Chapter 4

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Chapter 4. Personal and medical protective equipment

For the purpose of protection from modern extermination weapons, timely

and proper application by the population of personal protection and medical
protective equipment is as important as sheltering of the population in protective
constructions, evacuation of the population from dangerous areas. Necessity to use
the protective means is explained by the fact that in case of application of a
nuclear, chemical or bacteriological weapon, population, personnel of military
forces and civil defense troops shall for a certain period of time stay and carry out
rescue works in areas or atmosphere contaminated with radioactive substances
(RS), toxic substances (TS), or bacterial agents (BA).

Personal protective equipment consists of the following:

a) respiratory protective equipment;
b) skin protective equipment;
c) medical protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment

Respiratory Medical-personal
Dermal protective
protective protective
equipment equipment
Filtering gas All-service First aid kit
masks protective gear Individual
Self-contained gas Light protective decontamination
masks suit kit
Respirators Auxilliary aids First field dressing
Ordinary means

Fig. Classification of personal protective equipment

Respiratory protective equipment

Gas masks
Modern gas masks protect respiratory organs and eyes of the user from toxic
substances (vapor, fog, gas, smoke, drops of TS) radioactive substances, including

aerosol infectious pathogenic microorganisms and toxins. Gas masks have

filtrating and self-containing types. Filtrating gas masks (all-service, civilian,
child) are more widely spread; their structure is based on the process of filtration of
contaminated air by passing through internal layers of a filtrating-absorbing box
containing activated carbon (catalyzer) and particle (antismoke) filter. Protective
layers of a filtrating-absorbing box cannot absorb and retain 2 (carbon
monoxide) and therefore uses a special (hopcalite) cartridge which is placed
between connecting tube (face side) and filtrating-absorbing box (by screwing).
In the CD system of the country for the protection of adult population GP-5,
GP-5M, GP-7 (GP-civilian gas mask) gas masks; of child population DP-6 m
(child gas mask, 6th type, small), DP-6, PDF-7 (filtrating child gas masks, 7th type),
PDF-D (filtrating child gas mask, for preschoolers) and PDF-Sch (filtrating child
gas masks, for school children) may be used. Moreover, there is also a KZD-6
(child shield box, 6th type) child protection device for the protection of kids under
the age of 1.5 years.
Nonstandard gas masks include industrial gas masks, especially gas masks
used in chemical industries. Boxes of the gas masks are specialized, i.e. designed
for the protection from a certain toxic substance, therefore the box may contain
various absorbents and particle filters.
Filtrating gas mask consists of a filtrating-absorbing box and full-face mask.
Gas mask set includes a bag and antifog film box, or a special pen protecting
glasses of the full-face mask from fog.
GP-5 and GP-5M gas masks are complete with small size (GP-5 type)
filtrating-absorbing box and full-face mask. GP-5ms full face mask has a
membrane box (the box contains a speaking device). GP-5 and GP-5m gas masks
do not have a connecting tube on the full-face, they are directly connected to the
filtrating-absorbing box. Full-face masks are produced in five sizes (membrane
full-face masks in four sizes). Sizes of full-face masks are shown in the chin side.

Fig. 1. Filtrating gas mask GP-5.


To select a full-face part of GP-5 type gas masks, cheeks are measured along
the round line passing the under chin part. The obtained result is rounded off to
If the obtained value is under 63 cm (and 61 cm for membrane full-face mask)
0 size; from 63.5 to 65 cm (61.5-64 cm) 1st; from 65.5 to 68 cm (64.5-67
cm) 2nd, from 68,5-70.5 cm (more than 67.5) 3rd; more than 71 cm 4th size
full-face mask shall be chosen (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Measuring of face for the selection of the full-facemask part of GP-5
filtrating gas mask

GP-7 type gas masks are produced in two types: GP-7 and GP-7V differ by
their full-mask part. GP-7 gas mask is completed with a MGP type full mask
containing a speaking device, but without a drinking device. GP-7V gas mask is
completed with a MGP type full mask containing a speaking device and a device
for drinking from a water can which makes it possible to drink water while
working in a toxic atmosphere (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Filtrating gas mask GP-7, GP-7V


GP-7 (GP-7V) gas masks full-face masks are selected by measuring

horizontal and vertical circumferences by using a centimeter measuring tape.
Horizontal circumference of the head is measured along a closed line on the brow
arches on the front, 2-3 cm above the edge of ears - on sides, through the most
prominent point of the head on the back of the head.
Vertical circumference of head is measured along a closed line, passing
through the top of the head, cheeks and chin (Fig.4).

a) b)

Fig. 4. Selection of the full-mask of a filtrating gas maskGP-7:

a) horizontal; b) vertical

Vertical. E.g. if total of results of measurement of the horizontal and vertical

circumferences of the head is equal to 118,5-121 cm, it corresponds to the 1 st size,
121,5-126 cm to the 2nd, more than 126,5 cm to the 3 rd size mask.
Child gas masks have different structures: DP-6 cm child gas masks for
children under the age of 1.5 years. This gas mask consist of a DP-6M type
reduced weight filtrating box and four size ( MD-1 full-mask (child mask,
1st type), as a filtrating-absorbing box and full-face mask it is completed only with
5 size MD-1 pen pusher.
PDF-7 gas mask is designed for small and big children; GP-5 type filtrating-
absorbing box and four-size ( MD-3 full-face mask.
PDF-Sh gas mask is designed for children at the age between 7 and 17 years;
consists of a GP- 5 type filtrating-absorbing box and two-size (3.4) MD- 3 full-face
masks or four-size ( full-face masks.
Structure and functions of child gas masks (except for the above functions)
are the same with adult gas masks.
Self-contained gas masks (IP-4, IP-46) (Fig. 5). Self-contained gas masks IP-
4, IP-5 or self-contained oxygen apparatus (KIP-5, KIP-7, KIP-8) completely
isolate respiratory organs of the user; oxygen is supplied from the regenerative
cartridge or oxygen container. Such gas masks and devices are used in cases when
due to high concentration of TS in air there is a risk of leakage of TS from the
filtrating box and filtrating gas mask does not provide safe protection, as well as
when 2 concentration in air is high.




Fig. 5. Self-contained gas masks: a) IP-4, b) IP-5, c) KIP-8

Self-contained gas masks and devices are divided into two groups by the
principle of oxygen supply: devices supplying oxygen with chemical compounds

and compressed oxygen. The first group includes IP-4, IP-46 M gas masks, the II
group IP-5, KIP-7, KIP-8 gas masks.
Respirators. Respirators are used to protect respiratory organs from
radioactive substances and bacterial aerosols (particles), including toxic smokes.
Respirators are not safe for the protection against vapors of toxic substances. For
adult population R-2, and for children R-2D type respirators are used. R-2
respirator consists of a filtrating half-mask, which is reusable and provides up to 12
hours, and R-2D 4 hours of protection (Fig.6).

Fig. 6. Respirator R-2

R-2D respirator is a type of respirator designed for children, has small sizes,
provides continuous protection within 4 hours.
The easiest means of respiratory protection. These means are used by
population as a respirator. They have very simple structure, therefore it is
recommended that the means are prepared and used by the population. The
simplest respiratory protection means include anti-dust cloth mask: PTM-1 and
cotton-gauze dressing. Such means of protection shall be available in every
workplace and in every home.
PTM-1 dust mask consists of two parts body of the mask and a connecting
part. Body of the mask is prepared of 2-4 layer cloth, with eye windows closed
with glass inserts (or of any other transparent material, film) (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. PTM-1 cloth mask


The mask is worn on head by using cloth tapes (fixing part) along the sides.
The elastic band in the upper seam of the fixing part and lacings in the down seam,
as well as the elastic band along the upper edge of the body provides tight
positioning of the mask on face which prevents entrance of toxic air. Air passing
all the layers of the cloth during breathing is cleaned by filtrating through all the
surface of the air mask.
Cotton-gauze dressing is made of a 100x50 cm gauze cloth. 30x20 cm part of
its middle part is filled with 2 cm thick cotton layer, both free edges of the cloth
are folded on the longitudinal cotton layer, edges of the gauze cloth is cut
longitudinally in the center, which form two pairs of lacings (Fig. 8). When
wearing the dressing, its lower lacings are closed on the top of the head, and upper
lacings on the neck. Cotton-gauze dressing shall cover mouth and nose. Such
dressings are not reusable. When there is no cloth mask or dressing, a towel, scarf,
handkerchief etc. may be used. To protect eyes from radioactive dust anti-dust
glasses shall be used.

Fig. 8. Cotton-gauze dressing

Skin protective means

Skin protective means are designed to protect open surfaces of skin, clothes,
ammunition and footwear from contamination with TS drops, infectious agents,
radioactive dust, as well as partially from light radiation. These are divided into
standard means (all-service protective gear OZK, light protective suit L-1 and
domestic materials at hand). According to the principle of protection standard
means have filtrating (air permeable) and self-contained (air impermeable) types.
Protective clothing made of a filtrating material is either for regular or
periodic use. Such clothes are sewn of ordinary cloth and soaked in special
chemical solutions. Sanitary-hygienic properties of the clothes make it suitable for
daily use.
Filtrating skin protective means include ZFO-58 filtrating protective clothing
set, consisting of a suit of special cut and cloth uniform soaked with a special
chemical substance paste solution, including men's underwear (underpants and
shirt), cloth hardhat liner, two pairs of foot wraps, one of which is soaked in the
same paste solution as the uniform (Fig. 9).

Soaking paste solution consists either of chemical substances retaining toxic

vapors (of absorbing type) or neutralizing the vapors (of chemosorption type).
Underwear, hardhat liner and one pair of soaked foot wraps are for the prevention
of rubbing of the uniform on body and of irritation of skin by the solution in which
the uniform is soaked.
Sizes of uniforms in filtrating protective clothing sets: first size is for up to
160 cm height, second sizefrom 160 cm to 170 cm, and third size for the height
more than 170 cm.
Self-contained suits are made of air impermeable material and may be
completely contained (suits and uniforms covering full body and protecting from
TS drops and vapors) and partially or completely non-contained (coats, shawls,
Partially non-contained means (all-service protective gear OZK, light
protective set L-1, protective uniform or suit) protect mainly against liquid drops of
TS (Fig. 10).
All-service protective gear consists of protective coat, protective socks and
protective gloves, and is usually worn over soaked outwear and underwear.
Light protective suit L-l (Fig. 11) consist of a hooded jacket made of a
rubberized cloth, trousers with integral overboots, mittens and hardhat liner.

Fig. 9. ZFO filtering protective suit Fig.10. All-service protective gear OZK

Fig. 11. Light protective suit L-1:

Hooded jacket; trousers with integral overboots; mittens; bag

Self-contained suits are designed for Civil Defense (CD) troops personnel.
These are used for the work in toxic areas with high concentration of toxic
substances (TS), as well as for decontamination, clean-up and disinfection works.
Population may use ordinary clothes for the protection from radioactive dust.
To ensure containment of such clothes additional parts shall be attached: apron,
hood, side hook eyes of trousers shall be attached wedges. For the protection from
RS expedient means (additionally sealed home, work, sport clothing and footwear,
other personal clothing) protecting skin may be used.
It shall be noted that the time to remain in self-contained protective clothing is
limited (table 1).

Table 1. The period of stay in the insulating protective clothing, depending on the
ambient temperature
Time of stay in self-contained protective suit
Ambient air temperature, C Without wet screening
With wet screening uniform
+30oC and higher 15-20 minutes 1-1.5 hours
25-29oC Up to 30 minutes 1.5-2 hours
20-24oC Up to 45 minutes 2-2.5 hours
15-19oC Up to 2 hours More than 2.5 hours
-15oC and lower more than 3 hours ----------

In cloudy and windy weather, as well as in the shade time of stay in protective
suit may be increased 1.5 times as compared with those shown on the table.

Protective child chamber

Protective child chambers KZD-4 and KZD-6 protect small children and
babies under the age of 1.5 years from toxic substances, radioactive iodine and
dust, bacterial agents. Both of them consist of a cover, metal cage, pad, compressor
and shoulder handles (Fig. 12).


Fig. 12. Protective child chambers KZD-4 and KZD-6

There are some differences between KZD-6 and KZD-4:

1. Time of stay of children in them is 6 hours (ambient temperature -100C-
2. For convenience length of the gloves was extended for better handling of
the child;
3. Baby food holder was attached and polyethylene wrap was added. The
wrap is covered on the chamber in case of rain and prevents absorbing of
substances contained in water.
The child chamber is carried by using the shoulder handles or in a baby
carriage. Protective properties of the chamber are based on the fact that its material
allows diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide subject to the pressure difference
within and outside the chamber. Toxic substances are absorbed by this material and
do not penetrate.
When placing children in the chamber it shall be taken into consideration that
the temperature within the chamber is 3-4 degrees higher than ambient
temperature. Therefore, a child shall be constantly controlled.
The chamber shall be kept open in the same room with a child. A child shall
be placed in the chamber with head on the window and legs on the exit side. A
bottle with baby food, toys, 1-2 diapers are placed in the chamber. Then the
chamber is closed tightly.

Individual medical protective means

Medical protective means (MPM) are designed for preventive measures and
medical assistance to population injured in case of emergency. These protective
means help to rescue life, prevent or significantly reduce intoxication, increase
resistance of an organism to a number of damaging factors (ionizing radiation,
strong poisons, bacterial agents). These are called radioprotectors, antidotes and
antibacterial substances, including means of partial sanitary processing.

Radioprotectors are substances reducing impact of ionizing radiation.

Currently the most widely used is cystamine pill. The pills shall be taken 30-40
minutes before radiation (before the entrance of MM troops to a radioactive
contamination zone).
Complexing substances, absorbents, potassium iodide substance may be used
as effective means of protection from radioactive substances entering the organism.
These radioactive substances prevent absorbing into blood and allow their quick
withdrawal from organism.
Antidotes are substances preventing or reducing effect of TS.
There are antidotes against neuroparalytic (organo-phosphorous), hydrogen
cyanide and other cyans, lewisite and irritating TS.
Antidotes against organo-phosphorous substances (OPS) areaphin, taren,
atropine; against cyanides - amyl nitrite, propyl nitrite; against lewisite and
arsenide containing other substances - unitole. The antidotes may be used as
preventive and first aid means.
Antibacterial agents are divided into specific and non-specific prevention
means. Specific prevention means include serums, vaccines, anatoxins and
Some of the agents are contained in an individual first aid box (AI-2 first aid
Standard individual means of protection are AI-2 first aid kit, IPP-8 individual
decontamination kit and first aid dressing package.

Individual first aid kit AI-2 is used for prevention and first medical aid
purposes in cases of radiation, chemical and bacteriologic damages, including their
combined damages. The kit is carried in pocket and has the following slots (Fig.
Slot No 1: unit-dose syringe containing pain killers (with colorless cap). This
agent is included into the kit by the decision of MES subject to conditions. Injected
into thigh and buttocks to prevent state of shock due to acute pains occurring in
case of bone fractures, large skin burns and injuries (may be injected through

Fig. 13. Individual first aid kit AI-2

Slot No 2: preventive agent taren (now afin) against poisoning with

organophosphorous substances. Its effect starts 20 minutes after intake.
Immediately after the Chemical alarm one pill shall be taken. Children under the
age of 8 years shall take one fourth, children at the age of 8-15 years half pill.
Intake of 1 tarenpill reduces poisoning effect of organophosphorous agents 10
times. With the increase of symptoms of poisoning one more pill shall be taken and
further one pill shall be taken every 4-6 hours. Instead of taren or in addition to it
P-6 agent shall be taken. Single dose is 2 pills. Protect against 3-4 lethal doses
within 12 hours. Off-duty personnel of military forces and civil defense troops is
provided with AI-1 first aid kit since 1995. The kit included red capped unit-dose
syringe (butaxime) used in case of contamination with treatment agent afin and
organophosphorous compounds.
Taren is M-cholinergic antagonist of central effect. Its effect starts 20-30
minutes after intake, and lasts 4-5 hours. Somatic signs: dryness of the mouth and
the whole body, pupillary dilation. The agent is in pill form, contains 0.6 g of
active substance. When taken in intoxicated state causes delirium: blurring of
mind, memory loss, vivid visual and auditory hallucinations. Does not cause
physical and psychological dependence.
Slot No 3: antibacteriologic agent No 2 (sulfadimethoxine-0.2g, 15 pills)
includes white stick. The agent is designed for the prevention of infectious diseases
after radioactive irradiation. For gastrointestinal disorders after irradiation 7 pills
are taken at one time, in the following 2 days 4 pills once a day. Children under the
age of 8 years shall take 2 pills a day, in the following 2 days 1 pill every day;
children at the age between 8 and 15 years shall take 3.5 pills on the first day, in
the following 2 days 2 pills a day.
Slot No 4: anti-radiation agent No 1 (RS-1, cystamine pills-0.2g, 12 pills)
includes 2 crimson sticks, shows preventive effect in ionizing radiation damages.
After the radiation alert when there is a risk of radiation or 35-40 minutes before
entering the area with high radiation level 6 pills are taken with water. Protective
effect lasts 5-6 hours. If necessary (when radiation continues or there is a new risk

of radiation) 6 pills more are take dafter 4-5 hours. Children under the age of 8
years shall take 1.5 pill, children at the age of 8-15 years 3 pills at a time.
Slot No 5: antibacterial agent No 1 1 colorless square stick with 5 pills in
each (tetracycline -0,006 g, 10 pills and nistatine pills) designed for general
external prevention of infectious diseases contagious agents of which are used as a
biological weapon (plague, cholera, tularemia, anthrax, brucellosis etc.).The pill is
taken in case of a risk of bacteriologic contamination or in case of contamination.
Unit dose is 5 pills at a time, shall be taken with water. The dose is repeated after 6
hours. Children under the age of 8 years shall take 1 pill, children at the age of 8-
15 years 2.5 pills at a time. PBS-1 (antibacterial agent) is taken for the
prevention of infectious complications in case of radiation disease, large injury
surface and burns.
Slot No 6: radioprotective agent No 2 (RS-2, potassium iodine pills 0.125 g,
10 pills)- white, 1 stick for people in the area of radioactive fallout: respiratory
ways blockade thyroid gland for radioactive iodine entering with food and water.
One pill is taken once a day on an empty stomach within 10 days (in peace time
shall be taken every day when at a nuclear power plant and additionally every day
within 8 days after the last radiation). Children at the age of 2-5 years shall take a
half pill, children under 2 years one fourth (1/4) of a pill, babies are given one
fourth of a pill only on the first day. When taken within first 2-3 hours after
radioactive iodine fallout has 90-95%, after 6 hours 50%, after 12 hours 30%
effect, has no effect after 24 hours.

Slot No 7: antiemetic agent (etaperazin) one stick with 5 pills shall be taken
after radiation, also for nausea after brain contusion. Intake of more than 6 pills a
day is not allowed.

Individual First Aid Kit AI-4 is a new approach to personal protection.

Individual First Aid Kit A-4 was prepared instead of AI-2 first aid kit which
does not meet modern requirements (Fig. 14).
Individual First Aid Kit A-4 contains the entire range of necessary
preparations to protect the public. The new kit is designed to provide the first self
and mutual, preventing or reducing the harmful effect of radioactive substances
(RS), bacterial agents (BS), organophosphorus compounds (FOV) and toxic
(poisonous substances). AI-4 is equipped with modern more effective pharma. In
general, the A-4 kit best fits the realities of today and can be successfully and
effectively used as a tab in the reserve, and to equip the existing rescue systems.
Looks like a bright orange plastic box the size of 9cm, 10cm, 2cm labeled
Personal protection kits, a cross in a circle and to keep tabs. Inside cells for
drug cases with medications, instructions. Supplied in a plastic bag printed with
information about the product and the manufacturer.

Fig. 14. First Aid Kit A-4

Trim kits individual AI-4:

Analgesic agent (Slot number 1, pencil without color. Suitable for fractures,
extensive wounds and burns. One pill per dose);
Remedy for poisoning poisonous substances (Slot number 2, pencil yellow-
green color. Take 1 capsule 20-30 minutes. Before entering the smoke zone
(gassed) at high risk of inhalation of CO, in the burning forest, in the period of
work on the Elimination of extinguishing fires themselves and rescue of victims);
Remedy for poisoning FEV (Slot number 3, syringe-tube with a red cap. For
intramuscular use. Accepted signal Civil Defense);
Radioprotective agent number 1 (Slot number 4, pencil crimson. Takes the
contents of the canister for 15-20 min. Before expected exposure);
Radioprotective agent number 2 (Slot number 5, pencil white. Accepted by
adults and children 1 pill before the anticipated exposure or within 30 minutes after
exposure. Next 1 pill daily after fallout. Children under 2 years old on 1/3 pills);
Antibacterial agent number 1 (Slot number 6, pencil without coloring.
Accepted under threat or bacterial contamination, as well as wounds and burns the
contents of the canister with water. Children under 8 years are prohibited from 8 to
12 years 1 capsule per dose);
Antibacterial agent number 2 (Slot number 7, pencil without coloring.
Accepted after irradiation in case of gastro-intestinal disorders, 1 pill 2 times a day.
Disabled children);
Antiemetic (Slot number 9, pencil blue. Take 1 pill immediately after
irradiation. Children from 6 years: 1/2 pills);
Reserve antidote FEV (Antioxidant agent, with number 8, pencil red. Take the
contents of the canister on the signal of the Civil Defense. Children 5-12 years: 1

Individual decontamination kit is a set of medical means for self-aid and

mutual medical aid in case of toxic substance damages. The kit consists of a glass
bottle with polydecontaminating mixture for decontamination of all kinds of TS
and 4 cotton and gauze cloth (Fig. 15). The mixture is used for partial sanitary
cleaning of open surfaces of skin and surfaces contacting with its. Moreover, the
kit contains preventive means and other first medical aid means in cases of
contamination with toxic substances.
Decontamination carried out at first moments of contamination by using an
individual decontamination kit prevents skin injuries and entrance of toxic
substances into blood. Later partial sanitary cleaning reduces skin injury, but does
not prevent it. In this case, after the partial sanitary cleaning, the antidote contained
in the kit shall be used.

Fig.15. Individual anti-chemical package and application:

a general appearance, b gauze and cotton tampons, c bottle with
polydecontaminating mixture)

A number of TS, especially organophosphorous substances can quickly

absorb from skin into body effectiveness of decontamination directly depends on
the time when sanitary cleaning was started. When partial sanitary cleaning is
carried out within 5 minutes after the impact of TS on unprotected skin surface,
then cleaning will be extremely effective.
First aid dressing packages are applied on wounds and burns, and used to stop
bleeding (Fig. 16).

Fig.16. First aid dressing package

Fig. 17. Individual anti-gas package IPP-11

IPP-11 provides a sealed package of metallized film. It contains swab soaked

in neutralizing anti-gas composition (langlik). On the package is printed manual.

Designed for prevention of skin-resorptive injuries by droplet-liquid

poisoning and chemically hazardous agents through open skin areas, as well
as for degassing of these agents on skin and clothes, on individual protection
means, tools etc.
After applying on skin, the protective effect remains within 24 hours.
Working temperature range is -20 to +50 .
Is produced as a tight package with a tampon made of bonded fabric sodden
with anti-chemical agent.
Warranty shelf life 5 years.

Personal protective equipment is distributed among the categories of

population in case of announcement of the risk of enemy attack. Distribution is
carried out in workplaces and communities, educational institutions.

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