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Comprehensive Chronology of Events & Circumstances1

September 1981 1985: study political philosophy at the University of

Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia [course curriculum & grades transcript:

August 1985 June 1987: study law at University College Cardiff2; return
from U.K. law school with a LL.B.; commencement of CGI entrepreneurial
opportunity, incorporating Intelligent Images Research Inc. in Alberta; and
covert corporate sabotage begins by manoeuvring a security services
operative into the role of business partner3; rest of 1987 privacy violated as
a result of 24/7 surveillance and phone calls monitored

1988: commencement of multi-decade covert violation of the Parliament-

ratified Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights (the
prohibition on government conducting covert human experimentation, i.e.,
without knowledge or consent); privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls monitored

1989: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

1989: sabotage of CGI venture succeeds; steps taken to prevent investment

capital being attained

April 1, 89: articles commences

My curriculum vitae and family bio posted on this website: Link.
The highlight of my academic career was the final assignment in the Academic
Deans course entitled Juristic Technique; assigned an A+ even though I only
answered 1 of 2 questions: Link
David Mackenzie became a patient of my uncle dentist, represented he was
worth ~$50 million and then befriended him. Introduced to him upon my return
and he rented a house in which the business plan was authored.

1990: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new
capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer monitored

Mid-March 1990: Canadian Security & Intelligence Service contacts me;

attend its office and fraudulent advised theres a Russian spy safe house
across the street of my home; wants to install a surveillance system, offers
to pay my monthly rent

March 31st, 90: articles concludes

April 1st, 90: CSIS installs surveillance equipment that advances the Article
7 violation

September 21st, 90: called to the Alberta Bar

October 1st, 90: sole proprietorship law practice in my residence commences

and covert life-long sabotage of my legal career begins; first file referred to
me by law school colleague; began by examining what were in the boxes of
documents from litigation that had been ongoing for a couple years; an
unsolicited chronology of steps in the action delivered to me from opposing
counsel consisting of an affidavit sworn by his client; discovered a glaring
omission in it, namely, nothing about documents pursuant to examination
for discovery undertakings having been sent to him; sought guidance from a
judge of the Court of Queens Bench of Alberta whod practiced with my
father; obtained expert opinion on the bona fides of the fax transmission
report that proved the undertakings were received; a solid case on the
evidence of solicitor fraud in the face of the court; just before Christmas
break a meeting with Justice Cooke in private chambers, stating even if
subpoenas were duly served he wouldnt enforce them

1991: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls monitored

Early January 1991: trial of the allegation; it was undeniable there was a
conspiracy involving the Justice, opposing counsel and his lawyer to cause a
miscarriage of justice

Late January December 1991: opposing counsel again acted in ways that
were highly suspicious; he also demanded an apology or he would report me
to the Law Society; instead I filed a disciplinary complaint against him; Law
Society proceeded not against him but me on the charges of alleging
solicitor fraud without evidence and writing a malicious letter; it would be
incontestable by the time this proceeding concluded the Benchers recruited
to sit in judgment were also colluding to ruin my professional reputation in
the city and cause me emotional distress; ordered to pay $3,500 in hearing

1992: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls monitored

February 1992: CSIS terminates fraudulent surveillance operation; the

agency watched since its commencement me engage in my drug habit of
consuming marijuana on a daily basis; it approached my dealer and told him
to halt deliveries; concomitant with the deprivation I was introduced to those
enjoying the cocaine lifestyle; stealth cognition technologies deployed to
cause me to ingest on a daily basis what was being provided by several
security services sources; within 6 weeks of ending the operation I had
clients who partook, was being invited to parties where it was being used
and available

September 1993: security services operative posed as client who led me to

generating several thousands of dollars per month which paid for my cocaine

Early January 1993: went to the courthouse to conduct a trial; changed into
my robes in the mens room and discovered a packet of cocaine in a pocket;
immediately sought an audience with a Justice of the Court of Queens
Bench to complain of CSIS or police misconduct

Mid-January 1993: the Justice contacted the Law Society, which called my
mother in Ottawa who arranged an intervention; escorted to a facility in
Maple Ridge, B.C. for a month

February 1993: employee spikes juice I requested with a sedative that led to
sleeping through a counselling session; called the RCMP to file a complaint
no officers showed up; the commotion led to being expelled; live in my car
for a week or so; drove back to Edmonton to wind down my practice; multi-
agency sabotage of law practice succeeds; abandon my residence and move
to Vancouver

February 1993: destitute on the streets of Vancouver; used the downtown

courthouse for part-time shelter

March 7th, 93: stealth cognition technologies deployed to procure my

seeking shelter in the psychiatric facility at Vancouver General Hospital

March 1993: move to Ottawa and reside with mother until the first week of
January 2004

1994: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls monitored

Second week of January 1994: sister and I attend at a Vancouver nightclub

and am approached by two operatives who befriend me; the intent being to
continue disrupting my personal life; offered cocaine, which I accepted
because by that time Id conducted an analysis of what transpired in
Edmonton and concluded this was an extension of that operation to ensure
Id never practice law again

Second week of January until October 1994: provided a free supply of

cocaine during this protracted period; which again proved with no room for

doubt the Government of Canada was a serial, multi-province cocaine

November 1994: introduced to a female operative who begins the role of

girlfriend; lasts until April 1995

1995: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

August 1995: one of the January 1994 operatives, a successful realtor,

invites me to move into his $850,000 penthouse; where I was reduced to
being nothing more than a servant for him and the citys community of
security services personnel who were regularly using the posh residence as a
weekend party palace

1996: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

1996: seek review of my law degree credentials with the National Committee
of Accreditation to comply with B.C. Law Society requirements; thereafter
attempt to transfer my license to the province, but roadblocks were created;
offered to abandon my license and re-article; more barriers; to mitigate the
loss of my career I commenced a legal research venture, Canada Law
Topics, which comprised Internet delivery of pre-packaged research
(compilation relevant statutory provisions and case law and academic
literature excerpts by topic); several years and some 15,000 hours later had
6,700 topics in 17 of the most practiced areas of law; not until 2002 was I
ready to launch the service

1997: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

August 1997: authorship of political treatise The Harvest documenting the
Article 7 violation and sinister implications of stealth cognition technologies
in the hands of non-democratic governments

1998: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

February 1998: move out of the penthouse and into the residence of a
realtor colleague/friend; lack of compatibility lead to me being evicted;
moved in with mother

July 1, 98: move into the downtown Vancouver apartment Ive been in
since; converted into another R&D laboratory for the purpose of advancing
stealth cognition technologies achievements

1999: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

2000: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

2001: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

2001: introduced to an operative in a downtown nightclub who presented

himself as a millionaire Internet entrepreneur; entered agreement where he
would provide $50,000 seed capital in exchange for equity; first installment
led to hiring several data entry clerks who sat in the courthouse library and
added to the research service

2002: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new
capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

January February 2002: Article 7 R&D program evolves from covert to

overt; sabotage of legal research venture succeeds

January 5th, 02: departing downtown nightclub and arrested by VPD on the
fabricated charge of being too intoxicated in public; spent several hours in

February 2002: Canada Law Topics ready for launch; investor refuses to
forward the second installment of $25,000, leaving me unable to market the
service; this leads to the sabotage of the venture; sometime thereafter I
transfer the entire database to a CD-ROM to make room on my laptop;
eventually Id inspect its contents to discover it was blank my apartment
was unlawfully entered and the switch was made, the theft of my intellectual
property was undertaken, to deprive me of the results of my extensive

February 2002: what used to be covert becomes overt one day when Im
walking back from the squash club; stopped at the corner of Burrard and
Davie to wait for the light to change; left leg kicks out without any intent by
me as a marked VPD cruiser passes within a couple arms lengths; this
sought to impress upon me (1) the control of my cognitions and body
functions had been achieved outside my apartment and (2) the VPD were
integral in the protection of the R&D program

September 2002: Federal Court of Canada lawsuit commenced [file #T-

1114-02; pleading, list of causes of action & steps in the action (Link4)];
motion filed for costs in advance of trial; heard by then Associate Chief
Justice Allan Lutfy and dismissed

October 2002: appeal of costs in advance of trial decision filed

Login: bush; password: obama

December 2002: defendant makes national security and injury to
international relations5 privilege claims; clerk opens a second court file,
#DES-5-03, to manage this unique component of the lawsuit pursuant to s.
38 of the Canada Evidence Act

2003: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

January 2003: motion filed challenging privilege claims

February 2003: appeal of costs in advance of trial decision dismissed

March 2003: amended Statement of Claim filed after re-evaluation of

original pled facts which were insufficient in light of privilege claims; costs in
advance of trial motion II filed and request judicial investigation into political
interference in the independence of Bar; the latter never set down for a

April 2003: Associate Chief Justice Lutfy (as he then was) appoints himself
and Prothonatary Hargrave (deceased) case management judges

May 2003: Associate Chief Justice appoints Justice Lemieux case manager6

October 2003: motion challenging privilege claims heard in camera

The latter privilege claim formally indicated a foreign government was involved in
my ordeal. Not until I completed the second phase of my research did I conclude
it was China. That said, the other candidate was Russia given it was fraudulently
represented I was living across the street from a safe house financed by that
That there were three case managers appointed proves something seriously
wrong with the Courts handling of my lawsuit.

December 2003: Prime Minister Chretin resigns after ten years in office;
Paul Martin takes helm of federal governance

December 2004: judicial bias motion filed; never set down for a hearing

2004: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

January 2004: genesis of diplomatic back-channel7; invitation to join an

informal coalition of American and international public and private sector
partners and contribute made and accepted; first initiative involving Aaron
Sorkin [eBook8]

January 2004: intensification of violations of Article 7 and more in the

category of obstruction of justice campaign (intelligence community &
security services personnel generate a climate of fear); this was in reaction
to back-channel activities

February 19th, 04: take Greyhound bus to Seattle and at the border seek
U.S. political asylum; formally brought my human rights complaint to the
attention of the U.S. government and United Nations

Early March 2004: voluntary withdraw application asylum; return to

Vancouver and begin academic research to discover the conditions and
antecedents for my inexplicable ordeal

April 2004: costs in advance of trial decision dismissed

How it functions is fully explained in Chapter 4 of my eBook. Link to the entire
publication infra, page 17.
This comprises chapter 3 of an eBook I authored between August 2012 and
December 2012. Link to the entire publication infra, page 17.

May 2004: Canadian release of Nicole Kidmans independent film Dogville;
first instance of coercive diplomacy9: Hollywoods inaugural back-channel
contribution (interpretation in eBook after the Aaron Sorkin documentation)

Late July 2004: Canadian release of The Manchurian Candidate 2;

comprising a second Hollywood back-channel contribution; the combination
of prosecuting the lawsuit, my political asylum application, conducting
research and all back-channel activity, including this production, infuriated
triangle operators10 who after that release begin preparing a response

August 6th, 04: two VPD officers attend at my residence presenting

fabricated evidence I was stalking then BCTV weatherwoman Tamara
Taggart; instructions were not to arrest me pursuant to the Criminal Code
and instead escort me to St. Pauls Hospital and have me involuntarily
incarcerated in its psychiatric facility; showed them my Statement of Claim,
indicated the defendant claimed national security privilege, and my
research; they concluded I was being framed and left; this abuse of power
corroborated my original finding of publicly non-transparent macro-
authoritarianism as a result of 2+ centuries of political nepotism and
patronage, yielding a complete consolidation of power behind a faade of

August 2004 December 2004; discovered The Sidewinder Report within a

week of the failed incarceration attempt; the study conducted jointly by the
RCMP and CSIS demonstrated vast swaths of the Canadian economy are
owned by the Chinese government and the communist countrys wealthiest
nationals; in December concluded in the early 1970s Prime Minister Trudeau
gave the Beijing leadership a status greater than most favored nation
trading partner that by the end of the decade the geo-political marriage
of the most intimate kind led to constitution and international law violating
Chinese joint governance (research posted on the CGRC website, chapter 1)

A term of art in international relations; defined as uttering threats against a
government. If they dont lead to offending behavior being halted there will be
follow through. Her final scene became the gold standard for that posture.
In my research treatise I label those who run this country like a fiefdom the
Ottawa-Toronto-Montreal-(Beijing) triangle of power and wealth.

November 2004: privilege claims challenge dismissed

November 30, 2004: Lemieux J.s national security privilege motion

delivered (filed December 27, 2002; In camera (Ottawa) hearing on October
2003; 11 months from filing to hearing; 1 year 1 month between hearing
and decision; time factor: 2 years)

December 2004 January 2005: dissemination of my findings to date to

public sector recipients and a few in the private sector

2005: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve new

capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365 surveillance and phone
calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

February 7th, 05 VPD attend at my residence and based on fabricated

evidence11 effect the involuntary committal at St. Pauls Hospital they failed
at six months earlier; Chinese intake psychiatrist signs the incarceration
document after only a 3-5 minute examination; pumped full of
pharmaceuticals; the legislated mandatory review three weeks later biased
and dismissed; released after 5 weeks

March to July 2005: mother was so convinced by the medical slander she
demanded that I continue to ingest prescribed pharmaceuticals which, inter
alia, made me lethargic and meet regularly with mental health professionals

April 20th, 05: Hargrave P.s costs in advance motion decision II delivered
(motion filed March 26, 2003; heard March 25, 2004; 1 year from filing to
hearing; 1 year, 2 months year between hearing and decision; time factor: 2
years, 1 month)

One element of the manufactured evidence involved the citys Mayor. The lawsuit
Id launched for being falsely arrested on January 5th, 02 involved the City
Solicitors Office, which refused to act professionally. Because it didnt I was
entitled to contact the defendant. Doing was twisted into the allegation I was
extorting the Mayor for $50,000. Even if true, it wouldnt constitute grounds for
involuntary incarceration.

October 1st, 05: Pentagon names an Iraq military initiative Operation Iron
Fist [news report] after one of my March research treatise titles: The Iron
Fist of Article 7 in the Last Democratic Fiefdom: signaled the coalition was
going to become more aggressive

Third week of October 2005: lawsuit dismissed for want of prosecution12

January December 2006: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

Third week of January 2006: Liberal Party loses federal election;

Conservatives assume helm of federal governance

February 1, 06: the U.S. military fires live ammunition rounds at Canadian
diplomats in Baghdads Green Zone [news report] exactly four months to the
day after Operation Iron Fist to send a coercive diplomacy message to the
just elected Harper government it must capitulate to international demands
or there will be severe consequences

February 2006: Prime Minister Harper refuses to capitulate to international

demands to halt the Article 7 violation, terminate Chinese joint governance
and implement democratic reforms; diplomatic back-channel evolves from
informal to formal; persuasive diplomacy commences and coercive
diplomacy continues

March 2006: President Bush begins to circulate U.S. intel, my research and
litigation credibility unchallenged13 Article 7 evidence to world leaders

Served with the motion. Stealth cognition technologies deployed to wipe my
memory clean of that process. Didnt appear at the hearing and the claim was
struck. This constitutes an egregious obstruction of justice.
Filed a half dozen motions and not once did the defendant cross-examine me on
the affidavits; thus leading to the conclusion it knew the court was biased and it
was going to prevail so no need to waste time, effort and expense. Legal analysis

Late March 2006: sisters observed to be infected with stealth cognition
technologies; instructed to purchase a wig and prance around Vancouvers
red light district acting like a prostitute

Early May 2006: death threat uttered by ETalk co-host (from lab to slab);
in response several days later President Bush declares economic war
against China and Canada

Mid-May 2006: stealth cognition technologies again deployed on my sister;

instructed to crave crystal methamphetamines; called me constantly asking
me to help secure a regular supply

March 2006 December 2008: 3+ dozen world leaders and their

governments, 150+ multinationals and large U.S. companies and hundreds
of private sector wealthy and high profile join a publicly non-transparent
coalition [List] to engage in persuasive and coercive diplomacy; back-
channel activities virtually every single day of every year, all of which were
documented and archived by me to the present day

May 26, 2006: contract entered into with the U.S. government; primary
terms were I would conduct extensive reform initiatives and it would take
steps to deliver the quantum I was seeking in the Federal Court of Canada
litigation from prosperity theft proceeds (see page 12 infra); accurately
inferred in February 2011 the agreement was in violation of the tort of deceit

June 19th, 06: first instance of deploying stealth cognition technologies to

cause torture (manipulated my jaw while eating to procure my teeth slicing
into my tongue, causing a major laceration and profuse bleeding)
[Photographic Evidence, pages 14 15]

September 11th, 06: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice dispatched to

Canada to accentuate and continue a spring 2006 initiative that drew a
parallel between the threat posed by the Canada-China military alliance and

in the Federal Court Rules, 1998 section of my chronology and analysis [Link: login:
bush; password: obama]

radical Islamist fundamentalism; eventually proved to be disingenuous as
per my February 2011 epiphany (see infra, page 14)

January December 2007: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

Early January 2007: author analysis for coalition consumption that the
Alberta oil sands ought to be custodianized so triangle operators and
Chinese can no longer use the wealth they generate to advance macro-
authoritarianism, Chinese joint governance and help finance the Beijing
leaderships global imperialism; two days later sister stopped on the road by
RCMP and arrested on fabricated charges; nine days later stealth cognition
technologies deployed to make her behave in ways that led to being
involuntarily incarcerated in a psychiatric facility in New Westminster for
three weeks

Early January 2007: sister discovers in her apartment child drawings

depicting pedophilia; decision made by her and mother to commence
custody litigation having been falsely led to believe the father was sexually
abusing her daughter [Skeletal Autobiography, pages 25 27]

May 2007: Original (Part I) research concluded

June 13th, 07: coalition allegation made that the Canada-China alliance
might walk a dirty bomb across the U.S.-Canadian border; response was to
fabricate evidence that led me to being escorted by the VPD to St. Pauls
Hospital and interviewed by a psychiatric facility intake doctor; decided no
reason to involuntarily incarcerate; triangle operators fabricate documents
that makes it look like I was in fact involuntarily incarcerated in said facility

Mid-July 2007: stealth cognition technologies deployed on my sister in the

company of her daughter and the father at a softball game; instructed to
enter her vehicle and smash it into a parked car; police and ambulance
called; this fabricated evidence entered at the custody trial

July 24, 07: filed a complaint with the RCMP Public Complaints Commission

August 2007: genesis of year long dissemination initiative edifying federal,

provincial and municipal governments and administration of justice agencies
to generate collective awareness about my ordeal, research findings and
diplomatic back-channel to trigger reform and accountability; full list of
recipients and some reactions [Link]

Late August: commence edification of Canadian law societies [Link], Canadian

Bar Association, Federation of Law Societies and Trial Lawyers Associations in Canada

September 2007: begin triggering accountability mechanisms file

complaints with a plethora of public and private sector agencies, including
law societies that had political leaders and cabinet appointees as members;
filed one against P.M. Brian Mulroney [Link]; only the Quebec law society
investigated; declined to conduct a review; appealed the decision which

October 12th, 07: file a criminal complaint with then Attorney General Wally

October 2007: Part 2 research commences

November 5th, 07: reply to my submission from the Attorney General of

Canada refusing to conduct an investigation

November 19th, 07: another instance of torture; hypno-forced to

consciousness three hours after bedding down for the night; feeling the pain
of my teeth gnawing on the inside of my cheek causing intense pain and a

November 22nd, 07: another instance of torture: hypno-forced to
consciousness feeling two totally opposed sensations; had both a protracted
erection coming out of a dream with explicit sexual content (pleasure-
intended) and felt powerful anus cramps (pain-intended); was compelled to
rise from bed and try to walk it off for several minutes; at one point broke
out in cold sweats and felt a third of the way to passing out from the
excruciating pain

December 3rd, 07: Attorney General Oppal dismisses my allegations as

having no legal merit

January December 2008: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

January 2008: make submissions to Senate committees with a view to

procuring investigations: Foreign Affairs, Legal & Constitutional, Human
Rights, National Security & Defence

May 18th, 08: another instance of torture; hypno-forced to consciousness to

the excruciating pain of anus cramps; they were so acute I got up and tried
to walk them off; unable to and collapsed on my bed, spread-eagled my legs
and broke into cold sweats as my body was immobilized with sheering pain

September 2008: Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, a division

of the RCMP, launches investigation after several months of conversations
with one of the heads of B.C.s law enforcement division, Superintendent
Mike Aubrey

November 25th, 08: file complaint with the Canadian Judicial Council against
Allan Lutfy C.J. and Franois Lemieux J.; matter reviewed and relief denied

January December 2009: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D
envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

January 23rd, 09: make joint submission to the Supreme Court of Canadas
Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, and provincial chiefs & associate chief
justices and judges

March 2009: the RCMP investigation inexplicably halted with no action taken

May 3rd, 09: newly elected Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff utters a death

May 8th, 09: hypnosis-induced food choking experimentation continued

when having lunch and dinner; during both food got stuck in my throat
causing me to gag; felt my jaw muscles, tongue and swallowing reflexes
being manipulated with the most evident intention of developing the remote
ability to make a victim suffer an episode that only the Heimlich Maneuver
can mitigate

June 10th, 09: Leader of the Opposition Michael Ignatieff utters a death

June 23rd July 27th, 09: all law enforcement associations were contacted
as part of the expanded edification campaign

July 2009: that month a record was set for the number of hypnotically
induced itchy lesions; four; they were procured on the forehead, behind the
ear, in the middle of the back and just below the thumb [Photographic
Evidence, pages 1 12]

January December 2009: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D
envelop to achieve new capabilities; back-channel activities every single day
of the year, all of which were documented and archived by me

June 2009: edification of federal, provincial and municipal government

concludes; begins with all federal and provincial police associations

July 2009: edification of administration of justice agencies, all judges

(provincial & federal benches, Supreme Court of Canada) and legal
profession organizations, concludes [Link]

July 2009: custody litigation concludes with the Supreme Court of British
Columbia Justice ruling the father gets full custody and sister supervised
visits; going forward being on medical disability insurance instead of
practicing medicine, child arrears become too burdensome to pay so visits
cancelled and sister is compelled by these circumstances to abandon her
only child; has not seen her once since 2009; inference this travesty
resulted from police fabrication of evidence and a biased court like my
Federal Court action amounts to state kidnapping of a child

August 4th, 09: another instance of torture; causing my jaw muscles to

pinch the inner lip as Im falling asleep; it happened twice within five
minutes [Photographic Evidence, pages 14 15]

August 22nd, 09: another form of torture; stealth cognition technologies

regularly deployed to cause an itch timed to references to murder and death
on television and Internet; for many years it happens several times a day
virtually every day; CBS News & The Associated Press stated that day
Threatening a prisoner14 with death violates U.S. anti-torture laws

My 29 year career, financial and social quarantine to advance the R&D program
constitutes nothing short of non-custodial incarceration an inescapable
environment of poverty and isolation. Almost every single day and on occasion
several times an hour dating back to 2006 stealth cognition technologies are
deployed to violate my person (as described in The Malfeasance Quantum
Calculator) which has the intended effect of uttering a death threat.

October 1st, 09: sister again the victim of a stealth cognition technologies
deployment; this time instructed to park herself on the side of the highway
outside of Hope, B.C. and douse herself and vehicle with gasoline to make it
appear she was going to self- immolate; RCMP waiting to intervene and
when doing so shes involuntarily incarcerated in a psychiatric facility in
Chilliwack for 3 weeks; the purpose of the deployment was to celebrate
Chinas 60th year anniversary of communism

November 2009: Law Society of Alberta files eight county disciplinary

complaint against me alleging I was misusing the Barrister & Solicitor
designation in correspondence to research recipients; that the material being
circulated amounted to legal advice

November 2009: contact Canadas largest 50 companies, all chartered banks

and 100+ investment firms part edification, part formal notice failure to
capitulate to the international coalitions demands attracts severe
consequences [Link]

Early December 2009: Law Society of Alberta counsel puts me on notice if

Im convicted hell seek disbarment; viewed as abuse of process

January December 2010: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored

January 2010: stealth cognition technologies deployed on my sister,

instructing her to totally abandon her residence and become a nomad for the
next eight months and to make no contact with me or mother; she and I put
all her furniture etc. into storage and relinquish the apartment

January 27th, 10: another instance of torture; when eating dinner stealth
cognition technologies were deployed to manipulate my jaws so that my
teeth cut into the delicate skin in my mouth, causing a shooting pain and a
laceration; when I reached for a notepad to document the unlawfulness they
did it again; then for the next couple days they ran my teeth across the sore
to procure more discomfort

February 2010: private sector edification and notice initiative concludes

March 3rd, 10: Ontario Conservative MP Dean Allison threatens me

March 3rd, 10: Governor General of Canada Michalle Jean utters a threat of

March 2rd, 10: MP Irene Mathyssen and Conservative Minister of State for
the Status of Women Helena Guergis utter death threat

March 2010: launch of Reform Coalition of Canada (RCC) seeking to create

identical collective awareness of macro-authoritarianism and Chinese joint
governance; information on the Article 7 violation and diplomatic back-
channel redacted

March 16th, 10: stealth cognition technologies deployed to generate the

sensation of a powerful hypno-itch between the eyes the intent being to
utter a death threat

Mid-June 2010: RCC edification of 300+ private sector organizations,

associations and groups

May 11th, 10: sent request for an investigation to Sgt. Glen Jacobson of the
Integrated National Security Enforcement Team

May 13th, 10: reply from Sgt. Jacobson declining to conduct an investigation

May 14th, 10: filed a request for a review of his decision with his superior,
Inspector Richard Baylin

May 17th, 10: received reply from Insp. Baylin refusing to overturn the
Sgt.s decision not to investigate

May 20th, 10: filed a request for an investigation with the Canadian Security
& Intelligence Services (CSIS) Assistant Director of Strategic Policy Andy

June 1st, 10: sent correspondence to CSIS Chief of Staff Nicole Currier

June 1st, 10: delivered follow-up correspondence to the RCMP Commissioner

expressly alleging Ive become an experimentation victim for what is now a
twenty-year period; that I was enslaved to it and mercilessly tortured with
the results of the military R&D add to the egregiousness of the systemic
violation. Theres been a systemic violation of Article 7 of the Canada-ratified
International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights

June 24th, 10: another instance of torture; on the left side of my tongue,
about way from its base a below-the-skin cyst grew and throbbed with
pain; when the infection subsided it was evident there was no virus, but
rather a hypno-procured lesion; the intense pain was triggered whenever
mouth muscles moved, when I spoke and especially when eating

July 2nd, 10: follow-up correspondence to the RCMP Commissioner stating

that I was recruited into an unlawful experimentation program beginning in
the late 1980s

July 22nd, 10: follow-up correspondence to CSIS Directors Chief of Staff

stating I just got off the phone with your RCMP counterpart, Insp. Paul
Bateman, drawing his attention to my complaint regarding human

July 2010: solicit opinions from Canadas published academics viz.

prosperity theft that confirm embezzlement of ~$10 trillion for countrys

mega-wealthy and to fund Chinas global aspirations [prosperity theft
research: Link 1, 2]

August 2010: edification of private sector organizations, associations and

groups concludes

August 10th & September 7th, 10: sought the oversight input viz. the RCMP
and CSIS from Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews by way of
correspondence; got no response whatsoever

August 10th, 10: filed a second complaint with the RCMP Public Complaints

August 16th, 10: sent correspondence to the RCMP Deputy Commissioner

chastising him for refusing to launch an investigation

Late August 2010: sister calls me eight months after being hypno-
instructed to abandon her home; after which she moved in with a med
school friend in Powell River

Late August 2010: crimes against humanity complaint filed with

International Criminal Court15

(a) formal complaint, August 23rd

(b) ICC Prosecutor confirms a review was launched, August 30th

Triangle operators produced and began in early August broadcasting a television
commercial during the Rogers Cup tennis tournament and continued to do so
through the U.S. Open into September in which they bragged what theyd done
to me and stealth cognition technology deployments that torture and are
barbaric and sexually perverse were crimes against humanity. I viewed that as
a brazen admission that could be used to justify an ICC investigation.

(c) legal analysis of culpability, September 1st

(d) legal analysis of courts jurisdiction, September 21st

(e) culpability assessment #1 against Lutfy C.J., September 21st

(f) culpability assessment #2 against Lutfy C.J., September 29th

(g) culpability assessments against private sector parties, September 29th

(h) culpability assessments against political leaders, etc., September 29th

(i) formal complaint of obstruction of justice, September, September 29th

(j) final submission, October 6th

(k) ICC notification the review was cancelled16, March 22nd

September 29th, 10: Law Society of Alberta holds hearing pursuant to the
disciplinary charges; only my counsel appears to argue my defense

December 2nd, 10: Attorney General of Canada Rob Nicholson, Foreign

Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon & Defence Minister Peter McKay utter
death threats

Early March 2011: a large segment of the coalitions membership agree with my
epiphany thesis and commence a ubiquitous condemnation campaign. On March
22nd, 11 ICC dismisses investigation; inference made President Obama and other
world leaders approached the prosecutor through a back-channel and convinced
him to terminate the review they were all linked to the Article 7 violation that
included torture, barbarity and grotesque sexual perversions.

December 10th, 10: Attorney General of Canada Rob Nicholson and Former
Privy and Council President Denis Coderre utter death threats

January December 2011: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; Canada-China alliance continues to
push R&D envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of
24/7/365 surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage
monitored; back-channel activities every single day of the year, all of which
were documented and archived by me

Early January 2011: sister calls and says shes leaving the next day for
Vancouver and advised where shed be staying in a town down the B.C.
coast; she never arrived; so filed a missing person report with the RCMP;
was notified by the investigating officer shed been observed by a member of
the force standing on the edge of a highway looking like she was going to
commit suicide by 18-wheeler; this resulted from a stealth cognition
technologies deployment; involuntarily incarcerated in a psychiatric facility in
Seachelt; I traveled to that town to get her released and I accompanied her
to Vancouver

Mid-February 2011: epiphany that exposed presidents Bush & Obama, their
respective administrations and a plethora of world leaders and their cabinet
ministers having embraced a foreign policy of deception in the back-channel;
the intent being to make it appear they were helping to halt the R&D
program, contain the Beijing leaderships imperialistic aspirations and fix
what became so chronically dysfunctional here when they had been since
joining the coalition conspiratorially perpetuating the Canada-China alliances
Article 7 violating R&D program so it would deliver more powerful and lethal
capabilities; collectively they tossed the criminal statutes, tort principles and
human rights codes out the window; President Bushs May 26, 2006
agreement was singularly motivated by acute dishonesty; statute of
limitations time began ticking for the tort of deceit; under U.S. law a three
year period to file; discoverability principle applies

February 28th, 11: President Obama offers a mea culpa indicating he would
pursue a new approach based on concrete steps

Late February May 2011: initiatives commenced to hold Obama
administration accountable:

February 24, 11: Criminal complaint filed with the FBI

March 14, 11: Accountability complaint filed with the U.S. Department of
Defense Inspector General

March 14, 11: Second criminal complaint supplemental filed with the FBI

March 21, 11: Four More FBI, DoD and CIA Inspector General Submissions

March 24, 11: Three More FBI, DoD and CIA Inspector General Submissions

March 30, 11: Four More FBI, DoD and CIA Inspector General Submissions

April 11, 11: Another FBI, DoD, CIA Inspector General & Congress Submission

April 8, 11: Two more FBI, DoD, CIA Inspector General & Congress

March 31, 11: Triggering investigation by U.S. Congress Committee on

Oversight and Government Reform

April 6, 11: Another FBI, DoD, CIA Inspector General & Congress Submission

April 18, 11: Four More FBI, DoD and CIA Inspector General, Congress and
FCC Submissions

April 18, 11: Submission to Federal Communications Commission and

Congress Sub-Committee on Communications & Technology

April 20, 11: Submission to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

April 28, 11: Disciplinary complaint seeking disbarment against President

Obama filed with the Supreme Court of Illinois Disciplinary Commission

April 29, 11: Criminal complaint against President Obama for reckless
endangerment filed with the Attorney General of New York

May 2, 11: Disciplinary complaint seeking disbarment against Vice-President

Biden filed with Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of

May 2, 11: Disciplinary complaint seeking disbarment against Secretary of

State Clinton filed with the Arkansas Committee on Professional Conduct

May 11, 11: Triggering investigations by House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Sub-Committees on the Western Hemisphere

May 12, 11: Triggering investigation by Congress Tom Lantos Human Rights

May 17, 11: Triggering investigation by Senate Committee on Foreign

Relations (with new submissions)

March 26, 11: threatened with violence by Hockey Night in Canadas

commentator Ron MacLean

May 2011: back-channel condemnation continues; commencement of what

is now an almost 6 year U.S. Fourth Estate conspiracy of silence; Americas
largest network news agencies refuse to publish anything that my epiphany
exposed; the same occurred at the BBC and elsewhere in the democratic

June 16th, 11: file Freedom of Information Act review with the Office of the
British Columbia Information and Privacy Commissioner questioning the
VPDs refusal to grant the primary relief sought; namely, the fabricated
emails used to justify incarcerating me in St. Pauls Hospital psychiatric

June 21st, 11: reply from Vic Towes Executive Assistant after re-sbmitting
my request for supervision of the RCMP and CSIS

July 22nd, August 20th & October 26th, 11: received confirmation of receipt of
correspondence sent to Integrated National Security Enforcement Team
Officer-in-Charge Dan Bond

August 3rd, 11: Freedom of Information Act request denied

September 2nd & 15th, 11: Former Vice-President Dick Cheney enters the
back-channel twice and offers two mea culpas

October 3, 11: Law Society of Alberta disciplinary decision rendered; found

guilty on all counts and fined $250.00 for each one; refused to disbar me
and didnt accept my correspondence was in lieu of giving legal advice,
rather dissemination of research

October 26th, 11: Another instance of torture; stealth cognition technologies

deployed to have me swiftly fall asleep; when reaching the dream state they
I was scripted to be on a medieval rack; excruciating pain upon being
startled hypno-woken of my arms and legs being pulled out of their sockets

November 1st, 11: made full disclosure of my ordeal to Integrated National

Security Team Officer-in-Charge Inspector Dan Bond

November 16th, 11: sent RCMP Inspector Dan Bond correspondence stating
The November 1st submission presented accumulated evidence of two
decades of illegalities and improprieties being an MK-Ultra R&D subject and
torture victim

November 30th, 11: file an action in the Court of Queens Bench of Alberta
against the Law Society of Alberta alleging the tort of abuse of process for
seeking to disbar me if found guilty of the disciplinary charges

January December 2012: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored; back-
channel activities every single day of the year, all of which were documented
and archived by me

January 13th, 12: Inspector Dan Bond makes an allegation that led me to
document it in correspondence to him, stating [D]uring our two or three
lengthy telephone conversations in August, September and October you
repeatedly complimented me on my intelligence and the professional nature
of my submissions. To now assertively argue I suffer from a mental disorder
that requires medical attention stands in sharp contrast to that previous

February 19th, 12: coalition partners notified jointly by President Obama,

then Speaker of the House John Boehner and then House Budget Committee
Chairman (currently Speaker of the House) Paul Ryan Congress had passed
legislation that allocates funds to settle the U.S. Governments civil liability
to me

March 2012: the launch of The Canadian Governance Reform Council and
conceptualization of The Canadian Citizens Party. The intent of the latter was
and to the present day is to serve as attain electoral success on the federal,
provincial and municipal levels and ipso facto be a nationwide replacement
for the two mainstream parties whove dominated politics for generations; in
other words, procure internationally legitimate regime change

March 21st, 12: Law Societys motion to strike pleadings in the Court of
Queens Bench of Alberta

March 18th 12: abuse of process lawsuit against the Law Society of Alberta
dismissed [Judgment: Link]

March 24th, 12: fax application for indigent status with the Court of Appeal
for Alberta; filed on March 26th; subsequently, the Clerk of the Court refuses
the relief; seek review by the Chief Justice of the Court [Link]

May 3rd, 12: receive correspondence from the Registrar for the Court of
Appeal for Alberta advising that Chief Justice Fraser wont review the matter
and the application for indigent status denied [Link]

Late spring 2012: conclusion the February 19th congressional allocation

pronouncement was disingenuous

June 2nd, 12: Filed with the British Columbia Information and Privacy
Commissioner a request for a review of the denied application [Link]

Late August Late December 2012: authorship of my eBooks

A Presidents Worst Nightmare: the Scandal that Dwarfs


A Prime Ministers Worst Nightmare: the Scandal that Dwarfs the

Sponsorship Affair18

September 30th, 12: Another instance of torture triggered by back-channel

diplomacy that constitutes punitive retaliation for back-channel diplomacy

Link; to access the eBook click on Introduction bottom right corner.
The research posted on the CGRC website.

Mid-November 2012: stealth cognition technologies deployed over a three
day period which procured 16 itchy lesions on my skin all over my body: one
on each cheek; one on each leg; three on my elbow, two on my arm, one on
a knuckle and a finger, one on my foots big toe and one just above the
heel; this comprised punitive retaliation for authoring chapter 2 of my

December 2012 January 2013: contact ~120 Republican Tea Party

executives with the intent to procure national news coverage about what the
Obama Democratic administration did that violated U.S. law, several
Presidential Executive Orders19 and Congress-ratified human rights codes

December 12, 12: Adjudicator in the Office of the British Columbia

Information and Privacy Commission refuses to grant the relief being
sought; namely, the fabricated emails used to justify involuntary committal
in St. Pauls Hospital psychiatric facility

January December 2013: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; back-channel activities every single day
of the year, all of which were documented and archived by me

January 2013: the launch of The Article 7 Accountability Institute 20 to

expand edification into U.S.; more than 170+ organizations, news agencies
and academic institutes and think tanks contacted

Late April late May 2013: travel to Texas to collaborate until the end of
June in the drafting of the U.S. Statement of Claim with senior counsel, Gary
Jackson, Colonel of military intelligence and Judge Advocate during the Cold
War (called to the State Bar 1961; Municipal Court Judge in Arlington 1966,
Doctorate of Jurisprudence 1969); [Link]

U.S. Supreme Court common law establishes that if these Orders arent
congressionally challenged they become the law of the land.
All logins: bush; all passwords: Obama.

Late April late May 2013: rogue personnel in American security services
continue the extreme malfeasance and human rights violations proving
collusion between them and their Canadian counterparts

Late May 2013: contact immigration department via a website and book an
appointment to file my second asylum application; counsel contacted without
my knowledge, getting him to immediately evict me from his property
[Link], which led to my return to Vancouver a month earlier than first

June 2013 September 2013: search for New York and D.C. counsel to
represent me viz. authoring correspondence to the Department of Justice
seeking to settle matters before proceeding to commence the action;
inference drawn the U.S. intelligence community was contacting lawyers I
called, slandering me and convincing them to deny me representation;
reached out to CGRC board of director member Don Reid; in 2011 2012 he
was the President of the Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce; he
contacted several lawyers, some friends, and didnt get any takers;
extended inference of more obstruction of justice interference to this failure

July 12th 18th, 13: Submission to Shaw Communications Inc. bringing to

its counsels attention the disruption of my cable feed and Internet access
[Link 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Mid-July 2013: the condemnation in the back-channel was so deafening it

echoes in the halls of the Vatican; Pope Francis aggressively intervenes
notifying President Obama that if he doesnt settle the matter Hell trigger
the scandal that dwarfs Watergate; He enters the back-channel several
times a week for what is now 3 years to ensure I take receipt of quantum

January December 2014: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; back-channel activities every single day
of the year, most of which were documented and archived by me

January 2014: statute of limitations on my tort of deceit lawsuit against the

U.S. Government approaching; reach out to my CGRC Board of Directors to

raise the $400 needed to commence the action; Don Reid got two high net
worth individuals to mail me $200 cheques; both stolen out of the Canada
Post system

February 2014: deliver by mail to the District Court for the District of
Columbia my Statement of Claim, the Complaint, and motion to be declared
indigent; Huvelle J. recruited into a conspiracy to obstruct justice granting
my motion relief [Link] but dismissing the action before filed [Link]; made
the connection between the theft of the two cheques and the obstruction;
her reasoning contained so many gross errors of facts and law the inference
was reasonable

March 2014: filed with the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia a complaint of judicial misconduct [Link]; arguing the
judges reasoning incontestably proved having been so recruited

March 2014: filed an appeal with the Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia seeking to overturn Huvelle J.s ruling [Link 1, 2]

July 4th & 28th and August 11th, 14: make comprehensive submissions to
House committees: Human Rights, Foreign Affairs and International
Development, National Defence and Public Safety & National Security and
Subcommittee on International Human Rights

July 2014: a three judge appeal panel dismisses the appeal on the same
grounds as Huvelle J.; namely, that either I made it all up or am suffering
from a mental disability [Link]

Late August 2014: pursuant to a two kicks at the appeal can protocol (the
second hearing to address perceived errors of fact and law before the same
panel) file the request for a review; this time submitting 1,300 pages of
documentation to demonstrate the bona fides of every element of the causes
of action

Early September 2014: a mere 6 business days later the appeal was denied;
the inference was made the judges failed to conduct their administration of
justice office competently, thus leading to a miscarriage of justice;
discovered the U.S. Supreme Courts Rules of Court granted supervisory
jurisdiction over lower courts, thus giving me standing to file an appeal in
the top court

September 21st, 14: the 24th anniversary of being called to the Alberta Bar;
sister and I rendezvous just after midnight; shes hypno-instructed to
deviate from her usual path, having me walk up a series of steps on the
courthouse property; then directed to walk to a set of stairs that returned us
to street level; tripped when descending causing bleeding, bruising on chin
and legs; this battery constitutes the most injury of any single deployment
of stealth cognition technologies; the intent was to mock the coalition in
seeking democratic reform and full criminal and civil accountability
[Photographic Evidence, pages 33 44]

December 19th, 14: send to the U.S. Supreme Court by mail my appeal
documents, including a motion for indigent status; the documents were

rejected because the Clerk saw that Id failed to fill out two sections of the
motion document; inferred stealth cognition technologies were deployed to
procure the omissions; The next instance of criminality came during the
return of the documents to me; they were sent on December 29th by airmail
via a U.S. Postal System that is differentiated from the regular mail; the
package was put in the tracked U.S. Official Mail post and shipped by
Priority air; in other words, it should have arrived no later than the middle
of January; instead of getting a notification in my mailbox the box was left at
the foot of my apartment door on or about February 10th and not by way of
what is considered standard. It was left at my apartment door; where it
remained for several days. It would take a neighbor knocking on my door to
alert me of its delivery.

Late December 2014: Clerk of the Court rejects the motions evidence on the
grounds I inadvertently failed to answer several questions in the standard
form; inference stealth cognition technologies were deployed to procure
those errors

January December 2015: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D
envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored; back-
channel activities every single day of the year, some of which were
documented and archived by me

Early January 2015: either the Canadian or U.S. intelligence community or

both colluding remove my mail to the U.S. Supreme Court Clerk from the
postal system; documents should have arrived within a week of sending,
i.e., latest third week of January; but didnt arrive until the third week of
February; with one to two days the Clerk return copies of the filed
documents; they too were delayed; instead of receiving them by way of my
mailbox, were placed at the foot of my apartment door

May 4, 15: U.S. Supreme Court refuses to grant the relief sought of filing
the Statement of Claim; coalition partners shocked; the inference was the
top Bench was, like the lower courts, insulating both Bush and Obama

July 14th & 28th, 15: file criminal complaint with the VPD alleging serial
criminality involving my computer and Internet usage; matter not
investigated; instead mental health division of the police force dispatched to
my residence to inquire whether I was of sound mind [Link]

July 15th, 20th & 30th, Sept 8th & 13th & November 26th, 15: make
submissions to the B.C. Attorney General first seeking an investigation into
the serial criminality and human rights violations and when refused request
a Special Prosecutor be appointed, which was denied

September 28th, 15: make submission to the provincial Ombudsman seeking

a review of the Attorney Generals refusals; the matter wasnt investigated

July 21st & 28th, 15: file formal criminal complaint with the VPD viz. criminal
interference with my computer and Internet access [Link 1, 2]

July 30th & September 13th, 15: file criminal complaints with the British
Columbia Deputy Attorney General [Link 1, 2]

September 30th, 15: correspondence to the British Columbia Ombudsperson

complaining the VPD refused to produce pursuant to a Freedom of
Information Act request [Link]

December 4, 15 to July 20, 16: in Australia back-packing up and down the

east coast of the country for 7 months [photo album]; the intent being in
part to collaborate in person with a business partner in the mining industry
[Link 1, 2, 3] and in part to have an unprecedented holiday compliments of
my mother paying out ~$20,000 to advance what would be a career thats
mitigating the loss of the CGI, law practice and Canada Law Topics
opportunities; beginning in mid-December being the target of non-stop
brazen, ubiquitous, systemic serial criminality and Parliament-ratified human
rights violations; there was significant collusion between the security
services there and in Canada; commencing in February drawing this
egregiousness to the attention of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Attorney
General of Australia, state government leaders, a parliamentary committee
and the Inspector General for Intelligence & Security and other interested
parties, like the RCMPs counterpart, the Australian Federal Police [Link];
discovering the democratic paradigm of governance had devolved as much
as Canadas had

December 2015 to July 2016: the back-channel continued while Down

Under; Pope Francis continued to aggressively intervene; in May indicated
Hed reformulated His approach; in mid-June President Obama insisted that I
compromise viz. quantum; agreed to accept half of what I was entitled to;
on June 24th confirmed he was going to settle the matter and deliver closure

July December 2016: Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D

envelop to achieve new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7/365
surveillance and phone calls, computer and Internet usage monitored; back-
channel activities every single day of the year, some of which were
documented and archived by me

Mid-August 2016: during the Beijing G20 Summit President Obama, Vice-
President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry got the coalitions world
leaders to formally become NATO 2.0 a global organization that would
challenge the threat and menace represented by Beijing and the Canadian
establishment; the inference was made Pope Francis was behind this
evolution like he was in thawing relations between the U.S. and Cuba

Third week of August 2016: Pope Francis insisted that I, Barack and other
major players reconcile to put differences in our lives rear view mirror; all
parties agreed to do so

Third Week September 2016; during the United Nations General Assembly
the President, Vice-President and Secretary of State got further confirmation
from public sector coalition partners they were committed to NATO 2.0
interests and objectives

June, 24 16 January 20, 17: 143 public appearances by President Obama,

First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice-President Biden and Secretary of State
Kerry that were back-channelled; the intent being to repeatedly underscore
the President had fully and unequivocally embraced Pope Francis insistence
on reconciliation; leading to the belief hed order settling the matter before
relinquishing the presidency

June 15th, 15 November 7th, 16: Republican nominee Donald Trump made
a plethora of representations that if President Obama didnt settle, he would

August 22nd, 16: During the 3 a.m. hour evidence was fabricated that I
was violently beating someone so much the screams led a neighbor to call
the police. Of the several constables who attended was Ian McNulty
(#3016). He'll advise that I didn't open the door expeditiously so one of his
colleagues began kicking the door in. Not hearing any identification of who
was doing this I opened it anyway. They put me in handcuffs in the hallway
while my apartment was examined. They left with acute embarrassment on
all their faces, knowing they'd been duped. The manufacture of the acute

assault & battery allegation was because of what'd described in the

Third week of August: sleeping and triangle operatives enter my apartment

and deploy stealth cognition technologies to wake me and bifurcate
consciousness; they batter me so much they bruised my upper, right rib
cage; the excruciating pain I experienced for more than a week constituted
torture; it wouldnt be for more than three weeks that the injury healed

October 4th November 22nd, 16 Pope Francis enters the back-channel 49

times in row to pressure President Obama to prove closure

November 23rd, 16 : Pope Francis as of February 11th entered the back-

channel every day for 82 days in a row to ensure the matter would be

November 24th, 16: another instance of torture; stealth cognition

technologies deployed to procure such intense stomach pain on Americas
Thanksgiving Day I broke out into cold sweats requiring a shower

November 8th, 16 January 20th, 17: President-Elect Trump made more

representations that if his predecessor wouldnt settle he would

December 6th, 16: President-Elect Trump expressly states he would not be

bound by the compromise and will after Inauguration Day order the receipt
of the full quantum Im entitled to

December 27th, 16: discovered more than 2,000 photos on my digital

cameras memory card were corrupted lost from that device every picture
taken during my 7 month Australia trip

January : Canada-China alliance continues to push R&D envelop to achieve

new capabilities; privacy violated as a result of 24/7 surveillance and phone

calls, computer and Internet usage monitored; back-channel activities
continued every single day, some of which were documented and archived
by me

January 20th, 17: then President Obama relinquishes office without following
through; the inference was made that American and NATO 2.0 decision-
makers decided that because Im committed to Canadian political reform I
should be in receipt of the full amount to finance what will be a multi-
hundred million dollar undertaking

January 21st, 17 : President Trump several times a week since his

inauguration indicated he is going to dispatch a security detail to Vancouver
wholl escort me to D.C. and then order possession of the full amount

February 6th 7th, 17 hundreds of instances of SCTs deployments and

electronic interference of computer and Internet access; punitive retaliation
for continuing to add to this document

February 8th 9th, 17 many SCTs deployments, one involving torture,

mouth bleeding and laceration and another several instances of convulsion
coughing (torture), electronic interference of computer and Internet access
and hours disrupting cable TV signal and cutting access to various channels;
punitive retaliation for continuing to add to this document

February 8th 9th, 17: On Wednesday President Trump entered the back-
channel to assure me Ill be in receipt of the full quantum; within 5 7
minutes of documenting what he said, early Thursday afternoon triangle
operators cut the power to not just the entire building but also the
surrounding area measured in several blocks

Posted at are all the

documents linked to supra.


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