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Study Tips

Learning Styles Tips

If you are an applied learner, use case

studies, examples, and practical applications.

If you are a conceptual learner, organize

information into main ideas and examples.

If you are an auditory learner, tape record

lectures and form study groups to discuss
lecture content.

If you are a visual learner, create visual aids

such as maps, charts, and diagrams of course

If you are a social learner, take courses

involving class discussion and form study
groups whenever possible.

If you are an independent learner, take

courses that use a traditional lecture exam or
independent study format.

If you are a spatial learner, use outlining,

visualization, and mapping techniques.

If you are a verbal learner, discuss steps,

processes, and procedures with classmates or
If you are a creative learner, take courses
that involve exploration, experimentation, and

If you are a pragmatic learner, write out a

list of steps, processes, and procedures
Study Tips

Tips for Improving the Storage of Information

Carefully and specifically define your purpose.

Learn new information by connecting it with previously learned knowledge.

Ask questions and make associations.

Block out everything that does not relate to what you want to remember.

Use visual, auditory, and motor learning modes.

Use previewing.

Use visualization.

Use categorization.

Organize and recode information to be stored.

Search for organizational patterns in the material.

Look for similarities and differences.

Look for sequences.

Look for obvious divisions of the material.

Tips for Improving the Retrieval of Information

Review the chapter immediately after reading.

Review all major headings and bold-face print.

Form a question for each heading.

Answer each of your questions.

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