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Martin Luther King, Jr. \ Table of Contents Birth and childhood p. | | Young adult lite |p. 3 | | Civil rights work p.3 Death p.9 Holiday p. 10 Martin Luther King, Jr. was As he grew up, Martin | born on January 15, 1929 in continued to see the | Atlanta, Georgia unfairness that African- During that time, children American people faced with different skin colors If a white person got ona could not play together or crowded bus and there were | even go to the same school no seats left, African- This was called segregation Americans would have to ~ rr ar give them their seat Martin studied for a long Dr. King met a woman named " time and earned a doctorate Coretta and they got degree. He became a married. They later had four minister and spoke to many children. people about God. He wanted to help people and change the Injustice in the world Dr. King and his wife, Coretta, with their four children 3 4 Dr. King gave powerful speeches and lead peaceful protests to promote civil rights. He wanted to change laws that separated people of different skin colors. He “T have a dream that specchinwashington.b¢. in MY Four Iitle children August of 1963 will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the ~- color of their skin but by the content of their character” We call this speech his “I Have a Dream’ speech. In part of his speech, he said 6 Dr King continued working hard for the civil rights movement. He met with important leaders, including the president of the United States. He won a very important award called the Nobel Peace Prize for his work President John F Kennedy Fe ee = Dr. King and other civil rights leaders meeting with the president 8 Not everyone agreed with what Dr. King believed in Sadly, he was killed in April of 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee died 1968 i aaeveny mas 7 nem = ena! 4 é Faun born = 1929 \ | q We remember and honor Dr King’s life and work on! Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, celebrated in January each year, He was a great leader who made many changes for our nation and our world Glossary civil rights: the rights of all people to freedom and equality injustice: lack of fairness Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: an American holiday observed on the third Monday of January each year to honor Dr King's efforts in the civil rights movement Nobel Peace Prize: an annual prize for the encouragement of people who work for the interests of humanity segregation: the enforced separation of different racial groups Index Atlanta, GA, | birth, | childhood, |, 2 children, 4 civil rights, 5,6 death, 9 holiday, 10 ‘lL Have a Dream’ speech, 5, 6 marriage, 4 Memphis, TN, 9 ministry, 3 President John F. Kennedy, 7, 8 schooling, 3 Washington, D.C, 5

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