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Municipalities Information

7 Steps to implementation

Senior Director, e-Governance
Department of Information Technology , Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology, GoI

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence


• Municipalities/ ULBs are one of the key agencies

providing a variety of services to the citizens
during the lifecycle of any individual, from birth
to death

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence

Introduction (contd.)

• We all have encountered hardships while dealing with various

functional departments of the municipality.
• A realization has come where the citizen assumes the focus for
providing better and efficient services. The use of ICT in
municipalities has increasingly being now felt.
• In the NeGP, Municipalities is one of the MMPs to be pursued
on a priority basis. Timelines, services and service levels to be
achieved are clearly specified.
• DIT in consultation with MoUD has conceptualized a program
to implement e-Governance across ULBs in the country in a
phased manner.

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence

1 - Visualize

• Define Scope & Objectives

– Identify Core Functions of the Municipality
– Identify areas for reform
– Visualize the end result of eGovernance
– Identify changes to legal framework. For e.g. for
introducing double entry accounting

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence

2 - Strategize & Prioritize
• Develop Core Project Concept
• Define Roles & Responsibilities
– MoUD, State, DIT, Consultants etc
• Ensure Decentralized Implementation Structure
– Give Responsibility at lower levels
– Give overall guidance from top
• Define Action Plan
– Timelines
– Milestones
– Service Levels
• Develop guidelines, policies, standard operation procedures

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence

3 – Communicate

• Identify Project Champions

– Ensure undivided and assured presence
• Develop Interaction Mechanism
– Communicate with Stakeholders
– Assess their expectations
– Ensure Participation
• Sell the Initiative
– Politicians, Employees, Public must understand benefits and back the
• Exchange
– Global Methodologies & Best Practices must be investigated &
incorporated across domains

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence

• Data Capture
4 – Modularize
– Ensure Uniform Format, Structured Data
– Ensure Data Accuracy & Security
• Processes
– Reengineer, Redesign and Reorient processes to take full advantage of
– Ensure Structured Change Management
• Testing
– Pilot & then Scale
– Migrate to Electronic System (exclusive internal use initially)
• Capacity Building
– Focus on Human Resource
– Train Extensively
– Develop Systems (to constantly upgrade skills)
– Ensure Adequate Documentation
2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence
5 - Integrate
• Ensure Modular Linkage
– Eliminate Redundancy of Data
– Ensure Minimal Information Requirement from citizen
• Single Window
– Create Single Point-of-Contact
– Create Single Interface - Bilingual
– Create Reliable Communication
– Integrate in City or State Portals

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence

6 - Popularize
• Ensure Sustainability
– Demonstrate Tangible Impact
– Ensure QoS
– Declare electronic interface as preferred Mode
– Delegate Authority
– Reward Leadership & Innovation
• Take Feedback
– Ensure Mature Grievance handling system
• Availability
– Ensure System Uptime – power, communication etc
– Create Positive experience at Point-Of-Contact
2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence
7 – Manage & Mature

• Enhance Access
• Streamline & Fine-tune
• Improve Systems
• Maintain Performance Metrics & Monitoring [KPI]
• Have Future Plans & Innovate
• Promote Knowledge Sharing amongst ULBs
• Document Guidelines, Manuals, Data/ Information standards,
Process models, Security architectures, Deployment strategies,
Data migration, Benchmarking and standardization efforts,
quality assurance etc
2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence
Thank You
For any queries please write to

2 Years of Oracle-HP e-Governance Centre Of Excellence

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