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Labor Cases (Set 2) relationship, was squarely under the exclusive original jurisdiction of the NLRC under Article
217(a), paragraph 4 of the Labor Code and is barred by reason of the final judgment in the
1. G.R. No. 128024. May 9, 2000 labor case. He accused private respondent of splitting causes of action, stating that the
latter could very well have included the instant claim for damages in its counterclaim before
the Labor Arbiter. He also pointed out that the civil action of private respondent is an act of
forum-shopping and was merely resorted to after a failure to obtain a favorable decision with
the NLRC. Scslx
MARKETING, INC., respondents.

Ruling upon the motion to dismiss, respondent judge issued the herein questioned Order,
which summarized the basis for private respondent's action for damages in this manner: Slx
Paragraph 5 of the complaint alleged that the defendant violated the plaintiffs policy re: His
The orders of respondent judge[1] dated June 20, 1996 and October 16, 1996, taking business in his branch at Iligan City wherein defendant was the Sales Operations Manager,
jurisdiction over an action for damages filed by an employer against its dismissed employee, and paragraph 7 of the same complaint briefly narrated the modus operandi of defendant,
are assailed in this petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court for having been quoted herein: Defendant canvassed customers personally or through salesmen of plaintiff
issued in grave abuse of discretion. which were hired or recruited by him. If said customer decided to buy items from plaintiff on
installment basis, defendant, without the knowledge of said customer and plaintiff, would
Petitioner was the sales operations manager of private respondent in its branch in Iligan City. buy the items on cash basis at ex-factory price, a privilege not given to customers, and
In 1993, private respondent "indefinitely suspended" petitioner and the latter filed a thereafter required the customer to sign promissory notes and other documents using the
complaint for illegal dismissal with the National Labor Relations Commission ("NLRC") in name and property of plaintiff, purporting that said customer purchased the items from
Iligan City. In a decision dated July 7, 1994, Labor Arbiter Nicodemus G. Palangan found plaintiff on installment basis. Thereafter, defendant collected the installment payments
petitioner to have been illegally dismissed and ordered the payment of separation pay in either personally or through Venus Lozano, a Group Sales Manager of plaintiff but also
lieu of reinstatement, and of backwages and attorney's fees. The decision was appealed to utilized by him as secretary in his own business for collecting and receiving of installments,
the NLRC, which dismissed the same for having been filed out of time.[2] Elevated by purportedly for the plaintiff but in reality on his own account or business. The collection and
petition for certiorari before this Court, the case was dismissed on technical grounds[3]; receipt of payments were made inside the Iligan City branch using plaintiffs facilities,
however, the Court also pointed out that even if all the procedural requirements for the filing property and manpower. That accordingly plaintiffs sales decreased and reduced to a
of the petition were met, it would still be dismissed for failure to show grave abuse of considerable extent the profits which it would have earned.[5]
discretion on the part of the NLRC. Slxmis
In declaring itself as having jurisdiction over the subject matter of the instant controversy,
On November 13, 1995, private respondent filed a complaint for damages before the respondent court stated: Mesm
Regional Trial Court ("RTC") of Misamis Oriental, docketed as Civil Case No. 95-554, which
prayed for the payment of the following: Slxsc A perusal of the complaint which is for damages does not ask for any relief under the Labor
Code of the Philippines. It seeks to recover damages as redress for defendant's breach of his
a. P709,217.97 plus 12% interest as loss of profit and/or unearned income of three years; contractual obligation to plaintiff who was damaged and prejudiced. The Court believes such
cause of action is within the realm of civil law, and jurisdiction over the controversy belongs
b. P119,700.00 plus 12% interest as estimated cost of supplies, facilities, properties, space, to the regular courts.
etc. for three years;
While seemingly the cause of action arose from employer- employee relations, the
c. P5,000.00 as initial expenses of litigation; and employer's claim for damages is grounded on the nefarious activities of defendant causing
damage and prejudice to plaintiff as alleged in paragraph 7 of the complaint. The Court
d. P25,000.00 as attorney's fees.[4] believes that there was a breach of a contractual obligation, which is intrinsically a civil
dispute. The averments in the complaint removed the controversy from the coverage of the
On January 30, 1996, petitioner filed a motion to dismiss the above complaint. He interposed Labor Code of the Philippines and brought it within the purview of civil law. (Singapore
in the court below that the action for damages, having arisen from an employer-employee Airlines, Ltd. Vs. Pao, 122 SCRA 671.) xxx[6]

It will be recalled that years prior to R.A. 6715, jurisdiction over all money claims of workers,
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration of the above Order was denied for lack of merit on including claims for damages, was originally lodged with the Labor Arbiters and the NLRC by
October 16, 1996. Hence, this petition. Calrky Article 217 of the Labor Code.[7] On May 1, 1979, however, Presidential Decree ("P.D.") No.
1367 amended said Article 217 to the effect that "Regional Directors shall not indorse and
Acting on petitioner's prayer, the Second Division of this Court issued a Temporary Labor Arbiters shall not entertain claims for moral or other forms of damages."[8] This
Restraining Order ("TRO ") on March 5, 1997, enjoining respondents from further proceeding limitation in jurisdiction, however, lasted only briefly since on May 1, 1980, P.D. No. 1691
with Civil Case No. 95-554 until further orders from the Court. Kycalr nullified P.D. No. 1367 and restored Article 217 of the Labor Code almost to its original form.
Presently, and as amended by R.A. 6715, the jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the NLRC in
By way of assignment of errors, the petition reiterates the grounds raised in the Motion to Article 217 is comprehensive enough to include claims for all forms of damages "arising from
Dismiss dated January 30, 1996, namely, lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter of the the employer-employee relations". Miso
action, res judicata, splitting of causes of action, and forum-shopping. The determining
issue, however, is the issue of jurisdiction. Kyle

Article 217(a), paragraph 4 of the Labor Code, which was already in effect at the time of the Whereas this Court in a number of occasions had applied the jurisdictional provisions of
filing of this case, reads: Exsm Article 217 to claims for damages filed by employees,[9] we hold that by the designating
clause "arising from the employer-employee relations" Article 217 should apply with equal
force to the claim of an employer for actual damages against its dismissed employee, where
ART. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the Commission. --- (a) Except as otherwise the basis for the claim arises from or is necessarily connected with the fact of termination,
provided under this Code the Labor Arbiters shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to and should be entered as a counterclaim in the illegal dismissal case. Nexold
hear and decide, within thirty (30) calendar days after the submission of the case by the
parties for decision without extension, even in the absence of stenographic notes, the
following cases involving all workers, whether agricultural or non-agricultural:
Even under Republic Act No. 875 (the "Industrial Peace Act", now completely superseded by
the Labor Code), jurisprudence was settled that where the plaintiff's cause of action for
damages arose out of, or was necessarily intertwined with, an alleged unfair labor practice
xxx committed by the union, the jurisdiction is exclusively with the (now defunct) Court of
Industrial Relations, and the assumption of jurisdiction of regular courts over the same is a
nullity.[10] To allow otherwise would be "to sanction split jurisdiction, which is prejudicial to
the orderly administration of justice."[11] Thus, even after the enactment of the Labor Code,
4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages arising from the where the damages separately claimed by the employer were allegedly incurred as a
employer-employee relations; consequence of strike or picketing of the union, such complaint for damages is deeply rooted
from the labor dispute between the parties, and should be dismissed by ordinary courts for
lack of jurisdiction. As held by this Court in National Federation of Labor vs. Eisma, 127 SCRA
419: Manikx

Certainly, the present Labor Code is even more committed to the view that on policy
grounds, and equally so in the interest of greater promptness in the disposition of labor
The above provisions are a result of the amendment by Section 9 of Republic Act ("R.A.") No. matters, a court is spared the often onerous task of determining what essentially is a factual
6715, which took effect on March 21, 1989, and which put to rest the earlier confusion as to matter, namely, the damages that may be incurred by either labor or management as a
who between Labor Arbiters and regular courts had jurisdiction over claims for damages as result of disputes or controversies arising from employer-employee relations.
between employers and employees. Sppedjo
There is no mistaking the fact that in the case before us, private respondent's claim against
petitioner for actual damages arose from a prior employer-employee relationship. In the first
place, private respondent would not have taken issue with petitioner's "doing business of his
own" had the latter not been concurrently its employee. Thus, the damages alleged in the

complaint below are: first, those amounting to lost profits and earnings due to petitioner's Clearly, respondent court's taking jurisdiction over the instant case would bring about
abandonment or neglect of his duties as sales manager, having been otherwise preoccupied precisely the harm that the lawmakers sought to avoid in amending the Labor Code to
by his unauthorized installment sale scheme; and second, those equivalent to the value of restore jurisdiction over claims for damages of this nature to the NLRC. Oldmiso
private respondent's property and supplies which petitioner used in conducting his "business
". Maniks This is, of course, to distinguish from cases of actions for damages where the employer-
employee relationship is merely incidental and the cause of action proceeds from a different
Second, and more importantly, to allow respondent court to proceed with the instant action source of obligation. Thus, the jurisdiction of regular courts was upheld where the damages,
for damages would be to open anew the factual issue of whether petitioner's installment claimed for were based on tort[14], malicious prosecution[15], or breach of contract, as
sale scheme resulted in business losses and the dissipation of private respondent's property. when the claimant seeks to recover a debt from a former employee[16] or seeks liquidated
This issue has been duly raised and ruled upon in the illegal dismissal case, where private damages in enforcement of a prior employment contract. [17]
respondent brought up as a defense the same allegations now embodied in his complaint,
and presented evidence in support thereof. The Labor Arbiter, however, found to the Neither can we uphold the reasoning of respondent court that because the resolution of the
contrary ---that no business losses may be attributed to petitioner as in fact, it was by issues presented by the complaint does not entail application of the Labor Code or other
reason of petitioner's installment plan that the sales of the Iligan branch of private labor laws, the dispute is intrinsically civil. Article 217(a) of the Labor Code, as amended,
respondent (where petitioner was employed) reached its highest record level to the extent clearly bestows upon the Labor Arbiter original and exclusive jurisdiction over claims for
that petitioner was awarded the 1989 Field Sales Achievement Award in recognition of his damages arising from employer-employee relations ---in other words, the Labor Arbiter has
exceptional sales performance, and that the installment scheme was in fact with the jurisdiction to award not only the reliefs provided by labor laws, but also damages governed
knowledge of the management of the Iligan branch of private respondent.[12] In other by the Civil Code.[18]
words, the issue of actual damages has been settled in the labor case, which is now final
and executory. Manikan Thus, it is obvious that private respondent's remedy is not in the filing of this separate action
for damages, but in properly perfecting an appeal from the Labor Arbiter's decision. Having
Still on the prospect of re-opening factual issues already resolved by the labor court, it may lost the right to appeal on grounds of untimeliness, the decision in the labor case stands as a
help to refer to that period from 1979 to 1980 when jurisdiction over employment-predicated final judgment on the merits, and the instant action for damages cannot take the place of
actions for damages vacillated from labor tribunals to regular courts, and back to labor such lost appeal.
tribunals. In Ebon vs. de Guzman, 113 SCRA 52,[13] this Court discussed:
Respondent court clearly having no jurisdiction over private respondent's complaint for
The lawmakers in divesting the Labor Arbiters and the NLRC of jurisdiction to award moral damages, we will no longer pass upon petitioner's other assignments of error. Ncm
and other forms of damages in labor cases could have assumed that the Labor Arbiters'
position-paper procedure of ascertaining the facts in dispute might not be an adequate tool WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED, and the complaint in Civil Case No. 95-554 before
for arriving at a just and accurate assessment of damages, as distinguished from backwages Branch 39 of the Regional Trial Court of Misamis Oriental is hereby DISMISSED. No
and separation pay, and that the trial procedure in the Court of First Instance would be a pronouncement as to costs. Ncmmis
more effective means of determining such damages. xxx
Evidently, the lawmaking authority had second thoughts about depriving the Labor Arbiters
and the NLRC of the jurisdiction to award damages in labor cases because that setup would
mean duplicity of suits, splitting the cause of action and possible conflicting findings and
conclusions by two tribunals on one and the same claim.

So, on May 1, 1980, Presidential Decree No. 1691 (which substantially reenacted Article 217
in its original form) nullified Presidential Decree No. 1367 and restored to the Labor Arbiter 2. G.R. No. 184397, September 09, 2015
and the NLRC their jurisdiction to award all kinds of damages in cases arising from employer-
employee relations. xxx (Underscoring supplied) ROSALINDA G. PAREDES, Petitioner, v. FEED THE CHILDREN PHILIPPINES, INC.

DECISION Petitioner learned from Atty. Chatto that Program Manager Primitivo Fostanes and his co-
employees prepared a petition questioning her leadership and management of FTCP. She
PERALTA, J.: filed an administrative complaint against Fostanes on August 24, 2005, but the same was
not acted upon.10
For this Court's resolution is a petition for review on certiorari, dated October 23, 2008, of
petitioner Rosalinda G. Paredes, seeking to reverse and set aside the Decision1 dated March When the Board convened for a meeting on August 28, 2005, petitioner was not allowed to
25, 2008 and Resolution2 dated August 28, 2008 of the Court of Appeals (CA). The assailed participate. She was only allowed to join the meeting after three hours. As ex officio member
Decision annulled and set aside the rulings of the National Labor Relations Commission of the Board and as head of the secretariat, she was always present in every meeting to
(NLRC) Fourth Division, Cebu City and affirmed the rulings of the Labor Arbiter (LA), which discuss her reports, programs and proposals.11
held that petitioner voluntarily resigned and was not constructively dismissed.
During the meeting, the Board discussed the animosity between the petitioner and the staff
The antecedents are as follows:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary of FTCP and how they would address the issue since they have inadequate grievance
mechanism for issues involving top management.12 According to Lao, petitioner became
Respondent Feed the Children Philippines, Inc. (FTCP) is a nonstock, non-profit, and non- combative in issuing memos and filing of administrative charges.13 Atty. Chatto recounted
government organization duly incorporated under the Philippine laws in 1989. Its objective is that when petitioner heard about the protesting senior management and staff, her initial
to provide food, clothing, educational supplies and other necessities of indigent children reaction was to resign but then she asked that the complaints be put in writing.14 After their
worldwide3 Respondents Dr. Virginia Lao, Hercules Paradiang and Benjamin Escobia were discussion, they called the representatives of the complaining staff and petitioner to air their
members of the FTCP Board of Trustees (Board) and Executive Committee (Execom) of side.
Consequently, the Board decided that: Acting Board Chair Lao will issue a back-to-work
Petitioner Rosalinda Paredes was FTCP's National Director. Her functions and duties include memorandum and status quo to ensure that all the scheduled tasks be accomplished; there
project management, fund accessing, income generation, financial management, and will be a Supervisory Team, composing of Lao and Escobia, that will draw a definite work
administration of the organization. She also signed all the FTCP checks and approved all plan and be compensated; the Supervisory Team will not replace the functions of the
requisitions and disbursements of FTCP funds.5 As per FTCP's By-laws, it was also her duty to National Director; and FTCP will hire an independent professional management and financial
execute all resolutions and/or decisions of the Board.6 auditor.15

Petitioner was first hired by FTCP in 1999 as Country Director. Her contract was renewed
several times until her last contract for the period from October 1, 2004 to September 30, Petitioner sent letters to the Board inquiring about the scope of audit. When the Board did
2007. Her initial salary was US$1000.00 and then later, she was paid P70,000.00 aside from not respond, her lawyers demanded Lao to address petitioner's concerns regarding the
other benefits and allowances.7 management and financial audit and that the manual of operations be strictly followed.16 In
another letter, her lawyers informed individual respondents that petitioner raised the legality
On August 12, 2005, forty-two (42) FTCP employees signed a petition letter addressed to the and propriety of the conduct of the audit, thus, they requested that they desist from
Board expressing their complaints against alleged detestable practices of petitioner, to wit: conducting the audit. The letter also indicated that failure to do so would implead them as
seeking exemption from policies which she herself had approved; withholding organization respondents in a preliminary injunction case that they would file.17
funds despite approval of its release; procuring health insurance for herself without paying
her share of the premium; and receiving additional fees contrary to the terms of her While she was at an orientation for local government officials of Surigao del Norte at the
contract.8 Bohol Tropics Resort on October 24, 2005, petitioner received a phone call from her staff at
FTCP that the auditors from SRD & Co. were already at their office. Lao also called to instruct
The next day, August 13, 2005, the staff of FTCP called Lao to a meeting to submit their her that she should meet the auditors and accommodate them. She refrained from obeying
petition. They included Atty. Edgar Chatto, then Chairman of the Board, in the meeting when the order and was adamant that she should receive her requested information first.18
they realized that it was only her and Escobia who were present. The group was edgy and
demanded for outright solution. However, the three Board members told them that they On October 26, 2005, the FTCP management executive committee, headed by petitioner,
should follow a process.9 informed the Board that they were not afraid of the audit. They wanted due process as
provided by the by-laws, manual of operations, and manual of financial policies and

accounting procedures approved by the Board itself. They also inquired about the meetings The LA ruled in favor of the respondents, the dispositive portion of the Decision29
and processes of the Execom that they were not aware of. Lastly, they asked for a dialogue reads:cralawlawlibrary
to settle their differences.19

On the same date, petitioner wrote an electronic mail (e-mail) to Dr. Larry Jones, the founder WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, the case is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit and
of Feed the Children International, Inc. and reported that Paradiang and two members of the judgment is hereby rendered ordering complainant Rosalinda G. Paredes to pay the
Board initiated a surprise and secret audit. She expressed that the management was upset following:
to the manner of conducting the audit. She also insinuated that Paradiang was always after 1. One Hundred Forty-Three Thousand Six Hundred [F]orty-Six and 73/100 (P143,646.73)
her despite steering the organization to development. She intimated that she would legally representing her accountabilities to respondent FTCP in Philippine Currency;
protect herself should she be illegally dismissed and that they would seek relief from the
harassment by Paradiang.20 2. One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to respondent FTCP representing complainant's
accountability in US Currency;
The Board resolved to suspend petitioner because of her indifferent attitude and unjustified
refusal to submit to an audit.21 Before it could be implemented, respondent FTCP received 3. Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00) each to respondents Dr. Virginia Lao,
her resignation letter.22 In her resignation letter, she wrote that she can only serve the Benjamin Escobia and Hercules Paradiang for moral damages;
organization up to December 31, 2005. She found it no longer tenable to work with the
4. One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) to respondent FTCP for damages incurred;
Board since she had differences with majority of the members regarding resolutions, policies
and procedures.23 5. One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) to respondents collectively for exemplary
damages; and
On October 29, 2005, the Board accepted her resignation with the condition that its
effectivity be moved to November 30, 2005. She was not obliged to report for work and FTCP 6. Attorney's Fees to 10% of the total award.
was willing to pay her salary for the month of November to aid her while she looked for
other employment.24 SO ORDERED.

Petitioner wrote to the members of management and foreign funders informing them that
she was no longer connected with FTCP. She moved out all her belongings and even brought
FTCP's documents.25cralawred Undaunted, petitioner appealed the decision to the NLRC. In its Decision31 dated March 28,
2007, the NLRC reversed and set aside the decision of the LA and ruled in her favor, the
On November 2, 2005, petitioner filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal, claiming that she dispositive portion of which states
was forced to resign, thus, was constructively dismissed, and impleaded Lao, Paradiang and
Escobia in their personal capacities.26 WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of the Labor Arbiter dated 08 November
2006 is REVERSED and SET aside and a new one is entered, to
Upon failure of the parties to settle amicably, the mandatory conference was terminated. wit:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary

In her position paper, petitioner alleged that she was not included in the Supervisory Team I. Ordering respondent Feed the Children Philippines, Inc. to pay the complainant of her
which performed her functions and issued memorandum directly to her subordinates. She salaries and allowances corresponding to the unexpired portion of her contract in the
also alleged that she was excluded from Execom meetings.27 aggregate amount of One Million Six Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Nine Hundred and
00/100 (PI,685,900.00), broken down as follows:cralawlawlibrary
Respondents, on the other hand, claimed that petitioner was signatory to all the bank
checks of respondent FTCP and approved all requisitions and disbursements. She received a. Salaries corresponding to the unexpired portion of the contract
an excess of US$1,000.00 for her salary and did not return the same. They alleged that - P1,610,000.00
petitioner voluntarily resigned from her position and removed all her belongings from the b. Transportation allowances
FTCP.28 - 29,900.00
c. Representation allowances
- 46,000.00

Total Martin Funeral Homes to justify its act of delving into the findings of the NLRC which were
P1,685,900.00; outside the scope of extraordinary remedy of certiorari.
II. The CA grossly contradicts the law and jurisprudence on constructive dismissal and
and ignored, misunderstood or misinterpreted cogent facts and circumstances which, if
considered, would change the outcome of the case when it ruled that petitioner voluntarily
2. Ordering respondent Feed the Children Philippines, Inc. to pay complainant of moral resigned and was not constructively dismissed.
damages in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00); and exemplary
damages in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00). III. The CA effectively reverses the law and jurisprudence on damages and recognized
money claims in labor cases when it condemned petitioner to pay respondents' claims for
Respondents Dr. Virginia Lao, Hercules Paradiang and Benjamin Escobia are absolved from damages that were not duly proven by the latter and that clearly did not arise from an
any liability for lack of legal basis. employer-employee relationship.

SO ORDERED.32 IV. The CA violates the Constitution, the law and the prevailing jurisprudence when it
resolved the lingering doubts that remain in the present case, as those arising from
In a Resolution33 dated June 14, 2007, the NLRC dismissed the motion for reconsideration of evidence and from interpretation of agreements and writings, against labor.chanrobleslaw
the respondents. Thus, respondents filed before the CA a petition for certiorari. The CA ruled
for the respondents. The fallo of said decision reads:cralawlawlibrary The present petition is partly meritorious.

WHEREFORE, the Decision dated March 28, 2007 and the Resolution dated June 14, 2007, of It is elementary that this Court is not a trier of facts, and only errors of law are generally
the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), Fourth Division, Cebu City, in NLRC Case reviewed in petitions for review on certiorari. Judicial review of labor cases does not go
No. V-000074-2007, are NULLIFIED and a new one rendered as follows:cralawlawlibrary beyond the evaluation of the sufficiency of the evidence upon which its labor officials'
findings rest. As such, the findings of facts and conclusion of the NLRC are generally
1. Declaring private respondent to have voluntarily resigned from her accorded not only great weight and respect but even clothed with finality and deemed
employment/consultancy with FTCP; binding on this Court as long as they are supported by substantial evidence.36
2. Directing private respondent to pay FTCP
a. Thirty-four thousand four hundred thirty-eight pesos and 37/100 (P34,438.37) for her However, if the factual findings of the LA and the NLRC are conflicting, as in this case, the
unpaid loans; reviewing court may delve into the records and examine for itself the questioned findings.37
b. One hundred nine thousand two hundred eight pesos and 36/100 (P109.208.36) The exception, rather than the general rule, applies in the present case since the LA and the
respecting her disbursement and withdrawals from the FTCP Provident Fund.chanrobleslaw CA found facts supporting the conclusion that petitioner was not constructively dismissed,
while the NLRC's factual findings contradicted the LA's findings. Under this situation, such
Costs against private respondent. conflicting factual findings are not binding on us, and we retain the authority to pass on the
evidence presented and draw conclusions therefrom.
After judicious review on the records of the case, this Court deems it proper to disregard the
The CA did not find any valid. reason to disturb its decision, hence, it denied petitioner's findings of fact of the NLRC. This Court finds that the NLRC committed grave abuse of
Motion for Reconsideration.35 discretion when it ruled for the petitioner without substantial evidence to support its findings
of facts and conclusion.
In this recourse, petitioner raises the following issues for this Court's
consideration:cralawlawlibrary Petitioner, relying in the principle of finality and conclusiveness of the decisions of labor
tribunals, faults the CA for reversing the findings of the NLRC and affirming the factual
I. The CA contravenes the law and jurisprudence when it granted the petition for certiorari findings of the LA that she voluntarily resigned. She averred that the CA erred when it
that raised questions factual in nature and when it sweepingly applied the ruling in St. applied the ruling in the case of St. Martin Funeral Homes v. NLRC38 to justify its inquiring
into the findings of the NLRC which was outside the scope of extraordinary remedy of

certiorari. She posited that NLRC's findings cannot be delved into without first declaring the rendered her continued employment impossible, unreasonable or unlikely. She maintained
decision itself to have been issued with grave abuse of discretion.39 that the prevailing working environment compelled her to disassociate with FTCP. She
recounted that the individual respondents deliberately excluded her from important
Courts generally accord great respect and finality to factual findings of administrative meetings despite being the chief executive officer and a fixture to all Board meetings.
agencies, like labor tribunals, in the exercise of their quasi-judicial function. However, this
doctrine espousing comity to administrative findings of facts are not infallible and cannot
preclude the courts from reviewing and, when proper, disregarding these findings of facts
when shown that the administrative body committed grave abuse of discretion.40 Petitioner cited the August 28, 2005 Board meeting and a subsequent Execom meeting
where she was apparently banished as proof of respondents' discrimination. She emphasized
It is settled that in a special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65, the issues are limited to in all her pleadings that, aside from it being provided by the by-laws, she believed that her
errors of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion. However, in labor cases elevated to it via presence at all Board meetings cannot be dispensed with since it was through her effort that
petition for certiorari, the CA is empowered to evaluate the materiality and significance of the Board of Trustees became functional. For her, she was isolated and singled out. She
the evidence alleged to have been capriciously, whimsically, or arbitrarily disregarded by the claimed that these circumstances clearly denoted that the actions of the respondents were
NLRC in relation to all other evidence on record.41 motivated by discrimination and made in bad faith.

Case law holds that constructive dismissal occurs when there is cessation of work because
The CA can grant this prerogative writ when the factual findings complained of are not continued employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely; when there is a
supported by the evidence on record; when it is necessary to prevent a substantial wrong or demotion in rank or diminution in pay or both; or when a clear discrimination, insensibility,
to do substantial justice; when the findings of the NLRC contradict those of the LA; and when or disdain by an employer becomes unbearable to the employee.48 The test is whether a
necessary to arrive at a just decision of the case.42 To make this finding, the CA necessarily reasonable person in the employee's position would have felt compelled to give up his
has to view the evidence if only to determine if the NLRC ruling had basis in evidence.43 position under the circumstances.49

In this case, petitioner cannot be deemed constructively dismissed. She failed to present
clear and positive evidence that respondent FTCP, through its Board of Trustees, committed
Contrary to petitioner's contention, the CA, by express legal mandate and pursuant to its acts of discrimination, insensibility, or disdain towards her which rendered her continued
equity jurisdiction, may review factual findings and evidence of the parties to determine employment unbearable or forced her to terminate her employment from the respondent. As
whether the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in its findings.44 Since this Court finds that settled, bare allegations of constructive dismissal, when uncorroborated by the evidence on
the findings of the LA and NLRC contradicting and that the findings of NLRC are not record, cannot be given credence.50
supported by the evidence on record, we rule that it is within the CA's power to review the
factual findings of the NLRC. Accordingly, this Court does not find erroneous the course that It is highly unlikely and incredible for someone of petitioner's position and educational
the CA took in resolving that petitioner was not constructively dismissed. attainment to so easily succumb to individual respondents' alleged harassment without
defending herself. In fact, records reveal that she wrote directly to Jones when her contract
was not to be renewed and whenever she felt threatened. She vehemently opposed the
audit and openly disobeyed the Board when she was not informed of the scope. She, along
This Court, in turn, has the same authority to sift through the factual findings of both the CA
with other management staff, questioned the meetings of the Execom that they were not
and the NLRC in the event of their conflict.45 This Court, therefore, is not precluded from
informed.51 It is also noted that her husband is a lawyer and that she employed lawyers
reviewing the factual issues when there are conflicting findings by the Labor Arbiter, the
who sent a series of demand letters to the Board to provide her the details of the audit and
NLRC and the Court of Appeals.46
even ordered the Board to desist from pursuing the audit.

Since petitioner admittedly resigned, it is incumbent upon her to prove that her resignation
There was no urgency for petitioner to submit her resignation letter. In fact, the day before it
was involuntary and that it was actually a case of constructive dismissal with clear, positive
was given, she and other management staff requested for a dialogue with the Board to
and convincing evidence.47
address the issue regarding the management and financial audit.52 It is, therefore,
improbable that her continued employment is rendered impossible or unreasonable.
Petitioner alleged that she was forced to resign by Lao, Paradiang and Escobia. For her, it
was the overbearing and prejudiced attitude towards her by individual respondents that

Records do not show any demotion in rank or a diminution in pay made against her. shared, and concluded with a firm commitment from everyone to rebuild the good name of
Petitioner claimed that the fact that the Supervisory Team performed her functions and FTCP and work together to enhance its system and maintain its integrity.
issued memorandum directly to her subordinates, and her being barred from subsequent
Execom meetings constituted constructive dismissal. However, there was no evidence to The letters did not mention nor hinted that petitioner protested about being excluded from
corroborate her claim of usurpation. She did not present evidence of the supposed direct the meeting which she has considered as a hearing against her. It did not even reveal that
memorandum issued by the Supervisory Team to the staff. Aside from the minutes of the there was undue prejudice from individual respondents. Records are bereft of proof that she
September 29, 2005 meeting of the Execom, there was no other proof of petitioner's even attempted to address the Board about the supposed discrimination or disdain by
exclusion from other subsequent Execom meetings. individual respondents. It is only upon filing of the illegal dismissal case that she alleged that
she felt that she was discriminated against and treated with disdain by respondents.
We find that, apart from her self-serving and uncorroborated allegations, petitioner did not
present any substantial evidence of constructive dismissal. She was not able to present a Respondents presented an affidavit and a police blotter55 attesting that some employees
single witness to corroborate her claims of harassment by Lao, Paradiang and Escobia. who signed in the August 12 letter-petition were intimidated by the secretary of petitioner's
lawyer-husband to sign a recantation. She refuted the same by alleging that they could have
Petitioner supported her claim with the minutes of the August 28, 2005 meeting and another not known that it was recantation when it appeared in the blotter that they only saw the
minutes of the meeting of the Execom that she was excluded. She argued that her sudden page they were made to sign. Respondents also presented an affidavit56 attesting that
exclusion from board meetings despite established practice constituted grave abuse of petitioner intimidated an employee by telling her that she would file suits against those who
managerial rights of the respondent FTCP. defamed her when the employee refused to recant her signature in the petition against her.

We are not persuaded that her exclusion to the meeting constituted discrimination or For petitioner, the fact that the effectivity of her resignation was moved to November
harassment. A careful perusal of the minutes would reveal that the Board convened to showed the eagerness of Lao, Paradiang and Escobia to get rid of her.57
deliberate on the solution to the apparent conflict between petitioner and the staff since
they have insufficient grievance mechanism for issues involving top management. She could We held that the act of the employer moving the effectivity of the resignation is not an act of
not fault the Board to not include her in that particular meeting since she was a party harassment. The 30-day notice requirement for an employee's resignation is actually for the
involved and to avoid. possible influence that she could have exerted. benefit of the employer who has the discretion to waive such period. Its purpose is to afford
the employer enough time to hire another employee if needed and to see to it that there is
Petitioner presented documents like e-mail correspondences with Paradiang about the non- proper turn-over of the tasks which the resigning employee may be handling.58
renewal of her contract earlier in her employment, e-mail correspondences to Jones about
harassment towards her and specifically mentioning Paradiang, demand letters from her and Such rule requiring an employee to stay or complete the 30-day period prior to the
her lawyers, her resignation letter, and the board resolution accepting her resignation. These effectivity of his resignation becomes discretionary on the part of management as an
do not verify that respondents committed discrimination or disdain towards her. Hence, her employee who intends to resign may be allowed a shorter period before his resignation
allegations are sell-serving and uncorroborated and should not be given evidentiary weight. becomes effective.59

On the other hand, respondent FTCP presented a letter53 dated August 28, 2005 written by Thus, the act of respondents moving the effectivity date of petitioner's resignation to a date
petitioner addressed to the Board wherein she presented her side about the petition of the earlier than what she had stated cannot be deemed malicious. This cannot be viewed as an
employees against her. She also praised the Board for strengthening the organization, for act of harassment but merely the exercise of respondent's management prerogative. We
putting valuable policies in the organization, and for opening the organization to new cannot expect employers to maintain in their employ employees who intend to resign, just
partnerships. so the latter can have continuous work as they look for a new source of income.

In another letter54 dated September 6, 2005, she reported that on the same date as the Petitioner alleged that the CA erred when it ruled that she should pay respondents' claims
August 28 Board meeting, she and Fostanes met to discuss concerns and apologized for for damages. She maintained that they were not duly proven and that they clearly didnot
what happened and other members of management also apologized and accepted the arise from an employer-employee relationship.
reconciliation that she extended to them. She also reported that during the September 5,
2005 General Staff meeting, the issues were discussed, feelings and sentiments were

This Court held that the "money claims of workers" referred to in Article 21760 of the Labor recognize the employer's right and prerogative to manage its operation according to
Code embraces money claims which arise out of or in connection with the employer- reasonable standards and norms of fair play.65
employee relationship, or some aspect or incident of such relationship.61
It is settled that the law serves to equalize the unequal. The labor force is a special class
Applying the rule of noscitur a sociis in clarifying the scope of Article 217, it is evident that that is constitutionally protected because of the inequality between capital and labor. This
paragraphs 1 to 5 refer to cases or disputes arising out of or in connection with an employer- constitutional protection presupposes that the labor force is weak. However, the level of
employee relationship. In other words, the money claims within the original and exclusive protection to labor should vary from case to case; otherwise, the state might appear to be
jurisdiction of labor arbiters are those which have some reasonable causal connection with too paternalistic in affording protection to labor.66 Petitioner could not expect to have the
the employer-employee relationship.62 same level of ardent protection that the laws bestow upon a lowly laborer be given to her, a
high ranking officer of respondent FTCP. As proven, she was considered on equal footing with
This claim is distinguished from cases of actions for damages where the employer-employee her employer and even had the occasion to demand the renewal of her contract by sending
relationship is merely incidental and the cause of action proceeds from a different source of an e-mail to the organization's founder.67
obligation. Thus, the regular courts have jurisdiction where the damages claimed for were
based on: tort, malicious prosecution, or breach of contract, as when the claimant seeks to We cannot subscribe to petitioner's allegation that the CA ruled against labor when it
recover a debt from a former employee or seeks liquidated damages in the enforcement of a resolved the factual issues of the case. As discussed, it is well within the powers and
prior employment contract.'" jurisdiction of the CA to evaluate the evidence alleged to have been capriciously,
whimsically, or arbitrarily disregarded by the NLRC, or as in the present case, for considering
By the designating clause "arising from the employer-employee relations," Article 217 petitioner's bare allegations without support of substantial evidence. This Court finds that
applies with equal force to the claim of an employer for actual damages against its the CA did not violate the Constitution, the law and jurisprudence. Hence, the resolution of
dismissed employee, where the basis for the claim arises from or is necessarily connected the doubt as to whether petitioner voluntarily resigned or was constructively dismissed
with the fact of termination, and should be entered as a counterclaim in the illegal dismissal based on the evidence on record was proper and was not against labor.
WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari, dated October 23, 2008, of petitioner
In this case, the CA erred in awarding P34,438.37 for petitioner's unpaid debt to Rosalinda G. Paredes is hereby PARTLY GRANTED. Accordingly, the ruling of the Court of
respondents. The claim for recovery of a debt has no reasonable causal connection with any Appeals in its Decision dated March 25, 2008, that petitioner was not constructively
of the claims provided for in Article 217. The fact that the transaction happened at the time dismissed, is hereby AFFIRMED. However, the awards of F34,438.37 and PI09,208.36 for the
they were employer and employee did not negate the civil jurisdiction of trial court. Hence, it unpaid debt of petitioner and reimbursement of the FTCP provident Fund, respectively, are
is erroneous for the LA and the CA to rule on such claim arising from a different source of hereby SET ASIDE.
obligation and where the employer-employee relationship was merely incidental.
Likewise, the CA erred in awarding P109,208.36 for the reimbursement of the FTCP provident
Fund allegedly withdrawn by petitioner. Although it was entered by the respondents in its
counterclaim, this claim does not arise from or is necessarily connected with the fact of
termination. It also had no reasonable causal connection with employer-employee
relationship. 3. CENTURY PROPERTIES, INC., Petitioner, v. EDWIN J. BABIANO AND EMMA B.
CONCEPCION, Respondents.
Lastly, petitioner maintained that the CA erred when it resolved the lingering doubt in the
present case against labor. She alleged that the CA violated the Constitution, the law, and DECISION
We held that the law and jurisprudence guarantee security of tenure to every employee.
However, in protecting the rights of the workers, the law does not authorize the oppression Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the Decision2 dated April 8, 2015 and
or self-destruction of the employer. Social justice does not mean that every labor dispute the Resolution3 dated October 12, 2015 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No.
shall automatically be decided in favor of labor. Thus, the Constitution and the law equally 132953, which affirmed, with modification the Decision4 dated June 25, 2013 and the

Resolution5 dated October 16, 2013 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in competitor enterprise information regarding CPFs marketing strategies; and (c) recruiting
NLRC LAC No. 05-001615-12, and ordered petitioner Century Properties, Inc. (CPI) to pay CPI personnel to join a competitor.21chanrobleslaw
respondents Edwin J. Babiano (Babiano) and Emma B. Concepcion (Concepcion; collectively,
respondents) unpaid commissions in the amounts of P889,932.42 and P591,953.05, On the other hand, Concepcion resigned as CPFs Project Director through a letter22 dated
respectively. February 23, 2009, effective immediately.

On August 8, 2011, respondents filed a complaint23 for non-payment of commissions and

The Facts damages against CPI and Antonio before the NLRC, docketed as NLRC Case No. NCR-08-
12029-11, claiming that their repeated demands for the payment and release of their
On October 2, 2002, Babiano was hired by CPI as Director of Sales, and was eventually6 commissions remained unheeded.24chanrobleslaw
appointed as Vice President for Sales effective September 1, 2007. As CPFs Vice President
for Sales, Babiano was remunerated with, inter alia, the following benefits: (a) monthly For its part, CPI maintained25cralawred that Babiano is merely its agent tasked with selling
salary of P70,000.00; (b) allowance of P50,000.00; and (c) 0.5% override commission for its projects. Nonetheless, he was afforded due process in the termination of his employment
completed sales. His employment contract7 also contained a "Confidentiality of Documents which was based on just causes.26 It also claimed to have validly withheld Babiano's
and Non-Compete Clause"8 which, among others, barred him from disclosing confidential commissions, considering that they were deemed forfeited for violating the "Confidentiality
information, and from working in any business enterprise that is in direct competition with of Documents and Non-Compete Clause."27 On Concepcion's money claims, CPI asserted
CPI "while [he is] employed and for a period of one year from date of resignation or that the NLRC had no jurisdiction to hear the same because there was no employer-
termination from [CPI]." Should Babiano breach any of the terms thereof, his "forms of employee relations between them, and thus, she should have litigated the same in an
compensation, including commissions and incentives will be forfeited."9chanrobleslaw ordinary civil action.28chanrobleslaw

During the same period, Concepcion was initially hired as Sales Agent by CPI and was The LA Ruling
eventually10 promoted as Project Director on September 1, 2007.11 As such, she signed an
employment agreement, denominated as "Contract of Agency for Project Director"12 which In a Decision29 dated March 19, 2012, the Labor Arbiter (LA) ruled in CPI's favor and,
provided, among others, that she would directly report to Babiano, and receive, a monthly accordingly, dismissed the complaint for lack of merit.30chanrobleslaw
subsidy of P60,000.00, 0.5% commission, and cash incentives.13 On March 31, 2008,
Concepcion executed a similar contract14 anew with CPI in which she would receive a The LA found that: (a) Babiano's acts of providing information on CPI's marketing strategies
monthly subsidy of P50,000.00, 0.5% commission, and cash incentives as per company to the competitor and spreading false information about CPI and its projects are blatant
policy. Notably, it was stipulated in both contracts that no employer-employee relationship violations of the "Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete Clause" of his employment
exists between Concepcion and CPI.15chanrobleslaw contract, thus, resulting in the forfeiture of his unpaid commissions in accordance with the
same clause;31 and (b) it had no jurisdiction over Concepcion's money claim as she was not
After receiving reports that Babiano provided a competitor with information regarding CPFs an employee but a mere agent of CPI, as clearly stipulated in her engagement contract with
marketing strategies, spread false information regarding CPI and its projects, recruited CPI's the latter.32chanrobleslaw
personnel to join the competitor, and for being absent without official leave (AWOL) for five
(5) days, CPI, through its Executive Vice President for Marketing and Development, Jose Aggrieved, respondents appealed33 to the NLRC.
Marco R. Antonio (Antonio), sent Babiano a Notice to Explain16 on February 23, 2009
directing him to explain why he should not be charged with disloyalty, conflict of interest, The NLRC Ruling
and breach of trust and confidence for his actuations.17chanrobleslaw
In a Decision34 dated June 25, 2013, the NLRC reversed and set aside the LA ruling, and
On February 25, 2009, Babiano tendered18 his resignation and revealed that he had been entered a new one ordering CPI to pay Babiano and Concepcion the amounts of P685,211.76
accepted as Vice President of First Global BYO Development Corporation (First Global), a and P470,754.62, respectively, representing their commissions from August 9, 2008 to
competitor of CPI.19 On March 3, 2009, Babiano was served a Notice of Termination20 for: August 8, 2011, as well as 10% attorney's fees of the total monetary
(a) incurring AWOL; (b) violating the "Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete awards.35chanrobleslaw
Clause" when he joined a competitor enterprise while still working for CPI and provided such

While the NLRC initially concurred with the LA that Babiano's acts constituted just cause Babiano in the performance of her functions. The CA likewise observed the presence of
which would warrant the termination of his employment from CPI, it, however, ruled that the critical factors which were indicative of an employer-employee relationship with CPI, such as:
forfeiture of all earned commissions of Babiano under the "Confidentiality of Documents and (a) Concepcion's receipt of a monthly salary from CPI; and (b) that she performed tasks
Non-Compete Clause" is confiscatory and unreasonable and hence, contrary to law and besides selling CPI properties. To add, the title of her contract which was referred to as
public policy.36 In this light, the NLRC held that CPI could not invoke such clause to avoid the "Contract of Agency for Project Director" was not binding and conclusive, considering that
payment of Babiano's commissions since he had already earned those monetary benefits the characterization of the juridical relationship is essentially a matter of law that is for the
and, thus, should have been released to him. However, the NLRC limited the grant of the courts to determine, and not the parties thereof. Moreover, the totality of evidence sustains
money claims in light of Article 291 (now Article 306)37 of the Labor Code which provides for a finding of employer-employee relationship between CPI and Concepcion.47chanrobleslaw
a prescriptive period of three (3) years. Consequently, the NLRC awarded unpaid
commissions only from August 9, 2008 to August 8, 2011 i.e., which was the date when Further, the CA held that despite the NLRC's proper application of the three (3)-year
the complaint was filed.38 Meanwhile, contrary to the LA's finding, the NLRC ruled that prescriptive period under Article 291 of the Labor Code, it nonetheless failed to include all of
Concepcion was CPI's employee, considering that CPI: (a) repeatedly hired and promoted her respondents' earned commissions during that time - i.e., August 9, 2008 to August 8, 2011 -
since 2002; (b) paid her wages despite referring to it as "subsidy"; and (c) exercised the thus, necessitating the increase in award of unpaid commissions in respondents'
power of dismissal and control over her.39 Lastly, the NLRC granted respondents' claim for favor.48chanrobleslaw
attorney's fees since they were forced to litigate and incurred expenses for the protection of
their rights and interests.40chanrobleslaw Undaunted, CPI sought for reconsideration,49 which was, however, denied in a Resolution50
dated October 12, 2015; hence, this petition.
Respondents did not assail the NLRC findings. In contrast, only CPI moved for
reconsideration,41 which the NLRC denied in a Resolution42 dated October 16, 2013. The Issue Before the Court
Aggrieved, CPI filed a petition for certiorari43 before the CA.
The core issue for the Court's resolution is whether or not the CA erred in denying CPI's
The CA Ruling petition for certiorari, thereby holding it liable for the unpaid commissions of respondents.

In a Decision44 dated April 8, 2015, the CA affirmed the NLRC ruling with modification The Court's Ruling
increasing the award of unpaid commissions to Babiano and Concepcion in the amounts of
P889,932.42 and P591.953.05, respectively, and imposing interest of six percent (6%) per The petition is partly meritorious.
annum on all monetary awards from the finality of its decision until fully
paid.45chanrobleslaw I.

The CA held that Babiano properly instituted his claim for unpaid commissions before the Article 1370 of the Civil Code provides that "[i]f the terms of a contract are clear and leave
labor tribunals as it is a money claim arising from an employer-employee relationship with no doubt upon the intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning of its stipulations
CPI. In this relation, the CA opined that CPI cannot withhold such unpaid commissions on the shall control."51 In Norton Resources and Development Corporation v. All Asia Bank
ground of Babiano's alleged breach of the "Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete Corporation,52 the Court had the opportunity to thoroughly discuss the said rule as
Clause" integrated in the latter's employment contract, considering that such clause referred follows:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
to acts done after the cessation of the employer-employee relationship or to the "post-
employment" relations of the parties. Thus, any such supposed breach thereof is a civil law
dispute that is best resolved by the regular courts and not by labor

Similarly, the CA echoed the NLRC's finding that there exists an employer-employee
relationship between Concepcion and CPI, because the latter exercised control over the
performance of her duties as Project Director which is indicative of an employer-employee
relationship. Necessarily therefore, CPI also exercised control over Concepcion's duties in
recruiting, training, and developing directors of sales because she was supervised by

The rule is that where the language of a contract is plain and unambiguous, its meaning Finally, if undersigned breaches any terms of this contract, forms of compensation including
should be determined without reference to extrinsic facts or aids. The intention of the parties commissions and incentives will be forfeited.56 (Emphases and underscoring supplied)
must be gathered from that language, and from that language alone. Stated differently, Verily, the foregoing clause is not only clear and unambiguous in stating that Babiano is
where the language of a written contract is clear and unambiguous, the contract must be barred to "work for whatsoever capacity x x x with any person whose business is in direct
taken to mean that which, on its face, it purports to mean, unless some good reason can be competition with [CPI] while [he is] employed and for a period of one year from date of [his]
assigned to show that the words should be understood in a different sense. Courts cannot resignation or termination from the company," it also expressly provided in no uncertain
make for the parties better or more equitable agreements than they themselves have been terms that should Babiano "[breach] any term of [the employment contract], forms of
satisfied to make, or rewrite contracts because they operate harshly or inequitably as to one compensation including commissions and incentives will be forfeited." Here, the contracting
of the parties, or alter them for the benefit of one party and to the detriment of the other, or parties - namely Babiano on one side, and CPI as represented by its COO-Vertical, John Victor
by construction, relieve one of the parties from the terms which he voluntarily consented to, R. Antonio, and Director for Planning and Controls, Jose Carlo R. Antonio, on the other
or impose on him those which he did not.53 (Emphases and underscoring supplied) -indisputably wanted the said clause to be effective even during the existence of the
Thus, in the interpretation of contracts, the Court must first determine whether a provision employer-employee relationship between Babiano and CPI, thereby indicating their intention
or stipulation therein is ambiguous. Absent any ambiguity, the provision on its face will be to be bound by such clause by affixing their respective signatures to the employment
read as it is written and treated as the binding law of the parties to the contract. More significantly, as CPFs Vice President for Sales, Babiano held a highly sensitive
contract.54chanrobleslaw and confidential managerial position as he "was tasked, among others, to guarantee the
achievement of agreed sales targets for a project and to ensure that his team has a qualified
In the case at bar, CPI primarily invoked the "Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete and competent manpower resources by conducting recruitment activities, training sessions,
Clause" found in Babiano's employment contract55 to justify the forfeiture of his sales rallies, motivational activities, and evaluation programs."57 Hence, to allow Babiano to
commissions, viz.:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary freely move to direct competitors during and soon after his employment with CPI would
Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete Clause make the latter's trade secrets vulnerable to exposure, especially in a highly competitive
marketing environment. As such, it is only reasonable that CPI and Babiano agree on such
All records and documents of the company and all information pertaining to its business or stipulation in the latter's employment contract in order to afford a fair and reasonable
affairs or that of its affiliated companies are confidential and no unauthorized disclosure or protection to CPI.58 Indubitably, obligations arising from contracts, including employment
reproduction or the same will be made by you any time during or after your employment. contracts, have the force of law between the contracting parties and should be complied
with in good faith.59 Corollary thereto, parties are bound by the stipulations, clauses, terms,
And in order to ensure strict compliance herewith, you shall not work for whatsoever and conditions they have agreed to, provided that these stipulations, clauses, terms, and
capacity, either as an employee, agent or consultant with any person whose business is in conditions are not contrary to law, morals, public order or public policy,60 as in this case.
direct competition with the company while you are employed and for a period of one year
from date of resignation or termination from the company. Therefore, the CA erred in limiting the "Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete
Clause" only to acts done after the cessation of the employer-employee relationship or to
In the event the undersigned breaches any term of this contract, the undersigned agrees the "post-employment" relations of the parties. As clearly stipulated, the parties wanted to
and acknowledges that damages may not be an adequate remedy and that in addition to apply said clause during the pendency of Babiano's employment, and CPI correctly invoked
any other remedies available to the Company at law or in equity, the Company is entitled to the same before the labor tribunals to resist the former's claim for unpaid commissions on
enforce its rights hereunder by way of injunction, restraining order or other relief to enjoin account of his breach of the said clause while the employer-employee relationship between
any breach or default of this contract. them still subsisted. Hence, there is now a need to determine whether or not Babiano
breached said clause while employed by CPI, which would then resolve the issue of his
The undersigned agrees to pay all costs, expenses and attorney's fees incurred by the entitlement to his unpaid commissions.
Company in connection with the enforcement of the obligations of the undersigned. The
undersigned also agrees to .pay the Company all profits, revenues and income or benefits A judicious review of the records reveals that in his resignation letter61 dated February 25,
derived by or accruing to the undersigned resulting from the undersigned's breach of the 2009, Babiano categorically admitted to CPI Chairman Jose Antonio that on February 12,
obligations hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned, all 2009, he sought employment from First Global, and five (5) days later, was admitted thereto
employees, agents, officers, directors, shareholders, partners and representatives of the as vice president. From the foregoing, it is evidently clear that when he sought and
undersigned and all heirs, successors and assigns of the foregoing. eventually accepted the said position with First Global, he was still employed by CPI as he
has not formally resigned at that time. Irrefragably, this is a glaring violation of the

"Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete Clause" in his employment contract with by what the parties say it should be. In determining the status of the management contract,
CPI, thus, justifying the forfeiture of his unpaid commissions. the "four-fold test" on employment earlier mentioned has to be applied.69 (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied)
II. Therefore, the CA correctly ruled that since there exists an employer-employee relationship
between Concepcion and CPI, the labor tribunals correctly assumed jurisdiction over her
Anent the nature of Concepcion's engagement, based on case law, the presence of the money claims.
following elements evince the existence of an employer-employee relationship: (a) the
power to hire, i.e., the selection and engagement of the employee; (b) the payment of III.
wages; (c) the power of dismissal; and (d) the employer's power to control the employee's
conduct, or the so called "control test." The control test is commonly regarded as the most Finally, CPI contends that Concepcion's failure to assail the NLRC ruling awarding her the
important indicator of the presence or absence of an employer-employee relationship.62 amount of P470,754.62 representing unpaid commissions rendered the same final and
Under this test, an employer-employee relationship exists where the person for whom the binding upon her. As such, the CA erred in increasing her monetary award to
services are performed reserves the right to control not only the end achieved, but also the P591,953.05.70chanrobleslaw
manner and means to be used in reaching that end.63chanrobleslaw
The contention lacks merit.
Guided by these parameters, the Court finds that Concepcion was an employee of CPI
considering that: (a) CPI continuously hired and promoted Concepcion from October 2002 As a general rule, a party who has not appealed cannot obtain any affirmative relief other
until her resignation on February 23, 2009,64 thus, showing that CPI exercised the power of than the one granted in the appealed decision. However, jurisprudence admits an exception
selection and engagement over her person and that she performed functions that were to the said rule, such as when strict adherence thereto shall result in the impairment of the
necessary and desirable to the business of CPI; (b) the monthly "subsidy" and cash substantive rights of the parties concerned. In Global Resource for Outsourced Workers, Inc.
incentives that Concepcion was receiving from CPI are actually remuneration in the concept v. Velasco:71
of wages as it was regularly given to her on a monthly basis without any qualification, save Indeed, a party who has failed to appeal from a judgment is deemed to have acquiesced to it
for the "complete submission of documents on what is a sale policy";65 (c) CPI had the and can no longer obtain from the appellate court any affirmative relief other than what was
power to discipline or even dismiss Concepcion as her engagement contract with CPI already granted under said judgment. However, when strict adherence to such technical rule
expressly conferred upon the latter "the right to discontinue [her] service anytime during the will impair a substantive right, such as that of an illegally dismissed employee to monetary
period of engagement should [she] fail to meet the performance standards,"66 among compensation as provided by law, then equity dictates that the Court set aside the rule to
others, and that CPI actually exercised such power to dismiss when it accepted and pave the way for a full and just adjudication of the case.72 (Emphasis and underscoring
approved Concepcion's resignation letter; and most importantly, (d) as aptly pointed out by supplied)
the CA, CPI possessed the power of control over Concepcion because in the performance of
her duties as Project Director - particularly in the conduct of recruitment activities, training In the present case, the CA aptly pointed out that the NLRC failed to account for all the
sessions, and skills development of Sales Directors - she did not exercise independent unpaid commissions due to Concepcion for the period of August 9, 2008 to August 8,
discretion thereon, but was still subject to the direct supervision of CPI, acting through 2011.73 Indeed, Concepcion's right to her earned commissions is a substantive right which
Babiano.67chanrobleslaw cannot be impaired by an erroneous computation of what she really is entitled to. Hence,
following the dictates of equity and in order to arrive at a complete and just resolution of the
Besides, while the employment agreement of Concepcion was denominated as a "Contract case, and avoid a piecemeal dispensation of justice over the same, the CA correctly
of Agency for Project Director," it should be stressed that the existence of employer- recomputed Concepcion's unpaid commissions, notwithstanding her failure to seek a review
employee relations could not be negated by the mere expedient of repudiating it in a of the NLRC's computation of the same.
contract. In the case of Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. v. NLRC,68 it was ruled that one's
employment status is defined and prescribed by law, and not by what the parties say it In sum, the Court thus holds that the commissions of Babiano were properly forfeited for
should be, viz.:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary violating the "Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete Clause." On.the other hand,
It is axiomatic that the existence of an employer-employee relationship cannot be negated CPI remains liable for the unpaid commissions of Concepcion in the sum of P591,953.05.
by expressly repudiating it in the management contract and providing therein that the
"employee" is an independent contractor when the terms of the agreement clearly show WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED. The Decision dated April 8, 2015 and the
otherwise. For, the employment status of a person is defined and prescribed by law and not Resolution dated October 12, 2015 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 132953

are hereby MODIFIED in that the commissions of respondent Edwin J. Babiano are deemed "transitory employment." She took the pre-employment examination given by DBP Service
FORFEITED. The rest of the CA Decision stands. Corporation and passed the same. On May 20, 1996, she was told to report for training to
SSS, Naga City branch, for immediate deployment to SSS Daet branch. On May 28, 1996,
SO ORDERED. she was made to sign a six-month Service Contract Agreement7 by DBP Service Corporation,
appointing her as clerk for assignment with SSS Daet branch effective May 27, 1996, with a
daily wage of only P171.00. She was assigned as "Frontliner" of the SSS Members Assistance
Section until December 15, 1999. From December 16, 1999 to May 15, 2001, she was
assigned to the Membership Section as Data Encoder. On December 16, 2001, she was
transferred to the SSS Retirees Association as Processor at the Membership Section until her
resignation on August 26, 2002. As Processor, she was paid only P229.00 daily or P5,038.00
monthly, while a regular SSS Processor receives a monthly salary of P18,622.00 or P846.45
daily wage. Her May 28, 1996 Service Contract Agreement with DBP Service Corporation was
never renewed, but she was required to work for SSS continuously under different
assignments with a maximum daily salary of only P229.00; at the same time, she was
constantly assured of being absorbed into the SSS plantilla. Respondent claimed she was
qualified for her position as Processor, having completed required training and passed the
SSS qualifying examination for Computer Operations Course given by the National Computer
Institute, U.P. Diliman from May 16 to June 10, 2001, yet she was not given the proper salary.
Because of the oppressive and prejudicial treatment by SSS, she was forced to resign on
August 26, 2002 as she could no longer stand being exploited, the agony of dissatisfaction,
anxiety, demoralization, and injustice. She asserted that she dedicated six years of her
4. G.R. No. 200114, August 24, 2015 precious time faithfully serving SSS, foregoing more satisfying employment elsewhere, yet
she was merely exploited and given empty and false promises; that defendants conspired to
SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM, Petitioner, v. DEBBIE UBAA, Respondent. exploit her and violate civil service laws and regulations and Civil Code provisions on Human
DECISION Relations, particularly Articles 19, 20, and 21.8 As a result, she suffered actual losses by way
of unrealized income, moral and exemplary damages, attorney's fees and litigation
DEL CASTILLO, J.: expenses.

This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails: 1) the July 29, 2011 Decision2 of the Court of Respondent prayed for an award of P572,682.67 actual damages representing the difference
Appeals (CA) denying the Petition for Certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No. 110006 and affirming the between the legal and proper salary she should have received and the actual salary she
March 6, 2007 Order3 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Daet, Camarines Norte, Branch 39 received during her six-year stint with petitioner; P300,000.00 moral damages; exemplary
in Civil Case No. 7304; and 2) the CA's January 10, 2012 Resolution4 denying petitioner's damages at the discretion of the court; P20,000.00 attorney's fees and P1,000.00
Motion for Reconsideration of the herein assailed Decision. appearance fees; and other just and equitable relief.

Factual Antecedents Petitioner and its co-defendants SSS Retirees Association and DBP Service Corporation filed
their respective motions to dismiss, arguing that the subject matter of the case and
On December 26, 2002, respondent Debbie Ubana filed a civil case for damages against the respondent's claims arose out of employer-employee relations, which are beyond the RTC's
DBP Service Corporation, petitioner Social Security System (SSS), and the SSS Retirees jurisdiction and properly cognizable by the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC).
Association5 before the RTC of Daet, Camarines Norte. The case was docketed as Civil Case
No. 7304 and assigned to RTC Branch 39. Respondent opposed the motions to dismiss, arguing that pursuant to civil service rules and
regulations, service contracts such as her Service Contract Agreement with DBP Service
In her Complaint,6 respondent alleged that in July 1995, she applied for employment with Corporation should cover only a) lump sum work or services such as janitorial, security or
the petitioner. However, after passing the examinations and accomplishing all the consultancy services, and b) piece work or intermittent jobs of short duration not exceeding
requirements for employment, she was instead referred to DBP Service Corporation for six months on a daily basis.9 She posited that her service contract involved the performance

of sensitive work, and not merely janitorial, security, consultancy services, or work of xxx. Likewise, they are contrary to the Civil Code provisions on human relations which
intermittent or short duration. In fact, she was made to work continuously even after the [state], among others, that Every person, must in the exercise of his rights and in the
lapse of her 6-month service contract. Citing Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due and observe honesty and
No. 40, respondent contended that the performance of functions outside of the nature good faith (Article 19) and that Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or negligently
provided in the appointment and receiving salary way below that received by regular SSS [causes] damages to another, shall indemnify the latter for the same. (Art. 20)
employees amount to an abuse of rights; and that her cause of action is anchored on the
provisions of the Civil Code on Human Relations. "Article 19 provides a rule of conduct that is consistent with an orderly and harmonious
relationship between and among men and women It codifies the concept of what is justice
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court and fair play so that abuse of right by a person will be prevented. Art. 20 speaks of general
sanction for all other provisions of law which do not especially provide their own sanction.
On October 1, 2003, the RTC issued an Order10 dismissing respondent's complaint for lack Thus, anyone, who, whether willfully or negligently, in the exercise of his legal right or duty,
of jurisdiction, stating that her claim for damages "has a reasonable causal connection with causes damage to another, shall indemnify his or her victim for injuries suffered thereby."
her employer-employee relations with the defendants"11 and "is grounded on the alleged (Persons and Family Relations, Sta. Maria, Melencio, Jr. (2004) pp. 31-32.)
fraudulent and malevolent manner by which the defendants conspired with each other in
exploiting [her], which is a clear case of unfair labor practice,"12 falling under the Wherefore, all premises considered, the Motion for Reconsideration is hereby GRANTED. The
jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter of the NLRC. Thus, it decreed:cralawlawlibrary case against defendant Social Security System represented by its President is hereby
reinstated in the docket of active civil cases of this court.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the aforementioned Motion to Dismiss the complaint of
the herein plaintiff for lack of jurisdiction is hereby GRANTED. The above-entitled complaint SO ORDERED.15 [Italics in the original]
is hereby DISMISSED. Petitioner moved for reconsideration, but the RTC stood its ground in its June 24, 2009
Respondent moved for reconsideration. On March 6, 2007, the RTC issued another Order14 Ruling of the Court of Appeals
granting respondent's motion for reconsideration. The trial court held:cralawlawlibrary
Section 2(1), Art. K-B, 1987 Constitution, expressly provides that "the civil service embraces In a Petition for Certiorari17 filed with the CA and docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 110006,
all branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the government, including petitioner sought a reversal of the RTC's June 24, 2009 and March 6, 2007 Orders and the
government-owned or controlled corporation[s] with original charters." Corporations with reinstatement of its original October 1, 2003 Order dismissing Civil Case No. 7304, insisting
original charters are those which have been created by special law[s] and not through the that the trial court did not have jurisdiction over respondent's claims for "unrealized salary
general corporation law. In contrast, labor law claims against government-owned and income" and other damages, which constitute a labor dispute cognizable only by the labor
controlled corporations without original charters fall within the jurisdiction of the Department tribunals. Moreover, it claimed that the assailed Orders of the trial court were issued with
of Labor and Employment and not the Civil Service Commission. (Light Rail Transit Authority grave abuse of discretion. It argued that the trial court gravely erred in dismissing the case
vs. Perfecto Venus, March 24, 2006.) only as against its co-defendants DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association and
maintaining the charge against it, considering that its grounds for seeking dismissal are
Having been created under an original charter, RA No. 1161 as amended by R.A. 8282, similar to those raised by the two. It maintained that DBP Service Corporation and SSS
otherwise known as the Social Security Act of 1997, the SSS is governed by the provision[s] Retirees Association are legitimate independent job contractors engaged by it to provide
of the Civil Service Commission. However, since the SSS denied the existence of an manpower services since 2001, which thus makes respondent an employee of these two
employer-employee relationship, and the case is one for Damages, it is not the Civil Service entities and not of SSS; and that since it is not the respondent's employer, then there is no
Commission that has jurisdiction to try the case, but the regular courts. cause of action against it.

A perusal of the Complaint filed by the plaintiff against the defendant SSS clearly shows that On July 29, 2011, the CA issued the assailed Decision containing the following
the case is one for Damages. pronouncement:cralawlawlibrary
Hence, petitioner seeks recourse before this Court via this Petition for Certiorari challenging
Paragraph 15 of her complaint states, thus:ChanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary the RTC Orders. For the resolution of this Court is the sole issue of:cralawlawlibrary

The petition is devoid of merits. the New Civil Code that she was insisting in wagering this case. The primary relief sought
herein is for moral and exemplary damages for the abuse of rights. The claims for actual
The rule is that, the nature of an action and the subject matter thereof, as well as, which damages for unrealized income are the natural consequence for abuse of such rights.
court or agency of the government has jurisdiction over the same, are determined by the
material allegations of the complaint in relation to the law involved and the character of the While it is true that labor arbiters and the NLRC have jurisdiction to award not only reliefs
reliefs prayed for, whether or not the complainant/plaintiff is entitled to any or all of such provided by labor laws, but also damages governed by the Civil Code, these reliefs must still
reliefs. A prayer or demand for relief is not part of the petition of the cause of action; nor be based on an action that has a reasonable causal connection with the Labor Code, other
does it enlarge the cause of action stated or change the legal effect of what is alleged. In labor statutes, or collective bargaining agreements. Claims for damages under paragraph 4
determining which body has jurisdiction over a case, the better policy is to consider not only of Article 217 must have a reasonable causal connection with any of the claims provided for
the status or relationship of the parties but also the nature of the action that is the subject of in the article in order to be cognizable by the labor arbiter. Only if there is such a connection
their controversy. with the other claims can the claim for damages be considered as arising from employer-
employee relations. In the present case, Ubana's claim for damages is not related to any
A careful perusal of Ubana's Complaint in Civil Case No. 7304 unveils that Ubana's claim is other claim under Article 217, other labor statutes, or collective bargaining agreements.
rooted on the principle of abuse of right laid in the New Civil Code. She was claiming
damages based on the alleged exploitation [perpetrated] by the defendants depriving her of All told, it is ineluctable that it is the regular courts that has [sic] jurisdiction to hear and
her rightful income. In asserting that she is entitled to the damages claimed, [she] invoked decide Civil Case No. 7304. In Tolosa v. NLRC,18 the Supreme Court held that, "[i]t is not the
not the provisions of the Labor Code or any other labor laws but the provisions on human NLRC but the regular courts that have jurisdiction over action for damages, in which the
relations under the New Civil Code. Evidently, the determination of the respective rights of employer-employee relations is merely incidental, and in which the cause of action proceeds
the parties herein, and the ascertainment whether there were abuses of such rights, do not from a different source of obligation such as tort. Since petitioner's claim for damages is
call for the application of the labor laws but of the New Civil Code. Apropos thereto, the predicated on a quasi-delict or tort that has no reasonable causal connection with any of the
resolution of the issues raised in the instant complaint does not require the expertise claims provided for in Article 217, other labor statutes or collective bargaining agreements,
acquired by labor officials. It is the courts of general jurisdiction, which is the RTC in this jurisdiction over the action lies with the regular courts not with the NLRC or the labor
case, which has the authority to hear and decide Civil Case No. 7304. arbiters." The same rule applies in this case.

Not every dispute between an employer and employee involves matters that only labor WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is DENIED and the Order dated March
arbiters and the NLRC can resolve in the exercise of their adjudicatory or quasi-judicial 6, 2007 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 39 of Daet, Camarines Norte in Civil Case No.
powers. Where the claim to the principal relief sought is to be resolved not by reference to 7304 is hereby AFFIRMED.
the Labor Code or other labor relations statute or a collective bargaining agreement but by
the general civil law, the jurisdiction over the dispute belongs to the regular courts of justice SO ORDERED.19
and not to the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC. In such situations, [resolution] of the dispute Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration,20 but the CA denied the same in its January 10,
requires expertise, not in labor management relations nor in wage structures and other 2012 Resolution.21 Hence, the present Petition.
terms and conditions of employment, but rather in the application of the general civil law.
Clearly, such claims fall outside the area of competence or expertise ordinarily ascribed to Issue
Labor Arbiters and the NLRC and the rationale for granting jurisdiction over such claims to
these agencies disappears. Petitioner simply submits that the assailed CA dispositions are contrary to law and
It is the character of the principal relief sought that appears essential in this connection.
Where such principal relief is to be granted under labor legislation or a collective bargaining Petitioner's Arguments
agreement, the case should fall within the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC,
even though a claim for damages might be asserted as an incident to such claim. Praying that the assailed CA dispositions be set aside and that the RTC's October 1, 2003
Order dismissing Civil Case No. 7304 be reinstated, petitioner essentially maintains in its
The pivotal question is whether the Labor Code has any relevance to the principal relief Petition and Reply22 that respondent's claims arose from and are in fact centered on her
sought in the complaint. As pointed out earlier, Ubana did not seek refuge from the Labor previous employment. It maintains that there is a direct causal connection between
Code in asking for the award of damages. It was the transgression of Article[s] 19 and 20 of respondent's claims and her employment, which brings the subject matter within the

jurisdiction of the NLRC. Petitioner contends that respondent's other claims are intimately that the latter, and not SSS, are respondent's true employers. Since both parties admit that
intertwined with her claim of actual damages which are cognizable by the NLRC. Moreover, there is no employment relation between them, then there is no dispute cognizable by the
petitioner alleges that its existing manpower services agreements with DBP Service NLRC. Thus, respondent's case is premised on the claim that in paying her only P229.00
Corporation and SSS Retirees Association are legitimate; and that some of respondent's daily - or P5,038.00 monthly - as against a monthly salary of P18,622.00, or P846.45 daily
claims may not be entertained since these pertain to benefits enjoyed by government wage, paid to a regular SSS Processor at the time, petitioner exploited her, treated her
employees, not by employees contracted via legitimate manpower service providers. Finally, unfairly, and unjustly enriched itself at her expense.
petitioner avers that the nature and character of the reliefs prayed for by the respondent are
directly within the jurisdiction not of the courts, but of the labor tribunals. For Article 217 of the Labor Code to apply, and in order for the Labor Arbiter to acquire
jurisdiction over a dispute, there must be an employer-employee relation between the
Respondent's Arguments parties thereto.chanrobleslaw
x x x It is well settled in law and jurisprudence that where no employer-employee
In her Comment,23 respondent maintains that her case is predicated not on labor laws but relationship exists between the parties and no issue is involved which may be resolved by
on Articles 19 and 20 of the Civil Code for petitioner's act of exploiting her and enriching reference to the Labor Code, other labor statutes or any collective bargaining agreement, it
itself at her expense by not paying her the correct salary commensurate to the position she is the Regional Trial Court that has jurisdiction, x x x The action is within the realm of civil
held within SSS. Also, since there is no employer-employee relationship between her and law hence jurisdiction over the case belongs to the regular courts. While the resolution of the
petitioner, as the latter itself admits, then her case is not cognizable by the Civil Service issue involves the application of labor laws, reference to the labor code was only for the
Commission (CSC) either; that since the NLRC and the CSC have no jurisdiction over her determination of the solidary liability of the petitioner to the respondent where no employer-
case, then it is only the regular courts which can have jurisdiction over her claims. She employee relation exists. Article 217 of the Labor Code as amended vests upon the labor
argues that the CA is correct in ruling that her case is rooted in the principle of abuse of arbiters exclusive original jurisdiction only over the following:ChanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
rights under the Civil Code; and that the Petition did not properly raise issues of law.
1. Unfair labor practices;
Our Ruling
2. Termination disputes;
The Court denies the Petition.
3. If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those cases that workers may file involving
In Home Development Mutual Fund v. Commission on Audit,24 it was held that while they wages, rates of pay, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment;
performed the work of regular government employees, DBP Service Corporation personnel
are not government personnel, but employees of DBP Service Corporation acting as an 4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages arising from employer-
independent contractor. Applying the foregoing pronouncement to the present case, it can employee relations;
be said that during respondent's stint with petitioner, she never became an SSS employee,
as she remained an employee of DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association - the 5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this Code, including questions involving
two being independent contractors with legitimate service contracts with SSS. legality of strikes and lockouts; and

Indeed, "[i]n legitimate job contracting, no employer-employee relation exists between the 6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social Security, Medicare and maternity
principal and the job contractor's employees. The principal is responsible to the job benefits, all other claims, arising from employer- employee relations, including those of
contractor's employees only for the proper payment of wages."25cralawredcralawrednad persons in domestic or household service, involving an amount exceeding five thousand
pesos (P5,000.00) regardless of whether accompanied with a claim for reinstatement.
In her Complaint, respondent acknowledges that she is not petitioner's employee, but that
precisely she was promised that she would be absorbed into the SSS plantilla after all her In all these cases, an employer-employee relationship is an indispensable jurisdictional
years of service with SSS; and that as SSS Processor, she was paid only P229.00 daily or requisite x x x.26
P5,038.00 monthly, while a regular SSS Processor receives a monthly salary of P18,622.00, Since there is no employer-employee relationship between the parties herein, then there is
or P846.45 daily wage. In its pleadings, petitioner denied the existence of an employer- no labor dispute cognizable by the Labor Arbiters or the NLRC.
employee relationship between it and respondent; in fact, it insists on the validity of its
service agreements with DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association - meaning

There being no employer-employee relation or any other definite or direct contract between Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of
respondent and petitioner, the latter being responsible to the former only for the proper Court which seeks to review, reverse and set-aside the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals
payment of wages, respondent is thus justified in filing a case against petitioner, based on (CA), dated May 30, 2005, and its Resolution2 dated January 10, 2006 in the case entitled
Articles 19 and 20 of the Civil Code, to recover the proper salary due her as SSS Processor. Jndophil Textile Mills, Inc. v. Hon. Rolando R. Velasco and Engr. Salvador Adviento, docketed
At first glance, it is indeed unfair and unjust that as, Processor who has worked with as CA-G.R. SP No. 83099.
petitioner for six long years, she was paid only P5,038.00 monthly, or P229.00 daily, while a
regular SSS employee with the same designation and who performs identical functions is The facts are not disputed.
paid a monthly salary of P18,622.00, or P846.45 daily wage. Petitioner may not hide under
its service contracts to deprive respondent of what is justly due her. As a vital government Petitioner Indophil Textile Mills, Inc. is a domestic corporation engaged in the business of
entity charged with ensuring social security, it should lead in setting the example by treating manufacturing thread for weaving.3 On August 21, 1990, petitioner hired respondent Engr.
everyone with justice and fairness. If it cannot guarantee the security of those who work for Salvador Adviento as Civil Engineer to maintain its facilities in Lambakin, Marilao, Bulacan.4
it, it is doubtful that it can even discharge its directive to promote the social security of its On August 7, 2002, respondent consulted a physician due to recurring weakness and
members in line with the fundamental mandate to promote social justice and to insure the dizziness.5 Few days later, he was diagnosed with Chronic Poly Sinusitis, and thereafter, with
well-being and economic security of the Filipino people. moderate, severe and persistent Allergic Rhinitis.6 Accordingly, respondent was advised by
his doctor to totally avoid house dust mite and textile dust as it will transmute into health
In this jurisdiction, the "long honored legal truism of 'equal pay for equal work'" has been problems.7
"impregnably institutionalized;" "[p]ersons who work with substantially equal qualifications,
skill, effort and responsibility, under similar conditions, should be paid similar salaries."27 Distressed, respondent filed a complaint against petitioner with the National Labor Relations
"That public policy abhors inequality and discrimination is beyond contention. Our Commission (NLRC), San Fernando, Pampanga, for alleged illegal dismissal and for the
Constitution and laws reflect the policy against these evils. The Constitution in the Article on payment of backwages, separation pay, actual damages and attorneys fees. The said case,
Social Justice and Human Rights exhorts Congress to 'give highest priority to the enactment docketed as NLRC Case No. RAB-III-05-5834-03, is still pending resolution with the NLRC at
of measures that protect and enhance the right of all people to human dignity, reduce social, the time the instant petition was filed.8
economic, and political inequalities.' The very broad Article 19 of the Civil Code requires
every person, 'in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, [to] act with Subsequently, respondent filed another Complaint9 with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith'."28cralawrednad Aparri, Cagayan, alleging that he contracted such occupational disease by reason of the
gross negligence of petitioner to provide him with a safe, healthy and workable environment.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The assailed July 29, 2011 Decision and January 10,
2012 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 110006 are AFFIRMED. The case is In his Complaint, respondent alleged that as part of his job description, he conductsregular
ordered remanded with dispatch to the Regional Trial Court of Daet, Camarines Norte, maintenance check on petitioners facilities including its dye house area, which is very hot
Branch 39, for continuation of proceedings. and emits foul chemical odor with no adequate safety measures introduced by petitioner.10
According to respondent, the air washer dampers and all roof exhaust vests are blown into
SO ORDERED. open air, carrying dust thereto.11 Concerned, respondent recommended to management to
place roof insulation to minimize, if not, eradicate the health hazards attendant in the work
place.12 However, said recommendation was turned down by management due to high
5. G.R. No. 171212 August 4, 2014 cost.13 Respondent further suggested to petitioners management that the engineering
office be relocated because ofits dent prone location, such that even if the door of the office
INDOPHIL TEXTILE MILLS, INC., Petitioner, is sealed, accumulated dust creeps in outside the office.14 This was further aggravated by
vs. the installation of new filters fronting the office.15 However, no action was taken by
ENGR. SALVADOR ADVIENTO, Respondents. management.16 According to respondent, these healthhazards have been the persistent
complaints of most, if not all, workers of petitioner.17 Nevertheless, said complaints fell on
DECISION deaf ears as petitioner callously ignored the health problems of its workers and even tended
to be apathetic to their plight, including respondent.18

Respondent averred that, being the only breadwinner in the family, he made several WHEREFORE, premises considered, petition for certiorari is hereby DISMISSEDfor lack of
attempts to apply for a new job, but to his dismay and frustration, employers who knew ofhis merit. SO ORDERED.28
present health condition discriminated against him and turned down his application.19 By
reason thereof, respondent suffered intense moral suffering, mental anguish, serious anxiety From the aforesaid Decision, petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was
and wounded feelings, praying for the recovery of the following: (1) Five Million Pesos nevertheless denied for lack of merit in the CAs Resolution29 dated January 10, 2006.
(P5,000,000.00) asmoral damages; (2) Two Million Pesos (P2,000,000.00) as exemplary Hence, petitioner interposed the instant petition upon the solitary ground that "THE
damages; and (3) Seven Million Three Thousand and Eight Pesos (P7,003,008.00) as HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS HAS DECIDED A QUESTION OF SUBSTANCE IN A WAY NOT
compensatory damages.20 Claiming to be a pauper litigant, respondent was not required to IN ACCORD WITH LAW AND WITH APPLICABLE DECISIONS OF THE HONORABLE SUPREME
pay any filing fee.21 COURT."30 Simply, the issue presented before us is whether or not the RTC has jurisdiction
over the subject matter of respondents complaint praying for moral damages,exemplary
In reply, petitioner filed a Motion to Dismiss22 on the ground that: (1) the RTC has no damages, compensatory damages, anchored on petitioners alleged gross negligence in
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint because the same falls under the failing to provide a safe and healthy working environment for respondent.
original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter (LA) under Article 217(a)(4) of the
Labor Code; and (2) there is another action pending with the Regional Arbitration Branch III The delineation between the jurisdiction of regular courts and labor courts over cases
of the NLRC in San Fernando City, Pampanga, involving the same parties for the same cause. involving workers and their employers has always been a matter of dispute.31 It is up to the
Courts to lay the line after careful scrutiny of the factual milieu of each case. Here, we find
On December 29, 2003, the RTC issued a Resolution23 denying the aforesaid Motion and that jurisdiction rests on the regular courts.
sustaining its jurisdiction over the instant case. It held that petitioners alleged failure to
provide its employees with a safe, healthy and workable environment is an act of In its attempt to overturn the assailed Decision and Resolution of the CA, petitioner argues
negligence, a case of quasi-delict. As such, it is not within the jurisdiction of the LA under that respondentsclaim for damages is anchored on the alleged gross negligence of
Article 217 of the Labor Code. On the matter of dismissal based on lis pendencia, the RTC petitioner as an employer to provide its employees, including herein respondent, with a safe,
ruled that the complaint before the NLRC has a different cause of action which is for illegal healthy and workable environment; hence, it arose from an employer-employee
dismissal and prayer for backwages, actual damages, attorneys fees and separation pay relationship.32 The fact of respondents employment withpetitioner as a civil engineer is a
due to illegal dismissal while in the present case, the cause of action is for quasi-delict.24 necessary element of his cause ofaction because without the same, respondent cannot
The falloof the Resolution is quoted below: claim to have a rightto a safe, healthy and workable environment.33 Thus, exclusive
jurisdiction over the same should be vested in the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC pursuant to
WHEREFORE, finding the motion to dismiss to be without merit, the Court deniesthe motion Article 217(a)(4) of the Labor Code of the Philippines (Labor Code), as amended.34
to dismiss.
We are not convinced.
The jurisdiction of the LA and the NLRC is outlined in Article 217 of the Labor Code, as
On February 9, 2004, petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration thereto, which was amended by Section 9 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6715, to wit:
likewise denied in an Order issued on even date.
ART. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the Commission-- (a) Except as otherwise
Expectedly, petitioner then filed a Petition for Certiorariwith the CA on the ground that the provided under this Code the Labor Arbiter shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to
RTC committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in hear and decide, within thirty (30) calendar days after the submission of the case by the
upholding that it has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint despite the broad parties for decision without extension, even in the absence of stenographic notes, the
and clear terms of Article 217 of the Labor Code, as amended.26 following cases involving all workers, whether agricultural or nonagricultural:

After the submission by the parties of their respective Memoranda, the CA rendered a 1. Unfair labor practice cases;
Decision27 dated May 30, 2005 dismissing petitioners Petition for lack of merit, the
dispositive portion of which states: 2. Termination disputes;

3. If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those cases that workers may file Similarly, we ruled in the recent case of Portillo v. Rudolf Lietz, Inc.41 that not all disputes
involvingwages, rates of pay, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment; between an employer and his employees fall within the jurisdiction of the labor tribunals
suchthat when the claim for damages is grounded on the "wanton failure and refusal"
4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages arising from employer- without just cause of an employee to report for duty despite repeated notices served upon
employee relations; him of the disapproval of his application for leave ofabsence, the same falls within the
purview of Civil Law, to wit:
5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this Code including questions involving
the legality of strikes and lockouts; and As early as Singapore Airlines Limited v. Pao, we established that not all disputes between
an employer and his employee(s) fall within the jurisdiction of the labor tribunals. We
6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social Security, Medicare and maternity differentiated between abandonment per seand the manner and consequent effects of such
benefits, all other claims, arising from employer-employee relations, including those of abandonment and ruled that the first, is a labor case, while the second, is a civil law case.
persons in domestic or household service,involving an amount exceeding five thousand
pesos (P5,000.00) regardless of whether accompanied with a claim for reinstatement. Upon the facts and issues involved, jurisdiction over the present controversy must be held to
belong to the civil Courts. While seemingly petitioner's claim for damages arises from
x x x.35 employer-employee relations, and the latest amendment to Article 217 of the Labor Code
under PD No. 1691 and BP Blg. 130 provides that all other claimsarising from employer-
While we have upheld the present trend to refer worker-employer controversies to labor employee relationship are cognizable by Labor Arbiters [citation omitted], in essence,
courts in light of the aforequoted provision, we have also recognized that not all claims petitioner's claim for damages is grounded on the "wanton failure and refusal"without just
involving employees can be resolved solely by our labor courts, specifically when the law cause of private respondent Cruz to report for duty despite repeated notices served upon
provides otherwise.36 For this reason, we have formulated the "reasonable causal him of the disapproval of his application for leave of absence without pay. This, coupled with
connection rule," wherein if there is a reasonable causal connection between the claim the further averment that Cruz "maliciously and with bad faith" violated the terms and
asserted and the employer-employee relations, then the case is within the jurisdiction of the conditions of the conversion training course agreement to the damage of petitioner removes
labor courts; and in the absence thereof, it is the regular courts that have jurisdiction.37 the present controversy from the coverage of the Labor Code and brings it within the
Such distinction is apt since it cannot be presumed that money claims of workers which do purview of Civil Law.
not arise out of or in connection with their employer-employee relationship, and which would
therefore fall within the general jurisdiction of the regular courts of justice, were intended by Clearly, the complaint was anchored not on the abandonment per seby private respondent
the legislative authority to be taken away from the jurisdiction of the courts and lodged with Cruz of his jobas the latter was not required in the Complaint to report back to workbut
Labor Arbiters on an exclusive basis.38 on the manner and consequent effects of such abandonmentof work translated in terms of
the damages which petitioner had to suffer. x x x.42
In fact, as early as Medina vs. Hon. Castro-Bartolome,39 in negating the jurisdiction of the
LA, although the parties involved were an employer and two employees, the Court succinctly Indeed, jurisprudence has evolved the rule that claims for damages under Article 217(a)(4)
held that: of the Labor Code, to be cognizable by the LA, must have a reasonable causal connection
withany of the claims provided for in that article.43 Only if there is such a connection with
The pivotal question to Our mind iswhether or not the Labor Code has any relevance to the the other claims can a claim for damages be considered as arising from employer-employee
reliefs sought by the plaintiffs. For if the Labor Code has no relevance, any discussion relations.44
concerning the statutes amending it and whether or not they have retroactive effect is
unnecessary. In the case at bench, we find that such connection is nil.

It is obvious from the complaint that the plaintiffs have not alleged any unfair labor practice. True, the maintenance of a safe and healthy workplace is ordinarily a subject of labor cases.
Theirs is a simple action for damages for tortious acts allegedly committed by the More, the acts complained of appear to constitute matters involving employee-employer
defendants. Such being the case, the governing statute is the Civil Code and not the Labor relations since respondent used to be the Civil Engineer of petitioner. However, it should be
Code. It results that the orders under revieware based on a wrong premise.40 stressed that respondents claim for damages is specifically grounded on petitioners gross
negligenceto provide a safe, healthy and workable environment for its employees a case of
quasi-delict. This is easily ascertained from a plain and cursory reading of the Complaint,45

which enumerates the acts and/or omissions of petitioner relative to the conditions in the In the case at bar, respondent alleges that due to the continued and prolonged exposure to
workplace, to wit: textile dust seriously inimical to his health, he suffered work-contracted disease which is
now irreversible and incurable, and deprived him of job opportunities.52 Clearly, injury and
1. Petitioners textile mills have excessive flying textile dust and waste in its operations and damages were allegedly suffered by respondent, an element of quasi-delict. Secondly, the
no effort was exerted by petitioner to minimize or totally eradicate it; previous contract of employment between petitioner and respondent cannot be used to
counter the element of "no pre-existing contractual relation" since petitioners alleged gross
2. Petitioner failed to provide adequate and sufficient dust suction facilities; negligence in maintaining a hazardous work environment cannot be considered a mere
breach of such contract of employment, but falls squarely within the elements of quasi-
3. Textile machines are cleaned with air compressors aggravating the dusty work place; delictunder Article 2176 of the Civil Code since the negligence is direct, substantive and
independent.53 Hence, we ruled in Yusen Air and Sea Services Phils., Inc. v. Villamor54 that:
4. Petitioner has no physician specializing in respiratoryrelated illness considering it is a
textile company; When, as here, the cause of action is based on a quasi-delictor tort, which has no reasonable
causal connection with any of the claims provided for in Article 217, jurisdiction over the
5. Petitioner has no device to detectthe presence or density of dust which is airborne; action is with the regular courts.55

6. The chemical and color room are not equipped with proper safety chemical nose mask; It also bears stressing that respondent is not praying for any relief under the Labor Code of
and the Philippines. He neither claims for reinstatement nor backwages or separation pay
resulting from an illegal termination. The cause of action herein pertains to the consequence
7. The power and boiler plant emit too much smoke with solid particles blown to the air from of petitioners omission which led to a work-related disease suffered by respondent, causing
the smoke stack of the power plant emitting a brown rust color which engulfs the entire harm or damage to his person. Such cause of action is within the realm of Civil Law, and
compound.46 jurisdiction over the controversy belongs to the regular courts.56

In addition, respondent alleged that despite his earnest efforts to suggest to management to Our ruling in Portillo, is instructive, thus:
place roof insulation to minimize, if not, eradicate the health hazards attendant in the
workplace, the same was not heeded.47 There is no causal connection between private respondents claim for damages and the
respondent employers claim for damages for the alleged "Goodwill Clause" violation.
It is a basic tenet that jurisdiction over the subject matter is determined upon the allegations Portillos claim for unpaid salaries did not have anything to do with her alleged violation of
made in the complaint, irrespective of whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to recover upon the employment contract as, in fact, her separation from employmentis not "rooted" in the
the claim asserted therein, which is a matter resolved only after and as a result of a trial.48 alleged contractual violation. She resigned from her employment. She was not dismissed.
Neither can jurisdiction of a court bemade to depend upon the defenses made by a Portillos entitlementto the unpaid salaries is not even contested. Indeed, Lietz Inc.s
defendant in his answer or motion to dismiss.49 In this case, a perusal of the complaint argument about legal compensation necessarily admits that it owesthe money claimed by
would reveal that the subject matter is one of claim for damages arising from quasi-delict, Portillo.57
which is within the ambit of the regular court's jurisdiction.
Further, it cannot be gainsaid that the claim for damages occurred afterthe employer-
The pertinent provision of Article 2176 of the Civil Code which governs quasi-delictprovides employee relationship of petitioner and respondent has ceased. Given that respondent no
that: Whoever by act or omissioncauses damageto another, there being fault or negligence, longer demands for any relief under the Labor Code as well as the rules and regulations
is obliged to pay for the damagedone. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-existing pertinent thereto, Article 217(a)(4) of the Labor Code is inapplicable to the instant case, as
contractual relation between the parties, is called quasi-delict.50 emphatically held in Portillo, to wit:

Thus, to sustain a claim liability under quasi-delict, the following requisites must concur: (a) It is clear, therefore, that while Portillos claim for unpaid salaries is a money claim that
damages suffered by the plaintiff; (b) fault or negligence of the defendant, or someother arises out ofor in connection with an employeremployee relationship, Lietz Inc.s claim
person for whose acts he must respond; and (c) the connection of causeand effect between against Portillo for violation of the goodwill clause is a money claim based on an act done
the fault or negligence of the defendant and the damages incurred by the plaintiff.51 after the cessation of the employment relationship. And, while the jurisdiction over Portillos

claim is vested in the labor arbiter, the jurisdiction over Lietz Inc.s claim rests on the regular
courts. Thus:

As it is, petitioner does not ask for any relief under the Labor Code. It merely seeks to
recover damages based on the parties' contract of employment as redress for respondent's 6. G.R. No. 202961, February 04, 2015
breach thereof. Such cause of action is within the realm of Civil Law, and jurisdiction over the
controversy belongs to the regular courts. More so must this be in the present case, what EMER MILAN, RANDY MASANGKAY, WILFREDO JAVIER, RONALDO DAVID, BONIFACIO
with the reality that the stipulation refers to the post-employment relations of the parties.58 MATUNDAN, NORA MENDOZA, ET AL., Petitioners, v. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS
Where the resolution of the dispute requires expertise, not in labor management relations
nor in wage structures and other terms and conditions of employment, but rather in the DECISION
application of the general civil law, such claim falls outside the area of competence of
expertise ordinarily ascribed to the LA and the NLRC.59 LEONEN, J.:

Guided by the aforequoted doctrines, we find no reason to reverse the findings of the An employer is allowed to withhold terminal pay and benefits pending the employees return
CA.1wphi1 The RTC has jurisdiction over the subject matter of respondent's complaint of its properties.
praying for moral damages, exemplary damages, compensatory damages, anchored on
petitioner's alleged gross negligence in failing to provide a safe and healthy working Petitioners are respondent Solid Mills, Inc.s (Solid Mills) employees.1 They are represented
environment for respondent. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court by the National Federation of Labor Unions (NAFLU), their collective bargaining
of Appeals, dated May 30, 2005, and its Resolution dated January 10, 2006 in CA-G.R. SP No. agent.2chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
83099 are hereby AFFIRMED.
As Solid Mills employees, petitioners and their families were allowed to occupy SMI Village,
SO ORDERED. a property owned by Solid Mills.3 According to Solid Mills, this was [o]ut of liberality and for
the convenience of its employees . . . [and] on the condition that the employees . . . would
vacate the premises anytime the Company deems fit.4chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

In September 2003, petitioners were informed that effective October 10, 2003, Solid Mills
would cease its operations due to serious business losses.5 NAFLU recognized Solid Mills
closure due to serious business losses in the memorandum of agreement dated September
1, 2003.6 The memorandum of agreement provided for Solid Mills grant of separation pay
less accountabilities, accrued sick leave benefits, vacation leave benefits, and 13th month
pay to the employees.7 Pertinent portions of the agreement

WHEREAS, the COMPANY has incurred substantial financial losses and is currently
experiencing further severe financial losses;chanrobleslaw

WHEREAS, in view of such irreversible financial losses, the COMPANY will cease its
operations on October 10, 2003;chanrobleslaw

WHEREAS, all employees of the COMPANY on account of irreversible financial losses, will be
dismissed from employment effective October 10, 2003;chanrobleslaw

In view thereof, the parties agree as follows:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary


That UNION acknowledges that the COMPANY is experiencing severe financial losses and as Petitioners were no longer allowed to report for work by October 10, 2003.11 They were
a consequence of which, management is constrained to cease the companys operations. required to sign a memorandum of agreement with release and quitclaim before their
vacation and sick leave benefits, 13th month pay, and separation pay would be released.12
The UNION acknowledges that under Article 283 of the Labor Code, separation pay is Employees who signed the memorandum of agreement were considered to have agreed to
granted to employees who are dismissed due to closures or cessation of operations NOT vacate SMI Village, and to the demolition of the constructed houses inside as condition for
DUE to serious business losses. the release of their termination benefits and separation pay.13 Petitioners refused to sign
the documents and demanded to be paid their benefits and separation
The UNION acknowledges that in view of the serious business losses the Company has been pay.14chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
experiencing as seen in their audited financial statements, employees ARE NOT granted
separation benefits under the law. Hence, petitioners filed complaints before the Labor Arbiter for alleged non-payment of
separation pay, accrued sick and vacation leaves, and 13th month pay.15 They argued that
The COMPANY, by way of goodwill and in the spirit of generosity agrees to grant financial their accrued benefits and separation pay should not be withheld because their payment is
assistance less accountabilities to members of the Union based on length of service to be based on company policy and practice.16 Moreover, the 13th month pay is based on law,
computed as follows: (Italics in this paragraph supplied) specifically, Presidential Decree No. 851.17 Their possession of Solid Mills property is not an
accountability that is subject to clearance procedures.18 They had already turned over to
Number of days - 12.625 for every year of service Solid Mills their uniforms and equipment when Solid Mills ceased
In view of the above, the members of the UNION will receive such financial assistance on an
equal monthly installments basis based on the following On the other hand, Solid Mills argued that petitioners complaint was premature because
schedule:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary they had not vacated its property.20chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

First Check due on January 5, 2004 and every 5th of the month thereafter until December 5, The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of petitioners.21 According to the Labor Arbiter, Solid Mills
2004. illegally withheld petitioners benefits and separation pay.22 Petitioners right to the
payment of their benefits and separation pay was vested by law and contract.23 The
The COMPANY commits to pay any accrued benefits the Union members are entitled to, memorandum of agreement dated September 1, 2003 stated no condition to the effect that
specifically those arising from sick and vacation leave benefits and 13th month pay, less petitioners must vacate Solid Mills property before their benefits could be given to them.24
accountabilities based on the following schedule:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Petitioners possession should not be construed as petitioners accountabilities that must
be cleared first before the release of benefits.25 Their possession is not by virtue of any
One Time Cash Payment to be distributed anywhere from. . . . employer-employee relationship.26 It is a civil issue, which is outside the jurisdiction of the
Labor Arbiter.27chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
The dispositive portion of the Labor Arbiters decision reads:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
The foregoing agreement is entered into with full knowledge by the parties of their rights
under the law and they hereby bind themselves not to conduct any concerted action of WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is entered ORDERING respondents SOLID
whatsoever kind, otherwise the grant of financial assistance as discussed above will be MILLS, INC. and/or PHILIP ANG (President), in solido to pay the remaining 21
withheld.8 (Emphasis in the original) complainants:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary

Solid Mills filed its Department of Labor and Employment termination report on September 2, 1) 19 of which, namely EMER MILAN, RAMON MASANGKAY, ALFREDO JAVIER, RONALDO
Later, Solid Mills, through Alfredo Jingco, sent to petitioners individual notices to vacate SMI ROBERTO IGCAS, ISMAEL MATA, CARLITO DAMIAN, TEODORA MAHILOM, MARILOU LINGA,
Village.10chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary RENATO LINGA their separation pay of 12.625 days pay per year of service, pro-rated 13th
month pay for 2003 and accrued vacation and sick leaves, plus 12% interest p.a. from date

of filing of the lead case/judicial demand on 12/08/03 until actual payment and/or
finality;chanrobleslaw The National Labor Relations Commission ruled that because of petitioners failure to vacate
Solid Mills property, Solid Mills was justified in withholding their benefits and separation
2) the remaining 2 of which, complainants CLEOPATRA ZACARIAS, as she already received pay.35 Solid Mills granted the petitioners the privilege to occupy its property on account of
on 12/19/03 her accrued 13th month pay for 2003, accrued VL/SL total amount of petitioners employment.36 It had the prerogative to terminate such privilege.37 The
P15,435.16, likewise, complainant Jerry L. Sesma as he already received his accrued 13th termination of Solid Mills and petitioners employer-employee relationship made it
month pay for 2003, SL/VL in the total amount of P10,974.97, shall be paid only their incumbent upon petitioners to turn over the property to Solid
separation pay of 12.625 days pay per year of service but also with 12% interest p.a. from Mills.38chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
date of filing of the lead case/judicial demand on 12/08/03 until actual payment and/or
finality, which computation as of date, amount to as shown in the attached computation Petitioners filed a motion for partial reconsideration on October 18, 2010,39 but this was
sheet. denied in the November 30, 2010 resolution.40chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

3) Nine (9) individual complaints viz., of Maria Agojo, Joey Suarez, Ronaldo Vergara, Ronnie Petitioners, thus, filed a petition for certiorari41 before the Court of Appeals to assail the
Vergara, Antonio R. Dulo, Sr., Bryan D. Durano, Silverio P. Durano, Sr., Elizabeth Duarte and National Labor Relations Commission decision of August 31, 2010 and resolution of
Purificacion Malabanan are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE due to amicable settlement, November 30, 2010.42chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
PASCO], [OLIMPIO A. PASCO] are DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE, for lack of interest and/or On January 31, 2012, the Court of Appeals issued a decision dismissing petitioners
failure to prosecute. petition,43 thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary

The Computation and Examination unit is directed to cause the computation of the award in WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby ordered DISMISSED.44
Pars. 2 and 3 above.28 (Emphasis in the original)
The Court of Appeals ruled that Solid Mills act of allowing its employees to make temporary
Solid Mills appealed to the National Labor Relations Commission.29 It prayed for, among dwellings in its property was a liberality on its part. It may be revoked any time at its
others, the dismissal of the complaints against it and the reversal of the Labor Arbiters discretion.45 As a consequence of Solid Mills closure and the resulting termination of
decision.30chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary petitioners, the employer-employee relationship between them ceased to exist. There was
no more reason for them to stay in Solid Mills property.46 Moreover, the memorandum of
The National Labor Relations Commission affirmed paragraph 3 of the Labor Arbiters agreement between Solid Mills and the union representing petitioners provided that Solid
dispositive portion, but reversed paragraphs 1 and 2. Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Mills payment of employees benefits should be less
WHEREFORE, the Decision of Labor Arbiter Renaldo O. Hernandez dated 10/17/05 is
AFFIRMED in so far as par. 3 thereof is concerned but modified in that paragraphs 1 and 2 On petitioners claim that there was no evidence that Teodora Mahilom already received her
thereof are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Accordingly, the following complainants, namely: Emir retirement pay, the Court of Appeals ruled that her complaint filed before the Labor Arbiter
Milan, Ramon Masangkay, Alfredo Javier, Ronaldo David, Bonifacio Matundan, Nora Mendoza, did not include a claim for retirement pay. The issue was also raised for the first time on
Myrna Igcas, Raul De Las Alas, Renato Estolano, Rex S. Dimaf[e]lix, Maura Milan, Jessica appeal, which is not allowed.48 In any case, she already retired before Solid Mills ceased its
Baybayon, Alfredo Mendoza, Roberto Igcas, Cleopatra Zacarias and Jerry L. Sesmas operations.49chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
monetary claims in the form of separation pay, accrued 13th month pay for 2003, accrued
vacation and sick leave pays are held in abeyance pending compliance of their The Court of Appeals agreed with the National Labor Relations Commissions deletion of
accountabilities to respondent company by turning over the subject lots they respectively interest since it found that Solid Mills act of withholding payment of benefits and separation
occupy at SMI Village Sucat Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila to herein respondent company.31 pay was proper. Petitioners terminal benefits and pay were withheld because of petitioners
failure to vacate Solid Mills property.50chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
The National Labor Relations Commission noted that complainants Marilou Linga, Renato
Linga, Ismael Mata, and Carlito Damian were already paid their respective separation pays Finally, the Court of Appeals noted that Carlito Damian already received his separation pay
and benefits.32 Meanwhile, Teodora Mahilom already retired long before Solid Mills and benefits.51 Hence, he should no longer be awarded these
closure.33 She was already given her retirement benefits.34chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary claims.52chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

pay, and sick and vacation leave pay benefits, may be withheld pending satisfaction of
In the resolution promulgated on July 16, 2012, the Court of Appeals denied petitioners liabilities by the employee.59chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
motion for reconsideration.53chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Petitioners also point out that the National Labor Relations Commission and the Court of
Petitioners raise in this petition the following errors:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Appeals have no jurisdiction to declare that petitioners act of withholding possession of
respondent Solid Mills property is illegal.60 The regular courts have jurisdiction over this
I issue.61 It is independent from the issue of payment of petitioners monetary
WHEN IT RULED THAT PAYMENT OF THE MONETARY CLAIMS OF PETITIONERS SHOULD BE For these reasons, and because, according to petitioners, the amount of monetary award is
HELD IN ABEYANCE PENDING COMPLIANCE OF THEIR ACCOUNTABILITIES TO RESPONDENT no longer in question, petitioners are entitled to 12% interest per
Petitioners also argue that Teodora Mahilom and Carlito Damian are entitled to their claims.
II They insist that Teodora Mahilom did not receive her retirement benefits and that Carlito
Damian did not receive his separation benefits.64chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
WHEN IT UPHELD THE RULING OF THE NLRC DELETING THE INTEREST OF 12% PER ANNUM Respondents Solid Mills and Philip Ang, in their joint comment, argue that petitioners failure
IMPOSED BY THE HONORABLE LABOR ARBITER HERNANDEZ ON THE AMOUNT DUE FROM to turn over respondent Solid Mills property constituted an unsatisfied accountability for
THE DATE OF FILING OF THE LEAD CASE/JUDICIAL DEMAND ON DECEMBER 8, 2003 UNTIL which reason petitioners benefits could rightfully be withheld.65 The term
ACTUAL PAYMENT AND/OR FINALITY. accountability should be given its natural and ordinary meaning.66 Thus, it should be
interpreted as a state of being liable or responsible, or obligation.67 Petitioners
III differentiation between accountabilities incurred while performing jobs at the worksite and
accountabilities incurred outside the worksite is baseless because the agreement with
WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED REVERSIBLE ERROR NAFLU merely stated accountabilities, without qualification.68chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
FOR PAYMENT OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS DESPITE LACK OF ANY EVIDENCE THAT SHE On the removal of the award of 12% interest per annum, respondents argue that such
RECEIVED THE SAME. removal was proper since respondent Solid Mills was justified in withholding the monetary
Respondents argue that Teodora Mahilom had no more cause of action for retirement
WHETHER OR NOT PETITIONER CARLITO DAMIAN IS ENTITLED TO HIS MONETARY BENEFITS benefits claim.70 She had already retired more than a decade before Solid Mills closure.
FROM RESPONDENT SOLID MILLS.54 She also already received her retirement benefits in 1991.71 Teodora Mahiloms claim was
also not included in the complaint filed before the Labor Arbiter. It was improper to raise this
Petitioners argue that respondent Solid Mills and NAFLUs memorandum of agreement has claim for the first time on appeal. In any case, Teodora Mahiloms claim was asserted long
no provision stating that benefits shall be paid only upon return of the possession of after the three-year prescriptive period provided in Article 291 of the Labor
respondent Solid Mills property.55 It only provides that the benefits shall be less Code.72chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
accountabilities, which should not be interpreted to include such possession.56 The fact
that majority of NAFLUs members were not occupants of respondent Solid Mills property is Lastly, according to respondents, it would be unjust if Carlito Damian would be allowed to
evidence that possession of the property was not contemplated in the agreement.57 receive monetary benefits again, which he, admittedly, already received from Solid
Accountabilities should be interpreted to refer only to accountabilities that were incurred Mills.73chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
by petitioners while they were performing their duties as employees at the worksite.58
Moreover, applicable laws, company practice, or policies do not provide that 13th month I

In Baez v. Valdevilla,74 this court ruled that Article 217 of the Labor Code also applies to
The National Labor Relations employers claim for damages, which arises from or is connected with the labor issue.
Commission may preliminarily Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
determine issues related to rights
arising from an employer-employee Whereas this Court in a number of occasions had applied the jurisdictional provisions of
relationship Article 217 to claims for damages filed by employees, we hold that by the designating
clause arising from the employer-employee relations Article 217 should apply with equal
The National Labor Relations Commission has jurisdiction to determine, preliminarily, the force to the claim of an employer for actual damages against its dismissed employee, where
parties rights over a property, when it is necessary to determine an issue related to rights the basis for the claim arises from or is necessarily connected with the fact of termination,
or claims arising from an employer-employee relationship. and should be entered as a counterclaim in the illegal dismissal case.75

Article 217 provides that the Labor Arbiter, in his or her original jurisdiction, and the National Baez was cited in Domondon v. National Labor Relations Commission.76 One of the issues
Labor Relations Commission, in its appellate jurisdiction, may determine issues involving in Domondon is whether the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction to decide an issue on the transfer
claims arising from employer-employee relations. Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary of ownership of a vehicle assigned to the employee. It was argued that only regular courts
have jurisdiction to decide the issue.77chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
otherwise provided under this Code, the Labor Arbiters shall have original and exclusive This court ruled that since the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to the employee was
jurisdiction to hear and decide within thirty (30) calendar days after the submission of the connected to his separation from the employer and arose from the employer-employee
case by the parties for decision without extension, even in the absence of stenographic relationship of the parties, the employers claim fell within the Labor Arbiters
notes, the following cases involving workers, whether agricultural or non- jurisdiction.78chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Unfair labor practice cases; As a general rule, therefore, a claim only needs to be sufficiently connected to the labor
Termination disputes; issue raised and must arise from an employer-employee relationship for the labor tribunals
If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those cases that workers may file involving to have jurisdiction.
wages, rates of pay, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment;
Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages arising from the employer- In this case, respondent Solid Mills claims that its properties are in petitioners possession by
employee relations; virtue of their status as its employees. Respondent Solid Mills allowed petitioners to use its
Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this Code, including questions involving the property as an act of liberality. Put in other words, it would not have allowed petitioners to
legality of strikes and lockouts; and use its property had they not been its employees. The return of its properties in petitioners
Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social Security, Medicare and maternity possession by virtue of their status as employees is an issue that must be resolved to
benefits, all other claims, arising from employer-employee relations including those of determine whether benefits can be released immediately. The issue raised by the employer
persons in domestic or household service, involving an amount exceeding five thousand is, therefore, connected to petitioners claim for benefits and is sufficiently intertwined with
pesos (P5,000.00), regardless of whether accompanied with a claim for reinstatement. the parties employer-employee relationship. Thus, it is properly within the labor tribunals
(2) The Commission shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by jurisdiction.
Labor Arbiters. (Emphasis supplied)
Petitioners claim that they have the right to the immediate release of their benefits as
employees separated from respondent Solid Mills is a question arising from the employer- Institution of clearance procedures
employee relationship between the parties. has legal bases

Claims arising from an employer-employee relationship are not limited to claims by an Requiring clearance before the release of last payments to the employee is a standard
employee. Employers may also have claims against the employee, which arise from the procedure among employers, whether public or private. Clearance procedures are instituted
same relationship. to ensure that the properties, real or personal, belonging to the employer but are in the

possession of the separated employee, are returned to the employer before the employees
departure. More importantly, respondent Solid Mills and NAFLU, the union representing petitioners,
agreed that the release of petitioners benefits shall be less accountabilities.
As a general rule, employers are prohibited from withholding wages from employees. The
Labor Code provides:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Accountability, in its ordinary sense, means obligation or debt. The ordinary meaning of
the term accountability does not limit the definition of accountability to those incurred in
Art. 116. Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, the worksite. As long as the debt or obligation was incurred by virtue of the employer-
directly or indirectly, to withhold any amount from the wages of a worker or induce him to employee relationship, generally, it shall be included in the employees accountabilities that
give up any part of his wages by force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by any other means are subject to clearance procedures.
whatsoever without the workers consent.
It may be true that not all employees enjoyed the privilege of staying in respondent Solid
The Labor Code also prohibits the elimination or diminution of benefits. Mills property. However, this alone does not imply that this privilege when enjoyed was not
Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary a result of the employer-employee relationship. Those who did avail of the privilege were
employees of respondent Solid Mills. Petitioners possession should, therefore, be included
Art. 100. Prohibition against elimination or diminution of benefits. Nothing in this Book shall in the term accountability.
be construed to eliminate or in any way diminish supplements, or other employee benefits
being enjoyed at the time of promulgation of this Code. Accountabilities of employees are personal. They need not be uniform among all employees
in order to be included in accountabilities incurred by virtue of an employer-employee
However, our law supports the employers institution of clearance procedures before the relationship.
release of wages. As an exception to the general rule that wages may not be withheld and
benefits may not be diminished, the Labor Code provides:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Petitioners do not categorically deny respondent Solid Mills ownership of the property, and
they do not claim superior right to it. What can be gathered from the findings of the Labor
Art. 113. Wage deduction. No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf of any person, shall Arbiter, National Labor Relations Commission, and the Court of Appeals is that respondent
make any deduction from the wages of his employees, except:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Solid Mills allowed the use of its property for the benefit of petitioners as its employees.
Petitioners were merely allowed to possess and use it out of respondent Solid Mills liberality.
1. In cases where the worker is insured with his consent by the employer, and the deduction The employer may, therefore, demand the property at will.79chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
is to recompense the employer for the amount paid by him as premium on the
insurance;chanrobleslaw The return of the propertys possession became an obligation or liability on the part of the
employees when the employer-employee relationship ceased. Thus, respondent Solid Mills
2. For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or his union to check-off has been has the right to withhold petitioners wages and benefits because of this existing debt or
recognized by the employer or authorized in writing by the individual worker concerned; and liability. In Solas v. Power and Telephone Supply Phils., Inc., et al., this court recognized this
right of the employer when it ruled that the employee in that case was not constructively
3. In cases where the employer is authorized by law or regulations issued by the Secretary of dismissed.80 Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Labor and Employment. (Emphasis supplied)
There was valid reason for respondents withholding of petitioners salary for the month of
The Civil Code provides that the employer is authorized to withhold wages for debts February 2000. Petitioner does not deny that he is indebted to his employer in the amount of
due:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary around P95,000.00. Respondents explained that petitioners salary for the period of February
1-15, 2000 was applied as partial payment for his debt and for withholding taxes on his
Article 1706. Withholding of the wages, except for a debt due, shall not be made by the income; while for the period of February 15-28, 2000, petitioner was already on absence
employer.cralawred without leave, hence, was not entitled to any pay.81

Debt in this case refers to any obligation due from the employee to the employer. It The law does not sanction a situation where employees who do not even assert any claim
includes any accountability that the employee may have to the employer. There is no over the employers property are allowed to take all the benefits out of their employment
reason to limit its scope to uniforms and equipment, as petitioners would argue.

while they simultaneously withhold possession of their employers property for no rightful Our laws provide for a clear preference for labor. This is in recognition of the asymmetrical
reason. power of those with capital when they are left to negotiate with their workers without the
standards and protection of law. In cases such as these, the collective bargaining unit of
Withholding of payment by the employer does not mean that the employer may renege on workers are able to get more benefits and in exchange, the owners are able to continue with
its obligation to pay employees their wages, termination payments, and due benefits. The the program of cutting their losses or wind down their operations due to serious business
employees benefits are also not being reduced. It is only subjected to the condition that the losses. The company in this case did all that was required by law.
employees return properties properly belonging to the employer. This is only consistent with
the equitable principle that no one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of The preferential treatment given by our law to labor, however, is not a license for abuse.84
another.82chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary It is not a signal to commit acts of unfairness that will unreasonably infringe on the property
rights of the company. Both labor and employer have social utility, and the law is not so
For these reasons, we cannot hold that petitioners are entitled to interest of their withheld biased that it does not find a middle ground to give each their due.
separation benefits. These benefits were properly withheld by respondent Solid Mills
because of their refusal to return its property. Clearly, in this case, it is for the workers to return their housing in exchange for the release
of their benefits. This is what they agreed upon. It is what is fair in the premises.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Court of Appeals decision is AFFIRMED.

Mahilom and Damian are not

entitled to the benefits claimed

Teodora Mahilom is not entitled to separation benefits.

Both the National Labor Relations Commission and the Court of Appeals found that Teodora
Mahilom already retired long before respondent Solid Mills closure. They found that she
already received her retirement benefits. We have no reason to disturb this finding. This
court is not a trier of facts. Findings of the National Labor Relations Commission, especially
when affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are binding upon this

Moreover, Teodora Mahiloms claim for retirement benefits was not included in her complaint
filed before the Labor Arbiter. Hence, it may not be raised in the appeal.

Similarly, the National Labor Relations Commission and the Court of Appeals found that
Carlito Damian already received his terminal benefits. Hence, he may no longer claim
terminal benefits.

The fact that respondent Solid Mills has not yet demolished Carlito Damians house in SMI
Village is not evidence that he did not receive his benefits. Both the National Labor
Relations Commission and the Court of Appeals found that he executed an affidavit stating
that he already received the benefits.
7. G.R. Nos. 174941 February 1, 2012
Absent any showing that the National Labor Relations Commission and the Court of Appeals
misconstrued these facts, we will not reverse these findings. ANTONIO P. SALENGA and NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, Petitioners,

COURT OF APPEALS and CLARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Respondents. On 29 February 2000, labor arbiter (LA) Florentino R. Darlucio issued a Decision3 in favor of
petitioner Salenga. First, the LA held that the NLRC had jurisdiction over the Complaint,
DECISION considering that petitioner was not a corporate officer but a managerial employee. He held
the position of head executive assistant, categorized as a Job Level 12 position, not subject
SERENO, J.: to election or appointment by the board of directors.

The present Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 assails the Decision1 of the Court of Second, the LA pointed out that respondent CDC and Colayco failed to establish a valid
Appeals (CA) promulgated on 13 September 2005, dismissing the Complaint for illegal cause for the termination of petitioners employment. The evidence presented by
dismissal filed by petitioner Antonio F. Salenga against respondent Clark Development respondent CDC failed to show that the position of petitioner was superfluous as to be
Corporation (CDC). The dispositive portion of the assailed Decision states: classified "redundant." The LA further pointed out that respondent corporation had not
disputed the argument of petitioner Salenga that his position was that of a regular
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the original and supplemental petitions are GRANTED. employee. Moreover, the LA found that petitioner had not been accorded the right to due
The assailed resolutions of the National Labor Relations Commission dated September 10, process. Instead, the latter was dismissed without the benefit of an explanation of the
2003 and January 21, 2004 are ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. The complaint filed by Antonio B. grounds for his termination, or an opportunity to be heard and to defend himself.
Salenga against Clark Development is DISMISSED. Consequently, Antonio B. Salenga is
ordered to restitute to Clark Development Corporation the amount of P3,222,400.00, which Finally, considering petitioners reputation and contribution as a government employee for
was received by him as a consequence of the immediate execution of said resolutions, plus 40 years, the LA awarded moral damages amounting to P2,000,000 and exemplary damages
interest thereon at the rate of 6% per annum from date of of P500,000. The dispositive portion of the LAs Decision reads:

such receipt until finality of this judgment, after which the interest shall be at the rate of WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered declaring respondent Clark
12% per annum until said amount is fully restituted. Development Corporation and Rufo Colayco guilty of illegal dismissal and for which they are
ordered, as follows:
1. To reinstate complainant to his former or equivalent position without loss of seniority
The undisputed facts are as follows: rights and privileges;

On 22 September 1998, President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Rufo Colayco issued an 2. To pay complainant his backwages reckoned from the date of his dismissal on September
Order informing petitioner that, pursuant to the decision of the board of directors of 22, 1998 until actual reinstatement or merely reinstatement in the payroll which as of this
respondent CDC, the position of head executive assistant the position held by petitioner date is in the amount of P722,400.00;
was declared redundant. Petitioner received a copy of the Order on the same day and
immediately went to see Colayco. The latter informed him that the Order had been issued as 3. To pay complainant moral damages in the amount of P2,000,000.00; and,
part of the reorganization scheme approved by the board of directors. Thus, petitioners
employment was to be terminated thirty (30) days from notice of the Order. 4. To pay complainant exemplary damages in the amount of P500,000.00.

On 17 September 1999, petitioner filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal with a claim for SO ORDERED.4
reinstatement and payment of back wages, benefits, and moral and exemplary damages
against respondent CDC and Colayco. The Complaint was filed with the National Labor At the time the above Decision was rendered, respondent CDC was already under the
Relations Commission-Regional Arbitration Branch (NLRC-RAB) III in San Fernando, leadership of Sergio T. Naguiat. When he received the Decision on 10 March 2000, he
Pampanga. In defense, respondents, represented by the Office of the Government Corporate subsequently instructed Atty. Monina C. Pineda, manager of the Corporate and Legal
Counsel (OGCC), alleged that the NLRC had no jurisdiction to entertain the case on the Services Department and concurrent corporate board secretary, not to appeal the Decision
ground that petitioner was a corporate officer and, thus, his dismissal was an intra-corporate and to so inform the OGCC.5
matter falling properly within the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC). Despite these instructions, two separate appeals were filed before LA Darlucio on 20 March
2000. One appeal6 was from the OGCC on behalf of respondent CDC and Rufo Colayco. The

OGCC reiterated its allegation that petitioner was a corporate officer, and that the
termination of his employment was an intra-corporate matter. The Memorandum of Appeal In August 2001, respondent CDC offered another retirement plan granting higher benefits to
was verified and certified by Hilana Timbol-Roman, the executive vice president of the managerial employees. Thus, on 12 September 2001, petitioner filed an application for
respondent CDC. The Memorandum was accompanied by a UCPB General Insurance Co., Inc. the early retirement program, which Angeles approved on 3 December 2001.
supersedeas bond covering the amount due to petitioner as adjudged by LA Darlucio.
Timbol-Roman and OGCC lawyer Roy Christian Mallari also executed on 17 March 2000 a Meanwhile, in the proceedings of the NLRC, petitioner received on 12 September 2001 its 30
Joint Affidavit of Declaration wherein they swore that they were the "respective authorized July 2001 Decision10 on the appeal filed by Timbol-Roman and Colayco. It is worthy to note
representative and counsel" of respondent corporation. However, the Memorandum of that the said Decision referred to the reports of reviewer arbiters Cristeta D. Tamayo and
Appeal and the Joint Affidavit of Declaration were not accompanied by a board resolution Thelma M. Concepcion, who in turn found that petitioner Salenga was a corporate officer of
from respondents board of directors authorizing either Timbol-Roman or Atty. Mallari, or CDC. Nevertheless, the First Division of the NLRC upheld LA Darlucios ruling that petitioner
both, to pursue the case or to file the appeal on behalf of respondent. Salenga was indeed a regular employee. It also found that redundancy, as an authorized
cause for dismissal, has not been sufficiently proven, rendering the dismissal illegal.
It is noteworthy that Naguiat, who was president/CEO of respondent CDC from 3 February However, the NLRC held that the award of exemplary and moral damages were
2000 to 5 July 2000, executed an Affidavit on 20 March 2002,7 wherein he stated that unsubstantiated. Moreover, it also dropped Colayco as a respondent to the case, since LA
without his knowledge, consent or approval, Timbol-Roman and Atty. Mallari filed the above- Darlucio had failed to provide any ground on which to anchor the formers solidary liability.
mentioned appeal. He further alleged that their statements were false.
Petitioner Salenga thereafter moved for a partial reconsideration of the above-mentioned
The second appeal, meanwhile, was filed by former CDC President/CEO Rufo Colayco. Decision. He sought the reinstatement of the award of exemplary and moral damages. He
Colayco alleged that petitioner was dismissed not on 22 September 1998, but twice on 9 likewise insisted that the NLRC should not have entertained the appeal on the following
March 1999 and 23 March 1999. The dismissal was allegedly approved by respondents CDC grounds: (1) respondent CDC did not file an appeal and did not post the required cash or
board of directors pursuant to a new organizational structure. Colayco likewise stated that surety bond; (2) both Timbol-Roman and Colayco were admittedly not real parties-in-
he had posted a supersedeas bond the same bond taken out by Timbol-Roman issued by interest; (3) they were not the employer or the employers authorized representative and,
the UCPB General Insurance Co. dated 17 March 2000 in order to secure the monetary thus, had no right to appeal; and (4) both appeals had not been perfected for failure to post
award, exclusive of moral and exemplary damages. the required cash or surety bond. In other words, petitioners theory revolved on the fact
that neither Timbol-Roman nor Colayco was authorized to represent the corporation, so the
Petitioner thereafter opposed the two appeals on the grounds that both appellants, corporation itself did not appeal LA Darlucios Decision. As a result, that Decision should be
respondent CDC as allegedly represented by Timbol-Roman and Atty. Mallari and Rufo considered as final and executory.
Colayco had failed to observe Rule VI, Sections 4 to 6 of the NLRC Rules of Procedure; and
that appellants had not been authorized by respondents board of directors to represent the For its part, the OGCC also filed a Motion for Reconsideration11 of the NLRCs 30 July 2001
corporation and, thus, they were not the "employer" whom the Rules referred to. Petitioner Decision insofar as the finding of illegal dismissal was concerned. It no longer questioned the
also alleged that appellants failed to refute the findings of LA Darlucio in the previous commissions finding that petitioner was a regular employee, but instead insisted that he
Decision. had been dismissed as a consequence of his redundant position. The motion, however, was
not verified by the duly authorized representative of respondent CDC.
In the meantime, while the appeal was pending, on 19 October 2000, respondents board
chairperson and concurrent President/CEO Rogelio L. Singson ordered the reinstatement of On 5 December 2002, the NLRC denied petitioner Salengas Motion for Partial
petitioner to the latters former position as head executive assistant, effective 24 October Reconsideration and dismissed the Complaint. The dispositive portion of the Resolution12
2000.8 reads as follows:

On 28 May 2001, respondent CDCs new President/CEO Emmanuel Y. Angeles issued a WHEREFORE, complainants partial motion for reconsideration is denied. As recommended
Memorandum, which offered all managers of respondent corporation an early by Reviewer Arbiters Cristeta D. Tamayo in her August 2, 2000 report and Thelma M.
separation/redundancy program. Those who wished to avail themselves of the program were Concepcion in her November 25, 2002 report, the decision of Labor Arbiter Florentino R.
to be given the equivalent of their 1.25-month basic salary for every year of service and Darlucio dated 29 February 2000 is set aside.
leave credits computed on the basis of the same 1.25-month equivalent of their basic
salary.9 The complaint below is dismissed for being without merit.

After giving due course to the Motion for Reconsideration filed by petitioner Salenga, the
SO ORDERED.13 NLRC issued a Resolution16 on 10 September 2003, partially granting the motion. This time,
the First Division of the NLRC held that, absent a board resolution authorizing Timbol-Roman
Meanwhile, pending the Motions for Reconsideration of the NLRCs 30 July 2001 Decision, to file the appeal on behalf of respondent CDC, the appeal was not perfected and was thus a
another issue arose with regard to the computation of the retirement benefits of petitioner. mere scrap of paper. In other words, the NLRC had no jurisdiction over the appeal filed
Respondent CDC did not immediately give his requested retirement benefits, pending before it.
clarification of the computation of these benefits. He claimed that the computation of his
retirement benefits should also include the forty (40) years he had been in government The NLRC further held that respondent CDC had failed to show that petitioner Salengas
service in accordance with Republic Act No. (R.A.) 8291, or the GSIS Act, and should not be dismissal was pursuant to a valid corporate reorganization or board resolution. It also
limited to the length of his employment with respondent corporation only, as the latter deemed respondent estopped from claiming that there was indeed a redundancy,
insisted. considering that petitioner Salenga had been reinstated to his position as head executive
assistant. While it granted the award of moral damages, it nevertheless denied exemplary
In a letter dated 14 March 2003, petitioner Salengas counsel wrote to the board of directors damages. Thus, the dispositive portion of its Decision reads:
of respondent to follow up the payment of the retirement benefits allegedly due to
petitioner.14 WHEREFORE, premises considered, the complainants Motion for Reconsideration is
GRANTED and We set aside our Resolution of December 5, 2002. The Decision of the Labor
Pursuant to the NLRCs dismissal of the Complaint of petitioner Salenga, Angeles Arbiter dated February 29, 2000 is REINSTATED with the MODIFICATION that:
subsequently denied the formers request for his retirement benefits, to wit:15
1.) Being a nominal party, respondent Rufo Colayco is declared to be not jointly and
Please be informed that we cannot favorably grant your clients claim for retirement benefits severally liable with respondent Clark Development Corporation;
considering that Clark Development Corporation's dismissal of Mr. Antonio B. Salenga had
been upheld by the National Labor Relations Commission through a Resolution dated 2.) Respondent Clark Development Corporation is ordered to pay the complainant his full
December 5, 2002... backwages and other monetary claims to which he is entitled under the decision of the
Labor Arbiter;
xxx xxx xxx
3.) Respondent CDC is likewise ordered to pay the complainant moral and exemplary
As it is, the said Resolution dismissed the Complaint filed by Mr. Salenga for being without damages as provided under the Labor Arbiters Decision; and
merit. Consequently, he is not entitled to receive any retirement pay from the corporation.
4.) All other money claims are DENIED for lack of merit.
Meanwhile, petitioner Salenga filed a second Motion for Reconsideration of the 5 December
2002 Resolution of the NLRC, reiterating his claim that it should not have entertained the In the meantime, respondent CDC is ordered to pay the complainant his retirement benefits
imperfect appeal, absent a proper verification and certification against forum-shopping from without further delay.
the duly authorized representative of respondent CDC. Without that authority, neither could
the OGCC act on behalf of the corporation. SO ORDERED.17

The OGCC, meanwhile, resurrected its old defense that the NLRC had no jurisdiction over the On 3 October 2003, the OGCC filed a Motion for Reconsideration18 despite the absence of a
case, because petitioner Salenga was a corporate officer. verification and the certification against forum shopping.

The parties underwent several hearings before the NLRC First Division. During these times, On 21 January 2004, the motion was denied by the NLRC for lack of merit.19
petitioner Salenga demanded from the OGCC to present a board resolution authorizing it or
any other person to represent the corporation in the proceedings. This, the OGCC failed to On 5 February 2004, the executive clerk of the NLRC First Division entered the judgment on
do. the foregoing case. Thereafter, on 9 February 2004, the NLRC forwarded the entire records
of the case to the NLRC-RAB III Office in San Fernando, Pampanga for appropriate action.

On 4 March 2004, petitioner Salenga filed a Motion for Issuance of Writ of Execution before
the NLRC-RAB III, Office of LA Henry D. Isorena. The OGCC opposed the motion on the From the illegal dismissal suit: (In Philippine peso)
ground that it had filed with the CA a Petition for Certiorari seeking the reversal of the NLRC Recomputed award 3,758,786
Decision dated 30 July 2001 and the Resolutions dated 10 September 2003 and 21 January Legal interest 5,089,342.58
2004, respectively. It is noteworthy that, again, there was no board resolution attached to Attorneys fees 1,196,052.80
the Petition authorizing its filing. Litigation expenses 250,000
Retirement pay
Despite the pending Petition with the CA, LA Isorena issued a Writ of Execution enforcing the Retirement gratuity 6,987,944
10 September 2003 Resolution of the NLRC. On 1 April 2004, the LA issued an Order20 to Unused vacation and sick leave 1,440,328
the manager of the Philippine National Bank, Clark Branch, Angeles City, Pampanga, to Legal interest 4,050,544.96
immediately release in the name of NLRC-RAB III the amount of P3,222,400 representing Attorneys fees 1,147,781.90
partial satisfaction of the judgment award, including the execution fee of P31,720. On 11 May 2004, the CA issued a Resolution26 ordering petitioner Salenga to comment on
the Petition and holding in abeyance the issuance of a temporary restraining order.
Respondent CDC filed with the CA in February 2004 a Petition for Certiorari with a prayer for
the issuance of a temporary restraining order and/or a writ of preliminary injunction. The parties thereafter filed their respective pleadings.
However, the Petition still lacked a board resolution from the board of directors of
respondent corporation authorizing its then President Angeles to verify and certify the On 19 July 2004, the CA temporarily restrained the NLRC from enforcing the Decision dated
Petition on behalf of the board. It was only on 16 March 2004 that counsel for respondent 29 February 2000 for a period of 60 days.27 After the lapse of the 60 days, LA Isorena issued
filed a Manifestation/Motion21 with an attached Secretarys Certificate containing the a Notice of Hearing/Conference scheduled for 1 October 2004 on petitioners Omnibus
boards Resolution No. 86, Series of 2001. The Resolution authorized Angeles to represent Motion dated 7 May 2004.
respondent corporation in prosecuting, maintaining, or compromising any lawsuit in
connection with its business. Meanwhile, on 24 September 2004, the CA issued another Resolution,28 this time denying
the application for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction, after finding that the
Meanwhile, in the proceedings before LA Isorena, both respondent CDCs legal department requisites for the issuance of the writ had not been met.
and the OGCC on 6 April 2004 filed their respective Motions to Quash Writ of Execution.22
They both cited the failure to afford to respondent due process in the issuance of the writ. Respondent CDC subsequently filed a Supplemental Petition29 with the CA, challenging the
They claimed that the pre-conference hearing on the execution of the judgment had not computation petitioner Salenga made in his Omnibus Motion filed with the NLRC.
pushed through. They also reiterated that the Petition for Certiorari dated 11 February 2004 Respondent alleged that the examiner had erred in including the other years of government
was still pending with the CA. service in the computation of retirement benefits. It claimed that, since respondent
corporation was created under the Corporation Code, petitioner Salenga was not covered by
Both motions were denied by LA Isorena for lack of factual and legal bases. civil service laws. Hence, his retirement benefits should only be limited to the number of
years he had been employed by respondent.
On 6 May 2004, respondent filed with LA Isorena another Motion to Quash Writ of Execution,
again reiterating the pending Petition with the CA. Subsequently, respondent CDC filed an Omnibus Motion30 to admit the Supplemental
Petition and to reconsider the CAs Resolution denying the issuance of a writ of preliminary
This active exchange of pleadings and motions and the delay in the payment of his money injunction. In the motion, respondent alleged that petitioner Salenga had been more than
claims eventually led petitioner Salenga to file an Omnibus Motion23 before LA Isorena. In sufficiently paid the amounts allegedly due him, including the award made by LA Darlucio.
his motion, he recomputed the amount due him representing back wages, other benefits or On 12 March 2002, respondent CDC had issued a check amounting to P852,916.29,
allowances, legal interests and attorneys fees. He also prayed for the computation of his representing petitioners retirement pay and terminal pay. Meanwhile, on 2 April 2004,
retirement benefits plus interests in accordance with R.A. 829124 and R.A. 1616.25 He P3,254,120 representing the initial award was debited from the account of respondent CDC.
insisted that since respondent CDC was a government-owned and -controlled corporation
(GOCC), his previous government service totalling 40 years must also be credited in the On 7 February 2005, respondent CDC filed a Motion31 once again asking the CA to issue a
computation of his retirement pay. Thus, he demanded the payment of the total amount of writ of preliminary injunction in the light of a scheduled 14 February 2005 conference called
P23,920,772.30, broken down as follows: by LA Mariano Bactin, who had taken over the case from LA Isorena.

reconsideration, SETTING ASIDE Our Resolution of December 5, 2002, and REINSTATING the
At the 14 February 2005 hearing, the parties failed to reach an amicable settlement and Decision of the Labor Arbiter dated February 29, 2000 with the following modification[s]: (1)
were thus required to submit their relevant pleadings and documents in support of their declaring respondent Rufo Colayco not jointly and severally liable with respondent Clark
respective cases. Development Corporation; (2) ordering respondent CDC to pay the complainant his full
backwages and other monetary claims to which he is entitled under the decision of the
On 16 February 2005, the CA issued a Resolution32 admitting the Supplemental Petition filed Labor Arbiter; (3) ordering respondent CDC to pay complainant moral and exemplary
by respondent, but denying the prayer for the issuance of an injunctive writ. damages as provided under the Labor Arbiters Decision; and (4) ordering respondent CDC
to pay the complainant his retirement benefits without further delay. This was entered in the
Thereafter, on 8 March 2005, LA Bactin issued an Order33 resolving the Omnibus Motion Book of Entry of Judgment as final and executory effective as of February 2, 2004.
filed by petitioner Salenga for the recomputation of the monetary claims due him. In the
Order, LA Bactin denied petitioners Motion for the recomputation of the award of back Implementing this final and executory judgment, Arbiter Isorena issued an Order dated May
wages, benefits, allowances and privileges based on the 29 February 2000 Decision of LA 24, 2004, DENYING respondents Motion to Quash the Writ of Execution dated March 22,
Darlucio. LA Bactin held that since the Decision had become final and executory, he no 2004, correctly stating thusly:
longer had jurisdiction to amend or to alter the judgment.
"Let it be stressed that once a decision has become final and executory, it becomes the
Anent the second issue of the computation of retirement benefits, LA Bactin also denied the ministerial duty of this Office to issue the corresponding writ of execution. The rationale
claim of petitioner Salenga, considering that the latters retirement benefits had already behind it is based on the fact that the winning party has suffered enough and it is the time
been paid. The LA, however, did not rule on whether petitioner was entitled to retirement for him to enjoy the fruits of his labor with dispatch. The very purpose of the pre-execution
benefits, either under the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) or under the Social conference is to explore the possibility for the parties to arrive at an amicable settlement to
Security System (SSS), and held that this issue was beyond the expertise and jurisdiction of satisfy the judgment award speedily, not to delay or prolong its implementation."
a LA.
Thus, when Arbiter Bactin, who took over from Arbiter Isorena upon the latters filing for
Petitioner Salenga thereafter appealed to the NLRC, which granted the appeal in a leave of absence due to poor health in January 2005, issued the appealed Order nullifying,
Resolution34 dated 22 July 2005. First, it was asked to resolve the issue of the propriety of instead of implementing, the final and executory judgment of this Commission, the labor
having the Laguesma Law Office represent respondent CDC in the proceedings before the arbiter a quo acted WITHOUT JURISDICTION.35
LA. The said law firm entered its appearance as counsel for respondent during the pre-
execution conference/hearing on 1 October 2004. On this issue, the NLRC held that xxx xxx xxx
respondent corporations legal department, which had previously been representing the
corporation, was not validly substituted by the Laguesma Law Office. In addition, the NLRC WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal of herein complainant is hereby GRANTED,
held that respondent had failed to comply with Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 1998, and We declare NULL AND VOID the appealed Order of March 8, 2005 and SET ASIDE said
which strictly prohibits the hiring of lawyers of private law firms by GOCCs without the prior Order; We direct the immediate issuance of the corresponding Alias Writ of Execution to
written conformity and acquiescence of the Office of Solicitor General, as the case may be, enforce the final and executory judgment of this Commission as contained in Our September
and the prior written concurrence of the Commission on Audit (COA). Thus, the NLRC held 10, 2003 Resolution.
that all actions and submissions undertaken by the Laguesma Law Office on behalf of
respondent were null and void. SO ORDERED.36

The second issue raised before the NLRC was whether LA Bactin acted without jurisdiction in Unwilling to accept the above Resolution of the NLRC, the Laguesma Law Office filed a
annulling and setting aside the formers final and executory judgment contained in its 10 Motion for Reconsideration dated 29 August 2005 with the NLRC. Again, the motion lacked
September 2003 Resolution, wherein it held that the appeal had not been perfected, absent proper verification and certification against non-forum shopping.
the necessary board resolution allowing or authorizing Timbol-Roman and Atty. Mallari to file
the appeal. On this issue, the NLRC stated: In the meantime, the OGCC also filed with the CA a Motion for the Issuance of a Writ of
Preliminary Injunction dated 30 August 200537 against the NLRCs 22 July 2005 Resolution.
The final and executory judgment in this case is clearly indicated in the dispositive portion of The OGCC alleged that the issues in the Resolution addressed monetary claims that were
Our Resolution promulgated on September 10, 2003 GRANTING complainants motion for raised by petitioner Salenga only in his Omnibus Motion dated 7 May 2004 or after the

issuance of the 10 September 2003 Decision of LA Darlucio. Thus, the OGCC insisted that
the NLRC had no jurisdiction over the issue, for the matter was still pending with the CA. II.

The OGCC likewise filed another Motion for Reconsideration38 dated 31 August 2005 with The Court of Appeals had no jurisdiction to entertain the original Petition as a remedy for an
the NLRC. The OGCC maintained that it was only acting in a collaborative manner with the appeal that had actually not been filed, absent a board resolution allowing the appeal.
legal department of respondent CDC, for which the former remained the lead counsel. The
OGCC reiterated that, as the statutory counsel of GOCCs, it did not need authorization from III.
them to maintain a case, and thus, LA Bactin had jurisdiction over that case. Finally, it
insisted that petitioner Salenga was not covered by civil service laws on retirement, the CDC The Court of Appeals acted with grave abuse of discretion when it did the following:
having been created under the Corporation Code.
a. It failed to dismiss the original and supplemental Petitions despite the lack of a board
On 13 September 2005, the CA promulgated the assailed Decision. Relying heavily on the resolution authorizing the filing thereof.
reports of Reviewer Arbiters Cristeta D. Tamayo and Thelma M. Concepcion, it held that
petitioner Salenga was a corporate officer. Thus, the issue before the NLRC was an intra- b. It failed to dismiss the Petitions despite the absence of a proper verification and
corporate dispute, which should have been lodged with the Securities and Exchange certification against non-forum shopping.
Commission (SEC), which had jurisdiction over the case at the time the issue arose. The CA
likewise held that the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion when it allowed and c. It failed to dismiss the Petitions despite respondents failure to inform it of the pending
granted petitioner Salengas second Motion for Reconsideration, which was a prohibited proceedings before the NLRC involving the same issues.
d. It failed to dismiss the Petitions on the ground of forum shopping.
Petitioner subsequently filed a Motion for Reconsideration on 7 October 2005, alleging that
the CA committed grave abuse of discretion in reconsidering the findings of fact, which had e. It did not dismiss the Petition when respondent failed to attach to it certified true copies of
already been found to be conclusive against respondent; and in taking cognizance of the the assailed NLRC 30 July 2001 Decision; 10 September 2003 Resolution; 21 January 2004
latters Petition which had not been properly verified. Resolution; copies of material portions of the record as are referred to therein; and copies of
pleadings and documents relevant and pertinent thereto.
The CA, finding no merit in petitioners allegations, denied the motion in its 17 August 2006
Resolution. f. It did not act on respondents failure to serve on the Office of the Solicitor General a copy
of the pleadings, motions and manifestations the latter had filed before the Court of Appeals,
On 4 September 2006, petitioner Salenga filed a Motion for Extension of Time to File a as well as copies of pertinent court resolutions and decisions, despite the NLRC being a party
Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45, praying for an extension of fifteen (15) days to the present case.
within which to file the Petition. The motion was granted through this Courts Resolution
dated 13 September 2006. The case was docketed as G.R. No. 174159. g. It disregarded the findings of fact and conclusions of law arrived at by LA Darlucio,
subjecting them to a second analysis and evaluation and supplanting them with its own
On 25 September 2006, however, petitioner filed a Manifestation39 withdrawing the motion. findings.
He manifested before us that he would instead file a Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65,
which was eventually docketed as G.R. No. 174941. On 7 July 2008, this Court, through a h. It granted the Petition despite respondents failure to show that the NLRC committed
Resolution, considered the Petition for Review in G.R. No. 174159 closed and terminated. grave abuse of discretion in rendering the latters 30 July 2001 Decision, 10 September 2003
Resolution and 21 January 2004 Resolution.
Petitioner raises the following issues for our resolution:
i. It dismissed the complaint for illegal dismissal and ordered the restitution of the
I. P3,222,400 already awarded to petitioner, plus interest thereon.

The Court of Appeals acted without jurisdiction in reviving and re-litigating the factual issues In its defense, private respondent insists that the present Petition for Certiorari under Rule
and matters of petitioners illegal dismissal and retirement benefits. 65 is an improper remedy to question the Decision of the CA, and thus, the case should be

dismissed outright. Nevertheless, it reiterates that private petitioner was a corporate officer classified as Job Level 13 which are subject to board confirmation, the status of his
whose employment was dependent on board action. As such, private petitioners appointment was permanent in nature. In fact, he had undergone a six-month probationary
employment was an intra-corporate controversy cognizable by the SEC, not the NLRC. period before having acquired the permanency of his appointment. However, due to the
Private respondent also asserts that it has persistently sought the reversal of LA Darlucios refusal of the board under then Chairman Victorino Basco to confirm his appointment, he
Decision by referring to the letters sent to the OGCC, as well as Verification and Certificate was demoted to the position of Head Executive Assistant. Thus, complainant correctly
against forum-shopping. However, these documents were signed only during Angeles time postulated that he was not elected to his position and his tenure is not dependent upon the
as private respondents president/CEO, and not of the former presidents. Moreover, private whim of the boardxxx
respondent contends that private petitioner is not covered by civil service laws, thus, his
years in government service are not creditable for the purpose of determining the total xxx xxx xxx
amount of retirement benefits due him. In relation to this, private respondent enumerates
the amounts already paid to private petitioner. Anent the second issue, this Office finds and so holds that respondents have miserably failed
to show or establish the valid cause in terminating the services of complainant.
The Courts Ruling
xxx xxx xxx
The Petition has merit.
In the case at bar, respondents failed to adduce any evidence showing that the position of
This Court deigns it proper to collapse the issues in this Petition to simplify the matters Head Executive Assistant is superfluous. In fact, they never disputed the argument
raised in what appears to be a convoluted case. First, we need to determine whether the advanced by complainant that the position of Head Executive Assistant was classified as a
NLRC and the CA committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of regular position in the Position Classification Study which is an essential component of the
jurisdiction, when they entertained respondents so-called appeal of the 29 February 2000 Organizational Study that had been approved by the CDC board of directors in 1995 and still
Decision rendered by LA Darlucio. remains intact as of the end of 1998. Likewise, studies made since 1994 by various
management consultancy groups have determined the need for the said position in the
Second, because of the turn of events, a second issue the computation of retirement Office of the President/CEO in relation to the vision, mission, plans, programs and overall
benefits cropped up while the first case for illegal dismissal was still pending. Although the corporate goals and objectives of respondent CDC. There is no evidence on record to show
second issue may be considered as separate and distinct from the illegal dismissal case, the that the position of Head Executive Assistant was abolished by the Board of Directors in its
issue of the proper computation of the retirement benefits was nevertheless considered by meeting held in the morning of September 22, 1998. The minutes of the meeting of the
the relevant administrative bodies, adding more confusion to what should have been a board on said date, as well as its other three meetings held in the month of September 1998
simple case to begin with. (Annexes "B", "C", "D" and "E", Complainants Reply), clearly reveal that no abolition or
reorganization plan was discussed by the board. Hence, the ground of redundancy is merely
The NLRC had no jurisdiction a device made by respondent Colayco in order to ease out the complainant from the
to entertain the appeal filed by respondent corporation.
Timbol-Roman and former
CDC CEO Colayco. Moreover, the other ground for complainants dismissal is unclear and unknown to him as
respondent did not specify nor inform the complainant of the alleged recent
To recall, on 29 February 2000, LA Darlucio rendered a Decision in favor of petitioner, stating developmentsxxx
as follows:
This Office is also of the view that complainant was not accorded his right to due process
xxxComplainant cannot be considered as a corporate officer because at the time of his prior to his termination. The law requires that the employer must furnish the worker sought
termination, he was holding the position of Head Executive Assistant which is categorized as to be dismissed with two (2) written notices before termination may be validly effected: first,
a Job Level 12 position that is not subject to the election or appointment by the Board of a notice apprising the employee of the particular acts or omissions for which his dismissal is
Directors. The approval of Board Resolution Nos. 200 and 214 by the Board of Directors in its sought and, second, a subsequent notice informing the employee of the decision to dismiss
meeting held on February 11, 1998 and March 25, 1998 clearly refers to the New CDC Salary him. In the case at bar, complainant was not apprised of the grounds of his termination. He
Structure where the pay adjustment was based and not to complainants relief as Vice- was not given the opportunity to be heard and defend himselfxxx40
President, Joint Ventures and Special Projects. While it is true that his previous positions are

The OGCC, representing respondent CDC and former CEO Colayco separately appealed from SECTION 5. APPEAL FEE. -The appellant shall pay an appeal fee of one hundred fifty pesos
the above Decision. Both alleged that they had filed the proper bond to cover the award (P150.00) to the Regional Arbitration Branch or Regional Office, and the official receipt of
granted by LA Darlucio. such payment shall be attached to the records of the case.

It is clear from the NLRC Rules of Procedure that appeals must be verified and certified SECTION 6. BOND. - In case the decision of the Labor Arbiter or the Regional Director
against forum-shopping by the parties-in-interest themselves. In the case at bar, the parties- involves a monetary award, an appeal by the employer may be perfected only upon the
in-interest are petitioner Salenga, as the employee, and respondent Clark Development posting of a cash or surety bond. The appeal bond shall either be in cash or surety in an
Corporation as the employer. amount equivalent to the monetary award, exclusive of damages and attorneys fees.

A corporation can only exercise its powers and transact its business through its board of In case of surety bond, the same shall be issued by a reputable bonding company duly
directors and through its officers and agents when authorized by a board resolution or its accredited by the Commission or the Supreme Court, and shall be accompanied by:
bylaws. The power of a corporation to sue and be sued is exercised by the board of directors.
The physical acts of the corporation, like the signing of documents, can be performed only (a) a joint declaration under oath by the employer, his counsel, and the bonding company,
by natural persons duly authorized for the purpose by corporate bylaws or by a specific act attesting that the bond posted is genuine, and shall be in effect until final disposition of the
of the board. The purpose of verification is to secure an assurance that the allegations in the case.
pleading are true and correct and have been filed in good faith.41
(b) a copy of the indemnity agreement between the employer-appellant and bonding
Thus, we agree with petitioner that, absent the requisite board resolution, neither Timbol- company; and
Roman nor Atty. Mallari, who signed the Memorandum of Appeal and Joint Affidavit of
Declaration allegedly on behalf of respondent corporation, may be considered as the (c) a copy of security deposit or collateral securing the bond.
"appellant" and "employer" referred to by Rule VI, Sections 4 to 6 of the NLRC Rules of
Procedure, which state: A certified true copy of the bond shall be furnished by the appellant to the appellee who
shall verify the regularity and genuineness thereof and immediately report to the
SECTION 4. REQUISITES FOR PERFECTION OF APPEAL. - (a) The Appeal shall be filed within Commission any irregularity.
the reglementary period as provided in Section 1 of this Rule; shall be verified by appellant
himself in accordance with Section 4, Rule 7 of the Rules of Court, with proof of payment of Upon verification by the Commission that the bond is irregular or not genuine, the
the required appeal fee and the posting of a cash or surety bond as provided in Section 6 of Commission shall cause the immediate dismissal of the appeal.
this Rule; shall be accompanied by memorandum of appeal in three (3) legibly typewritten
copies which shall state the grounds relied upon and the arguments in support thereof; the No motion to reduce bond shall be entertained except on meritorious grounds and upon the
relief prayed for; and a statement of the date when the appellant received the appealed posting of a bond in a reasonable amount in relation to the monetary award.
decision, resolution or order and a certificate of non-forum shopping with proof of service on
the other party of such appeal. A mere notice of appeal without complying with the other The filing of the motion to reduce bond without compliance with the requisites in the
requisites aforestated shall not stop the running of the period for perfecting an appeal. preceding paragraph shall not stop the running of the period to perfect an appeal. (Emphasis
(b) The appellee may file with the Regional Arbitration Branch or Regional Office where the
appeal was filed, his answer or reply to appellant's memorandum of appeal, not later than The OGCC failed to produce any valid authorization from the board of directors despite
ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof. Failure on the part of the appellee who was petitioner Salengas repeated demands. It had been given more than enough opportunity
properly furnished with a copy of the appeal to file his answer or reply within the said period and time to produce the appropriate board resolution, and yet it failed to do so. In fact,
may be construed as a waiver on his part to file the same. many of its pleadings, representations, and submissions lacked board authorization.

(c) Subject to the provisions of Article 218, once the appeal is perfected in accordance with We cannot agree with the OGCCs attempt to downplay this procedural flaw by claiming that,
these Rules, the Commission shall limit itself to reviewing and deciding specific issues that as the statutorily assigned counsel for GOCCs, it does not need such authorization. In
were elevated on appeal. Constantino-David v. Pangandaman-Gania,42 we exhaustively explained why it was
necessary for government agencies or instrumentalities to execute the verification and the

certification against forum-shopping through their duly authorized representatives. We ruled into their own hands without the intervention of the OSG. Consequently, the OSG would
thereon as follows: have no personal knowledge of the history of a particular case so as to adequately execute
the certificate of non-forum shopping; and even if the OSG does have the relevant
But the rule is different where the OSG is acting as counsel of record for a government information, the courts on the other hand would have no way of ascertaining the accuracy of
agency. For in such a case it becomes necessary to determine whether the petitioning the OSG's assertion without precise references in the record of the case. Thus, unless
government body has authorized the filing of the petition and is espousing the same stand equitable circumstances which are manifest from the record of a case prevail, it becomes
propounded by the OSG. Verily, it is not improbable for government agencies to adopt a necessary for the concerned government agency or its authorized representatives to certify
stand different from the position of the OSG since they weigh not just legal considerations for non-forum shopping if only to be sure that no other similar case or incident is pending
but policy repercussions as well. They have their respective mandates for which they are to before any other court.
be held accountable, and the prerogative to determine whether further resort to a higher
court is desirable and indispensable under the circumstances. We recognize the occasions when the OSG has difficulty in securing the attention and
signatures of officials in charge of government offices for the verification and certificate of
The verification of a pleading, if signed by the proper officials of the client agency itself, non-forum shopping of an initiatory pleading. This predicament is especially true where the
would fittingly serve the purpose of attesting that the allegations in the pleading are true period for filing such pleading is non-extendible or can no longer be further extended for
and correct and not the product of the imagination or a matter of speculation, and that the reasons of public interest such as in applications for the writ of habeas corpus, in election
pleading is filed in good faith. Of course, the OSG may opt to file its own petition as a cases or where sensitive issues are involved. This quandary is more pronounced where
"People's Tribune" but the representation would not be for a client office but for its own public officials have stations outside Metro Manila.
perceived best interest of the State.
But this difficult fact of life within the OSG, equitable as it may seem, does not excuse it from
The case of Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc., is not also a wantonly executing by itself the verification and certificate of non-forum shopping. If the
precedent that may be invoked at all times to allow the OSG to sign the certificate of non- OSG is compelled by circumstances to verify and certify the pleading in behalf of a client
forum shopping in place of the real party-in-interest. The ruling therein mentions merely that agency, the OSG should at least endeavor to inform the courts of its reasons for doing so,
the certification of non-forum shopping executed by the OSG constitutes substantial beyond instinctively citing City Warden of the Manila City Jail v. Estrella and Commissioner of
compliance with the rule since "the OSG is the only lawyer for the petitioner, which is a Internal Revenue v. S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc.
government agency mandated under Section 35, Chapter 12, Title III, Book IV, of the 1987
Administrative Code (Reiterated under Memorandum Circular No. 152 dated May 17, 1992) Henceforth, to be able to verify and certify an initiatory pleading for non-forum shopping
to be represented only by the Solicitor General." when acting as counsel of record for a client agency, the OSG must (a) allege under oath the
circumstances that make signatures of the concerned officials impossible to obtain within
By its very nature, "substantial compliance" is actually inadequate observance of the the period for filing the initiatory pleading; (b) append to the petition or complaint such
requirements of a rule or regulation which are waived under equitable circumstances to authentic document to prove that the party-petitioner or complainant authorized the filing of
facilitate the administration of justice there being no damage or injury caused by such the petition or complaint and understood and adopted the allegations set forth therein, and
flawed compliance. This concept is expressed in the statement "the rigidity of a previous an affirmation that no action or claim involving the same issues has been filed or
doctrine was thus subjected to an inroad under the concept of substantial compliance." In commenced in any court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency; and, (c) undertake to inform the
every inquiry on whether to accept "substantial compliance," the focus is always on the court promptly and reasonably of any change in the stance of the client agency.
presence of equitable conditions to administer justice effectively and efficiently without
damage or injury to the spirit of the legal obligation. Anent the document that may be annexed to a petition or complaint under letter (b) hereof,
the letter-endorsement of the client agency to the OSG, or other correspondence to prove
xxx xxx xxx that the subject-matter of the initiatory pleading had been previously discussed between the
OSG and its client, is satisfactory evidence of the facts under letter (b) above. In this
The fact that the OSG under the 1987 Administrative Code is the only lawyer for a exceptional situation where the OSG signs the verification and certificate of non-forum
government agency wanting to file a petition, or complaint for that matter, does not operate shopping, the court reserves the authority to determine the sufficiency of the OSG's action
per se to vest the OSG with the authority to execute in its name the certificate of non-forum as measured by the equitable considerations discussed herein. (Emphasis ours, italics
shopping for a client office. For, in many instances, client agencies of the OSG have legal provided)
departments which at times inadvertently take legal matters requiring court representation

The ruling cited above may have pertained only to the Office of the Solicitor Generals CDC is not under the civil service laws on retirement.
representation of government agencies and instrumentalities, but we see no reason why this
doctrine cannot be applied to the case at bar insofar as the OGCC is concerned. While the case was still persistently being pursued by the OGCC, a new issue arose when
petitioner Salenga reached retirement age: whether his retirement benefits should be
While in previous decisions we have excused transgressions of these rules, it has always computed according to civil service laws.
been in the context of upholding justice and fairness under exceptional circumstances. In
this case, though, respondent failed to provide any iota of rhyme or reason to compel us to To recall, the issue of how to compute the retirement benefits of petitioner was raised in his
relax these requirements. Instead, what is clear to us is that the so-called appeal was done Omnibus Motion dated 7 May 2004 filed before the NLRC after it had reinstated LA Darlucios
against the instructions of then President/CEO Naguiat not to file an appeal. Timbol-Roman, original Decision. The issue was not covered by petitioners Complaint for illegal dismissal,
who signed the Verification and the Certification against forum-shopping, was not even an but was a different issue altogether and should have been properly addressed in a separate
authorized representative of the corporation. The OGCC was equally remiss in its duty. It Complaint. We cannot fault petitioner, though, for raising the issue while the case was still
ought to have advised respondent corporation, the proper procedure for pursuing an appeal. pending with the NLRC. If it were not for the "appeal" undertaken by Timbol-Roman and the
Instead, it maintained the appeal and failed to present any valid authorization from OGCC through Atty. Mallari, the issue would have taken its proper course and would have
respondent corporation even after petitioner had questioned OGCCs authority all been raised in a more appropriate time and manner. Thus, we deem it proper to resolve the
throughout the proceedings. Thus, it is evident that the appeal was made in bad faith. matter at hand to put it to rest after a decade of litigation.

The unauthorized and overzealous acts of officials of respondent CDC and the OGCC have Petitioner Salenga contends that respondent CDC is covered by the GSIS Law. Thus, he says,
led to a waste of the governments time and resources. More alarmingly, they have the computation of his retirement benefits should include all the years of actual government
contributed to the injustice done to petitioner Salenga. By taking matters into their own service, starting from the original appointment forty (40) years ago up to his retirement.
hands, these officials let the case drag on for years, depriving him of the enjoyment of
property rightfully his. What should have been a simple case of illegal dismissal became an Respondent CDC owes its existence to Executive Order No. 80 issued by then President Fidel
endless stream of motions and pleadings. V. Ramos. It was meant to be the implementing and operating arm of the Bases Conversion
and Development Authority (BCDA) tasked to manage the Clark Special Economic Zone
Time and again, we have said that the perfection of an appeal within the period prescribed (CSEZ). Expressly, respondent was formed in accordance with Philippine corporation laws
by law is jurisdictional, and the lapse of the appeal period deprives the courts of jurisdiction and existing rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC pursuant to Section 16 of
to alter the final judgment.43 Thus, there is no other recourse but to respect the findings Republic Act (R.A.) 7227.44 CDC, a government-owned or -controlled corporation without an
and ruling of the labor arbiter. Clearly, therefore, the CA committed grave abuse of original charter, was incorporated under the Corporation Code. Pursuant to Article IX-B, Sec.
discretion in entertaining the Petition filed before it after the NLRC had dismissed the case 2(1), the civil service embraces only those government-owned or -controlled corporations
based on lack of jurisdiction. The assailed CA Decision did not even resolve petitioner with original charter. As such, respondent CDC and its employees are covered by the Labor
Salengas consistent and persistent claim that the NLRC should not have taken cognizance Code and not by the Civil Service Law, consistent with our ruling in NASECO v. NLRC,45 in
of the appeal in the first place, absent a board resolution. Thus, LA Darlucios Decision with which we established this distinction. Thus, in Gamogamo v. PNOC Shipping and Transport
respect to the liability of the corporation still stands. Corp.,46 we held:

However, we note from that Decision that Rufo Colayco was made solidarily liable with Retirement results from a voluntary agreement between the employer and the employee
respondent corporation. Colayco thereafter filed his separate appeal. As to him, the NLRC whereby the latter after reaching a certain age agrees to sever his employment with the
correctly held in its 30 July 2001 Decision that he may not be held solidarily responsible to former.
petitioner. As a result, it dropped him as respondent. Notably, in the case at bar, petitioner
does not question that ruling. Since the retirement pay solely comes from Respondent's funds, it is but natural that
Respondent shall disregard petitioner's length of service in another company for the
Based on the foregoing, all other subsequent proceedings regarding the issue of petitioners computation of his retirement benefits.
dismissal are null and void for having been conducted without jurisdiction. Thus, it is no
longer incumbent upon us to rule on the other errors assigned in the matter of petitioner Petitioner was absorbed by Respondent from LUSTEVECO on 1 August 1979. Ordinarily, his
Salengas dismissal. creditable service shall be reckoned from such date. However, since Respondent took over
the shipping business of LUSTEVECO and agreed to assume without interruption all the

service credits of petitioner with LUSTEVECO, petitioner's creditable service must start from
9 November 1977 when he started working with LUSTEVECO until his day of retirement on 1
April 1995. Thus, petitioner's creditable service is 17.3333 years.

We cannot uphold petitioner's contention that his fourteen years of service with the DOH
should be considered because his last two employers were government-owned and
controlled corporations, and fall under the Civil Service Law. Article IX(B), Section 2
paragraph 1 of the 1987 Constitution states

Sec. 2. (1)The civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and 8. G.R. No. 168612 December 10, 2014
agencies of the Government, including government-owned or controlled corporations with
original charters. PHILIPPINE ELECTRIC CORPORATION (PHILEC), Petitioner,
It is not at all disputed that while Respondent and LUSTEVECO are government-owned and COURT OF APPEALS, NATIONAL CONCILIATION AND MEDIATION BOARD (NCMB),
controlled corporations, they have no original charters; hence they are not under the Civil Department of Labor and Employment, RAMON T. JIMENEZ, in his capacity as
Service Law. In Philippine National Oil Company-Energy Development Corporation v. National Voluntary Arbitrator, PHILEC WORKERS' UNION (PWU), ELEODORO V. LIPIO, and
Labor Relations Commission, we ruled: EMERLITO C. IGNACIO, Respondents.

xxx "Thus under the present state of the law, the test in determining whether a government-
owned or controlled corporation is subject to the Civil Service Law are [sic] the manner of its
creation, such that government corporations created by special charter(s) are subject to its
provisions while those incorporated under the General Corporation Law are not within its LEONEN, J.:
coverage." (Emphasis supplied)
An appeal to reverse or modify a Voluntary Arbitrator's award or decision must be filed
Hence, petitioner Salenga is entitled to receive only his retirement benefits based only on before the Court of Appeals within 10 calendar days from receipt of the award or decision.
the number of years he was employed with the corporation under the conditions provided
under its retirement plan, as well as other benefits given to him by existing laws.1wphi1 This is a petition1 for review on certiorari of the Court of Appeals decision 2 dated May 25,
2004, dismissing the Philippine Electric Corporations petition for certiorari for lack of merit.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Petition in G.R. No. 174941 is partially GRANTED. Philippine Electric Corporation (PHILEC) is a domestic corporation "engaged in the
The Decision of LA Darlucio is REINSTATED insofar as respondent corporations liability is manufacture and repairs of high voltage transformers." 3 Among its rank-and-file employees
concerned. Considering that petitioner did not maintain the action against Rufo Colayco, the were Eleodoro V. Lipio (Lipio) and Emerlito C. Ignacio, Sr. (Ignacio, Sr.), former members of
latter is not solidarily liable with respondent Clark Development Corporation. the PHILEC Workers Union (PWU). 4 PWU is a legitimate labor organization and the exclusive
bargaining representative of PHILECs rank-and-file employees. 5
The case is REMANDED to the labor arbiter for the computation of petitioners retirement
benefits in accordance with the Social Security Act of 1997 otherwise known as Republic Act From June 1, 1989 to May 31, 1997, PHILEC and its rank-and-file employees were governed
No. 8282, deducting therefrom the sums already paid by respondent CDC. If any, the by collective bargaining agreements providing for the following step increases in an
remaining amount shall be subject to the legal interest of 6% per annum from the filing date employees basic salary in case of promotion:6
of petitioners Omnibus Motion on 11 May 2004 up to the time this judgment becomes final
and executory. Henceforth, the rate of legal interest shall be 12% until the satisfaction of
Rank-and-File (PWU)
judgment. Pay
Grade June 1, 1989 to June 1, 1992 to June 1, 1994 to
May 31, 1992 May 31, 1994 May 31, 1997
I II 50 60 65

II III 60 70 78 August 25, 1997.

III IV 70 80 95 You will be trained as a Foreman I,and shall receive the following training allowance until you
IV V 80 110 120 have completed the training/observation period which shall not exceed four (4) months.

V- VI 100 140 150

First Month ----- 255.00
VI VII 120 170 195
Second month ----- 605.00
VII VIII 170 230 255
Third month ----- 1,070.00
VIII IX 220 290 340
Fourth month ----- 1,070.00
IX X 260 350 455

Please be guided accordingly. 14

On August 18, 1997 and with the previous collective bargaining agreements already expired,
PHILEC selected Lipio for promotion from Machinist under Pay Grade VIII 7 to Foreman I under
On September 17, 1997, PHILEC and PWU entered into a new collective bargaining
Pay Grade B.8 PHILEC served Lipio a memorandum, 9 instructing him to undergo training for
agreement, effective retroactively on June 1, 1997 and expiring on May 31, 1999. 15 Under
the position of Foreman I beginning on August 25, 1997. PHILEC undertook to pay Lipio
Article X, Section 4 of the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement, a rank-and-file
training allowance as provided in the memorandum:
employee promoted shall be entitled to the following step increases in his or her basic
This will confirm your selection and that you will undergo training for the position of Foreman
I (PG B) of the Tank Finishing Section, Distribution Transformer Manufacturing and Repair
Section 4. STEP INCREASES. [Philippine Electric Corporation] shall adopt the following step
effective August 25, 1997.
increases on the basic salary in case of promotion effective June 1, 1997. Such increases
shall be based on the scale below or upon the minimum of the new pay grade to which the
You will be trained as a Foreman I,and shall receive the following training allowance until you employee is promoted, whichever is higher:
have completed the training/observation period which shall not exceed four (4) months.

Pay Grade Step Increase

First Month ----- 350.00 I - II P80.00
II - III P105.00
Second month ----- 815.00
III - IV P136.00
Third month ----- 815.00 IV - V P175.00
V - VI P224.00
Fourth month ----- 815.00
VI - VII P285.00
VII - VIII P361.00
Please be guided accordingly. 10 VIII - IX P456.00
IX - X P575.00
Ignacio, Sr., then DT-Assembler with Pay Grade VII, 11 was likewise selected for training for the To be promoted, a rank-and-file employee shall undergo training or observation and shall
position of Foreman I.12 On August 21, 1997, PHILEC served Ignacio, Sr. a receive training allowance as provided in Article IX, Section 1(f) of the June 1, 1997 collective
memorandum,13 instructing him to undergo training with the following schedule of bargaining agreement:17
This will confirm your selection and that you will undergo training for the position of Foreman
I (PG B) of the Assembly Section, Distribution Transformer Manufacturing and Repair ....

(f) Allowance for employees under Training or Observation shall be on a graduated basis as Machinist I, Lipios position before he underwent training for Foreman I, fell under Pay Grade
follows: VIII, while Foreman I fell under Pay Grade X. Following the schedule under Article X, Section
4 of the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement and the formula under Article IX,
For the first month of training, the allowance should be equivalent to one step increase of Section 1(f), Lipio should be paid training allowance equal to the step increase for pay grade
the next higher grade. Every month thereafter the corresponding increase shall be bracket VIII-IX for the first month of training. For the succeeding months, Lipio should be
equivalent to the next higher grade until the allowance for the grade applied for is attained. paid an allowance equal to the step increase for pay grade bracket VIII-IX plus the step
increase for pay grade bracket IX-X, thus:25
As an example, if a Grade I employee qualifies for a Grade III position, he will receive the
training allowance for Grade I to Grade II for the first month. On the second month, he will First Month ----- P456.00
receive the training allowance for Grade I to Grade II plus the allowance for Grade II to Grade
III. He will then continue to receive this amount until he finishes his training or observation Second month ----- P1,031.00
period.18 Third month ----- P1,031.00

Fourth month ----- P1,031.00.

Claiming that the schedule of training allowance stated in the memoranda served on Lipio
and Ignacio,Sr. did not conform to Article X, Section 4 of the June 1, 1997 collective
bargaining agreement, PWU submitted the grievance to the grievance machinery. 19 With respect to Ignacio, Sr., he was holding the position of DTAs sembler under Pay Grade VII
when hewas selected to train for the position of Foreman I under Pay Grade X. Thus, for his
PWU and PHILEC failed to amicably settle their grievance. Thus, on December 21, 1998, the first month of training, Ignacio, Sr. should be paid training allowance equal to the step
parties filed a submission agreement20 with the National Conciliation and Mediation Board, increase under pay grade bracket VII-VIII. For the second month, he should be paid an
submitting the following issues to voluntary arbitration: allowance equal to the step increase under pay grade bracket VIIVIII plus the step increase
under pay grade bracket VIII-IX. For the third and fourth months, Ignacio, Sr. should receive
an allowance equal to the amount he received for the second month plus the amount equal
to the step increase under pay grade bracket IX-X, thus: 26

Position Standardization) OF THE EXISTING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT (CBA) IN First Month ----- P361.00
Third month ----- P1,392.00
II Fourth month ----- P1,392.00.

WHETHER OR NOT PHILECs MANNER OF IMPLEMENTING THE STEP INCREASES IN For PHILECs failure to apply the schedule of step increases under Article X of the June 1,
CONNECTION WITH THE PROMOTION OF INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINANTS IN RELATION TO THE 1997 collective bargaining agreement, PWU argued that PHILEC committed an unfair labor
PROVISIONS OF SECTION 4, ARTICLE X OF THE CBA CONSTITUTES UNFAIR LABOR practice under Article 24827 of the Labor Code.28
In its position paper,29 PHILEC emphasized that it promoted Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. while it was
In their submission agreement, PWU and PHILEC designated Hon. Ramon T. Jimenez as still negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement with PWU. Since PHILEC and PWU
Voluntary Arbitrator (Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez).22 had not yet negotiated a new collective bargaining agreement when PHILEC selected Lipio
and Ignacio, Sr. for training, PHILEC applied the "Modified SGV" pay grade scale in
Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez, in the order 23 dated January 4, 1999, directed the parties to file computing Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance. 30
their respective position papers.
This "Modified SGV" pay grade scale, which PHILEC and PWU allegedly agreed to implement
In its position paper,24 PWU maintained that PHILEC failed to follow the schedule of step beginning on May 9, 1997, covered both rank-and-file and supervisory
increases under Article X, Section 4 of the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement. employees.31 According to PHILEC, its past collective bargaining agreements withthe rank-

and-file and supervisory unions resulted in an overlap of union membership in Pay Grade IX Under the "Modified SGV" pay grade scale, the position of Foreman I fell under Pay Grade B.
of the rank-and-file employees and Pay Grade A of the supervisory employees. 32 Worse, past PHILEC then computed Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance accordingly. 36
collective bargaining agreements resulted in rank-and-file employees under Pay Grades IX
and X enjoying higher step increases than supervisory employees under Pay Grades A and PHILEC disputed PWUs claim of unfair labor practice. According to PHILEC, it did not violate
B:33 its collective bargaining agreement with PWU when it implemented the "Modified SGV"
scale. Even assuming that it violated the collective bargaining agreement, PHILEC argued
Pay Grade that its violation was not "gross" or a "flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply with the
Pay Grade Scale economic provisions of [the collective bargaining agreement]." 37 PHILEC, therefore, was not
Scale under the
Step Increase under the Step Increase guilty of unfair labor practice.38
Supervisory CBA
Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez held in the decision 39 dated August 13, 1999, that PHILEC
VIII-IX P340.00 A P290.00 violated its collective bargaining agreement with PWU. 40 According to Voluntary Arbitrator
IX-X P455.00 A-B P350.00 Jimenez, the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement governed when PHILEC selected
Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. for promotion on August 18 and 21, 1997. 41 The provisions of the
collective bargaining agreement being the law between the parties, PHILEC should have
To preserve the hierarchical wage structure within PHILECs enterprise, PHILEC and PWU
computed Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance based on Article X, Section 4 of the
allegedly agreed to implement the uniform pay grade scale under the "Modified SGV" pay
June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement.42
grade system, thus:34

As to PHILECs claim that applying Article X, Section 4 would result in salary distortion within
Pay Grade PHILECs enterprise, Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez ruled that this was "a concern that PHILEC
Step Increase
Rank-and-File Supervisory could have anticipated and could have taken corrective action" 43 before signing the
collective bargaining agreement.
I II P65.00

II-III P78.00 Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez dismissed PWUs claim of unfair labor practice. 44 According to
him, PHILECs acts "cannot be considered a gross violation of the [collective bargaining
III-IV P95.00
agreement] nor . . . [a] flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply withthe economic
IV-V P120.00 provisions of the [agreement]."45

V-VI P150.00
Thus, Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez ordered PHILEC to pay Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. training
VI-VII P195.00 allowance based on Article X, Section 4 and Article IX, Section 1 of the June 1, 1997
collective bargaining agreement.46
VII-VIII P255.00

VIII-IX A P350.00 PHILEC received a copy of Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision on August 16, 1999. 47 On
IX-X A-B P465.00 August 26, 1999, PHILEC filed a motion for partial reconsideration 48 of Voluntary Arbitrator
Jimenezs decision.
X-XI B-C P570.00

XI-XII C-D P710.00 In the resolution49 dated July 7, 2000, Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez denied PHILECs motion
for partial reconsideration for lack of merit. PHILEC received a copy of the July 7, 2000
D-E P870.00
resolution on August 11, 2000.50
E-F P1,055.00
On August 29, 2000, PHILEC filed a petition 51 for certiorari before the Court of Appeals,
Pay grade bracket IIX covered rank-and-file employees, while pay grade bracket AF alleging that Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez gravely abused his discretion in rendering his
covered supervisory employees.35 decision.52 PHILEC maintained that it did not violate the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining

agreement.53 It applied the "Modified SGV" pay grade rates toavoid salary distortion within I
its enterprise.54
The Voluntary Arbitrators decision
In addition, PHILEC argued that Article X, Section 4 of the collective bargaining agreement dated August 13, 1999 is already final and
did not apply to Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. Considering that Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. were promoted executory
to a supervisory position, their training allowance should be computed based on the
provisions of PHILECs collective bargaining agreement with ASSET, the exclusive bargaining We note that PHILEC filed before the Court of Appeals a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
representative of PHILECs supervisory employees.55 of the Rules ofCourt against Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision. 69

The Court of Appeals affirmed Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision. 56 It agreed that This was not the proper remedy.
PHILEC was bound to apply Article X, Section 4 of its June 1, 1997 collective bargaining
agreement with PWU in computing Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance. 57 In its Instead, the proper remedy to reverse or modify a Voluntary Arbitrators or a panel of
decision, the Court of Appeals denied due course and dismissed PHILECs petition for Voluntary Arbitrators decision or award is to appeal the award or decision before the Court
certiorari for lack of merit.58 of Appeals. Rule 43, Sections 1 and 3 of the Rules of Court provide:

PHILEC filed a motion for reconsideration, which the Court of Appeals denied in the Section 1. Scope.
resolution59 dated June 23, 2005.
This Rule shall apply to appeals from judgments or final orders of the Court of Tax Appeals
On August 3, 2005, PHILEC filed its petition for review on certiorari before this and from awards, judgments, final orders or resolutions of orauthorized by any quasi-judicial
court,60 insisting that it did not violate its collective bargaining agreement with agency in the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. Among these agencies are the Civil
PWU.61 PHILEC maintains that Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. were promoted to a position covered by Service Commission, Central Board of Assessment Appeals, Securities and Exchange
the pay grade scale for supervisory employees. 62 Consequently, the provisions of PHILECs Commission, Office of the President, Land Registration Authority, Social Security
collective bargaining agreement with its supervisory employees should apply, not its Commission, Civil Aeronautics Board, Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology
collective bargaining agreement with PWU. 63 To insist on applying the pay grade scale in Transfer, National Electrification Administration, Energy Regulatory Board, National
Article X, Section 4, PHILEC argues, would result in a salary distortion within PHILEC. 64 Telecommunications Commission, Department of Agrarian Reform under Republic Act No.
6657, Government Service Insurance System, Employees Compensation Commission,
In the resolution65 dated September 21, 2005,this court ordered PWU to comment on Agricultural Inventions Board, Insurance Commission, Philippine Atomic Energy Commission,
PHILECs petition for review on certiorari. Board of Investments, Construction Industry Arbitration Commission, and voluntary
arbitrators authorized by law.
In its comment,66 PWU argues that Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez did not gravely abuse his
discretion in rendering his decision. He correctly applied the provisions of the PWU collective ....
bargaining agreement, the law between PHILEC and its rank-and-file employees, in
computing Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance. 67 Sec. 3. Where to appeal.

On September 27, 2006, PHILEC filed its reply, 68 reiterating its arguments in its petition for An appeal under this Rule may be taken to the Court of Appeals within the period and in the
review on certiorari. manner herein provided, whether the appeal involves questions of fact, of law, or mixed
questions of fact and law. (Emphasis supplied)
The issue for our resolution is whether Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez gravely abused his
discretion in directing PHILEC to pay Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance based on A Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary Arbitrators has the exclusive original
Article X, Section 4 of the June 1, 1997 rank-and-file collective bargaining agreement. jurisdiction over grievances arising from the interpretation or implementation of collective
bargaining agreements. Should the parties agree, a Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel of
This petition should be denied. Voluntary Arbitrators shall also resolve the parties other labor disputes, including unfair
labor practices and bargaining deadlocks. Articles 261 and 262 of the Labor Code provide:

ART. 261. JURISDICTION OF VOLUNTARY ARBITRATORS OR PANEL OF VOLUNTARY This court then stated that the office of a Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary
ARBITRATORS. Arbitrators, even assuming that the office is not strictly a quasi-judicial agency, may be
considered an instrumentality, thus:
The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive
jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation or Assuming arguendo that the voluntaryarbitrator or the panel of voluntary arbitrators may
implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the not strictly be considered as a quasi-judicial agency, board or commission, still both he and
interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies referred to in the immediately the panel are comprehended within the concept of a "quasi-judicial instrumentality." It may
preceding article. Accordingly, violations of a Collective Bargaining Agreement, except those even be stated that it was to meet the very situation presented by the quasi-judicial
which are gross in character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor practice and shall be functions of the voluntary arbitrators here, as well as the subsequent arbitrator/arbitral
resolved as grievances under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. For purposes of this tribunal operating under the Construction Industry Arbitration Commission, that the broader
article, gross violations of Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean flagrant and/or term "instrumentalities" was purposely included in the above-quoted provision.
malicious refusal to comply with the economic provisions of such agreement.
An "instrumentality" is anything used as a means or agency. Thus, the terms governmental
The Commission, its Regional Offices and the Regional Directors of the Department of Labor "agency" or "instrumentality" are synonymous in the sense that either of them is a means
and Employment shall not entertain disputes, grievances, or matters under the exclusive by which a government acts, or by which a certain government act or function is performed.
and original jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator orpanel of Voluntary Arbitrators and shall The word "instrumentality," with respect to a state, contemplates an authority to which the
immediately dispose and refer the same to the Grievance Machinery or Voluntary Arbitration state delegates governmental power for the performance of a state function. An individual
provided in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. person, like an administrator or executor, is a judicial instrumentality in the settling of an
estate, in the same manner that a sub-agent appointed by a bankruptcy court is an
ART. 262. JURISDICTION OVER OTHER LABOR DISPUTES. instrumentality of the court, and a trustee in bankruptcy of a defunct corporation is an
instrumentality of the state.
The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, upon agreement of the parties,
shall also hear and decide all other labor disputes including unfair labor practices and The voluntary arbitrator no less performs a state function pursuant to a governmental power
bargaining deadlocks. delegated to him under the provisions therefor in the Labor Code and he falls, therefore,
within the contemplation of the term "instrumentality" in the aforequoted Sec. 9 of B.P.
In Luzon Development Bank v. Association of Luzon Development Bank Employees, 70 this 129.74 (Citations omitted)
court ruled that the proper remedy against the award or decision of the Voluntary
Arbitratoris an appeal before the Court of Appeals. This court first characterized the office Since the office of a Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary Arbitrators is considered a
ofa Voluntary Arbitrator or a panel of Voluntary Arbitrators as a quasi-judicial agency, citing quasi-judicial agency, this court concluded that a decision or award rendered by a Voluntary
Volkschel Labor Union, et al. v. NLRC71 and Oceanic Bic Division (FFW) v. Romero:72 Arbitrator is appealable before the Court of Appeals. Under Section 9 of the Judiciary
Reorganization Act of 1980, the Court of Appeals has the exclusive original jurisdiction over
In Volkschel Labor Union, et al. v. NLRC, et al.,on the settled premise that the judgments of decisions or awards of quasi-judicial agencies and instrumentalities:
courts and awards of quasi-judicial agencies must become final at some definite time, this
Court ruled that the awards of voluntary arbitrators determine the rights of parties; hence, Section 9. Jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals shall exercise:
their decisions have the same legal effect as judgments of a court. In Oceanic Bic Division
(FFW), et al. v. Romero, et al., this Court ruled that "a voluntary arbitrator by the nature of ....
her functions acts in a quasi-judicial capacity." Under these rulings, it follows that the
voluntary arbitrator, whether acting solely or in a panel, enjoys in law the status of a 3. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all final judgements, resolutions, orders or awardsof
quasijudicial agency but independent of, and apart from, the NLRC since his decisions are Regional Trial Courts and quasijudicial agencies, instrumentalities, boards or commission,
not appealable to the latter.73 (Citations omitted) including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Social Security Commission, the
Employees Compensation Commission and the Civil Service Commission, except those
falling within the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in accordance with the
Constitution, the Labor Code of the Philippines under Presidential Decree No. 442, as

amended, the provisions of this Act, and of subparagraph (1) of the third paragraph and A fortiori, the decision or award of the voluntary arbitrator or panel of arbitrators should
subparagraph 4 of the fourth paragraph of Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948. (Emphasis likewise be appealable to the Court of Appeals, in line with the procedure outlined in Revised
supplied) Administrative Circular No. 1-95, just like those of the quasi-judicial agencies, boards and
commissions enumerated therein.77 (Emphases in the original)
Luzon Development Bankwas decided in 1995 but remains "good law." 75 In the 2002 case of
Alcantara, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 76 this court rejected petitioner Santiago Alcantara, Jr.s This court has since reiterated the Luzon Development Bankruling in its decisions. 78
argument that the Rules of Court, specifically Rule 43, Section 2, superseded the Luzon
Development Bank ruling: Article 262-A of the Labor Code provides that the award or decision of the Voluntary
Arbitrator "shall befinal and executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the copy
Petitioner argues, however, that Luzon Development Bank is no longer good law because of of the award or decision by the parties":
Section 2, Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, a new provision introduced by the 1997 revision.
The provision reads: Art. 262-A. PROCEDURES. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall
have the power to hold hearings, receive evidences and take whatever action isnecessary to
SEC. 2. Cases not covered. -This Rule shall not apply to judgments or final orders issued resolve the issue or issues subject of the dispute, including efforts to effect a voluntary
under the Labor Code of the Philippines. settlement between parties.

The provisions may be new to the Rules of Court but it is far from being a new law. Section 2, All parties to the dispute shall beentitled to attend the arbitration proceedings. The
Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as presently worded, is nothing more but a attendance of any third party or the exclusion of any witness from the proceedings shall be
reiteration of the exception to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals, as determined by the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. Hearing may be
provided for in Section 9, Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, 7 as amended by Republic Act No. 7902:8 adjourned for cause or upon agreement by the parties.

(3) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all final judgments, decisions, resolutions, orders or Unless the parties agree otherwise, it shall be mandatory for the Voluntary Arbitrator or
awards of Regional Trial Courts and quasi-judicial agencies, instrumentalities, boards or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators to render an award or decision within twenty (20) calendar
commissions, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Employees days from the date of submission of the dispute to voluntary arbitration.
Compensation Commission and the Civil Service Commission, except those falling within the
appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in accordance with the Constitution, the Labor The award or decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall
Code of the Philippines under Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended, the provisions of contain the facts and the law on which it is based. It shall be final and executory after ten
this Act and of subparagraph (1) of the third paragraph and subparagraph (4) of the fourth (10) calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the parties.
paragraph of Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948.
Upon motion of any interested party, the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
The Court took into account this exception in Luzon Development Bank but, nevertheless, Arbitrators or the Labor Arbiter in the region where the movant resides, in case of the
held that the decisions of voluntary arbitrators issued pursuant to the Labor Codedo not absence or incapacity of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, for any
come within its ambit: reason, may issue a writ of execution requiring either the sheriff of the Commission or
regular courts or any public official whomthe parties may designate in the submission
x x x. The fact that [the voluntary arbitrators] functions and powers are provided for in the agreement to execute the final decision, order or award. (Emphasis supplied)
Labor Code does not place him within the exceptions to said Sec. 9 since he is a quasi-
judicial instrumentality as contemplated therein. It will be noted that, although the Thus, in Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. Sales Force UnionPTGWO-BALAIS v. Coca Cola-
Employees Compensation Commission is also provided for in the Labor Code, Circular No. 1- Bottlers Philippines, Inc.,79 this court declared that the decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator
91, which is the forerunner of the present Revised Administrative Circular No. 1-95, laid had become final and executory because it was appealed beyond the 10-day reglementary
down the procedure for the appealability of its decisions to the Court of Appeals under the period under Article 262-A of the Labor Code.
foregoing rationalization, and this was later adopted by Republic Act No. 7902 in amending
Sec. 9 of B.P. 129. It is true that Rule 43, Section 4 of the Rules of Court provides for a 15-day reglementary
period for filing an appeal:

Section 4. Period of appeal. The appeal shall be taken within fifteen (15) days from notice In Shioji v. Harvey,91 this court held that the "rules of court, promulgated by authority of law,
of the award, judgment, final order or resolution, or from the date of its last publication, if have the force and effect of law, if not in conflict with positive law." 92 Rules of Court are
publication is required by law for its effectivity, or of the denial of petitioner's motion for new "subordinate to the statute."93 In case of conflict between the law and the Rules of Court,
trial or reconsideration duly filed in accordance with the governing law of the court or "the statute will prevail."94
agency a quo. Only one (1) motion for reconsideration shall be allowed. Upon proper motion
and the payment of the full amount of the docket fee before the expiration of the The rule, therefore, is that a Voluntary Arbitrators award or decision shall be appealed
reglementary period, the Court of Appeals may grant an additional period of fifteen (15) before the Court of Appeals within 10 days from receipt of the award or decision. Should the
days only within which to file the petition for review. No further extension shall be granted aggrieved party choose to file a motion for reconsideration with the Voluntary
except for the most compelling reason and in no case to exceed fifteen (15) days. (Emphasis Arbitrator,95 the motion must be filed within the same 10-day period since a motion for
supplied) reconsideration is filed "within the period for taking an appeal."96

The 15-day reglementary period has been upheld by this court in a long line of cases. 80 In A petition for certiorari is a special civil action "adopted to correct errors of jurisdiction
AMA Computer College-Santiago City, Inc. v. Nacino, 81 Nippon Paint Employees Union-OLALIA committed by the lower court or quasi-judicial agency, or when there is grave abuse of
v. Court of Appeals,82 Manila Midtown Hotel v. Borromeo, 83 and Sevilla Trading Company v. discretion on the part of such court or agency amounting to lack or excess of
Semana,84 this court denied petitioners petitions for review on certiorari since petitioners jurisdiction."97 An extraordinary remedy,98 a petition for certiorari may be filed only if appeal
failed to appeal the Voluntary Arbitrators decision within the 15-day reglementary period is not available.99 If appeal is available, an appeal must be taken even if the ground relied
under Rule43. In these cases, the Court of Appeals had no jurisdiction to entertain the upon is grave abuse of discretion.100
appeal assailing the Voluntary Arbitrators decision.
As an exception to the rule, this court has allowed petitions for certiorari to be filed in lieu of
Despite Rule 43 providing for a 15-day period to appeal, we rule that the Voluntary an appeal "(a) when the public welfare and the advancement of public policy dictate; (b)
Arbitrators decision mustbe appealed before the Court of Appeals within 10 calendar days when the broader interests of justice so require; (c) when the writs issued are null; and (d)
from receipt of the decision as provided in the Labor Code. when the questioned order amounts to an oppressive exercise of judicial authority." 101

Appeal is a "statutory privilege,"85 which may be exercised "only in the manner and in In Unicraft Industries International Corporation, et al. v. The Hon. Court of
accordance withthe provisions of the law." 86 "Perfection of an appeal within the reglementary Appeals,102 petitioners filed a petition for certiorari against the Voluntary Arbitrators
period is not only mandatory but also jurisdictional so that failure to doso rendered the decision. Finding that the Voluntary Arbitrator rendered an award without giving petitioners
decision final and executory, and deprives the appellate court of jurisdiction to alter the final an opportunity to present evidence, this court allowed petitioners petition for certiorari
judgment much less to entertain the appeal." 87 despite being the wrong remedy. The Voluntary Arbitrators award, thiscourt said, was null
and void for violation of petitioners right to due process. This court decided the case on the
We ruled that Article 262-A of the Labor Code allows the appeal of decisions rendered by merits.
Voluntary Arbitrators.88Statute provides that the Voluntary Arbitrators decision "shall befinal
and executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision In Leyte IV Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. LEYECO IV Employees Union-ALU, 103 petitioner
by the parties." Being provided in the statute,this 10-day period must be complied with; likewise filed a petition for certiorari against the Voluntary Arbitrators decision, alleging that
otherwise, no appellate court willhave jurisdiction over the appeal. This absurd situation the decision lacked basis in fact and in law. Ruling that the petition for certiorari was filed
occurs whenthe decision is appealed on the 11th to 15th day from receipt as allowed under within the reglementary period for filing an appeal, this court allowed petitioners petition for
the Rules, but which decision, under the law, has already become final and executory. certiorari in "the broader interests of justice."104

Furthermore, under Article VIII, Section 5(5) of the Constitution, this court "shall not In Mora v. Avesco Marketing Corporation,105 this court held that petitioner Noel E. Mora erred
diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights" in promulgating rules of procedure in in filing a petition for certiorari against the Voluntary Arbitrators decision. Nevertheless, this
courts.89 The 10-day period to appeal under the Labor Code being a substantive right, this court decided the case on the merits "in the interest of substantial justice to arrive at the
period cannot be proper conclusion that is conformable to the evidentiary facts."106

diminished, increased, or modified through the Rules of Court. 90


None of the circumstances similar to Unicraft, Leyte IV Electric Cooperative, and Moraare on Article X, Section 4 and ArticleIX, Section 1(f) of the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining
present in this case. PHILEC received Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs resolution denying its agreement.
motion for partial reconsideration on August 11, 2000. 107 PHILEC filed its petition for
certiorari before the Court ofAppeals on August 29, 2000, 108 which was 18 days after its Contrary to PHILECs claim, Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. were not transferred out of the bargaining
receipt of Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs resolution. The petition for certiorari was filed unit when they were selected for training. Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. remained rank-and-file
beyond the 10-day reglementary period for filing an appeal. We cannot consider PHILECs employees while they trained for the position of Foreman I. Under Article IX, Section 1(e) of
petition for certiorari as an appeal. the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement, 114 a trainee who is "unable to demonstrate
his ability to perform the work . . . shall be reverted to his previous
There being no appeal seasonably filed in this case, Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision assignment. . . ."115According to the same provision, the trainee "shall hold that job on a trial
became final and executory after 10 calendar days from PHILECs receipt of the resolution or observation basis and . . . subject to prior approval of the authorized management official,
denying its motion for partial reconsideration.109 Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision is be appointed to the position in a regular capacity." 116
already "beyond the purview of this Court to act upon."110
Thus, training is a condition precedent for promotion. Selection for training does not mean
II automatic transfer out of the bargaining unit of rankand-file employees.

PHILEC must pay training allowance Moreover, the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement states that the training
based on the step increases provided in allowance of a rank-and-file employee "whose application for a posted job is accepted shall
the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining [be computed] in accordance with Section (f) of [Article IX]."117 Since Lipio and Ignacio, Sr.
agreement were rank-and-file employees when they applied for training for the position of Foreman I,
Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance must be computed based on Article IX, Section
The insurmountable procedural issue notwithstanding, the case will also fail on its merits. 1(f) of the June 1, 1997 rank-and-file collective bargaining agreement.
Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez correctly awarded both Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. training
allowances based on the amounts and formula provided in the June 1, 1997 collective PHILEC allegedly applied the "Modified SGV" pay grade scale to prevent any salary distortion
bargaining agreement. within PHILECs enterprise. This, however, does not justify PHILECs non-compliance with the
June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement. This pay grade scale is not provided in the
A collective bargaining agreement is "a contract executed upon the request of either the collective bargaining agreement. In Samahang Manggagawa sa Top Form Manufacturing
employer or the exclusive bargaining representative of the employees incorporating the United Workers of the Philippines (SMTFM-UWP) v. NLRC, 118 this court ruled that "only
agreement reached after negotiations with respect to wages, hours of work and all other provisions embodied in the [collective bargaining agreement] should be so interpreted and
terms and conditions of employment, including proposals for adjusting any grievances or complied with. Where a proposal raised by a contracting party does not find print in the
questions arising under such agreement."111 A collective bargaining agreement being a [collective bargaining agreement], it is not part thereof and the proponent has no claim
contract, its provisions "constitute the law between the parties" 112 and must be complied whatsoever to its implementation."119
with in good faith.113
Had PHILEC wanted the "Modified SGV" pay grade scale applied within its enterprise, "it
PHILEC, as employer, and PWU, as the exclusive bargaining representative of PHILECs rank- could have requested or demanded that [the Modified SGV scale] be incorporated in the
and-file employees, entered into a collective bargaining agreement, which the parties [collective bargaining agreement]."120 PHILEC had "the means under the law to compel
agreed to make effective from June 1, 1997 to May 31, 1999. Being the law between the [PWU] to incorporate this specific economic proposal in the [collective bargaining
parties, the June 1, 1997 collective bargaining agreement must govern PHILEC and its rank- agreement]."121 It "could have invoked Article 252 of the Labor Code" 122 to incorporate the
and-file employees within the agreed period. "Modified SGV" pay grade scale in its collective bargaining agreement with PWU. But it did
not. Since this "Modified SGV" pay grade scale does not appear in PHILECs collective
Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. were rank-and-file employees when PHILEC selected them for training bargaining agreement with PWU, PHILEC cannot insist on the "Modified SGV" pay grade
for the position of Foreman I beginning August 25, 1997. Lipio and Ignacio, Sr. were selected scales application. We reiterate Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision dated August 13,
for training during the effectivity of the June 1, 1997 rank-and-file collective bargaining 1999 where he said that:
agreement. Therefore, Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance must be computed based

. . . since the signing of the current CBA took place on September 27, 1997, PHILEC, by When the judgment of the court awarding a sum of money becomes final and executory, the
oversight, may have overlooked the possibility of a wage distortion occurring among ASSET- rate of legal interest. . . shall be 12% per annum from such finality until its satisfaction, this
occupied positions. It is surmised that this matter could have been negotiated and settled interim period being deemed to be by then as equivalent to a forbearance of credit. 126
with PWU before the actual signing of the CBA on September 27. Instead, PHILEC, again,
allowed the provisions of Art. X, Sec. 4 of the CBA to remain the way it is and is now The 6% legal interest under CircularNo. 799, Series of 2013, of the Bangko Sentral ng
suffering the consequences of its laches.123 (Emphasis in the original) Pilipinas Monetary Board shall not apply, Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision having
become final and executory prior to the effectivity of the circular on July 1, 2013.1avvphi1 In
We note that PHILEC did not dispute PWUs contention that it selected several rank-and-file Nacar v. Gallery Frames,127 we held that:
employees for training and paid them training allowance based on the schedule provided in
the collective bargaining agreement effective at the time of the trainees selection. 124 PHILEC . . . with regard to those judgments that have become final and executory prior to July 1,
cannot choose when and to whom to apply the provisions of its collective bargaining 2013, said judgments shall not be disturbed and shall continue to be implemented applying
agreement. The provisions of a collective bargaining agreement must be applied uniformly the rate of interest fixed therein.128
and complied with in good faith.
WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is DENIED. The Court of Appeals' decision
Given the foregoing, Lipios and Ignacio, Sr.s training allowance should be computed based dated May 25, 2004 is AFFIRMED.
on Article X, Section 4 in relation to Article IX, Section 1(f) of the June 1, 1997 rank-and-file
collective bargaining agreement. Lipio, who held the position of Machinist before selection Petitioner Philippine Electric Corporation is ORDERED to PAY respondent Eleodoro V. Lipio a
for training as Foreman I, should receive training allowance based on the following schedule: total of P3,549.00 for a four (4)-month training for the position of Foreman I with legal
interest of 12% per annum from August 22, 2000 until the amount's full satisfaction.
First Month ----- P456.00
For respondent Emerlito C. Ignacio, Sr., Philippine Electric Corporation is ORDERED to PAY a
Second month ----- P1,031.00
total of P3,962.00 for a four (4)-month training for the position of Foreman I with legal
Third month ----- P1,031.00 interest of 12% per annum from August 22, 2000 until the amount's full satisfaction.
Fourth month ----- P1,031.00

Ignacio, Sr., who held the position of DT-Assembler before selection for training as Foreman I,
should receive training allowance based on the following schedule:

First Month ----- P361.00

Second month ----- P817.00

Third month ----- P1,392.00

Fourth month ----- P1,392.00

Considering that Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenezs decision awarded sums of money, Lipio and
Ignacio, Sr. are entitled to legal interest on their training allowances. Voluntary Arbitrator
Jimenezs decision having become final and executory on August 22, 2000, PHILEC is liable
for legal interest equal to 12% per annum from finality of the decision until full payment as
this court ruled in Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals: 125

dated February 26, 2007, accompanied by a summary of its claims pursuant to their 1996-
2001 CBA.
On March 2, 2007, Fr. Arceo informed [USTFU] that the aforesaid benefits were not meant to
vs. UNIVERSITY OF STO. TOMAS, Respondent. be given annually but rather as a one-time allocation or contribution to the fund.[USTFU]
then sent [UST] another demand letter dated June 24, 2007 reiterating its position that [UST]
DECISION is obliged to remit to the fund, its contributions not only for the years 1996-1997 but also for
the subsequent years, but to no avail.

Thus, on September 5, 2007 [USTFU] filed against [UST], a complaint for unfair labor
practice, as well as for moral and exemplary damages plus attorneys fees before the
arbitration branch of the NLRC.

The Case [UST] sought the dismissal of the complaint on the ground of lack of jurisdiction. It
contended that the case falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitratoror
G.R. No. 203957 is a petition for review1 assailing the Decision2 promulgated on 13 July panel of voluntary arbitrators because it involves the interpretation and implementation of
2012 as well as the Resolution3 promulgated on 19 October 2012 by the Court of Appeals the provisions of the CBA; and the conflict between the herein parties must be resolved as
(CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 120970. The CA set aside the 8 June 2011 Decision4 and 29 July 2011 grievance under the CBA and not as unfair labor practice.
Resolution5 of the Fourth Division of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in
NLRC LAC No. 10-003370-08, as well as the 24 September 2010 Decision6 of the Labor [USTs] motion to dismiss was denied by the LA in its August 8, 2008 order. [UST] appealed
Arbiter (LA) in NLRC-NCR Case No. 09-09745-07. the Order to the NLRC. The NLRC Seventh Division, however, dismissed the appeal on May
12, 2009 and remanded the case to the LA for further proceedings.
In its 24 September 2010 decision, the LA ordered the University of Santo Tomas (UST) to
remit P18,000,000.00 to the hospitalization and medical benefits fund (fund) pursuant to the The NLRC, in its assailed decision, correctly summarized the issues and submissions of the
mandate of the 1996-2001 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).The LA also ordered UST hereinparties in their respective position papers, as follows:
to pay 10% of the total monetary award as attorneys fees. The other claims were dismissed
for lack of merit. In its 8 June 2011 decision, the NLRC ordered UST to remit to the University According to [UST], the parties had, in the past, concluded several Collective Bargaining
of Santo Tomas Faculty Union (USTFU) the amounts of P80,000,000.00 for the fund pursuant Agreements for the mutual benefit of the union members and [UST], and one of these
to the CBA and P8,000,000.00 as attorneys fees equivalent to 10% of the monetary award. agreements was the 1996-2001 CBA. It is undisputed that one of the economic benefits
The NLRC denied USTs motion for reconsideration for lack of merit. granted by [UST] under the said CBA was the "Hospitalization Fund," provided under Section
1-A(4) of the Article XIII thereof, the pertinent provisions of which state:
In its 13 July 2012 decision, the CA found grave abuse of discretion on the part of NLRC and
granted USTs petition. The CA set aside the decisions of the NLRC and the LA, without ARTICLE XIII
prejudice to the refiling of USTFUs complaint in the proper forum. The CA denied USTFUs ECONOMIC BENEFITS
motion for reconsideration for lack of merit.
Section 1. ECONOMIC BENEFITUpon ratification and approval and for the term of this
The Facts Agreement, the economic benefits to be granted by the UNIVERSITY and the schedule of
such releases are as follows:
The CA recited the facts as follows:
A. School Year 1996-97 (June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1997):
In a letter dated February 6, 2007, [USTFU] demanded from [UST], through its Rector, Fr.
Ernesto M. Arceo, O.P. ("Fr. Arceo"), remittance of the total amount of P65,000,000.00 plus xxx
legal interest thereon, representing deficiency in its contribution to the medical and
hospitalization fund ("fund") of [USTs] faculty members. [USTFU] also sent [UST] a letter

4. Hospitalization Fund: Upon ratification and approval hereof, the UNIVERSITY shall All the economic benefitsherein given and those elsewhere provided under thisagreement,
establish a perpetual hospitalization and medical benefits fund in the sum of TWO MILLION other than retirement benefits and one-half of the signing bonus, are chargeable to the
PESOS (P2,000,000) to be managed conjointly by a hospitalization and medical benefits tuition fee share, if any, of the faculty members.
committee where both management and union are equally represented.
[USTFU] explained that the rationale for the above-quoted provision is that the economic
xxx benefits under the said CBA like the Hospitalization and Medical BenefitsFund, are sourced
from the tuition fee increases and pursuant thereto, [UST] is obligated to remit the amount
B. School Year 1997-98 (June 1, 1997-May 31, 1998); of P2,000,000.00 not only in the first year of the CBA (1996-1997) but also in the subsequent
years because the said amount became an integral part of the current or existing tuition fee.
xxx Furthermore, [UST] is likewise obligated to slide in the amounts allocated for the
Hospitalization and Medical Benefits Fund for the succeeding years to the next CBA year and
2. Hospitalization Fund: The UNIVERSITY shall contribute the sum of ONE MILLION PESOS so on and so forth. [USTFU] claimed that the tuition fee increase once integrated to the old
(P1,000,000) to augment the Hospitalization and Medical Benefits fund. The saidsum shall amount of tuition fee becomes and remains an integral part of the existing tuition fee.
be addedto the remaining balance of theaforementioned fund;
[USTFU] averred that while [UST] remitted the amount of P2,000,000.00 during the first year
xxx of the 1996-2001 CBA, [UST] did not slide-in or remit the said amount in the succeeding year
(1997-1998). [UST] only remitted the amount of P1,000.000,000.00 [sic] for the CBA year
C. School Year 1998-99 (June 1, 1998-May 31, 1999); 1998-1999. Moreover, [UST] remitted only the amount of P1,000,000.00 on the third year of
the CBA instead of P4,000,000.00 (2 Million + 1 Million + 1 Million). And though [UST]
xxx remitted the amount of P4,000,000 during the fourth year (2) [sic] of the 1996-2001 CBA, it
did not remit any amount at all during the fifth year of the said Agreement.
2. Hospitalization Fund: The UNIVERSITY shall contribute the sum of ONE MILLION PESOS
(P1,000,000) to augment the Hospitalization and Medical Benefits Fund. The said sum shall [USTFU] claimed that during the period of the 1996-2001 CBA, [UST] should have remitted
be added to the remaining balance of the aforementioned fund; the total amount of P25,000,000.00 instead of P8,000,000.00 only. Thus, a deficiency of
P17,000,000.00. [USTFUs] assertion is based on the following illustration:
D. Miscellaneous Provisions:
Year 1
xxx 1996-97
Year 2
2. All the economic benefits herein given and those elsewhere provided under this 1997-98 Year 3
agreement, other than retirement benefits and one-half of the signing bonus, are chargeable 1998-99 Year 4
to the tuition fee share, if any, of the faculty members; 1999-00 Year 5
2000-01 Actual
xxx xxx xxx amount
remitted Total
[USTFU] added that the amount offour (4) million pesos was agreed to be paid by the amount to
Universityto the Hospitalization Fund annually for the fourth and fifth year of their CBA, [be]
pursuant to the parties Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which embodied the remitted
renegotiated economic provisions of the said CBAfor the years 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. 2M
remitted 2M did not
According to [USTFU], Section D(2) of the 1996-2001 CBA provides that: slide 2M did not
slide 2M did not
slide 2M did not
slide 2M 10M

1M that the instance [sic] case may be considered as a money claim, the same already
remitted 1M did not prescribed after three (3) years fromthe time the cause of action accrued.
slide 1M did not
slide 1M did not Finally, [UST] maintained that the present dispute should not be treated as unfair labor
slide 1M 4M practice but should be resolved as a grievance under the CBA and referred to a Voluntary
1M Arbitrator.
remitted 1M did not
slide 1M did not The parties thereafter submitted their respective Replies and Rejoinders amplifying their
slide 1M 3M arguments while refuting those made by the other.7
remitted 4M did not The Labor Arbiters Ruling
slide 4M 8M
Total 8M 25M The LA ruled in favor of USTFU.The LA classified USTFUs complaint as one for "unfair labor
[USTFU] added that after the fifth year of the CBA, i.e. 2001 onwards, [UST] ought to remit practice, claims for sliding in of funds to hospitalization and medical benefits under the CBA,
the amount of P8,000,000.00 ([2]M+1M+1M+4M) annually to the Hospitalization and damages and attorneys fee with prayer for slide-in and restoration of medical benefits
Medical Benefits Fund. Hence, for the school year2001-2002 up to the school year 2005- under the CBA."8 The LA ruled that UST was not able to comply with Article XIII, Section 1A-
2006, an additional amount of P24,000,000.00 (8M x 3) should have been remitted by [UST] (4) of the 1996-2001 CBA. However, despite USTs alleged non-compliance, the LA ruled that
to the aforesaid fund.All in all, the total amount yet to be remitted had ballooned to UST did not commit unfair labor practice.
The LA interpreted the pertinent CBA provisions to mean that UST bound itself to contribute
Furthermore, [USTFU] averred that [UST] likewise failed and refused to render a proper to the fund P2,000,000.00 every school year, regardless of the appropriated augmentation
accounting ofthe monies it paid or released to the covered faculty as well as the money it amount. The LA computed USTs liability in this manner:
received as tuition fee increase starting from school year 1997-1998 onwards thereby
violating Section D (1), Article XIII of the 1996-2001 CBA which provides that: Considering that the pertinent provision of the [1996-2001] CBA Article XIII, Section 1A(4)
stated that"The University shall establish a perpetual hospitalization and medical benefits
At the end of this agreement, and within three (3) months therefrom, the UNIVERSITY shall fund in the sum of two million pesos (P2,000,000.00) x x x x" it follows that the amount of
render an accounting of the monies it paid or released to the covered faculty in P2M every school year must beslided in regardless of the augmentation amount as may be
consequence hereof. appropriated. The wordshall is mandatory and the word perpetual [is] continuous thus, [UST]
is obligated to remit the actual amount to wit:
On the other hand, [UST] claimed that it religiously complied with the economic provisions of
the 1996-2001CBA particularly its obligation to remit to the Hospitalization and Medical SY 1996-1997 P2M = P2M
Benefits Fund as the renegotiated economic provisions under the MOA by remitting the total SY 1997-1998 P2M + P1M = P3M
amount of P8,000,000.00. [UST] claimed that it was never the intention of the parties to the SY 1998-1999 P2M + P1M = P3M
CBA that the amounts deposited to the Hospitalization fund for each year shall be carried SY 1999-2000 P4M (Renegotiated) = P4M
over to the succeeding years. UST added that the MOA likewise madeno mention that the SY 2000-2001 P4M = P4M
amount of P4,000,000.00 corresponding to the school year 1999-2000 should be carried TOTAL REMITTANCE = P16M
over to the next school year. Thus, it was safe to conclude that the clear intention of the Thus, [UST] therefore has an unremitted fund of Eight Million (P8,000,000.00) pesos.
parties was that the amounts indicated on the CBA should only be remitted once on the
scheduled school year. Accordingly, [UST] averred that it was not guilty of unfair labor Corollarily, the CBA covering the period SY 2001-2006 [UST] is under obligation to remit two
practice. (2) million (P2,000,000.00) [sic] pesos every year or a total of ten million (P10,000,000.00)
pesos in addition to whatever augmented amount stipulated in the CBA.
[UST] further argued that the claim of [USTFU] had already been barred by prescription since
under Article 290 of the Labor Code all unfair labor practice [cases] should be filed within
one (1) year from the accrual thereof otherwise they shall forever be barred. And assuming

In fine, the total unremitted amountto the [hospitalization and medical benefits] fund is The NLRC granted USTFUs appeal and denied USTs appeal for lack of merit. The NLRC
eighteen million (P18,000,000.00) pesos. P8M for SY 1996-2001 and P10M for SY 2001- ordered UST to pay USTFU P80,000,000.00 and attorneys fees equivalent to ten percent of
2006.9 the monetary award.

The LA did not find USTs non-compliance with the 1996-2001 CBA as acts that The NLRC pointed out that USTs refusal to comply, despite repeated demands, with the
constituteunfair labor practice. CBAs economic provisions is tantamount to a gross and flagrant violation. Thus, the present
case properly falls under the LAs original jurisdiction as well as the NLRCs appellate
The failure of [UST] to slide in yearly the P2M hospitalization fund is not violation of the CBA jurisdiction. The issue of prescription also cannot be heldagainst USTFU because the cause
but an error in the interpretation of the provision of the CBA. It could not be said eitherthat of action accrued only when UST refused to comply with USTFUs 6 February 2007 demand
[UST] acted with malice and bad faith in view of the compliance with the other economic letter. The demand letter was sent only after the conduct of proceedings in the Permanent
provision[s] of the CBA. An error in the interpretation of a provision in the CBA, absent any Union-University Committee (PUUC).
malice or bad faith could not be considered as unfair laborpractice as held in the case of
Singapore Airlines Local Employees Association vs. NLRC, et al., 130 SCRA 472.10 The NLRC noted that the subsequent CBAs between UST and USTFU show that the parties
intendedthat the amount appropriated each year to augment the fund shall be carried over
The dispositive portion of the LAs Decision reads: to the succeeding years and is chargeable to the tuition fee increment. The NLRC ruled that
the amounts appropriated for each year during the effectivity of the 1996-2001 CBA should
WHEREFORE, premised on the foregoing considerations, judgment is hereby rendered still be appropriated to the succeeding years. From school year 1997-1998 and onwards, the
ordering [UST] to remit the amount of eighteen million (P18,000,000.00) pesos to [the] basis for suchcarry over is that the amounts were sourced from tuition increases
hospitalization and medical benefits fund pursuant tothe mandate of the Collective corresponding to a given school year. Since any increase in tuition is integrated into the
Bargaining Agreement on economic benefits. subsequent tuition, the amount allocated to the fund because of the tuition increaseshould
be remitted to the fund. The 2001-2006 and 2006-2011 CBAs have express provisions on the
[UST is] likewise directed to pay attorneys fee[s] equivalent to ten (10) percent of the total carry over. The NLRC computed USTs deficiency14 as follows:
monetary award in this case.
For the 1996-2001 CBA:
Other claims dismissed for lack of merit.
Year 1
SO ORDERED.11 1996-97 Year 2
USTFU filed a Memorandum of Partial Appeal12 from the LAs Decision. USTFU claimed that Year 3
the LA erred in holding that UST is liable to USTFU in the amount of P18 million only, and in 1998-99 Year 4
not holding that the amounts claimed by USTFU should beremitted by UST to USTFU. USTFU 1999-00 Year 5
claimed that, as of 2011, USTs total liability to the fund is P97 million: P17 million for CBA 2000-01 Total amount
years 1996 to 2001, P40 million for CBA years 2001 to 2006, and P40 million for CBA years that should
2006 to 2011. USTFU also claimed that the amount should be remitted byUST to USTFU for be submitted
proper turnover to the fund. 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
1M 1M 1M 1M
UST, on the other hand, filed an Appeal Memorandum.13 UST claimed that the LA 1M 1M 1M
committed grave abuse of discretion in taking cognizance over the case because the issue is 4M 4M
within the jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator. UST further claimed that the LA committed 2M + 3M + 4M + 8M + 8M = 25M
grave abuse of discretion in finding that UST erred in its interpretation of the CBA and in not Since it is undisputed that [UST] remitted the amount of PhP8,000,000.00 only, there is stilla
finding that USTFUs claims are already barred by prescription. deficiency of PhP17,000,000.00 corresponding to the 1996-2001 CBA.

The NLRCs Ruling xxxx


For the 2001-2006 CBA: On 8 November 2011, USTFU filed a comment before the CA. USTFU claimed that the NLRC
did not commit grave abuse of discretion in finding that USTFU is entitled to its claims for
Year 1 payment of the unremitted benefits. USTFU also claimed that certiorari is not a proper
2001-02 Year 2 remedy for UST because the NLRC did not commit any grave abuse of discretion.16
2002-03 Year 3
2003-04 Year 4 The Court of Appeals Ruling
2005-06 Total amount
that should be The CA, in its decision promulgated on 13 July 2012, disposed of the present case by
submitted agreeing with USTs argument that the LA and the NLRC did not have jurisdiction to hear and
2M 2M 2M 2M decide the present case. The CA stated that since USTFUs ultimateobjective is to clarify the
3M 3M 3M relevant items in the CBA, then USTFUs complaint should have been filed with the voluntary
3M 3M arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators.
2M + 5M + 8M + 8M = 23M
For the 2006-2011 CBA: The dispositive portion of the CAs decision reads:

Year 1 WHEREFORE, finding grave abuse of discretion on the part of public respondent NLRC, the
2006-07 Year 2 petition isGRANTED. Without prejudice to the re-filing of private respondents complaint with
2007-08 Year 3 the proper forum, the assailed NLRC decision dated June 8,2011 and resolution dated July
2008-09 Year 4 29, 2011 in NLRC LAC No. 10-003370-08, as well as the decision dated September 24, 2010
2009-10 Year 5 of the Labor Arbiter in NLRC-NCR Case No. 09-09745-07 are hereby SET ASIDE.
2010-11 Total amount
that should SO ORDERED.17
be submitted
8M + 8M + 8M + 8M + 8M = 40M USTFU filed its motion for reconsideration18 before the CA. USTFU maintained that the LA
The NLRC computed USTs total liability for school years 1996-1997 up to 2010-2011 at and the NLRC had jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint.
P80,000,000.00. The records show that UST remitted P8,000,000.00 for 1996-2001 CBA, and
there is absence of proof that the additional contributions to the fund were made for the In a resolution19 promulgated on 19 October 2012, the CA denied USTFUs motion for
2001-2006 and 2006-2011 CBAs. The NLRC also ordered UST to pay USTFU attorneys fees reconsideration for lack of merit.
at 10% of the monetary award.
USTFU filed the present petition for review20 before this Court on 7 December 2012.
UST filed a motion for reconsideration of the NLRC decision.1wphi1 UST again claimed that
the Voluntary Arbitrator, and not LA, had jurisdiction over the interpretation of the CBA; the The Issues
P80,000,000.00 award had no basis; and the fund should be remitted to the Hospital and
Medical Benefits Committee, not to USTFU, as stated in the CBA. USTFU enumerated the following grounds warranting allowance of its petition:

In a Resolution promulgated on 29 July 2011, the NLRC denied USTs motion for 1. The Honorable Court of Appeals departed from the usual course of judicial proceedings in
reconsideration for lack of merit. holding that the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC have no jurisdiction over the complaint for
unfair labor practice (ULP) filed by USTFU.
UST filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court before
the CA. UST still questioned the jurisdiction of the LA, as well as the award of 2. The Court of Appeals acted in a way not in accord with the applicable decisions of the
P80,000,000.00. UST also claimed that USTFUs money claims are barred byprescription, and Supreme Court in holding that the voluntary arbitrator has jurisdiction over the instant case
that the proper recipient of the award should bethe Hospital and Medical Benefits despite the fact that Article XIII ("Grievance Machinery") of the CBA is not applicable.
Committee. Finally, UST also questioned the award for attorneys fees.15

3. The Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of discretion in the appreciation of facts in
not finding that under Art. XXII of the CBA, the Permanent University-Union Committee The petition has no merit. We shall address the issues raised by the parties one by one.
(PUUC) is the proper forum to resolve the dispute betweenUST and USTFU. However, Art.
XXII does not provide for a "voluntary arbitration" clause and therefore, USTFU validly filed Jurisdiction over the Present Case
the complaint for ULP before the Labor Arbiter.
On the issue of jurisdiction, we affirm with modification the ruling of the CA. The Labor
4. The Honorable Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of discretion in its appreciation of Arbiter has no jurisdiction over the present case; however, despite the lack of jurisdiction,
evidence in not finding that the parties agreed to have the dispute resolved by the labor we rule on the issues presented. We recognize that a remand to the voluntary arbitration
tribunals and UST had actively participated in the proceedings before the Labor Arbiter and stage will give rise to the possibility that this case will still reach this Court through the
the NLRC which is tantamount to a recognitionof the jurisdiction of the said bodies. parties appeals. Furthermore, it does not serve the cause of justice if we allow this case to
go unresolved for aninordinate amount of time.
5. The Court of Appeals departed from the usual course of proceedings in referring back the
case to voluntary arbitration despite the fact that the parties already fully and exhaustively We quote the pertinent Articles of the Labor Code of the Philippines below:
litigated the case before the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC which both correctly found in favor
of USTFU. Moreover, referral to voluntary arbitration would result in waste of precious time in Art. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the Commission. (a) Except as otherwise
relitigating the case all over again.21 provided underthis Code, the Labor Arbiters shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to
hear and decide, within thirty (30) calendar days after the submission of the case by the
UST, for its part, enumerated the following grounds for opposing USTFUs petition: parties for decision without extension, x x x:

1. The Court of Appeals correctly ruled that it is the Voluntary Arbitrator which has 1. Unfair labor practices cases;
jurisdiction over the instant case.
2. Assuming arguendo that NLRC has jurisdiction over the instant case, it clearly erred when
it made an award not prayed for in petitioner USTFUs complaint, in effect mandating double (b) The Commission shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by
payment. Labor Arbiters.

3. Assuming arguendo that NLRC has jurisdiction over the instant case, it erred in ruling that (c) Cases arising from the interpretation or implementation of collective bargaining
respondent UST is still liable to pay the amount of P17,000,000.00 for the period 1996-2001 agreements and those arising from the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel
under the 1996-2001 CBA considering that: policies shall be disposed of by the Labor Arbiter by referring the same to the grievance
machinery and voluntary arbitration as may beprovided in said agreements.
a. There is no slide-in provision in the 1996-2001 CBA.
Art. 261. Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. The
b. The amounts allocated for the Hospitalization Fund during SYs 1996-2001 were not Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive
sourced from the 70% share of the teaching and non-teaching personnel in the tuition fee jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation or
increases. implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the
interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies referred to in the immediately
4. The complaint for money claims ofpetitioner USTFU arising from the interpretation of the preceding article. Accordingly, violations of a Collective Bargaining Agreement, except those
1996-2001 CBA isalready barred by prescription. which are gross in character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor practice and shall be
resolved as grievances under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. For purposes of this
5. Assuming arguendo that NLRC has jurisdiction over the instant case, it unjustly and article, gross violations of Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean flagrant
erroneously ordered respondent UST to pay the subject amount to petitioner USTFU and and/ormalicious refusal to comply with the economic provisions of such agreement.
notto the Hospital and Medical Benefits Committee under the CBA.22
The Commission, its Regional Offices and the Regional Directors of the Department of Labor
The Courts Ruling and Employment shall not entertain disputes, grievances or matters under the exclusive and

original jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel ofVoluntary Arbitrators and shall
immediately dispose and refer the same to the Grievance Machinery or Voluntary Arbitration Section 2. Exclusion. Termination of employment and preventive suspension shall be
provided in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. exempted from the provisions of this Article as the same shall be governed by the procedure
in the Labor Code and its Implementing Rules.
Art. 262. Jurisdiction over other labor disputes. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
Voluntary Arbitrators, upon agreement of the parties, shall also hear and decide all other Section 3. Procedure. A grievance shall be settled as expeditiously as possible in
labor disputes including unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks. accordance with the following procedure:

Art. 262-A. Procedures. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall have STEP I. Upon presentation of a grievance in writing by the aggrieved faculty member, to the
the power to hold hearings, receive evidences and take whatever action isnecessary to FACULTY UNION Grievance Officer, the said officer shall present the same to the Dean or
resolve the issue or issues subject to the dispute, including efforts to effect a voluntary school/department head concerned who shall render his decision on the matter within five
settlement between the parties. (5) school days from the date of the presentation. If the aggrieved party is not satisfied with
the decision, or if the Dean or school/department head fails toact within the five-schoolday
All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to attend the arbitration proceedings. The period, appeal may be made to Step II within five (5) school days from receipt of the
attendance of any third party to the exclusion of any witness from the proceedings shall be decision or, in the absence of a decision, the expiration ofthe period for its rendition. If no
determined by the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. Hearing may be appeal is made within the period of appeal, the grievance shall be deemed settled on the
adjourned for cause or upon agreement by the parties. basis of Step I.

Unless the parties agree otherwise,it shall be mandatory for the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel STEP II. All appeals from StepI shall be presented to and considered by an Adjudication
of Voluntary Arbitrators to render an award or decision within twenty (20) calendar days Committee which shall be composed of two (2) representatives chosen by the UNIVERSITY
from the date of submission of the dispute to voluntary arbitration. and two (2) representatives chosen by the FACULTY UNION. The Committee shall meet within
ten (10) school days after the elevation to this step and and try to settle the grievance to
The award or decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall the satisfaction of all concerned. It shall render its decision within twenty (20) school days
contain the facts and the law on which it is based. It shall be final and executory after ten following the presentation of the grievance to the Adjudication Committee. A quorum for any
(10) calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the parties. meeting of the Committee shall consist of a majority of its entire membership. The
affirmative vote of at least three (3) members of the Committee shall be necessary to reach
Upon motion of any interested party, the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary a decision. If the Committee renders a decision, the grievance shall be deemed settled
Arbitrators or the Labor Arbiter in the region where the movant resides, in case of the accordingly. If the Committee fails to make a decision within the period of twenty (20) days
absence or incapacity of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators for any above stated, the FACULTY UNION President may, within ten (10)days thereafter elevate the
reason, may issue a writ of execution requiring either the sheriff of the Commission or grievance to Step III.
regular courts or any public official whom the parties may designate in the submission
agreement to execute the final decision, order or award. STEP III. The grievance appealed to this step shall be handled by the FACULTY UNION
President who shall take it up with the Rector of the UNIVERSITY who, in turn, shall settle the
On the other hand, the pertinent provisions in the 1996-2001 CBA between UST and USTFU grievance within ten (10) days. If no settlement is arrived at within the aforementioned
provide: period, the grievance will automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration.

ARTICLE X STEP IV. The mechanics of arbitration shall be as follows:

(a) The UNIVERSITY and the FACULTY UNION shall select within three (3) days, by raffle or
Section 1. Grievance. Any misunderstanding concerning policies and practices directly process of elimination, an arbitrator mutually agreeable to them preferably from the list
affecting faculty members covered by this [collective bargaining] agreement ortheir working provided by the Bureau of Labor Relations.
conditions in the UNIVERSITY or any dispute arising as to the meaning, application or
violation of any provisions of thisAgreement or any complaint that a covered faculty member (b) The voluntary arbitrator shall render an award within ten (10) days after the issue in
may haveagainst the UNIVERSITY shall be considered a grievance. dispute is submitted for decision and his award shall be final and binding upon all parties to

the grievance. (c) Arbitration costs shall be shared equally by the UNIVERSITY and the was indeed unfair labor practice. The CA ruled that the LA and the NLRC did not have
FACULTY UNION.23 jurisdiction as there was no unfair labor practice. Reading the pertinent portions of the 1996-
2001 CBA along with those of the Labor Code, we see that UST and USTFUs
ARTICLE XXII misunderstanding arose solely from their differing interpretations of the CBAs provisions on
PERMANENT UNIVERSITY-UNION COMMITTEE (PUUC) economic benefits, specifically those concerning the fund. Therefore, it was clearly error for
the LA to assume jurisdiction over the present case. The case should have been resolved
Permanent UNION-UNIVERSITY Committee (PUUC). The UNIVERSITY and the FACULTY through the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators.
UNION realize that notwithstanding this CBA, there will remain problems and irritants which
will require the continuing attention of both parties. Symbolic of the mutual good faith of the Article 217(c) of the Labor Code provides that the Labor Arbiter shall refer to the grievance
parties, they have agreed to establish a permanent committee, where the UNIVERSITY and machinery and voluntary arbitration as provided in the CBA those cases that involve the
the FACULTY UNION are equally represented, to address these problems as they arise. interpretation of said agreements. Article 261 of the Labor Code further provides that all
unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation or implementation of the CBA,
a. Within thirty (30) days from signing of this Agreement, the Committee shall meet. The including violations of said agreement, are under the original and exclusive jurisdiction of
members of the Committee are the following: the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators. Excluded from this original and
exclusive jurisdiction is gross violation of the CBA, which is defined in Article 261 as "flagrant
1) For the ADMINISTRATION: and/or malicious refusal to comply with the economic provisions" of the CBA. San Jose v.
NLRC25 provides guidelines for understanding Articles 217, 261, and 262:
a) Rector or his representative;
1. The jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter and Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary
b) Vice Rector for Academic Affairs or his representative; Arbitrators over the cases enumerated in Articles 217, 261, and 262 can possibly include
money claims in one form or another.
c) Vice Rector for Finance or his representative; and d) Appointee of the Rector.
2. The cases where the Labor Arbiters have original and exclusive jurisdiction are
2) For the FACULTY UNION: enumerated in Article 217, and that of the Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary
Arbitrators in Article 261.
a) President of the UNION;
3. The original and exclusive jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters is qualified by an exception as
b) Executive Vice President of the UNION or his representative; indicated in the introductory sentence of Article 217 (a), to wit:

c) Secretary General orhis representative; and "Art. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters ... (a) Except as otherwise provided under this Code
the Labor Arbiter shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide ... the
d) Appointee of the UNION President. following cases involving all workers..."

b. The regular meetings of this Committee shall be held at least bimonthly or as the need The phrase "Except as otherwise provided under this Code" refers to the following
arises. c. The decision reached in the PUUCMeetings shall be binding to all UNIVERSITY exceptions:
A. Art. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters...
Jurisdiction is determined by the allegations of the complaint. In the present case, USTFU
alleged that UST committed unfair labor practice in its blatant violation of the economic xxx
provisions of the 1996-2001 CBA, and subsequently, the 2001-2006 and 2006-2011 CBAs.
UST, meanwhile, has consistently questioned USTFUs act of bringing the case before the LA, (c) Cases arising from the interpretation or implementation of collective bargaining
and of not submitting the present case to voluntary arbitration. The LA assumed jurisdiction, agreement and those arising from the interpretation or enforcement of company
but ruled that UST did not commit any unfair labor practice in USTs interpretation of the procedure/policies shall be disposed of by the Labor Arbiter by referring the same to the
economic provisions of the 1996-2001 CBA. The NLRC, on the other hand, ruled that there grievance machinery and voluntary arbitrator as may be provided in said agreement.

Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators has original and exclusive jurisdiction
B. Art. 262. Jurisdiction over other labor disputes. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of over the controversy under Article 261 of the Labor Code, and not the Labor Arbiter.
Voluntary Arbitrators, upon agreement of the parties, shall also hear and decide all other
labor disputes including unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks. Despite the allegation that UST refused to comply with the economic provisions of the 1996-
2001 CBA, we cannot characterize USTs refusal as "flagrant and/or malicious." Indeed,
Parenthetically, the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter under Article 217 USTs literal interpretation of the CBA was, in fact, what led USTFU to fileits complaint. To our
(c), for money claims is limited only to those arising from statutes or contracts other than a mind, USTFU actually went beyond the text of the 1996-2001 CBA when it claimed that the
Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators integrated tuition fee increase as described in Section 1D(2) is the basis for USTs alleged
will have original and exclusive jurisdiction over money claims "arising from the deficiency.
interpretation or implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and, those arising
fromthe interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies," under Article 261. We cannot subscribe to USTFUs view that the 1996-2001 CBAs Article X: Grievance
Machinery is not applicable to the present case. When the issue is about the grievance
4. The jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators is provided for in procedure, USTFU insists on a literal interpretation of the 1996-2001 CBA. Indeed, the
Arts. 261 and 262 of the Labor Code as indicated above. present case falls under Section 1s definition of grievance:"[a]ny misunderstanding
concerning policies and practices directly affecting faculty members covered by this
1. A close reading of Article 261 indicates that the original and exclusive jurisdiction of [collective bargaining] agreement ortheir working conditions in the UNIVERSITY or any
Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators is limited only to: dispute arising as to the meaning, application or violation of any provisions of this
Agreement or any complaint that a covered faculty member may have against the
"... unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation or implementation of the Collective UNIVERSITY." Section 2 excludes only termination and preventive suspension from the
Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the interpretation or enforcement of company grievance procedure.
personnel policies... Accordingly, violations of a collective bargaining agreement, except
those which are gross in character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor practice and USTFUs focus is on the 1996-2001 CBAs provisions about the grievance process rather than
shall be resolved asgrievances under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. x x x." the provision about the subject matters covered by the grievance process. Despite USTs
alleged violation of the economic provisions of the CBA by its insufficient remittances to the
2. Voluntary Arbitrators or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, however, can exercise jurisdiction fund, a dispute arising as to the meaning, application or violation of the CBA, USTFU used
over any and all disputes between an employer and a union and/or individual worker as Step I in Section 3, and ignored Steps III and IV, to rule out any referral to voluntary
provided for in Article 262. arbitration. USTFU concludes that the 1996-2001 CBAs provisions on grievance machinery
only refer to a grievance of a faculty member against UST, and that said provisions do not
"Art. 262. Jurisdiction over other labor disputes. - The voluntary arbitrator or panel of contemplate a situation where USTFU itself has a grievance against UST.
voluntary arbitrators, upon agreement of the parties, shall also hear and decide all other
labor disputes including unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks." USTFU argues that the PUUC is the proper forum to resolve the issue, and that the filing of a
complaint beforethe LA is proper inthe absence of a voluntary arbitration clause in the 1996-
It must be emphasized that the jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary 2001 CBAs Article XXII: Permanent University-Union Committee. However, as provided in
Arbitrators under Article 262 must be voluntarily conferred upon by bothlabor and the 1996-2001 CBA, PUUC is established for "continuing problems and irritants which will
management. The labor disputes referred to in the same Article 262 can include all those require the continuing attention" of UST and USTFU. Clearly, the PUUC addresses mattersnot
disputes mentioned in Article 217 over which the Labor Arbiter has original and exclusive covered by the CBA.
USTFUs adamant refusal to considervoluntary arbitration ignores Articles 261 to 262-A of
As shown in the above contextual and wholistic analysis of Articles 217, 261, and 262 of the the Labor Code, as well as Steps III and IV of Section 3 of the 1996-2001 CBA.
Labor Code, the National Labor Relations Commission correctly ruled that the Labor Arbiter
had no jurisdiction to hear and decide petitioners money-claim underpayment of retirement Accrual of Cause of Action and
benefits, as the controversy between the parties involved an issue "arising from the Prescription of Claims
interpretationor implementation" of a provision of the collective bargaining agreement. The

USTFUs claims arose from USTs alleged failure to contribute the correct amounts to the
fund during the 1996-2001 CBA. However, USTFU did not complain of any violation by UST USTFUs claims28 USTs remittances29 USTs alleged
during the lifetime of the 1996-2001 CBA. Neither did USTFU complain of any violation by Balances
UST during the lifetime of the succeeding 2001-2006 CBA. It was only on 6 February 2007 1996 to 2001 CBA
that USTFU sent a demand letter to UST Rector Fr. Ernesto M. Arceo, O.P., for the claimed SY 1996-1997 P2,000,000.00 P2,000,000.00 0
hospitalization and medical benefits under the 1996-2001 CBA. On 2 March 2007, UST, SY 1997-1998 P3,000,000.00 P1,000,000.00 P2,000,000.00
through its Rector, Fr. Ernesto M. Arceo, O.P., informed USTFU, through its President, Dr. Gil SY 1998-199 P4,000,000.00 P1,000,000.00 P3,000,000.00
Gamilla, that "the hospitalization and medical benefits contained in [the 1996-2001 CBA] 1999 Memorandum
were a one-time give, and therefore not meant to slide." USTFU notified UST on 24 June of Agreement
2007 about its intent to file the necessary complaint. On 6 September 2007, USTFU filed a SY 1999-2000 P8,000,000.00 P4,000,000.00 P4,000,000.00
complaint against UST before the LA. SY 2000-2001 P8,000,000.00 - P8,000,000.00
2001 to 2006 CBA
The 1996-2001 CBA, as well as the applicable laws, is silent as to when USTs alleged SY 2001-2002 P8,000,000.00 P2,000,000.00 P6,000,000.00
violation becomes actionable. Thus, we apply Article 1150 of the Civil Code of the SY 2002-2003 P8,000,000.00 P5,000,000.00 P3,000,000.00
Philippines: "The time for prescription for all kinds of actions, when there is no special SY 2003-2004 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
provision which ordains otherwise, shall be counted from the day they may be brought."26 SY 2004-2005 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
Prescription of an action is counted from the time the action may be brought.27 SY 2005-2006 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
2006-2011 CBA
It is error to state that USTFUs cause of action accrued only upon USTs categorical denial of SY 2006-2007 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
its claims on 2 March 2007. USTFUs cause of action accrued when UST allegedly failed to SY 2007-2008 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
comply with the economic provisions of the 1996-2001 CBA. Upon such failure by UST, SY 2008-2009 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
USTFU could have brought an action against UST. SY 2009-2010 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
SY 2010-2011 P8,000,000.00 P8,000,000.00 0
Article 290 of the Labor Code provides that unfair labor practices prescribe within one year Total P105,000,000.00 P79,000,000.00P26,000,000.00
"from accrual of such unfair labor practice; otherwise, they shall be forever barred." Article We restate the following provisions inthe pertinent CBAs to establish what USTFU claims as
291 of the same Code provides that money claims arising from employer-employee relations its bases for additional funds:
prescribe "within three (3) years from the time the cause of action accrued; otherwise they
shall be forever barred." USTFUs claims under the 1996-2001 CBA, whether characterized 1996-2001 CBA
as one for unfair labor practice or for money claims from employer-employee relations, have
already prescribed when USTFU filed a complaint before the LA. ARTICLE XIII
USTFU filed its complaint under the theory of unfairlabor practice. Thus, USTFU had one year
from USTs alleged failure to contribute, or "slide in," the correct amount to the fund to file Section 1. ECONOMIC BENEFIT- Upon ratification and approval and for the term of this
its complaint. USTFU had one year for every alleged breach by UST: school year (SY) 1997- Agreement. the economic benefitsto be granted by the UNIVERSITY and the schedule ofsuch
1998, SY 1998-1999, SY 1999-2000, SY 2000-2001, SY 2001-2002, and SY 2002-2003. releases are as follows:
USTFU did not file any complaint within the respective one-year prescriptive periods. USTFU
decided to file its complaint only in 2007, several years after the accrual of its several A. School Year 1996-97 (June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1997):
possible causes of action. Even if USTFU filed its complaint under the theory of money
claims from employer-employee relations, its cause of action still has prescribed. xxxx

Determination of the Benefits Due 4. Hospitalization Fund: Upon ratification and approval hereof, the UNIVERSITY shall
establish a perpetual hospitalization and medical benefits fund in the sum of TWO MILLION
We consolidate USTFUs claims, USTs remittances, and USTs alleged balances in the table PESOS (P2,000,000) to be managed conjointly by a hospitalization and medical benefits
below: committee where both management and union are equally represented.

two school years, exceed those provided herein, the same may be allocated for salaries and
The joint committee shall promulgate its internal rules and regulations, and on the second other benefits as determined by the FACULTY UNION and the matter duly communicated to
year of this agreement, i.e., SY 1997-98, may allocate such amount as required, but not to the UNIVERSITY; and,
exceed ten per cent (10%) of the gross income of the fund,for administrative expenses. For
the duration of the first year of operation of the fund, the UNIVERSITY and the FACULTY 4. None of the benefits provided herein, both distributable immediately after ratification and
UNION shall equally subsidize the operations of the fund. those to be given during the term hereof, other than the amounts checked-off and the
Hospitalization and Medical Benefits are to be directly distributed to the faculty members by
The hospitalization costs and medical benefits of the members of the faculty as provided in the University.30 1999 Memorandum of Agreement
Article XVIof this agreement shall be taken from this fund.
1.0 The University hereby agrees to grant increase in salary and fringe benefits as provided
This fund is independently managed by the aforementioned joint committee, subject to for by the tuition fee increase of school year 1999-2000 according to the following scheme:
independent audit. The yearly state of finances of the fund shall be reported, appended to
the FACULTY UNIONs own annual report, to all members of the university faculty. xxxx

B. School Year 1997-98 (June 1, 1997-May 31, 1998): 6.0 If there is any tuition fee increase for school year 2000-2001, there will be an additional
increase in salary/fringe benefitsto be agreed upon by both parties.
7.0An additional amount of four million pesos will be deposited in the hospitalization fund of
2. Hospitalization Fund: The UNIVERSITY shall contribute the sum of ONE MILLION PESOS the faculty.31
(P1,000,000) to augment the Hospitalization and Medical Benefits fund.The said sum shall
be added to the remaining balance of the aforementioned fund; 2001-2006 CBA

xxxx Article XX
C. School Year 1998-99 (June 1, 1998-May 31, 1999):
Section 1. Hospitalization and Medical Benefits Fund. The UNION and the UNIVERSITY shall
xxxx buildup and maintain the perpetual Hospitalization and Medical Benefits Fund. For this
purpose, the UNIVERSITY agrees to appropriate for AY 2001-2002 two million pesos
2. Hospitalization Fund: The UNIVERSITY shall contribute the sum of ONE MILLION PESOS (PhP2,000,000.00); for AY 2002-2003 three million pesos (PhP3,000,000.00); and for AY
(P1,000,000) to augment the Hospitalization and Medical Benefits fund.The said sum shall 2003-2004 another three million pesos (PhP3,000,000.00). It is understood that the amount
be added to the remaining balance of the aforementioned fund; appropriated for each year is carried over to the succeeding years and is chargeable to the
tuition fee increment. x x x32 2006-2011 CBA
D. Miscellaneous Provisions:
Article XX
1. At the end of this agreement, and within three months therefrom, the UNIVERSITY shall HOSPITALIZATION AND MEDICAL BENEFITS
render an accounting of the monies it paid or released to the covered faculty in
consequence thereof;

2. All the economic benefits herein given and those elsewhere provided under this Section 5. Miscellaneous Provisions. a. The UNIVERSITY will continue to slide in the amounts
agreement, other than retirement benefits and one-half of the signing bonus, are chargeable set aside in the 2001-2006 CBA to augment the fund. Fifty percent of the amount due shall
to the tuition fee share, if any, of the faculty members; be remitted within a month from the start of the first semester and the other fifty percent
within a month from the start of the second semester of the academic year. These sums of
3. In the event that the tuition fee benefits of the faculty for any of the three years covered money shall be remitted without necessity of demand on the part of the union and may not
by this part of this agreement i.e., the University decides to raise tuition fees in the coming

be garnished or held by the university on account of disputesin hospital billings between the WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. We DECLARE that the claims of the University of Santo
University and the Union. Tomas Faculty Union have prescribed and that there is no carry-over provision for the
Hospitalization and Medical Benefits Fund in the 1996-2001 Collective Bargaining Agreement
and in the 1999 Memorandum of Agreement. The carry-over provision for the Hospitalization
and Medical Benefits Fund is found only in the 2001-2006 and 2006-2011 Collective
x x x x33 Bargaining Agreements.

USTFU claims that USTs contributions should have been cumulative, with the amount No costs.
appropriated for each year carried over to the succeeding years and is chargeable to the
tuitionfee increment. However, USTFUs claims are not supported by the economic
provisions of the 1996-2001 CBA and the 1999 Memorandum of Agreement reproduced
above. SO ORDERED.

We wholly agree with USTs interpretation of the economic provisions of the 1996-2001 CBA,
the 1999 Memorandumof Agreement, and the 2001-2006 and 2006-2011 CBAs, as well as its
remittances to the fund for the covered periods. UST faithfully followed the clear provisions
of these agreements.

The 1996-2001 CBA established the fund, with an initial remittance of P2, 000, 000. 00 for
school year 1996-1997. UST bound itself to augment the fund by contributing P1,000,000.00
per year for school years 1997-1998 and 1998-1999. The 1999 Memorandum of Agreement
merely stated that UST will deposit P4,000,000.00 to the fund. Express mention of the
carryover is found onlv in Section 1, Article XX of the 2001-2006 CBA: "It is understood that
the amount appropriated for each year is carried over to the succeeding years xx x." The
1996-2001 CBA does not have this carry-over provision. During the lifetime of the 1996-
2001 CBA, the 1999 Memorandum of Agreement, and the 2001-2006 CBA, USTFU never
questioned the non-compliance by UST with an alleged carry-over agreement applicable to
the 1996-2001 CBA. This Court is well aware of Article 1702 of the Civil Code, which provides
that "[i]n case of doubt, all labor legislation and all labor contracts shall be construed in
favor of the safety and decent living for the laborer." This Court is also well aware that when
the provisions of the CBA are clear and unambiguous, the literal meaning of the stipulations
shall govern.34 In the present case, the CBA provisions pertaining to the fund are clear and
should be interpreted according to their literal meaning.

10. ACE NAVIGATION CO., INC., VELA INTERNATIONAL MARINE LTD., and/or the labor arbiter, in accordance with Section 10 of R.A. No. 8042. Additionally, it declared
RODOLFO PAMINTUAN,Petitioners, that the denial of the motion to dismiss is an interlocutory order which is not appealable.
vs. Accordingly, it remanded the case to the labor arbiter for further proceedings. The
TEODORICO FERNANDEZ, assisted by GLENITA FERNANDEZ, Respondent. petitioners moved for reconsideration, but the NLRC denied the motion, prompting the
petitioners to elevate the case to the CA through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the
DECISION Rules of Court.

BRION, J.: The CA Decision

For resolution is the petition for review on certiorari1 which seeks to nullify the Through its decision of September 22, 2010, 7 the CA denied the petition on procedural and
decision2 dated September 22, 2010 and the resolution 3 dated May 26,2011 ofthe Court of substantive grounds.
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 112081.
Procedurally, it found the petitioners to have availed of the wrong remedy when they
The Antecedents challenged the labor arbiters denial of their motion to dismiss by way of an appeal to the
NLRC. It stressed that pursuant to the NLRC rules, 8an order denying a motion to dismiss is
On October 9, 2008, seaman Teodorico Fernandez (Fernandez), assisted by his wife, Glenita interlocutory and is not subject to appeal.
Fernandez, filed with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) a complaint for
disability benefits, with prayer for moral and exemplary damages, plus attorneys fees, On the merits of the case, the CA believed that the petition cannot also prosper. It rejected
against Ace Navigation Co., Inc., Vela International Marine Ltd., and/or Rodolfo Pamintuan the petitioners submission that the grievance and voluntary arbitration procedure of the
(petitioners). parties CBA has jurisdiction over the case, to the exclusion of the labor arbiter and the
NLRC. As the labor arbiter and the NLRC did, it opined that under Section 10 of R.A. No.
The petitioners moved to dismiss the complaint, 4 contending that the labor arbiter had no 8042, the labor arbiter has the original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear Fernandezs money
jurisdiction over the dispute. They argued that exclusive original jurisdiction is with the claims.
voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators, pursuant to Section 29 of the POEA
Standard Employment Contract (POEA-SEC), since the parties are covered by the AMOSUP- Further, the CA clarified that while the law 9 allows parties to submit to voluntary arbitration
TCC or AMOSUP-VELA (as later cited by the petitioners) collective bargaining agreement other labor disputes, including matters falling within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of
(CBA). Under Section 14 of the CBA, a dispute between a seafarer and the company shall be the labor arbiters under Article 217 of the Labor Code as this Court recognized in Vivero v.
settled through the grievance machinery and mandatory voluntary arbitration. Court of Appeals,10 the parties submission agreement must be expressed in unequivocal
language. It found no such unequivocal language in the AMOSUP/TCC CBA that the parties
Fernandez opposed the motion.5 He argued that inasmuch as his complaint involves a agreed to submit money claims or, more specifically, claims for disability benefits to
money claim, original and exclusive jurisdiction over the case is vested with the labor voluntary arbitration.
The CA also took note of the POEA-SEC 11 which provides in its Section 29 that in cases of
The Compulsory Arbitration Rulings claims and disputes arising from a Filipino seafarers employment, the parties covered by a
CBA shall submit the claim or dispute to the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the
voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators. The CA explained that the relevant
On December 9, 2008, Labor Arbiter Romelita N. Rioflorido denied the motion to dismiss,
POEA-SEC provisions should likewise be qualified by the ruling in the Vivero case, the Labor
holding that under Section 10 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8042, the Migrant Workers and
Code, and other applicable laws and jurisprudence.
Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995, the labor arbiter has original and exclusive jurisdiction over
money claims arising out of an employer-employee relationship or by virtue of any law or
contract, notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary. 6 In sum, the CA stressed that the jurisdiction of voluntary arbitrators is limited to the
seafarers claims which do not fall within the labor arbiters original and exclusive
jurisdiction or even in cases where the labor arbiter has jurisdiction, the parties have agreed
The petitioners appealed to the NLRC, but the labor agency denied the appeal. It agreed
in unmistakable terms (through their CBA) to submit the case to voluntary arbitration.
with the labor arbiter that the case involves a money claim and is within the jurisdiction of

The petitioners moved for reconsideration of the CA decision, but the appellate court denied As one of the measures being adopted by our agency in response to the Platform and Policy
the motion, reiterating its earlier pronouncement that on the ground alone of the petitioners Pronouncements on Labor Employment, you are hereby directed to immediately dismiss the
wrong choice of remedy, the petition must fail. complaint and/or terminate proceedings which were initially processed in the grievance
machinery as provided in the existing Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) between
The Petition parties, through the issuance of an Order of Dismissal and referral of the disputes to the
National Conciliation Mediation Board (NCMB) for voluntary arbitration.
The petitioners are now before this Court praying for a reversal of the CA judgment on the
following grounds: FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE.17

1. The CA committed a reversible error in disregarding the Omnibus Implementing Rules and 4. On July 31, 2012, 18 the petitioners manifested before the Court that on June 13, 2012, the
Regulations (IRR) of the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995, 12 as amended Courts Second Division issued a ruling in G.R. No. 172642, entitled Estate of Nelson R.
by R.A. No. 10022,13 mandating that "For OFWs with collective bargaining agreements, the Dulay, represented by his wife Merridy Jane P. Dulay v. Aboitiz Jebsen Maritime,
caseshall be submitted for voluntary arbitration in accordance with Articles 261 and 262 of Inc., and General Charterers, Inc., upholding the jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator or
the Labor Code."14 panel of voluntary arbitrators over a seafarers money claim. They implore the Court that
since the factual backdrop and the issues involved in the case are similar to the present
The petitioners bewail the CAs rejection of the above argument for the reason that the dispute, the Dulay ruling should be applied to this case and which should accordingly be
remedy they pursued was inconsistent with the 2005 Revised Rules of Procedure of the referred to the National Conciliation and Mediation Board for voluntary arbitration.
NLRC. Citing Municipality of Sta. Fe v. Municipality of Aritao,15 they argue that the "dismissal
of a case for lack of jurisdiction may be raised at any stage of the proceedings." The Case for Fernandez

In any event, they posit that the IRR of R.A. No. 10022 is in the nature of an adjective or In compliance with the Courts directive,19 Fernandez filed on October 7, 2011 his
procedural law which must be given retroactive effect and which should have been applied Comment20 (on the Petition) with the plea that the petition be dismissed for lack of merit.
by the CA in resolving the present case. Fernandez presents the following arguments:

2. The CA committed a reversible error in ruling that the AMOSUP-VELA CBA does not contain 1. The IRR of the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 (R.A. No. 8042),
unequivocal wordings for the mandatory referral of Fernandezs claim to voluntary as amended by R.A. No. 10022,21 did not divest the labor arbiters of their original
arbitration. and exclusive jurisdiction over money claims arising from employment, for nowhere
in said IRR is there such a divestment.
The petitioners assail the CAs failure to explain the basis "for ruling that no explicit or
unequivocal wordings appeared on said CBA for the mandatory referral of the disability claim 2. The voluntary arbitrators do not have jurisdiction over the present controversy as
to arbitration."16They surmise that the CA construed the phrase "either party may refer the can be deduced from Articles 261 and 262 of the Labor Code. Fernandez explains
case to a MANDATORY ARBITRATION COMMITTEE" under Section 14.7(a) of the CBA as that his complaint does not involve any "unresolved grievances arising from the
merely permissive and not mandatory because of the use of the word "may." They contend interpretation or implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement [nor] from
that notwithstanding the use of the word "may," the parties unequivocally and unmistakably the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies[.]" 22 As he never
agreed to refer the present disability claim to mandatory arbitration. referred his claim to the grievance machinery, there is no "unresolved grievance" to
speak of. His complaint involves a claim for compensation and damages which is
3. The CA committed a reversible error in disregarding the NLRC memorandum prescribing outside the voluntary arbitrators jurisdiction under Article 261. Further, only
the appropriate action for complaints and/or proceedings which were initially processed in disputes involving the union and the company shall be referred to the grievance
the grievance machinery of existing CBAs. In their motion for reconsideration with the CA, machinery and to voluntary arbitration, as the Court held in Sanyo Philippines
the petitioners manifested that the appellate courts assailed decision had been modified by Workers Union-PSSLU v. Caizares23 and Silva v. CA.24
the following directive of the NLRC:
3. The CA correctly ruled that no unequivocal wordings appear in the CBA for the
mandatory referral of Fernandezs disability claim to a voluntary arbitrator.

The Courts Ruling The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between workers and
employers and the preferential use of voluntary modes in settling disputes, including
We first rule on the procedural question arising from the labor arbiters denial of the conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual compliance therewith to foster industrial peace.
petitioners motion to dismiss the complaint. On this point, Section 6, Rule V of The 2005
Revised Rules of Procedure of the NLRC provides: Article 260 of the Labor Code (Grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration) states:

On or before the date set for the mandatory conciliation and mediation conference, the The parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement shall include therein provisions that will
respondent may file a motion to dismiss. Any motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of ensure the mutual observance of its terms and conditions. They shall establish a machinery
jurisdiction, improper venue, or that the cause of action is barred by prior judgment, for the adjustment and resolution of grievances arising from the interpretation or
prescription, or forum shopping, shall be immediately resolved by the Labor Arbiter through implementation of their Collective Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the
a written order. An order denying the motion to dismiss, or suspending its resolution until the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies.
final determination of the case, is not appealable. [underscoring ours]
Article 261 of the Labor Code (Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators or panel of Voluntary
Corollarily, Section 10, Rule VI of the same Rules states: Arbitrators), on the other hand, reads in part:

Frivolous or Dilatory Appeals. No appeal from an interlocutory order shall be entertained. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive
To discourage frivolous or dilatory appeals, including those taken from interlocutory orders, jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation or
the Commission may censure or cite in contempt the erring parties and their counsels, or implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the
subject them to reasonable fine or penalty. interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies[.]

In Indiana Aerospace University v. Comm. on Higher Educ.,25 the Court declared that "[a]n Article 262 of the Labor Code (Jurisdiction over other labor disputes) declares:
order denying a motion to dismiss is interlocutory"; the proper remedy in this situation is to
appeal after a decision has been rendered. Clearly, the denial of the petitioners motion to The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, upon agreement of the parties,
dismiss in the present case was an interlocutory order and, therefore, not subject to appeal shall also hear and decide all other labor disputes including unfair labor practices and
as the CA aptly noted. bargaining deadlocks.

The petitions procedural lapse notwithstanding, the CA proceeded to review the merits of Further, the POEA-SEC, which governs the employment of Filipino seafarers, provides in its
the case and adjudged the petition unmeritorious. We find the CAs action in order. The Section 29 on Dispute Settlement Procedures:
Labor Code itself declares that "it is the spirit and intention of this Code that the Commission
and its members and the Labor Arbiters shall use every and all reasonable means to In cases of claims and disputes arising from this employment, the parties covered
ascertain the facts in each case speedily and objectively and without regard to technicalities by a collective bargaining agreement shall submit the claim or dispute to the
of law or procedure, all in the interest of due process."26 original and exclusive jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary
arbitrators. If the parties are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, the parties
We now address the focal question of who has the original and exclusive jurisdiction over may at their option submit the claim or dispute to either the original and exclusive
Fernandezs disability claim the labor arbiter under Section 10 of R.A. No. 8042, as jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), pursuant to Republic Act
amended, or the voluntary arbitration mechanism as prescribed in the parties CBA and the (RA) 8042 otherwise known as the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 or to
POEA-SEC? the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary
arbitrators. If there is no provision as to the voluntary arbitrators to be appointed by the
The answer lies in the States labor relations policy laid down in the Constitution and fleshed parties, the same shall be appointed from the accredited voluntary arbitrators of the
out in the enabling statute, the Labor Code. Section 3, Article XIII (on Social Justice and National Conciliation and Mediation Board of the Department of Labor and Employment.
Human Rights) of the Constitution declares: [emphasis ours]

xxxx We find merit in the petition.


Under the above-quoted constitutional and legal provisions, the voluntary arbitrator or panel What might have caused the CA to miss the clear intent of the parties in prescribing a
of voluntary arbitrators has original and exclusive jurisdiction over Fernandezs disability grievance procedure in their CBA is, as the petitioners have intimated, the use of the
claim. There is no dispute that the claim arose out of Fernandezs employment with the auxiliary verb "may" in Article 14.7(a) of the CBA which, to reiterate, provides that "if by
petitioners and that their relationship is covered by a CBA the AMOSUP/TCC or the reason of the nature of the Dispute, the parties are unable to amicably settle the
AMOSUP-VELA CBA. The CBA provides for a grievance procedure for the resolution of dispute, either party may refer the case to a MANDATORY ARBITRATION
grievances or disputes which occur during the employment relationship and, like the COMMITTEE."28
grievance machinery created under Article 261 of the Labor Code, it is a two-tiered
mechanism, with voluntary arbitration as the last step.1wphi1 While the CA did not qualify its reading of the subject provision of the CBA, it is reasonable
to conclude that it viewed as optional the referral of a dispute to the mandatory arbitration
Contrary to the CAs reading of the CBAs Article 14, there is unequivocal or unmistakable committee when the parties are unable to amicably settle the dispute.
language in the agreement which mandatorily requires the parties to submit to the
grievance procedure any dispute or cause of action they may have against each other. The We find this a strained interpretation of the CBA provision. The CA read the provision
relevant provisions of the CBA state: separately, or in isolation of the other sections of Article 14, especially 14.7(h), which, in
clear, explicit language, states that the "referral of all unresolved disputes from the
14.6 Any Dispute, grievance, or misunderstanding concerning any ruling, practice, Grievance Resolution Committee to the Mandatory Arbitration Committee shall be
wages or working conditions in the COMPANY or any breach of the Contract of unwaivable prerequisite or condition precedent for bringing any action, claim, or
Employment, or any dispute arising from the meaning or application of the cause of action, legal or otherwise, before any court, tribunal, or panel in any
provisions of this Agreement or a claim of violation thereof or any complaint or jurisdiction"29 and that the failure by a party or seaman to so refer the dispute to
cause of action that any such Seaman may have against the COMPANY, as well as the prescribed dispute resolution mechanism shall bar any legal or other action.
complaints which the COMPANY may have against such Seaman shall be brought
to the attention of the GRIEVANCE RESOLUTION COMMITTEE before either party Read in its entirety, the CBAs Article 14 (Grievance Procedure) unmistakably reflects the
takes any action, legal or otherwise. Bringing such a dispute to the Grievance parties agreement to submit any unresolved dispute at the grievance resolution stage to
Resolution Committee shall be unwaivable prerequisite or condition precedent for mandatory voluntary arbitration under Article 14.7(h) of the CBA. And, it should be added
bringing any action, legal or otherwise, in any forum and the failure to so refer that, in compliance with Section 29 of the POEA-SEC which requires that in cases of claims
the dispute shall bar any and all legal or other actions. and disputes arising from a seafarers employment, the parties covered by a CBA shall
submit the claim or dispute to the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the voluntary
14.7a) If by reason of the nature of the Dispute, the parties are unable to amicably arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators.
settle the dispute, either party may refer the case to a MANDATORY ARBITRATION
COMMITTEE. The MANDATORY ARBITRATION COMMITTEE shall consist of one representative Since the parties used unequivocal language in their CBA for the submission of their
to be designated by the UNION, and one representative to be designated by the COMPANY disputes to voluntary arbitration (a condition laid down in Vivero for the recognition of the
and a third member who shall act as Chairman and shall be nominated by mutual choice of submission to voluntary arbitration of matters within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of
the parties. xxx labor arbiters), we find that the CA committed a reversible error in its ruling; it disregarded
the clear mandate of the CBA between the parties and the POEA-SEC for submission of the
h) Referral of all unresolved disputes from the Grievance Resolution Committee to present dispute to voluntary arbitration.
the Mandatory Arbitration Committee shall be unwaivable prerequisite or
condition precedent for bringing any action, claim, or cause of action, legal or Consistent with this finding, Fernandezs contention that his complaint for disability
otherwise, before any court, tribunal, or panel in any jurisdiction. The failure by a benefits is a money claim that falls within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the labor
party or seaman to so refer and avail oneself to the dispute resolution mechanism arbiter under Section 10 of R.A. No. 8042 is untenable. We likewise reject his argument
contained in this action shall bar any legal or other action. All parties expressly that he never referred his claim to the grievance machinery (so that no unresolved
agree that the orderly resolution of all claims in the prescribed manner served the grievance exists as required under Article 261 of the Labor Code), and that the parties to the
interests of reaching settlements or claims in an orderly and uniform manner, as case are not the union and the employer. 30 Needless to state, no such distinction exists in
well as preserving peaceful and harmonious labor relations between seaman, the the parties CBA and the POEA-SEC.
Union, and the Company.27 (emphases ours)

It bears stressing at this point that we are upholding the jurisdiction of the voluntary
arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators over the present dispute, not only because of the
clear language of the parties CBA on the matter; more importantly, we so uphold the
voluntary arbitrators jurisdiction, in recognition of the States express preference for
voluntary modes of dispute settlement, such as conciliation and voluntary arbitration as
expressed in the Constitution, the law and the rules.

In this light, we see no need to further consider the petitioners submission regarding the IRR
of the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995, as amended by R.A. No. 10022,
except to note that the IRR lends further support to our ruling.
In closing, we quote with approval a most recent Court pronouncement on the same issue, G.R. No. 201298 February 5, 2014
It is settled that when the parties have validly agreed on a procedure for
resolving grievances and to submit a dispute to voluntary arbitration then that
procedure should be strictly observed.31 (emphasis ours)

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed decision and
resolution of the Court of Appeals are SET ASIDE. Teodorico Fernandez's disability claim Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
is REFERRED to the Grievance Resolution Committee of the parties' collective bargaining which assails the Decision2 dated November 24, 2011 and Resolution3 dated March 26,
agreement and/or the Mandatory Arbitration Committee, if warranted. 2012 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP. No. 117356, wherein the CA ruled that the
Regional Trial Court (RTC), and not the Labor Arbiter (LA), had the jurisdiction over petitioner
SO ORDERED. Raul C. Cosare's (Cosare) complaint for illegal dismissal against Broadcom Asia, Inc.
(Broadcom) and Dante Arevalo (Arevalo), the President of Broadcom (respondents).

The Antecedents

The case stems from a complaint4 for constructive dismissal, illegal suspension and
monetary claims filed with the National Capital Region Arbitration Branch of the National
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) by Cosare against the respondents.

Cosare claimed that sometime in April 1993, he was employed as a salesman by Arevalo,
who was then in the business of selling broadcast equipment needed by television networks
and production houses. In December 2000, Arevalo set up the company Broadcom, still to
continue the business of trading communication and broadcast equipment. Cosare was
named an incorporator of Broadcom, having been assigned 100 shares of stock with par
value of P1.00 per share.5 In October 2001, Cosare was promoted to the position of
Assistant Vice President for Sales (AVP for Sales) and Head of the Technical Coordination,
having a monthly basic net salary and average commissions of P18,000.00 and P37,000.00,

Sometime in 2003, Alex F. Abiog (Abiog) was appointed as Broadcoms Vice President for This was inspite of the fact that my office decided to relieve you of your duties as technical
Sales and thus, became Cosares immediate superior. On March 23, 2009, Cosare sent a coordinator between Engineering and Sales since June last year so that you could focus and
confidential memo7 to Arevalo to inform him of the following anomalies which were concentrate [on] your activities in sales.11
allegedly being committed by Abiog against the company: (a) he failed to report to work on
time, and would immediately leave the office on the pretext of client visits; (b) he advised Cosare was given forty-eight (48) hours from the date of the memo within which to present
the clients of Broadcom to purchase camera units from its competitors, and received his explanation on the charges. He was also "suspended from having access to any and all
commissions therefor; (c) he shared in the "under the-table dealings" or "confidential company files/records and use of company assets effective immediately."12 Thus, Cosare
commissions" which Broadcom extended to its clients personnel and engineers; and (d) he claimed that he was precluded from reporting for work on March 31, 2009, and was instead
expressed his complaints and disgust over Broadcoms uncompetitive salaries and wages instructed to wait at the offices receiving section. Upon the specific instructions of Arevalo,
and delay in the payment of other benefits, even in the presence of office staff. Cosare he was also prevented by Villareal from retrieving even his personal belongings from the
ended his memo by clarifying that he was not interested in Abiogs position, but only wanted office.
Arevalo to know of the irregularities for the corporations sake.
On April 1, 2009, Cosare was totally barred from entering the company premises, and was
Apparently, Arevalo failed to act on Cosares accusations. Cosare claimed that he was told to merely wait outside the office building for further instructions. When no such
instead called for a meeting by Arevalo on March 25, 2009, wherein he was asked to tender instructions were given by 8:00 p.m., Cosare was impelled to seek the assistance of the
his resignation in exchange for "financial assistance" in the amount of P300,000.00.8 Cosare officials of Barangay San Antonio, Pasig City, and had the incident reported in the barangay
refused to comply with the directive, as signified in a letter9 dated March 26, 2009 which he blotter.13
sent to Arevalo.
On April 2, 2009, Cosare attempted to furnish the company with a Memo14 by which he
On March 30, 2009, Cosare received from Roselyn Villareal (Villareal), Broadcoms Manager addressed and denied the accusations cited in Arevalos memo dated March 30, 2009. The
for Finance and Administration, a memo10 signed by Arevalo, charging him of serious respondents refused to receive the memo on the ground of late filing, prompting Cosare to
misconduct and willful breach of trust, and providing in part: serve a copy thereof by registered mail. The following day, April 3, 2009, Cosare filed the
subject labor complaint, claiming that he was constructively dismissed from employment by
1. A confidential memo was received from the VP for Sales informing me that you had the respondents. He further argued that he was illegally suspended, as he placed no serious
directed, or at the very least tried to persuade, a customer to purchase a camera from and imminent threat to the life or property of his employer and co-employees.15
another supplier. Clearly, this action is a gross and willful violation of the trust and
confidence this company has given to you being its AVP for Sales and is an attempt to In refuting Cosares complaint, the respondents argued that Cosare was neither illegally
deprive the company of income from which you, along with the other employees of this suspended nor dismissed from employment. They also contended that Cosare committed
company, derive your salaries and other benefits. x x x. the following acts inimical to the interests of Broadcom: (a) he failed to sell any broadcast
equipment since the year 2007; (b) he attempted to sell a Panasonic HMC 150 Camera
2. A company vehicle assigned to you with plate no. UNV 402 was found abandoned in which was to be sourced from a competitor; and (c) he made an unauthorized request in
another place outside of the office without proper turnover from you to this office which had Broadcoms name for its principal, Panasonic USA, to issue an invitation for Cosares friend,
assigned said vehicle to you. The vehicle was found to be inoperable and in very bad one Alex Paredes, to attend the National Association of Broadcasters Conference in Las
condition, which required that the vehicle be towed to a nearby auto repair shop for Vegas, USA.16 Furthermore, they contended that Cosare abandoned his job17 by continually
extensive repairs. failing to report for work beginning April 1, 2009, prompting them to issue on April 14, 2009
a memorandum18 accusing Cosare of absence without leave beginning April 1, 2009.
3. You have repeatedly failed to submit regular sales reports informing the company of your
activities within and outside of company premises despite repeated reminders. However, it The Ruling of the LA
has been observed that you have been both frequently absent and/or tardy without proper
information to this office or your direct supervisor, the VP for Sales Mr. Alex Abiog, of your On January 6, 2010, LA Napoleon M. Menese (LA Menese) rendered his Decision19
whereabouts. dismissing the complaint on the ground of Cosares failure to establish that he was
dismissed, constructively or otherwise, from his employment. For the LA, what transpired on
4. You have been remiss in the performance of your duties as a Sales officer as evidenced by March 30, 2009 was merely the respondents issuance to Cosare of a show-cause memo,
the fact that you have not recorded any sales for the past immediate twelve (12) months. giving him a chance to present his side on the charges against him. He explained:

payment of Cosares monetary claims; and (4) Arevalo should not be held solidarily liable for
It is obvious that [Cosare] DID NOT wait for respondents action regarding the charges the judgment award.
leveled against him in the show-cause memo. What he did was to pre-empt that action by
filing this complaint just a day after he submitted his written explanation. Moreover, by
specifically seeking payment of "Separation Pay" instead of reinstatement, [Cosares] motive In a manifestation filed by the respondents during the pendency of the CA appeal, they
for filing this case becomes more evident.20 raised a new argument, i.e., the case involved an intra-corporate controversy which was
within the jurisdiction of the RTC, instead of the LA.25 They argued that the case involved a
It was also held that Cosare failed to substantiate by documentary evidence his allegations complaint against a corporation filed by a stockholder, who, at the same time, was a
of illegal suspension and non-payment of allowances and commissions. corporate officer.

Unyielding, Cosare appealed the LA decision to the NLRC. The Ruling of the CA

The Ruling of the NLRC On November 24, 2011, the CA rendered the assailed Decision26 granting the respondents
petition. It agreed with the respondents contention that the case involved an intra-corporate
On August 24, 2010, the NLRC rendered its Decision21 reversing the Decision of LA Menese. controversy which, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 902-A, as amended, was within the
The dispositive portion of the NLRC Decision reads: exclusive jurisdiction of the RTC. It reasoned:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the DECISION is REVERSED and the Respondents are Record shows that [Cosare] was indeed a stockholder of [Broadcom], and that he was listed
found guilty of Illegal Constructive Dismissal. Respondents BROADCOM ASIA, INC. and Dante as one of its directors. Moreover, he held the position of [AVP] for Sales which is listed as a
Arevalo are ordered to pay [Cosares] backwages, and separation pay, as well as damages, corporate office. Generally, the president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer are
in the total amount of P1,915,458.33, per attached Computation. commonly regarded as the principal or executive officers of a corporation, and modern
corporation statutes usually designate them as the officers of the corporation. However, it
SO ORDERED.22 bears mentioning that under Section 25 of the Corporation Code, the Board of Directors of
[Broadcom] is allowed to appoint such other officers as it may deem necessary. Indeed,
In ruling in favor of Cosare, the NLRC explained that "due weight and credence is accorded [Broadcoms] By-Laws provides:
to [Cosares] contention that he was constructively dismissed by Respondent Arevalo when
he was asked to resign from his employment."23 The fact that Cosare was suspended from Article IV
using the assets of Broadcom was also inconsistent with the respondents claim that Cosare Officer
opted to abandon his employment.
Section 1. Election / Appointment Immediately after their election, the Board of Directors
Exemplary damages in the amount of P100,000.00 was awarded, given the NLRCs finding shall formally organize by electing the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, and the
that the termination of Cosares employment was effected by the respondents in bad faith Secretary at said meeting.
and in a wanton, oppressive and malevolent manner. The claim for unpaid commissions was
denied on the ground of the failure to include it in the prayer of pleadings filed with the LA The Board, may, from time to time, appoint such other officers as it may determine to be
and in the appeal. necessary or proper. x x x

We hold that [the respondents] were able to present substantial evidence that [Cosare]
indeed held a corporate office, as evidenced by the General Information Sheet which was
The respondents motion for reconsideration was denied.24 Dissatisfied, they filed a petition submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on October 22, 2009.27
for certiorari with the CA founded on the following arguments: (1) the respondents did not (Citations omitted and emphasis supplied)
have to prove just cause for terminating the employment of Cosare because the latters
complaint was based on an alleged constructive dismissal; (2) Cosare resigned and was thus Thus, the CA reversed the NLRC decision and resolution, and then entered a new one
not dismissed from employment; (3) the respondents should not be declared liable for the dismissing the labor complaint on the ground of lack of jurisdiction, finding it unnecessary to
resolve the main issues that were raised in the petition. Cosare filed a motion for

reconsideration, but this was denied by the CA via the Resolution28 dated March 26, 2012. Real v. Sangu Philippines, Inc.32 the definition of corporate officers for the purpose of
Hence, this petition. identifying an intra-corporate controversy. Citing Garcia v. Eastern Telecommunications
Philippines, Inc.,33 we held:
The Present Petition
" Corporate officers in the context of Presidential Decree No. 902-A are those officers of the
The pivotal issues for the petitions full resolution are as follows: (1) whether or not the case corporation who are given that character by the Corporation Code or by the corporations
instituted by Cosare was an intra-corporate dispute that was within the original jurisdiction by-laws. There are three specific officers whom a corporation must have under Section 25 of
of the RTC, and not of the LAs; and (2) whether or not Cosare was constructively and illegally the Corporation Code. These are the president, secretary and the treasurer. The number of
dismissed from employment by the respondents. officers is not limited to these three. A corporation may have such other officers as may be
provided for by its by-laws like, but not limited to, the vice-president, cashier, auditor or
The Courts Ruling general manager. The number of corporate officers is thus limited by law and by the
corporations by-laws."34 (Emphasis ours)
The petition is impressed with merit.
In Tabang v. NLRC,35 the Court also made the following pronouncement on the nature of
Jurisdiction over the controversy corporate offices:

As regards the issue of jurisdiction, the Court has determined that contrary to the ruling of It has been held that an "office" is created by the charter of the corporation and the officer is
the CA, it is the LA, and not the regular courts, which has the original jurisdiction over the elected by the directors and stockholders. On the other hand, an "employee" usually
subject controversy. An intra-corporate controversy, which falls within the jurisdiction of occupies no office and generally is employed not by action of the directors or stockholders
regular courts, has been regarded in its broad sense to pertain to disputes that involve any but by the managing officer of the corporation who also determines the compensation to be
of the following relationships: (1) between the corporation, partnership or association and paid to such employee.36 (Citations omitted)
the public; (2) between the corporation, partnership or association and the state in so far as
its franchise, permit or license to operate is concerned; (3) between the corporation, As may be deduced from the foregoing, there are two circumstances which must concur in
partnership or association and its stockholders, partners, members or officers; and (4) order for an individual to be considered a corporate officer, as against an ordinary employee
among the stockholders, partners or associates, themselves.29 Settled jurisprudence, or officer, namely: (1) the creation of the position is under the corporations charter or by-
however, qualifies that when the dispute involves a charge of illegal dismissal, the action laws; and (2) the election of the officer is by the directors or stockholders. It is only when the
may fall under the jurisdiction of the LAs upon whose jurisdiction, as a rule, falls termination officer claiming to have been illegally dismissed is classified as such corporate officer that
disputes and claims for damages arising from employer-employee relations as provided in the issue is deemed an intra-corporate dispute which falls within the jurisdiction of the trial
Article 217 of the Labor Code. Consistent with this jurisprudence, the mere fact that Cosare courts.
was a stockholder and an officer of Broadcom at the time the subject controversy developed
failed to necessarily make the case an intra-corporate dispute. To support their argument that Cosare was a corporate officer, the respondents referred to
Section 1, Article IV of Broadcoms by-laws, which reads:
In Matling Industrial and Commercial Corporation v. Coros,30 the Court distinguished
between a "regular employee" and a "corporate officer" for purposes of establishing the true ARTICLE IV
nature of a dispute or complaint for illegal dismissal and determining which body has OFFICER
jurisdiction over it. Succinctly, it was explained that "[t]he determination of whether the
dismissed officer was a regular employee or corporate officer unravels the conundrum" of Section 1. Election / Appointment Immediately after their election, the Board of Directors
whether a complaint for illegal dismissal is cognizable by the LA or by the RTC. "In case of shall formally organize by electing the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, and the
the regular employee, the LA has jurisdiction; otherwise, the RTC exercises the legal Secretary at said meeting.
authority to adjudicate.31
The Board may, from time to time, appoint such other officers as it may determine to be
Applying the foregoing to the present case, the LA had the original jurisdiction over the necessary or proper. Any two (2) or more compatible positions may be held concurrently by
complaint for illegal dismissal because Cosare, although an officer of Broadcom for being its the same person, except that no one shall act as President and Treasurer or Secretary at the
AVP for Sales, was not a "corporate officer" as the term is defined by law. We emphasized in same time.37 (Emphasis ours)

into account.43 Considering that the pending dispute particularly relates to Cosares rights
This was also the CAs main basis in ruling that the matter was an intra-corporate dispute and obligations as a regular officer of Broadcom, instead of as a stockholder of the
that was within the trial courts jurisdiction. corporation, the controversy cannot be deemed intra-corporate. This is consistent with the
"controversy test" explained by the Court in Reyes v. Hon. RTC, Br. 142,44 to wit:
The Court disagrees with the respondents and the CA. As may be gleaned from the
aforequoted provision, the only officers who are specifically listed, and thus with offices that Under the nature of the controversy test, the incidents of that relationship must also be
are created under Broadcoms by-laws are the following: the President, Vice-President, considered for the purpose of ascertaining whether the controversy itself is intra-corporate.
Treasurer and Secretary. Although a blanket authority provides for the Boards appointment The controversy must not only be rooted in the existence of an intra-corporate relationship,
of such other officers as it may deem necessary and proper, the respondents failed to but must as well pertain to the enforcement of the parties correlative rights and obligations
sufficiently establish that the position of AVP for Sales was created by virtue of an act of under the Corporation Code and the internal and intra-corporate regulatory rules of the
Broadcoms board, and that Cosare was specifically elected or appointed to such position by corporation. If the relationship and its incidents are merely incidental to the controversy or if
the directors. No board resolutions to establish such facts form part of the case records. there will still be conflict even if the relationship does not exist, then no intra-corporate
Further, it was held in Marc II Marketing, Inc. v. Joson38 that an enabling clause in a controversy exists.45 (Citation omitted)
corporations by-laws empowering its board of directors to create additional officers, even
with the subsequent passage of a board resolution to that effect, cannot make such position It bears mentioning that even the CAs finding46 that Cosare was a director of Broadcom
a corporate office. The board of directors has no power to create other corporate offices when the dispute commenced was unsupported by the case records, as even the General
without first amending the corporate by-laws so as to include therein the newly created Information Sheet of 2009 referred to in the CA decision to support such finding failed to
corporate office.39 "To allow the creation of a corporate officer position by a simple inclusion provide such detail.
in the corporate by-laws of an enabling clause empowering the board of directors to do so
can result in the circumvention of that constitutionally well-protected right [of every All told, it is then evident that the CA erred in reversing the NLRCs ruling that favored
employee to security of tenure]."40 Cosare solely on the ground that the dispute was an intra-corporate controversy within the
jurisdiction of the regular courts.
The CAs heavy reliance on the contents of the General Information Sheets41, which were
submitted by the respondents during the appeal proceedings and which plainly provided The charge of constructive dismissal
that Cosare was an "officer" of Broadcom, was clearly misplaced. The said documents could
neither govern nor establish the nature of the office held by Cosare and his appointment Towards a full resolution of the instant case, the Court finds it appropriate to rule on the
thereto. Furthermore, although Cosare could indeed be classified as an officer as provided in correctness of the NLRCs ruling finding Cosare to have been illegally dismissed from
the General Information Sheets, his position could only be deemed a regular office, and not employment.
a corporate office as it is defined under the Corporation Code. Incidentally, the Court noticed
that although the Corporate Secretary of Broadcom, Atty. Efren L. Cordero, declared under In filing his labor complaint, Cosare maintained that he was constructively dismissed, citing
oath the truth of the matters set forth in the General Information Sheets, the respondents among other circumstances the charges that were hurled and the suspension that was
failed to explain why the General Information Sheet officially filed with the Securities and imposed against him via Arevalos memo dated March 30, 2009. Even prior to such charge,
Exchange Commission in 2011 and submitted to the CA by the respondents still indicated he claimed to have been subjected to mental torture, having been locked out of his files and
Cosare as an AVP for Sales, when among their defenses in the charge of illegal dismissal, records and disallowed use of his office computer and access to personal belongings.47
they asserted that Cosare had severed his relationship with the corporation since the year While Cosare attempted to furnish the respondents with his reply to the charges, the latter
2009. refused to accept the same on the ground that it was filed beyond the 48-hour period which
they provided in the memo.
Finally, the mere fact that Cosare was a stockholder of Broadcom at the time of the cases
filing did not necessarily make the action an intra- corporate controversy. "Not all conflicts Cosare further referred to the circumstances that allegedly transpired subsequent to the
between the stockholders and the corporation are classified as intra-corporate. There are service of the memo, particularly the continued refusal of the respondents to allow Cosares
other facts to consider in determining whether the dispute involves corporate matters as to entry into the companys premises. These incidents were cited in the CA decision as follows:
consider them as intra-corporate controversies."42 Time and again, the Court has ruled that
in determining the existence of an intra-corporate dispute, the status or relationship of the On March 31, 2009, [Cosare] reported back to work again. He asked Villareal if he could
parties and the nature of the question that is the subject of the controversy must be taken retrieve his personal belongings, but the latter said that x x x Arevalo directed her to deny

his request, so [Cosare] again waited at the receiving section of the office. On April 1, 2009, opportunity" under the Omnibus Rules means every kind of assistance that management
[Cosare] was not allowed to enter the office premises. He was asked to just wait outside of must accord to the employees to enable them to prepare adequately for their defense. This
the Tektite (PSE) Towers, where [Broadcom] had its offices, for further instructions on how should be construed as a period of at least five (5) calendar days from receipt of the notice
and when he could get his personal belongings. [Cosare] waited until 8 p.m. for instructions to give the employees an opportunity to study the accusation against them, consult a union
but none were given. Thus, [Cosare] sought the assistance of the officials of Barangay San official or lawyer, gather data and evidence, and decide on the defenses they will raise
Antonio, Pasig who advised him to file a labor or replevin case to recover his personal against the complaint. Moreover, in order to enable the employees to intelligently prepare
belongings. x x x.48 (Citation omitted) their explanation and defenses, the notice should contain a detailed narration of the facts
and circumstances that will serve as basis for the charge against the employees. A general
It is also worth mentioning that a few days before the issuance of the memo dated March 30, description of the charge will not suffice. Lastly, the notice should specifically mention which
2009, Cosare was allegedly summoned to Arevalos office and was asked to tender his company rules, if any, are violated and/or which among the grounds under Art. 282 is being
immediate resignation from the company, in exchange for a financial assistance of charged against the employees.55 (Citation omitted, underscoring ours, and emphasis
P300,000.00.49 The directive was said to be founded on Arevalos choice to retain Abiogs supplied)
employment with the company.50 The respondents failed to refute these claims.
In sum, the respondents were already resolute on a severance of their working relationship
Given the circumstances, the Court agrees with Cosares claim of constructive and illegal with Cosare, notwithstanding the facts which could have been established by his
dismissal. "[C]onstructive dismissal occurs when there is cessation of work because explanations and the respondents full investigation on the matter. In addition to this, the
continued employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable, or unlikely as when there is a fact that no further investigation and final disposition appeared to have been made by the
demotion in rank or diminution in pay or when a clear discrimination, insensibility, or disdain respondents on Cosares case only negated the claim that they actually intended to first look
by an employer becomes unbearable to the employee leaving the latter with no other option into the matter before making a final determination as to the guilt or innocence of their
but to quit."51 In Dimagan v. Dacworks United, Incorporated,52 it was explained: employee. This also manifested from the fact that even before Cosare was required to
present his side on the charges of serious misconduct and willful breach of trust, he was
The test of constructive dismissal is whether a reasonable person in the employees position summoned to Arevalos office and was asked to tender his immediate resignation in
would have felt compelled to give up his position under the circumstances. It is an act exchange for financial assistance.
amounting to dismissal but is made to appear as if it were not. Constructive dismissal is
therefore a dismissal in disguise. The law recognizes and resolves this situation in favor of The clear intent of the respondents to find fault in Cosare was also manifested by their
employees in order to protect their rights and interests from the coercive acts of the persistent accusation that Cosare abandoned his post, allegedly signified by his failure to
employer.53 (Citation omitted) report to work or file a leave of absence beginning April 1, 2009. This was even the subject
of a memo56 issued by Arevalo to Cosare on April 14, 2009, asking him to explain his
It is clear from the cited circumstances that the respondents already rejected Cosares absence within 48 hours from the date of the memo. As the records clearly indicated,
continued involvement with the company. Even their refusal to accept the explanation which however, Arevalo placed Cosare under suspension beginning March 30, 2009. The
Cosare tried to tender on April 2, 2009 further evidenced the resolve to deny Cosare of the suspension covered access to any and all company files/records and the use of the assets of
opportunity to be heard prior to any decision on the termination of his employment. The the company, with warning that his failure to comply with the memo would be dealt with
respondents allegedly refused acceptance of the explanation as it was filed beyond the mere drastic management action. The charge of abandonment was inconsistent with this imposed
48-hour period which they granted to Cosare under the memo dated March 30, 2009. suspension. "Abandonment is the deliberate and unjustified refusal of an employee to
However, even this limitation was a flaw in the memo or notice to explain which only further resume his employment. To constitute abandonment of work, two elements must concur:
signified the respondents discrimination, disdain and insensibility towards Cosare, (1) the employee must have failed to report for work or must have been absent without
apparently resorted to by the respondents in order to deny their employee of the valid or justifiable reason; and (2) there must have been a clear intention on the part of the
opportunity to fully explain his defenses and ultimately, retain his employment. The Court employee to sever the employer- employee relationship manifested by some overt act."57
emphasized in King of Kings Transport, Inc. v. Mamac54 the standards to be observed by Cosares failure to report to work beginning April 1, 2009 was neither voluntary nor
employers in complying with the service of notices prior to termination: indicative of an intention to sever his employment with Broadcom. It was illogical to be
requiring him to report for work, and imputing fault when he failed to do so after he was
[T]he first written notice to be served on the employees should contain the specific causes specifically denied access to all of the companys assets. As correctly observed by the NLRC:
or grounds for termination against them, and a directive that the employees are given the
opportunity to submit their written explanation within a reasonable period. "Reasonable

[T]he Respondent[s] had charged [Cosare] of abandoning his employment beginning on April
1, 2009. However[,] the show-cause letter dated March 3[0], 2009 (Annex "F", ibid)
suspended [Cosare] from using not only the equipment but the "assets" of Respondent
[Broadcom]. This insults rational thinking because the Respondents tried to mislead us and
make [it appear] that [Cosare] failed to report for work when they had in fact had [sic]
placed him on suspension. x x x.58

Following a finding of constructive dismissal, the Court finds no cogent reason to modify the
NLRC's monetary awards in Cosare's favor. In Robinsons Galleria/Robinsons Supermarket
Corporation v. Ranchez,59 the Court reiterated that an illegally or constructively dismissed
employee is entitled to: (1) either reinstatement, if viable, or separation pay, if
reinstatement is no longer viable; and (2) backwages.60 The award of exemplary damages
was also justified given the NLRC's finding that the respondents acted in bad faith and in a
wanton, oppressive and malevolent manner when they dismissed Cosare. It is also by reason
of such bad faith that Arevalo was correctly declared solidarily liable for the monetary
12. G.R. No. 198587, January 14, 2015
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision dated November 24, 2011 and
Resolution dated March 26, 2012 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP. No. 117356 are SET SAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES (SAUDIA) AND BRENDA J. BETIA, Petitioners, v. MA.
ASIDE. The Decision dated August 24, 2010 of the National Labor Relations Commission in JOPETTE M. REBESENCIO, MONTASSAH B. SACAR-ADIONG, ROUEN RUTH A.
favor of petitioner Raul C. Cosare is AFFIRMED. CRISTOBAL AND LORAINE S. SCHNEIDER-CRUZ, Respondents.



All Filipinos are entitled to the protection of the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.

This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari with application for the issuance of a temporary
restraining order and/or writ of preliminary injunction under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure praying that judgment be rendered reversing and setting aside the June 16,
2011 Decision1 and September 13, 2011 Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP.
No. 113006.

Petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) is a foreign corporation established and existing
under the laws of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has a Philippine office located at 4/F,
Metro House Building, Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City. 3 In its Petition filed with this
court, Saudia identified itself as follows:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

1. Petitioner SAUDIA is a foreign corporation established and existing under the Royal Decree
No. M/24 of 18.07.1385H (10.02.1962G) in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ("KSA"). Its
Philippine Office is located at 4/F Metro House Building, Sen, Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City
(Philippine Office). It may be served with orders of this Honorable Court through undersigned

counsel at 4th and 6th Floors, Citibank Center Bldg., 8741 Paseo de Roxas, Makati of passengers, and since she will not be able to maintain the required medical fitness while
City.4 (Emphasis supplied) at work in case of pregnancy, accordingly, if the Air Hostess becomes pregnant at any
time during the term of this contract, this shall render her employment contract
Respondents (complainants before the Labor Arbiter) were recruited and hired by Saudia as
as void and she will be terminated due to lack of medical fitness.18 (Emphasis
Temporary Flight Attendants with the accreditation and approval of the Philippine Overseas
Employment Administration.5 After undergoing seminars required by the Philippine Overseas
In their Comment on the present Petition, 19 respondents emphasized that the Unified
Employment Administration for deployment overseas, as well as training modules offered by
Contract took effect on September 23, 2006 (the first day of Ramadan), 20 well after they had
Saudia (e.g., initial flight attendant/training course and transition training), and after working
filed and had their maternity leaves approved. Ma. Jopette filed her maternity leave
as Temporary Flight Attendants, respondents became Permanent Flight Attendants. They
application on September 5, 2006.21Montassah filed her maternity leave application on
then entered into Cabin Attendant contracts with Saudia: Ma. Jopette M. Rebesencio (Ma.
August 29, 2006, and its approval was already indicated in Saudia's computer system by
Jopette) on May 16, 1990;6Montassah B. Sacar-Adiong (Montassah) and Rouen Ruth A.
August 30, 2006.22 Rouen Ruth filed her maternity leave application on September 13,
Cristobal (Rouen Ruth) on May 22, 1993;7and Loraine Schneider-Cruz (Loraine) on August 27,
2006,23 and Loraine filed her maternity leave application on August 22, 2006. 24

Rather than comply and tender resignation letters, respondents filed separate appeal letters
Respondents continued their employment with Saudia until they were separated from
that were all rejected.25
service on various dates in 2006.9

Despite these initial rejections, respondents each received calls on the morning of November
Respondents contended that the termination of their employment was illegal. They alleged
6, 2006 from Saudia's office secretary informing them that their maternity leaves had been
that the termination was made solely because they were pregnant. 10
approved. Saudia, however, was quick to renege on its approval. On the evening of
November 6, 2006, respondents again received calls informing them that it had received
As respondents alleged, they had informed Saudia of their respective pregnancies and had
notification from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia that their maternity leaves had been disapproved. 26
gone through the necessary procedures to process their maternity leaves. Initially, Saudia
had given its approval but later on informed respondents that its management in Jeddah,
Faced with the dilemma of resigning or totally losing their benefits, respondents executed
Saudi Arabia had disapproved their maternity leaves. In addition, it required respondents to
handwritten resignation letters. In Montassah's and Rouen Ruth's cases, their resignations
file their resignation letters.11
were executed on Saudia's blank letterheads that Saudia had provided. These letterheads
already had the word "RESIGNATION" typed on the subject portions of their headings when
Respondents were told that if they did not resign, Saudia would terminate them all the
these were handed to respondents.27
same. The threat of termination entailed the loss of benefits, such as separation pay and
ticket discount entitlements.12
On November 8, 2007, respondents filed a Complaint against Saudia and its officers for
illegal dismissal and for underpayment of salary, overtime pay, premium pay for holiday,
Specifically, Ma. Jopette received a call on October 16, 2006 from Saudia's Base Manager,
rest day, premium, service incentive leave pay, 13th month pay, separation pay, night shift
Abdulmalik Saddik (Abdulmalik).13 Montassah was informed personally by Abdulmalik and a
differentials, medical expense reimbursements, retirement benefits, illegal deduction, lay-
certain Faisal Hussein on October 20, 2006 after being required to report to the office one (1)
over expense and allowances, moral and exemplary damages, and attorney's fees. 28 The
month into her maternity leave.14 Rouen Ruth was also personally informed by Abdulmalik on
case was initially assigned to Labor Arbiter Hermino V. Suelo and docketed as NLRC NCR
October 17, 2006 after being required to report to the office by her Group
Case No. 00-11-12342-07.
Supervisor.15 Loraine received a call on October 12, 2006 from her Group Supervisor, Dakila
Saudia assailed the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. 29 It claimed that all the determining
points of contact referred to foreign law and insisted that the Complaint ought to be
Saudia anchored its disapproval of respondents' maternity leaves and demand for their
dismissed on the ground of forum non conveniens.30 It added that respondents had no cause
resignation on its "Unified Employment Contract for Female Cabin Attendants" (Unified
of action as they resigned voluntarily.31
Contract).17 Under the Unified Contract, the employment of a Flight Attendant who becomes
pregnant is rendered void. It provides:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
On December 12, 2008, Executive Labor Arbiter Fatima Jambaro-Franco rendered the
(H) Due to the essential nature of the Air Hostess functions to be physically fit on board to
Decision32dismissing respondents' Complaint. The dispositive portion of this Decision
provide various services required in normal or emergency cases on both
domestic/international flights beside her role in maintaining continuous safety and security

WHEREFORE, premises' considered, judgment is hereby rendered DISMISSING the instant Hence, this Appeal was filed.
complaint for lack of jurisdiction/merit.33cralawlawlibrary
On respondents' appeal, the National Labor Relations Commission's Sixth Division reversed The issues for resolution are the following:
the ruling of Executive Labor Arbiter Jambaro-Franco. It explained that "[considering that
complainants-appellants are OFWs, the Labor Arbiters and the NLRC has [sic] jurisdiction to First, whether the Labor Arbiter and the National Labor Relations Commission may exercise
hear and decide their complaint for illegal termination."34 On the matter of forum non jurisdiction over Saudi Arabian Airlines and apply Philippine law in adjudicating the present
conveniens, it noted that there were no special circumstances that warranted its abstention dispute;
from exercising jurisdiction.35 On the issue of whether respondents were validly dismissed, it
held that there was nothing on record to support Saudia's claim that respondents resigned Second, whether respondents' voluntarily resigned or were illegally terminated; and
Lastly, whether Brenda J. Betia may be held personally liable along with Saudi Arabian
The dispositive portion of the November 19, 2009 National Labor Relations Commission Airlines.chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered finding the appeal I
impressed with merit. The respondents-appellees are hereby directed to pay complainants-
appellants the aggregate amount of SR614,001.24 corresponding to their backwages and Summons were validly served on Saudia and jurisdiction over it validly acquired.
separation pay plus ten (10%) percent thereof as attorney's fees. The decision of the Labor
Arbiter dated December 12, 2008 is hereby VACATED and SET ASIDE. Attached is the There is no doubt that the pleadings and summons were served on Saudia through its
computation prepared by this Commission and made an integral part of this counsel.42Saudia, however, claims that the Labor Arbiter and the National Labor Relations
Decision.37cralawlawlibrary Commission had no jurisdiction over it because summons were never served on it but on
In the Resolution dated February 11, 2010,38 the National Labor Relations Commission "Saudia Manila."43 Referring to itself as "Saudia Jeddah," it claims that "Saudia Jeddah" and
denied petitioners' Motion for Reconsideration. not "Saudia Manila" was the employer of respondents because:

In the June 16, 2011 Decision, 39 the Court of Appeals denied petitioners' Rule 65 Petition and First, "Saudia Manila" was never a party to the Cabin Attendant contracts entered into by
modified the Decision of the National Labor Relations Commission with respect to the award respondents;
of separation pay and backwages.
Second, it was "Saudia Jeddah" that provided the funds to pay for respondents' salaries and
The dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals Decision reads:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary benefits; and
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED. The Decision dated November 19,
2009 issued by public respondent, Sixth Division of the National Labor Relations Commission Lastly, it was with "Saudia Jeddah" that respondents filed their resignations. 44
- National Capital Region is MODIFIED only insofar as the computation of the award of
separation pay and backwages. For greater clarity, petitioners are ordered to pay private Saudia posits that respondents' Complaint was brought against the wrong party because
respondents separation pay which shall be computed from private respondents' first day of "Saudia Manila," upon which summons was served, was never the employer of
employment up to the finality of this decision, at the rate of one month per year of service respondents.45
and backwages which shall be computed from the date the private respondents were
illegally terminated until finality of this decision. Consequently, the ten percent (10%) Saudia is vainly splitting hairs in its effort to absolve itself of liability. Other than its bare
attorney's fees shall be based on the total amount of the award. The assailed Decision is allegation, there is no basis for concluding that "Saudia Jeddah" is distinct from "Saudia
affirmed in all other respects. Manila."

The labor arbiter is hereby DIRECTED to make a recomputation based on the What is clear is Saudia's statement in its own Petition that what it has is a "Philippine Office .
foregoing.40cralawlawlibrary . . located at 4/F Metro House Building, Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City." 46 Even in the
In the Resolution dated September 13, 2011, 41 the Court of Appeals denied petitioners' position paper that Saudia submitted to the Labor Arbiter, 47 what Saudia now refers to as
Motion for Reconsideration. "Saudia Jeddah" was then only referred to as "Saudia Head Office at Jeddah, KSA," 48 while
what Saudia now refers to as "Saudia Manila" was then only referred to as "Saudia's office in

Contractual choice of law provisions factor into transnational litigation and dispute resolution
By its own admission, Saudia, while a foreign corporation, has a Philippine office. in one of or in a combination of four ways: (1) procedures for settling disputes, e.g.,
arbitration; (2) forum, i.e., venue; (3) governing law; and (4) basis for interpretation. Forum
Section 3(d) of Republic Act No.. 7042, otherwise known as the Foreign Investments Act of non conveniens relates to, but is not subsumed by, the second of these.
1991, provides the following:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
The phrase "doing business" shall include . . . opening offices, whether called Likewise, contractual choice of law is not determinative of jurisdiction. Stipulating on the
"liaison" offices or branches; . . . and any other act or acts that imply a continuity of laws of a given jurisdiction as the governing law of a contract does not preclude the exercise
commercial dealings or arrangements and contemplate to that extent the performance of of jurisdiction by tribunals elsewhere. The reverse is equally true: The assumption of
acts or works, or the exercise of some of the functions normally incident to, and in jurisdiction by tribunals does not ipso facto mean that it cannot apply and rule on the basis
progressive prosecution of commercial gain or of the purpose and object of the business of the parties' stipulation. In Hasegawa v. Kitamura:52ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
organization. (Emphasis supplied) Analytically, jurisdiction and choice of law are two distinct concepts. Jurisdiction considers
A plain application of Section 3(d) of the Foreign Investments Act leads to no other whether it is fair to cause a defendant to travel to this state; choice of law asks the further
conclusion than that Saudia is a foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines. As question whether the application of a substantive law V'hich will determine the merits of the
such, Saudia may be sued in the Philippines and is subject to the jurisdiction of Philippine case is fair to both parties. The power to exercise jurisdiction does not automatically give a
tribunals. state constitutional authority to apply forum law. While jurisdiction and the choice of the lex
fori will often, coincide, the "minimum contacts" for one do not always provide the necessary
Moreover, since there is no real distinction between "Saudia Jeddah" and "Saudia Manila" "significant contacts" for the other. The question of whether the law of a state can be applied
the latter being nothing more than Saudia's local office service of summons to Saudia's to a transaction is different from the question of whether the courts of that state have
office in Manila sufficed to vest jurisdiction over Saudia's person in Philippine jurisdiction to enter a judgment. 53cralawlawlibrary
tribunals.chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary As various dealings, commercial or otherwise, are facilitated by the progressive ease of
communication and travel, persons from various jurisdictions find themselves transacting
II with each other. Contracts involving foreign elements are, however, nothing new. Conflict of
laws situations precipitated by disputes and litigation anchored on these contracts are not
Saudia asserts that Philippine courts and/or tribunals are not in a position to make an totally novel.
intelligent decision as to the law and the facts. This is because respondents' Cabin Attendant
contracts require the application of the laws of Saudi Arabia, rather than those of the Transnational transactions entail differing laws on the requirements Q for the validity of the
Philippines.50 It claims that the difficulty of ascertaining foreign law calls into operation the formalities and substantive provisions of contracts and their interpretation. These
principle of forum non conveniens, thereby rendering improper the exercise of jurisdiction by transactions inevitably lend themselves to the possibility of various fora for litigation and
Philippine tribunals.51 dispute resolution. As observed by an eminent expert on transnational
A choice of law governing the validity of contracts or the interpretation of its provisions dees The more jurisdictions having an interest in, or merely even a point of contact with, a
not necessarily imply forum non conveniens. Choice of law and forum non conveniens are transaction or relationship, the greater the number of potential fora for the resolution of
entirely different matters. disputes arising out of or related to that transaction or relationship. In a world of increased
mobility, where business and personal transactions transcend national boundaries, the
Choice of law provisions are an offshoot of the fundamental principle of autonomy of jurisdiction of a number of different fora may easily be invoked in a single or a set of related
contracts. Article 1306 of the Civil Code firmly ensconces this:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary disputes.54cralawlawlibrary
Article 1306. The contracting parties may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and Philippine law is definite as to what governs the formal or extrinsic validity of contracts. The
conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, first paragraph of Article 17 of the Civil Code provides that "[t]he forms and solemnities of
good customs, public order, or public policy. contracts . . . shall be governed by the laws of the country in which they are
In contrast, forum non conveniens is a device akin to the rule against forum shopping. It is executed"55 (i.e., lex loci celebrationis).
designed to frustrate illicit means for securing advantages and vexing litigants that would
otherwise be possible if the venue of litigation (or dispute resolution) were left entirely to the In contrast, there is no statutorily established mode of settling conflict of laws situations on
whim of either party. matters pertaining to substantive content of contracts. It has been noted that three (3)

modes have emerged: (1) lex loci contractus or the law of the place of the making; (2) lex sanctions.60 Likewise, the same rules expressly provide that a party may seek the dismissal
loci solutionis or the law of the place of performance; and (3) lex loci intentionis or the law of a Complaint or another pleading asserting a claim on the ground "[t]hat there is another
intended by the parties.56 action pending between the same parties for the same cause," i.e., litis pendentia, or "[t]hat
the cause of action is barred by a prior judgment," 61 i.e., res judicata.
Given Saudia's assertions, of particular relevance to resolving the present dispute is lex loci
intentionis. Forum non conveniens, like the rules of forum shopping, litis pendentia, and res judicata, is a
means of addressing the problem of parallel litigation. While the rules of forum
An author observed that Spanish jurists and commentators "favor lex loci shopping, litis pendentia, and res judicata are designed to address the problem of parallel
intentionis."57 These jurists and commentators proceed from the Civil Code of Spain, which, litigation within a single jurisdiction, forum non conveniens is a means devised to address
like our Civil Code, is silent on what governs the intrinsic validity of contracts, and the same parallel litigation arising in multiple jurisdictions.
civil law traditions from which we draw ours.
Forum non conveniens literally translates to "the forum is inconvenient." 62 It is a concept in
In this jurisdiction, this court, in Philippine Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee v. V.P. Eusebio private international law and was devised to combat the "less than honorable" reasons and
Construction, Inc.,58 manifested preference for allowing the parties to select the law excuses that litigants use to secure procedural advantages, annoy and harass defendants,
applicable to their contract":chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary avoid overcrowded dockets, and select a "friendlier" venue. 63 Thus, the doctrine of forum
No conflicts rule on essential validity of contracts is expressly provided for in our laws. The non conveniens addresses the same rationale that the rule against forum shopping does,
rule followed by most legal systems, however, is that the intrinsic validity of a contract must albeit on a multijurisdictional scale.
be governed by the lex contractus or "proper law of the contract." This is the law voluntarily
agreed upon by the parties (the lex loci voluntatis) or the law intended by them either Forum non conveniens, like res judicata,64 is a concept originating in common
expressly or implicitly (the lex loci intentionis). The law selected may be implied from such law.65 However, unlike the rule on res judicata, as well as those on litis pendentia and forum
factors as substantial connection with the transaction, or the nationality or domicile of the shopping, forum non conveniens finds no textual anchor, whether in statute or in procedural
parties. Philippine courts would do well to adopt the first and most basic rule in most legal rules, in our civil law system. Nevertheless, jurisprudence has applied forum non
systems, namely, to allow the parties to select the law applicable to their contract, subject conveniens as basis for a court to decline its exercise of jurisdiction. 66
to the limitation that it is not against the law, morals, or public policy of the forum and that
the chosen law must bear a substantive relationship to the transaction.59 (Emphasis in the Forum non conveniens is soundly applied not only to address parallel litigation and
original) undermine a litigant's capacity to vex and secure undue advantages by engaging in forum
Saudia asserts that stipulations set in the Cabin Attendant contracts require the application shopping on an international scale. It is also grounded on principles of comity and judicial
of the laws of Saudi Arabia. It insists that the need to comply with these stipulations calls efficiency.
into operation the doctrine of forum non conveniens and, in turn, makes it necessary for
Philippine tribunals to refrain from exercising jurisdiction. Consistent with the principle of comity, a tribunal's desistance in exercising jurisdiction on
account of forum non conveniens is a deferential gesture to the tribunals of another
As mentioned, contractual choice of laws factors into transnational litigation in any or a sovereign. It is a measure that prevents the former's having to interfere in affairs which are
combination of four (4) ways. Moreover, forum non conveniens relates to one of these: better and more competently addressed by the latter. Further, forum non conveniens entails
choosing between multiple possible fora. a recognition not only that tribunals elsewhere are better suited to rule on and resolve a
controversy, but also, that these tribunals are better positioned to enforce judgments and,
Nevertheless, the possibility of parallel litigation in multiple fora along with the host of ultimately, to dispense justice. Forum non conveniens prevents the embarrassment of an
difficulties it poses is not unique to transnational litigation. It is a difficulty that similarly awkward situation where a tribunal is rendered incompetent in the face of the greater
arises in disputes well within the bounds of a singe jurisdiction. capability both analytical and practical of a tribunal in another jurisdiction.

When parallel litigation arises strictly within the context of a single jurisdiction, such rules as The wisdom of avoiding conflicting and unenforceable judgments is as much a matter of
those on forum shopping, litis pendentia, and res judicata come into operation. Thus, in the efficiency and economy as it is a matter of international courtesy. A court would effectively
Philippines, the 1997 Rules on Civil Procedure provide for willful and deliberate forum be neutering itself if it insists on adjudicating a controversy when it knows full well that it is
shopping as a ground not only for summary dismissal with prejudice but also for citing in no position to enforce its judgment. Doing so is not only an exercise in futility; it is an act
parties and counsels in direct contempt, as well as for the imposition of administrative of frivolity. It clogs the dockets of a.tribunal and leaves it to waste its efforts on affairs,

which, given transnational exigencies, will be reduced to mere academic, if not trivial, On the matter of pleading forum non conveniens, we state the rule, thus: Forum non
exercises. conveniens must not only be clearly pleaded as a ground for dismissal; it must be pleaded
as such at the earliest possible opportunity. Otherwise, it shall be deemed waived.
Accordingly, under the doctrine of forum non conveniens, "a court, in conflicts of law
cases, may refuse impositions on its jurisdiction where it is not the most 'convenient' or This court notes that in Hasegawa,76 this court stated that forum non conveniens is not a
available forum and the parties are not precluded from seeking remedies ground for a motion to dismiss. The factual ambience of this case however does not squarely
elsewhere."67 In Puyat v. Zabarte,68 this court recognized the following situations as among raise the viability of this doctrine. Until the opportunity comes to review the use of motions
those that may warrant a court's desistance from exercising to dismiss for parallel litigation, Hasegawa remains existing doctrine.
1) The belief that the matter can be better tried and decided elsewhere, either because Consistent with forum non conveniens as fundamentally a factual matter, it is imperative
the main aspects of the case transpired in a foreign jurisdiction or the material that it proceed from & factually established basis. It would be improper to dismiss an action
witnesses have their residence there; pursuant to forum non conveniens based merely on a perceived, likely, or hypothetical
multiplicity of fora. Thus, a defendant must also plead and show that a prior suit has, in fact,
2) The belief that the non-resident plaintiff sought the forum[,] a practice known as forum been brought in another jurisdiction.
shopping[,] merely to secure procedural advantages or to convey or harass the
defendant; The existence of a prior suit makes real the vexation engendered by duplicitous litigation,
the embarrassment of intruding into the affairs of another sovereign, and the squandering of
3) The unwillingness to extend local judicial facilities to non residents or aliens when the
judicial efforts in resolving a dispute already lodged and better resolved elsewhere. As has
docket may already be overcrowded;
been noted:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
4) The inadequacy of the local judicial machinery for effectuating the right sought to be A case will not be stayed o dismissed on [forum] non conveniens grounds unless the plaintiff
maintained; and is shown to have an available alternative forum elsewhere. On this, the moving party bears
the burden of proof.
5) The difficulty of ascertaining foreign law.69
In Bank of America, NT&SA, Bank of America International, Ltd. v. Court of Appeals,70 this A number of factors affect the assessment of an alternative forum's adequacy. The statute of
court underscored that a Philippine court may properly assume jurisdiction over a case if it limitations abroad may have run, of the foreign court may lack either subject matter or
chooses to do so to the extent: "(1) that the Philippine Court is one to which the parties may personal jurisdiction over the defendant. . . . Occasionally, doubts will be raised as to the
conveniently resort to; (2) that the Philippine Court is in a position to make an intelligent integrity or impartiality of the foreign court (based, for example, on suspicions of corruption
decision as to the law and the facts; and (3) that the Philippine Court has or is likely to have or bias in favor of local nationals), as to the fairness of its judicial procedures, or as to is
power to enforce its decision."71 operational efficiency (due, for example, to lack of resources, congestion and delay, or
interfering circumstances such as a civil unrest). In one noted case, [it was found] that
The use of the word "may" (i.e., "may refuse impositions on its jurisdiction"72) in the delays of 'up to a quarter of a century' rendered the foreign forum... inadequate for these
decisions shows that the matter of jurisdiction rests on the sound discretion of a court. purposes.77cralawlawlibrary
Neither the mere invocation of forum non conveniens nor the averment of foreign elements We deem it more appropriate and in the greater interest of prudence that a defendant not
operates to automatically divest a court of jurisdiction. Rather, a court should renounce only allege supposed dangerous tendencies in litigating in this jurisdiction; the defendant
jurisdiction only "after 'vital facts are established, to determine whether special must also show that such danger is real and present in that litigation or dispute resolution
circumstances' require the court's desistance."73 As the propriety of applying forum non has commenced in another jurisdiction and that a foreign tribunal has chosen to exercise
conveniens is contingent on a factual determination, it is, therefore, a matter of defense. 74 jurisdiction.

The second sentence of Rule 9, Section 1 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure is exclusive in III
its recital of the grounds for dismissal that are exempt from the omnibus motion rule: (1)
lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter; (2) litis pendentia; (3) res judicata; and (4) Forum non conveniens finds no application and does not operate to divest Philippine
prescription. Moreover, dismissal on account offorum non conveniens is a fundamentally tribunals of jurisdiction and to require the application of foreign law.
discretionary matter. It is, therefore, not a matter for a defendant to foist upon the court at
his or her own convenience; rather, it must be pleaded at the earliest possible opportunity. Saudia invokes forum non conveniens to supposedly effectuate the stipulations of the Cabin

Attendant contracts that require the application of the laws of Saudi Arabia.
Our law on contracts recognizes the validity of contractual choice of law provisions. Where
Forum non conveniens relates to forum, not to the choice of governing law. Thai forum non such provisions exist, Philippine tribunals, acting as the forum court, generally defer to the
conveniens may ultimately result in the application of foreign law is merely an incident of its parties' articulated choice.
application. In this strict sense, forum non conveniens is not applicable. It is not the primarily
pivotal consideration in this case. This is consistent with the fundamental principle of autonomy of contracts. Article 1306 of
the Civ:l Code expressly provides that "[t]he contracting parties may establish 'such
In any case, even a further consideration of the applicability of forum non conveniens on the stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem convenient." 78 Nevertheless,
incidental matter of the law governing respondents' relation with Saudia leads to the while a Philippine tribunal (acting as the forum court) is called upon to respect the parties'
conclusion that it is improper for Philippine tribunals to divest themselves of jurisdiction. choice of governing law, such respect must not be so permissive as to lose sight of
considerations of law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy that underlie the
Any evaluation of the propriety of contracting parties' choice of a forum and'its incidents contract central to the controversy.
must grapple with two (2) considerations: first, the availability and adequacy of recourse to
a foreign tribunal; and second, the question of where, as between the forum court and a Specifically with respect to public policy, in Pakistan International Airlines Corporation v.
foreign court, the balance of interests inhering in a dispute weighs more heavily. Ople,79 this court explained that:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
counter-balancing the principle of autonomy of contracting parties is the equally general rule
The first is a pragmatic matter. It relates to the viability of ceding jurisdiction to a foreign that provisions of applicable law, especially provisions relating to matters affected with
tribunal and can be resolved by juxtaposing the competencies and practical circumstances public policy, are deemed written inta the contract. Put a little differently, the governing
of the tribunals in alternative fora. Exigencies, like the statute of limitations, capacity to principle is that parties may not contract away applicable provisions of law especially
enforce orders and judgments, access to records, requirements for the acquisition of peremptory provisions dealing with matters heavily impressed with public
jurisdiction, and even questions relating to the integrity of foreign courts, may render interest.80 (Emphasis supplied)
undesirable or even totally unfeasible recourse to a foreign court. As mentioned, we Article II, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution provides that "[t]he State ... shall ensure the
consider it in the greater interest of prudence that a defendant show, in pleading forum non fundamental equality before the law of women and men." Contrasted with Article II, Section
conveniens, that litigation has commenced in another jurisdiction and that a foieign tribunal 1 of the 1987 Constitution's statement that "[n]o person shall ... be denied the equal
has, in fact, chosen to exercise jurisdiction. protection of the laws," Article II, Section 14 exhorts the State to "ensure." This does not only
mean that the Philippines shall not countenance nor lend legal recognition and approbation
Two (2) factors weigh into a court's appraisal of the balance of interests inhering in a to measures that discriminate on the basis of one's being male or female. It imposes an
dispute: first, the vinculum which the parties and their relation have to a given jurisdiction; obligation to actively engage in securing the fundamental equality of men and women.
and second, the public interest that must animate a tribunal, in its capacity as an agent of
the sovereign, in choosing to assume or decline jurisdiction. The first is more concerned with The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),
the parties, their personal circumstances, and private interests; the second concerns itself signed and ratified by the Philippines on July 15, 1980, and on August 5, 1981,
with the state and the greater social order. respectively,81 is part of the law of the land. In view of the widespread signing and
ratification of, as well as adherence (in practice) to it by states, it may even be said that
In considering the vinculum, a court must look into the preponderance of linkages which the many provisions of the CEDAW may have become customary international law. The CEDAW
parties and their transaction may have to either jurisdiction. In this respect, factors, such as gives effect to the Constitution's policy statement in Article II, Section 14. Article I of the
the parties' respective nationalities and places of negotiation, execution, performance, CEDAW defines "discrimination against women" as:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
engagement or deployment, come into play. any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or
purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women,
In considering public interest, a court proceeds with a consciousness that it is an organ of irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human
the state. It must, thus, determine if the interests of the sovereign (which acts through it) rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other
are outweighed by those of the alternative jurisdiction. In this respect, the court delves into field.82cralawlawlibrary
a consideration of public policy. Should it find that public interest weighs more heavily in The constitutional exhortation to ensure fundamental equality, as illumined by its enabling
favor of its assumption of jurisdiction, it should proceed in adjudicating the dispute, any law, the CEDAW, must inform and animate all the actions of all personalities acting on behalf
doubt or .contrary view arising from the preponderance of linkages notwithstanding. of the State. It is, therefore, the bounden duty of this court, in rendering judgment on the

disputes brought before it, to ensure that no discrimination is heaped upon women on the insistence on the application forum non conveniens has been shattered, it follows that
mere basis of their being women. This is a point so basic and central that all our discussions Philippine tribunals may properly assume jurisdiction over the present controversy. Philippine
and pronouncements regardless of whatever averments there may be of foreign law jurisprudence provides ample illustrations of when a court's renunciation of jurisdiction on
must proceed from this premise. account of forum non conveniens is proper or improper.'

So informed and animated, we emphasize the glaringly discriminatory nature of Saudia's In Philsec Investment Corporation v. Court of Appeals,85 this court noted that the trial court
policy. As argued by respondents, Saudia's policy entails the termination of employment of failed to consider that one of the plaintiffs was a domestic corporation, that one of the
flight attendants who become pregnant. At the risk of stating the obvious, pregnancy is an defendants was a Filipino, and that it was the extinguishment of the latter's debt that was
occurrence that pertains specifically to women. Saudia's policy excludes from and restricts the object of the transaction subject of the litigation. Thus, this court held, among others,
employment on the basis of no other consideration but sex. that the trial court's refusal to assume jurisdiction was not justified by forum non
conveniens and remanded the case to the trial court.
We do not lose sight of the reality that pregnancy does present physical limitations that may
render difficult the performance of functions associated with being a flight attendant. In Raytheon International, Inc. v. Rouzie, Jr.,86 this court sustained the trial court's
Nevertheless, it would be the height of iniquity to view pregnancy as a disability so assumption of jurisdiction considering that the trial court could properly enforce judgment
permanent and immutable that, it must entail the termination of one's employment. It is on the petitioner which was a foreign corporation licensed to do business in the Philippines.
clear to us that any individual, regardless of gender, may be subject to exigencies that limit
the performance of functions. However, we fail to appreciate how pregnancy could be such In Pioneer International, Ltd. v. Guadiz, Jr.,87 this court found no reason to disturb the trial
an impairing occurrence that it leaves no other recourse but the complete termination of the court's assumption of jurisdiction over a case in which, as noted by the trial court, "it is more
means through which a woman earns a living. convenient to hear and decide the case in the Philippines because Todaro [the plaintiff]
resides in the Philippines and the contract allegedly breached involve[d] employment in the
Apart from the constitutional policy on the fundamental equality before the law of men and Philippines."88
women, it is settled that contracts relating to labor and employment are impressed with
public interest. Article 1700 of the Civil Code provides that "[t]he relation between capital In Pacific Consultants International Asia, Inc. v. Schonfeld,89 this court held that the fact that
and labor are not merely contractual. They are so impressed with public interest that labor the complainant in an illegal dismissal case was a Canadian citizen and a repatriate did not
contracts must yield to the common good." warrant the application of forum non conveniens considering that: (1) the Labor Code does
not include forum non conveniens as a ground for the dismissal of a complaint for illegal
Consistent with this, this court's pronouncements in Pakistan International Airlines dismissal; (2) the propriety of dismissing a case based on forum non conveniens requires a
Corporation83 are clear and unmistakable:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary factual determination; and (3) the requisites for assumption of jurisdiction as laid out
Petitioner PIA cannot take refuge in paragraph 10 of its employment agreement which in Bank of America, NT&SA90 were all satisfied.
specifies, firstly, the law of Pakistan as the applicable law of the agreement, and, secondly,
lays the venue for settlement of any dispute arising out of or in connection with the In contrast, this court ruled in The Manila Hotel Corp. v. National Labor Relations
agreement "only [in] courts of Karachi, Pakistan". The first clause of paragraph 10 cannot be Commission91 that the National Labor Relations Q Commission was a seriously inconvenient
invoked to prevent the application of Philippine labor laws and'regulations to the subject forum. In that case, private respondent Marcelo G. Santos was working in the Sultanate of
matter of this case, i.e., the employer-employee relationship between petitioner PIA and Oman when he received a letter from Palace Hotel recruiting him for employment in Beijing,
private respondents. We have already pointed out that the relationship is much affected China. Santos accepted the offer. Subsequently, however, he was released from employment
with public interest and that the otherwise applicable Philippine laws and regulations cannot supposedly due to business reverses arising from political upheavals in China (i.e., the
be rendered illusory by the parties agreeing upon some other law to govern their Tiananmen Square incidents of 1989). Santos later filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal
relationship. . . . Under these circumstances, paragraph 10 of the employment agreement impleading Palace Hotel's General Manager, Mr. Gerhard Schmidt, the Manila Hotel
cannot be given effect so as to oust Philippine agencies and courts of the jurisdiction vested International Company Ltd. (which was, responsible for training Palace Hotel's personnel and
upon them by Philippine law.84 (Emphasis supplied) staff), and the Manila Hotel Corporation (which owned 50% of Manila Hotel International
As the present dispute relates to (what the respondents allege to be) the illegal termination Company Ltd.'s capital stock).
of respondents' employment, this case is immutably a matter of public interest and public
policy. Consistent with clear pronouncements in law and jurisprudence, Philippine laws In ruling against the National Labor Relations Commission's exercise of jurisdiction, this court
properly find application in and govern this case. 'Moreover, as this premise for Saudia's noted that the main aspects of the case transpired in two (2) foreign jurisdictions, Oman and

China, and that the case involved purely foreign elements. Specifically, Santos was directly which should apply, it does not follow that Philippine tribunals should refrain from exercising
hired by a foreign employer through correspondence sent to Oman. Also, the proper jurisdiction. To. recall our pronouncements in Puyat,94 as well as in Bank of America,
defendants were neither Philippine nationals nor engaged in business in the Philippines, NT&SA,95 it is not so much the mere applicability of foreign law which calls into
while the main witnesses were not residents of the Philippines. Likewise, this court noted operation forum non conveniens. Rather, what justifies a court's desistance from exercising
that the National Labor Relations Commission was in no position to conduct the following: jurisdiction is "[t]he difficulty of ascertaining foreign law"96 or the inability of a "Philippine
first, determine the law governing the employment contract, as it was entered into in foreign Court to make an intelligent decision as to the law[.]" 97
soil; second, determine the facts, as Santos' employment was terminated in Beijing; and
third, enforce its judgment, since Santos' employer, Palace Hotel, was incorporated under Consistent with lex loci intentionis, to the extent that it is proper and practicable (i.e., "to
the laws of China and was not even served with summons. make an intelligent decision"98), Philippine tribunals may apply the foreign law selected by
the parties. In fact, (albeit without meaning to make a pronouncement on the accuracy and
Contrary to Manila Hotel, the case now before us does not entail a preponderance of reliability of respondents' citation) in this case, respondents themselves have made
linkages that favor a foreign jurisdiction. averments as to the laws of Saudi Arabia. In their Comment, respondents
Here, the circumstances of the parties and their relation do not approximate the Under the Labor Laws of Saudi Arabia and the Philippines[,] it is illegal and unlawful to
circumstances enumerated in Puyat,92 which this court recognized as possibly justifying the terminate the employment of any woman by virtue of pregnancy. The law in Saudi Arabia is
desistance of Philippine tribunals from exercising jurisdiction. even more harsh and strict [sic] in that no employer can terminate the employment of a
female worker or give her a warning of the same while on Maternity Leave, the specific
First, there is no basis for concluding that the case can be more conveniently tried provision of Saudi Labor Laws on the matter is hereto quoted as
elsewhere. As established earlier, Saudia is doing business in the Philippines. For their part, follows:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
all four (4) respondents are Filipino citizens maintaining residence in the Philippines and, "An employer may not terminate the employment of a female worker or give her a warning
apart from their previous employment with Saudia, have no other connection to the of the same while on maternity leave." (Article 155, Labor Law of the Kingdom of Saudi
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It would even be to respondents' inconvenience if this case were to Arabia, Royal Decree No. M/51.)99cralawlawlibrary
be tried elsewhere. All told, the considerations for assumption of jurisdiction by Philippine tribunals as outlined
in Bank of America, NT&SA100 have been satisfied. First, all the parties are based in the
Second, the records are bereft of any indication that respondents filed their Complaint in an Philippines and all the material incidents transpired in this jurisdiction. Thus, the parties may
effort to engage in forum shopping or to vex and inconvenience Saudia. conveniently seek relief from Philippine tribunals. Second, Philippine tribunals are in a
position to make an intelligent decision as to the law and the facts. Third, Philippine tribunals
Third, there is no indication of "unwillingness to extend local judicial facilities to non- are in a position to enforce their decisions. There is no compelling basis for ceding
residents or aliens."93 That Saudia has managed to bring the present controversy all the way jurisdiction to a foreign tribunal. Quite the contrary, the immense public policy
to this court proves this. considerations attendant to this case behoove Philippine tribunals to not shy away from their
duty to rule on the case.chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Fourth, it cannot be said that the local judicial machinery is inadequate for effectuating the
right sought to be maintained. Summons was properly served on Saudia and jurisdiction IV
over its person was validly acquired.
Respondents were illegally terminated.
Lastly, there is not even room for considering foreign law. Philippine law properly governs
the present dispute. In Bilbao v. Saudi Arabian Airlines,101 this court defined voluntary resignation as "the
voluntary act of an employee who is in a situation where one believes that personal reasons
As the question of applicable law has been settled, the supposed difficulty of ascertaining cannot be sacrificed in favor of the exigency of the service, and one has no other choice but
foreign law (which requires the application of forum non conveniens) provides no to dissociate oneself from employment. It is a formal pronouncement or relinquishment of an
insurmountable inconvenience or special circumstance that will justify depriving Philippine office, with the intention of relinquishing the office accompanied by the act of
tribunals of jurisdiction. relinquishment."102 Thus, essential to the act of resignation is voluntariness. It must be the
result of an employee's exercise of his or her own will.
Even if we were to assume, for the sake of discussion, that it is the laws of Saudi Arabia

In the same case of Bilbao, this court advanced a means for determining whether an voluntariness on respondents' part. If at all, these same resignation letters are proof of how
employee resigned voluntarily:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary any supposed resignation did not arise from respondents' own initiative. As earlier pointed
As the intent to relinquish must concur with the overt act of relinquishment, the acts of the out, respondents' resignations were executed on Saudia's blank letterheads that Saudia had
employee before and after the alleged resignation must be considered in determining provided. These letterheads already had the word "RESIGNATION" typed on the subject
whether he or she, in fact, intended, to sever his or her employment.103(Emphasis supplied) portion of their respective headings when these were handed to
On the other hand, constructive dismissal has been defined as "cessation of work because respondents.113ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
'continued employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely, as an offer
involving a demotion in rank or a diminution in pay' and other benefits." 104 "In termination cases, the burden of proving just or valid cause for dismissing an employee
rests on the employer."114 In this case, Saudia makes much of how respondents supposedly
In Penaflor v. Outdoor Clothing Manufacturing Corporation,105 constructive dismissal has completed their exit interviews, executed quitclaims, received their separation pay, and took
been described as tantamount to "involuntarily [sic] resignation due to the harsh, hostile, more than a year to file their Complaint.115 If at all, however, these circumstances prove only
and unfavorable conditions set by the employer."106 In the same case, it was noted that the fact of their occurrence, nothing more. The voluntariness of respondents' departure from
"[t]he gauge for constructive dismissal is whether a reasonable person in the employee's Saudia is non sequitur.
position would feel compelled to give up his employment under the prevailing
circumstances."107 Mere compliance with standard procedures or processes, such as the completion of their exit
interviews, neither negates compulsion nor indicates voluntariness.
Applying the cited standards on resignation and constructive dismissal, it is clear that
respondents were constructively dismissed. Hence, their termination was illegal. As with respondent's resignation letters, their exit interview forms even support their claim
of illegal dismissal and militates against Saudia's arguments. These exit interview forms, as
The termination of respondents' employment happened when they were pregnant and reproduced by Saudia in its own Petition, confirms the unfavorable conditions as regards
expecting to incur costs on account of child delivery and infant rearing. As noted by the respondents' maternity leaves. Ma. Jopette's and Loraine's exit interview forms are
Court of Appeals, pregnancy is a time when they need employment to sustain their particularly telling:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
families.108 Indeed, it goes against normal and reasonable human behavior to abandon one's a. From Ma. Jopette's exit interview form:
livelihood in a time of great financial need.
3. In what respects has the job met or failed to meet your expectations?
It is clear that respondents intended to remain employed with Saudia. All they did was avail
of their maternity leaves. Evidently, the very nature of a maternity leave means that a THE SUDDEN TWIST OF DECISION REGARDING THE MATERNITY LEAVE. 116
pregnant employee will not report for work only temporarily and that she will resume the
performance of her duties as soon as the leave allowance expires. b. From Loraine's exit interview form:

It is also clear that respondents exerted all efforts to' remain employed with Saudia. Each of 1. What are your main reasons for leaving Saudia? What company are you joining?
them repeatedly filed appeal letters (as much as five [5] letters in the case of Rebesencio 109)
asking Saudia to reconsider the ultimatum that they resign or be terminated along with the xxx xxx xxx
forfeiture of their benefits. Some of them even went to Saudia's office to personally seek
reconsideration.110 Others

Respondents also adduced a copy of the "Unified Employment Contract for Female Cabin CHANGING POLICIES REGARDING MATERNITY LEAVE (PREGNANCY) 117
Attendants."111 This contract deemed void the employment of a flight attendant who As to respondents' quitclaims, in Phil. Employ Services and Resources, Inc. v. Paramio,118 this
becomes pregnant and threatened termination due to lack of medical fitness. 112 The threat court noted that "[i]f (a) there is clear proof that the waiver was wangled from an
of termination (and the forfeiture of benefits that it entailed) is enough to compel a unsuspecting or gullible person; or (b) the terms of the settlement are unconscionable, and
reasonable person in respondents' position to give up his or her employment. on their face invalid, such quitclaims must be struck down as invalid or
illegal."119 Respondents executed their quitclaims after having been unfairly given an
Saudia draws attention to how respondents' resignation letters were supposedly made in ultimatum to resign or be terminated (and forfeit their benefits).chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
their own handwriting. This minutia fails to surmount all the other indications negating any

V respondents are likewise entitled to attorney's fees in the amount of 10% of the total
monetary award.130
Having been illegally and unjustly dismissed, respondents are entitled to full backwages and
benefits from the time of their termination until the finality of this Decision. They are likewise VI
entitled to separation pay in the amount of one (1) month's salary for every year of service
until the fmality of this Decision, with a fraction of a year of at least six (6) months being Petitioner Brenda J. Betia may not be held liable.
counted as one (1) whole year.
A corporation has a personality separate and distinct from those of the persons composing
Moreover, "[m]oral damages are awarded in termination cases where the employee's it. Thus, as a rule, corporate directors and officers are not liable for the illegal termination of
dismissal was attended by bad faith, malice or fraud, or where it constitutes an act a corporation's employees. It is only when they acted in bad faith or with malice that they
oppressive to labor, or where it was done in a manner contrary to morals, good customs or become solidarity liable with the corporation.131
public policy."120 In this case, Saudia terminated respondents' employment in a manner that
is patently discriminatory and running afoul of the public interest that underlies employer- In Ever Electrical Manufacturing, Inc. (EEMI) v. Samahang Manggagawa ng Ever
employee relationships. As such, respondents are entitled to moral damages. Electrical,132 this court clarified that "[b]ad faith does not connote bad judgment or
negligence; it imports a dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious doing of
To provide an "example or correction for the public good" 121 as against such discriminatory wrong; it means breach of a known duty through some motive or interest or ill will; it
and callous schemes, respondents are likewise entitled to exemplary damages. partakes of the nature of fraud."133

In a long line of cases, this court awarded exemplary damages to illegally dismissed Respondents have not produced proof to show that Brenda J. Betia acted in bad faith or with
employees whose "dismissal[s were] effected in a wanton, oppressive or malevolent malice as regards their termination. Thus, she may not be held solidarity liable with
manner."122 This court has awarded exemplary damages to employees who were terminated Saudia.cralawred
on such frivolous, arbitrary, and unjust grounds as membership in or involvement with labor
unions,123 injuries sustained in the course of employment,124 development of a medical WHEREFORE, with the MODIFICATIONS that first, petitioner Brenda J. Betia is not
condition due to the employer's own violation of the employment contract, 125 and lodging of solidarity liable with petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines, and second, that petitioner Saudi
a Complaint against the employer. 126 Exemplary damages were also awarded to employees Arabian Airlines is liable for moral and exemplary damages. The June 16, 2011 Decision and
who were deemed illegally dismissed by an employer in an attempt to evade compliance the September 13, 2011 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP. No. 113006 are
with statutorily established employee benefits.127 Likewise, employees dismissed for hereby AFFIRMED in all other respects. Accordingly, petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines is
supposedly just causes, but in violation of due process requirements, were awarded ordered to pay respondents:
exemplary damages.128
(1) Full backwages and all other benefits computed from the respective dates in which each
These examples pale in comparison to the present controversy. Stripped of all unnecessary of the respondents were illegally terminated until the finality of this Decision;
complexities, respondents were dismissed for no other reason than simply that they were
pregnant. This is as wanton, oppressive, and tainted with bad faith as any reason for (2) Separation pay computed from the respective dates in which each of the respondents
termination of employment can be. This is no ordinary case of illegal dismissal. This is a case commenced employment until the finality of this Decision at the rate of one (1) month's
of manifest gender discrimination. It is an affront not only to our statutes and policies on salary for every year of service, with a fraction of a year of at least six (6) months being
employees' security of tenure, but more so, to the Constitution's dictum of fundamental counted as one (1) whole year;
equality between men and women.129
(3) Moral damages in the amount of P100,000.00 per respondent;

The award of exemplary damages is, therefore, warranted, not only to remind employers of (4) Exemplary damages in the amount of P200,000.00 per respondent; and
the need to adhere to the requirements of procedural and substantive due process in
termination of employment, but more importantly, to demonstrate that gender (5) Attorney's fees equivalent to 10% of the total award.
discrimination should in no case be countenanced.
Interest of 6% per annum shall likewise be imposed on the total judgment award from the
Having been compelled to litigate to seek reliefs for their illegal and unjust dismissal, finality of this Decision until full satisfaction thereof.

This case is REMANDED to the Labor Arbiter to make a detailed computation of the It was not until much later that Mr. Braden, who had since returned to the US, sent Basso the
amounts due to respondents which petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines should pay without employment contract8 dated February 1, 1991, which Mr. Braden had already signed. Basso
delay. then signed the employment contract and returned it to Mr. Braden as instructed.

SO ORDERED. On November 7, 1992, CMI took over the Philippine operations of Continental, with Basso
retaining his position as General Manager.9
13. G.R. NOS. 178382-83
On December 20, 1995, Basso received a letter from Mr. Ralph Schulz (Mr. Schulz), who was
then CMIs Vice President of Marketing and Sales, informing Basso that he has agreed to
work in CMI as a consultant on an "as needed basis" effective February 1, 1996 to July 31,
1996. The letter also informed Basso that: (1) he will not receive any monetary
compensation but will continue being covered by the insurance provided by CMI; (2) he will
enjoy travel privileges; and (3) CMI will advance Php1,140,000.00 for the payment of
vs. JOSEPH BASSO, Respondent. housing lease for 12 months.10

On January 11, 1996, Basso wrote a counter-proposal11 to Mr. Schulz regarding his
employment status in CMI. On March 14, 1996, Basso wrote another letter addressed to Ms.
DECISION Marty Woodward (Ms. Woodward) of CMIs Human Resources Department inquiring about the
status of his employment.12 On the same day, Ms. Woodward responded that pursuant to
the employment contract dated February 1, 1991, Basso could be terminated at will upon a
thirty-day notice. This notice was allegedly the letter Basso received from Mr. Schulz on
JARDELEZA, J.: December 20, 1995. Ms. Woodward also reminded Basso of the telephone conversation
between him, Mr. Schulz and Ms. Woodward on December 19, 1995, where they informed
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court him of the companys decision to relieve him as General Manager. Basso, instead, was
assailing the Decision2 dated May 23, 2006 and Resolution3 dated June 19, 2007 of the offered the position of consultant to CMI. Ms. Woodward also informed Basso that CMI
Court of Appeals in the consolidated cases CA-G.R. SP No. 83938 and CA-G.R. SP No. 84281. rejected his counter-proposal and, thus, terminated his employment effective January 31,
These assailed Decision and Resolution set aside the Decision4 dated November 28, 2003 of 1996. CMI offered Basso a severance pay, in consideration of the Php1,140,000.00 housing
the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) declaring Joseph Basso's (Basso) dismissal advance that CMI promised him13 Basso filed a Complaint for Illegal Dismissal with Moral
illegal, and ordering the payment of separation pay as alternative to reinstatement and full and Exemplary Damages against CMI on December 19, 1996.14 Alleging the presence of
backwages until the date of the Decision. foreign elements, CMI filed a Motion to Dismiss15 dated February 10, 1997 on the ground of
lack of jurisdiction over the person of CMI and the subject matter of the controversy. In an
The Facts Order16 dated August 27, 1997, the Labor Arbiter granted the Motion to Dismiss. Applying
the doctrine of lex loci contractus, the Labor Arbiter held that the terms and provisions of
Petitioner Continental Micronesia, Inc. (CMI) is a foreign corporation organized and e:xisting the employment contract show that the parties did not intend to apply our Labor Code
under the laws of and domiciled in the United States of America (US). It is licensed to do (Presidential Decree No. 442). The Labor Arbiter also held that no employer-employee
business in the Philippines.5 Basso, a US citizen, resided in the Philippines prior to his relationship existed between Basso and the branch office of CMI in the Philippines, but
death.6 between Basso and the foreign corporation itself.

During his visit to Manila in 1990, Mr. Keith R. Braden (Mr. Braden), Managing Director-Asia of On appeal, the NLRC remanded the case to the Labor Arbiter for the determination of certain
Continental Airlines, Inc. (Continental), offered Basso the position of General Manager of the facts to settle the issue on jurisdiction. NLRC ruled that the issue on whether the principle of
Philippine Branch of Continental. Basso accepted the offer.7 lex loci contractus or lex loci celebrationis should apply has to be further threshed out.17

Labor Arbiters Ruling


Labor Arbiter Madjayran H. Ajan in his Decision18 dated September 24, 1999 dismissed the Basso, mere existence of a basis for believing that such employee has breached the trust of
case for lack of merit and jurisdiction. his employer suffices. However, the NLRC found that CMI denied Basso the required due
process notice in his dismissal.26
The Labor Arbiter agreed with CMI that the employment contract was executed in the US
"since the letter-offer was under the Texas letterhead and the acceptance of Complainant Both CMI and Basso filed their respective Motions for Reconsideration dated January 15,
was returned there."19 Thus, applying the doctrine of lex loci celebrationis, US laws apply. 200427 and January 8, 2004.28 Both motions were dismissed in separate Resolutions dated
Also, applying lex loci contractus, the Labor Arbiter ruled that the parties did not intend to March 15, 200429 and February 27, 2004,30 respectively.
apply Philippine laws, thus:
Basso filed a Petition for Certiorari dated April 16, 2004 with the Court of Appeals docketed
Although the contract does not state what law shall apply, it is obvious that Philippine laws as CA-G.R. SP No. 83938.31 Basso imputed grave abuse of discretion on the part of the NLRC
were not written into it. More specifically, the Philippine law on taxes and the Labor Code in ruling that he was validly dismissed. CMI filed its own Petition for Certiorari dated May 13,
were not intended by the parties to apply, otherwise Par. 7 on the payment by Complainant 2004 docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 84281,32 alleging that the NLRC gravely abused its
U.S. Federal and Home State income taxes, and Pars. 22/23 on termination by 30-day prior discretion when it assumed jurisdiction over the person of CMI and the subject matter of the
notice, will not be there. The contract was prepared in contemplation of Texas or U.S. laws case.
where Par. 7 is required and Pars. 22/23 is allowed.20
In its Resolution dated October 7, 2004, the Court of Appeals consolidated the two cases33
The Labor Arbiter also ruled that Basso was terminated for a valid cause based on the and ordered the parties to file their respective Memoranda.
allegations of CMI that Basso committed a series of acts that constitute breach of trust and
loss of confidence.21 The Court of Appeals Decision

The Labor Arbiter, however, found CMI to have voluntarily submitted to his offices The Court of Appeals promulgated the now assailed Decision34 dated May 23, 2006, the
jurisdiction. CMI participated in the proceedings, submitted evidence on the merits of the relevant dispositive portion of which reads:
case, and sought affirmative relief through a motion to dismiss.22
WHEREFORE, the petition of Continental docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 84281 is DENIED DUE

On appeal, the NLRC Third Division promulgated its Decision23 dated November 28, 2003, On the other hand the petition of Basso docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 83938 is GIVEN DUE
the decretal portion of which reads: COURSE and GRANTED, and accordingly, the assailed Decision dated November 28, 2003
and Resolution dated February 27, 2004 of the NLRC are SET ASIDE and VACATED. Instead
WHEREFORE, the decision dated 24 September 1999 is VACATED and SET ASIDE. judgment is rendered hereby declaring the dismissal of Basso illegal and ordering
Respondent CMI is ordered to pay complainant the amount of US$5,416.00 for failure to Continental to pay him separation pay equivalent to one (1) month pay for every year of
comply with the due notice requirement. The other claims are dismissed. service as an alternative to reinstatement. Further, ordering Continental to pay Basso his full
backwages from the date of his said illegal dismissal until date of this decision. The claim for
SO ORDERED.24 moral and exemplary damages as well as attorneys fees are dismissed.35

The NLRC did not agree with the pronouncement of the Labor Arbiter that his office has no The Court of Appeals ruled that the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC had jurisdiction over the
jurisdiction over the controversy. It ruled that the Labor Arbiter acquired jurisdiction over the subject matter of the case and over the parties. The Court of Appeals explained that
case when CMI voluntarily submitted to his offices jurisdiction by presenting evidence, jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action is determined by the allegations of the
advancing arguments in support of the legality of its acts, and praying for reliefs on the complaint and the law. Since the case filed by Basso is a termination dispute that is
merits of the case.25 "undoubtedly cognizable by the labor tribunals", the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC had
jurisdiction to rule on the merits of the case. On the issue of jurisdiction over the person of
On the merits, the NLRC agreed with the Labor Arbiter that Basso was dismissed for just and the parties, who are foreigners, the Court of Appeals ruled that jurisdiction over the person
valid causes on the ground of breach of trust and loss of confidence. The NLRC ruled that of Basso was acquired when he filed the complaint for illegal dismissal, while jurisdiction
under the applicable rules on loss of trust and confidence of a managerial employee, such as over the person of CMI was acquired through coercive process of service of summons to its

agent in the Philippines. The Court of Appeals also agreed that the active participation of forum non conveniens to determine the propriety of the assumption of jurisdiction by the
CMI in the case rendered moot the issue on jurisdiction. labor tribunals.

On the merits of the case, the Court of Appeals declared that CMI illegally dismissed Basso. We agree with CMI that there is a conflict-of-laws issue that needs to be resolved first. Where
The Court of Appeals found that CMIs allegations of loss of trust and confidence were not the facts establish the existence of foreign elements, the case presents a conflict-of-laws
established. CMI "failed to prove its claim of the incidents which were its alleged bases for issue.39 The foreign element in a case may appear in different forms, such as in this case,
loss of trust or confidence."36 While managerial employees can be dismissed for loss of where one of the parties is an alien and the other is domiciled in another state.
trust and confidence, there must be a basis for such loss, beyond mere whim or caprice.
In Hasegawa v. Kitamura,40 we stated that in the judicial resolution of conflict-of-laws
After the parties filed their Motions for Reconsideration,37 the Court of Appeals promulgated problems, three consecutive phases are involved: jurisdiction, choice of law, and recognition
Resolution38 dated June 19, 2007 denying CMIs motion, while partially granting Bassos as and enforcement of judgments. In resolving the conflicts problem, courts should ask the
to the computation of backwages. following questions:

Hence, this petition, which raises the following issues: 1. "Under the law, do I have jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this case?

I. 2. "If the answer is yes, is this a convenient forum to the parties, in light of the facts?

WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN REVIEWING THE FACTUAL FINDINGS 3. "If the answer is yes, what is the conflicts rule for this particular problem?
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION. 4. "If the conflicts rule points to a foreign law, has said law been properly pleaded and
proved by the one invoking it?
5. "If so, is the application or enforcement of the foreign law in the forum one of the basic
WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT THE LABOR ARBITER exceptions to the application of foreign law? In short, is there any strong policy or vital
AND THE NLRC HAD JURISDICTION TO HEAR AND TRY THE ILLEGAL DISMISSAL CASE. interest of the forum that is at stake in this case and which should preclude the application
of foreign law?41
Jurisdiction is defined as the power and authority of the courts to hear, try and decide cases.
WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN FINDING THAT BASSO WAS NOT Jurisdiction over the subject matter is conferred by the Constitution or by law and by the
VALIDLY DISMISSED ON THE GROUND OF LOSS OF TRUST OR CONFIDENCE. material allegations in the complaint, regardless of whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to
recover all or some of the claims or reliefs sought therein.42 It cannot be acquired through a
We begin with the second issue on the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC in the waiver or enlarged by the omission of the parties or conferred by the acquiescence of the
illegal dismissal case. The first and third issues will be discussed jointly. court.43 That the employment contract of Basso was replete with references to US laws, and
that it originated from and was returned to the US, do not automatically preclude our labor
The labor tribunals had jurisdiction tribunals from exercising jurisdiction to hear and try this case.
over the parties and the subject
matter of the case. This case stemmed from an illegal dismissal complaint. The Labor Code, under Article 217,
clearly vests original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving
CMI maintains that there is a conflict-of-laws issue that must be settled to determine proper termination disputes to the Labor Arbiter.
jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of the case. It also alleges that the
existence of foreign elements calls for the application of US laws and the doctrines of lex loci Hence, the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC have jurisdiction over the subject matter of the case.
celebrationis (the law of the place of the ceremony), lex loci contractus (law of the place
where a contract is executed), and lex loci intentionis (the intention of the parties as to the As regards jurisdiction over the parties, we agree with the Court of Appeals that the Labor
law that should govern their agreement). CMI also invokes the application of the rule of Arbiter acquired jurisdiction over the person of Basso, notwithstanding his citizenship, when

he filed his complaint against CMI. On the other hand, jurisdiction over the person of CMI The choice-of-law issue in a conflict-of-laws case seeks to answer the following important
was acquired through the coercive process of service of summons. We note that CMI never questions: (1) What legal system should control a given situation where some of the
denied that it was served with summons. CMI has, in fact, voluntarily appeared and significant facts occurred in two or more states; and (2) to what extent should the chosen
participated in the proceedings before the courts. Though a foreign corporation, CMI is legal system regulate the situation.47 These questions are entirely different from the
licensed to do business in the Philippines and has a local business address here. The question of jurisdiction that only seeks to answer whether the courts of a state where the
purpose of the law in requiring that foreign corporations doing business in the country be case is initiated have jurisdiction to enter a judgment.48 As such, the power to exercise
licensed to do so, is to subject the foreign corporations to the jurisdiction of our courts.44 jurisdiction does not automatically give a state constitutional authority to apply forum law.49

Considering that the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC have jurisdiction over the parties and the CMI insists that US law is the applicable choice-of-law under the principles of lex loci
subject matter of this case, these tribunals may proceed to try the case even if the rules of celebrationis and lex loci contractus. It argues that the contract of employment originated
conflict-of-laws or the convenience of the parties point to a foreign forum, this being an from and was returned to the US after Basso signed it, and hence, was perfected there. CMI
exercise of sovereign prerogative of the country where the case is filed.45 further claims that the references to US law in the employment contract show the parties
intention to apply US law and not ours. These references are:
The next question is whether the local forum is the convenient forum in light of the facts of
the case. CMI contends that a Philippine court is an inconvenient forum. a. Foreign station allowance of forty percent (40%) using the "U.S. State Department Index,
the base being Washington, D.C."
We disagree.
b. Tax equalization that made Basso responsible for "federal and any home state income
Under the doctrine of forum non conveniens, a Philippine court in a conflict-of-laws case may taxes."
assume jurisdiction if it chooses to do so, provided, that the following requisites are met: (1)
that the Philippine Court is one to which the parties may conveniently resort to; (2) that the c. Hardship allowance of fifteen percent (15%) of base pay based upon the "U.S. Department
Philippine Court is in a position to make an intelligent decision as to the law and the facts; of State Indexes of living costs abroad."
and (3) that the Philippine Court has or is likely to have power to enforce its decision.46 All
these requisites are present here. d. The employment arrangement is "one at will, terminable by either party without any
further liability on thirty days prior written notice."50
Basso may conveniently resort to our labor tribunals as he and CMI had physical presence in
the Philippines during the duration of the trial. CMI has a Philippine branch, while Basso, CMI asserts that the US law on labor relations particularly, the US Railway Labor Act
before his death, was residing here. sanctions termination-at-will provisions in an employment contract. Thus, CMI concludes that
if such laws were applied, there would have been no illegal dismissal to speak of because
Thus, it could be reasonably expected that no extraordinary measures were needed for the the termination-at-will provision in Bassos employment contract would have been perfectly
parties to make arrangements in advocating their respective cases. valid.

The labor tribunals can make an intelligent decision as to the law and facts. The incident We disagree.
subject of this case (i.e. dismissal of Basso) happened in the Philippines, the surrounding
circumstances of which can be ascertained without having to leave the Philippines. The acts In Saudi Arabian Airlines v. Court of Appeals,51 we emphasized that an essential element of
that allegedly led to loss of trust and confidence and Bassos eventual dismissal were conflict rules is the indication of a "test" or "connecting factor" or "point of contact". Choice-
committed in the Philippines. As to the law, we hold that Philippine law is the proper law of of-law rules invariably consist of a factual relationship (such as property right, contract
the forum, as we shall discuss shortly. Also, the labor tribunals have the power to enforce claim) and a connecting fact or point of contact, such as the situs of the res, the place of
their judgments because they acquired jurisdiction over the persons of both parties. celebration, the place of performance, or the place of wrongdoing. Pursuant to Saudi Arabian
Airlines, we hold that the "test factors," "points of contact" or "connecting factors" in this
Our labor tribunals being the convenient fora, the next question is what law should apply in case are the following:
resolving this case.
(1) The nationality, domicile or residence of Basso;

(2) The seat of CMI; authorized causes provided by law and after due process having been complied with.58
Hence, the US Railway Labor Act, which sanctions termination-at-will, should not be applied
(3) The place where the employment contract has been made, the locus actus; in this case.

(4) The place where the act is intended to come into effect, e.g., the place of performance of Additionally, the rule is that there is no judicial notice of any foreign law. As any other fact, it
contractual duties; must be alleged and proved.59 If the foreign law is not properly pleaded or proved, the
presumption of identity or similarity of the foreign law to our own laws, otherwise known as
(5) The intention of the contracting parties as to the law that should govern their agreement, processual presumption, applies. Here, US law may have been properly pleaded but it was
the lex loci intentionis; and not proved in the labor tribunals.

(6) The place where judicial or administrative proceedings are instituted or done.52 Having disposed of the issue on jurisdiction, we now rule on the first and third issues.

Applying the foregoing in this case, we conclude that Philippine law is the applicable law. The Court of Appeals may review the
Basso, though a US citizen, was a resident here from the time he was hired by CMI until his factual findings of the NLRC in a
death during the pendency of the case. CMI, while a foreign corporation, has a license to do Rule 65 petition.
business in the Philippines and maintains a branch here, where Basso was hired to work. The
contract of employment was negotiated in the Philippines. A purely consensual contract, it CMI submits that the Court of Appeals overstepped the boundaries of the limited scope of its
was also perfected in the Philippines when Basso accepted the terms and conditions of his certiorari jurisdiction when instead of ruling on the existence of grave abuse of discretion, it
employment as offered by CMI. The place of performance relative to Bassos contractual proceeded to pass upon the legality and propriety of Bassos dismissal. Moreover, CMI
duties was in the Philippines. The alleged prohibited acts of Basso that warranted his asserts that it was error on the part of the Court of Appeals to re-evaluate the evidence and
dismissal were committed in the Philippines. circumstances surrounding the dismissal of Basso.

Clearly, the Philippines is the state with the most significant relationship to the problem. We disagree.
Thus, we hold that CMI and Basso intended Philippine law to govern, notwithstanding some
references made to US laws and the fact that this intention was not expressly stated in the The power of the Court of Appeals to review NLRC decisions via a Petition for Certiorari
contract. We explained in Philippine Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee Corporation v. V. P. under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court was settled in our decision in St. Martin Funeral
Eusebio Construction, Inc.53 that the law selected may be implied from such factors as Home v. NLRC.60 The general rule is that certiorari does not lie to review errors of judgment
substantial connection with the transaction, or the nationality or domicile of the parties.54 of the trial court, as well as that of a quasi-judicial tribunal. In certiorari proceedings, judicial
We cautioned, however, that while Philippine courts would do well to adopt the first and review does not go as far as to examine and assess the evidence of the parties and to weigh
most basic rule in most legal systems, namely, to allow the parties to select the law their probative value.61 However, this rule admits of exceptions. In Globe Telecom, Inc. v.
applicable to their contract, the selection is subject to the limitation that it is not against the Florendo-Flores,62 we stated:
law, morals, or public policy of the forum.55
In the review of an NLRC decision through a special civil action for certiorari, resolution is
Similarly, in Bank of America, NT & SA v. American Realty Corporation,56 we ruled that a confined only to issues of jurisdiction and grave abuse of discretion on the part of the labor
foreign law, judgment or contract contrary to a sound and established public policy of the tribunal. Hence, the Court refrains from reviewing factual assessments of lower courts and
forum shall not be applied. Thus: agencies exercising adjudicative functions, such as the NLRC.

Moreover, foreign law should not be applied when its application would work undeniable Occasionally, however, the Court is constrained to delve into factual matters where, as in
injustice to the citizens or residents of the forum. To give justice is the most important the instant case, the findings of the NLRC contradict those of the Labor Arbiter.
function of law; hence, a law, or judgment or contract that is obviously unjust negates the
fundamental principles of Conflict of Laws.57 In this instance, the Court in the exercise of its equity jurisdiction may look into the records
of the case and reexamine the questioned findings. As a corollary, this Court is clothed with
Termination-at-will is anathema to the public policies on labor protection espoused by our ample authority to review matters, even if they are not assigned as errors in their appeal, if
laws and Constitution, which dictates that no worker shall be dismissed except for just and it finds that their consideration is necessary to arrive at a just decision of the case. The same

principles are now necessarily adhered to and are applied by the Court of Appeals in its
expanded jurisdiction over labor cases elevated through a petition for certiorari; thus, we (2) Basso excessively issued promotional tickets to his friends who had no direct business
see no error on its part when it made anew a factual determination of the matters and on with CMI.71
that basis reversed the ruling of the NLRC.63 (Citations omitted.)
(3) The advertising agency that CMI contracted had to deal directly with Guam because
Thus, the Court of Appeals may grant the petition when the factual findings complained of Basso was hardly available.72 Mr. Schulz discovered that Basso exceeded the advertising
are not supported by the evidence on record; when it is necessary to prevent a substantial budget by $76,000.00 in 1994 and by $20,000.00 in 1995.73
wrong or to do substantial justice; when the findings of the NLRC contradict those of the
Labor Arbiter; and when necessary to arrive at a just decision of the case.64 To make these (4) Basso spent more time and attention to his personal businesses and was reputed to own
findings, the Court of Appeals necessarily has to look at the evidence and make its own nightclubs in the Philippines.74
factual determination.65
(5) Basso used free tickets and advertising money to promote his personal business,75 such
Since the findings of the Labor Arbiter differ with that of the NLRC, we find that the Court of as a brochure that jointly advertised one of Bassos nightclubs with CMI.
Appeals correctly exercised its power to review the evidence and the records of the illegal
dismissal case. We find that CMI failed to discharge its burden to prove the above acts. CMI merely
submitted affidavits of its officers, without any other corroborating evidence. Basso, on the
Basso was illegally dismissed. other hand, had adequately explained his side. On the advertising agency and budget issues
raised by CMI, he explained that these were blatant lies as the advertising needs of CMI
It is of no moment that Basso was a managerial employee of CMI. Managerial employees were centralized in its Guam office and the Philippine office was not authorized to deal with
enjoy security of tenure and the right of the management to dismiss must be balanced CMIs advertising agency, except on minor issues.76 Basso further stated that under CMIs
against the managerial employees right to security of tenure, which is not one of the existing policy, ninety percent (90%) of the advertising decisions were delegated to the
guaranties he gives up.66 advertising firm of McCann- Ericsson in Japan and only ten percent (10%) were left to the
Philippine office.77 Basso also denied the allegations of owning nightclubs and promoting his
In Apo Cement Corporation v. Baptisma,67 we ruled that for an employer to validly dismiss personal businesses and explained that it was illegal for foreigners in the Philippines to
an employee on the ground of loss of trust and confidence under Article 282 (c) of the Labor engage in retail trade in the first place.
Code, the employer must observe the following guidelines: 1) loss of confidence should not
be simulated; 2) it should not be used as subterfuge for causes which are improper, illegal or Apart from these accusations, CMI likewise presented the findings of the audit team headed
unjustified; 3) it may not be arbitrarily asserted in the face of overwhelming evidence to the by Mr. Stephen D. Goepfert, showing that "for the period of 1995 and 1996, personal passes
contrary; and 4) it must be genuine, not a mere afterthought to justify earlier action taken in for Continental and other airline employees were noted (sic) to be issued for which no
bad faith. More importantly, it must be based on a willful breach of trust and founded on service charge was collected."78 The audit cited the trip pass log of a total of 10 months.
clearly established facts. The trip log does not show, however, that Basso caused all the ticket issuances.

We agree with the Court of Appeals that the dismissal of Basso was not founded on clearly More, half of the trips in the log occurred from March to July of 1996,79 a period beyond the
established facts and evidence sufficient to warrant dismissal from employment. While proof tenure of Basso. Basso was terminated effectively on January 31, 1996 as indicated in the
beyond reasonable doubt is not required to establish loss of trust and confidence, letter of Ms. Woodward.80
substantial evidence is required and on the employer rests the burden to establish it.68
There must be some basis for the loss of trust, or that the employer has reasonable ground CMI also accused Basso of making "questionable overseas phone calls". Basso, however,
to believe that the employee is responsible for misconduct, which renders him unworthy of adequately explained in his Reply81 that the phone calls to Italy and Portland, USA were
the trust and confidence demanded by his position.69 made for the purpose of looking for a technical maintenance personnel with US Federal
Aviation Authority qualifications, which CMI needed at that time. The calls to the US were
CMI alleges that Basso committed the following: also made in connection with his functions as General Manager, such as inquiries on his tax
returns filed in Nevada. Basso also explained that the phone lines82 were open direct lines
(1) Basso delegated too much responsibility to the General Sales Agent and relied heavily on that all personnel were free to use to make direct long distance calls.83
its judgments.70

Finally, CMI alleged that Basso approved the disbursement of Php80,000.00 to cover the company rules, if any, are violated and/or which among the grounds under Art. 282 is being
transfer fee of the Manila Polo Club share from Mr. Kenneth Glover, the previous General charged against the employees.
Manager, to him. CMI claimed that "nowhere in the said contract was it likewise indicated
that the Manila Polo Club share was part of the compensation package given by CMI to (2) After serving the first notice, the employers should schedule and conduct a hearing or
Basso."84 CMIs claims are not credible. Basso explained that the Manila Polo Club share was conference wherein the employees will be given the opportunity to: (1) explain and clarify
offered to him as a bonus to entice him to leave his then employer, United Airlines. A letter their defenses to the charge against them; (2) present evidence in support of their defenses;
from Mr. Paul J. Casey, former president of Continental, supports Basso.85 In the letter, Mr. and (3) rebut the evidence presented against them by the management.
Casey explained:
During the hearing or conference, the employees are given the chance to defend
As a signing bonus, and a perk to attract Mr. Basso to join Continental Airlines, he was given themselves personally, with the assistance of a representative or counsel of their choice.
the Manila Polo Club share and authorized to have the share re-issued in his name. In Moreover, this conference or hearing could be used by the parties as an opportunity to come
addition to giving Mr. Basso the Manila Polo Club share, Continental agreed to pay the dues to an amicable settlement.
for a period of three years and this was embodied in his contract with Continental. This was
all done with my knowledge and approval.86 (3) After determining that termination of employment is justified, the employers shall serve
the employees a written notice of termination indicating that: (1) all circumstances involving
Clause 14 of the employment contract also states: the charge against the employees have been considered; and (2) grounds have been
established to justify the severance of their employment. (Emphasis in original.)
Club Memberships: The Company will locally pay annual dues for membership in a club in
Manila that your immediate supervisor and I agree is of at least that value to Continental Here, Mr. Schulzs and Ms. Woodwards letters dated December 19, 1995 and March 14,
through you in your role as our General Manager for the Philippines.87 1996, respectively, are not one of the valid twin notices. Neither identified the alleged acts
that CMI now claims as bases for Bassos termination. Ms. Woodwards letter even stressed
Taken together, the above pieces of evidence suggest that the Manila Polo Club share was that the original plan was to remove Basso as General Manager but with an offer to make
part of Bassos compensation package and thus he validly used company funds to pay for him consultant. It was inconsistent of CMI to declare Basso as unworthy of its trust and
the transfer fees. If doubts exist between the evidence presented by the employer and the confidence and, in the same breath, offer him the position of consultant. As the Court of
employee, the scales of justice must be tilted in favor of the latter.88 Appeals pointed out:

Finally, CMI violated procedural due process in terminating Basso. In King of Kings Transport, But mark well that Basso was clearly notified that the sole ground for his dismissal was the
Inc. v. Mamac89 we detailed the procedural due process steps in termination of exercise of the termination at will clause in the employment contract. The alleged loss of
employment: trust and confidence claimed by Continental appears to be a mere afterthought belatedly
trotted out to save the day.90
To clarify, the following should be considered in terminating the services of employees:
Basso is entitled to separation pay and full backwages.
(1) The first written notice to be served on the employees should contain the specific causes
or grounds for termination against them, and a directive that the employees are given the Under Article 279 of the Labor Code, an employee who is unjustly dismissed from work shall
opportunity to submit their written explanation within a reasonable period. "Reasonable be entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and other privileges, and to his
opportunity" under the Omnibus Rules means every kind of assistance that management full backwages, inclusive of allowances and to his other benefits or their monetary
must accord to the employees to enable them to prepare adequately for their defense. This equivalent computed from the time his compensation was withheld up to the time of actual
should be construed as a period of at least five (5) calendar days from receipt of the notice reinstatement.
to give the employees an opportunity to study the accusation against them, consult a union
official or lawyer, gather data and evidence, and decide on the defenses they will raise Where reinstatement is no longer viable as an option, separation pay equivalent to one (1)
against the complaint. Moreover, in order to enable the employees to intelligently prepare month salary for every year of service should be awarded as an alternative.1wphi1 The
their explanation and defenses, the notice should contain a detailed narration of the facts payment of separation pay is in addition to payment of backwages.91 In the case of Basso,
and circumstances that will serve as basis for the charge against the employees. A general reinstatement is no longer possible since he has already passed away. Thus, Bassos
description of the charge will not suffice. Lastly, the notice should specifically mention which separation pay with full backwages shall be paid to his heirs.

Petitioner Industrial Personnel & Management Services, Inc. (IPAMS) is a local placement
As to the computation of backwages, we agree with CMI that Basso was entitled to agency duly organized and existing under Philippine laws, with petitioner Angelito C.
backwages only up to the time he reached 65 years old, the compulsory retirement age Hernandez as its president and managing director. Petitioner SNC Lavalin Engineers &
under the law.92 This is our consistent ruling.93 Contractors, Inc. (SNC-Lavalin) is the principal of IPAMS, a Canadian company with business
interests in several countries. On the other hand, respondent Alberto Arriola (Arriola) is a
When Basso was illegally dismissed on January 31, 1996, he was already 58 years old.94 He licensed general surgeon in the Philippines.4
turned 65 years old on October 2, 2002. Since backwages are granted on grounds of equity
for earnings lost by an employee due to his illegal dismissal,95 Basso was entitled to Employee's Position
backwages only for the period he could have worked had he not been illegally dismissed, i.e.
from January 31, 1996 to October 2, 2002. Arriola was offered by SNC-Lavalin, through its letter,5 dated May 1, 2008, the position of
Safety Officer in its Ambatovy Project site in Madagascar. The position offered had a rate of
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated May 23, 2006 CA$32.00 per hour for forty (40) hours a week with overtime pay in excess of forty (40)
and Resolution dated June 19, 2007 in the consolidated cases CA-G.R. SP No. 83938 and CA- hours. It was for a period of nineteen (19) months starting from June 9, 2008 to December
G.R. SP No. 84281 are 31, 2009.

AFFIRMED, with MODIFICATION as to the award of backwages. Petitioner Continental Arriola was then hired by SNC-Lavalin, through its local manning agency, IPAMS, and his
Micronesia, Inc. is hereby ordered to pay Respondent Joseph Bassos heirs: 1) separation pay overseas employment contract was processed with the Philippine Overseas Employment
equivalent to one (1) month pay for every year of service, and 2) full backwages from Agency (POEA)6 In a letter of understanding,7 dated June 5, 2008, SNC-Lavalin confirmed
January 31, 1996, the date of his illegal dismissal, to October 2, 2002, the date of his Arriola's assignment in the Ambatovy Project. According to Arriola, he signed the contract of
compulsory retirement age. employment in the Philippines.8 On June 9, 2008, Arriola started working in Madagascar.

SO ORDERED. After three months, Arriola received a notice of pre-termination of employment,9 dated
September 9, 2009, from SNC-Lavalin. It stated that his employment would be pre-
14. G.R. No. 205703, March 07, 2016 terminated effective September 11, 2009 due to diminishing workload in the area of his
expertise and the unavailability of alternative assignments. Consequently, on September 15,
INDUSTRIAL PERSONNEL & MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. (IPAMS), SNC LAVALIN ENGINEERS 2009, Arriola was repatriated. SNC-Lavalin deposited in Arriola's bank account his pay
& CONTRACTORS, INC. AND ANGELITO C. HERNANDEZ, Petitioners, v. JOSE G. DE VERA AND amounting to Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Six Dollars and Eight Centavos
ALBERTO B. ARRIOLA, Respondents. (CA$2,636.80), based on Canadian labor law.

DECISION Aggrieved, Arriola filed a complaint against the petitioners for illegal dismissal and non-
payment of overtime pay, vacation leave and sick leave pay before the Labor Arbiter (LA).
MENDOZA, J.: He claimed that SNC-Lavalin still owed him unpaid salaries equivalent to the three-month
unexpired portion of his contract, amounting to, more or less, One Million Sixty-Two
When can a foreign law govern an overseas employment contract? This is the fervent Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Six Pesos (P1,062,936.00). He asserted that SNC-Lavalin
question that the Court shall resolve, once and for all. never offered any valid reason for his early termination and that he was not given sufficient
notice regarding the same. Arriola also insisted that the petitioners must prove the
This petition for review on certiorari seeks to reverse and set aside the January 24, 2013 applicability of Canadian law before the same could be applied to his employment contract.
Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 118869, which modified the
November 30, 2010 Decision2 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) and its Employer's Position
February 2, 2011 Resolution,3 in NLRC LAC Case No. 08-000572-10/NLRC Case No. NCR 09-
13563-09, a case for illegal termination of an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW). The petitioners denied the charge of illegal dismissal against them. They claimed that SNC-
Lavalin was greatly affected by the global financial crises during the latter part of 2008. The
The Facts economy of Madagascar, where SNC-Lavalin had business sites, also slowed down. As proof
of its looming financial standing, SNC-Lavalin presented a copy of a news item in the

Financial Post,10 dated March 5, 2009, showing the decline of the value of its stocks. Thus, it In its decision, dated November 30, 2010, the NLRC reversed the LA decision and ruled that
had no choice but to minimize its expenditures and operational expenses. It re-organized its Arriola was illegally dismissed by the petitioners. Citing PNB v. Cabansag,16 the NLRC stated
Health and Safety Department at the Ambatovy Project site and Arriola was one of those that whether employed locally or overseas, all Filipino workers enjoyed the protective mantle
affected.11 of Philippine labor and social legislation, contract stipulations to the contrary
notwithstanding. Thus, the Labor Code of the Philippines and Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8042, or
The petitioners also invoked EDI-Staffbuilders International, Inc. v. NLRC12 (EDI- the Migrant Workers Act, as amended, should be applied. Moreover, the NLRC added that the
Staffbuilders), pointing out that particular labor laws of a foreign country incorporated in a overseas employment contract of Arriola was processed in the POEA.
contract freely entered into between an OFW and a foreign employer through the latter's
agent was valid. In the present case, as all of Arriola's employment documents were Applying the Philippine laws, the NLRC found that there was no substantial evidence
processed in Canada, not to mention that SNC-Lavalin's office was in Ontario, the principle of presented by the petitioners to show any just or authorized cause to terminate Arriola. The
lex loci celebrationis was applicable. Thus, the petitioners insisted that Canadian laws ground of financial losses by SNC-Lavalin was not supported by sufficient and credible
governed the contract. evidence. The NLRC concluded that, for being illegally dismissed, Arriola should be awarded
CA$81,920.00 representing sixteen (16) months of Arriola's purported unpaid salary,
The petitioners continued that the pre-termination of Arriola's contract was valid for being pursuant to the Serrano v. Gallant17 doctrine. The decretal portion of the NLRC decision
consistent with the provisions of both the Expatriate Policy and laws of Canada. The said states:
foreign law did not require any ground for early termination of employment, and the only chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
requirement was the written notice of termination. Even assuming that Philippine laws WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered finding complainant-
should apply, Arriola would still be validly dismissed because domestic law recognized appellant to have been illegally dismissed. Respondents-appellees are hereby ordered to pay
retrenchment and redundancy as legal grounds for termination. complainant-appellant the amount of CA$81,920.00, or its Philippine Peso equivalent
prevailing at the time of payment. Accordingly, the decision of the Labor Arbiter dated May
In their Rejoinder,13 the petitioners presented a copy of the Employment Standards Act 31, 2010 is hereby VACATED and SET ASIDE.
(ESA) of Ontario, which was duly authenticated by the Canadian authorities and certified by
the Philippine Embassy. SO ORDERED.18ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
The petitioners moved for reconsideration, but their motion was denied by the NLRC in its
The LA Ruling resolution, dated February 2, 2011.

In a Decision,14 dated May 31, 2010, the LA dismissed Arriola's complaint for lack of merit. Undaunted, the petitioners filed a petition for certiorari before the CA arguing that it should
The LA ruled that the rights and obligations among and between the OFW, the local be the ESA, or the Ontario labor law, that should be applied in Arriola's employment
recruiter/agent, and the foreign employer/principal were governed by the employment contract. No temporary restraining order, however, was issued by the CA.
contract pursuant to the EDI-Staffbuilders case. Thus, the provisions on termination of
employment found in the ESA, a foreign law which governed Arriola's employment contract, The Execution Proceedings
were applied. Given that SNC-Lavalin was able to produce the duly authenticated ESA, the
LA opined that there was no other conclusion but to uphold the validity of Arriola's dismissal In the meantime, execution proceedings were commenced before the LA by Arriola. The LA
based on Canadian law. The fallo of the LA decision reads: granted the motion for execution in the Order,19 dated August 8, 2011.
The petitioners appealed the execution order to the NLRC. In its Decision,20 dated May 31,
WHEREFORE, all the foregoing premises being considered, judgment is hereby rendered 2012, the NLRC corrected the decretal portion of its November 30, 2010 decision. It
dismissing the complaint for lack of merit. decreased the award of backpay in the amount of CA$26,880.00 or equivalent only to three
(3) months and three (3) weeks pay based on 70-hours per week workload. The NLRC found
SO ORDERED.15ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary that when Arriola was dismissed on September 9, 2009, he only had three (3) months and
Aggrieved, Arriola elevated the LA decision before the NLRC. three (3) weeks or until December 31, 2009 remaining under his employment contract.

The NLRC Ruling Still not satisfied with the decreased award, IPAMS filed a separate petition for certiorari
before the CA. In its decision, dated July 25, 2013, the CA affirmed the decrease in Arriola's

backpay because the unpaid period in his contract was just three (3) months and three (3) WHETHER OR NOT RESPONDENT ARRIOLA WAS VALIDLY DISMISSED PURSUANT TO THE

Unperturbed, IPAMS appealed before the Court and the case was docketed as G.R. No. II
212031. The appeal, however, was dismissed outright by the Court in its resolution, dated
August 8, 2014, because it was belatedly filed and it did not comply with Sections 4 and 5 of GRANTING THAT THERE WAS ILLEGAL DISMISSAL IN THE CASE AT BAR, WHETHER OR NOT
Rule 7 of the Rules of Court. Hence, it was settled in the execution proceedings that the THE SIX-WEEK ON, TWO-WEEK OFF SCHEDULE SHOULD BE USED IN THE COMPUTATION OF
award of backpay to Arriola should only amount to three (3) months and three (3) weeks of ANY MONETARY AWARD.
his pay.
The CA Ruling
Returning to the principal case of illegal dismissal, in its assailed January 24, 2013 decision, CLAIMED BY RESPONDENTS HAD ALREADY BEEN SATISFIED, OR AT THE VERY LEAST,
the CA affirmed that Arriola was illegally dismissed by the petitioners. The CA explained that WHETHER OR NOT THE AMOUNT OF CA$2,636.80 SHOULD BE DEDUCTED FROM THE
even though an authenticated copy of the ESA was submitted, it did not mean that the said MONETARY AWARD.22ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
foreign law automatically applied in this case. Although parties were free to establish The petitioners argue that the rights and obligations of the OFW, the local recruiter, and the
stipulations in their contracts, the same must remain consistent with law, morals, good foreign employer are governed by the employment contract, citing EDI-Staffbuilders; that
custom, public order or public policy. The appellate court wrote that the ESA allowed an the terms and conditions of Arriola's employment are embodied in the Expatriate Policy,
employer to disregard the required notice of termination by simply giving the employee a Ambatovy Project - Site, Long Term, hence, the laws of Canada must be applied; that the
severance pay. The ESA could not be made to apply in this case for being contrary to our ESA, or the Ontario labor law, does not require any ground for the early termination of
Constitution, specifically on the right of due process. Thus, the CA opined that our labor laws employment and it permits the termination without any notice provided that a severance
should find application. pay is given; that the ESA was duly authenticated by the Canadian authorities and certified
by the Philippine Embassy; that the NLRC Sixth Division exhibited bias and bad faith when it
As the petitioners neither complied with the twin notice-rule nor offered any just or made a wrong computation on the award of backpay; and that, assuming there was illegal
authorized cause for his termination under the Labor Code, the CA held that Arriola's dismissal, the CA$2,636.80, earlier paid to Arriola, and his home leaves should be deducted
dismissal was illegal. Accordingly, it pronounced that Arriola was entitled to his salary for the from the award of backpay.
unexpired portion of his contract which is three (3) months and three (3) weeks salary. It,
however, decreased the award of backpay to Arriola because the NLRC made a wrong In his Comment,23 Arriola countered that foreign laws could not apply to employment
calculation. Based on his employment contract, the backpay of Arriola should only be contracts if they were contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy,
computed on a 40-hour per week workload, or in the amount of CA$19,200.00. The CA invoking Pakistan International Airlines Corporation v. Ople (Pakistan International);24 that
disposed the case in this wise: the ESA was not applicable because it was contrary to his constitutional right to due process;
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary that the petitioners failed to substantiate an authorized cause to justify his dismissal under
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The Philippine labor law; and that the petitioners could not anymore claim a deduction of
assailed Order of the National Labor Relations Commission in NLRC LAC No. 08-000572- CA$2,636.80 from the award of backpay because it was raised for the first time on appeal.
10/NLRC Case No. NCR 09-13563-09 is MODIFIED in that private respondent is only entitled
to a monetary judgment equivalent to his unpaid salaries in the amount of CA$19,200.00 or In their Reply,25 the petitioners asserted that R.A. No. 8042 recognized the applicability of
its Philippine Peso equivalent. foreign laws on labor contracts; that the Pakistan International case was superseded by EDI-
Staffbuilders and other subsequent cases; and that SNC-Lavalin suffering financial losses
SO ORDERED.21ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary was an authorized cause to terminate Arriola's employment.
Hence, this petition, anchored on the following
ISSUES In his Memorandum,26 Arriola asserted that his employment contract was executed in the
Philippines and that the alleged authorized cause of financial losses by the petitioners was
I not substantiated by evidence.

In their Consolidated Memorandum,27 the petitioners reiterated that the ESA was applicable salary. Therein, the Court elaborated on the parties' right to stipulate in labor contracts, to
in the present case and that recent jurisprudence recognized that the parties could agree on wit:
the applicability of foreign laws in their labor contracts. chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
A contract freely entered into should, of course, be respected, as PIA argues, since a
The Court's Ruling contract is the law between the parties. The principle of party autonomy in contracts is not,
however, an absolute principle. The rule in Article 1306, of our Civil Code is that the
The petition lacks merit. contracting parties may establish such stipulations as they may deem convenient, "provided
they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy." Thus,
Application of foreign laws with labor contracts counterbalancing the principle of autonomy of contracting parties is the equally general rule
that provisions of applicable law, especially provisions relating to matters affected with
At present, Filipino laborers, whether skilled or professional, are enticed to depart from the public policy, are deemed written into the contract. Put a little differently, the governing
motherland in search of greener pastures. There is a distressing reality that the offers of principle is that parties may not contract away applicable provisions of law especially
employment abroad are more lucrative than those found in our own soils. To reap the peremptory provisions dealing with matters heavily impressed with public interest. The law
promises of the foreign dream, our unsung heroes must endure homesickness, solitude, relating to labor and employment is clearly such an area and parties are not at liberty to
discrimination, mental and emotional struggle, at times, physical turmoil, and, worse, death. insulate themselves and their relationships from the impact of labor laws and regulations by
On the other side of the table is the growing number of foreign employers attracted in hiring simply contracting with each other. x x x31
Filipino workers because of their reasonable compensations and globally-competitive skills
and qualifications. Between the dominant foreign employers and the vulnerable and [Emphases Supplied]
desperate OFWs, however, there is an inescapable truth that the latter are in need of greater In that case, the Court held that the labor relationship between OFW and the foreign
safeguard and protection. employer is "much affected with public interest and that the otherwise applicable Philippine
laws and regulations cannot be rendered illusory by the parties agreeing upon some other
In order to afford the full protection of labor to our OFWs, the State has vigorously enacted law to govern their relationship."32 Thus, the Court applied the Philippine laws, instead of
laws, adopted regulations and policies, and established agencies to ensure that their needs the Pakistan laws. It was also held that the provision in the employment contract, where the
are satisfied and that they continue to work in a humane living environment outside of the employer could terminate the employee at any time for any ground and it could even
country. Despite these efforts, there are still issues left unsolved in the realm of overseas disregard the notice of termination, violates the employee's right to security of tenure under
employment. One existing question is posed before the Court -when should an overseas Articles 280 and 281 of the Labor Code.
labor contract be governed by a foreign law? To answer this burning query, a review of the
relevant laws and jurisprudence is warranted. In EDI-Staffbuilders, the case heavily relied on by the petitioners, it was reiterated that, "[i]n
formulating the contract, the parties may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and
R.A. No. 8042, or the Migrant Workers Act, was enacted to institute the policies on overseas conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals,
employment and to establish a higher standard of protection and promotion of the welfare of good customs, public order, or public policy."33 In that case, the overseas contract
migrant workers.28 It emphasized that while recognizing the significant contribution of specifically stated that Saudi Labor Laws would govern matters not provided for in the
Filipino migrant workers to the national economy through their foreign exchange contract. The employer, however, failed to prove the said foreign law, hence, the doctrine of
remittances, the State does not promote overseas employment as a means to sustain processual presumption came into play and the Philippine labor laws were applied.
economic growth and achieve national development.29 Although it acknowledged claims Consequently, the Court did not discuss any longer whether the Saudi labor laws were
arising out of law or contract involving Filipino workers,30 it does not categorically provide contrary to Philippine labor laws.
that foreign laws are absolutely and automatically applicable in overseas employment
contracts. The case of Becmen Service Exporter and Promotion, Inc. v. Spouses Cuaresma,34 though
not an illegal termination case, elucidated on the effect of foreign laws on employment. It
The issue of applying foreign laws to labor contracts was initially raised before the Court in involved a complaint for insurance benefits and damages arising from the death of a Filipina
Pakistan International. It was stated in the labor contract therein (1) that it would be nurse from Saudi Arabia. It was initially found therein that there was no law in Saudi Arabia
governed by the laws of Pakistan, (2) that the employer have the right to terminate the that provided for insurance arising from labor accidents. Nevertheless, the Court concluded
employee at any time, and (3) that the one-month advance notice in terminating the that the employer and the recruiter in that case abandoned their legal, moral and social
employment could be dispensed with by paying the employee an equivalent one-month

obligation to assist the victim's family in obtaining justice for her death, and so her family That it is expressly stipulated in the overseas employment contract that a specific foreign
was awarded P5,000,000.00 for moral and exemplary damages. law shall govern;

In ATCI Overseas Corporation v. Echin35 (ATCI Overseas), the private recruitment agency That the foreign law invoked must be proven before the courts pursuant to the Philippine
invoked the defense that the foreign employer was immune from suit and that it did not sign rules on evidence;
any document agreeing to be held jointly and solidarily liable. Such defense, however, was
rejected because R.A. No. 8042 precisely afforded the OFWs with a recourse against the local That the foreign law stipulated in the overseas employment contract must not be contrary to
agency and the foreign employer to assure them of an immediate and sufficient payment of law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy of the Philippines; and
what was due. Similar to EDI-Staffbuilders, the local agency therein failed to prove the
Kuwaiti law specified in the labor contract, pursuant to Sections 24 and 25 of Rule 132 of the That the overseas employment contract must be processed through the POEA.
Revised Rules of Court. The Court is of the view that these four (4) requisites must be complied with before the
employer could invoke the applicability of a foreign law to an overseas employment
Also, in the recent case of Sameer Overseas Placement Agency, Inc. v. Cabiles36 (Sameer contract. With these requisites, the State would be able to abide by its constitutional
Overseas), it was declared that the security of tenure for labor was guaranteed by our obligation to ensure that the rights and well-being of our OFWs are fully protected. These
Constitution and employees were not stripped of the same when they moved to work in conditions would also invigorate the policy under R.A. No. 8042 that the State shall, at all
other jurisdictions. Citing PCL Shipping Phils., Inc. v. NLRC37 (PCL Shipping), the Court held times, uphold the dignity of its citizens whether in country or overseas, in general, and the
that the principle of lex loci contractus (the law of the place where the contract is made) Filipino migrant workers, in particular.40 Further, these strict terms are pursuant to the
governed in this jurisdiction. As it was established therein that the overseas labor contract jurisprudential doctrine that "parties may not contract away applicable provisions of law
was executed in the Philippines, the Labor Code and the fundamental procedural rights were especially peremptory provisions dealing with matters heavily impressed with public
observed. It must be noted that no foreign law was specified in the employment contracts in interest,"41 such as laws relating to labor. At the same time, foreign employers are not at all
both cases. helpless to apply their own laws to overseas employment contracts provided that they
faithfully comply with these requisites.
Lastly, in Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) v. Rebesencio38, the employer therein asserted the
doctrine of forum non conveniens because the overseas employment contracts required the If the first requisite is absent, or that no foreign law was expressly stipulated in the
application of the laws of Saudi Arabia, and so, the Philippine courts were not in a position to employment contract which was executed in the Philippines, then the domestic labor laws
hear the case. In striking down such argument, the Court held that while a Philippine tribunal shall apply in accordance with the principle of lex loci contractus. This is based on the cases
was called upon to respect the parties' choice of governing law, such respect must not be so of Sameer Overseas and PCL Shipping.
permissive as to lose sight of considerations of law, morals, good customs, public order, or
public policy that underlie the contract central to the controversy. As the dispute in that case If the second requisite is lacking, or that the foreign law was not proven pursuant to Sections
related to the illegal termination of the employees due to their pregnancy, then it involved a 24 and 25 of Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of Court, then the international law doctrine of
matter of public interest and public policy. Thus, it was ruled that Philippine laws properly processual presumption operates. The said doctrine declares that "[w]here a foreign law is
found application and that Philippine tribunals could assume jurisdiction. not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not proved, the presumption is that foreign law is the
same as ours."42 This was observed in the cases of EDI-Staffbuilders and ATCI Overseas.
Based on the foregoing, the general rule is that Philippine laws apply even to overseas
employment contracts. This rule is rooted in the constitutional provision of Section 3, Article If the third requisite is not met, or that the foreign law stipulated is contrary to law, morals,
XIII that the State shall afford full protection to labor, whether local or overseas. Hence, even good customs, public order or public policy, then Philippine laws govern. This finds legal
if the OFW has his employment abroad, it does not strip him of his rights to security of bases in the Civil Code, specifically: (1) Article 17, which provides that laws which have, for
tenure, humane conditions of work and a living wage under our Constitution.39 their object, public order, public policy and good customs shall not be rendered ineffective
by laws of a foreign country; and (2) Article 1306, which states that the stipulations, clauses,
As an exception, the parties may agree that a foreign law shall govern the employment terms and conditions in a contract must not be contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
contract. A synthesis of the existing laws and jurisprudence reveals that this exception is order, or public policy. The said doctrine was applied in the case of Pakistan International.
subject to the following requisites:
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Finally, if the fourth requisite is missing, or that the overseas employment contract was not
processed through the POEA, then Article 18 of the Labor Code is violated. Article 18

provides that no employer may hire a Filipino worker for overseas employment except
through the boards and entities authorized by the Secretary of Labor. In relation thereto, It is apparent that the petitioners were simply attempting to stretch the overseas
Section 4 of R.A. No. 8042, as amended, declares that the State shall only allow the employment contract of Arriola, by implication, in order that the alleged foreign law would
deployment of overseas Filipino workers in countries where the rights of Filipino migrant apply. To sustain such argument would allow any foreign employer to improperly invoke a
workers are protected. Thus, the POEA, through the assistance of the Department of Foreign foreign law even if it is not anymore reasonably contemplated by the parties to control the
Affairs, reviews and checks whether the countries have existing labor and social laws overseas employment. The OFW, who is susceptible by his desire and desperation to work
protecting the rights of workers, including migrant workers.43 Unless processed through the abroad, would blindly sign the labor contract even though it is not clearly established on its
POEA, the State has no effective means of assessing the suitability of the foreign laws to our face which state law shall apply. Thus, a better rule would be to obligate the foreign
migrant workers. Thus, an overseas employment contract that was not scrutinized by the employer to expressly declare at the onset of the labor contract that a foreign law shall
POEA definitely cannot be invoked as it is an unexamined foreign law. govern it. In that manner, the OFW would be informed of the applicable law before signing
the contract.
In other words, lacking any one of the four requisites would invalidate the application of the
foreign law, and the Philippine law shall govern the overseas employment contract. Further, it was shown that the overseas labor contract was executed by Arriola at his
residence in Batangas and it was processed at the POEA on May 26, 2008.47 Considering
As the requisites of the applicability of foreign laws in overseas labor contract have been that no foreign law was specified in the contract and the same was executed in the
settled, the Court can now discuss the merits of the case at bench. Philippines, the doctrine of lex loci celebrationis applies and the Philippine laws shall govern
the overseas employment of Arriola.
A judicious scrutiny of the records of the case demonstrates that the petitioners were able to
observe the second requisite, or that the foreign law must be proven before the court The foreign law invoked is contrary to the Constitution and the Labor Code
pursuant to the Philippine rules on evidence. The petitioners were able to present the ESA,
duly authenticated by the Canadian authorities and certified by the Philippine Embassy, Granting arguendo that the labor contract expressly stipulated the applicability of Canadian
before the LA. The fourth requisite was also followed because Arriola's employment contract law, still, Arriola's employment cannot be governed by such foreign law because the third
was processed through the POEA.44 requisite is not satisfied. A perusal of the ESA will show that some of its provisions are
contrary to the Constitution and the labor laws of the Philippines.
Unfortunately for the petitioners, those were the only requisites that they complied with. As
correctly held by the CA, even though an authenticated copy of the ESA was submitted, it First, the ESA does not require any ground for the early termination of employment.48
did not mean that said foreign law could be automatically applied to this case. The Article 54 thereof only provides that no employer should terminate the employment of an
petitioners miserably failed to adhere to the two other requisites, which shall be discussed in employee unless a written notice had been given in advance.49 Necessarily, the employer
seratim. can dismiss any employee for any ground it so desired. At its own pleasure, the foreign
employer is endowed with the absolute power to end the employment of an employee even
The foreign law was not expressly specified in the employment contract on the most whimsical grounds.

The petitioners failed to comply with the first requisite because no foreign law was expressly Second, the ESA allows the employer to dispense with the prior notice of termination to an
stipulated in the overseas employment contract with Arriola. In its pleadings, the petitioners employee. Article 65(4) thereof indicated that the employer could terminate the
did not directly cite any specific provision or stipulation in the said labor contract which employment without notice by simply paying the employee a severance pay computed on
indicated the applicability of the Canadian labor laws or the ESA. They failed to show on the the basis of the period within which the notice should have been given.50 The employee
face of the contract that a foreign law was agreed upon by the parties. Rather, they simply under the ESA could be immediately dismissed without giving him the opportunity to explain
asserted that the terms and conditions of Arriola's employment were embodied in the and defend himself.
Expatriate Policy, Ambatovy Project - Site, Long Term.45 Then, they emphasized provision
8.20 therein, regarding interpretation of the contract, which provides that said policy would The provisions of the ESA are patently inconsistent with the right to security of tenure. Both
be governed and construed with the laws of the country where the applicable SNC-Lavalin, the Constitution51 and the Labor Code52 provide that this right is available to any
Inc. office was located.46 Because of this provision, the petitioners insisted that the laws of employee. In a host of cases, the Court has upheld the employee's right to security of tenure
Canada, not of Madagascar or the Philippines, should apply. Then, they finally referred to the in the face of oppressive management behavior and management prerogative. Security of

tenure is a right which cannot be denied on mere speculation of any unclear and nebulous article which deserves scant consideration as it is undoubtedly hearsay. Time and again the
basis.53 Court has ruled that in illegal dismissal cases like the present one, the onus of proving that
the employee was dismissed and that the dismissal was not illegal rests on the employer,
Not only do these provisions collide with the right to security of tenure, but they also deprive and failure to discharge the same would mean that the dismissal is not justified and,
the employee of his constitutional right to due process by denying him of any notice of therefore, illegal.60
termination and the opportunity to be heard.54 Glaringly, these disadvantageous provisions
under the ESA produce the same evils which the Court vigorously sought to prevent in the As to the amount of backpay awarded, the Court finds that the computation of the CA was
cases of Pakistan International and Sameer Overseas. Thus, the Court concurs with the CA valid and proper based on the employment contract of Arriola. Also, the issue of whether the
that the ESA is not applicable in this case as it is against our fundamental and statutory petitioners had made partial payments on the backpay is a matter best addressed during
laws. the execution process.chanrobleslaw

In fine, as the petitioners failed to meet all the four (4) requisites on the applicability of a WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The January 24, 2013 Decision of the Court of Appeals
foreign law, then the Philippine labor laws must govern the overseas employment contract in CA-G.R. SP No. 118869 is AFFIRMED in toto.
of Arriola.
No authorized cause for dismissal was proven

Article 279 of our Labor Code has construed security of tenure to mean that the employer 15. G.R. No. 217575, June 15, 2016
shall not terminate the services of an employee except for a just cause or when authorized
by law.55 Concomitant to the employer's right to freely select and engage an employee is
the employer's right to discharge the employee for just and/or authorized causes. To validly
effect terminations of employment, the discharge must be for a valid cause in the manner
required by law. The purpose of these two-pronged qualifications is to protect the working
class from the employer's arbitrary and unreasonable exercise of its right to dismiss.56
Some of the authorized causes to terminate employment under the Labor Code would be
installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment to prevent losses and the
closing or cessation of operation of the establishment or undertaking.57 Each authorized
cause has specific requisites that must be proven by the employer with substantial evidence
before a dismissal may be considered valid. DECISION

Here, the petitioners assert that the economy of Madagascar weakened due to the global
financial crisis. Consequently, SNC-Lavalin's business also slowed down. To prove its sagging
financial standing, SNC-Lavalin presented a copy of a news item in the Financial Post, dated VELASCO JR., J.:
March 5, 2009. They insist that SNC-Lavalin had no choice but to minimize its expenditures
and operational expenses.58 In addition, the petitioners argued that the government of
Madagascar prioritized the employment of its citizens, and not foreigners. Thus, Arriola was
terminated because there was no more job available for him.59
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to
reverse and set aside the Decision1 dated November 28, 2014 and Resolution dated March
The Court finds that Arriola was not validly dismissed. The petitioners simply argued that
5, 2015 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 00179-MIN, affirming the Orders
they were suffering from financial losses and Arriola had to be dismissed. It was not even
dated November 8, 2004 and February 24, 2005 issued by the Secretary of Labor and
clear what specific authorized cause, whether retrenchment or redundancy, was used to
justify Arriola's dismissal. Worse, the petitioners did not even present a single credible
evidence to support their claim of financial loss. They simply offered an unreliable news

The denial of due process was predicated on the refusal of the Hearing Officer to reset the
hearing set on April 1, 2004, which thus allegedly deprived petitioners the opportunity to
Factual Antecedents present their evidence. Likewise, petitioners asserted that the Order of the Regional Director
does not state that an employer-employee relationship exists between petitioners and
private respondents, which is necessary to confer jurisdiction to the DOLE over the alleged
On January 19, 2004, the Department of Labor and Employment Region-XII (DOLE)
conducted a Complaint Inspection2 at the premises of DXCP Radio Station, which is owned
by petitioner South Cotabato Communications Corporation. The inspection yielded a finding
of violation of labor standards provisions of the Labor Code involving the nine (9) private In an Order5 dated November 8, 2004, the Secretary of Labor affirmed the findings of the
respondents, such as:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary DOLE Regional Director on the postulate that petitioners failed to question, despite notice of
hearing, the noted violations or to submit any proof of compliance therewith. And in view of
Underpayment of Wages petitioners' failure to present their evidence before the Regional Director, the Secretary of
Labor adopted the findings of the Labor Inspector and considered the interviews conducted
as substantial evidence. The Secretary of Labor likewise sustained what is considered as the
Underpayment of 13th Month Pay
straight computation method adopted by the Regional Office as regards the monetary claims
of private respondents,6 thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Non-payment of the five (5) days Service Incentive Leave Pay

WHEREFORE, presmises considered, the appeal by DXCP Radio Station and Engr. Gauvain
Non-payment of Rest Day Premium Pay Benzonan is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit. The Order dated May [20], 2004 of the
Regional Director, directing appellants to pay the nine (9) appellees the aggregate amount
Non-payment of the Holiday Premium Pay of Seven Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Two Pesos (Php759,752.00),
representing their claims for wage differentials, 13th month pay differentials, service
Non-remittance of SSS Contributions incentive leave pay, holiday pay premium and rest day premium, is AFFIRMED.

Some employees are paid on commission basis aside from their allowance[s]3

Consequently, the DOLE issued a Notice of Inspection Result directing petitioner corporation SO ORDERED.cralawred
and/or its president, petitioner Gauvain J. Benzonan (Benzonan), to effect restitution and/or
correction of the alleged violations within five (5) days from notice. Due to petitioners' failure Petitioners moved for, but was denied, reconsideration of the Secretary of Labor's Order.
to comply with its directive, the DOLE scheduled on March 3, 2004 a Summary Investigation
at its Regional Office No. XII, Provincial Extension Office, in General Santos City. However,
petitioners failed to appear despite due notice. Another hearing was scheduled on April 1,
2004 wherein petitioners' counsel, Atty. Thomas Jacobo (Atty. Jacobo), failed to attend due to
Petitioners elevated the case to the Court of Appeals (CA) via a Petition for Certiorari under
an alleged conflict in schedule. Instead, his secretary, Nona Gido, appeared on his behalf to
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. By a Resolution7 dated July 20, 2005, the CA dismissed the
request a resetting, which the DOLE Hearing Officer denied.4 Thus, in an Order dated May
petition owing to procedural infirmities because petitioners failed to attach a Secretary's
20, 2004, the DOLE Region-XII OIC Regional Director (DOLE Regional Director) directed
Certificate evidencing the authority of petitioner Benzonan, as President, to sign the petition.
petitioners to pay private respondents the total amount of P759,752, representing private
On appeal,8 this Court remanded the case back to the CA for determination on the
respondents' claim for wage differentials, 13th month pay differentials, service incentive
leave pay, holiday premium pay, and rest day premium Pay-Therefrom, petitioners appealed
to the Secretary of Labor, raising two grounds: (1) denial of due process; and (2) lack of
factual and legal basis of the assailed Order.

Ruling of the Court of Appeals


In its Decision dated November 28, 2014 in CA-G.R. SP No. 00179-MIN, the CA upheld the The [CA] gravely erred in ruling that the Secretary of Labor x x x did not act in a whimsical
Secretary of Labor, holding that petitioners cannot claim denial of due process, their failure and capricious manner or with grave abuse of discretion tantamount to lack or excess of
to present evidence being attributed to their negligence. jurisdiction in affirming the Order of the [Regional Director] despite the glaring fact that no
evidence were submitted by private respondents as to the basis of [their] claim and nature
of their employment.

Petitioners moved for the reconsideration of the Decision, grounded on similar arguments
raised before the Secretary of Labor, citing in addition, the pronouncement of the National
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in the related case of NLRC No. MAC-01-010053-2008 The [CA] erred in ruling that the Secretary of Labor x x x did not deny [petitioners their] right
entitled Rolando Fabrigar, et. al. v. DXCP Radio Station, et. al. There, the NLRC held that no to due process in affirming the x x x Order of [the] Regional Director x x x notwithstanding
employer-employee relationship exists between petitioners and private respondents Rolando [the evidence] submitted before her [that there] exist no employer- employee relation [ship]
Fabrigar (Fabrigar), Edgar Jopson (Jopson), and Merlyn Velarde (Velarde). For clarity, two among the parties and that the [DOLE] has no jurisdiction over the case.11
separate actions were instituted by private respondents Fabrigar, Jopson, and Velarde
against petitioners: the first, for violation of labor standards provisions with the DOLE; and In the matter of denial of due process, petitioners maintain that they were prevented from
the second, for illegal dismissal filed with the NLRC. The latter case arose from the three presenting evidence to prove that private respondents are not their employees when the
respondents' claim of constructive dismissal effected by petitioners following the inspection Regional Director submitted the case for resolution without affording them an opportunity to
by the DOLE. In ruling for petitioners, the NLRC, in its Resolution10 dated April 30, 2008, ventilate their case or rebut the findings of the inspection. In addition, petitioners assail the
declared that there is no employer-employee relationship between the parties, thus negating Order of the Regional Director for want of factual and legal basis, particularly the lack of
the notion of constructive dismissal. categorical finding on the existence of an employer-employee relationship between the
partiesan element which petitioners insist is a prerequisite for the exercise of the DOLE'S
jurisdiction,12 following People's Broadcasting (Bombo Radyo, Phils., Inc.) v. The Secretary of
Labor and Employment, et al.13 Petitioners likewise note that the November 8, 2004 Order
The CA denied petitioners' motion for reconsideration in its Resolution dated March 5, 2014. of the DOLE Secretary denying petitioner's appeal, as well as the Decision of the CA, is silent
Hence, this petition. on the employer-employee relationship issue, which further suggests that no real and proper
determination of the existence of such relationship was ever made by these tribunals.

Petitioners presently seek the reversal of the CA's Decision and Resolution and ascribe the
following errors to the court a quo:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary In its Comment, the DOLE counters that the results of the interviews conducted in the
premises of DXCP in the course of its inspection constitute substantial evidence that served
The [CA] did not completely and properly dispose of the case pending before it as it never as basis for the monetary awards to private respondents.14ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
resolved all justiciable issues raised x x x, particularly, that the determination of presence or
absence of employer-employee relationship is indispensable in the resolution of this case as
jurisdiction is dependent upon it.
From the foregoing, the issue for the resolution can be reduced into the question of whether
the CA erred in upholding the November 8, 2004 Order of the Secretary of Labor, which in
turn affirmed the May 20, 2004 Order of the Regional Director. Inextricably linked to the
There is [no] single basis, either factual or legal, for the issuance of the May 20, 2004 Order resolution of the said issue is a determination of whether an employer-employee relationship
of the Regional Director x x x against the petitioners as it was issued relying merely on pure had sufficiently been established between the parties as to warrant the assumption of
allegations and without any substantial proof on the part of the claimants, contrary to law jurisdiction by the DOLE and issuance of the said May 20, 2004 and November 8, 2004
and jurisprudence. Orders.

contextually for the labor tribunals to resolve, and only errors of law are generally reviewed
in petitions for review on certiorari criticizing the decisions of the
The Court's Ruling CA.18ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

Petitioners were not denied due process The findings of fact should, however, be supported by substantial evidence from which the
said tribunals can make their own independent evaluation of the facts. In labor cases, as in
other administrative and quasi-judicial proceedings, the quantum of proof necessary is
substantial evidence, or such amount of relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might
accept as adequate to justify a conclusion.19 Although no particular form of evidence is
Petitioners' claim of denial of due process deserves scant consideration. The essence of due
required to prove the existence of an employer-employee relationship, and any competent
process, jurisprudence teaches, is simply an opportunity to be heard, or, as applied to
and relevant evidence to prove the relationship may be admitted,20 a finding that the
administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side or an opportunity to seek a
relationship exists must nonetheless rest on substantial
reconsideration of the action or ruling complained of.15 As long as the parties are, in fine,
given the opportunity to be heard before judgment is rendered, the demands of due process
are sufficiently met.16ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

In addition, the findings of fact tainted with grave abuse of discretion will not be upheld. This
Court will not hesitate to set aside the labor tribunal's findings of fact when it is clearly
That petitioners were given ample opportunity to present their evidence before the Regional
shown that they were arrived at arbitrarily or in disregard of the evidence on record or when
Director is indisputable. They were notified of the summary investigations conducted on
there is showing of fraud or error of law.22ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
March 3, 2004 and April 1, 2004, both of which they failed to attend. To justify their non-
appearance, petitioners claim they requested a resetting of the April 1, 2004 hearing due to
the unavailability of their counsel.17 However, no such explanation was proffered as to why
they failed to attend the first hearing. At any rate, it behooved the petitioners to ensure that
they, as well as their counsel, would be available on the dates set for the summary This case clearly falls under the exception. After a careful review of this case, the Court finds
investigation as this would enable them to prove their claim of non-existence of an that the DOLE failed to establish its jurisdiction over the case.
employer-employee relationship. Clearly, their own negligence did them in. Their lament
that they have been deprived of due process is specious.

The assailed May 20, 2004 Order of the Regional Director and November 8, 2004 Order of
the Secretary of Labor were issued pursuant to Article 128 of the Labor Code, to
This thus brings to the fore the issues of whether the Orders of the Regional Director and wit:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Secretary of Labor are supported by factual and legal basis, and, concomitantly, whether an
employer-employee relationship was sufficiently established between petitioners and private ART. 128. Visitorial and enforcement power. - (a) The Secretary of Labor and Employment or
respondents as to warrant the exercise by the DOLE of jurisdiction. his duly authorized representatives, including labor regulation officers, shall have access to
employer's records and premises at any time of the day or night whenever work is being
undertaken therein, and the right to copy therefrom, to question any employee and
investigate any fact, condition or matter which may be necessary to determine violations or
At the outset, the determination as to whether such employer-employee relationship was, which may aid in the enforcement of this Code and of any labor law, wage order or rules and
indeed, established requires an examination of facts. It is a well-settled rule that findings of regulations issued pursuant thereto.
fact of quasi-judicial agencies are accorded great respect, even finality, by this Court. This
proceeds from the general rule that this Court is not a trier of facts, as questions of fact are

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 129 and 217 of this Code to the contrary, and The existence of an employer-employee relationship is a statutory prerequisite to and a
in cases where the relationship of employer-employee still exists, the Secretary of Labor and limitation on the power of the Secretary of Labor, one which the legislative branch is entitled
Employment or his duly authorized representatives shall have the power to issue compliance to impose. The rationale underlying this limitation is to eliminate the prospect of competing
orders to give effect to the labor standards provisions of this Code and other labor legislation conclusions of the Secretary of Labor and the NLR.C, on a matter fraught with questions of
based on the findings of labor employment and enforcement officers or industrial safety fact and law, which is best resolved by the quasi-judicial body, which is the NRLC, rather
engineers made in the course of inspection. The Secretary or his duly authorized than an administrative official of the executive branch of the government. If the Secretary of
representatives shall issue writs of execution to the appropriate authority for the Labor proceeds to exercise his visitorial and enforcement powers absent the first requisite,
enforcement of their orders, except in cases where the employer contests the findings of the as the dissent proposes, his office confers jurisdiction on itself which it cannot otherwise
labor employment and enforcement officer and raises issues supported by documentary acquire. (emphasis ours)cralawred
proofs which were not considered in the course of inspection. (As amended by Republic Act
No. 7730, June 2, 1994). x x xcralawred The foregoing ruling was further reiterated and clarified in the resolution of the
reconsideration of the same case, wherein the jurisdiction of the DOLE was delineated vis-a-
Under the aforequoted provision, the Secretary of Labor, or any of his or her authorized vis the NLRC where the employer-employee relationship between the parties is at
representatives, is granted visitorial and enforcement powers for the purpose of determining issue:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
violations of, and enforcing, the Labor Code and any labor law, wage order, or rules and
regulations issued pursuant thereto. Indispensable to the DOLE'S exercise of such power is No limitation in the law was placed upon the power of the DOLE to determine the existence
the existence of an actual employer-employee relationship between the parties. of an employer-employee relationship. No procedure was laid down where the DOLE would
only make a preliminary finding, that the power was primarily held by the NLRC. The law did
not say that the DOLE would first seek the NLRC's determination of the existence of an
employer-employee relationship, or that should the existence of the employer-employee
The power of the DOLE to determine the existence of an employer-employee relationship relationship be disputed, the DOLE would refer the matter to the NLRC. The DOLE must have
between petitioners and private respondents in order to carry out its mandate under Article the power to determine whether or not an employer-employee relationship exists, and from
128 has been established beyond cavil in Bombo Radyo,23 thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary there to decide whether or not to issue compliance orders in accordance with Art. 128(b) of
the Labor Code, as amended by RA 7730.
It can be assumed that the DOLE in the exercise of its visitorial and enforcement power
somehow has to make a determination of the existence of an employer-employee
relationship. Such prerogatival determination, however, cannot be coextensive with the
visitorial and enforcement power itself. Indeed, such determination is merely preliminary, The DOLE, in determining the existence of an employer-employee relationship, has a ready
incidental and collateral to the DOLE'S primary function of enforcing labor standards set of guidelines to follow, the same guide the courts themselves use. The elements to
provisions. The determination of the existence of employer-employee relationship is still determine the existence of an employment relationship are: (1) the selection and
primarily lodged with the NLRC. This is the meaning of the clause "in cases where the engagement of the employee; (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of dismissal; (4) the
relationship of employer-employee still exists" in Art. 128 (b). employer's power to control the employee's conduct. The use of this test is not solely limited
to the NLRC. The DOLE Secretary, or his or her representatives, can utilize the same test,
even in the course of inspection, making use of the same evidence that would have been
presented before the NLRC. (emphasis ours)cralawred
Thus, before the DOLE may exercise its powers under Article 128, two important questions
must be resolved: (1) Does the employer-employee relationship still exist, or alternatively, Like the NLRC, the DOLE has the authority to rule on the existence of an employer-employee
was there ever an employer-employee relationship to speak of; and (2) Are there violations relationship between the parties, considering that the existence of an employer-employee
of the Labor Code or of any labor law? relationship is a condition sine qua non for the exercise of its visitorial power. Nevertheless,
it must be emphasized that without an employer-employee relationship, or if one has
already been terminated, the Secretary of Labor is without jurisdiction to determine if
violations of labor standards provision had in fact been committed,24 and to direct
employers to comply with their alleged violations of labor standards.

On March 3, 2004, a summary investigation was conducted at the [DOLE], Regional Office
No. XII, Provincial Extension Office, General Santos City. In that scheduled Summary
The Orders of the Regional Director and the Secretary of Labor do not contain clear and Investigation, only complainants appeared, assisted by Mr. Fred Huervana, National
distinct factual basis necessary to establish the jurisdiction of the DOLE and to justify the President of the Philippine Organization of Labor Unions, x x x while respondent failed to
monetary awards to private respondents appear despite due notice.

For expediency, the May 20, 2004 Order of the Regional Director is pertinently reproduced On April 1, 2004, another Summary Investigation was conducted x x x [There] complainants
hereunder:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary appeared, x x x while respondent was represented by Ms. Nona Gido, Secretary of Atty.
Thomas Jacobo, counsel for the respondent. During the deliberation, Ms. Nona Gido
ORDER manifested that her presence in that scheduled summary investigation was to request for
the re-scheduling of such hearing, however, such request was denied. Mr. Fred Huervana
declared that as he gleaned from the Notice of Inspection Result issued by the labor
inspector, the Non-payment of the Provisional Emergency Relief Allowance (PERA) was not
included from among the discovered violations, hence he requested that it should be
This refers to the Complaint Inspection conducted at DXCP Radio Station and/or Engr. included in the computation. Such request was denied x x x. Further, Mr. Fred Huervana,
Gauvain Benzonan, President, located at NH Lagao Road, General Santos City on January 19, declared that this case be submitted for decision based on the merit of the case.
2004 pursuant to Inspection Authority No. R1201-0401-CI-052 which resulted to the
discovery of the Labor Standards violations, namely:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary

1. Underpayment of Wages
Failure of the parties to reach a final settlement prompted this Office to compute the
entitlements of the seven (7) affected workers for their salary differential, underpayment of
2. Underpayment of 13th Month Pay 13th month pay, non-payment of the five (5) days service incentive leave pay, non-payment
of holiday premium pay and non-payment of rest day premium pay in the total amount of
3. Non-payment of the five (5) days Service Incentive Leave Pay SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY TWO PESOS (P759,752.00)
x x x.25cralawred
4. Non-payment of Rest Day Premium Pay
In determining the existence of an employer-employee relationship, Bombo Radyo specifies
5. Non-payment of the Holiday Premium Pay the guidelines or indicators used by courts, i.e. (1) the selection and engagement of the
employee; (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of dismissal; and (4) the employer's
6. Non-remittance of SSS Contributions power to control the employee's conduct. The DOLE Secretary, or his or her representatives,
can utilize the same test, even in the course of inspection, making use of the same evidence
7. Some employees are paid on commission basis aside from their allowance[s]cralawred that would have been presented before the NLRC.26ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

Proceeding from the conduct of such inspection was the issuance of the Notice of Inspection
Result requiring the respondent DXCP Radio Station and/or Engr. Gauvain Benzonan,
President, to effect restitution and/or correction of the noted violations at the plant/company As can be gleaned from the above-quoted Order, the Regional Director merely noted the
level within five (5) calendar days from notice thereof. But, Engr. Gauvain Benzonan failed to discovery of violations of labor standards provisions in the course of inspection of the DXCP
do so. premises. No such categorical determination was made on the existence of an employer-
employee relationship utilizing any of the guidelines set forth. In a word, the Regional
Director had presumed, not demonstrated, the existence of the relationship. Of particular
note is the DOLE'S failure to show that petitioners, thus, exercised control over private

respondents' conduct in the workplace. The power of the employee to control the work of law should establish his or her right thereto.30 The burden of proving entitlement to
the employee, or the control test, is considered the most significant determinant of the overtime pay and premium pay for holidays and rest days lies with the employee because
existence of an employer-employee relationship.27ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary these are not incurred in the normal course of business.31 In the case at bar, evidence
pointing not only to the existence of an employer-employee relationship between the
petitioners and private respondents but also to the latter's entitlement to these benefits are
miserably lacking.
Neither did the Orders of the Regional Director and Secretary of Labor state nor make
reference to any concrete evidence to support a finding of an employer-employee
relationship and justify the monetary awards to private respondents. Substantial evidence,
such as proofs of employment, clear exercise of control, and the power to dismiss that prove It may be that petitioners have failed to refute the allegation that private respondents were
such relationship and that petitioners committed the labor laws violations they were employees of DXCP. Nevertheless, it was incumbent upon private respondents to prove their
adjudged to have committed, are grossly absent in this case. Furthermore, the Orders dated allegation that they were, indeed, under petitioners' employ and that the latter violated their
May 20, 2004 and November 8, 2004 do not even allude to the substance of the interviews labor rights. A person who alleges a fact has the onus of proving it and the proof should be
during the inspection that became the basis of the finding of an employer-employee clear, positive and convincing.32 Regrettably, private respondents failed to discharge this
relationship. burden. The pronouncement in Bombyo Radyo that the determination by the DOLE of the
existence of an employer-employee relationship must be respected should not be construed
so as to dispense with the evidentiary requirement when called for.

The Secretary of Labor adverts to private respondents' allegation in their Reply28 to justify
their status as employees of petitioners. The proffered justification falls below the quantum
of proof necessary to establish such fact as allegations can easily be concocted and It cannot be stressed enough that the existence of an employer-employee relationship
manufactured. Private respondents' allegations are inadequate to support a conclusion between the parties is essential to confer jurisdiction of the case to the DOLE. Without such
absent other concrete proof that would support or corroborate the same. Mere allegation, express finding, the DOLE cannot assume to have jurisdiction to resolve the complaints of
without more, is not evidence and is not equivalent to proof.29 Hence, private respondents' private respondents as jurisdiction in that instance lies with the
allegations, essentially self-serving statements as they are and devoid under the premises of NLRC.33ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
any evidentiary weight, can hardly be taken as the substantial evidence contemplated for
the DOLE'S conclusion that they are employees of petitioners.

The Orders of the Regional Director and Secretary of Labor do not comply with Article VIII,
Section 16 of the Constitution
In a similar vein, the use of the straight computation method in awarding the sum of
P759,752 to private respondents, without reference to any other evidence other than the
interviews conducted during the inspection, is highly telling that the DOLE failed to consider
evidence in arriving at its award and leads this Court to conclude that such amount was As a necessary corollary to the foregoing considerations, another well-grounded reason
arrived at arbitrarily. exists to set aside the May 20, 2004 Order of the Regional Director and November 8, 2004
Order of the Secretary of Labor. The said Orders contravene Article VIII, Section 14 of the
Constitution, which requires courts to express clearly and distinctly the facts and law on
which decisions are based, to wit:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
It is quite implausible for the nine (9) private respondents to be entitled to uniform amounts
of Service Incentive Leave (SIL) pay, holiday pay premium, and rest day premium pay for Section 14. No decision shall be rendered by any court without expressing therein clearly
three (3) years, without any disparity in the amounts due them since entitlement to said and distinctly the facts and the law on which it is based.
benefits would largely depend on the actual rest days and holidays worked and amount of
remaining leave credits in a year. Whoever claims entitlement to the benefits provided by

No petition for review or motion for reconsideration of a decision of the court shall be In the present case, the NLRC was definitely wanting in the observance of the aforesaid
refused due course or denied without stating the legal basis therefor.cralawred constitutional requirement. Its assailed five-page Decision consisted of about three pages of
quotation from the labor arbiter's decision, including the dispositive portion, and barely a
As stressed by this Court in San Jose v. NLRC,34 faithful compliance by the courts and quasi- page (two short paragraphs of two sentences each) of its own discussion of its reasons for
judicial bodies, such as the DOLE, with Art. VIII, Sec. 14 is a vital element of due process as it reversing the arbiter's findings. It merely raised a doubt on the motive of the complaining
enables the parties to know how decisions are arrived at as well as the legal reasoning employees and took "judicial notice that in one area of Mindanao, the mining industry
behind them. Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary suffered economic difficulties." In affirming peremptorily the validity of private respondents'
retrenchment program, it surmised that "[i]f small mining cooperatives experienced the
This Court has previously held that judges and arbiters should draw up their decisions and same fate, what more with those highly mechanized establishments."cralawred
resolutions with due care, and make certain that they truly and accurately reflect their
conclusions and their final dispositions. A decision should faithfully comply with Section 14, The Court is not unmindful of the State's policy to zealously safeguard the rights of our
Article VIII of the Constitution which provides that no decision shall be rendered by any court workers, as no less than the Constitution itself mandates the State to afford full protection to
without expressing therein clearly and distinctly the facts of the case and the law on which it labor. Nevertheless, it is equally true that the law, in protecting the rights of the laborer,
is based. If such decision had to be completely overturned or set aside, upon the modified authorizes neither oppression nor self-destruction of the employer.38 The constitutional
decision, such resolution or decision should likewise state the factual and legal foundation policy to provide full protection to labor is not meant to be a sword to oppress employers.39
relied upon. The reason for this is obvious: aside from being required by the Constitution, the Certainly, an employer cannot be made to answer for claims that have neither been
court should be able to justify such a sudden change of course; it must be able to sufficiently proved nor substantiated.
convincingly explain the taking back of its solemn conclusions and pronouncements in the
earl indecision. The same thing goes for the findings of fact made by the NLRC, as it is a
settled rule that such findings are entitled to great respect and even finality when supported
by substantial evidence; otherwise, they shall be struck down for being whimsical and WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision dated November 28, 2014 and
capricious and arrived at with grave abuse of discretion. It is a requirement of due process Resolution dated March 5, 2015 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 00179-MIN are
and fair play that the parties to a litigation be informed of how it was decided, with an accordingly REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Order of the then Secretary of Labor and
explanation of the factual and legal reasons that led to the conclusions of the court. A Employment dated November 8, 2004 denying petitioners' appeal and the Order of the
decision that does not clearly and distinctly state the facts and the law on which it is based Regional Director, DOLE Regional Office No. XII, dated May 20, 2004, are ANNULLED, without
leaves the parties in the dark as to how it was reached and is especially prejudicial to the prejudice to whatever right or cause of action private respondents may have against
losing party, who is unable to pinpoint the possible errors of the court for review by a higher petitioners.
tribunal. x x xcralawred

To this end, University of the Philippines v. Hon. Dizon35 instructs that the Constitution and
the Rules of Court require not only that a decision should state the ultimate facts but also SO ORDERED.
that it should specify the supporting evidentiary facts, for they are what are called the
findings of fact. A decision that does not clearly and distinctly state the facts and the law on
which it is based leaves the parties in the dark as to how it was reached and is especially
prejudicial to the losing party, who is unable to pinpoint the possible errors of the court (or
quasi-judicial body) for review by a higher tribunal.36ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

Accordingly, this Court will not hesitate to strike down decisions rendered not hewing to the
Constitutional directive, as it did to a Decision rendered by the NLRC in Anino, et al. v.
Hinatuan Mining Corporation37 for non-observance of the said

agricultural lands into agri-industrial use was approved. The machineries and equipment
formerly used by HPI continued to be utilized by HRC.

16. G.R. No. 208986, January 13, 2016

Complainants claimed that they were employed by HPI as farm workers in HPI's plantations
HIJO RESOURCES CORPORATION, Petitioner, v. EPIFANIO P. MEJARES, REMEGIO C. occupying various positions as area harvesters, packing house workers, loaders, or labelers.
BALURAN, JR., DANTE SAYCON, AND CECILIO CUCHARO, REPRESENTED BY In 2001, complainants were absorbed by HRC, but they were working under the contractor-
NAMABDJERA-HRC, Respondents. growers: Buenaventura Tano (Bit Farm); Djerame Pausa (Djevon Farm); and Ramon Q.
Laurente (Raquilla Farm). Complainants asserted that these contractor-growers received
compensation from HRC and were under the control of HRC. They further alleged that the
contractor-growers did not have their own capitalization, farm machineries, and equipment.

On 1 July 2007, complainants formed their union NAMABDJERA-HRC, which was later
registered with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). On 24 August 2007,
NAMABDJERA-HRC filed a petition for certification election before the DOLE.

The Case

This petition for review1 assails the 29 August 2012 Decision2 and the 13 August 2013
When HRC learned that complainants formed a union, the three contractor-growers filed with
Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 04058-MIN. The Court of Appeals
the DOLE a notice of cessation of business operations. In September 2007, complainants
reversed and set aside the Resolutions dated 29 June 2009 and 16 December 2009 of the
were terminated from their employment on the ground of cessation of business operations
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in NLRC No. MIC-03-000229-08 (RAB XI-09-
by the contractor-growers of HRC. On 19 September 2007, complainants, represented by
00774-2007), and remanded the case to the Regional Arbitration Branch, Region XI, Davao
NAMABDJERA-HRC, filed a case for unfair labor practices, illegal dismissal, and illegal
City for further proceedings.
deductions with prayer for moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees before the
The Facts

Respondents Epifanio P. Mejares, Remegio C. Baluran, Jr., Dante Saycon, and Cecilio Cucharo
(respondents) were among the complainants, represented by their labor union named
On 19 November 2007, DOLE Med-Arbiter Lito A. Jasa issued an Order,4 dismissing
"Nagkahiusang Mamumuo ng Bit, Djevon, at Raquilla Farms sa Hijo Resources Corporation"
NAMABDJERA-HRC's petition for certification election on the ground that there was no
(NAMABDJERA-HRC), who filed with the NLRC an illegal dismissal case against petitioner Hijo
employer-employee relationship between complainants (members of NAMABDJERA-HRC) and
Resources Corporation (HRC).
HRC. Complainants did not appeal the Order of Med-Arbiter Jasa but pursued the illegal
dismissal case they filed.

Complainants (which include the respondents herein) alleged that petitioner HRC, formerly
known as Hijo Plantation Incorporated (HPI), is the owner of agricultural lands in Madum,
On 4 January 2008, HRC filed a motion to inhibit Labor Arbiter Maria Christina S. Sagmit and
Tagum, Davao del Norte, which were planted primarily with Cavendish bananas. In 2000, HPI
moved to dismiss the complaint for illegal dismissal. The motion to dismiss was anchored on
was renamed as HRC. In December 2003, HRC's application for the conversion of its
the following arguments: (1) Lack of jurisdiction under the principle of res judicata; and (2)

The Order of the Med-Arbiter finding that complainants were not employees of HRC, which
complainants did not appeal, had become final and executory.
On the issue of inhibition, the NLRC found it moot and academic in view of Labor Arbiter
Sagmit's voluntary inhibition from the case as per Order dated 11 March 2009.

The Labor Arbiter's Ruling

The Ruling of the Court of Appeals

On 5 February 2008, Labor Arbiter Sagmit denied the motion to inhibit. Labor Arbiter Sagmit
likewise denied the motion to dismiss in an Order dated 12 February 2008. Labor Arbiter
Sagmit held that res judicata does not apply. Citing the cases of Manila Golf & Country Club, The Court of Appeals found the ruling in the Sandoval case more applicable in this case. The
Inc. v. IAC5 and Sandoval Shipyards, Inc. v. Pepito,6 the Labor Arbiter ruled that the decision Court of Appeals noted that the Sandoval case, which also involved a petition for
of the Med-Arbiter in a certification election case, by the nature of that proceedings, does certification election and an illegal dismissal case filed by the union members against the
not foreclose further dispute between the parties as to the existence or non-existence of alleged employer, is on all fours with this case. The issue in Sandoval on the effect of the
employer-employee relationship between them. Thus, the finding of Med-Arbiter Jasa that no Med-Arbiter's findings as to the existence of employer-employee relationship is the very
employment relationship exists between HRC and complainants does not bar the Labor same issue raised in this case. On the other hand, the case of Chris Garments Corp. v. Hon.
Arbiter from making his own independent finding on the same issue. The non-litigious nature Sto. Tomas7 cited by the NLRC, which involved three petitions for certification election filed
of the proceedings before the Med-Arbiter does not prevent the Labor Arbiter from hearing by the same union, is of a different factual milieu.
and deciding the case. Thus, Labor Arbiter Sagmit denied the motion to dismiss and ordered
the parties to file their position papers.

The Court of Appeals held that the certification proceedings before the Med-Arbiter are non-
adversarial and merely investigative. On the other hand, under Article 217 of the Labor
HRC filed with the NLRC a petition for certiorari with a prayer for temporary restraining Code, the Labor Arbiter has original and exclusive jurisdiction over illegal dismissal cases.
order, seeking to nullify the 5 February 2008 and 12 February 2008 Orders of Labor Arbiter Although the proceedings before the Labor Arbiter are also described as non-litigious, the
Sagmit. Court of Appeals noted that the Labor Arbiter is given wide latitude in ascertaining the
existence of employment relationship. Thus, unlike the Med-Artbiter, the Labor Arbiter may
conduct clarificatory hearings and even avail of ocular inspection to ascertain facts speedily.

The Ruling of the NLRC

Hence, the Court of Appeals concluded that the decision in a certification election case does
not foreclose further dispute as to the existence or non-existence of an employer-employee
The NLRC granted the petition, holding that Labor Arbiter Sagmit gravely abused her relationship between HRC and the complainants.
discretion in denying HRC's motion to dismiss. The NLRC held that the Med-Arbiter Order
dated 19 November 2007 dismissing the certification election case on the ground of lack of
employer-employee relationship between HRC and complainants (members of NAMABDJERA-
HRC) constitutes res judicata under the concept of conclusiveness of judgment, and thus, On 29 August 2012, the Court of Appeals promulgated its Decision, the dispositive portion of
warrants the dismissal of the case. The NLRC ruled that the Med-Arbiter exercises quasi- which reads:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
judicial power and the Med-Arbiter's decisions and orders have, upon their finality, the force
and effect of a final judgment within the purview of the doctrine of res judicata.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the assailed Resolutions dated June 29, From the foregoing, the BLR has the original and exclusive jurisdiction to inter alia, decide all
2009 and December 16, 2009 of the National Labor Relations Commission are hereby disputes, grievances or problems arising from or affecting labor-management relations in all
REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. Let NLRC CASE No. RAB-XI-09-00774-0707 be remanded to the workplaces whether agricultural or non-agricultural. Necessarily, in the exercise of this
Regional Arbitration Branch, Region XI, Davao City for further proceedings. jurisdiction over labor-management relations, the med-arbiter has the authority, original and
exclusive, to determine the existence of an employer-employee relationship between the

SO ORDERED.8ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary Apropos to the present case, once there is a determination as to the existence of such a
relationship, the med-arbiter can then decide the certification election case. As the authority
to determine the employer-employee relationship is necessary and indispensable in the
exercise of jurisdiction by the med-arbiter, his finding thereon may only be reviewed and
reversed by the Secretary of Labor who exercises appellate jurisdiction under Article 259 of
the Labor Code, as amended, which provides -
"ART. 259. Appeal from certification election orders. - Any party to an election may appeal
The Issue the order or results of the election as determined by the Med-Arbiter directly to the
Secretary of Labor and Employment on the ground that the rules and regulations or parts
thereof established by the Secretary of Labor and Employment for the conduct of the
election have been violated. Such appeal shall be decided within fifteen (15) calendar
Whether the Court of Appeals erred in setting aside the NLRC ruling and remanding the case days."10
to the Labor Arbiter for further proceedings. cralawlawlibrary

In this case, the Med-Arbiter issued an Order dated 19 November 2007, dismissing the
The Ruling of the Court certification election case because of lack of employer-employee relationship between HRC
and the members of the respondent union. The order dismissing the petition was issued
We find the petition without merit. after the members of the respondent union were terminated from their employment in
September 2007, which led to the filing of the illegal dismissal case before the NLRC on 19
There is no question that the Med-Arbiter has the authority to determine the existence of an September 2007. Considering their termination from work, it would have been futile for the
employer-employee relationship between the parties in a petition for certification election. members of the respondent union to appeal the Med-Arbiter' s order in the certification
As held in M. Y. San Biscuits, Inc. v. Acting Sec. Laguesma:9chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary election case to the DOLE Secretary. Instead, they pursued the illegal dismissal case filed
before the NLRC.
Under Article 226 of the Labor Code, as amended, the Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR), of
which the med-arbiter is an officer, has the following jurisdiction - The Court is tasked to resolve the issue of whether the Labor Arbiter, in the illegal dismissal
"ART. 226. Bureau of Labor Relations. - The Bureau of Labor Relations and the Labor case, is bound by the ruling of the Med-Arbiter regarding the existence or non-existence of
Relations Divisionfs] in the regional offices of the Department of Labor shall have original employer-employee relationship between the parties in the certification election case.
and exclusive authority to act, at their own initiative or upon request of either or both
parties, on all inter-union and intra-union conflicts, and all disputes, grievances or problems The Court rules in the negative. As found by the Court of Appeals, the facts in this case are
arising from or affecting labor-management relations in all workplaces whether agricultural very similar to those in the Sandoval case, which also involved the issue of whether the
or non-agricultural, except those arising from the implementation or interpretation of ruling in a certification election case on the existence or non-existence of an employer-
collective bargaining agreements which shall be the subject of grievance procedure and/or employee relationship operates as res judicata in the illegal dismissal case filed before the
voluntary arbitration. NLRC. In Sandoval, the DOLE Undersecretary reversed the finding of the Med-Arbiter in a
certification election case and ruled that there was no employer-employee relationship
The Bureau shall have fifteen (15) working days to act on labor cases before it, subject to between the members of the petitioner union and Sandoval Shipyards, Inc. (SSI), since the
extension by agreement of the parties." (Italics supplied) former were employees of the subcontractors. Subsequently, several illegal dismissal cases
were filed by some members of the petitioner union against SSI. Both the Labor Arbiter and

the NLRC ruled that there was no employer-employee relationship between the parties, 17. G.R. No. 201595
citing the resolution of the DOLE Undersecretary in the certification election case. The Court
of Appeals reversed the NLRC ruling and held that the members of the petitioner union were ALLAN M. MENDOZA, Petitioner,
employees of SSI. On appeal, this Court affirmed the appellate court's decision and ruled vs.
that the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC erred in relying on the pronouncement of the DOLE OFFICERS OF MANILA WATER EMPLOYEES UNION (MWEU), namely, EDUARDO B.
Undersecretary that there was no employer-employee relationship between the parties. The BORELA, BUENAVENTURA QUEBRAL, ELIZABETH COMETA, ALEJANDRO TORRES,
Court cited the ruling in the Manila Golf11 case that the decision in a certification election AMORSOLO TIERRA, SOLEDAD YEBAN, LUIS RENDON, VIRGINIA APILADO, TERESITA
case, by the very nature of that proceeding, does not foreclose all further dispute between BOLO, ROGELIO BARBERO, JOSE CASAAS, ALFREDO MAGA, EMILIO FERNANDEZ,
the parties as to the existence or non-existence of an employer-employee relationship ROSITA BUENA VENTURA, ALMENIO CANCINO, ADELA IMANA, MARIO MANCENIDO,
This case is different from the Chris Garments case cited by the NLRC where the Court held
that the matter of employer-employee relationship has been resolved with finality by the DECISION
DOLE Secretary, whose factual findings were not appealed by the losing party. As mentioned
earlier, the Med-Arbiter's order in this case dismissing the petition for certification election DEL CASTILLO, J.:
on the basis of non-existence of employer-employee relationship was issued after the
members of the respondent union were dismissed from their employment. The purpose of a This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails the April 24, 2012 Decision2 of the Court of
petition for certification election is to determine which organization will represent the Appeals (CA) which dismissed the Petition for Certiorari3 in CA-G.R. SP No. 115639.
employees in their collective bargaining with the employer.12The respondent union, without
its member-employees, was thus stripped of its personality to challenge the Med-Arbiter's Factual Antecedents
decision in the certification election case. Thus, the members of the respondent union were
left with no option but to pursue their illegal dismissal case filed before the Labor Arbiter. To Petitioner was a member of the Manila Water Employees Union (MWEU), a Department of
dismiss the illegal dismissal case filed before the Labor Arbiter on the basis of the Labor and Employment (DOLE)-registered labor organization consisting of rank-and-file
pronouncement of the Med-Arbiter in the certification election case that there was no employees within Manila Water Company (MWC). The respondents herein named Eduardo
employer-employee relationship between the parties, which the respondent union could not B. Borela (Borela), Buenaventura Quebral (Quebral), Elizabeth Cometa (Cometa), Alejandro
even appeal to the DOLE Secretary because of the dismissal of its members, would be Torres (Torres), Amorsolo Tierra (Tierra), Soledad Yeban (Yeban), Luis Rendon (Rendon),
tantamount to denying due process to the complainants in the illegal dismissal case. This, Virginia Apilado (Apilado), Teresita Bolo (Bolo), Rogelio Barbero (Barbero), Jose Casaas
we cannot allow. (Casaas), Alfredo Maga (Maga), Emilio Fernandez (Fernandez), Rosita Buenaventura
(Buenaventura), Almenio Cancino (Cancino), Adela Imana, Mario Mancenido (Mancenido),
WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. We AFFIRM the 29 August 2012 Decision and the 13 Wilfredo Mandilag (Mandilag), Rolando Manlapaz (Manlapaz), Efren Montemayor
August 2013 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 04058-MIN. (Montemayor), Nelson Pagulayan, Carlos Villa, Ric Briones, and Chito Bernardo were MWEU
officers during the period material to this Petition, with Borela as President and Chairman of
SO ORDERED the MWEU Executive Board, Quebral as First Vice-President and Treasurer, and Cometa as

In an April 11, 2007 letter,5 MWEU through Cometa informed petitioner that the union was
unable to fully deduct the increased P200.00 union dues from his salary due to lack of the
required December 2006 check-off authorization from him. Petitioner was warned that his
failure to pay the union dues would result in sanctions upon him. Quebral informed Borela,
through a May 2, 2007 letter,6 that for such failure to pay the union dues, petitioner and
several others violated Section 1(g), Article IX of the MWEUs Constitution and By-Laws.7 In
turn, Borela referred the charge to the MWEU grievance committee for investigation.

On May 21, 2007, a notice of hearing was sent to petitioner, who attended the scheduled The MWEU leadership submitted a proposed CBA which contained provisions to the effect
hearing. On June 6, 2007, the MWEU grievance committee recommended that petitioner be that in the event of retrenchment, non-MWEU members shall be removed first, and that
suspended for 30 days. upon the signing of the CBA, only MWEU members shall receive a signing bonus.21

In a June 20, 2007 letter,8 Borela informed petitioner and his corespondents of the MWEU
Executive Boards "unanimous approval"9 of the grievance committees recommendation Ruling of the Labor Arbiter
and imposition upon them of a penalty of 30 days suspension, effective June 25, 2007.
On October 13, 2008, petitioner filed a Complaint22 against respondents for unfair labor
In a June 26, 2007 letter10 to Borela, petitioner and his co-respondents took exception to the practices, damages, and attorneys fees before the National Labor Relations Commission
imposition and indicated their intention to appeal the same to the General Membership (NLRC), Quezon City, docketed as NLRC Case No. NCR-10-14255-08. In his Position Paper and
Assembly in accordance with Section 2(g), Article V of the unions Constitution and By- other written submissions,23 petitioner accused the respondents of illegal termination from
Laws,11 which grants them the right to appeal any arbitrary resolution, policy and rule MWEU in connection with the events relative to his non-payment of union dues; unlawful
promulgated by the Executive Board to the General Membership Assembly. In a June 28, interference, coercion, and violation of the rights of MWC employees to self-organization in
2007 reply,12 Borela denied petitioners appeal, stating that the prescribed period for connection with the proposed CBA submitted by MWEU leadership, which petitioner claims
appeal had expired. contained provisions that discriminated against non-MWEU members. Petitioner prayed in
his Supplemental Position Paper that respondents be held guilty of unfair labor practices and
Petitioner and his co-respondents sent another letter13 on July 4, 2007, reiterating their ordered to indemnify him moral damages in the amount of P100,000.00, exemplary
arguments and demanding that the General Membership Assembly be convened in order damages amounting to P50,000.00, and 10% attorneys fees.
that their appeal could be taken up. The letter was not acted upon.
In their joint Position Paper and other pleadings,24 respondents claimed that the Labor
Petitioner was once more charged with non-payment of union dues, and was required to Arbiter had no jurisdiction over the dispute, which is intra-union in nature; that the Bureau of
attend an August 3, 2007 hearing.14 Thereafter, petitioner was again penalized with a 30- Labor Relations (BLR) was the proper venue, in accordance with Article 226 of the Labor
day suspension through an August 21, 2007 letter15 by Borela informing petitioner of the Code25 and Section 1, Rule XI of Department Order 40-03, series of 2003, of the DOLE;26
Executive Boards "unanimous approval"16 of the grievance committee recommendation to and that they were not guilty of unfair labor practices, discrimination, coercion or restraint.
suspend him effective August 24, 2007, to which he submitted a written reply,17 invoking
his right to appeal through the convening of the General Membership Assembly. However, On May 29, 2009, Labor Arbiter Virginia T. Luyas-Azarraga issued her Decision27 which
the respondents did not act on petitioners plea. decreed as follows:

Meanwhile, MWEU scheduled an election of officers on September 14, 2007. Petitioner filed Indeed the filing of the instant case is still premature. Section 5, Article X-Investigation
his certificate of candidacy for Vice-President, but he was disqualified for not being a Procedures and Appeal Process of the Union Constitution and By-Laws provides that:
member in good standing on account of his suspension.
Section 5. Any dismissed and/or expelled member shall have the rights to appeal to the
On October 2, 2007, petitioner was charged with non-payment of union dues for the third Executive Board within seven (7) days from the date of notice of the said dismissal and/or
time. He did not attend the scheduled hearing. This time, he was meted the penalty of expulsion, which in [turn] shall be referred to the General Membership Assembly. In case of
expulsion from the union, per "unanimous approval"18 of the members of the Executive an appeal, a simple majority of the decision of the Executive Board is imperative. The same
Board. His pleas for an appeal to the General Membership Assembly were once more shall be approved/disapproved by a majority vote of the general membership assembly in a
unheeded.19 meeting duly called for the purpose.

In 2008, during the freedom period and negotiations for a new collective bargaining On the basis of the foregoing, the parties shall exhaust first all the administrative remedies
agreement (CBA) with MWC, petitioner joined another union, the Workers Association for before resorting to compulsory arbitration. Thus, instant case is referred back to the Union
Transparency, Empowerment and Reform, All-Filipino Workers Confederation (WATER-AFWC). for the General Assembly to act or deliberate complainants appeal on the decision of the
He was elected union President. Other MWEU members were inclined to join WATER-AFWC, Executive Board.
but MWEU director Torres threatened that they would not get benefits from the new CBA.20

WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, instant case is referred back to the Union level for the
General Assembly to act on complainants appeal. "(h) violation of or disagreements over any provision of the Constitution and By-Laws of a
Union or workers association.
"(j) violation of the rights and conditions of membership in a Union or workers association.
Ruling of the National Labor Relations Commission
"B. Other Labor Relations disputes, not otherwise covered by Article 217 of the Labor Code,
Petitioner appealed before the NLRC, where the case was docketed as NLRC LAC No. 07- shall include
001913-09. On March 15, 2010, the NLRC issued its Decision,29 declaring as follows:
"3. a labor union and an individual who is not a member of said union."
Complainant30 imputes serious error to the Labor Arbiter when she decided as follows:
Clearly, the above-mentioned disputes and conflict fall under the jurisdiction of the Bureau
a. Referring back the subject case to the Union level for the General Assembly to act on his of Labor Relations, as these are inter/intra-union disputes.
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Labor Arbiter a quo dated May 29, 2009 is hereby declared
b. Not ruling that respondents are guilty of ULP as charged. NULL and VOID for being rendered without jurisdiction and the instant complaint is
c. Not granting to complainant moral and exemplary damages and attorneys fees.
Complainant, in support of his charges, claims that respondents restrained or coerced him in
the exercise of his right as a union member in violation of paragraph "a", Article 249 of the Petitioner moved for reconsideration,34 but in a June 16, 2010 Resolution,35 the motion was
Labor Code,31 particularly, in denying him the explanation as to whether there was denied and the NLRC sustained its Decision.
observance of the proper procedure in the increase of the membership dues from P100.00 to
P200.00 per month. Further, complainant avers that he was denied the right to appeal his Ruling of the Court of Appeals
suspension and expulsion in accordance with the provisions of the Unions Constitution and
By-Laws. In addition, complainant claims that respondents attempted to cause the In a Petition for Certiorari36 filed with the CA and docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 115639,
management to discriminate against the members of WATER-AFWC thru the proposed CBA. petitioner sought to reverse the NLRC Decision and be awarded his claim for damages and
attorneys fees on account of respondents unfair labor practices, arguing among others that
Pertinent to the issue then on hand, the Labor Arbiter ordered that the case be referred back his charge of unfair labor practices is cognizable by the Labor Arbiter; that the fact that the
to the Union level for the General Assembly to act on complainants appeal. Hence, these dispute is inter- or intra-union in nature cannot erase the fact that respondents were guilty of
appeals. unfair labor practices in interfering and restraining him in the exercise of his right to self-
organization as member of both MWEU and WATER-AFWC, and in discriminating against him
After a careful look at all the documents submitted and a meticulous review of the facts, We and other members through the provisions of the proposed 2008 CBA which they drafted;
find that this Commission lacks the jurisdictional competence to act on this case. that his failure to pay the increased union dues was proper since the approval of said
increase was arrived at without observing the prescribed voting procedure laid down in the
Article 217 of the Labor Code,32 as amended, specifically enumerates the cases over which Labor Code; that he is entitled to an award of damages and attorneys fees as a result of
the Labor Arbiters and the Commission have original and exclusive jurisdiction. A perusal of respondents illegal acts in discriminating against him; and that in ruling the way it did, the
the record reveals that the causes of action invoked by complainant do not fall under any of NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion.
the enumerations therein. Clearly, We have no jurisdiction over the same.
On April 24, 2012, the CA issued the assailed Decision containing the following
Moreover, pursuant to Section 1, Rule XI, as amended, DOLE Department Order No. 40-03 in pronouncement:
particular, Item A, paragraphs (h) and (j) and Item B, paragraph (a)(3), respectively, provide:
The petition lacks merit.
"A. Inter-Intra-Union disputes shall include:

Petitioners causes of action against MWEU are inter/intra-union disputes cognizable by the union. On the other hand, the circumstances of unfair labor practices (ULP) of a labor
BLR whose functions and jurisdiction are largely confined to union matters, collective organization are stated in Article 249 of the Labor Code, to wit:
bargaining registry, and labor education. Section 1, Rule XI of Department Order (D.O.) No.
40-03, Series of 2003, of the Department of Labor and Employment enumerates instances of Article 249. Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. It shall be unlawful for labor
inter/intra-union disputes, viz: organization, its officers, agents, or representatives to commit any of the following unfair
labor practices:
Section 1. Coverage. Inter/intra-union disputes shall include:
(a) To restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization;
xxxx Provided, That the labor organization shall have the right to prescribe its own rules with
respect to the acquisition or retention of membership;
(b) conduct of election of union and workers association officers/nullification of election of
union and workers association officers; (b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate against an employee, including
discrimination against an employee with respect to whom membership in such organization
(c) audit/accounts examination of union or workers association funds; has been denied or terminated on any ground other than the usual terms and conditions
under which membership or continuation of membership is made available to other
xxxx members;

(g) validity/invalidity of impeachment/ expulsion of union and workers association officers xxxx
and members;
Applying the aforementioned rules, We find that the issues arising from petitioners right to
xxxx information on the increased membership dues, right to appeal his suspension and expulsion
according to CBL provisions, and right to vote and be voted on are essentially intra-union
(j) violations of or disagreements over any provision in a union or workers association disputes; these involve violations of rights and conditions of union membership. But his
constitution and by-laws; claim that a director of MWEU warned that non-MWEU members would not receive CBA
benefits is an inter-union dispute. It is more of an "interference" by a rival union to ensure
xxxx the loyalty of its members and to persuade non-members to join their union. This is not an
actionable wrong because interfering in the exercise of the right to organize is itself a
(l) violations of the rights and conditions of union or workers association membership; function of self-organizing.37 As long as it does not amount to restraint or coercion, a labor
organization may interfere in the employees right to self-organization.38 Consequently, a
xxxx determination of validity or illegality of the alleged acts necessarily touches on union
matters, not ULPs, and are outside the scope of the labor arbiters jurisdiction.
(n) such other disputes or conflicts involving the rights to self-organization, union
membership and collective bargaining As regards petitioners other accusations, i.e., discrimination in terms of meting out the
penalty of expulsion against him alone, and attempt to cause the employer, MWC, to
(1) between and among legitimate labor organizations; discriminate against non-MWEU members in terms of retrenchment or reduction of
personnel, and signing bonus, while We may consider them as falling within the concept of
(2) between and among members of a union or workers association. ULP under Article 249(a) and (b), still, petitioners complaint cannot prosper for lack of
substantial evidence. Other than his bare allegation, petitioner offered no proof that MWEU
In brief, "Inter-Union Dispute" refers to any conflict between and among legitimate labor did not penalize some union members who failed to pay the increased dues. On the
unions involving representation questions for purposes of collective bargaining or to any proposed discriminatory CBA provisions, petitioner merely attached the pages containing the
other conflict or dispute between legitimate labor unions. "Intra-Union Dispute" refers to any questioned provisions without bothering to reveal the MWEU representatives responsible for
conflict between and among union members, including grievances arising from any violation the said proposal. Article 249 mandates that "x x x only the officers, members of the
of the rights and conditions of membership, violation of or disagreement over any provision governing boards, representatives or agents or members of labor associations or
of the unions constitution and by-laws, or disputes arising from chartering or affiliation of organizations who have actually participated in, authorized or ratified unfair labor practices

shall be held criminally liable." Plain accusations against all MWEU officers, without Reply42 that respondents are guilty of unfair labor practices which he clearly enumerated
specifying their actual participation, do not suffice. Thus, the ULP charges must necessarily and laid out in his pleadings below; that these unfair labor practices committed by
fail. respondents fall within the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter; that the Labor Arbiter, the NLRC,
and the CA failed to rule on his accusation of unfair labor practices and simply dismissed his
In administrative and quasi-judicial proceedings, only substantial evidence is necessary to complaint on the ground that his causes of action are intra- or inter-union in nature; that
establish the case for or against a party. Substantial evidence is that amount of relevant admittedly, some of his causes of action involved intra- or inter-union disputes, but other
evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify a conclusion. acts of respondents constitute unfair labor practices; that he presented substantial evidence
Petitioner failed to discharge the burden of proving, by substantial evidence, the allegations to prove that respondents are guilty of unfair labor practices by failing to observe the proper
of ULP in his complaint. The NLRC, therefore, properly dismissed the case. procedure in the imposition of the increased monthly union dues, and in unduly imposing the
penalties of suspension and expulsion against him; that under the unions constitution and
FOR THESE REASONS, the petition is DISMISSED. by-laws, he is given the right to appeal his suspension and expulsion to the general
membership assembly; that in denying him his rights as a union member and expelling him,
SO ORDERED.39 respondents are guilty of malice and evident bad faith; that respondents are equally guilty
for violating and curtailing his rights to vote and be voted to a position within the union, and
Thus, the instant Petition. for discriminating against non-MWEU members; and that the totality of respondents conduct
shows that they are guilty of unfair labor practices.
Respondents Arguments
In an August 28, 2013 Resolution,40 this Court resolved to give due course to the Petition,
which claims that the CA erred: In their joint Comment,43 respondents maintain that petitioner raises issues of fact which
are beyond the purview of a petition for review on certiorari; that the findings of fact of the
A. IN DECLARING THAT THE PRESENCE OF INTER/INTRA-UNION CONFLICTS NEGATES THE CA are final and conclusive; that the Labor Arbiter, NLRC, and CA are one in declaring that
COMPLAINT FOR UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES AGAINST A LABOR ORGANIZATION AND ITS there is no unfair labor practices committed against petitioner; that petitioners other
OFFICERS, AND IN AFFIRMING THAT THE NLRC PROPERLY DISMISSED THE CASE FOR allegations fall within the jurisdiction of the BLR, as they refer to intra- or inter-union
ALLEGED LACK OF JURISDICTION. disputes between the parties; that the issues arising from petitioners right to information on
the increased dues, right to appeal his suspension and expulsion, and right to vote and be
B. IN NOT RULING THAT RESPONDENTS ARE GUILTY OF UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UNDER voted upon are essentially intra-union in nature; that his allegations regarding supposed
ARTICLE 249(a) AND (b) OF THE LABOR CODE. coercion and restraint relative to benefits in the proposed CBA do not constitute an
actionable wrong; that all of the acts questioned by petitioner are covered by Section 1, Rule
C. IN DECLARING THAT THE THREATS MADE BY A UNION OFFICER AGAINST MEMBERS OF A XI of Department Order 40-03, series of 2003 as intra-/inter-union disputes which do not fall
RIVAL UNION IS (sic) MERELY AN "INTERFERENCE" AND DO NOT AMOUNT TO "RESTRAINT" within the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter; that in not paying his union dues, petitioner is
OR "COERCION". guilty of insubordination and deserved the penalty of expulsion; that petitioner failed to
petition to convene the general assembly through the required signature of 30% of the union
D. IN DECLARING THAT PETITIONER FAILED TO PRESENT SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE IN membership in good standing pursuant to Article VI, Section 2(a) of MWEUs Constitution
PROVING RESPONDENTS SPECIFIC ACTS OF UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES. and By-Laws or by a petition of the majority of the general membership in good standing
under Article VI, Section 3; and that for his failure to resort to said remedies, petitioner can
E. IN NOT RULING THAT RESPONDENTS ARE SOLIDARILY LIABLE TO PETITIONER FOR MORAL no longer question his suspension or expulsion and avail of his right to appeal.
Our Ruling
Petitioners Arguments
The Court partly grants the Petition.
Praying that the assailed CA dispositions be set aside and that respondents be declared
guilty of unfair labor practices under Article 249(a) and (b) and adjudged liable for damages In labor cases, issues of fact are for the labor tribunals and the CA to resolve, as this Court is
and attorneys fees as prayed for in his complaint, petitioner maintains in his Petition and not a trier of facts. However, when the conclusion arrived at by them is erroneous in certain

respects, and would result in injustice as to the parties, this Court must intervene to correct (e) To ask for or accept negotiation or attorneys fees from employers as part of the
the error. While the Labor Arbiter, NLRC, and CA are one in their conclusion in this case, they settlement of any issue in collective bargaining or any other dispute; or
erred in failing to resolve petitioners charge of unfair labor practices against respondents.
(f) To violate a collective bargaining agreement.
It is true that some of petitioners causes of action constitute intra-union cases cognizable
by the BLR under Article 226 of the Labor Code. The provisions of the preceding paragraph notwithstanding, only the officers, members of
governing boards, representatives or agents or members of labor associations or
An intra-union dispute refers to any conflict between and among union members, including organizations who have actually participated in, authorized or ratified unfair labor practices
grievances arising from any violation of the rights and conditions of membership, violation of shall be held criminally liable. (As amended by Batas Pambansa Bilang 130, August 21,
or disagreement over any provision of the unions constitution and by-laws, or disputes 1981).
arising from chartering or disaffiliation of the union. Sections 1 and 2, Rule XI of Department
Order No. 40-03, Series of 2003 of the DOLE enumerate the following circumstances as Petitioner contends that respondents committed acts constituting unfair labor practices
inter/intra-union disputes x x x.44 which charge was particularly laid out in his pleadings, but that the Labor Arbiter, the NLRC,
and the CA ignored it and simply dismissed his complaint on the ground that his causes of
However, petitioners charge of unfair labor practices falls within the original and exclusive action were intra- or inter-union in nature. Specifically, petitioner claims that he was
jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters, pursuant to Article 217 of the Labor Code. In addition, suspended and expelled from MWEU illegally as a result of the denial of his right to appeal
Article 247 of the same Code provides that "the civil aspects of all cases involving unfair his case to the general membership assembly in accordance with the unions constitution
labor practices, which may include claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of and by-laws. On the other hand, respondents counter that such charge is intra-union in
damages, attorneys fees and other affirmative relief, shall be under the jurisdiction of the nature, and that petitioner lost his right to appeal when he failed to petition to convene the
Labor Arbiters." general assembly through the required signature of 30% of the union membership in good
standing pursuant to Article VI, Section 2(a) of MWEUs Constitution and By-Laws or by a
Unfair labor practices may be committed both by the employer under Article 248 and by petition of the majority of the general membership in good standing under Article VI, Section
labor organizations under Article 249 of the Labor Code,45 which provides as follows: 3.

ART. 249. Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. - It shall be unfair labor practice for a Under Article VI, Section 2(a) of MWEUs Constitution and By-Laws, the general membership
labor organization, its officers, agents or representatives: assembly has the power to "review revise modify affirm or repeal [sic] resolution and
decision of the Executive Board and/or committees upon petition of thirty percent (30%) of
(a) To restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization. the Union in good standing,"46 and under Section 2(d), to "revise, modify, affirm or reverse
However, a labor organization shall have the right to prescribe its own rules with respect to all expulsion cases."47 Under Section 3 of the same Article, "[t]he decision of the Executive
the acquisition or retention of membership; Board may be appealed to the General Membership which by a simple majority vote reverse
the decision of said body. If the general Assembly is not in session the decision of the
(b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate against an employee, including Executive Board may be reversed by a petition of the majority of the general membership in
discrimination against an employee with respect to whom membership in such organization good standing."48 And, in Article X, Section 5, "[a]ny dismissed and/or expelled member
has been denied or to terminate an employee on any ground other than the usual terms and shall have the right to appeal to the Executive Board within seven days from notice of said
conditions under which membership or continuation of membership is made available to dismissal and/or expulsion which, in [turn] shall be referred to the General membership
other members; assembly. In case of an appeal, a simple majority of the decision of the Executive Board is
imperative. The same shall be approved/disapproved by a majority vote of the general
(c) To violate the duty, or refuse to bargain collectively with the employer, provided it is the membership assembly in a meeting duly called for the purpose."49
representative of the employees;
In regard to suspension of a union member, MWEUs Constitution and By-Laws provides
(d) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to pay or deliver or agree to pay or deliver any under Article X, Section 4 thereof that "[a]ny suspended member shall have the right to
money or other things of value, in the nature of an exaction, for services which are not appeal within three (3) working days from the date of notice of said suspension. In case of
performed or not to be performed, including the demand for fee for union negotiations; an appeal a simple majority of vote of the Executive Board shall be necessary to nullify the

Thus, when an MWEU member is suspended, he is given the right to appeal such suspension Article 247. Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for prosecution thereof. Unfair
within three working days from the date of notice of said suspension, which appeal the labor practices violate the constitutional right of workers and employees to self-organization,
MWEU Executive Board is obligated to act upon by a simple majority vote. When the penalty are inimical to the legitimate interests of both labor and management, including their right
imposed is expulsion, the expelled member is given seven days from notice of said dismissal to bargain collectively and otherwise deal with each other in an atmosphere of freedom and
and/or expulsion to appeal to the Executive Board, which is required to act by a simple mutual respect, disrupt industrial peace and hinder the promotion of healthy and stable
majority vote of its members. The Boards decision shall then be approved/ disapproved by a labor-management relations.
majority vote of the general membership assembly in a meeting duly called for the
purpose.1avvphi1 "In essence, [unfair labor practice] relates to the commission of acts that transgress the
workers right to organize."50 "[A]ll the prohibited acts constituting unfair labor practice in
The documentary evidence is clear that when petitioner received Borelas August 21, 2007 essence relate to the workers right to self-organization."51 "[T]he term unfair labor practice
letter informing him of the Executive Boards unanimous approval of the grievance refers to that gamut of offenses defined in the Labor Code which, at their core, violates the
committee recommendation to suspend him for the second time effective August 24, 2007, constitutional right of workers and employees to self-organization."52
he immediately and timely filed a written appeal. However, the Executive Board then
consisting of respondents Borela, Tierra, Bolo, Casaas, Fernandez, Rendon, Montemayor, Guaranteed to all employees or workers is the right to self-organization and to form, join, or
Torres, Quebral, Pagulayan, Cancino, Maga, Cometa, Mancenido, and two others who are not assist labor organizations of their own choosing for purposes of collective bargaining. This is
respondents herein did not act thereon. Then again, when petitioner was charged for the made plain by no less than three provisions of the Labor Code of the Philippines. Article 243
third time and meted the penalty of expulsion from MWEU by the unanimous vote of the of the Code provides as follows:
Executive Board, his timely appeal was again not acted upon by said board this time
consisting of respondents Borela, Quebral, Tierra, Imana, Rendon, Yeban, Cancino, Torres, ART. 243. Coverage and employees right to self-organization. All persons employed in
Montemayor, Mancenido, Mandilag, Fernandez, Buenaventura, Apilado, Maga, Barbero, commercial, industrial and agricultural enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, or
Cometa, Bolo, and Manlapaz. educational institutions whether operating for profit or not, shall have the right to self-
organization and to form, join, or assist labor organizations of their own choosing for
Thus, contrary to respondents argument that petitioner lost his right to appeal when he purposes or collective bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self-
failed to petition to convene the general assembly through the required signature of 30% of employed people, rural workers and those without any definite employers may form labor
the union membership in good standing pursuant to Article VI, Section 2(a) of MWEUs organizations for their mutual aid and protection.
Constitution and By-Laws or by a petition of the majority of the general membership in good
standing under Article VI, Section 3, this Court finds that petitioner was illegally suspended Article 248 (a) declares it to be an unfair labor practice for an employer, among others, to
for the second time and thereafter unlawfully expelled from MWEU due to respondents interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to self-
failure to act on his written appeals. The required petition to convene the general assembly organization. Similarly, Article 249 (a) makes it an unfair labor practice for a labor
through the required signature of 30% (under Article VI, Section 2[a]) or majority (under organization to restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights to self-
Article VI, Section 3) of the union membership does not apply in petitioners case; the organization . . .
Executive Board must first act on his two appeals before the matter could properly be
referred to the general membership. Because respondents did not act on his two appeals, xxxx
petitioner was unceremoniously suspended, disqualified and deprived of his right to run for
the position of MWEU Vice-President in the September 14, 2007 election of officers, expelled The right of self-organization includes the right to organize or affiliate with a labor union or
from MWEU, and forced to join another union, WATER-AFWC. For these, respondents are determine which of two or more unions in an establishment to join, and to engage in
guilty of unfair labor practices under Article 249 (a) and (b) that is, violation of petitioners concerted activities with co-workers for purposes of collective bargaining through
right to self-organization, unlawful discrimination, and illegal termination of his union representatives of their own choosing, or for their mutual aid and protection, i.e., the
membership which case falls within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Labor protection, promotion, or enhancement of their rights and interests.53
Arbiters, in accordance with Article 217 of the Labor Code.
As members of the governing board of MWEU, respondents are presumed to know, observe,
The primary concept of unfair labor practices is stated in Article 247 of the Labor Code, and apply the unions constitution and by-laws. Thus, their repeated violations thereof and
which states: their disregard of petitioners rights as a union member their inaction on his two appeals

which resulted in his suspension, disqualification from running as MWEU officer, and
subsequent expulsion without being accorded the full benefits of due process connote WHEREFORE, the Petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The assailed April 24, 2012 Decision of the
willfulness and bad faith, a gross disregard of his rights thus causing untold suffering, Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 115639 is hereby MODIFIED, in that all of the respondents
oppression and, ultimately, ostracism from MWEU. "Bad faith implies breach of faith and - except for Carlos Villa, Ric Briones, and Chito Bernardo - are declared guilty of unfair labor
willful failure to respond to plain and well understood obligation."54 This warrants an award practices and ORDERED TO INDEMNIFY petitioner Allan M. Mendoza the amounts of
of moral damages in the amount of P100,000.00. Moreover, the Civil Code provides: Pl00,000.00 as and by way of moral damages, PS0,000.00 as exemplary damages, and
attorney's fees equivalent to 10 per cent (10%) of the total award.
Art. 32. Any public officer or employee, or any private individual, who directly or indirectly
obstructs, defeats, violates or in any manner impedes or impairs any of the following rights
and liberties of another person shall be liable to the latter for damages: SO ORDERED.


(12) The right to become a member of associations or societies for purposes not contrary to

In Vital-Gozon v. Court of Appeals,55 this Court declared, as follows:

Moral damages include physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety,
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation, and similar injury.
They may be recovered if they are the proximate result of the defendants wrongful act or
omission. The instances when moral damages may be recovered are, inter alia, acts and
actions referred to in Articles 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34 and 35 of the Civil Code, which,
in turn, are found in the Chapter on Human Relations of the Preliminary Title of the Civil
Code. x x x

Under the circumstances, an award of exemplary damages in the amount of P50,000.00, as

prayed for, is likewise proper. "Exemplary damages are designed to permit the courts to
mould behavior that has socially deleterious consequences, and their imposition is required
by public policy to suppress the wanton acts of the offender."56 This should prevent
respondents from repeating their mistakes, which proved costly for petitioner.1wphi1

Under Article 2229 of the Civil Code, [e]xemplary or corrective damages are imposed, by
way of example or correction for the public good, in addition to the moral, temperate,
liquidated or compensatory damages. As this court has stated in the past: Exemplary
damages are designed by our civil law to permit the courts to reshape behaviour that is
socially deleterious in its consequence by creating negative incentives or deterrents against
such behaviour.57

Finally, petitioner is also entitled to attorneys fees equivalent to 10 per cent (10%) of the
total award. The unjustified acts of respondents clearly compelled him to institute an action
primarily to vindicate his rights and protect his interest. Indeed, when an employee is forced
to litigate and incur expenses to protect his rights and interest, he is entitled to an award of
attorneys fees.58

On the same day, CTMI issued another memorandum5 informing the companys sales
representatives and sales drivers of the new system in the Salon Business Groups selling
G.R. No. 176085 February 8, 2012 operations.

FEDERICO S. ROBOSA, ROLANDO E. PANDY, NOEL D. ROXAS, ALEXANDER ANGELES, The union asked for the withdrawal and deferment of CTMIs directives, branding them as
VERONICA GUTIERREZ, FERNANDO EMBAT, and NANETTE H. PINTO, Petitioners, union busting acts constituting unfair labor practice. CTMI ignored the request. Instead, it
vs. issued on July 23, 1991 a notice of termination of employment to the sales drivers, due to
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION (First Division), CHEMO-TECHNISCHE the abolition of the sales driver positions.6
MANUFACTURING, INC. and its responsible officials led by FRANKLIN R. DE
LUZURIAGA, and PROCTER & GAMBLE PHILIPPINES, INC., Respondents. On August 1, 1991, the union and its affected members filed a complaint for illegal dismissal
and unfair labor practice, with a claim for damages, against CTMI, De Luzuriaga and other
DECISION CTMI officers. The union also moved for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction
and/or temporary restraining order (TRO).
The Compulsory Arbitration Proceedings
We resolve the petition for review on certiorari1 seeking the reversal of the resolutions of the
Court of Appeals (CA) rendered on February 24, 20062 and December 14, 20063 in CA-G.R. The labor arbiter handling the case denied the unions motion for a stay order on the ground
SP No. 80436. that the issues raised by the petitioners can best be ventilated during the trial on the merits
of the case. This prompted the union to file on August 16, 1991 with the National Labor
Factual Background Relations Commission (NLRC), a petition for the issuance of a preliminary mandatory
injunction and/or TRO.7
Federico S. Robosa, Rolando E. Pandy, Noel D. Roxas, Alexander Angeles, Veronica Gutierrez,
Fernando Embat and Nanette H. Pinto (petitioners) were rank-and-file employees of On August 23, 1991, the NLRC issued a TRO.8 It directed CTMI, De Luzuriaga and other
respondent Chemo-Technische Manufacturing, Inc. (CTMI), the manufacturer and distributor company executives to (1) cease and desist from dismissing any member of the union and
of "Wella" products. They were officers and members of the CTMI Employees Union-DFA from implementing the July 23, 1991 memorandum terminating the services of the sales
(union). Respondent Procter and Gamble Philippines, Inc. (P & GPI) acquired all the interests, drivers, and to immediately reinstate them if the dismissals have been effected; (2) cease
franchises and goodwill of CTMI during the pendency of the dispute. and desist from implementing the July 15, 1991 memorandum grounding the sales
personnel; and (3) restore the status quo ante prior to the formation of the union and the
Sometime in the first semester of 1991, the union filed a petition for certification election at conduct of the consent election.
CTMI. On June 10, 1991, Med-Arbiter Rasidali Abdullah of the Office of the Department of
Labor and Employment in the National Capital Region (DOLE-NCR) granted the petition. The Allegedly, the respondents did not comply with the NLRCs August 23, 1991 resolution. They
DOLE-NCR conducted a consent election on July 5, 1991, but the union failed to garner the instead moved to dissolve the TRO and opposed the unions petition for preliminary
votes required to be certified as the exclusive bargaining agent of the company. injunction.

On July 15, 1991, CTMI, through its President and General Manager Franklin R. de Luzuriaga, On September 12, 1991, the NLRC upgraded the TRO to a writ of preliminary injunction.9
issued a memorandum4 announcing that effective that day: (1) all sales territories were The respondents moved for reconsideration. The union opposed the motion and urgently
demobilized; (2) all vehicles assigned to sales representatives should be returned to the moved to cite the responsible CTMI officers in contempt of court.
company and would be sold; (3) sales representatives would continue to service their
customers through public transportation and would be given transportation allowance; (4) On August 25, 1993, the NLRC denied the respondents motion for reconsideration and
deliveries of customers orders would be undertaken by the warehouses; and (5) revolving directed Labor Arbiter Cristeta Tamayo to hear the motion for contempt. In reaction, the
funds for ex-truck selling held by sales representatives should be surrendered to the cashier respondents questioned the NLRC orders before this Court through a petition for certiorari
(for Metro Manila) or to the supervisor (for Visayas and Mindanao), and truck stocks should and prohibition with preliminary injunction. The Court dismissed the petition for being
immediately be surrendered to the warehouse. premature. It also denied the respondents motion for reconsideration, as well as a second
motion for reconsideration, with finality. This notwithstanding, the respondents allegedly

refused to obey the NLRC directives. The respondents defiance, according to the petitioners, The petitioners lament that the NLRC, in issuing the challenged resolutions, had
resulted in the loss of their employment. unconstitutionally applied the law. They maintain that not only did the NLRC unconscionably
delay the disposition of the case for more than twelve (12) years; it also rendered an unjust,
Meanwhile, the NLRC heard the contempt charge. On October 31, 2000, it issued a unkind and dubious judgment. They bewail that "[f]or some strange reason, the respondent
resolution10 dismissing the charge. It ordered the labor arbiter to proceed hearing the main NLRC made a queer [somersault] from its earlier rulings which favor the petitioners."13
case on the merits.
The Case for the Respondents
The petitioners moved for, but failed to secure, a reconsideration from the NLRC on the
dismissal of the contempt charge. They then sought relief from the CA by way of a petition Franklin K. De Luzuriaga
for certiorari under Rule 65.
De Luzuriaga filed a Comment14 on May 17, 2007 and a Memorandum on December 4,
The CA Decision 2008,15 praying for a dismissal of the petition.

The CA saw no need to dwell on the issues raised by the petitioners as the question it De Luzuriaga argues that the CA committed no error when it dismissed the petition for
deemed appropriate for resolution is whether the NLRCs dismissal of the contempt charge certiorari since the dismissal of the contempt charge against the respondents amounted to
against the respondents may be the proper subject of an appeal. It opined that the dismissal an acquittal where review by an appellate court will not lie. In any event, he submits, the
is not subject to review by an appellate court. Accordingly, the CA Special Sixth Division respondents were charged with indirect contempt which may be initiated only in the
dismissed the petition in its resolution of February 24, 2006.11 appropriate regional trial court, pursuant to Section 12, Rule 71 of the Rules of Court. He
posits that the NLRC has no jurisdiction over an indirect contempt charge. He thus argues
The CA considered the prayer of P & GPI to be dropped as party-respondent moot and that the petitioners improperly brought the contempt charge before the NLRC.
Additionally, De Luzuriaga points out that the petition raises only questions of facts which,
The petitioners sought a reconsideration, but the CA denied the motion in its resolution of procedurally, is not allowed in a petition for review on certiorari. Be this as it may, he
December 14, 2006.12 Hence, the present Rule 45 petition. submits that pursuant to Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, Inc. v. Tiamson,16
factual findings of labor officials, who are deemed to have acquired expertise in matters
The Petition within their respective jurisdictions, are generally accorded not only respect but even finality.
He stresses that the CA committed no reversible error in not reviewing the NLRCs factual
The petitioners charge the CA with grave abuse of discretion in upholding the NLRC findings.
resolutions, despite the reversible errors the labor tribunal committed in dismissing the
contempt charge against the respondents. They contend that the respondents were guilty of Further, De Luzuriaga contends that the petitioners verification and certification against
contempt for their failure (1) to observe strictly the NLRC status quo order; and (2) to forum shopping is defective because it was only Robosa and Pandy who executed the
reinstate the dismissed petitioners and to pay them their lost wages, sales commissions, per document. There was no indication that they were authorized by Roxas, Angeles, Gutierrez,
diems, allowances and other employee benefits. They also claim that the NLRC, in effect, Embat and Pinto to execute the required verification and certification.
overturned this Courts affirmation of the TRO and of the preliminary injunction.
Lastly, De Luzuriaga maintains that the petitioners are guilty of forum shopping as the reliefs
The petitioners assail the CAs reliance on the Courts ruling that a contempt charge prayed for in the petition before the CA, as well as in the present petition, are the same
partakes of a criminal proceeding where an acquittal is not subject to appeal. They argue reliefs that the petitioners may be entitled to in the complaint before the labor arbiter.17
that the facts obtaining in the present case are different from the facts of the cases where
the Courts ruling was made. They further argue that by the nature of this case, the Labor P & GPI
Code and its implementing rules and regulations should apply, but in any event, the
appellate court is not prevented from reviewing the factual basis of the acquittal of the As it did with the CA when it was asked to comment on the petitioners motion for
respondents from the contempt charges. reconsideration,18 P & GPI prays in its Comment19 and Memorandum20 that it be dropped
as a party-respondent, and that it be excused from further participating in the proceedings.
It argues that inasmuch as the NLRC resolved the contempt charge on the merits, an appeal

from its dismissal through a petition for certiorari is barred. Especially in its case, the the present case, is appealable. The CA held that the NLRCs dismissal of the contempt
dismissal of the petition for certiorari is correct because it was never made a party to the charges against the respondents amounts to an acquittal in a criminal case and is not
contempt proceedings and, thus, it was never afforded the opportunity to be heard. It adds subject to appeal.
that it is an entity separate from CTMI. It submits that it cannot be made to assume any or
all of CTMIs liabilities, absent an agreement to that effect but even if it may be liable, the The CA ruling is grounded on prevailing jurisprudence.
present proceedings are not the proper venue to determine its liability, if any.
In Yasay, Jr. v. Recto,25 the Court declared:
On December 16, 2008, the petitioners filed a Memorandum21 raising essentially the same
issues and arguments laid down in the petition. A distinction is made between a civil and [a] criminal contempt. Civil contempt is the failure
to do something ordered by a court to be done for the benefit of a party. A criminal contempt
The Courts Ruling is any conduct directed against the authority or dignity of the court.26

Issues The Court further explained in Remman Enterprises, Inc. v. Court of Appeals27 and People v.
Godoy28 the character of contempt proceedings, thus
The parties submissions raise the following issues:
The real character of the proceedings in contempt cases is to be determined by the relief
(1) whether the NLRC has contempt powers; sought or by the dominant purpose. The proceedings are to be regarded as criminal when
the purpose is primarily punishment and civil when the purpose is primarily compensatory or
(2) whether the dismissal of a contempt charge is appealable; and remedial.

(3) whether the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in dismissing the contempt Still further, the Court held in Santiago v. Anunciacion, Jr.29 that:
charge against the respondents.
But whether the first or the second, contempt is still a criminal proceeding in which
On the first issue, we stress that under Article 21822 of the Labor Code, the NLRC (and the acquittal, for instance, is a bar to a second prosecution. The distinction is for the purpose
labor arbiters) may hold any offending party in contempt, directly or indirectly, and impose only of determining the character of punishment to be administered.
appropriate penalties in accordance with law. The penalty for direct contempt consists of
either imprisonment or fine, the degree or amount depends on whether the contempt is In the earlier case of The Insurance Commissioner v. Globe Assurance Co., Inc.,30 the Court
against the Commission or the labor arbiter. The Labor Code, however, requires the labor dismissed the appeal from the ruling of the lower court denying a petition to punish the
arbiter or the Commission to deal with indirect contempt in the manner prescribed under respondent therein from contempt for lack of evidence. The Court said in that case:
Rule 71 of the Rules of Court.23
It is not the sole reason for dismissing this appeal. In the leading case of In re Mison, Jr. v.
Rule 71 of the Rules of Court does not require the labor arbiter or the NLRC to initiate Subido, it was stressed by Justice J.B.L. Reyes as ponente, that the contempt proceeding far
indirect contempt proceedings before the trial court. This mode is to be observed only when from being a civil action is "of a criminal nature and of summary character in which the court
there is no law granting them contempt powers.24 As is clear under Article 218(d) of the exercises but limited jurisdiction." It was then explicitly held: "Hence, as in criminal
Labor Code, the labor arbiter or the Commission is empowered or has jurisdiction to hold the proceedings, an appeal would not lie from the order of dismissal of, or an exoneration from,
offending party or parties in direct or indirect contempt. The petitioners, therefore, have not a charge of contempt of court." [footnote omitted]
improperly brought the indirect contempt charges against the respondents before the NLRC.
Is the NLRCs dismissal of the contempt charges against the respondents beyond review by
The second issue pertains to the nature of contempt proceedings, especially with respect to this Court? On this important question, we note that the petitioners, in assailing the CA main
the remedy available to the party adjudged to have committed indirect contempt or has decision, claim that the appellate court committed grave abuse of discretion in not ruling on
been absolved of indirect contempt charges. In this regard, Section 11, Rule 71 of the Rules the dismissal by the NLRC of the contempt charges.31 They also charge the NLRC of having
of Court states that the judgment or final order of a court in a case of indirect contempt may gravely abused its discretion and having committed reversible errors in:
be appealed to the proper court as in a criminal case. This is not the point at issue, however,
in this petition. It is rather the question of whether the dismissal of a contempt charge, as in

(1) setting aside its earlier resolutions and orders, including the writ of preliminary injunction enjoined and that the status quo can no longer be restored, for implementation of the
it issued, with its dismissal of the petition to cite the respondents in contempt of court; memorandum was already consummated or was a fait accompli. x x x

(2) overturning this Courts resolutions upholding the TRO and the writ of preliminary All sales vehicles were ordered to be turned over to management and the same were
injunction; already sold[.] xxx [I]t would be hard to undo the sales transactions, the same being valid
and binding. The memorandum of July 15, 1991 authorized still all sales representatives to
(3) failing to impose administrative fines upon the respondents for violation of the TRO and continue servicing their customers using public transportation and a transportation
the writ of preliminary injunction; and allowance would be issued.

(4) failing to order the reinstatement of the dismissed petitioners and the payment of their xxxx
accrued wages and other benefits.
The third directive of the Commission is to preserve the "status quo ante" between the
In view of the grave abuse of discretion allegation in this case, we deem it necessary to look parties.
into the NLRCs dismissal of the contempt charges against the respondents. As the charges
were rooted into the respondents alleged non-compliance with the NLRC directives Records reveal that WELLA AG of Germany terminated its Licensing Agreement with
contained in the TRO32 and the writ of preliminary injunction,33 we first inquire into what respondent company effective December 31, 1991 (Exhibit "11," Respondents
really happened to these directives. Memorandum).

The assailed NLRC resolution of October 31, 200034 gave us the following account on the On January 31, 1992, individual petitioners together with the other employees were
matter - terminated xxx. In fact, this event resulted to the closure of the respondent company. The
manufacturing and marketing operations ceased. This is evidenced by the testimony of
On the first directive, x x x We find that there was no violation of the said order. A perusal of Rosalito del Rosario and her affidavit (Exh. "9," memorandum of Respondents) as well as
the records would show that in compliance with the temporary restraining order (TRO), Employers Monthly Report on Employees Termination/dismissals/suspension xxx (Exhibits
respondents reinstated back to work the sales drivers who complained of illegal dismissal "12-A" to "12-F," ibid) as well as the report that there is a permanent shutdown/total closure
(Memorandum of Respondents, page 4). of all units of operations in the establishment (Ibid). A letter was likewise sent to the
Department of Labor and Employment (Exh. "12," Ibid) in compliance with Article 283 of the
Petitioners allegation that there was only payroll reinstatement does not make the Labor Code, serving notice that it will cease business operations effective January 31, 1992.
respondents guilty of contempt of court. Even if the drivers were just in the garage doing
nothing, the same does not make respondents guilty of contempt nor does it make them The petitioners strongly dispute the above account. They maintain that the NLRC failed to
violators of the injunction order. What is important is that they were reinstated and receiving consider the following:
their salaries.
1. CTMI violated the status quo ante order when it did not restore to their former work
As for petitioners Danilo Real, Roberto Sedano and Rolando Manalo, they have resigned from assignments the dismissed sales drivers. They lament that their being "garaged" deprived
their jobs and were paid their separation pay xxx (Exhibits "6," "6-A," "7," "7-A," "8," "8-A," them of benefits, and they were subjected to ridicule and psychological abuse. They assail
Respondents Memorandum dated August 12, 1996). The issue of whether they were the NLRC for considering the payroll reinstatement of the drivers as compliance with its stay
illegally dismissed should be threshed out before the Labor Arbiter in whose sala the case of order.
unfair labor practice and illegal dismissal were (sic) filed. Records also show that petitioner
Antonio Desquitado during the pendency of the case executed an affidavit of desistance They also bewail the NLRCs recognition of the resignation of Danilo Real, Roberto Sedano,
asking that he be dropped as party complainant in as much as he has already accepted Rolando Manalo and Antonio Desquitado as they were just compelled by economic necessity
separation benefits totaling to P63,087.33. to resign from their employment. The quitclaims they executed were contrary to public
policy and should not bar them from claiming the full measure of their rights, including their
With respect to the second directive ordering respondents to cease and desist from counsel who was unduly deprived of his right to collect attorneys fees.
implementing the memoranda dated July 15, 1991 designed to ground sales personnel who
are members of the union, respondents alleged that they can no longer be restrained or

2. It was error for the NLRC to rule that the memorandum, grounding the sales drivers, could
no longer be restrained or enjoined because all sales vehicles were already sold. No Note that when the injunction order was issued, WELLA AG of Germany was still under
substantial evidence was presented by the respondents to prove their allegation, but even if licensing agreement with respondent company. However, the situation has changed when
there was a valid sale of the vehicles, it did not relieve the respondents of responsibility WELLA AG of Germany terminated its licensing agreement with the respondent, causing the
under the stay order. latter to close its business.

3. The alleged termination of the licensing agreement between CTMI and WELLA AG of Respondents could no longer be ordered to restore the status quo as far as the individual
Germany, which allegedly resulted in the closure of CTMIs manufacturing and marketing petitioners are concerned as these matters regarding the termination of the employees are
operations, occurred after the NLRCs issuance of the injunctive reliefs. CTMI failed to now pending litigation with the Arbitration Branch of the Commission. To resolve the incident
present substantial evidence to support its contention that it folded up its operations when now regarding the closure of the respondent company and the matters alleged by
the licensing agreement was terminated. Even assuming that there was a valid closure of petitioners such as the creations of three (3) new corporations xxx as successor-corporations
CTMIs business operations, they should have been paid their lost wages, allowances, are matters best left to the Labor Arbiter hearing the merits of the unfair labor practice and
incentives, sales commissions, per diems and other employee benefits from August 23, 1991 illegal dismissal cases.37
up to the date of the alleged termination of CTMIs marketing operations.
We find no grave abuse of discretion in the assailed NLRC ruling. It rightly avoided delving
Did the NLRC commit grave abuse of discretion in dismissing the contempt charges against into issues which would clearly be in excess of its jurisdiction for they are issues involving
the respondents? An act of a court or tribunal may only be considered as committed in grave the merits of the case which are by law within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the
abuse of discretion when it was performed in a capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment labor arbiter.38 To be sure, whether payroll reinstatement of some of the petitioners is
which is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. The abuse of discretion must be so patent and proper; whether the resignation of some of them was compelled by dire economic necessity;
gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty enjoined by law, or to act at all in whether the petitioners are entitled to their money claims; and whether quitclaims are
contemplation of law, as where the power is exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner contrary to law or public policy are issues that should be heard by the labor arbiter in the
by reason of passion or personal hostility.35 first instance. The NLRC can inquire into them only on appeal after the merits of the case
shall have been adjudicated by the labor arbiter.
The petitioners insist that the respondents violated the NLRC directives, especially the status
quo ante order, for their failure to reinstate the dismissed petitioners and to pay them their The NLRC correctly dismissed the contempt charges against the respondents.1wphi1 The
benefits. In light of the facts of the case as drawn above, we cannot see how the status quo CA likewise committed no grave abuse of discretion in not disturbing the NLRC resolution.
ante or the employer-employee situation before the formation of the union and the conduct
of the consent election can be maintained. As the NLRC explained, CTMI closed its In light of the above discussion, we find no need to dwell into the other issues the parties
manufacturing and marketing operations after the termination of its licensing agreement raised.
with WELLA AG of Germany. In fact, the closure resulted in the termination of CTMIs
remaining employees on January 31, 1992, aside from the sales drivers who were earlier WHEREFORE, premises considered, we hereby DENY the petition for lack of merit and
dismissed but reinstated in the payroll, in compliance with the NLRC injunction. The AFFIRM the assailed resolutions of the Court of Appeals.
petitioners termination of employment, as well as all of their money claims, was the subject
of the illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice complaint before the labor arbiter. The latter SO ORDERED.
was ordered by the NLRC on October 31, 2000 to proceed hearing the case.36 The NLRC
thus subsumed all other issues into the main illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice case
pending with the labor arbiter. On this point, the NLRC declared:

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