HND UNIT 3 With OB Assignment

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Assignment Front Sheet

Qualification Unit Number and Title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Unit 3: Organisations and Behavior

Reg. No. Learners Name Assessors Name

Hand-out Date Hand-in Date Submitted On

Tue, 01st Nov 2016 Wed, 04th Dec 2016

Assignment Type Summative Assignment

Assignment Title Analysis of Organizational Structure and Behavior

Learning In this assessment you will have the

Outcome No. opportunity to present evidence that Task Page
and Statement shows you are able to: No. No.
Understand Compare and contrast different organisational
the 1.1 structures and culture
relationship Explain how relationship between an organisations
LO1 between 1.2 structure and culture can impact on the performance 1 4
organisational of the business
structure and Discuss the factors which influence individual
culture 1.3
behaviour at work
Understand Compare the effectiveness of different leadership
different styles in different organisations
approaches to Explain how organisational theory underpins the
LO2 2.2 2 4
management practice of management
and leadership Evaluate the different approaches to management
used by different organisations
Understand Discuss the impact that different leadership styles
ways of using 3.1 may have on motivation in organisations in periods of
motivational change
LO3 theories in Compare the application of different motivational 3 4
organisations theories within the workplace
3.3 Evaluate usefulness of motivation theory for managers
Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour
Understand within organisations.
for developing
--L 4 5
effective Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the
O4 4.2
teamwork in development of effective teamwork in organisations
organisations Evaluate the impact of technology on team
functioning within a given organisation.
Learners Declaration

I certify the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Learners Signature:

Assignment Brief

Qualification Unit Number and Title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour

Reg. No. Learners Name Assessors Name

Hand-out Date Hand-in Date Submitted On

Tue, 01st Nov 2016 Wed, 04th Dec 2016

Assignment Type Summative Assignment

Assignment Title Analysis of Organizational Structure and Behaviour

Unit Aim:
The aim of this unit is to give learners an understanding of individual and group behaviour in
organisations and to examine current theories and their application in managing behaviour in the

Organisations behaviour is a field of study that scrutinizes the effects of individuals, groups, and
structure by behaviour within organisations. Behaviour refers to peoples work, their performance
and their attitude. Organisations often use Organisations Behaviour principles to assist with
workplace issues such as absenteeism, turnover, productivity, motivation, working in groups, and
job satisfaction.


You are the manager of a management consultancy group that helps organizations improve its
culture, structure and performance. Your task is to help an organization of your own choice.
Recently some employees at your selected organization are performing poorly. More so, a recent
survey has shown that majority of the workforce is demotivated and therefore are not putting
enough effort to perform their duties well. This has caused distress among the senior management
of the organization. A research shows that in many organizations the employees are productive and
performing way better.

As a management consultant you have been asked to prepare and present your knowledge on the
organizational structures and culture of local businesses in UAE. The Managing Director, of the
organization, is apprehensive about the workers productivity and the decline in the quality of the
service they are providing. You have been asked to analyse the situation and develop a strategy for

You can focus your study towards any medium sized businesses in the area that you are familiar
with; Reflect upon the behaviour of individuals and groups within that organization.
You are required to assist your organization in understanding organizational structure, culture,
leadership and management. Students are required to start their report by defining organizational
culture and structure in their own words, followed by exploring it in their chosen organization and
one of a competitor organization.

Learning Outcome 1 (AC 1.1, AC 1.2, AC 1.3)

I. Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture (AC 1.1).
II. Explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on
the performance of the business (AC 2.2).
III. Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work (AC 3.3).

The Managing Director of your chosen organization, have gone through the information you
provided regarding the organizational structure and culture. He is more concern about the
effectiveness of leadership styles (such as opportunistic) and has requested your assistance with
leadership approaches and management theory.

Learning Outcome 2 (AC 2.1, AC 2.2, AC 2.3)

I. Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organizations (AC 2.1)
- Choose 2 different organizations, one of yours chosen organization in LO1 and other
one competitor. You can identify a past experience and focus on effectiveness of
leadership in both companies to achieve organizational objectives
I. Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management (AC 2.2).
II. Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations i.e. chosen
organization and its competitor organization. (AC 2.3)

Now that you have developed understanding and analyzed culture, structure, leadership and
management styles, the top managers have expressed concern regarding lack of clear leadership
and poor motivation in the workplace. To assist with this issue, you are required to demonstrate
how to avail motivational theories and leadership styles in your organization and compare it with a
competitor organization.

Learning Outcome 3 (AC 3.1, AC 3.2, AC 3.3)

I. Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations
in period of change (A.C. 3.1).

- Choose 2 different organization, one yours chosen organization in LO1 and other one
competitor. You have to choose past events that have impact on organization like
change of senior management and the motivational impact over employees.

Compare the application of different motivational theories (such as Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor and
Vroom) within the workplace (AC 3.2).

Evaluate usefulness of motivation theory for managers (AC 3.3)

Scenario 4:

If employees work together with intensity, coherence and coordination it will produce synergetic
effect for achievement of a goal. You are required to demonstrate the mechanisms for developing
effective teamwork in organizations by discussing the nature of groups, factors that promote
effective teamwork and the impact of technology on team functioning.

Learning Outcome 4 (AC 4.1, AC 4.2, AC 4.3)

Explain the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations (AC 4.1).

Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organizations
(AC 4.2).

Evaluate the impact of technology (such as mobile phone, conference calls, emails, skype, and
online collaboration tools; Google Docs and Dropbox) on team functioning within a given
organization (AC 4.3).
A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements listed in the assessment
criteria above. Additionally you may achieve higher grades as below.

In order to achieve a merit the Indicative characteristics Guidance

learner must achieve all three
merit descriptors:

M1: identify and apply strategies An effective approach To

to study
achieve You will make effective
to find appropriate solutions and research has been applied judgment in your discussion on
the factors which influence
individual behaviour at work.

M2: select/design and apply A range of sources of information You will apply appropriate
appropriate methods/techniques has been used methods/techniques in
discussing the impact that
different leadership styles may
have on motivation within
period of change.

M3: present and communicate The appropriate structure and The formal report format has
appropriate findings approach has been used been correctly adhered to and
the appropriate language has
been used throughout

In order to achieve a Indicative characteristics Guidance

distinction the learner must

achieve all three merit
descriptors in addition to these
distinction descriptors:

D1: use critical reflection to Conclusions have been arrived at Your evaluation needs to show a
valuate own work and justify through synthesis of ideas and deeper understanding of the
valid conclusions have been justified chosen theory and your
opinions of its usefulness need
to be justified.

D2: take responsibility for Activities have been managed You have adhered to the
managing and organising timelines given in this brief

D3: Demonstrate Innovation and creative thought Compelling arguments have

convergent/lateral/creative have been applied been made throughout to adopt
thinking the OB concept
Evidence Checklist

Has the evidence been

Task No. Evidence required by learner

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4


1. An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline date and time
2. You must submit one single PDF or MS Office Word document. Any relevant images or
screenshots must be included within the same MS Office Word or PDF document
3. Clearly indicate the LO and AC number you address
4. Ensure that all work has been proof-read and checked prior to submission
5. Ensure that the layout of your documents are in a professional format
a. Font: Verdana
b. Font Size:
i. 14-Main heading, Bold and Underlined
ii. 12-Sub heading and Underlined
iii. 10-Body text
c. Line Spacing: 1.0 and justified
6. Check +your work for plagiarism
7. Ensure that any file you upload is virus-free and not corrupted
8. You must NOT submit a paper copy or email of this assessment to any member of staff
9. Your work must be original
10. Filing the reference checklist is compulsory
Answer Sheet

Task 1
Please type your answer below
LO 1.1

LO 1.2

LO 1.3

Task 2
Please type your answer below
LO 2.1

LO 2.2

LO 2.3

Task 3
Please type your answer below
LO 3.1

LO 3.2

LO 3.3

Task 4
Please type your answer below
LO 4.1
LO 4.2

LO 4.3

Suggested References:

Brooks I Organisational Behaviour, Individuals, Groups and Organisation 2nd Edition

(Prentice Hall, 2003) ISBN: 0877781265

Huczynski A and Buchanan D Organisational Behaviour: An Introductory Text (Prentice

Hall, 2000) ISBN: 0273651021

Maccoby M Why Work: Motivating and Leading the New Generation (Simon and Schuster, New
York, 1998) ISBN: 067147281X

(Outlines the changing nature of the workplace and categorises people into five types, giving the
characteristics and sources of motivation and demotivation of each.)

Mullins L Management and Organisational Behaviour 5th Edition (Pitman Publishing, London,
1999) ISBN: 0273651471

Robbins S Essentials of Organisational Behaviour 4th Edition (Prentice Hall International,2003)

ISBN: 0582820758

Reference Checklist

Section Reference List Valid

Task 1

Task 2
Task 3

Task 4
Achievement Summary

Qualificatio Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Assessor

in Business Ms. Zakkia Uzair
n s Name
Unit 3: Organisations and Learners
Number and Behaviour Name

To achieve the criteria, the evidence must show Achieved

LO that the learner is able to: ?
Understand relationship between organisational structure
Compare and contrast different organisational structures and
Explain how relationship between an organisations structure and
culture can impact on the performance of the business

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work

Understand different approaches to management and


Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in

different organisations
Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of

Evaluate the different approaches to management used by

different organisations

Understand ways of using motivational theories in


Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on

motivation in organisations in periods of change

Compare application of different motivational theories within the


3.3 Evaluate usefulness of motivation theory for managers

Understand mechanisms for developing effective

LO4 teamwork in
Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within
Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of
effective teamwork in organisations

Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a

given organisation.
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan:

Summative Feedback:

Feedback: IV to Assessor

Assessor Date

IV Signature Date

LO 1.1: Compare and contrast different organizational structure and culture:...........1

LO 1.2: Explain of the relation between an organizations structure and culture can
impact on the performance of the business:..............................................................3
LO 1.3: Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior at work:...................5
Demographic Factors:............................................................................................. 5
Ability and Skills Factors:......................................................................................... 6
Attitude Factors:...................................................................................................... 6
Personality Factors:................................................................................................. 6
Perception Factors:.................................................................................................. 7
LO 2.1: Compare of the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different
organizations:............................................................................................................. 7
Autocratic Leadership:............................................................................................. 7
Participative/Democratic Leadership:......................................................................7
Delegative/Laissez-Faire Leadership:.......................................................................8
LO 3.1: Discuss the impact that different leadership style may have on motivation in
organizations in period of change:.............................................................................8
Example of Leadership styles- TESCO, UK:..............................................................8
LO 2.2: Explain of how organizational theory underpins the practice of management:
................................................................................................................................... 9
Contingency Theory:............................................................................................... 9
Classical Theory:.................................................................................................... 10
Scientific Management:......................................................................................... 10
LO 2.3: Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different
organizations:........................................................................................................... 10
LO 3.2: Compare the application of different motivational theories within the
workplace:................................................................................................................ 12
Vrooms Expectancy Model:.................................................................................. 14
LO 3.3: Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for managers:....................16
LO 4.1: Explain the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations:.......16
Nature of Group:.................................................................................................... 17
Formal Groups:................................................................................................... 17
Informal Groups:................................................................................................ 18
LO 4.2: Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective
teamwork in organizations:...................................................................................... 19
Forming:................................................................................................................ 20
Storming:............................................................................................................... 20
Norming:............................................................................................................... 20
Performing:............................................................................................................ 20
Adjourning:............................................................................................................ 20
LO 4.3: Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given
organizations:........................................................................................................... 21
References:............................................................................................................... 23

Burger n Boost based on flat, simple and informal organizational structure. Burger n Boosts decisions
making processes are centralized. There are no scope to take any decision by other person except owner.
Burger n Boost is loosely structured that influence their employees performance. Burger n Boosts structure
based on simple and flat organizational structure as follows:




Figure: Burger n Boost organizational structure. [Source:]

On the other hand, McDonalds is a very big organization based on tall and formal organizational structure.
McDonalds decisions making and management process is centralized and divisionalized. For divisionalized
organizational structure, McDonalds has succeeded to explore their expertise worldwide and accomplish
customer expectation. McDonalds structure based on Tall, divisionalized and formal organizational
structure as follows:
PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell
Figure: McDonalds organizational structure.

Because of the organizational loosely structure Burger n Boost lack of ideas, how to expand their business

worldwide. No consolation taken from others. Burger n Boost is a small organization there are less chance to
training and tendency to copy from other organization. In addition, the requirement process is in formal that
can influence towards the progression of the whole organization. In that part McDonalds is more
professional training of employees and system of check and balance to everyone make McDonald globally
recognized. For divisionalized section helped, McDonald has to expand their business by taking ideas from
different management.

Cultures of organization is created on based on values, expectations, basic attitudes of all employees and the
formal and informal interaction among management, employees, customers. In addition culture created by
founder or owner of the organization. For example, Bill Gates has always work for long hours for this reason
worker of the Microsoft have the same sense of culture. Likewise, Late Ray Kroc founder of McDonalds
PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell
have sense of culture that provide good food with friendly and family oriented restaurant and cleanliness. In
Burger and Boost, owners created culture is very nonprofessional and stressful. Burger n Boost follows
Power Culture where everything is centralized. McDonalds follows Power Culture, Role Culture, Task
Culture and Person Culture. McDonalds culture is very friendly and professional where employees can
empathies with each other. Employees attitudes towards McDonalds and customer is dedicated.
McDonalds has culture to serve their guest within 120 second. And have a system name GABUSTER time
where every Thursday inspector come to the store and check that weather service and behavior of employees
are positive during work time or not. Organizations is known by their culture like McDonalds team member
are trained, friendly to customer and with each other, can share their ideas to management and all team
member has job security. In Burger n Boosts employees does not get proper training, does not right to take
any decision and does not have professional approach towards customer and the organization.

In sum up, I believe that lack of organizational culture and structure in Burger n Boosts growth is slow.
However, if Burger n Boost follow proper organizational culture and structure like McDonalds it can be a
leading chain restaurant worldwide.



To achieve their objectives adequately organizations constantly need to have a formal structure. This is
essential to appropriate assignments into diverse groups to guarantee that no two individuals are chipping
away at the same extend or undertaking so, we get the most yield for our information. Since organizations
cannot be run without individuals, this has a tendency to make different casual structures or situations in the
organizations which prompts distinctive mentality, recognitions, practices and attributes with parts
distinctive sorts of aptitudes.

Business execution in a Functional Organization structure can be extremely influenced when it takes for the
stream of correspondence through the diverse levels of the chain of command making the association
moderate to hold fast to the innovation, the political circumstances, the economy, social changes or social
components and legitimate issues. The level of motivation employees have will influence their yield
influencing business execution. Employees may not comprehend the greater situation and the significant of
their individual work. Employees may have a terrible observation towards work or in light of the fact that
everything are characterized and correspondence is restricted, this could bring about an indifferent nature
and state of mind much more prominent influencing representative relations, influencing motivation,
bringing about low business performance.

PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell

Cultural aspect are those that advance in discourse and are in change, always adjusting. Numerous cases
hierarchical society portrays what things connote, whether great or terrible, right or wrong, and how to gain
them when cannot be set-up by formal step.

Then a Divisional Organizational structure has more noteworthy adaptability because of low levels of
administration. This quick ascribe to change makes it focused, ready to conform to clients needs and
providing for it better performance. Better correspondence supports individual through activity and force to
settle on choices giving the inclination of adaptability toward oneself, bringing on exceptionally energetic
representatives, which influences business in a decent manner.

Matrix being the more up to date authoritative structure, it is a bit unique in relation to the old thinking about
the commonplace supervisor; it likewise rethinks the thought of progressive system or people utilization of
hierarchical force to settle on choices however that of skill force of employees.



Human behavior is very complex and reaction depends on situations. If we understand how people behave
on different situation then we can manage people on workplace for achieving set goal in organizations. In an
organization, management use the existing resources for given task and have to understand individual
behavior. Individual behavior at work depends on five factors according to John Lvancevich and Michael
Mattson. These are:

at work

Person s and

Demog Percep
Attitud t-ion
r-aphic e

Figure: Five Factors of Individual Behavior at Work

PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell

The demographic variables are financial foundation, training, nationality, race, age, sex, and so on.
Organizations favor persons that have a place with great financial foundation, decently taught, youthful and
so forth as they are accepted to be performing superior to the others. The youthful and element experts that
have great academic foundation and powerful relational abilities are constantly in incredible interest. The
investigation of demographic components is noteworthy as it helps managements to pick the suitable
employer for a specific occupation.

For example, In KFC there are no discrimination for requirement of employees. There are no rules for
individual employees. KFC follow international labor law. In addition, there is no certain rules for particular
race, sex, color etc. For this reason, KFC is an organization where we can find different types of people
where everybody are willing to share their knowledge according to their ability. Nowadays KFC is giant
leading organization in the world of hospitality. In KFC every employees consider as a potential candidate
for providing ideas and employees friendliness makes KFC internationally recognized and different from
other organization.

On the other hand, in Burger n Boost, Bangladesh has some problem about sex. In Bangladesh, female are
not contributing properly on hospitality industry because of abuse and discrimination & salary issue. Male
get paid more than women are though women work same job and hours.


The physical limit of a single person to do something can be termed as capacity. Ability can be characterized
as the capacity to act in a manner that permits an individual to perform well.

Such as in KFC management know, individual ability and skill, which will help KFC, achieve goal and fulfil

Nevertheless, in Burger n Boost employees are work only for money so they do not have any permission to
talk over management or showing their knowledge because of informal and centralized organization system.


According to psychologists, attitude can defined as a tendency to respond favorably or unfavorably to
certain objects, persons or situations. A positive attitude can reach an organization to its desired point.

Likewise, KFC arrange training session for their every single employee. This training can improvise the
negative attitude of an employee and grow can do attitude on them.

There no formal training session arranged by Burger n Boost management to examine the attitude of
PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell
Personality depends on different aspect in different individual. It can be social, economic, religion or

Personality is very personal factor in workplace because we only see people from outside, we measure
people by their personality that heading to whether he/she can fulfil the task or not. Sometimes well-
groomed person has poor personality. Negative personality can be barrier of an important task, which will
effect on the job performance.


The cognitive methodology implied for deciphering the ecological boosts in a significant manner alluded to
as recognition. Each person on the premise of his/he reference can compose and translate ecological boosts.
Numerous components influence the impression of a single person. The investigation of observation
assumes critical part for the directors. It is vital for troughs to make the great workplace with the goal that
workers see them in most positive way. The workers are prone to perform better on the off chance that they
are going to see it in a positive manner.

Perception, whether misunderstanding the situation or there any awkward information avoiding.



Leadership is a vital subject that will dependably pull in consideration because of its importance in molding
the fortunes of organizations as everywhere as possible. Leadership is defined as the process of influencing
others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating
individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives by Yukl. The requirement for leadership
styles may contrast as per the circumstances and organizations. There are so might initiative styles we can
consider like Autocratic, Democratic/Participative, Delegative/Laissez-Faire.


The autocratic leadership style permits managers to settle on choices alone without the info of others.
Managers have absolute power and force their will on workers. Nobody challenges the final decision of
autocratic leaders.


Frequently called the democratic leadership style, participative initiative values the data of colleagues and
other workers, yet the obligation of settling on an official choice rests with the participative leader.

PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell

Participative leadership supports worker resolve in light of the fact that employees settle on commitments to
the choice making methodology. It makes them feel as though their feelings matter. At the point when an
organization needs to roll out improvements inside the association, the participative leadership style helps
workers acknowledge changes effectively because they assume a part simultaneously. This style meets
challenges when organizations need to settle on a choice in a very short time.


This style, likewise called laissez-faire leadership or delegative leadership style, which is commonly viewed
as the slightest compelling alternative. A glaring difference to the next essential styles, delegative leaders
seldom decide, surrendering this capacity over to the team. These leaders occasional offer direction to the
group and employee choice making to trusted colleagues. While offering few focal points, this style
frequently makes a few weaknesses.




Tesco is a client-orientated business. It plans to offer items that give quality to cash for its clients and to
convey astounding administration. To keep at the highest point of its amusement what's more to keep up its
number one spot in the business sector, the organization needs talented staff whatsoever levels and in all

Figure: Leadership Styles of TESCO PLC. [Source: The Times 100 ]

parts. Tesco plans to build up the authority characteristics of its kin all through the association, from

PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell

executives and client aides to the leading group of chiefs. Authority is about impacting, persuading and
motivating individuals. It is about instructing and creating individuals, approaching them with deference yet
difficult them. Pioneers look to make solid groups, with individuals focused on the association's general
objectives. The business journalists Tannenbaum and Schmidt categorized different leadership styles. They
suggested that leadership styles could be explained on a scale ranging from Autocratic,
Democratic/Participative, Delegative/Laissez-Faire.
Some Leadership approaches interest up to a point. Nevertheless, the managers claims all authority to settle
on an official choice. Managers receiving an 'I sell' rationality will attempt to convince their groups to
acknowledge their perspective. Managers adopting an I consult methodology will look for the suppositions
of subordinates before taking a action. The vote-based methodology is described by an 'I share' reasoning.
Choices are made inside groups, with every part having equivalent information. Stephen's favored initiative
style is to take a democratic methodology. He counsels broadly, as he feels that staff react better to this
methodology. Case in point, when arranging a significant stock diminishment program, he urges his
managers to advance thoughts and create plans. This expands group inspiration and energizes imagination. A
few oversights may be made, however they are utilized as a learning knowledge.
Laissez-faire is at the other side of the range from autocratic. Laissez-faire managers take a hands-off
approach and trusts groups to take fitting choices or actions with expansive concurred limits. Case in point
Martin, Tesco's Program Manager for Education what's more Skills in the UK may leave an accomplished
departmental supervisor to build up a preparing plan. This could be because of he trusts that the supervisor
has a decent information of the needs of the division and of the business.



A contingency approach to administration is focused around the hypothesis that administration viability is
contingent, or dependent, upon the interchange between the application of administration practices and
particular circumstances. As it were, the way you oversee ought to change relying upon the circumstances.
One size does not fit all.


Fred E. Fiedler's contingency theory focuses on the conviction that there is no ideal path for administrators
to lead. Distinctive circumstances make diverse initiative style necessities for directors. The style that works
in one environment may not work in an alternate. According to the hypothesis, we can evaluate situational
idealness by three elements: Leader-member relations, Task structure and Position power.

PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell


The Scientific school hypothesis was produced by Frederick Winslow Taylor, the hypothesis is focused
around the accept that there is one best way to do a job and the scientific methods can be used to
determine that one best way.
An alternate donor of the scientific management is Henri Fayol (1841-1925). A French engineer, he built his
own particular study in light of the Managing Director and worked downwards. Fayol's hypothesis was
focused around "general theory of organization". Fayol then again did not accept that there was a situated of
quantities of approaches to deal with the organizations and its employees; he constructed an individual
perception and experience of what functioned admirably as far as association. Nonetheless, he proposed
fourteen standards of administration. There are some principle as follows: Authority, Discipline, Unity of
Command, Unity of Direction, Subordination of individual interest, Remuneration, Scalar Chain, Initiative,
Equity, Stability of Tenure of Personnel, Order, Esprit de Corps.


The third stream is the scientific management. However, organization and authoritative theory concentrated
on macro parts of the structure and techniques of human organizations, scientific management worried about
micro viewpoints, for example, physical exercises of work through time-and-movement study also
examination of men-machine connections. Dissimilar to in the other two, the scientific management and
built its inductive prevailing upon respect to point-by-point study and observational proof. In juxtaposition,
the standards of organization and authoritative theory were formed by synthesizing knowledge and
perception with unique thinking.



Both McDonalds and Burger n Boost take after two or more management approaches as some of them
change relying upon the circumstance, when we say Classical approaches is underscores on the
organizations formal structure, specialized necessities and set of standards and in both organizations we can
see the formal structure furthermore the standards on how everything is carried out. There is a guideline for
everything and a standard way that things are carried out. In McDonalds, management team always take
care of other employees or guide them to achieve given goal. McDonalds is a very large organization so it
has strong management approaches to it. Beside Burger n Boost is a very small organization which is based
on informal structure so it management approaches is not that much strong like McDonalds.

PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell

Forecasting and Planning
action Commanding
plan. Coordinating
Maintainin Controlli
g activity. ng
Rules and
ng activity
and effort.

Figure: Management approaches of McDonalds


The Human Resource viewpoint to management proposed that occupations ought to be intended to meet
more elevated amounts needs by permitting laborers to utilize their maximum capacity. In McDonald's they
treat all employees similarly, open doors are given to everybody, the employees thoughts, and new
advancements are taken into thought. The individuals working under McDonald's is persuaded by the
protected workspace, benefit offer pay and different profits. They additionally verify that the workers are
issue free from any viewpoint at all times, as though any individual issue it will influence the execution of
the worker. Nevertheless, in Burger n Boost, they do not treat employees equally because of centralized and
small organization. Burger n Boost does not take any decision from general employees. The contingency
approach to management is an augmentation of the humanistic point of view, which is in light of the thought
PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell
that in an organization there is nobody ideal path in the management process (organizing, leading, planning
and controlling) to effectively resolve any customized circumstances. On the grounds that organizations,
individuals and circumstances change and change over the long haul. Therefore, the correct thing to do relies
on upon a complex mixture of basic ecological and interior contingencies. In the food industry numerous
things rely on upon the client needs and needs consequently numerous circumstances vary starting with one
client then onto the next so relying upon the sort of issue the arrangement will be based and this approach is
regular in McDonalds and Burger n Boost.



Motivational scholars consider that for every single thing we do there is a principal reason; as such it
impacts our conduct', our decision of conduct and its permanence, and the measure of effort put into it.
Employees additionally accept that energy about the reasons will empower expectation and consequently
take into account impact on those practices or actions. Motivational research today concentrates mainly on
the determination of what goads motivation - what boost is obliged to expand motivation - and takes both
inborn and outward motivation into thought. Inborn motivation as per Oudeyer & Kaplon (2007) is best
comprehended when appeared differently in relation to outward motivation, which identifies with any
movement that is attempted due to some of sort of prize or discrete result. Inherent motivation by helpful
definition alludes to exercises that are attempted exclusively for joy with no value or quality forced on it.
There are diverse motivational theories for work environment to execution management, which are talked
about in impending discourse.

Maslows hierarchy of Needs Model:

As indicated by A. H. Maslow human need are not of equivalent quality, and they rise in a clear succession.
Specifically, as the essential needs get to be sensibly decently fulfilled, an individual places more
accentuation on the secondary needs.

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Maslow's progressive system of requirements centers consideration on five levels, such as:

EsteemonNeedsPersonal Growth, Problem
Order Social Needs
Respect, Recognition. Lower
Safety Needs

Love, Family, Friendship.

Physiological Needs

Job security, safety at

Figure: Maslows Hierarchy of Need Model []
Basic need like, shelter, food
Herzbergs Two Factors Model:

On the premise examination with engineer and accountants, Frederick Herzberg added a two factors model
of motivation. He solicited his subjects to think from time when they felt particularly great about their
occupation and time when they felt uncommonly awful about their employment. He likewise requested that
they portray the condition that prompted those emotions. Herzberg found that employees named diverse
sorts of conditions that created great and awful emotions. Herzberg reason that two different sets of elements
that affected motivation at work environment. Those are:


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Vrooms hope expectancy theory accept that conduct result from conscious choices among choices whose
reason it is to amplify joy and to minimize pain. Vroom understood that a worker's execution is in light of
individual variables, for example, skills, personality, experience, knowledge and abilities. He expressed that
effort; execution and motivation are connected in an individual's motivation. He utilizes the variablesEffor,
performance and reward to record for this.

Source: Google

Motivational factors in workplace depends on organizations size, employees, environment etc. Maslows
motivational theory are more demonstrated briefly than Herzberg and Vitor Vrooms motivational theory.

The greatest quality of Maslow's need theory identifies with its natural nature. It just simply understandable
well that one will most likely be unable to appreciate higher-order needs when they have no spot to live and
nothing to eat. While one may briefly seek after a more elevated amount require, the craving for sustenance
and asylum would most certainly turn into the essential concentrate once more. Maslow fail to possess the
cement meaning of the needs, the importance of safety, steem, and different components that make up
Maslow's theory making it hard to test. Additionally, generally as standards between people fluctuate, so do
standards between societies. Components like esteem and self-actualization may have immensely distinctive
implications crosswise over diverse societies making it tricky to sum up Maslow's hypothesis. Because of
these difficulties, there is minimal experimental confirmation that backings Maslow's theory.

On the other hand, the two-element theory ignores situational variables. Herzberg expected a relationship
between satisfaction and productivity. In any case the exploration directed by Herzberg focused upon
satisfaction and overlooked productivity. No far reaching measure of satisfaction is used. A worker may
PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell
discover his employment adequate in spite of the way that he may despise/question an aspect of his
responsibilities. The two factor theory is not free from inclination as it is in view of the characteristic
response of workers when they are enquirer the wellsprings of fulfillment and disappointment at work. They
will accuse disappointment for the outer elements, for example, pay structure, organization strategies and
companion relationship. Additionally, the workers will offer credit to themselves for the fulfillment
component at work.

Vroom's expectancy theory varies from the substance theories of Maslow and Herzberg in that Vroom's
expectancy theory does not give particular recommendations on what motivates organization individuals.
Rather, Herzbergs two factors model gives a methodology of cognitive variables that reflects singular
contrasts in work motivation.

For example, TESCO PLC started its journey in 1991. Now TESCO has 2,200 with 468,000 employees.
Being a world largest organization TESCO has to follow different types of motivational theory to motivate
its employees. Mostly TESCO use Frederick Herzberg two factors model of motivational theory. Herzberg
demonstrated that to motivate an employee a business needs to make conditions that make him or her vibe
satisfied in the work environment. Tesco expects to motivate its employees both by paying attention to
hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. Case in point, it motivates and empowers its employees by fitting
and communicating, by designating obligation and including staff in choice making. It holds discussions
consistently in which staff can be a part of the discussions on pay climbs. Tesco always ensure employees
safety on workplace. Tesco always give its employees benefit who are able to work hard for it. Likewise
TESCO has pay system, who works after 11:00 pm means night sift they will be paid 11.67 per hour but
who are working in normal sift get 7.64 per hour. On other hand TESCO, employees get FREE SHARE as
benefit who work hard and fulfil TESCOs desire goal.



Motivation makes human assets accessible for activity, as every activity obliged physical, financial and
singular contribution. Through utilization of Motivation managers can turn assets vigorously in this manner
they can use those assets for advancement and development. Motivation enhances the level of effectiveness
in organization as employee's puts full efforts disregarding their capabilities and learning they are included
to pick up the advantages of motivational factor. In this manner, motivation in organization enhances
execution level for upper level employees. It helps in increment in productivity, enhances the proficiency of
staff and lessens the expense for operations. It drives organizations and managements to attain to the set
PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell
organizational objectives by the usage of accessible assets adequately and in better way. Builds collaboration
at work, makes better workplace and functions as empower for higher execution level. Motivation assembles
inviting relationship among supervisors and staff as staff meets a few advantages for their execution. It
builds the staff fulfillment level at work and creates trust and certainty at working environment because of
financial and non-financial motivations. So also, motivation gets to be essential for business on the grounds
that it motivated staff, engages director and teams, makes collaboration environment, makes feeling of
having a place and obligation among staff, diminishes operational expenses and sets aside time effective

For example In TESCO PLC store there are devisionlized managers everyone follow different types of
motivational theory. TESCO managers mostly follow Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs because they believe in
self-actualization needs because managers get many benefit, which motivate them to do their job properly
and influence other employees to work, heard. TESCO always value hard worker who deliver
unquestionable world class service to its customer.



Teams are vital and significant feature of business associations. Work at organizations is isolated into sub-
units that are comprises of bureaus of groups. These groups shape the conduct of organizations and are in
charge of exercises at organizations. It is critical for management to create seeing about the way of groups
inside organizations. The collaboration level among groups indispensable for organization exercises. Along
these lines, individuals with distinctive aptitudes and conduct designs with in groups influence the level of
group execution. The administration style of managers is having vital impact over these groups and prompts
achievement or disappointment of groups endeavors. The arrangement of groups advances cooperation,
coordination, collaboration, experience imparting, direction accessibility for new staff and collective
outcome of business action.


Organizations create groups for an assortment of reasons. Diverse traditional theory of groups endeavor to
clarify why supervisors form groups. The theory of nearness proposes worker's closeness as the reason in
light of the fact that people who working at spots placed near to each other have a tendency to structure
groups. As indicated by balance theory, group arrangement results from the similarity of state of mind and
values between individuals. People with normal investments maintain their relationship by an equivalent
harmony between their demeanor and common interests. An alternate theory of group development is the
trade theory. It recommends reward-cost results of cooperation as the reason. By getting to be individuals

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from groups, people finish their requirement for affiliation. Groups can be build two way within
organizations likewise:

Figure: Nature of groups within organizations.

10.1.1 Formal Groups:

These are the units that are secured by management of an organization as a component of an organizational
structure. They are characterized as far as their motivation and parts. They are official as in they have fitting
power and they are given financial and physical resources to achieve certain goal.

10.1.2 Informal Groups:

Informal groups, structured by the staffs themselves. The purposes behind the development of Informal
groups can be the requirement for closeness, customary hobbies, growth or support. There are two sorts of
Informal groups: friendship groups and interest groups. Individuals from friendship groups have a
benevolent association with one another, regular diversions and are comparable in age and perspective, yet
interest groups are structured to deal with a movement and are brief.

For example, In BURGER n BOOST can define two types of group like nature of groups. However, being a
small organization it is very hard to find any formal group within BURGER n BOOST. Nevertheless, there
is existence of informal group where employees share their emotions, interest etc. All staffs are very much
cooperative among them to job done. In BURGER n BOOST there is a small formal group which form
every year during the winter season to change their menu by conducting all three store managers. That
formal group is small but effective to the BURGER n BOOST.

Think of
Formal Work for
Groups organizations goal
Informal nt.
Groups Emotiona

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French & Bell said that the enthusiasm for teamwork has expanded in the later past, and there is added
weight to create managed toward oneself and coordinated groups to enhance quality, adaptability and
employee morale. Numerous components, for example, physical, social and mental make individuals unique
in relation to each other, and this may cause challenges in team building successfully. Comparable hobbies
and foundations among the colleagues would result in the cohesiveness of the group to increase, and build
the possibilities of accomplishment inside the groups. Similitude in foundation would clear path for more
compassion and understanding among the colleagues. The steadiness and permanency of the group as well,
assumes some part in this. A perpetual group would be more likely to get on well with one another.


PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell

Comparable expertise levels and preparing are likewise positive contributors in assisting the groups to get.
There are some stages about group or team building like:

Figure: Group Formation. [Source:


Forming is the first stage is making a group, it is the choice process and can be, as we would like to think be
a standout amongst the most imperative steps when searching for individuals. People make inquiries of each
other to make sense of whether a select number of individuals would be useful to the group. Individuals at
this stage do not totally open up and carry on with professional skill as they are searching for
acknowledgement in the group. In this stage, after completing the
task group or team stop to exist.

Amid this stage, individuals are starting to voice their team works and trust
contrasts, join with other people who offer
each other and achieve desire
the same beliefs, and racer for position in the group. Subsequently,
goal. it is essential for individuals to keep on
being profoundly included with one another, including to voice any concerns to feel spoke to and caught on.
Team members try to come close
and think theoretically about
11.3 NORMING: given assignment.
In this stage, individuals are starting to impart a typical responsibility to the motivation behind the group,
including to its general objectives and how each of the objectives
In this can be
stage, team attained to.
decide leader, changes and
objective of the team

In this stage, the group is working viably and productively
Team to accomplishing
members come together and its objectives. Amid this stage,
try to express their interest and find
the style of leadership gets to be more indirect as
theindividuals tackle
aim of forming stronger interest and contribution in the

group process. Preferably, the style incorporates helping individuals to think about their encounters and to
gain from them.

Adjourning is called Closing and celebration. Adjourning is a final stage of group function process, which
was included in 1977. Adjourning is the last stage and is the group meets up to praise the endeavours of each
other for finishing the undertaking. Adjourning group will dependably meet up towards the end of a project
and complement one another for their performance, in light of the fact every comprehends that parts of the
undertaking cannot be finished without the other.

Case in point, McDonalds have great leadership and this helps them to propel and even motivate the
colleagues to get included in making a positive workplace, alongside high levels of commitment.

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McDonalds group leader not just focus all alone point and bearing of the group, additionally verifies that
alternate individuals from the group share this interest. Likewise, they are able to advance a high level of
morale between the colleagues with the goal that they feel upheld and esteemed. McDonalds train their
workers to have great and successful communication in light of the fact that communication is an imperative
variable of interpersonal connection.

On the other hand, BURGER n BOOST does not follow such group dynamic to form a group. There are no
such formal group who work for particular objective but some informal group can be seen in BURGER n
BOOST, which is built by nature or by organization needs. For this reason TESCO PLC are more successful
than BURGER N BOOST. All assignment given by organization in McDonalds, there will be a group,
which are combination of different, colour, and race or can be different successful people. Therefore, they
can share ideas, feelings or knowledge that can boost the given objective to be fulfilled.



Work environments are adjusting new innovation at an exponentially expanding rate throughout the most
recent few decades. Organizations see innovation as a game changer to build their benefits. Organizations
use advancements likewise mobile phone, messenger, Email, Personal desktop partner, tablets and live
conferencing applications etc. for consistent communication in their organizations. As innovation has its
merits, additionally has its disadvantage and faults. Virtual collaboration has been consolidated by the
greater part of the organizations.

E-mail is based on internet which is most quickly spreading manifestation of communication which
organizations are embracing quickly to help their groups. The utilization of email helps groups to impart and
hold data for best execution.

Mobile phones additionally have their immense effect on business and groups inside organizations, as it is
speediest and dependable approach to impart in the middle of groups and get help on time.

Groupware are new innovative apparatus help groups in arranging meetings, build coordinated effort and
work in a virtual domain with preferred results over emails and telephones.

PCs are mainstream in business as apparatus for administration, communication and record keeping. The
utilization of laptop is extremely famous in business group and helps the ceaseless organization among
colleagues through utilization of internet and its ability is greater and better than beforehand said devices.
Burger n Boost use many types of technological equipment that help in communication among employees.
Most effective source is smart phone because todays smart phones contain everything. Now Burger n Boost
PEARSON BTEC_Semester 01_Unit No. 03_Organisations and Behaviour_Sep 2016_Cromwell
use only one PO system entry order which is effective for running the in store operation. Nevertheless,
McDonalds has PO system, which, is connected to all internal stakeholders, which helps it tracking
everything. McDonalds has a system name smart messengers, which is used for communicating with
management within a second. McDonalds use employees entry system to track who are going off or who
are coming to the work. Burger n Boost is way behind compare to McDonalds in term of technological uses
in workplace.

In this way, one can plainly propose from all the above talks that undoubtedly a sound organizational culture
and organizational structure plays the deciding variable for the achievement or disappointment of the
organizations. In this focused business environment, all the organizations are continually attempting to
enhance their organizational culture so they can have an edge over their competitors. Employees are an
imperative part of organizational culture and hence there are different elements that impact singular conduct
at the working environment. By analyzing multinational organizations likewise McDonalds, Tesco Plc. very
organized in term of professionalism. They have functional organization culture and structure and their
leaders are much more concern about how to operate the organizations and how to be in business field
respectfully. Though Burger n Boost is based on loosely structured and leadership skill of leader has lack of
knowledge because, Burger n Boost is centralized in one point. McDonalds follow Maslows motivational
theory on the other hand Tesco Plc. follow various theory to motivate employees who are main engine of
their success.
In sum up, I want to suggest Burger n Boost, if Burger n Boost want to expand its footstep to worldwide
Burger n Boost has to concentrate on organizational structure, and motivate the employees by offering
benefit, job security, hire knowledgeable employees and safe work environment. Burger n Boost has an
option to be a world renewed food chain.


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