Pdsa Supporting Students As Writers

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Supporting Students as

Each team member will complete a slide tonight
(11/14/2016) estimated time: 5 minutes




Students struggle as






Group Learnings
A learning from trying the change idea
Editing is hard for young students> bad example helped students make a better version! Students enjoyed making it
better because it helped them realize what their work looks like. They felt special making something better!
Reading writing aloud and then turning it into a podcast. Survey: how many changes did you make from your research
paper to your podcast? They made many changes!
Thesis statements: peer critique/read aloud; survey said that all but three students found it helpful. Those three students
were a clue for more support.
Reading aloud to revise: choose a specific paragraph to revise. 60%
Real aloud prompted many changes!!!
A wondering that emerged
You and audience have different perception: how do I help convey this to 4th grade? Think about Authors Intention.
Tone vs. Mood; Sentence starters. Perspective.
Can kids catch their own errors by reading aloud?
Can kids own their voice as a writer? > rationalizing certain pieces!
More organic; sentence starters? >Targeted!
A next step (could be a tweak on this idea, or a new idea)
Edit their own writing, edit a partners writing
More surveys
More intentional revision; a scaffolding method to guide students through revision; partnered revision; guided questions
How to measure authors voice!
Justify your choices as an author!
Plan PDSA (Template to Copy)
Change idea:



Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)



Change idea: Students revising sample writing.

School: The Learning Choice Academy (Sheala Scavia)

Plan: I will hand out a bad sample writing to students and have them edit the
sample and rewrite their revisions to make their own version of the writing.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. How well students are Student samples I think some of my struggling I was actually pretty impressed with the results.
able to revise. students will have difficulty finding My students edited and made the better versions
the errors. of the sample and they did so well!

2. Strategies to help students Raising hands and counting I think the students will find it The students really enjoyed this activity and said
become better editors. whether this helped them helpful to find errors in a sample that it helped them to realize why it is important
piece of work rather than their own to edit your work and make sure it is your best.
writing. 5
Change idea: Students read their writing out loud to their peers to see if it is a
useful revision tool

School: San Diego Collective Charter School (Julian Rico)

Plan: Day 1: The students will choose a selection (a section, a few sentences or a paragraph) from their first creative piece
of the year. They will answer questions regarding authors intent and why they choose this selection. Day 2: Students read
selections out loud to small peer groups (3-4 students) and receive feedback forms from their peers as well. Day 3:
Students then revise their writing selection and answer post revision questions.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Is reading out loud an Pre and post revision I think the students will probably be More than half (%58) said that reading out loud
effective revision tool for questions regarding the split down the middle with about was a useful revision tool - their revised samples
middle school? process and the piece the %50 saying yes and %50 saying back this up.
students choose no

2. Do students really know what Student writing samples pre After answering the guiding Many students says this is also good for editing
revision is? and post revision questions I hope my students move They also have a better grasp on revision than I
away from editing thought - but they need to be guided through the
Change idea: Students review and rewrite their partner's thesis, discuss their
perceptions, and then revise their own.

School: Health Sciences High and Middle College (Danielle Carlin)

Plan: Day 1: Students explore questions they wish to answer persuasively and then select one from ProCon.org. Students then
create a thesis statement, or claim, in response to their question. Day 2: Students pair up and switch journals. Students read their
partners thesis and the write their partners thesis in their own words below. Students then discuss how they understood their
partners thesis. Next students revise their own thesis in their own journals, to improve strength and clarity.
Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Do students have an Students samples of the I think the majority of students will All students improved the clarity of their writing ,
accurate understanding revision process. improve their clarity and some will to some degree. The student I was particularly
of their own clarity? see how unclear they were to start. concerned with greatly improved his clarity and

2. Does partnered revision help Circling up to discuss how this I think responses will vary I was surprised by the overwhelmingly positive
students to improve the clarity of process helped students in depending on how comfortable responses. Only one student was neutral, as she
their writing? their writing and recording students feel during the revision felt her thesis started strong, and it did. Students
feedback. process. were kind in their conversations with their
partners and acknowledged how the process
helped them. They would like to repeat this
process in the future. 7
Change idea: Students will practice revising their thesis statements via a peer
critique sheet

School: HTHMA Humanities 9 + 10 (Indira Hood-Esparza)

Plan: I will have students fill out a worksheet to revise their partners thesis. I will then have them discuss their feedback.
I will then ask them as a class to raise their hand if they felt the exercise was helpful.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Do students have an Peer critique worksheets and Due to reviewing thesis I learned that a lot of students still struggle with
understanding of thesis reading their thesis aloud beforehand, most students should backing up their main argument with three
statements? have the format correct. I expect arguments. I realized that they need to see more
them to struggle with wording it examples to formulate their thesis statements.

2. How do students feel about Having them raise their hands I believe that almost everyone will 3/26 students said that they found it NOT helpful.
critique exercises? and take a quick poll on who like the activity and raise their hand I noticed that the three that said no were the
found the activity helpful and towards the yes option. ones that were struggling the most with their
who did not. thesis statements and asked for extra help from
me in the room. It was a quick and easy way to
survey the classroom and I would do this again.
Change idea:Students Revise Sample Writing

School: Learning Choice Academy (Natalie)

Plan: I will model editing a poorly written sample in class. Then I will give students
a similar sample, that they will have to edit using the strategies I modeled.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1.If students are able to revise Students revised writing I think the low students who need The low students were able to edit simple
the most revising will struggle with grammar mistakes like punctuation and
revising because they lack the capitalization, but were unable to see Incomplete
fundamentals. and more complex grammar.

2. I want to learn effective Informative assessment by The students who have poor Using a sample was easier for students to
strategies to implement to help checking for understanding handwriting and spelling will correct than their own work because it was typed
my students revise their papers. throughout the process. struggle to even read their own and easy to read. 9
Change idea: Students read their writing out loud to their peers to see if it is a
useful revision tool

School: HTHNC (Carol)

Plan: Students will write poetry exploring their own identities and how they link to
their familys history. Students will read the poetry out loud as a revision tool.
Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1.If students are able to catch Different drafts of student I think that students will find their
their own errors or make creative writing own spelling/grammar errors when
choices about their own writing they read out loud, especially if
when they read it out loud. they are errors that they are aware
are mistakes.

2. I want to help students take Exit questions about read I think that students will still
ownership of their own writing aloud critique sessions struggle with making creative 10
and take pride in their revision choices in the revision cycle even
Change idea: Students read their writing aloud to a partner and evaluate: audience perception of the
meaning of their writing vs. the author's intent

School: HTeNC Grade 4 (Brandon Lee)

Plan: Students will be writing about people they interview for our current project. They will read their
writing to other students and see if the audience perception of their interviewee is the same as the writer's

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Do students understand
that the writer's intention
and author perception
are different?

2. Will students be able to take

information from the audience to 11
change their writing?
Carols Plan PDSA 2 (Template to Copy)
Change idea: Students write with intentionality and they are able to use words to convey
feelings/mood to their readers effectively.

School: HTHNC

Plan: Students will be assigned adjectives and are to write a short piece of writing that
matches the adjective. Peers will read the writing and attempt to identify the tone that the
writer was trying to convey.
Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Are students able to convey Short writing pieces Students may not be able to
their intentions to their readers in identify nuanced words and may
their writing? default to sad or happy

2. Are students able to make Surveys about the writing Students will be pushed to add
creative choices as authors? activity details that help convey their tone.
Change Idea Brainstorm
Authors Voice
How to Measure Student Voice
Outlet to be Authentic
Showing different authors voices and discussing intentions> matching to
people they know
Creative writing warm-ups
Different examples of author voice> distinct poems
Imitate an authors voice
Write so your reader feels this
Intentionally decide on a tone they want; audience
Different types of poems with varying sentiments
Indira Hood-Esparza Plan PDSA #2
Change idea: To help students identify and develop author voice.

School: HTHMA Humanities 9 Indira Hood-Esparza

Plan: have them read different speeches and figure out the authors voice. Then
have them try to imitate their voice.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Class discussion about the I predict that with some prompting, As a class, we were all able to agree on voice
Will students be able to identify author's voice in A Letter from and showing them the video of the and tone of the letter. It took a lot of prompting
author's voice? a Birmingham Jail by MLK actual speech, they will be able to and re-reading but eventually we came up with a
think of ways to describe MLKs list of how
voice and tone.

2. Will students be able to imitate Imitate his voice by writing I foreshadow that some students
different authors voices? letters in a similar format and may have difficulty imitating it due 14
tone. to how complex his speech is
Zack Peterson Plan PDSA #2
Change idea: Students will listen to poems with intentionality for words and phrases that
indicate the author's voice.
School: Beacon Classical Academy

Plan: Students listen to poems aimed at conveying different emotion. Once they have
located the words and phrases indicating the authors voice students will discuss the writers
Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1.Will students be able to use 1,I will collect student records 1.I think more than half of the 1.Students were all able to indicate the voice of
words to effectively describe the of word choices relating to the students participating will be able the author. Word choices were sometimes
voice of a given author. author's voice in each poem. to correctly express the voice of the simple but often more specific and well stated
author. than expected.


Zack Peterson Plan PDSA #3
Change idea: Students will listen to 2 poems based on the same subject matter but with opposite
emotions voiced by the author. Students will further analyze the idea of author's voice by
comparing and contrasting the two poems.
School: Beacon Classical Academy
Plan: Students listen to two poems about the city. Students will locate words and phrases
from the poems that indicate the author's voice to the students. Students will answer
questions guiding them in comparing and contrasting the voices of the poems.
Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1.Students will learn that the 1. Students word choices and 1.I think students will be curious as Students were able to grasp the differences and
same focus subject can elicit a there answers to the compare to how both sentiments can be nuances. They felt more at ease with two
different voice depending on the and contrast questions. connected to the same subject. competing voices regarding the same subject
particular author/individual. than I thought they would be.

Nikkis Plan PDSA 2
Change idea: Students read their writing aloud to see if reading aloud sparks

School: High Tech High International

Plan: Students read their polished research writing aloud to record a podcast; Students evaluate their
perceived need for revision when considering podcast audience

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Will students see the need to Google form on podcast I think students will have to make Students reported the need to revise their
revise more after reading writing scriptwriting/recording process multiple revision to their polished polished research an average of 3-4 times before
aloud. paper after reading writing aloud recording their podcast.
and considering podcast audience.


Nikkis Plan PDSA 3
Change idea: Students understand authorial intentionality and tone in creative

School: High Tech High International

Plan: Students will intentionally write a sci fi warm up from a specific tone.
Then students will play a
Guess My Tone game/peer critique to see if audience perception matched authorial purpose

Questions: What do I want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Can students get better Tone Matching Game and I think that students will be more
at intentionally conveying student questionnaire aware of and intentional with their
a tone in their creative writing tone/style because they are
writing? considering what is conveyed to
the audience.

Shealas Plan PDSA 2
Change idea: To help students identify and develop author voice.

School: The Learning Choice Academy

Plan: Student will be given a the beginning of a writing prompt and they are to
creatively come up with the ending to the story as a warm up in the morning.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. How can I get my I will review their writings. I think the students will struggle My students struggled with coming up with ideas
students write creatively? with coming up with their own so we did some pair shares to help generate
ending. ideas. Students did better with the assignment
after that.

2. How can I get my students to I will review their writings. I think that the students will Most students did well with all coming up with
come up with their own voice and struggle with coming up with their their own stories. Some kids were very minimal
ideas? own ideas. They will try asking me in their endings whereas others got very into 19
or their peers for ideas. their endings.
Shealas Plan PDSA 3
Change idea: To help students identify and develop author voice.

School: The Learning Choice Academy

Plan: Students will have 2 different poems (sad and happy). They will choose one
poem and complete a mad libs activity with it by filling in their own words.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. How to get my I will be collecting the I think my students will struggle My students did great with this and tried hard on
students to use their activity and reviewing it. with coming up with what to their assignment, but some did use the same
own voice in writing? write. words that were already on poem rather than
coming up with their own words.

2. Can my students replace I will be collecting the I think my students will struggle Most students came up with their own words to
the blanks in poem with activity and reviewing it. with coming up with their own fill in, but I had a few students that would use the
creative words? vocab to use. same words that were already in the poem. 20
Julians Plan PDSA 2 (Template to Copy)
Change idea: Student learn how to intentionally use tone/mode in the creative
pieces they are writing.

School: San Diego Collective Charter School

Plan: Students will be given a prompt where they have to write a short creative
piece (using tone) that conveys a certain mood to the reader
Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. How can I get my Student will be given a prompt I think the student will struggle - but
students to use tone where they must use tone and will, for the most part use tone
intentionally? have the reader feel a certain effectively

2. How can I get my students to I will write a questions that help I think that the students will think
be intentional with their feedback guide students throughout this they got more meaningful feedback
when they look at another process and ask the writers if 21
students creative piece? the feedback was more
Plan PDSA 3 (Template to Copy)
Change idea:



Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

Nikkis Plan PDSA 3
Change idea: Students will find their creative writing voice by having a choice of
multiple, guided prompts for science fiction writing.

School: HTHI

Plan: In our pre writing process, students will generate creative writing prompts
for the class and we will do a 45 minute freewrite using these prompts.
Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

I want to see how I will read through I think multiple, My students loved this exercise! Giving them a
combination of structure and freedom seemed to
impactful choice and freewrites and ask student-generated breed creativity and excitement. Students did
voice are in engaging students how the prompts will give not like student-generated prompts as much as
teacher-generated prompts.
students as creative freewriting process students multiple entry
writers. felt. points from which to
engage in creative 23
Natalies Plan PDSA 3
Change idea: Students will determine the mood of various poem to then write to
get their readers to feel a certain way.

School: Learning Choice Academy

Plan: Students will read from 2 poems recording the mood that was created and why.

Questions: What do I want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Will students be able to I will collect and analyse the I think that when students have to Students could relate mood to the feeling they
identify mood in writing Mood exit slip identify how they are feeling by felt when reading the poem.
reading a poem and explaining
why, they then will become more
aware of the mood the author is
creating and then transfer it to their
2. Will students be able to find I will collect and analyse the I think some students will have a Students overall were able to give specifics
Natalies Plan PDSA 2
Change idea: Implement creative writing warm-ups

School: Learning Choice Academy

Plan: Students will be given open ended written prompt with a visual attached to spark
creativity. They will be given 1 minute to read the prompt and brain storm, then 3 minutes to
write. They will be timed to challenge them to think quickly to get their ideas on paper.

Questions: What do we want to Data: What data will we collect Predictions: What do we think will Results: What were the results? What did we
learn from this cycle? to answer our questions? happen? learn? (completed after implementation)

1. Do the pictures along with the The prompts along with their The pictures will spark imagination Students writing varied even though they all had
prompts assist in the creative timed writing piece that will allow the students to write the same prompt, showing creativity.
writing process?. creatively.

2. By timing their writing, does Timed writing pieces I think by timing the writing, more I did see an increase in amount of writing
the student then second guess writing will occur, because they will produced when timed. Yet ineligibility and
less allowing creativity happen not have time to second guess grammatical errors also increased.
more freely? their thought process. 26

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