Bio CH 5 Notes W Blks

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Chapter 5 Notes: Populations

I. How Populations Grow

a. Populationa collection of one type of _____________________________
in an ecosystem.
b. Interactions among organisms will affect population
c. Consider the following pond ecosystem:
i. Name one population: ______________________________________
ii. What would happen if people disturbed this ecosystem by over
catching the fish???

iii. What would happen if someone introduced a 1000 more frogs

to this pond?


Characteristics of Populations
i. Geographic Distributionan _____________________ inhabited by
a population.
1. Consider the area inhabited by a bacteria vs. whale vs.
2. The area for a population can vary greatly!
ii. Population _________________________________ = # of individuals
per unit of area
1. Varies depending on the species

iii. Growth Rate

1. Three factors that affect population size are
a. Number of _________________________________
b. Number of _________________________________
i. What happens if more organisms are born
than die??

c. Rate of immigration (moving _________________ an

area) and emigration (moving _______________ of an
i. What might cause an animal to emigrate
from an ecosystem?

2. Exponential Growth Rateoccurs when the individuals in

a population _________________________________ at a
__________________________ rate.
a. Exponential growth graph
i. As time passes, number of individuals
is _____________________ at first and then
b. This type of growth occurs under
_____________________ circumstances with
__________________________________ resources.
i. What might cause population growth to


3. Logistic growth is more _____________________________.

a. Unlimited resources is not reality; resources
become _____________ available.
b. Logistic growth occurs when a populations growth
stops or slows after a period of exponential
c. _______________________________
___________________________the largest number of
individuals an area can support.
II. Limits to Growth
a. Limiting Factorsanything that causes population growth to
i. Limiting nutrientsdecrease in population due to a single
nutrient that is scarce.
1. For example:
ii. Density-dependent factorsfactors that depend on population
________________________________ and become limited when the
population reaches a certain limit.
1. Competitionfor
a. ___________________ or other nutrients
b. water,
c. space or __________________________________,
d. sunlight
2. Predationpredator-prey relationship

3. Parasitism
4. Disease
iii. Density-independentfactors that do not depend on size and
will affect a population no matter the number of organisms
1. Natural disaster
2. Seasonal cycles/unexpected weather
3. Human factors
a. Damming a river
b. Hunting
c. Deforestation

III. _______________________________ Population Growth

a. Follows same trend as ________________________________ populations
b. __________________________________________study of human
c. Factors that have helped to increase the human population over the
i. Number of ______________________ births
ii. Better ____________________________
iii. Greater access to ______________________________ care
iv. Improved sanitation
v. More widespread immunizations
vi. Baby ________________________
vii. ________________________________________________
viii. ________________________________________________
d. What is the earths carrying capacity???
e. Demographic transition
i. _____________________________ of population growth; this is what
is supposed to happen.
1. Japan
2. US
3. Europe
ii. Exponential growth still happening
1. _________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________

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