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Guidance for Applications to become a
Member of the Chartered Quality Institute
and a Chartered Quality Professional
03 An overview and assistance

04 Part One: Before you apply

The CQI Competence Framework
The Chartered Quality Professional
How the standard is assessed

05 P
 art Two: Completing the Application Form
The CQI defines competence at five levels
Competence Areas
07 How do you demonstrate competence?
08 Q
 uality Professional Specialists
Applicants from CQI Accredited Corporate Partners

Published in October 2015 by the Chartered Quality Institute: 2nd Floor North,
Chancery Exchange, 10 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1AB.

CQI 2015. All rights reserved.

Incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a charity, number 259678

02 | Chartered Quality Professional Application Guidance

An overview and assistance
This guide has been prepared to provide support, assistance and advice
to you as you compile and submit your application to become a Member
of the Chartered Quality Institute and a Chartered Quality Professional.
It focuses on how to complete Section 2 My Competence.

It is important that you understand the current requirements for becoming

a Chartered Quality Professional. You should be confident that you meet
them before making your application. These guidance notes will clearly
outline what is required and provide useful examples for your reference.
When completing your application, please ensure that you include
sufficient detail that highlights where you have met the requirements
for Chartered status at the Member grade.

Please read and review these notes before starting your submission.
If you do have questions or queries at any stage of the application
process, please contact our Membership team;

For help with Return your Email your

your application: application to: application to: CQI Membership

+44 (0)20 7245 6866 The Chartered Quality Electronic applications
Institute, 2nd Floor North, are welcome.
Chancery Exchange
10 Furnival Street,
London, EC4A 1AB

03 | Chartered Quality Professional Application Guidance Return to contents

Part 1: Before you apply
The CQI Competence Framework
The CQI, as the Chartered body for quality management, sets standards for professional quality
competence: the CQI Competence Framework. This framework, when used in conjunction with
these guidance notes, will help you to establish whether you can meet the standard for Chartered
Quality Professional status. To view and download a copy of the Competence Framework, please
visit the CQI website at

The Chartered Quality Professional

Chartered Quality Professionals are characterised by their ability to ensure:
G  ood Governance ensuring the interests of customers and stakeholders are understood
and respected
Agile Assurance establishing methodologies to protect and enhance reputation through the
mitigation of risk
E valuation and Improvement transforming ways of working to maximise effectiveness and
eliminate unnecessary cost

And thereby;
Protecting your organisations reputation
Enhancing your organisations reputation
Improving profitability / value for money

How the standard is assessed

You need to demonstrate the required level of competence practical working, understanding
and application and underpinning knowledge in your written submission.

The CQI defines competence as having the ability to effectively discharge the responsibilities
of any particular role as a result of:-
Having acquired the relevant knowledge and skills associated with the role
Having acquired sufficient experience to consistently apply the relevant knowledge and skills
Demonstrating the behaviours required to be successful in the environment in which one
is operating.

Chartered Quality Professionals require a level of knowledge of quality management principles,

methods and tools at university degree level. You may demonstrate this through completion of the
CQI Diploma in Quality Management, another qualification recognised by the CQI, or through
submission of other qualifications.

The CQI recognises that you may have gained this knowledge through experience rather than
formal education. In this case you should provide evidence of work completed to support the
competence statements in your application.

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Part 2: Completing the Application Form
You can contact the Institute before starting your application, in order to confirm whether
your qualifications will meet the requirements and reduce the need for you to supply
documentary evidence in support of your competence statements.

The CQI defines competence at five levels


Has not observed and is not able No awareness or understanding of
0 to describe the activities relevant
to the competency
the topics and range of knowledge
relevant to the competency

Has observed and is able to describe the Awareness and some understanding
1 activities relevant to the competency of the topics and range of knowledge
relevant to the competency

Is able to execute most activities Understands the topics and range of

2 relevant to the competency. Has
undertaken them a number of times in
knowledge relevant to the competency.
Is able to apply the knowledge in
at least one context, under supervision common situations.

Is able to execute the activities relevant Thorough understanding of the topics

3 to the competency. Has undertaken
the majority of them multiple times,
and full range of knowledge relevant
to the competency. Can analyse and
unsupervised and in a number of evaluate and can adapt and apply in
different contexts. May have developed most situations
or managed the activities.

Is able to adapt and improve the activities Has deep understanding of the topics
4 relevant to the competency. Could act
as subject matter expert. Has developed,
and range of knowledge relevant to
the competency. Can develop and
deployed and/or managed the majority create new knowledge and can apply
of the activities in a number of contexts. knowledge in new situations.

Competence Areas
There are five generic competence areas that you must address and you must demonstrate for both
Knowledge and Skills & Experience:

A minimum of level 3 in one of Governance, Assurance or Improvement, and level 2 in the

remaining two areas.
A minimum of level 3 in both Context and Leadership

In the application form you are asked to provide your self-assessment scores for all five
competence areas. Your competence statement should support the score that you have assigned
yourself. You need to tell us what you have achieved in your career as a quality professional, and
demonstrate that you are competent and committed to the profession.

05 | Chartered Quality Professional Application Guidance Return to contents

Competence Areas

Competence Area Notes Requirement

Governance Organisation vs Product/ You will need to

Ensure that organisation, Service Focus demonstrate a minimum
customer and stakeholder score of level 3 in at
requirements are reflected In the application form the least one of Governance,
in policies, processes Governance, Assurance, Assurance or Improvement,
and plans Improvement and Context and level 2 in the remaining
competence areas have both two areas
an organisation wide focus
Assurance and a product/service focus.
Embed a culture of
assurance to ensure that It is adequate to have
policies, processes and competence in both
plans are effectively organisation and produce/
implemented, and that service in all areas, or a
all outputs are consistent focus on one only
with requirements

Facilitate a culture of
evaluation (both qualitative
and quantitative), learning
and improvement which
drives more effective,
efficient and agile ways of
working to support business
strategy, enhance reputation
and increase profitability

Context N/A You will need to

Use domain and/ demonstrate that you
or industry-specific can score a minimum
knowledge to ensure of level 3 in this
effective implementation of competence area
governance, assurance and

Leadership The Leadership section is You will need to

Uses leadership behaviours split into Quality Leadership demonstrate that you can
to maximise influence and People Development. score a minimum of level 3
and develop a culture You may not have in this competence area.
of evaluation and competence in all areas As a minimum, all
improvement of these two sections, Chartered Quality
which is acceptable Professionals must be
effective Quality Planners
and Quality Collaborators

06 | Chartered Quality Professional Application Guidance Return to contents

How do you demonstrate competence?
The skills, knowledge and experience that you have developed over the course of your career
should help you to meet the competence requirements. Your application documents, including
evidence, should highlight your experience, responsibilities, expertise and the benefit to the
organisation. You should be able to do this by selecting one or two examples from recent
projects that will allow you to demonstrate:

The breadth and/or depth of your knowledge and how you have applied quality
management principles
Your ability to understand customer, stakeholder and organisation requirements
and ensure these are met
How you have identified and resolved risks and opportunities
Your level of responsibility and autonomy within projects or processes
How your leadership and influencing skills have developed

Note that:

All Competence Statements should be written in the first person and exclude any company
jargon and acronyms.
Please write a maximum of 500 words for each competence area: in these sections you
should provide a narrative that is supported by quantitative information where applicable,
e.g. number of direct reports, size of budget, as this will be of use to the assessors.
You will find a list of sub statements presented as guide questions for each competence and
you should ensure that your statement broadly covers these aspects with a paragraph or two
on each (also see Quality Professional Specialists section below).
Some repetition as examples of projects and activities is fine as they may cover more than
one competence area.
As part of your competence statement please indicate which qualification or course supports
the knowledge area or, where you have no formal learning, reference documentary evidence.
You can include documents as an appendix.
If its useful use an appendix for a glossary of terms (not included in the word count).
Please ensure that your application is proof read before submitting.
Please provide supporting evidence for each Competence Statement. There should be no
more than two pieces of evidence for each statement, and one piece of evidence can cover
multiple statements.

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Quality Professional Specialists
The CQI recognises that throughout industry and academia there are a number of quality
professionals who operate in specialised roles. Examples include:

Project Quality Assurance

Supplier Quality Assurance
Compliance and Certification Management
Business Improvement
Management Systems Audit
Customer Insight Management

Chartered status is available to those quality professionals who are deemed to be specialists in
their chosen fields, noting that specialists may not be able to satisfy all five competence areas.
If this applies to you please make sure that you provide evidence of the following;

In-depth knowledge with a degree of complexity of the specialist area

Broad awareness of the knowledge aspects outside your specialist area and how your
work links with these

Applicants from CQI Accredited Corporate Partners

If you are employed by a CQI Corporate Partner with an accredited quality professional
development scheme, you should submit your application via this route.

Published in October 2015 by the Chartered Quality Institute: 2nd Floor North,
Chancery Exchange, 10 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1AB.

CQI 2015. All rights reserved.

Incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a charity, number 259678

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