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NAME______________________________,R 2


I. Rephrase: 25 p
1. He couldn't read the writing because it was too small. Too
The writing read.
2. The last time they went abroad was two years ago. Not
They............................................................................................................. two years.
3. His mother asked him if he wanted to invite any more people. Else
His mother asked him if..............................................................he wanted to invite.
4. I didn't study so I got a bad mark.
5. Sam started learning Chinese five years ago.
6. I am sorry I didn't go to the party.
I wish..................................................................................................................................
7. I haven't heard from Andy for two weeks, Ann said
Ann said that.......................................................................................................................
8. They say Paris is the most romantic city in the world.
It is.....................................................................................................................................
9. Andy doesn't usually complain about everything. Like
It is........................................................................................................about everything.
10. I don't think we need to write this report. Point
There's..............................................................................................................this report.

II. Choose the correct answer: 20 p

1.The shopping center is easily ________________from the motorway.
A. affordable B. available C. accessible D. accountable.
2. The boss was in a __________mood so he agreed to give me the day off.
A. bad B. glad C. good D. funny
3.He keeps his new lawn mower in the garden___________
A. attic B. shed C. loft D. cellar
4.Sheila had butterflies in her_______________ before the interview.
A. face B. heart C. palms D. stomach
5.What's wrong with Sandy? She's as quiet as a____________ today.
A. snail B. owl C. fox D. mouse
6.He speaks five European languages,but his mother__________________ is Japanese.
A. speech B. language C. tongue D. talk
7.She put her toys_____________in a cupboard under the stairs.
A. out B. by C. away D. in
8.We are looking for self-motivated people who can_______________the initiative.
A. do B. take C. get D. make
9.Julie has always been afraid______________the dark.
A. from B. for C. of D. about
10.He recently applied for the ______________ of product manager .
A. post B. vacancy C. niche D. situation

III. Word formation: 20 p

1. Pollution is only one of the_______________________of living in the city. ADVANTAGE.
2. The _________________________they needed to build the greenhouse cost less then 200$.
3. Television is one of the cheapest forms of ________________________.(ENTERTAIN)

4. They moved away from the_____________________city, to a quiet life in the country.

5. Without any _____________________________he managed to decorate the whole house.

IV. You had the opportunity to spend six months in another country working for a
large company. You have just returned and have decided to send a letter to a friend describing
the experience. 120-180 words. -25 p

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