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Employer Nomination Letter

I Hayder Ismail Khiari hereby give permission to:

Atheer Al Attar
Date of Birth 29 March 1982
Geoscientist and Petroleum and Gas in Charge Trainer
employed since May /2016

to follow the short course:

Geostatistics and Advanced Geostatistics
from 05 Jun 2017 and lasts for 6 weeks
at Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente

I declare that

1. at the end of the fellowship period the candidate will be offered a position at least
equivalent to the one he/she is currently holding;
2. the candidate will not be assigned any tasks during the fellowship period to ensure
that he will be available for the study programme full-time;
3. I am available to answer questions concerning the fellowship application of this
4. I am willing to cooperate with NFP/MSP for evaluation purposes of the programme;
5. the information provided in this letter and attachment is true and correct.

A plan to implement the newly-acquired knowledge by the candidate is approved by me and

attached to this letter in the prescribed format.

Signature of the superior of the candidate: Date: Sep 3, 2016

Telephone number: +964 7802800958

Email address:

Bibaan Skills Development Network

Mission statement: Because we are aware that Iraq situation has placed the new graduates in very

critical situation of lacking experience and communication skills to what the market really needs, thus

what we end up with is an abundancy of fresh grads who has no idea about how to plan the career or

how to compete in these harsh market conditions. In Bibaan we took the responsibility to do our best

to bridge this gap between what the market needs and what the new grads have already. We believe

that everything, every effort counts. We will try to find what the markets is looking for and give it to you

for free.

Main activities:

1- Skills development workshops: With the cooperation with the NGOs in Basra we hold

workshops that are directed mainly to the newly graduated engineers to explain and help

them how to engage the current market and what are the areas they really need to work on

and invest time.

2- Through our social media channels we try to keep focusing on the latest in the industry and

career planning and we are willing always to answer and guide remote people who cannot

make it to any of our events.

Data about the candidate who is nominated for a fellowship:

Name of the candidate: Atheer Al Attar

Function: Oil and Gas Specialization Trainer/ Geoscientist

Tasks: Oil and Gas related training, research and data analysis.
Relevance of the study

Relevance for the candidate: Atheer is researching in the field of data analysis and missing
data in oil field and how to predict the missing features in oil reservoirs. Geostatistics stands
as the missing piece of the puzzle that will enable him to fully understand and integrate
what he has already to the newly gained knowledge toward a broader understanding to our
geological settings in Rumaila Field.

Relevance for the employing organisation: Having one of staff with this new knowledge will
enable us as an organization to extend our activities to a new level of professionals and will
open a new horizon of clients to serve. In addition to that, we think that this course could
open the door of new research direction on our reservoirs especially that we already have
the data.

The candidate is expected to implement the newly-acquired knowledge and skills no later
than six months after successful completion of the study. Please include a plan of activities
below, including their objectives and along a timeline. Please be as specific as possible. You
are advised to use the SMART method.
Plan of activities:
Objective Activity Period of implementation
Career development Weekly workshops that These courses will be given
direction, introducing the targets the 4th stage students in a period of six months
subject of Geostatistics to and entry level professionals starting with the academic
new grads and explain the that explains the concepts and year and with the
importance of property having the participants hands- coordination from the Oil
correlation in Oil field. on the real challenges that we and Gas Dep. In the
have in the property university of Basra
correlation in the oil field
Academic and Research Getting in touch with the This action is planned to be
oriented goal, for a deeper current operators in country performed in 4-5 months and
understanding to our and explaining the idea of the it could vary depending on
reservoirs research that I am planning to the track of the research and
work on, the aim here to get the type of data we will need.
the needed support in case we
needed more data sources.

Thanks and Regards,

Bibaan Skills Development Network

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