Product Owner Answers

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Question 1 of 15
Which two statements explain why the definition of "Done" is important to the
Product Owner?
Correct answer: A) C)
You chose: A) C)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

It assures the Increment reviewed at the Sprint review is usable so the Product Owner
may choose to release it.

It helps the Product Owner track the open work during a Sprint.

It creates transparency regarding progress within the Scrum Team.

It identifies undone work that can be addressed in a separate Sprint.
Points: 1 out of 1
All Scrum Team members must have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be
complete, to ensure transparency. This is the definition of "Done" for the Scrum Team and is
used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment. The Increment reviewed at the
Sprint Review must be useable, so a Product Owner may choose to immediately release it.

Question 2 of 15
A Product Owner is entitled to postpone the start of a new Sprint after the
conclusion of a previous Sprint for the following reason:
Correct answer: C)
You chose: C)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

Not enough Product Backlog items are "Ready".

The Product Owner has not identified a Sprint Goal.
There is no acceptable reason. A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of
the previous Sprint.

The QA department needs more time to make the previous Increment "Done".

The stakeholders are not happy with the value produced in the previous Sprint.
Points: 1 out of 1
A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.

Question 3 of 15
In order to make investment decisions, the Product Owner is likely to look at the
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the product being built. What costs will a
Product Owner take into account?
Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

The money spent on development of the product, often a fixed cost per Sprint
multiplied by the Sprints required

All investments required to conceive, develop, operate and maintain the product

The accumulated cost over the earned value of the product
Points: 1 out of 1
The owner of a product is not only accountable for development and release of a product, but
also the cost of maintaining and operating the product. If a person 'owns' the product, he/she can
be expected to be responsible for the complete lifecycle of a product.

Question 4 of 15
The Product Owner's authority to change and update the Product Backlog is
unlimited, except for:
Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

Decisions by the CFO, the CEO or the board of directors.

Nothing. The entire organization must respect a Product Owner's decisions.

Decisions by the chief program manager.

Technical and architectural work that needs to be done first, as indicated by the chief
enterprise architect.

High impact changes that have not been approved by the change request board.

Work for which impediments exist that the Scrum Master still needs to resolve.
Points: 1 out of 1
For the Product Owner to succeed, the entire organization must respect his or her decisions. No
one is allowed to tell the Development Team to work from a different set of requirements, and
the Development Team isn't allowed to act on what anyone else says.

Question 5 of 15
It is mandatory for the Product Owner to monitor and share progress of Product
Backlog through:
Correct answer: D)
You chose: D)

A Product or Release burn-down chart

A Value burn-up chart

A Gantt chart

Any projective practice based on trends of work completed and upcoming work

A Sprint Review acceptance report
Points: 1 out of 1
Various projective practices upon trending have been used to forecast progress, like burn-downs,
burn-ups, or cumulative flows. These have proven useful, but none are mandatory and care
should be taken because none can replace the importance of empiricism. What will happen is
unknown, no matter what has happened.

Question 6 of 15
What pre-conditions must be fulfilled in order to allow Sprint Planning to
Correct answer: F)
You chose: A)

A fully refined Product Backlog

Formal budget approval to conduct another Sprint

A clear and non-negotiable Sprint Goal

A clear but negotiable business objective for the Sprint

Enough "Ready" Product Backlog to fill the Sprint

There are no such pre-conditions
Points: 0 out of 1
Sprint Planning serves to plan the work to be performed in the Sprint. This plan is created by the
collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team. Sprint Planning is time-boxed to a maximum of
eight hours for a one-month Sprint. What can be achieved in this time-box may be influenced by
additional practices that are however not prescribed by Scrum.

Question 7 of 15
How can a Product Owner use time-boxed Sprints to obtain feedback from users
and the market?
Correct answer: B)
You chose: D)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

Through the assurance that a Development Team finishes all work on the Sprint

Through frequent delivery of Increments of the product into the market.

By making sure a Sprint does not stop until all testing is done, and the work is verified
by the Product Owner.

At the end of each Sprint, a detailed report with all test cases and test results is

A business analyst represents the Product Owner to make decisions on his behalf
during the Sprint. This way the Product Owner can accept the work at the Sprint
Review without further involvement.
Points: 0 out of 1
The Product Owner manages Product Backlog against the assumption that value will be
generated. This assumption remains invalidated when not checked against users and market.
When a Sprint's horizon is too long, you increase the risk that what is being developed may no
longer be desired. Sprints limit risk to one calendar month or less of work.

Question 8 of 15
Which description best fits the role of the Product Owner?
Correct answer: B)
You chose: C)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

Project Manager 2.0

Value Maximizer

Requirements Collector

Scope Protector

Chief Analyst
Points: 0 out of 1
The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product. How this is done will
vary widely.

Question 9 of 15
A first Sprint can start before the Product Owner has a complete and exhaustive
Product Backlog in place.
Correct answer: A)
You chose: B)


Points: 0 out of 1
A first Sprint requires no more than a Product Owner, a team, and enough ideas to potentially
complete a full Sprint.

Question 10 of 15
What two phrases best describe the relationship of the Product Owner and the
Development Team?
Correct answer: B) D)
You chose: B) D)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

They should work apart as much as possible in order to keep the concerns of business
and technology separated.

They collaborate often so the Product Owner can make informed decisions in
balancing effort and value of Product Backlog items.

The Product Owner should be with the Development Team full-time to grow a deep
understanding of the technology being used.

They collaborate often so the Development Team builds Increments keeping end-user
and stakeholder concerns in mind.

They should share no more than the Sprint Planning and the Sprint Review meeting.
Points: 1 out of 1
The Product owner clearly expresses Product Backlog items, ensuring the Development Team
understands items in the Product Backlog to the level needed for developing them and creating
the value the Product Owner envisions. Scope may be re-negotiated if the effort grows much
higher than anticipated.

Question 11 of 15
To what extent does technical debt limit the value a Product Owner can get from
a product? Select two answers.
Correct answer: A) D)
You chose: B) D)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

Technical debt causes a greater percentage of the product's budget to be spent on
maintenance of the product.
Technical debt is not a Product Owner concern, because technical debt is only an issue
for the Development Team.

Technical debt does not influence the delivery of value.

The velocity at which new functionality can be created is reduced when you have
technical debt.
You did not select all available correct options.
Points: 0 out of 1
Question 12 of 15
How important is it for a Product Owner to order Product Backlog items by
value points?
Correct answer: B)
You chose: A)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

Using value points is the ultimate way for a Product Owner to predict the value that
the product will provide.

It is a good practice, keeping in mind that market reception is the best measure of

Calculating value points is an upfront approach that conflicts with the empiricism of
Scrum, and is therefore not acceptable.
Points: 0 out of 1
Indications of value on Product Backlog are useful but are only a prediction until validated
against users and market.

Question 13 of 15
What best describes the relationship of the Product Owner and the stakeholders?
Correct answer: C)
You chose: C)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

The Product Owner writes the User Stories as provided by the stakeholders.

The Product Owner has the final call over the requirements and should involve the
stakeholders as little as possible.

The Product Owner actively asks for stakeholder input and expectations to process
into the Product Backlog.

The Product Owner provides the stakeholders with acceptance forms at the Sprint
Review to record their formal agreement over the delivered software.
Points: 1 out of 1
The Product Owner represents the stakeholders to the Scrum Team, which includes representing
their desired requirements in the Product Backlog. The Product Owner has the final call over the
Product Backlog.

Question 14 of 15
The Product Owner manages the Product Backlog. Who is accountable for
estimating the effort to complete the Product Backlog items?
Correct answer: A)
You chose: A)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

The Development Team. As a collective, they have a complete view of the work
needed to transform Product Backlog items into Increments of product.

The PMO. They have all the history on projects delivered, and this enables the IT
department to make delivery commitments.

The Product Owner. The Product Owner is required to commit on delivery to the users
and the stakeholders.
Points: 1 out of 1
The Development Team is responsible for all estimates. The people who will perform the work
make the final estimate.

Question 15 of 15
A Product Owner is essentially the same thing as a traditional Project
Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)


Points: 1 out of 1
A traditional project manager is responsible for all aspects of a project; costs, resources, execution, release, planning, capacity. Scrum is a framework for complex product development,
regardless of whether the work is organized in projects. The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work performed, a responsibility that is complemented
by the specific accountabilities of the Development Team and the Scrum Master.

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