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(FonErly sahyog ctt.lib Litnite.l)


Depadmeni or Coryorate seFres

Bohbay sb.k Exchange Lmil.d
Phnoa JeejeeBbor, lokrs

r ..-,,o- o. h" i o5F., r "s"h-.d

unaudilcd Finaciat Results ror ih. rhtrd quader ended on 31, December, 2016 qec
appmved and Linted coFy or Financial
Resur ts i s atrached trerewith tor di ssenina I io tr.

Kndly accepi rhis aor you. rc.ord purpose

For sabyog Mursb* LtD ed

u']4\ii ,:
lleh. cqd,\34-. lr

lrnr sahvo?.odtslnntcdowhoonr
rv.Lstr $1rw el,rox..dts..on,


Chartered Accountants

sahyoB Mutibase Lm(ed lFornery Kiown asAHYoGcR[Dlrs t M rED)

rimir.d (Fdmsry r(nown s saHYoc cRlDrrs UMIrED)(lhecompany) for the quader ended 315 o{embe.2016 (he
sbremenr) prcpared by the compa
exceorfordrscosues rcsadns Pub c sharehodins and Pmmorerand Pronoter Group sharehold n9'which have beei
red froh disrosues mrde by rhe manasement and have nor been rev sed by us Ths sl3lened has bee^ prepad
by rhe company puGuantlo cause4l orlhe Lisr ns asreemedwlh rhe srock Exdhange in hda. This slaiemenl is the
respons b rity of lhe company's man
D recro nthe meel ns hed on loih Fetuary 2017 ofresponsbilily s lo issuea pod oi rhese fiiancia sldemeilg

rdanc. wth the shidard on Revew Eicasement {sRE) 2410, Rev,ew of,,rern
Finonciot hfotnotian Pefuhed by rhe lndevndent Autltot aJ the E,rit, issued by the In5titute or Charrered
A(ounEnaof ndi:. The sbndard requnesrhat wephn and pedorm the revlewto obran moderate a$u6nce as to
afree ofm e a misitatemenr.A review is imlled p,lmaiytoifqu e5orconpany
peEonneland anallti.a pro.edures, aoplled to fhan.hld aandthusprovidesle$a$uEnceihananatrdit.wehave
for perfomed an:uditand ac.ordlryy, wa do noterpre* an aud topinioi.

Based on our revew conduded as above, norhns har come ro our atietruon that cuses us ro be ieve that the
ac.onpanying sbtement of unaud t.d t resu a prepared ii accord:nce w th :pplc
and oiher recosnized a..ounting and po ces has not d {losed the rcquked to b d sclos.d in
tems or Resulati.n llof the sEBl (lauig obls ion and D{losre Reqdreme ,
Reculaiiotr, ,01s n.lud ns the
manrcrinwhich ir kro be dk. osad, orihai it.oneinsanym e,alm$tatement.

i\ l,

E miil riro@ksm..rn,:dminsaGm. in
Naw Dethi 11oo26l id:l

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