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Agenda Proposal for a New Labor Agreement

February 6, 2017

The Union presents this proposal as a complete package and reserves the
right to modify, add to or subtract from unless accepted in its entirety by the
The Union proposes the following in addition to any item that the parties
have agreed to through the IBB process:

Term of Agreement 6 years;
Wage Increases 3% each year effective December 1 of each year;
Pension Increase benefit $6 first year of the Agreement, add the rule
of 85 (age plus years of service) for full unreduced retirement benefit;
Medical/Dental/Vision/Other Insurance Benefit Maintain current
plan, allow alternative plan for the term of Agreement
The Union wants to bargain all Company policies, procedures and
standard operating procedures, which affect the bargaining unit
employees terms and conditions of employment;
Substance Abuse Policy
Add Shift Leads approve trading hours (Attendance Policy)
The Union wants to bargain departmental items not listed specifically
in this package; meet with Stewards and Department Management to
identify and solve problems between bargaining sessions;
Stocks and Additives, GMS&S, etc.
The Union Proposes incorporating the Production Overtime
Procedure and the Maintenance Overtime Procedure into the
12 Hour Shift Agreement; Define Department Standby;
Housekeeping throughout the Agreement
Names of Union and Company/Dates Agreed in Principle
Contact person for stewards
10 hour shifts Reflect Article III
Eliminate obsolete items from last bargain
Seniority Proposal
Holding Employees on Transfer
Labor Pool Preference List
Weekly Schedule
Rules on Permanent Trades
Leave Vacancy where it exists
Vacation Restrictions
Change in Schedule
Tracking Attendance Points
Notifying employees when changing time.


New Hires
Starting Rate
Selection of Seniority Date
Get Rate of Job Promoted to during Probationary Period
Shift Differential
Increase Differential to $0.50/$1.00
Redefine Hours to receive Shift Differential
Job Evaluation
Put Job Analysis Program in Place
Temporary Job will exist as a permanent job at 6 Months
Pay for Hours lost when injured at work at the rate employee is
Funeral Leave
Add Aunt/Uncle/Guardianship/Domestic Partner
Short Break Pay
Modify Job Sequence language
Add Martin Luther King Day
Eligibility for Holiday Pay non-chargeable Absence
Fishers ITs Human performance
Modify Language; restrooms/lunchrooms sanitary
Safety Director
Safety Glasses procedure
Safety Shoes
Discuss Christmas Bonus, Labor Day contribution, Grievance hours
Lunch Time on overtime
Represented employees not conduct discipline
Propose language on discipline procedure
Add Shift Lead permission to leave premises
Eliminate No Strike Article
Add 7th week
Allow vacation day at a time (VDAT)
Increase pay to 50 hours per week
Maximum off Agreement (incorporate into Agreement)
Severance New hire eligibility
Life Insurance/AD&D
Increase benefit
Carry benefit into retirement
Stockownership Plan (401k)
Put plan into Agreement
Increase Company match ($1 for $1 first 7%)

Apprentice Testing Selection
Maintenance IBB items (need documented proposals)
Tool Allowance
10 Hour shifts
Instrument/fitter work assignments
Lubricator Route Assignments
Temporary Supervisors
More definition of positions
Training Oversight Committee
Training Coordinator Pay
Fitness initiative
Bottom Level Jobs
List for permanent reductions
Jobs that float across shifts
International Union Leave
Clothing Allowance
No contractor will work in the mill if there is a laid off employee who
can perform the work
Outstanding Grievances

February 10, 2017

UNION PROPOSAL Training System Administrator Pay

2013 MOA states:

Perry Balser will be paid at Grade 29 with a 12.5% premium until

the end of the current labor contract.

Keith Reynolds will be paid at Grade 28 with a 12.5% premium

until the end of the current labor contract.

Thereafter, these employees will be paid at Grade 25, or as

negotiated during the next contract negotiations.


Establish that the position of Training System Administrator will be paid at Labor Grade 29 with a
12.5% premium.
February 10, 2017


Current language:

The tool allowance will be paid to eligible maintenance employees annually. Receipts will
not be required from employees to receive the tool allowance.


A tool and clothing reimbursement of $400.00 will be paid to the eligible maintenance
employees the first full pay period in January. Receipts will be required to receive the
February 10, 2017

UNION PROPOSAL Temporary Supervisors

Current Language:

Hourly set up to fill-in Shift Supervisor

Bargaining unit employees may volunteer to be set-up as relief supervisors as needed by
management. The use and selection of relief supervisors is at management's discretion.
Assignments as relief supervisor will not exceed twelve (12) consecutive months and will not affect
the employee's seniority.

The formula for Vacancy Replacements will be adjusted to account for Supervisor vacation weeks in
departments having assigned Hourly Relief Supervisor.


Hourly set up to Temporary Supervisor

Bargaining unit employees may volunteer to be set-up as relief supervisors as needed by
management. The selection of temporary supervisors is at management's discretion. An employee may
be assigned outside the bargaining unit to perform work as a temporary supervisor position (Hourly Relief
Supervisor, Maintenance Pop-up, Hourly Planner, etc.) under the following conditions:

The formula for Vacancy Replacements will be adjusted to account for Supervisor vacation
weeks in departments having assigned Hourly Relief Supervisor(s).
An employee temporarily moved to a position outside the bargaining unit shall have their
seniority protected on the basis that he/she will not fill such a position for more than 182
days cumulative time in any calendar year.
An employee shall not be so assigned when a vacancy occurs in the progression ladder.
An employee shall not be so assigned out of a maintenance department until manning levels
have been increased by one (1) additional employee in the craft from which the position is to
be filled.
Time spent in training for a position outside the bargaining unit will be included in the total
time an employee is in a position outside the bargaining unit.
Time spent in a position outside the bargaining unit will be scheduled for periods of not less
than one week in duration.
If the employee is filling a job in a progression ladder, the employees in that ladder must at
that time have been trained up two rungs in that ladder, otherwise the employee shall not be
so assigned at that time.
During the time an employee is assigned to a position not included in the bargaining unit,
his/her absence from the bargaining unit shall in no way affect allotment of vacations to
employees or vacation quotas.
An employee so assigned shall not supervise or direct a crew or individual outside of the
bargaining unit.
An employee so assigned shall neither discipline employees nor recommend employee
All such assignments shall be communicated to the Union in writing not less than seven (7)
days prior to assignment with the name of the employee and the date of assignment and
length of absence from the bargaining unit.
An employee assigned to a temporary supervisor position will not perform bargaining unit
Temporary supervisors shall be paid at their master classified rate at the time they are
scheduled to set up.
February 10, 2017


Current Language:

Any employee sent home by the Companys doctor, or nurse by reason of injury
incurred on the job shall receive a minimum of 8 hours pay at straight-time rate for
the workday during which the injury occurs, except that if the injury occurs during a
wire-change call-in on the employees day off, Article V, Section 7 and 6,
respectively, will control.


Any employee sent home by company doctor, company nurse, or transported by

squad due to an injury incurred on the job shall receive pay for the full hours he/she
reported to work at the rate of pay for the workday during which the injury occurs.
February 10, 2017

UNION PROPOSAL Clothing Allowance

Agreement Regarding Clothing Allowance


A clothing allowance of $300.00 will be paid to all eligible non-maintenance employees in

the first pay period in December. Receipts will not be required to receive the clothing
February 10, 2017

UNION PROPOSAL Attendance Policy


Covington Mill Attendance Policy

Absence: Missing over four (4) hours of a work shift
Tardy/Leave Early: A day worker scheduled to report for work at 6:30 AM will be
tardy if he/she reports to the job past 6:31 AM. A day worker
scheduled to report for work at 6:00 AM will be tardy if he/she
reports to the job past 6:01 AM. A tour worker is considered
tardy if he/she reports to the job after 6:01 AM, 2:01 PM, or
10:01 PM unless a proper trade slip has been submitted.
A day worker scheduled to work until 2:00 PM will be
considered leaving early if he/she departs prior to 1:53 PM. A
day worker scheduled to work until 2:30 PM will be
considered leaving early if he/she departs prior to 2:23 PM. A
day worker scheduled to work until 4:30 PM will be
considered leaving early if he/she departs prior to 4:23 PM. A
tour worker will be considered leaving early if he/she departs
the job prior to 5:53 AM, 1:53 PM, or 9:53 PM.
No Report: Failure to notify the Company, before the start of the shift,
when absent from work, includes receiving a written verbal
Point System:
Absence 1 point
Tardy/Leave Early - point
No report 3 points; plus automatic written verbal warning
Notification after four (4) hours of shift start time 3 points
Notification within first four (4) hours of shift start time (regardless of whether
employee works any portion of the shift) 1 point
Notification prior to start of shift and report within first four (4) hours point

Consecutive occurrences due to a medical illness must be documented by a

doctors excuse in order to count as one occurrence. The doctors excuse
must state the dates/times that the employee is absent and unable to
perform his/her work duties and must be presented on the date the
employee returns to work. (FMLA absences are excluded as noted below.)
All other absences of more than one day will be treated as separate events
Bargaining unit employees will not be required to report points received for
absence(s) in KRONOS.
An employee receiving points under the Attendance Policy will be so
informed by supervision at the time the points are administered.

Exclusions to Policy:
The following absences will be considered excused and not counted toward
disciplinary action(s):
1. All absences that meet the qualification and documentation requirements of
the Family Medical Leave Act are excused.
2. All absences which qualify for pay (e.g., funeral leave, jury duty, vacation,
union business, etc.) are excused, along with all contractual leaves of
absence, absences due to approved and verified work-related injuries or
illnesses, and layoffs due to lack of work.
3. Employees will be allowed one absence during each contract year for
personal illness. This one absence will not accumulate points.
4. Permission off granted by supervision, or shift leads.
5. All absences where an employee provides documentation that they missed
work while under a doctors care. The employee will have two (2) business
days, excluding weekends and holidays, beginning the day they return to
work to produce the required documentation after which points will be
accrued in the same manner as a non-excluded absence.
6. All absences due to inclement weather where state, or local, authorities have
issued driving advisories.

Consequences of Point System:

Accumulated Points Action
4 Points Meeting to discuss with employee and
shop steward.
6 Points First Written Warning
8 Points Second Written Warning
10 Points Final Written Warning
12 Points Subject to Termination

Points will expire after twelve (12) calendar months following the date of
each occurrence
After ninety (90) calendar days of no chargeable absences, one (1) point will
be removed from an affected employees existing accumulated record.
Management may consider extenuating circumstances when determining
discipline for a no call/no show (for instance, if the employee is in a serious
accident and is hospitalized) and has the right to exercise discretion in such
The Company shall within three (3) business days, excluding weekends and
holidays, of an employee receiving point(s) placing him/her in a step inform
the employee and the Union of such event.
Management reserves the right to use its discretion in applying this policy
under special or unique circumstances such as an extreme weather event or
The provisions of this attendance policy supersedes all other provisions of the labor
February 10, 2017




Section 1: Neither the Company nor the Union shall permit or sanction their agents,
or representatives, to coerce, intimidate or discriminate against any employee. The
Company and the Union agree there will be no discrimination against any employee
because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, veteran status or
physical or mental handicap which is unrelated in nature and extent to any individuals
ability to perform the job.

Section 2: Employees may be disciplined for just cause by warning, suspension or

discharge. Full reason for suspension or discharge shall be recorded and stated in writing
to the Union.

Disciplinary action shall be based on just and sufficient cause. An investigation must
indicate that an employee has demonstrated conscious intent to violate company
rules, or policies, before discipline shall be administered. Employees may be
disciplined for just cause by verbal warning, written warning, suspension or
discharge and such discipline shall be progressive in nature. Full reason for discipline
shall be recorded and stated in writing to the union at the time the action is taken or
within forty-eight (48) hours (not including weekends and holidays). The written
explanation will be given to the employee at the time the action is taken. If the
Company chooses to give no copies of the written reprimand, it cannot use them in
any future arbitration cases. When an employee has received no disciplinary action
for a period of one (1) year, all records of previous disciplinary action will become
null and void and such records of previous disciplinary action and records of
discussion relating to discipline will be removed from the employees personnel
record. The following are examples of causes that may subject an employee to
discipline or discharge.

a. Leaving the premises while on duty without the permission of the employees

b. Violations of Substance Abuse Policy, Harassment policy, and all company

policies including but not limited to bringing into, consuming, possessing,
providing, selling, or otherwise using alcohol or illegal drugs in the Mill.

c. Smoking in prohibited areas.

d. Destruction or theft of Company property or property of another employee.

e. Giving or taking a bribe of any nature as an inducement to obtaining work or

retaining a position.

f. Insubordination, refusal, or failure to obey orders and to abide by company

rules, including safety rules.

g. Carelessness or neglect of duty.

h. Disorderly, threatening or intimidating behavior on company property.

i. Dishonesty.

j. Excessive absence.

1. In consideration of the undertaking by the Union contained in Article II,

Section 1-b., appropriate Company representatives will consult with proper
Union Representatives from time to time in an endeavor to correct and
minimize violations of this subsection j.

Section 3: Whenever the Union disputes the justification for the discharge of any
employee, a meeting between Company Representatives and Union Officers will be
promptly arranged. Any grievance resulting from such discharge will be adjusted between
the parties in the manner provided in Article XVI herein beginning at Step 3.

Section 4: Any employee who has been disciplined for just cause by layoff or letter,
such discipline shall be removed from his/her record after three years one year providing
the employee has continued without further infractions resulting in a letter of disciplinary
suspension except for employees who have been discharged and reinstated at the sole
discretion of the Company.
February 10, 2017


Current Language:

Section 2: Rest rooms, adequate clean toilet facilities consistent with Section 1, and
smoking areas shall be provided so as to augment the comfort of the employees.


Section 2: Rest rooms, locker rooms, adequate clean and sanitary toilet facilities and
showers, consistent with Section 1, and smoking areas shall be provided so as to augment
the comfort of the employees.
February 10, 2017
Section 1: Time-and-one-half shall be paid to all employees for work done on the following holidays:
New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Washingtons Birthday, Good Friday, Easter Monday,
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, July 5th, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after
Thanksgiving, December 24 and Christmas. Any employee who is eligible for holiday pay under the
provisions of subsection b below will receive two-and-one-half times the applicable straight-time hourly rate
for all hours he or she works in excess of eight on the holiday involved, instead of time-and-one-half as
provided in the preceding sentence.

a. In addition, each employee shall be given eight hours" pay at straight time base rate for New
Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Washingtons Birthday, Good Friday, Easter Monday,
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, July 5th, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day
after Thanksgiving, December 24, and Christmas, whether worked or not.

b. To be eligible for holiday pay an employee must be in the active employ of the Company at the
time of such holiday, and must have worked, unless absent for justifiable cause, all hours for
which he/she has been scheduled to work during the period starting 24 hours before the holiday
and continuing for 24 hours after the holiday. For the purpose of this paragraph, an employee
shall be considered absent for justifiable cause only if (1) the employees absence is required
by his/her own illness or injury and he/she is able to prove such illness or injury, or (2) the death
of some member of the employees immediate family makes his/her attendance impossible, (3)
the employee has been excused in advance by his/her supervisor, or (4) any other non-
chargeable absence according to the attendance policy. Employees on leave of absence because
of illness or non-compensable accidents will not receive holiday pay for holidays which occur
over six months after the beginning of such leave. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection
c below, any employee on leave of absence of one month or less to attend a regular short-term
military encampment for Reserve or National Guard training will be eligible for holiday pay
for any of the above holidays occurring during such leave of absence.

c. Employees laid off, discharged, retired, who have voluntarily quit, or who are on leave of
absence for reasons other than illness or accident, are not considered as in the active employ of
the Company.

d. The Union agrees to cooperate to see that plant protection, power, and necessary operations are
manned properly.

Section 2: Holiday work is that done between the morning starting time of the holiday and the
morning starting time of the following day.

Section 3: When the holiday occurs on Sunday, it shall be celebrated on the Monday following.
When holidays occur on Sunday and Monday, they shall be celebrated on Monday and Tuesday.

Section 4: For day workers;

a. When a holiday occurs on Saturday, it shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday.

b. When holidays occur on Friday and Saturday, they shall be celebrated on Thursday and Friday.

Section 5: A Christmas Gift of $150 shall be paid to all active employees of the Company. This
Christmas Gift shall be paid annually on the employees check for the pay period including the week of
December 1.
February 10, 2017

UNION PROPOSAL Article VI, Section 2

Current Language:
Section 2: If an employee is to be laid off, recalled, promoted or demoted to other hourly paid jobs, mill
seniority will prevail, but the affected employee must have the ability and job qualifications. Changes shall
be made along the following lines:


Section 2: Contractors will not be utilized to perform work in the mill that can be performed by an
employee who is laid off. If an employee is to be laid off, recalled, promoted or demoted to other hourly paid
jobs, mill seniority will prevail, but the affected employee must have the ability and job qualifications.
Changes shall be made along the following lines:
February 10, 2017


Current Language:

b. Trading tours is only permitted after securing permission of the foreman,

but in no case will it be allowed if premium time must be paid thereby.


b. Trading tours is only permitted after securing permission of the foreman

or shift lead, but in no case will it be allowed if premium time must be paid
February 10, 2017


Current Language:

Section 13: FUNERAL LEAVE Any employee who has a death in the immediate
family (limited to husband, wife, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
stepparents, grandparents, great-grandparents, son, daughter, adopted stepchildren,
grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brother or sister of the employee only) shall, upon
request, be allowed pay for time actually lost from work because of such death during the
three (3) consecutive calendar days which include the day of the funeral or the date of the
death. Also, any employee who has a death of a sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-
in-law, son-in-law, or any employee who has a death in his or her spouses family
(limited to spouses brother, sister, grandparents, or great-grandparents) shall, upon
request, be allowed pay for time lost from work on the day of the funeral. Such pay
allowance shall not exceed 8 hours per day at the employees straight time rate, excluding
any shift differential. To be eligible for pay, the employee must attend the funeral or
memorial service or be absent due to necessary business connected with the death. The
Company may require proof of death and relationship before making any such payments.


Section 13: FUNERAL LEAVE Any employee who has a death in the immediate
family (limited to husband, wife, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
stepparents, grandparents, great-grandparents, son, daughter, adopted stepchildren,
grandchildren, great-grandchildren, domestic partner, guardianship, brother or sister of
the employee only) shall, upon request, be allowed pay for time actually lost from work
because of such death during the three (3) consecutive calendar days which include the
day of the funeral/memorial service or the date of the death. Also, any employee who has
a death of a sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, aunt, uncle, or any
employee who has a death in his or her spouses family (limited to spouses brother,
sister, grandparents, or great-grandparents) shall, upon request, be allowed pay for time
lost from work on the day of the funeral. Such pay allowance shall not exceed 8 hours per
day at the employees straight time rate, excluding any shift differential. To be eligible
for pay, the employee must attend the funeral or memorial service or be absent due to
necessary business connected with the death. The Company may require proof of death
and relationship before making any such payments.
February 10, 2017


Current Language:

Section 7: If the Company creates a new temporary job and the job continues to
operate full time for a period of more than six months, a new job classification will
be established for the purpose of application of the provisions of this Agreement.


Section 7: If the Company creates a new temporary job and the job continues to
operate full time for a period of more than six months, a new job classification will
be established for the purpose of application of the provisions of this Agreement.
February 10, 2017


Current Language:

Section 3: To compensate for the inconvenience of repeatedly and regularly working at night,
effective July 6, 2009, each tour worker shall receive, over and above the applicable straight time rate, a
premium of twenty-five cents per hour for time regularly scheduled and worked on the second shift and
thirty-five cents per hour for time regularly scheduled and worked on the third shift.
a. Tour Worker means a worker regularly assigned, according to a standard schedule, to
work first, second and third shift in rotation: first shift means a tour of eight hours
scheduled to begin at 6: 30 a.m., second shift means a tour of eight hours scheduled to
begin at 2:30 p.m..; third shift means a tour of eight hours scheduled to begin at 10:30
p.m.; and the premium applicable to work on the second or third shift shall be called a
shift differential.

b. Any tour worker who works over from one shift to another for not more than two hours
shall continue to receive during such period the differential, if any, established for the prior
shift, or, if that were a first shift, no differential. If, however, the employee works over
into such other shift for a period of more than two hours, the employee shall receive for
the whole of such period, including the first two hours, the differential established for that
shift, or, if the same is a first shift, no differential.


Section 3: To compensate for the inconvenience of repeatedly and regularly working at night,
effective ???, each tour worker shall receive, over and above the applicable straight time rate, a premium of
twenty-five fifty cents per hour for all hours time regularly scheduled and worked on the second shift and
thirty-five cents one dollar per hour for all hours time regularly scheduled and worked on the third shift.
a. Tour Worker means a worker regularly assigned, according to a standard schedule, to
work first, second and third shift in rotation: first shift means a tour of eight hours
scheduled to begin at 6: 00 a.m., second shift means a tour of eight hours scheduled to
begin at 2:00 p.m..; third shift means a tour of eight hours scheduled to begin at 10:00
p.m.; and the premium applicable to work on the second or third shift shall be called a
shift differential.

b. Any tour worker who works over from one shift to another for not more than two hours
shall continue to receive during such period the differential, if any, established for the prior
shift, or, if that were a first shift, no differential. If, however, the employee works over
into such other shift for a period of more than two hours, the employee shall receive for
the whole of such period, including the first two hours, the differential established for that
shift, or, if the same is a first shift, no differential.
February 10, 2017


Current Language:

STARTING RATE: The starting rate of pay for new employees is Grade 0. This rate
will be paid during an employees probationary period regardless of the job


STARTING RATE: The starting rate of pay for new employees is Grade 1. Upon
becoming qualified, new employees will be paid the rate of the job they are assigned
to perform.
February 9, 2017
UNION PROPOSAL Selection Procedure for Apprentices

Current language:
4. Interview panels for apprenticeship selection will be comprised of four
members including representatives from both Labor and Management.

5. For final selection to the Apprentice Department, the applicant must
score 7 or above in the Nowlin Selection process consisting of both
written test and interview scores. Among those applicants scoring 7
or above in the selection process, seniority will be the deciding criteria.

4. Interview panels for apprenticeship selection will be comprised of four
members, including representatives from both Labor and Management
two journeymen and two representatives from management..

5. For final selection to the Apprentice Department, the applicant must
score 7 6 or above in the Nowlin Selection process consisting of both
written test and interview scores. Among those applicants scoring 7
6 or above in the selection process, seniority will be the deciding

February 10, 2017

Equal overtime scheduling
Time sheets
J/E on all Jobs

$300 Bonus for each year of safe working

C8 Loading-
Guidelines for scheduling Summit/Skills Now training

Central Stores-
10 Hour shifts like maintenance has
Leave vacancies where they fall
J/E Stores jobs (Repair Coordinator, Store keeper, and Tool
keeper duties).
Align daylight and Tour start times
SME or learning leader ( Dept. lacks SOPs)
Add the running of rosters to Store Tour Operator job
Ventilation in Stores building

#2 Lime Kiln Operator pay raise
Do away with pop-ups and use extra Shift Leaders
Pick shift when vacancies occur
Train by seniority
Train on shift not on daylight
Designate areas for contractors to park
Need dedicated Oiler for Recovery
J/E Recovery jobs for credit for making steam
Need Utility Assistant
Need more Instrument and Electric help
Need Shift Leader office space
Office area clean-up

Want to operate satellite lay down yard
Need more accessible restrooms
Need UTV for shift Utility
Winter clothing allowance
Ice machine in break room
Want washer and dryer
Updated Job Descriptions
CTS Building Elevator

Plant Protection (Fire Inspectors)-

Train fill-in Pipe Fitter for vacations and absences due to illnesses
Raise Fire Inspector pay to include Self-Direction

Fire-proof clothing
Better Housekeeping in Locker Rooms
Time sheets
OT Roster in Shop
Ventilation in Recovery Shop

Need to address Ventilation in Area #1 Grinding Room

Pulp-Mill Mechanics-
Bleach Room Locker Room needs updated
Deal with Millwright Manning in Bleach Room

Need larger Break Room for Boiler/Power Millwrights
OT Roster in Shop

Building and Trades-

More people
Name change for Carpenters

Fitter/Instrument Duties
OT Rosters in Shop
Time Sheets posted in Shop

Do not want Job Shadowing
#1 and #2 Oil Shack Flooding
Tank farm Flooding
Boil out Lines leaking

Small Salt spreader for pick-up truck
Battery jump box for GMS&S Group
Kenwood 2-way Radios (Six)
Windshield washing station
Snow blade attachment for rental bobcat
Small snow blower for sidewalks
Purchase newer Mail Van
Sandwich vending machine with microwave station
Electric outlets installed in hallway
Steam heater in hallway
Build a partition wall in hallway
Evaluate jobs in GMS&S
Time Sheets in shop area
Confined Space monitors with bump stations (four)
Mail sorting area
Awning over GMS&S equipment

Bleach Room-
JE all jobs
Fork lift training
Time sheets
Snack machine in control room
Way to track points
Give cleaning restrooms back to union
Washer and dryer upstairs

JE for Shift Lead, 3rd Assistant Dry End, 2nd Assistant Winder, and 1st
Assistant Wet End

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