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Business Concept

Name of the Business

Republic of the Philippines

Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

Name of the business

In Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject
Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Management

Cruz, Ana Ruth I.

Garcia, Mark H.
Rabago, Denmark V.
Sierte, Marie Rhudielyn B.
Villaceran, Arjay F.

Mr. Ronald Reagan T. Alonzo

November 25, 2016
1. Business / Activity Description Essential Concept
Describe your product, service, activity or concept (within one a4page). Make sure you
include a clear overview of:

What your idea is (a product or service? For profit or non-profit?)

What makes your idea innovative (how is it unique from your competitors?)

What is the purpose of your concept (what will it do? What role will it play? What do you
hope to achieve?)


POST HARVESTING FACILITIES- handle the packing process of agricultural produce

in order to increase market value through branding and marketing. The facilities include
decolorating, sorting, and packing machine.
Harvesting is the great influence on sub sequence processing and preservation of the
products. This unit will take you through the different process of harvesting, threshing, cleaning,
drying, grading and grain quality parameters of major field crops. A major operation among
agricultural activities conduct consider for a long time as the step in production, it can also be
approach as the first activity in the post production system. The manual harvesting of rice is a
still quite common, especially in tropical areas some places are increasingly using by mechanical
harvesting with combine harvesters. In manual harvesting system is most common method of
rice harvesting in Asia this method includes cutting the rise crop by simple hand tools like the
sickle best for cutting 20-30cm above ground level. The Combine harvester or machines can do
the cutting, threshing and pre-cleaning of the rice in one operation yields from these machines of
350-800 kg. Of paddy an hour with grain losses lower than 3%. Combine harvesting requires less
time to with rice than manual weeding, and lower cost unlike in manual harvesting they are very
effective in lodge crop conditions, but it is difficult to distinguish with seedlings from rice
seedlings at early stage of growth and uprooting or damaging rice cannot be avoided. It is not
practically use on large scale area of rice. It will take additional labor to manually collect and
haul the harvested crop and labor intensive.

2. Target Market and Customers/Consumers The (Business) Environment

Describe your target market/s, and customer profile (who do you want to sell to / involve
in your idea?) Include estimated size, potential growth and barriers for these markets.

Tell us why customers will want or need your product or service

Describe the existing environment that affects your concept (who are your competitors?
What other factors might impact your potential for success economic climate /
globalization etc?)

3. Growth Trends Perceived Need

Is the market for your product or service growing or shrinking?

What makes you think there is a need for your concept? Prove it with some research.

What is the competitive situation describe what is influencing or affecting the

environment/market surrounding your concept?

4. Competitive Difference What and/ or how is your Concept Innovative

Explain the unique qualities or circumstances concerning your product, service, activity
or concept.

Your difference does not have to only be in what you do, but can also be in 'how' you do


The gasifier stove is a technology that promotes environmental care. It is qualified to be

used in the kitchen for cooking. The stove has the following characteristics that surpass
any other kind of product:

Utilized agricultural waste by using rice hull as its source of fuel.

Helps to minimize the global warming. Burning of agricultural waste produces

lesser green house gasses than using it as a land fill (fertilizer)

Helps maintain the environment. The stove uses rice hull as fuel thus
eliminating the needs to cut trees for fuels.

Produces blue flames. Blue colored flames are hotter than the red ones
produced by a normal wood/charcoal fuel stove.

Has a lower fuel price than LPG.

Safer than other fuels. LPGs have chances of exploding when misused.

Fuel wont be scarce as long as people eat rice.


The rice hull gasifier stove is a technology that promotes environmental care. It is
qualified to be used in the kitchen for cooking. The stove has the different
characteristics that surpass any other kind of product:
The gasifier stove utilizes agricultural waste by using rice hull as its source of
fuel. In this way, it helps to minimize the global warming. Burning of agricultural waste
produces lesser green house gasses than using it as a land fill or fertilizer. By using this
product, the user can contribute to ways on slowing the rate of global warming.
This stove helps in maintaining the environment. Through the use of rice hull as
fuel, trees are less needed to be cut down. Forest tress was being cut and was being
used directly as firewood. Some are converted into charcoal and were used in charcoal
The thing about this stove is that it produces blue flames. Blue colored flames
are hotter than the red ones produced by a normal wood/charcoal fuel stove. Also, red
flames give of black residue in the kitchenware. Blue flames are hotter making cooking
faster and more convenient.
In comparing the cost of fuel and its effect in the in the environment, the gasifier
stove has the most ideal fuel. First of all, rice hull has a lower price than LPG and is far
easier to produce without a huge damage in the surroundings. Rice hull was contained
in an open environment thus, explosion will not ever happen. In contrast to woods and
charcoals, LPG and rice are all easy to combust.
The edge of this stove compared to LPG, wood and charcoal is that the fuel
source is almost unlimited. Woods in the forest may also be unlimited but the impact of
cutting tress is huge and undesirable. LPG needs too much process to be extracted in
its natural form. Rice hull, on the other hands, will never be exhausted as long as
humans eat rice in their daily living.

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