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1. Bevezet Introduction Official Version built on 12th December, 2014.

Magyarangol szakszjegyzk
Szab Attila, Juhsz Pter, Forman Ferenc, Fehr Norbert, Hegeds Barnabs

1. Bevezet Introduction
A szjegyzkben hasznlt jellsek:

pl.: rendhagy tbbes szm (ltalban az -s-szel kpzett alak is j)

p.: rendhagy mlt id s befejezett mellknvi igenv
adj., n.: mellknvi, fnvi forma
GB, US: brit, amerikai alakvltozat
vmi, sth,. . . : valami, something,. . .
A vesszvel, perjellel elvlasztott alakvltozatok egyformn gyakoriak, brmelyiket nyugodtan hasznlhatjuk. A zrjelbe tett alakok ritkk, csak a teljessg
kedvrt szerepelnek, ezeket inkbb ne hasznljuk. rtelemszeren a zrjelbe tett rvidtsek, jellsek, . . . hasznlatosak, hasznljuk nyugodtan mi is. Zrjelek
a magyar szavaknl is vannak, a rvidsg kedvrt, pl. (tizedes) trt (decimal) fraction, illetve olyankor is vannak zrjelek, ha az angol kifejezs egy rsze
elhagyhat, pl. gykjel radical (sign).

A grg betk angol nevei:

A alpha delta H eta K kappa N nu pi T tau X chi
B beta E / epsilon / theta lambda xi P /% rho upsilon psi
gamma Z zeta I iota M mu O o omicron () sigma / phi omega
A tizedeselvlaszt angolul a pont (decimal point), a vessz nagyon flrerthet. A vesszt angolul dolgok elvlasztsra hasznljuk, akkor is, ha magyarul
pontosvesszt tennnk. Az ezres csoportokat hagyomnyosan vesszvel vlasztjk el, tudomnyos szvegben azonban ez nem szabvnyos, egy fl szkznyi helyet (\,,
Wordben ilyen hjn szkzt) hagyhatunk ki ezreselvlasztnak.
Az angolban (a 70-es vek ta a briteknl is!) a nagy szmok lersra az n. short scale-t hasznljk, szemben az eurpai long scale-lel. Ezer els nhny
hatvnya a kt skla szerint (a hasznland short scale vastaggal):
n 103n n 103n
magyarul angolul (short scale) angolul (long scale) magyarul angolul (short scale) angolul (long scale)
1 ezer thousand 6 trilli quintillion trillion
2 milli million 7 trillird sextillion thousand trillion
3 millird billion thousand million (milliard) 8 kvadrilli septillion quadrillion
4 billi trillion billion 9 kvadrillird octillion thousand quadrillion
5 billird quadrillion thousand billion 10 kvintilli nonillion quintillion

1. Bevezet Introduction

Elszrtan a long scale-es alakokkal is lehet tallkozni angolul (fleg rgebbi brit rsokban, illetve klfldiek ltal rt dolgokban ez elg rtelemzavar), de a
milliard-hoz hasonl szmnevek nem jellemzk. A krdsrl rszletesen:, a mg nagyobb szmok kpz-
A nem angol, kezetes betket tartalmaz neveket prbljuk gy lerni, ahogy az eredeti nyelven vannak. Ha ez valamirt nem lehetsges, akkor trjuk a neveket:
ez ltalban az kezetek elhagyst jelenti. Egy kivtel (br ezt az angolok se tudjk, illetve hasznljk mind): a nmetben (de csak ott) az umlautos betket az
alapbet utn e-t rva rjuk t, pl. Schrdinger Schroedinger.
Angol anyanyelvek hajlamosak mindenfle nevet anglicizlva kiejteni: ez szrny, olykor a magyar flnek alig rthet alakokat szl. Mveltsgre vall, ha ezt
kerljk s inkbb az eredeti nyelvhez hasonlt mdon ejtjk ki a neveket (ahogy magyarul is szoktuk). A nmettel megint problma van: nlunk az osztrkoknak
ksznheten az ei betkapcsolatot ej-knt szoks kiejteni, mikzben a nmet nyelvterleten ltalban j-knt kell, s az angolok is rtelemszeren ezt ismerik.
Teht Einstein nevt nem ejnstejn-nek, hanem jnstjn-nak kell ejteni.
Nevek: az angolok elszeretettel felejtik ki a francikat mindenfle trvny nevbl (pl. BoyleMariotte-trvny Boyles law), valamint nha a (nlunk) bevett
nv helyett egy angol tudst hasznljk (Gay-Lussac I. trvnye Charless law). Descartes nevnek latinostott vltozatt (Cartesius, adj. Cartesian) hasznljk,
Galileire a keresztnevvel (Galileo, adj. Galilean) hivatkoznak. Szemlynevekbl szinte mindig az -ian kpzvel kpeznek mellknevet (pl. Lagrangian, Eulerian, . . . ).
A betszavakat angolul mindig ki kell betzni: vigyzzunk r, hogy az angol bc szerint betzznk! Pl. h-t-em-el helyett aitch-tee-em-el, led helyett pedig
el-e-dee (a ki nem betztt betszavakat vgkpp nem rtik, illetve ebben az esetben a lad elg mst jelent).
Nhny jellegzetes helyesrsi eltrs a brit s amerikai angol kztt:

egyes grg/latin eredet szavak vgn a mssalhangz utn ll -re-t az amerikai angolban -er-nek rjk, pl. metre vs. meter, de pl. csak chapter ltezik;
a sz vgn ll -ise/-yse betkapcsolatot (grg eredet szavakban), illetve az -ise vgekbl kpzett szavakat az amerikai angolban -ize/-yze mdon rjk1 ,
pl. organise vs. organize, organisation vs. organization, analyse vs. analyze, de csak analysis, seize, rise (a kt utbbi ti. nem grg eredet);

a grgbl szrmaz ae, oe betkapcsolatokat az amerikai angolban (s nhny kivteles esetben a britben is) sima e-nek rjk, pl. oestrogen vs. estrogen, de
csak aerosol (ti. ez latin eredet), economics;
a brit -our vgzds az amerikai angolban ltalban -or lesz: colour vs. color;
az idzjelezs brit angolban: xy nn zw, amerikai angolban: xy nn zw (magyarban: xy nn zw, nmetben: xy ,nn zw).

Mi vgig a brit helyesrst kvetjk, ahol nemtrivilis amerikai vltozat van, ott megemltjk. Tovbbi helyesrsbeli eltrsekrl a Wikipdin olvashatunk:
A szjegyzk minsgrt, az esetleges hibkrt nem vllalunk felelssget, br megprbljuk eltvoltani ket. Bvtsi javaslatokat, felfedezett hibkat a szerkeszt
a kvetkez e-mailcmen vr: A szjegyzk hivatalos, karbantartott vltozata itt rhet el:

1 Egyes brit sztrak a legjelentsebb ilyen az Oxford English Dictionary a francia gyker -ise vgzdsek helyett a grg/latin eredetit tkrz -ize vltozatot preferljk (az -yse

vgzdsek maradnak). Ezt a jelensget Oxford spellingnek nevezik, a brit nyelvhasznlatban kisebbsgben van nem utolssorban azrt, mert ezt az angolok inkbb amerikanizmusnak tartjk.

2. Matematika Mathematics

2. Matematika Mathematics
Alapok Basic stuff osztand, oszt dividend, divisor
A0 (A vessz), A00 A prime, A double prime szmll, nevez numerator, denominator
x x dot, x double dot hnyados, maradk quotient, remainder
ab (a als index b) a sub b arny, a : b ratio, (ratio of) a to b (aszimmetrikus!)
egyenl; = equal; equals sign hatvnyozs exponentiation
a=b a equals b, a is equal to b, a and b are ab a to the b
equal alap, kitev, hatvny base, exponent, power
a 6= b a is not equal to b ngyzetre emel, x2 square, x squared
a<b a is less than b kbre emel, x3 cube, x cubed
a>b a is greater than b n.
hatvnyra emel raise to the nth power
ab a is less than or equal to b, a is not n
x nth root of x
greater than b, a is at most b gykkitev, alap, gyk degree, radicand, root
ab a is at least b, . . . ngyzetgyk square root (sqrt)
ab a is approximately equal to b kbgyk cube root (cbrt)
ab a is proportional to b (a b) gykjel radical (sign)
a 1/b a is inversely proportional to b logaritmus, loga b logarithm, of b to base a
egyenlet equation base-a logarithm of b
egyenltlensg inequality log10 common logarithm (lg)
azonossg identity loge natural logarithm (ln, gyakran log)
kplet formula (pl. formulae) log2 binary logarithm (lb)
kifejezs expression reciprok reciprocal, multiplicative inverse
egytthat coefficient normlalak scientific notation
behelyettest substitute normlalak szm floating point number
kiszmol calculate, evaluate mantissza significand
alkalmaz vmit vmire apply sth on sth karakterisztika exponent
sszeads, a + b addition, a plus b komplex szm complex number
sszeadand, sszeg addend, sum komplex konjuglt complex conjugate
kivons, a b substraction, a minus b abszolt rtk absolute value, modulus (length)
kisebbtend, kivonand minuend, subtrahend argumentum argument
klnbsg difference vals, kpzetes rsz real, imaginary part
szorzs, a b multiplication, a times b egysggyk root of unity
tnyez, szorzat factor, product Gauss-egsz Gaussian integer
kiemel multiply out
oszts, a/b (az a : b jells nem hasz- division, a (divided) by b Matematikai logika Mathematical logic
nlatos!) logikai mvelet logical operation
(tizedes) trt (decimal) fraction tagads negation, NOT
b a over b megenged vagy inclusive or, OR

2. Matematika Mathematics

kizr vagy exclusive or, XOR A\B difference of A and B

A-bl kvetkezik B A implies B relative complement of B in A
akkor s csak akkor if and only if, iff komplementer complement
felttel, kritrium condition, criterion (pl. criteria) szimmetrikus klnbsg symmetric difference
szksges, elgsges necessary, sufficient termszetes szmok natural numbers3
ekvivalens equivalent to egsz szmok integers
sejts conjecture racionlis szmok rational numbers
ttel theorem, proposition2 irracionlis szmok irrational numbers
elv principle vals szmok real numbers, reals
lemma, kvetkezmny lemma, corollary szmegyenes number line
levezet, levezets derive, derivation intervallum interval
bizonyts proof nylt, zrt, balrl nylt intervallum open, closed, left-open interval
bizonyt prove (p. proved, proved/proven) algebrai, transzcendens algebraic, transcendental
definci definition komplex szm complex number
(nem) definilt (un)defined Gauss-fle szmsk complex plane, Argand diagram/plane
trivilis trivial Descartes-szorzat Cartesian product
teljes indukci mathematical induction kommutatv, kommutativits commutative, commutativity
indirekt bizonyts proof by contradiction asszociatv associative
ellentmonds contradiction disztributv distributive
skatulyaelv pigeonhole principle idempotens idempotent
de Morgan-szablyok de Morgans laws
Halmazok Sets
halmazelmlet set theory Grfelmlet Graph theory
halmaz set grf graph
halmaz eleme element, member of a set grf cscsa vertex, node, point
aS a is a member of S, S contains a grf le edge, line, arc
rszhalmaz subset fokszm degree, valency
valdi rszhalmaz proper subset befok, kifok indegree, outdegree
AB A is a subset of B, B includes A irnytott grf directed graph, digraph
szmossg cardinality (jele: card) k-regulris grf k-regular graph
hatvnyhalmaz power set teljes grf complete graph
megszmllhat countable slyozott grf weighted graph
megszmllhatatlan uncountable sszefgg connected
kontinuum continuum nem sszefgg disconnected
uni union pros grf bipartite graph
metszet intersection sta, t, kr walk, (simple) path, cycle
diszjunkt disjoint fa, erd tree, forest
2A proposition szt ltalban az egyszerbben bizonythat, kis horderej vagy magtl rtetd lltsokra hasznljk, a theorem szt a jelentsebb tteleknek fenntartva.
3 Angolul (illetve ltalban a szakszvegekben) 0 6 N, a nemnegatv egszeket ltalban N0 -lal jellik, az egyrtelmsg miatt hasznlatos az N+ jells is.

2. Matematika Mathematics

Euler-vonal Eulerian path/walk/trail a rendje mod n order of a modulo n

Euler-kr Eulerian cycle/circuit kvadratikus (nem)maradk quadratic (non)residue
Hamilton-t Hamiltonian path Legendre-szimblum Legendre symbol
Hamilton-kr Hamiltonian cycle Euler-lemma Eulers criterion
kvadratikus reciprocits quadratic reciprocity
Szmelmlet Number theory Wilson-ttel Wilsons theorem
rmai szmok Roman numerals
helyirtkes szmrs positional numeral system Elemi algebra Elementary algebra
tizedes trt decimal fraction polinom polynomial
szmjegy digit, figure elsfok egyenlet linear equation
egszrsz integer part msodfok, harmadfok, negyedfok, quadratic, cubic, quartic, quintic, of
als, fels egszrsz floor, ceiling function tdfok, n-edfok degree n
trtrsz fractional part szorzatt alakt factorise
10-es, 2-es, 8-as, 16-os szmrendszer decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal nu- gyktnyezs alak factorised form
meral system P () = 0 (x )|P (x) factor theorem
a|b a divides b, a is a divisor of b irreducibilis irreducible
b is a multiple of a SchnemannEisenstein-kritrium Eisensteins criterion
prmszm prime number, prime racionlis gykteszt rational root theorem/test
sszetett szm composite number
hatvnyszm, ngyzetszm, kbszm perfect power, p. square, p. cube teljes ngyzett kiegszts completing the square
a szmelmlet alapttele fundamental theorem of arithmetic a msodfok egyenlet megoldkplete quadratic formula
prmtnyezs felbonts factorisation, canonical representation diszkriminns discriminant
LNKO gratest common divisor/factor Vite-formulk Vietas formulas
(a; b) gcd(a, b), gcf(a, b) racionlis trtfggvny rational expressions
LKKT, [a; b] least common multiple, lcm(a, b) egyenletrendszer system of equations
relatv prm coprime (relatively prime) transzcendens egyenlet transcendental equation
tkletes szm perfect number fggvnyegyenlet functional equation
pitagoraszi szmhrmas Pythagorean triple hrmdszer regula falsi (false position method)
nagy Fermat-ttel Fermats last theorem rintmdszer Newtons method
euklideszi algoritmus Euclidean algorithm iterci iteration
diofantoszi egyenlet Diophantine equation
kongruencia congruence sorozat sequence
a b (mod n) a is congruent to b modulo n sor series
knai maradkttel Chinese remainder theorem pozitv definit positive definite
maradkosztly congurence class, residue class monoton nvekv, cskken monotonically increasing, decreasing
reduklt maradkrendszer primitive residue classes szigoran monoton nvekv strictly monotonically increasing
Euler-fle -fggvny Eulers totient function (fellrl, alulrl) korltos bounded (from above, from below)
kis Fermat-ttel Fermats little theorem szmtani sorozat arithmetic progression
primitv gyk primitive root differencia difference

2. Matematika Mathematics

mrtani sorozat geometric progression Pascal-hromszg Pascals triangle

kvciens quotient binomilis ttel binomial theorem/formula
mrtani sor geometric series partci (integer) partition
Fibonacci-sorozat Fibonacci sequence
Valsznsgszmts Probability theory
szmtani, mrtani, harmonikus, ngy- arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, quad- valsznsg probability
zetes kzp ratic mean (AM, GM, HM, QM) esemny event
szmtani s mrtani kzp kzti egyen- inequality of arithmetic and geometric bekvetkezik occur
ltlensg means (AM-GM inequality) elemi esemny elementary event
komplementer esemny complementary event
Lineris algebra Linear algebra biztos esemny certain event
lineris egyenletrendszer system of linear equations esemnytr sample space
egyenl egytthatk mdszere addition method lehetetlen esemny impossible event
behelyettestses mdszer substitution method egymst kizr esemnyek disjoint events
determinns determinant fggetlen esemnyek independent events
Cramer-szably Cramers rule relatv gyakorisg empirical probability
Gauss-eliminci Gaussian elimination relative frequency
mtrix matrix (pl. matrices) klasszikus valsznsgi mez discrete probability space
karakterisztikus polinom characteristic polynomial feltteles valsznsg conditional probability
mtrix nyoma trace Bayes ttele Bayes theorem
szimmetrikus mtrix symmetrical matrix a nagy szmok trvnye law of large numbers
ferdn szimmetrikus skew-symmetrical valsznsgi eloszls probability distribution
transzponlt transpose eloszlsfggvny cumulative distribution function (cdf)
ortogonlis, unitr orthogonal, unitary srsgfggvny (diszkrt) probability mass function (pmf)
hermitikus Hermitian, self-adjoint srsgfggvny (folytonos) probability density function (pdf)
ferdn hermitikus skew-Hermitian, anti-Hermitian diszkrt eloszls discrete distribution
adjunglt adjugate folytonos eloszls continuous distribution
inverz mtrix inverse of a matrix vrhat rtk expected value
mtrix rangja rank of a matrix szrs standard deviation
sajtrtk, sajtvektor eigenvalue, eigenvector szrsngyzet variance
egyenletes eloszls uniform distribution
Kombinatorika Combinatorics binomilis eloszls binomial distribution
permutci permutation geometriai eloszls geometric distribution
faktorilis factorial Poisson-eloszls Poisson distribution
kombinci combination hipergeometriai eloszls hypergeometric distribution
ismtlses kombinci combination with repetitions, multi- exponencilis eloszls exponential distribution,
combination lifetime distribution
binomilis egytthat binomial coefficient Gauss-eloszls normal distribution
n alatt a k n choose k

2. Matematika Mathematics

Statisztika Statistics kollineris collinear

tlag average, mean konkurrens concurrent
mdus mode komplanris coplanar
medin median metsz intersect
kovariancia covariance metszspont intersection point, point of intersection
korrelcis egytthat correlation coefficient
lineris regresszi linear regression szg angle
szg szrai, cscsa sides, vertex (pl. vertices)
Geometria Geometry hegyesszg, derkszg acute angle, right angle
pont point tompaszg obtuse (oblique) angle
ponthalmaz set of points ferde oblique
korltos, nem korltos, nylt, zrt bounded, unbounded, open, closed egyenesszg straight angle
egyenes line konkv szg, teljesszg reflex angle, full angle
flegyenes ray fok, radin degree, radian
szakasz line segment kiegszt szgek supplementary angles
sk plane cscsszgek vertical angles
tr space ptszgek complementary angles
kr circle (adj. circular) prhuzamos, a k b parallel, a is par. to b
sugr radius (pl. radii) merleges, a b perpendicular, a is perp. to b
tmr diameter kitr egyenesek skew lines
hr, szel chord, secant felezmerleges perpendicular bisector
rint tangent szgfelez angle bisector
a rinti b-t a is tangent to b
rintsi pont point of tangency egybevg congruent
krcikk, krszelet sector, segment eltols v-vel translation by v
krgyr annulus (pl. annuli) elforgats -val rotation by
flkr semicircle rairnyban clockwise
v arc rairnnyal ellenttesen counterclockwise (anticlockwise)
kerlet circumference, perimeter tengelyes tkrzs a-ra reflection across line a
terlet area kzppontos tkrzs A-ra point reflection across A
kzpponti, kerleti szg central, inscribed angle hasonl similar
Thalsz-ttel Thales theorem kzppontos hasonlsg A kzppont- homothety with respect to centre A
kerleti s kzpponti szgek ttele inscribed angle theorem tal s arnnyal and of ratio
Apollniusz-kr circle of Apollonius forgatva nyjts spiral symmetry
krsor pencil4 of circles merleges affinits directional scaling, stretching
nyrs shear mapping (shearing)
illeszkedik fit inverzi a k krre circle inversion with respect to k

4A pencil sz a projektv geometriban ltalban valamilyen kzs tulajdonsggal rendelkez objektumok sszessgt jelenti, pl.: kollineris pontok, egy ponton tmen egyenesek.

2. Matematika Mathematics

merleges vetts e-re orthogonal projection onto e hrtrapz cyclic tr., symmetrical tr.
vetts A-n keresztl e-re projection through A onto e deltoid kite (deltoid)
prhuzamos szelk ttele intercept theorem paralelogramma parallelogram
A k-ra vonatkoz hatvnya power of A with respect to k tglalap rectangle (adj. rectangular)
rombusz rhombus (pl. rhombi)
hromszg triangle (adj. triangular) ngyzet square (adj. square)
oldal, cscs side, vertex sokszg polygon
egyenl szr isosceles triangle tszg, hatszg, n-szg pentagon, hexagon, n-gon
alap, szr (hromszg) base, leg szablyos n-szg regular n-gon
szablyos regular, equilateral
hegyesszg acute triangle kpszelet conic section
derkszg right(-angled) triangle ellipszis ellipse
tompaszg obtuse (oblique) triangle parabola parabola (pl. parabolae)
hromszg-egyenltlensg triangle inequality hiperbola hyperbola (pl. hyperbolae)
bels, kls szg interior, exterior angle fkusz focus (pl. foci)
slyvonal, slypont median, centroid vezregyenes directrix
magassg, magassgpont altitude, orthocentre nagytengely, kistengely major axis, minor axis
talpponti hromszg orthic triangle fl nagytengely semi-major axis
kzpvonal midsegment fkuszon tmen, nagytengelyre mer- latus rectum
krrt kr, kzppontja, sugara circumcircle, circumcenter, circumra- leges hr
dius aszimptota asymptote
bert kr, kzppontja, sugara incircle, incenter, inradius excentricits eccentricity
hozzrt kr excircle
Euler-egyenes Euler line projektv geometria projective geometry
Feuerbach-kr nine-point circle idelis pont point at infinity (ideal point)
Ceva-ttel Cevas theorem idelis egyenes line at infinity
Menelaosz-ttel Menelaus theorem kettsviszony cross-ratio (double ratio)
befog cathetus (pl. catheti), leg harmonikus trs harmonic conjugate
tfog hypotenuse Papposz-ttel Pappus theorem
Pitagorasz-ttel Pythagorean theorem pontra perspektv centrally perspective
Hron-kplet Herons formula egyenesre perspektv axially perspective
Desargues-ttel Desargues theorem
ngyszg quadrilateral Pascal-ttel Pascals theorem
tl diagonal Brianchon-ttel Brianchons theorem
felezik egymst bisect each other dualits, dulis duality, dual
hrngyszg cyclic q., inscribed q. plus, polris pole, polar
rintngyszg tangential q., circumscribed q.
konvex, konkv convex, concave felszn surface, surface area
trapz trapezium (US trapezoid) trfogat volume

2. Matematika Mathematics

test solid 1/cos secant (jele: sec)

polider polyhedron 1/sin cosecant (jele: csc)
hasb prism addcis ttel addition theorem
ferde hasb oblique prism arkusz szinusz arcsine (jele: arcsin, sin1 )
egyenes hasb right prism szinuszttel law of sines
alap base koszinuszttel law of cosines
palst lateral face tangensttel law of tangents
n-szg alap hasb n-gonal prism
paralelepipedon parallelepiped vektor vector
tglatest cuboid egysgvektor unit vector
ngyzetes oszlop square box szorzs skalrral multiplication by a scalar
kocka cube skalris szorzat dot product
gla pyramid vektorilis szorzat cross product
gla cscsa apex (pl. apices) koordinta-rendszer coordinate system
csonkagla pyramidal frustum (pl. frusta) jobbsodrs koordinta-rendszer right-handed coordinate system
henger cylinder derkszg k.-r. Cartesian c. s.
forgshenger right circular cylinder sknegyed quadrant
alkot generator polrk.-r. polar c. s.
kp cone trbeli polrk.-r. spherical c. s.
ketts kp double cone hengerk.-r. cylindrical c. s.
forgskp right circular cone vektor hossza absolute value, length, modulus of a
csonkakp conical frustum vector
gmb sphere vektor adott irny komponense component of a vector of a direction
flgmb hemisphere
gmbv spherical segment Analzis Calculus5
gmbsveg spherical cap lekpezs mapping
gmbcikk spherical sector fggvny function
fkr great circle mvelet operation
ellipszoid ellipsoid injektv injective, one-to-one
forgstest solid of revolution szrjektv surjective, onto
keresztmetszet, hosszanti metszet cross-section, longitudinal section bijektv bijective
inverz fggvny inverse function
trigonometria trigonometry fggvnykompozci, f g function composition, f circle g
szinusz sine f (x) lt. f of x
koszinusz cosine vltoz variable
tangens tangent (jele: tan) rtelmezsi tartomny domain
kotangens cotangent (jele: cot) rtkkszlet range
5 Az analysis sz angolul is hasznlatos az analzis korrekt trgyalsra (azaz, amikor pl. a hatrrtk fogalmbl vezetjk le a dolgokat). Calculus alatt az integrls-derivls szablyait rtjk

(nha magyarul is hasznljuk), mly megrts nlkl: az angol kzpiskolk elssorban ezt tantjk, azrt hasznljuk itt a calculus szt.

2. Matematika Mathematics

xa x approaches a, x tends to a Taylor-sor Taylor series (x = 0 krl Maclaurin

elg kzel, tetszlegesen kzel sufficiently close, arbitrarily close series)
konvergencia convergence (adj. convergent) Taylor-sorfejts Taylor expansion
a-hoz tart converges to a n-edrend kzelts nth order approximation
vgtelen adj. infinite, n. infinity Fourier-sor Fourier series
divergens divergent Fourier-transzformci Fourier transform
hatrrtk limit
limxa f (x) the limit of f (x) as x approaches a integrls integration
the limit of f (x) at x = a grbe alatti terlet area under the curve
csendrszably squeeze theorem f (x)dx (definite) integral of f (x) over x bet-
aszimptota asymptote ween a and b
infimum infimum (pl. infima), hatrozott integrl definite integral
greatest lower bound NewtonLeibniz-formula fundamental theorem of calculus
szuprmum supremum (pl. suprema), hatrozatlan integrl indefinite integral
least upper bound primitv fggvny primitive function, antiderivative
folytonos continuous parcilis integrls integration by parts
folytonossg continuity parcilis trtek partial fraction
differenciahnyados difference quotient helyettestses integrls integration by substitution
infinitezimlis infinitesimal numerikus integrls numerical integration (quadrature)
derivlt, dy/dx derivative, of y with respect to x,
dy by dx (dy over dx, dy dx) exponencilis fggvny exponential function
derivl differentiate haranggrbe Gaussian function
differencilhat differentiable eljelfggvny sign function
vltozsi sebessg rate of change Heaviside-fggvny Heaviside step function
lncszably chain rule hiperbolikus fggvnyek hyperbolic functions
stacionrius pont stationary point szinusz hiperbolikusz hyperbolic sine
szlsrtk extremum (pl. extrema) areafggvnyek6 inverse hyperbolic functions,
helyi/abszolt minimum/maximum local/absolute minimum/maximum area functions
(pl. minima/maxima) area szinusz hiperbolikusz area/inverse hyperbolic sine
inflexis pont inflection point sh, ch, th, arsh sinh, cosh, tanh, arsinh
grblet, grbleti sugr curvature, radius of curvature
pros, pratlan (fggvny is) even, odd differencilegyenlet differential equation
periodikus, alapperidus periodical, base period explicit d. e. ordinary d. e. (ODE)
parcilis derivlt partial derivative szeparbilis d.e. separable d. e. (separable ODE)
y/x del y by del x (del y del x, dy dx) elsrend, msodrend,. . . first-order, second-order,. . .
teljes differencil total differential homogn homogeneous

6 A hiperbolikus fggvnyek esetben az arkusz kifejezs (s az sszetartoz arc rvidts) hasznlata helytelen, ti. nincs semmifle vhossz, amire utalna: az areafggvnyek egy bizonyos

terletet adnak meg, innen a nevk. Ez magyarul s angolul is gy van!

2. Matematika Mathematics

vektorkalkulus vector calculus trfogati integrl volume integral

nablaopertor del operator (nabla operator) felleti integrl surface integral
(a jel) nabla vonalintegrl line integral
gradiens gradient (grad) skalr/vektor potencil scalar/vector potential
divergencia divergence (div) gradiensttel gradient theorem
rotci curl (curl) GaussOsztrogradszkij-ttel divergence theorem (Gauss theorem)
Laplace-opertor Laplace operator/Laplacian Stokes-ttel Stokes theorem
dAlembert-opertor dAlembert operator / dAlembertian tenzor tensor
(wave operator) metrikus tenzor metric tensor

3. Fizika Physics

3. Fizika Physics
Mennyisgek Quantities egyenletesen gyorsul mozgs uniformly accelerated motion
fizikai mennyisg physical quantity szabadess free fall
mrtkegysg unit of measurement nehzsgi gyorsuls acceleration due to gravity (rviden:
mrszm numerical value gravity)
nagysgrend order of magnitude hajts projectile motion
SI-egysg SI unit fggleges, vzszintes vertical, horizontal
alapegysg base unit
szrmaztatott egysg derived unit (egyenletes) krmozgs (uniform) circular motion
hosszsg, mter length, metre szgelforduls angle turned
tmeg, kilogramm mass, kilogram szgsebessg angular velocity
id, msodperc time, second peridusid period
ramerssg, amper electric current, ampere frekvencia frequency
termodinamikai hmrsklet thermodynamic temperature kerleti sebessg peripheral speed
anyagmennyisg, ml amount of substance, mole centripetlis gyorsuls centripetal acceleration
fnyerssg, kandela luminous intensity, candela szggyorsuls angular acceleration
radin, szteradin radian, steradian tangencilis gyorsuls tangential acceleration
skalr, vektor scalar, vector forgmozgs rotation
pszeudovektor pseudovector, axial vector fordulatszm frequency
tenzor tensor
extenzv, intenzv extensive, intensive Dinamika Dynamics
Newton n. trvnye Newtons nth law of motion
Kinematika Kinematics Newton 1. trvnye law of inertia
vonatkoztatsi rendszer frame of reference tehetetlensg inertia
helyvektor position vector (r) inerciarendszer inertial frame
elmozduls displacement gyorsul vonatkoztatsi rendszer accelerating (reference) frame
plya path, trajectory klasszikus relativitsi elv Galilean invariance
t distance tmeg mass
sebessgvektor velocity lendlet (linear) momentum (pl. momenta; p)
sebessg (skalr) speed er force (F)
irny direction ert kifejt vmire exerts force on sth
tlagsebessg average speed erlks impulse (J)
pillanatnyi sebessg instantaneous speed hats, ellenhats action, reaction
relatv sebessg relative speed/velocity ervektorbra free body diagram (force diagram)
gyorsuls acceleration szuperpozci superposition
lassuls deceleration ered er net force
vmilyen mozgst vgez undergoes some motion a dinamika alapegyenlete Newtons equation
egyenes vonal egyenletes mozgs uniform motion lendletmegmarads (law of) conservation of momentum

3. Fizika Physics

megmaradsi ttelek conservation laws

harmonikus rezgs harmonic oscillation
tvolba hat er long-range force krfrekvencia angular frequency
rintkez testek kzti er contact force amplitd amplitude
nehzsgi, gravitcis er gravitational force (rviden: gravity) fzisszg phase angle
rugalmas er elastic force csillaptott rezgs damped oscillation
ruglland stiffness, spring constant (k) gerjesztett rezgs driven oscillation
megnyls (rug) extension, elongation rezonancia resonance
nyomer normal force matematikai inga simple pendulum
ktler tension fizikai inga compound pendulum
sly weight kpinga conical pendulum
cssz srlds kinetic friction ingatest (pendulum) bob
tapadsi srlds static friction
srldsi egytthat coefficient of friction hullm wave
kzegellenlls drag longitudinlis longitudinal
transzverzlis transverse
egyensly equilibrium hullmhossz wavelength
pontszer test point-like body hullmszm wave number
merev test rigid body terjedsi sebessg speed of wave
tmegkzppont center of mass (CM) fzissebessg phase velocity
tehetetlensgi nyomatk moment of inertia (I, J) csoportsebessg group velocity
tehetetlensgi tenzor inertia tensor burkol envelope
Steiner-ttel parallel axis theorem, terjeds propagation
HuygensSteiner theorem llhullm standing wave
forgatnyomatk torque ( ) halad hullm propagating wave
perdlet angular momentum (L) csompont node
perdletmegmarads conservation of angular momentum duzzadhely anti-node
tehetetlensgi er inertial force felharmonikus harmonic, overtone
centrifuglis er centrifugal force hangsebessg speed of sound
Coriolis-er Coriolis force visszaverds, trs reflection, refraction
interferencia interference
egyszer gp simple machine ersts/kiolts constructive/destructive interference
(1/2 kar) emel (1/2-armed) lever Doppler-effektus Doppler effect
erkar leverage
csiga pulley munka work (W )
lejt slope A ltal B-n vgzett munka work done by A on B
hengerkerk wheel and axle energia energy (E, , W )
k wedge mozgsi energia kinetic energy (Ek , T , KE)
csavar screw forgsi energia rotational kinetic energy (Er )

3. Fizika Physics

konzervatv er conservative force hidrosztatikai nyoms hydrostatic pressure

potencilis energia potential energy (U , V , P E) hidrosztatikai felhajter buoyancy, upthrust
nehzsgi energia gravitational pot. en. lebeg float
rugalmas energia elastic pot. en. elmerl sink
energiamegmarads (law of) conservation of energy lgnyoms atmospheric pressure
munkattel workenergy principle barometrikus magassgformula barometric formula
rugalmas tkzs elastic collision felleti feszltsg surface tension
rugalmatlan tkzs inelastic collision felleti energia surface energy
tkzsi szm coefficient of restitution (COR, CR ) grbleti nyoms surface pressure
teljestmny power illeszkedsi szg contact angle
ler (LE) horse power (HP) laminris ramls laminar flow
hatsfok efficiency dinamikai viszkozits dynamic viscosity ()
Stokes-trvny Stokes law
Kepler-trvnyek Keplers laws turbulens ramls turbulent flow
els kozmikus sebessg orbital speed hidrodinamikai felhajter lift
szksi sebessg escape velocity Reynolds-szm Reynolds number
harmadik kozmikus sebessg 3rd cosmic velocity ramerssg flow rate
slytalansg weightlessness kontinuitsi trvny continuity equation
Bernoulli-trvny Bernoulli equation
folytonos kzeg continuum Torricelli-fle kimlsi trvny Torricellis law
vkuum vacuum kzlekededny communicating vessels
srsg (mass) density
vonalmenti srsg linear density Lagrange-fggvny Lagrangian
Young-modulus Youngs modulus hats action
nyjter tension (adj. tensile) legkisebb hats elve principle of least action
sszenyom er compression (adj. compressive) Fermat-elv Fermats principle
nyjtfeszltsg normal/tensile stress () EulerLagrange-egyenlet EulerLagrange equation
megnyls tensile strain ltalnos koordinta generalised coordinate
hajlts bending ltalnos impulzus generalised momentum
msodrend nyomatk second moment of area Hamilton-fggvny Hamiltonian
(area moment of inertia) Hamilton-egyenletek Hamiltons equations
nyrer shearing force mozgslland constant of motion
nyrfeszltsg shear stress ( ) fzistr phase space
nyrsi szg shear strain adiabatikus invarins adiabatic invariant
torzis modulus shear modulus
csavars torsion Htan Thermodynamics
htguls thermal expansion
Pascal-trvny Pascals law ikerfm bimetal
nyoms pressure hmrsklet temperature

3. Fizika Physics

Celsius-fok degree Celsius, centigrade gzgp steam engine

tgul expand dugatty piston
sszehzdik contract szelep valve
lineris htguls linear expansion get burn
felleti htguls area expansion gs combustion
trfogati htguls volumetric expansion Carnot-krfolyamat Carnot cycle
gztrvnyek gas laws htani hatsfok thermal efficiency
idelis gz ideal gas
valdi gz real gas halmazllapot state of matter
izoterm llapotvltozs isothermal process olvads, fagys melting, freezing
BoyleMariotte-trvny Boyles law olvadspont melting point
izobr llapotvltozs isobaric process olvadsh heat of fusion
Gay-Lussac I. trvnye Charless law prolgs, forrs evaporation, boiling
izochor llapotvltozs isochoric process lecsapds condensation
Gay-Lussac II. trvnye Gay-Lussacs law harmatpont dew point
Avogadro trvnye Avogadros law prolgsh, forrsh heat of vaporisation
egyestett gztrvny combined gas law szublimci sublimation
az idelis gz llapotegyenlete ideal gas law teltett, teltetlen gz saturated, unsaturated vapour
egyetemes gzlland universal gas constant csepp drop
Boltzmann-lland Boltzmann constant tenzi vapour pressure
Dalton-trvny Daltons law ClausiusClapeyron-egyenlet ClausiusClapeyron relation
adiabatikus llapotvltozs adiabatic process
hszigetel thermal insulator hvezets heat conduction
hvezetsi tnyez thermal conductivity
h heat htads heat transfer
hkapacits heat capacity htadsi egytthat heat transfer coefficient
mlh molar heat capacity hsugrzs thermal radiation
fajh specific heat capacity StefanBoltzmann-trvny StefanBoltzmann law
termikus egyensly thermal equilibrium
Robert Mayer-egyenlet Mayers relation kinetikus gzelmlet kinetic theory of gases
adiabatikus kitev/fajhhnyados adiabatic index/heat capacity ratio ekvipartci-ttel equipartition theorem
bels energia internal energy termodinamikai szabadsgi fok degree of freedom
els fttel first law of thermodynamics termikus sebessg thermal speed,
n-edfaj rkmozg perpetuum mobile/perpetual motion root-mean-square (rms) speed
machine of the nth kind entrpia entropy
krfolyamat thermodynamic cycle msodik fttel second law of thermodynamics
hergp heat engine Boltzmann-eloszls Boltzmann distribution
htgp heat pump MaxwellBoltzmann-eloszls MaxwellBoltzmann distribution
turbina turbine Boltzmann-faktor Boltzmann factor

3. Fizika Physics

1/kT thermodynamic beta () szigetel insulator

Ohm trvnye Ohms law
Elektrodinamika Electrodynamics fajlagos ellenlls electrical resistivity
elektromos tlts electric charge fajlagos vezets conductivity
elektromos diplmomentum electric dipole moment hfoktnyez temperature coefficient
Coulomb-trvny Coulombs law Joule-h Joule heat
Coulomb-lland Coulombs constant Kirchhoff trvnyei Kirchhoffs (circuit) laws
a vkuum permittivitsa vacuum permittivity, permittivity of csomponti trvny Kirchhoffs point/junction/nodal rule,
free space (electric constant) Kirchhoffs current law (KCL)
elektromos trerssg electric field huroktrvny Kirchhoffs loop/mesh rule,
elektromos ervonalak electric field lines Kirchhoffs voltage law (KVL)
elektromos fluxus electric flux hromszgcsillag talakts Y (wyedelta) transform
Gauss-ttel Gauss law, Gauss flux theorem feszltsgforrs power supply
Faraday-trvny Faradays law galvnelem galvanic cell
konzervatv conservative telep, elem (a boltban) battery
potencil electric potential () kapocsfeszltsg terminal voltage
feszltsg voltage (V ) ramerssg mr ammeter (GB is!)
kondenztor capacitor (condenser) mrshatr measurement range
kapacits capacitance sntellenlls shunt resistor
skkondenztor planar capacitor feszltsgmr voltmeter
kondenztor lemezei plates elttellenlls multiplier resistor
(relatv) permittivits (relative) permittivity ellenllsmr ohmmeter
elektromos szuszceptibilits electric susceptibility (e = r 1)
energiasrsg energy density (U ) elektrolzis electrolysis
prhuzamosan kapcsolt connected in parallel Faraday elektrolzis-trvnyei Faradays laws of electrolysis
sorosan kapcsolt connected in series Faraday-lland Faraday constant
soros kapcsols series connection egyenrtksly equivalent weight
ered (ellenlls,. . . ) total (resistance,. . . )
ramkr circuit krram closed loop of current
feltlt charge mgneses diplus magnetic dipole
kist discharge mgneses momentum magnetic dipole moment
jobbkz-szably right hand rule
elektromos ram electric current mgneses monoplus magnetic monopole
egyenram direct current (DC) mgneses indukci magnetic (B-)field,
tltsmozgs electron drift magnetic flux density
elektromos ellenlls (electrical) resistance mgneses fluxus magnetic flux
ellenlls (eszkz) resistor mgneses trerssg magnetic (H-)field
vezetkpessg conductivity mgneses vektorpotencil magnetic vector potential
vezet conductor

3. Fizika Physics

a vkuum permeabilitsa vacuum permeability, permeability of kapacitv/induktv ellenlls capacitive/inductive reactance

free space (magnetic constant) (komplex) impedancia (complex) impedance
relatv permeabilits relative permeability fzistols phase shift
mgneses szuszceptibilits magnetic susceptibility (m = r 1) fzisklnbsg phase difference/offset
paramgneses paramagnetic vektorbra vector/phasor diagram
diamgneses diamagnetic komplex szmtsmd complex formalism
ferromgneses ferromagnetic cos power factor
kemny, lgy ferrom. hard, soft ferromagnet hatsos teljestmny real/active power
tekercs coil medd teljestmny reactive power
vezetk wire ltszlagos teljestmny apparent power
menet turn/winding transzformtor transformer
szolenoid, toroid solenoid, toroid primer, szekunder primary, secondary
vasmag iron core
ferrit ferrite Maxwell-egyenletek Maxwells equations
lgrs air gap (mgneses) Gauss-ttel Gauss law (for magnetism)
BiotSavart-trvny BiotSavart law Faraday-trvny Faradays law (of induction)
Lorentz-er Lorentz force Ampre-trvny Ampres (circuital) law
ramjrta vezetre Laplace force
Geometriai optika Geometrical optics
indukci electromagnetic induction Huygens-elv Huygens principle
elektromotoros er electromotive force (EMF) visszaverds reflection
mozgsi indukci motional EMF trs refraction
nyugalmi indukci transformer EMF SnelliusDescartes-trvny Snells law
Faraday-trvny Faradays law teljes visszaverds total internal reflection
Lenz-trvny Lenzs law hatrszg critical angle
nindukci, induktivits (self-)inductance Brewster-szg Brewsters angle
klcsns indukci mutual inductance
sktkr plane mirror
eltolsi ram displacement current gmbtkr spherical mirror
elekromgneses hullm electromagnetic wave dombor, homor gmbtkr convex, concave spherical mirror
rezgkr resonant circuit, (R)LC circuit fkusztvolsg focal length
sajtfrekvencia resonant frequency grbleti sugr radius of curvature (ROC)
Poynting-vektor Poynting vector lekpezs imaging
fnynyoms radiation pressure lekpezsi trvny thin lens formula, (Gaussian) mirror
equation, mirror and lens equation
vltakoz ram alternating current (AC) trgy, trgytvolsg object, position of object
cscsrtk peak value izzlmpa, fnycs, gyertya light bulb, neon light, candle
effektv rtk root mean square (rms) value lzer, LED laser, LED
ohmos ellenlls ohmic resistance kp image

3. Fizika Physics

valdi, virtulis real, virtual fnymennyisg luminous energy

egyez, fordtott lls upright, inverted megvilgts illuminance
nagytott, kicsinytett magnified, reduced/diminished
nagyts magnification Relativitselmlet Relativity
specilis relativitselmlet special relativity
plnparallel lemez plane-parallel layer fnysebessg speed of light
prizma prism Lorentz-kontrakci Lorentz/length contraction
lencse lens (pl. lenses) iddilatci time dilation
dioptria (mrtkegysg) dioptre Lorentz-tnyez Lorentz factor
dioptria (mennyisg), trer power Lorentz-transzformci Lorentz transformation
lencsekplet lensmakers equation trid spacetime, Minkowski space
vkony lencsre thin lens equation sebessgsszeadsi kplet velocity addition formula
gyjtlencse positive/converging lens sajtid proper time
szrlencse negative/diverging lens sajtgyorsuls proper acceleration
rapidits rapidity
nagyt magnifying glass relativisztikus tmegnvekeds relativistic mass growth
mikroszkp microscope teljes energia total energy
tvcs telescope nyugalmi tmeg, nyugalmi energia rest/invariant mass, rest energy
tmeghj-felttel energymomentum relation
Hullmoptika Wave optics ngyesvektor four-vector
HuygensFresnel-elv HuygensFresnel principle ngyesimpulzus four-momentum
interferencia interference intervallum spacetime interval
diffrakci diffraction ngyespotencil four-potential
elhajlsi kp diffraction pattern ngyesramerssg four-current
erst, gyengt interferencia constructive, destructive interference
kiolts extinction ltalnos relativitselmlet general relativity
rs slit ekvivalencia-elv equivalence principle
optikai rcs diffraction grating energiaimpulzus-tenzor energymomentum tensor
rcslland spacing metrikus tenzor metric tensor
felbontkpessg resolving power, (angular) resolution Einstein-egyenlet Einsteins (field) equations
polarizlt hullm polarised wave gravitcis vrseltolds gravitational redshift
polarizlatlan unpolarised gravitcis lencse gravitational lens
cirkulrisan polarizlt circularly polarised gravitcis hullm gravitational wave
polariztor, analiztor polariser, analiser
egyszn monochromatic Kvantumfizika Quantum physics
hmrskleti sugrzs thermal radiation
Fotometria Fotometry feketetest-sugrzs black body radiation
fnyerssg luminous intensity Wien-trvny Wiens (displacement) law
fnyram luminous flux StefanBoltzmann-trvny StefanBoltzmann law

3. Fizika Physics

Planck-trvny Plancks law mgneses kvantumszm magnetic quantum number

(kvantumos) harmonikus oszcilltor (quantum) harmonic oscillator spinkvantumszm spin projection quantum number
foton photon Pauli-fle kizrsi elv Pauli exclusion principle
Planck-lland Plancks constant Hund-szably Hunds rule (of maximum multiplicity)
kvantum quantum molekula molecule
elemi tlts elementary charge kmiai kts chemical bond
elektronvolt electronvolt kovalens kts covalent bond
fotoeffektus photoelectric effect ktsi energia bonding energy
kilpsi munka work function
Compton-effektus Compton scattering atommag nucleus
szrds scattering proton, neutron, nukleon proton, neutron, nucleon
Compton-hullmhossz Compton wavelength rendszm, tmegszm atomic number, mass number
izotp isotope
kvantummechanika quantum mechanics cseppmodell liquid drop model
anyaghullm matter wave a belle levezetett ktsienergia-kplet Weizsckers formula, semi-empirical
hullmfggvny wave function mass formula (= SEMF)
hullmcsomag wave packet ers klcsnhats strong interaction
de Broglie-hullmhossz de Broglie wavelength gyenge klcsnhats weak interaction
Heisenberg-fle hatrozatlansgi elv uncertainty principle
Hamilton-opertor Hamiltonian radioaktivits radioactivity
Schrdinger-egyenlet Schrdinger (Schroedinger) equation radioaktv bomls radioactive decay
mtrixmechanika matrix mechanics -, -, -bomls alpha, beta, gamma decay
Hilbert-tr Hilbert space elektronbefogs electron capture
llapotvektor quantum state vector aktivits activity
bra, ket vektor bra, ket vector felezsi id half-life
bomlslland decay constant
potencilvlgy potential well bomlsegyenlet decay equation
potencilgt potential barrier bomlsi sor decay chain
alagteffektus quantum tunnelling maghasads fission
magfzi nuclear fusion
atommodell atomic model atomerm nuclear power plant
elektron electron lncreakci chain reaction
Bohr-modell Bohr model
BohrSommerfeld-kvantumfelttel BohrSommerfeld quantisation elnyelt dzis absorbed dose
old quantum theory egyenrtkdzis equivalent (radiation) dose
Balmer-formula Balmer formula minsgi tnyez radiation weighting factor WR
atomplya atomic orbital quality factor (Q)
fkvantumszm principal quantum number
mellkkvantumszm azimuthal quantum number Standard Modell Standard Model

3. Fizika Physics

elemi rszecske elementary particle

sszetett rszecske composite particle Mrs Measurement
neutrn neutrino ksrlet experiment
pozitron positron mrsi hiba measurement error
kvark quark szisztematikus, vletlenszer hiba systematic, random error
fermion, bozon fermion, boson leolvassi hiba observational error
klcsnhatst kzvett bozon gauge boson pontos (kis szisztematikus hiba) accurate
mezon meson pontos (kis vletlen hiba) precise
kvantumtrelmlet quantum field theory (QFT) hibahatr uncertainty range
Feynman-diagram Feynman diagram rtkes jegy significant figure (US digit)
kvantumelektrodinamika quantum electrodynamics (QED) abszolt, relatv hiba absolute, relative/fractional error
Pauli-egyenlet Pauli equation hibaterjeds error propagation
Dirac-egyenlet Dirac equation Gauss-fle hibaterjeds Gaussian law of error propagation
kvantumszndinamika quantum chromodynamics (QCD)
grafikon, grafikont rajzol graph, plot a graph
szilrdtestfizika solid state physics x fggvnyben brzolja y-t plot y as a function x
flvezet semiconductor tengely, tengelyfelirat, skla axis, axis label, scale
vegyrtksv valence band hibasv error bar
tiltott sv band gap arnyos proportional to ()
n-, p-szennyezett flvezet n-, p-doped semiconductor arnyossgi tnyez proportionality factor
dida diode linearizci linearisation
tranzisztor transistor grbt/egyenest illeszt fit a curve/straight line
FET field effect transistor meredeksg slope, gradient
termisztor thermistor tengelymetszet x/y-intercept

4. Kmia Chemistry

4. Kmia Chemistry
ltalnos kmia General chemistry puffer buffer solution
peridusos rendszer periodic table csapadk/kicsapdik precipitate
kmiai tulajdonsg chemical property higts dilution
elem element hg dilute
izotp isotope higroszkpos hygroscopic
(tmeneti) fm (transition) metal ozmzis osmosis
tvzet alloy ozmzisnyoms osmotic pressure
flfm metalloid
nemesgz noble gas egyenslyi lland equilibrium constant
vegylet compound oldhatsgi szorzat solubility constant
ionvegylet ionic compound (ceramic) savlland acid dissociation constant
molecular compound ndisszocici self-/auto-ionisation
fmorganikus vegyletek organometallic compounds
reakci reaction
elektronegativits electronegativity mellkreakci/termk side reaction/product
diplusmolekula polar molecule bomls decomposition
apolris vegylet nonpolar compound redoxireakci redox reactions
ionos kts ionic bond oxidlszer oxidising agent/oxidiser
fmes kts metallic bonding reduklszer reducing agent/reductant/reducer
kristlyrcs crystal lattice oxidci oxidation
ionsugr ionic radius (pl. radii) redukci reduction
elemi cella unit cell diszproporci disproportionation
rcslland lattice parameter galvnelem galvanic cell
standard elektrdpotencil standard electrode potential
vizes fzis aqueous phase flreakci half reaction
gz vapour brutt reakci net reaction
oldat solution Nernst-kplet Nernst equation
old dissolve
oldhat soluble Termodinamika Thermodynamics
oldott anyag solute llapotjelz state function (quantity, variable)
oldszer solvent Le Chatelier-elv Le Chateliers principle
tmegszzalk mass percentage endoterm endothermic
koncentrci concentration exoterm exothermic
mltrt mole fraction entalpia enthalpy
(ktrtk) sav (diprotic) acid entrpia entropy
ers/gyenge bzis strong/weak base egyetemes gzlland gas constant
semlegests neutralisation nyoms pressure

4. Kmia Chemistry

bels energia internal energy mgneses kvantumszm magnetic quantum number

egyensly equilibrium spin kvantumszm spin quantum number
szabadentalpia Gibbs free energy vegyrtkelektron valence electron
kpzds (h) (enthalpy of) formation atmtrzs elektronjai core electrons
olvadsh enthalpy of fusion gerjeszts excitation
forrsh heat of vaporisation ionizcis energia ionisation energy
gsh heat of combustion vezetsi sv conduction band
van t Hoff-egyenlet Van t Hoff equation
hibridplya hybrid atomic orbital (HAO)
Reakcikinetika Chemical kinetics hibridizci hybridisation
reakcisebessg reaction rate tfed (atomplyk) overlap
tmeneti llapot transition state kovalens kts covalent bond
tmeneti termk (reaction) intermediate laztkts anti-bonding
reakcimechanizmus reaction mechanism prostatlan elektron unpaired electron
sebessgi egyenlet rate law nemkt elektron(pr) lone electron (pair)
Arrhenius-lland Arrhenius constant szabadgyk free radical
zrus (els-/msod-) rend reakci zero (first/second) order reaction koordincis szm coordination number
sebessgmeghatroz lps rate determining step komplex coordination complex/compound
aktivlsi energia activation energy ligandum ligand
kataliztor catalyst kristlytrelmlet crystal field theory
katalzis catalysis kristlytr-stabilizcisenergia crystal field stabilization energy
inhibitor (anti-kataliztor) inhibitor (CFSE)
inhibci inhibition ligandumtrelmlet ligand field theory
lncreakci chain reaction oxidcis szm oxidation state/number
izotpeffektus kinetic isotop effect
vegyrtkelektronpr-tasztsi elmlet valence shell electron pair repulsion
Kvantumkmia Quantum chemistry (VEPTE) (VSEPR) theory
elektronhj shell bot alak linear
alhj sub-shell skhromszg trigonal planar
elektronplya atomic orbital (AO) V alak bent
csomsk node plane hromszgalap piramis tetrahedron
csomgmb radial node tetraderes tetrahedron
Pauli-elv Pauli exclusion principle trigonlis bipiramis trigonal bipyramidal
Hund-szably Hunds rule frszbak seesaw
energiaminimumra trekvs elve Aufbau principle T alak T-shaped
n + ` szably Madelung rule ngyzetes bipiramis octahedral
Lewis-fle oktett szably octet rule ngyzet alap piramis square pyramidal
fkvantumszm principal quantum number skngyzetes square planar
mellkkvantumszm azimuthal quantum number

4. Kmia Chemistry

Szervetlen kmia Inorganic chemistry mszk limestone

hidrogn hydrogen hidrogn-peroxid hydrogen peroxide
br boron hidrogn-karbont bicarbonate
szn (elem) carbon ntrium-hidrogn-karbont baking soda
szn (tzpen) coal
oxign oxygen svnyi (szervetlen) sav mineral acid
fluor, klr, brm, jd fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine saltromossav nitrous acid
ntrium sodium saltromsav nitric acid
szilcium silicon7 knessav sulfurous acid
foszfor phosphorus knsav sulfuric acid
kn sulfur8 klium-permangant potassium permanganate
klium potassium ssav hydrochloric acid
mangn manganese cin hydrocyanic acid
vas iron szilikt silicate
rz copper fluorid fluoride
cink zinc szuboxid suboxide
arzn arsenic
ezst silver transz-hats trans-effect
n tin szilikon siloxane, silicone
wolfram tungsten
arany gold svnyok minerals9
higany mercury kesers (magnzium-szulft) Epsom salt
lom lead CaO burnt lime, quicklime
Ca(OH)2 slaked lime, milk of lime
halognek halogens (aqueous solution: limewater)
alklifmek alkali metals MgO magnesia
alklifldfmek alkaline earth metals Mg(OH)2 milk of magnesia
hidrognkts hydrogen bond ZnS (szfarelit) zinc blende
katna- (lnc-) catena kvarc quartz, silica

klasztervegyletek cluster compounds Szerves kmia Organic chemistry

binr vegylet binary compound sznhidrognek hydrocarbons
szrazjg dry ice teltett vegyletek saturated compounds
nevetgz (N2 O) laughing gas metn methane
NO nitric oxide etn ethane
ks (NaCl) rock salt propn propane
7A silicone (e-vel a vgn) szilikont jelent!
8 Hagyomnyosan amerikai rsmd, de tudomnyos rsokban brit standard is; a britek mindennapi letben szvesebben hasznljk a sulphur helyesrst.
9 Aki szeretne trivilis neveket tanulni, itt tall:

4. Kmia Chemistry

butn butane
oxigntartalm szerves vegyletek oxygen containing organic compounds
teltetlen vegyletek unsaturated compounds etanol ethanol
etn ethene (ethylene) fenol phenol
etin (acetiln) ethyne (acetylene) rezorcin resorcinol
likopin lycopene formaldehid formaldehyde
glicerin glycerine
aroms sznhidrognek arenes glikol (ethylene) glycol
aroms vegyletek aromatic compounds
benzol benzene poliszacharidok complex carbohydrates
toluol toluoene glkz glucose
sztirol styrene kemnyt starch
kumol cumene
xilol xylene hangyasav formic acid
ecetsav acetic acid
oldallncok side chains vajsav butyric acid
alkil alkyl maleinsav maleic acid
metil methyl oxlsav oxalic acid
etil ethyl olajsav oleic acid
izopropil isopropyl adipinsav adipic acid
terc-butil tert-butyl akrilsav acrylic acid
ciklo- cyclo- pikrinsav picric acid
fenil phenyl benzoesav benzoic acid
benzil benzyl peroxobenzoesav [Ar-(CO)OOH] peroxybenzoic acid
ftlsav phthalic acid
funkcis csoport functional group fahjsav, fahjaldehid cinnamic acid, aldehyde
rszcsoport moiety citromsav citric acid
hidroxil hydroxyl malonsav malonic acid
karbonil carbonyl (carbonyl compounds) borksav tartaric acid
formil aldehyde K, Na-tartart K, Na tartarate
karboxilklorid haloformyl (chloroformyl etc.) tejsav lactic acid
karboxilt carboxylate piroszlsav pyruvic acid
karboxil carboxyl EDTE ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
szter ester EDTA (edetic acid)
metoxi methoxy aminosav amino acid
etoxi ethoxy
ter ether karbamid urea
ketn ketene foszgn (COCl2 ) phosgene
nitril kation (NO+
2) nitronium ion diazniums diazonium compound

4. Kmia Chemistry

emisszi, sugrzs emission

gs combustion LambertBeer trvny BeerLambert law
(elektrofil) szubsztitci (electrophilic) substitution Job-mdszer (elnyels maximumnak Jobs method (Jobs plot)
tvoz csoport leaving group keresse a sztchiometria fggvny-
addci addition ben)
hidrognezs saturation
krakkols cracking NMR nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
gyks polimerizci free-radical polymerisation kmiai eltolds chemical shift
WagnerMeerwein-trendezds WagnerMeerwein rearrangement rnykolt (elektronfelhben sz) shielded
szigmatrp trendezds sigmatropic shift csatols coupling
DielsAlder-reakci DielsAlder reaction csatolsi lland coupling constant
dipolris cikloaddci dipolar cycloaddition hasads splitting
szulfonls sulfonation kettskts-tartomny double-bond region
Williamson-fle terszintzis Williamson ether synthesis
diazotls diazotisation IR infrared spectroscopy (IR)
pasztilla pestle
ezsttkrprba Tollens reaction (silver mirror) vegyrtkrezgs (nyls/sszehzds) stretching
szles jel broad signal
Zajcev-szably Zaitsevs rule les jel sharp signal
Markovnyikov-szably Markovnikovs rule kalibrcis grbe calibration curve
Hckel-szably Hueckels rule
Labormveletek Practical techniques
sznvz carbon skeleton kikristlyosods crystallisation
homolg sor homologous series beolts seeding
elgazs (polimerkmiban) branching tkristlyosts recrystallisation
keresztkts (polimerkmiban) cross-link desztillci distillation
kts felszakadsa bond cleavage szrs gravity filtration
mechanizmus felrsa (curve) arrow pushing spektrumot felvenni record a spectrum
elektronszv csoport electron withdrawing group (EWG) vkuumszrs vacuum filtration
elektronkld csoport electron donating group tmeget mr weigh
nagy trkitlts bulky vkonyrteg-kromatogrfia (VRK) thin layer chromatography (TLC)
sztrikus gtls steric hindrence titrls titration
konjugci conjugation visszamrses titrls back titration
csepegtetni adding drop-wise
Spektroszkpia Spectroscopy sav-bzis titrls acid-base titration
spektrofotometria spectrophotometry reduktometria/oxidometria redox titration
jel signal, peak manganometria permanganometry
intenzits intensity jodometria iodometry
abszorbancia absorbency komplexometria complexometric titration

4. Kmia Chemistry

gravimetria gravimetric analysis

Laboreszkzk Experimental tools
minsgi analzis qualitative analysis Brchner-tlcsr Bruchner tunnel
hipermangn-oldat (hg) Baeyers reagent vkuumszrt vacuum desiccator
I. kationosztly (nem hasznljk) group I of cations gzfrd steam bath
vegkd glass vessel
mroldat titrant rezs hotplate
mrt anyag titrand/analyte melegtkrter isomantle, heating mantle
vgpont endpoint cseppent Pasteur pipette, chemical dropper
ekvivalenciapont equivalence point vegbot glass rod
indiktor indicator csiszolt illeszts veg quick fit glassware
metilvrs, metilnarancs methyl red, orange elvlaszttlcsr separating funnel
lakmusz litmus fzpohr beaker
fenolftalein phenolphthalein titrllombik titration flask
univerzlindiktor universal indicator bretta burette
kemnytoldat starch indicator pipetta pipette
komplexlszer chelating agent potenciomter potentiometer
maszkrozni mask kmcs test tube
kitermels yield


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