Assignment 1 - Philosophies of Education

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Assignment No. 1

September 27, 2016

1. Give atleast 3 other Philosophies of Education

Pragmatism - is an educational philosophy that says that education

should be about life and growth. That is, teachers should be teaching

students things that are practical for life and encourage them to grow

into better people. Many famous educators, including John Dewey,

were pragmatists. Generally, Pragmatism emphasizes consequences,

utility and practicality as determinants of meaning and values.

Pragmatism rejects positivism that claims that human concepts and

intellect represent reality. According to pragmatism, human intellect

learns when it solves problems .That belief is true, idea or theory is

true which works and helps in problem solving.

Connectionism - is an educational philosophy that says that learning

is a product of the relationship between stimulus and response. A

stimulus is something that causes a reaction, and a response is just a

reaction to a stimulus. Connectionism is closely related to the word

'connect,' which is just what happens in this theory. The stimulus and
its response are connected in a person's mind, like associating

chocolate cake with drooling. This connection between stimulus and

response is called a stimulus-response bond, or an S-R bond. The

stronger the S-R bond, the better a person has learned the lesson.

Reconstructionism/Critical Theory - is a philosophy that

emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a

better society and worldwide democracy. Reconstructionist educators

focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of

education. Theodore Brameld (1904-1987) was the founder of social

reconstructionism, in reaction against the realities of World War II. He

recognized the potential for either human annihilation through

technology and human cruelty or the capacity to create a beneficent

society using technology and human compassion. George Counts

(1889-1974) recognized that education was the means of preparing

people for creating this new social order.

2. Formulate your own Philosophy of Education.



I believe that every student

o has inherent abilities and skills that needs to be develop

o has the potential to contribute something unique and special to

the world

o is basically good but needs to be properly guided to avoid being

out of track

o is distinct from other learners

o has the ability to learn and the right to a quality education

I believe that being academically excellent is nothing without good

moral character. Thus, my role as a mentor is to engrave in the hearts

and minds of my students the significance of moral values by

integrating them in my classroom discussions.

I believe that being genuine and modeling trust as a teacher can

significantly help establish a successful learning environment and

maintain a collaborative atmosphere in the classroom.

I believe that my function as an educator is to facilitate the

development of every student to the maximum by:

establishing honest rapport and camaraderie with the students

through communication

assisting in discovering who he/she is, so he/she can express

his/her own opinions and nurture his/her own ideas

giving tools in which to refine his/her own pile of knowledge

integrating universal values such as love, respect, and care in

my lessons

demonstrating enthusiasm and express confidence in the

students abilities to learn and be successful

sustaining a learning environment which includes motivation,

aptitude, presentation, repetition, and reinforcement

training him/her to become proficient in the basic skills

reading, writing, speaking, arithmetic and computer skills

achieving competence through self-study, classroom experience,

and trainings/certifications

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