Firstgradeday 1

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Grade 1 Day 1

10 Focus Lesson #1: Review 3 Ways to Read a Book & I PICK method for Good Fit books
minutes Materials: You will want to set up a C
AFE headings to start a class menu of strategies.
Learning Target: I can pick a good fit book.
Learning Target: I know three ways to read a book.
Three Ways to Read a Book
I Pick a Good Fit Book

10-15 Book shopping for Good Fit books : 1-3 books each. (the goal is for each student to
minutes have 6 books by the end of day 2)
Confer with students while they are shopping
Ideas for Book Shopping

5 Check-in:
minutes Ask: Who found a good fit book?
Ask: How do you know this book is a good fit for you?
***Optional Brainbreak
10 Focus Lesson #2: Launch Read to Self using the 1 0 Steps to Teaching
minutes Independence/Build I Chart
Learning Target: I can Read to Self

10-15 Practice building stamina for Read to Self (up to 3 minutes)

minutes Review I chart behaviors
Practice building stamina again
Graph Stamina using a bar graph.

5 Check-in: Ask each student to assess themselves on each of the desired behaviors
minutes listed on the I chart
*If time permits, practice building stamina for Read to Self another time.
***optional brainbreak
30 Writing Focus Lesson: Focus: Small Moments
minutes Benchmark: Narrative Writing
Learning Target: I can tell a seed story.
I DO: Address students as writers. Introduce Small Moments- something that is true,
that you did, or happened to you. Students need to know the difference between a
Seed Story (one single event) vs. Watermelon story (the whole day/trip/summer).
****You will want to pick a story to share as well and then follow the steps throughout
to model what happens.
WE DO: There can be multiple seeds in a watermelon and multiple stories in a day,
For example, Nickelodeon Universe= Watermelon: Riding a roller coaster= seed.
Generate additional ideas with students.
YOU DO: Think Pair Share in order to help students think of their own story.
5 Check in:Give students an opportunity to share their story ideas with the class.

30 Science Focus Lesson: Activity: Hard as a Rock:

minutes Benchmark: Group or Classify rocks in terms of color, shape, and size.
Materials: poster paper or blank smart board page,
cotton ball and rock, 2 column chart labeled hard and soft, post it notes.
Learning Target: I can tell the difference between hard and soft.
I DO: Share the difference between hard and soft: giving an example of each
(sidewalk hard- pillow soft).
We DO: Think Pair Share: Something that is hard and something that is soft.
You DO: Send students off to draw something that is hard and something that is soft
one on each post it note.

Students will add their pictures to the two column chart, and sit in a circle.

Once everyone is in a circle, pass the rock one way and a cotton ball the other way.
Pass the items around the circle for a set period of time - set to music if you want.
When the time is up- the student with the cotton ball shares their soft item and the
student with the rock shares their hard item from the chart.

Wrap Up- Explain that the words hard and soft are called property/attributes in
science- in reading and writing we call them adjectives.

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