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Vocabulary Worksheet 10 H obbie s a n d l e i su r e

PET After-school clubs
1 Read the four adverts for after-school clubs at Warrington High School and write
the names of the clubs next to the adverts. Choose from the box below.

chess club dance class art club photography group drawing class
keep fit class computer club music group cooking class

A ____________ B ____________
Have you got a camera? Do you like Do you love painting and sculpture but
taking pictures? Come to our club you knew more about it? If so, come to the
and learn how to take great photos. design studio at 4.00 p.m. on Mondays.
We meet every Wednesday after our club we learn about a new artist every
school in the canteen. Dont forget week and sometimes go to galleries and
museums at weekends.
your camera!

C ____________ D ____________
Do you love your keyboard, monitor and Are you scared of going into the
mouse more than your brother and sister? kitchen? Do you think recipes are
If the answer is yes then this is the club impossible to understand? If so, why
for you! We meet in the IT room every not come and learn how to make
Friday at 5.00 p.m. Come and learn about delicious meals and cakes. We meet
programming and the latest software.
in the canteen every Thursday at
4.30 p.m. Yum!

2 Work in groups. Read the profiles and decide which club is most suitable for
each person.

1 Ana 2 Frederico
Loves: cooking, chatting 3 Magda
Loves: emailing,
online Loves: art, design
taking photos Hates: being busy at the
Hates: exercise and cooking
Available: Wednesday Hates: sport
Available: Tuesday and
Available: most
evenings ____________ Thursday evenings
____________ weekends ____________

3 Write an advert for one of the other clubs in Activity 1, or invent a new club.

4 Work in groups. Present your advert to your group. Your school can only afford
to run two of your clubs. Choose the clubs.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Richmond Publishing, 2010

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