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Browsers and Browsing

Task Guide - 01

Practice Exercise
Launch Firefox and do the following:
Search for the article on Photosynthesis in Wikipedia

Search for the word Chlorophyll and navigate to the Wiki article on it

Copy the introduction paragraph for Chlorophyll

Send an email to your facilitator with the paragraph on Chlorophyll

Access the Kannada version of the article on Chlorophyll

Navigate back to the English version by using Back button

Search for a free image for Dharwad University

Observation Feedback Form
Use the following parameters to evaluate your exercise:
I was able to: Yes I No I Need
Completed Practice
Navigate to
Search for the article on Photosynthesis in Wiki
Navigate to the Kannada version of Photosynthesis article
Use Back button to return to the English version
Ctrl + F to search for Chlorophyll
Copy a section from the article and paste it in a new email
Send an Email to your Peer / Facilitator
Use multiple tabs to open Gmail and Wikipedia
Search using

Note down the steps that needs more practice and seek help from peers/facilitator/online-videos to
master the task.
Task Guide 02

Practice Exercise
Navigate to Wikipedia and do the following:
Search for Mysore palace in Wikipedia

Copy the image of Mysore palace from wiki

Create a folder on the desktop while downloading

Save the image of Mysore palace in your folder on the Desktop

Open the image of Mysore Palace in your folder on the Desktop

Copy the Kannada introductory section of Mysore Palace in wiki page

Save the text about Mysore Palace in your folder on the desktop

Save the entire web-page about Mysore Palace in your folder.

Observation Feedback Form
Use the following parameters to evaluate your exercise:
I was able to: Yes I No I Need
Completed Practice
Save a picture in a folder
Create folder while downloading the resource
Access the saved image in my folder on Desktop
Copy and Save text from Wiki web-page in Gedit
Save an entire web-page

Note down the steps that needs more practice and seek help from peers/facilitator/online-videos to
master the task.
Task Guide 03

Practice Exercise
Navigate to Wikipedia and do the following:
Search for an article of trigonometry in Wikipedia

Bookmark the web-page having the article of trigonometry

Close all the tabs and access the same page through bookmark

Access the same file through history

Delete all browsing history in your browser

Observation Feedback Form
Use the following parameters to evaluate your exercise:
I was able to: Yes I No I Need
Completed Practice
Bookmark a web-page
Access the file through a bookmark
Access the file through history
Delete the browsing history

Note down the steps that needs more practice and seek help from peers/facilitator/online-videos to
master the task.

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