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ot orn SagiMatie Over Nias Mariusz tukasik Janusz Swiatton : eS Sp SS y HIGH QUALITY DECALS AND MASKING FOIL FREE a eee pt Jagdwaffe he air war over Africa broke out aa soon a the Ralians ‘declared war on the Great Britain and France, on 10th June 1940. The following day British Blenheime raided an Italian airfield at El Adem, Throughout the latter part Of 1940 the Rogia Aeronautica and the RAF traded blows ‘with variod intensity and results, On 20th January 1941 ‘now adversary arrived in Africa - Messerschmitt BI 110s of TIL72G 26 under Ma). Karl Kaschika, the vanguard of the German Luftwaffe. During the spring offensive of the newly constituted AMkakorpe, IL/ZG 26 was practically the only fighter unit (sides the Italians) available to Gen Rommel. As the desert war Nared up. both rival sides ru ‘shed in reinforcements. On 18th April 1.JG 27, equipped with Messerschmitt Bf 100s ofthe E-7 trop variant and led by Obit. Kar-Hoinz Redlich, set up shop at Ain el Gazala, Already the following day they made their presence felt by shooting down four Hurricanes, including two by the Staffelkapitan, an ace with 10 victories to his name. Soon the 1, Staffel was joined by 2.JG 27 under Olt. Gertz ‘and Gruppenstab 13G 27 (headed by Gruppenkomman- dour ptm. Neumann), and on 22nd April by 3.JG 27 lea by ObIt: Hommuth, Henoe, all component unite of 1136 27 were by then deployed in Africa, Until September 11/26 26 and 1,9G 27 were the only Luft walle Aighter outfits in that theatre of operations, Then, at Mies et TOPCOLORS over Africa part | the end of the month, Hptm. Lippert’s IG 27 was trans ferred to Libya, taking up sation st Ain el Gasala. The TI. Gruppe brought along the then latest Messerschmitt, Bf 108 Pa, mostly of Fa trop variant. The ‘Friedrich qu ickly dominated the African skies, It was not until nine months later, when the Spitfire Mic V was introduced to the theatre, that RAF attained qualitative parity with the Gorman fighters, On ard October 1941 Uff. Horst Reuter of 5,06 27 scored the frst BE 109 F victory over Aftica, shooting down a Hurricane of NO 33 Sqa RAF fown by Sgt. Lowry. Ip early De- ‘cember 1943 alsa L/JG 27 converted to BE 109 Fs. The Germans were steadily building up the: ie fighter forces in the theatre, bringing in I 1G 53 ‘Pic A® under Hptm, Wiloke, TM.JG 27 (iptm, Bratne) and Stab JG 27 (Maj. Wolden ize). Along came another Experte, Obit. Erbo Graf von Kageneck credited with 68 victories. Hore in Africa he was to find his inglorious de sth. Aer tallying two more victories (on 12th December), of Christmas Eve he was ertically injured in combat with RAP fighters, and died Of his wounds in hospital in early 1042 At the turn of the year the air war in the Wo stern Desert went on unabated. In early 1042 the German top-scorers were Lt, Marseille land Obit. Homth, with Ofw. Schultz close be hind them, All three of them had already pas sed the 40-victory mark, for which Marseille an Schultz were awarded the Knight's Cross on Band February 1942. A month later to the day there was another opportunity to celebrate, for Lt Kormer tallied the 1,000th victory for Jag: geschwader 27. During spring 1042 Obit. Han: SvJoachim Mareoille outscored all is rivals, re cording numerous rultiple kills. On 17th June hhe reached the 100-vietory mark. Targets were plenty, as the intensity ofthe air battles fought In that period over the deserts began to resemble the Battle of Britain, only on a smaller scale ‘July 1942 was a period of rest and recupera tion for both fighting sides, but this mostly www kagero.p! referred to ground troops, In late August 1042 the Afrikakorps mounted yet another offensi- ve, and the pace of air operations again quic ened. Meanwhile, the Luftwaffe brought n L2G 1 equipped with BE 109 E-7s, as well as 8. and 10/2G 26 operating BI 1108. Of the 109 tonite, 119 77, HLG 77 and later 1G 77 also saw service in Africa, while 11/JG 53 and (partially) JG 27 were rotated back With time the Luftwaffe introduced BI 109 G-2s, Fw 190 A fighter-bombers, Me 2108 and new variants of the BI 110 to the North African theatre. Camouflage and Painting schemes -n general, the air war over Africa, especially the initial phase, was for the Luftwaife the time of experiments with new camouflages 10 ‘suit a completely different terrain. The first German aircraft to see servioe on that cont nent carried European RLM 02/71/65 set of ‘colours. The only new eloment was a white (RLM 21) band around rear fuselage, a the: tre marking of Axis air forces. The band's ‘width and ite exact location were the subject of slight modifiations. The alroraft retained their eariir colour markings: yellow (RLM 03) engine cowlings and rudders. Propeller spin: here traditionally carried Staffo-assigned col fara, although only in same oases were entire spinners overpainted, Individual variations are fo frequent that a careful analysis of avaiable photos is required in each ease, In August 1941 the RLM introduced new shedes for tropical camouflage ~ RLM 79 Sandgelb and RLM 80 Olivgrun for uppersurfuces, and RLM 73. for undersides, New painting schemes were being applied at fuctories, hence they ap- peared in the African front only after the first batch of new aircraft had been deliv fred. Meanwhile, older aircraft were repaint ToPCOLORS fed with new paints in the field, at times in a somewhat creative manner, which result fd in a great variety of patterns, Allegedly fireraft of 1/JG 27, whilet staging through Sicily on their way to Libya, were camou- aged with Tlalian paints: light sandy Noo cola Chiaro 4 and green Verde Oliva Souro 2 The Bt 109 E-7s repainted by fleld workshops were camouflaged with RLM 79 on tho up. per surfces, supplemented by irregular spots ‘of RLM 50. In some cases only RLM 70 was ‘used, Also the exact loeation of colour demar ‘ation line was different in various machines Froquent side effects of repainting aircraft were disappearance of factory-applied stencil markings and national insignia of non stand: lard proportions. Painting rules were more Clearly identified in case of later BE 109 Fa, ‘which usually featured RLM 79 on upper sur faces, and RLM 78 on undersides. ‘The loca. tion of the division line between the colours also differed slightly. The BE 100 Fs adopted. as standard, white spinners, front, comlings. ‘and wingtips; earlierstyle yellow cowlngs and rudders became relatively rare. Bf 110s in: tially carried European eamoufage; later they were repainted in RLM 79/RLM 78 set, with low colour demarcation line. Sporadically their ‘camouflage was supplemented with squiggles in RLM #0. The only theatre marking, ised was white (RLM 21) fuselage bard ‘Tactical markings in form of letter and digit codes were painted on fuselages, and in some ceases also on wings. As for individual mark "gs, unit emblems and victory bars (Abschus sbalken), the later usually found on rudders, were popular The night camouflage used by 1/NIG'3, which in summer 1941 was stationed painted in black (RLM 22), with only partly Yisble white fuselage band used for reengition Moqeruhoit Bt 100 87 top coded “allow 1 of 23027, probly fen bythe Statetkaliin OM, Gerhard Homuth, The arf ibe In M03 ‘uselage sides mottled in RLM 71 and RLM 02. Boing one of the first BE 100s in Africa, It still carries European camouflage Jifloation td around rear fuselage. Spinner white, with ene fourth segment in Fed; 16 27" emblem painted an cither sie. Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 trop é6lta 1 2 8.6 27, prawdopodobnie pllotowany przez dowédee Staffel Oblt. Gerharda Homutha. Samolot w malow. niu REM 02/71/65 2 mollingiem RLM 71 1 RLM O2 na bokach kadiubs. To jeden 2 plerwazych w 1941 roku 1 100 na niebie Afryki Jeszeze ‘ knmuftadu europejskim 2 blalym pasom szybkie] Kentyfikac}i aa kadhuble, Kotpak Smgta Dialy i czerwony ma jedne} éwiartee, na ostonte sini po obydwu stronach maszyny godlo JG 27. ‘ www kagerop! ToPCOLORS Gazala, 15th June 1941. Tho airoraft in RLM 02/71/65 fininh refreshed in Africa and supplemented by mottling in RLM 71 ‘on fuselage sides. The theatre markings inchude yellow eowling (note JG 27's omblom on either side) and white fuselage band ‘Stencil markings and furelage fuel triangle are overpainted. The seven victory bars were most probably painted only on the left Side of the rudder. Spinner white with a ring in RLM 70. After the pilot had soored hls eighth victory, the alroratt's rudder was, repalited in yellow. Jagewate over Aca www ‘Messerschmitt Bf 109-7 trop podwéjay szewron, pllotowany race Kommandeur L/JG 27 Hptm. Eduaréa Neumanna, Gazal 15 oxeroa 1941. Samolot w kamuflaiy RLM 02°71/65 odnow fonym po praylocie do Alrykt = plamami RLM 71 ma boleach eadhuba. Zota ostona silnika 2 godlem JG 27 po obydwu stronach {ay pas na tyne) e2géol Jako elementy s2ybklo) Identyfikne}, ‘Mazyna ma zamalowane napiny skxploatacyine | trojkat lew paliwa. Dodatkowo namalowany podwéjay szewron | oznaczenie ‘Sedmiu awycigetw na aterse hlerunku. To ostatnie prawdo- Podobne tylko po lewe) stronie. Kotpak snnigta bialy = tyinym Plertoloniom w kolorze RLM 70. W pésniejazym okresie ten ‘Sam samolot mlal 26lty ster Kklerunle (po odniostenis Gemego _zwyolestwa} kegero pt . Messerschmitt Bt 109 17 trop, flown by Oblt. Ludwig Franzisket of Stabaschwarm [/JG 27, April 1941. The alreraft is stil in Buropean camou flage of RLM 0271/68, awaiting desert camouflage. Theatre markings include yellow cowling, yellow rudder and white fuselage band. Note the Mossorschmitt Bf 100 F-7 trop, Obit. Ludwig Fransiaket Stabsachwarm IG 27, kwlecles 1941. Samolot praed preemalowaniem na afrykaaskt Jeamuflad Jenzore w europejsicim schemscle RLM 02/71/66 2 s6ltym sterem klerunks, taka sama ostona allnika | bialym pasem na tyle Kaduba, Osiona sitnika ma praeswitujacy dosyé wyradnt, glownle na gorne} capéel oryginalny kamuflas. Po obydwu stronach godio JG 27. Czarny 2 blaly obwodk pojedynary szewron, w kiory wpinana Zostala selona w Blale} obwadee litera A. Kolpak amigta w kolorse RLM 70 = takim namym Jale litera w szewronte siclonym RLM 25 noskiem - ornaczeniem eakadry aztabowe). Na sterze klerunica po obydwu stronach oznaczenia szeanaatst swycieetw w postacl caaenych plonowych belek. agawatie over rca www kagere pl " “Mtesscrachmitt BE 100 B:7 trop, coded ‘White 1" flown by ObIt. Wolfgang Redich, the Staffelkapitin of 1,J0 27. The aireraft in European painting Scheme of RLM 02/71/68, with sides densely mottled in RLM O2 and HLM 71. Theatre markinge inchude yellow cowling and rudder, and white ‘isclage band. Spinner factory painted in RLM 70, with white tip added. Note 22 white Abschussbalicen on the rudder. Over Afviea Obit. Wolfgang Tedlich eventually added 26 vietorios to i former tally of 10. ” wwwikagero.p! TOPCOLORS Messerschmitt BE 109 E-7 trop biala 1 Obit. Wolfgang Redlich, Staffelkapitin 1.JG 27, ezerwice 1941. Samolot w ouropejsikim kamuflasu LM 02/71/65 2 moono nakraplanyml hokami motingiem O2 171. Zélta oslona silnika { ster kierunku orus bialy pas na had, jako elementy saybkie} identyftkacil. Kolpak smigla fabryeanle w Kolorze RLM 70 dodathowo 2 bislym noakiem. Na steree kierunltu 22 blale Abschssballken Jako mnaczenia swyeigstw. Oblt Wolfgang Rediich zakonozyt kampanie afryiasaka Iaemnie 2 96 zestrzcleniam, pray eaym 26 nich odnigal wasnie tej Kampanit. Jagawatte over Afica Messerschmitt Bt 109 8-7 trop, coded ‘Black 10", of 2/JG 27, Liye 1941. The aireraft is camouflaged in the desert painting scheme probably with {Kallan paints; note high demarcation line between the colours on fuselage sides. Theatre markings include yellow cowling and rudder, as well ws ‘white fuselage band. JG 27' emblem is on elther side. Spinner In RLM 70 with four narrow. yellow rings. Fuselage number '10" Is black, without Tod culline typical ofthis unit. Canopy framing is in sold sandy colour. " wwwikagero p TOPCOLORS Messerschmitt Bt 109 7 trop caarna 10 2,JG 27, Libla 1941, Samolot w kamuflaéu wykonanym prawdopodobnie farbam! wloskiml, wedhug schematu afrykadsklogo, 2 wyrokim rozdziatem Koloréw na bokach kadiuba. Zita oslona slike | ster kierunkt oraz bialy par na kadluble to {ypowe oznaczenia szybice} Kdentyfikac}l. Godlo JG 27 na oslonie slnika po obydwu stronach. Dodatlowo na kolpakss amigla w kolorse RLM 70 crtery waskle 26ite paskl, Numer 10 na bokach kadtuba ezarny, bex typowego dia te) Jednostkl czerwonego Konturu, Ramy owiewki Jednolicle w kolorze plaskowym. Jagcwatie over Aca wwwikagere el ' Mesterschmitt BE 109 7 trop coded ‘White 10°, flown by Fw. Gunther Steinhausen of 1.46 27. August 1941. The aireraft fem Lew desert camouflage of RLM 79/80/78 with low division line between colours. Big, regular spots of RLM 80 are applied over a sandy background of RLM 79. Theatre markings include {yellow cowling and rudder, as well as white fuselage band and Spinner. Canopy frame was left in RLM 71. White fusclage “10 slightly smaller than per standard and closer to the cron ae neg cron Snappers ore in nye of the lower wing {tures untypical, rounded spots (most probably bullet holes taped over). Three victory bars can also be seen, even though at that {ime Stolnhausen was already eredived with four. By the time of hnls death, on 6th September 1942, his tally stood at 40. He was ‘holder of the German Cross in Gold and the Knight's Crows Ho was posthumously promoted to the rank of Leutnant. Deple. tion of the aircraft's right side Is speculative. ee kalsero p ” Jagawatte over Afica www Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 trop blala 10 Fw. Gunther Steinhaus- fen 1,JG 27 nlerples 1941. Samolot w nowym kamuflaz we ‘schomatw afrylasinkiogo w barwach RLM 70/60/78 2 isles igranioa Koloréw na kadluble. Duge regularne plamy RLM 80 fin plaskowym podiegu RLM 79. Ostona sllnika 1 ster Kerunicn ‘lly oraz bialy pas na Kadluble {tall sam kolpale (ber tyine- {0 plerdelenia) to typowe clementy saybkie) identyfikac}l, Famy ‘stony kabiny porostasrione w poprzednim kolorze RLM 71. Bialy ‘numer 10 nleco mnlojszy nla standardowo | przesunlety loko Ie Ikraydowi, ktory tei ma kro} charakterystyemy raczr) da dol ‘nego plata. Godto JG 27 na ostonie ailniea po obytdwa strona. Na wlorse kierunicu alctypowe Koliste plamy.prawdopodobale ‘po naprawie praestraciin. Dodatkowe widniejy tam biate onnecze ‘hla trzech zwyclgstw, mimo tego, 2 w tym ezasle Steinhausen ‘lat ich Jud cxtery. Do @ wraeinia 1082 roku, kiedy agin, odniost swoje konto do 40 zestraelen. Posmiertnle otrzymal fawans na Leutnanta 1 byt kawalerem Zotogo Krayia 1 Krzyza Ryorrakiego. Wyglad prawe} strony samolotu domniemany. Cowling is yellow, fuselage band white, xpinner red ‘ith one fourth negment in white. ‘The airoraft from thie bateh were probably delivered in the European painting scheme. Only ‘ter thele arrival in Sicily were they repainted and troplalloed. aaawatte over Aca www Messerschmitt Bf 109 E7 top blala 6 1/36 27, Gazala 1941. Samolot w_péiniejsze} odmlanie schematu afrykansiiego w zestawie RLM 79178 2 nisks granieg Koloréw. Oslona sin a dott, blaly pas na tylne} exgsel kadluba | ezerwony Kotpale \ 4 bialym regmentem na '< obwodu. Prawdopodobnie eamoloty eH 2 parti zontaly odebrane + fabryii w kontynentalngm malow ‘niu {bez wyposadenia tropialnege. Dopiero aa Syeylli zomtaly ‘doposatone | praemalowane do nowych standardow. kabero pt * ‘Messerschmitt Bf 109 £7 $9 DR IIL/2G 1, Libis 1942. Samolot w kamuflatu RLM 7870 « nisi granicy Koloréw. Prawe skraydlo prawdopodb: tle pochodzi od innego samolotu i Jest pozostawione w starszym kamuflaéu RLM 02/71. Blaly kolpak smigla, Konoowht plata { pas na tyne) cago! ‘kadhiba oraz 26tta delna exe4é oslony silnika to elomonty azybkie} identyfikae}i na tym egvemplarss. Nietypowy Balkenkreuz 0 dutyoh eaarnyel polach na kadhuble to rownles wynik doraiinego preemalowania. Pomime dentyfikaeji jake typ ©-7 eamolot ma kolpak starege typu. Prawdopodb. ‘le po lewo} stronie biala kodowa litera D miata ezarng obwedke dia odréénienia od pasa wzybli} dentyfkaci. Jagawatte over Attica a ‘Messerschmitt BE 109 F-4 trop (W.Nr 10074) coded "Yellow 5" flown by Lt. Gerhard Mix of @.JG 27, 14th August 1942. The aircraft ix camouflaged {in RLM 78/79 with atypically undefined colour demareation line in the middle of the fuselage (but slightly lower then per standard). Theatre mark ‘ngs include white spinner and collar, white fuselage band and wingtips, and yellow lower oowling. Spinner base in RLM 70. 11.G 27° emblem = the Berlin Bar ~ is painted on either side of the cowling. Of note ls atypical fuselage Balkenkreuz with large black elements, Number ‘Sand horlgontal bar are yellow, outlined in black. The aircraft made an emergency landing with shotup radiator after air combat near El Alamein on 4h August 142, the pot was captured, In the same combat Lt Mix probably shared in &viclry over «Splfre of No 2 Sqn HAP flown Uy Siar Wedgewood. a wwwikagero op} TorcoLoRs Messerschmitt Bf 108 F-4 trop W.Nr 10074 dita § Lt. Gerhard Mix, 6/JG 27, 14 sierpnia 1942, Samolot w kamuflazu RLM 78/79 2 nletypows plynna grantca koloréw na érodiu Kadiube, ale nleco nite) nik w standardowym ukladale. Onnacsenia aayblde) identyfikac)t w postacl bialego ‘otpaka | pasa bezposredinio za nim. blalogo pasa na kadtublo | kofcdwkach plata oraz 26H] dolne} czeéel oslony sllnlka. Tylny ploréciekotpaka pozostawiony jednak w kolorse RLM 70. Godlo ISG 27 Berlin Bar” po obydwu stronach orlony sllnika. Nictypowy Balkenkereus 0 dutyeh fzarnych polach na kadlubie. Cyfra 5 1 posioma belka po obydwu stronach krayia Ze + orarnym konturem. Samelot zostal zestrzclony { ladowal praymusowo po awarll systemu chlodzenia pe walce powletrzne) w okolieach Ei Alamein 14 sterpnia 1942 roku a plot dostal sie do nlewoll. Praw opodobnie w tej waloe to on byt autorem zestrzclenia Splifir's z 92. Sqn pllotowaneyo preez S/Ldr Wedgewood Jagawatle over Aiea wwwikagere ol a 41. Messerschmitt BE 100 F-4 trop (W.Nr 8477) coded ‘White 11°, flown by Ofw. Albert Espenlaub of 1.0 27, 413th December 1041. The aireraft in typleal KLM 78/78 camouflage, with colour demarcation line roughly in mid fuselage. Theatre markings Include yellow rudder and lower cowling, white fuselage band, wingtips and spinner (cans base ring}. JG 27°s emblem ix painted on either nde Df tho forward cowling, 14 Abschussballeen are painted on sither side of the rudder. The aircraft bellied in after sir combat due to engine failure near El Adorn on 13th De- tcomber 1941. The pilot was captured, and later shot dead srt tempting cece frm «Brian POW camp Jagawatie over ica a kagero Moatorschmitt Bf 100 Fa trop W.Ne 8477 bale 11 (Ofw. Albert Espenlaub 1G 27, 13 grudnia 1941. Sa molot w typowym kamuflagu RLM 78/79 2 granicy o- orow mnle} wigee) na polowie kadluba. 26tty ster ie unica t dolna exeié oalony sllnika, jai rovnier Dialy pee na kadhubie | takie sane Kotedwi piata oraz Kol Dak dmigla (bez tylnago plerécienin), to elementy say ‘kiogo oanakowania na fyi teatrze dzialan. Godlo JG 27 po objdwu stronach praednie) axeécloslony sini. Na terse Kicrunku rownle# aymetryeznie po lewe) | pra) Jogo stronie oznaezenia 14 zwyclestw w postaci Dlalyeh oll! zostal podnie) zastrzslony podezas proby uelecz!t 2 oboau Jenleoklogo w Palostynis. s www kagero pt TOPCOLORS Messerschmitt Bf 108 F-4 trop, coded “Black 4’, of 6..5G 27, Mar- tuba, February 1942. The aircraft camouflaged in RLM 78/79, ‘with colour demarcation line in mid-fuselage, Theatre markings {clude yellow lower cowling, as well as White fuselage band, spinner with collar and wingtips. The emblem of 5.JG 27 was Painted on both port and rtarboard aide of the cowling. Black, ‘white outlined "a" and horizontal bar (not outlined) were painted fn elther side of the fuselage eross. The alroraft was fitted with FUG 25 radlo set, Middlo and rear parts of the eanopy are paint: fd in grey. Of note are heavy leaks of oll around oll cooler and Jagaiwate over Anca www ‘Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-4 trop czarna 4 2 5G 27 Martuba, luty 41042, Samolot w kamuflasu RLM 78/79 2 podaialem kolorow we ppolowle kadtuba. Zofta dona ezeéé ostony silnika oraz blaly pas ‘ha kadluble 1 kofpak 2 pracdnia czgécig Kadtuba, Jak réwnied ‘konoowhi plata, to elementy azxyblde} Identyfikacji. Na ostonie ‘sllnika emblemat 6.JG 27 po obydwu stronach samolotu. Czar za eyfra 4 2 bialg obwodk I czarna porioma bells, ale Jus bez ‘obwédiei po abydiwu stronach Kadlubowego krzyéa. Samolot wy ‘pomadony w instalacje PuG 25. Srodkowa 1 tyina eze66 ovlewh! Kabiny w olorze szarym. Widoszne mocne Slady wyeiek oleju Woké! chiodnicy oleju I 2a kolpakkem émigia, Jak réwnied napra (Oy stare Rlorunien po presstrasiinach. ‘Messerschmitt BE 109 F-4 trop biala 7 Lt, Helmuth Fenzl, 9G 27, 26 paddalernika 1942, Samolot w kamuflaiu RLM 78779 2 niskca granicy olorow. Elemonty s2ybkie) identyfikac}! to bialy kotpak 2 przednig e2géelg ostony slik, bialy pas na kadfuble ina koscéwkach plata oraz 26tta dolna czeéé ostony alla. Biata eyfra sledem 1 oanaczenie II. Gruppe w pomtacl weiyka, bale clenks czarns laméwha. Charakterystyezny Jest Drak canaorenia wlews paliwa pod kabing, jak rownlez pozostawiony w naturalne) barwle metalu srodkowy, slatkowy element fitra powietrza ‘wensenego (pt. Jagawatte over Atrca wwwikagero.el a wargowatie over Aiea Messerschmitt Bf 110 C6 3U+ XS 8.26 26 1 stopads 1941. Samolot w oryginalnym kamuflazu prawdopodobaie RLM 7870 2 nanlesionymi na eadiub t gérne powlerzchnie .2yikam!” praw dopodobnie RLM’ 80. Szorokt bialy pas ma tyle leads, praed usterzeniem to oznaczente s2ybkle} Identyfilact. Litera indywiduaina samolotu X cx ferwona w Kolorae eskadry, podobmie jake przedai Plericien Kotpakéw fmigiet, zostala powtérzona tna spodaie oraz prawdopodobnie na gorze plata na ‘ewnatre od keayzy, Manzyna to Jedna » trasch ‘ tej wersji prackazana 2 Erpr-Gr 210. Widoczne ‘te moone zabrudzenia od spalin 1 oleju, element charakcterystyeany da tego teatru dala 2 cxarnymi wazystiim! powierzchniaml poza i dsterzeniem postomym posostawionym! raw hnaprawy po uszkodzenia tyeh elementéw. Lopaty bialy preedinl plerdcles. Litery Kodowe azare RLM 77 x troeela, indywiduaing tery fsamgm ukiadaie na spadaie | gorse plata na rewnatr” od kreyiy. Na girne) exe tylnego segmenta kadluba pracd statecznikiem resztki pasa iden jrudnionia identyfikecjt # dolne) strefy podeaas dzialas noonych malowany W tak #2c2a{kowe} posta ‘Messerschmitt Bf 110 C:1, coded ‘3U-+IR of 7.26 26: turn of 1941/42. The alreraft is camouflaged in RLM 78/79, with low colour demarcation ine ‘and white fuselage band. Spinner with front ring in the Staffel colour of white. Individal letter ‘ia white, outlined in black, repeated on lower wings ‘outboard of crosses. The emblem of 7.G 26 is painted on elther side of the nose. The alroraft was upgraded to C2 wubvariant (new radio sel). Messerschmitt BE 110 ©:1 30+JR 7.20 26 1941/42. Samolot w kamuflai RLM 78/79 2 niaks granicy koloréw | blalym pasem Hentyfikacyjaym ‘a kadtuble. Kotpal 2 bialym przedinim pleréoleniem w kolorze exkadry. Liters indywidualna samolotu J biala 2 cearaym konturem powtsrzona fa dole plata, na zewnatrz od krayay. Godlo 7.26 26 praed kabing po obydwa stronaoh kadlubs. Samolot to typ C-1 emodyfikowany do wersjt C2 Instalacja radiows. “ wwwikagero.p! TOPCOLORS ISBN 978-83-61220-16.9

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