xos. :
Sand, subs. P. fyt/Aos, 17 (Plat.), Ar.
Sameness, subs. Similarity : P. and V. i/4ta<9os, 17 (Soph., 4;.
1064). Shingle: P. *c
xA>7 6.

Samite, subs. Use P. and V. Dust : P. and V. KOI/ZS,


Sandal, subs. Ar. and P. &rooVa,

Sample, subs. P. and V. Scfy/Aa, TO, TO', Ar. and V. we'SlXov, TO (Bur.,
7rapcKety/xa, TO. GrWe a saTWpZe O/
OWfi's COWdwci : P. Scty/ia K<l>piv Sandy, adj. P. v7ro>a/*/ios (Xen.).
Trcpt avrov (Dem. 344). Of colour P. and V. av0o's.

Sample, v. trans, Sowe a taste of :

Sane, adj. P. and V. wows, fA<f>p<ov,
P. and V. yeu'o-0at (gen.). V. <j>pvypiri$, dpT^pwv (also Plat.
Sanctification, subs. Purification : but rare P.). Of things P. and

P. and V. KaOappos, 6, P. V. ^0po)v see wise. Be sane, v.

; :

Holiness : P. and V. P. and V. </>poi/tv, eS ^povctv, op^ois
P. <^povty V. KoAcos
17, OO-tOT^?, 17. }

Sanctify, adj. P. and V. ippovclv, Ar. and P.

V. clyi/tfetv, Ar. and V. ica0o<noi)o-0ai, Sanely, adv. P.
At. and P. P. lepovv. Saneness, subs. See sanity.
Purify: P. and V. KaOaipew ; see Sang-froid, subs. Ar. and P.

Sanctimonious, adj. P. and V. Sanguinary, adj. Blood thirsty:

O"/tVOS. P. </>ovwcos, AJ. and V. <^>otvto5,

Sanctimoniously, adv. P. and V. Sac^otvo?, ^tXat/JtaTo? ; see cruel.

O-C/AVWS. Murderous: V. avSpo/croVos, dvSpo-
Sanctimoniousness, subs. P. and
V. TO* O-jU,VOV. see mwrderous. Of a battle ; :

Sanction, subs. Ratification: P. use P.

Authority t permission : Sanguine, adj. Hopeful: P. and
P. and V. l&weria, V. dkA-TTts see cheerful. ;

and V. Sanitary, adj. P. v>

San Sat

P. and V. icopos, 6
Sanity, subs. P. and V. TO Satiety, subs.
Mind : P. and V. vovs, 6, Ar. and (Plat.), TrA^o-AM)^, ^ (Plat.).
Y. <j>prp, *i, or pi. (rare P.). Satire, subs. Satiric poem : Ar. and
P. ta/x,/foi, ot. Mockery : P. xAc
Sap, subs. Use Ar. and P. xuAo's, 6
see juice. : P. and V. TraiSta,
Bitter: P. and V.
Sap, v trans. Undermine : Ar. anc Satirical, adj.
P. Siopuo-o-eiv. Met., P. Siopw-orciv TTlKpOS.
Make plots against: P. and V Satirically, adv. Bitterly: P. and
em/SouAcu'eii/ (dat.). Take away V. Jestingly : P.

gradually: P. and Y.
Wither : see wither. Drink, Satirise, v. trans. JkTocfe : Ar. and

drain : P. and V. IKTTIVGIV. P. xAevolcu'; see mocfc. Make

Sapience, subs. See wisdom. firm of: Ar. and P. /cw/xcuSetv (ace.),
See wisdom. P. SiaKoa/zwSetv (aoo.).
Sapient, adj.
Sapiently, adv. See wisely. Satirist, subs. Use Ar. and P.
Sapless, adj. Dry : Ar. and P. 6 KO)fJL<t)$a)V.

avo?, wr;(vos see dry.

j Satisfaction, subs. Act of satisfying:
P. 7rAi}/ua>o-ts, ^. Pleasure : P. and
Sapling, subs. Ar. and P. K\^
Plant : P. and V. <uroV, TO. V. 1780^17, 17. Atonement, expiation :
Sarcasm, subs. Jest Ar. and P.
P. and V. KaOapfjios, 6, Ai5o-r$, TJ.
TO. Mockery : P. Compensation : P. and V. TTW, ^ ;
17, 2(Ai;ao~jxx>$,
6. seecom^eTisafoow. Give satisfaction-
Sarcastic, ad]. Bitter: P. and V. for : see pay penalty, under
penalty. Payment: P. airo'Soo-is,
Sarcastically, adv. Bitterly : P. *
and V. Jestingly : adv.
P. //.era Satisfactorily, P. and V.
Kara yvtopyv, Ar. and P. KOLT& vow.
Sarcophagus, subs. See coffin, tomb. Well : P. and V. cv, icaAais.
Sardonically, adv. He laughed very Satisfactory, adj. Ar. and P.
sardonically : P. Pleasing: P. and V.
/*aAa o-ap8<viov (Plat., Sep. 337A). According to one's
Sash, subs. Use belt. liking : use P. and Y. KCLTO, yi/oi^v,
Satchel, subs. Use bag. Ar. and P. KO.T& vow. Swzce in-
Sate, v. trans. See satiate. spite of long negotiations they could
Satellite, subs. Attendant : P. and get no satisfactory settlement from
V. Sifibcovos, 6, i&Trtypertys, 6, Ar. and the Athenians : P. cireiBrj c^'A^vatW
P. 0pCL7rci>v, 6, cucoAovflos, 6 See * TroAAou wpacrorovTes ovScv ytipovro

attendant. Slave: P. and V. CTrmJSciov (Thuo. 1, 58).

s, 6. Flatterer: Ar. and P. Satisfied, adj. Pleased : P. and V.
,o. I am satisfied : P. and V.
Satiate, v. trans. P. and Y. fjjurnr- et /tot, Ar. and P.
\QVOLI. CKTrii/GTrAoLVOii. wA77pot/v, P. see content. Be
aTTOTrijuLirXdvai, cwroTrAtypow. Be sati- satisfied with : P. and V. orcpyciv
ated with: P. and Y. TrA^o-^vat (aoc. or dat.), P. fryfarav (aco. or
(1st aor. pass, of 7rt/jt7rAavat) (gen.), dat.), V. cuvctv (aoc.), ^Se<Ds lx V
Ar. and Y. xopco-^vai (1st aor. pass, (aoo.).
of /copewiWi) (gen.), V. Kopoi/ l^cty Satisfy, v. trans. Satiate: P. and
(gen.). Satiated with : P. and V. Y. CKTrijw-TrAttvcu, fywrwrAai/<u, P.

(Plat.), V. LTTXROS (gen.) P. StoA^iv ; see ^pay. PZease : P.

and V. <xpo-Ktv (aoo. or dat.), Ar.
Sat Sav

and Y. av&dvciv (dat.). Appease : looking: Y. Sctvoii/r, <iypia>7ros; see

P. and V. wpatveiv; see appease. j^erce. Unapproachable : P. and
Convince : P. and V. ircfflctv Be V. dEjiUKTOS, V. owrXdTos, aTrpocriJyopos.
enough for P. and Y. &PKCIV (dat.),
: Uncivilised : V. av^epos ; see
eapKiv (dat.), Ar. and P. chroxpfy
Neither Greece nor alien Savagely, adv. Ar. and P.
land is big enough to satisfy the P. w/juos, o-xerXio)?, P. and V.
man's ambition: P. offi fj "EXXas Tri/cpGs ; see cruelly.
ovO* fj /3tippa.p05 TI)V TrXcovc^tav X^P" Savageness, subs. P. dypio'njs, ^
ravOp^irov (Dem. 118). XoXeTroT^s, ^, P. and Y. W/IOT^S, oj.
Satrap, subs. P. o-arpcwn/s, 6. Savagery, subs. See savageness.
Satrapy, Subs. P. o-aTpcwrei'a, jj. Savant, subs. P. and Y.
Saturate, v. trans. Wet: P. and 6, or use adj., P. and Y.
V. reyyctv (Plat.), Seiko/ (Plat.) ; Save, v. trans. P. and V.
see wet. a.Tro(r<^LV (Plat.), 8tao"o>
Saturated, adj. P. and V. Spoxos. P. TrepLTToiew. Guard, preserve ;
Full : P. and Y. /WOTO'S. P. and Y. ^uXacro-cw/, 8ta<^vXao"0'etv,
Saturnalia, subs. P. So/ropvoXta, rd V. K<^uXa<ro-tv, p&o-^at. jDeZM?r :
P. and Y. cXoj^epow, Xifeiv, a^tevat,
Saturnine, adj. Gloomy: P. and p4v (or mid.),
V. o-KTJ0po>7ros, V. cmryi/ds ;
see cfatpetor^at, V.

Satyr, subs. Ar. and P. Sa-rijpos, 6. the scene of danger) : P. and V.

Satyric, adj. Ar. and P. i, V. i57ricXa/x y5c[i/tv,
1 tfirc/c-

Satyric play, subs. Ar. : see rescw^. .HeZp w

6, P. craTvpiKov 8pa/*,a (Plat.) P. and V. <n;<nr<6eu/,
Sauce, subs. Ar. and r. ^8uo-/x, TO, cti/, P. crwa<aipr0ai, OTJV-

oifrovy TO, Kardxycrfjia, TO. Having no mother,


brother or kindred to save me from

Saucer, subs. Ar. 6$/?a<ov, TO.
Saucily, adv. P. vppicrru<u>s.
Ms calamity: Y. ov p^rep OVK

Sauciness, subs. P. and V. dScX^ov ovSc o-uyya/ij ftc^op/ub-acr^ai.

T^o-8" Zxovora or/A^opas (Bur., jfefed.

Saucy, adj. P. /?pio-n/eds, Ar. and 257). Eeserve, put by : Ar. and
P. VCLVIKOS. P. curoTL&0'6aL. Be sewed from a
Saunter, v. intrans. Ar. and P. wreck (of goods) : P. Trcptytyi/co-^at ;

frpivo0Tiv, or use wander. Loiter: see sttm-ue. Be sparing of: P.

P. and Y. /JpoStW see loiter. ;
and V. ^et'Scor^at (gen.). Sa<ye

Sausage, subs. Ar.^ xf&\

b wowey (absol.): Ar. and P. fafoevQai
8cV^UX, TO, <f>VCTKV] t 7^, aXX<XS, O. (PL 247). Save up : Ar. and P.
Sausage-seller, subs. Ar.
7T<oX?7St O. jD6 $ Save, prep. Except: P. and Y.
V-Ar. oXXavroTTcoXL
: wXiJv (gen.) ; see except.
P. and V. TrXiJv, wXiyv ct,,
and Y. Save,
Savage, subs. Use adj., P. conj.
P. ort /XT;, dAX* ^. t Save ^77,
Of savages : P. and i/z-<2^ ; Ar. and P. TrX^v OTL.
Savage, adj.
V. yScipySapos. Fierce, cruel: P. Saving, subs. P. and V.
and V. (o/xos, aypios, dyvaJ/ACOv, Sctvos, Eeward for saving : Y.
TTi/cpos, cricX^pos, o^erXtos,
Ar. and P. YoXeTro?, Y. , Saving, prep.
rf ,
See save.
Beast-like : P. and Y. Saving, adj. Frugal: Ar. and P.
Bur., Or. 524). Bringing safety: P.
Sav Sea

and V. o-omypios. Delivering : Y. Scab, subs. P. ^pav: ,

Suffer from scab,
Savings, SUbs. Use P. TO. cwro/eei- (Plat.).
/xeva. Soabbard, subs. P. and Y.

Saviour, subs. P. and V. 6 (Xen.), V. Trcp^oXat ,


Fern., oxoreipa, ^ (Plat.). Scabby, adj. P. yopoAc'os (Xen.).

Savour of, v. ; Met., Ar. and P. Scaffold, subs. TFbodworfc: P.
ov (gen.). ^Xcocrts, ij. Met., place of execution:
Savour, subs. Smell: P. and V. use Ar. and V, cVt^vov TO (lit.
ooy/^, rj ; see also reek. How sweet executioner's block). Be brought to
a savour of pig's flesh has blown the scaffold, put to death: P.
towards me : Ar. <us 1781; pot, jjrpo- QavarovcrQai.
o-CTrveuo-e ^otpctW Kpcwv Scaffolding, subs. Woodwork: P.
Savoury, adj. Fragrant: P. and Scald, v. trans. Burn: P. and V.
V. cvoi&js. Scwoury meat, subs. Kcfetv ; see also bwl. :

P. and V. fyov, TO Frag., Scald, subs.

(-ZEsch., J5ard.
also Ar.). Scale, subs. Ar. Xcirfs, 17 (used of
Saw, subs. Ar. and V. Trpfon/, 6. fish soales in Hdt.). In a scale,
Proverb: see maxim, saying. in order : P. and V. <jf>}s. Of a
Saw, v. trans. P. and V. Trpfctv. balance: Ar. and P. -7rAa<my, 17.
&W0 m
fa?o : Ar. and P. Pair of scales : Ar. and V. rdXavrov,
Saw off: Ar. and P. eKTrp TO, oTafytos, 6, P. uyov, TO, Ar. and
Sawdust, subs. V. irpfovo? P. rpvT&vri, ^. Twrw o/ *fee scaZg,
/wLTa (Soph., Tr. 699), Ar. n-apa- met. : P. and V. pomj, ^. Ji w
T(. right to put our devotion in the
Sawn, adj. Y. -rrpwrros HUT., past in the scale against ow
present sin, if after all it has been
Sawyer, subs. Carpenter : P. and a sin : P. oY/ccuov ^/z-oiv rfjs vvv
Y. TKTO)V, 6. et ctpa ^ftapr^Tat, avrtOelvai
Say, v. trans. P. and Y. ToVe irpoOvfiiav (Thuo. 3, 56).
Y. When you throw money into one
cw, Ar. and side of the scale it at once carries
V. &n;8av (or mid.), av8av (or mid.) ; with and weighs down the
see speafc. Declare : P. and V. judgment to its own side : P.
<paiv; see declare. Utter: P. ITTL
Odrepa. &<nrep els
and V. <0eyyo-0cu see wtfter. Say

beforehand : P. and V. 7rpoA.eyv, TOV

Ar. and P. -rpocfyopeueiv. $aZ fee : (Dem. 60). That he may not
see under gwo&. strengthen either party by throwing
subs. P. and Y. Xoyos, o, his weight into the scale : P.
TTopot/ua, ^, ^fwj, 17,
Y. ati/os, 6.
maxims : P. and V. You throw
at. J.S ^ saying is : P.
^01170-77 (Thuc. 8, 87).
in a weight too small to turn the
ro A.eyo/x,vov, cos CTTO? COTeii/, V. a>s scale in favour of your friends : V.
CTTOS, Xoyo? (Eur., Phoen.
oyuicpov TO o-oV oT7fco)/xa
396). Rumour P. and V. ots (Eur., Ter. 690).
Xoyos, 6, V. ^a^t5, Scale, v. trans.
17, TFei^fe; Ar. and
Ar. and Y. P. lo-ravai see weigh. Scale down: ;

p,v6os, 6. Word : see see reduce. Climb : P. and Y.

word. , ri)8atVv (gen.),
Sea Sea

v, (dat. or r aco.) (Plat.), Basely : P. and V.

Ar. 7rava.fia.LViv, 67TL (aco.). Galumniously : P.
Scalene, adj. P. 0-^0X77^05 (Plat.).
Scaling, subs. To prevent the Scant, adj. P. and V. o-TnW, V.
scaling of owr walls : V. OTraword?, o^7rapi/05. Little, slight :
Teixecw Trpoora/XjSacreis (Eur., Phoen. P. and V. oXtyos, /Spaxfe, Ar. and
744). He is planning the scaling V. j&uds. Deficient: P. and V.
Of OUr towers : V. /cetvos -rrpoo-jScurcis o/Scifc, P. eXXtir^s.
TKfJLO.CpTa.L TTVpyCOV (Eur., PkOBn. Scantily, adv P. cnravtW De-
181). Scaling ladder: P. and ficiently : P. cvSeois. Jffere awZ
V. K\lfjua., T;, or use V. ^ere P. orropaSiyv.
Scantiness, subs. P. 6XiyoT^?, ^.
Lacfc, decvrth : P. and V. (nrdvts, fj.
Scalp, v. trans. P. d7ro8epv (Hdt.). Deficiency: P. IvScwt, ^. Scanti-
Scalp, SUbs. P. (Hdt. TO'), V. ness of population
awoSepfJia : P.
TO (Soph., Frag.).
Stripped of his scalp m
Scythian Scanty, adj. See
fashion: V. Scape, v. trans, and intrans. See
6wc/capju,i/o? (Soph., Frag.). escape.
Scalpel, subs. Use P. TO/ACVS, 6. Scape goat, subs. Use Ar. and P.
Scaly, adj. P. XeTriSorro's (Hdt.). KaOapfJia, TO, qf>ap/&aK09, 6. I am
Scamp, subs. Use adj., P. ready to die as a scape goat for my
o&os see rascal.
; country : V. OvrjarKeiv $7-01/1.09 warpt-
Scamp, v. trans. P. imarvpeiv. 80$ l/cXurtyptov (Eur., Phoen. 969).
Scamper, v. intrans. See run. Scar, subs. Mark of a wound : P.
Scan, v. trans. P. and V. and V. ouXiJ, ^, V. crrjfjuavrpov, TO.
Crag : P. and V. o/epa, 17, Kpif/Avta,
0acr0at, &7ro/3\7rt,v (cfe, or wpos, 6, V. XeTras, r6 9 o^riXots, dy/O?, 6, ,

aoc.), irpoor/JXeTreiv (aco.) (Plat.), Ar. and V. o-KOTrcXos, 6.

P. eVi^Xen-eH/ (wpos, Or 7rc, aCC.). Scar, v.- trans. Wound: P. and V.
Scandal, subs. Disgrace: P. and TtTpwo-Kciv see wound. Scarred:

V. atcrp(f;i/?7, arZ/Ata, ^, ovetSos, TO,

, V. cr^payur^i/os (Eur., I. T.
V. atcr^os, T^. Calumny: P. and 1372).
V. 8itt/3oA?J, ^, Ar. and P. oTJjco^awa, Scarce, adj. P. and V. <nravu>s.
^, P. /Jaor/cavi'a, ^, ^Xao-^>i7/*fca, ^. Deficient: P. and V. &Sfc, P.
Ar. and P. XSXta, i), V.
TCI, A,o-;(<u, at. TFoTTtaw Scarce, adv. See scarcely.
a creature that loves scandal: Scarcely, adv. B<wety, with difficulty:
^LAoi/royov P. and V. Ar. and P.
fto'Xtg, jtxdyts,
(Eur., PAoew. 198). XoXcTTois. fust: P. and
Scandalise, v. trans. P. and V. V. #/m, dpTMos, Ar. and P. Ivayxos ;
l/cTrX^cro-ctv. JB0 scaaidaUsed at : see just. Equivalent to not : P.
P. oAcTrois ^>petv (aCC.). and V.
Scandalous, adj. Disgraceful: P. Scarcity, subs, P. and V. (m-dyis, f).

and V. : P. *>8ta, 97.

P. and V. .
airopta, see
Calumnious : Ar. and P.
P. jffXcwr^/A Scare, v, trans. P. and V.
V. XoiSopos (Eur.,
9, 8ta-

Scandalously, adv. P. and V. Trrociv (Plat.), P. icaTttTrXiJo-o-etv, Ar.

ttvaftoas, P. 7rwi8rrG>s. and P. *caTa^oj8tv. Scare 1

Sea See

Ar. and P.
: scene : P. vu hreyareTO TO> lpya>
his way He made
(Xen.), Ar. crojSav. (Thuo. 4, 25).
P. and V. not to the scene of action but to
Scare, subs. os, 6,

TO, Scos, TO; see the armed men in the procession:

, 17, ifta,
P. OVK 7Tt TO yVO/jLVOI/ oAA' 7Tt TOV?
P. iro/jwreas oTrXtra? (Thuo.
. . .

Scared, adj. TrcpiSerJs, ^(dJpTyo-c

6, 58).
P. rama, ^. Scenery, subs. Country P. and
Scarf, Subs

Scarlet, adj. P. and V. V. x^P", ^ plaGe: and v- p -

P. V. TOTTOS, 6. Sight, view : P. and V*

(Plat.), <oiojDs (Sen), rt

$OH/tKOj8a7rTO$j 7rop<i5pot)s J
see r0$. oi/as, ^, ^'a, ^, Oeafjui, TO; see
Iw a ^Zay : P. cr/c^, ^.
Scarlet, subs. P. and V. irop^vpa, y ; stgrA^
see purple. Scent, subs. Power of smelhng : P.
v. trans. P. and V. 8ar<l>pr]ari$, y. Smell, perfume : P.
and Y. 60-^, %. Sweet scent : P.
See harm. cio&a, Track; P. and V.
Scathe, subs. ^.

Scathless, adj. and V. t^i/o?, TO. On the scent P. and


V. /caT ^vos. Having a keen
V.Vois; see unharmed. scent, adj. : V. eflpls. Scents 9
Scatter, v. trans. P. and V. essences : P. and V. /fpov, TO.

vuvcu, Stao-KcSoi/vvvcu, Scent, v. trans. Anoint with oint-

Be scattered : P. a/7roo-Ki8vacr0ai ment Ar. /jwp^wv, pvpovv. Perceive

P. and V. 6o-<f>pa.ivccr6a,i
(Thuc. 6, 98). Spread about : P. by smell:
and V. oWpctv (Thuo. 2, 27), (gen. or absol.) (Eur., GycL). Scent
otcwrTrctpctv. \jQist aoout : JL. and out, track out : P. and V.
V. SiaStSovai, Sta<^>p6i/, Siao-Treipciv, V. plvrj\a.Tiv ; see irack i
V. v8aTer0<n, Ar. and V. cnrapeiv 02^ a despotism such as Hippias
in P.). set up : Ar. ocr^pati/ofuw r^s *I-jnrw
(not used, metaphorically
My feathered shafts and bow are TvpaWSos (Lys. 619). Have an
scattered on the ground : V. Trrcpwra inkling of: P. and V. pavrevco-Oai
T CVY17 Tofa T' &nrapraL wcSw (Eur.,
~ '
jff. F.
1098). P. and Scented, adj. See fragrant.
and V. Sceptic, adj. See sceptical. The
Scatter to the winds : sceptics P. ot ovcerm/coi' (late). .

Met., V. a-KeSawvvai, airo<rKe$a.wvvai, Sceptical, adj. Incredulous : P.

Ar. and V. 8ta<r/ceSawijvat, Ar. Suspicious : P. and V.
Scatter over : Ar. VTrOTTTOS.
and P. /caTaovceSavi/iWi (TL ~
Sceptically, adv. Incredulously : " '

V. intrans. Use passive of verbs P. Suspiciously : P.


Scattered, adj. Use P.

Scepticism, subs, Incredulity :
Swo-Tracr/iej/off, P.
P. and V. oTropas. In scattered and V. cwriCTTc'a, ^ Suspicion: P fc

groups : P. o^ropaS^v. and V. vTroi/fLa, 17.

Scaur, subs. See scar. Sceptre, subs. Ar. and V.
Scene, subs. fi^H view : P. and V. TO, or pi. (in P. only used in
o^ts, ^, ^ca, 17, ^ccL/Aa, TO; see sight. reference to tragedy as Dem. 418-
Place : P. and V. TOTTOS, 6. Paint- or in a quotation from Homer as
ing : P. and V ypa^ij, 17, Plato., Gorg. 526o). Met., kingly
TO, P. coypa<i7^a, TO, V. power: P. and V. apx^, ^ KpctTos,.
TO, cticoiv, 17. I?i a theatre: P. TO, V. O-KfyrrpOV, TO, Or pi.,
6, or pi. ; see rule.
Sch Sci

Schedule, Subs. P. dTroypa^, ^. School, subs. P. SiSacrKaAaoj/, TO.

Schedule, v. trans. P. cwroypd^civ. Go io school, v. Ar. and P. <omiv, :

Scheme, subs. Plan: P. and V. cis StSaa/caXoi; ^OLTOV Where did

yvwAwy, 17, /JouAiJ, ^, ftov\euna, TO, you go to school as a boy ? Ar.
ew>ia, 17 (Plat.), l-rrivoia, fj, Ar. and a>v <^oiVas 6? Ttvo? StSao-Ac
P. Stai/ota, 17; see undertaking. 1235). Attend school with another,
Device : P. and V. v. Ar. and P. o-uju^oiTav.
: Sl&ue
iro'pos, 6, fMixavrj, 4 who took boys to school : P. and
ox><jtao7Aa, TO. Pfo : P. V. -TratSaywyds, 6. Wre&tling-school :
rf, 7ripov\evp.a, TO. 2V^& : P. and P. and V. TToXa/orpa, ^. School of
V. So'Xos, 6 (rare P.). Intrigue: philosophers, etc., the school of
P. jeaTaovccvaoyxa, TO. Conspiracy : Protagoras : P. ot a^l HpcoTaydpav
Ar and P. cruvto/xoo-ta, ^. OwiZme :
(Plat.). In a word I say, that our
P. TUTTOS, 6 ; see outline. city taken as a whole is the school

Scheme, v. trans. of Greece: P. crvveXw

Devise : P. and
Xcyw . .

V. fwyxavao-flat, T)(ya<rQai, Tyv . iracrav iroXw T?)S *EAA^8os
flovXevew } . .

see devise. Scheme JbfajL for ; P.

(Thuc. 2, 41). WoWiv
Absol.,/orm School, v. trans. Teach: P. and
P. and V cVr/SovA^eiv, V. V. StSdo-fcetv, -CTmoWe/v see educate. ;

pxiya.voppQ.$tw. Be cunning : Ar. Chasten: P. and V.

and V. <ro<t>%o-6a.i (Eur., I. 4. 744). pvO/JLL^LV (Plat ), O-OXjkpOV^
Conspire: and V. P. Z P. and V. paTtv (gen.).
Scheme against : P. and V P. and V. icaTc
Scheme with, intrigue SchOOl-felloW, Subs. P.
ivith : and V. Trpdcro-cw (dat. or
P. o, arvfJt,fJLa.&if)Tr]s, 6.

Trpos, ace. or ts, ace.). Schooling, subs. Education Ar. :

Schemer, subs. V. ^ri^oiAeurifr, 6. and P. ^. Instruction:

Conspirator: P. and V. P. and V. Chastening: , 17.

or use adj. scheming. P. and V. TO, vovOerrjcris, ,

Scheming, adj. P. V. School-master, subs. P. and V.

StSaovcaAo?, 6, P. ypa/x/i- .

Scheming, subs. P. KOLTacrKeuaa-fjios, School-mistress, subs. P. and V.


Schism, subs. Quarrel : P. and V. School-room, Subs. P. 7rai8ayo>yetov,

cpife, 17, <rraori5, 17.
Factious body : TO.
use P. and V. errocnk, ^. Schooner, subs. Use Ar. and P.
Schismatic, adj. Use P. TplTft^S, 17.

Science, subs. P. and V. rio-r7/M7,

Scholar, subs. Pupil : Ar. and P. ^. jjar^'cwZar branch of know-

6, P. 6, P. and ledge : Ar. and P.

V. TO (Plat.). Learned Scientific, adj. Of persons P. :

man : P. and V. oxxjbwrnjs, 6, crowds, &irurrr)pMv. Loving science : P.

6. <fcXdcro<os. Of things, connected
Scholarly, adj. P. TTCTcuSciywVos, with science : P. ^tXdcro^o?. Skil-
<i\oVo<os, P. and V. /xovo-t/cds. Of ful : P. rexytKOs.
things P. </>tAoVo<o?.
Scientifically, adv. P.
Scholarship, subs. Education : Ar. Philosophically : P.
and P. TratScuo-is, Literature, Skilfully : P.

etc.: P. and V, (Bur., Scimiter, subs. Use sword.

Frag.). Learning: P. Scintilla, subs. Had he had a jot
or scintilla of evidence for the
Sci Sco

charges he trumped wp against me Scoop, v. trans. Dig: P. and V.

would he hcwe allowed this ? P. <TKdlTTW, 6pU(T<rLV. ScOOp OUt 9
&V 1 7" t^ amyjjfifV fy CTKLOLV TOVTWV hollow out : P. KotXaiWn/. Scooped
&/ KarccTKCva^c /car tfjuov TOVT* &v ctatrc out : P. ^eyXu/^a/os (Plat.) (cfcyXv-
(Dem. 552).
Scintillate, v. trans. See sparkle. Scope, subs. Purpose : P. 7rpo<upeo-cs,
Scintillation, subs. See sparkle, 17.
i77a^: P. and V. opos, 6.
Outside the scope of : P. and V.
Scion, subs. Offspring : P.^ and V. !<o (gen.). Permission, licence:
6 or 17, Ar. and V. 2pi/os, TO, P. and V. Igova-ia, fj. Opportunity,
V. 0aXos, TO, ^Xaany/Jia, TO, <woV, occasion : P. and V. Kcupo's, 6,
TO, pi(0/x, TO, <f>i-ri)fjLa, TO; see S^op/jwJ, 17, or pi. 1 fownd no course
open save to bear my pain, but
Scissors, subs. Ar. and V. much scope for this, my son : V.
o (Soph., Frag.). ^{fpiOTCov ovScv ir\yv avtacrOcu, Trapov,
Scoff, v. intrans. P. and V. rovrov 8c irohXrjv euuapetav, 5 TCKVOV.
(Eur., CfytfZ.), Ar. and P. (Soph., P*fl. 283).
CTriO-KUTITeil/, TO)0alV, V. Scorch, v. trans. Parch, dry up:
Scojf a* : use verbs given with P. and V. ^patVetv (Bur., Gycl.,
ace. Insult: P. and V. vftpl&iv Plat, in pass.), cruvavati/civ (Eur.,

(cis, ace. or ace. alone), tyvfipi&iv CfycZ., Plat, in pass.), P. diro^patVciv,

(ace., dat, or &, ace.) (rare P.); Ar. o-Tatfcrfeiv. Scorch all round
see insult. Laugh at : P. and V. (of Ughtmng) : Ar. Trcpt^Xietv.
ycXav (en-i, dat. or dat. alone), Burn : P. and V. KcUtv, ^ep/xatvetv ;
icaTayeXav (gen.), eTreyycXav (dat. see ftz^rw. Scorched by the sun's
V. cyycXav (dat. or KCLT^, gen. bright flame: V. <rra0euTds ^Xtov
P. F. 22).
SioycXSv (acc,), cyKaTiXXowrmv (dat. <^oi^ ^Xoyi' (.ZEsch.,
Scoff, subs. P. xXeuaorta, 17, Scorching, adj. Hot: P. and V.
6 ; see scoffing. 0ep/Ao's. JRfiry : V. Truprro'Xos, aiOa-
Scoffer, subs. P. and V. Xous; SQQ fiery.
o, V. yeAcwrnys, 6, eyycXaony?, 6.
Scorching-heat, subs. P. and V.
Scoffing, adj. V. K/m>/x,os. KOLV/JUL, TO.

Scoffing, subs. P. and V. yeXo)?, 6, Score, subs. J.ccowwi: Ar. and P.

6, P. Xoyr/j5s, 6. Number : P. and V.
o, V. #pi0/>s, 6. On rffoe score o/, as far
: P. and V. fyfyts, as concerns : P. and V. Ivem
Scold, v. trans. Blame : P. and V. (gen.), V. ow/ca (gen.) (^Iwd. 759).
/je/x^ecr&u (acc. or dat.), Yes, on that score fortune favours
see iZewne.
oj'ct^t'fctv, fca/c(os
P. and you : V. juaXwra TOVMWCV
UTvxts /*pos (Eur., Hec, 989).
P. KCLKL&W i see abiise. iSo fefi encouraged them thus on the

Scold, subs. Use adj., P. score of money: P. xpiyfuxcrt /ifr

P. and V. <#XatW. o^v O-IITWS 6dp(rwv avTOiJS (Thuc.
Scolding, subs. SZame P. and Y.
2, 13). Pwi dow;w to one's score :
//4u/rts, ^, ^ro'yo^ o; see blame. P, and V. ava^ptv (TI Ttvt, or n
Abuse : Ar. and P. XotSopta, ^ see ; cts Ttva) ; see impute. A score :
abuse. Eeproach : P. and V. see twenty.
6Wos, TO.
Score, v. trans. Score a point,
Scoop, v. trans. SfecweZ: Ar. and victory, etc.: P. and V. i/Z*ai>.
P. AM, % (Xen.). OMsel ; Ar. and In argument : use P. and V. Xeyetv
P. o-frfXiy, fj.

Sco Scr

Scorn, subs. Pride: P. and V. ). Met., P. and V. /ca/coV, TO,

TO, s, TI, oyfcos, 6, P. o's,
& (Dem 292), V. ftr^,
Xauxia, fj,
Y. TO, 817X17 jta, TO, /AacrTtf, 17.

7, <povi7cris, 17. Contempt: O/ a jperscw : P. and V. X-UJLLCWV, 6,

P. /caTa<poV70-i9, 17, oXiyopia, ^, oXao"TO)p, 6, V-.
Tr^/^a, TO, Xi)/x.a, TO,
vTTpo\l/ia, rj.
An object of scorn, &n7, ^; see
c^^rse. Plague : P.
a disgrace : P, and V. oVciSos, TO, and V. >, ^, vo'o^7/ia, TO, Xoi/io?,
6. T ^yeance P. and V. Tftrfc, ?)
Scorn, v. trans. Despise : P. and (P] o ), rlfjuopLcx,, 17 see vengeance. ;

V. KaTa<^povtv (ace. or gen ), Sco rge, v. trans. Ar. and P.

iv (ace. or gen.), P. aorZyow; see beat. Punish:
(gen), vTrcpopav (aco. or P. and V. KoXaf /, Tlp.(apeicrOa.i (rare
gen.), Ar. and Y. aTroTrruciv. Neglect:
in act.) see punish. ;

P. and V. a/xXtv (gen.), Trapa/i^Xco/ Scourging, subs. jBtows ; P. and

(gen.). Dishonour: P. and V. V. TrX^Tyat, at.
Scouring, subs. See off-scowing.
dishonour. Reject; P. and V. ScOUt, Subs. P. and'V. CTKOTTOS, 6
V (or mid.) ; see reject, (Thuc. 8, 100 and 103), j

to do a thing: use P. and 6, V. OTTT^P, 6, KaroTrnJp, 6,

Y. OVK d&oOv (infin.). 6, -Trpovfepa^TyTT)? oSot), 6 (Eur.,
Scornful, adj. P. and V. BJkes.).
1/07X05, P. oXiywpos, Scout, v. trans. .Zfo/#tf : P, and V.
jLi*yaXo$po>v, v^porm/cos, V. aTTtaOew (or mid,), ^rapo^elv (or
^pcov, tFTrcpfcoTros, v^Xo^pcoi/, mid.) ; see re/eck Despise : P.
yopos, o-ftvocrro/Aos, Ar. and V. and V. Kara<l>poviv (ace. or gen.),
yaupos. Scornful of : P. Ar. and V. (wrou-ricn/ see despise, ;

(gen ), oXiya>pos (gen.). disregard. Reconnoitre : P. and

Scornfully, adv. P. Kcn-a^poi^Ti/cGs,
J -'-
s, dXiyaipcos, V, Scouting, subs. P. and Y. i

Scorpion, subs. P. and V. SCOWl, SUbS. V. O^pTJOV VC^OS,

6 (jffisdh., -FVa0.) P.
Ar. d>aXay, w. TO CTUI/COTO? ^pei/tov, P. and V. TO
Scotch, v. trans. See wound. o"/aj^paj7rov ; see frown.
Scot-free, adv. P. and V. Scowl, v. intrans. Ar. and P.
P. d^ra^s, dTt^wop^TOS, V. o-KuflpOTra^civ, V. <TKv6pa.eLV. Scowl

punity, under mpimity. Let off

on: Met., P. and V.
(dat ), Ar. and P. <3tyaT/a/crti/ (dai),
<r ^ aA
SCOt-free : P. d$a>oV (Ttva) Trapte^at. P. ^oXeTrfi? <f>ept.v (ace.), V. Trc/cpois
Scoundrel, subs. P. and V. /xdurrZylas, 0^otv (ace.) ; see frown. /
o (Soph , J^r^,, also Ar.), Ar. and Scowling, adj. P. and Y. <rKu0pa>To s,
V. /cei/Tpw, 6 (Soph., Frag.), or use Y. o-ruyj/os, o-uvct><jf>pva>/Ao/o?.
adj., P. and V. TravoOpyos, KaKovp- Scramble, v. intrans. Jbsifo : Ar.
yos. <ooT^<r^at. Every man is scrambling
Scour, v. trans. Gfean : P. and V. for a front seat : Ar. r^v i*s

/c/ca$atptv, KaQaip&v J See ?rpoc8ptav Tras dvijp c&ortferac (j4(?A.

Ov^TTW^ P. /caTOTpViv, 42), J5y pushing and scrambling
Traverse: P. and V. he got round unobserved : P.
vaXerra)? /cal /AoXt? 7TpteXdu)V IXa^c

Scourge, subs. WTwjp : P. and V. (Thuc. 4, 36). Scramble up : see

V. //.ttpayva, -^ (Eur., climb.
Scr Scr

i? ry/*os, 6, Ar. and V. TO.

Scramble, Voice P. and V. </>COI/T?,

TO (rare P.) ; see voice.

P and V. Ofanimah:
P. and V.
on. P. $0cy/jia, TO, ^oyyos, 6,

y. <0oyy?7, ^, /foiy, ^ icXayyn, .

P. Shouting, din : P. and V. 0dpty3os '

6, V. ice'XexSos, 6.
Scrap, subs. Fragment see Screech, subs, and v. intrans.
TO, onrapay/x,a, TO, See
05, 6 scream.
fragment. Morsel :
(Xen.). Pece ctt Screech-owl, subs. Use owl
TO, Ar. Toynos, 6. Screen, subs. P vrpoKaXvp.^, T6,
T<. Trapa^pay/AttTa, T<X, P. and V. Vpo-
Q \ f -iijr t i _ *_

: P, (nrcppoXoyos, TO. Met., cloak : P.

scraps of gossip
TO,, TO.

Scrape, v. trans. Ar. and P. e<V. I, excuse: P. and V. ^poo^/wi,

Shave : P and V. fvpelv. Scrape TO,ir/fc0w<*
TO. Defence : P. and
away : V. Sta/xav (ace.), P. ^10.^0.0-60.1 V. 7rp^jffl|JM a TO' ; see i

(ace.) (Thuc. 4, 26). S< Screen, v. tiSs. Pw^ as a ,

livelihood t V%
and V.
(a '
etc.) :
/roni: P.l^
TIVOS or P. T\ TpoA TCVOS). fl^'de :
(rt -

Scrape, subs. Difficulty, trouble: P.andV. , Ar.

P. and V cbropi'a, 17 ; see trouble. and V. a
What a scrape I have got myself (rare P.), d/xTrevctv, ft/xTrtcr^ctv, crvvap.-
mto : Ar. ts oF c/jiavrov c/VcKuXio-a TT^tv see Mae. Defend P. and
; :

-repaypara (Thesm. 651, of. 766). V. -jrpooraTeti/ (gen.), n-porracr0ai

Scraper, subs. Sirigil. Ar. and (gen.). Protect: P. and V. <vXao--
V. <^i?KTpa, ^, Ar and P. o-TXcyyfe, o-<v; see protect. Cloak: Met.,
4 (Plat.). P. and V. STTOcrreXXccr^at, P. eV^Xu-
Scrapings, SUbs. P. KVi'oyzoyra, ra. yajo-0at, V. Trepurre'XXen/ (or mid.) ;
Filings : V. plv^fw.ra rd (Eur., t see cZoafc. (TFe saw) ifee king
himself holding his hand over his
Scratch, v. trans. P. /o/f/v. Scratch face to screen his eyes : V. Svcwcra
oneself: P.TTowwcZ ow
ia^o-^at. 8" avrov d/irftctTcov CTTHJ/CIOV
X *-P* dvre-
fo surface : P. iriT/ivetv ; see ^oi/Ttt KpaTo's (Soph., 0. C. 1650).
wound. Scratch out : see fif-ase. Screw, subs. P00 in a musical
Scratch, subs. Surface wound: P. instrument : Ar. and P. /coXXo^, 6.
; see wound. Scratching ; Screw up, v. trans Screw up a
P. icvij musical instrument : P. crrwei'i e/v,

Scream, v. intrans. P. and V.

ava^oav, KKpa-yei/oi (perf. of Scribble, v. trans.
, P. and V.
(also Ar. rare P.), ^y-
(rare P ), Ar. and Scribbler, subs. Clerk ; Ar. and
P. focLKpayciv (2nd aor. P. ypa/xfwiTeus, 6. Author : P.
Ar. and V. Opotiv, Xacr/cetv, dvrov, Xoyoirotds, 6.
V. t<o^ei.v, aueiv, avoXoXv^etv, Scribe, subs. Ar. and P. ypa^/tar^s,
6. Writer: P, Xoyorrotos, 6, Xoyo-
O/ animals : P. and V. 6.

, V. KX Wallet: Ar. 7rr;pa,

Scrip, subs.
Scream, subs. P. and V. 0*7', 17, see bag.
icpavy^, ^, oAoXijyiJ, 17 (also Ar. rare Scrivener, subs. Ar. and P.
P,), V. oXoXuyfios, 6, diJTi}, 17,

Scr Sou

Scroll, subs Book : P. and V. at : P. and V. ySXc:rti/ (fe, ace.),

V. ,
a!. a/7ro/?AeVv, (acxj. or Trpos, aec.).
Scrub) v. trans. Ar. and Scrutiniser, subs.
Sponge : P. SoKi/uacrnfc, 6.
P. oTroyyv see clean, rub.
; Scrutiny, subs. Official scrutiny :
Scrub, subs. Ar. and P. TO Sacnf P. So/ct/xao-/a, ^. jServe ifee m
(Xen.). Thicket: Ar. and V. cavalry without undergoing the
proper scrutiny: P. dSoKt/xaoros
s, 6. Brushwood : P. and V. wnraW. Examination of accounts :

5Ai7, 17
Covered with scrub, Ar. and P. i/0wa, ^. Examination:
brushwood, adj. Ar. and P.
: P. ^ao-t5, ^j ^^Tiycrts, ^, 7TtcrKc^ts,
Sao-tfs (Thuc. 4, 29), P. 77, P. and V. cr/ce^ts, 17, V. Ipewa,
(Thuc 3, 107). *
Scruple, subs. P. and 7. Scud, v. intrans. P. and V. <j!pe<r0ai,
TO. Hesitation ; P. and V. o/o/os, f<r^at (rare P.).
6. Causing scruples, adj, P. : and Scuffle, subs. Sin/e; P. and Y.
V. Athenians and 6, 5/uAAa, 17.
, Jostling : P.
the greater number bade the
generals wait because they had Scull, subs. P
and V. Kpaviov,

scruples (about going) : ol (Eur., or use

01 TC irAeious liricrxciy JjceXeuov crushed the suture of his scull : V.
orpa/njyovs IvOvjAiov TTOIOU/ACVOI (Thuc. pa<as cppi7&y ooreW (Eur., Phoen.
7, 50). Have scruples about 1159).
(doing a thing) : P. and V. Scullion, subs. Servant: P. and
(infin.), fcaTOKvciv, (infm.), V. V. Trats,
; see servant.
<70<u (part.) ; see scruple, v. Sculptor, subs. P, aya\ftaT07rotds, 6,
Scruple, v, intrans. (With infin.), dv8piavTO7roiO9, 6.
P. and V. ofcveiv, icaTOicvctv, V. Sculpture, subs. P. avSptavroTroua,
at8etcr$<u, a^cr(9ai (Bur., Heracl. rj.
Carved work : use P. and Y.
600). irotKtXfJLa, TO.

Scrupulous, Pious: P. and Sculpture, v. trans.

adj. Ar. and P.
V. vo-e#i7s. Keeping one's oath :

P. and V. euopicos. Trustworthy: Scum, subs. Foam : P. and

~ V.
P. and V. TTiOT-os see trustworthy
; (Plat., !Kw. 83D).
Exact : P. and V. aKplfir)?. Inclined P. and V. &JA.77, ^ (Plat.)"*
to hesitate : P. c^Kv^po?. weXavos, 6. ices : Ar. Tpv, ^.
Scrupulously, adv. Piously : P. Met, o/ worthless people : Ar. ,aaad
V. u<Tj8o>9. Trustworthily : P. ffcptrpiA/xa, TO,
P, Exactly ; P. and V. subs. P. and V.
Ar. and P. XotSopta, ^, P.
Scrupulousness, subs. Pta^: P. r/J see
and V, cvo-c^ta, 17. Trustworthi-
ness : P. and V. -rrurrts, TO irurrov. Scurrilous, adj. Ar, and P. ta/?o\os,
Exactness : P. d/cp^cto, ^. Hesita- aovcai/os, P. jSXaor^/*os, "V. AotSopos
tion : P. and V. &cvos, 6. Feeling (Eur., CycL), /cafcooro^os see ;

of shame : P. and V. aiS<6$,


Scrutinise, v. trans. Examine: P. Scurrilously, adv. P. 8ta)8oX6)s ; see

and V. efera^eiv, f^retv, O-KOTTW,
StcwTKOTTctv, ava^pelv, 0eao"0ai, Ar. Scurry, subs, and v.
intrans. See
and P. ai/a^Tti/; see examine.
Sewch: P. and V. V. Scurviiy, adj. P. and V.
f pan/av, P. Swpeui/av. JLoofc closely </>ai7A<i>9, ic&icai?,
Sou Sea

Scurvy, adj. P. and V. sea, v. ; P. flaXao-o-ojcpaTelv. When

KOLKOS, <at5Aos, Ar. and P. the Greeks took more readily to the

Scuttle, v. trans. A ship : P. Sea : P. eirciSrj ol "UXX^ves /xaXXov

SMLKoVretv irXotov ISa^os (Dem. 883). errXai^ov (Thuo. 1, 13). Tossed by
V. intrans. Sun
away : Ar. and the sea, adj. : V. &Xa<ro-<MrXay/cTos.
P, airo8i8pao7C/. Sea-board, subs. P. 07
Scymetar, subs. Use sword. wapa^aXatro-ia ; see Coast.

Scythe, subs. P. and Y. SpcVavov, Sea-coast, subs. See coast.

TO (Eur., Cycl. 394). Scythe- Seafarer, subs. P. and V. 6 ;

maker : Ar. Spcwavou/Fyos, 6. see sailor.

Scythed, adj. P. SpeTrav^o'pos Seafaring, adj. Ar. and Y.
(Xen.). V. vawopos. Connected with the
Sea, subs. P. and V. 0aXao-o-a, y t
sea (of a people): P. flaXacnnos
Ar. and V. TTOVTOS, 6 (used in P. in (Thuc. 1, 142j. Seafaring folk :

e.g., 6 V. cvaXios Xeais, 6, vavrt/cos Xfi(09, 6.

geographical designations
Eufeivos TToi/Tos, rarely otherwise), Sea-fight, subs. P. vavpaxta., >y.
Ar. and Y. 0X5,
V. oX/w?, $. Engage in a sea fight, v. Ar. and :

Open sea, T&igfo sea: P. and V. P. vav/x-a^eiv, P. 8iavav/xax Defeat ^

TTc'Xayos, TO. Met.,sea(o/di$w;MZiies, in a sea fight : P.
etc.) : P. and V. TpM/xwx, 17 (Plat., (aco.).
JBb%& 293A), jre'Xayos, TO (Plat., Sea-girt, adj. V. Trcptppwos (once P.
Pro*. 338A), V. *Xi5Scov, 6. O/ ifce Thuc. 4, 64), 4Xppol9os, a^LKXv
sea, adj. : P. and Y. 0aXao~<r>s, Y. SXtOTOVOS.
TTcXayws, 5Xtos (Bur., Hel. 774), Sea-going, adj. See seafaring.
Ar. and V. -srovrtos, evoXios. Iw tffo Seal, Y. trans. .Marfc, irawd P.
qpew sea ; use adj., P. and Y. and V. 7run7/za(vtv. Stamp with
wcXiyios, P. /xeTo>pos. ^Li sea, 6e a seal : Ar. and P. o-^/xataiv (or
at sea: P. tfaXcurcreiW. Met., mid.). Se seaZ ow : P. erricn^pay^
P. and V. caropelv see be at a loss,
; fccr^afc (dat.). J3eZ2? in sealing : P.
under loss. Die at sea : V. cv^Xtos o-vo-o-77ju.atvcr^at (ace.). /Sea^ wp .

<9omv (Eur., BeZ. 1066). By the Ar. and P. K.a.Ta.<rrjp.a.lvcrQa.i (ace.),

sea, adj. P. 7rapa^aXao-o*tos,
: ri- P. 7rapoi<rr]{jLa[v<j6ai, V.
tfaXacro*ios,, P. and (Eur., Frag.) (ace.),
V. TrapoXio?, ir<4paXos, dicraros (Thuc.), face ), Ar. o-^pdyiSa
V. r<KTi05, irapaKTios. Conmcmd (dat.). Sealed up : V.
the sea, v. : P. 0aXaoro~o/cpaT/. ytcr/^ecos, ^o"<^pdyto7^vos. Met.,
Commanding the sea, adj. : P. i^e Zips : P /*,<j5>paor<riv o*To/xa, V.
^oXaoro-o/cpaTcop. Gowuey by sea, etv OTO/wt, cyfcX^etv yXwo-o-ai .

v. trans. : Ar. and V. vauoroXetv, doom

seated: P. and Y. &
rav<r0Xo9i' ; see convey. Defeat at see &e undone.
sea : P. /caTavavfta^ctv (ace.). Go Seal, subs. (.imwaZ) Ar. ^w/oy, ^. :

y sea: P. and V. TrXcIv, AJ. and Die /or rapressiw^ : P. and V.

V. vaucrroXctv, vavor^Xovcr^at. Pwi cr^pdyfs, ^. Impression o/ a seaZ :
fe sea, v. intrans. P. and V.
: V. (T0payta-/>ta, TO, o^/iavrpa, Ta,
avdyo-0a,i l^oi/ayeor&u, cbraipew, P.
t OT7/xavnjptov, TO, Ar. and P. cnqpelov,
waj>ayeo-0eu, di/aycoy^v TroieicrBau,, r6 (Dem. 1035). SwaZZ sea : Ar.
dvaTrXctv, atpeiv. P^^W^ OWi to o-^payfSioi', To Break seal ; Y. .

sea, subs. : P. dvaycoy^ ij against :

(rrffJiavr^pLov 8ta^>^tpctv, Or use P.
cm eriemy : P. rai/ay<oy^, and V. Xi5ctK, Y. avlevai.
Supreme at sea, adj. P. vavKpct :
Seal-ring, subs. P. and Y.
0aXao-<ro/cpctTG>p. JBe supreme ^, Ar. and P. 8a<ri5Xtos, 6.
Sea Sea

Seam, subs. Use P. and V. pa<j>rj, repentance : P. and V.

see also scar.
r; ; ^ (Eur., Frag.) see repentance. ;

Seam, v. trans. Wound : P. and V. Seared, adj. Blunted P. and V. .

Seamed with scars : V.

Sea-room, subs. Use P.
I T. 1372). ^. Wawi o/ sea-room : P.
Seaman, subs. P. and V. 6 ;

see sailor. Of seamen, adj. : P. Sea-shore, subs. See shore.

and V. Sea-sick, adj. Be sea-sick, v. Ar. :

Seamanship, subs. Ar. and P. and P. VQMTIOLV.

vavriXia, T] P. TJ i/avri/oy, TO vav- Season, subs.
t Division of the year :
TticoV. P. and V. <Spa, 17. Convenient
Seaport, subs. P. and V. Xt/^v, 6, time : P. and V. /c<upo'?, 6, oipa, ^.
P, &riviov, TO j see harbour. Season of marriage : V.
Sear, adj. P. and Y. ^ypos, Ar. and AK^, ^. T/te /rmte o/
P. IO-XVQ'S see withered, parched.
; P. TGL wpala. In season: see
Sear, v. trans. Wither : P. and seasonably. Out of season : see
V. arxvaiVeiv (Plat.), /ccmo-;(vcu'viv unseasonably.
(Plat.) see wither, parch. Blunt: Season, v. trans.
Spice : P. ^Svvcw.
P. and V. a/jij3A,l5veiv, Accustom: P. and V. &'/; see
V. K&Ta/jL/3\.ivw. accustom. Season (wood) : use
Search, v. trans. Examine (a P. and V.
place) : P. and V. cpcuvav (Eur., Seasonable, adj. P. and V. /ccupios,
Sec. 1174), Ar, purfveiv. Every eTTtkcupo?, V. eu/catpos, aunos. Fitting:
side has been searched : V. irav P. and V. OTJ/A/Jierpos, Trperrcov,
TrAeSpov (Soph., Aj. 874). Trpoo-^Ko)!/ ;
see fitting. Mature :

P. and V. f^Teiv, epeuvav, P. and V. o>pa609.

V. e|/owav. Examine : P. and Seasonably, adv. P. cvKatpws, P.
V. ^TO^tV, O-KOTTCtV, and V. /ccupwos (Xen.), /caip$, V
Seefc /or: P. and V. /catpw, cw /caipov, ets S^ov, TW Scovri, i/

(ace.), ^Tclv (ace.), cpwav (ace.), ev KoAai, cts /caXdv, V. Trpos Katpdv>
P. fcn&p-ciy (ace.), Ar. and V. TTpOS TO KtttptOV, V SeoVTt. Iw iTlfi
(ace.), V. /xciTcvfitv (ace.), o/ tfiwe : V. ets dpTlfrcoAAov, ts
(aCO.), Fittingly : P. and V.
P. and irpeTTOvrcos,

aee.) (Plat.), Y. i KOVTOS, V. evaurtfjuas 9 see J

(aoc.) ; see track. Search before- Seasoned, adj. Of wood : P. and
hand V. irpovgcpeuvav (ace.).
: V. 7pos. Experienced : P. and
Search, subs. P. and V. ^7^0-19, ^, V. r6ios, CTTto^njMOV ;
866 60/-
TO, V. Ipevi/a, 17.
Make perienced. Our navy was at first
search for : V. Ipcwav ^v (gen.). in fine condition both as regards
In search of : ana V. KO.T&
P. the seasoned nature of the ships
(ace.). Why send you not someone and the health of the crews : P.
TO vaim/cdv ^/iwv TO /jv Trpairov
: KOLTO. fcqTqcriv ov nvd ; ^K/iafc icat TWV vcaii' T^ fyponqri KCLI
r&v ?r\7;pQ)/jtaTO)V T (ThuO.
Searcher, subs. P. ( ^ a, v. 7, 12).
fjaurnfjpt 6. Seasoning, subs. Ar. and P.
Searching, adj. Keen Ar. and P. , TO, o^ov, TO.
nmute, exact P. and V. Seat, subs. Something to sit on :

Sea/rching o/ foartf, Ar. and V. I8pa, ^ (rare P.),

Sea Sec

6 (Plat, also but rare P.). V. Second, adj. P. and V.

TO. Chair: Ar. and P. St^pos, 6. Second to, inferior to : P. and V.
Seat of state : P. and Y. 0poVos, 6. vorcpos (gen.), ya-o-w (gen.), x^pw
Seats in the theatre reserved for (gen.). Second tlioughts : V.
Senators: Ar. ewXeurT/c6V, TO. uoTtpat yi/oi/xai, Seurepat
Allot seats in a theatre : P. 0e'av 4 second time : P. and V.
Karavfaciv (Dem. 234). Front TO BevTepov see again.
In the
seat: Ar. and P. irpocSpta, 17.
second place: see secondly. At
Bench: P. and V. fidOpov, TO. second hand, speak at second
0& /or rowers : V. ^flyo, Ta, hand : V. Xcyav KXuW SXXtov (Eur.,
T<, e8o)Xta f ra. Place, HerocZ. 847; cf. also Bur., Or.

position: P. and V. I8pa, ?J. 532-533). Hear at second hand :

About the seat of the liver : P.

7Tpl rtyv TOT) ^iraros ISpav (Plat., Pers. 266), or nap dyyeXwv <?XXo>v
!flw. 67fi). Abode: Ar. and V, aKovew (Soph., 0. 72. 6). Having
ISpo, 17,
v. SvaoTpo^ij, 07, rj077,
TO. Ischander to play second fiddle:
l8a>Xia, T<; see house.
dwelling, P. *Io-;(av8pov l^cov .
Scvrepayo)- . .

Seat of worship : V. IS*;, ra (also vwm}v (Dem, 344). Second cotcsin:

Plat, but rare P.) ; see also temple. see under cowsift. Second prize :
Seat of the oracle : P. and V. P. SevrepeZa, Ta.
IJt,avTLov t TO', or pi., V. Second, v. trans. Help on: P._and
TO, or pi. V OTTV&LV 9 7TL(nrV&LV. With
Seat, v. trans. P. and V. personal object P. and V. :

Y .?ctV. tOptrCiy, cLOpuLV. Seat on (dat.),

Ar. and P. o-wc
the tivrone: P. ts TOP 0poVov 7rapaytyycr0(U (dat ), V.
(nvcfl (Plat., JSejj. 553o). (dat.) ; see foZp. /Speafc dw behalf
beside one : P. of: P. and V. crwyyopeZv (dat.),
(wo*). Seai c Ar. and P. P. o-uvayopeuctv (dat.), OT^ctTrclv
xarafcXfvav (ace.). Hold, have room (dat.
or absol.). They were incensed
/or: P. and V. (ace.)- against those of the orators who
seated: see 5^. had seconded the expedition: P.
Seated, adj. Ar. and V. XoXoroi rjarav rots <rvjJ.irpo6vfJ.ri&cl(ri
(rare P.). Seated on a car: V. TO)V ^TyTOpWV TOV CKTrXoUV (ThUC.
&rt aTnJnys Seated on a
c/x-ySc^Sefe. 8, 1). The sailors sang a hymn to
colt: V. Mr* second the prayeis of the maiden ;

Sea-tossed, adj. V.flL V. VCLVTCLI 8*

eTn/v^iJfi^o'av efy(<uonv
Sea-urchin, subs. P. /copies Tratava (Bur., I. T. 1403).
6 (Plat.). Second , subs. See moment.
Sea-washed, adj. See sea-girt. Secondary, adj. Subordinate: P.
Sea-water, subs. P. and V. and V. -n-CLpepyo?, V. SevTcpos.
(Treat) as secondary: P. and V.
Sea-weed, subs. P. ev Trap^pyw (Trotetor^at, or rtBecrOai)
Sea-worthy, adj. P. (ace.),V. Trapepyor 7roier0ai (Eur.,
Secede, v. intrans. P. and V. ^Z. 63). ^.ZZ gZsg ^a^ a woman
may suffer is secondary : V. Ta
Secession, subs. P. da-oWo-is, 17. P.W yap aXXa Sfvrep av irdoypi yvnq
Seclude, v. trans. See shut out, (Bur., ^[Tid. 372). Secondary to:
hide. P. V. -Jcro-cov
^forepo? Trpos (aCC.),
Secluded, adj. P. and V. (gen.), or use prep., $mo-0e(v)
see desolate. Second best: P. and V.
Seclusion, subs. P. and V.
Sec Sec

Seconder, subs. P 6 (nn/ewrajv; see Secular, adj. P. and Y.

also helper. (rare P.). As opposed to tepo's,

Secondly, adv P. and V. sacred, use Ar. and P. oo-tos.

TO Sevrcpov, ctra, iTretra. Secure, v. trans. Bender safe : P.
Second-rate, adj See inferior. ftefiaiovv. Secure for oneself P .

Unworthy : P. and Y. ava^tos. fi/3aiovo-0ai. Strengthen : P. Kpa-

Secrecy, subs. Use P. and Y. Tvveiv.
Occupy : P. and V. KOLTZXCLV,
To KpwTov.
Silence : P. and Y. Ar. and P. KaToA^ujSave/v. Fix:
P. and V. Trriyvwai. Fasten P. .

Secret, subs. Ar. and P. uVo and V. icX-pciv, cruyfcX^cti ; see

TO, or pi., P. and V. TO fasten. Make fast : see bind.
(Eur,, 1. A. 1140), Y. dp Make firm : P. and V. ^wrcSow
Mystery : P. and V. S/cf^Ta, T<. (Plat, but rare P.). Obtain: P.
J3e in /ifi secrei, v. P. and Y. : and Y. icrao-^at, KaraKrao-Bat,, Xa/r-
crwi86>cu. It was no secret : P.
owe ^v d<avf7 (Dem. 231). <r0ai see
; obtain. Secy/re as
Secret, adj. Not to be divulged: helper: P. and Y. 7r/ooo-Xa^/3cvcii/.
P. and Y. apples, aTro'ppijTOS. Secure something for a person :

Jfoi to &e meddled with :P. and P. and Y. Trap^v (n Ttvi)

V. &cfv7?Tos (Plat.). Clandestine : (TI rtvt), Tre/owroieii/
P. and V. fcpv7rros, Q^OI^S, Xa0patos, Secure a person an
Kpv<j>alo$ (Plat.), V. /cpi)^>to5, CTKOTIOS; opportunity : P. e^ovcrtai/ Ttvt ?rapa-
see stealthy. Keep secret ; P. and o-Keua^eiv. T/ws serwce secured you
V. o-Zyav (aco.), o-iMrai> (acc.), V. the victory over the JEginetans :
Sjao-iuwrSv (acc.). In secret : see P. -^ eucpyecrta avr7 7rapO-xi/ . . .

secretly. v/x,tv AtytKiyrciiv cirLKpaTrjcrw (Thuc.

Secretary, subs. Ar. and P. 1, 41). Secure the independence
of the rest: P. TWV aXXwv /xcTeX&tv T-^V
Secrete, v. trans. P. and V. /cp IXtuBcptav (Thuc. 1, 124). Trusting
see /wcfo. to the hopLites on deck to secure

Secretive, adj. Beticent ; P. them the victory : P. TncrrevovTcs

(Xen.). Silent : V. Tots 7rt TOV /caTao-rpaJ/^aTOS OTrXtVats
(Thuc. 1, 49). Hamng ek T^v vtic^v
Secretiveness, subs. Silence: P. secured the opening of the gates
and V. o-ty7, 17, orD7n}, 17. long before : P. c* TroXXoC T&cpa-
Secretly, adv. P. and Y. X<L6pa, irtvKOTes ify avoi&v r&v irv\&v
\a0pai<os (rare P ), P. d^avws, (Thuc. 4, 67).
/cpv^a, Ar. and P. fcp^S^v, V. Secure, adj. P. and V. pi/Saw,
/cpiJ^ (also Xen.), /cpu^auos, /cpujSSa. ao-<aX7fc. Ft ee from risk: P.
I /*^ w?^ secretly annoyed : P. Kiv8wos. Safe: P. and Y. erGs.
^877X0)5 fo^ * (Thuc. 1, 92). Trustworthy : P. and Y. -Trio-re's,
Sect, subs. P. crvaraorts, ^. Faction :
P. and V. oraVw, 17. T^e 5ec^ o/, butrare but
^cpcyyuos (Thuc.
i/ie followers of: use P. ol d/i^t rare free /row /ear; V.
(acc.). JBeZowgf <o ifee sect of : use !KT?XOS. Strong (of places) : P.
P. and V. ^poyctv ra (gen.). and V. oxfyxte, P. exupos, KapTpds;
Sectarian, adj. Factious ; P. ora- see strona. Firm : V.

Section, subs. Par* : P. and Y.

/ApOS, TO, ftOtptt, 97,
P. fJLOplOV, TO.
W* Ojf : P. rfjajpa, TO,
Sec See

Security, subs. Safety : P. and V. Seditious, adj.
crwrqpuL) acr<a\ta, 17. Protection:
Be seditious, v. : P.
P. and V. <i5Xcu4 ^. Ptotya : P.
and V. TTIOTLS, ^, TrioToi/, TO*, or pi., Seditiously, adv. P.
V. TrtoTdi/wiTa, TCL. Crwe security Seditiousness, subs. P. and V.
or pledge : P. and V. SiSoVat, ww . Contentiousness : P.
Desire for revolution :
SiSovat. Bail: P. and V. , ^.

see &cwZ.
; Something ,

mortgaged : Ar. and P. a/xfy>ov, TO, Seduce, Corrupt : P. and

v. trans

OTjftjSoXov, TO, P. inro6rJKrj, Give -fj,

V. &a<0i'piv. JBnfte : P.
security, v. : Ar. and P. eyywurOai, SeKafciv, Ar. and P. TruOeiv, avcwm-
P. KaTtyyvao-OcLi. Give security 6v ;
see 6ri6e. Twrw away /rom
for a person : P. (ace.),
eyywao-flai allegiance. Ar. and P. ac^io-T^vat,
6\yyuav (ace.). Sew as security : P. Take away by
P. /careyyuav, Ar. and P. V^\}pa.^iv stealth P. uTroXa^amv. I/ ^4fiy

(or mid.). Leaving the pay still should endeavour by more pay to
due as security P. : seduce the mercenaries among your
sailors : P. d xpy/^Mw /xto-^S
(Thuc. 8, 45). Gfee as security /jict^ovt TTCtp^vro v/AWi' vrroXajSctv
for a mortgage, v. : P. wroriOwai. Ttuv vavTtov (Thuc. 1, 143).

Hostage : see hostage. One who P. and V. Trapdfyciv,

gives security for another: Ar. see deceive. Debauch:
and P. eyyvijTrjs, 6. Oft P. and V. &o^0apciv Xo>acr0iu, P. 9

security : use adj., P. ,v, V. ato-^vetv, StoXXiJvau

Sedan, subs. P. ^opclov, TO. I came Seducer, subs. P. 8ta</>6opevs, 6, V.

home in a sedan P. :

?X0ov ouca'Se (Dem. 1263). Seduction, subs. P. and V.

Sedate, adj. P. and V. 17.
Enticement : P.
^o-u^atos, P. ^Wxios P. see enticement.
and V. atSotos, P. Seductive, adj. P.
Dignified : P. and V. see charming. ;

Sedately, adv. Quietly: P. and Seductively, adv. P. see

V. (rare P.). Modest-
ly : P. Seductiveness, subs. P. and V.
P. and V. Xtipts, fj , see charm.
Sedateness, subs. Quiet: Ar. and Sedulous, adj. P. <iXoVovo9, faXfpyos,
P. -jjorijxia, T;. : P. and V. TToXvrrovos. Zealous : P. and V.
V. at&os, Dignity : P. and V. alos (Soph., Frag.), w
o-c/AVo'rtys, if,
TO <rfw6v. P. and V.
Sedentary, adj. P. iS/xxio? (Plat.). (Plat.), Ar. yXto-Y/Dos, V.
Sedge, subs. JKwsfe ; Ar. and P. Continuous : P. .

KtiXajMs, 6, Ar. and V. So'vaf, 6, Ar. Sedulously, adv. P.

O7(o/os, 5 or 17. Zealously: P. and V.
Sediment, subs. P. ?rpo^i5/xajs, P. orrrovStuws.
(Plat.). O/ ^me
; Ar. servingly : V.
Sedition, subs. Rebellion : P. Sedulousness, subs. P.
dTTo'aroo-ts, 17, P. and V. P. and V.
V .Facfoon P. and V. or&rts,
P. Practice :
6. -Bfivofoifo'OTO : P. Ar, and P.
6. Political stir P. See, v. trans. P. and V. 6pav (or
mid. in V.), e<opav, /caflopav (or

mid. in V.), vpocropav (Plat.), V. Seek, v. trans. Search for : P. and |

tcropav (or mid.) (rare P.). Behold : V. fTjTctv (ace.), cpewav (aoc.), V.
P. and V. o-KOTTcIv, 0eao-0ai, ^cwpciv, epewav (aco.). Seek for : P. and
vs V. TrpocrXcvo-o-eLV, TrpocrSep- V. jULTpx(r&at (aco.), ^vfrcLv (ace.),
i, to-SepKeo-0ai, Ar. and V. epcwav (acc.), ]P. ejriZijTelv (aCC.),
Xeuo-crcLv, Scpfcco-ftu, siroTrrevew ; see Ar. and V. }L0rJKciv (acc.),
Zoofc. Perceive ; P. and V. yiyvw- (aCC.), V, jULaCTTVlV (aCC ),
CTKCLV, lAavO&Vfiv, aur&dvGcrQai (aCC. Xw (aoc.), p,eroix<rQai (acc.).
or gen.), rata-0avcr0ai (acc. or a/ier, seeA; to 0e ; P. and V.
gen.), P, KCLTafJia.vOdiveLv 9 V. Ka.T<Licr6- (acc.), fjiTpxcrOa.L (acc.),
Eeflect : P. and V. tr/coTrctv, (aco.), V. ftypa^ (or mid.) ; see also
^povT^cw/, voeu/(ormid.) s
, desire. Track ; P. and V, Ixycfav
(or mid.). AbsoL, fra-ye (Plat.) ;
see ^rocfc. Have recourse
5 : Ar. and V. /3Amv, P. and to : P. and V. rp&rcvQcu, Trpos (acc.),
V. 6pav. See about, attend to : P. or ts (acc.). With infin., P. and
and V. Oepaireueiv (acc.), Ar. and P. V. Ztfreiv, V. parfvew, /wwrrfivctv.
OTi/iAeo-flai (gen.), P. and V. 5e eagrer (with infin.) : P, and V.
<poi/rtv" (gen.), K^Secr^at (gen.), o*7reu8iv, OTrouSafetv, irpo^v^tcto-^at;
(gen.). See after : see see under eager. i%ey mZZ come
about. See at a glance : P. seeking a union that may not be
pav. See /rom a distance : V. Sought: V. rjovo-L ^pcvovres ov

fopav,also an aor., l^owrtSetv (Soph., Oypaorfaovs ya/xous (JSsch., P. 7.

0. 0. 1648). See (a person or 858). m
thing) : Ar. and P. wopav (TL nvi Seeker subs. P. 77-^, 6, V.
or /
Ttvi). See ojf : P. and V.
Seeking, subs. See search. Zi is
Met., understand. See to : * see not of my seeking : P. ofl /xot ^Qov-
attend to. See to it that : P. and Xo/xevo) am.
V. <pojm'iv OTTO)? (aor. subj, or Seem, v. intrans. P. and V.
fut. indie.), P. lirifieXea-Oai OTTCOS <cuvo-0ai. As opposed to reality :

(aor. subj. or fut. indie.), Trpao-o-ctv P. and V. 6Wtv. Seem io (with

OTTOS (aor. subj. or fut. indie.) ; see infin.) : Ar. and V. eowca/ai. -4s i*
mind. See to it that we die nobly : seems: P. and V. o>s fowce. li
V. AA.X" O7r(i)5 QoivovjjLeOa KoXXurra, seems good (to) : P. and V. 8o*t
(Bur., 7. 37. 321). (absol. or dat.). It seems good to
See, interj. Ar. and V. t8ou ; see me also P. and V. owSofcct /u>t.

Seeming, subs. P. and V. TO SOKCIV.

Seed, subs. P. and V. To all seeming : see seemingly.
Met., offspring: V. orrcp/wL, TO, Seeming, adj. P. and V. 8o/cwv.
<r7rop(, ^ ; see offspring. Generative Pretended : P, Trpoo-TroMyTos.
seed : P. and V. <r7rep/*a, TO (Plat.), Seemingly, adv. P. and V. <J>s
V. OTTO/CXX, ^. Origin: P. and V. IOIKC. As opposed to truly : P.

and V. Si}0v.
iS 3 TT / w /
Jr, and V. oTTTfip/xa, TO. Seemliness, subs. P. and V.
race : P. and V. yo>os, TO, V. CVKOCrfJLLCL, 7j,
^, cnropd y see race.
9 ; TO Trpocr^KOV, Ar. and P. Kocr/j.u6r^^
Seedling, subs. PZawtf; P. and 7. 17, P. v<rxyiJio<rvvri, ij.
Comeliness :
<^UToV, TO. P. and V. c&tioptfa 1 (Plat.), P.

Seed-time, subs. P. oWpos, 6 cvTrpeTreto, 77 ; see comeliness.

(Plat.), V. cnropd, 7?, Sporo?, 6.
Seemly, adv. P. and Y. V7rpe7nfr,
Seeing, conj. Seeing that : see since. TTpeTreov, 7rpocr^KO)v, Ar.
See Sel

and P. TTpcTTtoSiys, V. ^rei/ccSs, Trpo-

P. and V. Trpoo-^oX^, ?},

creiKcSs, (rv/jLTTpeinris. Orderly: P. ?J, aim'X^t/us, ^. JRight

and V. /cd<7/jLtos, CUKOOT-IOS. Comely: of seizure in war . P. <79Xat, at, or
P. aad V. a>7rpe7nfo cfi87$s (Plat.), cri/Xa, T<.
V. eu/Lop<os, Ar. and V. Seldom, adv. P. and V.
see comely
See visible. Select, v. trans. P. and V.
Seen, adj.
Seer, subs. P. and V. /zavrw, 6 see (or mid.), aipeio-Oai,
/cpA/ctv, Ar. and P. 1/cXcyew/ (or
Seer-craft, subs. P. and V. mid.), foroXeyciv (or mid.), V.
see P. eTrtXeycor^at. jE7Zec{ to
y ; prophecy. jcpfi/ew,

Seethe, v trans. P. and V. fi/rciv q$c<3 : P. and V. atpctortfcu, Ar. and

(Bur., Cycl.). Y. intrans. P. and P. ^pOTOVlV.
V. ,. Select, adj. P. and V. I/expires,
V. Kptrd?, Xcicrd?, P
Segment, subs. P. T^/IO, T cfcuperos,
Seize, v. trans. P. and V. eicXeKTds, d-TroXcKTOS. Sfiteci
P. and V. XoyaScs, oL
V. <ru/i/JtapTTetv (Bur., Selection,
subs. P. and V.
Ar. and V. onjXXa/ijSai/etv,
6/cXoyiJ, 97. 17,
Selection to office :
Garry off: P.and V.
x tP OTOI/t/a P.
7- Selection> by
lot : P. and V,

avapTra^ctv, V. e(avap- Self, pron

P. and V. avro's.
; see carr# ojf. Tafce oneself: P. and V. avrbsicaff ,

P. oaro ravrofJidrov.
o/: P. and V. Of itself:
Xa/A/3cEvcr0ai (gen.), Come to oneself: V. ev auro>
vtcrOai (gen.), 5.TTTcrOai (gen.), ytyvccr^ai; see recover. Consider
avOcurrea-Qai (gen.), l<cHrreo-0ai (gen.), each point by itself: P. l/caaroK
Ar. and V. X^uo-^at (ace.), V. !$" lauTou (r/coTrcTv (Dem. 370).
(gen.). Arrest, appre- Self-abasement,
subs. Shame : P.
hend:' P. and V.
w (Lys.). a place, Self-command, subs. See seZ/-
Ar and P. control.
-' - "
for payment: P. Self-complacency, e
P. XOLWOTI??, ^ (Plat.).
subs. Vanity :
property : Ar. TO, Self-complacent, adj. 7airo: Ar.
(Nub. 241). and P. awos (Plat.J.
a pledge : V. pv<ruciv (ace.). Self-conceit, subs. P.
Met., grasp (meaning 9 etc.) : P. (Plat.) see conceit. ;

and V. &roXa/u<Wv (rare V.), P. Self-confidence, subs. P. and V.

KaroXap.^dvLV9 see grasp. Of 0pao-os, TO ; see boldness
desire seizing a person: P. and Self-confident,, adj. U P. and V.
V. cfjaciTTTtw (dat.). Of disease see bold.
seizing a person : P. and V. Self-confldently, adv. Ar. and P.
(gen.), dvOdrrretrOai (gen.), 0pacreco9 ; 866 boldly,
jLfr7Ti7rTiV (dat.), CTTlXfl/AOttVCll' (&GC.)
Self-oonscious, adj. Shy : P. and
/ / -I

V. aESoZos.
Seizure, subs. Carrying off: P. Self-consciousness, subs. P. and
and V. dpjrayij, 17, or pi. V. a[8<fc, Tj.
Arrest : Self-contained, adj. Self-sufficient :
P. see arrest. Dis- P. and V. crurapjcjfc.
traint : P. i/p(vpa<rta, ij. Attack Self-COntrol, Subs. P. c'y/cpareia, ^.
Sel Sen

Self-controlled, adj. P. Self-seeking, adj. P.

Self-defence, subs. ^ Kill in ^self- Self-seeking, subs. P. TrA
defence ; P. d7TOKTtl/tV a/XWO/iO/OS Self-sown, adj. Y.
(Dem. 636). (^Esch., Frag.).
Self-denial, subs. Ar. and P. Self-SUificienCy, Subs. P. aflrap/cewi,
^ C

orci><poo-uvi7, P. and V. TO o-oi^pov,

1 -

Self-sufficient, adj. P. and Y.

Self-detected, adj. V. awd^wpos.
Self-evident, ad]. J. self-evident Self-summoned, adj. V.
proposition : P. dfwo/xa, TO (Aris- Self-will, subs. P. av0a6w, ^ Ar.
totle). and V. aufldSta, 17, V.
Self-importance, subs. P. and Y. Ttt.

Self-willed, adj. P. and V. c

Self-important, adj. P. and Y. V. auro^ouXos.

Sell, v. trans. Ar. and P. ,

Self-imposed, P. and Y.
adj. (aor., Ar. and P. ajroSoo-flai, perf.,
IKOUO-IOS, a-u0aipTos see voluntary.
; P. ir7rpa.Kevcu pass, also P. TriTTpa-

Self-indulgence, subs. P. and V. o-/c0-0ai, aor.,P. and V. -rrpa^vai,

perf., P. and Y. 7rrpaor0<u), Ar. and

d/cpareta, Y. 7repvai/ai, (found in pres. part.
* ircpva? (Eur., 02/cZ. 271), 3rd sing.
Self-indulgent, adj. Ar. and P. pres. pass. Trepvarai (Ar., jE/g. 176).)
Tpi5<pds. Intemperate : P. and Traffic in : Ar. and V. l/x-TroXai/,
V. (jfcoXooros, Ar. and P. d/cpa-nys; aw/z3roXav, Sic/xwoXai/, V. 6Sav (Eur,,
see miemperafe. .Be self-indulgent,
v. : P. and Y. Tpi5<av, Ar. and V. Seller, 'subs. 'P. irpcmyp,' 6. In
xXi8ai/, V. xXfea'. use TrdJX^s, e.g., per-
compounds :

Self-inflicted, adj. Self-inflicted fume seller : P. /AvpoTraiX^s, 6.

death : V. ouroxetp cr^ayij, ^ ; see Selling, subs. P. and V. irpacris, ^
suicide. (Soph., Frag.).
Selfish, adj. P. TrXeoveKTiKo's. Per- Semblance, subs. Appearance as.

sonal, private: P. and V. ouccibff, 2oW opposed to reality : P. and V.

JFor seZjfofe ends ; P. 81* l&a KepSiy. V. TO.
D 4 "~
8o/o?cri$, 17, SoKi?/x,a,

Selfishly, adv. P. Trtaovc/cTwcois. P. and V. <r^7jfjLa 9 TO, TO.

Selfishness, subs. P. TrXeovc&'a, 17*.

Under semblance of: P.
Selfish act : P. TrXeovc/cr^/wi, TO. <ao- (gen.). Image : P. and Y.
P. and V. CLKCOV, ^j see image, appeo/rance.
Self-opiniationed, adj.
avOlfys. Be self-opiniated, v. :
Seminary, subs. Use school.
P. au0a6Yeo-6X a7ra^a^0"^at. Senate, subs. P. and V. j&>vX?J, rj-
Self-possessed, adj. P. cVrpcxife. Senate house : P. and V. /JovXeun}-
Self-reliance, subs. P. and V. ptov, TO. Spartan senate : P. and
flp&ros, TO; see boldness. V. ypovo"ta, 07. Resolution of the
Self-reliant, adj. P. and Y. tfp&rik ;
senate : P. Trpo^ovXev/^a, TO.
see bold. Senator, subs. Ar. and P.
Self-respect, subs. Modesty: P. 6. Be a
senator, v. : P.
and V. a&fc, 17.
Seats in the theatre reserved for
Self-restraint, subs. P. senators : Ar. /JovXrurwcoV, TO.
Senatorial, adj. P. /SovXeuruco's.
Self-satisfied, adj. self-corn- See Send, v. trans. P. and Y. wcjuwmv,
plaoent. cwrooreXXciv, Y. orcXXeiv, taXXetv,,

Self-seeker, SUbs. P. TrXeove/enys, 6. ',

Ar. and Y. to/at. Hwrt ;

Sen Sen

P. and V. jftoAXetv, piWew, Sender, subs. V. TTO/WTOS, 6. Sender

see TmrZ. Send across : Ar. anc of blessings V. iro/x-iros
: TWV . . .

P. StaTTCjUTrcti/, TTtpaiovv. Senc icrtfAfiK (^Bsch., Ghoe. 147).

Sending subs. P. and V. m/jary, fj,


P. ircW/rett' (rt ,

away: P. and V. P. ireful/is, fj. At the sending of

Ar. and P. &roire/re6v. Dismiss Eurystheus ; V. *Evpuor0G>s jrop.Tralo-L
P. and V. a<Ia/at; see dismiss (Eur., JET. i? .
Send away in secret: P. and V Seneschal, subs. Use P. and V.
Send along the coast .
P. iacfc : Ar Senile, adj. P. and V, yc/xuos.
and P. Send before. Senility, subs. P. and V. y^
see send tn advance. Send for . TO.
Ar. and P. (acc.) ; Senior, adj. P. and V.
P. and V. /iTa7T/Mriv (aco.) (Thuc senior, v P. : and V.
4, 30 ;6, 88 ; 7, 42, but rare P.) :
Seniority, subs. Use P. and V.
V. 7re/i,7recr0cu (ace.), orcAActv (ace.), Bights of seniority: TO irpcr/3viv.
<rreAAea-0ai, (aoc.). /Stewd someone use P. and V. -Trpco-^etov, TO, or pi.
for : V. 7T/wreo-0a6 rtva (CTT)?, aoo.). Sensation, subs. Perception: P.
/or from (a place) : V. and V. alcrOrjcrts, 17, V. olxrdtjpa^ TO.
K7Tju-7riv (ace.), IfeW/jNrecr&u, (ace.). Feeling : P. ira^os, TO, ira^/xa, TO.
Sewd /or reinforcements : P. Object of wonder: P. and V.
7rt/jteTaTT/jwrear0aL (absol.). 0avpa TO. Astonishment : P. and

/or#i : see serccZ ow. .fewitf : V. IjcTrA/tyfiSj

P. ^, Bavfia, TO.
and V. avlcvai, avafttSovai (Eur., Sensational, adj. Extraordinary:
Frag.), a<tevcu, P. and V. tfav/taoro's, Sctvds; see
V. extraordinary.
Send in: P. and V. Sense, subs. Perception : P. and
n addition: P. V. 9, V. a.i<r6rjp,a TO, P. t

j. The senses : P.
P. and V. , at. Good sense : P. and
P. wpoa7r07r/u,7Ttv. V.
answer or exchange : P. see wisdom.
v\ ;
Understanding :
and V. dvrwr/t>wrtv. ^7Z^ owi : P. P. and V. vodff, 6, yv^rfy %, o-wecris,
and V. cwr/A?rtv, aTroorr^AAetv ; see ^, Ar. and P. &&ota, ^, Ar. and V.
sew^ aw;a^. SewcZ out (ow aw <>pi7T/, 17, or pi. (rare P.). person A
expedition) : use also V, of sense : use sensible, adj. flave
Send over : Ar and P. sense: P. and V. vov e^iv.
P. TrepwrejLwmv.
Meaning : P. and V. 6Mi/a/u$, 17
rowid P.
(Soph., 0. R. 938), P.
to : P. and Y. 17. a certain
wj? : Ar. and P. sense, v. P.:
(also of sending up country). one's
vn-oXa.p,fiav&.v (ace.).
Throw up : P. and V. ct senses, faint : P. , V.
&va$l6vai (Eur., Frag.) ; see TrpoXcwreiv ; see /a
/ortt. Sfi^wZ WjDOn; P. t-nwr P. and V. !rrao-0ai,
irapa<f>poviv ;
(ri nvi). Send with : P. and V. see under wa& Owi o/ owe's
(TV/XTTC/ATTCLV (riVOt TtVl), P, CTUI/aTTO- use P. $K<f>pw, P. and
areXAeiv SflTldZ W0rd V.
(TAI/II Tivt). t see wad,
send a message: P. and V. w- Irc senses : use adj., P, and
-4wwozmo5 : P. and V. Y. V. <^pevo;/W7s,
see (mnownce. but rare P.).
(also Plat,
Be in one's senses, v. : P. and V. (Thuc. P. and V.
<f>pOVelv, CV <pOVlV, P. KTOS OLVTOV
ctvcu (Dem. 913) ; see be sane, under
sane. Come to one's senses, v. :
Sensitiveness, sub

P. and V. Iwous ytyvccr&cLL.

Senseless, adj. Dull P. and V.

cr/auo's, a^is, P.
Foolish (of persons or adj Of the
: P. and V. Sexual,
pleasures at TOU
: Jr.
things) /xci
io<s (Bur , CfycZ. 537), AriSww, Self-indulgent: Ar. and P
s, &p.a.Qrj<5 9 Ar and P. avoyros, V. <x/?po'5. Intemperate : i
s, V. Kj/o<pa)v. Of persons: V. oKoXaoro9, Ar. and P.
P. and V. Svovs, d<po>v, V. KULK ; V. /iapyos see wanton.
Become senseless, faint : P. Sensualist, subs. Use adj., Ar. anu '/
lf/V)(LV, V. TTpoXeiTTCCV J S66 faint. P. Tpv<epos. Be a sensualist, v, :

Senselessly, adv. P. and V. P. and V. Tp\*l>a.v ; see wcuiton.

d^>p6Va>s, P. ^Xi0)9j / (Xen.), Sensuality, subs. Self-wdulgence :

Ar. and P. 01/01770)5, V. P. and V.

(Plat ). Intemperance : P. d/coXacr/a,
Senselessness, subs. P. and V. 17, d/cpareia, ^, V. //.apyorqs, ^.
TFa7iio?iwess P. and V. v^pt9, ^ ;

17, a/3ov\La, 17, aowcam, 17 see wantonness.

(Eur., i*Va0.), P. a^Arcpttt, ^, Sensually, adv. Intemperately : P.
^Xt^tOTTys, 17, einqOeia, ^, V. tvrjdta, ^, d/coXacrrcos, d/cparcos.
Ar. and V. Sv<rj3ov\ia, 17. Sensuous, adj. Affecting the senses
Sensibility, subs. P. like a spell : V. K^XiyTiypios, 0XKnJ-
TTCL^OS, TO, TTtt^/Jta, TO. Qt6*C&?Z0SS pt09.
io perceive P. cbaur&qaria, %
Sentence, subs. Grammatically :
Sensible, adj. 7?& one's senses P. P. prjfw, r6. Legal decision: P.
V. /JL^>p(OV, fiVT/OVS, V. <^plA)Jp^5, and V. /cp&rts, 7), P. Stayvcoo-ts, ^,
pw(also Plat, but rare P.). StaKprts, ^ ; see decision. Con-
sensible, v. : P. and Y. <l>povclv, demnation : P. /caTdyvcoo-is,
<f>povcw see Sentence of death : V. ^< :

P. and V. (^Bsch., 2%e6. 198). Sentence of

s, Ar. and condemnation : P. ^ KaBaipova-cL
P. ^poVt/x^s. Of things: P. and i^5<jf>os (Lys. 133). Pass sentence :
V. o-w<pa>v, I/-paN', Ar. and P. P. and V.
<j&poVtfto5. JSfi sensible, v. : P. and
V. o-ox^povetv. Be sensible of : see P. StaStfca^etv. Pass sentence
perceive. Noticeable : use P. against : see condemn.
Sentence,v, trans. Condemn: P.
Sensibly, adv. P. and V. and V. KarayiyvoWctv (gen.), P.
Ar. and P. <^poyf/>i>9, P. /caraKptvciv (gen.), Kara^^t^cr^ai
5, V. (gen.) ;
see condemn.
Sententious, adj. Use P. and V.,
Sensitive, adj. P. <r//os, Ar.
tender : Ar. and P. Sententiousl, ady. Use P. and V
cwroXo's..eMMj area sententiously : P.
to the grief they each felt at their ore//.voXoyto"^cu, V. ve/wofwOeiv*
domestic losses : P. oV ^-epl r^t Sententiousness, subs. P. and V.
fieowrros i}Xyi afJL/3\vrpoi. vj&rj TO
758 4:8
Sen Ser

P. and V. , Met., of a

see hurl. Sen Opinion : P. and voice : use P. and V. /?apos.

' Sepulchre, subs. Tomb: Ar. and
against : P. Word : P. and V. P. crij/ia, rd, P. and V. ra<o9, 6,
Send away & word. Pity : P. and Ar. and V. Tu'//,j8os, 6, x^M a T <> (^are i

Ar. and P. &,os, 6. P.) ; see tomb.

P. and V. adj. Soft, tender: Sepulture, subs.
P. and V. r<&os,
Send awas?. /xaXa/cos. Ar. and V. 6, ra.<f>ij, rj, V. fcarao-fca^at, ai see ;

Full of pity : P. and
P. irap.oiKTLpjjw>v (Plat ), Ar. and P. Sequel, subs. P. and V.
and,/3xav. Amatory : P. cpcon/cos. f) 9 T\OS, TO, T TO. ,

seeinel, subs. P. and Y. qbtfAo, 6, Besult : P, TO Saropaivov j see

Afcpovpos, 6. Stand sentinel, v. :

Ar. and P. Sequence, subs. Succession : P, and


Sentry, subs. See sentinel. V. 8ta8oxT?, 17- In sequence : P.

Separable, adj. P.xwpicrrds (Aristotle). and V. e^fjs, e^c^J}?.

Separate, v. trans. P. and V. Sequestered, adj. P. and V. pi5/*os ;

see lonely.
811- Sequestrate, v. trans. Confiscate:
Frag.) 9 SwiAafiy&ivciv, Sicupav,
(Eur., Frag.), Ar. and P.
iv (Plat.), 8t.cunrav, V. (Xen^P
(1st aor. of voor<ieo-0cu), Sequestration, subs. Confiscation :

Serene, adj. P. and V. ^oSJxo?,

Separate off: P. d^op^eo-ftu.
Distinguish : P. and V. Stopgap, iTpe/wfc. Of weather P. :

Kptvew, Ar. and P. Sia/cpfveiv. 50 (Xen.), V. yaXrjvos, vtfvfjLO<s,

separated, be apart : P. Sicxciv, P. Ar. and V. viyvc/xos. Free from
and V. crtrexe>. V. intrans. 6r0 care V. IKT/AOS.
different ways: P. and V. x<>pieo-0ai, Serenely, adv. P. and V.
a$L<rra<r0CLi, 8iMrrao-0cu, Ar. and P. r}o~iSx(i)S (rare P.)
see gitieth |

8wwcpfi/eo~0<u. W%fi7i we separated Serenity, subs. Ar, and P.


P. I?rt8^ aTTtyAAay^/jLev (Dem. 1169). rj

see calm. ;

Break up (of a meeting, etc.) : P. Serf, subs. P. 6fa 6, P. and V.

and V. 8iaA.ffeo-0<u (Eur., I. 4. 495). TTCVCOTTJS, 6 see slave. Be a serf, ;

.Forfc (o/ a road, sic.) P. and V.. v P. and V. Q^r^iv. Put up


(rxt&o-flai. Separate from : P. and with the living of a serf : V. Qrjcro-cLv


V. tyitrravdai (gen.), V. TpOtTTC^CXV dlV0*OU> (EUT.. ^L&C. 2).

0-0CU (gen.) (Eur., 5T. J 7
1375"). Serfdom, subs. See slavery.
Separate, adj. P. Seriatim, adj. Each pomt by itself :

Different: P. and V.' P. Kaff cicacrra. In order : P. and

Private : P. and V. owccto?, ?8w>s!
Separately, adv. P. and V. > Series, subs. Succession : P. and
Prwately : P. and V. V. 8ict8ox9, 17. 'Sow : P. <rrtxos, 6.
iiseZ/; P. Koff I/caoT-ov.
In a series : use adv., P. and V.
Separation, subs. Separating: P.
and V. 8upo-is, ^, P. 6. Serious, adj. Earnest : P. and V.
Parting : P. and " V. (nrouSalos (Soph., Frag.), Ivrovos,
Breaking up : P. CTWTOVOS ; see also eager. Be
September, subs. P. o. serious, v. ; P. and V. <nrou8oiv.
Sepulchral, adj. P. V. Important : P. 8t<<opo?. Of looks :

Ser Ser

P. and V. (re//,vo's. Look serious: P. and V.

V. o-e/jwdv ft\TTLv. Terrible : P. , 17,
V. (also Xen. but
and V. 8vos Dangerous : P. rare P.), 5e a servant^
7riKii/Swos. Difficult to deal with : v. see serve. :

P. and V. &ropos, S/x^avo? (rare Serve, v. trans. Wait on : P. and

P.), Ar. and P. XaXro'<?. Of a V. vvrypereLV (dat.), StoL/covctv (dat ),
wound P. and V. fcatpios (Xen.)
\arpevfLV (dat.) (IsOC.), ^epaTrevctv
Heavy, severe : P. and V. /fttpifc. (aco.), V. TrpooTroXctv (dat.). ^Be a
Seriously, adv. P. cnrovSaaos, i/TdVa>s, sZa-ue io P. and Y. SouXcuetv (dat.),

a-wToi/tos; see eagerly. To speak Orfreveaf (dat.)./Serve tffee ^ods ; P.

not seriously but in jest : P. cwretv and V. Xarpeijciv (dat.), P. fapa-
ov o^rouSa^cov dXXa irattpv. Terribly: ireuiv (aoo.) see worship. ; Help,
P. and V. Setvws. Dangerously : assist : P. and V. w^eXctv (aoc. or
P. and V. ejrtKtvStvws. Be seriously dat.), eirtofaXeLV (ace.),
wounded P. woXXa TpauAiart0"0ai
(dat.), *7n7pT/ (dat), c

(Thuc. 4, 12), He took the war (dat.), vwovpyelv see (dat.) ;

seriously : P. OVK eic Trapcpyov TOV Benefit P. and Y. eucpyerctv, eu


7rO\jU,OV CTTOtCtTO (ThUC. 7, 27). Trotctv, v Spav ; see benefit. Minister t

Seriousness, subs. Earnestness :

supply : P. and V. n-apex*"' (or
P. and V. arrou&y, ^. Gravity, mid.), 7ropiav (or mid.) ; see supply.
importance : P. and V. fteyc^os, TO'. Treat: P. and Y. xper0ai (dat.).
Terribleness : P. oWoViy?, ^. O/ Bepay P. and Y. tfjxCfteorOat,
Zoo&s ; P. and Y. TO o-e/jt,voV. aixcvecr dvra/jtth/co-^at, Ar. and Y.
Sermon, subs. Instruction: P. ai. Serve at table : see
8t8a^, ^ ; see instruction. Exhor- serve -

Serving his own illegal

tation: P. 7rapaK\ucn$, ^; see e?us : P. T^ ICWJTOV irapavop,ia
w (Lys. 122). /Serve w
Serpent, subs. P. and Y. Ax. and P.
(Plat.), 0fe, 17 (Plat, also Ar.), Ar. Serve n turn : Y.
and V. SpuKGov, 6, tpTrerov, TO, P. (dat.). Absolutely, 6e a servant:
fys, 6 (Plat.), V. 8p<f*ca/a, ^. P. and V. bmypercti/, Siaicovctv.
Changed into a serpent : use Y. J5e a sZave ; P. and V. SovXeuciv,
^Tcvcty. Serve in the army : P.
Serpentine, adj, V. and V. (rrporevW (or mid.). eri;e

Serrated, adj. P. TrptoKomfe (Aristotle). in a jwry : Ar. and P.

Serried, adj. P. and V. o-uir Be enough : P. and V.
Ar. and P. TrapaTeray/Ao/o?. c^dp/cctv; see suffice. Serve as an
ing : P. and V. -rruievcfe, a example : P. and Y. -rrapeiSay/Aa
Servant, subs. P. and Y. lxtv. JSwZs serve as aw example
o f ot/cenys, 6, Stuicovo*, 6, V. to the good : V. T yap /caica Trapa-
6 or 17, OIKO;?, o, Ar. and P. Sciy/Aa TO& foQXolw ty& (Bur., . . .

o (pi., also V. Oepaires, ot), JS7Z. 1084). Serve for, do instead of :

6. V. TrpoWoXos, 6 or ^, 6?rao)v, 6,
P. and V. dvrf TIVOS ctvac (Thuo.
oTraSos, 6 or fj, Ar. and Y. TrpoTroXos, 2, 3). ^erve OM^, measure out : P.
6 or 17, Ar. d/A<^3?7roXos, 6 or 77. and V. /xerpctv, P. Sta/Aerpeiv, V.
Slave: P. and Y. SovXos, 6, Ar. K/Aerpetv (or mid.) (also Xen. but
and V, S/ioSs, 6. Servant who rare P.). Eequite: P. and V.
attends on boys: P. and Y.
TraiSaycoyos, o. Mai^-5ervaro* : P. Ar. and Y. foTaptipto-dai ; see also
and V. vmypCTis, ^, P. Oepdirawa, 7), punish. Serve to, contribute to:
@pa7rawL<s, ^, V. oticerts, 17, P. and V. <rufi)6aXXe<r0ai, (ets, aoc.,

Ser Set

Y. gen.). Help towcwds a residt: but rare P.), Ar. and P.

P. vpo^epeiv (ck, ace.). Serve up : P. SouXo-TrpeTnjs, avSpaTroSoiSiys, V.
Ar. and P. wapaTT0/<u, V. TTporWevai SovXtos. Flattering : P. KoXaKcuruco's.
J5aS5 : P. avcXeu^cpos.
(also Ar. in mid.).
Service, subs. P. SIKOVI, 17, Ar. Servilely, adv. P. av6>a7ro8oi8a>s.
and P. ftrwco-Mi, 17, P. and V. Servility, subs. Slavery : P. and
^ flcpcwreia, Y. SouXcto, ^. Flattery: P. and

.F. 633),
(Eur., SV. 0co7reia, 17, P. KoXaiceta, 17.
P. avXu0pi'a, ^.
TO, Y. Xarpeu/jiaTa, Ta, J5a56?lfi5S :
8ouXeu/ia, TO. Benefit, favour : P. Serving-man, subs. See servant.
X<fyfc, ^, u^eXaa, ty P. vpyc<ria, 17, Serving-woman, subs. See maid
V/)y7T7/ji,a, TO, vTTOvpy^/Aa, TO, Ar.
and V. (o^eXq/wx, TO, V. -uirovpyta, Servitor, subs. Ar. and P.
17. Worship o/ J/&6 0otfs : P. 0pa-
Servitude, subs. P. and V.
Overseer of the religious services see slavery. :
17 ;

P. TJjs TTpOS TO US 0OV$ CTTt/icXeWLSSesame, subs. Ar. and P.

. . .

wpooraTT?? (Dem. 618). EHual: r6 (Xen.).

P. and Y. TcXenJ, fj, or pi., TeXos, Session, subs. Meeting : P. <

TO, or pi. Use, employment : P. TO ; see sitting. Be in session : P.

and Y. xP e "*> V- Duty, function :

P. and V. Ipyov, xp*"1 V (Dem. Set, subs. Faction, clique: P. and

TO, !

319), V. XP*OS T > TeXos, TO.

J ^s V. o-Tciorts, 17. Arrangement : P.
the future or the present that and Y. Tats, ij. Number : P. and
requires the services of a counsellor: Y. Sp60/ios, 6. Class: P. and Y.
P. TO /^eXXov 77 T& irapbv r)s TOV yej/05, TO, cTSos,
TO. Set (of sun) :
CTVIJiSoVAiOV TOLcLV CtTTtttTCl (Dem. *. and V. 8&rts, 77, Svcrpai, al see ;

292). .Be & aw^ owa's sfirwe : use Set back, failure: P.
P. and V. 7rpoX tpos cTvat (dat.). TO ; see failure. Set off:
Secure the services of a person: P. use adj., P. dvTa^tos; see
and V. xprj<r0a,i (TLVL). Service in sating, under cowpe?a$ajte, v.
the army : P. crrpaTcia, 17, Ar. and Set, adj. Stationary: P.
P. oTpemo, ^. jSs oy aw age for Fixed, appointed : P. and V.
service : P. cv TW ^XtKta elvau 7rpoKtitvos .Resolute : and Y. P
Foreign service: IfoSos l/cS^/^os, 17 Kaprepos, V. ef/wrcSos. J5e 56^ OW ;
(TllUC. 2, 10), e/COW/AOt (TTpQ/rt&OLt* OLL P. and Y. irpoGvpetcrOat, (infin.),
(Thuc. 1, 15). Evasion of service : (nrovSci^ctv (in&n.) ; see 6e eager,
Ar. and P. aorpaTcta, ^. Evading under ea^er. /Sei speech: P.
service, or exempt from it: Ar. o-uvcx^ 5 p^"t5> ^7 ; see also Aayaw^wfi,
and P. cwrrpaTwo5. Fit for service On se ier??js : P. and V. rt p^Tots.
(of ships) : P. wXaii/Aos. In O/ set pwrpose : see ow purpose,
service (of ships) : P. & under purpose.
Serviceable, adj. P. andY._ Set, v. trans. P. and V. rWcvat,,
crvfJL^opos, 7rpocr<opos, 7rt- lo-rdvai. Make to sit : P. and Y.
Ar. and P. <&<eXt/jios,
v, Ar. and Y. c&qkcX^o'M/.os. Appoint: P. and V. Kafavrdvai
Serviceably, adj. P. and Y. TT/
' ' (or mid.), Tao*o"tv, Trpocnracro-ctv
P. iflw/ doww : P. and
(Zi?7iij5s, efc.)
V. 6p6^iv. jPia; ; P. and V.
Servile, adj. P. and Y. TryyviWt. Sei (as a task) : P. and

(Plat, but rare P.), SorfXcios (Plat. V. irporWevcu (TI rwi),

Set Set

(ri TLVL), irpocrracnrfiii/ (TL TLVL), (P. ts, aoo., V. aoe., gen. or dat.),
(TL TLVL), CTriySaAAetv (rt c-jriftaiveLv (gen.), V. cyrcpflaivciY
(aco., gen. or dat.), Ipfiarcvew (ace.
P. /TtW (Plat., Prot. or gen.). S0 /orife : P. and V.
326s) . Words set to music: P. n-poTWcva.u Narrate : P. and V.
o/ievos (Plat., Eep. 398D). $Lcpxecr6a.i, iTrcfcpxeo-^at; see narrate;
Set (in a particular direction) : v. intrans. see setf owt.
: e m,
use gwde. I set you in the track begin, v. intrans.: P. and V.
that is best : V. es TO A.WOTOV apx<r6a.L; see &00MJ. Se^ ojf, oe
ixyos (Eur., H. F 856). equivalent to : P. dvra^o? elmt
an example : P. 7rapa8eiy/x.a (gen.) ; see also balance. Adorn: P,
and V. Koo-fjiciv see adorra / v.

desire. To obtain that on which intrans. : see set out. Set on, urge
you hcwe set your hearts : P. against anyone : P. and V. tylcvai (TL
TLVL), V. 7rtcrttv (rt TLVL), P. eVwre/Airctv
6, 9). Be set on (a thing) : see (rt Ttvt) ; see also enoourage,
desire. V. intrans. Of the sun : launch against. Put on: P. and
P. and V. 8tW, 8tfecr0ai (Plat., V. e^iarravai. Sei ow ^re : see
Pol. 269A), V. <0ft/u/. Become e^ ow foot : P. and V.
fixed : P. and V. irqywo-OaL. Set ; see institute. Begin :
about : P. and V. aVrecrftu (gen.), P. and V. apxctv (gen.) see begin. ;

ey)(LpLv (dat.), eTrtxetpetv (dat.), Set on table: Ar. and P. Trapa-

alpecrOcu. (ace.), avatpeicr&u (ace.) ; rt^ei/at, V. wpoTt^ci/at (also Ar. in
see undertake. Set against, plant mid.). S0 owi, expose, put out :
against : P. and V. -TrpocrjSoXXcn/ (TL P. and V. irporWwajL ; v. intrans. :
Miztofe one agamst another : StCM't: P. and V.6p/*av, 6p/ua<r&u, a<^o-
P. and V. di/TtTciWcH' (TIVO^ TLVI, or PJJLOLV, a<t>opfJLOLO-QaL, ^fop/jcav, cfop/ui-
Tti/a irpdff Ttva). Met, make hostile : cr^at, aTTOt/ociV, V. crreAAco-^at, 5wo-
P /CTroX/Ati/. owe f Amgr iw ^e
Ste <^aL ; see siari. Se over : P.

balance against another: P. dvrtrao- and V. tyLCTTwaL (TLVO. TLVL). Set right:
<r<rOa.L (TLTLVL, OTTL Trpdsrt), P. and V. see correct Sei rowno3 : P. 7Tpt-
Set sail : P. and V.
P and V. a7roXa//,j8ami/ (Eur., Or. ciavayecr^at, aTratpciv, P.
451) ; see set aside, separate. Set ayfcr^at ;
see under 3#& fi>^^

aside : P. x^P^ T$ "0 at /&fi

fashion of, be the first to
&LV. Except : P. and V. introduce : P. and V. apxctv (gen.).
see also re/eci, disregard. Set
at defiance : see defy. Set at of fighting : P. K.o.BL<rrr\ cts

naught : P. and V. ^Xelv (gen.), TOV arparoV (Thuc. 2, 75).

Trapa/AcXcty (gen.), /cara/tAfXe?^ (gen.),
P. irapopav (ace.), Iv o^So't Xoyu V. S/ACJCS 7rp^5 %pyw Travrcs tecrav
iroLeLcrOcLi (aCC.), V. 8t" ovSo'o? X pa5 (Eur., M. 799). Se* to
7nHt<70ai (aco.), a/oyS*^ (gen.) ; see worfc; P. and V. Ipyov
disregard. Set before : P, and V. (Thuc. 1, 49); see also
7rpoTt$evai. Se^ on JaZ>Z0: Ar. and Every mem set to work: V,
P. 7rapart0<n/ac. Sfii ^OWW .* Ar, avrjp <TXV irovov (Eur., I. T. 309).
and P. /caTa^SoXXctv. Sfii down They set to and fought : P. icara-

(to anyone's account) : P. and V. orarw axovro (Thuc. 1, 49).

&va<f>pCLV (TL TLVL, or TI cfe rtva) ; see P. and V. tor^vat,
impute. Set eyes on : see behold. opOowv (rare P.): (a
Set foot on : P, and V. fyfiaivtw trophy) P. and V. urravat, ivwrravai.
Set Set

(Temple, altar, P. and V.

etc.) : Reduce to order by force of arms :
iSptfeiv (or mid.), V. Ka0i8pfW0<u. P. and V. KaTacrrptfavGai. Settle
Set up in a place : P. and V. (an accotmt), pay : P. 8taA.TJ/.
Iy/ca0icrr(iv<u (ri rtvi), Y. Iy/ca0i8ptiv V. intrans. Become settled : Ar.
(rt 27&e# are
TIVI). 8ttfn0r wp a and P. Ka0taTacr0at. Establish
brazen statue to Philip : P. $tXwnrov oneself: P. and V.
XaXicow forao-i (Dem. 425). Be
set up (of a statue) : P. dvaKr0ai. Settle in a place : P.
Appoint (as a government, etc.) :
(mid.) (absol.). 2%e disease settled
P. and V. ica0wrravai ; see appoint. on the stomach ryv : P. 19 voo-os ct?
Set up in a place: P. and Y. KapStav lonjp^c (Thuo. 2, 49).
iyKaOurrdvai (TI TIVI). Help to set 2%e ^powon o/ hatred settling on
up P. and Y. (nryKa^wrroi/at (ace.).
: the heart: V. Svo-^paiv 105 KapSiav
Bring forward :> P. and V. 7rpo<n7ju,vos (JBsch., -4.0. 834). O/
0ei/<u; see infoodMce. Set a 6ird or insect, etc. : P. l&w, Ar.
shout: V. Kpavyrjv wrrivai and Y. !<r0cu. Settle on: P.
Or. 1529), K/oavyV Ti0ei/ai Vieiv (dat.), Y. Trpocrt^avctv (Trpo's,
Or. 1510), P. Kpavyp xprjo-Qai aoo.), wpocrtfeiv (dat.), Ar. ^^<r0at
2, 4). Sei wp as, pretend to be : (dat.). fM o ^e bottom, subside:
Ar, and P. nyHxnroietcr&u (infin.). ]?. tai/iv, ?^<r0at. Met., come io
Sei up in (business) : P. KaTooxcua- aw agreement : P. and V. onj^otvctv,
o-0ai (with aco. o/ the business). <rwriWor0ou. li is Sfi^Zfid : V. ^Cpapc.
Set upon : P. and V. 7rpo<r/?<XA,i,v I have settled, resolved : P. and Y.
(ace. and dat.) ; see sei on.
Attack : see attack. : use settle. Grow calm :

Setting, subs. MetaZ swrottwdi^ P. and Y. ^crv^afctv. Greece was

a stone w
a rmg : P. and Y. still subject to migrations and
<r<t>v8awj, 17.
Environment: use colonisations so that it was unable
P. TO, 7T/oton-a. Setting of the sum,: to settle down and increase ; P.
P. and Y. Mo-is, ^, Svtr/wu, at. T\ "EXXas CTI /iTavwrraT($ re Kal
Settle, v. trans. Establish : P. and O)OT p,ff IJQrWVpL&CL&QL
Y. Katfwrravoi, icrravat ; see establish. (Thuc. 1, 12). They
Plant, make to dwell : P. and Y. to ; P. a state of war
Karaaravrcs CTroXe/Aow (Thuo. 2, 1).
(a person) in a place : P. Settle on : see under settle. Agree
and Y. lyjcatfiorcivai (rtva rtvt). upon ; P. and V. trwrtOea-Qai (ace.).
es, eic.); P. and V. Settle ivith, agree with ; P. and Y.
j OLKl^CtV, KTI^CIV S66 crwr/i0(r0tu (dat.). Pay off: P.
Confirm: P. and Y. 8iaXvv (aoc.) (Dem. 866). It is
wwri)povi/,"P. and V. fapaiow; natural to suppose that he settled
see confirm. Bring to an end : P. with Aphobus in the presence of
and V. TraiW, o-epcuWi/; see end. these same witnesses ; P. et/cos . . .

Decide determine : P. and V. TOVTOV . . . TWV avro>i

Siayfyvoocriceiv ; see dtecide. Se^Ze mpovrwv SiaXv<racr0ai -irpo*

(differences) : P. and Y. e5 or (Dem. 869, of. also 987).
icoXcos rWevai (or mid.), P. Ave<r0<u, Settled, ad]. Ar. and P. Ka6
icaTaTt0<r0at,, Ar. and P. see also calm.
/caToA,ii(r0cu, SeWZe (matters) to Settlement, subs. Establishment of
one's liking : V. rWevai Kara yv&^v a colony (etc.) : P. .
KTri$, ?;,
And. 737). Pwtf iw
~w. -- Colowu ;
(Eur., or^fer : OLKicris, w, icarotfctcrts,
' -
AT. and P. SiarWevat,, P. P. and Y. Settlement of
Set Sex
citizens abroad : P. ^o ifeeir several cities : P.
rj. Sojourn in a foreign crav ... d>5 IKCWTTOC Kara
land :" P. and Y. ^croucfa, %. (Thuc. 1, 89). f

Setting in order : P. Severally, adv. Use P. *a0

17. Settlement (of disputes, Severance, subs. Cutting : P. and
P. SiaAwis, 17. Of debts : V. TO/JL>J, y. Parting : P. and V.
StaX-uo-ts, w.Subjugation by force ava.XXa.yq, 17. Sepa/ratwn : P.
of arms :P, /caTao-rpo^, 17. Agree- ^copwr/jLos,
Breaking off : P. and
ment : P. and V. V.
o-uv0>}K(u5 at, P. ojuoAoyia, Severe,
, adj. P. and V.
17. Confirmation: P. jSej&ucuo-ts, o-KA-iypos,
T7- Ar. and P. x^-^^; 8e
Settler, subs. Colonist : Ar. and P. Tafce severe measivres
dforoiieos, 6 Or 17, ^rot/cos, 6 or r;, P. against : P. vecSrepoi/ Ti Trotetv (t5,
oLKT/rwp, 6 ; see also inhabitant. aco.) ; see violent. Of looks P. :

Fellow settler: P. crwowcos, 6. and V. orio;0pa)7ros, V. onryi/os.

Settler in a foreign cowntry : P. Solemn : P. and V.
and V. //.CTOIKOS, 6 or 17. Coloniser : Stubbornly contested : P.
P. oi/ewmfc, 6, Ar. and V. Krwrnop, tcrx^po?. Of natural phenomena :

6. J5fi a settler in a foreign use P. and V. jneyas. Of weather :

covwtry, v. : P. and V. /XCTOIKCIF. Ar. and P. x^^^. -4 56^ere
Athenian recepient of land abroad : season : P. x01 ^^
<Sp a (Plat.,
P. /cX^poOxos, 6. Pro*. 344D). Hiird io bear: P.
Seven, adj. P. and V. iTn-dE. With and Y. owe ave/crds, P. d^dpTyros, V,
seven gates: V. &rrcijn5A.os. With S^crotoTO?, &ucr<opos, a^epro?; see
seven mouths or openings : Y. intolerable. Terrible: P. and Y,
7rraoro/jios. 2%e $017671 openings in Grievous: P. and Y.
the walls : V. see grievous.
at. ,4 host led by seven specimen : Severed, adj. Cto oj^ : V. To/wito?.
V. ordAos 7nrd!Aoyxos 6. Severed at the neck : Ar. and Y.
times, adv.: Ar. and P.
TPta/z, stfuew towers, adj. : V. Severely, adv. Harshly: P. and
eirrcwrvpyos. Severa ^ears oM : Ar. Y. TrtKpo)?, P.
and P. hrrenjs. (rxerAta)?, Ar. and P.
Seventh, adj. P. and V. !/38o/>s. Terribly: P. and V.
Seventy, adj. P. P. and Y. ore^o)?. Much :
Sever, v. trans. P, and V. and Y. 7roA& Exceedingly :
Separate: P. and V. P. and Y. o-^o'SpS, Ar and Y.
see separate. Break /capra(rareP.). Be severely wounded:
off: Ar. and P. SioXtW, P. and V. P. TToAAa Tpav/AaTi^co-^at (Thuo.
Cwtf: P. and V. rcpvctv, 4, 12).
see ow*. Owi o/: P. Severity, subs. P. and V. Trljc
and V. Te/ivcfcv, Ar. and P. P.
re/jivctv, V. 0/w'v, airafj&v. Severing
Y. Terribleness : P.
the neck from the body : V.
(Eur., Bacch. Sew, v. irrans. Ar. and P. pa7rrv.
241).. Divide ; P. and V. P. trvppairrew. Sew Up
severed from: a wound : P. pdwrreiv.
P. and V. <rraorftu (gen.). Sewing, subs. P. pa^, ^.
Several, adj. P. Sex, subs. P. 7&o, TO, Ar. </>9
oAcyoc TO (Xen.). The male sex : P, and
Sex Sha

V. 01 apo-cvcs, TO apo-ev. The female Shade, v. trans. Overshadow : P.

sex : P. and V. TO tfiJXu, P, and V. crvcrKia^^LV, P. l7rio7coTU>

<uorts, ^ V. 0i}Xvs cnropa, rj, TO (dat.), V. o-Ktoiv, CT/COTOW (pass.

$7X1; yaw O/ /&0 w&fe sex, adj. : used in Plat.). (TFe saw) ^e king
P. and V. ap<rqv. Of the female himself holdmg his hand before
sex : P. and V. 0>}Xus, V. ^XucrTropos his face to shade his eyes : ava/cra
Crre&i w your glory if you do not S* avrbv 6/jtfiaTa>i> ITTLO-KLOV
fall below the standard of your avrexovra. /cparos (Soph., 0. C.
sex : P. Tijs .
VTrapxowrqs <-u0-0)S
. .
py x t 0<rt yVcr0ai
'p v/uv ftcyaXi? ^ Shaded, adj. See shady. Shaded
8o'a (Thuc. 2, 45). Sparing V.
neither age nor sex: see Time. 1052)
7,29. Shading, adj. Overshadowing : Ar.
Sexual, adj. Sexual intercourse : and V. KaTaovctos, V.
P. crvvovarla, f], d<po8torta, Ta.
Shabbily, adv. P. and V. <au'Xo>s, Shadow, subs. P. and V. ovcta, ^.
ica/cGs, P. JUOX&7P&S. Met., of one reduced to a shadow :
Shabbiness, subs. O/ appearance : V. o-Kta, 17, etScoXov, TO. TF0 ofeZ mew
P. ^a-uXoriys, ^, V.- SuaxXaivta, 17. cure nought but sound and shape and

O/ conduct : P. and V. creep about like shadows of a

Ku/c/7, 17, Ar. and P. dream : V. yepovTcs
Shabby, adj. P. a aXXo irX^v i/ro<j()09

Ka/co's, Ar. and P. ftox^iypos. Of 8* epirofAGv jU,t/A?y/jtaTa ur , Frag.).

conduct : P. and V. Ka/cos, Jot, tittle : see /ok
shadows, v. : P.
Shackle; subs. P. and V. 7^817, ^ ; Shadow forth, v. trans,
see/eiier. P. cr/ctaypa<^tv. Portend: P. and
Shackle, v. trans. Ar. and P. V. <atvtv, cnrj/jiawew See portend. ',

cnyjOToSigctv, P. and V. Shadowing, adj. See overshadowing.

ireSav (Plat
but rare P.), iroSc'&tv (Soph., Frag., Shadowy, adj. dim P. :

and Xen.) see bind.

Hinder V. P. and V.
P. and V. e/x,?ro8teiJ>, e/roSa>v Empty : P. and V.
clvat (dat.). Spectral: Ar. and P.
Shade, subs. P. and V. owa, ^. Shadowy spectres P. :

Darkness, gloom P. and V. :

<f>avrdarfjLara (Plat.). Dark:
oveoYos, 6 or TO; P. and V. crKOTetvos t j OVCOTCO^S ;
see darkness. 1

, .

Cohering : P. o-Teyao-//^, TO.see darfc. Phan-

7a{/we, ill-defined : P.
tom : P. and V. <jUo-/jWL, TO, etScoXov, and V. &m<ifc, $fyXos, V. io-^^os ;
TO, tK(OV, 19, ^ai^TCWTjUUX, TO, V. 0"/CtflL, see obscure.
^7, 01/^15, 17, 8o/ayort9 t jf%^ shades, Shady, adj.
P. <rvW<os (Plat,),
the under-world : P. and V. ot 67rt<TKtOS (Plat.), V. KCLTaOTCtOS, S7TO-
/C^TW, ot KdtTco^cj', V. ot Wprepot, ot cr/ctos (^Bsch., Frag.), Ar. and V.

zvepTpoL, ot /caTo, x^ovo? see dead- 8a<mo?.

; Darfc feaues : Ar. w&
The land of shades: P. and V. and V.
6. In the shade, adj. : P. Shaft, subs. SAa/i of a spear : Ar.
s, V. Kardo-KLO? ; see 5- and V. /ctf/xaf 6 or ^, P. pa^So?, 17 ,

Throw into the shade, eclipse, (Xen.).c Shaft of a carriage : P.

met., P. and V. forcp^epetv (gen.), pv/xo9, o (Hdi) ; seejpote. Weapon:
wpouxetv (gen.) ; see surpass. P. and V. fc'Xos, TO" (rare P.) ; see
Bring down, humble: P. and V. dart. Arrow : P. and V.
TO, otoros, 6 (rare P.),
Sha Sha

(rare P.), V. los, o, arpafcros, TO. JS/iT-

TTcpov, TO ; see arrow. P. and V. 7rpo'<a<ns, ?;,

Shaggy, adj. Ar. and P. ^. Forgery : P, TrAaar/xa,

Scurtfs, V. SCLO-KIOS, eiJ0pi, TO.

(JSsch., Frag.). With shaggy Sham, v. trans. Fezgw ; Ar. and P.

oeard : Ar.
shaggy V. Saoru'crrepvos. Shamble, v. intrans.
breast: Use V.
Become shaggy, v. Ar. :

Shake, v. trans. P. and V. Shame, subs. P. and V.

Ar. and V. TM/a<rcreiv, V. aicrxivr], ^, P. Ka-nj^cta, ^ (Thuc.
P. Stacreutv. Brwidish : P. and 7, 75). Disgrace: P. and V.
V. cra'civ, avacrci'etv, Ar. and V. &n/tt'a, ^ Sucr/cXeta, ^ (Thuc. and
/cpa8aiviv, Tivdo-crtiv, V. Plat.), aSofta, ^, ovctSos, TO, ata^i5v^,
ST&afee ewe's fofld : ^, V. atcrxos, ro'. jPe^Z S^a?7W : P.
Ar. and P. avavevtw. Affect, and V. arxiWr0<u see be asha/med, ;

overcome: P. and V. vlxai/, P. under ashamed. Feel shame be-

KaraKXav. Shake a person's re- fore: P. and V. atStt<r0<u (ace.),
solution : use Ar. and P. airorpeictiv
TWO.; see dissuade. Upset: P. (aOC.), Ar. ,and V.
and V. avaTpeirew ; see wps^. 2%<3 (aco.). Put
shame see shame,
trtdent that shakes ihe earth : V. v. Think it a shame : P. Sen oy
yyj<sTwaKreipa rpCawa ^. Shake 7roito-0<u, Ar. and P. Seu^ -rotctv.
down: P. /caTao-ciW. Shake in It is a shame : P. and V.
front of one : P. and V. Tr O*Ti.

o/: lit., Ar. and P. &ro- Shame, v. trans. P. and V.

(Xen.), V. a7rortva<ro"tv ;
see throw. Met., Ar and P. Shame-faced, adj. Modest : P.
(Plat., Gorg. 484=A), P. and V. atSows (Plat.), P.
and V. a7ro/3aXXeiv, e/e^aAXciv. (Xen.). Ashamed : V.
Shake out : Ar. eico-ciW (in pass.).
' '
V. intrans. P. and V. Shame-facedly, ad\ . P.
Tremble : P. and V. a.l8rjfjLQv<as (Xen.).
<ptcro"iv 5 see o^uafce, Shame-facedness, subs. P. and
Shaking, adj. Ar. and V. Tpo^cpo?. V.
Shaking, subs. Trembling; P. and Shameful, adj. Disgraceful : P.
V. rpoVos, 6. Shaking with cold : and V. ato-xpos,
P. pfyos, ro ; see quakwig. ava^io9. Unseemly : V.
Shaky, adj. Weak: P. and V. atK^s. Ignominious P. and V. :

feet/cos, ^Tt/itos, V. ^s (also

Shallop, subs See boat. Xen.). Unbecoming P. and V.
Shallow, adj. P. and V. o* dorx^cov, V.
Shallow-brained: see foolish. Shamefully, adv. P. and V.
Shallowness, subs. Shallowness P. en-oi/et-

of mind : P. /3paxyrrjs yi/oi/x^, ^. P. and

Shallows, subs. P. /3pax*a, ra, V. KOCKOJ5, , V. V(T-

rcvayos, TO.
Sham, adj. Pretended:?. Shameless, adj. P. and V.
P. and V. -TrXaoro's V.
9, Ar. and P. Shamelessly, adv. P. and V.
Sham, subs. Pretence: P. and V. co?, P.
Sha Sha

v. : Ar. and P. (mother a share of) : P.

(nvL Tt, or Ttvt TM/OS). Share by
Shamelessness, subs. P. and V. lot: V. StaXayx^tv (acc.) (also
oVaiScia, ^, /3pis, ^, Opdcros, TO, Ar. Xen.). Take a share in : P. and
and P. avaLcr^yvrCa, y. Y. Koivcovciv (gen.), Kowovo-Oai (aco.
Shank, subs. Dse leg. or gen.), ^rc^iV) (g erL /A-
Shanty, subs. P. and V. O-KT/VT}, 4 XcijLi/Jovav (gen ), crvjjLfjiTe)(Lv (gen.
P. KXicrlov, TO. also Plat, absol. but rare P.),
K.aX.v/3r), i),
P. and V. or Y.
Shape, subs. etSos, TO, o-Wpeo-flai (acc. gen.),
fSca, ^, /Aop<^, TI (Plat), oxccrfe, tf, cru^/iCTtb^ctv ; see also aid. Share
TO, (frvonfe,
another's feelings : P. o-vfwracrxco/
^ T&TOS, o, V.
p.opffxDp.a, TO. Appearance : P. (absol.) ; see sympathise.
and V. 6ty, 17, V. wpdo-oi/ris, ^. Sharer, subs. P. and V. /HV<OVO'S,
Phantom : P. and V. ^ao-/xa, TO', 6 or fj. Fellow-worker : P. and
<avrao>a, TO (Plat.) ; see phantom. V. o-wepyds, 6 or ^, o~uXXi7wra>p, 6,
Shape, v. trans. .Mould : P. and Y. (rwepydrr)*, 6, fem., o-i5i/pyaTts, ^,
V. 3rXoO-0'lV, P. TWJTOVV (Plat.).
P. o-wayovtor-n}?, 6 ; see partner.
Contrive : P. and V. /wyxai/ao-ftu, Sharing, subs. Receiving a share :
Txvao-0tu, TKTOLi/eo-0<u ; see cowirwjfi. P. /tcToX^i/ris, ^. Giving a share :
S/iajpe (with a chisel) : Ar. TVKLCLV. P. /jiercBoorts, 17 (Xen.).
Shape (the mwd); P. and V. Sharing in, adj. P. and V. /xc'roxos
TTcuSeueiv ; see instruct. (gen.).
Shapeless, adj. P. fyu>p<os. Jfyrm- Sharp, adj. P. and
For cutting :*'"
Z055 . P. Ao^fumoros. V. To/,05 (Plat.), V.
Shapeliness, subs. P. and V.
cvjwp&a, y (Plat.) ; see beauty. Ar. and V. <5fc,
Shapely, adj. Y. fyiop0os; see in; (o/ taste) : P. and Y.
beautiful. Ar. and P. Spl/xi}?, P. 6u<?.
Shard, subs. See sherd. 'pain : Ar. and P. oovi/wpo?, Y.
Share, subs. P. and V. /*epo$, TO', 8to>Svvos. Bitter (of words, etc*) :
jLLOlpO, If,
P. fLOptOV, TO, V. A-O^OS, P. and V. TTWcpos, V. rctfiry/ACVO?.
TO'. Partnership: P. and V. Of sight: Ar. and P. offc. Of
Koivomo, 17,
Ar. and P. ^Tovo-ia, fj.
wits Ar. and P. o"5s, P. and Y.

Have an equal share in, v. : P. SpI/i-iSs (Plat,

and Eur., Cycl), see
c^er. Of sound: P. and Y.
?. and Y. ov o-ol oftfs, Y. Xiyfc (also Plat, but rare

(gen.). Without a share in adj.: P. t P.), op0ios, Trticpds, StctTopos, Ar. and
and Y. P. O,KOI-
fyioipos (gen.) (Plat.), Y. ifTreprovos. Quick : P. and V.
vaivTpros V. a/i/iopos
(gen.) Ta^iSs; see qmck.
(Plat.), Getting 'more f

(gen). Take your share of our than one s share : P. TrXcovcicn/cds.

trouble m
twrn : V. dimXafov /ecu. Sharpen, v. trans. Whet : Ar. and
W&TSy4>i(Eur.,Or.452). 4sfc P. &KQVO.V (Xen.), Ar. and V.
for a share in : Ar. and P. peramiv fliyyeiv. Poini ; Y. ^aTroftWv
(acc. or absol.). Take a share in (Eur., CycZ.). Aggravate: P.
(by way of assisting) : P. and V. and V. TTapoftJvctv, Y. ogtvcw ; see
crvXXafM/3dvLV (gen.) , crup irpd<ro'iv
(acc.), V. a-vp,Troviv (dat.) ;
see Sharpened, adj. Use Y. ^KTO*?,
sAare, v. Te^i^y/AO'os, owT0iry/Ai/os see sharp* ;

Share, v. trans. Gwe a

share in: Sharper, subs. P, -TrXeovcKT^?, 6.
P. and Y. ^eraSftdvcu P.""and
(gen.). Sharply, adv. Painfully:
Share a thing with another (gwe Y. P.
cpo)s. JEemly:
Sha She

Bitterly : P. and V. P. and V. aT

Loudty : P. and V. pfya, (gen.), Always just shaving past
V. TopGs. Cleverly : P. 6fc'ws ; see in their ships : P. lv xp? act
cleverly. Angrily: P. and V. TrapaTrXcovres (Thnc. 2, 84). ilave
oY opyijs; see angrily. Qwckly ^ narrow shave : see narrow escape*
P. 6eW Trickily: P. under narrow.
TIKUS. Shaven, adj. See shaved, under
Sharpness, subs. P.
Bitterness: P. and V. Shaver, subs. P. K ovpcu$, 6.
77. Anger : P. and V. 6py^, see Shavings, subs. Ar. ^op^-os, 6.

awgfer. Of sight or wits P. Shawl, subs. Use cloak.

TJ. Over-sharpness Sheaf, subs. P. o>iy/i,a, TO (Xen.).
fj. Of sownd
: P. Shear, v. trans. P. and V. Kctpciv,
Sharp-practice : P. re/jveiv; see also shorn. Shear
(sheep) : Ar. ircKrctv. Met. 9>/Zeece :
Sharp-practice, subs. P. Ar. ireKTeiv. You have shorn of
Piece o/ sharp-practice : P. your hair V.
KO>XS farMpio-as

(1st aor. of dTroflcp^iv (Eur., JBfeZ.

Sharp-sighted, adj. Ar. and P. 1188). A
lock of shorn hair : V.
oes. Be sharp-sighted, v. Ar.
Kovpa rpixfat ^7

and P. 6v ySAermv. Shearing, subs. Close-shecvring of

Ar. and P. the hair V. *oupa
Sharp-witted, adj. .

6fe, P. and V. SpZ/s (Plat, and Shears, subs. Use knife, scissors.
Eur., Oycl.) ; see clever, Sheath, subs. P. and V.
Shatter, v. trans. P. and V. 6 (Xen.), V. oZ. ,

(P. generally compound- Sheathe, v. trans. P. and V.

ed), KaTOppiyyvvvai, Koira-
,, /cpvTrmv, Trep ; see cover.
o-uvrptpcw (Eur., Gycl.), Sheathe yowr body in armour : V,
Ar. and V. Opavew (also Plat, and
Ar. but rare V. <rvv0paviv, 90). .
cruvapacrcrctv, dyvwat, StaTraAlivetv, Shed, subs. P.
P. Sta^pavtv. J5e shattered : use
pass, of verbs given, also V. Shed, v. trans. Distribute : P. and
Stoppatarftu. Shatter the health V. SiaStSoVai ; see scatter. Emit:
of a person : P. 8ia0/H77m P. and V. A/leW, va8t8oV(u,
Shave, v. trans. P. and V. e^tevat, a</)Io/at, V. e^avlevcu. Shed
C% %e /KMT : P. Ketpetv. feathers: Ar. and P. Trrepoppueiv.
owe's ott;w fezir : P. and Sfesd (tears): P. and 7. I/C^K
KCipcr8ai t Ar. and P. a7rOKipeo-$cu. (Plat.), V. x v > ActjSctv, wpoZci/at,
Shaved : V. ^Jp^^^ Ar. and licpd\\u> 9 cAawetv (Eur., fito$p.
V. Kcicap/xei/09. With kea 96), (x?ro8iS^vai, efavlcvat, /xe^tcvat,.
V. icpaT airccrKuBurpcvri (Eur., P. a<ivcu, Ar. and V. aAAeiv.

1026). (Ybw see) TT^ 7iead J^or d!icZ I sfee^ tears /rom TTIJ/-
ftair shaved mth the razor : (o'pas) eyes : ovr* ATT" 6/A)LtaTO)V %<rraa Tnqyds
(Eur., H. JP. 1354). Shed tears:

(Eur,, jBZ. 241). Fimtf yow /ooi over: V. Karacrrd^iv Saicpv (gen.).
ridiculous with only one-half of Met., see lament. Shed tears,
your face shaved ? Ar. ofoow P. and V. Sa*piW; see-
Sfoed 6Zood ; V. at/jta xn'
TT)V ercpav at/xa cKxeWi al/xa irpdcrcrciv. In
226). Sfcare o/; Ar. prose use fciZZ. JZtf^ mother's blood
She She

has been shed by me : V. eipyaerrai 8' Shell, subs. Shell of an egg: V.

Ifjiol /wp-pwov alju-a (EllT., Or. 284). oo-Tpa/cov, (2Esch., Frag.), Ar.

Shed, adj. Of blood V. iWs. : Xerrfe, ^. Awhite egg-shell: V.Teuxos

vcoo-o-Sv Xcu/coV HeZ.
Sheen, subs. P. /mp/AapvyiJ, 17 (Plat.); (Eur., 258).
see jte/i, brightness. Having just come out of the shell: V.
Sheeny, adj. Bright: P. and V. aprtyu/wos oorpdL/cajv (JSsoh X Frag). ,

XaAwrpos; see &H07i. Glossy: Of a tortoise : Ar. Sep/i, TO O/ a .

Ar. and P. Xwrapos. Variegated: fish P. and V. oVrpeiov, TO.


P. and V. TToi/ciXos, Ar. and V. Husk : Ar. and P. Xe/x/^a, TO ; see

aioXos. tosfe. SfefiZZ trumpet : V. /coxXos,

Sheep, subs. Ar. and P. 7rp6/3a.Tov, 6. Met., co-yer, case : Ar. and P.
TO (rare sing.), Ar. and V. ok, 6 or "
P. and V.

17, POTOV,
TO. Flock of sheep : P. fish : P. and V.
and V. -n-otfjLvri, >/, iroLfwuov, TO, ioh., Frag), Ar.
ra, V. ra, and P. Koyxi;,' 17 (Xen.), V. MVS, o
poo-KypaTa, vo/Aeu/jcara,
Ar. and V. /x,i}Xa, ra, /JoTa, ra. O/
sheep, adj. V. /AiJXcios.
Sacrifice JPrflfif.)/
subs. P. a-Kcirrj, y (Plat.),
sheep, v. : Ar. and V. pyXoor^ayav. Shelter,
S/ieep <&>0 ; V. /<uW jSoTiJp, 6. cr/ceTrao-fUi, TJ (Plat.). J /ia^fi tt
subs. V. oraffpos, 6, secure shelter in this rock: V. lv
auXiov, TO (also Xen.), 0-17x05, 6, T77 WTP^ arreyv !x<> crK^v^^cLTa.
CTra-uXa, TCL. iur., C^ct 324). Tftwi o/ s^eZier :

TO dorcyooTov. ^1 shelter for

Sheepish, adj. See shy.

the purple fishers : V. -rrop^iJpeuTtKat

Sheepishly, adv. See shyly.
Sheepishness, subs. See shyness. oreyat (Em., I. T. 263), Protection:
P. and V. (^uXa/oJ, 77, orw-r^pta, ^.
Sheep- rearing, adj. V. /MyXoTpo^os.
Shelter from : P. and V. ^po^X^o.,
Sheep-pen, subs. See sheep-fold,
TO (gen.), V. lpiJ/i,x, TO' (gen.), pt5/*a,
Sheep-seller, subs. Ar.
6. TO (gen.), cTTaXft?, ^ (gen.), AX/oJ,

Sheep-skin, subs. Ar. and P. (gen.), P, TrpoySoX^, ^ (gen.),

o/ refuge: P. and V.
4 (Plat).
Sheer, adj. Precipitous : P. 17, ftiroorpotfry, 17,
fCp^/jovwS^s, V. ,6. Fly for shelter,^.: P.
(Plat.), dirofcp^jLLVOs,
s, awriWros, ofcpts, awrfe, and V. Korac^euyctv. Place to
.4 sfofifir crag : V. Ato-o-as lodge : P. and V. /caTotXi5crts, 77, V.
: P. ^ooTao'ts, 77. Met., take shelter
behind: P. 7rpoj8<XXeo-0at, Tt, Trpo-
Sheet, subs. .For beds : Ar. and P. Tciveo-OaL, TL (Lit., ^mi something

CTTptOUiOLTCL* TO,, Y vXdLVOlj 17, <4flpO$, before as an excuse). Under shelter

' i*\ / * / __ \ i >
TO, <p(XpO9, TO, LJJLGL, TO, OTpG)Ttt (pSLplfJ, of: see under cover of, under
TO.. Linen : P. and V. Xii/ov, TO. cover.
Shelter, v. trans. P. <r/c?rafii>
V. <^apo?, TO, ^apos, TO, Tre-TrXos, 6. (Xen.), P. and V. oreyetv (Xen.).
2%e rope tffeatf regulates the sail: Protect : P. and V. ^vXao-cretv,
Ar. and V. iroife, 6. P#00$ o/ a Sta< see protect.
letter : V. wrvxat, at, StaTrriixat, at ; oneself behind: see afte shelter
see ^?a0re. Sfoetf o/ water : P. and behind, under shelter.
V. X6/W77, 17.
Sheets of rain : P. Sheltered, adj. E7?wfer sfeeZter : P,
TroXus veros. and V. vTrooreyos, V. vTravXo?. 4
Shelf, subs. Shelf of rock: V. sheltered haven : V.
o (Eur., ^IrwZ. 749).

She Shi

Sheltering, adj. V. <rryvos (Eur., Shift, subs. Artifice: P. and Y.

CycL). A
sheltering lock : Y. aTraT^, 17, So'Xos, 6 (rare P.), <ro'$,o>a,

Wrpa lirijW$ (Eur., Cycl 680). TO, /.t^ai/77/Aa, TO; see artifice,
Shelve, v. trans. Put aside: Ar. device. Shifts, evasions : P. and
and P. u7roTt0cr0ai. V. intrans. Y. orpo^at, at, P. StaSvo-ct?, at,
See slope. '
cKSvorcts, aL Belay Apportioning
Shelving, P. cWAtvifc.
adj. (the work) in shifts P. St^p^eVot :

Shepherd, subs. P. and V. Trot/wjv, /car" dvaTravXa? (Thuo. 2, 75) 866 ;

6, vojocvs, 6, V. iroL/AoVcdp, 6. relief. Undergarment: use Ar.

Shepherd, v. trans. P. and Y. , TO, Ar. and P.
V, VjLttV, P. VOptUW, Y.
Met., 866 Shift, v. trans. Jfo-yg : P. and Y.
Transfer: P. and Y.
Sherd, subs. Ar. and P. oarrpa,Kov,
TO'. V. /ACTotpctv, P. Trcpitonravat ; S66
Sheriif, subs. Use Ar. and P. transfer. Move
another place : to
Ar. and P. /*erj8il8iJv. SAt/t
Shew, v. trans. See show. ifee StoTje OTZ to : P. and V. amW
Shield, subs. P. and V. do??, ^ ava0eptv cts (aco.). Thinking
Y. o-ttKos, TO, icuKXos, 6. SmaZZ that the guilt, which had been
shield: Ar. and V. ireX-ny, 17.
due to before, had beeit
thew sin
Wicker shield : P. ycppov, TO shifted again to the Athenians : P.
(Xen.), V. m'a, 3, frfc, 17 (also vo/xravT5 TO Trapavo^iy/Aa oVcp Kal
Xen.). Soldiers armed with wicker cr<^ticrt TTporepov fjfjLdpnrjTO a$0ts ct?
shields : P. yeppo<<pot, ot. Met., TOVS *A.6r]vaCov<s . . .
protection: V. o-a/cos, TO (JEsch., (Thuc. 7, 18). G'feangre ; P. and Y.
Sttpp. 190); see defence Arm fjLerapaXXeiv ; see change. Y.
oneself with a shield, v. Ar. : intrans. Change : P. and V.
cvatrrrlSova-Qcu.With white shield, /leraoTpe^eortfat, ftcfltoTCwr&u, jioera-

adj.: Y. XevVaorrts. T^Wi golden P. TTcpttarao'^ai see change.

TrtVrctv, ;

shield: V. x/&raor7rt s. W0 w ] w Change places : P.

throws 7ws s/weW away: Ar. 's
quarters: P.
cwrrrtSaTroySX^s, 6,
P. and V.
Shield, v. trans. Cover : P. and V. , ^aviarra<rBaL, V.
K/WTTTCIV, oTjy/cpwrmy see COV67". ;
tv ;
see wzo^e. -4i sea : P.
Shelter: P. <rK7r^tv (Xen.).
Maintain oneself:
Protect: P. and V. P. /JtoTevW, P. and V. 8ta#}i/; see
a ZOTW//, under ZWT^.
\<ro-M/ ; see protect. Defend : P. : P. and V.
and V. a/AtW*', (dat.) Ar. and P. /jt owe's ground : P.

7ra/riJi/e/ (dat.). Champion : P. (Plat.).

and V. Trpoo-ToYctv (gen.), Shiftiness, subs. Chmgeableness :
P. TO ao-TdOfjLrjTov. Cunning : Ar.
Shield-bearer, subs. Sgm're : P. and ^, P. and Y. Travovpyto,

V. TJTrao-TriorTTJs, 6 (Xen,), V. (;

irumqp, Serve as shield-bearer, Shifting, adj. Ar.andP.

6. ,

v. trans.V. uTraaTri^civ (dat.).

: P. a.KaTao*TaTos. Full of vo/nety :

Shield-bearing, adj. V. P. and Y TrowctXos.

Shiftless, adj. P. and V.
Shield-factory, subs. P. ^WX^VOS (rare P)'
yetov, Shiftlessly, adv. P. and Y.
Shi Sh

Shiftlessness, subs. P. and V. y s/wp; P. and V. -n-op^-

uTTOpia, rj. Jctv, Ar.and P. Stayctv^ Ar. and
Shifty, adj. Changeable: Ar. and V. i/avaroAetv, vavo-^Aouv, V. iropeveiv
P. olcrra^/jL^TOs, P. d-KarooTa/ros see ; (rare P. in act ). Sfe^p across :
changeable. Untrustworthy . P. P. StajStjSa^eiv (Ttva).
and V. Xn-toros. Cunning : P. and Ship-builder, subs. P. vavTnryos, 6.
V. TiWAos (Plat.), ^ru/d/09 (Plat.), Ship-building, subs. P. and V.
TTavoupyos. vainnjyta, ^ (Eur., Cycl.). Wood
Shilling, subs. Use Ar. and P. for ship -building : P. fuAa vavirrj-
J50 engaged in ship-
SpaxH (about IQd ). yijo-t/xa,
v. intrans. Ar. building, V.: Ar. and P. vaviryyeiarQai.
subs. P. and V.
Shin, subs. Ar. dim/o^/uov, TO'.
Shine, v. intrans. P. and Y. Ship-mate, subs. P. and Y. o-wvav-
iretv r>7S, 6, o-u/ATrAou?, 6, V. crvwav/3 dry's,
(Plat.), Aa/A7Ttv (Plat.), dcnrpa-
TTTCIV (Plat.), oriA/3iv (Plat.), V. o.

cw$etv, aWcarOoLi, /xdip/Wpeiv, Ar. and Ship-owner, subs. P. and Y.

Y. <j>\eyLv 9 AajLMrecrflai, Ar. StacrnA- va,VK\r)pos, 6. Be
/?/. Ar. and P. vavKXyp*
Shingle, subs. P. /cap^f, 6. Sea- Ship-owning, subs. P.
shore: Ar. and P. cuywtAo's, 6
(rare P.). Shipping, subs. Use Ar. and P.
Shininess, subs. Smoothness : P. TO vavTi<6v, or use ships.
anl Y. Actors, ^. Brightness : P. Shipwreck, subs. P. and Y. vavayta,
f). Suffer shipwreck, v. : P. vavayelv.
Shining, adj. P. and Y. Aa/rpos, Met., use be ruined.
Ar. and V. Tra/ji^cnfc, c^aewos, V. Shipwreck, v. trans. Use ruin,
/Jos, eiK^eyy^s, fcaAAt^eyyiJs, o-cAao-- Ship-wrecked, adj. P. and Y.
<o'pos, <6<u8po's; see bright. Glossy: i/amyos (Xen.), Y. vcM;<0opo5. Ship-
Ar and P. Awrapos. wrecked mariners : V. vavTt'Aot
Ship, subs. P. and Y. vaus, ^. e^ap/xcVot (Bur., I. T. 276).
Boat : P. and Y. TrAotov, TO, o^/ea^o?, Ship-wriffht, subs. P. vav^yos, 6.
TO (Dem. 128), V. -a-opO/ds, y* wppy, Ship-yard, subs. P. and Y. ve&ptov,
y; (Soph., Frag.), Sopfy TO, Ar. and TO or pi., Ar. and P. veoio-oucos, 6.
P. <$Karo?, ^, KcAiyff, 6, irXoi&piov, TO Shire, subs. District: Ar. and P.
(Xen.), P. KcA^riov, TO, Ae/i-jSos, 6,
d/cttTtov, TO. Trireme: Ar. and P. Shirk, Y. trans. P. andV. ,

rpojpi/s, ^. fiife^p o/ Wflr

: P. and (gen.), Ar. and P.
Y. vaSs /xaxpa (^Ssoh., Pers. 380), (aco.), Ar. and P. SiaSiWai (ace.),
P. TrAotov /wtKpov.
O/ a ship,
TT adj. : P. cwroKvctv (acc.); see avoid.
and Y.

V. vato?.

Absol., P. and V. oweiv, /caTOicvetv,

Einged with shvps Ar. and V. P. airoKvctv, Ar. and P. dvaS&crtfai,
^t Tz,-n-'*-^
^ ships : V. Ar. 8ta8tSpa<r/fv. Shirk through
indolence : P. dTropp^v/Aetv (absol.).
Ship, v. trans. Put on bowd : P. Shirk through cowardice : P. diro-
SetAcav (absol.).
P. and V. tltrrWevai Shirking, subs, P.
(Xen.), V. eppycretv, fut. /JL/3^<rai9
1st aor. of c/Aj&uWy. Sfetp (water) : and P.
Shirt, subs. Ar.
V. S^eo-eat (JSsch., 3%e6. 796). b.

Shi Sho

Shiver, v. trans. P. and V. Shocking, adj. P. and V.

(P. generally compounded) Offensive : P. and V.
yiSvat, Karappiyytvai, KaTayi/ui/ai, <rw- ^s, P. 178^9.
rpi/3eiv (Eur, Cycl.), Ar.and V. Shockingly, adv. P. and V. Setvois.
(also Plat but rare P.), V. Shod, adj. Be shod, v. Ar. and P. :

cruv&pavtiv, owapao*o-iv, Having only their

SiaVaAvi/eiv, P. SiaOpavew. Be left foot shod: P. TOV dpLorepov
shivered : use pass, of verbs given, TroSa uovov VTroScScu-evot fThuC.
also V. 8iapp(U<r0(u. Scatter in 3, 22).
pieces V. : V. intrans. Shoddy, adj. P. and V.
Shiver with cold : Ar. and P. plyw
(Plat.), V. plyeiv. Tremble : P. Shoe, subs. Slipper: Ar. and P.
and V. Tp//,iv, <ptWiv, V. rpeo-at (Isaeus). Boot: V.
(aor. of Tpciv, also Plat, but rare >?, 17, Ar. Ko0opi/os, 6. Sandal:
Ar. and P. vTroo^/xa, TO, Ar. and
Shiver, subs. P. and V. rpo/ios, 6 V. W&Aov, TO' (Eur., Frag.).
(Plat.), <M*n7, 77 (Plat, and Eur., Woman's shoes : Ar. -n

Tro. 1026). Shiver from cold : P. al. Make shoes : P.

#r .9, <n* (Plat.). (TKVTOTOfJLLV (Plat.). Pft
Shivering, adj. Ar. and V. rpo/tcpos. Ar. and P. vn-oSelcrQai Take shoes
Shivering, subs. See shiver. off ((mother) : Ar and P.
Shoal, subs. Dra/i o/ y&sfoes : V. (off oneself) : Ar and P. f
/3>Aos, 6. Iw shoals: use adj., P. ietf owe quickly take off my shoes:
and V. aflpo'os, agreeing with V. v:rat T6S ap/3vXa,$ X.VOL TCLXOS
subject. (^Bsch., 4(/. 944).
Shoals, subs. Shallows : P. /?pax a Shoeless, adj. See bare-footed.
ra, rcvayos, TO. Shoemaker, subs. Ar. and P.
Shock, subs. Blow : P. and V. O7CUTOTO/AOS, 6, vevppopu<os, 6, OVCUTSVS,
V. TrXryy/Aa, TO.
TrXTjyiy, ^,
o. Be
a shoemaker, v. : Ar. and
P. and
V, Tpafyux. STiocfc P. o~ici;TOTO/irv,

feelings : P. and V.
' 17. Shoemaker's shop, subs. P.
'Earthquake shock: P. and V. TOflLOV, TO.
0-6107*05, 6, o, V. Shoemaking, Subs. P. O-KVTOTO/MOL,
r) t (TK-UTLKrj, ^, (TKMTOTOlJLlKiq, VJ. Of
shock (of earthquake), V.: shoemaking, adj. : Ar. and P.
V. (Bur.,
I. T. 46). was a s/ioc/f o/ Shoot, v. trans. Discharge : P. and
earthquake P. Za-eLo-c
(absol.). V. afacvai, fjL0lwai (rare P.),
Sfeocfc of battle : Ar. and P. o-&/o8os, PLTTTCLV, Ar. and V. !<n/ai, V.

V. o-v/AjgoXv, ^. Sudden excitation Hit with a missile: P. and V.
of feelmg : P. <rr/ios, 6 (Plat., oXA.iv, ^KovTifetv. nit with an
Le00. 791A). Jfiar ; P. and V. arrow : P. and V. rogeueiv. Shoot
<^o^os, 6; see fear. down (with a javelin) : P. jcara-
Shock, v. trans. Horrify : P. and KOVTL&IV: (with an arrow): Ar.
V. &7rA^<ro-iv. Offend : P. and V. and P. KaraTo&vW. AbsoL, shoot
XvTrew. Disgust : P. cfyStav irapexciv with the bow : P. and V. TO^VI/ :
(dat.) ; see dtos^wstf. Frighten : P. with the javelin : P. and V.
and V. <oclv ; see frighten. Be aicoimfeiv, V. e^a/covTi&iv (Eur.,
shocked at : P. xaXmfa ^epctv Swpp. 456, in met. sense). Your
(ace.), P. and V. #x0r0at (dat.),
wisdom has shot its mind's bolt :
KCLL <rw rb crw^pov cj-erogevcrcv (f>pevos
Sho Sho

(Eur., And. 365). Shot by an Shop, v. intrans. Ar. and P.

arrow : V. To^evro's. Shoot at, Shore, subs. P. and V.
aim at : P. and V. (rare P.), Ar. and P. atytaXd?, 6

(gen.). P. and
With an arrow :
(rare P.). Coast: V.
P. and
V. TO euiv (P. efe, ace., V. ace alone -rrapaXia yi?. Where waves break :
or gen.). Shoot out : Ar. and V. P. and V. pax^a, ij (Thuc.), V.
7rpoj8aAAeiv. Met , of words : see 6. J?Vom Jfo 3/wre : V.
utter. Shoot up : P. and V. (Eur., HeZ. 1269). ^
dVteVat, aj/aStSovat (Eur., Frag.) ; shoref adj. :P. and V. Trap<5tA.ios,
see eww; v. intrans., $ari P. . s, d/cratbs (Thuc.), V.

and V. 6p/j,oV, opjLLCwr^ttt,

iccrOaL s, P.

(rare P.), <epeo-0ai, Ar. and V. see coast.

(rare P.), V. dto-orctv; see Ashore : see ashore.
O/ a star : P. otrc<y (Plat., Shorn, adj. V. TO/-UUOS;
Eep. 621s), Ar. few (Pax. 839) ;
see under $/&ear. Shaved : V.
see shooting. Bud : P. and V.
ftXaarT&vLV (rare ),
P. /c/3Aacrrai/iv 9
Ar. and V. /ce/cap^eos.
(Plat.). Sfeooi a&ead : P. o/ s^or?^ ^air ; V. /coupa
Xtv, P. and V. <0avav.
w, swoop doiont v. intrans. P. Short, adj. :P. and V. ^paXi5s.
and V, Ka.Ta(TKrJTrTiv (rare P.) ; see so sfeori a dis^w^e : P. 8ia TOCTOVTOU.

swoop. Shoot out, dart out: P. and V. Concise : P. and V. crwro/xos,

eop/Aa<r$ai, Jw owtf : P. and V. jSpax^S' Little (in amount, time,
Trpouxetv. S&ooi through : Ar. and etc.) : P. and V. $oax5s> 6A?yos r
V. BiQcro-cw (gen.) (Soph., Track. /At/epos, arpiKpos,
Ar. and V. ^Satos.
1083, Ar. absol.). Slwotup, grow : Of stature: P. and V. /u/cp<fe>
P. and V. j&WrrcW (rare P.), Deficient : P. and V.
P. Kj8AaoTai/H' (Plat.), ava<f>vcr6cu P. eAAiTnfc. S/lori O/,
(Plat.). deficient in: P. and V. cvSe^s
Shoot, subs. P. and V. 7rrop0os, 6 (gen.) ; see deficient. Except : P.
(Plat.), jSAacrTiy, i? (Plat.), /SAatm?/ and V. TrA-jJv (gen.). .Less tffewi .

TO (Isoc.), V. 2pi/os, TO' (Eur., lf< with numerals use participle, P.

1213), P. ^wwn/piov, TO'. Met,, Sov (gen.). Come 5/ior^, v. P. :

offspring : see offspring. cAao-o-oOo-^at ; see also lack. Come

Shooter, subs. Archer: P. and V. short of9 be deficient in : P. and V.
To^onys, 6. With javelin: P. ^AAciTrctv (gen.), (JfroAcwrcorftu (gen.),
dAcovTtor-nJs, 6, V. tt/covTionyp, 6. V. Aro-0a6 (gen.). JPaZZ shorty
Shooting, subs. TTO/& &e &w0 : P. give out : P. and V. eVAewreiv,
17 TO^KT} (Plat.). With the javelin: eAAewrcii/, V. Acwretv, Ax. and P.
P. OKOVTMTftos, 6 (Xen.), dKovrwris, cTTtActTrciv. JPaZZ short of, be
(Xen.). inferior to : P. cAAetVetv (gen.),
Shooting, adj. Of a star: Ar. oTpteiv (gen.), vorcpw (gen.), P.
8iarp4xtov P. 8x^o>j/ (Aristotle),
9 and V. fjo-o-dicr&ai (gen.), Aewreo'^at
Bi4<r<ra>v (Aristotle). jPar shooting- (gen.) (rare P.). They reflected how
far they had fallen short of their
Shop, Subs. P. TrwAiy'nypioi', TO covenant : P. covcoVow ova IfeAeAot-
,f (Xen.), Ar. and P. Ipyoxrnjpiov, irevav rrjs crw^ic^s (Thuc. 5, 42). If
TO. In compounds use the ending 'you persist in sitting idle, letting
-tof, e.g. shoemaker's shop : P. your zeal stop short at mwrmuriny
crKT/roro/jtctov. Booths : P. and commending : P. ,

T<, Ar. and P. ovoyvcu, at. axpt TOT; Qopvpvj&ai. /cat CTratvecrat <

Sho Sho

8aovTs (Dem. 109). At short notice: Short-spoken, adj. P. j

P. and V. <cnjXo)s; see off-hand. Shot, subs. Miar^ aiwwd at : P. and

In short : see shortly. To sum up: V. GrfcoTros, 6. Range of a missile:
P. oXcos, P. and V. (wrXcos. Out P. and V. 0X17, ^, P, ^bopc[, o) see ;

short, abridge, v. P. and V. O-WTC/A-

range. Within bowshot P. and :

vv. To cw a long story short P. V. evros To^eu/x,Mros. Out of bowshot:


iva, a>s cv K<aXaiu> curcly, (WTC/JWO. P. and V. fo> To^v/>taTos. Ta/ie

s/&or, slwrten: P. and V. without firing a shot: use P.
<un ofioel alptlv (aco.),
(a person}, make Variegated : P. and V.
to stop : P. Shot, adj.
and V. iraiW see also interrupt.
; irot/ctAos; see variegated.
Short (of temper) : P. and V. Shoulder, subs. P. and V. 5/^os, 6.
d<5s ; see quick. Short of breath : Take on one's own shoulders, v. :
V. SUOTTVO-US. S7&or comings, subs. use assume. :

P. cXXei/xara, ra. Yb^ w^J ma&e Shoulder, v. trans. P. and V.

z^p /or ^owr past slwrt comings : P. alpew, <l>pu/i see bear, assume.
Shoulder away: P.
(Dem. 42). Short cut : P. fj <nWo/-tos (ace.) ; see jostle.
(Xen.), By the shortest cut: P. Shoulder-blade, subs. P.
TO. crvvro/xcoTaTa $ (Xen.).
(Thuc. 2, 97).
Shorten, v. trans. and
V. Shoulder-strap, subs. V.
owre/AViv, oruoTeAXeiv, KoXoueiv, P. Shout, v. intrans. P. and V.
i5 IXacrcrov crwrc/xvctv. Shorten ava/5oav, KtKpayevcu, (perf of /cpa^eiv) .

sail see /wrZ.

(also Ar. rare P.), oXoXv^tv (also
Short-lived, adj. P. /?/>axu'/3ios Ar. rare P.), Ar. and P. av
(PlatO, <3XiyoxpoW (Plat.), P. and (2nd aor. of avaKpd&w),
V. ^^/X/005. V. ^XoXo^ctv (also Xen.),
Shortly, adv. Concisely and V. : P. (also Xen.), avoXoXv^ctv, aiJctv, t-u^
uas, cruAA^S^v. Jw /<ett? <t><avLv,Qo)v(rcrw, Ar. and V. Opo
; P. 8i& yS/oaxccoi/, P. and V. XacTKctv, avmi/; see cr^. U"We9* a
px**' V- PP&X& A"50o>. To sww shout of triumph : see under
ztp : P. (rweXovru Soow ; P. andtrvimph. Shout down : Ar. fcara-
V. , cv raxct ; see soon. Shortly ySoav (aco.). Se shouted down :

afterwards : P. ov TroXXoi vorrepov, P. Ka.Ta6opv/3ei(rQai (Plat.).

Ar. and P,
oXfyov vo-repov* Shortly Shout,
subs. P. and V. ftorj, ^
before : P. 6Xty^> C/ATT/OOO-^CV. Kpavyy, .
06pv/3o<s, 6, 6XoXiry77 (also
Shortness, subs. P. Ar. rare P.), V. oXoXvy/x,os, o, dv-nj,
Shortness of time : P. 17, iceXoSos, 6,
Ar. and V. /3oa/xa, TO ;
Deficiency : P. SvSeia, ^ see ;
see cr^. S^oz^^ o/ triumph: P.
deficiency. Shortness of breath : and V. -7rai<iv, o, V. oXoXvy^os, 6 ;
P. and V. &r0/ia, rd, P. S see under triumph. Take (a place)
V (Xen.). at the first slwut : P. avroftoel alpw
Short-sighted, adj. Use V. (ace.).
^XeTTwv (Eur., Ion, 744). Shove, v. trans. P. and V. &&&;
short-sighted, v, ; P. d/AySXv see also jostle. SJiove one's way :

a/x,y8Xv opav, /3pa%y TL opav. Met,, P. jSw^co-^at (absol.); flee force.

W7M0W0; P. and V. fi^ovXoy, acrweros; Shove away : P. and V. &TT(*>0w.
see/oo&sfc. Shove off (of a boat), v. intrans. ;
subs. P. use P. and V. &rcu/>iv.
Short-sightedness, d/t-
/SXvawna, ^. Met., P. and V. acrwria, Shove, subs, P. &040>t<fe, 6,
ia, f) ; see/o%. Shovel, subs. Ar. andP.$/jM7,Tj(Xen.).
769 49
Sho Shr

Shovel, v. trans. Heap up: P. P. and V. Xa/ji7rpti/cr^at. Jfafcfi a

<rvwiv 9
Ar. rtv/; see Aea^. s/iow; o/ (^w^f) : see pretend.
Shovel away, clear away : P. Pretence : P. and V. -Trpoor^/wt, TO,
TO. Show of hands : P.
Show, v. trans. P. and V.
SiyXow, <rrjp.cuvLv (Plat.), Shower, subs. P. and V. fypos, 6
(Plat., JKep.
S^orw o/" r^w?i ;
(Plat), V. e/cSciicviWi, K<nqp.aivW, P. and V. bmpppfa, y (Dem. 1274,
Ar. and V. irpo^aiveiv, Ar. and P. ^Bsch., JVogr. and Ar.). Earn :
&jro^aLveiv. Make clear : P. and Ar. and P. vero's, 6, ^Swp, TO. Storm:
V. <rc<^i>iav (Xen.), 8i&ra<e/ P. and V. X^P-W' Drizzle :

(Plat.); see&cp/am. Prove: P. P. and V. ^aKas, 17 (Xen. also Ar.).

and V. SeiKvtfvai, aTroSeiKviJvai, ev- Met., abundance : see abundance.
8cLKW<rOaL, CTriSci/cviWi, Ar. and P. Met., of weapons, etc. : V. vtycfe, ^;
cwro<<uviv. J3rw# /wwwe ; P. and see also stforw. Borne down by a
V. eAeyx etvJ IfeXcy^civ. J30 shown, ceaseless shower of weapons from
proved : P. and V. eera eo-0cu, all Sides : V. TTVKVQ Be vaSi
<<uvo-0a&, 6K<f)awcrOai (rare P.), TTOLVToOwCTTroSoTJ/^CVOS (EuT., And.
Ar. and P. ava<aivecr0ai. Display, 1129). H"e crepi up beneath a
exhibit, give proof of: P. and V. shower of stones: V. jrerp
cvSci/cvvcrftxi (aco.), irap)(LV (or dvctprrc (Eur., Phoen. 1177).
mid.) (ace.), irpori0<T6aL (aoo.), Ar. showers of stones : V,
and P. iTTiSciVevijcr&u (aec.), V. ur., P/werc. 1143). ITz-e
T$cr0<u (aoc.), Ar. and V. cvfitSoVai armed troops on either hand
(Bur., HeZ. 508, 4wJ. 225). JEJm- prevented them with a shower of
j?Zoy: use P. and V. ?rpocr<epiv, darts : P. ot i/nXol iKaTcpco^cv
Xp?)(r0cu (dat.). Inform : P. and /?AA.ovTcs Tpyov (Thuc. 4 33).
"V. St8dt<r/ctv. ST&ow beforehand : Shower of tecvrs : V. 71-7771$, 17, vorlfs,
P. and V. TrpoBeucvTuvai, V. >;, irX^/A/Avpfe, ^, 7rtppo77, 17 (Eur.,
Wj 7rp<x<uveiv, P. Frag.), va/ia, TO'.
',: V. vtycaucri Shower, v. trans. Pow and
: P.
see decZare. Sftott? ojf Ar. and .- V. x^- Shower over and V.
: P.
P. ewtSeocviSvat (or mid.) (ace. or KctTaxetv (TI Ttvos). / ittfee and
absol.). Show oneself (brave, etc.) : shower these confetti over you : Ar.
P. and V. -jrapcxciv lavToV. Show Ta Kara^arfLara ravrl Kara)(G(a orov
(a person) the way: P. and V. Xa^ouo-a (PZ. 789). Shower down
^ycur&xt (rua, or absol.), iS^yeLo-Oai upon : use P. and V. StSoW
(TH/I or absol.), V. o&Tyeiv (ace. or Shower (blows, etc.) : use P. and
absol.), 6&>i3 Karoipxeiv (absol.), V. seedeaZ.
r ^iSoVat;
<f>ifjyLor6<u (absoL); see lead. *
Showily, adv. P. and V.
wp : P, evSa/cvwat (aoo.) (Dem. Showiness, subs. P.
126) ; see denounce.
Show, subs. P. cwroSsi&s, 07, Ar.
Showy, adj. P. and V. eforpcTnfc ; see
and P. ir$eiis, 77 see mamfest- ; also splendid.
ation. Showing off: Ar. and P. Shred, subs. P. T/xiJ/wi, TO, V.
errtSci&s, ^. Pomp, magnificence :
Opav(rfJi.a, TO, OTr^pay/xa, TO, ayij, ^,
!P and. V. Ar.
Shreds : P.and V.
o"x7//,a, TO, TO'.
pAcos, TO'.
Pagewt P. and V. irojurrr), y, Ar.
TrcptT/XTj/wtTO, TCt. Met., 866 JOf,
and P. fawpia, j), P. ^(i>pT7/jwt, scintilla.
Spectacle : P. and V. 0z, ^, ^ca/wi, Shred, v. trans. V. OTCUVCIV; see
TO; see spectacle. Make a
Shr Shu

Shrewish, Use P. and Y.

adj. P. and V. <ruv&ye<rQat, o-vcrreAAeo-tfou.
<lAomos. Bad-tempered:
<fn\6\l/oyos, Fade : P. and V. papaivea-Oai ; see
P. SuoTpoTros, V. Swropyos, P. and waste. Hesitate : P. and V. owtv,
V. mKpOS. KOLTOKvetv, P. diro/cviv, Ar. and
Shrewishness, subs. Use P. and P. avaStccrOat. Shrink from :
V. -7TIK/OOT77S, ^, Ar. and P. P. and V. a<rracr0(u (gen.), &-
crrao-Oai (ace. or gen.), o/o/clv (aoc.),

Shrewd, adj. P. and V. V. a<rrao-0ai (gen.), P. dt-n-ofcvetv

o-o^os, and
o-weros, 8pZ/jti5s (Plat, (acc.). Shrink from (doing a thing):
Eur., Ar. and P. <povfycos,
CfycZ.), P. and V. QKV*LV (in fin.), KOLTOKVCIV
65s, P. dyxiVous; see sagacious. (infin.), ^>cvytv (infiin.), V. a^tora-
Clear : P. and V. o-cw^s ; see also (infin.), P. aTrowctv (infin.).
sharp. Of things P. and V. <ro<o's, Shrinkage, subs.
: Contraction : P.
Ar. and P.
Shrewdly, adv. P. and V. <ro<<os, Shrinking, subs. P. and Y. OKI/OS,
Ar. and P. <povt/*a>s. Clearly : 6. Shrinking from : P.
P. and Y. o-a^ois see sharply. ; V (gen.).
Shrewdness, subs. P. and V. Shrinking, adj. P.
" Shrive, v. trans. Use purify.
TO o-weroV. Fore- Shrivel, v. trans. P. and V.
P. and V. Trpovowt, ^, P. yua.paiVf.iVy urxyawew (Plat.), KGITI-
o^vatvctv (Plat.); see wither. Y.
Shriek, subs. See scream. intrans. P. and V.
Shriek, v. intrans. See scream. to-^vatveo-^at (Plat.),
Shrill, adj. P. and V. <5fe, "
V. (Plat.) ; see wither.
(also Plat, but rare P.),
Shrivelled, adj. Ar. and P.

^toATros, Ar. and V. TP^^ere^; P. and Y.

Raise a shrill cry of Wririkkd: P. and Y.
triumph : Y. oAoAvy/iov eiropOi.div
Shroud, subs. P. &ra<iov, TO, Y.
cries, v. V. 6p0{<
<j>apoSj TO, <ji)opos, r6j TreTrAo?, o ; 866
Shrillness, subs. P. 6&nj<s, %. winding sheet.
Shrill-voiced, adj. Ar. At' Shroud, v. trans- See hide.
see loud-voiced. Shrub, subs. P. and V. 0dt/m>s, 6.
Shrilly, adv. P.^ndY.. Shrubbery, subs. Use Y. ^(wAA$s, 17;
V. Topoi?, AtyiJ. In a loud voice see arbour.
P. /xcyoAy $<i>vjj- Shrug, v. trans. Use P. and V
Shrimp, subs. Ar. *a atpciv.
Shrine, subs. P. and 5> Shrunken, adj. Ar. and P.
TO, &8vTOV9 TO, V. TO see lean.
(also Plat, but rare P.), otv<fcropov, Shudder, v. intrans. P. and V.
ro, cnyAcos, 6, Ar. and Y. va ; see T/t>//,iv, ffrpfoarew, Y. Tpr<u (aor. of

temple. Oracular shrvne : P. and Tpctv, also Plat, but rare P.).
V. pavrelov, TO, or pi., V. Shudder at : use verbs given
ro, or pi. with the acc. or use fear.
Shrine, v. trans. See enshrine, Shudder, subs. P. and Y. Tpo/w>s,
consecrate. 6 (Plat.), <
(Plat, and Btir.,
Shrink, v. trans. Contract P. and V, Tro. 1026).

o-voreAAetv, <rvv&yw. Shrvuel : P, Shuffle, v. trans. Use mix. V.

and V. loxvcuWv (Plat) ; see intrans. Limp: P. x<0^a"/H'
waste. V. intrans. Contract: X<>Ai;0-0<w, V. etAfSeo-ftu. Met.,
Shu Sid

prevaricate : Ar. and P. X^v (Plat, Phaedr. 228o). Be

P. SiaKpoifeo-tfai ; see prevaricate. shy of a thing) : P. and V.
Shuffling, adj. Prevarication : P. al<r)(iuvc(r6aL (infin. or part.), esraw-
and V. o-Tpo^at, at, P. Sia/cpo-uoris, Xyvca-Qai (infin. or part.), V. ai&eurOtu,
. (infin. or part.). F^ght shy of: P.
v. trans. P. and V. and V. eXa/?ercr0a(, (ace.) see
Shun, ;

(gen.), l&<rra.<TO<u (aco Shyly, adv. P. a,lcrxvvTri\><s. Cau-
or gen.), Ar. and V. tiously : P. and V. euXa/?u>?.
Xen.), V. Shyness, subs. P. and V. ai6\6s,
f, f}. Caution: P. and
meeting a per-
son : Ar. and P. licrpeirccrQai (aoc.)- Sick, adj. P. P. and V.
Desire to shun: V. fycu&Uiv (ace.). dortfev^s. J5(j s^cA, v. P. and V. :

Shut, v. trans. P. and V. /cA^en/, vocreiv, Kapvcw, a&Ocvw, P. dppo)OTti/.

Ar. and P. j5e sick with another : V. owvoo-eiV
OTry/cXiJctv, faroKX-QCLV,
KULTaKXyciv. Put to : P.
irpocrnO&ai. (dat. or absol.), 5e sick, vomit
~ " :
Fasten (door, etc.) : Ar. and V. P. and V. lp&, (Plat.).
TTOKTOW, V. TriSKa^ttV. Block Up from nausea : Ar. and P.

P. and V. <t>pQ.arCTlV P. /A^>pa<7CTLV,

9 (Plat). Biok of: P. I

(gen.) (Plat.). J5e stcfe of: P.

another): P. (Plat), and V. &x6O'6a.i (dat.).
V . ." Sicken, v. trans. Disgust : P.
Tew, P. and V. <nryi arfiiav Trape^iv (dat.).
one's eyes : P. and V. P. P. and V. voo-etv.
(Plat.), Ar. Sickening, adj. P. see
o?ie's e^es to, wiwfc at, met. :
Ar. and P. ircpiopav (aoc.). Sickle, subs. P. and V. SpeVavov,
0710*5 mouth : V. oTo'/>ta, P.
TO (Eur., CfycZ. 394).
cjj.<{>pacr(rt.v oro'/ta ; see dose. Lo Sickle-maker, subs. Ar.
I am silent and shut my mouth : o.
V. tSov o-tci)7rco OTO/WX Sickle-shaped, adj. P.
(Eur., 4tt& 250). V. intrans. P. Sickliness, subs. P. d<r0e/eia,
and V. K\TJear0a.L, <ruyK\jJ<rti<u. Shut see1} ;

in : P. and V. tpyv, Sickly, adj. P. and V.

ey/cX-yav (Plat.), V. o- Met., morbid : P. and V. ofy flywjs.
ojf: P. d-7roXa^aviv. Sickness, subs. Disease : P. aoad
P. and V. 4/CKA.^cu/, V. voo-os, ^, v6<nqp.a, TO, P. &r0evia,
^, dppcocTTta, 17, dtppoicrny/xa, TO.
w^-" and P. KaTowcXifcti/ see
Ar. ; Plague: P. and V. Aoi/w'*, 6.
imprison. Shut up in Ar. and :
Suffer from sickness, nausea, v. :

P. icaTaKXjJew eis (aco.). Ar. and P. vaimav (Plat.). JPree

Shuttle, subs. Use P. and V. /rom sickness, adj.: P. and V.
Kpjofe, T] (Plat ), (TTToBf), . &o(ros. 2%is 6eiw^ i/te im<5 of year
Shy, adj. P. ato-xvvnyXds. Cautious: when men are most liable to
P. c&Xay&fc. Protagoras at first sickness : P. -rijs <Spas TO ewavrov
was shy : P. TO /ACV o^v irp&rov Tavr^s ofenys cv ^ cwr^i/ovo-tv ai/^pcorot
(Thuc. 7, 4=7). /jtaXicrra
(Plat. Prot. 333D). fl"e w;os shy pre- Side, subs. Of animals : P. and V.
tending he did not wish to speak ; (generally pi.), Ar. and
P. 0pV7TTTO O)S &7 V. TO (generally pi.).
Sid Sid

From the side: V. irA./po'0i/. Of together. We twain shall lie in

things: P. irAwpa, y (Plat.), V. death side by side : V. Kr6>o-0a
TrXeupoV, TO, TrXcupoJ/jiaTa, Ta. O/ a Se vfcpa> W
^s (Eur., HeZ. 985).
s/tip : P. and V. TO^OS, 6 (Thuc. Par^, faction : P. and V. crn&ri*,
7, 36). O/ a triangh : P. -n-Xcvpa, 17. I should like to ask the man
^ (Plat.). Flank: P. and V. who severely censures policy, my
Xay<6i>, (Xen. also Ar.).
17 Edge, which side he would have had the
border P. x ^-os, TO ; see edge.
city take : P. lyoryc TOJ>
Be^iow, quarter, direction : P. and eTTiTifJUtivra Tots wewpa/jLei/oi
V. xtlp, fj. On which side ? V. &v GpotfjLijv rijs Trotas

iroTcpas -ri)s x P s * (Eur., Cycl. 681). rr)v TTO'AH/ c/3ovA.T av (Dem. 246).
Ow the right side: P. and V. Attach to one's side, v. : P. and V.
ev Sem, Ar. and P. /c
Seftas, 7rpooTrotto-0at, irpocr&yc<r&a.i 7rpo<r-
or use adj.,'&os (Eur., T)?0<r0at. Change sides: P. ft0t-
CycZ. 6); see right. On the orrao-0ai. 27a/fe sdes (w a quarrel):
left side: P. ev dptorcp^, V. e P. 8trrao-0at, <ruvL<rTao-Qai Trpo?
apicrrepas ; 866 le/. 0?& KaTpoi;s (Thuc. 1, 1); see si^e
P. and V. ravrg, TrjSc. On wi^A, v. Ta&e sides w?^fe (iw a
side : P. and V. c/cct, ^vraS^a. On private quarrel) : P. crvjM^iXoveiKelv
this side and on that : P. ei/0a /^ev (dat.). ]Pbw prefened the side of
. . 2v0a 8c, P. and V. ei/0ci/ /c5v0cv,
. the Athenians : P.
V .
(xAAiy ... icoiAAo^, (Thuc. 3, 63).
Kcfxetorc icat TO 8epo ; S66 swZe of, in fcwowr of : P. and
thither, under thither. On which V. Trpds (gen.) (Plat., Pro*. 336D).
of two sides: P. iror^Oi. On I am quite on the father's side: V.
all sides : Ar. and P. Trdvrn, w, /copra 8* et/u TOV TraTpos (.ZEsch.,
P andJ
rt __ TT
V Eum. 738). jf%ere are two sides
aTTavraxov, cwrai/raxij. FrOWl all to everything that is done and
sides: P. and V. iravrodw (Plat., said : P. TTOLO-LV ewn. wpay/xewt xat
Andoc. Isae.), Ar. and P. Xdyois 8vo TrpoarOvJKCLL (Dem. 645).
Friends passing out to them from Leave on one side: P. and V.
this side and from that : V. see
xAAos oXXoOev ^>tA<ov (Eur., Side, adj. P.
1248). Ow ifce /aider's P. and V. iritpepyov, TO.
side (of relationship) : P. and V. Side, v. intrans. Side ^7^:
and V. irpocrrWearOai (dat.), <fp
the mother's side: P. and V.
irpos /j,rjTpos9 V. iMrjrpoOev Ar. and P. o-vvaya>viecrQai
Ion, 672), P. Kara rrjv Ar. and V. arvfjarapacrrarelv ((
(Thuc. 1, 127). On the opposite see favour. Be friendly to :

side of: P. and V. Trcpdv (gen.). and V. ^oetv (dat.), P.

By the side of: P. and V. ?rpos 8iaKr0ai TrpO*? (ace.).
(dat.) ; see near. From both sides:

P. <i//,</oTpa)0v. hair
Shaking Jier Persians P.
and head from side to side : V.
O"tOUO"CL "^CLLTTfJV /CpOtTCL T Sided, adj. One-sided : see biassed.
(Eur., Ifed. 1191). On <ae oiAer Side-dish, subs. Ar. and P. impo^fe,
sid ; V. TaTTt 0ctTpa ^Bur., Bacch. 17 (Xen.).

1129), P. and V. TaareKcwa (also Side-glance, subs. Owe a side-

with gen.), P. TO, M
Odrepa (gen/ te, V. Ar. TrapaicvTrmv, Trapa- :

(Thuc. 7, 84). Side &y side : use

Sid Sig

P. vXayLos, o-*oXios. Eecover one's sight: Ar, and P.

Sidelong, adj.
P. cfe ffis s^rTii is
Sideways, adv. ava^XeTrciv (absol.).
Look at a thing side-ways: opened and made clear : V. !<o/i/i-
P. IK irAayiov 0eacr0at n (Plat, Sep. Tomu KCU XeXa/wrpvvTai Kopas (Soph.,

598A). Frag.). Spectacle: P. and V,

Sidle, v. intrans. SKe wp to:
met., P. and V. brcpxeo-Qai (aco.). V/Tr^o-oiK (
Bur- Or- 952)'
subs. P. iroXwpKla, fj. Lay ^[^ off-hand :
s^Ai, P. and V.
siege to : P. jroAtopratv (ace.). <avX<Ds; see off-hand. In sight,
Mei, use seek. Take by siege : P. adj. ; P. KCCTOTTTOS, V. CTTO^tOS,
iKTToXiop/cciv (ace.).
4 equal num-
ber of whom saw the siege out : P. and V. <^euvo-0at; see visible.
Sxv OVK IXcwro~ovS StcTroA-top/c-^crav In sight of, prep. :P. and V.
(Thuc. 3, 17). 2%fi2/ ^ ere thought IVO.VTLOV (gen.). Looking over adj.: ,

to be skilful at siege operations : V. Karoif/ios (gen.). 0% o^ sight :

P. reixofjwx&v l8o*KOW SwaTot ctvat v. ttiroTTToSi Ar. and v .

Ow^ of sight of : V. I&DTTIOS (gen,).
(Thuo. 1, 102). Leisurely engaged
in siege operations : P. KO& ^ Come n si^A^ : P. aad V. ts fyw
Tt^o/wt^owTs (Thuc. 8, 103). lpXcrtf<u. Lose sigfTti o/ : see
Siesta, subs. See sleep. overlook. Lose sight of land :
Sieve, subs. Ar. and P. P. airoKpvTTTciv yvjv (Plat.). That I
TO'. may not by passing from point to
Sift, v. trans. Separate : P. and V. point lose sight of the present
$LaXa.[j[,fldvciv9 Ar. and P. &o<77rai/; matter: P. Iva. py Xoyov CK Xoyov
see separate. Distinguish: Ar. Xeycov TOV Trapdvros IfJLavrbv l/c/cpovaro>
and P. Sia/cpA/ciy, P. and V. (Dem. 329).
see Sight, v. trans. See spy, see.
Ar. and P. j8curavi eiv ; see Sightless, adj. P. and V.
test. Accept (evidence) without Y. fyuWpOSy 0~KOTtVOS,
sifting : P. djSoo-avtoTcos
(Thuc. 1, 20). Sight-seeing, subs. P. and V.
Sigh, v. intrans. P. and V.
(Dem. 300 and 308) (but rare P.), Sight-seer, subs. P. and V. flcanfc,
oTvoiv (Dem. 835, but rare P.), 6.

avoi/Ao>fiv (Thuc. but rare P.), Sign, subs. Nod: P. vefyux, TO', V.
Y . ctvCLOTCVCiy, IcOltLOcCtV. KOtTOl/X(l)CtV, oTjjita, TO ; see signaL Signal for
Ar. and V. oiucocctv S^roiuMLCLv i see
battle, etc. : Ar. and P. OT^IOV, r6,
groan. Of the wmd : use P. and V. cr^Ata, TO. Proo/, iofcew ; P.
V. ij/ocfrelv. and V. oTy/AcTov, TO, TeK/^piov, T^,
Sigh, subs. P. and V. erroi/os, 6 TO, V. TKju,ap, TO; see
(Thuc. but rare P.) otftwy^, % (Thuc. Sig'ws writing : m
but rare P.), V. ot/itDy/xa, TO; see i,Ta; see writing. Portent:
O/ tf&e ^W
: use P. and P. and V. Tepos, TO, ^ao-fta, TO,
<rrj/jL*iov, TO, V. a^fuz, TO. Omew
Sight, subs. Power of seeing : P. and /ro?w Wrds; P. and Y. otwvo's, 6,
Ar. V. opvfs, 6 or ij, V.
and V O<f>vOXl&O9, 0, Q\l/4$) OTj OUi/XGl. and^
irrp6v 9 TO, Ar. and V. oTj/iySoXos, 6
TO (Thuc. and Plat, but rare P.) j (also Xen.). Omen from sounds :
"D 3 TT / c *T c\
see 0^0. Range of sight: P. Jr. and V. <pi7/X77, 17, Y. icX^owv, 17,
7ro\[ns 9 . Save sight, v. : P. and Ar. and V. ^TIS, 17. Heavenly
V. opav, Ar, and V. /JXen-ttv. sign : V. oSJ/jux, TO,
Sig Sil

Sign, v. trans. Sign (a document) and Signature, subs. Name : P. and V.

witness its being sealed : P. ypdfaw TO. Wniiwgf : P. and V.
KCLL <njcroT7/>uuvecr0<u (Dem. 928) ; t, at. Append one's signature :
see also seal. Sign accounts (pass see sign.
them) : P. euflvvas CTrwny/jtatvccrflat ignet, subs. Signet-ring: P.
(lit., seal).
Make a sign, signal : P. and V. o-<pdyfs, 17 ; see seal-ring.
and V. oTf]p,awLv, Am. and V. Significance, subs. Importance :
Signal, v. trans. P. and V. P. and V. /xey0os, TO. Influence,
Signal by fire : P. power of affecting things : P. and
<l>pVKT<OplV, P. and V. TTVpO V. poTny, ^. Meaning : P. and Y.
(Xen.). Sixty Athenian ships were $ijvap.i$ P. Stavoia, ^, ^ovAiyaes,
9 -37,

signalled as approaching from ^ see meaning. ;

Leucas : P. typVKrtop-qQrjcrav I^KOVTO. Significant, adj. Worth noting:

CWTO P. <&fioA.oyos. Conveying a meaning:
(Thuc. 3, 80). Signal P. oT7/jiai/Tcos (Aristotle). j&e
the enemy with treasonable intent : sigfwi/?caw^ o/, v. use s/iow;. :

P. wapa<pvKTa>pT;or0<u. Signification subs. See significance. ,

Signal, subs. Ar. and P. (nj^tlov, Signify, v. trans. Show : P. and

TO, P. Vf.VJJM, TO, Y. OT^/Xtt, TO. V. oTQfjuiCveiv (Plat.), S^Xovv, Sct/cviWi;
Give a secrei signal: P. vcv/wm see s/iow. Miaan : Ar. and P.
d<avei xpfj<r6ai (Thuc. 1, 134).
Brasidas seeing the signal came up P. and Y.
at the double : P. 6 Bpao-i'oas i8o>v Silenoe, subs. P. and V. 0-1777,
TO ow07?jLi 20e, 8p6>j> (Thuc. 4, 112). o-townj, ^. Abstinence from ill-
Give signal, v. ; P. and V. omened words : P. and Y. ev^/ua,
crqfjuuveiv ; 866 $igw. Give si07W&Z 17.
In silence : P. and V. o-Iyg,
/Or reireatf : P crrnjuolvf.iv ava\u>prio-iv crtciwr^,
Y. o-Iya. Keep silence: P.
(Thuc. 5, 10). 2%e sigwaZ /or and V. crlyav, o-07rav,
silence was given by the trim/pet : (Xen.), Y. oity^v ^X t^> orya
P. TQ traXiriyyi oncoTn) virecnrifJuLv&ir) arlyiiv irapexctv,
P. /caTourtcoTrar.
(Thuo. 6, 32). At a given signal : over m silence, v. : P. and V.
P. CLTTO orrjfjLuov li/os. jKre signal : crtyav (ace.), o-towrav (ace.), V.
P. and V. ^pwcr^s, 6, or pL ; see Siocruiwrav (aoo.). J/ need be I will
beacon. A succession of signal \nce on these matters : V.

fires : V. /c8o^ Trofwrov Trupos yap, t

^pi7, T<OV^ 0iyo-o/xi
(^Bsch., 4<7. 299). (Eur., Med.
Proclaim 66).
Signal, adj. P. and V. Aa/rpos, through the host : V.
V. 2oxos. Win a signal victory : <rlya Kypv^ai orpaTW (Bur., Pho&n.
P. and V. 7roX$ i>Z*av, P. -n-apa 1224). ZVie signal for silence was
TroXv vticav. given by the trumpet : P. rjj craX-Trtyyi
Signalise, v. trans. Use P. and o-town) WOT7/xav^T; (Thuc. 6, 32).
V. Aa/xTrpov /caflioravat, or use Y. ^o-lv
Sis siZe?ice gives consent :
celebrate. Signalise oneself: P. a-iowrGv (Eur., Or. 1592); see
and V. Xajjarpos yiyvcvOat. consent. Break silence : P. and Y.
Signaller, subs. 0?w ^?feo signals pirjyvtvai ffxavrjv, Y. piyyviWi av8i}v.
by fire beacons : P. and V. </DO>KT>- Silence, interj. P. and Y. <rtya t

pos, 6. o-wuTTot, Y. a-lya. Abstain from evil


Signalling, subs. By beacon-fires : words : P. and V. ev^fui. ,

P. and Y. ^pvicrcopta, r). Silence, v. trans. P. xaTaoriora-av

Signally, adv. P. and Y. (Xen.). Jfa/ce io cease ; P. and Y.
Sil Sim

V. Frag.). With silver feet (of a

Silent) ad], criy^Xds,
Dumb : P. and V. &aivo$, V. stool) P. dpyvpdTrovs.

Silver-gold, subs. P. and V.

, cwro'<0y/cros Noiseless . V. ^XKTpOV, TO-
Silver mines, subs. P. dpyuVwt
V. /ATaXXa, Ta, Ipya dpyvpcia, Ta (Dem.
Be silent: see keep silence, under 568), dpyupeta, Ta.
Abstaining from ill-omened Silver ore, subs. dpyvpms, ^
words : Ar. and V. (Xen.).
Silently, adv. P. and V/o-Zy??, Silver-plate, subs. P.dpyvpwvao^/iov.
V. o-iya. Noiselessly : P. Silver-smith, subs. Metal-worker :
Use P. and V. Ar. and P. ^oX/ccus, o.
Silk, subs.
P. and V. 6/*oTo5, V.
lit., fine cloth. Similar, adj.
Silk-worm, subs. P. see like. Equal: P.
and V. fo-05. Nearly similary : P.
Sillily, adv. Foolishly : P. and V.
Similarity, subs. P.

(Xen.), Ar. and P. ivotfrws, Similarly, adv. P. and V.

see foolishly. 6/zota, 6/xoiov, wcravra)?, P.
Silliness, subs. P. and V. .

Svota, y, ct/Aa0ia, r) t d^pocrifv^, Simile, subs. Ar. and P. CIKW

a^ovXta, -YI, .&vv<ria, 17 (Bur., Fra Similitude, subs. P. and V.
P. ^Xi&OTtyS, 17, d/3eXTepta, ^, 17 ; see likeness.
^, /SXa/ccwx, ^, V. evrjQia, ^, Ar. and Simmer, v. intrans. P. and V.

Silly,, adj. Of persons or thingsj P. Simper, v. intrans. Ar. and P.

and V. /JLoipos, evrfiys, ^Xt0ios (Eur., 0pv7rreor0ai, P. and V. rpv<j>av.
537), acrvveros, S^ouXos, Simpering, adj, Use Ar. and P.
^775, Ar. and P. ai/o^ro
Y. KVO<PIDV. Of persons only P. Simple, : adj. P. and V.
and V. #vou$, <i<f>p<i)v, ovecud?, V. Sheer, absolute P.
oKparos. Guileless P.
Silt, subs. P. 7rpdcrx(oaris, 17.
Ar. and P. 53oXos, V. afarf?
(rte islands) serve to bind the silt (Soph ,
Phil. 1014). .FooKs7& : P.
together: P. aXX^Xats TJ}? Trpoor^wcr^ws and V. ev^s ; see foolish. Easily
cruvSecrfjuot, ytyvovrat (Thuc. 2, 102),
Silt up, v. intrans. P. Simple, subs. See remedy.
Met., P. icara^ojvKuvat, e rver Simple-minded, adj. See simple.
is always silting wp : P. 6 Trora^os Simpleton, subs. P. /3\dg, 6 or %.
?rpocrxot act (TllUC. 2, 102). Simplicity, SUbs. P. dTrXd-nys, ^-
Silver, subs. and V. apyfyos, 6.
P. While congratulating you on yotw
Pieca o/ s^fir money : Ar. and P. simplicity we do not admire your
apytfptov, TO, V. apyvpos, 6. Small ignorance : P. /xa/capuravres V/M,<OV
piece of silver: Ar. and P. d
TO. T7or^ fe weight tn silver, (Thuo* 5, 105). Ease: P. and V.
adj. : V. fcrapyflpos. u/ju3tpia, ^. Folly : P. eu9y0ia, ^,
Silver, adj. P. and V. V. ui706a, ^ ; see /oZZy.
(^3sch., Fra^r.), V. Simplify, v. trans. Make simple :
Containing silver (of rock, P. and V. OTrXow Trotetv. J[)i$-
etc.) :

P, and V. fcra'pySpos (Xen.). Of entcmgle: P. and V. Xictv, V.

solid silver : V. Travapyupo? (Soph., Make clear : P. and
Sim Sin

V. crafavL^ew (Xen.), gods possess a court honest and

(Plat.). loyal : lv cv

Simply, adv. P. and Y. T K V TOU El.

Guilelessly P. dSo'Xws, P. and V.
Absolutely : Ar. and P. Sincere, adj. Genuine: P.
P. oXa>s. Nothing but: Of character: P. and V.
P. and V. ovSo> dXXo TrX^v (gen.). Ar. and P.
Simulate, v. trans. Ar. and P. falsehood: P. and V.
irpooTTowicr&u see feign. ;
Simulated,, adj. P. TTPOOTTTOMJTOS. Sincerely, adv. P.
. . With-
Sham : P. and V. TrXaoro's (Xen.), out guile : P. and V. cb-Xais, P.
V. TTOMJTOS. Seeming (as opposed P. and V.
to real) : P. and V. SOKWV ; see P. see
Simultaneously, adv. P. and V. Sincerity, subs. Truth P. and V.

UjtUL. fe. Of character :

Sin, v. intrans. P. and V. a/
Sinew, subs. V. TXOV, 6. Muscle :
Ar. and P. vcvpov, TO. v.
aKelv (2nd aor.), $vavcf)eiv P. Sinewy, adj. Brawny : P. and V,

(Sin) against : P. and cvTpa<j>y s see strong.


V. (ace.) see transgress, Sinful, adj.

; P. and V.
against, adj. Ar. and ; KttKos, rj<s,

P. oXmJpios (gen.). >Js (Dem.

but rare P.), Y.
Sin, subs. P. and V. a/wxpria, ^, P dXtT^ptaJS?;?, dXt-nypto? ;

aSiKta, ^, iSiK7jfjM 9 TO (Eur., Jow, see wicked.

325), KttKoV, TO, or pi., P. d/xapr^/jia, Sinfully, adv. P. and V. K a^ t

TO, irX^/jt/AeX'ty/x.a, TO, KaKOupyta, ^, V. avoo-t'o*

, ; see wickedly.
Sinfulness, subs. P. and V.
see ivickedness. Impiety: P. and P. dvOO-tOTT^S, ^, V.
V. (to-^cta, i V. see sin.
ImpioiiA act : P. Sing, v. trans, or absol. P. and V.
Sms ; use also V. TO. " " ddctv, 5/AV6H/, Ar. and P.
Since, prep, P. and V. IK (gen.), (Plat.), Y detSctv, fytvwSetv,
oVo (gen.). After: P. and V. Ar. and Y. /icX-Trctv ;
/Aera (ace.). Swce /&e?& : P. and O/ 6*rdJs ; P. and V. V.
country uninjured A KXayyavctv (Soph.,J?V^-),
since the Persian war: P. Ar. /xeX(j)Setv; see ivarble. Sing
djro.p'tyS ovofd dTro TWV in turn: V. dvriKXo-fetv (aoc.).
(Thuc. 8, 24.) Celebrate in song : P. and V.
Since, adv. Because : P. and Y.
5rt, P. SIOTI, V. o{rvKa, Singe, v. trans. Ar. and V. a<eutv
Seeing that : P. and V. (ZEsch., Frag.) ; see 6wrw.
7, o>s, Ar. and P. Singer, subs. P. and V. wSos, 6
From the time when (Plat.), pai/ro)8os, 6 (Plat.), V.
and V. ! o5, &' o5, 1^ dotSos, o see minstrel. ;

!/, P. Singing, subs. P. and V. <&;, ^;

Ar. and V. If oSircp. Ago, from see sow^.
tlvis time : nse P. and V. IK TOVTOV, Single, adj. Simple: P. and V.
IK Tot/Se. From that time : P. and cbrXovs. Alone : P. and Y. /xovos,
V. If iKctvov. Wfore ever swwe the Y. /^ovvos, oTos. As opposed to
Sin Sin

double ; P. and V. Honest :

cbrXofc. and V. //.oXiora, V. dxa>s. Eccen-
P. and V. cwrXous. In single file : trwalty : P. aToVa>s. Strangely:
P. !' &o's (Xen.). The Athenians P. and V. oWois, Oav^aard.
having their ships arranged in Sinister, adj. Inauspicious : P.
single file : P. ot *A0^vatot Kara and V. KOifcds, Svo-rvx^5 Bvcr^fjios *

JJLULV vavv TcrayfLevot (Tb.uc. 2, 84). (Plat, but rare P.),

V. icaicdyXaxro-os,
Unmarried (of the man) : P. and o-Tcato's, uwvi5Atos (^Isch., P. V.
V. V. afv. An unmarried 490). JJviZ: P. and V. KCLKO'S,
youth P. and V. $0eo<?, o (Plat.).
: 5vdo-tos, TravoOpyos, TrayicaKOs. Malign,
Of the woman : P. and V. Svai/Spos harmful: P. and V. ao-u//xopos,
Unmarried maiden: Ar. and V. ariypds ; see
(Plat.), V. oi> Ka/covpyos,
P. and V. 7rap0o/os, ^ (Plat) ; see harmful. Dangerous : P. and V.
turgriro. Sctvds, Ar. and P.

Single, v. trans. Single out : P. /Z : P. and V-

and V. e&ipcLv (or mid.), l/c*p6/tv, see malevolent.
irpoKptvew ; see choose. Singled Sink, v. trans. Sink (a ship) : Ar.
out, chosen: P. and V. l&uperos, and P. KaraSfWtv. aw end P
2/cKpiros, P. (wroXe/eros, 1/cXeicrds, V.
to : Ar. and P. StoXuctv, /caToX^ti/ ;

/cpiros, XCKTOS. see end. Let down: P. and V.

Single combat, subs. P. povofwxta., Kafatvai. Dig ; P. and V. opiWtv,
y (Hdt.). Engage in single combat o-Kcwrmv. 2&aA;fi to incline: V.
with, v, : P. and V. juovo/jiaxctv KaTapp7TtV, P. and V. *cXl/tl/. V,
(absoL or dat.). By single combat: intrans. Subside, settle down : P.
V. povop&xpv Si cunrifSos, /xovo/xap(<p
&>p 2V) g^'de ifo rawfcs or P. SuWflai Kara -njs y^S (Plat.,
the spear m siwgrZe combat ? V. Phaedo, 112o). Of the sun : P.
Xo^wv dvcKnmv, T) /lovooToXoi; Sopos ; and V. &J(r0at, SA/etv; see set.
(Bur., Pfeofiw. 742). Champions Of a sMp : Ar. and P.
in single combat : V. povop&x01 V. a7TTtv (Bur., Or. 707).
WpOOTdLTOl Ot. downwards : P. and V. perrctv.
Single-handed, adj. Use P. and V. Met., fo
" weighed down P. and V.

/twos, ts, V. ftowosr, otos ; see alone. , .3ap<Wftu. .FaZZ; P.

Single-minded, adj. P. and V. V. -TTHTTCtT/, KaTaTTtTTTCtV (BUT.,
cbrXoSs ; see honest. j V. 7rtrvtv.
JPa^Z m
Singleness, subs. P. cwrXoTTjs, ij; V. irpoXcwrctv ; see /az'Z. Already
see honesty. she is sinking and like to die
Singly, adj. One by one
: P. KaO' 15877Trpovawnys cart /cat
va. Each
separately : P. Kaff (Bur., 4Zc. 143). ffis
liccurrov. By oneself: P. and V. 5ac^ : V. VTrrta^erat xrapa (Soph.,
avro's, Koff avrov. Unaided, alone : Phil. 822). I siwA? backwards
use adj. : P. and V. /wn/os, ts , V. mto the arms ofmy maidens and
swoon away: V. wrta &
Singular, adj. Preeminent : P. and . . .
TTpOS 3//.QXUO-1

(Soph.,Ant. 1188).
Strange : P. and V. back with trembling limbs : V.
>s, Savds, ^Torres (Bur., iv xcopet rpe'yu-Ovcra K<oXa
Frag.) ; see strange. iur., Ifed. 1168). O/ ^/rownd
Singularity, subs. Eccentricity : see under dip. Fall
Ar. and P. aroTrta, ij. P. and Y. Stappclv, aVoppctv;
Singularly, adv. Preeminently : see /ode. Deteriorate : P. A^ro-
P. &a<p<fcros, ev rots P. K7rwrriv ; see
Sin Sit

Sink into inaction: P. brl TO '1071171^75 /ca/oa (Soph.,

pa0iy/,iv faroK\LViv (Dem. 13). 1). .

Sunk in (met.) : use P. and V. Sisterly, adj. See o/ a 5isifir, under

JU.COTOS (gen.) ; see full of. Be , or use affectionate.

sunk in love : V. evnj/cecrflai TO> Sit, v. trans. P. and V.

^t\tv (Soph., Track. 463); see V. tfciv, iS/>i;tv ; see seai.
absorbed m. Be sunk in ignorance: Ar. and P. /cara/eA.ft// Y. intrans.
P. lv apaOia fioXuW0<u (Plat., Sep. P. and V. KaMjo-Oai,
535E). Sw& m^o, &e instilled e<r6ai, Ar. and V. l (also Plat.
into, met. : P. KaraSvecrOat. as (acc.), but rare P.), V.
V. lvnfJK<rOai (dat.). Sink into in- ^ai, Ka0iaViv, (peri
significance : P. ei/ ouvl Xoyw cTvat. pass, of tS/weiv), Odcr<Tiv.

Sinless, adj. P. and V. /cS0ap<fe, Sit at meals : Ar. and P. Kara-

a/yvos (rare P.), oo-ios, uay^s (rare K\ive<r6a.i. Sit in an official
P.), S^pfo-os (rare P.), htpam, V. capacity: P. KaOtfav,
aKpaL<>vy<$, $0Mcros, P. dvajLux/ynyros ;
ica0iecr0<u. With others : Ar. and
see guiltless, pious. P. o-uyfea$7or0cu. Si ai : V. tyfj(r6ai
Sinlessly, adv. P. /ca0apo>s, P. and (acc. or dat.), TrpovyvBai (dat.),
V. cuo-e/Sois, 6(rto)s. 7rpo<r%tv (aCO.), 7rapi)cr6ai (dat.).
Sinlessness, subs. P. Sit by: see sit at. Sit by a
P. and V. uo-/3eia, TO , person: Ar. and P. TrapaKaftJo-ftu
Sinner, subs. Use adj., P. and V. (dat. Or absoL), -jrapaKaOl^ecrOat (dat.
K&Kovpyos, or use participles of or P. <rvfMrapa.KaOiecr0ai.
verb sin, P. and V. 6 a/xaprcfvwv, 6 /jtera (gen ) ; transitively, see seat.
Sit by as assessor : see assessor.
Sin-offering, subs. Ar. and P. Sit down: P. and V. KaOfjcrOcu;
icdOappa, TO, or use propitiation. use sit. Sit down before a town
Sinuous, adj. Winding : V. (to besiege it): P. irpo<rKaOec<r6ai
Curved: P. and V. /c (acc.), irpoo-KaOTja-Qai (acc.) see ;

(Plat.) ; see cwv&Z. besiege. Sit idle : P. and V.

Sip, v. trans. P. and V. KaOfj<r6ai, V. Odcrarew. Sit near:
(lit., taste) ; see also
drink. see *<$ at, sit by. Sit on : use>
Sir, subs. Irc addressing a man : P. P. and V. verb, sit with, efe (acc.)>
and V. aV0panre. .Zkfy 0ood sir : P. or V. cvOaLKclv (dat.), tyfjrQai (dat.),
and V. TV, P. & yei/i/olc,
Ar. and (acc.), Ar. and P.
P. Sat/xovte. ITT)?
(acc.). Make to sit on : P.
Sire, subs. Father: P. and V. eyKaOifew (TH/O, cts TL). jSi together:
Tra-nyp, 6, ycwiyrop, 6 (Fiat.) ; see P. and V* <wyKa0i7<r0(u, P.
father. Of animals: P. and "V.
6 a/ocnjv (Lit.
ma^e). Stallion : veo-0<u. t -wp : ^*-

P. and V. oxetov, TO Sisfip awake

P. aypimrctv.
: *

Frag.). /or, watch for : P. and V.

Sister, subs. P. and V. (acc.).
V. Site, subs. P. 0r, ^, or use lace. j

Sitting, subs. P. and V. 18

. . .', OTrjryovos, V. 0Aa7fta, TO. Session : P. o-w
sister: V. c TO. Immediately after the sitting :

Of a sister, adj. ; V. V. wflvs # ISpas (Soph., 4f. 780).

.0$. Sitting idle : P. and V.
Sisterhood, subs. Ismene joined Sitting by : V. Trpoo-copux,~ i?

to me in sisterhood: V. Sitting near, adj. V.^

Sit Ski

Sitting together, adj. V. Sketch, v. trans. Describe : P. and

Sitting with, adj. V. <rw0aicos V. 8Lpxtr0<u; see describe. De-
scribe in outline : P. ovciaypa^cZv.
Situated, adj. P. and V. Sketchily, adv. In outline : P.
Be situated, v. : P. and V. TU7TO), V TV7T<J>.
Of affairs, etc. ;use P. and V. Skewer, subs. Ar. and P.
CX^T. Do iwt drive to despair all 6 (Xen ), Y. , 5 (Bur., GycL),
others situated as I am: P. wAr. and P. <frcaTos, ^,
^, 6.
I//.01 StaKt/A- Skiif, subs.
vous (Lys. 168).
aOvfJUYftrcLL iroL-rj<rr}T 6, P. and V. TrXotov, TO, V.

Situation, subs. P. ^. #&,

Met., ; see
see pZigffei, state. State o/ affairs : Skilful, ad]. P. and V. Scwo's,
P. and V, /caTcurrao-is, ^. s, 5/cpos (Plat.), Ar. and P.
P. and V. TC#S, . PZoce ; P. , V. evxeip, P. TCXVIKOS ; see
and Y. ToVos, 6, x^P -* ^> Ar. skilled. Of things, weZZ wrought :
P. x&pfcv, TO, Ar. and V. x^P P. and V. /coXo's, xot/caos, V.
.471 exposed situatwn : P. -x SatSaXos. Clever, artistic: P.
(Thuc. 2, 70). PJace Tcxvt/cos. Accomplished: P, and
awkward situation: P. V. see accomplished.

(TWO.). Be placed in an Skilfully, adv. P. and V. o-o<o*, V.

awkward situation : P. P.
: P. and V. Artistic-
Six, adj. P. and V. c. Sfoe ally : P.
ofaZ: Ar. and P. e^erqs. Lasting Skilfulness, suba See
six years : P. c^enjs. Six times : Skill, subs. Cleverness: P. and V.
P. g&oe. i?i cro^ia, P. SefcvoVr/s, ^,
Texv?7, ,

Sixteen, adj. Ar. and P. Ar. and P. ScirioY^s, ^. Experience:

Sixteenth, adj. P. P. and Y. J/urcipa, 17. SftflZ wi :

Sixth, adj. P. and V. P. and Y. e/wrcipux, 17 (gen.).

Sixtieth, adj. P. P. and Y. ^. T^,
Sixty, adj. P. and V. Skilled, adj. Qualified: P.
(Soph., .Fra0.). vaor/xi/o5. Experienced : P. and
Size, subs. Magnitude : P. and V. V. ^TTCipos, irtom7/LO)v, Ar. and V.
/Aey0os, TO. Amount : P. and V. Skilled in : iTriomJfLwv
7rA,iJ0os, TO. Number. P. and V. ), ^vrpt^s (dat.),
d/wfl/wfe, 6. Bulk: P. and V. Ar. and Y. (aco. or gen.),
oy/cos, 6 (Plat.). Measure : P. and V. iSpis (gen.) ; see versed. Skilled
V. jLLCTpOV, TO. in speaking: P. and V. Sctvos
Skein, subs. Ar. Xeyetv, V. ju,ouo~wc6s Xeytv.
Skeleton, subs. Bones : P. and V. Skim, v. trans. Pass lightly over :
, ra. Met., o/ one very thin Y. -jroraa-Oai tirep (gen.),
V. ovua, ^, ctSwXov, TO. Outline c
(acc.J, \l/cupLv (aco.),
P. o~/aaypa<t'a, ^ see ;
(aoc.) ; seej^y. Met., rww through
Frame: P. and V. TO hurriedly : P. ktrnp^iv iced (gen.).
(Plat.). Taste o/ : P. and V. yc&o-ftu (gen.).
Sketch, subs. Picture : P. and Y. Skim the cream of, pick out the
Jptyy, %> ypa/A/io, TO', P. best, met. : V. Xom'&o-ftu cwro- (ace.),
TO, Y. fiyaA./Aa, TO, et/ccov, Xo)T^tv (aoc.), a,Kpo0Lvidc<rO(u (ace.).
description : P. and V. Arfyos, T/tey sfctm off the part of the milk
C^^feta : P. and Y. cr/ccaypa^wt, which rises to the top and consider
see outline. it more valuable (than the
Ski Sky
P. TO ftcv avrov (rov (Plat.), 5AAeo-0< (Plat.), V. 0poicr/cv,
irtcrra/x,voi/ d-n-apTJouvrcs ^ycwrcu etvat K^p<6o-Ktv. Dance: P. and V.
Tt/UO)TpOV (Hdt. 4, 2). xopcuctv ; see dawce.
through: Ar. and V. Skip, subs. Jump: V.
(ace. or Sttf, gen.). Skimthrotigh see jump.
the air : Ar. Biarpex^v rov dcpa Skipper, subs. P. and V.
A?. 1409). o.

Skim, SUbs. Use P. TO Skirmish, v. intrans. P. a. Kpofto\C-

Skimp, v. trans. P. Skirmish, subs. P. os, 6-,

Not skimping the toork, but fur- tt/cpo/Jo'Xto-ts, ^ (Xen.). Skirmish
nishing (the ships) in the best between orators: P.
manner passible : P. ouS*
dXX* J>s olov T aptora irapacrKeva- Skirmisher, subs. P.
6>vos (Isaeus, 67, 20). o (Xen.) , 6.

Skin, subs. Of men: Ar. and V. Skirmishing parties, subs. P.

w5, 6 (rare P.), xpoid, ^, P. TO 1/cSpo/zat, a2 (Thuc. 4, 127).
(Thuo. 2, 49).
o-fyux Of an Skirt, subs. See Met.,
animal, hide : P. and V. SC/O/ACL, TO, border: P. and V. /cpcum-eftx, TCL
f)vpcra, ^, Sopd, ^ (Plat.), V. Scpos, (Xen. also Ar,) ; see &or5fi7*.
TO, Scpas, TO, ptvos, fj (Eur., Skirt, v. trans. P. and V. 6ptetv
Dressed skins : P. and V. (ace.). .Be wear, border on: P.
at (Eur., Frag.). Undressed skins : and V. 7rpocrKLcr0ai, (dat.), P.
P. Scppcts, at. S^Z^ of hide : Ar. Ivco-^at (gen.).
lvo'?, 17. Garment of skim : V. Skittish, adj. P. vftpicmKos, or use
orroXos, 6 (Soph., Frag.). P. and V. v/3pio-nfc (with masc*
Garment of goat-skin : Ar. and nouns). Bestwe: V. &rroju,os.
P. St<0pa, v- SWn for holding Be skittish, v. : P. and V. ovaproV
wine: P. and V. do-icds, 6. SMn (Plat.).
o/ a serpent : V. ^trd>^ , o (Eur., Skittishness, subs. P. and V.
L T. 288). Escape with a whole fySpts, ^.
skin : see with impunity, under Skulk, v. mtrans. Lie in ambush :

impunity. P. IvcSpcvew, cXXoxav, P. and V.

Skin, v. trans. Ar. and P. 8p/, . Lie hid :

aTroSepetv (Ken.), e/cScpetv (Plat., Ar. and P. /c

Euthydemus, 301. d.), absol. also, of /cara8vW); see

V. fivp<rav K&pLv (Eur., jEW. dw^; Ar. and P.
824). (absol.). Play the runaway: P.
Skin-deep, adj. P. 7rroAxuo$. Spcwrercvco/.
Skin-flint, subs. P. and Skulker, subs.
Use adj., Runaway : P. and
V. <tXapyfy>os, Ar. and
V. 6 (Plat.). ,

P. Skull, subs. P. and V. /cpanbv, TO

Skinniness, subs. P. i. (Eur., Gycl.), or use fteod.

Skinny, adj. Ar. and P. Arros, Skurry, subs. Haste: P. and V.

P. and V. 17. Confusion : P. and
V. 06pi;/?os, 6.
Skip, v. trans. P. and V. Skurry, v. intrans. Bun about : Ar.
i.) j
see shirk. Omit: and P. Starpexetv I see hasten. Be
P. and V. Trdpl&at, ; see omit. V. in confusion : Ar. and P. Oopvpeiv.
intrans. Leap : P. and V. Sky, subs. P. and V. ovpavoV, 6>
(Plat.), irrjSav (Plat.), jpj o (Plat.) see heaven. Clear ;

Sky Sla

sky Ar. and P. alOpCa, fj (Xen.). Slanderously, adv.

: P. and V.

Under the open sky : use adj., P. /ca/cois, P. Sia^dXw?, crv/co^avrtKws.

and V. &rai'0pios, V. cuSpios (Soph., Slang, subs. Use P. iro/jwra'a, 77.

Frag.), P. / vWflpa). In the sky, Slanting, adj. P. -rrXayio?, V. Xods.

adj. P. and V. ovpdvios.

: Slant- wise, adv. P. cfc TrXa


Sky-high, adj. Ar. and P. /Scopes, Slap, v. trans. P. and V.

Ar. and Y. /xrap<nos. Slap in the face : P.
i rt

Slab, subs. P. and Y. cmjX^, 77. ruTrretv. ;

Slack, adj. Loose : Ar. and P. Slap, subs. Blow : P. and V.


P. and V. avctftei^os. Un- see blow. SZap the face :

energetic : P. a.irp60vp.os, o/ci^pds, P. Ar. and P. 6.

and Y. jSpaSife. Supine: Ar. and Slash, v. trans. P. and V.

P. /LoXa/cds. Indolent: P. and Y. P.
dpyos, pq.6v/JLOS, P. aTrovos. Small, : P. and V.
little : P. and Y. oXfyos. see z(;oww(.
Slacken, v. trans. P. and Y. Slash, subs. Cwi : P. and Y.
: P. and V.
see relax. V. intrans. P. cira.vt.ei/ai. TO'.

Abate : P. and Y. Xox^av, Svtevat. Slashing, adv. Met., use P. and Y.

Slackening, subs. P.
Abatement : P. Slate, subs. Tile: Ar. and P.
09, 6, fccpa/Ats, i).
P'or writing:
Slackly, adv. P. use P. and Y. ?rfvaf9 6 ; see tablet.
dirpo&j/icos. P. dpyois. Slatternly, adj. Untidy: P. and
Supinely : Ar. and P. Y. om/x,ei/os. Unwashed : Ar. and
Slackness, subs. P. Y. fiXovros, Ar. o[7rXvros; see also
Indolence : '
and Y. squalid.
>, P. Slaughter, subs. P. and Y. o-^ay^,
Leisure: ^. Y. Trpoar^a.yp.a. TO. Murder .

P. and V. P. and V. <oVos, 6, Ar. and V.

Slain, adj. see dead, fallen. ol
Slake, v. trans. See quench. Slaughter, v. trans. P. and Y.
Slam, v. trans. P. o-<oiv, <jbovVtv ; see kill, murder.
(Plat.). Slaughterer, subs. Murderer: P.
Slander, subs. P. and Y. 8wL/3oXiJ, and V. <ovus, 6, Y. o-<ayeus, 6 see ;

Ar. and P. XotSopta, murderer.

Slaughterous, adj. P. <OMKOS, Ar.
KCLKrjyopia, 77.
and V. <jboivto9, V. TroX-u^oi/os ; see
Slander, v. trans. P. and V. wmrderous.
XoiSopctv with Slave, subs.
(or mid. P. and V. SoSXos, 6,
dat.), Ar. and P. P. Y. SouXcv/wi, TO. Familiarly: P.
/?curjc<uvcty, V. KCL/COOTO/UIV see and V. Trots, 6 or 77 (Soph., Track.

a&wse. tftier slander : (absol.), 54), Ar. and P. watStV/oy, 17. YimTw/
5^e: Ar and P. TratS^ptov, TO.
Slanderer, subs. Ar. and P. CTVKO- Public slave : Ar. and P. S^/AdVio?,
6. SZa00 iafeew iw ^ar: Ar. and
Slanderous, adj. Ar. and P. 8ux/3oXos, P. dvSp&roSov, TO, Ar. and Y- 8/jwos,
6. Female slave: P. and V.
TA/COS, icaKrJyopos (Plat.), V. XotSopo? 801^X77, 77. Taken in war: V.
* '
P. and
(als? Xen.
(Eur., Gycl.), /eaKooro/Aos, *} but rare P.),
V. KCLKO? ; see abusive. 77. P. and Y.
Sla Sle

6 ;
see servant. Be a Sleep, subs. P. and V. ftn>o5,
slave to : P. and V. SovXeueiv in sleep (of visions), adj.:
(dat.), Xarpeveiv (dat.). A slave to: V . Mimas. Vision seen in sleep :
Met., P. and V. SoSXos (gen.), %<raw P. and V. hvirviov, TO ; see dream,
(gen.), rto-arrjfjL&os (gen.). Like a vision.
slave, adj.: V. avrfSouXos. Unpro- Sleep, v. intrans. P. and V.
tected by slaves : V. KaQevSew, KOipJa.cr6a.L (Plat, but rare
Slave-dealer, subs. Ar. and P. P, also Ar.), ev6W (Plat, but rare
di/SpcwroSionys, 6. P. also Ar.), vmtWct? (Plat, but
Slave-dealing, subs. P. rare P.), Ar. and P. K a.raSap$AveLv,
V. ftpL&tv, uvdeo-0ai, Ar. Ko.Ta.KOi-
Slaver, subs. P. omXov, TO (Xen.) ;
Pass the night : P. and
see Joam. V. a^A V. vbxevew (Em\,
Slavery, subs. P. and V. SovXeta, ^, Rhesj. Lull to sleep : P. and V.
Y. TO SouXov. 2%e day o/ slavery : (Plat.), V. <&v<%eiv, KOI/J.O.V,
V. SouXeiov i?/x.ap TO. Sell into P. . ; (Plat.). Fall
slavery : P. di/opcwroSifeiv, fdj/opa- asleep : V. ets vuvov
7rooYii/. Selling into slavery : P. Fall" asleep
' afterwards : P.

di/SpcwroSiOTjtds, 6. .(Thuc. 4, 133).

Slavish, adj. P. and V. SovXos another: P. and V. ovy*a-
(Plat, but rare
P.), SorfXcw* (Plat. (dat.),
' '
V. <rvyKOLfjLoi{rOaL (dat.),
but rare P.), Ar. and P. SouXiKos, (dat.), (FwevSew (dat.),
P. SouXoTrpCTTTjs, dvSpawoSwS^s, V. Ar. onr/Ka.Ta$ap6dveiv (dat.).
P. Sleeper, subs. Use P. and V.
Slavishly, adv. P. 6 jca&uoW, etc. Soon will they
Slavishness, subs. Flattery: P. rouse yon sleeper fromhis slumber :
and V. 0oreia, 17
see flattery V. rd^a p*eraxrrri<TVV<f VTTVOV TOvS"
Baseness : P. ^<rux4o^a- (Eur., Or. 133).
Slay, v. trans. P. and V. Sleepiness, subs. P. i x^M*
<oveuetv, avaXio-Jceiv, avaXow, Sleeping-draught, subs. Use P.
feiv, 6.

vat, IfoXXwat, ScoXXiJyat, KaTpya- Sleepless, adj. P. and V. aypv?n/os,

Ar. and V. fcravav (also V. &Wos (also Plat, but rare P.),
Plat, but rare
V. KaTOKretvetv, o^focotTo? (lit. Za^fi ^n sleeping). Be
oXXrfvat, c^aTroXXuvac, Sicwrpco"<rcv, sleepless, v. P. dyp :

Sleepiessly, adv. v.

Sleeplessness, subs. Ar. and P.

(also Xen.), cWpcw, fj.

-at (1st aor, of Sleepy, adj. P. virvwS^s. Be sleepy,

(Bur., jffec. 886), Ar. and v. : and V. mv&crvw (Plat, but
P. &ro<r<oiv, P. rare P.), Ar. and F. vwrrrftw,
P. vtrowcrrdZeiv, V. ^ptfctv; 366
Slayer, subs. P. and V. <ovife, 6
or 17, avroxp o, JJofl: P. and "V.
6 ; see Sleet, subs.
wwrderer. see also rain. 17 5

Slaying, subs. P. and V. <oyos, 6, Sleeve, subs. P. (Xen.).

o-^ayiy, 17 ; see murder. Having sleeves, adj.: P. ;

Sledge-hammer, subs. See hammer (Hdt.). A twnic without sleeves ;

Sleek, adj. Ar. and P. XtTrapos; see Ar. and P. !<i>/i,&, 17 (Xen.).

fat. Make sleek, v. P. and V. Sleight, subs. Dexterity, skill : P.


(pass, in Plat.) see fatten. and V. TCXW* y- Deception ; P. and


Sle Sli

V. 80X05, 6 (rare P.). Slight, adj. Slender: Ar. and P.

&ra<nj, 17,

Trick : P. and V. orpo<i}, 17 ; see XCTTTOS. fi'waZZ wz stature P. and

V. In-
trick. Conjuring : P. OavfjuLTcnroiLa, /At/epos, o-/xt/cpos, /Spaxfa'
see conjuring. significant : P. and
17, /uiyyavcta, 17 ;

Slender* adj. Thin: Ar. and P X9TT05,

Xcirro's, LOTTO'S. Small insigmficant:
Ar. and V.
P. and V. XeTrros, speaking of: P. owe
/u/epos, <r/uicpo?,
aorfleinfc,pax&, Ar. and V. Xoyov.
P. and V.
Deficient : P. and V. e^ofc, Slightly, adv. <5X<yov,
fUKpov, <rjj,LKp6v V. jQaidv,
Ar. ana P.
P. &Xwnfc. Ssawfy : P- and V. t

^p/ia(PIat.). With, comparatives:

crzravio?, V. OTTavtaros, cnrapvos.
and V. Ar. and P.
Slenderly, adv. Scantily: P. <nravio>s. /itKpoi, cr/^LKpai,

Deficiently : P. ei/8ea>s. Ira a smaZZ oX3?yo>. Moderately : P. and V.

WOT/ : P. /Spaxe'eos. /JLOTO)S, /jLTptO)S.

Slenderness, subs. P. SlightneSS, subs. P. XCTTTOT^S,

Scantiness : P. oXiyo'rgs, ^, P. and , 17.
Smallness : P.
V. OTT&IS, 17, uiropt'a, ^. Deficiency:
P. IvSeia, 17. Slily, adv. See
Slice, subs. r^a, (Plat.), Slim, adj. Ar. and P. XCTTTO'S; see
^P. TO'^
TO (Plat.), Ar. TO/AOS, 6,
v. trans. P. and V. re/tray; Slime, subs. CZay, P. and
see cut, divide. V. TT^XO'J, 6, 6.

Slide, v. intrans. Sfcp: P. and V. Xi5/iaTa, ra.

V. 6)u<r6&veiv. Slide o/: Ar. and Slimness, subs. P. CTTO
P. a?roXr0&'e>, Ar. and V. eoXr- Slimy, adj. Slippery : P.
a m0 sZwfe: Met., Muddy: P. and V. (9oXepo?, P.
P. and V. 7raplei/at (ace.),
(aco.) ; see Ze sZip, under sZip. It Sling, subs. P. and V.
is necessary to consider how to

prevent your shutting your eyes Sift,ig, v. trans. See

and letting everything slide still A bsol., p. and V.
further : P. Set O-KOTTCLV OTTOS

7TpoeX0dVra ri -jroppcoTepco X?yo- Tr Slinger, subs. P. o-^evSowfnys, 6.

v/^as (Dem. 66). Slinging, subs. Using the sling:
Slight, subs. Insult: P. and V. P.
is, 17. Dishonour: P. and V. Slink, v. intrans. Slink off: P.
arifua, 17. Contempt : P. oXtywpta, i, vircp)(<r6ai 9 Ar.

Slight, v. trans. Despise: P. and 7TOTpfiXV, V. a^p7TlV J S66 Steal.

V. Ka,ra<f>poviv (aco. or gen.), Slip, subs. Of a plant: Ar. and P.
(ace. or gen.), P. jJ^La, ro. Slipping : P.
(gen.), Ar. and V. a-rro- TO'
(Plat.). -FaZZ: P. and V.
Dishonour : P. and V. TTTOJ/JUI, T(J (Plat.), V. 7TOT7/ia, TO.
7rapepx0-0ai, V. ar^etv. Msto&e ; P. and V. apaprta, 17,

Neglect, disregard: P. and V.

0-^oX/x.a, TO', P. ^ ; see
(gen.), Trapafju-Xecv (gen.), mistake. A slip of the tongues
(gen.), P. Iv ouSo/c Xoyw P. yXcSo-OT?? afjuaprrj/jM, TO
(aoc.), V. oV ovSe^o? Trotelv&ai JfaAfi a 5Zp, 5iwm6Ze, v. : P. and
(aco.), Iv crfjUKpu 7roii(rOat (aco.), ev V. irrdUiv. Make a mistake : P.
evxepeLTtQecrQai (ace.) ;
see disregard. and V. </z,aprai/v ; see 6?r
(o?ie) ^e slip : Ar. and P.
Pass over: P. and V. wapZewu
Sli Slo

Slip, v. trans.
Let loose : P. and Slit, v. trans. P. and V.
V. xoXav, avlcvat. Slip one's cables: see <m, divide,
use P. and V. cwratpeii' ; see set sail. Sloop, subs. Use boat.
Let shp, launch : P. and V. Slope, subs. P. and V. Xo'</>o?, 6, V.
tylwaii see launch, release, drop. r\.
Since the city levy on CL ,

Met., P. and V. ju,e0Z/<u, a<Zei/<u, : P. OUO^S TVJS 7rdX(DS TTpOS

Let an opportunity shp: (Thuc. 4, 110). On a gentle '

P. Traptevae, K&ipov (Dem.), dc^ievcu slope : P. lv ypepjo. irpoo-avrct (Plat.).

fcaipov (Dem.). Shp one's memory: Slope, v. intrans. Of grotmd : P.
see escape. V. intrans. P. and "uvi75 ctvat Generally, slope
V. 6X.i<r0ayciv. Stumble : P. and a thing : P. vevcw ets (acc.).
V. TrratW. JPa/Z. P. and V. Sloping, adj. P. rtAeX/ifc. Sloping
irtTrreii', JcaTcwrwrmv (Eur , Cycl.). up : P. dvavr^s, TTpocravr^?, P. and
Make a mistake : see 0rr. SZip V. op&os, Ar. and P.
away P. VTre&pxccrQai, KO.T(i$vccrQ(U,
Sloping down : Ar. and P. /

Ar. and P. SwiS^eo-flai, Ar. f?ra7roTp- Sloppy, adj. P. vBarufys.

Xiv, P. and V. ferc/c^euyav, *8iJcr0ai, Slops, subs. Water used for washing:
Ar. aTTOi/tTrrpov, TO, XovVptov, TO*.
in, v. trans.: see Slosh, subs. Mud: P. and V.
insert , v. intrans. : Ar. and t-\ 707X05, 6, ^dp/?opo?, o. Water .* P.
eio-SfecrOcLt. (efc,
ace. or absol.), and v uo(i)p, TO. *

#7ro8rfeo-0ai (absol.), P. and V. Sloshy, adj. : P. 71-77X0)8175,Muddy

T&Troppctv (wpos, acc. or V. dat. alone), /3op/3opu>87}$. Dirty : P. and V.
P. 7rapaSiW0<u (cts, ace.), 7rop//,7ri- 0oXepo5. Watery P. v8aTd)TT75.
7rrtv (efc, acc.). S&p m among Slot, subs. H"o?e ; Ar. and P.
the oars : P. efe TO-US Tapo*ou$ Tpyjfjia ;
see /z oZe.
VTrOTTtTTTCtV (THUC. 7, 40). Slip Off.' Sloth, subs. P. and V. Zpyia, y,
Ar. and V. oXr0omv, Ar. and P.
cwroXiOv(XVu/. Ju all Off : P. Trcptppctv. P. and V. o'^oX^, 77.
^ o/"
(0?ie'$ clothes)
i Ar.

P. and V. Slothful, adj.
P. orro-
P. and V. fyyo's,
Sveotiat (acc.). SZip O7i P. dpyois.
(owe's Slothfully, adv.
clothes) P, and V. IvStfco-flui (acc.). Slothfulness, subs. See sloth.

SZ?ip owi : see shp away. Fall Slouch, v. intrans. Stoop : Ar. and
out: P. and V. vtipappelv. Slip P ^TpT-^y
out of: P. and V. cfcS&crtfat (acc. or Slouching, adj. Ar. /euro's; see
gen,), V. &r/c8iicr0ai (acc.) (Eur.,
OycZ.) ;
see escape. Shp past : Ar. Slough, subs. : P. IXos, TO,
7Ttt/>Gi8(feo-0(u (absol.). S^
through: Ar. and P. o, TO. Skin of a
Ar. and serpent : V.
P. 8ta8i5cr0at (acc. or 8ta, 6 (Eur., 2. T* ,

Slip through one's fingers :

gen.). 288).
Ar. and P, SioXtowveii/ TWO, ; see Slovenly, adj. Of things: use P,
escape. and V. oW/to/09; see also dirty,
Slipper, subs. P. /3Xcwmu, x al (Plat.), Of persons, carets ; Ar. and P,
Ar. ^SXavna, Ta, 7repo-T/cat at ; see SfjitXys ; see careless.
, Do a thing
also in a slovenly way, v. P. ri<rupf :

Slippery, adj. P. oXto-^poV. Met., (ace.) ; see skimp. In a slovenly

P. and V. <r<oX6po'5, P. ^Xt^- way : use P. di/eS^, ouSeia

Slit, subs. Ar. and P. Slow, adj. P. and V.

Cut : P. TO'.
(Soph., Frag.). Of the mind : P.
785 50
SIo Sma
and V. a/Laftfr, va>0i7?, ctywfc, Ar. see crafty. On the sly : P. ;

and P. 8uoyza0>fc. Be sZow, v. P. and V. \a0pa. :

and V. see Slyly, adv. Ar. and Y. SoXa>, P.

: P. and Y. 6WeTv (infin.) Travoupycos see craftily.
; ;

see hesitate. Be slow to do a Slyness, subs. P. and V. Travovpyta,

thing : P. and V. % see craft. ;

Slowly, adv. P. /3pa8e'a>s, Smack, v. trans. See hit. Smack

P. and V. <rxoA0. of: Met., Ar. ofcv (gen.). Smack
Slowness, subs. P. one's lips over ; Met., see exult over.
P. and V. Smack, subs. Blow : P. and V.
irk-rjyri, ^ ; see blow. Box-on-the
Hesitation : P. and V. OKI/OS, 6 ; see ear : Ar. and P. KoVSi3Xos, 6.
O/ mviid: P. and Y. Boat : P. and Y. -n-Xoiov, TO' ; see
P. /3\aKLa., rj (Plat.), boat.
f) (Plat.). Small, adj. P. and V. /u*po's,
Sluggish, adj. Slow: P. and V. Slender : P. and Y.
Of the mind : P. and V.
; see slow, torpid. ,
Ar.>and Y.
Sluggishly, adv. Slowly :
Smallness, subs, P.
Scantiness : P.
Sluggishness, subs. Slowness : P.
^, O/ mind : P. and V. Smart, adj.
$. Showy : P. and Y.
P. v<60x, ? (Plat.) ; see
17, cvTrpcTnfc. Brilliant : P. and V.
also torpor. A.a/rpos. W^&^y, cZever : Ar. and
Sluice, subs. Channel : P. and V. P X^P^ts, P. and Y. KOTO'S (Plat.
X enfe, 6, P- aA<6i/, 6 (Plat.), Ar. and Eur.). Quick in mind : Ar.
uSpoppoa, 17. and P. o^fe, P. and V.
Slumber, subs, and v. intrans. See (Plat, and Eur., OycL).
Smart, subs. Pain : P. and V.
Slumberous, adj. See si \-67Tfj, fj, Svfa, 17, dA.yT/Swi', 17, aA.y?7 ua / 1

Slur, subs. Disgrace: P~. and Y. TO (Dem. 1260), oStfi/^, ^, Ar. and
TO, aurx^i/q, 17, Y. #A.yos, TO, 5^09, TO ; see pain.
ij (Thuo., PZa*.), V. Sting : P. and V. Kevrpov, TO
Oast a sZwr on : P. and V. (Plat.), V. 0c(A.7ros, TO".
(ace.), /caTaurx^vctv (aco.), Smart, v. intrans. P. and Y.
Ar. and P. Met., P.
(dat.). and V. 8<fovo-0ai. Smart for a
Slur over, v. trans. ffZoss over, thing: P. and V. oY^v StSoW
palliate P. and Y. KoAA^mi/ (ace.)
(gen.). Fow sfeaZZ smart for it :
(Plat.).CaZZ by specious names : Ar. and Y. /cA.avo- (fut. of
Ar. and P. 7ro/copieo-0ai (ace.). Ar. and P. otftcu^ct (fut. of
Pass over in silence : P. and V. Smarten, v. trans. Make bright:
a-lyav (ace.), (aoo.), V. P. (Xen.).
(ace.). Smartly, adv. Showily : P. and Y.
Slush, subs. P. and V. , 6, eforperrois. Brightly: P. and Y.
ftopfiopos, 6. Xa/jwrpws. Wittily ; P.
Slushy, adj. P. TnyXoiS^s, 6, Quickly : P. 6&W
8175, 6, Turbid : P. and Smartness, subs. Showmess : P.
V. 0oA. P.
Brightness :

Sly, adj. P. and Y. P.

Travovpyos, Ar. and V. 6. Quickness ; P.
Sma Smo
Smash, v. trans, P. and V. V. e&rpoo-owros Xen.), Y.
p7jyvvva.Lf Karappifrytivai, XajLwrpo's, <^at8peo5ro5 ; see cheerfuL
crwrpififiv (Eur., GycL), Ar. and Making glad : P. and V. 778*9, Y.
Y. Opavw (also Plat, but rare P.) ;

see shatter. Smilingly, adv. P. and V. <#>t

Smash, subs. Upset : P. and V. vo)5 (Plat.), ^0)5 see cheerfully.


aKacrracrts, fj.
Crash : 866 crash. mirch, v. trans. P. and V.
Smattering, subs. A smattering atcrxwcw, KotTatcr^i/ctv, Y. ic^XlSovv.
of : use P. oAryov TI (gen.). Smirch, subs. Disgrace: P. and
Smear, v. trans. Ar. and P, oXei^en/, Y. ato-xtfo?, ^, ^vctSos, TO, ic^Xfs, ^
Trcpi5XL<j>iv, P. CTraAeiiqbciv, V. XP** LV 9 (Antipho.).
Trpoxpfciv ; see anoint. Smirk, v. intrans. Ar. and P,
Smell, v. trans. Perceive by smell : P.
P. and V. ocr<p<uW0<u (gen. or Smite, v. trans. P. and V.
absol.) (Eur., Oyd.). Y. intrans. TU7TT6LV, ICO7TTV, TTttTCxfai, (1st
Emit a smell: P. and V. ov. of Traracra-etJ/), Ar. and V.
Smell of: Ar. and P. ouv (gen.). (rare P.), ^ci'vav, dpao-o-ctv; see
out : see scewi ow. also destroy. Be smitten : P. and
Smell, subs. Sense of smell Y. irXfiyyvou. (2nd aor. pass, of
P. &cr<l>pr)<rLs, Odour : P and
'). TrA^ercmi/). Sm^fi ^iife a missile :

Y. 6oy7, 07. P. and Y. ySaXXav. jSmiie w;*^ a

Svo-ovfua, f}.
With keen sense javelin: P. and Y. &KOVT%CIV.
of smell, adj. : Y. dpi Smite with a loud noise : P. and
... ...-, adj.
Smelling, Fragrant: P. and V. Kporcw
together: (acc.). Cto^
V. &<u&7s. Evil smelling : P. and P. and
Met., Y. on;/z/?aAAe/.
V. SijcroiSiys, Ar. and V. /caKo<r/*.os (with few, etc.) : P. and Y.
(JEsch. and Soph., Frag.). -o-ctv. -4j?Kc ; P. and Y.
Smelt, v. trans. P. Trtcjctv, KCLKOW, Xwrctv 866 afflict. J

Karax^vcvciv ; see also refine. Be smitten (with disease etc.) : P. t

Smile, v, intrans. Ar. and P. and V. <ri5i/xecr0<u (dat.). Chasten:

/ActStav, P. vTroycXav (Plat.). Laugh: P. and V. K0\aeiv, oroxjbpovi^etv,
P. and V. ycXav. Smile at : P. pvOplfav (Plat.) ; see chasten.
and Y. -yeXav &rf (dat.) ; see Laugh Smiter, subs. Bee destroyer. PwAsh-
at. Smile upon : Ar. and P. er P. and V. jcoXcumfc, 6, P.

l7riye\av (dat.), P. and V. TrpoorycXav croxjbpovwmfc, 6.

(acc.) (Plat, also Ar.). Met., when Smith, subs. Ar. and P.
fortune smiles : Y. orav 8* 6 V. crtS^porcWav, 6. J5e a

cvpofl (JBsoh., J?0r$. 601). Smile v. Ar. and P. xoA/cevett/. : smith's A

upon, fielp forward : P. aoad Y, craft : P.
cnrevSctv, emo'TrtvSfLv. Be friendly Smithy, subs. P.
to : P. and V. evvow Smock-frock, subs. Ar. /ca
Smile, subs. Laugh: P. and Y.
y^Axos, 6, V. yeAao'fux, TO*. With Smoke, subs. P. and V. KCWTVO'S. 6.
broad smile on his face : P. Travu IVwcfc smofta : Ar. and V. Xtyvifs, ^.
/AeiSiacras T TrpoercoTrco (Plat., Euthyd Fopowr : P. AT/US, 17 (Plat.), V.
275s). Met., /avow : P. and V, aT/x<>9, 6. Z9ic07Z5d smoke : P. and
Y. 0u/jui/x,ara, rdt.
Smoke, v. trans. CT&ofee smoke: w^
Smiling and Y
black : V.* aifl&Xoi)i/.
looks : P. <^at8pos, Ar. and aZiars STWofce witf/& offermgs :

Srno Sna

V. 1156 J
Kvlarav /So/AOife (Eur., Ale. P. and Y. /carcxeiv. Smother with
cf. Ar., AV.
1233). V. intrans. smoke : Ar. rvfaiv, frrDfaiv.
Make a smoke : Ar. and V. ru<etv. Smoulder, v. intrans. V. -r&fcw/,
Be full of smoke : Ar. KairvLfev. r^a-Oai. Steam: P. and V.
Smoulder : Y. rtf^etv, rdfao-Qat. arfuLV (Xen.).
Steam : P. and V. ar^Lv (Xen., Smudge, v. trans. See stain.
Smuggle, v. trans. Smuggle away:
Soph., Frag.).
V. iroAitaflwrvos. P. and Y. c/c/cAcwrc^, Ar. and Y.
Smoky, adj.
P. and V. ACIOS, V. see remove. Smuggle
Smooth, adj. aTTc/ATToASi/ ;

Glossy : Ar. and P. in : P. and Y. Aa0pd elcnrefjLTrew,

Awrapos. LeveZ : P. o^aAo? Y. Trapc/ATToAav.
Polished : Ar. and V. ecrro's. Of Smutch, v. trans. See w/.
the sea : V. see Snaffle, subs. Y. fipol, ol.
a/dfywov, ya\rjv6$ ;

calm. Met,, w/i, jrn*te P. and Snail, subs. P. /co^Aias, 6 (Aristotle).

V. Aclos (Plat.), ?rpaos, ^criJxos* fa-tos, Snail shell : Y. orrpct^Aos, 6 or
Ar. and P. ju.aA.aKds, Ar. and V. ^ (Soph., J?Vfljf.).
paXQaiKos. Easy: P. and V. Snake, subs. P. and V. ^Bva, %
pp'Sios, ewre-nfc (Plat.) j
see easy. (Plat.), o^Zs, ^? (Plat, also Ar.), Ar.
Affable : see affable. and Spa/ccoi/, V
6, kpirerovi TO, P.

Smooth, v. trans. P. Keudv&v (Plat.). ,

o (Plat.), Y. Spa/catva, T/ ; see
Level : P. 6/juxAvVeiv (Plat.). Smooth
the brow Ar. ^aAav peronrov (Vesp.
: Snaky, adj. P. (Plat.), V.
655). Smooth your broio : Y. snaky hair :
jicto vw 6<pv'v (Bur., I. .4. 64=8). Y.
Smoothing your angered brow : Snap, v. trans. Bite : P. and V.
Y. emryvJjv 6*<pw Aucracra (Eur., Sa/cvecv. jS^O-p ai : Y. o8a atpctv
Hipp. 290). So/te: P. and Y. (ace.), Ar. o3a Aaygeo-^ai (gen.);
Trpatfvciv ; see soften. Calm : P. see iito. Stoop wp ; P. and V.
and V. KOLfjiC&v (Plat.), V. Kot/*av. avapTraSetv. J5?*fiafc
Ojf : P. and
TTfefZe ai i/ie same time we smooth Y. aVopp^yvifvoi, P. dva/cAaV, /cara-
the way to empire for them : P. /cAav, Ar. cruy/cAav see break off. ;

V. intrans. Use passives of verbs

(Thuc. 4, 60). given. If his tackling strained or
Smoothly, adv. P. AetW Calmly : snapped entirely : P. Trov^o-avrcoi/
P. and V. -0^x5, ^<rvx^5. Easily : avrai raiv cnccuaiv ^ /cat eruvTpijSei/TG>v
P. and V. ppSiW, cwcrois; see oAws (Dem. 293). Stoop one's
easily. Gently : P. and V. ^Trews, fingers at : Met., see disregard.
P. -n-paws, Ar. and P. pSXa.?, Snap, subs. .Ztafe; P. and V.
Ar. and Y. /xoA(9ouc<os. TO (Xen. also Ar.). Sharp
Smoothness, P. and V.
subs. noise : P. and Y. KpoVos, 6.
Aeuxrgs, i). o/ weather : P. Snare, subs.
GaZ??z P. and V. TT^, ^
and Y. evSta, y see caZm. (Plat.). Net : P. and V. Sp/cSs, 17
Gentleness : P. -a-poorr}?, ^, Y. (Plat.), &'KTI;OV, TO (Xen. also Ar.),
$00x05, 6 (Plat.); see also net,
Smooth-tongued, adj. Ar, and Y. trap, toils. Trap : P. Qyparpov,
evyAwcnros (^Isoh., ^^j?. 775), Ar. TO'
(Xen.). Met., P. and Y. SoAos,
ei/Tropos, V. evrpo^os* -4 smooth 6 (rare P.), o-o^io-fux,, TO, farttTfi, rj.
tongue: Ar. Atom? yAwo-o-a (.Saw. Ambush : P. cve'Spa, ^, Y. Ao^o9, 6.
826). Lay a snare for : P. IvcSpeuctv (ace.),
Smother, v. trans. Ar. and P. cAAoxav (ace.), V. Aoxav (aco.).
Met., check: Snare, v. trans.
. P. and V. atpccv,
Sna Snu

Ar. and P. criywroSif /

; see also (gen. or absol.) (Eur., Cycl.).
deceive. Lie
in wait for: P. V. intrans. Snort : P. and V.
cveSpctW (ace.), V. Xoxav (ace.). rcrav, V.
Snarl, v. intrans. $/&0w the teeth: Sniff, subs. Snort : P. and V.
Ar. o-coTypevat (perf. of <raipiv). $vcnrjna, TO (also Ar. but rare P.).
TP/iew /ie c^-igs you ruled saw you Snivel, v. intrans. P. Kopv3.v.
snarling and showing your teeth Whimper : Ar. and Y.
at one another : Ar. (Soph., Frag.} ; see also cry.
ujitas at TroXeis Snood, subs. Ar. and V. /uVpa,
cV* aXX?;Xoio-t Kai crco-nporas Snore, v. intrans. P, and V.
Snatch, v. trans. P. and V. Snort, v. intrans. P. and V.
avap7raciv, <ri5i/ap7raiv, V. V. ^iJcrtav, pfyx* 1 (Eur., *'

fciV, 0"U/A/Aap7TTH' (EU1*., 785), typplfjLacrOa.1. Snort with

Ar. and V. itA rage : Ar. fiplpavQai. With breath
o/ ; P. and V. Xa/A/3ui/eo-0<u (gen.), of snorting nostrils : V
Ar. and V. Xav<r0<u (acc.), V. Theb*
dvTtXtt^vo-^at (gen.) ; see
Snatch aw>iy : P. and V. Snort, subs. P. and V.
(also Ar. but rare P.), V.
i', V. ra, <j>pvdyfjL<LTa t
Sneak, v intrans. Use Ar. and P. Snout, subs. Ar. pvyx""
<rvKo<l>avTw. Lie hid : P. Kara- 744).
(perf. of KdTaSvav), V. Snow, P. and V.
subs, v V. x^ ^
CKmOevai. Sneak aioay : It snows, v. : Ar. and P.
P. vire^px^ai see ; 5^*p a^^a^/. (Sen.), P. 7rfvt<^t (Xen.).
Sneak, subs. Use Ar. and P. winter and there was a
<ruKo<j><ivry)$, 6 ;
see also traitor. littk SnOW : P. xeifiuv fy KOL inrevtfa
Sneaking, adj. Secret : P. and V. (Thuc. 4, 103). Had it not snowed
Xa0pa?os. 2Wcct?l ; use P. arvKOtfrav- all over Thrace : Ar. c2 /M) fcareVt^c
TtfCOS. p^/oyv oX??v (ulc^. 138).
Sneer, v. intrans. P. and V. P. orav vtc^iy o
SWOfttf ;

o-K(07TTtv (Eur., Gycl. 675), Ar. and (Xen., C'2/71. 8), or orav ^rtvt^
P. x\mdW, eTrtffKwirrew, V. Ktpro- (Xen., Oyw. 8). Snoiu-covered,
fj.elv. Laugh: P. and V. yeXai/; adj. V. vt<ocrTL$T79, x^vt K

see WOC/P. Be insulting : P. and (Eur., l7t^. 215), Ar.

V. v/3p%iv. Sneer at : Ar. and
P. (acc.), 67ri(r/cd)7rTiv Snow-flake, subs. V. vT<
(acc.), V. KcpTopelv (acc.); see Flakes of snow : V. x 1 ^
mock, mock at, despise. (Eur., ^acc/fc. 662).
Sneer, subs. Mockery : P. xXeuacria, Snow-white, adj. Use white.
r/, xXevavfJWS, 6, V. jecpro^cris, ^. Snowy, adj. A. snowy night: P.
Lawjhter: P. and V. yeAa><?, 6, vv vTTov^ofj.ei^f) (Thuc. 3, 28). Of
6. InttZ; P. and V. colour uso white. :

Snub, trans.
v. Humble : P.
Sneeze, v. intrans. Ar. and P. ravtivovv ; see also insult.
7TT(UptV. Snub, subs. Insult. P. and V.
Sneeze, subs. Ar, and P. v/3pfe, f} see slight.

Snub-nosed, adj. Ar. and P. cri//,os.

Sniff, v. trans. Use P. and V. The possession of a snub-nose,
Smell : P. and V. oo-^pat- subs.: P.
Snu Soc

Snuff, v. trans. Inhale: use P. TrcTfo-tfeu. .Be Z^/M on Wgffc ; Ar.

and Y. cX/cctv. and P. /iTo)pt^o*^at.
Snug, adj. Water-tight: P ,_ Soaring, adj. Ar. and P.
vo's, Y. o-Tcyi/os (Eur., CycL 324). Ar. and V. //Tapcnos.
Comfortable, pleasant: P. and Sob, v. intrans. Ar. Xv&u or use
V. ttfe. Warm: P. and V.
Sob, subs. V. irocc^uy/AaTa, Ta, or use
Snugly, adv. Pleasantly : P. and groan. They wept sJiaken with
V. l} sobs: V. XvyS-nv e/cAaov (Soph.,
So, adv. Thus: P, and V. 0. 0. 1621).
OVTW, Tovrg, TrJSc 866
Sober, adj. As opposed to drunk :
With adj. and adv.: P. and V. P. andV. vT7<wv (Plat.). Abstaining
OUT04S, OTJTO), 8. .Nb ^fift SO P. .*
from wine: P. and V. aotvos
and Y. ou& 5?, <Ss. Similarly: Be sober, v. : P. and Y.
P. and Y.
^8e (Plat.).
o/^otcos, 6/wna, ajcrauTws, vifaeti/. Temperate : P. and V.
ofjiolov. Accordingly : P. and V. oro><po>v. CaZm : P. and Y. ^o-v^os,
ofo, ou/cow, TOtyap, TQtvw, Toiyapow, ycrvxalos. Orderly: Ar. and P.
Ar, and Y. vw (enclitic) ; see erJTa/cros. Iw so&er earnest, truly :
therefore. After all : P. and Y. P. and Y. aXrjOfa. Be sober m
#pa, Y. apa. So curid so, such twd earnest, v. P. and Y. cnrovSa^cti/.

such a person : Ar. and P. 6

Sober, v. trans. P. and Y. cro><pon-
Swc& #tt<2 swc& a thing : Ar. and ^ti/ ; see chasten. Be sobered :
P. TO Sctva FOM oa<& to have P. and Y.
done so and so and not the other
Soberly, adv. Temperately: P.
P. TO /cat TO KOL TO : P. and
j$6i -rroiijorai fju y/epaTtos. Discreetly
irotrja-aL (Dem. 128). So be it V. crox^poVo)?, V. cr
P. and V. OVTCDS yei/ P and V.
Calmly :

Tlieb. 526). So 0oZM

P, :
(rare P.). In a^ orderly manner ;
P. and V. KoXov/jLcvos, V. /c P. and Y. cura/crus.
(^sch., .Stow. 658). So/or, Soberness, subs. See sobriety
an extent : P. and Y. cts TOOWTO, P.
Sobriety, subs. Self-control:
cts Too-oSrov ; see under far. And lyKpa.TLa., Discretion : P. and
SO forth P. icat irav OTI Totovrov. V. TO o-w^pov, TO jbpovcTv, Ar. and
So great : see under great. So P. crox^pocriivi;, Calmness : Ar.
many : see tinder many. So that: and P. r cn3xta, 17 ;

P. and Y. <&(rr, V. <L 9 So Sociability, subs.

after all: P. and V. p7, V. 19, <t>i\avOpvma, 17. 37/ieir hatreds,
So speak: P. a><? ^os c^etv, V. their loves and sociabilities
^o (of
birds) : Y. I^pat TC /cat
Soak, v. trans. P. and V. feat cruveSptat
(JEgch., P. 7. 492).
TFe*; P. and Y. Sociable, adj. P. and Y.
iai), /3p^ (Plat.), ge^ior (Plat.),
flat.). ^sch., Frag.) .
; see (Xen.), P. e&rpoVoSos, rr
SoaA; through, P. Sociably, adv. P. and Y. 4>t\<
percolate :

Soaking, adj. P. and Y. Social, adj. Gregarious : P. dyeXatos,

Soap, subs. Ar. and P. Ar. and P. CTVWO/AQS. Civic: P.
Grease : see grease. Social intercourse
TroXiTt/cos. : P.
Soap, v. trans.
See wash, grease. and V. icotvcovta, 17,awovo*ta, ^,
Soar, v. intrans. Be carried: P. While
6ju.IA.6a, ^. enjoying social
and V. <eprtfau JF!y ; P. and V. intercourse without causing offence:
Soc Soj

P. aviraxQ&s ra JSta v, Ar. and V.

(Thuc. 2, 37). Social gathering, see soothe. Charm:
P. and V.
party : Ar. and P. <rwov<ria, 77 ; K-ri\iiv. Be
softened : use also P.
see party. and V. riyyevQai (Plat, but rare
Socialism, subs. Use P. ycwrcpio-//.*)?, P.), V. /jia\QaKiccr6aL,
6. (1st aor. pass, of
Socialist, subs. "Use adj., P. vca>- gfaie ; P. and V.
Tp07TOlO<?, curavrXeiv (Plat.), V.
Society, SUbs. P. 77
TWV avOpuirw, see mitigate. Soften down, gloss
Kotvcw'a. Association, club : Ar. over : Ar. and P.
and P. cruvoSos, 77, P. iTaipcia, 77, see gloss over.
orarrao-is, 77.
P. and Softened, adj.
Company :
Assuaged : use V.
V. <riJvoi;<rta, 77, d/uXui, 77, Koivaw'a, TreTTtov, fem.

77 ;
see company. Delight in Soft-hearted, adj.
anyone's society : use P. and V. gentle.
7}8eo-0ai arvv&v TLVL. Learn also to Softly, adv. Ar. and P.
be a boon-companion and a man Ar. and V. /^aX^afcois ; see also
of society : Ar. avpnro- delicately. Qmetly : P. and V.
*rtfcos Ti/(u KOL (rare P.) ; see
1208). genty.
Socket, subs. Ar. orpo^cvs, 6. Of Softness, subs. P.
a joint ; Ar. /rtm^Saiv, 77. Seizing (Plat.), v (Plat.). Supple-
him by the foot where the joint ness : P.
works in the socket : V. /x,ap^as P. and V. , i), &fipOTrjs, f), P,
TroSo's viv &p@pov ?J Xvyt^erat (Soph., Ar. and P,
Trach. 779). ^, V.
Sod, subs. P. and V. iro'a, 77 ; see
Meadow : P. and V. Soft-spoken, adj. See glib, flatter-
xov, o. ing.
Soda, subs. P. xaXao-r/xuov, TO, Ar. Soil, subs. Earth: P. and V.
and P. Xirpov, TO. 777, Ar. and V. &povpa, 77 (also

Sodden, adj. P. and V. Plat, but rare P.) ; see earth.

use P. and V. fafipeypeiH. Excellence of soil: P. CX/OCTT) yJJs
V. TT77KO)s (Bur., GycL 246).' (Thuc. 1, 2). Saving a poor soil,
Soever, adv. ^l^ded to relatives : adj. P.
XcTrrdyews (Thuc. 1, 2).
P. 8i77roT, STJTTOTOW, P. and V. Land : P. and V. y, Ar. and V.
wore (enclitic). ycua, 77, x^^ v ^ > Trc'Sov, r6, V. oiSSas,

Soft, adj. Ar. and P. cwraXos, juoXaKo's, TO', a?a, fj; see Zawd, ground.
Ar. and V. fiaX6aK<>$. Supple : P. Mud : P. and V. -n^Xos, 6, /3opj8opos,
and V. -typo's, P. 6.
ffcw^e, gmfii D^ri : see dirt.
: Met.,
and V. ^(rv^os ; see^en^e. Tender: P. and V. /c^Xfc, 77.
V. Effeminate : Ar. and P. Soil, v. trans. P.
>05, aTTciXos, V. "
d/3pos. P. KaroippV7raLviv, V. v, K77XI- '

?. and V. cfyflrfc _ Sow,

Ar. and P. aTroXo's. Of sound P. see : Met., P. and
and V. Xcto?. V..
Soften, v. trans. P. Soiled, adj. See dvriy.
Knead : P. and V. Sojourn, v. intrans. P. and 7.
/ i
jSi p pease P. and v TTPQ/OVCW. Ar.
. tZv ; see dwell, lodge. Bemain :
and P. irapafwOeitrOai,, V. Qi\yew P. and V. ftemv. Siay : Ar. and
(also Plat, but rare P.), P.

Sojourn, subs. Dwelling : P. 01/070-19, also serious. Be solemn, v. P. :

Stay : P. CTrify/u'a, and V. <re/jwtfi><r0ai.

I/ook solemn :
07, o/oiKTjcris, 17.

^. Sojourn in a foreign land P. . V. 0-cjj.vov fiktireiv. They bound

and V. jLteroiKta, ^. Spending one's all the soldiers by the most solemn
time : P. and V. ^01/17, 17, Starpt^, oaths : P. aJp/caxrav iravrcvi TOVS
OTpaTKOTa? TOIS opKovs
t Inhabitant: P.

Sojourner, subs. (Thuc. 8, 75).

and Y. evot/cos, 6 or 17; see inhabitant. Solemnise, v. trans. P. and V.
Sojourner in a foreign land : P.
and V. ftT06/co?, 6 or ^. a Solemnity, subs. P. and V.
sojourner in a foreign land, v. P. :
TO crepvov. Ceremony : see
and V. fjieroLKew. Solicit, v. trans. P. and V.
Solace, v. trans. P. and V. ?rapa- (TWO, TI), ohraiTeiv (TWO. TL), &t<rOai
Or. 298), V. see beg. Solicit in
l*.M<rOa.i (Eur., (TIVO? rt) ;
iraprjyppclv. Soothe, assuage : P. marriage : P. and V.
and V. Trpadvav, 0eXyii/ (Plat, but see
rare P.). Lighten: P. and V. Solicitation, "subs. Entreaty : P.
TlKOV<llV, V, ^CVfJLapl&W. 17, Seiyo-i?, , alryjfJLO.,
TO ; see

Solace, subs. P. 7rapa/*v0ia, 17,

TrapafwQiov, TO, P. and V. -Trapai/oJ^, Solicitor, subs. Use adj., Ar. and
V (rare P.). Means of assuaging : P. 8t/cdmds.
V. avafcou^to-ts, ^ ; see alleviation. Solicitous, adj. See anxious.
Hope : P. and V. cX^fe, fj. Solicitously, adv. See anxiously.
Solder, v. trans. Ar. and P. Solicitude, subs. See anxiety.
/coXXav. Solid, adj. P. and V. orepeos, Ar.
Soldier, subs. Ar. and P. orpaTioinjs, and V. rappos. Thick : P. and V.
6, Y. alxmrn*> (Eur., Or. 754, -TTUKvos. Sard (o/ ground) : P. and
also Plat., JS0p. 411s but rare P.), V. <rre/)eo5, V. or-u^Xo's, P. orepiqbos ;
ajcnrLa-Trjp, 6; see warrior. Be a see 7tar^. Of solid silver: V,
soldier, v: P. and V. orpaTcvetv Kavdpyvpos(8oph.,Frag.). Compact:
(or mid.). Heavy armed soldier : P. cwrayrfc. Secure: P. and V.
P. and Y. oTrArnys, o. O/ a soldier, jSey&uos. 27/ie we 7iad woi frozen

adj. : Ar. and P. o-rpaTtevri/cos. solid

P. KpvoroXXos erremTyei ou
Fund for sold-ier's pay P. ra ^c^aios (Thuc. 3, 23). JJmted:
orparuaTLKoi (Dem. 31). P. and V. cL^poos. Of geometrical
Soldiering, subs. P. and V. figures P. crr^pco's. : Met secure, ,

rj ;
see service. firm : P. and V. /?/?<uos, ao-^aX^s,
Soldierly, adj. Ar. and P. V. ^TT^OOS.
TUCOS. Solidarity, subs. See solidity.
Soldiery, subs. Use P. TO Strength : P. and V. tcrxfe, ^ ;
strength. Unanimity : P. o^toVota,
Sole, subs. Fish : Ar. and P. use
Solidify, v. trans. P. and V.
Sole, adj. Only: P. and V. -rryyvwai. V. intrang. P. and V.
V- /AOWOS ; see only. TrrjyvvcrOa.1,.
Solecism, subs. P. croAowaovAos, 6 Solidity, Subs. P. orepeonys, 17.
(Aristotle). Commit solecisms, v. : Solidly, adv. Securely : P. and V.
P. croA.oi/cieiv.
Solely, adv. Ow^: P. and V. Solitary, adj. P. and V.
JU.OVOI/. Inhospitable : V. awav^pwTros, ayet-
Solemn, adj, P. and V. credos ; see : P. and Y. /*oVos, V.
Sol Son

[JLOVVOS, OfoS, jltOVdS, p,Qv6ppv6p.Q$) Tts (TTLv (77 KCLTrj'yopia) (Plat.,

Otdo)l/OS, ^LMWOCTToXoS, /XOVOOTtjS^S. Ap 19c).

Solitude, subs. P. and V. Ip^t'a, r/. Sometime, adv. ^[^ sometime or

Solo, subs. Ar. and P. /*oi/o>8ta, 77. other: P. and V. -n-oTe (enclitic).
Sing a solo v. Ar. //.oyuScty.
Sometimes, adv. P. and V, More
Solstice, subs. P, rpoirati' at. ^L6owt (Eur., Hel. 1213),V. ^o-^' 5re, P. i<rnv
i&e ^'rae o/ i/tfi winter solstice P. ore. In some places : P. Icrrti/ 7},
7Tpt TyXtOTJ TpOTTO-S TttS \LfJLpLVOL^ V. Icrrtv o5 (Euu., Or. 638).
(Thuc. 7, 16). Sometimes at others : P. and V. . . .

Soluble, adj. P. AUTO'S (Plat), TO'T oXXoTt, Ar. and P. TOT* . . .

TITO'S (Plat.). 7TOT U.V 7TOTC , . . .

Solution, subs. Dissolving : P. Xvo-ts,

r), StaXuo-ts, 7;. O/ a difficulty : P. Somewhat, adv. A little : P. and
XuVis, 7; (Dem. 703). Way out: V. oXtyov, /xt/cpov, crjUKpov; see a
P. and V. !oSos, 77- little. Somewhat deaf: Ar. and
Solve, v. trans. P. and V. X^ti/, P. *7roKO)^o5. With adj. and adv. :

Ar. and P. SioXiW. Solve a riddle: use P. and V. comparative. Though

it be somewhat laughable to say so :
etSeVat. P. c? /cat yeXotoVcpov cwrctv (Plat.,
Solvent, subs. For washing: Ar. 4j>. 30B).
and P. Somewhere, adv. P. and V. TTOV
Solvent, adj. use P. (enclitic). From somewhere : P.
and V. iroBev (enclitic).
Sombre, adj. Of colour P. and V. Somewhither, adv. : P. and V, TTOI
V. /ceXatPd';, ^oe/xvo's, (enclitic).
jD#r& : P. and V. Somnolence, subs. P. ^acr/a,?/, r).
see a?'&. Moiwmng : V. Somnolent, adj. See sleepy.
Son, subs. P. and V. Trats, 6, Ar.
Sombreness, subs. Darkness: P. and V. Kopos, 6 (rare P.), TCKVOV,
and V. OVCOTOS, 6 or TO see gloom. TO (rare P,), TCKO?, TO', yoVo?, 6, V.

Some, adj. P. and V. Tts (enclitic). yovij, 17, (rrrep/ja, TO, cnropa., r;, TOKOS,
Some people : Ar. and P. eviot, V. 6 see cMicZ. ;

Icrrtvot. Some otf/iers : P. and V. Song,

. .subs/ P. and V. $8$, %,

ol fji\v . . . ot 8e, oXXot oXXot.

. . .
/icXojSta, 17, v(jL,vo<s,
6 9 fxeXos, TO, Ar.
Somebody, subs. See someone. and P. ^o-/*a, TO (Dem. and Plat.),
Some day, adv. P. and V. Ar. and V. (Bur.,
doiS}, t;, ^0X71^, ij

(enclitic). flfyp^. 773), V. u/Ava>8ta, T;. Like

Somehow, adv. P. and V. a song : use adv., Y. p.o\7rrf86v
(enclitic). Somehow or other: Ar. (^3sch., Pers. 389). Strain : Ar,
and P. <?/x<oye7ro)5, a/^ycTni, O7ra>cr- and P. vo'fto?, 6. O/ iirds : P. and
V. <j5^ey/ua, TCI, <^^<>yyos, 6, }
Someone, subs. Use P. and Y. ns 77. So0 o/" victory: P. and V.
(enclitic). Be someone (of im- iratrf v, 6 ;
see paean.
portance) : P. and V. etvat Songster, subs P. and V. ^8ds, o,

Someone or otJier : P. V. ttOtSo?, 6, V/AVOfTOtOS, O.

Songstress, subs. V. aotSos, 7},

So and 50 : Ar. and P. 6 Selva. u/Aj/oTroto?, 77.

TJie riddling song-
Something, P. and V. Tt
subs. stress, the Sphinx : V. r) 7rot/aXa>8ds

(enclitic). Something or other'*. S<ty (Soph., 0. JS. 130),

Ar. and P. ortovi/. (The accusation) Son-in-law, subs. P. and V.
P. Js, 6, V. ya/u,p09,
is something of this sort :
Son Sor

Sonorous, adj. See loud. Boastful Sop, v. trans. Soak: P. and Y.

proud : P. and V. credo's,
Sop, subs. Dainty morsel : P. and
*7r6pjco .

Soon, adv. P. and V. r V. oi/rov, TO f^Bsch., Frag.). Met.,

V. cruv use P. and V. Swpov, TO'
floais, Ta^os, Ar, and P Sophism, subs. Ar, and P.
Soon after : P. ov TroAAa .

tfcrrepov, Ar. and P. oAiyov vo-Ttpov. Sophist, subs. Ar. and P.

As soon as possible: P. and V. 6. Play the sophist, v. P and :

and Y. V. <ro<t>%co-6ai. (Bur., I. -4. 744).

As soon as : P. and Sophistical, adj. P. ov
V. &rci
Ta^icrra, a>s rcty terra, Ar. and
V. OTTOS Ta^iora, P. P.
Sophistically, adv.
-ffow soow ) Wvthin
use P. and V. T&/OS xpovou ; (Bur.,
Sophistry, subs. P.
Or. 1211). Too soow. 'prematurely: : Ar. and P..
P. and V. *-po>'.

Sooner, adv. See Soporific, adj. Staying pain: V-

Soot, subs. Ar. <r/3o\os, ij,V.
^oAo?, 6 (ZEsch., J?Ya0.). Blacken Soporific, subs, use P. and V.
With S00t 9 V. : V. alOaXovv. TO. :
<f>dp/jLa.Kov9 Sleeping-draught
Sooth, subg See truth In sooth, P. fiavopayopas, 6.
truly : P. and V. ?, Ar. and V. Sorcerer, subs. P. and V. /Aefyos, 6,
*apra (rare P.), S^ra, V. ? Kapra; <ap//,o/CUs, 6, 70079, 6, crrtoSos, 6, V*
see really, For
verily. sooth, (XOtSo9, 6.
ironically : P. and V. S^^cv Sorceress, subs, Ar. <ap/*a/c&, ^>
Soothe, v. trans. P. and Y. V. dotSos, ^.
but rare P.), P. Sorcery, subs. P. jLiayeuTtK^, <^>ap-
, V. fjia.KLa, i), V. fjLa.yevfjLa.TCL, TCI;
yopetv, /LoXdaorcretv, crw^aA.7rtv, magic. Use sorcery, v. V. :

^A-ctF, Ar. and V. /loXao-o-civ see

par/mew, Ar.
comfort. Do not soothe me with Sordid, adj. Poor, mean: P. and
false words: Y. KCL/COS, <^avAos, Ar. and P.
/Au^ots i/rcuSeVtv (^Bsoh., P. 7. 685). Base : P. and Y.
O^arwi : P. and V. vrjXw. Lull fjLOx
sleep : Lit. and Met., P. and V. Ar. and P. ayew^s. IZ-
KOI/JLL&LV (Plat.), V. KOLfw. Miti- liberal : P. dvcAcv^cpos. Niggardly:
gate : P. and V. P. and V.
a^avrAeiv (Plat.), V. t Ar. and P.
Soothing, adv. P. and Y. T^OS, V.
Soothing Sordidly, adv. Poorly, meanly :
pain : V. P. and V. <avA.o)s, /caicois.
2%e soothing power of my Basely :
tongue: P. and V. ato*xpws, KGIKCOS, ^rov^pws,
<^avXo)s, aycwais. Illiberally : P.
886). Sioeet soothing power
(Xen.), Stingily : P.
of sleep : Y. 5 ^tXov iWov tf&ywTpov
(Ear., Or. 211). Sordidness, subs. Shabbiness: P.
Soethsayer, subs. See prophet. Baseness : P. and
^auXony?, 17. V.
Soothsaying, subs. Bee prophecy. irovrjpia, K&KVJ, P. ICO/COT^S, ^,
TJ, y,
Sooty, adj. Y. iroXtiKaTrvos, or use Ar. and P. /ca/a'a, 17,
black. Make sooty, v. : V. <u'0oAow. P. and
Sor Sor

V. alerxpoKcp&eia, 17, Ar. and P. 5 grieved : P. and V.

<t8(oAl'a, ^, P. <f>lXoKp$LOL, 17. tvlao-0ai, V.
Sore, subs. P. and V. IX/cos, TO. Ar. and V. Tipeo-0ai,
Open old sores, v P. ^A/cow-own/.
(rare P.) see grieve.
; Sorrow over:
Sore, adj. Causing pain : Ar. and see lament.
P. oSwtypos, V. SicSSwos. Distressing: Sorrowful, adj. Distressing : P.
P. and V. AuTnypos, dvtfapos, wi/cpos, Avw>7po's, ai^apo'?, Trt/cpos, /?apus, Ar.
V. 8uoropo9 (also Xen. but and V. Su<rn7vos, V.
rare P.), AuTrpos; see grievous, (also Xen. but rare P.),
distressing. A sore point, something 7roAvo-Tovo5 see sa& Miserable : ;

that gives offence : use P. and V. P. and V. #0X105, otKTpos,

7ri'<0ovov. J30 sore, &e annoyed: ToAatTrcopo? : see
Ar. and P. uyava/cTew/ ; see annoyed. Dejected : P. and V.
Sorely, adv. Severely P. and V. (Xen.), V. Sv<r6vfj.o<s, Karrj^^, STJO--

Scii/tos, P. tor^pois. .M-Mc/i : P. and ipwv. Ba sorrowful, dejected, v. :

V. TroAv. Exceedingly : P. and V. P. and V, ^^TJ/AcZv, V. $va 0vfJLiar6ai.


oxo'8pa, Ar. and V. /capra (rare P.). Sorrowfully, adj. P. and V. c

Painfully: P. and V. Unfortunate-
m/cpate, cu/tapGs (Xen.), V. Awrpais; ly: P. and V. 8ucrri5x^ V. Svo-
see grievously. Be sorely pressed : ?r6Tfio>s. Dejectedly : P. d^u/uos
P. and V. 7TL^(rBaLt Piacr6ai, irovew, (Xen.), Suo-^'/xtos (Plat.) Grievous-
TaAaiTrcopeiv see under p-ess.
; ly : P. and V. AtJTnypw?, dAyctvw?,
Soreness, subs. Bitterness : P. and Trtfcpois, avldpcos (Xen.), V. Av7rpa>5.
V. TriKpoT^s, ij. Terribleness : P. Sorrowfulness, subs. P.
SsivoViys, ^. Annoyance : P. and 17. Dejection : P. and ,

V. 8ucr;(Cjpcia, -9, a^^Swi/j ^ see V. > ^Lo., ^ (Plat.).

Sorry, adj. Meaw, shabby : P. and
Sorriness, subs. Meanness : P. V. <aCAos, /ca/cos, Ar. and V.
^auAdrgs, Squalor : V. Trift/os, 6.
(rare P.), Ar. and P.
Sorrow, subs. Gr^/: P. and V. Repentant : P.
Awty 17, area, ff, Ar.
and V.
TO, $xos TO, V. 8ui7, 17, TnJ/xa, TO, T repent of : P. and V.
^, o^ts, ^, TrwOoj, TO (in P. outward (ace.) ; see repent of. Pity : P.
signs of wwurning), P. and V, cAectv ; see pity. Lament,
^. Sorrows, troubles : P. and V. regret : Ar. and P. ayava#cTtv
/ca/cft, Ta, wa^, Ta, wtt^^ttra, Ta, V. (dat.), V. TTiKpius ^>epciv (aco.),
Svo*<jbopa, TCX, TnJ/AttTa, TCX, at.) ;
see regret.
at, Ar. and V. -n-oVot, ot ; see troubles. Sort, subs. P. and V. yecos, TO,
Free from sorrow, adj. V. :
eT8os, TO, tSca, 17.
Manner : P. and
aTevflifc. W^i7i sorrow should I see V. TpoVos, 6, V. pvOpos, 6. Nature :
them dnvrik with wvue : V. P. and V. ^tforfe, oj. Q/ to/Mt^ sori,
vtv elo-iSoip &v ^(j)V6>/Ava5 (Eur. 7 adj. interrog. P. and V. TTQLO$;

Bacch. 814). To
2/owr sorrow then indirect., P. and V. olos, oTrotoy.
shall you lay haiids on them : P. O/ a/Z sor^s : P. and V. Travrotos,
(Eur., Heracl. Ar. and P. TOVToScwroV O/ such a
270). Repentance : P. and V. sort : P. and V. TOU>VTOS, TotoVSe,
^ fEur., Frag.), P. P. ToiouTorpoTTOs. Of another sort :
/Aera^ceXos, 6, V. /*era- P. dAAotos. What sort of a mem do
yvota, ij- you think your father was : P.
Sorrow, v. intrans. P. and V. TroioV riv ^yct TOV Trarlpa. TOV

, oSvpardcu, airo^p^crOai'j see etvai pern. 954=).

Sor Sou

Sort, y. trans. Ar. and P. Ka.6wai (Plat., .

see arrange as ^

Sortie, subs See sally. P. l^X^X^yfi^OL (Dem.

Trai/Te? ^O"aj/

Sort out, v. trans. See choose. 233). V. P. and V.

Sot, subs. Use P. olvo^Xv^ or 6 <0e'yycr0<u, V. ^coi/ctv, Ar. and V.
(Xen.), Ar. ^uXoTro-nys, 6. yxclv (Plat, but rare P.). Make a
Sottish, adj. See drunken, drunk. noise : P. and V. \lfofaiv, KTUTTCIV
Sottishness, subs. P and V. /^cU?, ^. (Plat, but rare P.), fa* ( plat but -

Sough, subs P. and V. ^o'0os, 6. rare P ), ifrrjx^v (Plat, but rare P ),

Sough, v. intrans. P. and V. Ar and V. /fy^etv (Ar in mid.).
Sound (of a trumpet) P. and V. :

Soul, subs. P. and V. <0eyyo-&u, P. eTrt^^eyyccr^at (Xen.),

o/ feelings : P. and V. V. /ccXaSciv (Bur., P^o^. 1102).
an<^ ^- 0Wfe ><^p^, Seem : P. and V. Soicctv; see
or pi., KapSia, -fj, Kc'ap, TO, V. seem. TYu's sounds like an absurd-

rjirap, TO, o-7rA.ayxvoj/,

r >
or P^ ity : P. OLK roVTO . . .

Conducting the souls of the dead, (Plat., Phaedo, 62c).

adj. : V. i/ri3x6VojLi7ros. Sound, subs. Nwrroio passage of
Soul-stirring, adj. Passionate : P. sea P. and V. TropOpos 6 see : ;


Sound, subs. Matfe by any animal : Sound, adj. Healthy : P. and V.

P. and V. <o)vi7, ^, <0o'yyo?, 6 *y7?. Safe and sound : P.
(Plat.), <0ey/^ TO (Plat.), V. <0oyyi7, o-ois Kai uywfc (Thuc.). Of a ship
77, ^di, 17 see voice.
Inarticulate: uninjured P. vyrfs (Thuc. 8, 107); :

P. and V. i/^tyos, 6, >

see uninjured. Vigorous P. I

but rare P.)> Ar. and V. Be sound, v. Ar. and P. :

Sound of trumpet : see Sound in limb and mind : P.

io-ztd sound: P. and V. ^o'<o$, 6, dpTt/jteA^s T Koi aprfypw (Plat.,
X>7, 17 (Plat,
but rare P.), KTUTTOS, 6 Eep. 536s).
(Plat, and Thuc. but rare P. also Sounding, adj. See loud. High
Ar.), V. fipofjios, 6, SOTJTTOS, 6 (also Jr*. and V.
o-//o's, v
Xen. but rare P.), apay/*os, 6, V.
apay/jaTd, TCL, Ar. and V. Tr^Tciyos, SoundiyV a'dy. -P. Correctly : '
6. Of a musical instrument : P. P.andV. Vigorously : P.
and V <a>vi7, ty Ar. and P. ;upa>s.
a sound, y. P. and V. Soundness, subs. P. and V. v

To the soivnd of : P. and 17 (Eur., Or. 235) Correctness:

V. &ro' (gen.) (Thuc. 5, 70). Ar. and P. op&mys, 17.

Sound, y. trans. A musical instrtir- Soup, subs. Ar. and P. CTVOS, TO

ment : Ar. and P. ^dAAfti/ see (Plat.), Ar. ;

play. Make to clash P and V. Sour, adj.

Unripe: Ar. and P.
Make to sound : V. w/xos (Xen.). Of taste : P. and V.
Sound a persons praises :
Tu/epos,Ar. and P. SpZ/^s,, o*rpv^>vo5,
use praise. Sound (retreat) : P. P. o^vs, avcnypos. Sour wine : Ar.
oypaivctv (ace.) ; see signa'. The Tpornas oTvo5, 6. Of temper P. :

trumpet sounded : P. lo-d\Tnygt and V. 8uor/co\o5, 8i5o~cpo To$,


(Xen.), canjfjLTjve (of. Bur., H&racl. P. auimjpo's, Ar. and V.
830). Mafcfi truiZ o/: P. and V. see also Of
ireipaarQai (gen.),P. Sta/cwSWfeiv ; looks P. and V. o-jcvtfpowrd's, V.
see irm/, Bing (money) : Ar. $cwr temper Ar. 0i5p :

Take a sounding : P.
Sou Spa
Sour, v trans. Embitter: P. and any likelihood of a crop: P. AX A.'
V. Triipo6viv, V. o ui/ci/ see ; orrepjma Set KciTajSaAAeiv Iv T^ Tr

ovSei/a TOtOTjrcov -Trpay/jtctTcov, ou8' ct ^a

Source, subs. Of rivers, etc. : P. and 7TO) &v K^ot (Dem. 748). TF7ia*
V. TnyyiJ, ^, Kpyvrj, ^, Ar. and V. harvest of sorrow did you sow for
Kpowo's, 6 Origin : P. and V. me ere you perished V. oo-as dvtas
<*PX*7 4s W1 7y7 V (Hat.), pi'a, 17. fjiOL AcaTao-TTctpag $6ivi<$ (Soph., Aj.

.Frow w/ia source, interrog. : P. 1005). Sow the fields P. and V. .

and V. 7To0v see whence.; From oWpetv. Met Propagate: P. and V. ,

another source : P. and V. aXXofev. 0-7TtplV (Plat.), V. KCLTaOTTTCtpetV r *

Sourly, adv. P. and V. -rriKpois. see fogretf. D'isseminate : P. and

Sourness, subs. P. a.Vnypor^s, ^. V. Siao-Tretpeiv, 8ta8t8ovat, e/c^epetv^
Of temper : P. and V. TTIKPOT^S, 17. Ar. and orTrctpctv. V
Ar. and P. (3vor/coXta, 17, P. aucrny- Sower, subs. P. and V. 6 o-Trcipcov.
por7?, ^ ; see awjer. Sowing, subs Seed-time : P. cnro'po?,
Souse, v. trans. See steep. 6 (Plat ), V. orropa, 17, SpoTos, 6.
South, subs. Use P. and V, VOTOS, 6. Sown, adj. Sown land : V. O-TTOP^TOS,
Face the south P. irpos VOTOV Sprung from the sown teeth of

Trpa<0<u (perf pa=s. TpeWv) (Thuc.

. the dragon (used of the Thebans) :
2, 15). To /&<3 south of: P. and V. oTrapTo's. Neioly sown V. :

V. Trpos VOTOV (gen.).

Southern, adj. Ar. and P. VO'TIOS, P. Space, subs. Boom: P. and V.
and V. o rrpos vorov, fiecrq/A/Spwos. X^pos, 6. A space of eight feet :
Southward, adv. P. and V. Trpos P. OKT^TTOW x&piov (Plat., Men.
vorov, V. Trpo? VOTOU TTVOCLS (JEsch., 82B) Plenty of space : P. -upu-
Frag.). X<opta, 17.
Want of space : P.
South wind, subs. P. and V. vo'ros, oTcvoxopi'a, ^. Country : P. and
o (Msoh., Frag.). V. x*>P a* 4- ^ 5waZZ 5pace : P. ^
Souvenir, subs P. and V. /xv^ctov, ev 6XtyH>. jffa-yfl space for, v. : P.
TO, Ar. and P. /AI/^/JIOO-UI/OV, r6, P. and V. xw/otv (ace.). Time P. :

i>7rd/Av?7/ia, TO, V. yxvT^a, TO and V. xP^5, 6. 5^ace o/, length

Sovereign, adj. P. and V. /crfpios. of : use P. and V. TrX^os, TO (gen.).
ejf'icacivus : P. and V. After a space: P. and V. Sta
Sovereign throne : V. XpoVov. Within the space of a
Sovereign power : short time P. CVTOS ov TroXXov

V. jravT^X-Jjs /xoi/ap^a, ^. xpovov (Plat.). Interval : P S-

Sovereign, subs. P. and V. /3acriX<nfe, , TO, 8ttto*T77ju.a, TO see iw^e?*vfflZ.

6 ; see A;w^, cA^/- between two towers : P.

Sovereignty, subs. dpx?}> ^, Kpdros, ,
TO. Space between two*
TO, /jiovap^ia, ^ (rare P.), Soii/ao^rcta, armies : V. /oiTatXAt.tov,
V. Opovoi, ot, o-K^TTTpa, T<.
Spacious, adj. P. and V. eupifs,

^o<ww ; P. and V. TiSpawts, ^. O/

one state over another : P. Spaciousness, subs. Use P. and
V. plydos, TO.

Sow, subs. P. and Y. Spade, subs.

B?, Ar. and P. cr/uvv>7, ^,
Frag.). Ar. and V. StaXXa, ^, V. y^, 17.
Sow, v. trans. Sow seed : P. and Span, v. trans. With a bridge : P.
V. cnrapeiv, KttTaoTTCipetv (Plat.), P. and V. evyviWi, P. y<upoGv
KaT<x/3aXW. JVor o^gf/fct owe io (Plat.).
sow the seeds of such mischiefs Span, subs. m As a measure: P.
the city even though there be not yet -
O/ i?rae P. and V.

Spa Spe

P. ircpioSos, ^. Compass : P. and V. (Thuc.

Ku/cXos, 6 ij, , </.aSoi
P, and V. 7re/w/3oXos, 6 ; see and Eur., Frag.).
compass. Spark, subs. Ar. o->&7p, 6. Eubbing
Spangle, v. trans. Use P. and V. flint against flint I produced with
irOLKL\\lV, P. StttTTOtKiXActV. pain a dim spark : V. aAA" &
Spangled, adj. P. and V. 7roiKiA.os, TTCTpOLCn TT&TpQV CKTpiBw fto'XlS C^v'
Ar. and V. cuoXos. Pftfl.
Star-spangled a^avrov <#>ais (Soph., 296).
night : V. ^ TroiKiAetyLicov vr; (JEsch., Tinder wood for striking a spark :
P. 7. 24). P. and V. ra irvpeia (Plat., Eep.

Spar, subs. Beam: Ar. and P. 435A; Soph., PWZ 36). Met., a
SOKO'S, 07, P. Kepala, rj. Of a ship : spark of : use P. and V. (enclitic), n
V. SoplJ, TO, 01 USe KOppol VaVTlKol with gen. A gay spark : P. and
(Eur., Eel 1601). Spars for oars: V. vednds, 6.
Ar. and P. KO^S, ol. Piece of Sparkle, v. intrans. P. and V.
wreckage : P. and V. vauuyta, ra, KXdfJLTTLV (Plat.), Aa/WTlV (Plat.),
V. uyiy, 17, &pav<r/Jt.a3 TO. dorpaTrretv (Plat,), <mX/3ecv (Plat.),
P. o-Kta/ia^tv, Ar. and V.
Spar, v. intrans.
see 02?. Spar >#& see
V. avTOLVLOTCLcrQcLi rivi s Sparkle, subs. P.
(Soph., 2>. 441). (Plat.); QQQ flash.
Spare, v. trans. P. and V. <i8or0<u Sparkling, adj. P. and V.
(gen.). -Bs sparing of : P. and V. Ar. and V. ^aewos, Tra^a
4>i'Secr0ai (gen.), ffwa : P. and V. see bright. Met., ^ay : Ar. and
SiSoVat ; see gwe. Not to grudge : P. vcdvt/cos see gay. ;

P. and V. ov 4>6oviv (gen. of thing, Sparrow, subs. Ar. crrpoS0os, 6.

dat. of person). Refrain from: Sparse, adj. P. and V. ; see
P. and V. aWxeo-tfai (gen.), a<tora-
<r0ai (gen.). Spare (to do a thing): Sparsely, adv. P. <nravCw. Here
P. and V. a7Txr0eu (/w? infin.), and there : P. <rn-opooV.
V. u^tb-rao-flat (infin.); see re- Sparseness, subs. P. oAiyo'Tiys, ^.
Lack : P. and V. (nrai/ts, ^ see ;

Spare, adj. Lean : Ar. and P. scantiness. Sparseness of popu-

P. and lation : P. oAiyavtfpowri'a, 17.
V. 7,00'?. Scanty: P. and V. Spasm, subs. P and V. <r7ra<r/*o'9,
V. o-7rSvto*TO5, 6 (Thuc. 2, 49), V. (nrapay/Aos, 6,

Surplus : P. and V. P. a^aSao-jiwfe, 6 (Plat.).

Seamanship is a branch of art and Spasmodic, adj. Convulsive: V.
does not admit of being studied as Scanty : P. and V.
a mere pastime in spare moments :
P. TO vauriAcov Tcxviys- lari Spasmodically, adv. At random:
OVK V&)(TCU QTOV TV^ CK P. and V. t/c^ ; see sparsely.
fAf\era<r&aL (Thuc. 1, 142). Spatter, v. trans. Ar. and V.
Sparely, adv. Scantily : P. patWtv. Soil: P. and V. /xuW;
Frugally : P. <jfet8a>A<os. see soil
Sparing, subs. P. and V. Spawn, Offish : use Ar. and
(Thac. and Eur., Frag.). P. ra (Aristotle).
<jx, Seed: P.
SparirTg, adj. Ar. and P. and V. oWp/iS, TO' (Plat.), V. <nropd,
Scanty : P. and V. ?
Sparingly, adv. P. <etSa>Aws. Scant- Speak, v. trans, and absol. P. and
ily : P. cnrawa)?. V. \lyctv, ciiretv, ayopeut.v, Ar. and
Sparingness, subs. Ar. and P. V. avSav (or mid.), Iav8av
Spe Spe

inid.), V. , fjLvOcia-Oa.1, wound with spear : P. and V. a/cov-

(ace.), P. jcaTafcoiTifciv (ace,).
Utter : P. and V. iivai, with spear , adj. : V. Sopu-
see utter. Explain, tell : P. and <opos. Wi7j golden spear : Ar.
V. <pafeiv. Break silence : P. and and V. xp^o-oAoyxos. Brandishing
V. <0eyyor0ai. So to speak : P. the spear : V. oopvo-vovs 8opucro*oos.
V. d)5 t7TLV 7TOS. : subs.: Ar. Sopu^ds,
a language : P. and V.
V. Aoy^oTroto'?, 6. 6,

yAtoo-o-av ceV<u, /S#0a& a language Spearman, subs. P. d/covTtoTTJs, 6,

badly (of a foreigner) : P. V. &KOVTi<mqp, o, al)(jfjt.7]rTJ^, 6 (Bur.,
(absol.). Speak in public : P. and also Plat, but rare P.), Ar, and P.
V. Ae'yeiv, Ar. and P. tywyopctv, P. s, 6 (Xen.).

Adyoi/ iroieio-Oai. Speak against: Special, adj. P. P. and V. ,

P. and V. /caT^yopcij/ (gen ) ; see |atperos, V.

accuse, blame. Oppose: P. andV. sonal : P. and V, ot/celos,
(dat.), avreMreti/ (dat.).
Chosen: P. and V.
07-, recominend : P. Trpo&vcii/

(aco.). Support : P, OWCWTCLI/ Specialise, v. trans.

(dat.). Spaafe o/: P. and V. Aey tv iinctoows; Ar. and P.
(ace.), t7Ttv (aco.), <paiv (ace.), Determine, fix : P. and Y.
V. ^vvcVctv (ace.) see mention.
5e a specialist in P.

Speak out: P. and V. J&iirciv. (gen.) (Plat.).

$0 outspoken : P. 7rapp7?<naeo-0ai. Specialist, subs, Use P. 6

see accost. (Plat.).

Ar. and P. StoAcyco-Sai (dat.). Speciality, subs. Characteristic :
Speakable, adj. Ar. and Y. P. and V. fStov, TO.
TT e /

Specially, adv. P. 8ia<epoVro>5 ; see

Speaker, subs. P. and V. frfTup, o
Be a P. f)7}TOpCVW. Special-pleading, subs. Sophistry:
President of the assembly : P. Ar. and P. o-o^V/AaTa, TC.
iTncrrdrrj^t o. A speaker's tricks : Species, subs. As opposed to genus:
Y. orpo^ttt Sijju-^yopot a.L P. ctSos. TO'. : see kind. The Knd
Speaking, subs. P. and V. Adyos, human species : P. ^
o. Public speaking: P.
7;, 677/w?yopia, ^ o/ speaking : Specific, subs. See remedy.
P. pyropLKij, fj. o/ speaking: Specific, adj. Clear, fixed : P. and
P. and Y. Aoyos, o. Way of speaking: V. o-a<ifc. .For /ws specific purpose:
Ar. and P. S^Ae/cros, ^ (JDem. 982), P. and V, TT' avro TOVTO.
Spear, subs. P. and V. SdpiJ, TO, Specifically, adv. Clearly : P. and
/?Aos, TO (rare P,), TTOATOV, TO (Xen. V. <ra Expressly : P.

and -fflseh., Frag.), Ar. and P, P. oi/o/xaart.

aKOVTLOV, TO, V, &K<i)V, O, jSeAe/AVOV,Specify, v. kans. Determine : P.
TO, a,lxw> ^ fw<yiciiAov, TO, Ar. and and V. 6p/H/, Siopi&v Mention m

Y. A<fy;<?7, ^. For striking fish : P. ty name : P. and Y. ovo/iaciv.

Tpco'Sovs, o (Plat.). fa>r ^pcar ; Specimen, subs. P. and V. Sety/ia,
Ar. and P. 8op<$nov, TO. Contest TO, 7rttp^8ety/wx, TO, P. 7r8ty/x, TO.
with Lhe spear : Y. SoptTr^ a secimew o/: Ar. and P.
J^aKcw 6y i&e spear, adj. V. :
mid.) (ace,). Yow
5opi7TT^s. Spear head, subs.: P. and a specimen of your valour :

V. A6Vx>7, -^ (Plat.). Throw the spear, P. IScuKO.? aauToC 7Ttpav Apcrfjs (Plat.,
v. ; P. ana V. &eoj/T#eu>. H"i4 or .
Spe Spe

P. and V. problematical : P. and V.

Specious, adj.

see also attractive. Speculator, subs. One w/io guesses:

Speciously, adv. P. and V. P. Sofaemjs, 6, t/cacm75, 6. P^Zo-
Ar. and P. cuXo'ws; see sopher : P. <iXoo-o<os, 6.
also attractively. Speech, subs. Articulate sound :
P. and V. P. and V. </>oH 17, ^^^fy/za, TO, V.
Speciousness, subs.
TO cirXoyoi/, P. TU7rpe7Tia, ^. <t>u>vyiML, TO ;
see rozce. Word :
Speckled, adj. P. and V. P. and V. Xoyos, o, pfjija, TO, jS-JJo-ts,

Ar. and V. aio'Xo?, V. OTIKTO'S, 17 see wo? d. Language : P. and ;

V. ^, (^COVT;, ^ V. $d/rts, ^.
Xo>cro-a, 3

Spectacle, subs. P. and V. o/ speaking: Ar. and P.

flc'a/ia, TO, 00>pia, 17, oi/rifc,
V. Speech in a play :

Trpoo-oi/ris, 17 (Bur , Or. 952). Ar. and P. pi}o-ts, ^. Public speech:

pageant P. and V. TTO//.^, ^, Ar. P, and V. Xoyos, 6, p^o-ts, ^, P*
and P. flecopict, ^, P. 0<i>pi7/Aa, TO. fy/jL-rfyopLa, y. Have speech with :

o/ spectacles, adj. : P. Ar. and P. SiaXeyeo-Qai (dat. or

irpos, ace.). Make a speech: P.
Spectacular, adj. Impressive: P. and V. and P. S^p.-rryopeivy.
Xcyctv, Ar.
aad V. o-//.vo's.
P. Xdyov iroeto-^at. Composer of
Spectator, subs. P. and V. P. Xoyo-ypa^os, 6, Xoyo-
0ea-n?s, speeches :

6, 0o>pos, 6, eTroVr^s, o. -4 fl TTOIOS, 6.

Composition of speeches :
P. and V. Gearys, 6, 0eo>po's, P. Xoyoypa^>6a, ^. Freedom of
6. .Be a spectator, v. P. and V. :
speech : P. and V. irapp^o-ta, ^.
Speechless, adj. P. and V.
Spectral, adj. Ax. and P. V.
Dim, faint : P. d/wSpos, V.
see Speechlessly, adv. V. (-2Bsch.,
Spectre, subs. P. and V. <<o>ia, Pers. 819).
TO, CIKOH', ^, ClSoXoP, TO, Speechlessness, subs. P.
TO, V. CTKLa, ^, P. and V. a<^ao-ta, fj.
80/C170-6S, 17,

V' Speed, v. trans. Hasten: P. and

Speculate, Y. intrans. Guess : P. V. 6p/xav, o^reuSctv, eTrtOTrevSetv,
Selp on : P. and V.
see guess. Philosophise : P. <tXoo-o- 7rnrvStv ; see feeZp.
^etv. Speculate on, consider : P. Prosper : P. and V. opflow,
and V, o-Kcwrav (ace.) ; see consider. Ka.Top&ovv. Speed on the way : P.
Examine scientifically : P. ^1X00-0- and V. 7rp,iriv TrpOTrefwrciv. Speed

<^cTi/ People
(ace.), 6ea>pc?v (ace.). on a message: P. and Y. -rapay-
who speculate for a high return ye'XXctv. Y. intrans. P. and V.
(of interest) : P. ol 8avio//,voi ITTI OOLWll/i OQihQL&uCLtti 7TL'y0'"6'CLt. LCO'C'OtL

/irydXots TOKOIS (Dem. 13). (rare P.), a/uXXao-0cu (rare P.),

Speculation, subs. Philosophic con- <f>pccrOa,i, Ar. and V. Tctvctv, cy/covetv,
templation : P. 0o>pia, 17. G^ess : Tax5viv, GTTrevSctv (rare P.), ^o*ortv
P. and V. 8o'a, 17 see g^ess. ; (rare P.), ^racnrnv (rare P.), opwotfai,
Leaving to others these subtle V. <nrpVO'&CLi, dio"O"tv, opovctv, ^cfrop-
speculations : cLXXots T& Kopfra. TO.VT fjLaivw, 6oa.t,iv, (rvQvjvai (aor. pass,
d^>L9 o'ocfria'fLaTa (Bur., Frag.). of creijetv),
CTrtoireuSetv J see also
Speculative, adj. Philosophical : Met., /ore (o/ Jfem^s) : P.
P. ^tXooro<^os. Concerned with and V. xvpw, X tv- Of persons :

speculation : P. ^ecop^Tucos. Doubt- P. and V. Trpacro-ctv, ^)(tv, Trdto^eiv.

Spe Spi

Speed away, fly away : P. and 8owravav. Spe?wZ in addition : P.

V. ai/cwrercotfai (Plat.), eiC7reW0ou 7rpoo-avaXr/cetv.Spend beforehand:
(Plat.), SiaWrccrflcu (Plat.),
Ar. and P. Trpoava\LcrKLv, (Spend) on :
P. friroTrereardajL (Plat.). Rush away: Ar. and P. (avoXiV/cciv), ck, aoo.
V. aTT^cro-etv. Speed through, fly S^e?wZ (ime) ; P. and V. St^yctv
through: Ar. and V. 8ta7rereo-0ai (Bur., Afod. 1355) (with ace. or
Bush through : Ar. and absol.), rptftcLv, Ar. and P.
V. Sipcro-fitv (gen. Ar. absol.). (with ace. or absol.), K
Speed, subs. Bate of motion : P. Ar. and Y. 5yeiv, V.
<opa, f}. Hurry P. and V.:

cnrovSy, ^, Tct^os, TO, P. TaxvTi/s, ^, e weary: P. and V.

V. w/crfnjs, 17. Speed o/ /oo< : V. (rare P.), irpofca/xrciv (rare
7roSa>/cia, At full
^ (also Xen.). P.) see ;%. 2%e m^U & /ar ;

speed, at a rim
and V. Spo/Acp, :spentP. P. -Troppo) roiv wfcroiy eort. :

or use adj., Ar. and V. S/DOJLHUOS. W'/tew (iAe people) has spent its t'

As speedily as possible : P. and V. rage : V. oTav dv$ TTVOCLS (Eur., Or.

o>s raxtora see under speedily.
; 700) see exhaust. ;

Speedily, adv. P. and V. Spend-thrlft, subs. Use adj., P.

raxy, lv rA^EL, Sift

Y. (Tui/ Ta^ei, K Ta v. trans. See vomit. Spew,

Ar and P. TOX>S, P. Sphere, subs. Ball: P. o"<<upa, ^,
speedily as possible : P. and V. P. and V. jcvjcXo?, 6. Bank,
Ar. and V. position : P, and V. rd&s, .

T-wr^, part : P and V. pcpo? TO.

Speeding, adj. Bringing on one's Circuit: P. and V. Trcpt/SoXi}, ^.
way : V. iro//,7ri//,os, wOjU/Traios, w/d;- Department: P. and Y. r<k, .

TTO/ATTOS, 6&TO/A7TOS. Of a bre6Z6 P. Sphere of action : P. Trpootpco-is,


and V. otfptos. Limit: P. and Y. opos, 6.

Speedy, adj. P. and V. rax& see t^ise maw should make alliance in

his own sphere : V. /c^Sos jea0* avrov

Spell, subs. P. and V. fenp&j, ^, V. TOV <ro^>bv KTQ.crQa.1
xpcwv (Eur.,
Kr}\r)fjia, TO, ^eXfcrpov, TO, QeXyrjTpov, Frag.).
TO, 6\KTTfjpLOV, TO, K^\rfT^plOV t TO. Spherical, adj. : P. cr^atpoaS^ ; see
Magic : P. /^ayyavev/xaTa, ra, V. roimd.
Spioe, subs. For flavouring : Ar.
jLiayyavcvctv, Potion :
V. ftayeuetv. and P. TjSvar/Jia, TO, V. aprtJyuara, Ta
P. and V. ^ap/xaKov, TO', P. and V. (^Isch., Frag.). Herb : P. 5pa>/xa,
TO; see potion.
i/, Use of TO'
(Xen.). Scent : P. and V.
potions : P. <ap/*aiceia, 17. Remove
by spells, v. P. and Y. c7r^oW. Spice, v trans.
: P.
Mutter spells : P. and V. era'Scti/ Spick and span, adj. Use P. and
(Eur., 7. A 1212).
Spell-bound, adj. Use partioiple, P, Spicy, adj. P. and V. fjSk. Fragrant:
and V. K^Xov/Aevos, K^A^flei's. P. and V. cucoStys.
Spelt, subs. P. oXupat, aE (Dem. Spider, subs. P. apcEy*^, y (Aristotle,
also used in Attic V. but only in
Spend, v. trans. Use up : P. and lyric passages). Venomous spader:
P. <aA<yyioi/, TO (Plat.), Ar. 0cfAay,
AUTKCIV. Use : P. and V. xprjorBai r/. Spider's web : P. apei^vtov, TO
(dat.).Spend (money) : P. and (Aristotle).
V. SvaXcrKw, ava\ovv Ar. and P. Spigot, subs, t
Ar. /Mo>&, TO.
801 51
Spi Spi

Spike, subs. Point: V. 6, ^>pdvT7/jLa, TO, Ar. and V.

Point of a spear : P. and V. Xoyx>? V TO; see courage. Are you
(Plat). Butt end of a spear : P. not far removed from Solon in
spirit ? P. 3p' ov iroXv TOV SoXcovo?
onjpa, 6, orupaKiov, TO*.
Spiked, adv. Sharp : V. d-jrooraTcTs T^ yvupx} ; (Dem. 488).
SQQ pointed. Intention, imsfe ; P. and V.
v. trans. P, and V. o-ts, Ar. and P.
Spill, f),

Upset : P. and V. avaTpeirav, Divine power : P. and V. CCU/MOV, o

avaorp^>iv. Cause to stwmble .* P. or ^. Evil spirit : P. and V.
and V. o-<cXXeiv. list /aZZ : P. /ca/cds SOU/JLCDV,
of. -aBsch., Pers.
and V. lic/3aAXav. SpflZ (6Zood) : 354. Apparition P. and V.
see sfoe& TO, tS(l)Xov, TO,
/ -VT

Spill, subs. Stumble, fall : P. and V. TO, V.

cr<cCXju, TO, P. irralcrp.a., TO.

a spill, v. : P. and V. Spirit away, v. trans. Conjure
away :P. and V. ccn^8ctv.
Spin, v. trans. P. and V. veTv ; see out of the way : P. and V.
also weave. Of destiny spinning
the threads of life: P. and V. Spirited, adj. P. ; see bold.

7rtKAcu0tv (Plat, and Eur., Or. Vigorous : P. and V.

12). Make to revolve : P. and V. Energetic : P.
o-Tpe<tv, Ar. and Y. fOMcXciv, orrpo- Spiritless, adj. Dejected: P. and
/?/, V. IXicro-civ, ciXiWeti' (once V. S^os (Xen.), V.
Ar.) 8freu> (also pass, in Plat, but ; see also cowardly.
rare P.). V. intrans. Bevolve: Spiritual, adj. Concerning the soul :
P. and V. Kv/cXeurflcu, orp<0-0ai, P. \ITUXLKOS (Aristotle). Concerning
P. 7TlOTe<0'0ai, -7Tp^pO*0ai, V.
the gods : P. and V. 0tos. Holy :
ciXtWccr&u, Ar. and P. and V.
V. (rrpo/Sfla-Gai. Spin OUt : Met., Spirt, v. and subs. See spurt.
P. and V. fJLIfJKVVClV, TH/tV, KTCtVlV, Spit, subs. For piercing meat, etc. :
P. dTTOTCtveiv, aurofjnjKuvtw. V. 6/teXos, 6, a/u,<<6joXos, 6.
Spinal, adj. P. and V. van-taws. spifl : Ar. and P. 6.

Spindle, subs. Ar. and P. TP<XKTO$, Tongue of land : P. and V.

(Plat., Bap. 616o). 6 (Xen. and Eur., M. 1288), 2

Spine, subs. P. and V. pc^ts, ^ 6. Poiwi of rock : V. orow^,

at.), o-^oVSiJXot, 01 (Plat.), V. (Eur., Cycl. 4:01).
icav0a, 17,
vcoTiala Of the Spit, v. trans. Pierce with a spit :
spme, adj. P. and V. : ; Ar. ava-Tretpciv, ava,7nyyv&/ai see ,

Spinner, subs. Spinner of wool : P. pierce. V. intrans. P. and V.

ToAao-toupyo?, 6 or fj (Plat.). TinSftv (Xen.). Spit at: P. *aTo>
Spinning, subs. P. v^o-ts, ^ (Plat.). Tmjeiv (gen,), Swwrnjciv (ace.). Spi^
4ri of spinning : ^ V^OTIKT} (Plat.). out : Ar. c/cTTTifctv.
WooZ spinning : P. ToXoo-wt, 17, Spite, subs. P. and V. <0oVos, 6.
ToXoo-toupyta, 17. O/ or /or Ill-will; P. and V. SvWooi, ^,
spinning, adj.: P. Svcr/^ei/cwt, ^, P. aTrexOeun, ^, /ca/covota,
17. Bitterness : P. and V. mKpo-njs,
Spinster, subs. Use adj., P. and V. 17.
Ira spi^e o/
^b person)
P. and :

dWSpos; see also maiden. V. #V (gen.), V. TP^S /3^iv (gen.).

Spiral, adj. V. IXwcros. Yet in spite of siwh disadvantages
Spirit, subs. Soul : P. and V. \frv
I brought into alliance with you
fj. High spirit, ardour : P. ani Euboeans, Achaeans, etc. : P. dXX*
Spi Spo
met. : P. and V. XcTrrovpyew, Ar.
-iyi/jittxous ftcv &//,/ liroiirja-a XcTTToAoyctv. S^Zi^ ?i^ small : P.
'Axaioife, K.T.X. (Dem. 306). KcpfjwTL^ew, KaraKpjjiaTL^Lv. V. in-
people) did not elect you in spite trans. P. and Y. 8irraer0<u,
of your fine voice : P. ou ere x- o-x^eor^at. SpZii wp, cracfc ; P. and
poTovT/o-e fcawrcp evt/xovov oVra (Dem. V. V. aywo-^at; see
320). 6reafc. Be at variance: P. 8trra-

Spiteful, adj. P. and V <0oi/e/o<fe, cr0ai, Ar. and P. orao-ta^ctv, V.

7TL</>Oovo$ P. and V.
Unfriendly :
8iXO(rra.TLv. Separate, go different
SuOTOUS, 8wjU,T/^S, A?, and P. KO.KQ- ways : P. and V. Swcrracr&u, x^P^-
vovsi KOLKoyOys, Y. &J<r<pa>]/, KCIKO- ea-Qa.i, Ar. and P. Sux/cpfveo-flai.
<pa>v. JBftter ; P. and V. TTIK/OOS. ra^e, met. Ar. and P. :

Spitefully, adv. P. 0ovepfc, rt-

Maliciously : P. and V. Split, ad]. Cleft : P. and V.

(Plat.). in two : V.
Spiteful ness, subs. See
Spittle, subs. P. o-ioAoi/, TO' (Xen.). Split, subs. Hole. Ar. and P.
Splash, v. trans. See wet, sprinkle. TO. Chasm : P. and V.
V. intrans. V. poOcw. Splash with TO. Met., division, variance :

the oar : Ar. iriruXefctv. P. and V. o-T&rts, %. Quarrel : P.

Splash, SUbs. V. -rrmjAos, o, poflos, and V. cpis, ^, Sca^opa, ^.
Splutter, v. intrans. Hiss : P. and
Ar. <nr\^ 6. \T r*" '/*
Spleen, subs, Met., 9

of anger : see anger. Spoil, v. trans. Plunder : P. and V.

Splendid, adj. P. and V. Aa/A?rpos,
o^/xvos, cwrpeTnJs, Ar. and P.
Xow/)7njs see also bright
; ,
P. ayciv K <f>cpiv,
Splendidly, adv. P. and V. Sia^opetv, V. XflarreucW)
o*/,vo>s, P. fttrp0eo/ (also Plat, but rare P.) ;
Splendour, subs. P. see plunder. Strip the dead of
P. and V.
arms : P and V.
TO o-cfLvov. Pomp : P. and Eavage : P. and Y.
Y. TO, Trpoor^/xa, TO, V. P. /eetpav, /ca/covpyetv,
TO, X^ 1 P. and V. aTTOcrrepcti/. V.
brightness, glory. cav ; see deprive. Ruvn t

Splice, v. trans. P. and V. o- wgwre : P. and Y. 8ta^>0tptv,

see join. Xu/AaeWo-ftu (aoo. or dat.) ; see*
Splinter, subs. Piece torn off: V. injure. We will entreat him not to
6pav<rfLCL, TO, ay>7, 17.
P^Cfi O/ spoil the meeting : P. Sciyo-o/i^a
wreckage : P. and V. vaviyia, TCL. avrov pi) 8ta<3b0etp6v T^V <ruvov<rtav
. . .

Splinter, v. trans. P. and V. *a (Plat., Pro^. 338D), Pamp&r : P,

yi/iJvat, Ar. and V. Opaveiv (also Ota0pj7TTtV, V. CtjSpl5vtV. Bfl
Plat, but rare P.), V. orwflpamv, spoiled, pampered : P, and V.
dyviJvat; see shiver, break V. Tpi5<av. Disgrace : P. and V,
intrans. See shiver, break. <uorxttatv, KaTcuo-x-dveiv, /uatvetv. V.
Split, v. trans. CWe : P. and V. intrans. J5e injured: P. and V.
/xvtv, StaTCftvetv, P. 8wx<0tpo-0<u. .Be spoiling (be
reafc ; P. and V, Ka,Ta/o- eager) for a fight, P. TroXc^orctW ;
; see break* a sea, P. vav/xax^crciW.
Divide : P. and V. S Spoil, subs., PZmder;^ P. and V.
see Xeta, ^, dpTray^, ^. -4.9^W5 taken from
Spo Spo
the P, and Y. <r*CAa, T<,
dead: 17. Hunting: P. and V. 0>jpa, 17

A&CpVpCf.) TO, (Plat.), dypa, 17 (Plat.), Y. Kvvr^yLa, jj.

Booty, prey : P. and Y. dypa, -37 Met., spori of plaything of: Ar.

(Plat, but rare P.), aypevva, TO and P. -n-afywov, TO (gen.), or use

(Xen.); assprey. prey. Object of mockery : P. and
Spoiler, subs. P. and Y. tycmfe, 6, V. yeAcos, 6, KaTaycA-ws, 6, V.
Y. OTJX^TOp, 6, TTQpOrjTtop, 6, C/CTTOp-

0>7Ta>p, 6, avao-To/nJp,
Sport, v. intrans. P. and Y. nrn&iv,
Spoiling, subs. Plundering : P. and V. d^pctv (also Plat but rare P.).
Y. dpTrayiJ, ^, P. TropOyans, 17, Frisk about : P. and Y. o-Kiprav.
^e Buimng : P. and V. Sia<0opa, Sportive, adj. Ar. and P. <IXo-
Trawr/xwv, P. rraiSucos. Met., merry:
Spoken, adj. That may be spoken: Y. V<pG>V.
Y. /fyTos, Ar. and V. A.CKTO'?. Sportively, adv. P TratSt/cfi?.
Spokesman, subs. Use speaker, Sportsman, subs. Athlete : P. and
interpreter. Put forward as a V. dflATfTifo 6 (Eur., J^ra^.). Hunter;
P. and V Kvvrjyerris, 6, Y. /cvvdyos,
Spoliation, subs. P. and Y. Sportsmanship, subs. Hunting : P.

P. \yCTT6ia, ^3 -TTOp^O-lS, ^ OrjpevTiK'rj, /cw^yccrtov, TO.
^, Deprivatwn P. orcp^o-ts, ^, Spot, subs. P. and Y. TO?, 6,
X<!Jpa, Ar. and P. vcopibv, TO, Ar.

Sponge, subs. Ar. and P. orroyyia, and Y. x&P*> Z%8 ;eaA 5^oi5
^, Ar. and Y. crrroyyo^, (m anything) : P. Ta o-a0pa. Stain,

Sponge, v. trans. Ar. and P. defilement : P. and Y. /c^Xfe, 17 ;

arroyyi'feiv. Sponge upon, met. : see stain. On the spot (place) :
P. and V. vTTOTpexctv (ace.), fercp- P. and V. a^Tov, Ar. and P. a^To^i.
^co-^at (ace.). From the spot : P. and V. avroQcv.
Spongy, adv. P. <rop,<t>6s (Aristotle). To the spot : Ar. and P. auroo-c.
Sponsor, subs. Ar. and P, 771^175, On the spot (of time) : P, and V.
6; see security. avTLKa, irapcLVTiKa, ; see immediately.
Spontaneity, subs. Zeal: P. and Spot, v. trans. Stain : P, and Y.
V. crjrov&TJ, 17, Trpo6vu.Lat -^. Initiative, fjLiawtLv i see stain.
daring : P. and V. ToX/xa, 17. Spotless, adj. Pure: P. and V.
Spontaneous, adj. ^wtomatic, Ko.Qa.p6s, a/ciypaTos (rare P,), dyvos
<xo^?igr of itself: P. and V. avro- (rare P.), &ccpaios, V. d/cpac^v^,
/AO.TOS. Voluntary : P. and V. ^^tfCTos ; see pure. Of a victim for
sacrifice : V. IvTcXife.
Spontaneously, adv. owi ex- Spotlessly, adv. P. KaOoipfa, P. and
ternal agency: P. dwo rov avro- Y. a/xejLwmos.
fjwrov. Voluntarily: P. and Y. Spotless neSS, SUbs. P. icadaparqs,
J/couo-ta)?, or use adj. dyi/ctia, 17, V. SryvfvfjLa, TO.
Spoon, subs. Ar. and P. roptVg, 17. Spotted, adj. Dappled : P. and V.
Sporadic, adj. P. and Y. cnropas. TToiKtAos, Ar. and V. ato'Xos, V.
Sporadically, adv. P. <nropd&?v. CTTiKTOS, /CttTClOrTtACTOS.
Sport, subs. Play: P. and V. Spouse, subs. Husband: P. and
TraiSto, 17. In drunken sport : P. Y. ^p, 6, Ar. and V. TroVts, 6, Y.
waiSta? /cat otvov (Thuc 6, 28).
/xcTot aKoiTijs, 6, W(iT<i)p, 6, cruAAeicrpos, 6,
Speak in sport (as opposed to in o-waopos, 6 ; see husband. Wife :
earnest) : P. and Y. Wftov A.cyv. P. andV. yiJnJ, ^, Ar. and V.
Amusement: P. and V. , Y,
Spo Spr

17, , 07,
see Spread over : Ar. and P. t

vdvaL (rw<i TLVL), V. tVepTetmi' (TL

Spousals, subs. See marriage, be- TIVOS). P. and V.

Spread under :

Pro thai. *7rooTopewiV(u (Xen., also Ar.).

Spout, v. intrans. P. and V. V. intrans. Extend : P. and V.
o-TToppeiv, V. KyKi&v }
see spiurt. Tiviv. To prevent the earth from
V. trans. V. <{>o-av, eK^Lcrai/, spreading far : P. OTTWS /MJ Stax^otTo
K<i;o-iai'.Met., declaim : Ar. and en-i TToX-u TO x&fj.a (Thuc. 2, 75).
P. pcu/woVi/ (ace. or absol.). Afterwards it (the plague) spread
Spout, subs. Nozzle : use P. TO also to the upper city : P. rcrrcpov
irpo)(Qv. Pipe : P. a 8e /cat ei's TT)V avu> TroXw d^tKCTO
Sprain, v. trans. Dislocate : Ar. (Thuc. 2, 48). Spread (of rumours,
iKKOKKicw. He has sprained his etc.) : P. and V. 8iepxcr0a.i, V.
ankle : Ar. TO <r<j>vpov IKO/CK[<T eTrcpxco-ftu. Zwcrease Ar. aud P.

Ach. 1179). Be sprained: P. eTrTSiSoVai. Spread among (of

rumours, etc.) : P. and V. 8ce'p;\o-0ai
sprained : V. TOIJS TroSa? (ace.), V, Sweety (ace.). Spread
(aor. pass, of o-rrav) (Eur., over (of a disease) : P.
638). (ace.) (Thuc. 2, 54). Spread
Sprain, subs. P. <rrpc/A/Aa, TO, o POWicZ : P. TreptTctvccrftu.
TO. Of a bed V Spread, adj :

Sprawl, v. intrans. P. and V.

Z^e Ill-spread : V. Ka/coo-rpcoTos.

*wr0<u. Se stretched: P. and 7. Sprig, subs. Branch P. and V.

TTTopflosj 6 (Plat.), /cXwi/, 6 (Plat.) ;

Sprawling, adj. Use P. and V. see branch. Plucking sprigs of

VTTTIOS, V. TTttpiopOS. tender myrtle for his head : V.
Spray, subs. P. and 7. d^pos, o
(Plat. Tim. 880), ^77, >J (Plat.), (B^^rWsf
V. TTcAavos, o. Sprightliness, subs. P. and Y.
Spread, subs. Increase : P. evfajuoL, fj (Xen.).
Brightly, adv. Ar. and P. fXapos
Spread, v. trans. Stretch out: P. (Xen.), P. euQvpos. Sprigjitly (of
and V. Ttivciv, &KTCLVCIV. Strew : P. looks) : P. and V. <ai8pds, v.
and V. o-ropewiWt, Ar. and V, Xa/A?rpos, ^atSpwTros, Ar. and "V.
o-TopviW. Circulate (rumours, fiwpoVowro? (also Xen.). Making
etc.) : P. and V. Stayyc'XXciv, &a- glad : P. and V. ffis, V.
v, Ar. and "V. cnreipcw, P. Loving sport : Ar. and P.
Spread reports
(absol.) P. Siatfpoctv, XoyoTro^
Spring, subs. Season of year : P.
Diffuse : P. and V. Stao^rcipetv, Sta- and V. lap, TO, a>pa, ^. Of spring,
SWoVai, V. IvSttTcco-eat, Ar. and V. adj, P. lapivos (Xen.), Ar. and :

tnretpcw. Spread (a table, etc.) : V. r)piv6<s. Spring time, bloom,

use Ar. and P. Trapo/riflci/ac. Le^ a met. P. and V. <J>pa, ^, a/c/i,^, ^.

rzc/i table be spread for you : V. Spring water) :

(of P. and V.
o~o! TrXovo-ttt Tpa-TrcJa
(Sopb., KCtVda) TnjyjJ, ry,ij,
Ar. and V. vu/xa,
JSJ. 361). Spread cm* : Ar. Stairc- TO (also Plat, but rare P.), /cpowo's,
rawivai. Stretch out : P. and V. 6, V. VttCTjLLOS, 6, VOTlfe, 17, KpffVtUOV
v, KT/tv. Spread out the yctvos. O/ a spring, adj. P. and :

hands : V. iivaarrucra'tw V. Tnyyatos (Plat, but rare P.), V.

Lengthen: P. and V. /cp^vaZos. Spring, source, origwi,
Ttviv, /A^Kcveii/ ;
see prolong* met, : P. and "V.
Spr Spu
waters of Achelous
Spring, leap : V. from
(Plat.). #*, $.
TnjS^/ia, TO, aA/jia, TO (also
Plat, golden vessels : V. c/c
but rare P.), c/nnJSjy/wi, TO, arKipnjfjui,
TO /
(Eur., -4^. 166). Sprinkling
Spring, v. intrans. Isswe ; P. and the altars with the same lustral
V. /cj8cuvii/, water : Ar. /uas IK x^pvi^o
crv/i/Jatvav, yiyi/ecr0at.
Spring from : P and V, yfyveo-Oat Trepippawovres (Lys. 1129).
P. ircpippavo-is, y
(gen.), V. Sprinkling,
CK subs.
(gen.), 4>fe<rOa.i,
(gen.)- (Plat. Cra^. 405s). Spnnkhng of
Spring up : P. and V. a rain: P. and V. ^focfe, ij (Xen.,
see {7?'oz0. Oome mo 60w# P. :also Ar.) ; see drop. Vessel for
and V. <aivecr0ai, yfyj/eo-0ai,
Ar. sprinkling : V. aTroppavrypiov, TO.
and P. dva<cuW0at. Those of the Sprout, v. intrans. P. and V.

sophists who have lately sprung fikao-rdveLv (rare P.), V. c^op/jtcvt^etv

Up : P. OL apTi T<OV o-o^tarcov ava- (Soph., Frag.),K\yfjLa.Tov<r0ai (Soph.,


<uo>ei'ot (Isoc. 295A). Spring up

among : P. cyyiyi/eo-ftu (dat.). (^Bsch., r/ie&. 535).
Spring, leap : J?. and V. Sprout, subs. P. and V.
(Plat,), axXcoAu (Plat.), TO (ISOC.), pKaOTYl, f) (Plat.),
(Plat.), (TKLpTOLV (Plat.), V. 6 (Plat.), V.
: P. Sprouting, subs.
Spring aside In the sprouting
(Plat.). doiun: of the earSprmgV. /caAv/cos
P. KaraTrrjSav (Xen.). Spring off: (.aEsch., Ag. 1392).
Ar. and V. ^jboAAco-flat (e*, gen.). time of the sprouting of the ear:
Spring on : P. and V. ev<AAe<r0<u P. TTpl O-LTOV K00\-nV (ThUC. 4, 1).
(dat. or cts, acc. or absol.), Ar. Spruce, adj. P. and V.
and P. at.), V. /coAo's, Ar. and P.

oneself look spruce : Ar. and P.

(gen.). Spring out : P. and KoAAojTT^co-^at. Orderly : P. and
av (Plat.), V, V. KOO7UOS,
see Spring over: Ar. Spruceness, subs. Beauty : P. and
(aco.), Ar. and P Sia- V. KttAAoS, TO, P. U7rp7Tta, 17.
(acc. Or absol.), V. Spume, subs. See /bam.
(acc. or gen.). Spring up: Spur, subs. Lit. and Met., P. and
Ar. and V. avg,<ro-iv, Ar. and P. V. Ktvrpov, TO. O/ a cock : Ar.
Spring a leak : use V. TrA^/crpor, TO. Reproaches are as a
dvrAov Scxeo-^at. Many torches spur to the wise : V. ovetS^ TOW
sprang into light: V. o-oJ^poo-w/ dvTtfcci/Tpa yt-yverat (JEsch.,
ayiJA0ov . .
Aajijwrriypcs .
136). On &e s^w o/ </te .

0/ioe. 536). P. dtTTO

ySpa^etas Siavotas J

Sprinkle, v. trans. V. see off-hand.

AiW, Ar. TTpoo-patvctv. Spur, v. trans. Lit. and Met., P.
Wet P. and V. and V. fcevreiv, P. /ceyrptl^etv (Xen.).
vypa.LVLv (Plat ), 07^: P. and V.
(Plat, and see OW.
" ' Sprinkle Spurious, adj. Of coin
vypdio-crtv. P. and V. :

P. Sprinkle over: Ar. and P.

Ki/38ir}Xo<; 9
P. eTrwraoxmv, V. Met., counterfeit : P. and V.
Sprinkle with blood: P. and V. Ar. and P. -Trapacr^os, P. ,

Ka0at/<rortv (Plat.) see under Feiqned, sham : P. and V.


6foo<i Sprinkling with yom hand V. irot^TOS, P. (Xen.),

Spu Squ
866 fictitious. Squadron, subs. P. and V. rdfa, 17,
posititious : V. Squadron (of horse or ships) : P.
P. , TO ;
see troop.
Spurn, v. trans. With the foot : P. Squalid, adj. P. and V.
and V. AaKTt/, V. a7roXaKT#>/. Ar. and V. Svarrtvijs, #AOVTOS, V.
If he should spurn me from his 7ru/oi(!>?7s, auxpwSris. Be squalid, v. :
knees I should incur a further Ar. and P. avxfMw. Miserable,
pain : P. i yovarw owrtoo-aiT" . . . wretched : P. and V. <cu5Aos, /COKO'S,
Ayos av Trpoa-QeCpeff oiv (Ear., jffec. t
Ar. and P. /IO^^PO?, irovypos, V.
742). Trample on: P. and V,
H/ (Plat also
Ar.) (ace.), P. Squalidly, adv. P and V. /ca^ s P. ,

V. Ka0wr7racr0ai
(aoo.), OX
(aoo.), Xa^Trarctv (ace.); see trample. Squall, all, subs. O/ wind: P.
se : P. and V. , Ar. and
P. Trprjarrqp, o (Xen.).
(ace. or gen.), u-n-epfooveiv (aoc. or Storm: P. and V. x^A"^^ o V. .

gen.), P. oAiyoopcti/ (gen.), wrepopav a, TO, Ar. and V. o,

(aco. or gen.),
Ar. and V. aTrorrrtW. 17 see ;

Neglect : P. and V. aptXelv (gen.), Squall, subs, and v. intrans. See

TrapdfjL\Lv (gen.) ; see disregard. scream.
Spurt, V. trans. V. <i5o-av, e/c<i)crav, Squalor, subs. Ar. and P.
V. intrans, P. and V. o,V. 7}, TTtVOS, 6, P. p

$TTOppW, V. KTJKfeLV. SpW't IVp V. TO see '. :

avaeii/. Streams of blood spwrted Squander, v. trans. P. and V.

into the sea : V. CU/WXTOS S" &iroppoai V. dvrXctv,
5 otoV <H?K:OVTIO]> (Eur., HeZ. Spend : P. and V. dvdXto-icctv,
1587). Spwtf o-yer: Ar. and P. XoGv. Fling away : P. and V.
(TI TWOS), V. /cttTaara^ctv (rt TT/ooTiTrai/, P. TrpoievQcu. Squander
Bush forward: "P one's property : P. owco<0opetv
Spurt, subs. V. a-Troppo^, 17, Squandering, subs. Expenditure:
TO (Eur., I. i. 1114). P. and V. &<f\o)/jwt, TO'. Squandering
Rush : P. and V. Spo/^o?, 6, op/x,^, of one's property : P. olKo<f>Oopia t T\

Sputter, v. intrans. In the fire : V. Square, adj. P. Terpaycovos.
Square, P. rerpdywov, TO.
Spy, Subs. P. and V. /caTao"/c07ros, 6, Carpenter's implement : P. ycovta, ij
OT/COTTOS, o (Thuc. 8, 100 and 103), (Plat.).
P. Terpa-
Squa/re number :
V. OTrnJp, 6, /CttTOTTnJp, O, KaTOTTnqS, 6.
: P. Square root
ycuvo? dpt^o's,
6 ; see scout. owa/its, 17. Collecting the heavy-
Spy, See behold.
v. trans. Spy armed troops into a square : P.
out P, and V. /caTaovwwmv (aco.),
onn/ayaywv . ets Terpaycovoi/ . .

KttTO7rTViv (ace.) (Xen.), V, TTCwmu- TOU? oTrAiW (Thuc. 4, 125).

vew (ace.). Spy upon : see watch. drawn up in square, P. Iv wA
Spying upon my track : V. TT(x6at (Thuc. 7, 78),
TOVS e/Aois Kara ortjfiovs Square, v. trans. P. TTpayo>vt^iv.
P. 7, 679). Huge stones sqitared in the cutting :
Spying, subs. P. and V.
(Thuc. 1, 93). Square (with),
Squabble, subs, and v. intrans. correspond with : P. and V. o-v/i-
See qmrrel. (dat.), crv/wrwrrav' (dat.),
' *

Squad, subs. See squadron. or


pass, (dat.), P. crvp^mv^lv (dat.) ; Steadfast : P. and V.

see correspond. , P. ^oVijotos. Trustworthy :
Squash, v. trans. Squeeze : Ar. and P. and V.
-TTtcrros, do-^oXijs, ^c^aios,

(Thuc. but rare P.),

Squat, v. intrans. P. (Thuc. but rare P.).
(Xen.). Stable, Subs. V. orafywfe, 6, ITTTTO-
Squat, adj. See short. oracris, fj, /juxvSpa, (Soph., Frag.) ',

Squeak, v. intrans. P. and Y. see 5iaZZ. Orii : P. and Y. <t>drvr},

i/ro<jbtv. Squeak of animals : use V-
P. and V. <0eyyo-0ai, Y. /cAa&iv. Stable, v. trans. Take and stable
Squeak, subs. P. and V. t/ro<os, 6. these steeds V. rov<r$ o^ovs
. . . .

Squaak of an animal P. and Y. : <^aTvats ayovTcs wpoo-0erc (Eur.,

TO, o \ see cry. jg7/.
^>0y/jta, <^0oyyos,
Squeal, subs, and v. intrans. See Stablish, v. trans. See establish.
cry. Stack, subs. See heap.
Squeamish, adj. Hesitating : P. Stack, v. trans. See collect, heap.
o/cv^po?; see scrupulous. Stack arms : P. oVXa rCOearBat.
Squeamishness, subs. Hesitation: Stade, subs. Ar. and P. <rr$W, TO.
P. and V. OKVOS, 6 ; see scruple. Staff, subs. Ar. and P. pa/38os, ^,
Squeeze, v. trans Ar. and P, TTL^LV, jSa/cnypwt, f] 9
Y. jSaxTpov, TO, a-Kfjirrpov,
$Af/3ew, P. ooj/jwrie^civ (Plat.). Com" TO, AT. OTCtTTOH/, 0, jSaKTlJptOV, TO,
press : P. <rwo>0/ (Plat.). Embrace: met. ; see support. The staff (of
P. and Y. lx*vQa.*> (gen.), dvrexo-0<u a general) : use P. oi wept
(gen.), Aa/A)8^vo-0at (gen.) ; see
embrace Squeeze through : Ar. Stag, subs. P. and V. 6.
and P, $i& (gen.). .Faww : Ar. and Y. , 6.

Squib, subs. Pasquina* Ar. and Stage, subs. Landing-stage P.

P. lap/Soi, oi. TO. On a jotirney : P.
Squinting, adj. Ar. I orafytos, 6 (Xen.). Theatre : Ar.
Squire, subs. P. and Y. and P. 0ctTpov, TO'. ta00 t a
6, wcwnrwmjs, o (Xen.), V. oVdSos, theatre: Ar. and P. 07071/7), 17.
6, dVotov, 6, vjracnriorTrjp, 6. On the stage : P. &rt 1% ovc^s.
Squirt, v. trans. V. ^wav, !fc<iJo~av, Met,, ^e
next stage : P. TO !fc, TO
cic^iJartav, or use pour. Sqmrt over : ^>^s, lit., tJ^e thing next vn, order.
Ar. and P. Karaxeiv (rC TIVO?) KctTa- The Last stage of: use adj., P.
o-iceSavvvvat (TI TIVOS). V. intrans. and V. o-x&ros, agreeing with
Use P. and Y. cwroppetv, Y. subs. Succession : P. and Y.
Stab, v. trans. P. and V.
Stab, subs. Blow : P. and V. Stage, adj. Theatrical: use P.
^17717, 17 ; see 6?cwy. Wound : P. cwro -njs 07071/775.
and Y. rpavfta, TO. Stage, v. Produce on the
Stability, subs. P. stage a play) : Ar. and P.
Safety: P. and Y. StSaoTceiv. Furnish the properties
o-o>TT7pMi, ^. Steadfastness : P. (for a play) : Ar. and P.
Kaprepia, (dat.).
thought to be -fickle and Stagger, v. intrans.
fee Ar. and P.
lacking in stability: P. tav, a-^aXXccrOai (Xen.). Eeel
A.<r0<u 8o^e& ical ouScv
l^ctv irurrov before an attack: P.
w^Xts (Dem. 205). see reel. Swoon: P.
Stable, adj. .Firm: P. and V. Y. TrpoAcwretv ; see s?oow. S
V. staggers back: V.
Sta Sta

^ t
*l (Eur., Med. 1168). Be Staircase, subs. Use P. and V.
lisfressed : and V. K<ip,vw see
P. *Ai/i,a 97 (lit., ladder).

labour. V. trans. P. and V, Stake, subs. PiZe : Ar. and P. x^paf,

c^toravat, P. KaTaTrXi^o"-
CKTrAiyo'O'ctv, 6 orP. crravpos, 6, V. ovcoAoi/r, a
o-e/vsee dismay
(also Xen.). TFTio is it that is
Stagger, subs. P. iXiyyos, 6. about to face the stake or stoning ?
Staggering, adj. Eeeling: P. and V. TIS &T0" o /xeAXeuv or/coXoTros 17-

Xcvo-juoi) TVXCW ; (Eur., Frag.).

Staging, subs. Of a play: P. Something contended for: P. and
V. &yo)v, 6. PZay /or fei^/i stakes :
Stagnant, adj. P. oracrt^os (Xen.). P. ?rept fjLyd\.<t)v aytttvL^ecrOat (Thuc.
When the lake gets stagnant : Ar. 8, 52). Pledge : Ar. and P.
Srav IJLCV 17 \Cprrj KQ/rcurrfj (Eq. 865). wtxypov, TO. Be at stake, v. Ar. :

Stagnate, v. intrans. Met., P. and and P. KivSiJi/eucti/, P. KW$vvUcrOai t

V. ttpyccv. P. and V. aya)i/ieo-0<u ; see 6e *w

Stagnation, subs. Met., P. and V. danger, under danger.
dpyia, 17. Stake, v trans. Stake out9 fix by
Staid, adj. P. and V. o-cpwfc, /coV/uo?. boundaries : P. and V. opt&w (or
Staidly, adv. P. and "V. o-c/wws, Ar. mid.). Hazard : Ar. and P.
and P. Kooyutos.
Staidness, subs. P. and V. TO (dat. or -n-ept, gen. or
, ewcooyu'a, 17,
Ar. and P. cognate ace.), V. -n-apappwrrciv,
P. inroTrfcvai ; see
Stain, v. trans. Dye : P. and V.
/3a7rriv. Defile : P. and V. /utuvetv, Stale, adj Ar. and P. o-a7rpoV
P. KaTappuTratVew, V Met., P. f00X09, P. and V. dp^alos,
ypatvciv (also
Plat, but rare P.), K^XIoow, ^pcofetv; iraXtttos.
see de^Zc. Mar, disgrace : P. and Staleness, subs. Met., P. and V.

vo-0(u (ace. or dat.). Stalk, v. trans. Hwz : P. and V.

Stain, subs. Taint : P. and V. Oypav (or mid.) (Xen.) ; see Iwnt.
s, r/. Defilement : P. V. intrans. P. and V. J3a8%civ
:,J. Defilement^ (of blood)
and V. /u'aor/Aa, TO, Syos, TO, V. (rare V.), Ar. and V. fiaww ; see
TO, go, walk. Swagc/er about: Ar.
: P. and V. al and P. Trcptvooretv.
ovetSo?, TO, ato-^os, TO. Stalk, subs.
rt/u'a, ^, V. Of a plant, etc. : Ar.
Dye P. and V. ySa^, 17, Ar. and
; and P. /cavXds, 6 (Plat.). Of corn :
P. fidpfjLa, TO see dye. Colour :
P. KaXapy, ^ (Xen.).
P. and V. Stall, subs. Crib: P. and V.
Stainless, adj. P. and V. <^>aTV7, 17. Stable : V. ora^/jtos, 6,
Met, P. and V. /echo's, jxavSpa, 17 (Soph., Frag.), Imrocrrao-us,
(rare P.), clyvos (rare P.), a/cp<uos, 17, or^crts, ^ (Eur., Frag.) see ;

V. A/cpai<w/$, &6iKTo$ ;
d[/Aju,7rT09, /oZ& Oa?-s^aZZ ; V. /Sovcrrtto-ts, ^,
see ^wre. /Bov<rra0fiLov, TO. Booth (in a market
Stainlessly, adv* P. *ada/ou>$, P. place, etc.) : P. yeppa, ra, Ar. and
and V. <fy,c/A7nr<o9,

Stainlessness, subs. P. KaOaptry?, ^/teatrc ; Ar. ^ovXeurtAcov, TO (^lv.

ty ctyvctia, 17, V. ^yveufta, T^. 794).
Stair, subs. P. 6 (Hdt.). Stall, v. trans. See stable.
: P. and V. #i0pov, T<5 ; Stallion, subs. P. and V. ox^ov, TO
see (JEsch., Frag.).
Sta Sta

Stalwart, adj. Stout : P. and V. P. peveiv Kara \<*>pav.

vrpd^^5 P. Take

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