Intro To Ngo

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Intro to ngo

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is basically a legally constituted organization which is

operated by legal persons who act independently from any government. In those cases where the
NGOs are funded partially or completely by governments, the NGO barred the government
representatives from any membership in the organization in order to sustain its non-governmental
status. The term is used for those organizations which have wider social target with political
aspects. However, any NGO cannot be blatantly political organizations. The term non-
governmental organization has no agreed legal definition and these are termed as civil society
organizations in many jurisdictions.

Across the world, the number of internationally operating NGOs is around 40,000. The number of
national NGO in countries is even higher with around 1-2 million NGOs in India and 277,000 NGOs
in Russia. The remodelling processes of the welfare state have led to the rapid development of the
non-governmental sector in western countries. With increasing globalization, the intensity of such
processes has increased further. In the 20th century, the Globalization makes the people
understand the
importance of NGOs.

There are many

problems which could
not be solved
effectively within a
country. The
international bodies
at a global level
organizations like
World Trade
Organization were
considered to be too
centred to favour the
interests of capitalist
firms. The growth
and rise of NGO is
seen as an attempt
to offset this trend, where NGO emphasize the core issue related to human cause like sustainable
development, developmental aid and other humanitarian issues. One such remarkable example of
organization for raising the cause of people is World Social Forum. This organisation is an opponent
convention to the World Economic Forum. In some cases, it represents the popular movements of
the poor and other ways, it is regarded as an aristocratic form of politics

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