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Babson Finance Course



3.00 credits


Introduction to Financial Management (FIN7200) Introduction to
Financial Management (FIN) This course introduces the managerial
finance skills required of effective business managers operating in all
functional areas of an organization as they seek to create shareholder
value. Covers basic corporate finance topics including financial
analysis, construction of pro forma financial statements and
forecasting cash flows, the relationship between risk and return, the
cost of capital, discounting future cash flows, assessing the viability of
projects and capital budgeting, financing and capital structure issues,
and the valuation of stock, bonds, firms and other entities. FIN7200 will
meet for 7 face-to-face sessions., FIN7200 is part of Cluster E. Cluster E
courses consist of standalone courses that can be taken while enrolled
in Clusters A - D. ACC7200 is a prerequisite for FIN7200. FIN7200 is a
prerequisite for Cluster F MOB7202 and MBA7201.
2.00 credits


FIN7502 Capital Markets 3 credit elective This course provides an
overview of modern capital markets and is intended both for students
who are not concentrating in finance (but want to learn more about
how markets work) as well as for finance concentrators. The course
considers the domestic and the global aspects of capital markets. It
begins by studying the basics of fixed income markets, concentrating
on determinants of the yield curve and the term structure of interest
rates. It then discusses options and other simple derivatives, including
their pricing and how they are traded. Corporate, sovereign, and
municipal bond markets, including credit default swaps, are studied.
We then discuss the interaction between financial markets and
financial institutions, including the mortgage markets, mutual funds,
commercial banks, investment banks, and hedge funds. The course
concludes with equity markets and new electronic equity trading
facilities. Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN 7200 Fast
Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or
FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is
typically offered in Fall and Spring.
3.00 credits

FIN 7503 Equities (Formerly "Equity Portfolio Management") 3 credit
elective This course will address both theoretical and practical issues
that arise in equity valuation and portfolio management. Students will
develop a framework for understanding the following: basic valuation
techniques (e.g. absolute and relative multiples (COMPCO), Discounted
Cash Flow (DCF), and Dividend Discount Model (DDM)), modern
portfolio theory, equity portfolio construction, passive versus active
management, investing styles, and performance measurement. In
addition, a portion of the course involves analysis of issues in Private
Equity. These include: analysis of equity swaps quantitative investing
and LBO transactions. Equity valuation and equity portfolio
management are as much art as science and we will focus on the
challenges equity professionals face in the pursuit of alpha. As part of
the course, students will manage a "paper portfolio" in which they will
design an investment strategy, execute that strategy and complete a
performance attribution on the results. Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000
or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and
MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or
FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is typically offered in Fall and Spring.
3.00 credits


FIN7504 Risk Management (formerly Managing Financial and Corporate
Risk) 3 credit elective Risk management of modern corporations has
risen to a new pre-eminence in industrial and financial firms. The
reasons for this rise, and the techniques and instruments used by risk
managers, are the subjects of this course. The course first considers
the mechanics and the economic intuition behind the basic tools of
financial risk management: forwards, futures, swaps, and options.
Students will then use their knowledge to build synthetic securities, to
exploit arbitrage opportunities, and to alter the risk/return
characteristics of corporations. We then apply these tools to risk
management problems of firms in industries such as energy (oil and
natural gas), chemicals, financial services (banks and securities firms),
and commodities (gold), and pharmaceuticals (intellectual capital.)
Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track:
MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200
Two Year: MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is typically
offered in the Spring
3.00 credits


FIN 7511 Corporate Finance I: Raising Capital (Formerly "Financing the
Firm") 3 credit elective This course is designed to help students
develop analytical tools and skills to build financing strategies and
manage the right hand side of the balance sheet. It explores the
theoretical and practical issues of capital structure design, considers
firm financing alternatives, including equity, long-term debt, hybrid
securities, leasing, securitization, project finance, and examines the
process through which securities are issued. The course also explores
share repurchase, dividend policy, and risk management. Prerequisite:
Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or
(ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year:
MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is typically offered in Fall
and Spring.
3.00 credits


FIN 7513 Fixed Income (Formerly "Fixed Income Portfolio
Management") 3 credit elective This advanced quantitative course is
designed for students interested in fixed income portfolio
management, as well as students interested in the sales and trading of
fixed income securities and their related structured products. Topics
covered include: (i) bond pricing and day count conventions; (ii)
relative value and yield curve construction; (iii) duration, basis point
value, and convexity; (iv) pricing and hedging of interest rate currency
swaps; (v) Treasury bond futures, conversion factors, and the concepts
of cheapest-to-deliver and implied repo; (vi) the repo (GC and special)
market; (vii) credit risk and the pricing of high yield bonds and credit
default swaps; and (viii) securitization, mortgage-backed securities,
and collateralized mortgage obligations. Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000
or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and
MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or
FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is typically offered in the Fall.
3.00 credits


FIN 7516 Corporate Finance II: Evaluating Opportunities (Formerly
"Strategic Corporate Investment") 3 credit elective Students
registering for this course may not have already taken FIN7506
Financial Tools for Business Managers. Credit will not be granted for
both courses. This course is designed for those interested in evaluating
complex long-term strategic investment proposals and valuing firms
and subsidiaries for merger and acquisition purposes. Building on the
foundation of the finance core, it explores finance theory to identify
pitfalls, common mistakes, and best practices in corporate valuation. It
expands valuation skills by introducing the equity approach and the
adjusted present value (APV) valuation method, the preferred approach
when capital structure is changing over time(e.g. in private equity
transactions). It also covers the identification and valuation of real
options embedded in strategic initiatives. Prerequisite: Evening:
FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and
MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or
FIN7302 OR FIN7200 This course is typically offered in Fall and Spring.
3.00 credits


FIN7517 Financing and Valuing Sustainability 3 credit elective This
course will examine the concepts of 'going green' and sustainability in
the context of finance and value creation. Students will analyze
sustainable technologies, strategies, and business models from the
perspective of managers, entrepreneurs, and investors. Basic financial
tools such as discounted cash flow, capital budgeting, capital structure,
and risk/return will be used to evaluate the feasibility and financial
implications of 'sustainable' products and practices in a variety of
industries and applications. This course is typically offered in the
Spring Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast
Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or
FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200
3.00 credits


FIN7518 Managing Portfolios 3 credit elective Managing Portfolios is
designed for students interested in investment management, portfolio
management, and/or risk management. The course will augment and
extend students' basic finance skills, tools and concepts learned in core
finance courses and in other courses in the Investments concentration
curriculum. In the context of a variety of individual and institutional
investor types, from high net worth individuals to endowments,
students will explore the simultaneous management of positions in
multiple securities using heuristic, statistical and other mathematical
tools. Topics covered include client assessment, investment objective
setting, investment strategy formulation, security selection, allocation
of risky assets, optimal portfolio selection, and the use of derivatives to
meet investment objectives. Through projects and readings, students
will explore these topics in portfolio theory and practice. Tools and
theories used widely by portfolio management professionals are
fundamental to this course. In addition to the traditional course work,
the students will study and prepare investment proposals, periodic
client communications and conduct portfolio performance evaluations.
This course is typically offered in the Spring Prerequisite: Evening:
FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and
MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or
FIN7302 or FIN7200
3.00 credits


FIN7519 Personal Financial Management 3 Credit Elective This course
teaches students to negotiate the retail financial landscape,
emphasizing issues that have a large impact on their future financial
well-being. It assumes no finance knowledge other than first-year
finance. The course covers topics such as selecting a financial adviser,
financing the purchase of a house, college saving, retirement saving,
behavioral finance, trusts, and investment frauds and scams. Specific
investment products studied include mutual funds, exchange-traded
funds, municipal bonds, emerging markets, alternative investments
(including hedge funds, private equity funds, and commodities),
annuities, and insurance products. Consideration will be given to the
problem of an entrepreneur or start-up employee who has a substantial
fraction of personal wealth invested in a single business venture,
including evaluating stock- and option-based compensation plans. Over
the duration of the course, students may work to develop a personal
financial plan for themselves, or if they prefer, for a fictional person
with a defined set of financial traits. Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000 or
MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and MIS7200)
One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or FIN7302 or
FIN7200 This course is typically offered in the Fall.
3.00 credits


FIN7525 Finance for New Ventures 3 credit elective FIN7525 is meant
for entrepreneurs and small business owners that want a detailed
understanding of the financial implications of strategic decisions as
they start and grow their ventures. The focus is on forecasting
integrated financial statements, valuation, and deal structure. The
course covers equity investment (angels and VCs) from both the
entrepreneurs and investors perspectives, including pre- and post-
money value, capitalization tables, dilution, and liquidation
preferences. The impact of debt financing on financial statements and
returns is also covered. Valuation methods include discounted cash
flow, multiples, and the VC method. Risk management techniques
incorporating staging, milestones, real options, and simulation are
used to better assess uncertainty and then structure transactions to
mitigate risk. This course is typically offered in the Spring Prerequisite:
Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or
(ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year:
MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200
3.00 credits


FIN7565 Real Estate Investment Fundamentals (1.5 Credit Elective)
FIN7565 is a prerequisite for FIN7570 Real Estate Finance and FIN7578
Real Estate Development This course is designed to introduce students
to investment principles for income producing real estate. The course
begins with an introduction to the asset class; compares real estate
investments to alternatives such as equities and bonds; and explores
macro supply and demand drivers in the context of the real estate
cycle. After students gain an understanding of leases and the "bundle
of rights" imbedded in real estate, the topics move to valuation and
economic returns which are the course emphasis. Students will learn
both static and dynamic cash flow analysis of income property;
conventional debt and equity financing techniques; and determination
of anticipated yields and pricing. Course format utilizes text, casework,
and selected readings with frequent guest lectures from industry
participants. Throughout the course an emphasis is placed on practical
application and current examples from the industry and marketplace.
Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track:
MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200
Two Year: MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is typically
offered in Fall and Spring.
1.50 credits


FIN7570 Real Estate Finance (1.5 credits) This course is designed for
students who are likely to encounter real estate either as an
investment or as part of a corporation's assets. This course focuses on
the financing of real estate assets. Using traditional analysis and
financing techniques as a foundation, the course examines the
financial structuring of real estate transactions, and discusses the
development of alternative-financing debt and equity vehicles,
including securitized real estate transactions. The course emphasizes
the use of financing techniques to enhance asset performance,
minimize financial risk, and obtain capital. Prerequisite: FIN7565, Real
Estate Fundamentals, AND Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200
Fast Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or
FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is
typically offered in the Fall.
1.50 credits


FIN7572 Babson College Fund The Babson College Fund is a student-
managed portion of the Babson College endowment. The Trustees of
the Babson College Fund select graduate and undergraduate students
to be portfolio managers. Graduate students may apply to be portfolio
managers in the spring of their first year. If selected, students may
receive up to six credits for this activity. Further information and
applications can be obtained from Professor Rick Spillane (Babson
College Fund Office). Prerequisite: Permission of BCF Faculty Director
This course is typically offered in Fall and Spring.
3.00 credits


FIN 7573 Investment Banking and Financial Advisory (Formerly
"Corporate Restructuring") 3 credit elective This course is designed to
provide a practical application of corporate finance skills to a variety of
corporate restructuring transactions. Mergers and acquisitions, initial
public offerings, private equity placements, senior and mezzanine debt
issuances, leveraged buyouts, and other complex financial
restructuring transactions are reviewed. We will explore the economic
rationale and process of each transaction, and place heavy emphasis
on the role of an associate professional in analyzing each situation.
Students will build and apply models typically used in practice by
investment banks, commercial banks, and corporate finance
consultants. The course is designed for those interested in careers in
corporate finance or strategic planning. Prerequisite: Evening: FIN7000
or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and
MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or
FIN7302 or FIN7200 This course is typically offered in the Spring
3.00 credits


FIN7578 Real Estate Development (1.5 credits) This course examines
the process of creating value by modifying real property to a higher
and better use. Through readings, class discussions and cases,
students will look at the steps in the real estate development process,
including concept creation and refinement, market analysis, feasibility
determination, entitlement and approvals, design and construction,
capital structures, start up and operations, and harvesting. Course
work will include readings, weekly case write-ups and a final team
project. In teams of three, students will assemble an investment
offering package describing a development project of their own
choosing including the proposed capital structure and expected returns
for the capital providers. In the final class the student teams will
present their development projects in rocket pitches. This course is
typically offered in the Spring. Prerequisites: FIN7565, Real Estate
Fundamentals, AND Evening: FIN7000 or MBA8510 or FIN7200 Fast
Track: MBA7335 or (ECN7201 and MIS7200) One Year: MBA7210 or
FIN7200 Two Year: MBA7320 or FIN7302 or FIN7200
1.50 credits



XXX7580 Independent Research ******Independent research is

available for all academic divisions. Registration is manual for students
through Graduate Programs and Student Affairs****** Independent
Research provides an opportunity to conduct in-depth research in areas
of a student's own specific interest. Students may undertake
Independent Research for academic credit with the approval of a
student-selected faculty advisor, the appropriate division chair, and
Graduate Programs and Student Affairs. Please note that a student is
responsible for recruiting a faculty advisor through the student's own
initiative and obtain the advisor's prior consent/commitment before
applying for an independent research project. Authorization for such a
project requires submission of a formal proposal written in accordance
with standards set forth by the Graduate School. The research project
normally carries 1.5 or 3 credits. For more information and a proposal
outline please visit:

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