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Foot Ball Thanksgivisng Day - Franklin Academy vs. Red Cloud High '!

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4 Newspaper That fllves The News Fifty-tw- o Weeks Each Year Far SI.50.


'"" "" ''"' " " ' "" " '' ' ' "' '
fh Farmers' Institute Business Men Holds
is i i m

GRE E mi

If You Desire I
A Big Success Their Third Banquet
me Manners' institute last week The business men of Red Cloud held
was a grand success. The attendance their third bunquet at the Royal hotel,
kept Incieasing each day until Friday, Tuesday afternoon, The Royal hotel
when fully live thousand people were belnj,' the host, it Is unnecessary to en- -
KM VERY one of your banking connections In attendance. Ir. was a good natured, ,, tllL. eui8ie. Tlmt was all
to be a profitable one, returning you the
jovial crowd mid each .aid all seemed that could be dsi led K. J Oveiing
Trading; Stamps
to enjoy eveiything Immensely. ni;tt!lJ us toastniaster, unci called upon
largest measure of service and accom- The institution Ih fast out growing M0,sr8 Mundny, Stoioy hiiiI W. I),
even pi esent facilities und it Is only a k.Ihoii for brief remarks upon the
modation commensurate with the size question of time until laiger quarters several topics assigned to them. Mr.
of your deposit, open an account with must be secured. The programs were Miinda treated of (iood Fellowship,
us. Interest paid on time deposits. carried out just ns advertised and and told a number of stoiles, which
there was not u hitch anywhere. There WoI1 len,.ty laughter. Mr. Kdson talked c

is but one word which expresses tills of tlio weans of getting Red Cloud
Deposits Guaranteed by State Guaranty Fund year's alfair and thatword Is "success." more frequently Into Hie columns of
On Wednesday inoinlng.ludge Oram- - the state papers. Mr. Edson, after
Will be given to mil who
liflc judged Mie horses and cattle and modestly confessing his surprise and
called attention to the good and bad un. preparedness, deliberately- - drew pay cash on account on
WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, points of all stock. Ho stated that (,.,,, j,s VW!l1 a manuscript which
was a well defined ideal toward ,e proceeded to read. Inasmuch as

CAPITAL 825.000 which all were working to and thin tie subject oWnot Interest the pub
Ideal is possible to obtain. 0t om. nny cmiet will be that the
LdlBBBWimnBflflDHBBIH The cooking nnd sewing deuionstra- - address wu 8
tions given by Miss Wymati were all deserved.
well attended, and those in attendance
,ifr than the theme
Mr. Storey spoke of the Kvils of the
IfotfembeF 20-2- 1

N J kj P THE TIlllE
wuie highly pleased with her work, Cro lit System lie forclldy brought
In the evening lVof. Morltz of our mltl10 evs of n,0 svsl011, xvlthnut
citv schools delivered Iholntroductoiy 8,iylng anything about its advantages He began his addresi by 0P) ,,eri,aps, he indicated thnt thete
stating tlut he had asked the pupils WOre no advantages. Were this the BUT ON THESETftO DAYS ONLY
in the high elni0i for their prefeieiice f1U!ti tt ,LM.clr.nt. would better case to
YOUR COAL WANTS of occupations, and of the boys only' ore,Ht, and, in our jiidgmont, he a?
seven wanted to be farmers, and of w ,,i na that his business could be

We Handle All kit .i

me km-i- i limy
...i ... i... ..
mie "I'l'ici
th-- dolivere
I a strong
. .
oonilu!te(t wlili
. . .
cuuipai ut i vely no
lrr,bit, r expense He miirlit. in This is a chance to m
tt GOOD SERVICE ff e.iine-.- t plea for moic industrial train- - ,jee,(, spend u large p itiou of hlb time ' r m
lug in our schools. He po'uted out ' jn visiting
thafsut that we In this ection were a The feature of the occasion w"s an
farming people, and it was the l,eight ' H,l,rhS tlf r, K,son that was not on
fill your stamp book
of folly to educate our children to tJ1H ,,r(,Knu, H spoke of the uecus

leavens. This is what we are doing sl,y of ln,,rv, I

tl0 r(.ulns be- -

ar pre-en- r. xne au.iress wss given twi,n t)e fruier, un,l tl0 t.ity, Gf
Talk With Us About Your Wants" CHioful attention, anil ttie proiessor mitkn lni. fu, realize that the
made a deep impiesslouo i his lieureis. cllv WHS lMr city lu conveniences,

x'LKiiiiHitiiiiiJmnnr' jnttt!ti!:uriil''i;ii!M" : uiMtriU'iiiit:i;tuiFui:u stinniiim rtiHrpTiHM'miititiiriniiiKui'iimimidHuiiiiniiiniin'iHiitunuEiiHiiMrrh
Prof. Umdford, who has charge of t,,Jlr cc)nvenleucos, Its advantages,
the inspection of agricultural schools their advantages.
in the state, then followed with an ex It seems to us that this thought
I Your Watch
Is a Guessing ccllent lectuie. Many of our people should be the burden of the addresses
were dlssapulnted because he did not at these meetings. Ked Cloud has The Clothier
speak upon the subject which was ad- done something in this direction, but M
Ia Machine? s vertised. No doutit ho could have not nearly all she might do. It in her
given some first hand Information on fault, in some measure, that the farm-
s what the agricultural schools in the ers do not always speak of the city . j.
discard it, and state were doing, and in the opinion with pride and affectiou. This is the
THEN same time rid of this editor he missed a golden op-n- spirit that It behooves the people of

yourself of the mental un- Utility. However, his address was the town to cultivate, at all cost. We
of a' really meritorious character, and want that every farmer of the county
certainty and hesitation

I: J'
caused by continually al- -.
lowing a
watch-may-not-be-ri- ght
mho "" 2'Vw
called forth generous applause. shall feel like boasting of this city as
On Thursday one of the special feat- his city, of the people here as his
ures was the. singing of the grade friends and helpers, of the cutetUlu
pupils under the leadership of Pi of. incuts given by the city lib arranged
Wagoner. This was very pleasing. for his lieiiuilt, the markets established
The Diamond I
U: Purchase one of Our Lieut. Governor AW'Ivttlvlc deliveied a as esta'disho for his picillt. Then 1

trom .eetu.o upon "Community Co- - h,o-ili- l bo such a reciprocal go id will

Elgin Watches
It's a watch you can believe
and all llic lime.
exery time
opeialloii." lie showed the btuulUs between the producers of thi wealth
of the get together policy and what it of the community, mid those, ulio-- e
would lead to. '
chief busiin-s- I' should he to enable

On IVulny the big attraction wi.s tnul wealth to be exchanged for the
Kitchen Cabinet
There's extra value In the Men's Watches we offer '.he annual paiade. All the hoises, best ad vantage of those who have i r

at &2S.OO mules and c.itlle on exhibition were brought it into being. It Pays Back And
Join our Club and get the benefits lead thru the stieuts This was head Forty-si-
uieti sat down to the table
ed by our delightful band, and the and listened with appreciation to what Saves Your Back 3 9
E. H. NEWHOUSE olllcialsof the institute was said. Arrangements weto made
Then followed the pupils of our city for another assembly of the kind, next
schools, ThW parade shown how big month, This Cabinet is Golden Oak. Hand Dull Rubbed.
Has full sliding nickeloid top. Glass spice jars. Glass
V ELGINEER our institutions are getting to be. The The Chief hopes that gieat good
foot hall squad, the fanner- - in thu will remit from this gathering of tint sugar bin, tea, cofTee and salt jar. We were! fortunate
I C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Scientific Eye Fitting agrioultnial the members thoughtful mcu of the city to talk in buying a quantity of these Cabinets at a very low
of the douiosLic science, class, the its civlu duties and welfare, and we
litji ill'illHiliii'l'll'IWl 'mlml.i nil' I' I' ' 'KHIli iMWiUIHiiilllBIIMMLU
manual training bojs were all dressed should like to see u number of farmeis price.
HiBISHtti'l in costumes representing their work. from distant parts of the county as ' This Cabinet formerly sold for S27.50 but while
Kucli class proudly displayed a banner puitijipauls.
they last wc are going to sell them at 22.50. The most
U SPECIAL THIS WEEK fiom seniors to the kindergarten.
They marched four abreast and made Cabinet for the money ever offered in this city. :l
fed a procession ucurly thiee blocks long Iia Sleoperof Omaha, ouoof the early There is not a better Kitchen Cabinet made.
Extra Large Grape Taken altogether the Institute was
tho biggest tiling of the year. Kvciy
one was pleased and all look forward
settlers of this county, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Robertson the last
of the week, in ana icz us aemonstrmte
Fruit to the event next year.
The following olilcers were elected
for the coming year:
, II. M. Dunick or Ashville, Ohio,
spent Friday here with his brother in
law, J. M. Steward. While here he Iomo to you.

O. W. Hummel, President.
Joo Ourney,
Hnrry Ullham, Secretary.
yJ. XV. Auld, Treasurer.

took In tlio Farmers' Institute and siys
it was the best he ever attended. He
left that evening for Colorado, to look
after his cuttle ranch and land in-
Mrs. Joo- Fogol wont to Doulder,
Robert Dutnorell, Uol Cloud. Colo., last week to visit her sisters, Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer.
F. G. Tatwe & Son Henry 01 Ilium, Red Claud.
Fred Arnold, Ir.avule.
1 Red Cloud.
W. Cowdeu,
Joe Crow, Red Cloud township.
Mebdames J. M, Bellars and Robinson,
who nro old settlors of Wobbler county
luuhday Joe Fogel received u card
from Mrs Fogci informing him that
rn ejaMWawmW v 69
T. V. White, Garllold. Mrb. Robinson buffered a broken mm
(Continued on page eight) in a runaway Monday. :u


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