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Front Desk/ Hallway Escorts

8:15 - 9:00 Jeff Silvia

9:00 - 10:00 Dan

10:00 - 10:30 Derek

10:30 - 11:15 Maria Ash Carrie

11:15 - 12:00 Chau Tom

12:00 - 1:00 Silvia

Front Desk/ Hallway coverage should each have a walkie. If
...a late student arrives- escort to elementary office, or middle school office.
...a parent comes to pick up any student - walkie appropriate office to let them know, and escort
parent to appropriate office.

Room Numbers and Phone Extensions

Elementary Middle School

SEA K 320 7528 8th Layton/ Martin 201 4869

SEA 1 318 7527 7th Bandy/Leverentz 202 4870

SEA 2/3 311 7550 8th Elmer/Borgos 203 4871

SEA/FAIR 4 313 7524 7th Dahlquist/Kind 204 4872

SEA/FAIR 4 315 7525 8th Adams/Johnson 205 4873

SEA/FAIR 5 312 4893 7th Sieber/ Darsow 206 4874

SEA/FAIR 5 317 7526 EL Cordes 207 4875

RSI K 307 4897 7th Baker 208 4876

RSI 1 309 4899

RSI 2 308 4898 Elementary Health EA 306 7573

RSI 3 310 7520 Kelley DeLa Cruz 322 7537/ 7498

RSI 4 304 4895 Mike Hasapopoulos Media 2098

RSI 5 303 4854 Tanya Heifort Media 2098

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