Novel Chapter9

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Marks:35 TEST SERIES 2016 (English XII) Time

Allowed: 35 Mins
Name:______ Date: 08-10-2016 Paper
Starting Time:___
Question 2.Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) the following any 11 questions
from Book-II (Part II): (22)
i. What was the effect of Katherines death on Chips?
ii. Why did the Head ask Mr.Chips not to give up housemastership?
iii. What was Chips age at the time of Katherines death and what was the condition of his
iv. Why did the boys start calling Chips old son after Katherines death?
v. Who was Naylor?
vi. Who was Halsbury?
vii. What were Mr.Chips ideas when the new century dawned?
viii. What were Chips eccentricities?
ix. Describe Mr.Chips when he stood for the call-over.
x. What were Chips ideas about the Boers?
xi. What did Chips say to Lloyd George?

..Best of


Q.No.1: (a) Tick the right synonyms of the following underlined words. (23)

Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)

The Head persuaded him otherwise. Ordered Forbade Convinced Dodged

Chips changed his more commodious

apartments for his old bachelor Shapeless Pretentious Ugly Spacious
Just as marriage had added something,
iii. Experiment Tragedy Valour Shot
so did bereavement.

iv. After the first stupor of grief Chips

Display Experience Shock Repetition
became suddenly old.

v. Chips used to recount that incident with

Memories Colours Difficulties Laughter
many chuckles.

I was myself a mere infant Veteran Baby Teacher Bachelor

With the new century there settled upon

vii. Grief Shock Satisfaction Softness
Chips mellowness.

No longer did Chips feel diffident about

viii. Shaky Confidence Amused Satisfied
his own work and worth.

ix. Chips had won an uncharted no-mans-

Flavour Problem Advantage Suffering
land of privilege.
x. Chips had acquired the right to chose
Richness Strictness Oddities Affection
gentle eccentricities.

xi. Chips wore his gown till it was almost

Clustered Shrunk Torn Faded
too tattered.

It was with an air of mystic

xii. Enjoyment Resignation Arrival Joining
abandonment to ritual.

That verifying glance was an easy and

xiii. Criticism Debate Thrill Imitation
favourite subject of mimicry.
On windy days with gown and white
xiv. hair and school-list fluttering in Noisy Colourful Mixed Separate
uproarious confusion.

xv. The whole thing became a comic turn. Amusing Abusing Fortunate New

Where had they all gone to, he often

xvi. Worried Reflected Recollected Redeemed

Chips saw the world of change and

xvii. Clash Strangeness Newness Comfort

Katherine had not been able to bequeath

xviii. Conceal Afford Read Grant
him all her mind.

Katherine had left Chips with a

xix. Tragedy Confusion Readiness Balance
calmness and poise.

He did not share the general jingo

xx. Patriotic Reasonable Hidden Consistent
bitterness against Boers.

The strange randomness of the world

xxi. Attained Inspired Deceived Warmed
beguiled him.
However heretical he might be about
xxii. the Boers, he was orthodox about Mr. Liberal Critical Foolish Generous
Lloyd George.
The Head, standing with them, was
xxiii. Shameless Ashamed Pleased Bewildered
rather aghast.
..Best of

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