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Oxymoron - A figure of speech that combines two usually In everyday life, it is common to experience litotes in

contradictory terms - 'living death' or 'bittersweet', for conversations although not many people are aware of this
example. term and its usage. Below are a few examples of litotes from
daily conversations:
Litotes - A figure of speech by which an affirmation is made
They do not seem the happiest couple around.
indirectly by denying its opposite - 'no mean feat' or' not
averse to a drink'. The ice cream was not too bad.

Irony - A subtley humourous perception of inconsistency or a New York is not an ordinary city.
statement that is undermined by its context.
Your comments on politics are not useless.
Paradox - A statement so surprisingly self-contradictory that
we seek out another context to make sense of it - You are not as young as you used to be.
Wordsworth 'The Child is the Father of the Man'.
I cannot disagree with your point of view.
Antithesis - A contrast or oppostion to an argument.
William Shakespeare was not a bad playwright at all.
I hope this is of use. He is not the cleverest person I have ever met.

She is not unlike her mother.

Litotes, derived from a Greek word meaning simple, is a
figure of speech which employs an understatement by using Ken Adams is not an ordinary man
double negatives or, in other words, positive statement is
A million dollars is not a little amount.
expressed by negating its opposite expressions.
You are not doing badly at all.

For example, using the expression not too bad for very Your apartment is not unclean.
good is an understatement as well as a double negative
statement that confirms a positive idea by negating the Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a
opposite. Similarly, saying She is not a beauty queen, way that their intended meaning is different from the actual
means She is ugly or saying I am not as young as I used to meaning of the words. It may also be a situation that may
be in order to avoid saying I am old. Litotes, therefore, is end up in quite a different way than what is generally
an intentional use of understatement that renders an ironical anticipated. In simple words, it is a difference between the
effect. appearance and the reality.
not. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, we know much
before the characters that they are going to die.
Irony Examples from Literature In real life circumstances, irony may be comical, bitter or
sometimes unbearably offensive.
Example #1
Antithesis, literal meaning opposite, is a rhetorical device in
We come across the following lines in Shakespeares Romeo which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to
and Juliet, Act I, Scene V.
achieve a contrasting effect.
Go ask his name: if he be married.
My grave is like to be my wedding bed.
Antithesis emphasizes the idea of contrast by parallel
Juliet commands her nurse to find out who Romeo was and structures of the contrasted phrases or clauses, i.e. the
says if he were married, then her wedding bed would be her
structures of phrases and clauses are similar in order to draw
grave. It is a verbal irony because the audience knows that
she is going to die on her wedding bed. the attention of the listeners or readers. For example:

Let us analyze some interesting examples of irony from our Setting foot on the moon may be a small step for a man but
daily life: a giant step for mankind.

I posted a video on YouTube about how boring and The use of contrasting ideas, a small step and a giant
useless YouTube is. step, in the sentence above emphasizes the significance of
one of the biggest landmarks of human history.
The name of Britains biggest dog was Tiny.
Some famous antithetical statements have become part of
You laugh at a person who slipped stepping on a our everyday speech and are frequently used in arguments
banana peel and the next thing you know, you slipped and discussions. Below is the list of some antithetical
too. statements:
The butter is as soft as a marble piece. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.

Oh great! Now you have broken my new camera. Man proposes, God disposes.

Difference between Dramatic Irony and Situational Irony Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing.
Dramatic irony is a kind of irony in a situation, which the
Speech is silver, but silence is gold.
writers frequently employ in their works. In situational irony,
both the characters and the audience are fully unaware of Patience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit.
the implications of the real situation. In dramatic irony, the
characters are oblivious of the situation but the audience is
Money is the root of all evils: poverty is the fruit of all Your enemys friend is your enemy.
I am nobody.
You are easy on the eyes, but hard on the heart.
What a pity that youth must be wasted on the
The term Paradox is from the Greek word paradoxon that young. George Bernard Shaw
means contrary to expectations, existing belief or perceived
opinion. Wise fool

Truth is honey which is bitter.

It is a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or silly I can resist anything but temptation. Oscar Wilde
but may include a latent truth. It is also used to illustrate an
opinion or statement contrary to accepted traditional ideas. A From the above examples of paradox, we can say that
paradox is often used to make a reader think over an idea in paradox creates a humorous effect on the readers because of
innovative way. its ridiculousness.

Examples of Paradox

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