Narrative Dinner Party

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Universidad Pedaggica nacional

Departamento de Humanidades
Espaol e ingls
Alexander Guerra Gordillo

A) Dramatic situation:

Conflict that initiate in this narrative, the women cannot keep their
composure in crisis as well as men can. A colonial official and his wife
are giving a large dinner party, with a great many guests but one of
them was an American man who was naturalist. On the other hand, a
young woman saw a mouse near to her; while a men have a spirited
discussion about of what this young girl insists women have outgrown
but a colonel said A womans unfailing reaction in any crisis, the
colonel says, is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that
ounce more of nerve control than a woman has. Ounce is what counts.
But the American did not join in the argument. The young lady was
staring straight ahead near her leg, something was there, but she did
alarmed with the creature (snake).

B) Protagonist is the main character- In this case is the hostess and the
other characters are: the Colonel, the American. Other guests, servants,
and the snake would be considered minor characters.
I- Where: The country is India, the characters are in a dinner party,
this is gone in a living room, in the colonial officials house what
had also a veranda.
II- When: the situation is a dinner at night, colonels living room.
III- Who: female hostess is the main character
IV- Background information
C) Rising action: The Incidents are: 1- Argument springs up about women
being more easily scared than men.
2- Colonel says that women scream while men are
more reserved.
3- American says nothing, but observes everyones
4- Hostess looks straight ahead somewhere nervous
and tense.
5- Servant brings out bowl of milk
6- American realize that a bowl of milk means there
is a cobra.
7- American starts a game to keep everyone calm
D) Climax:
1. People scream all over the living room.
2. Hostess agrees that the Colonel did, in fact, remain calm.
E) Falling Action:
1. American control the situation
2. American asks the hostess how she knew about the snake. She
replies: Because it was crawling across my foot.
F) Resolution:
The hostess says that the cobra was crawling across her foot.
G) Foreshadowing:
The hostess was afraid of mice at the beginning of the story shows, the
reader would think or would make a prediction that she
would be frightened with a cobra, but it was not in this way; she had the
cobra crawling across her foot.
Let poems grow in your mind

1) Who is the speaker or central figure in the poem?

First of all, the poem is titled.
On My Dear Grandchild, Simon Bradstreet, Who Died on 16 November,
1669, Being but a Month, and One Day Old.
Anne Bradstreet (1678)
No sooner came, but gone, and falln asleep,
Acquaintance short, yet parting caused us weep;
Three flowers, two scarcely blown, the last I th bud,
Cropt by th Almightys hand; yet is He good.
With dreadful awe before Him lets be mute,
Such was His will, buy why, lets not dispute,
With humble hearts and moths put in the dust,
Lets say Hes merciful as well as just.
He will return and make up all our losses,
And smile again after our bitter crosses
Go pretty babe, go rest with sisters twain;
Among the blest in endless joys remain.
I. The main figure in this poem is the Annes grandchild. Because,
she told about of her grandchild, beginning the poem of someone
what had just arrived but now he is gone. His parting caused the
poet to weep. The poet compares her dead grandchild with
flowers Three flowers are three because he was her third died
2) What objects or events are being seen or presented?
I. Events are presented
No sooner came, but gone, and falln asleep, Acquaintance short, yet
parting caused us weep; The even is the loss of her grandchild, this
caused her a great pain.
II. Three flowers, two scarcely blown, the last I th bud She lost
two grandchildren prior to Simon, which the poet compares to
III. Cropt by th Almightys hand; yet is He good grandchild was
taken by the Almighty. Is like a hope when he is in good place. This
is gods will and we should not dispute it; He is merciful and just.
IV. And smile again after our bitter crosses The poet tells the baby
to go rest with his sisters in Heaven, where joy is endless. Go
pretty babe, go rest with sisters twain; among the best in endless
joys remain.
3) What is the central idea of the poem?
I. Finds a way to understand the situations like a death of a relative
and remain true to faith gods her. She want to show God is still
good and that humans, even after losing something that we love,
should remain mute with awe before Him.

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