Tatiana: Costumer 2: at The Restaurant

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Flavio: Costumer 1
Tatiana: Costumer 2
Marilia: Costumer 3
Kiara: Waitress

Waitress: Good afternoon, my name is Kiara and this opportunity Ill be your
Costumer 1: Good afternoon, oh yes, please. You bring us a
Costumer 2: The view is beautiful! Can I help you?
Costumer 1: What is the problem? The eyes are to see.
Costumer 2: Oh yes, if you want Ill buy you glasses for you can see better! Idiot.
Ohh! Or if you want I leave to not interrupt you!
Costumer 1: What? You are so annoying!
Waitress: Mmm well, here you are the menu. The chef's specialty is the grills;
accompanied with house trimmings and salads, what do you want to start with?
Costumer 3: Hey girl, how much time going to wait?
Waitress: I'll get it right away
Costumer 1: Mmm sorry whats your name?
Waitress: My name is Kiara.
Costumer 1: You know what Kiara... you bring me a whiskey on the rocks and for
her ... whatever she asks for.
Costumer 2: A martini, please because I need relaxing
Waitress: Excuse me, here you are the menu, what do you want for
Costumer 3: You bring me a bottle of still water.
Waitress: OK Do you want something more?
Costumer 3: Not yet, I warn you
(Here the girl brings the water bottle but she is wrong)
Waitress: Here your bottle of water, miss.
Costumer 3: Oh my god! I say STILL WATER not sparkling water! Are you deaf?
You are so
Waitress: My apologies miss; I'll change it right away ... here you are.
Costumer 3: What's new in the menu?
Waitress: The chef's specialty is the grills, accompanied with house trimmings
and salads.
Costumer 3: You know what ... You bring me a grilled steak with French potatos
and cesar salad, but without oil and pepper. I'm allergic.
Waitress: OK miss
Costumer 3: And what desserts are there?
Waitress: We have chocolate tiramisu, lemon pie, strawberry mousse and three
milk cake so are you going to want some dessert?
Costumer 3: Ah yes! Lemon pie, please dont wait ... it is very acid, maybe the
chocolate tiramisu ... dont wait ... thats no, maybe the strawberry mousse, thats
all! Thank you!
Waitress: (puts her face in annoyance) Okay, I'll get your order right away.
Costumer 3: Quickly!
(It takes orders from the customer and from there it goes to the meza of the couple
carrying what they requested previously)
Costumer 2: I'm coming back; I'm going to the bathroom.
Costumer 1: Take your time!
Costumer 2: Excuse me, where is the bathroom?
Waitress: You go down and turn the right.
Costumer 2: OK, thank you!
(Here costumer 1 and costumer 3 start to look at each other, she makes little eyes!)
Costumer 1: Hi
Costumer 3: Problems?
Costumer 1: are you alone?
Costumer 3: Yes, well, I would come to a friend but could not become. And you?
Did you fight with your girlfriend?
Costumer 1: No, well she got upset; I didnt do anything to her.
Costumer 3: Ah! Well, you mustve been something wrong.
Costumer 1: Me? Nothing, she always misunderstands everything, always.
Costumer 3: Haha, I see
(Here comes the costumer 2 and they find the infraganti talking the two of the happiest
and annoys)
Costumer 2: What happened here? Are you kidding me?
Costumer 1: And now what is your problem? What did I do? I just talking with
she, it's okay... Can you calm down?
Costumer 2: Calm down? CALM DOWN??! Its a joke, right? Why are you doing
this to me? Its fun for you, no? you know whatI got tired of you and your
attitude! I leave! Oh and Why does not invite it to our table? Uhmm?
Costumer 1: Youre so exagerated, darling!
Costumer 2: Im exagerated? Ill show you that is exagerating!

(Take the glass of water and throws it in the face)

Costumer 2: and you? You dont have shame?
Costumer 3: Oh calm down sweetie, I just was talking with him. You are very
(She go out)
(Kiara takes drinks and Flavio drinking)
Waitress: Excuse me but Who is going to pay the bill?
Costumer 1: Here is the money
Waitress: Ok, thank you.
(Flavio goes to the other table)
Costumer 1: Hi again amm Would you give me your phone number?
Costumer 3: Ok. Its 949 342 721.
Costumer 1: Thats my phone number.
Costumer 3: Ok sorry whats your name?
Costumer 1: Flavio sorry but I go with her you understand
Costumer 3: Don`t worry.

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