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1. Which of the following post-construction services includes evaluation of initial

program versus actual use of facility?
a. building / ground administration c. building / equipment
b. owners association organization d. post-construction evaluation

2. An architect has done the renovation / addition of a clinic / residence in Manila.

Project construction cost is three million pesos. Using UAP standards, how much
does the architect expect to receive as minimum basic fee for his client?
a. 400,000 pesos b. 150,000 pesos c. 300,000 pesos d. 450,000 pesos

3. What is generally the basis of the architects minimum basic fee?

a. owners offer c. architects professional
community standing
b. type of structure d. project construction cost

4. In the architects post-construction services, under which services does the

architect evaluate the initial program versus the actual use of facility?
a. building/ equipment maintenance c. building grounds
b. design-building services d. post-construction evaluation

5. Which of the following is NOT included in the Architects Code. May I Always
a. humility b. haste of mind c. patience d. artistry

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