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1. Vocabulary Class 2 2.

Conversation Class 2

Nouns Adjectives At work.

film busy
World Trade Convention important
interview powerful
studio rich
video screen difficult
company(ies) brilliant
profit persuasive
publicity film main
reason fantastic
success ambitious
movie (U.S.A.) poor
Barbara is in her office and the telephone is ringing.
the movies bad
loss(es) easy
Barbara: Barbara Rivers.
Jeff: Hi, Barbara, it's Jeff. Where are you? We're in the studio. We're watching
Time nouns the film on the World Trade Convention. What are you doing? Are you
day coming?
week Barbara: Well Im busy right now. I'm preparing the Van der Wildt interview
Verbs month for tomorrow.
to watch year Jeff: This is important. Van der Wildt's in the film. He is talking about the
to do today E.G.I. group.
to prepare tomorrow Barbara: O.K. I'm coming.
to spell yesterday
Barbara: Come on, Jean, let's go to the studio. Jeff's watching a film on Van
to listen to midnight der Wildt.
to rise noon Jean: Who's Van der Wildt anyway?
to stay Barbara: He's a very powerful businessman. He's also very rich.
to look Extra words Barbara: He's got a difficult name. How do you spell it?
to hear right now Jean: V-A-N-D-E-R-W-I-L-D-T
to fall lets go (Barbara is now in the studio with Jeff. They're watching a video film.)
to continue anyway
to talk (about) very Jeff: Hi, Barbara. Now listen to this.
Mr. Van der Wildt on the video screen: All the companies on the E.G.I. group
are doing very well this year. Our profits are rising
wow Barbara: Wow! This is brilliant! I'm not staying for this, Jeff. This is just a
just publicity film.
Jeff: Well, he's a persuasive man. That's the main reason for his fantastic
3. How do you say it? Class 2

1. Introduction by the telephone.

Barbara Rivers (1) Soy Brbara Rivers

It's Jeff Soy Jeff

2. Ask for specific information.

What are you doing? (2) Qu haces / hace usted?

Where are you? Dnde ests / est usted?
Who's Van der Wildt? Quin es Van der Wildt?

3. Express what you're doing.

I'm busy Estoy ocupado

I'm preparing Estoy preparando
He's talking (l) est hablando
I'm coming (Yo) Estoy llendo. (Ya voy)

4. Express where you are.

He's in the film (l) est en la pelcula.

We're in the studio (Nosotros) estamos en el estudio

5. Describing people.

He's a very powerful businessman Es un hombre de negocios muy poderoso

Hes very rich (l) es muy rico
He's a persuasive man (l) es un hombre persuasivo
He's a happy person (l) es una persona feliz
They're clever (Ellos) son listos
He's a poor man (l) es un hombre pobre
He's a strong / weak man (l) es un hombre fuerte/dbil
She's a beautiful / ugly woman (Ella) es una mujer guapa/fea
He's a handsome / ugly man (l) es un hombre guapo/feo
They're shy (Ellos) son Timidos

(1) Al descolgar, puede presentarse dando simplemente su nombre (sobre todo en el trabajo) o su
nmero de telfono.
(2) To make: fabricar algo concreto (to make a table, to make a dress); to do: hacer, en todos los
dems casos (realizar una accin); por ejemplo: to do the shopping = hacer la compra.

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